#also I modified the tags I think those now make more sense
mymadmedleyw · 2 years
What The Past Holds (135321 words) by AllisonNoir Chapters: 19/21 Fandom: Danny Phantom Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Dan Phantom, Jazz Fenton, Danny Fenton, Vlad Masters, Clockwork (Danny Phantom) Additional Tags: Post-Episode: s02e08-09 The Ultimate Enemy, Ghost Biology (Danny Phantom), Ghost Cores (Danny Phantom), Time Travel, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, POV Multiple, Dan Phantom Redemption, Episode: s02e08-09 The Ultimate Enemy, There Is A Reason Why Dan is 'Dan', TUE!Vlad, Rewritten Time, Ghost Hybrids, Heart AU, Panic Attacks Series: Part 1 of What The Past Holds Summary:
“I don’t come here for trouble,” Dan explained, and as he calculated, that was the main thing that she had to be aware of for their own good. “Jazz, I…” why the words were so heavy to say aloud? He took a deep breath and spilled it.“ I came here for help.” Yeah, in this way, it would be better, he realized. First, getting Jazz, and by winning over Jazz’s trust getting to his younger version: Danny.
Not much after escaping from the Thermos that imprisoned him, he faces a situation that he can't solve on his own. Things soon are starting to get complicated as he, in the meantime, has to deal with something that he thought he had lost a long time ago.
NOTE (2022 May): I've begun to edit the chapters (here and there it is seriously needed), when I'll be done with one, I'll note it with 'edited' and write it here, thanks for understanding :)
Edited chapters so far: Chp1-8, rest is on the way... (2022 August)
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relicsongmel · 2 months
The dubious nature of Iris' name (and what it means)
Sister Iris Fey Hawthorne of Hazakura Temple finds herself in a rather peculiar situation for the Ace Attorney franchise in the fact that she is one of very few characters without a canonical last name. Of course, this hasn't stopped fans from assigning her one—for the purposes of tagging and categorization (or simply to distinguish her from Iris Wilson from The Great Ace Attorney series, because "Iris Ace Attorney" is no longer specific enough), every Ace Attorney fan seems to have a different answer as to what they call her, whether it be Iris Hawthorne, Iris Fey, Iris of Hazakura Temple, or simply Sister Iris. This confusion is understandable given the lack of a clear answer in canon as to what her legal last name is as well as her unusual upbringing; what with being raised in Kurain Village as a Fey, taken away by her father as a Hawthorne, and then sent to Hazakura Temple to become a nun. However, before we delve further into Iris herself, there's something a bit unusual (that I don't often see acknowledged within the fandom) that I'd like to bring up—that being, that this name drama not only affects Iris, but her twin sister Dahlia as well.
Simply put, Dahlia Hawthorne being named Dahlia Hawthorne doesn't make much sense when you think about it. Dahlia was born to Morgan Fey, the then-leader of the matriarchal line of spirit mediums of the Kurain Channeling Tradition. As such, it's safe to assume that she and her twin sister were also given this name upon their birth—so why, then, does she have her father's (or possibly her stepmother's—it's unclear) last name when we meet her in-game? Children generally do not have their last names changed when their parent remarries, so what's the deal? This strange situation makes slightly more sense when you remember that much of Trials and Tribulations builds up to the reveal that Dahlia and Iris are Morgan Fey's daughters; as such, Dahlia appearing in Chapter 1 and introducing herself as "Dahlia Fey" would be a MASSIVE spoiler for the events to come.
As for an in-universe explanation, we obviously aren't given one, but we are given a bit of insight from Dahlia (while disguised as Iris) regarding their father's perspective on leaving Kurain Village:
"He hated the place. He said it was a hick dive, and that he had no reason to stay there."
I think it's not an unreasonable stretch to say that their father wanted nothing more to do with the Fey clan after its reputation had been destroyed post-DL-6, and likely went to great efforts to separate himself (and his daughters) from anything that reminded him of it. With this in mind, who's to say he didn't have the twins' name changed? Now, obviously whether this affected Iris herself is still up for debate—it's possible she had already been sent away to Hazakura before this had all happened. But given that Dahlia implies Iris had only been sent away after their father's second marriage, I find it more likely that her name was changed beforehand. That said, it's still just a headcanon based on my personal preferences—I like the idea of Iris having the last name "Hawthorne" because I think the association with the Hawthorne effect (in which one modifies their behavior in response to being watched) fits her really well, but I don't disagree with those who choose to use other names for her because there are good arguments to be made there as well.
However. However. The intrigue behind Iris' name doesn't even end there. We hear from Sister Bikini very early in Bridge to the Turnabout that it's Hazakura Temple tradition for nuns to choose a "temple" name—meaning that even Iris' given name might not be her real one. I hesitate a bit on this idea considering her name already pairs up nicely with Dahlia’s due to the shared flower theming (and Iris having a lack of respect for acolyte tradition in that regard would give her an interesting resemblance to her mother which I REALLY like), but if it is true it creates another fascinating bit of symbolism—Iris’ first name is a lie. A facade. Which fits in with her lying about her identity to Phoenix for 8 months and her general tendency to put up a front of whoever the person she's talking to wants her to be—whether that be Dahlia's obedient co-conspirator, Bikini's sweet and good-natured daughter figure, or Godot's accomplice and the scapegoat he can use to protect Maya. And neither of the common last names given to her by fandom accurately reflect/show the full picture of who she is either. Fey is what she was born as—but that name comes with a whole host of burdens and generational trauma that she likely does her best to distance herself from considering her tendency to run away from conflict like she did with the fake kidnapping and the aftermath of Doug Swallow's murder (she’s a lot like her aunt in that regard). Hawthorne ties her to the sister she so dearly loves—but also weighs her down due to her sister’s crimes, her role in said crimes, and the family she was sent away from against her will (even if it ended up being better for her) before it tragically fell apart. Neither one truly fits—the Iris name debacle is a perfect representation of the identity crisis of her character and that is nothing short of beautiful to me.
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has-brain-rot · 2 years
I finally began watching voltron
OKAY SO at the recommendation of a super cool person (@imperfection-you-will-find (sorry if you don’t want to be tagged) ) I got into watching Voltron: Legendary Defenders and I just finished the first season AND IT IS A REALLY COOL SHOW. I know I’m like 5 years late to the party but the animation! Characters! World building! All very interesting!! Love how smoothly they blend those 3D models into the show, it’s barely noticeable
Here’s a few thoughts (before I go binge the next season)
- first off it is BOLD that the first episode is an hour+ long. like damn they didn’t have to do that but they did and the pacing is surprisingly good for what they had to do, though I lowkey wish there was more adventuring-to-find-the-rest-of-the-lions because that part was pretty interesting, especially when they talked about having to form a bond with the lions first
- Hunk is a cool guy and I really like how he develops and ends up being one of the more serious characters (when, unfortunately, he isn’t the but of the joke. He’s neat but they make fun of his weight a fair bit and that’s not fun). Love how he has a good sus-detector, also he was SLAYING when he saved people during the season 1 finale
- Pidge is REALLY COOL and I personally (so far at least) headcanon them as enby. they also give off transman vibes and honestly that’s what I thought they were going to do with the character until the reveal. It’s cool how they handled it, and I love that the show didn’t go for an all-boy cast because that’d be disappointing.
- Lance is kinda annoying but he’s growing on me. I’m not the biggest fan but I like how he’s developing. Blue colour scheme is cool, but damn he really put everyone and an entire planet in danger just because he crushed briefly on a girl. Shame.
- Shiro is COOL. We don’t know much about him and the portrayal of his trauma is a really good thing to add. I do find it mildly funny (in a dark way? funny might not be the right word) that like. Lance and Hunk are there because vibes, Pidge is there for vibes but also they were on a mission of their own, Keith right now is very mysterious and gives off many vibes, but Shiro’s backstory is that he was tortured for a year, forced to fight, there’s the implication that his body was forcefully modified as he was trained to be a weapon, and also he’s probably killed quite a few people and he’s trying to deal with that and everything while like, they’re vibing
- Keith is COOL. Red lion swag. Love his somewhat morally ambiguous vibes, also I feel like he’s going to be a big projection character. They haven’t really covered his background other than he dropped out, but I bet there’s a lot more going on. I can DEFINITELY see he is liked. ALSO I feel like the whole “you fight like a Galra soldier” is more than just a one off line. I sense it. Plus the whole “you have to earn the trust of the red lion, you can’t just befriend it right away” gives off big flags of “HEY PAY ATTENTION”. I could write so much about this but I wanna go binge the second season xD
- THE CLIFFHANGER OF A FINAL EPISODE. There is so much I could talk about (the character development, the battle scenes, everything is so cool. It’s like seeing all the things I wish we could’ve seen in steven universe and also I think belos would be proud of the general genocide even if it isn’t religion based). I’ll keep it short and just say that DAMN SO MUCH HAPPENS AND IT IS VERY COOL
I’m going in spoiler free and it’s quite fun! Thanks for the recommendation @imperfection-you-will-find, can’t wait to watch more so I can fully appreciate your super cool edits and posts xD
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hopenight · 2 years
So apparently I’m just going to share all my feral ass thoughts on the Raven Queen during EXU: Calamity
Out of all the deities that the world of Exandria has presented to us, I think that Raven Queen fascinates me the most.
To be fair though, this is true with most pantheons. I’ve had a standing fascination with gods whose domain includes death since I was small. I’m sure witch tumblr or something can explain that affinity and fascination that I’ve had with it.  (Nevermind my own existential death anxiety, which was sure fun to discover was a thing for me after my 18 year old dog died in my arms, but I digress). 
I wrote this on a reblog to another post about the Raven Queen that I can’t find now because my tagging system is non-existent, but I think what I find the most fascinating is that she was mortal.
The Raven Queen was a girl once. She had parents that she had a relationship with. Though whether or not it was a good one, I cannot say. I like to think that it was, but I see so many people go through so much trauma because of their parents I’d like for the god of fate and death to have seen her parents teach her kindness and compassion.
Maybe she learned how to sew or knit or weave at her mother’s knee. Maybe her father would carry her on his shoulders. Maybe they fought when she was a teenager, as all parents are wont to do with their kids. Maybe she snuck out to dance in the forest with friends and get tipsy on wine. 
Maybe she ran through feels and got sunburn on her shoulders, pale skin peeling red from enough time under the light. Or maybe she would sneak out to watch the stars and dream of “what if”. Maybe she had crushes and was told her laugh was “too obnoxious”. Was she told to be more ladylike as a child? Or was she too serious and shy, shunned by the other children for being awkward?
Did she have an innate talent for magic? Or did she study and learn until the power sparked up at her fingertips? 
She had desire to learn based on what see in EXU. She was a mage and a pretty damn good one. She was a teacher or at least it sounds like she was one based on what Patia reveals. The Raven Queen as a teacher makes a lot of sense and again is endlessly fascinating.
She had dreams, perhaps, before her ascension. Did she want a family? Did she want to focus on her career? Did she want to travel the world or the planes before her eyes turned to godhood? Before the God of Death did something that made her decide that he had to go? 
Now based on what we have, she ascended because the previous god of Death took, what’s been described as, a tyrannical stance over it. And I would certainly love to know what that means. She also was a follower of this God again, love to know what that means, especially in the Age of “gods who?” Arcanum. 
Does she miss being mortal, I wonder? 
I mean think about her situation. She described her situation with the other Prime Deities as “precarious” to Vax. The other gods took away what was to be her domain, death, and instead made her the goddess of the instance of death, of transition. They destroyed her rites (which, you know, valid) and either her name was removed as part of ritual (Ehhhh? Vecna still has his name) or the gods did like some sort of mega modify memory.
Were her parents still alive, I wonder? How do you handle that? Knowing your child’s face and name one moment and the next...nothing? Only the knowledge that your daughter has become a god. Did she have siblings? Did they have to mourn losing their sister? 
How lonely do you think she must be? Only she remembers her name? By the time the main campaigns of Critical Role have rolled around, anyone who remembered her as a mortal and loved her is long dead. 
Do you think that her followers understand that sort of loneliness? Feared by most mortals, disliked by the gods, alone in her realm as she watches the strings of fate. Does she remember learning how to weave at her mother’s knee? How to craft with those delicate strings as her mother carded a hand through her hair and called her by her name? 
Does she still wish that? To hear someone say her name? Or would hearing it really make everything too real? 
Maybe that’s why she sees out people who know loneliness: Vax’ildan, Purvan Suul, even Liev’tel had an air that read to me that she knew loneliness. Hell, I created a character for an Exandria campaign who is a cleric of the Raven Queen that had a lonely childhood. 
In her champions and her clerics, does she want to find someone who understands? She is a god, but she was mortal. Maybe she had to sacrifice that part of herself to become a god, but did she sacrifice all of it? 
Or maybe, in her lonely existence, she still feels like she is both.
Maybe, in her heart, she wishes that someone would call her by her name again. 
Just one last time. 
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welcometomyfloor · 2 years
Ridonculous Race Season 2, Team: The Rivalry Twins
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Okay, so it's been more than a month since I posted The Jocks' team info post but you'll ain't paying me to make this so... \/(-_-)\/
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And, once again, swimsuit sketch-ies because I wanted to.
(Also, I tried a new way of rendering after hating the way I did it the first two times and kinda like it. Idk, I'm currently on one of my "art style journey" kicks so I can't guarantee all these '#TDRR Season 2' pics will look cohesive with one another.)
Notes on the Original and Modified Character Designs:
I'm head-cannoning them both at 5'4" because it just makes sense to me.
I think their hair is naturally blonde and not bleached (not important, just an idea I had.)
Okay, so as you can see, neither Sammy or Amy are wearing their "cheer" uniforms (more on why I say "cheer" in the next bulletin point) and that's because I think it's weird that they wear them in Pahkitew. That being said, I spent much more time on Sammy's outfit than I did with Amy's, and I'm at peace with that.
Back to the "cheer" thing, I re-watched TDPI and checked the Total Drama Fan Wiki and (to my knowledge) nowhere where Amy and Sammy explicitly said to be cheerleaders. And, honesty, it was the Go-Go Boots that tipped me off to making this discovery. From both personal experience and some research, high school cheerleaders don't wear those. But, do you know who does wear Go-Go Boots and look similar to cheerleaders? The marching band front line. So, despite me putting them in different outfits anyways, I'm gonna say they're in flag line and not cheerleaders.
Our girl on the right hand side (for both the team picture and swimsuit sketch-ies) aka, the little lady with the pony tale.
First and foremost, lets be clear, we love and respect Sammy on this blog and will not be personally referring to her as 'Samey". (She will be tagged as that and some characters will call her that in the fic, but she will not be referred to as 'Samey" outside of that context.)
I generally just wanted to make her look like a semi-outcaste and possibly Sapphic athletic girl. So, her outfit is pretty basic, it's just a white crop top with colored stripes on the sleeves, some high-waisted jean shorts, and red sneakers. And, yes, I know wearing a black sports bra under a white shirt is a bad idea but I really liked the aesthetic of it so some practicality went out the window. It's my redesign, I can put whatever clothes I want on her.
I decided to make their swimsuits almost identical (hardy-har-har, I know) the most important difference for Sammy's outfit being that the bikini bottoms are tied in bows on the side. (Because... she's the nice twin... get it... she's the sweet one so she has bows... I will not apologize for being a genius. /hj)
If you didn't figure it out already, she's the one on the left (in both pictures) aka the one with her hair down.
I got rid of the mole because 1. I don't like it and 2. the blueberry thing was dumb and made me hate it more.
I was tempted to put Amy in a revised flag line uniform but four years of marching band has told me that she wouldn't be able to do that without getting seriously scolded. So, I just put her in an off the shoulder fitted red belly shirt and some black short-shorts. Definitely something that would get her sent home from school but I doubt Amy would care about that. I wanted to keep some semblance of her old design with the inclusion of the white pumps, and the necklaces are just there for fun. She's also wearing nylons because she's that kind of bitch.
Her bikini is a brighter, more obnoxious shade of red because she's the worst... enough said.
Team Dynamic and Background Information for Ridonculous Race Season 2:
It's been about a year since Pahkitew was recorded and the twins are now 17, going into their senior year of highschool. Life hasn't changed much since the show aired as their parents where already aware of Amy's toxic behavior and have done nothing about it. Sammy has invested most of her free-time into applying to whatever college gets her as far away from Amy as possible.
They're both come back with the intention of spending the money in regards to college, I'll be it in their own ways. Sammy wants to become a preschool teacher (again, it just feels right) and Amy wants to... not go to college and get a standard job. They come from an upper-middle class family but mommy and daddy have made it clear that they're not paying for their daughters' lifestyles after they graduate.
Their dynamic hasn't really changed much as Sammy has reverted back to coping with Amy's abuse by yielding to it (and therefore making herself less of a target.) However, the competition is going to strip Sammy of many of her "saving graces", those mostly being: alone time and contact with whatever allies she may have. Since she isn't going to have much of a break from her sister's constant bullying, it's only a matter of time until Sammy cracks under the pressure. At the same time, Amy isn't going to let Sammy quit or otherwise let Sammy hold her back from winning. Amy, despite her many faults, is a fierce competitor and above all, values being perceived as "the best".
(This ones for all of you who hated the fact that no-one, other than Jasmine, sided with Sammy, because so did I.) Anyways, as this is Ridonculous Race and not the normal Total Drama survivor inspired show, Don will obviously be hosting. And Don, unlike Chris, is a semi-rational human being with a working moral compass. So, if it's any consolation, Don will be calling Amy out for being a piece of shit to her sister (along with some other contestants). You're welcome.
Personal Life Head-Cannon Speed Round:
They are primarily of Dutch and Welsh decent.
Their parents got together when their mom was fresh out of highschool and their dad was entering the workforce after college. They married and had the girls relatively young, the father being a successful businessman and their mom acting as a house wife.
They go to a private all-girls Catholic school (not because their family is religious, but because it's a good school) and live in Victoria, Canada.
Full name is Samantha Lee Baker.
She's a lesbian (my source is literally "my brain said so" so take that as you will).
She is apart of her high school track-and-field and volleyball team, both of which she excels in far more than flag line.
Although she is not exactly popular, Sammy does maintain a social life with a small group of friends. I imagine them being fellow social rejects and closeted LGBTQ+ kids that all eat lunch in the bandroom together. Amy doesn't like when Sammy has sleepovers but thankfully she has that one no-nonsense friend that isn't afraid to tell Amy to "fuck off".
She doesn't actually have hard time making friends. What she really has a problem with is overthinking about whether people like her or not.
Full name is Amanda Rose Baker.
She's flag line captain and takes a lot of pride in it (even though some favoritism was definitely at play. It's the kind of thing everyone knows about but are too scared to speak up on.)
She also does both volleyball and track-and-field with Sammy, but is reluctant to admit to the latter since her sister is better at it. (The two are pretty well matched in the case of volleyball.)
She doesn't actually know what she wants to do with her life and instead defaults to an arrogant "I'm going to do it all" attitude when questioned about it.
She also doesn't have much of a life outside of her extracurricular activities, which is one of the main reasons she takes soo much pride in being flag line captain. Her friendships are primarily shallow as she is abusive to people in general and (naturally) has a hard time maintaining relationships in which she has exposed her true nature.
I'm not giving her a head-cannoned sexuality because I don't like her and I don't care.
What's Next for Ridonculous Race Season 2?
I will be moving this summer, July 16th actually, and getting a full-time job so I am going to be busy. I will try my best to post these as regularly as I can but, as I said in my last TDRR Season 2 post, I am just one person and this project is pretty big. Please be patient with me.
The next team should seem a bit familiar, I have posted concept sketches of them before. One of them is a preexisting canon character but has never competed on TD and may be someone you are not expecting. Regardless, I hope you like them, I think they're going to be very fun to write. :)
If you have ANY suggestions or ideas for this project, please feel free to share them with me. I would love to hear them and if I do end up using you're concepts, I will credit you.
Thank you to the people who have supported this project so far, it means soo much to me! I hope you all have a lovely day!
~Nessa Rose~
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malicedafirenze · 1 year
The Sharing Knife by Lois McMaster Bujold - Recommendation and Discussion
I'm backing up all my book reviews from reddit. This was originally posted on /r/Fantasy on 2018/03/18
I already made a post about the first book in the series a few weeks, but I want to elaborate now that I've read the whole series.
I'll try to make this post work as a recommendation for people who haven't read it, so spoilers will be tagged.
The Basics:
The Sharing Knife is a story about a young farmer girl who meets an older lakewalker, a kind of soldier-sorcerer. They fall in love and eventually realize that magical and non-magical people need to work together against the malices (life-stealing magic entities) or both will be doomed.
The sub-genre would be best described as romance/adventure, I suppose, with a lot of the plot focusing on relatively "mundane" events, but with bits of action here and there.
Themes and Scope: I liked that Sharing Knife is pretty "slice of life", even though the later books lead on that some fairly world-changing events are happening, or at least being set into motion. The overall focus on the relationship between the cultures of lakewalkers and farmers makes for pretty interesting worldbuilding I think.
Not a Standalone: It's obviously a series, but I thought it more extreme for this one than for other series that the first book cannot and should not really stand on its own. As I explained in my other post, I was somewhat underwhelmed by the plot of the first book because basically all the action happens right at the start and I'm not a big fan of plots solely about weddings. The balance works a lot better if you look at the whole series as two big volumes (one/two and three/four) or even one big story.
Family Issues: Both protagonist have a number of issues with their families on a very relatable scale. Fawn's issues in the first book particularly resonated with me, where she is starting to become more confident once away from her family, but slips back into old insecure habits once she is back in those surroundings. I've been there both with some members of my family and with certain groups of friends, and found it incredibly relatable to read: this feeling that you don't particularly like yourself around a certain group of people or that you just lose all confidence if you're around people who have a tendency to pick on you, even if it's for minor things.
Ground Sense: I loved the workings and descriptions of Ground Sense (the lakewalkers' magic, their underlying sense of the 'spirit' of everything around them, but especially living things). Some of the concepts, like changing the Ground / essence of something in the 'spiritual world' seemed really familiar to me, but I'm not sure where to place it. I guess Shadesmar and Soulcasting from the Stormlight Archive have similarities, but I'm not sure if it doesn't also remind me of something else. What other books have a 'magic system' where everything has an 'essence' or 'spirit' and the physical of it can be changed by modifying that spirit, if you have the skill/magic powers to do so?
Romance: I always find myself pining for more romance in most of the fantasy that I read, and I quite liked it in Sharing Knife, after getting over the characters' age gap. Because the later books' "drama" is much more focused on the world around the characters rather than any conflict between them, the romance got much less prominent. Which is nice, I guess. I wouldn't have wanted there to be any artificial drama between them, but it's not really romance anymore if it's just a story about a couple? Idk, I like more turbulent relationships I guess, but it was also nice for a change to just have an established couple with no pointless issues between them.
'Women's Health': I liked that pregnancy and miscarriage are both fairly big themes/plot points at some point in the series, since that is something so often left out of fantasy/adventure books. Sharing Knife is pretty 'open' about such things and I thought that was a fresh change. very minor complaint
Gender Roles: Sharing Knife does a pretty amazing job of having female characters who fit into traditional gender roles and expectations (Fawn, for example) while still letting them be interesting and relatable characters. There's no 'not like the other girls' and no 'strong independent woman ^^tm syndrome, but there are women who patrol and fight etc. and both that and being a traditional housewife are presented without any sort of judgement for the other, which I think is really nice since a lot of fiction still tends to look down on traditional femininity.
Book 4 Action: All the books have their action sequences with a real sense of danger, but hot damn I didn't expect shit to get that real in book four. book 4 spoiler
Sequels: I thought the events set into motion towards the end of the series, meaning book 4 spoilers, would make for a super interesting sequel, perhaps set a few decades later.
I really enjoyed Sharing Knife in a... special kind of way. It was all really warming, somehow. There's conflict and danger sometimes, but all in all it's a really comfortable-feeling story, it's got a certain kind of coziness to it.
I'd definitely recommend it to anyone who likes romance and slice-of-life types of stories.
So yeah thank you /r/fantasy, as usual, for recommending good books to me and I hope to pass on the favor :D
Edit: forgot to mention: I listened to the whole series as audiobook read by Bernadette Dunne. Very good audiobook and pleasant narrator :)
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ellanainthetardis · 2 years
"Like Mockingjay (never start me talking about Mockingjay)."
Now you have to talking more about Mockingjay. What's your problem with MJ? 😎
@curiousnonny I feel like my poor followers are tired of my opinion on mj lmao. There must be a ton of posts somewhere under my meta tag but I will sum it up for you. Baring in mind it's been ages since I've reread or seen the movies so my opinion might have chanced in the meantime I guess if I saw it again.
Book wise: I do like the book alright in the sense that I like the themes and the messages and I think it wraps the series up perfectly. However, I also consider Mockingjay to be very poor writing because it's the book when suzanne discovered how limited a first person pov was and it shooooows. We're trapped in Katniss' head when, clearly, we needed more info so we get a scene like Finnick's death - a scene I still consider to be one of the worst writing example of all times by the way - where Katniss suddenly develops telepathy and reads his thoughts. lol. Let's not forget the random and weird decision to substitute Effie for Fulvia and only remember about Effie halfway down the book with a vague mention of "we don't know what happened to her", well okay then. Outside of that, Mockingjay was a strong instalment and I have no other problem with it (at least I don't think).
Now. The movies. *take deep breath. Beg someone to hold me back*
Okay for the positive, thanks to the movie more omniscient perspective, it corrects that whole "first person" problem and we get to see more of the war, we get more context which is great. The cinematography was also very pretty which doesn't hurt. Strictly on an aesthetic point of view the two movies are great - that dam scene will never ever not give me chills.
HOWEVER, they made decisions to change some stuff that still irk me.
Personally, I would rather have Effie rescued with the victors than there from the start because they made her comic relief when she could have been so much more and it annoyed me. Elizabeth's performance is awesome and it's not her fault but we were promised a fish out of water for months and we didn't get that. I love her but we didn't get that.
Strictly linked to Effie's situation we have Thirteen. Thirteen in the books is a military district that borders on police state to rival the Capitol. There are lots of rules and harsh punishment for disobeying those rules, it's a military place where everyone is considered a soldier (and I actually really much liked that part in the books). We see most of that aspect of Thirteen through its interactions with Capitols - in the books the prep team, but also Fulvia when she tosses away a piece of paper and in a lesser impact Plutarch. The key scene to me that clue to Thirteen's true harsh nature is the one with the prep team where Katniss finds them imprisoned in a cell that hints at torture happening behind those door (not to the prep team necessarily but generally: the chains, the drain on the floor etc). It's clear from that scene on that in Thirteen, you follow rules or you get hurt. Now back to the movie: Effie struts around in a modified uniform (how funny haha), doesn't generally follow the rules ("I won't get out of my compartment" how do you eat then? Because they're sure as hell not giving you trays of food), and is very much running her own show. That doesn't keep with book!Thirteen and that annoys me to death.
Now, again, it wasn't difficult to make Effie a fish out of water. You just had to give her the right uniform and make her wear it. The scene with the prep team could have been included with Effie in their place. It would have gone a long way into making Thirteen more book!canon.
Linked to Thirteen is movie!Coin. Look, it was a choice. They made her give Katniss so many pep talks. She was great at the distant evil vibes but she wasn't as frightening as book!Coin and I do love to hate book!Coin. They also changed the final voting on Games scene with her saying she doesn't want a bloodbath and lol. That's exactly what she wanted. So... I guess they tried to make her more human with Snow being the big bad villain and the reveal that she was also not a great person doesn't hit like in the books.
Regarding the pep talks that Coin gives to Katniss all the time. Here's my question: where the fuck was woody when they were filming? Was he high? Was he not on set? How do we go from Haymitch being Katniss' prime caretaker in book!MJ to Haymitch barely talking to her at all in the movies? I love those scenes in MJ where Haymitch's love for her shows, okay. I love that even though they have their tension and Katniss is angry with him because of Peeta, it shows that they care about each other. Haymitch is with her, in her corner, there's no question. In the movies Haymitch is hardly there to be found and he's pretty much comic relief half the time. That's the big reason for my annoyance with the movies I guess. I love Haymitch and we didn't get enough. All his canons scenes were replaced either by Coin or Effie.
Another scene that absolutely guts me in the book is the Finnick's reveal scene. It's just such a twist in the books, such an important reveal and in the movies they made the *stupid* choice of CUTTING IT SO KATNISS CAN HAVE A SKYPE SESSION WITH SNOW. A SKYPE SESSION. WITH SNOW. Nothing more to say about that.
Speaking of Katniss, like I mentioned in the last act, JLaw's performance in those movies is... a choice. Her face is blank all the time, she gives as much emotion as a plank of wood... I don't know I just didn't buy it. But more importantly, she is wolverine. Take a bomb in the face? No problem, she bounces back in five seconds without scars or any physical trauma. Easy peasy.
I also hate the erasure of any sort of trauma. I get it was probably for rating reasons and it's not like it was the first time. Haymitch's alcoholism is pretty much absent (yes we see him drinking in the previous movies, yes it's acknowledged he drinks to excess but we never see any hint of withdrawals and he stops drinking without apparent difficulties outside of a cold, he also stays sober in the last stretch of mj and possibly afterwards as well which is a whole different discussion I already had a few times and that only highlights the differences between book!H and movie!H) and in the same veine, we don't see Katniss getting addicted to morphling, we don't see her becoming suicidal and we don't see her finding herself back through singing - which is very sad actually because there is this whole thread of Katniss and singing woven through all 3 books and we loses a very impactful moment here. Instead we get Katniss shipped back to 12 under one day because why not?
Book!MJ has that for itself that it doesn't shy away from trauma, it shows the bad and the ugly and it also shows the good because there's rebirth. Movie!MJ... Well, we get bad wigs.
I probably forgot some stuff but here it is in a nutshell XD I told you you shouldn't have started me on that topic lmao.
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thecrybabydiaries · 1 year
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I posted 764 times in 2022
That's 315 more posts than 2021!
176 posts created (23%)
588 posts reblogged (77%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 233 of my posts in 2022
#for daddy - 98 posts
#luna writes - 18 posts
#dd/lg sfw - 12 posts
#asked - 9 posts
#oh daaaaaddy - 7 posts
#dumbification - 7 posts
#dd/lg kink - 7 posts
#queue - 7 posts
#luna reads - 7 posts
#i’m deceased - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 95 characters
#no offense but literally hes just a man hes not a hero hes just a man who had to sing this song
My Top Posts in 2022:
It makes me so happy that I’m (finally) in a healthy enough headspace to handle Daddy degrading me so aggressively and consistently.
10 notes - Posted July 29, 2022
80 Days
12 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
Asking Permission
It never fails to make me laugh when vanillas get pissed at me for saying something like, “Oh, let me ask my fiancèpppppp/Daddy first before I get [a body modificiation]” or, “I want to, but my fiance said no.” because they can’t comprehend that he likes to know when I’m planning to modify myself and I have a few mental illnesses that can create manic episodes where I’m not thinking clearly about a modification I want to get. 
There are so many options to consider when modifying my body for my pleasure or his. If I “ask permission” first, we can take the time to ensure I’m not rushing into a shitty artist that I’ll regret, screwing us financially because I have no sense of impulse control or even just the consequences of my actions. 
So with that being said, 
What Modifications Need Pre-Approval?
Tattoos. These, obviously, are huge commitments and financial hits for us. Plus, when my favorite artist books are open, there’s a 2-3 month waitlist, but I also have very little impulse control. When I want to get a new tattoo, I’m (usually) down for the next available artist in my favorite shop. My fiance is diligent about helping me plan out a piece that I’ll love for a very, very long time.
Piercings. Another commitment and financial hit. Ears are (usually) pre-approved, but anything more than that needs prior approval to ensure healing won’t fuck up any plans we have (like summertime in general when it’s harder to keep pieces clean due to sweat and chlorine).
Hair cuts over 3 inches in length. The occasional trim is always approved to ensure my hair has the strength required for our favorite activities, but if I want a massive chop, that requires some planning and approval (mostly because he likes long hair on me!)
*Luna’s Tattoo Tip: We always aim for fall and winter tattoos to help ensure the smoothest healing period
When Am I Told No?
Honestly? Rarely. If I want to modify my body for him, he’s usually on board. It’s not so much of “no” as it is “not right now” For example, I have multiple tattoos planned, but we have to go slow on those because of healing and finances. I have a semi-large piece planned that we’re expecting to be around $500. (And when you’re trying to save for a life together, that money could go a long way)
There is a small list of modifications I cannot get (for good reasons) like a septum piercing (my family is reformed Jewish, and they’d murder me for altering my body in a way that’s not easily covered). I can’t get any tattoos that I can’t cover with clothing easily (arms, chest, lower legs, feet, hands, etc.) for professionalism. I have to keep my hair past my shoulders so I can put it up for work (again, professional at its finest), and anything shorter would cause intense curling issues.
Can I Override His Choice?
Yes and no. While I have never had to override his opinion, he is very understanding and open to me talking to him about these things. He'd only truly tell me "no" for a handful of reasons such as we don't have money, I'm asking for something that is in a manic state, or the consequences outweigh the rewards.
So while vanillas get pissed at me for “asking permission”, it comes from a place of ignorance. I’m asking him to help me make a choice that could follow me around for a very long time.
Besides, what else is Daddy for if not helping me make these big choices? ;)
14 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
Why Would You Give Up Your Orgasms?
"You're kidding, right? Were you coerced? Did he bribe you?"
No, I'm not kidding. No, I wasn't coerced or bribed. I asked for it. Begged for it even. It took us years to build up to it, but gods damn I love it.
I've always been interested in orgasm denial, the power exchange that comes with it, the tingle all over that comes with a load blown and I'm left trembling and aching for my own.
Daddy likes that each time I edge for him, my brain fades a bit more. I'm more willing to try new stuff for and with Daddy like now he slaps me and pops my body.
But why? Why would I willingly give up my orgasms for Daddy? And permanently, much less?
The short answer? I need him to. My orgasms were making me greedy and selfish with serving Daddy.
The long answer? It's not brainwashing, it's not coercion, it's not being forced. It's a kink we're greatly enjoying. There's a certain power exchange that comes with giving something so intimate up to him and letting him control it.
Being denied has also improved our relationship. It's brought a new level of trust into our relationship, forced more communication and more openness. I've let Daddy more into my being and my lines of thinking. He's also kept more of a close watch on me; my mental state, my emotional well-being, and physical needs as being denied so frequently tends to leave me very energized and needy.
Adding this level of kink, as far as denial goes, I highly recommend it. It's spine tingling, frustrating in the best of ways and unbelievably incredible.
So you don’t cum… at all?
Rarely. Maybe once every month or so…? We started with sessions where I wouldn’t cum then we moved up to two sessions in a row where I wouldn’t cum, then naturally moved up the line from there. I can’t actually remember my last orgasm and I don’t regret it. I think I’m getting my next orgasm at the end of the year. Maybe.
Daddy likes me denied and I love serving him and feeling the bliss of edging so everyone wins!
15 notes - Posted October 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
“It just feels so good, doesn’t it?”
My hips were mindlessly grinding against Daddy’s hand, my mind slowly turning to a gooey, hazy fog.
Daddy kept cooing in my ear, coaxing my guard lower as the familiar cocktail of his scent, my desire and sweat fed the mental fog.
“It just feels so good to edge, doesn’t it?”
Another deep breath, my hips raising quickly from his hand with a deep groan. My eyes squeezed shut as Daddy’s smile, his pride, burned into my skin. “Deep breath, princess… No cummies yet. Just relax and edge for Daddy.”
I couldn’t place my last orgasm, even with a level head. Daddy keeps me denied now, as encouragement to be the best toy for him.
This time last year, I couldn’t stand the idea of denial. Oh, how greedy I was.
At some point, I started to desire it… I wanted - needed Daddy to deny me. To control when and if I got to cum. To teach me to be less greedy with my orgasms. To teach me to put his pleasure first - where it belongs.
Daddy cooed again, “It feels so good, doesn’t it?”
32 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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incyrayinc · 1 month
Ok so I would like to like. explain some of my background headcanon stuff that makes the fic idea I've got rattling around in my skull make sense???
would also like to specify that none of this is final? I'm still figuring it out. this is like, he latest draft.
also heads up idk how to tag this, but it kind of dips into human (or non-human person) experimentation territory.
first off is that I think that I think that Xehanort is probably customizing his artificial Heartless by way of some analog of genetic engineering??? We see a guy in KH1 turn into a soldier Heartless, and not a pureblood like a shadow, after having his Heart presumably stolen by another soldier. the fact that he becomes an artificial emblem Heartless instead of a pureblood while NOT in the manufactory, suggests to me that Heartless tend to create more of their own type (though presumably this can vary if say, the victim has way more or less Darkness than the progenitor Heartless). and THAT suggests to me that there is some kind of gene-like information encoded somewhere to make that possible. And if it has genes, then those genes can be tampered with, and boy howdy we know that that is something ol 'nort would do.
Hence, I strongly think that Xehanort has probably been genetically engineering his various artificial Heartless varieties. It would certainly contribute to explaining the incredible variety of forms and behaviors emblems have that purebloods don't.
Which brings me to my next headcannon??? and that's that I think emblem Heartless might actually count as domesticated. Domestication is different from taming; taming is when you get a wild animal to be comfortable around people. Domestication is when you modify a population of animals over generations to be chill around people from the get-go, and to be better at whatever job you have in mind for it. A wolf that listens to commands is tame; a dog, the product of years and years of artificial selection to make wolves that are better at collaborating with humans is domesticated.
Emblem Heartless seem very intentionally modified to me, to better blend in with the worlds they invade and to better do whatever job Xehanort has in mind for them (usually 'fight Sora even if just to slow him down'). And if they're intentionally modified to better do the things a person wants them to do, that's just kind of domestication, isn't it? Which is kind of a horrifying thought, and also pretty in character for Xehanort I feel. He WOULD domesticate Darkness itself.
And now the story stuff. I think Heartless are probably not as mindless as most say they are; they're clearly at least sentient on a basic, animalistic level, even if it's only in an unconscious, bot-like way where they are basically executing if-then statements. Most purebloods probably fall in that category, especially depending on whether the 'Darkness' character is in fact the Darkness itself, in which case one could argue that Heartless are more like zooids or Ton-E-mites, where they are the real-time strategy units a more disembodied intelligence uses as its limbs. But emblem Heartless seem weirdly emotive, and lot more prone to tool use than purebloods... suggesting that they might trend toward more complex sentience or even sapience in their own right.
Considering emblem Heartless are artificial, it's likely that the ones that use tools were intentionally designed to be able to do so - which means Xehanort might have been intentionally engineering them for higher intelligence. You could probably teach a dog with hands to wield a sword, but pilot gummi ships? a mecha? that would demand something more along the lines of a corvid or great ape, or honestly more than that probably but we are working within the canon limits of 'Heartless are 'mindless'', ok?
In the story I want to write, sometimes there are manufacturing errors and a Heartless is made ('printed' is the term I use, considering the way it looks when we see it happen in this cutscene; and to distinguish it from more natural 'generation'), and sometimes, that error results in them having intelligence just a little bit higher and more in the full-on sophonce range. They're pretty rare, and tend not to live that much longer than other Heartless, but sometimes they DO manage to Not Die for long enough, and they start learning and getting uncannily clever.
The timeline for this I have is that sometime during COM/Days, Vexen is tampering with Xehanort's Heartless gene templates to make varieties that are easier to kill (think creepworms), so that they can be more efficiently harvested for the construction of the org's artificial Kingdom Hearts. While he's there, he picks up on a few of these unusually smart Heartless, and decides to take a few of them for study. When they start mimicing the hand gestures he'd used to give them commands and using syntax while they do it, he decides to try and teach them sign language (I've seen it pointed out that most Heartless tend to Not Makes Sounds? and now that I think about it, it might make sense for it to be the case that most of them just. Don't Have Vocal Organs. They probably don't breathe, so having any would require them to have a whole ass reason to have such SPECIFICALLY for making sounds), and is met with 'oh sweet Kingdom Hearts that thing is straight up talking to me'.
Vexen starts experimenting with seeing if he can recreate the mutation that resulted in sophont Heartless, and his test subjects only egg him on because they want their fellow Heartless to be able to hold a conversation, too. Aaaand then Vexen dies in COM - but his test subjects are still around, and they start using what they've learned from observing and helping Vexen with the genetic engineering to continue the provolution effort.
When Xemnas dies and Xehnort recompletes, he takes over Heartless production again, and the Heartless provolution team has the braincells to apply Vexen's rule of 'don't let Xemnas know I'm doing this frivolous pet project' to Xehanort, as well... especially considering they are aware Xehanort holds zero value for their lives. If he were to take to issue with their tampering, it could be incredibly dangerous for them.
Roll around KH3 about a year after all this, and enough progress has been made to put into motion 'operation load up all the modified templates so 'nort's printing orders yield sophont Heartless, and stage a coup'. The coup fails - Xehanort is way more than a match for any number of Heartless coming at him with his own technology - but not before they destroy as many manufactories as they can (to exert their exclusive right to manufacture themselves), and then leave.
With most of his manufactories out of commission and like at least 50% of his henchmonsters gone (previously used as labor to collect resources for this fucking scale of a plan, and as muscle to slow down his enemies from advancing on him too fast), Xehanort's plans slow down to a crawl. The man is left with a massive headache, and the POV of a guy playing a real-time strategy game 100hrs in and all of a sudden most of his units are gone!
On the other end of things, everyone else has been having more and more uncanny moments of 'that is far more intelligent behavior than I have ever seen a Heartless do', until they realize 'oh fuck I think that is a PERSON- '
Sora and the other more experienced peeps are kept focused on dealing with Xehanort, not only because they are more equipped to handle him - but also because the Heartless are scared of Sora and flee the scene the instant he comes within 200 meters of them (much will have to be done about the effect that has on his emotional wellbeing, but now is sadly not the time). Instead, Kairi and Axel get the mission of ‘try and deal with the issue of what do we even do about sophont Heartless’. They are both able to not only effectively defend themselves from Heartless in the event they become aggressive, but their comparative lack of mook-sweeping, boss-crushing type experience actually makes them advantageously non-threatening - making diplomacy easier.
The rest of the story is about the process of them figuring out how to do this, and what sorts of antics and consequences the Heartless get up to. I know for one, they have zero respect for world order, and kind of immediately start using any gunmiship and similar technology they’ve stolen to barter for resources and space from the people of various worlds. They also split up into a few different factions, as they argue with each other over how best to survive, and how morality works. Some of them want to be able to do whatever they damn well want to - including stealing Hearts. Others, are more friendly, and think it's smarter to avoid drawing negative attention to themselves - with some of these even going so far as to form alliances with non-Heartless. Ironically the most friendly of them are the most troublesome, however, since those are the ones selling gummiships and inviting their friends to visit other worlds with them.
All this... to have Heartless OC without completely retconning their canon lore, and without making them special one of a kind we'll tolerate this one but slay the others.
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quirrrky · 3 years
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INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Close your eyes and think of your HAIKYUU s/o and focus on the pictures above. 2. Select which draws you in the most. 3. Go under the cut to find your scenario/reading! Have fun!
A/N: This supposed to include first kiss but I enjoyed doing this and it got long. First kiss will be on wednesday instead! Please, I’d love to know which pile you picked and who is your hq s/o!
N!SFW part of this series will be posted on my MDNI blog (must be 18+). Send this emoji 💗 in my ask box/reply section to be tagged!
♡ This shall not be reproduced, reposted, modified, translated in any form or by any means.
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You and your haikyuu s/o fight because of your wisdom or perspective about handling finances. He is the more flamboyant one among the two of you. He might want to acquire or purchase something that you deem to be over the top or too flashy. Please, he might just wanna do it to impress you or mainly just because that's the kind of person he is. I can see him as someone who works hard but also plays hard as well and there are times, when retail is therapy for him. You, on the other hand, try to divert this somehow impulsive buying behavior and talk reason to him that maybe he doesn't really have to. This stuff he's buying might be a gift for you or an expense for your next date or travel and he's going very extra about the prep.
Okay, so for this part, I picked up message cards as well and it's fun because they resonated a lot even if I've already stitched the story together:
"I want to marry you one day." That's his thoughts for his actions and that's the reason why he wants to spend on you alot.
"I run because my emotions are too intense." This is a confirmation that you might not think that you are worthy of him spoiling you rotten.
I can see so much abundance here, so you really don't have to worry, you know. Gotta let the man spoil you at times because it makes him really happy. That's his love language. Just be positive about it. I see that maybe some of you think that you don't deserve this kind of treatment, but I'm telling you now sweetheart that you do!
How you made up? You didn't win the argument and he still bought or got you that extravagant trip or present. Reluctantly, you accepted, but seeing how loved he felt like when you did, made you more open to receiving.
hierophant, ace of pentacles, him: king of wands rx, the sun rx, you: justice rx, 8 of pentacles, abundance, not today
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This is also what I chose. And wow, our haikyuu s/o got sulky here. I can see here that they felt like they're the only one putting effort in showing affections. You are quite the no non-sense individual and your haikyuu s/o loves you for that, but you can also be quite reserved or a little stiff when it comes to the cheesy shmizzy. Your haikyuu s/o might be the lovey-dovey or flirty type in public, and you might always avoid their PDA or he wants you to be the one to do the same this time. If they're the quiet type, I can see them saying something really sweet to you yet you responded in a very minimal manner. Not in the way he thinks is fair for what he's showing.
You fought because he felt unloved. He might you know uh, mope about this. Good thing about is that you are someone who possesses wisdom and you plan to make him feel that you actually hold the same amount of affection for each other.
So I picked up message cards as well and it's fun because they resonated a lot even if I've already stitched the story together:
"The very first moment we touched, your arms felt like home." That same touch never lose its magic here. I think your haikyuu s/o is. just a major simp for you that he melts when give him even just a little bit of a hand-hold.
"I wasn't ready to face the truth." Confirmation here about you us being tsundere, at least the majority of those who's picked this pile. You might be quite overwhelmed with your s/o's affectionate nature and you still don't get the time to process all this. You might be touch-starved or just someone not used to being showered with this kind of devotion that's why it's a little difficult for you to open up. (omigod this is really my pile)
How you made up? You will plan for your next date here and it involves travel, yay! I can see here that you placate him by trying to be sweet and he tests you by getting you to kiss him like, "Look at me," cupping your cheeks and making you look at his face, while you're too shy about it.
justice, 5 of pentacles*queen of sword, 2 of cups rx, 7 of wands, rx, the lovers rx, you: the hierophant, 2 of wands, cupid's arrow, the swords & rose, flirt, ace of wands
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This is the angst pile ngl. There's both good and bad here. If you know Notting Hill, this almost have the similar plot. You and you haikyuu s/o are enjoying your relationship for real. It just feels warm around each other and you feel like you win a lottery by having each other's company. Suddenly, your s/o will try to run away from someone. It's definitely a lover from the past. It could be his ex or someone whom he had a crush on before that came into his life to bring him back, seducing him. He wanted to leave this person behind, but the situation is also causing you too much stress. You will break-up because of this and I see that the decision will come from you. Everything will be very sudden. Like one day you were both so happy then the next you just...break up.
I picked up message cards as well and damn they resonated strongly in this pile! Even after I stitched the story together! >,<
"I'll never finish falling in love with you." Clearly, your haikyuu s/o knows that you have an unfinished business and for him, your story is not yet over.
"I'm deeply sorry that I walk away from you." You regret that break-up and leaving him behind because you love him so much and so is he. You felt like you wasted everything good about your relationship just for that one bad thing.
How you made up? After taking a time off from each other, both of you learned a lot from this experience. Deep inside, you're still longing to see and be with each other. You will find your way to each other again when you both earned a big dose of faith. Your relationship will feel new and definitely more passionate than before.
the sun*3 of cups, 6 of wands, justice*6 of swords, him: justice, 7 of swords*princess of swords, you: king of wands, the tower, oracle: the chaser, seduction, religious factors, 4 of cups, 4 of swords, hope*ace of wands
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This is the pile that doesn't seem to have like a fight, you know. I think this is the group that thinks nothing is problematic with their relationship, but there is really a problem here and it's a cliche one. And this isn't even really a fight, but more of a disconnect. Your haikyuu s/o is a hardworker and can be workaholic at times. You, on the other hand, are a very independent individual. You can stand on your own and you're also full of intellect. All in all, it looks great but not when the two of you lack time for each other, because he's so busy with work and you are just fine by yourself. With the wheel here, I can see that you will both notice that you might be growing worlds apart because you don't have enough time for each other.
I shuffled up message cards as well and this is the top 2 pile with the strongest resonating message even if I've already stitched the story together:
"You are my angel." You know what I visualize here your haikyuu s/o smiling to himself after a day of hardwork because he thought of you. Like, there's a sunlight beaming on his features. You're his inspiration for being so dedicated. It's just sad that sometimes the best thing you can give someone is a little bit of your time.
"I miss you." Pretty obvious. I smiled when I picked this because it unexpectedly resonated. You're missing him, but I can pick up here someone who doesn't want to bother their s/o. You might think you're clingy for wanting his attention that's why daydreaming about the two of you is enough.
How you made up? You'll both realize it and feel it, the need to be with each other. You will both identify that not having a time to spare for each other can ruin your relationship in the long run. I can see here that both of you will address this situation and will be very dedicated to allot time for each other and be more open as well. I can see your haikyuu s/o taking this as his new task to master, for he's learning that making an effort to have a time spent with you is just as much as working hard for your future together. This is a very grounded group and I love it <333
the wheel*the world, 7 of pentacles, him: seven of pentacles, the hanged woman rx, you: ace of swords, 9 of pentacles, empath and narcissist, enable, pay attention to the red flags, 8 of pentacles, fantasy
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kicktwine · 3 years
do you have more thoughts on keyblade fighting that you need to put somewhere, because i have two hands ready to catch Should The Need Arise
anon: hey I heard you mention you’d analysed the combat styles in KH and what you said in the tags was already alluding to really neat stuff, but I for one would love to hear more of what you came up with!! so if you ever wanted to share any of your analysis then the floor is yours
Okay, so first some words on “standardized wielding styles”. These are styles shared by Terra, Aqua, Vanitas, Riku, and Xehanort and every other scala and daybreak kid. I will make the argument that the red style is the fanciest standard style, while the purple is seen often to make it easier on the little chibi sprites. BUT, I cannot discredit Eraqus, who uses the purple variant in bbs, nor can I discredit half of the Foretellers (Gula and Ava, at least, use this. Invi and Aced use the first type). So, two standard styles. For simplicity, let’s say one for primary offense, one for primary defense. The standard offensive style really wasn’t popular before Scala-era society.
check this difference out, specifically between ava invi and gula:
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then between eraqus, hermod, and xehanort, and eraqus and terra.
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These two were likely popularized and standardized for education in Scala ad Caelum for their predominant lack of obvious weak spots.
After this, we have unique styles. Those include Sora Kairi and Xion’s (similar to standard defense, but more mobile at the expense of form — Kairi takes after Sora but less confident, she hasn’t been hit that heavily yet), Ven’s (backhand, heavy range and mobility), Roxas’ (modified for two keyblades, but takes after Sora), and Axel’s (taught himself, comfortable with chakrams).
So! Let’s go.
Standard (offensive)
All styles have sub-variations, of a sense. Different wielders can choose where their keyblade points, and how they hold it exactly, based on what makes them most comfortable. Terra and Aqua point theirs downward, while Vanitas and Riku hold theirs above their head. What is recognizeable to this style is a hand for the sword, and a hand for guarding/blocking/items/magic.
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It’s incredibly efficient. With only one hand on the weapon, you not only free up a hand for other things, but increase your range of movement with said weapon. Test it out yourself! The keyblade hand is always your dominant hand, held behind you for increased power when attacking (since you lose a significant amount of it by choosing not to grip with both hands). This style also decreases the speed of the defense you have, but with that increased mobility and swing power, along with a hand free to brace against the keyblade (defense strength up!), it makes up for it. Many people who use this also have strong barrier spells — both a testament to their preference for coverage and an acknowledgement that any directional block will take a little longer and be weaker if they try it with one hand.
The pointy end, though. What difference does it actually make, the height it’s at?
I think it’s half a matter of attack style preference and half intention. Riku, Vanitas, and Xehanort stab quite a bit. Aqua and Terra slice more. Not that they don’t do both, but it’s the first instinct. Aqua and Terra are also likely taught to hold their keyblade neutrally, in a safe position, until someone starts attacking. It’s polite! Eraqus also holds his one-handed, neutrally, until he gets into position. Riku and Vanitas learned to fight assuming everyone was out to fight them. Invi and Aced may like this style because of range (i hc she’s blind and strikes very very quickly, and he’s already very powerful with just the one arm and wants better motion).
and on character specifics: Terra often switches to two-handed, to copy his dad and add extra power to his hits without always sacrificing the empty hand. Vanitas likely was forced to relearn how to fight, as instead of solely being trained to be better at withstanding, he was constantly being made to better his own attacks. The moves Xehanort uses would best be replicated in the same style. Vanitas is wild for holding the massive spiky x-blade like that.
Now, what‘s good on this style does not correlate to what’s bad in the other. The two standard styles simply have different ways of dealing with each con they create or taking advantage of each pro.
(Here’s an interesting side note — Gula uses standard defensive, but in this instance, swaps. One hand… likely to display confidence! Wrong move, but hey. He got cocky. He’s also doing it wrong, and swaps back to two-handed to take Aced’s attack.)
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Standard (defensive)
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The main detriment of this style is the lack of ease of long range movement. Hold a wrapping paper tube out in front of you with both hands, then run. It goes to the side, or tucks in to your stomach, right? Dodge. Your legs will get in the way unless you know where to move that sword. It requires, interestingly, a little more discipline. You’d think Aqua would like that, but no, she wants movement and practicality, and she loves magic, and remember that you must take a hand off this style to grab a potion. You’d think young Eraqus wouldn’t, but remember that he’s a fancy royal lad.
The main draw, though, is tankiness, readiness, and power. You don’t need to move as much if nothing dares hit you! Ava and Gula might be attracted to this style because they’re not as physically strong, but want protection in close-quarters fighting. Using this style when your muscles aren’t as big but you still want to Hit Things Good, or when you want to be a boy you can’t knock over with a pail of water (horse stance rules), is probably solid advice.
Traditionally, this is a lot less like fencing, and a lot more like a samurai sword or kendo. Your blade is held in front of you, giving you very easy access to blocks and frontal attack/defense. In losing some twirly spinniness, you gain power and minimize your opponent’s ability to parry and block.
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you gotta dodge master Eraqus so mcuh
All styles will swap between one and two hands for different moves. Eraqus, notably, swaps to a stance very similar to Xehanort when channeling a metric ton of magic.
Both of these styles require a degree of upper body/core strength, as does all swordfighting. I would be interested to see someone whose keyblade style relies on leg strength.
Sora, Xion, and Kairi
please look at the difference between the foretellers’ or eraqus’ two-handed grip and Sora’s. Do this with your shoulders and a top-heavy object.
They’re both in a hard stance, but hon. What are you, a gremlin? Anyways, a traditionally taught master would have… better form, even if it’s harder to learn at first. It’s habitual. Sora nearly crouches, and holds his keyblade back-pointed with two hands, which makes it easier for him to dodge roll, push off his feet quickly, and pull off those spinning combos he loves. It‘s really gonna hurt his muscles, in the future, though, since he’s doing a squat for like…. hours. Pulling on those shoulderblades and neck. Xion, too. Replicas had better have correct muscle dynamics. Kairi is brand new, so… maybe Aqua can teach her how to hold a sword so it doesnt hurt you.
Okay, now look at the grip itself. Held in front versus held to the side-back. They’re really attempting to combine both standard styles subconsciously, giving themselves more attack power while really wanting to keep that hard defensive parry, wanting to prevent all attacks to the front while also wanting mobility. It’s working for them really well, they fight like an anime character, and manage to get the best of both, with a minor sacrifice of length range that they don’t care about. We’re flexible and full of magic, baby! Holding the blade like this makes it pretty easy to let go with one hand without sacrificing that crouched defense position.
Now, Sora, specifically, is very adaptive. He’s had two keyblades, claws, guns, yo-yos, and a giant shield, to name a couple. He retains a bit of that alert crouch no matter where he goes, but Sora knows how he wants to attack and how to balance that with the most effective way to use his current weapon. He’s a smart kid! Sora has the most ridiculous shotlocks, which are also probably due to not always wanting to go standard for it. He also prefers to keep his focus on the enemy, which is evident in his reprisals and lack of very many effective “escape” moves.
Xion is very similar to Sora, but she does have some moves that are all movement. She switches to one handed for strikes a lot — using two for defending, one for smacking. In her data battle I’d swear some of those heavy hits are claymore-like. But anyways, since we’re magic, Xion cares not for the laws of exhaustion, and will ping about as a ball of light everywhere. Short range? Up in your business. Mid-range? In your business with one hand. Long range? Throws a boomerang. Hit her? No you dont. Ball of light. She’s above you and wants to bash your head in. (Vanitas also does this! A lot. It’s an easy way to catch someone off-guard. I’ll argue that the soras are very tough and strong, but not tanky. they want to avoid being hit a lot)
Another interesting note about Kairi. I say “unconfident” not because she doesn’t hit hard, but because her stance is also often tilted back, ready to dodge. It’s two handed, but almost all her moves are one. She does love spinning and throwing the thing! It looks like she’s been taking notes from the wielders she knows. It would be easy to teach her a standard style, I think. See here, she lets go on the strike, and by trying to do both, actually ends up with an advantage (being confusing) and disadvantage (losing both the power of two handed and versatility of one handed).
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A counter to Sora and Xion is difficult to pin down. Time? Probably. Lack of heating pads. Something that takes all their attention is about the only way to get a sneak attack in, and then you have to hit hard. A counter to Kairi would be anyone who can knock her off balance. She needs a sturdier stance. .
Roxas is interesting. He takes after Sora for the one blade. Wielding two, however, nets him a totally different way of fighting. Roxas’ clavicle muscles n… deltoids and stuff must be Ironclad. Also, two handed means you are very fast and sharp all the time. He has the advantage of standard defense (horse stance), and the advantage of offense (range of one sword, but twice).
Roxas generally attacks in two ways — simultaneous hits, and follow-up hits. Either he hits with both at once, or hits hard with the first one, and adds the second one as a bonus smack. He can attack by hitting in opposite directions with the two, like a drum, but that will be a little awkward and leave him prone to being tangled. That established, the follow-up hit method means he spins a bunch. As do we all.
Roxas gets a little complicated because we are not in the real world. We have magic and turning into light and physics that let you become a circular saw. So, typically, disadvantages would include: being unable to let go of a weapon to grab something or use an item, having just a very big silhouette to attack on, having difficulty with close-range attacks because Oathkeeper and Oblivion are kinda long, and convenience. Roxas gets to dodge #1 (keyblades can be unsummoned) and #4 (keyblades can be unsummoned). Speaking of dodging, he also gets to skirt the difficulty of dodging and rolling with two swords because he turns into a beam of light. But he can’t dodge how difficult it is to use two swords effectively — he needs to concentrate on fighting, and nothing else, or he risks messing up. He has to be very, very coordinated, and undistracted. Luckily he’s pretty good at making his opponents shut up, most of the time. Blocking is another thing — theoretically his blocks could be strong, but Roxas has no real brace: crossing your blades and taking a hefty stab might smack one of them back into your face. He mostly uses reversals and dodges, because of this.
The takeaway to this is Roxas is built for speed and power, and he is very strong. He’s a mid- to far- range fighter who if you’re not careful can snap you in half if you’re too close (be SO careful of that cross blade scissor).
A perfect counter to Roxas would be a tank that can grapple, and also be very distracting. If you can take hits, be talkative, and get close enough to stop his blades, you have a chance.
This is a bizarre choice, my guy, but I get it.
Backhanded weapons are very impractical for a lot of... attacking, mainly in mid-range combat, and Ven likes to either fight very close or throw the keyblade like a boomerang (and hey, backhand gives it a good whip for throwing). His attacks aren’t meant to one hit KO, but they do come with a bit of power to them, especially on the backslash. Like holding a knife for gouging. It’s for very close defense — pretty good when Wayward Wind and Missing Ache have hooks.
Backhand also, while retaining that empty hand for potions and guarding, gives you an extreme coverage boost. By which I mean Ven’s sword hand now has a nearly 270 degree sweep of “I see you, don’t touch me”, very quickly, based on just flicking his wrist. It sacrifices a ton of strength/sturdiness, but you don’t need that if you’re dodging. You also don’t really need to block, which is slower, but relatively sturdy when Ven does it, as he blocks with mostly the chunky hilt between crossed arms. He sacrifices (again) a bit of strength for coverage — an attack would hurt his arms, not his chest, if he were hit head-on.
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His attacks often have him flip the blade around in his hand, too. Quick swaps between standard moves and backhand ones. Basically, Ventus is built for moving, protecting himself, and quick attacks that wear down the enemy, not outclass it. Likely because he’s good at fighting, but everyone he’s fought hits harder than he can! It doesn’t matter how he holds it, getting hit will hurt. So he just. Doesn’t. He’s not a buff little guy — but he is a persistent one. Ven very likely made this up on his own, in Daybreak, and it was too hard to fix his whole style, but it was enough to correct most of his form so he doesn’t hurt himself too much. He is going to have to really stretch that shoulder and wrist (maybe get a brace), though. At least his neck is ok. … not sure about his knees tho dang boy that crouch
A perfect counter to Ven would be someone big and fast, who hits hard mid-range. He’s already been sparring with Terra, though, so when in doubt, try scruffing him?
Theres not a ton to say about him — he‘s not a swordfighter. He uses his keyblade like it’s a frisbee. Because that’s what he’s used to! His neutral is behind his back on his shoulder, which is terrible for readiness, but okay for chucking the thing. It’s good it has a sort of… ripstik like… boomerang quality.
Axel’s fighting style is completely made up, like most of the self-taught wielders’. His strengths lie in some of the benefits of standard offensive style (one-handed), and some of the same coverage stuff as Ven, having a cocked wrist most of the time so no one can sneak up around him without risking getting whacked very quickly, and having an interesting range due to the pointy end being basically on a spinny swivel wherever his hand moves. He’s not going to be good at close-range and he knows it — his attacks are mostly distance. And the guy has ZERO defense, combined with zero coverage when idle, so it’s for the better.
Distance-wise, though, he rocks. Treating the blade like it’s a flaming throwing weapon means his idle is actually great for sudden flick-tossing and attention-guiding for sneakier attacks, and his stance itself (…nonexistent) serves a different purpose: bait. Basically a big "come hit me". Fun, when you have a lot of fire magic and two friends who are beasts and love to take advantage of a distracted enemy — distance on the blade, proximity on the burning.
A perfect counter to Axel would be someone pinging around very close <—> very far and circling him incessantly. Like, data Xion could wreck him, as he has to wait for the boomerang to come back -- he no longer has two spinny wheels. Also someone with water magic.
SO! In conclusion! Having a teacher who teaches you correct sword usage rather than instinct may detract from overspecific styles that benefit you most but leave weak spots, but your muscles and your oversights will thank you. Everyone is glad we have the power of the Mouse and anime on our side.
Keep in mind again that I have done cursory research, and have had minimal actual sword instruction, I am not an expert and this is all for fun anyways :]
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hydrachea · 2 years
I’ve known this blog for a few days but if I had a penny for every thought you gave me I’d be rich. The Posessed!Volo AU especially, HoLy shietttt!?¿!!?
I saw the ’Laventon experiments w/Volo’ asks and that made me think of all the abilities that Volo would remain with permanently. I LOVE the crack idea that he uncontrollably phases through things and the Mirror traveling? Glorious. I personally hc that he regains his ’typing’, particularly that Giratina’s presence kinda modified his body and now he’s a literal Ghost-type lmao. A Snorlax about to bodyslam his has absolutely no effect and Lucario’s Close Combat passes harmlessly. Dark Pulse would obliterate him tho.
Also I like to think all the ”Heavy ball throwing at Volo” -art comes from the fact ppl want to test if he can be captured (and thinking that Yes, he can be, is hilarious)
Then he lets Akari catch him so no one else can. Also now he is always with her (and has a convinient private place to sulk/plan).
It’s 3:30 AM. I have to sleep now sorry for the nightly ramble that has 50/50 chance of making any sense in the morning.
((Btw if I make possible art/content of this AU in the future, is there a specific tag you want me to add?))
Let me preface this by saying I woke up to your message and it gave me warm fuzzies all morning. I'm so happy you've been enjoying my thoughts and that it's inspired you! And please never apologize for incoherent rambles or any kind of rambles, I love them dearly!
If you ever want to make any sort of content for it, I use "possessed volo au" as a tag to compile the stuff relating to it on my blog - and feel more than free to @ me or DM me your stuff! I'd love to see it!!
Now! For thoughts! I hadn't thought of any long-term consequences aside from his ability to travel to the distortion world (first manifesting as "glitching"), but the typing is interesting! Especially considering that with his whole "phasing through things" deal, it can be justified - Normal and Fighting type moves just phase through him like he used to phase through things himself. Not all moves do, that would be unfair, but the types Giratina is immune to are fair game. It's a very surprising moment when it first happens, and neither he nor Akari are even sure what it was, but she convinces him to let Laventon do some tests and it confirms that he's somehow immune to both those types of moves from pokemon - Laventon speculating (correctly) that it's due to Giratina's influence on his body.
I still don't think he can be captured, since in PLA pokeballs work through wild pokemon's ability to change their own size (which... hoo boy, I'm not working out the implications of that so I'm not giving Volo that ability). A nice alternative inspired by something @feroluce came up with is that in lieu of being captured, he can come into the distortion world from wherever he is as long as there's a reflective surface nearby, and come out wherever Akari is through a pocket mirror she always carries with her. Not quite sending him out to battle with a pokeball, but still a link he chooses to have with her and nobody else.
(That won't stop Rei and Akari from throwing balls at him to mess with him, or Laventon from studying him like he's another page of the pokedex. But it's ok.)
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yuujism · 3 years
Sun and Night. (gojo satoru x reader)
Chapter 1: Hate
chapter 2 →
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| PAIRINGS: gojo satoru x reader x getou suguru
| WARNINGS: ⚠️ SPOILERS FOR HIDDEN INVENTORY ARC AND VOL. 0 IN THE MANGA ⚠️ explicit language, nsfw (next chapter will have tags), plot, too much writing, kinda modified so it can fit the story but nothing out of canon, grammar errors
| WORD COUNT: idk lol i’ll count it later
| A/N: so uhhh, i’m back i guess ??? this came to me after re reading the manga and kinda yearned for some angst between gojo and reader because they both loved suguru so much 😽 and i love suguru a lot too and i miss him dearly anyway !! please check the post before this one to know what will go on with my other series !! right now i’m taking my time to write :( anyway hope you enjoy!! i hope it’s not kinda half asses though sorry ):
You and Satoru were in love.
You were both so deeply in love, just not with each other.
Where you and Satoru found comfort in each other after the accident happened.
Chapter 1: Hate.
You were in love.
To you, Getou Suguru was the bright moon in your dark sky.
Long and silky black hair, sly yet serious dark eyes and the soothing voice of reason, drowned your thoughts almost every day. He was really in every thought and dream you could have and you didn’t mind.
He always looked at you with a sweet smile adorning his features, raising his hand and waving it at you whenever you walked into the room. The sound of your name slipping through his lips made you realise you did like your name, but only when it came from him. The faint touch of his hand on your shoulder that sent shivers down your spine, face heating up reflexively as he leaned down to your ear to say some silly joke about Yaga.
Even to this day, you could still feel the ghost of his breathing in your neck.
Getou Suguru made you feel welcomed, and you loved him for that. You deeply loved him.
You knew you weren’t the only one who had their heart squeeze with adoration whenever Suguru came into view. He was just better at hiding it, an expert in sweeping his emotions under a rug and masking them with a cocky smile. But not for your observant eyes.
Gojo Satoru was also in love.
To Satoru, Getou Suguru was equal to him. The strongest sorcerers. He was also an annoyance.
Contrary ideals and constant bickering never failed to appear when these two were put together. They seemed so different: white and black; water and oil; the sun and the moon. Yet they always found themselves with each other.
Satoru hated the way Suguru could look through him so easily, calling him out on his bullshit whenever he was getting out of hand. Satoru didn’t mind as long as it was him and only him. The way they could almost read each other’s minds as if they were connected, only needing one look from the other to completely understand what were they thinking. The memory of Suguru still made Satoru’s stomach fill with butterflies, recalling the first time he saw his best friend through the eyes of a person in love.
Getou Suguru made Satoru feel everything he didn’t want to feel, and he became his one and only since the beginning.
You were both in love with Getou Suguru, but never admitted it. Not to him, not to each other, not to anybody. Everyone was oblivious to the way you indirectly fought against Satoru over the black haired sorcerer’s attention.
But then, it all came to an abrupt stop and everything shattered into a million pieces. It came as quickly as an unexpected projectile to both of your stomach’s guts.
“Getou Suguru is now to be executed on sight as a curse user.”
And you tried your best to stop the tears from coming and forget. Forget his sweet smile, his soothing voice, his touch and everything he made you feel. And Satoru did too. Because Getou Suguru was now a criminal. A murderer.
You wished it was all just a bad dream, that the charges against Suguru were just a complex plan from another terrorist group. Hope was something that you didn’t believe in and right now it looked like the sweetest of options. Ignorance is bliss after all.
Until Satoru came one day after an apparent encounter with Suguru thanks to Shoko’s aid. It was all true. You still remember the tremble in Satoru’s voice confirming every single event that was described in the announcement. His parents, the village, the hatred against humans. It was all real and, sadly, everything was clear now.
Getou Suguru was no longer the one you both knew and loved.
You also remember the discussion you had with Satoru after everyone left the room, asking him why he didn’t stop him, why he didn’t do anything to bring Suguru back to the school just like everyone expected him to.
“Would you have been able to do it?!” His yelling made you jolt before you looked at him with regret as his cold blue eyes showed his true and raw emotions for once.
And you knew. You knew that question had a deeper meaning than it appeared. And you also knew Satoru was well aware of your own feelings towards Suguru when his eyes looked through all the barriers you built to hide the pain you were in. To hide your love and broken heart. You could almost see his own dispair deep within himself. It was just too much and you couldn’t help but look down at your own feet through your tears.
Turns out you weren’t the only one with observant eyes.
After that day, you and Satoru never exchanged words that weren’t about the students or the missions you were given through those months. You also never talked about the not-so-hidden feelings you both had towards the sorcerer that was once your friend and acquaintance.
It didn’t get better either but, somehow, it wasn’t worse than those days.
The memories of his smile still haunted you and your heart still felt as broken as that damned day. But at least you hadn’t heard of him for a long time. None of you had.
Satoru seemed to had forgotten completely. Or that was what he wanted to show. You knew he was as broken—or even more—than you were. How could he deem himself the strongest when he couldn’t save his one true friend and love after all. However, Satoru was sperfect at everything, even hiding the pain.
And everything did look better for you and Satoru in the path of forgetting Suguru. And, just like last time, destiny just couldn’t leave you alone.
Getou Suguru was back.
The way your body petrified under his gaze when he was finally in front of you after a long time was pathetic. You couldn’t move even if you wanted to, mouth slightly parted in an attempt to call him out for the first time in what felt forever. Was it fear? Was it shock? You didn’t know.
What you did know is he was the same Suguru but different. His smile wasn’t sweet anymore and his hair was longer. But the way he said your name still made your heart flutter in adoration and yearning for him.
No. No, this can’t be.
No, no, no. Getou Suguru was a criminal. A curse user. You had to stop him. You had to do something, anything!
Flashes of Suguru’s touch came into your mind as he walked towards you, calmly and confident as you stood there, a trembling hand trying to make its way to fight. Suguru didn’t stop.
Satoru’s words during your discussion resonated in your mind over and over again. Are you able to stop him? To risk it all and kill him if needed? Your hand stopped.
But you couldn’t. Not when he placed his hand on your shoulder, thanking you for not putting up a fight. Not when he walked past you, his familiar scent filling your nostrils for a brief second. And certainly not when he spoke from behind you, telling you how much he’d missed you.
You almost felt like laughing. You were truly pathetic.
Pathetic for not forgetting him. For thinking that, maybe after all this time, you would’ve been able to stop Suguru if the chance presented in front of your eyes. Unlike Satoru who couldn’t do it.
Oh, how wrong you were.
You crumbled down to your knees, hands holding your aching head as tears filled your eyes and memories of Suguru came to your mind. You weren’t strong at all. You could hear the rumbling far from your spot now, announcing the start of a fight.
Time passed, slow or fast, you didn’t know. But the tingling sensation of Suguru’s touch on your shoulder lingered until everything was silent once again.
It wasn’t until Satoru was next to you, that you finally got out of your stance of shock, looking up at him and his bandage-covered face. His demeanour was different once again, even if you couldn’t see his eyes, you could sense something was off, something happened just like that day.
Satoru didn’t even make the effort to face you as you stood up, still slightly shaking for the past event. He couldn’t. He didn’t know how to break the news for you because, once again, he couldn’t save Suguru. And this time, forever. His heart felt heavier than ever, his hands clenched into fists as he tried his best not to show how he was also shaking.
God, how Satoru wished that everything was different.
When you finally came to his senses, Satoru finally faced you, a small smile appearing in his face. His mask, you thought. His mask was crumbling in front of your eyes and he still tried to hide it. How cynical. Your eye twitched with annoyance as you saw right through him.
“Let’s go! The higher ups are wa—“
“He’s dead.” You cut him off and Satoru’s smile dropped, staring at you.
It wasn’t a question nor did you hesitate when those words came out of your mouth. You didn’t need him to confirm your statement as he once again faced away and the sound of the wind filled your ears.
Satoru could almost hear the sound of both of your hearts breaking even more, this time, until dust was the only thing remaining.
You didn’t have any more tears to cry as you grew tired of Satoru’s silence, taking it as the answer you weren’t even expecting before walking in front of him towards your next destination, leaving him behind. You disliked him more than ever right now.
Satoru limited himself to stare at your figure getting further away, jaw clenching with anger. Anger directed at you and himself. How could you look right through him? Did you even care about Suguru’s death as much as he cared? Did you even love him as much as he loved him?
That day, Satoru decided he hated you.
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morporkian-cryptid · 3 years
Today in "Elliott's Niche AF AUs": one (1) person asked me about this, sooooo...
Lupin III Discworld AU crossover headcanon pile thingy!!!
For those who don't know: Discworld is a flat world held on the back of four giant elephants on top of a giant turtle, floating through space. That world has magic, as well as trolls, dwarves, goblins etc... but in a way that's meant to subvert typical fantasy tropes.
Ankh-Morpork, the biggest city on the Disc, is a hotbed of crime, innovations, and innovations in crime. It is run by a council of guilds, and by a Patrician (a lifelong tyrant; he's elected by the guilds but he has the final say in everything). Notorious for having an Assassins', Thieves', Beggars', and Seamstresses' (sex workers) Guilds. Also notorious for its Watch (the police), which is actually surprisingly good at solving crimes. It's also the biggest immigration destination on the Disc.
Character backstories/situations:
Lupin : half-quirmian-half-agatean (Quirm being the DW equivalent of France), grew up in the Agatean Empire (DW equivalent of China/East Asia). He moved to Ankh-Morpork to follow Fujiko, and/or to escape Zenigata. He’s an illegal thief (meaning he's not registered with the Thieves' Guild), and his favourite hobby (besides just stealing in general) is screwing with the Guild. Commander Vimes, the head of the Watch, is supposed to catch him (or at least help Zenigata catch him), but he's secretly rooting for him because he dislikes the Guild slightly more than he dislikes Lupin.
Jigen : son of a couple of Agatean immigrants in Ankh-Morpork, grew up as a street urchin in the Shades (the most crime-ridden neighborhood of the notoriously crime-ridden Ankh-Morpork). He joined the Assassins’ Guild later in his life as a (mostly self-taught) sharpshooter, with a talent that outshone that of the Guild's best students. He later quit the Guild after he met Lupin (possibly had a contract to kill Lupin, and decided “screw this I’m going with him”). He can use any kind of shooting weapons, but favors crossbows. He’s tried stealing and using the gonne (DW's first and only firearm); it didn't go well. He somehow managed to learn one single spell from the wizards, the fireball, by becoming pals with Arcchancelor Ridcully (wizard, head of the Unseen University, and famous for his unfortunate passion for crossbow shooting).
Goemon : agatean immigrant/fugitive, master swordsman. He left Agatea because Fujiko stole his Zantetsuken and fled to Ankh-Morpork, so Goemon had to follow her to retrieve his sword. He then met Lupin and Jigen and decided to stick around. The Zantetsuken is a talking sword, and its personality is basically the embodiment of Bushido. It's extremely annoying (like all talking swords), but Goemon loves it. (it was probably his only friend back in Agatea)
Fujiko : agatean immigrant/fugitive. Ran away from the Agatean Empire chased by Goemon. She joined the Thieves’ Guild, but everyone confuses her for a seamstress because her technique usually involves seduction. She tried it on Vetinari once. It failed spectacularly.
Zenigata : agatean immigrant, part of the Empire’s police force, who came to Ankh-Morpork chasing Lupin. He only brought his assistant Yata with him, and has to cooperate with the Watch to have resources to catch Lupin. Vimes doesn’t particularly like him, but he’s good at his work so he can’t say anything (they're both too stubborn to get along).
Yata: Zenigata’s assistant, came to Ankh-Morpork with him, rapidly became great friends with Rufus Drumknott (the Head Secretary of the Patrician, Lord Vetinari). He has a bad influence on Drumknott. He also befriended Captain Carrot Ironfoundersson, but then again Carrot befriends everyone.
Ami: She's a clacks operator. Clacks are basically the DW equivalent of telegraph. There's a group of clacks hackers called the GNU, so she might have joined them.
Albert: He's part of the Patrician's Dark Clerks (they're the secret services of Ankh-Morpork)
Rebecca: She's from Quirm. That’s all I have about her for now. (Quirm's the equivalent of France, but in the french translation it was made into an equivalent of Italy)
Random-Ass Headcanons
Lupin gets along like a house on fire with Moist von Lipwig (former conman and current postmaster, notorious adrenaline junkie), both figuratively and literally. Lupin and Lipwig sometimes team up on heists and rely on each other’s help, when they’re not busy competing against each other because Lupin keeps daring Lipwig to thieving competitions.
One of the contests’ goal is to steal Vetinari’s manuscript, The Servant. Fujiko wins. She wasn’t even in the race.
Fujiko quickly became friends with Adora-Belle Dearheart (Moist von Lipwig's rather explosive girlfriend), they get together every now and then to trash-talk their respective boyfriends.
For some reason everyone thinks Lupin is a werewolf. (it’s actually Jigen)
(maybe. I haven't yet decided whether or not he is. That would be a very good source of angst, considering what most werewolves are like, and also a very good source of domestic fluff if the whole gang has to adapt to the moon cycle and Jigen's transformations. Idk. Might be fun.)
Fujiko owns a horse golem (a gift from Adora-Belle or something she stole, we may never know). The Gang also owns a carriage, modified with a spell so it will drive faster, and they drive it completely carelessly. It has been destroyed and rebuilt countless times. (actually a bunch of spells, Lupin probably found a way to blackmail Ridcully so he could mod the shit out of his carriage. Or they rely on Jigen’s friendship with Ridcully)
Lupin uses swamp dragons as firearms (dialogue courtesy of @marquise-de-clarabas: Jigen: You stole a dragon??? Lupin: I didn’t steal him! He’s his own person and can make decisions himself! Dragon: I wanna steal). He has an alias and disguise entirely dedicated to visiting the Sunshine Sanctuary For Sick Dragons, and somehow became friends with Lady Sybil Ramkin-Vimes (Commander Vimes' wife, and the greatest expert on swamp dragons in the city, probably on the Disc). Vimes doesn't know about it, and Lupin finds the whole situation hilarious. He constantly makes jokes about how he’s playing with fire.
The Thieves’ Guild and the Watch are competing to catch the Gang, but secretly Vimes is rooting for the Gang (the Guild just hates them). That said, Vimes also hates Lupin (only slightly less than he dislikes the Guild), because he's always a little shit whenever he gets put in jail, and then he immediately breaks out.
Rincewind (famously bad wizard with a shit luck and a tendency to run from problems) once got arrested by Zenigata, because he got startled by him yelling LUPAAAAAAAAAN! and started running for the hills, making Zenigata believe he was Lupin in disguise. Rincewind is terrified of Zenigata.
Zenigata is actively trying to stop the Thieves' Guild from catching Lupin and Co, both because he wants to catch them himself, and because he knows what the Guild does to illegal thieves and he doesn’t want it to happen to Lupin.
Lupin stole Ridcully’s hat (custom wizard hat with a bunch of pockets, drawers, a crossbow, and a tiny flask of alcohol) as a gift for Jigen’s birthday. He also stole Lipwig’s hat (golden cap with dove wings), after which Adora claimed she didn’t recognize Moist (dialogue courtesy of @marquise-de-clarabas: Moist: C’mon babe, it’s me, your boyfriend! Adora, knowing full well who he is: I have never met this man in my entire life). He also raided the Assassins' Guild's armory/museum to get a birthday gift for Goemon.
About Jigen and the gonne (spoilers for Men at Arms) : basically, the gonne being such a dangerous and destructive weapon compared to crossbows, it has a nigh-magical attraction on people, and awakens and strengthens whatever lust for power, vengeance, blood etc they have. It basically controls its user and feeds on their convictions, addictions, wants, etc. The only person known to have resisted it is Vimes (because he's a stubborn mofo with a sense of morals you could bend iron on), and even he came damn near to losing his mind. (And Carrot, because... he's Carrot.)
Assuming the gonne didn't get destroyed in this AU: after they steal it, Lupin tries to use it, gets completely possessed/cursed (again) and accidentally tries to murder his friends (again), prompting Jigen to take it from him. Jigen then gets possessed as well, and they start fighting for the gonne, until Goemon just walks in, takes it out of their hands and takes it away. Goemon's completely unaffected by the gonne because 1) of his ascetic training and 2) "it is a filthy morporkian artifact and cannot compare to the noble art of the sword."
Zenigata often teams up with Angua (resident werewolf of the Watch), they get along very well. The Gang is very easy to track, they smell like a tobacco factory that has caught on fire.
Yata and Drumknott (Patrician's head secretary, and confidante, sort of) get together after office hours, and argue about whose boss is the best (because as we all know they both have a crush on respective bosses). One day Drumknott accidentally calls Vetinari “Sempai” after he heard Yata call Zenigata that all the time.
Lupin follows Lipwig’s example and steals all of Yata’s pencils every time he visits the Pseudopolis Yard (the Watch's HQ). Drumknott is fuming when Yata tells him about it.
Leonardo Da Quirm is butt-naked, because Part 4.
Something with vampires, probably.
tagging @carriagelamp and @mad-whoman-with-a-book00 because I know you may be potentially interested in this AU ^^
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phoenixtakaramono · 3 years
Character Design Thoughts for Shen Yuan & Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky in ‘The Untold Tale’
(This is a Follow Up to This Post)
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Hello, @averydrearydiana! Loved reading through your tags! I’m excited that you’re excited! Since I’m also seeing comments on AO3 speculating about how our transmigrators are going to appear as in The Untold Tale, I might as well give my current thoughts and have this archived on tumblr for future reference.
A fun fact about TUT is that a lot of the imagery in the story is inspired by Chinese PVs and popular C-dramas and literature. Since TUT is conceived as a lovestory to SVSSS, one element that I’d wanted to incorporate is playful attempts at satirical genre deconstruction. With that comes with me playfully poking fun at some clichés or things I’ve noticed in Chinese works.
Shen Yuan’s Celestial Design
Before I talk about his mortal appearance, I have to give a lil context about his celestial design in the story. We already know what he looks like as the celestial fortuneteller in TUT’s cover art that I’ve already posted on tumblr. As everyone knows, I was heavily inspired by this Chinese PV:
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(TUT ch1 - Excerpt)
Among the things I’ve noticed are the fictional characters with white hair. We have a whole subculture of fans liking male character designs with white hair in anime and animation. Taking that a step further, they’ve even shown up in C-dramas, i.e. Teng She from Love and Redemption (technically more blond than platinum white, but shhhhh, just let me have this), Dong Hua Dijun from Eternal Love of Dream aka Three Lives Three Worlds, Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms (rest assured, I’m aware of the source material’s controversy, but let’s not get into that here), etc. One of the tags for TUT is Opposites Attract. Luo Binghe’s color coordination is aligned with black and red mostly. Now, visually speaking, what’s the opposite of that?
The yin yang symbol.
Fun fact, besides black vs white, green (SY) is the complementary color of red (LBG) on the color wheel. Now taking everything I’ve said, to take it even one step further, my thought process at the time was, “why not go the extra mile then and just have SY be albino? Within context of the Heavenly Realm, that character design makes sense.” TUT is me subtly riffing off what I can (for the good ol’ meta humor), but making the content come across as a legitimate story experience. As Protagonist A and Protagonist B, LBG and SY have to look visually striking together. With all that said, let’s talk about....
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(In reference to the original tumblr post)
Shen Yuan (Mortal)
I’ll keep some elements of his albinism from his celestial form (light sensitivity and pale skin mostly), but SY’s mortal form is essentially SY pre-transmigration but within context of the xianxia genre.
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For his appearance, let’s just keep this Author’s Note^ and TUT’s summary in the back of our brains. This is the fanvid I was originally inspired by for SY’s mortal appearance:
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(TUT Summary - Excerpt)
For what he wears, I’m currently feeling very heavily inspired by this PV:
His mortal appearance wouldn’t be considered as “strange” or “otherworldly” compared to the “ethereal fairy-like beauty” SY retains in the Heavenly Realm, but as a side-effect of the 【PROTAGONIST’S HALO】 and his +20 CHARISMA stat, he would still be considered attractive to people even when he takes on a mortal appearance. (Mainly, I like the idea of Bing gē taking large shots of vinegar seeing SY turning heads no matter which appearance SY takes on, and Luo Binghe glaring at these “insects” for even “daring to lay their unworthy eyes on his fated person.” The thought of it just makes me laugh.)
What I mean by how SY’s mortal form being very much based on how SY appeared pre-transmigration but in the xianxia genre context, I mean he’ll have his dark hair (but longer), a “scholarly air” (as a nod to his novelist background), dark eyes, and even his glasses technically (the divine monocle mentioned in ch3, which is also a subtle nod to Sha Po Lang and a riff on men wearing monocles in other Chinese works andit’salsoforeshadowingbutshhhh).
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(TUT ch3 - Excerpt)
Shen Yuan originally was an author in his forties pre-transmigration, so I like the idea him having a mature air about him in the Cultivation World as well. So for both our Protagonist B’s celestial and mortal appearances, the idea is that you can look at him and immediately recognize him as a protagonist of the danmei setting. My only two prerequisites are that his appearance screams “hello, I’m Protagonist B” and that he appears in “scholarly” attire.
Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky (Mortal)
Keeping in mind the original tumblr post where I wrote my thoughts on who I’m transmigrating him as, currently I’m thinking it’s a combination of these two PVs for his mortal form:
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As a nod to him being a successful novelist, I wanted him to also appear scholarly. A scholarly crown prince, if you will. For his attire, imagine all the C-drama clothing you’ve seen actors wear in period dramas, and you already have a good idea already of the direction I’m heading down.
As the prince of the cannon fodder emperor, I very much like the idea of Airplane perhaps having a baby face and brown hair (as a small nod to fanon!SQH from SVSSS) but with a great body (a huge source of inspiration are clothing worn by Prince Yu and Prince Jing of the three princes from the C-drama Nirvana in Fire). Since Airplane will also be able to select his Character Creation stats like Shen Yuan had, one thing I’m fairly certain is that he will max out his CONSTITUTION—because “game logic” and not wanting to die. (For those who don’t know, the CON stat in tabletop RPs essentially indicates a person’s overall health, wellbeing, and vigor checks...so him maxing it out is equivalent to him being as invulnerable as a cockroach. A high CON means overall healthiness, which means your character probably is full of energy and vitality, can heal rapidly, and will rarely get sick—if ever. Low CON usually means a higher susceptibility to sickness and disease, wounds that fester and linger, and a general fatigue would haunt you, etc.) Like how SY zeroed in on his CHA, Airplane would have prioritized +20 CON (+5 modifier), especially knowing the fate that’d await him as a prince and the vicious environment that is expected for palace intrigue plots (the harem is a big factor, with concubines and consorts and even the empress sabotaging each other—just to win the favor of one man). Against poison or whatnot which is a cliché in palace intrigue plots, rather than relying on luck, you typically stand a better chance of passing the CON check if you have a high modifier aiding your checks. He’s basically become impervious to illnesses, most poisons (probably being able to spring back quickly), and is considered the healthiest prince in all the mortal imperial line. <- This could be taken both seriously and humorously simultaneously.
Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky (Deity/ Celestial)
For Xiàng Tiān Dà Fēijī’s “actual divine body” that is currently asleep and won’t be awakened until Airplane completes his mortal trial to “regain his cultivation powers,” the face should obviously be similar but, as Xiàng Tiān Dà Fēijī, he would appear regal and dignified as a god of this world:
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Imagine something along the lines of mortal Airplane as the man on the right, celestial Shen Yuan in the center, and deity/ celestial Airplane as the man on the left. I envision a respectable appearance that would knock the air out of Mobei jūn and make him recognize Airplane despite any visual dissimilarities, and in a way we have the Four Beauties of China: Luo Binghe, Shen Yuan, Mobei jūn, and Xiàng Tiān Dà Fēijī.
I will say I currently have an idea of making Airplane have “golden” eyes in both his celestial and mortal forms. (Spoiler alert: in my notes, I’d written down to give Airplane yellow eyes as an Easter egg to Yanxi Palace, I believe, where there was an episode where someone of the imperial harem schemed against the empress and almost had the newborn baby killed because that and the yellow skin was an inauspicious omen. We later find out through a timely intervention that the true reason was due to jaundice—because of the diet/ pregnancy cravings she ate for a period of time which resulted in her son’s symptoms. With Airplane’s high CON and another trope I’m bringing in which’ll have to do with the Medicine King’s Valley/ Valley of the Medicine King, his yellow eyes are the only side effect that lingered from that traumatic event which would have killed him had they gotten away with their scheme. A lot of palace dramas have to do with the vicious harem plots, so this would potentially be one such example.) The reason being that this is the identifying marker for MBJ to clue in that they’re the same man he will have loved. And I think that has romantic potential.
Now addressing the other tags, yes, essentially speaking, Mobei jūn might just very well experience his very own Big Damn Reunion trope that Bing mèi had suffered from SVSSS. Poor MBJ. He’s in a tumultuous ride of his own with him considering Airplane as his own fated person, hahaha. But for the Moshang dynamic, I want him—a demon—to find himself taken with Airplane in his mortal guise—and subsequently his true celestial appearance once he finds out. I very much also want SY to jokingly snark to his fellow transmigrator-and-writing-colleague about him getting in a relationship with his own “creation” (MBJ). And Airplane would jokingly snark back about SY “ruining his ‘first son’ as well” (LBG). If you can read between the lines of that, then kudos. I’m glad to hear you’re looking forward to the palace intrigue.
I’m especially very happy to hear you’re looking forward to the descriptions! I personally love worldbuilding in the stories I consume I’m an interior designer and realtor irl, so I’m glad my love of house details and landscape, etc shows in TUT. For the pseudohistorical vibe, in the Mortal Realm, I will be referencing the Forbidden City of our Chinese history and a couple popular period C-dramas. Take the settings of period C-dramas like Ruyi’s Royal Love in the Palace, Yanxi Palace, and Nirvana in Fire as examples for what will be awaiting us when we finally meet Airplane in his mortal body. In the Heavenly Realm, the descriptions will be heavily referencing shows that contain aesthetics such as those of Ashes of Love, Love and Redemption, and Eternal Dream.
Take this with a grain of salt just in case I change my mind later on, but in the chapter when we meet Airplane for the first time, I probably won’t say which character he is in the first scene. I’ll give plenty of hints in the first scene so that you all can make your guesses before the big reveal, but I’m fairly confident you all or most of you will be able to pinpoint who he is among the cannon fodders. We’ll meet the emperor, who is discussing with his sons about the matter regarding the approaching calamity that is Luo Binghe. Then when we transition into the second scene, we’ll know exactly which “royal prince OC” it is that our beloved Airplane has transmigrated into, hahaha.
(*Keep in mind, for everything written above, some details are subject to change. Nothing is official until it appears in the story, or I’ve actually drawn my ideas out and posted online to both my tumblr and twitter. These are just my current thoughts.)
A goal of mine for TUT is to make the story widely accessible, meaning it doesn’t matter if the reader is new to the SVSSS fandom or aren’t familiar with the Easter egg references or meta jokes or subtext or even the Chinese culture, or even if English is not their first language. Having knowledge beforehand might help someone notice more hidden details in TUT, yes, but it is a humble wish of this writer for her esteemed readers to be able to dive into the story and get the enjoyable feeling like they’re reading a genuine danmei novel. It really makes me smile whenever I hear feedback that I am able to emulate that experience.
Very exciting developments indeed are in store!
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ariel-seagull-wings · 3 years
TAGGED BY: @princesssarisa​
@draculashaxanbride @superkingofpriderock @notyouraveragejulie @mademoiselle-princesse @tilthenextbluemoon @chansondefortunio @solraneth @solevenus @gravedangerahead​ @smile-at-the-stars​ @professorlehnsherr-almashy​
Favorite Thing Abouth Them: In modern western pop culture, the zeitgeist has been dominated by stories of villain protagonists with tragic pasts and motivations that make them so sympathetic that sometimes we ask ourselves: “Are the studios sure they know how to make villain protagonists, or did they basically made heroes going trough an angsty goth fase”? 
This phenomenon has quickly grown tyring, and most of those stories are not very good. So its enjoyable to go to an old work like an 18th century opera, and watch Don Giovanni be a classic villain of whose past we don’t need to know (since this doesn’t matter to the plot) and who is unabashedly evil, with no simpathetic motivations to be seen: he just wants to satisfy his pleasures at the suffering of others, and we love to hate him for it.
Least Favorite Thing About Them: Not much... just the fact that he is a mysoginist and his “little crimes” of seduction, rape and murder in petty duels. Thank Heavens he is a fictional character, because man like him are more than enough nightmare in real life.
Three Things I Have In Common With Them:
*I enjoy wine.
*I enjoy the comfort of music.
*I sometimes show a goofy sense of humour, like in the scene where Don Giovanni literary invites a statue to dine at his house.
Three Things I Don't Have In Common With Them:
*I am not male.
*I am not an aristocrat.
*I never killed anyone.
Favorite Line:
These lines he says in the famous ACT I duet Là ci darem la mano, where he tries to manipulate Zerlina to sleep with him:
Là ci darem la mano, Là mi dirai di sì. Vedi, non è lontano; Partiam, ben mio, da qui.
Vieni, mio bel diletto!
Io cangierò tua sorte.
Andiam, andiam, mio bene, a ristorar le pene d'un innocente amor.
(Give me thy hand, oh fairest, Whisper a gentle 'Yes', Come, if for me thou carest, With joy my life to bless.
Come, dearest, let me guide thee.
Danger shall ne'er come nigh thee! With thee, with thee, my treasure, This life is nought but pleasure, My heart is fondly thine.)
brOTP: Leporello in the opera itself. Outside of it, the bawd lady Brigida and Don Luis Mejia, from José Zorrilla’s version of the Don Juan Story, the play Don Juan Tenorio, who was his friendly rival in competitions of “Who kills more man and beds more ladies”, and the Duke of Mantua from Verdi’s Rigoletto, with whom i can definitly see Don Giovanni being drinking budies.
OTP: He does not love anyone but himself.
nOTP: Donna Anna, Donna Elvira and Zerlina.
Random Headcanon: Like in Zorrilla’s Don Juan Tenorio, Don Giovanni’s father also cutted ties with his son and disowned him after learning what a cruel and selfish man he was. But Don Giovanni went a step beyond his stage play equivalent, paying someone to poison his father and modifying the dead man’s will so he could inherit his fortune anyway. That’s why he is still rich.
Unpopular Opinion: I think i find him most interesting having the appearance of a middle aged man between mid thirties and forties instead of looking like a conventionally young and handsome twenty something, because, besides adding to the creepyness factor and to the idea that he has sinned for so long in his life he is now beyond redemption, it also gives the idea that his seduction power is more deep, based in how he exudes power and command and talks in a charming way, instead of the superficial “Because his body is hot” reason.
Song I Associate With Them:
Là ci darem la mano
Favorite Picture of Them:
This painting my Max Slevgot
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This paing by Alexander-Évarist Fragonard
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Nicolai Ghiaurov in the early 60s
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Ruggero Raimond in the 1979 movie
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Samuel Ramey, with Karita Mattila as Donna Elvira, in 1990
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Ferrucio Furlanetto
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