#also I think people forget how old he was when he first defeated dracula but y'know
mewkwota · 2 years
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“How old are you again? 45? 50?”
“I am 29 years young.”
When Simon gets extremely stressed, you can really see the wrinkles under his eyes. Please don’t call him old.
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beevean · 4 months
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Another page for which I am very normal. Hector has just won the homoerotic divorce with Isaac, he has seen him going insane with grief over Dracula, he has seen him fall down a chasm...
... and his last thoughts as he lets himself die are about Dracula:
I’m going to die here… how ironic, that I’m going to perish with Dracula. Deep in these mountains, I’m all alone…
No, even better:
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If I... If I had been at His side... at least... Why? Why, sir? Why! We couldn’t even die together!
Isaac was distraught that he couldn't die with his Lord. And what does Hector think? That he gets to die with him. He's not gloating, but when you think about it, he even snatches this one last victory in their rivalry. It's sad, in a way: he fears he's going to die alone, an so he reaches over to his Lord with his mind. Not Isaac. Dracula.
Perhaps it's because he feels guilty over indirectly causing his death:
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Hector. This power is cursed. Disgusting. Look. You killed me. You traitor. Hector…
But the symbolism is obvious. Hector can't sever his ties with Dracula that easily. He tries, he has done everything in his power to run away and renounce him and declare that he's not his pawn, that he's a human being and wants to live for himself. Yet, he gets very close to sharing a death with the Lord whose defeat is burdened on his shoulders. They are bound together, and he can't forget it.
And who is the one who manages to cut that bond, at least for the time being?
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Why, it's Rosaly who dispels Dracula's influence over Hector :) I'm sure this won't become relevant in three years or so!
It also reminds me of how he thought of Dracula, in a "I appreciate what you have done for me but I also pity you for what you have become" way, right after Rosaly confessed her love for him and gave him the ribbon as a gift. There is a direct parallel between Rosaly welcoming him in the human world without hesitation, and Hector remembering the first person who ever welcomed him and made him feel appreciated.
Listen, I find funny how just can't stop thinking of his old Lord when emotionally overwhelmed, at the expense of other people he's supposed to care about :P
something something isaac cries that hector "got closer to lord dracula" and i think i can guess what he meant, wink wink
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chibishortdeath · 1 year
i absolutely love your tags on my post about the mysterious woman, it's nice seeing someone who's as passionate about her as me ❤️
Hehehe, thank u, I’m pacing around all happy about it rn (>.< ). I love Simon’s Quest and how genuinely odd everything that happens in it is.
And the Mysterious Woman doesn’t get talked about very much and y’all are missing out!!! She’s so so so fun to speculate about!
I ran into I think it might have been an old conversation on like Gamefaqs or some other comment section somewhere and there were a surprisingly large amount of people in the conversation who said that when the game came out they assumed that she was meant to be Selena, and that’s just aaaaaa so so interesting to me. And it wasn’t just American fans either, there was someone from Japan who assumed the same. It’s so awesome getting to see the perspectives of people who were there when the game was new and this theory has me going nuts sometimes lol. On one hand it makes sense for the ghost woman in the Belmont family graveyard to be someone from the family, but on the other hand is she really “mysterious” anymore if it’s someone Simon would know?
And why did the Mysterious Woman not mention the Tooth of Vlad and only the other five pieces that she knew would partially summon Dracula instead of the intended burning, burying, and breaking of the curse? Especially if she’s meant to be Selena/Simon’s wife or if you interpret her as Sara? Simon’s Quest really went for the twist of having the call to action character and the one to get Simon out of whatever rut he was in for 6 years in the first place be the first person to lie to him. Which is just so!!!! Aaaa!!!!!!!!!!! This also raises the question: is the Mysterious Woman actually a force of good? Or did she just know that Simon was desperate enough to believe what she was saying to him? I’ve seen some people theorize that she was some kind of Dracula cultist or even a possible form of Death because of this.
Or was she completely right that summoning and killing Dracula is the only way to break the curse? After all a lot of other games in the series that revolve around curses end in Dracula being brought back and defeated. But this is also a strange option as usually when Dracula is resurrected it’s by cultists or Death or whoever else and it’s not a good thing and is just for the purpose of having the evil dark lord do evil things. So that would make this game one of the few scenarios in which Dracula’s resurrection is justified which is so weird I just— thinking about Simon’s Quest to hard is gonna kill me one day lol X,,,,,D.
She also says that one line of “within your own heart, you might be able to defeat the evil if you wager your own life” and thinking about that along with the ominous vagueness of the endings all having different eulogies so similar that you could genuinely make an argument for any of them being the canon ending and the fact that almost all of Simon’s symbolism is related to self sacrifice and martyrdom is uh… interesting. Also a lot of people forget that the area around Castlevania is also cursed, not just Simon. The swamps are messed up, the towns get less saturated in color more empty the closer you get to the castle, and there’s monsters everywhere, this wasn’t entirely a selfish endeavor to save himself.
Anyway, the Japanese manual also talks about the Mysterious Woman in specific ways, appearing and disappearing with the mist. And maybe this is a way to keep her as mysterious as possible, but it’s an interesting choice of words. They could’ve said she walked away into the mist, but they specifically said “disappear”, which is an awfully ghostly thing to do. And it’s also weird cause we kinda do see another character suddenly appear out of thin air in a graveyard in who I like to call the Garlic Guy. The Garlic Guy is also massively under appreciated like what the heck is up with that whole interaction 💀💀💀. Go to the graveyard, only at night, and some hooded figure will suddenly begin to exist in front of you if you lay garlic on the ground and then give you a bag. And then like most things it’s completely unexplained and you just have to keep moving on. I’m thoroughly convinced Simon is just as confused as we are lol. And in a way she is also treated the same way as any other NPC: she does something unexplainable and is never mentioned or important again. The way the game is written I swear it’s designed to make you feel anxious and rushed, ya know like a guy who is actively dying would feel.
And the fact that none of this is ever explained is just so ominous. It adds to the tension of the game and themes of not being able to trust anyone. Nobody trusts Simon, Simon can’t determine who’s trustworthy, there’s NPCs that you don’t even get to know who or what they are, sometimes even the hint books aren’t particularly helpful, things happen and you just have to keep going as to not waste any time.
Hopefully any of this makes sense lol I ain’t reading all that again to check cause I gotta go have lunch cause I forgor about it whoops. Anyway I am very normal about Simon’s Quest and every character in it, please everyone play this game it’s good I promise— (;w; )
Edit: oh my god I did not realize how long this ended up oopsie—
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The Coming War for the North, Part 3: The Battle of the Bastards
To see the previous installments of this series, part 1 and part 2 are available to read here and here, respectively.
The idea that Jon and Ramsay would fight has been around for a while, even before the TV show. There are a lot of signs pointing to a similar confrontation in the books, but how it unfolds might be a little different from the show. In this final section, I'll get right down to business on this final battle for Winterfell, and the purpose and themes this plot line.
Two Snows & Winterfell
Jon and Ramsay are two very different, and somewhat very similar characters. Throughout ADWD Jon has letters sent by Ramsay detailing events transpiring in the North, including the retaking of Moat Cailin, and the marriage of Arya Stark (really Jeyne Poole) to the newly legitimized Ramsay Bolton. Stannis also begins his campaign to take the North, and sends letters to Jon detailing his movements and what he is doing. When confronted by Melisandre, Jon learns that Mance Rayder was actually Rattleshirt in magic disguise, and Rattleshirt is actually Mance in magic disguise, and with Melisandre's nudging, agrees to send Mance and six spearwives to rescue Arya from Winterfell.
Then Ramsay sends the pink letter and tells Jon that he defeated Stannis, has captured Mance, and demands Stannis's family and allies or he will attack the Night's Watch. Don't forget that Jon is the one who started this, not Ramsay. He was the instigator, helping Stannis and taking Arya away from Ramsay. Not to say Ramsay is in the right here morally (quite the opposite), but Jon did break his vows for this to happen, and he wasn't really on Ramsay's radar until this happened. Thus, ADWD has set up a rivalry between the two. However, the two characters have a lot in common to be set up as foils to each other.
Both are bastards of a very prominent noble lord of the North. Both resent their bastard status and yearn for approval to be a trueborn member of their House. And both want Winterfell. Ramsay already has Winterfell and is declared the Lord of Winterfell, while Jon nearly took Stannis's offer to be Lord of Winterfell, before rejecting it to keep his vows to the Night's Watch, while still yearning to have Winterfell. However, from there, they are complete opposites.
Ramsay is a demon in human skin, a sadistic serial killer and rapist who enjoys torture and murder, and has no regard for the laws of men. Meanwhile, Jon, as raised by Ned, is a noble and honourable person who tries his best to keep his oath and honour intact (although he does forsake it at the end of ADWD). In the season 4 DVD extras for Game of Thrones, GRRM himself even talks about this.
The relationship between Roose and Ramsay is, in some ways, a dark counterpoint to the relation between Ned Stark and Jon Snow. In both cases, a noble father with a bastard son. Jon and Ramsay are literally the opposite to each other. Jon is very noble and honorable. And Ramsay is none of those things. Roose himself is a cold and calculating man. A dispassionate man. "I placed far too much trust in you." But their treatment of the bastard son is very different. Ned keeps Jon Snow at Winterfell and he's raised with Robb and Bran. For all practical purposes, he is one of Ned's sons. Ramsay gets nothing from Roose.
Given the fact we have good build up between a rivalry between them, and that they are foils of each other, a confrontation between the two seems very likely. And even more so when you look both at the past history and at ADWD. The Stark-Bolton rivalry is the longest and most prominent feud in the North, supposedly dating back to the Long Night. Numerous wars were fought between the Red Kings from the Dreadfort and the Kings of Winter from Winterfell, some of them ending in Bolton victory. At least twice, two Bolton kings (both named Royce) took and burnt Winterfell (and it happened a third time in ACOK when Ramsay did it). The Boltons also were alleged to have flayed and worn the skins of Stark princes as cloaks.
In a way, this rivalry is a very dark, yet still grounded fantasy version of werwolves and vampires. There are quite a lot of stories including werewolves and vampires that have the two be natural enemies, with feuds that go back centuries sometimes. Of course, both the Starks and Boltons take on very clear roles as werewolves and vampires. Starks have warg blood in them (even if not all of them were wargs), and many of them have dreams at night of being a wolf and rampaging around, which sounds very much like old werewolf legends. The Boltons being vampires, on the other hand, is less magical and more implied.
The Boltons have this unearthly, sinister feel and look to them that makes them appear somewhat inhuman, with pale eyes variously described as dirty chips of ice or pale moons, and a look about themselves that is similar to some descriptions of vampires. Then of course there is the Dreadfort, a spooky old castle ruled by a very spooky and yet somewhat cultured man (Dracula anyone)? Then of course we have all the very creepy images of Boltons flaying people, and Ramsay sometimes writing using human blood as ink.
Basically, what I'm saying is that ASOIAF has done what Twilight did but better.
To go back to the future, it makes thematic and narrative sense for the Starks to retake Winterfell from their ancient nemesis. The rivalry began between a Stark and a Bolton, and will end with a Stark bastard and a Bolton bastard, fighting over dominance of the North and of Winterfell.
The Battle of the Bastards
At first glance, it seems like it's a no brainer for how this battle will unfold. Ramsay is gonna lose a lot of support, and Jon will have all the support and completely demolish Ramsay. However, while I do think it will end in victory for Jon (and not without outside help), I think that both are going to be in rather desperate positions, Jon maybe more so.
After Jon's resurrection, there is no question in my mind that he is going to head south. Those were his last thoughts and actions as he died, similar to how Catelyn killing a Frey and her grief of losing her family was the last action and thought before she died, and Beric protecting the smallfolk from the Mountain was his last act before dying. Given the strong implication he is inside Ghost, coming back, we should expect a darker, different Jon, one who doesn't give a shit, is more violent, and more determined. Of course, if he is to retake Winterfell, he should need support.
Fortunately, right before he died, he got all the free folk to cheer for him and agree to join him. Mix those free folk with the giants and mammoths that were recently let past Eastwatch, and he might have a formidable force. However, of the 4,119 or so free folk that are currently south of the Wall, not all of them are fighters. If we take the estimate for 20,000 warriors and 100,000 free folk in total, then we should expect around 820+ free folk capable of fighting. Not a lot. He will need some outside help. Of course, there is already set up for that in ADWD, when he marries Alys Karstark to Magnar Sigorn of Thenn.
He tells a captive Cregan Karstark to send word to his relatives at Karhold and yield to prevent their deaths, but Cregan stubbornly refuses. Alys believes Karhold will open their gates to her, and Alys is thankful for Jon Snow providing her refuge at the Wall and a marriage to get out of an even worse one she did not want. The strength of Karhold may not be the best, but it seems very likely for Karhold to join Jon and his cause, under the banners of Alys.
As for the other houses of the North, I don't expect much more support. Think about how Jon will look to the Northmen. He is a bastard, and those are already quite condemned throughout the North (and Westeros in general). He broke his vows by leaving the Night's Watch, and since the North takes vows and oaths and honour much more seriously than the rest of Westeros, being an oathbreaker who abandoned the Wall is not going to make him popular. And finally, he is leading a band of wildlings south. The North despises the free folk, thinking of them as savages, thanks to centuries of conflict with them. So the picture of Jon painted as an oathbreaking wildling bastard is going to be a major problem for him. At worst, he would be viewed just as evil and treacherous as Ramsay, the other prominent bastard in the North.
In fact, even if Ramsay loses a lot of support from his own actions (more later), he could use this to his advantage. At best, the northerns who hate Jon will remain neutral in the conflict, but at worst, they might even ally with the Boltons. The clansmen have a deep hatred of House Bolton, but they also have a very deep hatred of the free folk, so they may actually remain neutral. The Umbers are another House that deals frequently with wildlings, and many years prior, Crowfood lost his daughter to wildlings raiding south of the Wall. So instead of Jon's presence invigorating the Umbers to fight against Ramsay, their own vehement hatred of the wildlings might lead them to simply stick with Ramsay.
However, that isn't to say everything will go swimmingly for Ramsay. Their hold on the North is tentative, and if Ramsay kills Roose and Walda and their child, it could become even more unstable. For one, Lady Barbrey Dustin isn't loyal to the Boltons, but instead loyal to Roose. Her sister was the former wife of Roose, and Domeric was her nephew, so Lady Dustin has reason to be on friendly terms with Roose. On the other hand, she despises Ramsay, blaming him for Domeric's death, and not even allowing him to step foot in Barrow Hall because of it. In turn, Ramsay also holds her in contempt.
"It should have been you who threw the feast, to welcome me back," Ramsay complained, "and it should have been in Barrow Hall, not this pisspot of a castle." "Barrow Hall and its kitchens are not mine to dispose of," his father said mildly. "I am only a guest there. The castle and the town belong to Lady Dustin, and she cannot abide you." Ramsay's face darkened. "If I cut off her teats and feed them to my girls, will she abide me then? Will she abide me if I strip off her skin to make myself a pair of boots?" "Unlikely. And those boots would come dear. They would cost us Barrowton, House Dustin, and the Ryswells."
If Roose dies, not only would Lady Dustin probably suspect Ramsay, but she would simply not follow Ramsay. So already, just by becoming Warden of the North and Lord of the Dreadfort, Ramsay would lose the Dustins and the Ryswells. Of course, since Lady Dustin does have a grievance with the Starks because Ned never brought her husband home from Dorne, I think she would probably remain neutral in the conflict.
Other houses might leave Ramsay too. Some might stay simply out of fear of retaliation for betrayal. It will depend on the House, their head, their own needs and goals, etc. As for the actual battle itself, who knows what will happen. However, I do think that Ramsay will likely try to lure Jon into some sort of trap rather than give him a direct face to face confrontation. There is also very interesting foreshadowing and even direct confirmation that the battle is going to be possibly more magical than we might believe it to be. Not only are there giants and mammoths... in the final script GRRM wrote for the show, he put in this note:
[N.B. A note for future reference. A season or two down the line Ramsay’s pack of wolfhounds are going to be sent against the Stark direwolves, so we should build up the dogs as much as possible in this and subsequent episodes.]
So the hounds are going to fight the Stark direwolves... wait, direwoves? Not direwolf? Curious...
The Pack Survives
I purposefully avoided the other factions of the North there, because the heart of the conflict will be Ramsay vs. Jon. But Jon won't be alone, at least not entirely. There is Rickon, who is to be touted as the Lord of Winterfell by the Manderlys so they can support Stannis. He isn't even the only Stark who could join in. Sansa is in the Vale under the guise of Alayne Stone. Arya keeps warging into Nymeria, who leads a massive pack of hundreds of wolves throughout the Riverlands. Bran is training his demigod greenseeing powers beyond the Wall with Bloodraven and is definitely manipulating events far south of the Wall.
So, the plural of direwolves makes me think Ghost won't be the only Stark direwolf fighting against Ramsay. We could get Nymeria's wolf pack joining as well, and Shaggydog, or even Summer (if Bran is in the North at this time that is). In fact, the idea that Ramsay will fight against Rickon is something that is heavily hinted at in ADWD.
The next litter to come out of the Dreadfort's kennels would include a Kyra, Reek did not doubt. "He's trained 'em to kill wolves as well," Ben Bones had confided. Reek said nothing. He knew which wolves the girls were meant to kill, but he had no wish to watch the girls fighting over his severed toe.
And then, more directly...
"Stark's little wolflings are dead," said Ramsay, sloshing some more ale into his cup, "and they'll stay dead. Let them show their ugly faces, and my girls will rip those wolves of theirs to pieces. The sooner they turn up, the sooner I kill them again."
Ramsay may be impulsive and unaware of intricate politics, but he seems prepared for what to do should Bran or Rickon show themselves again. This makes me worried for Rickon, honestly. Will Ramsay capture Rickon and keep him prisoner as hold over Jon Snow? Will he kill Rickon like he did in the show? I really, really hope not, but I'm afraid that's exactly what will happen.
There is a line that Ned spoke in AGOT that George says will eventually be very important, that I think perfectly applies to this situation.
"When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives."
Ned speaks to Arya about this in King's Landing, to get her to understand that the Starks should not fight one another in times of danger, or be isolated from each other, but look after one another, protect each other. Winter has now come, the snows are falling and the white winds are blowing. Who is the lone wolf in this scenario? While Jon certainly fits the bill (he literally is a lone wolf, it's very clear at the end of ADWD he was prepared to ride to Winterfell all by himself until he got the wildlings to his side), I think Rickon could too.
Rickon is very isolated from everyone else, even when he was at Winterfell. He was only 4 years old, and didn't understand why everyone was leaving him. Given the plan to use Rickon as a pawn to reinstall Stark rule of the North being something we can cheer for and expect to happen, I don't think it will happen. Rickon, the lone wolf, will be used to try to depose Ramsay, but it won't go well, and he will die because of it.
Jon will probably find himself in a bad position in battle too, and very nearly die as the lone wolf... but now that winter is here, and everyone is starting to converge on Winterfell at some point, I think that it won't be Jon who ultimately retakes Winterfell: it will be all the Starks. Sansa may be in the Vale, but Littlefinger plans to use her to take Winterfell back at some point (even if it won't go exactly to plan).
"When Robert dies, Harry the Heir becomes Lord Harrold, Defender of the Vale and Lord of the Eyrie. Jon Arryn's bannermen will never love me, nor our silly, shaking Robert, but they will love their Young Falcon . . . and when they come together for his wedding, and you come out with your long auburn hair, clad in a maiden's cloak of white and grey with a direwolf emblazoned on the back . . . why, every knight in the Vale will pledge his sword to win you back your birthright."
Arya is having a lot of wolf dreams as Nymeria, and GRRM has said that her wolf pack will one day be used as a Chekov's gun. Bran may be far away, but he is getting more powerful and beginning to influence events as far south as Winterfell. The pack comes together to survive in winter, to help Jon and the North by defeating their enemies.
So as Jon fights against the bastard he so deeply despises, it won't just be him. It'll be the Knights of the Vale, led by Sansa. It'll be Nymeria and her wolf pack, piloted by Arya. It'll be Bran, skinchanging into whatever is around. TWOW may end up being the darkest book in the series, and the retaking of Winterfell won't be as glorious as we imagine or even as I spelt it out (Rickon's death and the perception the North has of Jon should play very big roles in making it not entirely happy), but this will be maybe one of our only moment of deserved catharsis we might get from it.
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giapism · 5 years
January Reading Updates
Since we’ve just reached the end of the first month of 2020, I thought I’d take some time to share with you all what I’ve been reading and also write a short review about each book (else I’ll completely forget what I read by the end of the year...) The books are listed in the order that I completed them in. 
(*): Read in Vietnamese 
1. American Gods - Neil Gaiman
Neil is perhaps my favorite storyteller ever, and he particularly excels in building strange yet captivating worlds that do a great job of making humans seem more human than ever, despite the fact nothing remotely conforming to the human-norm happens (except marriage problems--I suppose even gods and demi-gods are dumb motherfuckers when it comes to love.)
American Gods follows Shadow, a widower freshly released from jail as he tags alongside a suspiciously rich “Mr. Wednesday” (later revealed to be an undercover God), on a quest to convince the old, forgotten Gods of America to rise up and fight the new Gods (Technology, Media etc.) The book pulls up many characters from Irish, Norse, Hindu, Slavic, African and Egyptian folklore and so on, and offers a very refreshing take on religion in modern society. Although Gaiman didn’t dive deep into any specific culture, it’s a helpful start to continue learning about religion and folklore all over the world. There is a lot of information and I can only imagine how painstaking the research process must have been.  
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Genre-wise, I don’t think this book fits into any at all. There’s history, fantasy, horror, maybe some thriller too. The idea of a giant war with hundreds of Gods is very ambitious, so the book does get a little messy and all-over-the-place at times. I’d call it “jigsaw-puzzling”, though, you’re given lots of information that doesn’t seem to make sense, but gradually everything comes together at the end and I absolutely love getting to the end and exclaiming “OH! So THAT’S what it was about” I find that the suspense-building in this book very well-done, too. The only criticism I have is that the ending felt a bit... lacking. You had all this build up, this gigantic feud, but everything’s resolved so simply you almost feel cheated. Or maybe I just have something against how Armageddon-type stories (where 2 sides fight to death) keep ending. Other than that, considering how hard this topic is to write about, I’m flabbergasted at how well Neil pulled it off.
Overall rating: 8/10
2. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck - Mark Manson
Everyone was raving about it so I had to give it a go. For those of you who don’t know, this is a self-help book aiming to show you how to re-purpose your life, communicate effectively and live productively. Surprisingly, it only took me 2 afternoons to finish (I always find self-help books are easier to read than fiction, don’t know why). It’s written very informally and feels more like a humorous conversation with a loving but foul-mouthed friend, which makes it easy to digest whether you’re a 10th grader being peer-pressured to apply to US Colleges or a 53-year old electrician just realising you actually wanted to be a novelist. The only requirement for the the advice to be useful is that you kind of need to mess up a lot.
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However, I found that there weren’t that many new things in the book. Mostly, it just reminded us of the things we already knew but consciously (or subconsciously) decide to shove under the carpet, OR put into words things we kind of already think, but don’t know how to explain. There is, no doubt, lots of helpful advice but like all self-help books, I find it too much to remember (unless you’re going to re-read it 20 times), and when I finished, out of the dozens of pieces of advice I only remembered one, “People who make changes aren’t flashy and don’t about what they’re going to do a lot. They just do it.” And from then on I shut up about my plans and just worked on them. Everyone’s going to have their own takeaways relevant to their lives, and I’d encourage you to read it just to see if you can find anything interesting. If out of 20 things, you remember 2-3 things that work for you, that’s still a win.
What I enjoyed the most was actually reading the stories/examples of real people at the beginning of each chapter before getting into the “lecture” part. 
Overall rating: 6.9/10 
3. Dracula - Bram Stoker
A classic in gothic horror. I actually started reading this last year and the first third of the book telling Jonathan’s fearful stays at Count Dracula’s castle had me hooked - it’s written in beautiful, elegant language which we hardly ever hear anymore, and does such a wonderful job conveying the characters’ fears, thoughts and emotions. But the moment Jonathan leaves the castle and the book switches to other characters’ stories, it just got so long and boring that I stopped reading for 3 months altogether and forgot which character was which because there were so many men. The “dull chapters” stretch on for at least a quarter of the book, and things only get interesting again when Dracula returns to the story and certain characters start turning into vampires. The rest of the story follows the “heroes” as they try to defeat the Count and bring peace to his victims, and although many parts are suspenseful and very clever, the ending is also so easily achieved that it’s a bit of a downer. 
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The whole book is written in diary entrees, journal entrees and letters of different characters (I’ve only read single-person diaries before) which was surprisingly pleasant in that you feel like you know the characters and by the end, you grow quite fond of them. It even inspired me to start keeping a diary again. It also made me start speaking like an old Englishman for the few days after completion, because I hadn’t really shaken off the language yet. Everyone seemed to be much more caring towards each other in those days, and through the letters I picked up some romantic phrases of which my favorite has been “And so, as you love me, and he loves me, and I love you with all the moods and tenses of the verb, I send you simply his ‘love’ instead.” Lovely, isn’t it? 
Overall rating: 7/10
4. Days at Morisaki Bookstore /  Những Giấc Mơ Ở Hiệu Sách Morisaki - Satoshi Yagisawa*
I’m not sure of the popularity of this book, it seems quite lowkey but has a surprising amount of reviews on Good Reads and even has a film adaptation. I happened to find it on my bookshelf and finished it in one afternoon (it was only 150-ish pages.)
Genre-wise, I’d call it Slice of Life although I don’t know if books are even allowed to be called that, or just anime. There is generally no real plot, only character development as Takako (main character) gets dumped by her cheating boyfriend and moves into her uncle’s antique bookstore to re-charge, gradually finding herself learning to appreciate books and the people around her. It’s a very simple storyline, and there’s almost nothing very special about the main character, but maybe that’s what makes it a relaxing read - because in reality, most humans aren’t the special snowflakes and oddballs we think. Admittedly, I started off finding Takako very annoying, but as she grew through the story, I found myself empathizing with her. For me, the book is a reminder to take things slower in life, remember to recharge and learn to see the beauty in simple things around you. It had a happy ending, too. Good for lazy reads, you don’t really have to think much - just sit there with a nice cup of tea and go with the flow. 
Overall rating: 7/10
5. The Oldest Parents With The Youngest Child / Những Tháng Năm Rực Rỡ - Ae-ran Kim*
I. Loved. This. Even now it’s left me with a tumble of emotions that I don’t even know how to describe, and I can say for sure that it’s made it to my list of favorite books of all time. 
The story recounts the life of a 17-year-old boy with progeria (a disease that makes his body age 4x as fast as a regular person, meaning he has the body of an 80-year-old) and his parents, who had him when they were 17. It talks of the struggles of teen parents learning to cope with an unintended pregnancy, their financial and mental hardships raising a child whilst also battling his illness, and also of the main character’s steel-hard resilience and love for life despite his condition. It actually made me feel ashamed of myself for being perfectly healthy, but not being as curious and hungry to learn, and most of all, to have a perfectly functioning laptop and not be writing. Other than that, it also humanizes persons with disabilities, showing that they too can fall in love, get anxious when ghosted and want to sneakily drink alcohol despite being underaged - anything a typical 17 year old might do. After this book, for the first time in a long time I felt that every aspect of life was truly wonderful and that I was lucky to be here. I also made a list of 30 challenges to do these coming months, to understand and enjoy life more and will keep you updated on my progress. 
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Even though the book is written from the perspective of a boy with progeria, the author herself is a perfectly healthy woman in her 40s (who did a lot of research before writing, I’m sure). Yet somehow she’s able to tell the story so vividly, convincingly and emotionally that I feel like I’m in his body, living his life and feeling his disappointment and excitement. The tone is so natural, so nonchalant it just feels like a leaf smoothly riding the breeze down the the ground. Reading this book, I’m reminded again of how powerful a tool literature is in sharing ideas, bridging humans and building empathy. I’m in awe of not just the main character for pushing through his difficulties the way he did, but also of the author for writing something so powerful it changed the way I looked at life. It makes me want to write stories like this one day, too. I just don’t know what to say about this book other than I really loved it. 
Overall rating: 9/10
And that’s it for this month! I’ve only just gotten back on track with reading and remembering how fun it is. Hopefully someone will find this helpful and maybe pick up one of these books. I’ll see you guys next month!
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metalgearkong · 3 years
Dracula - Review
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Written by Bram Stoker, published in 1897
Dracula is THE most influential horror novel ever. Bar none. I finally gave it a shot, and I was still surprised to how much I loved it. The atmosphere and dread can not be understated. I was worried about the book's age and it might be difficult to read, but Dracula felt far more modern than I was anticipating. Forget everything you think you know about Dracula and the stereotypical vampire. This book is so well written I felt like I was discovering the creature for the very first time. If you love the horror genre or literature history, and even if you don't care for vampires as monsters, you owe it to yourself to really absorb this watershed novel.
The way Bram Stoker describes the creature through the eyes of London lawyer Johnathan Harker is one of my favorite sequences in literature ever. Count Dracula himself has pale white skin which looks waxy and corpse-like. He is thin, tall, with a domed head, pointed ears, and pointed canines. He speaks English nearly perfectly despite living in rural Romania, and lives in a giant medieval castle presumably alone. The furniture is exquisite but much of it is covered in dust, as if it's simply placed there for appearances. Dracula comes off as well spoken and aristocratic, dressed in simple black clothing from head to toe. He is fascinated with London and wishes to relocate there. Johnathan is meant to finish a legal transaction for Count Dracula, hence why he traveled all that way.
As Johnathan endured the long journey to the castle (by boat, train, and carriage) he is met everywhere with superstition when he asks locals about the Count and the castle. The atmosphere around him becomes palpable the closer he gets to Dracula's castle. On his final leg of the journey via carriage in the old woods at night, Johnathan is surrounded by wolves and is nearly killed, but the coachman saves him by waving the wolves away, almost like they were obeying him. When Johnathan finally arrives on the doorstep of the remote dark castle in the middle of the night, Dracula politely welcomes him in, and keeps Johnathan up all night engaging in lengthy conversations about England and its people. When Dracula says he will be out until evening the next day, the reader knows what that really means. Reading about Dracula first hand is a much more suspenseful experience than I ever imagined and these chapters were incredibly fun to be immersed in.
After a few days, Johnathan Harker realizes he is not just a visitor in the castle, but a prisoner. The Count, although extremely polite and well spoken at first, slowly comes off as more threatening. Johnathan is told not to leave his room at night, and when he does, Johnathan discovers haunting things right away. He sees Dracula climbing down the outside of the castle walls like a lizard, and Johnathan is attacked by three beautiful female vampires which Dracula has to save him from. Dracula appeases these women by giving them a crying child in a sack, one of the creepiest moments in the book. After weeks, Johnathan becomes braver and eventually explores enough to discover Dracula sleeping in a crate of Earth in the depths of the castle. This is when Johnathan truly knows he is dealing with something truly terrifying.
There are so many great details about the creature I find it difficult not to want to talk about them all day. One of his most badass moments is when Dracula travels by Russian cargo boat to England, and using a storm for disguise, eventually kills each sailor aboard, escaping on shore disguised as a large dog (yes Dracula is also a werewolf). Most of the novel Dracula after this event is more a battle of wits where a variety of Victorian characters have to piece together what is going on in the shadows of London. The mystery goes into full swing when a beautiful woman is caught bitten by a white figure dressed in black, eventually expressing the traits of the mythical vampire herself. Defeating this newly transformed female vampire by Professor Van Helsing is the true first step in deducting there is something supernatural going on, and a king vampire lose in London. However, I have to admit my favorite part of the book were the earlier chapters, and once people have to start figuring out what's going on and how to combat Dracula, the book's pacing slows dramatically.
The novel almost always has the air of Dracula stalking the shadows, even if he isn't mentioned or present directly. Piecing together what is going on along with the characters is fascinating, but more boring compared to the beginning of the book in Dracula's castle. The ending of the story also keeps this book from becoming one of my all time favorites, as it felt anticlimactic after a ton of build up. Dracula was influential for a reason, especially for its time. Stoker didn't become popular or wealthy on his work during his life, but once the author died and silent film adaptations became prolific, that is when Dracula started becoming a household name. Give this a patient read when the weather may be especially dreadful or you find yourself wanting to dive into a creepy slow burn character study of the most famous villain ever created.
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bvidzsoo · 7 years
I Hate History
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 Author: bvidzsoo
 Warning: light swearing, smut
 Pairing: Park Chanyeol x female reader
 Word count: 5, 925
 Summary: You always hated history. Maybe because your previous teacher was a nightmare, you weren’t sure….One day, a very hot and young teacher introduces himself as Park Chanyeol, your new History teacher. In some ways you’re glad that you have a hot teacher, but you also find him weird. Things turn out diferently when you have to make a project with him.
 A/N: Hello, everyone! I’m back with a one-shot, this time Park Chanyeol. I was planning to post this on my birthday, but it’s past midnight in my country, meaning that it’s already 1st of October…but that doesn’t matter, this still is my birthday present to all of you reading this! Excuse my shity smut, y’all know this is my second time writing it…I swore I won’t do it againt…but Chanyeol tends to make my fantasy go wild…I hope you enjoy!
     The class was a mess. But, when was I someone to care about that? I was the one laughing loudly, while sitting on top of my desk, blasting music on my phone. No one minded though, why? Because Mrs. Kwan aka our History teacher is finally gone. I have no idea what happened to her, pregnant? Got tired of teaching, maybe dead? It doesn’t matter, the whole class was celebrating, because she was the worst teacher we had. She was pretty old, her voice high pitched, her teeth almost falling out of her mouth. Her hair was an ugly black combined with white and she always wore it in a bun at the top of her head. Her eyes always looked hallow, honestly…she looked like a living corpse, just thinking about her gives me goosebumps.
“Hey, Y/N” Kyungsoo, my friend threw a paper plane at my face “Change the songs, this one is becoming boring.”
“Yes, sir!” I made a saluting movement and changed the song. But guess which song was next? Wolf by EXO, our jam.
“Yo, Soo!” I exclaimed right when the song was starting.
“Oh, our jam!” Rose, our other friend exclaimed.
“Chogiwa!” We screamed at the top of our lungs, laughing loudly after it. We did this always when we were listening to this song. Out of the blue, the class quieted down, the song playing loudly. Someone cleared its throat behind me and I slowly turned around. A tall guy, very tall, with brown messy hair and round glasses on his nose was looking at me with raised eyebrows. I stopped the music while getting off the table, and taking a seat near Rose.
“Substitute teacher?” Yixing asked from behind.
“Guess we are about to find out.” Rose shrugged, I rested my chin in my palm bored.
“Hello, everyone. My name is Park Chanyeol and I’m your new History teacher.” God damn, his voice was hella deep. He scanned the crowd and his eyes stopped on me “Please, the girl with the music. I’d like you to present yourself.”
I stood up slowly, “My name is Y/N.”
“I see, Y/N. Tell me what you like about history.” He said with a small smile, more like a challenging one.
“Ugh—“ I glanced at Rose, you see…the problem is I hate History, but I can’t really tell him that “A few things, like—you know, all the people I learn about and—yeah, History is interesting.”
“Oh, I see.” A smirk appeared on his face, he adjusted his glasses “Tell me about a personality that impressed you and still does.” Okay, what the fuck? I’m starting to think he’s worst than Mrs. Kwan.
“Well—“ No one really impresses me, really “Dracula.”
“Dracula?” He asked clearly surprised, wasn’t expecting that right Mr. Park? “What impressed you about Dracula?”
“Well—he’s cool. I mean, everyone was afraid of him, there were clear rules you had to keep in his country. He was powerful and no one dared to mess with him.” I quickly thought of saying something.
“I see, you like things rough…” Um, what? I raised an eyebrow at him, but whit a smile he continued like he said nothing “Sit down, who would like to be next?”
A few hands rose in the air, I looked at Rose with a frown.
“He’s hot.” She whispered with a smirk.
“I don’t know—okay, I mean he is but he’s weird.” I glanced at the teacher who was closely listening to the student talking, but out of the corner of his eyes he looked at me. Creepy.
“He seems fine—“
“He’s cool.” Yixing whispered from behind with a smirk.
“You think everyone is cool.” Kyungsoo rolled his eyes.
“I don’t, but he seems nice.” Yixing fired back with a small glare at Kyungsoo.
“Of course, Yixing.” Rose patted Yixing’s arm with a chuckle.
    The four of us entered the cafeteria and I quickly ran towards an empty table but right when I slammed my bag on it, a plate was placed on it as well. This was our place, everyone knows so who’s—
“Y/N.” Mr. Park smiled at me.
“Mr. Park.” I answered with a sigh.
“You were going to sit here, right?” He sat down.
“Well, I’ll look for an other table, don’t worry.” I said while scrunching my nose.
“Oh, we can share the table, there’s plenty space.” He looked at the empty place beside him.
“Yeah, I’ll just look for a table, my friends are probably waiting for me by now. Enjoy your lunch.” I flung the bag over my shoulder.
“Alright, as you wish…if you need me, don’t hesitate to look for me.” He winked at me and I walked away with a grimace on my face, seriously what the hell is his problem?
I waved at Rose, who instructed the boys towards the table I was sitting at.
“Why are you sitting here?” Kyungsoo asked sitting down.
“Our table is taken.” I rolled my eyes as I opened my lunch box.
“By?” Rose asked taking a bite of her sandwich. Me, being so clumsy nearly ripped apart my chopstick but Yixing was so nice that he took it from me and did it for me.
“Why are you eating with those chopsticks again?” Kyungsoo sassed.
“Because mom didn’t pack for me so I had to take this shitty chopstick from here.” I sighed and took a bite of my lunch.
“You are so lazy.” Kyungsoo rolled his eyes.
“And? Being lazy is comfortable.” I shrugged.
“But you won’t achieve anything like that.”
“Hey, I’m in high school with pretty high grades, except for History, so shut up. I get to be lazy for working so hard.” I pocked Kyungsoo with my chopstick and he sighed.
“Of course, always attacking me with the chopsticks.”
“I can attack with my bare hands too.”
“Will you shut up? Yixing and I are trying to enjoy our lunch for once.” Rose threw us dirty looks, while Yixing nodded along.
“Yeah, yeah.” Kyungsoo mumbled and I continued eating, while mumbling Wolf.
    “We’ll head to class now.” Yixing said pulling Kyungsoo after him by the shoulders.
“Talk to you later.” Kyungsoo waved at us and I chuckled at his cute face.
“Come on, Y/N, last class and we are going home.” Rose took out her book from her locker and I groaned.
“What class are we having?”
“Oh, damn. A class I like too.” I sang happily, quickly taking out my book and notebook.
“I’m coming over, you didn’t forget right?” Rose asked, her eyebrows raised.
“How could I, when we have to fangirl over EXO!” I chuckled and locked my locker.
“Oh, please. We should do homework’s not like last time.” She snorted.
“It wasn’t my fault, the drama with Kai was too good, okay?” I shrugged.
“Sure, but we have lots of homework today so…first study and after EXO.” She narrowed her eyes at me.
“Okay, whatever.” I sighed defeated. At least she was coming over…
“What homework’s do we have?”
“Math, Literature and—oh, History.”
“We have History tomorrow?” I exclaimed horrified.
“Yeah, you forgot?” Rose laughed.
“Holy shit, and the new teacher gave as an essay to write about someone I have no idea who he is?” My happy mood drastically dropped.
“Yep, and he is a very important person.” Rose sassed.
“Rose, please…you have no idea who that man is.” I scoffed, massaging my temples.
“It doesn’t matter, we have to do it.”
“Ugh, I was so happy when Mrs. Kwan left, like—yes! Finally, the old hoe is gone! And then bam! A freaking sexy but rather creepy teacher—“
“Um, Y/N—“
“Just shows up and he makes me tell me my name and asks me shit that I don’t care about—“
“Y/N, you really should—“
“And than guess what? He gives us homework? What the hell!—“
“Shut up—“
“I hate History so much—and Mr. Park isn’t helping, yes he’s hot like you said but he’s a creep I don’t like him.” I finished talking with a deep sigh.
“Oh, Y/N…” Rose whispered, looking behind me. Please, don’t tell me—
“Girls.” A deep, amused voice greeted us from behind. Oh great, I fucked up like always!
“Mr. Park!” Rose chuckled awkwardly “Nice seeing you.” I turned around and looked at him, he was already looking at me, rather amused.
“Nice seeing you too, were you heading to class?” He asked, his eyebrows furrowed.
“Yeah.” Rose nodded.
“What class, I could walk you there?” He asked with a smile.
“Mr. Park, there’s no need for that. We know where we can find the class.” Rose pinched my side and my eyes widened for a second.
“Don’t worry about me, I was just heading home, walking you to class won’t kill me.” He chuckled and walked ahead of us.
“He heard me, right?” I whispered to Rose.
“Everyone heard you, Y/N, you are so damn loud.” Rose rolled her eyes and I hit my head frustrated.
“Well, girls, have a nice day and study hard.” Mr. Park stopped in front of the door and smiled brightly at us…his smile nearly killing me.
“Thank you, Mr. Park.” Rose bowed and walked inside the class. I bowed as well and went to enter, but Mr. Park took me by the arm and turned me around.
“You know, it’s not good to have a crush on your teacher.” He said, his voice low and deep, a smirk on his face.
“I’m not—I didn’t say I have a crush on you.” I stuttered, taking a step back but his hand still held my arm.
“To me it sounded like that.”
“Just because I called you good looking doesn’t mean I like you.” I glared a little at him.
“Of course” He chuckled rather weirdly “and thank you. You’re pretty attractive yourself.”
“Mr. Park, I have to get to class.” I pulled away my hand, things starting to get weird.
“Of course, see you tomorrow, Y/N.” His voice darkened when he said my name and I quickly walked inside the class.
    Three weeks passed and surprisingly I’m still alive. History wasn’t that bad but Mr. Park kept teasing me and sometimes he would get super weird. I had to learn every freaking lesson because he kept asking me, I felt like choking him every time.
“The projects I told you about—well, I’m giving you the assignment today. There will be two people doing the project and I expect both of you present in it. Because you’re an uneven class, a person will be doing it with me.” There were sneakers and a few groans heard. Everyone picked a person to do with the project, when Mr. Park started laughing…everyone stared at him.
“Sorry, kids. I’m making the pairs.” Oh come on man! Rose pouted and I sighed.
“Well that sucks.” Kyungsoo mumbled from behind, rather irritated.
“Don’t worry, Soo! You’ll find a nice partner.” Yixing patted his shoulder.
“Yeah, sure.” Kyungsoo mumbled sarcastically.
“First, Kyungsoo you’ll be with Jongin.” Mr. Park read from his paper.
“Oh, Jongin?” Kyungsoo asked surprised “That kid actually studies, I’m actually glad I got him.”
“Told you.” Yixing winked at him.
“Seriously, Yixing…stop it.” Kyungsoo shook his head at his friend and I chuckled. Jongin winked at Kyungsoo and Kyungsoo nodded back.
“Okay, Rose you’ll be with Yixing.”
“Yes!” Yixing exclaimed, the class snickered.
“Yixing, that’s embarrassing.” Rose mumbled, hiding her red cheeks.
“Why? I’m just happy you are my partner.” Yixing shrugged. Rose groaned and rested her head on the desk.
“But that means that I’m being partnered with someone I might not even like.” I pouted, while Mr. Park kept reading the names of the pairs and I was starting to think that he actually forgot about me…which only made me happy!
“Okay, and lastly Y/N—“ I looked at Mr. Park “you are going to do the project with me.”
“With—with you?” I asked, not believing it.
“Yes, I’ll be your partner.” He said with a grin “But class don’t worry, I won’t be doing the work, she’ll do it. I mean, I’ll do my part and Y/N hers, so she’s not having any advantage.” The class snickered while I groaned not too loudly.
“Well, girl—you’re fucked.” Rose chuckled and I shoved her shoulder.
“I can’t believe he’s doing this to me.” I faked a sob.
“Payback time for saying that three weeks ago.”
“Shut up.” I groaned, while Rose giggled.
     Mr. Park opened the door to his office and I walked in after him. His office was a normal room’s size, tidy and clean. A closed laptop on top of his desk and some papers scattered here and there. He had a big window behind his desk, the curtains closed and on the two sides of the room he had lots of books and a big cupboard.
“Take a seat.” He mentioned towards the chair in front of his desk. I placed my bag on the floor and sat down with a sigh.
“So, what do you want to write about it?” He asked folding his hands and placed them on the desk.
“Well, I don’t know. I’m fine with whatever you want Mr. Park.” I shrugged.
“While we are working on this project please call me Chanyeol—do you even know what the topic is about?” He raised an eyebrow.
“I’m not stupid, of course I know.” I scoffed “We have to choose two Greek God’s and write about them.”
“That’s right. I’m glad you payed attention, since you hate history so much.” He said with a smirk, taking off his round glasses. I glanced at the glasses on the top of the desk and I looked up back at him, his smirk turning more teasing.
“I’m not—“ I cleared my throat, suddenly feeling hot “I don’t hate it…I just happen to dislike it.”
“I understand, well I hope I’ll be able to make you like it.” He ran his hands through his hair and I followed the motion with my eyes. God damn, what am I doing? He might be hot but he’s my teacher.
“Uh, yeah.” I mumbled.
“So, which are the God’s you are choosing?” He asked taking a pen and paper.
“Aphrodite and Ares.” I said within a moment, I might not like History…but surprisingly Greek Mythology always caught my attention.
“Ah, lovers I see…” He chuckled and wrote something down.
“That’s not why I choose them.”
“Oh, so you actually know about them?” He smirked again.
“To your surprise—“ My voice raised just a little bit, and I leaned closer “I actually like Greek Mythology, so yes…I know a lot about it.”
“Well well, Y/N—“ He leaned closer as well “you seem to be full of surprises.”
“Surprising, I know.” I quickly leaned back in my chair, our faces too close for my liking.
“Tell me, what do you want to write about more specifically?” He asked leaning back in his chair as well, a small smirk appearing again. Why did he have to smirk so much?
“Their life’s, what they represent of course and I’d like to go more deep into their love life.” I answered.
“Okay, that seems fine. Who do you want to take?”
“I was sure about it.” He chuckled.
“Am I that easy to read?”
“To me, yes.” He looked for a little bit longer at me, before opening his laptop. “So, let’s start now and you can finish it at home. We don’t have to rush, but the deadline is three days, so we still must hurry.”
“Yeah, okay. I’ll write as much as I can and finish it at home. Is it okay if I bring it to you tomorrow morning to make sure I wrote everything?”
“Yeah, sure. That’s fine.” He smiled, and patted the air beside him.
“You can use my laptop, move your chair next to mine.” He chuckled and moved his chair aside.
“Oh, alright Mr. Park.” I moved my chair beside him.
“Chanyeol.” He corrected.
“Right.” I’m not calling him Chanyeol, that’s just weird. The chairs were close to each other, because his desk wasn’t very spacious and I needed place to write.
At some point our thighs touched and I ignored the electricity I felt. I’m being delusional and that’s bad. I sighed, my hand was aching from writing so much. I reached for my bag to take out my bottle of water. I took three big gulps, glad when the water washed away the rawness in my throat. I felt eyes on me and I glanced at Chanyeol who was looking at me quiet weirdly. What? I raised my eyebrows at him, then went back to writing. Not long after I felt a hot breath on my neck and warmness coming from another body. I looked at Chanyeol from the corner of my eyes, he was looking at my paper.
“You wrote that word wrongly.” He muttered, voice low and I felt my breath catch in my throat.
“Oh, yeah I did.” I muttered and quickly erased it and wrote it correctly.
“Uh—thank you Mr. Park.” I turned towards him, our faces close to each other.
“I told you it’s Chanyeol.” He said rolling his eyes.
“I’m not going to call you that, you are Mr. Park.” I sassed back, a frustrated sigh left his mouth and he went back to doing his business, checking some files, giving grades.
    The school was quiet, no wonder…I came too quickly but I wanted to give the papers to Mr. Park. I completed everything after staying up ‘till late last night. If Mr. Park checks the things I wrote today, tomorrow I’ll gather some pictures we put them together and the project is ready for Friday. With a smile on my face I walked towards his office, once there I knocked on his door. He didn’t answer, so I knocked again. Maybe he wasn’t here? I knocked again but this time tried opening the door. It was unlocked so I walked in. His laptop was on his desk, opened and his bag placed on the chair opposite his desk…it means he’s here.
“Mr. Park?” But there was no answer. I adjusted the strap of my bag on my shoulder and walked up to his desk, stopping in front of his laptop. I didn’t mean to look, because his laptop was opened, but after placing the papers on his laptop keyboard’s I glanced at his desktop. I don’t know what surprised me more, the fact that he was on Facebook or the fact that he was on my profile.
“Y/N?” I jumped at his deep voice, he stood at the entrance.
“Mr—Mr. Park.” I winced at my own voice “ugh, I—brought the papers.”
“You did?” He eyed me first than glanced at his laptop.
“Uh, yeah I did.” I scratched my head and moved away from his desk “I placed them on your laptop—“
“My laptop?” His eyes widened.
“Ugh, yeah.”
“Uh, you—thank you, I’ll check them.” His voice turned professional in a second.
“Yeah, thank you Mr. Park.” I passed Mr. Park in a hurry, not glancing at him.
    “Why aren’t you coming?” Kyungsoo asked confused.
“I’m not going home yet, I still have to finish the project with Mr. Park for tomorrow.” I said placing my bag on the desk.
“Oh, okay.” Kyungsoo said “I have to check out a few things as well.”
“We finished it.” Yixing said while sipping on his orange juice.
“Yeah, that’s right. We make a good team.” Rose winked at Yixing and he chuckled.
“Well, good for you. But I’ll leave now, have a nice day.” Kyungsoo headed towards the door.
“I’m coming too, bye girls!” Yixing waved at us and ran after Kyungsoo.
“How’s with Mr. Park?” Rose asked raising an eyebrow.
“It’s—fine.” That thing with Facebook was weird, I mean…he didn’t even send me a friendship request it was just—
“Is he annoying? Telling you what to do? Telling you what’s good and bad, or—“
“No, Rose. He actually let me do whatever I wanted. I wrote about Aphrodite while he wrote about Ares. We divided the work.” I said with a sigh.
“Oh, that’s cool. Yixing and I did it differently, but that’s fine—why are you meeting if you have done it?”
“We still need to choose a few pics, so he said we are going over to him.” I said massaging my forehead.
“You are—going to Mr. Park’s apartment?” Rose asked shocked.
“Yeah, there’s nothing bad about it.” I said with a shrug “We choose the pics and I leave.”
“Yeah but—“
“Y/N—oh, hello Rose.” Chanyeol smiled at Rose.
“Mr. Park.” Rose bowed at him and I did the same.
“Y/N, can we go?” Chanyeol raised his eyebrows.
“Yeah, sure.” I took my bag and walked towards him “See you tomorrow, Rose.”
“Bye!” She waved at me and bowed at Chanyeol who nodded at her. I followed Chanyeol to his car, and sat in the passenger seat.
“Do you want to buy some food?” Chanyeol asked he pulled out of the parking lot.
“I’m not hungry, Mr. Park.” I shook my head.
“Alright, than we can go straight to my place.” He mumbled, jabbing his fingers on the wheel.
Mr. Park’s apartment was in the center of the city, yet the place was quiet. His apartment was a very nice, small one…enough for him and another person. It was clean, tidy and I was impressed at the nice decoration. Modern but with a touch of vintage. The living room wasn’t separated by any wall with the kitchen, so you could see what was the other doing. I sat down on the sofa, surprisingly soft. Chanyeol placed his bag on the top of the counter and took out two cups from the cupboard.
“Is tea okay?” He asked.
“Yeah, sure.” I nodded, I don’t really care if it’s water or tea. I’m here to finish this project. I placed my bag on the floor and took off my scarf and jacket,  remaining in my black jeans and blue sweater.
“The sugar is in the second cupboard, on the lower shelf. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” Chanyeol said loosening his tie, and he walked away…to a room. I looked around to find a guitar sitting besides his TV. I didn’t know he played the guitar…or maybe it was just for design…I rose from the sofa and walked to the kitchen. Opening the second cupboard, I took out the sugar and added two little spoons to each tea. I sipped on mine, on the green cup, a sweet cherry taste invading my mouth. The warmness of the tea warmed my whole body and I sighed happily.
“I’m back.” His deep voice startled me, I quickly opened my eyes.
“Oh, I—hope you don’t mind if I added sugar to your tea as well.” I said taking in his whole look. He was wearing grey sweatpants and a black tight T-shirt. God damn, I could stare all day at his body, but he’s my teacher. Who thought all those suits hide such a God like body…
“Of course not. Make yourself comfortable.” He chuckled and opened his laptop. I took the blue cup and walked beside him, placing the cup near his laptop.
“Thanks.” He threw a smile at me while opening Google to search for pics. I sat down next to him, quietly sipping on the tea.
“So, how many pics?” He asked taking a big gulp of his tea, I watched as his Adam Apple moved up and down, a sudden hotness overtaking me. I huffed loudly and tied my hair in a messy ponytail. Chanyeol glanced at me, his gaze hovering on my neck.
“I don’t know…not too many. Maybe five?” I asked with a shrug.
“Okay, five then.” He nodded and turned back to his laptop. He started scrolling down and after a good half an hour we were done with the pics as well. I took the papers and handed them to him, we looked over them for a final time, happy that we finished this early, I have lots of free time like this.
“Well, we are done, right?” I asked.
“Yeah, we finished.” He nodded closing his laptop.
“Well then I’ll be leaving.” I stood up and walked into the living room.
“Don’t you want to eat something, aren’t you hungry?” Chanyeol quickly asked.
“No, don’t worry Mr. Park.” I turned around and smiled at him.
“We should still order something, you can take it home.” He shrugged standing up.
“Ah, no—“ I untied my hair “don’t bother, I’m fine. I’m sure mom made something.”
“I insist, it’s like a payback for your hard work.” He pressed, coming closer.
“Seriously, Mr. Park. I don’t want to eat, like I said, I’m not hungry!” My voice was stern, trying to get him understand that I don’t need food.
“It’s not like it’s poisoned.” He said with a deep chuckle.
“Mr. Park—“ I stopped when he stopped right in front of me, our chests almost touching. He was so tall from up close, I looked up at him resisting the urge to step back “Let me ask you something..”
“What is it?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Today, when I walked into your office to give you the papers—why was my profile opened on Facebook?” I asked, taking a small step back.
“Can’t I check out one of my students profile?” He asked with a shrug.
“You didn’t send me a request—tell me, Mr. Park. For how long have you been stalking me on Facebook?” A sudden confidence took over me, my voice sounding fierce.
“You are a smart girl indeed” He chuckled darkly “since I laid my eyes on you and found out your name.” I gasped, that means it’s been for four weeks.
“Why?” I mumbled.
“Because you drive me crazy.” He took the back of my head and pulled me into a forceful kiss. I pushed him away by the shoulders.
“What are you doing!” I exclaimed “Are you crazy?”
“Only for you.” He growled and attacked my neck, his hands going around my waist.
“Mr. Park—“ I bit back a moan, when he licked a rather sensitive spot “Stop!”
“Please, you think I don’t know?” He chuckled pulling away “The little glances, or when you would stare at me in class? I heard you speaking about me with Rose. You even called me hot and too bad that I’m your teacher. You trying to avoid contact at all costs because I’m sure you just couldn’t resist me.” How the hell does he know? But I was—I wasn’t even obvious. I made sure he didn’t see, I was always careful and all this time he knew? I gulped and stared at his lips. They did look kissable and—I charged towards him, attacking his lips with mine. A happy grunt left his mouth and I pulled him closer. I bit his lower lip but he didn’t open his mouth, annoying me. One of my hands left his neck and grabbed his member, making him gasp. With a smirk I kissed him more forcefully, my tongue entering his mouth. Chanyeol groaned loudly, securing my legs around his hips. He started moving, my hands were playing with his hair and I let him finally dominate the kiss…he didn’t waste time in sucking harshly on my tongue and lower lip. My hips collided with a hard surface and I was placed on top of the counter. For a minute I pulled away, trying to catch my breath.
“Finally I have you on my counter.” He mumbled, and it sounded so dirty. I wonder how many times he imagined us doing this.
“Poor you, had to wait for such a long time.” I teased him with a pouty voice. He groaned and attacked my neck again, only this time sucking harshly and biting. I moaned when he bit my jaw, and Chanyeol smirked. He pulled me closer to him, our waists touching…just to tease him more I started moving my hips against his. He pulled away and glared at me.
“Why are you like this?” He groaned.
“Because I hate history and you happen to be a history teacher.”
“A very good one, one that knows how to do things.” He smirked and kissed me again, placing his hands on my waist, stopping my movements. I rolled my eyes and pulled away slightly.
“Don’t do that.” He whined and bit my bottom lip.
“Why not? It’s quiet funny having you pouting and whining.” I chuckled, tracing the back of his neck with my fingers.
“It’s not funny at all. I could just give you detention randomly, because I feel like it. And you won’t have anything to say against a teachers word, would you like that?” He asked, a smirk forming on his lips.
“No, I don’t want detention.”
“Then be a good girl.” He quickly lifted me off the counter and I giggled when he started kissing my face and neck. He started moving towards his bedroom I suppose and once inside his mouth found mine again, and the sweet kisses were long forgotten. I bit his bottom lip than slowly pulled away. Chanyeol was standing in front of his bed, I held the bottom of his shirt and quickly lifted it off him. I was left amazed by his chest, forearms and abs. He looked gorgeous, like a Greek God.
“I guess you are enjoying the view.” His voice was low, a smirk on his face.
“Yes, I do, very much.” I nodded and lifted off my sweater as well. Chanyeol eyed my chest and before he could touch me I pushed his chest and he fell backwards on the mattress. A surprised yelp left his mouth and I chuckled while climbing over, straddling his hips.
“I hope I didn’t scare you too much, Mr. Park.” I whispered kissing his jaw slowly.
“Can’t you call me Chanyeol? It’s irritating Mr. Park coming from you.” He grunted as I slowly circled my hips.
“No, Mr. Park.” I pressed down on him and his hands landed on my hips. He was already hard, but I couldn’t blame him.
“You definitely deserve detention.” I growled, his hands gripping my hips too tightly. I chuckled and sat up for a brief moment, before going down, stopping at the waistband of his grey sweatpants.
“Why do you have such amazing abs?” I sighed, eyeing his six pack. His answer was more a moan when I kissed one of his abs. With a smirk I kissed the other five as well, occasionally licking, making Chanyeol moan. If I wasn’t turned on before, now sure as hell I was. I kissed my way up to his neck, where I sucked harshly on a spot. He hissed, his eyes closed.
“Y/N—that’s enough.” He grunted out and flipped us over. He unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them off, doing the same to his pants. He kissed me slowly, dragging his tongue around in my mouth, making me moan loudly. His hands were playing with the skin on my sides, and if I was ticklish before…I wasn’t feeling any of that now, my whole body felt like on fire.
“You sure want to do this?” He asked and pulled away, searching for my gaze.
“Yes.” I nodded slowly, biting my lip.
“Okay..” He mumbled and got rid of our underwear. I couldn’t stop myself from staring at his member and I almost gasped out loud. He was big…he quickly put on a condom and looked at me.
“You want this as much as I do, right?” He asked, pulling a stand of hair behind my ear.
“Yes.” I nodded and pecked his lips.
“It might hurt.” He mumbled as he lined himself up at my entrance. I nodded, knowing all too well.
“You can just bite me if it hurts too much, and I’ll stop.” He buried his head in my hair and I held onto his forearms, ready for whatever was coming. A small gasp, followed by a whine left my lips when Chanyeol finally entered, holding tightly onto him. It definitely did hurt, he was so big I was surprised that he fit me so well. I bit his shoulder when he was finally in, small whines leaving my lips.
“I’m sorry.” He kissed my temple, not moving “It will get better, I promise.” It did get better, after a few, slow movements the pain started to fade, pleasure over taking my body.
“You’re doing it too slow, Chanyeol—“ I moaned out his name, as he pulled all the way out than pushed back.
“My bad, love.” He chuckled and his movement became quicker, and rougher. My legs wrapped around his waist, my hips meeting his eagerly. Chanyeol kept groaning and his movement became messier.
“Gosh—you’re so big.” I moaned as he hit my sensible spot.
“I’ve been told a few times before.” He smirked and hit just the right spot again “You like it there?”
“Chanyeol, don’t stop!” I gripped the back of his neck tightly, my legs tightening around him as well. Chanyeol kissed me roughly, hungrily.
“Chanyeol—“ I moaned, when the knot in my stomach started to grow.
“God, that’s so hot coming from you!” He moaned, his hands so tight on my waist that I was sure he’ll leave bruises. After two more rough movements I came undone, moaning his name…him following close, biting my collarbone. His movements slowly stopped and he pulled out, rolling onto his back. He cleaned himself up quickly and pulled me into him under the covers.
“I can’t believe we did this.” He sighed, sounding happy.
“You can’t believe it? My whole lower body is sore, how am I going to attend sport tomorrow?” I groaned, already knowing that the bruises will be reminders of what we did.
“You don’t have to, just skip it. I’ll be in my office, its door is always opened for you.” He smirked.
“Yeah, sure. I’m not going to fuck with you every day, Chanyeol.” I rolled my eyes.
“Chanyeol?” He chuckled “If I get to be called Chanyeol after sex, than that’s what we gonna do every day.”
“Keep dreaming, big boy.” I snorted and patted his bare chest.
“All so true.” He mumbled, kissing my head.
“I have to go.” I tried pulling away but he kept me tightly in his grip.
“No! It’s so early, let’s take a nap.” He whined “We can have dinner and you can leave after.”
“But my mom?” I asked a little unsure.
“You can just say that we had to change a few things about the project, and we ate dinner together since I’m such a caring and wonderful teacher.” He grinned with mischief shining in his eyes.
“So caring and wonderful, that you fuck your student?” I asked looking at him.
“You wanted it too, so shut up.” He poked my forehead and I slapped away his finger.
“Make me.”
“Gladly.” He kissed me long and sweet, warm spreading through my chest. Well, guess I just got myself in big shit. Having a secret relationship with my teacher, I’m sure it won’t be easy.
 Part 2
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dont-doubt-dopple · 7 years
How You Fell In Love With Me - Chapter 2
A/N: Anyways, thank you guys for the support on the last chapter. It means a lot and I can’t wait for you guys to see what I have in store for this. And don’t forget to leave comments. I love reading all of them and they just make my day. I also like to know how people think of the format, because I feel it will get boring if I keep the same style for each chapter. ~•~
Chapter 2: Thank You?
“Mike, you are working yourself up.” Dracula warned as the two of them lay on Drac’s bed. Mike’s head was on the pillows and Swag’s lay on the other end so that they were by each other’s feet. Their hands just barely able to interlace each other, for which Mike was grateful for. He needed the interaction. “It’s not nothing.” He argued. “It’s a big deal to Bryce and I don’t know where to go from here.” “I didn’t say it was nothing. I understand it’s a big deal. Can’t you just … tell Bryce? He understand it was a mistake.” “Yeah, but you didn’t see their reactions, Swag. They enjoyed Bryce’s writing. They wanted more. And I want to give them more. The second chapter is ready to go, but I also need to tell Bryce about it but he’s just so insecure about his writing that if I tell him then he’s not going to give me access to the chapters and let everyone else see how good of a writer he is and … and …”
“Mike, baby. Breathe.” Dracula stressed, squeezing Mike’s hand tighter. “Listen to me. Inhale for 4 seconds, hold your breathe for 7 seconds, exhale for 8 seconds.” Mike listened, and followed what Swag suggested. Breathe in for 4, hold for 7, breathe out for 8. “That’s not going to help.”  One of them said, as my breathing became shallower. “You never tell someone having a panic attack to calm down!” “Well I don’t know these things, Del!” One of the others screamed back, and I let go of the wall to cover both of my ears. Tears were streaming down my face and I could barely identify the speakers as the colors had fully taken over my vision. I collapsed onto the concrete, as my legs felt too weak to support me at this stage. I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping the pain might dissipate. “Hey.” I heard the third guy speak. His voice was softer than the other two arguing, but it was much closer. “My name is Ohm. It’s not my real name, but everyone calls me that.” He stopped, but I couldn’t see what he did as I refused to open my eyes. “Can you tell me your name at least?” “Bryce.” I squeaked out, sounding more like a pubescent teen than a 24 year old. “Can I help you, Bryce?” He asked as I moved my hands away from my ears and gripped my chest. I always hated the heart palpitations of it. Regardless, I managed to shake my head. “Are you sure?” He sounded really concerned for some reason, despite pointing a gun at me seconds earlier. Well, one of them anyways. “I said I’m fine.” Mike insisted as continued to punch the bag in front of him. Ryan glanced at Luke, who was looking at Mike’s bloodied hands with concern. Despite the blood, Mike continued to pound at the leather bag with an anger he very rarely showcased. “Mike.” Ryan spoke carefully. “What’s wrong? You’re not okay.” “You can talk to us.” Luke added. “We’re here.” “I fucked up, that’s all.” Mike stated, finally walking away from the bag to face the two. “My problems are none of your concern.” “They are if you are going to fucking hurt yourself over them.” Luke argued, leading Mike by the shoulders toward the med kit. The three of the were silent as Luke patched up Mike, while Ryan simply watched from the sidelines. “Promise me you won’t tell Bryce if I do?” Mike broke the silence as Luke finished up. The statement was odd, and it took a Ryan back. Luke didn’t respond and Ryan didn’t expect him to. He was probably already cursing the person who caused Mike to hurt himself in this was. “Promise.” Ryan answered for the both of them. “I …” Mike felt himself choke on his own words. “That piece you were reading in the library the other day was Bryce’s. But he’s really insecure about his writing …” “And you weren’t able to get the first chapter back after you left it in the library.” Ryan finished. Mike nodded, and Ryan mentally cursed himself for not realizing it sooner. Bryce had mentioned sometimes that he wrote in his free time, but almost always got the subject dropped soon after. Ryan took another look at Luke, who looked like he needed a round on the punching bag. Mike was practically in full blown hysterics. “I want to tell Bryce about it, but he probably doesn’t want you to read it anymore and you guys reacted to it so positively before and what now?” Mike repeated, using almost the same words he used when he told Swag. He looked defeated to Ryan. “Mike.” Ryan said, making sure he and Mike had eye contact. “I promise I won’t tell Bryce.” Mike’s eyes lit up and smiled. “Thanks Ryan. You too Luke.” Mike added, and Luke stopped zoning out at the mention of his name. “The next chapter is in my bag if you want to read it.” Mike stood up, and began to head out of the gym. “Wait, Mike!” Luke called out after him. Mike turned, his hand on the door ready to leave. “Do you … I don’t know, need your bag?” “All my classes are done for the day. I’ll just ask Gorilla or Swag to pick it up when they come back later.” And with that, Mike left. “You okay?” Ryan asked, seeing the pained look on Luke’s face and felt sorry for him. He’d fallen in love with a man who was ‘taken’. He used the term lightly. Nobody but Mike, Mark, and Bryce have ever met this Swag Dracula and almost everyone thought it was a fraud that only the three of them were in on. Either way, Luke was head over heels for someone who would never love him back. “I’m good.” Mini replied, turning his chair around to face me. The hairstyle was different from the last time I saw, exposing more of his forehead. The glasses and nerdy personality were still there though. “So this is where you ended up after you were back on your feet?” I asked, taking in all the monitors and high tech equipment. He laughed as I took it all in. It was nice to hear Mini’s voice again after all those years. “Not at first. You know how I left you guys after getting that job to finally buy an apartment?” I nodded. “Most of that money came from hacking that I picked up during the repetitive hours on the job. Started leaking money out of bigger accounts that would miss them. Just enough to get by day to day. One of the guys, Basically, you’ll meet him later, who I was working with recognized my name and offered me to join this family of his. And well, the rest is history I guess.” “You really seem to enjoy it here, don’t you?” “Yeah. These guys are practically a family to me. How are the other guys doing?” I knew he was referring to Panda, Smitty, and Kryoz. The four of them were very close before he left and I think it was even Mini who found the CAH deck. “Kryoz was … um … I don’t know how to say this …” I stammered, but Mini nodded solemnly. Me and him were one of the firsts when the raids started, and we excepted the truth very on that we couldn’t save everyone. I have practically become desensitized to losing people at this point. “But before?” Mini asked hesitantly, and just thinking about it made me perk up a little. “Still playing with the CAH deck you found.” I replied and a smile made its way onto Mini’s face. I smiled too, as it was practically habit at this point. “Smitty also complains a lot that without your loud laugh there is nothing to counteract Anthony’s fake one.” He laughed. I didn’t realize I missed it until I heard the wheezing of it myself. “Seems you and Mini really hit it off.” I turned to see Delirious standing in the door, still wearing the Jason Voorhees mask. He still wore the same clothes from the deal, which contrasted from the business suit and yellow flip flops of Mini. “We have a history, Del.” Mini answered for me. “Of course we’d get along.” “That’s good. C'mon Bryce.” He ushered me his wave. I threw Mini one last wave before starting to follow Delirious. As soon I got to him he threw his arm around me and ushered me one way. “The others guys should be home soon, but until then let’s show you where your room is going to be?” “I have my own room?” I exclaimed. “Isn’t this a little sudden for someone you just picked up off the street?” “Relax.” Delirious said, trying to push down shoulders that I didn’t realize had begun to tense. “Vanoss has a reason you’re here. It’s not like we didn’t at least have some objective when taking you.” Delirious open a door on my right to a room with amenities I never thought I’d see again. There was a queen bed next to the door, and a side door on the far wall that was either a closet or bathroom, I couldn’t tell. A desk sat opposite the bed, with a brand new laptop and cellphone on top of it. Not the cheap flip phones either, a good smartphone. “This is … amazing.” I gawked at a room that really wasn’t anything more than basic. Delirious chuckled a little, before putting his hand on my shoulder again. “Welcome to the family, Bryce.”
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Stefan looked at the tombstone of his brother, he tilted his head as he read what had been written on it ‘Rest in Peace’ ‘Beloved Brother’ and Beloved Son something kept telling him Beloved Asshole would have fitted perfectly at the least, Damon was an asshole just like other assholes he had gotten himself murdered but him it was for the greater good. Stefan had to admit he had missed his brother he missed what they used to argue about he missed wanting him dead and he missed the bickering more than the arguments but most importantly through it all he missed his brother and not what he was but his brother. Stefan kneeled down with a smile on his lips, he held the bourbon taking a sip of it then he poured the rest of the bottle on the grass. He knew that he wasn’t in there, nothing was in his place but just a coffin with a name on it “Six months in and you’re still dead...” a devious smirk appeared on Stefan’s lips as he shook his head “Witches...so unreliable, huh” Stefan said he meant it, he meant what he was saying because he knew from firsthand experience. The Stefan that everyone knew was gone, he had left when his brother had died he couldn’t handle the pain anymore he couldn’t handle the suffering of knowing Damon Salvatore was dead...gone “I know you’re dead but I also know you are plannning to escape Hell. Do it before Elena turns into an old lady with cats” He laughed “Just find a way to come back...I know it’s in your head”
 Damon might have done things that were worse but Stefan knew that he had done much worse than poor Damon, he had murdered, killed and slaughtered all for the fun of it. Stefan deserved to die but God wouldn’t let him, no one would let him “Since you’re gone, I’ll tell you what you’ve missed. What I’ve been up for the past six months” Stefan nodded “Let’s start after you supposedly died after Elena cried herself to sleep for countless days and then it became months and then I started to get irritated and annoyed at the fact that she kept crying and then her friends looking at me like I’m supposed to take care of her. She’s your problem now, man. Don’t get me wrong but the minute she chose you was when I washed my hands of her so I let her deal with your death...she’s a vampire now anyway” Stefan’s voice was amused at what he had been saying, he had decided to cut the shit and tell it like it was before he told the real story of his adventure. Damon had a right to know about his girlfriend...his boring girlfriend...she was his now...Elena Gilbert was Damon’s now and never his “It’s not gonna be my problem she gets herself killed with her carelessness” Stefan said...."I'll look after her as much as I can, brother but she chose you. There is no dagger that hurts more than that. You're lucky you're dead, you're idiot" He said with a grin.
Stefan looked at the sobbing human he tilted his head to the side studying her, she made him fascinated by her sobbing and begging he was fascinated that she had the guts to beg for forgiveness while he wanted to drain her dry. The Ripper was back into action, Stefan couldn’t handle the pain of his brother anymore he couldn’t let it consume him. He wanted to forget about it to forget about Elena as well but she had always made it hard, her crying had gotten too much for him “Ple...P...Please....Please don’t do this” The woman begged him, she crawled away from him her tears hitting the ground “Hel....help m...me” Stefan kept following her but at his own place, she seemed hopeless she wanted to give up he could feel it and his monster could feel it too. She was giving in to him and that was what he wanted, Stefan watched as the woman tried standing up but she kept falling back down but she kept trying until she succeeded. Her face covered with tears, her makeup smeared all over her face but that had just been the beginning, she looked at Stefan for what seemed like ten minutes but was more or less a few seconds. She turned her head to look at the darkness of the woods then back at the monster that stood to wait for her next move “Run” Stefan’s inner voice kept telling the woman, it kept repeating the words as if she would hear him but he knew she wouldn’t. She would wait until he moved or he killed her ‘RUN DAMMIT” The voice shouted even louder than before but even that couldn’t reach her. Stefan knew he would kill her, she was his first victim first of much more and he needed to make an example out of her.
 The woman turned around, she started running for dear life she wanted to save herself she wanted to live there was so much she hadn’t yet done and so much she wanted to do, she wanted to forgive people and write her will but she knew that was impossible now she was about to die. How could she have been stupid? How could she have let this man take her out thinking she would score? The minute she had made a move on his direction had been the second she had signed her death certificate “HELP” She shouted to however could hear her, she wanted help and a saviour “Somebody please help me” She shouted again, she kept running regardless she wanted to get the hell out of dodge but before she could even look back Stefan stood in front of her blocking her way “The chase...so fun” Stefan said as he looked at her, he took a step towards her his hand around her neck lifting her up as she struggled he squeezed lightly but careful not to kill her quickly he wanted to live and he wanted her to fear to take strange man on their offer. Bringing her down he pulled her towards him throwing her down. He walked towards her picking her up, he looked straight into her eyes as she continued to cry and beg for a hopeless mercy. Stefan’s fangs extended while she screamed louder than she had before, he smirked deviously he had always loved the screamers they brought in the most fun. Stefan’s fangs sank into the woman’s neck, hunger overwhelming him he knew he wouldn’t stop at just tasting her blood, he wanted all of it and leave her lifeless and without a head. Pulling his fangs out of her, he looked at the woman as she took her last breath of life before he broke off her head.
 Stefan walked inside the Salvatore Boarding he threw his leather jacket on the couch while he walked towards the liquor cabinet pouring himself a glass of bourbon his brother’s favourite kind he walked towards the couch seating down watching the empty fireplace until the door opened and shut footsteps walking towards his direction he could smell Elena’s scent a smile away and now in the Salvatore residence “It’s been awhile, how are you holding up?” Stefan asked her, of course, he knew the answer to his question but he wanted her to tell him the truth if she was even capable of such now that she had turned into a monster herself “I’ve been better” Elena said as she walked towards the liquor cabinet pouring herself a glass of the bourbon herself “Killed anyone yet?” Stefan asked her, he looked straight at her as she sat across from him “No, Stefan I haven’t killed anyone just yet” Elena rolled her eyes “I’m proud, Elena...resisting temptation but then you do live with them all the time. You live breath and eat humans...how do you do it?” Stefan asked her as he leaned forward towards her holding his glass “Practice, Stefan. I was once a human before all hell broke loose” Elena replied without any sarcastic comment “Right” Stefan said giving in to defeat “Because Damon would be disappointed if you did become a killer” Stefan said as he shook his head at her, he could believe that he had once loved this woman she was the only thing that stood between humanity and monster, she had opened his eyes to true love until he had realized that she belonged to someone else and never him. Stefan had accepted that, he had accepted that she was Damon’s and he was free to do as he pleased much like killing innocent strangers along the road and he was ready to do as he wanted “But Elena we are all killers...we are all abominations to the creation like Dracula...we can’t stop killing and you sit there and tell me you haven’t killed anyone since Damon’s passing. As if you haven’t gone off the ledge” Stefan was aware that he was poking her...provoking her to tell the truth...he of all people knew how it was like to lose someone and he knew there was no way she wouldn’t have killed anyone “You must really think I’m that stupid” Stefan said leaning back into the couch “I’m telling the truth, Stefan” Elena took a sip from her drink but Stefan just nodded standing up, he placed the glass on the table.
 Stefan walked towards the Salvatore basement, opening the door he shook his head as he walked towards the lifeless pile of bodies taking one Stefan left the door opened walking towards the living room where Elena sat, he stood before her dropping the body on her “I suppose he crawled in here by himself and killed himself then” Stefan said looking at her crossing his arms over his chest “Let’s go out for a drink, Elena” Stefan said with a smile on his lips “Wait...you’re not going to lecture me?” Elena asked but all Stefan could do was shake his head “No, that’s what Damon would’ve done. I’m not Damon and I don’t really care what you do hell I wouldn’t even care even if you got yourself killed” Stefan said grabbing his leather jacket “Try to keep up” Stefan said walking out.
 “You lied to me, Elena,” Stefan said as he walked inside an abandoned house, he stood in the middle of the room a light pointing in his direction almost as if it was a stage. Stefan tilted his head “I didn’t lie to you...” Elena hesitated for a second but she held her own “Oh, but you did...you see there is something you can never lie to me about. I know when you are lying...I know when you are lying to yourself...I know when you are pretending to be human when you are not” Stefan paced around the place, he kept glancing at Elena. Stefan had left Elena to her friends, he had left her after her constant whining and sobbing he had no choice; the newborn just couldn’t shut up. Damon had done what was needed, he had done what needed to be done to get the situation done, he had turned off his emotions and let the Ripper consume him and take over “What’s wrong with you, Stefan?” Elena asked the male.
 Stefan stood facing the wall looking at it with fascination as a devious smirk appeared on his lips “With me? Nothing is wrong with me, love. In fact, I’m better than I was...you see” Stefan turned around to look at Elena, he felt no sympathy for her “Don’t you just love abandoned warehouses except something is missing...don’t you think, Elena?” Stefan grinned, he wanted to give her a small node “No....?” Elena replied. Stefan laughed as he walked towards Elena, he held her hand leading her towards the closed door “Open it” Stefan ordered the minute she did a group of girls appeared in what seemed like a sorority party “Well don’t be so rude, Elena. Greet your meal” Stefan whispered in her ear as he shut the door the minute they walked inside “Stefan...what is this?” Elena asked “My friends, Elena...my new soon-to-be-dead friends,” Stefan said with a smirk.
Stefan walked towards the blonde girl who embraced him with opened arms, Elena watched as their lips touched but it was Stefan’s hands that made her pay attention; Stefan kissed the young woman’s neck he looked at Elena as his fangs sank into the blonde’s neck he smirked deviously as he drained her blood as Elena’s facial expression changed into horror “Stefan...Stefan...no” Elena’s voice cut off as soon as she said those words but Stefan wasn’t listening to her, he wanted more blood...more blood...fresh blood and she knew he would kill each and every girl in there. Stefan pulled his fangs out of her neck; he smiled as she dropped on the floor her lifeless body pale and hungry for blood “You see, Elena. Not all of us are like you...no one of us wants to be you. Damon is dead, Elena. He is gone, dead...well he was already dead before he was officially dead what he did just pushed the process faster” Stefan knelt down to the blonde, he brushed her cheek with a devilish grin admiring what he had killed his doomed victim “Let’s be honest, my brother was an asshole but I did love him, he was my brother and I made him turn into what he was. I mean that blame just doesn’t wipe off your memory that easily no matter how much you want it gone. He wanted me dead and well I wanted him just as dead but he never could pull the trigger. He followed me around making sure I didn’t kill anyone when he could have just killed me right there and then” Stefan lifted his head to look straight at Elena, he wanted her to see that the Stefan that she had known had died and gone unlike her he never hide it.
 Elena just looked at Stefan, she could feel tears forming begging to burst but she wouldn’t let Stefan see her weakness, she wanted to hold her own and try to get through what she had gotten herself in, she could feel her fear covering her very being and now she had no one to hold on to...no Damon. Elena stepped back as Stefan walked towards her “Sometimes I wonder Elena what would have happened had you died in that damn bridge” Stefan said as he kept walking towards her just as she took steps back until her back hit the wall with a loud thump “What would it have been had Elena Gilbert died? Would Damon have still been alive? Would Bonnie still be alive...or at least would she have been free from your crap. Would she have lived a life without being controlled and walked all over by Elena” Stefan kept pushing the young vampire, he wanted her to feel the same pain he had felt when she had destroyed him and made him feel like a puppet “What would-would life without you been like...you are the reason Damon is dead” Stefan said as he stood in front of her. He looked at her as she burst into tears but Stefan didn’t care, she was a vampire, full of emotions and a murder at the same time. She was going to reap her true nature “Stefan...Stop...please” Elena begged but it all fell on deaf’s ears.
 Stefan tilted his head as he studied the female, he was intrigued he cupped her face giving her a smile just as his fangs appeared “You are poison, Elena....you are just like Katherine...but weaker” Stefan said as he left her standing there in shock and in pain, she had lost yet another person. Stefan walked towards the door he opened it looking back at Elena “I left you dinner, let’s see how human you have left in you” He said before he walked out but because he even hit the corner street screams of females roared “No matter how much she wants to deny it...there will always be a monster within her” Stefan said before he left Mystic Falls.
                     PRESENT BACK IN THE CEMETARY
 Stefan smirked as he stood up he brushed off the grass on his pants, looking one more time at his brother’s empty tombstone he gave a small nod “The sooner you get back, the sooner Elena survives yet another day. We both know that she wouldn’t survive long if she continues to act recklessly” Stefan said being honest, he had left Elena alone left her to her own devices. He couldn’t stay with her when all she did was remind him of Damon, he couldn’t play a wannabe human when all Elena’s friends would blame him “Are you coming, Stefan?” a female voice asked him. Turning around Stefan looked at the blonde who gave him a warm smile “Yes, lovely love” He returned the smile. Stefan had gotten Rebekah back after she had found him wrecked and ruined she had helped him gain back what he had lost and gained back control over his monster. Rebekah was his guardian angel with fangs.
 “I know you’re probably listening to me right now and to be honest, brother. Life is much better without her...the dark side is so much better” Stefan winked as he turned to walked towards Rebekah, he cupped her cheeks together lovingly leaning in for a deep long kiss “Niklaus wants to see you as soon as we arrive in New Orleans” Rebekah informed him but all Stefan did was  just stroke her cheek with admiration, he tilted his head as he studied her carefully not wanting to forget a single thing about her face, her eyes and her lips “Yes, I’m sure he does...I’m sure” Stefan replied.
  Damon and Katherine stood watching the scene in front of their eyes, his brother had finally given into the darkness and there was nothing he could do about it; Stefan now had Klaus and Rebekah as his family. The sins of the seven deadly sins now roamed around with Stefan in toe “Well there goes the neighborhood” Katherine sarcastically said as she huffed her hand on her hips looking at Damon beside her “We’re dead, Katherine” Damon reminded her “Oh, Damon. We were dead long before that” Katherine reminded him “There is nothing we can do about him now, Stefan Salvatore is gone, Bunny eating Stefan is dead” Damon whispered “And the bunnies never fought back” Rolling her eyes Katherine stood in front of Damon “Stop feeling sorry for him, we all knew he belonged to the dark side long before The Ripper came to play” Katherine was right ‘We need to find a way to go back” Katherine suggested “No....no...Stefan is past fixing or helping and besides to him we are both dead. He can’t see any of us” Damon said as he walked past Katherine, he stood there watching his little brother leave with Rebekah and he never worried about Elena, Damon was more concerned about his brother than a girl who had just turned into a vampire five seconds ago. No matter what it took, Damon knew he would go back, he would go back to fix or repair or heal his brother. Death wouldn’t stop him he would find a way back.
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