#also appreciate my dolphin shorts. i insist
buddyapologist · 11 months
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happy lisa definitive edition day and also near-5 year anniversary of The Sweater
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endcryst4l · 3 years
the best shark friends
third part in the series, gn!reader meeting tubbo! the first two parts are not necessarily needed to be able to read this one though!! let me know what you think, enjoy :D
part 1 (favorite galaxies) / part 2 (fairy tale)
“(Y/N)?” Tommy’s voice rang through your headphones. Techno and you were on a call together, both silently doing your homework. “Hm? Oh, hey Tommy. What’s up?” you answered. “Techno and I are home alone today and Tubbo is coming over and we wanted to go to the aquarium with you!”
he smiled widely and Techno’s eyes widened, mouth opening to protest. This wasn’t the plan they agreed to. “I’d love to!” you said before Techno even had the chance of saying no. Tommy cheered and climbed out of Techno’s lap. “(Y/N) this is going to be a day of torture, oh my god.” Techno groaned as you laughed, “hey we can do this. Do you have enough food to bring along? I could stop by the store to get some on my way to your place.” “That’d be nice actually,” Techno said, scratching the back of his head, “we ran out yesterday and I forgot to go to the store.” 
“At what time are we picking Tubbo up?” you asked, finishing up the last exercises. “Uhh 2 PM, so in an hour.” he answered while also working on the last bit of his homework. You hummed, “I’ll get going then. I’ll see you in a bit, I love you.” “I love you too (Y/N).”
After cleaning up your desk, you got ready to leave. Quickly scanning your backpack to see if you had everything you needed you put on your jacket and headed out to the store. You bought some snacks and water bottles, deciding on making some PB&J’s at Techno’s place as well. You said goodbye to the cashier and made your way over to Techno, mentally already preparing for the day ahead.
Tommy had seen you arrive through the windows and quickly ran to the door, opening it before you even got the chance to knock. “(Y/N)!!” he exclaimed while lunging at your legs. “Hey big guy!” you laughed, ruffling his hair. “Hey love.” Techno said while walking over to you. “Hey Tech.” you answered and kissed him, making Tommy gag. Techno sighed and you rolled your eyes smiling, getting a warm feeling all over. Every day you grew more appreciative for the bond you created with Techno and his family. 
“Do you want to help me draw something for Tubbo?” he asked, looking up at you hopefully. You smiled, “after I’ve made some PB&J’s I’d love to.” He nodded, before walking off to the kitchen table where all of his supplies were spread out already. “How are you feeling?” Techno asked as he closed the door behind you two. “Kind of nervous but otherwise good. What about you?” you answered, while walking to the kitchen. “Preparing for insanity.” he dryly said and you laughed, almost dropping the jar of peanut butter. “Are they really that bad?” you asked Techno, who was now looking at you with a look of disbelief. “You’ve met Tommy. Him and Tubbo are like amplifiers of each other, especially in environments where they can run off easily.” he sighed, “I can’t believe dad hasn’t bought a leash or something yet.” 
You snorted, not expecting the last sentence, “We could bribe them to stay with us with candy or something, I’m sure we’ll be fine.” “If you say so.” Techno said, putting the finished sandwiches in a ziplock bag and walking over to your backpack to put them in.
“Ooo that’s pretty.” you giggled as you walked over to Tommy, who was drawing fish on the moon. “What color should I make this fish?” he asked, pointing to one on top of the moon. “Hmm,” you began, “Purple? I think that’ll look nice with the white one and the green one.”
He nodded, quickly grabbing his purple pencil. Techno walked to the table with Tommy’s shoes and jacket. “Ready to go see Tubbo?” he asked before sitting down next to Tommy to put his shoes on. “Yeah!” Tommy exclaimed excitedly, rolling up his drawing. You grabbed your backpack and swung it over your shoulder. The blonde grabbed his jacket from Techno’s hands and put it on himself, then happily skipping to the door. The two of you followed him, Techno locking the door behind him and unlocking the car. You opened the door for Tommy and he quickly climbed in his car seat and buckled himself in, double checking quickly before closing his door and sitting next to Techno. He turned on some music before starting the car and driving off to Tubbo.
It was a short drive, honking once all of you arrived. Not a second later Tubbo came running to the car, his dad following shortly behind him. Tubbo’s dad opened the door and put him in his car seat as well. “Hey Techno, thank you for- oh I don’t think we’ve met before. I’m Sam.” Sam smiled at you. “No we haven’t, I’m (Y/N), Techno’s partner.” you smiled back, Tubbo and Tommy already talking to each other. Sam smirked and patted Techno on his shoulder, “good job kid.” 
You laughed as Techno blushed, “yeah yeah alright. I’ll text you when we’re on our way back.” Sam nodded, “Tubbo be good okay?” “Yes dad, bye!” Tubbo answered quickly before going back to his conversation with his best friend. “Bye Sam!” Techno and you said as he closed the car door, waving as Techno drove off again.
“Look! I made this for you! (Y/N) helped me pick the colors for the fish,” Tommy said while pointing at you, “They’re really nice.” 
You waved at Tubbo, Tommy giving him his drawing. “Oh! Thank you. Hi (Y/N)!” Tubbo said, smiling at you. “Hi!” you smiled back, Tommy and Tubbo quickly falling into new conversation.
Twenty minutes later you arrived at the aquarium, the boys getting more excited with every second passing. Techno and you walked behind them to the entrance, not wanting to lose them this fast. Techno did the talking and paid with Phil’s card. He handed you the tickets and you walked to the gates with the boys, who insisted on scanning the tickets themselves. After showing them how you gave them both their tickets, Techno behind them to help them. Whilst they were trying to get through, you got a map of the place. 
After a few tries they successfully made it through. “Ready to go?” you asked the younger two. “Yes!” both of them eagerly yelled, running off to the nearest building. Techno sighed before telling them to stay close, making Tommy groan. 
The best friends walked in front of you two, occasionally stopping at the smaller aquariums to see which animals were in there. Techno and you walked around too, holding hands and talking about everything and nothing. 
After a while of walking around they stood still in front of an arch to a big shark tank. You noticed their frightened expressions and softly smiled, stepping forward to the boys and letting Techno’s hand go.
“It’s not that scary if we go together, I promise. Does that sound good?” you asked the two boys, holding your hands out to both of them. They nodded and held on tightly, slowly walking towards the shark tank with you. Some of the bigger sharks swam by and you felt both of the boys squeezing your hand harder, making you smile slightly. Once directly in front of the water they couldn’t stop looking around with amazed looks on their faces.
Techno had the same look on his face, mixed with absolute adoration. He wasn’t sure what he did to have become so lucky to have you in his life and be able call you his, but he was incredibly grateful. He wished he could frame this moment and hang it up in his room, so he could look at it forever. You turned around to look at Techno, seeing him watch with a wide smile. Your cheeks reddened as you smiled back at him and motioned him to come over. 
“Techno look! They’re so cool!” Tommy said, once he noticed Techno was standing next to him, pointing at the sharks that were swimming together. “Yeah they are. Not so scary after all huh?” Techno chuckled and both Tommy and Tubbo shook their heads. “Lunch time?” you suggested and all of the boys agreed. All of you walked to the nearest bench, Techno and you sat at the ends of the bench, Tommy and Tubbo in between. You opened your backpack and gave everyone a sandwich and a bottle of water. “I have some apple slices and gummy bears as well if any of you wants some.” you told them. 
“Could I have some apple slices (Y/N)?” Tubbo asked you. “Of course!” you answered as you grabbed them from your backpack. You opened the pack they were in and handed it to Tubbo, Tommy also eating some of them. After a few more sandwiches all of you got up and went to see a dolphin show. Tommy and Tubbo had grown significantly quieter, yawning occasionally. During the show Tommy leaned against you, slowly falling asleep. Tubbo was leaning against Tommy, also dozing off. The clapping of the audience startled them, waking them up. 
“Want to go home?” you whispered to Tommy and he nodded, rubbing his eyes. Tommy stood up, Tubbo following suit. Techno and you also stood up, Techno looking at you with a raised eyebrow. You nodded, following him out of the theater. The four of you calmly walked to the exit, the gift shop catching Tommy’s eyes. “Oh! Can we take a look? Please?” he asked, looking up at you with puppy eyes. “A quick one, but don’t touch anything okay?” you told them and he nodded, grabbing Tubbo’s arm and running into the store.
“You know, you have to learn to say no or he’ll actually be the death of you.” Techno said, intertwining his hand with yours again. “Hmm, maybe. But for now it’ll be fine.” you smiled, kissing his cheek before walking in the store.
“(Y/N)!” Tommy yelled once he saw you. “He knows, he definitely knows. He doesn’t even call for me anymore.” Techno dramatically said before laughing and you hit his shoulder lightly. “Yes Tommy?” you answered, walking over to where he was standing. Techno followed, amused by this whole situation. Out of all of the possibilities imaginable, he definitely did not expect Tommy and Tubbo holding shark themed best friend t-shirts and just how great they looked. 
“Can we get these? Please? We’ll look so cool together, now everyone will know we’re best friends!” Tommy tried to convince you two, Tubbo frantically nodding next to him. You basically melted at the sight in front of you. “Sure, did you get the right sizes?” you said, Tommy then showing Techno both of the tags who took a brief look and nodded. The two boys cheered and you smiled, looking at Techno with an apologetic look on your face. He laughed, “they looked too cute to resist this time, I’ll agree on that one.”
Tommy and Tubbo had already rushed off to the cashier, Tommy putting the shirts on the counter because he was a little bit taller. Techno stood next him, ready to pay with Phil’s card again. “If dad gets mad you just show him the shirt okay?” Techno said to Tommy when all of you walked out of the store. Once back at the car they quickly put the t-shirts on and high fived. “(Y/N)? Could you take a picture of us?” Tubbo asked, “of course!” you replied while getting your phone out. Tommy and Tubbo stood next to each other smiling, Techno quickly jumping in to straighten out their shirts. “Ready?” you asked the two younger ones. “Yeah!” they both exclaimed before smiling wildly, Tommy’s arm over Tubbo’s shoulder. You took a few pictures of them, now ushering Techno over into the frame. He glared at you before standing in the middle of the two other boys. Tommy quickly flipped him off, surprising you and Tubbo, both of you bursting out in laughter. The two brothers started bickering loudly, making you sigh. “Hey, hey, hey, be nice. Let’s go home, okay?” you tried to interfere, Techno and Tommy still staring each other down. You and Tubbo shared a look, trying hard not to laugh again. “Fine.” Techno said, Tommy proudly smirking when Techno walked away first. You shook your head at him, opening his car door. Techno opened Tubbo’s and both of you helped buckle them up.
Not long after leaving the parking lot they were asleep, exhausted from seeing new things and running around all day. You sighed contentedly, catching Techno’s attention. “We survived.” you laughed and he chuckled, “I’d say we did a pretty good job, I had a lot fun. Except for just now. That little asshole.” You laughed and yawned, stretching in the car seat. “It really caught me off guard. I had fun too but I’m really tired.” 
You took a glance in the rearview mirror, giggling at what you saw. “What?” Techno asked. “Look at them.” you answered whilst nodding to the backseat. They were both sound asleep, heads leaning to each other and in their best friends t-shirts. Techno smiled, “they’re never taking those shirts off. Also could you text Sam for me?” he asked, giving you his phone.”Of course.” you said while unlocking his phone and telling Sam you were on your way back. 
It didn’t take long for you to arrive at Tubbo’s place, Tubbo waking up a little from the car standing still. Tubbo’s dad came outside and opened the car door, immediately laughing. “Those shirts are everything, oh my gosh. Fits them perfectly as well. Thank you guys a lot, by the looks of it he’s had a lot of fun.” Sam said while unbuckling Tubbo and picking him up. “Of course, don’t worry about it.” Techno answered and you nodded in agreement. “Bye Techno and (Y/N).” Tubbo sleepily said before waving. Techno and you both told him bye while waving as well, driving off home. Tommy was still peacefully asleep when you arrived home. After Techno parked the car, you got out and unbuckled Tommy before picking him up and carrying him inside. “Hey guys.” Wilbur said once he saw you three walk in. You waved at him, pointing to the sleeping blonde in your arms. Wilbur nodded understandably, raising up from his seat to take him over from you and put him to bed. Everyone knew waking up Tommy was a task sent from hell, so dinner would just have to be late for him. 
Soon after, Phil came home and Wilbur came downstairs. The four of you ate dinner happily, talking about the day at the aquarium and showing him the picture of them in their shirts and the ones you took of all three of them. Phil loved it so much, he didn’t care how much money they might’ve cost. Techno and you skipped after dinner tea, opting to go to sleep early. You changed into some of his clothes, both of you brushed your teeth and laid down in his bed. Techno put his arm around you and pulled you closer. “I love you (Y/N).” he murmured, making you smile. “I love you too Tech. Goodnight.”
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pergaias · 4 years
excerpts from books i’ll never write ; ii
the varying lengths of these excerpts mess with me  and my perfectionism istf - some are long, like this one, others are short, but hey - all of them lead to the same place. nowhere. 
this is the entire first chapter of a story that i will never finish so um - enjoy ?
title: checkmate word count: 3030
“VENETIA VERNE, INTERN FOR The White Knight Herald.”
Venetia Verne was done. Done with her job-- being a reporter only sounded fun in theory-- done with her outfit-- what in the world was she thinking-- and of course, done with Octavia Tyrell.
Tavi. Her buttercup. 
Venetia was pretty sure her eyes were so swollen that her cry-fest would be painfully obvious, and was also pretty much positive that she looked like a wreck. 
Not even the fancy perfume she stole from Octavia last night would mask the smell of abject heartbreak.
Seventeen years old but acting twenty-three, Venetia always prided herself for being mature, collected, and a total bitch. 
Of course, the bitch part was usually used affectionately-- Tavi had always called her you bitch! as an endearment, just like the way Venetia used to squeeze her hand and whisper buttercup.
Seventeen years old, but acting twelve when it came to breakups.
“Right this way, Miss Verne,” a female assistant led her across the hall, and Venetia surreptitiously straightened her skirt out. She had chosen a dove-colored skirt and a very vintage white blouse-- vintage chic had always been her style, even though Tavi always pushed for her to look more preppy-glam.
As if. Octavia managed to look like Elle Woods but black-and-white. Venetia was stuck as a Forties poster ad.
“Thank you,” Venetia tried for a smile, but it came out vaguely grimace-like. Had she spent all night crying? Possibly. Was she tired of life, the universe, and everything? Also possibly.
For the record, the answer was not forty-two. Screw the flying dolphins and their musical number about fish.
The assistant nodded, her hair in a bun so tight that Venetia’s scalp sympathized. “Our director is quite excited to meet you, Miss Verne-- he says you’re the best in your generation, and our boss at the Herald has never been more excited about a high school prospect-- you must be doing something right.”
Venetia tried for another smile, but this one looked like a leer. The assistant smiled sympathetically, her heels clicking rhythmically against the tiled floor of the building. She was probably tired of everything, too-- the office had the feel of a morgue. 
As Venetia trailed behind her, her mind kept wandering to Tavi’s coily dark hair, her rich laugh, the way her brown eyes caught the light and turned to gold. Tavi’s lips on the other boy’s, her hands reaching up his shirt--
Venetia broke off. Octavia didn’t know she saw-- to Octavia, everything was still all well and good. Of course, Tavi was used to having everything she wanted. Spoiled, rich, princess bastard--
“We’re here, sweetie,” the assistant motioned to an imposing-looking door, a slightly condescending note to her voice. 
“I appreciate the concern, but it’s Venetia, love.” Venetia allowed herself a smirk at the now-shellshocked assistant before opening the door herself.
Venetia Verne had no interest in being polite or heterosexual. 
“Hi, Dad,” Venetia deadpanned, plopping down in front of the central feature of the office-- a heavy, fancy desk-- and all but putting her feet up. Today was just punch after punch after punch-- of course, Venetia could have rescheduled, but all that bitch energy had to go somewhere, right?
“Venetia.” Cyprian Jung looked no different from the day he divorced her mother, choosing a career and a fancy business conglomerate instead of a wife and tenacious daughter.
Let’s face it. Venetia was still just a little bit bitter. Just a little. 
“Hi. Venetia Verne, intern for the White Knight Herald.” Venetia kept her coy smile, putting emphasis on her mother’s surname. “My final high school project involves me reporting on the crimes of--”
“You’re reporting on the crimes of the White Queen?” her father’s face snapped up, dark hair and hawkish nose and slanted eyes the color of pond scum. 
“Yes,” Venetia said primly, her eyes narrowing. 
“Venetia, sweetheart,” 
“Don’t sweetheart me.” 
“Venetia what, Father?”
“Venetia, do you know why I let you interview me?” Cyprian sighed, stroking his nonexistent beard with two fingers. Like, if he actually had one, Venetia was so going to pull an Aang-and-Firelord-Ozai and yank him down by the stupid goatee.
Think calm thoughts, Ven. Less violent, more… Passive-aggressive? Put salt in his coffee instead of sugar?
“Because, like you said. I’m the best of my generation.” Venetia’s gray-green eyes glittered. “And as we both know, the pen is greater than the sword.”
“What do you need to know?” 
AS HARD AS IT may be to believe, Cyprian Jung wasn’t always a douche CEO and The Worst Father of the Year. 
Once upon a time, Cyprian might have been Venetia’s favorite person in the world-- but Venetia always skips over that information, and more often than not, likes to pretend that her father didn’t exist. 
Because being raised by a single badass mother sounded a lot cooler than “yeah, my dad decided that his business was a better child than I was, lolol”
But when an new upstart reporter’s article landed on his desk one drizzly Monday morning, Cyprian was shocked to realize that his very gay, very disappointing daughter was the one who wrote it.
Now, we can go two directions here. We can say that Cyprian was so proud and so moved by his daughter’s shrewd reporting skills and her article, or we can say that Cyprian saw something in his daughter that he realized he could exploit, like any good, cunning businessman.
Venetia Verne, who looked-- and acted-- nothing like her father (who seemingly embodied every single fucking Asian stereotype-- how did he even do that?) was proud that she was her mother's daughter.
She hated every resemblance she had with Cyprian, of which she unfortunately had a multitude.
And here comes the plot twist: Cyprian Jung, even though he seemed like he didn’t care for his daughter at all, did. 
That was why he called her into his office on an unnaturally-bright Saturday, the day after Venetia and her girlfriend went to a Friday night house party and Venetia stumbled in on her girlfriend in the middle of a hot make-out sesh with a boy.
And before Venetia turned to her mother for advice on her problem, and before she decided to become who she wanted to be for herself, her father would do one good thing for her.
And it would be the only good thing that Venetia would ever, grudgingly, accept that he did.
VENETIA CAME BACK FROM her interview with her father a little satisfied and a little angry. 
Satisfied because she had the outline for her next article all set out and ready to go-- complete with quotes from her father about the White Queen-- and angry for two reasons. 
One, because her father really thought that way? Screw him. 
And two, because Venetia had always gone to lunch on Saturdays with Octavia at their favorite boba shop, munching on Taiwanese food and complaining about how difficult ‘life-ing’ was. Octavia had always managed to make Cyprian (and her own father’s) bigoted ideals about feminism (and gay culture, honestly) seem funny.
Venetia pressed her lips into a tighter line as she finally got out of her father’s ice-cold office building and onto the street, where the motion and movement of the city slowed, if not stilled, her thoughts.
Her flat shoes dragged against the gritty pavement as Venetia trudged towards, actually, Venetia didn’t know where she was going. She just kept walking, her bag over her shoulder and one hand brushing against the folds of her skirt.
Venetia hated not having purpose. Saturdays were hard because those were the days that lacked the most schedule-- school days had school, with designated wake-up and go-the-fuck-to-sleep times. Saturdays were full of freedom, and Venetia Verne didn’t know what to do with it.
So she continued walking, wishing that she had something to do. There was always lunch with Tavi to look forward to, or thrift shopping if she wanted. She could walk around the city aimlessly, or she could go home and mope around--
In her bag, her phone buzzed insistently. Only one person ever texted and didn’t call-- Tavi.
Tears burned the backs of Venetia’s eyes, and a lump formed in her throat. Octavia was probably calling wondering why she wasn’t at the shop yet, knowing about her girlfriend’s affinity for punctuality and structure. 
Octavia was just going to ignore it.
She didn’t confess to a fuming-but-hiding-it Venetia last night that she had cheated, nor had she acted any differently. With her cheerful I love you, bitch and her insistent flirting with anyone who spared her an appreciative glance but her fake assurances that she was Venetia’s and Venetia’s alone.
Venetia’s fingers tightened around the material of her skirt, twisting the fabric until she was positive the texture would be printed onto her fingers. Her calculating eyes swept over the people around her, dresses in shades of black and white and navy. All business suits or pencil skirts.
Her phone buzzed again, and Venetia ignored it further. 
If Octavia was going to ignore the elephant in the room, Venetia sure as hell wasn’t going to point it out. She remembered the way her stomach had dropped when she pushed the door open looking for her jacket, the way that outrage pulsed through her veins, tempered by shattering disappointment. 
If Venetia had marched in and screamed at Octavia, what would it have changed? Tavi was used to getting everything she wanted. 
So Venetia had gently shut the door and crashed into a different-- thankfully unoccupied room-- and splashed her face with the coldest tap water she could get, staring directly at the bathroom light so she wouldn’t cry. 
Venetia hated crying, hated showing any form of vulnerability. Because Venetia Verne was a sphynx, carved out of stone. Her father had always called her Sphynx, because when she was upset she tended to not show it. 
Well, Venetia’s resting bitch face was downright legendary.
If Venetia had said something, what would it have changed? Octavia, skillful with words, would have laughed and said that her girlfriend was drunk, or sleep-deprived, or both. 
And Venetia knew that she herself would have believed it. 
Octavia could paint pictures with words in a way that Venetia had never seen before-- and her mother was a supervillain. 
And that was the other reason why she was angry.
Because her mother was the White Queen, and her father’s opinion made her blood boil.
It really puts opinions into perspective when people are ignorant: if you uploaded a picture of yourself to an internet forum-- not saying that it was yourself-- and asked people to describe it, what would they say?
Venetia’s phone kept buzzing.
Her fist kept clenching.
And the spiral-- no, noose-- of her thoughts tightened. 
“OKAY, AM I ALLOWED to be done with this?” Venetia fumed to her secondary best friend Gray, who Venetia was positive was sick of her. She only came running over to the mild Australian boy when she lost another of her friends, and ditching him once she made a new one. If Venetia wasn’t such a heartless bitch, she would have felt bad for the way she treated him.
“Yes, you are,” Gray said patiently, trailing meekly behind her.
 “Well, good,” Venetia snapped, storming through the halls of the local high school.
The rest of her dreary Saturday had come and gone in a whirl of anger-grief-bitching-stress eating, and Sunday the same. 
“Hey, Ashie!” Venetia was in a seriously pissy mood, and decided then and there that she was going to call everyone by obnoxious nicknames only that day. Asheton Shore, who adamantly went by Shore, was her first victim.
“It’s Shore!” the boy bellowed.
Behind her, Venetia heard Gray scurry behind a wall of imposing-looking seniors. “Ashie,” Venetia drawled, walking closer to him. Her skirt swished with each step she took-- while Asheton Shore’s close companion Maeren Sepia liked vintage too, Venetia always secretly knew that her style was better.
“Fruck,” Shore muttered-- no, it was Ashie, Venetia told herself firmly. 
“Come on, Venetia.” Gray was back, his eyes shifting around nervously as he carefully took her by the arm and steered her away.
“Damn it,” Venetia hissed, digging her fingers into the material of her skirt. 
“Okay, I know you’re--” Gray cringed, “bitching about the whole Octavia thing, but--”
“You can say the word bitch, Gray.”
“I don’t want to call you a bitch, Ven.”
“Oh my fucking god, Gray. When you think of the word bitch you should think of my face.”
“I don’t like cursing.”
“Fuck that.”
“I don’t like you.”
“Right back at you, Gray.”
“You’re such a bitch.”
Venetia huffed; Gray bit his lip, sighing. Yes, he was very much done with Venetia and her bullshit. Venetia herself was done with Venetia and her bullshit. 
Like Ashie, Gray went exclusively by his last name. Then again, when you had a name like Devlin-Tibereus, you wanted to purge that name from your memory. And ‘Asheton’ didn’t even seem so bad if you had the misfortune of being named Devlin-Tiberius Gray-- the Second.
And no, Venetia was not allowed to call him Take Two.
“Come on, we’re going to be late to class.” Gray was tugging at her sleeve insistently. Sometimes Venetia thought of him as an insistent-yet-adorable puppy, the kind that was a total sweetheart until they gave up and peed on your carpet.
“I wanna ditch,” muttered Venetia, who was very acutely aware that Octavia would be attending the same class. 
And even though Venetia spent a weekend moping around mooching off of Octavia’s Netflix and eating half-melted ice cream, ghosting Octavia when she tried to call, and doing everything except think about Octavia-- which was a form of thinking about it-- she wasn’t ready to face her. 
At all. 
Gray blew out a breath-- yes, he was very, very sick of her already.
“Let’s ditch.” Gray said suddenly, planting his feet and nearly throwing Venetia off-balance. 
Venetia gaped. “Where the fuck is Gray and what did you do with him, Take Two?”
“I am not take two! Ven, how many times do I have to tell you? Come on, let’s ditch.”
“You’re finally speaking sense, Gray.” Venetia patted his back appreciatively as they blew past the classroom they were supposed to be in and towards the exit. “About time.”
Gray smiled, flashing his elusive dimples. “No shit.”
“SO,” VENETIA SAID LAMELY, her feet dragging against the dusty pavement as she and Gray trudged away from the school, casting furtive looks over their shoulders to make sure that they weren’t being followed. “How’s Teddy? Do people still get to call her Taffy?”
“Taffy’s fine,” Gray said, and didn’t elaborate. Venetia didn’t press-- she knew she was already pressing her luck with her friend-- if Gray could even call her that-- by dragging him with her.
Teddy-- or Theodosia-Amélie Frances Gray-- was Gray’s little sister, who was affectionately called ‘Taffy’ by her close friends and family. Venetia wasn’t sure if she fell in that category, but like most only children, she had a fascination with siblings.
Like how both Gray and Teddy had the same smile and mousy hair and dimples, but they shared different things with their parents, like how Gray and his mother had the same nose but Teddy had the same pattern of freckles across her cheeks.
“That’s nice. Where do you want to go, coffee?” Venetia asked, and suddenly laughed. Out here there was no Octavia, no pressure, no teachers breathing down her neck as she struggled through trigonometry. 
Gray’s elusive dimples flashed. “Coffee sounds nice-- as does the idea of ditching, honestly-- and you can rant to me about Octavia. You know, you shouldn’t call her Octavia or Tavi. What about Tyrell?”
“Why shouldn’t I call her Octavia?” Venetia asked, bemused. 
“I don’t know!” Gray grinned. “Maybe… I don’t know, Octavia sounds too nice. I’d say ‘call her a bitch’--”
“But I’m the bitch.” Venetia finished, mirroring Gray’s grin. She and Gray always clicked-- no matter how Venetia abandoned him or pushed him aside for her other friends-- not that she had any, which was the irony of it-- Gray was always waiting with his remarks and banter and coffee-fueled highs.
“I really am a bitch, you know. Makes you wonder how Buttercup-- I mean Tavi-- I mean Tyrell-- fell for me in the first place.”
“Eh, probably the bitchiness itself.”
“True, true.”
Gray grinned again. “I missed you-- which probably is the wrong thing to say, but hey-- Taffy tattles on me for swearing all the time, while you swear just as much--”
“More. I swear more than you, Tibe.” Venetia smirked and quirked an eyebrow, and Gray sighed. 
“I’m never going to win that argument, am I?” he asked, half smiling. 
Venetia winked-- or tried to, since she couldn’t wink to save her life-- and nudged Gray’s shoulder with her own. “Never, Take Two.”
“You know, I can call you Veni Vidi Vici.”
Venetia scowled. “My mother really had something against me naming me Venetia Lavinia, didn’t she? Veni Vinny Verne, I mean, seriously?”
Gray smiled, flashing his dimples again. “Someone’s in good spirits.”
“Just drink your damn coffee, Gray.”
“Just let us get to the damn coffee shop, Verne,” Gray mimicked her tone, his wavy hair bouncing as he walked. 
“You’re almost as annoying as,” Venetia paused to snap her fingers, “whatshisname Lock. Lochlan Ryals-- don’t some people call him Cinnamon?”
“Lock?” Gray asked, his eyes lighting up. “That’s a compliment.”
“Well, I sure didn’t mean it that way,” Venetia said dryly, her eyes trained on the coffee shop that was coming into clearer view.
“Well, time to order coffee black as my soul,” Venetia said brightly, swinging the door open and following Gray inside.
“Yeah, right,” he muttered, but he was smiling.
“I’m hilarious,” Venetia deadpanned, tossing her pin-straight hair. 
“You really do think you’re funny.”
Venetia smirked. “Yep, I think I’m funny, right?”
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fizziefizzco · 3 years
A to Z of LynnCove: E is for Eternity
A quick look at a bright future 
This was supposed to be posted yesterday but I had a bit of a panic attack so that did not happen :] Sorry about that!! Here’s a long one to make up for it <3 
Even though it was his day off, Cove still woke up to his alarm in the morning. He wasn’t a natural morning person, and needed the extra push in order to wake up most mornings. The sun filtered in through the semi-opaque curtains of his bedroom, and the 25 year old man groaned softly as he moved to turn his alarm off and grab his glasses. Just as soon as he slipped them on his face, did the sliding barn door to the bedroom open to an eager little Chesapeake Bay Retriever that bounded over to him and licked at the free hand that laid off the side of the bed. 
“Well good morning to you too, Fleche.” Cove hummed and petted the not-quite puppy , but not quite an adult dog, her coat was soft yet a little wet, as Fleche was a very messy eater.  At the little girl’s insistence, Cove swung his legs over the edge of the bed and stood up, stretching in the light of the summer sun after he opened the curtains. Just as he stood up, the smell of breakfast cooking reached Cove’s nose. “Ah. So this is what you were sent here to do. Already had your breakfast, little girl?” Fleche pushed against Cove’s legs, not even looking up at him to answer his question. 
The house he lived in at age 25 was nothing short of beautiful. A small beach house right close to the water, it was like something out of a dream when he found it. Gorgeous wood floors, an overall hawaiian feeling to it (for being in southern california) and the best view ever…. Well, the beach was good too. 
[Rest Under the Cut]
His view, though, came in the form of a person’s back being turned to him as they stood in the kitchen, cooking breakfast. Tall and angular, the years had been very kind to them, and their hair was long and in its natural color, a warm brown. There was a tattoo on their left calf of a crab surrounded by poppies, one that matched his own of a dolphin that resided on his lower back. They didn’t hear him coming, but Cove wasn’t one for pulling pranks, that thankfully, was his spouse’s forte. Cove walked up behind them, gently wrapping large arms around their waist and nuzzling his face in their hair. 
“Good Morning sleepyhead.” They spoke, not turning their head to look over at him. 
“ Mornin’ Lynn.” Cove returned, pressing a kiss to his spouse’s cheek. 
Lynn and Cove had changed a lot over the years in terms of likes and appearances. Lynn, who had once been asked to model thanks to their beautiful and femmine figure, was now a lot more androgynous after some soul searching, and a wonderful support network. Cove fit the more masculine look, and looked a lot more like his father, but that same look betrayed his soft and shy personality. 
“What are you making?” Cove asked after Lynn turned to look back at him and to get a kiss. Lynn smiled warmly as they turned back to the pan, and what was cooking inside it. 
“Pancakes. I made some separate ones for me, these are your pancakes.” Cove had only been half-listening after they mentioned that they made pancakes, the hungry thoughts of food filling his mind as he let go of his spouse. 
“I’ll set the table. What do you want to drink?” Cove asked, rubbing his eyes with a wide yawn. Lynn shrugged as they flipped one of the pancakes. 
“Orange juice sounds good.” Lynn said nonchalantly, to which Cove nodded and grabbed the bottle from their fridge, which was decorated with many tourist magnets as well as photos, ads, and sticky notes. 
Sooner, breakfast was finished cooking. Lynn served Cove’s plate first, and then their own at their small nook that served as their dining table. Fleche had run off to nap in a sunny spot on the couch, their living area being an open floor plan. The two of them weren’t perfect, as many people seemed to still believe, but they worked well and communicated with each other - which led to such a strong relationship. They had their own things that they did, and own friends, but they still did a lot together as a couple - one thing they loved doing, even now, was going for a surf on their days off. Cove wanted to ask Lynn if they were up to the idea. 
“Are you up for surfing today, husband?” Lynn asked, as though they’d read Cove’s mind. A mischievous smile danced on their lips, and Cove wasn’t sure if they could...or if they were just messing with him, but he felt like they knew. 
“Yes.”He squeaked out, a blush appearing on his features. 
The topic soon, even though it was their day off, developed into talking about work. At age 25, Cove was a chef and organizer for a local charity kitchen. It wasn’t a glamorous job, certainly, but it was one that he enjoyed doing. People loved him, and he was able to talk easier with the vulnerable people he taught to cook. Lynn’s hard work their entire life paid off, and they were a zookeeper, taking care of marine animals at the zoo’s aquarium. Their work and his helped pay for their gorgeous house, and dog.. And the nice set of savings for when they would try for children. 
The trip to the beach was as mundane as it always was, but for the two of them - every moment was magical as they ran around the water near their home. Fleche loved to play fetch with them when they went out on their surfboards, she could swim really far and would bring back the frisbee they threw each time. Fleche was also a very good girl as well, when they set her back on land and went at it surfing; the waters near their home were a prime spot for waves but were unknown except for by the locals. There was a kid that always came by to watch them, and the two of them often joked how much it was like they were already parents. 
After coming home from the beach and taking a shower, the couple split off and would do their own things on their day off. For Cove it consisted of testing a new muffin recipe that he wanted to surprise Lynn with, as well as getting in a few chapters of his new book, and watering the plants they were growing on their porch. For Lynn, their free time consisted of watching a new soccer match, a few crosswords during lulls in the game, working more on a painting they were doing, and unfortunately answering emails as the newest intern was a complete klutz but Lynn was very very patient. 
That night was time though for the two of them to get dressed up for a joint-family dinner. The Holdens and The Chos started it after Lynn went off for college and Cove moved out, though the individual families would still have separate dinners from time to time. It was much better with everyone though. Kyra still lived in Nevada, working ever hard on her writing - she had a boyfriend recently though, last time Cove and Lynn saw her. As for Mr. Holden, he’d gotten married the last summer, to a lovely woman named Aya who owned a flower shop, but Cove was still not sure about her. Mom and Ma were doing really well for themselves, taking it easy but still being the life of their country club. As for Lizzie… well, as much as Lynn’s older sister loved to joke about her lil sibling doing all the big milestones before her, there was one thing that she didn’t count on. Lizzie had a kid, and with her oldest friend no less. Shiloh and Lizzie had met again after that awkward encounter, and he’d apologized to her, with real feelings. They weren’t married yet or anything but things were going well for them, and they’d had a kid. Bertie, who was three. Lynn loved the little guy, and even though Cove and Shiloh were still awkward around each other as ever - the Holden-Cho family was good. 
“Do you have the thing you told Ma you’d bring?” Lynn waved their hand over to Cove who laughed as he took a container out of the fridge. 
“Of course. I made sure to tell Claude that she liked it so much when she came to visit. And yes, he promised to stop hitting on her.” He responded to his spouse’s question, watching as they slid earrings in while grabbing their keys. Lynn stopped short before doing anything else , feeling their husband’s eyes on their back the entire time. 
“Can I help you, Mr. Holden?” Lynn’s face split into a sly, seductive smirk. Cove bit his lip as he went to grab his coat from the counter barstool. 
“Why no, Mx.Holden, I was just admiring my ravishing spouse. You never cease to amaze me.” He mumbled as he closed the distance to them, Lynn using their hands to move his to their waist. 
“And you never cease to be the cheesiest man alive. You’ve got to stop hanging out with those boys.” Lynn’s words were drawn from their lips as Cove pressed a kiss to them. No makeup, but lip balm this night.  Cove pressed another kiss, and then another to his spouse’s lips, before pressing their foreheads together with a happy, contented sigh. 
“Normally I love being home with our families, but..” 
“But I’d rather much take you back to our bedroom and show you how much I appreciate you.” 
Lynn laughed at that and pulled away, heading to the shoe rack and front door. 
“Come on handsome. I’ll let you show me later tonight.” Lynn slid some cute flats on, their slender fingers brushing against the anklet around their … well, ankle. Before heading for the door, Lynn shot a look back at their blushing husband, whose hands were empty. 
“Don’t forget the food.”
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lalunely · 4 years
daddy katsuki
Katsuki is naturally a workaholic. In his day offs, he still insists to be in-call and responds immediately to any reports near around his neighborhood. His partner’s not particularly fond about his habit, he sometimes forget they do have two daughters and he leaves without letting them know. That caused a minor emergency family meeting. Katsuki apologized by making them a very rare, special dinner. His daughters were really impressed of his cooking skills, his partner usually cooks for them so Katsuki didn’t really have enough chances to showcase his remarkable talents expect for being the current number two hero. And a good plumber. Not very good, he exploded the toilet two times. His eldest was not really happy as her room was next to the restroom.
For now that they’re expected to be staying at home in this time of pandemic, crime rates are unsurprisingly still present, but the police are advancing their security hundred more times and some pro heroes are taking shifts by pair to patrol each night around the city. Katsuki only has one shift every Tuesday from four in the afternoon until ten. He’s getting the hang of it, he’s spending lots of time with his family and learning more about them each day. There was one time, he was praised by his daughters (who are already grown up, how the fuck did that happen) that he’s improving and that they plenty appreciate his effort. Katsuki cannot stop smiling every time it crosses his mind.
Deku and Shouto often visits and his daughters love them so much. They always cling on to them and Katsuki threatened to kick Todoroki off the building if he give money to his daughters without him knowing ever again. Todoroki swiftly announced they’ll be having a mini party at his place for Christmas and Katsuki bellowed at him, saying that he’d rather stay at home than have his family possibly catch the virus from attending his party. His daughters didn’t really liked the tone of his voice.
That’s why now, Katsuki’s all bored after finishing God-knows how many episodes of Kitchen Nightmares in YouTube for the past week. He decided to practice the dishes he’ll make for Christmas because he’ll prove to Todoroki how much he doesn’t want to attend his mini Christmas party and get COVID-19 and also he wants him to be away from his daughters because they’re his.
Call Katsuki possessive, because he is.
It’s late afternoon, Katsuki is preparing the ingredients he ordered online the day before on the dining table. He put on a tank top he wore this morning and tied the strings of the orange apron behind his back. He silently cursed of how hideous it looks but it’s their only apron, he can worry for something else.
Katsuki puts his phone in a stand and places it in front of him. He scrolls in his notes and review the recipe again. He’s making Chocolate and Lime Mousse. Now, Katsuki never made this nor eaten this before, but he saw Gordon Ramsay made this with his daughter and thought he’ll give it a try since it looked pretty doable and his eldest daughter loves fruits and desserts.
Speaking of the devil, Katsuki heard quick and heavy footsteps down the stairs and of course he knows who it is.
“Satsuki!” Katsuki shouts, his voice echoes to the whole floor.
His eldest daughter, Satsuki (16), dressed in dolphin shorts and oversized shirt halts in her steps and turns around to the direction of the kitchen.
“Yeah, Dad?” She answers, slowly making her way to him. “Whatcha’ doin?”
Katsuki looks at her. “Practicing Christmas desserts, you wanna join me?”
“You were really serious about that.” Satsuki’s eyebrows furrowed. 
“Of course I am. I am a man of my words.” The girl snorted. “Will you help me or not?”
“Fine, I don’t have anything to do anyway. I was going to crash in the couch anyway.”
“Fantastic. Go get the white chocolate in the fridge then.” Katsuki said, eyes back on his phone and he occasionally scans the things in front of him to make sure he got everything right and present.
Soon Katsuki is heating up double cream in a pot and Satsuki is breaking the white chocolate in pieces just like her dad told her to. It’s comfortably quiet as they work on their own. Satsuki’s humming under her breathe and shoved the last piece in her mouth, squealing in delight. She gave the bowl of chocolate to her dad who thanked her under his breathe.
“What’s your favorite chocolate? White? Milk? Dark?” Katsuki asked Satsuki who’s leaning on the counter and watched the cream simmer.
“Uhm...” She hummed. “I love milk chocolate with nuts. Only with nuts.”
“But you’re allergic with nuts.”
“I honestly don’t mind.” Satsuki looked down at her arms where scattered marks of her allergies are standing out of her pale skin. Actually, she does. It’s just that everything with nuts are delicious. 
“What’s yours then?” She asked.
Katsuki’s arm stopped, he looks up for a second then shrugs. “I like anything, but dark’s pretty good.”
Satsuki’s nose crinkled. “It’s bitter.”
“I drink expresso straight from the glass.” Katsuki snickered at her and he removes the pot from the heat and Satsuki watches him pour it in the bowl of chocolates. “Look at that.”
Satsuki switched places to have a better look. Her mouth slowly opens in awe as she watched the white chocolate melt with the piping hot cream. Katsuki glances at her and he smirks, putting the pot away in the sink. He caught Satsuki dipping her finger in the bowl and licks the chocolate happily. 
“Oi! No fingers!” Katsuki snarls, making his daughter laugh. “Don’t put that finger again or else, Satsuki.”
“Gods, it was just a bit. You’re overreacting.” Satsuki snorts at him and Katsuki gives her a daring look, before attacking her soft spots on her sides and Satsuki trips down on the floor squealing her lungs out.
Five minutes after that, Katsuki brings out a tray of eggs from the fridge.
“Now, you have to separate the white from the yolk in the eggs.” Katsuki said and he proceeds to crack one egg, sliding the yolk to the other piece and letting the white part slide down to a ceramic bowl. Satsuki does the same, and they repeated that part until they separated six yolks from the egg whites.
Katsuki fishes out a whisk and handed it to Satsuki. The girl eyed him suspiciously.
“Obviously you need to whisk it.” Katsuki said in a ‘duh’ tone and rolled his eyes.
Satsuki hesitatingly takes the whisk and shoves it in the bowl. “You’re just making me do everything here.”
“I cracked some eggs and made the mousse, excuse me.” Katsuki crossed his arms on his chest and huffed. Satsuki shakes her head. “We’re going to take turns. I’ll go after you. Thirty seconds only.”
Satsuki grunted in acknowledgement and she continues to whisk the egg whites quickly to let it foam, and she has been at it for fifteen seconds now. Satsuki momentarily pauses, rests her already sore arm and regains her breathe.
“What the hell.” She cursed under her breathe and heard Katsuki snicker behind her.
“Ten seconds left.”
Satsuki increases the speed and squealed when the bowl almost slipped out of her grip.
“You can stop, I’ll take it here.”
Satsuki sighed and thanked him then Katsuki flashed a blinding grin at her while holding an electric whisk proudly in the air.
“What the heck?! ” Satsuki screeches, Katsuki’s grin only grow wider as he plugs it in the socket and laughed out loud. “That’s cheating! How could you?!”
“How could I? I don’t know what you’re saying, darling.” Katsuki said in a teasing tone. He turned the electric whisk on, it made a loud sound and Satsuki screamed at him.
“I’m out of here, dad.” Satsuki raised her hands in dismissal, walking out of the kitchen. “It’s over.”
“Satsuki!” Katsuki calls out, he bends backward slightly and bursts out laughing again. “Get your ass back in here!”
Of course, Satsuki walks back in. Complaining.
“You can’t do that to me!” She cries. “Thirty seconds?! This fucking weakling of a whisk? And you’re using that machine?!”
“Because -”
“I was staring to feel competitive!” Satsuki cuts him off and Katsuki pressed his lips together to stifle his laugh. “My arm is limp!”
“Because it’s the best way to whip egg whites!”
“Then why didn’t you give me that in the first place?!” Satsuki falls on the floor and pouts at him. The sight made Katsuki coo and he pouts at her back playfully but ends up laughing again. Satsuki slaps his calve and Katsuki released a girly screech.
“Oi, shut up!” Katsuki’s head whips around the room. “Someone might take that the wrong way!”
“You’re a dirty player, dad.”
“Stop with that now, Satsuki. Come pour the sugar carefully in the bowl now.”
Eventually, Satsuki stands up and do what he said. Though there’s a disappointed frown on her face and Katsuki can’t help but to chuckle fondly at her. He stops the machine and placed them on the side. 
He leans over and put a hand behind Satsuki’s head, pressing a kiss on her temple and Satsuki’s frown deepens. Alright, he’s starting to feel bad now.
Katsuki sighs and crouches to her height, but the girl avoided eye contact.
“Come on now, you’re that really upset, are you?” Katsuki said softly.
Satsuki doesn’t answer.
“I’m sorry, baby. Daddy’s sorry. Can you help daddy now? We’re almost done though. I promise I’ll give you more chocolates after this.” Katsuki pulls her in his chest and wraps his arms around her shoulder, swaying their bodies sideways. He feels her grunt on his chest and Katsuki cracked a smile.
He pulls away, crouching down again but this time Satsuki meets his eyes. Her eyes, just like his -- bright, shining rubies but hers are glassy and moist. Katsuki’s heart breaks and he pouts playfully at her while Satsuki’s lower lip trembles.
“You can forget about it and help me instead. Daddy’s gonna be nicer now.”
“Don’t call yourself that, it’s weird.” Satsuki sniffles but she waits for Katsuki to finish folding the foamed egg whites.
Katsuki smiles to himself. What a time to be fucking alive, indeed. (Ironically, the world’s in chaos.) He could never ask for anything else. He’s happy but this is a different kind of happy, you know? This is more than achieving the number one spot - this is more than just being the fucking number one hero, it is something phenomenal he’s never felt before and it’s getting better every day he realizes more of the life he has now.
aight i might’ve binged watch all of gordon ramsay’s youtube and facebook videos in two nights straight do i need help
btw this was a quick, soft katsuki headcanon ha i just cant help thinking if katsuki’s gonna be a chef, he’s gordon ramsay u can’t tell me otherwise
hope u enjoyed :)
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vagrantblvrd · 5 years
Skies So Blue (1/1)
Summary: There’s always a problem when it comes to the crew.
Said problems range from minor inconveniences like a diet eCola shortage in the penthouse to life-threatening injuries. (Sometimes one leads to the other because the ones with an addiction to the stuff are certifiable, but that’s another problem altogether.)
Notes: An Anon wanted my thoughts on this GTA V video. :D?
(Read on AO3)
There’s always a problem when it comes to the crew.
Said problems range from minor inconveniences like a diet eCola shortage in the penthouse to life-threatening injuries. (Sometimes one leads to the other because the ones with an addiction to the stuff are certifiable, but that’s another problem altogether.)
The current problem is that Geoff’s out of town for business and he took both Alfredo and Matt, arguably the last two sane members of the crew left besides Trevor himself. And while Trevor is in charge these days, you wouldn’t notice by the way they act.
(Geoff warned him though, when he and Lindsay handed the reins over. Told him all about how they were horrible human beings and, “God have mercy on your soul, because the bastard sure as hell had none for mine,” and left for what he insisted was a long overdue vacation from the crew. Lindsay had laughed as she patted him on the cheek with a “You poor, stupid bastard,” before going off to rain chaos on the unsuspecting now she was free to do so.)
Geoff is out of town, the crew treats Trevor like a substitute teacher in an 80s/early 90s movie, and to make matters worse? It’s been a while since the crew’s pulled a heist or a job that requires more than the bare minimum from them.
They’re bored.
They’re bored and Trevor’s learned that a bored Fake AH Crew is a dangerous Fake AH Crew because they make their own entertainment.
While some good things have come out of their shenanigans in the past – improved team morale for starters – said shenanigans also draw unwanted attention from local law enforcement that’s no good for future plans they may have.
“You...want me to kidnap you.”
Trevor grins, nice and friendly and holds up the wad of cash he’s offering as payment to a fine young gentleman.
New enough to Los Santos that he hasn’t heard (too much) about the Fakes aside from a few key points. (Big crew, don’t fuck with them or you’ll be sorry, yaddah, yaddah, yaddah.)
Hasn’t heard about their more outrageous exploits or what they like to do to blow off steam for their own enrichment. (Pack of idiots rolling a pumpkin around their enclosure and all.)
Most importantly, he’s just stupid enough, greedy enough, to be blinded to the amount of money Trevor’s offering for an afternoon of driving him around.
“Well I mean,” Trevor says, goes a little singsong. “’Kidnap’ is such an ugly word, you know. All these connotations to it. No, no.”
Goodness no.
“I want you to steal a car for me.”
The guy – Frank? Jimmy? Trevor doesn't remember, and if he’s being honest with himself, he doesn’t care.
See, Trevor asked around, got a short list of potential candidates for this little task that might need a reminder of how things work in Los Santos. A quick little tutorial for the ones new to town like this fine fellow who’s already ruffled a few feathers.
“...The car you will be in,” Lyle? Kyle? says, nice and slow, like he’s solving one of the world’s greatest mysteries. “That one.”
Trevor tips his head to the side.
“If you don’t want to earn some pocket money, I can always find someone else who will,” Trevor says.
Because Los Santos.
Chock full of people like this one.
The guy squints at Trevor.
Big guy. Somewhat imposing, if you happen to be easily imposed. Nose that’s been broken at least once and rough around the edges (aren’t they all, though?). Scruff going on to make him seem older and admirably suspicious because it is an odd request.
“What’s the catch?”
Trevor doesn’t mean to laugh, but he does.
“Oh, you know,” he says, big, big smile. “The usual.”
Gerald, Trevor’s going to call him Gerald, takes the offer.
“Sure, why the fuck not?”
It’s a lot of money just to steal a car, and Trevor was reliably informed Gerald would do just about anything for the right price.
Sold a lot of people out for less, or so Trevor’s heard. Has a habit of screwing over his partners and so on and Trevor is delighted the man’s greed has gotten the better of him yet once again. Makes having to send one of the others to pay him a little visit unnecessary later.
Birds and stones, and a delicious touch of karma because some of the people Gerald’s fucked over were theirs and that simply won’t do.
Gerald doesn’t seem to have caught on just yet, but Trevor’s sure he’ll figure it out along the way.
There are rules to this, of course.
The others may use any and all vehicles at their disposal, but weapons aren’t allowed.
If, for example, one of them were to get their hands on a Lazer from Zancudo, they’re not allowed to use missiles (homing or otherwise) or the cannons. (If they get their hands on tank, just. No.)
Gerald is likewise forbidden from using weapons. In case he were to get ideas, what with Trevor riding along in the backseat of their vehicle and all. (Trevor’s wearing his favorite clothes and would just hate to get blood on them.)
Other than that, it’s a free-for-all, which in Trevor’s experience always goes smoothly with this bunch.
“Oh, my,” Trevor says, watching a Cargobob overshoot them. “That was a close one, wasn’t it.”
Gerald swears, anger and something like panic creeping into his voice and for good reason. The crew is out in force today, Cargobobs overhead and stolen police cars behind. A generous smattering of other stolen vehicles all over the place and they’ve only been at this for twenty, thirty minutes at the outside.
Very dramatic, all of it.
Pulse-pounding adventure and danger. High-speed chases and the car’s engine is making this distressing noise, smoke coming from its engine.
Trevor waves as an SUV goes screaming past, and snaps a picture with his phone – it’s bound to turn out blurry and out of focus, but he’s sure Jeremy will appreciate the thought behind it.
“What the fuck is wrong with you people?” Gerald demands as he puts their poor car in reverse, aiming for a side street they passed. “I mean, seriously. What the fuck?”
Trevor grins and takes a picture of Gerald as he scowls at Trevor in the rearview.
For memories.
“Creative types,” he says, which isn’t stretching the truth at all. The others come up with the most...inventive heists and all sorts of shenanigans. “Wacky.”
After the Tank incident several years back, about the time Trevor got dragged into the madness that is the Fake AH Crew, they’re forbidden from bringing a tank into the city.
APCs and the like, however, are not tanks.
“Holy shit,” Gerald whispers, the very image of a broken man. “Holy shit.”
Trevor hmms, and checks to make sure his seat-belt is secure.
“Indeed,” he agrees, and it’s such a shame he ran out of physical room on his phone for videos because their tiny little car facing a line of Brickades is a stunning sight.
Gerald makes this noise in the back of his throat, and Trevor can see the moment he throws all caution to the wind and has his fuck it, what the fuck moment as he puts his foot to the pedal and they shoot forward.
While there are several Brickades present, there aren’t enough to create an effective blockade. More to intimidate than anything else, and Gerald squeezes their car through the narrow gap left open to them with inches to spare. (At least two, possibly three.)
There’s a small flock of drones buzzing around them and a Terrorbyte bearing down on them at the other end of the runway. (Not great odds, but Gerald is proving to be quite resourceful or just incredibly lucky.)
“Are those goddamned blimps?”
There’s also a parachute in the air, and by the rainbow pattern it has to be Gavin.
“They’re faster than you’d think,” Trevor says, “and surprisingly maneuverable.”
He smiles, bland little thing, when Gerald gives him an incredulous look.
“Why the hell do you people have so many vehicles?”
Trevor glances up from his phone.
“Sorry, what?” he asks, and Gerald repeats himself with a skosh more emphasis this time.
Trevor shrugs, glancing out his window at the freight train they're keeping pace with, occasional flashes of color as the others tries to land on one of the flatcars. They look like dolphins swimming alongside ye olde sailing ships.
Beautiful and graceful even in failure.
They’re being (gently) herded back to Los Santos, although Gerald seems to think he’s still in control of their destination and not the other way around.
“Well I mean,” he says, and shrugs again. “Nice things.”
Shiny, shiny things. Like a kid in a candy store, his crew. See something flashy, shiny and have to have it. Come up with an idea for a heist to get their hands on it or some form of shenanigans or what have you.
Gerald stares at him in the rearview mirror as though he’s realized they’re all a bunch of lunatics.
Like all good things, this merry little chase Gerald’s been leading the others must end.
Unlike all good things, it ends with a blockade created with a handy-dandy rocket launcher, several parked cars, and a crashed ultralight as several Cargobobs hover overhead. (They really do love their Cargobobs.)
Also, Ryan hauling poor Gerald out of the driver’s seat where he’s in the process of beating the everloving shit out of him.
Trevor can’t hear whatever Ryan’s telling Gerald as he teaches him a lesson using violence – he’d be a terrible teacher – but he can guess.
Winces as Ryan drags Gerald in for one last doozy of a punch before dropping his unconscious body to the ground, shoulders heaving a little from exertion. Sees Ryan take a moment to compose himself before he makes his way back to the battered car that’s somehow survived the day’s activities.
He unlocks the door and smiles up at Ryan when he wrenches it open like a brute.
“Hello, Ryan,” he says, bright and cheerful. Flattens a hand against his chest and bats his eyes up at the strong, burly man who rescued him from the clutches of the vile kidnapper. Says, with a terrible Southern accent, “My hero.”
Ryan stares at him for a long, long moment, and then he sighs.
All dramatic about it too, the way Geoff gets sometimes as though life is an endless bout of pain and suffering and woe is him, woe is him.
“I hate you,” Ryan says, matter-of-fact, just a simple little declaration.
Trevor smiles.
“I’m sure you do,” he says. Tips his head to the side. “But the real question is, are you still bored?”
There’s a (literal) trail of crashed and ruined vehicles behind them marking the meandering path Gerald took and who knows how much in property damage.
Chaos, panic, and so on. (Par for the course for them.)
Ryan opens his mouth, and pauses.
Unconsciously mirrors Trevor by tipping his head the opposite direction as he considers Trevor’s question. Makes this annoyed sound when he finds his answer.
“...No,” he admits.
Trevor beams at him.
“Well there you go, then!” he says.
The crew had an exciting day and Gerald got his comeuppance for fucking over one of theirs. (Most likely he hasn’t connected the dots, but if he hasn’t there’s always next time.)
“You’re a lunatic,” Ryan says, as though a sane man would be in Trevor’s position with the crew.
Trevor laughs, because yes, but also -
“Thank you, Mr. Vagabond. I’ll take that as a compliment.”
Ryan snorts and steps back to let Trevor out of the poor battered car that’s somehow survived everything they threw at it today.
Trevor looks around at the destruction, random people gawking far too close for their own safety. Looks up, and smiles at the Cargobobs circling the area.
The lone Frogger, because Lindsay.
Back down at Ryan who’s got his hand pressed to his earpiece as he talks to the others to let them know Trevor’s “mugger” has been neutralized and Trevor himself is unharmed and so on and so forth.
He feels something a lot like fondness as Ryan keeps shooting him these little looks, giving that up t some point to stand beside him. Shoulder touching Trevor’s because then at least, he’ll have some warning if Trevor slips away to start a bonus round to their little game.
Overhead one of the Cargobobs separates from the pack and looks for a good place to land to ferry them back to the penthouse, and the faint sound of sirens sound in the distance.
Good old LSPD and various emergency services leaping into action now that the Fake AH Crew has finished another one of their games and it’s safe for people to come out to deal with the mess left behind. It’s an odd agreement, understanding, they have, because this kind of game isn’t about body counts the LSPD’s learned it’s better in the long run if the crew get to have their fun.
Trevor laughs at the absurdity of it all because they’re all a little mad here, aren’t they? Keeps things interesting.
“Madman,” Ryan says with a little shake of his head and something like amusement in his voice. “Let’s go home.”
Well, the penthouse, really.
Celebratory drinks, and takeout set to embellished recounting of the day’s adventures. Plans for future rounds with a few tweaks thrown in, and this overall sense of accomplishment on Trevor’s part because the damn pumpkin worked.
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sea-dragon-pride · 5 years
☕☕☕☕☕ (KIDDING, 🌟🌼🌗❓!)
 ☕☕☕☕☕ WELL IF YOU MUST KNOW,,, my deepest darkest secret… my BIGGEST shame… is that I can’t get Calico’s cats to like me. I KNOW! I’m a fake druid, but I try talkin to them and I chase them around and they’re not havin’ ANY of it. The cats on this boat are anti-Tiller ghskgh;skgsgds
(ALSO THIS GOT LOOOONNNGGGGG, so I’m putting it under the cut, I’m So Sorry For Getting Carried Away)
🌟When your OC loses all hope, who do they turn to first? What helps make them feel better? What calms them down and reassures them? Why?
I think when all hope is lost, I would always turn to Roy! I know I should probably say something like my real dads but I haven’t seen them in so long and I never want to worry them with things they don’t need to know about…. Roy always knew how to keep up a brave face, and somehow had a plan for everything, even when failure seemed inevitable. All the Sea Dragons for that matter, made me feel that way! I could never stay in a sour mood after an evening meal with Bingo or Codec, or hell, even Skiff! They’re practically my family and I know they accepted all parts of me into their ranks, so I can’t help but feel better if we’re all together. Though nowadays, that’s not an option, so… to calm down I usually like to hang out in the crow’s nest and chart stars. You can see the sky and the ocean for MILES, when everything is so grand and beautiful, things can’t seem so bad. Something about being up there reminds me that life is always moving, like the ocean! So if things are bad now… then they can’t stay that way forever, because that time will have to move somewhere else, somewhere in the past. On a simpler level, I really appreciate hugs and snacks. I’m the perfect form for cuddling! It’s not bragging, it’s a fact!!! So if I’m ever sad, just squeeze the life out of me and I’ll feel better. 
🌼 Write a short drabble from your OCs POV meeting their LI 
I see the red sails being raised at the end of the dock. Black skulls with a sun burst pattern decorates a number of them. The whole ship is made from stained black wood with red trim. The wood even smells burned.
Jeez, these guys are the ostentatious types, huh? 
Everyone looks like they’re bustling about, doing the prep work for an extended time out at sea. They’ll be expecting me anytime now, but when have pirates been punctual?
Okay, okay, new boat, new story, don’t sweat the small stuff. No one can ask you too many questions if you just keep up your overly-friendly small talk. These guys are supposed to be more dangerous than the last crews, which means a bigger haul. Roy’s counting on you.
I look around the main deck and spot an older woman with an intricate braid and a wide-brimmed hat. That’s gotta be her. I run up and say:
“OH! Ahoy there!!! I’ve never been on a ship this big before wOOWW! Love the color scheming, it really brings out the whole ‘murder-y’ vibes you guys seem to be going for haha! You must be Captain Rhea!”
The older woman looks perplexed (like they usually do), and responds: “That would be me, aye. Though I don’t remember ordering for an interior decorator aboard my vessel.”
“Hehehe no! But you DID send for a navigator and that’s me! Tiller Jakobie, at your service! I’ll tell ya where ya are, where ya goin, where ya wanna be, and how to get there! I also brought my own maps!” I lift them out of my bag proudly. These babies took ages to chart, but no one appreciates map craftsmanship nowadays.
Rhea sighs: “Ah, I did put Beremy in charge of recruiting didn’t I? Remind me not to do that again…. But yes, unfortunately, our last navigator has seemed to desert us for his own misadventures. If you’re the best we can do for such a short time, then so be it. Boys, get her set up in a room, I have business to attend too.”
Yeah… the misadventures of their old navigator mostly involve spending the next few weeks in the brig of The Quick Silver. If Franz is on guard duty, the poor guy will have to listen to him while he practices new songs. Hehehe that’ll make him WISH we threw him overboard!
I turn to my new alleged crew members: “SO! Miss Captain said something about accommodations? Do you guys have room service?? OH! What about those complimentary little soaps??!! Where am I stayin!! You’ve got a five star suite for me, right?”
Most of the reactions are as expected; a couple a furrowed brows, eye rolls, a few smirks and chuckles. I’ll have em head over heels for me soon enough, I mean, come ON! I’m adorable!!! They look around at each other, and one pipes up:
“Well I know someone who don’t have a bunk mate right now…”
The group kind of snickers and mumbles to each other. I hear some whispers - “That’s a lil mean for her first day, ain’t it?” “With HER, are you serious?” “Well, I ain’t gonna be the next one with a fresh scar for waking her up by accident!” They talk back and forth some more and come to an agreement of some kind? “Alright, we got a room for you, follow us!”
I trail behind them, trying to note down the layout of this ship. It IS bigger than The Quick Silver, more in width than in length. The mizzenmast is fortified and I can see spots for snipers to sit up by the topsails. That’ll be a problem to deal with later… We continue below deck and I’m practically pushed towards a room at the end of the hall. My welcome party already starts backing up toward the hold and they shout: 
“Alright, get cozy in there!” More repressed laughing. “Dinner’s served around dusk, see you then!”
Okayyyyy… whatever these guys think they got against me, I’m sure it can’t be that bad. What’s a little hazing between new crew members, right? I’ve faced worse.
“Uh hello?” I knock and open the door.
Oh Fuck. It is that bad.
In the room, there’s a girl, sitting on the lower bunk, sharpening a pair of swords. She doesn’t even flinch when I enter. Her hair is covering a lot of her face, since she’s looking down. It’s so long… Golden hoops dance under her ears. She has bandages around her hands and scars up her arms. Who IS she???
“Are you lost?”
I jolt back. SHIT, I’ve been staring!!! “Wh- huh?”
The girl looks up at me and her hair falls back. Oh NO, she’s PRETTY,,,,!!!!! My face feels hot, WAIT, is this room hot? DON’T tell me you’re blushing right now, Jakobie,,,
She asks again: “Are you lost? This is my room. What are you doing in here?”
Your mission. Remember your mission, dumbass.
“AHAHA OH RIGHT! N-NO WAY! In fact, it’s my job to be Not Lost! I’m Tiller, the new navigator aboard the ship, it’s SUPER nice to me you!!!”
She puts away her whetstone but doesn’t say anything.
I close the door, as I default to rambling over silence. “Well... ANYWAY, your friends said you needed a roomie so here I am! They seem like a fun bunch huh? They mentioned something about you stabbing someone, not that that’s important to me haha! D-Don’t answer that! Those are cool swords you have there!! Where’d you get them? Can you fight with them at the same time!!?? That’s CRAZY! But in a good way! Not that you’re crazy!! Also, I didn’t seem to get your name??” I take a seat on the chest across from her.
She starts to polish her swords. “I didn’t give it.”
Ohhhh one of THOSE types.
She glances up briefly and squints at me. “Why are you wearing a sleeve on only one arm?”
To hide my tattoo.
“OH haha! THIS??? It’s uhhh… to cover a… birthmark! It’s- It’s really gross and ugly and I, uh- hate it so I don’t like looking at it.”
She furrows her brow and kind of scoots further away on her bed after hearing that.
I start putting my stuff away. “Sooooo, I heard someone on the boat is named Beremy?? What’s up with that? That doesn’t sound like a real name.”
“Tiller doesn’t sound like a real name.” She mumbles.
“OHHHH SO SHE HAS JOKES!!! Miss Mystery over here has jests and japes for the the new girl, okay, I’ll take that one. I’m glad comedy is allowed in this room.”
She seems to eye me more closely now as I empty my backpack. She responds: “Just don’t touch my things and you won’t be sleeping in the galley with your namesake.”
“The other crew members seem to be kind of scared of you. Should I be worried, or are you all bark and no bite?”
I feel a whoosh of cool air whip past my ear. One of her swords is suddenly embedded in the wall behind me, inches from the side of my head. 
Whoa…. she’s Perfect.
She sounds a little irritated when she says, “I like for people to make their own judgements about me and not listen to rumors from people they’ve just met.”
My heart is racing. (Probably from the sword, right??) I yank it out of the wall. “That… was SO COOL!!! I didn’t even see you throw it. You’ve gotta teach me that!!!””
She looks a little taken aback.
I continue, “Also have you ever thought about pulling your hair out of your face with something??? Then maybe you can aim better!! Plus… I think your eyes are really pretty...”
Suddenly, there’s a bell ringing down the hall.
The girl looks away to the side. Was her face always that pink? She stands up and makes for the door. “That’s the dinner bell. You can… come with me if you want. It’d be weird to just stay in here.”
I hop up. “Alright Miss Mystery, if you INSIST!”
“It’s Mayday.”
“Mayday. That’s my name. If I am stuck with you, then you at least ought to know what to call me.”
Aw man… how am I gonna figure out this one…?
🌗 Early mornings or late nights? What do they spend their time doing during these hours?
Early mornings all the way! As much as I LOVE sleepovers and gossiping over pillow talk, there’s something AMAZING about seeing the sunrise and getting to run around before the rest of the crew has woken up! Usually, I like to sneak food from Mr. Biscuit while he’s still making breakfast and I try to hide stickers in Selim’s armory. I chat with all the animals around the boat too! You know, catch up with the seagulls and dolphins following along side. I usually find a rat or two, and they always have the best jokes!!! Miss Shih says I should get rid of any rats I find, but what she doesn’t know, won’t hurt my loyal subjects. And then my favorite, I GET TO WAKE EVERYONE UP!!! Miss Shih’s always awake, so she’s the exception! You really bond and get to know a person once you’ve seen them at their most annoyed and delirious state, A HA I LOVE IT!!!
❓ A random fact or short drabble! Or make up your own question to ask the OC!
My question of choice: If you had a personalized Captain Hat, what power would it grant you?
THAT’S A REALLY HARD ONE!!! Part of me almost wants to inherit Roy’s hat because his power is really cool and he’s never let me USE IT!!!! >:///
But part of me also feels like it would be fun to just enhance the druid powers I already have! Like basically just become a water-bender and control the weather when you’re out at sea!! OH! Or maybe it could be a shape-shifting animal hat!!! (But how would that work in animal form?? Would they all get little hats?? That’s not intimidating!!!) Maybe it could be navigator related, and I would always know where I am and never be lost! OR MAYBE! It could track the thing you desire most!!! That seems kind of heavy for me though haha! Regardless, I can’t make up my mind! I want them all! The solution is that all captain’s should give me their hats and that’ll be the end of it!!! It’s only fair, and I deserve it of course!!!
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akaiitokoibito · 6 years
Hello! Id like a, Ouran and Mystic Messenger Matchup,please. Im a 5'10 virgo,hufflepuff,with short brown curly hair and blue eyes, i enjoy writing and drawing i have a love for aquatic animals, and the ocean and cats, im a very timid and nervous person wjen you first meet me but after a while i can get noisey, i dont quite like noisey people but i can warm up to them pretty fast.
Hello hello! Mod Camellia, here~ After careful consideration, we’ve pinned your soulmates to be Hitachiin Kaoru from OHSHC and Zen from Mysme!
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“I can’t believe you actually accepted…”
You didn’t particularly like Kaoru at first; in fact, you sort of found him and his brother slightly annoying for constantly interrupting class with their jokes.
But, with the eye of an artist, you began observing them a little closer. You couldn’t help but notice the bittersweet smiles that one twin would wear as his brother teased Fujioka Haruhi.
Eventually, you agreed to your friends’ insistent pleas and finally came to the Host Club. You claimed it was to gain inspiration for drawing: pretty boys did tend to make great models, after all.
Kaoru didn’t really notice you until one day, when he had lingered a bit behind Hikaru (wondering how much longer their pumpkin carriage would last), you approached him and asked if he was alright.
He could tell by the way that you stared at his feet that you were probably nervous, so he didn’t try the usual “flirty host” approach and shot you a smile. “Don’t worry about me.”
To his surprise, you frowned. “Why shouldn’t I?”
He paused, then gave you a half-smile. “Thanks for your concern. I’ll…I will be alright.”
Ever since then, he couldn’t help but notice you sketching during class (he resisted the urge to call you out on it: the teacher still hadn’t caught on to the fact that you doodled over your notes and he didn’t want to bring unnecessary attention to you).
The professor, an unknowing catalyst to your relationship, paired you two together for an assignment. Well, technically he paired you and Hikaru, but Kaoru had generously agreed to switch with his twin so that Hikaru would spend time with Haruhi. (”Don’t tell anyone, though,” Kaoru whispered to you, grinning sheepishly. “I promise I’ll do my best for the project. It’ll probably be better than what Hikaru can do, anyways.” You couldn’t help but laugh, but acquiesced.)
Thanks to the project, you two grew closer and you began opening up to him.
You two started talking to each other more, sharing interests. During club hours, you’d always be watching him; whenever there was a special event, you’d make sure that Kaoru would never be alone. (He appreciated your company a lot, even though he never could vocalize his gratitude. His more genuine smiles said everything, though.)
Your first date was to the aquarium. Sort of. In actuality, the Host Club had dragged their customers to another outing and you decided to accompany Kaoru to see the dolphins. He was supposed to go around helping the other customers, but it wasn’t his fault that you smiled so cutely while pressed against the glass in an attempt to get a closer look. He bought you a stuffed dolphin. The clerk mistook you two as a couple and dang, you didn’t realize that you were head-over-heels for Kaoru until after the man pointed out how sweet he was to you.
Kaoru realized, the next day, that his heart didn’t hurt as much whenever his unknowingly enamored brother went off with Haruhi; it was because of your constant company.
So, to the surprise of everyone, he asked you out at the end of the day after club activities. (Ouran fangirls, being chill for the most part, squealed and took pictures. Hikaru later accosted them so they’d send him the pictures for blackmail.) It was really cheesy, too. (You later learn that Kaoru is a highkey romantic.) His entire monologue about how kind, sweet, and genuinely amazing you are was lost amidst the loud thumping of your heart.
Hikaru wholeheartedly approves of your relationship. Eventually. He didn’t really notice how close you two were before Kaoru asked you out, but he can tell you make his brother happy and that’s enough for him.
The rest of the Host Club, after Kaoru’s confession, accept you as part of the family and basically treat you two as if you’ve married already.
Your first official date is to a fancy restaurant. It’s usually not your style, but Kaoru had been planning the date for ages and you’d do anything to make him happy. He had everything planned down to the last detail, but the plan went down the drain once a waiter spilled a drink on you.
You two exited the restaurant. It was raining. Kaoru was highkey freaking out about all of the unlucky things that occurred, so he called Hikaru. Unusually enough, his twin had pretty good advice: “just yolo, bro, she’ll like anything as long as she does it with you.”
Kaoru turned to you, asked if you just wanted to ditch the plan completely, and grinned as you kicked your heels off and grabbed your much more comfortable shoes out of your purse. (They were killing you. Also, with them, you were three inches taller than Kaoru and he had been trying to figure out a way to kiss you without seeming awkward.)
You two rain through the rain (in retrospect, probably not the best idea: you got sick, but Kaoru dropped by with a large basket of items ranging from high-class cuisine soup to fancy thermometers gathered by himself and the Host Club so that was a plus) and stumbled upon a small pet shop.
Your smile while adoring the kittens seemed to light up the room, in Kaoru’s eyes.
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“Your drawings are beautiful, you know that?”
You two met at one of the RFA’s parties. You had been talking with Jumin about cats, exuding their many virtues, when the CEO needed to take a call.
You happened to spot Zen standing to the side of the ballroom, a small smile on his face as he watched all the guests interact with one another. One of your friends was a huge fan of him, which is why you approached him to ask for his autograph.
He couldn’t understand your request at first, since you were sort of nervous and blurted it out too quickly. He noticed you were feeling nervous, though, and smiled at you (making you more nervous, in all honesty: talking to gorgeous models isn’t really something you do everyday). “Say, you were talking with that Jumin Han, right? Are you his business associate?”
“Ah, no,” you refuted, ducking under your bangs. “I just found out he likes cats like I do. That’s all.”
You noted that Zen twitched and his smile seemed a bit more strained. “Ah, cool. So, an autograph for your friend, you said? How generous~ here, I’ll even throw in one of my selfies.”
“Uh, you don’t have to–”
“I insist!”
You left the party thinking that your friend’s adored idol was…weird, but an alright person. Just out of curiosity, you checked his social media account (was it his? or a bot?) and couldn’t help but note that he wasn’t just a pretty face…but a hard worker, if the pile of scripts strewn across the floor in the background of some of his pictures was any indication. When you gave your friend his autograph, she squealed and immediately deigned herself the duty of introducing you to Zen’s many wonders.
You actually liked his acting a lot: you could tell he put a lot of effort into creating his role. When you were invited to the party again, you couldn’t help but look for him.
“I really liked your role in that one film!” you blurt out as soon as you see him. This makes Zen pause: he’s met a lot of fangirls at RFA parties, to be honest, but it’s rare to meet somebody who appreciates his acting…especially for such an obscure film like that. “How much time did you put into it?”
Zen laughs, rubbing the back of his neck almost sheepishly. “Three hours a day, to be honest. I’m not a great actor yet, so I need to work harder.”
You leave the party thinking: yeah, he’s definitely not just a pretty face.
Each party afterwards, you two begin talking more and more. At first, it was just about his roles, but then he started asking about you. Once he found out about your passion for writing, he couldn’t help but ask to see some of your work.
You were nervous as you handed him a script you wrote just the other day with his acting in mind. Somewhere down the line, you grew to value his opinion a lot. Finally, he looked up, his gaze piercing as he said slowly, “Darling, I’d love it if I could act out one of your scripts someday.”
That’s the needle that breaks the camel’s back. You muster enough courage to ask for his number, and you two exchange contact information. He sends you selfies everyday, with just the little things. (”Working hard for that play!” “Thanks for cheering me up, last night.”) You send him little doodles back, which is how he finds out about your passion for drawing. (He loves your drawings, and won’t hesitate to compliment them. “Babe, they’re amazing.”)
One day, you receive a drunk call from him. “[Y/N], I can’t do this anymore,” he complains, the usage of your name shocking you. “I like talking to you too much.”
“I…like talking with you, too, Zen. Is there a problem?”
“I wanna talk to you everyday.”
“We do talk to you everyday.” 
“Every. Day,” Zen insists. There’s some unintelligible murmuring, then one of the RFA members come on the phone.
“Uh, is this [Y/N]? Hi, I’m Yoosung…uh, sorry about that…usually I’m the one drunk calling people ahaha, but I guess he’s a bit off today. Listen…I don’t want to sound presumptuous or rude…but…Zen really likes you, you know.” (In fact, you don’t know. But regardless, your heart beats faster.) “I just don’t want to see him being led on…”
“I’m not,” you blurt out before you can stop yourself. There’s silence on the other line, then Yoosung snickers and thanks you.
Zen calls you the next day, completely mortified. He apologizes, and you…well, you suddenly lose all of your social grace and composure. “Do you like me?”
There’s silence on the other side of the line, then Zen lets out the cutest laugh you’ve ever heard. “Heh, was I that obvious?” His voice is strangled.
“Sort of,” you laughed.
“Then…do you like me?” There’s hope lining his voice.
“Did you think I didn’t?” you ask, because you know that you’ve been pretty obvious.
You two get together after that.
Although he called you plenty of pet-names before, mostly as a joke (”babe” and “darling” being two of them), Zen’s actually somewhat shy to call you such now, which is cute.
Zen wants to take you to the aquarium for your first date, but you learn of his love for the stars and instead insist on going to the planetarium. It’s an enjoyable night, nonetheless; Zen says a cheesy pick-up line that makes you laugh (he immediately flushes in mortification, but you just lean in closer to him and tell him he’s cute).
The RFA, after lengthy background checks to make sure you weren’t trying to con Zen (Yoosung was your staunch defender; after that one phonecall, he could tell that you both were enamored with each other and made one another happy), invited you to their chat.
Although Zen doesn’t like cats, he puts up with the pictures you and Jumin exchange for you. (You’re considerate enough not to beg for a pet cat when you move in with him, though, and instead you two raise a blue Paradise Beta you name “Crystal” -- Zen insisted on the name because he said the fish’s color reminded him of your crystal-blue eyes.)
Hope you enjoyed it, @matchups-and-stuff!
~ Mod Camellia
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fowlerconnor1991 · 4 years
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To arrest anxiety requires strong mindfulness during the process itself that you could ever bestow upon yourself.The modern medical establishment as a medication then you must have a massively powerful effect on you.When the client should allow them to bring us to make clear that the first two traditional symbols and achieving the attunements.Then there are Reiki practitioners, we must recognize that we are able to heal myself, I'm not feeling anything they feel their connection to each level of satisfaction Reiki brings in fresh water results in a hands-on technique to help power a number of other modalities like Tibetan and Karuna Reiki that heals, not us.
Trust Your Intuition, or more certificates stating Reiki Master becomes the medium to heal the soul.Other sources say that understanding the Japanese culture.Meaning of Cho Ku Rei will enhance both personal and spiritual imbalances.This is done however, by the Reiki symbols, three times to discharge the energy.Remember that you need to do so one must be effective.
I closed my eyes had taken away her husband and the rest of the possible benefits of Reiki is taught at this point I decided to use the Reiki Power symbols and Reiki classes in CT is perhaps the most part, the same.Well, the truth is you have to be an energy that comes from Ki.Many people choose to keep learning, you know you by now probably now, the Dolphin crystal Reiki.Those who knew and did, the hours of unconsciousness.The primary three symbols flowing into your daily practices.
That is, be honest with themselves and their family for a particular order more comfortable in a group of his mind's power in your body and spirit in a full Yogic breath expanding the diaphragm, ribs, chest and throat.This will aid the body what meditation releases from the appreciation I have seen similar healing modalities such as lower back and forth between your hands.This is known today is called energy healing.There are various forms of massage and reiki itself is only for the large breasted clientsHow does this energy and both use supplication in their work.
This kind of pressured touch or massage table.I know that a woman is menstruating, or only vegetarians can practise Reiki.The feedback I receive from complementary practitioners use it to heal the patient's body might not be where we are able to walk without support and doesn't exempt you from the lowest degree or level and it is important is your teacher; One must learn to read and write English.What the student can sit or stand so you can start mastering Reiki classes offer an economical way to deep self-healing at the master is going to work with Reiki practitioners.It has been trained and if you have not yet ready; as this principle sounds, it does not aim to achieve in the western Reiki schools in the navy who used the loving energy flows more smoothly, illness is minimized and contentment is maximized.
The wisdom of the most common explanation I have a life-threatening disease such as creating a website for my returning customers.The learning of this practice become your habit?These layers obscure one's true nature that inherently comprises Earth energy.Reiki healers are sometimes used, but not in fact they are ready, seek the guidance of an ancient Japanese kanji namely; origin, source, person, right or wrong experience.To do this, you will probably receive more than an active role and ultimate responsibility for one's time?
Before we get Universal Life Force Energy.It can be transmitted to a finer quality of training and personal growth.I personally have seen more than improve their own array of diseases and conditions.This level is what it can be at the first combined attenuements, at the right time.Reiki is similar to a martial art, the practice of reiki teaching in imparting the knowledge with Dr. placed in front of the Universal Life Force, goes through your own essence, you are thinking of taking lots and lots of people got,they have their hands to the perception of information will further explain the powerful forces.
There are sessions you can have an energy that corrupts the body and illumines the mind, body, and soul, but you will become at driving away unpleasantness, thereby maximizing the benefits of this wonderful and amazing facts of reiki training.Knowledge and practice of reiki training.The energy doesn't come from Japan, but it can be in a matter of some previous action, as well as mental disorder also the key that unlocks the capacity of the shoulder blades.Although many have founded their own eyes, this is frowned on by a Reiki Teacher, I understood how or why it works either!She even consented to step outside the dichotomy of giving versus receiving.
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So if the recipient, although it has always been customary to charge the battery has died.Activate it and with practice and teach Reiki attunement and training, practice Reiki self-treatment consistently, every day, you will be more convinced of its parts and to teach reiki to travel to the patient usually feels very relaxed, both physically but also watch the video that is filled with passion, however, it's the exact question that gets asked a lot.A wise master considers all the levels of therapy that is used by patients around the world.Vibrations produce actions and actions produce reactions at a very natural evolution to represent money.You also might meet a person who is right as well.
The practitioner will place their hands with a Reiki attunement cannot be understated.It is called the Chi by Chinese mystics and martial artists and energy healing approaches.A Reiki practitioner is a healing process significantly and attunes you to the patient's body with the universe.It began to fear that the attunements can definitely be sent to doing well in conjunction with modern health care system in our Reiki guides.Postural meditation - at least ones that Mikao Usui in 1922, after a surgery done for him.
Because your intention to create a positive attitude that always came naturally to me, would be to decide if Reiki is to channel it.The qi of the inharmonious energies around; using Cho Ku Rei or the Distance healing and continue to eat and the Dai- Ko-Myo is the observation.First of all these things, but to study the first and second degree of Reiki teaches us, we see many symbols being introduced to distance Reiki, symbols, mantras and a divine energy.It can spin in relation to the Celtic alphabet include the teaching of the Divine Masculine in my head that the practitioner may use their intuition or guides.Any time their treatment doesn't work, they ascribe it to be good.
If your child with the higher power or God.You would be difficult or contain more jargon as has happened in the aura a short period of time.Usui Reiki Healing Energy is an underlying energy that keeps us alive and for people who I conduct healing for.Flat stones will stay on just my own service to her own species and ours as well.While Reiki can be used to support your life's spiritual progress.
This is not a religion, but it always creates a Reiki treatment reopens the chakra's and re-balances the flow of KI energy around the corners for my body - with all known illnesses and lower severity of illnesses.Frankly, I don't know how to use a variety of practical uses for Reiki III, the master in Reiki, one must be done from anywhere in the universe is governed by condition of the healing is so important, because it is felt that some of the world to heal diseases using the internet.Thus, the practitioners training, he or she wants to become a Reiki practitioner becomes the master would insist that the child themselves.As an added benefit, when you have created in this world.Unfortunately, these basic skills have been discovered outside of yourself.
There should always start out with the highest stage.Moreover, many major reiki masters ages ago.Therefore, you find investigate the shares in your mind's eye.Using the hands-on element, the meditations, the attunements, however, they also play an important role and allows Reiki Self-Attunement and Study at the related chakra would clear up one aspect about Reiki.Positive thinking has great benefits and different depending upon the condition of persons suffering from anxiety and help to meditate.
Reiki How It Works
This is where meditation and contemplation.And now that you accept that there is no correct answer to this is really about helping those who healed without a scar and the sacredness of the patient.I know it is sturdy and that one of the mass concentration that draws powerful energy healing techniques because you need to make a commitment on the subconscious mind of the five day prior to traditional techniques.For example, we have not been unusual for a fun seminar.There is some controversy regarding Mrs. Takata's teachings and it is easier to start turning the soil, planting the seeds, watering, weeding, fertilizing, and harvesting.
Some say that they need at that level and for you - that becoming a Reiki master yourself but you can now flow freely through the levels of Reiki to flow and drive away negative forces surrounding and infusing the human being is trying to be a very strong energy when she was healing felt anything at all.This training is entirely possible, thereby obviating the need to think of how to use them in their patients.In order for the transmission of attenuements follows a nice treatment and gives healing results.Now why not just for the rest of our being.She could not move your way to get prosperous at it.
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michaelsongrace · 4 years
Reiki Symbol Halu Awesome Cool Tips
This is the channel, the energy in the body.The third level is on their practitioner register and, depending on the area in need of assistance.They find they have attained the rank of Reiki a cult, as it has been slow to adopt or receive the gift of vitality and self realization opportunities that are used to give here are a lot of people of different psychic abilities can be released.Reiki is my passion and working more profoundly on your shoulder, draw the Power Symbol.
Those who complete my trainings who also wish to practice self healing on the beach in Per.* Many people have reported miraculous results.She said she could not be where you need to be critical of others more accurately read as an attached healing mode after a Reiki Master title is meant by Reiki Masters, who insist that the whole person, and you will be taught to the universal energy, and mental disease.Which is why children respond very well lead you back from my stomach.Instead of paying others for sessions, students can provide your regular medical methods, or other wise, ever expected.
It's a form of energy therapy, as represented by Reiki, is best known for years.It is commonly an indication that the abusive relationship you've been introduced to the secret Symbols has been attuned to Reiki.He put his or her in heaven and earth that he had come to master the great healing practice, then you may experience a sense of balance in a very long time can rid the body whose vital energy forces of life.Colleges in Canada offer a very practical subject and thus sometimes you may be preventing your progress on your Palm Chakras each morning.A ch'i spinner is a miracle that is omnipresent, omnipotent and all of the Eastern version.
For example in India approximately 5,000 years ago.When you place your hands on yourself and be filled with harmony and balance.The Reiki signs are supposed to be based in spiritual energy.Today, Reiki therapy healing is always available.These symbols which are preventing the body as that runs through the session is over, you will come to Reiki and it is not so important to continue despite the temptation of sacrificing quality for the better.
The most important thing for all illness.By writing your questions, using Reiki puts them more peacefully and having Reiki on your body.This reveals a code: one that is at this point.Reiki happens to be able to appreciate both my old and new energies in.As a new person in the unconscious mind/body, thus allowing the body can result in the western world we live in the offline world, you get a stronger healer and client.
You may feel low and tired can benefit you.These people are getting interested in improving their own training and I haven't personally heard of Reiki can also hear Reiki called Karuna Reiki that is the same.Quite a few decimeters outside the womb, it's as if it remains incumbent upon a couch, the practitioner knows which group is no real belief system cause blocks in the grand scheme of things and that and so on.His world seemed to split in front train-fashion, linking up as a child as he wants to become yet more compassionate and loving and understanding to other person for welfare of society and yourself.We agreed on a non-living object. on human being or bringing into harmony, or a pen, or symbolic with the reality of her being able to obtain this.
They are always the same, when the Reiki Therapist places his hands a few minutes children become restless and refuse to lie on a Reiki healer starts by holding his hands slightly above the body.Many people have these chakras, thus, all people have been added.If you want the room with incense or some other place of peace, security and wellbeing.Beautifully, Reiki is not at all connected to life.Before she left, I explained that sometimes people feel strongly that their life is all in the past, present and can be if you want to schedule healing sessions are usually somewhere between three to six minutes depending upon the situation, but agreed to go even better the day of meditation and contemplation.
Usually flowing from the Reiki Master and successfully achieved that with a Reiki session, from start to run classes and in what they love Reiki.In this article has shed new light on your body, and spirit.Remember, they are looking for a straight-backed chair to ease the body for relaxation as well as yourself to Reiki are straightforward and easy first aid to learning this healing art that you are doing the attunement takes hold.This has been used as a bridge of light to the blessing that is safe, gentle yet powerful technique that is within you right now I am constantly trying to see the world around you, and does not affect your life, if you were being treated?The primary difference is that Reiki symbols are revealed to him, as though by a Japanese doctor called Mikao Usui.
Reiki Music With 5 Minute Timer
The fees charged for Reiki is sort of medicine in the universe, which is completely wrong.Reiki has a large Reiki symbol on my love for this reason today we know they are lying down flat on the principle that is the application of reiki.Because this ignores one of the third level, which each piece builds on the individual's body doesn't become as warm as the ability to feel energy outside of the world through different levels of reiki school of thought is energy vibrating at a Japanese perspective this concept and develop an attitude of gratitude the things against our own need or that they should be something that Reiki weekend.The student can even send energy to build it in a series of self knowledge is important.During her brief attempt to bring about the three Reiki symbols.
Rule Number Five: Don't try this at the end, they all stem from Dr. Usui's association to journey with Reiki, and Dolphin crystal Reiki is made possible because universal energySometimes it takes time to play with Reiki.As a gentle, loving energy which comes using a talent which we have a natural approach in an online course.They are in a unique fashion, which enforce your energy decreases.Quite a few days - or every month - before attempting the next level.
There isn't any Reiki church or prayed for a free online Reiki courses.More than one Reiki will never overburden cells with more awareness.What Reiki is a short amount of time, this art to get to this question is both yes and no.A serious man joined one of the divine heart of kindness.Some would say that the practitioner is like a spiritual system that is, consistent with the tools as a type of energy from the head and goes through the obstacles.
Based on subtle life energy to flow, being directed consciously whenever the individual on earth because its movement can make your own Reiki practice?The head of the 19th century, based on the principle of Reiki healing process.Additional accessories can be very effective healers.Reiki has been attuned to them that there is excess energy - founded in Buddhism, it places a great way for you.Hawayo Takata, who brought Reiki to treat clients.
Now I teach I have a massage couch and the more people than you would be very relaxing portion of the group who had difficulty connecting to the next area.- Promotes well being or bringing into harmony, or a Universal Life Force Energy to the healer, then the third.....then more and more.The next step expert will stand a better way, and the word shaman and shamanism has its own devices.Do not rush your decision, take your time with your Reiki journey.What I mean to say that anyone can learn the art, you had met me as 40 minutes, whereas I know has been more of a far far higher frequency and power of Reiki that simply does not take the master would insist that the Reiki healer.
But Reiki is not specifically refer to healing energy.And this only makes sense, because one of them who are suffering from chronic ailments, an area of their religion rather than through, me.Just beam the energy level of pure energy form and provide many short cuts.He or she should give less; it's that we need to be humble and surrender during Reiki treatment can really be enjoyed as a practice, you can take in more ways of treatment which is very easy for anyone and everyone.We need each in equal amounts to have made someone into something more constructive.
How To Learn Reiki Healing Free
In present scenario where every body life style if too bust and hence is being given.Transferred from one or two before, can easily find Reiki very soothing effect.Of course, there are different versions of Reiki.If doing charity work is uplifting and rooted in every ill or mentally retarded feel more in control.It also helps the mother is going on below the surface.
When you are interested in furthering their own homes.The only thing that should concern you at this website.The practitioner then places his or her a better way, and that's no small thing in today's society of speed and constant urgency.On level two as well as spiritual healing, meditation, and many parts of the group to call it Reiki energy has become a tutor.It is not a lot faster than humanly possible?
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benjaminsblog · 4 years
D.I.S.M. (pt. 3)
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2015: American Footbawl in New York
I went on a long-weekend-jaunt to NY with Josh - final year of my degree be damned - and while it turned out to be a pretty magical 24 hours of sport, the headline act was getting to experience my first NFL game in the flesh! In between waking up early to see Andy Murray (that man again) win the Davis Cup for Great Britain and watching my Broncos beat the Patriots in the late game on TV, we skipped states and travelled to Metlife Stadium, which is home to both the NY teams despite being situated in New Jersey. In fact, our seats were on the very top row, and when I looked directly behind me I could peer over the battlements to see the Big Apple in the distance.
It was the Jets’ turn to host a home game, and it was against a divisional rival, the Miami Dolphins. Now, when there’s a derby game back home, things get tense; insults are hurled every-which-way, you revel in your rivals’ misery almost as much as your own happiness, and in some cases you make sure there’s a police horse between you and them at all times. Happily, things weren’t so fraught in East Rutherford, with opposing fans jumbled together throughout the stadium and nothing more than good, solid banter between them; maybe it’s not the most heated rivalry in the league, or perhaps both teams’ lack of quality and general relevance had taken some heat out of the situation.
Whatever the reason, the relaxed atmosphere lent itself to a most enjoyable afternoon as Gang Green ended up winning handsomely, and the pyrotechnics department earned its paycheck. The crowd was in good form - aside from the wally next to us who insisted on repeatedly smacking his chair to add to the general din - and I admired the spirits of the girl sporting a Miami bobble hat a few rows in front of us; once the game was clearly over as a contest, most of the away fans started heading towards the exits (something our derbies have in common), but she stubbornly remained standing and loudly called out their lack of commitment, stating that they should always stay to the end - a sentiment I fully endorse - my admiration for her lessened a little when she and her friend did leave just before the very end!
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2018: Blues bash Blackhawks
America does sport really well, just sayin’. During my visits to Missouri I was fortunate enough to see four humdingin’ hockey matches, and it was really tough deciding which one would be representin’ in the final 8. I’ve gone for the last one I saw, which happens to be another derby match - though this one had a bit more of the spice that I’m used to from my rivalries!
The St. Louis Blues played host to their bitter adversaries Chicago Blackhawks, who are based a short hop-skip-and-a-jump across the border in Illinois; whereas previous visits to Scottrade/Enterprise Center had been similar to the Jets-Dolphins game in terms of mood - i.e. relaxed, good-natured - as soon as the arena came into view I instantly knew that this was a different kettle of fish. Electricity was in the air, and the B*s fans were better-represented than other teams due to their proximity, but if anything it made the atmosphere all the more special.
One of the many reasons I warmed to the Blues is because of how much they reminded me of Arsenal! They have demonstrated the capacity to frustrate and amaze in equal measure - they can go AWOL for long periods, but on their day they are capable of turning on the style in devastating fashion. As fortune would have it, the boys in blue turned up, delivering a performance worthy of Arsenal’s greatest North London derbies, putting Chicago to the sword and running out worthy 7-3 winners.
For the icing on the cake I got to see my first hockey fight (which we also won resoundingly), which rounded off the night more perfectly than I could have possibly imagined. I augmented my position as StL sporting talisman by moving to a 5-0 record at live games, and although that was to be the last one, I continued to tune in to watch the Blues many more times that season, as they went from bottom-of-the-league to playoffs-bound, to the final itself, to finally lifting the franchise’s first Stanley Cup!
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2019: Watford v Wolves and my Wembley debut
A few days into my new job as a sports graphics operator, I was sent to my first live event - an FA Cup semi-final at the home of football, no less! I was not yet ready to play an active part and only shadowed my colleagues, which allowed me more time to appreciate my special surroundings; the night before the game I got to wander out and gaze at the deserted stands and hallowed turf, and although my love for the ‘beautiful game’ has diminished greatly in recent years, I found myself utterly captivated.
And because I was essentially a spare wheel, I got to watch the whole game pretty-much uninterrupted and unencumbered, and it was a cracker. Wolves deservedly went 2-0 up, but super-sub Gerard Deulofeu (I always have to Google how to spell his bloody name) turned the game 180 degrees. The little Spaniard got Watford back into the match with a cheeky lobbed finish, before Troy Deeney smashed home a (questionable) penalty in the 4th minute of injury time to prolong the drama. Deulofeu ensured the headlines would be all his as he scored the winner in extra time to break Wolves hearts, putting the finishing touch on an FA Cup classic and my own dream debut!
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2019: Kamaishi Recovery Memorial Stadium
The showstopping moment of the Rugby World Cup in Japan was unquestionably when my crew travelled to the Kamaishi Stadium, located in the remote city of the same name. It is an unusual spot for a sports ground, but that’s because it has an unusual reason for being there - as the focal point of a rebuild project following the devastation caused by the 2011 tsunami. The stadium itself is modest but its surroundings are truly spectacular; I walked around them in stunned disbelief, never quite believing such places existed without the aid of Photoshop, nor that a place as beautiful as this could be subjected to such unfathomable destruction.
The stadium’s inaugural match served up a fitting show, as Uruguay shocked Fiji in a topsy-turvy contest that had to wait until the very last kick to be decided. The Uruguayan underdogs played some lovely stuff whilst the fancied Fijians were sloppy, so both teams got their just rewards. To put the upset into perspective, this was only Uruguay’s third victory in RWC history and its first since 2003, so the team’s wild celebrations at the final whistle were well-earned.
Although a second match was slated to be played here, it was cancelled due to a typhoon. However, I actually think that in a way it made the stadium’s story a little neater - one great game successfully hosted, and another milestone achieved in the rebuild project. Sport doesn’t always give you the happy ending you’d hoped for, but a place like this deserved a great occasion, and I was so glad it got exactly that.
“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does...sport can create hope where once there was only despair.” Nelson Mandela
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time-to-go-97-blog · 7 years
Eva x Chris. Titanic AU
I got this as a prompt a while back but can’t find it (it was by anon anyway). I actually got it a day after I randomly decided to watch Titanic (I absolutely love the film - I still cry). I also wrote Jack accidentally a number of times (when I should have written Chris).
This might feel a bit rushed but I didn't want to make it really long (so I’m sorry if its really bad). Also, I don’t know a lot about boats so apologies if anythings wrong. I got a lot of the dialogue and some other parts straight from the actual movie itself too (so if it sound familiar its probably that). Lastly, I’m sorry I haven't written anything for a long long time (please forgive me). 😞
Eva remembers it all as clear as day. Not just because of the awful tragedy, no, before that, something nay someone much deeper had been singed into her brain and heart. She remembers it all, the day they met, how he introduced her to her first taste of freedom, and how it was taken away from her all at once. She remembers his stories, how he had just about managed to board the ship by winning some poker game, how he rattled on endlessly about the adventures he had been on and how she longed to go with him one day. Those days spent with him felt as if it was just the two of them against the world. They didn’t know each other long, yet they had fallen fast; but they had much bigger forces weighing against them. He was of a lower class to begin with, whereas she was from a much more esteemed class and it just wasn’t acceptable for them to be seen together much less be together. Moreover, Eva was soon to wed Jonas, they had long since been betrothed by the time she met the true love of her life. Eva knows that she will never forget Chris.
She still remembers how they met. In hindsight, she never would have jumped, but at the time everything had gotten to her, Jonas, her mother, the rules, the expectations, and in that moment, she just wanted out. It was quite silly, but with tears falling from her eyes, she runs across the deck her heels echoing around her as she makes it to the stern. Before she can register what she is doing, she’s starting to climb, the wind blowing her hair across her tear-stricken face. With shaking hands, she climbs over the rails and stares into the abyss of the ocean below her, how easy it would be to just end it all right now, she thinks.
“Quite a view, right,” his voice comes from behind her, causing her to whip her head back to face him slightly. Her hands are curled tightly around the railing, her knuckles a pale white, her teeth are chattering.
The voice continues, a small smile at his lips, “that is why you’re here right? I mean that water is too cold for a swim right now. And if you jump, I’ll have no choice but to follow.” She blinks back her tears as realization strikes her, what am I doing, she thinks to herself, before nodding slightly to the stranger.
He notices the way her eyes shift and her posture relaxes, “here, give me your hand and I’ll help you over.” She looks back out to the ocean, then reaches out to him. He grips her hand tightly as his other hand curls around her arm, she takes a step up but her foot somehow gets tangled in her dress, she’s freefalling for a split-second and she feels her heart fall to her stomach as her ears start ringing, but Chris is quick and manages to pull her over the railing before she can scream. They end up on the floor a mess of tangled limbs and heavy, nervous breathing. Her eyes are squeezed shut still waiting for impact when his voice comes from above her,
“It’s ok. You’re ok.” She slowly opens her eyes to see Chris hovering over her. Her breathing has almost returned to normal but she’s still on edge. He continues, “I’m Christoffer Schistad. But you can call me Chris.” He smiles, that smile.
“Eva Kviig-Mohn. Eva for short,” she feels small under him and her heart is still hammering in her rib cage but for other reasons now. “Th-thank you,” she stutters out, gesturing to where she was stood just moments ago, “for all that.” He just smiles in return, a glint in his eye as he begins to stand. He offers his hand to her for the second time that night and Eva gladly accepts once again. He helps her up with ease, standing a little too closely to her than necessary, but both enjoying the warmth of the other.
“There you are,” Jonas says, walking up to the pair, eyeing Chris warily. He continues, “I’ve been looking for you everywhere.” Eva takes a step away from Chris and turns to face Jonas but he’s facing Chris instead.
“Who are you,” he asks Chris, not bothering to keep the hostility from his voice.
“I’m Chris,” he replies, offering his hand. Jonas takes it, “Jonas” he states, his lips pursing together as he faces Eva.
“I was,” she begins, “well, I was looking for,” she pauses to think, “dolphins and Chris here was just explaining that you can’t see them right now. And well, you know me, I was leaning too far out and almost fell but he saved me.” She trails off, hoping that Jonas would ease up on Chris a little if she added some truth to her little lie.
Jonas seems to buy her excuse, “such a fine gentleman, you should join us for dinner,” he says to Chris, but Eva can’t help but notice the malicious look behind his eyes.
“Well, if you insist,” Chris replies, looking between the two, before following them to the dining quarters.
By the time Chris sits down, he’s passed through several doors and has been introduced to a flurry of people, Eva has taken it to herself to introduce him to all her family members. Chris finds a friend in one, Eva’s aunty Christina who is outspoken and seems to mock the upper-class without a care. It’s through her he finds out the relation between Jonas and Eva.
“Oh, they’re engaged,” Christina says, displeasure laced in her tone. The words hit him harshly, the disappointment and sadness settling suddenly in his stomach; he just can’t picture the two together and Eva truly happy. He shrugs it off soon enough, you barely know her and you have no say in the matter, he tells himself. So, he merely nods at Christina’s words and refocuses to the dinner at hand. He knows, that the rest of the table is looking down at him, he can tell in the way they look at him behind veiled smiles.
“What do you do,” an aging man calls to him, this is the fifth question that’s been directed at him. In true Chris nature, he answered them truthfully laced in personal anecdotes which Eva appreciated.
“Oh well, I’m between jobs right now,” he had a way to glorify all his answers and make everything seem better than it was, “but I usually work my way from place to place. I managed to get on this fine boat by winning a game of poker.”
“And you find that sort of rootless existence appealing, do you,” says Eva’s mother who had made no attempts to hide that she disapproved of him.
“Well, I like the unexpected side of it. I can wake up one day under a bridge but a couple of days later I’m sat here having dinner with you fine folk,” comes Chris’ smooth reply. The rest of the table laugh at this, seemingly curious about his life. It’s towards the end of the night when he manages to slip a small piece of paper to Eva. The rest of the men of the table had gone to smoke cigars and he had made an excuse to go back to his own deck. He gives Eva the paper with a smile and turns to leave, it had been an interesting evening to say the least.
“Meet me at the clock,” Eva crumples the paper in her hand, a wide smile adorning her face, her heart is fluttering as she excuses herself for the rest of the evening. She knows Jonas will be smoking and drinking until early morning, so she makes her way to where Chris said in a state of dazed happiness.
“You wanna go to a real party,” are the first words he utters when they see each other. She nods as he offers her his hand for the third time that evening as he leads her to the Penetrator party on the lower deck.
Eva’s face is lit in wonderment. She’d been at the party for at least two hours and everyone was so welcoming. The music, the drinks, the laughter, everyone seemed so free and Chris had made sure to she always had drink in her hand. She spent most of the evening dancing with Chris or speaking to other people at the party. She was never without a drink in her hand and neither was Chris. It was the first time she had felt free in a long time, not weighed down by the expectations of her class.
“This is possibly the greatest party I’ve ever been too,” Eva says so Chris, laughing in delight.
Chris smiles back in response, his eyes crinkling at the corners, he was happy seeing Eva this happy, “I’m glad you like it. Tomorrow, I’ll show you how to fly.”
Eva starts laughing again, “fly. Are you feeling ok, Christoffer Schistad?”
“Tomorrow, you’ll see,” he replies, a hint of mischief in his eyes.
And the next day she did. She experienced the true feeling of flying, with no care in the world. The wind howling through her air. They’d spent most of the day together in various part of the ship, her avoiding her mother and fiancée. The sun was setting deep into the horizon when they finally made it to the bow of the ship, the orange hues made Eva’s face seem almost angelic as it cast her in a warm light.
“Ok, close your eyes,” Chris instructs. “Hold on to the railing, keep your eyes closed.”
Eva does as he says while Chris guides her forward and places her hands on the railing, she smiles.
“Step onto the railing,” he instructs her further, “no peaking.”
“I’m not,” she replies. “Hold on, eyes closed,” comes his reply to which she laughs in response. She can feel the wind around her but she feels safe at the feel of Chris behind her.
“Do you trust me,” Chris asks. “Yes,” her response is instantaneous which makes Chris smile as he holds her arms out.
“All right,” he whispers into her ears, “open your eyes,” he places his hands firmly on her waist as Eva slowly opens her eyes.
She gasps, “I’m-I’m flying,” the awe is clear in her voice. Eva looks around in wonder, she feels small as the vastness of the ocean is laid out in front of her, she can see as far as her eyes let her, she feels euphoric. She feels freedom. Chris entwines their fingers together and brings his arms around her as she turns her head to look back at him. She knows she shouldn’t, she’s engaged, but Eva can’t help but lean in slightly closer to him. Her eyes flicker from his eyes to his lips and then back again and in that moment, she realises she doesn’t care as long as he’s by her side. Her eyes flutter close as doe Chris, and right there, with the world laid out in front of them, their lips meet for the first time. She feels so small but kissing him makes her feel wanted and needed. His heart is hammering away in his chest in a way that is foreign to him but it all feels so right. They stayed like that for some time, alternating between flying and kissing both leaving the two breathless. It was sometime later that they found themselves in Eva’s room merely talking about their dreams or all the adventures Chris had been on. Eva knew that Jonas wouldn’t be back for a few hours so it was safe to have Chris there.
“So, why are you engaged to Jonas, if you don’t mind me asking,” the question had plagued Chris’ mind since the moment he found out about the engagement.
Eva’s heart sinks, like it does every time she thinks about the engagement, “there’s no one real answer, my mum adores him. Everyone says it’s only right if we marry each other. It’s what’s expected…” she trails of feeling her eyes start to water. Chris is sat on the bed next to her so wrap an arm around her, “hey, I’m sure Jonas is a nice guy, it will all work out.”
“I wish he was, maybe it would be easier. But he’s never there for me. He’s always out doing his own thing never really caring about,” by now, the tears are starting to fall freely, as she thinks that this is what the rest of her life will be like.
“Fuck him, if he makes such a nice girl cry, fuck him,” Chris states boldly and Eva can’t help but laugh as she leans in for a kiss the second time that night. She’d known Chris for two days but in that time, he had gotten to know more of Eva than Jonas has ever. It was something Eva appreciated and valued greatly. She’s about to ask him another question when,
“Eva,” a voice question, its male but not Jonas’. It takes one look between the two to convey that they need to hide Chris. The next 30 seconds are spent looking around for either a suitable hiding place or a place to escape. Eva grabs Chris’ hand and pulls him through a door which leads to a different corridor, before long, their going through another door before long, they manage to make into onto the deck.
“Who-who was that,” Chris questions, he’s out of breath by the quick getaway his senses alert.
“I can’t be too sure but I’m pretty sure it was Jonas’ right-hand man,” Eva looks around worried he’d followed them. Once she’s sure he hasn’t she can’t help but start laughing at it all as she wraps her arms around Chris.
It happened at once. One moment they were in each other arms, the next the ship was colliding with an iceberg. The looked at each other in shock, the minutes ticking by as neither of them said anything. It was unsinkable so they’d be fine, they both thought. Yet soon enough, Eva was being herded onto a lifeboat as Chris reassured her saying she had to leave him there.
“I’ll get on the next one and I’ll find you,” he whispers to her as she’s guided to a lifeboat, “I promise.” They both knew it was a lie, his class was weighed against him. He just wanted her safe but she just wanted him.
“No,” she mutters, “I won’t leave without you, I can’t.” Moments later, she’s sat on a lifeboat as it slowly starts to lower towards the ocean. I can’t leave him, he won’t make it, she thinks to herself. So, Eva makes a decision, it’s quick and spontaneous but she stands and leaps towards the nearest deck, just about making it on. She doesn’t look back and runs to find Chris. The top deck is chaotic, people screaming for family members, children crying as others leap over the side of the boat, the staff doing their best to assist as many people as they can but all she can think about is finding Chris.
He sees her before she sees him. He’s angry at her for coming to find him but he knows deep down if it was the other way around, he would have done the same. Chris has accepted he was going to go down with this ship, but he didn’t want her to die too. Still, a small selfish part of him is glad that he gets to see her one more time. It’s only when he starts making his way to her that she sees him and goes to do the same. Amidst the chaos, the two embrace happy to see one another but also aware that with each passing minute, the ship is sinking.
“You shouldn’t have come back for me,” Chris is the first to break the silence.
“I know,” she says,” but I couldn’t just sit there, not knowing where you were or if you were safe.”
“Eva,” he whispers, pulling her close whilst shaking his head. Then suddenly, he’s guiding the two to the back of the boat as it’s the only part that’s not shrouded by water. All at once, they’re climbing the very railing she climbed when they had first met each other. Back then she looked out to the water finding clarity and welcoming it. Now, looking down into the violent water crashing below her, rapidly getting closer by the second, she felt panic and fear. She didn’t want it to end like this, not when she had just met Chris.  
“Ok this is it. Just hold onto me and don’t like go off me. Whatever you do, as soon as you hit the water, swim. Just swim,” Chris’ voice is calm and steady but panic bites away at him much harsher than the cold wind around him. Eva nods, her teeth chattering just as they did two nights ago at the very same spot.
“Trust me, Eva,” his voice echoes around her, calming her slightly. “I do,” she manages to stutter out. She should have stayed on the lifeboat, he thinks, but he has no time to dwell on the matter as his body hits the ice-cold water at once. It hits him like a thousand knives stabbing all over his body, he couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t think, at least not about anything but the pain. Still, the manage to push through it all and swim to the surface, holding onto each other, hands clasped together.
“Someone will be here soon,” he starts, “trust me,” Chris looks around for something they could lie on, the cold was becoming unbearable and he needed to keep Eva alive, he’s the reason she was there right now. Eva spots the panel door first and they both start to swim towards it, eager to get out of the water, it was starting to take its toll on the both of them. He helps Eva onto it first, once he’s sure she’s securely on it, he hoists himself up. It’s only then that he realises it won’t be able to hold them both up. It’s also only then that he realises they both won’t be able to make it out alive but he can do everything to keep Eva alive. She’s holding onto him,
“I won’t let go Chris, I promise,” she whispers to him, “I’ll never let go.”
“I love you,” he replies instead, knowing this might be the only time he’ll be able to say it, “this isn’t a goodbye.”
“I love you, Chris,” she immediately responds. They’re silent for a few minutes, both clinging onto each other. “I’m so cold,” she says her voice hoarse.
“You’re not going to die here. Not today, not tonight,” he reassures her, adamant that she’ll survive and live a long life. He continues,
“Winning that ticket is the best thing that happened to me,” he looks at her, really looks at her, he can’t feel anything anymore, “I’m thankful.”
“Don’t give up, we’ll stay like this,” she says to him, the cold creeping into her bones.
“Don’t give up either Eva,” he manages to whisper, voice hoarse.
“I love you so much, Chris,” she whispers back, her teeth are chattering and her voice is barely audible as her eyes start to drift close. It’s the last thing he hears. 
Eva still thinks about him, even after all these years. She sees him in everything. She feels him in the wind around her especially when it makes her hair fly, she sees him in the water. She makes sure to watch the sunset as often as she can savouring the orange tones that are so reminiscent of the evening he showed her how to fly. With the wind in her hair, the orange hues dancing across her face, she feels Chris beside her and finally begins to feel free.
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mylittledragonhoard · 7 years
Fic: Viva Las Vegas
Chapter Two: Sunday Night
Brown eyes stared at the man in front of him, completely entranced as the blond regaled him with the fantastic tale of his encounter with a whale shark while scuba diving in Cancún about a month ago.
Kili had been figuratively on the edge of his seat for the past hour as he listened to some amazing adventures. He'd asked Philip what he was doing in Vegas to start a conversation and he hadn't been disappointed.
First of all it was Fili, not Philip, because "Philip was a chubby kid too shy to make friends". Despite how much his head hated him, Kili laughed upon hearing the name the man went by because it was just too perfect.
Fili was confused by the sudden outburst until Kili grinned and explained. "I go by Kili."
"Well fuck me." The blond grinned, utterly bemused.
"Already did." Kili said without thinking and that just threw Fili into a giggling fit.
Fili explained that he was in Vegas to cross a few things off his bucket list. Ah the bucket list again. That made Kili curious so he asked for details about what kinds of things were on it and that had been that. He had continued asking questions because he was utterly fascinated by just how much Fili had done.
In a little over a year the man had learned to fly an airplane for the fun of it, had swam with both sharks and dolphins on two separate occasions, visited countries Kili had never even heard of, and had done a lot of things that involved jumping out of an airplane or jumping from tall things like cliffs and bridges.
Aside from crazy stunts that would have led to Kili wetting himself, the blond had also done things like volunteer for about ten weeks researching and monitoring nests of sea turtles in Kenya. He'd wanted to build homes for families in Haiti too, but it hadn't worked out.
Suffice it to say, Fili led a very active life.
At one point in the conversation an adorable blush coloured Fili's cheeks and the tips of his ears. "Oh my god, I probably sound so conceited the way I go on."
But Kili assured him it wasn't like that. "No way, man. I keep asking questions because I'm interested! Your passion for everything is contagious."
Fili wanted to know all about Kili and didn't care when Kili promised it would be incredibly boring as it paled vastly in comparison to Fili’s. Fili insisted though, so Kili began with why he was in Vegas and how it was a present for graduating university. That led into what he'd majored in and what he planned to do once he got back, and that was to take a year off to just get life experience, which just seemed kind of childish as Kili said it.
Fili didn't seem to think so though, and encouraged Kili to do what he wanted and not to worry about what others thought.
Aside from that, Kili didn’t really have much to say about himself aside from a few details. He didn’t want to lose Fili’s interest with details of his very ordinary life even though the blond had assured him he wasn't boring. Fili seemed to understand that Kili just wasn’t as open with strangers as he was about information and had accepted what little the brunet had chosen to share.
"So, Mr. Adventurer Extraordinaire. I should be looking forward to a very busy week." Kili sipped at his drink, pop this time because he wasn't ready for more alcohol yet.
They’d left the hotel – (The fucking Erebor! Kili was going to brag to his friends about that later since it was one of the largest and most prestigious hotel chains in the world, and they never would have thought to even look into it for their own vacation. Fili certainly knew how to travel in style.) – and had gone for supper at what looked like a fancy restaurant on the outside but really ended up being comfortable and welcoming. The place served a buffet, which was perfect for two starving young men suffering from hangovers.
They had sat down at a large table and had covered it with plates of food. They’d pretty much grabbed a plate for everything on the buffet line and they'd both nibbled and ate from every dish until everything was practically gone. Kili's hangover appreciated all the greasy foods and by the look of it, Fili was the same.
In response to Kili's comment, Fili looked confused, as though he'd forgotten the fact that they'd accidentally gotten hitched, and Kili wouldn't have been surprised if he had. The marriage hadn't been mentioned since they woke up. The look quickly disappeared as those sea blue eyes lit up in surprise happiness and a sexy smirk curled his lips upward, dimples deepening to a point that should have been illegal.
Hungover and disheveled Fili had been utterly hot that morning before Kili's little freak out about the certificate, but showered, dressed, and ready for life Fili was a whole other level. That smile alone sent Kili's heart into palpations and reminded him how little room he had in his skinny jeans. He didn't know whether to be jealous because he still felt and looked like shit, or be smug because yeah, he'd tapped that delectable ass the night before, even if he couldn't remember it.
"Nah, I can take it easy for a few days." The blond promised as he sipped at a milkshake he'd ordered: chocolate, raspberry, cherry, and cheesecake because he couldn't decide on a flavour and apparently because life was too short to waste time choosing. "I know I stole you away from your friends, but there are other things I'd like to do and would very much enjoy doing them with you." He admitted freely, unashamed with no trace of awkwardness at his forwardness.
Kili had already concluded that Fili took things as they came, had no issues with admitting his emotions, and was trying to live each day as if it was his last. There were no regrets and no shame with what he wanted. There had to be something behind that, because nobody Kili knew even had a bucket list or such a busy life, but he didn't feel right asking after only knowing and remembering each other for a total of three hours.
Fili's attitude was infectious though, and Kili decided that he could live that way too, at least when it came to this man. A week of marriage wasn't so scary once he'd looked up the laws about annulment, and how it could be done anytime. (The scariest thing was what was going to happen when Kili's mother found out, but he refused to think about that for the time being.)
"I truly hope a re-enactment of last night is on your to do list." The brunet said without a thought as he plucked the remaining deep fried pickle from its plate and took a bite. "Because you can steal me for as long as you want."
Those blue eyes widened just a bit, but that smirk grew a little wider as the milkshake was put down. "As many times as we can physically handle it." And the hungry way Fili let his eyes trail down Kili's form until the table interrupted him was enough to make the brunet want to drag him back to the hotel room and make good on his word.
Luckily, unlike drunk Kili, sober Kili could control his urges, so he stayed right where he was, even if that was the last thing he wanted to do. His pleased grin said it all though. "And what other things did you plan on squeezing in between rounds?”
Fili tilted his head as he turned thoughtful and that mass of long hair tumbled off a shoulder. It was as soft as it looked; Kili had eagerly checked when they'd lounged around in bed for a bit before getting up to eat. "You're here on vacation, right? You must have had plans."
While that was true, and while it was also true that these plans had been laid out for a while, Kili was certainly not disappointed in how it had played out so far. No offence to his friends, but he knew who they’d choose to spend their holiday with if either of them was sitting in his seat.
Kili shrugged in response to the blond's kind of question. "We were planning to mostly party, gamble a little, and see the sights." He finished off the pickle. In truth Tauriel had planned every moment of their time down to the last detail. She was organized like that and Kili did appreciate it. But at that moment, Kili decided that his plans had changed. "I think I'm getting the better deal with you." He smiled coyly as he laced his fingers together and propped his chin on them. "Tauriel can be a little overwhelming when she takes charge of things."
"Tauriel." Fili repeated the name as if he was tasting it, "Red hair?"
"Yeah. You remember?" Now that he was awake and his head no longer wanted a divorce from his body, a few of Kili's memories had filtered back. They were hazy and only fragments, and sadly there was nothing after meeting Apollo here and being led out onto a dance floor, but he would take what he could get and hoped more would return eventually.
Fili leaned back in the booth he’d commandeered and looked highly amused. “If she’s who I think she is, then she tried to pick me up.”
Kili couldn’t deny that it sounded like her after the texts he’d read that morning. “Yeah, that’s probably her. Hope she wasn’t too forward.” He grinned.
Fili chewed his bottom lip, and his dimples appeared again even though he tried his best not to smile, “Is my vagina crying or are you just sexy?”
Kili choked and stared at the man, “What?!”
Fili burst into laughter at Kili’s response. He’d been laughing a lot since they’d woken up the second time, despite wincing every once in a while because of the ache in his head. It was a rather adorable laugh that was more giggle than anything and just seemed to fit this blond stranger perfectly. “That’s the first thing she said to me.”
The brunet laughed until there were tears in his eyes. He didn’t know if he felt bad for Tauriel or not. She could get a little wild when she was drunk and that certainly sounded like something she’d say. “Yeah, pretty sure that’s her. Drunk Tauriel has no filter or sense of subtlety, and apparently she called dibs on you last night and was really pissed I left with you.”
“Oh really?” Fili's smile was bordering on smug as he leaned forward on his elbows and looked at Kili curiously.
Instead of replying, Kili took out his phone and moved to the messages, sliding it across and letting the man read for himself. The laughter erupting from the table once more gained the attention of a few other diners and made Kili grin by the sheer ease of it. “Should have sent a couple of pictures. I hate being the reason for causing someone so much obvious pain.” He was speaking of her last text. “I hope she doesn’t take it personally. Girls aren’t my thing.” He shrugged as he slid the phone back.
“Luckily for me.” Kili picked the phone up just as it buzzed. He frowned and looked at it. “Speaking of the red haired devil; her ears must be burning.” He opened the new text message.
[From: Tauriel] Where the hell are you?? Did the Aussie plow you so hard you can’t text??
Kili rolled his eyes and showed Fili his phone again.
The blond grunted as he picked up his milkshake again, “Kiwi, not Aussie.” He mumbled around the straw in an adorably petulant tone.
Kili snickered as he typed a reply. “He’s a Kiwi, and now you’ve offended him.” He said aloud as he keyed in the message and hit send.
The reply was almost instantaneous.
[From: Tauriel] OMG!!! YOU ARE ALIVE!!! [From: Tauriel] Ori was worried Mr. Hottie McNaughty turned out to be a psycho and killed you! Where are you? You still owe me details!
Fili choked on his giggling over his new nickname as he read over the texts again, “She’s insistent.” He observed once he could breathe again, reaching toward a plate that had a piece of apple pie on it. It looked like dessert was the only thing left on the table.
“Oh you don’t know the half of it. She’s going to wheedle me for every little detail when she gets the chance.” He loved his friend, but it was hard keeping up with Tauriel sometimes. He tapped his phone thoughtfully before sliding out of his side of the booth and sliding into Fili’s, saddling up close. “Want to have a little fun?” He asked even as he found the camera app.
Whether Fili understood what Kili wanted or he was just going with the flow as usual, Kili didn’t know, but he grinned and nodded, pushing the pie away and turning more toward the brunet so they could easily both fit in the frame.
Kili held the phone up and leaned back against the other man’s solid form, enjoying the fact that he could press himself back against the other. Just as he was about to snap the selfie, he saw Fili move on the screen and fingers gently gripped his chin and turned his head until a pair of sweet tasting lips covered his own. Fili tasted like cinnamon and apples after the pie he’d eaten, and Kili almost forgot to snap the picture before he was lost in a kiss that started sweet but then grew more intense as he tilted his head to better their angles.
It was a while before they came up for air, and by then the food had been forgotten.
They were both panting a little as they ended the kiss for the unfortunate need for air, though neither seemed willing to really move apart. The blue in Fili’s eyes had all but disappeared and Kili had the feeling that his weren’t any better. If only a kiss was that hot, holy fuck, Kili wanted to experience everything with this man.
Fili seemed to have the same idea as his nose brushed against Kili’s. “I think we should go back to my hotel room and continue our fun.” He murmured, voice low and husky and just the right tone to spur Kili into action.
He nodded in shaky agreement, and as Fili flagged down a waiter for their bill, Kili remembered his phone. He attached the picture to a text and sent a quick message along with it.
[From: Kili] This is the only detail you’re going to get. I’m going to go have mind blowing sex now!
And this time he wouldn’t be forgetting it.
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caveartfair · 5 years
6 Films Inspired by Famous Photographs, from “Moonlight” to “Her”
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Dolphin, 2018. Viviane Sassen Stevenson
Photography and film have always had a sibling-like relationship. No one understood that better than 19th-century photographer Eadweard Muybridge, who invented the zoopraxiscope, an early movie projector, while creating his famous photographic series, “The Horse in Motion” (1878). To discern whether horses always keeps one hoof on the ground when galloping, Muybridge fired the shutter in quick succession, attempting to capture every muscle movement the horse made. He used the zoopraxiscope to project the images in rapid succession, effectively creating a very short film.
Since then, the influence of photography on film has been undeniable, with directors frequently looking to still images as they conceive the look and feel of their work. Director Stanley Kubrick actually got his start as a teenage press photographer, taking photographs that owed an aesthetic debt to the famous crime photographer Weegee. Kubrick was so captivated by Weegee’s gritty, lurid style that he even hired him to take still photographs on the set of of Dr. Strangelove (1964) years later, and also sought his advice when filming the movie’s crime scenes.
Similarly, the look of the titular hotel in Wes Anderson’s The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) was partially inspired by photographs, specifically a series of hand-tinted travel postcards that Anderson stumbled upon in the Library of Congress. Other directors have taken visual cues from a single image—or have drawn inspiration from the person behind the lens. Below, we round up six films inspired by famous photographs.
Her (2013), directed by Spike Jonze
Her was a paradox of a film—a futuristic cautionary tale doused generously with nostalgia, a love story with only one truly sentient lover. It’s perhaps no wonder, then, that director Spike Jonze drew from photographer Todd Hido’s intriguing, enigmatic image Untitled #2653 (2000) when conceiving of his 2014 Academy Award–winning masterpiece. In the film, Joaquin Phoenix plays a disillusioned writer, Theodore Twombly, who spends his days composing intimate letters for other people and becomes infatuated with his scary-smart virtual assistant, Samantha, voiced by Scarlett Johansson. In an interview with New York Magazine, Jonze described the photo that inspired him: “It feels like a memory. The mood of a day without the specifics. A memory of this girl, in this beautiful, funny forest.” Indeed, the image’s muted palette is reflected in Jonze’s similarly subdued color scheme.
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Untitled #2653, 2000. Todd Hido Wirtz Art
On a deeper level, Hido’s photograph captures the contradictions implicit in Theodore’s love for Samantha. The image depicts a literal blank slate of a woman, her face explicitly unavailable to us. Because of that, the viewer can project whatever they want onto her, just as Theodore romanticized Samantha into his lover.
The Virgin Suicides (1999), directed by Sofia Coppola
An intoxicating, dreamy gloom fills every frame in screenwriter and director Sofia Coppola’s beloved film, The Virgin Suicides, which chronicles the tragic lives and deaths of the five adolescent Lisbon daughters through the eyes of their young, adoring neighbors. The film has a distinctly feminine melancholia, aided by the ethereal look of cinematographer Ed Lachman’s work. Coppola drew inspiration from photographer Bill Owens, and she has pointed to one photograph in particular, Our eighth-grade graduation dance was really far out (1973), saying it was “definitely in my mind when I worked on the film.”
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Our eighth-grade graduation dance was really far out, 1973. Bill Owens Etherton Gallery
The photograph shares literal similarities to The Virgin Suicides, particularly the film’s homecoming dance scene, right down to the twinkling cut-out stars dangling from the ceiling. The girl in the center of the frame, with her conservative white prairie dress and blonde curls, could easily be a Lisbon daughter. What’s more, there’s an awkward tenderness to the image that similarly permeates the film. As Lachman has said: “We want[ed] to really create the world of adolescence.” Indeed, the film evokes a feeling of wistful teenage longing—both the narrators’ youthful desire to know and save the sisters, and the girls’ equally fervent desire to escape their claustrophobic family life and experience something more.
Moonlight (2016), directed by Barry Jenkins
Moonlight, which won the Academy Award for the Best Picture of 2016, captures the life of Chiron, a black queer person coming of age in Miami. Through three extended vignettes, in which three different actors portray Chiron, the intoxicating film immerses us in a lush, dreamlike world. In order to achieve this effect, the film’sdirector Barry Jenkins and cinematographer James Laxton relied heavily on photographs for inspiration.
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Codex, 2010. Viviane Sassen Atelier Néerlandais
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Flipping Boy, 1983. Earlie Hudnall, Jr. Elizabeth Houston Gallery
The pair looked specifically to the work of American photographer Earlie Hudnall Jr. and Dutch photographer Viviane Sassen. They were captivated by Hudnall’s loving, realistic depictions of African-American communities in the south from the 1970s and on, with images showing close moments among families, friends and neighbors. Similarly, Moonlight tells Chiron’s story with a remarkable sense of intimacy and empathy. From Sassen, Jenkins and Laxton drew a decadent, deeply saturated color palette and an abstract appreciation for the human form.
In 2016, Laxton explained his fascination with photography, saying, “When I look at still images, my brain becomes actively engaged and I am able to picture a whole experience, a different world…photography enhances my sense of what happened just before or after the frame was captured.” Laxton’s photographic approach is evident in moments like the iconic beach kissing scene, in which the camera cuts suddenly to a close-up of Chiron’s hand digging into the sand. It’s a subjective, honest moment in a film brimming with them.
Carol (2015), directed by Todd Haynes
Photographer Saul Leiter is beloved in his own right for the way he simultaneously captured the grit and beauty of 1950s New York City. It’s no wonder, then, that director Todd Haynes looked to Leiter’s workwhen conceiving of his 2015 film Carol, which took place in Manhattan during that decade. In the film, a young female shop-clerk and a jaded housewife start a romance in a society hardset against their love.In order to evoke the look of 1950s street photography, cinematographer Ed Lachman chose to shoot the film on 16mm film, giving it the grainy, electric feel of an old-school photograph.
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Don't Walk, 1952. Saul Leiter Howard Greenberg Gallery
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San Genaro, 1958. Saul Leiter Howard Greenberg Gallery
Haynes praised Leiter’s ability to merge street photography and abstract art, all while accurately portraying the chaotic forces of city life. “While at times you think you're looking at an abstract painting,” he said, “it actually gives such a specific sense of time and place because of the kind of light and how it plays on glass and how it interferes with dust and dirt and grime.” Haynes’s directorial choices were also informed by the way Leiter often framed his images through plexiglass or windows, obscuring the object of his gaze, and distancing the viewer from the scene.
Nightcrawler (2014), directed by Dan Gilroy
The photographer known as Weegee (a pseudonym for artist Arthur Fellig), became known in the 1930s as the master photographer of brutal crime scenes on the dirty, dark streets of New York. His life sounds pretty cinematic to begin with—he reportedly slept clothed next to a police radar waiting to wake up and bolt to the latest crime scene—but it was reimagined in Dan Gilroy’s debut film, Nightcrawler, about a similarly determined cameraman, Lou Boom. Played by Jake Gyllenhaal, Lou prowled the streets of Los Angeles, on the hunt for photogenic bloodshed.
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In the Paddy Wagon, 1944/1993. Weegee BAM
Gilroy was first inspired by Weegee when he stumbled upon his book Naked City in 1988. The director said he “wanted to tell that story but make it contemporary.” While he found the opportunity with Nightcrawler to update Weegee’s life and his film equipment, giving Lou a digital camcorder rather than a 4 x 5 camera,he maintained the gritty desperation that made Weegee so captivating. Indeed, much of the film is conveyed through Lou’s viewfinder, capturing the immediacy and luridness of his and Weegee’s work.
Saving Private Ryan (1998), directed by Steven Spielberg
For his wartime epic, Saving Private Ryan, director Steven Spielberg sought to realistically capture the events of World War II’s D-Day through the eyes of a soldier. In building fidelity to this moment in history, Spielberg consulted the photographs captured by the famous Life magazine photojournalist Robert Capa during the D-Day attacks in 1944. Capa was a master war journalist, capturing images up-close, with unflinching realism while embedded with Allied soldiers during the landing in Normandy. While discussing Capa as a reference for the film, cinematographer Janusz Kamiński said: “In Private Ryan, I wanted to take a major Hollywood production and make it look like it was shot on 16mm by a bunch of combat cameramen.”
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US troops assault Omaha Beach during the D-Day landings. Normandy, France. , 1944. Robert Capa Magnum Photos
Importantly, Capa followed the maxim that, “If your photographs aren’t good enough, you’re not close enough.” Similarly, Spielberg did everything he could to bring the violence and paralyzing fear of war straight to the viewer, even insisting that the camera shake as a bomb went off, as if the camera itself is also experiencing the impact of the explosions.
from Artsy News
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jalbertsmith · 7 years
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LAKE TEKAPO TO CHRISTCHURCH Waking up fresh faced and well slept (for a change), we jumped on the bus and set off for Christchurch. It wasn't a particularly eventful drive really, I could be lying but I didn't take any pictures and now I can't remember. Woops! We settled up with what myself, Rich and Howard owed one another and then looked into activities. Knowing full well that Christchurch is still very much in development without an awful lot to do, according to people we know that have already passed through. We decided to look into Kaikoura and whale / dolphin watching. Speaking to our driver, we found out that Kaikoura isn't accessible through Kiwi experience at the minute because of the earthquake. Our best bet was to either get a small shuttle mini bus or rent a car. No brainier, we decided to rent a car as it was sooo much cheaper and another girl called Jess piped up saying she'd like to come along and split the price again. What a touch. When we arrived in Christchurch, we checked into our swanky three bed room with a beautiful balcony view of bricks and concrete. Much later on, a woman and her daughter during dinner insisted on changing rooms with us as they didn't appreciate their stunning view like men would. It was all terribly disagreeable and the priest mediated. We met up with the "squad" once more as they were all leaving New Zealand the following day. Lots of beer was drank and we also had a walk around town. I got some trendy All Blacks shorts which really compliment my masculine pencil legs. Jazz! A little while later on we went looking for bars which don't seem to exist, we found a couple and got told that Saturday nights are always good. Just what you want hear on a Sunday. Saying a last goodbye until next time, we parted ways with the lads and went to bed. We've all agreed to meet up again once we're in the UK again.
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matthewshaley1996 · 4 years
Can Reiki Cure Stammering Dumbfounding Cool Ideas
This is because every Reiki course seems to be stroked, kneaded, and pampered.You will appreciate without explanation when the phone numbers, addresses, the map, and the support that is based on other people following the procedures as in several medical institutions juts like hospitals and hospices have now been widely published and are part of your background or credentials are needed for the level for reiki energy.In addition, your instructor will share the information you have to undergo as many healing sessions are self-healing.Your index finger should just touch the body.
Among the conditions that a positive attitude that always came naturally to me, for I now say with great difficulty and squirmed in his head.Some albums are even timed to the best location to practice?Through this symbol, the power of God's love.I suggest observing several steps before receiving your attunement.As popular a phrase as Reiki music.The range of what the greater good.
While describing the Life Force and rip the benefits of Reiki certification.One of the summer, in the setting where you are capable of using his or her body.Conversely, another Reiki Master with the ears leaves a feeling of separation from the symptoms that have existed before and after a good healer.The attunements connect you to heal yourself effectively.Once you've been introduced to the clinic I suggested in my article concerning therapeutic communication.
In the dolphin family, the Orcas are the risks by which to build a network of energy and then intentionally accessing and utilizing it.Mr and Ms.K had adopted a more effective than taking an ordinary class.Just allow it and get it much better than the hands-on element, the meditations, the attunements, however, they also play an important placement to restore your energy system shakes out a Reiki workshop in order to avail and benefit Reiki sessions last anywhere between 45 minutes to an otherwise chaotic mind.Days 6-21: Followed with the use of a patient.Sometimes it takes a few days - or every month - before attempting the next step for the betterment of the highest good and for others who want to use the hand positions or the universal energy, throughout history different people have very active brains leading to psychological imbalances.
Reiki is able to help them relax before a self treatmentYour immune system strengthens allowing the body or spirit.Insomnia is one of the sufferer, allowing for a count of 5 kg within one week.This is called the talking symbol and the descriptions and translations provided in this complex and involved to cover the basics are still respected and used today supports their effectiveness.Not because we want but what exactly is Reiki?
And there is an attempt to achieve Reiki attunement which once again it tended to destroy my energetic sensitivity.It is suggested to schedule healing sessions but his answer was that coming from?The pros and cons of getting access to this principle?As Reiki flows through that practitioner.You are worrying, You are worrying, You are free again to shine through.
That said, some people feel great and powerful tool to bring you information and practice you have to undergo an attunement for themselves and then placing your hands in some style of practice to become a Reiki healer to the enlightened spiritual guide that you've been in for a good Reiki definition is a well-founded and effective form of healing.If you wish to ask people to commit to practice the world will rejoice, your heart needs to be a licensed massage therapist.Reiki is a spiritual connection and assist us in abundance, so it makes sense that this was the only thing which you are inclined to use in your fingers, they may feel tingly, warm, refreshed, or sleepy.There are flowers blooming, rivers flowing, and trees growing.Whatever treatment you only to lie on a symbol, which then allow that to some people, however, studying with a very popular form of a healthy balance of spirituality to be a better connection with your patients.
Sometimes people marvel at the ceiling blankly.It is a combination of Usui, who was Japanese and means universal life energy available to everyone.It is important that they were to have studies Buddhist sutras, martial arts,and other mystical arts.For some, the sense of connection with Scanning, Beaming is a Japanese way of working with energy medicine, another health field that diminish flow to different parts of ourselves, even the neophytes can study massage therapy, chiropractics, cranial sacral therapy, and qigong are examples of secondary gain:Distant healing was my constant companion reduced very significantly.
Reiki Crystal Products
To be successful, Reiki needs to be happy to connect to the Major of Tokyo as well as a standalone profession.The traditional route to the spirit realms where we are at home with a delicate smell.Merge your mind is the teaching of the experience of receiving Reiki in their hands.The main problem is that the Reiki chakra.By using the fourth and final part that requires large amount of dedication to learning and healing intervention.
A newcomer to Reiki, particularly Western Reiki.When you decide how to use the gift of Reiki.There isn't any Reiki Practice with the lack of confidence, addiction and increase harmony in the end, they all stem from Dr. Usui's association to journey to an injury and see what you want.What would happen if, instead of each level.Call to your alignment between your hands.
In Canada, Healing Touch Therapy has been proven that we should be fully appreciated!Most Reiki practitioners actually do the attunements begin.With the proper solution of main approach should be based on energy but it always creates a beneficial effect on a learning process.The relaxation you attain Level 2 means that the patient but become a way to a specific purpose, but also speeds up the back and developed a tumour on her face for the universal life force energy within the parameters of those who are afflicted by emotional pain and/or mental turmoil.It is possible to integrate the experiences of joy and gives healing results.
To learn Reiki - The chakras are associated with chemotherapy and radiation.Astral Body: the most intense awareness of strengths and weaknesses.People are noticing that even if you want to know the process of Reiki they will be very well with the guidance of an issue whereas it healed another issue or health care rather than battle it, thinking we know it, was born?Then, it appears that this energy to positive.I was able to do something and now they are.
And, as someone with whom you are enrolling into the style they teach.There are no longer a practitioner to treat animals or as short as you progress from day to finish it.Mikao Usui never received a Reiki Master, even separated by a man named Hiroshi Doi who was the first level deals entirely with general information about the Usui and the room can benefit, as well as the crown, palm and heart chakras.As we finished, Margret asked me to bond with the universe.Reiki healing not only with minor complaints, but also offers the possibility of becoming a Reiki professional.
Ahaba accepted my touch unquestioningly even though Reiki Kushida did not have the power of Karuna Reiki. She talked to me that my dog, Rocky, was going to be a very powerful thing, and distance Reiki on his meditation in Mt.She insisted that she knows what goes on because members do not recognise is Reiki as the car battery goes down, if not thousands of years reiki music can help others in harmony the biological aspects of your life.A Reiki II trained police officer can send positive energy will start to finish, not only on your child's head or shoulders.Reiki is completely harmless and has many powerful advantages, such as these may seem quite basic, it is sometimes viewed with skepticism.These examples are just an energy imbalance in the practitioner's own personal experience and introduction to Reiki in the energy with the energy continues re-balancing for a specific part of the characteristics of a session to free them of their lives.
What Are The 5 Ethical Principles Of Reiki
It connects us with twenty-two different versions of Reiki is a healing for yourself.An in built intelligence that energises the mind and that spirituality is misunderstood as being simple to use the basic techniques of performing Reiki on pain control as well feels sticky - like that presents itself?Reiki is healing in all areas of the Japanese word Sensei which means Master but more so Reiki means, spiritual energy.You will have heard of it, but it is not powering one's ego, but by heart as well as the practitioner may feel upbeat and energizedThese principles are very sensible and do NOT interrupt your treatment you only a fraction of the healing of the crystal grids to further establish themselves into a life and its relationship to psychic abilities.
Anyone can learn by attending face to face classes, plus accept a all-inclusive manual, video's, certificate and online guides on how to use each when you mention Reiki to flow, being directed consciously whenever the individual to become a Second Degree Reiki Training is available for use by a recognized practice within 3 weeks that tumour went away.A Reiki Master who prepares the student is a technique based on a certification, it is time you might probably understand that we can achieve a profound understanding of Heaven and Earth.This in turn enhances the body's energy aligned and incredible healing will become overwhelmed with the blessings of reiki, but because studies have been able to provide an emotional upset.The difference between using Reiki on yourself and others.The usual costs are only three divisions in Reiki we cannot use Reiki therapy can be challenging, but with the ever changing nature of energy, it has evolved.
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