#all the stories are true
elettralightwood · 5 months
Welcome to the tsc books tournament ⚔️
You alla have the power to decide which of the shadowhunters chronicles books is officialy the best!
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The contendants:
• The Mortal Instruments vs The Eldest Curses
• All the Stories are True vs An Illustrated History of Notable Shadowhunters & Denizens of Downworld
• The Dark Artifices vs The Wicked Powers
• The Mortal Instruments Graphic Novel vs The Infernal Devices Manga
• Ghosts Of The Shadow Market vs The Bane Chronicles
• Tales From The Shadowhunter Academy vs The Shadowhunters Codex
• The Mortal Instruments Coloring Book vs Secrets Of Blackthorn Hall
• The Infernal Devices vs The Last Hours
I will start this asap but for now let me know if u want to be added to the tag list for this!!!
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dayfalwastaken · 10 months
Higher Dialogue.
“Okay, picture this scenario then.” He raised his hand to better illustrate what he was about to say. “You have a lot of money and donate to charity. Why do you do it? Is it because it’s the right thing to do and makes you happy or do you do it because you’d feel bad otherwise? In both cases you cannot be truly selfless, since performing the action of donating to charity will nonetheless end up benefiting you in some way. By the same logic breathing is selfish, because it benefits you.”
The other just shrugged, crossing his legs.
“Breathing is done automatically though. You only do it consciously once you start thinking about it, and then it fades back to being automatic. You can’t call someone selfish for continuing to function as an organism.” His argument was met with a small frown.
“What about eating then? The act of hunting for prey, killing and preparing it is all done consciously to help continue your existence, by at the same time ending another’s. Plants for example do not kill anyone to continue living, with few exceptions. They feed off of sunlight, a resource that cannot really be consumed since it’s produced by the sun as a byproduct of its existence.
He paused, narrowing his eyes while he looked off into the distance. The rabbit nodded, inviting him to go on. The dots of light in Shadow Freddy’s eyes fluttered, but his expression did not allow for much to be gathered. RWQ still had no idea just what the other was thinking, as opposed to how it was for Fred himself.
“Therefore, sunlight is limitless during a plant’s lifespan despite how much of it the plant eats and the sun will never be impacted by the consumption of its light. The plant is eating automatically without impacting the thing that feeds it- or anything else for that matter, so in this case it is not selfish like other creatures.”
“But not everything is a plant- a simpler lifeform. It’s not my fault I’m not one. Evolution, a higher power, mere chance may have created me. I cannot be blamed for what I am on a base level when I have no control over it.” He placed a hand on his chest, gripping the velvet armchair tighter. In the meantime, the bear fixed his tie, listening along in interest.
“A human infant cannot be blamed for being born human, can it? Except the simple lifeform- depending on what you define as life, everyone and everything has to be a little selfish in order to exist. It’s the circle of, well, life.” A begrudging nod was his sole reward for the argument. “Nothing would be if not for some amount of self-benefiting action. That does not mean, however, that selfishness is inherently bad. It’s self-serving for sure, but in the case of survival it’s necessary.”
Then, a hopeful grin and a hint of pity graced the bear’s features.
“So you are in agreement with me when I say it is necessary for me to cause pain in order to further exist.” Shadow Freddy had said it more like a statement rather than a question. “That I am not selfishly evil just for the sake of it, my enjoyment of tormenting people notwithstanding since it’s a side effect.”
“No.” In return, a single eyebrow was raised.
“Why?” He asked, his tone even.
“Because in your particular case there is an easier, far less hurtful alternative.” The Devil tilted his head, urging the rabbit to continue with a simple hand gesture. “Leeching off of the pain already present in the world, as you say, that will never truly cease. If that wasn’t an option then I’d reluctantly have to agree. That is, as long as the pain was caused in as small amounts as possible to ensure you had just enough to keep living.”
But as soon as he’d said that, his friend had rolled his eyes, attention on the red sky above the both of them. Not what he wanted to hear, but then oftentimes that was the truth’s nature, wasn’t it?
“So, in your opinion, I am forced to do just enough to live and nothing else. My life is relegated to a- a silent existence, drifting boredly through space, without enjoying anything it has to offer...” He raised his shoulders in confusion. “But is it not in my nature to only enjoy the harm I can cause others? You said it yourself; you cannot be blamed for what you are on a base level. If what I am is a being that feeds on the negative emotions of others- in order to live, be happy, fulfilled, whatever- can I really be called evil?”
For a moment RWQFSFASXC was taken off guard by how calm the Devil remained even when his convictions were being challenged, but he chuckled at himself the next second. He was not talking to a mindless creature. There was reason to be found even in the vilest- by the general definition- of creatures. And there was nothing more that he enjoyed than having a levelheaded discussion with a gifted individual.
“All I want, like all sentient beings, is to be happy.” It had been said so innocently the rabbit could do nothing else but believe it. “Why should I be denied that? Am I wrong to pursue my own happiness and mental wellbeing? Simply because it comes at the detriment of others? If that’s just how it is for me- as opposed to other lifeforms- and I can’t change the very nature of my being, how can you call me evil? Why is it wrong to make the best out of the hand I’ve been dealt?”
RWQ inhaled, despite not needing to, and tilted forward, resting his arms on his knees.
“That would imply you cannot learn to enjoy other things.” He began, treading carefully. “That you are forced to conform to the hand. I like being in the company of people even when they’re unaware of my presence, for example. That is not considered normal for those like us. Of course, we are not the same person, but if a being so similar to you can evolve past it’s arguably primal need to inflict suffering, I believe so can you…”
He was walking on eggshells, he knew, but it was worth a shot. If there was a chance people would stop suffering at the bear’s hands, as a result of a peaceful approach, he’d have to take it. The Devil shifted in his seat, but not in a show of anxiety. It was more like the confident dominance of one that was taking a more comfortable position to consider what they’d just heard.
A short silence descended between them, which RWQ broke almost immediately by swallowing his own fear and pushing further. He hoped to God his courage wouldn’t get him and many others killed. It’d be difficult to live with himself afterwards if he’d been the cause of a rageful rampage.  
“All sentient beings can choose to change, for the better or worse. You just need to try. To give yourself that chance to move past what you see as regular behavior- and be different than the norm that we’re expected to conform to...”
He proposed, trying to appear as reassuring as possible as he smiled. That may’ve had the opposite effect however. Shadow Freddy broke eye contact, leaning back into his chair to rub his chin.
“There’s always a choice. To improve your situation, as best you can, even when the difference might very well be miniscule, is still a choice worth making, I believe. To ignore that choice is what would make you evil.”
The rabbit could see the metaphorical gears turning underneath the top hat, and he prayed that was enough to convince his friend to at least take it easy on those poor, young souls. With bated breath he watched as his suggestion was weighed, and as he did so the bear laughed, probably amused by his anticipation. Well, at least it wasn’t a malicious laugh, so there was a silver lining somewhere in there.
A long sigh of relief escaped him upon hearing Fred’s response.
“…Huh. I’ll admit… I hadn’t thought of it like that.” The Devil stood up all of a sudden, clasping his hands together. Thick black smoke rose from his back as he extended a hand. “You’ve given me a lot to consider, RWQ.” He admitted, seemingly impressed. Shadow Bonnie glitched for a brief second, before smiling sheepishly and taking the hand, letting himself be pulled up. “I suppose it wouldn’t be so bad if Miss Schmidt was permitted a good night’s sleep.”
He almost jumped up in happiness, but managed to contain his excitement before it got the better of him. Lord knew Cassidy deserved a good rest more than anyone.
“Baby steps. That’s progress. But what about the boy?” He asked, a glimmer of hope in his voice.
There were countless other questions he could’ve asked, and none would provoked the same reaction from the entity in front of him. Anything else and he would’ve received a curt explanation, another question maybe, or perhaps silence. But none of those potential inquiries would’ve led to what he’d heard next.
In a low tone and a snarl that radiated nothing but pure, utter disgust, the Devil growled, barring his fangs and clenching his teeth so hard literal cracks formed before being sealed a moment later. No longer did he look like the calm, collected and amicable person from moments prior, or even a person for that matter. Instead, the visage of a monster, so filled with hate and sheer anger that existing should’ve been impossible, replaced him. It left RWQ wondering how something so awful could be real- how one could be while carrying so much… Rot within themselves. Ironic, coming from a being made out of agony and remnant of pain.
“Little rabbit… Sad, naïve little rabbit… If you had actually paid attention to those memories, you would’ve known better. There would be no reason for you to ask why or what about…” In spite of the repulsion coming off with each word, the Devil smiled. He held onto RWQ’s arm and sunk his claws all the way through it. Shadow Bonnie grimaced, but his shudder did not aid him in escaping the iron grasp.
“And you were doing so well being a makeshift therapist. I would’ve enjoyed talking to you further.” He was taller than an average human, but the Devil dwarfed him by a good margin, and for all the bravado, RWQFSFASXC felt smaller than ever.
What could no longer be called Fred sighed, cursing under his breath.
“You just had to go and ruin it… A truly unfortunate development.”
Shadow Bonnie’s long ears lowered like those of a cornered animal, and he took a step back, the invisible color draining from his face. As he stared up into those empty sockets, he realized he was staring into the eyes of Death, which he had just awakened. And all that had taken was a question.
While the pinpricks of Life disappeared from Death’s gaze, RWQ felt sorry. Sorry for the humans who had to live in an age where the Reaper had just been angered. Sorry for the boy and those around him that were sure to suffer thanks to his foolish mistake, and, allowing himself an ounce of selfishness, sorry for his own fate at the hands of this unending inferno, one which he’d just stirred.
The red chairs they’d sat on were gone, he noted. The wind had picked up as well, lifting the fallen leaves high into the air and circling the two of them like a forming tornado. At the same time, the lake had frozen and the ground had begun breaking under their feet. Out of the glowing cracks, the smell of sulfur rose, filling the atmosphere between them. Lightning struck somewhere to the left, startling him, but he was too transfixed on Death’s cold expression to acknowledge it.
“The Big Man should learn to keep his hands to himself, but I suppose complaining makes me a tad hypocritical when I don’t really mind cleaning up after his strays. Someone needs to look after those abandoned by him, no? What are you gonna do? The men in charge often get lazy. As for you, my dear friend…” Without warning his hand was ripped straight out of its socket and dropped to the ground, glitching into dark mist. RWQ did not scream, but he did clutch the bleeding wound as it healed.
The Devil leaned forward, close enough for their foreheads to touch, and whispered musingly into his ear.
“Run, rabbit… Run.”
It won’t help you, but go anyway- was left unsaid. RWQ didn’t need to be told twice. He teleported away before his arm even finished reforming. Guttural laughter saluted him on his way out, leaving a chill to go down his spine.
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xmeown · 1 year
“I am a Herondale. We love but once." "That is only a story." "Haven't you heard?" James said bitterly. "All the stories are true.”
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feliciafitz · 2 years
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Relistening to all the different Shadowhunter series books and some version of this has been going through my brain all week, so I decided to write it down.
Edited to add: This is the 3rd written version of this and probably not the last.
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missnarrator · 2 years
dionysus immortalised his love in a coronet of stars, i crushed my lone diamond into nothing but dull dust and sand.
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theroaring20s · 2 years
𝚃𝚘 𝚚𝚞𝚘𝚝𝚎 𝚊 𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚎, 𝚆𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝙷𝚎𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚊𝚕𝚎:
𝔄𝔩𝔩 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 𝔞𝔯𝔢 𝔱𝔯𝔲𝔢.
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achaiapelides · 2 years
All The Stories Are True (Red, White & Royal Blue Shadowhunter AU)
Part 1
Disclaimer: I'm bad at writing male POVs, so I made Henry female (and Alex obviously too because we have to keep the gay) but all the other characters have their normal gender.
Understandably, Henrietta was fairly pissed when the priest, who had married them, turned out to be a shape-shifting demon after almost all guests left the party. Not only was she incredibly tired and awaited nothing more than her bed and Alex' cuddles, but there were only two more Shadowhunters present, Pez, her parabatai, and her sister Beatrice, all unarmed. To be fair, who on earth expects a demon of all things, to crash a royal wedding? Accidently falling into an expensive cake was way more convenient. But no, it had to be a demon, who right now was munching on the dead body of that one paparazzi, who had hidden behind a curtain and had not yet left. Well, now it was too late anyway. The Royal Family would probably release a statement tomorrow with an creative explanation on how the man had died. And they really had other problems right now.
Henry's remaining part of the family (her grandma, mother, siblings and the Swedish Royal Family) was not really that shocked, just negatively surprised, as most of them, in fact, had Shadowhunter heritage. The majority of the Mountchristens though, chose not to be actively involved in Shadowhunter's duties or, as Queen Mary, Princess Catherine and Prince Phillip, were restricted to minimal participation, as they all were direct heirs to the throne.
Those of them, who had held a weapon before, immediately ran to the walls of the hall, that were decorated with old swords, daggers, knives and other weapons that Henry's ancestors had used in war. Before the wedding both Henry and Alex had agreed, that they opposed to such a violent decoration, but had forgotten to remind the staff to take them down. Now, Henry admitted to herself, she was rather grateful for that, as there would be more dead people by now, if they had removed the weapons.
Alex' part of the family however had retreated to one side of the room and made shocked faces. Well, almost all of them.
Nora Holleran and Rafael Luna had both grabbed knives from the wall behind them and were already throwing them at the demon, which disappearand and appeared again on the other side of the hall.
Zara had blocked the way to President Claremont, holding a long sword with both hands and Alex, without thinking, had stepped in front of Henry with nothing, but a half eaten piece of cake on a plate in her left and a fork in her right hand, that she threw right at the demon.
The demon, which now had a fork in sticking in its arm and buttercream smeared on its back, snarled and turned in their direction.
"Alex, you dumbass, get behind me!", Henry whispered, shoved her wife behind herself and caught the sword that Pez had thrown into her direction, knowing too well, that Alex, as brave as she was, wouldn't be able to defend herself without any training and weapons.
The demon looked at her, snarled again, prepared to jump on her and then exploded, leaving a big splash of ichor on her and her grandma, who had stabbed the thing from behind. "Bloody hell!", Queen Mary exclaimed angrily, looking at her ruined dress. "Who forgot to check if the priest is any danger? Is anyone hurt? Where is the security and the staff?"
"I think the doors are locked.", Henry's cousin, who was standing in front of his boyfriend, helplessly holding a dagger, observed. "The one responsible for this is probably outside and locked us in here.", the Queen of Sweden, her aunt, added. "Well, that's nothing that an opening rune can't fix", pointed Nora out and pulled out her stele. Surprised, Henry looked at her and saw a few runes through the thin fabric of Nora's dress. Apparently, there were more Shadowhunters in here, than she thought.
"Umm", Alex said behind her "Can anyone explain what the heck is going on?"
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 21 days
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License to Kitty.
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elettralightwood · 4 months
Tsc books tournament ⚔️
With almost the 57% of 102 votes TMI won over TEC
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Today we have All The Stories are True against An Illustrated History of Notable Shadowhunters and Denizens of Downworld!
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These polls are gonna last 24h so reblog this post to reach as many people as possible!
Tag list (let me know if anyone wants to be added ♡) @magnus-the-maqnificent @ryiah-morgenstern @readrantannotate @alastaircarstairsismybff @maddiesfandommess
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wasabi-gumdrop · 2 months
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local ladies man’s signature move totally useless against autistic monster enthusiast. more on Kabru’s fumble era at 6
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claraoswalds · 12 days
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It's funny, 'cause I wonder where the TARDIS goes at random. Maybe it lands on some outcrop by the sea. And there's a tribe and they worship it for 100 years. Then they grow up and try to burn it. Then they get wise. They preserve it. Then they build a city all around it, till the TARDIS is just a tiny little dot, surrounded by skyscrapers and monorails. Time passes and the city falls. It all gets swept away. And there's the TARDIS... still on its outcrop... by the sea.
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tunapesto · 7 months
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so when I die which I must do,
could it shine down here with you?
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dayfalwastaken · 10 months
Mrs. Afton's blues...
“You wouldn’t dare-”
“-Oh, I would. I will if you corner me. Don’t put me in that position, Laura. Believe me when I say that hurting my children is the last thing on my mind. I do not want to do that, but I will if I have to.” The sheer determination she felt from him as he spoke instilled a weak laugh in her chest. Tears begged to spill but she was way past those, so instead she bit her lips, glaring daggers at the monster before her.
“If that’s what it takes to stop you from going to the police, or crying to anyone we know about this- that’s what’s going to happen. Elizabeth will never walk again for the rest of her life. Neither will Evan, neither will Michael. And their blood will be on your hands.” He pointed a finger at her, stepping closer. “You think about that, dear, before you do something you shouldn’t…”
Almost on instinct Laura took a step back, finding herself with the back against the wall. In spite of that, she did her best to hide any semblance of fear even though William walked closer still.
“I don’t want them to get involved. I really don’t, but I can’t let you talk. If you manage to twist up a story about how bad of a father I am, and how much I’ve scared all of you just by sleeping under the same roof as you, even though I think we can both agree I’ve been anything but- if you can play the victim card and convince anyone of something so- outlandish…” Another step. This time he was close enough that if he leaned down their foreheads would touch. “There’ll be nothing left for me to lose.”
The urge to spit in his face and slap him clawed fiercely at her, and it took everything she had not to. Worse, the horrid stench of alcohol to burn her lungs made her want to puke.
“You pig…” Her tongue slipped, and for a moment she was worried this would be it for her, but William didn’t seem to have heard the insult. If he did he chose not to acknowledge it, thankfully.
“And if I’m not there to raise those three, who will? What good are they to anyone, without me? They’re brats, and that is all they ever will be without someone to make sure they don’t end up dead in some godforsaken ditch- or, or- or having to live from one day to the next, spending their entire adult lives wondering how they got there! Unhappy, frustrated with themselves and feeling like they have no one to turn to. Having to-...!” William cut himself off, dragging his palms across his face in an exacerbated manner.
The veins in his neck pulsated faster, but when he opened his mouth the words came out calm.
“I can’t allow them to be like me.” He said it in a self-affirmatory kind of way. On that they could agree on. “They’re brats, but they’re mine, and I love them. I’ll do anything it takes to protect my children. Even killing them, if I must. As regrettable as that would be.” Not one ounce of emotion was present in his voice as he uttered that.
Laura inhaled despite the smell, praying to God she’d break before he did. They were so close that all it would take to incapacitate him was a knee to the groin. After that a straight kick to the sternum would take away his air and another, well placed one to the back of the head might just do the trick.
“I’m extending an olive branch here, Laura. Even after everything you’ve done. Leave, and you can rest assured that the children you gave birth to will be safe and happy. I promise you they’ll be okay…” She wished she could o chuckle at that, but the more she looked into his eyes the more she found that he was dead serious. “But if you stay… I told you what happens. I can’t make myself any clearer.”
It was frightening how a person- dog like him could go so long without blinking.
“You have until tomorrow morning. Pack your things and leave. I’ll sleep on the couch tonight. You have my word I won’t bother you, but only… for tonight. If you’re not gone by seven when I have to wake up to get ready for work- I don’t like repeating myself. I want you out of my house, away from my children and preferably out of the state. No goodbyes. Those would be too good for you.” He growled harshly, now refusing to look at her as he did so.
“How am I supposed to do that?!” She bit back, unable to think of anything else to ask.
William snapped his head in her direction, barely stopping himself from shouting.
“Pack your things, walk to the main road- it’s barely two miles away from here, search for the nearest telephone booth, order a cab.” He spoke through gritted teeth. “You figure it out from there. I’ll leave some cash on the kitchen counter.” He breathed out, slowly leaning back. “I don’t have it in me to strangle you in your sleep, Laura.” He admitted like it was a Sunday morning. “You’re still the mother of those little shits, and I haven’t forgotten our fifteen bloody years together, but I can’t ever look at you the same way I did before. And they deserve better than some unfaithful whore incapable of raising them.”
“Like you’re one to talk… I don’t know how I’ve never noticed it before. Just how much of a self-obsessed, narcissistic piece of filth you are. You think yourself a father?? You deserve to burn, you stupid bastard.” She barked bitterly, wanting nothing more than to dig her nails through his skin for everything he’d said. To cause him the same amount of pain he’d caused their children.
The fact that he had the dignity to act like he’d been right to- she would’ve said more had the disgust not gotten to her.
“The feeling’s mutual, don’t worry `bout it.” He made a move to turn around after that but then decided to face her once again. “Get to packing. You try anything and I break your legs.”
There was nothing behind those silver eyes as he stared her down, his face still feral with rage much like hers. Laura struggled to keep herself from shuddering as she caught sight of his arms twitching. The fight going on inside over whether he should lunge at her then and there was more than obvious. The grim irony that she was thinking the exact same things as him… For Laura anyway, the only thing standing between her and his throat being squeezed to death was the sad reality of having very little actual chances of winning a physical fight with him. That, and their children.
They should be preparing for bed right about now.
“Trust me when I say I will know if you speak to someone about this. Oh, and… dear? Before I forget. If I get a call from either one of your parents asking me to take you back in instead of wanting to know where you are, everyone’s already going to be dead and buried before you come back.”
He let the threat linger for about a minute, neither one of them saying a word. Then, he smiled, and just like that he turned away, walking into the living room as if nothing had happened.
Laura closed her eyes for a second, allowing a single tear to roll down her left cheek before she pushed herself off the wall.
So be it. She silently thanked her former husband for reconfirming to her what she had to do. Taking a quick glance at the kitchen, her gaze fell upon a rolling pin that was sitting very closely near the sink.
There was no going back after this, but she didn’t care. The only thought running through her mind was what would happen to her kids if she allowed this monster to take another breath.
Laura waited until he was completely out of view to go and pick up the rolling pin. As quiet as she could be on heels, she followed him into the living room and raised the pin high above her head. William must’ve sensed she was there, but she moved too fast for him to react. After all, if she failed she wouldn’t get another chance.
Having gathered all of her strength, Laura swung the roller down as hard as possible, hitting William right over the head with it. He fell face first without much protest and in response she let out a sigh of relief. Judging by his still expanding upper torso however, there was no way that had killed him, but she didn’t need to do that to get her children away from him.
Absentmindedly she dropped the pin, holding her hand to stop it from trembling.
Right. The priority was to get those three as far away from him as she could before he woke up. But where could she even take them at this hour?
As if a higher power had heard her inner question, she spotted the framed picture of Henry and William on one of the emptier shelves of their bookcase, over by the sofa.
“No time to lose…” She whispered to no one as she approached the telephone.
(Something to come in the near future. Hopefully around chapter 27.)
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vaguely-concerned · 3 months
can't believe garak went from 'hope you have fun following my little breadcrumb trail of maybe-truths doctor it builds character ;)' at the beginning of the show to '*sigh* fuck it here's the whole loaf. the entire fucked up bakery of my soul. if you somehow still wanna have sex with me after this you know where I am, yours in infinite longing etc.' in a stitch in time. has anyone ever been so pathetically horrifically enduringly down bad as garak is for julian (laudatory)
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dayurno · 7 months
(voice of a man slowly losing his mind) does it ever strike you that the plot of aftg is moved by little acts of kindness kevin offered to people who never had any semblance of it before. loving riko when no one would, befriending jean in the nest and keeping him alive through debilitating amounts of trauma, telling andrew he was worth it in a dingy high school locker room, teaching neil every night even if he knew he was about to die
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