#also I’m flattered by the wall of text
phlurrii · 1 year
This is kinda a shot in the dark, but I wonder if Missingno. being a placeholder Pokémon (the glitch one from the games, I mean) has something to do with why they look so much like Meau.
Meau seems to be one of a kind and presumably the only ancient mew created, and in the animatic the way that Missingno. appears almost as if they are nontangible. Maybe, somehow, Missingno. came to be as a sort of placeholder in the universe while Meau created new Pokémon, the incarnation of potential and what could be but isn’t yet and which maybe might ever be- a shadow of a possibility. And since Meau made Pokémon by using its own DNA, it would also explain why the shadow remnant the creation process left behind would form as almost a mirror image of Meau. Instead of a glitch In a game, Missingno. would be sort of a glitch in the creation process itself
Or maybe it’s not that and Missingno. was the remnant of something that Meau or Arceus ‘scrapped’, just like a game would do. But they didn’t expect anything would be left behind afterward
Also cause I’m curious, (sorry if this has been asked before) is Meau pronounced ‘me-yo’ as a reference to meiosis?? Since Meau has created almost every Pokémon it would make sense so I was wondering
I hope this long text block is ok… apologies for it!! I’m a big fan of your art and I’m super excited to see what happens next!!
Let me just say, I LOVED reading this. I’m amazed missingno has caused so much fascination and I’m very excited to slowly reveal some things about them… slowly. But getting into the meat and potatoes of this, I will say your first guess has a couple of things that are in the right ball park ;3
There’s a very specific reason missingno looks like an ancient mew, but is still noticeably different from Meau if you pay close attention. The most I can say, is there are only 1.5 Ancient Mews in existence. That is the only hint I can give for now towards their origin and relationship to Meau.
As for Meau and Meiosis? Definitely a coincidence, but a neat one nonetheless. Meau, in this case, wouldn’t need to halve their own chromosomes for reproduction. They just selectively choose what genomes they want for the Pokémon, use Mitosis in the sense they clone that part of them into an egg, and bing-bada-boom, new egg, no pesky birth or partner needed! That also goes for Mew, except they actually carried mew to term and had them like they would a normal kit; but even then, they wouldn’t need to use Meiosis since there’s no other secondary source to add to it. I think the technical term and closest to how Meau does it is Binary Fission.
I apologize for the science lesson, cells are neat.
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tadashisdisaster · 4 months
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SYNOPSIS “You’re so Fuckin’ fake” you end up dropping your 3 year friend and get revenge by hooking up with the man she hates the most…her playboy ex…..
ᝰ.ᐟ PAIRING - College playboy, Gojo Satoru, Sweet jockey Geto Suguru, Y/N’s ex bsf, Ayame
✮ WARNING ! Teasing, rough sex, p in v, revenge sex, friends with benefits?, name calling, whore, slut, a shitty ass friend, toxic relationships, maybe corruption kink, lmk if I forgot anything
ᝰ.ᐟ AN - my bestie mootie (@candy69gurl follow her she has better content) @ me for inspo on this post ( ˶°ㅁ°) !! I thought it was so different from the other posts I’ve made, but I wanted to try! I hope you guys enjoy
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You rush to your next class, taking your seat two rows behind the guy you had a major crush on, Geto Suguru. You sigh and lean on the palm of your hand. Your friend Ayame sits next to you and chuckles. “Geez girl, if you keep staring too hard you might burn a hole in the back of his head…”
You groan. “Ugh Aya! Do you see how cute he is..he’s wearing my favorite color too!” You giggle and gently push her arm. She laughs and pokes you right back. As class begins Geto pulls out a notebook and pen. Grabbing the hairband from his wrist he holds it between his teeth. He pulls his hair back in a messy bun. ‘God he’s so sexy’, you thought to yourself as you try to focus on what your professor was yapping about for that days lesson.
The lecture hall door swings open and slams against the wall a bit too hard. The male who had burst through the door winces, in fact everyone does. The professor lets out an exasperated sigh.
“Satoru Gojo! This is the 13th time you’ve been late this semester!” The professor rests his hand on his hip and gestures for Gojo to come over to him. He strides over to him with his hands in his pockets. He flashes a smile at the students. The girls —and some guys— giggle. Ayame rolls her eyes.
She glares at him in disgust then looks away. Gojo and Ayame were an item back in their sophomore years of college. They went to parties together, ate lunch together, and of course, slept together. Until he just had to sneak into another’s girls pants. Almost everyone knew the story, but no one seemed to care. It was cliche. The hot guy becomes the school play boy. You snicker at the thought.
The professor swats his hand for Gojo to sit down after scolding him. He didn’t care. He smirks and finds an empty seat, coincidentally next to his friend Suguru. It was no surprise the 2 most hottest guys in school were best friends. Gojo gives Geto a gummy smile. Geto rolls his eyes and smiles while shaking his head.
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You see, Ayame knew you had a crush on Geto, but Ayame also knew Geto never really reciprocated your feelings…
“Yeah! Y/n really likes you. I just wanted to know how you felt about her…you know. I’m just trying to help her out.” She batts her lashes at him and smiles. He smiles back, a faint blush on his cheeks. He rubs the back of his neck. “I’m flattered but- I don’t really see her in that way. D-Don’t get me wrong! She’s a great gal, I mean….” He looks away then back at Ayame.
Ayame bites her lip, a slight smile appearing. “She’s not really my type. Plus, I kinda have eyes for someone else…“ Ayame moves closer. Geto’s hands rest on her waist and pulls her close.
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A few weeks past. Ayame was occupied on her phone more than usual. You tilt your head to the side to try and catch what she was doing. Her smile falters as she hides her phone screen. “God y/n, you’re so nosey…” she rolls her eyes and continues texting. You huff. “Sorry! You’re just so occupied on your phone as of late…my bad for wanting to know what’s happening in my best friends life…” you look away and furrow your brows. Ayame rolls her eyes. “If you really must know…I have a boyfriend.” She smiles. Your face brightens. “What’s his name!? Do I know him!?”
She looks at you then at her phone. She puts it in her back pocket and smiles. “No, don’t worry about it…” she loops her arm with yours. “Tell me about Geto…how are you and him doing?” You sigh and look down. “He hasn’t texted me back. Not since Thursday last week…do you think he thinks I’m weird…or ugly!? Oh god…” you freak out. Ayame looks down at you, a sly smile playing on her lips. “Girl it’s okay…don’t worry about it. He’s not worth your time anyways.
You both walk back to your dorm. The dorms were gender inclusive, so when Ayame and Gojo broke up, she moved in and with you. You were a bit hesitant on letter her stay since you enjoyed your privacy and your own room but you felt more secure with her being there than you have been being alone.
Ayame goes straight to her bed and kicks off her shoes, she rolls over and scrolls on her phone. She giggles. You sigh and neatly place her shoes away. You had to admit you didn’t like the new Ayame. She was meaner, stuck up, and didn’t really care about how you felt. You cringe at her obnoxiously loud ass laugh as you walk over to the kitchenette and make dinner for you both.
“Ayame…the food is ready, wanna come eat?” You’re a sweetheart, everyone knew that, and everyone took advantage of that too, except for your friend, whom you’ve been friends with for 3 years. “I’ll eat later. Can’t you see I’m busy?” She sighs and scoots away from you. You slowly pull your hand away and walk over to the table.
Late at night all you could hear was Ayame’s voice, whisper calling her secret boyfriend. You tug your pillow over your head and groan. “H-hey Aya? Can you tone it down a little…I-“ she cuts you off. “Hold on, Whatever…” and with that she goes back on her phone and continues talking in the not so whisper like tone from earlier.
You trudge to class alone since Ayame went to walk with her boyfriend early in the morning. Your lip quivers, you sniff and wipe the stray tear away.
“You crying?” You jump at the comment and turn your head so fast you could’ve gotten whiplash. It was none other than Gojo. “W-what!?” You quickly clean your face. “Me? Crying pft, no….” You look away and continue your walk, almost to the building. Gojo next to you. You stop and look at him. “Are you following me?” Gojo chuckles. “I’m pretty sure we’re going the same way no? Did you forget we’re on the same morning class, princess?” You let out a soft ‘oh right’. You process his sentence and look up at him. “Princess?” He ignores your comment and just smirks. You sigh. You didn’t get much sleep last night because of Ayame, maybe you should confront her about it when you get back to the dorms.
Gojo stops to open the door, he looks back at you and leans close to your face, and pulls his shades down the bridge of his nose revealing his icy blue eyes, as if to inspect you. “What are you-“ he squints at you. “Geto doesn’t deserve you. And I’d be careful around Ayame, she’s a slutty bitch.” He backs away and smiles, pushing his glasses up his face. You stick your finger in his face and frown, “You shouldn’t be talking because you’re the one who-“ he puts his finger to your lips to shush you. He opens the door for you, “You shouldn’t believe things you know nothing about”. You awkwardly walk in. What did he mean…?
You take your seat. He sits behind you. His heart beating fast. ‘Was she always this cute?’ He thinks to himself while flinging a piece of paper at you. You grumpily turn towards him and scowl. He smiles and waves. You turn away, your ears red.
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Once you get back to your dorm you drop your bag on your bed and take a deep breath in. “Ayame? Ayame, are you here?” She comes out the bathroom. A skin tight black dress on with black matching heals and her hair done nicely. Her makeup…”Where are you going?” She puts her earrings on with strong perfume. She looks you up and down and smiles. “Out.” You give her a baffled look. “I- look, we need to talk. I nearly fell asleep in class today! I got zero sleep last night thanks to you. If you’re gonna call can you at least do it somewhere else or before it’s time to sleep?” You plead with her.
She just rolls her eyes. “God you’re so annoying y/n…” she grabs her purse, “no wonder Geto doesn’t like you…”. You think you miss heard her as you blink a few times, your heart hammered in your chest as your face turns red. “W-what did you say?” A knock at the door is heard. She opens the door and smiles. Your heart falls to the floor. “Geto…” you whisper meekly. He kisses Ayame sweetly and smiles at you. “Hey y/n, how are y-“ you brush past him and out of the room. Ayame stares at you while you leave, a pure evil smile stuck on her slutty face. Gojo was right.
You didn’t know where you were going, all you knew was that you wanted to get as far away from them as possible. “Fuck, fuck, fuck…” you bump into a firm chest. You don’t look at the person you bump into muttering a soft ‘sorry’. They grab your wrist. You look up tears falling quickly down your puffy cheeks. You quickly look away embarrassed. It was Gojo, what a coincidence. He lets you go, a hint of empathy flashed across his face. You begin to walk away until, “wait!, y/n…i-i knew…I-“ he rubs the back of his neck a bit ashamed. You look at him, confused and hurt. You shake your head and walk away. He sighs, torn between following you and trying to comfort you and possibly getting yelled at to fuck off, or just letting you be. He chose the second option and watches you walk away.
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Ayame didn’t return to your shared dorm which didn’t surprise you. You put on a soft pink oversized sweater, white skirt and tie your hair back in a pony tail with a white bow to accompany it. You slip on your shoes and walk off to your morning class as if nothing happened last night. You go through class perfectly fine, Geto and Gojo glancing at you. Ayame who comes in late, took her seat next to Geto. She too glances at you. Her slick smile fading as you wave at her with a smile.
You walk outside to where Geto and Ayame were having your lunch later that day. “Ayame!” You walk up to her, a fake smile plastered on your face. Ayame looks at you confused. Her stomach turns. She clears her throat, why should she be scared? “Can I talk to you?” You ask giving Geto the same soft smile. She stands up and kisses Geto’s cheek making the fist behind your back tighten. Gojo slides next to Geto. “What do you think they’re gonna talk about?” Gojo nosily asks Geto who looks at Gojo then you and Ayame nervously. “I don’t know man…” you stop next to a tree. You both converse like civilized people until ‘WHAM’, both Geto and Gojo stand up startled. Geto rushed over Gojo not too far behind. Ayame lands on her bum, shocked by the punch. “You’re so fucking fake, you know that?”
She scoffs. “It’s not like you were going to make a move anyways…you fucking psycho.” She stands up. “You’re always so quick to jump to conclusions, he’s the one who asked me out, he never liked your lame ass anyways.” She looks down at you a smirk on her face. You get ready to pounce on her until strong arms hold you back. You see Geto checking Ayame’s face. She pretends to cry as he wipes her nose with a napkin. Tears prick your eyes. ‘That should’ve been me’ you thought to yourself. Gojo turns you to face him and checks on you. Actual concern graces his beautiful features. Tears fall down your face.
Gojo’s face softens he sighs and pulls you in for a hug. Geto walks over to where Goji and you were standing. He pushes you behind him. All you could do was hold onto his sleeve. They both yell at eachother. You felt so numb. Geto leaves first with Ayame. Gojo huffs and takes your hand. He sits you both down at a bench. He hands you a new napkin every time you opened your hand for one. You finally calm down, he looks at you. You looked so pitiful, so innocent. You speak.
“I was so stupid to think he would like someone like me…” Gojo didn’t know why he felt so pissed. He lifts a hand to comfort you, instead he rubs the back of his neck. I mean like, who was he to comfort you? You both were hardly acquaintances. He glances at you then looks away. “Ya know…” a smug expression tugs at his lips. “You can always get revenge…” you look at him like he’s crazy. He shrugs. “Just an idea.” He looks at you, fondly. You stand up. “I-I don’t think that would be okay…two wrongs don’t make a right…” he sights and rolls his eyes behind his glasses. He stands up and stretches. I look him up and down. He was nothing but leg. You stagger back a bit when he leans close. “Alright…if you say so. But if you change your mind…” he holds his hand out.
You confusingly put your hand in his. He chuckles. “Your phone, pretty …” you blush hard. You fumble to get your phone. “O-oh right..” you hand it to him after unlocking it. He punches in his number and hands it back to you. He walks away after patting your head.
‘Her hand is so soft..’ he thinks to himself as he snickers when you text a small hi with a cute emoticon. “Cute-“
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You and gojo hand grown decently past over that last few months. He even comes over to study with you when actually he’s not even paying attention, he’s just starting at you.
“Satoru! You keep complaining about your exam that’s in 2 days and you’re not even paying attention!” You pout and look at him frustrated. He licks his lips. “I am focusing…” he looks at your lips then at your eyes. Those eyes he could stare at for hours if you’d let him. Of course you wouldn’t. He smiles, you blush. Your stomach flops. You gulp and look away.
“Stop looking at me like that idiot!” He scoots closer to you. He gives you cheeky smile and nudges you. “You know…I don’t know what you saw in Geto…I’m so much better.” He states of so bluntly. You smack his arm and get up. I puts in a false frown. “You’re so mean to me!” He says while getting up after you. You walk to the kitchenette to get a water from the fridge. You bend over to reach the cold water in the back. He leans against the counter looking you up and down. You had a nice ass he’ll give you that.
You stand up, making him avert his gaze. Turning around to offer him a water which he gladly accepts. He clears his throat. His little crush on you was only getting bigger. You sit at the tiny dining table and scroll on your phone having given up on tutoring him. He sits next to you. He gently takes your phone away.
”Y/n I-i have something to ask…” he hesitates. You look at him with interest. “He feels himself sweat. Was it getting hot in here or was it just him, or you? He rubs the back of his neck. “I wanted to ask you where do you get your study habits from?” He smile. Real smooth Satoru. Your hopeful gaze dropped. He noticed and looks at you. You stand up and fiddle with your hands.
“Oh- I thought I don’t know…” you sigh. “Never mind…” he seemed so intrigued. “What? You thought that I- what?” He asked standing up as well. “I thought you were gonna….” You don’t look at him, you felt like you were gonna explode. “Finally ask me out..?” His crush was evident. He looks at you shocked. You look at him, your face bright red. “W-well don’t just stand there and-“ he cuts you off with a kiss. His hands cupping your cheeks. You were shocked at first but slowly melt into it.
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It all happened so soon. You were in the kitchenette with him kissing. Then the next thing you know your body sprawled out on the bed, legs open while he rams relentlessly into you. “G-god..why didn’t we get together sooner?” He says breathlessly into your ear. You were so overwhelmed by the feeling of pleasure you couldn’t speak.
You dig your nails into the flesh of his back. Your eyes rolling to the back of your head. Your legs jolting back as his hips snapped back into yours.
“O-oh fuck..Toru- ngh~ Fuck, fuck, FUCKKK” He smirks, his kisses soft compared to the harsh snap of his hips. “Makin me addicted to this pretty pussy baby…” he folds your legs to your chest hitting your G-spot perfectly. You grip the sheets, a sobbing drooling mess. “Yeah, you like that don’t you? Just needed some good dick to fill this messy cunt up huh?”
He sends a wet slap on your abused clit before rubbing ruthlessly. You toss your head back in pleasure. He chuckles his hips stuttering as he groans. “G-Geto c-can’t make you feel as good as me, now can he?” You couldn’t hear him, your brain almost completely turned off. He grabs your chin. “Right baby?” You nod and babble an incoherent yes. He laughs cruelly at how brain dead you were. “Drunk on my cock huh?”
You moan so loud anyone walking past could hear. He cusses under his breath feeling you clench around him. “You gonna cum baby? Let’s cum together yeah?” You nod desperately. Your thighs shaking. He thrusts a few more time before you both cum hard. Moaning each other's names in unison. He kisses your neck softly, slowly moving to your lips.
“Round 2?” He mischievously. You laugh and push his face away.
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The next day you both walk into class late. The teacher looks between you both and shakes his head. “I’m not going to ask.” You both giggle as you walk to your seats. This time next to each other. Geto and Ayame look at you shocked.
Later that day Ayame sees you alone by a vending machine trying to get coffee. She slams her hand in the vending machine. The coffee falls. You bend down to grab the can. “Thanks..” you say opening it and taking a sip. She huffs. “You little slut..sleeping with me ex?” You look at her confused. “Okay? But you’re dating my crush. You’ll get over it eventually. She raises her hand to slap you. You stare at her blankly. Campus students stare and look waiting. She hesitates and lowers her hand. “I hate you Y/N L/N .” You shrug. She walks starts to walk off. “Oh by the way… can you move out, Satoru wants to move in…” she turns towards you. She looks at you baffled. You sip your coffee and smile. She stomps off.
Gojo takes your coffee coming from behind you and taking a sip. “Hey!” He smiles and hands it back to you. “How’d she take the news?” You smile and look at her yelling and complaining to Geto.
“I think she took it pretty well.”
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I’m sorry for the shitty job I did at writing this. I didn’t want to leave you guys waiting any longer 😭I swear I write better.
🏷️ @lovee-them, @jotarohat, @youngpeachbread,@blindbabycadder24, @cresolia
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femcelzai · 10 days
INFO : yandere is unnamed, they're referred as they (can be any gender) and is called [Yandere's name], reader is referred as [Your name]
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You had always enjoyed spending time with your friends, and today was no different. The sun was warm, laughter was shared, and the conversations flowed effortlessly. You were seated at your usual spot in the park with your group of close friends. It felt natural to be here, surrounded by them, until a shiver ran down your spine.
From the far end of the park, they watched.
A shadow had been cast over the perfect afternoon, but you hadn’t noticed it yet.
"You're so popular these days," your friend Amy remarked, nudging you playfully. “Every time I text you, you’re either out or with someone else.”
You chuckled, brushing off the comment. "I guess I've just been busy lately."
But as the evening dragged on, you felt an itch between your shoulder blades, like you were being watched. The feeling didn’t leave you, even when you parted ways with your friends. That odd, uneasy sensation only grew stronger as you headed home alone.
The next day, you received a text from [Yandere’s Name]. It was short and direct, but it tugged at your heart:
Hey, can we talk? I miss you.
You’d been friends with [Yandere’s Name] for a while now, though recently, things had started to feel… off. They were sweet, sure, but also intense. Whenever you hung out, they seemed fixated on you, their gaze following your every move. It was flattering at first. Now? It felt more suffocating.
Still, you couldn't say no.
Later that evening, you met [Yandere’s Name] at your apartment. The moment you opened the door, they stood there with a small smile, their eyes soft and warm… but there was something lurking beneath the surface. Something darker.
“Hey,” you greeted them awkwardly. “What’s up?”
They stepped inside without waiting for your invitation, and you felt a twinge of discomfort.
“You’ve been spending a lot of time with your friends lately,” they began, their tone deceptively calm. Too calm.
You blinked, taken aback. “Uh, yeah? I guess. Why?”
[Yandere’s Name] closed the door behind them, their back pressing up against it as though they were trapping you in the room. Their eyes darkened.
“I don’t like it.”
The words were simple, but they sent a chill down your spine.
“W-What do you mean?”
They stepped closer, their gaze never leaving yours. “Why do you need to hang out with them when you have me?”
You swallowed hard. “They’re my friends. We’ve known each other for years. That’s normal, right?”
“Normal?” [Yandere’s Name] laughed, but it was cold and bitter. “Is it normal to forget about me? To ignore me while you laugh and joke with them?”
Their hands twitched, as if they were resisting the urge to grab you.
“I’m not ignoring you! I—”
“You are,” they cut you off, voice low and dangerous now. “You think I don’t notice the way you talk to them? The way you smile at them? You think I haven’t seen you enjoying your time without me? I see everything, [Your Name]. Everything.”
You took a step back, your heart racing. The possessiveness in their tone was suffocating.
“I— I’m allowed to have other friends, [Yandere’s Name]. You can’t just—”
“No,” they hissed, their voice barely a whisper. “No, you can’t have other friends. Not like that. Not when I’m here. You don’t need them when you have me. I’m everything you need.”
Your back hit the wall, and they closed the distance between you, their hand coming to rest on your cheek, fingers cold against your skin. Despite their words, their touch was almost tender. Almost loving. But there was something manic in their eyes.
“You don’t need them,” they repeated softly. “Why can’t you see that?”
Tears pricked at your eyes as their grip tightened, their thumb brushing your lower lip. It was a caress, but one that made your blood run cold.
“I… I’m sorry,” you stammered, unsure of what else to say. The fear creeping into your voice only seemed to excite them.
“That’s all I wanted to hear,” they murmured, their lips ghosting near your ear. “As long as you understand that you belong to me, I’ll forgive you. I’ll always forgive you… but don’t test me again.”
The warning was clear.
“I promise,” you whispered, feeling your pulse pounding in your throat.
[Yandere’s Name] smiled at that, their grip loosening slightly. “Good. That’s what I wanted to hear.” They kissed your forehead gently, lingering a moment too long before stepping back, their eyes gleaming with satisfaction.
“Now,” they said, their demeanor suddenly lightening as if nothing had happened. “Let’s spend some time together. Just you and me. No one else.”
You nodded weakly, the tension still thick in the air, knowing that for now, you had no other choice.
From that day forward, [Yandere’s Name] made sure that you never forgot where your true loyalty lay. You could still see your friends, but you were never truly alone anymore. Their watchful eyes were always on you, a shadow trailing behind every step, reminding you of the one terrifying truth:
They would never let you go.
| credits to @/ cafekitsune for the dividers
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mixvyu · 1 year
Parfum d’étoile - episode twelve part one
scaramouche x reader smau
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Flash forward
You checked the number next to the door for the tenth time and peeked at message Kazuha sent you the day before
'219' it read
Your eyes moved back and forth between the text and the number next to the door that also read '219'
You knocked for the nth time but still received no answer. You put your ear against the thick wood of the door, trying to hear some comotion from the inside.
'Maybe Scaramouche is in there and he's just ignoring me' you thought to yourself, that seemed like something he would do.
"Or maybe Kazuha made a typo" you said, outloud this time, even though there was no one but you in the hallway.
You paced around the corridor, surrounded by the sad beige that coated the walls of the boys' dorms.
You decided that the 10 minutes that you spent waiting were enough and decided that calling one of the two boys was probably something you should've done ages (9 minutes) ago.
You clicked on Kazuha's contact, not even stopping to consider calling his irritating roommates/best friend.
Right as you were about to press the call button you heard a grating voice calling your name
"Y/N? What are you doing here" Scaramouche asked, the elevator doors slowly closing behind him.
"I’m here for the group project ? Obviously ?"
"Is it that late already?" He mumbled loud enough for you to hear "I didn’t check the time, I'm sorry. I hope you didn’t wait for too long" he continued, ignoring the obvious sass in his voice and reaching into his jacket’s pocket for his keys.
Now that was surprising
Scaramouche apologised to you ? Again ?
You didn't answer him and just blinked in confusion
"What are you doing? Come in."
In the confusion that followed his apology, you didn't even realise that the door was already open.
you hurried inside and the door closed right behind you.
You took your coat off and before you could even look around for a place to leave it the violet headed man took it from you and hung it on the coat hanger that was hidden behind the door.
"Kazuha went out to run some errands, he should be back soon enough" the man explained while stripping down of his jacket revealing what he was wearing underneath.
Despite the cool weather, Scaramouche was wearing cropped sleeveless compression shirt that showed off his pale stomach and the piercing he wore on his belly button.
You didn't know he had piercing beside the ones decorating his ears. It surprinsingly looked good on him.
"It's rude to stare" you didn't even have to look up to sense the smirk that was decorating his face
"You look like a man-whore in that outfit." you chuckled "the only thing missing are the grey sweatpants"
"You look like a man whore" he repeated in a high pitched voice mocking you "didn't realise I needed to consult you before dressing up in the morning" he continued, in his normal tone this time.
"Wait, when did you pierce your lips ? I'm sure it wasn't there the last time i saw you" you commented, paying no mind his sarcastic remark.
"You must look at my lips pretty often to notice, i'm flattered" Scaramouche made his way to the kitchen before adding " 'got it done yesterday. just for you, sweetheart" he teased
you rolled your eyes at the pet name and made your way to the couch where you could see school work scattered everywhere.
Judging by the handwritting, those were reasearches done by Kazuha for the project.
Doodles were dispersed on the papers. The color used for the sketches being different than the one used by Kazuha, you could only guess that those were the work of Scaramouche.
The thought of Scaramouche doodling cats and stars on the margin of the sheets while Kazuha was trying to work made you smile a bit.
You could hear the sound of water boiling coming from the kitchen, Scaramouche was probably preparing tea which you found shocking.
Him being a decenthost was something you never expected.
The room you were in was surprisingly clean, it wasn’t something you expected for the dorm room of two 21 years old college students. It smelt of artificial cherry blossom aroma and felt oddly soothing.
You were pulled out of your thought by the sound of the keys unlocking the front door.
Kazuha entered, a bag full of groceries in his left hand and his house key in his right.
Now that you saw both set of keys you noticed that the boys had matching keychains.
Kazuha smiled at you after noticing you staring but his gazy quickly diverted toward Scaramouche
"Store those for me, thanks" he said to his roommate, pushing the bag of goods into his hands.
"Wow, not even a "hello"? Not even a "how are you"? "How was your day" ? Not even a little kiss on the cheek? I’m offended" Scaramouche protested but still ended up taking the bag from his friend before making his way back into the small kitchen.
Kazuha ignored his remark and walked up to you.
"Hey" he mouthed before plopping down beside you.
Before you were able to reply to him, you could hear the soft ‘click’ of porcelain hitting the wood table before Scaramouche threw himself beside you onto the sofa, apparently exhausted.
"You’re not… sitting next to Kazuha?" You questioned the man on your right. Kazuha sitting next to you was something you expected but for Scaramouche to do the same was completely unbelivable.
"I like this side better" he answered, bringing one of the three cups of tea he brought to his mouth before taking a sip.
You could hear the man on your other side clap to get the attention of the both of you.
"We should get to work, shouldn't we ?"
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The draft for this got deleted twice i'm dying
I based Scara's outfit on what my hallway crush wear i'm such a loser
Compression shirt scaramouche i'm foaming at the mouth
I wanted to write sleeveless crop top at first but i physically could not help myself
My exam start in 30 minutes i’m sooo stressed i hope i’ll get a passing grade ugh
Cutting this into two parts bc i didn't have the time to finish i'm sososo sorry
It's so bad i'm sorry i had to rush, i'll edit it later i swear!!! [cry]
★彡 Taglist! [open]
@gekkow @aemiko @veekoko @kichiyoshi @scaramouchelover4ever @sukunasrealgf @lxkeeeee @kunisblog @yukiipc @brfrtbrt @simpforsubmissivemen @featuredtofu @fanfictionenthusiast @beriiov @lyzisbitchingagain @bluebelony @ryomiye @reinoodle @bananasquash @mikukksks @sakiimeo @kitanablades @pennyluvr @sakurapeach @crystalsguitar @feiherp @deluluangel @gracefulace200 @apinu @elernity @st4romii @ahseya @feiherp @yelleloww @prettiestgirlxoxo @yoichiislovie
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jamiesfootball · 10 months
lol TL gang goes to Pride lol
Roy - immediately breaks off from the pack and finds a group of drag queens. “RHONDA! How the hell are you, mate? You look incredible”
Keeley - has beef with 18 different lesbians who she KNOWS will be there and has enlisted Rebecca’s help as a human shield to hide behind
Rebecca- is flattered. Wore matching outfits with Keeley. Spends all of pride making a variety of women and men say, ‘god I’m gay’
Isaac - announced himself as the czar of outfits for the whole team. Did a very good job, which in this case means they are sadly understyled. He also won’t admit to anyone that he is wildly uncomfortable and nervous (they all know). Colin is patient and loves him anyways
Colin - also won’t admit to anyone that he is wildly uncomfortable and nervous (Isaac and Michael know. They are patient and love him anyways)
Jamie - planned to spend the day helping Isaac talk up Colin. Has been optimistically offered every Pride flag sticker under the sun by every gay, bi, trans, ace, aro, queer person under the sun. Is wearing them all to be ‘a good ally’
Beard - “RHONDA! Your wig looks better- did my guy help you?"
Moe - is trying to hand out new genders to the team like a drug dealer
Richard - ”this would be better if we had gone to pride in Paris”
Jan - has been to pride before. Dressed in normal t-shirt and shorts. Blends in. They have lost Jan Maas in the crowd.
Dani - shirtless! having the time of his life!
Thierry - also shirtless! Partying with Dani!
Jamie - is hiding from Moe’s very convincing argument that he try new genders ('this is like the astro-teleportation all over again') and has gone to hide behind Keeley. Joins Rebecca as art of The Wall because yeah, he knows who this Mariah is and Keeley is honor bound to fight her if she sees her. Yeah, it’s non-negotiable, they’ll just have to make sure Keeley doesn’t see her.
Rebecca- is speaking to jamie for the third time ever but an airhorn goes off before we can hear anything. Together, the three of them win some sort of couple’s prize. They are all flattered but not surprised
Later on Jamie finds Roy and says, ‘I think one of these stickers apply to me.’
Roy, who has been drinking with drag queens since 11am and is on the sort of level of ascension that only absinthe brings on, says, "Yeah that makes sense"
Jamie: ???????
Roy, condemning himself to 6 months of confusing text messages and non sequiturs because he will not remember this tomorrow: I mean it’s kind of obvious
Jamie: Huh. Well, don't tell anybody yet, yeah? I'm still figuring it out.
Roy, unsure of where the sun is and seeing in the fourth dimension: Yeah, sure.
Trent: "Rhonda! Hello, it's so good to see you. How are things at The Independent?"
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ulti-mal · 22 days
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Ah! I shall use Gojo to answer these. It’s so nice to see y’all are still on here and happy to see me 🥹 I don’t even know how to use Tumblr anymore lol
I’m sooooo flattered, but commissions are not open (yet) and I’m unsure when they will be. I have been struggling with getting my groove back to draw for a long time, so much so, I shut down my art LLC business (😔) so I would need to get things set up for myself to accept commissions personally.
I also need to practice. I’m trying to get back on the drawing bike and I’m WOBBLY. I need more confidence before I can start drawing for you all like that again as I want you to have the best version of me so you can get the art you pay for!
But engagement like this really fills my tanks and makes me feel young again 😌 but more so, inspires me to keep drawing.
Sorry for the wall of text and thank you!! I will definitely let you know when they open :)
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transmutationisms · 1 year
this isn’t rly a coherent point just a thought but i feel like the succession audience anon might be getting at the fact that the sociopolitical commentary of the show is lost as its audience increases? imo jesse’s political commentary is very clear but i also have my commie goggles on. but i know for a fact that the show is was not written nor marketed the way i’m consuming it. maybe jesse leans that way a bit but like he’s obviously descriptive and not prescriptive in his art so there’s that, and the constraints of tv are that it has to have broad enough appeal so you can’t be shoving your politics down the people’s throats necessarily. i think it is marketed to the brooklynite class you’re describing and i think they don’t fully get it and i also think as more people watch the more its themes are ignored in favor of stuff like omg who’d make the best successor, despite that not being what the show is about at all (also jesse has told us from day one who would make the “best” successor). idk like the people who get excited abt kendall becoming ceo you know? like omg it’s a win for him! like… are we watching the same show
ok i agree with a lot of this, and i am certainly also a known user of commie goggles lol. i think the fundamental limitation with the show is, like you said, that it's more interested in a descriptive mode than a prescriptive one, which means at its best it can nail character development and political satire, but it isn't really trying to offer any coherent alternative worldview. the portrayal of logan's gender / body politics is not flattering and doesn't flinch away from either the interpersonal trauma he inflicts on those around him or the broader political harm done by liberal capitalism; the show has also always been fairly sharp i think on the fascistic tendencies of capitalism and the way the latter turns into the former—again, shown both through logan's ideology of domination, social darwinist thinking, valorising certain types of bodies, etc, and through waystar's engagement with politics and politicians. however, i'd agree that this is all motivated by a description of the characters' worldviews and by satire of them, and we would probably see more of the cracks in the writers' and showrunners' politics if they tried to put forth some kind of more active alternative political platform.
that said, the fact that people miss these aspects of the show says as much to me about the political consciousness of viewers as it does about the intentionality of the writing. people with certain beliefs about masculinity are always going to watch 'fight club' and think tyler durden rules, no matter how effectively the critique is or isn't being made. similarly, people who think capitalism is a good or necessary system and doesn't derive value from fascism, or that succeeding in business is a matter of skill and mystical genius powers rather than a game of luck and accreting wealth, are always going to watch 'succession' and think that logan rules, or that the point is to identify the person who 'deserves' to take over waystar, or that capitalist electoral politics is a noble exercise in rhetoric that has simply been corrupted by a few evil apples, or what the fuck ever.
like, i'm not saying the writing is perfect or denying that it hits a wall in terms of actual radicalism. but i do think there are certain critiques the writers consistently and clearly make, often specifically via satire, that large swathes of the audience simply don't pick up on because they're approaching the text through their liberal capitalist ideological lens. you can see this, for example, in the journosphere's takes on the cruises storyline, which by and large completely failed to engage with the broader critique of capitalism as inherently producing death, exploiting bodies, and specifically preying on those deemed other or marginal—namely sex workers, migrants, women, etc. these points were very clearly made in the show and the meliorist viewpoint very clearly satirised (eg, in 'argestes'). ultimately, though, you can't rescue viewers from their own liberalism and you can't make them read the text from beyond those parameters. it's an issue of political consciousness, and although it can certainly be exacerbated by bad or milquetoast writing, even an explicitly radical piece of art will be interpreted through that liberal lens by people who are liberals (anyone remember the reviews of 'sorry to bother you'?)
i also would add that, in my opinion, this season has actually been more willing to overtly engage with the political threads than season 3. viewers can no longer hide behind the idea that the problem starts and ends with logan as an individual. matsson and his people have consistently been characterised as staking their own worth on their supposed biological superiority, with specific references to athletic ability, bodily strength, élite education that forms a class barrier, and the general idea of racial and genetic superiority ("nasdaq master race," "shallow end of the gene pool"). i'm aware there are many viewers, including on tumblr, who are not stringing these things together and seeing an overall discourse on capitalist eugenics and racism—but i do actually think that the satire here is being laid out pretty clearly in front of our faces. is this a show interested in exploring imaginative political alternatives? no, and you could convincingly argue on that basis that its fundamental stance is more self-satisfied snark than anything resembling actual leftist politics. i think, though, that this would be pretty evenly true since day 1, and that, at its best, the writing does hit on some key aspects of how capitalist spectacle functions, the power abuses it creates and enables, and how these things are inherent to capitalism writ large rather than being a unique pathology of the roys or waystar.
ultimately i love to see art that is actually communist / leftist in nature, is interested in alternatives to capitalism and ways out of our current political economic arrangement, etc. 'succession' is not that, clearly. part of the reason i do shit like blog about it is because it used to annoy me so much that no one was connecting certain more radical dots (like the obvious path from the show's historicised thinking -> a critique of capitalism as contingent) that are implied or allowed-for by the writing but never unpacked or explicated. so, often what interests me in the show is at least as much the lacunae left in the writing as the things it explicitly says. again, commie goggles. i also would tentatively agree with you that it's primarily marketed to people who are basically liberal and milquetoast, for reasons of profit motive, although again i honestly take in so little television advertising that i don't have much that's cogent to say about this angle of things lol.
i'm certainly not lying to myself that this show is any kind of radical statement of communist party values—i just also think that there are points of actually interesting satirical critique that the writers are very deliberate about, and that the guardian-new yorker-industrial complex is pretty much inherently going to miss these points or ignore them, for reasons that don't necessarily reflect one way or the other on the actual quality of the writing.
anyway, it was maybe goofy to write this out like an hour before the election episode airs, but these are certainly questions i will continue rotating after i see it lol.
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spectralsleuth · 1 year
Saw you were lookin’ for some asks dont mind if I do 👀
To start off, I’m such a big fan of your writing! I genuinely look forward to every single update of yours and find myself rereading a lot of work in the downtime. You are such a good writer!! My never ending praises aside, here are some asks!
-You incorporate OC’s into your fics so seamlessly! They feel so natural in your fics that I legit get excited anytime they show up (srsly can’t wait for Lou Jitsu vs Hidden City, Sal’s my boy) lol how do you find the right balance when introducing and maintaining OC’s in your fics? I feel like that’s a particularly difficult balance beam to tread but you absolutely crush it.
-A previous ask you answered about Cass and Raph in LSoW got me thinking; how do the brothers handle humans crushing on them? Would they be receptive or dismissive? Do they develop crushes on humans- and if so, how is that perceived (by family or the general public)? The drama 👀
Last ask, I promise:
-I absolutely loved your crossover with Empathy is Learned! Got anymore crossovers planned in the future? Oooor if you could do a crossover with any other fic, which one(s) would it/they be??
Thanks for taking the time to even look at this! I hope these are some fun asks for ya :) I hope you have a lovely day!!
Omg thanks so much... I'm so happy people enjoy my writing it's crazy to me. I've written before, but it's always been just for myself so I never really know if it was good or not. (Years of text based DnD is to thank lol.) (Okay I got carried away answering this so sorry in advance.)
On OC's:
I got a lot of comments on LSoW from people who say "generally I don't like OC's BUT-" which is so funny and flattering. Because I am absolutely one of those people who don't care for OC's in fic.
Let me be clear: I LOVE that people write self indulgent self-insert of OC based fic, where they make the craziest off the wall story etc. Every time a fifteen year old writes a story about the cringiest Mary-sue/stu self insert, or non canon character, an angel gets its wings and I mean that one hundred percent. It makes me so happy I literally grin when I see it. I HOWEVER generally filter out the OC tags on AO3 when I'm looking for something to read myself.
So when I started posting LSoW I was expecting to get maybe like, 100 kudos MAX, maybe one comment or so. Which is great! I love writing niche fic just for me, and one other person who I assume I must be drift compatible with. I just could not figure out a way to write the story I wanted without a few OC's- Rise didn't have a big enough character catalog for me to draw from!
When I went to write the OC's, I knew that they had to have a very simple backstory, that was also very fleshed out. (Xander and Sal have full family, Dr. Heo and Carter have full jobs and history together, etc.) For another contradiction I wanted them to be interesting enough that someone reading wouldn't just be skipping ahead to when they weren't present, or just simply plowing through to get past the part where they were doing exposition. They had to be enjoyable! While also forwarding the story!
They also had to be distinct. Anyone who's ever watched a Whedon show or movie (Buffy, Firefly, Avengers-) knows what I'm talking about. It drives me nuts when the characters in a show are constantly the funniest person in the room, with the same personality traits, and the same girl boss/badass tendencies.
(Fandom challenge Impossible: Give a female fan favorite character another trait besides 'girlboss/mom/lesbian'. I'm dead serious.)
(Also a disclaimer: I LOVE making jokes and doing bits. I FANCY that I'm pretty funny, and I love making people laugh. But you can do that without making it a character personality trait. For example: Xander doesn't really crack any jokes in LSoW! He's just funny because we the reader know more about the situation and his thoughts than he does.)
But the BIGGEST THING I kept telling myself while writing the story, was DO NOT TAKE AWAY FROM THE TURTLES. Because the whole point of the story is the turtles! And Yoshi! The OC's are there to facilitate that. It's a hard balance to hit. I have all sorts of touchstones I keep in mind while I'm writing, and that's a big one.
(A SUPER good example of this done super well is @faiakishi 's Bella from Dawning of the Hour. She's a great OC that's super interesting, and a super important narrative element, but she never detracts from the main story. Big Bella fan here lmao. There's also the rest of the OC's/interpretations of franchise characters (TIGERCLAW), but Bella stands out as truly original.)
On the Turtles dating Humans:
(CW: CSA mention, SA mention, non graphic talk of minors dating etc.)
I actually talked a lot about this to @/tangledinink in feverish discord chats lmao.
When the boys were growing up they got a very detailed talk from both Yoshi, and their Doctors. ONE: Because nobody will know better than themselves if something was medically wrong with their bodies, TWO: The boys are all intersex (minus Mikey) and they had to understand that there was nothing wrong with them on TOP of the turtle thing, and THREE: Because Yoshi knew the boys would be getting a lot of attention, and you never know what kind of attention that form will take.
THE BEST WAY to protect children (any child) from being sexually assaulted or abused, is making sure they know what that abuse LOOKS LIKE. You don't have to make them terrified of being sexually assaulted, but them knowing how their body works, and also how to say NO and set boundaries, will combine to help make them safer.
Yoshi didn't know what would happen in the future and in a perfect world the boys would never leave his line of sight, but that's not always how things happen. (In a Short Season, Xander parroted Yoshi's instructions before going out to make sure the boys knew what to do if someone grabbed them (in any way) and it was to bite and be loud.) So the boys grew up knowing their bodies, knowing how to say 'no', and knowing that there was probably going to be people out there who would treat them as a novelty, and who wouldn't be appropriate to them as celebrities OR non-humans.
(Remember Emma Watson having to deal with that countdown to her turning 18? Or any other amount of child stars who had to deal with adults being predatory to them.)
But ALSO THIS IS HAMATO YOSHI. His sons are HANDSOME and HEARTBREAKERS! Leo has dated a lot but never anything seriously, and his inability to be intimate with anyone but family kind of puts a damper on any more permanent relationship. (He is gay.) He's the number one turtle people ask out because he's the most approachable. Because he made himself that way!
Donnie is in a sort of relationship with Kendra. (THIS WILL BE A FIC I'm working up to it lmao.) I have a head canon that Yokai and other empyrean based creatures are capable of having rivalry based relationships. IE Yoshi and Draxum in the canon show, the unhealthy dynamic between Yoshi and Big Mama, etc. (Caliginous relationship) Donnie is in a puppy love version of that with Kendra, while also lacking the context of yokai society to understand why he wants to punch her very badly, but also if anything happened to her he would die. They hate each others guts and also she was his first kiss. She is not a nice person I am not a Kendra apologist she's terrible I love her. (Donnie is bi!)
I know a lot of people head canon Mikey as ace, but he is a thirteen year old child you don't have to be head canoning him as anything. it is the very rare 13 year old who knows their orientation, and even if they DO I bet you donuts to dollars it will change eventually. This is normal and healthy. Mikey in LSoW has had puppy crushes on boys, girls, teachers, Violet, the mailman, Adam, and Rupert Swaggert. (Eugh eugh eugh.)
Raph is absolutely irresistible to the entire student body and is completely unaware of it. He's not stupid but he's face blind and bad at picking up subtext in conversations. He's gone to multiple people's houses and spent the whole day with them, without realizing they were trying to make it a date. (Raph is bi.)
All the boys have considered identifying as girls since their Dad is the martial arts equivalent of David Bowie and Fine With That, but have settled (for now) on being boys (age 10 the last time they considered this) because quote 'Lou Jitsu and Jupiter Jim are boys and they're awesome' unquote.
They don't get any fucking privacy for their relationships, and Leo in particular had a very bad experience that closed him off from dating big time. (Stamps 'THIS WILL BE A FIC' on this as well.) But also, as of the LSoW canon they are like, 12-14 and not doing a lot of dating ANYWAY. They are BABIES.
(Enter Casey Jones)
I have one crossover with my white whale of authors (you know who you are) I have pecked at with them that I think everyone will go fucking nuts for and love, but I won't mention it in case we can't get it off the ground! (A completely okay and normal thing to happen lmao.) I think that one will end up happening though because I am too excited about it, even if it's not any time soon.
I am super open to crossovers and cowriting, especially since writing with Li because I learned SO MUCH it was like speed running improvement.
The thing is it has to fit! There's some crossovers that wouldn't have a lot of substance because there's not really a lot to cover. When it came to EiL for example, there was PLENTY to cover and do, it was so fun! But other fics might not have a lot we could do for each other. (At least, not until I get some more world building done.)
That being said I do love talking crossovers with other creators it's so fun...
If you guys ever want to use my OC's feel free, just ask me in advance! I don't mind pings.
THESE ASKS ARE FUN THANKS FOR SENDING THEM I feel like you just threw a steak into my zoo exhibit. I am recharged and rejuvenated my crops are watered my skin is clear. This felt very pretentious to write I am mortified.
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weird-dere-writes · 1 month
The way I would SHOVE Sakura out of the way and be in your space like 🙂 “correction. Nirei isn’t his friend he’s MY Bestfriend 🙂🙂🙂.”
I see you glance his way a second time and I’m just sipping punch and spouting off facts like “he’s single. a virgo. could save your life with his type O blood. Do you wanna say hi? 🙂🙂🙂”
Sakura has to literally drag my nosy ass away when Akihiko makes his rounds to chat up everyone and comes to politely introduce himself to you when he doesn’t recognize your face. He gets excited about the outfit you wore to the party and starts asking you questions about where you shop/and is genuinely interested in learning more about your vibes.
I’m like the grinch smiling watching your meet cute unfold rubbing my hands together like a grubby little fly on the wall while sakura is shoving me out the door so he can get his one on one time with me aksnsjkwjw
No but seriously, akihiko nirei is my blorbo bestie fr TELL ME MOREEEE 👀
The more you spit random facts about him, the more I want to hide, bc I know if you're doing that I am obvious to you! And if you can tell, then probably others at the party can too!! 😖
"Do you wanna say hi?"
But also NO.
I am just a baby I cannot do this 🫣.
Something about the way he introduces himself calms me, though. And when he starts gushing about my outfit, I feel flattered because I wasn't sure it was dressed right for this kind of party? I'm just a soft girly in a slay world.
(Le fit)
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When he asks me about where I shop, I tell him I don't shop much, but when I do, I go to (insert place here). A lot of the stuff they have is cute and actually fits a body like mine! And he just lights up because that is one of his favorite places to get clothes and accesories too!
He tells me a funny story about something that happened to him there one time and my eyes just about pop put of my sockets laughing because I realize I was actually there at the time to witness this silly thing happen. And I'm just like "OMG WAIT- that was you?!"
And he hits me back with a "OMG WAIT- you saw that?!"
And we're both just smiling and laughing about it.
I'm enjoying myself so much I don't even notice the grubby fly hand rubbing aura that I normally 100% would from miles away emanating from you LMAO.
From there, we kinda just start talking and sticking to one another for most of the party (except for when bofurin boys drag him away for something, but he always comes back).
At some point during the party I notice you and Haruka are gone and I have that same energy of grinch smile and grubby fly hand rubbing, knowing EXACTLY what you two are doing but as BF and GF now >:DDDDDDD. Me making a mental note in my head to tease u and ask about all the details later 😏.
BUT N E WAY. As the party is wrapping up, Nirei tells me he thinks I'm really pretty and I get so bashful about it sobs. Since you and Haruka are still long gone in the high heavens of the bone zone somewhere (pffft), Nirei offers to take me home <3.
We exchange numbers and have started texting here and there since then uwu 🫶🏾.
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muniimyg · 11 hours
hey! i hope you don’t mind with this long text i’m about to write.
When i first started read bbydaddy!jk i wasn’t expected at all those depth feelings and layers in the characters. It’s was a refreshing surprise. It’s 9:44 am right now and your fic was the first thing i read in the morning and now my head it’s full with thoughts. Love is a simple and complex subject at the same time.And the break up… i felt the feeling of things falling apart just like when i broke up with my ex. We are all humans after all, right? I just can’t stop thinking about you as a person. What’s pass through your mind when you sat and wrote about all this? You’re so human and sensitive with the things around you. Honestly, i wish talking to you and hear more about your perspective since you seem to be observant. I really hope they can find a way of working out. Anyway, i can safely say that i admire your work and your mind. Um beijo 🇧🇷
wow i’ve never received an ask like this 😭 u’re so incredibly observant and thoughtful to take my feelings and creative process into consideration. i am completey flattered and humbled all at the same time 💫
as i wrote part 16, my biggest thing was that i wanted to make the narration as gentle but firm as possible. off the bat, i also knew that i wanted the break up reveal to come out as organic as possible but also ease into it (hence the therapy session and the transition in mood / convo) for all the intensity and rawness of heartache to fill up the space between them.
i thought abt giving them a full blown fight. one where they raise their voices and throw things at each other—but i opted for a more subtle and sensitive approach because the things they were/are dealing with are rooted in grief—not anger. i think that’s something that break ups are misled into… nothing is wrong with anger being present but because of their depth and the amount of layers they have as characters; i figured that the best way for it all to unfold was piece by piece. it’s like chipping paint off the walls and how at first it’s jus a little spot but u continue to chip on it,,, suddenly it’s so bad u have no choice but to stand back and accept it’s time to paint the wall anew.
if u think abt it,, the wound was already there. the story began with the built up resentment and wavering boundaries… but their entire relationship is also so unconditional. it’s filled with so much love and respect for each other—they don’t know anything else. so, to make it seamless; i had to emphasize on how much they loved each other more than they loved themselves.
the plagiarism thing also shocked me. it was my first time writing a concept that was more,,, technical? and out of my regular writing/creative style. i rlly liked it tho. it was a nice change of content and i feel rlly suited this story.
lastly, i think all in all i’m trying to shift my writing into something that is more relatable when it comes to independence and growth. i think oc embodies passion and grit while jungkook embodies the beauty of life’s stillness. both such important aspects of life,, both heartbreaking to be caught in the middle of.
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claudiyerrr · 1 year
Hey!! I’d like to request a creepypasta match up :))
My names Erin and i’m pansexual! (she/they/he)
I love musical theater, arts and crafts, painting, singing, acting, writing, the occult, fashion, and makeup.
I’m Dominican and Black so I practice brujaria. It’s a cultural practice :))
I’m VERY extroverted and have a relatively large amount of friends. I love hanging out with them and exploring places with them.
I love the outdoors and exploring random abandoned places. I’m very adventurous and love to be with people as I do so.
I have really bad jealousy problems and I could be very clingy at times.
As soon as I got your request I was like boom, this is the one >:D I hope you enjoy!!
Your matchup is. . . Kagekao!
Exploring abandoned places with friends had always been a really fun pastime of yours, but something was different about this time.
Maybe it was because everyone else in your friend group wanted to get out of there due to feeling like “something was off,” while you didn’t. You brushed off their concerns, turning the doorknob to another room before glancing back at them one last time.
“Guys seriously, don’t worry. I’ll only be a few more minutes!” you reassured while letting go of the round metal knob to give them a wave goodbye.
Swiveling your head back toward the door after they all left, you took a step forward only to come face to face with solid wood. Huh, didn’t I open that door just a minute ago?
Shrugging it off, you opened the door and took a step inside the mostly empty room save for a few pieces of furniture pushed up against the walls. “Weird,” you looked around in awe for a moment.
Shutting the door behind you and trying numerous switches on the wall, the dark room was suddenly illuminated with bright, flickering white lights, which reflected off the shards of broken glass scattered along the ground.
“Sweet,” you beamed to yourself while turning off and pocketing your flashlight. Taking a few more steps, you get chills when a scratching sound from the ventilation system above echoes throughout the room.
Pausing for what felt like an eternity, you swallowed your fears and kept traversing through the place. That’s when you noticed a slim door on the opposite end; Must be a broom closet.
You went over to it anyway, but just when your hand hovered above the knob, a loud crash came from behind you and you gasped, clutching your mouth.
Narrowing your eyes at the object, you take deep breaths. It was just a broken wine bottle from under the open vent. It could’ve been a broken garbage chute that a squatter decided to use. Yeah totally…
“Kekeke!” you heard a muffled laugh from behind you and turned around with hands on your hips. “I better be losing it right now,” was all you could say before biting your bottom lip and ripping open the broom closet’s door only to be met with nothing.
Blinking in utter disbelief, you close the door and turn around to be met with a black and white masked man standing halfway across the room, a large smile spreading across both sides of the mask.
Bumping into the door behind you, you grunt before taking a deep breath as he tilts his head. “Thank god,” you muttered with a relieved grin. “I thought this place was haunted for a second there.”
After your run-in with the masked man, you walked out of the building amusedly, taking your time to traverse down each flight of stairs. “待って,” you heard someone call out from behind you.
Turning around with a hum, you give the masked man a little wave. Coming over to where you stood by the main exit of the place, he extended a hand to you while holding what you could only assume was his phone, the “New Message,” screen showing.
“My number?” you asked with a light laugh, flattered but also very puzzled. The guy only nodded, inching the phone closer to you. Taking it and naming your contact, you felt yourself beaming subconsciously as you took your leave.
You two texted for a few months and each took turns using translating apps as you got to know each other. He was honestly a super funny guy and you liked how carefree he could be.
It was when Kagekao asked to meet up in person to hang out again and your heart fluttered that you knew you felt something more towards him.
Right outside the abandoned factory that you both agreed on checking out together, you got a tap on your shoulder. Turning around with a huge grin, you threw your arms around him.
“Kagekao!” you exclaimed with bright eyes as he hugged you back, picking you up to spin you around in the air once before placing you back down carefully.
Shining your flashlight around, you took mental notes of where each of the rooms were so you wouldn’t get lost while Kagekao stuck by your side.
Almost losing a limb a few too many times, Kagekao and you decided to stop messing with the hazardous machines and go to the roof, the setting sun shining through some of the cracked and dusty windows.
Holding the door for you, Kagekao followed you over to the stone ledge and sat down to admire the scenery in a comfortable silence. That is until he wrapped an arm around you, grinning mask looking over at your face. “I love you,” he spoke slowly in his second language.
You felt a heat rush to your face and giggled while swinging your feet happily, making Kagekao’s tense shoulders relax as he did the same. “I love you too.”
Random headcanons:
- He understands a good amount of English but verbal conversations aren’t really two ways yet, more like one and a half the way there. That doesn’t mean Kagekao’s going to use you for amusement purposes and dispose of you though.
- This guy acts so bizarre at first and does the most random things to test the waters with you. Seeing how ticklish you are without scratching you is one of them.
- He thinks you’re really fun to be around and tease, whether that be with pranks or by him playfully flirting with you (usually physically) when you least expect it!
- He’s totally going to call you cute Japanese nicknames in a low voice to try and get you flustered.
- Since he’s more comfortable speaking in his first language, you’ll probably pick up on the basics of it pretty quickly. If you ask him to give you Japanese lessons, Kagekao will be absolutely ecstatic.
- Kagekao loves when you tell him about how you practice Brujaria. It’s a huge cultural experience for you and it’s really interesting to him. Also, the fact that it’s you who does Brujaria makes him that much more eager to learn about it.
- This guy will prank everyone else on stage at your theater plays and make them mess up in not-so-tiny ways just to make you seem like a god out there.
- You’ll never see him actually switch a prop out from under somebody’s nose or shine a spotlight on the wrong person, but trust me, you’ll know it’s him doing so.
- He thinks your paintings and crafts are really pretty and neat. Kagekao might ask if he can have one but won't take no for an answer because he’ll end up taking off with a little something of yours anyways.
- Kagekao likes how you coordinate your makeup with your outfits. He thinks you’re eye candy and will most definitely let you know in one way or another.
- I can see you two exploring those super abandoned places that look like they’ll fall apart any second. Don’t worry, Kagekao will 100% catch you before you hit the ground if you trip over some debris. He also loves trying to make you laugh by crawling on the ceiling like he’s in “The Exorcist” lol.
- If you think you have a jealousy problem, just picture how envious this man gets when other people are making you giggle or giving you hugs. He’ll definitely find ways to embarrass them in front of you just so they’ll stop trying to take you from him.
- Kagekao adores your clinginess and doesn’t mind it one bit! If you refuse to let go of his hand, he’ll just hold it even tighter. If you don’t want to leave his side, you two will spend the entire day together no problemo.
- He drops little hints that he’s not a good person by society’s standards and that’s how you piece together that Kagekao murders people. You could already tell he didn’t have an ordinary 9:00-5 job or go to school. I mean, you knew he wore a mask and had razor-sharp claws for a reason, so this wasn’t much of a shock.
- Because he’s a demon, Kagekao’s pretty cold all the time despite being bundled up well. He’s a nice cuddler who likes to just sit you down on his lap by the fireplace while sipping some wine to relax after a long day.
- If you hold onto his hand and just run your fingertip lightly along his claws, he’ll blush so hard and probably end up pulling his mask up all the way over his face.
- The only time he gets extremely shy around you is when you ask for a kiss. He barely EVER fully removes his mask, so kisses are always something special to him. They’re usually quick pecks on the lips, but he’ll take a sweet moment to just look into your eyes and admire you before each one!
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aubreysheadspace · 2 years
Hi hi can I present to you fluff? Since I don't have any angst ideas for today;;;
So, basically: the omori cast (mainly focuses on Mari) with a reader who's the same age as Sunny, and also a secret popular writer on the internet!!! (Platonic as usual, please!)
So uh. Imagine Mari is on her summer break! She was about to practice and study for the next year but... she discovers Ao3, got curious and clicked on it! She chose the most kudos fic in her fandom, but she was bored so she invited others to read with her, including the reader! After reading, all of them were impressed by the quality. The moment Mari complimented the fic and how good the writer is, the reader gets flattered and just reveals they're the mastermind behind the story! How did Mari react? And I don't mind if you also wrote the others and what does everyone think about the reader before the Ao3 thing..
Sorry if this wall of text scares you,, just tell me directly you will not do this resquest if you don't want to, that's fine ^^!
MAIN CAST (MOSTLY MARI) with a reader who’s secretly a who’s secretly a popular writer on AO3 (PLATONIC)
DW ABT THE WALL OF TEXT!! Idm it one bit, i always enjoy your scenarios!! hope you enjoy this <333!!!!!~
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so! HERO, KEL, AUBREY, BASIL, and YOU planned on spending most of the time in MARI and SUNNY’s house
they wouldn’t show up until later though, so now MARI and SUNNY were simply waiting. SUNNY was in the living room, reading his old baby books for nostalgia.
great! so the cookies are done! …what now other than to just wait?
hm, well, MARI was in her room surfing the internet on the old computer. then goes on her AO3 account and smiles to herself
"Hm! Maybe I should search up my name on here? There’s gotta be something I can read for the time being!~"
then, MARI searches up her name on AO3, curious to see any fanfics that were worth reading
she checks out the one with the most kudos and then starts to read it
she was.. astonished!
she was taken aback! now she understands why this got so many kudos in the first place!
she hasn’t even realize time had passed when she finishes reading it.
so, when you guys finally come over, MARI immediately rushes all of you into her room and to the computer
"Is everything alright, MARI?" HERO had asked, it was a bit surprising to see MARI so quick to show something.
"I’m fine, I’m fine. You guys should see this fan-fiction I saw just now! It’s so good, trust me!~" MARI replied with an excited tone in her voice. She goes to the first chapter of the story and everyone began to read it.
hang on a second…
you know this fanfic..
you MADE this fanfic!
oh boy, this is gonna be fun.
as soon as you figured out that this was your fanfic, you were genuinely flattered
you were even more flattered when everyone else started to read and complimented it
"Woah.. this is.. really amazing! The text.. the dialogue, the plot.. is actually really good!" HERO complimented as he continues to read the fourth chapter.
"Wow! This person is really good at writing! They could be an amazing writer in the future!!~" AUBREY said in a happy tone of her voice, her eyes sparkling. SUNNY nods in agreement, his eyes widened a bit as he reads.. Wow…
"I don’t usually read, only when I have to at school.. but I would read this all the time if it were a book!" KEL spoke, donning his usual toothy grin. HERO chirps in and goes, "KEL.. you’d forget about it in.. in about 3 days.."
"Oh wow.. this person writes really good.." BASIL complimented as he reads. He then asks, "Gosh, I wonder who made it.. they write so perfectly..!"
MARI nods in agreement, giggling as she did so. "I’d like to meet them one day! See if I could get a writing tip or two!"
Well.. funny enough. You suddenly spoke, "Hey.. I wrote this!"
MARI immediately looks back at you with a surprised look on her face. everyone else does the same.
once she asks and you confirm it, she gets all excited.
"[READER], I didn’t know you had excellent writing skills!!~" MARI teased you a bit, you laugh sheepishly. "You’ve been keeping this secret talent of yours hidden from us?~"
oh, MARI wasn’t kidding. she wanted a writing tip or two, maybe three or four, from you! she automatically calls herself your number one fan on AO3!
HERO congrats you for making a successful fanfic like this. he is a bit surprised since he never pegged you as the writer type but hey, he’s not judging at all!
SUNNY sometimes goes on the computer and looks back at some of your works. he is a bit jealous of your skills but he doesn’t hold anything against you at all. he just thinks your fanfic’s are really talented, you even earned a "wow…" from him!
AUBREY and BASIL would always like to see if you’re writing anything new. AUBREY would always ask if you could add some dialogue that she came up with herself! BASIL doesn’t mind if you do the same for him, but he does get happy, he just likes reading your work!
and KEL is.. KEL. he’d definitely come up to you in school and ask you to help him with his writing assignment. and by helping him, i mean doing the work just for him. don’t worry, he’ll treat you something just after you finish it! he does like your writing skills after all!
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caintooth · 2 years
Just realized I’ve never actually shared the text from my top surgery fundraiser here, so:
Hi, my name is Ez Charlie Tadgh. (Mostly Charlie these days, but a lot of you still know me as Ez, which is fine, too!)
I’m writing today to ask for help in affording gender affirming top surgery.
To tell you a bit more about me: I’m a recent college graduate, a queer and autistic poet, an aspiring silversmith, hobbyist photographer, and an amateur chainmail weaver. In my free time I also enjoy playing video games and watching / talking about films. I'm currently raising a leopard gecko (her name is Poppy) and taking metalworking classes when life allows. My professional life is in the sex industry, as I am a customer service and sales representative for an online adult toy store.
Deciding to make this fundraiser has been a long time coming. Finally typing out the words feels surreal… For most of my life, even before having a name for my dysphoria, I’ve concealed the shape of my body in purposely ill-fitting shirts, and worn zip-up jackets even in dangerously hot weather to disguise the shape of my chest. I've spent years purposely manipulating my posture, intentionally hunching my shoulders to make my chest appear smaller. I've avoided hugs, kept my arms crossed over my front, practiced the exact way to stand in photos, all to try and make my chest seem flatter. Even wearing a binder has offered little relief- the compression of the traditional style does not agree with my asthma, and though TransTape allows me to breathe better (it feels like a literal weight off my shoulders!) it very easily triggers my sensory issues, and sometimes makes my psoriasis flair up under my breasts.
These practices aren't sustainable. They're damaging both my mental and physical health... This body IS the house I will live in for the rest of my life, y'know? I can't keep boarding up the walls, I can't keep fantasizing about moving. I need to make real renovations, so it can stop being just a place I live, and instead truly become my HOME.
So, yeah. I am finally at the point where I know I can't do this on my own anymore. Every day the need for this procedure becomes more clear and urgent in my mind.
Trans healthcare in this country is notoriously inaccessible, confusing, and expensive. I'm lucky to live within driving distance of Dr. Hope Sherie in Charlotte, NC, a surgeon who I have seen nothing but good reviews about, and who has been recommended to me by more than one trusted friend. However, my insurance will not cover this procedure, and I am regularly seeing $10,000 quoted as the amount for top surgery at Dr. Sherie's office. I have some money saved up towards that amount already, but it is only a small piece of the complete financial puzzle.
I have my first consultation with Dr. Sherie on May 1st, and plan to post an update with exact figures after that meeting. I have already paid $100 as deposit for this consultation, and will need to pay a non-refundable fee of $1,000 to reserve my surgery date, on the day it is selected. I will have to pay the rest of the surgery cost 3 weeks before the date of the surgery. (Should I need to reschedule during that final 3 weeks, I will have to pay a second, also non-refundable $1,000 deposit.) This is not even including the cost for any prescription medications, lab fees, post-op care materials, or other surgery-necessitated garments and binders for this procedure. Should I need any revisions after the initial procedure, the minimum fee would be $1,000.
I also need to consider the fact that I will have to take some time off of work for the surgery itself and the recovery period, thus losing at minimum 2 weeks pay (that's a full paycheck for me) and will need to buy extra food and health supplies for that period.
I don't want this surgery to feel like some sort of hardship I'm having to go through. I want it to be safe, I want to feel secure during this process, I want to know I'm not going to be stressed the entire time. That's what all of this is about, anyway:
Trying to achieve a state of comfort.
Anything you can do to help me towards this goal will receive my eternal gratitude and respect. I am constantly in awe of our community, and the level of support we can provide for one another. I feel grateful for even having the chance to ask for this sort of help. Thank you. I love y'all.
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tainsan · 1 year
YES I DEF THINK THAT TOO!! im just rlly bad at spelling and meant jongho might just use ur name/a shortened ver 😞 yeosang would DEF use ur name but like in the nerdiest way im sorry. hes just a little dorky if that makes sense! i 🫶🏻 nerds tho
on the contrary wooyoung would use the cringiest nicknames ever whether ur there or not. 'my little sugarplum cupcake' 'my honey booboo bear' hed start saying into recipes atp like 'my 1/4 cup of sugar with five large marshmallows!!' thanks man. how sweet!
IM SOO EXCITED!! i need fluff rn these past few chapters have hit me like a train and i am SICK and TIRED of their shenanigans. just kiss it out! i will not sue promise maybe just scream a little 🤗 this fic has everything i love AND an amazing incredible spectacular funny kind author
yeah its not terrible until you have to do it ☹️ its a workout esp when ppl keep messing up 👿👿👿 i think im the side kick here tbh! us against the world though 🤞🏻(and misfit atz. ik yk what theyre gonna do and how theyll improve but IIII dont so until then.. they better sleep with one eye open)
hopefully ur mental health is good or i will uh. fight ur brain! 🤺 and i hope ur inside and safe now 🫶🏻🫶🏻
ok thats my super duper long message for now 😎 thank u for listening and sorry for the wall of text. i WILL be back🐺
ME TOO I’m terrible at spelling bc I’m dyslexic😭 auto correct and grammarly are my saviours omg
OKAY I feel like Jongho would be too shy to call you a nickname at the start of the relationship but when he gets fully comfortable he will use babe and baby. Yeosang is such a nerd I love him. I have a thing for nerdy boys (seonghwa and Yeosang have me in a chokehold) (everytime I see seonghwa geek over Star Wars and Lego I will go feral)
NO BC YOU HAVE A POINT😭😭 wooyoung would 100% be using all the cringey weird petnames UNIRONICALLY. Bro woukd come up to you and be like “what’s up my pookie bear” dead serious and won’t understand why you are laughing at the name💀 LDKAOAOA 1/4 CUP OF SUGAR HAD ME ON THE FLOOR. But cupcake and muffin are defo gonna stick bc he thinks you’re the sweetest person alive!!!!
The past few chapters have been HEAVY and I’m so happy to be finally releasing some chapters which I know everyone has been waiting for😭. YOURE FLATTERING ME STOP ILY I’m happy you like the story and also me 🥹
I can’t understand :(( when I was in high school we did Matilda the musical and I was one of the kids in the back 😭😭 my teachers loved the fact that I have a history in gymnastics so they made me flip around and do tricks off a mini trampoline. And OMG THE LEAD FOR MATILDA WAS SO BAD IT WASNT EVEN FUNNY idk who casted but she couldn’t sing or dance or act😭 we did so so so many retakes and every retake I had to be flipping around and I was so done by the end of it
We can both me main characters 🤭 us against the world bae🫶 yeah yeah I have no idea what they are going to do we are both in the blind….🤫
I’d love for you to fight my brain it’s a mess but I’m improving slowly. the last few months have been super super tough for me so I hope that I will get out of this period. But I’ll be fine !!!
You better be back 🐺AWOOOO
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maskedtruths666 · 2 years
This is a short one series story split into 3 mini parts because there’s apparently a limit on the number of pictures allowed.
Summary: Your girlfriend, Jia Qi, has planned a week long trip to BKK with her 3 friends. Her 3 friends have sworn to you to keep your gf safe and update you at all times. Being a wild spirit, Jia Qi doesn’t like to be tied down. She loves you and just wants to have a good time. However, one night in a club is all that it takes to make her forget her promises and commitment to you.
1) She gets with a random dude in the toilet.
2) She has a threesome with 2 guys in the back alley when she went out for a smoke.
3) She gets drunk and a group of guys brought her back to their hotel to have their way with her.
And now, this is part one. Random dude in the toilet.
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Jia Qi was adamant about going to the club to have fun with her friends despite your obvious reservations. You guys got into a huge fight and despite your protests and you being worried and anxious, she still did not care. And since you pissed her off, she was going to wear the very outfit you did not want her to wear. She initially was going to dress up like a slob to go club as a sign of compromise. But since you pissed her off, she dressed up rather seductively.
Her last text to you was, “Don’t wait up, I’ll text you when I’m back in the hotel tomorrow morning.”
The whole night for you was torturous. You kept jerking off in jealousy and anxiousness and overthinking came to you the entire night. You were being tormented by your own thoughts until you could not take it anymore and passed out from fatigue and self harm. Your worst fears came true when your friends texted you at 3am I’m the morning saying that your gf is missing and they’re doing everything they can to find her.
But for Jia Qi, it was a night to remember. Or was it?
As soon as they hit the club, Jia Qi and her 3 friends immediately got shots and headed to the dance floor. She was innocently having fun and dancing around with her 3 friends when a guy, James, came up to her and gave her free drinks. Flattered by it, she accepted it without thinking and cheers him before taking a shot.
Her friends were also bought drinks by James and they didn’t think too much of it. As the night went on, after many shots and free drinks, Jia Qi felt the need to head to the toilet. As she walked towards the toilet alone, James caught notice of that. He followed her to the bathroom and as she was about to close the bathroom door, he put his hand in between the door and pulled it open. He let himself in and locked the door shut.
“Hey, what are you doing in here? Get out.” Jia Qi said, indignantly.
“You and your friends have accepted at least $200 worth of free drinks from me. I’m here to collect.” James said, smirking at her.
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Before Jia Qi could reply, James pinned her to the wall, with one hand covering her mouth to prevent her from screaming. His other hand went straight to her skirt, only to discover that she was not wearing any underwear.
“Well well well, what do we have here? A nasty little slut pretending not to be one. All girls who come and club are secretly whores because they’re thirsty little hoes. You’re not any different.” James said as he started fingering her whilst covering her mouth.
At that moment, Jia Qi finally knew what you warned her about and she instantly felt regret. She begun to cry and struggle as she was being fingered and hoped that James would back off. But he did not. He proceeded to unzip his pants and out popped his huge dick.
Despite not wanting James’ advances, she could not help feel pleasure as James was really good with his fingers and the alcohol in her has lowered her guard. James spread her legs wide open and positioned his cock at the entrance of her pussy, teasing her. When his dick touched her pussy, her resistance dropped. Seeing how she was resisting lesser and lesser, James started to stop covering her mouth and started to grope her tits.
Without warning, he thrusted into her. Jia Qi instantly let out a huge gasp, filled with a mix of guilt, regret but also pleasure. James thrusted into her mercilessly as she started getting wetter and wetter. As he thrusted into her, he could feel how tight she is and he grabbed her hair and pulled it backwards, and he whispered into her ears, “You little cum dumpster. You’re nothing but a slut. Girls like you, would always end up cheating on your boyfriends with superior men like myself.”
Jia Qi felt more and more pleasure as she was viciously ravaged by James in the toilet. Her guilt and regret was soon overshadowed by the pure animalistic pleasure she was getting from James. She started moaning and stopped resisting at all as James was thrusting hard into her. Soon, he bent her over on the toilet bowl and started fucking her doggy style. He pulled her hair back as he slammed into her tight pussy.
“You like it don’t you? You nasty whore. I bet your boyfriend doesn’t have a dick as big as mine.” James snarled as he was ravaging her tight pussy.
“I do. Don’t stop. Please, use me as you please.” Jia Qi moaned as she begged James to continue fucking her.
“That’s more like it. What a fucking slut you are. You’re nothing more than a whore. Nothing more than a personal fuck toy that will get passed around tonight.” James said as he continued ravaging her pussy.
“Yes daddy. Yes, I’m a little slut. Use me. Fuck me harder.” Jia Qi moaned, unable to stop her emotions and pleasure.
“Your wish is my command my little fuck toy.” James said as he continued ravaging her tight pussy which was already soaking wet. He then started rough fucking her and when he was about to cum, he pulled out of her, forced her on her knees and shoved his massive throbbing dick into her mouth. He started mouth fucking her and within seconds, he unleashed a huge load with such force that it caught Jia Qi off guard and cum actually burst out of her nostrils. As he pulled out of Jia Qi’s mouth, he smacked his dick on her face and cleaned his dick off on her tank top. He then walked out of the toilet, leaving her there on the floor.
As Jia Qi sat on the floor, gasping for air and reeling in from the pleasure, regret started to flow in her. She was no longer being pleasured and reality soon hit her.
Stay tuned for the second part!
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avatarmerida · 2 years
Just A Moment
Based on this drawing by @kristalldroppar (tagging them now because at the time I don’t think I knew they had a tumblr lol) on Twitter and also a tweet I saw with a HC that I cannot find atm but will link when I do (if you’ve seen it before, you’ll know what it is when you get to that part). It’s so cheesy I could scream. I love it. I’m sorry. Huntlow.
Hunter couldn’t believe his eyes as he studied the map again to make sure it was correct. They had been doing teased hall day so it was possible his eyes were tired and playing tricks on him but no, they were correct.
He sprang into action, excitedly calling Willow over without a word of explanation before grabbing her writer and leading her outside. She was confused, but did not question it excited to see him so excited. All he said was that he had a surprise for her.
He kept checking the map he had brought and Willow assumed he had found something that might help get them home. He was strict when it came to research schedule, not even allowing himself breaks, so anything that took him away from that must be highly important.
“We’re here!” He declared happily, and gently lead her forward. The carefully descended a tiny hill where the bottom was what appeared to be a wall of branches. They brushed the ground like stage curtains and Hunter ran ahead to pull s all section and part so she could walk through. On the other side, was a small lake as though hidden behind a wall. Willow looked up and saw the walls was the reylo of two grand tree, their branches expanded and merging protecting their secret.
“They’re willows,” whispered Hunter excitedly.
“The trees,” he said, noticing her gaze. “They’re willow trees, like you! Well, not trees like you but-.”
“They’re beautiful,” Willow marveled at her namesake, feeling the soft branches her hands, the edges tickling her palms.
“Yeah,” Hunter agreed, definitely not looking at the trees. “Anyway, I saw this place on the map and I thought you’d like it.”
“I do,” she breathed as she looked around, captivated by the collection of greenery. “I really do.”
“Oh wait, I didn’t even tell you the best part,” Hunter beamed, brimming with excitement as he got his map back out and unfurled it to share with her. “Guess what this place is called!”
She looked at where his finger pointed, written in faded bold text was the park’s name and Willow blushed.
“‘Willow Park!’” Exclaimed Hunter reading it as though he still could not believe his eyes. “You’re both Willow Park! Isn’t that crazy? It’s because of the trees but it’s still cool right?”
“Yeah, this is so... amazing.” Willow breathed as she took it all in. “But is there something you needed to study here for your research? Are you seeing if bodies of water have a connective properties to the Isles?”
“No, I uh just saw it had your name and I got excited and wanted to show you,” said Hunter nervously, suddenly worried she was disappointed he had become distracted and abandoned his duties for something frivolous.
“It’s perfect,” she smiled, beyond flattered that he allowed himself to abandon his duties just to show this to her in person.
“Yeah, just like you,” said Hunter relieved, still too excited about her reaction to censor himself.
It was going well, unfolding as he had imagined. She had excitedly ran around the perimeter counting the different specifies of flora and fungi, marveling over the exposed roots and even the variety of weeds. He knew this was not something he had invented and she would have probably found it eventually but he felt proud that she was here because of him. He sat on the small dock above the water, just close enough for his feet to gently kicked the surface as she finished documenting things in her notebook. She deserved this place and it deserved her.
“Sorry,” she said with a content sigh as she walked down the path to sit beside him. “This place is just so amazing, I got carried away. I need to pace myself or I won’t have anything left to explore tomorrow.”
“No worries Captain,” assured Hunter as she sat. “I’m just really glad you like it.”
“Oh my Titan, look at those lily pads!” Willow exclaimed, excitedly placing her hand on his shoulder. “They’re perfect! You know, fun fact about lily pads...”
Willow proceeded to list everything she knew about lily pads, segueing into everything she knew about algae. Hunter listened happily, enjoying the sound her voice and way her face lit up as she spoke. She spoke with her whole body, he had a moving widely to emphasize her point and her feet swinging below her as though dancing to her words like they were a song. The sun began to set, the sky slowly turning pink but she had a permanent aura of pink around her in his eyes. The glow engulfed her like a spotlight and she was the only thing in focus. He felt as though she was the sun and he a sunflower seeing it for the first time every time he saw her and couldn’t help but be drawn to her. He knew this place was famously beautiful but he felt that was only true when she let it surround her. He leaned in closer without realizing it, as she pointed to the plants she was telling him about but his eyes could not leave her.
When she had finished listing her favorite shapes of lily pads, she turned back to face Hunter and found him closer to her. He suddenly looked startled as though he had been interrupted. He was leaning down to her level, but he shouldn’t have any trouble hearing her. Why else would he need to lean down? Why else would he looked so flustered?
“Were you gonna kiss me?” Willow asked.
Hunter froze. She asked the question so calmly, without hesitation, as though she was asking him about the weather. He was embarrassed, although nothing about her tone suggested he should be, and he didn’t have a response ready. He didn’t know what the right answer was.
“Well, I uh, no I wouldn’t do that! No...” he rambled, trying to keep his voice from wavering as he sat up straighter and attempted to save face. “I would never kiss you! I mean, I would! Maybe. I-if you wanted me to, but that’s, I mean... that’s stupid right?”
“It’s not stupid,” she said, whenever he associated himself with being stupid she always nipped it in the bud.
“I-it’s not?”
“No,” replied Willow, her eyes sparkling as she gently kicked the water below. “Did you... wanna kiss me?”
“D-did you want me to?”
“Are you gonnna keep answering my questions with questions?”
“Are you- okay,” he folded his hands and took a deep breath as he tried to channel the part of himself that thrived at making speeches. “The truth is... it has recently come to my attention that I posses... certain feelings... for you.”
“What kind of feelings?”
“Some would call them ‘romantic,’” he said, stretching his neck to turn away from her knowing gaze as he tried to make it all sound so casual.
“I see,” she said as she pretended to adjust her glasses. “Are you one of those people?”
“I-uh,” Hunter began. He had often thought about discussing this with Willow, but he had always hoped that when he did it would be after he had done something cool or heroic or smart and he could use the high of that confidence to get him through it. “I might be... I am. Yes. I do.”
“Oh,” squeaked Willow, only slightly surprised. She had suspected it for awhile and she would be lying if she said the feeling wasn’t somewhat mutual. She thought she had more time before he caught up to her, she was glad she was wrong. “So-,”
“I just don’t have a lot of experience with this type of thing,” he admitted quickly, mistaking her pause to be judgmental rather than reflective. “Any, actually. I don’t have any experience.”
“What? The Golden Guard didn’t leave a trail of broken hearts back on the Isles?” Willow teased, nudging his arm with her elbow.
“Probably a more literal one,” he said with a faint chuckle, her humor helping to ease his panic. “The books in the castle were more educational than romantic and the coven heads certainly never had time to chase romantic ideals, so I don’t have a lot to go off of... but Luz and Amity kept pointing out how I act around and talk about you and I knew it was different than how I am around other people, I just didn’t have a word for it.”
“So... you had a crush on me?”
“Well, ‘have,” technically, present tense,” he said, clearing his throat, his eyes darting between her and the ground. He wasn’t entirely sure if he was saying the right thing. “There was some confusion about the definition of the word at first, such an odd choice to describe attraction if you ask me; I would never want to crush you. Then Luz showed me something called a ‘rom com’ and they all basically end the same way so I guess it’s been on my mind lately.”
“Kissing me?”
He buried his head in his hands and groaned. “Yes,” he said, muffled and defeated. Willow couldn’t help but smile, taking delight in his progress. “And I know there are more important and serious things I should be focusing on, but I just can’t seem to!”
“Oh, so kissing me isn’t important?” Willow teased.
“No!” He said, quickly turning to her in a small panic. He saw the mischievous grin she wore and it softened his face but he felt he was no where closer to getting to his point. What was his point? “I mean, not ‘no, it’s not’ I mean ‘no’ like behave I would never- I’m sorry. It’s not just that, it’s everything about you. When I first found this place I almost didn’t realize it had your name because I’ve gotten used to seeing your name everywhere. Because I really like... oh Titan, this is totally unprofessional.” He buried his head in his hands again.
“Hunter, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” assured Willow. “I mean... I’ve thought about kissing you too.”
“You have?” His face shot up, in shock and disbelief. He suddenly realized his volume and then fake coughed into his hand before lowering his voice, trying to seem more casual. “Uh, when?”
“Um, do you remember last week when we were walking by that tree that had flowers on it?” Began Willow thoughtfully, kicking her feet as she recalled the details. “There were white petals all over the ground and you said it reminded you of snow. Then the wind picked up and you said it felt like winter as it shook the tree. Then a full flower fell off the branch and you caught it. You didn’t snatch it or reach for it you just let it float before it gently landed in the palm of your hand. And then you smiled at me and stuck it behind my ear. I thought about it then.”
She looked up to the sky, recalling the day fondly and with ease as though what she was saying wasn’t flipping his whole world upside down. They sat in silence for a moment as Hunter tried to maneuver the moment and Willow gave him time see the similarities between that time and right now.
“So... when you say you ‘thought about it’ do you mean like you realized it was something that could hypothetically occur in that moment the same way an earthquake or a hurricane could or do you mean you thought about it like you considered doing it?” He asked rambling again. “Just curious.”
She hoped he understood what that meant and didn’t just admire her complex thinking abilities.
“But then Luz called us back to come in for dinner so there wasn’t really time,” finished Willow, leaning back on her arms and looking to the sky. Unlike now, she thought about adding.
“Oh.” Hunter said again, his mind and heart racing seemingly running in circles as he tried processing what was unfurling. He had confessed to her, and it was going well. How could it be going so well? This was nothing like what he had planned and had she... ? She acknowledged and accepted his feelings but for some reason despite everything she had said he wasn’t totally confident she returned them. Though, it was likely that with his deep rites trust issues he wouldn’t believe her if she said she did.
“You know... you never answered my question,” said a Willow after a moment.
“Really? I feel like I’ve answered a lot of questions,” he said twiddling his thumbs nervously. “W-which one?”
“My first one,” she reminded him.
“Oh right yeah, that one heh,” he said, biting his lip. “I... I wouldn’t even know how. I’d probably find a way to mess it up. Besides it probably wasn’t the right moment.”
He froze, again. Once he started talking he just couldn’t seem to stop. But Willow was loving every second of it. The way he had brought her to most romantic spot she had ever seen and still didn’t think it was romantic enough for their first kiss made her heart twirl.
“So what does the right moment look like?” she asked, pulling her knees in to rest her arms on. She wrinkled her nose and looked at him with shining eyes as the rose colored sky extending its colors around Hunter, framing him in a ring of rose gold.
“It’s nothing, forget I said anything,” he stammered, turning his eyes back the water. “I just... it’s selfish of me to think about things like this when there’s so much going on. I thought that when, that if, I could... I’d have earned it. Not that kissing you is a prize or something! I mean, it’s not not a prize, but I mean I always pictured it happening when everything was better and perfect.”
“Well, it’s never gonna be perfect,” offered Willow, mentally screaming for him to look at her and read her expression. “If you wait for something to be perfect you’ll be waiting forever.”
Crap. Did he think she was turning him down? Was she being too subtle? He was the one who had brought her to the most romantic place she had ever seen and he was still saying the moment wasn’t right? He really did have a lot to learn about romance.
“But I kind of really like this moment,”
“Heh, m-me too,” said Hunter. “I mean not just this moment, I like any moment with you. Well, not for... ya know heh, what we were saying before but just because you-.”
As he spoke his eyes focused on the water and as their reflection came into focus, he noticed she had moved closer to him this time. He saw her looking at him from the side as though he was a third party and his heart nearly leapt out of his chest. She was closer to him now, and she continued to move even closer.
He stopped talking and when he turned his head, he saw the reflection had not deceived him and she was looking at him with soft and large eyes. It was the way all the characters looked at people in the movies he had watched. It was the way he looked at her now as they locked eyes and they pulled him closer like they were magnetic. He had no intention of tuning away this time as he leaned forward, titling his head the opposite way hers was titled. He held his breath. He did his best to move slowly just in case she wanted to pull back and change her mind but the space between them confined to get smaller and smaller.
And then it was gone.
She pushed forward with confidence and pressed her lips to his. He felt like all the air left his lungs as he pushed to kiss her back, and his eyes shut instinctively as he melted. He felt like a firework was going off in his chest and just went he was he was going to float away she placed her hand on his cheek as though to keep him there. She gently ran her thumb across his cheek and smiled. He felt her smile and knowing that she was smiling made him feel lightheaded. He suddenly worried he was about to wake up so he placed his hand that rested on the ground over hers to assure himself that she was real.
As she moved backward to pull away, he found he could not let her go and followed her back as long as she’d let him. Something just wouldn’t let him. No, but actually there was something that wouldn’t actually let him go, even when he tried to.
“Ow, ow, ow,” he said more out of surprise than pain as the top of his head was pulled forward, as he realized in horror that his loose strand of hair has gotten caught in her glasses.
“Oh my Titan,” murmured Willow with a light chuckle, covering her mouth with her hand to conceal she’d smile before reaching up to untangle him. “Hold still.”
She delicately moved her fingers, trying to make sure the strand was removed with minimal damage. He watched with utter adoration as she silently worked, marveled by what had just happened. The only way he sure it wasn’t a dream this time was because by now he has woken up and he would never had envisioned this following.
“There we go,” she said, freeing him from her frames, curling the stand around her finger to return some of its signature spring.
“Sorry about that,” he said, embarrassed but not to totally mortified which surprised him. “See? I was right; I did mess it up.”
“You didn’t mess anything up,” she gently assured him. “It was nice. I’ll just take my glasses off next time.”
“Oh yeah, I gu- next time?” Hunter stopped dead in his tracks before clearing his throat to try and save face. “Th-there’s gonna be a next time? Like another time after this one?”
“Well... I guess if the moment is right,” she said with a wink.
“Oh, yeah,” he said, somewhat defeated as he misunderstood her. “Of course, I understand if that’s something you...”
He rambled on, caught up in his own nerves and therefore totally unaware of Willow’s mischievous smile as she carefully removed her glasses.
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