#almost 30k in this bad boy and two chapters to go
flieslikeamoron · 1 year
For the WIP game: Sleight of Hand is among my very favorite fics. I know it's nearing the end; what about writing it has surprised you, or was the most challenging, or have you loved most?
First of all thank you so much! It's definitely been a long-ass journey (I've been writing it just over a year!) so I really appreciate the folks that have kept reading, and I'm so happy you've been enjoying it.
I think the main thing that surprised me is it's so long. I've written 60-70K stuff before, but this is basically twice as long as anything I've written. It's longer than most published novels! When it took me like 30K to get the first kiss I had the classic "Oh. Oh." moment. But of realizing it was going to be a monster. 
There are a lot of challenging things! The last couple parts (16 and 17) were very scary because there's so much time and emotion invested that has to be paid off. So if those big moments where Eddie breaks or those moments of emotional catharsis don't feel authentic or fall flat then the whole entire fic I just spent a year writing doesn't work and it was all for nothing. (A little extreme, but bad endings do ruin stories! Ask Game of Thrones!) So a lot of the challenge is the mental side of psyching myself out. But it is also a writing challenge because I was trying to do a lot of things! And one challenge I didn't expect was I was so focused on getting through those two parts, when I finished them my brain was like, "Well, we did it. We're done!" And I'm going, "No, but look at all these scenes left in this outline." And my brain was like, "I don't know her." So I had to go away from it for a while and I read some books and stuff. (The Imperial Radch series. I love!) It's been clicking back in again, but that's definitely a challenge when your brain just doesn't have the juice.
But writing challenge-wise, which is probably what you actually meant. Let's see... Some of the things where I had to go through a bunch of versions. The whole thing where Eddie is getting himself to a headspace to try to be all in on this and to be brave. (After running out on Steve while he's sleeping.) So much of it's just him in his head. And then making that turn natural without over explaining tooo much. And actually just Eddie in general. Like having those moments of self-sabotage and fucking up and not turn people off the character. 
And then definitely the phone sex scene, the handcuffs, and the two love confessions. Those all felt high difficulty and took a lot to get them where I wanted them. All the sex in this fic is hitting character beats or relationship beats, but those two scenes in particular the beats are complicated. And the love confessions, you just want it to not feel cheap or unearned and to feel true to these guys. I usually don't do actual love confessions in my fics where people say "I love you." Like they say it in the way they act or they say it like "I know" in Star Wars or whatever. They needed the actual words here, and I think they've earned this moment of saying what they mean by not saying it for so long and being at the brink of the whole relationship being destroyed. But yeah, that was a challenging one. I was writing that scene almost the whole time I was writing the fic. I wrote a very, very early version of the "you're out of my league/no, you're out of mine" thing forever ago, just a few chapters in. And it was way too flippant for what the fic ended up being, but I kept adding to it and writing bits of it as I went. So there was a draft of that scene when I started that chapter, and it still took forever to refine it because the tone's off or this part doesn't work and originally the tattoo reveal part was in the same scene, but then I realized I needed to make it two separate things etc.
What have I loved the most. Well, one thing is talking to people in comments and on here about the boys and the fic and all that! That's really fun. Also two of my favorite parts that I love the most are the phone sex scene and the handcuffs. I'm sure it's at least partly because they were hard to write. What's a better feeling than being challenged and fighting with it and winning! I'm really happy with both of those scenes, and I think they do what I wanted them to do. I like to joke that porn is my art, but I think those two scenes are both examples of why it's not actually a joke. I feel like Jonas fandom elevated my porn writing, but this fic is my masterpiece. LOL this is me writing this fic.
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Anyway I also love this version of the characters. And I love it when things come into the fic that weren't in the outline and weren't planned, but are the thing that was missing or that make it work better. There are a bunch of things like that but one of them is Steve drawing on Eddie at the lake (which changed what the tattoo was going to be). It was originally going to be a thing where they go back in the water, and secret underwater touches and stuff of that nature. Which would have been okay, but also would have been worse than what it is. There are people who are really good at super detailed planning and outlining down to every scene beat. And I do need basic outlines for structure and direction myself. But the magic part of writing to me is the part where you find those bits that are better than what you planned. It's frustrating because it usually takes a bunch of tries for me to find them, but I do love those moments of IT'S THIS. Oh, maybe this should have been my answer for stuff that surprised me. Oops. WELL, I HAVE COME FULL CIRCLE I GUESS. 
I don't know if any of that's the stuff you wanted to know. But thank you for asking! Thank you for reading the fic! 
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safyresky · 2 years
Frostmas Year Ten: Behind the Scenes
Prologue | Y1 | Y2 | Y3 | Y4 | Y5 | Y6 | Y7 | Y8 | Y9 | Y10 | Y11 | Y12
[To Read Frostmas: From the TOP | Year Ten]
Boy howdy! It was two years in the making but, at about 30k ish words, year ten is FINALLY finished and I can FINALLY say, out loud, that Jacqueline got fuckin FROZEN!
Lots I wanna share because Year Ten had the MOST edits out of all the years I’ve written so far. I do NOT want to know what Year Eleven will be like. Y10 was like, the HARDEST year to write so far! Let's get GROOVING
The Intro
I actually rewrote the intro after finishing the entire year. It was a weak start, originally, I realized after writing those three BANGERS of final scenes!
the version you SHOULD have read was only completed on the 13th, after being rewritten once the day before.
I almost didn’t write an intro for Year Ten. I actually think, when I started writing it, on Easter Day two and a half years ago lmao, I went right into the beginning of the year.
If I’m remembering correctly, I actually didn’t write the intro until after the All-Staff scene!
Scene 1: Bernard Machine BROKE
what the elf is elf version of what the fuck. v. important note
“We’re really in it now Jacqueline” is absolutely, 100%, the Frostmas version of this meme from The Good Place:
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And oh boy, with Y10 of Frostmas? WE ARE REALLY IN IT NOW, JACQUELINE
OKAY SO one of the reasons I decided to do these BTS things was for all of the memes/references bc I find it FASCINATING that I can read these chapters and recall DISTINCTLY what I was doing/hyper fixating on at the time. Year Ten edition: Quarantine 2020!
First reference: Jacqueline deciding to go to Timmies
I was 100% projecting, a month into quarantine and I had NO IDEA if Tim’s was open and I was craving timbits and my iced capp of choice (which is also Jacqueline’s)
Two months in I saw they were open via drive thrus and I have a car so I got me that ding dang iced capp
HONESTLY, a lot of Canadians don’t actually like Timmies these days. Apparently, they’ve gone down hill. But Imma be real with you folks, ice capps HIT and I have yet to find a place with a similar drink that hides caffeine well enough for me to enjoy!
Stir-Fry: Best way to make a quick dins and get rid of leftovers
Okay, srs note now: thinking about what would drive Bernard to leave, without knowing what the canon relationship between Jack and B-Man is (tho most people HC that they HATE each other and B wouldn’t take Jack’s BS, and I support this) one of the hardest things I’ve done, to date.
like Jacqueline said in the intro, this is Bernard’s home! He takes care of the elves, they’re his fam! Like, everything considering Bernard’s decision is HEARTBREAKING and the only way I could think of that would allow Bernard to fully leave the picture is, well, him basically trading his “exile” for their freedom.
The conversation they have once B-Man has semi-processed grief is once again, me trying to work it all out
apparently a running frostmas theme for things I can’t figure out is to get Berline some food and watch them scheme. Hey, if it works it works ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Scene 2: Jack gets SERVED
fun fact: I added this scene in after writing about half of the chapter! It was reading very bad prior, since I had just summarized what Bernard did.
“you’re not you when you’re hungry” I think about that commercial a lot. Specifically the Betty White version
it’s also a gr8 Jack line, 100%
so thanks to snickers, i guess, for giving me free dialogue (🤫)
I actually really like this scene! I think it’s a v good villainy Jack scene!
Scene 3: All Staff Meeting
I hate all staff meetings. We had one MONTHLY in quarantine and by the time May rolled around, I never wanted to go to one ever again
SO LET’S MAKE THE ELVES GO INTO ONE! at least they got to go in person 😢😢
Idk why I had B-man give a spare set of keys to Quintin? It’s been so long since I wrote that part, and Quintin makes his way to the Valley in the later half of the year ANYWAY. I actually went back and edited the final few scenes to hint that Quintin splits his time
like some kind of divorce settlement
he and elfsburg divorced. he gets the shop every other week 😂😂😂
ALTHOUGH it IS before B-Man knows he’ll be able to relocate everyone, so maybe that was part of the reasoning?? See, this is what happens when you wip something for TWO YEARS. 30k later ur a mess
Also, hate that Quintin is spelt Quintin. Mostly bc spell check hates it. Sorry spell check, BUT THAT’S HOW IT’S SPELT IN TSC1 END CREDITS
Anyway I think Curtis deserves a little credit, as a treat, and I’m SOFT for B-Man being soft with the elves 🥺
especially since he gets really, really, really into the Resort stuff (that’s canon, you saw him in the last movie!)
Quarantine 2020 Reference: “And for now, it’s the new normal”
we’ve all heard it at this point, even B-Man apparently
also, totally forgot that I had established a LOCKDOWN before covid19 did lmao, almost thought it was another quarantine reference
Scene 4: Frost Mansion/Manor
was two scenes, fixed it to be one scene! one of the many, many, many, MANY edits I was doing up until I finally posted the chapter. This year took SOO MUCH EDITING
the Blaise making a room scene was literally just so I could show off that I finally figured out how warlocks worked in CS :D
Legates are salaried! That’s a Crystal Springs FACT
anyway I think about how jelly like the magic in tsc series is. do you? i think about it a lot. like, you could chose any kinds of sounds, and you go for slurping? icky
Scene 5: City Square; Scene 6: Meeting with Governor Blaise
This scene. was another one. that got rewritten way too many times. Idk what it is about Y10, but I could NOT get things sounding decent on the first try for like, MOST of the scenes! Except for the last one, lmao. I’ve had that written for a year :)
it was another opportunity for lore drop tbh, i’m shameless
on that note, I’d like to thank Assasin’s Creed: Valhalla for teaching me what a MOOT is, historically speaking! I read it and was like so THAT’S what CS does! Aight, neat!
“Blaise said with a grin, opening his arms” similar to how Jack said. three or four scenes back 🙃🙃 I didn’t even realize the parallel until the third in process read through!
(Scene 7 is the Council Meeting, and not much BTS info exists for it so we skip!)
Scene 8: Ley Lines
She had the brilliant idea of Christmas trees being like beacons? And chatted with me for a good two or three hours one winter evening in 2020 to help me workshop this idea!
there was another idea of the stockings delivering the gifts but it was knocked down lol, if the trees are calling in the gifts then why on earth would they come shooting through the stockings?
besides, stockings are their own spawn points!!! they gotta be filled with STUFFERS like FUZZY SOCKS, AND CANDY, AND CHOCOLATE!!
no idea how I connected everything together afterwards, tho. Maybe that’s why this year took two whole years to write 😲😲
anyway, yeah, no, thank you SO much as usual ana for being your amazing self FILLED with BRILLIANT ideas and letting me pick from your genius!! something something we stan??? is that meme dead yet?
(oh! and if u squint...u can see Winter watching for frozie Jacquie)
Scene 9: The First Check In
Once again, i have Jacqueline noticing that someone looks slightly different to acknowledge changes in the movies! This edition: Curtis’s growth spurt and slightly deeper voice 👀
(the voice bit was shoehorned in very last minute 🤫)
I ALSO started dropping hints about how Curtis gets very into the Resort later on. I mean, I thought he was way too invested when Scott finds him at the Resort! He was not as disgruntled as any of the other elves were. I’m running with the subtext >:)
FUN FACT: this is where I left off when I initially started doing this Frostmas BTS. I had not made it very far. ONWARDS
Scene 10: Everything Moves Fast
My one regret with this chapter is settling on "New Elfsburg" before placing it in a valley. "Elfsburg Valley" is just so...chef's kiss
BOOM! ELLE DROP! I've got plans for Ms Elle come next chapter. You guys probably won't like it, but uh, I will enjoy the reveal immensely >:)
"saying you were part of Health and Safety went a long way with ordinary beings" -> I'd like to thank Doctor Who episode "Partners in Crime" for this one! I watched it a LOT during the two years of writing this chapter took. It was a rough two years and I was taking all the comfort I could get while isolated from my fiance and my family and LITERALLY EVERYONE
Scene 11: Bag Heist
oh my god this scene. this scene is so good for so many reasons
Jacqueline being an ass
Jack being an ass
God tier frozie sibling banter
Jacqueline acting almost EXACTLY like Jack would just to bug him--hammering home the theme of "becoming what you fear most >:)"
Also, it was so much fun to write! It was goddamn hilarious!
"Do your kids really want the flu?" I asked, hands on my hips. "Because a kid sneezed all over the place a few photos ago, and we need to sanitize this asap. Maybe even close it off for the day."
-> More Covid Nuggets lol
"Barry, right? You chased me out of storage the other day! I remember that, that was fun! How's your arm?"
-> Jacqueline is very much causing trouble and I am trying to really really reinforce that lmao. She's on a first name basis with some of the guards!
"Sorry Barry, but I have the high ground now" -> for some reason, my friend sir eng and my fiance got really into quoting that specific phrase re: Star Wars:
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just before my household shifted and we went FULL lockdown, my (now) fiance (then boyfriend) came up for a visit and marathoned Star Wars with our friend Sir Eng while I was working
(I think that's how it went! May have been my other housemate, and then Sir Eng said it to Fiance and it went downhill from there. Idk man. April-Oct 2021 was kind of a blur)
it went downhill from there, haha. It was a popular turn of phrase up until Sir Eng moved out!
FUN FACT: Jacqueline has never seen a Star Wars :)
"That wasn't rhetorical, Jacqueline. Why is it you're holding Santa's bag? Don't you have citrus to freeze? Noses to get all runny?"
"Not until 3," I said, to more laughter.
Thank you based Spongebob for the ABOVE reference :)
Scene 12-14: It's DORMANT
So, my running gag for this year of Frostmas is basically this:
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And it SHOWS in this scene, especially! More on that in a mo!
"The Workshop itself had been designed to be a bit smaller, to be ready in time for toy making. It felt a lot bigger on the inside thanks to some brilliant engineering on Quintin's end"
->this is 100% a dr who/British joke, a la this scene from Phineas and Ferb's Avengers crossover. It lives rent free in my head for whatEVER reason, especially since I never saw the entire episode!
but also, like, why WOULDN'T they have it be bigger on the inside? They're MAGICAL. SUSPEND THE DISBELIEF! anyway.
""At this point, I don't care how you got it. I'm just glad you got it." Bernard said, gently taking the bag off of my arm."
->and so it begins! B-Man literally does not care, he just wants to get this moving and try his bestest to save cribmas 🥺🥺
"Everything dies eventually. Even us," Bernard pointed out.
"You must be fun at parties," I said, thrown off guard.
And Winter is in her element! She's got very mom energy. I'm hoping to explain why she's quietly lurking in the next chapter, but basically she has the BIG WORRY for both Jacqueline AND Bernard! She knows Jacquie's frozen, as we see in the final scene. she's doing her best to be there but NOT be overbearing
And Bernard is doing her a real big worry, too! Her mom senses are going crazy
(Winter would've been gr8 at being the next Mother Nature. She declined when approached by MN when the Legate Law was put into place. More on that in Into the Shadows!)
"If you keep clenching your jaw like that, you're going to need a night guard" -> You'll never guess who did, in fact, get a night guard around this time (last March)
if you guessed me, you are so correct lmao. again, one of those oh hey! I recall why this went in! What a crazy thing to look back at! anyway it's done wonders for stress headaches, and I'm positive Bernard would benefit from having one lmao
Ah yes. A bit of sillies before we head into the BERNARD DOES DUMB SHIT portion! Little Shop of Horrors was the first production I saw "post" covid. I quite liked it. The puppet for Audrey 2? AMAZING.
Jacqueline's Interlude
I just had to edit the Jacqueline interlude because holy guacamole, were there EVER spelling mistakes GALORE. It's like, did I miss that section ENTIRELY?! DAMN.
Anyway, it's kinda funny, I remember getting to that part and having to take a step back with all of the shit I was about to do--those three BANGERS of end scenes 😍😍--and straight up needing a moment to process it ebcause I couldn;t figure out how it all started
Mostly because Jacqueline was mum on the subject, if you can believe it. Can't blame her in the slightest, lol, but when ur characters get suddenly quiet while you're trying to tell their story? YEAH. IT'S A PROBLEM
This was ALSO a fun spot to shoehorn in some ah, CS government lore >:) Do I know how their system works? YES! Do I know wtf it is? NO! But it seems to work for them so YEAH, ENJOY THE LORE
Looking back at these now have me cackling, I really went BAM! BAM! BAM! with a bat to everyone's knees, huh? Anyway
YEAH. WOW. you know, this whole section was unplanned. Like, the bag failing? Unplanned--kinda just happened as I wrote! Bernard doing the dumb shit? Not planned, but the moment I had the bag low on magic, I went ah. yes. Bernard would 100% do his best to help save it, given everything he's sacrificed and lost so far
And Jacqueline would be MAD about it, given the ENTIRE situation that Frostmas is/has caused and also, the FROZEN THING
My god, tho. I really feel for Bernard, you know? It's just. WOW. after all of that everything, you just really, really, really want, need something to go right. I feel like we've all probably been there before!
But yeah, everyone's really at their lowest low here
And even with their sibling-esque banter, Berline is still not doing so HOT
I had that final scene written for YEARS. I think since year 8 went up? My GOD. Been biting my tongue for WAY TOO LONG to try and avoid spoilers but boy am I GLAD it's OUT NOW! AH!
This year of Frostmas decked me lmao. WOWIE. Anyway, plz enjoy the Y10 bts! and the MEMES! I'm HOPING this kick starts my ass into figuring out why Y11 isn't quite VIBING rn 🤔🤔🤔
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dynamightsfave · 4 years
Best kept secret - JJ Maybank
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(not my gif! credits to owner)
JJ Maybank x kook!fem!reader
summary: reader and jj have an argument and she says she needs space, only for jj to show the world how much she means to him the next day. bonus: a hot tub moment and a little blurb of the rest of s1 because i couldn’t help myself.
warnings: there’s curse words, mention of child abuse, mention of a few illegal activities (this is obx we’re talking about)
There were two things everyone knew about JJ Maybank: 1, he appeared to flirt with every girl that had a heartbeat; and 2, he hated Kooks. Now here’s one thing nobody knew: he was dating Y/n L/n, the only child of the L/ns, one of wealthiest families in the whole island that was Outer Banks. A Kook. So, as it seems, he didn’t actually flirt with every girl, everyone just thought he did. He’s loyal, he wouldn’t dare cheat on his girl.
It all started when they were around ten years old. He was on the beach, crying over how his dad had once again beat him up, when someone sat down next to him. At first, JJ had been ready to look up at that person and tell them to fuck off, but when he saw her, looking at him with that beautiful smile of hers, the only thing he could do was gawk. Y/n had been taking a walk along the beach, looking for seashells when he saw his figure shaking on the ground. She just wanted to help.
Long story short, Y/n took care of JJ’s bruises and cuts —which turned into a usual thing over the years—, and they became friends in the process. Ten year olds make friends faster than a spoiled kook spends their money.
JJ became Y/n’s best friend in a matter of days, and he couldn’t believe he had actually made friends with a Kook. But he also knew that her family wasn’t the stereotypical kook family. Nope, Y/n’s grandparents —from both her mother and her father— had worked their asses off so that her parents could have the life she has now. In other words, she came from a long line of Pogues, and her family didn’t mind at all that she hung out with the Maybank boy. They gave him a job and everything.
The L/ns were good people, and everyone loved them, which led to poor Y/n being idealized as this nice girl that was a goody two shoes. Which she wasn’t. She was nice, sure, and she liked to help; but she also liked adventure and partying and having fun —she was a teenager, after all.
JJ and N/n started dating the summer before their sophomore year, and for a whole year, nobody knew. In fact, it was still like that. Y/n was like JJ’s best kept secret. The Pogues knew he saw her, because he worked for her parents, but they’d never known he was even friends with the girl, let alone her boyfriend. He didn’t want anyone to know.
In his mind, that would ruin her reputation —Y/n rolled her eyes every time he used that excuse. But she loved JJ, so she’d wait until he was ready to tell anyone other than her parents.
A knock on the window of her balcony made Y/n look up from her book. The outline of a person stood in the dark, and if she hadn’t memorized that figure a thousand times, she probably would’ve been scared. So she got up and opened the door, going back to her bed almost without looking back.
“I have two pages left of this chapter and I’ll be right with you, babe” she rushed, getting only the sound of the balcony closing as response.
Then, JJ fell on her bed, looking up at her ceiling. She only took one glance at him, but it was enough for her to forget her book. Her little lamp illuminated his face, and she wished she could say she had forgotten about the book because of how gorgeous he was. However, the bruises and dried blood that were on his face stood out more. His eyes were bloodshot, his cheeks wet and his nose red, twitching with every sniffle that came out of him. He looked up at his girlfriend slowly, and that was all she needed to hurriedly lay down next to him and pull his body into an embrace. He broke down again.
Y/n’s heart broke, and she tried not to cry, reminding herself she was supposed to be strong for him. So she just held him tighter, muttering sweet nothings to him and reminding him that he was okay, that she got him, passing her fingers through his hair.
They don’t know how long they stayed there, the boy shaking in the girl’s arms, but at some point, JJ‘s breath went back to normal, and Y/n looked down at him, pressing one more kiss to his hair. She felt him shuffle in her grip until his face laid next to her, and he kissed her.
“Thank you” he mumbled after the kiss.
“Hey, of course” she reassured him looking into his eyes “I love you”
JJ looked down, he couldn’t help but feel guilty every time she told him she loved him but he couldn’t say it back. She had told him millions of times that it didn’t matter, that she would wait until he was ready, but he could only wonder why it was so fucking difficult.
“Let’s clean you up a little, huh?” she pecked his lips one more time.
She stood up and entered her bathroom, to come out with the small box that was full of medical supplies she had bought for situations like this, that unfortunately happened more often than she liked. She sat behind him, lifting his head up and placing it on her lap.
“What happened this time?” she asked softly, brushing his hair out of his forehead and starting to clean the blood around the forming bruise.
JJ let out a huff and a hiss when the alcohol made contact with the cut.
“Please don’t be mad... I got arrested, again” he waited for her to make a comment, but nothing came, so he continued “Topper and Rafe jumped Pope when he was delivering some stuff, so he sunk Topper’s boat in return. I took the blame, ended up in jail, old man came to pick me up”
“You have to be more careful, J. I get that you were helping your friend, I am so proud of you for that, but at the rate you’re going, you’ll end up in jail or juvie for good” Y/n knew a thing or two about that, her dad was a lawyer, and her mother owned a company, so she needed to know about laws.
“But I’ll have you as my lawyer, and you’ll bail me out” he winked with a goofy smile.
“I’m serious, JJ. God, he got you good” she grimaced “You sure you don’t want to call child services?”
“N/n, I’ve told you a million times, I can handle it. You don’t have to worry” he leaned up and pecked her lips.
“You telling me not to worry isn’t gonna stop me from worrying, babe” she frowned, finishing his face “Do you have anything under that shirt?”
“A good eight pack of abs” he winked with a smirk, chuckling quietly when she rolled her eyes “Nah, he only got the face and arms this time. I’m fine, baby”
“How much is the fine? Don’t roll your eyes at me, JJ. I am gonna pay for that, no matter how much it is. If I don’t your dad will probably kick your ass again!”
“And I’ll be okay! I’m not gonna let you pay for my mistakes, Y/n”
“How much, JJ?” she greeted her teeth “C’mon, I just want to help you!”
“Are you seriously asking me why?” she incredulously asked back “Because I care about you, JJ! Fuck, I love you, you know that! I don’t want you going to jail or juvie or getting beaten up by your dad! So why won’t you let me help you?!”
By then, they were arguing, both standing up facing each other.
“I don’t want you paying for my mistakes” he repeated with a stern look “Plus, if you helped me, people would know about us”
“I still don’t know why that would be so bad. I don’t care of what people think of me. I never have, and I’m not gonna start now” Y/n stressed “You know, everyone in this goddamn island has secrets. And they all think they’re so well kept... Sarah Cameron’s dad is more dangerous than he appears, Sheriff Peterkins can be lured very easily, and there’s people out there that would kill to keep theirs. They all have secrets, but the only one that doesn’t make sense keeping is this one!” she motioned between the two of them “We’ve known each other since we were ten, and yet you’ve never even considered letting your friends know”
The blond didn’t answer, he just stood there staring at the floor. Y/n’s eyes were filled with tears. She just wanted to help him, was that so bad? He made it look like keeping the secret was a burden, when it was him that didn’t want it out.
“I don’t want it to be a secret anymore” she spoke after a moment.
“We’ve talked about this, N/n-”
“No. You didn’t understand what I was saying” she sniffled, packing up all the healing kit on her bed “I don’t want it to be a secret anymore. As in, you and I are not a secret anymore because there’s no more us” she told him, watching as his eyes widened in realization.
“Wha- No, c’mon baby don’t say that, you don’t mean it” he approached her, carefully taking her arm, tears welling up in his own eyes “I just- I can’t let you pay a 30K bill”
“You don’t want my help? Fine. I’m done helping you, for good” she tried to seem strong, but they could both see right through her mask “Please leave. Midsummers is tomorrow and my mother wanted me to get a good sleep”
“Don’t do this, N/n, don’t go to bed with us fighting” he pleaded. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath.
“Look, I don’t want to break up, we’re not doing that, I just need to relax. Give me a day, please.” she pleaded and got into bed, turning off the light.
Y/n closed her eyes tightly, whole body tensed to make sure she didn’t let out any sobs. She knew JJ was hesitating behind her, and she could perfectly picture him opening his mouth to try and say something, but then he just sighed and left how he had entered.
Midsummers. A party that happened at the country club every year, exclusively for Kooks to enjoy how rich they were. Even if the L/ns were probably the chillest Kook family there was, they were also members of the club. In fact, F/n L/n was the best lawyer the place had had in a very long time.
Usually, Y/n was all up for pretending for a day that she was just as much of a rich kid as the Thornton son so that the other families could get their annual “resident good girl vitamin”, but this year, she didn’t even feel like getting out of her bed.
After JJ left, she had let all the tears and sobs out, and fallen sleep on a soaked pillow. It was safe to say she was not in the mood for anything but stay wrapped up in her covers and cry, and her mother actually considered letting her stay, but then her father came and told her she needed a distraction. Unfortunately, he was right.
So, with her mom’s help, Y/n put on her midnight blue dress and matching sandals, letting her mother put on some light make up and a small flower crown —because apparently, that was what everyone was going for that year, a flower crown.
And that’s how she ended up in the club’s terrace, a cup of some liquor in hand and staring at the waves that crashed at the shore. Y/n usually kept to herself in these kind of events, she had never really loved any of the rich kids. She couldn’t believe how they could give themselves so much importance, like they were part of the English royal family or something. They were kids, for fuck’s sake! Maybe that’s why she never had a problem when talking to JJ, and why she liked to hear about his friends so much.
N/n had envied him for having a friendship that strong with someone else. The closest she had gotten to that other than with him was the Kook princess herself, but it only lasted for a couple of weeks. That’s how long the project for French had lasted, and when it ended, neither of them had enough guts to ask if they were going to continue being friends, so their friendship was limited to being nice and saying hi each time they saw each other.
There were very few kids in that party she actually liked. 3, to be exact, and one of them was a Pogue and other identified as one. Kiara Carrera, Pope Heyward and Sarah Cameron. And while she tried to act all nice to the people she didn’t like, she didn’t realize how the two Pogues’ conversation had somehow turned into her.
“She’s probably the only one in this whole party that’s not self-absorbed or a bitch” Kiara said, looking at her and not bothering to hide it.
“First thing she did when she got here was get a burger” Pope told her “And she like, made it herself. She told me I was too busy with the orders, and asked if she could make it herself; and after she did, she paid me twenty bucks!” he still couldn’t wrap his mind around it.
“It’s a shame she keeps to herself. I mean, I’ve talked to her a couple of times, and she really is as nice and amazing as people say”
“Last year, I messed up an order and she literally took the blame. Said she’d been talking to me and distracting me, but she deadass just arrived”
The topic stayed on the L/n girl for a couple of more minutes, until Pope said some random fact and it changed completely. In the meantime, Y/n had realized she had forgotten to take out JJ’s ring from her middle finger, and was fiddling with it thinking about the night before. She bit her lip, choosing to down her drink and give it a rest, distract herself.
Night fell over Outer Banks, and Y/n was truly done with the party. Rafe Cameron had had the audacity to try and flirt with her, a couple of times, and because of that, now she was stuck to her mother’s side. She paid no mind to what M/n talked about with the other woman, looking around the people absentmindedly, a new glass of liquor in hand.
A mop of blond hair caught the girl’s eye. She’d recognize that head anywhere, but he had yet to realize he was being watched, too busy trying to act like he was supposed to be there. Y/n knew he wasn’t. Unfortunately for her, just as he passed by with a tray of drinks, the woman her mother was talking to stopped him.
“Bring me some more of this” she didn’t bother watching her tone or asking politely, and JJ’s jaw tensed for a second, nodding curtly.
He lifted his head to ask if the others in the small group wanted something too, and his eyes widened when they fell on her. “Goddess” was what came to mind when he saw her. He shook his head a little and gulped before asking. He’d been moping around since he left the L/n house, realizing he’d been an idiot.
“No, JJ, thank you” M/n smiled softly, letting him go.
He smiled gratefully back, eyeing Y/n once more before hurrying away. She knew that he was up to something, the poorly made flower patterned bow and the fact that he was definitely not supposed to be here, adding to the common knowledge that JJ Maybank was never up to any good, made her keep a close eye on him —and maybe she just wanted to watch him.
Thank God she kept an eye on him, because as soon as he was done giving Sarah some note, that she knew had something to do with her avoiding Topper all day long, Rafe and his goons came up to him. The Cameron boy held that stupid smile on his face, one that screamed “CAREFUL. This boy is dangerous”.
With an annoyed huff to herself, Y/n excused herself and walked to the nearest guard.
“Hey” she called, getting the man’s attention “See those boys right there? Yeah, the one dressed as a waiter is gonna run in a few seconds. I’ll give you a hundred bucks right now if you follow them and stop the pretty girls from doing something” she took the bill out of her wallet and offered it to him.
As soon as the guard took it, and after a nervous glance around with wavering smiles and shaky chuckles, JJ made a run for it. Y/n pointed at the boys running after him and ushered the guy to follow them.
Not even five minutes later, he came back with JJ in his hold, the teenager muttering all kinds of smartass comments. Y/n had to stifle a laugh, and although her mother reprimanded her softly, she could see a smile on her face too.
“What did he do this time?” the amused voice of her dad came from behind, making her let out an “eh...” accompanied by a shrug.
However, the L/n family seemed to be the only ones that found it amusing, because all around them gasps and muttering was all that could be heard.
“Whoo!” JJ suddenly exclaimed, and Y/n arched a brow in anticipation to whatever antics he was going to pull “It’s okay everybody! Do not panic, let’s leave it to the men and women in uniform, huh! Let’s hear it for them!” he continued, clapping, as the guard escorted him outside. Then he spotted Rose Cameron “Rose! You look like Lady Liberty, it’s good to see you again” the man turned him around, and he kept getting people’s food and drinks on the way.
“Let go of him!” Kiara came to the rescue, having all heads snap towards her as her parents tried to stop her, but she paid no mind “You can’t just boot him! I invited him here! I’m a member of this club!” she came up with all kinds of excuses, and Y/n couldn’t help but smile.
All of a sudden, JJ pushed the man that held him away, a rush of adrenaline pumping through his veins.
“Ey! Mandatory Power hour at Rixon’s, Kie! Pope, that goes for you too!” the blond turned around, walking backwards “Workers of the world unite! Throw off your chains!” and then Y/n couldn’t hold it anymore, she started laughing.
JJ stopped for a second, his eyes falling on the grinning girl, looking incredible and like she was actually having fun in that place for the first time. The adrenaline kicked again. He saluted John B before turning back around again, this time pointing straight at the girl he loved.
“Hey, N/n!” he called, smiling brightly at her and ignoring the stares people were giving at him, most of hatred because “how dare this nobody troublemaker even look at their precious girl?!”. “You look absolutely stunning, but then again, you always do” his confidence grew when she bit down her lower lip and looked down to hide her smile, like she always did when he flirted with her “You didn’t want it to be a secret, right?” he arched an amused brow, with what she knew as his “challenge accepted” smirk “Everyone, I want you to know that I am helplessly in love with that girl over there! That’s right, Y/n L/n! I love you, gorgeous!” he blew a kiss her way and winked, smirk permanently placed on his lips as he urged his friends to go.
All the Kooks stared at the four carefree teens as they left the place, astounded. Y/n on the other hand, held a huge smile over her lips, and she felt invincible. M/n and F/n took their daughter’s hands, squeezing them in a happy manner. She giggled to herself a couple more times and then jumped, throwing a loud laugh to the air without caring how the others looked at her.
Later that night, Y/n parked her car right behind the Tannyhill property, where she knew Sarah would sneak out. Sure enough, she didn’t even have to wait five minutes when the girl came out.
“Need a ride?” she offered, startling Sarah.
“Shit Y/n! You almost gave me a heart attack” she placed a hand on her chest.
“Hop in, Cameron” she chuckled “You’ve got a Prince Charming to meet”
“How do you know?” she inquired, but still opened the door of the Jeep and got inside.
“I know a lot of the stuff that happens in this island. On both sides” she waved off.
“Okay, so I have a Prince Charming to meet, wat about you?” she wiggled her brows “What was that with JJ before, huh?”
“What I have is a crackhead idiot to talk to” she huffed with a smile, once again biting her lip as she thought of the events from the party.
Sarah arched a brow at her, but didn’t say anything.
Y/n spent around ten minutes leaning back against her Jeep before the Pogue van appeared van John B came out of it.
“Princess is on top of the tower, Prince Charming” she told him, and he jumped in his spot, making her chuckle “She’s waiting, dude”
“Thank you” he smiled; she nodded and ushered him out.
She approached the van, where three heads poked from the back door and the passenger seat.
“Hi, Kiara. Hey Pope” she waved with a soft smile, and they returned the gesture a little confused “JJ”
“N/n” he greeted, the confidence from before had washed off and now he wasn’t sure about he was supposed to act “What are you doing here?”
“Gave Sarah a ride so she could meet her Prince Charming” she jerked her head back “Thought it was the perfect excuse to see my crackhead idiot” she swayed back and forth on her feet with an innocent smile, as the blond had formed a perfect “o” with his mouth and a faint blush had settle on his cheeks “Rafe didn’t get you too hard, right?” she furrowed her brows this time, taking a step forwards in worry.
“U-Uh, no, I’m- Wait how do you know about that?” he stuttered, and the other two Pogues couldn’t believe what they were seeing in front of them.
JJ had never stuttered in front of a girl, never even faltered in his flirty behavior. When he had declared his love for the L/n daughter, they had thought it was a joke, but apparently it wasn’t.
“How do you think the guard knew where to look?” she arched her perfect brow at him, smirking when he gaped at her.
“I thought you were done helping me. For good. Thought you said you needed space” he muttered, looking down at his arms that were against the window.
“I thought you didn’t want anyone to know” she shot back “I also didn’t know you loved me” she added after a few seconds of her biting the inside of her cheek.
“Love” he corrected “I love you, as in present, right now” he looked straight into her eyes for a second, and then hesitated “Do you- do you still love me?”
“Still?” Y/n heard Pope whisper, only to be shushed by Kiara.
She paid no mind to them, focusing on JJ in front of her, as she smiled at him and nodded bashfully.
“I told you I loved you not even 24 hours ago, feelings like that don’t just disappear, dummy. Besides, I told you we weren’t breaking up” he grinned, quickly opening the passenger door and basically launching at her.
“I love you” he muttered into her neck, placing a kiss there “I love you so fucking much”
“I love you too” she answered in pure glee “You know what else I love? How you shouted it to all those Kooks! Did you see their faces?! Oh, they were glorious!” she tilted her head backwards laughing.
“I know! You were right, we should’ve done this sooner” he told her, earning a punch.
“And you realize that now?! What the hell, dude? I’ve been telling you for ages! This is just another proof that you need to listen to me more” JJ shook his head with a smile, leaning down to capture her lips in his.
“Okay, whoa, hold on” Pope interrupted again “How long has this been going on?”
“Us knowing each other or us dating?”
“Both!” Kiara exclaimed this time, unable to contain her smile.
“We’ve been best friends since we were ten, and we started dating a little over a year ago”
“How did we not know?!”
“N/n’s been my best kept secret since I met her. Nobody knew until now, but she’s been bugging me forever”
“It’s just so stupid the way you were worried about what they’d think! Who effing cares?!” Y/n shook her head, then looked at the others with a nervous expression “Hey, so umm... This might be out of place, and you can all say no, but uh... could I join you guys in your little treasure hunt? I don’t want a part of it, I just want the adventure. I-I could give you stuff you need and don’t have, that way you won’t have to steal it, o-or give you access to places...”
The three seemed to share an unspoken conversation, like the ones she had with JJ when they spent nights in the living room with her parents. Then, all at the same time, they smiled and nodded. She jumped forward, wrapping the other two in a hug. They laughed and hugged back.
“Welcome to the Pogues” Kiara smiled “I guess the “No Pogue on Pogue macking” rule is out the window now” she chuckled, as JJ passed his arm around his girl’s waist.
“Oh, you’ve no idea” he said, pressing her against his body, laughing softly when she hit him in the chest.
“I have to warn you. We’re not the only ones after the gold”
“How do you know?”
“She just knows stuff about what happens in the Outer Banks, you learn not to question it. I don’t even know how she knows about us going after it, I didn’t tell her”
JJ was right. Y/n knew a lot of stuff about a lot of people, and you just had to learn not to question it. It was like she had eyes and ears all over the place, but at the same time, she worked alone. People in Outer Banks all had secrets, and so did Y/n L/n.
bonus: hot tub moment + end of s1
 The Pogues —plus Sarah and Y/n now— had found the gold!
They had to leave Kiara and Sarah on a boat together for a whole day so that they would make up, then sneak into the haunted house of an axe murderer, the girls almost had a chimney metal stick thingy speared through their heads, and then they got shot at —which apparently wasn’t the first time it happened, and Y/n almost killed JJ for not telling her— but they found it!
Unfortunately, everything seemed to go downhill from there. Their glory was short lived and when they went to sell the few gold gallons John had taken with him, they were set up. A shotgun pointed straight at the brunette at the wheel, and then they were all pressing themselves against the floor. JJ had not been happy with that. In fact, he’d been so furious, he’d driven them all to the guy’s house and stolen 25K from him.
“Here you go babe” he handed Y/n a stack of bills.
“J, you can’t do this” she carefully told him. She’d been with him inside the house and witnessed how he’d reacted to JB; she didn’t want to make it worse “I understand that you are mad, but stealing money from a drug dealer that pointed a gun at us is not a good idea”
The blond inhaled through his nose, his eyebrows meeting in the middle. He was sick and tired of being messed with, first by Kooks and now by the asshole that sold his dad coke. He wasn’t gonna put it back.
“We’re tired of your shit” John B told him, and from the corner of his eye he could see Y/n take a sharp breath.
“Oh, my shit?”
“Yeah, your shit”
“Your “pulling guns on people” shit” Kiara continued.
“You’re acting like a maniac!”
“Okay, hey! Let’s calm down a little, alright?” Y/n pushed herself to be in front of her boyfriend.
“I took the fall for you, Pope!” JJ ignored her “Know how much I owe because of you?”
“I was gonna pay you back!”
“I just did!” he hollered “Pay it back. Right here, right now, by myself. You know what? That’s exactly what I’m gonna do. Go off by myself” he took the bag with the money and left, ignoring his girlfriend’s calls.
Y/n tried to go after him, but John B and Kiara got a hold of her and shook their heads.
“Maybe he’ll go home?” Sarah proposed.
They were all sitting on The Wreck, trying to decide what to do with the whole situation. They didn’t know what to do of JJ’s outburst, and they still hadn’t talked about how or when to take out the gold. Everything was a whole mess.
“There’s a 0% chance that JJ goes home” Pope assured.
However, the more Y/n thought about it, the more she was convinced JJ would go to his own house. She frowned at her hands, that rested in her lap, and then two more hands were placed on top of hers. She looked up to see the other two girls smiling at her, and she nodded with a smile.
“I don’t know about that, Pope. He said he just paid for restitution, and who is the person that was angriest at him for owing 30K?” she arched a brow, biting her lip. She was worried for the boy “I think he may want to prove Luke he can solve this... I’m gonna go look for him” she got up, ready to go search for her boyfriend.
“Hey, N/n” John B called “Be careful, okay?” he smiled softly at the girl.
It was incredible how easily the Pogues had let her in their group, honestly. She would’ve guessed they’d be as reluctant to her as they had been to Sarah, but there was none of that, and she was truly grateful for her new friends.
“I will”
First place she went to was JJ’s house. She approached the porch carefully, ringing the bell. A beat up and drunk Luke opened the door harshly, and looked her up and down.
“What do you want?"
”I’m looking for JJ” she told the man, and those words seemed to make him angry.
“That son of a bitch left a while ago, after he gave me this” he pointed to his nose and mouth, where dried blood stuck to it.
Without another word, Y/n backed away, basically running out of the property and getting on her bike. If Maybank father looked like that, who knew how Maybank son had. Now she really was scared and worried.
“Mom! Dad!” she burst inside her house, shouting for her parents “Lauren, Lauren hey!” M/n’s business partner and best friend came in her view from the kitchen, sipping on a coffee “Has JJ been here? Have you seen him today?”
“No sweetie, I haven’t. Is everything okay? Are you alright?” the woman had seen the teenager grow up, she was part of the family.
“I just, I need to find him” tears had started falling down her cheeks, and her breathing was getting heavier.
“Wait, honey, you need to sit down” Lauren got a chair and made Y/n sit down “Breathe, Y/n. What happened?”
“JJ, he- he and his friends had a fight, and he stormed out. I-I went over to his house looking for him, and his father opened up. He was bleeding, said JJ did that to him. If he has a busted lip, JJ is probably worse, and I need to know he’s okay” Y/n completely broke down in her aunt’s arms.
Lauren hugged her tightly, rubbing her back and trying to soothe her. They stayed like that for a little, until the teenager girl relaxed and got her breathing back to normal. She sniffled a little, meeting her aunt’s soft gaze and she nodded to let her know she was okay. Then her phone rung.
“Hello?” she answered, voice still a little shaky.
“N/n! We found him” Kiara didn’t sound very happy “He’s drunk at John B’s, and he’s wasted all the money”
“Hey! Don’t put it like that! I invested it!” JJ’s words were slurred and sounded distant.
“I’ll be there in ten” Y/n told her friend, and hung up “That asshole was getting drunk while I was over here worried about him!” she stormed out of her house, getting her car’s keys on the way out.
When Y/n got to John B’s, she jumped out of her Jeep, slamming the door behind her and followed the fairy lights —that she was positive were her boyfriend’s doing— to the part of the Chateau where you could see the water.
“Stop being emotional!” she heard JJ exclaim.
“What’s going on?” she asked, seeing Kie and Pope’s distraught faces.
The blonde boy in the Jacuzzi let his head fall and muttered a “shit”. Even drunk he knew that he was about to hear it from his girlfriend. Kie and Pope had barely taken their eyes off of him to look at the newly arrived girl. Pope motioned for her to go over to them. So she did, and he heard her gasp when she saw his front.
“Don’t say anything, please” JJ tried to keep his voice steady, but it cracked “I know what you’re gonna say, and-”
Y/n shook her head and hurried over to him, getting in the water without caring about her shoes or clothes. She just needed to hold him, and when she put her arms around him, he hunched over, pulling her closer and finally reaching breaking point.
“I can’t handle him anymore... I was going to kill him” he cried into her shoulder “I just wanted to do the right thing”
“I know, baby” she assured him, feeling another two pairs of arms wrap around the two of them “It’s gonna be okay, I promise”
Like she had done with her aunt before, they all stayed there for a while. When JJ calmed down, and Y/n was sure she wouldn’t start crying again when seeing his front, they all pulled away, and she led him to the guest room. She made him lay down and wait for her as she took the med kit from the bathroom. It wasn’t the box she had in hers that was specifically made to treat him, but she’d make it work.
After that, she threw herself next to him, and pulled the covers over the both of them. JJ shifted until he was able to rest his head on the crook of her neck, passing his arms around her frame and pulling himself closer to her as she tangled their legs together and put her hand in his hair, massaging his head and tracing patterns on his arm with her other hand.
“I still don’t wanna call child services” he muttered after a few moments “I don’t want him going to jail”
“I know” Y/n said, her voice as low as his “But I’m not letting you go into that house alone ever again. From now on you either sleep at mine, or here”
“You’re giving me a free card to sleep with you every day?” a small smirk made its way into his features “What would your parents think?” Y/n scoffed.
“Okay, first of all, there’s plenty of guest rooms I can leave you in. But you already had that free card. You’ve had it since we were ten. And you know that my parents don’t actually care if you stay, they’re even more relaxed when you do. They care about you, J”
“I know... Your parents are the best” he nuzzled his face in her neck, leaving a kiss. Y/n sighed and smiled when she felt his nose nudging her “Hey babe?” she hummed “I love you. A lot. Thank you for not leaving me”
“I love you a lot too. Don’t you ever thank anyone for something you deserve. You deserve the world; you hear me?” she propped herself up a little, taking his face in her hands and looking straight into his blue eyes.
She kissed him softly to convince him that he in fact deserved so much more than what life had given him. After she pulled away, she pecked his lips again and looked into his eyes again. He smiled and nodded, and Y/n rested her back once again, feeling JJ go back to his previous position too, and they drifted to sleep.
Things only seemed to get worse and worse for the group of teenagers. Their biggest problem was Ward Cameron, Sarah’s dad. Y/n knew he was dangerous; she didn’t know it was this bad. The guy was a power hungry, manipulative psycho.
He had killed Big John, then tried to kill John B, taken all the gold and tried to kidnap his daughter and take her to the Bahamas, only to end up not leaving Kildare County because his son fucked up big time. Rafe Cameron had shot and killed Sheriff Peterkin, and the two had blamed it on John B.
So now the teenager had a bounty on his head and was running around the Outer Banks.
“You think they’ll get out in time?” Y/n chewed on her lip as she watched The Phantom get into the water.
JJ had had to go back into his house to get the keys, and as promised, Y/n hadn’t let him go in alone. She’d stood in the corner of the living room as a drunk Luke Maybank hugged his son and raved about school.
Y/n stood on the ground as Pope and JJ lowered the boat into the water. She had a scratch on her cheek from the fight with Rafe and Barry they just had, and her arm already had a bruise that looked like a hand, along with more scratches on her elbows. Next to her, Kiara also had a hand bruise, only hers was placed on her neck, from Rafe’s attempt on choking her before Pope had showed up and hit him with a metal pole.
“JJ says the boat runs like none other, so they should be good. They just have to get here” as if on cue, a car sounded from the road.
“Baby girl, Kie, get over here. That’s a police car, in the boat” instead of listening, the girls squinted their eyes at the driver’s seat “Girls! C’mon!”
“Is that...”
The car came to a stop, and surprisingly, John Booker Routledge came out of it.
“Nice ride, right?” he exclaimed with a teasing smile “Shoupe lend it to me” he laughed, going to hug Kiara.
“I’ll believe that for now” she answered.
“Where’s Sarah?” the boy of the day asked once he was on the boat “She said we’d meet here”
“She uh- we haven’t seen her, John B” Y/n softly laid the news to him “You have to leave without her. Quick, the police are gonna be here any minute”
“She’s right, JB” Pope told him, but he was no longer listening.
JJ explained to him what he had to do once he got out, but John B could only focus on the empty road, hoping his girlfriend would suddenly appear running from the corner. But she didn’t. Still, he had to go. He turned to look at his friends one last time.
“Hey, I-I-I’m sorry” he breathed “For, you know, dragging all of you down with the gold hunt and basically throwing us off a cliff”
“John B yo- we were bound to fall off a cliff at some point” JJ smiles, pulling the other three closer “I’m glad we did it our way. Pogue Style” the Pogues chuckled, and Pope nudged Y/n.
“You’re a Pogue too now, N/n”
“That’s right! For life” John B nodded “I love you guys”
“We love you too. Now leave!”
“We’ll see you in two months down in Mexico”
The Phantom left the docks, and the four friends watched it disappear. Y/n left for the car, wanting to call her parents with JJ on her tow. F/n and M/n had called her earlier, and she could only rush her words, telling them that she and JJ were okay and that they needed to help John B, because he was innocent, then hung up. Her boyfriend wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, propping his chin on her shoulder and placing a kiss on her cheek. He nudged her softly and gestured forward. Kiara and Pope were kissing. N/n smiled and bit her lip, happy for the two.
But, sirens were heard from the end of the driveway, and soon police cars were piled up in front of them. JJ’s grip on Y/n’s tightened, and he pushed her behind him, maintaining his hand on her. Shoupe climbed out of the front car, and sighed at the group, gun up.
“Where’s John B?” he interrogated, as if he genuinely believed they’d tell him. When he didn’t get the answer he wanted, he moved forward and told them to put their hands up “JJ Maybank, I see you’re living up to the name”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Y/n immediately snapped, narrowing her eyes at the officer.
“Y/N L/n? What the hell are you doing here?”
“I’m hanging out with my boyfriend and my friends” she told him without hesitating “Don’t look at me like I’ve gone to the dark side, Shoupe. You don’t know me; you just see what you want to. Like everyone else” she scoffed “You gonna cuff me too or what?”
“Careful with how you treat her, asshole” JJ growled at the guy that cuffed her.
They were taken to a carp near the bay, just as the storm broke into Outer Banks and told to wait. They were all a wreck of nerves, Y/n could hardly sit still, and was trying to stay calm so that her gradually angrier boyfriend next to her wouldn’t try anything or pull something stupidly reckless. Her leg bounced up and down on her spot, until a hand landed on her thigh. JJ squeezed her thigh, and gave her a try of a reassuring smile, but she knew that he too was scared for their friends.
At some point of the night, the lights started functioning again, and suddenly everyone outside the carp started shouting. The Pogues all tensed and jumped up from their seats, trying to look outside and get a glance at what was happening.
“They’ll get out in time” Pope affirmed curtly.
“Yeah, The Phantom is the best there is. She’ll get them out safe” JJ went along. Kiara and Y/n nodded nervously, hoping that if they all just agreed on that, Sarah and John B would really be safe.
But their prayers weren’t answered.
“What do you mean you lost them?!” Pope shouted, bringing Y/n back to the real world.
Next thing she noticed was JJ jumping away from her loose grip and lunging at Shoupe. She should’ve gone after him, tried to stop her, but she couldn’t register how to move. Sarah and John B were lost at sea... they had driven them into the storm. Around her, Y/n could hear Kiara’s sobs and JJ’s angry shouts, along with Pope’s also angry voice trying to get answers. Then, she felt the tears falling down her own cheeks, and she forced herself to move forwards.
“Let go of him” she muttered at the officers “Please, he won’t try anything”
“You heard her. Let me go” he yanked his arms away from them and wrapped them around her frame.
They didn’t last long, they immediately broke down, only letting go to join Pope and Kiara in a group hug.
Their parents had arrived. Kiara and Pope broke away from the embrace, falling into their parents’ arms and sobbing harder. Still joined, JJ and Y/n hugged each other tighter. Y/n looked up at him, and placed her hands on his face, bringing him down to a salty, quivering kiss.
“Y/n, JJ!” the L/ns entered the carp, barreling into the two teenagers.
“Mom, they’re lost” the girl cried into her mother’s arms, shaking her head as M/n and F/n did their best to calm her and JJ down.
The night ended with those two falling asleep in her bed. Dried tears in both their faces and arms tightly holding each other, even in their sleep. They didn’t know what would happen next with their summer, they had no idea what happened with Sarah and John B, but they surely hoped for the best.
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hp-fanfic-archive · 4 years
an introductory rec list (that no one asked for) to some of my favorite ships: wolfstar [1/10]
First fic I read for the pairing: Where Rain And Smoke Mingle by smallestbird [1k,T] It doesn't matter if they've disowned you, they're still your family. It doesn't matter how often you walk away, it still hurts. [it’s a bit dreary, but the writing style is so nice and i’m a big sucker for hurt/comfort]
Fic that really sold me on the pairing: Of Brothers and Boyfriends by Amuly [38k,E] There’s no summary on the fic, but, essentially, Remus and Sirius’s secret relationship gets found out and things get… complicated. (warning for homophobia) [My note on my ao3 bookmark pretty much sums up how I feel about this fic: Honestly one of my favorites (and one of the stories that really got me hooked on Wolfstar tbh) and I've read it at least eight times. However, I’m not entirely sure how I feel about the homophobic James Potter (even though he does come around).]
Absolute favorite fic(s) for the pairing: Text Talk by merlywhirls [141k,Not Rated] Sirius is in boarding school, Remus is in hospital, and they don't know each other until Sirius texts the wrong number. (warnings for homophobia, mentions of abuse, and homophobic language) [One of the earlier fics I read and it’s always just been one of my favorites, even though it’s been 3 years since I read it for the first time.] Harry Potter and the Live Laugh Love Sign in the Basement by loudestfandomsoftheworld [24k,T] Harry spends his summer with his fugitive godfather and his former professor who is a jobless werewolf. It's probably the best summer he's ever had. [The humor, the characterizations, their relationships, it’s all so fucking perfect!!] Go East [+Podfic] by xinasvoice [84k,E] Remus has been running for a long time. Eventually, he runs into a strange castle built by a wizard and his young apprentice. The longer he stays, the more secrets he uncovers...and the less he wants to leave. This is a novel-length adventure story that loosely follows the plot of Howl's Moving Castle. It does not require knowledge of the HMC book or movie to enjoy it. [it made me laugh, it made me cry, and it’s plot is based on one of my all time favorite movies? 11/10] Of Queries and Quarantines by MoonCat457 [51k,E] LUPIN.RJ: James, WHY? POTTER.JF: Because you’re the one currently doing the job, so it makes sense that you’d be the one to train the person hired to take your place. LUPIN.RJ: No, I mean why is Monty hiring a new editor in the middle of a fucking pandemic? POTTER.JF: An old friend of mine is in a tough spot and needs a job, so of course, dad is helping him out. - - - - OR A story set in the middle of the pandemic in which Sirius is hired at the Potter’s publishing company and Remus is responsible for training him. Lots of texting, lots of video calls, lots of mutual pining, and a lot of really bad literature quotes. [i’ve largely avoided quarantine au fics, but sometimes they’re so well-written and hilarious and also a texting fic and i accidentally fall in love with them, so here we are.]
Most recent fic I’ve read for the pairing: There Is No Man, However Wise by enigmaticblue [87k,T] It’s 1988, Sirius has Harry, and possession is nine-tenths of the law. [i adore a good raising harry au and i also adore the premise of the series this is in and i also adore the writing story and characterizations. 10/10]
Favorite AU(s) I’ve read for the pairing: High School AU: Likewise Variable by ssstrychnine [28k,T] James has plans, Peter is the nurse, Sirius keeps fake blood up his sleeves, and Remus just tries to stay alive. [i first read this fic in 2017 and it still lives rent free in my mind. it’s hilarious, a perfect characterization of the marauders (even tho it’s a muggle modern high school au) and adding shakespeare? just icing on the fucking cake. it’s excellent.] University AU: Wannabe Your Lover by Maraudererasmut & shadow_prince [15k,M] Somewhere in America, Fall of 1997 - Returning to University, James refused to room with Sirius in the wake of The Great Cheez-it Battle of '96. They must adjust to living with someone new, Mr. Potter worried they'd both get scurvy, James unsuccessfully continued trying to court one Lily Evans, Snape got what was coming to him, and Sirius was the most confused of them all. [this is the university experience we all wish we had, lowkey. aside from the hilarity that comes from having the marauders in a fic, it’s just cute and well-written and i love it (and southern remus??? it’s everything i never knew i needed.] Alternate Sorting AU (Slytherin Remus): Half Agony, Half Hope by Barry_Manilows_Wardrobe [21k,E] A tale wherein Sirius Black loses 750 House Points for Gryffindor. But it’s totally worth it. [listen, if, before i read this fic, you asked me if remus could’ve been a slytherin, my answer would have been “perhaps but probably not.” now, however, yeah. 100%. it’s hilarious, it’s novel (which i love to see), but it’s still the same remus and sirius and it’s excellent.] Haunted House AU: Another Day in the Sun by REwrites [19k,T] Is it haunted? I suppose that depends on who is telling the story. [really really excellent and a little haunting (pun entirely intended). it’s romantic and sweet and a little bittersweet but i adore it.]
WIP(s) I really love for the pairing: We Were Infinite by WolfstarPups90 [336k,E] “The Marauders aren’t something that will just go away once we graduate.” James continued, taking a more serious tone and addressing not only Remus, but the fear that they all had found recently in the back of their minds about what may become of them outside the walls of Hogwarts. “We’re a family. We’ve proven that again and again, haven’t we? We’re forever. Unstoppable. We’re infinite.” The full story of The Marauders from September 1st 1971 - October 31st 1981. (Heavily centered around Wolfstar and Jily in later chapter) [the first WIP i ever read (usually i stick to completed works, but this was being pretty regularly updated when i started reading it and also it’s fucking iconic so what can i say?)] Of Leaves and Stars by irrationalmoony & LadyAmina [273k,T] Almost a year out of Hogwarts, Lily finally manages to convince Sirius and James to get more acquainted with muggle technology and buy phones. Sirius, of course, texts the wrong number. [everyone is queer! (as they well should be). also: is it complete? no. has that stopped me from reading it twice? also no.]
Favorite Series for the pairing: TransVerse by picascribit [30k,E,2 works] Canon-divergent AU in which Remus is a transgender boy instead of being a werewolf. (warnings for underage, transphobia, internalized transphobia, bullying, self-harm) [i am a trans remus stan and this series is iconic, but also heed the tags kids.]
Longest fic I’ve read for the pairing: Once in a Blue Moon by FullMoonDreams [408k,M] In a world where Remus never received his Hogwarts invitation and Sirius wasn't accepted by the Gryffindors the two lonely boys become friends. A story beginning in their first year, and continuing right through Hogwarts and beyond. RLSB. [this fic emotionally ruined me,,, but like,,, in a good way, you know? i will probably never reread it because i cried for hours the first time, but the plot does live rent free in my mind (and i do have a playlist of songs that remind me of it).]
Fic(s) with some of my favorite tropes: Matchmaking: Pining, Parchment, Plotting, and Pranks by KayBee1762 [12k,T] “Idea parchment,” James said. He unfolded it and smoothed it out. “You want to get them together, right? That’s why you came to me?” “Yeah,” Lily huffed, which was ridiculous because he was right, that’s why she came to him. But it was supposed to be her idea, because she wanted to help her dear friend Remus, not James or Sirius. But it was so nice to be able to talk about this with someone, and James looked so pleased and excited. “Good,” James said. “Good, because they need to get together, they would be so happy and so good together, and Sirius will stop sighing like a lovesick puppy and just snog him instead.” In which Lily considers changing Houses, James blushes a lot, Sirius is his usual dramatic self, Remus mopes, and Peter knew everything all along. [the marauders (especially james and lily) trying to play matchmaker is one of my favorite instances of the classic matchmaking trope.] Road Trips + Bed Sharing: Of Comets and Counter-Examples by Woldy [5k,T] If the past is a foreign country, can travel help to resolve a troubled history? Dumbledore assigns Remus and Sirius a mission to explore three European cities, or perhaps to find each other. [a lovely tale of travel, reunions, comfort, friendship, and self-rediscovery. plus, travel, bed sharing, and friends to lovers??? yeah] Matchmaking (again): In The Middle by Blossomwitch [3k,Not Rated] James is the natural confidant of both Remus and Sirius. When they both swear him to secrecy on the same topic, James is stuck watching his friends pine for each other without being able to say a word to bring them together. A lesser man might shrink from the challenge of finding a way to break his promise without breaking his promise, but not James Potter! [i already did a matchmaking trope fic i know but what can i say other than the trope fucking slaps and so does this fic.]
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northcarolinanative · 4 years
𝙲𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗/𝙲𝚑 𝟷𝟹
Chapter 13: Don’t Remind Me 
A/N: I am so sorry for the late update. I haven’t been feeling particularly motivated the past week or so, but hopefully, I am back and will be writing more:) thank you guys so much for reading my stuff, it means the world really. As always my asks/requests/messages are open:) 
Description: John B’s Sister comes home from staying with their mom, only to find out that her brother is missing and her dad was murdered. JJ may have just lost his best friend. Her and JJ have to figure out what to do and how to pick up the pieces.
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JJ insisted that we both text Kie and Pope about the previous encounter with Barry. He wanted to make sure that they were aware of the situation, and were looking out for Rafe. If anything, after the way Rafe looked when I saw him, Pope should be scared. JJ was getting frustrated, repeating what we had to do to me. He kept pacing through the kitchen, clearly still on edge from the encounter with Barry. 
“Deny, Deny, Deny,” I spoke cutting JJ off. “I know,” I spoke standing up and walking to the opposite side of the bar that JJ was leaning against. “We don’t know anything, the hot tub was a gift from uncle T, felt bad for leaving JB here alone so much right?” I questioned him. 
He shrugged his shoulders before nodding. “I need to get 50k quick, Y/N.” He said again. “How the hell am I gonna do that? I mean Pope said he’d help me pay back the restitution, but I can’t ask him to do that.” He shook his head. 
I hated how JJ was so stubborn, especially now. “Hey, you didn’t pull the plug on Topper’s boat yourself right?” I looked at him raising an eyebrow, the stern tone of my voice was evident. 
“I talked him into it though. You and I both know Pope would not have done that if I wouldn’t have been there.” He fired back. 
“Well, he still did it JJ, which is why I think that you should let him help you pay back the restitution. You put this on your record, this isn’t just a fight on the point or shoplifting JJ, you took the fall for a felony.” I said emphasizing what he did. 
“Thanks, Y/N. I really needed a reminder of that” He spat out, pushing himself off the counter turning and pulling his hands through his hair. I could tell that I was getting under his skin, but he needed to hear it. At least that’s what I was telling myself. “You gonna remind me that I also stole money from a drug dealer, or that the cops could come banging on the door because Rafe was found innocent and I am an accomplice to murder, or that just lost my best friend searching for a damn ship?” He said turning around, his voice rising with each point. 
“Oh don’t even go there JJ,” I said warning him about his last statement, standing up from my seat. He scoffed and shook his head.
 “I lost my best friend, and you lost your brother dude. The guy who’s guilty just beat you in front of the other fucking kooks. How are you not pissed?” He asked as he moved closer to me. I could feel the anger radiating off his body. I was almost always the one to stay calm when the boys would get hot-headed. I was always the level headed one, especially last summer when Kie wasn’t around. “We’re alone Y/N. How are we gonna do this?” He said. While he fronted the statement with rage and anger I heard the pain behind it. We didn’t have parents to run home to at night, or a rich family to bail him out, we had us and the small hope that John B and Sarah were alive. Alive in Nassau. 
“JJ, take a deep breath alright,” I said trying to calm him down. I didn’t want him to break. I felt it coming, with all the pressure that he was feeling right now, I could sense that a breaking point was close. “Please,” I whispered to him, putting my hand on his bicep trying to get him to look at me. 
“No, Y/N, I won’t calm down.” He said shaking my hand from his arm. “I’m fucking livid and you should be too.” He said before storming out of the house. 
“JJ please wait.” I yelled as I stepped out onto the porch, but it was too late. I heard the familiar sound of his bike as it revved and the cloud of sandy dust was kicked up behind him. 
I sighed, leaning my head against the door frame leading outside. I had been through this before, but it was different this time, this time it was JJ instead of John B. After the disappearance of our father John B and I would stay on the phone for hours recounting memories and talking about what he could have been doing. Neither of us was ready to think of the alternative, so we would say that he fled into Canada, or that he was on some island he bought with the gold. We made up crazy theories and laughed but the conversations almost always took a turn to JB recounting the last few moments he had spent with his father. I could hear the guilt that he felt for what he had said to him. Even after months, during our last phone call, he was angry, talking about how DCS wanted to move him because Uncle T was off somewhere and JB couldn’t get to him. 
When I offered to get to reach out he said he didn’t want her help. While mine and my mother's relationship was definitely not something I bragged about, her relationship with John B was worse, almost nonexistent, but with a heavy seasoning of hate. John B blamed her for the divorce, saying she could have stayed on the Island, saying that she ran away from her mistakes. Both John B and I were too young at the time to understand what had happened between our parents. All we had been able to piece together from the two of them was that our mother had an affair with someone from Figure 8, causing their divorce. 
I looked out over the yard, seeing the hot tub as the sun reflected off the still water, my thoughts made their way back to JJ. I understood why he was mad. He had 30k in restitution, while Rafe and Ward Cameron walked, untouched by the law, for killing the sheriff. I wanted Rafe to rot in a prison cell, but knew that mine and the pogues' statements held nothing against Ward's “eyewitness testimony.” 
I was shaken from my thoughts as a loud knock echoed through the house. I was startled, about to make a run for it when I heard it again followed by a loud male voice. “Kildare County Sheriff’s Department.” I froze walking into the house looking for anything incriminating that they might try to take from us. Another knock echoed and seemed to shake the house with it.
 I made my way to the door, taking a deep breath before turning the handle and pulling the door open, just enough for them to see me and my face. “How can I help you?” I stated, putting on the friendliest smile that I could muster up. 
I recognized the officer as Shoupe, but the other was a female, had a few old cuts, and bruises littering her face. Shoope looked at me and then back to the officer to his right. I could see him putting the pieces together. Why did I open the door? I knew this was gonna happen eventually. “I knew you looked familiar when I saw you at the point the other day,” Shoope said as he finally put it all together. His partner had a look of confusion covering her face as she looked between the two of you. “Y/N Routledge” He spoke, the officer’s eyes widening as she looked over me. I nodded sarcastically in her direction, letting her know that I was not satisfied with her facial expression. I looked over at Shoope the same expression towards him, letting him know I was not happy with him. “You here by yourself?” He questioned, trying to look past me in the doorway. 
“No, My mom went to get some stuff from the mainland. We’re cleaning out, going back and forth.” I said quickly. It was a vague enough lie that I hoped he believed. The last thing I need is DCS here, starting the cycle over like it was with John B. 
Shoupe nodded his head but scrunched his eyebrows together in confusion. “Is there something I can help you with or where you just coming to check up on me?” I said leaning against the door frame. 
“We’re looking for JJ, got a few questions for him. He here?” Shoup cut straight to the point. 
I shook my head. “JJ isn’t here,” I said plainly. Technically it wasn’t a lie. Shoupe gave me a questioning look. I shrugged my shoulders, last time I saw him was yesterday morning, he was making deliveries to someone over on Figure 8.” I lied again. This one seemed to please Shoupe as he nodded before stepping back from the door. 
“Thanks, Y/N.” He nodded before moving down the stairs, followed reluctantly by the other officer. He turned one last time and spoke, “We’ll be back to talk to you, your mom, and the rest of your friends.” He smiled, but it just caused my stomach to turn at his words. I watched as they looked back over to me while backing out of the driveway. I smiled before waving to them. I closed the door behind me, sliding my back down until my butt hit the ground. I let my head fall in my hands. JJ was gone, god knows where and the police were looking for him? I slipped my phone out of my pocket, sending a quick text to the other’s saying that the police were sniffing around the area, to lay low. 
I hit my head back against the door and let out a long deep breath I hadn’t realized I had been holding. I was starting to stress out as the day's events seemed to just keep piling up. It was barely 7:30 but I was exhausted, from my encounter with Rafe to the Wreck to Barry to JJ to the cops. I needed a break. 
I made my way over to the bed in the living room, slowly sinking down into it. I rolled over, close to JJ’s side. I wrapped myself in the blanket that somehow managed to smell like him. I laid there, happy for the calm and quiet. One thought kept circulating my mind though. JJ was right, What the fuck are we gonna do?
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josaeul · 5 years
Love Confessions PT 1° BTS
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☽: Pairing: BTS (OT7) x Female Reader / First Person
☽: Au: Momentary High School Au! Yandere !
☽: Word Count: 30K
☽: Chapters Here: 13/(Currently)26
☽: Summary: It didn’t matter that you didn’t know them, it didn’t matter if you had your own plans; it did matter if you didn’t return their love.
☽: A/N: Hi, I’m Dio/Ado! I used to have another tumblr account where I originally published LC but it soon became more of a “personal” so I took it down, while I didn’t publish chapters here I did publish up to 26 chapters in other platforms, so instead of publishing 26 1k-3k words I meshed them all together into 2 parts, as of now the story is still ongoing so there will be more than 30 chapters (my original estimate). If anyone is wondering, this fic has been ongoing since the 7th of July, 2018 and has been on-and-off in the works, mainly because I’m still in high school and it’s h a r d to have a schedule when you’re swamped with hw. This is edited but there may be spelling errors and bad usage of full-stops and commas where they’re very wrong (I mainly speak, not write in english lol that’s why I’m better verbally speaking than writing) but bare with me; english isn’t my first language!
Because this fic is so damn long, especially here on Tumblr where I decided to mash up some chapters, I’ve added a key for the recommended rest/stop place! It’s this  “____ღ”, this is where the original chapter ends!
It’s been going on for ages ever since I moved back here strange notes have littered my locker everyday. Love confessions as a matter of fact. They made no sense, the situation made no sense they weren’t written by the same person but they were written by the same group of people. Honestly, at the beginning I found them to be quite cute they were written with such fondness it made my heart flutter. It was clear they were written with care, each word delicately being chosen, that time had been spent crafting each. But as more time went on they became more aggressive, possessive, threatening and even demanding. Still, these people continued to declare their love but showed strong aggression towards my friends and family at the same time. The notes started to include personal information, from where I lived to what underwear I had been using that day. I suddenly felt unsafe like my safety and life was being analyzed and used against me. Suddenly wasn’t just notes soon there were eyes following me too and in those moments where I felt eyes following me as I walked around the schools' hallways, I hid on the rooftop where I knew that this stalker, or stalkers, would leave me alone. Or at least for a moment or at least I thought so, I hoped.
Today I was clutching my bag tightly as I made my way behind the gray wall of the roof, where I’d hide whenever I felt those eyes following me around, one that was meant to keep us away from the storage room, and failed to do so, when suddenly a girl, probably a few years older than me, walked in followed by a fellow student; a boy. And the boy was none other than the one and only Jeon Jeongguk. Seeing his stupidly handsome face made me scowl, I quickly hid behind the wall and listened in to hear what was happening I didn’t want him to think of me as a loner that couldn’t make any friends other than him because I could.
I knew Jeongguk we were actually best friends when I first lived here. We’d go everywhere together, the park, the movies, we’d also go to each other’s house so often we had the others’ clothes and some belongings there, it had gone to such a point where our parents began planning our wedding. At the time the thought of marrying Jeongguk made me cringe because we were best friends but now just the thought of breathing the same air as him made me want to cut off my oxygen intake and just suffocate a slow and painful death. In other words; I, [Whole Name] [Last Name], hated Jeon Jeongguk with my life.
He became the embodiment of what he, we, used to hate. So coming back home to Jeongguk version two felt like I had lost a friend, a part of me and I did. Jeongguk forgot completely about what we had, about me. He became cold and he distanced himself, started hanging out with the ‘cool kids’, or whatever. I don’t care at least not now. I could make new friends, I could act cold, I could ignore him and I did. But did I want to? No, not really. But at the same time, if this was Jeongguk now, I don’t want anything to do with him.
At the beginning when I had just come back I did my best to become friends again but with how he was acting and seeing him act like such a dick made me want to beat him up, he had completely forgotten and ignored me, he didn’t even spare a glance my way. The only time I’d go to his house now was when Mrs. Jeon, his mom, invited me to help her cook and try to bring us together again. But every time I went there he’d either ignore me or throw insults at my face, and after that he’d just stare at me for the rest of my stay there.
The last time I went was over a little over a month ago and it was solely to take the things I’d left there when I was younger. I did my best to go when I knew he had football practice so I didn’t have to meet him. That day I made sure to call his mom to get her to lend me her keys something she happily did at the end of the day I was [Family Nickname] the girl that helped their shy son and became his first friend. I took with me some boxes, I don't remember exactly what or how much I left, but whatever it was I was taking it back. Jeongguk had made it rather clear he didn’t want anything to do with me so I made him a favor taking back my stuff back. The minute I stepped foot inside the house I noticed a pair of my favorite shoes there, I probably left them there when we said goodbye so when I came back I could leave with my special shoes, how cringy. Mrs. Jeon probably left them there they looked so clean as if someone had just bought them, I could imagine her cleaning the shoes everyday. Laughing a bit I took the shoes and placed them in one of the boxes I had brought, maybe Mrs. Jeon would miss them but Jeongguk wouldn’t. As I made my way to the living room, everywhere I went something was there. My old portable game console, a few books I had been looking for, some random hair ties, those looked too childish to be from Mrs. Jeon and I don’t think Jeongguk would use hair ties either, some toys, and like that I found bits and pieces of my childhood everywhere, it felt nostalgic and to some point my heart ached. And it all went into one of my boxes, so by the time I had walked all the first floor all traces of my belongings had left and all that was left was the second floor,  I had filled up the of one of then cardboard boxes I had brought, I still had two left and one that I had brought full of his belongings he’d left when we were young that my mom had kept just in case he’d need them back. I made my way up to where the rooms were I noticed how the only one that had my old stuff was Mrs. and Mr. Jeon’s and Jeongguk’s bedroom, the guest rooms and Junghyun’s room where practically bare with no traces of the family, much less me. His parents' room had a few pictures and a few tacky drawings me and Jeongguk had made, those I didn’t touch, I even noticed how in her dresser Mrs. Jeon still had the bead bracelets I made her. But the room that shocked me the most was Jeongguk’s, his room was filled with my stuff and I didn’t know if two boxes would be enough for all of it. He had stuff from pictures of the two of us to even my old plushie I brought with me when we had sleepovers, just to name a few that stood out. He kept it all and I didn’t really know how to feel. I snapped to my senses and quickly took all I could fit in my boxes and as I did a big part of me felt weirded out. Why did he act like he hated me so much if he kept all of this, it took me over all almost an hour to clear his room but it felt right, no pictures or plushie; no [Name]. He wasn’t going to be reminded I ever existed now. Good, I didn’t want to be remembered by him. I took the box I had brought myself and left it neatly on his bed, quickly wrote a small note explaining what I had done and why. I didn’t apologize, why would I? He erased himself from my life emotionally, and even went as far as avoiding me, so might as well say physically too. I was doing the same thing, but as I took out my boxes and walked back home I couldn’t help but feel guilty and empty. After that I ignored the Jeon’s. I didn’t go to their house, only waving to them when we stumbled on the supermarket, didn’t really pick up their calls leaving my parents to do so, only going over if I knew my parents or someone else I knew was going too. Basically never. I had erased them from my life; but most importantly I erased him.
If only I had seen how Jeongguk reacted to seeing all his collection gone.
So, seeing him now being dragged all the way over here probably for a love confession made me cringe and hard. Seeing your ex-best friend being asked out definitely felt weird. And I felt a strange pang in my chest as I looked at the girl, her name was Sakura and she was cute. The different kind of cute I was, I mean am I even cute to begin with? Maybe that’s what his ideal type is, the opposite of me. Why was I being so damn petty?
As they walked towards the railing of the roof I pressed myself closer to the walls, I didn’t want to get caught somewhere I wasn’t supposed to be, much less by Jeongguk. Plus, as wrong as it was, I wanted to see how it turned out. As much as I say I hate him, he still played a part in my life, a part I wasn’t about to truly forget or replace.
The girl shyly fixed her hair behind her ear as she spoke, she took her time probably nervous, “W-well, Jeongguk... I know you must get this a lot...”
”Oh god, please hurry up!” He exclaimed impatiently. God he was such a dick.
”Ah, ok! I like you, a lot. I know you’ve dated prettier girls and I may not be the best but-“
”Cut it, will you? I don’t know you, what even is your name Sana? Sinb? Sarah? Look, I guess you’re not that bad, but come on, me? Please, don’t waste my time like this, this is unnecessary.”
”Wh-what?” The pretty girl choked out, I wasn’t really looking by now having seen enough but I could tell by her voice that what that dick said hit her hard, sure those are insults someone would have thrown around in second grade but still, pouring your heart out for it to then be rejected in such manner must have hurt. I had never been rejected, but I could only imagine the pain.
“Are you fucking stupid? Look,” he started, “please get lost and refrain from contacting me ever again.” Ya ou could hear the smirk in his voice as he spoke and I bet all my money that as the girl left running she was a crying mess and I couldn’t blame her I was close to crying too, just where did Jeongguk go. I know people change, especially from fourteen to seventeen, hell even from ten to eleven, but the changes he went through shocked me to the core.
I sat waiting to hear the door open and close to indicate he had left too but it never came. It seemed he was staying out there, he didn’t walk either he seemed to be standing in the same place. I thought he had fainted, a pretty good thing if I wanted to run away without confrontation, or something until he burst out laughing. The sound of his laughter was psychotic, it started out quite but it grew to the point I wanted to rip my ears off. No one had told a joke and nothing funny had happened, if anything the scene that just played out was quite sad, especially since I had been in similar shoes. So then, why was he laughing. I pressed my back tightly against the wall and pushed myself further away from the edge. His laughing fit didn’t stop though. It became even louder. He laughed so hard he fell on the floor, the sound of his knees making contact with the ground bounced all over the place accompanied with the sound of him hitting the ground in laughter, he sounded demented.
After a few seconds of this the laughing stopped, but again the sound of the rooftop door opening didn’t come much less the sound of him standing up. Now the only sound other than the wind and soft rain softly passing through tree leaves was the sound of him crying and speaking through broken sobs.
”I didn’t do enough, didn’t I? Of course I didn’t”, he screamed, his voice sounded constricted and forced, “Why won’t she love me! I did everything Namjoon told me to do... everything!” He began shouting towards the end of his mumble. He clearly wasn’t stable, at least not now, and it broke my heart to see him like this. Who was Namjoon? Did he make him act like this? Perhaps, was it student council Namjoon? Was he somehow responsible for the strange change Jeongguk went through? I mean, he holds enormous power considering he’s just the president of the student council, I mean, he’d been in this school for such a long time but no student has that much power. He was to graduate soon, his class was the first to graduate since the extension of high school education from eighteen to nineteen-twenty, he was older than many of us but that was no reason for him to hold that much influence.
Yet the poor boy kept on crying and I couldn’t listen to him anymore. Not even the sound of the rain could really drown his sorrows out. I was disappointed in him, and I had no idea why he was crying, but either way he still had a big spot inside my heart and I felt weak hearted, and I did what I had told myself countless time I wouldn’t do. I stood up, picked up my bag and made my way towards the broken boy.
As I stood a few feet in front of him I could feel my heart break slightly, it looked worse than what it sounded. His shirt was soaked with tears and rain, his nose was runny, I couldn’t see his eyes as he covered them with his hands. I walked slowly towards him and he finally seemed to hear me and the weight in air as he went stiff, losely growling as he spoke, “How long have you been there?”
But unlike his voice, his body shook slightly as tears continued to fall from his eyes and down his cheeks. I felt awful, he still was my Jeonggukie. Scared of what others thought, shy and a cry baby, a dummy, impulsive, and reckless, to name a few. He was still my Jeongguk. That’s what I wanted to believe now, would it stay like that though?
“A-ah, shit,” I froze before blindly speaking whatever came to my mind, “Jeonggukie, please don’t cry, uhh, you’ll make me cry too!” I cringed realizing that I had used the ‘special’ nickname I had with him with the technique I always used on him when we were younger so that he’d stopped crying. The nickname wasn’t special anymore, it seemed like all the girls in this school used it on him, but still I could silently pride myself on being the first one to call him that. And that technique wasn’t going to work, he was older now and he hated me, didn’t he?
“Bunny?” He asked shyly, he slowly let his hands drop from his face as a small blush took over his features. Maybe, just maybe, he still was my Jeonggukie somewhere deep down.
Finishing the few steps I needed to be by his side I crouched down to his level, and brought my hand to caress his hair softly, we were getting soaked so I try and cover us with my school bag. Slightly humming as confirmation that it was indeed me, and after him looking over me fast as if to confirm that it was really me, he threw himself at me and I fell on my butt from the force, we were now in the shade of a roof as I hit my back against the wall. He quickly hugged me and immediately began crying once more.
”[Name]! I’m so so sorry if I made you mad or hurt you, oh god, don’t tell me I hurt you!” He began blabbering as he cried harder. What happened to him? Only a few minutes ago he was being the biggest dick to a sweet girl and now he was crying and apologizing to me?
“Jeongguk, what happened?” I tried to ask but he refused to listen and opted to continue apologizing and not letting go. He wasn’t as scrawny as he was when he was younger, he was actually quite *big in comparison to me so pushing him away was out of the question. So I opted to silently embrace him. We had spent such a long time like this that we both ended falling asleep and missing class. Not that I cared, I was happy being like this. I could never be mad at him forever.
By the time I had woken up, I expected Jeongguk to be gone because it was either A) a dream or B) he regretted what he did and decided to be a dick again if not an even bigger one. But to my surprise I woke up to a big pair of doe like eyes staring up at me from his position on top of my chest.
“Bunn,” he began, his voice husky from just waking up, “I’m sorry if I upset you, I know you went up to my house and took your stuff back, I almost had a panic attack when I noticed your things were gone. I’m so sorry if I was ever a dick to you. I-I just love you so much I’m scared I’ll hurt you.” He whispered softly as he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, blushing slightly I stare away from him.
”I love you too, Kookie. Don’t worry about anything, ‘kay? You’re always going to be my best friend.”
If only I had noticed how his eyes seemed to have darkened at the mention of best friend.
That day, Jeongguk walked me home. We went up to our lockers, and I was surprised to see one less love note. Today, there were only six. I expected Jeongguk to ask me about it, or ask me if I knew them, but he if anything he seemed more interested in me arriving home safely.
That night was the first night I received a letter inside my house. Freaking out I quickly open the letter only to find out my suspicions were true.
Our dearest [Name],
We are all very happy to know that you have finally accepted your fate to be with us. It is on our best intentions to tell you that it will not be long until we are reunited again.
In the meantime, we wish you do not engage in any form of relation with any male or female other than the ones you already engage with. If you do happen to break this wish, we are sorry to tell you that we will be forced to deal with the source of the problem very similarly with how a gardener does; take out the malice from the roots. All that we ask of you is to stay put and wait for us as we will come when the time is right.
Meanwhile you wait and we prepare it all, we will be keeping an eye on you at all times. Do not fear anything as we will take care of it for you.
We will meet again but for now,
It had been less than a week since me and Jeongguk had begun hanging out again. And as nice as it felt it also came with this overwhelming feeling whenever he was around, he was too clingy. He’d be there always, and if he wasn’t he’d be calling me or texting me.
He had been doing the latter all day. He said it was his way of saying sorry and that if he could he would’ve come over. And at that, I didn’t know what was worse; him calling me or him being here.
It wasn’t that I wasn’t grateful that we’d finally be able to hang out like we used to, heck yes I was, it’s just not like this. I didn’t like the feeling he brought with him whenever we hung out; it was just like at school. But instead of eyes, it was actions and words.
Who knew words could have such an effect on somebody?
They knew.
The people that have been leaving the notes on my locker knew. I had no idea why, but after a while of this strange occurrence, I started collecting the notes. It became a habit of mine whenever I was bored to try and decipher or try finding patterns in them. And today seemed like a nice day to try, everyday seemed like a nice day to try if it brought me closer to stopping these creeps.
I had turned off my phone. Giving Jeongguk a quick text saying I was going to study so I couldn't have my phone on, liar liar. I had decided to try and analyze the notes, do something with them at least.
And the best way to do so was to go to the beginning.
I decided to paste them to a small notebook I had laying around, so I just had to flip a few pages to find what I was looking for.
The first note, and it happened to be signed by Suga.
It was rather short but heartfelt, and the first time I read it I couldn’t help but blush furiously. It went like this;
”My muse,
I’ve been loving you for a while now, you know? My heart skips a beat every time I see you, and it starts creating a new melody for you, its eternal muse.
All I can do is hope that when our time comes to meet, you help me create the most beautiful symphony for us.
Until tomorrow and forever,
Even now, the thought that someone like me was able to inspire someone with such a way for words to create music made my heart skip a beat. But this ‘Suga’ boy wasn’t as sweet as he introduced himself as, slowly I saw his transition from a love struck boy to a sick pervert. Especially on his latest note, which by far has to be one of the creepiest;
”My dearest muse,
What exactly do you think you’re doing? Talking to those no life like that, letting them flirt and touch you. Are you that lonely that you’re willingly letting anybody touch you?
I’m the only one allowed to touch you, perhaps there are few times were I’m allowed to do so but I treasure them intently.
Next time that happens I’ll make sure to cut their dirty hands off and burn them to ashes, so they never bother you again. I promise to send their ashes to you soon.
I  don’t like breaking promises, darling.
Whatever happens remember that I still love you.
With eternal love,
- Your loyal servant, Suga”
Reading the note over and over again I couldn’t help but think that I should go to the police but as quick as the thought formed it had to go away. If it was true that they were watching my every move then I couldn’t risk going to the police because who knew what they’d do, they already knew where I lived and so they must also know my family and friends too. I wasn’t going to go around and risk them unless it got too dangerous.
Time had flown by the window, and by the time I finished reading all of Suga’s letters it had already turned dark.
”Ah, I must’ve skipped lunch and dinner...”, I mutter. I wasn’t surprised, actually, it happened very often where I’d be so caught up I forgot about time. Today was no exception it seems.
Everyone in my house, except for myself, were out for the next week. I wasn’t worried about being by myself, neither about the stalkers since from what I caught on they seem more keen on keeping me out of harm, strangely knowing that they were there and would try and keep harm away from me made me worry less about the dangers of being by myself, though a recurring theme on their letters was taking me away when the right time came that was going to be easy to avoid; I just wasn’t going to give them the right time. I’d make it impossible for them to take me until I could be sure that I and my family could be safe, then I’d go to the police. That’s the plan, the best case scenario.
Deciding that it was enough blabbering to myself, I try to cheer myself up and go make some food. I wasn’t going to make some Gordon Ramsay premium meal, fuck that shit, I’d just go for one of those 5-6 minutes microwave dishes or whatever.
As the dish sat in the microwave I decided to turn on my phone, and not to my surprise Jeongguk had bombarded my phone with texts and calls. Even though I wasn’t surprised, it didn’t mean it didn’t creep or worry me out.
We hadn’t even been around each other for a week and he already was slightly getting on my nerves. I was going to have a talk with him about respecting others privacy.
I open the messenger app to find texts after text from Jeongguk. My chest slightly hurt, since when was he this dependable?
Hey i’m gonna be studying so i’ll have to turn my phone off (>o<) :ME
Jeonggukie: okay (^o^)!
Jeonggukie: it’s fine just text me once you’re done!
Jeonggukie: gtg team needs its’ golden player again
[sent at 1:16pm]
Jeonggukie: YOY O Y OY O!!!!
Jeonggukie: Why haven’t you texted me bakc?
Jeonggukie: *back
Jeonggukie: are u mad @ me??
Jeonggukie: Σ(゚д゚lll)
[sent at 1:23pm]
Jeonggukie: wait.... don’t tell me you’re actually mad?
Jeonggukie: fuck,
Jeonggukie: gtg again for practice but by the time i’m back you better not be studying anymore and be online with me,,,
[sent at 2:34pm]
Jeonggukie: [Name]...
Jeonggukie: Are you ok?
Jeonggukie: You’re not hurt right?!
Jeonggukie: Oh fuck....
Jeonggukie: What if someone took you?!
Jeonggukie: What if someone HURT you?!
Jeonggukie: [Last name] [Name] you better text me right now or else I might do something we both will regret....
[sent at 4:20pm]
Jeonggukie: [Name]...
Jeonggukie: I went over to their house but,
Jeonggukie: They told me you weren’t with them...
Jeonggukie: They also didn’t know where you are...
Jeonggukie: Or if you’re with someone
Jeonggukie: So then the question is...
Jeonggukie: Where are you Bunn?
Jeonggukie: They didn’t tell me :(
Jeonggukie: Will you tell me?
Jeonggukie: :(
[sent at 5:37pm]
Jeonggukie: They told me they didn’t know but I know they’re lying!
Jeonggukie: So I took care of them!!
Jeonggukie: Aren’t you happy?!
Jeonggukie: Awww, but now I’m dirty :((
Jeonggukie: Your prince can’t be dirty can he?
[sent at 7:43pm]
Jeonggukie: i still can’t find u tho...
Jeonggukie: you can’t be still studying... actually you may!
Jeonggukie: idk BunBun, it seems weird to me u never did this before....
[sent at 7:56pm]
Jeonggukie: u know what!
Jeonggukie: I'm going over to your house!
Junggukie: and if you’re not there or with someone else...
Jeonggukie: Kookie is going on a man hunt ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
[sent at 8:00pm]
What the hell? What was he going on about? In all honesty I was curious, but I didn’t want to find out. The more I thought about what Jeon had texted me, the more it confused me. Thoughts mixed with illusions, and facts mixed with theories.
What if Jeongguk was one of the note writers?
It seems so far fetched, I mean how did I even come with that conclusion, but it also makes so much sense. If he was one of these creeps then- no, he couldn’t, but then it could explain his weird behavior. My gut feeling was hysterically telling me to block him out of my life but...
Heck, [Name] stop it, you’re mixing up reality with fantasy and making life more difficult than what it should be. I did my best to push the thought away, but it somehow always found a way to linger in my mind. But there’s no way Jeongguk would be stalking me, we had barely even reconciled. I had been so caught up in thoughts that I hadn’t heard the front door opening, and by the time I did the intruder had already made their way to the kitchen. Tensing up at not only the arrival of the intruder but also at the obnoxious sound of the microwave announcing itself ready, I jump slightly when a hand pats my shoulder to then engulf me in a hug.
”Bunny! Oh my god! I thought someone had hurt you!”, Jeongguk pouted, “Why didn’t you answer my texts, [Name]?”
Feeling uncomfortable I slightly push his hands off me but to no avail as he continues holding me tight.
“God! Jeongguk, I told you I was studying! Not everyone can get A’s without working!” I try to sound as true and confident as possible. If my assumptions were true then any false move could mean hell for me.
“Ah, Darling you flatter me!” He joked, “but don’t go around thinking like that, don’t tell me someone told you the opposite?”
Fuck, why is he acting so weird! Who even asks these questions? This wasn’t the Jeongguk I left. He’s meant to get these thoughts away not confirm them!
“Jeez, Jeon, it’s nothing I promise you. This test is very important to me and I can’t risk failing it” I try to reason with him he was acting unreasonably right now.
“Mhm, is that so?” He questions as he lays his head on top of mine, “Then it’s decided. Tomorrow I’ll take you to a friends house so he can teach you, he’s really smart Bunny!” He laughed a bit.
“Haha, really?” I ask slightly disheartened.
”Yeah, his name is Kim Namjoon, do you know him by any chance?”
Hell fucking no, he couldn’t be talking about council president Kim Namjoon, right?
“The-the council president?” I gulped, please no no no no no no no no no no n-
“Yes, you’re not that anti-social, Bunny.”
[Earlier || 3rd p.o.v]
Jeongguk was freaking out. You hadn’t answered his text for a while now. You couldn’t be studying for that long, right? You normally always had your phone with you so then why weren’t you texting him? Had you met someone better? Did you meet someone better? Even after all he did for you? He changed so much because of you and you were paying him like this? It was clear to him that you wouldn't be studying for that long.
No, it wasn’t you, it was probably some pesky friend of yours keeping you away from him, let’s be real you love him so why would you ignore him.
Jeongguk didn’t like that at all.
Maybe what he was going to was harsh, but it wasn’t like it was his first time doing this for you. But he couldn’t do it alone.
He had gotten so anxious and scared something had happened to you he began shaking. With the anxiety eating him away he shakily dialed the number and waited to get his call to get picked up.
”Namjoon, I need help with something”
It had taken Jeongguk and Jimin little to no time finding out where your ‘friends’ were.
”Does she really have to hang out with people like them?” Jimin asked Jeongguk, accentuating them. It was clear that the boy didn’t approve of the people you hung out with, why couldn’t you hang out with him instead? He was clearly better than these Joy and Lisa girls.
”Oi! It’s not my fault none of you had the balls to hang out with her before.” Jeongguk snarled at his older friend, they made you happy, why was Jimin questioning you?
“Well, why don’t you grow a pair and hang out with her then?” Jimin mocked, he knew why, they all knew why.
”Oh shut up you burnt piece of-“
Just as Jeongguk was about to throw a punch, the front door open and out came your best friend, Joy.
Confused she started at the two boys and asked, “Jeon, Park? What are you two doing here?”
Jumping slightly, Jimin offered her a charming smiling as he pushed Jeongguk's’ hand away, “Aw! Joy you caught us! We were just wondering about [Name], and since you two are friends we thought we’d come and ask you!”
It didn't make sense to Joy why they’d come to her house when they could’ve texted he, much less when they could have directly asked [Name]r.
“Why didn’t you call me then? It would’ve been easier...” She trailed off.
“We didn’t have your number!” Jeongguk smiled.
Liars, they did have her number and she knew it, how else would’ve they invited her to those parties. That’s when she noticed why it felt odd.
“Well, how did your know where I live” She questioned further, they weren’t acting like usual. Joy never liked them, to be honest, she always found them weird but this was on another level.
”We checked the school records, silly!” Jimin laughed, he was starting to get annoyed.
”What are talking about? Stop acting so weird!” She shouted, who would go that far to know where someone lived!
Plus, the school records had her dad’s house not this one!
”Atta, girl!”, Jimin smirked walking towards the girl, “You haven’t been answering any of our questions and it’s getting annoying..”
”Where is [Name]?” Jeongguk butted in.
Shaking her head slightly she tried closing the door on them, things were escalating quickly and she didn’t like where this was going.
”Stupid girl, where is she?” Jimin asked harsher, she was taking too long and he wasn’t sure how much longer he was willing to put up with her. Jimin was a patient good boy but when it came to you he couldn’t wait, he wasn’t going to wait.
”I-I don’t know now leave me alone!”
Oh poor Joy!
It had taken the boys a few hours but eventually she broke, everyone brakes eventually.
But sadly, it was true; she didn’t know where you were.
And now the boys had spilled blood that shouldn’t have been spilled.
”Look what you did Jeongguk!”, Jimin scowled as he dragged what he hoped and looked like the leftovers of a girl's arm, “Now we have to clean this whole shit up by ourselves, you little bitch. ”
The younger boy had been given the task of taking out the heavy load as he had been the one responsible for this kill.
“How many times do I have to tell you she wasn’t, and still isn’t for your fucking information, picking up my calls or responding to my texts!” He shouted from outside, it was true. While Jimin was busy trying to coax out information about your whereabouts, Jeongguk had been repeatedly calling you.
“Be grateful we actually got useful information about [Name] or else I would’ve told Namjoon about your breakdown.” The eldest of the two threatened as he glared at the younger boy.
They had been cleaning for a good hour when they realized they still had a shit more to clean, deciding to call for help, they patiently sat at the dead girls house as they roamed through a box of momentum’s Joy had of her and her friends.
And to their luck, she had a few pictures of you. They had passed the rest of the wait there going through her stuff trying to find anything about or from you, which they did. In their eyes, they hit the mother load.
They had been so caught up by the box and it’s content they hadn’t realized their friends had arrived.
It was like the two boys were there with you! Gushing at the thought they searched further and further in the seemingly never ending box.
“Kook, we need help if you want to burn the evidence, I’m afraid you’ll need to-“, Namjoon started but his voice drifted off as he took a better look at the box in the youngest hands, “What’s that?”
”Ah! Just a box Jiminie and I found at the girls house, if you look closely it has a lot of stuff from [Name]!” Jeongguk exclaimed happily, hell yes he was proud of himself, he means, how many times can the others say they found anything remotely similar to this?
”Are you sure there’s nothing else like that in the house?” Namjoon asked again as he took a look through the box, maybe there’d be something, anything that could help get closer to you, help him get closer to you.
”Don’t know...”, Jimin trailed off, “maybe we can search while we finish the place up.”
And that’s what they did, four boys; Namjoon, Jimin, Jeongguk and Taehyung went through the house searching for anything that could be of use to them. But to much of their dismay, they didn’t find much.
Clearly pissed Namjoon mercilessly threw the lighter at the house setting the building ablaze. Without even looking back, he made his way to the car and patiently waited for his friends as they watched the building burn.
After a while, Jimin and Taehyung suggested Jeongguk to continue searching for you. And so the youngest did, texting you about going to your house he asks his friends to drop him there.
As they watched him leave the car Namjoon calls out to him, “Kook, we helped you with your little stunt but now you have to help us, you’ll set us up with her somehow, ok?”
A little nervous, Jeongguk just nods. How is he supposed to set you and the other three up? Turning around towards your house he sees the lights on, you had to be there. Scolding himself for not checking your house earlier he invites himself in, not really caring if you wanted privacy or not.
Because why would you want to be away from your groom?
[Present// 1st p.o.v]
After leading Jeongguk out of my house, after agreeing to take his stupid study lessons with that Namjoon man, I can’t wait to go to sleep.
Taking a quick shower, I throw myself at my bed only to be met with the odd feeling of paper against my chest.
Terror courses through my veins as I slowly sit up from a lying position. Oh hell no, please no. Fully sitting up, I stare in front of me to find a pretty, slightly crumbled, white envelope with a pretty heart sticker in the middle.
How did it get here? The only other person who came here was.... Jeongguk. But when did he come inside my room?
Our Dearest [Name],
We are happy to see that you keep the notes we give you!
It shows how much we mean to you, of course you will never understand the extents we’d go for you. You will soon learn how to truly accept us as your future lovers.
It does sadden most of us to see you only read Suga’s letters, in the other hand he was beaming. Tell us, darling, do you read the rest of our notes like that too?
We hope.
Anyway, we are glad that we will have an opportunity to get closer soon, and we trust your feelings will come to light soon too.
With Love,
The fated day had arrived, and I was now heading over to Jeongguk’s house for our study session. I was terrified. I didn’t want to meet Jeongguk, not now that this awful theory had planted itself on my brain, and I definitely didn’t want to meet Namjoon.
Kim Namjoon, face of an angel and a personality Satan himself would be jealous of. He was student council president. At the beginning he was a sweetheart, he tricked all of us to believe him to be one. He was despicable, using his powers to his advantage to remain on top of the social hierarchy at school. Even if it was just school to some, he saw it as an opportunity to climb his way up in society now. Hanging out with the kids whose parents were CEO’s, treating them with respect and giving them what they wanted. And excellent grades, working extra credit every day and following the rules like a bible. And just like that he had managed to secure himself job offers from big companies at the age of eighteen and a half, he had enough offers that he could get fired from each one everyday for years and never be jobless. But to keep such a picture perfect image some dirty work needed to be done, of course his hands wouldn’t even budge as he always had someone else do it for him.
He was so wicked and corrupted the Devil himself was afraid.
I was shaking throughout the whole drive, my legs began moving by themselves and it suddenly felt like I wasn’t in my body anymore.
“Gran, are we close?” I asked, my voice breaking at the possibility of only being a few minutes.
”No, baby, the road we normally take closed so it’ll take us a while longer put it half an hour? God, why do things like this happen at the worst times?” Gran commented, she was right. Why do the worst things happen when you least need them to? Was there a need for balance? Did every time something good happens something bad had to contradict the previous events as if to remind you that ‘hey this is real life not a movie, so bad shit happens, deal with it’.
Sighing I tell Gran that I’ll try sleeping the rest of the trip off, maybe it’ll take my mind off things, hopefully I won’t dream surely they’d be nightmares.
But sleep wouldn’t take me, thoughts about what could happen, whether it be due to the nonsense that my brain had come up with or not wasn’t clear to me, the thoughts haunted me and sleep seemed farther and farther away.
So for the rest of the car ride I just stared ahead of me. I counted clouds, the number of red cars that passed, how many people would wave back at me if I waved, how many dogs were on the street, I did everything to not be reminded that I would drown in the five hours without parental supervision next to a former friend and potential stalker and a student council president sociopath.
Closing my eyes I let out a sigh, maybe if I don’t speak about anything personal and just focus on studying it’ll go faster.
By the time we had arrived at Jeongguk’s house I was almost an hour late. And knowing from experience Namjoon didn’t like it at all. My friend Irene, the head of our club had told us stories about the boys’ ill temper. Approaching the driveway, I fumbled with my book bag and silently prayed that some stupid shit happened to Namjoon and that he wouldn’t be able to come to the tutoring session. But whatever deity is up there seemed to want to fuck me over and went out there and made him wait for me outside. And damn did he look pissed.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck- I pissed Kim Namjoon! I had unwillingly and unknowingly pissed Kim Namjoon, and now here he was death glaring at my car.
I didn’t care that my grandmother was driving me, fuck that, what I did care was what Namjoon could and would say. His presence was enough to invoke fear and terror and plant it in my chest.
Getting out of the car I ask my gran to pick me up earlier, “Grans, I know the session ends at six, and it’s now one but please for all that’s good pick me up at five or maybe even earlier? Make anything up, that you needed me for something! I don’t know like, help with the tv or whatever, please! I’ll do anything!” I begged her.
”Why? Weren’t you and that Jeon boy friends?” She asked me curiously, she didn’t exactly shoot down my offer yet I knew that did I say anything wrong she’d probably pick me up at ten out of spite.
”Used to, we got into a fight and I don’t want to stay with him too long, I-please.”
”Fine, fine. Just text me and I’ll come before but no matter what I’ll pick you up at five okay?”
Nodding viciously, I thank her and bid her goodbye. I had an escape plan now if things went south, and if I grew uncomfortable I could text the girls, now all that’s left is actually going through with the study session.
“Ah! Hello [Name], it seems you finally showed up!” Namjoon says as he stands up to shake my hand, I don't know if he’s being kind or just being a sarcastic prick, but at this point, I don’t care, I needed this to go faster, so fast that it’d seem like a dream, a horrible and awkward dream.
”Oh yes, the street I normally take was closed due to a house fire nearby” I try to excuse myself.
”Oh yes! I heard it was quite brutal, it seems they also found a dead girl there, I think she went to our school, Park Sooyeong or Joy does it ring a bell?” He asks faking concern, why do I think he’s faking concern? Maybe it was due to the way his eyes twinkled with wonder when I asked him what he meant, maybe it was for the joy laced in his tone.
“I’m sorry, what?” I laugh, tears gathered around my eyes as I tried to understand the wicked grin that sat in his face, why couldn’t he have told me differently, not so vaguely and so disinterested probably because he knows she was my best friend, because she’d always cause him trouble, because she was different; why? Joy, the thought of her dead made me start bawling my eyes right there. She couldn’t be.. dead? She had called me yesterday to make plans to hang out next weekend. Her happy voice haunted me, there’s no way.... Why hadn’t anyone told me before? Was she the only one dead? Or did her mother and sister die too? Why wasn’t it on the news? Or had I been so selfish that I didn’t check properly?
”Shhh, [Name], it’s okay! You’re safe,” Namjoon whispers as he pulls me into a hug, from what would I be safe? I didn’t care and my grip on his shirt tightened, I wanted to pull him away, “They won’t hurt you, they’d never hurt you.”
Who was he talking about and why was he so certain. Suddenly something clicked in my brain, something Jeongguk said the rooftop that day.
”Why won’t she like me! I did everything Namjoon told me to do.... I did everything!”
Namjoon. He had something to do with Jeongguk acting weird, and now here he is not worrying about the death of somebody but me? Jeongguk and Namjoon. They did hang out together, did they not?  Nothing made sense anymore, and I didn’t know what was real or fake. It kept getting mixed up in my head. What if Jeongguk and Namjoon are working together?
“What are you talking about? You make it sound as if it was a serial killer, this town is safe why would a killer be loose?” I ask, I needed to get as much information out of him and Jeongguk as possible. But there is no way he’ll believe-
“Oh, haven’t you heard what I said? They mutilated the girl, it has to be someone experienced with murder and getting away, I mean if you looked at the news you’d see, they found pieces of the dead bodies all around the street, there were footprints of five to four different shoes and sizes, unless the perpetrator had many different sized feet then it’s clear that there were more people, at the very least four. It’s even said that whoever mutilated the body, even if not being a doctor due to the way the bones had been sliced, was someone with experience.” He stated matter of factly, but it just didn’t seem right to me. What news? No news station had reported any of this. My grandma had the news on as I got ready and no news about this had been displayed at all, and how would these things get out to the public? Different shoe sizes, what were they going to do, measure everyones’ feet?
But before I could ask any other question Jeongguk came out rather excited for our study session. I think this is the first time since coming back that I’ve been glad Jeongguk showed up.
In my head this suddenly this wasn’t just a study session, this was my opportunity to figure what the hell was happening, not only to me but to Joy and the town.
We had spent three hours studying and I still had no progress on my new mission. And it honestly felt like hell. I sighed slightly as Namjoon kept on rambling about Newton’s laws of motion, acceleration and pressure. I knew this stuff, not to a cup of tea but definitely more than what Namjoon seemed to think I knew.
He suddenly stopped though, maybe my sigh wasn’t as discreet as I thought it was and he looked at me straight in the eyes without saying anything. Finding this a bit creepy I look over to Jeongguk, who had been unusually quiet, to find him staring at me with the same intensity, let’s say for lack of better wording.
Feeling utterly uncomfortable, I excuse myself to the bathroom only to be grabbed by not only Namjoon but Jeongguk from both wrists, not letting me stand up properly. It was a horror KDrama scene. I stumbled to the floor and gasped, what the hell?
”Uh,I need to go to the bathroom? Can you, like, let me go?” I question, what the fuck are they doing?
”Don’t-don’t take too long, Bunny!” Jeongguk says blushing as he retrieves his hand waiting for Namjoon to do the same.
”Y-yeah, we-we still have a lot to cover!” Namjoon tried to cover up his embarrassment by bringing up more work, fuck him for that.
”Yeah, I’ll keep it in mind...”
I hurried to the bathroom with my bag in my arms and pull out my phone. I hadn’t used it all day, too scared about seeing my inbox flooded by texts from Jeongguk. As fast as I could I open the messenger app and tap on our friend group.
Nini♥︎: omfg, did you guys hear?
[Sent at 12:57PM]
Lalalisaaa🤟🏻: yeah, i didn’t believe it
Rosie🌹: my mom sat me down and told me
Rosie🌹: i haven’t cried this much in ages
[Sent at 1:34PM]
Mom-rene💖: who’d do this?
Seulgi bear🐻: I heard they stole the friend box she had
Seulgi bear🐻: like, the one with pics and stuff about us?
Wen-Wen💙: the one she did with us when [name] came???
Seulgi bear🐻: yeah, it’s gone
[Sent at 1:35PM]
Chicken🦆: so you’re saying someone broke into joy's house, burned it, killed her all for a box??
Yerim💜: who the fuck would do that that’s sick as fuck,,,,
[Sent at 1:45PM]
Seulgi Bear🐻: ok so you know how my dad works at the police station???
Nini♥︎: yes
Yerim💜: seulgi......
Seulgi Bear🐻: they found the box
Mom-rene💖: what?!
Lalalisaaa🤟🏻: with all of the stffu
Lalalisaaa🤟🏻: *stuff
Seulgi Bear🐻: now, don’t freak out much but
Seulgi Bear🐻: they found fingerprints, they assume that’s the people that killed Joy AND  burned her house....
Rosie🌹: people???
Chicken🦆: like more than 1?
Seulgi Bear🐻: yes, but here’s where it gets really weird.... all of the stuff about us was there...
Mom-rene💖: tell me how’s that weird?
Seulgi Bear🐻: All but [name]’s
Seulgi Bear🐻: her stuff was gone, all of it.
Nini♥︎: you don’t think....
Wen-Wen💙: seulgi,
Wen-Wen💙: who’s fingerprints did they find??
Seulgi Bear🐻: Park Jimin’s, Jeon Jeongguk’s and Kim Namjoon’s, those were in the box
Seulgi Bear🐻: in the door handle they found Kim Taehyung’s
Mom-rene💖: [name]! weren’t you at Jeongguk’s house with Namjoon?!
Yerim💜: get out of there!
Chicken🦆: now!!
Lalalisaaa🤟🏻: she’s not responding, omg do you think she is dead??
Seulgi Bear🐻: she will be fine, the police are investigating further, don’t worry [name]
Yerim💜: can’t they just arrest them!!
Seulgi Bear🐻: sadly, they need more evidence... they could’ve found the box after  the murder left or maybe even before, joy could have gifted it to them and Taehyung could’ve gone over to her house before, you know how they used to date and all....
Mom-rene💖: but IF they’re the stalkers, does that mean they’re also responsible for the love notes?
Wen-Wen💙: idk probably
Rosie🌹: So they’ll probably not hurt her,,,,
Mom-rene💖: [name], whenever you read this, getting out of there understood?
Nini♥︎: go to seulgi’s house, k?
Seulgi Bear🐻: we will all be there, you’re not alone....
[Sent 3:47PM]
I’m getting out of here now, don’t worry:You
[Sent at 3:53PM]
“I’m sorry but I need to go now, my grandma just texted me.”
“Wait! What? [Name] don’t go, please!” I heard Jeongguk yell behind me, causing Namjoon to look at him. I ran as I saw Namjoon turn away and Jeongguk run beside him.
I hid behind the wall  of the corridor as Jeongguk scrambled next to Namjoon, asking him what to do. I could hear Namjoon talking over the phone and Jeongguk crying his eyes out whispering soft mantra of “What do we do?”.
“S-shit, Jeongguk stop screaming- [Name] left? N-no Jin don’t hang up, I-I know we’re in deep shit but- yes, we’ll be more careful next time, and we’ll- yes, we are going to call you if we- when we do it again”, Namjoon sighed, “she doesn’t know, she left running I think, she was texting her friends’ silence, “Yeah she’s friends with Seulgi the daughter of the chief detective- Shit!”
He hung up and made his way towards the bathroom door, in other words the other side of the room, the side I wasn’t in. Bolting my way outside I make my way towards Seulgi’s house.
Just who was Jin, why was Jeongguk acting so weird and what dip shit were they in?
“G-god! [Name] you’re alive!” Irene threw herself at me the minute I entered Seulgi’s room.
Irene was never one to cry, but here she was mourning the death of her friend, our friend Joy, she was gone. Seeing all my friends in a room faces red and eyes swollen made me realize that it was true; Joy was dead.
That they killed Joy.
”It has to be them, it just has to be!” The youngest, Yeri, cried, she was a few months older than me yet we always treated her as the baby.
”I-it probably is them, dad said so and he’s good I-I trust he’ll bring justice to Joy.” Seulgi whispered, she seemed to be in disbelief, I remembered how she used to like Jimin only a few weeks ago.
”Cheeky, you were with Jeongguk and Namjoon, two of the suspects weren’t you?” Lisa asked, she was stroking Rosé’s hair as the later filled the room with sobs, I couldn’t bear to watch her.
”Y-yeah, they were acting w-weirder than usual.” I choked out, tears brimmed my eyes and I realized I hadn’t cried much over Joy’s death; why? Because Namjoon freaked me out and Jeongguk is a weirdo, that’s why.
“W-when I left N-Namjoon was t-talking about not getting caught”, I sink into the bed beside Rosé, “T-they talked about the police a-and I-I think they killed Joy”
“But why?”, Jennie asked exasperated, “Why would they kill Joy? What did Joy have that no one else did?”
“Well- I mean, hadn’t we established that they were the love note writers?”, Yeri asked and we all nodded, “So remember how they started getting weirder and weirder as time went on?”
Again, we only nodded.
“So, what if they are the stalkers? I-I mean not like average stalkers I mean full out ‘I-Will-Kill-For-You’ stalkers? Like, Joy was friends with [Name], and both of you hanged out a lot even without us, so what if they wanted to, I don’t know, figure out where you were and they got mad or something and killed her? I mean, it’s not really the first time someone close to us or someone that has shown interest in us, in [Name], has died suddenly, and you’ve all got to admit they’ve always acted weird when [Name] was around. We always played it off as coincidence but, really…? That’s just dumb..” Yeri trailed off, I was left in shock at how much sense it all made; had I been that stupid?
“There we have killers and a motive.” Seulgi said slowly, it made so much sense that another wave of tears came.
“But! They have an alibi, don’t they?” Wendy spoke for the first time with a hoarse voice, she sounded defeated, it hurt seeing somebody as extroverted as her so quite.
”What if it doesn’t coincide with , for example, Jeongguk did though, I mean I was with him that day...”
”What? What do you mean, [Name]?” Rosé asked, probably excited at the possibility of Joy getting justice, but a part of her also seemed confused.
”What was Jeongguk’s alibi, Seulgi?”
”Seokjin said that he, Jeongguk, Namjoon, Taehyung and Jimin had spent the whole evening with him and that they didn’t really leave the house.” Seulgi recalled, yet something felt odd...
”That is just plain wrong, Jeongguk went over to my house, the-the day of the murder he was out! Seokjin is in this, maybe it’s true that he was at home but the rest no, and so is Namjoon, of those two, when I went to Jeongguk’s house I saw a car that was probably Namjoon’s,  so that’s a fact now, though he drives like shit, Jeongguk told me that, and the car that had dropped him off had a very bad driver because my front house neighbors’ complained about a black van that almost ran over their sons in a play date that day, that was Namjoon! S-so it’s possible Jimin and Taehyung were there too!”
“A black van? Dad said that a few witnesses saw a black van!”, Seulgi added in shock, “Kim Yerim you’re a genius!”
“Now we need evidence, to get them in jail where they belong”, Jennie spoke up, “But how do we do that?”
”Easy, we know their weaknesses and we’ll use it against them,'' Irene said determined, she sounded as if she was planning something, “They won’t get away with this.”
”And what is that?” Wendy asked her, she sounded unsure at the idea of interacting with them.
”Their weakness is [Name], she'll need to get close to them, gain their trust and then find clues as to what is going on... that is if she’s up to it.” Irene looked me in the eye.
”We now know they are serious trouble, are you up for it [Name]?”, Jisoo looked up from the window, she had spent the whole conversation so quiet I hadn’t even noticed her, “Do you want to put an end to this?”
Year: 20##
Place: Some Dumpster
Point of view: Hoseok Jung
Biting at my bottom lip I try to slow down my pace as to not bring too much attention to me, that’d be bad. Very bad. It’s not like what I was doing was going to not draw attention to myself, everyone stared at me suspiciously as I walked with my big, green bag. I would too, honestly.
The bag itself wasn’t what would draw attention, it was the smell. It smelt fucking awful, and I knew that everywhere I went it left the smell of a corpse around. Sure, if someone used their imagination they could come up with a strange and repulsive accusation, but then again...
What could have I done?
No one would suspect a 15 year old of murder, would they? I could easily say it was my gym clothes, with puberty and all. It wasn’t the whole body, oh no! We left the big stuff to Seokjin and Yoongi, I just had the inside stuff, the organs. But most importantly and my biggest worry was the heart.
A thief’s heart.
The heart that almost stole [Name]’s. His name was Mark Lee, he was around [Name]’s age, maybe younger, they had a few classes together and talked every once in a while when he suddenly decided to confess to her, who was he to do so? But that wasn’t a problem, that wasn’t meant to be a problem. All she had to do was rejected and then we’d all be okay, but no; she gave him a chance.
She gave that little asshole a chance but wouldn’t even spare a glance my way. And for that I was going to make his life a living hell.
They were going on their first date tomorrow, it was meant to be at the movies to watch  a crappy romance movie she’d been gushing about with him about, ha, watching movies at a first date with my [Name]? She deserves the best first date in the world, something only I can give her. She doesn’t deserve that, not from him, she deserves the world.
“And you can’t give that to her, can you Lee?” I mumbled as I made my way to the dumpster.
By the time I arrived at the dumpster, the sun had set and the whole sky had an orange tint to it, [Name] would be home probably in her room doing whatever her little heart wanted, maybe getting ready for the big day tomorrow and a big day it was.
Opening the bag I gently sit down in the middle of the garbage, I look for the healthiest and best looking organs and store them little containers Seokjin had given me before, he had taken them from one of his father's hospitals, he wouldn’t miss them they had many. The old man had everything, hospitals to hotels. Those organs we’d sell or do whatever Yoongi did with them, we didn't care what he did with them as long as it brought money for the our, my her, plan.  
Humming, I put on the gloves and prepare myself to take out the organs that seemed to have taken the least damage from Jimin’s little fit with the younger boy, poor Mark his handsome face was completely destroyed now. Too bad, [Name] wouldn’t even want to look him in the face now.
“Aish, the kid needs to learn not to break valuable stuff like this...”, I muttered as I try and arrange Mark’s brain nicely in the box, “Why did you have a brain and didn’t use it? It’s making such a mess now, it’s only use is that making messes, look where it led you Mark. Now you’re dead and probably getting sold to some weird Frankenstein scientist or something...”
Looking at the boxes I had arranged, I take out my spare phone and text Yoongi warning him where the boxes where for him to pick tomorrow, if he didn’t we could get into some shitty  trouble. Now I could focus on the main attraction.
The Heart.
Putting on my gloves again I play with the small organ, it fit nicely in my hand.
“What happens if I give you a- haha!”, I squeeze the muscle a bit and see it twitch as it continues palpitating slightly, “Haha, look at this! Useless, you aren’t even attached to someone and yet you try so hard to be useful, pathetic.”
Tossing the heart around for awhile I grew tired, and decided to finish the boy off.
“You’re lucky Namjoon didn’t want me bringing the kit with me or else you would’ve been dissected right here, right now”, I looked at it with pity, “God, you were very naive you know? Thinking someone like [Name] would even be interested in you, ha, please”
I take it and squeeze it tighter, blood gushing from the little arteries.
Quickly getting the butcher knife from the bag, with shaky hands I cut the heart in small pieces trying to make them as symmetrical as possible. Fucking disgusting.
”Now! Don’t you look better?”, I ask to no one as I place the heart pieces with the rest of the organs that Yoongi wouldn’t be able to sell, “Bet you your friends would love to have a taste of you won’t they? Seokjin and Taehyung will have a good meal to prepare for your friends now~”
I laugh a bit as I fish for a bag around the dumpster, finding a broken recycled bag I place the containers filled with the body parts and store them for Yoongi, “You’re lucky we like the same girl or else I would’ve ratted on you ages ago...”I muttered as I place the containers in then old, worn out bag, “This is all for you, [Name]”
Does this mean I’m happy sharing? No, of fucking course I’m not.
But who said I can’t rat them all out later?
Laughing loudly, I take out the gas and lighter as I throw the gasoline around the area making a heart, or at least something similar.
“This is all for you, baby” I repeat as I throw the lighter at the fire. I watch a bit as the fire grew and grew taller and taller, deciding that I should change clothes I strip down from my sweatpants and stay only using my t-shirt, only then I realized how cold it was.
All for [Name].
Sighing a bit, I dirty my spare pants to make it look like I had gotten into a fight or something, even going as far as punching myself to create bruises; who would suspect a boy how had just gotten mugged?
Taking off my shoes and one sock I throw into the fire, watching it burn brighter as I throw stuff into it, filling it, making it go higher and higher and-
“It’s like my love for you”, I giggle, “the love I’ll be able to give to you soon, very soon”
No one would suspect Jung Hoseok for murder; I won’t let them.
“Geeze, [Name], we didn’t really think this through did we?”, Wendy whispered beside me as we made our way through the school halls, she was right. We, indeed, didn’t think this through.
”I mean, yeah- we didn’t think through it all, but god if we’re right it’d make things so much easier for Seulgi’s dad to catch them!”, I explain as I try and mask the, very obvious, fear, “Plus, I don’t think it’s just Joy they killed, they must’ve done this multiple times, it was all to clean, Namjoon himself said so, plus if they got out of it once who says they couldn’t have done it before?”
“Yeah, plus why would a police station have their data in it if they hadn’t found their dna somewhere else?” Wendy questioned anxiously, I hadn’t noticed it before. But then again, didn’t the police station have the dna of all of those who lived in town? But then, they did seem wary considering the way Seulgi's’ dad spoke of them.
”Mark.” I stop walking as I suddenly stop dead in my tracks.
”Mark Lee? The dude that went missing before your date...” Wendy stared at me as she trailed off.
”You don’t think?”, she asked me shaking slightly, “That they had something to do?”
“I mean-“
”Hello! You’re both Wendy and [Name], right?” A student council member asked us.
Ah yes, the plan.
“Yeah! We wanted to talk to Kim Namjoon about perhaps holding a funeral service for our friend Park Sooyeong, she passed away a few days ago. We are on the list, right?`` I ask trying to make myself sound as sad as possible, Wendy catching on and only responding with a nod and a short sniffle.
“Yes, please, can we speak with Namjoon?”
”Yes. Follow me,” He walks towards the farthest door, us walking closely behind, “So, please don’t take long, Namjoon has been acting really off lately, don’t-don’t tell him I said that! So the council is trying to take as many interviews and meetings ourselves.”
The boy looked at us, concern lacing his eyes as he whispers, “Please, be safe and don’t anger him too much.”
He then motions towards the door and leaves.
”Wendy, leave it to me, stay here, please.”
I knocked on the door thrice, when I heard a faint “Come in”, followed by some paper shuffling.
I open the door and peek inside, this was unexpected. The room was mainly filled with browns and dark reds, the schools colors, the furniture giving an antique feel to the room. In the middle, the desk of the council president sat, a leather couch by its side and two chairs in front. It looked like the whole schools budget went into the room. No wonder Namjoon blackmailed students.
”State your business an-“, he began monotonously when he looked up at me to meet my eyes, “[N-Name], I didn’t think it-it was you, I- here! Take a seat please!”
He was stuttering and he couldn’t even form a sentence.
“Ah, Namjoon! Please don’t worry, it’s fine”, I smile at him as I sit down, “I came here to talk about the funeral service for Sooyeong, Joy, she-she was really close to me an-and now that she’s gone, I- we felt it would be important to be able to hold something in her memory, you know?”, I feel tears swell in my eyes at the thought of my friend. Maybe acting like it hurt wasn’t going to be as hard as I had thought, fate had laid down the prefect Shakespearean tragedy.
He slightly stiffened at the mention of Joy, or my tears I don’t know at this point. Blushing red he gives me a small pocket handkerchief, and looks at me smiling, how can he smile so freely?
“Would that make you happy?” He looks at me as he grabs my hand, his hand covered all of my hand, his smile was cute; but he may have been the murderer of my best friend and there’s no way I’ll forget that. Until he’s proven innocent, I won’t budge. Too much evidence was piled up against him.
“Yeah, it would, it really would, thank you”, I smile back at him.
“Anything for a friend”, he smiles, “You’re friends with Jeongguk so you’re friends with me too.” He squeezes my hand slightly, and let’s it go hesitantly.
He stands up, walking all the way towards me from behind the desk just to help me stand up. He places his hand around my shoulders, leading me towards the door. Shouldn’t this meeting be longer?
“Namjoon, I shouldn’t be saying this but...”, I suddenly stop at the front of the door, shaking slightly from fear and sadness; real fear and sadness, “Seulgi’s dad, who’s in the case, thinks that maybe they killed Joy because she was my friend, I’m scared Namjoon. He said it was definitely a murderer, and that it was all to similar to other ones he had participated in; he searched for a bit and found that there were at least two cases that were similar Mark Lee and Vernon Choi, and they were close to me, th-then he said that other people close to me kept disappearing even after I left, and even more now that I’m back th-he thinks I’m next and I’m scared Namjoon, I-I don’t know what to do. I don’t want another Joy.” I made it all up, but fear and sadness that if I failed my friends and those I loved would be hurt, was real, my sanity was deteriorating, I can’t lose anyone anymore. Another loss, I couldn’t have that, I wouldn’t be able to handle it..
”[Name], I promise you that me and Jeongguk will always be there for you, if it makes you feel better I have some friends you could meet, they’re all rather athletic and are really nice, we aren’t the police persee but maybe we can help you feel safe. Maybe I could present you all at lunch today?”
”Ah, yes please, if it’s not too much!” I ask, was he going to let me meet...
“They’re Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin, Jeongguk will be joining us but you already know him very well, don’t you?”
”Yes! We are really close, is it that obvious?” I lied through my teeth, my heartbeat was off the charts as my hands grew sweaty.
”Haha, kind off,” he chuckled, “he never shut ups about you.”
“Really?” I turn red a bit, that jerk, he probably told them all my personal info, god that little son of bitch!
“I look forward to lunch with you, I hope we can become close friends.” He smiles at me as I walk out of the door. Wendy is there waiting for me, we both wave goodbye and leave hurriedly as I begin to tell her about it all.
“Wendy, I think he knows something, he wants me to go eat with the other six.”
“Are you sure about that?” Wendy asked, “They won’t hurt you will they?”
“I don’t know. Have you heard about Irene?” I ask her, we both knew that we didn’t have the answer to her question but maybe Irene did.
“She’s with Park Ji-” My eyes widen, nervously I look at Wendy, she understood.
Her phone rang with a text she looked worried as she stared down at it, I bit my lip.
“I gotta go, go hide in a bathroom so the teachers don’t see you.”
”Guys we have a special lunch today...”
”Yeah, I got her to come have lunch with us and to speak about a memorial for Sooyeong, but that’s more on me”, Namjoon sighed, “She thinks we’re out to get her, what do we do?”
”Out to get her?”, Seokjin asked eyes bulging, how could she ever think that? Where they too obvious? Had they gone too far?
“Is it because of Sooyeong and ya know?”, Yoongi asked, “I told you, don’t kill unless they impose a threat, what type of threat was her family and her? Wearing the wrong colored shoes?”
“Jimin and Tae said she had caught them before that and that she was already on to something...” Jeongguk trailed off, it wasn’t the first Sooyeong had caught the duo spying on [Name], and it wasn’t the first time she caught any of the seven.
“They had reasons, okay?” Namjoon sighed irritated, what do they win now arguing, it already happened.
”Of course you’d say so, you helped them too!” Hoseok snarled at Namjoon, how could Namjoon be so fucking dumb.
”Well, who was clumsy enough to get her to remember Mark Lee, huh? Didn’t you say you were going to make her forget Mark was even a name yet you couldn’t even talk to her!” Namjoon harshly whispered to the boy next to him, Hoseok’s eyes widen as he looks around the empty classroom in embarrassment.
”She-she what?”, Jeongguk asked, “She remembers Mark?”
”Yeah, she even talked about him to me you fucking idiots, by the way she spoke she seems to remember every single one, even after she left”, Namjoon sighed, “We can’t do much now, or act by the plan, we-we gotta wait longer and not act-“
”Wait longer?”, Yoongi laughed incredulously, “I waited for years, years, Kim, she fucking left and I had to wait longer and now you come up with this bullshit? What about all that, we gotta go fast before she’s tainted and all that bullshit Tae and you blaber on about?”
”If [Name] was able to catch onto something than most possibly the police too, Min, Officer Kang already did for the fucking record, meaning that if the only person alive were to suddenly disappear she would become the prime suspect, and even if they end up cleaning her name, her life would be ruined because that’d mean they’d need to find us and a) she’d be unprotected, b) or they’ll see her like an accomplice, she’d go to jail because of some shit she didn’t do. That’d be fucking it, it’s better to get close to her and wait for a while or convince her to come with us willingly.”
Yoongi stayed silent as thoughts raced around his head. Who did they think they were to tell him what to do?
“Namjoon’s right...”, Jimin sighed, everyone sighed, “It hurts, but we can wait, right? It’ll be nicer to have her now, but don’t you think it’s better to be cautious?”
”Jimin is right, let’s-let’s leave this for later guys”, Taehyung suggested, “[Name] will be having lunch with us won’t she? So, let’s get ready for now, ok?”
He only received a crowd of unmotivated grunts, as they stood up and made their way out of the classroom.
”Taehyung, do you think she really remembers Mark?” Jeongguk asked his older friend as they made their way towards their lesson.
”Probably, she cared about him a lot, she almost stopped hanging out with you ‘cause of him, remember?” He answered nonchalantly, he knew that was a sensitive spot for Jeongguk.
“Mark Lee”, Jeongguk test out his name, “Mark fucking Lee, I hope you’re burning in hell.”
”I-I can’t believe it, even after everything we did, she still remembers him? Yet she wouldn’t talk to me? If I could, I would bring him back to life over and over again, and kill him every fucking time. I’d make sure to make him suffer, to let him know that he isn’t worthy of thinking of [Name], that I won her heart the minute she won mine, that she’s mine. Mine! Not his, mine! He probably threatened her to go out with her; asshole. Fucking asshole! It’s his fault! I’m meant to win, not him! Haha, I’m happy we got rid of Mark Lee that summer.”
The oldest of the two seemed unfazed at the youngest fit, rather opting to continue walking in silence. He had to agree, though, he also was happy they got rid of Mark Lee and he would do it again if it meant being with [Name].  
Suddenly, a pair of footsteps made themselves clearer behind them. Stopping half way both males stiffened as a voice made itself heard through the empty hallway.
“Y-You killed Mark?”
“I did it.”
Irene watched in shock as the younger boy confessed to the death of her younger friend.
“But J-“ The oldest began, but was soon cut off as the male before her began speaking.
”Don’t, I don’t know why I’m telling you of all people, after school I-“
”No, J- I’m... we’re talking here now, you killed someone! And n-now you’re after [Name]?” She shouted as anger began numbing her rationality, she knew what was happening, she had told her and now he came here lying to her?!
”[Name]? I could never! I swear, I-It was only Mark I was after!”
”Only Mark? Only Mark?”, the brunette raised her voice, “What about Sooyeong? Or Nayeon? Or maybe even Jae? Or Yugyeom? Or-“
”Or who? I didn’t kill them!” He shouted, he was getting angrier by the minute, mimicking the eldest girl.
”But you killed Mark, huh?”
”Y-yes.” He answered back, but they both knew that the uncertainty in his voice was clear.
“You didn’t, both you and I know-”
”Stop acting like you know what you’re talking about, Joohyun- !”
”Stop lying! You’re too young, Ji-“
”I’m too young? You’re talking as if I didn’t kill Mar-“
”I know he threatened you, Ji-“
”He who?”
”N-Namjoon had nothing to do with tha-“
”I know you didn’t kill him, Jisung, it was Hoseok wasn’t it?”
The younger boy looked in horror at the older girl.
”N-no, I s-swear it was m-me!” Jisung stuttered.
”No, I know it wasn’t you. Seulgi’s dad, he told me about how the prime suspect for the Mark Lee case suspect were Jung Hoseok and a man named Son Saeyoung; they closed the case with it being Saeyoung fault, both the murder and death, but it wasn’t like that, right? Hoseok murdered Mark and then someone sold the body parts to Saeyoung, incriminating him. They paid you to tell me this right?”
Silence, only a confirmation to Joohyun. Poor Jisung, he probably only found out by accident and now he was probably going to jail for something he didn’t do.
”It’s okay, tell them I believed you; that I’ll tell Seulgi’s dad, ‘kay? Don’t go to the police just yet though,” Irene stayed silent for a while, “would you follow me? It’s something I need you to do before you go.”
Only nodding in agreement the younger boy walked behind his friend, thankful for her brain, thankful of her for being able to pick up what was wrong.
”Thank you, Joohyun”
”No problem, if we die we die together, ‘kay?”
Biting her nails anxiously was a wrecked Wendy, she needed to call [Name], fast.
”F-fuck, Joohyun, why did you do this....”
The older girl just cracked a broken smile, her cheek cracked awkwardly as more blood came out from the cut that was plastered on it.
”Ji-Jisung, I-I couldn’t blame him, Mark-k wouldn’t have wanted that...”
She was greeted with silence from her younger friend as she tried calling [Name], again.
”Gosh, [Na-! God, finally! [Name], call Seulgi and her dad, now! Irene is hurt, I need you to come to the rooftop as fast as possible! W-what? What do you mean you’re actually going to have lunch with them? Leave the fucking plan!”, she screamed angrily at the phone, “Irene is dying, and you’re worried about that?”, silence, “You’re gonna call Seulgi, now.”
Wendy cut the phone call before [Name] could protest further, she didn’t want to hear her.
”She’ll call the ambulance and Seulgi’s dad, don’t worry too much, you’ll be fine.”
”G-good, I need to te-tell [Name] something.” Irene muttered.
“I-I just can’t believe Jisung did that, he could’ve killed you...”, Wendy felt tears form at the corner of her eyes, “Joohyun, you could’ve died, we really don’t know what we got ourselves into....”
The older girl pushed herself from the floor, immediately worrying her friend but she was quick to brush her off.
”T-the thing is, Seungwan, [Name], she won’t make it, no matter how hard we try and shake them off; they’ll always find her somehow....”
”Seulgi! It’s Joohyun she-she’s gotten beaten up, she’s with Wendy now but please come, with your dad and an ambulances too! God, f-fast! Please! It-It was Jisung, it seems like it, but I-I don’t know, okay? I wasn’t there, I’m sorry, please focus on the task at hand.” And with that the girl hung up the phone and rested her head against the bathroom door.
”I should get going now.” She pushed herself and readied herself for the dreaded lunch.
I don’t want to do this.
She thought to herself bitterly, she sighed and pressed a cold hand to her forehead.
“Have I gotten a fever? My cheeks are red...” She felt her cheeks too. They were blazing. She was worried sick about her friends, what was going on?
Silence. The only sound was that of a girl exiting the bathroom.
She walked through the empty halls, her light footsteps barely echoing through the hallway.
She looked through the window, she saw the younger kids during their PE class, she saw a few girls during their free period walking through the quad.
She suddenly stopped dead in her tracks as she heard the words. She didn’t know what had happened before but she blindly spoke in response.
“Haha, I’m happy we got rid of Mark Lee that summer.”
“Jeongguk? Y-You killed Mark Lee?”
The boy in question and his companion stopped and turned around. Their faces paled, their eyes widened and their mouths turned agape.
“They don’t want to kill her, they want to keep her....”
“Jeongguk, what do you mean?” I asked as I backed away slightly.
He said nothing, he stared directly at me as his friend looked at me wide eyed.
I couldn’t place my finger on how, but I felt like I knew the boy beside Jeongguk; the boy who laughed at the mention of Mark’s death.
”Kim Taehyung?” I whisper softly to myself, I ruffled my hair slightly and let my hand fall on chest. No...
”Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jeongguk, you both killed Lee Mark?” I ask, as I looked at them both in the eye.
Mistake number 1.
Taehyung’s eyes widened further, if possible, as he began to shake and fiddled with his finger. His mouth parted open, and even from where I stood I could hear his jagged breathing.
“Y-you know m-my name?” He asked as a bright blush took over his cheeks, “You know my name, haha, you know me!”
He looked over at Jeongguk, giggling as he grabbed the younger boy by his shoulders,
“She knows me! M-my baby knows me, Jeongguk, oh my-!”
”Taehyung...” Jeongguk grabbed his friend trying to stop him, but he shook him off as he began chanting repeatedly the words “She knows me!”
”Taehyung, she heard us!” Jeongguk whispered harshly, tugging at the oldest sleeve.
”She knows...”
At those words, the blushing male seemed to have been hit with the truth. His smile shut down, and his body took a more menacing, yet lazy, stance.
”My baby knows me, she know us and what we do, because she isn’t stupid, right baby?” He asked me as he began walking towards me, slow steps echoing through the hallways.
”What?” I ask him as I began walking back with every step he took at my direction.
”Taehyung, could that be why she agreed to eat lunch with us?” Jeongguk asked as a dull look came over his eyes, his posture mimicked Tae’s.
”Probably, but don’t worry Kookie! She will spend the rest of the week eating lunch with us, won’t she?” He asked as he backed me against a door.
When did he arrive here?
“N-no! Stop, I’ll tell the police!” I tried pushing him off, but Jeongguk came and took one side of me as Taehyung took the other. I was trapped.
Mistake number 2.
”But, Darling, you wouldn’t want Taehyungie to tell Namjoon would you? That you were toying with us?”
”Are we toys to you?”, Taehyung asked against the crook of my neck, “Do you want to use us? Are we nothing more?”
Excitement took over his voice as he spoke, he began kissing my neck.
”Stop it now! Seulgi’s dad is coming over any second now!”
”Are we toys to you? I don’t mind being your toy, do you Jeonggukie?” Taehyung repeated and asked Jeongguk, ignoring my previous threat.
”No, if it means she’ll only pay attention to me!” He giggled and kissed my cheek.
”Me neither, but just for today; I want to play with her instead, so let’s go!”
He gave me one last kiss, and looked me in the eye, a look that made me shiver; suddenly running away wasn’t an option that didn’t include anyone not getting hurt. I didn’t know what to do, they just confessed to murder damn it! Why can’t I be smarter like Yeri, or athletic like Lisa or cunning like Irene? Why did I have to be me?
”But first, we gotta establish some rules!”, Taehyung continued after he took my bag from my shoulder rather harshly, I grunted in pain as the material brushed aggressively against my neck.
”Number one, you tell no one about what you just heard! That means no Irene, no Seulgi or her dad, no Wendy, or Lisa, or Jennie; we don’t want another Joy, do we?
Second, you’ll only look at us and talk to us, your family’s okay, but only direct family; boys and girls alike will be taken care of accordingly.
Third, you’re doing this out of your free will, if anybody asks; even the other guys!
You have to say yes to us! M’kay? So if I were to ask if you love us you gotta say yes, ha!
Hmm, that’s all I can think about now, we’ll add more as we go, now let’s go skip class! Let’s go to that ice cream place, maybe the others will be there, or maybe just Yoongi!” Taehyung giggled once more and led the way for me and Jeongguk as they both took my hands. We don’t want another Joy? Huh?
I don’t know what’s worse; what they’re doing or that I can’t find the strength to fight.
By the time we reached the ice cream shop, I had received a text message from Wendy thanking me about calling Seulgi and her dad, she also asked me where I was.
It was the first time I lied to her, it wasn’t a complete lie though, right?
Mistake number 3.
I had to hide to be able to text her as I was being watched at all times by Jeongguk and Taehyung; I felt weak. Why did this happen to me?
”So, [Name]? I went and ordered your favorite ice cream, we also took the liberty to call Yoongi and Jimin so they’re gonna arrive at around 1:40? So while we wait, do you have any questions?” Taehyung asked.
I looked around me, trying to find a possible exit but Jeongguk who sat over at my right, was clutching my hand tightly and Taehyung was blocking the pathway towards the door.
He looked at me curiously, as did Jeongguk, the later being way more quiet but more touchy. He now had a hand on my cheek as he caressed it softly while Taehyung played with my hand.
“Yes, I-I have been receiving letters by a group called Bts; Jin, RM, Hope, Chimmy, V, Suga and Cooky, are they you by any chance?” I did my best to not stutter, to sound confident, to be like Irene.
He stopped playing with my fingers, as he took my hand to his lips and began kissing it.
“My baby is so smart! Yes, I was V while Jeonggukie was Cooky, pretty names right?” He accentuated each word with a kiss.
Suddenly, similar to falling into cold water, I remembered something Lisa told me a few months ago that made me shiver.
“Did any of you ever call a friend of mine?” I asked nervously.
“What? No, why?” Jeongguk asked me, he had stopped playing with my hair, something he did when nervous.
”S-so you don’t know anybody called Seungkwan?”
”Baby?” Taehyung asked growling, he took both of my hands and pressed them against each other and pressed them against his cheeks; pulling me slightly over the table.
“Ah-it’s just a boy that had called a friend of mine as-asking for me, and I thought that maybe that was one of you...” I stuttered, trying to take my hands away.
”That wasn’t us....” Taehyung growled lower, he let go of one hand and continued playing with the other.
“Did he call your friend on her cell phone?” Jeongguk asked as he resumed playing with my hair.
“Yeah... I think she still has the phone on her record....”
”Tell her to give us her phone please, Bunny!” Jeongguk pouted.
“Yeah! But it’s fine though, he won’t bother you, not while we’re with you!” Taehyung smiled at me, but in his eyes I couldn’t ignore the clear look of anger in them.
Just then as Tae finished his threat, the door to the shop opened rather obnoxiously and in came two overly contrasting boys.
Min Yoongi and Park Jimin.
Park Jimin; the schools sweetheart, wearing his ever iconic oversized sweater and charming smile, his school uniform perfectly clean, and stunning hair, which was dyed a pretty dirty blonde, and skin well kept.
Min Yoongi; the schools bad boy, wearing his iconic, and rather cliche, black leather jacket and bored face and look, his uniform messy and dark hair fell over his eyes as he looked around almost as if intimidating everyone who looked his way was his goal.
They seemed to be having a friendly conversation, with Jimin doing most of the talking, when suddenly Yoongi looked over and made eye contact with me, fuck. His eyes widen as he lightly hits Jimin causing the younger boy to look over and a bigger smile to break through.
Just as the two boys made their way over to the table, the waitress came with our orders. Her forearm balancing all of the ice cream’s was suddenly knocked over by Jimin’s overly excited steps and were sent flying onto my school blouse.
Yelping from the coldness seeping into the thin fabric I stand up, harshly setting aside Jeongguk, and try dabbing the icy liquid out of my shirt to no use. I was scared and cold as fuck.
”Oh- [Name]!”, Jimin exclaimed pushing the poor waitress and knocking her over, making her fall to her butt. God no, what is wrong with these people?!
”I-I-“ She tried speaking but was soon cut off by Yoongi.
”What’s your name?” His eyes seemed to widen with anger and his pupils dilated and widened threateningly. He looked like a street cat, I couldn’t help but feel sorry and scared for the young woman.
”Gretel Zacharias...”
Yoongi then looked over at me and my shirt and crouched down next to the woman, whispering something into her ear that caused her to look at him in horror and scramble to her feet quickly and storm off, screaming apologies with tears streaming down her face.
”Sweetheart, please use my sweater!” Jimin began taking off his sweater and handed it to me, blushing furiously. Sweetheart?
He handed me the dark red fabric and smiled sweetly down at me.
Nodding silently, I began to make my way to the bathroom when suddenly Yoongi asked.
”Where are you going, my mus- [Name]?”
Blushing, I boldly walk up to him and tiptoe to the significantly taller male, trying to find the words to make him blush, I’d try a Jennie approach.
”The ice cream got into certain places, it kinda fell into the space between my chest, and I think it’s kinda deep in there too and I don’t want to get a cold...”
Turning away I march into the bathroom stall to take out my shirt and bra. What was I thinking?!
Thank god I hadn’t taken out my other bra from PE the day before...
Why had I done that?
Unfortunately, I didn't think I’d need more shirts and so I had to put on the sweater.
Wetting a bit of paper towel to clean off my chest and hair, and spray some perfume.
“Hopefully Jimin won’t mind the smell...” I snort a bit as I imagine how uncomfortable Jimin would get thanks to my perfume. Hopefully he won’t mind me not using a shirt. Thinking of facing Yoongi again after what I had done made me cringe.
By the time I got out of the bathroom stall, I got gently grabbed by the arm by Min Yoongi as he gently led me to the table.
”You’re only wearing a bra?” He tried to ask quietly as we sat down.
Blushing at how loudly he said that I look over at him at a loss for words.
”Sweetheart is using my sweater without a shirt?” Jimin squeaked, while Jeongguk muttered  something that sounded like the words; “Lucky bastard”.
”Don’t worry, [Name], no one is allowed to look at you dirtily, only us!” Taehyung giggled as he took my hand and resumed playing with it.
Suddenly Jeongguk grabbed a strand of hair and began braiding it as he had done earlier, when I felt Jimin take my other hand and play with it too; giving it kisses while Yoongi leaned against me and began leaving kisses wherever he could find bare skin.
I couldn’t stop them.
Mistake number 4.
”Wendy, they want to make her their doll.”
“I can’t find her!” Seulgi looked over at her dad distraughtly, where was [Name]? She wasn’t in danger, right?
“Bear, are you sure it was her who called you?”
”Yes? I mean, it says on my phone it was her and Irene and Wendy told us about her.... maybe someone kidnapped her!”
”Why would you think someone kiddna-”
”Where’s Irene?” Seulgi looked over at her dad, the poor man didn’t understand his daughters fast words and seemingly nonsensical actions.
“In the ambulance getting treated, she’s fine but will be take-”
He never finished the sentence as his daughter ran out of the room and out into the parking lot screaming for her friends.
Running until her lungs felt like they would collapse Seulgi pushed past the paramedics until she saw her two friends talking in whispers to one another.
”Wendy!” The black haired girl shouted as she made her way to the girl.
”Seulgi! What happe-“
”Do you know with who [Name] was with?” Seulgi said breathless, her heart was beating in her ears, she felt all of her senses alert. Suddenly she was in survival mode.
”The boys, she-“ Wendy tried to explain, but Seulgi’s nervousness began affecting her too.
”No, she wasn’t with them, she wasn’t the bathroom, right Wendy?” Irene cut off the younger girl.
”What- no! She-“
”She wasn’t with them, I saw them whilst Jisung asked me to follow him.”
”Ah, really? But she told me-“ Wendy tried to debate with the eldest but was cut off again as Seulgi began speaking.
”I think- I think we should talk to [Name], or at least me, I’m the one who knows the most and they’d kinda figure out if all of us suddenly-“
”Irene! The doctors couldn’t find any broken bones, just a lot of internal and external bleeding but it has stopped, you were lucky this time as it was quite a superficial case so you’ll be able to go home just fine! I’ll take you-“
The female in question, much to everyone’s amazement, stood up by herself; not resembling the girl who had just been lying there before.
“Go look for her outside, she might be with an angel and ice.” Irene spoke, she didn’t look back as she began running away ignoring the younger girls calls and making her way to the ice cream shop.
Just like they’d planned.
”Seulgi, I-I think I know where [Name] is but we shouldn’t go there now, let’s send your dad.”
”I think Irene....”
The older girls eyes widen as she stared at her friend.
“N-no.... but that’d mean that Joy-“
”Shh!” She was hushed by her friend.
”We need to tell [Name] and the other girls! I’ll call the others you go tell your dad [Name]’s at ‘Angela’s Cream’! Go with your dad, we’ll meet over at your house!”
”Ok!” Seulgi began running next to Wendy when suddenly they were stopped by the scream of a teacher.
”Oh my god! There’s a dead boy in the basket ball court- it’s Park Jisung!”
They both froze in place, looking each other in the eye; an albeit silent, but mutual agreement of what was happening and what must be done was shared and they both parted ways.
Another life could be taken any minute now, they couldn’t risk it because the next victim could be [Name] or maybe even themselves.
As the four boys talked around me, I couldn’t shake off the feeling of questioning if I had done the right thing. If my assumptions were correct the girls would show up any minute now, or at least Seulgi’s dad.
Please, Wendy, you’re smart!
I prayed silently, looking out the window I noticed how the former quiet road was now taken into blue and red; a police car. I was about to cry out of joy.
The black car pulled over at the street and out came the familiar looking officer; Police Chief Officer Kang. Also known as Seulgi’s dad.
He marched into the ice cream shop until he made eye contact with me. Relaxing my previously tense stance I gently nudge Jeongguk and point over to where Mr Kang was standing as he spoke with the shop owner.
”What...” He whispered shocked as he took my hand forcibly.
”Taehyung, the police...” Jimin trailed off, he began sweating anxiously as the officer made his way towards our seats.
”Hello, are you students from-“
”Yes we are, we are out here with permission sir.” Yoongi cut off rather rudely.
”Well, good for you! Now, I need to know if Miss [Last Name] is he-! There you are, you’re needed in the police station now, please come with me.” He answered back rudely back, he never did enjoy taken bullshit from other people, I felt tears pool in my eyes in relief.
”What- why?” I asked faking shock.
”For the murder of your friend Sooyeong and the recent murder of a boy named Park Jisung”, he answered, “We were told you were close to both of them and you might be the clue to finding the murder of these two.”
“Yes please, follow me now” He took my hand from Jeongguk and pulled me out of the cage he and Yoongi had made and led me to the exit.
The words of protest were blocked from my ears as they seemed to be filled with blood, the thick liquid blocking all sound except the words forming in my head.
It’s your fault he’s dead.
The words kept repeating themselves as I boarded the car and I sat next to my friend Seulgi.
I stared at her through as tears kept falling and the imaginary blood in my ears kept rushing.
She said nothing as she too cried and held me in her arms tightly. Probably afraid of what was going on.
If only I knew it was because of the sick betrayal of our close friend.
”[Name] , I’ll be taking you to my house, Seulgi told me that the other girls were going to be there by the time we arrive; so please don’t worry...” Officer Kang spoke softly to us as he drove the black police car to his home.
As we drove through the town, I couldn’t shake the bitter feeling of regret of ever coming back here.
The pretty colors of the sunset that painted the windows and our sling in the car only added to the bitter feeling of helplessness and nostalgia that ate me away.
Seulgi, who was exhausted, had fallen asleep beside me and was now resting herself in my shoulder as I stared out the window.
Watching the commercial buildings turn into the neighborhoods, and the businessmen and women turn into gangs of kids playing games out with their families and pets, I couldn’t stop the hopeless wish that settled in of wanting to stop it all.
As we pulled into the driveway of Seulgi’s family home, I nudged her slightly for her to wake up.
“You need to explain everything, please.”
The dyed red-head made her way to the ice cream shop, only to find the people she had wished to find gone, sighing she fixed herself through the reflection of herself in the mirror; she didn’t look that bad for what she was about to do and had done.
She didn’t even feel guilty, she tricked her friends and? That didn’t mean she regretted her actions it was her survival over theirs. It was a selfish world they lived in.
”Irene! You’re here?” The red-headed laughed bitterly.
”Please, stop it... I can’t keep it up like this! They’re gonna end up dead!” Irene cried, tears falling.
“Tell me Irene, does it look like I care? I’m dead for all they know, and a dead girl can’t cause chaos.” Sooyoung asked.
”No, Joy, you aren’t dead but I sure wish you were....”
“What?” Chaeyoung exclaimed, no one was ready for what Wendy and Seulgi had just said.
”Joy is alive?” Jennie asked confused as she leaned against the wall.
“Yeah, she’s probably working with the guys after [Name] too...” Wendy finished, she sighed.
”We should tell Seulgi’s dad...” Chaeyoung suggested, despite her shock she still was more useful than I could ever be.
”Yeah, then that’d rid Sooyeong and Irene, and with our witnesses they’ll at least put Sooyeong in jail” Seulgi agreed, I knew by the way she spoke that the idea pained her, it pained all of us. Irene and Joy, who would have thought?
”But then that leaves the boys....” Lisa brought up a very big point, the main point.
”I’ll deal with them”, I speak up suddenly, “It’s my fault, not yours, I-I know what I have to do just give me some time and things will go back to normal.”
”No”, Jennie sighed, “You won’t, that’s just fucking stu-“
”Let her”, Jisoo spoke up, “She’s- [Name], [Name] are you sure about this?”
Nodding I look at her as determinedly as I could, I could fix this.
“You won’t changer your mind will you?” Yeri laughed bitterly, I wouldn’t betray them.
I nodded again.
”It’s for the best” I said quietly, even if I was unsure I had put people in danger, I have been useless and I have only been an inconvenience, I wanted to do something, I needed to do something.
”But these boys, that we don’t even know, can do anything! What if you end up hurt? The what if’s are endless!” Jennie argued, she was blushing with anger, “We can’t just send you like that?”
“Jennie”, Jisoo hugged her tightly, “It’s our [Name], she won’t go down without a fight. I trust her and should you, all of us.”
”I can’t believe we’re agreeing to this...” Wendy said exasperated, tears bubbling under her eyes, I felt tears bubble in mine too as I looked at my friends.
“What are you going to do?” Yeri asked again, “Maybe we can come up with a middle ground.”
”I’ll give them what they want” I stated without budging.
”What?” Wendy shouted, jumping from the bed and slamming her hands on the bedside table.
”What’s so bad about that?” Chaeyoung asked, suddenly her eyes widened.
”She’s gonna give herself! That’s what she’s gonna give!”, Wendy raised her voice.
”What?” Jisoo exclaimed, eyes widening.
”You can’t do that!” Turning around, Lisa began hyperventilating.
The girls began acting up, begging me to change my mind, but I wouldn’t. All of this was happening because of me, and if I could stop it then I fucking would.
”You’re gonna do wha-?”
“You stupid bi- you’re gonna give yourself like that?”
”Gosh, you-you’re really stupid aren’t you? How are you even going to do that?”
“By walking out the door, duh?”
They locked me in the bathroom.
I was locked in the bathroom, sitting in the bathtub and silently singing nursery rhymes as I waited until they finished telling Mr Kang the truth.
I was indeed very stupid.
Silently running the plan through my head, I lean against my knees and pray that their intentions aren’t bad. That if I do end up going with them that I won’t end up dead in a ditch. But it was indeed better than having my friends dead.
Leaning against the bathtub, I close my eyes and let myself sleep for a while. Numbing myself to the surrounding world. I hadn’t been able to really have a peaceful time since coming back to this damned town.
As I stay there, nightmares and never ending thoughts began plaguing my mind.
What if I jump out of the window, make my way to Kook’s house and let him kidnap me. No one will miss me anyway, plus I’m the reason why all of this is happening. The reason Sooyeong faked her death, killed her sister and mother and betrayed us. I’m the reason Mark’s dead, Nayeon, the rest. I shouldn’t be here. I don’t deserve to be here. I don’t deserve to be alive now.
Tears began slipping out of my eyes, as the thoughts began multiplying and breathing became hard. Shaking harshly from the mere memory of the news articles declaring my friends deaths; knowing that somehow I had caused them.
I lost track of time. I couldn’t stop shaking and crying as blame and guilt began consuming me.
All my senses began failing me.
I couldn’t hear, I couldn’t see, I couldn’t touch and I couldn’t speak.
A feeling of numbness began biting at my ribs, leaving trails of pain as it made its way up my head until I was left with a pounding headache. My cheeks felt cold as the tears ran across them, broken sobs that overtook the sound of footsteps and bodies falling.
I couldn’t think, I couldn’t hear, I couldn’t understand and I couldn’t feel.
”Please, anyone, save me”
The door burst open, and I let out a scream.
[3rd Point of View]
The blood from the bunch of young women laid over the house as Sooyeong stood panting.
“I-I did it....” She whispered softly.
Laying down, she waited for her captors to come over and finish the job. Laughing lightly she looked over to her presumably dead, older friend, Irene.
”Onnie, we’ll meet in hell, haha, just like Jennie said!” She laughed full of delusions.
As she rested on her back, she tilted her head to see all her friends, gone.
“If only...”, she whispered, “If only I was allowed to kill her too, then we’d be together forever...”
Smiling, she let bitter tears run down her cheek.
“I can’t believe I’m fucking dying full of regrets, haha, fantastic!” She turned around in the bloodied floor, she noticed her sides were all red and sticky.
”Ugh, didn’t Officer Kang keep cigars?” She muttered, as she pulled herself upwards.
Stumbling into her dead friend’s father office, she made her way to the ‘empty’ liquor cabinet, the one Seulgi so many times defended and said was filled with juice and snacks. There sat stacks of Marlboro and heavy liquor. Opening a random packet she took a cigarette and slowly lit it, placing it between her lips. Taking a heavy breath she let out a dull huff.
Laying against the table, she counted the minutes until her death.
Still with her cigarette, she made her way to the bathroom, sitting against the door she knocked softly.
”Guys?”, she heard her friends voice, ex-friend, she reminded herself bitterly, I sold them away.
With a clear idea of who was in the bathroom, Joy began to speak.
”You know, I always told myself that if any of my family members or friends were to get in a life or death I would put myself after them and take the bullet. But, ha, now that it really happened, I killed my fucking parents and sister, sold you lot to them and signed my own fucking death note and now, they’re gonna take you away! Priceless!”, she laughed, “Fucking priceless, I promised myself that I wouldn’t die full of sin or regret but look at me now, keeping you busy while they kill your family! They’ll come by any minute and kill me, bet you they’ll do it quick. That way they’ll take you away faster, you’ll live like a princess [Name], ahhh, how much I wished I was you right now. Seven hot dudes killing for me, I’d die for that...”
A muffled voice could be heard, and loud banging against the door.
She ignored her.
“Tell me, [Name], should I let myself be killed or should I kill myself?”
”Where are the others? Joy!”
”Oh, the girls?”, Sooyeong asked as she took another swing, “They’re dead. I killed them, anyway, what should I do?”
The girl inside the bathroom finally was able to hear it all, all at once it hit her, her senses overwhelmed her, and so she cried, punched and kicked, she let the inner turmoil inside of her manifest itself into the surface.
”Let me out you psycho!” Never once did [name] question if that was Joy.
”Sweetie”, Joy laughed, “I’m not half as bad as them!”
”Who? Who dammit?” The younger girl cried in frustration.
”BTS”, Sooyeong accentuated every letter, “Your secret lovers!”
A loud bang into the door and several footsteps were heard from the floor below the two females.
“They’re here, fuck them, I’ll do it myself” Sooyeong muttered to herself.
Standing up, she opened the lock to the bathroom door, however she didn’t open the door; yet.
Heart racing, she took the gun that was situated next to Jennie’s body, they were getting close. She could tell due to the increasing volume of the chatter, the sound of footsteps and the smell of rotten seven little pigs who will all burn in hell.
Hastily she made her way to the bathroom and opened the door to revel a petrified [Name], tears streaming down her face as she looked at her demented friend.
They were now outside the door.
“Bye bye, bitch. Remember that I love you and I will save you”
Joy leaned the gun against her chest and shot her herself.
Blood spilled everywhere as her falling body made way to the most agonizing and traumatic sight.
Seulgi’s room was littered with her friends dead bodies, including Seulgi’s parents. The walls showed claw marks, blood splattered against the walls and organs spilled on the floor.
Gagging, [Name] cried louder than before, sobs echoing on the almost empty house.
A rush of footsteps and angry mutters made their way outside the bathroom door before five male figures appeared on the doorway.
With wide eyes I look up and find Jeongguk and his ‘gang’, people I know now to refer to as Bts.
After hearing what Joy had said before shooting herself, I couldn’t help the fear that ran through my veins as I saw five of the seven males, where were the other two? What had happened?
”Get away from me!” I shouted at them and pressed myself into the wall, Jimins’ sweater and my skirt were now soaking wet from the leftover water, my socks were drenched, but I didn’t care, I needed distance right now.
“What?” Jeongguk asked flabbergasted, he stepped forward but I let out a scream to show I was not having it.
”I said what I said! Get away from me, you freaks!” I screamed, now with anger replacing the fear. These men ruined my life in just a few days, in just a few hours they took almost everything I had away from me, I only had my family left now and even then I wasn’t sure about that.
”I- we’re here to rescue you!”, Taehyung said as he approached me slowly, he pushed Jeongguk slightly to the side as he opened his arms.
”No! Joy told me everything, she said that you made her kill the girls and that this bullshit, yeah this fucking bullshit, that it’s all your fault!” I screamed at them, I motioned to the room as tears hot ran down my face.
”She did what?” Namjoon asked as he pushed Taehyung and Jeongguk away and walked over to me.
Peering over the bathtub, he gently took my hand.
”Baby, how do you know she wasn’t lying? Huh, she faked her death, killed her friends and family, how do you know she wasn’t lying to you again?” He whispered softly, he took my hand and rubbed circles against my palm.
”Because I know her-” I tried arguing with him but my mind was shutting itself off.
”Mhm?” He asked softly as he helped me stand up and exit the tub, I began shivering as I looked over to see the body of my friends, the people who had only tried to help me, looking so damn dead.
”She said you killed my family and that you were going to come over and take me away, I trust her more than I��d ever trust you.” I trailed off, my feet wobbled as my legs gave out due to the sight in front of me, I was about to puke.
”Really now?” He questioned as he took my legs and carried me bridal style, he took me and the four other boys away from the bathroom, he looked down at said girls body and silently motioned Yoongi, “Do you think we killed your family? That Kookie did?”
At the mention of his name, Jeongguk came over and kissed my cheek as Namjoon held onto my now shaking body.
“No, Kookie wouldn’t... right?” I questioned myself softly as I began questioning myself.
”No, bunny!” He lied, he was lying! Joy would never lie.
”See?”, Namjoon asked, “he wouldn’t lie to you, we wouldn’t lie to you, on the other hand your friends over there did. Irene knew about Joy, she even helped her. So how do you know the others weren’t in on it?”
”How do you kn-“
”Irene came to me about it, after she got injured, she told me she knew all about Joy and her plan, that’s why we went over to your house to be sure you were okay, thank god you weren’t there because a fire started all over the neighborhood, seven or so houses caught on fire,” Namjoon continued on speaking.
”Sweetheart, I’m sorry but we weren’t able to get your family out on time at all.” Jimin added on as he opened the front door.
”What-?” My family… was gone?
Why did it make sense?
”Mhm, we think it was Joy who did it too, I mean she already killed at least twelve people, what are three more?” Namjoon continued on talking, I shook at what he said.
“Hey, Namjoon help me ove-“ I heard a voice speak, but I couldn’t pinpoint whose voice it was, being too concerned about what Namjoon was talking about, he did sound familiar though.
“Jin, say hi to [Name] over here, she’s currently very scared,  but we’ll fix that, won’t we?” Jimin told the owner of the unknown voice, he sounded happy.
“Aww, is she? Are you sad? Don’t worry, we’ll be taking you to a beautiful vacation in a few hours so don’t worry, you’ll be safe soon.” Jin awed, he pinched my cheek it hurt but I couldn’t bring myself to show any sort of reaction .
Too tired to question what was really happening, I let them take me to the black van parked outside of Seulgi’s family home. I didn’t have it in me to fight, I wasn’t like my friends; I was alive and they were dead now, there was no use comparing us. As we walked, I couldn’t help but notice the strong smell that began floating in the air, were they pouring gas all over the house?
Why wasn’t I fighting? Was I that weak?
As Jeongguk opened the door to the van, I couldn’t help but notice how a few of my bags from back home littered the van.
”Why do you have my bags?” I asked with a monotone, soft voice I could barely talk.
”Ah, that was me, your parents had been noticing how you had been feeling off, so I had taken out your bags to go over to my house earlier that day,” Jeongguk explained, he talked too fast though, maybe he was lying but I couldn’t find it in me to care..
“Ah, okay.” I truly didn’t understand the logic behind that explanation but I was too tired to try to question them further, I was too numb.
Letting them pile inside the car, I lean against Jeongguk and slowly let myself succumb to sleep.
“Ah, Jin we didn’t need ropes or drug, I told you so.” Namjoon whispered.
”Hey, Namjoon, where are we going at the end?” Taehyung asked as he caressed my face.
”Far away, Tae, really far away”, Namjoon responded mindlessly, “So far away that people will forget we even existed here...”
Waking up by suddenly being picked up by someone, I peel my eyes open.
“What the-” I was about to complain when I began panicking.
”Oh! You’re awake?” I heard a voice I didn’t recognize ask, who was he?!
Looking up, I see a rather attractive male with noticeable folded ears smile down at me.
“Who are you?”, I whisper-shout at the unknown male, “And where the- where are you taking me! Put me down, sir! This is borderline kidnapping, that’s what this is! Let me down or I am calling the police, I am going to shout, I swear it! My best friend’s father is a police officer damn you!”
All the unknown boy do was smile down at me and hugged me tighter to his chest.
“Stop it this instant! Do not cuddle me! Who do you think you are?” I continue to toss and shriek.
“Haha, cute.” Was his only answer, this fucking bastard!
“I am not cute-“ Stopping suddenly as I feel the man going up stairs, I panic, “Where are we going?”, I ask less loudly, I then realized I had let the boy take me to who knows where, “You haven’t answered me yet.”
”Oh, we’re boarding a plane.” He smiled and continued walking forward.
”What the- No we are not! You are boarding a plane, and you are forcing me to board it with you! Who- I am so telling on you to the police!” I shout at him.
Suddenly arriving at the top of the airplane stairs, the man carrying me puts me down and opened the entrance to the plane.
Pushing me slightly inside, I meet with the gaze with five familiar males. Memories of earlier this day rushed into my brain.
“Y-you!”, I look at Namjoon, “You sweet talking mother fucker! Let me go, now!”
As if he’d gotten hit, he flinched and looked at me hurt.
“What are you talking about? I didn’t do any-“
”My ass! Go suck my spiritual dick you little fucker! You fucking drove Sooyeong insane, you killed my family with a fucking house fire you little dick!“
”We did not kill your family it was a house fire-“ Namjoon tried to explain to me as he stood up.
”God you must really like my ass, it’s impossible! We had the wires in the whole mother fucking neighborhood checked less than two weeks ago, so unless someone like you fucking tampered with the wire there is no reason for that fire! Do you really think I wouldn’t know my best friend? Sooyeong couldn’t even get the goddamn wifi working without five fucking youtube videos and her dad!”
”You do have a good ass.” I heard Yoongi remark, I flipped him off as I continue screaming at Namjoon.
“And we didn’t do it why would you think-“
”Because everytime you kill you make a fire to burn all the evidence, you dumbass! At least get creative and do something new! Don’t serial killers enjoy being different and unique and quirky or some shit?”
”How do you know?” Jimin asked slightly alarmed, the tension went from me being a little bitch to them all being in high alert.
“Do you think I’m that dumb to not notice how every boy and girl I’ve ever gotten close with dies? Look, I didn’t go around announcing it like-like it was something I was proud of it, but does that mean I wasn’t slightly suspicious? Like, dude, any boy I went three meters next to dropped dead, man. Like, that shit ain’t normal.” I asked dumbfounded, sure I wasn’t smart like Yeri or Seulgi but I wasn’t dumb either.
”Shit, if you realized than-“
”Ha, but don’t worry because you murdered the head officer in your case! He was going to announce it in a meeting in a few days or whatever but oh so lucky you! He’s fucking dead and in ashes because you idiots couldn’t think of anything better!” Maybe I’m being unreasonable, I’m fucking fighting with the murderers of my friends and family but I’m not afraid not anymore at least.
”You don’t understand! We did because-“ Jimin began trying to explain.
”We love you!”, Taehyung finished, “We love you so much-“
”Well, I hate you!”, I shouted at him, “You lot ruined so many lives, including mine! How the bloody hell am I meant to return feelings for su-“
”Wowowow, sweetie hate is a strong word, maybe you could say slightly displeased.” Namjoon remarked calmly as he walked over to Jeongguk and Jimin who were now in border line tears.
“Well, I have a strong hatred towards you!”
”Hmm? What’s with all the noise-! Hey, princess, you’re awake! Good, come on, sit over here.” A handsome male came over to me, taking my hand and leading me to a plush chair.
”Awww, you’re crying? Come here”, he took my head into his chest, “Don’t worry, I’m here, shhh, what did these awful, dirty, stupid, morons do? Come on tell Jinnie.”
I hadn’t realized I had been crying until he had remarked it, man, I really did cry a lot.
”T-they hurt me and my-“, I choked out.
”They what?” He spat as he slowly and gently sat me in his lap, re-taking my head into his chest not allowing me to look.
”N-no, they- they, I’m scared,” I cried into his shirt, “Please help, Jinnie”
I had no idea what his name was, was this that Jin dude, I could only blindly guide myself from what he had called himself.
”Y-you’re scared of what?” I heard him ask flustered, flustered by what? I had no idea who this man was or his name and he really isn’t leaving me with the best impression.
Pushing my head off his shirt I met his familiar looking eyes.
”Awww, princess, don’t worry! They won’t hurt you, they’re with me. We’re trying to protect you, baby.” He smiled.
“F-from what? You’re the ones hurting people. I asked, all the changes in my mood began making me tired. I couldn’t think properly anymore.
”Shhh, babe, have we hurt you?”
”Then, are we really the bad people?”
”I-I don’t know? Yes?” I answered as my voice broke in confusion, they were bad people. Why couldn’t I say so? Why were they so kind? Weren’t they the ones that were trying to hurt me? They killed everyone, right? But then, they seem kind so how would they do it? Maybe, it wasn’t them?
”Namjoonie, come here, tell our princess here that we aren’t trying to hurt her.” Jinnie motioned Namjoonie to come. No, Namjoon, he doesn’t deserve an affectionate nickname.
”Hey, babe, look up at me. We won’t hurt you, we’re saving you from the bad people like Sooyeong. You know, the girl who killed your friends and her family?” Namjoonie said.
No he isn’t Namjoonie.
”Why would I lie to you, hmm? Jinnie, Kookie, Jiminie, Yoongs, Taehyungie, Hoseokie and me wouldn’t lie to you.”
“Y-you wouldn’t?” I asked, suddenly everything was getting number and number.
The air smelled sweeter, my vision was hazy, I couldn’t think properly. I felt giggly. Suddenly, Jinnie seemed like the comfiest surface in the world so I threw myself into his chest, giggling.
”Ahh, p-princess, you’re making me blush!”, Jinnie laughed.
“I’ll tell the pilots to start since someone is too busy.” I heard Kookie say.
Hearing him stand up and leave the room, I lean against Jinnie further.
By the time I as suddenly woken up, I still felt slightly giggly from whatever had happened earlier. A sudden weight had been added into my chest and stomach making me open my eyes and look down at the male on top of me.
”Hi, umm, who are you?” I asked him.
“Your Jinnie,”
“No, I mean who are you?”
”Hey, babe. I- do you really not remember me?”, ‘Jinnie’ asked suddenly.
Looking down at him in sudden confusion I shake my head no.
”Ahh, such a pity.... I do, you know, remember you.” He said as he leaned further against my chest, “I remember meeting you the first time like it was yesterday, it’s engraved into my mind. Sometimes, I have dreams about the day I met you, about how I could have acted to make you mine. Yet I didn’t do that. Those dreams made me act like this, those dreams helped make my mind clear; that I needed to protect you from the bad people. Not like I don’t always dream of you. Every dream I’ve had since I met you is about you. Innocent and not. Dreams about what I could do to you, how I could claim you as mine and lock you up in a castle and protect you from there. God, the thought that you don’t remember me makes me so fucking sad you have no idea yet knowing that I can restart with you is almost like a blessing.”
He looked out the window as did I. As I looked out I noticed how dark it was, and how the stars seemed to make the sea shine brighter.
“I’m- I’m Kim Seokjin, I’m currently twenty-two and I’m taking you, [Last Name] [Full Name] being now seventeen years of age, to the farthest place I can find. It’s a pretty island that I bought a few years ago, in that little big island I made a whole village for you and the rest of the guys. There we’ll have everything, and when we run out; I can always buy more. I can run my business from there, that way we won’t ever run out of money and if you ever want to leave I’ll be able to take you away to anywhere...” He introduced himself smiling softly.
”Seokjin... like the Kim Seokjin from camp?” I asked suddenly.
”Wait you remembered?” He asked in shock, his eyes sparkled with hope.
”W-well not one hundred percent but I think I do?”, I answer in quite a bit of a shock myself, “You bought an island and built a village for me? You have to be kidding, there is no way you-“
”Well, my family owned it anyway but I bought it from my parents; it was practically a gift from them.” He answered.
”But still! You’re insane, who the hell spends that much money on a crush?”
”You are not a crush, [Name].” He laughed, “I love you! For god’s sake I made a whole little village for you!”
”G-god, you’re insane!” I freaked out, the effects of earlier gone.
A dulling look came over his eyes suddenly when I spoke those words.
”Princess, look, I have done way worse shit than buying and building a goddamn village for you. If you needed I’d start a war for you. So do what you do best, and be a good girl for Jinnie, okay? No cussing, no acting out of line, drinking all of the juice and no calling me a freak.” He whispered against my ear.
”What’s wrong with you!” I shouted at him.
Suddenly I heard shuffling from the seat behind me, and the boy that had carried me earlier popped up.
“Good night, what happened darling? Did the serum ware off?” He asked, he seemed tired yet he still smiled, he was wearing a beanie that made his ears pop out even more.
”Yes, it did, Hoseok could you please bring in some more.” Jin asked Hoseok.
“Jung Hoseok? Like star dancer Jung Hoseok?”
He didn’t respond as he fiddled with a bottle until he sat down at the seat next to mine with a little silk piece.
“The one and only, pumpkin, now close your eyes and you’ll feel happy again! You want that right? When you start behaving nicely as you do with this we’ll stop dozing you! Okay? So be good for me, please?”
He gently brought the silk next to my nose and I felt myself go into complete darkness, the same sweet air in my lungs again without me wanting it to.
A string of light coming from the barley opened curtains, followed by the sound of waves crashing against the sand happened to be the reason I woke up today.
Opening my eyes slightly thinking, hoping, that I’d wake up to find myself in my room. But I wasn’t. This wasn’t my room and most definitely not my house.
With fully open eyes, sit up in the comfy bed I happened to be laying in. White, silky sheets with beautiful lace designs, and pillows that smelled wonderful. The bed wasn’t the only dead giveaway that I wasn’t home, other than the rather obnoxious sound of tropical birds and the sea, the room was too.
The spacious room was adorned with clean, grey, stone walls. Walls that were gracefully decorated with minimalist paintings and photos of me and seven men I didn’t know, upon further inspection I saw a picture of what’s supposed to be the night sky the day I was born. A white desk sat in the corner of the wall in front of me, a desk filled with gifts.
At both sides of the bed, there were bedside tables made of glass and black wood. On top of them, each had a lamp and a picture frame of what appeared to be the sea, in one sat a remote control, a small white box and a ring box. In the other, sat a bunch of my trinkets from back home.
The room had a black, clean and shining marble floor, and in some areas had fluffy rugs like beneath the desk and a round glass table, with a rather beautiful flower arrangement, that was placed in the corner, next to the window, it seemed to take a good fourth of the wall.
Looking around once more I saw what I assumed was a closet and bathroom. Both of which, by the looks of it, seemed to be overly spacious.
Standing up from the bed, I looked down to find myself in a white, silk nightgown, quite similar to the fabric of the sheets.
Expecting cold from the marble floor, I was astonished to find that the floor was actually rather warm.
Now as I stood in the middle of the room, I realized how big it really was.
“God, it’s like, three times my old bedroom...” I trailed off.
Remembering the box that lies next to my bed, I rushed over to the bedside and rushed to open the package. Inside was a brand new phone, black and cold to the touch.
”What the-“ Turning around I run to the desk only to find it full of designer branded bags and boxes.
From Gucci to Louis Vuitton, my mouth fell agape at how much all of this must’ve cost. Not only the gifts, but the television, phone, computer and this very same room must have cost a fortune.
“Who the heck has that much money?” I ask myself quietly as I sit down on the desk chair.
A sudden curiosity came over me as I stood up and made my way to what I assumed must have been the closet. Pushing the black door I’m met with a closet as big as my room back home, filled with expensive looking clothes and shoes. Jewelry was stored in glass cases, the light casted a glittering shine to the diamonds and pearls, and a vanity sat in the far back, also filled with makeup. The walls were of black marble, they seemed to hold a certain shine to them that was only noticeable thanks to the beautiful and large glass chandelier that laid on top of the jewelry case.
As I walk inside what’s basically Narnia, I hear the door to the room open as a pretty looking girl looks at me and squeaks.
”Oh! Miss Kim, I thought you wouldn’t wake up ‘till later! Well then, I guess I’ll help you earlier than I thought!” She exclaimed happily, her smile was wide as she spoke.
“Miss Kim?” I asked her as she gently pushed me inside and sat me down in the black velvet chair.
”Yes! I’m one of the maids that are meant to help you when you’re with Mr Kim, other times I guess you’ll get called depending on which Mr your with! Honestly, I think you look cuter with Mr Seokjin!” She giggled as she began combing my hair, she was soft and careful as she brushed my hair
”Hmm, ah! I know, how about a dress? Yes! They said that they would appreciate if you could wear a dress today! It’s hot, so how about a sundress? A strapless one could do, you do have a pretty skin color so I guess a black one could work!” She chanted to herself.
”Okay, go take a long, nice shower and I’ll help you once you get out. Now go, go, trust good ol’ Chuu!” She laughed.
Standing up, she led me to the bathroom and directed me where everything was. She then left me do wash myself.
“Love, take as long as you want but do keep in mind Misters have been waiting for you since you’ve arrived!”
And so I washed myself. I tried to use the best smelling soap and shampoo I could find, to then using the best smelling perfume once I was done. Sighing at how good it felt to be clean, especially after all the mess from earlier, I take a look at the redness of my eyes and puffiness of my cheeks.
I hadn’t realized how long I had taken, but it seems that long enough for Chuu, or Jiwoo as she had also introduced herself as, to pick a black summer dress, shoes and beautiful makeup.
Giving me the dress, I change as fast as I could to let Jiwoo do her magic, maybe she’d take long enough to take my mind off things.
By the time I was ready, I still remembered all that had happened and Jiwoo had left me in the room, telling me another girl would come and pick me up to take me to eat.
So now, I was sitting in this foreign room waiting for god knows what.
”Hey, [Name]?” I heard Taehyung ask me as he gently nudged me.
”N-no...” I groaned as I covered my face with the silk.
“Yes, princess, c’mon, if you don’t want to walk I’ll take you by force!” He laughs as he lifts me up.
”No.” I groan as I turn around, causing him to almost drop me.
”Shit! [Name], we’re leaving to eat, now.” He scolds as he looks at his watch, he then takes my hand and exits the room.
I get dragged in silence through the modern and yet old looking house until we exit the building and enter the garden.
“Do you like it?” Taehyung asked suddenly.
”Like what?”
”The island?”
”I haven’t seen it much, but it doesn’t seem bad. But I’d rather be home with my family, not, you know, being kidnapped and living with a bunch of stalkers, it’d also be nice to you know, know whats happening? And like, be home and safe?“
”We aren’t stalkers, [Name], we’re just doing something important; taking care of you, plus, your family is dead.”
Staying in silence, I keep trying to ignore the fact my family was fucking dead and that maybe two of my friends turned out to be murderers.
Was Jiwoo into this too? She seemed to be so kind but then again, Joy did too...
Suddenly being pulled down, Taehyung took my hand and led me into a fancy looking greenhouse in the middle of the garden.
“Why are we here?” I asked him as he hummed a melody as we walked through arrangements of different flowers and exotic looking plants.
”To eat, silly!” He laughed, he squeezed my hand as he led me faster.
Once we reached the section filled with my favorite flowers, I began hearing chatter and the sound of plates being served. The voices grew louder the deeper we walked into the [Favorite Flower] filled space.
“Hey, princess, did Jiwoo give you you’re medicine?” Taehyung asked as we made our way.
”Ahhh, we’ll need to talk to her then, but don’t worry! I’ll give it to you here!” Taehyung smiles down at me.
Even though there was nothing scary about Taehyung, his way bigger frame than mine and the smile that was etched into his face whenever he saw me definitely began creeping me out enough, as if he being my stalker and killing my family wasn’t enough reasons to be wary of him.
He stopped when we were met with a glass room that was seemingly placed in the middle of the greenhouse, he knocked on the door and let go of my hand, placing me in front of him.
The chatter died down as a maid opened the door and we were revealed six males and a few maids, who were standing to the sides. The men were sitting around an organized and pretty wooden table that was filled with delicious looking foods.
”[Name]!” I heard Jeongguk exclaimed as he stood up and made his way to us.
”God...”, I heard Jimin sigh, “Pretty....”
”Please sit down, over here.” Yoongi motioned to the end seat next to him and Seokjin in the head of the table in their end.
Jeongguk took my hand and led me to the seat as Seokjin took out the chair for me to sit. By the time I was sat down, the majority of the boys had already engaged themselves into conversation leaving me to myself when suddenly Yoongi began talking to me and Seokjin.
”So, kitten, how much do you really know about us?” Yoongi asked me, I suddenly remember his comment about my ass and blush slightly as he smirked.
Blushing even more at the nickname, I look back at him and shrugged slightly.
”Gosh, you’re so cute!” Seokjin gushed as he squished my cheek.
”I-I guess, not much... I mean, what I knew were only theories made by my friends...” I spoke quietly as I swatted Seokjin’s hand.
”And what did they come up with?” Yoongi asked, as he took my hand and gently caressed it.
”That you were the ones that wrote the letters....” I spoke in whispers through gritted teeth, I try and pry my hands away.
“Ah, so smart!”, Seokjin laughed, “Who was who?”
Both of them looked at me filled with curiosity.
“I think that you”, I pointed at Yoongi and Seokjin, “are Suga and Jin, and that him and him”, I pointed at Jeongguk and Jimin,” Are Cocky and Chimmy respectively”
I looked at the rest of the boys quickly. Out of the seven, I properly had interacted with all but Hoseok and knew little to nothing about Taehyung, Jimin, Yoongi and Namjoon
“You’re right!”, Seokjin laughed along with Yoongi, “Who else?”
”Ahhh, Hoseok he’s hope? And that Taehyung is V? And so that leaves Namjoon as RM...”, I trailed as a girl with a name tag that read ‘Heejin’ served my food.
”Ah, thank you! Miss... Heejin!” I thanked her brightly, or as brightly as I could.
“Hey, princess, look at us....” Yoongi pouted at me.
Blushing even more, I nod quietly, not wanting to anger any of them.
”You haven’t taken your medicine, have you?” Seokjin asked, causing Taehyung to look up from his conversation with Jimin.
”Yeah, she hasn’t taken it yet!”, Taehyung exclaimed.
”But she’s behaving so well!” Hoseok gushed.
”Yeah, but we don’t want that to changes do we?” Namjoon laughed as he took a little flask from his suit.
They passed it down until it reached Seokjin, who took the baby blue flask and looked me in the eye.
”Princess, how do you want to take it? From the bottle or with your juice?” He asked me.
”I-I don’t know-“ I stuttered as I blushed from the attention, was I child to them? Was this a game? I was a year from being a legal adult!
And how could I be so fucking weak?
”She doesn’t know, our baby doesn’t know!” Jimin awed as he sighed into his chair.
”So cute!” Taehyung agreed with his older friend.
”For fucks sake, I love her...” Jeongguk mutters with wide eyes.
What the hell is wrong with them?
”Want to take it from the bottle for us?” Namjoon asked as he fiddled with his tie, a pink blush taking over his cheeks.
”I-I guess?” I answered confused.
I took the bottle out of Seokjin’s hand a quickly chugged it down.
Tastes like the alcohol we’d sneak out of Jeongguk’s dad’s alcohol stash.
”Princess took it so well!” Taehyung clapped.
”Yes she did!” Jimin cheered as he leaned against his palm creepily.
As the other boys began talking with each other again and their attention drifted off of me I waited until only Seokjin and Yoongi were still quiet.
”Hey, what is it that you made me drink?” I asked Seokjin, I picked at his ring hoping to catch his attention.
”Ahh, just a little something to make you behave properly.” Seokjin assured me, he took my hand and kissed before setting it down next to the plate
”How?” I pressed him slightly.
”This makes you behave better, it makes you more well behaved for us, it’ll help you learn how to behave.” Seokjin tried to clear it out for me.
”Look, darling, you’re done! You ate so well! Hmm, how about you leave with me now!” Jimin suddenly spoke up.
”Wh-” I had barely eaten, I hadn’t even touched the soup and I was starving.
”It’s my day today and tomorrow! Then again, I don’t remember anymore but dates aren’t important. So, let’s go!” Jimin pressed on as he helped me stand up and began dragging me out of the room against the judgment of the other boys. He quickly ran out and picked me up, now I truly couldn’t leave. I was getting tired and giddy by the minute.
“Let’s change clothes together!” Jimin suggested as he ran with me into the house.
Jimin took changing together quite literally. He brought his clothes to the closet, but instead of using my brain I let him.
The weird liquid they constantly fed me seemed to take effect quickly as I began giggling at every action Jimin did.
By the time we were done changing, we were both wearing matching outfits consisting of orange and navy blues striped oversized sweaters and light blue shorts, with white sneakers and socks.
”You look so cute!” Jimin squealed as he hugged me tight.
”Ha! Thanks Jiminie!” I laughed.
”Where do you want to go?” Jimin asked me as he took my hand and led me outside the other side of the house.
“I don’t know... let’s see a movie!” I suggested, not remembering that we were in the middle of an island the possibility of actually there being a cinema were scarce.
”Yeah, let’s go! In the village there is a movie place-“
”How?” I asked him as he took me down a path as we seemed to be walking down a hill.
”Jin’s family built a village here for their special workers, originally that is, so they could come over to have vacations and not risk having anything happen to them, they still sometimes come but not as often as a bunch of those special workers got ‘scared off by the bad vibes’ over here, as if....”
”So it’s haunted?”
”Nah, it was us trying to get them to leave so we could get this island for you! It was around the time you left, so we had a ton of time to make this place special!” Jimin recalled.
”Ahh, but how did you know I’d come back?” My eyes were dropping slightly, I was beginning to feel number and number.
”You’re very special to us, darling, there is no way in hell we’d let you leave us.” Jimin spoke seriously.
”Really?” I asked him in slight shock.
”Mhm, I mean, at least I do. I dunno about the others but I’m pretty sure I love you!” He spoke softly as we arrived at a town-ish little place.
There were a few people, people that looked very important and rich walking around. People that didn’t seem to like us, why?
”Let’s go, it’s over there!”, Jimin seemed to read my mind when he pulled me toward the cinema, “Let’s watch your favorite one!”
What Jimin had led me wasn’t exactly what you would’ve imagined. But it certainly was a cinema, black background and red velvet, cushioned seats. It was extremely modern in comparison to what I had childishly imagined.
As the movie played on, I couldn’t concentrate on it. Maybe it was because I had seen it over ten times or maybe it was because of Jimin sitting on my lap and cuddling me. No, it was because the drug was warring off, maybe they underestimated my tolerance to the drug. The more minutes passed the more conscious I was about the whole ordeal that had happened in the last forty hours. The death of my whole family, the death of my friends and their families, my kidnapping; everything.
Suddenly I began hearing the soft snores Jimin made while he slept. I looked down at him. One of my tormentors. One of the reasons everything I loved was gone. The more I looked at him, the more I wanted him dead. Frustration that had been built since I moved back into that god damned town was falling over me.
I was crying, I realized when a few tears had fallen into Jimin’s face. I watched as he moved a bit in his sleep as he smiled, muttering my name sometimes or even laughing.
In that moment I realized that if someone didn’t enter that cinema in the next few minutes I would murder that man. I would choke him to death. Scream at him how much I hated him.
It seems someone heard me as two males, followed by two females, came into the cinema.
“[Name]! Are you crying? Are you okay?” I heard Jeongguk exclaim as he ran towards me.
He growled at Jimin as he woke up from his nap in my lap.
”Why is [Name] crying, Jimin?” Taehyung asked him seriously.
”Wh-“ I pushed Jimin off me, cutting him before he could even start.
I brushed my clothes off, in hopes of brushing him off me too.
“Because I fucking hate you lot, that’s why. What is wrong with you? You keep drugging me all the damn time and expect me to be cool with it? You fucking ruin my life in a few hours and think I’m going to be all lovey-dovey with you? You little fuckers, you all ruined my life!”
I straightened my posture and walked out of the building. I ignored as Jimin and Jeongguk broke down crying, I ignored Taehyung as he screamed at me to come back.
”What? Ha, as if I cared!” Taehyung shouted at me before he quickly realized what he had said, “Dammit!” He cried again.
”Bunny, come back!”, Jeongguk cried softly as he tried chasing me slowly.
”Fuck off.” I responded tired, “You really think that some random ass drug is going to make me be okay with you lot taking me for hostage or some shit?”
We walked out of the cinema.
”It’s not like that!” Jeongguk exclaimed, he was getting more and more frustrated as I spoke. “They love you, we love you! I love you dammit!”
”Love? You sickos call this bullshit love? You need medical help, Jeongguk. Cut it with your bullshit, are you really that desperate that you’re gonna up front kidnap me? And on top of that fuckery, you expect me to be in love with you? Like hell I will! I despise you, Jeongguk, I have despised you since I came back home. You were nothing but the biggest dick ever to me and then you pull up this bullshit? ‘I love you’ you say, bull-fucking-shit I say.” Pushing him as I walk towards the house, I look back at him. “You are so full of yourself it’s disgusting.”
Looking at me in shock, Jeongguk then straightened himself up and began making his way faster towards me. I couldn’t see his eyes as he walked with his head bowed down, yet I didn’t want to see his eyes.
”Look, bunny, I wanted to behave. I really fucking did, but this behavior of yours it’s not up to my standards,” he gripped my wrist suddenly, “and I call bullshit to it. You see, bunny, I behaved like a good little bunny boy because you liked me like that didn’t you? You wanted me to be your Jeongguk, and so I did because that way you’d be mine, right?  But it seems like you think you’re in control, that you don’t belong to me, and let me tell you sweetheart, I don’t like it when people take control. You promised me we would get married, you promised me you’d love me, that we’d be together forever, all if I was your little good bunny. And I did. But you, you didn’t keep your part of the promise, you weren’t a good owner. No, no, you went out there and caught others hearts and then moved out of town, you left your bunny alone with these impostors. I didn’t like it, I did not like it at all, and I’m making sure no one takes my owner away now, even if I have to make you my bunny.”
”What?” I asked in a whisper, yet he ignored me and continued on rambling.
”I’ll put a pretty little collar on your neck if you even think of running away, but you won’t, right bunny? You’ll be here with me, and you’ll help me kill them off. All of them.” He laughed as he began leading me inside the house, to his room.
“Ki-kill them?”
”Yeah, they’ve made your life a hell, Hoseok killed Mark, Namjoon spread rumors of you, Seokjin has poisoned you before, Jimin broke into your house a bunch of time with Tae, Tae stalked you and taken suggestive pictures of you and Yoongi, he started the fire.” He smiled evilly as he caresses my cheeks.
”See bunny? You can’t trust anyone here, not even me, but unlike them I’m willing to do anything, within reason, to redeem myself to you, but no letting you leave, sadly.” Jeongguk then began kissing my hand and talking, “So, will you let me be your bunny? I’ll do anything you ask of me, I’ll be your servant. I promise you that you won’t regret it, just let me be your bunny again.” He pouted as he looked up and left one last kiss on me knuckles.
He then threw me on the bed and rested himself on my chest as he looked up.
”I’ll do anything for you, kill, cook, torture, plant flowers, anything, you can tell me what to dress, how to act, how you want my hair. I’ll be your doll, bunny, just say yes. I’ll protect you from them.”
Blushing, my mind began to race as my blood began pumping faster. My mind became hazy as I spoke words that I didn’t know if I regretted.
“O-okay, I-I mean, yes?”
Suddenly it was his turn to become excited, as adrenaline seemed to pump through his veins, his eyes got wider as he caged me in his arms.
”Really? Oh my- finally! God, I love you, I love you, I love you!” He cried as he cupped my face in his hands, tears began to stream violently down his face, ”I’ll be the best bunny!” He laughed as he kissed me in the lips, it wasn’t like he left me much choice.
You never truly learn how to stop making mistakes, do you?
When: Back then.
Why: Because she didn’t want to.
Where: Home?
—————— b e t r a y a l ————————
Blood. Everywhere. The room was drenched in the red liquid, the smell of iron attached itself in every surface the liquid was attached to, the sticky substance was dripping from its source to the floor and the surrounding areas. Patterns of blood everywhere, ceilings, walls, floor.
Mutilated. The corpses let out their rotting smell, it seemed to reach every corner and stay there, the smell didn’t fade, even if they had been laying there for years and years.
Standing in the middle was the son of a loving family, as he breathed heavily, as he stared at someone he never thought he’d hurt.
“Why? What did that poor woman do to you?” She asked him while tears pooled in her eyes, his eyes.
”Mom, you don’t understand!” He shouted at her, of course she didn’t; she didn’t know [Name] like he did.
”No I do not, you- look what you did! All for this girl who doesn’t even know you! I should call the police, Taehyung, what you’re doing isn’t normal! You’re going to hurt her aren’t you?” She yelled at him.
“Hurt her? We are talking about [Name] you know!” He yelled back.
He yelled at his mother.
”Yes I do, and I also know that this isn’t okay! Taehyung, do you think this is okay? Killing people?”
”Scumbags.” He muttered as his chest rose up and down at a dangerous pace.
”What did you say?” She asked, this boy, no this man wasn’t her son.This thing wasn’t human.
“They were scumbags, they weren’t people! They contaminated her, mom, they tried to dirty her! Why don’t you understand? I love her and she loves me back! I’ve seen it, I’ve fucking seen it!” He shouted at her as he took slow steps towards her.
”Wait until your father hears about this, I might not call the police but he sure will, he will not tolerate this!” The mother shouted at her son, her husband was a good man, he’d teach their son.
”Dad? He’s been gone for almost a year! What? Don’t tell me you thought he was gonna return now?” He asked her as he laughed, tears falling from his cheeks.
”Y-yes, he will and he will not tolerate this behavior of yours!” She tried to stand her ground against her own blood. This thing was not her son.
”He was with another woman, mother, he came back months ago, do you want to hear what happened with dad and her?”
He began laughing louder as he saw the look in his mother’s eyes.
”The secretary, mom, it was her; Heejae. You weren’t home when they arrived, I was though, I was here all along and I heard it all, do you want to hear it, momma? Hear how father cheated on you with that slut?” He walked to a small computer in the back of the room, he passed through corpses as if they were nothing.
The mother followed the son, almost like a robot, as he pressed play on a video. A video showcasing the most intimate act between two people; between her husband and his secretary.
“It was upstairs, momma, until they saw your car, they ran down here, my mistake was I didn’t lock the door, so they saw it all. He acted just like you said he would, but their phones were on their pants, they always are, but the problem is they didn’t have theirs on. And guess what I did Momma?” He looked as the tears streamed down her face as she looked at him.
”What did you do, Taehyung?”
”I killed them. Now tell me, mom, do you think that my relationship with [Name] is a bad one?” He asked as his mother threw herself at him as she cried.
”It’s not, is it? What I’m doing is preventing her from doing things like this, now tell me, mom, am I bad?”
”N-no?” She croaked, her own sanity was falling down like sand castle, a human being can only take so much at a time before they fall into insanity. This boy was her son.
“See mom? Now, I don’t want you to end up like dad, so, will you help me keep my [Name] save?”
The son asked his mother for help. And just like any good mother, she accepted it.
“Thank you, momma, I promise you your daughter in law will be better than this dumbass of a father.”
———— m o m m a ————
And just like that the son’s mother set out to help him and his friends with all of their deeds. Of course, she didn’t cheer for all seven kids, that at this point she considered her own, she always hoped that her son would win the girl’s heart.
“Taehyungie, make sure you dress nicely today, you have biology with her, don’t you?” She reminded him every Wednesday and Thursday.
”Oh, yeah! Thank you, momma!” He’d always let her help him get dressed and fix his hair for her.
And just like that, a bond that should have broken only strengthened itself.
——���— m o m m a ————
One day, the son burst out crying as he came in the house he and his mother lived in.
The woman didn’t work, as her husband had left them a great deed of money and her friend Miss Kim helped her, she was also in their sons secrets.
”Taehyung! Oh god, what happened?” She cried, the last time he had reacted this way was when his lover had left him to go elsewhere, since then all his friends and the families that knew had been trying to locate her and bring her back to them.
”Momma, Jin said- he said that baby bear was going to come back next week! She’s coming back, Momma!” He cried harder as he hugged his mother.
“She is?” She exclaimed she was ecstatic, finally her son was going to be happy again.
”Yes! I-I gotta make myself handsome for her shouldn’t I? Ohh, it’s been so long, what if she’s changed her taste? What if she doesn’t hang out Jeongguk anymore? What if she- she had a boyfriend?” He muttered the last part darkly to himself.
The mother chuckled to herself as she hugged her son, he looked older but he still acted like a little kid. This boy was her son.
”Don’t worry, Taehyungie, she won’t have a boyfriend, she isn’t like your bastard of a father, she wouldn’t cheat on you, and if she does, has that ever stopped you? You’re the best looking boy in your school, baby, she’ll realize her mistake in an instant! Then you’ll take her to the island and be happy there forever!” She hugged her son closely as he cried out his love’s name.
”Come on, tomorrow you won’t go to school, you know what? You won’t go to school at all this week, we’re gonna get you ready for [Name], how does that sound?” She decided as she looked down her son who was snuggled into her chest.
”N-nice.” He stuttered as he smiled softly.
That week, the son and mother spent a ridiculous amount of money to make the already handsome boy look even better. This woman was his mom.
———— m o m m a ————
And so it went, the boy updated his mother on his delusional relationship and the mother believed it and loved the thought of her boy with such an amazing woman as [Name].
Until the one day.
“Momma! Jeongguk said that [Name] is gonna hang out with him and Namjoon and that she might hang out with us too soon!” The boy ran to his mother shouting in joy.
The news caused her to jump in joy with her son.
”Oh! Baby, that’s amazing!” She hugged him as she smiled up at him.
”It is, isn’t it?” He laughed.
”Of course! Oh, by the way, the boy that tried to flirt with [Name] last week is in the basement, he’s sedated, so you can do whatever you want with him after you do your homework and remember that dinner is at seven!” She laughed as her son nodded happily and skipped up the stairs in joy. These two things are human.
——— m o m m a ———
“Momma, Momma! You won’t believe what happened!” He shouted as he sat down at the table with his mom and younger sister.
They weren’t siblings by blood, him and his mother decided to adopt her one day due to the similarities she had to his lover. The day they adopted the girl, they swore to protect her from harm. The son ended up as a father figure to the young girl and the mother watched almost as a grandmother. He liked to believe that she was his daughter with his lover.
“Huh? What happened, Hyungie?” The younger sister asked.
”Ahh, Jieun, we made a friend with the boys, her name is Sooyeong and she will help to bring my wife, [Name], to us!” The son smiled at the five year old.
”Really?” She asked happily.
”Oh, wasn’t she a friend of [Name]’s?” The mother asked, “Won’t she snitch?”
”Nah, she even killed her family! She’ll also kill [Name]’s friends so that she’ll only have us!” The son smiled proudly.
”Amazing!” Mother looked at both her children.
”See Jieun, you gotta protect [Name] just like Taehyung-ie when we leave to the island, okay?”
”Yes, momma.”
”So what will you do, Jieunie?”
”If [Name] does anything suspicious with one of the boys other than Hyungie I’ll tell Hyungie and momma about it so that they can purify her, then I’ll take her to drink tea and make her sad so she doesn’t do it again!” The girl recited by heart as she smiled, the two other people clapped and congratulated her.
”Yes!” Her brother smiled.
“Aren’t you an amazing little girl?”
——— m o m m a ———
“Momma?” She heard her son’s voice from the phone, she held her daughter tightly.
”Are you on the plane with Jieun?” He asked worriedly, he needs his mom to be there with him.
”Yes, is [Name] with you?” She asked as the plane began preparing to take off.
”Yes, she’s sound asleep now. It’s so weird, it really is happening, momma. Ah, we’re landing soon, I’ll call you when we’re home, love you momma! Tell Jieun that she’ll meet my wife soon!” He made a kissing sound before cutting off the phone call.
”Momma, is it normal to do what we’re doing? Taking a girl to a place far away without her family, what if she gets lonely?” The daughter asked.
”It’s normal, Jieunie, we’re protecting her from those beasts that will make her cheat on Taehyung, not that she would, but it’s best to be sure. Plus, we’re gonna be her new family, so she isn’t going to be lonely.” Mother smiled at the girl as she curled into her chest.
”Are you sure, momma?”
”Momma always knows best, baby.”
——— m o n e y , m o n e y ———
“Hey, Seokjin, how was summer camp?” Seokjin’s older brother asked him excitedly, he hadn’t been able to go due to his parents forcing him to stay home and study but he was alright with it, he knew it was for his and his brother’s future.
”Ahh, Seokjung, it was something.” Seokjin commented tiredly, he was exhausted by how idiotic the kids in that camp were.
”Really? Huh, but what’s something, Jin? It can’t be nothing.” Seokjung pouted as he sat down on the couch next to Jin, couldn’t Seokjin see how lucky he was?
”Ah, it was okay, I guess, I was the second oldest though, so they put me in charge of my cabin, so I had to work with this girl, I think her name was Joohyun?” Seokjin told his brother.
”Ahh, Joohyun? Like Bae Joohyun?” He asked, now this was important, Seokjung smiled.
”Yeah, I think, why?” Jin mused, now this was interesting, was this the girl his brother had a crush on? No, it couldn’t Joohyun was fifteen, the same age as Jin, and Seokjung had said she was younger than him. Seokjung being only fourteen years old.
”Ah, was [Last Name] [Full Name] there?” Seokjung asked blushing.
”I think so?” Seokjin answered amused.
”W-well, you see, she’s the girl I have a crush on.” Seokjin confessed blushing red.
”Really? She’s like twelve dude, what? That’s creepy dude, what the hell?” Seokjin snorted, Seokjung pushed Seokjin laughing embarrassed.
”H-hey! I know, and that’s why I’m not going to act on my feelings okay? Anyway, she’s cute and all but she’s in what, fifth grade and I’m in eighth and the fact that she’s friends with Jeongguk, Jeon Junghyung’s little brother, isn’t going to help much.” Seokjung laughed.
”Wow, tragic, anyway, where’s mom and dad?” Seokjin laughed.
”Oh, yeah, they went out to dinner with this weird ass old man, dunno why, probably business.” Seokjung casually mentioned, “Anyway, Jin are you going to go to camp next year?”
”Hmm, do you want to?” Jin asked.
”Huh? Do I want to go? Hell yes I do, it seems fun as hell!”
“Then I’ll go, Jung, don’t worry, I’ll have fun for you.” Jin smiled.
If Seokjin could have something his brother didn’t and wanted, he was going to have it no matter what.
————— m u s t  b e  f u n n y ————
Fuck Seokjung, fuck mom and dad, fuck that damned company, fuck it all.
Seokjin, grumbled as he threw himself into his bed, why did Seokjung have everything?
“He inherited the company, the smarts, the good looks, every-fucking-thing, he has a crush, he is a crush, the money, the girls, he gets it all, he’s fucking younger than me by two fucking years and what did I get? Summer camp, summer fucking camp.” Seokjin whispered harshly.
He turned around in his bed and looked at the window.
”I could steal his crush.” Seokjin told himself matter of factly.
It was true, he got confessed everyday by some girl, even if he didn’t try so maybe if he tried he could steal [Name] from Seokjung.
”Yeah, that isn’t too hard, is it?” Seokjin mused. “But, what does [Name] like?”
Who was [Name] in the first place, was she mature? What did she like? Was what he was doing perhaps too petty? No, it was a dose of Seokjung’s own medicine.
That night, Seokjin spent it all looking around his brothers room while the latter slept. He found both something horrifying and absolutely amazing.
”He fucking stalks her.” He mused.
And like that he spent countless nights throughout the rest of the summer, rummaging through his brothers stuff, and during the day he’d stalk her to gather all he could to win her over. So someone would choose him over his brother.
———— i n  a  r i c h  m a n ‘ s ———
“Seokjin, oh god!” His mother cried in the couch, she bawled her eyes out in her own hands. Her son, her favorite son, had died.
”Your brother, Jin, he killed himself.” His father finished as he also cried, Seokjin knew that if it had been him they’d only shed a few tears, but with Seokjung? They’d cry a river for that bastard.
He knew.
”What?” Seokjin asked with, fake, sadness.
”Yes, we don’t know why, b-but me and your mother needs a break so we’ll be going on vacation for awhile, at that island we bought a while ago, anyway this isn’t what we need to tell you is that- you’ll be taking over the company.” His father smiled through tears. “Make us proud son.”
That was what his parents told him before they sent him to summer camp again, yet he didn’t want to go. Nothing else was said between him and his parents not that he cared, he had something more important at hand. He didn’t cry, why would he? He had killed Seokjung anyway, with the help of his friends that is.
His princess wasn't there anymore.
———— w o r l d ———
“I-I like you and I know I’m three years older than you, [Name], but you’re very nice and next year I’m leaving so I won’t be here anymore, really and I heard you’d move soon in like a month or more and I was like, wondering if you’d like to go out, not like a date, that’s like, weird but-“ Seokjung confessed to the blushing fourteen year old.
”Ah, you’re , but I like you anyway!” She smiled, she was not expecting that nor was he.
”You do?” He asked in shock.
”Yeah! And, yes I know I’m fourteen and that this is weird and all, you’re like what seventeen, but let’s give it a go while you’re illegal, ‘kay? After you turn eighteen it’s all gone! And if it doesn’t work you can forget me and if it does you can, like, totally wait!” She fingered gunned the boy as he laughed.
”O-okay?” He asked laughing harder at her antics.
”Totally tubular!” She joked as she grabbed his hand and interlocked their fingers and pulled him to an ice cream shop as they both chatted happily.
They were too happy to notice the group of four males glaring their way.
”Your brother confessed to her,” Namjoon gaped at the scene, he couldn’t believe what he had just seen.
”And she accepted him!” Hoseok cried, tears streamed down his face.
”And she’s leaving, leaving while dating your idiot brother?” Yoongi growled. “That’s fucking illegal!”
”He’s still underage though...” Seokjin commented numbly. He had finally realized after two years of stalking her, he had realized he had fallen in love with her too. But it was too late, and the fates hated him, and his princess was about to leave the kingdom without him. And she was now with that pig of a brother.
”Kill him.” Seokjin said suddenly as they stood up, he didn’t even think twice before saying it.
”What?” Hoseok asked scared, kill someone? Him? No way, he couldn’t even kill an ant!
”Kill him, let’s kill my brother.” Seokjin laughed.
”What the fuck, dude? You okay?” Yoongi asked worried, that wasn’t like Seokjin at all.
”Hell yes, I’m so okay that my brother stole the love of my fucking life!” He answered sarcastically, as he glared at the ice cream shop.
“Hey, guys, you said you’d do anything for [Name], right?” Namjoon asked suddenly.
”What are you talking about now?” Hoseok asked even more scared, if that was even possible.
”I say, we do it, murder Seokjung, he’s in the way.” Seokjin repeated.
”Me too.” Namjoon agreed.
”Okay, fine, it’s for [Name], right?” Yoongi asked, it didn’t take much convincing for him anyway. It’s not like he hadn’t considered murder before, he just never had the resources to actually do it.
”Yeah.” Seokjin answered him, obviously, who else would it be for.
”Hoseok?” Namjoon asked.
”F-fine, but let’s not get caught, ‘kay?”
“That’s the fucking plan you idiot.” Yoongi laughed.
”Anyway, how do we do it?” Seokjin asked seriously, not an ounce of hesitation or doubt laid in his voice.
”Fake a suicide?” Namjoon suggested, he couldn’t believe they were actually going to do this.
”Hmm, yeah, whatever. Should we call the younger kids though?” Yoongi asked as they walked the basically dead streets.
”Nah, they’ll probably snitch, plus Jeongguk isn’t in the best place with [Name] leaving and all that shit, he’ll need Jimin and Tae.”
”Yeah, so how do we do it? The fake suicide? What’s the story behind it, do we forge a letter?”
”We can make him choke in the new car dad gave him, we can lock him in the garage and turn the engine on, no one can survive that, he won’t be able to breath in a few minutes but just in case, we can leave him there for an hour or so.” Seokjin told them his plan.
And they all agreed.
And that’s how they killed their first victim. But it was too late, [Name] had already left town, without knowledge of what happened to Seokjung until years later, yet by that time she had bigger problems than that.
——— m o n e y  , m o n e y———
“Seokjin, aren’t you happy?” His driver asked him, he probably had no idea his brother died or that he really didn’t want to leave his home, he wanted to work, he needed to work.
”Not really.” Seokjin sighed as he leaned against the glass.
”Why is that?”
“Because the girl I love left.” Seokjin told him dramatically, he was the only adult he felt comfortable enough joking with.
”Ahh, how special is that girl?” The old man laughed, his voice was filled with joy and curiosity.
”Special enough I’d kill for her.” Seokjin smirked behind the old man’s back.
———— w a s  r e a l l y  f u n n y ———
If Seokjung had it, Seokjin needed it. That’s how you fell in the devil's hands. By mere bad luck and a one sided rivalry, quite a drama, right? At the beginning, he only wanted you for the sake of having something his brother wanted. But slowly, it became more about himself, and his needs. He needed you now, not his brother, not the company, you. And not even that overachieving idiot was going to keep you two apart.
Luckily for Seokjin, it seems like you didn’t remember either him or his brother. He now was the only heir of the Kim company in your mind and memory. He now had something his brother didn’t. He has you.
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t regret killing his brother, he would’ve enjoyed seeing his face as he won you over.
But one can’t have it all, can they?
———— i n  a  d e a d  m a n ‘s  w o r l d —
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@nojamsnoham @camiliasmencles @yandere-hobi @spaceunicorn293  @prinnytaylor @mo-la @ggukkimari @ilovesomuchstuff @strawberry-leche
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oleanderblume · 4 years
Unrelated but OMYGOD. My clown series reached 1k reads on wattpad.
Which isn't super awesome because its only due to the sheer quantity of chapters I have but I need to rave and spoil it cause I'm super excited about what I'm planning and no one i care to tell gives a shit so I'm dumping it into the void that is tumblr.
So. Im writing a book series called Caring For Your Clown. Its about this trans kid named Oliver and he is sort of an asshole.
Well not sort of, he is an asshole. But a RELATABLE asshole.
The story sort of drops you in 6 months after the mysterious and tragic (and traumatic) death of his mother Marie, who was a scientist alongside her husband and Oliver's step father Jon at a lab that specializes in physics mainly.
They were working on a machine with an unstable particle that caused a..tear so to speak, in the fabric of dimensional space and she got torn into tiny little bits. :3
But apparently before this occurred, Marie was in contact with an alien race called clowns 🤡 (really they are interdimensional traveling amoebas that take the shape of humanoid clowns lol)
One of which pops up in Oliver's life completely unexpectedly for no foreseeable reason and her name is Dindet and she is absolutely precious.
Basically its a saga and each book ranges in about 30k to 50k words. The first book centers around Oliver learning about this weird alien houseguest and also the immediate fallout of the death of his mom because surprise surprise! His biological dad who is a terrible abusive fucktard rolls back into his life with the intent to take custody of Oliver and that is no good!
The entire arch Oliver's goes through is literally the title of the series. Basically learning to be caring and compassionate while ALSO dealing with grief and interdimensional shenanigans.
One of the things I found really fun (it was unintentionally done but now I like it so its intentional now.) Is that each book roughly represents the 5 stages of grief.
As the first one is anger. Oliver is mostly passed the fuck off that this dumb alien clown sauntered into his life and thought it would be neat to CARE about him like he was a PERSON with FEELINGS. Irrationally angry, because he blames her for the loss of his mom (i mean so does his dad who goes through the stages of grief slightly slower than Oliver does) and uses her as a personal emotional punching bag until he realizes that SHE got his bio dad to concede his appeal for custody via literally stalking him and making him so paranoid that he was deemed an unfit parent >:3
All the while too, as the main focus is on the two characters of Oliver and Dindet, there is a background plot leading up to the second, third, and fourth (possibly up to 6 books) of the clown authorities looking for Dindet. And also the checkovs gun that is his neighbor.
The second book is mostly erring in the bargaining side of the coin for Oliver while Jon goes through his stage of anger. Oliver learns more about Dindet but doesn't quite trust her as she is clearly hiding information and KNOWS his mom. But she won't talk. Meanwhile, his neighbor working on a completely different project gets his hands on some clown matter and goes apeshit with it to build his energy machine.
We also learned more about the type of person Dindet is, which is naive and caring but also incredibly self destructive and reckless. By far a major people pleaser with huge self love issues. While Oliver is more of a "i don't give a shit what you think" though its more a facade he puts on to protect himself from rejection :/ he is far more comfortable in his own skin but external factors can make him freak out a little and he is terrible at talking to people.
It culminates when the project Jon solicited Dindet's assistance in is wreck by her own hands and Oliver's growth completely backtracks to the point that he finally manages to get our clown to leave (only for her to be clownknapped by his whole ass fucking neighbor to be used as the conduit to his energy machine)
And yeh, Ols almost immediately regrets his actions (though at first its more denial that she actually left) especially when he catches his neighbor using her as fuel for his machine to the point that all her fucking matter is completely burned away via electrical current! >:3
THEN Oliver gets to the depression arch >:3 (i haven't written this part yet so its up in the air atm)
Basically, with his mom dead and now the only person who could reasonably be considered his friend ALSO Basically dead, Ols falls into this really bad streak of just walking backward in his grief. Anger, denial, bargaining, the whole shebang. But THIS time the lab and the government AND the secret clown police are all in cahoots to cover up what happened at the lab and to do that they need to get rid of Ols and his dad to allow their plot to work. (Will be revealed later)
So throughout the first two books I've been alluding to the leader of the clowns via Dindet's ostensible paranoia and their name is Smile. They have underlings though and one is named Poppy. So the clowns get into the lab and convince Jon to send his son to a treatment facility for therapy under the thin veil that it will protect them from the repercussions of the machine. Oliver is not to upset about this though because he has been to therapy before from his past with his bio dad.
Except obviously the clowns don't want to actually help anyone. Their goal is to wear my boy down until he ready to die because- did I mention this was middle grade??
Anyways. This particular book I want to develop my potential romance between Douglass (Oliver's kid neighbor) and Ols and also deconstruct Oliver's personality via flashbacks that parallel the events in the story so we understand why he reacts the way he does to things and also i think it would be neat that the clowns technically succeed in their plan to draw out Dindet the wanted criminal by using the person she cares most about against her. By making him want to die!!
Then! For the next book, I'm planning on having more clown infiltration, more bonding between my children and romance between my boys because oooohhh boy am I gonna have fun tearing everyone apart when the real fucking deal Smile shows up and fucks shit up. Smile is my main villian and a veru fun and manipulative one at that. She uses Oliver to get to Dindet and eventually catches the both of them, revealing clowns to the entire world right before snatching them back to the home base the Cornucopia.
This is where we learn all the information we have been wanting and building up to about Dindet >:3
She is a criminal because she has Essentially tied a doomed universe to the Cornucopia in a never ending time loop because she is so heckin big that every time that universe is torn apart, she jumps back in time and DIES in order to recreate it. (She's the big bang yo)
That isn't the only reason though. Oliver comes to learn that his mom was FRIENDS with Smile. And Smile was the one who tore her apart in the machine scattering her subconscious in the literally timeless Cornucopia (time doesn't exist there so aging, death, anything like that is completely halted) and MARIE who has been half alive and omnipotent this whole fucking time has been trapped in the Cornucopia unable to see her family or child but fully able to see a know the infinitesimal inevitability of the destruction of his universe. So what does she do? She PULLS DINDET PUT OF THE ABYSS AND TELLS HER TO GO BE FRIENDS WITH HER KID TO KEEP THE TIME LOOP GOING.
And this has happened before. Like this book series is literally ONE (1) version of events that have been stacking up on top of eachother for millenia. The reason Dindet shows up in the first place is because she can partially see these past loops and the remnants of her love for Oliver keeps her coming back YO.
But while all this lovely information is being shared, Dindet is in clown jail and Oliver is treated as a pet to Smile. He tries to stage a break out and fails and what does Smile do? She turns him into a got damn monkey!
And uses him as literal fucking bait to a starving Dindet in order to justify her sentence (which is obviously death)
It almost works too, if it weren't for the fact that these two kids are BEST FRIENDS NOW and would legit die AND kill for eachother, Dindet pushes Oliver out of the Cornucopia (he is still a monkey boy btw) into his universe which inadvertently scatters him.
(A human person can enter the Cornucopia but if they leave, their molecular structure will destabilize in a slow and painful way until they literally are nothing left so that sucks)
This is where I want the next book to start tbh. Now back at home without his friend, as. A. Monkey. Oliver find that his entire home town is under lock down and strict control by the clowns who have now infiltrated the government and are putting plans forth to rebuild the SAME MACHINE his dad and Dindet built to bring about the destruction of the universe. (They want to do this because if they prevent Dindet from jumping back in time, they can end the time loop and get on with their lives)
So ols has to essemble a rag tag crew of Douglass and some other classmates and figure out that all the goop floating around belongs to Dindet (bruh. She is the size of the universe like. There is a lot of her to go around) and they can technically use it as gateways into other dimensions to gather an arsenal of GIANT BABY ANIMALS AND SQUIRREL BIRD CATS AND DRAWN TO LIFE ANYTHINGS so they can try to 1. Bring back our clown gal who is the key to fixing this and 2. Take on the now heavily fortified lab in order to get Olivers and Douglass's dads back.
All the while my boy is slowly dying >:3
Eventually, Oliver finds a way to get Dindet back but its at a cost :/ he tricks Smile into turning our clown organic to prevent her from being able to control any of her matter whatsoever and the cost of it is that Smile is VERY bad at making humans, so she basically traps Dindet in a catatonic meat sack that doesn't have half the organs it needs to function properly :/
To make her not be organic anymore they gotta uh..kill the tumor that is an organic half body (which yes, does have nerve endings) which eventually allows Dindet to be 100% clown again.
They break into the lab, but its basically too late. Reality is fractured and the multiverse is imploding in on itself and in the midst of all of this, Ols and Dindet are careening through the vacuum of an entirely empty space, dying of starvation and scattering and the only option left is to jump back in time to start the loop over again.
It is heartfelt and it is good and pure and the last moments they share together perfectly bring this loop together because in the VERY FIRST BOOK Oliver asks why Dindet came and she says "you asked me to."
And their last moments together he asks her to come back for him. Like I CANNOT yall!!
But that isn't the end. Yet.
The real end is after they die and the universe begins and a single hand pushes through the stars and pulls out a little orange bean. And it's Marie, pulling Dindet put of the Abyss this universe that is so intrinsically tied to the Cornucopia that it literally creates all the fucking clowns.
Its not supposed to be destroyed. And the reason eveeything falls into place so perfectly and things always go the same way is because ita already been seen and already been narrated. By Marie.
Dindet knows Marie because she pulled her out of the Cornucopia. Clowns exist because Dindet was told by Oliver that she was and looked like a clown. The entire ass UNIVERSE exists because Oliver and Dindet are the fucking building blocks of life.
All of Olivers character actions and growth and eventual love (platonic) for Dindet shape their futures and all of it started because a mom was so concerned and guilty about leaving her kid in such a time of need that she would rather start the world over than see him suffer.
Throughout the series there are heavy HEAVY parallels between Dindet and Marie (partly because Dindet is a parrot and almost all her actions and reactions mimmick things that she has seen and the first person she met who wasn't out to kill her was Marie) but also because Dindet is the conduit through which Marie vicariously lives out the rest of Oliver's fleeting life with him.
There is even a point where Oliver genuinely questions whether or not Dindet actually IS his mom (she isn't obviously)
One of the themes I really love about this series is that compassion, unconditional love and care is deserving to even the most obstinant. Oliver isn't easy to love. He actively makes it very hard for anyone who could be a peer (even his own dad sometimes) to care about him. He constantly pushes people away to safeguard himself from potential harm and it takes three fucking books ROUGHLY 200,000 words to get this boy to understand what unconditional love can do.
How it can help with the grieving process, and help you become a more compassionate person toward others.
And also how your actions affect others!!
Like i said, Dindet is a parrot, she can read your mind (if she wanted to) but what she sees she incorporates into her own thoughts and as a reflection, Olivers harsh words and actions, even the most simple kind are recorded and even amplified. He is MEAN to Dindet. He makes fun of her often and gets angry with her and calls her stupid and she internalizes that immediately and it has an immediate affect on how she views herself. Oliver doesn't even think of this as something that happens until much later in the story! And gradually he grows past it and becomes more considerate and affirming toward Dindet and Douglass as a result.
And the way things matter. Oh. Every little detail matters in this story up to seemingly inconsequential continuity errors! Foreshadowing is everywhere from the first fucking sentence to the last because the things the characters do and say to eachother are simultaneously current and in the past all at once and no one knows which is which.
Someone got hurt? There are consequences, even unforseen ones. Dindet loses her hat. It is the most precious thing she owns and is a huge comfort item for her. Oliver asked where she got it? A friend gave it to her.
Almost everything in this story has parallels and consequences and twists and turns and outcomes that are wildly unpredictable (up until now because I've just spoiled the entire fucking plot but who cares!!)
Like...this is my baby. I care SO MUCH about this story and the characters in it that when I think about certain scenes I legitimately start crying.
I can't wait to publish the first book yall. I'm planning on publishing it either through a publisher or self publish, and maybe make a comic even? Idk. I just i really think people would like my dumb absurd story about clowns and I wish i could just spout about it 24/7...it breaks my heart that no one will listen.
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babybirdgyeom · 5 years
you, me and bertha (2) | park jinyoung
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⇴ neighbor!au, farmer!au, jinyoung x reader.
⇴ summary: moving from the big city to your uncle’s farm in the small village you used to visit as a child was a big and scary step. luckily, you found many reasons to stay. reasons like your cousin bambam, your best friend jaebum or park jinyoung, your neighbor who maybe was more than just a guy you like to nag around with.
⇴ this chapter: jinyoung and the reader and their constant habit of teasing and fighting each other. jinyoung actually being nice for a change, a hidden softie. and, of course, bambam being nosey. (kind of a filler chapter)
⇴ word count: this part: 4.5k   full story: ~30k
⇴ all the other parts can be found in my masterlist, linked in my bio! ♥
After a week you slowly got used to the daily work on the farm, your body was already starting to react differently, your arms weren’t getting as sore anymore and waking up early was bothering you less and less. It was Saturday which means you had to gather all of the stuff your uncle wanted to sell on the market the next morning. Picking out the best eggs, milk, wool and cheese was pretty boring, especially since Bambam left early because he was going on a date tonight with a girl you never heard of. But since you wanted him to be happy, and also his teasing about Jinyoung was slowly getting seriously annoying, you told him it’s okay to go. After about an hour you were finally done with stacking all of it into your uncle’s car as you saw Mrs. Park, Jinyoung’s mother, and decided to help her a bit since she looked like she was struggling.
She was a beautiful lady, always has been. Her black hair was long and even though there were a few grey strands in it by now she still looked as young as ever.
“Mrs. Park, let me help you!”, you shouted while jogging over to her, “Where’s Jinyoung? Letting his mum carry all the heavy boxes of fruits and vegetables alone is not a nice thing to do.”, you said as you arrived, one box already in your hands.
She let out a laugh and you were reminded of how warm her laughter was, it sounded like the giggle of a small child. “It’s fine, I told him to rest for today. He always works so much.”, she let out a sigh, “I’m very thankful, I know that’s not what he wanted to do with his life but he does it for me.”
You never really thought about it that way before - this might explain why he’s still here despite wanting a different life, it was probably hard for him to leave his family behind after losing his dad. While carrying a box full of blueberries you ate a handful, not able to hold back. The Park’s blueberries were always your favorites.
“You still love blueberries, huh?”, She asked joyfully as she was carrying the last box to the car.
“Yes, how couldn’t I?”, you answered, “Oh- I still wanted to thank you for the little basket full of fruits you send to me. I was so happy. The peaches were even better than I remembered.”
Mrs. Park looked at you in confusion for a second before realizing what was going on, the confusion vanished while a different kind of expression came to her face, unable for you to read at first. “Oh, so he can actually be charming.”, she mumbled with an almost mischievous smirk and within seconds you knew exactly what she was talking about.
The basket hasn’t been from Mrs. Park, it was actually Jinyoung being nice. You scoffed a bit thinking about it, wondering why he wouldn’t just admit it was from him. You guessed it just wasn’t like Jinyoung to play the nice guy.
“Mum-”, you heard his voice screaming while walking out of the door to their house. When he saw you he froze for a second, “Oh, hey, (y/n).”, he said with a slight and not really convincing smile.
You nodded towards him, ready to go back to work and leave them alone, as his little brother came running outside after him, chasing after Jinyoung.
“Jinyoung!”, he let out a scream as he tried to jump on his back. He was surprisingly tall for an eight year-old, almost managing to get to Jinyoung’s shoulders if he jumped high enough, “Can I come with you? Please?”
Before Jinyoung could answer, Ken’s attention was on something else. Or better said, on someone else. To be precise, on the girl standing in front of his mother and brother, a stranger he’s never seen before. “Who are you?”, he asked curious, studying you exactly, “Are you the niece of Minwoo?”
You kneeled down to be at an eye to eye level with him, shaking his hand, “Yes, that’s me. I’m (y/n).”
He had a big grin on his face, “Hi, I’m Ken.” - After introducing himself to you he turned around to his big brother, “Is this the person you made the basket for yesterday?”
Jinyoung shushed him immediately, giving him a warning glance before trying to cover up his story, “Yes, I did it because mum asked me to. Right, mum?”
She let out a sarcastic laugh, making fun of her son, “Sure, Jinyoung. It was totally me asking you to do that.”
A heavy sigh fell from Jinyoung’s mouth before shaking his head in disbelief, “Where is your cousin? He promised he’d help me picking up our new couch.”
“Oh, I am afraid he forgot.”, you said to him, “He’s on a date right now.”
Jinyoung let out a heavy sigh, not believing that Bambam completely forgot about him. Now even more frustrated, he started mumbling, “It’s always the same with this kid.”
“I’ll help you.”, you said determined, not even bothering to ask him first, knowing he’d say no anyway, “I’m done with work for today and I don’t mind coming along.”
“No, it’s fine. I’ll go alone.”, he said, clearly mad at Bambam, before walking over to his car. You didn’t care and followed him, hoping that he’d be nice to Bambam if you helped him instead. You had little hope, considering the fact you were talking about Park Jinyoung but it was worth a try.
“Stop being so stubborn.”, you said to him as you opened the door and sat down inside the car, “Just accept my help.”
As the two of you drove out of town the sky looked like it was painted in golden colors, the sun slowly setting but the air was still warm, brushing your arm that you held out of the open window.
“Where are we even going?”, you asked the obviously bothered boy beside you.
“It’s not far away, the dude I’m buying the couch from lives like twenty minutes away.”, he said, his eyes glued to the street, “You really didn’t have to come. I could’ve easily done it alone.”
Slowly but surely, you were starting to get annoyed by Jinyoung. You couldn’t tell why but his constant attitude was getting to you but it did, “Dude, you’re the worst. Can you shut up for once and accept help? Stop being so rude all the time, being nice every now and then won’t hurt you, you know? You can take your bad mood out on Bambam later.”
Suddenly he looked at you, his eyes grew wide in shock at your rant. Even though your voice was still low he clearly heard the frustration in it, “What do you mean? I am being nice all the time. I told you that you shouldn’t wear your good clothes to work. That was a piece of nice advice I gave you for example.”
You scoffed at him not knowing if he was being serious or if he tried to make him look good, “You also attacked me because you thought I was stealing chicken and made me churn butter all by hand.”
He chuckled as you brought it up, “I still can’t believe you did that.”
“My arms still hurt. You’re an asshole.”, you rolled your eyes, not in the mood to put up with Jinyoung being, well, himself, when you were just being nice, “If that is your interpretation of being nice I’m very very sorry for your future girlfriend.”
“Hey, now you’re just being mean.”, he said, acting offended and honestly a bit confused, not knowing why the two of you were discussing. Actually, you weren’t really mad at him, you just wished that he could be nice for once.
“Well, maybe you just need a taste of your own medicine.”, you said and let out a pout as the discussion was getting a bit more playful than it was serious.
But before you or Jinyoung could fuel the fire and add anything into the discussion you let out a small scream as he was turning right with full speed, making you feel like you were about to crash, holding onto the seatbelt for dear life, “For fucks sake, where did you learn how to drive? Do you not know that you’re supposed to slow down before turning?”
“If this is already scaring you, I’ll give you the nice advice to not drive with Jaebum.”, he said, chuckling, as he parked his car in front of a big house, “Ready to use the strength in your arms built up from churning butter?”
It took you about twenty minutes to carry all the parts of the couch from the third floor to the trailer on Jinyoung’s car. When you were done it was beginning to become dark outside and the weather was cooling down, making you feel a bit cold. All done, you sat back inside Jinyoung’s car as he was securing the trailer so you could drive back home.
“If you’re cold there’s a blanket on the backseat, you can use that.”, he screamed from outside, “See how nice I am? Caring for you, not wanting you to freeze to death.”
You shook your head amused, “What a gentleman you are.”
The drive home was more peaceful, no discussions this time. You looked outside, seeing a big and bright star in the sky, pointing to it. 
“I can’t get over how beautiful the starry night sky is here. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it.”, you said, almost sounding dreamy, eyes glued to the sky. It wasn’t even completely dark outside yet, but the first stars were already sparkling brightly.
“Isn’t it the same in your hometown?”, Jinyoung asked a bit perplexed as he looked over to you.
“Not at all. The big city lights drown them. You can barely see some, and if you can, they are not as bright as here.”
“I suppose Ilmon isn’t all bad.”, he shrugged. 
You hummed in agreement, “Except for this strange dude, who can never smile, living next to me I quite enjoy my time here.”
He chuckled, rolling his eyes, “Must be really hard to live right next to such an attractive young man, huh? I bet you have a hard time.”
Laughing, you were impressed at his wittiness, “Don’t think too highly of yourself.”
Before you could let him answer your favorite song suddenly started playing in the radio, making you turn up the volume instantly, “You need to shut up now. This is my all time favorite song.”
He started to sing along to the song as loud as possible, laughing, trying to be louder than the radio. 
“I didn’t know you could sing.”, you said, giving him an approving look.
In response, he gave you a small wink, “There are quite a lot things I can do.”
The rest of the drive the two of you were singing along to the radio as loud as you could, having genuine fun together for the first time since you arrived. It was nice to see him let loose a bit. 
Driving up to the farm you already saw Bambam sitting on the porch. He immediately stood up, walking over to the car, already apologizing without you really arriving yet, “I’m so so sorry mate. I completely forgot. I owe you a beer next time we go out.”
Jinyoung chuckled as he parked, “Doesn’t seem like his date had a happy ending, considering he’s home already.”
“Good for me.”, you said, shrugging, “I’m way too tired to carry the whole couch inside anyway.”
You were the first to get out of the car, making Bambam narrow his eyebrows in confusion. “What are you doing in Jinyoung’s car?”, he asked suspiciously.
“I’m doing your fucking job, Bam.”, you laughed.
As you were walking towards your home you were stopped by Jinyoung holding your arm, making you turn around.
“Thank you, I suppose.”, he said, pressing his lips together, “Just trying to be nice.”
You gave him a genuine smile, “No problem. Sleep well.”
“You too, (y/n).”
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As you woke up you were almost shocked to see today’s weather. Yesterday the sun was still shining while today it was pouring like never before. The sky was dark and grey and your whole farm looked quite sad, making you wish you could just stay in bed all day, just being lazy, reading, eating and maybe fantasizing about a certain someone. Looking at your phone you saw a text from Bambam.
‘it’s going to storm today, you have to make sure all the animals are in the barn and safe, please. i’m getting food for tonight. see you later, favorite cousin.’
You immediately threw on a cardigan and brushed your teeth, hurrying to get things done before the weather got even worse. Looking in the mirror you scoffed for a second at your sad reflection - your hair was in a very messy bun and your under eye circles were almost black. But there was no time to pity yourself right now.
After you fed and, of course, petted the chickens and made sure that all the windows were closed tightly you ran over to the barn where the cows and goats were in. Your clothes were completely drenched even though the way between the barns was very short, the heavy rain was so strong that there was no way you could’ve stayed dry.
Entering the barn your eyebrows narrowed as you see that the light was on and the food for the cows was already laid out. “Uncle Minwoo?”, you screamed loudly, the rain was so loud that otherwise, no one would hear you.
“Oh thank god, there you are.”, the owner of the voice was coming out of the little hut you kept your tools in, throwing one of the milking machines over to you. You barely had time to catch it because Jinyoung was throwing it without caring if you’d let it fall.
“What are you doing here?”, you asked him skeptical as you sat down to the cow next to the one he was currently milking.
He looked at you with an annoyed expression on his face - but only until he saw how wet you were from the rain. Immediately he burst out into laughter, “Why are you not wearing a raincoat for fucks sake?”, he asked, clearly amused.
“I don’t even own one.”, you admitted a bit hesitant while shrugging, knowing he’d make even more fun of you.
And of course, he did. “How can you not own a raincoat? Seriously, (y/n), you’re something else. Who on earth doesn’t own a raincoat?”, he shook his head in disbelief, still laughing.
You simply pressed your lips together, coming back to your actual question, “But why are you here? Certainly not because you wanted to help me.”
“Hey, maybe I’m not as bad as you think and just wanted to be friendly for once?”, he said, acting offended, “Since you’re always complaining.”
“Yeah, I doubt that.”
Suddenly you heard a loud thunder outside, making you jump - you usually were not afraid of thunder but the sudden loud noise startled you for a second. What really scared you though was the reaction of two of your cows, immediately after they heard the thunder they let out the deepest and loudest sounds you’ve ever heard of them. They sounded terrified.
Jinyoung immediately jumped up from his stool and walked over to Bertha, the small brown cow, petting its face. “Shhhh.”, he tried calming her down before looking over to you, “I’m always here when it storms. Bertha and Marnie are deadly afraid of the thunder, so I accompany them. It calms them down.”
For a second you thought he was fooling you but before you could say something another loud thunder was heard followed by loud sounds of the cows once again.
“Wait.”, you said confused as you saw Jinyoung pet Bertha once again, giving her a small kiss on the side of her face, “You’re serious?”
He looked at you with a grin, “Of course I am. Go, pet Marnie a bit. She loves getting pet right under his chin, she’s such a lovely cow.”
You did as he said, not really trusting him yet. “I didn’t know he had feelings, Marnie, did you know?”, you asked the cow sarcastically.
He let out a laugh, shaking his head, “I only love Marnie and Bertha.”
Bertha was walking away from Jinyoung to the hay he just put down for them to lie down for a bit, something you barely ever saw them doing, “When I first looked into Bertha’s big brown eyes I fell in love.”, he said loving, petting some of the other cows while Bertha was still lying down.
“That’s adorable.”, you admitted, “Didn’t expect that from you.”
He rolled his eyes at your comment, “You know, I’m not an asshole just because I’m telling you you’re stupid because you don’t own a raincoat or work on a farm with a goddamn Gucci shirt. That’s my way of helping.”, he said confident, “You just seem to not know exactly what to do, so I’m trying to help.”
“Oh, did you hear that, Marnie?”, you asked the cow sarcastically once again, “He is just trying to help by being mean.”
“Fuck off, (y/n).”, he said while walking over to Bertha, who was resting on the ground, lying down next to her, “Just go to your hut, I’ll take care of the cows.”
“No way.”, you said sitting down next to him, “I’ll not leave you alone with my cows. I don’t trust you.”, Of course, that was only an excuse to spend some time with the pretty boy from next door. Both of you were now starting to relax, leaning against Bertha, petting her.
“So, farmer girl, how do you like it here?”, he asked you after a few seconds of silence, seeming to be actually interested in you for once.
“It’s nice, Park.”, you shrugged as he was looking at you, “I like the fact that I finally am allowed to go into the pub the most.”
“I remember when we first were allowed to go in, it was like Harry Potter seeing Hogwarts for the first time.”, he said laughing, “and now we’re the ones that get drunk in there while the younger kids are jealous they can’t.”
“Some things never change, huh?”, you said, looking at Jinyoung, who had his eyes closed and seemed to be truly relaxed in your presence for the first time since you arrived. He was using his arm as a pillow, a smile on his lips - for once a genuine smile, not the usual teasing one he gave you. The rain was pouring so hard onto the roof of the barn it sounded like music. You couldn’t help but laugh to yourself, a bit of air coming out of your nose, not believing that Jinyoung actually had a soft side.
“What are you laughing about?”, he asked curiously, still with closed eyes.
“I just love the sound of heavy rain.”, you said, also getting into a comfortable position and closing your eyes.
“Mhhh.”, Jinyoung let out, agreeing with you before yawning, “Me too. It’s cozy.”
You felt your eyelids feeling heavy, you didn’t have much sleep last night and your body was shivering a bit because of your wet clothes, Jinyoung was snoring lightly beside you within a few minutes and before you knew it you were asleep too. You wouldn’t have expected the barn to be such a comfortable place to sleep in.
You woke up by someone calling your name. As you were slowly starting to realize where you were, you were just as perplexed as Jinyoung, who was still beside you.
“Did we fall asleep?”, he asked you, yawning.
Suddenly, Bambam was standing in front of both of you, confusion written all over your face, “What the hell are you two doing in here? How do I keep finding you two together?”
Jinyoung shrugged, sitting up as you were doing the same, “We fell asleep, obviously.”
“Why were you here together in the first place?”, he asked, a smirk on his lips, “Did you make out in front of the cows? That’s unholy.”
You laughed at your cousin, “Shut up, please. I’m having a headache.”
“You two are just too cute.”, he teased you before telling you the reason he was looking for you in the first place, “Dinner’s ready. We’re having some meat with different salads and corn. Join us, Jinyoung, your mum and Ken are there too.”
“I don’t know.”, he said, unsure, “I still wanted to meet with Jaebum and Jackson later.”
Bambam narrowed his eyebrows, “Why didn’t you ask me to join, you fuck?”
Jinyoung laughed at Bambam, standing up, surprisingly offering you a hand to help you get up from the ground, “I’ll eat dinner with you and then you can come with me, alright?”, he asked Bambam.
Bambam agreed and the three of you walked over to the big house Minwoo and Bambam lived in.
“Did you find her?”, your uncle screamed from the kitchen as he heard the door opened.
“Yes, I’m here!”, you screamed as you took off your shoes.
Walking over to them, Mrs. Park was surprised to see her son, “Oh, Jinyoung. How lovely that you’re here.”, she said, as cute as always, “Where have you been?”
Both, Jinyoung and you clearly didn’t want to tell them where Bambam found them, not wanting anyone to get a wrong idea. But, of course, your annoying cousin was faster.
“They were sleeping in the barn together.”, he smirked as he told your family, knowing exactly how much you both wanted to kill them, “You two seem to get along better by now.”
Jinyoung rolled his eyes, “We were just taking care of the cows.”
You nodded, “It’s not like we met to take a nap in the barn.”
Uncle Minwoo and Mrs. Park both giggled a bit at the two of you. “Stop teasing them. They are already flustered.”, she said lightheartedly.
Everyone sat down on the table as your uncle brought the food to the table. It smelled and looked delicious.
“Thank you for letting us eat with you.”, Jinyoung said politely to your uncle.
“Oh, Jinyoung!”, he said laughing, “You’re always welcome. We’re like family.”
He nodded as all of you started eating. The food tasted amazing and the conversation was nice, all of you participating in it, talking about current events and the life on the farm.
“What were you doing before coming here, (y/n)?”, Jinyoung’s mother asked you as you were just speculation about what all of you would be doing if you didn’t have the farm.
“I was working in a hospital as an assistant during surgeries.”, you explained to her, “It was super interesting and I learned a lot about the human body. But the night shifts were the worst.”
Jinyoung looked at you, shaking his head, “I didn’t know that.”, he said surprised.
You gave him a confused glance, “I mean, why would you know that?”
He shrugged, making real conversation with you for the first time, “That sounds so interesting. Did you ever save someone from death?”
You laughed, “Yes, a lot of times. But I think it was more the doctor’s that really saved them, not me.”
Ken suddenly was joining the conversation, being just as curious and impressed as his big brother, “Woah, (y/n). Did you wear all white like the people on TV and ran around the hospital when people were hurt?”
“I did.”, you told him chuckling, “I hated the clothes though. I could never drink cranberry juice because I was afraid of spilling it and people would think it was blood.”
Jinyoung nodded before Ken could answer, “Did you ever see someone die?”, he asked curiously, making his mother gasp.
“Hey, we’re eating! Stop with such inappropriate questions.”, she said almost horrified.
You, Jinyoung and Bambam started to laugh at her reaction, continuing to eat. After all of you were done you offered to do clean the table but Bambam said he’d do it.
“I’ll just go and put on some different clothes and then pick you up, alright, Bam?”, Jinyoung said as he followed you to the door, both of you putting on your shoes.
“Uh-huh, sure.”, he said, grinning at Jinyoung’s obvious attempt to bring you home, even though you didn’t even realize.
Walking from the big house to the small hut took only a minute or two but Jinyoung still brought you home. As the two of you stood in front of your door, you felt a bit awkward. “Don’t let Bambam drink too much tonight. I need him to be fit tomorrow. It’s my day off.”, you joked, Jinyoung nodding.
“I promise to stop him if he drinks too much.”, he said, smiling brightly, “I’ll see you around?”
You scoffed a bit, wondering why he was so nice to you, “Considering the fact that you can see into my living room from your window I think so yes.”
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Evak Fics - Enemies to Lovers
Enemies to lovers, Enemies to friends to lovers. Hate/angry. Smut and no smut. And WIPs. Under a read more:
********** SMUT **********
The lie I didn't have to tell. by verlore_poplap (orphan_account) (925 words) - Isak has an adultery kink that Even is happy to oblige. 
Chapter 2 of Smutty Tumblr Prompts and Drabbles by isaksforelsket (2k words - It’s not that Even hated Isak Valtersen; he just strongly disliked him and his face, his attitude, his personality, and… okay so maybe he does hate him. Whatever. 
I'm all yours by Skamtrash (2.7k words) - hate/jealous. - bad boy even+ rough sex. 
Blood Rushed by folerdetdufoler (3.6k words) - Linn moved out of their flat a couple of months ago, and Isak and Eskild have been looking for someone to replace her. They were running out of money and options, so Eskild made a decision for the both of them. Isak was not happy when Even showed up in his hallway with five suitcases and his own key. 
a little something (to make me sweeter) by verlore_poplap (orphan_account) (4.5k words) - I wouldn't call it a feud exactly," Isak says and tries not to shift uncomfortably in his seat. It's one of his obvious tells and one that Sana has been trying to train him out of for quite some time. 
lucky strike by Skamtrash (5.5k words) - Isak has hated Even the first day he met him on campus. And apparently Even is the new kid his friends are obsessed with.
New Perceptions by Skamtrash (9k words) - Isak hates frat boys. Even is in a frat and wants Isak. 
A Thin Line Between Hate and… Other Stuff by TheFilthWithin (Flatfootmonster) (14k words) - Isak is studying while working at a coffee shop. His life is Ok... ish. Filled with lies, mocchiato's, and hook ups, fate storms in and lends a hand in the shape of Mr Spielberg, AKA film director Even. 
I call'em as I see'em...But Sometimes I Don't See So Well by HazyCosmicJive (16k words) - Isak just wants to study, he doesn't want a new roommate who walks around naked all the time and constantly tests his patience 
take my hand, take my whole life too by shadesofcool (16k words) - "Isak Valtersen?" Even snorts, shaking his head. "He's the most arrogant asshole I've ever met." 
Hail Mary Pass by thekardemomme (20k words) - the term hail mary pass has become generalized to refer to any last-ditch effort with little chance of success. sleeping with isak valtersen until time starts running out is what causes even to realize just how vital these passes can be. 
I Can't Fall In Love With Him, Stop Me From Falling by bashfulisak (25k words) - Prince Isak of Norway is set to be married to Princess Eva in three weeks time, with the proposal happening only days after the announcement. When Princess Eva and her family arrive with their gardener, Even, Isak can barely stand him strutting around his palace, getting in the way of the gardening work his friend Jonas has already done. 
Not in the stars to hold our destiny by Stria (Asia117) (30k words) - “What the fuck,” Even murmurs, and Isak almost wants to mock him, but he refrains. He’s not 16 anymore. “Everything okay, Isak?” “Peachy.” Isak doesn’t look at him. “Go find someone else to talk to.” 
An Officer And A Gentleman by Jamz24 (34k words) - Isak Valtersen and Even Bech Naesheim are the two best cadets at Oslo Military Academy - but they hate each other's guts. When they're stranded together in a snowy wilderness they have to work together to survive - but CAN they? 
what i like about you by cammm (44k words) - might be mild smut. Insane infatuations turns into a short lived mutual distaste. Until that mutual distaste quickly shifts into something more. 
For His Love to Flee by wyoheartsmusic (48k words) - in a world where vampires hide, two lost souls find each other. 
Masquerade by Sabeley (53k words) - Isak and Even were best friends before one botched mission tore them apart. When they are assigned to go undercover as newlyweds at an oceanside resort where couples are going missing, can they put their differences aside for long enough to solve the case?
Red roses & cotton candy by dantetrieswriting (56k words) - A rose. He gave Isak a fucking red rose. Doesn't matter, Isak was still not interested. Or at least that's what he kept telling himself. 
Legitimate Expectations by champagneleftie (57k words) - might be mild smut. It's a good time to be Isak Valtersen. The up-and-coming Norwegian authority on matters of freedom of press, several Supreme Court wins already on his resume - and still barely thirty. He's carved out a place in the world that he never thought he'd reach, but sometimes that place just feels a little too small and rigid. Enter Even.
mørketid by panshambles (61k words) -  DELETED
717 Miles by MermaidsandMermen (SophiaSoames) (114k words) - Isak Valtersen has 3 weeks left of school. He has to survive 3 more weeks. Make it through 21 more days of hell. Then he is going to hide out in his room for the rest of the summer until he can figure out how to get his life back on track. Find a school far far away where he can start over. Not make mistakes. He doesn't need a fucking babysitter. He just doesn't. His life is fucked up enough as it is.
The trip to you by charlyflowers (148k words) - Isak hates Even. He hates him with all his heart. What a pity the art class is also coming to the trip to Germany.
Checking From Behind by DickAnderton (156k words) - Isak is to captain his hockey team this season which means he has to somehow learn to cooperate with the newest addition to their team: Even Bech Næsheim. This proofs to be impossible, especially when nothing about Even's mysterious transfer adds up and his moods are just too frustrating. 
(WIP - Smut)
Magic Eight Ball by folerdetdufoler (22k words) - first update in Aug 2019. His cubicle is in the bullpen, but at the edge, across from the offices along one wall. When the Chief makes his announcements Isak stands near the middle, leaning against someone else's cube, reading emails on his phone instead of paying attention. This time, though, the Chief is introducing some new hires to the office: a sports editor, a city editor, and a marketing head. When Isak looks up to finally acknowledge the new team members, he gets a good look at the guy who is going to make his life a living hell. 
.. to the next universe. by xoxoxo333 (27k words) - last update Sept 2019. Isak thinks Even is just a stupid bad boy until they meet more often and each of them tells the other more about his life, his secrets and fears. 
The Naked Cleaner by MermaidsandMermen (SophiaSoames) (38k words) - last update July 2019. It’s always been a thing, the gag joke gift Isak’s so called friends present him with on his birthday. Not that people care much about birthdays these days, all of them being all grown up and sensible and mature and…. Adult. Isak hates that word. The not so Adult story of when Isak get's a cleaner. 
I Want To Love You But I Don't Know How by Skamzombie (41k words) - 11/12 chapters posted. Isak and Even do not get along. In fact they hate each other. But when Even finds dirt on Isak, well it is almost too good to not use it to his advantage. And then somehow Isak finds himself in the drama club...with Even where drama is definitely promised.  
put me in a movie by Evenbechbaesheim (42k words) - last update Jan 2018. Isak wants to be an actor, Even wants to be a director and they don’t quite get it right the first few times, but , like any good NRK drama- they can’t keep away from each other for very long. A story told through the months of the year. 
If You Don't Love Me, Don't Tell Me by orphan_account (44k words) - 4/5 chapters posted. Even's two sided personality is what drives Isak's hatred towards him. An asshole frat boy at night while he parties, then a top student by day who charms everyone with his bright smile. Except, Isak doesn't believe that Even has any good intentions. 
If You Love Me, If You Hate Me by MacksDramaticShenanigans (44k words) - last update March 2018. Isak could be chill. He was the chillest. He was a mature, reasonable adult that was perfectly capable of controlling his emotions. Not even Even could ruin that. 
take me to the stars by iriswests (230k words) - last update Aug 2017. Isak thinks Even is pretentious and impractical. Even thinks Isak is arrogant and uptight. They’re not each other’s biggest fans, even if they do happen to have spectacular sex on a very, very drunken night. And Isak doesn’t mean to do it again, but he does, anyway, so now they’re establishing ground rules and deciding that maybe they can keep doing this, no strings attached, no commitments, no feelings, and, most importantly, no need to stop disliking each other. And then it’s not quite that simple anymore. 
********** MILD or NO SMUT **********
Waking Up with Your Enemy by evak1isak (1.6k words) - Isak can't remember what he did last night, but he's woken up with a hangover, in his underwear and in the bed of the boy he loathes the most: Even Bech Næsheim. 
black hearted angels sunk me (with kisses on my mouth) by traumatic (1.8k words) - A costume contest goes horribly, horribly right. 
When I Kiss Your Soul by jinglebin  (2.5k words) - Even's soulmate wasn't who he had expected or hoped it would be. 
I like my sugar with coffee and cream by imminentinertia (4k words) - 5 times Even buys a coffee +1 time Isak buys a shirt. 
Handcuff Your Way To My Heart by sugarbeat24 (4.3k words) - Isak and Even work at Buzzfeed and are roped into doing a video together. Lots of "oh my gods" and eyerolls ensue. 
How Gay Culture Liberated the Modern World by panshambles (6k words) -  DELETED
I'm Stuck on You by Twinklylightseverywhere (6k words) - Jonas lets out another nervous laugh. Isak wishes his best friend would shut up. “You two will take the spare room. Uh… with one bed.” “ONE BED?” Isak and Even both shout at the exact same time. “Merry Christmas!” 
Hjerterum by littlemovie (Lejla) (6.3k words) - Isak cleared his throat. “Hi,” he tried again looking at who, he gathered, was the ever-elusive third roommate. Even walked to the fridge, keeping his eyes glued to his feet. He took two cans of coke from his shelve and a bag of chips from the counter before making his way down to the basement again, shutting the door behind him. Isak huffed out a breath. “Well, that’s rude,” he mumbled to himself.
thought i had you in the palm of my hand that night by hippopotamus (6.6k words) - They're roommates, and they don't get on at all. Until they do, at which point Even decides to develop a useless crush. 
you call me lavender, you call me sunshine by aestheticzjm (8.4k words) - the one in which isak is forced to look over a friend's tattoo parlor and even works at the flower shop across the street. 
Good Roast by lovelycarcass  (9k words) - Even is a rising filmmaker and Isak is a cynical, sharp-tongued film critic. 
Is This What You Wanted? by cuteandtwisted (10k words) - Isak is filthy rich and Even is a hardworking male model who just got signed to his father's agency. Even gets an awful offer from Isak: one night with him in exchange for money, and begins to despise him. 
in the morning you'll dance with all the headache by bluesterek (19k words) - “Why do you hate me? Is it still about that kiss in first grade?” “You kissed my crush in front of me, Even.” “Yeah well, sorry about that, but that was like a century ago. Besides, you don’t even like girls.” “Excuse me, what?” 
en passant by peachbombs (21k words) - The first time Isak and Even had gone up against each other at a competition, the judges had declared a tie. Newspapers covered the occurrence as an unusual feat—it was a debate competition; one side had to win over another. That was the whole point. But it kept happening. Candy jar au. 
i didn't mean to kiss you (you didn't mean to fall in love) by shadesofcool (24k words) - football/cheerleader au with not much football and cheerleading because i only know the basics 
Dear Friend by bri_ness (26k words) - Isak and Even work together in a failing video store, and they cannot stand each other. Isak and Even both signed up for the Love Letters dating service, and they’re both falling for their anonymous pen pal. She Loves Me AU 
through these dark days by hippopotamus (29k words) - This is the world Isak lives in, half dead, half empty, half wild. A makeshift camp in a dying forest with twe- eleven other people, salvaging anything they can to make it easier, hunting any animal they can find to make it survivable. 
hearts a mess by slvtherxn (31k words) - Jonas takes the new kid at school under his wing, and everyone instantly loves him... everyone but Isak. He’s cool, and older, and funny, but whenever he talks, Isak gets the weirdest nauseating feeling in his stomach. He thinks he might hate him. 
Come On, Set the Tone by boxesofflowers, Eeyoreneedsahug (57k words) - Isak is a recently out popstar who wants to prove that he is not just another pretty face in pop music. Even is a self contained, indie singer songwriter who takes shit from nobody. Shortly after a public feud between the two begins, they’re forced together for a nationwide tour. 
Blood vs. Water by bri_ness (100k words) - Survivor au. Isak and Even become become rivals very early on and they constantly mess with each other. 
You Don't Even Know Me! by cuteandtwisted  (101k words) - "Let's keep our daddy issues out of work," said Even. "Excuse me?!" The one in which Isak and Even are interns who got off the wrong foot and don't like each other at all (except that they do). 
(WIP - No smut)
I hate that I want you by daisysmalia (17k words) - last update Jan 2017. Isak hates Even. He hates him so much that he even wrote a list. A list of everything to hate about the idiot. From his stupid smile to his windswept hair. From his random flirting with everyone to the fact he knows his name. To that feeling Isak gets when Even is around. 
i hate your face, it makes my heart skip a beat by Bellakitse (20k words) - last update Sept 2017. Isak is failing History and his friends have the great idea that their new friend Even should tutor him. It's perfect except Isak doesn't like Even or the way his stupid face makes his stomach flip. 
helium hearts (we're on fire) by itjustkindahappened (27k words) - last update May 2019. 10 Things I Hate About You!AU. Eva enrolls at Hartvig Nissens VGS in Oslo and falls headfirst for the popular and pretty Vilde Lien. Vilde, however, is not allowed to date until Isak—her sarcastic, misantropic introvert of a step brother—does. Together with her new group of friends, Eva comes up with a plan to set Isak up with the school's rumor-ridden bad boy Even Bech Næsheim so she can take her crush out.
we are made up of love and hate by everythingislove (straykid), puddingandpie (42k words) - last update July 2018. the one where Isak joins his best friends on their first North American tour and definitely does not fall for Even Bech Næsheim, their infuriating(ly handsome) opening act. 
a careful hypothesis of the heart by StMisery (87k words) - 12/13 chapters posted. "The boss' fucking son got the job. Out of a pool of dedicated applicants. You can't just deny nepotism like that," he said. "I'm Isak, by the way. I didn't catch your name?" Leaning against the metal banister in the elevator, the other man was the picture of calm. "I'm the boss' fucking son," he said. 
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irondadfics · 6 years
do you have any long fic recs? so like 30+ chapters
Here are some long and complete recs! This is a long one, so it’s under the cut!
We’re Gonna Have to do This Together by edibna (155k) Being a superhero sometimes means you forget about the small dangers in the world, like disease. For Peter, this means he loses May to natural causes, not something he could ever save her from.Unknown to him, May left custody of Peter in the hands of Tony Stark, who, even though he wants kids, has no idea how to actually raise one. With a grieving superhero teenager on his hands, Tony is going to have to figure it out quick, if he wants Peter to ever be able to move on and be happy.
The darkest hour is just before the dawn by StarryKnight09 (90k) “Is this Peter Parker?” “Yes…” “This is Dr. Nguyen. I’m sorry but your aunt’s been in an accident and we’re going to need you to come to Queens Memorial as soon as you can.” Peter’s life shatters with a phone call. The last person he expects helps him pick up the pieces.
Exploding Head Syndrome by foolscapper (81k)  Everyone comes back, when the snap is undone. Or, well — almost everyone.
Accepting the Tides by Emma_Anacortes (78k)Tony had dragged Peter from the depths of despair after May’s death. It was normal that he’d grown to care a little about him, right?Yeah, okay. He freaking loved the kid.So naturally he would feel a little weird when Richard Parker randomly shows up in Peter’s life. Naturally he’d feel protective, nervous, and confused because where has Richard been all this time? And why does Tony feel sick every time he sees him around Peter? All he knows is if Richard hurts his kid, Tony’s gonna give him hell.
Hindsight by elephreak (75k)  The one where Peter is being abused in the worst way.
Twist of Fate by nikki_ofshadows (72k) A single picture triggered Tony Stark to suspect that Peter Parker was his son, biologically.
Long Shadows by xDemon_Talex (64k)  Peter comes into contact with a foreign substance on a mission, and things only get worse from there.
close to my heart, never to part by parkrstark ( 63k)  During patrol one night, Peter comes across something that leaves him and Ned dumbfounded. The next morning, Ned is dropping off a now two-year-old Peter at Tony’s. Not only does he have to figure out how to turn him back, but he must watch him. Tony wonders what he’s supposed to do with the now toddler-Peter for the next two weeks…until he slowly starts to wonder what he will do without this boy after the two weeks are over.
standing in the gallows by parkrstark (59k)  An enemy from Tony’s past comes back to get him. But he does something more painful than hurting him. He takes the most important person to Tony. Tony just doesn’t know it yet.
And You’ll Blow Us All Away by losingmymindtonight (59k)  Peter Parker had had everything: a mother, a father, an uncle, an aunt. He’d lost them all. All he had left was Tony Stark, and all Tony Stark had left was him. And in the wake of their insurmountable losses, they go about trying to find a family within each other.
the rattle of their hearts by iron_spider (58k) Tony deals with the aftermath of Infinity War. He needs to get things back to normal. And Peter is an essential part of normal. 
Lazarus, come forth by iron_spider (47k) Tony Stark dies defeating Thanos. But then he comes back to life. He has to find out how, why, and how to live again. And how to deal with the changes in the people he’s coming back to.
i’m the satellite (and you’re the sky) by CamelotQueen (45k) When Tony went to the Parker household to recruit Spider-Man, he had no idea what he was signing up for. AU where Tony is Peter’s biological father and neither of them know.
… and when you can’t crawl … by JolinarJackson (45k) In the aftermath of the Vulture and May finding out about Spider-Man, Peter should be happy. May is allowing him to continue his patrols and Tony is making good on his promise to mentor him. Peter is anything but fine, though. Struggling with nightmares and his insecurities, Peter’s life begins to unravel for good when he becomes the target of a violent school bully, and his only refuge in his duties as Spider-Man is destroyed following a tragic failure. Tony and May, trying to figure out the dynamics of raising a teenage superhero between the two of them, are forced to watch from the sidelines as Peter refuses to accept help out of fear of appearing weak … and reaches his breaking point.
The Art of Publicity by xmypandabear (43k) After everything with the Accords, Tony Stark’s reputation is in the toilet. Fortunately, he’s got Spider-Man to make it better. (AKA Five times Peter and Tony’s relationship made the internet implode a little)
Stars, Hide Your Fires by YellowDistress (43k) Starks didn’t create beautiful things. They created weapons that destroyed beautiful things. That was the way it had always been.But when the four-year-old’s wide eyes blinked at him, Tony was struck with the sudden realization that maybe that had been a lie.
Time to Pretend by Rowan_M (38k) A villain attacking New York sends an injured Peter back in time to the year 2000. Not knowing how to get home, Peter asks Tony Stark for help and ends up finding out a lot about his and Tony’s past. Peter is given an opportunity to change the future, or leave things be.(This is a bad summary, I’m sorry.)
5 Times Peter Fell, and Tony caught him. And the 1 Time Tony didn’t. by eva7673 (35k)  Peter has a nasty habit of falling. And Tony, bless him, will catch him every. single. time. Until the day he can’t.
5 times Peter needed Tony by chvotic (33k) + 1 time Tony needed Peter.
Revenge is a dish best served cold and afraid by wolfypuppypiles (33k) Peter was walking home when the news broke out, and his phone had died half-way through fifth period so, he couldn’t pick up when Tony tried to call. He had no idea what was coming for him, and no clue as to what was playing on every news announcement on tv. Toomes had broken out of prison.
5 times it wasn’t a hug and the 1 time it was by parkrstark (31k) The one where Tony has a habit of not-really-but-kinda-sorta hugging Peter and finally gets it right when it matters the most. 
DNA by edema_ruh (30k) Peter temporarily loses his powers after ignoring Tony’s orders and stepping into a fight bigger than himself.Now, Tony has to take care of an injured Peter who can’t use his enhanced metabolism to heal faster, all the while feeling guilty about having failed to protect the boy.
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the-phoenix-heart · 6 years
AU in which all the boys write fanfiction. ALL OF THEM
Cartman: Writes every single fanfic you could think of. Friendfiction, shitty self insert fanfiction, 200k angst fics, everything under the sun. And he writes it for everything he gets into. Terrence and Phillip? The slash fanfiction with him is real. It doesn't matter if he got into a one person knows it adult movie, he has probably seventeen fanfics about it.
Kyle: Writes (Very rarely) 30k oneshots to unwind after he does stressful homework. He won't admit that he writes fanfiction. He won't admit he started doing it just because he wanted to prove he could write better fanfiction than Cartman. He'll certainly never admit that he once wrote a 24k word fic that was just two enemies hate fucking along with a heavy knife kink and gunplay element. Nope.
Stan: Nothing but werewolf fanfiction. He doesn't care he has written five aus all with different types of werewolves for one show he's going to write another one. The one time he didn't write werewolf fanfiction he wrote actual wolves fucking. Writes in characters with a sneaking resemblance to his friends when he is angry at them.
Kenny: Nothing but smut except when he's super high and drunk and ends up writing a 100k character study oneshots about his favorite characters. They never fail to be met with one criticism only and that is that if it's 100k it should be split up into multiple chapters. High and drunk Kenny responds with "no". As for the smut, it's basically mindless, super realistic fucking.
Craig: He has a lot of feelings about his favorite shows (Red Racer) and has to get them all out so his profile is filled with 53 fics all about one show (Red Racer) and has exactly 65 unfinished documents. He only writes one ship though and it's a super rare pair and he's getting real fucking sick of people asking him to write other ships.
Tweek: Up at 3:54 am writing fanfics that always have a heavy supernatural element. His fics are filled with numerous typos and it's written all in caps because he broke his capslock but somehow no one cares. "This fic was updated 5 time within one hour? AWESOME!" "Someone put him to sleep, my phones blowing up with notifications from my favorite fic while I'm trying to sleep, I have work in the morning."
Clyde: Has a tendency to just write bad smut and an overabundance of chat fics but he has one really good fic that he NEVER UPDATES. It's a really well thought out fantasy fic and everyone wishes he would update that more and not his shitty mindless fucking fic. He needs to take pointers from Kenny in terms of writing smut.
Token: Cliched as fuck writer. Coffee shop aus with a huge misunderstanding in the middle of the story? Check. Flower shop and Tattoo shop fics where one of them almost dies? Check! Fics that are actually well thought out romantic comedies? Oh wow those exist? WELL CHECK!
Jimmy: Hardly ever writes. If he does write it's pure crack. Pure crack fics that are actually hilarious. Those exist too? WELL THEY DO! If it ain't a crack fic he actually wrote then he just uploaded the bee movie script again.
Butters: He doesn't get this whole fanfiction thing but he wants to fit in, except he got it totally wrong. He is on fanfiction.net instead of AO3. His chapters are 100 words at most, and they are all basically cringey 2012 fanfiction.net fanfics. Cartman almost disowned Butters when he found his account at 3 am when he was desperate for a fic no matter how cringey they were.
Part two
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anyebbeo · 6 years
they say home is where the heart is 1/2 [shineemulti!pairings  I r I hogwarts!au]
pairings: sensualplatonic!taekey, jongkey, sensualplatonic!jongtae, platonic!minkey, jongho, onkey, jongkeytae (lots of poly goodness, basically) rating: r genre: hogwarts!au, fluff, friendship, slight romance, slight angst. warning: mentions of sexual situations, mentions of alcohol, language, brief mentions of body image, mentions of oppression and mistreatment of minorities  length: ~30k (part 1) a/n: i took the liberty to add some stuff in here that's not actually a thing in the hp universe because i can and i wanted to :P also, this thing is massive and it's only the first part...idek what i'm doing anymore xD anyway, i hope you guys like it and i'm looking forward to writing the second part. i shall post it as soon as i can^^ and don't worry, i'm definitely planning to move back to more original aus after this. i just really had to get this story out of my system. thank you all for reading and until the next chapter~
Taemin's heart is hammering in his chest as he strides down the school's hallways. His gaze darts from left to right - in a frenzy, almost - taking in the framed paintings adorning the plain stone walls to make sure he isn't going into the wrong direction. But although he swears he has walked past the weeping lady in her blood-stained dress before, he has been living with himself for long enough to never trust his sense of direction. Not since that one time at Mahoutokoro, when he opened the wrong door - entirely convinced that it was one he'd used a million times before, mind you - and almost had all of his hair burned off by a fire spewing dragon. So there is a wave of relief washing over him when the entrance to the Slytherin common room comes into view as he turns what has to be the twentieth corner in just a few minutes. Fastening his pace, there is a smile on his face and a spring to his step now that he knows he hasn't led himself into the wrong part of the building. His enthusiasm is short-lived, however. Because as soon as his steps come to a halt, it finally sinks in that he can't for the life of him remember what the stupid password is. "Are you just gonna keep standing there or what?" A voice startles him from behind. Whipping his head around, Taemin comes face to face with another boy, tall and black-haired, with clear amusement curling the corners of his lips. Taemin has no idea how he managed to approach him without a sound in a place where every step echoes through hallway after hallway, but the thought slips from his mind as quickly as it came. "Sorry, I don't-" Taemin begins, redness rising into his cheeks. "It's 'Devil's Snare'," The boy says, the wall in front of them giving a rumble at the words as the passageway to the dungeon is revealed. "The password," He clarifies, advising "You better remember it," when Taemin keeps staring at him, still taken aback and more than a little lost. "Right," Taemin shakes himself out of his stupor, smiling sheepishly, "Thanks." "You're the new guy, aren't you?" The boy asks as he gestures for Taemin to step into the common room first. Nodding 'yes', Taemin climbs down the slippery stairs, careful not to trip and make a fool out of himself twice in a matter of mere seconds. "My memory isn't very good, sorry," He apologises, somehow hoping to find a way to communicate to the boy that contrary to what his first impression may suggest, he really isn't as scatterbrained as he seems. Although many would say otherwise, perhaps, but that's beside the point. He never receives a response, however. Instead, the boy musters him for a moment, before he simply observes "You're cute. But your accent is funny," and Taemin blinks at the blunt comment. He has no idea what he is supposed to respond to that. But the boy doesn't seem to expect him to. "Aren't you Korean?" He asks instead, his sharp eyes mustering him as if he can't yet decide what to make of him.  "Yeah," It takes Taemin a moment to realise that the question is referring to the 'funny accent'-part of the boy's comment. "I've always lived in Japan, though," He explains, and the boy shrugs. "Fair enough." Following up with a simple introduction of "I'm Kibum," he adds "I arrived a bit late this year cause I was out of the country. Traveling large distances by ship is a shitty idea, I'm telling you," and Taemin nods along to all of it, making a mental note not to forget the boy's name by the time they have made it up to the dormitory. "What about you?" Kibum asks. "Umm…" Taemin falters, the conversation moving along much too quickly for his taste. He isn't usually this slow - he swears he's not - but he's tired and overwhelmed by all the new impressions to begin with, and this whole jumping from one topic to the next thing isn't helping. "Your name," Kibum supplies. 'Oh, right,' He thinks, another wave of embarrassment washing over him as he offers "It's Taemin." It doesn't seem like Kibum is too bothered by his awkwardness, though. Quite the contrary, if the smile and the good-natured "Nice to meet you, Taemin," he offers in response are anything to go by. Taemin appreciates it. Most people's patience would have begun to run thin by now. "Ohh," Kibum turns around, his face lighting up as if he just remembered something incredibly important and Taemin has no idea what to expect. "Welcome to Hogwarts," He says, adding an entirely unnecessary wink at the end and beaming at him so brightly, he rivals the sun. Taemin prays that his blushing isn't too noticeable.
Kibum's bed is the one right next to his. Of course it is. Taemin remembers now, how one of his upperclassmen had informed him that his neighbour wouldn't arrive until the end of the first school week and he wants to punch himself in the face for always being so inattentive. Because he would have had far more time to freak out about meeting the person he's going to be sharing such an intimately small space with for at least the entire next year if his head wasn't always so far up in the clouds.  His bed is tucked away into the furthest corner of the dormitory next to a large window. With a heavy, green curtain to pull close if he needs to and shielded from his fellow students' eyes by a wall, too. He spent his entire first day wondering how he got so lucky. Because there is no way this kind of privacy would be so easily offered to him without a catch. After a night of freezing winds blowing in through the draft in the window, it did make sense to him, though, that his bed had been left empty until now.  Kibum doesn't mind the cold, apparently. Which is why he had oh-so graciously volunteered to occupy the bed right next to his. That's what he told him, at least. Taemin is pretty sure Kibum is bullshitting, though. Because the older boy never seems to actually sleep in his bed to begin with.  Whenever Taemin switches off his lights in the evening, Kibum's is nowhere to be seen and whenever he wakes up - whether it's a few moments of consciousness during the night or early in the morning - Kibum's duvet is unwrinkled and his pillow soft and puffy.  And he is curious, but he doesn't ask. Because it's too soon and he doesn't want to scare Kibum off with probing questions when they haven't even seen each other cry yet. (Plus, he's a bit glad Kibum isn't around at night to witness him fall off the edge of his bed time and time again, because he is so used to sleeping in a futon where the ground is never so damn far away.) He easily decides that he could have ended up with a dorm mate a lot worse than Kibum, though. Someone smelly, or someone with anger issues or someone who'd steal from the small stash of Gummy Worms and Sour Strips he's got tucked away under his bed for when the craving for sugar hits. Kibum is none of these things. If anything, he's the exact opposite. Taemin didn't intend to hang around him a lot. He doesn't want to be the kind to trail the first friendly person he meets like a lost duckling. But it is actually Kibum who approaches him most of the time. He's always ready to walk him to class if he struggles to find his way, has invited him to eat with his small circle of friends more than once (an offer Taemin really wants to take him up on, even though meeting new people is always terrifying enough to make him feel sick) and he definitely doesn't smell bad. And his occasional snark and sarcasm, too, are a source of entertainment for him more than anything. Even if he thinks it'll take some time for him to tell when the older boy is messing with him and when he's actually being serious. He just hopes that the inappropriate flirting he will get used to as well. Eventually. 
"Taemin?" He flinches at the call of his name, bouncing off the walls, in a volume so loud, he can't even pretend to have missed it. "Ohh, hi," Taemin turns in his spot, rearranging his expression into something that doesn't look like he's been wandering around the same two hallways for the past fifteen minutes with panic spreading through his chest. Because he knows exactly where he is going. He totally does. "What are you doing here? You know this is the staircase up to the Owlery, right?" Kibum asks.  "Yeah, sure, I-" Taemin nods, feigning confidence, but Kibum cuts him off halfway, seeming to have made the decision already, that he isn't going to play pretend and humour him today. "You don't own an owl," Kibum pulls up one of his eyebrows, amusement written all over his face and Taemin can no longer deny that he's been caught.  "I'm late to Divination," He sighs, dejected. He hates how much help he needs with something that should come naturally to him by now. There had been stubbornness burning like a flame in his chest when he first left the Slytherin common room this morning. Determination to finally find his way by himself because it really isn't that hard. But the flame has become more of a faint glimmer at this point. At least he did make it to a tower, though. That's an accomplishment. Even if it isn't the one he is supposed to be at right now. "Want me to take you?" Kibum wraps an arm around his shoulder and begins to guide him into the opposite direction without waiting for an answer.  "Aren't you supposed to be in class, too?" Taemin demands in a feeble attempt to steer the older boy's attention away from his hopeless struggle to find his way (and cover up just how tense their sudden closeness makes him feel).  "The professor is sick," Kibum says. "I was on my way to the Green houses 'cause I read about this really cool bulb that can be used to make people admit their darkest secrets and I could have sworn I saw some of them the last time I-" "That sounds terrifying, what the fuck?" Taemin blurts out, realising a bit too late that he shouldn't be cursing around someone a good bit older than him. Kibum doesn't even bat an eyelash though and 'Oh, that's right,' Taemin thinks. He keeps forgetting that formalities and honorifics aren't quite so strict here. "I'm not gonna use them on you, relax," Kibum chuckles. "You're not gonna use them on anyone, I hope," Taemin insists, disbelieving. "Of course not," Kibum responds, in the kind of voice that makes Taemin doubt his every word. "I'm gonna study them." "It's good to know how these things work in case someone does end up using them on you, you know?" Taemin isn't sure how to communicate 'Nope, I don't and that still sound terrifying' without sounding like an ass. So he lets out a vague hum and asks Kibum about his breakfast instead. Taemin sees him sitting with his friends sometimes - two guys from Gryffindor, one tall and lanky and the other short and bubbly, and sometimes a girl from Hufflepuff, with long blonde hair and a large assortment of colourful buttons pinned to her cloak. And Kibum keeps trying to make him join them. He hasn't had the courage to tag along yet, though. Most of his meal times have been spent alone, in the library or down in the Slytherin common room, reading about the Magical Creatures of Great Britain or messaging Jongin or thumbing through one of his favourite Manga. Kibum is all smiles as he talks about the newest events at their table. About Jonghyun who mistook one of his most awful tasting herbal mixtures for tea and almost threw up after he downed the whole thing and his best friend Minho and how he is preparing to try out for the Quidditch team for the sixth year in a row (and how he doesn't doubt for a second that he will make it in).  Nodding in all the right places, Taemin is proud at his mind for actually focusing on what Kibum is saying for once, instead of drifting off at the first chance it gets. He always does his best to listen, but fails to stay present more often than not. So it's nice to be able to pay attention for once. Not just fake it and hope no one notices. Especially because he likes listening to Kibum a lot.
Before he knows, they are standing in front of the large wooden door leading to his Divination classes and Kibum opens his arms in an exaggerated gesture of 'Et voilà, we have arrived'. Taemin laughs. "Thanks for your help," He says, feeling only mildly embarrassed at the habitual bow accompanying his words. He doesn't doubt for a second that he would still be wandering around the wrong part of school if Kibum didn't find him.  "Sure," Kibum lifts his hand in an exaggerated wave, adding a "See you later cutie," before he turns around to make his way back down the tower.  Taemin is ashamed to admit that the comment leaves him so flustered, he needs another five minutes to calm down enough to will his feet to move.
'This school fucking sucks. It's a goddamn labyrinth I'm telling you.' He texts Jongin later, only half of the added emojis expressing frustration and the other half being thrown in there simply because they are cute. 'You can always come back here,' Jongin replies, the picture he has attached alongside showing him sitting by the small pond of baby Firekoi they used to spend countless free periods at. Taemin chuckles at the utter lack of sympathy in his friend's words. It hasn't even been two months and of course nothing much has changed. But Taemin is always relieved to see how similar everything he left behind still is. The same pond, the same glowing Koifish with their golden scales and bright lights illuminating the water. And the same merciless best friend - although his hair is shorter than Taemin last saw it. He had threatened to get an owl and only send Jongin letters when he first moved to London just to pay him back for all the teasing, but there is no way he will actually resort to the Wizarding world's outdated mailing system. He isn't quite sure, why Muggles are so much more advanced when it comes to technology (or rather, why the Wizarding world is holding on to owls delivering their letters in handwritten form with such determination), but of course he isn't going to exchange his smartphone and its ability to send messages in the blink of an eye for an owl that will struggle to even make it from England to France. 'We've had your favourite sashimi like four times this week,' Another message pops up at the bottom of their chatroom, topped off with picture proof and all. 'Fuck you, I'm going to sleep.' Sometimes Taemin kind of hates his best friend.
The potion in his cauldron is of a deep purple colour, steam rising from its surface at a sluggish pace. Eyeing his half-emptied vial of unicorn horn powder in confusion, Taemin chances a glance around the room, his shoulders slumping when he realises everyone else hasn't even made it past the fifth step yet. Although he doubts it would be smart for him to accept any help from his fellow fifth years, either way. Because the colours of their potions are ranging from bright green to dirty orange, the latter of which looks far from healthy and the former of which is just utterly wrong, but hey, no one is asking him. 'Until the potion turns pink' it says in his textbook. But he has been adding more for a solid five minutes now and nothing has happened yet and this can't be right. He has made this potion before - more than once - and he's only ever needed a pinch or two at most. He hates asking questions, though, and their teacher is bustling about as new hands keep rising left and right and Taemin guesses he will have to figure this one out by himself. He just hopes he won't blow himself up in the process.
There is a pleasant sense of accomplishment fluttering in his chest, as he exits class twenty minutes later. His potion had turned out decent enough, albeit not quite how it was supposed to be. But he had figured out somewhere along the line that the concentration of the unicorn horn powder provided in Hogwarts simply isn't as strong as the one they used for their potions in Mahoutokoro. So that has been quite the discovery and definitely something to keep in mind for future Potion classes.  Paying no mind to the few students still hanging around in the corridor outside the classroom, he doesn't notice how one of the is whispering to the other, or how they get the kind of look on their faces that screams trouble, but the next thing he knows he is stumbling, some of his books landing on the ground in front of him while he just so manages to keep himself on his feet. "Oww, what was that for?" He demands to know, turning to glare at them as he crouches to gather his things. "Ohh, so you can speak English," The taller one says, feigning surprise. 'Of course I can,' Taemin wants to shoot back, because what kind of bullshit is that? But before he has time to open his mouth, the second student already beats him to it. "Why aren't you ever saying anything? You're not that special," They taunt, patronising, and Taemin doesn't understand what is happening. There is no time to feel embarrassed, because his Defenses Against The Dark Arts class starts in five minutes and he still has to take a quick trip to the restroom, and so it is only much later that he gets to really think about the incident and his stomach sinks just remembering their words. Because he knows full well that he hasn't spoken a whole lot in the few weeks he has been here. It's not a conscious decision, though. He has his talkative days - he does - but sometimes, it's hard. Sometimes, he doesn't utter a word for hours even when he is with a friend. Doesn't respond with much more than single syllable answers or wordless shrugs or vague hums because everything beyond that takes so much damn effort. Not because he doesn't care about the situation at hand or he is trying to be difficult or has no interest in whatever his conversation partners (or teachers) are saying. Back home in Japan, it hadn't been too odd, for people to be on the quiet side. Hell, he's had classmates he'd spent years going to school with but couldn't recognise the voices of for the life of him because they spoke that little. But in a country like England with such a vastly different culture, he had been sure he'd stick out like a sore thumb. Just like he used to a few years back, when his parents sent him to England for summer camp every time summer vacation at Mahoutokoro came along. Kibum doesn't seem to mind, though and he had hoped that everyone else wouldn't, either. He knew it would only be a matter of time until someone would come along who did and he wishes he could have said something. Witty comebacks aren't his forte, though.
"Are you okay?" Kibum asks him later, after they run into each other out in the courtyard and Kibum makes him tag along on his afternoon trip down to Hogsmeade, because 'you don't have anything better to do, do you?' "Yeah, fine," Taemin nods, a little confused, because should he not be? "Minho said that he heard from Eunsook that some kids gave you trouble after class," The older boy tells him, tugging off his cloak to throw it over his shoulder. It is one of the few rare, sunny days and the temperature is just right. Just enough to warm up their skin without making them sweat, even in their school uniform shirts. "I'm not gonna let people like that ruin my time here," Taemin shrugs. Sure, he wouldn't mind if it never happened again. But he isn't naive enough to believe that there won't be any more moments like this. And maybe he can't be brave and cocky, but he wants to learn to be less affected.  "That's the spirit," Kibum nods in approval. "Seriously, though. If this keeps happening, let me know. I'm not just studying all these herbs for nothing," He makes sure to add and even if Taemin isn't planning to take Kibum up on the offer, he appreciates it.
"Japan?" The question is asked with genuine excitement - gleaming eyes and raised voice and all. "That's so cool, oh my God," Taemin responds to the boy's enthusiasm with a smile that's probably more confused than much else, because this kind of reaction is definitely a first.  His name is Jonghyun and he is one of Kibum's closest friends. That's about as much of an introduction as Kibum had been able to provide before Jonghyun began gushing about Taemin's home country. He is wearing the house colours of Gryffindor and Taemin sees him sitting with Kibum all the time. He is hard to miss with his bright pink hair in a crowd of students with relatively natural hair colours. There is another Slytherin - a girl with long blue locks - and a few others who opted for fiery reds and darkish greens, but no one is pink like Jonghyun. Taemin thinks it's pretty.  "What was it like?" Jonghyun asks, and it takes Taemin a moment to realise he is talking about Japan. "Umm," He falters. He isn't sure what the other boy wants to hear.  "What sort of a question is that?" Kibum drawls, coming to his rescue without intending to. "What's England like?" He asks, a pointed edge of sarcasm to the question that makes Jonghyun pout. "Don't be mean," He whines, but he doesn't actually look upset. It makes Taemin's heart swell, because it's pretty darn adorable. He already likes Jonghyun, even if he doesn't know how to answer his question without making it sound bland and obvious. He opts for, "It wasn't too bad. Muggle education sucked, but once I started going to Mahoutokoro, it was nice," and he is kind of proud of his response. Jonghyun on the other hand doesn't seem very impressed, though. "No, I mean, what was the country like?" Jonghyun insists.  "You know all the game arcades everywhere and the flashy buildings and everything?"  "Uhh," Hesitating, Taemin tries to think of a more exciting adjective than 'nice' or 'cool' (because he has been surrounded by it all his life, it's honestly nothing too special to him), but his mind seems to have decided to take a time out, because all that comes up is blankness. "I think Taemin will have to tell you another time, he's still gotta walk all the way over to the Green houses," Kibum chimes in and Jonghyun nods in understanding. Although not without making sure to remind Taemin "You definitely have to tell me more, though, I have so many questions." "Your next class is Herbology, right?" Kibum turns to him, prompted by the lost look on his face, Taemin assumes, and he nods. "Are you gonna be okay?" "Yeah, I got it," Taemin says. He doesn't. But he isn't going to admit that he still struggles to find his way around not only when it comes to the Slytherin common room, but with the entire rest of the school, too. Because that's just tragic. It has almost been four weeks. Whether Kibum actually believes him or not, he isn't quite sure. His expression gives nothing away. But he doesn't drop any doubtful comments, at least. So he must have been semi-convincing if nothing else. "All right," Kibum lifts his hand in a wave "See you later then." "Just take the corridor over there to get into the East wing, not that one," Kibum pipes up when Taemin turns to walk off into what's apparently the wrong direction. "You don't wanna end up in the Transfiguration corridor," There is a hint of amusement in Kibum's smile as he grabs Jonghyun's bag along with the few books he'd been carrying and throws it over his shoulder. Taemin flushes. Kibum saw straight through him, didn't he?
"I really wanna go to Japan someday," He hears Jonghyun tell Kibum and when he turns around to catch a last glimpse of them, Jonghyun is sneaking his hand into the other boy's. "Once we're out of here, I'll take you," Kibum promises, suddenly all sweet and soft and Jonghyun beams.  It's so cute, Taemin thinks he is going to melt.
Jonghyun and Kibum are a funny pair. Kibum spends half of his time being flirtatious to the point of it being almost ridiculous and the other half teasing the shorter boy. And Taemin wonders how Jonghyun isn't ever upset or annoyed or any of that.  Because Taemin knows he would be. Thinks he would be, at least. He's never dealt well with mixed signals (never dealt well with signals, period, but that's a different conversation entirely). But then again, it's Kibum and Kibum has a lot of quirks that simply need some getting used to. And Taemin figures that with how long they have known each other (five years and two months, Kibum had told him with pride shining in his eyes) Jonghyun is very used to everything Kibum does. Especially once he starts paying more attention and notices all those little things between them.  Always catches them with their hands intertwined, and watches as Kibum pulls Jonghyun into his lap or presses the occasional soft kiss into his hair. It makes Taemin wonder, but he doesn't ask. He figures it's just one of those things Kibum does. One thing to add to the mental note labeled "Kim Kibum" in the back of his mind. Fellow Slytherin, unashamed, oddly enthusiastic about Herbology and not afraid to be affectionate (and maybe more) with multiple people at once. Because it's Jonghyun who is with Kibum most often, but there are others, too. Some he's exchanged formal introductions with and some he's seen around, but hasn't been given a name to. (Not because they aren't as important as Jonghyun - far from it - but because Kibum is weary, as he later learns. Weary to invite him so deeply into his life so early on.) And Jonghyun knows. He definitely knows about them all and it does not seem to be an issue, but Taemin hasn't decided yet, what he thinks of it. He catches himself wondering a lot, though, if that's what Kibum wants with him, too.  It's never more than a passing thought. Nothing he loses sleep over and nothing he feels the need to speak up about. But it comes up every once in a while. When Kibum sends him one too many winks, or pulls him in for a hug or reaches across their table at lunch break to fix his messy bangs for him.  He hopes he doesn't, though. Kibum is nice and good-looking and Taemin does find himself staring sometimes, because he appreciates unique beauty and Kibum is the epitome of it, but he hopes Kibum isn't looking for more. If there is one thing he does know, however, it is that out of all the people Kibum is involved with, he likes Jonghyun best. No questions asked.
There aren't many places in the castle to be at night. Not officially, anyway, because students aren't supposed to leave the dormitories after eight. But even unofficially, Taemin hasn't found many good spots to seek a bit of solitude yet. At Mahoutokoro, Jongin and he spent hours upon hours at the pond for the baby Firekoi or up in the old Pagoda everyone avoided because of the rude pair of ghosts blocking the staircase past the third story. Just talking or watching the stars or sitting in silence while one of them dozed off. They never stayed for too long, because Taemin needs his eight hours of sleep, but it was always his favourite time of the day and he misses it. The world is so much more peaceful at night and people so much more quiet. Hushed whispers and soft hums and muted voices creating the most calming contrast to every day's noises. There is a spot a few corners from the Slytherin common room, though. Right by the painting of the lady in her blood-stained dress that has been his lifesaver more than once in the past weeks and spared him the embarrassment of having to ask for directions too often to count. A tower so narrow, the staircase doesn't fit more than one person at a time, but with an open platform on top. It was during what had to be his tenth time sneaking out the dormitory to find somewhere to retreat to that he first came across it. He had been so close to giving up and accepting that for as winding and large as Hogwarts was, he was going to have no luck finding what he was looking for. And he wasn't going to ask Kibum about it, either, because that would defeat the whole purpose of having a place for himself. Not once did he think to check where the door by the painting led to or whether it could be opened in the first place. But once he did, he was so happy he wanted to scream. It's exactly what he had been looking for this whole time - just the right amount of hidden and peaceful. Today, however, he is just in the middle of typing out a lengthy text to Jongin when he hears a soft sound like footsteps coming up the staircase. At first, he brushes it off as his mind playing tricks on him, because the castle is always filled with taps and creaks from every direction and he is hardly ever paying attention anymore. But then it happens a again, louder this time, and he tenses up when he realises someone is on their way up here. Eyes darting around, he tries to come up with the fastest escape route, but the only option he has is staying put (or jumping and hoping for a soft landing because it really doesn't look that high, but knowing his luck, he's going to flip mid-air and crack open his skull or some one in a million-bullshit like that so he won't risk it). Surrendering himself to his fate, Taemin waits in nervous anticipation. Anticipation that quickly morphs into surprise at the familiar head of pink hair appearing through the opening of the staircase. "Taemin?"  "Umm…hey?" Taemin offers an awkward wave, relieved to see that Jonghyun seems just as confused about running into him up here as Taemin does. "I see you found my secret hiding spot," Jonghyun observes with a smile, hesitating for just a moment before he sinks down next to him and shifts a bit to get comfortable with his back against the stone wall. "Oh, sorry," Taemin runs his hand through his hair - a nervous habit.  "What are you apologising for?" Jonghyun blinks, his voice soft and gentle and Taemin feels a squeal building in his chest. He gathers all his willpower to keep a calm and collected front, though, because he definitely can't allow himself to be weird. That's just embarrassing and he isn't planning to drop out of school because he acted all creepy like that. "I wasn't meaning to disturb," He explains, forcing the words out with much difficulty. "Oh, don't even worry about it," Jonghyun assures. "It's nice to have some company up here from time to time." "Do you mind?" Jonghyun holds up a book Taemin hasn't noticed before and Taemin can't quite keep up at first. He wonders for a moment if the older boy is trying to ask him to grab it for a second, but he quickly realises that that's not it.  Taemin shakes his head 'no' and Jonghyun offers him another blinding smile before he thumbs through the pages until he reaches a piece of parchment acting as a bookmark of sorts. 
Jonghyun wasn't kidding when he referred to the tower as his hiding spot, Taemin finds. He returns every other day - when the daily school life becomes overwhelming all over again or when he simply needs a bit of silence to answer his text messages - and like clockwork, Jonghyun joins him at the exact same time. Always with a book, always with a few questions about his day, and sometimes with a bar of white chocolate or two. What he is hiding from, Taemin has no idea, though. They don't talk much at first. Despite the older boy's request to hear more about Japan, he only ever asks a few simple questions about Taemin's day before he flips open his book and disappears into his own world for the evening. It is a little disappointing, Taemin thinks, because watching Jonghyun interact with Kibum, the older boy is so talkative and bubbly, he didn't expect all this silence from him. But then again, he isn't much different himself, so perhaps it simply isn't the best combination.  Except it's really nice once Taemin gets over the initial fear of Jonghyun not liking him. Because if he didn't, Taemin figures he wouldn't sit close enough to him for their shoulders to be touching, or make sure to grant him at least a few minutes of genuine attention whenever he first claims his spot next to him. And so it doesn't take long, for him to spend whole days looking forward to his evenings with Jonghyun.
"I'm a Muggleborn, that's the only reason shit like this happens," Jonghyun looks like he is ready to cry. Taemin's bed dips as the older boy sinks down onto it with a shaky sigh, his eyes glued to his bloodied arm as if he is scared the damage will spread further if he will avert his gaze for even just a moment.  "Stop that," Comes Kibum's voice from the other side of the room, filled with disapproval. "That's no reason to treat you this way and you know it," He says, and Taemin watches him hapazardly tossing boxes of all shapes and sizes onto his bed in search for god knows what. "But-" "There is no but," Kibum cuts him off, guiding his wand through the air with a cutting motion to close the curtains of their beds when two of their fellow Slytherins step into the dormitory. "You don't deserve it, period." He doesn't sound angry, but his shoulders are tense and his hands are trembling as he lays out an array of bandages and creams to treat the older boy's injury with and it isn't hard to tell how affected he is by the situation. "I wanna help," Taemin finally dares to speak up, just barely resisting the urge to cringe at the sound of his own voice, slicing through the tension-filled silence between them like a knife. Surely, there must be something he can do other than sit around and watch, though. Even if all he'll do is wipe off the blood on Jonghyun's skin to make it easier for Kibum to see what he is working with. "No, you're just gonna make it worse," Kibum says - uncharacteristically sharp - and Taemin feels like he has punched him straight in the gut. It is coming from a place of agitation more than anything. Taemin can tell. But it hurts, still.  The older boy realises his mistake as soon as he notices his crestfallen expression, eyes growing wide and panicked. "Fuck, I'm so sorry Taemin. I didn't mean it like that," Kibum quickly scrambles to apologise. "Don't worry about it," Taemin makes sure to smile as he says it, but it feels far from genuine. He is glad Kibum doesn't comment on it, though. "You can hold these for me," The older boy offers instead, grabbing a bottle of thick blue liquid and a small tin box for him to take. "I'll need the bottle first. Just unstop it and put a couple drops onto one of the cloths over there," He instructs, gesturing to his nightstand and Taemin obeys without any more prompting.  Jonghyun's arm is bandaged up in no time, the wound having looked far less severe after all the blood was gone, but Taemin can't understand why anyone would do this, regardless. From what he gathered, it happens all the time. Never like this, with visible marks to prove what words can't. But just the fact that anyone would touch Jonghyun at all, regardless of whether it it physical or verbal, makes Taemin's stomach churn.
Taemin is surprised when Kibum sneaks into his bed a few hours later; just as Taemin has slipped into his pajamas and stacked his pillows on top of each other. He is just there all of a sudden, his presence making the younger boy's heart skip a few beats because where the hell did he even come from? It's seriously starting to worry him, how much worse his tendency to space out has been getting, because there is no way Kibum is always creeping up on him on purpose. And yet he finds himself startled by him so often, it can't be healthy for his poor heart. The last time the older boy had actually slept in his own bed instead of wherever he goes on any other day must have been at least two weeks ago and Taemin knows he is gaping at him like he has seen a ghost. Don't get him wrong, he is happy to be graced by such rare night time company. But he had been sure that Kibum wouldn't leave Jonghyun out of sight for the entire rest of the day. If Kibum notices any of it - his surprise or his wide eyes or the hint of accusation in Taemin's voice as he blurts out 'What are you doing here?' - he doesn't mention it, though. "This happens to be my bed," Kibum responds simply - characteristic drawl perfectly in place - and then "Jonghyun says good night." And the smile on his face is fond, but there is an edge of sadness to it that is painful to look at. Jonghyun hadn't said more than a few words after Kibum and he had taken care of him and Taemin had been so worried, he spent the past hour doing nothing but stare at the ceiling. So he is relieved to hear that the older boy seemed to have spoken to Kibum, at least. Even if it wasn't much. "Hey Taemin," Turning to face him with his head propped up on his hand, Kibum looks conflicted for a moment before he says "I'm really sorry about earlier." "Don't worry about it," Taemin shrugs, "I know you didn't mean it like that."  Kibum can be a bit prickly sometimes. Even just knowing him for those past couple of months, Taemin has noticed that anxiety and stress don't do him much good. But his irritation has never been directed towards him before and it really hit him hard, to hear Kibum speak to him like that. He can't find it in himself to be upset, though.  "I still shouldn't have said that," Kibum tells him in a muffled voice, sinking back into his pillows and covering his eyes with one of his arms as he explains, "I'm just super on edge whenever things like this happen cause I feel like I should have been there to protect him, you know? Cause people never dare to do anything when Minho and I are with him."  "You realise that that's the real issue, though, right? He shouldn't need any protection just going about his school day to begin with," Taemin argues. He knows it's a century old issue and there isn't much they can do about it. But it isn't right for Kibum to blame himself for it either. "I know," Kibum lets out a heavy sigh. "I just hate that there is nothing more I can do to keep him safe," He says, and frankly, Taemin has no idea how to respond to that. Because he can only imagine how hard it is for Kibum (hell, it's hard for him and he hasn't even known Jonghyun for very long) and the last thing he wants is to invalidate that. Kibum doesn't actually seem to expect him to respond, however. "Do you mind if I sleep in your bed tonight?" He asks instead, after a long moment of silence. "Ohh, umm, I-," Taemin feels heat rise into his cheeks as he fumbles for the right words. "No, not at all." He is already scooting closer to the edge, making room for the older boy to settle down next to him, but a sudden thought makes him pause. "With me in it, or…?" He asks, and Kibum look dumbfounded for a second before he starts laughing, only remembering halfway through to muffle the sound because most of their fellow Slytherins are already sleeping around them. "Of course with you in it, silly. What kind of a question is that?"  "I'm just making sure," Taemin pouts, but he can't help the smile that's taking over his face once Kibum is lying right there next to him. There is a safe distance between them even as they both turn to face each other, Taemin with his cheek squished against his green pillow and Kibum curled up onto his side with his arms hugging his legs. They talk about the most trivial things - with lazy silences sprinkled in left and right - and any touches they exchange are fleeting and unintentional at most, and yet Taemin swears he has never felt as close to the older boy as he does right then. And never so comfortable, either. "Are you falling asleep?" Kibum's voice reaches him through a haze, the palm that comes to rest against his cheek so warm, Taemin instinctively leans into it.  He doesn't like it sometimes, when Kibum touches him. He has yet to figure out why, because it's no different from whatever hugs and casual arms-around-shoulders he exchanged with Jongin on a daily basis, but it still makes his skin crawl on some days. But he has no idea what to tell Kibum or how to explain himself and so he just doesn't. Simply brushes it off as a strange mood and holds onto days like today, because today, it's exactly what he needs and it's so nice. "You're struggling to keep your eyes open, aren't you?" Kibum asks teasingly, and now that he is mentioning it, Taemin notices for the first time, just how hard he had been fighting to stay awake. Letting out a hum of agreement, Taemin allows himself to close his eyes, the soft sensation of Kibum's thumb stroking along his cheek the last thing he feels before sleep has taken over his consciousness.
"Hurry up, I'm starving," Is the first thing Kibum tells him as they get up in the morning. They somehow managed to miss breakfast (because it's a Saturday and Kibum had stopped trying to make him get up after receiving no more than a whine of protest in response for the third time in a row) and Taemin's tummy is begging for food, but he just can't be bothered to move any faster right now. It makes Kibum grumble unhappily, but at some point he simply takes it upon himself to speed up the process, tugging Taemin close to pull a fresh shirt over his head and smooth down his messy hair and oh well, that's something Taemin can work with. "We really need to get that goddamn draft fixed, it's fucking freezing in here," The older boy complains as they throw on their cloaks and finally get going and it's such a Kibum-thing to say, Taemin is still laughing when they have walked halfway through the school building. Sure, it really is freezing, but if he is honest, Taemin finds it actually isn't too bad if there is someone else in his bed to keep him warm. But he chooses not to tell Kibum that.
"I didn't think you'd get so passionate about Quidditch." "Well, we don't really play Quidditch in Japan," Taemin feels heat rise into his cheeks at the playful nudge to his shoulder. He didn't realise how into the game he had gotten, shouting and grabbing at whoever happened to be sitting next to him (Jonghyun to his right and Kibum to his left, fortunately) and all. But Kibum seems amused at worst. "And it's been a really exciting game, don't you think?" Taemin asks as they ascend one of the many staircases leading back to the Slytherin common room, because he couldn't have been the only one to think so. He has watched his fair share of Quidditch games on TV and a handful of live ones, too, but today's game is definitely far up there in terms of entertainment and suspense. "It was," Kibum nods, good-natured. Taemin is glad he agrees. "Minho is amazing, how he just took the chance to jump off his broomstick to catch the Snitch and it actually worked," Taemin knows he is gushing. He is still all flustered, adrenaline rushing through his veins, and it's hard to shut up when everything is so fresh in his mind. Maybe he will feel stupid about it later. Once he calms down and has time to really think about how weird he is being. But right now he doesn't care. "Yeah, he's ridiculous like that," Kibum shrugs, but there is a fondness in his expression that's impossible to miss.  "He's amazing," Taemin insists and Kibum's smile only broadens at his words. "You're cute," He says, blunt as usual. And it is nothing out of the ordinary, but the words make Taemin falter, still. "I guess." Taemin doesn't mind being called cute. As long as people take him seriously regardless and don't belittle him, because in their eyes, cute is all he is, he doesn't mind at all. There is something about everything Kibum does - every little touch and every smile and most of all, the way he has just recently started slipping the endearment of 'babe' into their conversation - that is so full of natural affection that it makes Taemin feel incredibly uncomfortable, though. At least sometimes. That's his sole reassurance. That it is only sometimes. Just like it is only sometimes, that the older boy's touches make him all tense inside. Because on most days, he doesn't mind as much. Enjoys it a tiny bit, even. Which is good, because this, too, he doesn't yet know what to do about. Has no idea how to find words for what he feels without sounding like a terrible person and ruining whatever kind of friendship is building between them. "No, you definitely are," Kibum insists, cutting off his train off thought and successfully pulling him back into the present. "Really cute." And Taemin smiles, because he might not be happy about it always, but today he absolutely doesn't mind.
It is just Minho and him in the library that day after dinner. Kibum and Jonghyun had left early to do God knows what (homework, according to Kibum, but from the look Jonghyun had given him, Taemin doubts they'd be getting anything done today even if they wanted to). Taemin had mentioned his search for a book about his five thousand word Defense Against the Dark Arts essay that is due in a week and Minho decided to keep him company because he finally has a free evening for once. He choose the topic of the Black Lake and its creatures, realising too late that so little sources existed about it, he would probably have to jump in there himself and gather information firsthand to reach his word count, so a lot of filler words will be needed. Minho and he haven't spoken a lot before, because the older boy is always up and about - attending Quidditch practice, performing prefect duties, tutoring first and second years, you name it - and it's awkward. At least, Taemin thinks it is. Minho on the other hand hardly seems bothered. He asks a few questions that are easy enough for Taemin to respond to and nods encouragingly whenever he struggles to find the words he is looking for (because Minho isn't quite like Kibum who is content talking and stops asking questions once he realises it's one of those days again, where it's just hard for Taemin to talk, so he actually has to go along with it and make the effort to use his vocal cords). But it isn't too bad. Minho seems to have an infinite amount of patience and Taemin is grateful for that. Apparently that's a thing Kibum and Minho have in common, even though Kibum's patience is a lot more subtle than Minho's. "You did really well out there at the Quidditch game," Taemin says, once the silence stretches out for too long and he feels like Minho is hoping for him to speak up.  "Thanks," Minho beams at him, his eyes lighting up with excitement. "I had to do my absolute best 'cause Jonghyunnie came to watch," He chuckles, explaining "He hates Quidditch," when Taemin pulls up one of his eyebrows in question. "Especially since that one time in third grade where I broke five ribs after being hit by a Bludger." "So it's always an honour to have him there," Minho nods to himself, and it is such a formal thing to say, but the older boy seems to mean every word, if his bright smile is anything to go by.  "We never had anything like Quidditch in Japan. A team play kind of thing," Taemin muses, recalling all the times he has returned from England after vacations wishing that Quidditch was as big of a thing in his home country as it is over here. "Nothing at all?" Minho asks, his eyes growing comically wide at the words. "Yeah," Taemin confirms, adding "Not at Mahoutokoro, at least." "But we do have Dragon lantern shows, if that counts," He says, remembering the many hours he had spent perfecting his spells to create the most intricate lantern to present for judgment. It wasn't about winning. Not to him anyway. Instead it was more than enough to be a part of the spectacle, watching his own lantern along with countless others glide across the sky in a dance never before practiced, but coming to them entirely by instinct. It's always been his favourite time of the whole school year. "Those are mostly an artistic thing, though," He quickly continues talking, because he is starting to feel nostalgic and he can't have that right now. "Ohh, and Koifish races." "Not Firekoi, though. Riding them would sear your skin off. Just the regular kind, you know?" He shrugs, figuring that Minho probably doesn't need him to explain the difference. Everyone knows why Firekoi are just about the very last creature you'd want to sit on the back of. Even the babies can cause the most horrible burns. "I literally have no idea what you are talking about, but it sounds cool," Minho admits, and when Taemin turns a little to glance up at him, his expression is one of utter confusion. It would be cute if it didn't look so funny. Minho has really huge eyes, he realises. But that doesn't take away from his handsomeness in the slightest. If anything, it only adds that special something to his appearance that catches your gaze and makes it linger. "I can show you pictures sometime," He offers and the huge smile Minho shoots him in response is totally worth it.
He grows closer to all of them over the course of the next two months. Minho teaches him Wizard chess and in turn, Taemin shows him how to play Shogi and whenever Minho has some rare chunks of free time, they spent their whole afternoons playing one round after the next. Kibum becomes his study buddy, because he is phenomenal at making him feel guilty for finding distractions in every ghost floating past them and every tiny movement in a painting catching his eye (it's not his fault Kibum always chooses the rooms with the most art on the walls for their study sessions), and it is effective if nothing else. As much as Kibum shakes his head at him, however, he is always there to remind him that he is doing so well whenever Taemin needs it most and doesn't ever hesitate to help him figure out just why his potions turn out wrong sometimes although he has never had an issue with getting them done just fine before. And at the end of the day, Taemin is more than happy to lift his duvet for Kibum to sneak under and lace the older boy's fingers with his. And Jonghyun, most of Jonghyun's and his time together is spend in silence, still, but every once in a while, the older boy will look at him with the softest of smiles and tell him about his favourite books (Taemin learns that there are a whole lot of those) and nap with his head in Taemin's lap and those are his favourite days. They are few and far in between, but he likes them a whole lot.  
The first time Jonghyun asks to kiss him, Taemin stares at him for what feels like a solid five minutes. Jonghyun had been sniffling as he told him about the fight he's had with Minho earlier in the day. It had been nothing too explicit, because Minho is Taemin's friend, too and it wouldn't feel right to hear about all the tiniest details, but it was more than enough for the younger boy to hold him and assure him that Minho loves him a lot and all they need to do is to talk it out. "I guess you're right," Jonghyun had mumbled, his voice muffled against Taemin's chest as his breathing slowed back down to a less frantic pattern and the tension in his limbs eased up. "Of course. I'm always right," Taemin had joked, his hand coming up to run through Jonghyun's hair in an affectionate manner. And Taemin had physically felt the shift in the air around the older boy at the gentle contact, but he didn't think it would lead to this. Didn't think Jonghyun would wiggle out of their hug to look at him and ask him the kind of question that send his mind reeling with confusion. "Sorry," Jonghyun deflates at his lack of a a response, the distance between them growing as he moves to settle down next to Taemin instead.  "I know I get clingy when I'm sad. You can just push me away, it's..." There is a pause as Jonghyun gazes at the ground, a far-away look in his eyes before he shakes his head as if to dismiss his own train of thought.  "Never mind." And Taemin wants to tell him that it's fine. That he doesn't mind kissing (not today, at least) and as long as that's all they are going to do and Jonghyun won't try to shove his tongue into his mouth, he can go right ahead, but it feels like he has missed his chance and it would be weird to say anything now. But he sneaks his arm around the older boy's shoulder, still, because he needs him to know that they are okay, at least. 
"Jonghyun," Taemin calls out the older boy's name as they climb the last flight of stairs to the Gryffindor common room later that same evening. His palms are clammy and his thoughts are racing and he knows he will regret not speaking up. He just knows. There is a look of confusion taking over Jonghyun's face as he turns around to find Taemin trailing behind, but it quickly transforms into something much softer when Taemin blurts out "You can kiss me." "I mean, if you still want to," He backpedals, because he doesn't want to sound more eager than he is. He has known ever since he shared his first kiss with someone that it wasn't ever going to become his favourite thing to do - wasn't going to even make it anywhere near the upper half of the list, really - but if Jonghyun is sad and he is able to help, he is more than okay with doing this.  "I just..." Furrowing his eyebrows, Taemin tries but fails to find the words to explain how he feels, a long pause making silence stretch out between them. "I don't always-" He takes a deep breath, encouraged by the way Jonghyun nods at him as if to say 'Hey, it's all right, take your time.' "I haven't really told anyone about this before 'cause I don't understand it very well myself but I don't want to be kissed always, and I don't want to always be touched, either," He confesses, feeling relieved when he realises that he isn't stumbling over his words like he feared he would. "Okay, I get that," Jonghyun says - missing no more than a beat or two - and Taemin is taken aback at the easy acceptance. But even more so when the older boy tells him, "It's the same for me, actually. But only with sex."  "Ohh, really?" Eyes widening, Taemin musters the older boy in disbelief, because he didn't expect that. Not at all. "Yeah," Jonghyun nods, and as he tells him how it's fine on most days - something he has no issue initiating, even, because he wants it very much - but every now and then, he can't stand to touch or be touched, Taemin feels like he has finally found someone who understands. Who has already discovered the words for something he still struggles to put a name to. They talk some more after that, about tomorrow's lessons and meeting up with Kibum and Minho in the afternoon to practice their spells at the Black Lake and Jonghyun does kiss him in the end. Quick and chaste and just right. Just enough for Taemin to feel entirely comfortable about it. "Thank you," Jonghyun whispers, and then, "Good night," and his smile is bashful as he looks at him. Taemin thinks it's adorable. He keeps standing outside the Gryffindor common room until the painting of the fat lady has shifted back into place, paying no mind to her moaning about hormonal teenagers.
"How are things with Kibum?" Jongin has called this time. At such an ungodly hour in the morning, Taemin has had a few curses thrown at him as he snuck out the dormitory and down into the common room to keep their conversation from being disturbed. It's been a difficult week for the younger boy and although Taemin knows he is terrible at listening, it's what his best friend needs. So for the past twenty minutes, he has tried to stop his mind from wandering (and failed) so many times, he can feel a headache coming on. But he had pulled through somehow and he is proud to say that he hasn't missed any of the essential parts of Jongin's story, either. "Oh, everything's good, yeah," Taemin responds, not quite prepared for the conversation to suddenly move on to him. "You didn't ask, did you?" Jongin drawls, exasperated.  "I'm gonna do it today, gimme a break," There is an edge of stubbornness to his voice, because he just didn't have the chance to bring it up yet, but he's totally going to do it. "You better," Jongin scolds. Taemin can't believe he is letting someone younger than him boss him around like this.
His chance comes a lot earlier than he would have liked, and Taemin finds himself fidgeting with nerves when he meets Kibum in the Great Hall for lunch a few hours later. It's stupid, because Kibum isn't the kind of person to get mad easily or jump to hasty conclusions without listening to the full story. But Taemin is worried, still. Kibum is already there, surrounded by enough food to feed another two people beside himself, but staring off into space without eating any of it. "Hey," Taemin greets, sinking down opposite of the older boy and Kibum's eyes snap up to look at him before he nods in acknowledgement and nudges a bowl with what seems to be the last two chicken wings on the whole table towards him. "I fought a first year to get you these," Kibum says, deadpan.   "You what?" Taemin's looks at him in shock, frozen in his seat. "I'm just kidding," Kibum laughs, assuring "I would never," but Taemin isn't sure if he believes him. This is the same person who has spiked a bunch of guys' drinks with some kind of undetectable poison after they waited for Jonghyun outside of class to throw a bunch of nasty sneers at him. They hadn't been able to attend class for days because of the burning blisters all over their bodies. Taemin is glad Kibum likes him. Because at least he won't have to worry about waking up with face deformities or green skin or whatever else those herbs of his can do. "Jonghyunnie will be a bit late," Kibum announces as he begins piling more fruit onto his already overloaded plate. "Someone in his class accidentally set loose a Demiguise in Care of Magical Creatures and it got away." Taemin pulls up one of his eyebrows in silent question and Kibum nods, laughing. "Yeah, I thought the same thing. Jjong's had nothing to do with it, though," He assures, but Taemin can't say he is convinced. He sure as hell wouldn't blame Jonghyun even if he did help the poor creature escape, anyway. Since the last Gamekeeper of Hogwarts left to pursue a life of solace somewhere deep in the Highlands, no one has had the proper skill to treat them right and even with the little experience Taemin has with Magical creatures, he could tell what a miserable state a lot of them are in. "Minho?" Taemin asks, and Kibum shrugs. "No idea." "I saved some mashed potatoes for him, though, just in case he decides to show up," Kibum gestures to one of the small plates between them, visibly proud of himself. It's really endearing. So much so that Taemin almost forgets what it was he had been so anxious about.  It hits him again soon enough, however, when he observes Kibum for a second too long and Jongin's question from this morning forces its way back to the forefront of his mind. "What's with the funny face?" "You look like you're in pain or something," Kibum reaches for one of the few bowls of strawberries left on the table, ignoring the displeased looks he receives from the group of girls sitting next to them. He offers it to Taemin and he takes out three of the biggest ones he finds, placing them on his plate along with the rest of his untouched food. "Are you okay?" The older boy asks, mustering him oddly, "I've got some pastilles in my bag if you're feeling sick." "Oh no, I'm fine," Taemin blurts a bit too quickly, the pitch of his voice much too high to be read as casual. Way to go Taemin, he thinks. Way to be super weird and suspicious about this. Shrugging, as if to say 'Suit yourself', Kibum turns back to his lunch and Taemin mentally curses himself because this would have been his chance. Now he has to bring it up himself, instead of latching on to the older boy's prompting and that's so much more difficult than admitting that no, he wasn't actually okay and he has a million questions ghosting through his head right now he feels stupid wondering about in the first place. "Kibum," Taemin begins, slow and hesitant, pushing the word past his lips like he is only just learning to speak and every syllable puts an unbearable strain on his voice. "Huh?" Kibum refuses to abandon his task of plucking the leaves off his strawberries, his gaze focused in a way that is so typical for the older boy. It's pretty admirable, Taemin thinks, how Kibum is able to muster such concentration for the most simple tasks when Taemin struggles to pay attention even when it comes to those. That's probably why Kibum's grades are so much better than his. And why studying comes a lot easier to him. But that's not what he wanted to ask Kibum about. Has absolutely nothing to do with it, actually, so he quickly brushes off the thought. "Some of the others told me to stop hanging out with you," He hadn't planned to bring this up. It was nothing but stupid gossip and he wasn't going to listen to any of it. Just like he hadn't listened all those times before, when they tried telling him that Kibum is gay (he's not, and dammit, why does it even matter?) or that he dates everyone and their mother (he doesn't) or that he just wants to get into his pants (also false). He enjoys Kibum's company too much to fuck it all up by letting all of that unsolicited advice get to him. But even so, he had failed to ban this particular accusation from his mind. Because as wild as his fellow students imagination seems to be, it kind of makes sense. And confronting his friend about it doesn't sound like such a terrible idea anymore. By far not as terrible of an idea as keeping silent does.   At least they can have a good laugh about it, then. And he won't have to rely on fancy theories in an attempt to fill in the many gaps in the logic himself.  "They said you're…" He hesitates, still, unsure how to make his next words sound as inoffensive as possible. "I'm what?" Kibum doesn't look fazed in the slightest. Just a little impatient, maybe.  "A werewolf," Taemin half-whispers, more dramatic than necessary. There it is. He said it. And it does make sense. If he ignores just how absurd putting it out there in the open like this really makes it sound, he can even think of a few arguments to prove a point. Kibum is hardly ever sleeping in his bed at night like any ordinary wizard should, after all (although he knows the older boy is usually with Jonghyun, but that might as well be an excuse, because it isn't exactly easy to sneak into a dormitory that isn't your own). And Taemin has often wondered why Kibum's robes are always littered with hair (animal hair, for sure) when his wizard pet is an owl. Just about the least hairy creature beside a toad, maybe. Granted, it's not much and there could be a million explanations that don't include the word 'werewolf' at all, but Taemin would sure love to hear those. Kibum pulls up one of his eyebrows in response, anything but impressed, before a heavy sigh makes its way past his lips.  "I wish people would get their facts right for once, seriously." "So you are?" Taemin's eyes grow wide, something like awe in his voice, "A werewolf, I mean?" Pushing another strawberry past his lips, Kibum pauses in contemplation for a moment before he reveals "I'm a shapeshifter." Oh, Taemin thinks. Maybe that kind of makes sense, too? "Like an Animagus?" Taemin wonders, still struggling to connect the dots.  "Kinda, yeah," The older boy nods. "I didn't have to learn to do it, though. That's the difference. I always could." "Runs in the family," He adds. "But I honestly have no idea where the whole werewolf bullshit came from," Giving a small shrug, he clarifies, "My animal form is a cat," and Taemin barely manages to keep himself from cooing, because he loves cats.  "Oh wow, that's actually really cool," Taemin tells him, enthusiasm mounting as he tries to imagine the boy in front of him turning from his tall wizard self into a fluffy cat. It isn't what he expected, but he likes the thought. It's a whole lot cooler than turning into a werewolf, for sure. "Yeah, I know" Kibum says, a slight smile gracing his features, "Of course it is."
But in the following months, Taemin finds himself wondering more often than not, if Kibum really does know. Because even after making it an entire year into their friendship - even after sharing the kind of heavy and the not so heavy stuff one wouldn't usually start a conversation with - Taemin has yet to see Kibum take his animal form. And it's weird. They easily grow close to one another. Much more easily than Taemin ever remembers growing close to someone before, because Kibum is just that comfortable to be around.  But it's for that reason exactly, that he wonders why it's this part of Kibum's identity that he hasn't been granted a closer look at, still. Why Kibum has kept it hidden and locked away and hardly ever even mentions it to him. And why it took months of knowing each other - months of near heart attacks whenever Kibum popped up behind him in the most unlikely places, soundless, because that's what cats do - for him to learn about it in the first place. Taemin tries not to think too much - tries not to fall victim to his own gloomy thoughts - but on some days, it's hard to stop overthinking and he feels sad then. Wonders whether he should bring it up or whether it's safer to play along and hope Kibum will trust him enough to be more open with it some day. Because Taemin really does think it's the coolest thing and he wishes his friend would feel less self-conscious about it.
The castle is peaceful like Taemin has never seen it before, a pleasant quiet following him everywhere he goes. Most of his fellow students are with their families, spending their Easter holidays at home and it's both a strange but not entirely unwelcome change to the busy bustle he is used to. Steps coming to a brief halt in front of the entrance to the Slytherin house, he waits for the wall to open after offering the password before he slips inside the common room. It's late in the afternoon, so the few students still at school are probably hanging out down in Hogsmeade or in the library, just like he intended to as well. But when he went to search for Kibum to make the older boy tag along for a Butterbeer and some snacks, he was nowhere to be found. And neither were Minho and Jonghyun. So after taking a quick detour to snatch a couple of biscuits from one of the tables in the Great Hall, he decided to return to the Slytherin dormitory. The common room is just as deserted as the rest of the school grounds, two girls from a class below him the only ones lounging on a sofa in the corner with a bunch of notes strewn around them. The taller of the two is fast asleep, Taemin notices at second glance, and when he meets the eyes of the shorter one - Taeyeon, he remembers now - she offers a nod and a small smile. Nodding back, he awkwardly lingers in the archway for a moment before deciding that the gray weather is just about the most exciting conversation topic he can come up with right now and he wants to spare her the forced small talk. So he makes a soundless retreat and closes the door of the staircase behind him for good measures. Letting out an internal cheer when he slips into the boy's dormitory to find it empty as well, he already starts planning the perfect afternoon of pajamas, a good nap, some Yaoi manga and a bit of fondling between his legs, when he catches something odd from the corner of his eye. Something he is certain wasn't there when he left a few hours earlier. Stopping dead in his tracks, Taemin furrows his eyebrows at what he now recognises to be a bundle of fur lying atop his duvet. It could easily be mistaken for one of the other students' pets, cats being far from an unusual sight on the school's grounds (and even less of an unusual sight in their dormitories, filled with comfy sleeping spots from top to bottom). But bright green fur isn't exactly a common colour even for a wizard's cat. And as if that alone isn't already enough for Taemin to grow suspicious, the fact that it's the exact same dirty shade of green Kibum had dyed his hair in just a few weeks ago definitely is. Taemin can't say he has much of an idea about how this kind of shapeshifting works, but he doesn't need to to be able to connect the dots. Approaching his bed with the softest and slowest steps he can muster, Taemin finds himself hesitating, uncertainty rising high. If Kibum as a cat is anything like Kibum as a human, he won't appreciate having his sleep disturbed, Taemin muses, and he can think of plenty things nicer than having claw marks all over his face right now.  He is so focused on keeping quiet, however, he doesn't actually look where he is going, the cauldron he so carelessly left on the ground standing right in his path. Jumping in shock when a sudden clatter rips him from his thoughts, his eyes dart around for the source of the noise and he curses himself not for the first time, for always leaving his shit lying around. Nine times out of ten, there isn't no point in bothering to pick up after himself, but sometimes, days like this one come along and he finds himself wishing he wasn't such a mess. Chancing a careful glance towards his bed, where Kibum had been dozing away just a few moments prior, Taemin isn't surprised to find his friend alert and on his feet. Kibum's features are a lot less expressive as a cat but his feline eyes are wide and his back is arched and Taemin doesn't need anyone to spell it out to him, to figure that the older boy is just as startled as he is. Stepping closer to the edge of his bed, Taemin offers a sheepish smile and a small wave. He feels kind of stupid. And Kibum probably does, too, because his paws are rooted to the spot as he stares at him, unblinking. His friend manages to shake himself out of his stupor quicker than Taemin, however, already preparing to jump off the bed and make a speedy retreat to god-knows where and Taemin panics. "No, it's fine, you can stay. I don't mind," He interrupts with maybe a little too much urgency in his voice, if the skeptic glance from Kibum is anything to go by. But he is finally getting to see Kibum as a cat and the last thing he wants is for the older boy to feel like he can't be himself around him. Wizard-shape or not. "But make some space for me," He adds as an afterthought, flapping down face first the second Kibum has scooted over, uncaring of the drawn out mewl of protest Kibum lets out. 
When Taemin wakes up two hours later - from a nap that was not at all planned - Kibum is sitting next to him in his full wizard glory, skimming through the pages of what Taemin vaguely recognises to be one of the Manga (not a Yaoi one, fortunately, although it doesn't really make a difference) from the stash he had brought with him. As if the past few hours had been nothing but a strange dream. But Kibum is in his bed and there is cat hair all over his pillows and his imagination might run a little wild sometimes, but never like this. Before his sleepy thoughts have the chance to carry him further into the abyss of racing thoughts, Kibum is already turning to look at him, though. "You read some weird shit," The older boy observes, unimpressed. "Is this what Muggles in Japan are into?" He asks and Taemin groans, his eyes squeezed shut as he stretches his arms above his head. He is surprised his brain even manages to make sense of the older boy's question through the heavy fog clouding his thoughts. "It's what everyone in Japan is into," Taemin tells him, his voice still thick with sleep. It's a Shonen manga after all. Who doesn't love those? "Even this part?" Kibum insists, shoving an opened page under his nose that shows the female lead in a poor excuse of a bikini, the fabric stretching tight over her massive boobs. Taemin snorts. "Oh yeah, especially this part," He confirms, his initial amusement transforming into full blown laughter at the scandalised look taking over his friend's features. He should definitely take Kibum to Japan some time. It would be hilarious to watch him lose his mind over all the quirks and peculiarities of his home country. "This whole shapeshifter thing is really cool, you know," Taemin remarks, the need itching in his bones, to somehow communicate to Kibum just how much he appreciates to have seen him in his animal form. If only to give his friend whatever assurance he needs. Because with the way Kibum is side-eying him, still, it isn't hard to figure out that insecurity is weighing him down once again. Even if Taemin has yet to understand where it is coming from in the first place. "Not the most useful ability, maybe, but really cool." "You make a cute kitty," He winks, another fit of laughter bubbling up inside of his chest when Kibum shoots him a sharp glare. "Shut up."
It doesn't take long, until the whole thing becomes something like a routine for them. The seventh year's tests and assignments are a heavy burden on Kibum's shoulders and even though it has only been a month since the end of summer vacation it already shows. In his constant tiredness, especially, but in a lot else, too.  He is much less communicative, for one, talking so little on some days, it sends Taemin's worry soaring. And he's irritated, too. Never with him or Jonghyun, but with Minho sometimes - and just about everyone else. It would be funny, watching their fellow Slytherins duking their heads or straight out bolting at Kibum's sight if the older boy wasn't struggling so much.  The only thing that seems to help make the situation bearable is shifting. At least, Taemin assumes it does, because if Kibum isn't studying, he is curled up in Taemin's lap or on his bed, every spare second spent as a cat now that Taemin finally got to see him like this for the first time. Taemin figures there must be something calming about it. Or maybe it just makes life a bit simpler, to be small and cuddly and not have to worry about responsibilities for a bit. Either way, Taemin is glad Kibum wants him to be there. He isn't as naturally comforting of a presence as Jonghyun and he isn't as caring and kind as Minho, but he can be here. If that's what Kibum needs, he can be by his side for however long. At first, Taemin keeps his hands to himself. It's purely without thinking that they twitch into Kibum's direction sometimes, itching to pet his head or stroke along the length of his feline form like he would with any other pet he comes across on the school grounds, but it feels too intrusive in a way. Like overstepping a line not meant to be crossed. Because Kibum hadn't intended for Taemin to see him like this to begin with. And even though Taemin still isn't sure why, the awareness alone is enough to stop him from giving in to his instincts. It isn't a new or unusual thing, for his mind and body to fail at working in tandem, however, and so it is only a matter of time until he buries one of his hands into Kibum's fur entirely on instinct. His friend's response is immediate, his tail freezing mid-sway and Taemin recoils like he has been burned. He feels terrible the moment he realises how unnecessarily vigorous of a reaction he's had, but rather than being offended, Kibum seems concerned above everything else. Musters him as if he isn't sure what to make of his rejection and paws at his arm until Taemin stops avoiding his gaze. It isn't always easy to read Kibum even in his usual wizard form, though, and it's more difficult still, to try and figure out what he wants to tell him when he has no words to get his point across. So when he dives down to nudge Taemin's leg with his head now, the younger boy can only guess what the meaning of it is supposed to be. "Do you want me to keep going?" Taemin asks, cautious and more than ready to backtrack in case he misunderstood, because the last thing he wants is to do something Kibum isn't comfortable with. But Kibum butts his head against his leg a second time in what Taemin recognises to be agreement before he takes a leap and half-jumps into Taemin's lap. Half-jumps, because before he even has the time to really make it there, Taemin lets out an embarrassingly high-pitched squeak and all but shoves him to the opposite side of the bed. "Actually, let's not do that," He tells him, because that's a terrible idea. Really damn terrible. Zero out of ten wouldn't recommend.
"You're ticklish," Kibum observes later, a teasing grin splitting his face. "Maybe I am," Taemin shrugs, feigning indifference, but the last part is distorted by another squeal when Kibum tries to jab his finger into Taemin's tummy. "That's very dangerous territory," Taemin warns, hands raised protectively in front of his lower abdomen as he takes a few breaths to calm down after the scare. "Noted," Kibum assures, but the corners of his lips are twitching uncontrollably as he tries to keep himself from laughing and Taemin is almost sure his friend will go out of his way to use the discovery to his advantage from now on.
It's a couple nights later that Taemin wakes up shivering. Although shivering is still too tame of a word to describe the quivers that are wrecking his body. Letting out a soft groan, he tries sitting up only to find the world around him spinning. Quick and blurry and leaving his head pounding with pain.  He tries to get up anyway, but he ends up stumbling face first into Kibum's bed, missing the older boy's sleeping figure by a mere inch or two. Kibum is a light sleeper, though and the impact is more than enough to shock him awake.  "Taem?" The older boy's voice calls out, way too loud and up close for Taemin's taste. His answer is an unintelligible sound that speaks of suffering and disorientation but when his gaze meets Kibum's, there is an undeniable hint of amusement twinkling in the older boy's eyes. Asshole. He can't believe Kibum's sympathy for him is so painfully nonexistent on some days. "Don't laugh at me, I'm dying over here," Taemin complains, not even trying to stay on his feet anymore as he gathers the last bit of his strength to pull up his feet onto Kibum's bed. "Sorry," Kibum says, without actually sounding sorry in the slightest. But he reaches out to feel his forehead, at least. "You're burning up." It's a fairly unnecessary observation, because he is hot all over, so of course he is burning up, but he doesn't want to act all snappy right now. He just wants Kibum to make it go away. "I feel like shit," He rasps. "We need to take you to the Hospital wing," Kibum announces, but he mere mention of the place makes Taemin shake his head. "Definitely not," He exclaims, another groan pushing its way past his lips when the movement sends a particularly violent wave of dizziness through his body. He hates the Hospital wing and all the disgusting medicine they force you to swallow there. And the ghosts that won't let you sleep in peace. And the thin mattress that always makes his butt hurt so bad, it's torturous to walk for days after. In short, he wouldn't go there voluntarily if he was dying. There is disapproval written all over Kibum's face at his unwillingness to cooperate, but Taemin sure as hell won't let it stop him. "I'm not going," He repeats, somehow managing to sound forceful even with the violent coughing he breaks out into as soon as he has uttered the last syllable.  "Why are you always so stubborn?" Kibum looks so done with him, but he just doesn't understand. Taemin really hates the Hospital wing. "Just…" Taemin pauses, his brain struggling to provide him with the words he is looking for. That, at least, is nothing new, though. He doesn't actually need to have a sky-high fever to fail at speaking. "Don't you have some of your strange herbs for this?" "They're not strange herbs," Kibum narrows his eyes, looking offended for a moment, but in the end he sighs and nods. "Whatever," He rolls over to rummage through the drawer in his bedside table in search of whatever vials and tins and boxes he keeps in there. Taemin wishes he'd just come back and hold him and let him suffer in peace. But all Kibum does is roll his eyes when he tells him exactly that. Pulling out a small bundle of leaves, Kibum considers them for a moment before he mumbles a spell Taemin doesn't catch and they shrink down to almost half their size. Seeming far from satisfied with the result, the older boy gnaws at his lips in uncertainty but decides soon enough that one more time can't hurt as he utters the spell once again. "This should work," Kibum nods to himself. "Here, try it," He presents Taemin with the now dried up leaves, shoving them right under his nose as if that alone is going to be enough to help somehow. "Is it necessary for them to be dried?" Taemin asks, one part curious and the other greatly suspicious. Although Kibum's expertise with Herbology is infamous and he has always been nothing short of fascinated above everything else. If it was him, he would probably be dead already because he would have managed to poison himself years ago. He puked his guts out twice and even fainted once at Mahoutokoro, when Jongin and he searched for a simple red flower with a name Taemin couldn't recall even if he tried and ended up with Hellbore instead. Jongin had told him the colour wasn't quite right but Taemin's conviction couldn't be swayed. The next thing he remembers is waking up on the moist forest ground. Not his proudest moment.  So he is glad Kibum knows what he is doing, at least. Because he sure doesn't. "If you don't want to spend the next two days with your head in a toilet bowl it is, yeah." "Just don't expect anything too tasty," Kibum warns. "And stop flailing around. We have to keep you warm." Allowing his friend to drape the duvet over him, Taemin shifts a little to get comfortable before he squeezes his eyes shut and shoves the leaves into his mouth, his face scrunching up as he chews and swallows as quickly as he can. "Good?" Kibum asks, the smile in his voice audible to Taemin even with his eyes still closed. "Not exactly," He says. "Doesn't taste as terrible as I thought, though." "Of course not, I wouldn't give you anything that tastes terrible babe," Kibum presses a kiss to the top of his head and despite the cold still making Taemin's body shake, he swears he is all but melting at the contact. He loves when Kibum is being so soft with him. "But seriously, stop fidgeting," The older boy reminds and Taemin lets out a scratchy laugh as he settles against his friend. 
The next time Taemin wakes up, the sun is already starting to rise. He is shaking again, but with laughter this time and Kibum's initial worry over the noises he lets out soon evaporates when he realises Taemin isn't in pain. "What the hell?" The older boy asks from the other side of the bed, obviously having not quite decided yet, whether to be amused or bewildered at his odd behaviour. "I had the strangest dream," Taemin manages to force out before another laughing fit interrupts him midway. He isn't entirely awake yet, the last edges of sleep still blurring his consciousness, but he can't stop laughing. "Actually, it wasn't even that funny, but-" He has to cut himself off once more as he is thrown into another fit of laughter. "What was it about?" Taemin tries for a second, to articulate himself. His chest is hurting and he can barely breathe, though, and it's totally not working. "Oh God, what is wrong with you?" Kibum asks, but he is laughing now, too. Even if Taemin is pretty sure it's only because he makes such a funny picture. "It's your herbs," Taemin claims, still a little winded and Kibum pulls up one of his eyebrows in response before he drawls, "Yeah, just blame me, go ahead," the words followed up with a mostly unintelligible mumble about ungrateful friends and never helping out again. Taemin is glad he can always count on him. "You're still pretty hot," The older boy tells him as he reaches out to check his temperature again after some more muttering about how he really can't be that sick if he's so giggly so early in the morning. "I'm always hot," Taemin winks, lips stretching into a grin. Kibum rolls his eyes. "You haven't even been awake for five minutes and I'm already done with you. Good job," He says and Taemin chuckles. "I do what I can." "I'm feeling better though," He announces and Kibum finally smiles at that, all soft and sweet. "I'm glad."
Jonghyun looks like he hasn't slept in days when Taemin joins him up on the tower again for the first time in weeks. There are dark bags under his eyes and he hasn't even brought a book today, but clutches onto one of the Manga Taemin had lend him instead - a story that's meant for easy entertainment more than anything. "It's good to see you," Taemin greets, a smile taking over his face despite the older boy's state because he really is excited to spend time with him again. Jonghyun cracks a tiny smile of his own before he all but collapses on the ground next to him, his body leaning heavy against Taemin's side. Jonghyun had only been allowed to entered the seventh school year at Hogwarts with much difficulty despite his good grades. The situation for wizards of his kind had come within a whisker of escalating more than once in the past few years. And escalate to the point of Kibum, Minho and him fearing for Jonghyun's safety, no less. But it wasn't until the middle of summer break, after an entirely peaceful but 'highly controversial' protest (the Daily Prophet's words, not his) for Muggleborn equality that everything began spiraling out of control. With such speed and intensity, they could barely keep up with everything that was happening until Jonghyun already found the first letter from Hogwarts on his doorstep. A formal notice that things didn't look very good and the headmaster couldn't promise him the possibility of return. They made it work in the end - just barely. But as powerful as a milestone as it had been, Jonghyun and so many others are the ones to bear the brunt of it. Taemin hates it. He thinks it's outrageous, that something like this is happening once again.  Things had been peaceful for a decade or two after the Great Battle of Hogwarts and he'd expect his fellow witches and wizards to have learned from the mistakes of past generations, but hatred against Muggleborns never died down completely and there had been multiple occasions just like that time they had to bandage up Jonghyun's arm, during which Kibum had to accompany Jonghyun on his way to class or back to the safety of the Gryffindor common room to keep the older boy from getting hurt. But that was last year and it's even worse now. So much worse. And the older boy's dark circles and equally dark bruises are only one of many painful proofs of it. Taemin had learned quite a bit about the Western Wizarding world's oppression - and in some cases, straight out hatred - of Muggleborns at Mahoutokoro, but witnessing it first hand had been downright mind blowing to him. Hearing some of the taunts and curses thrown Jonghyun's way (much more vile even, than the dirty looks Kibum has to put up with) stunned him into silence more often than not. In Japan, Muggleborns are celebrated as a great gift - a beautiful alignment of fate that had made it possible for a Muggle family to bear a magical child - and to Taemin, Jonghyun is exactly that. Amazing and wonderful and undeserving of all the hurt he is being put through. "Are you holding up okay?" Taemin asks, his arm slipping around Jonghyun's smaller frame to pull him closer. Jonghyun nods as he leans into the touch and lets his head fall onto Taemin's shoulder.  Searching his brain for anything he could say to provide his friend with some much needed distraction, Taemin latches onto the first thing he sees.  "Are you liking the Manga so far?" He asks, catching its brightly coloured cover out of the corner of his eye. Jonghyun seems confused for a moment, his eyebrows scrunching up, and Taemin thinks it's beyond adorable. "Not exactly," He answers truthfully, a shrug accompanying his words. "Really? What's the issue with it?"  "The portrayal of the female characters," Jonghyun says, a bit of light returning to his eyes. "I don't like it. You know how they are all introduced as these strong women at first and you're thinking 'Finally, some good representation,' but by the tenth volume the artist completely ruins it by making them do all this irrational stuff and turns them into the typical Shoujo characters we've seen a million times before? I've never read a character development that's been worse, seriously. Why bother painting them as tough girls if he gives up halfway through and ends up forcing them into easy stereotypes after all?" Taemin is pretty sure he hasn't grasped half of what Jonghyun just told him - especially once his speaking speed picked up somewhere in the middle - but he's heard enough to get the gist of it. "Did you never notice that?" Jonghyun wonders at the look of confusion that has taken over Taemin's face and Taemin has to admit that no, he totally didn't. Not once. "I guess I didn't pay much attention to the girls?" He tells him. "I just care about the action scenes." "Of course you would," Jonghyun giggles and Taemin can't help but mimic the expression. Jonghyun's laughs are infectious and it's adorable.
It's only two days later that Kibum snaps - when Jonghyun shows up to lunch break with a black eye and a split lip - and smuggles the older boy into the Slytherin dormitory for the first time, because sleeping by himself just isn't safe anymore. Taemin wonders why no one ever stops them, but he doesn't want to ask and risk having their luck slip straight through their fingers. "Even if they'd try to, I wouldn't give a flying fuck," Kibum tells him when he does bring it up at last. It is only much later that he learns that even the teachers knew about Jonghyun's nights spend in the Slytherin dormitory. They knew but chose to to turn a blind eye on it, because many, if not the majority, of them didn't agree with the treatment of Muggleborns, but couldn't do much else to help.  Some of their fellow Slytherins weren't quite so kind, but Taemin expected far worse than the few glares they had thrown their way. Taemin figures it's thanks to Kibum, who can be pretty scary and intimidating if he needs to be. And had openly threatened to accidentally spill a few drops of some highly toxic tincture into their teas if they didn't behave. Which might have helped, too. It isn't ideal and Taemin thinks it's horrible they had to take such measures in the first place, but he finds himself smiling whenever he wakes up to see his friends curled up next to each other, still.  Kibum always makes a point of keeping Jonghyun close, a protective arm wrapped around him even in his sleep and it makes Taemin feel warm all over. He is so glad Kibum and him can be there for the older boy in difficult times like these. (And he especially likes the days when Jonghyun sends him a look from the other bed and gives a careful nod when Taemin asks "Do you have space for one more person over there?" and allows Taemin to reaches out for his hand while Kibum holds him tight.)
Kibum and him are striding through the corridors leading to the Slytherin common room when an unfamiliar voice calls the older boy's name from a distance away.  "Hey Kibum," They yell again, louder this time, and Taemin turns around to find a group of boys approaching. One of them is the same who'd been 'warning' him about Kibum all these months ago and Taemin is instantly alert. It's always the same few people who are unable to accept differences and those boys definitely fall into that category. The kind who talk shit all the time and can't walk past Kibum without dropping a comment and won't leave Jonghyun alone because he's a Muggleborn and he deserves it.  Subtly nudging Kibum to the other side of the broad corridor, Taemin tries to put as much distance between them as possible, the taunting laughs making his lungs constrict. "Did you take your potion today?" One guy asks and another adds "The full moon is out," finishing off with a poor impression of a werewolf's cry. Taemin can see the irritation taking over Kibum's face, his features twisting from what had been an unaffected mask all throughout the past few minutes to a seething sneer. And the other boys seems to be aware of the shift, too, ready to take on the unspoken challenge. Taemin doesn't like it.  It is painful enough to see the countless marks of conflict on Jonghyun's body every day and he really doesn't want Kibum to suffer through the same thing, too. So before his friend has the time to voice the litany of colourful insults he is getting ready to throw at them, Taemin has stepped in front of him. "Go bother someone else," He says with feigned bravery in his voice, before he grabs Kibum's hand to lead him away from the situation. He is surprised that no one tries to stop them, or throws some inappropriate comment at their retreating backs. But it's just as well. Taemin hates these kind of confrontations anyway. He never handles them as well as he would like. Letting go of Kibum once they're in the clear, he asks, "Is it just me or does this school keep becoming a worse place to be?" frustrated and disappointed, but Kibum doesn't answer. "I can take care of myself, you know," He says instead, and Taemin freezes on the spot, worried he's angered his friend, for a moment. When he turns to look at him, Kibum is smiling, though. The fond kind of smile Taemin adores so much more than words can express. "Oh, I don't doubt that," Taemin chuckles. It isn't the first time he witnesses something like this happening, after all. And Kibum is capable of dealing with it so much better than Taemin ever could, that's for sure. He always has the best comebacks and the perfect expressions to excerpt superiority - full of disdain and condescension. "That was sweet of you," Kibum grabs his hand again and gives it a tiny squeeze, and he doesn't let go until their walking up the stairs to the Slytherin dormitory.
Taemin loves Hogwarts. He really does. Enrolling had been like a dream come true - so much so that it made even the prospect of leaving behind his best friend in Japan seem manageable. But the incident with Kibum had been the last straw. The fatal blow to his tiny bubble of pink clouds and excitement he had floated in ever since he first arrived at Hogwarts. It isn't the first time someone is targeting Kibum and it is far from the only frustrating thing that's happened in the past year, but somehow it took that one confrontation for everything to finally come crashing down at him. And he hates how powerless it makes him feel. Because he can be there and he can stand up for his friends - in those occasional brave moments - but he can never really keep them safe like he wants to. Shield them from all the pointless hatred and the hurtful words and only ever tell them how beautiful and amazing they are.
Taemin can all but feel Kibum fuming as they make their way back to the Slytherin common room. The older boy's strides are quick - too quick for him to keep up with, almost - and his expression is tight with anger. It takes until rounding multiple corners and leaving the last of their fellow students behind, for Kibum to voice his frustration, though. "I can't believe they are doing this. It's so fucking messed up." "At least they will be allowed to finish the school year," Taemin tries to muster a little positivity, but Kibum crushes it right on the spot. "Ohh yeah, how gracious of them," He spits, all tense shoulders and seething words. Taemin is glad Kibum's anger isn't directed at him, because it scares him to see his friend like this. Kibum has always been the passionate type, but it isn't often that he gets angry and Taemin understands, but he doesn't like it. He never likes people getting angry. Before his discomfort has the chance to reach the point of being unbearable, however, Kibum's entire demeanour shifts - narrowed eyes and gritted teeth making way for hanging shoulders and heavy sighs. "Why is it always like this?" He asks, dejected.  "Why do we keep making the same mistakes all over again?" Taemin has no answer for him. 
Kibum sneaks outside again later that night and doesn't return until long after midnight, without Jonghyun in tow like Taemin expected. If it wasn't for his tail brushing against his nose, Taemin wouldn't even have noticed. But as graceful as Kibum is with his movements as a cat, he is always a little clumsy with his tail. Enough so for Taemin to be the one to pick up shards and broken items from the ground more often than he can count. "Where'd you go?" Taemin slurs, peering over at his friend with hooded eyes. Kibum looks like he is contemplating for a moment, his ears twitching into every which direction and his tail swaying from left to right. And it startles Taemin when he jumps back onto the ground only to stand a few feet above him all of a sudden as he shifts back into his wizard self, the transformation hidden in the dark. "Jonghyun," Kibum says simply, and Taemin is confused, because what where they talking about again? Oh yeah, right. He really shouldn't try and have a sensible conversation when his mind is so fuzzy, he can barely remember his own name. "You used protection I hope." "Shut up," Kibum says, but it lacks the sass he is very much capable of. That's never a good sign. "Is he doing okay?" Taemin asks, worry filling up his chest at every second of silence ticking by. The news of the day had been crushing to them. Hogwarts won't be allowed to accept any more Muggleborns from the next school year on (there will be a special school introduced for their kind and Taemin doesn't even want to imagine what that entails) and the ones already enrolled at school won't be allowed to take their N.E.W.T.s without passing multiple Ministry-controlled preliminary tests to determine their skills. Which they all know means that the Ministry will do everything in their power to make it as hard for them as possible. Stepping into his pajama pants, Kibum takes his sweet time responding and Taemin is getting ready to complain just as the older boy finally assures "He's fine." "You know he wasn't planning to get a job in the Wizarding world anyway. So it's gonna be okay," Kibum doesn't look convinced of his own words, though. Not really. But Taemin hopes he is right. Pursuing work in the Wizarding world or not, Jonghyun doesn't deserve to be treated this way. And he hopes Jonghyun knows that. "Why didn't you bring him?" Taemin asks, slightly more awake now. "Minho is with him," Kibum says, and then "Sometimes he needs Minho more than me. " Taemin nods. Jonghyun loves Kibum more than anything, but Taemin has learned that there are days where the boy's presence is a bit too intense and overwhelming. It's still hard for Kibum not to beat himself up whenever Jonghyun tells him that he needs some space and Jonghyun feels sorry every single time, but they are getting there. And if Kibum has a rough day and it's especially upsetting for him, to be send away, Taemin is always waiting right here to provide comfort. Today, Kibum is okay, though. Enough so to crack a small smile when Taemin lifts his duvet to invite him into his bed, even. 
Taemin doesn't comment on the dark hickey peeking out from underneath Jonghyun's school uniform collar the next morning or the matching one he spots on Kibum's shoulder as they are getting dressed. But he can't resist wiggling his eyebrows and shooting Kibum a knowing grin and Kibum looks like he is going to be done with him for the next five weeks at least. "Shut up," Kibum deadpans. "Never."
The sky is covered with fluffy grey clouds - the kind that look like someone has washed one of their pristine white blankets with their black skinny jeans by accident and stretched it above their heads instead of throwing it into the trash - and it has been raining ever since he first woke in the morning. A steady drizzle that might as well continue for the entirety of the week (and maybe next, too. Taemin sure wouldn't be surprised.) And it's the perfect kind of weather for a lazy Sunday. Absolutely stellar. Except Taemin has been on his feet for hours, excitement making it hard to sit still. "Why on earth are you so hyper today?" Kibum lets out a groan as he watches him all but jump down the hallways, barely able to keep up with his fast pace. "You're grinning like you won the lottery or something," The older boy says and Taemin thinks he might as well have. "I'm just happy," Taemin tells him, the disdainful glare Kibum sends him doing nothing to put a damper on his good mood. "We're all going to Hogsmeade together," He gushes when Kibum raises his eyebrow at him. Taemin has no idea how his friend doesn't share the same sentiment. It doesn't happen a whole lot that all four of them have the chance to spend an entire day together. Sure there is lunch and dinner, but even for those their little circle of friends is missing one person more often than not. "You're never this excited when it is just the two of us," His friend accuses and Taemin falters. "But I am," He pouts, not quite upset but still a little shaken. "You know I like you a lot and I love spending time with you," He makes sure to tell Kibum, because there an underlying trace of insecurity to his teasing sometimes and the last thing he wants is to feed into that. "Of course, I know. I didn't mean to upset you, baby," Kibum steps into his personal space to take a hold of his hand and Taemin easily accepts it. He has always liked how much bigger than his Kibum's hand is. Maybe he is biased, but he thinks they fit into each other perfectly.
They are not even on their second Butterbeer and Jonghyun is already properly buzzed. They had stopped by the post office, first, because Minho's parents still insist on receiving their mail the traditional way, before strolling through the village with no particular destination in mind. At least until Dogweed and Deathcap comes into view because there was no stopping Kibum from then on. They spent what must have been an entire hour squeezed into the tiny shop, standing by as Kibum admired their newest arrivals and attentively listened to every bit of information the old lady at the front desk provided him with. Jonghyun and he didn't dare to complain, but Minho wasn't quite so cautious and so before Kibum could use up even the last of the money he brought on colour-changing Chinese ginko leaves and deep sea algae, he unceremoniously guided Kibum out the door without paying his protests any mind. And Kibum had grumbled a little under his breath, but Taemin was surprised he didn't resist more. Perhaps he knew it was going to be futile. Or perhaps the promise of a drink at the Three Broomsticks was enough to have Kibum decide that he's heard enough about herbs today. "We'll have to carry you back to school if you actually finish that," Kibum teases as Jonghyun grabs his mug of Butterbeer with both hands before trusting himself enough to take another sip.  "I told you we should have just went for tea instead," Jonghyun whines, glaring at no one in particular but Taemin doesn't remember the older boy to have been very insistent in his attempt to sway their choice of establishment. It isn't a secret that he doesn't hold his liquor well, but Taemin had never actually seen it and it's adorable. Butterbeer is far from the strongest drink, after all, and yet Jonghyun has already reached a point of slurring his words. Even if it's just the slightest bit. "Come on, I'll order a tea for you," Minho gently eases the mug out of Jonghyun's hands. "Is peppermint fine? I don't think they have anything too fancy here." "Yeah, that's all right. Thank you," Jonghyun nods, but his eyes are glassy and unfocused and Taemin isn't sure if he even knows what he'd agreed to.  "Jonghyun," Kibum calls out, his Adam's apple bobbing with the last gulp of his own drink before he slides Jonghyun's half empty mug to his side of the table. "Yes?" Jonghyun lifts his gaze, questioning. "You're always so messy," Kibum says, and there is no particular intention behind the words, but Taemin can hear Jonghyun's breath hitch as Kibum reaches across to wipe off the foam along Jonghyun's upper lip. The older boy's mouth falls open almost on instinct and Kibum falters briefly before a wicked grin takes over his face as he slips his thumb inside. Just for a second. Just long enough to catch on his bottom row of teeth and tug at his lower lip and make Jonghyun shudder in his seat, before he pulls back. The whine of protest Jonghyun lets out is so loud, Taemin chances a careful glance around to make sure nobody is watching. But Kibum is unfazed. "Later," He says simply. Taemin can't believe he just had to witness that with his own two eyes. When Minho returns, it takes no more than a quick look at Jonghyun for him to notice the older boy's flustered state. "Why are you teasing him when he's already like this?" He narrows his eyes at Kibum, one arm coming to protectively sling around Jonghyun's shoulder as he reclaims his spot next to him. "He likes it, don't you baby?" Kibum shrugs, not looking sorry in the slightest, and judging from the way Jonghyun's gaze keeps finding Kibum's - his expression a mixture of impatient and hopeful - he has no reason to be. Taemin isn't even surprised when Kibum's bed lies empty that night.
Taemin loves Christmas. Not the cold, for sure, and not the snow, either. But the food and spending time with his family and giving out presents.  Especially giving out presents.  Jonghyun and Minho already got theirs early - a Charmander plushie for Jonghyun (sometimes Jongin actually is good for something) and a pair of gloves for Minho (handpicked by Kim Kibum himself) - and Taemin still feels all giddy whenever he recalls just how smiley they both got after the wrapping paper came off. Kibum is excited about the holidays, too. Last year, the older boy's parents weren't around for almost the entirety of December and January - because of a trip to America, to visit a couple of distant relatives, according to the older boy - and Taemin had insisted that his friend should come along to his family's celebration (plus Jongin who came all the way from Japan to see him, but he kind of counts as family, too) back then, but it never happened. Instead Kibum had opted to stay at Hogwarts with Minho and that was that. This Christmas, his parents have no plans of leaving the country, though and Kibum's eyes are shining every time someone asks him about it. It's adorable and Taemin is happy for him. It hadn't been easy for his friend to have no chance to see his parents the previous year and he is glad this time is going to be different. They board the Hogwarts express together and slip into one of the last empty compartments left. Kibum scolds him for propping up his feet on the seat opposite of his (and complains for five minutes straight when Taemin toes of his shoes because "Fine, I'm not getting it dirty anymore now. See?") but in the end they fall into peaceful silence as the train passes snowy hills and fields and tiny towns appearing in the most unlikely spots all along the tracks. Watching the world rush by, Taemin feels his eyelids grow heavier by the second and before he knows, his head is doing the embarrassing bobbing thing as he starts dozing off. "Sleepy?" Kibum asks, and Taemin is conscious enough to let out a soft "Huh?", but although he even manages to open his eyes, he struggles to keep it that way. Sees no reasons to waste his energy fighting it, really. All he needs is somewhere soft to rest his head, and sure, Kibum is infinitely more cozy and petable as a cat, but he's tired and his friend's shoulder looks beyond comfortable. At least compared to the scarce amount of other options he has - the cold train window and the hard armrest and not much else. So he makes the decision on the spot. His body must feel like a dead weight against the older boy, but Kibum doesn't complain. When he turns his head a little to get more comfortable, he can see Kibum grinning out of the corner of his eye. And the urge to tease him about it is strong, but in the end, Taemin decides not to comment on it. 
"My mum said she'd be waiting on the platform to pick us up," Taemin forces out between muffled yawns as they squeeze their way through family reunifications and heaps of lost students crowding Platform 9 3/4. "Does she look a lot like you? Just way shorter and with more meat on her ribs?" Kibum asks, and Taemin furrows his eyebrows, because yeah, she totally does. "How do you-" He begins, his voice filled with confusion. He never has the time to finish the question, though, because suddenly his mum is right there, hugging him and fussing over him and if she squeezes him any more tightly he swears he is going to suffocate. Pointing into his friend's direction, Taemin introduces him with an awkward mumble of, "Mum, this is Kibum." Kibum makes up for it tenfold, though as he sends his mother the most dashing smile and extends his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you ma'am." "Ohh my, our Taeminnie never told me what a handsome young man you are," Taemin's mum says, mustering Kibum from top to bottom before accepting his handshake. Taemin wants the ground to swallow him whole.
They drop Kibum off a few blocks from his home because he insists it's fine and Taemin is just a little sad that they won't see each other for two whole weeks. But Kibum is going to have a great time at home, he is sure. And he doesn't want to ruin that by whining about how much he is going to miss his friend. So he smiles and waves and hugs Kibum tight one last time and they part ways just like that. His mum gushes about Kibum and his good manners and his pretty face the entire rest of the way home and it's embarrassing, but Taemin can't say he disagrees with her. 
Once they have arrived, he lies down for a nap without bothering to unpack (he wouldn't even have stripped of his school uniform if his mother didn't scold him for wrinkling his dress shirt) and catches another three hours of sleep before his body finally decides he has rested enough for the day. His mind is fuzzy and he is still a bit unsteady on his feet when he staggers to the other side of his room to flip open his suitcase, so when a sudden buzzing sound cuts through the silence, he has no idea where it is coming from at first. But then it happens again, and again, in a suspiciously meticulous pattern, and Oh. Oh, right. He does own a phone, doesn't he? Frantically tossing boxer shorts and school books aside, he fishes the device from the depths of his suitcase just as the vibrations pick up a second time to signalise an incoming call. It's from an unknown number and Taemin stares at his phone like he hopes the intensity of his gaze alone will be enough to make it stop ringing, because he sure as hell isn't going to pick that up. Unknown numbers are begging to be ignored.  Breathing a sigh of relief when the call is turned over to voice mail, he thinks that whoever it is will call again if it's actually important. Or they'll never call ever again. He could live with that, too. Luck isn't on his side today, however, and it's less than a minute later, that the vibrating picks up again. Taemin swears it sounds more insistent this time, even.  And he struggles to make the decision to pick up, his body all but fighting him as he begins reaching out, but in the end, he manages to drag his thumb over the screen and lift the device to his ear.  "Yes?" He asks, careful and ready to throw his phone across the room if someone tries to talk to him about Jesus or congratulate him for his one million pound lottery win. "Finally, for fuck sake," Kibum's voice sounds from the other end of the line, annoyed but oddly relieved, even as he asks, "Do you always take this long to answer your phone?" "Bum?" Taemin blinks. He didn't expect that for sure. "Where did you get my number?"  "From you?" Kibum drawls, clearly impatient.  "Can I come over?"  "Umm, yeah?" Taemin is confused. Very confused. He's been home for no more than five hours and he didn't expect to hear from Kibum any time soon. Wasn't even sure if they would be in contact at all until their trip back to Hogwarts after the New Year. "Right now?" He asks, his brain barely able to keep up with the sudden request. "Good, I'll be there in a bit," Kibum says simply and hangs up before Taemin can complain about his question being so blatantly ignored. Sometimes Kibum really is kind of unbelievable.
"Okay, what's up?" Taemin demands to know the second they got the awkward introductions and half-assed explanations out of the way. (Kibum came up with some white lie on the spot and Taemin nodded along without listening, because he knows Kibum so much better than that). "You know I'm thrilled to have you here and stuff, but what's going on?" Making a quick gesture to invite Kibum to sit on his bed, Taemin plops down without much finesse, hoping to break some of the odd tension between them. A look of conflict passes over Kibum's face, and he takes his time joining his friend, the silence between them becoming harder to bear by the second. "My parents were fighting," He admits at last, his eyes jumping all across Taemin's room to avoid his gaze and Taemin's heart sinks at his friend's hunched shoulders and uncharacteristically meek voice. "Lots." "With you? Or with each other?" Taemin wonders. He isn't sure what he'd expected to hear. Had attempted to come up with a reason for Kibum's request the moment their phone call ended, only to turn up empty-handed every time. All he knows is that by the time Kibum arrived, his chest was tight with worry. "Both," Kibum looks like it pains him, to keep speaking, and Taemin wants to tell him that it's okay. That he doesn't have to force himself. But Kibum seems to have made up his mind already. "They found out what I'm doing at school," He says, and Taemin has no idea what his friend is talking about, until Kibum elaborates "You know being involved with more people beside Jonghyun." Because that kind of makes sense. As much as Taemin wishes it didn't. "The headmaster contacted them about it after someone 'voiced their concern' or some shit like that," Kibum goes on, his voice turning bitter and Taemin's eyes grow wide. "Are you serious?" Kibum nods and Taemin doesn't even try to hide how much it pisses him off that anyone would do something like this. "That's so messed up, what the hell?" "I mean…I get that people don't understand. I don't expect them to," Kibum says. "But I wish they'd mind their own fucking business." "I'm sorry," Taemin knows it isn't going to fix anything, but he feels the need to say it anyway.  "It's okay. I just need some time away from home right now," Kibum says, scooting closer to rest his head on Taemin's shoulder. "My parents will get around. They always do," Taemin feels him shrug, a weak little motion, and Taemin can't help but wonder how often this happens. He doesn't think there is anything about his friend that warrants any freak outs. Disapproval, maybe, or concern, but most of it is irrational above everything else.  He doesn't intend to ask about it, but Kibum knows him too well by now. Well enough to read the question in his eyes without him uttering a single word. "They knew about Jonghyun and me for a long time. And they couldn't stand the thought of it at first," He says, teeth worrying his lips. "It's all about maintaining face to them. Being a perfect and pristine picture of a family. You know," The pause is followed by a shaky sigh, and then "The kind that is only ever envied and gossiped about for their achievements, not their flaws." Taemin nods, an automatic motion. Those kind of people exist for sure. "They didn't like me dying my hair, either," Kibum goes on. "But that they were able to look past pretty quickly at least." It hits Taemin then, that Kibum has hardly every mentioned his family around him. Often enough for Taemin to know that Kibum is an only child and his parents have always worked a lot, but not much else besides that.  Not a word about arguments or unrealistic expectations or anything of the like. "So this happens a lot?" If he is honest, Taemin is scared to ask, because he knows he won't like Kibum's answer. "I guess," Kibum shrugs. "It used to be way more often when I wasn't attending Hogwarts yet. Now it's just whenever shit like this happens." "Don't worry about it," Kibum nudges his shoulder when Taemin pulls back a little to look at him, lost and wanting so badly to help, but having no idea how. "It's okay," The older boy repeats. Taemin would have no problem detecting the uncertainty in it from a mile away, though. And there is something else that bothers him. "You never told me about any of this," Taemin mumbles, trying but failing to keep the disappointment from sneaking into his voice. It's the first time he hears Kibum speak about his parents in a manner that isn't vaguely positive at the very least and he trusts that his friend has had his reasons to keep quiet, but it upsets him, still, to think that Kibum never even mentioned it. "I know," Kibum sighs. "I'm sorry." "But to be honest, there was no reason to," He says, finally meeting his eyes as he explains "Ever since we took that vacation together back before you and I first met everything was going really well. And I thought they finally accepted that I'm just…not the conventional type." "But I guess they are still struggling to wrap their head around having a son that won't graduate with flying colours and work a high position at the Ministry of Magic and bring a wife and three children to the table five years down the road," His friend doesn't sound upset. Resigned is more like it, and Taemin isn't sure which is worse.  Taemin knows he got lucky with his own parents, because it is rare to find a Korean mum and dad who are quite as open-minded as them. His dad spent the entire first twenty six years of his life in London and his mum came to England to study, so he guesses that's how their attitude became liberal like it is today. But then again, Kibum's parents have been in England for a good three decades, too, so there probably isn't much to be certain about with any of this. Taemin thinks it's funny, because he still remembers what kind of an image he's had of Kibum all the way back when they first met. How he looked at him and immediately decided that he knew Kibum's type. Knew that he was one of those people Taemin used to despise. The kind that has a huge talent for one specific field, but excels at every other subject, too.  As if it wouldn't be so much more fair to distribute talent evenly amongst the population.  Give everyone a piece of the cake. But even more than the unnecessarily large amount of skills, Taemin hated when those exact people were the ones to stress about every little test and project as if failure was imminent. As if it wasn't already clear that they would emerge with the highest scores and a few extra words of praise from the teacher and all else good students deserved. Meeting Kibum, however, he learned that just like everything in life, this too was an issue far from black and white. Learned that Kibum wasn't perfect and didn't always radiate confidence and simply needed a little reassurance sometimes. Placing his hand on top of Kibum's, Taemin gives it an encouraging squeeze. "Maybe you're not the conventional type, but your still pretty amazing," He tells him. Kibum looks surprised for a second before the corners of his lips twitch into a smile. "Yeah, I'm magical," He agrees, and it doesn't sound entirely sincere, but there is a twinkle in Kibum's eyes that Taemin knows all to well.  Pulling Kibum close, Taemin presses a kiss to the top of his head and Kibum is full-on grinning now. So bright and beautiful, it makes Taemin's heart flutter with excitement. And he is just a little sad when Kibum leans over to rest his head on his shoulder a second time, because he can't see his face properly like this. Taemin likes looking at Kibum.   He's perfect. His sharp eyes and bow-shaped lips and defined jaw. His broad shoulders and wavy hair and big hands. Each feature is contrasting with the next, and it shouldn't make for such a fitting picture, and yet it does. It's unconventional, just like most of Kibum is unconventional, but that's what Taemin loves about him. He could probably tell Kibum that the sound of running water turns him on (it doesn't), or that he always needs to have at least five stuffed animals in his bed at night to be able to fall asleep (one is more than enough) and Kibum would treat it with the same open mind as he treated everything else Taemin has ever told him. And that's beautiful, too.  But sometimes Taemin doesn't think Kibum knows. When it's one of those days where he avoids his own eyes in every mirror and and complains about his school uniform being too tight - implications of 'my shoulders are too broad' or 'I totally gained weight' sprinkled in left and right - and Taemin can practically see just how uncomfortable he feels in his own skin. Taemin always wondered where it was coming from. And what kind of events would trigger it. Because the Kibum he spends most of his time with is confident and blunt and doesn't care what others say.  Only now he is starting to feel like the pieces of the puzzle are finally coming together. "You really are. Amazing. And magical," Taemin thinks that he will keep saying it until Kibum will believe him. Until even the last hint of sarcasm will be gone from Kibum's voice. "What's with you today?" Kibum musters him suspiciously, like he is trying to figure out whether Taemin is just messing with him at this point. Taemin isn't sure if he finds anything. But he doesn't need to. Because when he reaches up to brush Kibum's bangs out of his eyes, Kibum holds his breath - as if he already knows what's going to happen. Taemin has never been particularly enthusiastic about kissing, but sometimes Kibum smiles at him like he is the most precious thing in the world, or gets that look of infinite fondness in his eyes when their gazes meet and Taemin feels the intense need to be close to Kibum then. As close as he possibly can without shedding their clothes and letting their hands wander across bare skin. Today it's neither. Today, Kibum's gaze is guarded and his shoulders are tense and Taemin wants to help. Even if he can do no more than take Kibum's mind off his parents for a while. Kibum's lips are soft against his own when he kisses him. Taemin had made sure to keep his approach slow, to grant his friend enough time to assess the situation and tell him no if he'd rather Taemin staying away. Kibum meets him halfway, though, nothing but the sheer fear of frightening Taemin keeping him from crowding the younger boy into the wall. And it's nice. It's nice until Kibum tilts his head and presses closer, hands gripping at either side of his waist. His movements are just as slow and careful as Taemin's had been, giving the younger boy the freedom to retreat if he feels uncomfortable with anything Kibum is doing, but Taemin remembers all too soon, why he doesn't usually kiss people. And Kibum's touch serves as a stark reminder, his skin burning in a way that is almost painful. Pulling back with a jerk, Taemin sucks in a deep breath to force down the wave of panic building in his chest and he feels so, so bad when Kibum immediately moves to the other side of the bed. "I'm sorry," Kibum says, the apology followed by the soft question of "Are you okay?" "Fine," Taemin insists, but when he shifts back into Kibum's personal space, the older boy shakes his head. "You don't have to," Kibum tells him, his eyes searching Taemin's face as he keeps his palms flat against the younger boy's chest to leave a safe distance between them. "I know," Taemin nods. He leans in to place a kiss on Kibum's cheek this time, but it doesn't feel right anymore.  'But I want to,' is left unsaid, because Taemin feels stupid now. Offering comfort was all he wanted to do, but it's been replaced by regret burning in the pit of his stomach, because he should have known it wouldn't be enough. And he feels like an idiot for trying, still.  But Kibum's smile seems a bit more genuine now and he doesn't look quite so dejected anymore, and Taemin doesn't want to ruin that. Doesn't want to make this about him when it's Kibum who's had a shitty day and needs cheering up.
They have dinner with Taemin's parents, no questions asked about Kibum's sudden appearance. His parents aren't exactly the relaxed type and Taemin can all but feel the suspicion and the unspoken questions hanging in the air, but he is grateful they decided to keep those to themselves for now. Kibum is still tense - albeit doing a decent enough job covering up the signs and fooling his parents, at least - and Taemin doesn't want him to feel any worse. Retreating back into Taemin's room as soon as the dinner table is clear, they unpack the few items of clothing and toiletries Kibum had stuffed into the first bag he found before bolting from his home.  "I won't bother you for long," Kibum makes sure to tell him, because the pile of clothes he brought kind of makes it look like he planned to spend a lot more than just the two weeks of Winter holidays with him. "You aren't a bother," Taemin retorts. "It sucks that you have to deal with this, but I'm glad you're here. Two weeks without you would have been pretty hard." Pulling up one of his eyebrows, Kibum considers his words for a moment before he breaks out into a teasing smile. "I think you're taking it a bit too far with all the flattery today." Taemin feels heat rise into his cheeks at the obnoxious wink Kibum sends his way. It is a miracle that even after all this time, he isn't used to Kibum's flirting yet. Throwing himself onto his bed, he buries his face into his pillow to hide how flustered he his. Not that Kibum can't read him like an open book by now. "Taem?" Kibum calls out for him, and when Taemin lifts his head to look at him, the older boy has his teeth buried into his lower lip, conflicted. It's such a sudden shift that it leaves Taemin's head spinning. "Would you mind if I shifted for a bit?" Kibum asks. "Of course not," Taemin assures quickly. "You literally don't even have to ask." "But a quick warning is always good," Taemin adds. "Right. Thanks. You can go ahead and…do whatever I guess. I just need some peace," Kibum shrugs and Taemin nods because he really doesn't mind. And he expects Kibum to move into another room, because he never shifts in front of him, but the older boy is hesitating, still. Finally, he steps closer to join him on his bed, leaving them in the exact same spots they had abandoned less than an hour ago when Taemin's mum called them to the dinner table.  "It is very useful, you know," Kibum says - out of the blue - and Taemin has no idea what he is referring to. "Being able to turn into a cat, I mean," Kibum explains. "It takes a lot of stress away," He says and Taemin isn't sure where Kibum is going with this, but it is interesting to hear him talk so candidly about a skill he always treats with such secrecy and reluctance. It had Taemin wondering a lot, whether it is actually a burden to his friend rather than a blessing. Had him wondering whether there was much of a purpose to it at all and whether Kibum would be better off not being able to turn into a cat at will. But it starts making more sense now. He had figured that shifting did serve some kind of purpose to the older boy. One that went beyond looking soft and cuddly and having the ability to make himself fit into a shoebox. He could never quite see the connection, though. But he kind of gets it now. There is no need for speaking as a cat, no need for complex verbal communication like there is as a wizard. And Taemin images it to be more instinctive and simple, too.  "I don't know what I would do without it," Kibum adds. "But why are you so insecure about it then?" Taemin asks the question he'd been burning to pose for the longest time. "Cause people are stupid," Kibum shrugs, feigning indifference, but Taemin sees right through him.  "That's a vague answer," Taemin remarks, and he doesn't mean to upset his friend, but since they are already on the topic, he feels like maybe he can press a bit more. Because Kibum doesn't seem uncomfortable per se. More so frustrated, his voice heavy with it as he retorts, "If you heard about how much of a freak you are almost every day for years of your life, you wouldn't think it's so vague anymore."' "In a goddamn Wizarding society," He shakes his head as if he can't believe it himself, just how people would react to his abilities. "Isn't this shit supposed to be normal here?"  "You know I think it's amazing, right?" Taemin tells him. Because it is. And Taemin hates that anyone would try to make Kibum feel otherwise. "Yeah, I know," Kibum nods, some of the tension leaving his body as he sinks into Taemin's side, "I'm glad you do."  It's the first time Kibum doesn't leave. The transformation is over in a flash, the seamless morphing from skin to fur and human limbs to elegant curves barely visible to the eye. But Taemin is struck by awe either way. "That's so cool," He swoons as Kibum jumps onto his bed, the older boy letting out a warning hiss when Taemin reaches out with a devilish grin, ready to mess with his tail. "Okay okay, sorry," Taemin apologises, holding up his hands in defeat but not looking sorry in the slightest. Kibum is so used to his antics by now, he isn't fazed. And even Taemin's comment of "Just so you know, if you don't wanna see Manga dudes having messy sex, you should close your eyes for like the next two hours," as he holds up the first book from the pile of Yaoi Manga he plans to make his way through doesn't earn him much of a reaction. Taemin remembers the first time he allowed himself to read one of them with his friend curled up next to him. Remembers how Kibum had been indifferent at first, uncaring of the decidedly plain dialogue, but how his interest (and indignation) had been sparked the second things became more steamy. Kibum had pawed at the bright red 'Rated R' sticker on the cover, as if to say 'You're only 15 you're not supposed to read this, Lee Taemin', but they both knew it was all for show. Taemin has never cared much about what he is and isn't supposed to do and Kibum has been friends with him long enough to have stopped bothering to try and lecture the younger boy. It's nothing but a waste of breath anyway. Today, Kibum doesn't even bat an eyelash anymore. But he makes a point of maneuvering his body so his head is buried in Taemin's chest, the last of the tension in his limbs easing as his eyes fall shut and he relaxes against his friend. Taemin grins, tempted to tell Kibum just how adorable of a picture he makes, but he figures he's already cooed about him enough in the last hour. He doesn't want to spoil him too much, after all. One of his hands comes up to ruffle behind Kibum's ears ever so often - an absent-minded motion - and he smiles when Kibum's body starts vibrating with purrs. He knows there isn't much he can do for his friend, but he is glad he can make him feel good. It's reassuring to know his presence isn't entirely useless, especially on days like this one where he wishes he could be there for him in every way he needs. And he feels grateful, to have the privilege of being allowed to see his friend in such a vulnerable position. As a wizard, Kibum is tall and broad-shouldered. Unwavering. But as a cat, he is so lithe and breakable, Taemin worries he could hurt him sometimes. He never would, but it's would be so easy, and it scares to know Kibum is straying about the castle grounds as a cat every once in a while. It's easy to cause serious damage to such a small creature and there are enough people who have no qualms doing so. But they aren't in Hogwarts right now and Kibum is safe with him. He always will be.
Christmas Eve goes by in a flash, and without a hitch, too. Lots of socialising, lots of food, but nothing out of the ordinary. Except that Taemin isn't the only person below forty at the table, which doesn't only make for a welcome change, but a more relaxing time as well. Because at least his parents' attention isn't always on him like this. And at least he doesn't have to explain why his Potions mark was so much better at Mahoutokoro than it is now. Or justify why his hair is now a dashing shade of blonde. Or talk about Jongin and what his family is doing this wonderful Christmas season when he still misses his best friend so dearly, the last thing he wants is to be reminded that they aren't spending the holidays together for the first time in over ten years. Instead, they are grilling Kibum about anything and everything (Taemin alternates between feeling bad for his friend and kicking him in the shin from across the table because it really isn't necessary for Kibum to spill any "funny" stories about their time at Hogwarts to his parents), but he is impressed at how well Kibum is handling it. He would have had to excuse himself and hide in the restroom hours ago because all the attention would have stressed him out so much. Kibum stays engaged all the way through, though. And Taemin can tell how much his mum adores him. The asshole knows exactly how to be nice and charming in the right moments and it's so endearing, Taemin can't stop smiling. 
His parents are returning to work after the holidays - his mum to her newly opened workshop in Diagon Alley and his dad to his Muggle job as an elementary school teacher - and Kibum and him are all too soon beginning to run out of exciting things to do. Yes, lazing around is nice and ignoring their responsibilities even nicer (although their unfinished assignments are bound to come bite them in the ass sooner rather than later, but Taemin oh-so conveniently chooses not to think about that for now). And they both hadn't minded sleeping large portions of the day away just because they could. But it's getting boring. Just a little.  "I'm bored," Taemin makes his disdain known, a pout on his lips as he nudges Kibum's leg with his foot. They are spread out on Taemin's bed, their heads facing into opposite directions with Taemin lying with his head at the foot of his bed and Kibum sitting with his back against his bedrest. Kibum is knitting what looks like another one of many colourful socks while Taemin slips in and out of a light sleep. Knitting is a hobby Taemin would tease his friend about a whole lot more, if it wasn't so convenient. Because the comfiness of the socks is no joke and if he is extra nice, Kibum won't mind gifting them to him.  "What do you want me to do about it?" Kibum looks entirely unimpressed as he glances up from his task for no more than a split second. "Entertain me?" Taemin suggests, but before Kibum can verbalise the disdain that is taking over his features, he is already speaking up again. "Ohh, I have a great idea," Taemin exclaims, jumping to his feet. He slips out the door only to return a few moments later, presenting Kibum with a bottle of dark blue, glittering liquid and two glasses. "We should try some of this," Taemin decides. "My dad usually has a glass after dinner," He nods to himself. He had wanted to try ever since he was little and sometimes his dad would allow him a tiny sip but never more. They aren't complete strangers to alcoholic beverages anymore, though - even if Butterbeer isn't exactly the epitome of hard alcohol - so Taemin figures it can't end too badly. They are responsible individuals, after all. And besides, "It's good for you." "Okay, fine. A glass won't hurt," Kibum shrugs, and Taemin is sure he must look like a fish with his mouth hanging open when Kibum agrees so easily. He had been certain Kibum would jump into one of his great soliloquies about the dangers of irresponsibility and how they haven't been raised to disobey (and blatantly disregard) rules at Hogwarts but he doesn't even bat an eyelash. It's kind of concerning. Taemin wonders if he is starting to rub off on his friend. But he can't say he minds if it means he will finally have Kibum go along with his ideas without a one hour long argument about the pros and cons for once. "You're not supposed to have more anyway. Look, it says right here on the bottle," Taemin points to the note of warning at the bottom of the label like he actually cares, bright red letters talking of all the various side effects caused by irresponsible consumption of the liquor. 
Later, he swears he hears Kibum's voice reminding him 'Just one' as he makes to pour himself another glass, but the taste is too good and Kibum isn't particularly forceful in his efforts and Taemin can't bring himself to listen. How they ended up lying next to each other on the carpet in front of his bed, Taemin doesn't remember, though. The ceiling above them is spinning with the most exciting lights and colours and every time he tries to get up, he falls back over, his legs too shaky to support him. And maybe that's why they should have stopped after the first glass. Maybe that's why it's stated so explicitly on the bottle, with illustrations and capital letters and everything. But god, Taemin couldn't care less. Because the fuzzy feeling in the pit of his stomach is about the most amazing sensation he's felt in a while. Like a faint buzz of adrenaline, mixed with excitement over absolutely nothing but the existence of the world and the pretty shapes now floating all around them. "Bum, look, that's a nice shade of pink," Taemin points at the fluffy clouds hanging a couple feet above his head. They really should do this more, it's amazing. "All I see is stars," Kibum responds, the words reaching Taemin with multiple seconds of delay. "No pink?" The younger boy asks, his voice filled with disappointment. "Nope," Kibum shrugs and Taemin shakes his head in disapproval as he claims "I think you're just not looking hard enough." "Or maybe you need another glass," Taemin's eyes light up as he tries to get back to his feet, giggling uncontrollably, even as gravity keeps him down. "Definitely not," Kibum is quick to intervene, wrapping his arms around his middle to keep him from getting up. "And you don't either." "Kay, Mum," Taemin half-slurs, mostly unaffected by his friend's attempts to restrain him. He likes when Kibum is holding him tight like this - even if it's for no reason other than to stop him from doing something stupid. "I prefer you as a cat sometimes," Taemin declares as he lies down with Kibum halfway on top of him. "And why is that?" Taemin purses his lips in thought for a moment before deciding "You're more cuddly." "I got my head in your lap right now," Kibum deadpans. "Ohh yeah, you do," Taemin eyes widen, as if he is only now realising the position they are in. He is swamped with a wave of affection when Kibum snuggles a little closer for good measures, his hands weaving into the older boy's hair as he orders, "Keep it there." "I don't think I can move anyway," Kibum chuckles.
Waking up a good ten hours later to the worst headache of his life, Taemin groans and twists, almost rolling off the edge of his bed in the process. "Fuck," He clenches his teeth. "Fuck, my head hurts." "Good morning to you, too, love," Comes Kibum's response, and Taemin jumps a little, because he didn't expect his friend to be awake already. When he finally opens his eyes - a huge mistake, because dammit has the sun always been this bright? - he finds Kibum sitting with tousled hair and a book perched in his lap. "It's good for you," Kibum says, voice dripping with sarcasm. "May I remind you that those were your exact words?" Taemin can only guess that Kibum's head is pounding just as badly as his, because the sour twist to his lips speak of pure regret about all the choices he's made in his life so far.  "Well, it was a fun night though, wasn't it?" Taemin insists even as he lies right back down when he finds his head spinning, because maybe it wasn't the greatest idea, he's going to give Kibum that. But his boredom had been cured and he got to cuddle with the older boy and it could have gone a whole lot worse. At least they didn't dare each other to yell 'I want Park Bo Geum to pee on me' out the window or race around the house naked or whatever absurd stuff Muggles do when they've had too much alcohol. "It was," Kibum agrees, his eyes shining as if he suddenly remembers something. "I like how much you praise me when your drunk," He tells him. "I should have counted all the times you professed your love to me last night." "Shut up," Taemin whines.  Eleven times. That's how often he directed some variation of 'Bum, I really love you so much,' at him. Maybe even twelve, if 'I kind of hate you for always being so perfect and beautiful,' counts. He doesn't regret a single second of it, though. "I'm just teasing babe," Kibum assures and Taemin smiles, because God, he loves when Kibum calls him that.  He still remembers how his chest had been filled to the brim with panic the first time Kibum had slipped in the endearment of 'babe' into a conversation. He had been too scared to comment on it back then, because Kibum had been so casual about it. Just as casual as he was about his touches. As if he didn't see anything strange about it at all. But then it happened a second time, and a third. And his discomfort only grew further the more frequent of an occurrence it became, no matter how hard he tried to be okay with it. So despite keeping silent (and gathering all his willpower to appear relaxed and unaffected on the outside) it didn't take long for Kibum to catch on and for the single question of "You don't like me calling you that, do you?" the older boy had asked one day, to transform into a long overdue conversation about all else Taemin had been battling with in his friend's presence. All the affectionate gestures and gentle smiles and fleeting (and not-so fleeting) touches he both enjoyed and didn't. "If it makes you uncomfortable all you have to do is tell me, you know? I won't do it again," Kibum had assured him, blunt and straightforward. Taemin didn't want him to misunderstand, though. "It's not that," He had hesitated for what felt like forever before daring to ask the careful question of "There is no…romantic intention behind it, is there?"  His heart had pounded like crazy, the fear of his friend making fun of him or worse cutting into his chest like claws.  He knew Kibum wasn't like that. He just wasn't. But it didn't help to ease his nerves.  "Ohh," The older boy's face had lit up as if it was finally dawning on him what kind of implications could be lying behind a simple word like that. "I really love you a lot. But not like that," Kibum was quick to tell him, his usual sarcasm pushed aside in favour of sincerity. And Taemin still remembers how relieved he had felt, hearing Kibum's explanation. Because that's what he had been most afraid of. For his friend to be looking for something Taemin couldn't give him. All this time, he worried that every touch, every endearment, every kiss to his cheek was going to boil down to Kibum wanting to cross the boundaries of friendship. But hearing it from Kibum himself, how he wasn't intending to go down that path, made Taemin feel a whole new kind of comfortable with the older boy. And with all his different ways of showing affection, too. "Okay," Taemin nodded, the first hint of a smile having tugged at the corners of his lips as Kibum's words began to really sink in.   "Are you sure?" His friend had asked, looking doubtful. "Yeah," Taemin confirmed, hoping to lift the tension a little with his addition of "You can call me babe all you want then. Or baby. Or whatever else floats your boat." Kibum hadn't looked convinced, still, even with Taemin insisting once more that it really was fine. But when Taemin didn't even falter the next time Kibum called him baby - frozen in place the second he realised he'd done it again, but calming down considerably when Taemin simply smiled at him - the older boy seemed to finally believe him. And he hadn't stopped since.
Sticking out his tongue at his friend, Taemin slips out of bed with the announcement of "Whatever, I'm taking a shower," and Kibum laughs until he can't breathe when he emerges from the bathroom a few minutes later - dripping wet and naked and whining about how he forgot his towel.
It's the first time in a long four weeks, that they are all getting the chance to have dinner together in the Great Hall; Taemin on the bench next to Kibum, and Jonghyun and Minho opposite of them. Jonghyun's hair is a bright pink again - brighter even, than the hundreds of candles hanging above their heads - freshly dyed and vibrant, but his expression doesn't match. And when Taemin's eyes wander to Minho, he finds a similar look on his face. It's unnerving. Taemin doesn't like it. But they naturally start talking about the Christmas holidays and their families and how they spent New Year's eve and Taemin has no idea how to bring it up without making it awkward. He isn't exactly the most tactful person, after all. It turns out he doesn't need to, however. Because as soon as there is a small pause in between their conversations, Minho announces "I need to tell you something," and Taemin finds himself straightening in his seat. "What is it?" Kibum asks, curious, but unfazed. And here he thought he was always the oblivious one. Jonghyun fidgets in his seat as if he already knows what's coming and Taemin wonders if it's all right to start worrying yet. He can't remember ever seeing either of his friends quite so tense and uncertain. "I got an offer to join the junior league of the national Quidditch team," Minho tells them in a rush, sucking in a deep breath before he adds "And I agreed." "But that's good, right?" Taemin asks when no one else does, soft and careful. It sure sounds good, but Minho's expression is still guarded and it makes no sense. Not until Minho adds, "It is. But it means I won't finish the school year." "I wasn't even supposed to come back after the New Year, actually. But I asked them for another month so I wouldn't just pack up my bags and disappear from school without at least saying goodbye." When there comes no reaction from any of them, Minho takes that as his cue to continue speaking as he adds "The initial contract is only for a year, but they're providing me with my own apartment. I already moved some of my stuff there and it's not the most spacious, but there is more than enough room for two people." Taemin chances a glance at Kibum, because he doesn't get where this is going and he needs to check if he is the only one. His friend's expression is unmoving like Taemin has never seen it before, though, and all it does is stress him out more. Maybe he really is the oblivious one because at this point he feels like they all know something he doesn't. "Two people as in…" Taemin provides. "Minho and I," Jonghyun speaks up for the first time, his gaze glued to his half-empty plate as if he can't bear to look at their faces right now. Kibum has been eerily silent throughout the entire conversation, but Taemin feels him tensing up next to him at Jonghyun's words. "What?" Taemin swears Kibum's face is drained of all its colour and he instinctively shifts closer to the older boy. "I know the school has tried hard to make the year bearable for me but I'm sick of it," Jonghyun confesses, eyes swimming with sadness. "I don't plan to ever work in the Wizarding world anyway, and even if I did, there are plenty of places to get into fine even with my O.W.L.s marks, so this is the best opportunity I could have asked for." "So you two are gonna move in together?" It's him who breaks the silence that follows, because he understands - knows that if it was him in Jonghyun's shoes, he would have cracked a long time ago, really. And he doesn't want Jonghyun to feel like he doesn't support his choice.  "Yeah," Jonghyun nods, grateful, flashing Taemin the tiniest smile as he explains "At least until the situation for Muggleborns will become better." "But maybe finding a Muggle job in London will already help me keep my distance from any ill-willed wizards," He adds, more hopeful than Taemin has heard him sound in months. And Taemin doesn't care how much it sucks that this is what Jonghyun has to do to avoid being treated like shit, because there finally is a spark of light in the older boy's eyes again and that is all that matters. "Kibum," Jonghyun calls out his name as he turns to look at him and Taemin's hand lands on Kibum's thigh as he gives it an encouraging squeeze. Averting his eyes as soon as his friends' gazes lock in an attempt to give them a bit of privacy in a room full of students, he looks at Minho instead. And, after a moment of hesitation, sends him a smile, too. "Minho will keep me safe," He hears Jonghyun tell Kibum and Kibum leaves them all startled as he stands to lean across the table and places a quick kiss on Jonghyun's lips. "I know," He says, and then turns to Minho before reminding "Just be careful, yeah?" "Of course. Always," Minho promises.
It becomes a lot more difficult to catch Kibum in the weeks following New Year's eve. The date of his N.E.W.T.s is still months away, but their teachers make sure to pile one assignment after the next on the seventh graders. They don't hang out a lot, and if they do, their time is filled with exhausted silence and not much else. But sometimes Taemin stays down in the common room and reads Manga while Kibum studies. And sometimes Kibum sneaks into bed with him when Taemin is already fast asleep, and he finds himself waking up in the morning to the older boy's fur tickling his skin and it isn't much, but it means the world to him.
The first Quidditch game of the year and Minho's last ever game at Hogwarts is a match between Gryffindor and Slytherin.  Taemin has already saved Kibum and himself a good spot amongst the students of Gryffindor to cheer on Minho for his Grande finale, but the dark clouds that have been covering the sky ever since yesterday evening are becoming more threatening by the moment and Taemin doesn't have a good feeling about this. The first hit of lightning strikes ten minutes before the start of the game and he is dripping wet before he can even think to retreat, shivering from the cold and deciding that he definitely isn't going to wait out in the rain any longer. It's only as he makes his way back to the Slytherin common room - his clothes sticking to his skin in ever place he can think of - that he wonders where Kibum is. He hadn't been anywhere near the Quidditch pitch, that Taemin is sure of. And they hadn't run into each other in the hallway yet, either. So he can't be far. If he has even stepped past the threshold to their common room in the first place, because that's where Taemin had last seen his friend, after all.  "You're back already?" Comes Kibum's voice as soon as he rounds the corner to their beds and he finds Kibum surrounded by books and worksheets - and a bunch of his usual herbs that are supposed to spread some kind of subtle scent helping with concentration.  "The game has been put on hold, I'm not sure if they will play at all today," Taemin tells him, shrugging off his cloak and stripping out of his wet clothes. "It's pouring outside." "Oh," Kibum says and it's only then that Taemin notices the wads of tissues thrown into the mix on his bed and the flatness of his voice. "Is everything okay?" He asks, instantly alert because Kibum never cries in public spaces. Granted, they are still the only ones in the dormitory, but Taemin is sure that's going to change before long. And Kibum is always uber-careful with these things. Slips into the nearest restroom or bites his lips raw and keeps it all inside (a tendency Jonghyun has scolded him about hundreds of times, because it's not healthy, apparently) or buries his face into his shoulder when they are sharing a bed at night and leaves wet patches all over Taemin's shirt. All of that, he is more than used to. But this?  "Not really," Kibum answers and his eyes are brimming with tears just like that, the look of utter sadness in them cutting Taemin straight to the core. He hops into action entirely out of instinct, closing the curtains around Kibum's bed before guiding his wand through the air to keep out any curious eyes and ears. Taemin knows his protective spells aren't half as effective as Kibum's, but he hopes it's going to be enough for now. Most of their fellow Slytherins are probably still hanging around near the Quidditch pitch in case the game does happen after all, but he isn't going to risk having anyone barge in. Because it is rare for Kibum to be this vulnerable with him and the last thing he wants is to make him feel more uncomfortable than he already does. "What's wrong?" He asks, now clad in a too big shirt and pajama pants as he sinks down next to him, one arm slung around Kibum's shoulder. "You're freezing," Kibum complains, but he buries his face into his chest, still. His eyes are closed and his breath is shaking when he finally answers "They're really leaving aren't they?" and it takes Taemin a moment to understand who his friend is referring to. "And I'm stuck here cramming all this shit into my head only to forget everything by the next day." Taemin waits for him to say something more, but all Kibum does is sink his teeth into his lower lip as his tears start rolling and Taemin knows he can't expect him to keep talking. So he holds him tight until he is no longer trembling in his arms. "I mean, I'm still here. You know that, right?" Taemin tells him as he runs his fingers along Kibum's skin in an absent-minded manner. It's difficult, to have their two friends leave so suddenly. Taemin gets that. Especially because Kibum has spent such a large part of his life with them always around. But he had hoped it would lessen the blow just a little, that Kibum still had him right here.  "I won't go anywhere," He promises. "I know," Kibum nods. "But it's not enough?" Taemin asks, and it isn't accusatory or disappointed, but Kibum looks at him like he had never heard him utter such outrageous words. "No, fuck. Don't even think like that, Lee Taemin," He scolds, shoving him none too gently and Taemin smiles because there is the Kibum he knows. "I'm just sad," Kibum shrugs, dragging the back of his hand over his eyes. "But it's gonna be okay. I'll be fine." "Jonghyun and Minho love you very much," Taemin makes sure to remind him, because he feels like Kibum loses sight of that sometimes. Gets so caught up worrying and stressing himself out that he forgets how much he means to them. "And you don't?" Kibum asks, but there is an edge of amusement to his voice. "Of course I love you, too." "I'm just teasing babe, I know you do," Kibum chuckles at the urgency in his voice, but Taemin can practically see him deflate at whatever thought crosses his mind next. "God, I hate feeling like this," Kibum sighs as he lets his head fall onto Taemin's shoulder.  "I wish Jjong was here to suck me off or something," His voice still sounds a little shaky and his cheeks are damp and Taemin wants so badly to help.  "You know I could-" He starts, because as long as Kibum won't want to touch him, too, he thinks that he could make it through well enough, but Kibum cuts him off before he can say anything more. "Absolutely not," He shakes his head, scolding "I don't ever want you to feel like you have to do anything like that to keep me around, okay?"  "Okay," Taemin nods, more than a tiny bit relieved. "You could stay over here for the night, though?" Kibum offers, his hand searching for Taemin's under the duvet and Taemin nods "Sure." That he doesn't have a problem doing at all. Except a very tiny one, maybe. "But first: dinner," He exclaims, because sleeping much longer than necessary is great and all, but he needs his three meals a day to keep him happy. Kibum lets out a sound that is half protest and half exhaustion - a wordless question of 'Do I really have to?'. "Yes, you're absolutely coming, too," Taemin nods, leaving no room for protest.
"You'll do well," Taemin tells him later that night, his arms wrapped around Kibum's middle in what he hopes is a successful attempt at being reassuring. "Thanks," Kibum smiles, and when Taemin leans over to steal a quick kiss from his lips, Kibum lets him.
Kibum brings Jonghyun with him two nights later. 'Just one more time,' He had said, avoiding the word 'last' because he knew they would see each other again. And Taemin had joined them without prompting.  They talk at first - about everything and nothing - but before long, there is only silence left as Jonghyun nuzzles into Taemin's shoulder and Kibum plays with his soft strands of pink hair. Taemin is just about to doze off when Jonghyun shifts and curls up even closer to him, a slight shiver running through his body. "Are you cold?" Kibum's voice sounds from the other side of the bed, his hand brushing against Taemin's arm as he reaches out for Jonghyun. "Just a little," Jonghyun whispers. "Come here," Kibum orders. And Taemin swears his two friends must he communicating through some kind of telepathic powers sometimes, because the sounds Jonghyun lets out in response it both desperate and hopeful. As if he has been waiting for Kibum to say the words all day. Locking eyes with him even as Kibum beckons Jonghyun closer and pulls him into his lap, Taemin is surprised to find his friend's gaze on him all the while. Taemin watches as Kibum sneaks one of his arms around Jonghyun's waist while the other one comes up to grab his chin, a teasing smirk on his lips. "Yeah?" He asks, and Jonghyun nods eagerly, but Kibum is waiting for Taemin to do the same before he pulls his boyfriend into a kiss. It is far from the first time that Taemin is seeing his friends kiss like this. Watches them all but melt into each other with their bodies moving in familiar ease and Jonghyun's lips following Kibum's lead every step of the way. But Taemin is awestruck by the sight over and over again. They are putting on a show, Kibum's hands slipping beneath the hem of Jonghyun's shirt to expose his bare skin and angling his head just right so Taemin gets a good view of their tongues tangling between them. And Taemin can't say he doesn't enjoy it. It's only when Jonghyun starts letting out one high pitched sound after the other that Taemin wonders if he should give them some space. "Bum," He calls out, so quiet, he is worried for a second, that his friend didn't hear him.  "I can leave…" He offers and Kibum musters him for a second before asking, "But do you want to?" Taemin side-eyes Jonghyun for a moment, not sure if the older boy is even aware of their exchange with how far gone he already seems. Shaking his head 'no', Taemin hesitates for a moment, "I just…" "Yeah, okay," Kibum reaches for his hand to give it an encouraging squeeze before grabbing his wrist to guide him closer. And Taemin has no idea what's going to happen, but he trusts that Kibum understands. He knows his limits better than anyone. "Jonghyun," Kibum calls out, radiating authority, even though his next words are gentle. "Taeminnie and I are gonna take care of you, yeah?" He says and Jonghyun is suddenly hyper-aware, fixated on Kibum's face as if he is going to miss something vitally important if he looks away for just a second. "But only if you keep quiet," Kibum continues, and Jonghyun starts nodding even before Kibum has asked "Can you do that for us?"  Pressing closer to Kibum with an insistent whisper of "Please," Jonghyun moves to reclaim his spot in Kibum's lap, but Kibum gestures to Taemin instead and Jonghyun seems quite happy with that idea, too.  Spreading his thighs for the older boy to settle between them, Taemin makes Jonghyun lean back into him as Kibum grabs the hem of his own shirt to pull it over his head before doing the same to Jonghyun's. Everything that happens after is a blur of Taemin kissing Jonghyun's neck - alternating between carding his hands through his hair and pulling hard to keep the older boy in place - while Kibum touches him through his boxer shorts. And the next thing Taemin knows, Jonghyun is tensing up between them as he comes, soft moans spilling from his lips because Kibum ordered him to 'Stop making so much noise, you don't want the whole dorm to hear, do you?' It's beautiful and Taemin can't tear his eyes away even once it's over and Jonghyun is heavy in his arms, sinking back against him as his breathing starts calming down little by little. "You're so cute Jjong," Kibum says, and Taemin smiles when Jonghyun lets out a small whine, hands coming up to cover his face. Very cute indeed. "Are you feeling okay?" Kibum turns to look at him and Taemin nods. Sometimes he doesn't. Sometimes he can hardly look at Kibum afterwards, and it makes him feel terrible every time, because it is never out of regret. Instead he is overwhelmed, plain and simple. But today, he's fine. More than. "Still cold, though," Jonghyun pipes up and they both laugh in response. "What are you waiting for then? Just come back here." They fall asleep curled up into each other, Kibum keeping Jonghyun warm and Taemin holding his hand and Taemin is sure he isn't the only one feeling infinitely safe and happy right now.
Once they have dropped Minho and Jonghyun off at the train station and watched the train disappear in the distance, the rest of the school year seems to go by in a flash. Kibum graduates with flying colours - of course he does, Taemin knew he'd do well - and before they know, the last week has come along and farewell is imminent all over again.  Only this time, Taemin will be left behind completely by himself. It's odd, though, because he is sad, sure. But it's okay. He thought he would be devastated - dread the day months in advance and lose hours upon hours of sleep over the approaching separation. And yet he is nothing but calm, now that it is actually happening. Because he loves Kibum more than anything in the world and he won't get rid of him that easily. So when Kibum mumbles, "I don't want to leave," as they lie next to each other in Taemin's bed, it is the first time he chooses not to respond with 'I don't want you to leave, either.' Instead, he says "I'll come visit you, I promise," his hand finding Kibum's. Because he will. He will travel all the way across the world to see Kibum if that's what it takes. "You better," Kibum tells him, getting ready to poke his tummy, but retreating the moment Taemin lets out a squeal of protest, hands coming up to shield himself. "Right, I forgot," Kibum laughs, "not a good idea." "Just hug me or something, why won't people leave my tummy alone?" Taemin complains, but he is glad Kibum doesn't find enjoyment in his reaction the way others - Minho - do. Because God does he hate that. It's nothing else but plain rude to keep aiming one's jabbing fingers into the general direction of his lower abdomen just to hear him screech like a madman. "Sorry baby," Kibum apologises without looking very sorry at all. But he gathers Taemin in his arms, still, and Taemin loves cuddling with Kibum too much to complain. "I really don't want to leave," Kibum sighs, his face buried in Taemin's mob of dark hair. Taemin is glad Kibum isn't a cat right now, because he would be scared to crush him with how tightly he is holding onto him. They won't be separated for another two days and back in London, their homes aren't too far from one another either. An hour bus ride and a few minutes of walking at most. But Taemin has become so used to having Kibum by his side during the past two years, the thought of being separated for such a long time seems surreal. He trusts that they can make it work, though. They have to.
part 2 (coming soon)
19 notes · View notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Shipping Container Home Made Easy ~ 12.4% Conv ~ $100 First Sale Bonus
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/shipping-container-home-made-easy-12-4-conv-100-first-sale-bonus/
Shipping Container Home Made Easy ~ 12.4% Conv ~ $100 First Sale Bonus
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    “How to
Build a Shipping Container Home
Easily, Cheaply and in Just Days”
Follow my Simple Step-By-Step Plans to Learn How…
Dear Friend,
If you’re researching how to build a shipping container home then this will be one of the most exciting messages you ever read.
Because in the next 3 minutes I’m going to show you how to build your dream home for a fraction of the cost of buying a standard house.
And how to avoid all the mistakes of builders that have come before you.
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Hi, my name is Adam Ketcher.
I’ve personally built 146 shipping container homes for my clients.
And I’ve experienced just about every building situation imaginable.
After years of mastering this unique trade, I’d like to personally teach you everything – and I mean everything – you need to know to build your shipping container home TODAY.
So you can save boatloads of money and time.
And so you can give yourself and your family a safe & beautiful home they’ll be proud to call their own!
My story is probably similar to yours…
I was sick and tired of paying my landlord’s mortgage.
And I wasn’t about to pay a contractor thousands of dollars to build me a house.
I heard about shipping container homes from a friend.
And a week later I was ordering three 40-foot shipping containers from a seller in a neighboring city.
“I’ve got this,” I thought.
“I’m a talented do-it-yourselfer, so this will be easy!”
Boy, was I wrong!
I made mistake after mistake… blunder after blunder… and the the project ended up costing more than if I hired a contractor to build me a mansion!
Over the years I’ve learned a lot of lessons.
“But the most important lesson is to get people – knowledgeable people – to guide you on your do-it-yourself project.”
If you’ll allow me, I’m here to be YOUR guide on your important journey.
I’m here to teach you everything you need to build your house with zero hiccups.
…so you can start your build today and feel confident in the process.
…and so you can ensure your family’s security and safety for years to come.
I’ve put everything I know into a program called:
Shipping Container Home Made Easy™
The Ultimate How-To Guide to Building a Shipping Container Home
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This program is the result of my 18 years of building shipping container homes.
If it can happen… I’ve seen it.
If it can go wrong… it’s gone wrong on me!
But today, I’m considered one of the world’s leading authorities on shipping container home construction.
In fact, I’ve acted as a consultant for companies that would be considered my competition!
So here’s my unbreakable promise to you:
When you invest in this program today, you’ll have the ability to build your own shipping container home…
You’ll build it without headaches, mistakes, or irritating delays…
And you’ll do it for a fraction of what it would normally cost you if you didn’t have me as your guide…
Here Are Some of The Secrets You’ll Discover When You Invest in “Shipping Container Home Made Easy™” Today…
Where to find a surplus of brand new shipping containers where owners will take just about anything to get them off their hands – sometimes even giving them to you for free or PAYING YOU to take them.
You shouldn’t pay more than this much for your containers. If anyone is trying to gouge you for more than this number, then look elsewhere!
The biggest mistake new owners make when building their home. And how to avoid it to sidestep years of potential headaches and tens of thousands of dollars.
How to find shipping containers in your immediate area while dodging the expensive transportation costs of distant suppliers. And how to negotiate to get them for the lowest price possible.
My proven system to build your home to stand up to almost any natural disaster – including earthquakes and hurricanes – making container homes one of the safest housing options available.
My fiercely guarded secret to get high quality containers for pennies on the dollar.
The mistake 95% of people make when purchasing their shipping containers. And the simple way to bypass it to save you from unnecessary fees.
My exact, step by step process for building your home while avoiding nightmare mistakes and wasted money on bad decisions.
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“Hi Adam, I just got done with the finishing touches on my house (see pic)! I went with the side by side 40 foot design and I leaned heavily on your advice and suggestions. I would have been walking in the dark were it not for this program! I just want to send you a sincere note of thanks. If you’re ever in the tri state area give me a buzz. Amy and I would love to have you over for dinner! Thanks again!”
David Ristfold, 35, Camden, PA
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“I am thrilled I bought this guide. It was as good as having a professional at my side helping me decide every little part of my home. I strongly suggest this guide to anyone who is considering building a container home”
Brian Kay, 29, Loughborough, UK
When You’re Done With This Program You’ll Know More Than Most Professional Home Builders!
You’ll also learn how to execute a build that will not only keep you in the green, but oftentimes leave more money in your pocket than you originally planned for!
How to get essential parts for your home ABSOLUTELY FREE. And how doing so will shave up to 30% off the total bill of your build.
The one place NOT to cut corners on your project. And how investing in this will put you 5 steps ahead of most do-it-yourselfers who try to save money in the wrong places.
Why the location of your build influences the price the most. And how to elude extraneous costs by building in zoning pockets the authorities don’t want you to know about.
The 5 essential things you must consider when choosing to build your home yourself … hiring a contractor to do it for you… or a mix of the two.
How to build a heat reflecting roof that standard homes simply can’t compete with. And how it will save you a stack of money in cooling costs within the first few years of use!
The 4 things you must look for in a contractor if you plan to hiring one to build your container home. And why this is so critical, it alone is worth more than 10x times the price of this program.
The most economical load bearing set up for your container home. And why building your home this way will cut the cost of your project by 30%.
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“I accessed the program so many times during my build so I saved it on my desktop. I especially like the chapter about floorplans. My wife and I poured over those for months before deciding on our layout. We now have our dream home and we owe you a big thanks for helping us get there. Highly recommended!”
Ed Rowe, 43, Belmont, NH
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“I bought the program to review before I bought an already built container home because I wanted to know all the things to look out for and its an understatement to say that it overdelivered. It’s clear Mr. Adams put his heart and soul into this and I recommend it to anyone who wants to build a container home or is looking to buy one already built.”
Anthony Lacy, 38, Denver, CO
I Left Nothing to Chance! This Program Will Give You Everything You Need to Build a Seamless Shipping Container Home ON TIME… THE FIRST TIME!
The 7 things you must look for when deciding on a container. As well as 3 insider tips of the professionals to tell if a shipping container is worth your hard-earned money.
Whether you should buy new or used containers. And the single most important thing you must do when pulling the trigger on your purchase.
The type of steel to look for in your containers. Making your home not only durable, but also eco-friendly.
The location on your home where you must spray an inch of ‘closed cell’ polyurethane foam. And why doing so will both exponentially increase the longevity of your new home by at least 10 years AND save you hundreds of dollars on your heating and cooling bill.
How to ensure the structural integrity of your containers when you put in doors and windows. And how this addition will make your containers stronger than their original design.
The best kind of roof that is not only low maintenance, but that will wear beautifully over the years and last longer than any other kind of roof in the industry.
Why you should buy the same brand of containers. And how doing so will pay gains in the long run for your project.
The “slow accumulation affect.” And how to prevent it from creeping in and decimating your build over time.
How to make your home thermally efficient with direct gain passive solar heating. And why this system will virtually eliminate all heating costs while keeping your home at a constant temperature (even in the winter).
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“After dealing with the nightmare of buying our last home only to sell it at a loss of $30k I wanted something affordable and BIG enough for my 5 member Family. We live in a double decker SC home now and everyone always asks us how we did it. This is by far the best book to show you how you can get your custom SC home too.”
Jason Dormer, 47, Cle Elum, WA
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“If you’re considering building your own shipping container home then you would have to be nuts not to get this book. Adam is at the top of his trade, and he parts with all his wisdom in this book. You will avoid a million mistakes with this book at your side. Believe me, the small investment will pay off big time! It did for me.”
Ken Funakoshi, 43, Aina Haina, HI
Let Me Show You All My Secrets to Get Land & Permits While Sidestepping The Nightmare of Red Tape… Paperwork… and Headaches Caused By Local Authorities
The one critical question you must ask the planning authorities when looking at land for your build. And how their answer will help you determine whether or not a plot of land is right for you.
How to put together a strong case for your container home. And why a little leg work before the application process will ensure you a YES when you ask to build your home on your dream site.
My secret way to find land at bargain basement prices. When you hear this one you’ll be heading out the door before you even finish slapping your forehead.
The easiest way to submit your permits to local authorities so your home is approved in the shortest time possible.
The one thing you must do BEFORE your containers arrive to your land. And why preparing this before rather than after will not only save you a mint of money, but save your back from unnecessary labor.
The crafty way to use landscaping to your home’s unfair advantage. Saving you thousands on insulation costs and labor.
Why you should design your container home before you shop for land. And how to avoid land codes that are hostile towards new home owners like you.
My devious way to “make good” with zoning authorities to bypass months of headaches and frustrating delays. Trust me, you’re going to want to know this one!
Why your container home isn’t bound to a certain location or zip code. So should you ever need to, you can “move your house” to any new location you see fit.
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“Two months after buying this course we were ready to move into our own shipping container house and it was everything we hoped for. It was much cheaper than we expected, and in my opinion it’s better in so many ways, too. I strongly suggest Adam’s course if you’re looking to take the plunge yourself.”
Mike Teunissen, 42, Globe, AZ
I’m also Going to Teach You How to Design Your Container Home. This is The Funnest Part of the Build! And I’m Going to Pull Back The Curtain to Give You TONS of Great Ideas For Your Project!
You’ll get a myriad of potential floor plans for your new container home. Included are the most widely used designs, but I’ve also included my most popular “personal plans” I guarantee no other program will give you.
How to build your container home to leave room for growth – adding more containers when needed – and only limited by your creativity and imagination.
The type of paint once used by NASA that you should use for the outside of your home. And why this particular paint is PERFECT for container housing.
How to arrange your home design to give you plenty of parking without having to build a garage and without having to construct a separate carport.
The specific type of containers that allow for more head room. And how to find them at near identical pricing as the stuffy, 8 foot tall versions.
How to find the real age of a container – regardless of what the dealer tells you.
How to build a shipping container office. And how designing for office needs is different than designing for living spaces.
Why a container that still has its original wooden floor is a BAD SIGN. And which floor you want instead to guarantee a smooth interior build.
The 4 types of foundations you can use for your home. And how to choose the right one for your specific land & layout requirements.
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“I build and sell container homes for a living. I’ve hired Adam on multiple occasions as a consultant. His depth of knowledge is simply unmatched in the industry and his program will show you all the steps you need to take to build a container home yourself. But better than that, he’ll show you all the things to avoid (and trust me, there are many things to avoid!)”
Gary Case, 54, Huntington Beach, Ca
So I have to ask…
How much would it be worth to avoid the mountain of obstacles waiting for you when you build your shipping container home?
The truth is, people just like you are losing tens of thousands of dollars in common mistakes when building their container homes without guidance.
Needless to say, this can turn into a VERY expensive project.
So the smartest thing you can do is get an expert on your side right from the start.
Since I’m that expert – and since I love helping do-it-yourselfers like you – I’m going to make you a limited time special promotional offer.
Having a consultant guide you through this process would require an investment of at least $5,000 (and that would still only get you a fraction of what’s included in this program).
Well don’t worry, because I’m not going to ask you to spend anything like that kind of money! So for a limited time only, I’m making Shipping Container Home Made Easy™ available for only…
NOTE: Shipping Container Home Made Easy™ is a digital product. You will receive access to the entire system immediately after you order – even if it’s 2am!
A puny amount.
Especially when you consider you’re getting ME on your team (that’s over 18 years of trade secrets)!
And well worth it when you consider all the expensive mistakes you’re about to avoid!
EVERYTHING you need to build your own shipping container home is right here in this program.
But you’ll have to act NOW.
The next time you come to this page it’s possible it will be more expensive.
Potentially up to 3X as expensive.
So to secure your copy right now…
And You’ll Also Get a 60 Day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
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Just to make this the easiest decision you ever made, I’m going to include a 60 day, no questions asked, money back guarantee.
That means if you don’t absolutely love this program…
And if you don’t send me an excited email with pictures of your beautiful new home…
Then I don’t want your money.
I’ll refund your full purchase price.
So here’s the smart way to do it…
Don’t decide now.
Get the program… go through it at your own pace… and decide later if it was worth your investment.
When you take that approach that makes this a complete no-brainer, wouldn’t you agree?
“To Further Sweeten The Pot, I’m Also Throwing in Some Awesome Bonuses!”
BONUS #1: Shipping Container Homesteading – $67 (YOURS FREE!)
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First, you’ll get one of my most sought after program “Shipping Container Homesteading.”
As a do-it-yourselfer you obviously value self-reliance.
And one of the best ways to rely on yourself is to grow your own food … raise your own animals for meat … and preserve your harvest for future security.
Not only does it ensure you organic, healthy food, but since grocery stores are always the first thing to go in a catastrophe, you’ll ensure your survival for all likely tragedies.
Everything you need to thrive is at your fingertips in “Shipping Container Homesteading,” my best-selling homesteading guide that I typically sell to my clients for $67.
But I’m going to include it with your order
Absolutely FREE
BONUS #2: Shipping Container Negotiation Secrets: $47 (YOURS FREE!)
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Nothing is better than getting a ridiculously good deal on your shipping containers.
It’s one of those things that swells your chest with pride, and you can’t help but bring it up when people visit your home.
In this handy guide, you’ll discover:
Which size containers are best for your build requirements
What certifications to look for in your containers
The best way to find dealers in your area
Cunning ways to get the price down on your purchase
How to negotiate delivery
How to prepare your lot for drop off
Where to find free containers and/or people who will pay you to take containers off their hands
And much more…
This program retails for $47, but it’s YOURS FREE with your purchase today.
BONUS #3: Living Off-The-Grid: $47 (YOURS FREE!)
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In this gem of a program you’ll learn the step-by-step methods for making your own electricity.
You’ll learn the best options when it comes to solar, wind, and micro-hydro generation.
There is a lot of information on the internet, but this is the only program that shows you how to make your own electricity in the scope of container home living – focusing on cost effectiveness and the advantages of a shipping container-based electric system.
This program is sold for $47, but it’s YOURS FREE today!
BONUS #4: Preparing for the Coming Collapse: $47 (YOURS FREE!)
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Let’s face it, part of the reason we love shipping container homes is because they’re ideal for grid-down situations.
And people just like you have come up with a variety of brilliant methods to prepare their containers homes for the coming collapse.
Like they say…
It’s better to have and not need, than need and not have.
With this book at your side, you’ll put yourself in the best position possible to ensure the survival of you and your family.
Retail price is $47. YOURS FREE today.
BONUS #5: Lifetime Updates Guarantee: $47/Update (YOURS FREE!)
I’m always looking to improve The Shipping Container Home Made Easy™ program, because I want to make sure that you get the best possible results both now, and in the future too.
So when I update the system and add new techniques that I’ve discovered, you’ll be the first to know! In fact, I will send you the new, updated edition straight to your inbox, absolutely free!
BONUS #6: Customer Support By Author: $120/Hour (YOURS FREE!)
Finally, you’re going to get what is perhaps the most valuable bonus for this program – UNLIMITED SUPPORT by me, Adam Ketchner!
That means you can ask me questions … pick my brain … and call on me during your build.
You’ll have ME in your back pocket. And that kind of support is absolutely unheard of in this space!
“So Let’s Review What You Get by Ordering Now…”
My Program “Shipping Container Home Made Easy™” will give you my step-by-step methods to build your shipping container home in the fastest, most affordable way possible.
Retail price $67 YOURS FOR JUST $47
“Shipping Container Homesteading” will show you how to turn your container home project into a homestead where you can successfully live off the fat of the land.
Retail price $67 YOURS FREE
My program “Shipping Container Negotiation Secrets” which will unveil all the secrets to not only get your shipping containers for a fraction of retail, but also where to find free containers and people who will pay you to take them off their hands.
Retail price $47 YOURS FREE
“Living Off-The-Grid” will show you the step-by-step methods for making your own electricity with solar, wind and micro-hydro generation.
Retail price $47 YOURS FREE
“Preparing for the Coming Collapse” will outline how other do-it-yourselfers have leveraged their container home project into a bug out location for the most daunting worst case scenarios imaginable.
Retail price $47 YOURS FREE
“Guaranteed Lifetime Updates”
Retail price $47 (per Update) YOURS FREE
“Unlimited Support” by the author, Adam Ketchner.
Retail price $120 (per Hour) YOURS FREE
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NOTE: Shipping Container Home Made Easy™ is a digital product. You will receive access to the entire system immediately after you order – even if it’s 2am!
Hi, Are You Still Here?
Maybe that’s because you’re still on the fence about “Shipping Container Home Made Easy™”
If that’s the case, let’s review your options, shall we?
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OPTION #1: Carry on with your current living situation.
Research on the edges of this breakthrough home building evolution and always wonder if this program was the exact thing you needed to get your own custom home at an unbelievable price.
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OPTION #2: Try to do it yourself.
Mimic the years of research … blood … sweat … and tears I put into this program … waste thousands of dollars in costly mistakes … and maybe you end up with your own shipping container home.
: Or you can take the Smart, Easiest and FASTEST OPTION!
The ONLY option.
And get the most direct route to your shipping container home.
BE EXCITED that you choose to invest in your future.
And be proud that you’re taking a giant step closer to the home of your dreams!
You’ve read this far into this letter for a reason.
There’s a feeling inside you that KNOWS your home is just on the other side of saying YES today.
And remember…
You have absolutely nothing to lose!
If you don’t LOVE this program, just send me a 5 second email and I’ll refund every penny of your money.
That means you can discover ALL my secrets with absolutely ZERO risk.
So either you win… or you win.
Pretty good odds, right?
THAT’S how much I KNOW “Shipping Container Home Made Easy™” is going to make your eyes pop with its abundance of valuable secrets.
The sooner you get started the sooner you’ll get your dream home.
So don’t wait one second longer.
Just click the “Add To Cart” button below and together let’s officially kick off your container home project!
NOTE: Shipping Container Home Made Easy™ is a digital product. You will receive access to the entire system immediately after you order – even if it’s 2am!
P.S. Remember, this is the only program on the market written by the world’s #1 authority on shipping container homes. It contains ALL MY SECRETS from my 18 years in the business and 146 successful projects. It will give you everything you need to build your shipping container home in the quickest … easiest … most cost effective way possible!
P.P.S. Please bear in mind that the price of Shipping Container Home Made Easy™ is incredibly low, and has been deliberately kept low. However, I cannot guarantee that the price will remain this low on a permanent basis. So if you come back tomorrow and the price has changed to $67 or more, you have been warned!
P.P.P.S. Being sceptical is natural, but I’ve made sure that there’s absolutely no risk to you! When you order Shipping Container Home Made Easy™ you are fully protected by a rock-solid 60-day money-back guarantee.
You risk absolutely NOTHING!
“Shipping Container Home Made Easy™” Now >
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binancydrew · 7 years
top 5 and bottom 5 kudos fics
tagged by @clarkescrusade, and i guess this sounds fun so why not. thanks boo.
rules: tag the person who tagged you, always post the rules, answer the questions, and add the date!
What are your five most popular works? (in descending order)
1. bound by the secrets we share | bellarke, 48k, E, completed 1/25/16
"Clarke, hi," he muttered, his face scrunched up in frustration as he finally managed to release the button, breathing in a large gulp of air.
They had only met a handful of times, twice before the match (both surprise guard inspections), and two more times since then.
She managed to twitch her mouth into a small smile. “You having a hard time breathing, too?”
Bellamy let out a choked laugh. “Yeah.”
Clarke nodded. “I’m nervous.”
Bellamy pulled his lips into a tight line. “It’ll be fine.”
The official stepped out into the hall and told them it was time to begin, Bellamy and Clarke exchanged a wary look. Bellamy held out his hand and Clarke slipped hers into his slightly clammy grasp and she trailed behind him into the room.
my biggest and longest endeavor. it took me a whole year from beginning to end. i struggled through re-writes and lack of inspiration, and i grew tremendously as a writer throughout the process. but it is the thing i am most proud of completing and i am happy that so many people loved it and encouraged me through it. 
2. teacher's pet | bellarke, 16k, E, completed 7/14/15
As soon as she arrived at the school, the office pointed her in the direction of her son’s second grade class and she knocked as she pushed open the door.
“Mr. Blake?” She said, pushing into the room. “I’m--”
Clarke nearly tripped over the rug. Lex was sitting in the front row of the classroom, just to the right of the teachers desk where sat none other than the illusive Just Bellamy.
“Fuck,” Clarke whispered.
Lex whipped around, gaping at her.
“Oh my god, sorry, baby.” Clarke pleaded with her child.
Bellamy cleared his throat, and Clarke dragged her gaze painfully back to his. No, no, no. Please don’t be my sons teacher. “I’m Mr. Blake.” Oh my god, I fucked my sons teacher.
hahahahaha, this started out as a two-shot and the response was SO intense i ended up turning it into a full blown fic. there were lots of little chapters, snapshots into the story. probaby some of the best smut i’ve ever written. it’s fun, and my wheelhouse, so i enjoyed this one a lot.
3. baggage claim | bellarke, 20k, M, completed 5/25/15
“You look a little young to be a doctor, Mrs. Griffin.” Bellamy joked.
Clarke blushed, “It’s just miss, and yeah, I get that a lot.” She had her arms folded across her chest as she leaned against the door. He had a lean build, messy dark curls (in a good way) and a medley of freckles across the bridge of his nose and cheekbones. He had a funny way of pursing his lips when he smiled that kind of made her weak. It was an understatement to say he was handsome.
He had picked up his suitcase and dragged it behind him out into the hallway.
“Hang on, let me grab yours.”
“Oh, no, I can come--”
“No, no, please, let me.”
Clarke hung back in the doorway and she watched the man stroll back to his own room, disappearing into it for just a short moment. He came back into sight with her own belongings and she let out a deep breath with a smile.
He noticed how her eyes got real bright when she smiled, and he noticed the small gap between her two front teeth and the cute dimple in her chin. And he definitely noticed that she was the perfect height to fit against his own… not that he was… thinking about… that.
“Well, what a fun adventure this has been.” Clarke said, moving the bag just inside the door.
Bellamy nodded in agreement, “It was nice to meet you doc.” He took a small step backwards, smiling, before shoving his hands in his pockets and returning to his room. Once he was back in the quiet of his room, he grabbed a wad of clothing from his bag and headed for the bathroom. He indulged in a quick shower to freshen up before he headed down to the bar, feeling relieved to finally be rid of the stiff suit he’d been stuck in all day.
ah classic airport luggage switchup. this started out as a oneshot, and then i got crazy. it’s hard for me to read back because i think the writing was pretty weak, especially in the beginning. it was one of the first things i ever started writing. but it’s fun and a little silly so.
4. home is where the heart is | bellarke, 30k, M, completed on 9/8/14
“I’d be just fine on the couch.” She stepped closer.
“I’m sure you would, but you’ll probably get a better nights sleep if you sleep in the bed.”
“Why don’t we share?”
Clarke was surprised at the words coming out of her own mouth, only inches from Bellamy, heat radiating between them. “Oh?” Bellamy brought his hand to Clarke’s face, her skin soft under his calloused palm.
Tension dangled between them. She’d be gone tomorrow. What could it hurt. They both needed a release, a comfort, whatever you want to call it.
my very first full blown fic. i am still very proud of this. completing this was not easy, and it was such a learning experience. it’s terrifying to share something you created with the world, and i was so happy about the response and encouragement i got from it. my little southern small town au baby,
5. a kiss is a secret which takes the lips for the ear | bellarke, 1453, G, posted 12/6/14
"What?" Clarke demanded.
"Uh, what, what? What the hell was that?"
Clarke raised an eyebrow, “What was what?” She looked around innocently.
"You just kissed Bellamy!"
"No, I didn’t!" Clarke exclaimed.
"Uh, yeah, you totally did."
Clarke got quiet, “Oh, my god.”
"Yeaaah," Raven tittered.
haha, i think this was a prompt, and probably posted before 12/6 because i was weird about cross posting for awhile. this, i think, got a lot of notes on tumblr. maybe one of my first viral tumblr fics. it was a really cool feeling and i still adore this fic.
What are your five least popular works by kudos? (in ascending order)
1. Stronger in the Contrast | bellarke, 2.2k, T, posted 10/27/16
“That’s a lot of rations.” She’s frowning. “You realize this is a day trip.”
He huffs, tipping his head towards her. “A lot can happen in a day.”
Remember what happened the day Charlotte died. Jumped off a cliff.
Bellamy slams his eyes shut.
All because you told her to slay her demons.
“Bellamy?” Clarke’s voice sounds far away, tugging at his consciousness. He jerks back to attention. “What’s going on with you?”
lol, i hated writing this and i hated how it turned out. bff halloweek fill.
2. Endurance: Mecha | gen/bellarke, 65k, T, completed 7/31/16
[Camera pans over a dense forest that opens out onto a rugged coastline, crystal waters lapping at the sand and zooms in on a man clad in a blue and yellow Hawaiian-print shirt walking along the shore]
Marcus Kane: Right now ten guys and ten girls from all across the country are about to embark on a journey of a lifetime. They will be isolated from their friends and families and put to the test. These twenty kids will see if they have both the ability and the Endurance to overcome obstacles to achieve a goal. As this group of strangers makes their way across the sea, they must mentally prepare themselves to have their courage, strength and stamina tested.
[Camera pans to a boat skimming across rugged water, a lanky boy with disheveled brown hair and a goofy smile leans on the edge of the boat]
this was my absolute favorite project i’ve ever done. i actually wrote it with @clarkescrusade. i am sad it never gained the traction we were hoping for. we even presented it like a tv show and had an interactive blog and everything. oh well, i still do and always will adore this project with all my heart.
3. that you just might | bellarke, 1694, T, posted 12/17/15
“How’ve you been?” Clarke laughs at his attempt to make small talk.
“We live together, Bellamy.”
i think this was for a ss and i copped out and just built on a drabble i had already written. it was fine and cute. nothing revolutionary.
4. Feel The Love In The Room | bellarke, 2k, posted 12/21/15
“Ready for presents?” Bellamy asks, raising an eyebrow.
“I never am.” Clarke smiles at him.
a christmas fill for the bellarke advent calendar i think? it was silly and cute, again, not very revolutionary.
5. a little more touch my body | feyrhys, 5k, abandoned on 8/23/16
In an instantaneous decision Feyre turns her head, capturing Rhys’ lips with her own. He lets out a surprised yelp before relaxing into it. It true fashion, Rhys makes a show of tangling one hand in her hair and settling the other on her hip, tugging her in closer.
The kiss is innocent enough at first, a firm, chaste pressure, though Feyre is certain she can almost taste the whiskey. She can’t help but let out a soft moan when Rhys slips the tips of his fingers beneath the hem of her top, thumb rubbing along the soft skin above her waistband.
Feyre makes another split second decision and slides her tongue along the seam of his lips, and he opens for her eagerly. The noise around them seems to dull, and her ears now roar, blood rushing through her, electricity humming through every vein in her body. Rhys’ hand travels around her midsection, his palm pressing flat against the small of her back.
Rhys’ spins the stool towards her, and Feyre steps in between his legs. He drops the hand from her hair and places it on her hip as well. Her hands grasp at his shirt and she takes another step closer, their bodies flush.
my first real attempt at writing something non-bellarke. it was fun and smutty. i kind of lost interest. but the fandom was small but it was well received!
anyways, thanks annie. that was fun. i can continue to cringe at all my bad writing my afar now. too lazy to tag anyone else. or maybe @yalenayardeen and @ofhobbitsandwomen i guess, if you want.
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angelsfalling16 · 6 years
Fic Masterlist
All of my fics together in one place. There are a lot, so I’m putting them below a cut.
Chaptered Fics
A Fairytale Love (4k)
Penelope tells a bedtime story to her children about a dragon named Simon and a boy named Baz.
Part 2 | Read on ao3
A Terrible Idea (13k)
Simon and Baz live in neighboring apartments, and one day, Simon smells something burning in the next apartment over. When he finds out what is going on with Baz, he offers to be Baz’ fake boyfriend when he goes home to visit his family. This is obviously not a good idea because we all know how this will end.
Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Read it on ao3
Beautiful Stranger (25k)
Simon's car breaks down during a storm, and he gets stranded in the middle of nowhere. Deciding to seek shelter, he comes across a large, seemingly abandoned house. It isn't abandoned, though, and he is almost certain that the boy inside is a vampire, planning to kill him.
Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Read it on ao3
Friends Don’t French-Kiss (30k)
Simon and Baz have one of their many arguments, but this time, it ends with them going on fake dates and trying to compete to see who would make a better boyfriend.
Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Read it on ao3
Friends Don’t Get Engaged (13k - in progress)
Plans are well under way for Simon and Baz's wedding, but to Simon, it feels as though everything is spinning out of control. The engagement was supposed to end months ago, but instead, Baz and Penny are planning the most extravagant wedding he's ever seen. What happens when Simon has had enough of all of it? Will Simon and Baz be able to make up, or will this be it for them?
Sequel to Friends Don’t French-Kiss
Chapter 2  |  Chapter 3  |  Read it on ao3
Home Is Wherever You Are - aka the farmer!baz au (130k)
Baz and Simon grew up in neighboring farms and were best friends as kids. But one day, everything changed. Baz quit talking to Simon, and he still doesn’t know why. Now, they’re about to start their senior year of high school, and neither is sure whether they will make up before they graduate.
Chapters: 2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  Bonus Scene | Read it on ao3
Impulse (4.8k)
Baz gets angry at his father and does something impulsive, taking Simon by surprise.
Parts 2 & 3 | Read on ao3
I’m Not the Queen, Snow (2k)
Baz is a dramatic gay, and he kisses Simon first.
Part 2 | Part 3 | Read on ao3
Roller Diner (33k)
Simon gets repeatedly stood up by Agatha at a diner where Baz happens to work. Baz begins to take pity on him, and he isn’t completely sure that the girl really exists. Then, Baz starts to fall for the cute lonely boy. One day, Agatha finally shows up, and nothing goes as any of them would have expected.
 Read on ao3
Sugar, We’re Goin’ Down
Rating: E
Simon keeps running into Baz at various bars, and even though he knows that there is no way that it will end well, he can't keep his hands off of him.
Read on ao3
The Thin Line Between Pretending and Actually Loving You
Baz needs a fake date so that Dev and Niall will stop setting him up, and who better to be that date the guy he hasn't seen since they graduated college several years ago?
Simon and Baz struggle to fool Dev and Niall, but it seems like they're great at fooling themselves. Will they be able to work through whatever this is between them before their planned "break up"? Or are they destined to be separated again?
Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Read on ao3 
Tyrannosaurus? Like the Dinosaur? (11k)
Simon enters a bookshop where Baz works, and they start talking, both clearly attracted to each other. They start to hang out together, but neither of them know whether this thing between them is more than just friendship. Then, they get snowed-in and have to spend the night together.
Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Read it on ao3
Walk A Mile In My Shoes (22k)
Simon and Baz switch bodies, and the only way to switch back is by finding a way to work together. It isn’t easy at first, but the boys find that there is more to each other than they know.
Read it on ao3
Series - 20 First Kisses
20 different ways that Simon and Baz could have had their first kiss. These can all be read alone and in any order that you want.
It Was Just A Dream (1k)
What happens when Simon wakes up and everything that happened in Carry On was just a dream?
Read it on ao3
It Was Just A Dream (rewrite) (2k)
What happens when Simon wakes up and everything that happened in Carry On was just a dream?
Read it on ao3
In Pieces (2k)
Baz is hurting, and all Simon wants to do is help him in any way possible.
Read it on ao3
Almost Gone (1.9k)
Warnings: self-harm/suicide attempt
Simon Snow doesn’t want to be the chosen one anymore, and Baz doesn’t know how to help him.
Read it on ao3
Fifth Year Feelings (3.6k)
Simon and Baz have just gotten back from Christmas break during their fifth year, and Simon hasn’t started dating Agatha.
Read it on ao3
Love’s a Game (2.6k)
Simon and Baz are dancing around each other all morning with gentle touches, but neither one knows why the other is doing it. Simon thinks Baz is plotting something, and Baz thinks Simon is just messing with him.
Read it on ao3
Secret Writings (6.4k)
Baz is writing constantly, and Simon thinks he’s plotting.
Read it on ao3
When the Smoke Clears (1k)
Baz and Simon have gotten rid of the dragon, and Simon is glad Baz is safe.
Read it on ao3
Let’s Not Fight (2.4k)
What if that conversation between Simon and Baz before Baz left for break went a little bit differently?
Read it on ao3
Proof of Your Love (7k)
Baz asks Simon out, but Simon thinks that it’s all a trick and that he is plotting something. Baz has to figure out a way to show Simon that his feelings for him are real.
Read it on ao3
What I’m Trying Say (509 words)
Baz tries to tell Simon how he feels.
Read it on ao3
Just a Taste (994 words)
Simon wants a taste of Baz’ chapstick.
Read it on ao3
Happy Birthday, Baz (4k)
It’s Baz birthday, and Simon can’t keep his eyes off of him or the new makeup that he’s wearing.
Read it on ao3
You’ll Always Be My Princess (7k)
Simon wants Baz to stop calling him ‘Snow’, so Baz comes up with a bunch of other names to call him.
Read it on ao3
Talk Too Much (3.9k)
Simon thinks that Baz talks too much and decides to do something about it.
Read it on ao3
The Touch That Heals (2.8k)
Your soulmate's touch can heal any wounds/scars that you have. With Simon and Baz always fighting, it takes them a long time to realize that they're meant to be.
Read it on ao3
Heated Gaze (3k)
Baz dreams of a future with Simon but knows that he can never have what he wants. But when Simon starts acting strangely, Baz begins to wonder if he was wrong.
Read it on ao3
What Happens in the Dark (4.6k)
Simon and Baz are locked together when the power goes out. Will they find a way to get along, or will the night end with the two of them worse off than before?
Read it on ao3
"I think I might be gay.” (2.7k)
Simon figures out that he has feelings for Baz, and he decides to act on it.
Read it on ao3
The Family You Choose (2.5k)
Baz is hurting after something that his father said to him, and Simon is there to comfort him.
Read it on ao3
First Kisses (1.3k)
Just before they kiss, Simon and Baz think about what they always imagined a first kiss would be like.
Read it on ao3
One Shots
A New Year and A New Beginning (2k)
Penny sets Simon up with a blind date on New Year's Eve. What happens when Simon kisses the wrong person? Will they turn out to be the right person?
Read it on ao3
Acting Up - Simon’s POV (5.9k)
Simon and Baz are actors on a tv show, but they can’t seem to get along. They are given the weekend to learn how to get along or one of them will be fired.
Read it on ao3
Acting Up - Baz’s POV (5.5k)
Simon and Baz are actors on a tv show, but they can’t seem to get along. They are given the weekend to learn how to get along or one of them will be fired.
Read it on ao3
Baz Loves Snow (1.8k)
Baz has a notebook with 'I love Snow' written all over it, and Simon thinks that he means actual snow.
Read it on ao3
Baz Met a Bloke (1.7k)
Someone requested a fic where Fiona and Simon interact, so I decided to rewrite that scene in chapter 56 when Baz visits Fiona. Simon is also there, which Fiona isn't happy about, but not so unhappy that she isn't willing to embarrass Baz.
Read it on ao3
The Best Man (2.8k)
Baz is the best man at his aunt’s wedding, and Simon is his date, who can’t seem to keep his eyes off of him and who is impatient to get back to their hotel room.
Read it on ao3
Can’t See Straight (2k)
Baz spends the night at Simon's flat, and Simon finds out something about him.
Read it on ao3
Carry On, Simon (3k)
Set not too long after Carry On takes place, Baz and Simon are happy boyfriends.
Read it on ao3
Coffee and Flowers (3k)
Simon thinks Baz is up to something (what’s new?) so he follows him to try to find out what he’s up to. It turns out that the thing Baz is doing isn’t bad at all, and Simon’s even decides to help him.
Read it on ao3
It Doesn’t Mean Anything, Right? (1k)
It was right next to the lips, so it doesn’t mean anything. Right?
Or, Simon is oblivious and thinks Baz is plotting something. Again.
Just Relax (4.3k)
Rating: E
Baz gives Simon an oily massage to help him relax.
Read it on ao3
Kisses and Blood (1.6k)
Warnings: Major Character Death
A fic based on this quote from Carry On: Those were my fifth-year fantasies: kisses and blood and Snow ridding the world of me.
Read it on ao3
Kisses and Blood (alternate ending) (1.9k)
This is the alternate (happier) version of another fic that I wrote with the same title.
A fic based on this quote from Carry On: Those were my fifth-year fantasies: kisses and blood and Snow ridding the world of me.
Read it on ao3
Not Like This (4.1k)
Simon and Baz are playing a game, and their friends are forcing them to kiss, but Baz doesn’t want to kiss Simon. Not like this anyway.
Read it on ao3
Returning to Watford (3k)
Baz returns to Watford after winter break, and he has to figure out how to be in their room without Simon there. He’s lonely and misses Simon.
Read it on ao3
Rolling Around (2k)
Simon is covered in leaves and grass, and Baz is curious about what he was doing.
Read it on ao3
Scrapbooking (1k)
Simon collects tickets, photos, and other various items but never gets around to doing anything with them. They just sit around in a drawer until one day, Baz surprises him.
Read it on ao3
Snowbaz in Rome (1.8k)
Simon and Baz hide their relationship in ancient Rome. Simon wants to kill his father, but Baz has to save him before he gets himself killed.
Read it on ao3
The Spark (1.6k)
The first time that Baz kisses Simon it’s because he lost a bet, but after that, he’s chasing a feeling, and neither of them can seem to stay away from each other.
Read it on ao3
Together Forever
Inspired by the song Forever and Always by Parachute. Actually, this fic was built around the lyrics.
Read on ao3
True Love Mistletoe
(Technically, this is a Dev x Niall fic, but snowbaz is in there, too.)
It’s the annual Christmas party, and two people are brought together by a magical mistletoe.
Read on ao3
(Wishing to be) The Friction in Your Jeans (3k)
Rating: E
Inspired by the song “Sugar We’re Goin' Down” by Fall Out Boy
Read it on ao3
The Worst Has Passed (1k)
The Humdrum is gone, and the Mage is dead. This is what happens immediately after. (I tweaked the events of the book just a bit, but it's still the same. If that makes sense.)
Read it on ao3
5 Pranks That Go (Almost) As Planned and 1 Prank That Doesn’t (4.4k)
Baz and Simon pull pranks on each other. None of them go completely as planned, but there is one that doesn't go at all as planned.
Read it on ao3
<1000 words
Better Than Fighting (195 words)
Call Your Girlfriend (777 words)
Baz wants to be with Simon but not like this. He insists that Simon talks to his girlfriend before anything can happen between them.
Read it on ao3
Carry On - Alternate Ending  (884 words)
Warnings: Major Character Death, depression
Just imagine for a moment that things in the woods that fateful night went just a little bit differently..
What if Baz is the one who kisses Simon first and then succeeds in spelling Simon away?
Read it on ao3
Good Morning, Darling (484 words)
Happy Birthday, Simon (848 words)
Here’s a short fic for the Worst Chosen One Who’s Ever Been Chosen’s Golden Birthday!
In the Dark (536 words)
Read on ao3
Just Breathe (481 words)
Light in the Darkness (610 words)
Simon wakes in the middle of the night and seeks comfort from the tree lights.
Read it on ao3
Little Puff (656 words)
Baz gets a Visiting from his mother.
Read on ao3
One Last Kiss as the Sun Rises (838 words)
Baz is leaving on a trip, and Simon and Baz kiss goodbye, neither of them wanting him to go.
Read it on ao3
Snowbaz and Stuffed Bears (465 words)
Baz gives Simon a stuffed bear.
Snowbaz and Paddington Bear (740 words)
Simon gives Baz a gift for Valentine’s Day. 
This is technically a sequel to Snowbaz and Stuffed Bears, but it can be read alone.
[Untitled] (697 words)
Based on the song lyric,  "And I can't change into the person I don't want to be"
[Untitled] (337 words)
Based on the song lyric, “I really thought you were on my side But now there's nobody by my side.”
[Untitled] (904 words)
Prompt: What if sharing magic was this really addictive thing that Baz and simon discovered they loved to do. (I mean baz's fascination for simon's magic is canon, but what if it felt good for Simon, too?) Even when it wasn't necessary at all, like just reheating a cup of tea. How would that go? 
[Untitled] (906 words)
(Another Deniall fic, which might be getting there own section at some point..)
Prompt: ooooh what about a deniall mutual pining but then both being stupid and not picking up on any of the other’s “tells”
[Untitled] (470 words)
Prompt: ficlet based on the lyrics of northern downpour by p!atd (any lyrics, really, but i'm feeling "The ink is running toward the page/It's chasin' off the days/Look back at both feet/And that winding knee/I missed your skin when you were east/You clicked your heels and wished for me" 
[Untitled] (622 words)
Prompt: impulsive/kinda agressive first kiss but without the angsty running away scenes that always come after those,,,, just cute fluff please
[Untitled] (999 words)
Prompt:  ooo, for the ficlet requests could you do snowbaz with the song “Sugar We’re Goin Down” by Fall Out Boy? specifically the line “wishing to be the friction in your jeans” because i feel like that’s just a really snowbaz line considering simon’s reaction to baz in jeans, thanks you!!
[Untitled] (351 words)
A/N: I saw @carryonsnowbaz doing this prompt, and when I saw it, my first thought was deniall, so I decided to write a quick thing.
Song Parody
Pair of Jeans
Parody of the song Fireflies by Owl City
All for You (1k words)
Cas proposes to Dean when they're sitting together on a park bench and watching the sun set.
Read on ao3
Anywhere in Time (11k)
Dean is accidentally sent back in time to 1901, where he meets a woman who seems strangely familiar. He and the woman have to find a way to get him back to his time. In the present time, Cas is running from an angel, and he has to find a way to defeat so that he is still alive when Dean returns.
Chapter 2 | Read on ao3
Dr. Sexy? (5.6k )
Rating: E
Cas finds himself in a hospital that looks eerily similar to the one on Dr. Sexy MD. Then, he sees Dr. Sexy himself, except isn't Dr. Sexy. It's Castiel. They have to find a way to get out of here, but the only way is to do as Gabriel tells him to. Dean isn't sure that he wants to go through with it. At least, not like this.
Read it on ao3
Gross Stuff (1k)
Cas and Dean are reorganizing the storage room in the bunker, and Dean keeps labeling things as "gross stuff."
Read it on ao3
Will you be my wingman? (579 words)
Dean asks Cas to be his wingman, and Cas misunderstands what Dean means.
Scarlet Lover (807 words)
Barry Allen and Leonard Snart are in a secret relationship, and this is just a tiny bit of fluff.
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thedaughterofkings · 8 years
What I’m writing!
The lovely @clotpolesonly tagged me to tell you all what I’m currently writing! Thank you <3
I’m mostly working on three fics right now, plus a couple of future fics in the plans and a few old wips that I haven’t completely given up on yet, so here it is:
The Merlin Canon sort of Regency inspired arranged engagement to be married with a bit of horseplay AU (it’s both less insane and more insane than it sounds^^°) for @hyraeth‘s wonderful art for the Merlin Reverse Bang - currently standing at 2.7k and barely into all of the cool ideas I have for this fic, so I really need to get going on that one! But I’m still confident I can finish it satisfyingly in time - keep your fingers crossed for me!
The Resurrection fic! Originally started for Sterekweek last year, obviously didn’t get finished in time, aaaand still isn’t finished now^^° But I think I’m headed in the right direction - all three resurrections are over and done with, so theoretically I could wrap it up. Unfortunately an accidental soulbound has sneaked its way into the fic, so there’s still a bit more to write! Standing at 18k currently!
Fully grown - the soulmark AU that just won’t LET ITSELF BE FINISHED!!! I’ve only got (probably) two more chapters to write, but life (and other fics) have kept me from it since October!! But stepping away from this fic a little might not have been a bad idea, because I can feel myself getting increasingly excited about it again, so I hope to finish it quickly once fics number 1 and 2 are done! Currently standing at 25k! (Guesstimated final total is ~30k, so there really isn’t that much more to go)
Some fics that I haven’t actually started properly writing yet, but that I’ve been thinking about a lot and started outlining somewhat are the sequel(s) to Pigtails, the sequel to fully grown (yes I’m already planning the sequel even though I can’t seem to finish that fic), the ‘Stiles is Cassandra’ fic that I’ve mentioned before, the Grey’s Anatomy in Space Star Trek fic that I promised @ohfuckthisshit and a couple of prompts I’ve gotten that I’m excited about, a fun Stackson one in particular! And then there’s always that one fic that has like one chapter but I’m still so excited about (parallel universe, twerking Derek, Derek/Kira besties, Stiles/Allison badass hunter siblings, Sterek of course and Scira and Allydia and oh my, what’s not to be excited about!!!) Oh, and I’ve been thinking about this tiny Drarry ficlet lately, so I’m hoping to actually write a longer fic for it one day, too! So definitely plenty of fic in my future :D
And then there’s the almost dead wips that I haven’t completely given up on yet, it’s now just been so long that I cringe a little at my writing, so I feel like I’d have to rewrite most of it to be happy with it, which isn’t really an incentive to go back to these fics (I already hate editing, I don’t even want to imagine rewriting circa 20k each!). I’m mainly talking about Stormy waters (13k on ao3, plus a couple thousand more words for one or two not yet published chapters), which I’d really like to finish just so that I don’t have a wip/abandoned fic on my ao3 anymore, and the yet to be named Sciles fic which stands at 20k and is almost finished, the big fight has already been written, I just got stuck on dealing with the aftermath (and thus haven’t worked on it in ... possibly years?!). Argh, I should probably admit those fics are dead already, but I really don’t wanna!!! Anyone have any tips on how to deal with these?!^^°
To end this on a less depressing note here’s a little excerpt from the Resurrection fic - Stiles goes to Peter for advice on how to resurrect a werewolf:
Peter starts with a legend - some Romeo and Juliet thing about two werewolves and a human boy, about love and hate and life and death. Stiles is pleasantly surprised when the answer for once actually is polyamory instead of a love triangle. And Peter’s story even has a happy end! To be fair, werewolf number one has to die first, but then werewolf number two - an alpha girl whose story Stiles wouldn’t mind seeing on the big screen - and human boy bring him back and they all live happily ever after. No really, that’s actually what Peter ends the story with. 
What follows is a long semi-scientific treatise on the magical properties of the different moon phases, on studies conducted by the werewolves of yonder year - Stiles heroically doesn’t ask if their studies consisted of howling at the moon and discovering that their howls were louder when the moon was full - and full of warnings of things that could go wrong when you try to resurrect someone - horror stories of feral wolves completely out of their mind, of zombie wolves, more dead than alive, of rotten flesh and broken bones, and honestly, Stiles gets it; there is no need at all to go into that much detail. It’s all very interesting and might actually be useful knowledge beyond bringing back a couple of killed before their time werewolves, but what it isn’t is a nice little recipe that actually tells him how to bring back a couple of killed before their time werewolves. Stiles had been hoping for a little more “Bone of the father, unwillingly given. Flesh of the servant, willingly sacrificed. Blood of the enemy, forcibly taken.” rather than the history lesson he’s gotten. Well, actually, he was hoping for something with a little less bone and flesh and blood if possible. But still, some actual instructions would be nice.
Oops, I just realised that I completely forgot to tag someone else, so if you are a writer and want to do this, I hereby tag you, so do it and tag/mention me!
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