#also I can't practice sketching like I used to because I have no time anymore haha
rin-yellow · 1 year
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hi hi hi yeah remember me?
Remember when I posted Build Tiger last year during the Lunar New Year and stuff?
Tried doing that again this year with Team Rabbits from Majestic Prince (’coz year of the Rabbit or whatever) but could only get as far as Gold-4 because of course that little doucheboy was my go-to. Wanted to start with Black-6 but figured that I respected Ange Kuroki too much and Gold-4 was only gonna be my warmup sketch. Also yea Majestic Prince is kind of my guilty pleasure show, borderline a problematic fave, ik, but I enjoyed it, it’s got a banger opening, cool enby rep (Ange ! ! ! But also I think I saw a post on them being a somewhat problematic character somewhere? Maybe? Idk, but back when I first came out Ange was my comfort character so what the hell), and I liked the mecha designs for what they were, specifically Gold-4′s head gimmick was always the coolest thing ever, hence using the robot as a “warmup sketch” that spiralled out of control.
That did not turn out thataway and I got horrid artblock when it came to fanart for a hot minute and so I just didn’t post the WIP because I wanted to add the rest of the team. Finally got tired enough to post what I got now because I am in a horrid spiral and it’s wonderful over here. Fun fact, this account was originally intended as a reading blog with only a spoonful of art on the side and then life happened and now it’s whatever this is. I might post more going forward, or I might not, we’ll see. Yes I know I’m about a month late for Lunar New Year but we can’t all be perfect, eh?
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yanverse · 2 months
I’m curious how the yans would react to their darling suggesting being free use? Some of them would never act right EVER again; but I also think some would start out too nervous to make a move, but once they do it a few times, they become something of a menace.
prrrrr.......free use, you say? i have.......ideas >:) (lmk if u want more! <3)
Elias, Kaito, Lilith, Isabelle, Adrian, Nina
(cws: free use kink, domination, degradation, dressing up, fingering, overstimulation, messy sex)
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Elias obviously needs to keep you around while he's working, and it just so happens that he's also in need of a good secretary for his practice. Win-win! He can have the best of both worlds: keep you close enough that he can see you whenever he wants, and you've got something to busy yourself with when he gives you paperwork--but aside from filing a few things you basically just get to mess around on the computer while he's in session. And unless you're into it, you won't be hearing any questionable noises and thumping through the wall--he's had to rebrand and lost some repeat customers, but he's a taken man now, so no more shenanigans.
Of course, that means you've got a much hornier, much needier cowboy on your hands than you're used to. He doesn't need to jerk off between clients or on his break anymore if the mood hits him midday--that's what he's got you for now, right? He can just waltz out of his office, tap you on the shoulder, and drop to his knees right there. Worried you'll get caught, that someone might walk in early or a solicitor will drop by? Then you just need to stay nice and quiet while he's under your desk. He might just end up leaving indents in the floor from the spurs on his boots, cause it's so easy and you're so accessible and you don't even have to stop working! In fact, if he's in the mood to tease, he might dangle the threat of stopping over your head if you don't keep working while he goes down on you.
But knowing him, there'll be an equal chance of him rushing over, locking the door to the office, and just throwing you over the desk like he can't wait a second longer to have you. There's a reason he's got so much time in between his clients, and it's because there's no better time to mess up his cute little secretary, and make sure you have to sit with his cum leaking down your legs the rest of the day.
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Kaito has half a mind to just sit you on his lap all day. He doesn't have to go out for work, he barely leaves the house as is, and you're around each other most of the time anyways. Why not? He could game or tweak his latest sketches with you settled and comfy on his lap, his cock twitching softly inside you with those pretty mewls of yours perking him up. That, to him, is heaven.
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If that's not the case, though, then sparing a hand to entertain you is just as good. Especially if you're in an argument, or if he's mad at you, or if he's just annoyed but not in the mood to talk about it. He doesn't even have to be paying attention, but more than likely you'll be begging for him to give you some.
With the spare seat next to him and his eyes glued to his computer screen, he only needs one hand to fiddle with his tablet pen as he shades his latest drawing. And all the while he has his fingers buried between your legs, his reactions minimal as you soak his chair with sweat and grab at his sleeve in desperation. You keep cumming all over yourself, you're a mess, and he's already gonna have to clean you up after so at least don't distract him. Each orgasm aches more than the last with overstimulation melting your brain into your skull, but you won't even stop him. You probably could, but why would you? He said it himself: he's gonna clean you up when he's done, you just have to wait until he finishes up. But knowing Kaito, odds are he's gonna make you much, much messier before he actually gets to that part.
Lilith loves providing for you. She loves to make you happy, to come home with money and food and love, and to shower you with everything she has without you having to lift a finger. You love her, you've done enough.
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But when the opportunity to bus tables at her restaurant comes around, it's a hard deal to ignore. Extra income, extra time together, and extra chances for you to socialize and put in some hard work? If you're all over it then she can't exactly say no. A good girlfriend wouldn't say no to such a simple request. It may have her biting her nails at first, but seeing you succeed fills her with a feeling of pride that gives her an extra spring in her step on those extra-hard days.
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But she's lucky that the diner has so few willing waitresses and such a small staff to begin with, because you two can get so close to getting caught with your pants down. She'd never consider getting off at work before this, but with you so present and available all the time...shooting her those lusty looks across the dining room, bending over just a little too far while you're cleaning tables, brushing by her just a little too close while she's taking an order...if she didn't pull you into the bathroom and push you up against the stall, she might just go crazy. Whether it's your hand up her skirt or hers down yours, it really doesn't matter--if you're going to let her touch you whenever she wants, then she has to take advantage of it. Nearly every break soon turns into a chance to get away, her lunch swapped out for a glorious ten minutes with your legs spread, body bent forward, and her tongue making short work of that promise you made that you'd stay quiet.
Isabelle isn't offered the suggestion of free use. You are free use. You're her toy, you're meant to be used, and you're smart enough to know that she doesn't take such a stance lightly. She's not fucking around with any of that touchy-feely, "casual dominance" crap. You'll know she's dominating you because she won't let you forget your place--look away for a moment, let your guard down, and you'll be pounced on before you can make sense of it. Even if she's just finished making you cum for every year you've been alive, she could very well come back into the room after a minute and decide she's not quite done yet. Bathing, showering, eating, sleeping, it's all the same. So long as you're still breathing, there's an incredibly high chance that you won't go very long without her weight pinning you down or your legs pulled apart for her to have a taste. But at least you're still alive, which is more than can be said for Isabelle's other playthings and romantic interests.
You would think that someone as poised, confident, and professional as Dr. Moorwell wouldn't be nearly as intrigued by the concept. Adrian is a romantic, after all--a chivalrous one at that--so you would struggle to imagine him as being so crass and self-indulgent with his lover.
Alas, he is. In fact, he's like a beast while in pursuit of it. Adrian loves to catch you while you're unawares; reading, reaching up for something on a high shelf, organizing his library, taking a sip of your drink, crawling under the sofa to retrieve whatever you dropped, the view makes him shudder and his belt comes off like the buckle is melting. There's always a touch first, a light tap or a brush down your sides to reassure you that it's him, but it's just a formality. The quick smack of his palm hitting your backside is the real test, because so long as your cute little squeal is followed up by a whine or a moan, he knows there's no risk. He can squeeze you, pull you apart, violate those precious, sacred spots so deep they've never seen the light, and it'll satisfy you to the point of making you gush all over him like he's turned the dial of a sprinkler.
At this point he might as well give you the title of housemaid. Your presence in his home reassures such tidy, homely feelings even amidst the stacked clutter and the piles of unread books. Besides, he'd have an excuse to put you in one of those silly, frilly costumes with the headbands and the wrist cuffs, and you could call him--w-well, it doesn't matter what you call him, so long as you prance around as happy and sweet as usual, and look at him with all that love in your eyes even once he's reduced you to tears and trembling legs.
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Nina would be the last person to ever accept such a sinister request. Touch you? Unprompted? Without gloves, or a thorough hand washing, or..? You seriously think she would ever do such a thing on a whim?
That terrible attitude only lasts a few minutes, however, because her complaints are only a farce for how her mind has started working in overdrive. Because you like her enough to ask her for something so lewd. Because you think she's pretty. Because you look at her and think hot, wet thoughts despite her difficult attitude and her insistence on keeping everything clean. You desire her, and that's a feeling that's only come by on very, very rare occasions.
Hence why your request is fulfilled so quickly--like, less than twenty minutes quickly. Less than the time it would take for her to shower and scrub and go through her step-by-step routine in order to touch you, because the waiting is too agonizing and she just has to feel you. To feel your love and your beating heart in your chest, your pulse pounding all the way up your fingertips as you spread her open on your stupid, dirty, filthy hands. The only reason she'll allow it is just because it's you, but don't you dare get a big head! This is just more convenient for her. She'll just take a shower afterwards. But...well, you're coming with her. It'll surely be easier to clean up if you're already in there, so if you think your bathing time from then on is going to go uninterrupted, you'll be very sorely mistaken.
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elviraaxen · 1 month
ive really been loving the pacing of your story and i enjoy the concept and the bits that have been released about the plot! youre doing really well, and i admire it greatly!!
ive been having trouble figuring out an overall plot in my own work, i just have character ideas and the vaguest idea for a storyline. i try to just write but then i usually end up taking a break (re: dumping it) because i don't have anymore ideas for how to complete the plot. i've laso been curious about how you go about writing for a comic (do you write then do thumbnails? do thumbnails then go back to figure out dialogue? a third thing?) so i was wondering if you had any advice or resource tips for writing? both for comics and for overarching plots, if that's okay
if you don't have any ideas tho, no worries. i was just curious. good luck with Felt World! i love everything that's coming out so far, thank you for gifting us it!!
Oh thank you so much!! I can't say I'm a comic book artist at heart because I really don't have much experience, I was only an illustrator for a short while and never wrote anything myself, but learning from past mistakes (i.e. I don't stick to plans), I've so far done this and it seems to work:
I'm one of those that don't like to plan strict layouts for the entire thing, because chances are I will not stick to it, so what I've done for felt world is just write a sketch for the overarching plot, the b-plot and c-plot, with rough estimates in what order I want the major plot points and settings to be. My current sketch looks like this;
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(which is done in Miro) and as you can see there aren't that many plot points, because I want to have the wiggle room to come up with something on the spot. And also, my comic focuses a lot on interpersonal relationships, character development, and themes rather than the plot, which means it needs to be concise or else the comic is gonna take 6 million years to finish.
And now,, I think this might just be how I work, but I think it's easier to be creative when you have strict restrictions rather than all the choices in the world.
for me, personally, I restrict an update of 10 pages tops, because instagram only allows max 10 images per post! This means I have to 1) fit all I want to say in 10 pages, 2) it has to be concise or else I infodump on readers, and 3) I have to answer some sort of question within the update, or else I said nothing and I start over.
As for scripts, I tend to write one or two sentences of what's going to happen for the update, and then I get to thumb-nailing and sketching right away! I come up with most of the dialogue on the spot too.
And also, I think what's most important, is that you take your damn time! If you aren't immersing yourself in your own world, how do you expect your readers to do the same?
I'm very much a believer that the stories you are telling are something that comes to you naturally if you just sit with it and listen rather than demand that it makes itself known to you. When I brainstorm for felt world I quite literally sit in my bed and go "omg!! And then what? :0" TO MYSELF LMAO as if I'm not making everything up myself! I think that's extremely important that your story is engaging to you first and foremost!
And as for more practical tips
carry a notebook with you or use your notes app AS SOON as you get ideas to write them down! No you will not remember, lol.
set rules of what you're not allowed to do with your story so that you don't fall into lazy trope territory! You can do that when you brain storm, but finesse the story post brainstorm to just make it.. smarter.. if that makes sens For example, don't kill your gay characters, don't make sensitive men the butt of the joke, don't make your women fight over men (unless it's the point), etc.
set physical restrictions! For example, max amount of pages per upload, max amount of pages for the whole story, max amount of characters, etc.! That literally forces you to problem solve, which by definition is creativity! Like, oh you can't do this the obvious way? Do it the creative way! That's way more fun!
I could probably go on, but this is too long already! But I hope it at least helped somewhat!
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kanmom51 · 1 year
Hi! I've been following your blog for a while. As a longtime ARMY and someone who (wants to) believe that jikook is real, your posts never fail to give me the flutters.
Did you get a chance to see Jimin's choreography practice sketch yet? (spoiler: jk shows up hehe)
Whenever I see jikook interacting (and especially in recent years), it always feels and looks like it should be something kept private. Idk. I'm parasocializing third-wheeling lmao. The way they can't stop smiling at each other. The way their hands reach for each other like second nature. The way jk speaks to jm; I know little about the nuances of korean informal/formal language, but even then their tones are what make the difference to me. Language barrier or not, it's hard to miss how jk speaks to jm, which is so different from how he speaks to the other members. And all this, out of a less than 1-min interaction between the two (maybe I'm also projecting lol)
Ever since jk's suchwita live, I've plunged neck deep in jikook feels. Jk didn't have to make a live centered around jm, but he did. He didn't have to watch 2 diff versions of set me free pt 2, nor watch the bts teasing jm compilation, all in front of us; but he did. He did, and it's been wreaking havoc on my heart ever since. That must mean something, because jk doesn't do this for the other members. It goes beyond fanservice because as you already mentioned, he wasn't paying much attention to ARMY during the live. We weren't the focus; jm was.
I'm not delusional - at least, I don't want to be delusional. I've said this to myself many times since 2015. I enjoyed their dynamic together, but as time went on, the dynamic began to shift. Each year it became less funny and more real. Certain moments, like hickey gate and rosebowl, seemed straight out of fantasy. And even looking beyond them, the reactions of the other members are also very telling.
I don't remember why I wrote this anymore lol. I'm just glad I don't seem to be alone in thinking they're real. And thank you for your hardwork and content! I always enjoy reading your thoughts on our favourite black and white + sun and moon + 5813 + you-are-me-i-am-you couple💜🌙☀
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@theblindjassassin I do apologize for taking such a long time to get back to you. But I didn't forget you.
Everything you wrote is just IT.
You are not delusional. We here, us, are not delusional.
Those parts of the fandom that love calling us that, they are either colour blind (can't see the rainbow), or delusional themselves wishing upon a non existent romantic relationship between either JK or JM and another member (never happened, ain't happening, and ain't ever going to happen).
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I'm happy you did put your thoughts to paper, so to speak, because it's lovely to read these kind of posts every once in a while, helps us refocus, remember, reminiscence.
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onejellyfishplease · 6 months
I am all about constructive criticism. I mean, how am I supposed to get better at writing/drawing if people won't be honest with me and give me tips to get better. I personally think that people who can't take constructive criticism aren't very bright. How are they supposed to get better at things if they don't listen to others who are just trying to guide them?
Also, I would love some more tips on how to make the shell better. If you are willing, of course. :)
I am horrible at drawing. I usually have to trace things to get a decent drawing. (For instance, I traced like five different things to make Mikey a pony.)
I'm so much better at coloring than I am at drawing. My writing needs work, too, but I'm getting better.
First of all, can I just say that you shouldnt worry about tracing art to improve your own (as long as u aren't posting it as soley your own but thats a whole other rabbit hole) I did too! It helps build ground work for a good understanding of anatomy and poses.
However there are a few holes in tracing. Forst of all it is quite limiting in the outcome of your work, as your art is stuck static in one pose. this can alkost hinder your ability to see things in '3D' and visualise objects for multiple angles. it can also lead to 'skin wrapping' , which i think is the hole you fell into here (and also a term i just made up now)
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with the shell, you only coloured it within Mikey's trace lines - this caused the shell to loose a lot of its mass - making it look, quite frankly, not like a shell.
a way to improve on this is to look at more references of Mikey's shell in the show and its shape from different angles. this can help you get a good idea of how it should look, and it is a good idea to practice drawing it from these angles. this will improve your ability to think in a 3D space, (which is so darn hard, but seriously useful)
however, and you may have noticed this yourself, when you add new additions to the figure, the line art just doesnt line up! the line quality is different!
This is because the line you have done for the addition is Your Line. And we love your line.
so lets make the rest of the traced lineart fit into your style, instead of you fitting yours into theirs okay?
You may notice that when you trace art, the line work is just not the same, the lines are shakier than the original and it just doesn't look as good. this is not a reflection of your skill.
It is because, usually, (at least when I did it) you follow the original line so closely that it turns out shaky, probably taking your pen off the page a few times to take a break from the oen stroke. while the original artist did that line in one sweeping stroke.
a way to fix this, and make the line arr cleaner and more you, is to instead use the drawing as a very close reference. for example:
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instead of tracing the exact lines of the art, merely trace the general shapes of the art. not only then do you add your own flair and gesture to the drawing, you are then more free to add more shapes to this sketch.
You can still use the reference drawing as closly as you want, but try to focus less on getting the exact lines copied, and more on the general shape. you linework wont be perfect the first time, it might be really messy compared to your usual tracing, and thats fine! you should see some of my sketches before i refine them!
But these will be your lines, theyll be smoother and more gestural, and overtime you will get better control over your penstrokes doing this.
Okay I cant really think of anymore to add here, I hope this helps! i think this was just one big word vomit lol. Keep drawing!! cause no matter what you do, as long as you are actively drawing you are always improving! dont be afraid to push yourself out of you comfort zone! who cares if it doesnt turn out the way you wanted it to? Its your art, You Created That with your Own Hands, and I think that is amazing.
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kate-komics · 2 years
I think your art style is so cool. Do you think you can share your art process sometime?
Okay, I’m gonna do my best to share my ‘process’ even though I don’t even know what it is 😅 bare with me here!
Rather than give you a step by step (because the steps are never the same for me) I’ll show you one of my speed draws and try to hit a few points about what I consider/ think about while I’m drawing. This will only be for drawing human figures, just FYI.
I’ll use my lil Steddie sketch I did recently since it’s freshest in my mind and I think I did a good job with the posing.
Here’s the video!
Now let's see if I can articulate my thoughts.
I would also like to note that there was no reference for this drawing. This was only a warm up drawing that I developed a little to much because I was having a good time making it
Things I consider when drawing people:
Gesture drawing/ Pose: Make a loose gesture drawing first so you can get a feel for where you wanna go then build off that. Where is the weight of the body leaning? What direction are they facing? As you can see when I first start I keep it all fairly loose until I really figure out wear the body is leaning. Once I have they're torso/ centerline figured out the limbs follow. As you can see I was having a tough time figuring out what position for for Eddie's legs looked the most natural/ interesting. Which brings me to my next point!
Keep your first sketches loose, and don't be afraid to test things as you go. As you can see in the video I basically start from scribbles and build off of that. Adjust shoulders, move limbs around, tilt heads, whatever you think would look best. All in all I probably redrew the figures 2 or 3 times before I started on line art.
Shapes! Once I have the pose and sketch to my liking I build off the gesture by making shapes and angles a little sharper. This is, of course, specific to my personal preference in style but I think just slightly exaggerating the shape of a muscle or the point of a feature really takes a drawing to a new level in terms of style. I believe Ethan Becker (highly recommend his tutorials) has a good youtube video about how an elongated triangle shape is a fun dynamic shape to use in cartooning. I just make things a little pointer than they are. That's all.
Line weight! Building off of how I illustrate shapes, I use line weight to exaggerate it even further and also literally show the weight of the figure. Parts of the body that have weight on them or are foreshortened towards the camera get at thicker outline to exaggerate them. (Though sometimes I don't always do this) Parts that are soft outlines (Facial features and clothing details) get thinner lines or a small series of cross hatching lines. It's all about what you choose to put emphasis on. I also like to use exaggerated lines for clothing wrinkles to add to the gesture. Most of my specific art style is in how I do my line work. I use inking brushes with a dramatic taper to get the shapes I do. I highly recommend getting a traditional art inking brush and practicing on paper just to see the cool shapes you can get.
And finally, black space/ shading. I do have rather dramatic shading being that it's just part of my line art. Honestly, it's often rather unrealistic but really what's the point of drawing if you can't make things look really cool and dramatic? When laying out what the black space will be I suppose I think of how it'll frame the figure and what's really important. For example, Steve's back leg its all blacked out behind his front leg because it's not an important part of his pose and I wanted to use it show the surface he's sitting on without actually drawing it. Draw less details to show the details somewhere else, ya know? Use filled in shadows to frame other parts and put more emphasis on details. Admittedly, it does take some practice to get good at inking this way.
Little drawing rules for humans I don't even think about anymore but use all the time
Shoulders and hips always tilt opposite each other. It's what keeps the body balanced.
The main parts of the human body that show expression are the eye's and the hands. Also emotion in the eye's is like 80% in eyebrows.
It's okay to rework something that doesn't look right at any stage in the drawing.
Most average sized humans are 7 heads high and their shoulders. 2-3 heads across (Think this is in every 'how to draw' book ever)
The blank space of a pose is just as important and interesting as the filled space.
Okay! I think that's all I got. I'm not much of a teacher but I hope this was at least interesting and HOPEFULLY mildly helpful.
Thanks for the ask!
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roach-works · 1 year
hi, you once drew on a car with sharpie! how did that end up going? the progress pictures looked so cool and i would like to try something similar, and would like to know any tips and experiences you have to offer
colored sharpie weathers, and old sharpie doesn't ink smoothly. run your car through a car wash first or just use windex and paper towel or a soft cloth to clean the work surface. if you're decorating your car, i assume it's already old and crusty, so you probably don't have to care about avoiding microabrasions. still, i recommend treating any exposed body rust sooner rather than later, especially if it's near the work surface and you could scratch yourself on it.
plan out what you're going to draw first before you start. do a few thumbnails, sketches, and practice studies. drawing very big, in sharpie, on a vertical curved surface, outside, is a weird and unusual position for most people to be working in, so having a solid plan and some practice going in will yield a much better design. my design for my car was the Wild Hunt, so i looked up a lot of pictures of steeple chases, worked out a good composition, and practiced drawing leaping horses and knights for a bit before i went at it for real. also i used like a blue crayola magic marker for the sketch layer on the car, because it would wear off quickly.
sharpie can be erased with rubbing alcohol, but it's still a pain to be fussing with a design you're trying to make up as you go, especially in a weird new drawing position. also sometimes it leaves faint stains behind, especially on white surfaces.
it will also leave faint scratches, and over time the sharpie chemicals might permanently damage and/or discolor the paint. there isn't enough accessible info to know how badly drawing on your car with sharpie will fuck it up. do it at your own risk, with a car you're not intending to resell for very much.
i can't find the pictures anymore because tumblr is incredibly hard to search lol but i really liked having painted up my own car, and i got compliments on it at the drive through. it died half a year later, and i sold it for a couple hundred dollars of scrap. my successive have been too nice to dare fucking up with paint, but i still miss having a car i drew on myself.
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stargazeraldroth · 8 months
hear me out: soulmate errink where you share your dreams with your soulmate- you can talk to them, just hang out cuddle, go on little dream dates, the like. and of course, this holds true for error! and his strangely unnamed soulmate. it’s practically the only thing keeping him sane, really- those little nighttime visits to a tiny, almost unfinished looking skeleton. it’s the only time he can talk to someone that isn’t the voices, the only time he can hug someone and touch them, and sure, things aren’t always perfect but they’re all the other has- error’s been told about the blank, awful whiteness and sketched figures his soulmate is stuck with, and he’s shared his own experiences in turn.
and error intended for his slowly emerging power to travel between aus to be a surprise for his little soulmate! he’d hate to get their hopes up, to promise something he couldn’t fulfill, but he’s sure he’s almost got it down- just a bit more practice and he can finally, finally find them, can get them out of there, and even if things aren’t great from there they’ll have each other, right? neither of them will be alone.
so of course error freaks out when the dreams stop coming and his soul aches.
of course he forgoes being careful and tears his way through whatever worlds may have been between him and his soulmate because they don’t matter right now.
and of course he loses it when he finally, finally gets to their awful cage of scribbles and whiteness and finds only dust and shredded remains of a soul behind.
basically: i’m curious where you’d go with something like this, where past!ink starts to think the soulmate dreams are just him going insane and can’t take it anymore (the creators, perhaps?), and error snaps when his soulmate seemingly isn’t there at all, suddenly. may or may not be yandere, now. oops!
I LOVE A GOOD SOULMATE AU but unfortunately, my commentary is gonna be complete garbage. Because it's getting late, I'm tired, and I'm slightly hungry. But nothing's appealing and I don't wanna make anything. So I guess I'll starve
ALSO YANDERE MENTION??? YES PLEASE??? I don't know why, but the yandere trope is one of my favorites to use. Maybe I need mental help
Anyway, this is already pretty angst-focused, so I'll just keep following that trend. Like I said, my commentary's gonna be crappy, and I feel bad because this such??? A well-written thing??? I'm so sorry Anon :(
I thiiiiink it's canon that Ink doesn't remember anything from his unfinished AU, since he destroyed his soul, but I could be wrong about it. I'm only like 50% sure about that one, but for the sake of being consistent and not wasting your time, I'll say that he doesn't remember his past. Meaning he doesn't remember any of the dreams he had or even his soulmate, or that soulmates are even a thing. He doesn't relearn this until he finds out while observing some AUs, and he even gets... a bit envious sometimes. He knows that being soulless has many advantages when it comes to combat, such as his regenerative abilities, but the lack of a soulmate is... glaring. He knows some of the others pity him for it, too. He doesn't want their pity. It feels so... belittling...
Meanwhile, Error's turned cold and calloused from the death of his soulmate. He's adopted an "If I can't have (blank), then no one can" mentality when it comes to soulmates, which is part of why he destroys AUs here. He still feels a constant ache because of his frayed bond. Sometimes, he looks at Ink and wonders if he feels anything, but then argues that he's soulless- meaning he didn't have a soulmate to begin with (if only you knew, Error). And yet... sometimes, he can't help but see his lost soulmate when he looks at Ink. Their faces... their body structure... their voices... it's uncanny how similar they are, but it... it can't be him, right? How could it possibly be? It's just a hopeless dream of his, surely...
Now, this can lead into the yandere elements. If Error keeps making the connection, he juuuust might start believing what he's seeing. Maybe... maybe Ink is his soulmate reincarnated, or something like that. And if he is, then... Error can't afford to lose him again. If he loses him a second time, then he's really going to break. He can't go through that again! He knows Ink doesn't have a soul, but that's okay.
He's more than willing to remind Ink of what they used to have. What they should have had, and what they will have together.
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vaynoo · 6 months
🌟🌺I have been thinking🌺🌟
Vent ahead
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I'm gonna be real here. I'd be lying if I said I was motivated to post this or any drawing for that matter. Posting online, to some extent, doesn't spark me the way it used to. Straight away, no. I won't leave, but i gotta rant this out there really quick because it bothers me a bit. The only reason I'm still posting online is because that's where my friends are, and I'm posting because I want those who care about me and those I care for to see what I draw. Lately, in general I been feeling better about myself and my art, although I'm still not fully satisfied with what I'm doing and where my content is going. But I'm even less satisfied with where a large part of the online art community is going, honestly. I can't catch up with this shift of interests and trends and while I don't chase trends or make Reels, tiktoks etc for clicks like a while back then in hopes of getting a drop of that 5 minute attention I'm unwilling to get rid of the quality and detail in my works to spark some algorithm that chases stuff made for mass production over what i enjoy. I'm an artist who wishes to stay true to himself, and if that means practically losing any online presence, then may it be that way. I'll continue posting on here. I won't leave. But I'm not going to make 50 Reels weekly or post daily or 5 times a week. I'll do things at my own pace now, and if that costs me attention, then may it be that way. Meanwhile, I also hope that my friends as well will be able to let go of chasing an algorithm ls approval at some point. Most of the art content on insta i see sadly is people making reels about the algo or how their posts don't get attention anymore or how insta is ruining their accounts and its upsetting to see this being about 80% of art content on there. People are upset at the likes they receive or don't receive. I wish the times would go back to when drawing was actually fun for people, they talked to each other asked questions etc rather than throwing the meaning, ideas and passion they once had for art out of the window for clicks. I saw so many artists downright stop drawing because their art didn't perform well online, and it's sad to see that this is the era of art we are in. The era in which nothing is more important than growing an account, receiving likes and clicks. Sorry for my little rant. I had to get this out there. I'll go back offline now for a little while. I'll respond to comments and messages, but excuse me if I'm a little slow. I'll continue working on art, Some more pinups are in work, and new christmas themed works will soon come too, but for now, enjoy this little sketch of myself 💕 stay safe, you guys, ILY!🌺✨️
STORY: x 🌺🌥🌟
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iwaasfairy · 1 year
Fae fae when did you learn to draw digital? Like do you have any tips I’ve been practicing but honestly it’s so hard haha
I remember sometime early 2021 I think you did a lot of haikyuu art and it was amazingggg wow
-🪐 anon
fAE FAE pLS dgusgfus I LOVE THAT??? heLP but uhmm honestly i think the main reason why my art looks better now is because i've been practicing my basics a lot? and like, its a constant battle to get better and hate your old art yk,, but i'm glad i did it and i can't wait to see how much i'll improve in the future! BUT! as for practicing tips, i would recommend splitting up exactly what you want to tackle first.
digital drawing is a very different skill than sketching. coloring is a very different skill. backgrounds are a skill in itself. drawing bodies,, etc etc etc,, and it was really frustrating to draw sometimes bc it feels like they all go hand in hand? but splitting them up and practicing solely on that- can really help make it feel more doable yk
also drawing on paper is v helpful to me personally. get urself a practice sketchbook, even tho they are two separate skills they kinda are tied together. if you improve one it will also show in the other
and yEA i did do some art in 2021 that i was really proud of. but i do gotta say looking back, those arts took me like 72 hours and so much references that it always felt extremely overwhelming and scary to draw. i like them a lot still, but i dont remember finding it very fun to draw back in 2021
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and sometimes it's embarrassing for me to look back at old art and not shudder in shame, but the fact is,, that i was happy with my drawings back when i made them. he reason i'm not happy with them anymore is bc i've practiced, and become better, yk? for fuck sake, atsuko used to look like this (left) and now he looks like that (right)
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be a little kind to yourself. it's hard to admit that you can be good at and suck at something at the same time. your improvement will be directly linked to how often you can stomach to be bad at something tbh hahahah i stopped coloring the way i used to in 2021 because i loved doing it but i actually sucked at it. and im still in the middle of practicing coloring, and most of what i draw is ugly and i hate it,, but thats okay. i hopefully will find value in it once i start noticing some improvement
anyway sorry for the ramble the point is, find your weak points and target them. and then, practice. practice practice practice. dont believe these tiktok artists who say "oh i started drawing in 2021" and bust out the most amazing portraits in the history of ever. that isn't the reality for most people;
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poisondionaea-art · 2 years
I don't know what young artist ( all artists, no matter your craft don't just dismiss the this post as only being for people who draw) needs to hear this, but I'm going to say it because I wish that someone would have said it to me when I started out and when I had join social media.
You don't need behavior that is lacking in self preservation in order to be a good artist or fit in with other artists.
Yes I know your favorite artist or your mutual/ friends might have self deprecating behavior and seem to have a lack of self preservation. I know that you'll always be finding posts from big artists or memes about how artist don't have self preservation and should stay up all night or for multiple days. How they should work though pain that they cause themselves through over working themselves or being in uncomfortable positions, ect and just pretend that it doesn't exist so that they can keep going and shove out as much practice and art pieces as possible. And that doing those things is what makes them good, and some times it's posed as if you don't also do those things or you can't relate that your not a real artist or your not good enough.
I'm telling you right now that, that is only going to lead you down a path of problems, I used to stay up until as late as possible while still getting enough hours of sleep so I wouldn't pass out at school but I was miserable. I found everyone and everything to be annoying at all times, my senses we're constantly over stimulated, and my art didn't get better. In fact I found drawing harder, my art styles became worse, I couldn't get any ideas for drawing and I never actually felt like drawing but I kept forcing myself to.
I ignored when my body would tell me that I was in pain or I needed to stop, instead I felt obligated to continue becuase everywhere I looked on social media I was told that if I didn't I wasn't a real artist. So I kept drawing even when my hands hurt, I kept writing , I kept sewing, I kept cutting up cardboard and hard plastics and thick pieces of foam even though my hands hurt so much and my arms were begging for me to stop. I would ignore when my body would ache all over from doing things in weird positions for hours because all the artists I followed did the same becuase all of my friends did the same thing because they all posted memes about how if you couldn't relate to the pain you weren't doing things right.
And yeah , that might just be a me thing , I was a dumb kid and so were all of my friends . We were the weird bullied out casted kids who all made things and wanted validation in our crafts wherever we could find it, even if it cost us.
My friends and I look back on all of this now as still relatively young adults and can't say that it was worth it. I now have carpel tunnel syndrome becuase I just had to do projects without proper tools , becuase I just had to ignore my body when it told me my hands couldn't take anymore. Now I need surgery and physical therapy and I have to hope that that fixes it but I can't tell you how much I was filled with despair to watch my hands deteriorate. To not be able to draw as good as I once could or as fast either for my arms from my finger tips to my shoulder blades to constantly go numb and ache and have pain shoot through my arm. To not have enough strength sometimes to hold my sketch book or my tablet , to not be able to draw , paint , sew , cook or bake because the pain is so excruciating when that is all I want to do.
I watch my friends then, as they developed medical conditions and EDs becuase the artists they followed and the memes they saw about being an artist would always talk about not eating or drinking water for days because they were just so in the zone of drawing that they forgot or couldn't. And watched them become shells of people because they would stay up for days on end without sleeping because that's what they saw. I watch them now as they get braces for their backs, legs, arms , wrists, ect . Because they ignored when they were in pain now they too like me need surgery or physical therapy. Or they have to shell out tons of money that they don't have to go to a chiropractor that barely helps the pain that they're going through. We're in our early 20s we should be stuck dealing with this shit but we are because of bad decisions that we made for ourselves under the assumption that "oh we'll just have to deal with those consequences later on in life". Not realizing that later on would only be less then 10 years for some of us it was less then 5 years.
You don't need lack of self preservation to be a good artist you can take care of yourself , take necessary breaks and listen to your body and still get in tons of practice and be able to complete any projects that may arise. Alot of people talk about just let future you deal with things but would future you really appreciate it or if you were future you right now do you thing you would be able to handle the consequences. All of these big consequences over something so trivial and most of the time the artist that say these sorts of things about what they do to themselves wouldn't want to follow in their footsteps in the slightest. It took me a while to realize but those artist from when I was younger had been there all along begging people not to follow their example, that they were always dealing with the consequences of their actions and we're constantly striving to do better for themselves .
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keefwho · 1 month
May 09 - 2024 Thursday
Im questioning if it's really a good idea to sit here every night and write for about 30 minutes, thats a lot of time. But I do like being able to go back and see what I was up to years ago. Also if I do this right, it should be a good way to process the things I choose to do.
Last night I had a dream that a european girl met me at a diner and she was WAY into me which was weird but I was enjoying it while it lasted. When I woke up, I wiped down my mirror, sink, and microwave area. I made leftover stew for breakfast.
For work I warmed up with some more torso sketches since the last time didn't go so well. I feel like I made a small breakthrough using circles/ovals to represent every plane of the box I usually use to represent the pelvis and parts of the ribcage. It was a very swift and clear way to show angles and left it loose enough for the box to not show through in the final product. Then I worked on GB's commission for 2 hours. TK offered to call me while she cooked and I agreed, no one was even in chat aside from the lurking commissioner. She was high and made butter noodles with shrimp and garlic. We talked a bit about human connection and how language can actually get in the way of it. We also talked about me travelling because she thinks I'd get along well with people from other cultures but I had to explain my travel trauma. After she left to finish eating, I talked to myself until I was done working. The guy actually did speak up a little bit though.
After work I did my dishes like usual and hopped on to play Minecraft with TK and NJ for about 45 minutes. We just gathered some resources and picked our house locations. I left to go make lunch and I saw that they played for a good while afterwards. Their goal was to beat Minecraft and I imagine they will be way ahead of me if I join next time.
For lunch I made a tuna quesadilla with some mixed vegetables. Halfway through cooking though, my hotplate gave out. Now it won't heat anymore. I was able to finish my quesadilla in the oven but going forward I need to get creative with how I cook since now all I have is a toaster oven and microwave. I think it'll be kinda fun though. I called my dad while cooking since I've forgotten to call him in awhile. I didn't have much to say though, I didn't really want to talk but I didn't want to keep putting this off. I at least had to thank him for getting me my birth certificate and give my condolences for uncle Darrel.
In the afternoon I did today's request and tried to be a little looser with it. I had a lot of trouble with the sketch and coloring took a little bit longer than I wanted. I'm trying to come up with a method that is quick and looks at least kinda good. That means figuring out the nuances that make sketches good which I think takes a lot of skill to be proficient at. I also worked on an idea request of a sonic character. At first I was questioning the feasibility of these requests, it seems I can barely get any done. Then I realized I could favor quantity over quality and use them to experiment too. I think my goal is to finish 1 per week with the 90 minutes I schedule just for this. It'll be practice for drawing fast again.
When I was done for the day I didn't know what to do with myself. I started feeling stressed at how much there was to think about and how I didn't know what to do. I had to go lay down with some noise and stop thinking for just a little bit. After I calmed my brain down, I remembered I can do stuff even with very little energy or mental bandwidth. I went back to my computer and started pondering my social organization a bit. I figured out I can't think of a better system of friend time management than what I have now and I also haven't given the current system a respectable try. I popped into a call with AE and others to play on their Minecraft server, but none of them were playing. I was trying to design a house style out of logs and snow so I can make a bunch to form a snowman village. I came up with something but I might try again another time. Then DS was ready to chill while she sewed her fursuit neck upstairs. I was still playing Minecraft and then switched to KSP to try and design a medium altitude plane without air intake engines. We watched volume 3 of the Monster High webisodes on the side.
While she went to bed, I popped dinner in the oven. We did our puzzles together and I attempted to beat KH2. I got pretty far, up to the very last boss fight I think. But I didn't have time to beat it tonight so I made a save state for it for later.
Today's topic was "presence" and my Costar said to play into my urges. I definitely did that at least once which actually felt nice considering I was following a recommendation to do so. As for the presence part, I forgot to set a real goal for it so I didn't do much other than keep it in mind. I regret not figuring something out. Tomorrow is Values and I've been meaning to do values writing so my goal tomorrow will be that. I should be able to remember.
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sweetjijisama · 2 years
Hello it's Timothy again. Media law and something math's.. Well not all jobs have just the fun side but I think it's better to know. Are you pleasures 🙏 to learn this education? And your practice part was 1 month. That's little be sad bc you can't use your skills in the reality. What was your job in your practice time and did you like it ? What did you like or dislike in your practice time?
Uhhh I am trying to understand your message again xD Not sure if my reply will be correct... It was fun to do this education thingie :D So I guess it was a pleasure at some parts? XD
Yeah that practice part was basically nothing :c But it is how it is... I basically just did some Pc work (data management, yeah the chef didn't have time for that so I did it xD) and learned a little about illustrations, so I guess it made me better at art? I helped out here and there in the studio (putting things in the right boxes, managing some files and correcting some mistakes that the chef made (writing etc.) I helped out with editing photos but I kinda sucked at it and gave up because there were too many steps for my tiny little brain xD I just prefer drawing oof....
But the most important thing is that I had to understand how the technology/software/process works - so I can work as optimal and fast as possible (like getting better and not wasting time on pointless details). The chef gave me the name/prompt of the project he had in mind and I created a lot of sketches and concepts how the illustrations could look like. I have to know why and how I draw/ arrange certain elements. Also clarity is very important. I got lost in the details at the beginning xD ALSO VERY IMPORTANT: USE REFERENCES!! (or the chef will complain why a certain object/animals looks off/wrong xD)
To be honest it was basically "cock and ball torture" for me... Because the teacher at the vocational training was pretty chill and most of the time pleased with my drawings. The chef in the internship was the opposite. I was really hard for me because there were higher standarts but in the end he was so strict because he really wanted me to get better at art. He believed in me but I was like.... just done with my life and not really confident :' ) oof... Idk what to say anymore. Hope this helps?
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cinderedrose · 2 years
I know in hyperactive in here and I am slightly sorry, but here's a more serious post.
Vent underneath my sketch.
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I drew my sona, Phaleo, in Mandalorian armor holding some symbol that says ♡L. That's the brand my mom's side of the family uses on cows and whatnot. It symbolizes our heritage. And about the Mandalorian armor, to mandalorians, family is everything, whether it's found family or biological.
I hate being a part of my family.
Venting below :)
Short vent: my family is a fuckhole piece of shit and my mom, despite having full custody, is a deadbeat due to chronic illness, boyfriends, and work, leaving a child no older than Mission Vao to take on adult responsibilities. There is also a bonus of genetic conditions that I'm very likely to have
Long vent: I should be proud of my family, but my grandpa and his parents are incredibly misogynistic. Their views are the same as views from the 1950s. My grandma has some GENETIC severe mental health issues that landed her in a nursing home. My mom's oldest brother is okay, but my other uncle is an alcoholic deadbeat dad. His kids, the kids I babysit, think he's dead.
My mom got pregnant in high school (not with me), divorced my dad (he's a great guy) whom she married straight after high school, then married an alcoholic man child. Her actions, whether or not she intended things to play out this way, stripped me of my childhood. I forgive her but she only recently split from him and the wounds are fresh.
My mom has lupus (where your immune system attacks itself), Rheumatoid Arthritis, Borderline Personality Disorder, and good ole anxiety and depression. I know these aren't her fault, but now, it's just pills and doctor's appointments: work and boyfriends. I try to appreciate my mom, but it's hard when I'm so easily forgotten.
My grandpa doesn't cook, and my mom rarely does anymore. Nobody cleans but me, so I was left with these responsibilities. I have a younger brother (age 12) too, and my mom is still pretty absent. I'm 14 (almost 15), and I'm responsible for cooking and cleaning at my mom's house. These aren't just small chores, I'm responsible for them, and it's pretty crushing. I had to quit softball because I had to watch my brother some nights and cook dinner (I got lectured for making microwave dinners for my family). Sometimes I was home alone and had nobody to drive me to practice. My coaches ridiculed me and forced me to quit over something I couldn't control. I had no time to do homework assignments and fell behind at school. My driver's ed teacher had to make embarrassing accommodations for me when I took the class because I had nobody to take me to and from lessons. My mom always felt unwell, working, or seeing a new guy.
I feel like I should be going skating with my friends and other teen things, but I can't and it's because of my family.
I'm ashamed to be related to the Luthy's. I'm upset I never had the childhood I deserved. I'm worried I will become a crazy old kook like my grandma.
And as much as I resent my mother's actions, I'm scared. She's showing early indications of brain rotting conditions like Schizophrenia, Dementia, and Alzheimer's. She's dependent on loads and loads of medication to live. She smokes and drinks on top of it all. I'm scared ill lose my mom; I'm scared it'll happen to me.
I'm related to failures in life, people who abandoned their kids, viewed women as pets, and mental diseases run heavy down the family tree. What my grandma has is genetic, and there's a high possibility I'm fucked.
And to whoever reads this, thanks.
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doodleybugg · 2 years
regulus black hc's that have ✨nothing✨to do with canon (heavy jegulus)
showers daily
and uses a TON of hot water
it drives sirius mad
also can't eat anything spicy
but insists he can
tried to do so to impress james because sirius said james liked spicy foods
cried for hours afterwards because his tongue hurted
james actually got him a big glass of milk and assured him that sirius was definitely lying and that james doesn't care for spicy foods
reg is still embarrassed to this day
whenever reg gets upset he likes to draw
nothing in particular, just mostly either doodles or scribbles on a blank page
he's exceptional at hands and noses
he draws people's noses
one time he was hanging out with pandora
and she saw one page of his sketchbook
"is that my nose?"
"what?! no, no of course it isn't! you're crazy"
it was her nose, really detailed too
he got everything, the tiny curve from when it was broken it second year, he even drew the scab from when they'd tried to pierce it in third
he draws james' nose the most
or sometimes his hands after quidditch practice
he somehow knows how to draw texture, but not making it creepy
if you look at his sketches, you can easily tell which body part belongs to who
he draws the one mole on james' left thumb, and the bruises from that one particular time james fell off his broom and his palms caught his fall
he'll only ever show you the book if you're really close, he thinks it's weird and judges himself
the only people that know are evans and pandora
maybe lily but he doesn't know she's seen it
moving on cuz i could talk about that for hours lolz
he talks really quietly
not on purpose, he just doesn't have a volume switch
but sometimes when he's excited he'll laugh really loud, or talk all jittery
it makes james blush
he writes little stories, is thinking of being an author when he grows up (oh sweetie..)
he bases the characters off his friends and classmates
the main villain is based off sirius, and the henchman is his mom
but (spoilers for his book!!) the man villain joins the good guys in the end, the henchman was the bad guy all along
ofc remus helps proofread it
he's got like 32 chapters so far
with more to come
some days he skips morning classes to write
meaning his attendance isn't as good as he'd like it to be
but he swears he does all the work and understands everything! (see, marisol in the first episode of mr. iglesias)
speaking of mr. iglesias, he makes me think of mikey
marisol being james
he actually took swimming lessons when he was younger
but he wasn't so good
still, he knew how to (kinda) doggy paddle
he looks likes he's drowning every time he tries though, with all the splashing
his animagi is a cat (i think i've read this off of someone's hc's, or maybe it's canon in the headcanon world or something, but lemme build on it)
he turns into a black cat with long, neat fur and piercing blue eyes
nobody knew about it
he went out into the woods every full moon after figuring out that moony was a werewolf and the marauders did that to help him
they barely noticed him, but he was mostly in the outskirts of the forest to keep watch
if anyone tried to go in, he'd distract them and lead them back out by either hissing, growling, or straight up clawing
he accidentally brought it up in an argument with sirius
they were fighting over god knows what
"you know what, you're just like our parents" sirius shouted, and it felt like regulus had barbed wire clenching around his chest
"i'm nothing like them at all! they would let you kill those children" regulus regretted his words, but knew that he couldn't take them back once they were out
"what the fuck are you talking about?!" sirius doesn't sound angry anymore, startled though, he truly is oblivious
peter glances anxiously between the two
"who do you think that cat is?!" regulus says shortly, harshly
it dawns upon them
"i sit in the forest every month, cold and alone! i make sure to lead all those people away from where you and your fucking friends are all goofing around so they don't fucking die! a thank you would suffice, you- you selfish asshole!"
regulus recoils at his own words, he didn't mean to tell them like that
that was the loudest he's ever spoken (maybe not including the one time he yelled at his mom to distract her from crucioing sirius
she just crucioed him instead)
the marauders all look at him, remus looks like a deer in headlights
sirius doesn't know what to say, he just thought it was a wild cat, maybe someone's pet
"regulus" james starts
"save it"
and regulus is gone, walking very quickly down the hall, hoping he can make it to the safety of his bed before he cries
that night, he drew a cat's face
he's not as good at drawing animals, he admits
but it was a nice, different texture to attempt
he drew antlers, and scratch marks
he drew a dogs footprint in the mud
he drew a rat, small but disheveled, with a little 'squeak' in tiny handwriting
he liked to draw the fur, every miniscule line left him more calm than when the night first began
he didn't sleep, but it was fine
he felt more relaxed than any dream could let him
a couple weeks go by and he can't bring himself to speak to anyone in the marauders
he was less talkative with his friends, spent more time in his room than anywhere else
lily noticed this, and asked him about it one time
he didn't say anything, and she told him she was there for him, and so was sirius
"why would you say that? you don't know him. he doesn't like me"
"i don't think sobbing on remus' shoulder about 'i fucked up, ohhhh i fucked up, i need my brother' (lily mocked a drunk, sad sirius perfectly) means he doesn't like you" lily rolled her eyes
regulus thought for a second, disbelief shuddering through him again
"then why are you here, why not him?"
"you are LOOKING for a reason to be mad, aren't you? who do you think sent me? he thought you'd get pandora to jump him if he even tried to say hi"
"i-... need to go talk to him"
"potions class" lily said, though she barely finished her two words before reg was runnin
oki oki enough with the angsty angst jeez (though i might write a full on story/blurb about that if yall want because AAA)
reg likes to daydream
during breakfast, he'll sit at the table
he'll think of going with sirius to spend christmas at the potters
but he knows they'd never bring him along
even if they did, what if he made a fool of himself
(surprise surprise, once siri and reg made up, james invited him
and remus told him he could hang out with them in the forest
peter was a little insecure about it because "we have enough members as is, guys :((" )
or of his book getting sold out all over the world, people making fanfiction off his stories
he wondered what his parents would think of him if they knew who he was
because he was just like sirius, he hated their blood purity nonsense, he wanted nothing more than to speak out
but he was smarter than sirius, he kept his mouth shut, he was quiet about his beliefs and let them believe he was their only good child left
he didn't hang gryffindor banners in his room, or band posters, he hand empty walls
his bookshelves were neat, tidy, whereas sirius' floor held his papers, his quills, his books
he wanted freedom, to be let go
he really did
reg doesn't eat normally, let's say that
he lives mainly off fruit and bread
during breakfast, he doesn't grab full plates of pancakes and syrup and bacon like everyone
he has a big pile of berries, especially raspberries, they're his favourite, but some strawberries and diced watermelon
he likes to dip them in honey
maybe before quidditch, he'll grab some sausages and maple syrup, but only a tiny bit
and french toast, with powdered sugar and lime juice (try it, it's AMAZING
lunch is maybe the closest to normal meal he'll eat
there's different foods every time, he likes when there's ravioli (but the three cheese kind)
(i know i'm putting weird foods on the table here but idk what they feed children there i'm sorry 😭😭 just imagine there's multicultural foods alright??)
pandora made him try curry and rice once, he didn't like it but he ate all of it because she did
dinner is his least favourite, in his mind all the foods are too heavy
yknow when you feel like you don't want a meal, you just want a small, light snack??
he feels this constantly
but there is no snack foods at dinner time :(
so he'll maybe grab a yorkshire, but he doesn't dip it in gravy like evans does
he doesn't like gravy
he'll just eat it like a muffin
or he'll take a piece of ham
but cut it and throw the bigger part on one of his friend's plates
there was stir fry one night for a teachers birthday, the staff made it themselves
he hated it
in his mind, veggies should never be cooked
oki that's all i can think of
send me an ask if you want more, or maybe some for a different character!! <3
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im-a-gaymess · 3 years
How do I tell him?
Young!Tom Riddle x Male Reader.
7th Year.
Angsty Fluff? Contains suggestive/smut scenes.
Slight mention of violence (Just Tom wanting to punch the stupid out of people).
Summary: You and Tom are in love with each other, always were, though you only realize it after ending a pretty toxic relationship.
Word Count: 1786
A/N: I thought of this while listening to Strawberries & Cigarettes thought I'd share
[1:42 AM]
"Look, I'm not saying that I want their attention 24/7, it's just that, well, they don't ever try to make time for me. Even when I need them, they're never here. But I'm expected to be there for them at all times. I'm just so tired of it. I don't know what to do anymore." You sighed, lowering your head as your eyes wander around the ground.
You've lost sense of time, place even. Only once you stopped to take a breath did you note how late it became. As you raised your head you saw how dark it really was there. The clouds over the stars making their light nearly non existent, and the moon half hidden behind some trees.
And as your eyes travel all over the quiet, dark yet beautiful sky, Tom's attention is strictly fixed on you.
If only you knew how much that man felt at the moment. Really, he was almost overwhelmed with the amount of different emotions.
For one, how badly he wanted to punch your partner for how deeply they hurt you. He knew, from your previous vents, that there was so much more than them just having no time that bothered you. He wanted to make them cry out apologies with regret guilt for how they made you feel.
But also, he couldn't help but feel the need to hold you, keep you close to him, tell you how everything's going to be alright. How all he wants to do is protect you from all of the world's evil, to keep you from anything that could cause you harm.
Without you even noticing, Tom gently put his hand over yours, rubbing circles with his thumb on your hand. How can someone be so,, so endearing,, so loveable and be treated this way? How could someone ever look at him and want to use him? he thought, not brave enough to bring himself to tell you what he truly thinks of you.
"You know you deserve better, right, my love?" he asked, and you, all too familiar with the pet name reply with a little smile. "Would you be surprised if I said yes?" you chuckled, turning to face him, the sight of the boy in front of you making your smile grow a little bigger, causing the other to look at you with loving eyes.
"I still love them, though, I don't even know why, but I do. I still hope they're going to change, even when I know they won't" you continued, a short, awkward laugh leaving your lips.
"Believe me, sweetheart, I know exactly how that feels." he smiled at you, gently stroking your face with his free hand as the two of you continued to talk about everything, and anything, enjoying the company you gave each other.
[Following day, 4:27 PM]
Who knew that drawing in the library's restricted section would be so relaxing? Sketching animals, book covers, objects and even some random fellow housemates. It wasn't so bad, right?
But let's be honest, you were only using it as a means of distraction, trying to get yourself to forget about the fact that you're going to break up with your s/o. You don't even know how Tom managed to convince you.
Of course, it's for the best, you know that. Doesn't change the fact that you feel so damn guilty about it. I mean, why do you even? It's not like they value you, it's not like they won't have other people lined up to take their bullshit right the moment you decide to leave.
Okay, that's it. You're doing it, you're definitely doing it. You mumbled to yourself. After, of course, another art session in your little distraction place.
[5:54 PM]
What's the worst that can happen if I confess? I mean, it's not like the world would end, not like the world would explode and I'd be buried underneath layers of rock and lava.
You had him feeling something he's never even imagined he'd feel; he was nervous. His forehead full of sweat, causing his hair to stick on to him. What are you putting him through?
Friendship...That's all I am to him. I'm just a friend to [Y/N]. He only sees me as a friend. Nothing more than that. Maybe I shouldn't. I probably shouldn't.
[6:11 PM]
To his surprise, Tom heard a knock on his door. He most definitely wasn't in the mood to see, yet even talk to anyone.
"Tommy? My love, are you in there?" You questioned quite loudly, making sure to be heard from across the wall.
That petname, you have no idea what it made him want to do. Did he want to have you underneath him, touch every little bit of your body? Did he want to show you that you're his? Hear you whine and beg for him to kiss you; and so, so much more than you could imagine.
It's not the time to get lost in such sinister thoughts, Tom, he mumbled to himself, finally walking over the room to let you in.
"Hello, darli―" before he could finish, you rushed into his arms. Wrapping your hands around your friend's waist as your head rested under his own. "I missed you all day, dummie" you spoke quietly, finally happy to spend time with him.
He was quite surprised to say the least, you weren't the type to enjoy going for any type of physical affection of any type, unless it was under certain circumstances. Especially the hug being so long.
He wasn't complaining, he adored it, but he couldn't help but worry. Was something wrong? Were you hurt?
"Love, as much as I enjoy moments like this, is there anything you need to tell me? Should I kick anyone's arse?" he raised his brow, looking down at you.
You shook your head, never letting go of the taller man, a smile appearing on your face. How cute he is when he's worried, you thought.
That's pretty much how the rest of the day night went. The two of you in each other's embrace, spending it in utter silence, just glad to be in your own little world together.
You told him, before going back to your dorm, about how you finally broke up with that douchebag, and was your man proud.
The couple next days, weeks even, went by quickly. You and Tom would hang by the library after classes to complete and give help with what the other might have been stuck on.
Tom walks towards you, so dangerously close, you can practically feel his lips on yours. A hand's glued on the wall next to you, right above your head. Your body pressed against a door, his knee right in between your legs, brushing against your crotch. His other hand pulling you closer by your waist, soon planting kisses all over your jaw and neck. You can't help but melt into his touch, his lips- you just want more, more of him.
You gasp, practically jumping up your bed. It was only a dream, wasn't it you thought, sighed in slight disappointment. You wouldn't like to admit it to yourself, but you've been thinking about Tom in a certain way lately.
That only made things worse for you. Because according to you, he would never see you that way. Because the way you saw it, Tom only ever thought of you as a friend.
And so thought he. He was just as disappointed every time he'd dream of the two of you being intimate, romantically, sexually, it didn't matter. He was just as devastated when he woke up. Always went back to sleep hoping those wonderful dreams would go on.
Both of you had a few dreams like those. Some were a whole lot sweeter. Dates together, just the two of you softly making out with the sound of classical music in the background. All of this causing the two of you a bittersweet feeling, thinking that all of this was just hopeless dreams, impossible to come true.
Starry night, you and him, the lake, the full moon shining bright. There's nothing that could ruin this delightful night. It feels like a dream, so much that you even question the reality of what's going on.
"Is this...real?" you ask Tom, not taking your eyes off the sky you so dearly loved. He raised a brow at you, looking at you in a clearly confused expression.
"If it wasn't, we'd be doing more than just stargazing, love" he chuckled, really hoping you'd take it as a joke.
"What would we be doing then, darling?" you question once again, mocking the way he calls you petnames while at it, a visibly evil smile painted on your face.
Tom takes his bottom lip in between his teeth, turning to face his pretty boy. "Do you really want to know, [Y/N]?"
The usage of your name kind of, just a little bit, frightened you. Not in a necessarily bad way, more like in a 'I have no idea what to expect next' way.
"What would you do if I kissed you?" he smirked at you, feeling oddly confident, though your silence and shocked face slowly faded. He was about to mutter apologies 'till you let out a mumble. "I'd like that" you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
"What was that, my prince? Would you kindly repeat that for me?" he told you with a straight face, making you wonder if he truly didn't hear you. If only you knew the amount of pride he felt at that moment, barely four words and his mind wandering to so, so many things he knew the both of you would like.
The shade of your cheeks changed a bit, was it from embarrassment? Or from the idea that he may actually like you back. Either way, you did repeat what you had told him, blushing even harder as there was an ever-growing smile on your face.
Soon enough, Tom sat up, leaned against a tree nearby. Motioning on his lap, he asked you to sit there, and happily you did.
You've never seen him smile like that. He looked at you like you're the only person in the world. His hands firmly on your cheeks, slowly pulling you in.
Your arms instinctively went around his neck, tilting your head to the side in order to deepen the kiss.
Once you pulled away to take a breath, his hands rested on your lower waist, his eyes staring at you lovingly as they always did.
"You know I'm no good with words." you looked at him exactly the way he was looking at you; you were truly each other's everything. "I know, my prince" his hand wandered around his loverboy's hair, soon pulling him in yet another kiss.
He knew he loved you, and now he was sure you loved him too. Only thing is, he wasn't sure how to ask you to take over the world with him, but for now, he was happy with what you had, and so were you.
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