#also “”“”bond with one of your friends“”“” iykyk
ghost-onthealtar · 2 months
You know what, I totally get why Dan Howell had to take step away from his youtube channel. Like imagine you start making youtube videos because you want to bond with one of your friends who is really into making youtube videos and accidentally launch yourself to legit fame in your home country and you've essentially never had a life without people watching you perform it.
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circle-with-me · 5 months
Will Ramos In Love (headcanons)
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**Disclaimer: These headcanons are purely fictional. They're not intended to describe Will in real life in any shape or form. These are just for fun!
Wrote these with @concretenoah because this golden retriever jersey boy has rotted our brains <3 thank you bb for working with me on this. I had a blast!
tag list: @deathblacksmoke, @malice-ov-mercy, @meekahy, @cookiesupplier, @lacktoesandtoddlerants, @midnight-eternals, @sammyjoeee, @collective-heartbreak, @lyschko666
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Will has big emotions and he’d be very vocal about them too. He’d always be telling you or doing little things to show you how he feels.
He pays attention to things you like and love and makes sure to keep them in mind and use them when he wants to make you feel special.
For example: making your favorite food, bringing your fav snacks home, taking notice of what movies you seem interested in when you see movie trailers so he can take you to see them.
If you see a clothing item you really want but don’t wanna spend the money on yourself, he’s buying it for you. Even if it’s a cheap $15 t-shirt.
You argue with him and tell him not to buy it but he wants his baby to have whatever she wants.
He takes you to get your nails and toes done. He’ll hint strongly that you should get acrylics if you don't have long nails because he loves it when you scratch his back or sides. 
If you text him and tell him you’ve had a long/bad day at work he’s using his key (if you don’t already live together) to take the dogs out and feed them so you don’t have to.
He’s also making sure your apartment is clean so you don’t have to worry about a thing when you come home but cuddling up on the couch with him and watching anime/movies all night.
When he’s in love, he’s very touchy-feely. He smothers your face with kisses. He’s always holding your hand and has his hand on your leg or thigh when you’re sitting together. He wants to be in your space one way or another.
He loves to cuddle but you notice how cuddling with Will changes when he’s in love with you. At first, you cuddle together on the couch or in bed with your head on his chest and his arm around your shoulder. The more time you spend together, cuddling turns into more of a connection. He’s enveloping you completely, turned towards you, your legs are intertwined. 
He’ll ask you to lay on top of him so he can feel your entire body weight on him. It’s not sexual, it’s purely for the sake of being close to you and to feel connected to you. He rubs your back gently and kisses your head. You lay there together and talk quietly or just enjoy the sound of each other’s heartbeats.
He also loves to just crawl between your legs and lay his head on your tummy and chest. Once again, it’s not sexual. It’s intimate but in a bonding way. When you wrap your arms around him, he feels safe and happy. 
Will dance with you in the kitchen while you’re cooking together, when you’re doing chores together, or anytime the mood strikes him. He sings to you, smiling and pushing the hair out of your face. He’ll twirl you around and pull you back in, dipping you down and kissing your lips softly.
He’s always taking photos or silly videos of you to keep for when he’s not with you or on tour. He wants to be able to see your face or hear your voice when he's away.
If the photos/videos are appropriate he’ll send them to his friends to brag about how great his girl is.
Will calls his cats his “little chickens” and you made a comment about how you wanted to be his chicken too. He thought it was so adorable he HAD to start calling you his chicken too.
His cats are VERY important to him. He loves them and it’s important you love them and vice versa. When he comes home and sees you laying on the couch asleep with them cuddled up to you, he has to stifle his cuteness aggression noises (iykyk), and he’s probably going to wake you up anyway because he’s sliding in to cuddle up with the three of you.
Speaking of his cuteness aggression noises, he makes them whenever you send cute snaps or wear something cute, like matching pj’s with him on Christmas (yes, he’d do this with you because he loves you hehe)
He sends you cute texts messages:  “I love you, chicken. Have a good day ♥️” “Need to see your pretty face, baby 🥺" “Look at my pretty girl. I can’t wait to wife you up one day 😍” “Good morning beautiful ♥ ️about to head over, do you want a coffee?”
When he’s missing you really bad, he’ll start with the baby talking. He’ll send messages like “wuv you 🥺”.
Speaking of baby talk, that’s another indicator he’s falling HARD for you. 
He will make playlists with songs that remind you of him and send them to you. Or just playlists of his favorite songs in general. Music is important to him and he wants you to listen to his favorite songs to get to know him better.
NSFW HC’s under the cut
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When Will is in love, sex changes between the two of you as well. 
This doesn’t mean that sex with him at the beginning of your relationship would be meaningless but once he’s falling in love with you it shifts much like cuddling does. It’s less about the need/want to fuck and more about him pleasuring you. 
There’s a lot of body worship, he’s taking his time with you, and it’s not so rushed. Sex becomes more passionate because he wants to enjoy every moment and learn everything that makes you feel good.
He wants to memorize every little noise you make so he can remember what he did that caused it and do it every time.
After a long night of making you orgasm so many times you can’t remember, he asks you for one more. He’s had you repeatedly but can’t get enough of you. Afterwards, you’re sore and shaking. He whispers soothingly, “Shhh, baby, you’re okay. I’m gonna kiss it better.” He leaves kisses all over your body….on your breasts, your tummy, your hips, your inner thighs. He spreads your trembling legs open and places soft kisses on your pussy, praising you for how well you take him, how good you were for him, and how much he loves you. 
dividers by @cafekitsune
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cosplayinamerica · 1 month
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Susumu Kodai from Space Battleship Yamato Cosplayer: @the.yamato.boy Photo : @m_padron15
Funny enough at anime cons, not a lot of people recognize it as the Space Battleship Yamato, they usually just get hyped over seeing a massive ship at a con or war buffs notice the resemblance. Only a couple of people have recognized it. The ones that do though go nuts. The fanbase is fiercely loyal and even at Katsucon, the official Hotel Liason let me store the Yamato in his executive suite! Alas sadly barely anyone in my age group knows what Space Battleship Yamato is.
C2E2 was the first time I ever brought Yamato to a regular comic convention. The amount of people that recognized it there was actually comical. The cherry on top was that most people recognized it as the Argo or Intrepido.
What I'm most appreciative is that it's a way to bond the current generation of anime fans with the old and offers an opportunity to explore anime history.
Yamato started out as a binding point with my dad and I. He’s always been there for me but was a mystery at the same time. When I was like 2-3~ish my family still had an old Quasar TV with a built in VHS tape player. This was the kind of TV where you could feel your eyeballs melting out from the TV static. Anyway we had a singular VHS tape of Star Blazers- specifically the episodes where Argo uses the asteroid ring and then says goodbye to your families. As a certified Scooby-Doo fan, seeing #1 a cartoon with actual camera angles and cinema techniques was mind blowing to me and really stuck out, #2 there was a journey. The episodic countdown made me so mad because I knew I was only watching a piece of something bigger. My dad realized this and for my 5th birthday he bought me a full DVD set of all the episodes from Season 1. Afterward I drew little Yamato’s everywhere.
Eventually the spark that was Star Blazers would erupt into a burning flame that has become my love for Yamato. A couple of years ago my Grandpa was fighting with terminal lung cancer. We lived in America and he lived in South Korea so commute was tough and I didn’t get to see him all the time. During this time I was also getting bullied a lot and my mom thought it’d be good if I finished my elementary school years in Korea with my cousins so we moved there for a bit. I was a total fish out of water but a lot of my friends built Gunpla. I had no idea what a gundam was so I decided to research and went to Gundam Base Side 3 which is in Downtown Daegu. Remember the remake just came out at this time so there was a huge display dedicated to Yamato 2199. I really wanted a Yamato and had a meltdown in the store, like a full tantrum. I remember coming back to my apartment with my mom and just thinking non stop about it.
The week following, my grandpa took me instead and I’m guessing my mom told me how badly I wanted it because he got me not only a 1/1000 Yamato 2199 kit, but also the Garmilus 3 ship model pack. I was absolutely overjoyed and would not stop playing with that. The kit was later destroyed after a smaller big shelf collapse. He also died about a year afterward. It serves as a core memory and a reminder of him. As I shifted more into model building I dived more into gunpla until I was about 15. Highschool sucked. A lot.
The transition into being a freshman took a lot on my mental health. I got assaulted and the stress of everything caved in and I tried to take my own life. It’s a lot to Unpack and I’m not super comfortable talking about it, but it’s nessacary because of what happened.
Basically I got sent to outpatient which is like full time therapy sessions but school length. As cliche as it sounds, I brought a small Yamato with me. In order for it to fit comfortably in my pocket I froze super glue all over the fins and sharp bits so I would stab myself in the thigh on accident, iykyk. 
One of the things they told us in outpatient as a coping mechanism was that if we ever felt as bad as we did previously, think about the small things, and try on focus things that we would want to stay for. Well oh boy let me tell you, Yamato 2202 was coming out at this time and because of the format they were doing the movie part releases so 4 episodes every 4 months I think and I kept convincing myself that if I was gone, I would not see the end. 
The ending of 2202 not only brought around the end of that purpose but also wholly changed my outlook on my life. “The planets only stay in their places, only we have the power to give them beauty.” – Teresa of Telezart 
To say the ship had an impact on my life is an understatement. It was a reason to live at one point. On March 2nd/3rd when the announcement of Matsumoto’s passing came out I was absolutely devasted. I didn’t eat or sleep the following couple of days.
not a lot of people still know Yamato so in order to make conversation with other anime fans I picked up other shows but Yamato largely was my heart and soul. Matsumoto’s passing was what urged me to finally start. I wanted to build something that would not only bring me closer to Matsumoto but would hopefully give Yamato what it had given me- another life- sort of- maybe a little too dramatic, interpret that as you do idk. 
I want more people to watch Yamato and understand its message. We live in a day and age of constant bickering and isolation. We are all cogs in an economic machine. While we get blinded by work and debate, Yamato exists to teach people that it’s important to have dreams, to chase love and that maybe we can break out of our predicament – To truly know that you’re not alone is the meaning of Love, and that we must meet the challenge and the impossible will become possible – And finally, there is no one right-way to live – are all things that Yamato teaches.
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i-eat-lip-gloss · 11 months
Important info page/intro post
please read this!! i will randomly add new but important information
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Current status: Idle
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Name: Crayon or Charlie/Charles
pronouns: he/him, they/them, star/stars, gummy/gummys, circus/circus’
Gender: Transmasc, Transgender, Librafluid
sexuality and romantic status: Omnisexual and taken
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DNI: homophobes, transphobes, racists, religious talk (all religions welcome but don't try and convert me), talking about "the power of healing gems" and spirits (you can believe that but please don't talk to me about it), pedos, anti-the rain, anti-furry, zoophiles, kink agere, nsfw agere, dd/lg agere and variants, politics, my opinions on drama, etc.
❗️DO NOT TAG ME IN TAGGING GAMES. if it’s a small quick text-related thing that will take only like a minute or 2 then maybe, but overall please refrain.
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please read this!! ✨👇
And more info about me is under the cut!! :D
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i am otherhearted!! (meaning having a deep connection/bond with an animal/creature, such as strongly relating to it, acting like it, or understanding it, but not quite being it; identifying with instead of as something). cat-hearted specifically, and my kintypes are Turkish Van cat and Norwegian Forest cat!
(Friend/platonic /online) Family: @french-croissant @marshhell dads, @space-spoon uncle, @t0ast-the-gh0st @gaepokemon cousins, and a rlly fucking confusing irl family-friend line
fav color, food, drink, and animal: dark green and sage green, none (iykyk), WHITE PINEAPPLE MONSTER ENERGY RESERVE (it was very unfortunately discontinued 😔 ( but also just any flavor monster i just love monster), and frogs ducks fox and deer
fav aesthetic: emo, clowncore, rock n’ roll, punk, 90’s grunge, scenecore, medieval stuff(idk the aesthetic name😭), that one foresty-nature-grunge style, pastel goth, cottagecore, anything fall/halloween, weirdcore
current hyperfixation: Ramshackle
other past hyperfixations/other interests/fandoms (ranked most loved): Heathers, Hamilton, FNaF, Hazbin Hotel, Gravity Falls, Clowncore, Ramshackle, Heartstopper, Ghost and Pals, D&D, TWOMP/Ashur Gharavi, Cuphead, Casino Cups/gambling/casinos, medieval/renaissance etc, The Amazing Digital Circus, Barbie (2023), Welcome Home
comfort character(s): Johnnie Guilbert, Jake Webber, Skipp (Ramshackle), Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls), John Laurens (Hamilton)
Friends "Names" i'll often refer to (THESE ARE NOT THEIR REAL NAMES!!): Olive 👁️(it/its/he/they), Bubble 🫧(she/her), Ace 🪲(he/him), Robin 🍎(she/her), E 🐀 (she/her), Lizzy 🦆(she/they), Layla 🦈 (any, prefers he/they), and their platonic wife Piper 🧁 (any), Anthony 🍞 (he/him)
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this blog contains:
swearing, ED/ana, sh mention, vents
note: on October 18 (every year) don't expect me to talk and don't talk to me that much in general.
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side blogs: @strawb3rry-cloudz ,
ask blog under construction
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Age Regression stuff/info:
go to my blog @strawb3rry-cloudz !
❗️am i regressed right now? No
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-Enjoy your stay with this little freak!-
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indianariesolive · 15 days
My Unpopular(ish) opinions/takes on Legacy of the Gods series by Rina Kent
Contains spoilers ⚠️
Starting off strong, let me just get this off my chest, I really dislike God of Malice. This is mainly due to the insufferable MCs; Killian & Glyndon.
First of all, I found Killian really difficult to empathize with. Sure, what his dad said about regretting having him sucks but that's no excuse to be an a$$hole. I'm sure that if a mid/ugly guy with no money & prestige did the same things he'd done when first meeting Glyndon (iykyk) they'd be mercilessly ripped apart by the fandom. Also that one line in his POV when he said that the main reason why he chose to be a med student was because that gave him a free pass to poke & prod into people's innards & watch them squirm in agony 🤢
Coming to the 2nd part, Glyndon. As a protagonist she was such a blank slate. Killian at least had personality! (A bad one but he had one nonetheless). Same can't be said about Glyndon with her wimpiness coupled with an absurd inferiority complex (despite being talented & surrounded by a powerful & loving family & friends) as well as her lack of a deep connection with her friend group. On a more serious note, I despise the absolute double standards with which she views Killian & her brother Landon. Both are clinically diagnosed psychopaths but she has none of the grace & understanding for her own brother but readily excuses her boyfriend's behavior even though both of them are the same person, different font. 🙄
Moving on to the 2nd book, God of Pain is one of my favorites in the series but not without its fair share of drawbacks. Even though Annika appeared to be a manic pixie dream girl at the beginning she grew on me as chapter by chapter, her POVs revealed her to be more complex & headstrong, contrasting the whimsical image she's perceived as (both by her love interest, the MMC Creighton as well as the other characters like her friends & family). She's a sweet, soft girl with a dormant badass side that can get dangerous when provoked & that's precisely what Creighton had to learn through the hard way.
Getting to the gist of my main problem, I really hated the way everyone treated Annika after the you-know-what. I mean, what else was she supposed to do, watch her beloved brother get murdered by the love of her life? Everyone cut her off 'cause 'she hurt Cray-Cray who's like our brother'. Well, SHE HAD TO DO THAT TO SAVE HER OWN BROTHER, YOU ABSOLUTE DUMBASSES!!!! Y'all brains weren't braining here. Also, that scene near the end where there's this huge confrontation Creighton has with Adrian Volkov & Annika with her quick thinking just snatches a guard's gun, negotiates & diffuses the situation without bloodshed was just chef's kiss. 😌
Also, everyone gushes over Lia & Yan's friendship but Yan's bond with Annika, how he plays the role of the fun uncle while Adrian glares & has to rein them in as the level-headed dad. 🥺
That brings me to this sidenote: Glyndon could take a page out of Annika's book & learn a lesson: How to Love Your Brother & Stand Up for Yourself.
Regarding Jeremy & Cecily, I don't have any major complaints. I like how Cecily put Jeremy in his place & made him grovel for disrespecting her with his trust issues. Putting his mommy issues aside, Jeremy was overall a good character for a dark romance. He's got the hot biker thing going.
Moving on to Landon & Mia. I have nothing against Mia per se. She's pretty cool. I only hated how the author ruined her bond with her twin Maya. Also, I'm kind of ashamed to say that I wasn't the biggest fan of Landon at first but then going through his POVs made me realize that I'd been bought into the anti-Lan propaganda by Glyndon. He actually cares for his siblings, unlike Killian. He just has an unconventional way of showing it. Plus there wasn't a huge power-gap/imbalance between him & Mia so that's another point in his favour.
Last but not the least, God of Fury featuring Nikolai & Brandon has got to be among my top favorites. I only dislike the unnecessary mud-slinging with the irrelevant ex Clara. Everything else was perfection. I never expected Nikolai to be such an adorable & funny character. Also something I find really funny was that both in this book as well as in her POV, Glyndon claimed to be the one closest to Brandon. The way she described her dynamic with her brothers was, "Bran & I are a team against Lan." And not only did Brandon shut her down in a gentle yet firm tone, also her dense arse never noticed anything wrong with Brandon like!?!?! Landon was the one who'd picked on Brandon's tendency to hide & repress his emotions & stuff, and he was the one who'd tried to help Brandon open up, even if his attempt was unsuccessful. So much for her being the one on the same team lol.
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dangermousie · 10 months
I have been feeling in the mood for rewatching something very melo and old-school and of all possible dramas, the one that comes to mind is delightfully melo 2004 kdrama Say You Love Me with very young Kim Rae Won. 15 eps of deliciousness. The plot is take Dangerous Liasons but make it wholesome ie the best thing ever.
Kim Rae Won and Yoon So Yi are a pure and unworldly couple brought up by Buddhist monks who consider holding hands the height of sexual ecstasy. Alas, they end up in the Big City of Sin and things are about to go pear-shaped as they meet Yina, who the drama tries to claim is more complex than what she really is - a batshit secondary girl so beloved by old kdramas and yours truly. She becomes KRW's boss but does not like seeing all that pure and happy love so she asks her hot friend with benefits to seduce the girl while she decides to work on Kim Rae Won. Honestly, I watched this over a decade ago, so all I remember is monks, KRW's cheeks, happy ending with bicycles and the below scene where Lady Cougar finally gets her claws into Buddhist Virgin. (@aysekira is now groaning because I shared it with her earlier.)
So, our pure as the driven (or more aptly never driven) snow KRW brings his drunk boss to her house.
He: OK, I brought my supposedly drunk boss home, can I go now to dream of butterflies and puppies? She: I have Kim Rae Won in my house! In other words, not so fast, buster! I know the lighting is arthouse but this drama ain't!
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He: OK, I really need to go home, my equally virginal gf is coming back in the morning! Maybe she will let me get to the second base, I must be ready.
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She: I can talk or take my top off. It's a kdrama, so I'll talk.
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Does she mean she is into bdsm? Well, at least she is being honest, even if he doesn't seem to be happy with it.
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At this point, even almost a monk dude is realizing something is way off and trying to steer it into safer channels.
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Seriously, adorable! I want to pinch his cheeks! So does she, even if it's a different set of cheeks.
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God, I miss the craziness of old school secondary girls. They were so unhinged and glorious! Also, clearly there was no sexual harassment and hostile environment claims in old timey kdrama Korea because she's not just any cougar, she's his boss! (If you ask me what job monk educated dude of monkishess could possibly, I will frankly admit that I do not remember, and cannot honestly imagine.)
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We have all so been there with truly awkward convos with insane people.
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OK, I laughed. She literally pounces on him from behind like a demented bear. Btw, the fact that they are wearing about 17 layers of clothing makes it even more surreal. Between them they are exposing about three inches of skin total and that includes the noses.
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Meanwhile, in case we don't get the irony, his Pure Girlfriend is gazing lovingly at his necklace and thinking 'I love my boyfriend because he'd never give up the jewel he promised to Jesus Buddha to anyone but me. Certainly not the sleazy boss lady who must have more STDs than James Bond'
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Meanwhile, at the Den of Sin, Buddhist Virgin tries to extricate himself. However, he is surprisingly non-efficient for a man who's a foot taller and a good 100lb heavier. Even if his Buddhist principles prohibit punching her in the kisser, surely he can shove her or something. Or just fall backward on top of her and smoosh her.
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And then she goes for the kill. I note that despite his clenching his fist in emotional agony, soon he's macking on her quite thoroughly with his mouth. That is what happens when you get abstinence only education and never enjoy yourself despite healthy libido. Your poor hormones probably go "quick quick before his beliefs suppress us again, this is our only chance!"
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Birds and bees indeed! (Also, I see where your hands are, buster. They are around Ms. Cougar!)
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(I half expected it to be a rose and for it to wilt or at least a petal to fall off, iykyk)
In the morning after, she is enjoying her beauty sleep and he's understandably freaking out. (Sinfully, he is now down to mere two layers of clothing and secondary girl, to show her sluttiness, is down to merely one!)
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OK, I like to make fun but I do genuinely feel bad for the kid especially since I am much much older than I was when I first watch this drama and I just want to cut crusts off his sandwiches, tell him to avoid strange women and carry mace or something.
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He bolts from her touch and she is genuinely surprised. I am not sure why as he's a devout dude with a serious girlfriend; if she wanted a more pleasant end to her night, she should have dragged in a character played by Jang Ki Yong, who's sort of made a niche for a younger hunk rejoicing in casually being banged by older ladies. (If you want to feel really old, Jang Ki Yong was 11 when this drama came out. You are welcome.)
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If you think this face means realized this was a dumb choice and unlikely to lead to anything good, you are not familiar with old time kdramas. I genuinely do not get her obsession because sure KRW is cute as hell but the sex couldn't have been much good and he generally treats her as a leper.
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His gf comes home but he doesn't meet her because he is too dirty and unworthy to see her!
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And then they talked it out and worked it out.
Ha!!!! This is a 15 ep drama, we are only getting started baby!
So yeah, watch me rewatch this insanity.
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Ongoing list of Steddie fics that changed my brain chemistry [Ao3]
The Edification of Steve Harrington by ChronicRabbit- Steve pov watching Eddie DM for Hellfire (6 chapters: 44,066 words)
Freakin' Out On the Interstate by cairparavels- both Steve and Eddie pov, Steve is going on a road trip to confess to Nancy after she breaks up with Jonathan and takes Eddie to a concert otw (one shot: 6,724 words)
Victim of Love (I Never Thought I'd Be) by cairparavels- Eddie and Steve pov, series of one shots, super slow burn but so so sweet, there's miscommunication but it's Steve so when is there not, just like them becoming close friends and... closer (12 one shots)
Summer '86 by how_about_no- Steve pov, everyone heads to Steve's parents beach house for a week, lots of flirting and found family to be had! (11 chapters)
head over heels by rabbitinrain- Steve pov, makes a battle jacket for Eddie for graduation cuz they're "friends", totally just a "friend" thing (one shot)
Steve Harrington's Guide to Touch by how_about_no- Steve pov, Eddie's love language is touch and Steve notices that he's the only one he avoids touching which makes Steve feel.... left out (4 chapters)
The Worst Mixtape Ever Made by nbfutureboy- Eddie pov, Steve makes Eddie a pop mixtape and affection brews (10 chapters)
i don't ask much (i just want you) by ToEdenandBackAgain- Eddie pov, based on some artwork of Steve and Eddie laying in bed together, crushes and confessions (one shot)
same as it ever was by hexmionegranger- Steve pov, after vecna Eddie and Steve develop a close friendship but Eddie leaves out of nowhere and 4 years later they meet again and begin to rebuild on what was lost, very very sweet Dad-Steve, he takes care of Max who is blind and lives with both Steve and Robin, really truly super sweet I loved this one (10 chapters)
silent all these years by cairparavels- Steve pov, he starts leaving love notes for Eddie throughout highschool and beyond and falls for him (one shot)
Some Cupids Kill With Dice by horrormoviebarbie- Steve pov, au where Steve becomes a dad at 17 to twins, Max and Dustin, he is now 29 and meets their teacher Eddie (ongoing, 11/? chapters)
Ahoy, Big Boy by ChronicRabbit- Steve and Eddie pov, au of what might've happened if Eddie was working at Scoops Ahoy and subsequently a part of The Scoops Troop when russian shit goes down (ongoing, 19/? chapters)
STEVE'S FIRST BRUISE by cairparavels- Spiderman!AU, Steve and Eddie pov, Steve is Spidey and roommates with Eddie who is worried about him coming home all bruised up and takes care of him! (7 chapters)
Cut and Changed and Rearranged by AidaRonan- Steve pov, Eddie makes a mixtape for Steve and as he takes the time to listen, he figures some stuff out! Steve's got nightmares and bonding happens too (one shot)
paradise by the dashboard light. by oaseas- Eddie pov, Mechanic!Eddie au where Steve and him get to know each other before s4, specifically around s1-2, enemies to friends to lovers with a huge helping of Robin (who's working as a receptionist at the autoshop), like they're all besties and it's so CUTE!! Also expounds on his relationship with Wayne in a way I found myself near-sobbing to! ALSO deep emotional bonding with friends and boy does that do me in (ch6.... iykyk) (8 chapters)
steve harrington's six-step guide to getting the guy. by oaseas- Steve pov, series of flirting-with-Eddie flashbacks while giving advice to Lucas about Max in present time (2 chapters)
this is your home. these are your people. by oaseas- Steve pov, the Hendersons, Munsons, and Steve have a weekly dinner and Steve begins to feel sort of left out, his own self-hatred comes into play, but it's very sweet and chock full of found family so it balances out (one shot)
Skull Rock Era by chattrekisses- Steve pov, starts the same night Nancy and Steve break up, Steve heads to skull rock to clear his head and runs into Eddie, and continues to run into Eddie but eventually on purpose. Little bit of a fix-it-fic, Steve has a huge bi freak out, the usual (11 chapters)
Date me instead by Zhuletta- Steve pov, Steve thinks his failed dates must have something to do with him and when complaining to Eddie about it, Eddie offers to go on a date with Steve to test his romance skills which, obviously, snowballs from there (5 chapters)
All That You Ever Wanted From Me Was Sweet Nothing by t1red_gay- Steve pov, Five times Eddie tells Steve he loves him, and one time Steve let's himself say it back, some of the lines in this fic are so fucking raw im obsessed (one shot)
Red Eye by alinafewwords- Steve pov with a sprinkling of Eddie pov here and there, Coffee Shop/College AU where Eddie and Chrissy are baristas at a local place called Red Eye. Steve and Robin are in college and become regulars and friends! It's a slowburn and the relationships between everyone are real sweet <3 (big fan of Jonathan in this one) (ongoing, 11/? chapters)
cool just doing nothing with you by anniebibananie- Steve pov, Steve has trouble sleeping and thinks weed and Eddie will help, friends to lovers! (one shot)
we'll make it an annual affair. by ithinkicouldloveher- Steve pov, Steve, Eddie, Chrissy, Robin, Nancy, and Jonathan spend a week snowed in at the Harrington cabin! Lots of domestic fluff and getting together. It's a sweet little winter fic! (12 chapters)
The Drive-In by BCRichSweetheart, madaboutmunson (BCRichSweetheart)- Steve and Eddie pov, Eddie is trying to avoid some basketball players at a drive-in and ends up hiding in Steve Harrington's car. Steve is shocked and concerned and in the end, hangs out with Eddie the rest of the night. Love the physical affection in this one, much giggling and feet kicking was had (23 chapters)
let it roll into the night by Adure- Steve pov, it takes one year for Steve to fall in love with Eddie. They meet back up in 1988, both working boring jobs close by so they start taking lunch together. From spring to winter is all it takes. (one shot: 19,675 words)
Made It This Far by mcdynamite- Steve pov, Steve is determined to suffer his migraines in silence, alone, and Eddie is determined not to let him. Steve's parents neglected him as a child, told him he was fine when he definitely wasn't, so now he's convinced he's fine with debilitating migraines. (one shot: 19,401 words)
i can give you a heartbeat by soupbitchin- Eddie pov, Eddie dies and becomes a ghost who's connected to Steve/haunting him. Slow burn and real mind bendy with the supernatural stuff! Very lovely overall! Wayne moments are TOP TIER in this one (14 chapters: 113,754 words)
Saving All My Love For You by subtlehysteria- Eddie pov, Eddie notices Steve struggles with touch and in trying to help his new friend, develops feelings along the way, oblivious Eddie is wonderful! (one shot: 20,504 words)
Endless Love by subtlehysteria- Steve pov, part 2 of the fic above! Eddie's never had a long time boyfriend and Steve is determined to woo him properly! Very very sweet, lotsa fluff, OBSESSED (7 chapters: 28,864 words)
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thelightthatruins · 3 months
Have you been getting into Good Omens while I wasn't looking? 👀
I can't help but notice a slight influx in GO content in my dash ahihih
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(I say as if I didn't just reblog something Good Omens related today)
But yeah, I have!! I was going to tell you but it appears I have forgotten AGDJDG (I thought I already did but. I don't think so–). I finally caught up with the series on January and boy it was a personal rollercoaster for me /pos
Some of my friends may or may not have uh, witnessed how slightly emotional I got after the last episode of Season 2.
(I wasn't even sad, I just felt betrayed and broke into tears /lh /notneg)
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BUT !!!
Do not let this fool you for these are Tears of Joy (well. not exactly occurring because of joy but they're not negative!)
Overall, I quite enjoyed the Good Omens experience. I thought it was a very fun show with solid writing;
The storyline wasn't too hard to follow and despite the Lore it has, it's not too heavy and honestly easy to digest. Light yet juicy.
It's labelled as a comedy television series and honestly I can see it. I enjoyed the humor the series has, I giggled and smiled a lot whilst watching it.
I found the characters to be very enjoyable and it was real fun to see how everyone interacted with each other. The dynamics everyone had felt natural and not forced to me.
By extension, the dialogues too! Flowed nicely imo, the actors did a great job in bringing their characters to life. Everyone was so entertaining lol (especially a certain Inspector in S2... iykyk)
ARGH SPEAKING OF CHARACTERS, AZIRAPHALE AND CROWLEY LIVES UP TO THEIR DYNAMIC DUDE... I love them as a duo and I love them as respective individuals!! They absolutely carried the show and did well as the two main leads, they are so so enjoyable and I loved every single screentime they had. Their bond is like?? so goddamn good??? so goddamn tasty?!?! Like you can simply feel the amount of care they have for each other even at times where it is not stated in front of you and how much they just. work so well with each other and I AM SO SICK OF THOSE TWO!!!! (/aff)
Also the Ineffable Husbands are such queerplatonic fruits to me and I absolutely fucking love that along with the fact that I am not alone on this train. They are literally qpr soulmates guys, it takes one to know one so listen to me listen to me—
But that is a discussion for another day ☝🏼💡
Ahem. anyways. THE INTERPRETATIONS!!! Heaven and Hell, the angel and the demons, The Four Horsemen— you name it dude. I just love how this show interpreted some of these things? I'm not going to spoil it for you just in case, but for example, The Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse... I liked how the show portrayed them, Pollution was my personal favorite.
But simple TLDR: Good Omens is a good show!
Or at least in my opinion, to each their own! I personally found it rather charming and would definitely rewatch till I get bored of it. Would I recommend it to other people? Yes, actually! I'd tell you to give this silly little series a chance. I can't promise that you'd enjoy it 100% since, well, everyone has their own tastes. But I sure do hope it will at least entertain you positively.
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daylighteclipsed · 2 years
Are there any Soriku / sasunaru parallels in particular that make you lose it?
Okay there’s at least 15 that have been rattling around in my brain for months, but this post would be a mile long. So I’m gonna pick out the 7 that slapped me across the face the most upon first going from Naruto to KH. Let’s start with this one cause I sorta mentioned it not long ago:
My Riku / My Sasuke
If I had a nickel for every time a usually cheerful protagonist searching for their broody best friend who tried to kill them snapped because some slimy scientist who likes to play god spoke possessively about their best friend, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it’s happened twice.
Screenshots cannot do this justice. You have to see Sora literally bent over shaking in rage to understand why this is a remotely applicable comparison to Naruto going 4-tailed Kyuubi mode on the bridge… I hit the 10 pic limit, so iykyk… Also interesting how both boys have a demon form that’s triggered by rage, though Sora doesn’t have Rage Form yet in CoM.
The Dark Margin / The Valley of the End
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Honestly, what beats finally starting to share your feelings and understand each other after so much conflict, which is meaningfully reflected by the setting — a place where two opposing but complementary forces meet and reconcile? Saying, “I love you,” without having to say it? At peace with dying because you’re finally together? Nothing. Nothing beats this. Together at the end of the world. Together at the end of this life, to walk side-by-side into the next one.
Yin and Yang, babey
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Naruto and Sasuke quite literally possess the powers of Yang and Yin, respectively, to save the world. They get these sick sun and moon tattoos. Their chakras — yellow, hot, bright/purple, cold, dark — also reflect this dichotomy. Sora and Riku have the whole Symphony of Sorcery, which is very day, sky, warm/night, ground, cold — visual representations of their complementary heart songs. Their [light and darkness are] Eternal Session. The Gayblade.
What’s nice about Sora and Riku is that it’s more obvious that they work in yinyang, though. During Eternal Session, for instance, they switch between who uses light and dark abilities, whereas Naruto and Sasuke’s chakras are strictly light and dark, respectively.
Taisetsu [na hito]
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“When a person has something precious to protect, that’s when they can become truly strong.” Riku and Naruto actually share this parallel — becoming strong to protect their precious people (Sora and Sasuke). This is a core aspect of their characters and respective arcs. It’s pretty self-explanatory.
But this theme applies to Sora and Sasuke, too, as the ones who first show Riku and Naruto this strength of heart — they “save” Riku and Naruto, literally and figuratively, and this is part of what drives Riku and Naruto to return the favor when it’s Sora and Sasuke in need of saving.
Additionally… Sasuke has to kill the person most precious to him to achieve ultimate power but can’t no matter how hard he tries because he loves Naruto more than anything. This is the final tie to his heart, his humanity, that he just cannot sever… Sora spends all of CoM trying to find his most precious person. His memories are completely scrambled by the end and, amidst the chaos and lies, he clings to a singular truth, the only tie he knows is real — a promise to protect his most precious person. A promise, as it would turn out, he exchanged with Riku… Naruto and Riku are the final ties to their hearts and selves. That’s what I’m saying.
Riku and Sasuke laughing
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…because of Sora and Naruto :) The two’s earnest foolishness, like making a funny face or still caring about a childhood rivalry on their deathbed, breaks through Riku and Sasuke’s doom and gloom, and for the first time ever we see them laughing! Despite everything that’s happened, everything they’ve done, there are truly some things that never change and some bonds that are unbreakable… It’s unconditional love, Sora and Naruto’s stubborn refusal to treat their beloved friends any differently, that warms Riku and Sasuke’s cold hearts.
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A Japanese term used to describe someone as cool/handsome/good-looking… and the word both Sora and Naruto use when they let slip that Riku and Sasuke are attractive.
Sora does this when he remarks that he’s not as handsome/good-looking as Yozora (though the clothes kind of match), to which Goofy is quick to point out Yozora looks a lot like Riku. In the EN dub, Donald simply agrees — but in JP, Donald actually teases Sora, “Very good-looking, huh?”
In early Shippuden, after Sai is introduced to the team, Sakura remarks that Sai looks a lot like Sasuke. Naruto, who wants nothing to do with Sai, is quick to scoff that Sasuke is way better looking than Sai, before he realizes what he said and quickly tries to backtrack.
It’s also worth noting, in earlier concepts of Sasuke’s character introduction, Naruto’s initial reaction to Sasuke (in this case, after being saved by him) is blushing and thinking, “Sasuke kakkoii…”
“Your hearts are always in tune, so they’re free to sing.” / “I know your heart, and you know mine.”
Homoromantic quotes that more or less mean the same thing… and more or less reveal how both pairings can sense/feel each other in different worlds, dimensions, etc… things that make me crazy. The Naruto series uses chakra connections, while KH has connected hearts. Naruto/Sasuke and Sora/Riku take those connections a step further… basically giving you the series’ equivalent of soulmates.
Each relationship is also the heart of their series. They embody the themes, the messages. They are the emotional core. They are what the story is about… And that story is undeniably a love story, regardless of what kind of love you see it as. ❤️ While there are many parallels between Soriku and SNS, they are by no means the same. But I adore both relationships.
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nothwell · 8 months
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Thanks to Ash for this heartwarming review of Fiorenzo!
PRE-READ THOUGHTS This sounds SO interesting!
STATS ⚠️ Stay Safe, Friends: many CWs but the author thoughtfully provides them all at the beginning of the book ⛰ Cliffhanger: no, but I would say it's a hopeful open ending 🌶 Spice Check: Carolina Reaper, are you serious? (you can find it in my profile!) ⭐️ Rating (?/5): 5/5!!! 🔂 Re-Readability: Y E S!!!
I am shocked, thrilled, and excited to find another 5-star cozy comfort read! HOW LUCKY AM I.
bedroom surprises (this applies in more than one way, iykyk)
height difference
"reversed dynamics" (this is very much a thing here but also putting it in quotations because society shouldn't be judging who does what in a physical relationship based on looks and size saUR)
secret/hidden identities
SUMMARY + BASIC CHARACTER INFO AND RELATIONSHIPS A determined courtesan and a masked gentleman come together (welp) and find comfort and enjoyment in the other. Together they explore their chemistry with each other and help soothe wounds and worries when secrets and scars are set to be revealed.
🗡️Fiore: great at his job, strong, resilient, proud, determined to make his own way, prefers to give rather than receive (this plays a role), enjoys art - observing, participating, and doing, struggles with self-worth but deserves so much, intelligent
👑Enzo: hulking but gentle and sweet, bends for the people he chooses to bend for (emotionally and otherwise), loyal, thoughtful, more of a wallflower (or as much as he can be), appreciates the little details that make up a person’s personality instead of just focusing on outward appearances or obvious characteristics, also enjoys art - observing and doing, has a unique family line, and with it a unique physical make-up
This setting reads as steampunk pirates in mythological Italy. Somehow. I really love it. Also, there are solid mentions of the plague as a timestamp, which further develops the universe. Although we are in a fictional universe, it reads as real-world adjacent.
Love that Nothwell normalizes so much in this universe: sex work, queerness, "unconventional" sexual dynamics. This is the type of delivery I love and appreciate so much when authors really feel like they want to say something or make any kind of statement, intentional or not.
Fiore and Enzo’s relationship develops pretty organically and naturally. While some could argue that it is an insta-love situation, I think the nature of their first meeting and the focus of their interactions being sexual due to Fiore’s work forges a closer bond faster. So, in this context, it felt like a normal progression for people who are engaging in intimate acts but who also choose to spend valuable clothed time together.
Enzo and Fiore are just pure affection with each other; it is so precious to witness and it makes the reading experience feel cozy and warm. I love them and their journey so much.
The ending is understated and felt right as it matches the almost gentle wave of Fiore and Enzo’s relationship. While I would have adored a more direct love confession, I think the simpler and subtler ways they expressed their love for each other worked well for their story.
The descriptors are rich and the language and imagery are vibrant. Nothwell manages to write such detail without it being overwhelming or impossible to imagine and he brings that ability over to fleshing out and bringing his characters to life.
I love good world-building and magic systems, and while the world-building was awesome in this, the “magic system” Nothwell constructs is medical, which I had so much fun reading. It almost connects my love of true crime-related science books with a historical romance.
I love the realism Nothwell puts into his characters and their relationships; they’re flawed people but make the effort to enjoy each other, faults and all. Reading relationships and characters that aren’t absolutely pristine and sparkly makes for a more endearing pairing, I think.
I found another comfort couple and read! There is just something so warm and delightful about this book and Fiore and Enzo that just make this tome of a story so fun and easy to read. Some points can feel a bit like stepping over a tiny stone curb, but the overall experience is great and relatively smooth.
OVERALL This was such a great time. I was amazed to find ANOTHER 5-star comfort read right after finding the first one in a while! I am absolutely going to dive into the rest of Nothwell's works because his writing is gorgeous and his characters are so full and complete. I am so excited about his other works, I'm going to need to add them to my TBR immediately!
Until next time!
FIORENZO is a queer fantasy-of-manners romance featuring secret identities, hurt/comfort, and a happily-ever-after. Out now wherever fine books are found!
Amazon • Apple Books • Barnes & Noble • Kobo • Smashwords
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captaingondolin · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
The tumblr inbox doesn’t do dates, but my email notifications do and this ask has been sitting here since June 2022. This is just who I am as a fandom person.
I’m limiting myself to English fics because some of my faves are niche stuff and if we throw Italian into the mix no one can even open the link to go ponder what’s wrong with me.
Now that the gods are gone. When I go feral over Ben Kenobi (and the mere suggestion of older Cody with a hint of white in his hair and- ok, back on track) and say I love old men, it’s serious, I mean it. Do you know Death Note? Okay, so the dad of mr serial killer boy, and the father-figure/butler of mr detective boy, right, what if they both survived the blood bath with a shitton of trauma to deal with, and while healing they fell a little bit in love? This fic is thick like a milkshake, every single sentence takes a bit of canon and unravels it to my liking.
Nothing but Gold. Thrawn/Padmé I wrote for a rarepair exchange. It’s the power couple we need more of. It’s canon divergence from the end of Thrawn: Alliances, with Anakin prisoner and Padmé taking Thrawn to the Republic... and severely fucking with Palpatine’s plans in doing so. Thrawn doesn’t even understand Basic, but he damn well sees Palps is a shady bitch. Padmé gets really angry. Pals, when I tell you I plotted this fic. This never happens. It was hard work and I enjoyed every minute of it. I remember going to the library to write at one point. There’s a kickass playlist to go with it, too. 
with your scars and your lonely heart. you ever fall head over heels for two minor villains in an 80s shonen anime and they take over your life? No? Well. These two have been to hell and back together, and I mean literally, hell. And their relationship just. it does things to my poor heart. They are terrible people (right until they stop and get some actual redemption going in the background), but they are always, always in each other’s corner. And I have loved them for, uuuh, numbers are hard, but coming up on half my life at this point. Anyway, this is a fic in which one of them is the reincarnation of a Greek god(dess) - and their canon already has plenty of Greek gods.
Hated You from Hello. The Force works in mysterious ways and I fell in love with Corran Horn, and also fell into shipping him with Tycho Celchu (heroic, emotionally scarred, total Gondolin Catnip). They would totally hatefuck in canon, but I decided to make them hatefuck in a canon divergence, because why the hell not.
a Certain Fic We Shan’t Name with too much of my ID to be on my main account. iykyk
a friend of the devil is a friend of mine. what if you’re like a Padawan and your Master is an evil sack of dicks, but he’s good to you. And then he dies doing a single heroic thing, and you’re left adrift and without a role since you never completed your training? Except this is Saint Seiya, so it’s not called Padawan, but like. what if. Master-Learner bond and complex feelings and child soldiers (in that “media for kids that has kid protagonists fighting” way, but then you take the concept for a spin and write fics trying to reconcile them to their actual ages) (and this is cheating my own damn parameters a bit but the Italian version of this is better)
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whitneydaniell · 1 year
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by: Rachel Hawkins Published: Jan 4, 2022 Genre: Thriller, Mystery, Fiction 320 Pages, Paperback
GoodReads Synopsis:
When Lux McAllister and her boyfriend, Nico, are hired to sail two women to a remote island in the South Pacific, it seems like the opportunity of a lifetime. Stuck in a dead-end job in Hawaii, and longing to travel the world after a family tragedy, Lux is eager to climb on board The Susannah and set out on an adventure. She’s also quick to bond with their passengers, college best friends Brittany and Amma. The two women say they want to travel off the beaten path. But like Lux, they may have other reasons to be seeking an escape.
My Review:
Now, why would Lux get her stupid ass on a boat with these three strangers and sail out into the middle of the Pacific Ocean?
For all intents and purposes, Lux doesn't know Nico, she met him mere months before following him out to Hawaii and then subsequently getting on that damn boat. Lux is an idiot. She knows it, Nico knows it, her boss knows it, and everyone knows it! You are sleeping in the living room, on the floor, of a home that is neither yours nor Nico's, and yet, you are perfectly content with the dream that he sold you (tax-free, might I add). Lux is dumb.
Something is off with Brittany and Amma and at first, they're both really playing on the fact that Lux is dumb (have I said that already?). They're both clearly running from something and all will expose themselves in due time.
Amma more than Brittany, is who I'm worried about, she is unstable and clearly has emotional issues. Are they lovers? Are they friends? Who knows! One thing I do know, Amma knows exactly what happened to Brittany's family and that will be revealed as well.
Jake and Eliza are exactly who I would assume to be sailing out to Meroe Island. Ostentatiously rich white people with nothing better to do.
In the end, everything that happens on this island really could have been prevented by not going out there in the first place. Lux got everything that she deserved because she should have kept her tail in San Diego. This is some WPS (IYKYK). None of these people should have been on this island blindly trusting one another to keep them safe.
One-Word Summary: Dumb
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I feel what we don't talk enough about is the other side, or rather reason, of broken friendships. We've heard of, yeah they didn't love me as anything more than a friend and I really thought they could be the one, but what about I really wanted them to love me as a friend and I never thought this would hurt so bad?!
Picture this: Guy and Girl besties since second grade and everyone around them thinks they'll obviously hit it off in the future bcz thank you rom-coms and portrayal of young love in the media. But, they don't! Bcz the girl never liked the guy as anything more than a bestie!
Now usually, the story would focus on how the guy felt - all broken and sad bcz he thought she actually liked him like that what with all the shoulder punches, the being her shoulder to cry on, the always hanging out together, and now he's lost everything™.
But what people miss out on usually is what the girl must have felt! She just lost her best friend since childhood! The only person she ever felt safe enough to confide in, all the inside jokes, the tea spilling, the late night drunk texts, the heartbreaks, the fights, the side eye IYKYK stares, the non verbal communication, ALL GONE!
She just lost years worth of friendship wherein she actually had plans to convert it into a beautiful bond where she'd live next door to her bestie and distance would no longer be an issue, wherein her kids would be best friends with his kids, and wherein he would teach her kids how to break someone's nose of they were mean to you/ slight of hand to impress the ladies, and she would be the cool aunt his kids would come to for dating advice and sneaking out and make-up tips!
She just lost a best friendship that took years to build and a bond she was proud of as the only one to stand the test of time all this while, all gone in the blink of an eye, bcz he thought they should be something more and she wasn't ready for it and even though he begged her to give them a chance, she just couldn't and it broke his heart, but not more than hers, bcz now she questions whether it was what he wanted all along and never wanted to be her friend in the first place! She questions whether all those intimate conversations, all those friendly gestures, all those inside jokes had been a way to get her to fall for him as more than a friend. She questions everything she ever believed about her friendship to be true, bcz she can no longer look at him without knowing he probably never saw her as his best friend; just a potential girlfriend.
What about this other side of a broken friendship wherein you ask yourself where did you go wrong in being a good friend? Wherein you blame yourself for unknowingly igniting all those feelings in your bestie and being so helpless knowing you could never feel the same, and at the same time being upset at thought that you really wanted them to be your friend till the end!?
#broken friendships hurt the most #im not crying you are #it could happen both ways #it could also be the guy feeling all this instead of the girl
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askthesouleatercrew · 2 years
Happy gay month! Drop all of your lgbtq soul eater headcanons
[answering this ooc so we can get into details >:) sorry (or not?) for how dang long this got. please enjoy...
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-girl! trans! demigirl in a "all girl but Girl is so much bigger than cis people think it is" kind of a way.
-bi! uses it interchangeably w/ pan but tends towards bi as a descriptor. being a girl is a big part of her attraction. iykyk
-recognizes when she likes someone very quickly which makes her an absolute outlier in this group. love that for her. everyone clap
-now being vulnerable by admitting to those feelings to others...a little more complex! i am rooting for her
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-boy! also trans! my guy my dude my man. this guy can fit so much t swag in him.
-bi! loves women as a man but queerly and bonds with kilik about this. important note.
-even worse than maka at feelings which is saying something
-doesn’t bind generally. too uncomfortable and his back is already messed up due to the *gestures at so many things about this guy* so yeah. his presentation is v influenced by his sensory needs.
-his name stuff is very important to him as evidenced by him canonically owning multiple clothing items with his name on it. every time i have to type out soul eater evans i am physically pained by this but there’s no good solution. soul eater my friend soul eater
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-nonbinary. trans. gender is symmetry. you know!!
-made a comic about this a bit ago
-”’boy”’’ terms are fine w/ him. gets a little >_> (positive) when people mix in they/thems for him with his he/hims. beloved he/they boything
-very new to thinking about all this but he has already figured a lot out gender with support from his friends!!! proud of him
-attraction/sexuality...less so! knows he’s not straight but is not really able to think about himself in the context of attraction at the moment. he will get there when he gets there...
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-girl! she is the only cis person in the crew, lol.
-she is lovingly referred to as "our liz cizbian, our ciz lizbian" etc by many of them
-lesbian as aforementioned. an absolute wreck. tries her best to play it off but so very nervous about acting on stuff.
-advice giver despite this lmao. good at picking up on other people's stuff if it doesn't involve her
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-girl :3 transgender :3 she is having a great time. gender stuff was unfortunately part of her and liz’ reasons for leaving home
-thinks its hilarious to vary the sizes of her breast forms and she’s right. she’s very powerful and does whatever she wants. trans joy is real and patty is proof
-assigning words to her attraction/sexuality simply not on her radar at this point in her life.
-she’s also like . why is everyone so pent up about this just kiss the people you want... i will do it since you are so fucking complicated
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-trans boyyy... gender is being THE BIGGEST and being THE GREAT BLACK*STAR
-he knew EXTREMELY early. like basically never got why people were calling him a girl early
-sid and everyone else around him were super supportive! he basically never had to transition socially, it was p immediate
-gay!! attraction and “fun” dating easy and great, Big Feelings/Romance are...much more difficult! he is simply bouncing around like an electron can’t catch me vulnerable thoughts and feelings!
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-trans girl! was also very supported by her family and has had a relativeley smooth time of gender. want an easy one for her lol
-pan! also uses bi but prefers pan. truly like “the future is open who knows :)”
-sees herself like...idk how to phrase this but her self view is very utilitarian mostly? like her function and her abilities rather than Her as a person if that makes sense.
-so it’s a nice like...genuine expression of self care for her to have been able to express these aspects of herself. tsubaki..
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crona my beloved
-nonbinary of all time. they/them so much. just so not in the binary. we love to see it. did not have the language for it (or most things) growing up but always knew on some level they weren’t a boy or a girl.
-re crona gender medusa was along the lines of ‘as long as you serve your function, whatever’ which is shitty in its own special way but at least. you know.
-as far as attraction/sexuality...oh crona. does not know what a crush is. woefully out of their depth in terms of being able to conceptualize themself as someone capable of being loved or loving others at this point in their life. and yet! both of these are possible. and in fact. happening right now... bless them. it’s hard. they will get there..
happy pride everyone!!!!!]
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tobiosmilktea · 4 years
Hello lovely, could you do headcanons for Kuro, Bo, Kenma and Iwa with their S/O says they want tk start an only fans (you can decide if their being serious or joking)?
starting only fans w/ kuroo, bokuto, kenma, and iwaizumi
a/n: this has the smallest little pinch of nsfw ;))
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— k. tetsurou
lowkey i think he’s the one who suggested for you make an onlyfans in the first place
it was obviously a joke but at the same time like,, ah ha ha jk... unless ✋🏻😳😏😏😏👀
once you actually made the decision of making one, he’s genuinely surprised cause he wasn’t expecting you to do it esp when it came out of the blue
i don’t think he’d necessarily get jealous that you’re doing this type of thing. it’s your body and you get to do what you want with it, so he fully supports that
plus you’re making that coin so more dinner dates for you two 😌😌
if anything, he kinda finds it hot when you ask him to take photos for subscriber requests
you’d probably hear him say “this person got good taste”
whenever he’s helping you make content for your only fans, kuroo’s the ultimate hypeman. he’s always yelling things that would definitely make literally anyone blush
overall, kuroo just makes you confident in yourself and i can definitely see him help promote your onlyfans too cause he puts that much trust into you
— b. koutarou
idk why but i headcanon that bokuto doesn’t really know what only fans is. all he knows that it’s a site that people pay money for content but not in ways like this
he probably thought it’s some streaming service or something
but when you first propose the idea of starting and explains to him what only fans actually is, bokuto he’s absolutely shocked
i think his main concern is showing your body so provocatively for people to see, but he’s definitely not the type to hold you against it and be super possessive over you
he knows you are your own person and he respects that. he also respects the fact that you’re confident enough to show you body like this
thanks to him tho, he’s into body worship lol
ANYWAY,, i could see him getting disappointed when you’re dressed all sexy but it’s actually for an onlyfans request and not for him. he’ll probably get a bit emo over it, but you make it up to him in the end *wink*
— k. kenma
when it comes to kenma, he literally thinks you’re just playing around when you ask him for his opinion to start an onlyfans and you honestly said it as a joke too, but now you were actually considering it
like at first you only brought it up to get his attention after he had been sitting at his computer all day streaming or playing video games with his friends, so naturally you wanted to play around a bit as you were getting bored
“are you joking?”
“nope ;)))”
and when he realized that you were actually serious there was a period of time where he wasn’t really sure how to respond so he brushed it off multiple times
but after a while of asking him if you should actually do it, i feel like he wouldn’t really mind more like he didn’t reslly care
so i think he’d simply shrug and say, “sure. i could help you out if you want.” cause you nag him about it too much
deadass i think you’ll become more of a cam model since kenma is more experienced with streaming set ups rather than taking photos and editing them so i think it depends whether or not it does get to the point where you do onlyfans seriously rather than a side hustle for money
and not to get all spicy on my christian minecraft server but i could definitely see you asking kenma if he wants to join you in one of your shows
let’s just say it’s definitely a fun bonding experience iykyk 🙈
— i. hajime
for this mans right here, he would immediately say no when you ask him
iwa is definitely not the type to force you not to do things, but the idea of creeps and nasty incels seeing your body irks him to his core
if anything, he loves the idea that he’s showing off his s/o, but in this case it’s just not it for him. however, i think he wouldn’t mind as much as long as you’re not posting nudes (he says they’re only for him to see anyway)
he’s honestly just being a protective boyfriend who doesn’t want you to be harassed or exploited so don’t judge him for acting this way
besides i think he’d definitely subscribe to your onlyfans after trying to convince many times not to considering duh you’re literally right there
he ended up do it anyway and is probably one of the top subscribers
and because iwa is one of your top subscribers, you send him the more ✨ risqué ✨ pics just to tease him
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starfanatic · 3 years
Me analyzing every scene with Charles and Erik in First Class.
Charles and Erik's experiences
Now in the beginning of the movie, Charles and Erik don't have a scene together but it compares their lives, side by side, and in a way explains why they are so different from one another.
Even as kids there is some clear differences:
The first mutant Erik ever met was Shaw. A nazi who murdered the only person who loved him. Then Shaw experimented and tortured him until Erik inevitably broke out. Shaw made Erik believes his power can only be unlocked through pain and anger. The first mutant Charles ever met is Raven. Raven and Charles became close, basically becoming siblings. Charles was never alone, he had Raven and vice versa.
At such a young age, Charles knew how to use his power efficiently, without needing to be angry to do it. Erik however only could do it (at that age when he's in extremely stressful situations).
Now as adults there is still big differences:
When we first meet Charles he's at a bar, flirting with a woman. It's clear he's very intelligent and talks about mutations. Then in the next scene, hes celebrating after his graduation. This is a good time in Charles' life. Erik however is still plotting revenge against Shaw, hurting people for information or straight up murdering them.
Something I noticed is that Charles seem to have a lot of positive interactions with humans, like Moira for example while Erik seems to only have negative interactions with them.
Erik’s power is naturally more destructive then Charles. Charles can communicate with people and understand their emotions and feelings. Erik destroys the environment around him, to do whatever he’s going to do.
Drowning Scene
Let's talk about Erik's mental state in this scene. He is pumped with adrenaline and anger. The man who made his life a living hell is escaping and he needs to stop and make him pay for what he has done. So he desperately tries to bring the submarine back, and he was going to do it or die trying. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for Erik, who has been wanting revenge against Shaw since the day he killed his mother. Its symbolic, because in a way he's drowning in his own hate and anger. His hate and anger is what almost killed him. Then Charles jumps in to save him. This is the first time someone wanted to genuinely help him since his mother. Charles was willing to jump in ice cold water just to save him. Immediately Charles knew what Erik has gone through, and as usual he wants to help him. Erik says "I thought I was alone" and he was. I don't think he was only talking about just mutants, but just being alone in general. And then Charles responds with "You are not alone". This can symbolize Charles saving Erik from drowning in his own anger and revenge. He thought he was by himself until Charles came in.
Note: There is multiple times where the main character jumps into the water to save their love interest from drowning. Think about the Little Mermaid where Ariel stopped... Eric from drowning. Think about Wonder Woman, where Diana jumped in the water to save Steve. Just saying....
"Surprised you've managed to stay this long"
This scene basically speaks on it's own so I don't have a lot to say here. But first, Charles was already outside before Erik left. I'm not sure why he was outside in the first place or if he was expecting Erik to leave and catch him on the way out. But Charles is literally the first person (i'm going to assume) that actually cares if Erik leaves. He wants Erik to stay because he cares about him, knows him and what he's gone through, and desperately want to help him. When Charles offers his help, Erik scoffs thinking its a completely ridiculous idea that he can be saved. But instead of saying that he says "I don't need your help". Well... we all know that's a lie. Erik is so used to being alone and working for himself, it's a foreign feeling to be around people who don't want to hurt him. This also can symbolize that despite Erik appearing to want to be alone, Charles won't let him. Then Charles says "I won't stop you from leaving. I could, but i won't" Unlike probably everyone Erik ever encountered in his life, Charles gives him a choice. He treats him like a person (fuck you Shaw).
When Erik walks in the room, Charles is surprised but visibly happy to see Erik. Then Erik says that mutants should be found by its own people, no suits. Charles looks at him for a minute and agrees with him. I’m not sure Charles thought about that in that very moment but listened when given the suggestion. Erik gives Charles a look that also shows visible happiness. They are just so damn happy to be with each other it’s adorable. Then they exchange witty banter. As I said before, A D O R A B L E.
Road Trip
This is the time Erik and Charles bond together even more.I don’t have much to say on the montage besides... it’s nice to see those two bond together and have fun.
Realist vs Optimist
Erik and Charles are playing chess together and Charles starts talking about how he will be able to help the mutants out there. How they can do it together. However Erik points out how they might not be able to. Once the government doesn’t need them, they will discard them or experiment on them.
I would call Erik a pessimist but that’s not entirely true. He’s not thinking the worse of ever situation he’s being realistic. The government would be scared of their power and once they don’t need them, they will try to get rid of them. He’s not even wrong at the end. Another scene is another one where they are playing chess. It seems whenever they start playing chess they start debating. Charles being the optimist, seeing the good in humans while Erik being the realist (but close to the optimist) by seeing the obvious evil humans have in them.
Something to point out, when dealing with the Russians, Charles tries to deal with them in the least violent way possible. When Erik deals with the Russians, he’s more violent, attacking them directly.
When Erik starts to lose control, Charles stop him. That seems to happen quite often in this movie. Charles is basically Erik’s restraint.
“Brightest Memory in Your Memory Bank” (aka the best Cherik scene ever)
Charles doesn’t want to shoot Erik (Guns probably make him nervous and the possibility of Erik not saving himself in time is scary.) So Charles pushes Erik more. Erik explains how he needs a specific situation, the anger, to be able to move something that big. That’s what he’s been told his whole life but Charles knows that’s not true. Charles contradicts everything that Shaw is, everything that Shaw believes in and says. He knows that there is more power Erik has, that Erik is just not aware of yet.
When you think about it, Charles is the serenity to Erik’s rage. Charles gave the serenity that Erik needed by unlocking a memory, Erik doesn’t even know he had. It’s such a beautiful moment that it brings both Charles and Erik to tears. This is the moment Charles and Erik truly connect completely. Charles understands a part of Erik nobody ever has since his mother.
Then Erik tries again and he succeeds. Both of them laughing in joy, Erik for being able to do it and Charles for being genuinely joyed that Erik succeeded.
Cuba Beach Divorce
This is the moment when things start becoming dark between them. While Shaw was talking to Erik, he managed to basically do the opposite of what Charles was trying to do for Erik. Bringing back his trauma and pain. Making him believe he was a weapon, instead of a person. When he put the helmet on, that symbolizes the disconnect he now had with Charles. Charles main power is communicating with people between minds. Erik putting on the anti-telepathy helmet symbolized the communication they no longer had with each other. Sure they can still speak to each other, but Erik is no longer listening to Charles. He no longer has serenity, only rage. When Erik slowly puts the coin through Shaw’s head, he makes Charles endure through the same pain. Symbolically showing that Erik’s revenge only caused Charles pain and the destruction of the beautiful relationship they had.
As Erik expected, the humans banded together to destroy a race they feel threatened by. Erik attempts to send them back the missles they intended to use to blow them up, but then Charles tries to stop him.
There is multiple times throughout the movie that Charles stops Erik from doing something and Erik stops, relunctantly, but he does. But now there relationship is strained and broken. When Charles tries to stop him he fails, Erik continues to do it, even hurting Charles to do it, until...
The bullet Erik deflected shot Charles in the back. When people usually say “shot in the back” or “stabbed in the back” it usually means betrayal. In Charles’ mind, Erik probably did betray him. Charles will do anything to protect people, even at the cost of hurting HIMSELF. Erik seems to constantly hurt the people around him, no matter how much he loves them.
The whole speech they have with each other is self-explanatory but their eyes show so much pain. They obviously don’t want to let each other go, but they are simply too different.
Erik holds a special type of pain, because he hurt the first man who genuinely loved and cared about him since his mother. The man who didn’t see him as a weapon to be used but a friend. The first mutant Erik has a positive interaction with. The only person who was able to unlock a side of Erik, even he didn’t know exist. In a way, he disappointed Charles and proved him wrong, that there is no good in him and he cannot be helped.
When he looks up he looks angry and hurt because he knows he won’t be able to change his mind. He know lost someone he considered a... (*cherik iykyk*) fRiEnD.
And Erik leaves Charles alone on the beach. Bleeding from the wound he gave him. Hurt from losing his bEsT fRienD and sister.
In conclusion: P A I N
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