#also I realize I wear a lot of shorts and push my sleeves up a lot so the chances of hiding them entirely is fairly small.
shatterthefragments · 5 months
The urge to fuck off and fuck me is strong with this one
I can do this. I can. But fuuuuuuck.
0 notes
mj0702 · 9 months
The other Bronze – Part 2
For my Bubs and @cyclingbigirl who demanded a part 2
Keira woke the next morning, you draped half over her body. Your right leg was across her lower half, your face was laying on her shoulders, your right arm was over her chest, gripping onto Keiras left sleeve. As carefully as she could, she fished her phone, making a selfie of you and her. She saw that she had 6 unread messages from Lucy, asking about her little sister and if everything was alright. The last message not even 15 Minutes old, so Keira decided to just respond with the picture. A minute later her phone vibrated again
Lucy: “Someone is cuddley”
Keira chuckled and texted back “Aren't all Bronzes cuddley around me?”
Lucy: “My Brother too, Keira?! Seriously? Don't you have any shame?”
Keira: “Maybe ;)”
Lucy: “Kinda disturbing, but whatever... she okay? You okay?”
Keira: “She misses you – a lot... just a fair warning.. she's not to keen on Ona, so keep their time spent together to a minimum in the beginning”
Lucy: “She doesn't even know Ona... what is her fucking Problem?”
Keira: “Language, Lucia... she doesn't really have a Problem. You know she always struggled with Change – she feels guilty for our breakup and just needs time to get used to you dating again”
Lucy: “I'm sorry... not only for the swearing – I think I didn't realized just how much it affected her... still affects her... thank you for watching out for her too, Kei... it really means the world to me”
Keira: “No need to thank me, Lucy... you know I love her just as much – so... brunch?”
Lucy: “You think you can get her up and presentable in an hour?”
Keira: “Oh please – I tell you the same as her yesterday... I'm not you – I'm not a push-over”
Lucy: “Oi!! I'm not a push-over”
Keira: “With her you always were... and still are”
Lucy: “One Hour starts now, Walsh... tick tock”
Keira laughed lightly, not even bother to respond, before she started to softly stroke over the younger Bronzes face.
“Wakey wakey” she whispered in your ear. Your nose scrunched up and you pressed your Face deeper into Keiras shoulder.
“Come on, Bitsy.. time for brunch” the older Woman said smiling, knowing that the promise of Food always gets the Bronze women going. Food and Caffeine. Your nose scrunched up again, but at least your head moves a little bit, looking sleepily at Keira.
“Breakfast?” you ask, your Voice thick with sleep.
“As soon as you up, showered and presentable” the older woman smiled.
“Noooo...” you whined sleepily, your head laying back on her shoulder.
“Yes” she said in the same tone as you “Your sister said you won't be presentable in an Hour... you really want to prove her right??”
Keira also knew, like the whole world does that the Bronze Family was highly competitive. You were up in a flash and a minute later Keira heard the Shower going. The older Woman laughed loudly, standing up herself, walking into the Kitchen starting on the Coffee.
15 Minutes later the youngest Bronze emerged from the Bathroom just covered in a Towel “Kei?? Clothes? Please?”
“I bet your Sister would be so happy to see you parading through town just covered by a short Towel ” Keira laughed “Here” she pushed a cup of Coffee in your Hands before walking back to her Bedroom looking for some Clothes.
She came back with a white T-shirt and some of her kit shorts “Up to wear my number for a change?” She smirked at you.
“Replacing the old Bronze with the newer, younger, sexier Model, are we?” you smirk back, but grab the offered shorts nonetheless.
45 Minutes later, Keira and y/n stood outside the little Place, Alexia mentioned the other day, waiting for the Rest of the Girls to arrive.
“Gosh she got so slow since she hit the 30” you rolled her eyes as your Sister obviously was late. Keira burst out laughing next to you.
“I don't think it has anything to do with her age...” she smirked, waiting for you to catch on. You look at her confused, until you realized what she implied, gagging loudly. The older woman laughing again loudly.
“You're her ex, you shouldn't talk about her having sex so easily... especially NOT with me” you gagged again.
“Who's having Sex?” a voice behind you asked, startling you.
“Speak of the Devil” you mumbled before turning around, your facial expression neutral “You're glowing... disgusting”
“Excuse me?” your Sister taken aback by your “greeting”
Keira just keeps on laughing, her hands on her sides, as she bends over trying to control herself. “You heard me, Arse Biscuits” you grumbled.
“Oi” your Sister said upset, taking a step towards you “watch your gob, wee shite”
Keira sensed that the two of you start to push each other so she interfered, knowing Ona – who arrived with your Sister – didn't know how to handle the two of you in situations like this.
“Both of you... take a step back” Keira said sharply. You and your Sister not reacting, staring at each other. You were so close to each other that your noses were nearly touching - Keira firmly said “Now!”
Lucy and you snapped out of it and you both took a step backwards. Keira looked at Ona, who stood there with a shocked Face “Don't worry... normal sibling behaviour between them – you just need to know when to intervene. And you need to be strict about it, because they're both hot headed and stubborn” she smiled.
“Okay” Ona said, her voice unsure, looking from Lucy to you and back.
“You'll get used to it” Keira chuckled and patted Onas back.
“You calm again?” Keira asked the two Bronze sisters
“Yes” both of them mumbled ashamed
“Good... then let's go inside, I need something to eat” Keira said, leading the Way.
Just as you all sat down, Mapí, Alexia, Ingrid, Patri and Pina joined the Group, all squishing themselves around the small table. Since the table was originally for four People and now there are nine, you got shoved around until you ended up getting placed on Lucys lap by Mapí, claiming she reserved the seat you were sitting on before you even arrived.
Lucy tried to shove you off her lap just for you to look at her with puppy eyes holding onto her shoulder “There no seats left”. Your Sister groaned, but laid her arm around your back
“The things I let you do” she rolled her eyes, but you could see a smile tugging at the corner of her Mouth.
“Love you too, Luce” you mumbled quietly
She squeezed your Side lovingly, before joining the Conversation at the Table, while you just looked around the small Place, taking in the Atmosphere – the Conversation was in Spanish anyway, so it was not like you could follow it.
“Cariño?” Alexia looked at you expectantly as you looked at her confused.
“Did you hear what I said?” the Barca captain looked amused
“No?” you admitted ashamed.
Alexia laughed before repeating her question “I asked for how long you're staying”.
“Oh... Mum said I can stay until Lucy gets tired of me...” you shrugged your Shoulders
Your Sister grabbed her Phone grinning “Wait, let me get an Uber for you”
“KEIRAAAA!!!” you yelled down the Table “LUCY IS MEAN AGAIN!!!!”
“Lucy!!” Keira scolded your Sister.
Lucy looked at you “You little backstabbing...”
Before she was able to finish you grinned wickedly, shouting again “KEIRA!!! She's calling me bad names”
“LUCIA!” Keira warned and Lucy knew it's getting to a point were she was in serious trouble.
“I didn't do anything!!!!” she defended herself annoyed.
Alexia just starred at the two of you, as you wore a shit eating grin your Sister looking like a kicked puppy, Mapí high-fiving you over Ingrid.
“You two are really children, aren't you?” the Barca captain asked amused.
“She brings out the worst in me” you grinned, taking your Sisters head into a headlock “Noogie!!” you laughed.
Lucy hugged your stomach, standing up, lifting you in Process, swearing at you, while you locking your legs around her waist. You didn't let go of her Head, laughing loudly as Lucy began to spin herself to get rid of you.
Meanwhile, Keira rolled her Eyes then looked at Ona “Now you should interfere... otherwise they will take the whole place down rough housing”
Ona looked at her shocked “Me?”
Keira grinned “Yeah you... they're your Problem now... welcome to the Bronze Family”
Mapí started to cheer you on while Ingrid tried to keep her in her seat so she wouldn't jump on Lucy to help you win. Ona tried to get your and Lucys attention, but it was no use, since she was still to reserved about you. Lucy managed to get you to let go of her, now having you in a light headlock. “Dear bloody Christ” Keira swore under her breath, turning to Ona “Watch and learn”
The Englishwoman stood up, walked over to the wrestling pair of Sisters and just grabbed both of you by the Ear before dragging you outside. Both of you stumble after Keira begging her to let go, but in secret you knew better that your plea would fall on deaf ears. Keira lead you outside the small restaurant, coming to a scattered halt outside.
“Are you two actually completely bloody mad??” she scolded the Sisters
“Sorry” you mumble and looked to the ground embarrassed
“You're going to be sorry, y/n Bronze... Mapí won't be the only one doing laps today” Keira said angry before turning to Lucy “And you... don't encourage her behaviour... you're the older one – you should be the grown up”.
Lucy looked guilty and started do fiddle with her fingers “I know... but she started it”
“Did NOT” you immediately exclaimed.
“Quiet.. both of you” Keira said sternly “I don't care who started it... we're in public.. what if Fans take pictures or god forbid a Video... and just as a small information, Lucia... Your new Girlfriend is very taken aback of your behaviour right now... I mean I knew what I was getting into when we started dating. I knew the two of you beforehand and knew your Actions, but she doesn't... I know you genuinely love each other and it's your weird language of love rough housing around, throwing insults at each other, but Ona can't understand it.. so either both of you pull yourself together OR I'm going to make sure the two of you will only have supervised visits – supervised by me”.
Both of you looked very guilty, not knowing what to say.
“Are we clear?” Keira hissed out at your silence.
“Crystal” Lucy and you said simultaneously.
“Good” the other Woman nodded.
“Do I really need to run laps?” you asked carefully, shuffling your feet.
“Yes” Keira said strict “But don't worry, you'll be in good company... Mapí and your Sister will join you”
“I'm doing what?” Lucy looking at Keira confused.
“You really didn't think that I punish her and you'd walk, did you?” Keira raised an eyebrow.
“You can't make me do Laps” Lucy said.
“True.. I can't.. but Alexia can and I'm VERY certain that she's on my side this Time” Keira smirked wickedly, before rentering the small Restaurant.
You looked at your Sister “How fucked are we?”
“Very...” Lucy sighed out “When she really involves Ale, than we're very VERY fucked”
“We could bolt?” you suggested
“You can... I need to be at Training at 3pm... it's my Job” your Sister shrugged “I can say you just bolted, when I didn't look”
“Naah” you smiled “We survived angry Keira before... Tobronzher”
Your sister laughed “Still the most stupid word you ever came up with... it sounds nothing like together”
“You still understood” you shrugged your shoulders
“I should talk to Ona” Lucy said contemplative.
“I really didn't want to cause trouble Luce” you said apologetically
“I know... and you didn't really.. I should have talked to her beforehand... our bond is special and Keira was right... she doesn't know how the two of us work...” your Sister said encouraging. You just hummed.
“Why don't you like her?” Lucy asked softly.
“I don't know her...” you said reflecting “... so I don't know if I like her or not”.
“You didn't even gave her a Chance” your Sister said, but it wasn't accusing or angry – it was simply a fact.
“When Luce? When did I had a chance to get to know her? Yesterday when I walked in on you? Or yesterday evening, when we sat like... 15 Minutes at the same Table, where you choose to drift off to your own World with her, which is okay, really.... or today, where we sat like half an hour together and all of you started speaking Spanish – even you – and I starred at the Wall? You didn't really put up an effort to introduce us too, Luce... you called me Devils Spawn the first Time we met... probably freaked her out” you said, shrugging your Shoulders sadly.
Lucy realized that you were right “I'm sorry.. I'm sorry for not realizing how stupid I acted.... I'm going to make it up to you, I promise”
“I'm not the one you have to make up anything... I know you my whole life... I know you... but you should probably talk to her” you said.
“Dinner tonight... only the three of us?” your Sister asked hopefully.
“You... should talk to her first... if that's okay for her” you said carefully.
“I know I’m going to sound like an egotistical asshole in a second, but... you're my SISTER... you will always come first...” your Sister said and pulled you into a tight hug.
You hugged her back and mumbled into her shoulder “But she's your girlfriend...”
“She is... but your feelings will always be important to me... so if she says no, which she won't, I know she won't, than that's one thing... but if YOU say no... than that would really hurt” Lucy said, not letting go of you.
“I'm not saying no... but.. I need time?” you said carefully “I need time to process the whole situation...”
“That's okay... you want me to talk to Keira if you can stay at hers? Or maybe Alexia” your Sister offered.
“I'm not staying with the Scary Woman” you exclaimed shocked.
Lucy laughed out loudly “She's a big softie... she acts all scary when she's mad or on the pitch... but in private... mushball... oh... and she has a girlfriend, so you don't have to be scared she would take advantage of you... you will leave Barcelona still a virgin...”
“Oh please... THAT ship sunk long time ago” you mumbled and rolled your Eyes.
“EXCUSE ME??” your Sister screeched out surprised.
“Nothing” you answer quickly and try to push passed her.
Lucy grabbed your Arm, making you look at her “Who? When? Where? Why?”.
You knew it was no use in lying, so you answered reluctantly “Won't tell you... my Birthday... very classical in a bed... because it felt right?”.
Lucy pinched the bridge of her nose “Please tell me you were careful, used protection and you're definitely not pregnant”.
You looked at her with a shocked impression, before recovering “This... Person... wasn't... a dude?” you said carefully, not knowing how your Sister would react.
“A girl?” Lucy asked surprised. You nodded, but didn't meet her eye. “Hey” Lucy grabbed your chin gently and make you look at her “it's okay.. I mean... I'm gay... Publicly gay”
“I just... never told anyone” you mumbled ashamed.
“I feel honoured you told me, Bubs... did she... look after you?” your Sister asked carefully, knowing this wasn't really a Topic you should discuss in Public.
“Still is...” you admitted softly, started to play with the hem of Keiras shorts, a soft blush covering your cheeks.
“Good...” your Sister said, hugging you again before pulling back looking at you shocked “Oh my God... it wasn't Keira, was it??”
“What?” you looked at her confused
“Was it Keira?! The one who... you know”
“Oh my bloody God NO... god you're disgusting! NO!! That's wrong on SO many levels” you exclaim shocked.
“I KNOW it would be wrong... Just the way you said that the person was still taking care of you and you started to play with your shorts, which are actually Kei's shorts... so...” your Sister stuttered.
“Did you actually just listened to yourself?! I wear Keiras shorts, because I slept AT hers with my clothes still at your place...”
“Oh god... that was like a major shocking confusion just now... We should go eat something” your sister sighed out relived.
“You better not bring that up again.. that was just SO wrong” you shake your head.
“Do I know this person?” Lucy smirked as she held the door open for you
“Drop it, Lucia” you said annoyed but with a smile on your face
“So that's a Yes then” she grinned back at you, walking inside after you
“I said drop it... I won't tell you” you smirked
The two of you made your way back inside, immediately getting spotted by Keira, Alexia and Ona. You just sat down, you on Lucys Lap again and started to grab some Breakfast stuff. Keira smiled slightly before returning to eat her Cereal with Yoghurt and Fruit, while Alexia and Ona look at you baffled.
“What happened with the two of you?” Alexia asked confused
“What do you mean?” you mumble, chewing on a piece of Toast with tomato on it which your Sister offered you
“Stop talking with your mouth full, Y/n” Keira scolded you
“Like.. 10 minutes ago, you were basically pulling each others hair, nearly biting and now you're sitting here like nothing happened” Mapí looked at you puzzled.
“That... was 10 minutes ago?” you answered and looked like you didn't see a problem
“Again... welcome to the Bronze Family” Keira smiled at the Spaniards “One moment they're at each others throats, next they share food”
“You know what their problem is?” you ask your Sister confused
“No... on the other Hand I don't care” she shrugged her shoulders, pushing more food in front of you while eating the slightly healthier version of brunch.
After all of you finished your food you left the small restaurant all walking roughly in the same direction before it was time to go separate ways.
“See you later” Alexia said smiling before turning to Mapí “Want to run your laps before or after training?”
“You were serious about that?” the younger player exclaimed, her eyes growing big.
“When did I ever joked about you doing laps?” Alexia said, pulling an eyebrow up
“After, if that's okay” Mapí mumbled defeated, her head hung low
“Don't worry, Mapí... you won't be alone... Lucy and Y/n will join you” Keira smiled wickedly
“I think it's a little unfair that young, unfit1 me needs to keep up with world class players... Lucy can do my laps too...” you said innocently
“Nice try” Keira looked at you impressed “But no”
“Aaaawww maaaan” you groaned out
“If I need to run, you will too” your Sister growled
“Then it's settled” Alexia said grinning “The three of you, laps after training”
Lucy, Ona and you started to walk in the direction of Lucys apartment as you nudged her side
“Why do we want to run after training? Isn't it counterproductive to run when you're already tired and sweaty?”
“Theoretically it is a bad decision, because we’re already tired.... practically... we can use it as part of recovery AND it's a little cooler later in the afternoon...” your sister explained, while smiling slightly.
“Ah...” you say understanding “And how many laps do we need to run?”
Lucy started laughing “If Alexia is gracious maybe five”
“WHAT? FIVE?” you shriek and look at your sister shocked, which caused even Ona to chuckle
“Bubs... Alexia can make Mapí and I run... she can't make you run” Lucy winked at you
“Then why am I running laps with you and Mapí?” you looked at her like she’s growing a second head.
“Because you pissed off Keira?!” your Sister provided an answer
“Ah... yeah... I forgot about that” you said defeated
As you arrived the apartment, Ona wanted to say goodbye but got pulled inside by Lucy while you make your way to the kitchen.
“We need to talk” Lucy mumbled to her girlfriend
“¿Estás rompiendo conmigo?” Ona said sadly
“¿qué? no claro que no!!!” Lucy exclaimed shocked
Ona just shrugged her shoulders and looked up at Lucy sadly. Lucy took a step closer to the younger catalan woman taking her face in her hands.
“¿Por qué crees que rompería contigo?” your sister asked her girlfriend softly
“Necesitamos hablar suele ser un paso muerto” Ona said a little unsure
“I don't understand anything... could you please switch to english??” you yelled from the kitchen, where you prepared yourself a sandwich
“This is a PRIVATE conversation...” your Sister yelled back “... so get lost”
“Then don't hold your PRIVATE conversation in an open space like the living room, which is right next to the kitchen... your apartment ist very open” you answered, gesturing around the apartment.
“Are you seriously eating again?? We just had breakfast” Lucy exclaimed as she saw the sandwich “... and I told you to get lost, I want to talk to Ona... privatly”
“It's not like I understand anything” you rolled your eyes
“Los dejo a ustedes dos... No quiero entrometerme” Ona said quietly
“No te quedes... por favor” Lucy said a little desperate “Ignórala... lo siento, puedo enviarla a su habitación si te hace sentir incómodo”
“No, you should enjoy your time with your sister” Ona smiled but her eyes show sadness
“Thank you” you said, chewing on your sandwich, completely oblivious to what’s happening.
“I told you to get lost” Lucy growled at you and you noticed it was serious
“I don't know where to go... you never showed me around” you said annoyed
“Here” your sister reached into her pants pocket, pulling out some money “Here are 20 Euros, find the next Starbucks and buy yourself an Iced Chocolate Frappe... or something else without caffein... just PLEASE leave”
“Wow you really love me” you said sarcastic “It feels like I'm 13 all over and you wanted me out of the House so you can have “quality time” with Keira”
“I want you out of my apartment, because I need to speak to my girlfriend in private and you eating like harvester doesn't help... take your phone with you, god only knows Mum will kill me if you get lost in Barcelona because you took a wrong turn and ended up in La Mina – IF you get lost or need to get picked up, phone me.. or Keira! Be aware of pick pockers and don't interact with groups of spanish guys... DON'T GET KILLED” your Sister said, already pushing you towards the front door and outside
“I... hey...” you tried to protest but it was no use, since you found yourself already outside of the apartment
“Lucy... I need SHOES” you knocked hard on the door, which promptly opend and a pair of shoes were tossed outside.
Part 3 is in the making 😅
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kittenfangirl20 · 4 months
*after Adam was redeemed him and Eve spent more time at the hotel for Cain and Lucifer with frequent visits from Abel, Seth, or Lute, one day Angel Dust heard knocking on the door, he opened the door and saw Adam standing there looking a little nervous*
Angel Dust: Hey, come in don’t be shy.
*every room was made to fit the tastes of the residents, Angel Dust had lots of pinks and was filled with all different types of clothes and make up since he loved to experiment with style, before Adam had moved to Lucifer’s personal suites, his room was in gold, dark blue, and black in a very punk style and filled with plants, Fat Nuggets ran to Adam and begged for the first man to pick him up, Adam did and nuzzled the little pig, all animals seemed to gravitate to the guy*
Angel Dust: So what brings my favorite Dickmaster here.
Adam: You know when you got me all dressed up for the night at the Lust Ring. I realized that I like wearing that thing called a corset and how it made my body looked. I also miss wearing my robes, jeans are ok, but they can be annoying some days.
*Angel Dust’s eyes sparkled in excitement*
Angel Dust: You want me to give you a makeover.
Adam: Fuck yeah.
*Angel Dust instantly went to work on the angel, when he was done he puffed up in a content manner, Adam was so beautiful, he convinced Adam to wear a dark blue dress that went down to his ankles with long sleeves, a black corset was on him to give that hour glass figure, Adam’s eye makeup was black and grey to give that smoky eye look, under the dress were black tights and black combat boots, he even painted Adam’s nails a dazzling gold color, he had his usual gold spiked collar, but a gold necklace with a cross was added, Adam then stood in front of that mirror and had a little smile*
Adam: You don’t think others will find it weird that the first man is in a dress.
*Adam was still smiling in spite of what he said and Angel Dust thought he should be happy in his body*
Angel Dust: Look at me, you are a rock star who is famous in Heaven and Hell, rock stars are known for pushing boundaries when it comes to gender roles. You are also absolutely gorgeous, you would be able to rock a potato sack. I know that bitch Lilith made you feel ugly, but she was projecting her own inadequacies onto you because she knew that if you had told our favorite short king your feelings sooner, he would have picked you, not her. Don’t let anyone make you feel ugly ever again.
*Angel Dust took Adam’s hands and led him out of the room so others could see how he looked by going to the lobby, Lucifer looked up from his newspaper he was reading and his coffee mug fell from his hand as desire shined from his eyes, Angel Dust bet if they were alone he would have taken Adam on the coffee table, Eve smiled and also looked upon Adam with desire too, while the others didn’t have the desire to fuck Adam, they all went on about how amazing he looked, usually Adam didn’t believe them, but now he couldn’t help but bask in the compliments that made him feel so good now, he really deserved it after being made to feel so ugly for thousands of years*
(Angel Dust and Adam being friends is something I always like to see)
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fandomfluffandfuck · 2 years
Please do the Chris Evans pottery fic! I legit have always thought about for years! Like him taking a night class or a private class for anxiety or hobby (that Scott guilted him to take) so he doesn’t get recognized and the reader (please preferably male) vaguely knows who he is and doesn’t care and teaches him and he falls in love with reader. Like a slow burn. Bro please I’m on my knees begging 🙏 your writing is god tier for Chris fics
related to this
First and foremost I have to say, goddamn, you really went back into the archives to find that post 💀💀 don't get me wrong, I appreciate the hell out of you for that but, also, oof, have I already been on Tumblr for 3 fucking years!?
What? When?
Second, I actually never thought too much about that idea haha. I just couldn't get past the idea of Chris using his hands in that way 🥴 because look, I'm much more of a sculptor than a potter, but it has never been lost on me (a) how much skill it takes to throw on the wheel, and (b) how fucking hot it can look lmao
So, because I never thought too deep about the idea beyond the look, I have to say That's A 👏🏻 Top 👏🏻 Notch 👏🏻 Idea 👏🏻
I love that idea, like:
Chris rolls up to a night pottery class with a baseball cap pulled down real low, trying not to be noticed, squeezing his shoulders in to be less big and noticeable.
You notice him though--he looks a little funny, trying so hard not to stand out and obviously not realizing that a long sleeve, chunky cardigan is 100% the wrong thing to wear when you're about to be playing with clay. But, you don't care about him being Mr. Movie Star (or dressed badly for this activity lol) because, obviously, if he's here for a class, he wants to learn
(Later you'll learn that Scott was the one to push him into it, telling him, lovingly, to quit just talking about beginning to work with his hands and actually Do It)
and so, he's gonna learn.
You are the teacher though, so... it's your duty to keep the secret that Captain America is in their midst.
(But that won't keep you from teasing him subtlety by asking him if he'd perhaps like a blue or red or clear glaze)
Chris might not pick up the skill of throwing as quickly as some of the others (mostly because he's never messed with clay before while many of the other students have even if it was years ago in high school or college or wherever), but he's dedicated.
He puts his all into learning throwing.
You learn quickly, instructing Chris, that he has this tendency to squeeze a little too hard and over-correct the clay. The strength he's got comes in handy with wedging clay and assisting in reconstructing the electric kilns by putting in the heavy shelves, but, when on the wheel, it's not about how hard you can press the clay, how hard you can squeeze it, or anything like that (unless you're working on huge, HUGE projects with massive amounts of clay... but, these students are not there yet). It's about letting your hands glide over the clay, it's encouraging the clay to stretch and compress delicately.
Pottery very much more finesse than force.
And you tell him that a lot in the beginning, "relax, for now, don't try to control it too much. Try to let go and just feel. Keep your elbows anchored in your hips and thighs, but, otherwise, stay loose and relaxed. Breath out. Sink into it, y’know? Relax."
Chris laughs, looking up at you from the little mound of clay he's been centering on his wheel head, "I didn't know this would be so... spiritual? I mean, shit, this feels like therapy."
"Ha," you say, "just be glad it's therapy and not Ghost."
Chris chuckles, "are those my only two options?"
"Right now, rookie? Yes." You point back at his unattended and still spinning wheel, "now, please put your nose back to the grindstone before I'm forced to saddle up behind you. I don't need to be shot in the streets before I get hands-on with my teaching"
You swear, under that cap and beard, Chris blushes. But. He also gets back to work, so... you can't be sure you're not just seeing things 👀
There are a lot of little moments like that throughout the class. Flirting. Maybe. Maybe not. Chris might just be that charming. You can't be too sure.
It's very charming to watch Chris pick up his wobbly creations after they've been put through the bisque kiln and laugh at their unstable bumps and lumps as he tries to set them flat on the table. Plus, when he sands his pieces, he murmurs to himself, talking about all the silly mistakes he finds. Nail marks. Dips. Bulges. Extra bits of clay he missed when trimming. You swear you hear him call himself a "meatball" once...
That is a challenge to not laugh at, but, you don't because you don't want him to know you're paying such close attention to him. (You can't have favorite students after all 😘)
And later, it's very sweet to watch him admire his first glazed pieces. He's very gentle with them, running his fingers back and forth, back and forth, over the smooth glaze. He seems to enjoy the smooth sensation.
Also, listen, I have no proof but I feel like Chris is gonna be the type of potter that gets Really Messy. Like, clay and slip all over his hands, of course, but also all up his forearms and flecks of it on his face and in his hair. His poor apron and shoes.
Also, I think Chris would be the type of potter that wipes their hands on their thighs over their apron 😮‍💨
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Chris takes one class then another and another. He's getting much, much better.
But, he still looks like he's watching you perform magic when you quickly throw a vace or pie platter for a demonstration. It's really endearing. You'd love to see more of his face while watching you work, but, no matter how good you are at pottery, you can't do it without looking. Not yet... maybe someday, if you keep practicing.
And eventually, I'd like to think that you exchange numbers. Chris no longer takes your class and so it's fair game.
He comes over to your place and you cook a meal together because you already know each other well enough. So, you skip the more public dates that are better for strangers.
Chris seems mystified by the fact that ALL your plates, bowls, mugs, etc. are things you've made. Thrown on the pottery wheel. He just thinks it's very cool and personal. Also, he swears because of taking your class that he can't look at a factory-made plate or bowl or mug the same. They look so plain and lifeless now. In return, you tease that you'd offer to make him a set for his own home as a present (maybe for his birthday or Christmas) but, you're gonna insist that he at least try to make a set himself first.
And, hey, if he needs more encouragement maybe that Ghost option could come true...
Sorry, this is so short but I just had to get some real quick thoughts out between study sessions lol
Thank you so much for bringing this up again and thank you for reading!!
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10hourshift · 9 months
When you think about the lack of adults in fnafhs, and the lack of narrative importance they have*, Bon's dad becomes a very interesting character, even if he just appears in like one minute of one episode.
It's not THAT long but ion like scrolling
*not to say that there aren't any adults in the series, just that the ones do Nothing™ when they appear, I mean, the only one that comes to mind that ACTIVELY affects the plot (or would affect bc season cut short) is Ms Lana, but she never got to do anything so ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
I'm just gonna talk about the old man this should be quick. (Finishing notes, it wasn't)
He is part of the Yaoi shonen ai subplot alright, at this moment Bon is especially conflicted with his feelings about Bonnie as he has already realized what they are but is afraid to admit it*. The only question now is: why won't he admit them?? It's clearly something he has considered from the beginning, and, after spending more time with Bonnie, is almost a fact that is love (ignoring the possibility of platonic feelings for a bit for the sake of the argument). The answer is: his dad.
*this is more of a personal reading as we know edoo would extend the "maybe maybe not"a lot more. BUT I say this confidently bc at the end of the whole camp arc Bon gets the heartbroken forever alone joke or smth when Bonnie insist on being friends, I rest my case, I got derailed for a bit lol
In the scene where The Man appears (he is nameless you see) we get a glimpse of what the relationship with his son is.
When bon is in his room getting ready for school (and pondering on his results of the Am I Gay? Quiz of life) we hear the voice of his dad to come downstairs. He notices the (not so subtle) injuries on his son and ask what that's about. Bon tells him it's from a fight. He gets up from his seat to clearly interested about it, whether he won, if he used some technique he taught him, etc., looking all invested and proud at his son's actions, finishing the conversation saying how he is proud that Bon is finally acting as a man and that he was getting worried of Bon being "effeminate" (or woman-like to be exact) with all the accessories and especially the sleeve he usually wears. He doesn't make another appearance from there (besides at the end of the episode where he introduces toddy, but he isn't important in here, so it doesn't count)
So, his character is pretty straight forward, he is stereotypically masculine, incites violence and is emotionally distanced from his son, as we see how he dismisses his interest and tries to push him to fight with his lessons on various fighting "techniques". Bon gets pretty bummed out from this short conversation afterwards, having to reassure himself after leaving his house. From here we take that Bon is not close with his dad, and also that he seeks for his approval or at least to not get on his bad side, and understandingly so, seeing how he reacts to smaller things, such as the sleeve.
So what's so interesting about him then?? He gives Bon depth, even if said depth is just showing that he comes from a "kinda homophobic-ish, idk if my dad would kick me out of the house if I'm gay" background. This small information gives us a new perspective of Bon's conflict, after that it's not only a story of a teenage boy trying to understand his sexuality and get a bf or smth, it goes deeper now, what are those feelings exactly, how much influence does his dad have on him?, how does this affect the relationship with his dad? What would he do if his family rejects him for being himself?
Soo idk what I'm going with this I just wanted to talk about my thoughts about the old man whose role is being homophobic for the plot ok bye
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Part 2 “Bartender Steve/Steddie AU”
Part 1 HERE
Verging on drunk, his body loose and fluid, Eddie saunters back up to the bar. He’s currently two drinks in, and them being Harrington specials, they both were incredibly strong. He smiles wide and bats his eyelashes when he catches Steve's eye, causing the man to set down the rag he was using to clean and walk over. Eddie leans forward on the counter, propping his head up on his palm like a schoolgirl waiting for the latest gossip,
“Did you already chug that last drink?” Steve chuckles, matching Eddie's posture and slumping down dramatically, “I will cut you off if I have to, Munson.”
“I did, in fact, finish that drink yes, but I was wonderinggggg….” Eddie says in a sing-song voice, “if I could hide my vest back there with you.” he scrunches his nose, “It's hot as balls, lots of balls, out there and I just wanna dance, y’know?” He most definitely whines that last part. Okay, so maybe he was a little drunk already. 
He hadn't even noticed that Steve had brought him over another drink, this one with an orange on top. Steve huffs a sigh but his smirk stays put, 
“Yeah fine, hand it over, I'll keep it safe.” he sets the drink down and offers out his hand,
“Ugh you are an absolute ANGEL, Steve Harrington.” Eddie coos, shrugging off the vest and passing it over the bar. He notices Steve's eyes fall to his torso where he’s wearing nothing more than a long sleeve mesh cropped top, now unblocked by the vest and his arms. A look of purposeful expressionlessness mars his face. It doesn’t take more than a second for Eddie to realize what he’s looking at.
Steve is looking at the scars on his stomach. 
It's only a split second and Steve snaps his eyes back up, giving a small smile that doesn’t quite meet his eyes, before turning and tucking the jacket away. Eddie snatches up the drink, suddenly feeling altogether too sober. He heads back towards the dancefloor before Steve can turn back around, foregoing the straw and taking large swigs of his new, and once again delicious, drink (Steve really knew what he was doing, dammit). 
He always loved losing himself to the music, even if it was Madonna and Abba. The lights, the bodies, the sweat. He felt at home. As he buried himself deep within the crowd, he could also bury his residual anxiety from that look. That look of knowing that Steve had given and tried to hide.
Something warm and soft slips around his sides from behind him. The familiar sensation of hands grabbing his waist while he danced, of being wanted even for that moment, washes over him. The alcohol washes over him. He pushes back into the body and closes his eyes, imagining a brunette with kind hazel eyes and a lopsided smile. The hands wander up and down his chest, and he throws his arms over his head, whipping his head back and forth to the music. 
After one or two songs of being taken by the music and his daydream, the body behind him pulls themselves flush and nuzzles into the back of Eddie's neck, scruff lightly scratching his skin and making him shiver despite the heat in the club. He pictures the scruff below a ridiculous mustache, and he reaches up and over his shoulder behind him, expecting a stupid little ponytail, the name Steve on his lips. Instead he feels short cut and wiry hair, pulling him from his fantasy. He turns in place, the hands sliding over him with the movement, and finds a middle aged man with a scruffy beard and facial piercings. His sinewy arms having just enough muscle to be appealing, exposed by his sleeveless shirt. The last drink was starting to set in, and while he wanted nothing more than to bask in the attention of someone, anyone, he can’t help but feel disappointed that the man before him is not Steve. He was tipped past the point of no return (whether that means the alcohol or Steve, he can’t say). 
The older man tries to continue pressing himself into Eddie, pushing his nose into the side of Eddie's neck, forcing his head to turn. He looks back past the crowd of bodies towards the bar and finds Steve watching them. Steve raises his chin a bit at being caught, but he doesn’t look away, and something in the way Steve is looking at him makes Eddie want to give him a show. 
So he does.
Eddie pulls his hair away from his neck, giving the older man more access to his lower jaw, then wraps both arms around the other man's neck. Never breaking eye contact with Steve, he grinds his hips forward on the man's thigh, feeling a shaky breath push its way out of his lungs. He rocks forward again, and he can barely hear the light moan that comes out of his throat over the music. His eyes flutter close at the feeling, and when he opens them again, Steve is still staring, his pink lips slightly parted and brows furrowed. Eddie doesn’t push forward again, instead he just keeps looking at Steve. 
After a moment (or an hour, he can't really tell), Steve makes a motion with his hand like a drinking glass and mouths the word water, to which Eddie nods. He pulls himself away from the older man, the hands slipping down his body as he steps back, and pushes himself through the crowd.
When Eddie gets to the bar, Steve slaps a glass of ice water down on the counter immediately,
“What's this?” Eddie gestures to the glass,
“Water.” Steve leans on his arms and Eddie pretends not to notice the muscles flexing under his skin, “Y’know, the reason I called you over here.”
“What?” Eddie scrunches his brow, then jokes, “I thought you were asking for a blowjob. This is much less fun.” 
Steve barks out a laugh, “Hate to break it to you, but I have a policy of not getting head from friends.”
Eddie frowns, “That's ultra specific.”
“I've had some ultra specific situations.” Steve points at the cup, “Drink your water, Munson.”
“But mooooooooooooom…'' Eddie whines, but takes a large sip anyway, letting his eyes roll back as if it were the best thing he’s ever tasted. Steve smiles and turns back to the rest of the counter, moving around like before when he flirted and chatted up the patrons. Eddie watches unabashedly this time, the alcohol removing his reservations about staring. He watches and sips and watches and sips, until his glass is empty. And without even realizing that he had noticed, Steve brings him another glass of water,
“Aww man, I'm gonna have to pee so bad. This is all your fault.”
“Don't blame me for your bad decisions.”
“You made me the drinks!”
“And you drank them.”
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 year
ARC Review: Forget Me Not by Julie Soto
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4.25/5. Releases 7/11/2023.
For when you're vibing with... a Julia Roberts-era romcom, wedding planner romance, gruff but swoonworthy, lovely heroes, and messy bitches who can't do emotion right.
Workaholic Ama has booked a celebrity wedding that will skyrocket her notoriety as a planner. The only problem? The florist is her ex, quiet, grumpy Elliot Bloom...who is none too happy to see her after she broke his heart. Determined to make the situation work, Ama and Elliot try to avoid one another as much as possible--but there's unfinished business between them, and it could push Ama to question everything she believed about herself.
Oh, this is a good one. Emotional and reminiscent of the 90s/early 2000s romcoms I love, this book wears it heart on its sleeve. The Reylos know how to do a romance novel, dude.
Quick Takes:
--I love a wedding backdrop for romantic stories, and this book milks it. It gave me My Best Friend's Wedding and The Wedding Planner energy; there's the high emotion that comes with wedding planning, plus the drama and the inherent wistfulness that occurs when you're not the bride but maybe, just maybe, you really want to be a bride. Forget Me Not nails that energy, and it's also just a lot of fun in that sense. Plus, I really believed that Ama loved her job, and that's kind of a lynchpin of the plot.
--Our leads were a great match. Like I said, Ama is all about work; whereas Elliot is very good at his job, but it's more about family legacy. She lives to work, whereas he works to live. It's a good conflict. But at the same time, they give each other something. She pushes him out of his shell, he gives her a safe place to land. They fuck like rabbits and hold each other sweetly. There's a real sense of "oh they are in looooove" in this book, and it made my heart warm.
--I mentioned this author is a Reylo. For me, that's not something I actively seek (I have nothing against the ship, I've read really good Reylo fic, I disagree with some interpretations of the ship and agree with other, darker takes, I love Adam Driver as an actor and Daisy Ridley does nothing for me--I'm very "middle of the road" on it) but I'm also happy to see it. And let me tell you, I could seeeee the "things we project onto Adam Driver as a man who wishes to not be perceived on the internet" vibe to Elliot, in the best way. He's shy in a way that comes off as stern, he's struck by Ama but doesn't know what the fuck to say, he'll put her on her hands and knees in his car and then, when he realizes she's been knowingly driving a car about to fall apart for months, glare at her and competently take care of it. God... he really does it. He does it. The competency, the suppressed emotion, the floral tattoos! Damn.
--I feel like Ama might be a heroine some don't respond well to, because she is unabashedly forthright about her wants and needs--or at least, what she thinks she wants and needs. At the same time, she clearly pushes for things with Elliot without being willing to follow through, sending him mixed signals. To me, she was extremely relatable and human. I love a commitment-phobic heroine, and I sure would love to see more of them. To me, both Ama and Elliot make mistakes in this novel, but never because they want to hurt each other. They're just... people.
--We have a classic romcom-type villain in this book, and that is something I personally love.
--I will say, the format is unusual--sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't. Ama's POV is largely in the present, nearly three years after she and Elliot broke up. Elliot's POV is largely in the past, during their relationship. The timeline for both eras is relatively short-ish, and you see a lot more of Elliot and Ama interacting romantically in the past than you do the present, because the present is about like... working towards a reunion. It's realistic, in a sense, because these two really just should be together and their conflicts are internal. But I did wish that we could've seen them interact a bit earlier in the novel, and it did take some getting used to. It's interesting, I just think there could've been a bit more flexibility in the structure. I will say, it did add to the MAX ANGST of the present in Ama's POV.
The Sex Stuff:
Oh, it's hot. We bemoan the state of sex in many traditionally published contemporaries at the moment, but this one is really sexy. I was pleasantly surprised by how their sexual relationship began--you don't see that vibe in a lot of contemporary trad romances. And Elliot is, again, kind of the ideal man: he's a lovely sweet baby who will fuck the absolute shit out of a woman. Also... they talk flowers during. Like, "recite these flowers until you come" kind of talk.
I'm excited to see what Julie Soto releases next, and honestly? I could totally see this as a movie. It's a really solid, truly romantic debut, and it did in fact... give me the feels.
Thanks to Netgalley and Forever for providing me with a copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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sophsun1 · 1 year
Hello, because of pride month I am obviously watching qaf but your recent anons made me remember something while I was watching today. Did you ever notice how the 2 times that Brian has to say something really difficult that he almost wishes he didn’t have to, he takes a shaky inhale and in that moment pushes himself to say it? 1st time, I noticed it was when he went to his sisters house in S3, when he says to his mom ‘fuck the Lord *takes a shaky inhale* and fuck you’ and the 2nd is during the goodbye, when he says ‘whether we see each other next weekend or next month, *deep shaky inhale* never again.’ It’s like in that moment he realizes he’s about to lose something or someone and has to force himself to make that jump even though he wishes he didn’t have to but he still forces himself to go through with it. Gale really is an underrated actor. I wish he did a lot more acting because those two moments absolutely destroy me.
Hey anon!
Brian feels *so* intensely and has such a huge heart but he doesn't wear that heart on his sleeve, he keeps his feelings hidden. Like you say he has to push himself to engage because it's so foreign to him. His defences are always up, he won't show you his hurt. Alongside coming from a traumatic childhood and I relate to this heavily, when he does find himself in a heightened situation the wave of emotions come over you, there's only so much before the dam breaks, in the instance with his abusive mother.
With Justin he's being raw and vulnerable, finally they're both on the same page and now he's potentially never gonna see him again, also shoutout to Gale's voice break in that scene kills me everytime.
Another thing I noticed in the same vein is when someone asks how Brian is doing eg in 5x07 when Britin meet in the street and Brian sincerely asks Justin if he's doing okay after their breakup and he says I'm fine and then flips it to Brian who just repeats "likewise thanks for asking" even though he's heartbroken he shuts down the emotion kinda flippantly.
Yeah, I wish he did more television work but I think he's a theatre guy at heart that's his origin story so that's what he does now. The odd things I've seen in him post qaf like short films etc some have been okay and some my god, he must've done for the paycheck, get your coins sir.. but no.
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selfieignite · 1 year
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Selfie Fashion preview: Interview with Danielle Launzel, costume designer
By Dana Weiss
One of the most anticipated shows – at least by my standards – is ABC’s new show Selfie. The story of Eliza, a social-media obsessed narcissist who discovers that just because you’re “liked” doesn’t mean anyone likes you. The show has been touted as a kind of updated version of My Fair Lady, but after viewing the pilot, I just had to interview Danielle Launzel, the show’s costume designer, who made me realize it’s more like a fangirl version of Kim Kardashian post Kanye makeover. Don’t believe me? Check out what other scoop I got from Danielle.
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(Selfie costume designer Danielle Launzel)
Possessionista: Tell me about the show.
Danielle Launzel: It’s exciting to be on a show that’s getting such notoriety. I loved the pilot, but it gets so much better. The scripts get better, the actors have such chemistry, eventually you will love Eliza. I was on the fence with Henry’s character but by episode 3 he’s just really charming. And he’s charming with Eliza. What appealed me was [executive producer] Emily Kapnek and the way she tells a story.
Possessionista: How would you describe Eliza’s style?
Danielle: My sixteen year old son said it perfectly. She inappropriately pushes the limits of business casual. But Eliza would describe it as hot. She has to dress in business clothes but there is no way she’s going to do it without being sexy. She’s showing off whatever she can whenever she can. You know, Eliza follows Kim Kardashian on Instagram.  She’s trying to emulate Kim Kardashian. The actress, Karen Gillan who plays Eliza actually watches Keeping Up with the Kardashians to get her ideas.
Possessionista: Where do you shop for her? Are there different places you shop for Eliza before and after her transformation?
Danielle: We shop in the same places before and after. We shop at Neimans, Saks, Barneys, there’s a great store called Gregory’s and the women who run it are these southern, flamboyant women with big hair that get amazing pieces. They go to runway shows, and Paris and bring unique stuff. And we’ve started to use them to get the unique pieces. I also will go to the mall for Bebe and Arden B and we use some vintage pieces.
Possessionista: Any funny mishaps?
Danielle: In the pilot, she’s wearing this Arden B strapless dress on the airplane and right before we started filming I realized she has to strip down to her bra and panties in the bathroom scene, so at the last minute we added a cap sleeve.
Possessionista: What are some of your go-to brands for Eliza.
Danielle I’m not a label shopper. I kind of hate labels because it locks you into a look that you might not want. I don’t buy labels. The silhouette is how I shop and I’m very tactile. It’s more important how it’s made and how it feels. But that said, there is a lot of BCBG, Alice + Olivia, Tahari, Louboutin, Steve Madden.
Possessionista: Does Eliza have a signature look?
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(Eliza’s signature tights by Pretty Polly)
Danielle: Tights. Karen has these gorgeous, long pale legs that are so beautiful but we didn’t want her to stop at the hip. So we started putting her in these tights by Pretty Polly. She’s always in dresses, skirts or shorts. Unless she’s at the gym, she’s not in pants.  And then for bras, she wears the Victoria Secret bombshell. It gives great cleavage, and then we’ll embellish it a little, because you’ll always see her cleavage.
Possessionista: After she meets Henry, Eliza is influenced to change her style. How does her fashion evolve? Does Eliza ever regress to her former style?
Danielle: In the pilot she starts out a little trashy, overcompensating for her lack of personal connections. Even after her transformation, she’ll still slip back and show too much leg or too much bra.
Possessionsta: The first time we see Eliza after her transformation, she’s wearing the most perfect, peach dress. Tell us about it.
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(Eliza’s makeover dress: Adrianna Papell)
Danielle: It’s by Adrianna Papell, and at first everyone really wanted to go with another dress. In a pilot there are so many cooks in the kitchen. Everyone has an opinion like, can we have this or that? The original was a vintage dress in a tealy blue, but I fought for the peachy dress. It was just so understated compared to anything else. And it hit all the notes on Henry’s list.
Possessionsta: Do her accessories change, too?
Danielle: In the pilot we do a lot of chunky jewelry, but she’s got a more refined collection these days. We use a lot of jewelry by  Sarah Chloe and Kami Lerner.
Possessionista: Is Eliza a handbag girl?
Danielle: In the pilot you see her carrying this huge, red Celine bag. She’s all about having the best of everything. Like those Louboutins. You get the impression she’s willing to spend more on her handbags than on her rent.
Possessionista: When you are transforming Eliza, what or who were some of your style inspirations.
Danielle: There was an episode of Kardashians when Kanye goes through her closet and refines her look, and we kind of talked about how he’s very smart about his business and how you should present yourself. I didn’t watch it (laughs) but a lot of people filled me in. I wouldn’t say I used any fashion icons as inspiration, I wanted it to evolve organically. [Eliza] didn’t go out and buy a new wardrobe, she just changes how she wears things, and new pieces that she might introduce to her wardrobe might be more subdued.
Possessionista: How much input does actress Karen Gillan have in Eliza’s style?
Danielle: She has a certain amount of input but we’re generally on the same page. If there’s something in particular that she likes or doesn’t like she lets me know. But she doesn’t send me pictures or tell me this is what I want. She’s very trusting. We shot the pilot back in March but then we did a promo shoot in June. She put the clothes on, we did her makeup, hair and as soon as we did she said, “I feel like Eliza.” That was really satisfying to know I’d helped to transformed her.
Possessionista: Is there one look you really loved from the show?
Danielle: There’s a few. There’s an Alice + Olivia black and red dress in episode 4. I got it last year for Suburgatory, but I never used it.  I grabbed it and tried it on her in the fitting and it was just amazing. It’s one of my favorite things. She also wears a Bebe trench coat with gold, studded sleeves. Karen called it a mac, and I was like “what’s a mac?”  It’s a British term for trench coat. The other day she was in an outfit and she’s wearing a hat from Marshalls and this amazing Marc Jacobs bathing suit and skirt and it’s really fantastic. I used a Bebe jacket with a Marc Jacobs skirt. I have no problem mixing price tags.
Possesionista: Tell me a secret from your styling.
Danielle: I always add a pop of color to whatever could be a mundane color. I’m a New Yorker.  My whole life, everything I wore was black and gray, maybe dark green. Lately, I’ve started adding color to my wardrobe and I just love to add a pop of color. I have a pinterest board called pop of color. It’s something I always do.
Possessionista: What can viewers expect from the fashion of Selfie?
Danielle: Lots and lots of different looks. There are up to 11 changes in a single episode. There were 17 in the pilot. That’s 17 looks in less than a half hour. We try for them to be all aces. Sometimes they are and sometimes they’re not.
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ellerie-lee · 6 months
All I wanna do is talk about Leonidas all day but I have to be a normal person >:(
-Physically in his late 30s (37-ish?) but I keep bumping this back— he could be pushing 40s honestly. Actually 255 and doesn’t age. -really smart but also very very ditzy
-has Raynaud’s and Marfan Syndrome (lips/toes/fingers are cold/turn blue easily d/t genetics and connective tissue disorder that causes ppl to be really tall)
-with his 2 ahoge he’s 6’7”, without he’s 6’4” , weighs maybe 145-150lbs
-fucking loves sugary coffee and desserts
-technically has a doctorate in medicine but it’s from 1880-something so ???
-mentally stuck in the 60s-70s. Considers it the best era for fashion/music—but not for food. He prefers modern food (especially junk food)
-bi/pan but too dense to realize ppl wanna fuck him
-charisma powerhouse and very outgoing but also an introvert that gets exhausted from socializing and needs a lot of time to recover
-the overt charisma is probably a cover-up for his insecurity
-is the more responsible one (but that’s not saying a ton…)
-very much a stoner in the 60s-70s, stopped as he grew more detached from the world and became more introverted. Still has plants he tends to tho. Will smoke with Ruby occasionally.
-Very well meaning and has a good heart but finds his exuberance and obsessiveness over details often hinders goals and makes things worse
-also very much a caregiver, but again struggles with overdoing things and complicating them.
-perky and positive!!! Except when something goes wrong, then he wears his heart on his sleeve and cries. A lot. Rarely ever shows anger or frustration (it usually bubbles over into tears anyways)
-experiments on himself. Of course. He’s gotta know why he’s living so fucking long and not aging. -his favorite color is yellow
-his favorite song is “love the one you’re with” by the Isley Brothers
-probably was present at the first sci-fi/comic conventions
-read every single one of the Star Wars extended universe books plus any pulpy sci-fi books he got his hands on
-fine at cooking, better at gardening than you’d expect
-hates having his head touched but likes having his hair short, so 99% of the time his hair is this awkward shaggy cut with 2 cowlicks poking out where he either half cut it and gave up, or he’s overdue for another cut and putting it off. Sometimes puts it up in a low ponytail or clip
-big time cuddler. Starved for affection (like 200 years starved).
-overfunctioner that overthinks for other peoples’ sake, even to his own detriment or it becomes illogical (ie “oh I think I’m in love with him but if I tell him he’ll feel obligated to reciprocate and I don’t want to put that on him, he’s already been through a lot. I won’t say anything and wait for him to approach me, and if anything just be a good friend!!! *cries*” or “If I help her with her groceries she’ll feel the need to thank me or compensate me in some way and I don’t want to make her uncomfortable. Besides, I don’t want her to think I don’t think she’s capable!”)
-loves with his whole heart and honestly probably lets people in too easily. He gets hurt a lot :(
I’m in love with him your honor he’s everything to me he was my best friend when I was a lonely kid and he’s still my bby man!!!!
ok thanks bye!!!!
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karihighman · 2 years
so @halsteadsass had some lovely thoughts about the 4x21 promo & inspired me to write my own.
there are a LOT of ways i could see this whole proposal thing happening. one being (sadly, but still possible!) that tim actually would propose to ashley. but before anyone breaks down, let me explain why i really see that as the last resort possibility:
tim bradford has always been a man to 1) stay in relationships and 2) not be spontaneous. he’s like the epitome of a person who hates surprises IMO, so why on earth would he spring one on ashley in the form of a 💍? yeah, no. next!
ps: can’t forget how long it took him to divorce his now ex-wife isabel. tim is a helper by nature. his duty is to the people he cares about, and he thought he could help his wife — and in some ways, he did. but in staying for so long, he ended up getting hurt in the process.
with rachel, he initially was against the whole long distance relationship thing because him being a man of logic looked at the statistics. STATS. about love. 🙃 and you wanna know who looks at the heart of issues (pun sort of intended?) LUCY CHEN THAT’S WHO. besides, she was one of the people encouraging him to maybe try & make it work if that’s what he wanted. so, in the s2 finale, he changed his mind & did.
pps: did we ever get a clear reason why he & rachel ended things? am i just blocking that out from my memory or something????? no seriously help me out here people 😂
anyway, moving on to the present day. lucy is with chris; tim is with ashley. now, i’ve gone on about various reasons why i see chris & lucy not working out on the podcast - but in short, the foundation isn’t there (they’ve disagreed on mental health issues numerous times & it’s even come up in lucy’s trial prep), they may have fun but like nikki said in her post, it’s not something long term, and they just don’t have that same page type of vibe that chenford has. you know how lucy said she & tim have a shorthand? it’s because they’re so in tune with each other. chrischen on the other hand isn’t. i feel like chris is more invested than lucy is — remember she called him/their relationship a “work in progress” !!!!
and y’all don’t even get me started on tim/ashley (idk their ship name😅). while i don’t mind them, i do think they’re better as individuals than they are together. they lack common ground, they don’t share any similar interests, & um yes hi so unless i missed something neither has said the oh-so-important l word. (L O V E) .... soooo there’s that to consider. why on earth would tim, a man who isn’t spontaneous & is usually meticulous in his decisions propose marriage to a woman he hasn’t even said “i love you” to yet?!?!?!?!?!?! it doesn’t track to me, y’know?
i’m also in the camp of lucy being the one to actually process her feelings first. tim may have had moments of realization over this last season (esp. since 3x09!) but i think even though he’s one to be logical, he’s also one to push things down easier. so he was able to push anything away feelings wise for lucy since 3x09, or 3x14, or 4x01 easily because it just couldn’t happen for them then. and now that he’s with someone else, i don’t think that it came up again (unless you count the dance - but we missed a critical aftermath scene in that ep so canonically(?) who knows what chenford’s thinking now!)
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so he’s able to compartmentalize easier than say, lucy “usually wears her heart on her sleeve” chen is. except, when it comes to tim, lucy hasn’t faced things since her 4x01 realization either (again, sort of omitting the dance scene b/c of the lack of aftermath — DON’T GET ME WRONG I FUCKING LOVE THAT MOMENT THOUGH).
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to recap, we’re left with two people in other relationships who each haven’t fully come to terms with their feelings for each other. i’m honestly wondering if a more plausible explanation is tim proposing those “Mother’s Day plans” to ashley that the 4x21 episode description alludes to. again, it’s just me being the english major & going back to the use of “respective” in the description, which when properly used coincides with the list in question - each item in the forthcoming list relates back to the subject - god i’m not making sense
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^ in the description above, respective relationships means whatever’s described first pertains to tim, second to lucy. so tim/ashley deal w/mother’s day; chrischen deals w/the vacation. so, i’m thinking tim is trying to reassure ashley that things will work out if she wants him to meet her mom(?) or if she would inquire about his — although see i’m still not 100% sure as to the status of mrs. bradford (is she alive still? i’d always presumed the opposite, but maybe i’m wrong)... hence why i’m leaning towards ashley would want tim to meet her mother. maybe he’s just gesturing & saying how great it’ll be. OR MAYBE THE DESCRIPTION IS PURPOSELY MISUSING RESPECTIVE & IT IS THE ROMANTIC VACATION FOR TIM/ASHLEY in which case tim’s attempting to be spontaneous & “sell” this romantic vacay idea to his girlfriend aaaaand that’s what lucy sees in the promo! {because btw, chris wanting to meet lucy’s mom or parents in general would make more sense than chrischen romantic vacation storyline IMO}
but maybe chris does wanna do a vacation & that is what’s on lucy’s mind as she’s walking & maybe that’s when she sees tim. hell, maybe she was going to go ask for his advice about said vacation idea. or the whole chris meeting her mother thing. maybe it brings up emotions surrounding bio dad for her again & since she mentioned it to tim before maybe she’s looking for a sympathetic ear again. who knows (i only wish i did - thank god we only have to wait 6 days to find out)
also one of my other friends said maybe it’s some sort of fever dream lucy has. like it cannot be real, the tim getting down on one knee thing.... maybe it’s all just a dream lucy had that gets her to wake up and realize her feelings for tim are real (nikki i believe mentioned this in her post or on other social media!)
anyhow, i’m still in the camp of lucy is needing to talk to tim, sees the “proposal” then BAM! feelings are officially being processed, all cylinders are firing. now, do i think ashley says yes? sorry to say (HAVE U SEEN TIM BRADFORD🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥) but i think she says no. and maybe lucy is only seeing the grand gesture (if it is a real proposal) and mistakes it for ashley’s yes. or, i think someone else either or here or twitter had said maybe it’s a practice round 😆 either way, i’m still thinking that everything is not what it seems when it comes to that scene — even the result if it does happen to be a real marriage proposal from tim to ashley.
i do think that regardless of the outcome, chenford probably won’t have a chance to discuss it with each other. i feel like they’ll be dummies and stew privately, or push all these weird emotions away that come up from said scene. so, i’m thinking that this undercover mission in 4x22 will be extra tension filled because of the words unspoken, feelings unsaid. and when the stakes get higher in this possible drug op, an undercover kiss or at the very least, almost kiss happens which will definitely turn chenford’s world upside down. (& bring fans like me an eternity of screaming until s5 in sept.)
ok, i think i’m done now. brownie points for you if you read this whole thing. i ramble. i’m a writer. it’s kinda my thing. oops. 🥴 hope some of this made sense. chenford endgame ftw that’s all!
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keanureevesisbae · 3 years
You're on a roadtrip and in the middle of nowhere, your car breaks down. Obviously your phone died too - what happens next?
This, is very interesting and my horny brain figured out what would happen next 👀👀
Walter Marshall x fem!reader
Wordcount: 1.5k (yes, a lot happens)
Warnings: Fingering, squirting, unprotected sex 👀
‘Piece of shit,’ you mutter under your breath. You cannot believe this happened again and to make matters even worse, you're in the middle of fucking nowhere. Last time your car decided to break down, at least it happened downtown, meaning there were around five men who saw you hopelessly staring at your car, not knowing what to do and offered their help.
Now, you’re by yourself.
You grab your phone from the passengers seat, only to discover the most horrible thing that could ever happen to you.
Your battery died.
It’s probably around thirty minutes until you reach some sort of civilization and it’s getting darker and darker.
Oh no, is this how people get murdered?
Great, now you’re not only by yourself, but you also scared yourself by envisioning horrible scenario's. You pop the hood of the car, only to realize that everything looks the exact same and you have no idea where to start. Why do the problems have to be so complicated? If it were a flat tire, you probably would’ve managed to fix it, but this is on a whole new level of complex.
A car stops behind yours and your heart stops for a few seconds. Please don’t be a serial killer, please don’t be creepy in general. You peek around your car, only to see the very familiar truck. You’ve seen that car around in town, including the owner of it.
You watch him step out of the vehicle. His shoulders are broad, his strut is confident and his brows are furrowed, but that is nothing new. When he sees it’s you, one corner of his mouth curls up. ‘Sweetheart,’ he says and you can’t help but slightly giggle when hearing that nickname.
Detective Walter Marshall is a very well loved customer at the cafe you work at, mostly because he comes by every day and has become a reliable income. He always orders one cappuccino to go and sometimes he goes a little crazy and orders a cookie with it as well. He rarely smiles, but recently you noticed that whenever you took his orders, you not only earned yourself a very lovely 'Sweetheart', but also a small smile. Sometimes, he would even go as far to asking you what your plans were for after work and when you answered with whatever the plans were, he would simply nod and tell you to not have too much fun without him.
It was cheeky and slightly flirty, but it was always within the four walls of the cafe and nothing happened. You wished though. Walter Marshall was a very desired bachelor in town.
‘Hi detective,’ you say with a smile.
‘Car trouble?’
You nod. ‘Yes, it’s just that my car gives up from time to time.’
‘I see, I see.’ He rolls up his sleeves and stands next to you, examining everything. He starts to say something about some sort of liquid/fuel-thingy, but you have no idea what he means. Not only are you distracted because it’s too complicated, but also because of his outstanding beauty. No man in town tips to him.
Of course you fantasized about him, just like everyone else. There was quite the age gap between you, a rough fifteen years, but that never stopped you from having the most disgusting, NSFW dreams about him.
‘What?’ you ask him, when he looks at you, obviously waiting for an answer.
‘You weren’t listening,’ he chuckles. ‘That’s okay. What I said was that it’s too late to call for a tow truck and that I can’t fix it right away. We can leave your car here and I can drive you to your place if you want.'
'But what if it gets stolen?'
'How?' he asks. 'The car doesn't work, right?'
You shake your head. 'Maybe it's for the best. It's a stupid car anyway. The only reason I have it, because I got it for free.'
'Maybe that should've been a red flag. Free cars are rarely reliable.'
You scoff. Dammit, you hate it when other people are right. 'You sure you want to give me a lift?'
Walter scoffs. ‘I’m not gonna leave you in the middle of nowhere by yourself.’ He closes the hood of my car and adds to it: ‘Besides, I don’t want anything to happen to my favorite barista. You’re the only one who hasn’t messed with my cappuccino.’
You shouldn’t giggle or feel nervous, yet you do both.
‘Come on, go grab your stuff and we’ll go.’
You walk over to the driver’s side and lean over the seats to grab both the key from the ignition and your bag. Then you realize that you are wearing a pretty short skirt and your underwear is a bit on the flimsier side. You hear an approving hum from behind you. Part of you wants to die of shame, the other part however makes sure things heat up in between your thighs.
When you get out of the car and close the door, Walter has his arms crossed in front of his chest. ‘One condition, sweetheart,’ he says, taking the bag from your hand.
You frown. ‘For what?’
‘For me to give you a lift back home.’ He holds out one of his hands and says: ‘That piece of fabric you call your underwear, please.’
You blink your eyes once, twice and the universe how many times after that, mostly because you cannot believe those words—those dirty words—left his lips. His expression barely changed. It’s the emotionless look you are so used of seeing, but the words that take you by surprise.
You have had many dirty daydreams, but handing over your underwear in the middle of nowhere wasn’t one. You hook your thumbs behind the waistband of your panties and push it down your legs. When you step out of them, you hand them to Walter, who nods in approval.
The two of you walk towards the passenger’s side of his truck, when he grabs you by your hip and turns you around. With your back pressed against the door, he lets his hand slide underneath your skirt between your thighs. Your lips slightly parted, as his rough fingers knead the soft flesh of your thighs. ‘Do you have any idea how much I’ve been wanting this?’ he asks you. ‘It’s always those pretty smiles,’ he continues, ‘the way you lean over the counter in those tops with a deep neckline and how you bite your lip when you’re focused. Have you got a clue of what that does to me?’
‘No detective, I don’t,’ you whimper.
Walter smiles at your desperation, as you’re already grinding against his fingers. Fuck, he knew deep down what you could be, but this he didn’t expect. He dips in one finger, but when he discovers how wet you are, how ready you are for him, he pushes in another.
Your pleasured moan fills the emptiness around you. You’re a loud one too, Walter thinks to himself. You sure are the jackpot. His fingers brush against all the right spots. He watches your eyes rolling back, your breathing become ragged and your thighs and walls clenching together. ‘Beg for it,’ he says.
Instantly, you obey. ‘Detective, please, please, can I cum?’
There is no way you are truly real.
He barely has the change to answer, when you tumble over the edge. When you have to hold onto him since you can’t trust your own legs. When you squirt passed his fingers down your legs. The sobs and strained moans that leave your lips, make him grin in satisfaction. He roughly slams his lips against yours and within a second you melt against him.
He pulls out his fingers and without letting go of your lips for one millisecond, he opens the door of his truck. ‘They always say you are such a lovely young lady. So innocent and sweet,’ he says to you. ‘But you’ve got a dirty streak.’
You bite your lip and let out a sweet giggle when he turns you around, bending you over the passengers seat of the truck, your toes barely finding the ground. As Walter uses one hand to knead the soft flesh of your ample behind, the other unzips his pants and pulls out his cock. After pumping it a few times, he lines himself up at your throbbing cunt, before pushing himself in entirely.
The sounds that leave your lips, make him go feral. Part of him wants to take the time, worship your body and look you in the eye as you fall apart in his arms. But that part doesn’t have the upper hand now. The part that wants to destroy you, rail you, fill you is completely taking over.
There is no stopping now. Skin slapping against skin. His groans mixed with your cries of pleasure. He can feel it, your warm walls that feel so good around him, start to squeeze his hard member. ‘Detective, I’m close again,’ you wail.
‘Let it go, sweetheart,’ he tells you and on cue you start to shudder, your orgasm washing over you and that’s enough for him to reach his limits. He holds your hips tightly, probably imprinting you with some bruises, as he paints you from the inside.
He gives himself a few seconds to regain himself, before he pulls out and watches it all drip down your legs. You’re limb, barely able to stand on your legs. Your skirt is still bundled up near your waist, revealing your beautiful round bottom.
He grabs you by your arm and pulls you against his body, pressing his lips on yours. ‘You’re gonna make a mess on my seat,’ he says.
‘You’re fault,’ you mumble against his lips, only for you to earn a sharp slap on your behind. ‘Sorry, detective,’ you whisper. ‘How— Where do I sit then?’
He smiles. ‘Right on my cock as I drive you to my place, because we’re not done yet.’
✨ Okay, I'll see myself out now ✨
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emerald-chaos · 3 years
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**gif not mine! credit to the owner**
So, I couldn't help myself. This is a continuation of my previous Bucky fic Insomnia because I just really enjoyed the dynamic between Bucky and the reader. I had a lot of fun writing this part and I love building things up between the two of them. If you guys like this or are interested in seeing more - please let me know! I love talking with people and hearing their ideas and such.
Much love xo.
Pairing: Reader x Bucky Barnes
Word Count: 2079
Warnings: cursing, struggles with mental illness, mentions of sex (nothing entirely explicit but better safe than sorry), alcohol use, and really poorly written jokes lmao
Fingers threaded into hair.
Hot, opened-mouth kisses marking every surface of your neck.
Nails trailing down his back leaving raised, red lines in their wake.
“Oh my god,” you groaned as you let your head fall back and continued to rock your hips into the man in front of you.
Strong hands tighten their hold on your hips, sure to leave purplish-blue bruises for the morning.
“C’mon, baby,” he grunted, face buried in your neck as he helped your body to grind against his, “I got you. Let go, fuck, let go for me.”
A pair of slender fingers snapped in front of your line of sight, tearing you from your daydream and bringing you harshly back to reality.
“Hmm, what was that?” You blinked a few times before you turned your attention to the redhead who you, apparently, had been having a conversation with.
“Are you serious?” She laughed, “I’ve been talking for the past 10 minutes! I looked over and you had that far off, glossy look in your eyes. Not to mention you’re bleeding.”
A hand found its way to your lower lip and you realized she was right. You had been so lost in wet dreamland that you chewed a layer of skin off of your lip. You hoped she didn’t notice the heat rising in your face as you cleared your throat, grabbing a tissue from the coffee table.
“Sorry,” you muttered, pressing the tissue against your injured lip, “guess I got lost in thought.”
“Is it one of those flashbacks again?” She asked kindly, facial expression softening.
You nodded quickly, knowing fully well that the statement was a lie. Your gaze drifted over the woman’s shoulder to the subject of your previous thoughts. It would be easier to explain the common occurrence of your PTSD than it would be to explain that you were reminiscing on the hot, steamy, passionate sex you had the night before.
Bucky was situated across the room, leaning against the counter as he talked to Rogers and Wilson. The unfortunately tight, black, short-sleeve t-shirt he was wearing left nothing to the imagination. It accentuated every muscle of the body you had gotten to know so intimately not more than 10 hours ago. His muscular arms were crossed at his chest and he was sporting his signature scowl. Everything about the sight sent a shiver down your spine. You finally had a taste and you wanted more.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Your friend’s voice gained your attention once more.
A small smile found its way to your lips as you met her gaze again. Apart from Bucky, Nat had always been a good trauma buddy of yours. From the beginning she had been someone you felt like you could confide in and someone who would understand your troubles. Sometimes you wondered if a requirement of joining the avengers was to have a fucked up, tragic backstory.
“I’m okay, Nat.” You reassured, “Just got lost in my head again.”
“Whatever you say. Maybe the party tonight will help you get your mind off of things,” She mused as she pushed herself from the couch to stand up. She paused briefly before she turned to you again, “you are coming, right?”
“Yeah,” you snorted, “Tony actually threatened me if I didn’t go this time, so, I guess I have to.”
After the last party you skipped out on, Tony cornered you in the hallway and gave you quite the interrogation. Then he went on a spiel about how staying in your room all day and all night was bad for you and that if he didn’t know better he would think you weren’t appreciative of what he’d done for you and blah, blah, blah. Tony really was a good person underneath all that hair gel. All he wanted was to help you break out of your shell and give you the family he knew you were lacking. That didn’t mean he couldn’t be a pushy asshole.
“Good, I’ll see you there. I’m sure Barnes will too.” A devilish grin painted her lips as she watched your jaw drop. Before you had a chance to say anything she was off down the hallway.
Fuckin’ Natasha.
A pile of clothes littered your bed as you slipped another dress over your form. Not once in your life had you ever been concerned about what you were wearing or what you looked like, but there was something about tonight that made you want to turn heads. Your eyes raked down your figure as you twisted from side to side, admiring the way the black dress hugged your body in all the right places. Not to mention the thigh high slit in the dress showed off probably the only body part you weren’t self-conscious about. Tony, being the theatrical and over the top man he was, once said that you shouldn’t show up to his parties if you weren’t dressed to court a royal or to bring a man to his knees. Guess you were shooting for the latter.
As you put the finishing touches on your look for the evening, you felt that familiar heavy feeling settling into your chest. Your body always had a tendency to go into fight or flight mode when you became too familiar with anything or anyone. It felt like every fiber in your body was screaming for you to retreat into sweats and stay in your room, to not allow yourself this opportunity to enjoy the people you’d grown so close to. You know what happens when you let people in.
Grief, trauma, coping - it made it really difficult to live a “normal” life. Everyday tasks are daunting, it can be next to impossible to have intimate friendships or relationships, and not to mention the intrusive thoughts that infect your mind on a daily, if not hourly, basis. Here you were, the happiest you’d been in years. You were finally in a place where you felt loved, comfortable, safe - and yet your mind was trying to self-sabotage again.
You took a moment to close your eyes and take several deep breaths. When you opened your eyes you locked eyes with your reflection in the mirror and made a pact with the girl staring back at you. The intrusive thoughts and self-doubt couldn’t continue to have a hold over you anymore. You gave yourself a small smirk and nod as you made the decision to throw caution to the wind and give the party a try. What’s the worst that could happen?
Come to find out, the worst that could happen would be your competitive nature overcoming the rational, thinking part of your brain; which in turn would lead you to enter in a drinking contest. Thankfully a small portion of your pink, smooth brain was still functional enough to tell you when you’d reached your limit. Now you sat comfortably on the couch, legs tucked underneath you as you joyfully watched your friends argue.
“Dr. Banner, my friend, you are one of the most intelligent people I know. However, you are wrong.” Thor stated simply as he finished the rest of his drink.
“Thor, for the last time, water is not wet!” Bruce retorted, throwing his hands up in frustration.
You let out a loud snort before thinking, “Oh yeah, water. I should drink some water.”
Your feet planted themselves on the floor and slipped back into your pair of shoes. As you made your way to the kitchen you were pleasantly surprised by your balance and coordination, considering how much alcohol you’d consumed. Seems that drinking with Thor has done wonders for your tolerance.
While you were busy searching the refrigerator for a bottle of water, you were also oblivious to the soft sound of footsteps coming into the kitchen. After retrieving the beverage, you closed the door and turned to leave. Instead, you turned right into the chest of a figure that was definitely not there a moment ago. You yelped as you clutched a hand over your chest dramatically, your face filled with horror as though you’d just come face to face with the grim reaper.
“Jesus Christ, Barnes!” you scolded.
Bucky was holding his abdomen as he leaned back, consumed with laughter at your reaction. You huffed and wanted to be offended, but he looked so damn cute laughing that you couldn’t help but join him. You pushed his chest playfully and grumped as you hopped up to sit on the counter, opening the water to gulp about half of it down. Bucky couldn’t help but grin at your pouty state as he finished up his laughing fit.
“My apologies, sweets. Didn’t realize I’d be makin’ ya scream twice in one day.” He teased, grinning even wider as he did so.
Your jaw dropped at the comment, quickly looking around to make sure no one else was in the kitchen to hear what he had said. After seeing that the coast was clear you kicked your foot at him out of annoyance, only for his metal hand to catch it smoothly. The two of you locked eyes, motionless for a moment before he moved closer, sliding his hand from your ankle to your thigh. In the moment, you damned yourself for choosing this particular dress. The closer he got, the faster your breathing became. The contrast between his cold embrace and your flushed, warm skin sent a shiver down your spine. Abandoning the water bottle, you ran your hands up his abdomen and chest until they rested on his shoulders. Following a small nudge from his knee, you parted your legs to allow him space to stand between them. The heat in your face at an all time high as he pressed his flesh hand to your cheek.
“Haven’t been able to stop thinkin’ about you.” Bucky whispered as he stroked the apple of your cheek with his thumb. Each word that left his lips had you feeling way more intoxicated than any liquor you’d had all night.
As quickly as it started, his touch was gone and his back was turned as he opened the fridge. Before you had a chance to open your mouth to ask what the hell just happened, Tony was entering into the kitchen.
“Well, well, well. Surprised to see you here, Annie.” Tony beamed as he laid eyes on you.
Yes, Tony had nicknamed you after little orphan Annie. Yes, he also referred to himself lovingly as Daddy Warbucks. Yes, any person in their right mind would probably be offended, but you were just fucked up enough that you found it kind of hilarious.
“Wish I could say that it’s a pleasure, Tony.” You grumped back, upset that you’d been cockblocked and by Tony no less.
“Never lose that spunk, kid.” Tony winked as he turned to see Bucky retreating from the fridge with a beer in hand. “Inspector Gadget! Good to see you too.”
As much as you didn’t want to encourage him, you couldn’t help but laugh. Much to your dismay, Bucky simply raised his bottle to Tony as if to say “cheers” and padded out of the kitchen.
“He has such a way with words.” Tony teased as you rolled your eyes.
A sigh left your lips as you slipped off the counter and back onto the floor, muttering a “goodnight” before leaving the kitchen and heading back to your room. Although you wanted nothing more than to find Bucky and finish what he had started in the kitchen, you came to the conclusion that you were probably too drunk and definitely too tired.
Back in the comfort of your bedroom, you went about your normal nighttime routine. As you exited the bathroom, you couldn’t help but notice a piece of paper that had been slipped beneath your door. Grabbing the paper from the floor and plopping back onto your soft mattress, you opened it to read the note that was scribbled in black ink.
Never got the chance to tell you how gorgeous you looked tonight. Gotta say, I’m a big fan of that dress.
Sweet dreams.
- B.
When you finished the note, it felt as though you were floating on cloud 9. Even when you laid your head down and tried to welcome sleep, Bucky’s words were still replaying in your head over and over again - like they were lyrics to your new favorite song.
Turns out you were down for Bucky Barnes, and you were down bad.
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elsieys-blog · 3 years
Perks of an insomnia-driven night.
Draco Malfoy x ravenclaw!reader
a/n: hi hello, this is my first draco malfoy au and I hope you get to enjoy it as much as I wrote it <3
contains: fluff, tension, cussing, insomnia, room of requirement, Draco's rings, and strangers to friends with benefits.
summary: due to another insomnia-driven night, you strolled and suddenly bumped into a particular Slytherin. He gave you a gift you would cherish forever.
A loud buzz from outside startled you as you curled up on your bed, pulling the blanket up to your torso to suppress the chilly weather. You couldn't keep count on how many times you've tried to close your eyes and think as if you went into a free fall in hopes of getting yourself adrift. But no. You've closed your eyes, opened it again, flat it again but it didn't help at all. You were widely awake despite the fact you hadn't eaten any chocolate at all.
You heaved a sigh before deciding to leave your bed and go on for a short walk on the dimly lit hallways. Perhaps the calmness and stillness of it would soothe you. You pushed the duvet away from your nearly naked body and slipped your slippers onto your feet. Standing up, you went over to the bathroom, did some basic hygiene before twisting the doorknob and leaving your dormitory in a swift.
God, even the Ravenclaw common room didn't look fancy anymore.
It usually does every morning to dawn. But every midnight and pass midnight? It looks like as though someone was murdered and students ought to stay hidden in their dorms.
As your quiet and soft trudges echoed the walls, only a few line of torches lighting your way, you exited the Ravenclaw common room and was now and finally outside. The hallways were now bigger and neverending, as if you had set foot into a deja Vu. A few floorboards you step creaked and so the snoring portraits on every corner and side of the wall yawns and went back to sleep.
You maintained a good slow and calm pace until you forgot to pick up your wand from your room. There was no going back now because it was a long way back. Now you had to squint your eyes so that it adjusted from the pitch black darkness.
Loud cawing from crows scare you sometimes so goosebumps prickled your skin. The only thing you could see was the dots of glitter from the sky and the shadows the oak trees casted on the ground. The shadow was formed strangely and it looks distorted so you held a deep breath, reminding myself that there was nothing to be bothered of. And that everyone was sleeping just fine.
As you walked silently, your head elbow-deep in thoughts, you didn't know you were now staring at a wall so called the Room of Requirement. The walls was approximately fifteen feet, bizarre patterns across it.
"Well, there's nothing else to go, so. . ." Your mind spoke and you closed your eyes, thinking of a plausible reason to get yourself inside. After a few seconds, you heard three faint clicks until the wall molded into a tall door. You glanced sideways before entering the room slowly.
You were met by the darkness once again, but this time it felt comforting. You walked and walked, taking in the unblemished and grubby furnitures hidden beyond the tall door. There were stacks and mounds of unused things that you felt suddenly guilty. As you roamed around without a route, a movement beside you caught you off guard and it piqued your interest. Is someone else here?
"hello?" You started, your brows furrowing as you followed the movement.
As far from your expectations, the anonymous person replied and it was a manly, cold voice. "What are you doing up in the middle of the night? Aren't you supposed to be asleep?"
A shiver came across your spine. You shyly said, "aren't you supposed to be too?" You saw his shadow lurch and you took the chance to step forward.
He said, "doesn't matter why I'm here. This is my usual spot." His voice was a bit taunting and bragging.
"Well, you're hiding in the shadows so... And you're not supposed to hide if you claim this as your spot." You sternly said, keeping your gaze fixated on his moving shadow.
"I'm not hiding. Have you come to the realization that it's the dead of the night?" He sternly said.
"Yes, but— I think we should come over to the light so I can see you." You plead but you doubt he would actually do it.
"See me? Pathetic."
You sighed. "What? How about let's do it together? I'm really in the mood for some company right now."
The man was hesitant at first but he considered it. As much as he was irritated by someone invading his territory, he kind of wanted a company too. There was a strong exhale across you as he said. "Fine."
You gave an upturned smile, stepping into a small ray of light seeping through a window. The moonshine cradled your face as well as his. He stood tall and with poise in front of you with a neutral glare, looking down as if his eyes belittle you. "Better princess?"
You couldn't help but stare at his eyes. Wait- he was standing in front of you so he blocked the moonshine and you could only see his silhouette. You grabbed his sleeve and ushered him to a better angle. When you gently pushed his back on a partition, you finally got to look at his golden blue eyes, and the bits of freckles that stretched to his nose and cheekbones. His face was sculpted beautifully and even his nose shaped like a button. He was lithe and pristine. And you began to coil into a pit of fire.
"You're- Draco Malfoy?" Your voice shook.
"that's me." He smirked and it only made my headspace ablaze. "And you are?"
You were too busy admiring his features but your mind eventually rebounded. "I- Y/n- Y/n Y/l/n!"
He kept on smiling. "Oh, you!" He began to finally acknowledge your ghostly presence before. "You're the one I shared potions with on fifth year eh? The one where we got perfect scores?"
"Yeah, that's me."
"Right. The only reason we got perfect grades for it was because of my skills actually. Don't forget that." He playfully said, beaming a wink at you which got your cheeks turning slightly crimson.
"Ha ha, very funny. I still helped though." You avowed.
"Mhm. But I did most of the dirty work and you just stood there, watching." He laughed and I chuckled. Fun times.
"Fine. Have it your way. I did watch instead of help. Happy?" You jeered but you couldn't help but glance at the collection of rings on his bony fingers. You went still for a moment and decided to ask the unthinkable. "Malfoy?"
"You- you have nice rings. It looks good on you." You faltered in the slightest but remained a tepid look. "Silver matches you to be honest."
"Silver?" His eyebrows rose and his voice was unbelievably sexy. "I get that a lot."
You keep on staring, checking out the patterns designed on the small ringed jewelry such as serpents and cursive letters. You didn't realize you were smiling until his fingers convulsed. "Y/n?"
You look back into his stormy eyes with embarrassment. "Oh I- I'm sorry, I was just-"
"It's obvious you really like them, don't you?"
"Well, I mean it's pretty but-"
"Would you want one?" His question was out of the blue so you nearly jolted.
Your eyes widen in full extent, the feeling of affection was set into extreme levels that you feel like you're about to explode. "Oh er- that's good thank you, but-"
"It's pretty I get it. And you seem to admire it as much as I do so ..." He paused, removing one of the glinting rings from his ring finger and held it into his palm. "Here, you can have it for me."
Your cheeks were flaming and it was intolerable. He was platonic and you never expected it from him. You sucked in a deep inhale, tongue-tied. "Oh my god, Malfoy, this was so unnecessary-"
"It's alright. Besides, I think that hand of yours need some color." He smiled tenderly, handing you the ring. His height was towering and it only made things worse for you to handle because of how the air thickens and the atmosphere suddenly getting hot.
"I d-don't know what to say." You stutter. "But thank you. Thank you so much, wow."
You got ahold of the metallic ring, inserting it on your ring finger but it didn't fit. It was expected of course. So you tried putting it on your middle finger but it was loose still. As you were about to put it on your thumb, his cold hands gripped your wrist making you halt mid-process.
"What is it-"
"Here let me help you out."
God, he was also wearing a silver glinting necklace. Now that is fucking sexy!
Draco unclasped his own necklace, putting either ends of it into the ring until it hang perfectly. When it was perfectly adjusted just how he wanted it to, he offered it to you without double thinking, a genuine grin sprawled on his handsomely face.
You were still deeply honored yet it felt... Wrong. "Draco- I really appreciate this but- it's yours and we barely even talk-"
"I don't care about that." He flawlessly said. "You remind me of someone I deeply love and... I guess this is my way of being grateful we met at this untimely night." He scoffed and you're a bit sure you saw a hint of blush on his face.
"Really?" You didn't bother asking who that person was since he probably wasn't in the mood to tell you. You were flattered by his words as you accepted his offer.
"Yes. Now take this, and wear it. I want to see your hands with my rings, Y/n." He flirtatiously spoke, giving you another wink.
You rolled your eyes at his ridiculous act. As you were about to out it, he stopped you once more and this time you were a bit provoked. "What is it again?"
He shrugged, and now the blush hidden in his handsome features was now displayed. It was cute seeing his pale, porcelain skin yo be tainted with a tinge of scarlet. He took the necklace into his hands and made strong and seducing type of eye contact. You nearly tripped at his look right now as he said. "Let's make this scene a bit... Romantic. And by that..." He clasped the necklace on your neck, his fingers ghosting your skin ever-so-slightly. "I get to do this to you."
You shudder, not just because of the cold weather, but because of his cold touch. It was so nice against your skin that you wanted him to do it again. You smiled and bit your lip to restrain any embarrassing words. "Draco, you're being too sweet-"
"Am I? People always like the idea of making me sound rude. It feels good I get to prove it to you that that is a lie." His hands sat ok your shoulder, the pad of his thumb caressing you pulse point between your neck and shoulder.
"I understand that. When people wanted to make you sound like a villain when truly your just trying to be genuine and basic?"
Draco grinned. "Yeah, Y/n. Something like that."
You contemplated for a moment, the tension between you building up because of how close your lips had been. It was merely an inch apart, your noses almost touching that you suddenly want to feel the saccharine taste of his lips and the soft texture pressed against yours. Maybe it would be the cure to your insomnia-driven nights. Maybe it would ease and alleviate you.
"You're pretty, you know?"
You were taken a back. You stared at his eyes still and didn't even realize his hands had dropped down to your elbows, pulling it closer to him, informing you that he wants your hands to lean on his chest—to feel how ragged his breathing had gotten just by her presence. You flinched a little and smiled.
"Oh?" Was the only word to roll out of your tongue.
"Mhm." Draco was lost in his own void, his concentration had dropped from your eyes and down to your gaped lips. "So pretty..."
You couldn't bear the growing impatience anymore and you knew to yourself that you had to do something about it. Something to help soften his heavy breathing. He looked tired and worn out. Fragile and about to burst. You had to do something about it quick before he breaks.
And so you lifted your heel to match his height and pecked a kiss on the corner of his mouth. For a moment Draco closed his eyes to memorize the way both your lips linked—he was awestruck. He smelled good. So good that you wanted to give another go but was frustrated enough that he didn't slam you against the wall and leave you breathless from his aggressive kisses so you just stood there and watched him remember the unsolicited peck you just gave him.
"Can I kiss you?" You abruptly said without hesitation. "Again? And this time... Better?"
He nodded in the slightest of movement before lowering his head and both your lips met anew. There were fireworks and butterflies erupting in your stomach and all you could feel was how graceful and subtle his tongue shifted against yours and it was pure bliss. And this time, it was rougher than you thought.
a/n: AHHH! i hope you liked this one, and also PART TWO IS COMING SOON! sorry, I left y'all in a cliffhanger ;))
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mviswidow · 3 years
i'm glad you texted me; part two
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Prompt: Hii! Im not sure if you are taking requests but could you write a sequel to Im glad you texted me maybe where R realizes that she has feelings for Wanda and it makes Wanda all happy and giddy 🥺🥺.
part one
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You woke up confused after a dream about making out with Wanda that made your head want to explode. You became alarmed when you realized the arm around you was hers, the hand you were holding: also hers, and the leg in between yours also belonged to her.
You closed your eyes and took a few deep breaths, smoothing your hair back, before you did your best to untangle your limbs without waking her up.
Carefully, you made your way to the bathroom and closed the door behind you before sighing, washing your face, and looking at yourself in the mirror. Did you like her? Since when is this a thing? Is this why Nat always teases you about - oh my god, you totally like her. You groaned quietly, putting your head in your hands, your thoughts overwhelming you. All you could do was pray that Wanda wasn’t awake because you were sure as hell that if she was, she’d be able to hear what you were thinking.
You went through your top drawer to find your hairbrush and brush through your hair before brushing your teeth. You put your things away and your eyes flicked over to the other side of the bathroom counter, where she kept her toothbrush. The one she used when she slept over in your room.
Did she like you back? Your heart raced at the idea and you couldn’t believe that you thought thinking about whether or not her lips were soft could be ‘casual’. Wanda was beautiful, like- absolutely, incredibly stunning. There was no doubt about it. You loved everything about her, you just hoped she was feeling the same way you did.
Something about the disappointed look on her face before she noticed you’d opened the door and come back in told you that maybe she did.
Her eyes lit up when she saw you and she smiled without hesitation, holding her hands out for a hug.
You giggled and complied, although your pulse was pounding in your ears. Her chest pressed against yours as you sat in her lap felt different now and you felt a little guilty for thinking about her this way when you hadn’t had a conversation about how you felt about each other.
“I thought you left,” she admitted, fingers twirling the ends of your hair mindlessly.
You shook your head, “How could I do that when we’re supposed to spend the day together?”
She smiled brightly, the corners of her eyes crinkling a little, and ducked her head, “You’re right, sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, Wands,” you eased yourself off of her and stretched your arms up for a moment. “Go get ready, alright? I’ll make us breakfast after I change. Maybe if you don’t take forever to get ready it won't be cold this time,” you teased.
Wanda snickered while rolling her eyes and walking past you, “Okay, Ms Y/L/N. I’ll see you in a bit.”
You waited until she closed the door on her way out to release a breath you’d been holding and you tugged a change of clothes on, settling on something casual, a simple long sleeved shirt and nice jeans.
You looked around your room and grabbed your phone, shoving it in your back pocket, and looked at yourself in the mirror for a moment before leaving your room and racing down the corridor to Natasha’s room as quietly as you could.
You knocked insistently until she opened the door with a glare, but her lips turned up in a smirk when she saw your flustered expression, and you had a feeling she knew what this was about.
She let you in, closed the door, and made the way to her bed with crossed arms and a raised brow, “Are you here to admit something?”
You groaned and ran your fingers through your hair, “I like Wanda.”
A smile spread on her face and you avoided her gaze, letting your eyes drop to the floor as you leaned against the wall, “Finally. I thought she was going to figure out you liked her before you did.”
Whining dramatically, you said, “God, is it really that obvious?”
Nat scoffed, smile still intact, “Oh, definitely. Everyone on the team knows. You guys stare at each other all day. And during missions you’re all like, ‘I thought you might die! I’m so glad you’re okay, please marry-’”
“Okay, I get it,” you grumbled, sinking down to the floor and hugging your knees.
“Listen, just ask her out,” she sighed, expression softening as she got off the bed to sit across from you. She took your hand in hers and rubbed your knuckles, “You make her really happy, Y/n/n. And I know you love her a lot. You both deserve this. Wanda’s been through a lot and I think she’s too afraid to tell you how she feels. I mean, I know even if you didn’t like her back you wouldn’t push her away, but she’s lost a lot of people. I don’t know how she’d react if she lost you, too.”
You chewed the inside of your bottom lip and nodded, “You’re right. Thank you, Tasha.”
Natasha smiled again before standing, tugging your arm to get you standing, and pulling you into a quick hug, “Don’t mention it.”
“I’ll see you later,” you waved as you opened the door and made your way to the kitchen.
You’d finished making breakfast in a short 10 minutes and set Wanda’s plate of blueberry pancakes in front of her usual seat as you took a bite of what you’d cooked for yourself.
Surprisingly, Wanda finished getting ready quickly and made it into the kitchen shortly after you put water bottles in front of her seat and in front of you.
You smiled, seeing her tuck her hair behind her ears as she walked in wearing a dark blue dress and her usual combat boots, “You look nice.”
You enjoyed observing the way she blushed while she sat down and hummed once she was able to smell the pancakes, “Thank you. You look really good- I mean, you look nice. Also.”
You raised an eyebrow and she cleared her throat, starting to stuff her mouth with the pancake so she didn’t have to talk to you.
“Do you feel any better?” you asked, watching her play with her rings nervously.
Wanda nodded, giving you a grateful smile. “I feel a lot better, my stomach ache is all gone.”
You stayed silent for a few moments, trying to psych yourself up enough to ask her, but she noticed your furrowed brow and pursed lips, “You okay?”
“I think I’m in love with you.”
Um, okay. Better to just get it all out at once, then?
Wanda dropped her fork as her eyebrows shot up and her eyes widened. You watched her mouth open before a hopeful smile broke out on her face, “Are you really?”
“I’m pretty sure, yeah,” you nodded, a nervous chuckle coming out.
“I’m definitely in love with you. Like, I have been for a long time,” she said, looking way less tense and nervous.
“I only just figured it out, but I know that you’re the most important person to me and I don’t think I’ve been caring about you in the normal friend way,” you bit your lip.
Wanda stood up and walked around the counter, pausing when she was a few feet away from you, “Can I kiss you?”
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jsngwrld · 3 years
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pairing : jisung x reader
word count : 1.6k
warnings : smut, mommy kink, use of babyboy but not age regression!!!, also only babyboy and sungie are used for jisung, fairly gender-neutral reader, soft dom!reader, sub!jisung, jisung has an oral fixation, a small bit of teasing, thigh riding, praise, jisung is whiny, nipple play kinda???, jisung sucks on reader’s chest, he’s also gagged using the reader’s fingers, mostly jisung focused tbh, a small tiny mention of edging and a small mention of tears, jisung cums in his pants, brief aftercare mention (don’t forget it irl though, it’s vvv important)
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author’s note! ahh my first official writing!! i wrote this in like an hour and a half maybe??? babyboy!sungie = lots of motivation 
also also this is dedicated to cedar <3 @http-chan​ bc they supported me in making this blog and listened to all of my thoughts about babyboy!sungie <3
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it’s incredibly easy to tell when jisung is needy. 
his eyes get even more round than they usually are and he takes glances at you that he thinks are sneaky but give him away instantly. he chews on his bottom lip and starts fidgeting with his fingers, playing with the hem of one of his oversized sweaters that he normally wears. he won’t come out right to say what he wants, waiting for you to pick up on his signals, but instantly blushes and hides when you ask him what he wants. 
it’s incredibly easy to tell when jisung is needy. and that’s where you are now. 
the male had been setting up a movie and some snacks for an at-home date you two were having when you noticed the first sign; the round eyes and his bottom lip pulled between his teeth. a couple minutes later, he began to fidget, glancing at you on the couch. once he’s finished setting the movie up and settles beside you, that’s when it becomes obvious. he can barely sit still, small whines passing his lips, trying to keep his eyes focused on the movie in front of him. you can easily see the movements under the blanket over your laps as he tries to find the most subtle way to tell you what he wants.
the opening scenes have barely begun when you reach a hand over onto his thigh, jisung letting out a small squeak at the sudden contact. 
“sungie,” you start, the nickname eliciting a small whine from his lips, “why’re you so fidgety? aren’t you going to pay attention to the movie?” 
he knows you know. and he knows that you won’t give him what he wants until he asks for it. jisung knows you love hearing him ask for whatever it is that he wants, you love hearing him beg. he’s torn between giving into your fake obliviousness and keeping his facade up until you give into him. he turns to look at you and pouts when he realizes that you’re not even looking at him. you’re playing a game with him, seeing how long he can last before he gives in. and so far, you’re winning. 
jisung tries to hold back, he really does, but with your hand moving up towards the growing bulge in his sweatpants and the occasional question asking him if he’s alright is becoming too much for him to handle. your hand eventually brushes over his clothed cock, claiming you were reaching for the popcorn and that’s when he breaks. a small, high pitched whine leaves his lips and his hand moves to tug on your sleeve. you turn to look at him, only to see a small pout formed on his lips, his eyes big and glossy. just that one look is enough to know that jisung’s in his subspace now and you pause the movie to give him your full attention.
“m-mommy,” he murmurs, chewing on his bottom lip as pink dusts his cheeks, trying to figure out the words to express his want. 
“yes, babyboy? what’s the matter?” you ask, voice soft and smooth as it always is when you’re talking to jisung. 
the effect of the name is clear from the way jisung’s face grows more red, the pout turning into a shy smile. his hands pull away from fidgeting with his sweater to play with the hem of your top, looking up at you pleadingly.
“c-can i...can i...w-want-” jisung stammers, flushing more every time he tries to explain what he wants. 
you find his shyness adorable, smiling encouragingly as he tries to find the right words to say. you decide to have a little mercy on him, not pushing for the full request like you normally might have. instead, you pull the male onto your lap, wrapping your arms around his waist. 
“such a good boy aren’t you, babyboy? using your words for mommy,” you praise and he whines again softly, hiding his face in the crook of your neck. “i know what you want, sungie, it’s alright”.
you pull him back slightly to tug your top off, revealing your chest. jisung’s oral fixation isn’t always sexual, sometimes just needing something to ground and calm him but with the way his hips have started moving slowly against your thigh, you know that this is more than that. 
his reaction is nearly instant, looking up at you briefly for permission before leaning down and attaching his lips to your chest. his eyes flutter shut and he lets out a small content sigh, noticeably relaxing in your lap. jisung is slipping further into his space the more you indulge him, his hands wrapping around you loosely to ensure you don’t go anywhere. he’s completely enamoured, lips sealing around your nipple to suckle gently before they part and continue their previous actions. 
every one of your soft moans and slight change in the gentle grip you have on his sweater spurs him on, a thin trail of saliva remaining between his lips and your chest when he pulls back briefly to switch to your other nipple. your hand occasionally runs through his hair, getting more content sighs and whines in reply. 
noticing the subtle movements of his hips against your thigh, your hands move down to his hips, stilling them for a moment.
“wanna ride my thigh, babyboy?” you ask, getting an enthusiastic nod and a muffled “yes please” in response. 
“always such good manners, sungie,” you smile, starting to guide his hips across your thigh, slow and steady at first. 
jisung rolls his hips down, matching his pace with yours. his whines turn into high pitched, breathy moans as he grinds down, still intently suckling on your chest. as you speed up your guidance a little, a whimper slips passed his lips, pulling back from your chest momentarily. his head is resting on your collarbone, eyes barely open as he moans, the volume only increasing as you increase the speed of his hips. 
“the neighbours are gonna hear you if you get too loud, babyboy, and we wouldn’t want them hearing your cute sounds, would we?” you ask, voice sweet despite the content of your words. “maybe i should gag you, hm?” you add, not expecting the loud whine and desperate nodding you get from the male on your lap. 
a small stain begins forming on the front of his sweatpants, precum leaking from his cock, straining against his boxers; he’s getting close. this only increases the volume of his high-pitched moans, his hands now gripping onto anything that they can find, desperately chasing his high. his head is tossed back, lips parted as your title passes his lip in a broken whine.
“shh, gotta stay quiet, sungie,” you remind, bringing your hand up to his mouth and tapping two fingers along his bottom lip. 
jisung instantly gets the message, taking the two digits into his mouth, lips sealing around them instantly like they had with your chest earlier. he sucks on the fingers, tongue swirling around them, effectively quieting his sounds. 
you speed his hips up again, the male nearly collapsing against you at the immense pleasure. he’s almost there, his release so close, his cock twitching in his pants. you pull your fingers from his lips, jisung’s sounds and your title filling the room again. 
“m-mommy, ‘m so so c-close. w-wanna cum, p-please mommy,” he babbles, tears starting to form in his eyes in desperation. 
normally, you might edge him a little, make him wait and take it like the good boy he is but he’s been too good for you to play with him like that. he deserves a reward and you decide to be lenient with him today.
“go ahead, babyboy, you can cum,” you whisper, kissing his forehead and continuing to guide his hips quickly over your thigh.
jisung’s hips stutter and the loudest moan yet leaves his lips, eyes squeezing shut as he cums in his boxers, the stain on the front of his sweatpants growing. his body shudders, broken and breathy thank you’s leaving his lips as he comes down from his high. there’s a thin layer of sweat near his hairline, hot breaths leaving his lips in heavy pants. small whispers of praise leaving your lips as you help him through his orgasm and the aftermath, hands rubbing his sides gently. 
the pants slowly turn back into slow breaths, the male curling into you once he’s calmed down a little. his eyelids are starting to droop and tired, incoherent murmurs are slipping passed his lips, a sign that he’s getting tired. you coo at his adorable behaviour, rubbing his back and kissing his temple. 
“before you go to sleep, let’s get you cleaned up, okay? don’t want you to fall asleep all sticky,” you whisper, leading him to the bathroom in the apartment.
jisung yawns, tired and nearly about to fall asleep but keeps himself awake for you, loving how gentle you were when you cleaned him up. you grab a soft towel, his favourite one, beginning to wipe away the sweat then helping him change into the shorts and t-shirt he liked to wear to bed. 
as you lay in bed, you feel jisung’s limbs begin to tangle with yours, a regular thing for the two of you. you’re about to drift to sleep when you hear jisung’s quiet voice, laced with sleep, call out to you.
“did i do okay?” he asks, nuzzled into your shoulder. jisung wasn’t insecure about your relationship, both in and out of bed, but it always eased his mind when he was reassured. 
turning towards him, you cup his cheek, running your thumb over the skin lovingly.
“you were perfect, babyboy”.
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