#also I imagined an entire backstory while drawing this
juicedpeachy · 1 year
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mxtx-tober day 4: idol/celebrity
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vaugarde · 3 months
what if i gave castor the same eye scar that bruno has. what then
#me like ‘’im not gonna change his design much i just wanna make it match his new backstory more’’: ‘’MORE MARKS!!!!’’#but ohhhh the symbolism ohhhhhhhh your daddy passed down his trauma to you didnt he!!!!!!!!#echoed voice#question is should his eyebrow be cut…. doesnt really make sense#cause he’d get it before evolving and he didnt have the big eyebrows then#they were shorter#ehhhh actually i can make that work#i think whether of not scars carry over in evolution depends on the pokemon#but for the gligar line specifically im thinking castor has no scars on the red parts#bc im imagining that liiiike. when evolving the exoskeleton splits to reveal the red part?#so the legs and the chestplate are the original external shell while the red shell is newer#so the scars would be on the purple bits. not the red#soooo if castor has a belly scar as a gligar it might not be reflected on him as a gliscor#it might be split a bit between the legs and chestplate? but tbh that seems like a hassle to draw so i wont#tbh i cop out with castors scars… want him to have more but i imagine hes a case where you look closer at him#and you see a looooot more scars up close#the ones that are actually drawn are the big ones that left a ton of damage#buuuuut i wanna add more…. but itd be frustrating to draw them every time i think….#oh also back to ‘’inheriting’’ scars from parents (not literally but symbolically) is castor having a chunk of his right ear torn#when his mother lost the entire ear. do you get me…
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yanaleese · 2 months
Karma with an artist y/n! Like they draw or paint him a lot! His reaction? :D
Hii!! Your story and oc's are so interesting and cool!! (>_<)
AAAAAAAAAAAA tysm!!! I'm glad you like my characters <3333
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I think Karma with an artist MC is a very compatible dynamic! The fact that his love, his Xaxi is drawing him not once - not twice - but a million times?!? Ooh, I can imagine his heart swoon. Whether you give Karma a sticker, a stickman, or just photos of him is enough to make him happy for the rest of the day.
Now I know as artists, we can be very private about our drawings and our drawing space. Well, unfortunately, Karma would be coming in your room every second to check up on you (as an excuse to keep looking at your cute face). But luckily, you can ward him off with (1) cleaning duty (2) less sex/cuddles/quality time (3) less time to pamper you silly! And when I mean "pamper you silly" - I mean serving you breakfast in bed, massaging your feet, and doing pillow fights in the morning!
Also, I can imagine the backstory behind cleaning duty. When he first saw you draw him, he had to be like "huh??? me??? draw??? handsome???" - he was so shocked. And then I can imagine MC asking him to do cleaning duty, and OOP - he couldn't believe how much mess there was in your artspace. After helping you out, he was so disturbed at the amount of crap you had to clean he makes sure that he cops out at the last second. Or if you do really need it, he just does the entire thing; that way, you don't hear him grumble and complain LOL
Another idea I have in mind is him being just as possessive as you with your drawings (if you are). For example, if you want nobody to disturb you, he'll literally create a groupchat or a broadcast list with the entire family to kindly shut up and let you draw in peace with some funny lines LMAO e.g. "guys, Y/N is drawing. Let the genius do their work".
After that, I can imagine him happily putting your drawing all over his socials and EVERYTHING. As soon as you post it, he reblogs, comments, and bombards that art to infinity. Plus, he might auction it and/or hack the system to display your art as ads LOL
Lastly, for the digital artists out there - I can imagine Karma just oogling and staring at your computer while you're getting food or something. Plus, he'll be your body pillow as you draw! So if you fall asleep, you can sleep comfortably and peacefully <3.
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kehideni · 2 months
The time has come... the aroacest person ever will rant about how in LMK Wukong's feelings regarding Macaque were hinted at.
And by hinted at i mean that ultimatelly it can still be platonic but yeah i get why people ship it. I'm grumbling over here like
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so you can think of me as a reluctant shipper. (ugh)
Jesus Christ... how do i even start...
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I guess with readmore because i'm going to talk about the whole entire show so far. Which means Spoilers for Season 5 (and 4... but like that's been out for a year now)
Also before i start, i'm not gonna talk about Macaque's pov in this because he is even more obvious than Wukong and people talk about him all the time. I should know i'm one of them.
S1E9 "Macaque"
First and foremost it's not much, but SWK's reaction to seeing Macaque for the first time in who knows how long is legit suspicious, not because it's anything special but specifically because it's such a toned down reaction. Even if SWK doesn't know that Macaque is supposed to be dead, Mac has been suggested to be at least MIA since their mysterious fight. He wasn't goofing around, he wasn't taking it lightly, but also he didn't take Macaque's appearance with the weight you'd think he should.
Let's just do a little mental gymnastics: In your mind replace SWK with MK and Macaque with Mei. Imagine that Mei has Macaque's backstory and MK has SWK's. Two long time best friends, with a serious fallout, Mei goes MIA and then comes back. Do you think MK would react the same way SWK did in the episode? Obviously not.
Now i know Wukong is rather secretive, exspecially in S1-3(for plot reasons) but the thing is, that DBK was also SWK's friend, a very dear one at that. His reaction to DBK is goofy, light spirited, hardly interferes with the MK vs DBK fight. He wasn't really shush-shush about missing DBK's company. (S2E2 Revenge of the Spider Queen)
In contrast to that, when he finds out Macaque is back he doesn't take it lightly, no goofing off, but also doesn't seem to want to fight Macaque? In this episode all he does is make Mac back off from MK. I guess he wouldn't want to, of course, but yeah had Mac been anyone else, Wukong would be actively working on how to get rid of him. Ie.: Lady Bone Demon or even the Major("how about him? Is he part of your destiny?" bit)
And we do know SWK was holding back, as he wooped Macaque's behind when he was possessed by LBD no problem.
S2E1 "Happy New Year"
SWK: "It's called misdirection."
MK: "Seems like a shady lesson."
SWK: "Too soon, buddy."
It's not really saying much- again-, after all it's just a one liner joke. It's just that no comparable joke was made in any other character's expense. Also the annotation in SWK's voice wasn't really silly. A "can't decide if i'm supposed to smile at the pun or feel sorry for SWK" thing.
(Now while we are ignoring Mac's side of things, rewatching Shadowplay while having S5 knowledge, it's kind of haunting what kind of parallels the show is drawing between MK and Macaque of all things but moving ooooooon~)
In most of Season 3, Wukong is back to his monkey-ing around personality. S3E1 "On the run" he behaves the same way he'd with DBK.
The next of note episode is pretty far off in S3E9 "The king, the prince, and the shadow"
The importance of this scene
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specifically Wukong's expression, is that funnily enough, he believed completely that Macaque was working for LBD, when in truth he was going behind her back the whole time, working towards his own agenda (ie.: freeing himself from her) and also thought he could fool Macaque.
Macaque on the other hand easily read Wukong's intention, something that Nezha fell for completely, that the rings were fake. (Macaque knows Wukong better than Wukong knows Macaque.)
That means, at this point Wukong was convinced that Macaque is a bad guy (something he will mention right at the beginning of Season 5) and still he did not hurt him. He later on almost did, yes, but did not need much convincing from Tang to leave him be.
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"If you hurt that kid, i'll..."
"What? Make things worse for MK?"
*cuts to that scene
Obviously intentional poetic positioning, reflecting Macaque in a position that is suggested to be the "made things worse for him" thing that Mac is referring to. Yadda yadda, had Wukong not killed him the LBD would not have her claws in Macaque right now as she wouldn't have resurrected him. *is still a hella sketchy story with holes and i don't intend to make Wukong out to be the bad guy, i'm working with what the show is er... showing us/telling us* !Which is fine!!! The story is on going!!! They choose to tell it as teeth-pullingly slow as possible for plot convenience! Sit down, we all know the truth will be far more nuanced than it was presented in S3
But to get back to Wukong's pov, if you notice, after he hears that Macaque is not loyal to the LBD he tries to tell him that he has a plan, one- presumably (if Mac would have listened) -Wukong would have involved him in. Possibly even help him get free from LBD.
Next in line would be the parallel drawn between Mei and Macaque
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Wukong was impulsive way back then and now, hurting "those that care about you the most" But yeah... Macaque's line is also incriminating "She's completely out of control, if there's a time to go it is now."
MK countering it that- paraphrasing now but -"bruh that's not really a punk rock thing to do." Possible reason for ^ that cut to Wukong's reaction is that Macaque's line opened up some scars. Hearing that he'd abandon you when things go wrong is very much the first wound that SWK and Macaque suffered in their friendship (from Wukong's side, again imma just ignore Macaque's side in this post but so help me if anyone goes on a comment rampage about how Macaque is truely a piece of shit i will just tell you to go watch the whole series again because whole ass plotlines and characterDEVELOPMENTS fly right by you)
Nezha: "She controlled the fire? This is impossible."
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^ Wukong getting a front row seat view of what could have been had they not given up on each other with Macaque.
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"Mei was right, i need to stop dragging you into my fights."
ehm... you guys hear it too i'm sure, but we will get to that later
(On a slight tangent... actually i do recommend a rewatch of the show because LBD's lines get so much more meaning. Macaque specifically gets added to the destiny speech all the time, which is funny considering he should know all about destiny and he is the most againts the idea of a destiny existing, Macaque refuses his own powers???And i do believe Macaque has his future-knowing powers because he has reaction time to things that didn't even start happening yet such as LBD throwing the girl away, hiding from Azure and co. when he shouldn't have known they are free, etc.)
On another cute little side note, Nezha said Wukong is not a loner, no matter how much he seems to be.
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Lookit that happy smile, fighting along side all his fwiends awww, go you funky little monkey man
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This ending scene for it's few seconds is packed with things to point out. "I hate that guy so much, always acting like he's so cool." Literally no one ever said that or thought that Wukong. That was your take on Macaque's behavior. When i first saw that scene my thought was that "Yeah if i were Macaque i'd have left too."
Or even this gag bit can suggest Wukong being out of balance once Macaque leaves.
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Stress eating...
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Season 4 goes a bit more into detail concerning Wukong's issues
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"Forever is a long time bud, trust me." Shows two monkeys hanging around, eating fruit, doing whatever they want.
So the scroll gets opened, and in no practicular order characters are shown that Wukong feels guilty about, looks properly sad when they show. The stress lines around his eyes start showing after Macaque is shown
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Flashback scene, kinda is a thing in season 4 that Wukong is much more physically affectionate than Macaque
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not gonna do more screenshots because i could literally just post the clip but the thing that we can take away from these is that Wukong insisted on including Macaque
"You're really going through with this?"
"Correction, WE are going through with this." i'm choosing to take it as a tie back to Nezha's line of Wukong not liking being alone.
Much of the brotherhood doesn't seem to actually care for Macaque and Macaque seems to not care for the brotherhood either. And Peng isn't even our first clue for this, since DBK and Macaque have been around since Season 1 and they have yet to interact with each other, eventhough they are sworn brothers too. Azure Lion and Yellow Tusk if name drop Macaque once the whole season, and Peng is the most vocal about their dislike/hatered of Macaque. (Also when the scroll wants to traumatise Azure it only uses Peng and Yellow Tusk)
You can headcanon that Macaque joined the brotherhood only because Wukong is there, but also it's not really a stretch to think that it was actually Wukong that wanted Macaque in the brotherhood and Macaque just agreed to join because Wukong insisted. Either and both can be true.
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I just posted this screenshot because Wukong's face made me laugh.
Wukong being the only one paying attention to Macaque's thoughts and feelings, even if ultimately he brushes them under the rug. (Which says more about the brotherhood than Wukong actually...because the brotherhood just about ignored Macaque completely. Wukong paid attention but ya know... big plans and big dreams require big actions)
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His speech is a nice promise, but the annotation is on "like we always wanted". The whole quote going: "Relax bud, when this is over we'll be back here basking in the Sun, getting fat on fruit for the rest of ... well forever!! Like we always wanted."
Since it's a conversation with only Wukong and Macaque in the shot, we as the audience are clued in that it was specifically the dream of those two, not the whole brotherhood.
Btw rewatching the episode, Azure says Wukong had the habit of keeping people at arm's lenght, like bruh that's a straight on lie.
(lmao that Tang joke with the water :'D not thirsty, Tang?)
Now Azure when talking with MK, showing him select few scenes to make himself look the victim says one thing. That Wukong imprisoned them. Did not kill, imprison.
I said this before, i will say it here too. Why would Wukong, who is closest to Macaque from the brotherhood, imprison everyone else, but specifically kill Macaque? Nah ah, i'm pretty sure that was not how it went down. But that's a to be cleared thing for season 6 hopefully.
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As.... hilarious as this picture is, it's kinda proof of Wukong's sentimentality.
Finally i arrive at S4E11 A lifetime of mistakes
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Nothing much to say about this scene, it speaks for itself.
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"Everything i did was for us!" This sentence alone means Wukong's fear of death extended to Macaque. Macaque said that Wukong feared death more than anything which is true, but whenever Wukong talked about his goals the emphasis was on them together spending forever with whatever they wanted.
Third time reminding you of Nezha's statement, that Wukong is not a loner. Something that Azure flat out lied about, telling MK that Wukong kept them at arm's lenght.
It's 2+2 guys... spending eternity alone is boring as fk, of course you need a buddy. And a buddy just as immortal as you, since we know the heartbreak that comes with an immortal - mortal friendship. To the mortal that friendship is for lifetime, to that immortal it's just a small chapter of their lives. Wukong really DID do everything for Macaque, but well... he went overboard, like MK said. He could have stopped right here, he already had his wish:
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They already were sitting in the sun, eating fruit and doing whatever they wanted.
But now look at thoooose stress lines
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While the show doesn't even suggest what Wukong's full punishment was -because let's keep it PG it is still a kids show- Wukong also just lost his best friend.
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In Season 4 peaches were the symbol of their friendship, something that Wukong -probably just out of sheer anger- rejected from Macaque in this scene, only for Macaque to crush said peach in answer and throw it away. My guys, this was an ugly UGLY divorce. Thing is that had cooler heads prevailed, they probably wouldn't have had this fight here. It's dressed up as a gag line, but Wukong says he really wanted that peach.
In the scroll MK and Macaque follow the memories that Wukong punched himself through, trying to find some good ones AKA memories with MK. Wukong saw this memory too, which was the last memory before MK and Mac found Wukong.
After seeing this memory and deciding to escape it he stopped in the next one. Meaning this memory is the freshest Wukong is thinking about.
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"I just wanted to protect the people i care about." *camera angles to Macaque.
MK then quotes Wukong saying that maybe they can't fix everything, but they just have to leave it better than they found it. That's just another way to say "fix" btw... and he looks to Macaque, because that's what he wants to fix most.
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Well he has an eternity to do it.
He was legit asking permission from Macaque here, idk what for if you are the Monkey King you don't need permission, right?
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Next episode "The Plan man" starts with something i already said:
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Wukong is looking for Macaque when he notices he is not in the heroic pose with the rest of them. Showing once again, where Wukong's priority laid. He needs to make sure he still has his buddy by him. Kinda going into Sun Mumkong mode, embarassing Macaque:
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Do note, Wukong verbally said he wanted all of them to have the "happily ever after" but before that talk with Azure, Macaque was emphasized.
And the thing is, at first i thought, surely i'm reading far too much into this, but this weird Macaque-prioritising will appear in Season 5 too. We will get to that.
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This was Wukong's wish, to not be alone.
Anyways, show uppy "tsundere" way of expressing, that he is happy Mac is there.
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Like i said, peaches in season 4 were a metaphor for their friendship. Handing Mac a peach ice cream is kinda his way of saying "friends?" but maybe in a different way. The "try again" button in the game if you will.
Season 5 however hooo boi...
I ran out of pictures/post so i'll have to make a part 2, which will be season 5.
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nvmbersix · 6 months
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lengthy hc stuff under read more <3 a lot of it is also based on my own little bit of rewriting of mcsm's story bcz lets be real its not The Greatest, but it is a fun story nonetheless and i wanna play with it,,
i'm not sure if it was ever established that they canonically live in the city where endercon takes place or they live somewhere on the outskirts of it, but for my personal hc, i imagine they live on the outskirts of endercon's city :]
axel and jesse are both orphans who grew up together, though while axel was born in their hometown, jesse just showed up out of nowhere with reuben. jesse's earliest memory is meeting his bestie by a water fall, but beyond that, he doesn't really remember anything about his own past.
the two of them met olivia when they found her getting bullied by adrien and his friends. they both stood up for her and soon after that, they all ended up being friends - she didn't hail from their hometown either, having actually moved there and was considered an outsider by most people (adrien and his friends especially), so jesse related to her a lot right off the bat
i wanna write more regarding the threes relationship with the order, petra and the ocelots, specifically lukas, but i think i'll wait until i draw them (which might take weeks. or months. we'll see..)
some character centric (cz the other one is backstory centric) hcs:
jesse thinks he's the same height as olivia. he's not. he's the shortest out of the entire group. he denies this reality with all his (tiny) being.
while jesse uses he/him pronouns he's not actually comfortable being referred to solely as a man. he doesn't have a label for it but he feels like he's a lot more flexible than that. he's honestly pretty okay with any pronouns, axel has used they/them and she/her for him in the past, which he really liked
olivia is #1 woman enjoyer worlds biggest lesbian. i loved the idea of her having a small crush on petra, and a BIG puppy crush on ellegard (which died into a normal admiration for an idol after the wither arc). i want to give olivia a girlfriend in s2,, i also think i want to make her transfem, because transfem olivia is so good and she reminds me of some of my transfem friends,,
axel never gives me the vibes that he'd care about romance or anything like that, so i thought of him being aromantic, maybe even asexual? i think he has a very queerplatonic relationship with his friends, specifically jesse and petra :] i also love the idea of him using he/they pronouns. axel's fine with being called a man, but they kinda wanna get silly with it sometimes, yakno?
again i wanna write so much more but this has already taken me like, 30 minutes?? soo i'll just end that here for now hsgjhsgse
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factual-fantasy · 7 months
23 ASKS! :D Thanks ya'll!🎂
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(Post in question)
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Now the only cool detail that you missed/I'd like to point out about the clones is.. they don't cast a shadow.. 👀
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I have a vague memory of them.. I haven't seen their characters in a while- I imagine I still like them tho :0
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Thank you! Though sorry, I don't take drawing requests. And that sounds like its intended to be in a romantic light.. I don't dabble with ships, Sorry! <:/
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AAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DD As for her growing power, I honestly don't know if it should be magical or not. Are there cookies in the game that can change size but its only due to magic?? I don't know-- I pictured it being something that she can just do and always could have. Idk if it would fit the games better if it was due to magic- I have no idea <XDD Sorry!
As for the Vegimals, I do intend to keep the original story. :0 Some strange eggs showed up in the side of the ship and boom! Out popped the Vegimals XDD
I'm sure the crew has done a lot to try and figure out what they are or where they came from. But there are some mysteries that just cannot be solved.. 😔
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(Post in question)
:DD THANK YOU! I'm so glad you like her! :}}}
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That's exactly what I'm trying to figure out <XDD but you're right about the found family idea! :D
So for the backstories, so far I have a few vague ideas..
Seafoam met Octo when he was like.. 10 years old..?? and Octo was like 2 or something- they grew up together as best friends and have been together their entire lives.
Now when they were teens/young adults, before they got their ship.. they worked in a local restaurant. Where they met Ellie. She was one of the cooks there. She loved to cook but she hated her job and hated her life. The only people who ever treated her with respect was Seafoam and Octo. So when they finally got their ship and were on their way to live out their pirate dream. Ellie went with them, and became their first crewmate.
Now for Louis I was thinking that he was really down on his luck when he met the crew. He had no friends, no family.. he lost his house, his job.. heck, his arm. Everything. I'm imagining him as some homeless person that the crew stumbled upon while they were passing by a fishing village of some kind. Somehow he joined the crew and became their fourth crewmate. Not sure how it happened but that's the idea-
Now the story for Blue is that when it was just the first 4 crewmates, their ship was out at sea and they hit a crazy storm. Their ship was a vessel meant for at least like 10 people, not 4. So when this storm hit there just wasn't enough hands on deck to control the ship. They needed to do this with the sails and do this over here and do that to stabilize it but they just couldn't keep up. Thankfully though its around that time that Blue was passing through and saw this ship clearly struggling against the storm. So out of the kindness of her heart she stuck with the ship and kept it balanced/afloat. Eventually guiding it to calmer waters and meeting the crew.
Seafoam was endlessly grateful for her help and thanked her. I think Blue wasn't used to people speaking so kindly to her.. so for a while she sheepishly followed the ship around and eventually just became an official member of the crew.
Now for the rest of the crew I don't really have an order in mind.. though I think Red was the most recent addition to the crew. Speaking of him- Red is Seafoam's great nephew. I haven't figured out the details but some kind of tragedy happened that took the life of him mom, and everyone else on his ship. Seafoam wasn't very connected to his sister or the family that she built. But he somehow heard about this disaster and got a hold of Red and took him aboard his crew.
There's also Pinwheel. I'm thiiiinking that they found her adrift at sea when she was like... 14..? And Seafoam really took her under his wing. He basically raised her. Her grim backstory before being lost at sea is still development-
Uhhh who else.. Oh! Cuttlefish. She was an experienced pirate from another crew that some how got stuck with Seafoam and his crew for a time. By the time she was able to leave, she decided to stick around becuase she really liked these people. I'm still working out the details-
As for Urchin, Coco, Tuna and Spidercrab though... aggghh I got nothin. I'm thinking that Coco was a stowaway..? And Tuna has clearly been through a lot. But their stories still need some time to develop 💔💔
(Also thank you for taking interest in my OCs! Its means a lot :}}} )
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My good man I have done nothing but rest/sleep/hydrate/sit around for the past several weeks- 😭 If I rested anymore I'd be in a coma 💔💀
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But have you considered, c h i c k e n
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I don't intend to.. that just feels like a lot of work to get into- 😖
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Oooo that sounds like a good character to take some inspiration from! :D
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I'm goin through a very hard time atm but I'm doing my best!
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@astaherussy (Post in question)
That is a TASTY prompt! 😋 Though I see it more likely that these things all happen separately as opposed to all at once. And I'm particularly interested in the first part of the prompt, since I haven't given Marsh much angst yet.. 👀👀
Marsh having a dream about his late wife.. and it just starts him off on the wrong foot that day. He seems more tired and gloomy than usual. But only Natquik picks up on it at first. Natquik might ask him how he's doing and Marsh says he's fine. Natquik isn't convinced but takes that as an "I don't wanna talk about it.." So he'd drop the subject.
But he could still try to do things to make Marsh feel better. Knowing that clearly he seems unwell today. Natquik would put in some extra work to help out around the swamp and pick up a lot of the tasks for Marsh. Just to give him some time to rest from what ever he's dealing with.
Later on that day, maybe at night time when Jack has already crashed for the night. Marsh could talk to Natquik and thank him for all his help. In which.. he might open up a bit. He could talk about the dream he had. "Its been years.. but it still hurts just as much as it did all that time ago." Natquik would be sympathetic. "I've lost those I love too.. it is hard to feel ok with it. I understand." They could talk, a few tears shed. But in the end Marsh feels like a weight has been lifted somewhat. It felt good to share his pain with someone..
alSO WAAAGH THANK YOU!! :DD I'm so happy to hear that you look forward to these posts! They take many hours to make sometimes <XDD
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I have not, but a "happy" cartoon world corrupted with angst?? Color me interested! 👀👀
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XDD Oh man, that would be spooky for sure! Though I worry about the stress that would put on his neck <XD Having to hold the weight of his entire body-
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I'm hanging in there as best I can, thank you for asking. <XD.. As for how I got into drawing, I'm not sure.. I've been drawing for as long as I can remember. I'm not sure what originally inspired me or got me started drawing. Though some of my oldest drawings are Sonic drawings, mostly Tails.. maybe that's what started it..? :0
And as for my style, that's hard to say too. I just draw what ever is easiest. Plus a lot of the shows/games/movies I like/draw are very cartoony. That's probably where my style comes from. :0
And My Little Pony? I have a lot of friends that are into it! But I myself have not watched it. Though I've heard that the story is actually a lot darker than people think.. 👀.. plus all the redesigns of the mane 6 look super fun! I've considered getting into it for sure.
Keeping up with another show though just feels like a lot of work rn.. 😔
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@jesterpiecethejester (Post in question)
XD To be honest that drawing might be the brightest he can go. Any brighter and his coat would just be completely white XD
..Actually, imagining the foam and the coat kind'a fusing together and becoming this completely white fluffy coat with a long glowy cloudy train... Jester my good fellow you have given me a very good drawing idea 👀👀👀
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OOOO THIS MAKES ME THINK!! What kind of cookies would they be??? Of course there's the obvious "Polar bear cookie" and "Penguin cookie". But actually, like a food or a theme separate from the species of the character. What would they be??
My first thought is Tweak being a carrot cookie. <XD Kind'a plain but its a start.. Would Kwazii be a pirate stew cookie?? Or just "Pirate cat cookie"? Hmm.. would one of them be based on fish biscuits?? XDD
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OHHHH I SEE XDD Yeah that's a good idea! There's been a lot of times where I really want to finish a drawing and I'm excited to get it done! Buuuuut the drive kind'a dwindles and I start to slow down.. Taking a 5-10 minute break to doodle something else might be just the fix I need! :D
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XD I'm not familiar with this meme unfortunately-
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Uhg,, always a shame to see. Thank you for letting me know :(
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Such a pwebby kitty 💖💖💖
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stardustedseas · 22 days
sfw lemurian form rafayel hcs, mainly about his aquarium thing under his home
i think i wanna draw a vuage blueprint of his water area as well as his size compared to a person and add it in a reblog so i can keep track of my hcs because i have the memory of a goldfish. this is also pretty canon divergent, youre referenced to be his bodyguard still once and a vuage comment that he knew you in the past and shit happened but otherwise its pretty open ended and you can imagine any backstory if anyone reads this and would like lmao
-he has a huge ass tank of water with sand, rocks and shit at the bottom like the ocean where he can rest under his home while in his merform if he cant/doesnt want to go to the open sea. its almost the size of his entire mansion with the water almost to the top of the ceiling, just enough room for you to go up the stairs leading to a platform where you get in. it has state of the art equipment to keep the water flowing, clean, and the perfect temp too as well as low lighting, theres also a litte area where you can look through the glass wall like an aquarium, he loves when you come over and press your hands and face to the glass like an excited kid hoping to get a glimps of him, he thinks its the cutest shit ever and will tease you for it but will be devastated if you stop
-speaking of, he likes to show off while you watch either though the glass or from the platform, doing pretty swim tricks and moves, especially if it shows how beautiful and strong his tail is. he says youre like an excited little kid seeing him (you are) but hes the one going 'bodyguard, look at this!' and doing a spin in the water LMFAO he so lame i love him sm
-he loves when you join him in the tank so much, just cuddling in the soft sand or on a smooth rock, your body resting on his bigger ones chest as he wraps his arms around you to keep you from falling/floating off with the man-made current inside. he will also curl his tail up to wrap around you sometimes. you two usually just cuddle or sleep in there since you cant swim fast enough to keep up with him or anything, but he does enjoy when you lay on his chest again and he slowly floats with the current, talking about your days or bullying eachother
-he used to have other aquatic animals in there with him but cut back when you kept paying attention to them instead of him lmao he got jealous and tossed(gently and properly released) them back into the ocean. now theres a lot fewer animals, mainly ones that help keep the waters ecosystem healthy. there are two bonded turtles that you named after rafayel and yourself (raffy jr and y/n jr) that he just cant bring himself to get rid of tho lmao you called them yalls kids and now he finds himself bringing them special snacks and making sure theyre perfectly healthy and happy, the big sap
-idk about yall but if that was me i would also take the opportunity to bully him, bringing like an apple or something and when he comes to the surface to greet you, hold out the slices and tell him to do a trick like you would a dolphin or seal. he grabs you by the leg and yanks you into the water for this. (never keep any non waterproof items on you when near the tank btw) he says that he should drown you like sirens in tales of old for this too, he is a mighty lemurian, not some stupid fish at a zoo for you to make do tricks (he is all bark and no bite, just huffy you teased him like that)
-if you dont feel like fully getting in the water, you can just sit on the platform while he rests his arms on it to keep his upper body out of the water so you can chat and kiss. be warned that if you have your legs in the water he will grab them to scare you lmfao but he will also lay his head on your lap, not caring if he gets your pants wet, just pet his hair dammit. he likes when you dont wear clothes when you visit, not even just for a sexual reasons but so when he lays his head on your legs, he can feel your skin against his cheek plus they dont get wet
-he also likes it because it feels more natural, yk? you dont wear lots of thick clothes underwater after all. if you are fully naked he would be over the moon (and flustered) but if you just have swim clothes on hes happy too, especially if you model them to look like lemurians did </3
-he def makes you traditional lemurian jewlery with sea shells and rocks and such, as well as ones that fit your style/culture :3 and you have to wear them at least everytime youre in the water with him! or he will die! even better if you wear them all the time tho
-sometimes he gets kinda melancholic, it reminds him of when you first met all those years ago and everything that has transpired since...but he tries not to dwell on it long, just glad that you two are together again now and happy. if you see him seem mopey for seemingly no reason, pls wrap yourself around his tail and bite him, it will help draw him from his sadder thoughts and into the present moment
-when he does go into the ocean he is a lot more cautious bringing you, especially if you arent the strongest swimmer(yes he bullies you for that too) he makes sure to always keep you close, preferably holding you at all times. he loves to show you his favorite things underwater though, like a group of pretty coral, some cool fish he saw hanging around, or even a cave he has claimed as his hideout
-since the ocean isnt as controlled as his tank, he makes sure you don't spend too long in there and have the proper equipment like swimming shoes and protective glasses, even if you can breath underwater, that doesnt mean the salt wont burn your eyes or you wont cut your foot on a sharp rock
-all in all he loves to be in his natural form and be with you :)
im probs gonna do another post where i go more into depth on what he looks like and shit, but for now i will just put the height thing and then add it again to the next post later. if you read this far, thank you! i hope you enjoyed :) im really just throwing my ideas out there to get them off my brain but if someone else can enjoy it, im happy!
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cursedvibes · 4 months
Takaba, Higuruma, or Kashimo for the character ask!
Sorry this took a while, but here we go!
favourite thing about them
I like that he's generally a good person, but also a bit morbid you could say. He doesn't want to kill or draw blood, but he's entirely fine with someone he likes doing it and doesn't shy away from getting violent if he needs to. Like kicking Hazenoki around or running Kenjaku over with a car or jet-ski is fine as long as there's not too much damage or blood. He was for example also in favour of killing the American soldiers because they could become a danger to them. He's also quick to forgive people for attacking him like in Hazenoki's case and with Kenjaku, where he tried to become friends with them. I love his overactive imagination, which makes his cursed technique so incredibly effective and gave us one of the best fights in the series (amplified by him having someone who played into his fantasies and sense of humour and expanded on it). I also really like his backstory. It's very realistic and something many people can emphasize with, I think. Also I like how he actually had serious problems with getting along with people and could get quite rough with them, it's very different from how we first get to know him. Gives him a more multi-layered personality. I hope he'll manage to improve his comedy carrier once all of this is over. Although I wonder how he will find a new partner and how losing the last good one he had will affect him, since he has already lost so many before.
least favourite thing about them
Don't really have any. I didn't pay much attention to him initially, although his introduction and the haunting look he had there always fascinated me, but I never really disliked him.
favourite line
"Marry me and be my Wi-fi!" (such a unique translation that even Japanese fans picked up on it and love it)
"Until when? Until I've done everything I think is interesting/funny."
"I had more and more friends, but could I ever find a partner?"
"I was trying to protect myself, so I just went with the interpretation that gave me the easy way out. I stopped confronting the idea of being a real comedian. I don't know when it happened, but I stopped taking comedy seriously. Because I didn't want to hurt myself any more."
"I will make you laugh so hard, you puke up your guts! That's my brand of comedy!"
Hazenoki. I love how he saw Hazenoki through around his body parts and his attempted murder and was like "friend-shaped!" "we should team up!". He was even upset at seeing his corpse (although he got over that quite fast and certainly didn't blame Kenjaku for it). I wish they would've hung out together a bit more and that we saw more of them in the Culling Game and building some reluctant friendship. Hazenoki just lost a friend as well, Takaba could've given him some much needed company.
Pinchan! Actually quite similar to how Hazenoki and Takaba started out, except that Kenjaku and Takaba actually hit it off. Just like with Hazenoki, Takaba gets attacked, defends himself and then nags that person into going along with what he wants and building a reluctant bond. That other person just lost a friend and is feeling a bit aimless at the moment and is looking for company. Both of them end up losing their head in the end, leaving Takaba to find it. Except it went much better with Kenjaku, they actually formed a real bond and Kenjaku let themselves get swept along by Takaba, he actually managed to get through to them and found the partner he'd been looking for. Merely, the end is the same. But at least Takaba managed to leave a lasting impression on Kenjaku.
random headcanon
He's quite involved in the queer community and has experience with drag. Contrary to his idol Centerman he doesn't tug, but I'm sure he could if he wanted to and he's no stranger to dresses and makeup.
unpopular opinion
I don't think he's stupid or an airhead who's entirely removed from reality. His backstory and life right up until the Culling Game show that, he just likes to overplay it because he wants people to like him and in experience that worked best when he played the fool. However, he's much more relaxed when he's allowed to take on the role of a straightman and let his true personality shine. Also, I hope he doesn't stick around much with the main group. Most of them don't really see him for who he is, take him seriously and see him more as a distraction who can sometimes be helpful/useful to them. Yuuji and maybe Hana are the exception, but the rest don't really care about him and for the most part just think he's weird and want nothing to do with him. He can find better people than that. Go back to Ken-san for example and start over.
Also he's hot.
song i associate with them
Glass Animals - Toes Particularly for the lyrics: "I’m a man, I’m a twisted fool" "I'm crooked but upright" "And all I ever want is just a little love, I said in purrs under the palms, And all I ever want is breaking me apart, I said to the thing that I once was"
Alphaville - Forever Young Vibe of the whole Baka Survivor arc, but particularly ch 243...
favourite picture of them
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favourite thing about them
His bond with Yuuji and all the self-hatred and self-realization that comes with it. Yuuji makes him confront the parts of him he hates and also embrace his best qualities. Might be macabre, but I like them bonding over their guilt and suicidality. Besides that, I like that he isn't a born sorcerer and you can tell by his body and the way he fights. He's still quite athletic for your average lawyer, but he's not that physically strong, makes up a lot of it with cursed energy, he doesn't have as much stamina and relies more on his weapons and domain to avoid long fights. I'm so glad Gege didn't draw him shirtless and inevitably gave him a six pack that way.
least favourite thing about them
Don't really have anything I dislike about him. I wish his death had more of an impact though and stayed a bit longer in everyone's consciousness. I know this is the middle of a high-stakes fight, but if you compare it with Choso's death for example, it was brushed past very quickly.
favourite line
"I'm a man who has abandoned and been abandoned by the law. 'd like to be the one to punish myself in the end. It's just like you say. I think I should play my role to its completion and die in this fight."
"I've become someone who can't even look you in the eye anymore."
"I'd likely end up hating myself even more than I do now, if I were to stay by your side."
"All people are flawed and hideous. But at that time, at least until then, I believed this impurity that's not present in other organisms is something that should be cherished."
Yuuji, for the reasons listed in "favourite thing".
I don't really have one for him. I generally don't really ship him.
Again, haven't really seen a ship with him I don't like.
random headcanon
He doesn't eat very healthy, mostly instant food like ramen that's easy to eat while he's working. Or maybe he buys a bento at a street corner, but nothing that would be all that sufficient on it's own. And he tends to eat the same food or buy the same type of bento out of habit and doesn't think much about variety or nutrition.
unpopular opinion
I don't think his relationship with Kusakabe was all that deep. Like they're not a NOTP or anything, but I think people overemphasize Kusakabe's one sentence about risking his life.
song i associate with them
Couldn't really find one that fits.
favourite picture of them
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favourite thing about them
They're a very fun, chaotic antagonist and I really like the two fights we got with them. The one with Hakari was super entertaining and had that type of eccentricity we otherwise only got in Baka Survivor and some of Mahito's fights. Love how gorey Kashimo is when fighting. Just ripping chunks out of Hakari, skinning his face, dismembering Panda, the battlefield we see in the past...that was some good fucking gore. Currently, we also get a lot of blood with people losing some body parts, bleeding all over the floor or Yuuji clawing into Sukuna's chest, but it doesn't quite measure up to what Kashimo brought to the table. It's not as viscous, you don't really see bones and intestines. They were also really innovative and surprisingly adaptive to such a modern technique as Hakari's. That battle had some good tactics. In my opinion their fight with Sukuna was also one of the best he had since switching vessels. It wasn't as technically impressive as Hakari's, but it gave us some very interesting lore about the Heian era and I think Kashimo's approach to the whole love topic was the most interesting because it felt more like an actual conversation where both parties listened to each other. They didn't end up agreeing, but the afterlife scene was really nice.
least favourite thing about them
Hm, they're not a very deep character, but I don't really mind that. Works well for them and I think their final fight also wasn't too short. Maybe half a chapter more would've been nice, but I think the pacing was good and I didn't feel like I was missing anything major. Better than unnecessarily dragging out fights...like the one that came right before... So yeah, nothing really to complain.
favourite line
"So if I can get out of this in 4 minutes and 11 seconds, I win. But that's what a small fry would think. Turn up the music and prepare your living funeral!"
Hakari and to a degree also Kirara. They should've adopted Kashimo like a feral cat. It only makes sense. Hakari really knows how to bond with genderqueer people. There must be something about him that's like catnip to them. But I can understand it. Him and Kashimo had a lot of fun and fighting someone who is basically indestructible is basically Kashimo's dream scenario right after dying to Sukuna. Wish they would've learned something Hakari and Kirara's mindset, saw that there are actually people they could bond with right under their nose and that their loneliness is entirely self-imposed. They could've really spiced up the fight club. But alas.
Kenjaku. I like Kenjaku constantly showing up throughout their life and trying to wind them down to sell their soul to them. Like Mephistopheles and Faust. And the choice of their body when we see them together was no coincidence either I assume. Someone who's weak, so Kashimo would have no interest in fighting them, but young and seemingly healthy, showing Kashimo what they've lost and what they could gain back by making a deal with them. Also, they just look hot together.
I like Kashimo/Sukuna too, although more as fuckbuddies, I don't see them becoming anything more than that or either of them having interest in a long-term relationship. Kashimo's more emotionally invested, but I think with all that baggage about loneliness and love they'd have more interest in keeping it purely physical. Probably wouldn't know how to approach anything else.
Haven't really seen a ship I don't like.
random headcanon
Kashimo seems to like animals, so I like to imagine them feeding stray cats back in the day and having a bunch of them who'd follow them around or show up at certain times to get treats. Maybe even did the same during the Culling Game. Kashimo asked Panda what he was doing there, when believing he was just a regular animal, so they definitely talk to any random animal they pass on the road.
unpopular opinion
Kashimo isn't a man. In Japanese Kashimo never once gets gendered and the official English translation for once is actually very faithful in that regard, so all the assumptions about Kashimo's gender are really only based on what they looked like in the past.
song i associate with them
Clarence Clarity - One Hand Washes The Other Kashimo and Sukuna. I feel the music also fits with Kashimo's electric powers and unstable mind.
favourite picture of them
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Rope MF is one of the best Kirby OCs I’ve seen in a while. I love how he simultaneously is silly but also not a joke.
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I can’t tell if you actually mean it or if it’s a joke that’s flying over my head, but thank you!!!
Focusing on the topic:
He is no joke, my guy swings on rope 24 hours a few days a week. Like I said in my previous post, probably have a crazy sleeper build.
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Like if Bandana Waddle Dee was able to crack the planet at the beginning of his career, just imagine what Rope MF could do
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Going into Rope MF origins when being created:
It’s funny you say that their not a joke because originally that what they were!
Rope MF was a joke character in a game concept I had where Kirby, King Dedede, and Meta Knight were all captured and Bandana Dee had to save the day.
It would’ve been a turned-based rpg where you had different waddle dees to join your party and Rope MF was one of them. Because while I was looking at the different types of waddle dees I just found it funny that swinging waddle dee was a type of waddle dee. Rope MF would’ve been one of the weakest member of your party because all he had was a rope, and you can’t do much with that. But then I grew fond of the idea of if you had him in your party the whole time, and if you complete his side quests he’d be one of your most powerful asset (imagine Terry from Lisa the Painful).
This was the first ever drawing of them:
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This was the second drawing when Bandana Dee completes his arc of not being ashamed of being a waddle dee. He then goes on an entire rant about how each Waddle Dee was special, and I included Rope MF because I thought it was funny:
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I lowkey became attached to Rope MF and decided to make them their own character backstory and all, but they’re mainly here to explain their love of ropes
Here’s a little bonus comic of the aftermath of the Megaton Punch:
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Rope MF never changes and I love him for it
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goddess-of-birds · 3 days
HERE IS THE PROMISED LAURYA ART (ft some with @ishani-khera)
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Here are just some doodles I made for Mermay! Laurya's the fastest mermaid around.
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I got bored one day. Laurya loves sitting in this window in the library while it's raining.
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Laurya in her battle gear! I might redraw this one soon.
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Another one I'll probably redraw, but I love her dress design!
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My first piece ft. Ishani! This one was so fun to make, I love it so much.
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My second piece with Ishani! I love this piece SO MUCH. It was my first time using my own alcohol markers, and I'm in love with how it turned out.
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This is how I imagined Laurya's return before I really knew what I would do. I call this one "back from the dead"
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Another Ishani piece! It's Laurya and Ishani's first meeting, and I love it a lot. I might redraw it though, purely because I did a bad job on Laurya's wings.
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WINGS. WINGS WINGS WINGS. This was back when I was amid my wing hyperfixation. I use this mostly as a reference when drawing Laurya flying (fun fact- this piece also drained both my black and my blue-gray markers almost entirely)
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Here's a Bio page for Laurya's character, made for a 30-day OC drawing challenge. It was while writing this that I realized how much tragic is in Laurya's backstory lol.
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I'm not a huge fan of this piece, but I'll put it here anyway. Laurya loves strawberry tarts! The prompt was "eating favorite food".
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This was my first time drawing a close-up of Laurya's face, and I absolutely love it. It came out exactly how she looked in my brain. The prompt was "color portrait"
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Just some silly guys! This is the first one ft. Loki. Laurya and Loki thought that the other person was just SO COOL, so they decided to cosplay as each other. I loved drawing the armor from Avengers, it was so much fun! The prompt was "cosplay as favorite character".
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A quick little sketch of Laurya practicing her archery. She likes knives, but a bow is a great weapon as well. The prompt was "15-minute sketch"
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The prompt was "evening wear" and I said "ahahaHAHAHA-"
In reality, Laurya would hate this, but shhhh, we don't talk about that
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She is SO SLEEP DEPRIVED but she has to FINISH THESE BOOKS. The prompt was "sleepy/tired".
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I thought if Laurya played any sport it'd be tennis (also because tennis is a sport I actually know some stuff about). The prompt was "playing a sport".
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Laurya loves COMMON GRACKLES (my irl sister's favorite animal is a common grackle lol). The prompt was "with favorite animal*.
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She is DONE WITH PEOPLE. She loves Midgard, she loves everyone there, but GODS they're ANNOYING sometimes. The prompt was "casual clothes".
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Laurya likes to swim, but only if she has her bracelet that hides her wings on. That way they don't get sopping wet. The prompt was "swimming/at the beach".
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Laurya in a big, fluffy onesie of a tropical bird! If I had done better on this, it would be great. Tthe prompt was "Onesie of favorite animal".
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My first actual drawing of her flying, and I LOVE IT SO MUCH. The prompt was "during their favorite season"
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The most recent piece ft. Ishani! This is Laurya's return when Ishani is pissed off about Laurya disappearing and Laurya's just really sad.
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Laurya and Loki are trying to look through her apartment storage and Loki finds his old hemet. His face says "Was I really so weird?" I've always wanted to make art that looks like Snapchat posts lol.
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The last one, the most recent, and by far the angstiest! Laurya breaks while visiting her old friend's grave in 1987, but he's right there. He doesn't want her to be so sad because of him, because of his fleeting life that ended too soon. Inspired by "In The Stars" by Benson Boone (I have some of the lyrics on there)
That's all for now, everyone!
I have a challenge.
If someone can figure out the 30-day OC challenge thing I'm using, I'll make a drawing for them of whatever they want (As long as it's not weird, I'm a minor y'all)
Put it in my asks if you find it!
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cabe0512 · 9 days
I'm not exactly good with drawing digital art but...
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These are my versions of Shaft and Tera for my Nocturne rewrite, now retitled "The Rondo of Blood". While I am discarding much of Nocturne's entire storyline, there are a few spades from that which remain in the rewrite. Among these is that Tera (now Teranova Renard) and Shaft (formerly Enoch Laforeze) are the parents of Maria Renard.
Although I would lament that Tera will have a much smaller role compared to her Nocturne counterpart (as she appears only in flashbacks), much of her character traits (and that of Edouard, who also doesn't appear much in the rewrite) are transferred to Annette de Winter (who is more in line with her game counterpart with a few major liberties; she's now a French alchemist who is a confidant of Richter Belmont as well as the older cousin of Maria Renard).
Unlike Nocturne however, the main antagonist through and through is Shaft (as it should've been, as he's the second main villain of the original game). Not Erzebeth nor Drolta, as they should've been reserved for an adaptation of Bloodlines (which is highly unlikely considering the directors' favorite character Alucard isn't in the game). With Dracula out of the picture (for now), I used the opportunity to flesh out Shaft as a major character and it... clicked.
The extensive backstory I wrote for him (while tragic) aligns perfectly with the Revolutionary France setting, as a humble priest with a dark past who fell astronomically from grace and morality after witnessing his own home crumble before him in chaos and disorder. This makes him a lot more compelling and, quite controversially, a more interesting villain than Erzebeth. In fact, with his background as a cult leader, it makes far more sense for him to be called the "Messiah".
Shaft, in this version, is an adept Forgemaster (and a descendant of Hector, as The Curse of Darkness is canon in this alternate timeline) who leads a nationwide cult with a dream to conquer Europe beginning with France. It would be a nice change in formula to have a main antagonist who's not a powerful ancient vampire but a human who is just as dangerous as one. As a result, his zealous ambitions are challenged by the great vampire lords of Europe, who fear that he himself will topple their dominion over the wider continent. This is a stark comparison to Emmanuel from Nocturne, who is a pretty pathetic priest (in my opinion) who makes alliances with the vampires to bring down the revolutionaries (by itself is a blasphemy to imagine), and merely uses a machine for making night creatures (that don't function properly).
The circumstance of him being Maria's father is much more significant than Nocturne as, following the tragedy that set Shaft on a darker path, he had purged every ounce of humanity left within him to keep himself going. Unlike Dracula, he was hellbent on watching the world burn and build a "paradise" out of it that he wouldn't let such "petty emotions" tear him away from his path. Nothing except Maria, his only connection to the peaceful life he once had and the kind man he once was. For all these reasons, his obsessive desire to find her is what kick-starts the events of the main storyline.
I'd add more about Annette in this version, as well as Richter and Maria, but that's a different set of blog posts altogether.
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moongothic · 1 month
Counter-counter point: Oda tends to draw a LOT of little boys with VERY similar faces, so i think its notable that, as an adult (since Luffy is, also an adult) Crocodile seems to have the strongest resemblance to Luffy (although im fairly sure the ‘what if dragon is actually Garp’s son-in-law’ theory is dead)
-the entire existence of Sabo kind of puts a LOT on the table that Oda seems willing to do with Luffy’s backstory, conventional logic be damned
-i can 1000% believe that Dragon is sort of just a weirdo. Thought Luffy’s mom was special? Feels guilty leaving a kid with Garp? Just general ‘this kid is the one’ vibes?
-can you imagine how funny it would be to come out that Luffy and Vivi were half siblings the entire time?
Older Good-timeline Luffy does look a lot like Garp too
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The Garp Genes can not be denied (also yes Luffy Age 40 does resemble Crocodile, he can resemble both at the same time (it's just the same face syndrome lmao)) (also also yeah I have discussed the "what if Dragon isn't Garp's son" thing in the past and how I don't believe in the theory, we can agree on that)
Honestly I don't have issues with Sabo's backstory/existence beyond how he feels almost like a replacement for Ace in the story as far as Luffy having a brother goes, but that has more to do with when and how he was introduced into the story along with how Ace was handled rather than the character's backstory itself
Okay to be fair Luffy does indeed have the Power to Draw In People's Faith etc etc, so Dragon could become oddly facinated by Baby Loof from that fact alone. And I do like the concept of Dragon being at least a little bit a loser but that's just me
Crocodile knocking up Alabasta's To-Be-Queen and then stealing the baby before Cobra ever met his to-be-wife would be a hysterical twist ngl
But you know what.
In the spirit of Absurdist Theory Crafting, I wish to one-up you with A Horrible Concept;
What if the Dragon we know isn't the "real" Monkey D. Dragon. What if Garp originally had ""a daughter"" instead, who hated the Marines and everything they stood for, who ran into some Freedom Fighter Guy and his Queer Bestie, transed his gender and switched identities/names with the Freedom Fighter Guy just to make sure Garp would never find the real him. "Crocodile" goes off to enjoy a life of piracy while "Dragon" now pretends to be Garp's new transgender son, and Garp is none the wiser (though oddly accepting of the trans part, just not the Freedom Fighter-ing). And the only other person who knows the truth is the Queer Bestie Ivankov. And NOW we re-introduce the "Dragon isn't Luffy's real dad" back into the mix, because yeah the Freedom Fighter Guy might not be Luffy's dad, but the real Dragon aka Crocodile IS! >8D
And that's how we get Luffy looking like Garp and Crocodile but not Dragon
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amndees · 5 months
Can u tell me more Abt ur OC? Like lore or fun facts or if u have a colored drawing of them to see their color palette ? (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠) No pressure tho !
hi yes i would love to! thank you for asking!!!
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here’s a colored version of the drawing had in my original post ab this ^^
they are actually a very powerful psychic with only one ability, to be able to block out and not be affected by other psychics abilities. so when saiki does his whole mind control / gene alteration thing on the entire population they r just like ?????? bc they r not affected
they aren’t really aware of this power though, just knew they could tell when weird things happened that people around them either ignored or found normal. it was only found out once aiura transfers to saiki’s school and they could see their power since she’s able to see people’s aura (and their aura is visible even in saiki’s bc it works like a barrier or shield)
I’ve taken to calling them Une (like immune, for their ability) but if i come up with something better i might change it. their hair is actually dark brown and they dye it a purple-blue color. i imagine they were upset as a kid when everyone’s hair started changing to cool colors and theirs stayed the same lol
for some backstory, not power related—
une used to stay with their auntie while their parents traveled for their jobs. after the first time saiki started a time loop they caught on pretty quickly since things that already happened were being repeated (the sense of deja vu was to strong). people were starting to think they were crazy since they kept insisting that this already happened LAST YEAR.
une’s family felt like they needed a change of scenery so they moved to their other aunt’s new house and now live with her and their cousin.
now here’s the family tree i made so it’s easier to understand! they're actually related to yuuta so they are neighbors with saiki,,,
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since they have a lot of free time bc they take online advanced classes, they decided picking up a part time job at a nearby coffee shop would be a good idea
saiki actually meets them at the coffee shop first and is kind of weirded out since he can’t read their mind but also. he has priorities (his sweet treats) and prob thinks its just another nendou situation. he does investigate it more when he realizes they r actually his neighbor…
i have more ideas but this is getting long so that is it for now ^^!!
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quijabored · 3 months
It's been far too long for not watching BSD, but in my defense I've been playing bungo tales, drawing more bsd, (Dazai doodles will hopefully be up soon? If theyre not theyll be up tommorow) and I've also been in the midst if reading and writing for a book I'm working on.
So long story short, I haven't had much time to watch it, BUT IM BACK
If he does die I'm actually gonna start sobbing
I kid you not I went outside of my room and was like "HES- HES NOT DEAD. I KNOW THIS BECAUSE- UH-"
While like on the verge of tears
He would kill me if I got too close BUT SHHH
I TOOK A SCREENSHOT FOR IT, THE LINE WAS, I KID YOU NOT, "Stop jabbing me in the ass!"
Most horrifying experience I've ever had, she just slowly walked away
ALSO THE FACT THAT JOUNO WAS LIKE "Wait till the other guys and Tecchou hear about this!"
Like why didn't you lump them together 🤨 kinda fruity if you ask me 🤨🤨🤨
I'm delusional
OH AND JOUNO BEING LIKE "You made the mistake of showing me how to care for the life of others"
And then Akutagawa bit him
Seeing him w/o his coat was super fun though, I can finally figure out how his shirt looks for my artings
Makes me really sad how he sees everything as a test for Dazais approval though :(
Knowing he's gonna die due to a lung disease hurts, like I knew he was sick and stuff but still :(
And then Fukuchi went back in time.
Imagine putting your pink children earbuds into a Gothic Victorian man's earlobe, ant other person from that time would've called it witchcraft
I just have to hope nothing bad happens cuz everyone's like on the brink of death right now
KUNIKIDAS NOT GONNA DIE, I KNOW THAT FOR A FACT (If I turn out wrong by the time the series ends Im crying)
I love how hes yapping about old stories and how he's super strong and then Ayas just like "The huh??"
I love bsd I love bsd I love bsd I love bsd I-
Not as much of an adorbie worbie as Akutagawa tho, no one can top my son
Love Mori when hes not being a creep, I still hate him but his character interests me to say the least and Ill analyze him further eventually.
I love both of them.
I didn't see a chess board when Dazai and Fyodor were in their weird bubble cells, but Fyodor called Dazai his chess buddy, so I'm 90% sure they just kinda...
"I move my rook to E5."
"You dont think I saw that coming? Knight E5."
"Hm, whatever. I already planned this out anyways. Queen, E5"
"Hah, youre only just starting to fall into my traps. Ill play the waiting game. Pawn, D3"
HELLO???? THEY??? HOW???
I love playing chess sm though, very fun game would reccomend
I play chess with my therapist actually :3
It's really neat, live laugh my therapist bro
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surlifen · 1 year
guide to surlis sonas
aka an excuse to Poast Images and drone on because I love to do that!
current main sona I think and closest to a truesona: this otter guy who remains unnamed because all the names that are my name have already been used at this point LMAO
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art by nepeteaa and by me! I'd honestly draw him more often if he weren't hard to draw? surli was easy because. Fox. (and Generic Thin whereas my body type is, while still pretty thin, specific in a way that's hard for me to draw) and honestly I enjoy drawing him more oTL.... otters are super hard to stylize cutely + in a way that looks Like Me... surli does not look Like Me teebeehaiche
surli fennec surlifen main sona of the past and still like... kind of me it's complicated
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imbages by jilf and vhsdruid
i kinda ended up disconnecting from his Design as a Whole and the alt palette didn't really fix it but nonetheless he's never leaving my possession. it's weird cause my brain can really only connect fully to one character per Thing/Setting as a Sona who is Me so ever since splitting off into otter I don't feel FULLY connected to either the way I once did to surli :( but I am experimenting with having multiple sonas and maybe ill try that thing people do where they also do sonas for different Aspects of themselves so I don't just have an army of Normal Nice Blonds
pokesona: liam
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art by me, cicadaghost, me
not much 2 say he is me pokemonned! he's much Smaller Cuter than I am and I really enjoy his simple design + imagining him in the pokemon world :3 like what berries he'd like best and what specific cities/landmarks he hangs out at... hiking in ilex forest and visiting the national park yk
lee: bunny....sona....?
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art by me, purrker
he was a bit of an experiment in "CAN I have more than one fursona?" and also "CAN I make a sona who isn't Exactly Like Me?" i've always seen people whose sonas have Supernatural Elements and been like how can you do that. I respect it so much but if EYE am a normal human person how can I connect to something with strange abilities and qualities. and I still couldn't go so far as like... my friend whose sona is an honest to god several stories tall kaiju with a backstory and shit, but lee has supernatural luck and a connection to/control of storms/lightning because that's sick and awesome and cool. and also glows and has cool antlers when he wants. he's not as me as the others but he's there and he's not... NOT me?
fucking... willie dustice, silver city "self-insert" joke guy
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unfortunately I DO love his stupid ass. you know how sometimes in a comic or animated show there'll be some obscure reference to one of the creators or someone on the team like as a gag that goes over most people's heads well he's supposed to be that. his appearance is me at my worst (needs haircut + shave) and he has the OP superpower of putting people in pocket dimensions of altered reality he controls entirely but he ONLY uses it to make stupid filler bottle episodes like They All Have To Play Softball or Beach Episode or whatever. represents my oft-abused ability as a creator to Put Those Guys in a Situation. he's not so much a sona (cause if I made a silver city sona it would be genuine not this greasy freak) but he sure is Representative of Me.
horse: horse
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i was challenged to make a horsesona. I don't plan to do anything with him but kept him around because I liked his design. someday I might make a more natural horse sona for in case I ever joined some kind of equine rp setting or some shit equivalent but for now my sparklehorse
spinxynsona: coast
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art by capricorne, me, me
coasty woasty... made for the nephfei world for the spinxyn closed species. first closed species sona ive ever had and i think hes neat! nephfei is such a well designed world that is really conducive to stories and characters influencing each other's arcs but coast is just some guy he's just there. he just lives there and minds his own business. (he has no gifts or curses so nothing really requiring a Story) but maybe i should get him some Friends at least maybe i can have a sona who has Story OC Friends from other people and still be like yes thats me if i was friends with everybody's ocs
dnd character who was based on me: august
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art by me, thembodino
it was suggested since I have a very hard time being In Character (i get so self conscious) that I start with a character similar to myself! so august is incredibly Just Me FR. if i were to go on an adventure i would be bad at it and terrified. his campaign is suspended due to Life but i accidentally, due to knowing nothing, picked a pretty OP blend of stats that has made him bizarrely competent (not like. the best in the party or anything but he really can hold his own and once like critted twice and turned invisible and flew and killed a dragon) and honestly that's hilarious and I like it for him
that's it! the rest of my characters are just characters not sonas though I still love them dearly, some of them even more than some of my sonas i won't name names though ty if you made it this far. i love to Talk
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aliceinclockland · 5 months
COMPLETELY UNRELATED TO CARDCAPTOR HIGH AU IN THE WORKS (i wake up at literally 1am here for work pls hav mercy) BUT.
this has been inspired by a twitter post bc that tweet made my rusty brain start working again. thank u to that person (and to cinzia's wonderful drawing of yunaaki 🥺🥺)
okay so what I'm thinking as a backstory is that this is post clear card arc (incl. special chapter).
the Kinomotos are doing some spring cleaning in the Fujitaka library basement and then Sakura discovers these books (im thinking the collectors edition) that has a simple, yet captivating cover... and also happens to be magical?
just by seeing the book, sakura feels a little magic in the book, and what surprised her is that its very faint but she can recognize that it is hers.
she then asks her father about it and he just shrugs, saying that he doesn't remember how, where and when did he get them from. Sakura then asks permission to read the books, and she does.
the two then starts reading the books together, until they finished the first book.
um... actually, she didn't read the book... yet.
she contacted tomoyo, asking her if she published a book about their adventures (just like how tomoyo published the video for the animated series to happen).
tomoyo's response is no, and asked her why did she think she did... well, the cover looks like an uncanny illustration of sakura and her parents in the first serialization (cue the infamous Tomoyo reaction "my!")
few minutes later someone rings the doorbell for the kinomotos and fujitaka was surprised to see tomoyo , as sakura hasn't informed him that she'll come by and visit.
they brought the book to school and made everyone see it in lunchtime. naoko volunteered to read it first and remarks that the illustration looks so much like sakura a day after, and that the book is really good and was drawn well. then chiharu and yamazaki took it home to read and said the same thing naoko said. then it was syaoran's turn.
akiho also was informed about this book and asked kaito whether it was part of the books that went to the kinomoto library when sakura removed the book from kaito's soul— kaito said it was a possibility, and is now as intrigued as akiho and wants to read it themselves.
the question would be: would they be intrigued enough to go back to Tomoeda to borrow the book and examine it?
well, color everyone surprised when they saw sakura walk to school WITH akiho a couple of days after the "book fiasco" (everyone forgot about it very quickly).
they've all made some small talks before class starts, and akiho walks around thr faculty to also do some paperworks while they're still in tomoeda.
kaito on the other hand is bringing their stuff to the hiiragizawa mansion (my canon is that eriol gave them a key so they have a temporary home whenever they wanted to visit— bc he knows they will do so when they have a proper excuse for it + akiho's book collection is still in the "basement", safe and sound).
syaoran then sends kaito a picture of the book— still in his possession, bc he needed more time to read it (in other words he wanted his mother to know if there's anything that's going to cause his girl any harm and wanted to be prepared), kaito immediately recognizes it as one of the books that went to the basement when sakura did the deed. he then facetimes syaoran to confirm the suspicions, but also clarifies that it's not the blank book but rather, the book that was once called "alice in clockland". (i miss momo so momo definitely must have a mention here).
you might be asking, "how the hell can kaito CONFIDENTLY facetime syaoran?" well another headcanon i have is that eriol occasionally calls the two during their world tour, just to check up on them, and give them some advices and guidance on their trip (he— eriol— also reports to sakura about how they are doing). kaito feels uncomfortable answering those calls at first and lets akiho set his phone up so that the two of them will be in view as eriol tells kaito that he needs to get used to modern technology because "you'll need it one day".
also their phones are from the one and only, Tomoyo Daidouji. tomoyo sends them prototypes, with all of the tomoeda people's numbers saved in there. the two actually keep all of the gadgets tomoyo mails to them and akiho enjoys using them everyday that she can.
back to present, kaito explains to syaoran that the clockland book was used to record sakura and akiho's life, so he can cast the spell where he could incorporate akiho seamlessly into sakura's life without anyone "sensing any discrepancies". that explains why the book's characters are much alike from their counterparts in real life, including the physical description, but they're not sharing their real names with the characters.
akiho then comes home to the sight of the two facetiming each other, and said hi to syaoran on the other line. she then did the same but with sakura, and the two just talked about everything (by everything i mean EVERYTHING— sakura telling akiho what she learned in school, what recipes she's been learning, her magical experiences, etc., and akiho tling sakura all of the places she and kaito have visited, what books she have read, the culture of the country where they were, and also showed some sovenirs she got (aside from the books she's currently putting on her library)
they then talked about the book, and how sakura felt that the book was her, but wonders why the character doesn't share the same name as her real life self. akiho then explains how important someone's name is and reminded her that she only told her real name to sakura after everything that went down. they then chatted about what name would be perfect as an "alias" for sakura...
i honestly would've written way more if my brain didn't stop braining just after i wrote the last paragraph smh...
I'm planning to do this as an ao3 series but i still need to work on my wordings and grammar bc i am bye-lingual 🙃
that's it today byeeeee~ see y'all after a few months 😭
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