#along with one small dream lord i need to catch up but i am just not. mentally prepared for it
just remembered that one of the reasons ive yet to read ftfo is because i KNOW its good and that if i read it im NEVER going to recover from it or find another fic like it
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themirokai · 2 years
More Matthew the Emotional Support Raven? Don’t mind if I do! @mashumaru sent me this cute raven video, for which I am very grateful. She had tagged it Hob & Matthew (which totally tracks) but wanted to know if I could do a Dream & Matthew story with it. And I did! But it got a teensy tinsy bit angsty. Don’t worry, it ends as fluffy as the rest of these ficlets. 
There is one small detail from my “Shiny Things” ficlet in here. That one isn’t required reading but I do hope you’ll check it out if you haven’t already.
Huge thanks to the wonderful @argylepiratewd who has proofreading commissions open now! WD made this story so much better and they can do the same for your work. I highly recommend them for all your proofreading needs. Info here, check it out!
Matthew hopped along beside Lord Morpheus as he strode through the Palace of the Dreaming. 
“So, we’re leaving now?” 
“We are not going anywhere, Matthew,” Lord Morpheus said from under his helm. “You are to remain in the Dreaming.” 
“What?!” Matthew stopped, then had to fly a few feet to catch up. “If you’re not staying in the Dreaming, then I’m not staying in the Dreaming.” 
“I frequently travel to the waking world without you.” 
“Yeah, to see your boyfriend, who I still haven’t met! And I know you’re not going for a hanky-panky session because you’re all suited up!” 
Lord Morpheus halted in his tracks and turned slowly to face Matthew. “A ‘hanky-panky session’?” 
Matthew was not about to let himself be sidetracked. “A date! A romantic tryst! Whatever! You’re not doing that because you’ve got all the finery and the spine mask!” He gestured with his wing to encompass the flowing black robe, the folds of which seemed structurally impossible. He noted with a little flare of pride that Lord Morpheus was wearing the sapphire Matthew had given him. 
Lord Morpheus sighed and went down on one knee, just as he had the first night Matthew had met him. He reached up to remove the helm and tucked it under his arm. 
“I am going to Faerie, Matthew. I do not need you to accompany me, nor do I wish it.” 
Matthew shifted from foot to foot and dropped his head, looking up at Lord Morpheus out of the corner of his eye. “Did I do something wrong?”  
“No.” Lord Morpheus chuckled and ran a finger over Matthew’s beak. “You have done nothing wrong. It is simply that this journey would not be safe for you.” 
“If it’s not safe, then all the more reason for me to come with you!” Matthew exploded with an unintentional flap of his wings. 
“Boss, I’ve been with you to literal Hell for you to fight literal Lucifer!”
“Yes,” Lord Morpheus said, with a small smile as he stroked Matthew’s beak again, “but when we went to Hell I was not at my full strength, and there was much more jeopardy to me than there was to you.” 
Matthew cocked his head. “Why would I be in jeopardy? Do faeries hate birds or something?” 
“The Faerie Court functions on a set of incredibly strict rules, Matthew. Failure to follow the rules to the exact letter can result in one’s bound servitude, imprisonment, or death.” 
Matthew involuntarily ruffled his feathers. 
“And you, my raven,” Lord Morpheus continued with a gentle tap to Matthew’s beak, “have many strengths, but adherence to rules is not among them.” 
Lord Morpheus stood and put the helm back on. “I shall return in a few days, Matthew. You will help Lucienne keep an eye on things in the Dreaming for me while I am away.” He reached inside his robe for a handful of sand. 
Matthew couldn’t just let him go—not if he was only going alone because he thought Matthew couldn’t behave himself. With a flap of his wings, and before he could second guess himself, Matthew leapt and attached his beak to the index finger of Lord Morpheus’s free hand. He gripped hard enough to hang from the finger, but not hard enough to hurt. He hoped. He wasn’t even sure if Lord Morpheus could be hurt in the Dreaming.  
Slowly, Lord Morpheus raised his hand to bring the dangling Matthew up to his eye level. 
“You realize that you are rather spectacularly proving my point, Matthew?” 
“I hro’is I ‘e ‘oo’,” Matthew tried to pronounce around the finger. 
Lord Morpheus brought his other hand up and wrapped it around Matthew’s body, pinning his wings in place. He gave a firm tug, and Matthew released his finger. 
“Boss, I promise I’ll do whatever you say. I’ll follow the rules! Please, just don’t go alone.”
Lord Morpheus took a breath, and the temperature dropped by several degrees. “Matthew,” he said, voice reverberating more than usual, “I realize that when you first met me I was in an extremely vulnerable position. But I would remind you that I am older than the stars in the sky and infinitely more powerful. Such vulnerability was an aberration that shall not happen again. This means that if I tell you that I require that you stay in the Dreaming, then you shall stay in the Dreaming. Am I understood?” 
Matthew bowed his head, worry and guilt twisting his guts. “Yes, sir,” he murmured. “I’m sorry I overstepped.” 
Lord Morpheus stooped to put him down and drew a handful of sand from inside his robe as he straightened. “I shall return in a few days’ time.” 
With that, the sand swirled around him, and he was gone. 
“Lucienne, when you were a raven, did you ever go to Faerie with Lord Morpheus?” 
“Hm. Yes, a few times, I think.” She continued arranging books on shelves without looking at him. 
“And perfect Jessamy? She must have gone a bunch.” 
“Yes, of course. Why are you—oh.” Lucienne turned to him. “He didn’t take you.” 
“And he was being nice about it and then I was an idiot and grabbed onto his finger as he was leaving like a—like a—god, I don’t know. Like a fucking toddler or something!” Matthew felt his wings open in his agitation. “And he got pissed because anyone would but it’s him. I am such a fucking idiot.” 
Matthew threw himself down on the floor on his side and Lucienne crouched beside him. 
“How did you grab his finger?” she asked. 
“In my beak.” Matthew brought a wing up to cover his face. “Like a fucking idiot.” 
He heard a strangled sound and moved his wing to see Lucienne trying to stifle her laughter. 
“It’s not funny! He’s going to unmake me!” 
“I’m sure it wasn’t that bad, Matthew,” she said, kindly. 
“It was so bad. Lucienne, I’m a failure as a raven. Just like I was a failure as a person.” 
“Enough of that,” she said, standing. “Come on, get off the floor.” 
Matthew groaned and covered his face with his wing again. “Maybe I can just sink into the wood and become part of the library.” 
“Matthew,” Lucienne said sternly, “get up. Now.” 
With an aggrieved sigh, Matthew hauled himself to his feet. She patted the back of a chair beside her, and with another sigh, Matthew flew up to it, so that he was nearly level with her eyes. 
“You are not a failure as a raven,” she said, looking at him over the rim of her glasses. “You are a modern raven, and you are the raven he needs now.” 
“But he can’t even take me out of the realm because I’d apparently be a danger to myself!” 
“He can’t take you to Faerie, but truly, he doesn’t need you there. He was concerned about your ability to adhere to all the rules, correct?” On Matthew’s nod, she continued. “Do you know who is better than anyone in this or any other universe at following rules?” 
“Lord Morpheus,” Matthew muttered. 
“That’s correct. He has had good relations with the King and Queen of Faerie for millennia. He really is not in any danger on this trip.” 
Matthew searched her face for sincerity and found it. If Lucienne wasn’t worried, he knew he didn’t need to be. Matthew took a deep breath and nodded. 
“Matthew, Lord Morpheus does not need a raven who can follow the strictures of Faerie at this point in his immensely long life. He needs a raven who can help him understand modern humanity. He was disconnected from the collective unconscious for over a century. He is out of touch, and he knows it. He’s gotten better in the time he’s been back, but he still needs assistance. He still needs you.”
“As long as he doesn’t unmake me for biting him,” Matthew grumbled. 
Lucienne rolled her eyes. “You didn’t bite him,” she admonished. “You tried to hold on to him. It was certainly foolish, but Lord Morpheus has spent enough millennia in the company of ravens to see the difference clearly.” 
Some of the worry began to fade from Matthew’s chest.
“He knows you love him, Matthew. And he cares for you, too.” 
Matthew gave a long exhale and thought of hours spent getting his feathers stroked. “Yeah…yeah, I guess.”  
Matthew was flying laps around the outside of the palace when his ears popped with a change in the barometric pressure. Lord Morpheus had returned to the Dreaming. The gravitational pull was immediate, but Matthew stopped himself from following it. He knew what Lucienne had said, but he still wasn’t sure what kind of reception he would get. Before he could dwell on the subject, an unmistakable voice sounded in his head. 
“Matthew. Attend me.” 
At least that was one decision he didn’t have to make. Matthew wheeled in the air, and rode the current of the Dreaming to Lord Morpheus. 
He found the King of Dreams seated on his throne. Matthew landed a few steps down from the top of the dais. He spread his wings and bowed. 
“My lord.”  
“That has never been necessary, Matthew, nor is it now.” 
Matthew ducked his head. “Thank you.” He took a breath and looked up. “I’m really sorry. About before you left. I was way out of line. I get that, and I want you to know it won’t happen again.” 
“I know that, Matthew. Jessamy was my raven for hundreds of years, as was Lucienne. You and I are still learning each other.” 
Lord Morpheus extended his hand, inviting Matthew to perch. 
“Come, Matthew.” 
Matthew landed with a few wing flaps. From his other hand, Lord Morpheus produced a loop of silver chain, about the size of a bracelet. The chain was intricately braided and sparkled in the shifting light of the throne room. 
“It’s beautiful,” Matthew breathed. 
“I traded a dream for it in Faerie. It is for you.” Lord Morpheus slipped the chain over Matthew’s head so that it sat around his neck. 
“Oh, Boss, thank you! I love it!” 
“It should be small enough to hide under your feathers when you are in the waking world.”
“Or I could make all the lady ravens swoon!” Matthew said, tilting his head to admire the silver against the black feathers of his chest. 
Lord Morpheus chuckled as he stood. “Come, Matthew,” he said, transferring the raven to his shoulder, “we have work to do.” 
“Yes, Boss!” Matthew cawed happily.
UPDATE: This story has art now!
The detail of Morpheus bringing Matthew a gift came from @wyvernquill 's tags on this awesome art they did of the “Shiny Things” Emotional Support Raven ficlet. 
Master Post of Matthew the Emotional Support Raven Ficlets. 
As of posting, I am out of raven prompts. Have you seen a picture or a video of a raven? If you send it to me, I will use it to write a ficlet!
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lordkingsmith · 3 months
June lyric prompts 2024
1. Leave it to me to get into some kinda trouble/breaking a rule, crossing a line/leave it to me to step into chaos/tame fire with one hand on the other I could die/I’ve just fallen ten stories but that ain’t hurtin/just dance in fire/but that boy, he is my/current emergency-current emergency by Savannah Campbell
2. And the blood will dry, underneath my nails/And the wind will rise up, to fill my sails/See you can doubt, and you can hate/But I know, no matter what it takes/I'm coming home-coming home by Skylar Grey
3. Always catching myself at night/Only go out when the sun goes down/I got an ocean of emotion inside/I am not Poseidon lover's island but I ride him in the riptide-crybaby by roseboi
4. There’s a dirt road in town/where the north wind blows in jest,/and the midnight sun burns low,/in the woods where now they rest/and the tents in the fields break the younger men’s backs/and corsets and the heels pop the drunken gents slacks/Soapy Smith laid his hand, raised ‘em up in this land/long gone-forever he’s damned-Diamond Lil by Seth and Sara
5. The girl was never there/It's always the same/I'm running towards nothing/Again and again and again.-A Forest by Kaleida
6. And the stress it unwinds/To a pulse of true time/And the symbols they rhyme/Pouring out into my mind/I'm here feeling it all/I'm here, big and small/I can do anything/I can do nothing/I am free, I'm free in my mind-Free by Ocie Elliott
7. Who's that sexy thing I see over there?/That's me, standin' in the mirror/What's that icy thing hanging 'round my neck?/Um, that's gold, show me some respect, oh-Me, Too by Meghan Trainor
8. Such boundless pleasure/We've no time for later now/You can't await your own arrival/You've twenty seconds to comply-Let Go by Imogen Heap
9. I am a collapsing star with tunnel vision/But only for you/My head is stripped just like a screw that's been tightened too many times/When I think of you/I will shield you from the waves/If they find you/I will protect you/Just tell me, tell me, tell me, I/I am the only one/Even if it's not true-Last of the real ones by Fall Out Boy
10. There's a haze above my TV/That changes everything I see/And maybe if I continue watching/I'll lose the traits that worry me/Can we fast forward to go down on me?-New Perspective by Panic!At the disco
11. My body's aching/System overload/Temperature's rising/I'm about to explode/Watch me I'm intoxicated/Taking the show, ah/It's got me hypnotized, ah/Everybody step aside-evacuate the dance floor by Cascada
12. Still harder getting up, getting dressed, living with this regret/But I know if I could do it over/I would trade, give away all the words that I saved in my heart/That I left unspoken-what hurts the most by rascal flatts
13. Time to stage a show/smile and pretend/drown in sorrows and cry/tell them all these little white lies/oh, god knows that I’ve tried/pretend that I’m fine-blame by pocket key
14. Recount the night that/I first met your mother/And on the drive back to my house/I told you that, I told you that I loved ya/You felt the weight of the world/Fall off your shoulder/And to your favorite song/We sang along to the start of forever/And after all this time I'm still into you-into you by Paramore
15. Came a time/When every star fall/Brought you to tears again/We are the very hurt you sold/And what's the worst you take/From every heart you break?-Helena by My Chemical Romance
16. Haven't had a dream in a long time/See, the life I've had/Can make a good man bad/So for once in my life/Let me get what I want/Lord knows, it would be the first time-please please please by the smiths
17. I don't need no honey, I want more money/Talking that bad money, that mad money/Only get silly for a billy, yeah, I said I'ma need a couple more zeros on that-Zeros by headie one(feat. Jazzy & cassö)
18. Check yes Juliet/Here's the countdown/Three, two, one, now fall in my arms/Now they can change the locks/Don't let them change your mind
19. I know temptation is the devil in disguise/You risk it all to feel alive, oh, yeah/You're offering yourself to me like sacrifice/You said you do this all the timeTell me you love me if I bring you to the light-take my breath by The Weeknd
20. He knew what to say to sweep me off my feet/I should've never heard a word he said to me/I was comfortable with ignorance is bliss/'Cause I told myself I wouldn't fall for it/But then/Quicker than a flash, he had me at hello/He took me by the hand, we started dancing slow/I didn't wanna get attached but now, I'm far too close-Valentino by MNEK and Years & Years/Olly Alexander
21. Some tings don't work/Some tings are bound to be/Some tings, they hurt/And they tear apart me/You left your diary at my house/And I read those pages/Do you really love me, baby?-wait a minute! By Willow Smith
22. Does the pain weigh out the pride/And you look for a place to hide?/Did someone break your heart inside/You're in ruins-21 guns by Green Day
23. Only you can be the aching in my heart/My enemy, the only animal I couldn't fight/You hold me in the dark when storms arrive/Only you-Ellie Goulding Only You
24. I know we got it good, but they got it made/And their grass is getting greener each day/I know things are looking up, but soon they'll take us down/Before anybody's knowin' our name-all the right moves by one republic
25. If our love is running out of time/I won't count the hours, rather be a coward/When our worlds collide/I'm gonna drown you out before I lose my mind-lalala by naughty boy
26. Handsome, tender, soft/Why do you look right through/Thinking/“No, I can't deny my feelings"/Growing strong/I try to keep believing, dreaming on/And every time I see you, I crave more/I wanna pull you closer, closer, closer, closer/But you leave me feeling frozen
27. There may be/Someone who truly believes love is blind/But I beg to differ there's two of a kind/They will find each other/And that is a real bliss/Our very first kiss-first kiss by Alexander rybak
28. He said "think about the children/Think about the children/You wanted me to write a hit record for the radio/Are you never gonna get it?/The kids already know!/Some girls like girls, some boys got a boyfriend/I like guys and they like me/We hold hands, make out and do all the things that lovers do/Some girls like girls, some boys got a boyfriend/I like guys and they like me/We hold hands, make out and do all the things that lovers do-radio friendly pop song by Matt Fischel
29. We learn to run at speed of light/And to fall down from any height/It's true but just remember that/What we do is what you just can't do/An opera of craziness-cartoon heroes by aqua
30. Hello baby, can I see a smile/I'm going to a party and its gonna be wild (okay)/Can I come, I am sitting alone/No, friends are never alone (that's right)/Maybe some pretty girls are in your world/Excuse me, I could also be your girl/Lately everyone is making fun-best friend by ToyBox
31. Give me the burden, give me the blame/I'll shoulder the load, and I'll swallow the shame/Give me the burden, give me the blame/How many, how many Hail Marys is it gonna take?/Don't care if he's guilty, don't care if he's not/He's good and he's bad and he's all that I've got-Devil’s Backbone by The Civil Wars
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skelebonecentral · 2 months
royalty dreams
idk what to say, I want kill code and his sons to fill me up with eggs. here it is *shrug*
words under the cut
When you opened your eyes after going through the portal, you found yourself in a throne room, but not one belonging to any Lord you knew of.
From your left, a familiar rasping voice croons, “Weclome, traveler. I haven’t seen a human in these lands for quite a while.”
There was only one person with that soft, slow, dark voice. Turning, you saw Kill Code as he’d appeared in Moon’s mind, huge and gangly, fingers long as daggers and strange feet. He had just emerged from an archway and sat on the throne, lounging to the side and leaning his head on his hand, “You recognize me and my voice, so I assume you know who I am already.”
“Kill Code,” you answer, wary but hopeful. The one in your world was kind and gentle.
“Yes, my dear, though I am a king, here.” He chuckles softly and looks at you through hooded scarlet eyes, “I know the basics of portal travel, though I’d say yours isn’t magic based if it appeared in the heart of my castle like this. I have barriers for that.”
“No. Science made this. If that word has meaning here.” Maybe it didn’t. You remember the word hadn’t really existed until somewhere after the medieval era and this looked to be that sort of castle.
“Mmm, it does, but it isn’t quite a force in this world. Magic is plentiful and widely used, so there was no need for such studies,” he smiled indulgently and motioned with a finger for you to come closer, “my sons’ appetites have driven most humans from our lands, but I want to talk with you further. Come here, my dear, so I can better shield you from them once they catch your scent.”
Knowing exactly which of his ‘children’ he was talking about, you rush to his side and are pulled to sit on his lap, surprised to find him as warm as a human would be. “There, now they won’t be able to touch you unless they behave properly.”
He starts carding his fingers through your hair, causing your body to break out in goosebumps and shudder on reflex.
Soon enough, Blood Moon runs in, a small scarf around their neck spattered with so much old blood that it looks burgundy. “Father, where…oh.” That was the voice you called Scarlet.
“My sons, a traveler from another world has arrived. As you can see, I am keeping them.” Kill Code gave them a very wicked grin and you began to wonder if you were actually safe. “If you behave, I might allow you to spend supervised time with them.”
To your shock, Blood Moon split into two, and the voice you called Crimson came from the twin on the right, “We will behave well, father, but we want to see them up close. May we approach?” He tilted his head to your left and grinned menacingly.
“Just to the base of the throne, then.” You clung to the end of Kill code’s hat as the twins approached, only now seeing the silver rings all over Kill Code’s hand, encrusted in various jewels.
Scarlet purred as he looked you over with those red pentagram eyes, “Father, they’re very soft looking. It makes my teeth itch.”
“Mine too,” Crimson gave a soft but scary laugh, “But mostly because they also look quite fine as a mate.”
Your whole face flushed pink as you realized those hungry looks on their faces weren’t just for your blood.
“I think the prophecy has been fulfilled, actually, so I agree with you whole heartedly.” Kill Code’s hand was still playing with your hair, but you couldn’t look at him as you felt yourself getting flustered.
“Wh-what prophecy?” you manage to stammer and Crimson explains.
“At the start of Father’s reign, he communed with the universe and it told him,” Crimson and Scarlet looked at each other and grinned, “that one day, someone meant to bear the heirs of his line would arrive from beyond. We were already born, along with our elder brother, so….”
Scarlet jumped in, shaking his fists eagerly up and down, “So that means we all get a mate and that mate is you!”
“What’s all this racket about?” came the irritated voice you recognized as coming from Eclipse. He came out of another doorway behind the twins and saw you, looking confused. “Why are you two getting worked up over a human?”
“My son, heir to my throne, this is the destined mate we were promised,” Kill Code pulled you closer, letting you feel that this version of him was…surprisingly organic, since you could feel his pulse on the back of your head. It was a little faster than you’d have thought but your own was matching it so maybe it wasn’t.
“Oh?” Eclipse’s dark orange and black face gave a smirk that sent a bolt of something straight to your heart and he sauntered up with a fluttering black cape around his shoulders. Unlike the twins, when he came up to the throne, he didn’t stop, his elegant hands using one finger to tilt your chin up. “Huh, I was expecting some kind of goddess but…I think I can get behind this idea.”
Those golden eyes made a throb go through your pelvic region, and he seemed to notice as he gave a chuckle, “Oh yes, this one will do nicely.”
“Blood Moon?” Kill Code asked softly, and the salivating animatronics looked up, “Why don’t you fuse and allow us to supervise your consummation?”
“Wh-what?” You began to squirm and Kill Code shushed you softly.
“I can feel how warm you little body is, dear,” He uses a long claw to stroke your cheek as Eclipse was very delicately removing your clothes, “But if you are actually opposed, we can wait. But you seem familiar with us from your own world so…what say you?”
A few seconds of your brain scrambling with if this was actually okay or not, you swallow and stammer, “o-okay.”
Eclipse gave your cheek a soft kiss and cooed, “Good job. We’ll make you feel exactly like the treasure you’re going to be.”
“just relax,” Kill Code purred, spreading your now bare legs as the refused Blood Moon crawled up to the throne, “I will keep you safe. But first…” He pressed a hand to your lower stomach and said something in a language you couldn’t understand. It felt like something warm dropped through your body and left behind an emptiness. “There, now you should be ready to accept our eggs.”
Eclipse tilted his head and smiled a bit in amusement, “I’m guessing that’s not a thing in your world. Yes, we make eggs and implant them in some lucky recipient.”
“only a few attach properly,” Kill code continues to explain as Blood Moon’s begun grinding into you and leaving deeper bites, “But the rest are there to cushion the baby and act as food once they’re born.”
“But with all of us contributing…” Eclipse was still playing with your hair and leaving little kisses on your hand and arms, “you might be having quite a few at once.”
Blood Moon whines and Crimson starts to murmur to you while he drops his pants and lets his tendril-like appendage curl into your wet heat, “Our mate, so sweet tasting and warm, going to fill you up so good.”
Their tendril slid into your body in swift motions, shooting forward like a snake over dunes, deeper than anything you’d ever felt. Kill Code held you in place and Eclipse spoke softly to you as Blood Moon grunted and moaned in both voices, panting and thrusting while you whine.
Your current lover’s claws are digging into your sides, but the prickling pain is washed away by the heat in your nethers and the sound of Eclipse’s voice.
“My, you are a tender thing, aren’t you?” He coos as the twins are ramming you, “Just a bit longer and we’ll all see how you can take eggs. But you already look so lovely spread out for us.”
Kill Code was purring, and you could feel his own tendril against your back, but about that time Blood Moon choked and you felt several small orbs slide up your tunnel and settle deep inside. You wonder briefly if Kill Code’s spell (that’s what it was, right?) had opened your cervix or something, but another wave of eggs causing an orgasm shakes your brain to bits.
Blood Moon catches their breath, and Scarlet gives you some kisses to your lips as he talks, “Full of our seeds, little mate. Must rest now, be good for father and brother eclipse.” Pulling back, they flop onto some pillows at the side of the throne, almost as if that’s their usual place, and Eclipse comes to the front.
“Now, let’s see if I can’t get you to be a bit more vocal,” Eclipse’s expression was almost scary, a bit crazed, but when his warm, golden orange tendril slid home inside you, your brain went back to being whited out in pleasure.
As he rocked in and out, Eclipse wouldn’t stop chattering, gloating and snarling. “If you’re going to be MY mate, you’re going to have to understand that I won’t settle for anything. So you’re going to wear the finest of everything, get the finest of everything, and probably get this treatment every night for a good while.” But as he spoke, his words kept getting more and more separated by groans and panting breaths, hands on your shoulders and staring into your soul through your eyes, “And you’re mine. Don’t forget that, even when you’re, mn, you’re out and about, or in another world, or whatever, you’re MINE.”
You hit another high as he growled out the last word, making him shudder and slam home as he began to fill you with his own eggs. They feel slightly bigger than the twins’ were, and you can feel your stomach push out as they take up more space. He lingers a bit afterward, catching his breath, but his exhausted face makes you reach out and touch his cheek gently. He doesn’t smile, but he leans into the touch and you smile for him.
“Now, dear, I believe it is my turn,” Kill Code gently reminded all present, and Eclipse backed away, sprawling on another throne that you hadn’t noticed, set back from the one you were in. You could only see him now because Kill Code had turned you around to face inward, and shucked his pants while doing so. Long black and writhing, his tendril slithered over your puffy stomach as he seemed to drink you in, “ We’ll ensure you are healthy and happy, my dear, and want for nothing. Now, I believe it is time to give my beloved sons some more siblings.”
Lifting you up, a bit of red and orange fluids dripping out of your open core, he coiled his appendage into you inch by inch, stretching you more than ever before and making you pant at it before he ever moved, “Oh darling, you’re so delightfully tight even after the boys had their turns. Just stay with me for a moment, love and we’ll be able to get you to a nice room to recover.”
Having excellent control of his body, Kill Code coiled and uncoiled himself within you, barely moving his hips to stimulate you in untold ways. You give a weak orgasm, unable to squeeze down much, and Kill Code purrs like a motor before warning you, “Here they come, dear.”
Grunting and squeezing his eyes shut, he uncoiled himself and wriggled himself as deep as he could get, then released. Your stomach feels like its stretched tight, and looking down, it is. There’s a solid lump that makes you look pregnant already and when the eggs stop coming it’s quite uncomfortable.
Kill Code gives a sigh and gently rubs his spindly hands over your belly and murmurs, “You did very well, love. I know the stretch is a bit much, but it will settle in a few days. Now, I’ll pull out and your body will close up on its own. It will then work as a normal human pregnancy would. You’ll be very much taken care of in all ways by the four of us, and there’s no need fret about pain. Magic is a wonderful tool for such things.”
Overwhelmed and warm and so incredibly full, you just nod and let him lift you into his arms in a bridal carry. “Boys, come with us.”
You’re taken to a sumptuous bedroom with magical lights in the sconces, laid on a massive bed, and Kill Code nuzzles you before retreating and allowing Eclipse and Blood Moon to cage you in on either side, cuddling close.
“I have duties I must attend to, but I trust them to care for you in the mean time. Rest, beloved, and we will all discuss things further another time.”
Sleep is the only thing you can really imagine doing right now, and as his massive shadow leaves, you close your eyes while Blood Moon purrs happily and rubs your stomach, and Eclipse nuzzles his forehead to yours, murmuring softly of the grand things he’ll do for you.
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arcade-writing · 2 years
Pairing: Morpheus (dream) x AFAB! Reader
Warning: aphrodisiac used - both parties consenting, flood play, outdoor sex but in a private area, oral, face sitting, blow jobs, desperate sex, nipple play, overstimulation, established relationship, AFAB but gender not stated, french kissing, cum play, Cream pie, aftercare, porn with fluff, minor smelling kink from dream, implied both of you are switches, slight praise kink, LOTS of dirty talk
Absolutely obsessed with sandman at the moment. Morpheus owns my heart. My pathetic soggy meow meow. Been enjoying reading the fics on Tumblr and A03 and decided to give my hand at writing some smut for him!
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"My lord, I am requesting your company in the gardens, it's been awhile since we've been able to enjoy a nice stroll."
Dream looked down at you from his throne. Tilting his head as he rested it in his palm. "Oh? And when are you expecting my company?"
"In 2 hours, I am assuming you're accepting my request."
"Always, it would be my pleasure."
You smiled. Turning on your heel as you marched out of throne room. Going straight to the kitchen to prepare some meals for the two of you, whilst dreams don't need to eat you weren't always a being of the dream realm. Once a human just like any other until you crossed paths with Morpheus. Gifted the abilities to walk through both realms as a guide to dreamers when he is away to important matters.
So whilst eating was not necessary, it gave you comfort. It was familiar.
But what was new was the small jar of honey by your hand. A gift. You gossiped with Desire whenever you could, they loved knowing every detail of your embarassing life. Listening to your worries and lack of confidence concerning their brother despite the two of you being together. And so, they gifted a jar of sweet aphrodisiac. A gentle one. One to give you a boost and spark your confidence. Strong enough to even effect an endless like themselves.
You needed to ask Dream before you opened it. You intended it to be for the both of you. And so you hurried along, getting your date ready.
You changed into something light, the sun beaming down on the realm was warm. The breeze cool. Perfect weather as always. You brushed out the blanket on the lush green field, admiring the fountain not too far away. A cobble path leading towards it and outwards, covered in moss and vines. The sound of the rushing water eased you nodded to yourself. Trying to calm down your racing heart.
You jogged back to the back of the castle, instantly colliding with the chest of the very man you were looking for. Looking up to see Dream offering you a smile. Small and warmer than the sun.
"Lead the way." Was all he said, linking his arms with yours.
You two took your time. It was peaceful back here. No one ever came out here unless it was for maintenance. It was the perfect place to be undisturbed.
"I have a gift for you but I want to know if you'll accept it." Your eyes flickered towards him. Your palms growing sweaty as you brows knitted. Worried he wouldn't approve.
"It's from Desire, up their mischief I assume."
He kept his eyes trained ahead. You just caught the small tug on the corner of his lips. Trying not to show his distain for his sibling. But he knew your relationship with them was friendly, Desire was kind in their way when they wanted to be. Even if there's always a catch.
Your eyes widened. A flash of surprise hitting you before you shook your head. "Of course you know." Looking up at him once more to watch his expression. "I was curious to try it but I need your permission, My lord."
"It is granted, i trust you."
Those words made your heart grow fuzzy. Trust from a being such as Morpheus was not easily gained. Often times it was given reluctantly. But you knew him, he was being honest. He truely trusted you and that was all you needed.
Once you two arrived at the picnic, you were first to move. Taking off your shoes and he did the same. Not wanting to track mud on the blanket. Sitting down and patted the spot beside. He followed you and sat down, elbows leaning on his propped up knees. You couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. His eyes snapped to your direction, a smile tugging ever so slightly on his lips.
"What amuses you?"
"Just you, my Lord."
You grinned. Eyes trailing down to his lips. So pouty. So soft. No Matter how many times you've kissed you still couldn't stop imagining how they would feel. Wanting it imprinted on your memory until you couldn't think of anything else.
"We are alone, starlight, I wish to hear my name from your lips."
"Would you like some tea, Morpheus?" Straying from your thoughts as you tried to not focus on the heat rising up your neck.
He nodded. Finding words not necessary as he helped you take out the tea set you put in the basket. Carefully pouring out the misty tea from the flask as you grabbed the jar of honey. Looking at him, waiting for him to say anything. Wanting to give him another chance to consider his decision but he just took it from your hands. Stirring a glob of honey in each of your cups.
You pulled out the box of chocolates you made the night before then strawberries.
"How fitting, starlight." He mused, grabbing the heart shaped fruit. It was a vibrant red, plump too. Perfect. Watching as you pulled out more fruit, blueberry and cherries. You made sure they were seedless.
Happily stretching out your legs as you got comfortable. Leaning on your elbows as you took a cherry from its container. Biting down with a soft groan. Dream mirrored your position and plucked the cherry from your fingers. His tongue poking where you bit before he ate the rest.
Your cheeks flushed as you watched him smile once more. "Very sweet." He sucked the juices off his thumb, not daring to break eye contact.
Finding your mouth parting, wishing to say something but unable to find the words. You took your cup of tea, taking a long sip avoiding his intense gaze. He chuckled as he used two fingers to push down your drink.
"Slow down, take it in small portions or you'll be too overwhelmed."
You nodded. Feeling a fuzz run through your veins. Trying to calm yourself as you took a chocolate. Shaped as a ball with a cream filling. Shyly pushing it to his lips, which parted eagerly to try what you made. His tongue poking the tip of your finger. That fuzz spiked into a shock of electricity. Already feeling it's effects creep through your system.
He took a small gulp of his own drink trying to even out your situation. A warm flush spread from his throat down to his stomach. His muscles beginning to relax as the heat caressed him.
You grabbed another chocolate, he did the same. Copying you like an inexperienced actor. This ordeal unfamiliar to him as he's never had to eat before, not like you. But he felt a small twinge of magic flow back into him everytime. After all, he made the trees bloom in your little garden, the kitchen you found yourself in made by him. His efforts to make you feel more at home.
Whilst he went to eating it whole, letting it melt on his tongue as he watched you. You took a small bite out of it, lapping up the white moose filling. Eyes looking up at him to watch his expression twitch. You felt pride swell knowing you were effecting him.
Dream took another gulp of his tea but this time a bigger one. His eyes darkening, trained on your every movement as you plucked more food into your mouth. His brows scrunching, holding back a noise as he pressed his stomach to the blanket. The slight friction felt like lightening.
You noticed. Looking down at the small tent, licking your lips. Of course he saw. He hasn't stopped staring at you since this picnic started.
"Hungry, my love?"
"Starved." You croaked out. Crawling towards him, careful not to knock anything over, your hands shakily reaching for his chest as you pushed him onto his back. Dream let you do as you please, enjoying the way you trembled. Your eyes frantic to soak in the sight of him.
Your body sunk lower, finding your place between his legs. Raking your nails over the fabric making his breath hitch. His muscles flexed under your touch as you began to unbutton his trousers. Tugging them down to his knees along with his underwear. Your hand dragging up his thigh to his toned stomach, lifting his shirt in the process. Each touch felt like fire on his skin, his breathing becoming more heavy. His fingers digging into the blanket as he tried to stay still. Trying to keep up his front of control.
He was dream of the endless. The nightmare king. The ruler of this realm and your king. The personification of the dreaming.
He was-
He was putty in your hands.
You slowly pumped his aching cock, relishing in the way it hardened in your grasp. Running your thumb over the vein that run along the underside. Your mind was becoming foggy with every twitch. Your own arousal becoming more apparent to you.
Suddenly, an idea struck your mind. Morpheus knew that look all too well. Biting back his groans as he tugged on your arm, wanting your focus back on him.
"What is that mind of yours conjuring?"
"Desire did tell me there were multiple ways to take this, I wanted to see what would be more effective." You chewed on your lower lip, still thinking of your next move. Trying to not get giddy with excitement knowing you were leaving him so desperate.
Dream had enough paitence to wait thousand's of centuries just to see the solar shower that happened across his families realms. But yet, here he was straining his body to not chase his own pleasure. His lips pulled into a small snarl as he wanted nothing more than you to move your hand.
"And how do you plan to do that, starlight?"
You grabbed the spoon with your free hand, your other than squeezing the base of his cock. He let out a shaky gasp as he jerked his hips up. Humming as you tasted the honey, it was sweeter than you expected. Sharp on your tongue as you kept it on your tongue.
Moving back between his legs and laid on your stomach. Holding his hips as your mouth swallowed around the tip of his cock. The honey dripping down as you sucked, coating his sex completely. His sensitivity going from 5 to 100. Choking out a cry as he throw his head back. Thrusting up into your mouth as you greedily took in as much as you could. Using one of your hands to squeeze and twist the base.
You sucked on the head. Swirling your tongue over the slit making him groan. His fingers ripping at the blanket, your hand kept jerking as you could see he was getting closer.
"You can take all of it, I know you can my love, Take it." It was not a command but a plea. His gorgeous eyes shimmering with tears. Just needing that push to the edge.
And who were you to deny your king?
You removed your hand making him curse under his breath. Forcing his hips to stay down with both hands as you slowly bobbed your head. Taking more inches each time as you loosened your jaw. Feeling him slide into your throat as you adjusted your head, pulling his cock more towards you.
The warmth of your mouth surrounded him. Feeling your tongue drag as you moved your head once more. Up and down. Taking everything right down to the base. He choked on his breath. Feeling himself tip. Throwing his head back as he thrusted harshly into your mouth, cum squirting in thick ropes.
You came off with a wet pop. Panting as your nails dug into his hips. The arousal between your legs was pooling. Dream watched you closely as you crawled up. Sitting between his legs as you rolled out your tongue. Showing off the mixture of spit, honey and his cum. It was filthy. You felt it but seeing his eyes widen only made you shiver. His large hands grabbing at your body as he yanked you towards him.
His lips crashing against yours. His tongue prying through your parted lips. Groaning as your tongues glided against each other. Able to taste himself fully. It was bitter yet intoxicatingly sweet from the honey. You could feel his hand on your neck, squeezing as he tried to pull you closer. You pawed at his chest and shoulder. Pressing your body against him as much as you could. But it wasn't enough.
His fingers making you squirm as they grabbed at your shirt. Only leaning back to remove, throwing it to who knows where. Your clothed heat flush against his cock. Both of you letting out a groan. You let out a squealed laugh as he started kicking off his pants. Reaching back to help him. Why he always insisted on wearing such tight clothing you'll never understand.
You let out a gasp as your back hit the blanket. He tugged down your pants, throwing them to the pile of your scattered clothes. Only leaving with your underwear.
Completely weak beneath him. Trapped under his form as he took in the sight of you. Rubbing your thighs together as you sought out your own pleasure. You needed him. Needing to hear more of his noises. To feel his hands on you. To be inside you.
All you could do was whine. "Touch me"
"I'll do more than that, starlight, I'll kiss every inch of your body as you squirm underneath me."
And true to his word, He held your waist. Caressing your sides as his head dunked down. Kissing along your jaw as he spoke. You rolled your hips up, trying to seek out his body but it was futile. Gasping as his knee pressed against your sex.
"I'll caress and mark your body, you are mine, I will make sure every being understands that." He kissed you down to your chest, sucking on the skin just above it.
His fingers swiped at the honey, taking as much as he could. Spreading it to both hands as he kept kissing your collar bones. Smearing the sticky treat across your chest as he fondled the flesh. Rolling your nipples between two fingers. Pinching them as the honey coated them.
You let out a loud moan, your sensitivity flying. It felt so warm. Like electricity was sparking on your nerves. Mewling as he tugged them. His usual stoic expression morphed into a smirk. Completely smug.
"Taste you until you're trembling and gasping-"
He grabbed as your side, kissing down to your nipple before taking it in his mouth. You couldn't help but grind against his knee. Growing more desperate as the aphrodisiac flooded your system. Already feeling it's sparks from the tea and now feeling it ten fold.
His other hand moved from your other nipple and now Infront of your parted lips. Honey coated them still as you took it in your mouth. Humming as your swirled your tongue around his digits. Your eyes trailing down to see his cock still hard. Straining against him. The head was blushing a dark red as pre cum spilled.
Releasing your nipple he continued his descent down your body. His fingers leaving your mouth with a string of salvia connecting to to them.
"Stealing every chance of breath as I devour you." He moved his body to lay down. His nose nudging your clit. Taking in a deep inhale, smelling your arousal. You wanted to force Your legs shut, embarrassed but he kept them open with his shoulders.
A scream was ripped from you as he tore off the only piece of cloth you had left. Leaving it tattered on the ground as he grabbed your legs. His back slamming down on the grass whilst you sat on his chest. You clutched at the ground trying to stabilize yourself after the sudden movement. Shaking as he just let out a deep chuckle.
Gliding his hands up your thighs as he tugged them forward. You hovered over him, thinking you were crushing him but he guided you over his face. You clenched air as you grabbed his head. "Morpheus...."
"Are you not my lover? Do you not deserve your very own throne? Sit on my face, my love, let me please you."
With that you let yourself lower. Clenching his head between your thighs as he licked a long strip up your folds.
"I could feel how wet you were but now I'm tasting you? You're more addicting than any aphrodisiac."
His words were going straight down to your core. His tongue lapping up what he could. Groaning as he tried to bury his face deeper.
"You've done this to me before-"
"And everytime I can't get enough." He breathed out. Pulling your hips down, putting more of your weight on him. Whining as his noses pressed against your sensative bud.
His tongue squirming between your folds, starting to tongue fuck. You squirmed at the sensation, moving your hips to chase your pleasure. Anything he tried to say was muffled. The vibrations sending you reeling as you moaned.
You let out a cry as he tried to shove your sex even closer. His senses were entirely filled with you. But he insisted. Wanting more. Needing more. Drunk on your taste.
"Morpheus - please -"
Your hands weaved through his block locks. Tugging them rightly in shaky fists. He groaned as he finally moved his head. Sucking on your clit, gently rolling it between his teeth before he lapped it up. Your body heaved as it struck you. Feeling your release get closer and closer.
His eyes locked with yours. Knowing you were hanging on the edge. Parting from your throbbing sex for only a second. "Come for me."
It hit you like a storm. Crying out as your body flinched from how hard you came. But Morpheus didn't stop. Humming as he lapped up your juices. You tugged at his hair again trying to squirm away from his vicious mouth. Greedily taking every last drop from you.
"Too much-!"
Yet it felt so good. Your back arching as you melwed. Rolling your hips to get more but everytime you did it made you tremble. The pleasure becoming unbearable. You sobbed as he licked your clit.
"Morpheus-!" You screamed as a second orgasm crashed against you. Gasping for air as tears ran down your face.
He finally pried himself off you. His eyes were fixed on you. Hazy. Eyelids fluttering as he panted. You crawled back, sitting on his stomach as his hands caressed moved from your hips now to your back. Caressing your spine. Hugging you close to him. Smiling to himself as you shook in his arms. Feeling every twitch in your legs.
"You are cruel...." You whined. Hiding your face in his chest. He could feel your smile as you kissed his pale skin.
"That was mercy, my love, if you allowed it I would spend the rest of entirety with your thighs around my head."
You moaned at his words but as tempting as it was you needed to feel him. Unable to cool the fire souring through your body. As soon as your high ended you were coiled tight in need. Your desire only growing stronger as you grinded back on his sex. Sitting up as you positioned yourself over his thighs.
"I need...I need you to-"
You couldn't wait anymore. The fire consumed you. Clawing at your insides as all of it screamed for him. Morpheus sat up, leaning on his elbows. Only lifting one hand to cup your face. Making you look at him as you shuddered.
"Take what you need, I am your servant, use me."
You gripped his cock, your thumb pressing down on the slit as you guided him towards you. Groaning when he brushed against your aching bud. Unable to stop yourself as you rolled your hips, bouncing up and down as you kept him flush to your sex. The veins running up his dick rubbing against you deliciously.
Squeezing the head as you coated the underside with your juices. Your brain too far gone to feel ashamed. Just desperate for more pleasure.
"And you say I am cruel." He breathed out. Only able to watch. Twitching in your grasp. Your pleasure was his, seeing you so desperate made his head spin.
"Please keep talking...."
You whimpered out. Nuzzling your face into his hand, using your free hand to keep it close. Seeking out more of his warmth.
He was not as cruel as you think. More than happy to guide you to your orgasm. After all, was that not his job? To help those who appear in his realm, seeking out their dreams.
"So desperate, chasing pleasure only I can give you."
His voice was consuming your brain. It was so soft yet so loud. Rattling in your head like thunder but feeling as gentle as rain. It was as rich as the chocolate you ate earlier. It was one of the things you loved so much about him. Ever since you heard it in your dreams you were always seeking it out. To hear every emotion he could muster.
And that needy breathless tone he was using now? Oh - it made your whole body burn up.
"I can feel how wet you are, completely covering me in your arousal, my love, I bet you'd feel so good clenching around me, do you want that? To no longer feel so empty?"
You nodded, feverishly jerking the head of his cock as you kept bouncing. Unable to reach the spike you needed. You couldn't bring yourself to stop. Too lost in the aggravating slow build of it all. It felt so good yet wasn't enough but you couldn't bare to strip yourself away from this pleasure.
"Morpheus, please fuck me, claim me all over again - I need you-!"
He bucked into your grip. Grabbing your chin as he pulled your face down. Forcing you to stare into his eyes.
"Keep begging for me like that, you sound so sweet."
"Please Dream, please my love, I'm already yours so just take me-! You feel so good- please! Fuck me." You let out a sharp shaky breath as you tried to muster your words. "Fuck me until I can't walk, be good for me, you're always my good boy- please-"
He let out a stuttered groan as he suddenly came. His cum spilling all over your hand as his back hit the ground once again. You gasped as you clenched the head of his cock.
Morpheus grabbed your hips, rolling you both over, aligning your sexes together as he glared down at you.
"I'm going to ravish you."
You didn't even get to say a word. He slowly thrusted in, letting out a soft moan. Shocked at how easily he was able to slid in. Bottoming out instantly as he did one rough thrust. You wrapped your legs around his hips, trying to keep him as close as possible.
Dream couldn't keep his hands off you. Grabbing at your body as he fucked into you. Your hands turning into fists either side your head, tugging and pulling at the grass below. Your lover desperately trying to ground himself as he lost himself in the feel of your warmth. Feeling every twitch and clench. The lewd squelching that came from between your bodies. It was all too much.
His hands finding their way to your chest, holding you just under your armpits as his thumbs rolled your nipples. Your body was glistening under the sun, still sticky with honey. Just as quick as they came, they were gone. His hands back on your hips as he kept you steady. You pawed at his hands and dream happily took them. Your fingers threaded together as he pounded into you.
You clenched as he hit that certain spot. He knew your body all too well. Knowing exactly how to make you see stars.
One of his hands left yours and moved to your clit. Rolling it in tight circles as he puffed out his chest. His head bowing as he let out a strangled cry. Your walls clenching around him more as your pleasure rose.
"So warm.... hugging me so tight- That's it, feels so good when I touch you here, doesn't it?"
You nodded. "Feels....so...good." Drool was now on the corner of your lips. Eyes wet from how intense everything felt. Your mind was going blank as speaking became a challenge.
Each thrust hitting exactly where you needed. His thumb working you up. That peak coming into your mind's eye as he rolled faster. Adding more pressure. Your eyes rolling back as you screamed. Unable to keep yourself to the ground as your back was stuck arched.
With your free hand you pulled him down by the neck. Grabbing a large chunk of dream's hair as your mouths crashed together. Swallowing each others noises as he kept his brutal pace. You could feel it; he was close too. You needed to cum with him.
Dream felt dizzy. Clenching your hand tight. You felt too good- sometimes he wondered if you were real. So perfect for him. Everytime you two delved into this ocean of pleasure he found himself reluctant to swim. Wanting to drown in every fibre of your being. You were his anchor and hardest temptation.
You were practically choking his cock. Even as his tongue pushed into your mouth you were loud. He could hear every gasp, moan and hitch. What has he done to deserve such a wonderful lover?
Morpheus couldn't keep himself together much longer. Feeling his release dangle Infront of him. His thrusts becoming sloppy as you mewled and whined. Knowing you were hanging on just like him.
Your legs wrapped around him tighter, pushing his hips forward. Wanting him just as desperately as he wanted you. Dream finally parted the kiss. Burying his face in your shoulder as he let out a loud moan. Slamming himself into you as your walls twitched. He trembled as small gasps of air left him. Little whines threading through them as he came.
The sheer force drove you over the edge. Milking every last drop out of him as your orgasm hit you. You hugged him tight as your hands pulled at his hair.
You both panted as your hearts slowly went back to their normal pace. He stayed buried inside you as he slumped. Laying ontop of you as you kept him in a tight hug like a koala. Your fingers now weaving through his hair. Soothing the dull ache he felt in the back of his head. He hummed as he let his muscles completely melt.
"That.....was amazing." You beamed. Nuzzling your face into the mop of darkness on his head.
"You were just as spectacular as always, my love." He kissed your neck. Morpheus mused. His voice somehow becoming even deeper. You let out a small laugh as you kissed his head. Thanking him for his kind words.
"Are you feeling okay? Was it too much?"
"No, it was perfect - what about you? How are you feeling?"
"Just as content." He hummed.
With that you smiled. Letting your eyes flutter, enjoying having him so close. The world blurring as you closed your eyes. Embracing the blanket of heat the sun gave the two of you. This was better than any dream you could think of.
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thepaintedlady00 · 2 years
The Sandman and The Girl Without Dreams
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Chapter 10: Fates Tethered Threads
20,430 words (53 pages). This chapter has been an absolute terror to write, I hope y'all enjoy it! TW: Desires rude AF, general distress, depictions of drowning, smut (if y'all liked Soft Dream buckle up), minor angst, confrontations, blood, violence, cliffhanger (I'm warning y'all now 👀)
When Dream entered the library he felt lighter than he had in decades. He felt whole, as did his realm, everything was as it should be for the first time since his capture. Lucienne greeted him politely, pulling out the books she'd picked out and fixing her glasses on her face nervously.
"What have you found?" He asked looking down at the slightly dusty pile.
"I'm not sure," she admitted with a sigh. "When you gave me the name of our lady I looked high and low attempting to locate anything about her here in The Dreaming. As you predicted, nothing."
He nodded. "She does not dream, so it is unlikely we'll find her here."
Lucienne glanced at the book in her hands and held it out to him. "Last night, shortly after the two of you… returned to the palace I found this on my desk."
The book was bound in multicolored threads, glistening in the light as it moved. Penelope Barlow carved into the front. His finger traced over the letters. "How is this possible?"
"I don't know, my lord," his librarian admitted. He moved to open it when she cleared her throat. "Sir, if I may…"
"What is it, Lucienne?"
"I read what was in the book, sir, to be certain it was our lady. What you find will no doubt distress you. And I only wish to remind you that The Dreaming is still weak and in need of you now more than ever."
"Lucienne," he interrupted.
She sighed. "It appears… It seems one of your siblings was involved in our lady being severed from The Dreaming."
His chest burned and he moved to open the book again, but just as his fingers curled around the edge he felt a blinding pain pierce his head. Dreams vision swam, the pain so great he had to steady himself against the table. Lucienne gripped his arm, her startled voice incoherent in his ears. When it vanished along with the heartbeat he'd been feeling beside his own since he’d brought her back to The Dreaming he dropped the book. "Penelope!"
Teleporting to his room the fear turned into all out panic at the sight of the bed in disarray and her bag of trinkets on the ground, the small objects scattered across the floor. He couldn't breathe. The room filled with shadows as his fear gave way to anger. Luciennes warning swirled in his mind. One of his siblings was behind this, and once he found out which one nothing short of his lady's return and their cries for mercy would satisfy him.
This was getting ridiculous. They stared down at me with their wide grin unfaltering. "As lovely as you look down there, Petal, I think you should get up."
"You," I said, seething. "You were at the bar that night."
Their hand pressed to their chest as they looked away faking a bashful reaction. "Oh, how very flattering this is! The Lady of The Dreaming recognizes little old me."
"Who are you?" I chose to ask instead of attempting to retaliate against their obvious teasing.
"I am all that you Desire."
Desire. "You're one of Morpheus' siblings."
They shrugged. "But of course."
"Why are all of you so obsessed with dragging me places?" I demanded lifting myself up off the floor.
Desire looked confused, the first genuine emotion I'd seen from them. "I didn't bring you here, Petal."
They rolled their eyes. "You don't catch on very quick, do you?"
I'd forgotten how easily they got bored and how rude they were. "What do you mean you didn't bring me here?"
"I did nothing." They said, "Here I was, walking the halls of my realm and then poof a little flower tumbles into my path. You brought yourself here. It's what you do after all."
"What I do?"
"Yes, Weavers are notorious party crashers." They smiled. "Though none before did so as frequently or as elegantly as you."
"Weaver?" It wasn't the first time someone had called me that, but all the times before I'd written it off as some odd term among these beings.
Desire groaned. "What have you been doing all these years? It should be quite obvious what Weavers are by now." I stared at them, waiting. "Good god woman. Fine, I suppose if any of us were to let the cat out of the bag it'd be me."
Did that mean? "Have I met more of you?"
"You've met all of us," they cooed, stroking a long finger down my cheek and squeezing my hand. "Even The Prodigal before he vanished. Though I’ve heard many a rumor that says you were far more intimately acquainted with him than any of the others, even dearest Dream."
“I’m not intimately acquainted with any of you,” I growled. “Do all of you know what I am?”
"Yes," they said, grinning at the victory of their insult striking me. "All except our darling Dream. It would seem he's far too busy with his desire for you to put the pieces together by himself."
Dream. I wanted to cry. He must’ve been so worried, so angry at another sudden disappearance. The ring. I looked down to my finger, a hopefulness unfurling in my chest only to find it gone. Desire tutted in front of me, twirling the ring between their fingers. "Now, now, why would I let you go so soon? After all, we have so much to talk about."
"Give it back," I demanded, a cold possessiveness filling me at the sight of my ring, his gift to me in their hands. 
They laughed. "Petal, that might work in my brother's realm, but here…" They spread their arms wide. "I'm the one in charge."
I sighed. "Please."
"Oh, you do sound so pretty when you beg!" Their golden eyes glowed. "Tell me, is that how it sounded last night when my brother finally laid his claim to you?"
It wasn't embarrassment that made the blood rush to my face, it was anger. "How would you know anything about that?"
They scoffed, turning to walk down the long twisting hallway. "I can feel the echoes of it just swirling all around you. It's sickening. Though I am impressed." I followed beside them, putting a distance between us as they looked over at me with a sly grin. "All my previous attempts to bring my brother to his knees with lovers had failed. All my attempts to twist that smug self importance were wasted. But you… You managed to do all of that and more. You make him weak."
I glared at them. "He's more powerful now than ever. And once he finds me, which he will, he's going to be pissed."
"I'm counting on it," they purred back. "Now, please sit."
A table filled the space in the middle of the room, the same glossy red material that surrounded us. It was adorned with gold and black flowers, candles and every decedent food I could imagine. Lobster, crab, oysters, lamb, caviar. I stopped walking and watched as they sat, throwing their feet up on the table to lounge. "What do you want?"
They rolled their eyes. "Sit, Weaver. I've been nothing but welcoming to you, and while I love the rebellious attitude I'm growing bored of it."
Though their words held the same flippant and disinterested attitude, the flare in their golden eyes prompted me to listen to the threat that the words veiled. I sat across from them and squeezed my hands together in my lap. They gave my ring a final look before setting it beside them. Maybe if I was quick eno- "No games, Petal. I just want to have a chat with my future sister, there's no need for this to be so… Hostile."
"Why am I here?" I asked outright.
Desire laughed and filled their plate with food. "You came to me and yet you think I somehow know why?"
I sighed. "I didn't try to come here. I was just.. I was relaxed and then everything was bright and loud and I was here."
They hummed. "Sounds to me like your little bedroom fun awakened something in you. Kinks aside, you are different you know. Special."
I hated the way they said it. "How so?"
"Not only are you a Weaver, but you're also soul bound to my brother and thus to his precious Dreaming." They indulge themselves in an oyster before continuing. "Who knows what else you…" A smirk. "Milked dry last night."
Clenching my jaw I glared at them. Now wasn't the time to pick a fight but god did they make it hard to keep this civil. "What is a Weaver?"
Desire checked their nails and quirked a brow at me. "Why should I tell you?"
"Because knowing is what I most desire. And that's your job, isn't it?"
"I like you," They said smiling. "And because I like you I'll share my knowledge. For a small price."
"What do you want?"
"Dinner," they said happily. "Just the two of us. We can go wherever you wish, but when I call upon you you'll answer."
I thought it through for a moment. Surely they'd given me enough information that I wouldn't need to resort to a deal. The gleam in their golden eyes told me they knew something more though, something I wouldn't be able to find in The Dreaming library or on my own. "Just dinner? No tricks or games? Just food and conversation?"
"Sorry if I'm having a hard time believing that's all you'd want."
They shrugged. "Let's just say that me sharing my information doesn't just benefit you. So, do we have a deal, dear Weaver?”
With a tense nod I settled back in my chair. “Fine, I’ll have dinner with you when you call. Just dinner, nothing else.”
They clapped their hands together and smiled widely. “Fantastic!”
Silence filled the space and they stared at me, waiting for me to ask my questions? “What is a Weaver and why do you keep saying I am one?”
“I keep saying you are one because you are.” They said simply, “As for what a Weaver is, that’s a bit more complicated and quite long winded.”
“I’m sure you’ll manage to simplify it,” I replied with a barely concealed venom that made their eyes sparkle.
They looked far too pleased at my thinning temper. “Humans, the universe, this whole mess is made up of and bound by threads. I don’t bore myself with all that nonsense, it's all Destiny’s problem anyway. All I know is one day he went into a tisy because his precious book had changed, and with that change the first Weaver was born. The book calls them Fate Weavers, ones that can not only see the threads of this universe and all within it but manipulate them, change them, even make new ones. The divides between realms are thinner for them, which is why you poof away from one place and plop into another. Destiny says that Weavers go where they’re needed, blah blah boring.”
“You said Weavers, as in more than one? What happened to the others?” I asked quietly.
“What happens to all humans, Petal. Weavers are still human. After the first, others followed and it became another natural law of the universe.” They cleared their throat and in a mock voice that sounded like they were trying to imitate Destiny they said, “There must always be a Weaver, only one, or the threads of this world will snap and everything will be plunged into an early grave. Or, that’s what Destiny and his little book claim at least.”
I met their golden gaze. “You don’t believe him?”
They smiled. “Dear, I won’t pretend to care what he does with that book of his. He’s by far the most boring of them all. Your Dream, however, has my full attention.”
Dream always seemed uncomfortable about speaking of his siblings. Death he seemed fond of, but he’d never willingly spoken of the others. When I’d told him I visited Destiny’s garden he was upset, concerned, when there seemed to be no reason for it. Was Desire the reason he was so hesitant to speak of his family? Or was he, perhaps, the reason behind the spiteful gleam in their eyes. “What did he do to make you so angry?”
“Nothing,” they replied, though I couldn’t tell if it was the truth or not. “He’s just so… self important and uptight. Messing with him is quite fun.”
I hummed. “I think there's more to it than that.”
“Do you now?”
“I think he hurt your feelings,” I stated. “I think he made you feel lesser, and I think you’re looking for a way to make him feel the same.”
They scoffed. “You know very little, Weaver. Now, hush up so I can finish telling you about your history, since it’s apparently my job to educate Dream's new pet.”
I let the insult roll over me and nodded. “Fine.”
“Since the beginning there have been plenty of your kind, but the last one got a bit greedy with the power given to her. I don’t know what happened or why, but whatever it was gave way to you, Destiny’s favorite.” Favorite? I wondered to myself. Nothing he’d said or done had particularly stood out to me as favoritism. They continued, “You are soul bound to Dream and you are a Weaver. Those two things alone make you quite special, but the thing that takes the cake is your pretty little starkissed blessing.”
“Starkissed blessing?” 
They gestured toward my head. “Your glow. The reason you’re still alive, petal. It seems our mother dearest fished you out of Death's path and gifted you with immortality, well, for the most part.”
“Mother?” Fuck me, I’d worked my way through his siblings and now I’d apparently met his mother. Dream was going to lose his mind.
“Night, the mother of the Endless.” Desire said in a tone that sounded calm, but held an edge I couldn’t fully understand. “Though her and daddy have never really cared much for this world, nor my siblings and I, they created us. Our father, Time, only ever speaks to Destiny nowadays and even that’s rare and Mother always favored Dream above the rest. She’s… detached to say the least, though she seemed to like you well enough to save you.” Desire nearly scoffed.  “Perhaps it was solely because of your connection to Dream, or some other selfishly motivated idea of hers. I don’t care much, all I know is her little blessing keeps you from aging and your substantial Weaver magic heals up those pretty wounds of yours and your connection to my brother and his realm gives you far more power than you should have.”
“So, I’m part human, part Endless and blessed?” I asked with furrowed brows. “That’s too much.”
“Indeed it is, Petal.” They agreed. “It makes you interesting at least.”
Desire was rude and spiteful and grew bored easily. They were unlikable in nearly every way, yet, I found myself feeling far more comfortable than I had been around most the others. They lied and were deceitful by omission, yet something in me told me they weren’t playing a game now. “Why tell me all this?”
“Because Dream obviously isn’t going to. He’ll do what he always does, keep you in the dark, safely leashed somewhere he can have constant control.” Desire’s smile fell, for the first time during our conversation. “You’re special, one of a kind, but above that you have a good heart. The things you desire are…” They paused, looking down at the ring they’d taken. “They’re good. It’s infuriating, yet refreshing after dealing with centuries of boring people and boring desires.”
“So, you like me?” I asked with a smug grin.
They rolled their eyes, whatever moment of honest tenderness they’d been willing to show me long gone and the gleam back in their golden eyes. “I find you interesting. The others would let you fail right from the start, but I see no fun in that. I’d much rather watch you try first, then fail. Besides, it will make Dream absolutely livid when he finds out it came from me.”
“And asking for dinner in return for all this?” I pressed. “Why would you want that?”
“To gossip of course!” They laughed. “I have so very much I’d like to tell you about my brother.”
“Why not tell me now?” I questioned.
Their Cheshire smile widened. “As I said earlier, we don’t have all day. Your dear Dream is no doubt throwing a fit trying to find you, and once he gets here he won’t want to stick around.”
Guilt filled my lungs at the thought of Dream. I hadn’t meant to teleport, to leave, and I was certain he would understand that, but it still did little to ease the uncomfortable sensation in my gut. “Will you give me my ring back now?”
“No, petal,” they chuckled. “I want to draw out your visit for as long as I can. The angrier I can make Dream, the better.”
“So what am I to do, while we wait?” I asked, more annoyed with their refusal to return my stolen possession. “Twiddle my thumbs and listen to you bitch?”
With a shrug they pulled their feet from the table, circling it to stand beside me. "What has my big brother shared with you about himself?"
“I haven't asked.” I replied. “He's respected my past and I intend to respect his.”
Desire made an amused face, kneeling down to meet my height. “You'll grow to rethink that stance.”
“No I won't.” I insisted with a cold glare. “When he's ready to open up about whatever it is that’s got you all giddy I’ll be there willing to listen. We’ll work through it together.”
“So confident, yet so naive.” They clicked their tongue, stroking my cheek. “You’re sweet, Petal. So when my big brother fucks you over, which he will, know that my door is always open to you.”
I grit my teeth. “Thanks for the generous offer, but I won't need it.”
“My big brother's past lovers all ended in tragedy.” They said, with a hint of warning. “This will be no different.”
“Do I look like a tragedy to you?” I asked with a lethal calm. I’d survived far worse than a break up. Dream and I were bound together, no gossiping sibling was going to sway that.
The gold of their eyes sparked at the challenge. “No, I don't suppose you do.”
I stood, their eyes following me. “I'm leaving.”
Desire laughed and gestured to the air. "I'll not keep you prisoner. You came to me, I'm certain you can find your own way out." My eyes flashed to the table, but the ring was gone, back in Desire's hands. "I'll be keeping this though, wouldn't want you to cheat now would we."
"It belongs to me." My head began throbbing, a vivid thread woven of red, gold and black appeared wrapped around Desire's neck, disappearing and reappearing at random as I blinked. 
They turned and started walking away. "If you're still here in an hour do come find me for drinks."
The thread trailed behind them, leading back to me. As I looked down at myself, threads of all colors and thickness and brightness covered me and everything around me. Some were solid, others were fraying and tense as if they were pulled too tightly and then there were the ones that moved like they were liquid. They began to glow brighter and brighter the more I looked. 
When I looked back up, the glossy red of Desires realm was replaced by a vast expanse of darkness, shimmering with far away stars. I could still see the outline of the walls and table, but it was dull and devoid of color. On the right was a thick golden thread that glowed and hummed with warmth. It was fluid, moving like a river of molten gold. On the left was a thin silver thread, ridged and unmoving with waves of freezing cold rolling off of it.
My head began throbbing as the lights grew brighter and brighter until I could see nothing else. A ringing in my ears echoed as I curled into myself, shutting my eyes to try and save them from the burning brightness. For a minute all I could do was force myself to breathe, and then slowly the ringing faded and the light went out.
Opening my eyes slowly darkness surrounded me in a dull room, lit by a handful of mostly melted candles. Not again. I stood, carefully, my eyes straining in the darkness. The sound of heavy rain and thunder and waves echoed all around, but there was no window or door in sight. I picked one of the candles up, doing my best to ignore the burn of melted wax and began to move through the darkness.
All around the floor was covered in squeaking rats, they moved when I came close and minded their business, but I could feel their beady eyes watching me. "You shouldn't be here."
I jumped, twisting to look around me for the voice. "Hello?"
"You shouldn't be here, Weaver." It said again, familiar and sad. "No one comes here. No one wants to."
"I'm sorry," I said softly. "I don't know where I am… Or how I got here."
"It feels different from last time." The voice mused, sounding even closer but as I looked no one was there. "You want things now, you've grown and put much behind you, but it's still there. You buried it."
My heart began beating faster. "Who are you?"
The voice chuckled a little, but the sound was strangled, forced, wrong. "Your sister in law."
Sister in law? Desire said something similar. "You're one of Dream's siblings?"
The rats grew restless at the sound of his name. "Yes, he's not fond of us though. Not like he is with others, with you."
"I'm sure he cares for you in his own way," I replied cautiously. "Can you help me?"
"Help?" The voice echoed. "Help you. Oh yes, yes I will help you."
A door appeared in front of me, the rats lining the path forward. A chill ran up my spine. "Where does it lead?"
The voice was in my ear now. "To help."
My feet didn't move, but the door grew closer and closer until it passed over me, opening and closing tightly once I was through it. The dark hallway was lined with mirrors of all shapes, sizes and adornments. I looked into them as I passed, watching my reflection twist and change shape right before my eyes. This place was officially the worst and I wanted out. Now. How did I do it last time? I kept moving, the rats on the floor breaking away to carve a path for me as the small candle in my hand lit the area.
Light, a tiny sliver of it, peeked from a half open doorway at the end of the long hall. Maybe someone was here, someone who could help send me back to The Dreaming. I opened the door slowly, and the more I did the less light shined. A mirror, tall and long, lined in a frame of fish hooks stood in the center of the room. I walked closer.
The reflection was blurred, but as I got closer it cleared until I stood looking into Olethros' eyes. I swallowed a broken sob just as the door behind me slammed shut. When I turned to the noise another mirror blocked my path, the family that had died in the fire staring back at me. I turned again to another mirror, an old lover. Another mirror, another dead friend. All around me were mirrors and every last one of them held the shape and faces of those that had died because of me.
My lungs burned as I tried to keep breathing, tears filling my eyes and spilling with no resistance. Olethros spoke. "Fighting almost always leads to death and destruction. Are you prepared for that?" 
"No," I breathed.
"Auntie Pen! Auntie Pen!" The voices of the children chanted. 
"We're safe, right Penelope?" Their parents asked.
I covered my ears. "Not this."
"Do you love me, Penelope?" My old lover asked.
"Come on Pen, you gotta live a little!" My friend insisted.
"Penelope," they all began to cry out to me, repeating conversations we shared, calling out to me.
I looked up at Olethros. "I'm gone because of you."
His warm eyes went gray. "They killed me because I tried to save you."
I was on my knees now, weeping. "Stop!"
"All of us are dead and it's your fault!" 
"Your fault!"
"Because of you!"
"STOP!" I screamed as loud as I could, my hands slamming down onto the floor, rats scattered away from me as below my hands the ground began to crack. A line of golden light illuminated my right hand, winding around my wrist like a band or… Or a chain and a line of silver on the left, mirroring the gold perfectly. My right hand burned and my left felt frozen. Chest heaving I slammed them down again and again and again until the floor finally gave way.
I was falling, falling for what felt like hours until I hit the cold water that raged below. The waves were too strong, pulling and pushing me under with a force I couldn't fight against. I fought and raged, desperate to break the surface, but I couldn't. Fear seized me, my lungs burning as I tried to scream. The more I fought and raged against the waves the further down they swallowed me. It felt like an eternity had passed before I shut my eyes. I was going to die, for real this time. I was going to die. Dream would blame himself… He would be heartbroken, he’d lost me once already. No. No. NO!
Air stung my skin and the ground beneath me burned. A hand rubbed and patted my back, urging my body to purge the water I'd swallowed. Gasping and clawing at the pebbles beneath my fingers I sobbed. "Breathe, Weaver. You are safe."
"Destiny?" I choked out as the garden around us became clear.
I looked up at him, my body finally finding a way to breathe again as I threw my arms around him. He didn’t return the embrace, but steadied me with a hand on my back. "Will you please answer my questions?"
"Some, yes."
His scent soothed me, filling my body with a sense of familiarity and safety. "Do you have tea?"
He offered me his hand. "Yes. Your favorite."
"Thank you." I whispered.
"Dream," his sibling purred as he approached. "I was wondering when you'd show up."
"Where is she?" He asked roughly.
Desire smirked. "She was here some time ago, though she was in quite a hurry to leave."
"No games," he said, the hold he had on his temper losing its grip by the second. "Where is she?"
"Gone." They said, pursing their lips and twirling something on their finger. "She did leave this for you though."
Dreams heart lurched into his throat. Her ring. Why would Desire have her ring? "How did you get this?"
"She gave it to me," they said, eyes glowing, smile widening. "Said if you came looking to return it to you."
No. She wouldn't do that. Fear and nauseousness filled him. Unless… "What did you tell her?"
They gasped, a hand flying to their throat. "Me? Gossip?! Dream I would simply never!"
His hands slammed into the table, the force of the blow cracking the glossy red material. "Enough. What did you say to her?"
Their smile didn't falter. "I may have mentioned your string of tragedy with all those other lovers. Or perhaps it was an implication of keeping secrets? Oh dear, it's so difficult to remember."
Dream stood, slowly circling the table to stand above them. If Desire knew anything about what he’d learned and twisted the truth to make him out to be some villain in Penelope’s eyes… No. He refused to think of the damage they could have done. "Last chance, sibling."
Golden eyes sparkled up at him. "Are you that desperate, big brother? If I’d known she’d finally be the push I needed to get you this worked up, I’d have sought her out years ago." They held the ring up to him.
He took it from their fingers, resisting the urge to break them completely, clenching it in his palm. "What did you do?"
"Nothing. I offered her some information on her unusual circumstances and she left."
Wordlessly he grabbed a handful of their hair and pressed their head into the table. "Where is she, Desire?"
"I don't know." they replied. "Perhaps our brother would?"
Their brother? Dream loosened his grip. If they knew what he did... Had they told her? "What do you know?"
A wide grin. "I've heard a rumor... One that our darling Weaver was not too pleased to hear."
"She wouldn't believe anything you said." Though directed at Desire, the words were entirely for himself. A poor attempt to soothe his fear.
Beneath his grip they shrugged. "I only offer what I've heard, Dream. But, as for the location of your darling Weaver I truly have no clue as to where she'd ended up. I do hope it isn't anywhere dangerous."
His gut twisted even more at the thought. She could be anywhere and without the ring he had no way of finding her quickly. Damn him. He should have noticed it sooner! He should have known what she was the second he saw her! If he hadn't been so distracted he could have kept her safe. And now. He released Desire. Now he might very well lose her again, for certain this time.
"If you attempt to disrupt my personal affairs with my lady with your gossip again I shall free your lying tongue from your mouth." He growled.
Desire's laugh echoed around him as he walked away. "I do hope you find your lady, Dream! She was quite keen on not staying put for long. I do hope she’s not avoiding being found, but you're strong now so even if that is the case it shouldn't be too much of a challenge!"
Had she left? He thought as he felt The Dreaming curl around him. Was his sibling simply trying to goad him on, or was there some manner of truth to their words? Dream sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. If Penelope learned of Nada… If she'd learned of what he'd done to her, would that be enough for her to leave him? He looked down at the ring in his palm. Why would she have given it away? He needed to find her… Now, before it was too late.
Destiny had summoned food to go with our tea and for a while we just sat at his table silently drinking. I was starving, thirsty beyond imagining even though I’d no doubt swallowed half a damn ocean. So for a while the safe silence allowed me a chance to eat and recover from nearly drowning. But with each passing minute my head throbbed more and more. “Is it true… Am I a Weaver?”
“Desire told me they were of your domain.” I said. “If that’s true why am I bound to Dream and not you?”
Destiny took a drink of his tea. “Your bond to Dream is not something that can be changed or influenced by either of your functions. It is because it is.”
My fingers traced over the mark. “So there's no logic behind it? No rhyme or reason?”
“Not to my knowledge.”
“Don’t you know everything though?”
He was silent. Though that told me what I needed to know. Our bond was something no one would have answers to, not in this life and maybe not in any other. That didn’t bug me, I didn’t care where it came from or why, I was just glad that it kept me linked to him even after all the years we’d been apart.
"Well, I don't suppose you'd be able to tell me exactly what I'm supposed to be doing as Weaver?"
"Your duty is to keep the balance of this world in check." He looked over at me. "How you do that is entirely up to you."
I curled myself deeper into the warm shawl he'd given me. "But if Weavers are of your realm then why don't you just tell me what needs done."
Destiny sighed, setting his teacup back into its plate. "Desire wrongly assumes you are made of my realm and thus I have dominion over you. Weavers are not of any realm, but the whole universe. You are not bound by the laws my siblings and I are, nor are you strictly bound by the laws of mortals."
"So I'm some kind of cosmic wild card?" 
"If that is how you wish to see it." He answered with a smile.
"Why are you answering my questions now and not when I first showed up?"
"Perhaps you are simply asking the right questions this time. Or perhaps it is my duty to ensure you do not knowingly break the laws of the universe nor do you seek out knowledge beyond that which you are capable of understanding.”
"What if I did?" I asked, remembering Desires words about the previous Weaver. "Break the laws I mean?"
Destiny seemed to sit up straighter. "I would be forced to tear your heart out."
Oh. Okay. "Why that specifically?"
"You're resilient creatures, but the heart is where the threads, your individual ones specifically, are most concentrated. It is crude, but on occasion necessary."
"Is that what happened to the previous Weaver?"
I tilted my head. "What happened then?"
Again Destiny was silent. I couldn't tell if this was one that meant he'd spoken all he could on the subject or if he'd simply not wished to speak more of it. Either way it was obvious that there was a more ominous question hanging in the air, one I had apparently gotten close to. “Does my bond to Dream make me dangerous?”
He tilted his head slightly. “Yes.”
Fear shot through me. “Could it be used to hurt him?” Destiny seemed to understand my true question… Could I hurt him?
“Weavers are perhaps as close to my brother as mortals can get. Reality bends to your will as it does his. In theory any Weaver could use such power to harm him or any of the Endless. Your bond to Dream makes you a particularly unique threat, as his realm will also heed your commands. But, I do not think that will be your fate.” He said calmly. It was the most solid answer I’d gotten from him, and some part of me told me it was his way of easing my worry.
With a sigh of relief I looked around the garden. “So, how do I do this whole… Weaver thing?”
“However you choose to.”
“Destiny…” I grumbled.
“There is no one path, Penelope. How you find access to the threads is your own path, not mine nor any others before you.” He explained softly. 
I rubbed my arms and sighed at him, my head throbbed even more and before my eyes, curled around Destiny’s book and up the chains was a glowing gray thread with small veins of brown. “What do they mean? The threads?”
“They represent the world around us.”
“Desires was red with smaller thinner strings of black and gold. Yours is gray with brown. Are all the threads different?”
“Yes.” He said simply. “Everything is bound with the threads, but no one thread is like another.”
“What do the colors mean then?”
He shrugged his shoulders. “That is something I’ll leave to you to determine.”
"Can you see them?"
"You alone can see them, but in theory it would be possible to show them to others."
I sighed. “I’m going to have to talk to you a lot more aren’t I?”
I could have sworn he smirked as he lifted his teacup back to his lips. “If that is the path you choose.”
“Damn you and your cryptic answers,” I said with a laugh. “So, now what?”
“Now you choose a path.”
We stared at one another for a while, before I asked, “What if I pick the wrong one?”
Last time he’d given me a cryptic reply, one about there not being right or wrong. This time he only smiled and said, “I have faith in you, Weaver.”
I stood and gave his shoulder a pat as I moved past him towards the shrubbery covered in butterflies. “Guess I’ll see you around, boss.”
This path was far shorter than the one I’d walked down last time. The butterflies dispersed halfway through the walk, and before I could call out to them or say anything my head swam again. It was less painful than the other times, the brightness far more bearable as I looked at the threads, every one of them leading back the way I'd come from, all but one. I poked the green thread, watching in awe as the smaller specks of brown, gray seemed to shine beneath the touch. Tiny sparks of red and black lifted off of it, disappearing into the air. 
The green thread led further down the path, deeper into the maze. The smarter choice would be to turn around, follow the other threads and the butterflies, but the thread now between my fingers hummed and sang, the small vibrating tune one that felt familiar, urging me to follow it. With it pressed between my fingers I walked down the path, following every twist and turn for what felt like far too long before the maze opened to another smaller courtyard. In the center a tall half destroyed marble statue stood. It was impossible to pick out any prominent features, but it still held a beauty to it. The thread was wrapped tightly around the sword the statue held at its side, torn threads of red and black peeking out from beneath the green.
I let my fingers glide up the thread, brushing softly against the cold marble that began to shake beneath my touch. As soon as I pulled away the marble shattered, the force of it sending me back so hard my head hit the ground, which was now a cracked and broken foundation. "Ow," I mumbled to myself, pressing my hand to my head.
When I managed to shake off the blow I forced myself to my feet, looking out at the endless sky of debris and metal that floated all around me. As I turned, a tall building came into view, ornate and old, a museum? The tall statues on either side of the steps were cracked away to nearly nothing, the pieces floating in the air around them. Two doors hung loosely off the hinges, creaking softly as the building trembled. Inside looked just like a museum, but it was all wrong.
Marble statues were shoved into a corner, each of them misshapen and cracked. The paintings that lined the walls were terrible, even for abstract works, some were even torn or burned. Every sculpture or wood carving, all of it was wrong. Torn up bits of ink stained paper floated in the large cold room. The further I moved the less art I found, weapons instead lined the walls, hung and polished with broken glass floating around them. Echoes of clashing steel, pained screams and shouting echoed from each one sending chills up my spine.
In the very back was a small oak door, one that opened before I even touched it. The room was small, everything packed and cluttered together. A large bed sat shoved into the far corner, the pillows torn to shreds, feathers still hanging around them, the blanket thrown over something in the center of the room. At the foot of the bed was a small dog house, the roof of it caved in and the name scratched off. The fireplace on the right whistled softly, ash built up at the bottom of it. Paint splotches covered the sleek cracked floors and a broken easel was laying on the ground with paint brushes and ink pens thrown around. 
The humming returned as the world of threads filled my vision, the green thread pulled taut leading to whatever the blanket covered up. With every step I took sliced slivers of red and black threads flew up from the ground filling the air. I carefully pulled the blanket away, revealing a small glass case with an old and tattered paper butterfly in it.
My breath caught. This way my butterfly, the one De had given me and that I'd given to him. My fingers brushed against the glass. "Olethros."
The name shook the building, the glass shattered under my fingers and the butterfly floated up into the air. I had just enough time to catch it before the floor gave way beneath my feet and sent me plummeting down into the debris and shattered void. There was nothing to find purchase on, nothing that did not crumble immediately beneath my touch. All I could do was fall until there was no silhouette of the building, nothing but the tiny butterfly I clung to.
The longer I fell, the less I could feel or see or hear. Even when the debris and glass cut me or hit me no pain stuck. It felt like the world around me had been stripped away as the dark world of threads filled my vision. The green thread clung to the butterfly in my hands, but now a blue thread glowed, silver and lavender veins glistening in it like stars, wound around my finger where Dreams ring had been. I somehow managed to grab hold of it, the mark burning as I held it tighter. I want to go home. Please take me home.
I felt a pull, strong and steady catch me and I fell faster, the debris that surrounded me falling with me. When the ribble beneath me hit the ground black sand scattered all around, I curled up, landing on top of it roughly as the debris followed. With wobbling legs I stood and wept happily at the sight of the ocean. The soft salty breeze wrapped around me lovingly, The Dreaming welcoming me home. I stood on a mountain of rubble, as a voice began shouting, growing closer to me I turned to find Lucienne running through the sand.
"My Lady!" Lucienne cried as she approached the bottom of the rubble pile. She reached up toward me, offering two helping hands.
"Lucienne!" I sobbed jumping down into her arms. The smell of books and berries filled my nose and I breathed out a relieved sigh. I was home. "God I've had the craziest day."
She pulled back at that, looking me up and down before she shook her head. "My lady, you've been missing for nearly three weeks."
"Three…" I laughed a little. "No. That's… I was…" Oh god, Morpheus. "Lucienne, where is he?"
"Lord Morpheus paid a visit to Desire not long after you disappeared. They told him you'd left and didn't want to be found."
"Why would he believe that?" I asked softly.
"They had your ring, my lady. They claimed you gave it to them to return to Lord Morpheus if he came looking for you."
Fuck. "That fucking…" I shook my head, now wasn't the time. "Where is he?"
Luciennes eyes grew sad. "He's locked himself in the throne room. No one has been able to get in for a week."
"Take me there, please?" I begged, clutching her arm.
She led me through the gates and into the the realm now covered in dark storm clouds. When we finally reached the large doors leading to the throne room they were shut by gnarled back roots. Oh, Dream… He spent all this time thinking I'd abandon him, thinking that I'd run from him. God that fucking asshole was going to get their ass kicked if they ever called in on that dinner. I stepped forward, Lucienne catching my arm quickly. "My lady! I do not know if it's wise for you to approach. I fear it may be dangerous."
I gave her a reassuring smile. "He would never hurt me."
She let go of my arm and held her hands together. "Be careful, my lady, please."
The black roots snapped and curled away from the door as I moved closer, pushing it open just barely enough for me to fit through before closing again. Dreams throne room was pitch black, not even the night sky above could be seen. The marks on my wrists glowed in the darkness, illuminating the swirling shapes that filled it. Nightmares. 
The mark was cold, almost as cold as the silver that lined my wrist. The nightmares moved away from me as I continued forward, searching for his familiar face and pale skin. "Dream?"
The nightmares echoed my voice, but it was twisted and wrong, whispering things into the dark that I hadn't said, that I'd never say. Had he been torturing himself this whole time? I called out louder. "Dream?"
The steps to the throne nearly tripped me as I stumbled into them. I climbed carefully moving until I reached the top and found the messy hair and slim frame I'd been looking for. He was slumped over on his throne, his head hanging low as he stared down at the ring that lay in his palm. "Oh, Dream."
He didn't react to my voice. I reached out to touch him, but he flinched harshly away. "Leave. I've not ordered you to mock her with your imitations."
He told them to do this? I dropped to my knees in front of him, cradling his hands in mine. "Morpheus."
When he finally lifted his head, face set and rage in his eyes, preparing to take it all out on the nightmare he mistook me for, a broken breath left him instead. "Penelope?"
I nodded, smiling through the tears. "It's me."
The pure pain that filled his eyes struck me to the core. "You left."
"No." I cupped his face in my hands. "No, I didn't leave. I mean I did but…" I sighed. "I got lost. Really lost as it turns out, but the whole time I was trying to get back to you."
His hands closed around the ring. "You gave them your ring…"
"Absolutely not!" I insisted. "They took it off my finger while I was adjusting to, well, crash landing into their realm."
"They took it from you?" His brows furrowed and his grip on the ring tightened and his face turned in anger. "I should have known that they-"
I pulled myself into his lap, forcing him back into the seat and clung to him. For a moment he was dazed, sitting still against me, but as my heart hammered against his chest and the mark sparked to life between us his arms moved, wrapping around me and pulling me in even more. "I'm so sorry."
Dream sighed into my neck, his hands squeezing me tighter. "I thought you'd left."
Pulling back I pressed my forehead to his. "I would never leave you, my Dream."
His cold breath fanned across my neck as he held my face. "If you wanted you could go home-"
"You are my home." I whispered, pressing a kiss to his head. "You always have been."
Dream slid the ring back onto my finger and pressed a desperate kiss to my knuckles. "Never take it off again, please."
I kissed him everywhere I could. "Never. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to cause all this trouble."
The nightmares were gone, the starry sky lighting the throne room from above. "It wasn't your fault. I should have recognized what you were."
"You know then?" I asked softly, my lips stilling against his jaw.
"Yes." He sighed. "Forgive me for not seeing it before."
"No," I stopped him. "I'm the one that needs to be forgiven. Even if it was out of my control, I still hurt you." I pressed my lips to his neck. "Let me make it up to you?"
He groaned as I nipped gently at his throat. "I can deny you nothing, my love."
My body slid down until my knees hit the cold floor. Dreams hand curled onto the back of my head as I pulled him free from his pants. "You don't have to-"
"I want to," I said, looking up at him. "It's my turn to worship you, my lord."
I could feel the hot ball of lust curl in him, burning hotter when I took him into my hand pumping him slowly. He clenched his teeth, his eyes smoldering down into mine as I pressed a soft kiss to the underside of his cock before pressing my tongue flat against him. His head fell back against his throne with a shuddering breath and a phantom tingle of pleasure that coursed through to me as well.
Hollowing out my cheeks I took him into my mouth, dragging and swallowing around him as his hands gathered up my hair and gripped it tightly. "Penelope," he moaned breathlessly. His voice rippled another wave of arousal through me as I continued my movements, looking up at him through my lashes and gripping his thighs tightly. God he was gorgeous like this. A true king receiving the worship he deserved.
When his hands tugged at my hair, pulling my mouth from him I groaned, ready to complain when he dragged me back into his lap and pressed his mouth to mine in a sloppy, desperate kiss. He coaxed my mouth open and tangled our tongues together while his hands ripped the pair of shorts off me and pressed me into him.
The tip of his dick brushed against my clit, ripping a moan from my throat. "Morpheus."
He pulled me up, positioning himself at my aching hole. "Promise you'll never leave me," he breathed against my neck. "Swear it."
My hands fisted in his coat. "I swear, I'll never leave you. I'll always come home."
The word caused his hands to tighten around my hips and force me down onto him, sheathing himself all the way to the hilt. My breaths were ragged as my cunt squeezed him. "Home," he said. "You're home."
With a gentle hand on his cheek I looked down at him, tenderness soothing over the hurt. "I'm home."
With one hand on my hip and the other on the back of my neck he lifted me off him with ease, nearly pulling out entirely before sliding me back down. As he slowly began quickening the pace his hand slid down my spine, over my breasts until his fingers settled between my legs. We gasped and moaned and bit at one another, marking each other with teeth and hands. The pleasure building between us both made my head spin, the world melting away and the familiar blue thread enveloping me and Morpheus.
It was him. His thread that tethered us that had brought me home. My heart burned as I gently pressed a finger to it. Beneath me he gasped, moving his hips faster, pleasure etching into the stoney coolness of his face. "What are you doing?"
"I don't know," I answered, fingers running up the thread before stilling completely. "Does it hurt?"
"Fuck, no," he chuckled a little, star filled eyes meeting mine. "Don't stop."
I pressed my lips to his, resuming my movements and basking in the glorious sounds he made beneath my trembling thighs. "Come with me, Dream." I demanded as the coiling pleasure built up tighter and tighter. "Please," I breathed before the coil snapped. My hand closed around his thread tightly as I came and with that motion his release followed.
We held one another close as we both caught our breaths, but eventually he kissed my shoulder and pulled back. "Are you hurt?"
"No," I said softly. "Just a few scrapes and bruises. Nothing I can't handle."
He examined my skin, gently taking note of each mark. "What happened? Where were you?"
I leaned into him with a sigh. "After you left I was relaxing when this god awful headache made me fall out of your bed. When the pain was gone I was in Desire's realm."
His grip tightened. "What did they say to you?"
"Breathe," I reminded him softly running my fingers through his hair. "They told me I was a Weaver, explained it a little, refused to give me my ring back and left."
"Why were you not there when I arrived?"
"I saw the threads," I said, gesturing around us. Something in his eyes and voice made me feel like there was something he hadn't said. That thought gave way to an all too familiar pinch of hurt that I quickly reburied. "And then I was somewhere else. Darker, creepy with a shit ton of rats and freaky mirror tricks."
"Despair." He shook his head. "You certainly have been busy."
With a laugh I nodded. "I'm sorry I worried you."
Dream smiled, pressing his lips to mine. "You're home now, that's all that matters."
"I love you, Dream of the Endless."
"I love you, Penelope the Weaver."
A light knock echoed from the throne room doors. "My lord? My lady?"
"Oh shit, Lucienne!" I missed hopping off his lap and looking down at my bare legs. "Did you have to rip them?"
Dream grinned. "No, but it was far more enjoyable."
"Can I get some new pants then, mighty lord?"
His eyes ran down my legs. "No, I quite like the sight of you."
"Dream!" He waved his hand, a knee length skirt draping over me, no underwear. "Really?"
Standing, his own clothes now clean, he pressed me into his body. "It's been nearly three weeks, I'm nowhere close to done with you, little Weaver."
I'd been hearing people call me by the title for weeks, but the way he said it was my favorite. With a playful shove I followed him down the steps where Lucienne entered the room with a sigh of relief. "My Lord, I was so worried!"
"I apologize, Lucienne, for my dark behavior," he said stiffly, as if we hadn't just fucked on his throne. "But, My Lady is home now."
She shook her head. "Where have you been?"
"A lot of places," I told her. "Which reminds me, do you have any books on Weavers in that library of yours?"
"A Weaver," she smiled. "Of course. I'll gather every volume I can, my lady."
Once she'd gone, Dream set his head on my shoulder. "Let's attend to your cuts."
I closed my eyes, taking in the softness of his hands as he wrapped them around me. "They're tiny little scrapes, Dream. They won't even need band aids."
When I opened my eyes we were already back in his room with the tub standing in front of me. "Tiny or not, I'll see to it they're taken care of."
"This is just an elaborate plan to get me naked, isn't it?"
He nipped at my neck. "I hardly need to resort to such things."
I hummed. "Very true, with that voice you can get anything you want."
"Anything I want?" He asked. "That's quite a powerful thing."
"Says the Endless," I teased. "Are you getting in with me or are you gonna just stand there?"
We were both naked in the blink of an eye. Dream settled into the hot water first before practically pulling me in between his thighs and massaging my tense shoulders with his hands. I didn't remember falling asleep, but when I woke we were wrapped up in the silky bed, his arms wrapped around me, one of his hands was running his fingers through my hair and the other held a book. 
I lifted my head, pressing my chin to his chest. "Good morning, my love."
Squinting I looked out the window at the now rising sun. "How long was I asleep for?"
"A day," he said with a chuckle. "You must've been exhausted after all your traveling."
Groaning, I let my head drop back onto his chest. "I feel like I've been hit by a truck."
The book bounced on the side of the bed beside me as he ran his hands soothingly up and down my back. "Rest then," his lips pressed to my head.
"But you have things to do," I murmured against him.
"I can do them later."
"No," I sighed, pushing myself to sit up. "I've got things to do too. No more lounging around." The soft caress of his hand up my spine brought me right back down against him. "Okay, five more minutes."
Five minutes turned into ten. Ten minutes turned into an hour and an hour turned into three. When I'd finally managed to shake off the stiff tiredness in my body and pull the needy Dream Lord off me I sat up and stretched, all too aware of his eyes on my naked back. "Don't even think of it."
He chuckled. "You're far too beautiful for me to resist, my love."
As he moved from the bed to his wardrobe I bit my lip at the sight of his prominent muscles and cute, tight ass. He chuckled at my thoughts as he picked out an outfit, though from here they all looked the same. "I could say the same to you, my lord. And why are you physically picking out an outfit? You have magic, you know."
"Some things I like doing with my hands," he said, looking over his shoulder at me with a grin. "As you're well aware."
Blushing, I wrapped myself in his sheets and moved behind him, kissing his shoulder. "Do I get a fancy wardrobe too?"
"Would you like one?"
"Maybe," I admitted. "If it's not too much of an intrusion on your space."
With a wave of his finger a second wardrobe appeared beside his own. "Your heart beats in my chest, Penelope, a wardrobe is hardly an intrusion."
I practically vibrated all the way to it, opening it up to find the clothes I'd brought with me as well as extras. Turning to him I smiled. "Did you make me more clothes?"
"Perhaps," he admitted.
"How thoughtful of you, Dream." I kissed him. "Which one is your favorite?"
He said nothing, but his eyes betrayed him with a quick glance to a beautiful gown in the middle. I turned, running my hands along the fabrics before plucking it out of the wardrobe. It was ethereal looking and felt like touching a cloud. I shooed him away and changed into it, feeling his eyes on me as I admired the look of it in the mirror.
The top was sleeveless with two thin straps twining around my neck and leading down into a diamond shaped bodice of silver and lavender with tiny gems detailing it. The bottom was tight against my hips before flaring out with strips of misty blue puffing out like waves. I ran my hands over it. "It's beautiful, Morpheus."
"Far more now that you are in it," he replied standing next to me, dressed in his usual attire, but the stars and midnight of the inside of his coat seemed brighter. I twisted, examining my scars for a moment feeling a quick pang of nervousness… Vulnerability. He turned me into his arms, kissing my scarred wrist. "You are beautiful, my love. Every inch of you."
I sighed against his lips. Kissing him was something I'd never get enough of. My hands wound in his coat, tugging him even closer. "Damn you and your irresistible lips!"
"I can say the same of you." He chuckled, pulling away and offering me his arm. "Lucienne is expecting us in the library. She's found quite a selection on Weavers for you."
We walked at a leisurely pace, Dream was calm more so than I'd seen him in a while. Lucienne had just finished setting the books on the table when we walked in. She smiled, bowing her head a little. "My Lord, My Lady."
"That's a lot of books," I said, moving from Dreams' side to look at the piles. "Are all of these about Weavers?"
She nodded. "Yes, I'm afraid so. There were more, but I picked out the ones I thought would be most beneficial."
"This is going to take forever," I whined.
"My Lord," Lucienne said. "There are a few matters that require your attention. Merv was looking for you."
He nodded, eyes fixing on me with a worry in them that I recognized instantly. "Go, Lucienne will keep her eyes on me."
He sighed. "If you disappear again…"
"I won't." I said. "And even if I did, I have my ring back, and I won't be losing it again. I'll call for you the second something feels off."
"Very well," he said, bowing his head a little. "I'll return soon."
Lucienne and I jumped into reading, all of it both very helpful and not helpful at all. I learned the basic history of Weavers. Learned of all their names and greatest feats before they died, which was fascinating. The world benefited so much from them and no one ever knew. But, all explanation of the threads and their meaning was vague to say the least, and there was nothing on how to access them. Halfway way through Matthew had joined us and had not been helpful but offered up some support.
I groaned, setting aside another book and slumping against the table. "More of the same?" Lucienne asked.
"Yep." I replied. "None of these are going to tell me how to do this."
"Perhaps it is as Destiny told you?" She suggested. "Personal to the individual rather than a science."
"So you think I should ditch the books and try to feel my way through it?"
"Why not?" Matthew asked. "What's the worst that could happen?"
"I could teleport to Hell," I offered up.
He sighed. "Right. That would be bad."
"Perhaps you can practice simply summoning the threads for now?" Lucienne said. "You said it is rather simple, a bit uncomfortable but easy enough to manage."
Nodding, I stood up, moving to give myself enough room to work with. "Okay, here goes nothing I guess."
I closed my eyes, taking deep breaths I willed the darker world up from whatever depths it was buried in, opening my eyes to the threads and the headache that came with them. "Okay, now what?"
"What do you see?" Matthew inquired.
"A shit ton of glowing threads."
"Okay well, touch a few?" He said.
I moved to the flowing gold, watching it move, sparks of it flying off towards Lucienne and Matthews chests. Reaching out my finger barely grazed it before a burning hot sensation shot through me. I yelped, jumping back and rubbing my finger. "Okay… Gold thread is hot as fuck. Do not touch the gold thread! Holy shit."
"Are you alright, my lady?" Lucienne asked softly.
"I'm okay." I said. "Wasn't expecting it to be that hot."
I moved to the solid silver thread, the cold rolling off of it as I reached out. Unlike the gold it was cold and I could touch it. I held my finger to it, the cold slowly sinking into my bones, spreading up my arm. Voices echoed around me, ones I'd not heard in years, and misty visions spilled from inside it threatening to overtake my sight completely. Hands grabbed my shoulders and pulled me back, severing the connection to the thread.
The world returned to normal and Lucienne held my cold hand in hers. "My lady! Are you hurt!"
"I'm fine. Why…" I looked down at my hand, deathly pale and covered in frost. "Oh."
Lucienne sighed in relief as the color began returning to my skin. "Let's stop touching the threads for now?”
Matthew cawed. “Yeah I second that.”
“Just, examine them? If you can describe them to me, I may be able to check the books for specific details.”
I nodded, once again pulling the threads back up and looking at them. All the objects around me looked like they’d been woven of blue and silver and lavender threads. Dreams thread. “The Dreaming,” I said, marveling at the realization. “It’s all made of his thread, all woven together by him.”
“Lord Morpheus is The Dreaming,” Lucienne observed. “It would make sense that his realm is built of him, perhaps even connected to him.”
I turned my head to Matthew, who had perched on the edge of a chair. His thread was thick and white, but the white was covered with winding threads of blue and black that pulsed around it with each breath he took. He himself had a blue and white mist rolling off of him. “Well? How do I look?”
I smiled. “Like a smoking bird.”
I ran my hand through it, hot and cold sensations pin pricking my hand. “Is smoking good?”
“Good, I think.” I assured him. “Your thread is lovely. White wrapped up in blue and black ones that glow everytime you breathe.”
The smoke plumed higher as he puffed out his chest. “That sounds impressive.”
Turning to Lucienne as she jotted down notes I smiled at her bright purple thread, deep and rich with veins of brown that resembled the leather of her books and tan that reflected her eyes. Unlike Matthew hers were woven together, every color touched and mingled into the purple. “Yours is different from his. Dark purple, with brown and tan, but they’re woven, intermingling with one another. Matthew’s threads don’t touch, each one is its own thing almost.”
Lucienne hummed, scribbling away furiously. “This is fascinating.”
As she smiled her thread glowed. “It’s beautiful, Lucienne.”
She blushed, something I only noticed because of the purple glittering that lit up her cheeks, hiding it beneath her glasses. “Thank you, my lady.”
The library door opened and I turned, my eyes widening at the beautiful glowing of Dream. Unlike everyone else he appeared as he always did, no mists or blocked out features. I could see every inch of him. More astonishingly was the beautiful thread that was wrapped around his head, a crown of sorts. I smiled. “Maybe you don’t need a crown after all.”
His eyebrows furrowed. “What?”
I pointed. “Your thread, it winds around your head. A crown.”
He nodded with a tiny smile just for me. “You’re looking at the threads then?”
“Yep!” I looked down at the mess of threads that wrapped around him, connecting him to everything in the room. “You’re covered in them. The threads of The Dreaming, I’d assume.”
Lucienne’s pen scribbled in my ear and Dream looked over at her. “Is she writing this down?”
“She thinks if I describe it to her she might be able to find something in a book to help us get a better idea at what we’re looking at, or, well I’m looking at.” I said quickly. “And since touching is a no no-”
“Why is touching them bad?” He interrupted.
Shit. I shrugged. “Some of them are more… potent than others.”
“She burned her finger on one and then almost lost a hand to frost bite on another,” Matthew tattled. 
I turned and pointed at him. “Keep that beak zipped Smokey!”
Dream lifted my hand, examining it. “It’s fine, really. It was like less than a minute.”
“Any other interesting developments?” He asked with a pointed look and a hum of warning down the bond. “Are you being reckless?”
“Nope.” I said. “Me? Reckless? I’m offended, Dream.”
“Please, be careful.” His thoughts caressed my mind, soothing the headache as he pressed a kiss to my fingers. “Have you tried making anything yet?”
“Making things?” I inquired.
He gestured to a book. “Weavers are not just able to see the threads, but to manipulate them and in turn create things with them.”
“Right,” I whispered. “I don’t even know how I would try that.”
Dream motioned me over with a hand. “Come here, hold out your hands.”
"Dream..." I muttered.
"Humor me," he said softly. "Please." Damn his silk voice.
I let him pull me in front of the library table. "Hold out your hands." I did and he readjusted them instantly before he settled behind me. My breath caught in my throat at the feeling of him pressing against me, firm hands gently helping to hold my arms out in front of me, palms facing one another. His breath fanned across the back of my neck as he leaned down and whispered, "Clear your mind."
God, I whined to myself and his pride flared. "That's not always so easy for some people."
"I'm sure you are perfectly capable." He purred, the sarcasm light in his soft rich voice. I tensed my jaw. "Relax, Penelope."
I closed my eyes and did my best to follow his instructions, no matter how seductive they sounded rolling off his silken tongue. After a minute or two passed he hummed behind me. "Good. Now, imagine one of the dreams you wanted as a child."
I imagined the meadow.
"Focus on something, focus hard, examine every detail you can see, every sound it makes. Everything."
I focused on a group of butterflies flitting from flower to flower. Their glistening wings beat softly, the color of them catching in the sunlight. Orange. Blue. White. Green. Yellow. All of them were so beautiful, so graceful as they moved in a rhythm all their own. My fingers felt heavy with the feeling of the threads wrapped around them.
"Now, move your fingers."
"Move my fingers?" I asked with a testing flex of my fingers in the tight strings. "How?"
"However feels natural," he replied.
I resisted the urge to scoff at him as I moved my fingers, testing at first but slowly the uncomfortable tightness eased and the threads moved without resistance.
"Extraordinary," Dream said from behind me. I opened my eyes, a sarcastic question already waiting on my tongue. But there in between the palms of my hands hung five butterflies made of the glowing threads.
"Holy shit. Okay, what do I do now?" I asked, a mixture of awe and nervous tension building in my gut.
"Whatever feels natural," he said again, his hands moving to my shoulders, squeezing them gently. “Relax, my love.”
I laughed nervously. "Natural. Okay."
For a while all I could do was stand there and stare at them. My fingers twitched, tugging the threads a little, and with the pull the wings of the butterflies twitched too. Pull, a thought gently suggested something that hadn’t felt entirely like my own thought, easing my fingers apart and pulling the threads taut. They began to glow brighter until the strings snapped. Five butterflies, real butterflies, fluttered their wings, taking flight right in front of me.
Lucienne gasped at the sight, smiling brightly. "Amazing."
I slowly let my hands drop, eyes following the butterflies as they swirled overhead. Dreams hands rubbed my back as my arms dropped. I turned to him. "Did you?"
He gave me a small smile. "I did nothing."
"I made them?" I asked, returning my eyes to the butterflies.
"Yes. It would explain why the others cling to you," he stated. "You are their maker, they are bound to you."
My eyebrows furrowed. “When would I have made those?”
Dream stiffened a bit, eyes casting to Lucienne who cleared her throat and approached me with her notes. I looked at him curiously, that pinch of raw and painful hurt flaring inside me. No. I told myself, pushing it down. He wouldn’t. I looked over Luciennes notes and made whatever corrections I needed to before we settled into the chairs at the table. I’d been able to make a ball, a pen, a feather, and a small square of fabric. Lucienne suggested I practice more, to help exercise the power and hopefully lessen the pain it caused me to use them.
After a while I began to feel worn out, tired and quite irritated at how difficult it was sometimes. Dream summoned me food and after Matthew and I ate he suggested we take a walk. We walked through a beautiful garden on the grounds of his palace and we finally got a chance to talk about all the things that had happened over the past few days. “Did you send me a dream, after you left my apartment?”
“What?” He asked curiously. “What dream?”
“Everything was frozen and three ladies were in my room, talking in riddles.”
He sighed, annoyed. “The Fates. What did they say?”
“Fates as in Greek mythology fates?” I was a little surprised.
He nodded. “They have many names, The Fates. The Kindly Ones. No matter what name they go by, their troublesome nature is always the same, and they never give prophecy out freely.”
“Well I didn't give them anything,” I assured him. “Maybe they didn’t give me any prophecy. Maybe it was just gibberish.”
Dream shrugged. “Perhaps. As long as they didn’t harm you.”
I smiled, bumping him. “I’m fine, Dream.”
“Now, I’ve been meaning to ask you where all you traveled to in your three week vacation.” He teased me. “I know you saw the twins. Who else?”
“Destiny,” I answered. “Not surprising though since he’s like my boss.”
“What did he tell you?” His voice was calm, but there was a flash of something in the bond, quick and fleeting and not something I could catch quick enough. The pinch grew.
“He explained a few things, not in great detail, but it was helpful I guess.”
With a nod he breathed out a deep breath. “Anywhere else?”
I almost stopped walking at the memory of the museum, and the butterfly that now lay up in Dreams room in my bag of trinkets. “There was this one place I didn’t recognise. A museum?” 
He stopped walking, his head turning to look at me. “You found Destructions realm?”
“Maybe?” I asked. “Who is Destruction?”
“My brother,” he said softly, a pang of guilt and swirls of sorrow and rage filling him. “He… He abandoned his role and his realm.” The words he left out were clear in my mind. He abandoned his family.
My heart pounded faster. “Did he… Did he have another name?”
Dreams' eyes were confused as he answered, “A few.”
“Was one of them Olethros?”
A look of realization passed over his face. “You knew him?”
Swallowing the thick lump in my throat I nodded. “He was my friend. After the river…”
Dreams hands squeezed my shoulders. “Do you know where he is?”
I shook my head. “Until just now I thought he was dead. Thought they’d…” The rest died on my tongue as I quickly pushed the painful memories back down into my gut. 
“I’m sorry.” He said, his grip on my arms lessening. “I am surprised you knew him at all.”
“Me too.” I admitted. “But, that’s all the places I went.”
“How did you find your way back?” He asked, as we stood close to one another.
I smiled up at him. “I found your thread, wrapped around my finger. And I just kept thinking about how I wanted to go home.”
“I’m glad you found your way back,” he admitted softly. We stood there for a moment longer before he moved away a little. “We should return. You need to practice more.”
Groaning, I pulled on his coat and slid up against him. “I’d rather not.”
He pressed a kiss to my head and I felt him smile. “Very well, perhaps we could do something else?
I looked up at him with a grin. “Did you have something particular in mind?”
“A game, if you’re willing to play?”
“Is there a prize?” I asked.
His starry eyes glistened. “You may choose anything you wish.”
I smirked. “I can think of a few things. What’s the game?”
“All you have to do is evade me successfully.”
“Hide a seek?” I asked with a giggle.
“More of a hunt than seeking.” He answered deeply.
A thrilling chill ran up my spine. “You think you’re a good enough hunter to catch me?”
The gleam in his eyes had darkened as he answered. “Of course.”
“Fine then, rules.” I said looking up at the sun in the sky. “If you can’t catch me by sundown I win. No teleporting or power usage.”
He bowed his head, lips hovering over mine. “I agree to the terms.”
I pressed my lips to his. “Good luck, Dream Lord.”
Then I was gone, running quickly through the garden giggling. “I’ll give you a ten minute head start, darling, then I’m coming for you!” He shouted, the words vibrating through me.
Ten minutes had passed and Dream had begun his hunt. They were only thirty minutes in, but he was impressed. No footprints marked her path, no obvious signs she’d been anywhere in the palace at all. He widened his search spreading out beyond the palace and into the village where his dreams and nightmares lived. Some had already returned in the short time he’d been back, which gave him hope that the others would soon as well. 
He checked the shops and asked his subjects if they’d seen any sign of their lady. All had told him the same thing, that she’d run straight through the town and headed off in the direction of the beach. So, he followed. It made sense that she’d choose the beach, it was large and had vast hills and mountains that would provide good hiding places. But as he neared the gate a little blue butterfly caught his eye. The insect flew along the path and then turned abruptly down a familiar road. He smiled. Cain and Abel.
Sure enough he could feel her the closer he got, though she appeared to be inside with the brothers. Dream waited, watching the area fill with the butterflies, hovering around the house she was in. When Cain stormed out and she and Abel followed, the tiny golden gargoyle on her shoulders, he wanted to move, but something in her face stopped him. She looked at Cain with a sadness on her face that made every inch of him curl. If Cain had upset her he would-
She set the gargoyle in Abels hands and walked to Cain’s side, the fountain blocking his view. He moved silently, crossing the bridge and finding her again just as she wrapped her arms around Cain’s stiff body. For a moment he was nervous of what Cain would do at his lady's kind embrace. Of the two brothers he was far more irritable and rash. He took a step closer, prepared to intervene if something were to happen, but he paused as Cain returned her hug, crying into her shoulder.
Did she know how miraculous she was? He wondered as he and Abel watched the sight in awe. When the two pulled away, the butterflies in her hair beating their wings softly, Cain wiped his eyes. "Forgive me, my lady."
Penelope shook her head and grabbed Cain's cheeks, speaking so softly he could hardly hear her. "Don't apologize." She pressed a kiss to his forehead. "If you ever wish to see the memory again, don't hesitate to call upon me."
He nodded, smiling at her in a way Dream had never seen from him. "Yes, my lady.
She turned and her smile grew as their eyes met. "I've found you."
A wicked gleam in her eyes sent his heart soaring. "Found me, yes. But I believe the exact word I used was catch me."
"You intend to make me chase you, my love?"
"Oh absolutely," she said, moving cautiously around the fountain, her hands behind her back. "We both knew you'd find me, but I'm not sure you can catch me that easily."
His brows rose. "No?"
"I'm very quick on my feet, Dream Lord."
He chuckled. "Quick on your feet, yes I've no doubts on that. But you forget this is my realm, it bends to my will."
"Ah, but we're equals, you and I." She was just out of reach now. "Whom will The Dreaming be more inclined to listen to, I wonder?"
"First you steal my heart and now you would strip me of my realm?" He joked blandly. "What a wicked creature you are."
Penelope blushed. "Oh dear Dream Lord, I've yet to show you wickedness."
He moved to step towards her but found himself unable to. Some invisible force had wrapped around his legs, pinning him to the spot he stood. Dream looked up at the proud smile Penelope had as she stepped closer, revealing the threads in her hands. "Are you stuck Dream?"
"This is cheating," he said with a barely concealed chuckle.
"I have no idea what you're talking about!" She insisted. Pressing a light kiss to his lips she walked past him. "Better hurry, Dream, the suns going down."
He watched her walk away with a confident sway in her hips. Damn her and her little threads.
I sat on the bridge, watching the sun start to set in the distance. Any minute now I'd be victorious and my lovely pouty lipped Dream Lord would be paying me with the view of his pretty head between my thighs. A wave of power rolled over me, bringing every hair on my arms standing up. There at the end of the bridge Dream stood, hands in his pocket and his dark gaze fixed on me. He tilted his head up. "You and I have business, Weaver."
Fuck. I jumped up and started sprinting. If I could get to the library the endless shelves and Luciennes rules on manners would surely buy me just enough time to-
I slammed into a solid black mass, his pale hands wrapped around my wrists and he bent over me with a dark, hungry gaze. "You are quite quick for a little rabbit, but I am a very experienced hunter and I'm set on catching my prey."
Threads wove between my fingers before he pulled my hands away from each other. "None of that now." His eyes turned to the sun just as it disappeared over the horizon. "I win."
"You cheated!" I insisted, not even flinching at the change in scenery as he took us to the bedroom.
Dreams' eyes glistened. "You cheated first. I was merely adapting to the change in rules."
"Damn you," I growled playfully as I pushed my chest up against his. "Well, you've got me, now what will you do?"
"Now," he brought his lips dangerously close to mine. "You practice."
My mouth fell open. He had to be kidding. "What?"
He pulled away from me, summoning a desk and gesturing toward the chair. "That's right, little Weaver. Time to stop running from your studies."
"But I thought… I wasn't expecting you to pick this!" He didn't budge. "Fine. I'll practice, but you're the one missing out, Dream, my idea was far more fun than this."
"I'm certain it was," he chuckled, pushing in the chair as soon as I sat down. Pressing a kiss to my head he moved toward the bed, lounging back with a book. "Have fun, darling."
He didn't react, which only made me glare at him harder. After a few minutes when it became clear he had no intention of giving into my angry looks I sighed and turned to the desk. I focused, pulling the threads from around me and began twisting them into the familiar shapes I'd been practicing. Ball. The easiest, obviously. Once I'd finished, pulling it free of the threads I tossed it to Morpheus, who caught it without even looking up from his book. Damn that's hot. I could see his tiny smirk.
Moving onto the next I started purposefully letting my thoughts drift. Perhaps that would catch his attention. The first was simple, just an image of him through my eyes while I sucked him off on his throne. No response. Pen. I tossed it over to him again, watching his nimble fingers catch it with ease. The glint in his eye as he peeked up at me told me my plan was working. I flashed him a sweet smile and went back to work.
Time to go off script. I thought, twisting the thread between my fingers until the image of a small letter opener began to take shape. Now I thought of what I'd have done if I'd won our game, pushing all the pent up desire into it and thus into Dream. From the corner of my eye I saw his hands tighten on the book, his eyes going still. The blade gleamed in the light. I threw it right towards his head, biting my lip as he caught it and turned his head to examine it. "Quite the craftsmanship, it seems you're improving." He stabbed it into the nightstand and smiled. "Do stick to the list my love, we wouldn't want anyone to get hurt."
I squeezed my thighs together and returned to my work. Butterflies. The threads were soft beneath my fingers, reminding me even more of the throne room. One last try, I decided as I imagined Dream pinning me to the desk, hiking up my dress and taking me from behind. As I pulled the threads, watching the butterflies flutter their wings and perch in my hands, I didn't even notice Dream get up from the bed. His cold hands pulled the chair back, forcing me to stand, before he pulled me flush against him. "Lovely work."
"Practicing does help," I said. "Speaking of, I'm not finished with my list."
My eyes shut as the sensation of his lips pressing hot, wet kisses to my neck and shoulder spread goosebumps along my skin. "No, but that imagination of yours has me reconsidering what I'd like as my prize."
"Oh?" I squeaked out as he pushed his erection against my ass. "I think that's against the rules."
"Fuck the rules," he growled into my ear. "This is what you were picturing, was it not?"
I pushed back against him. "Hmm, it's close."
Before I could think of another snarky reply he swept the objects off the desk and bent me down on top of it. He ran his hands up my back, moving my hair out of his way as he kissed and bit at my skin. A shudder ran through my body as he grabbed my arms and directed me to hold the fabric of my gown for him. "Keep this up for me, darling."
My fingers burned with effort as he plunged two fingers inside me without warning. He made quick work of building up my first orgasm, but right as I reached the peak he stilled. I groaned, trying to force my hips back into his fingers, but his hand on my back held fast. When the pleasure had died down he continued, the same as before. By the time he denied my would be fourth orgasm I pressed my forehead to the cool wood and gasped as his skilled fingers began working me toward another denied release. "Dream…" I groaned as my legs began to shake. "Please!"
He hummed, removing his fingers from me, the material of the dress vanishing from beneath me. Dream moved my hands until they were flat against the desk. "You were right, this is far more fun."
I whined as he entered me slowly, one hand holding me steady by the hip and the other running up my sweat coated back. "Morpheus," I whispered.
"Yes, my love?" Smug bastard.
"Faster, please."
Leaning over me and pressing a kiss to my spine he smiled. "Since you asked so nicely."
Each of his thrusts were fast and deep, rocking me forward into the desk and reducing me to a limp moaning mess beneath him. He bent over me, pushing unbearably deeper inside me, whispering praise into my ear and kissing every inch of skin he could reach. I came undone once, twice, three times before all coherent thoughts were gone and only his name remained.
Moroheus. Morpheus. Morpheus. The moaning mantra in my head as I whined beneath him sent him over the edge. His body draped over mine, hot breaths in my ear as he gently eased himself out and held me upright. "You did so wonderfully, my little Weaver."
I smiled tiredly. "See? Wasn't that a better idea than practicing?"
The days followed similarly, Dream worked on fixing the last damaged parts of The Dreaming while I practiced with the threads and spent time among his returned dreams and nightmares. I enjoyed visiting with them, finding their unique appearances and duties absolutely fascinating, and they in turn began to warm up to me. The nights were spent either roaming The Dreaming with Morpheus or tangled in his silky sheets, sometimes both. It felt like home, a feeling I hadn't known since Olethros and the Stewards… A memory that had plagued me since Despair's realm.
Lucienne sat across from me in the library, diligently taking inventory of their books as I practiced. She sighed, setting a book off to the side of her pile, a book bound in glistening multicolored threads. A book with my name on it. "What's that?"
"My lady!" She gasped, her hand smacking down onto the book. "Forgive me! I forgot you were here."
"That's alright," I answered pointing to the book. "What's that?"
"N… It's nothing, my lady."
"It has my name on it." I observed, watching her grab it and hold it to her chest. "Lucienne what's going on?"
She bowed her head to me. "Let me just… Let me go get Lord Morpheus and then we can discuss this matter fully, my lady."
The stomach turning pinch I'd had since my return twisted into a knot settling deeper inside me as I let my hands and the threads I had in them fall watching her hurry out of the library. Something was wrong. Something Dream had been keeping from me. But what? Why?
"Heed our advice, fate touched, do not hesitate to reach out to the cold. For in the frozen depth much truth lies." The Fates words echoed in my ears as my eyes met the thin frozen thread. Could it be that easy? I wondered. Dream said their words most likely meant something, but that they never gave anything freely. And yet the longer I stared at it the more certain I was they'd been telling me to use it.
With one last glance at the door I reached over, curling my hand around the burning cold of the thread and letting my mind fall away into the images within the blizzard. Snow hung frozen in the air, the frozen lake beneath me crackling with every step I took. I couldn't see any other threads, nothing but the ridgid silver guiding me forward.
The further I walked the colder it got until a huge sculpture of ice appeared before me. Destiny, I recognized looking at the book and his cloaked face. He sat across from a child, a child with butterflies in her hair. Me. He'd said we met before, the first time I found his garden, or, I guess not the first time. I reached out and laid my hand against the frozen stone, voices and visions taking shape inside my mind.
A small version of myself walked the hedge paths with Destiny's hand in mine. I was talking, telling him every detail about my day and then some. He listened with a fond smile as he led me down the path. When we came to the familiar opening he set the table while I looked at the statues.
"Who are they?" My small voice asked curiously.
"My siblings," he said simply.
"Will I get to meet them?"
He chuckled. "Perhaps one day."
My tiny hands pet the stone raven at Dreams feet as I looked up at him with a smile. "Does this one have pets?"
Destiny looked up and shrugged. "If that is how you choose to see it, then yes."
"He looks grumpy."
"He often is." Destiny said. "Come Penelope, I have your favorites."
I jumped into the chair across from him and ate everything I could reach. Destiny sat across the table, looking like he always did. After a while I brought my hands together, summoning the threads with ease and weaving the butterflies even quicker than I could now. "Look!"
Destiny studied them as they fluttered around him. "You are improving quickly."
"It's pretty easy. You just have to pull."
"Why butterflies, Weaver?" He asked.
I shrugged. "Butterflies often represent metamorphosis, change and rebirth. They make me feel safe… Like anything is possible." 
Destiny merely nodded and returned to his tea, sometimes looking up and watching me weave the threads.
My hand fell from the statue and I turned to continue down the path. What he said that day were my own words. I knew him. I'd spoken to him. I'd been weaving the butterflies since I was a child, and yet now it was difficult… I had no memory of any of it. The next statue I was perched on Destiny's shoulders, and I pressed my hand to it quickly.
"Higher Des!" I bossed, reaching up toward a large orange leaf.
He lifted me higher. "I do not understand why you need this particular leaf, little one."
I plucked it off the tree and held it right in his face. "Because this one has glowing threads! See?!"
He lowered me to the ground. "I do not."
I lifted my tiny hand to the leaf, revealing the pulsing gold threads within it and showing Destiny. "See? It's still alive. All the ones down here are dead, so I couldn't show you how pretty they are."
Destiny patted my head. "It is beautiful, little one. Now, tea?"
My hand was aching now as I continued forward with frozen tears in my eyes. "Destiny..." I said moving to the next statue of him embracing me.
I sat beneath a large tree, one that felt familiar… My parents yard? Destiny approached slowly. "Weaver."
The young me turned, letting the butterflies take flight as I released them from my threads. "Des!" The young me leapt into his arms, hugging him tightly. "I've missed you!"
"I am sorry, little one." He whispered.
Destiny's hand pressed to my small head, and something swirled around it before I went limp in his arms. He laid me on the blanket, the butterflies I'd made swirling around him angrily. "Until our next meeting, Penelope."
I squeezed the silver thread, snapping it under my hand. The ice gave way beneath my feet and the freezing water cocooned me. As I slowly began to come to the blurred face of Lucienne and Mervs pumpkin head hovered beside me. Dream held me, his embrace warm against my frost-covered skin, but the hands that should have felt comforting felt like knives. As soon as I moved he sighed with relief. "Penelope! Are you alright?"
I groaned, forcing my stiff body to move away from him, the fear and pain that lingered in me burning hotter every second. "Did… Did you know?"
I felt the pit in his stomach tighten and saw the guilt in his eyes. "Penelope…"
Now on my feet I braced myself on the library table and turned to him with tears. "Did you know?!"
Dream nodded. "Yes."
My heart dropped and a wave of nausea filled my stomach. I’d been lied to, betrayed so many times before but none of it felt like this. "How long?"
"Not long after you disappeared."
A strangled noise escaped my tight throat as I turned away from him, pressing both my shaking hands onto the table. Everything was too bright, too warm. Lucienne and Merv stood on either side, exchanging glances at one another. Matthew hopped to my side. "Penny, maybe you should sit down and we can talk about this."
"No." I bit out, turning my head back toward Dream. "You've known for weeks… You kept it from me."
"I was trying to protect you."
"From what?" I demanded. "From knowing what he did?!"
With a sigh he moved to touch me. The hurt in his eyes almost made me feel guilty about taking a step back. "Please. Let me explain."
I shook my head, my fingers curling around the book, my book. "No. If anyone's going to explain this to me I want it to be him."
"Penelope, you can't just-"
"Yes I can,” I cut him off with a cold look. “I'm a Weaver, crashing the party is what I do." Without another word I walked away, book in my hand and anger filling my lungs.
I ignored Dreams' voice, Lucienne and Merv as they called out to me. The last thing I heard before I disappeared through the door was Matthew, "Fuck this is bad isn't it?"
The hedges greeted me, butterflies swarming instantly. "DESTINY!"
There was no answer as I stormed down the path toward the center of the maze. He stood next to the table, everything set as though he'd been expecting me. "Hello, Penelope."
I said nothing, just moved forward and threw the book at him. He caught it easily. "You asshole!"
"You have found your lost memories then."
"Yeah no thanks to you!" I yelled, raising my fist at him.
He caught my hand and held me, keeping me from moving back or forward. His head tilted slightly. "You have every right to be angry. I expected this much."
I scoffed at him. "You were my friend and you stole my dreams, my memories! Why?!"
"To protect you."
"From what?!"
"I don't understand," I sobbed, the anger finally beginning to subside, revealing the raw hurt it covered up.
Destiny let my hand go and wiped my tears. "You were growing more powerful every day, far more than any Weaver before you. The book revealed to me that should you continue on that path you would be consumed by the power of the threads. The only way to stop this was to sever you from The Dreaming, from my brother's power."
"But why? How did my dreams harm anything?"
"You and my brother are equal. You are as much a part of The Dreaming as he is. So, in your sleep you drew power from it, that power fed the growth of your own. It festered an inevitable corruption and so I had to erase you from that world, and it from you." He sighed. "I left echoes of it... Your favorite places within his realm, an attempt to ease the loss. A poor one, I now realize."
"Why didn't you tell me when I came to you last time?" I asked through my sobs.
"You and Dream needed to face your pasts, mistakes and fears. He needs to come to terms with you choosing him and what that means for himself. You need to come to terms with the knowledge that he will not abandon you because of your past and free yourself from the torment you hold to."
"So this whole thing was just one big trust exercise?" I asked with a hoarse laugh.
Destiny smiled. "If that is how you wish to see it."
"I'm so sick of you saying that," I replied, nearly falling over.
He caught me, setting me gently into the chair. "You have exhausted yourself by coming here. Rest. Dream shall come to retrieve you shortly."
I laid my head down on the table, catching his hand and squeezing it as he turned to leave. "I'm still pissed at you… But thanks, for keeping me safe… I guess."
Destiny's hand squeezed mine back. "You are the Weaver, it is one of my duties to ensure your safety."
"Are we friends, Destiny?" I asked softly.
"If that is how you wish to see it."
"Asshole." I grumbled with a grin.
"Rest, Weaver."
I’d only closed my eyes for a minute, or at least that's how it felt before the sun had set and Dreams familiar presence filled the maze. His cold hands brushed my hair behind my ear and he smiled down at me as I peeked up at him. “Dream.”
“Come, love.” He whispered, pulling me into his arms. “Let's go home.”
The hurt I’d caused him still held in his chest, heavy. As soon as his bedroom materialized around us I wiggled until he set my feet on the ground and leaned into him, looking up with watery eyes. “I need to show you something.”
"You need to rest," he said softly.
"I need to do this first," I replied. "I need to show… I need you to understand."
Lifting the silver bound hand I squeezed it tightly, letting the cold fill my palm before opening it and blowing gently. Frozen snowflakes with the memories of them filled the air, their voices surrounding us in a light haze. Dream looked at them like they were beautiful, in a way I suppose they were, before he turned and looked at my sorrow filled gaze. "What are they?"
"These are all the people that died because of me." I answered. "Because I put my trust in people that didn't deserve it."
I caught one in my palm, willing the memory of the family that had taken me in play out in a small storm in my hand. "These were the Stewards. They took me in, gave me a home." Tears spilled down my cheeks. "One of the doctors most trusted associates learned I was staying with them from someone thought was a friend. When he came I wasn't there." Pain filled my chest but I kept going. "He tortured the parents in front of their children. And then he lit the house on fire with them still inside."
I gently lifted the snowflake back into the air, moving to grab the other. Olethros. "Your brother. He was my friend. The first one from after the river. The night the Stewards house burned he took me to a boat and disappeared. Later one of the white coats told me he led them away from the docks to buy me time." I grit my teeth. "They said they'd killed him and hung his body from a tree and let the birds pick at him until there was nothing left. Until recently, I thought it was true, thought that he'd died because of me."
The next I smiled a little at. "This was David. He was one of the few people I was able to be with, without thinking of you the whole time. He was kind and funny and accepting." I sobbed a little. "They found him and left him to die on the floor of our apartment. With his dying breath he asked me if I loved him… And I couldn't tell him yes." I exhaled a hot heavy breath. "He died knowing I didn't feel the same as he did."
Dream was deathly still, his eyes watery as he watched me grab another snowflake. "Isabel. Before Pierre and Johanna she was my best friend. She wanted me to live my life, even with the white coats and the bullshit. I was always resisting. One night she had somehow talked me into going dancing with her." I sighed. "It was one of the best nights of my life. When we were walking home they came. I told her to run but she didn't, she refused to leave me. One of the white coats, the same one from the Stewards, broke my spine…" I paused, forcing myself to keep breathing. "She tried to help me and he slammed her against the pavement until her head was split open. I only got away because someone had called the cops."
I met his eyes and shook my head. "I've been lied to, betrayed and used for so long… I've lost so many people because of it. I know you were just trying to protect me. I know you weren't hiding it to use against me or anything like that but…" I closed my eyes tightly. "But in the moment all I could feel was this. The echoes of these faces…"
Dream had moved, enveloping me into his cold embrace so quickly I hadn't noticed. I clung onto him and sobbed. "I'm sorry, Morpheus."
"No," he said. "I'm sorry. I should have told you from the start. I never should have forced you to turn to the thread, never should have made you feel this way."
He lifted his hands to my cheeks, wiping away my tears gently. "Just, promise me? Promise me you wont keep things from me."
"On my honor as an Endless, as King of this realm, as your soul bound, I swear to you that I shall never withhold anything from you again." He said, pressing his head to mine. "Forgive me, Penelope."
"I do," I whispered. "I forgive you." Curling into his chest as the ice around us melted into soft drizzles of raindrops. Dream chuckled. "Sorry, I didn't expect them to melt."
He shook his head, pressing a long gentle kiss to my lips. "I don't mind the rain. Now, rest my little Weaver."
We curled into each other on the bed, foreheads pressed together, our breaths shared and every inch of us touching. I felt the warm safety fill my chest once again, washing away the ache. He was my home, more than that he was my heart. Dream was my heart, the last, small piece of it that remained untainted by the institution's drugs and cuts. In his chest, safe and secure my heart beat, broken and scarred but not any less beautiful.
Dream fixed the collar of his coat for the third time as we neared Hob Gadlings house. “Relax, I doubt Hob’s going to care if your collar is out of place.”
He glared at me for a moment. “I’m perfectly calm. Though I do not understand why all this fuss is required.”
“You’re watching a movie and having drinks with your friend, I’d hardly call that a fuss.” I said with a wide smile.
He rolled his eyes at the mention of friendship. “Our original agreement was perfectly acceptable.”
"Everyone needs a friend, Dream,” I said cheerfully. “One they don’t just see every hundred years is preferable.”
"Do you have friends then?" He questioned with an arched brow.
I shrugged. "I have a Constantine."
"Is she not a friend?"
"She's more of a feral street cat, but I suppose it's close enough." My smile only widened. “I also have Pierre.”
Dream ground his teeth together. “Yes, the Frenchman.”
Laughing, I kissed his cheek. “He didn’t upset you did he?”
We’d stopped by the apartment before heading to Hobs. Pierre had been lounging in my bed, fully nude. When we appeared he stood up and gave me a hug and a big smoke filled kiss before introducing himself to Dream with a lazy handshake and a puff of his cigarette smoke. 
“Of course not.” He said, but the tense tone of his voice said otherwise. I couldn’t exactly blame him. When I asked Pierre where Johanna was he told me she was out of town, on business looking for a certain doctor. Then he’d not so subtly implied he and I would get plenty of alone time for the week.
“He’s an asshole,” I admitted. “But I promise he won’t try anything.”
Dream’s eyes had softened as he looked down at me and squeezed my arm. “I trust you.”
A bubble of joy filled my chest. “I know. I just wanted to reassure you, there's nothing to worry about.”
Hob opened the door and greeted both of us with a wide hug. “Come in! 
His home was very cluttered in a tidy way, not a Johanna way. Antiques collected over his long life hung proudly on the walls, he made sure to point out all the interesting ones and give long speeches for them. Dream was hardly paying attention, but I found it very interesting, getting this look into Hobs life. His living room was all set up for a movie, a bowl of popcorn on the coffee table, assorted snacks set out and drinks readily available and an array of old DVDs set in a neat pile on the small table at the end of the couch. 
I grabbed the movies and opened my mouth. “You have a DVD player?”
He nodded, moving out of sight into the kitchen for a moment. “Of course I do! A few years ago before all the fancy technology I was convinced they’d make a comeback so I collected everything I could for them.”
Dream looked so out of place. His black attire clashed against the warm earth tones of Hobs home. He looked around with a mildly displeased look on his face. Human things were still very new to him. “You live close to the New Inn,” he noted looking out the window to the brick building just down the road.
Hob returned with a bowl of chips. “Well I had to get a place close by. Saves the planet a bit and saves me money.”
“Your home is lovely, Hob,” I said, admiring the old tapestries on the wall. “It’s nice to finally meet a fellow antique collector.”
He wiggled his brows and smirked. “Beautiful Penelope, I am an antique.”
My face scrunched up. “That was your worst one.”
“Oh I’ve said much worse,” He argued.
Hob and I took our seats on the couch while Dream awkwardly stood by the window. I patted the seat between us and smiled. “Come on.”
He settled in uneasily. “You just sit here and stare at this screen?”
“Yep,” I answered, catching a popcorn kernel in my mouth.
“After the movie we’ll head down to the Inn and have some drinks.” Hob added, starting whatever movie he’d picked. “A perfect night out.”
The dream king looked far less convinced by the idea but settled into the couch with his hand resting comfortably on my thigh. Hob's choice of movie was fine, something I’d expect from an old man trying to impress his immortal god friend. Halfway through as the sun started to set out the window I laid my head on Dreams shoulder and snuggled into his side, a flare of want echoing between us as he squeezed my thigh.
Hob was completely engrossed in the movie, munching on all the snacks he’d laid out and making commentary about the time period. As he spoke my mind had the, apparently loud, thought that Hob Gadling had a nice voice. Beneath me I felt Dream twist a little to look at me. “So now it’s Hob Gadling whose voice you swoon for?”
I scoffed. “That’s not at all what I thought.”
“What else of Hobs are you drawn to?” He teased.
Leaning over a bit I took in the wide eyed excited gleam of the man beside Dream and smiled to myself. “He is quite handsome.”
“He looks like an ordinary man.” Dream insisted.
“Most men look like ordinary men, Dream. Not all of them have the perks of being you.”
Hob stood and excused himself to the restroom and the instant he was out of sight Dream turned to me with a grin. “You find him handsome then?”
I shrugged. “I wouldn’t be disgusted with the thought of sleeping with him.”
“Oh?” He leaned forward a little, lifting my chin. “Do you wish to sleep with Hob Gadling, my lady?”
"I'm sure he isn't a poor lover," I teased him as he dragged a finger down my arm. 
"But he's not me."
"That sounds a bit egotistical, Dream, even for you."
"It isn't ego." He leaned closer, tilting my head back more to expose my throat to him, his cool breath flaring across my neck as he whispered, "It is a fact. As is this," His lips skimmed across my throat, coaxing the quiet moan from it. "You would not be satisfied by Hob Gadling, not when we both know what it is you truly want."
"Oh?" I breathed out as he straightened up and though he'd pulled away there was less distance between us than before. "So tell me, O great dream king, what is it I want?"
The stars in his eyes were impossibly bright as they bore into my own. "To be worshiped."
"And what would a king... An Endless, know of worship?" I pressed tilting my chin up at him. He could kiss me with a simple tilt of his head if he wanted to, but we both knew Dream was far to much of a tease for that.
"I could show you." He said, his voice sending a thrum of power and want through me. "We both know that's something else you want."
I smiled at him. "I'm not admitting to that. You have a big enough ego as it is."
"Is that a challenge little Weaver?" He breathed as darkness swirled in his eyes.
"Perhaps,” I replied, “Later.”
We returned to our normal position as Hob returned. Dreams hand on my thigh squeezed tighter now. After the movie ended, Dream made an effort to assure his friend that he’d enjoyed himself, though Hob and I both knew the movie was not something he found fun. So, we’d all walked over to the Inn and Hob made everyone drinks. We sat at the table we had just a few days ago and talked. I could tell by the way they spoke to one another that Hob was relieved to have his friend back, and Dream felt the same way.
A hand clasped on my shoulder and the familiar scent of Pierres cigarettes wafted around me. He pulled up a chair and sat down with a grin. “There you are, Ma moitié.”
“What the fuck are you doing here?” I demanded as the Hob and Dream sat up straighter in the presence of a stranger.
“There’s been a bit of trouble, I’m afraid.” He answered by taking a long drag of his cigarette and blowing it at Dream. 
“Trouble I’m assuming you’ve brought with you.”
He shrugged. “They would have found you either way.”
Tension pulled at the base of my spine. “How many?”
“I counted 5.”
“So more then?” I responded looking over my shoulder at the windows. “Which ones?”
Pierre tapped the ashes off his cigarette, not meeting my eyes. “Giselle and her lot.”
The pain that filled me was one I was far too familiar with. Giselle had been one of the first to betray me in return for the doctor's immortality. Though she wasn’t the one that had set fire to the Stewards home, she was the one that led them there. I clenched my fists. “Great.”
He pulled the box from his bag and slid it to me. “I think it’s time to let the beast out, Ma moitié.”
Hob was the one to speak first. “I can grab one of my pistols.”
“No,” Dream and I said at the exact same time. I looked at him and sighed. “Thank you, Hob, but this is my mess.”
At that Dream nearly scoffed. “You’ll have me sit here then?”
I glared at him. “Do you think I'm weak, Dream?”
“No, you know I don’t.” He answered.
Grasping his hand from over the table I smiled at him. “Then let me handle it. Please.”
With a tense stare he nodded. “Very well. However, should you get hurt I cannot promise to remain off to the side.”
“Fair enough.”
Pierre looked at Dream with a curious look. “Wait… Has he not seen your moves?”
“No, he hasn’t.” I replied looking at the wooden box.
“Oh, then sit back dear lover and enjoy the show!” He cheered as the bell on the front door chimed.
I opened the box, moving the red fabric off of the blades and sighed. So much for no bloodshed.
Dream was fuming as Penelope turned to face the group of people that had filed in the door. She should just let him handle this, she should have from the start. Holding her hands behind her, she kept them close to the blades. “Giselle, been a long time.”
The woman at the back lifted herself up onto the bar, something Hob had quietly complained at. “Pen, good to see you. Pierre, not so good to see you.”
The Frenchman laughed. “I’ll take it as a compliment coming from such a frigid bitch.”
Penelope cut through the pleasantries. “We don’t have to do this. You could still walk away.”
The woman laughed. “We’re past that, Pen. Elias isn’t fucking around this time.”
“Things are that bad then?”
The woman jumped down and moved into the light, revealing the face of an old crone. “The best of us are rotting away.”
He could hear the smile in her voice. “He must be pretty upset about that.”
Giselle scoffed. “Enough. Just come with us, make this easy.”
“I don’t think so.”
The woman's eyes slid to Dream and she smiled. “Is that the sandman from old Roderick’s basement?”
Penelope’s hands wrapped around the daggers, steel singing. He watched the blades glisten with what looked like fire, the red gems in the hilts glowing softly. Destruction. Dream felt his brother's power wash over him, but before he could fully allow himself to recognize what it meant Penelope spoke again, her voice darker. “Leave him out of this.”
“Maybe we will go and let Elias know that you’re getting the higher powers involved in our business.” She sounded far too smug. “We’ll trap him right back in that glass cage of his.”
“You sure this is how you want to end this?”
“Don’t sound so confident, Pen. You’ve been out of the game for years.” Giselle shook her head. “You won’t be enough to beat us all.”
Penelope’s anxiety that had slowly been building vanished. As Dream looked at her straight back and relaxed shoulders all he could feel from her was an unnerving calm. She said nothing as the first two men, tall and well built, moved forward towards her. She said nothing when they’d gotten far too close for his comfort. And she’d made no sound as her blades vanished from behind her back, embedding deep into their throats as she tossed them back onto the floor, the fire inside the steel burning brighter as their blood dripped off it.
As he watched her rage through the crowd of enemies, the glint of her blade the only thing that could be seen as she moved with speed and ferocity, he saw his brother for a moment. The way she moved, the way she twirled the knives in her hands and struck quickly, all was reminiscent of him. He'd been wrong to write her off as not a warrior, he saw that now. As Penelope stood, covered in the blood of her enemies staring down Giselle, Dream saw her as she was. His queen. A warrior in every sense of the word, and above all else his equal. 
Giselle smiled. “You never fail to impress.”
Still she said nothing as Giselle leapt forward, swinging a golden ax down toward Penelope’s head. She stepped to the side, and slashed Giselle's shoulder with her blade. The woman growled, moving with a quickness that did not suit her appearance. Her ax sliced through Penelope’s thigh and he stood. She moved back a bit, holding her hand out to keep him from moving. “I’ve got this.”
His body ached with the effort it took to keep from intervening. Giselle made a few good moves, but nothing that matched the pure power of Penelope. When the first dagger stuck into her side he knew it was over, so did Giselle. She swung her ax again, a strangled cry leaving her as Penelope’s dagger sliced through the underside of her arm. Giselle collapsed onto the floor with retching breaths. Penelope stood over her, one dagger still in her hand. Giselle smiled up at her and spat at her feet. “Finish it then.”
Kneeling down Penelope finally spoke. “I hope you find some manner of peace in whatever afterlife is waiting for you.”
The blade sliced her skin and Giselle choked on a few blood filled breaths until silence filled the Inn. Even in battle his queen was merciful. She retrieved her blades and turned, walking back to the table. Everyone was silent, even the frenchman as she cleaned them and put them back into the box. 
Her hands were shaking, but before he could reach over to console her, the frenchman had done it. “You know what I’m going to say, no?”
“What you always do.”
“You did what you had to.” He spoke, his eyes looking up at her like she was a goddess. “Ma moitié, you did good.”
Movement in the background put his hair on end. The Frenchman spotted it too, turning with a French curse leaving his lips. Hob stood, backing away a little. “What in God's name is that?”
Penelope turned and every inch of her froze as she looked down at Giselle’s body, twisting and curling in on itself moving until it stood before them again. Pale eyes stared at her as the gnarled hand fumbled for something in Giselle’s pocket. Dream prepared himself to move, but it was a softly ringing phone that was pulled out and answered.
“It’s so good to see you, after all these years Ms. Barlow,” an old faintly familiar voice filled the room. Penelope’s stillness twisted into absolute terror and she moved to step back, trying to flee the voice, running into the table. “It has been far too long, my dear.”
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neopuppy · 3 years
Dive Into You: intro.
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Preview: “Who is that?” You ask Mark. Eyes lighting up watching the boy- the man in conversation with the pastor.
“Oh.. that’s Haechan. The pastor’s eldest son.” Mark follows your line of vision with a sound of disapproval. “Don’t bother with him. He’s bad news.”
Pairing: brothers Jeno/Haechan x female reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Genre: pwp, church boys AU, love triangle, brothers nohyuck, altar boy Mark(had to srry)
There will be smut.
Warning: sacrilegious themes, explicit language, master manipulator Haechan, innocent Jeno, virgin reader, corruption.
“It’s so unfair how you make me go to church every week. You never make dad go!” You protests from the passenger seat, your mother ignoring you turning the volume up singing along to her favorite gospel songs.
“How else will you ever repent for your sin’s without the lord’s guidance?” She taunts in return. Overshadowing the mention of your father using Sunday football as the reason he cannot attend. “You should be excited! A new church! A new town! An opportunity for you to finally break free from your shell and make friends!”
“I have.. friend..” you roll your eyes, tapping your forehead into the window. Eyeing over the small mom and pop shops on the way. Why did your dad’s job need to relocate the summer before college? Why did you always have to be the one to sacrifice?
“I would love to see you get proactive in this new church! I’ve heard at work they have an amazing choir. Your falsetto isn’t so bad.” She nudges you with her elbow pulling into the parking lot. The church building is nothing spectacular, quant, small town defined.
“I’m a terrible singer mom” you slam the car door shut, tugging at the collar of your stuffy dress. A frigid garment your mother insisted you wear to impress today.
“Ah, that’s not true sweetie!” She licks over her thumb, rubbing at your cheek. You grimace pulling away in embarrassment as eyes linger over you.
“Mom please, it’s bad enough you made me wear this.” You continue whining, pulling at the hem of your dress. She dawns a bright happy smile walking into the church with an arm around your shoulders.
“Ah! It’s so beautiful! I love it so much already!” Your mom cheerfully spins as you enter together. You cough out swatting at the dusty air. What the hell was so beautiful about an old stuffy building full of judgement.
“That must be Pastor Lee! I read so much about him in the town’s facebook group! Wonderful man!” She pulls you down the aisle toward the front of the church. Pastor Lee stands there decked out in old robes covered in symbolic characters greeting everyone arriving.
“Pastor Lee!” Your mother calls out with an excited wave. The pastor’s eyes widen with an inviting smile.
“Welcome! I recognize you from the facebook group!” The pastor, quite handsome actually replies, with his arms held out. “It’s always a honor to invite new members into the community.”
“Oh pastor, the church is just gorgeous! You can really feel the lord’s energy in these walls! I really cannot tell you how excited I am to help out in any way!” your mother’s over joyed vocals catch the attention of other church goers. You duck your face trying to hide from the curious eyes.
“And I am so excited for you to provide assistance! We can always use helping hands around here! ..and who might I ask is this lovely young lady?” Pastor Lee leans toward your direction with a warm smile.
“My daughter! My only one! My little gift from the heaven’s. She’s overwhelmed with joy to be here.” Your mother grits out words between her teeth, squeezing a hand on your side. You force a smile onto your face with a nod.
“Ah, that’s just wonderful. I have two of my own about your age. I will have to have them show you around town sometime!” The pastor expresses patting over your arm.
“Oh that would be so wonderful Pastor Lee! My little girl has a real difficult time making friends!” Your mother nearly shouts out.
“Mom!” You squeak, ducking further into yourself.
“Well! Speaking of making friends! Mark!” Pastor waves over a young man, can’t be much older than yourself. Dressed in altar boy garments. “This is Mark, my nephew. He will be a pastor himself one day.”
“Welcome!” Mark waves with both hands dawning a friendly smile. The definition of a wholesome boy, one your parents could only dream of.
“Please, do show around our new members Mark. I have to just finish setting up for today’s sermon.” He waves you and your mother off, walking over to the podium.
“Of course pastor. Please ladies, let me show you to the best seats.” Mark directs you toward pews in the front. Your mother excuses herself to use the rest room, shoving her bible into your chest.
“Be a dear and hold onto that while I tinkle.” She whispers scurrying off.
“So, just moved huh?” Mark questions clasping his hands together. He’s excruciatingly polite, a perfect future pastor.
“Yea..” you take a seat, not much for conversation with new people. Taking in the setting before you. Mark lingers for a minute before turning with a nod.
“Wait! Who is that?” You ask Mark. Eyes lighting up watching the boy- the man in conversation with the pastor.
“Oh.. that’s Haechan. The pastor’s eldest son.” Mark follows your line of vision with a sound of disapproval. “Don’t bother with him. He’s bad news.”
“What do you mean? That’s the pastors son??” Your eyes widen admiring the attractive man in a black leather jacket. Whatever he’s discussing seems to be getting heated.
“He just is, has a reputation around here. Don’t get me wrong- I mean that’s my cousin and all, of course. Him and his younger brother used to be active in the church with me but.. bad seeds..Every family has to have them I suppose.” Mark shrugs.
“Reputations are usually full of lies don’t you think?” You question Mark’s words. How stereotypical would it be for the small town pastor to have a bad boy son. Right??
“Hah.. yea well, I warned you!” Mark laughs shaking his head.
“Excuse me..” Haechan approaches the two of you, eyes quickly moving over your figure.
“Speak of the devil” Mark mutters, raising a brow toward Haechan. “Hey dude, what’s up?”
“You’re coming to Jeno’s welcome back party tonight right? Don’t be a fucking square.” Haechan shoots him a glare, lifting a finger toward his face.
“Yea yea.. ” Mark swats his hand away with a sigh. “I’ll be there. Can’t believe Jeno’s been gone for a month already, he’s probably super excited to come back home.”
“Sure, I guess..” Haechan looks your way again, lifting a brow. “Who are you?”
“Oh.. I just.. I just moved... I’m new! My mom uh..” you stammer out nervously, admiring over his delicate features. Haechan’s brows furrow together, scanning your seated body again.
“You look like you’ll fit right in here.” He laughs to himself. “But hey, you should come tonight! The more the merrier right?.. maybe don’t wear that.” Your mouth opens, releasing nothing as embarrassment courses through you. Haechan waves at someone entering the doors.
“Later prudes!” he walks off leaving you seated there awkwardly near Mark with your mouth hung open.
“Is he single by any chance?...” your eyes follow Haechan’s retreating form. Chewing at your lower lip with frustration.
“Single? He’s... a whore.” Mark scoffs out with a roll of his eyes. “Anyway! Would you like to join me for the get together? It’s really not a party, maybe like 20 of us at most. It will be here in the bible study room.”
“Here? Oh, it really isn’t a party then huh.. but Haechan will be there?” you mumble to yourself, eyes still stuck on the man in question.
“Yea yea, hopefully too high off his ass to start any drama again.” Mark groans, words muffled to your uninterested ears.
“Sounds great! What time?”
Part 1–>
a/n: I’m going to hell after this, anyway! Reply/PM for taglist🤗
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Tag: @seuomo @unknown5tar
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moonvenerer · 2 years
Where in the world am I?
Hello! here is part three of my Venti X Reader/Traveller series
Please be sure to read part one & two prior to this for it gives the context you need.
Hope you enjoy :)
Warnings: None
Word Count: 808
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“Sure, I can play you another tune- but it’ll cost you an apple”
You playfully and lightly hit Venti’s left arm in response as the two of you laugh before he complies to your request of composing another song on his Lyre. This is how the two of you often spent the late evenings together during the Davalin rescue mission. It was always just the two of you, usually the rest of the team would retreat to their own sleeping quarters. During these times you'd spend it like this, just enjoying a beautiful symphony after symphony, other times the two of you would just talk the night away over just about anything. It was during these blissful moments of the night where you believed that you knew Venti most as he definitely knew you most.
Your blissful dream of the past is interrupted by his words at Windrise.
“I am actually the Anemo Archon, Lord Barbatos” .
Before you allow your mind to relive that scene your eyes open and you quickly sit up, again, the quick movement is greeted with a sharp headache. Your whole body ached in fact. It was the expected hangover you knew you’d be greeted with in the morning. Trying to suppress your extremely discomforting symptoms you look around, this isn't the typical Knights of Favonius sleeping quarters. This room is one you’ve never seen before, you were unsure if this was even a room in Mondstalt despite it slightly resembling the unique aesthetic this city maintains. It was just so—luxurious? You’re unsure, that description seems to be an understatement.
You’ve never seen nor been in a bedroom so large, you could swear that it was at least three times the size of Master Diluc’s manor’s ground floor . The walls were a sage shade of green, the trimming appearing to be dusted in gold. The wall on the far right opens to a grande balcony that seems to be open, a light and pleasant breeze fills the room. The room was filled with expensive furniture, the bed you lay in is covered in white silk bedding and feels incredibly soft, along with its four poster alaskan sized bed, the curtains matching the green colour theme of the room. With a small up-tilt of your head, careful, moving as little and as slow as possible in order to bypass your headache, you take note of the details on the ceiling. It seems to be filled with an intricate plaster of classical motifs, it took a light creme hue that complimented the sage walls. What was most eye-catching was the stunning crystal chandelier. You felt like you were in another dream, this room could hardly be real. Aside from the birch and cedar tables and chairs, the room was filled with many different instruments. A grande piano on the far left corner of the room, a violin not too far by it, a beautiful harp, and multiple lyres.
Your heart rate almost suddenly elevates upon realising just where you really are.
This is Venti’s bedroom.  
This is Lord Barbatos’s bedroom.
You quickly swing your legs to the right side of the bed, ignoring the almost punishing sensation of nausea due to your sharp movement. It's only when you stand at the side of the bed, no longer covered under the soft duvets do you notice you’re not in your typical attire but in a silk light cream coloured nightgown. Your cheeks almost immediately are dusted pink.
‘Did he dress me?’
You’re incredibly flustered by the possibility, rushing towards one of the many grande doors in the room-paying no more mind to your attire nor to the fact that you’re barefoot. The doors lead to an equally impressive sized bathroom. Before you can even take in the details though you almost bump into a maid-who seems very surprised by your sudden entrance. She quickly regains her composure though-“Good afternoon Miss Honorary Knight.. I am Mei, one of the many maids here at this Manor-it's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance” she greets you with a perfect polite smile and curtsy. You simply nod in response-not familiar with this level of formalities. She continues on-paying no mind to your mannerisms “I was about done preparing your bath and was going to wake you up-sense you seem to be already well awake please enjoy yourself to it, I will be in another room preparing your gown for Lord Barbatos requests your audience for lunch”. Before you can utter a word she had already left the bathroom with a click of the grand doors closed leaving you alone again. You fall onto your knees, onto the marble floors in disbelief.
Just what kind of lifestyle does the Anemo Archon live in now? And why is it so overwhelmingly different from anything else you've witnessed in Tyvat?
Nothing makes sense.
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ava-achlys · 3 years
The Boyz NSFW Scenarios
Ju Haknyeon - Teach Me [Requested]
Request: Reader is experienced/bad girl and Haknyeon is innocent and wants to learn about sex. They meet at bible study.
virgin! Haknyeon x mean girl! reader
Warnings: corruption kink, losing virginity, underage sex, unprotected sex, mild humiliation, slight dubcon
Thanks for the request love, I hope you enjoy!💕 Also goes without saying, don't manipulate/coerce someone into doing sexual things if they're not ready or comfortable yet okay? The bad girl reader trope was requested 😅
Haknyeon is willing to learn, and who would make a better teacher than his crush, you?
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You blink blearily, barely registering the pastor's teachings, and subtly stifle a yawn. You look around the room to find some sort of distraction and a certain boy catches your eye. Haknyeon is furiously scribbling in his notes, listening intently to the pastor. You scoff slightly at how earnest he looks, catching his attention. He glances over to you, meeting your eye and flushes pink as he shoots you a shy smile, before going back to scribble in his notebook. How cute.
Finally, the pastor dismisses your class, and you're the first one out the door. A patter of footsteps sounds behind you and Haknyeon appears, slightly out of breath. "Hey!" he beams, still rather pink in his cheeks. You nod curtly at him and continue walking. "Mind if I walk you home?" he chirps, still ever so cheerful despite your disinterest. You give a non-committal shrug, and he takes that as a yes, falling into step with you, babbling about everything, from what happened during class, to what he's going to have for lunch. You're barely listening, but you're watching him. Everyone at Sunday school (and your high school friends) knew he had a massive crush on you since middle school, but he was never very subtle about it to begin with.
High cheekbones, golden skin, sparkly clear eyes and full pink lips. He wasn't really your type, far too naive and innocent, but you suppose he was rather cute. Your eyes travel downwards, and nearly bulge out of their sockets. The dorky boy you knew as a pre-teen was barely recognizable. Instead, he'd grown much taller, shoulders broad and fuck, thick thighs and perky ass flaunted in his tight blue jeans. His white button-up was clinging to his broad frame, his strong biceps peeking through the translucent sleeves. You feel your heart skip a beat as you take it all in, wondering when exactly he changed and why you hadn't noticed it sooner.
"We're here! I hope you have a great day, I'll see you tomorrow at school?" Haknyeon grins, and you snap out of your shameless staring. You finally decide to humor him, and give him one of your most dazzling smiles. You brush your hand against his arm, and Haknyeon shivers, breath hitching as your fingertips graze against his skin, blushing an even deeper red. You thank him for walking you home, and shut the front door with a final wink, leaving Haknyeon speechless on your doorstep. You spend the rest of the afternoon thinking about how attractive he suddenly seems to you, hand slipping under your waistband, fingering yourself as your imagination went wild, picturing yourself underneath him and more. You hadn't gotten laid in a while, and now you've decided on your target; the cutie from Sunday School.
The next day at school you decide to mess with him a little. You linger at his desk to make small talk, his usual chatty and confident demeanor suddenly faltering now that you're giving him your full attention, keeping eye contact throughout the whole conversation. You continue this through the week, getting bolder each time. You'd plop into the seat next to him at lunch, you'd lean just a little too close to him when you talk, you'd walk home together, hands accidentally brushing against each other's. You enjoyed the way he gets all nervous and riled up just for you, sparking a new interest in the boy. All the boys you've been with before have been the popular jock type, typically dominant in bed. Haknyeon seemed like a nice change, the goofy but good-natured kid that everyone liked; meek, submissive and eager to please, just for you. You can't wait to play with him.
Friday afternoon finally rolls around and your grand plan is about to fall into place. Your friends shake their head wearily when you told them what you were going to do, but they're used to it by now. You catch him after school, which was easy considering he was waiting patiently for you, like a little puppy outside your classroom. You hook your arm around his and head home together like you have all week, and yet another round of pink dusts his cheeks when you touch him. You're almost home when you exclaim "Ah! I forgot to ask if I could borrow your notes for bible study! I wasn't paying attention at all last week, and I don't wanna get in trouble the next lesson," pouting cutely.
Haknyeon lights up, enthusiastically offering to let you copy his notes. "You can have mine! But they're at home, do you wanna come over?" He gushes, pausing when he realizes what he said. "O-or I could, uhh, send you the pictures of my notes tonight?" He stammers, rubbing his neck in embarrassment. You beam at him, like he's your hero, clutching his arm. "I'd love to come over, Haki! Thank you so much, you're a lifesaver," you croon, secretly enjoying the way Haknyeon turns crimson at the new nickname and skinship. You detour to his house and he leads you up to his bedroom, the empty house rather quiet except for the idle chat from the two of you.
He stands awkwardly as you enter his room, movie posters lining the walls and his books neatly arranged. "Would you like a soda? Cookies maybe? Make yourself at home, sit wherever you like! I'll go get my notebook," he rambles. You plop onto the edge of his bed, making yourself comfortable, patting the space next to you. "No need for that, Haki, thank you," you smile sweetly at him. He nods and starts looking around for his bible study notes, finally picking up the cute orange spiral notebook he always carries to bible study classes. He turns around, triumphantly holding the book, and promptly drops it when he sees what you're doing.
"W-what are you doing?" He whispers, his voice failing him as he gawks at you unbuttoning your blouse, exposing your lacy black bra. "Nothing, sweetie, why don't you come over here. Leave the book," you smile at him, beckoning him over with a crooked finger. Haknyeon walks over to you in a trance, his eyes never leaving your chest. He sits next to you as you take your blouse off and chuck it on the floor, pushing your chest out for him to take a good long look. You're gorgeous and you know it, and Haknyeon definitely thinks so. He gulps audibly and seems to snap out of it for a second. "Are you warm? I-i'll go turn on the AC!" he tries to get up but you pull him back down and into a fiery kiss.
He lets out a surprised squeak that quickly turns into a moan, eyss fluttering shut as you move your lips passionately against his, tongue licking into his parted lips. His hands are balled into clammy fists, not knowing where to put them. Blood is thundering through his veins; he can't believe his first kiss is with someone he'd been in love with for so long. His eyes remain shut as you pull away, wiping the spit from your lips, appreciating the dreamy look on his face. If he gets this much pleasure from a mere kiss, then you can't wait to see what happens later.
You caress his thighs with your hand, and he opens his eyes. Your fingertips dance across the muscles in his leg, hovering dangerously close to the tent in his pants. Haknyeon gasps, understanding what you're about to do, clutching your hand before it could wander any further. "N-no, we shouldn't be doing this..." he trails off in a terrified whisper. You turn cold immediately, feigning disappointment, and Haknyeon feels stabs of guilt when he shouldn't. "You don't like me anymore, Haki?" you pout, trying your best to sound hurt. His eyes turn round as saucers and he holds your hands close to his heart, his heartbeat thrumming beneath your touch. "No no! I still really like you, it's just... we're not supposed to do this until we get married right?" The sincerity in his voice and actions almost makes you give up the act and leave the boy alone. Almost.
You carress his cheek and give him your best puppy eyes. "But we're going to get married one day, so it shouldn't matter anyway, right?" you bat your eyelashes at him, watching his eyes light up at the mention of marriage. You almost scoff at his naivety but you have to keep up the act. His sweet innocence is making you wetter by the minute and you'll be damned if you screw up the opportunity to play with your new toy. "Please, Haki? I really like you..." your trembling lips and puppy eyes have him crumbling, his resolve and devotion to his Lord ebbing away in the face of temptation that is you, the girl of his dreams.
Haknyeon gulps and after a painstakingly long pause, he nods slowly. "Okay... but, do you know how?" Puzzled, you tilt your head. "How..?"
"I've never done this before," he mumbles, avoiding your eyes. You giggle and press a kiss to his cheek. "Silly boy, I'll teach you everything you want to know." He gasps when you dig the heel of your palm into his bulge. "Aah, it feels weird. Good, but weird." he whispers, shutting his eyes. "Never touched yourself before, baby?"
"Really? Never jerked off thinking about me at night?" you tease, now slowly rubbing his growing bulge through his pants, causing him to tremble. He shakes his head shyly, soft moans falling from his lips. You unzip his pants and pull them down along with his boxers, just enough for his cock to spring free and your mouth waters at the sight. Thick, veiny, decently long and twitching with precum. "Fuck, baby look at you. Such a pretty cock. Am I the first girl to see it?" you trail a finger up his shaft and he bucks his hips, already too sensitive. He nods furiously and you giggle, finally grasping the base of his cock. "What an honor."
You slowly drag your fist up and down his shaft, and he lets out a lewd moan, throwing his head back. You kiss his neck and decide to grab his hand, making him close it into a fist around his length. You wrap your hand around his and guide it up and down just as you've been doing. "Open your eyes and watch, Haki. This is how you jack off, yknow, when I'm not there to help you," you smirk, twisting your wrist every so often. His bottom lip quivers as he jerks himself, slowly gaining confidence to take over and stroke himself faster, moaning loudly as you switch to playing with his balls instead, carressing and massaging them.
Haknyeon cums unexpectedly, some of it spilling onto his shirt, all over his hands and some on yours too. You dip your fingers in his cum and suck on them, making sure he's watching the way your tongue laps eagerly at the sticky fluid. He's panting so harshly he might pass out, so you hold him close, his face resting on the plushness of your breasts as you stroke his hair. A few moments pass and his heart rate steadies, and he plants a grateful kiss on your lips, before shyly rubbing his neck, an awkward question on his tongue. You sense it, and you convince him to ask. "So how do girls... masturbate then?" He mumbles. You laugh sofrly at his question, spreading your legs wide so he can see how wet your panties have gotten.
You take your panties and skirt off and start playing with yourself, middle finger toying with your clit before dipping into your folds. "I always pretend it's your cock inside me instead of my fingers, Haki, but I have to make do with what I've got." you drawl. You can't miss the way Haknyeon's eyes follow the movements of your fingers, rubbing yourself desperately pinching and flicking your swollen clit, moaning shamelessly just to rile him up. Indeed, he's hard again, cock standing proud against his soft tummy. "I'm really close baby, but I don't wanna cum without you," you whine. He licks his lips, his voice hoarse with excitement. "What do you want me to do?"
"Fuck me."
He wastes no time scrambling over to you, pressing his tip into your folds. You gasp, nails scratching at his arms at the sudden intrusion. "Fuck, fuck, wait baby you c-can't stick it all in at once- aaAHH!" you squirm as you feel every inch of his thick cock stretching you out, thrashing beneath him in a mix of pleasure and pain. Haknyeon hovers above you panting, gripping your hips as he slowly bottoms out, your walls clenching deliciously around him. You can feel your skin start to bruise with how hard he's pressing into your flesh, but you like it. "Mmmhh, you're so big, baby, stretching out my cunt like that. Gonna fuck me good? I'll teach you how, baby, don't worry," you smirk once you've adjusted to his size. He starts thrusting shallowly, and even that is toe-curling pleasure, the drag of his cock against your walls like ecstasy. He picks up speed with your encouragement, neither of you going to last long. He fucks you harder and faster, the wet sound of his balls slapping against your ass like music to your ears.
"F-fuck you're already so good at this, a natural, huh, baby? You learn s-so quickly, fucking me so good like the little - ah - fucktoy you are. How does my p-pussy feel after dreaming about it for so long?" your words stilted by the force of his thrusts. He sobs, actually grateful that he gets to have a taste of your pussy after loving you from afar for so long. "So good, you feel amazing, ahhh, thank you my love," he mewls as he pummels into you. "Make me cum first, Haki," you command. He nods shakily, biting his lip with the effort of staving off his orgasm that it's starting to bleed. You cum all over his cock screaming, almost forcing it out with how hard your pussy tightens. He whines, pulling out and roughly jerking himself off, shooting spurts of cum on your tummy, emptying his balls with a loud groan.
He collapses onto you, exhausted but grateful. Your head is spinning from (surprisingly) the best orgasm you've ever had, and your legs feel like jelly. At least you're looking forward to the pretty finger-shaped marks on your legs and hips to remind you of the fun you had today. Haknyeon is almost falling asleep on top of you so you push him away before he suffocates you. He grins dreamily at you, his eyes glassed over and looking thoroughly fucked out, euphoric that he lost his precious virginity to his first love. He looks so sweet and grateful that you almost feel bad for saying everything you had said to get him tl fuck you. Again, almost. You press another soft kiss to his lips and watch as his eyes flutter shut, a dopey smile on his lips as he falls asleep. You quickly clean up and get dressed, snatching up his orange notebook and sneaking out before his family got home, wincing at the soreness in your lower region.
Sunday comes around and you return Haknyeon his bible study notes with a wink, and he smiles brightly at you, completely forgiving you for leaving him to wake up alone, sweaty and covered in cum two days ago. He walks you home again after class, and again the next day after school, and the next day and the next. As much as you don't see a real future with Haknyeon, you decide to roll with it and keep him happy, as long as it promised you earth-shattering orgasms in the form of after school 'study sessions' or bathroom quickies during lunch.
Haknyeon knows. He knows you never truly liked him the way he loves you. He knows you're just using him for a good time, but he thinks, no, he hopes, that if he lets you do whatever you want with him, that maybe, just maybe, you'll start to like him too.
A/N: I think I got too carried away with this one too, sorry 😅 poor bb Haki ❤
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rrasado · 3 years
Yo! If that's okay could i request the brothers (or some of the of your choice) reacting to a teen mc who already has a pact with a demon long before coming to the Devildom and this demon is pretty much their (very protective) guardian/caretaker? Like, the demon is really sweet and gentle with MC and babies them constantly but they're wary of the brothers (Nothing romantic, just platonic hcs!) Feel free to ignore if i'm bothering you!
Congrats on the 400 followers!!💞
Who’s The Guardian?
On another episode of “why didn’t I see this in my inbox before-“ but this is such a cute request.
I...haven’t played OMSWD in half a year ;-;. I never got past lesson 40 so, sorry in advanced for the OOC-
When you already have a pact
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...is caught off guard, big time.
He probably skimmed through your files and records but not once did the thought of a seemingly innocent teenager already having a pact with a demon prior the exchange program crossed his mind.
That’s coming from someone who overthinks a lot.
As the so called right hand man of the young lord himself, he’ll want to conduct a thorough investigation on whoever this demon is. He can’t risk sullying the honor of Diavolo because of some minor slip up.
Under the guise of a friendly get together he asks MC to invite their demon pact mate over for a nice afternoon tea. Harmless correct? Well that -less becomes -ful when the demon immediate smothers their favorite human with such rare affections he didn’t knew demons were capable of.
He’ll attempt to be discreet about his intentions but, it seems the demon is more vocal about their displeasure of finding out that their dear human is living with seven of the most powerful demons in hell. So lucifer would blatantly put on a facade to keep the dignity of the council and the prince at peace. But if it were up to him...
“We all care for the human’s well being yes? A little cooperation is to be called for”
...Feels betrayed. And disappointed
He...wasn’t MC’s first- oh god the others are laughing at him as we speak aren’t they.
Would probably try to not so discreetly compare himself to the demon, arms crossed™️
Is that why MC was so fast in making a pact with him? Like no fear whatsoever because they’ve already done this before? Now he feels dumber than before
It all ultimately ends with..the demon and mammon trying to out do each other when it comes to spoiling Mc whether material wise or affection, of course mammon is at a disadvantage given how much he denies his concern for not being Mc’s first.
But in the end, if anything bad no matter how small happens to the two demon’s beloved human, they’d probably set aside their differences and hunt down the source. It’s a whole other story if the source was mammon-
“Oi the human also has a pact with me Ya got that!”
...is both amazed and disdained.
And on the other hand- wow...you’re such a normie for being able to pull in other races, what in the name of damned friendship is this-
But that disdain turns to envy, whether envying you or the demon sometimes it’s interchangeable- because he wished he was also that cared for. Being able to be brought gifts or being protective over- it’s the otome dream he’s secretly wanted.
But once he realizes that the demon just genuinely cares for MC, for whatever reason- he seems to understand along the way, maybe he to wishes to protect one of the few people that willingly put up with him with a wild smile. Teen mutuality huh.
He might even invite their demon pact mate over for a game or two- heck if things go well they three might even become a triumvirate. Overall he’ll learn to get along with them but...it’ll take a good while djdndnbd.
“H-hey...ya sure you wanna hang out with someone as yucky as me? Ah- wait I have games for three here somewhere.”
...Is highly intrigued suffice it to say.
The guy was highly enthralled when you managed to even make a pact with him through hard work and it seems there was a much farther history as to why.
Unlike the first born however, he’d be actually successful in hiding his true intentions when he decided to investigate whoever demon managed to wind up with the young human in the first place.
Those detective novels did him good Huh-
On a more serious note. He’d actually be encouraging to a certain extent until the demon directs their threats to him. Like how dare this lowly bastard make a point to the Avatar sin of Wrath- oh it was for MC’s sake...hard pass-
At one point he’s probably the closest to this demon in terms of peace next to Beelzebub since he’s the most serene of the brothers. Overall neutral to them unless the demon gives him a reason to.
“It’s nice to see the human having someone to lean on to...I wonder what would happen if that support were to suddenly collapse”
...is sappy to the brim
Look at the lovely human already catching demons with finesse! Proud wine aunt moment™️. And the fact that it was prior to the program? Damn the kid has more potential than he thought.
At first the demon themself is gonna- Ehe carry MC away everytime asmo ties coming in but. With a little nudge and convincing they’d probably stay to listen to Asmo.
Trust me when I say these three will go shopping every weekend once everyone is comfortable with each other. And for what it’s worth they might even get matching outfits.
Asmo would probably try and nitpick how MC even managed to wind up in a pact with a demon without knowledge of the Devildom in the first place but at the same time he thinks it adds to the younger’s charm
These three end up being the child the mom and wine aunt dynamic and y’all can’t convince me otherwise.
“Ehh~? Oh don’t look so weary it’s bad for your face darling~”
...For some reason happy.
Is this why MC managed to make a pact with his brothers so easily in so little time? Is this why the teen never seems to be bothered by any of his brothers’ threats? Overall he’s happy that you have experience.
He remembers something oddly like this...but in his case he didn’t had experience prior the fall wow way to go at angsting this am I right-
Because unlike him, a being millennia old was so confused of what’s in store for hell after the fall but he had no choice but to grit his teeth and bare the fear.
And someone so young managed to get a taste of a fraction of that experience but here was MC...laughing without a care whilst this other demon places a protective arm in front of them as they interrogate beel- oh wait they were talking to him-
Food as peace offering? You bet, thankfully they did settle with food and unlike first impressions- the demon actually is the most sensible to beel seeing as he was one of the few who...didn’t actively attempt to kill their human- in fact, the demon is probably the one to inform Beel of what demon food the young teen can actually eat and what they prefer.
“I see...ah, would you maybe wanna join us? Food always tastes better when shared”
...could care less until they talk about the whole time universe killing thing-
Ohhh boy- belphie run I’m telling you run- no beel won’t defend you on this one in fact I think I see mammon running with the demon but belphie run boy run-
In all seriousness him and the demon will take the longest to get into terms. Heck not even Mc’s convincing has effect, because the demon really really doesn’t like the avatar of sloth for good reason.
Depending on how the demon even winded up with MC. Belphie would also not like the demon.
That...is until something actually bad happens to MC-
The demon might blindly pin it on belphie but the thing is- he’s also panicking because if he and his brothers were there and the demon was there- wHO TF IS WITH THE TEENAGER-
He...didnt want to have what he did to MC happen again. Let him be the last one to harm the spunky human. I even considered him and the demon to never actually get along no matter how long of a time but...again it all depends on the Hows and Whys.
“I...Care for them as much as you do. Just- Tsk... I don’t need you to believe me.”
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itsany62 · 3 years
SteveTony - Alternate Universe
Here are some Alternate Universe fics that I love. Don't forget to leave kudos and nice comments in every fic!
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Food for the Heart, by LagLemon, 14 k >, Cooking, No Powers.
After being introduced to a gourmet food on a budget blog by Pepper (a gift for her elderly, cheapskate mother) Tony starts cooking again. The recipes are good, but the blog owner is even better. Still, Tony isn't so sure Captain America, the guy who runs the blog, can compete with Hot Bagboy, the gorgeous blond who works at the grocery store.
"Free to Good Home" by Captain_Panda, 7 k > words, Alternate Universe - Animals.
"Oliver and Company" AU.
There's a great big world outside the box.
But it's a dog-eat-dog world, and Tony's just one cat. Then a stray dog comes along, looking for a friend.
A Day In Principal Stark's Office, by nannersmelo, 10 k > words, Steve Single Parent, Director Tony.
Tony Stark has his hands full with not only Stark Industries, but also his beloved mother's life project: The Maria Stark Academy, and as he enters his office in order to deal with a ferocious mother whose son was apparently assaulted by one of his brightest students, he was sure this day would culminate in nothing but a heinous headache. Little did he know - he was in for one hell of a surprise.
I Am the Night by gottalovev, 6 k > words, Alternate Universe - Vampire, Vampire Tony Stark, Wizard Steve Rogers.
That's it. Tony is doomed. He rolls on his back, crosses his wings over his belly and closes his eyes. He'll await death here, misunderstood by the world to the bitter end.
C is for Calculus and Compromise, by heydoeydoey, 11 k>, Gifted AU, Post-Divorce, Angts with a Happy Ending.
Steve's just trying to give his prodigy daughter a normal childhood. Enter a meddling school administrator, Tony Stark, and too many lawyers.
tell you my love for you by jelliebean, 22 k > words, Alternate Universe - Normal High School, Based on Love Simon.
A guy at Shield High comes out on tumblr, anonymously. Tony thought he was the only gay guy on campus--not out, because of Howard--and sends him an email.
“Hey, Flying. Same here. I’ve got a secret too, and it’s like I’m hiding who I am, every day. From everyone. All the closest people to me. But I just can’t tell them. I’m gay, too. It feels like I’m putting on this mask, this shell of who I think they want me to be. Even though I don’t think my friends would judge me. I don’t know why. I just. I’ve got a secret. –Shell”
The guy seems great--amazing, even, and then Hammer has to step in and ruin it all.
Mergers & Acquisitions by Robin_tCJ, 33 k > words, Angst, sex as currency.
Steve Rogers is the CEO of the Rogers Corporation, which he built from the ground up. When he learns that Hydra International is making a bid for a hostile takeover of Stark Industries, he decides he has to do what he can to stop Hydra from overtaking the market and becoming an unstoppable, unethical conglomerate. Tony Stark asks for something Steve isn’t sure he should give, but he does it anyway – and it completely changes everything. But when Hydra keeps coming, Steve and Tony realize there’s more to this than they’d realized.
Meeting the Monsters by itsallAvengers, 23 k > words, Alternate Universe - High School, Alternate Universe - Creatures & Monsters.
Tony's at public school with kids his age for the first time in seventeen years, and he is determined that this year is gonna be his year. He's going to make friends. He's going to be popular. People will like him.
Unsurprisngly, none of that actually happens.
He does sort-of-maybe fall in love with a vampire in his class that everyone is terrified of, though. So... there's that.
(I Want You To See) The Darkest Side Of Me by ann2who, 45 k > words, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Alternate Universe - Fusion, Post-World War II.
In Monte Carlo, Steve meets the wealthy widower Anthony Stark. It’s love at first sight—at least for Steve—and he can’t believe his luck when Tony asks him to live at Stark Mansion, his large estate in Malibu. Never in his life had Steve thought something like this was possible… never had he been this happy. However, soon Steve realizes that Tony is still deeply troubled by the death of his first wife and haunted by the many ghosts she left behind. The longer Steve lives in her shadow, the more he understands that… He can never be what Tony’s wife had once been for him. And Tony might never truly love him.
Gift With Purchase Remix by sabrecmc, 43 k > words, Alternate Universe - No Powers, hooker Steve, Sugar Daddy.
Gift With Purchase Remix wherein Steve actually is a hooker. But for a Really Sympathetic Reason.
The Little Glass Screwdriver by ann2who, 19 k > words, Cinderella AU.
When Prince Steven is forced to find himself a bride, true love gets in the way. As the night of the grand ball unfolds, the prince meets a mysterious knight who might just change his entire life in a way he could have never imagined.
**Cinderella AU**
Covered in Lines by royal_chandler, 3 k > words, Alternate Universe - Student/Teacher, Alternate Universe - College/University, Age Difference.
He can’t lose sight of pale, deft hands that gesture on transitive verbs, an ink-stained thumb edging underneath Tony’s ribcage with an affection that can only be called dangerous.
half-wild and glimmering by deathsweetqueen , 15 k > words, Alternate Universe - Western, Prostitution.
“Give me a drink, Tasha,” Tony sighs as he lands in front of the bar. “I’ve had one hell of a day.”
Natasha raises an eyebrow. “Have you really?” she asks, loftily, sliding a tumbler of whiskey along the well-polished wood.
Tony lets his head hang, the sweat beading on the back of his neck. “You wouldn’t believe what I’ve had to put myself through today,” he sighs, wearily.
“I would not know. You will not let me work the rooms,” Natasha retorts, her voice a little strained, busying her hands in a dirty glass.
“I don’t let you work the rooms ‘cause you’re liable to kill anyone who touches ya the wrong way and we can’t lose that much of our business,” Tony reminds her, wryly amused, sipping at his whiskey. He shakes his head at the burn. “We peddle flesh, darling, not death.”
peers, fears and holiday cheers by jacobby, 24 k > words, Parent Tony Stark.
“He’s only two years older than you,” Tony finally says when the silence becomes too much to bear.
“Dad, Teddy is turning twenty-seven next year.”
“I am not dating your husband—”
“I’m not implying you are. I just want you to be...aware that he’s practically the same age as my husband.”
Tony Stark's new boyfriend is only two years older than his adult sons. Telling them is one thing, introducing them is another. What Tony doesn't expect is that the past always has a way of catching up to him, of biting him in the ass when he least expects it. Well, at least they're all together for the Holidays. What more can he ask for?
A Higher Form of War by sabrecmc, 292 k > words, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Historical Romance.
Tony is a King with a surprising number of people out to kill him. Steve and the rest of the Avengers are fighting for Pierce's rebellion and end up with Tony as their prisoner. Oops.
you can call me babe for the weekend by complicationstoo, 10 k > words, Alternate Universe - No Powers, actor Tony Stark.
Tony left his small town for Los Angeles after high school, leaving behind everything to pursue his dream. Ten years later, he comes back for the first time and finds that some things are impossible to let go of.
Lord, What Fools These Mortals Be by iam93percentstardust, 72 k > words, Alternate Universe - Theatre.
Famed director Phil Coulson brings Shakespeare’s beloved play, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, to Broadway. This production though comes with a twist: a brief but passionate love affair between the faerie king, Oberon, and his attendant, Puck. In the roles of the two star-crossed lovers, Coulson casts America’s darling Steve Rogers, fresh off his third Academy Award, and Broadway royalty, Tony Stark. Steve quickly finds himself falling for the quick-witted and sarcastic actor but Tony is dating the stage manager. Unwilling to come between the seemingly happy couple, Steve steps back but all isn’t right behind the scenes and Tony may need him when everything falls apart.
and so we rebuild by raeldaza, 26 k > words, Alternate Universe - Star Trek Fusion, Soulmates, Mutual Pining.
Sometimes, a voice whispers: you will never atone for your mistakes.
Tony believes that, believes it so strongly some days he drowns in it, but he still tries. Tries through Starfleet, tries through inventions, tries through missions. Then, one day, he meets his new Captain, and things change.
and teach this heart (how to beat with light), by starklystar, 40 k >, AU Hospital, Single parent Steve.
Eight years ago, at a funeral with a baby's cries ringing in his ears, Tony Stark decided to turn his life around. He's a genius, billionaire, philanthropist. What's so hard to adding 'doctor' to that list? And after that, it can't be that hard to add 'husband' and 'father' too, right? But the past has a way of haunting even the very best of us, and in any universe, Tony Stark and Steve Rogers have never had an easy love.
Featuring: drama, chaos, Peter's scheming, meddling friends, and doctors learning again that the heart can never be as simple as four chambers and four valves.
Catching Lightning in a Bottle by sabrecmc, 120 k > words, Alternate Universe - Sweet Home Alabama Fusion.
College student Tony meets janitor Steve at MIT and they fall blissfully in love, until Howard happens and things fall apart. One divorce paperwork snafu courtesy of the ever-helpful Jarvis, and ten years later, Tony has to get re-divorced from Steve.
This does not go as he imagines.
Or, the Sweet Home Alabama AU that no one--well, okay, a few of you--asked for.
The Night Shift by weethreequarter , 16 k > words, Alternate Universe - Hospital.
Welcome to the Emergency Department of San Antonio General where Dr. Tony Stark joins the team fresh from his most recent tour in Afghanistan and - much to the consternation of the other staff - strikes up an instant rapport with Nurse Steve Rogers. Meanwhile, new resident Bruce Banner refuses to give up on his patient, and Dr. Sharon Carter learns something from her own patients. Throw in a pissed off hospital administrator, Clint using the coffee pot as a mug again, and a major car crash and you have, well, just another night shift.
Cake It Till You Make It by ChocolateCapCookie, 10 k > words, Kid Fic, Alternate Universe - Bakery.
Steve Rogers and Tony Stark have a lot in common. They're single parents, they own rival bakeries at the center of town... and they both hate each other's guts.
When a mix-up at Peter and Morgan's school has both fathers scrambling to prove they're the better baker, they do the mature, adult thing and compete in a bake-off. Between the mixing and the creaming, the baking and the icing, Steve and Tony find that hate is actually not that far from love.
Looking for Heaven by foxxcub, 31 k > words, Alternate Universe - Regency, Marriage of Convenience.
When young Lord Anthony Stark learns Steven Rogers has enlisted in the army, he thinks he's seen the last of his tiny, headstrong, haughty stable boy. But four years later, Lord Stark gets an unexpected visit from Steve, whose mother has fallen gravely ill and into financial ruin. Even more unexpected, Steve agrees to a shocking proposal: they will marry, giving Steve the necessary funds to save his mother, and Tony the much-needed reprieve from harassing would-be suitors. It is a business arrangement, nothing more. But as time goes on and circumstances arise, Tony begins to learn that keeping his heart away from his husband is easier said than done.
just a guy, standing in front of another guy by theappleppielifestyle, 12 k > words.
“It’s not real,” Tony says, still smiling, jaw twitching with effort. “The fame. It’s - I’m just a guy."
(Or, Notting Hill AU, with a twist.)
Mother of Exiles (A Titanic AU) by BladeoftheNebula, 21 k > words, Alternate Universe - Titanic Fusion.
“You’ll never guess what just happened!” Steve said, taking a deep breath to try and calm his breathing. “I met someone. A guy from first class.”
Dublin 1912: Steve Rogers is barely making ends meet, living in the tenement slums of Dublin. But a stroke of good luck gives him and his best friend the chance to change their fortune. Two tickets to America on board the RMS Titanic.
The Devil You Know by shetlandowl, 17 k > words, Alternate Universe - Detectives, Alternate Universe - Author/Novelist.
Best selling author Tony Stark revives the bodice ripper genre for a modern audience. From frisky gay cowboys to ravenous lesbian pirate queens, he consistently delivers riveting thrillers full of romance, drama, and the filthy, unapologetically kinky sex that has become his trademark specialty.
Tony has everything a man could dream of - horny, adoring fans, and boatloads of money. Or that's what he thought, until Detective Steve Rogers walks into his life and turns it all upside down.
Bears and Mountains and Lumberjacks Oh My! by justanotherrollingstony (adoctoraday), 24 k > words, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Lumberjack Steve Rogers.
It was supposed to be easy--go meet the reclusive artist and buy some art. And then came the broken down car. And the snowstorm. And the lumberjack with a face like a greek god. So yea, Tony is stuck in a cabin in the woods with a hot lumberjack till the storm clears. Could be worse.
Series: A Furious Vexation by Annie D (scaramouche), 18 k > words, Alternate Universe - Post-Apocalypse.
A Steve/Tony post-apocalypse AU that exists pretty much just for the smut.
That Feline Beat by Tito11, 5 k > words, Alternate Universe - Animals.
Presenting Steve and Tony in the Aristocats!AU
Tony and his three kittens have been kidnapped from their fancy Upper East Side apartment while their owners are away and deposited on the mean streets of Harlem. Unsure of where they are or how to get back home, they'll have to rely on street cat Steve to guide them. Will they get home safely? Will Tony's fear of abandonment cause him to drive away the best tomcat he's ever known? Only time will tell.
do you fondue? by calciseptine, 16 k > words, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting.
Tony has done crazy things in the name of food, but falling in love with Steve Rogers really takes the cake.
a glimpse of heaven's love by parkrstark, 13 k> words, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Terminal Illnesses.
The child begins to empty his pockets. He starts to count coins on the counter. Tony huffs a little impatiently as he realizes most of them are pennies.
The cashier actually humors the kid and counts along with him. They reach 3 dollars and 54 cents before he shakes his head sadly. "Sorry, kid. There's not enough here."
The kid sounds close to crying. "I need these paints for my Papa. It's Christmas Eve and these...he doesn't have any. The doctors said he doesn't have long. I want him to have these. In case he meets Jesus tonight, I want him to paint one more time. Please."
Tony takes a step forward, arms still full of toys he's buying just because. He can cover this child's gift for his dying father. Money. Money is what he's good for.
"I'll buy them."
Or, the Christmas Shoes AU no one but me asked for.
If you survive first impressions, you're good to go by itsallAvengers, 3 k > words, Parent Tony Stark, Alternate Universe - No Powers.
The first time Peter Parker-Stark sees Steve Rogers, he may or may not be standing in direct path of the man's motorcycle.
His daddy is really not going to be happy about that one.
A Rat-ional Conclusion by BladeoftheNebula, 6 k > words, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Alternate Universe - Veterinarians, Parent Tony Stark.
He had a strong flurry of patients throughout the morning and by the time it rolled around to noon, he was just about worn out.
He walked out into the reception, stretching until he felt a satisfying pop. “Are we done?”
Bucky checked the screen. “Just about. One more before lunch - a rat, singular.”
Steve breathed a sigh of relief. Hopefully straight forward then. “Great, let me know when they-”
He was interrupted by the bell over the door and looked up to see a little girl cradling a small animal carrier, being shepherded through the door by easily one of the hottest men he’d ever seen in real life.
Oh wow.
Tidal Pull by sabrecmc, 97 k > words, Octopus Tony Stark, Alternate Universe - Shipwrecked.
After the American Civil War, Union soldier Steve Rogers takes a chance on an opportunity to sail with the Stark Trading Company down in the Caribbean. During a terrible storm, his ship is lost. To his surprise, he survives, and ends up stranded on an island that isn't quite as deserted as he first thinks.
Or, a reverse Little Mermaid tale where Steve has to fall for the fish-man.
Twelve Days by elysianprince, 22 k > words, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Alternate Universe - Ghosts.
In which Tony finds himself in a town that looks like it crawled out of a Hallmark Christmas movie, trying to sell an inn he didn't know he owned, all while dealing with Steve Rogers, the resident ghost who has returned to haunt the inn each December during the twelve days of Christmas for the past seventy years. Tony has only one logical solution that benefits them both: break the curse that binds him - but falling for a man almost a century old wasn't among his plans.
She kissed me by S_Horne, 1 k > words, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Howard Stark's A+ Parenting.
“Your mom kissed me.”
Steve blinked awake and lifted his head from his pillow to look over at the silhouette in the doorway. “What?”
“Your mom,” Tony reiterated. “She kissed me.”
“Yeah,” Steve said simply, “she does that.”
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gotnofucks · 3 years
To Sin in Love
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Pairing: Lucifer x Reader x Sam Wilson
Summary: You’re forced to choose between the man who owns your heart and the one who owns your soul.
Words: 3.5k
Warning: Smut, language, mentions of hell and demons, 18+ ONLY
A/N: You can imagine Lucifer to look like however you please. I have no specific one in mind.  Special shoutout to my babe @donutloverxo​ for beta reading this hot mess and just being my rock.
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Hell seemed to breath fresher when his face appeared before you. Swimming in the dark surface of the water from where you spied on him, a smile tugged at your lips. He was exiting the gym, t-shirt damp with sweat and you wished you could smell his musk. The way he walked with purpose towards his destination had you imagining how he’d walked towards you with a predatory look in his eyes.
For months you’d spied on this gorgeous man from miles under the surface and yet feeling so close to him. His grief had called out to you, drawn you into his aura of pain and regret. As a demon, you didn’t feel pity, but Sam Wilson had you feeling more than that. He had you falling in love.
So engrossed were you in looking at him, you didn’t notice your master enter until his warmth met your back. A large scaly hand came around you, holding you close. You leaned back into him, resting your head on his massive chest. Those who said the Devil didn’t have a heart lied, you could hear it beating under your ear, strong and assuring.
“I’ve seen you torture sinners without a frown, and yet here you’re melting for a mere mortal. I taught you better than that my sweet.” Lucifer whispered in your ear, pressing soft kisses along your neck. You moaned, titling your head to give him better access.
“Master” You breathily whispered, “you aren’t being fair.”
Lucifer chuckled, his hands wandering until they cupped your tits and squeezed, the very best of sin from the lord of sinners. You turned your face to look at him, admiring the beauty that had once been in heaven. Hell was worth every bit of pain if you only got to see him this close and feel his hands over your body.
“I am not being fair? I find you lusting after this mortal man while you very well know you belong to me. Why must you hurt me so, my sweet?”
Raising a hand to his face, you caressed it, savoring the tickle of his stubble against your palm. Your Lord was the most gorgeous being you’d ever seen, and yet your immortal heart cried out for Sam Wilson.
“Have you ever wanted to repent Master?” You asked softly, leaning in to kiss his lips. Lucifer groaned in your mouth, turning you around so you straddled him, his arms around you.
“I am the Devil, my sweet, Hell is my repentance. I watered the ground of my kingdom from the blood that seeped from my torn wings. Ascending to Heaven is no more my fantasy, especially not with you in my arms.”
Tears glittered in your eyes, a heat burning in your core that rivaled the very inferno you were born in. Pulling your master close, you kissed his eyes in reverence before whispering against his lips. “He makes me want to repent My Lord. I look at him and I taste absolution.”
Lucifer kissed you, his tongue slithering in your mouth and tangling with yours in a dance as ancient as him. His hands found your ass, squeezing you closer and grinding against the soft mound that lay between your legs.
“And what about me, my sweet? What do you want to do when you look at me?” He asked, his sharp fangs biting into your lips until you bled in his mouth. You shared the taste of your blood with him, finding peace in this place of sorrows where he ruled with a cruel smirk. Why would someone prefer Heaven over the freedom that Hell offered? Would anyone want to be high above if they knew how beautiful your master was, carrying a piece of that heaven into Hell itself with his presence?
“You make me want to kneel Master. I look at you and I want to worship you.” You said, love for him evident in your eyes. “You own my devotion My Lord, and he owns my heart.”
Fingers that were stained with your blood traced your cheek softly, his deep eyes that had seen eons pass by look at you with adoration. You were your master’s favorite, his most treasured demon. Nobody touched you but him, his possessiveness ripping apart every being that ever laid eyes on you. But he would never hurt Sam, he would never draw the blood of a man who owned so much of you.
“I fear you’ll forget me my sweet. If I let you free to go to him, would you ever come back?” Lucifer asked, holding your gaze steady with his. A tear forged a river down your face, his fingers quickly wiping it away.
“Master, you only need to ask, and I will stay. I was born for you, and if you shall please, I’ll die here at your feet.” You promised him. “But I cannot stop yearning for him. He is mine as I am yours.”
He looked at you for a long time before picking you up with him, carrying you over to your bed that had only ever had him as a companion. Lowering himself over your body, he striped you of your garb, touching your body with almost as much devotion as you did to him. He eased into you, the heat of your union steaming the air that rang with your soft whimpers.
“If he ever hurt you, I’ll torture him myself.” Lucifer vowed, capturing your lips that were stretched into a beaming smile. You allowed yourself to merge into one with your master once more, for you doubted you’d feel him like this again. The world was cruel like that, forcing you to chose between the one who owned your soul and the one who owned your heart.
“You wouldn’t have to master. You trained me well.” You said, arching your back as he hit the special spot inside you. “He will cherish me as you have done, I know it to be true.”
Lucifer nodded, visibly struggling with letting you go. His hips thrust wildly, lips murmuring in an ancient language of how you were his light in darkness before you both shattered together, falling into sinful bliss for the last time together. Covered in his spent and heat, you hid your tears in his neck. Even in hell, love was pure and never a sin.
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Sam said that you’d been created specially to lead him into temptation and damn him. You would only smile and kiss him, never telling him how true his words were. Only, he would never be sent to your home. Sam Wilson did not belong in the fiery fires of Hell, no matter how deliciously they had burnt.
“You should be ashamed of yourself Mr. Wilson” You joked, cupping his face and leaning close to steal a kiss. “Leaving your training in the middle to fornicate with your girlfriend. Where is your sense of propriety?”
Sam laughed, pushing you onto your back on the couch, catching your giggles in his eager mouth. “You shouldn’t have sent me those pics darling. You know I am addicted to you.”
Your eyes twinkled in love for him, pulling him over you excitedly. Your relationship with him had been nothing short of a dream, his presence in your life completing you. When Lucifer had let you out on Earth, you’d wondered for one fearful moment if Sam would ever love you like you did to him. But it seemed his ageless soul had searched yours for just as long, for you clicked from the moment you met.
You’d been looking for him, navigating the crowded land of the mortals when Sam literally flew by you. His wings outstretched, Redwing hovering a few above, he chased after a man with vengeance in his eyes. Seeing him like that, you were convinced he had to be some sort of an angel for never had you felt so alive as you did then, breathing the same air as him.
As you saw him disappear, you ran after him, heart beating with excitement at finally meeting the man who’d owned you without even knowing you exist. Turning the corner, you saw him on the ground, grappling with the other man for a small pendrive. You had not planned to step in but seeing your man grunt in pain when he was punched, you launched into the battle with a cry, pouncing on the bastard who dare hurt your love.
“Die you dickface!” You screamed, pulling on his hair and delivering a kick into his side. He cried out, struggling in your hold. His mortal strength was laughably unmatched to yours and with a flick of your fingers, you twisted his wrist until you heard a crack. One conk to the head and he’d be down on his way to Hell where your Master would greet him, knowing how to deal with such asswipes.
“Hey! Hey, come off. I have orders not to kill!” Sam said, and then he touched you. He wrapped a hand around your arm and pulled you away, dragging you into himself and off the target he was chasing. The moment you felt his touch, tingles shot up and down your spine, liquid fire curling in your veins until you burnt only for him. The target lay forgotten on the ground, clutching his broken wrist as you and Sam gazed at each other.
His mouth parted slightly, fingers still digging into your flesh. You could see his eyes widen and then dilate, a similar heat simmering in them. He gulped, reluctantly releasing you from his hold but not moving away, trying not to blink as if afraid you’d disappear the moment he did.
“Have we met before?” He asked softly, tilting his head to the side. The brown in his eyes melted like chocolate, and you wanted to step closer to feel his touch again. You’d never met and yet you seemed to recognize each other. Something older than human memories had etched your face in his heart.
You shook your head, stray hair dancing beside your face as you did so. He blinked, shaking himself from his trance before lowering down to pick up the pendrive and calling in backup to arrest the target. His eyes kept drifting back to yours, confused and curious.
“Who are you?” He asked. You told him your name, shivering when it passed from his lips like a love chant. “You got strength in those arms. CIA?”
His voice was deep, and you wanted to know how it would sound right beside your ear, out of breath.
“I don’t work for the government. They don’t handle power well.” You said. Sam smiled at your words, looking around as three agents approached him, cuffing the target and patting his back.
“My name is Sam Wilson.” He said, offering you a hand that you eagerly shook. “Would you care for a cup of coffee? I may know a team of people who handle power just fine.”
“Hey, where’d you go?” Sam asked, his lips trailing down from your shoulder to your neckline. You come back to the present, catching the back of his neck and allowing him access to your breast, moaning when he sucked them from over your clothes. You’d been brought together by fate, of that you were sure, never parting ways since the day you met.
“Was thinking about you.” You replied, shimming out of your shirt and salivating at his naked torso. He was beautiful, his body glowing in the sunlight that peaked in like a voyeur through the blinds to witness your tryst.
“What about me?” He asked, smoothening his hands over you. Your skin heated under his touch, a desperate craving in your core to be filled by him overpowering your senses. You moaned his name and asked him to take you, quietly sobbing when you felt his tongue against your moist center.
“Sam, please. I feel empty.” You cried, hips raising as a finger eased into your channel and rubbed against your spongy walls. He smirked against you, sucking on your clit and tasting your juices that he said were like his own communion. No wonder he fell for a demon, uttering the filthiest things from those lips that made you quiver.
“Tell me, what were you thinking of.” He prompted, teasing you further. You writhed under him, holding his head with your thighs, and clutching the edge of the couch. He was grinning at your desire, loving as you made a mess for him. You cursed, eyes closing as you gave into his ministrations, coming apart into his mouth and crying out his name.
His slight beard that had taken him months to grow left a delicious burn on your skin, and soon his lips met yours, his breath carrying your scent. You lifted your hips eagerly to his, begging him with your eyes to take you, to own your body and make you his again. Greedily kissing you, he entered you with a practiced thrust, moaning at how snug you were. When Sam fucked you, he lost himself in your body to find his soul.
“Look at me.” You said, forcing his lust blown gaze to yours. He panted hard, grabbing your hips for support as he pushed into you, your bodies merging together like perfect puzzle pieces. You wondered again how this utterly beautiful man could be yours, how a damned soul like yours could belong to one as bright as his.
“What were you thinking of darling?” He asked again, biting your shoulder to leave a mark.
“About how much I love you.” You finally said, surprising him by flipping him over and taking the reins. You rode him out, taking him deeper and deeper until you were sure he was in your womb, feeling right at home. “I have loved you since before we met, believe it or not.”
Sam took your hand that rested on his chest and placed a sweet kiss on it, laying back as you lazily fucked him into a pile of gooey mess.
“I believe you baby” He said, pulling you into a soft kiss. “I feel like I’ve loved you my whole life.”
Tears gathered in your eyes, your hips moving faster as his words registered in your heart. Your love was complete and reciprocated, your life finding its meaning in him. Oh, how you loved him and his gap-toothed smile. His eyes that lit up when you danced together and played pranks on his friends.
“You are my heart Sam Wilson” You whispered in your ancient language, surrendering to him and the pleasure of your body.
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Your dream suddenly turned hot, and it was then you realized you were back home. The room you had spent centuries in was still the same, your stuff kept together like a shrine to your memories. You wandered in, touching everything as nostalgia welled in your heart. Reaching your bed, you smoothed out the creases in the velvet sheets, smiling at the smell of your master there.
“Welcome home, my sweet.”
There he was, as regal and beautiful as ever. Looking at him, you knew he was meant to rule hell, for someone like him could never be happy serving at the feet of another.
“Master” You said breathlessly, wanting to crawl on your knees to him. But before you could, he flew to you and took you in his arms, his wings opening wide and curling around your body, enveloping you. A sob lodged in your throat, for you had never thought you’d ever feel him again. You met his eyes that seemed misty like yours and when he kissed your forehead, you let a tear escape.
“Oh, my sweet, how I’ve missed you. Hell seemed to have lost its fire without you. My hearth seems cold in your absence.” Lucifer said, nuzzling his nose in your neck. You held him close, running a hand through his hair that had grown longer.
He pulled away to kiss both your cheeks, his beautiful visage soothing the burn in your heart you didn’t know you have. Fate has been cruel, separating you from one man you love to be with the other. You raised your head up to receive his lips, but that kiss didn’t come.
“No, my sweet,” He sadly said, stroking your face gently, “You and I both you we can never share that intimacy again.”
Your heart broke at the rejection, a frown crumbing your face into one of despair that Lucifer was quick to kiss away.
“Oh no, that is not what I meant.” He assured. “I have loved you since you were born. If I am the soul of Hell, you are its heart. But now your heart belongs to someone else, does it not? Nobody knows better than the Devil that you must not abandon that which you seek. My need for freedom led me here, and you need for love led you to the man who could return it the way you deserve. Do not sully that by presenting yourself to me, not when I would love you just as much without the succor of your body.”
It was then you realized, standing in the palace of the damned with the Devil, that love came in various ways. Here was your master, who loved you deep enough to let you go, defying all nature that had made him a villain. He was greedy and jealous, the sinner whose pride led him to fall. But that fallen angel had raised you here, had loved you as purely as god did to his children. How harshly had the world judged this being, and how strongly have you loved him, that you didn’t want to leave.
“Master” You begged, clutching his collar and holding on tight. “Do not let me go. You still own me, as does he. Can I not belong to the both of you, equally?”
Lucifer smiled, a content look in his gaze. He sat down on the ground, taking you into his lap and rocking you like a babe. “My sweet, you will always belong to me. Love is infinite, and you can divide it between people and yet it wouldn’t lessen. But I summoned you back here to give you a boon, for I see far into your future.”
You stared at him in confusion, hugging him tight. He smelled like the dirt of graveyard after rain, death and rebirth combined into one. He took a section of your hair, running a hand through it until the few strands in there turned gray. Your heart beat faster, a new vulnerability coursing in your blood that had you feeling fear for the first time in your life.
“Master, what have you done?” You asked.
“That man you love lives a limited life my sweet. I promised you to not damn him into this place of tortures, and if I cannot bring him in as a demon, I must make you a mortal like him. Grow old together, find your happiness. When the time shall come for your body to retire, the fates shall merge you as one and see where to deliver you.”
A storm of emotions rushed through your heart, longing and pain and love and sin. You leaned in to kiss the corner of his mouth, feeling his presence settle in your bones.
“And you master? Would I ever see you again?” You asked, voice cracking. Lucifer smiled, removing the black ring from his finger and pressing it in your palm. He rested his forehead on yours, lips curved in a small smile.
“I will stay down here and try to repent my sweet, so that one day I may join you too. If there ever was someone who could redeem the Devil, it is you.” He whispered.
You laid in his arms, cocooned in his presence until you woke up in your bed next morning cuddled up to Sam, clutching the ring Lucifer had given you.
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Sam had always been pretty, but today he was just beautiful. His eyes sparkled like precious gems, a reassuring metal hand on his shoulder telling him to keep it together. He couldn’t believe it but when he held your hand, it felt real. A black ring sat on his hand, a matching one in yours.
“Could you both wait until the reception is over to eye fuck each other?” Bucky joked, but he kissed your cheek and hugged you, pushing you into your now husband.
“I have waited a lifetime to be his, I guess I will be okay with a few more hours.” You said to Bucky, but your eyes were trained on your man. He was yours, wearing your mark. You both were together in spirit and body, and your love seemed to have tripled in size.
“We have forever to go darling, don’t we?” Sam said, kissing you softly.
You nodded, entwining your hands and running a finger over his ring. You had a forever, and you would wait a forever more for the other part of your soul.
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asciendo · 3 years
In too Deep
Your friends with benefits with Zuko was the best distraction from the upcoming battle with Ozai and Azula. 
But what happens when you slowly begin to catch feelings for Zuko but Sokka sets him up on a date?
It’s been six months since you and Zuko started your little fling. Both of you were the newest members of Team Avatar, Zuko being the redeeming Fire Prince and you being the daughter of a banished Fire Nation general who Zuko and Sokka rescued from the Boling Rock along with Sukki and Sokka’s dad. You’ve known Zuko since you were children but never interacted that much.
Both of you got on each other’s nerves at the start, both being stubborn on how to teach Aang how to fire bend. You knew deep down Zuko was meant to be Aang’s fire bending teacher but that didn’t mean your suggestions didn’t matter.
“I told you, you should teach him to learn how to flow with the energy, not just shoot fire out!” You rolled your eyes as Zuko huffed with a confused Aang stuck in a bending stance behind him.
“He has to learn how to hit his target, am I right?” Zuko marched towards you as you both continued to argue.
“Uhm, I feel like you both have good points, ha ha ha” Aang was always in the middle of your arguments and tried to defuse them, but he knew trying to control two hot heads was almost as difficult as defeating Fire Lord Ozai.
Your argument continued as Aang fell asleep, tired of waiting for his lessons to resume as you and Zuko were almost at each other’s throats, which resulted in Zuko shooting a fire ball on the tree where Sokka was sleeping. “HEY!”
“See! Look what you made me do!”
“What I made you do?! You threw that fireball all on your own!”
“If you hadn’t interrupted my training with Aang, we would be done by now!”
“If you just listened to someone else’s suggestions, Aang would be a better fire bender!” You and Zuko were literally in each other’s faces now, the only thing missing was smoke coming out of your ears as both of you were fuming at one another.
“If you weren’t such a know it all, I would never have gotten angry!”
“Well, you should learn to control your temper!” At your last outburst, both of you stormed off on your own.
“Am I ever gonna learn fire bending?” Aang sighed as he laid on the ground in defeat.
It seemed almost impossible for you two to start your fling, but one night you were practicing your bending on your own, then you suddenly heard footsteps behind you. Zuko.
“What do you want?” You rolled your eyes as Zuko approached you. “You have to let me teach Aang on my terms. I’m his teacher, not you.”
“I’m not trying to be his teacher, you’re just not teaching him everything.” you hated how he made you feel small and less capable, you knew you were a strong bender, almost beating Azula in a match once, and Zuko made you feel like your abilities weren’t good enough.
“I don’t need your help.” Zuko growled as he stepped closer to you. “What? Your ego can’t take a few suggestions, Prince Zuko?” His eyes narrowed at his title and he stepped closer to you till your back was against a tree. “Don’t call me that.” he said through gritted teeth.
“Why? What are you gonna do?” You teased and Zuko’s face turned into a scowl. Suddenly he was closer to you and your faces were almost touching. His exppression turned from anger to softness and you chucked nervously at how silent he became.
, “Zu—“ before you could finish Zuko’s lips were on yours.
You shot back in shock as you couldn’t believe what was happening. Your relationship with Zuko was more of a complicated one, filled with banter yet, deep understanding with your somewhat common past. Of course you found him attractive, with his shagy black hair, toned body and gold, piercing eyes, but you never thought anything like this would happen between the two of you. “Y/N..I-I’m so—“ this time, before he could finish, you crashed your lips on his. You didn’t know what it was but it just felt right, being with him in this way. His lips were chapped but still soft, although as the kiss went deeper you could feel the intensity in the way he grabbed your back and how you tangled your fingers in his hair.
That started your secret “fling” as you called it. Both of you didn’t want the others to know as they were just getting used to the idea of having two fire benders on Team Avatar. They didn’t suspect a thing as your bickering didn’t stop, but at night Zuko would secretly slip in your tent and you two would spend the night together. This happened every night ever since.
You noticed Zuko change a little bit towards you. He took your suggestions when he was teaching Aang seriously and on missions he’d always make sure he was near you.
There were moments when the both of you would sneak off while the gang was distracted, it was easy since you mostly camped out in the open.
You and Zuko would find an empty cave or under a tree far away and you’d get lost in each other.
Those nights when he’d have nightmares of his father, you’d be the one to comfort him. The same with you when you’d dream about your father, who you haven’t seen since you left the Fire Nation. It scared you how vulnerable the both of you were with one another.
One day, when you were bickering, Zuko went too far and made a snarky comment about your father. You looked at him with not just anger, but with fear, you were letting him in. You backed away and left the camp for a bit. He didn’t say anything that horrible, you were mean to him too. You questioned him about betraying Iroh and he replied by calling you out for not fighting hard enough to stay with your family.
It was true, you could have been in hiding with them, but you wanted to do something more for the world. You weren’t hurt by his words, but terrified how it was so easy for you to hurt each other, your fling was supposed to be something fun and to forget about the stress of trying to save the world.
You were in your tent, trying to sleep but failing. The sound of someone crawling into your tent startled you, but you already knew it was him.
“I’m sorry.” You didn’t move, you pressed your eyes shut and tried to pretend as if you didn’t hear him.
“I know you’re not asleep, Y/N.” He lowered down and was sitting next to you, “I said I was sorry alright?” his voice was low but husky and you could her traces of desperation.
“What do you want me to say, I’ll say it!”
“Shhh! Are you crazy!” You sat up and attempted to cover his mouth but he dodged your hand. “I’m sorry, okay? I was a jerk, I didn’t mean it.” he looked into your eyes and you knew he was genuine. You weren’t being fair to him, you’re not hurt by his words but scared about what you were starting to feel for him. “You just...you just rile me up so much and my temper...you know how I get and I say things I don’t mean...I shouldn’t be that way towards you, I’ll tell Aang you can teach himsometimes..” you stared at him with such confusion, he was rambling. He only rambles when he’s nervous, and he was nervous with you.
“Are you gonna stop talking or are you going to get in here?” you chuckled and motioned to the space next to you. Zuko sighed then squeezed in next to you in the sleeping bag. “I’m sorry, too.”
Zuko sighed then looked down at you. You faced up towards him expecting to feel his lips on yours, but instead, you felt his lips on your temple. That night was the first time both of you just slept, entangled in one another, and in your heart you knew you were doomed.
6 months later...
“I saw you, you know...” Katara winked at you as you both were gathering water at the nearby lake. “What?”
“I saw you.” She followed you as you continued up the stream. “I see you too?”
“No...I saw you...and Zuko.” You stopped in your tracks. “Yeah, we travel together, Katara. We see everyone every day!” laughing awkwardly you began to gather more water.
“Uh-huh.” You could hear the eye roll in her voice as she walked in front of you with her hands on her hips.
“What exactly did you see?” sighing and giving up, you knew it was useless to lie. You were caught.
“Not much, thank god but...try picking a cave not so near the apple trees next time?” Katara chuckled.
You knew exactly what she was talking about. Zuko had a hard training day with Aang and he needed to blow off some steam, which was what you were there for.
It was your turn to feed Apa so you were gathering fruits for him until you felt strong arms around you.
“Zuko, bad timing, I need to feed Appa.” You smiled, but his grip tightened. “I need you, now.” He grumbled, but you weren’t budging.
“Y/N, please.” His breath was hot on your skin and your body tingled, but you liked to tease him so you broke off from his grip and walked away. You turned towards him and you could see the desire in his eyes, the desire for you. “If I feel like it.” you said as you lifted a tiny bit of your top, revealing your toned abdomen.
Zuko growled and walked towards you and pushed you up against a tree. “I need you.” He whispered and you smirked. “Then show me.” You stared at him with longing.
Zuko chuckled then lifted you up, then you straddled him. He spotted a cave near the tree you were picking apples from and carried you towards there. He placed you on one of the rock formations and you pulled him closer with your legs.
“Show me how much you need me.”
He smirked then crashed his lips on yours. Then the two of you were lost in each other once more.
You ended up telling Katara everything, she said was surprised but also not so much. “So you had a feeling?”
“A little, not really? I mean, you guys are always at each other’s throats but he has been a little bit more... I don’t know concerned about you?” She explained how she noticed that he let you give your input on Aang’s training more, and how when they have a new mission, he made sure he’d be paired with you and she even told you how he talked to Aang about how you shouldn’t be anywhere near the line of fire when the war starts. The time when you and Toph went on a mission to figure out where Boomie was, Katara told you Zuko was pacing back and forth and cursing at how he didn’t go with you, and how it should have been basically anyone but you that went on that mission. “I never knew why, but now everything makes sense.”
You sat there for a minute then opened up to Katara about how scared you were about your growing feelings. “I don’t think you have anything to worry about, seeing how he’s acting, he probably feels the same.”
The two of you made your way back to camp and found Zuko and Sokka laughing with each other. “What’s so funny?” Katara asked.
‘Zuko just scored a date!” Your heart dropped, but you tried to keep your exterior composure calm. “ What date?” Katara asked nervously as she just heard your story and encouraged you.
“We were in town and the girl at the hat store kept following Zuko, like NON-STOP! He didn’t believe she was into him but it was SO obvious! So I forced him to ask her out and he did!” Sokka punched Zuko on the arm playfully and Zuko laughed. “You should thank me, maybe having a girlfriend will make hot head over here less moody.” Sokka plopped down on the mat next to Toph and all you could think about was torching Sokka to no end. “So, when is this date?” Toph asked boredly next to Sokka. “Tonight?” Zuko laughed, “Well you better get ready lover boy.”
“I’m gonna give some water to Apa.” You announced and Katara followed you. “I’m SO sorry, I never would have encouraged you if—“
“Katara, it’s not your fault, you didn’t know, and besides...maybe this is a sign I should call the whole thing off?” you sighed and Katara nodded slowly.
“Oh sorry...am I interrupting?” behind you was a looming Zuko, grinning sheepishly as Katara stared daggers at him. “No, I was just leaving.” Katara huffed and left you two alone. “What’s her problem...”
You continued to separate the water for Apa as you heard him approaching you. “So...I’m seeing you tonight, right?” you stopped, tonight? Wasn’t his date tonight? Your heart suddenly felt lighter as you thought he cancelled with hat store girl.
“Isn’t your date tonight?”
“I mean...after?” your heart dropped. He was still going through with it. You felt your face turn red with anger, what were you to him? An object he can go to whenever he has his needs?! A simple plaything? It started off as that but you thought you somewhat meant more to him.
“What’s wrong with you?!” You stared at him with a hurt expression, his eyes widened and he stopped in his tracks. “What do you mean what’s wrong with me?”
You grunted and he shrugged in confusion.
“Zuko...we have to talk.”
“Uhm...okay, but I kind of have to get ready—“
“We should stop.” Zuko tilted his head as if questioning what you just said, but you knew deep down he understood what you were saying. “Stop what?”
“This! Whatever we’re doing!”
“Why? Is it because if this date? I just won’t go—“
“No, it was fun while it lasted but we’re just postponing the inevitable...you should go.” you turned away to continue with what you were doing. “Postponing the inevitable? What do you even mean by that?”
“We’re just holding each other back. We know this isn’t going anywhere and we’re just delaying it. Go, have fun. It’s time.”
“You wanted this too, you know! You said it was all fun and just a distraction! No commitments, no promises, nothing! You would remind me every night—“
“Exactly! We had our fun and now it’s over!” you turned towards him and his face was full of anger. “I can go on a date, we can do whatever we want! That was our agreement!”
“It was so why don’t you just go!” you tried to control your voice so no one would hear but it was so hard, you were so angry. “I am! I just told you I was going and you snapped and said you wanted to end it!”
“Because I’m not just some play thing you can get whenever you want! I’m not disposable.” You were inches in front of his face and you could feel the anger radiating from him. “What do you want from me...” he whispered and for a moment, it seemed like he was truly asking you what you wanted him to do, and for a second, you knew he’d do it if you asked. “Nothing.”
“You’re unbelievable!” Zuko, raised his arms in exasperation. “Me?! You’re the one going on a date.”
“You said you didn’t care.”
“I don’t.” You did. You did care, too much. This all started out for fun, but, you were in too deep with Zuko, and you couldn’t let yourself fall for him. “Then why are you ending it?! I don’t understand.”
“I just told you! I’m not just something you can just take when you feel like it!”
“Then tell me what you want!” He was up in your face again, you didn’t know what you wanted. You wanted Zuko, but you weren’t allowing yourself to want him. “I want this to end, and I want you to go on your date.” You said softly, and you saw a glimmer of pain in his eyes. “You want to end this so bad? Fine, it’s DONE. You just lost me.” He said with gritted teeth and began to walk away.
“No Zuko, I didn’t...because you can’t lose something you never had.” He turned around and stared at you with wide eyes that turned to sorrow. His expression quickly turned to anger that you thought you imagined seeing the sadness in his eyes.
“I’m leaving.”
“Go!” and he did. That was it. Your “relationship” with Zuko was over, and he was off with some other girl.
The next day you were on your way to Ember Island on Appa. Zuko had a hood on as people might recognize him when they arrived. Sokka kept asking Zuko how his date went but he would just shrug. “Well sorry for trying to get you some action!” Sokka rolled his eyes and Katara hit him, “Ow! What was that for!”
When you got to Ember Island, the whole gang hit the beach. Sokka and Suki were running around, Aang was making sand castles, you and Katara were in the ocean and Zuko was left sulking on the balcony in his ancestral home.
“I used to come here with his family, you know.” You told Katara as you played in the water. “You grew up together?”
“Not really, my father was a high ranking general so we’d be in the same vicinity, but no contact whatsoever.”
“I think you should talk to him...”
“Nah, I think it’s for the best, better to cut it off while it was still early.” It hurt, being around him, knowing your whole relationship was over. Even if it was nothing from the start, you started to get your hopes up and, it came crashing down.
“I don’t know...you both seem miserable now that you guys broke up—“
“We were never together.”
“Come on, Y/N! You both obviously like each other, you just don’t COMMUNICATE!” Katara rolled her eyes which made you laugh. “I think his date or whatever was a sign...it was getting too complicated, it’ll be for the best.” Before Katara could react, you both heard Sokka’s voice.
“Hey! Some dudes invited us to a party, let’s go!” Sokka yelled and the gang agreed to go, they needed a little fun before having to deal with the larger issue at hand, defeating the Fire Lord.
They were on the way to the house on foot with Aang dancing on the way there, Katara giggling, Sokka and Suki walking hand in hand while you and Zuko walked awkwardly next to each other.
As soon as you got to the house, a guy opened the door and invited you all in. The house was filled with fire nation teenagers and you all dispersed among yourselves. Sokka and Suki were dancing, Aang was showing fire bender girls some tricks, Katara was checking out the house and Zuko was sulking in the corner.
You decided to get some punch then someone tapped you on your shoulder. “Hey, I’m Han.” A tall, tanned and muscular guy was smiling at you. “Hey I’m...” you decided not to use your real name unless someone recognized you. “I’m Hania?” You mentally kicked yourself for choosing a name so close to his. “Hmm, interesting, so close to mine.” He winked and you blushed. He was cute, and from the horrible day you had, you needed some harmless flirting.
From across the room, Zuko stared at you two by the punch bowl. “Hey, lighten up! They are a bunch of hot girls here!...but don’t tell Suki I said that.” Sokka shrugged and nudged Zuko. “Zukoooo” Sokka tried waving a hand in front of Zuko’s face but Zuko kept his eyes on you and Han. “What are you looking at?” he looked where Zuko was gazing. “Oh, Y/N’s found a boyfriend ha ha.” Sokka chuckled and walked away and left Zuko there fuming.
“So, do you come here a lot? I haven’t seen you around Ember Island before.” Han asked you as he poured you a drink. “I used to when I was a kid, haven’t been back since.”
“Oh, why not?”
“Hmm, I don’t know, things change I guess?” you looked around for your friends just to make sure they were still there, then you locked eyes with Zuko. His eyes were intense and you could tell he was angry. But you didn’t care, you were nothing, you both made the decision to stop whatever you were doing with one another and you needed a little fun. “Do you wanna go look at the moon outside?” Han nodded and you both headed out to the balcony.
Zuko’s heart dropped as he saw you two leave.
“You’re an idiot, you know that right.” Katara rolled her eyes as she leaned next to him on the wall. “What?”
“How am I an idiot?” Zuko shot up from leaning on the wall and Katara laughed. “You are so into her.”
“No I’m not!” Zuko crossed his arms and turned away from Katara. “I didn’t say her name, how do you know who I meant?” Katara kinked her eyebrow and Zuko rolled his eyes.
“You’re maybe the least happy person I know but when you were sneaking off with her, you were more tolerable for the rest of us.”
“Wa-wait what? Sneaking off—“
“Cut it out, I saw you guys.” Katara smirked and Zuko sighed in defeat. “Fine, we were fooling around. But that was it. I am NOT into her!” he started to walk away but he heard Katara giggle. “Then why have you been shooting daggers at the guy she was talking to all night?”
“B-because! He could be a spy of the Fire Nation! Her father was a recognized general you know! He could be targeting her and we’re all doomed! AND what if he’s working for Azula—“
“Stop looking at me like that! I’m not in love with her all right!” Katara’s face froze at Zuko’s last statement. “Love?!”
“Are you in love with her?!” Katara started to smile as Zuko’s face turned bright red. “I said I’m NOT in love with her! Are you deaf?!”
“Zuko, I didn’t say anything about love in the first place...you said the word first.”
“So! I just said it to make a point, got it?” He leaned back on the wall and hung his head low. “Well, do you?” Katara asked him again.
Did he love her? All the times they were fooling around, he stared at her while she was asleep. He remembered feeling a sense of peace knowing she was next to him. He started to even look forward to their conversations in her tent rather than the physical stuff. He thought of how she’d throw her head back laughing whenever he told her about Uncle Iroh’s prankster antics when he was growing up. How her eyes shined in the moonlight when they’d take walks after dark. How when it was dusk and the sun would reach her eyes just the right amount and you could tell they were actually golden brown.
Zuko thought about the nights when she’d knowingly wrap her arms around his waist when he was having a nightmare about the Agni-Kai with his father. How her eyes lit up whenever she talked about her family. He thought about how he always wanted to protect her, if they had missions he wouldn’t be able to concentrate if she wasn’t near him, or how he couldn’t keep still when she was out on a mission with Toph or Katara, anxiously waiting for her to come back...to him.
“Shit” was all he said and slumped to the floor and buried his face in hands. “I thought so.” Katara smirked then sat next him. “What did I do? Agh! Why am I so bad at this stuff?” he grumbled and Katara just laughed. “You should tell her how you feel.”
“No! She’s off with that bonehead over there! It’s too late, maybe it’s for the best.”
“Ugh! You two are exactly the same!” She rolled her eyes and Zuko shot his head up. “What do you mean we’re exactly the same?”
“You both don’t simply TALK to each other! ‘Maybe it’s for the best’ my ass!”
“Huh?” Zuko looked at Katara with such confusion that Katara scoffed at him.
“You both said the same thing!”
“About what?” Zuko had no idea what she was talking about. “When you went on that date! She said “Maybe it’s for the best” that you guys break up.”
“She cared about that?” Katara stared at Zuko with astonishment; she didn’t think Zuko was this clueless.
“Zuko,,, I know you’re not stupid, but how do you think she felt when she found out you were going on a date?!”
“I didn’t think she cared...”
“Well she did.” Katara threw her hands up in defeat. How could boys be so stupid, she thought.
“Oh...” Zuko looked down and started remembering their conversation. He noticed the hurt in her voice when she accused him of treating her like an object he can just take whenever he wanted. He felt a pit in his stomach, he didn’t mean it to come off that way. “I-I didn’t even want to go it was Sokka!” Zuko tried to defend himself but Katara gave him a knowing look and he sighed.
“Fine..I was...starting to have...feelings for her...every night—“
“Aah! I don’t wanna hear what you guys do!” Katara began to cover her ears. “Calm down.” Zuko rolled his eyes.
“Every night...she’d always talk about how what we were doing was just a distraction...how this would eventually end...how we shouldn’t commit to one another...I mean we were sneaking around after all.” Zuko looked at Katara for her input but she motioned for him to continue.
“I agreed to it at first, obviously. But over time...I-I uhm...” Katara could see how hard it was for Zuko to express his feelings. Which made her feel bad about how much he holds in especially with how hard his past was. “You fell for her.” Zuko nodded.
“I went on that date because I was...scared. I was feeling too much for her and I knew she didn’t see it going anywhere, I wanted to prove to myself it was nothing. That my feelings for her weren’t real and I could just stop whenever I wanted. But when I went on that date...no matter how much the girl threw herself at me, I knew I could have had anything I wanted with her.” Katara rolled her eyes at that statement.
“I just...couldn’t. The whole time I was thinking about Y/N and what she said to me, how it was over and why it was over, I knew I fucked up the second I asked her out.” Zuko finished. “When did you fall for her?”
It was five months into your fling. You and Zuko were tangled up in each other in her tent. You were just talking about their old lives in the Fire Nation and if they’d even be like this with each other if they both have never left. He laughed at how he would still be trying to prove his honor to Ozai and how you would probably be part of Azula’s crew with Mai and Ty Lee. Both were slowly drifting to sleep until you popped your head up and looked at him. “Zuko?”
“Your mother would be proud of you...you know, with the choices you made.” You went back to sleep but had no idea Zuko lay awake all night thinking about you said.
“AW! That’s so cute!” Katara exclaimed, “Alright, alright!” Zuko rolled his eyes. “So, what do I do?”
“You have to figure that out for yourself, lover boy.” Zuko winced at that name as he watched Katara walk away.
The moon was beautiful that night. You and Han talked about your lives with you lying about some aspects of course, but it was nice to talk to someone who had no idea who you were and was genuinely interested in you.
“I’m really happy you came tonight, you should come to Ember Island more often.”
“I’m happy I came too.” You smiled. Han was looking down at you and he started to lean in closer. You knew he was going in for a kiss but you weren’t sure if you wanted to. Your huge fight with Zuko was just the day before and at the moment, you couldn’t imagine kissing anyone else. But before you could decide on what to do, you saw a fist fly to Han’s face and he fell to the floor. Zuko.
“ZUKO!” You shouted but Zuko ignored you. Han stood up and glared at him. “What the fuck man!”
“Stay away from her.” Zuko warned but Han didn’t back down, he threw a punch at Zuko but he ducked. Han grabbed on to Zuko’s shoulders then tossed him inside the party, which caused everyone to stare.
“Stop it!” You yelled as you followed them inside. Zuko got up then speared Han unto the table. He was about to hit him once more but you stood in between him and Han.
“Y/N move.” Zuko said through gritted teeth, but you stood your ground. “No.”
“H-hey, what’s going on?” Aang asked nervously as the rest of the gang stood behind him in shock. The other party goers didn’t know what to do as well. You looked around and noticed everyone staring at you. Zuko was still glaring at Han as he struggled to get up. “What’s wrong with you?” you stormed out the front door with every intention to head back. “Y/N, wait!” Zuko ran after you.
“What’s going on?” Toph asked the rest of the gang. “Beats me...”Aang took a bite from the apple he was eating. “No idea but, let’s go see!” Sokka began to follow you guys but Suki pulled him back. “HEY!”
You were trying to get home as fast as you could. This whole night was a disaster and you just wanted to be left alone. “Y/N!” a familiar voice called but you continued walking. “Hey!”
“Y/N will you please—“
“WHAT!” you shot around at him and he froze in his steps. “I just need to talk—“
“NO! what is the matter with you?! Starting a fight?! Really?!”
“W-well if you weren’t trying to make me jealous nothing wouldn’t have happened!” Zuko shouted as he walked closer to you. “Make you jealous? I wasn’t trying to make you jealous!”
“Then what were you doing with that bonehead?!”
“I was having a conversation. Not everything is about you, Prince Zuko.” You rolled your eyes then continued on your way. “But you were about to kiss him. I saw YOU!” he shouted and ran to catch up with your pace.
“Stop following me, Zuko.”
You bended fire at his feet and he jumped. “Hey!” you continued walking but he was right behind you. “Zuko, leave me ALONE!”
“No.” you stopped and turned to him then he stopped as well.
“You had no right to hit him!”
“I don’t care.” You continued on your way home but he continued to follow you. “You can’t just hit people for no reason!”
“I had a reason.”
“And what was that?!” you rolled your eyes but refused to face him.
“You were about to kiss him.”
“So what if I was?!” you raised your hands in defeat, if you kissed him or not it shouldn’t even matter. He stayed silent but continued to watch you with those piercing eyes of his. “Whether I kissed him or not, it has nothing to do with you, Zuko.”
You tried to leave again but heard a loud noise. “AGH!” Zuko shot fire at a nearby tree, which caused you to stop.
“WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU ZUKO!” You were in his face and he was breathing heavily with his eyes locked on yours. He paused then grabbed your face then crashed his lips onto yours. You gave in a little but then quickly pulled away.
“No, you can’t do that to me.” You backed away then ran back to house.
As soon as you arrived you ran to your shared room with Toph and Katara then slammed the door. You forgot to lock it but as you were about to, Zuko was standing at the doorway.
“Zuko, will you please leave me alone!”
“What do you want from me, Zuko?!” You yelled at him. You felt so many emotions in the last two days from anger, sadness, jealousy, defeat...and all because of him.
“You. I want you.” He said, and for the first time he wasn’t yelling and his voice was calm.
Before you could speak, Zuko continued.
“Look, I-I know it doesn’t seem like...I care...about anything really...but...” he paused and you stared at him. “I do care about some things..I-mean—“
“Zuko, you don’t have to—“
“No. You need to hear this.” His voice was suddenly serious and he was staring at you with so much intensity you couldn’t speak.
“I know we both started this thing as a distraction from what’s going on. Escaping from our pasts in the Fire Nation and what might come next with this war. But...along the way...I started...to feel things towards you that I know I shouldn’t and I thought I could control it while we were together I mean...not together like that but...yeah.” he started blushing and wasn’t looking at you anymore. He was nervous and knew it. You suddenly felt your heart warm up to him but you composed yourself once more.
“I thought I could control it, but the more time we spent together, it just got harder. Then that stupid date happened...I never should have asked her out. I know it’s not an excuse but...I just got scared. I mean, hearing you talk about how it’s never gonna work out, how this is just temporary really freaked me out, so I went out with her to try to prove myself that my feelings for you were nothing but...the whole time, I just thought about you...and I instantly regretted it. So I’m sorry for asking her out...I’m sorry—“
“You didn’t do anything wrong with that we aren’t—“
“I’m sorry for acting like I could just take you whenever I wanted. I’m sorry for disrespecting you.” He finished and you knew he meant it with the way he looked at you.”
“Zuko...it’s alright.” He sighed in relief and started to smile. “I think these things had to happen to show us that our time was up. We were going too far with each other and we were just going to get hurt, I mean look at us now, look what happened tonight. We’re not good for each other, and the team might suffer for it later on.” His face dropped when you finished. You could tell he expected another answer from you.
“How can you say that?”
“Zuko, all we do is fight! We argue about everything, we hurt each other and we’re hurting the team with our bickering and disagreements! What kept us going was the physical stuff...and if we don’t have that—“
“Look me in the eyes and tell me it was all physical for you.” He was staring deep into your eyes and you paused. Why couldn’t you just say it? A few words and this could all be over. No more fights, no more drama, nothing. You and Zuko would be nothing.
“Z-Zuko I—“
“You can’t say it because you don’t mean it.” he stated and you stepped back from him. “It’s more complicated than that, you know it!” You turned away from him. “How is it complicated? Yes we do fight, so what? That’s not an enough reason for me.”
“It is for me.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“It doesn’t matter!” You tried to leave the room.
“NO! Tell me what’s so complicated!” Zuko was holding your arm so you couldn’t leave. You bit your lip trying to stop the tears from flowing down your cheeks. “We don’t know what’s going to happen after this war. If I...if you...if something happens, and you know there’s a possibility that one of us...or both of us...” you stopped, you’ve lost your family already, you had no idea where they were, they could be dead, you couldn’t lose someone close to you again. Zuko loosened his grip on your arm, understanding what you were saying. “I’ve lost my family—“
“You don’t know what.”
“I do...and if I lose another person close to me again...”
“I won’t let that happen.” He whispered and you turned to face him. “Zuko, it’s just...I already felt losing you once over this whole thing...I’m not going to do that again and not just because of what the future holds but...how are we sure of any decisions we’re making now? I mean look at us!” Zuko stepped back and just watched you.
“You left your life in the Fire Nation twice and made two different decisions after each time. I didn’t want to leave when my father was banished, then ended up following him to only leave a week later because I felt like I could do more than hide. We’re erratic and unsure of everything, we can hardly make decisions on our own, what more commit? And the fact that there wasn’t even an “us” to begin with?” you sighed but Zuko seemed unbothered by your statement.
“Y/N...I may be unsure about a lot of things. I always think about how...if I’m making the right decisions not only for me but for the Fire Nation. I’m unsure about if this is the path Uncle Iroh wanted for me, if I’m teaching Aang the right skills. I’m unsure about the future because if my father wins, would this all be for nothing. I’m unsure about a lot of things Y/N, but the one thing I’m sure about in this whole fucked up situation is that I love you.” Your eyes widened in shock and his did too. You stared at each other for a couple of seconds, both of you unable to move.
“You don’t need to say it back, I’ve told you everything. I just had to let you know.” He whispered and with that he was gone.
You stood there motionless in the room. Zuko just said he loved you. The same Zuko that drove you crazy, that made snarky comments about your bending, that tested you till you’ve reached your limits. But it was the same Zuko that would hold you at night when you had nightmares, who reassured you whenever you worried about your family’s safety, Who would make sure you were safe whenever you were on a mission, who would secretly hold your hand when you were flying on on Appa because only he knew that heights made you nervous, the same Zuko who just told you he loved you, and you let him walk away.
You broke out of your trance then rushed to his room. You barged in but he was nowhere to be found. Suddenly, you saw a figure on the terrace looking out at the ocean. You walked outside and saw Zuko facing out with his arms spread across the balcony. His muscles looked tense and his head hung low. Walking towards him, you could feel your heart beat outside of your chest. You’ve been around Zuko a hundred times but this felt different.
You slowly wrapped your arms around his waist has you felt his body jump at your touch then relax. Leaning your chin on his shoulder and pressing your face against his, “I love you, Zuko.” You whispered and you could feel the smile on his face. Zuko turned around to face you and wrapped his arms around your waist. He looked down at you and you knew he was going to kiss you.
“Wait, I’m not Han, just making sure—“
“Zuko!” you slapped his arm then he laughed. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding.” You rolled your eyes and it felt like old times again.
“I love you, and I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise.” Zuko whispered and then he finally kissed you.
290 notes · View notes
mikyouknow · 3 years
Please! Rewatch the quiz! I need something to remind me that that actually happened.
I still vividly remember that day. Going out on a chill bike ride with my two best friends for the first time in months. Sitting in the cool grass. Having a picknick. Not too hot out, nice weather. AND THEN I GET HOME TO THE ABSOLUTEL SHITSHOW THAT HAPPENED THAT DAY! Because what the HELL even was that, I still haven't processed anything. My mind keeps erasing that memory until some days the it just hits me square in the face and knocks me out 😀
So yeah! I would love it if you talked more about it, might help to cope a bit xD
Okay anon you motivated me, you were my Final push, I’m Doing it ! 🗣
Also I love that story tho you really have a Vivid memory connected to this whole thing and I’m living for it 😂 you were just having a nice day and then Boom, all this mess 💀
But aight so I’m Watching it rn and will be taking notes Live as I watch Here we go:
My first thoughts is, when Dream decides to do the quiz, he seems so like, confident? And then as soon as he reads the description, his voice falters at ‘and now things are changing’ and I’m Dead 💀 his confidence from two seconds prior in that moment goes like 📉 then cue flustered laugh lmao
“Do you ever catch yourself staring at your bff?” Dream’s flustered laugh and being all like “these questions are gonna be so weird” uhhhhh dude what are you expecting you’re taking a are you in love with your best friend quiz 💀
HES SO DEFENSIVE ON THIS ONE LIKE- he keeps wanting to make excuses aww drema aww 😭 it’s okay !! George is pretty we Understand you staring king 😌
Like legit that’s the first question and he’s already so flustered and- MY GOD GEORGE HASNT SAID A THING I JUST REALIZED WAIT HOLD ON I NEED TO GO BACK-
Two scoffs. That’s it 🧍‍♀️
Even when Dream first goes ‘aight imma take the am I in love w my best friend test’ George is SILENT 💀
Listen- listen, I’m having a moment over this cause I don’t remember him being silent from the start I thought it was like a slow descent into him just going silent eventually, BUT NO he’s just Silent from the moment the quiz is brought up 💀 but gives like a slight scoff when Dream’s voice wavered at “changing” like he’s very much Listening, just being So silent.
I just can’t wrap my head around how he doesn’t answer any of Dream’s comments, Dream keeps being like ‘right? Like that’s normal, right? Like that’s not weird. Right?’ And George is just SILENT 💀
“Do you get jealous if he or she has a bf or gf” LMAO THIS QUESTION MY BELOVED
His answer is so weird I will die on this hill.
ALSO GEORGE S P E A K S for the first time in the quiz 😭🗣 but not much, he says ‘but’, cause, yk, they both know he do get jealous so.
Which, again. Weird as hell. Imma say it, I’ve never felt jealous of my best friend getting a partner like what ???? W h a t
But ofc when they’re so clingy on each other, like a partner would take the others place because they pretty much have each other in that spot already, so it makes sense huh
And that’s not platonic btw I wanna make that clear LMAO
I think the points of which George laughs are interesting. And there’s something interesting to his laugh too. I don’t see his face lighting up with it, if that makes sense. It’s like a, I wouldn’t say ‘nervous’ laugh but, I struggle to find a better word for it 🤔
I have to sit with this one for a second like . What ? 🧍‍♀️
I’ve never. In my life. Like.
That’s not- you can’t say you don’t know- THAT MEANS LIKE-
Dear lord.
Aight I’m moving on (not actually imma be awake thinking about this later. Not by choice, absolutely not. This just won’t leave my brain unfortunately.)
Hang on. George says something here when Dream says ‘I have no idea’ but I can’t tell what he’s saying ? Like he mumbles something whilst Dream starts talking at the same time and I can’t make it out and I wanna know what he says 💀🗣
I Think he says ‘what do you mean you have no idea?’ Which like, YEAH, you Should question him on that king 🧍‍♀️ but it’s interesting how quiet he is, like he barely pushes the question, and this is like the second ?? Time he’s spoken so far. 🧍‍♀️
Also Listen to how flustered Dream sounds my god💀
This quiz never should’ve happened what’s Wrong with him like is he this blind ?? Did he Really think taking this quiz was gonna end well ?? 💀
“My future is your future”
I feel like we’ve talked abt these LMAO such Romantic phrasing my god
Again him going ‘right?’ And George is Dead Silent 💀
It’s interesting, like I’ve reached the ‘dreams’ question now, and it’s hitting now and throughout this quiz how, Dream is Loudly deflective, but George is silently deflective. If that makes sense? Like he’s choosing not to speak so his words can’t be thrown back at him cause he Knows if he speaks it’ll be obvious. Whilst Dream over explains and fucks himself over p much lmao. They’re both just a mess around this subject 💀
“How would You be in my dream” is such a funny sentence from George LMAO he’s so defensive 💀 like even I have had dreams abt Dream, like you’re his Best Friend, ofc you have dreams abt him my guy 💀 deflecting it is so weird. So Weird
“I’ve never hugged you” Sad hours 😔
It’s interesting here. Cause they speak abt the whole ‘do you go out of your way for this person’ and Dream is stuck on if he should say ‘more than anyone else I know’ or not. Which, there’s ofc observations to be had here as well.
But ! What I found interesting here was how George goes onto say ‘you made me pay you’ when Dream says he edited his video for him. And how George keeps the ‘lie’ going for a very short bit before laughing slightly, by god he sounds so.. different? Like when he usually makes little lies to troll or stuff like that, he’s much more extra and keeps the bit going and- idk how to explain it but the tone of his voice is usually way different. Here he seems to, idk, struggle to keep that up. His laugh is also just like, somewhat toneless?
LMAO The MOMENT Dream got the question ‘what do you think abt their laugh’ George’s laugh Stops. 💀
“Do you ever think abt what it would be like to Kiss your best friend?”
how Dream read ‘kiss’ 🤝 how Dream read ‘changing’
Some words hit this man different huh LMAO
“Why did that take you so long” on the kiss question, CALL HIM OUT GEORGE 🗣
God, for real, I wish Dream would get to sit down with someone one day who just Listened to him speak and allowed him to slip up and just sound so in love with George like give himself away simply because nobody is saying how weird he’s-
Hold on.
Wait. A minute.
George is doing that LMAOOOO
Him sitting there silently and not responding to all his small questions abt what he Should answer and such, he’s so smart🧍‍♀️
George’s laugh keeps sounding very, like, strange😅
Anyways the way Dream Had to have a ‘yes’ answer to the kiss one will forever keep me up at night. Now along with the butterflies one🧍‍♀️
I rly wonder what options it is Dream is looking for when he says ‘none of these options’ so often. What is it you wanna say king ?
WHY IS THE BUTTERFLIES QUESTION TWICE AND WHY IS HIS ANSWER NOW DIFFERENT LMAO - drema it’s okay it’s Safe Space 🗣 I feel like he probably saw chat responding to his first answer and realized ‘oop, that’s not platonic’ and changed his answer LMAO 💀 he’s- Ahh hard to find the right words for my Thoughts here, but he’s doing that thing where he looks for others what is ‘normal’ instead of seeing what he feels, cause what He feels is, uh, well we all know what results he got at the end there,,
I mean the kiss question is all u need really. The butterflies one puts icing on the whole cake.
“Do you compare this person to others you’ve dated? Noo...” AIGHT AND THERE WE HAVE THE CHERRY ON TOP OF THE WHOLE THING
This was the one of the Most sus ones imo from when I first watched it. It had my head spin, head in hands for Days.
What do you MEAN you compare him to others you’ve dated? Why does he tell George to shut up, why do they both Know there’s a story there- I have so many questions on this and- this isn’t platonic 💀😭 AT ALL - and there’s no excuse or explanations for this one, they just Move On 💀
The Speed at which they move on 💀
And then George goes So silent 🧍‍♀️
Dream is cruising through the questions and George is so silent now. He was Stunned into silence from that shut up LMAO
I like how Dream picked ‘absolutely’ on being able to tell George everything :’)
Why does George not say anything on the ‘do you think your best friend is in love with you’ question? No joke, no protest, no- no nothing?
That leaves us to fill in the blanks king, just saying🧍‍♀️
Why does Dream sound sarcastic when he says it’s a tough question LMAO
“I have no idea” aight good answer ig LMAO let’s Pretend
George’s silence is for real very sus there. Very. 🥴
Dream putting ‘no’ on thinking he’s in love, is Very funny and shows just how blind he is to himself.
He rly put ‘I don’t know’ for the butterflies one and found the nearest ‘yes’ option for the kiss one and then still put ‘no’ at the end - he’s a lost cause and owns no mirrors I see how it is. (/j btw lmao I have hope in drema ofc, he too can become more self aware one day<3)
“You are a little in love with your best friend” cue both of them laughing in just the weirdest ways. George just sounds absolutely toneless like, I don’t think he’s even smiling with that laugh, gaze absolutely dazed at what he’s being witness to, not even knowing what to do with himself in that moment. And Dream’s laugh is also just, weird?
“You don’t wanna ruin it, Dream.” Followed by Dream’s immediate, “oh what? It says-“ like immediately moving on lmao 💀 that “oh what?” Sounded like “oh what’s that there oh that’s rly weird wow let’s move on from what you just said ahem wow really weird thing over there” LMAO
“There’s a two percent chance there” LMAO
Then Dream going onto pretending like he’s gonna do another test As If he’s not been planning his escape excuse from the very moment he got those test results LMAO
And the silent pauses are taking me out 💀
‘I think we’re done’ HOW COULD HE LEAVE AT THAT POINT 💀💀💀
The tone of his voice is so off my guy is so ready to leave and sit and stare at a wall whilst looping heatwaves for five hours 💀
:((((( drema my beloved :((((( it’s okay to be in love !!
Not him leaving- he full on ignored George’s ‘where are you going?’
He’s not going anywhere istg the moment he left that discord he put his head in his hands and just Stared 💀
Poor George 🥺
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Anomaly (Haldir Oneshot)
Summary: Haldir meets you, a member of the Fellowship seeking passage through Lothlorien. Though not a fan of humans, he is curious about you.
Pairing: Haldir x F!Reader
Word Count: 5,111
Warnings/Disclaimers: A curse word. Some violence due to the Battle of Hornburg/Helm’s Deep and Minas Tirith. Injury, mentions of blood.
A/N: This is told more from Haldir’s perspective. Based off another weird dream I had. Threw in a bit of the book as well. Really wanted to get this out cuz my boi needs more love.
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Haldir gazed at you from afar while he was on watch that evening. You were... peculiar to him. When he came across the Fellowship trying to pass through the Golden Wood, he never expected to find a human woman in their midst. The world of man was an anomaly to him despite his numerous interactions over hundreds of years. Human women were not granted the same rights and privileges as the men, a foreign to him. This was not the way of Elven culture. Meeting you there was refreshing in a way.
In conversing with Aragorn, he learned you were a soldier of Gondor who had traveled alongside Boromir and joined the Fellowship. You were a fierce warrior but kept a calm air about you. The few human female fighters he had come across, be it on purpose or part of their nature, generally overcompensated, feeling the need to prove themselves constantly. You did not. When the Marchwarden and his company initially surrounded the Fellowship, everyone drew their weapons, ready for the next challenge. You opted to place your hands on Frodo’s and Sam’s shoulders to calm them while Merry and Pippin stood at either side. Instead of fear or anger, Haldir saw an analytical curiosity gleaming in your eyes.
Even now as he kept you in his peripheral, your eyes held a certain light, a light not caused by reflecting the bright moon. It was a kind of serenity most humans rarely portrayed. It didn’t break even as pounding of ambitious orc feet hit the forest floor below. All you did was gently shift your arms that held two sleep-ridden hobbits.
Since the platforms amongst the trees were not large enough to contain both the Fellowship and Haldir’s party together, you had to be split apart. Aragorn kept you, Legolas, Frodo and Sam while Boromir, Gimli, Merry and Pippin rested on a neighboring platform. You had taken to the Hobbits just as much Boromir had, your arms wrapped around them with their heads resting on either shoulder. How you bonded with the curious creatures so well, Haldir would never know. You managed to bring a semblance of peace to their aching hearts, enough so they could rest. He could not imagine it was an easy feat considering all the Fellowship had been through. It made him wonder what Lady Galadriel would make of you.
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Upon reaching Caras Galadhon, you practically vibrated with childish delight. Although you had been to Rivendell, you had never seen anything quite like the capital city, that much Haldir was certain. The corners of his mouth tugged into the faintest of smiles when he saw your elated face. He turned away to restore his stoic facade, but unknowingly caught the attention of another. Aragorn shot him a knowing smirk as their eyes met momentarily. Haldir said nothing and continued to lead the way up the stairs spiraling the ancient trees.
Up the stairs, across some bridges and the Fellowship was in the presence of Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn. Haldir bared witness to the interactions from the sidelines. He knew when Lady Galadriel entered each of their minds through their minute expressions. While most struggled to remain slightly neutral to her ministrations, others had a difficult time hiding their horror. You, on the other hand, parted your lips with an acute tilt of your head, not bothering to mask your wonder or amusement.
The meeting came to a close shortly after. Lady Galadriel’s gaze swept over the group, ultimately landing on you. Haldir knew she would call upon you later that evening. Until then, he was tasked with guiding the Fellowship to where they would be resting.
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It was long after the others had gone to bed, after Frodo returned from the mirror, when Haldir learned he was correct. He spied you and Lady Galadriel wandering the halls, speaking softly amongst yourselves. What about, he could not say. He swiftly took the next pathway so as not to intrude on your private moment.
Marchwarden. Please come.
Always the obedient one, he turned himself around to join you both.
He greeted the pair of you with a bow.
“Marchwarden,” Lady Galadriel responded with a smile. “Would you be so kind as to escort our guest back to her company? The hour is late, and she deserves just as much rest as her friends.”
“Of course, my lady.”
Haldir held out his arm for you to take which you did after properly bidding Lady Galadriel a good night with a bow. He led you along the walkways, taking his time in doing so. This would more than likely be one of the few times he would be able to speak with you alone. The Fellowship would continue on their quest as soon as possible.
“These woods are truly a wonder. I have never experienced anything quite like it,” you started, breaking the quiet between you, voice so delicate it was hard to believe you were the warrior Aragorn made you out to be.
An agreeing hum quietly rumbled in his throat. “It is a gem of Middle Earth.”
“I must agree. I think I can understand your fierce desire to protect this place, your home.”
“I am sure you wish to protect Gondor just as much. Your dedication to the Fellowship is proof of that.”
“Despite the hardships,” you tried to hide the way you sucked in a breath, “I am glad to be a part of this. They have all become like family to me.”
Hearing the grief lightly laced in your voice, Haldir stopped and pulled his arm away just enough to take your hand, turning to stand in front of you. With his free hand he cupped your cheek to catch the stray tear that had escaped your lashes. He was at a loss for words. Comforting others was not a skill commonly taught to Marchwardens. You caught his hand before he had a chance to think about retracting it, leaning into his touch. He closed the last bit of distance between you two and stroked the swell of your cheek with his thumb, your eyes shutting to bask in the moment.
An eternity or mere moments passed. Neither of you could tell by the time you finally spoke. “Thank you.”
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The day your company was set to leave, Haldir felt a small pang in his heart. Why was he so bothered by your departure? He had only had the one major interaction with you. The rest of his time was spent either training or on patrol, and on patrol really meant him keeping an eye on the Fellowship. You just happened to be around when he took watch, or so he tried to convince himself.
He stood aside as Lady Galadriel offered her gifts to the travelers, giving them each something they would need or want. She bestowed on you a small Elven dagger, tiny enough to conceal in a boot with little discomfort. The Marchwarden, though content you had some extra to defend yourself with, hoped you would never need to use it.
Haldir then brought the Fellowship to the boats where everyone’s belongings were already packed and settled. He couldn’t bring himself to look at you while everyone said their proper farewells, but nothing stopped him from following down river to the borders. He and his troupe had orders to make sure you all reached them safely anyways.
Despite being hidden amongst the trees, it was like you knew he was there. Your head turned towards him as you passed the borders, not making eye contact but still unnervingly close to it. A tiny smile graced your lips before returning to the task at hand.
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Helm’s Deep was not where the Marchwarden wanted to be, but he still had his orders. He was charged with leading an Elven army to help defend the kingdom of Rohan. Entering the gates, he was speaking with a perplexed King Théoden when what was left of your party rounded the corner. Your grin shone brightly in the dark when Aragorn surprised him with an embrace.
Haldir found himself both pleased and upset by your presence. While you looked to be in good health, he did not know your full battle prowess and as such was unsure how you would handle the soon-to-be battlefield. However, he never had the chance to voice his concerns as he needed to position his soldiers.
The rain poured when the standoff with the Orcs and Uruk-hai began, pinging off of helmets loudly. Haldir stood among his fellow Elves. Aragorn spread the rest of you out, sending you to the opposite end of Helm’s Deep where Haldir’s view was partially obscured. He could at least see you standing proudly alongside the other men. He could only imagine the fire in your eyes.
When the battle began, it raged with seemingly no good end in sight. A section of the wall had exploded with Aragorn near enough to be caught in the blast. Haldir could hear you bark your clear and concise orders to the men as you rushed to help Aragorn. Upon reaching his feet, Aragorn yelled out the order to retreat further in to better protect the caves the women and children were hiding in. Haldir belayed the orders in his native tongue to his soldiers.
He made sure the soldiers retreated but was unable to do so himself. Surrounded by the enemy on a high ledge, he slashed through them in an attempt to make a path for himself. His weariness had caught up with him as he was hit in the side with a jagged weapon.
He spun around as someone called him, ready to slice through his assailant. It fell to the ground as he faced it, revealing you with a now broken sword which you cast away. You stepped over the dead enemy to get a better look at him. Haldir clutched his side when you tried to check on his wound.
“How bad is it?”
“You should be retreating,” he tried to dodge the question.
“As should you,” you answered sternly, locking eyes with him. “Are you still able to keep moving?”
“Good. We must go quickly.”
You reached out to help him when your breath hitched. You lurched towards him, grabbing his free arm to pull him forward, the motion catapulting you behind him. You ripped the dagger from your boot as you continued towards the Orc that had snuck up behind Haldir, and shoved it between the layers of its armor. In the creature’s last breath, it brought down its sword on your shoulder, forcing you to your knees.
Haldir rushed to your side, stabbing the Orc once more for good measure before shoving it off the ledge. He kneeled in front of you, clenching his jaw to ignore the pain in his side, and held you steady by your upper arms. Your eyes were glassing over while you desperately tried to keep your head up to look at him.
He called out your name. “We need to follow the others. Are you able to stand?”
You blinked a few times before hoarsely whispering, “I... I don’t... know.”
Your shoulder bled profusely as Haldir tried to help you stand. He took on most of your weight with your arm over his shoulder. You wouldn’t last much longer without a healer’s attention. Biting back his own pain, he practically carried you down the stairs to solid ground where Aragorn met you. He and what little was left of the soldiers who had not yet retreated formed around the two of you, furiously slicing at the Orcs and Uruk-hai that would stop you from reaching the main halls.
Soldiers who were protecting the doors ushered you inside immediately where Haldir brought you into the caves for the healers to watch over. One tried to make him sit momentarily to tend to his own injury, but he brushed them away. He could still continue. His ribs were probably bruised, if not broken, but his armor kept the damage from being life threatening. He promptly left to speak with Aragorn about the next plan of attack. He would be damned if he allowed any of those foul beings to pass into the caves to finish the job.
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The battle was won, Gandalf having arrived with reinforcements right when they needed him most. When victory was assured, the Marchwarden wasted no time in returning to the caves where you lay unconscious. The healers bandaged you to the best of their abilities given the circumstances, and you were at least breathing steadily.
Much to the surprise of his fellow elves and your company, Haldir rarely left your side, even during the trek back to Edoras. He was still there when you woke safely in the Golden Halls of Meduseld.
Your eyes struggled to open as you stirred awake. “Wh-what happened?” Your voice was hoarse from sleep and lack of water.
“You were struck down, Mellon nin.” Haldir brushed a rogue strand of hair from your forehead and placed his hand on yours. “We were able to retreat to the caves.”
“And the battle?” Your arms shook as you tried to sit up and lean your weight on your good side. “The outcome?”
The Marchwarden tried to settle you back down, but you would not relent. “We were victorious. Gandalf arrived with reinforcements at dawn and drove the enemy out.”
You began to relax at that before another question flooded your mind. “What about-”
“Your friends are well,” he chuckled at your persistence. “They are preparing to leave for Isengard soon. Word has returned that it has fallen.”
Before you had a chance to ask another question, he helped you sit up the rest of the way so as not to aggravate your wound further with your stubbornness and handed you a glass of water. You drank it slowly despite your need to relinquish your thirst.
“Thank you.” You passed the glass back to him, your voice clearer now. “When do they leave?”
“Tomorrow morning, I believe,” Haldir answered and coaxed you to lay back down.
You nodded with a hum. “I suppose I should rest more, then. If there is a chance that Merry and Pippin are there and well, I would like to be there.”
“Mellon nin, your injury is not yet healed.”
“A mere shoulder wound will not prevent me from riding to Isengard,” you huffed.
“It is nothing to scoff at. Mellon nin, you almost died,” he pleaded with you, taking one of your hands in both of his.
“Haldir, I still have my duty to the Fellowship. I cannot abandon them.”
“Tending to your health is not abandoning anyone,” he spoke softly as he ran a thumb across your knuckles. “You will still be able to continue your quest when you have healed.”
You sighed deeply, looking to the ceiling as though collecting your thoughts. “I just... This is something I feel like I need to do.”
A deafening silence showered the room. Haldir studied you for a moment, your unencumbered hand fiddling with the sheets. Your mind was made up, and there was nothing he could do.
“Mellon nin,” he breathed, reaching for your face so you would look at him. “You will not let this go, will you?”
You shook your head with determined yet pleading eyes.
He squeezed your hand gently. “Then, I suppose all I can ask of you is to get your rest tonight.”
“Thank you.” With a smile, your thumb glided over his.
He made to stand so you could sleep in peace without him hovering. As he pulled his hand away, you gripped it tighter.
“Haldir? Will you stay? At least until I fall asleep? I am not sure I wish to be alone right now.”
Taken aback, he stood there dumbly before retaking his seat. “Of course, Mellon nin.”
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The next morning, the remaining members of the Fellowship gathered at the stables. Aragorn was in the middle of trying to convince you to stay behind. Gandalf stood out of the way with Gimli, biting back a laugh at Aragorn’s futile efforts, while Haldir and Legolas prepared the horses.
“You will only worsen your injury,” Aragorn chided.
You folded your arms defiantly across your chest. “One trip on horseback is not so arduous.”
“She has already made up her mind, Aragorn. I doubt you will be able to change it,” Gandalf chimed in.
Haldir was tightening the saddle on the horse that would carry you so it was more secure when Legolas silently sidled up to him. “You have already said your peace, have you not?”
“What makes you say that?” Haldir twisted the saddle to test it.
“You have barely left her side since our victory. You must have spoken with her before now,” Legolas quipped.
“Indeed, I have.”
“Then, surely in your fondness of her you would have tried to convince her to stay behind.”
“Fondness?” Haldir stilled a moment before adjusting the straps again. “We are friends, Legolas. Nothing more.”
“Then why is it you have been meticulously preparing this one horse whilst I have already saddled three?” Legolas shot him a pointed smirk.
The Marchwarden felt himself flush all the way to the tips of his ears. “She is still injured. I- We cannot risk her hurting herself further.”
Legolas held his chuckle in his throat as a hum. “The sooner you stop attempting to fool yourself, Mellon-”
“Alright, you may join us!” Aragorn growled with a huff, stealing the attention of the bickering elves. “However, the moment a battle should arise, you are to return here.”
“Of course,” you complied, a stubborn edge to your voice.
Aragorn’s heavy sigh was littered with grit. “Are the horses ready?”
Haldir and Legolas nodded swiftly.
“Good. Let us be on our way.”
You made your way to the Marchwarden who was beckoning you over.
“Are you sure there is nothing I can do to change your mind, Mellon nin?” he asked softly.
“I am, yes.”
You flashed a smile at him before placing a foot in the stirrup. Haldir remained hovering near you. Your shoulder strained as you willed your arms to reach the saddle, steadying yourself as you pushed down on the stirrup to lift yourself up. Midway up, you lost your grip as your shoulder suddenly gave out. Haldir was quick to press a hand to your back to stop your fall. He noticed how your jaw tensed to grind out what was obviously the pain of your wound, but you were still determined to mount the horse.
“Here.” He gripped your waist. “I apologize if this seems forward.”
He raised you enough so you could swing your leg over the saddle, letting you go the moment you had your balance.
“N-not at all. Thank you.”
You held the reins tightly as you settled down, knuckles turning white like it could make everything better. Haldir felt his chest tighten and covered one of your hands with his own, eyes filled with concern. Your head snapped down to meet his gaze. With a reassuring yet forced smile, you attempted to relax your muscles to conceal just how much your injury hurt, but he saw right through it.
With a heavy sigh and shake of his head, he took hold of the saddle and hoisted himself up behind you.
“What are you-”
“If your pain is that severe, you shall not ride alone,” Haldir interrupted, finality in his tone.
“Haldir, this is not necessary,” you argued as he pulled the reins from your hands.
Legolas slinked by with Gimli on their horse, sending you two a knowing smile. The Marchwarden’s blush bled to his ears again. He didn’t notice your own flushed face.
Haldir cleared his throat. “Let us go before we fall behind.”
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The journey to Isengard was quiet and uneventful. Partway through the trip, you finally allowed yourself to relax, not realizing you were leaning back into Haldir. Though bemused, he was not about to protest.
Collecting Merry and Pippin was as simple as it was amusing. They were most excited about reuniting with their companions. It was on the ride back that you and Haldir overheard their teasing about you sharing a horse. Aragorn and the others bit back grins and commentary of their own.
The festivities that followed upon returning to Edoras were no better, the ale at least partly to blame. The Marchwarden and what remained of his soldiers were settled near Legolas who was currently in the middle of a drinking match with Gimli. You had yet to arrive. Eowyn was the only reason Haldir was not at your side forcing you to rest. She tended to your shoulder, promising to return you for the celebration. He would have preferred you did not come for the sake of your health, but as long as you were not overexerting yourself again, he would not complain.
He swirled the ale in his mug after taking a swig, mulling over recent events. Usually he was not one to allow his emotions control his actions, and yet he was doing that much more often now. He felt like he couldn’t help himself. There was this overwhelming desire to keep you safe, keep you close, regardless of the fact that you were perfectly capable of handling yourself. Haldir had caught a glimpse of your abilities at Helm’s Deep. There was a reason you had gone to Rivendell with Boromir and joined the Fellowship.
As if to break him of his spiraling thoughts before they grew out of control, one of his neighboring elves nudged his arm, winking and motioning him to look up. He lifted his gaze, about to make a remark for the elf’s teasing, when he saw Eowyn stepping into the room with you close at her side.
The music, shouts, laughter - they all faded away from his ears. You practically radiated light despite your nervous self on display. Eowyn had lent you one of her dresses, the fabric draping differently on your frame from hers yet no less perfect. She caught Haldir’s gawking and whispered something in your ear with a smirk. You glanced up to see him but dipped your head back down to where your hair curtained your tiny, bashful smile. Eowyn was quick to tuck the offending hair behind your ear. She giggled and murmured to you again, resulting in your flustered rush to join your companions.
Haldir focused on his ale once again. The elf who had coaxed him into looking up bumped his arm. Without saying a word, he was fully encouraging his captain to go to you. The elves in his company had never seen their normally reserved, stoic Marchwarden act like this before, and they thought it a fantastic development. They all joined in pestering him to at least ask you for a dance. It took a while, but his stubbornness crumbled, and he brought himself to his feet only to notice you were missing from your company. He scanned the crowds, hoping to spot you. Maybe someone else had already asked you to dance. That theory was thankfully doused when he spied the swish of your dress through a door leading outside.
Following and stepping out into the cool night air, he found you leaning forward on the wooden railing, gazing up at the stars. Your hair sparkled under the dim light. He realized tonight was the first time he had seen you without it tied or braided back out of the way.
“Mellon nin,” Haldir called to you softly so as not to startle you. “Are you alright?”
You turned to see him just outside of the door and nodded with a tired smile. “Yes. I just felt I needed some fresh air and a moment away from the crowd.”
“I apologize for disturbing you. I will-”
“No!” You cut him off quickly. “I mean... You did not disturb anything. You can stay if you would like.”
The corners of Haldir’s lips tugged upwards ever so slightly as he approached you, joining you in your previous stargazing. The peaceful quiet of the night muffled the festivities in the building. He felt you cover his hand with your own accompanied by a gentle squeeze.
“Thank you, Haldir, for everything,” your voice was just above a whisper.
“I should be thanking you, Mellon nin,” he shook his head, his other hand coming to grasp yours. “If you had not come for me, I would not be at your side now.”
A breathy chuckle passed your lips. “I suppose we are even then.”
Haldir hummed questioningly.
“Had you not brought me with you whilst retreating, then I would not be at your side now.” You parroted the last words with a grin.
The Marchwarden’s shoulders shook with a quiet laughter. “I cannot argue against that.”
You set your free hand on top of your conjoined ones as you leaned against his shoulder. A comforting silence befell you both. That is until you heard chittering giggles from behind. The pair of you turned to see Merry and Pippin poking their heads from the doorway, followed by Aragorn who proceeded to drag them back inside and shot you a wink as he did so.
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Gondor had called for aid. Rohan answered. The army’s camp was set up, and Aragorn had a plan. Haldir received orders for his company to continue helping Rohan and meet with Elrond to receive more explicit directions.
The morning for departure arrived, and Aragorn was set to travel to the Paths of the Dead. Legolas, Gimli, Haldir and you were to join him. Haldir’s soldiers were to follow King Théoden into battle. You all stood wearily at the start of the trail, feeling the ominous air seeping down to the bone.
Haldir brushed his hand against your elbow for your attention. “May I speak with you privately?”
You looked up at him with worried eyes and nodded, probably guessing what this was about. He pulled you to the side just out of earshot of the others.
He steeled himself with a deep breath. “I must insist you do not join us, Mellon nin.”
“But Haldir, I-”
“Please, Meleth nin,” he desperately pleaded, not meaning to let the new term of endearment slip. Tenderly cupping your face with both hands, he continued, “None of us know how this will end. We... We may not come back. I beg of you to please stay with Eowyn.”
His voice was hushed, afraid it would break if he attempted to speak any louder. He knew his emotions were on full display, but he could not bring himself to care. What mattered was keeping you safe.
“Haldir...” you trailed off, grasping at his wrists with the utmost care to keep them in place. You gave a quick nod and tried to conceal your worried frown. “Alright. However. You had better- You all had better return.”
He pressed his forehead to yours. “I will do everything in my power to do just that.”
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The Marchwarden was among the Fellowship in Minas Tirith when he saw a barely conscious Eowyn being carried into the Houses of Healing. Panic coursed through his veins. You were nowhere to be found. He rushed over to her as she was laid on a bed.
“Lady Eowyn, what happened?”
She nearly didn’t recognize him. All of her effort was put into focusing on his words.
“Lady Eowyn, please. Where is she?” He held his breath like it would help him hear better.
With a tiny shake of her head, she croaked quietly, “I am sorry... We... We were separated... in battle... I know not... her fate...”
Haldir stepped aside to allow the healers in. His heart was at a standstill. Had he known Eowyn was going to sneak her way into the army, he would have pleaded with you to return to Rohan. Your injury did not have the time to fully heal. Fighting in such a strenuous battle would do you no good. He needed to find you. He needed to know that you were well.
Bursting through the doors, he raced down the stairs for the lower levels, Aragorn shouting something after him. He did not hear a word. Canopies were set up and homes were open near the gate for the soldiers who were unable to reach the Houses of Healing. Haldir weaved through the injured in a desperate attempt to find you. He’d rather discover you here as long as you were among the living.
After a fruitless search under the canopies, he began entering the opened homes. He asked anyone able for a person matching your description. Nothing. Nothing until he reached the last home. There you were towards the back of the room. An older woman had just stepped away from helping you. The armor you had borrowed like Eowyn was in a pile to the side. He could see the bandage on your thigh through the tear in your trousers, but other than that you came away from the battle fairly unharmed. How you managed that with a preexisting injury was a mystery to him.
“Meleth nin,” Haldir breathed, making his way to you. This time he meant to use the term.
Somehow, you heard him over the throng of people, your gaze meeting his. “Haldir!”
You rose to your feet a little too quickly and swayed unintentionally to put your weight onto your good leg. Haldir darted to you just in time, bringing you into his embrace.
“You’re alright...” He rested his forehead on yours just like before you departed, completely forgetting those around you. “I was beginning to think my search was for naught.”
Wrapping your arms around him, you buried your face in his chest. “Haldir, I... I’m so sorry. I know you meant to keep me from harm-”
“Shhh,” he cooed, settling his chin on the crown of your head. “I know. There is no need to apologize. All that matters is that you are here and well.”
Your light chuckle vibrated through him. “You are much too patient with me.”
“I assume you are not familiar with that.”
“You would be right.” He could feel your cheeks lift as you smiled. “Most tend to leave when I grow stubborn.”
Haldir shifted his face so it rested in your hair, murmuring into your scalp, “I am not going anywhere, Meleth nin.”
The world of man was still an anomaly to him. You were an anomaly within that world, and he wouldn’t have you any other way.
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thepaintedlady00 · 2 years
Chapter 10 Preview
Okay y'all, I've made a decision. I'm gonna give you all the beginning of chapter 10, BUT this will be the ONLY sneak peek/preview (I'll still release the title and maybe a quote or two). Chapter 10 is going to be a big boy, maybe the longest chapter to date and it's literally so full of important stuff and big reveals I'm not gonna risk spoiling too much because I'm SO excited and proud of how it's turning out and want you all to get to read it and be as excited and shit as I am!
So here you go! Enjoy! 😊💖
When Dream entered the library he felt lighter than he had in decades. He felt whole, as did his realm and everything was as it should be. Lucienne greeted him politely, pulling out the books she'd picked out and fixing her glasses on her face.
"What have you found?" He asked looking down at the slightly dusty pile.
"I'm not sure," she admitted with a sigh. "When you gave me the name of our lady I looked high and low attempting to locate anything about her here in The Dreaming. As you predicted, nothing."
He nodded. "She does not dream, so it is unlikely we'll find her here."
Lucienne glanced at the book in her hands and held it out to him. "Last night, shortly after the two of you… returned to the palace I found this on my desk."
The book was bound in multicolored threads, glistening in the light as it moved. Penelope Barlow carved into the front. His finger traced over the letters. "How is this possible?"
"I don't know, my lord." His librarian admitted. He moved to open it when she cleared her throat. "Sir, if I may…"
"What is it, Lucienne?"
"I read what was in the book, sir, to be certain it was our lady. What you find will no doubt distress you. And I only wish to remind you that The Dreaming is still weak and in need of you more than ever."
"Lucienne," he interrupted.
She sighed. "It appears… It seems one of your siblings was involved in our lady being severed from The Dreaming."
His chest burned and he moved to open the book again, but just as his fingers curled around the edge he felt a blinding pain pierce his head. Dreams vision swam, the pain so great he had to steady himself against the table. Lucienne gripped his arm, her startled voice incoherent in his ears. When it vanished along with the heartbeat he'd been feeling beside his own he dropped the book. "Penelope!"
Teleporting to his room the fear turned into all out panic at the sight of the bed in disarray and her bag of trinkets on the ground, the small objects scattered across the floor. He couldn't breathe. The room filled with shadows as his fear gave way to anger. Luciennes warning swirled in his mind. One of his siblings was behind this, and once he found out which one nothing short of his lady's return and their cries for mercy would satisfy him.
This was getting ridiculous. They stared down at me with their wide grin unfaltering. "As lovely as you look down there, Petal, I think you should get up."
"You," I said. "You were at the bar that night."
Their hand pressed to their chest as they looked away faking a bashful reaction. "Oh, how very flattering this is! The Lady of The Dreaming recognizes little old me."
"Who are you?" I chose to ask instead of attempting to retaliate against their obvious teasing.
"I am all that you Desire."
Desire. "You're one of Morpheus' siblings."
They shrugged. "But of course."
"Why are all of you so obsessed with dragging me places?" I demanded lifting myself up off the floor.
Desire looked confused, the first genuine emotion I'd seen from them. "I didnt bring you here, Petal."
They rolled their eyes. "You don't catch on very quick, do you?"
I'd forgotten how easily they got bored and how rude they were. "What do you mean you didn't bring me here?"
"I did nothing." They said, "Here I was, walking the halls of my realm and then poof a little flower tumbles into my path. You brought yourself here. It's what you do after all."
"What I do?" "Yes, Weavers are notorious party crashers." They smiled. "Though none before did so as frequently or as elegantly as you."
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