#allowed to use more colour...i'm allowed to make things bright and pretty...i can !! AND there's a dark mode toggle too
arklay · 2 years
i did it besties...i made the drastic change...now i go eepy
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stagefoureddiediaz · 6 months
Costume Meta 7x04
How we all doing?? have we managed to find some semblance of equilibrium in this new world where we have canon bi buck?? I’m not sure I’ll ever know how to exist in this world but that’s fine with me! I’m still here writing my silly costume metas and having a blast in this bright new world!
No Hen this week as we never see her out of uniform!
The rest is below the cut because you would all hate me if i clogged your feeds with this beast (shes 7k)- you have been warned!!
Actually going to start this week with a uniform out of work section!
Because three times in this episode, we had one of the firefam wearing an element of their uniform out of work and its actually pretty key!
We have Bobby in his LAFD polo when he informs Athena that Harry is wanted for assault and he fled the state.
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Then we have Chim at the basketball game in his LAFD hoodie
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And finally Buck at the airfield on his tour with Tommy.
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All three are playing into the idea of protecting ones self by being in an official capacity in some way. Firefighters (like all first responders) are of course there to 'protect and serve' the community.
Bobby delivers the news to Athena about Harry - he's in uniform because he can inhabit a small aspect of his captain mentality - makes it easier to deliver the news and also gives him the distance to play the 'don't shoot the messenger' card if necessary.
Chimney has to step into paramedic mode at the end of the scene. The LAFD hoodie separates him from everyone else at the court and foreshadows that he will have to 'go to work' its also about chimney being there as the colleague not the almost brother in-law of Buck. An important distinction - it protects Chim from being seen to favour anyone (specifically from Buck. (Buck is angry and not being rational so Chimney has protection from Bucks potential anger for helping Eddie - Buck is already feeling awful by that point so the protection isn't needed but it provides cover if it were) and allows him to go into first responder mode. (this is so badly worded but I'm sure you get what I mean!!)
Buck is at the airfield under the guise of wanting to find out more about becoming an air support firefighter - its the cover under which he is operating to try and befriend Tommy. The jacket also provides him protection from Eddie when he shows up and finds out Buck is not coming to Vegas with him and Tommy.
Just the one costume for Bobby this week - a maroon tee that her's wearing to sleep in. we see him in this colour a lot - its a bit of a staple colour for him and I've spoken a lot about maroon tees and shirts representing parental roles in relation to the various children of the 118. Its no different here -we can see from Bobbys face he isn't buying what Harry is saying and the parental concern we see evidenced here plays out with him calling Michael and finding out what is really going on.
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Athena wears a lot of black this week, which is fairly typical from her, although we are in a much more overall muted palette than usual and its missing the jewel tones we're used to seeing her increasingly wear. its a bit of a signal of returning to normality now they're back from the cruise disaster.
She starts off in black and pink pyjamas but I'm going to talk about those at the end in the pink section so we're skipping ahead to this ruffle smocked cream blouse and her gorgons head necklace is back. the ruffling is an nod to her feathers being ruffled when Bobby tells her about Harry and his arrest warrant, and the white with the black trousers is about things being black and white - for Athena as a cop things do tend to be black and white when it comes to the law - of course Athena has always been one to work within the law to bend the rules but in this moment things are black and white.
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Then we have her all in black with a red longline cardigan which has a open weave that give the appearance of mesh or a cage. The show has been using Red since day one which makes sense as it is a first responder show and you literally cannot escape it when the fire trucks are red! But they have always been pretty careful about when they use bright red in the costuming meaning its appearance with such regularity this season so far is pretty telling. Its an advance warning of incoming danger/trouble/strife, but it is rarely worn by the one who is directly in danger - they will be involved, but not the centre of it. The best example of this is Bucks bright red broadcloth shirt when Christopher calls him because Eddie is smashing up his bedroom.
Here we have it on Athena in the scene when things are about to properly kick into action with Harrys story. Athena is literally a red net about to ensnare Harry. its the one time in this episode we see Athena in a bold bright colour - something that generally is attached to her being happy or having fun, but not here.
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The denim sleeveless shirt/jacket when Athena goes to the hospital to visit the lady who shot her son (does she have a name - I cant remember!) and later to talk to Harry about the reality of his altercation, is quite bulky and blocky. It's far less fitted, structured or flowy that we are used to seeing on Athena. To me this is about playing into her struggles to tread the line between mother and cop - that neither role fits right. That denim is also a fabric associated with labour, it suggests Athena is working hard to figure it out.
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Then we get this all black outfit when she takes Harry to the station - it is such a simple yet effective bit of costuming, especially with the silver zips and buckles- it blends her in with the police officers in the station so she can hover the line between mom and cop - and makes it look like an arresting officer bringing in a suspect.
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New Harry comes with a new style!!
I actually can't wait to see how they dress him over the rest of the season because there was a definite colour theme at play here this week with all the beiges, greens and redish browns which is very not how younger Harry dressed (he was much more bright colours).
Not going to lie - my hatred for the copaganda and the fact I've been in Bi Buck land since the episode aired has made it hard to focus on Harrys outfits in greater detail, but I do have a few thoughts!
This first shirt is a map print, maps denote journey's andHarry is on a literal and metophorical journey - the literal being the one he made form Florida to LA. The metaphorical one is all about his journey to become a man, and learning to take responsibility for his actions, so this shirt is essentially setting out his arc for the season - Makes me feel like the storylines with harry we're going to see are going to be about the community service he has to undertake and him figuring things out and growing up a bit in relation to that.
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Then next up we have this cream hoodie with an brownish beige pocket. the thing I found interesting about this choice was the fact that Harry played himself off as innocent. lawyers usually instruct their clients to wear white shirts to court, and to avoid loud patterns. The white is because i suggests purity or innocence, and the loud patterns should be avoided because it suggests you're trying to employ subterfuge (that you're lying). So Harry wearing a block of cream is a play on this idea. We see him in the map shirt before - when he is employing subterfuge about his reasons for visiting, and now this cream is him trying to suggest his innocence to his mother - the use of cream rather than white is telling us that he isn't as innocent as he is making out!
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Finally we have check theory (my most beloved) in play. harry returns to wearing patterns - this one check and in greens and browns. there is an element of military to the green shades, its a coloour we've seen used on Eddie to show his military background, but it is also a colour frequently worn by Athena - usually when she is fighting for her family in some way. Here it feels like a refelction of that, with the added aspect of green being a colour of growth. Harry shows contrition and is willing to take his punishement, showing his growth, but also showing his understanding of fighting for his family - and Athenas willingness to do the same. its showing us tht he is his mothers son. And of course the check is the pointer towards the fact he is in trouble - that his earlier protestations of innocence were false!
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Then we move on the he Buckley-Hans
Only the one for Chimney this week, it's a very short scene where he is completely oblivious to the tone of the conversation. He's dressed completely in greys and is by all accounts neutrally costumed. this is intentional - he's not the focus of this scene and when we think that so much of this episode is shown from Bucks pov, the use of neutral grey makes sense - Buck is projecting on to chimney in this scene. Buck himself is speaking his jealousy and fear, while what Chimney says is actually the little voice inside his head that isn't in fact jealous of Tommy, but is impressed by him
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Again only two costumes for Maddie this week and one of them is her dispatch outfit, but I'm including it because of its place with a mini colour theme for this episode, which both of her outfits play into.
I spoke about the use of red in Athenas section and its representing danger, and it is in play for both of Maddie's outfits, the wearer changes though. In the first scene, Maddie is in blue - dark blue. a tee with 'The Great School' and bobcat logo on the front. I love this, the bobcat is a symbol of inner strength and resilience in the face of adversity, while Maddie is a great source of learning for Buck - he essentially raised him and has been a sounding board for him since she returned to his life. Maddie is the next level wise older sister, her point of view is important to Buck and is grounding for him. She had got him to back down from his spiral over Eddie and Chris, until Chimney came in (and like I said above, that was Bucks inner voice, not really Chimney)
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Then we have her dispatch uniform and its red. This is a clever play actually, it allows the costume team to put Maddie into red, a colour we don't really see on her outside of work (a deliberate choice as it helps distinguish work from non work to the audience). Just like Buck was the angry one in the other Buckley siblings scene, her Maddie is the one who is angry (with good reason) and we again get Buck recieving education at he hands of Maddie - in her place of work where she is a lifeline to people and where she holds authority. Buck needed her in a lifeline capacity in this moment and he got it, despite her anger. She gave him the advice and help he needed.
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Eddie my man looking suave and confident - this Eddie is Bucks version of Eddie so of course he looks cool, well dressed and in a green and black combo. In nearly every scene where Eddie nad Buck have a deep meaningful conversation - one that gets through to Buck on a higher level - that works on Bucks abandonment complex, Eddie is dressed in a black shirt and khaki green trousers (the only exception is the will reveal when he's in navy blue but that is to play in the yellow blue colour theming and its a close to black as they could have a blue!), this outfit is an inverse though, which is actually really clever. Eddie (Bucks version) here is playing into Bucks fear of abandonment - Bucks version of Eddie has spent so long building him up and chipping away at that fear that to invert that colour theme and have green on top and black trousers is a fun way of inverting that chipping away at Bucks fear - this is putting another brick in that abandonment wall
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The black tank top!! Its back and everybody cheered! Ok so I wrote this meta about when the show puts Eddie into a black tank top and how it means he's in an emotionally vulnerable place and once more, the theory plays out. Obviously Eddie gets physically injured, but his face when he looks at Buck after he's gone down shows him emotionally vulnerable. Yes there is a little bit of anger and a lot of pain in the look he gives him, but there is also understanding and a little guilt too.
It's the moment Eddie realises that he has unintentionally sidelined his best friend, and the effect that has had on Buck and his abandonment issues. This is Eddie showing his truly deep understanding of Buck and how Buck ticks (and because this is also from Bucks pov, its also showing us Buck understanding that Eddie understands how Buck ticks) we get all of this proven when Tommy comes over to Bucks later and clearly states that Eddie is feeling bad about the whole situation.
It is also worth noting that When Buck has seen Eddie at the gym or being sporty in some way Eddie has either been in uniform or in a black singlet and that he always looks super competent (even if he is working through things when he is in the black singlet). From my perspective, this is an interesting choice to play into because it suggests Buck recognises Eddies emotional maturity over him, even when he's not in a great place (we can discount fight club Eddie becasue Buck didn't actually see him there), its clearly something Buck admires and places as central to how he sees Eddie.
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Tommys costuming is chefs kiss perfection to me. The wardrobe department have literally dressed him as Eddie and I am living for it.
Its a way to emphasise that Tommy and Eddie are super similar. this serves two purposes - it builds a visual connection for the audience - we don't need to be shown Tommy in the army or fighting/ training in Muay Thai etc, we can mentally make a connection to the ones we've seen of Eddies in the past and accept the information as fact. obviously not all people who join the army or undertake MMA are going to dress the same, but this is television where visual information is valuable real estate, so playing into tropes and stereotypes is a key piece of arsenal.
The other thing about it is the specific Eddies its calling back to - fight club Eddie and to a lesser extent, post breakdown Eddie when he's back in therapy and unrepressing himself.
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Tommys basketball outfit is really about making him stand out from everyone else - it makes him seem to appear more because the blue shorts and the light coloured top will catch your eye, even if he's not the focus of the camera at that moment. This is all about the fact that this is Bucks perspective on things - he is seeing Tommy everywhere and feeling like he's taking over/ taking away Eddie and so we the audience feel that same thing in a visual way. The thing the blue shorts do is visually connect Tommy to buck in the next scene we see Buck in - when he is talking to Maddie at dispatch - the blues are similar enough for us to subconsciously connect back to that scene and link Buck and Tommy together rather than Buck to Eddie - who Buck is dressed more similarly too in the basketball scene.
It doesn't hurt that the blue shorts also play into yellow blue theory - especially against the sunsets yellow hues in a scene that is playing homage to a famously queer coded scene from Top gun.
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Then there is this outfit from Bucks loft. again is very similar to an Eddie outfit - its the same style of shirt we often see Eddie wearing especially in seasons 4 and 5.
Tommys jeans have always been reminiscent of Eddies Jeans (I mean I know they are jeans, but I promise the significance will become clear when I get to Buck!)
Even Tommys watch is similar to Eddies Christopher watch (every other watch in the show worn by the men is all black - black strap black face and mount only the Christopher watch is different) in that it has a different coloured strap to the watch face and its mount.
The other thing I want to mention quick, is the progression of Tommys costumes in relation to them being similar to Eddies. By this I mean the first non uniform costume we see Tommy in is very stage 2 Eddie, while the one below is very much more stage 3 Eddie.
I also really like the use of a purple/red/black shot tee for this scene as well. If you watch the scene through, the way its lit changes its colour as different sections of the scene unfold. The red tones are there early on, during the apology and conversation around Eddie being allowed to have more than one friend and Christophers adoration of Buck. it gives it that air of danger lurking, because Tommy isn't sure how things are going to play out. and plays into the red/blue theme we saw with Buck and Maddie in this episode - just on a much lower level.
Then it turns this purplish shade as we move into the initial stages of flirting - from the moment Buck moves around the counter to put himself in the same space as Tommy. It gives things an air of mystery, but purple can also be a colour of enlightenment - both elements are in play here and I love they were able to do this with this shirt.
The shirt turns black at the moment Tommy says 'my attention' - the moment he essentially hold all the cards on making a move - he is the one with the power here (as the already queer person in the room) and black is a power colour, so its the perfect choice for the moment he makes his move.
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Buck my beloved bi disaster. His costumes were doing some pretty impressive storytelling this episode!
We start off at the air field - I spoke at the start about this LAFD jacket and the theme of protection, but I also have other things to say about it and the rest of the costume. We don't generally see Buck out of work wearing uniform (we actually don't see many of the firefam in uniform out of work tbh) so when we do its going to have meaning. T
he thing with the bomber jacket being the choice (they could've made it a hoodie which we've seen him wear out of work more!) is that on one level plays into its name and the fact that its being worn at an airfield, while on another level it low key plays into the Buck cheating arc. which is actually fun - the idea that he's 'cheating' on the 118 by claiming he's thinking about his career options and also cheating on Eddie by trying to befriend Tommy (because at this point that is all it is its only once Eddie appears that things change).
The trousers are also important. I know I've said before about how trousers are less important than tops because they are less likely to get screen time. We not here - here they are really important, but only with the context of the rest of the episode.
These are the short in the leg dark trousers we've come to know and love on Buck - he's been solidly wearing them since season 2 and what we have seen him wearing so far in season 7 so no surprises to see them here. But this is the last time we see them and its super important and telling.
We also have Bucks white trainers - the ones that he wears when he moves forward on his journey - we see him in them the entire time this episode.
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Buck and Maddie this episode have a red v blue thing going on in their scenes together. In this one Buck is in red and Maddie in blue. I spoke about the red for danger theme they seem to be using this season for the red clothes above in Athenas section and it applies here - Buck in red is foreshadowing the danger/strife that the basketball game presents as that is what he is talking about and what he is most upset about over Tommy and Eddies friendship.
It's a slightly burnt out red in comparison to Bobbys red shirt from the cruise, Athenas red cardigan, or even the red he wore when Eddie had his breakdown. Its not a full high alert colour, its a more muted and restrained colour - suggesting the danger is going to be less of a big thing, that it's just a part of it rather than the main big thing
We can also see that Buck is now wearing more traditional stonewash jeans - this is the first time we're seeing them on him since Eddies arrival at the fire house. I'll explain them in more detail in Bucks last outfit of the episode, but I needed to point their presence out here.
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Basketball Buck in his white shirt and dark blue marl cut off tee - its very Buck posturing at the firehouse gym and its meant to be. Its a direct reference to the last time Buck showed any jealousy towards Eddie. The shorts are different this time in that they're white/light grey rather than black, but I think this is done for two reasons - it creates a pairing with Eddie - they are dressed similarly with dark tops and lighter grey shorts, but on opposite teams/sides.
It also makes him stand out from everyone else at the game - excepting Tommy (and a random guy in a red top with white shorts that I'm living for. When Red = foreshadowing as I've talked about above, this guys actions on the court are precursors of what is about to happen - we see him bump into Tommy - a couple of moments later and Buck does the same thing, then just before Eddie gets taken out by Buck, he gets breezed past by Eddie stumbles and starts limping. Its fun and clever and not something many people will pick up on - its a bit like the role of the bullet in Hamilton!)
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Bucks bright blue chunky corduroy shirt with white tee underneath. I already spoke about the visual connection between Tommy from the basketball game and this shirt. It also fits into the red and blue theme I spoke about above - this time Buck is the one in blue and with the combination of Buck in his danger incoming white shirt and Maddie being in red it signals exactly what this scene is going to be about.
The danger, in my opinion, is Maddies wrath at Buck getting physical with Eddie. Its a perfectly valid and important response from her and plays into the growth we get from Buck in this episode that is not connected to his bi awakening - the recognition and acceptance of his bad behaviour in a far more mature way than we saw from s3 Buck.
The chunky corduroy give the shirt vertical stripes and we all know how I feel about Buck and vertical stripes at this point - I wrote about them a lot in my seasons 5 and 6 metas and the blue and white nature of bucks outfit plays into the theming that was at play in early season 6 - where Buck was free from Taylor and resisting buying a couch because he was looking for the right couch etc. (and playing house husband to Eddie nad feeding them!!!)
Here in this episode we kind of have Buck going through a similar process - free from the shackles of death and trying to figure things out - who he is and what he wants, he's still on that hamster wheel in many ways at this point in the episode but he is about to jump off it.
This is the key to happiness and Lev's advice and the year of yes scene 2.0 - the same shade of blue are at play here. Lev figuring it out ('I get it now') just as he's dying and Buck then trying to figure out what Lev had figured out and essentially failing before he died only to now get it and free himself is a blue thread we've been following through season 6 up to bucks death, then the use of this shade of blue in Bucks costumes tailed off - we saw it reappear a couple of times after the lightening strike - specifically around Natalia and his continues flirtation with death - almost like his hovering around death was him trying to grasp what Lev had figured out.
Then the blue had been gone again only for it to reappear here in this episode in a scene that precedes Bucks bi awakening and his comments about being free and 'yeah that works' with their double meanings that play in the same way as lev's 'I think i get it now' just without death coming immediately after. It's a scene when he starts to get an inkling on what his jealousy is actually about. (The fact we know he's going to be back in this bright blue in the next episode in a scene with Eddie - that is very likely a coming out scene also plays into this idea.)
And the stone wash jeans are once more there for all to see!
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Then we get this dark navy blue shirt with silvery white dots and yet again those stone wash jeans.
Ok lets talk about the jeans! The fact that we haven't seen Buck wearing stone wash jeans, which if you watch the opening couple of seconds of the dispatch scene, you will see are proper normal length on him and not ankle swingers like we've got used to seeing him in for the last few seasons!
The thing with him suddenly wearing these stonewash jeans is all about imitation - imitation of Tommy (and by extension, imitation of Eddie even though we don't see Eddie in stonewash denim in this episode) because you know that old adage of dressing like the person you want to be , or the idea that you subconsciously start dressing like the person you have a crush one?? Well yeah - Buck has all these new feelings that he doesn't know what to do with, but Tommy is cool and Tommy dresses like Eddie and Eddie seems to like Tommy better than Buck now so maybe if Buck starts dressing a bit like Tommy he'lI get Eddies attention back. So he's pulled out the stone wash jeans so that he's dressed a bit more like Tommy, but he's also dressing a bit like his crush that he doesn't yet realise is a crush.
The other small thing that I think is a nice nod - So Like I said earlier, the last time we see the jeans is in 2x01 - Eddies introduction to the firehouse. This is the moment (on screen at least for us as viewers) that Buck ceases to be the probie - that baton is passed to Eddie, so its almost like a symbol of him graduating and maturing in some way. then we get the jeans back for Bucks bi awakening - we see them the entire time he's navigating all these new feelings he has - he's never been with a man, so he's like a probie again.
The thing is, that the jeans appear to be gone for his date with Tommy (makes sense - he's on a date so he's got to look good for his man!) , and from what I can tell from the (super dark even when brightened) stills from the Buck Eddie loft scene, it would appear they are gone for that scene too. We've had bts of Oliver in the jeans again, so I don't think they're gone completely, but that makes sense, he's still a baby queer after all, still navigating his way through things.
On to the shirt! I wrote a whole meta about this shirt (and the jeans actually!) when we first got this still - you can read it here and I'm still a little awestruck at how close to the mark I got!
What I want to add to what I said, now I have context is that the two previous times we've seen blue shirts with dots are played upon in this scene - the lawsuit is the obvious one and the parallel is showing Bucks growth - he got jealous and worried about being replaced and ended up lashing out and suing everyone, now he got jealous and thought he was being replaced, but as soon as he lashes out, he realises he is in the wrong and verbally acknowledges it.
The diner with Maddie scene is a bit more tricky to parse out, but for me, it ties to Doug - Maddie is quick to call Buck out when he confesses to Eddies injury not being an accident, because of her experiences at the hands of Doug. In the diner scene she is determined to go back to her apartment and her life in the aftermath of killing him - she wants life to go back to normal. In the loft scene Buck is trying to achieve that end too - he's in a new world where Tommy exists as part of his life now (as Eddies friend initially) and he wants to clear the air and move forward - so he's still a part of Eddies life.
I also want to talk about the contrast between this scene and the one where Taylor turns up at his door after the shooting and the difference between being chased and doing the chasing. Its spots v stripes!
Buck is in a similar shirt - short sleeved button up in a dark shade (black) - this one with vertical stripes for the Taylor scene and he thinks he's being chased for the first (ish) time (Abby sort of chased him but he is the one who pushed for it to be a relationship when I think she just wanted a bit of fun and a hook up! so I'm not sure if it actually counts or not). Thing is Taylor only chases him after they've already kissed and when he's then made it clear thats what needs to happen. (as an aside - Natalia does pursue Buck - not romantically, but because he has died - and she is the one wearing vertical stripes
While in this scene he doesn't have to say anything, yes he flirts, but he isn't explicit about what hewants - Tommy is the one who makes the decision to go for it, and so when he genuinely gets pursued, he is wearing dots
Chased verse's doing the chasing - dots v stripes
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Then we have the Pink.
Pink is back in full force in 7x04 with it popping up regularly throughout the episode.
I didn't include Athenas pink dressing gown or Bucks pink shorts in their sections because I actually wanted to talk about them here. The context the scenes they were in gave me the information I needed to figure out what I think the purpose of all the pink we've been seeing is.
Lets start with a quick recap of all the pink from the 3 previous episodes then we'll look at the pink from this episode as well as the fact I've already spotted some for 7x05 from the trailer
Athena's pale pink top in therapy with Frank
Sue at dispatch in a pink cardigan
Christophers pencil is pink when he's sat at his desk - when he reads the letter from Shannon
Marisol in her bright pink strappy top
Lola's Manzanillo outfit is bright pink and white
Norman has pink flowers on his Hawaiian shirt and he later wears a bright pink polo shirt when he's pretending Lola is still with him.
the woman who is teaching her daughter to drive
the pink roses on Hen's jacket (which I know I said play into the theme of family bonds etc but the pink has a second meaning)
The cruise ship family nearly all wear pink at various points (grandma and mom are the exceptions)
and now 7x04
We have Ashley C in hot pink at the Bachelor mansion
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Athena in her dusty pink ddressing gown (and pyjama pants
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The woman who shot her son is in pink
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And then there are Bucks pink shorts!
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All of these scenes with the pink are scenes about either naivety and or innocence
The pink on Athena is about her being naive about her relationship with Bobby - not recognising that she is nothing to fear about them spending time together.
Sues pink cardigan. Sue's line is about the civilians at risk from the fighter jet - she is representing their innocence
Christophers pink pencil - in that scene his behaviour might be naive (he's a child so of course it is) but it comes from a place of complicated feelings as he does begin to mature - he was the innocent party in the loss of Shannon and he is the one left to suffer.
Lola is naive on the ship about having an affair and thinking she could get away with it and that it wouldn't hurt Norman. She’s also innocent in the plot regarding the bitcoin (or whatever it was)
Norman is also both naive and innocent - not recognising the fact his wife is cheating, for selling up their entire life and he is innocent in the bitcoin plot.
The mother and daughter were innocent in the car crash.
the pink flowers on Hens jacket hint at her being innocent of any wrong doing (from a departmental perspective) at the car accident.
The cruise family are innocent - just in the wrong place at rhetorical wrong time and they are a representation of all the innocent people on the boat who end up in danger on that ship.
I think the Marisol top is an interesting one - it plays into Chris being naïve thinking he can date multiple girls without them finding out. But I also think it’s foreshadowing her naivety in general - I think we might either see her immaturity in some way (perhaps on a date with Eddie) which will prove terminal for her relationship with Eddie. Now we know about this date scene coming up this is possible but it could also end up being about the fact that she is likely going to be an innocent party caught in the crossfire of Eddie unrepressing himself (much in the same way Ana was back in s4/5.
Ashely C's pink dress is a representation of the innocence of trying to find love.
Athena's pink dressing gown is about her innocently and blindly/ naively being excited about Harrys return home to her.
The lady who shot her son is innocent in that her actions were brought about by something out of her control and so she can't truly be held responsible for them.
Then Bucks pink shorts are about his queer innocence and naivety about his feelings the fact that we see them in a scene where Tommy isn’t present, a scene that is meant to inform the audience that his behaviours is all about Eddie and not Tommy - that he’s naively not grasping that part of this internal confusion that he's experiencing.
To add to all of this, we have Marisol carrying a pink bag in the teaser for next week, to me if pink theory is correct then this is playing into the idea that Marisol is naively dating Eddie and that she's going to be an innocent caught up in whatever goes down in that scene (part of this arc) the use of lighter pink here specifically on a handbag is giving me babyish vibes as well (its screaming little girl playing at dress up!). As a quick aside - I am very amused that shes been dressed in a basic black top - she looks like wait staff!
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And of course there is Eddies pink ensemble that is connected to either Chims bachelor party or the Madney Wedding. I have no idea what is going to happen in this scene(s) but whatever does go down - place your bets on Eddie being innocent (and or naive!) in whatever goes on - itll be fun to see if I'm right! 🤓
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Right 7k later and that is me done for this meta!!! I am handing out the tea, coffee, cake and biscuits (all dietary requirements catered for!)🫖☕️🧁🍩🍪- you've earnt them if you've made it to the end of this monster! Hope you enjoyed reading. i'm off to revel in Bi Buck some more - I can't believe its happened I'm overcome!!! 🩷💜💙
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Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee
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Part 1 of the many more rewrites to come, This will allow me to make them the very best that they can be. Word count:1.5K
It's official !! You walked out of the DMV as proud as you can, you had officially gotten your license to drive. Your dad was super duper proud of you. He knew you would ace it after a few goes. Soon the day after your 16th birthday, he kept a deal with you, If you managed to get good grades before the summer started. He would help you get your first car.
You made it to the used car dealership. God, there are so many options to choose from. What do you pick first?
"Hello welcome to mirage automotives !!" The dealer greeted you and your dad.
"Hi, What would be the best starter car for a kiddo that had just gotten their license ??" He smirked at you playfully.
"Dad" You grumbled, turning slight pink.
"That's perfect. We do have some very good Toyota Corolla's..." The dealer tried to sweeten the deal.
But they didn't quite scream take me home, They were all pretty av. But as you walked by, you came across a bright yellow colour. It pierced the side of your eye. Looking over your eyes were in a little state of wonder, A 1977 Chevrolet Camaro.
You went over and got a proper look on the inside, this was almost practically in mint condition, How long has it been in here ??
Your dad saw you and slightly grimaced, he would know these types of cars would be super expensive.
"Y/n ?? You sure you don't want to look at some of the Ford's ??"
"Could we take a look at this ??" You looked up at him with soft pleading eyes.
"You sure ?? I know you kids want cool cars but... Don't you want something sturdy ??"
"I know But it's just a look"
So he let you do your own thing, Wow the being inside the car was even better than the outside. Oh this was talking your language.
The dealer saw you two and strutted over. "She's a beaut ain't it ??"
"She is" You smiled
"Tell you what, cause you gotten your license, $2000" He offered.
You looked at the dealer and your dad, Please !!!!!!
Your dad could only chuckle, oh alright, for his kiddo.
Once the paperwork was all sorted, he happily handed you the keys and you were officially on your way.
"Thank you Dad... thank you so much !!" You had a beaming smile.
"You better not ding this car up" He playfully chuckled and ruffled your head.
"I won't"
You soon began the drive out of the parking lot, making your way back home. The drive was as smooth as butter. You then reached over and tried to turn on the radio, but it started to act strange... it whirred and scratched, jumping stations.
"Weird" You turned it off.
"If that guy ripped me off..." Your dad frowned slightly.
"I'm sure he didn't, It might just need to be upgraded. Besides the car works is what matters the most" You smiled, trying to reassure him.
He smiled a little. "You're right, it is, thank goodness for that"
And so over the summer, you began to perform various upgrades and much-needed maintenance to the car. It was honestly so much fun. Your whole summer was practically this car, and soon you put the final piece to the puzzle. A brand new radio, hopefully, it'll work... But even when school finally started, you were puzzled by the radio still scratching and whirring all over the place. Not only that, new problems started to arise, The pedals would sometimes not work, gears would change, and even the speedometer was all over the place.
So before school, you took it back to the dealership to ask some questions.
"Hey hi, umm I bought this car last summer and I've done a good amount of upgrades to it, but it seems to be having some issues ??"
"What seems to be the issue ??" The mechanic wiped his hand and looked over the car.
"The radio is just jumping without me turning the dial, The pedals get stuck, Gears change and the speedometer just goes..." You mimicked how it went.
"I'll take a look at it"
You handed him the keys and waited outside the shop, about half an hour later he came back to you with your car.
"Everything looks fine on our end." he handed you back the keys.
Over time, you were just getting more and more frustrated, more problems were starting to arise and you were on the brink, One afternoon, you came back to the car after school and turned the ignition to start it. Nothing... again... nothing, third times a charm, it worked but the speedometer was wonky yet again.
You groaned and began to bang on the dashboard in frustration. "What's wrong with you !!!" You shouted at the top of your lungs.
But then... the engine stopped.
Wait... hang on... cars were not meant to do that.
You frowned as you watched the radio begin to flick a few stations before playing a snippet of a song. "It's nothing wrong with me..."
"What the..." Your car was haunted.
The radio scratched again, playing more strung-together dialogue. Was it... Trying to talk to you ??
Not bad kid..." It said once you figured it out.
You tried to calm yourself and looked around, before back at the radio. "What are you ??" You spoke hesitantly.
"I am... from space !!" It scratched again.
"An alien ??"
An audio of applause was playing. Holy shit... an alien car.
"Why are you here..."
But before the alien car could answer that, you jolted at the sound of something hitting the windscreen, a cup of not-so-nice liquid. Courtesy of your bully.
"Missed a spot L/n" He laughed as he fist bumped his friends.
You growled and flipped him off before the radio began to scratch and play an audio from over the summer, it was your voice telling them off... what in the Ai is this !!
But this riled the bully up, and he walked over to try and get you out, before the car soon began to start and drive on its own, revving out of the parking lot and on the road.
"Shit shit !!!!!!" You tried to hang on from all the drifts and turns as the bully and his friends chased you. Ok, you were gonna be sick. Soon you arrived at an abandoned building after making a different turn, hopefully, they wouldn't find you... oh, come on !!
His friends quickly got you out before you could do anything and sealed off any exits. "You think you're a tough one aren't you l/n ??" Your bully smirked before punching you in the gut.
This went on for a little while, and the alien car saw this time after time after time since school started, he was saddened that no one stood up for you, hence why he did what he did earlier.
So It revved its engine super loudly, scaring the bullies. He went over to the car and ripped the door open, only to find no one inside it... then how...
Suddenly the door slammed shut on his fingers, making him scream out. "Goddamn it !!"
You watched as his friends tried to get his fingers out of the door but it didn't seem to budge until the door swung open knocking them back. But then came the most strange thing of all. The car soon began to shift and transform, massive hands pushing against the ground, it's body rearranging and coupling to stand tall in a new format.
Your bullies friends soon bolted, fuck this shit, they didn't sign up for it.
The alien soon then shifted his arm into what looked like an arm canon. Aiming it at the bully who was now crying.
"Leave... them... alone..." It talked through the radio.
"Screw you !!" It yelled at the alien before it revved up, the arm cannon soon began to hum and glow. "Alright alright !! I'll leave them alone !!"
The arm cannon soon stopped and shifted back into a hand, But just for good measure, you saw the oil filter lid open up and pop out, soon spraying oil all over your bully. He had enough, soon he ran back to his car and drove off.
"Hasta lavista baby" The radio scratched the familiar Arnie dialogue.
You got up slowly and looked up at it... this was crazy... and it stood up for you... It soon looked at you, making you stand back... but it was a more soft look, like it was happy to see you.
"Who are you ??"
It's radio scratched. "My name... is... bumblebee" He whirred softly after.
"Bumblebee..." You started to twitch a smile.
He then did a few boxing punches while the radio scratched "I float like a butterfly and sting like a bee" He smiled at you again.
"Thank you..."
You reached out your hand, to which he responded by placing his palm over your hand, In this moment... a friendship was secured.
Taglist: @callofdudes
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bobbydagen24 · 6 months
I wonder if in the next Christmas special we could see Branch trying to hide his old hermit days from his brothers while planning the perfect family Christmas.
so maybe we see over the course of the next Christmas special Bro zone coming to Pop Village to spend this first Christmas together.
and Branch goes to great lengths to try and hide details of his past from them and just gets too over focused on making sure the Christmas is perfect and has no problems.
like maybe Branch is ashamed or even afraid of being judged as some sorta freak like a lot of the village thought of him as for all those years.
so when the Brothers insist on seeing his home while their in the village he panics and pretty much changes everything about it to make it appear more Troll like.
probably adding lots of bright colours and bright flowers and maybe even stuff like discarded wrappers to imply that he throws parties there often just like everyone else in the village does.
and of course hiding all of his own stuff like the rations and the weapons and maybe painting over the crazy wall writings he had.
and maybe as he's showing them around the village he gets some harsh stares and attitudes from certain people and his brothers question him on why these people would be mad at him.
and Branch thinks back to all the special occasions he ruined for people when he kept warning them about the Bergens only for them to be false alarms.
but Branch just nervously tells his bros he can't remember and awkwardly rushes them along on the tour 😂😂😂😂
just so he can make things appear more normal and perfect for their first family Christmas back together maybe even actively changing the subject whenever the brothers try and ask about his life during the past 20+ years.
but Branch trying to make everything perfect ironically gets to the point where the Brothers get annoyed with him since he was acting pretty similar to how JD used to.
and they finally question him on his odd behaviour although they kinda already know the reason why he's been so desperate for things to be perfect.
but they are still fairly clueless and worried about what he's obviously trying to hide from them in regards to his home and the fact he won't talk much about his life.
and this time when Branch nervously tries to shrug it off they act a bit firmer towards him saying they need to talk about this now as they've kept putting it off.
and when he tries to downplay it maybe just saying something as simple as he was obviously a bit upset and went Grey for a little while but he moved on and lived pretty normally for most of the years afterwards.
but the brothers don't buy it and they point out multiple things they found around the Bunker like weapons and traps and maybe they even uncovered the crazy wall writings he tried to hide.
( plus Gary if we're allowed to include him in this cannon lol )
anyway after all this poking and prodding Branch finally goes off on a bit of an emotional tangent maybe saying something along the lines of "" fine what do you want to hear? that I was some Grey freak who hid underground for years that everyone saw me as some crazy person who ruined everything for everyone else that I practically spent every moment of everyday thinking about nothing but the Bergens and fearing they could come back at any moment well fine you win you happy now? happy I grew up to be some freak who's always going to stand out from everyone else because no matter how much I change people around here are always going to remember and even if they didn't all they'd have to do is look at me and they'd know ""
maybe he says all this and turns away looking down in shame with slightly teary eyes but his bros just Hug him rather than Judge him like he maybe feared.
yep good old angst 😅😅😅😅 tho I'm not exactly 100 percent sure how to end the story but anyway what do you think about this as a concept for a future special?
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dolphingirl1234 · 3 months
its time for more headcanons yippeeee
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this is kwazii if you couldn't tell
I forgot to make his eye green but we can imagine
also I think his hair would be more red but I couldn't find the right colour
anyway no one cares so here are the headcanons:
early-mid 20's
trans ftm
he is possibly the gayest person to ever exist
he has heterochromia, the covered eye is brown and the other is green
bright red hair that's always messy
so many freckles
ADHD and dyslexia - he loves to complain about how things are spelled
wears whatever he finds of his floor
he is convinced he can handle spicy things but he really cant
he is definitely lactose intolerant but refuses to admit it and eats dairy anyway
has really bad gender dysphoria and tweak is king when it comes to helping him with it
he definitely purrs like a real cat but you can only hear it if you're really close to him
everyone in the crew knows his deadname but they're all very careful to never call him that
forgets everyone's birthdays every year
he lives by the 5 second rule and eats shit off the floor
^^^tweak once paid him to lick sugar that shellington spilt on the floor (he did it)
he definitely uses all the hot water and everyone hates him for it
he gets attached to things very easily and has a hard time getting rid of anything even if its just a pretty shell or something
^^^he keeps all his random stuff in the treasure chest next to his bed and adds to it constantly
he sometimes sneaks into barnacles' room to play with his model ships
he didn't come out for ages. when he first joined the crew he had no medical files bc of his backstory (I'm not gonna get into that right now, long story short he was an orphan) so peso had to make one and he asked for kwazii's legal name and gender at birth so he was kind of forced to come out, but he came out officially to peso later.
tweak was the first person he told officially and she was so chill about it and helped him make a binder because he was literally using tape before
barnacles seriously tried to be chill about it but kwazii could tell he had questions and he happily answered them
he was terrified to tell inkling because old people old mindset but when he did tell him, inkling was so supportive and kwazii cried
as well as arachnophobia he's also scared of needles but he doesn't tell anyone
barnacles is his dad and his best friend at the same time
peso is his little brother and his best friend at the same time
he has mild ptsd from something in his childhood. it doesn't affect him that much but dashi has more severe ptsd and she helps him through it
he LOVES hanging out with dashi and tweak and they love hanging out with him
he is always included in boys night but is also accepted into girls night because if he annoys tweak enough she gives him a tool and he can break stuff
one Christmas the crew had saved up their money all year and payed for his top surgery. tweak secretly got a job doing online stuff for her family friend and payed over half of the cost. kwazii cried and hugged her which she loved but hated at the same time
he's English but the accent mixed with the pirate voice makes it come out australian
he's not allowed catnip for obvious reasons
he hates when people gender clothes but he will not under any circumstances wear a dress
tominnow is also trans (mtf) and they're besties
he hates that creatures are scared of him because he's a pirate and has even considered giving up being a pirate because of it, but he realised its a part of his identity and he didn't want to change it
he loves making bracelets for the crew and everyone wears them sometimes, but barnacles wears multiple every day
dashi crochets and kwazii steal her yarn balls and she gets super pissed at him
he loves calico jack more than he lets on and he misses him constantly. every time he visits kwazii dreads when he leaves
he definitely plays 2048 cupcakes
tweak is his comfort person but he often goes to barnacles as well
maybe I should write a fanfic of kwazii coming out to everyone that would actually be fun
anyway that's all for now I will hopefully be back with some peso hcs tomorrow
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sonobeunitsarecool · 8 months
Why Sakurai Haruka makes So Much Sense, really.
Right, sorry it took so long, but I think this is it? Anyways. Here I'm just putting much of Haruka's behaviour in the context of "past of admissions to a psych ward", linking it all together in a way that may not be so immediately obvious to some. Interrogation answers: T1 Q.12 - Tell us your hobby - "Talking with the other prisoners" What else is there to do? Yuno answers with something about shopping, and drama club, something she can do outside of Milgram, but Haruka wants to talk, and he's getting better at it. It's something he's wanted to do for a while, talk to others, so he probably gets a good deal of enjoyment or satisfaction doing so. You could say it's a bit odd, to be a hobby, but it's an activity he knows he has consistent access to, unlike something like drawing which would require a request. Q.14 - What's an event that stuck in your memory? - "Fireworks" Fireworks, or some kind of crayon rendering of them, seem to feature prominently in Weakness. Something bright, colourful, loud, and pretty full sensory immersion, plus it seems to have been a fond memory of sorts. Besides, what else could stand out, as a childhood memory? Anything in recent years would just be... the dull droning on of the days. Q.20 - What's the most expensive thing you've ever bought? - "Candy floss" Okay. Candy floss isn't very expensive. What likely happened, is that he didn't handle money except for when he was once given some at a fair of sorts, and allowed to buy something for himself. As a teen, he's had no need to buy anything, and if there was something he wanted or needed to buy, then it'd be provided by whomever was looking after him at the time. (Not necessarily something about not trusting Haruka, but he wouldn't have had any way of getting a job, being in-and-out of mental health care) Now, something a little interesting would be that this, alongside some other small things, loosely implies that Haruka was a spoiled or otherwise coddled child from his birth, growing more distant from his family as he got older. Japanese children are given quite a lot of autonomy, just go watch "Hajimete no otsukai", or "Old enough", an entire television programme where kids go out and do errands. Most Japanese kids would have bought things like groceries, or train tickets, or whatever, even before leaving primary school. Sending them on the train alone at age 8 is common. It's unusual for the most expensive thing that Haruka ever bought to be candy floss, surely he'd have been asked to go out and buy something, at some point? If not, why not? Q.22 - What do you think of the prison outfits? - "They're kind of relaxing" Kind of already went over this. Haruka is accustomed to wearing the same kind of thing every day, and everyone else is also wearing something similar, so he's part of the group. Not distinct in clothes. It's probably a small comfort. Q.23 - Is there anything you want (item requests)? - "Not really" He's got everything, for the most part. In a psych ward, you're unlikely to get anything just by asking, and whatever you can bring onto the ward is restricted. Of course Haruka's got lots of crayon drawing in Weakness. Crayons are pretty much the safe art medium. Cheap, easily replaced, logistically an obvious choice to use. What else could he have used? Pencils? Those would require a pencil sharpener, and that's a weapon. Q.24 - What's your dream for the future? - "I want to live normally" ...It's not normal to spend so much time on a psych ward. It's a restrictive lifestyle, even if it's his comfort zone. This is pretty much the obvious thing to wish for, to live a "normal" life where he's not just a patient, someone who's "broken". Besides, Haruka can't afford high standards like Yuno's "It'd be nice if I can find a job I can really lose myself in", because he doesn't have many avaliable job prospects at the moment. He's set back in education by at least 3 years. Q.25 - When you get out of here, where do you want to go? - "I can't think of anywhere"
Based on what can be guessed about Haruka's story, home is an unlikely prospect. And he's not had much opportunity to think about or find a place to go, unlike Yuno's answer of "Karaoke, maybe", something she's done in the past and enjoys. There are either no places that stand out to him, or too many places he's not had the chance to go to. ...auto-save isn't working anymore. I'm just going to say that this is long enough and continue another day. Moving onto T2 int. questions, then onto his voice lines, his profile, his VDs, probably even more of the MVs as a part of all that... is this even a theory? The next time I say I'm going to post something "small", I'm probably lying to myself.
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canadachildvol2 · 3 months
Wish rewrite ✨ Extra details
As I mentioned in the final part of my "Wish" rewrite, I was toying with the idea of creating a separate post that covers additional details and character descriptions that I couldn't organically include in the summaries. After spending some time away (my brain was pretty fried after all the planning and plotting of that rewrite lol), I eventually decided to go forward with that idea. So here it is :)
Below the cut are details concerning the key characters and the plot itself, including a few worldbuilding tidbits. I have also added some of my concept art (one of which I already showed in the rewrite, but I wanted to share again). <3
And because they asked me to, I'm tagging @signed-sapphire
Asha: The main protagonist of the story. Levelheaded, composed, a touch cynical; a realist. She is prone to being very blunt and not considering how this harsh honesty can hurt others before speaking. Despite this, at her core, she's a trustworthy and compassionate individual who cares a lot about her family, friends, and Rosas as a whole.
After being let down again and again throughout her life (her father's death when she was 12, no one in her family having their wishes granted, seeing the kingdom figuratively crumble bit by bit because of how exhausted and troublingly passive many citizens are, etc.), she eventually stopped being hopeful and always focuses on realistic outcomes and worst-case scenarios.
"[Papa] always said that hope gives you strength, but for me it brought so much pain. So by expecting and accepting the worst, it hurts less when the inevitable happens."
When it comes to Star, she is at first exasperated by his energetic and overly curious personality. However, during their time helping people with their wishes, she softens up to him and sees his good heart. Moreover, his ambitiousness and optimism rubs off on her and she gradually starts to feel bright and - more importantly - hopeful for the first time in years.
She works as a tour guide for visitors and potential new residents. While not a fan of the job, it "pays well" as she says to Dahlia at one point. In her spare time, she likes to read and draw. She is also a talented dancer, but she often keeps this skill under wraps (courtesy of her reserved nature).
~ I took some inspiration from Jane's character and arc in "Return to Neverland," but there are shades of Tiana and Raya present as well. Regardless, I really wanted this version of Asha to stand out from past Disney heroines. ~
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Star: The deuteragonist of the story. Energetic, inquisitive, peppy, and (at first) doesn’t have much sense of personal space. He can be very easily distracted, but when things get serious, he knows to focus on what's important. He is an overall affable person who is eager to experience new things and make friends.
He is a young star who has reached the point where he is ready to advance into a proper wishing star. By helping Asha make her wish come true, he will accomplish that, so he is very much determined to make it happen. However, he finds himself conflicted when he grows fond of humans and their way of life, as well as falling in love with Asha. He wants more than anything to help her save Rosas and become a wishing star, but that will mean he'll have to leave her when the job is done.
He is mute and only communicates through body language and images created with his star dust. The sole exception to this is in the "At All Costs" scene when he used his magic to allow Asha to essentially hear his thoughts via human speech. This is temporary and only lasts a few minutes. Afterwards, he goes back to being mute.
"His fingers touch her lips, then his, then he runs them along her ears leaving a trail of star dust. Before she can question what he did, she hears a deep, soft voice: “Asha.” It’s him! It’s Star! “You can…?” “Not for long."
His powers include levitation, shape-shifting, making things grow, and changing the colours of flowers and other objects he sees. While he cannot actually grant wishes with his magic, he can inspire others and spread hope with it. In this sense, he is indirectly granting them by providing the tools others need to make them come true on their own. Animals are also drawn to him.
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Magnifico: The current king of Rosas and the main villain of the story. A cunning and charismatic sorcerer whose knowledge of wish granting magic was passed down from the royals before him. When 18-year-olds and new residents approach him to give their wishes, he presents himself as a kind man. In reality, he is apathetic to his subjects' well-being and only cares about maintaining absolute control.
While this need to preserve his authority stems from having a bit of a God complex, it is also because he does not want to be the king responsible for a great empire's destruction.
The only person he genuinely cares about is Amaya, with whom he is madly in love. He is the more emotional of the two, in that he is quick to succumb to frustration in moments of stress and/or anger. However, he can just as easily be calmed down by his wife, be it through words of encouragement or simply a gentle hand on his shoulder.
Amaya: The current queen of Rosas and the other villain of the story. Even-tempered, regal, and equally as cunning as Magnifico. While not a magic-user like him, she is just as powerful due to her intelligence and tactful nature. She is just as in love with her husband as he is with her.
She is the calm to his storm. The left brain to his right brain. She can pull him back from his stressful outbursts and stop him from potentially ruining his "benevolent king" facade by keeping him grounded and focused on the present. Truth be told, Magnifico wouldn't be nearly as mighty or as beloved without her there to help him and provide new ideas to carry out his plans.
Dahlia: Asha's best friend and a young baker. Cheerful, idealistic, and tends to stumble over her words when excited or stressed (a nod to Doc from “Snow White” along with her character design). She works in her family's bakery, but dreams of one day becoming the castle baker. As such, she thinks her work needs to be perfect to get that position, so she has a tendency to slip into a perfectionist mindset when it comes to her baking. Despite others' insistence that her work is already amazing, she is determined to be even better.
Like the rest of Rosas, she thinks highly of the king and queen. While this adoration makes her initially distrustful of Asha's innocence when she was accused of destroying the wishes, she ultimately sides with her.
~ Design note: in this version, her ruby dress leans more towards a reddish-violet shade; basically something that contains a bit of purple. This ensures that the warm colour palette of Asha's outfit - mainly the orange part - makes her stand out from the rest of Rosas, as well as foreshadows Dahlia's future internal conflict of not knowing whether to side with Asha (red/warm) or the king and queen she adores (the purple colour that dominates Rosas, along with blue and grey). ~
Sakina: Asha's mother. She is a farmer who mainly grows fruit and also does a bit of weaving on the side. She is a kind and hardworking woman, but can also be stern when necessary. She and her husband used to work together as farmers, but since his death, she's been doing most of it herself (Asha often helps whenever she can). As such, she has become visibly exhausted, but refuses to admit it and doesn't let it get in the way of raising her daughter.
Her wish was to be fearless. She made this come true on her own in a roundabout way by being the first to stand up for Asha to the king when she was accused of destroying the wishes. While more "brave" than "fearless," such an act still took serious guts.
Sabino: Asha's grandfather and the father of Asha's late dad. He is a devoted family man with a creative mind and optimistic attitude. Like the rest of Rosas, he thinks highly of the king and queen and continues to hold out hope that his wish will be granted one day despite being repeatedly let down. In spite of this adoration of the royals, he loves his family first and foremost.
He worked for many years as a blacksmith, but eventually retired once it was clear that he was too old for the job. While skillful in this occupation, his lifelong passion has been painting, which he spent a lot of time doing following his retirement. He also assists Sakina in her farming any way he can, though his old age has taken a toll on how often he does this.
His wish was to be able to bring his paintings to life.
~ Design note: like Dahlia, the colour scheme of his outfit needs to be tweaked a little to match the purple/blue/grey palette of Rosas, showing his loyalty to the royals and to once again ensure that Asha's palette stands out. ~
Simon: An acquaintance of Asha's. Three years older than her. He works multiple jobs in the hope that his hard work will be noticed by the king and queen and they will grant his wish. As such, he is usually very tired; more than most older adults in Rosas even. While a decent man at his core, he is also prone to skepticism and his devotion to the royals often clouds his judgement.
It's not uncommon for his insecurities to take control and drive him to do some questionable things. This is what caused him to rat out Asha to Magnifico and Amaya. However, he feels genuine remorse afterwards and does what he can to make up for his mistakes.
His wish was to be a brave and honourable knight. Also, like in the movie, his tiredness and general design is a nod to Sleepy from "Snow White."
Asha’s father: I just found out his name is Tomás, so... Tomás was Asha's father and Sakina's husband. He died from an illness when Asha was 12 years old. He used to work as a blacksmith with Sabino, but after marrying Sakina, he decided to become a farmer like her.
He was a good man; very funny and an extrovert. He was also a doting father and used to tell Asha to look to the stars whenever she feels lost. His last birthday gift to her before his death was a silver bracelet with star designs engraved on it. Asha cherishes it very much and wears it every day.
Dario: A good friend of Asha's. He is five years older than her. Friendly, a little absentminded, and a bit of a goofball (a nod to Dopey from “Snow White” along with his character design). He and Asha have a sibling-like relationship, with her being a down-to-Earth force that keeps his head out of the clouds. In fact, you can sum-up their rapport with this bit of dialogue from 'The Wizard of Oz': "But someday they're going to erect a statue to me in this town, and-" "Well, don't start posing for it now."
His wish was to be super intelligent. The main reason why he wants this is so that he can become a great inventor. Through Star’s influence shortly after his arrival at Rosas, and with additional encouragement from Asha, Dario realizes that he just needs to apply himself and his preexisting strengths; those being his creativity and perseverance.
Bazeema: Another good friend of Asha's. She is one year older than her and gave her wish to Magnifico very recently. A sweet-natured young lady who doesn't have a mean bone in her body. Very shy and is rarely seen without blushing cheeks (a nod to Bashful from “Snow White” along with her character design). She works as a seamstress and shows a lot of promise as a dressmaker.
Her wish was to have a brilliant and boundless imagination. She already had great talent in sewing and could create beautiful outfits, but only in accordance with what other people want. She finds it hard to come up with her own ideas. However, with Asha and Star's help, she learns that she can find inspiration for new designs from those around her. She gradually comes out of her shell and this leads to her conceiving more original ideas.
~ Design note: the yellow portions of her outfit will need to either be made less warm or be changed altogether so that Asha's outfit (i.e. the orange part of her dress) can stand out. ~
- Hal, Gabo, and Safi are present in this version, but they have smaller roles. That said, they each have a part in the “Montage” song and they are among the townsfolk that side with Asha after she was accused of destroying the wishes. Like their movie counterparts, they are based on Happy, Grumpy, and Sneezy respectively. Additionally, they are all either 18 or over 18, like Simon, Dario, and Bazeema.
- Asha has a total of three outfits throughout the story; technically five if you count two other variations of her main outfit. 1) Her main dress. 2) Main dress with a blanket wrapped around her, which she wears at one point during the “Montage” song sequence where she and Star are bonding while sitting outside at night. 3) Main dress decorated with star dust during “At All Costs.” 4) The dress she wears after the time-skip near the end. 5) The dress she wears when she and Star reunite (the one Bazeema made for her).
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- Celestial star beings age similarly to humans, but they live much longer. Furthermore, there are three stages in their life cycle: baby star (akin to Star in the movie), young star (where this version of Star is at most of the story), then full wishing star (where Star ends up).
- There are some references to Disney's past movies sprinkled throughout this version, but they would be much more subtle than how they are in the movie. Some would be blink-and-you'll-miss-it, others are more visual, whether it be a character's design or a shot composition (ex. when an awestruck Asha is wandering through the palace for the first time, I envision a moment where she looks at her reflection in the mirrors adorning the walls in such a way that's akin to Belle looking at her reflection in the cracked mirror in the West Wing).
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- Much like how Star's personality and actions have an influence on Asha, her personality and actions have an influence on him. Not only does he learn to slow down and think things through, but as the story goes on, his movements become less erratic. He's still a ball of energy and demonstrates this when he's happy or excited, but he's a lot more composed by the end than he was when he first entered the story.
- Not sure if it would be mentioned at all during the story, but Tomás' wish was for his future child (he made this wish at age 18 before he and Sakina had Asha) to shine bright. He may not have lived to see it, but it did end up coming true.
- The wish granting era has been ongoing for over 200 years. Evidently there is no one left alive who truly remembers what Rosas was like before the wish system was established.
- Star's subsequent once-a-month visits are seven days long.
- Asha experiences two types of guilt: 1) the fact that despite her dad repeatedly reminding her of how important hope is, she wound up becoming someone who doesn't have any hope, and 2) her job as a tour guide means that she was responsible for luring several people into living in Rosas, thus trapping them in this exhaustive and cult-like lifestyle.
- Star's magic comes naturally. The magic Magnifico and the royals before him used basically comes from alchemy (potions, various tools and apparatuses, etc.). And for the record, this does not imply that alchemy-based magic is bad (except for the destroying wishes part). Magnifico and the royals before him simply used it for malicious purposes.
- The rules of Star's magic are more in-line with those of the three fairies from "Sleeping Beauty." Specifically, how his magic is mainly used to bring joy to people rather than cause pain. That said, when he's pissed off (like when Magnifico hurts Asha or even tries to hurt her), he can use his magic to attack, but it's not as strong in that department as Magnifico's magic is.
- After the time-skip, Rosas' colour palette is much more vibrant. It is no longer confined to primarily blues, purples, and greys.
Rewrite / "At All Costs" sequence / Asha & Star Character Tropes
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otomes-and-tears · 2 years
Can I request the 'character A sees the world grey until they meet their soulmate,character B' with Qiu and Tamarack from OL2?? In step 1,since that's when we meet them and with GN Reader?? With extra fluff if you could??
You can even add other steps or headcanons and such if you want! THIS IDEA INSPIRED ME SM THANKS FOR WRITING IT /gen 💕
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♦ You can only see grey until you meet your soulmate for the first time with Qiu and Tamarack♦
► tags and warnings: Soulmate! Au
► words: 1103
► A/N: I usually only write headcanons when people ask me for multiple characters in one request, but I love soulmate Aus so much I made an exception and wrote these as one-shots. I'm so, so happy that my original one-shoot inspired you, anon! It's the best possible compliment I could ever get as a writer. I hope you like these as much as the original!
► Masterlist
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Well, Tamarack was never one to care about things she couldn’t see.
There were far more important to worry about, like waking up early enough to be able to explore the forest and finding the prettiest rocks and leaves to gift to her omi and opa. It just didn’t make sense to worry about not being able to see colour, because all she knew was life without it, and the world was plenty beautiful already!
She still had her favourite shades of grey— the one that her omi told corresponded to the colour pink, the lively yellow and deep red. All of them were special in their own way, even if people who were able to see colour would say they all looked too alike, and she’d fervently insist that they were quite different.
People who saw colour just lacked imagination. That’s what her grandmother had told her once, with a kind smile stretched on her lips. They had grown so used to seeing the world that way that they lost the ability to see the nuances in different hues of grey. Sometimes, you have to lose something to gain another.
Well, if that’s how things were, Tamarack didn’t know if she’d ever want to see colour. 
It seemed awful to lose the ability to see beauty in how she has always seen the world. To stop appreciating how pretty the autumn leaves were when they changed shades, to stop being able to tell the difference between the cool grey of a bright summer’s day to the cool greys of a stormy afternoon.
But things were always bound to change.
Tamarack had woken up that day, feeling like that day would be special in some way.
Maybe because all days so far had been special— Moving so far away had its drawbacks, but getting to spend so much time playing in the forest had proven to be as fun as she’d hoped for.
It was still relatively early in the day when she saw a piece of cottony cream paper lying on the floor. She picked it up, hoping to help mother earth by cleaning the litter away when she saw a kid standing in the distance.
Locating her target, Tamarack quickly folded the piece of paper into a paper aeroplane and threw it at the target, her perfect aim hitting her victim.
She was able to escape in time, trying not to giggle too loudly so as to not attract too much attention to herself yet. Something told her she would see that kid again, and when she did, she hoped she could at least be able to surprise them!
It ended up not taking as long as she had expected for them to find her— and before they could, Tamarack hid underneath a pile of grey leaves, jumping out as soon as she heard the sound of her footsteps approaching her.
She closes her eyes for a moment, smiling and giggling due to a plan well-crafted, opening her eyes to a whole different world.
The leaves that fluttered around her were different from before, reds and oranges almost causing sensory overload now that they weren’t hidden behind greyscale.
She missed the way the world had looked before, but by staring at the forest with wonder, she realised that this change, maybe, wouldn’t be too bad at all.
Just like moving away had given her the opportunity to have fun in the forest every day, seeing colour allowed her to experience the world in an entirely different way. 
And, looking at the kid who looked at her in amazement, cheeks flushed and eyes sparkling, she’d have someone new she could experience all of that with.
Qiu really wanted to find his soulmate.
He liked getting to know other people. Meeting new kids, making friends and learning all he could about them. 
But there was always something special about the idea of getting to know your soulmate. The idea that you’re cosmically bound to one another, that there is someone out there meant to fit just perfectly with him. That his boring, monotonous world would fill with life and colour, and he’d gain a companion for life, someone he’d love and cherish just as much as his parents did with each other.
There is no telling when you get to meet your soulmate— some people were lucky enough to know them when they’re little, and people who don’t get to meet theirs until they’re old and wrinkly, So Qiu makes sure to get to know as many people as possible to cover all his bases.
It didn’t really work so far, but Qiu wasn’t really disappointed. 
His exploits led to him making lots of new friends. Kids now looked up to him, they liked him, and Qiu liked making them happy! And his mother made sure to reassure him that he would meet his soulmate when the time was right, and it would be just as wonderful as he’d imagined it.
For the time being, he was stuck in a greyscale world, left only to wonder how different things would be when he could see colour.
Sometimes his pursuits seemed a little hopeless, whoever. It didn’t really matter how patient he tried to be, Golden grove was a small and quiet town, and not a lot of new people ever showed up there.
Maybe that’s why the new neighbours intrigued him so much.
A kid his age. Someone he had never met in a town where everyone knew everyone.
Something stirred in his chest when Qiu heard their name. Something about it just seemed right, fitting.
He tried not to get too hopeful, but it was hard not to when all his instincts seemed to scream that yes, that was the person he was looking for.
Well… Even with all his excitement, Qiu still managed to forget about MC’s impending arrival.
It was something he pushed to the back of his mind after filling his day with his usual activities— talking to people in town and playing in his secret hideout.
It was when he heard a strange sound.
Someone was trying to climb his playhouse.
He stood up and looked down at the intruder, greys melting into colours he had never seen before as soon as they locked eyes.
For a moment, neither said anything. Too overwhelmed to manage to utter a word.
As much as Qiu had thought about that moment, it’s like, for the first time in his life, he was left speechless.
“You’re so pretty.”
Mc blurted out, and Qiu knew he had nothing to worry about.
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kiatheinsomniac · 2 years
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𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: I'll be using his fan-decided name as well as the title Undertaker bc I love this eccentric bby with my whole heart and he deserves a pretty name ♡ inspired by the pretty stick-on nails I bought to match him but then had to take off bc I couldn't write in them sobs
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: The Undertaker | Adrian Crevan x Reader
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"I can't imagine all the things I'm going to have to learn to do differently with these on..." You thought aloud as you sat with a coffin between yourself and your silver-haired lover, your hands resting atop its closed lid.
"I can teach you, poppet, I'm sure you'll catch on in no time." He replied simply. You adored the way his fingers held yours as he took one of your hands in his, raising it up closer to his lime-coloured eyes as he carefully painted a coat of black polish over the fake nails that he had already filed down to shape and size.
You smiled softly as you gazed upon his scarred face, enamoured by how much attention he was paying to do your nails just like he did his own. He had always had long black nails, ever since you met him that day you tagged along with Madam Red after her butler had been complaining to you, the estate's treasurer, of struggling to keep up with work. You had remarked on how fitting it was that the mortician had coffin-shaped nails and he seemed ecstatic that you had been the first to notice this explicit choice of his.
That seemed so long ago now, even if it was only a few months since you had met and quickly fallen for one another.
"How you get a job like your's done with nails like these is a wonder." You added. He paused and glanced up at you through his bangs that so often covered his bright eyes, a mask for his true nature that you had recently uncovered.
"If you don't want them, you just need to say~" There was a sing-song tone to his voice that told you he already knew what your decision would be.
"No!" You quickly exclaimed, "I want to match you." He couldn't help but hold back a laugh at the way your lips pursed into an adorable pout and he took up your hand once more, placing a kiss to your knuckles before continuing to paint your fingernails. The small gesture brought heat to your cheeks and you continued to watch as he painted your little finger. He capped the polish when he was done and you smiled as he slid over the coffin in order to sit down beside you instead. He was so close to you, leaning up against your body as he reached up and tenderly brushed your hair away from your face, allowing his hand to cup your cheek, thumb caressing your skin before leaning in to press his lips to yours.
Undertaker always felt cool to the touch. It used to make you worry for his health but now that you knew his secret of not actually being human, you no longer fret over it. His kisses were slow and consuming, his tongue brushing against yours before it came to an abrupt stop as he captured your wrist, your hand having been reaching out for his face.
"You wouldn't want to knock the paint now, would you?" He asked as he pressed your wrist back down on the coffin in front of you, another lingering kiss being planted on your lips. You couldn't touch him until your nails dried.
"Oh, you bastard. I bet this is fun for you, isn't it?" You asked with narrowed eyes and a smile you couldn't quite bite back, feeling the vibration of his laugh with how his mouth was hovering just over yours.
"Quite, yes." He resumed his kisses with much more teasing and passion behind them as his free hand came to hold your waist, pulling your body closer while your hands had to remain flat upon the surface in front of you.
You'd have to think of a way to get back at him later.
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aquadestinyswriting · 10 months
From that worldbuilding ask game, but for the future of Titan, so I can take notes 😉️
SNIPPE - What is the worst swear word?
FLIK - What is the most common food?
FURRLLE - What is the future?
Hi Dru, thank you for the questions. Need to take notes, eh? ;). No problem I've got you. Questions are from this ask game
SNIPPE - What is the worst swear word?
Language changes a lot in 900 years, but a lot of the older swear words still exist and are still very much in use, particularly those elven and dwarven ones that have been around since forever ago. However, new ones have made their way onto the scene since then. I think the worst one I can possibly think of, at least for the dwarves, is more a phrase than a word, to be fair. The phrase in question: 'Yer Ma (or Da) has a beard made of piss', very often shortened to piss-beard. It's a more "modern" insult that is taken quite seriously by the dwarves of Fangthane.
Now, this one does need context for those who don't know what happened with a certain villain towards the end of the Destiny's New Servants campaign. She was changed into a somewhat more demonic form over time and her hair and beard changed into flames that were a yellow-green colour. Dwarves (being basically scottish people in the setting) saw this and decided that, since she was being a right cow, they'd insult her memory by comparing the colour to urine. Hence why the insult is so ingrained around Fangthane
FLIK - What is the most common food?
Honestly, I'm going to be boring here and say that the most common food eaten in the setting is still very similar to what was being eaten back during the campaigns. Worry not, however, for there are cooks out there who are now finally experimenting with new combinations of flavours and textures. Someone has finally come up with the idea of battered and fried fish and potatoes with mushed up peas on the side. Rice has finally made the jump from Khull too, and several spices and herbs from the area are slowly becoming more common so there are recipes going around that utilise these "new" foodstuffs (namely things like curries and the like, the same person that figured out fish and chips is also now figuring out tikka masala).
FURRLLE - What is the future?
Well, Titan, as of the time of the current campaign, is right at the start of the Industrial Revolution, with dwarven-engineered machinery being used to help with all manner of labour-intensive professions. Some of it is augmented by magic (as is the case in more modern airships). As far as the future goes, I can see the technology getting more sophisticated over time and becoming a bit more intertwined with magic to allow those who can't cast naturally (or don't want to put in the effort to learn) to make their lives a little bit easier. Provided nothing goes wrong enough to destroy large swathes of Allansia, then I imagine that the future will be quite bright for the people living in it. However, we both know that the continent is pretty much cursed so, who knows.
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camelliagwerm · 2 years
hey harper!! sorry if this is a little random but i was wondering if you could share what kind of settings you import your gifs from photoshop with (if you use it?). :-) i'm getting into gif making myself but i'm kind of a newbie and since your edits always look rly good, i figured i'd ask. tysm. <3
Sorry this took a little bit to get to - I was really Going Through It yesterday. So I'm really bad at explaining things properly, but I'll try to explain it the best I can. I've pretty much been using the exact same method since 2017 so it might very well be outdated for most people but it works for me. I'm using a cracked version of Adobe 2020.
For the purpose of this, I'm making a gif of a Hawke I might potentially play with if I find myself wanting to play DA2 (usually pretty unlikely - a lot of my attempts at DA2 these days die in the prologue or act 1) and finally see Carver content + do the Merrill romance. I'm going to put this under a cut because it includes screenshots.
After importing the video, first thing I do is work on cropping it down to both the dimension I want and what parts of the footage I want to do (that little middle bit in this case on the TL in this case.)
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Then once I've done that, I right-click on the bit I want and chop the duration down to 2 seconds (or occasionally 2.25) and slow down the speed of which that part of the video plays to 60% - my ideal speed but I sometimes will go 55% if it ends weirdly at 60% or has a hard cut to another angle. Do this as many times as needed for however many gifs there are going to be in the set.
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Delete the bits of the footage from the timeline that you aren't going to use, trim it down to the dimension you want (in my case, I like it to be 540px in width.)
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Now I think this might be where I differ from others, because I think this is where people export it - but I prefer to colour it here rather than do each layer individually. I tend to use the same few actions which have turned into my bread and butter: colour balance, selective colour, brightness/contrast, vibrance and curves. Sometimes exposure if it's needed. Colour balance is the real MVP, especially for games like Dragon Age and Mass Effect where lighting is all over the place or very predominantly one colour (e.g. Orzammar being very Yellow). (Don't ask me how to sharpen - I don't know how to do it and at this point I'm too set in my ways to learn how.) Generally speaking with colouring I prefer to keep it as close to the original as possible but Nicer. Just play around with it and see what you think looks nice.
After that, I go to File -> Export -> Save for Web (Legacy). Make sure the looping option is set to forever. Let it run through a few times to make sure it isn't wonky (also, see all those colours you see on the side? I tend to colour pick from those for gradient text so matches the gifset - I use this HTML text colouriser to generate the gradient.)
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If you're happy with it, hit the save and send it to the appropriate folder.
Generally speaking, I try to keep it under 5MB a gif but certain games really dislike that, especially since I tend to prefer 540px ones as it allows me to use bigger font sizes - I can't do small font any more on gifsets - especially on text heavy ones like my Pathfinder gifs; I'm so prone to missing typos.
Speaking of subtitles, actually - I then open the gif into Photoshop so I can access each frame individually and then make sure I have the top layer selected on the sidebar, not on the timeline. Then add a new layer with the font option with the dialogue for the gif. My subtitles now tend to be around the 16-20pt, Calibri + bold and italic with outer stroke in black for the outline to make it more visible (to access Stroke: right click on the subtitle itself -> blending options)
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Once I'm done with that (including proofread for typos, making sure it's aligned properly), same thing: File -> Export -> Save for Web (legacy). I'm fairly sure this isn't how others do it, but it worked for me and this is how I taught myself back in 2017.
Also - this is Florence (Flora), I guess.
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iamfuckingsorry · 5 months
I've been thinking about my old art club teacher recently.
This is something I never really thought about back then, but I think she influenced my life more than I realized.
For context, I went to this art club thingie from grade 2 to grade 11, and would have continued if I hadn't moved abroad at that point. It was like 3-4 hours a week at the local art/music school - in my country you don't have clubs/extracurriculars at school but instead there's another "school" kind of thing where you can go do extracurriculars after school, or independent sports clubs for kids run by sports organisations. The non-sports ones are subsidised and cheap af and it's where you go to learn to play an instrument, sing, do art, improv/theatre, dance etc - basically learn skills that can in some way be tied to "culture" or w/e. So I went to this club/class/whatever thingy because I enjoyed drawing when I was 6-7 and then kept going cause why not.
And my teacher was just like... the most chill person ever. She was really good with kids, treated everyone like a tiny human with a personality instead of like someone who had to listen to her (which is what my actual schoolteachers did). Would have casual conversations about her life and the TV shows she was watching and shit with us even when we were like 8. There was this one kid that was a couple of years older than me who was writing theatre pieces and short stories and she'd discuss them with him and give concrit and brainstorm with him and give suggestions on what to do and who to talk to if he wanted to get into writing/theatre more seriously (she had a second job doing backstage stuff at the local theatre). I didn't really learn any art skills except for what you learn by being forced to draw for a couple of hours every week, but god this club was the only place where I could really be myself. Three to four hours a week, I could be as weird as I wanted to be and no one cared. I'm not sure I'd say I looked forward to it per ce - I didn't really look forward to anything at that point in my life and I'm sure I skipped some weeks just to lie in my bed instead - but it was just... nice, y'know?
And in hindsight it was obvious she was a bit lost in life, just trying to do what she liked doing. She was fat and single and not planning on having kids and lowkey broke. She wanted to go to an art high school as a kid and wasn't allowed to, so after she graduated she applied again and did the 4 extra years required to get this art high school diploma. She worked like 15-20 hours at the art school and then another maybe 15-20 and then she sold art and crafts stuff at markets and stuff sometimes to make ends meet. She dyed her hair bright red and orange sometimes back when unnatural colours were still really unusual and sometimes wore clothes bordering on what you'd see at a ren faire. I think she must have been in her late 20s when I started and close to 40 when I left, but she'll forever be 37 in my mind for some reason.
And looking back knowing what I know now, I am so sure she was a fandom person. She was into House MD and X-files and LOTR and Stargate and NCIS, and would have hour-long convos about the shows with some of the kids. She was very into Sean Bean to the point her sister got her a life-size Boromir cutout and also into Jeremy Renner, though I can't remember any specific shows with him in that she liked (it wasn't the Avengers stuff - maybe MI?). I remember her going to the capital for a movie premiere once or twice, and travelling abroad to see her favourite actors from time to time. I'm pretty sure she talked about something that I can now identify as writing fanfiction at some point.
And I was very into fandom myself by the end too, I was going to cons and shit, roleplaying with my online friends, hanging out here on tumblr and shit. I had a friend in the club who was into Supernatural just like I was, and sometimes we'd spend half of the club talking about SPN, reading the new episode summary together every week waiting for the episode to come out, discussing, me talking about fanfic sometimes (something that my friend was /not/ into). I wonder what she thought about that lol.
My point it just... I never knew another adult who was into the same stuff as me as a kid growing up. Like sure, my mom was a massive sci-fi and fantasy fan, but not in a fandom way, and she didn't really enjoy discussing things. And I never knew another adult who genuinely didn't seem to care what other people thought about them, in a good way - she was fat and kinda weird and broke and she fucking rocked it, at one point she got a phone call from a friend who needed to talk about a Stargate episode and she fucking answered and talked to the friend for like 15 minutes. And I never knew another adult who chose to do what they wanted to do instead of doing what was expected of them - getting an education, getting a good job, maybe settling down and having kids. This lady was just like, nah fuck that, I'm gonna go to the goddamn art high school even if I'm gonna be like 24 by the time I graduate, and I'm gonna get this horribly underpaid part-time job at a theatre because I like theatre and the people who work there, and I'm gonna spend half my day talking about this TV show I really like. And she had so many stories about people (especially teachers at the art school) being unfair or shitty and her standing up for herself and not taking their shit.
And I never had a role model growing up, but slowly approaching my 30s and looking back... I think maybe I did. And I wonder what she's up to now (still teaching at that art school and working at the theatre, I could google that much), and I wonder if the fact that she was doing okay meant that I will do okay too.
And I hope we keep fostering places where little lost kids like me can meet cool weird adults who were exactly where you are now 20 years ago and who made it through and are living their best lives now.
0 notes
tarotmundomonde · 1 year
Hi! I'm here to participate in your new game! 🥰 My name is Amrita and my sun sign is Taurus. I'd like to choose the 1st option, general reading for the next five months. This reading will really help me plan out my actions. Will also provide me much needed solace. I'm going through a lot rn, managing a job along with studies, anticipating results,giving exams for higher studies, applying to jobs etc.
A gif that resonates with me
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A gif that may resonate with you
I see you as the colour red as I think you're sexy. That's the first thing that came to my mind.
Thank you!
Hello Amrita, let's dive into your reading, shall we? To be honest, the overall look is pretty good. The biggest challenge seems to be time restrains, lack of time and finances. You have a lot of messages about moderation and balance, like balancing things and getting back into balance and making sure you maintain balance. For example make sure you don't skip a meal just because you are busy or trying to save up money, because how can you work, if you don't have the energy. So something like that. Even in regards to your intuition, you need to find balance. Like for your intuition to work more effectively, you need to give it space and be in balance yourself, to not stress so much and more go with the flow. And it does seem there will be a focus on finances as well. Your money mind-set. And you also have a strong message about support systems surrounding you. Maybe you will also notice yourself receiving help in different ways.
During the next five months there will be a strong focus on the self. Whenever in doubt, try to approach your situations from a higher perspective, also using your intuition. Because it seems a lot will be up to you. It will be up to you to decide the outcomes. Tap into your power animal, aka into your strengths. Know your strengths and use them for your benefit. You know your strengths and you know your talents the best. And don't hesitate to be your unique self. The next five months is gonna be big on you shining and being your authentic self. A lot of creative energy present in your spread. But also powerful energy. Like you can really make the best of things during this time. And a part of it will also be to stay persistent and keep on moving towards your goals. It seems that at times you could feel like everything is a bit chaotic, but you will be able with your inner strength to stay calm amid chaos. Even when it's chaotic, you are more than capable to keep moving forward and making progress in your goals. As an extra message you got that it's time for you to do some clean-up. So maybe clean your space, or maybe throw some old clothes out and buy new ones that match more with your energy. That's what's coming through for you. And also, for the next five months, it looks like some healing will take place. You have great achievements ahead for you during the next five months, so it's looking great for you. A time of success and vitality and making your dreams become reality. The cards are emphasizing that during this time the future will look very bright for you, so make the most of it. It's really your time to shine. And one last thing coming through for you is to accept love. Allow yourself to receive all the love and support given to you.
ps. feedback is always appreciated~
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we-are-knight · 3 years
Hey, do you have any "casual knightcore" recommendations? I'd like to include armor in my everyday look, but that's not practical!
This is hard for me to answer, and I will request from the get go that anyone else also add their personal suggestions to this.
That said, let me use my current wardrobe as a reference sheet for things.
If you are AMAB like yours truly, pants/trousers/leggings of some kind should be a base to work with. I favour black trousers, as they are a good muted tone. Aim for something with a slim fit, or if you hate slim fit (like me), at least something that isn't too bulky.
A belt is a must-have. Generally speaking, aim for something that is a bit longer than required, to emulate the look of a medieval belt:
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By no means do you need anything as long as this, but something a bit longer than a standard modern fit gets the tone.
Shirts, aim for something neutral in colour: natural undyed cotton or linen, soft browns, reds, white, grey. Unless you are wearing a shirt as the main layer, aim for something as a base. Try using traditional Indian and Russian style Linen shirts, but a lot of modern Chinese shirts in the same style also fit the look:
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Don't worry too much about the shirts being absolutely perfect, they're generally a base layer for everything else.
Here's where you can get colourful and creative: as your shirt is generally the under layer, your choice of jacket, sweater, coat, etc will be where we can add some colour or armour vibes. In my case, I'm too poor IRL to get armour so I have to make do with clothing that imitates the style. One easy way to do this is to get woollen sweaters that are in a dark grey, as the weave can resemble chainmail:
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You can get a lot of styles like this if you look up "fisherman's sweaters", they're all pretty good for a casual armour look.
If you are going for hoodies or jackets, and want an armoured look, you have options, but something brighter and colourful is also pretty good. Coats are an option, but sadly a lot of men's options are in boring dull colours, so don't feel you need to get one. If you do, aim for something thick, because layering is key here.
If you want to be fancy or get a more renaissance look, I highly recommend a good waistcoat or men's corset vest to get that "doublet" look down:
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The above is especially good because they have a formal appearance, but look very renaissance, while also feeling like a corslet so you cover three bases at once.
A nice tunic also works today, for a "knight at leisure" look, but make sure it's colourful and bright; none of the Hollywood "everything must be bleak looking" shit.
To get the impression of armour or weapons without investing in very gaudy or expensive outfits (most of the above you can get off Ebay pretty cheaply), accessories are the way to go. For an armour look, consider a chainmail bracelet or a good watch:
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And consider shirt cuffs, badges, pins, or other items that allow you to include a sword or shield to your attire:
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As far as footwear goes, aim for slim shoes or tall boots (steel toed for extra armour).
While a lot of this is very simple in appearance, keep in mind that your outermost layer should generally look thick and protective, colour is encouraged, and embroidery is even better for getting that "nobleman" appearance you want for a knight fashion.
I would also honestly recommend a winter cloak:
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If you can find a more embroidered version, as apart from being quite elegant and appropriate for formal wear, they do emulate the look of the cotta worn over plate:
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That's the most I can offer on this topic, I'm afraid, but I hope it gets you started. :)
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novamirmirsblog · 3 years
Word Count: 958
Genre: fluff/suggestive
Request: yes
Warnings: swearing, alcohol, suggestive sexy times.
A/N: This is kinda a short one but I think it's getting me out of my writer's block SO THANK YOU <3
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Tony had announced, rather abruptly, that there would be a get together to celebrate their latest victory. No, none of you had saved the world and no, none of you had taken down some nefarious organisation. What you were celebrating, was Bruce finally going to anger management classes. Ever since you heard him say that his secret with controlling the Hulk was that he was 'always angry', you were concerned. It's not that you didn't trust Bruce, it was just that it didn't seem like a very healthy way of living. It had absolutely nothing to do with the fact you were now dating Natasha and didn't want to wake up to a massive, green, angry man. By the time you and Natasha had gotten ready, everyone else was already lounging on multiple sofas spaced around the open plan room. The drink was flowing as easily as the conversation and Thor had admitted to adding a little bit of Asgardian liquor to the alcohol to loosen everyone up just that little bit more. You had been wondering why everything had a hint of honey underlying whatever you were drinking. No one had any issues with it considering how much better it made the alcohol taste.
It was a few hours after you and Natasha had joined that the conversation found its way to a 'my dick is bigger than yours' competition. Not literally of course but the team were all going around and telling the group their greatest achievements. The bragging ranged from Tony being the youngest person to make so-and-so to Bucky being able to eat a whole baguette in one mouthful. Natasha said something about how she could kill a room of assassins in under 30 seconds or something else ridiculously hot and then it was your go.
"Go on then Y/n. What's the most impressive thing you've done?"
"Dude, how am I supposed to follow that?" You gestured to Natasha. Anything you were going to say would be nothing compared to the story Natasha just told.
"There's gotta be something you can do better than Natasha."
Your mind flashed back to the time you gave Natasha a massage that ended...interestingly. You heard Wanda choke on her alcohol and looked over at her, smirking and telling her "Get out of my head witchy."
"Then think quieter! I didn't need to see that."
"See what? What was it? Was it impressive?" Tony fired question after question, not allowing Wanda to answer the first before moving onto the next.
"I mean it was certainly impressive. I've never seen it done before..." Wanda rubbed her neck and started turning the same colour as her magic.
"Well that's because Vision's hands aren't as talented as mine." You laughed and wiggled your fingers.
"What was it?" Natasha asked you quietly, the rest of the team being distracted by Tony's interrogation of Wanda.
You just smirked at her before turning back to Tony "Are you sure you wanna know Tones? This is your last chance to back out..." You swished the last of your alcohol around your glass.
"Y/n if you don't tell us I'll dye all your suits bright fluorescent pink."
"Don't say I didn't warn you..." You finished up the last of your alcohol before taking one last glance at Natasha. She was just as curious as the others were. "Well, there was this one time Natasha came home from a particularly gruelling mission that she was on for a month. I, being the generous girlfriend I am, gave her a massage."
"No offence Y/n but I'm pretty sure Bucky's metal arm can give a better massage than you. He can probably heat it up, plus it would never get tired..." Tony started listing off the different qualities Bucky's arm might have.
"Shut up Stark, I need to kno- Wait, Natasha why is your face going red?" Steve said.
You looked over at Natasha and lo and behold, she was almost as red as her hair.
"Not another word Y/n"
"But the people need to know!" You let out with mock outrage and nudged her a little "Do you really want me to stop?" You mumbled to her, not wanting to make her uncomfortable.
She let out a sigh. "It is a pretty funny story..."
"Perfect!" You clapped your hands once before continuing "As I was saying, she was tense and stressed so I gave her a massage. Sure she was grunting but she had a lot of deep knots. I didn't realise anything was amiss until I got to her lower back and had to shift so I was sitting on her upper thighs."
You looked around the room, wondering if anyone knew where this was about to go. The only one who refused to make eye contact was Wanda. Even Natasha was casually sitting there, drinking her beer, wondering how far you were actually going to go.
"Well, I got there and realised it was a little...wet...but didn't think much of it and continued. It was only when I felt her buck her hips and moan that I realised she came just from me massaging her back." You laughed, watching as Natasha's face dropped when she realised you had told the entire story. "I guess she was just really horn-"
"Okay! No more thank you! Who's next" Natasha raised her voice, attempting to cut your story short.
"Hang on a minute, is that even biologically possible?" Sam asked.
"Apparently so Sammy. To be fair, she clearly hadn't had any release for the whole month so maybe that had something to do with it..."
"It didn't." Wanda groaned out. "PLEASE quieten down your thoughts!"
You laughed and turned to Natasha. "Natty..."
"Shut up." She tried putting her now slightly warm beer bottle to her neck in an attempt to cool her down.
"Wait Natasha, how long was it that you had gone without... you know..." Clint waved his hand about, not wanting to think about his best friend in that way, but also needing to know more.
Natasha mumbled something into the bottle.
"Sorry darling, didn't quite catch that." You said, a slight teasing tone to your voice.
"Two days..."
"Wait but we've gone longer than that before." You say, confusion written across your face.
"Well yeah but it's not the same when you don't do it" Natasha laughed it off, trying to regain some kind of upper hand, playing it off as if she didn't care. You just looked at her in shock.
"Wait seriously?"
Natasha just rolled her eyes at you, lightly smiling.
"OKAY. Time for bed!" Wanda started dragging people up, shoving them towards their rooms.
"Just what I was thinking." Natasha smirked at you, her eyes trailing over your tight outfit.
"...I unfortunately know that..." Wanda mumbled as she grabbed Vision and led him away.
"You could always join!" Natasha shouted to the retreating Sokovian, laughing when she stuck her middle finger up at the two of you. "Come on you, I need a massage." Natasha bit her lip, watching your face as you realised what she meant.
"Let's go then!"
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wri0thesley · 3 years
Nat... 👉👈 since requests are open can I please request some Gojo fluff? If you need a little inspo maybe like, reader and him meet after they were abroad for a mission or something? I'm in love with this funky man and I just wanna give him kiths
sweet tooth - gojo x reader, sfw, 2.5k
the early bird catches the worm. or the cake, you guess.
(just a lot of talking about food tbh . . . i dont get to write pure sfw fluff much, thank u for letting me indulge in my jjk brainrot NFJVND. gn reader! )
You know as well as anyone how little free time a jujutsu sorcerer has. You’ve spent most of your past few years rushing around from place to place, calling it a good night’s rest when you manage to fall amongst your coverings before the clock strikes three in the morning. You think this probably has to go double for somebody in such a constant state of being needed as Gojo – but still, he’d shown up outside your room this morning, bright and early, and said; “We’re going out!”
He hadn’t mentioned that you were still clad in pyjamas, your hair still a mess about your face, eyes still sleep and shadowed. You had jumped out of bed at the knock, of course – you’re used to being needed at the drop of a hat – but there is nothing at all in the way Gojo is looking at you to suggest there’s any kind of danger brewing.
He got in last night at the same time as you, after an exorcism had dragged on longer than expected – you know this. So how is his skin still glowing like moonlight, his voice still so bright, his hair still falling over his blindfold in that effortless perfectly-styled-without-being-styled way?
If he’s slept, he’s gotten the same hour and fifteen minutes you’ve gotten.
“Not even a warning?” You sigh, stifling a yawn. “I haven’t had time to clean my weapons or anything--”
“Woah!” Gojo’s grin doesn’t fade, but he holds up his hands as if he’s trying to avoid a savage attack. “Just you and me. No curses, promise. You won’t be needing those.” He cocks his head to the side. “Unless you wanna try and take me. I think you’d lose!”
Your brow furrows. You know you’d lose, and so does he.
“Have you seen the time?” You ask him, instead. You don’t question why or how he’d gotten into the hallway to stand like this outside of the room you’re renting in Tokyo for a while. You’ve learnt after knowing him for a while that what Gojo wants, he gets – besides. If he’d sweet-talked your landlady into letting him in, you couldn’t blame her for falling for his charms.
He sticks his head into your room and turns his face towards the clock on the wall, ticking merrily away, mocking you. You had hoped, after last night, the next time you saw a clock the hour hand would be well past twelve again. He pulls back.
“Now I have.”
“. . . aren’t you tired?”
Gojo shrugs, maddeningly. Half of what he does is irritating to the highest degree – the other half makes your stomach do strange somersaults that you try and push away. Getting a crush on Gojo Satoru is just going to lead to disaster. Although at this point, you have to admit to yourself that it’s more a case of ‘having a crush’ – there’s not much denying it, when he twinkles at you like this.
“You’ve gotten a good hour of beauty sleep,” he chirps. “Not that you need it. Let me take you out!”
You’re still focussing on the compliment, slipped into his words as if it’s as simple as breathing, when he enters your room full-on and is opening your wardrobe.
“H-hey,” you say, weakly. He’s rifling through the rack without a care in the world. “I—I can dress myself--”
“It’s quicker if I do it,” he replies, pulling out one of your favourite shirts. “Here, catch--!” Your reflexes allow you to not make a fool of yourself in front of him. “The colour of that one’s pretty! It’ll look nice on you.”
You’ve had more clothes piled into your arms before you can blink. You guess that Gojo must know his way around clothes – you’ve seen some of the brands and price tags of things he wears – but you can’t help but be a little flabbergasted by just how casual he is about everything. Maybe it’s the fact that your brain is still short-circuiting after being woken up earlier than you were expecting.
He finishes and walks over to you.
“I’ll wait outside.”
“W-what a gentleman,” you manage, and he throws his head back and laughs, and the laugh feels like it lodges warm in your chest. “After waking me up, bursting into my bedroom--”
“I’ll pay for everything,” he promises. He saunters out of your room, pulling the door closed behind him, calling; “I’ll make it up to you, promise!”
You stand there for a few more moments, still struggling to process the whirlwind that is Gojo’s presence in your life – half joking, half serious, half making you think that maybe you stand a chance, when he calls through the door;
“I can’t hear you moving!”
You jump. You wriggle out of your nightwear, your cheeks heating up, as you snap back;
“You said you were going to wait out there, not that you were going to press your ear to it and listen like some kind of stalker--!”
You stare in confusion at the fancy window in front of you, decorated with swirling cursive in gold. From outside, you can see into the establishment – the white scrollwork chairs, the cake stands, the menus standing up in their pale white leather covers. The early morning sunlight from outside is reflecting off a perfectly organised display case teeming with tiny little perfectly formed cakes.
“If you were craving something sweet,” you say, eventually, “surely there was an easier way to get it than this.”
Gojo grabs your arm cheerfully, pulling you towards the entrance of the patisserie.
“Well, I got the first sweet thing I was craving,” he ticks it off with his other hand. “But then I had one of my patented brainwaves.” He elbows you. “Put them both together!”
“I’m not feeling very sweet after you interrupted my sleep,” you mumble, but you know that there’s no real bite in your words. You hope Gojo doesn’t notice the reaction that you have – you know he’d never let it go. You often don’t know how to respond to his flirting – he has a reputation, after all, and you are just . . . you.
“We had to get here early, anyway,” he says, as he stands before the counter. The man in the apron and chef hat behind it recognises him immediately, lighting up – you wonder how much money Gojo spends on expensive patisserie. Everyone knows he has a sweet tooth. “They sell out of some of the best stuff well before ten!”
Gojo knows exactly what he’s doing as he points out various desserts from the display case, the man falling over himself to get the – frankly absurd amount of sweets – carefully packaged up for him. You’re not surprised, knowing Gojo, about the cute animal-shaped cakes that he chooses, the smiling bears and cats with ears made of sliced strawberries. You’re a little more surprised by all of the fancier pieces he chooses that you don’t recognise, but you don’t have much time for dwelling on it.
Spoils in hand, you peer further into the establishment to choose a table.
“Nah, don’t worry about that,” Gojo says cheerfully. “We’ll find somewhere outside to sit. It’s such a nice morning!”
You don’t miss the grin he shoots you as he says ‘morning’, the sidelong tip of his head as if he’s waiting to see if you’ll scold him again for interrupting your sleep. You do no such thing, content to be pulled along behind him again as he goes off in search of a place to enjoy his spoils.
People just tend to be pulled along by Gojo’s magnetism, you’ve discovered – and you are, hopelessly, no different.
He finds a quiet bench in a shady corner of one of the local parks; the only other people going past occasional elderly, walking their little dogs. He pats the wooden frame of the bench next to him, smiling.
“You’re not going to make me eat all of this by myself, huh?”
“It’s enough for eight people,” you say, sighing and resigning yourself to your fate as you take the place. He’s lucky you have a sweet tooth too; if he’d brought someone else, they’d probably be shirking back in horror at all the sugar. “You could probably eat it by yourself anyway.”
He pouts.
“I want to share it with you,” he says, cajoling – his fingers hover over one of the smaller cakes, a perfect bite-sized morsel. You try not to think about the elegant lines of his fingers and the power behind them as he plucks it up and offers it to you. “This one’s really good.”
You bring up your hand to take the sweet from him, but he laughs as your fingers bounce away from him, not quite able to get a purchase.
“Let me feed you,” he says to you, and blood rushes to your face all over again.
“I—I can feed myself,” you say, swallowing thickly. Gojo’s smile, on full, sculpted lips, makes butterflies crash into one another in the pit of your stomach.
He brings the treat to your mouth and he’s right, it does look really good. It’s a neat little roll cake, small in Gojo’s fingers, with the green colouring so many sweets you’ve eaten in Japan have been – you hope it’s not matcha, knowing the flavour will surprise you and Gojo will probably laugh, but you open your mouth in defeat and let Gojo pop it in there. His fingers linger a little too long against your lips, his expression fluttering so quickly you don’t quite catch it.
If you didn’t know better . . . you’d say that he had just fought back a blush.
“Is it good?” He asks, and his voice sounds a little strangled. You bite down on the cake, the juice of the strawberries coating your tongue – it is matcha, but the flavour is offset by the sweetness of the vanilla and fruits, and you’re glad about it. You nod enthusiastically, and he laughs.
“I told you!” He taps your cheek. “I know what I’m talking about!”
“You’re so smug,” you tell him, unable to hold back the laughter that’s bubbling out of you. Alright, maybe he woke you up too early and maybe he’s dragged you outside and maybe he’s been haunting your daydreams for months now, but . . . you think he means well. And you can’t deny that the sun is shining and the cakes are really delicious.
“If you were me,” he says, stretching out his arms over the back of the bench, “you would be smug too.” You shake your head at him, but he has a satisfied smile on his face. “Feed me one!”
“Are you going to let me?” You ask. “Or are you just going to bounce it away with your Infinity to make fun of me?”
You hover over the selection yourself, considering what to choose for him. In the end, you go for one of the mini slices of mille crepe cake, reasoning with yourself that even if it’s unusual to be eating so much cake this early, at least crepes are a traditional breakfast. Gojo obediently opens his mouth wider as you lift the slice.
You falter.
“You really want me to feed you?” You ask him, unsure. He laughs, grabbing ahold of your wrist – you almost start as he takes a bite from the treat, his lips tantalisingly close to your fingers. Another bite, and the cake is gone (you’ve never seen slices of mille crepe so small – but then again, judging by the eye-watering amount Gojo paid for his spoils, you’d never be able to afford to buy from a place like that).
“Mm,” he smacks his lips together. “It’s good.”
You swallow, noticing that there’s a smear of the cream between layers at the corner of his mouth. Gojo notices you staring, and quirks his lips into a smirk. “You’re staring,” he says. “I know I’m gorgeous, but--”
“You’ve got . . .” You say, awkward, motioning to his face. Somehow, it feels too intimate to lean forward and dab it away yourself – he’d asked you to feed him, after all. If you did it of your own accord. . .
“Huh? Oh,” He moves one of the arms casually draped over the bench to his face, and you think he is going to wipe it away – but instead, he hooks his thumb under his blindfold, pushing it up casually so the light hits the swirling colours in his eyes.
You’ve seen them before, of course – you’ve seen Gojo at work, after all – but they’re still a surprise, a bright moment of swirling starshine dropped on you when you’re least expecting it. Your stomach does that flip-flop again, the one that you try so hard to ignore – but when he’s looking at you like that, curious and smug all at once, you don’t really know how to handle it.
You’re glad you’re in a secluded spot. There’s nobody to see the embarrassing display of you not quite knowing what to do with yourself.
“You can get it,” he says to you. “I don’t mind.”
“Look.” His other hand rises, cups your face, thumb ghosting across the same spot on your cheek that he’d tapped earlier. “I left icing sugar on your face. I’ll get that, and then we’ll be even.”
(Did he do that on purpose, you wonder? You wouldn’t be surprised.)
Your hand is trembling as you reach for the cream. You try and force your fingers to be still as you lean in closer to him, eyes concentrated, as you wipe the little splotch of cream from his mouth. You’re so close you can see galaxies in his eyes, the fan of white lashes, the way that his throat bobs when he swallows as if he’s nervous--
Nervous? Gojo? That can’t be true.
“I got it,” you breathe, though you don’t move. Your faces are so close together. You could lean forward, just a bit, and meet his lips with your own. Gojo’s eyes stay trained on you, not faltering in the least. His thumb is still on your cheek. Your own finger hasn’t moved from the corner of his mouth.
“Wanna know what it tastes like?” Is that a falter, in his voice? You’re stuttering all over the place, but Gojo--
“I’m not gonna put that in my mouth after it’s been on your face,” you tell him, without moving. Your heart is beating ten to the dozen. Gojo’s eyes crinkle at the corners.
“That’s not what I meant,” he says – and he breaks the distance himself, and suddenly he is kissing you. The hand on your cheek cupping your face into his, the other hand going about your waist, holding you tightly against him like he’s been wanting to do it since the moment he woke you up that morning.
(The mille crepe cake is delicious, you find out, from the lingering taste on his lips. Next time you two go there in the early morning rush, Gojo buys two slices.)
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