#also big fan of dean getting good boyed
Baking With BF!Dean Winchester Headcanons
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✨ Dean Winchester x GN!Reader ✨
*sighs in 2014 was 10 years ago* Minors do NOT interact, this is not “rizz-ing!” Off you go!
A/N: I love writing these because they’re like half baked yet surprisingly endearing thoughts and it’s fun haha.
Icons by me!
All notes are appreciated! Hope you enjoy!
Content Warning: I have a bad sense of humor and make some sex jokes but nothing too explicit, at least I think so. Definitely still 18+
( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
-3 favorite things to bake with him
1. Pie (obvs)
2. Brownies (sometimes with pot…)
3. Cookies (all kinds)
-okay, now that that's been established...
-one day you had jokingly suggested the bunker should do a cookie jar
-this was taken seriously; not only by Dean, Sam and Cas; but also by literally every regular passerby. Even Rowena's made a batch of red velvet cookies. (We threw those ones away, we couldn't trust that they weren't poisoned, made of blood, or both)
-but if it's just the usual crew (you, the brothers, and Cas) then you have a weekly rotation
-and Dean regularly suckers you into "helping" him, even though you both knows he’s capable of being a big boy (and I mean he is a big boy if you catch my drift) and doing it himself
-those candy apple green eyes work wonders
-one of his favorite, stupidly cheesy things to do is as follows:
-you’ll have a taste of the batter/dough/filling, as one does (it’s always good cause the two of you together are an unstoppable force in the kitchen) (alone is a different story- it’s usually Kraft Mac n Cheese cups)
-and while you’re trying it, making faces, he’ll look over and innocently ask if he can try it
-like “Can I get some, sweetheart?” (And yes he most certainly can get some.) (batter, I mean) (definitely batter) or “can I try some, doll?”
-and no matter how many times he’s tried it you’ll say yes
-so he’ll lean down, cupping your cheeks in his rough hands and kiss you as passionately as humanly possible
-like, these kisses could literally bake the cookies or whatever because of how hot they are
-and he’ll make sure he really gets to try it
-and then he’ll pull back with a smirk, cause he’s done it at least 30 times before and you still let him and still like melt into a puddle every single time. Without fail.
-you guys like to put on Disney soundtracks in the background when you bake. High school musical and Moana primarily, but he’s also taken with the soundtrack of Julie and the Phantoms. (He complained about the show being unrealistic supernaturally speaking and then was adamant that there should be a season two and cancelling it was a crime worthy of hell)
-also, rock, obviously. As a fan of Bon Jovi, you best believe you sell him on them and slow dance to Bed of Roses while things are in the oven. It’s only right.
-if you’re listening to heat of the moment and Sam the baby giraffe walks in he will get those sad eyes, making both of you scramble to make him something else, like some keto hidden veggie brownies or some shit, to make him feel better
-now, in specifics
-pie is for fun. You two usually make one to split for after dinner. Roughly once a month, but should be more often. Well, that’s not fair if you count creampies
-apple is his favorite, ofc. You use Mary’s recipe, and you’re the only person in the whole wide world that he trusts with modifying it in any way
-you also make them for him if he’s sick or if you guys have for some reason had a fight. The latter is rarer, but does still happen on occasion
-it’s okay though, because pie will always make things better
-cookies are almost exclusively for the jar. These are made on random frequencies, usually a lot at a time.
-he likes butterscotch a lot, and you find a way to mix your favorite flavors into either one monstrosity or one beauty of a cookie
-you guys have in fact made your own recipe. It’s awesome. Like, prized possession material.
-and then brownies
-they’re literally just pimped up store bought mix. Preferably Ghirardelli, for maximum bougie-ness
-and then sometimes you guys add some fun time grass
-you’ll do that when you just want to have a soft night. You’ll always way up to him laying on you and holding you like a koala though- may your back be prepared
-overall he just really enjoys spending time with you in any way that he can and baking is a great way to do that
-Dean Winchester is precious
-I rest my case
If you have any ideas for more headcanons, send a request! My box is always open!
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waywardxwords · 5 months
Chapter 8 - Save Me
Summary: After a random encounter introduces you to Dean Winchester, you can't shake the magnetic pull you feel towards him. For years, you've felt like everything in your life is under control--a promising career, financial stability and no real responsibilities. Dean's a hunter; it's his life and job. But somehow when you meet, your worlds are flipped upside down and you have to decide if it's a chance worth taking.
Chapter Warnings: Slight language; there's a ton of dialogue in this one but I feel like it's necessary to prep for the chapters ahead
Pairing: Dean Winchester x female!reader
Word Count: ~3k
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If you were being honest with yourself, you didn’t know how you felt about going to Kansas for the unforeseeable future. While it wasn’t like you went into an office everyday and you could really work from anywhere within the United States, you had still built your life in Virginia. You had friends—especially Jen—and it felt weird leaving her here, unable to defend herself. But Dean had assured you she would be taken care of, and you knew that you were unable to defend yourself against these monsters Dean and Sam knew how to fight. 
“You about ready?” Dean asked as he tapped softly on your opened bedroom door. 
A heavy sigh fell from your lips as you looked at your packed-to-the-brim duffel bag and backpack. Dean said it was important to pack as light as possible, but without knowing when you’d be back, it was hard to be selective in what you brought. 
“I think so,” you mumbled, your lip caught between your teeth yet again. You released it as Dean stepped into the room. 
“Hey, I know this is a lot to take in,” Dean started slowly. Both of the boys kept treating you like you were made of glass, which was a little bit annoying but also made sense. It felt like you were all waiting for the other shoe to drop. 
“I’m okay,” you said out loud for him, but also for yourself. “I’m not really a big fan of the unknown…I’m a planner.” You mumbled as you looked around at your things.
“Not big on taking chances, huh?” Dean chuckled softly as his eyes watched you move. Again, it was like he was waiting for it all to set in and for you to crumble.
“Nope,” you sighed as you finally looked back at him. “Rule follower, remember?” You managed a half-smile as you remembered the first time you met in Atlanta.
“Oh, I remember,” Dean smirked back. He took a few steps towards you and you both sat on the edge of your bed. “Just keep in mind–this doesn’t have to be forever.” Your head had dipped a bit, so he moved his to find your gaze. 
“I get that,” you nodded. You didn’t want to offend him; this was his life. He was used to packing an ‘oh shit’ bag and getting out of town. He was used to all of the things that went bump in the night. You, on the other hand, were still trying to wrap your mind around it all. “I just wish I could circle a date on the calendar and know when I could come home.”
Dean nodded as he processed your words. “Tell ya what,” he started. “How about we take it one day at a time, for now,” he paused but you waited for the ‘and then’ part. “Once we get back to Kansas, we can sit down and come up with a plan. Figure out what it looks like so we can get you back home.” 
You didn’t want to be presumptuous, but there was a tone in his voice that almost sounded like he wasn’t looking forward to that. But since everything had happened, you really hadn’t been given a moment to figure out what this was between you and Dean.
“That sounds fair,” you answered honestly. Dean smiled and seemed hesitant, but leaned over and kissed the side of your head anyway.
“Good,” he seemed okay with your answer. He sighed and looked around at the rest of your room. “Anything I can do to help?”
You pushed your hair behind your ears and followed his gaze as you, too, looked around. “I don’t think so,” you said softly. “I’ve packed just about everything that will fit into my bags. I’m just worried I’m forgetting something.” 
“We do have stores in Kansas, ya know,” Dean winked as he stood and reached for your duffel. “Jesus, woman.” He muttered as he slung it over his shoulder. “You got a dead body in here, or what?”
You managed a laugh as you stood to follow him and slung your backpack up on your shoulders. “No, Dean, I think I’ll leave the dead bodies to you.” You patted him on the shoulder and walked just beyond him, but you heard him laugh as you rounded the corner into the hallway.
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“Everything locked up?” Sam asked as you closed up the front door and headed to meet the boys in the driveway.
“Yep,” you sighed and readjusted your backpack a bit. “I mean, it probably doesn’t matter when it comes to demons, right? They can get through locked doors, I’m guessing.”
They didn’t answer you directly but nodded slightly. “I’m guessing you want to bring your car to Kansas?” Dean asked as he eyed your garage door.
“Oh, absolutely,” you answered quickly. “I just figured I would follow behind you guys, if that’s okay.” You said as you used the keypad on the side of the garage to type in your PIN number that opened the door. 
Sam and Dean stared at you, confused for a minute. “Sam’s flying back to Kansas,” Dean said. “This is a rental so I figured I’d drop it off on the way and hitch a ride with you, if that’s alright.” His words made you turn around slowly and your brows pulled together in confusion. 
“Wait,” you started carefully. “You flew here?” 
Dean caught why you were so surprised and flashed his white teeth in a small smile. He pulled at the back of his neck as Sam watched you both look at each other. “Sweetheart, I don’t own European cars. Don’t drive ‘em either, if I can help it.” He shrugged as he thumbed to the Volkswagen Jetta in your driveway. 
“Okay,” there was more you wanted to say but you decided not to rub in how much Dean hated flying in front of Sam. You weren’t familiar with their dynamic at all, but Dean had told you that he didn’t like being afraid, and that he always tried to be strong for his brother. You didn’t want to embarrass him or say something you shouldn’t in front of Sam. “Do I wanna know why you have to get back to Kansas quickly?” You turned your gaze to the younger Winchester. 
Sam chuckled softly and shook his head. “Work…related,” he mumbled. “So probably not.”
You nodded once and turned back to your car. “Okay, then,” you breathed. “I’ll follow you to the airport and wait for you to drop off the rental.” 
You loaded up your backpack and Dean tossed your duffel bag in the car.  As you both turned away, you faced each other, maybe a foot apart. 
“I’ll see you at the airport,” he said softly. 
“Be safe,” you said back as you studied his features and tried to read what he was thinking. He nodded, and after one more look, he went to walk back to the rental car. 
Before he could step away, you took a chance. You reached for his jacket and tugged so he turned back to you. With his jacket still between your fingers, you pressed your lips to his in a rather quick, but hard kiss. For a moment, he paused but then his hands cupped your face as he kissed you back. 
As the pop echoed around you, you didn’t notice how Sam had turned to give you some privacy and scratched awkwardly at the back of his head. “What was that for?” Dean asked as his eyes looked between yours. 
“To say I’m sorry, again, for not believing you,” you started softly but continued before he could say anything. “And for saving my life.” A small smile tugged up the corner of his lip just enough for his dimple to appear. 
“I don’t want you to apologize to me again, got it?” His thumb caressed your cheek gently. 
“No more apologizing from either of us,” you stared into his eyes until he nodded. 
“Deal,” he agreed, though somewhat hesitantly. 
“Okay,” you pulled back and waved at Sam. “Thanks to you too, Sam.” You called after him. He turned back around and nodded. “And I guess I’ll be seeing you in Kansas.”
“I’ll see you there,” he nodded as he waved. “Drive safe.”
You nodded and watched Dean walk back to the car. Just before he climbed into the driver’s seat, he called out after you. “And I’ll be seeing you soon.”
Even after everything, you couldn’t help the heat that radiated in your cheeks or the way a smile pulled across your lips. 
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Dean had dropped Sam off at the drop off area at the airport. Once he had gathered his backpack, you followed Dean to the rental car return. It only took a few minutes before you popped the trunk to your Toyota Camry and waited for Dean to toss in his duffel bag. 
He pulled open the passenger door and leaned down. “You want me to drive?” He asked carefully. Dean seemed like the kind of guy who preferred driving, but you smiled and shook your head ‘no’ anyway. 
“How about I take the first shift? And then we can switch,” you suggested. He seemed content enough with that response and climbed in. “Sorry it’s not the Impala.” You offered with a small smile. 
“Ah, it’s alright,” he sighed as he pulled on his seatbelt. “I’ll get you in a Chevy or Ford, eventually.” He smiled back. You chuckled softly and shook your head as you pulled away from the airport. 
“What’s the address?” You asked as you toyed with the navigation on the dash. 
Dean grumbled, something about fancy cars and shitty navigation systems but you just rolled your eyes. He plugged in an address for Lebanon, Kansas. 
“Jesus,” you mumbled, as the screen totaled your drive time at 20 hours and 32 minutes. 
“Buckle up, sweetheart. Hope you’re ready for a long drive,” Dean chuckled. It was already late into the evening, pushing midnight by now. 
“It’s weird, I feel like I’ve been up for days at this point,” you muttered as you adjusted the air and your seatbelt. 
“You sure you don’t want me to drive?” He eyed you carefully. That was the thing about Dean’s gaze: you could feel it even when you didn’t see it. 
“I’m alright. We can switch when we stop,” you shifted the car into drive and eased on the gas. Dean unbuckled his seat belt to pull off his jacket before he buckled it again. “I’m supposed to call Jen tomorrow. I’m not even sure what to say to her, she recognized you from the photos we found online.” The sound of your voice was anything but strong as your stomach flip-flopped. 
“I’m guessin’ the truth isn’t an option?” Dean asked. 
You shook your head no. “And say what? She got possessed by a demon named Meg, her eyes turned black and she flung me against the wall a few times? Yeah, I’m pretty sure she’d have me committed,” you fell into a comfortable speed as you got on the interstate and hit cruise control. 
Dean half chuckled and shook his head as he glanced out the passenger window and then back to the windshield, his features illuminated by the headlights of drivers coming down the other side of the highway. “That probably wouldn’t go over too well. It’s a lot for anybody to take in.”
You muddled over a thought before you said it out loud. “How did you take it when you first found out?” You asked him as you glanced between him and the road ahead of you. 
His brows kind of pulled together and you took that as his thinking face. “I don’t really know how to explain that,” he started softly. “It’s all I’ve ever known, really.”
Shock had to have graced your features but you tried to calm your expression. While you recognized this was all new to you, it wasn’t to Dean. And you certainly didn’t want to offend him. 
“When did you find out about the things that go bump in the night?” You asked him carefully. 
“When I was four,” he didn’t look at you when he answered. Instead, his gaze went out the passenger window again as he watched the trees pass by in darkness. 
“Four?! Dean, you were a baby,” you breathed. And then you remembered. “You were four when your mom died…”
There was a moment of silence that you took as his acknowledgment that you had the right idea. But then, he continued. 
“My Dad kind of went into overdrive at that point. Trying to find what killed her,” he explained. You nodded as you tried to absorb it. When he didn’t offer up anything additional, you broke the silence. 
“You were just a kid, Dean…” you felt a pang of sadness for the man next to you. It made you angry, even. “No kid should ever have to go through that.”
“No kid should have to lose their parent to some supernatural asshole, either,” he said back firmly. You somehow knew he wasn’t upset with you by the comment, just trying to make you understand. “Seeing my Dad go through that, and having to make sure Sammy was okay…” he shook his head as he trailed off. 
The dots started to connect for you. Dad was busy fighting the monsters, Dean had to take care of his brother, you kept your thoughts to yourself but made a mental note. He had to be strong—couldn’t be afraid. 
“Anyway,” he cleared his throat and resituated himself in his seat. “All that to say, I don’t know what it’s like, really, to be thrown into this world that I live in. But I know it can’t be easy.”
“I don’t want you to worry about me, Dean,” you answered quickly, and you meant it. It seemed as though Dean was worried about protecting everyone in his life and being strong through it. “I don’t want to burden you with that.”
“Sweetheart, I’m gonna worry about you whether you’re sitting right here next to me, or you’re thousands of miles away in another state,” he looked at you when he spoke. “And it’s not a burden.”
“Can I ask you something?” Your bravery to ask the hard questions surprised you. Something about being in the car with him for almost a full day made your usual resolve soften. 
“Shoot,” he stole another glance at you. 
“Do you like it? Fighting…monsters?” You asked, for lack of a better word. 
Dean mulled it over before he answered right away. “I like helping people,” he said simply. “I like being able to save people so they won’t have to go through the same thing we did.”
“But who saves Dean Winchester?” Your eyes found him in the dark car once again.
“I don’t need saving, sweetheart,” he smirked again, a hint of confidence to his tone.
“Everybody needs saving sometimes, Dean,” you answered softly.
The only noise around you came from the hum of the engine.
“I guess Sammy does,” Dean looked out the window. You could tell he didn’t want the conversation to continue at that point, so you switched gears slightly.
“Does it ever scare you?” The idea of fighting monsters terrified you, but you were curious if Dean was ever afraid. 
He seemed to process the question like it was something he had never been asked, which shocked you considering the line of work. “I mean, I guess sometimes. Usually when one of us is in trouble.” You nodded, but he continued. “When one of us is knockin’ on death’s door, I guess that scares me.”
Each new fact you found out about this life Dean lived in brought on a new wave of shock. “Death?” You asked him as you looked between him and the road. 
Dean chuckled, but you could tell it was from him being a bit uncomfortable. “Let’s save that one for another day,” he shifted in his seat. 
Maybe that was a good idea. You redirected the conversation slightly. “Where does your fear of flying fall on the scale of being scared?” You smirked. 
“Oh, that one’s still at the top of the list,” he winked with a wide smile that reflected the light from the streetlights as you drove, welcoming a lighter conversation.
“But you got on a plane anyway. To get to me,” you stole another glance in his direction. 
“Well, yeah,” he said simply. “Sam said I should let it go, that something must have made you change your mind. But when I couldn’t reach you…” he shook his head. “I just had to be sure you were alright.” His words caused a flutter to form in your stomach, and you smiled, but that was shortly followed by a yawn that tugged at your jawline. “Getting tired?” Dean asked.
You shrugged a bit but couldn’t help the nod that followed. “It’s been a really long day,” you sighed. “I guess I was more tired than I thought.”
“That’s what happens when shock starts wearing off,” he reached to place his hand just above your knee over your denim jeans. It was obvious it was meant as something comforting as his thumb traced small circles on the fabric there. “Why don’t we pull off? I can switch with you.”
“Dean, you need sleep, too,” you argued.
“We can stop eventually if I get tired, too. But I’m alright, sweetheart,” his voice was gruff and raspy–you could sense the exhaustion there, but you obliged.
There was a rest stop up ahead and you took the exit slowly. Once the car was in park, you opened the driver’s door to switch with Dean. As you both got settled in your new seats, Dean pressed a quick kiss to your temple before he adjusted the mirrors. 
“You just get some rest,” he said gently. 
You nodded against the headrest of the seat and closed your eyes. “Night, Dean.” It wouldn’t take long for sleep to find you.
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A/N: Happy Thursday, friends! I know this chapter probably felt a bit "filler" with the dialogue, but it was important for the development of future chapters. I promise things will get more interesting in the next chapter!
Let me know what you think! I appreciate all the likes, comments & reblogs more than you know!
Chapter 9 will be posted on (or maybe before, TBD) Thursday, 4/25!
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Chapter 9 Preview:
One blink, then two. The hum of the engine and vibration in the seat of the car reminded you where you were. There were so many emotions that coursed through you as you remembered: demons, monsters, Dean. 
Your nose twitched as you smelled the air and your eyes were drawn over to Dean. The sun was out now–high in the sky.
“Dean?” You cleared your throat as you shifted in the passenger seat to sit up fully. He did a double take and you saw the smile spread across his lips.
“Morning, sunshine,” the gruffness to his words and the look on his face made your stomach flip–or was that hunger? You settled on a mixture of both. 
“What time is it? Where are we?” You asked as blinked a few more times to try to take in your surroundings. 
“It’s about 8:30,” Dean answered as he glanced at the clock. “And we’re about an hour outside of Louisville, Kentucky.” 
“Jesus, I slept for eight hours, Dean! You should’ve woken me up,” you rubbed the sleep from your eyes and felt around your hair inconspicuously. You didn’t want to give away that you were slightly concerned with what you looked like after passing out in the passenger seat. God, what if you drooled?! You swiped your fingers across your mouth quickly. 
“Nah, you needed the sleep,” he answered simply. “You had a rough few days there.”
“Thanks,” you breathed. Suddenly your stomach groaned and you hoped he couldn’t hear it. “I’m starving. How about we stop and switch off again?”
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applesontheground · 8 months
quiet coyote ⛓️
CHAPTER ONE take me far from here | AO3
hey, joy ride fans. pspspsps. so, like any other big scary slasher that’s Like This, i immediately developed a crush. one could even say it hit me like a truck (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-4-gLlF0uw). so, i’m writing about it. rather, i’m planning an entire multi-chapter thing about it and about him... and i’m making it extremely self-indulgent while on the way. this is a bit of a “for myself” project, but you guys are more than welcome to read, too! ♡
SFW | Word Count: 2,367 | Rusty Nail x Female Reader
contains canon typical/incoming cringe 2000s protagonists, dk if this needs a warning but casual misogyny + slut shaming is brought up quite a bit!
➡ continued in for making me feel like i’m guilty
🎼: x
Dawn on a motel, the dirt not kicked up and the mirages still fast asleep in the sand. Without neighbors for miles, the evenings were mostly silent lest a group travel through late in the night, coming to an oasis of air conditioning and leg room for a reprieve before heading back out to where they needed to be.
“Why are we out here again?” A boy asked, squinting up at the Sun. “Buttfuck, Nevada… Desert on one side of the road, brothels and shitty motels on the other.” He gestured to the small stop they had stayed, now in the process of being put behind him in the poorly paved parking lot. “What a cool place to spend the one break we get before finals season comes and fucks us over.”
The other guy scoffed, almost offended but still waking up and unable to commit to a strong emotion. “I told you why we were out here. Vegas is like, forty minutes away.”
“No it isn’t,” From the other side of the car, one of the girls in his group shouted over the hood of their car, looking down at a map in her hands. “It’s more like four hours, dipshit. Stop trying to talk us into it.”
Standing with her was another girl, one who was bothered with a hangnail on her hand. The third one was crouched low to the asphalt, watching a beetle to pass the time as they finished checking out, also too groggy to engage with the world just yet.
“Earth to [Y/N], come on. Don’t tell me you were watching a fucking bug while I was giving the directions.”
Looking up, you were taken from your trance by the insect making its way under your car. You sighed as you stood, twinging your expression at one of the guys who had teased and asked, “Well, what else did you want me doing? We were waiting for you guys to go return the room keys and stop talking about Vegas.”
“He wants to go to Vegas,” Natalie muttered under her breath from where she had been fixed to the map. Heather stopped picking at her hand and muttered, “Yeah, no way in Hell I’m sitting in the car for that trip.”
You nodded briefly and shrugged, “I’m sorry the getaway’s been kind of a bust. Sucks when it’s all we got in the Southwest that isn’t balls hot or Mormon country.”
“I’d take Mormon country over sharing the hotel room with these two,” Heather added, making both you and Natalie hide smiles and halfhearted snickers. She then saw Mel approach sheepishly, giving her a look of disbelief.
She scoffed at him, leaning in to meet his lips. “Fine, sharing with Dean. You’re alright.” He sighed in relief to her, genuine in tone, “Great, I’m good with being alright.” He was hugging her around the waist as she hummed another laugh.
As the Sun stopped gracing the yellow hills on the horizon, taking to the sky for another blistering day in the state, you finally did enough soaking in it to start helping throw everyone’s luggage back into the car for another trek, half in the direction of home and half in the direction of wherever looked fascinating.
“Want to find that Clown Museum,” Mel, the other guy that was along for the ride, said to you as he helped you shove a suitcase against the aged carpet in your car’s trunk, “Think it’s closer than anything else worth the time.”
“Nah, son.” Dean then piped up from where he had been tunneled into the backseat, shaking his head at him, “We aren’t fucking with that demon shit.”
“Vegas, the blow and hookers capital of the world, is in Dean’s safe square, “ Mel retorted, standing straighter and shaking his head, “But the supernatural’s where the line is drawn?”
“Ghosts don’t suck my dick.” Dean joked, sure to smack the guy on the back of the head as he walked back towards the hotel room. “I don’t blame them,” You grumbled to yourself, making Mel break into his own laughter and Dean to call back, “What was that, [Y/N]?”
“Don’t worry about it.” You ended the conversation before it even had legs to stand on, giving one more look over the contents of the trunk before slamming its door down on top.
“Hey, why’d you close up?” Dean smacked his hand on the trunk, giving you a befuddled frown from behind square-shaped sunglasses, “There was room for another bag in there.”
“It can sit in the backseat,” Natalie groaned, “Come on, dude. I want to get out of here. It’s [Y/N]’s car, anyways. Maybe we should trust her judgement when she says enough is enough.” You gave her a thoughtful glance as Dean made a jerk-off motion but instead headed for the backseat with the last backpack.
“Where’d you get this, anyways?” Heather asked, “It looks like a classic, nothing like the clunkers that putt around campus.” You turned, admiring the smooth navy blue paint under where you were leaning against the passenger door, “Hand-me-down from an uncle. He heard I was looking for a decent car when leaving for college, so we made some shit happen and sold it to me…partially under the promise that I take care of it, of course.” You crossed your arms, smiling as Natalie complimented, “It’s one of the cleanest cars I’ve ever gotten in with classmates, that’s for sure.”
“I hold myself to my word,” You commented, peeling off when you heard the horn suddenly honk, shattering the pristine silence of the badlands surrounding you and your classmates. Seeing those shades in the windshield, you snapped your fingers and pointed at Dean.
“Aht!” You barked at him, “Out of the front seat, asshole. I told you I’m the only one driving this car.”
“Nice honkers,” He pointed to the wheel while getting out, making Natalie jeer at him as he snickered, “Should let me take it for a spin some time.” He wasn’t even worth the insults, merely rolling your eyes before ushering him out of the way of the open door to the driver’s seat and putting your own sunglasses on.
“All I’m saying, [Y/N], is that you should really be more focused on Spring breaking.”
You gave Dean a disinterested glance from the rearview, hands mutely flexing on the wheel in reply. It was all he was getting out of you.
“Oh yeah, enjoy the break in the middle of-“Natalie threw a hand to the windshield, presenting the empty landscape bowled in by orange mountains. You found it rather peaceful, something scenic enough for your taste to appreciate with a flick of your eyebrows, but Mel scoffed in agreement. “Fair, I kind of wish I brought a book or something now.”
“I’m telling you guys; Vegas is our oasis from this honky tonk.” Dean insisted, and Heather groaned, “Not this whole deal again.”
“Hear him out, maybe we can watch him get drunk and catch Syphilis.” Natalie sneered, and you held your breath with straight lips as Dean blew up, “Oh, fuck off, Nat. If anyone knows about STD’s, it’d be the one who blew half the baseball team.” She gave him a ghastly glare from the passenger seat, manicured nails combing the worn leather behind her shoulder.
“Is there something wrong with that?” You asked, and Dean gawked in a mockery at you. “Uhh, maybe. She’s a fucking slut for anyone on campus, sounds pretty wrong to me.”
Mel and Heather sat further back in their seats as Natalie retorted, “Yeah, no. I might like to sleep with athletes, but I don’t take that shit from someone like you.” She turned back around with a sassy thump against the back of her seat, “You and your stupid radio show that feeds off school drama like vultures.”
“The TMZ of college reporting,” You mumbled under your breath, and Dean belted out, “Oh, boo hoo! I still get more clicks than your articles, Walter Schlong-kite. Because all you want to write about is…Oh man, I wish I knew!”
He hung his wrist off the side of your seat, making your entire body press closer to the car door as he asked practically in your ear, “What is this groundbreaking story you’re choosing over hanging out with your friends, anyways?” You wrinkled your nose at him, but slowly replied, “It’s about truck driving.”
Silence overtook you again as he started laughing, giving him one more wary glower through the mirror when he slapped the roof of the car in his charades. Luckily, the turn leading into the lunch stop you were all thinking on was coming up, so you just let it go and turned off the long trail.
You had maybe sat for ten minutes before wanting to get up and get some interviews. You were coyly eyeing the crowd, finding the types that you felt may fit the bill for what you wanted to share in your article. Their conversations, the second they touched the side of a Peterbilt or a Lowboy, made you zero in. It wasn’t a lie: you were doing a story about the truck driving industry. The desert wasn’t a total bust, considering it fell into a good route between big cities. You sometimes had to cross it to and from California, Vegas was right there, and opportunities of the sort.
Still, it wasn’t great company despite keeping an open mind. You knew your friends were all watching in bemusement as you hopped from booth to booth, even coasting the diner’s counter with your notebook in hand and eyes alight. “Hi, I’m a student reporter wanting to get the perspectives from truck drivers. Would you care to give an interview?” The interest wasn’t exactly brimming, let alone willing to shell their two cents. Even the guys you did speak with weren’t much for good quotes. Still, you kept the polite smile on your face, and scribbled down whatever you could for good measure.
“You know, if you weren’t a girl, you would’ve gotten smacked by a few of those guys.” Mel teased as you retreated to the booth, seeing the soda you had ordered sweating harder than you were while running around a diner in midday heat. Sliding back into your seat, you replied, “Why would you say that, Mel?” He seemed lost, and you clarified, “Why do you think these guys are all rough and tumble, that they’d kick the shit out of anyone who looks at them twice?”
He stammered, and Heather put her hand on the top of his and sighed, “[Y/N], you know that we’re just kidding.” You hummed, and still went on, “Well, that’s honestly why I’m writing this. The job’s not all fighting, anger…gross sex in restrooms. Don’t think I’ll be going there unless I have to, though.” Dean snorted, and you once again corrected, “Jesus Christ, I mean I’m not going there in my article. I’m not that interested in the story.”
“It’d be a good one that’d actually get an audience, though,” Dean’s hands fanned up as he swooned, “Truck Stop Restrooms: Just How Many Glory Holes Does It Take?” Natalie covered her mouth, but you rolled your eyes and groaned, “Very classy. You should take that idea for your work, Dean.”
“I think you should be here to have fun over anything else, [Y/N].” Mel suggested, and you gave him a level stare, “Really, you’re not even started on this story and you’re already acting like you’re handcuffed to it.”
“It’s an important idea. I mean, you heard yourself.” You gestured at him, “This sorta job keeps shelves stocked, and all you got to ask about it is which stall I’m going to get blown in, or who’s shanking me afterwards.” Dean scoffed again, “What, like driving in a straight line for nine hours a day is hard? I’d want to kill someone, too.”
You turned to him, finally giving him that sweet reaction in the form of a face to face answer, almost brushing noses with him. “You really think it’s easy?” You looked out the window, seeing a line of parked vehicles almost taller than the building itself as you murmured, “Look at how big their trucks are…How heavy they must be, all that?”
“Well, to you, maybe. You know women and driving don’t mix.” Dean commented. You whipped around, giving him a disgusted sneer before Heather piped up, “Oh, are you really playing that card?”
“What did you expect from the guy who thinks going to Vegas is any indication of getting laid?” Natalie added, throwing a sugar packet at him. You once again swallowed the venom in your mouth, turning to the window again while Mel also sat back, getting a strawful of water and avoiding eye contact with any of the girls at the table.
Smart guy, you mused to yourself.
The rest of lunch went without a hitch, you paid, then walked back out to your car. You took advantage of a couple men eyeing your car as you walked out to speak with them, chat up your vehicle while also getting some interest in your story. Lucky for you, they were both drivers. Heather and Mel did a good job of keeping Dean’s mouth shut, pushing him into the car while you talked on the outside.
One of the men even asked for your info, and you shared the website that your school let you publish on graciously. “Very nice,” He commented, “I’ll be keepin’ an eye out for it, little lady.” Beaming, you replied, “Thanks for the kind words, I really appreciated your perspectives.”
“Look at that, you got some story after all.” Natalie grinned as you got into the car, setting your notebook down at her feet and nodding. “Yep, they knew I had some interest in truck driving.”
“Why? How’d they know? From your car?” Mel asked. You sat back upright in your seat, elbow brushing the cord of the speaking device to a HAM radio that was fastened on the front panel of the car.
You shrugged, and hummed, “Must’ve heard me in the diner, I guess.”
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wellofdean · 5 months
Just wanted to split this off from this post about why Mary Winchester is excellent because it's getting so long, but I wanted to respond to these tags from @kayliemalinza :
#sometimes i feel people hate john for reasons that while valid in our universe less valid in the spn universe#but mary gets it way worse#<-- prev tags yessss#also doing the math wasn't she like 28 when she died#i'm glad they didn't recast and of course samantha smith looks her own age#but mary is in fact YOUNGER THAN SAM AND DEAN AT THIS POINT#they are not children#and the tags copied above i think explains so sos ooo much#bc so many fans glommed onto dean because of similar family issues#and that means they are struggling as much as dean is in s12#and just can't disconnect that quite yet#but god#GOD how she struggles with that emotional intimacy#she was raised as a hunter you don't think she's chockablock full of maladaptive coping mechanisms too?
Because I whole-heartedly agree with this. John Winchester was not a good father in some major, major ways, and Sam and Dean had a childhood straight out of a...well, a horror/fantasy genre show...but I think people forget that Sam and Dean also do truly love John and truly are more or less at peace with their memory of him later in the series, and there has to be a reason for that, too. It's not that he's a mustache-twirling villain; it's complicated. He loved them, but he wasn't always able to do it right. They love him, but he hurt them and made the what they are, which is a double-edged sword.
It's really natural that we all identify with Dean, and get angry at people who hurt him, but I think it's important to realize that Dean processes his anger about Mary leaving pretty quickly, because it's not really anger and resentment, it's confusion, disappointment and hurt. And I think Dean is grown enough to own his own feelings, and able to accept that she needs time and space, and he's not such a child that he isn't capable of separating his legitimate feelings from her legitimate needs. It takes him time, but he gets there, because, and this is another conversation, Dean is really very reflective and emotionally intelligent, actually.
I also do agree that a lot of fans, in identifying with Dean, map their own feelings about their parents onto Mary, and dislike her for reasons that have nothing to do with the story being told on Supernatural, which is essentially a very healing one. Since I'm a Gen-X old, and the mother of an adult son, I actually had a pretty different experience, and as much as I love Dean, in this storyline, I identified a lot with Mary.
On the one hand, she has to be so proud of her two big, beautiful, brave and heroic sons, but at the same time she does not know them! They don't need her, and they are trying to protect her from the things she feels they should have been protected from, and at the same time, as adult men who are still, in some way, motherless boys, they are hungry (especially Dean) for her to be something that she never had a chance to grow into. I loved it that her own exigencies were too strong to LET her stay. I loved that she could not accept the role of mother that had been stolen from her, and could not sit still to let it just kind of settle on her shoulders.
It made me think that (aw yeah!) there was a difference between John's sainted white nightgown conception of his dead wife (his motivation to be what he was), and Dean's memory of her as the cutter off of crusts from his sandwiches, or the mother that he comforted when she was sad, and he was just a little man. I'm so glad that Mary turned out to be so much more than that. She is a woman with her own competencies, her own damage and baggage, and her own ideas about how to make things right, who doesn't agree with her sons all the time, who makes mistakes, who fucks the wrong guy, still loves her problematic husband, and can't actually cook, thank you very much. I love that her own disorientation and her own will are so strong that she really can't allow who she actually is to be subsumed into the communal role of 'mother'.
I think that socially, we don't really think about what we ask of mothers, or how hard we judge them. We underestimate what they give up of themselves to satisfy that role. My son was born when I was really young, and fellas, IT WAS HARD under more or less perfectly normal circumstances, to make the transition from being just me to being a mother. My magnificent son is amazeballs, and is a human being that I am so fucking proud to have made out of my very own actual body and raised to be the excellent human he is, and we are really close, but I was not always prefect, and even now when he is a grown adult, I still chafe against the perception of me as 'his mother' and not just ME all the time. One of the very greatest things about my son is his incredible ability to let me live, and make space for the fact that I am also a person, and not just his mother, and I am so, so grateful to him for that, so....
Yeah. As much as I didn't want to see Dean hurt, I LOVED Mary, and love that they wrote her as her a full human being and not a tropally perfect mother. I loved seeing her as a flawed parent that deserved her adult children's understanding and mature love, who deserved her own space and her own processes. What's more, I loved seeing Dean process his feelings about her, and seeing him become a son who was capable of loving a real human woman who happened to be his mother. So... yes. I love her.
Mary Winchester forever. A+.
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welldonebeca · 1 year
The Livestream 
Summary: Lizzie features into Ben's OnlyFan's stream.
(Professor Ben fucks his little bimbo for his fans.)
Pairing: Ben "Soldier Boy" x Lizzie (OC)
WC: 1.2k words
Warnings: Polyamory. Fluff. Discussion of fantasy. Discussion of Sex Work, in a way. Exhibitionism.
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Lizzie frowned as she left her car, glad to be home after a gruelling shift.
Production assistants were the interns who happened to graduate. That was it, there was no easy way of saying it.
She was paid to do everything the big guys didn't want to do and had to suck it up.
But it was a good experience, and people were nice enough to her, and no one ever threw a coffee at her, so it was alright.
Beau had also convinced her it was just the first step into a long journey. He also told her that she didn't need to work if she didn't want to, but Lizzie did want to work.
She was with the boys for over five months now, nearly half a year! It should feel weird to date three men at once, but it really wasn't. It was quite nice.
Lizzie stopped at the door of the house, met with a pile of Amazon boxes piling on the porch, a mountain just as tall as her. Even more, maybe?
She picked up one, and the name on the address didn't make her wonder for very long what it was about.
"Ben," she called, pushing a few boxes out of the way to open the door, and picked some, kicking the rest of them in so they wouldn't block the door anymore.
"Yeah?" he called from away.
Lizzie put the boxes down.
"You got mail," she giggled.
Lots of it!
Oh, he had to be responsible for half of the Amazon proceeds in their town.
Her boyfriend stepped up into the living room, barefoot and shirtless.
"You can pay for prime, but still won't get an iPhone," she rolled her eyes.
Ben scoffed, grabbing her by her middle just as the put her bag down.
"Why would I need an iPhone?"
He kissed her lips, both sweet and hungry.
"You know the government tracks you on that thing, right?" he pulled back.
Ben picked up the packages, and she rolled her eyes playfully. Thankfully, he was too old school to get his own computer, always using his brothers' or Lizzie's, or she would have to deal with worse conspiracy theories from her silly boyfriend.
"You're most likely to be tracked by Facebook," she corrected him. "Or Alexa."
"Which is why we don't have that thing here," he picked up all of the packages.
He walked up with them as if they were nothing.
"What did you even order?" she followed him.
"It's a surprised, baby girl," he walked up the stairs.
Her eyes widened in excitement. Were the boys planning something? Or maybe it was just Ben planning something?
For her??!
"Ben!" she followed him, giggling like an excited child. "What is it?"
He just shook his head, shoving the boxes in his room, and booped her nose once.
"Can't tell you yet, it would ruin the surprise," he said simply. "How about you go clean up and rest, you've been a hard-working little intern."
She pouted.
"Assistant," she corrected him.
"Intern with a pay cheque," he shrugged, walking into his room and closing the door.
Lizzie pouted more and gasped when he locked the door, leaving her outside.
"But Beeeeeeeeeeeen!" she whined.
"Go rest," he called out.
She huffed, crossed her arms, and stomped angrily into her room to change.
Oh, he would see. When Dean and Beau came home, she would tell them all about how mean he was with her!
Lizzie tossed her clothes away, too cranky now, and put on a big comfy shirt from Dean before coming down, and smiled a bit when her eyes caught the sandwiches someone had left behind for her.
She at it, still huffing a bit, and strode back right to her bedroom, ready to go check on her emails, when her eyes caught something.
Ben's door.
She walked inside quickly.
Lizzie stuffed her last sandwich into her mouth.
His room looked normal, though with a bunch of open packages, and she almost gave up before she saw his walk-in closet, spread open and all full of costumes.
Pretty girl costumes that looked exactly her size.
Right on the first surface, a notepad.
She rushed to it, skipping the outfits, and opened it, half giggling.
Ideas. A lot of them.
Schoolgirl, lifeguard, maid, princess, bunny-
"Didn't I tell you to go rest?" she heard behind her.
Lizzie gasped and clutched the notepad as Benny looked down at her, a single eyebrow of his raised.
“Well, I... ate...” she raised a hand, brushing the sandwich crumbs away from her face.
“And you’ve ruined my surprise,” he pointed.
She pouted.
“It’s not ruined!" she corrected him. "I just... am confused.”
Ben opened his hand to her, pointing at the notepad with his chin, and she pouted before giving it to him.
"I love how dim you can be," he clicked his tongue. "Such an innocent little thing."
Her cheek burned in embarrassment, and he gave her chin a little scratch, almost as if treating her as a puppy, and his eyes lit up before he pulled the pencil from behind his ear and wrote something down.
Ben picked her up sweetly, walking to their bed, and sat on the edge of it with her on his lap.
"Do you remember," he set the notepad and pencil down, moving his hand up and brushing her hair back. "What I said I do to make extra cash? And how you wanted to help me out?"
. . .
"The Livestream (Ben x Lizzie)" is a Patreon Exclusive sequel to "The Triplets". To read it and the other sequels, "patience is a virtue (Dean x Lizzie)" and "the pictures (Beau x Lizzie)", subscribe to my page! It's just $2 a month and I post nearly every day.
. . .
Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​​​ @amythyststorm33​​​ @shaelyn102 @yknott81​​​ ​​@maximofftrash @kgbrenne​​r @thefridgeismybestie @magpiegirl80 ​​​ @mogaruke ​​​ @shadowhunter7 ​​​ @musicalcoffeebean ​​ @megasimpleplan4ever ​​​ @deemoriarty ​​​ @05spn18 ​​​ @malindacath ​​​ @kdcollinsauthor ​​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112 ​​​ @widowsfics ​​ @frozenhuntress67 ​​​ @averyrogers83 ​​​ @notyourtypicalrose ​​​ @nerdypinupcrystal ​ @giruvega ​
Supernatural tags: @its-daydreamer23​​ @imagefanfictionlover​​ ​​ @smalltowndivaj​​ @tayrae515imagines @oneshoeshort​​ @andkatiethings ​​ @wakanda-sometimes ​​ @akshi8278 ​​ @xoxabs88xox ​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112 ​ @isabelle-faith @flamencodiva @lyarr24
Supernatural Kinky Fics (+18): @stoneyggirl2 @death-unbecomes-you @phoenixblack89 @that-dark-girl
The Triplets: @happyt0exist @ladysparkles78
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victimsofyaoipoll · 11 months
Third Place
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Propaganda Under Cut
Every Supernatural Woman
Supernatural is so mean to women and committed to queerbaiting but it still gives Sam and Dean lovers to kill. The writers kill and villainize them and the fans get the few that remain
wincest and destiel shippers cannot handle the idea of their blorbos having a Woman THREATENING their SHIPS god FORBID
It literally used to be a running joke that if a female character got introduced you knew she was going to die soon because fans would react so negatively to her "stealing" one of the boys away from the big ship, whether it be destiel or wincest
She is part of a weird fucked up love triangle with two dudes. All three of them are honestly kind of terrible for each other but she gets shoved aside in favor of the two dudes in most fics and is not allowed to grow past the toxic relationships of her past. Also she’s a cis woman who dresses pretty masculinely (because she’s in a mercenary band) so she gets type casted as the mean lesbian friend, when she’s straight in canon
I've seen more than one Yaoi Shipper say that Casca should have died during this one big canon event as opposed to being assaulted by one of the people in the Yaoi Ship, which of course conveniently would remove her from the narrative and as an obstacle to said Yaoi Ship. Aside from that specifically, though, I think it's particularly cruel to imply that being killed is a better outcome than being a victim of SA, and is an example of the contempt fandom on the whole has for female characters who act traumatized - particularly when both male characters in the ship have similar trauma and its never implied they should have died rather than be assaulted.
She's an incredibly interesting character in her own right with really good dynamics and parallels to Griffith and Guts, and the way those three play off of each other is integral to the story, but most of what I've seen completely ignores her in favor of focusing on only Griffith and Guts
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zmediaoutlet · 5 days
Hi there, happy (Wincest) Wednesday. We know that when Sam and Dean were kids, they were frequently left alone while John was away, with Dean put in a more direct parental/caretaking role. So I wonder: do you have theories or headcanons about these times when Dean was left in charge? What do you think that was like for them? Thanks!
hello happy wincest everyday --
yeah, the "Dean as substitute dad and mom" thing is one of many that are absolutely wild in the canon of this show. It's soooo good that we only see a few moments of it in flashback (I know there are some fans who wish for like a whole 'prequel' show, but... they're wrong, haha, it's never a good idea to strip out mystery in favor of overexplaining and inevitably fucking up via bad retcons) -- and the moments we see are great, because they don't actually show "Dean as parent", because he's not a parent.
Important to remember that their age difference is only 4ish years. This isn't, like, 17 year old Dean dandling Sam on his knee, as some fics and meta kind of imply. This is one little boy forced to watch out for another little boy, but he's still a little boy. The parentification is particularly fucked up for this reason -- because of course, he still has to make food and he still has to be John's spouse-at-home and he still has to manage everything, but he's, like, 12. Would you let a 12 year old do that and expect it to go perfectly? If you were 8, would you call your 12 year old brother "dad"? No, you'd tell him he smelled like boogers and he'd noogie you in response and you'd try to wrestle him and then your face would get shoved into his armpit and you'd get told yeah? what does that smell like, huh? that smell like boogers? until you cried uncle. Because you're two boys.
Which, obviously, makes the times that Dean actually has to act as a clumsy parent all the sadder. He's just not equipped for it. This is maybe at its most poignant in the Christmas flashback, where he's flipflopping back and forth between big brother and attempted parent at high speed. He really wants to be able to comfort Sam when he's sad but he doesn't have the tools, and how could he. Similarly in the high school flashback (where I guess they're ~15 and 19 and Dean's just really too old to be at that school), when he's looking out for Sam and tries to go overprotective, but Sam shuts it down immediately and Dean has to settle, because -- is he a shouty big brother, or kind of a parent? Is he meant to beat up a bully on Sam's behalf, or talk him through dealing with it himself, or just listen to Sam's feelings on the matter? There's never an obvious choice because the roles are so blurred, and Dean really did his best but there's just no winning.
Really, it's remarkable that Dean and Sam keep liking each other after all this... disaster. They had pretty standard brother bickering and 90% of the time it's that brotherly vibe. Sam's resentful but he mostly keeps the resentment where it belongs (with John); Dean, more remarkably, doesn't seem to be resentful of being forced into that position (again, 90% of the time), I guess because he just genuinely likes Sam and likes hanging out with him and views the failures he had as parent as his own problem (and, when he's a little more emotionally solid, realizes that the blame for that also lies with John, as well as destiny et al).
The other thing that makes their relationship work, clearly, is also that Sam does not view Dean as 'parental'. He talks back and doesn't do what Dean tells him to do and understands the dynamic very well. He doesn't have two "bosses", and is intrinsically bossy himself, and is honestly amazing at maintaining a sense of solid independent identity even as an 8 year old. So I guess, with all that babbling, my headcanon (based firmly in actual canon) is -- Dean was 'in charge', and took that seriously, but it was an unstable and maybe confusing and sometimes very scary thing from his POV; and Sam never felt like that was 100% true in any case, and so from Sam's POV it was the case that they were both abandoned by John, and so Dean never really counted as 'parent' at all. Which is really cool. Characters with mismatched perspectives on the same event lead to great stories.
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geekthefreakout · 1 year
So, I've been having this thought.
Crowley, perhaps post-bookshop divorce, is sitting in a pub or a coffee shop and the server calls his name, but they say it wrong.
They pronounce it like with the "ow" sound, like in Supernatural. And Crowley, mildly miffed, is like "where did you get that from?"
And the server is a Supernatural fan and explains that there's a demon named Crowley-like-owl-not-crow who helps stop the apocalypse.
And Crowley is like "imagine that. That's weird. Say more."
And the server explains a bit. How SPN!Crowley is this demon who is aware that should the big fight happen, he won't be counted among the winners regardless of which way it goes, and he just wants the world to keep on as it is, so he joins forces with the Winchesters and their renegade angel to stop it. He becomes King of Hell after to fill the power vacuum (and here GO!Crowley gives a bitter scoff) and he is both a villain and a hero and sometimes neither of those things.
Crowley inquires more about the angel, Castiel, and the server enthusiastically describes him. They remark that Crowley(spn) and Castiel have a fun dynamic, because they hate each other but also have to work together, because they're in love.
Crowley looks dumbfounded, and of course the server can't know why, but they do clarify that they are in love with Dean, not each other. Dean being a stand-in for humanity, of course, which is how the show runners wanted you to see it.
"But then at the end they FINALLY let Cas be all the way gay for Dean. Like, a decade of subtext and queer baiting denial, and FINALLY with 2 episodes left in the whole show, they let Cas tell Dean that he cares about humanity because he cares about Dean. Like, he actually gets to tell him he's in love with him."
A pause.
"Well, and then he gets sucked directly to Turbo Hell, so. That sucked. It went canon in THE most homophobic way possible, which is kind of on brand for the show--"
"Turbo hell?????? What is that, the tenth circle?"
"Oh, the place that angels and demons go when they die. The Empty. They don't get an afterlife, they just sleep forever and dream about the bad stuff. It's pretty awful, but Cas gets rescued from their off screen by the end so at least that's something-"
"What about the demon?"
"Oh, Crowley-like-owl? He got killed off for good at the end of season 12."
Crowley-like-crow stares through his sunglasses and the server elaborates again. For some reason, they haven't been called to other tables for anything the entire time they've been speaking.
"It was a good death, I think. He died to save the boys and trap Lucifer in another dimension- it's complicated. But he got to say that he actually hated being King of Hell, and he hated Lucifer, and he got to go out on a good deed. I think the actor was tired of the writers playing around with the character's arc. Walking back development, never committing to what they wanted to do with him... And that led to Crowley being kinda inconsistent and underappreciated. So he asked to be killed off and he walked away from the show."
"Huh. Shame, that."
"Yeah, everyone missed him. There are some characters that I REALLY wish he'd gotten to meet. And I also wish that he got a little more love."
"He was a demon. Love's not exactly in their repertoire."
"It's not supposed to be. It was, though. Cas practically invented free will because he loved Dean. And I guess Crowley also didn't fit into the mold God had set for him, either."
"I suppose God's Plan is... Ineffable in the show."
"I mean. Kinda at first? But the last season God is fully the bad guy."
Anyway, Crowley watches Supernatural and has no idea if he hates it or not. He probably does. But somehow, Crowley-like-owl and Castiel and their often unappreciative charges make his heart ache. He deliberately notes all the ways that Castiel is nothing like Aziraphale, thank you very much. He supposes he's glad that Adam never turned either of them into action figures.
He watches and he tries not to wish Aziraphale was watching with him.
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reigningqueenofwords · 2 months
Part 3 of Dad’s Back
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It was their fifth hunt since you came to stay with them, and you wanted nothing to do with your car seat. John was at his wits end about what to do. Finally, he caved. “We’ll drive at night. Spend the day doing something to wear her out.” He told the boys. 
“I saw a sign for a zoo. Kids like zoos, right?” Dean suggested with a shrug. 
John nodded. “Sammy, go ask the gas station attendant for directions.” He told his youngest son. “I’m gonna walk her around and see if that helps her.” 
“No!” You pouted. “De!” You reached for Dean, trying to wiggle out of your father’s grasp. As soon as you were in your older brother’s arms, you were appeased. “Hi.” You smiled at him. 
He chuckled. “You are too cute, you know that, don’t you?” He shook his head. “If we can go to the zoo, can you let me put you in your car seat to get there?” 
You scrunched your nose. “Sit with me?” You asked him, sticking out your bottom lip. John just watched, amused, as you worked your big brother like it was nothing. “PLEASE!” 
Dean caved. “Fine. Sammy can drive the Impala.” 
A minute later, Sammy came back out, raising an eyebrow as Dean handed him the keys to the Impala. “Uh, Dean?”
“Seems Y/N/N is currently Dean’s biggest fan and doesn’t want him away from her. He’s gonna ride with us.” John explained. “Leaves you with the Impala. How far is the zoo?”
“Not far. Only about 10 minutes that way.” He pointed down the road. “He said you can’t miss it.” 
“Yay! The zoo!” You giggled, looking forward to seeing all the animals. “Can I get a stuffy?” You asked John, looking hopeful. 
John smiled. “We’ll see what they got, princess.” He assured you. 
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John was relieved when that night after dinner, you couldn’t keep your eyes open. No matter how much you struggled, it just wasn’t happening. Finally, he was able to slip you into your car seat without a single fuss. “Alright, boys. Let’s go. Hopefully she sleeps the entire way there.” It was about 4 hours away, and you were a pretty deep sleeper. 
Dean nodded and made his way to the Impala with Sam. All three had to admit that day had been good for all of them. You had no idea about hunting, or monsters. A few weeks after you’d joined them, the three sat around talking about how to broach the topic with you. While they wanted you safe, and informed, they also couldn’t take away how bubbly and fun loving you were. They were worried about how you would take the information, so they decided to wing it. John pointed out it was only slightly different than what he did with Dean. Dean didn’t know John was hunting and killing things until he saw his dad kill a shifter in front of the roadhouse. 
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You were nearly 5, and John was getting antsy about you going to school. He was currently watching you play on the playground with Sam while him and Dean did research for a case. It was a nice Saturday morning, and if it was nice…you wanted to be outside. “I was thinking about doing what I did for you and school.” 
Dean raised an eyebrow. “You mean leave her with Ellen? Didn’t you end up yanking me months later because some demons found out me and Sammy were there?” 
“Yeah, but I don’t think that anyone knows about her.” He sighed. “I think she would do well with Ellen, and Jo. Get to have fun with friends, have a mother figure for the school year.” He just wanted the best for his kids, and you were a very social little being. You needed that more than his boys had, it seemed. Dean loved being on a team when he was your age, but was also perfectly content playing on his own. Sam was happy playing with Dean, but would also be happy with a book. You? Sure, you loved playing with toys, but you just lit up when having someone to play with. 
“You think Y/N/N will be okay with that? Sure, she likes Ellen, but she’s attached to you.” 
John chuckled. “You mean she’s attached to you. Sure, she’s a daddy’s girl, but she’s all about her big brother usually.” He smiled. “I’m really proud of how you boys took to her. I was worried about how you two would react to having a baby sister. 
Dean shrugged. “Eh, she’s cute.” He chuckled. “You talked to Ellen already, didn’t you?” He asked, looking from where you were, to John. 
“Yeah, I did.” He nodded. “She said she would be happy to watch over her. Said that there was a little dance class in town she thought she would like.” He explained. “I told her I’d let her know.” 
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Tagging: @ilovetaquitosmmmm
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whinlatter · 2 years
Hi! I love your writing think it’s phenomenal work. It’s really such a genuine and intimate depiction of Ginny. I also see you have an appreciation of Dean Thomas. I’d love to know why you think Ginny was attracted to him? What do you think their relationship was like and how did it help them for their next partners? I just think that pairing was really interesting and there’s not enough of them being friends.
❗️ Warning... big Dean & Ginny meta incoming ❗️
Firstly - thank you so so much for reading and enjoying my work (phenomenal!!! I’ll dine out on that all week - can't thank you enough).
Secondly - what great questions! This was such a fun thing to think through. Dean’s a quietly lovely character I have so much time for, despite being very underdeveloped in canon (cutting his arc to exclusively favour Neville’s? Side-eye forever). I'm definitely a paid up member of the Dean Thomas Fan Club.
Anyway….. the questions were so good I wrote this too-long meta on Ginny and Dean before going to bed because I apparently… cannot be stopped?
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Why was Ginny attracted to Dean?
I think for this question it’s important to think about the timing of when Ginny and Dean became close and when they got together, and especially what Ginny was looking for during and after her relationship with King of Negging, Michael Corner. There are three weeks between the break-up with Michael and Gin getting together with Dean, so we can assume Ginny and Dean had already become close and maybe a little flirty when she was with Michael (Ginny Weasley likes to give herself a nice four-week breather between boyfriends, usually just in time to watch the early summer weather roll in. I for one respect the work rate and the consistency.)
Ginny is with Michael until late in her fourth year, until they break up after the Quidditch final in early June. Dean has his OWLs until late June (just realised Ginny dumps Michael right before his exams - this is how you get revenge on a Ravenclaw).
The events in the Department of Mysteries take place the day exams finish (cue iconic scene where Harry’s rushing up to the dormitory to grab his Cloak and save his godfather’s life and Seamus and Dean are trying to get him on the sesh, absolutely rate it, excellent from the lads). Ginny’s going out with Dean by the time she gets the train home, probably by the end of June.
Given the short turnaround time between relationships, I think it’s likely Ginny and Dean became close during the rest of the school year, where she was able to learn the following things about him (and implicitly compare him with Michael as Michael revealed himself to be, as the great prophet Ronald foresaw, ‘a bit of an idiot’):
Dean Thomas knows right from wrong (and really, really can’t stand Dolores Umbridge). In their first lesson with Umbridge, Dean is by far the person in the class who stands up to Umbridge the most after the trio (he actually comes out swinging a lot more than Ron does). He immediately subs in for Harry when Umbridge refuses to answer any more of Harry’s questions. He defends Lupin and Crouch-as-Moody when Umbridge criticises them (describing Crouch-as-Moody as a maniac but saying ‘we still learned loads’ is extremely funny - Dean's pedagogical expectations are low). Dean is an extremely enthusiastic DA member, he and Ginny often arrive at meetings or take part in dinnertime conversations about the DA together, and I think they likely became mates because they’re passionate about what the DA is trying to do. We know Gin likes a boy with a moral compass, a backbone, and a good sense of outrage in the face of injustice. (I cut this out of a much lengthier first draft of chapter one of Beasts, which had all the DA at the graduation ceremony, but this was their interaction in response to another character acting up: ‘[Ginny] feels an old rush of affection for Dean, a man who always had a good scowl in him when it mattered.’)
Dean’s a sweetheart, even if he’s a bit hopeless. Dean’s a character who is often trying to make people feel better about things and trying to give a bit of comfort – emphasis on trying, because he’s not always good at knowing exactly what to say. I think this is something Ginny would really value – she’s someone who, for all her fire, tries to comfort and support the people around her. I reckon she’s got a soft spot for a man with a heart in the right place and a chronic inability to find the right words to express it. ('“Don’t worry about it, Harry,” Dean muttered, hoisting his schoolbag onto his shoulder. “He’s just . . .” But apparently he was unable to say exactly what Seamus was, and after a slightly awkward pause followed him out of the room.' OotP, 221 - does this not sound like how Harry would try and comfort someone?) 👀
Dean is kind to the underdog. Dean is often seen hanging around with or partnering up with Neville, and in DH, we’ll also see Dean be very kind towards Luna. I think Ginny rates people who are kind to those who are socially awkward and excluded.
Relatedly... Dean loves Remus Lupin. I wrote about this a bit in this short reflection on Remus (and am writing about this at the moment so don’t want to get too spoilery if you’re reading Beasts…), but I have a feeling being Remus Lupin’s biggest fan would be a sure fire way to get a text back from Ginny Weasley.
Dean’s into sports. Like her soulmate, Ginny’s into fellow jocks (I think it's implied that Michael Corner was also on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team – three for three on Quidditch players, Ginevra, if you were on Love Island I’d say you have a type). I think she’d also be amused and endeared by Dean’s die-hard commitment to West Ham - she is Arthur Weasley’s daughter, after all, and she probably enjoys teasing him about how crap football sounds. (That bit in PS/SS where Dean’s yelling ‘send him off, ref!’ – 10/10 excellent Dean content). Also Dean does not seem threatened by Ginny’s Quidditch abilities, but instead just really wants to be on the team with her too, which is a nice change from Michael Corner, the Jack Berger of Hogwarts Quidditch. (Sorry Michael, I know you end up a gold star goodie by DH, but young Mike is a prick to our girl Gin).
Dean is a laugh. Chuckling at Ernie Macmillan in his Apparition classes, mucking about with mice in Transfiguration, getting the giggles because this Lockhart bloke has set a quiz asking students to name his ideal birthday gift: Dean is both fun and funny. That bit in GoF where Dean describes Warrington in Slytherin as a ‘big bloke who looks like a sloth’ – funny.  The bit later in GoF where Dean rinses Harry for rejecting that curly-haired Hufflepuff girl who wants to go to the ball with him – also funny. Ginny Weasley likes a comedian and she also likes an audience. I think that means a big tick in the Dean Thomas column.
Dean's a creative. This is verging on headcanon territory, but I really do love the idea of Ginny finding her way back to writing in the years after Riddle and the diary. I can see her being drawn to someone who also has this gentle, expressive, artistic side to them.
Dean’s not averse to dealing in contraband Firewhiskey. If you’re a fourteen year old popular girl with a rulebreaking streak, the boy who can source you some Firewhiskey for an end of exams party from a cool kid like Harold Dingle is hot property.
Dean… er, really likes Harry. Not Gin's finest criteria for a boyfriend, but I think In GoF, the man draws Harry flying around the Horntail on his Firebolt and draws Cedric, his rival, with his head on fire. It’s not a hugely good look for Ginny, but I reckon Dean really liking Harry probably, in a strange, back-to-front kind of way, is another vote in his favour (Gin, you're messy, and I love you for it).
What was their relationship like?
I loved thinking about this question! It’s easier to write about why Ginny and Dean broke up than it is to write why they stayed together so long, and what good stuff they took from the relationship. Dean's easily bashed in Hinny fic in all sorts of different ways, and I don't think it really tallies with the really positive impression we get of him in canon. Ginny and Dean spend a lot of time together over the year - eating most of their meals together, training together, spending all of their Hogsmeade time with each other. I know it’s a teenage relationship, but this is still so much time to spend with one person. It also actually takes them quite a while to breakup, even if they’re ‘rocky’ for much longer. There's something to their relationship that must, on some level, have worked quite well. After all, it would have been a lot easier for Ginny to have dumped Dean if he was a crap boyfriend. It’s much harder to dump someone who is a good partner, but not the right partner for you.  
I think that's the problem for Ginny: Dean was kind of perfect for her in lots of ways - but for the person she would have been if Riddle hadn't happened to her, and if the war hadn't happened. Their relationship was clearly based on a lot of mutual attraction and chemistry (that kiss Ron and Harry saw was intense, lads - there's a reason Harry was threatened by it, after all). I think Dean was proud as hell of Ginny, especially on the Quidditch pitch (he's so excited to tell her he's going to be on the team with her!). I think he would think she's super cool, and I like fics and headcanons about Dean that show him trying to internalise his feelings about his own dad into doing right by his girlfriend, even if that means overshooting and being overly chivalrous and over-protective with Gin. I think one of the reasons Ginny stayed in the relationship so long is because they genuinely got on, had a laugh with each other, and fancied each other, in a way that she would feel conflicted about when she still feels drawn to Harry.
Really I think it's Dean being so great that is the problem for Ginny. If she's with this really great guy and she's still feeling restless and like something's missing, she knows that means she's still not over Harry, and that means she's in trouble. I think it's why Ginny sabotages the relationship, in very understandable ways, and in the end she finds herself getting the ick over little things, and picks a fight to end it rather than come clean about being in love with someone else. (No judgement: again, messy girl representation is important).
Ultimately, I think Harry is perfect for the Ginny that actually exists, and Dean would be a good match for a hypothetical Ginny where there was no Harry, who doesn't have a family in the resistance, who doesn't have all this trauma from what happened with the diary, and who isn't shaped and forged by a childhood at war. Until DH, Dean doesn't seem to know anything about the Weasleys' involvement in the Order. We have no evidence anyone other than Harry, the Weasleys, Dumbledore and Hermione ever knew Ginny was possessed by Riddle, and I don't know that Ginny would volunteer the information to Dean. (The only reason she brings it up to Harry in OotP and again in HBP isn't because she wants emotional support for it - she only brings it up to try and help him. This is not a subject she talks openly about even with the person who knows most about what went down). This lack of knowledge about crucial parts of Ginny's life would mean huge gaps in understanding between them - not gaps that are Dean's fault, but that Ginny doesn't try to get him to bridge. Dean can't meet Ginny where she's at emotionally at the point in the series where they get together, in many ways because he's much closer to a normal teenager than she has been able to be up to that point. At the end of the day, Ginny's always going to want to be with the strange guy racing to the Department of Mysteries to rescue a loved one and fight Death Eaters on a Friday night than a nice normal guy who is planning on drinking his own weight in Firewhiskey to celebrate him finishing his Wizarding GCSEs.
How did it help them for their next partners?
I think Ginny would always speak highly of Dean, appreciate that he made her feel loved and someone a boyfriend should be proud of, and I think she would feel some guilt about what went down. I think, eventually, Dean would acknowledge that he didn’t fully understand Ginny and what she was going through, and that he couldn't have been able to meet her needs in the same way Harry could. (I do think this would take a while, though - on the way out, Dean would be understandably very bitter, even if bitterness would be quickly surpassed by the much more serious escalation in circumstances in the war for an apparent Muggleborn. Thinking about it, Dean Thomas had a terrible 1996. Man got dumped and then within three months was homeless and on the run from a murderous fascist regime trying to do him in. Like, I know this is very much not funny but… if a man I had shared a bedroom with for six years and called a friend publicly scooped my ex from me from under my nose, dumped her a few weeks later for mysterious reasons, and then I had to look at his face everywhere I looked on wanted posters, I would be a lot more mad at Harry Potter than Dean Thomas ends up being).
Ultimately, though, I think both would look back on the relationship as a sort of sweet teenage thing, with a lot of warmth and humour to it, probably some sweet confidence-boosting intimacy early on, and a bit of a lesson that you can't make someone be the right person for you. I like to think Ginny and Dean end up mates, in the end, and that she's always rooting for him to find someone great.
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anewkindofme · 11 months
Do you possibly have any head canons about how dean punishes sam and also maybe a snippet of dean doing that???? Also absolutely adore your writing btw 🥰
Thank you so much! I don’t have the ideas to write a snippet right now, so I hope some headcanons will do!
Dean’s default is timeout or grounding, depending on how old he feels. No more than 5 minutes in the corner. Grounding can look like no screens, early bedtime and loss of fun privileges (like going out).
Very rarely, spanking. But it’s never more than a few swats to his bottom and only if it was a major thing. Like Sam put himself in grave danger. He’d never abuse him.
Dean is also a fan of natural consequences. For example, if Sam is dawdling and not cleaning up then misses a fun activity, that’s just the way it goes.
There’s also a chance Sam can lose certain “big boy” privileges. For example, if he keeps running off from Dean in public, he’ll have to hold his hand, go in his stroller or be on a harness. If he can’t keep his seatbelt on, he has a car seat. If he stays up too late, he has to have nap time and early bedtime the next day. These things aren’t punishments, really. But their whole dynamic is built on trust. If Dean can’t trust that Sam will take good care of himself, he steps in.
Dean also will never take away Sam’s books or stuffed animals. He knows that those mean a lot to Sam and it’d just be cruel to take them away.
Overall, Dean tries to be lenient with Sam but sometimes has to get a little firm.
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blowflyfag · 9 months
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Pro Wrestling Illustrated: 1995 THE YEAR IN WRESTLING. March 1996
For four months, fans waited for this one–and a worthwhile wait it was.
Until Survivor Series 1994, Diesel and Shawn Michaels were he best of friends. Going into that pay-per-view, they  were also the WWF World tag team champions. But a disagreement in an eight-man tag team match made them the bitterest of enemies. Shawn remained a rulebreaker, while Diesel went the fan favorite route. And three days later, “Big Daddy Cool” became the WWF World champion.
Everyone wondered when these two former friends would finally meet, one-on-one, with the World title at stake.
Everyone found out when it would be on January 22, when Michaels won the Royal Rumble and earned a World title shot against Diesel at WrestleMania XI.
Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Lawrence Taylor at WrestleMania was good, but Shawn vs. Diesel was better. It lived up to all the prematch hype, and for the third consecutive year, Michaels was involved in our Match of the Year. 
Diesel pounded his old buddy early on in the bout. “The Heartbreak Kid,” as everyone expected, showed tremendous resiliency. He clotheslined the World champion over the top rope, executed an over-the-top-rope flying bodypress, then spent a few minutes trying to wear Diesel down. He used a flying elbowsmash from the top rope and a sleeperhold. 
Then came the turning point. While Michaels and Diesel were brawling outside the ring, referee Earl Hebner, in an attempt to keep Sid Vicious, Michael’ Bodyguard, from getting involved, twisted an ankle. That prevented him from getting back into the ring quickly. It may have also prevented Michaels from becoming the World champ, because Shawn superkicked Diesel and had him pinned for at least 10 seconds before Hebner crawled back to make a count.
Diesel recovered, caught Michaels with two boots to the face, and “jackknifed” him for the win at 20:40.
“Incredible!” wrote Ken Wallace of Topeka, Kansas. “I didn't think Diesel could stay with Shawn for a match that lasted 15 minutes or more. And even in defeat, Michaels was terrific.” Everyone knows what happened the next night. These two rivals became friends again. We may never see a Shawn-Diesel rematch, but even if we don’t we’ll always have memories of this thrilling bout. 
First runner-up:  “The Heartbreak Kid” strikes again! A 20-minute thriller between two terrific athletes is the simplest way to describe the July 23 In Your House II match in which Michaels won his third Intercontinental title. A powerful superkick to the jaw was all it took for Michaels to finish off “Double-J” after The Roadie accidentally tripped his employer.
HARLEM HEAT vs. THE NASTY BOYS: 13,798 votes
Second runner-up: The Nastys won the WCW World tag belts from Booker T and Stevie Ray in this Slamboree slugfest. The result was noteworthy because Jerry Sags fought half the match on his own after Brian Knobs was injured before the bout. It was the Heat’s legdrops vs. the Nastys’ piledrivers, and it ended when Sags pinned Booker after a top-rope elbowsmash.
PSICOSIS vs. REY MISTERIO JR.: 6,620 votes
Third runner-up: These two masked superstars, rivals in Mexico's AAA, brought their feud to ECW on September 16 and contested a bout that featured stunning aerial moves. Misterio at 5’3” and 140 pounds, beat his 5’10”, 200-pound rival in a match that was highlighted by Misterio diving from the ring apron onto Psicosis , who was lying in the third row of the audience!
Some of the top vote-getters who did not capture a runner-up spot include: January 22: Diesel vs. Bret Hart; April 2: Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Lawrence Taylor; June 18: Brian Pillman vs. Alex Wright; August 4: Tony Anthony & Tracey Smothers vs. The Heavenly Bodies; August 26: Eddy Gurrero vs. Dean Malenko; August 27: Shawn Micahels vs Razor Ramon.
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J2 Chicon Main Panel 2023
The panel starts with Jared telling us he’s finally getting his knee looked at to get it fixed! He's getting it treated by a doctor right there in Chicago. Actually, his appointment was today, Monday, so hopefully, that went well 🙏He's been putting it off for a while so I'm glad he's getting treatment and I wish him a full and speedy recovery.
On to questions, why did Dean decide to get killed at the end of the series? I’m typing it as it was asked people.
Jensen jokes that if you look closely, if you play it in slow motion you can see him steering and telling the guy where the nail was, telling him to put him on it and end this misery 😂 But seriously, no, he did not choose that and neither did Dean but it was something that was heavily talked about and discussed. They knew that ending when they started the season and it’s no secret that it took him a while to come around to it, he didn’t want to see Dean die either but something they were talking about earlier in their meet and greet is that when really important characters get killed in shows, movies, and stuff it unfortunately does suck sometimes but it does make for good storytelling and good drama and that’s what they’re in the business of doing.
Jared says that Jensen’s not joking between s14 and s15 they knew 15 was gonna be the final season and they met with Dabb and Singer in LA who kinda told them the short pitch, they didn’t know what every episode was about or what every scene was about but they told the boys what they were working towards, and it kinda caught them both off guard and Jared thinks probably every season of SPN in the writer's room started off with one idea and it changed but he thinks he and Jensen both chatted about it in the earlier parts of season 15 that it kinda made sense in the storyline because he thinks if Sam had died first and Dean knew he had taken Sam out of college to bring him back into the life that would have been the end of him he wouldn’t have been a very happy fellow. So, he thinks it happened for a reason but it is SPN they can have people come back to life. And hopefully, we get to see the boys ride again. x
Other than each other who were their fav actor or actress in the show to play against? That gave them a lot to work with
Jared says one of the people who gave the most did it in a weird way cause he gave so little and that person is MC 🤣
He says he's teasing...but for like 2 days a month the guy was on set but in seriousness he loved Sully, he feels Sully was to Sam like C was to Dean. There was stuff the boys shared with a confidant they wouldn’t share with each other not because they wanted to keep secrets which they did often but you get to see a different side of Dean with C, and a different side of Sam with Sully. He also really enjoyed working with the Marks both Pellegrino and Sheppard.
For Jensen there’s are a lot of characters and a lot of actors that were really fun to work with he names two off the top of his head: Ruth, he says she came every day and was one of those actresses that would show up on set and elevate everybody’s performance levels, and it was so fun to watch her work but also be in a scene with her, another one is Lisa Berry and the funny thing about her is that she’s actually a big fan of the show so when the cameras weren't rolling she'd be like 'oh this is so cool don’t tell me anything I gotta wait for it to come out' and then they would yell action and she’d snap right into character that she's so good and again so fun to work with.
Jared asks Jensen if he remembers the snake guy in Yellow Fever, and Jensen replies that how could he forget cause when the snake started to crawl over his shoulder, Jared got up and left the room and all he heard was Jared going 'nope nope nope nope' 😂 Meanwhile, he couldn’t move cause he had 180 pound snake on his shoulder but the reason they mentioned the guy is that the actor who played him was a fan of the show and he said that all he had read was his scene so not to tell him anything else cause he wanted to watch it when it came out. x
What made them get into directing, what made them want to do it, and does Jensen have a future in directing?
It was a natural progression for Jensen, he kinda took an interest in wanting to know why the director would put the camera in a certain place, why they would have it move, why that lens would help advance the story especially and he really just kinda became interested in knowing more about it because he thought it might help him with his performance in front of the camera. It didn’t but what it did do is got him interested in storytelling from the other side of it, and the questions and talking with Kim Manners and Bob and Phil and all these guys who were masters of their craft he just kinda naturally became interested in it, and it was actually Kim Manners who told him he would be directing one of the eps one day and Jensen's reaction was to scoff and be like 'what? no'. But it came to a point where he said that if he talk to the producers and feel comfortable enough with giving him this responsibility he would do everything in his power not to mess that up so they did; it wasn’t something he demanded in his contract, he said if you trust and believe in me enough I will do the best I can and they did so he did it 6 times. At this point, he doesn’t have any directing gigs lined up, he is certainly open to it but right now there’s nothing like that because there’s a strike going on. But he does enjoy it and hopes he gets to do it more in the future. 
Jared says he came in and was a natural he was beyond a natural he was…supernatural. x
If they were to create a bucket list what would be on that list?
Jared immediately goes: words probably 🤣 He doesn’t think he gets a vote in this but he’d like to become a grandparent sometime, and he doesn’t know, there are a lot of things he'd like to do.
Jensen also doesn’t know, he says has more of a not bucket list but it rhymes with that which makes Jared say bucket fist- I can't with him.
Anyways, for Jensen it’s less like I really wanna do this and it’s more I’ll do it why not; he’s traveled to a lot of places, and he’s sure there are places he'd like to see but he hasn’t sat down and made a bucket list yet. 
Jared mentions that he wanted to go to Poland and then he got to go, he was excited and it was a joy x
What cologne are they wearing?
Jared has four different colognes: BLEU de Chanel, he was gifted a Gucci Guilty and Salvatore Ferragamo, and he has a Tom Ford one as much as I tried I could not hear clearly which one he has but I think it might be Fucking Fabulous. And, yes that is a real name of a Tom Ford parfum.
Jensen's is just a beard balm that’s called spicy wood.
Jared cannot resist and starts to make a joke about Jensen liking wood on his- and then cuts himself off. No comment x
What do they remember best from each season?
Okay, so the answer to this was a little over the place, especially near the end cause they needed the fan's help to figure out things from the later seasons I'm gonna do my best to recap it but it is going to be condensed and paraphrased for the sake of clarity. If you wish to watch the full moment, which was fun, I always provide timestamps.
From s1 Jensen remembers having divers hold his feet and hold him underwater with a young child in Dead in the Water and that was a very freaky feeling being held underwater especially when you’re responsible for some other person's child. Jared remembers, from that episode, the hot tub they had set off camera because the lake they were filming in is super cold and they had to be in there so long there were concerns they could become hypothermic so they set up a hot tub so in between takes they could warm up. 
From s2 Jared mentions cutting his scalp off but that was actually s3 so Jensen shares about s2 that in AHBL pt2 when Dean gets thrown against the tombstone by YED the tombstone had been foamed so he could really dive into it but it only covered the arch, the base was still stone and he was young and stupid and he gave it a little extra, he turned at the last second and his ulnar nerve also called the funny bone hit the corner of the stone and he says his whole arm went numb then felt like it was on fire. But he didn’t yell cut cause it was Fredric Lehne's coverage so he just slowly rolled over and his arm was vibrating it was one of the most grueling pains he’s ever experienced and to this day that elbow, which is his left one, is much more sensitive if he bumps it even slightly it’s like hitting his funny bone all over again.  They continue, in s2 Jared also broke his wrist and in season 3 he ripped his scalp off. For s4 they mention Ruby being played by G, season 5 is Swan Song, Jensen mentions he had a thing on his eye like the prosthetic and the glue started to melt and that season was also assbutt and the bottle not breaking.
Season 6 was soulless!Sam and Jensen remembers the shirtless pull up scene cause of course he does, for s7 Jared mentions Dick Roman, turducken, and Bobby dying.
Jensen: Season 8
Jared: was great
Jensen: season 9 was fine 😂
They continue, and this is when fans really started helping them out cause these men were struggling, for 8 Jared remembers the trials, at 9 is where Jensen says it starts to get really fuzzy.
From s10 Jared remembers not from set but from Van the 200th episode party, and Jensen remembers there was a high school musical episode. They continue with the fans help at s14 Jensen recalls the "marionette fight" between Dean and Lucifer and does a hilarious demonstration, he says it was the worst moment in his and Pellegrino's career they were just holding each other in the air thinking they’ll never work again. Wrapping it up with s15 Jensen says rusty rebar, and Jared says the wig was his I’ll never work again moment. Jensen says he remembers watching that episode and going 'oof what dead animals did they put on his head?' when he saw the wig 😂
Is there a weapon they think they didn’t get to use enough or a weapon they wish they had?
Jared answers the throwing stars, they never got to use them and he always thought it’d be clever for them to put salt on them or something. Jensen always thought it would be like a scene where Sam walks out and Dean’s mounted a 50 cal to the roof. Jared thinks if they had that and hula hoops filled with salt they’d still be alive. Jensen also mentions if they put their pistols on a bungee.
Jensen will say this, the angel blades they had- they had many cause they would constantly break. They had several variations the real ones cast out of metal and then ones that are called rubber weapons but which are actually hard plastic those things would break if you looked at it wrong, they didn’t work very well but the metal cast ones had such an even weight distribution on it. He misses spinning them and doing tricks with them, they would get into trouble with Robin from props because they would be playing with them and she'd have to take them away. They would also play with their flashlights and I don't know how to describe the noise that Jared makes when talking about this but it is so funny 😂
In the Star Trek fandom there is a hand sign for when you recognize a fellow fan or even come across one of the actors, what is the SPN hand sign? 
The boys have nothing. They throw some ideas around, and then someone in the crows says rock, paper, scissors which makes Jared remember and share that while he was on vacation in Mexico with his fam he had a dream that he and Jensen were playing rock, paper, scissors, that is funnny and cute x
Last question! In the 15 seasons of acting out constant trauma how did it affect them? And how did they take care of their mental health?
Jared says there’s so many ways to think about this, and he never thought about it, but because they were playing in a sci-fi world there are no boundaries, they got to explore and play multiple characters and they both had wins and losses so long term it helped him learn to be curious, short term there were days he would get home after a really hard emotional scene completely exhausted, they’d have whole days of doing fight sequences and they'd be sweaty and tired but get home and be feeling great but then they'd have days that were emotionally draining for Sam and Dean and get home and be like 'I can't move' and feeling like they'd rather run 10 miles. At which point, Jensen says that Jared would run.
They’d get home late, and even if they didn't have a lot of hours before they had to go back to set, Jared would still get up and run his 4 or 5 miles, and Jensen would be like did you run? And Jared would tell him yes. And Jensen says Jared did this not because of physicality but it was mental for him, he needed to get up and have that moment. Jensen sounds so domestic talking about Jared going on his morning runs, and knowing what he needs for his mental health 💕
Running didn’t work for Jensen, for him what worked was burying himself in the work every day, and if he wasn't working he was moving traveling somewhere, or doing something to keep busy, busy was his buddy. x
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skoolnites · 1 year
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𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙊𝙣𝙚: Living Up to the Stereotype
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-> 𝙒𝘾: 1.3k
->𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮: Y/n is really on her psychology grind and also subsequently in her soccer mom era
->𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: Swearing and suggestive content is mentioned (ie sex jokes)
->𝙉𝙤𝙩𝙚: Y'all I'm sorry I had some last minute school stuff then I wrote most of this after my wisdom teeth surgery and let me tell you my writing sucked. I'm back and wisdom teethless and annoying as ever. Also I'm so sorry if I got some psych stuff wrong I'm a comms major just loved AP Psych in HS. Also with these text messages the first VB GC the blue is hinata but then I realized I'm dumb so in the next images Atsumu is blue.
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“When thinking of tests to perform and other theories that have been connected to attraction the first one I consistently found myself researching was the stereotype content model (2002). As a healthy baseline I believe that by trying to match Subject A’s ideal admiration stereotype they will hopefully stereotype me as such. On days Zero to Three (0-3) my main focus will be to start stereotyping as well as create a plan to spend more time with Subject A.”
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How hard was it to set up an admiration stereotype, high warmth and high competence, easy.
Warmth could be achieved by some simple support for not only Atsumu but also the rest of the team. Not enough to feel maternal but enough to show she was capable of providing. Reliability was the best way to build up trust. Competence was trickier, Y/n knew she was smart but how to get Atsumu to see that she was smart.
“Hey boys,” Y/n greeting carrying a case of Gatorade for the volleyball team walking over to the bench to set down the case.
“Y/n, you are a godsend,” Suna chuckled, grabbing an orange bottle from the case and passing it to their captain then grabbing one of his own.
The other boys were quick to follow, thanking Y/n then chatting amongst themselves. When Yachi bent down to grab a red bottle she slid into the spot next to Y/n.
“Rumor has it Coach Foster is looking for good tutors for one of his athletes. A little birdie might have put your name down, might want to announce you are available.” The blonde suggested as she held out her hand for a low five which Y/n was quick to comply
“Holy shit Yachi you are the best,” Y/n praised. She could feel the excitement racing up her spine
“Yachi!” Shugo yelled, “Can you help me fill up these bottles?” 
“Yeah I’ll be right over,” She shouted back getting up to help not before sending a little wink towards Y/n
“Oh and Tsumu go to coaches office for a sec please!” The captain called out again. Yachi turned to face Y/n shooting her a quick wink and mouthing “all you babe”. Y/n grabbed her phone and quickly typed out a tweet
Coach’s office was cool due to the many fans normally making it a great place to congregate but at this moment no amount of cold air would calm down Atsumu’s nerves. He knew he was struggling in a few classes, namely statistics, but it was only because volleyball was his life. UTokyo was his gateway to the Japan National team, a stupid degree in communications wasn’t going to do anything for him once he made the big leagues. 
“I’ve done everything I can do, kid” Coach Foster said, not looking up from his monitor. “Your Stats grade is too low, the Dean informed me that you won’t be able to play in nationals with a failing grade, I have to bench you until you get about a C,” Atsumu’s heart sank
“Coach please, I need this. Volleyball is my life. There are going to be so many scouts at that game. My career depends on that game,” Atsumu begged and Coach Foster turned to hand him a clipboard. The page clipped down was labeled in bold letters, “Tutor Recommendations”. “You want me to get tutored?” Atsumu asked, glancing at the list he saw three names jumping out at him: Kei Tsukishima, Osamu Miya, and Y/n L/n. Tsuki and him got along fine but working with his teammate was a blow to his ego. Samu, easy answer; absolutely not. Yes he is the obvious choice but they’d fight and Atsumu did not want to be patronized by his brother, they left that in high school. Now L/n was not a bad choice, she was smart and he knew a bit about her. Of course those were just the names he recognized from the list; there were a few more names. After a quick twitter and instagram search Atsumu decided against strangers, they all were pre med or like chemical engineering majors and quite frankly those super smart types terrified him, especially the women. He wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed but he knew the smart girls were the hottest and there was no chance he could learn about variables and distribution with steamy tutoring fantasies running through his mind. Y/n was pretty but Atsumu knew her, she wouldn’t go for him and he was pretty sure her and Tsukishima were together. He could handle her. So after practice he grabbed his phone and checked Y/n’s twitter for any tutoring information
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It was four am when there was a knock on Atsumu’s door. The disheveled faux blond did not expect to find Y/n, his new tutor, at his door, donned in black tank top and sweatpants, messy hair and glasses slipping down her nose. It was like all of his steamy tutor fantasies had come to fruition. The only thing tying him back to reality was the cold air hitting his bare chest. Y/n fiddled with that paper in her hands while her eyes traveled down his body before landing on his feet. The silence was deafening. Atsumu grew smug as Y/n’s face grew red. She knew he was toned, she knew how hard he trained, she didn’t know she’d be seeing him shirtless this early on into this experiment.
“Um,” The girl fumbled, “So um as we discussed early, these tutoring sessions will be used heavily in my psychology final. I need your written consent for our conversations, online or face to face, to be recorded or documented in some form. I also need to inform you that I am purposefully not telling you about my experiment so as to not skew the results. I will be using deception tactics and need you to sign this form stating that you understand that you are a test subject. The tutoring will be completely real and I will not disregard the fact that you need tutoring. My reactions and actions might be faked in order to shift your emotions. There might be a lasting effect on your emotions and help can be provided for free if you contact me afterwards...” Atsumu was shocked, in a situation straight out of his dirtiest thoughts, Y/n was just spewing information. The girl was still rambling when he took the paper from her hands.
“Just here?” Atsumu asked, pointing at the line for his signature. Y/n nodded, reaching into her sweatpant pocket grabbing a pen. He took the pen and scribbled out a signature.
“Better keep that darlin’” Tsumu winked handing her the paper, “My signatures gonna be worth something someday,” He promptly shut the door leaving the girl stunned but her mission was successful.
“When the tutoring opportunity arose it happened to be the ideal way to build up admiration. If I could prove that I was competent in a domain that Subject A was not, I could stereotype myself as someone above him. Later on I will have to backtrack and set myself up as an equal but for now having Subject A hold me at a higher standard is ideal. An important factor I lacked to acknowledge was that we are both college students. I had not been acting as such, and for this experiment to be successful I need to be my authentic self instead of someone dead set on data. When choosing my next effect to showcase I realized I needed to be active during our tutoring sessions in order to truly get authentic results. I also acknowledge that I have used the SCM unconsciously to stereotype Subject A on my own. A sense of pity has fallen upon my views of Subject A which will also have to be cleared up through other tests as to not create domestic feelings instead of romantic feelings.” 
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tags: @milkteeboba, @90s-belladonna, @rosieyama, @buggy-cj
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msfbgraves · 10 months
Oh my gosh, I love the idea of a Silverrusso Hunger Games/Ballad AU! Of course Terry would be Capitol, and of course he’d be Daniel’s mentor and fall for him big time. 
Daniel would be District (12, not Covey), and while he’s small, and tiny, and adorable—he’s also cunning, and brave, and can be a murder-kitten if pushed far enough. Terry probably exploits all these traits of Danny boy’s for views and sponsorship before and in the Arena because he knows a showman when he sees one, being one himself. Terry would be excellent at strategy and playing 4D chess, and Daniel would, as you said, be a good boy and listen to whatever he instructs him on. Daniel’s own natural charisma, charm, cunning, and Daniel LaRusso Derangement Syndrome help him win against the odds of course. 
I agree with you that Terry would only return to the Capitol if he got to keep the pretty little thing. Which would be a very interesting setting, because Terry would of course become President, with Daniel by his side as his Capitol Consort. Make it Omegaverse and that’s even more set in stone. Daniel never loses that natural goodness and kindness despite it all, so who can say what happens in their marriage, and Terry’s tendency towards mass genocidal pastimes? Hmm. 
Or maybe Terry runs away with Daniel. They make do for a while on their own, as they’re both very charming. I do agree that Terry would find District 13, and make himself the leader. Probably take over Panem eventually too, for better or worse. All with his doe-eyed boy by his side as his own personal cheerleader.
The stuff of legends. 
Yes, I've seen Terry as Capitol mentor floating around since the first trailer, and with Daniel "Why didn't you kill him?" LaRusso as tribute - why shouldn't those odds be in his favour? I have to say that, though, with those very cringey commercials - Daniel isn't great with cameras, but like with the tournaments he's fought, he takes to the arena like a duck to water. (One of the few very clear differences between Ralph and Daniel, in my view!) But Daniel is just so adorable and we all know he looks even prettier roughed up, so especially with all the extra whump the book puts the tributes through he'd be so strangely alluring - and when the first thing he does is save the smallest tribute "because it isn't fair", and definitely would mercy kill another, he will win swarms of fans and donations. Terry's first thought at those antics, as that is not what they'd discussed, is: "The second that brat gets out of the arena, I am putting him straight over my knee!" (Which he does, the first time they meet again!)
Now I have a huge villain crush on Terry, he is my poor little meow meow through and through, so I believe that he wouldn't be as desperate as Coryo for acceptance. And I really think that's canon. Terry knows how to blend but he doesn't like it, he likes to push the envelope of respectability. So of course he makes former District boy John Kreese his absolute bestie, openly. So I think if the Dean would be "ugh, I hate your father", he'd be like "I hate my father, sir, you're not special", and with Gaul's "What are the Hunger Games for", he'd be like: "An outlet for sadism." And she'd be like "Oooh, you're very good at it, Mr. Silver." He'd be like: "Yeah, I like to watch, what of it? Not like I made it up." And so he'd only return to the Capitol (because yes he'd totally cheat, of course) with Daniel, but I don't actually see him becoming President? With his penchant for nuclear, I think he's always been obsessed with 13. Terry is not very obsessed with ruling people, I don't think. He's obsessed with very close relationships and personal survival, which is actually something he and Daniel have in common! I see Daniel getting Terry to become more of a rebel when in the Capitol, but if they're not allowed back, and Terry is absolutely fine slumming it in 12 and having all the sex with Daniel (the man loves playing at poverty) he'd take off when they don't let him take his Danny boy to officer training in 2 because: "I am not letting them send you down a mine, sweetheart." (Plus they've totally tried to recruit Daniel for rebel missions.) The reason he's taking over 13 is that none of these people know to have any fun and that's no way to live and he ends up ruling the whole of Panem kinda sorta by accident, with Daniel acting as his conscience. Also to let Daniel reunite with his Ma and brood of other half starved LaRussos because he won't ever shut up about it otherwise.
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justsomerandomfanfic · 6 months
Hi! Can I get a Supernatural matchup?
- My Pronouns are she/her.
- Currently a university student majoring in clinical mental health (considering switching to art rn).
- I'm an artist, writer, and musician.
- I'm an INTJ and I'm a rather big fan of having my own personal time to decompress.
- I have a more detached social style so I'm considered "hard to get to know" sometimes because I'm not super social.
- I spend my time painting, playing piano, playing video games, or doing my own personal research.
- I enjoy going to literature events like poetry readings, and I also enjoy going to art shows.
- I go to oil painting seminars regularly and have my own personal collection of fine art and poetry.
- I'm an avid player of Dungeons and Dragons (I'm a massive Baldur's Gate fan) and my favorite thing about it is making up character backstories and doing art of my characters.
- I enjoy the aesthetic of tattoos and plan on getting a sword on my sternum.
- My love language is quality time/parallel play. I enjoy doing my own thing while someone else does their thing.
- I enjoy civil debates and going to theatre. I enjoy going to musicals and plays.
- My favorite musicians are Hozier, Type O Negative, Flora Cash, Florence and the Machine, Lord Huron, and Metallica.
- My favorite books are Crime and Punishment, Dracula, Pride and Prejudice, and The Strange Tale of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
- I'm a big fan of snacks and snacking and I keep a (large) bag of pretzels and a redbull in my tote bag.
- My family calls me a Renaissance reincarnation because of my varied interests.
(I have a preference for male/masculine presenting characters)
Hello! Here's your SPN matchup! I hope you like it! <333333
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🐝 Who knew that already being friends with Dean and Sam would lead you to meeting Castiel - you had known the boys for probably more than a year, and then you finally get to know the man behind all of the funny bee stories; though you are not too social with new people/people in general, Cas is the same, so you both go slow and slowly warm up to each other
🐝 Once you both get used to each other, it's not long until you become good friends - Cas sometimes get caught staring at you by Sam and Dean, and when he goes to them for help on these new feelings he's having, Sam gives him advice; near the end of the seven months of being friends, Cas gifts you the First Edition of Pride and Prejudice
🐝 Skipping to when you both are official, you and Cas spend some quality time together - when you're not in college studying or when you are not busy in general; you often bring Cas to the poetry readings or go to art shows - and when not out and about together, you both paint or just eat a ton of snacks while listening to music (my money says he likes Hozier too)
🐝 If you need time alone to decompress, Cas totally understands, he'll find something else to in the meantime, maybe go find some bees...
🐝 Cas loves learning more about you, your favorite snacks, hobbies, movies, and so on, he could spend hours just learning how to play D&D just so he could play with you or have a conversation with you about it; he loves how passionate you are in the things that you like, and how kind and understanding you are once he got to know you - he just massively adores you in general
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