#all while im still collecting coins
puhpandas · 4 months
procreate on my new ipad is so pixelated it's so annoying
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krizdreemurr · 4 months
my lyfe iz liek a video game!!!!!!! trying hard 2 beat da stage!! all while im still collecting coinz!! ding!! trying hard 2 save the girl!! obstacles im
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sleepypilleddd69 · 3 months
i wanna get into retro gaming
i rlly wanna get into retro gaming but idk how to start
like i have an emulator and i wanted to play silent hill 1 on it but for some reasoni couldnt shoot soooo
yea im not the most tech savy and idk how to navigate emulators without asking my friend for help and i dont wanna ask him for help that much because i feel embarrased asking the most stupid ass questions known to man 24/7
and also idk whats the best retro console to sart with so yea idk man
please give advice
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radrobotz · 10 months
i think the only reason i showed any intrigue about yiik was cuz it gave me a very vague scott pilgrim vibe but i dont think that was part of the inspiration for it and its DEFINITELY nothing like scott pilgrim. and also i thought the twink was cute
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legoyuri · 7 months
Im so glad i have my special interests 2 share woth my bf. life is so much harder when u cant connect via special interest w/ someone.
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risingsuntarot · 2 months
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General Messages & Advice !!
⚠️TW Quick mention of s*icidal ideation⚠️
I honestly had no set plan for this reading negl so I kinda just pulled out some cards to describe the collective energies and give them some advice sorry if this is long !! This took me quite a while so any love would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks for reading 💜
Excuse any typos :+//
Pile ONE
---Cards pulled---
Ace of cups/Queen of Coins/2 of Coins
9 of Coins/7 of Coins/8 of Wands
I see you're able to either barely able hold onto your emotions and new beginnings or you manage them quite well no inbetween
Youre extremely intelligent, patient yet fast and direct, dedicated and multifaceted it may have taken a lot to get to this point although
Im sensing a lot of emotional sensitivity yet you are perceived as stone when you feel like glass
"Petite, Cute, Princess, Marilyn monroe, Dainty" maybe youre described as such?
Strong sense of justice and very dependable, able to maintain balance
Maybe you feel lost inside? S*icidal ideation ? Or loneliness is a big factor
Possible lack of belief in change and self confidence
Im getting Hopeless romantic or dissatisfaction in love life if im being honest
No inspiration for life :'+(
Unstable Family background or relationships
Youre extremely pessimistic arent you? Im so sorry but i feel genuine pain hurt and the urge to cry almost? But something wont allow me to
Suppressed emotions or memories :+((
Eagle "see from a higher perspective"
Air Gaurdian "Shift your perception"
Lord "Take charge with authority"
High Priest "Intend ans Create"
There is a need for the sun and nature for playing a huge part in your healing, maybe its seasonal depression or simply anxiety or the "no inspiration for life" thats here
Bed rot could be a thing
There is a need to release old habits desires and ego
Confide in a masculine figure in your life or a masculine figure sees your distress (Gender doesn't matter its all energy)
Protection is needed and maybe a nice cleanse, maybe a cedar bath?
Again seasonal depression is coming up lol
You could be either a pieces or one of the Air signs
Take pride in your appearance, in the card she has long flowing black hair and stunning eyes!! Piercings too? Specifically a left nose piercing
Over thinking/pondering lol
Possible past friends or connections have ended badly?
Opportunities will only open up when you open your eyes and see that what you choose to see in the world if what youll perceive and experience
Lord of the rings/DND/Elden Ring/LARPing?
Rams could be significant or Aries sign!!
Learn a new instrument!! Make more art but with your own style ? Maybe youre in a art achool that doesnt allow for much individuality? But being a proud ab your individuality here is important!!
Birds are an important sign here, look out for feathers, hawks or eagles!!
If youre indigenous/Native/Aboriginal you may be receiving an Eagle Feather from an elder or during ceremony?! What an honor oml
Willie Jack from reservation dogs Vibes !!
---Channeled Songs---
LVL up - David strickland, Drezus, Aspects, prognosis
This came on during writing the eagle feather bit a lyric that caught my attention was
"Been a problem, Still a problem
But problems are what you need to grow"
Runaway - Lil peep
"Everybody act like they care, Why the fuck do everybody act like they care"
When I'm Gone - Eminem
"Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling
And I didn't feel a thing,
So, baby, don't feel no pain
Just smile back"
---Cards pulled---
The hermit/Knight of wands/8 of wands
9 of cups/The Empress/Strength
Im getting like lost rebellion? And being unhealed and hurt inside from past trauma's specifically abandonment, neglect or betrayal from authority figures or those you had trusted
Feeling empty and misguided despite only trusting yourself, and no one seems to want to listen to your advice/experiences leading you to feel isolated and forgotten in a way?
Maybe you're a party animal, possible drinker and/or just popular/known in social settings
There is heavy overindulgence in emotionally fufilling things, specifically overspending and maybe other possible addictions (sleep, food, drugs etc)
Mother/Feminine figure is very important in your life
You look to them for approval of many things but they may have been not caring about your emotional needs or satisfaction rather they cared more about your hidden strengths and "beast inside" ?? Or even how "weak" they perceived you, they may have been disappointed at your strengths and abilities, n maybe they put you in some kind of martial arts or boxing despite your disinterest in it?
Quick to move on from situations!! Yet indecision and regret is coming through Strongly
Impatient with skills and talents that dont turm out they way you wanted so perfectionist type vibes
You are a clear communicator but tend to be rather impulsive with decisions or say one thing and do a completely different thing
Extreme harshness towards oneself and heavy judgement too :+(
Feeling exposed? Like all eyes are on you yet you dont want them
I feel a facade of confidence but there is true confidence coming through by the tiniest bit? yet it's heavily based on the feminine figures perspective in your life one with authority also your own perspective on yourself
Lots of self hatred and anger
Family oriented, getting protective yet detached energy tho
Cancer by my chemical romance came on so that song may be relevant?
Wise One "Grow within your current situation"
Mountains "Stand your ground"
Stargazer "Set your sights higher"
Direction guardian "Choose your path"
Owls maybe significant to you and other avians such as ravens
The wise one card depicts a woman with feathers in her gray hair, description of someone possibly?
Also a crescent moon is atop the owls head so maybe Athena or Greek mythology is important to you
I sense there was a lot of hardship in your life, ups and downs, peaks and valleys yet you choose to persevere and stay strong
I see you have may have been passed down a gift having to do with dreams, keep a journal and look into meanings of those dreams!! Also maybe astrology is something you love to look into or have an interest in ?
Although something is blocking this gift from its fullest potential i believe there is healing or a cycle to be closed off before youre allowed to fully tap into it !! It'll take time and work on your part
As of now you have many choices to make in many areas of life, youre heavily protected by your guides and loved ones, the direction guardian is depicted with a Seraphim as described by the hebrew prophet Ezekiel!!
Specifically in Ezekiel 28:11-19 is where the seraphim is described
You have choices, this card is to remind you that YOU have the power of your own path and direction
---Channeled Songs---
Cancer - MCR
"Baby I'm just soggy from the chemo
But counting down the days to go
It just ain't living
And I just hope you know
That if you say (if you say)
Good-bye today (good-bye today)
I'd ask you to be true (I'd ask you to be true)
'Cause the hardest part of this
Is leaving you"
No place to hide - Korn
"Some will look at the time I looked back into my life
You wanna touch me to see what's in my eyes
Why do you make me remember my hate, all this shame?
Don't you hate me? Sometimes"
"Mine delusions acquainted,
Bubbles erotica,
Plutonium wedding rings,
Icicles stretching,
Bicycles, shoestrings,
One flag, flaggy but one,
Painting the paintings of the alive."
Although this seems like nonsense many fans believe its abbreviations or like code!! Soo...
M D E = Media and so on
The sentence comes together as:
"Media back-end power is bullshit, opposing force for the power of propaganda"
Stole this^^^ from genuis btw lmao
Theres the "lost rebel" part lol
---Cards pulled---
2 of swords/The Chariot/10 of Wands
Ace of Swords/Knave of Coins/6 of wands
I feel more a message for this pile? And i do apologize but it is quite shorter than the rest but I will try my best to deliver both tho
You seem to be a very balanced person with clear morals and judgement, you have an ability to see all shades of gray in a black and white world maybe you work in the justice system? Or are dealing with the justice system ?And this stresses you out greatly yet you maintain hope for all that you see and deal with even if you see repeating injustices to those around you
Maybe PTSD is a factor here too, overthinking your own trauma or others
Anyways despite your position here you choose this pile for a reason !! You offer people truth and often give closure to cycles that needed to end
With the 2 of coins tho i think there is some imbalance between what you can and cannot do ? If that makes sense, like you can heal others or give them justice but cannot do the same for yourself :+(
Anyways the message i sense from this pile is pretty straight forward, you are giving someone (or yourself!!) the chance or closure to heal once more and whatever you may be waiting for is coming in quite quick although I feel there may be someone who may come in to sabotage the whole thing so be careful about who you choose to reveal this information to
They may offer a trade of some sort?
A deal, hush money or simply intimidation
Up your protection and be aware of fake friends yet still remain hopeful about the outcome because i see it turning out in your favor
Snake "Shed old skin"
Protection Guardian "Drop your Shields"
Winter "Take care of your needs"
High Priestess "Harness mystic power"
Again straightforward, beware of fake Friends and deals with strings attached my advice here is to up your protection and stand your ground!!
Drop your gaurd with those who you KNOW you can trust, you may need ro let out some stresses and emotions? Because the card winter is all about needs and hibernation so sleep well, eat and take some time to relax !!
Also might be an indication that whatever this situation is it may have happened in the winter/colder months
While in this time of self care and healing strengthen your knowledge and strengths learn how to master them !!
Your dreams and own special psychic gifts are important and potent !! Use them for yourself at this moment in time use that healing energy for yourself
Have confidence in yourself and know and own your protection because again you are heavily protected at this time you will most likely know who to stay away from very soon
Follow you intuition and what it tells you !!
---Channeled Songs---
The bird and the worm - The Used
[Whispered Post-Chorus] "Don't tell on me, don't tell on me. No, don't you tell on me, please. It's okay, don't tell on me, please..."
I find it interesting that its not the actual audible lyrics but if you listen to the song this is what the whispers are saying so...take it as it resonates
Spiders - SOAD
"Approaching guiding light
Our shallow years in fright
Dreams are made, winding through my head"
Bad dreams might be significant to you? Please try to relax good things are coming !!
Mama - MCR
"You should have raised a baby girl
I should've been a better son
If you could coddle the infection
They can amputate at once
You should've been
I could have been a better son"
Pile Four
---Cards pulled---
5 of cups/4 of wands/Knave of coins
8 of wands/6 of cups/Knave of wands
I believe there currently is dissatisfaction with your love life or offers within love at this moment or even just impatiently waiting for your current partner/interest to "make a move"
There isnt a lot of hope or faith in the connection on your part but i do see this person is interested they just operate differently and have some concerns
Mostly having to do with being used for their material gain, name position and/or authority
They do see this connection quite successful but they hate being put on a pedestal, due to this they wont have the guts to come forward if they do!! It will most likely be impulsive or very confusing and indirect which might leave both of yous flustered mainly them
This might be over drinks because my face is warming up lol
They see you as the four of wands and 6 of cups what a wonderful pair of cards together!!
But they see your disappointment and or pulling away from their energy which is turning them off easily but they still have their eyes on you
They have no time to be a chaser or to be chased this person is quite serious in their relationships so dont play childish games, play stupid games and win stupid prizes right?
They have come to a decision on their own but its also up to them when this information is revealed to you directly
Also there seems to be a sort of distrust with relationships on either sides which needs to be addressed before hand
Communication maybe be an issue
Medicine Guardian "Be open to healing information"
Elder "Healing through lineage"
Peacekeeper "Harmonious resolution is possible"
Lady "enjoy growth a reap rewards"
I feel like time is needes to open up tp yourself and heal some issues on your side first, become the best possible version you can before you can move on with this
I see that this connection may heal cycles in your family and generational trauma possibly?
Its your job to keep cool despite the circumstances now and remember to mediate and that peace is always an option. Not every battle is worth fighting
However this goes you will be happy with what you see in the mirroe nonetheless!! Enjoy your hardwork and healed state
---Channeled Songs---
Fed Up - Ghostmane
"I'm fed up with the fame
I'm sick of reading my name in any other way than I intended
Fed up with all of these motherfuckers misunderstandin' me
I'm fed up with the ones that try to say you a fan of me
But then they turn their back and mothafuckers abandon me
You think I'm sitting high with everything, but now can't you see?
I'm livin' in reality, a struggle, not fantasy
I'm in a million-dollar couch, back then I was in a van"
No you girls - Franz Ferdinand
"Sometimes I say stupid things
But I think, well, I mean I
Sometimes I think the stupidest things
Because I never wonder
Oh, how the girl feels
Oh, how the girl feels"
Driven Under - Seether
"Must be something on your mind
Something lost for me to find
Do you know I'm faking?"
I feel this is more the distrust with their previous relationship possibly?
Also this lyric
"We have to succumb to the feelings we can never face
I need you, I breathe you
I can't go through this all again
We have to succumb to the feelings we can never face
I need you, I breathe you
I can't go through this"
Also pile 3 may have some messages?? I accidentally typed pile three for this one? :+//
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Wait im sorry if like youve talked about this before but what is everyones roles in the fantasy au 👁️👁️ or jobs?
i've just Thought Aloud in bits and pieces but hey. i feel like talking today so i'll put it all in one place with Updated Thinkings
(i like to imagine that they all kinda Quit their initial jobs/lives to go adventuring with each other, either by choice or... not. except Howdy, who's a multitasking king). the Neighborhood party earns their wages by completing jobs/quests, though some of them have minor supplemental ways of adding to the coin collection
Wally, of course, didn't really have much of a Before. he didn't intend on becoming a warlock/wizard - that choice was kinda made for him by the circumstances of his existence. but Wally had to pretend to be a wizard for his own safety, and wizards have a sort of societal expectation to be Helpful and Magical and Wise and Existing For Public Service. so while Wally would have rather just been a painter, he's obligated to be a wizard - that's technically his role/job. within the Neighborhood party, he's a bit of a distance fighter/support! he doesn't really do the whole up-close / physical aspect of battle, though he technically knows how. He casts spells from afar, which tend to be widely benign. artsy little cantrips and inconveniences to make it harder for the enemy to fight. he's also a bit of a bloodhound - illusions don't trick him, he can "see" most magic, and he's really good at getting around unnoticed. if they're stuck somewhere, Wally can probably get them out
Barnaby's "job" before going adventuring with Wally - it started out as just the two of them! - was just working on the farm with Ms. Beagle, where he had been his entire life. Sure he'd sometimes do public performances/acts in town, which would earn him extra coin, but that was more of a paying hobby than anything (a paying hobby he will Continue) in the Neighborhood, he's... uh. their cheerleader? that's not entirely inaccurate! he's not big on combat or effort i'd reckon, so he prefers to just keep morale high. offer background music, funny commentary, jokes to lighten the mood, mediate tensions, etc. if necessary, he makes good backup - he has his illusions of course, and he Does pack a mighty punch if need be! he's also very helpful when retreating - he can grab the smaller party members and run
Wormie is the group mascot <3
Sally was a bit lost before joining the party - i like to think that she was constantly on the move as part of a traveling theater troupe, but she wasn't the star or director. she was just part of the group, uninspired and with a full well of untapped potential. one day she up and left (dramatically) to find her own inspiration/muse & path to stardom, which ended up being several years of wandering until she happened across the budding Neighborhood and went "this! this will be the source of my stories!" as for her role, she's a bit of an everyman. front lines fighter, entertainer, mediator, etc. she views herself as the party "leader", or rather, their Manager. she keeps the party entertained with stories, and bolsters their reputation in the same manner. in a battle she's a bit of a powerhouse - her light magic is useful both in combat and entertainment! she keeps a "book" of the Neighborhood's exploits (she swears it will be edited/published someday) holy shit she's moominpappa, and in their Extended downtime she writes and throws plays inspired by their adventures at their home base (town).
Eddie was still, originally, a mailman. or i suppose in a fantasy setting - a courier! until one day he saw a group of people being attacked by some bandits, managed to fight them off, and immediately got roped into helping rescue the folks' entire town from the bigger group of bandits. then they told others about Eddie's help, they wanted his help too, one thing after another and now he's got a full set of armor, a sword, a shield, and his whole thing is saving people. huh? how did that happen? he was delivering letters a month ago! if i had to give him a title... i'd say he's a Protector! he seems like the type! he always has his fellow adventurer's backs - i bet he has his hands full trying to cover everyone at once. outside of combat, he's still very helpful and does whatever is asked of him / needed. collecting firewood! pitching tents! stirring soup! getting Frank to remove a centipede from camp! in downtime he probably takes small bodyguarding gigs. he also is a minor healer - he took some sorta oath for some sorta god (or virtue) that he can't remember, but he has minor healing/cleansing powers. he's also good at sniffing out evil & dark magic! some would joke that he's the party's guard dog
Frank was raised in a monastery that believes in "using your body to fight for the greater good". this was not his job when they became old enough to actually Act on his training! nah they ran away in his mid teens because they wanted to fight things on his own terms. also they want to study bugs more than anything, which he does! for a long time! then they meet a certain princess, befriends her, and helps her run away. he only joins the Neighborhood because Julie wants to, and it's a good way to travel - read: study more arthropods - and earn coin. fighting is a bonus aspect Frank's role is... front line fighter, bookkeeper, and the Guy Who Knows Things! what monster are they dealing with? what are its strengths/weaknesses? Frank probably knows! can they afford a room or two at an Inn? Frank knows (no, they cannot)! who's throwing themself into direct mortal danger with gusto? it's Frank! no but really, Frank is like their resident nerd who can beat pretty much all of them in hand-to-hand. in downtime he probably has a garden purposefully full of plants that can be left alone for long periods of time... maybe they sell half the things grown for extra coin!
Julie, of course, was a princess! that was her whole job! it was incredibly boring and restricting, so she ran away with the help of a funny nerd. after that her whole life was just "avoid getting recognized while figuring out how to live in a world without the comforts/ease of castle life". i'd think she much prefers her new one! as a role, Julie joins Barn and Sally in the "entertainment category". while they entertain with humor/stories respectively, Julie goes straight for games and activities to fill the lull between action. keep the blood pumping, spirits high, and bonds Solid! camp games, road games, locked-in-a-dungeon games! in combat, she's on the front lines with her oversized sword. i think another fitting role would be "navigator" - she can ask plants for directions! technically Julie is a secret powerhouse. her flora magic is insanely powerful, though she prefers not to use it for several reasons
Poppy, i like to think, did indeed have a bakery. it was well-loved in her community, her staff were wonderful people, and it all burned down in a night due to raiders. luckily for Poppy and her town, Eddie was nearby and got on the case to get rid of their problem - maybe Poppy felt obligated to help in some shape or form, and Eddie wound up inspiring her to learn healing magic. She moved into the town that would become the not-yet-existing Neighborhood's HQ to try and restart her business, but it just wasn't the same, and she had gotten a taste of what it would be like to directly save/heal people Poppy is the party's cook, healer, and ultimate voice of caution! the most she'll do in battle is sprint into danger to drag an injured person to safety for healing - she doesn't have a combative bone in her body i'd guess! does she enjoy being in the Neighborhood? eh... it's stressful and terrifying, but she couldn't live with herself if she let them all brave the wild without an adequate healer OR an adequate cook. i like to think that she saw the state they were traveling in and went "oh no"
Howdy, of course, has his tavern! it's a popular hub for travelers, townsfolk, pretty much anyone and everyone. of course it helps that it's the only tavern in town! the only reason Barnaby managed to convince Howdy to join the Neighborhood on one of their jobs is because Howdy realized that he can widen his net & sell to new people On The Go. finally, a use for that magic backpack collecting dust in his room! Howdy got a taste for adventuring and joins the Neighborhood every once in a while, usually only for shorter jobs - he doesn't want to be away from his tavern for too long his roles are support, professional haggler, sarcastic commentary. he doesn't have a crumb of magic in him, but he's clever! he's learned how to make his own support items - including his fancy revolvers with magical crayonsbullets. Howdy rarely fights, choosing to watch over his pack, dole out items when needed, and listen to Barnaby's running commentary. when it is necessary that he join in on combat, he can usually clear the playing field in a matter of moments. he's skilled with both the revolvers and using his own items - he's a one man four armed army!
Home's job is "keep Wally upright and powered". they prefer to be an observer in all situations, even after their existence becomes common knowledge to the Neighborhood. the most Home will do is nudge Wally in the right direction or alert him to something important. Home's literally just hanging out behind Wally's eyes w/ a bucket of popcorn. unless something happens to his beloved little puppet, in which case Home becomes the biggest baddest bitch around and sends everyone else to the bench
tl;dr: Wally: support fighter, magic geiger counter, escape artist Barnaby: entertainer, backup Wormie: mascot Sally: storyteller, fighter, Manager Eddie: protector, minor healer, "paladin" Frank: bookkeeper, fighter, scholar Julie: activities director, navigator, fighter Poppy: cook, healer, overthinker Howdy: tavernkeeper, inventor, support Home: just keeping an eye out
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zablife · 2 years
Tachipen (Part 2)
Tommy x female reader
Summary: With the flip of a coin, Tommy makes a deal to bring a 20 year old gypsy girl into the Shelby clan. Considering her too young to marry, he employs her as a nanny. When tragedy strikes, he’s forced to confront the truth he has always known. 
Author’s Note: This was requested by @honey-im-hotdog who asked for a fic about Charlie’s nanny. I decided to turn it into a series. The story will be told through flashbacks, but I will note the year. Tommy meets y/n in 1919 and the story goes thru present time which is the year of the vendetta, 1925. 
Warnings: language, weapons, injury, animal death, mention of gypsy curses (as mentioned on the show)
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Part 1
Guests filled the chairs inside the Grace Shelby Institute as you continued to walk with Charles, showing him a picture of his late mother. You stopped in front of the framed portrait and the multitude of fragrant blooms all around it, wondering if the boy would have any memory of her. Your heart ached for him as you felt his chubby hands come to rest around your neck.  Breathing deeply, you savored the weight of him in your arms and hugged him to your chest tightly. The guilt of being alive to receive this little boy’s affection when his mother’s life was cut short gnawed at you. It shouldn’t be me here now with Charles you thought. It shouldn’t be me comforting him or Tommy. 
“I’m sure that little whore can’t wait to become the new Mrs. Shelby,” Linda said in a harsh whisper, though it was loud enough for anyone to hear.
“For fuck’s sake Linda, you know how long she’s been with the family. Tommy would never feel that way about her. She takes care of Charlie like her own child so there’s no reason for such cruelty toward her,” Ada bit back in your defense. 
“Exactly, she’s coveting what isn’t hers,” Linda said piously. 
The two women were unaware of your presence as you walked the floor behind their chairs with Charles and the words you’d overheard stung painfully. You’d worked hard over the years to gain the trust of the Shelby family and you never felt you were done proving yourself. At times like these you wondered if you would always be an outsider.
The sunlight streamed through the threadbare curtains, waking you to sudden confusion when you realized you weren’t in your vardo. As you searched the cracked ceiling above your head, you heard heavy footsteps on the stairs and jerked the covers to your chin as your heart began to race. When the muffled voices of the Shelby brothers faded down the hall, you heard a rapping on your door and Polly’s voice came to you softly through the keyhole. “Y/n, are you awake?”
“Just a moment,” you replied, forcing your heavy legs over the side of the bed and placing your feet onto the cold floorboards. Your limbs ached from lack of sleep as you pushed yourself toward the basin and splashed water onto your face, still puffy from the evening of crying into your pillow. Slowly you opened the creaky bedroom door and peered around the door. 
Polly stood waiting with a kind expression. “Good morning, ready to meet the children?”
You stood looking down at your feet, tears collecting in your eyes. You felt exhausted and overwhelmed so you froze, unsure how to respond. Polly noted your distress instantly and clasped her hands over yours saying, “I’ll give you a moment to yourself.”
“No, don’t go,” you said, looking up at her. The last thing you wanted was to be alone. 
“Alright. Would you like to come downstairs for some tea?” she offered. You peeked over her shoulder and as if she could read your mind she assured you, “The boys have gone. The betting shop opens soon.” You gave her a grateful smile in return and followed her to the kitchen where she offered you a chair while she put the kettle on. You sat watching her as she told you about John’s four children-Katie, eight, William, six, Clara, five, and Henry, two. She explained that his wife Martha had died giving birth to their youngest while he was away during the war. “It’s been difficult for him to raise them on his own. He came back a changed man.” Thinking for a moment she added, “Well, perhaps not so much as Tommy, but still, he hasn’t a clue about those children,” she laughed.
“What happened to Tommy?” you asked, curious to know more about the mysterious man who refused to marry you.
“He does what he does for us you know, but sometimes I wonder if he weren’t meant for a different life. He wanted to work with horses before the war. Now I don’t even recognize him,” she said as she stared out the window, lost in thought. 
You held your hands firmly around the porcelain teacup, but all the warmth had drained away with the liquid. As you stared into the bottom, you cocked your head, noticing the patterns of your tea leaves. You gulped at the outline of a beast, a clear warning to you. 
“Is everything alright, dear?” Polly asked, noticing you’d gone white as a sheet.
You only nodded in reply, taking the cup away from her to wash out the contents. 
“Don’t be nervous about meeting John’s kids. All they need is a firm hand and love,” she said mistaking your fear for nerves.  
The sight that greeted you at John’s house was worse than you had anticipated. You had some difficulty pushing past the front door as several pairs of tiny shoes and an extra pair of John’s boots littered the front hall. As you ventured inside, you froze at the sound of a commotion in the kitchen, only exploring further when you heard the shrieks of children’s laughter. When you looked beyond the doorframe, you took in the sight of a tow-headed girl and boy around the same age, standing on chairs, pulling items from the cupboards with obvious delight. Flour had covered every inch of the floor and honey was oozing off the counter between their little fingers. 
When they spotted you, they turned and the little girl said, “Oh, hello. We were pretending to be naughty bear cubs. Have you come to be our mama bear?”
Your mouth hung open a moment as your surveyed the mess. Then you replied, “Well, erm…not exactly. I have come to look after you though and right now it looks as though you need a bath.”
“I don’t want a bath!” the little boy protested. Just then Polly entered the room and gasped as she saw the mess in front of her. “William and Clara Shelby! What the bloody hell!”
“It’s alright Aunt Polly. I’ll help clean it up before Daddy sees,” Clara said climbing down from her perch to give Polly a hug. Polly intercepted her before she could smear honey over her dress and you turned to gather the child in your arms. 
“I happen to know that your Uncle Tommy has a new horse in his stable. If you’re very good, I could take you to see her,” you said, attempting a bribe. The children nodded vigorously in agreement before leading you up the rickety staircase. You sidestepped toys as you went, looking for the other two children. 
When you reached the landing, you were startled by the presence of an older girl in one of the bedrooms who was already dressed, combing her hair methodically. Despite her tidy appearance, the room didn’t look much better than downstairs as the floor was strewn with dirty clothes and a layer of dust which covered every surface around her.
“Katie, this is Y/n,” Polly said introducing you. “She’ll be looking after you while your dad is at work.”
Katie pursed her lips together in a thin line, looking you up and down. Then she crossed her arms over her chest and addressed Polly with a sniff, “Why should I learn her name? She’s just another one of Daddy’s whores. She’ll be gone tomorrow and you know it Aunt Polly.” 
You gasped at her directness and the hostility of her words. For a young child, she was quite blunt. Then you reminded yourself of everything she must have been through with the death of her mother. However, Polly wouldn’t stand for such insolence. She stepped forward landing a harsh slap across the girl’s face. “You won’t dare speak that way again in my presence, do you understand, Katie?” 
The girl’s lip trembled for a moment, but she didn’t cry. Without looking up, she replied, “Yes, Aunt Polly.”
You shifted your weight uncomfortably before saying, “Where’s the baby?” 
Katie pointed down the hall and you thanked her walking away swiftly. Rounding the corner, you smiled at the sight of a toddler asleep in his cot. Somehow he had slept through the earlier commotion. He had a head full of blonde curls and his lips were full like John’s. He looked like a tiny angel as he slept. Taking a moment to rub his back, you wondered how you were going to handle four children who needed so much from you. You didn’t have time to stand idly much longer as a fight broke out between William and Clara down the hall and you dashed away to break them apart.
With considerable effort, you readied the four children for an outing to the stables and Polly walked with you. She assured you a kind man by the name of Curly would be there to watch over the horse. He was half horse himself, she joked and that made you feel better about how the mare was being treated. 
Everyone was in high spirits as they discussed where the horse came from and you tried to describe the camp where you’d lived before arriving in Small Heath. When the children asked about the horse’s name, you gave the Romani name and they laughed at the unfamiliar sound. It was then you realized they must not be familiar with the language. 
When you arrived, you were surprised to see Tommy there. You greeted him, explaining you had brought the children as a treat and he didn’t seem to mind. He was surprisingly kind to his nieces and nephews, allowing them a turn to sit upon the horse and take a short ride. You smiled at the sight of him teaching them to ride, even little Henry. 
As you helped the last child dismount, he asked, “Is she always this steady around people?” 
“Yes, mares spook less easily, but she’s always been this way. What do you intend to do with her?” you asked, filled with curiosity at his intentions.
“A good horse like this?” he displayed a wide grin. “You know my business, love. I intend to race this beauty,” he said patting her flank. 
Your face dropped slightly. “I see.” 
“You don’t approve?” he asked noticing your hesitancy.
“I didn’t say that,” you added quickly.
“But you were thinking it,” he said, searching your eyes for meaning. Then one of the children ran up to you, tugging at your skirts. 
“Y/n, I’m hungry!” William cried.
“Alright, back home, then,” you said with a smile. “Good afternoon, Mr. Shelby,” you said.
The next evening you returned from John’s house exhausted from a day of cleaning and wrangling children. You were soaked to the skin from walking home in the rain, but you couldn’t have cared less. Collapsing into a chair, Polly brought you a cup of tea by the fire to warm you. 
“Were they any better today?” Polly she asked, looking at you for a genuine report. 
“A bit, yes,” you replied as you attempted to ring water from your hair.
“I know it might be slow going, but they’ll come round,” Polly said as she went back to her sewing.
“I’m not worried. I like them,” you assured her with a smile, thinking of how their antics reminded you of your sisters at their age. “I grew up without a mother and I think all children should be loved and cared for by someone,” you said earnestly. 
Polly looked at you and nodded thoughtfully. “Yes, I think you’re going to be very good for this family,” she proclaimed to herself and your heart filled with pride at her statement. 
Before you could reply, someone began pounding on the door urgently. You and Polly startled at the sound and before she could make it to the door, Tommy rushed forth, finding Curly at the doorstep.
“Tom! Tom, you best come quick! Come!,” Curly said, his words coming at such a rapid pace, the lantern that hung from his hand swung wildly with the force.
“Is it the horse?” Tommy asked, grabbing his coat from the hook. Curly nodded emphatically. 
Your breath caught in your chest at the news that something might be wrong with the beautiful mare you’d brought from camp and you stood up announcing, “I’m coming as well.” Without a thought for the bad weather, you ran out the door, trying to keep pace with Tommy and Curly as you ducked your head to avoid the driving rain.
When you reached the stable, the mare you loved so much was holding one foot off the ground in obvious pain. “Tell me what’s wrong with the horse, Curly,” Tommy asked in a calm, even tone as he assessed the situation.
Curly placed a gentle kiss to her nose and stepped aside, mumbling, “It’s a curse, Tom. Someone put a bad seed in the hoof. They put a spell!” You watched quietly from the shadows as Tommy placed his hands on either side of the man’s face to steady him, hushing him gently. 
Uncle Charlie stood next to the mare, observing her reverently. You could tell by his grim expression there would be no saving her and his words confirmed it. “Whatever it is, it spread to the other feet,” he said, gesturing toward the horse’s large hooves.
Curly broke free from Tommy’s grasp, shaking his head. “It’s going to her heart by tomorrow, I’d say. I’ve seen curses like this twice. Can’t take them back,” he said in an agitated voice, raising a finger in the air as he rocked back and forth.  
When Uncle Charlie spotted you, his face drew back in a snarl. “I told you, Tommy, didn’t I? Warned you against black blood gypsies.” He huffed out a breath through flared nostrils as he clenched his fist by his side. Tommy turned as though noticing you for the first time when Charlie called out, “Come on, Curly, let’s get out of ‘ere.” He pushed past you into the rain and you swallowed thickly at the hatred he felt for you and your kin. 
As you watched them disappear into the night, you let out a breath you didn’t know you’d been holding and your eyes drifted toward your horse, now Tommy’s horse. You felt small and helpless, wanting nothing more than to comfort her. Coming to her side, you stroked the mare gently, laying your head against the velvety soft fur of her neck.
“Did you do this for revenge? Tell me the truth,” Tommy asked in Romani, voice tight with emotion, rain water dripping off his hair and into his long eyelashes. 
“Is that what you think?” you breathed out in a whisper, looking up at him with a look of hurt and confusion. 
Without another word, Tommy pulled his pistol from his jacket pocket and you shrunk away from him, feeling your heart pound in your chest, hands tingling and head feeling dizzy from adrenaline. You wondered if it wasn’t just Uncle Charlie who despised you. Did Tommy hold the same hatred? His distant stare chilled you and suddenly you were sure he was going to kill you as you thought of Polly’s words. Two days ago she had told you, “Now I don’t even recognize him.” Was he really so unpredictable? You’d seen him turn violent quickly so you knew it must be true. You closed your eyes, praying he’d dispatch you quickly. 
You heard the gunshot, a deafening blast so close to you, it felt as though it had pierced your chest. However, when you pried your eyes open, you saw the horse fall onto its side with a sickening thud. You watched in horror as she died before you, the life draining from her eyes as wretched sounds were released from her body. Doubling over in silent sobs, you clasped a hand over your mouth. You wanted to look away, to believe it was a nightmare and this had never happened. Then Tommy’s voice cut through the fog and the ringing in your ears.
“Get out,” he said in a voice hovering over a whisper. You shivered involuntarily as you turned to watch him raise his gun a second time, but he only swiped his arm across his mouth. You noticed his breathing was irregular, chest heaving as though he might break down himself. He looked up at you with wild eyes, “I said, go. Get back to me brother’s house now!” You watched his hand tremble slightly and you imagined him burying you next to the beautiful horse. With that, you ran as fast as your legs would carry you. You slipped in the thick, black mud several times, falling on hard stone slicing your knees open as the cold rain pelted your face and arms, but somehow you couldn’t feel anything at all.
Cont. reading Part 3
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biscuitbox23 · 4 months
The Stag and the Warbler
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Pairing: Jaskier/Dandelion x Witcher!Reader.
Summary: The bard has written a song about you. And it has given you a lot to think about.
Author's note: It's a late night thought I've had for a while. Jaskier has always been my favorite character in both the Witcher games, books and the tv show. I wanted to give him a bit of honor by writing this :) —also a little Skyrim reference cuz im not creative in song writing.
Warning: platonic love, fluff, kind of a bittersweet ending.
As Jaskier strummed the strings of his lute, he hummed the tune of a popular ballad. "Our hero, our hero, claims a warrior's heart…" he sang but then paused mid-verse, his forehead creasing in concentration. "I tell you, I tell you, the Witcher comes- no, that does not sound so good," he muttered.
You couldn't help but chuckle at him. You busied yourself with grooming your loyal steed, Melorax. The horse stood still, contentedly munching on bits of hay. While you brushed off dust and dirt from his coat, you could see the tiny frown written on Jaskier's face as he tried to come up with a better verse for his song.
Curious, you asked him, "Who is this hero exactly?"
Jaskier looked up, glad for the distraction. "Ah, well," he said, his fingers stilling on the lute. "It's just a tale, my friend. A story of a brave warrior who fights for justice and honor."
You nodded, understanding the stories that Jaskier shared with you during your travels as a Witcher. Tales like these were always inspiring and entertaining. Jaskier had been your companion for quite a while now, and you had grown fond of his musical talents and witty banter. He would often compare your kinder nature to his friend Geralt, who hailed from a different Witcher school whom you had heard of but never met. After grooming Melorax, you approached the front of the horse and kissed his soft muzzle. The horse whinnied softly, and you smiled at him, feeling content.
"You know I just hunt monsters for coin," you recall, sitting near him as you started the small bonfire.
"Well, yes. But, Y/n of Verden makes a good song subject. Don't you think?" Jaskier smiled widely at you as you put your hands near the fire for warmth. His fingers began strumming on his lute, calmly humming with the tune of his renowned instrument.
You began to listen closely. "With a silver sword gleaming and signs so fierce and cold…" Jaskier sang, "Believe, believe, the Stag of Verden has told."
"Stag?" You asked sheepishly, looking over at him with an expression of confusion.
"Umm… do you prefer to be called deer?" Jaskier asked sheepishly.
"Just confused with the Stag part…" you replied.
"Well, you remind me of a stag."
"How so?" You asked.
"Well, you're strong, very resilient, and almost similar to that of a protector of the realm," Jaskier beamed with poetic pride.
Upon hearing those words, a sense of pride and appreciation washed over you. It was rare for a Witcher to receive such positive recognition, as they are empty vessels of beings whose sole purpose was to slaughter monsters and collect payment. Being regarded as a hero was a new and unexpected experience for you. However, it was evident that most people still saw you as an exterminator who only existed to rid the world of dangerous pests rather than a true hero. All you let out was a slight chuckle.
Jaskier turned his head towards you, and his eyes met yours. He noticed the corners of your mouth curling up, and your eyes sparkled. Curious, he leaned slightly to his right and tilted his head, trying to catch a glimpse of what had caused this reaction in you. "What's so funny, Y/n?" he asked, his voice full of genuine interest and amusement.
"Oh, nothing," you jested. With a look of concern on the bard's face, he turned his gaze back towards his musical instrument, the loot. He asked in a questioning tone, "Is there something wrong with my song? Don't you like it?"
"I assure you that I like it," you said to the worried songwriter before returning to warm your hands by the fire. "Please continue."
Jaskier's face lit up with joy as he responded, "As you wish." He meticulously plucked the strings of his lute, producing a melody that seemed to flow effortlessly from his fingers. His body swayed with the rhythm, and it was clear from his performance that he was a true virtuoso of his craft.
"In the heart of the woodlands, where shadows dance and play Beware, beware, the Stag is on her way For monsters she'll conquer, with every foe she'll slay
You'll know, you'll know, the Stag brings light to the gray."
You were captivated as the bard plucked at the strings of his lute, his voice soft and sweet as honey. The music wrapped around you like a warm embrace, easing the tension in your body and calming your mind. The bard's songs were beautiful masterpieces of melody and meaning. What impressed you the most was how his music seemed to capture the essence of the world around you, bringing to life the sights and sounds of your travels in a way that words alone never could. Being a Witcher often meant living a life of solitude and danger. It made you feel isolated and alone. But having the bard by your side changed everything. His easy conversation and quick wit were a constant source of comfort and amusement, and you eagerly looked forward to every new adventure with him by your side.
By the end, you knew you could never repay the bard for all he had given you, but you were grateful nonetheless.
"You know one thing," you thought to him, "you remind me of a Warbler."
The bard chuckled at you with his sweet smile, "a warbler?"
"Yeah, those birds that sing a lot," you recalled.
As you reminisce about your childhood, your mind wanders back to when you were a young girl, growing up in a Witcher school. Life wasn't easy for you, especially since you were a frail child with a mother who struggled to provide for you. Days at school could be long and tiring, and you often find yourself exhausted by the end of them.
One particular memory that stands out to you is the sound of the Warblers that would perch on the window sill of your room. Their melodic songs would echo through the walls, piercing your ears and keeping you awake at night. You would try to drown out the noise by covering your ears with your pillow, but it was no use - the Warblers always seemed to find a way to sing their way into your thoughts. Despite the annoyance they caused, however, you couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and familiarity in their presence. After all, they had been a constant presence in your life for as long as you could remember.
"They were annoying when I was young," You scoffed playfully, "I hated listening to them sing whenever I wanted some peace. Now that I'm older, I wish they still sang to me," you look at the burning bonfire as the warmth engulfed the front of your body. “I like your songs, jaskier, even if you played the same tune for a week. I won’t get tired of you.”
"Huh…" Jaskier gave your statement some thought, "I've never had anyone think of me that way." He sat over next to the fire, feeling a bit cold.
"Why? May I ask," You cocked a brow at him.
"I'm a bit of an exasperation and––" Before Jaskier could continue, he stopped himself. He could ruin his godly reputation in front of you, and he did not want that.
"A skirt-chaser?" You continued.
"Oh- No, no, not that," you can sense the embarrassment that overcame his confidence.
"right, alright," A mischievous chuckle escaped your lips as you heard the mention of the notorious bard. His reputation preceded him, and you couldn't help but be amused. Word on the street was he had a knack for breaking up marriages or being the third person for sleeping with married men's wives. You won't deny it. Jaskier was handsome and quite the romantic.
The atmosphere was serene as if the world had a standstill. Not a sound except for the gentle rustling of leaves as the wind passed through the trees. "Can you sing me a song, Jaskier?" You asked, "Please?"
As Jaskier continued his endless string of tales, you couldn't help but politely express your reluctance to hear more. In response, Jaskier flashed a sweet smile and said, "Yes, you may, Y/n."
One day, Jaskier won't be around you. One day, you won't ever see him again, and it will be just you and Melorax on the lonely road. It could happen tomorrow, or it could be years from now. You tried not to dwell on that possibility, but it was always there lingering at the edges of your consciousness. But that did not matter now. It was a love that grew deep inside you that you have never felt. It's a companionship that was a strange yet familiar feeling. One day, he will see you as a monster like everyone else did when they saw you. Despite this, You listened intently to his stories and musings, even when they seemed nonsensical or meandering. You laughed at his jokes and marveled at his wit. You knew these moments were precious, and you never took them for granted because you will never know when that moment will end.
A/n: hey guys :) I apologize if my interpretation of Jaskier and the Witcher universe had errors. I was busy with school to read the books and watch the show for extra context and accuracy and did this all by itself. Overall, im unite happy with how this turned out.
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jadedrrose · 1 year
i see your requests for 700 followers is still open!! congratulations, i love the way you write law he’s such a soft boy deep down!! i was wondering if i could request something like you and law are off on your own to go get supplies and you end up running into trouble, after you both escape you tell him “i feel safe with you, i always have” (im so sorry if this doesn’t make sense lol)
Safe With You
I feel like I didn’t do as well with this one… I think its bc I’m just bad at writing action scenes. Still, I hope you enjoy it!! <3 also thank you sm for the compliments, it means a lot 🥺
Warnings: g/n reader, violence/fighting, mention of choking
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Part of the crew’s bi-weekly routine was stopping in a port for supplies; it’s a day you honestly look forward to. It gives you the chance to shop around, enjoy nature and the general outdoors after being underwater in a submarine for so long.
Normally, the crew will stick together as much as possible. You’d go in typically groups of seven, all staying within one area while each group collected the supplies they’d been tasked with getting. But today, you craved something else.
As you all got off the Polar Tang and headed onto the dock, an idea sprang to your mind. You left the group you’d initially been in to catch up with Law. You jogged past everyone and reached his side within seconds, walking alongside him while looking up at him.
“Law,” you called his name in a sweet tone, “can we go off on our own this time? Kinda like a date?”
You heard a few gasps and chuckles behind you, the crew always being so strange about your relationship with the captain. You chalked it up to them having no idea for a long time, as you and Law were usually pretty private about things. But, they never failed to tease the both of you endlessly.
“If you consider getting supplies a date, then yeah,” Law answered, not taking his eyes off the road ahead. “We don’t have time for any… normal date… things.”
There was some snickering behind you after Law’s reply, but you paid it no mind. “Fine with me!” You cheered, taking Law’s hand into your own. An action that seemed to have him flustered.
After putting Bepo in unofficial charge, you and Law strayed away from the crew to get whatever it was that Law wanted. He led you down an alley with many vendors and shops, and you curiously looked around at everything.
“So what are we getting?” You asked, cozying up to his side as a way to stay close, or rather, stay safe.
“Coins,” Law cooly replied, moving his hand to your lower back.
“Coins?! Law, those aren’t supplies! That’s just for your nerdy shit!”
“I-it isn’t nerdy shit,” he huffed, a slight pout forming on his lips. “It’s just a normal collection…”
You giggled, leaning your head on his shoulder. “I’m only joking. I find your nerdy side quite endearing, actually.”
“Do you now?”
“Mhmm! It’s cute,” you added, another giggle slipping past your lips.
“Shush,” he said, and you assumed Law was rolling his eyes right now. Only, he wasn’t joking.
“Law, why can’t I call you cute? You embarrassed or somethin-“
“Y/n, shush,” he snapped, his voice lower and more serious now. His gray eyes finally met yours, and he looked concerned, as well as on edge.
“What’s wrong?” You whispered, your eyes dodging around as you looked for any hint of trouble.
“It’s gotten way too quiet down this way… hardly anyone’s around,” he noted, repositioning kikoku so that his right hand was on the handle, left holding the sheath slightly open so he’d be ready to attack.
The street seemed void of normal people, only a few oddly placed men standing around. It was then that it dawned on you, these were marines in disguise.
A group of about a dozen men then jumped out at you, weapons drawn and charged. Law quickly created a room, drawing the blade of kikoku from its sheath as he started slicing a couple of the men’s bodies. Cursing yourself for not bringing your weapon, you opted for taking a fighting stance, fists raised in front of you as you prepared yourself to take on the men running your way.
You swung your right leg out, successfully kicking one in his stomach. The man groaned in pain, falling to his knees. The second man attempted to grab you, but you hastily dodged his attack and grabbed his arm, twisting it around you as you threw him over yourself, his body slamming into the dirt beneath you.
But the third marine was faster, and grabbed both of your arms, pulling them behind your back and putting you in a lock.
“Law!” You screeched, kicking your legs and twisting your body to try and escape the man’s hold. “Get off of me, you asshole!”
Your boyfriend’s head whipped around to face you, and he watched in horror as the man suddenly gripped at your throat with one hand, choking you to freeze any movement on your end. Your eyes were wide with fear, face quickly becoming red from the lack of air. Law acted quickly though, and the marine’s arms were then displaced from the rest of his body. With you now free, Law quickly put his katana away and scooped you up, carrying you in his arms as he began to flee.
“Why are we running?! We can take them,” you protested, wrapping your arms around Law’s neck as a means to not fall.
“This whole port’s filled with them. They must’ve spotted us before we arrived and set up a trap,” Law informed you, “I just hope the crew’s figured that out.”
Apparently the crew had figured that out, as when you and Law reached the dock, seeing them all on the deck of the submarine, kicking off any marines who attempted to get on. Seeing the road ahead blocked, Law shouted room again, creating another one before quickly following up with a “shambles”, swapping yourselves with a marine who’d already climbed up.
You all quickly got inside and headed underwater, escaping the clutch of the marine trap set up. Instead of assisting the crew, though, Law brought you straight to the operation room, before setting you on a table.
Sitting up, you moved a hand up to your neck, feeling a pain from when the marine had choked you earlier. Law took notice, taking your chin between two tattooed fingers, tilting your head up so he could clearly view your neck.
“You’re bruised,” he said, angrily. “I’ll fucking kill that bastard if I ever see him again… for laying his hands on you like that.”
“I’m fine, Law,” you reasoned, shaking his fingers off your chin so you could freely move your head. Grabbing his face with one hand, you brought it close to yours and connected your lips with Law’s. “I’m safe with you, after all.”
Law relaxed into your touch, wrapping his arms around your frame as he continued the kiss.
He pulled away after a moment, gently placing a hand onto your neck again. “Still… I’m gonna put ice on it to help. I can’t just look at you with bruises like that and do nothing.”
You giggled in response, loving the way Law was always so caring with you. While you mostly knew it was due to him being the crew’s doctor, you also liked to think it was because you were his lover.
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inkybinkyboink · 4 months
urinetown headcanons (under the cut) while i wait for my headphones to charge >:)
there are. so many.
hope is a total plant mom
her place is like. decked OUT in plants. they are her pride and joy
just like. assume that they all have water. for now.
bobby does not get it. at all. but he's so supportive
bobby and hope get a puppy together and the puppy is scared of loud noises but so is bobby so when hope vacuums they hide in the broom closet together
officer lockstock watches drag race like an olympic sport. it's his version of like a laker's game or a yankees game or whatever
avid bianca del rio stan and i will die on that hill
no sorry i just gotta take a second to like.
lockstock 100% lives in like. your grandparents house. it's decorated the same way. blankets over chairs and couches, plants, LOTS of books, antiques, that sort of thing. vintage but like. humble?
officer barrel collects coins
you're gonna look at this man and tell me he doesnt collect coins?
you're lying
ms. pennywise is a tea fanatic
lesbian hot blades harry
little sally's favorite movie is Coraline
and she definitely takes apart toys and puts them back together to make little frankensteinian creatures like sid in toy story
lockstock would make a hella cool university english professor
tiny tom believes that the moon landing was faked
hope sews
ms pennywise's favorite book is definitely like wuthering heights or something
personally. i think. as someone who's played barrel. that were he given the opportunity to come to terms with his own identity, he would go and sincerely apologize to everyone he's hurt over the years.
like he probably wouldn't be forgiven, and i don't know if he deserves to be, but i think he would at least recognize the severity of his actions
lockstock taught little sally how to roller skate
little sally has an ant farm kit
caldwell b. cladwell has an eerie amount of world war 1 and 2 books.
mcqueen and millenium marathon euphoria together
fipp collects rocks and minerals
barrel lowkey knows how to cook a good ass meal
little becky two shoes is the type of person who you run into leaning against a wall smoking a cigarette while it's pouring rain and if you talk to her you're getting unskippable lore
kinda like your wine aunt but on drugs
little sally made lockstock a friendship bracelet once
idk i kinda feel like lockstock had a kid once and then they like. passed away or something. i just feel like lockstock has a tragic backstory but i dont know what it is
ma strong gets migraines and it got passed down to bobby
*chants* sick fics sick fics sick fics
ok i have a theory that the amenity numbers correspond with street numbers. so it's called amenity number nine because it's on ninth avenue. that way the numbers also still correspond to the quality of the toilets.
so the cops would have jurisdiction based on where the amenities are. that way it makes sense that they're the only two cops, because they only have jurisdiction in that particular area.
ok im done :)
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remiratboi · 4 months
Hello Friends :)
So apparently I’m a monsterfucking blog now 🤷🏼
I’ve been super absent, and this post doesn’t change that. Im still not here actually.
Im writing this fluffy smutty lil monsterfucking piece to try to work on sharing my writing as my dream is to be a novelist but im terrified of being published. Or… you know… writing. Anyway 😅 so I’m practicing by sharing this here. I’ll be posting in chapters, but again, I’m not present on here rn other than these chapters.
The TW covers the entire thing but all things are not necessarily in every chapter. This is a fantasy, consent is required, read at your own risk.
Oh also (sorry we are almost there) I’m making up my own rules about creatures/nonhumanraces and shit here ok? Anything’s possible.
Cernis Sulxan - He/Him - AMAB
Ellory Broadmoore - He/They - AFAB (post top surgery and testosterone)
TW - Anxiety, OCD, OCPD, Autism, Minor Hoarding (like hoarding but it’s all paper no dangerous hoarding), some body image issues more related to gender dysphoria but also very vaguely ED related. Lots of dark sex stuff. Borderline noncon, but kinda cnc. Forced heats kinda, monster fucking, anal, masturbation, choking, incubus, dragon dick, size kink, bdsm, overstim, denial, edging, toys, public sex, impact play, probably more, I dno yet. But lots of dark sex so
Chapter One - Cernis
Cernis Sulxan was a simple man, who lead a simple life. He had founded his law firm in his late 20s, and now at 36, it was thriving. He handled non criminal cases. Menial things about property, and debt. Boring cases with hours and hours of research and paperwork. He loved it.
Some Dragonborn love treasure. Ok most Dragonborn love treasure. And he guessed, in a way, he did too. Only his “treasure” didn’t look the same as other Dragonborn hoards. His treasure was information. He collected records and documents like others collected jewels and coins. His office, and his home although he’d never admit it, were both piled high with boxes full of meaningless papers. He knew they were meaningless. But he loved every, single, one.
His problem was, though, that after almost 10 years, he had collected quite the hoard. The other two lawyers in his firm, as well as their paralegals, interns, and even the receptionist had all complained to him that the space had become suffocating.
He sat in his office and stewed while watching the pretty, heart faced man directing a number of their employees around the office. Sulxan Legal Offices had a stylish modern look, with walls made of glass and furniture of a pale, tan wood. Little pops of color accented the space wherever they could, crammed between stacks of papers, and bankers boxes with even more.
Cernis hadn’t wanted to hire the peppy, frustratingly positive man and his team, but the other partners had threatened to leave the practice if he didn’t do something about the papers. So, there Cernis was, hunched over his desk, hulking like a gargoyle, giving the evil eye to a practical stranger just doing their job. He growled at himself and tried to focus on his work.
About one minute passed before Cernis was staring at the man again. Ellory Broadmoore, of Broadmoore Designs, a local organization and workplace efficiency firm, was directing his staff to move boxes to and from various locations. Cernis thought it looked like a whole lot of nothing for a job that didn’t even, really, need doing. He tapped his long fingers on his desk, the sharp claws making tiny scratches on top of hundreds of other tiny scratches that already covered the desktop.
Cernis flushed and quickly dropped his gaze as Ellory turned to look at him through the glass. The man walked up and, politely, knocked on the door to Cernis’ office.
Cernis panicked for a moment and stared at the man through the glass. Finally he managed to nod slightly, Ellory thankfully understanding this was a sign to enter.
“Sorry to bother you Sir,” Ellory started. Cernis’ nose twitched slightly at the use of “Sir” from such a pretty, innocent looking man. He tried to focus on what they were saying. “I’ve had a chance to really look into your situation here,” they continued. Ellory entered the room while speaking, and gently shut the door behind himself. “I think it’s really a lot more manageable than what was portrayed to me in my consultation with your partners.” The man walked forward and sunk gracefully into one of the two chairs opposite Cernis at his desk.
“I think it’s likely they felt overwhelmed by the current circumstances, but I’m confident in my ability to make this workspace more accessible, while keeping it true to the lived in feel you seem to be drawn to.” The man spoke smoothly, but in a confident knowledgeable way, not in the prim, self-righteous way Cernis had expected. He still didn’t like them though.
“I think” Cernis replied, a hint of mockery slipping out, “that the office is fine the way it is.” He folded his arms on his wide chest and leaned back. “And I also think, all this about ‘energies’ and ‘feelings’ is complete bullshit. If I hadn’t been threatened, you wouldn’t be here.” Cernis smiled inwardly, self satisfied with his little outburst.
Until, that is, Ellory burst out laughing. A beautiful, peeling bell sound, rolling over and around itself. Like a bubbling brook made of chimes. Cernis’ heart thudded hard in his chest. He was shocked. Both by his immediate reaction to the man’s laughter, but also that he felt anything at all.
Cernis was well past his prime. The years when an Incubus is mature and fertile. The time when their innate drive to breed becomes overwhelming, and all encompassing. He was many years past that foolishness, and he was content with his solitary life. He had no desire for romance, or partnership. He wasn’t sure if that was normal for an Incubus, but it had always been how he was.
Then again, he was only a half Incubus. Half sex demon, half Dragonborn. Luckily his Dragonborn genetics from his mother had been much stronger than the Incubus genetics from his long absent, deadbeat father. He had never known his father, and his mother had never known another Incubus. In fact, they were relatively rare in this realm. So Cernis had always struggled to find any literature or information on them. He had the basics, but as his heart thudded in his chest now, he wondered if maybe he had it wrong.
He thought firmly to himself.
I’m just over stressed, and this stupid man surprised me. That’s all it is.
Ellory recovered himself while Cernis had his private crisis. Wiping a tear from their eye, or at least pretending to, Ellory replied “Ah, Mr. Sulxan, I’m sorry for laughing. You just looked so precious with your big crossed arms and angry glare.” Cernis growled lowly, but the man seemed to either not notice, or not care.
Ellory clasped their hands in front of them. A wide smile was on their face. “If you’d like to end our contract early, by all means, I can just charge a consulting fee and the few hours of labour from today. I really think I can help you, but if you’re not ready to take this step, I understand. No hard feelings.” Ellory shrugged and looked expectantly at Cernis.
The large Dragonborn man narrowed his eyes at Ellory in a very reptilian way. “That’s it? I can just end this?” Cernis queried.
“Of course!” Ellory exclaimed. They turned to motion to their workers in the rest of the office still moving boxes around. “You say the word and they stop what they are doing.” He turns back to Cernis, a sly smile on their face. “I’m not the one who threatened you. I don’t think you’re the kind of man I’d want on my bad side.” The pretty man winked at Cernis and his heart thudded hard once again.
“Stop flirting with me.” Cernis sputtered out, eyes still narrowed and squinting. The other man smiled widely in response, a knowing twinkle in his eye.
“No,” Cernis responded after a long pause, and finally relaxed his face back to normal, “don’t stop.” He sighed. “Yet, at least.” Cernis couldn’t believe he was hearing his own words as he spoke. Two parts of him warred within. His desire to keep his hoard the way it was, and the desire to keep this man around. Ellory’s grin widened and Cernis glared at them. “Go away, and do” Cernis waggled his long fingers at the other workers “whatever it is you’re doing.”
Ellory nodded respectfully and stood up. He walked to the door of the little office and went to open it. “W-wait.” Cernis said, standing up behind his desk. Ellory turned to look back at the large Dragonborn, their eyes wide and curious. This time Cernis felt something other than his nose, or heart pulse. His head swam slightly. He didn’t know what was happening. He felt, almost intoxicated.
“Uh…” he ran a hand over his head and down the back of his neck, trying to think of something to say. “Sorry, uh, for being rude earlier. I just…” he trailed off.
“Don’t believe in feelings.” Ellory finished, matter of factually. “That’s ok, we will be working with eachother a lot over the next while. Hopefully I can convince you to believe.” Ellory winked again, a smirk on their lips as they opened the door and stepped out. They shut the door softly behind them, not looking at Cernis again.
Chapter 2! vvv
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mrgladstonegander · 2 months
How will the characters be portrayed in DT47 compared to DT87, and DT17?
to be honest i havent really watched enough of dt87 to say 😅im drawing more inspiration from dt17 + the comics
I do have some thought-out differences for some characters though! :)
I'd do more characters but I don't have everything set in stone completely yet .
these links have more up to date information : phantom and the sorceress / specter of the past , phantom blot/rorschach specter
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doodled this a while ago but scrooge / graham are different in terms of ... business practices. DT17!Scrooge is whitewashed (in the traditional sense) from the comics (dt87!scrooge moreso from what i know). but i personally think that scrooge's penny pinching debt collecting personality in the comics can still be fun (+creates conflict) but ALSO . personally. I don't really think it's good to say you can be the Richest Person Ever while still having good ethics. ESPECIALLY when said billionaire collects and takes artifacts from other cultures
Graham (dt47 scrooge) remembers debts extremely well, and always puts himself in situations where people would become indebted to him (even family). he takes contracts and small print very seriously. he also has the same issue of hoarding all his treasures in his house or money bin, and separates them by how useful they are to him (like, say, if there was a magical Papyrus that can be used to make contracts that Bind things... cough cough)
honestly i think that dt17!scrooge's aversion to magic felt slightly contradictory at times? considering how much he collects/uses them
i dont remember if it was ever said in the show, but while Graham likes adventuring, I don't think he does it just for the sake of adventure. He wants treasure, but he also wants to give the kids (dt47 donald/della/hdl/webby etc) an experience and let them travel because he remembers being poor and how many things he wasn't able to do. but with this mindset he doesn't recognize that it's his fault when they start getting bad coping mechanisms or tiring themselves out trying to keep up/impress him
but i think the most major difference between dt17 and dt47 is this; Scrooge built the Spear of Selene, and did everything he could to try and bring Della back. DT17's narrative, even with Last Crash, does not put the blame on him; he didn't really do anything wrong. but for dt47 i REALLY want to emphasize how many people Phoebe (Della)'s disappearance affected - and the lengths that Graham went to hide it. I made a chart a while ago that shows how Phoebe's disappearance affects people and Gyro/Beakley's equivalents (the ones with the red star) have specific gag orders that Do NOT allow them to say anything about it. The cousins (INCLUDING PERCY) only know that she disapearred, Oliver/Gladstone trusts Percy/Donald's judgement that it's Graham's fault, and Frankie tries to understand things from both sides with no avail. Graham forcing Archie to keep quiet about it does not go well at all, especially with how guilty Archie feels about building the rocket
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tldr; tries to make people owe him so that he always has leverage, uses magical artifacts to build his business, has bad coping mechanisms regarding his childhood (that lead to him being adventurous, untrusting, penny pinching etc), and he really sucks for how much he's burying what to phoebe. ALSO i forgot to mention but he doesn't really have a money bin in the traditional sense. I want to give him the world's most complete coin collection to make him seem slightly more insane in a different way.
. ok realizing that this is really long and you're asking how they're portrayed and not just the differences. heres some quicker comparisons
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(please read the strange case of dr jekyll and mr hyde)/ (the poor thing has anxiety because of valerie (beakley's) teachings)
this post is still consistent with what i have planned for team science + archie
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childotkw · 1 year
(omg sorry for the long post!!)
I have this fanfic idea in my head for years now and it is one of them i often fantasize about (yea i have many different ones. i just let them play in my head like a movie while staring into space or while listening to music) but anyway, sometimes harry is a boy but most time hes a girl version. He/she has this mad talent about getting in and out of any situation or place she needs to. He/she has this shady business where she steals for clients in exchange for money, or sometimes for pleasure because hes a bloody magpie and likes shiny things. The harder the mission the more she likes it (danger junky). I even imagined his/her apartments/hide-out place in great details (and the booby traps). Anyway, the ministry is under Voldemorts control, under guise as Minister Riddle. He gets involved in trying to trap her/him after she manages to sneak into his mansion (and skillfully avoids all the detection tools) and she robs his ring, escapes right under his nose too... (She has no clue that she robbed from a dark lord yet, that wasnt in her extensive research). That moment is when his obsession starts. She is already wanted by the ministry but he now gets involved. I have this scene where he lays a trap and she is in his grasp however she uses the ring as a bartering chip for her freedom (she thought she might have to use it when she realised a dark lord was after her). She placed it in a dangerous place surrounded by enemies, a place only she can sneak into but something goes wrong cos theres a rat in voldemorts inner circle and she gets caught. Before getting caught she manages to send the ring to him but he still decides to get her out of there and gets into full murder/war scene (he wanted to get rid of this group of enemies anyway). Shes pissed of. She could have gotten herself out even after the torture sessions, thank you very much. 😂 Anyway a fic full of (sexual or other) tension between the two, trying to get one over the other. A lot of wump, vulnerability, power play, childhood trauma, inner demons ect.. Theres so much more but ye, sorry, just felt like sharing and see where u go off on this haha, cos ur brain is super interesting and i never had the skill to write something even if i have so many ideas. Mind you, i tried starting on my own novel but im just not a writer, if something could just take it straight from my brain to paper, that would be awesome 😂😂😂 (futur AI?? Haha) xxx
(Imma borrow a concept from American Gods for this because it's too good not to!)
When Harry is four she finds a coin on the ground. It's gold, and shiny and to a little girl it's the prettiest thing she’s ever seen. So she picks it up and puts it in her pocket - and it's the best decision she ever made.
Because her pretty little trinket is, not that she knows it at that point, a leprechaun's coin. Imbued with pure luck, this little coin changes her life, and brings with it certain traits.
A need for mischief, the ability to come out of any situation on top, a love for all things shiny. And that combination, introduced to someone so young, well...it's only natural that Harry would grow a taste for thievery.
Years fly by and Harry, with her lucky coin held close, begins to gain a reputation as someone who can get in and out of impossible situations, in and out of impenetrable places, and collect valuable items. She can't help herself - it's almost an addiction, and no one is better than her.
Her current wanted poster - no image, because she's too lucky for that - is framed on the wall of her hideout.
Harry never turns down an interesting job, so when someone asks her to break into Minister Riddle's house and steal some documents, she agrees because why wouldn't she? Riddle's a dick of a politician, and Harry might not be heavily involved in the politics of her country but she gets a special kind of joy from fucking over assholes.
She breaks into his house, grabs the documents, and on her way out she sees a ring. It's gaudy, truly a hideous thing, but Harry wants it.
So she takes it.
How was she to know that that ring would be the thing that brings down the full attention of the Minister on her? How was she to know that her dickhead of a Minister was actually a fucking Dark Lord and petty as shit.
Harry likes a challenge but she likes living more - and something tells her that even with her lucky coin, she wouldn't come out of that fight unscathed.
And so begins their dance. Harry on the run, Riddle at her heels, back and forth, up and down, the two of them circling each other like cats.
Riddle's growing obsession with the person clever and quick enough to outmanoeuvre him.
Harry's addiction to adrenaline making her take more risks.
This is the most fun either of them have had in years.
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coyote-kiddo · 2 months
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i was re-tagging some of my old posts and found this, so i figured i'd re-do it!!! (all at once because i do NOT have the memory to do it over 30 days)
i found petdre first via the aesthetic "babycore", and then slowly got more and more into agedre!! i also found out a while later that i had been involuntarily age regressing for years and hadnt noticed
my age when im small is kinda hard to pinpoint, but i would say somewhere between 3-5 most of the time!!
i dont have one, and i dont plan on getting one until im an adult (for safety purposes), but i have a few fictional cgs!! (stolas, toriel, and alastor are my biggest ones :3)
hm, i would say a day with one of my fictional cgs!! getting to play with the toys ive been wanting, color and draw, wear clothes that feel comfortable on my body, use teethers, bottles, diaps and pacis and watch my favorite shows without being judged or being embarrassed abt it :3 plus a nice warm bubble bath, baba of warm almond milk and a lullaby before bed!!
i have loads of sippies, a few bottles, a few teethers, a paci and one disposable diap as of right now, but i really really want a babyyourdoll classic round paci!! and also pull ups, mostly js for comfort :33 i would also like more silicon teethers bc they feel nicer than gel/water teethers heheh
i pet dream occasionally, not as often as i used to but still occasionally!! i petdre to an afghan hound, a kitty, a fox, and im considering trying wolf pup, fruit/vampire bat and deer :3
when i age dream, im not too much different from when im big bc my headspace doesnt change as much- im just a bit more childish and less embarrassed about stuff!! regressed me is wayy different though bc my regression is almost always negative- im typically more emotional, childish, clingy, and annoying.
i prefer drawing!!! i like to color also but drawing just feels so freeing to me :3
my moots!!! too shy to tag but i love them sm /p /gen
regression is almost always invol for me because of anxiety and trauma, its also usually negative which is kinda sucky
not that i can remember, ive used regression gear in dreams before but never regressed
this one is kinda tricky- im gonna say probably either apple slice or salteens!! i also really love juice, chocolate, graham crackers and cheese and crackers :3
yes!! i never really grew out of them, even before i started to age dream ive collected them :3
just my stepmom and my dad, i dont really think they remember though
bubs, kiddo, buddy, and little guy are my favs!! masc nicknames are sooo gender affirming to me as a fem-presenting trans man :,3
my regression is usually negative and involuntary, but nothing usually makes me "instantly regress"- its kinda a coin flip- but something that makes me feel smaller when i age dream is fuzzy socks!!
nope 😭 even if im able to buckle down and have small time after ive been involuntarily regressed it just kinda fades away
its okay, i cant really speak on it much bc i have most people i dont feel comfortable with blocked and i dont have any other socials. though i do hate when people stereotype and gatekeep it, or water it down to "fem, pastel, cute way of coping for skinny white girls only"
not a lot, but if i stumble upon one in the tags i might read it :3c
yeah, but i dont really feel comfortable being tickled
stolas goetia from helluva boss!!!! he is literally my dada guys /silly
my preference changes constantly, but it would definitely have a crib that can be converted into a toddler/big kid bed w a canopy and mobile, a sensory tent, a bouncer, a play area and a deer rocker!!!
not really, it makes it harder for me to stay small sometimes
i regress because of trauma and anxiety, i age dream as a coping mechanism for stress, gender dysphoria and missing out on my childhood :3
i almost always have to be listening to music when small, regressed or age dreaming, and my music taste jus kinda stays the same
just boundaries i set for myself- dont intentionally seek out my triggers, dont stay up too late, eat when im hungry, etc
when i regress, i get very very clingy and sad and scared, so i come off as very needy and kinda annoying (+ blunt because i kinda forget how social rules work), when i age dream im basically the same as when im big, just gigglier and more childish
maybe!! i havent tried out caregiving before but i would like to!!
im in the process of learning italian, so i sometimes watch kids' shows in italian to help practice and to make myself feel smaller!!
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gendrie · 1 year
just for fun i was considering what arya’s story might look like in twow by chapter. my current estimate for her count is 6......ish. more arya twow chapters have been referenced over the years than any other character [x] not just by grrm but by jonathan roberts too. he received “a set” of arya chapters from twow way back in 2012 to create the map of braavos. grrm has mentioned writing arya material several times since. i think she could very possibly get more than 6 but i doubt any less. arya has the 3rd most chapters of any character in the entire series. she will get a decent amount of chapters in this book. quite frankly, 6 is a modest estimate, but i think its a decent place to start speculation. for reference her current pov count is: agot - 5, acok - 10, asos - 13 (the most in the book), affc - 3, adwd - 2 for a total of 33 published chapters
couple other notes i think are relevant to arya’s upcoming plot:
mercy was originally supposed to be arya’s first chapter after the five year gap [x] which was intended as a means of skipping over the training arcs of characters like arya and bran. so the appearance of mercy should signify that this phase of her arc is wrapping up. its time for serious plot development. if grrm ever wants to finish this series in 7 books than these characters have got to move in the direction of the endgame.
grrm has confirmed an arya/gendry reunion and that nymeria’s wolf pack will be utilized. both of these confirmations strongly suggest a return to the riverlands for arya. i think by the end of twow. grrm has also been adamant over the years that lady stoneheart will play an important role. if arya’s returning to the riverlands i think a meeting between her and stoneheart is likely (necessary?) all the more so considering how crucial arya was to catelyn being resurrected in the first place. it really fits his to go forward you must go back theme too. theres a lot of unresolved threads for arya in that location. but first she’s got to settle thing in braavos. so we begin there:
1. [mercy] arya, as mercy, awakens from a wolf dream where "a tree” (bran) is watching and calling out of her true name. this chapter focuses on arya’s apprenticeship with the mummers. she is honing her acting/lying ability by playing different roles. it’s implied arya also has a mission to complete while there. she carries on her possession 1. a deadly weapon 2. a key 3. coins - none of which belong to mercy. arya was always supposed to kill one of the envoy’s guards. when she sees raff the sweetling she thinks “the gods have given me a gift” she lures raff away under the pretense of sex and kills him; effectively framing him for mercy’s murder. this will “make trouble” (sabotage) for harys swyft and the sealord. arya acknowledges this fact before running back to the playhouse to finish out the last night of her apprenticeship. 
2. [unknown alias] i think her next chapter will be an apprenticeship with bellegere otherys as many have speculated over the years. bellegere has appeared several times in arya’s storyline so it has to lead somewhere. the courtesan was last seen escorting harys swyft to 'the bloody hand’ at the gate. this will give arya an opportunity to learn how to craft a charming, sophisticated persona in a more affluent environment. in the company of this very beautiful and influential woman arya will become a maiden. we will see the fallout for arya’s frame up job too. harys swyft will be denied by the bank sealing the lannisters downfall. the sealord choosing will heat up (tbh im still not sure where this subplot is going)
3. [unknown alias] i think we could see one last apprenticeship in the iron bank itself. another widely speculated point is jeyne p. arriving in braavos (due to jon being dead) with justin massey who is going there to collect stannis baratheon’s coin from the iron bank. (and none for harys swyft!) he intends to hire sellswords for the campaign in the north (set up in theon i twow) i think arya gets inside the sealord’s palace (with a new sealord?) - a likely host for a noble guest. whether as part the ongoing mission with the FM or by her own desire to get close to “arya stark” arya learns of many things happening in westeros (jon’s murder, her own stolen identity by her enemies, the abuse jeyne suffered, and generally how poorly things are going in the north - her home) which will motivate her to leave. 
4. [arya?] we gotta see the uncloaking at some point and theres no doubt in my mind it will coincide with arya reclaiming her identity. grrm laid it on thick with the symbolism. this event is to celebrate the anniversary of braavos revealing itself to the world after over a century of hiding. the braavosi party for ten days until on the last at midnight when all the revelers remove their masks; identity, revelations, new beginnings, ect. arya extracts herself from the FM, retrieves needle and leaves braavos. 
(a lot will go down with arya and the faceless men. theres lore to be revealed that will have a big effect on the plot. i am not convinced that the FM are a true neutral entity. they have an agenda. that will also be explored in samwell’s storyline since he was, unknowingly, introduced to a faceless man at the citadel. so arya doesn’t have to bear that alone. i think 4 chapters is enough to wrap up braavos for her.) 
5. [arya] arya returns to westeros. i think she might be shooting for the north, as usual, probably with the intention of killing some mutineers and/or boltons but will get diverted to the riverlands where she will land at the saltpans. she ends up at the inn at the crossroads again where gendry has been conveniently posted. this is the last place arya was seen in westeros and has become a refugee for orphans. gendry is a follower of lady stoneheart so he will inform arya of what has happened to her mother. this will derail whatever arya had planned. she will go to lady stoneheart. 
6. [arya] riverrun will probably be under the brotherhood’s control after trw 2.0. its one of the places arya tried to reach, her mothers childhood home, and the place where robb was crowned. it feels like an appropriate place for the meeting of lady stoneheart and arya. i expect this will be a very cathartic event. stoneheart’s role ends here and arya assumes leadership of the brotherhood. arya is a potential heir to robb so his former allies in the riverlands and their current allegiance is an interesting thing to consider. and, of course, theres nymeria. i think arya will be reunited with her wolf by the end of this book. 
i will admit this is VERY simplistic (and VERY self indulgent) but i do think these are some plot points for arya that could appear in twow. this is definitely a very direct line between arya in essos and westeros which may not play out so neatly in the actual book. i know there are a lot of theories about her going to another one of the free cities. i’ve always thought there was a real possibility that arya would return to westeros in the company of dany too. if arya does go on a major detour i could see a couple more chapters for her as well as her appearing in other povs. lately, grrm has been saying that a lot of storylines are intersecting, but we won’t know anything for certain until the book is published. 
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