#alpha keith kogane
corvus--rex · 1 year
I'm not cursing myself. I'm not. I promise. BUT. I have been working on a new chapter of a fic I haven't updated since October 2021
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feyravenchatter · 2 years
Ok. So. I've been adding things to the Ginormous-Multichapter-Fic-of-Doom. I have settled on 10. So there will be ten randomly rotating fics in one compendium worthy of any half-decent mage. In alphabetical order by working title or whatever random bullshit I've named the folders just bc that's how I organise them (and hiding them under the cut bc I'm adding *・☆descriptions☆・*):
The long-awaited Galtean Leakira fic that I first posted about on my main so many months ago. tl;dr version - cyberpunk version of the Galra Empire takes over Marmora, Altea, and the human city-state of Garrison, no one's fully human if at all, Shiro and Keith's dad are missing, and Lance is on his own but also has a Very Important Thing that might be able to help them get rid of the Galra.
I'm Yours (yes, after the Jason Mraz song) which I posted the outline to here a little while back. Writer/barista/bartender Keith and musician Lance with not-so-supportive parents, getting together, and working through their issues
This one doesn't have anything close to a name yet, just marked as klangst al/ok (alpha Lance/omega Keith) in my wips folder. But this is the plot bunny I've talked about before. The one with the stress, and the drama, and the angst, and the Klance spawn. I'm not sure how spoilery I should be with this one, so I'll just leave it here. There will also be two prequel parts to cover a few of the things in canon that I judiciously remodeled
Let Sleeping Lions Roar is next. This oddly enough was inspired by a cover of a song from Warframe of all places (holy shit that game is so goddamn pretty). This one's a little weird as it's 10,000 years post-canon with some significant changes. Allura didn't sacrifice herself, and the castle still stands, the lions sleeping in their hangars, and the legend saying that the paladins will return when they're needed. And they're needed.
The reverse fake relationship one with alpha Keith and omega Lance. Instead of trying to pass off a fake relationship as the real thing, they have to convince a planet on the fence about joining the Coalition that their relationship is real, starting with what led up to their mating in the first place all the way back in the Garrison (it's Lance's parents, mostly his mother)
Another one without a name (sensing a pattern here), but this is part royal au, part magic, a little Victorian/Steampunk and has an assassination attempt, a secret plot to usurp the throne, a surprise reunion, and a couple dumbasses falling disgustingly in love
The Single Parent Klance au where they're both 32ish, Keith trans and has a 16 yo daughter, Lance's little girl is only 4, both are painfully single for different reasons, but a 16 yo getting a new babysitting job might just fix that last problem, even if there are a few bumps in the road
Currently, and most likely temporarily, named The Howling, next is a werewolf au. Alpha Keith and omega Lance have a brief fling during an inter-pack meeting, leaving Lance with a surprise souvenir. Meanwhile another pack is planning something, no one knows what, and Lance is trying to keep his secret from his family. Let's see how that one works out for him
Ok, so, this one is entirely self-indulgent. I was actually a barista for the siren for ~3 years, and while talking about odd and/or regular customers, I got to thinking about a loosely connected oneshot/drabble series of Tales from the Coffeeshop. I will not allow them to work for a soulless corporation, so instead, it's an independent coffeeshop/bakery owned by Coran and run a bit more cooperatively. Some of the stories will be things that actually happened to me, some will be things that are totally plausible (trust me, I've seen things)
And last, a slightly more D&D-oriented Thunderpike soulmate au. I've made Pike into a bard, partially bc I felt like it, and partially bc I think it fits a little better. Keith (sorry, his emo-ness Thunderstorm Darkness) is a dual-wielding ranger with a celestial wolf animal companion. He's been tracking Pike for a while, ever since he first noticed the intangible silver thread connecting him. But this is them, and nothing is ever allowed to go smoothly
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alphaofdarkness · 1 year
I FINALLY DID A SONG MEME! 👏🏼🤍 With Kidge as my main inspiration after listening to the song and parts of the lyrics through animation memes✨
I am still forever screaming of the what could have been—should have been with Keith and Pidge meeting before the Kerberos mission launch like! I feel like it would have benefited their friendship and relationship more as the series went on.
Especially considering their partnership as the right and left arm of Voltron, the sword and shield and later with Keith being the leader and Pidge his go to for the analytics much like she was for Shiro early on.
The potential 😭 im forever crying— anyways I’m so happy and proud of this ✨ I hope y’all enjoy 🌿🔥
This maybe the last kidge post for a while, I want to get back into drawing mi tigre and more of my selfships ;;w;; I still have ideas for these two, especially things and fic based draws!
Some of my favorite frames! Also check it out on youtube!
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noahideahwrites · 1 year
Random Headcanons About Jealousy — Voltron Omegas
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Notes: Hello! I'm finally back, and completely obsessed with Voltron. I decided to rewatch the series (cause I hate myself) and now that's all I can think about. These are kind of vague and small because I'm slowly getting back to writing, not used to it anymore.
Warnings: Possible grammar mistakes, spoilers on Lotor's part
»» Keith is the type of person who doesn't really do much when the situation is happening, at least he thinks he is, cue Keith staring at the other person like they're going to die just with his look. He will also deny he was doing that if anyone asks.
»» Lance on the other hand tries to do a lot to make the other person leave, at first he tries to be subtle, which includes a lot of PDA and also him trying to scare the person with his expressions. As a last resort, he starts making comments and also getting very defensive, and then it's repeated either until the person leaves or he tells the person to leave.
»» Lance feels jealous over you spending time with Keith way more than he does anyone else. On the other hand, he doesn't feel jealous of you spending time with either Hunk or Pidge.
»» Within the team Shiro doesn't feel jealous at all, considering that you two practically adopted the group. But even to other people, he rarely feels jealous.
»» The same as Shiro, Hunk doesn't feel jealous of the team members, but I do think he feels a little insecure if you show interest in someone from the "outside" that he considers better. So you must shower him in affection and cuddles later, or even better, present Hunk as your boyfriend to the person.
»» Now Lotor is on a whole nother level, he can be extremely possessive depending on the situation, and at other times he doesn't even bother.
»» Depending on the person, principally if they're galra, Lotor doesn't like the fact of them even looking in your direction, so if this happens while he is taking his father's place that person won't live much longer.
»» There are other people that Lotor doesn't even care if they even try to flirt with you, simply because he sees them as so much inferior to either of you, that in his mind that person wouldn't have a chance even on their wildest dreams.
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Keith knew it was coming. It would be foolish to pretend otherwise. Lance doesn’t mind his own business regularly, but this involves him directly — of course he’d interrogate Keith about it. Keith can’t blame him.
“You know what this is about,” Lance says softly, walking over to sit next to Keith on the bed. It speaks volumes to how miserable Keith must look for Lance to approach this so calmly. Lance is great in a crisis, sure, but he isn’t usually gentle about it. He’s usually very firm when he’s explaining exactly how you fucked up. (And then endlessly kind in the hours he spends helping you fix it. But that’s neither here nor there.)
Keith sighs, forcing himself to look over at Lance even though all he wants to do was crawl under his bed and die in a puddle of mortification.
“Yeah, I know.”
“Talk to me, hotshot,” Lance prods, patting Keith gently on the hip. “One second you’re growling at everyone who smiles at me, big bad Galra fangs out and everything, and now you’re running away from me. We can’t have that, Red. We’re a team, now.”
Keith swallows roughly. He wishes more than anything, right then, that Shiro was back, and he didn’t have the burden of team leader on his shoulders as well as… this.
“I talked to Kolivan, like you said,” Keith whispers. “Uh, turns out we were both wrong. Apparently I’m going through Galra puberty, and presenting as a —“ he makes a face — “as an alpha.”
Lance blinks. “An alpha? Like a… wolf?”
“Kind of?” Keith huffs miserably. “It’s sign of sexual maturity, I guess. A secondary gender. Some present as alphas, some as betas, and some as omegas.”
“Okay…” Lance says slowly, “so you’ve presented. How does being an alpha equate to you acting all bonkers?”
Keith winces. Lord above, he wants to do anything but have this horrible conversation. “The whole point of the secondary genders is to mate, basically. Um.”
Lance starts to grin, very clearly taking a good amount of pleasure in Keith’s misery, because he is the king of schadenfreude.
“Oh, I see.”
“Shut up and let me finish my explanation,” Keith says hotly, but Lance only laughs.
“As I was saying. Because the whole purpose is to mate, we gets these — things. Mating periods, called ruts or heats.”
Lance giggles. Keith smacks him.
“Stop it. It’s not funny.”
“S — sorry,” Lance says, clearly not very sorry.
Keith rolls his eyes. “Whatever. The gist of the matter is that since I have presented as an alpha, I am in my first rut, and my dumbass monkey brain has decided that you’re a picturesque omega. It feels like my brain has latched onto any and all feelings I have for you, turned the horny meter up to eleven, and went ham, so I’ve admittedly been a little jealous.”
“Oh, Keith,” Lance says, and promptly loses his shit.
So much for being Keith’s right hand. So much for having his back.
God, why is Keith so gone on this asshole again?
“This is betrayal. I’m feeling very betrayed right now.”
Lance wheezes.
“I bare my most embarrassing conundrum to you, expecting sympathy —”
He wheezes harder.
“You — you dumbass —”
“And instead,” Keith says loudly, “I get mocked about something I cannot control. You are the worst.”
“Aw, baby,” Lance coos, finally getting himself under control. And, like. Lance calls Keith ‘baby’ all the time. It shouldn’t be a big deal.
But apparently, now that he’s a stupid alpha, it is.
Keith melts, slumping completely forward into Lance, and starts basically purring.
Lance snorts. “This part of that alpha shit too?”
“I don’t know,” Keith wails, reaching blindly to grab one of Lance’s hands and place it on his head. Thankfully Lance gets the hint and starts gently playing with his hair. “I just know that I’m horny all the fucking time, I get blindingly jealous every time some jackass looks at you wrong, and I want to simultaneously whisk you away somewhere where no one can ever hurt you and bend you over the nearest fucking table. Fuck.”
“Well, that last part isn’t new,” Lance says, and Keith can hear the stupid grin in his voice. “But I assume the rest of it is your brain deciding that I am your omega, and as such, the mate you must protect if your potential children are to survive?”
“I guess so,” Keith mumbles. “Sorry.”
“‘S’okay,” Lance assures, leaning down to press a kiss to Keith’s cheek with an exaggerated ‘mwah’ noise. “It’s the sashay, I think. I knew it would come back to bite me in the ass. Mamá always told me it would attract unwanted attention.”
Keith snorts. “Once again, Mamá McClain knows everything.”
Lance is quiet for a while, running calloused hands through Keith’s hair. He’s quiet for long enough that Keith is half asleep when Lance suddenly gasps, accidentally yanking on his hair in his excitement.
“Ow, babe, Jesus shit —”
“I have a plan!” Lance announces excitedly, ignoring Keith’s complaints.
Despite himself, Keith grins.
“You always do.”
“Yep! I know how to solve your whole big bad alpha schtick. C’mon. Up you get.”
Keith would love to say it’s because of his newfound weirdo hormones that he gets up and follows Lance immediately, without question, or pause. But unfortunately he knows that he was whipped as hell before presenting as an alpha, and will remain whipped as hell long after.
“Where are we going?”
Lance turns back to face him from where he’s dragging them out of Keith’s room and down the castle’s hallway, brown eyes
twinkling with mischief.
“To the training room.”
Keith narrows his eyes. “How is that going to help? Is it — are we going to do the sparring foreplay thing again? I thought Hunk said that was forbidden after he caught us making out.”
“We’re not going to do that,” Lance says, rolling his eyes like Keith is somehow the dumbass here, “duh. Even though it was kind of fun. But you’re getting all grisly and jealous because you’re ultra-protective right now, right?”
“Yeah, I think.”
“Well, then how about I lay you out on your ass fifteen or so times in the ring, and then your hindbrain knows I’ll be perfectly fine protecting myself?”
It’s not a bad plan. Lance has always been the logical one to Keith’s rampant emotion, and this plan is no exception — if Lance were to prove that he has no problem kicking ass, then Keith doesn’t have to worry anymore! It makes perfect sense!
But Keith knows that’s not all it is. For all the alpha-protective garbage his brain is doing is annoying and probably demeaning, Keith knows it comes from a protectiveness over Lance. A desperation to keep him safe. A huge fear of anything happening to him — a valid fear, with them on the front lines. There’s nothing that’s going to dim Keith’s intense need Lance to be okay, all the time; it’s just something he’ll need to fight until his rut is over.
But… Keith will never admit it, but he kind of likes it when Lance pushes him around. Futile or not, he’s not going to object to his boyfriend, sweaty and smug, kicking his ass for a couple hours.
“Sure, Lance. Let’s try it.”
Lance’s dorky cheer makes it all worth it.
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dynamicszine · 7 months
Alpha Shiro/Omega Keith
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As we count down the days until contributor applications for Dynamics Zine close on March 8th, we're celebrating every combination of A/B/O dynamics that Sheith can have in the Omegaverse!
Today, we showcase the ever-popular Alpha Shiro/Omega Keith! Tell us about your fave headcanons, fics, and art!
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roseboysstuff · 1 year
Just gonna make a little masterlist so my writing doesn't get lost
I use male reader for when I just use male pronouns. Ftm reader for when I mention the words vagina, pussy and clit with male pronouns. Cis M! reader is when I use words like cock and ass with male pronouns.
Leon Kennedy - Pussy drunk - Ftm Reader - Pushing his bf against a wall - Male Reader - Perv for his ftm roommate - Ftm Reader - Possessive yandere husband - Ftm Reader - Husband on their wedding night - Ftm Reader - Jealous FWB - Ftm Reader - Las Plagas infected yandere - Ftm Reader - Him and Luis Serra tagteaming you - Ftm Reader - Yandere bodyguard - Ftm Reader - Fucking his little brother in the shower - Ftm Reader - Taking care of his virgin bf - Ftm Reader - Coming home to his bf humping a stuffed animal - Ftm Reader - Step dad Leon babytrapping his step son Part 1 - Ftm Reader -Part 2 - Ftm Reader - Fucking his virgin bf with a vibrating dildo - Ftm Reader - Making sure his lil bro gets pregnant - Ftm Reader - Las Plagas Leon stuffing reader with his eggs - Ftm Reader - Bunny hybrid reader humping a pillow - Ftm Reader - Step dad leon and his insecure stepson - Ftm Reader - Wolf hybrid Leon and bunny hybrid reader - Ftm Reader - Fingering his friend's son in public - Ftm Reader - Incel loser Leon fucking his step bro - Ftm Reader - His stepson has an oral fixation - Ftm Reader - Dad Leon dressing up as Santa - Ftm Reader - CW : Gore ] Leon fucking reader's eye socket - Male reader - Loser Leon worshipping reader's tdick - Ftm Reader - Alpha Big brother Leon claiming his omega brother - Ftm Reader - Fucking his taken friend - Ftm Reader - Dad! Leon fucking his son on a halloween party - Ftm Reader - Pent up married couple - Ftm Reader - More stepdad! Leon - Ftm Reader - Chubby chaser Leon - Ftm Reader
Takashi Shirogane (Voltron) - Babying his short bf - Male Reader - Gentle daddy dom - Male Reader - Looking after his alcoholic bf - Male Reader - Coming home to his chubby trans bf - Ftm Reader - Impregnating his son - Ftm Reader - (HCs) Apologising after making you flinch - Ftm Reader - Fucking his little boyfriend into overstimulation - Ftm Reader - Spoiling his stepson - Ftm Reader - Coming home after being kidnapped - Ftm Reader - Being down bad for his crush - Male reader
Anakin Skywalker - Fucking his ftm husband - Ftm Reader - Dark anakin fucking his husband - Ftm Reader - Using the force to finger his bf in public - Ftm Reader - Dark anakin being jealous and possessive - Ftm Reader
Fire Lord Zuko - Using his bf as stress relief - Ftm Reader - Sex pollen - Ftm Reader - Reuniting with his stepbrother - Cis m! Reader - HCs of Zuko's kinks - Male! Reader - Pampering his malewife - Male Reader - Getting his husband pregnant again - Ftm Reader - Baby trapping his servant - Ftm Reader
Keith Kogane (Voltron) - His little brother riding his cock in his sleep - Ftm Reader
Guzma (Pokemon) - Domming his childhood friend - Ftm Reader - Guzma nonconning his sleeping lil bro - Ftm Reader
Arven (Pokemon) - Fucking his little brother - Ftm Reader
William Afton (Fnaf movie) - Dad william taking his son's virginity - Ftm Reader - Dad William teaching his son how to ride him - Ftm Reader
Prince Lotor (Voltron) - Yandere Lotor babytrapping - Ftm Reader - Part 2 - Ftm Reader - Part 3 - Ftm Reader - Keeping his son on a leash - Ftm Reader
OCs Yandere popular brother - Introduction (Not Smutty) - Male reader - He gets jealous of you talking to another boy - Ftm Reader
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fanficsimp7 · 4 months
Omega Keith In Heat (Klance)
These fics are all about Keith going into heat.
He didn’t know what he had expected when Keith had walked into breakfast smelling like the sex equivalent of eating boardwalk fries while dancing in the surf at Veradera beach. Keith’s scent reminded him of home, sweet and alluring in a way that made him want to bury his face in between those pale thighs for hours.
“Try it and I’ll gut you like a pig.” Keith snapped, before stabbing a spoon in his food goo.
Fuck, that was hot.
(By: May10baby)
When Lance was kept late for practice after getting into a (teeny, tiny) fight with one of his teammates, to go into the boy's locker room, expecting to get a well-needed shower, but was hit in the face with wafts of an omega in heat.
Keith goes into heat at the most horrible time, and Lance helps him through it.
(By: KoriMuse7124)
Lance takes a few steps into the room before it clicks.
“You’re in heat!” he accuses.
Keith goggles at him before hissing, “How can you even tell that, it’s suppressed!” sounding completely scandalized.
(By: trashwriter)
Lance prides himself in being a decent alpha. That’s why he’s made up this rule for himself: do not under any circumstance use your alpha command voice on anyone.
He knows that every alpha has a period after presenting where they have a hard time controlling their alpha voice, and sure, Lance has slipped up a few times, but mostly the commands haven’t been powerful enough to actually put an omega under his spell, so he doesn’t count those. But there have been three certain occasions where he just lost complete control of himself (or simply ignored the rule), and they have all involved Keith fucking Kogane.
The two times Lance accidentally forced Keith into heat, and one time he got hit in the face.
(By: orphan_account)
Being an omega was cool, Keith supposed, and he would never let anyone tell him otherwise. Not that he was particularly into flaunting his secondary sex, but he wasn’t that keen on keeping it as this huge ass secret either. It was just people assuming things and Keith letting them believe whatever they wanted. So Keith thinks it’s pretty fair when he says that it is not his fault that the whole school erupted into chaos when he presented that warm summer day in June in front of like every student that stayed on campus for the summer. All he wanted was for everything to go back to normal, but then right when school was set to start again and he could feel the annoying—yet slightly pleasant—buzz of preheat under his skin, Lance McClain walked back into his life, and he was about to ruin everything.
The two times Lance accidentally forced Keith into heat
'The Hunger Never Ends' but from Keith’s perspective.
(By: orphan_account)
“You’ve got to give me a shot, Hothead,” Lance called from where he was sniping opponents with Hunk covering him like the dutiful Beta he was. For as magnificent as he was in battle, Keith consistently failed at giving Lance an opening.
“You need to take it,” Keith snapped back. He switched the hand wielding his Bayard as easily as breathing and Lance lost the smallest of opportunities to how his mind caught on the skill and beauty of the movement.
“A gentleman does not take,” Lance responded with feigned indignation. “Consent is sexy, Keith.”
“Then I consent to you taking a damn shot,” Keith practically yelled into the commlink. He dodged to the side and a shot from Lance's Bayard whizzed past him, knocking the large robot he was fighting off balance and presenting an opening. Keith took it, but impatience had made him reckless and before he could dart away, the robot grabbed his leg.
Then, because the universe had no mercy, it threw him directly into Lance.
(By: Xirayn)
Keith and Lance's relationship is still pretty new, and since suppressants aren't a thing in outer space, Keith knows they'll have to deal with his oncoming heat sooner or later. What he wasn't expecting was Lance going on a mission and his heat being a dry one.
(By: Kirianna_May)
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ao3feedsheith · 2 years
Paths of the Heart
Paths of the Heart https://archiveofourown.org/works/41919792 by Pinetree_M When he met arrogant inmate Takashi Shirogane in a case, attorney Keith Kogane felt a mixture of attraction and hatred. But as their relationship intensified, he discovered a new side of Shiro and fell in love with him. Now they're getting married, but balancing personal, family and billion-dollar business issues doesn't leave much time for the couple to enjoy life together. In the midst of this turmoil, will Shiro and Keith be able to keep the flame of passion burning? Words: 2448, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Characters: Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Kolivan (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Matt Holt, Pidge | Katie Holt, Lotor (Voltron), Sendak (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron) Relationships: Keith/Shiro (Voltron), Allura/Romelle (Voltron) Additional Tags: Trans Keith (Voltron), Gay Shiro (Voltron), Keith (Voltron) is Bad at Feelings, Socially Awkward Keith (Voltron), Jealous Shiro (Voltron), Top Shiro (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron) is a Good Friend, Minor Hunk/Shay (Voltron), Protective Allura (Voltron), Protective Kolivan (Voltron), Alpha Kolivan (Voltron), Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Kolivan is a good father. dark Shiro lightly, Abo lightly mentioned. Book adaptation. via AO3 works tagged 'Keith/Shiro (Voltron)' https://archiveofourown.org September 24, 2022 at 09:33PM
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pack-the-pack · 4 years
[Non-stereotypical Dynamics: In cartoons]
Alpha female:  Starfire/Koriand'r (DC universe)
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Alpha male: James Lake Jr. (Tales of Arcadia)
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Beta female: Hyzenthlay (Watership down)
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(unfortunetly I couldn’t find a single gif with my girl Hyzen ;-; sorry guys)
Beta Male: Mako (The Legend of Korra)
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Omega female: Barbara Gordon (DC Superhero Girls 2019)
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Omega male: Keith Kogane (Voltron)
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I know some people may disagree with my choices, but my criteria for “non-stereotypical” was basically just “I thought it was X at first sight but at a second glance I realized they were actually Z”. So you know, each to their own judgemnt. Still hope y’all like it. 
Except for Mako, I didn't watch LOK so that one was a tip from someone else.
Stereotypical Dynamics in Cartoons pt.1
Stereotypical Dynamics in Anime pt.1
Stereotypical Dynamics in Anime pt.2
Stereotypical Dynamics in Games pt.1
Stereotypical Dynamics in Series pt.1
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communikateee · 4 years
I’m so excited to be posting my piece for the @klancesecretsanta event! I had @auronevardell as my giftee, so I hope you enjoy this fic as much as I enjoyed writing it! Soulmate AUs are some of my all time favorites!!
Rating: Teen Warnings: No Major Warnings Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron) Tags: Soulmates, A/B/O (Omega!Keith and Alpha!Lance), Modern College Setting Words: 17k Excerpt: “Then give me a reason to smile,” Keith challenges without the laughter leaving his tone.
Reaching forward to pick a piece of waffle cone out of Keith’s hair, Lance lets his fingers brush down the side of Keith’s jaw. “I’ll give you a million reasons, cariño.”
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In a world where time stops for soulmates, Keith has felt the persistent passage of every year. Until the universe gives him everything he’s always been looking for in the smile of a blue-eyed alpha and the frozen world around them.
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corvus--rex · 1 year
My Julance from 2021. I don't think I'll get anything finished for this year, but there's always this.
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feyravenchatter · 2 years
This is that plot bunny. The one that I've mentioned in tags so many times now. The one where I cleaned out canon's house, rearranged all the furniture, and am haunting the place like a primary-colored poltergeist. This one, as long as it's going to end up, will also have 2 prequel pieces to cover a few things happening before the main plot.
Time is nebulous, which means I have no idea when tf this is set, although it’s technically post-s6, kind of, canon timeline means nothing, they’ve been out there a while, like a five years a while, alpha Lance, omega Keith, mpreg after the first couple-ish chapters, nsfw, very very canon divergent, omegaverse, No Blades or Paladins were harmed in the writing of this fic, except maybe Keith, there is stress and drama and angst, and all this stress is bad for the babies, both klance and their spawn
During a battle to liberate yet another planet from the empire’s rule, Keith is feeling his heat coming on, and has been since the night before.  His reaction times are slower than usual, and he has a few near misses.  He convinces himself that no one noticed those slips bc he never actually got hit.  He really should have known better than that.
Klance talk immediately after the battle because Lance noticed Keith slipping.  Pack knew he wasn't feeling great the night before, but didn't know how bad it was.  Lance goes to find Keith first to ask about it and while he knows about the irregular heats, he’s only now finding out about the infertility diagnosis.  Keith dismisses it, saying that he's gotten used to it and knows he'll never have children of his own.  Lance is upset for him, and lets slip that not having their own wouldn't bother him, leading to his admitting that he's kinda-sorta-maybe had a thing for Keith for a while.  Keith then admits that he's kinda-sorta-maybe had a thing for Lance for a while as well, but doesn't think any alpha would want him due to his sterility.  Lance tells him that that really doesn't matter to him, because adoption is always there and that he still wants a relationship with Keith despite him being /broken/.  Keith is still feeling gross from his coming heat, and Lance decides they’ll talk more about their new relationship later.
While Keith is napping, Lance attempts to, but only lays in bed, trying not to think about how exhausted he is from two major battles in as many days, which leads him to thinking about the planet from the day before, Xuvelten, and how odd the Xel are.  The race has a cultural obsession with balance, their entire civilization and religion built around the concept.  They firmly believe that everything, good or bad, must have a counter, and that to disrupt balance is to disrupt reality.  Lance shivers at the memory of the tour around their central worship site, an artificial cavern roughly carved into a mountain, and the god-spirits that are inside.  Each has their own, smaller, altar and worship place, god-spirits dedicated to almost everything, and each with a direct opposite.  It had unnerved not only him, but the rest of the pack as well, especially with the Xel’s insistence that their god-spirits were actual entities and not concepts.  They had willingly joined the coalition, thrilled at the idea of assisting to restore universal balance.
Lance’s half-asleep thoughts are interrupted by an intercom announcement from Allura that they’re heading down to Atruvela in 1 varga.  He’s pretty sure Keith didn’t hear that, and rolls out of bed, changing into his formal outfit before going to wake his newly-named omega.  Lance was right, Keith didn’t hear the announcement, waking him with the knock on his door.  He relays the message, but doesn’t come in, listening to Keith changing from the hall.  A few minutes later, he’s met with a frustrated, whining Keith.  He’s still half-asleep and can’t seem to figure out how the buttons on his blood red silk waistcoat (that Lance had convinced him into to begin with) work, pouting at his new alpha.  Lance knows that it’s his heat and helps with the buttons, asking if Keith heard him about them leaving and getting a grumbled answer.
Lance is a little concerned that his heat is too close for him to be able to join them, but decides not to say anything about it, knowing what the reaction will be.  When the entire pack meets up in the ballroom, the pack notices, but Keith swears that he's ok enough to go down to the planet, despite objections from Shiro, and especially after Allura tells them that they're all expected to be there for the celebration and negotiations.  Lance sticks close to him after letting Pidge and Hunk in on what's going on (about Keith’s incoming heat, but nothing else).  They both agree to keep an eye on Keith as well in case he gets any worse.
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alphaofdarkness · 1 year
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I finally did it! I had been wanting to redraw these two sillies for a while now using the set of images below from the Walking Dead with Glenn and Maggie! Especially since Steven Yeun does voice Keith in Voltron!
Just something sweet and tender with these two, I’ve had a spark of affection for this tiny ship again when rereading fanfics and rewatching the show last month and am giddy at how soft these two sillies still make me 🤍 (not gonna lie I really drew them so sexy in the second row fecking hell im sCReAMING, CRY ING, TH rO wING uP! AHH! ^ↀ��ↀ^)
My 2018-self would be so proud of me for progressing in my art and making this,, Ah!
I also just love their older selves designs, I’m just a flutter about them and so giddy. I have a few more tiny ideas for them and hope to tackle them soon~ for now I hope the Kidgemas shippers enjoy this piece! 😌🔥🌿
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noahideahwrites · 1 year
ੈ Masterlist꒱ .* ❞
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*₊ Render | Style | PSD ˚꒰:: ❝≡
— I will try to keep this updated
— Also works as a character list
— Might add characters/fandoms in the future
Boku No Hero: Bakugou Katsuki -- Alpha with Sukuna's powers Todoroki Shoto Kirishima Eijiro
Inuyasha: Inuyasha: -- Scent Headcanon -- Omegas that would have obsessions -- Alpha likes to play with their hair -- How they like to be carried Sesshomaru: -- Scent Headcanon -- Omegas that would have obsessions -- Alpha likes to play with their hair -- How they like to be carried Tõga: -- Scent Headcanon -- Omegas that would have obsessions -- Alpha likes to play with their hair -- How they like to be carried Kõga: -- Scent Headcanon -- Alpha likes to play with their hair -- How they like to be carried Bankotsu: -- Scent Headcanon -- Alpha likes to play with their hair -- How they like to be carried Naraku: -- Scent Headcanon -- Alpha likes to play with their hair -- How they like to be carried
How To Train Your Dragon: Hiccup: -- Courting Headcanons -- Scent Headcanon -- Date Headcanon Snotlout -- Scent Headcanon Viggo -- Scent Headcanon Dagur -- Scent Headcanon
Stardew Valley: Sebastian -- Omegas that would have obsessions Sam
Voltron: Keith Kogane -- Random Jealousy Headcanons Lance McClain -- Random Jealousy Headcanons Takashi Shirogane -- Random Jealousy Headcanons Hunk -- Random Jealousy Headcanons Lotor -- Random Jealousy Headcanons
Nanbaka: Hajime Sugoroku Musashi Liang Enki Gokuu
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fic rec friday 21
welcome to the twenty-first fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
1. Most Artists are Messy by @shipsgalore
Lance is drawing a complicated flower on the base of Keith’s wrist and it makes his lips pull up into a smile despite the panic. They’re always flowers when it comes to Lance. He uses them in everything he does, and usually doesn’t even know he’s doing it. Keith can count on one hand how many times the doodles on his arms haven’t been of flowers.
i love this one because keith & lance are just blatantly and clearly autistic. it’s wonderful. it’s sweet and fluffy and it’s a modern au, which as y’all know is my jam, and the last few paragraphs do this specific thing with sentiment repetition that genuinely gets to me every time
2. Be Alive With Me Tonight by @caesaria [EXPLICIT] [ABO]
When the Blade of Marmora requests assistance on an information gathering mission, Lance and Keith go undercover as a bonded alpha and omega pair. At first, it seems like this is going to be more like a vacation than a mission – right up until everything falls apart and they realize how unprepared they really are. Now, Lance and Keith have to fight to not only survive, but to make it out together. They’ll have to rely not only on their skills as Paladin, but the bond they’ve created and nurtured between them.
okay i gave this one the explicit warning bc there are chapters that are explicit, but tbh the scenes are skippable if that’s not ur thing. now this fic is an EPIC. truly. its a quarter million words and the plot is breathtaking, the worldbuilding is iconic and the romance is like HOLY SHIT. this is a novel, and better yet its a KLANCE novel, so. highly recommend if you have a day or two to read.
3. roses by @renyoi
Lance is always getting flowers for Keith, so Keith decides to return the favor--with a little help, of course.
written for prompt #4 of klance valentine's week!
keith is hilarious here. just in general but here especially and i love him. he wants to pamper lance so so badly and hes so straightforward and earnest!! and allura’s character in here is also excellent. i will leave u with this one line from the fic that made me laugh it loud: “ The next day, the sun rises to Keith Kogane, dressed all in black (that’s all that was clean, okay?!), loitering around in front of Alluring Blossom, the 5-star-rated “I’ve never had such a delightful bouquet delivered to me in my entire life!” flower shop of a woman named Allura Altea. Keith automatically trusted her because he loves people that also have alliteration in their names. “ king. love him
4. here it comes by rideahorse
Keith watched a lonely droplet of water fall from Lance’s soaked bangs, curving a path over the bridge of his nose and then pooling—almost teasingly so—at the bow of his lips.
“I feel like I won, for some reason,” Lance said quietly.
what have i told yall about fics from 2016!!! this fic made me SMILE and im not usually a fan of like senior year of high school fics but holy shit!! holy SHIT!! this fic had me smiling and kicking my feet and losing my mind. i will leave u with the note i put on my bookmark (spoiler warning):
a couple things: 1. “lance is a bad influence” and “lance is a pretty princess (tm)” are god tier tags so thanks for that 2. keith with a tongue piercing. must i say more. 3. i miss keith gyeong that was an excellent era 4. the couple tattoo moment had me taking a Moment 5. here’s how i imagine the aftermath of this: shiro: i saw u ditched prom. are you okay? keith: yeah actually! lance convinced me that we have to have a wild final night, so we went to a High School Party (tm), i decked a guy for lance and your honour, we panic drove away, went skinny dipping in a pool, got caught, ran away naked for two blocks, went to sonic in another town, got matching tattoos, fucked in the backseat of my car, and watched the sunrise :)) shiro: shiro: shiro: shiro: i’m sorry. what were those last parts keith: yeah i know you really like sunrises we probably should have invited you :// but it was kind of an us thing i’m sure you understand :) shiro: KEITH
anyways i laughed
5. if silence was a song by @angstinspace
“It’s … Your show is on so late at night,” Keith tries to explain, as if Lance didn’t know this already. “I guess I was just wondering why that is.”
A crackling silence answers him, and Keith’s stomach sinks. Did Lance hang up? Keith can’t exactly blame him.
But then he hears Lance make a noise––a short huff of breath that might have been either an impatient sigh or a quiet laugh … Keith has no clue.
“That’s the reason you’re calling? To complain about my time slot?”
or, Keith starts anonymously calling Lance's college radio show and develops an unexpected crush.
@catnippackets did a comic of this i believe, and it literally never leaves my head. yall know the trope where one person gets a phone call and halfway through they sigh wistfully and say “god i wish you were here” and then the other person smiles so viscerally it can be felt through the phone and they say “look behind you” and theyre THERE?????? that makes me lose it every time. i love this fic
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!    
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