#also boomerang is there being the best boy as always
localicecreambiter · 1 month
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beware the yappening
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IF IT WASNT CLEAR BY THE SPIKE IN FOUR SWORDS CONTENT ITS BEEN ON MY MIND LATELY!!! so obviously that means the obligatory redesigns >:) I tried not to play too far into the stereotypes (not that there's anything wrong in indulging in those!!... i did throw in headcanons tho, like heightened and dulled senses... ill explain dw)
we'll start with shadow since I kinda forgot to draw him initially, lol. sorry buddy 😥 I gave him a shard of the mirror as a means of being able to exist. he can still float around and slip into the shadows and all, but he's not as powerful as he was when the mirror was full. (his ego definitely still is big though) he's not fond of chainmail despite the rest of the four and Link wearing it. his tunic mirrors what links would've looked like. any triforce motifs appearing upside-down and little swirl on his belt backward since he's from the Dark World and all that jazz. silly stuff. I kept it relatively simple since I doubt Link is very over the top, and Shadow has no sense of bodily autonomy at that point (he would so have an over the top outfit, let's be real) Obviously he gets along well with Vio, but he and Blue banter quite a bit. Sure, both mistakenly get offended sometimes but it's all in good fun! His hair looks a little more rounded here, but it's usually more flowey and sticks up every which way. unruly hair for an unruly boy. shadow loves quality time!!! what could be better than hanging out with those you love and burning down towns??? okay, void the town burning.
Red's design is also fairly simple: longer skirt, exposed chainmail, sleeved tunic, and a rounded collar. he has a rounder shape language (not that I paid too much attention to it, obviously) his hat curls up where the elemental stone is at. no one understands how it does this. Red thinks it's some knick knack he stored in there. UNNATURALLT WARM. like. concerningly warm. He's their magic user, preferring to use his magic rod over his sword (honestly, probably could wipe the floor with the other three if given a good magic item, but don't tell them that)(and yes im calling it a magic rod cuz it shoots fire and ice) Poor Red got the short end of the stick with poor hearing but great taste buds. He's a foodie at heart and it's obvious why. His hair is a lot fluffier and rounder than the other three, matching his soft and bubbly personality. Not a pant wearer. Obviously he has the magic rod and slingshot, but i also gave him the Bombos medallion since its an item in the FSA game. Green suggested they split the loot evenly. No. He's not allowed to use it. Yes, he's accidentally blown up a lot of things with it. That's why hes not allowed to use it. definitely a physical touch kinda love language guy. you know exactly why. impulsive spender. has quite a few burn scars from learning to use the fire rod. most of his tunics are a little singed, but he keeps some neat
ah, Green, the resident insomniac. usually that's Vio's role, but you cannot tell me this guy didn't get Link's terrible sleeping habits. he constatly looks sleep deprived in some compacity, but he's getting better! sure, it usually means someone has to hold him down until he sleeps but hey! better than nothing! his tunic matches most Links with the sleeved overtunic and collared undershirt. he uses he sword quite often, having the most finesse with the weapon out of the group. occasionally he'll bust out the boomerang. sort of the unofficial leader, keeping the group on track, but is always open to suggestions from the rest of the Colors. I gave him the Pegasus boots, since I'd assume they all don't get the loot they would've picked up along the way. His element is wind, so it felt the most fitting he had them. his hair is a little messy, and sure he sometimes has a stick in there, but he does his best to keep it combed. Despite his drowsiness, he's got sharp eyes (the best in the group, as a matter-of-fact!) Unfortunately, his sense of smell is lacking (but clearly he has it a lot better than Red does. I mean, seriously, id take hawkeyes over tasteaholic any day). Hes a little shit when playing Ispy; typically picking really tiny things and reveling in the fact no one can guess it. his elemental stone is attatched to his belt even though its a place it can get easily lost. somehow he has yet to lose it. the back problems arise from Link, mostly, though his isnt as bad as Vio's (maybe because hes not slouched over a desk half the time, but i digress) Typically level headed and focused, keeping the group moral high with Red (aka, keeping Vio and Blue's moral high because they tend to be more pessimistic) (well, Vio considers himself a realist and Blue is Blue)
since i dont consider Shadow that much of an idiot, Vio probably had to actually stab Green to make it look convincing. While the scar isn't big, there's once on his lower abdomen from the Four Sword. They didn't have any health potions, so they had to go back down the mountain to get him help. Green holds no resentment, knowing Vio did what had to be done to gain the enemies trust. the cheek scar is from the pyramid cuz there aint no way he got out of that unscathed fighting against Valenzuela. more of a words of affirmation guy, but enjoys quality time like the rest of them.
Vio is obviously their whittier member. honestly, if he were to be described in DnD stats, he'd have a high intelligence and a medium wisdom because man is this man stupid sometimes. he's not as outwardly arrogant as Blue, at least, not as loud with it. his clothes are usually wrinkled, being more focused on bookwork than much else (this pisses Blue off to no end, being the neat freak he is) despite this, his room is the definition of organized chaos. he knows where everything is, and if you move something, he will not be happy. also not a pant wearer, his tunic has a longer skirt than the others and his sleeves are a lot looser. his hair tends to droop into his eyes and somehow this has yet to get in the way. he prefers to pick off enemies from afar as the team's bowsman. amazing aim and a very steady hand. while he doesn't have as big of a magic reserve as Red, he can still use elemental arrows (probably in the same way as in WindWaker) strangely bad at math (simply because i find it amusing) and is pissed that Blue is good at is (again, because i find it amusing. it freaks Blue out) Vio is more of an acts of service kind of guy, but like everyone else enjoys quality time. especially when it's quiet quality time. impuslive spender, mostly on books. everyone else insists he uses the library, but he argues its different when you own the book. impecible hearing, cannot taste shit. it makes eating rations easier, but sadly cannot enjoy the nicer foods in life, so he tends to choose things based on texture. Got the brunt of the back pain, but makes it worse with how he sits and for how long he does. honestly has a weird complex where he thinks of himself as superior to the rest in a way, yet also manages to struggle to fit in and hates himself for it. not explicitly touch avoident, but hes not one to seek out physical affection often and tends to be one of the first to push Red off (other than Blue) his stone is pined to his bow holster since he tends to always have it on him, he wont lose it that way. the fact that the rest have theirs in such irresponsible spots upsets him. refuses to sleep until he's done something he considers productive.
last but not least: Blue! my favorite guy!! god what a prick, i hate him. his design is a lot more knightly with more chainmail and a brutish sort of look. he's intimidating alright, even at his 4'11 stature. look. hylians are short. his hair is spikey like his personality and his hat is more angular (mostly cuz he folds it everynight. theres permanent crease marks in it) ends up with the most scaring thanks to his irrisponsible sparing and little use of healing potions (yet despite this, he's the group medic) the nick in his ear was from some random enemy camp that he just ignored for a while. I never said he was a responsible medic when it came to himself. hes mean, sure, but hes trying. just a little blunt. okay, very blunt. very blunt and very angry. hear me out: mom friend. if that mom was divorced and had anger issues. he knows the others are fully capible of handling themselves, cuz if he survives, why shouldn't they? despite that, he still worries. I know that it says his left eye is blind, but he can still see some color, its just reaaal blurry. does anyone know that? only red. will he tell anyone else? not unless he has to. does he run into shit when hes not paying attention. sometimes, yeah. to top it off, he - like red - got the short stick with shit vision but a heightened sense of smell. he can smell a monster camp from up to a mile away. impressive, right? dont tell him that. this boy has a lot of injury issues, being as reckless as he is. the knee injury was from a particularly nasty moblin (possibly the same as where the eye scar came from. who knows? he wont tell) and got worse as it got ignored. look, when you're the medic, you gotta make sure everyone else is okay before you. at least, thats how Blue sees it. not to even mention the nerve damage from being frozen for god knows how long. I don't know about you, but (assuming it was a Wizrobe) being magically frozen has its side effects. so what hes a walking icepack (exaggerating, but he's cold enough outwardly that you can feel it) and so what his hair grows in a few shades lighter than everyone elses? they don't gotta know why or when or how or even that it happens. the hair dye is stashed under his bed and he will die if anyone finds out. it reeeally fucked with his magic, seeing as hes associated with the water element.. do green and vio know about any of this? nope. red was sworn (read: threatened) to silence. probably the most physically fit when split, and makes sure to take good care of his body. he likes to push himself, hence the ankle weights. always has to be doing something productive. hes their financial guy, somehow having the least impuslive spending habits. will typically only spend on necessary things. gets mad at the others for buying egregiously expensive recreational shit. (that umbrella shadow has? yeah. expensive as hell. he was not happy) the most touch avoident of the bunch. unexpectedly, blue is a gift giving guy. he gets embarassed about it when you question it, or even when hes giving it to you, but yeah. he likes giving things to people and then will throw insults at their face. not in a mean way. in a "im embarassed and you suck so shut up" way. quality time is something he enjoys as well, liking to spar with his brothers often. can easily master a lot of melee weapons, its impressive, but cannot for the life of him make anything else work. his stone was made into an earring, and despite vio's complaints, he usually knows when its missing.
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sgiandubh · 5 months
Good morning to you...as always, this person is very indignant and enraged.
Dear (returning) Mythomaniac Anon,
Sorry for the delay and see below why. Well, then: how was that, at their end of the rope, across the street?
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I know, I am quoting BIF (that petty, nasty, condescending woman), their Main Intellectual Luminary (LOL for years), but see how easy it is to boomerang anything?
And I will even suit myself and quote her some more, lookie here:
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I am not even sorry. Karma is a bitch, like that and it seems to have backfired badly on BIF's comadre, 'Max'. You see, I can immediately tell when people who have NO idea about what LAW really is, start talking about it. They will always be oh so damn literal and oh so damn mechanical in their 'reasonings'. I mean, if law were to be read as is, why would we even bother going to law school, right? Why not have AI sort it out, literally and mechanically, too (and boy does 'Max' sound like an android when she starts droning her maximum wobbling bullshit)? You see, in law, it's never enough to copy/paste something, because this is about people, money and interests, being those individual or collective. Timelines are important (and indispensable in any legal approach), but never enough: what makes the difference is always the particular context and the interpretation of facts - that is, by the way, called jurisprudence, when it becomes a legally binding precedent (not our modest case, here), in common law system countries (the UK, the US) or a complementary source of law, like in Roman/Civil law systems, such as the French and Romanian ones, which I know best. There is a technical distinction between those two concepts (legally binding precedent and complementary source of law) and I once passed a whole year written exam in Public French Law with honors, picking this exact topic, but I won't bother you with it, Anon. In a nutshell, tread carefully when you open that droning mouth and leave no stone unturned, if possible. Otherwise, you'd make a fool out of yourself, with bullshit like this:
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There is no Midhope Distillery Company Ltd, you fool. There once was the Midhope Castle Distillery Ltd, as I have abundantly shown in not one, but two posts. It did not 'change its name' in 2023, it was dissolved by voluntary write-off (third time might be a charm, across the street, maybe the coin would drop?). And one more time, for you Mordor people in the back: there is no way to know who the shareholders of a given company are, based on the Company House records, nor the amount of their participation. This is confidential information, as shown also in the Planning Proposal - once more, I repost the screenshot:
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' The Business Plan, submitted (...) under Private and Confidential cover, provides background information on the applicant'. Including, but not limited to, the existing investors/shareholders - it is essential to show the local authorities your business project is not a whim or a dream.
She also writes confidently stuff like:
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That is simply not true. As I have also shown in my last post, Outlander is explicitly mentioned in both the first and the revised Planning Proposals, as a strong argument for the entire business project. It may serve to remember that one of the elements justifying it was to provide the 20k seasonal visitors of the Midhope Castle Grounds an opportunity to access the (vastly) improved interior of the castle, along with a whisky related experience/discovery activity, accommodation and high-end dining opportunity. Again, I repost the screenshot, because those people are mendacious by nature and it is perhaps the only way to show them some facts (not useless factoids):
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That being said, we can speculate and deduct a simple correlation between a company actively looking for investors to support their now vastly revised, ten-year project and an actor-cum-entrepreneur who might be interested/already involved in that project. Unless he'd make a formal announcement himself, at some point in time, there is no way to confirm. 'Max' should perhaps learn to water down her confident tone, sometimes, especially when it is obvious she did not look at the documents herself, used only Google in the arrogant and foolish hope 'those tinhat shippers are stupid' and has 0 (zero) legal expertise.
This whole thing might be pending approval, but let's not forget the first Planning Statement was approved back in 2020 (which is a good starting point), that they have secured a business partnership with the owner of the land, Lord Hope (the 4th Marquess of Linlithgow) and that as far as I could read during those past two days, all the reports seem ok, at least up until this point in time. I see no reason why they wouldn't meet and talk about it: on which planet is that such a big deal and on which planet could that be construed as 'conflict of interest' (another one of 'Max's' arguments), given the organic link between OL and Midhope, since 2013?
I also have made a hasty mistake, in my previous post, when dealing with Ken Robertson's participation to the project. He continued to be involved, as my penned timeline shows, in both Hopetoun Estate Distillery Ltd and Hopetoun Estate Whiskies Ltd, as a Director, continuously from May 2017 until their dissolution, in December 2022. Again, it's all on the timeline - see what I just did, here? LOL for a century and a half.
And for Marple's 'Sorry' clip, I have the perfect reply. Especially the chorus, of course - ignore the rest, it's about some Seventies playboy, quite an Alternate Universe from hers:
I will stop now, Anon. With the MPC Gala just round the corner, all the eyes will be on that one. This drama will probably draw to a fizzled denouement, as they always do, in this fandom. But I will follow that business project and report from time to time. I bet the farm we'll have news, rather sooner than later.
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oneatlatime · 10 months
The Tales of Ba Sing Se PART 1
Once upon a time in Ba Sing Se, the Gaang got Appa back. The end. Please?
This title sounds rather expositiony, but last episode was already a plot/exposition dump, and a rather dark one at that. So who knows? Not me.
Sokka hun I think you're supposed to shave with a blade slightly less substantial than that.
I am fascinated by the hair loopies. I always thought that they were braided in, but they clip in. Does she have a magnet in her braid that they clip in to? A lego type system?
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Toph's morning routine is uncomfortably close to mine.
I know Toph likes being slobby to stick it to the man, but wouldn't it also help with her spatial awareness if she's always sporting a healthy coating of earth? Maybe she can sense where her limbs are better or something?
"Spa day!" "Do I have to?" UNCOMFORTABLY CLOSE GUYS.
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That has got to be torture. How would you like a pumice stone to the eyeballs?
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Now THAT'S a healthy coating of earth.
You're not usually into that stuff? You got dolled up last episode.
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Are there voice acting awards? Because whoever voiced these guys needs one. I have never in my life heard such perfectly distilled middle school clique bitch impression.
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That's cathartic.
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Katara's smothering/mothering tendencies usually annoy me, but it's a good thing those means girls happened when Katara was around, because this calls for serious hugs. I almost want to say that it's out of character to see Toph not be 100% sure of herself, but I think it adds character instead.
Do you think anyone's ever told Toph before that she's really pretty? Ever?
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That's a good hug.
Is this short stories? Like an anthology? TALES of Ba Sing Se. Like day in the life? Ok. I'm going to break this up for ease of reading/writing.
The Tale of Iroh
If Iroh hadn't distinguished himself by making the best tea in the city, he would have come to everyone's attention anyway by single handedly fixing everyone's personal problems.
Bending soccer. Why didn't I think of that?
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His voice is funny in this scene. Also isn't honour a fire nation thing?
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One of my absolute favourite things about Iroh is that his philosophical side is always balanced out by a practical side. He's always philosophising but he's also always grounded. Sometimes hightailing it is what needs doing. Sometimes your sister is crazy and needs to go down.
You know you're bad at crime when your poor stance actually offends the guy you're mugging.
I also like how Iroh really doesn't moralise. He'll teach this guy what conditions the moonflower likes; he'll teach this guy how to mug better. Knowledge is for sharing, no judgment attached!
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Random mugger speedruns Zuko's arc.
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So pretty. It's been a while since there's been good pretty.
oh shit
Now I have questions!
The Tale of Aang
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Writers take note: You see this sad face? You see what you've done to my boy? You can reverse it with one simple trick! GIVE HIM APPA BACK.
I love this. Can't help Appa, so Aang helps every other animal in Ba Sing Se instead.
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I want to know what this is. Monkey panther?
I didn't realise until now how tall platypus bears were.
Actual dragonflies. Punny.
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I love these. My nomination for cutest atla animal.
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I hope that wasn't required agricultural land. Should have put the zoo near the drill instead. That land already looked close to salted.
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This was some Toph level bending. Love to see Aang's skills progress.
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Turtle seal's got competition for cutest animal.
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Just call this portion the petting zoo and it's a win.
The Tale of Sokka
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Something I don't talk about enough is Sokka's supernatural skill with that boomerang. The realistic explanation is that he's spent every spare minute since receiving it honing his skills by chucking it at random piles of snow, but I like to think he's a boomerang bender. Actually wouldn't boomerang bending be a manifestation of latent airbending tendencies?
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I make this face at lasagne.
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I may have to make another Sokka's Stupid Faces post.
There is nothing oaflike about falling out of a window and into a Haiku. He was even polite about it!
Somebody introduce Sokka to flyting.
Forget about being a warrior, Aang needs to end this war yesterday so that Sokka can go be a poet. Warrior poet. He's way too creative to waste on cannon fodder.
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Poetry bouncer. The longer I think about that the funnier it gets.
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Betrayed by hubris.
A Poetry bouncer. Who comes up with this stuff? How do you come up with that? I keep thinking about a poetry bouncer and I keep giggling.
I'm breaking this post here as I'm reaching the image limit. Part 2 coming immediately!
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furbygoblinxiv · 1 year
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Ok now to be annoying about a completely different flavor of Zelda: That cartoon from the 80s that has aged so poorly I take psychic damage every time I watch it (which has been multiple times (I have problems)). A few months ago when rewatching and being sick of the Link's personality from the show (his best feature is how funny the "Well excuuuuse me, princess" line is) I was like "I wish the quiet kid from the games/art was here instead" and accidentally thought too hard and made an au/rewrite of the cartoon lmao.
Anyways Zelda cartoon au where cryptid boy Link saves the post apocalyptic Hyrule of loz 1 and chills in the castle with cartoon Zelda to defend the triforce pieces that they have while trying to find the last piece before Ganon can find it, stumbling across the sleeping loz 2 Zelda along the way lol. Hijinks ensue as he teaches Zelda the brawns to back up her girlboss and he gets an adventure buddy because its dangerous to go alone and Zelda with her boomerang and crossbow goes hard. I think a monster of the week style plot works for the earlier Zelda games, but an overarching plot could coexist with that since that is kinda how games work lol.
As per usual here are a bunch of slapdash barely related sketches of my ideas with my expanded thoughts below bc I think it'd be fun to share:
I look at the official art of Link being a quiet determined little dude with a backpack of tools and wish that that was represented more. Like look at him! What a guy! Imagine giving a quiet puzzle solving 14 year old a sword, lethal magical weapons, and a wasteland to explore! I would love a show about that! In terms of other characters, swap out that annoying fairy character, put in a Navi clone, at least Navi didn't have a crush on Link🤮. Ganon can stay the same so long as he was always a demon pig and was never a Gerudo man because unlike Nintendo, I do not want to imply that the only prominent man of color in the series has only one big braincell thats just screaming "EVIL" on loop. But! Keep Zelda the same, I love her so much in the cartoon, she's obnoxious in a slay girlboss way, maximum vibes. By virtue of not having a paper thin plot, most other characters that were fine get fixed by proxy.
I think plot wise? It takes place a few years after the first game. Initially, Link saved the royal family and they started rebuilding that area of Hyrule, and Link traveled around to help people. One day, Ganon's minions start making attacks on the castle to steal the triforce pieces back to revive him fully, and a Zelda who greatly admires Links steps up to defend the place. Eventually, Zelda requests Link return to help defend the castle while they search for the mysterious hidden third triforce piece in order to combine the full thing and wish for peace in Hyrule. Link agrees and the hyjinks begin.
IIRC the og Link backstory was that he was the son of the hyrulean queen and the elf king or smth? In the manga? I didn't want him to be hylian royalty but I wanted to keep that cryptid vibe, hence why I have him related instead to the great fairy and the kokiri. He just leaves the forest/cave one day with literally nothing to go save Hyrule, what a chad. I think it'd be funny if people describe Zelda as feral due to how boisterous and headstrong she is, especially out on the field, but Link is the quiet version of wild that you don't notice at first. She is openly intelligent and snarky in comparison to "says 3 lines a day, bombs first and asks questions later, explore under every rock and bush" forest kid Link.
It would be fun though if "rushes into danger" Zelda resonated more with the triforce of power and "solves dungeon puzzles for funsies" Link with the triforce of wisdom, then they both resonated with the triforce of courage upon finding it. idk tho lol
I also think two different young Zeldas coexisting with each other after one awoke from a cursed slumber would be really funny. Like that's gotta be so awkward, especially if one has the fighter girlboss slay up to 11 and the other just woke up from a coma to her family gone and her kingdom destroyed and just kinda wants to read books and drink tea in peace. Imagine being the same age or older than your great (great?) aunt. Or imagine if the old lady Impa nursemaid to Zelda 1 Zelda was the young Impa nursemaid to the Zelda 2 Zelda. Wild.
If I wasn't incapable of remembering to finish writing wips I'd write that series lol. Alas, this is all I can pull for now.
I'd love to call this propaganda to go watch the show but maybe don't because its yikes. This is moreso propaganda for someone to make a Zelda cartoon show instead of the movie that I sense Nintendo is plotting to make. Also, if you've read this far, I should mention I also will probably be posting art from some of my actual long term Zelda aus beyond just expanding on the cartoon, though I may continue to do that if my train of thought continues on these tracks.
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nicolesainz · 1 year
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Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince (CP 10)
Christian Pulisic x f!reader
Warnings: heavy swearing, angst, violence and fluff
A/N: as if it isn’t already obvious from where i was inspired to write this one shot (the connection between chris and maathp can’t be undone, but im glad)
Summary: you always counted on yourself to defend against the bullies and mean comments on the press, although now things have changed, as he will be the one saving you from running in the dark
“She’s only on the team because of her boyfriend being the captain. Otherwise she’d be in a B category”
“She has two left feet. Can’t even kick a ball properly”
“Poor Christian, hope he finds someone better than her”
“Pulisic being with a girl out of his league? Shameful.”
Usually, one would find me in our room crying my heart out and with my mind racing between ‘Would Chris be better without me?’ and ‘What must I do to improve myself’.
I’ve been receiving this comments ever since mine and Christian’s relationship was announced. We had the support of friends, family and teammates and from a big portion of the fans, but some of them bite back. They don’t like what they see.
Well, they mostly don’t want to see me.
Girls hate the fact that their favorite footballer is taken and boys think I’m privileged enough to be on the Women’s USA team.
I’ve always told Chris to not respond any of these. That they don’t affect me. But they do. They hurt and I am a human, not a fucking robot.
He always wants to reply or post something on his story about defending me and leaving us to our peace, but I tell him to stay back. I don’t want anyone to hate him or have him receive nasty comments. He surely doesn’t deserve this.
We were now at Cobham, while he was training, I was discussing with the team about our next session. I decided to take a break and just scroll through my insta. I recently posted a pic of me and the team, reaching the semi-final at Copa America and once again, they were there
“You did nothing”
“Useless player”
“Only there because of Chris”
“Just leave. We don’t need you”
“Next time, I will break your phone in half and throw it in a pond” I look up to see the constantly kind Mason.
He was the only one who knew about this ugly situation. Mostly because he once caught be crying at their changing room. It was one of my most vulnerable moments. And I was glad to have him there.
“Don’t tell Chris. Please. I am fine. I’ve been used to them”
“But you shouldn’t be. Let him help you. He can shut their mouths. I know you are strong but you shouldn’t have to put up with their bullshit”
Mason sat next to me, not removing his eyes from mine. We had grown very close and was my best friend. He knew that I wasn’t in a position to pressure Chris into doing something that may hurt him publicly.
“Maybe I will just disappear from social media. The fans will still see me at the club’s posts and I won’t bother seeing the comments. Problem solved” I shrugged and put my phone in my pocket.
“You shouldn’t have to limit yourself to please others. You will say, do and post whatever you want. They aren’t in your place to understand the worries and pains of this sport”
He is right. I do agree. But I can’t fight back this time. I fear that no matter what I say, it will come back at me like a boomerang. Fuck!
Before Mason gets on to continue, Christian comes up to us with Ben following him. He looks exhausted but also with a questionable look plastered on his face.
“Why hello, Y/N. What brings you around?” Ben greets me with a hug.
“Here to support the superstar. Plus, I’ll be leaving soon for the international games, so as much time as I spent with him, the better” I smile at my boyfriend who has his arms around my waist, softly kissing my collarbone.
“All the best! Hope the team does well. We have faith in ya!”
“Shall we get going babe?” Chris asked me, looking at the time on his phone.
I simply nodded my head smiling and collectively said goodbye to his two teammates, first to Ben and then Mason.
Once I finally was for the last time in Mason’s embrace he whispered in my ear ‘he loves you more than anything and would fight the world just to see you happy’
I held Christians hand in mine and walked back to his car. The ride despise it being silent, it was comforting as my eyes didn’t remove from his beautiful physique. I loved admiring him.
In Chris, I had found true love and compassion. Feelings I thought didn’t exist, until we met.
When we reached our house, Christian dropped his bag on the floor and immediately spoke up.
“Please talk to me” he sounded like pleading.
“What do you mean?” I knew what he meant. Very well!
“Baby let me help you. Mason has told me about the incident back in the changing rooms.”
“I’m a burden to you Chris. Nothing more. And I hate doing this to me” tears start escaping my eyes.
Christian instantly wrapped me in his arms tightly. “Your name in my mind, has as its synonym the word ‘love’. You could never be a burden. More like my source of happiness”
“People are judging you for being with me and telling you deserve better. Which you do. You’re deserving of the world.”
“But you are my world. I don’t want anything fucking else but you, my dear. Let them judge. They don’t know what a wonderful woman you are!”
“What if we-“
“Don’t you dare fucking finish this sentence. I will never leave you. And neither will you me. I will fight for you. I don’t give a single penny if they start hating on me or talking shit about me. As long as you’re with me, I can handle everything else”
Chris cupped my cheeks, not wanting to remove his hands from any part on my body. I knew that without him, I wouldn't feel safe or loved. It's a feeling that only one person can create. And I am more than thankful to have had this with him.
"I don't want to hurt you, I love you more than anything that I have. I do not wish for people to hate you just because of me. This is unfair."
My eyes are bloodshot red and a soft kiss lands on my lips, as Chris has the urge to prove something to me with that move.
"A kiss, a touch and a hug of yours, are the reasons I breathe. Without you, I would be hurt. Without you life would be meaningless. Football is my career but you are my present and certainly future. I love you, Y/N and I will fight the goddamn world for you. No one else, you hear me?"
"Can you hold me like this forever? From the moment we met, I have never wanted to stay in a place so badly" I cooed softly, hiding my head on his chest.
"Baby, we can stay like this forever. Since that's what we both want, then it stands. And I had no intention of letting you go any time soon. I have planned a lot of things for us"
At moments like these, you know that if the person in front of you, would guard you with his life no matter the case, they are your one true love.
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stitch1830 · 5 months
Yukka × You stole my heart and I don’t ever want it back
Thank you💜
Hi Purple! Better late than never...? haha
Thanks for sending in this prompt ages ago, I hope this fills the Yukka void for you today :)
Yukka - Fluff - #6 - “You stole my heart and I don’t ever want it back”
Yue learned from a young age to keep her heart guarded. She was to give her heart to her people, to the Northern Water Tribe. If she focused only on being the best leader she could be, then there would be no need to think about matters of the heart. And even when love was in the picture or tempted to cross her mind, it never mattered. Duty always came before love. 
Sometimes it was lonely, thinking this way. But Yue had a responsibility to her people, and she never wanted to let them down.
And then Sokka arrived.
His appearance made her question her original thoughts and filled her with an uncertainty she hadn’t felt since she was a little girl.
But when she saw him standing with the young boys, watching him interact with them, teaching them how to throw a boomerang, talking with them as if they weren’t just children, she couldn’t help but fall.
He smiled so brightly for them. He teased them and cracked jokes until they were on their backs, laughing until their sides hurt and they couldn’t breathe. And even while he went penguin sledding with the boys, he led the men with poise that even impressed the elders. 
It took convincing, but eventually, they could lead as one. They were finally together, finally a family.
When it came to Sokka, she threw caution to the wind. She chose not only duty, but also love.
It was a choice she made every day, and every day, she felt grateful that she fought for love all those years ago. No longer did she have to guard her heart, for Sokka guarded it for her.
“Hey! Yue!” he hollered.
The corners of her lips began to hurt, for she was smiling so wide at the sight of him. And as he shouted his greeting, Yue couldn’t help herself.
With each step, her body moved toward him faster, faster, faster. She ran toward him, toward his outstretched arms until she pummeled into his chest, and as his arms closed around her, the two of them tumbled backwards into the snow. Sokka laughed as they hit the soft snow, and Yue pressed her lips to Sokka’s, feeling his warmth travel from her head all the way to her toes. It ignited a fire in her belly, and she never wanted to break away from his lips, his warmth, him. 
When their lips finally parted, Sokka smiled at her with his big, goofy grin. “What was that for?”
“You, Sokka of the Southern Water Tribe,” she began, placing her hands on his cheeks, “have stolen my heart. You stole my heart, and I don’t ever want it back.”
With a smile, Sokka pulled Yue back to him, kissing her softly.
And she never felt more at home.
Send me a prompt and maybe I'll get to it this decade <3
This isn't the same list as this prompt but idk where that list is so this one will have to do
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brionysea · 6 months
#that said i briefly looked at the post and i don't think this person understands the characters enough#especially not the kids
ooooo interesting. can you explain more?
el and dustin are solid ("fighter" and "thinker" with underlying motivations of 1. protecting her friends - having friends, having a normal life, being a normal girl, but also being the protector whenever she needs to be - and 2. acquiring knowledge. dustin literally just wants to Know Everything and then act accordingly. he also has the most common sense of anyone here)
lucas is all about personal loyalty with an underlying need for conflict avoidance (which, ironically, creates more conflict in the long run). this tendency is probably a result of his parents trying to teach him how to be safe as a black boy; angering insane white boys like billy or jason is dangerous, so it's best not to cause problems. the first time lucss gets ruffled is when he thinks mike is choosing el over will and leaving will to die, and of course lucas is more loyal to will than to this random suspicious girl he met in the woods a few days ago. even in season 4 when lucas gets separated from the party for a bit, it's with the motivation of assimilating into the popular crowd and, by association, sparing mike and dustin from being targeted by bullies too. he's very practical and level headed, which initially comes to a head with the fantastical nature of the story, before he realises that oh yeah, my people are in danger, why did i leave them anyway? he's a boomerang of a character, he always comes back. if stranger things was based in reality and not whatever this is, lucas would be right 9 times out of 10
will is very selfish. it's the selfless kind of selfish, where it's more focused on keeping the people around him - the first time he has a breakdown is when mike starts acting differently because he's so obsessed with el, and the second is about the fear of losing mike too - but that's still selfish in my book. not strictly a negative thing, it's just a thing (for a more stereotypically selfish character, look at nancy; she even gets called out on it). mike is apparently the only thing keeping will from killing himself, so it's understandable that he wants to cling. will trying to push mike and el together constantly in season 4, after being so annoyed with their relationship in season 3, is so unnatural for him, and you can feel it. everyone feels a little wrong in season 4 and it seems like rather intentional commentary on societal pressures
mike is brave to the point of self destruction. he takes care of people because of the parental neglect he thinks if he's not needed he'll be abandoned, and once he doesn't have the capacity to play the therapist friend anymore, that fear quadruples in strength as he's actively falling apart and looking to will for constant reassurance (but he still shines as the leader when the moment calls for it). he has very strong morals. a fantastic liar, as long as he's not talking to his friends (friends don't lie) (when he can't lie, he deflects). very loyal, which is being somewhat twisted by his abandonment issues and the repeated trauma of seeing his friends die. deathly afraid of losing people. his character is a study in the human capacity for change and growth, so he has to get worse before he can realise he got off track and fix himself. nancy did the same thing in season 1 (with jonathan's help), we're just seeing the full descent with mike
max... is very complex. she's mostly afraid of her own capacity for darkness, her anger, because her story revolves around the cycle of abuse. billy hurt her and she doesn't want to be like billy, but she still wanted him gone - because he hurt her - and wanting your abuser gone isn't the same as being an abuser, but she's a confused teenager who's feeling a lot of very big, confusing feelings, and she's refusing to let anyone else help. at her core she's brave and selfless and protective and independent (which doubles as not wanting to become her mother, either, depending on a horrible man and letting him get away with everything) and kind and forgiving (as long as you deserve it, and if you don't she'll act like you do anyway) and wants to make the best of life, despite everything trying to bring her down. her inner tension comes from becoming who she wants to be, or who she doesn't. of course she's nothing like billy, but that kind of blind self assurance is typically only present in people like him, so it makes sense that max would worry and doubt herself
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flecksey · 8 months
100% Clears 2024
Since I've already done a few so far I'm gonna start a somewhat belated collection of 100% clears in games for the year. I've long since become a sicko for this sort of thing and I'd like to catalogue exactly what it took for me to get 100%, guides and all
I nearly forgot because it was so early in the year, but I suppose this technically counts for my first clear: AI: The Somnium FIles
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I made sure to finish the Zero Escape games before this one, so ZTD might really be my first clear here but whatever. This game was pretty dang good, definitely more cohesive than the later zero escapes by virtue (lol) of taking place in a new world. Didn't quite hit the highs of 999 for me but Uchikoshi seems to always at least put on a fun show.
Replaying the action sequences and interrogations to do them perfectly was a little tedious but it was great getting them right the first time. I also had to look up one achievement that simply involved investigating something early on in the game (not to mention completing the Appendix), but overall a pretty breezy clear that I had mostly finished by the end of the story.
Next up is my first Zelda of the year: Link's Awakening for the Game Boy, no DX included.
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I went with the original here to truly go in release order because it's the moral thing to do. I actually ended up enjoying it more than Link to the Past, due in part to it being far less obtuse than that game. Easily the best Game Boy game I've played, it honestly holds up even today imo.
That said there were still a couple stinker heart pieces, namely one arbitrarily hidden in a moat underwater and another past a completely unhinted bombable wall that I had to look up. Still, it gets points for actually having more shells than you need to get the upgraded sword. The trade quest is also delightful and not too difficult with the boomerang being a great reward, though that being the case isn't quite apparent at first.
Afterwards I continued with my Zelda conquest, completing Ocarina of Time on my friends' N64 while I stayed with them. Sadly I didn't get a picture of this one, maybe I'll edit one in later if I can get them to take a pic.
Anyways, what is there to say about this game? A true classic that I really enjoyed playing for the first time (though I had played Ocarina 3D) No real complaints, just a fun time the whole way through if you play it normally.
100% is kind of a lot though, huh? 100 skulltulas on top of all the regular stuff, there's no way you're getting this done without looking something up. For me I entirely forgot the purpose of the bottle bugs which locked me out of 9 skulltulas, as well as some bullshit grapple points that prevented me from getting another 2 AND a heart piece. I probably never would have figured out the big poe quest for the fourth bottle either, but oh well. It was still a great time.
After that I fell off the Zelda train and didn't complete another game until Celeste 64 came out!
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A delightful little game that has pretty jank movement at times but is honestly fantastic for what it is (a free game made in like a week). I wouldn't mind a fully fledged 3D Celeste like this but with more time put into the movement, though I can't say I expect anything like that.
A pretty breezy clear that still left me scratching my head at one strawberry, which ended up being a platforming puzzle where you had to eliminate all of a set of disappearing platforms. A little obtuse for sure, though I gave up kind of quickly because I was following along with a stream. I'm still happy that I found all the others on my own.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 2 years
Ten Into The Fog (Part 29)
Content Warning: this chapter is more graphically violent than the last few have been. There's also some implied ableism from Yakone. So if that sort of thing makes you uncomfortable then you might want to skip this one.
Mai slips the knives back into her grasp but Azula catches her by the wrists again. “The satomobile is going too fast for that…” She whispers. Now she doesn’t know much about these things, but she does know what happens when an airship plummets to earth. She knows what had happened when the drill had come to such an abrupt halt and she imagines that her own body will have the same slurry effect should this vehicle come to a sudden stop against the side of one of the skyscrapers. Or if it were to careen off of a swooping overpass…
Their best chance lies at wherever he is planning on taking them now.
Not for the first time–as she watches the city pass in an erratic rush of sound and bleeding color–she wonders if father knew that Yakone wanted her dead. If he knew that this was what would happen to her. Perhaps she was just in his way, a loose end that he needed to tie up to ensure that his liberation remained intact. Perhaps he had only showed up in Republic City to make sure that she would be taken care of.
The satomobile comes to a sudden and lurching halt, Mai’s head slams into the window and she is out cold. Yakone is laughing, it is actually more like a malefic cackle. And then the satomobile is zooming again. Azula realizes that he could see the glint of her exposed knife in the mirror. Agni, Mai’s subtlety has never been detected before…
“You ever been on a road trip, princess?” Yakone calls back.
She has been on one before, two actually. Though one was an air trip, taken on the back of a burrowed bison. It had been she and a boy with a boomerang, a terrible sense of humor, and an admirably large threshold of patience. The other was much more comfortable, it was more about sight seeing than seeing into herself. It was more about discovering the world than discovering who she was.
She doesn’t remember either. 
She won’t remember either. 
The satomobile veers again, onto a beaten gravel road, headed for the smokestack of some presumably long vacant factory.
“I have to find her!” Sokka’s pacing had begun at approximately 2:47 in the morning. “We haven’t heard from Mai. She calls to check in three times a day. Why hasn’t she called yet?”
“Sokka, she might not have been able to shake Yakone off today.” Katara tries. “He might not have left the apartment so maybe she just couldn’t have called safely.”
“But…uggg!” He doesn’t know how to tell her that he just has a feeling. A dreadful feeling. A feeling not unlike that which he felt as they drove towards the docks…
It is in his mind again, clear as day.
“Relax, Sokka.” Her voice makes it easy to do just that. “We’ve faced much harder battles with worse odds than this.” 
“I don’t know, Azula…”
Azula rolls her eyes. “And I thought that I overthink things.” She rests her hand against her belly and he wonders if she is speculating the same thing that he is. He looks over at her, but only briefly before turning his attention back to the road. 
Her face is pretty, it is always pretty. But there is something about tonight…he thinks that it might be the determination. Determination brings a gleam to her eyes, a vibrance to her entire being. She has that fierce and confident glow. But he thinks that there is a second softer glow too. 
“You’re always sooo afraid, Sokka.” She drawls.
Up ahead the boats by the dock twinkle.
There is no dock this time and she isn’t sitting next to him. 
He can stand it no more, he kicks the chair in front of him and Katara flinches. He doesn’t have time to regret startling her just yet. 
He yanks his closet door open and pulls on a jacket. “I’m going to find her, Katara. This mission is over, I’m going to Republic City and she’s coming home tonight.”
“Sokka, think about this! It’s dangerous, if she’s safe you could put she and Mai in danger!”
“She’s not safe, Katara! I can…I can feel it.” He pauses and his voice softens. “Just like how Aang knew when you needed help. I can’t lose her Katara. I can’t have another Yue. I can’t have another Suki.” 
And tonight both of them are screaming in his head. They are murmuring their last words over and over again and they are joined by Azula. Azula who says, “you’ve put so much energy in telling me that I’m a big girl now, so let me do grown up things and handle this myself.” She says it with just as much sass and spunk as she had the night she left. “I’ll see you after I’ve taken care of Yakone.” 
Her voice isn’t like that of Yue and Suki.
Yue and Suki who had uttered words of goodbye and acceptance of fate. Azula had spoken like someone who hadn’t died. 
And, by Raava, he intends to make sure that those departing words aren't final words. Final words that will echo tauntingly in his head forever like Yue and Suki’s do.
Her awakening is not kind, Mai’s swollen, bruised, and bloodied face is inches from hers and one of her knives is buried in the side of her neck, just beneath her ear. Azula, at first, can’t tell if she is alive or dead. But she is close enough to the woman to feel her breaths on her face. But there is a rather steady trickle leaking from the cracks in her skin around the knife. The very same knife that has terribly wounded her and is now keeping that blood from flowing freely. A blur in her vision spares her the grittier details like the tears glistening in the corner of Mai’s glossing eyes and the slight quiver of her split lips…
Azula herself is only in better condition because Yakone wants her that way. Though the bar for better condition is dreadfully low. Her bindings are obstructing blood flow to her hands and feet, her fingers are already turning a sickly color. A hue that makes her feel as though she will vomit. Undoubtedly her pregnancy has a hand in making the swelling that much worse. Worse to the point that her skin is bulging through the spaces in the rope. Or perhaps the swelling is so significant that it has created its own openings in the rope.
She inhales sharply, her eyes are stinging. She wonders if he has tied a rope around her throat too, but her arms are fixed behind her back and Mai certainly isn’t awake to help her confirm or deny.
She takes a deep breath in and a deep breath out. 
Breaths that she can hear with more accutness in her elevating panic. These breaths sound strange, wheezing and fair away though she can feel them in her tight chest. Oh spirits, she can’t afford a panic attack right now. 
From the other side of the room she hears the creak of a wooden chair. And with a series of rhythmic clacks, Yakone’s dress shoes come into view. 
She can’t make out the details on his shoes, despite his close proximity. 
Her eyes might be swollen too…
“You’re probably wondering why you are in the position that you’re in now, yes?” Yakone nudges her with his cane. “You’re just a child after all. We’ve never met.” He sneers.
Azula nods, “Why are you doing this to me?” But it is hard to speak. It takes more energy than she had intended to expend.
Yakone grins, “Oh no. I am going to tell you. See that’s part of the fun, explaining why you have to die.” His grin fades. “Of course, it isn’t nearly as satisfying as it would have been to finish you off with your mind fully intact. For you to have known that, even at your strongest mentally and physically, you couldn’t beat me.”
“You wouldn’t have gotten that anyways.” Azula mumbles or maybe it is more of a slur. “I’m pregnant, remember?”
Yakone rolls his eyes. “I do hope that you aren’t mistking me for some soft, sympathetic soul who will spare you just because you went and fucked someone.” He clasps his hands behind his back. “In fact, I find it rather delightful to know that I’m keeping that sorry thing from being born. I hear that disease of the mind…” he taps the side of her head with his cane. “Is hereditary, I’m saving the poor bastard some trouble. Saving the rest of the world some trouble too.” 
“Not looking for mercy.” Azula does her best to shrug. This takes too much energy and really she shouldn’t afford him anymore. But she finishes. “I’m just letting you know that this hardly my best, physically. You wouldn’t have gotten me here at all if it was.”
Yakone chuckles. “Perhaps. Perhaps not.” He kneels down and she can smell the potent woodsy aroma of his aftershave. It is horrid, it makes the wheezing worse. Her hands itch to claw at her throat. To tear the rope away from it. 
She senses Yakone’s dreadful smirk.
“You’re probably wondering why it’s getting so hard to breathe.” He drawls. Prompted by her little shudder, he continues. “With new innovations, come new problems.” Yakone brushes her bangs out of her face and leans in. Now she can see that wicked sneer. “Did you know, Azula, that you are allergic to the new synthetic pigments in orange paint?
Her eyes widen.
So it is no panic attack after all.
“Your father told me. He said that if I took you, he expected me to keep you away from the industrial district because of it.” He stands up. “Your father is a stupid, selfish man. And you…” he nudges her belly. “You’re an awful mother, getting this thing killed before it comes out.”
Azula clenches her teeth. Oh Agni, her eyes are stinging and watering so terribly now in equal parts frustration and allergic reaction. Agni, it feels like she is breathing through a straw, a very thin straw. 
“Of course there’s a chance that they can save the sorry thing, cut it out of your rotting carcass. But it’ll be worse off than you. Lack of oxygen can cause brain damage. You probably know this already, but I would like to remind you that if you aren’t getting enough of it, then the baby isn’t either. Terrible thing to happen to a developing body.”  
“I promised to tell you why this is happening to you, why anyone would want to hurt a child.”
Now that she knows that there is no time to buy in letting him ramble, she yearns to boast that she already knows. But what good would it do, even if she could speak. 
“We do know each other, Azula, in a manner of speaking anyways. “Your father lied to you. You’re a grown woman and…” 
There is static in her vision now, an overlay of twinkling fuzz. She feels it in her hands and feet too. She isn’t sure if she should attribute that to the restricted blood flow or the oxygen deprivation.
She knows that she has done a lot of questionable things in her life but she doesn’t think that she deserves this. Mai doesn’t deserve this. Her baby certainly doesn’t. 
Yakone sighs. “I suppose that since I am a gentleman and you’ve been quite a respectable opponent I’ll tell you this…”
Whatever it is, she doesn’t think that she cares for what he has to say next. But he says it anyhow. “I told your father that the two of us had never met before, that I simply heard of your cunning and found it intriguing. The terms of our agreement were simple; I’d have a like-minded individual to have political discussions with and he’d have his weapons and freedom.”
A tear slips down her cheek. 
“I guess that you can die knowing that your dad is simply selfish and careless with his deals.” 
Could she laugh, she would. 
She wonders if father will care at all, or if he will see it as a sacrifice that was worth making for his freedom. Even if he hadn’t intended to make that sacrifice at all. She supposes that it is only fitting for her to die like this; she has been sacrificing bits and pieces of herself for him for as long as she can remember. A chunk of her personality here, a bit of her morality there. 
She hadn’t minded then.
She was actually quite happy because father was happy.
The sacrifices didn’t seem so profound back then…
Ten years ago.
A few months ago.
Ten years, a few months–they feel like the same thing. 
It seems like only a few short months ago that she was sacrificing her happiness for father’s. And now today it is her life. Her baby’s life. It isn’t so incomprehensible to think about when ten years ago feels like only a few months ago. In fact, it actually makes perfect sense. 
She supposes that she had always planned on dying for father if she had to.
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More "Aftermath," and it's sibling dynamics, protective/hormonal Katara, and Sokka making declarations all with a side of Zukka cuddling and tenderness.
Aren't you glad the relationship angst is done? :)
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twopoppies · 2 years
Hi!! What are your personal favourite fics ever ? And could u do a list of your fav deleted fics? I think I really just need new fics to read Haha Xx
Oh, I love that question. Okay, I already have a list of Favorite Fics, but here are my fave deleted ones:
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Into The Blue by Zarah5 (E, 117K) honestly, I love all of this author’s fics, but I think this is my favorite of theirs. Louis as a flirty scuba instructor? Newly single Harry who just wants a fling? Boys living on other sides of the world who only have a few weeks together? Heartbreak. Hot af smut. OT5 friendship. Please….give me all that shit.
Pull Me Under by zarah5 (E, 140K) One of the very first fics I read when I came into this fandom…and I’ve read it multiple times since. Zarah’s fics hold up every time. This one has it all, great pacing, ot5 friendship, banter, super sexy smut, etc etc. Plus, Louis being super jealous of Harry’s best friend.
to hell with romancing by bottomlinsons (E, 8K) This is worth reading for Harry’s internal monologue alone. This is just a funny fic that morphs into a sweet and really sexy one.
Dream Awake by protagonist_m (M, 31K) beautifully written, this one pulled me in and I got lost in the story so deeply. It’s one of those fics that really deserved a wider audience.
pretty in pink by hereforlou (E, 6K) I love this author’s writing and they give suck a realistic portrait of an established relationship in this one: Harry is whiny and needy. Louis is indulgent and loving. The whole thing is very sexy.
into joy i’m sailing by hereforlou (E, 5K) This fic is so tender and soft and sexy. The whole idea behind the fic was just something that felt very real and so fully realized.
This is cheating, but I honestly love so many of hereforlou’s fics, so here are all the ones I have.
feel the chemicals burn in my bloodstream by togetherwecouldbealright (M, 123K) I read this one so, so long ago that all I remember is that I loved it, that there’s some really romantic and sweet moments, and that my notes from way back when only say, “OMG this one is so good! And I’ve barely gotten to the smut!” HAHAHAHA!
Good Enough to Eat by objectlesson (E, 7K) This author always does such a good job with depicting young, queer love and the way their characters experience the overwhelm of realizing they’re not straight, realizing the’ve met their Person, pining, and giving in. I love a lot of their fics, but I think this is my favorite of them. However, I highly recommend looking through all of them.
as he that sleeps here swims by Acavall (M, 23K) This was one of the very first fics I read in the fandom way back in 2013. It’s sweet and charming and a little melancholy (happy ending of course). Harry’s a ghost, there’s a little magic involved, and there’s a sweet 8K epilogue, as well.
In Vogue by otpforever (M, 121K) This one is just….so much. The intensity of the characters, the crazy hot smut (oh god, the window scene), the FASHION, the angst (I had to take a walk around the block after reading it), the epic love story between two men who could rule the world if they could just figure their shit out. Loved it.
like a boomerang by youwill (M, 48K) Very loosely based on the movie Groundhog’s Day (essentially just the concept of reliving a day over and over), this fic is delightful and charming and really worth a read.
Take Care Down By The Water by shyserious (M, 37K) Not quite mermaids, but oh my goodness I loved this fic. Magical realism, mythical creatures, dreamy/moody atmosphere, beautiful writing.
Where Your Heart Is by tvshow_addict (E, 154K) One of my all-time favorite fics and an absolute must read IMO. Chock full of hurt/comfort (both emotionally and physically), this fic is so moving and so beautiful and will take you on an emotional roller coaster ride from start to finish.
The Road Less Travelled by freetheankles E, 98K) Also known as “the lumberjack fic”, this fic is an instant classic. The author makes widowed Louis’ pain and depression so real and so moving. The characters are three-dimensional and complex and the well written sexual tension is finally relieved with super hot smut.
You Always Make Me Smile by champagneboyband (E, 60K, WIP) Yes, it’s a WIP. I’m listing it because the hope that someday it will be updated gives me the will to live. But also because even as a WIP this fic has everything I love. The characters are multi-faceted, the sexual chemistry is off the charts, the background story is complex enough to give the story numerous possibilities for angst and everything else. WHY MUST IT REMAIN A WIP???
something so precious about this by champagneboyband (E, 4K) this is just endearing and awkward and so well written. I love how much you get a sense of their connection and their inexperience and how much they care for each other in just a few thousand words.
I have lots more that I haven’t read, but of the ones I have, these are my faves. You can also check my DELETED FICS tag for more or search my blog for an author’s name. If someone has asked for their fics, it will be tagged.
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fisherrprince · 3 years
do you have more thoughts on keyblade fighting that you need to put somewhere, because i have two hands ready to catch Should The Need Arise
anon: hey I heard you mention you’d analysed the combat styles in KH and what you said in the tags was already alluding to really neat stuff, but I for one would love to hear more of what you came up with!! so if you ever wanted to share any of your analysis then the floor is yours
Okay, so first some words on “standardized wielding styles”. These are styles shared by Terra, Aqua, Vanitas, Riku, and Xehanort and every other scala and daybreak kid. I will make the argument that the red style is the fanciest standard style, while the purple is seen often to make it easier on the little chibi sprites. BUT, I cannot discredit Eraqus, who uses the purple variant in bbs, nor can I discredit half of the Foretellers (Gula and Ava, at least, use this. Invi and Aced use the first type). So, two standard styles. For simplicity, let’s say one for primary offense, one for primary defense. The standard offensive style really wasn’t popular before Scala-era society.
check this difference out, specifically between ava invi and gula:
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then between eraqus, hermod, and xehanort, and eraqus and terra.
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These two were likely popularized and standardized for education in Scala ad Caelum for their predominant lack of obvious weak spots.
After this, we have unique styles. Those include Sora Kairi and Xion’s (similar to standard defense, but more mobile at the expense of form — Kairi takes after Sora but less confident, she hasn’t been hit that heavily yet), Ven’s (backhand, heavy range and mobility), Roxas’ (modified for two keyblades, but takes after Sora), and Axel’s (taught himself, comfortable with chakrams).
So! Let’s go.
Standard (offensive)
All styles have sub-variations, of a sense. Different wielders can choose where their keyblade points, and how they hold it exactly, based on what makes them most comfortable. Terra and Aqua point theirs downward, while Vanitas and Riku hold theirs above their head. What is recognizeable to this style is a hand for the sword, and a hand for guarding/blocking/items/magic.
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It’s incredibly efficient. With only one hand on the weapon, you not only free up a hand for other things, but increase your range of movement with said weapon. Test it out yourself! The keyblade hand is always your dominant hand, held behind you for increased power when attacking (since you lose a significant amount of it by choosing not to grip with both hands). This style also decreases the speed of the defense you have, but with that increased mobility and swing power, along with a hand free to brace against the keyblade (defense strength up!), it makes up for it. Many people who use this also have strong barrier spells — both a testament to their preference for coverage and an acknowledgement that any directional block will take a little longer and be weaker if they try it with one hand.
The pointy end, though. What difference does it actually make, the height it’s at?
I think it’s half a matter of attack style preference and half intention. Riku, Vanitas, and Xehanort stab quite a bit. Aqua and Terra slice more. Not that they don’t do both, but it’s the first instinct. Aqua and Terra are also likely taught to hold their keyblade neutrally, in a safe position, until someone starts attacking. It’s polite! Eraqus also holds his one-handed, neutrally, until he gets into position. Riku and Vanitas learned to fight assuming everyone was out to fight them. Invi and Aced may like this style because of range (i hc she’s blind and strikes very very quickly, and he’s already very powerful with just the one arm and wants better motion).
and on character specifics: Terra often switches to two-handed, to copy his dad and add extra power to his hits without always sacrificing the empty hand. Vanitas likely was forced to relearn how to fight, as instead of solely being trained to be better at withstanding, he was constantly being made to better his own attacks. The moves Xehanort uses would best be replicated in the same style. Vanitas is wild for holding the massive spiky x-blade like that.
Now, what‘s good on this style does not correlate to what’s bad in the other. The two standard styles simply have different ways of dealing with each con they create or taking advantage of each pro.
(Here’s an interesting side note — Gula uses standard defensive, but in this instance, swaps. One hand… likely to display confidence! Wrong move, but hey. He got cocky. He’s also doing it wrong, and swaps back to two-handed to take Aced’s attack.)
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Standard (defensive)
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The main detriment of this style is the lack of ease of long range movement. Hold a wrapping paper tube out in front of you with both hands, then run. It goes to the side, or tucks in to your stomach, right? Dodge. Your legs will get in the way unless you know where to move that sword. It requires, interestingly, a little more discipline. You’d think Aqua would like that, but no, she wants movement and practicality, and she loves magic, and remember that you must take a hand off this style to grab a potion. You’d think young Eraqus wouldn’t, but remember that he’s a fancy royal lad.
The main draw, though, is tankiness, readiness, and power. You don’t need to move as much if nothing dares hit you! Ava and Gula might be attracted to this style because they’re not as physically strong, but want protection in close-quarters fighting. Using this style when your muscles aren’t as big but you still want to Hit Things Good, or when you want to be a boy you can’t knock over with a pail of water (horse stance rules), is probably solid advice.
Traditionally, this is a lot less like fencing, and a lot more like a samurai sword or kendo. Your blade is held in front of you, giving you very easy access to blocks and frontal attack/defense. In losing some twirly spinniness, you gain power and minimize your opponent’s ability to parry and block.
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you gotta dodge master Eraqus so mcuh
All styles will swap between one and two hands for different moves. Eraqus, notably, swaps to a stance very similar to Xehanort when channeling a metric ton of magic.
Both of these styles require a degree of upper body/core strength, as does all swordfighting. I would be interested to see someone whose keyblade style relies on leg strength.
Sora, Xion, and Kairi
please look at the difference between the foretellers’ or eraqus’ two-handed grip and Sora’s. Do this with your shoulders and a top-heavy object.
They’re both in a hard stance, but hon. What are you, a gremlin? Anyways, a traditionally taught master would have… better form, even if it’s harder to learn at first. It’s habitual. Sora nearly crouches, and holds his keyblade back-pointed with two hands, which makes it easier for him to dodge roll, push off his feet quickly, and pull off those spinning combos he loves. It‘s really gonna hurt his muscles, in the future, though, since he’s doing a squat for like…. hours. Pulling on those shoulderblades and neck. Xion, too. Replicas had better have correct muscle dynamics. Kairi is brand new, so… maybe Aqua can teach her how to hold a sword so it doesnt hurt you.
Okay, now look at the grip itself. Held in front versus held to the side-back. They’re really attempting to combine both standard styles subconsciously, giving themselves more attack power while really wanting to keep that hard defensive parry, wanting to prevent all attacks to the front while also wanting mobility. It’s working for them really well, they fight like an anime character, and manage to get the best of both, with a minor sacrifice of length range that they don’t care about. We’re flexible and full of magic, baby! Holding the blade like this makes it pretty easy to let go with one hand without sacrificing that crouched defense position.
Now, Sora, specifically, is very adaptive. He’s had two keyblades, claws, guns, yo-yos, and a giant shield, to name a couple. He retains a bit of that alert crouch no matter where he goes, but Sora knows how he wants to attack and how to balance that with the most effective way to use his current weapon. He’s a smart kid! Sora has the most ridiculous shotlocks, which are also probably due to not always wanting to go standard for it. He also prefers to keep his focus on the enemy, which is evident in his reprisals and lack of very many effective “escape” moves.
Xion is very similar to Sora, but she does have some moves that are all movement. She switches to one handed for strikes a lot — using two for defending, one for smacking. In her data battle I’d swear some of those heavy hits are claymore-like. But anyways, since we’re magic, Xion cares not for the laws of exhaustion, and will ping about as a ball of light everywhere. Short range? Up in your business. Mid-range? In your business with one hand. Long range? Throws a boomerang. Hit her? No you dont. Ball of light. She’s above you and wants to bash your head in. (Vanitas also does this! A lot. It’s an easy way to catch someone off-guard. I’ll argue that the soras are very tough and strong, but not tanky. they want to avoid being hit a lot)
Another interesting note about Kairi. I say “unconfident” not because she doesn’t hit hard, but because her stance is also often tilted back, ready to dodge. It’s two handed, but almost all her moves are one. She does love spinning and throwing the thing! It looks like she’s been taking notes from the wielders she knows. It would be easy to teach her a standard style, I think. See here, she lets go on the strike, and by trying to do both, actually ends up with an advantage (being confusing) and disadvantage (losing both the power of two handed and versatility of one handed).
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A counter to Sora and Xion is difficult to pin down. Time? Probably. Lack of heating pads. Something that takes all their attention is about the only way to get a sneak attack in, and then you have to hit hard. A counter to Kairi would be anyone who can knock her off balance. She needs a sturdier stance. .
Roxas is interesting. He takes after Sora for the one blade. Wielding two, however, nets him a totally different way of fighting. Roxas’ clavicle muscles n… deltoids and stuff must be Ironclad. Also, two handed means you are very fast and sharp all the time. He has the advantage of standard defense (horse stance), and the advantage of offense (range of one sword, but twice).
Roxas generally attacks in two ways — simultaneous hits, and follow-up hits. Either he hits with both at once, or hits hard with the first one, and adds the second one as a bonus smack. He can attack by hitting in opposite directions with the two, like a drum, but that will be a little awkward and leave him prone to being tangled. That established, the follow-up hit method means he spins a bunch. As do we all.
Roxas gets a little complicated because we are not in the real world. We have magic and turning into light and physics that let you become a circular saw. So, typically, disadvantages would include: being unable to let go of a weapon to grab something or use an item, having just a very big silhouette to attack on, having difficulty with close-range attacks because Oathkeeper and Oblivion are kinda long, and convenience. Roxas gets to dodge #1 (keyblades can be unsummoned) and #4 (keyblades can be unsummoned). Speaking of dodging, he also gets to skirt the difficulty of dodging and rolling with two swords because he turns into a beam of light. But he can’t dodge how difficult it is to use two swords effectively — he needs to concentrate on fighting, and nothing else, or he risks messing up. He has to be very, very coordinated, and undistracted. Luckily he’s pretty good at making his opponents shut up, most of the time. Blocking is another thing — theoretically his blocks could be strong, but Roxas has no real brace: crossing your blades and taking a hefty stab might smack one of them back into your face. He mostly uses reversals and dodges, because of this.
The takeaway to this is Roxas is built for speed and power, and he is very strong. He’s a mid- to far- range fighter who if you’re not careful can snap you in half if you’re too close (be SO careful of that cross blade scissor).
A perfect counter to Roxas would be a tank that can grapple, and also be very distracting. If you can take hits, be talkative, and get close enough to stop his blades, you have a chance.
This is a bizarre choice, my guy, but I get it.
Backhanded weapons are very impractical for a lot of... attacking, mainly in mid-range combat, and Ven likes to either fight very close or throw the keyblade like a boomerang (and hey, backhand gives it a good whip for throwing). His attacks aren’t meant to one hit KO, but they do come with a bit of power to them, especially on the backslash. Like holding a knife for gouging. It’s for very close defense — pretty good when Wayward Wind and Missing Ache have hooks.
Backhand also, while retaining that empty hand for potions and guarding, gives you an extreme coverage boost. By which I mean Ven’s sword hand now has a nearly 270 degree sweep of “I see you, don’t touch me”, very quickly, based on just flicking his wrist. It sacrifices a ton of strength/sturdiness, but you don’t need that if you’re dodging. You also don’t really need to block, which is slower, but relatively sturdy when Ven does it, as he blocks with mostly the chunky hilt between crossed arms. He sacrifices (again) a bit of strength for coverage — an attack would hurt his arms, not his chest, if he were hit head-on.
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His attacks often have him flip the blade around in his hand, too. Quick swaps between standard moves and backhand ones. Basically, Ventus is built for moving, protecting himself, and quick attacks that wear down the enemy, not outclass it. Likely because he’s good at fighting, but everyone he’s fought hits harder than he can! It doesn’t matter how he holds it, getting hit will hurt. So he just. Doesn’t. He’s not a buff little guy — but he is a persistent one. Ven very likely made this up on his own, in Daybreak, and it was too hard to fix his whole style, but it was enough to correct most of his form so he doesn’t hurt himself too much. He is going to have to really stretch that shoulder and wrist (maybe get a brace), though. At least his neck is ok. … not sure about his knees tho dang boy that crouch
A perfect counter to Ven would be someone big and fast, who hits hard mid-range. He’s already been sparring with Terra, though, so when in doubt, try scruffing him?
Theres not a ton to say about him — he‘s not a swordfighter. He uses his keyblade like it’s a frisbee. Because that’s what he’s used to! His neutral is behind his back on his shoulder, which is terrible for readiness, but okay for chucking the thing. It’s good it has a sort of… ripstik like… boomerang quality.
Axel’s fighting style is completely made up, like most of the self-taught wielders’. His strengths lie in some of the benefits of standard offensive style (one-handed), and some of the same coverage stuff as Ven, having a cocked wrist most of the time so no one can sneak up around him without risking getting whacked very quickly, and having an interesting range due to the pointy end being basically on a spinny swivel wherever his hand moves. He’s not going to be good at close-range and he knows it — his attacks are mostly distance. And the guy has ZERO defense, combined with zero coverage when idle, so it’s for the better.
Distance-wise, though, he rocks. Treating the blade like it’s a flaming throwing weapon means his idle is actually great for sudden flick-tossing and attention-guiding for sneakier attacks, and his stance itself (…nonexistent) serves a different purpose: bait. Basically a big "come hit me". Fun, when you have a lot of fire magic and two friends who are beasts and love to take advantage of a distracted enemy — distance on the blade, proximity on the burning.
A perfect counter to Axel would be someone pinging around very close <—> very far and circling him incessantly. Like, data Xion could wreck him, as he has to wait for the boomerang to come back -- he no longer has two spinny wheels. Also someone with water magic.
SO! In conclusion! Having a teacher who teaches you correct sword usage rather than instinct may detract from overspecific styles that benefit you most but leave weak spots, but your muscles and your oversights will thank you. Everyone is glad we have the power of the Mouse and anime on our side.
Keep in mind again that I have done cursory research, and have had minimal actual sword instruction, I am not an expert and this is all for fun anyways :]
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hush-writes-preg · 2 years
Would you mind writing a story of someone being taken to the military?
They, of course, are in early stages of their pregnancy, but are either unaware of the fact or just pretend and hide it from others as they struggle through the regular life of an army newbie.
I hope this fills your needs, Anon. Sadly my military knowledge is very limited. 😅
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You'll never forget how proud and excited your dad was when you told him you'd enlisted.
You'll never forget how devastated your best friend was when you told him the same.
You'd grown up as an army brat, so your dad's reaction was pretty on-par with what you'd expected. But your best friend didn't understand that life, didn’t understand the need you felt to help protect your family, friends, and country by joining the military.
You'd argued, fought, and cried at his negative reaction, wanting him to feel the same pride for you that your folks did. He didn't understand your feelings, probably never would on this matter, but he'd always been weak to your tears. So he'd dropped the topic and gathered you into his arms to wipe them away, to comfort you, and one thing led to another before the two of you finally ended up tangled together on his sofa.
It was hard to think about anything when he was balls-deep inside of you. That's why you forgot about protection, forgot about anything other than the sensation of being fucked, desperate for a better memory to cling to other than your fight when you finally shipped out.
You didn't report for basic training until four months later. By the time that finally rolled around, you found yourself struggling with nausea most mornings, though you chalked that up to pre-bootcamp jitters. You'd also found yourself eating a bit more from the anticipatory stress, leaving you with an embarrassing bit of belly pudge, but you knew that it wouldn't last long. Basic Combat Training would take care of that soon enough.
Your mom and dad came to see you off. Your best friend didn't, but maybe that was just as well. You didn't want to endure another fight.
One bus ride, uniform, and army-issued haircut later, you were just another soldier.
Basic training was brutal, both physically and mentally. Your emotions were all over the place, leaving you ashamed and in tears when the drill sergeant got up in your face-- and boy did they do that, once they realized how easy it was to push your buttons. Your physical readiness training left you absolutely exhausted, the cardio and physical exertion that you could have sworn you were prepared for absolutely wrecking you by the end of the day.
But you soldiered through it. You sucked up the pain and the fatigue and your boomeranging emotions and you made the Warrior Tower your bitch. You followed orders and plowed through every task that they handed you with dedicated enthusiasm. You endured. And you were proud of what you'd accomplished.
But despite all of the training and the exertion, your belly pudge didn't go away. If anything, it was a little firmer and more pronounced by the time the Blue Phase was nearly at its end.
You wouldn't let it worry you, though. You had another ten weeks of Advanced Individual Training coming up, and you weren't about to let such a small thing hold you back. Even if sometimes you'd almost swear you could feel a faint, weird flutter deep inside.
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Flake's podcast - Harmony in Music
published on yt 2020-04-29, but probably podcast earlier
A lecture on Harmony in music, Flake plays the songs in order, starting with songs with one keynote, then two etc.
Some of the first songs he discovered in relation to cars, for instance at 0h16 a song he found on a CD that came with the car that he bought from a befriended singer from another band (that starts with Knor and ends with Kator), or at 0h20 a song they used to play in the car when Flake travelled along with other bands to their gigs, just to tag along hoping they'd let him play his casio with them (when Feeling B wasn't playing much).
Feeling B is mentioned a couple of times, like at 0h39, when Flake plays King Crimson, a band he discovered when the old drummer of Feeling B played it (who was a huge fan), Flake tells how he went to the guys house to listen and how they got in the mood to jam in the middle of the night, without soundcontrol in the room, so the entire appartementbuilding woke up from the drumming (a neighbour came round to complain, but the drummer just stared him down and the neighbour left).
At 1h38 Flake talks about the trip Feeling B undertook to the USA, travelling, playing for a handful of people, and being all together confused about the country, completely misunderstanding distances, so having to walk for hours, getting soaked in the rain, just to get breakfast, and indulging in all you can eat buffets (where Flake ate so much pudding he had enough for a lifetime).
Flake also mentions a couple of films he watched in the GDR when young and that mesmerized him, like (1h06) The Last Waltz about The Band, and particularly Muddy Waters' song Mannish Boy in it, which was pretty much the anthem of the East German bluesscene, or (1h25) Blues Brothers with Ray Charles.
At 1h11 he plays German band Trio, who played at a tv show, and at the end where voted the best of the show and asked to play again. The band played, but the singer just stood there eating an apple (while he voice could still be heard, clearly showing they were using playback). Flake thought that very cool, to show it that way, not bothering about lipsync.
Talking about cool, when he at 0h49 plays Daddy Cool (by Boney M), Flake tells us he always wanted his kids to think he was cool, so when travelling with Rammstein he always tried to find nice souvenirs for his kids, the house is full of Eifeltowers by now (the kids don't even look at them if he brings one of those), boomerang didn't work, kangaroo-in-can turned out to be a stuffed animal (and fortunately not kangaroomeat) so that was okay, but when he bought a real native american doll in the USA and came home with that, it turned out to be a barbie that you could also buy at Berlin-Kreuzberg (and Barbie wasn't considered that cool a toy by the kid's mom anyway, so no luck there).
One small Rammstein anecdote at 1h32: the band went to the MTV awards in Milan, and this time were asked to present an award to The Offspring, so Flake along with Paul and 'our drummer' (as he always refers to Schneider) agreed to do that. Flake thought it would be really funny if he, when announcing the award, gave a thank you speech instead. Well as it turns out Flake was the only one who thought it was funny, no one else did, least of all the actual awardwinners 😊
more of my takes on Flake's podcasts
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babypandawrites · 3 years
Don’t Care
Pairing: Team Avatar & GN Reader  Warnings: Death Mention & S2 Spoilers Word Count: 1,031 Summary: After joining Team Avatar, you have a hard time getting on the good side of a certain boomerang loving Water Tribe boy. 
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Sokka did not like you. 
He made that very clear from the moment you joined ‘Team Avatar’.
You couldn’t really blame him, seeing as you joined Prince Zuko in his journey to hunt down Aang for the past year. As much as you disliked doing it, your loyalties have always lied with Zuko. When you were a child, despite the fact your father was named a traitor to the Fire Nation, Fire Lord Azulon saw promise in you and allowed you to stay. You stayed at the royal palace and trained alongside the young Prince and Princess. Though you were young, you were established as a sort of bodyguard to the siblings. 
When Zuko was banished, you were told to go with him. Less so because of your protector status and more so of the fact Ozai just didn’t like you being around at all. You liked to think it was because he felt threatened by a child, but you were unaware of the true reason.  Then when Azula took on hunting down the Avatar, she recruited you to help her rather than help her brother. You had no right to say no, seeing as your loyalties were also meant to stand with her. 
Long story short- but not really -you’ve caused a lot of problems for the rag tag group of kids. 
It was really quite the surprise when Toph and Katara vouched for you at Sokka’s refusal to let you come with them after the situation in Ba Sing Se. Toph used her… interesting sense to tell the truth to vouch you were a genuine person when you said you wanted to help, and Katara noted how you tried to stop Azula from killing Aang.  He wasn’t happy about it, but he didn’t stop you from climbing atop Appa with them, nor did he try to throw you off the bison. Which you had been pretty sure he was going to do. 
You were thankful he didn’t. 
It didn’t take long for you to become friends with Toph after joining the team. She seemed to be pretty understanding of you, and didn’t have anywhere near the same problems with you Katara and Sokka did. She could sympathize with the fact that you never felt like you could be yourself because of where you lived, how you were raised. Apparently she’d been the same. It was nice to know there was someone else who understood.  “Going against them to help us, even though you’d always been told to be loyal to them- Was pretty cool of you.” The young earthbender punched you in the arm shortly after speaking and quickly added, “If you ever tell anyone I said that, I’ll bury you once we get off this boat.” 
Getting along with Katara took a little longer, however.  “Just because I vouched for you, doesn’t mean I like you.” The waterbender had commented one day, when you told her good morning.  “That’s fair.”  She seemed to be shocked but how much you didn’t care, you guess it surprised her that you didn’t really mind if they didn’t like you.  When she questioned you about it one day, you’d shrugged your shoulders. “I figured you guys would treat me worse.” Was all you offered. Something about that sentence made her feel bad about you it seemed, and once she’d forgiven you for the pretty terrible things you did, the two of you became fast friends. 
Sokka on the other hand, just wouldn’t budge. He was extremely stubborn on the matter. Whenever you greeted him in the mornings, you were met with silence. It was obvious he didn’t have any interest in talking to you, so after a little while you eventually gave up on it. You decided to wait until he came to you, if ever. You kind of doubted he would but, there was no point in trying to force it.  It caught you off guard, when he leaned against the boat railing next to you, after everyone hijacked one of the Fire Nation’s ships.  “Thanks.” Was all he said, after a long moment of silence, before leaving again.  You weren’t entirely sure what he was thanking you for, but you’d take it. It wasn’t a lot, but it was still improvement. 
After Aang woke up, saying he was shocked to see you there was an understatement. If not for his injuries, he would have attacked you. He’d been pretty quick to accept you onto the team after the others explained things to him. At one point you offered to teach him firebending, knowing he had to learn, but he’d turned you away.  “I hurt Katara the first time I tried to firebend… I promised myself I’d never learn. I don’t want to hurt anyone again.”  You’d nodded in understanding. “Let me know if you ever change your mind, kid.”  He thought it was funny that you called him kid, when you’re only a few years older than him. Two, to be exact. 
Safe to say, excluding Sokka, you got along pretty well with Team Avatar. You found quickly they were much better to hang out with than Zuko and Azula- No offense to the Prince. Even if you didn’t particularly approve of his decisions, he was still your best friend. 
One night, in the Fire Nation cave the group currently inhabited, you’d sat by yourself off to the side. Even if most of them we’re fine with you, part of you felt like you still didn’t belong. Probably the part of you that wished Sokka wouldn’t hate you so much.  “Are you going to come eat with us, or mope over here all night?”  Speak of the devil, and he will appear.  You looked up at Sokka in shock, as he held a hand out to help you up. You’d honestly thought he would pull his hand away at the last moment, pulling some kind of prank on you, but he didn’t. He actually grasped onto your hand and pulled you off the ground.  You didn’t know what made him change his mind about you, but as you sat down between him and Aang, you decided you didn’t really care.
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raeynbowboi · 4 years
How to Play as Link in DnD 5e (2.0)
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With the release of both Mythic Odysseys of Theros and now the new big expansion in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, I figured now would be a good time to reexamine Link with the context of new subclasses, class features, and game mechanics that weren’t around the last time that I built him. While I won’t do this for every character I’ve built before, characters who have new options made available with these updates will get a new rebuild for 2021. If you want to compare and contrast this build to the original, I will link that build right [here].
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The Spirit of the Hero
Link’s a Hylian and that’s just a fancy way of saying elf. His best racial options are either the High Elf, the Wood Elf, or the Half-Elf. Half-elf’s extra skills are tempting, but as Link is never given any parents or an ancestral family tree, we can’t really justify him as a half-elf. We’ll call him a Wood Elf for the extra +2 to his Dexterity and the +1 to his Wisdom as well as that woodsy vibe. But if you wanna go for a Half-Elf for the power build, I won’t tell anyone.
Link’s alignment is tricky. On the one hand, he is shown kneeling before the monarchy, defeating the forces of evil and darkness, and doing odd jobs to help the common people he comes across. However, he can also start forest fires, break into people’s houses, smash pots, steal people’s life savings or personal belongings, and attack the chicken population until they attack back. I’d wager he’s Neutral Good if for no other reason than his morality is highly dependent on the player.
My first choice for Link’s background would be the Folk Hero for Animal Handling and Survival. However, Link’s background is so inconsistent, it’s easier to just list out the skills he tends to have and tell you to pick a background that has those skills, or create your own: Animal Handling, Athletics, Investigation, Nature, Perception, or Survival. There’s a case to be made for other skills as well. Acrobatics works a little and his jumps did involve sick flips in Majora’s Mask, but Link doesn’t tend to balance or platform jump very often. Link can play instruments fine and danced in the Subrosian Dance Hall in Oracle of Seasons for Performance proficiency, but he’s usually playing instruments to activate effects, not to actually perform for a crowd. Link shows some Stealth skills in Breath of the Wild, but this hasn’t been a longstanding skill of his, so I didn’t lump it in with his main skill list.
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Becoming a Hero
When it comes to his build, Link has made some use of spells in the past, but he’s nowhere near the spellcaster that Zelda and Ganondorf are. Link is definitely more of a martial fighter who augments himself with a wide arsenal of magical items. So when it comes to picking Link’s class, we have a few things to keep in mind.
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Link is a talented young man, and he has had magical instruments in a few games over the years, as well as dancing in Subrosia, among other things. While I don’t subscribe to the idea of Link being a bard myself, I understand why people would come to this conclusion, as Link isn’t really bad at anything... except talking. And lying. And looking threatening. Or haggling. Yeah kind of hard to depict Link as a CHA caster who isn’t proficient in any CHA skill checks. 
Spirits (UA) This doesn’t fit for every Link, but especially for Breath of the Wild where Link gets help from the spirits of his fallen comrades, the flavor of calling on the dead works for Link. For a non-BotW example, maybe Link can tell stories of his past lives, and the memories he shares with each of them.
Valor This college has the downside of being built as a cheerleader, while Link really should be built for solo-combat since that’s how he approaches most fights. But Valor is better than Swords and also gives Link proficiency with martial weapons and shields, while Swords does not.
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While there are many martial classes, the Fighter differentiates itself by being the most down-to-earth option. It’s not beholden to rage, or smites, hunting, or sneaking. It is the simple skill of the blade, and this is a skill Link has in spades. From the earliest games, Link has been a master of the sword, the shield, and the bow.
Battle Master Link is a strategic fighter. He looks for weak spots, and he exploits them the best he can. Of all the fighter subclasses, none is more clever than the Battle Master. Its many maneuvers resembles the numerous sword techniques Link has learned especially in the later games. Even in Smash, Link showcases how clever he is by being able to combine his arrows with his bombs and shoot a bomb arrow. To my knowledge, none of the other characters can combine their abilities like this in Smash.
Cavalier The subclass is poorly named, and was better in its initial name as the Knight, as that is really what this subclass is. It is the idea of the knight in shining armor. They can also be flavored as bodyguards, a traveling sellsword, or castle guards. So Link does not have to be glued to Epona to make use of this subclass. The main reason to want this subclass is the Warding Maneuver, as giving Link the chance to either block or reduce all damage he takes is going to seriously improve how well he can tank a hit, and help keep him in a fight longer.
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More than any other class, the Paladin actually stands for something. They fight for a value or a belief. They swear their life to a cause and are prepared to die fighting for it. Link works on a lore level as a Paladin. Especially when he’s dedicated multiple lifetimes to the same cause. Across every timeline and game over screen, Link has always returned and stood in defiance against whatever evil may come. 
Ancients This oath makes Link sworn to the forces of nature, such as the Great Fairy, and protecting the balance and harmony of the light, life, and love against death, decay, and darkness. The Ancients Paladin is all about protecting the balance in the world and valiantly opposing evil wherever it might arise. It also has a druidic or fey aspect, which kind of works for Link.
Crown With this vow, Link serves the Hyrulian Royal Family. This makes Link the princess’ personal knight, and an agent of lawfulness, order, and peacekeeping in the land. While 5e has backed away from typecasting Paladins as Lawful Good, this is probably the most Lawful subclass one could pick, as it places the authority of the royal family above all else.
Glory Instead of being sworn to the light or the law, the Glory Paladin is the harbinger of the goddesses. They are flavored as legendary heroes of destiny, possibly being demigods or the personal errand boys of the setting’s pantheon. This subclass is clearly focused on being a frontline warrior, and the features make Link a true force on the battlefield.
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Anyone who’s played Legend of Zelda knows that Link is very good at surviving. The games don’t tell you how to navigate the wilderness, Link just has to figure it out for himself. What’s more, Link may be willing to venture into the wilderness, but he’ll be hard-pressed to find many NPCs that far outside of settlements or cities. Yet what they fear, he thrives in. And it’s no wonder that this is the class most peole would assume for Link.
Hunter This conclave is the slayer of all things that threaten civilization. They can choose to be better at chipping away at one enemy, counter attack bigger monsters, or mow through hordes of minions with more ease by taking out multiple at a time. Especially at higher levels, this conclave excels at ripping apart Ganon’s forces with nary a golden curl out of place.
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The rogue doesn’t need to be a wanted criminal on the lamb. They can be a clever fighter with a variety of skills and a knack for evasion. That speaks a lot more to Link’s skill set than one might assume at first glance. It’s not a perfect fit for Link, but it’s really not that inaccurate either.
Inquisitive This roguish archetype is defined by being clever in combat, looking for weak points to exploit. They’re also much more observant, making them better at discovering clues or secret passages, or telling when they’re being misled. At higher levels, their ability to look for weaknesses can even increase their sneak attack damage. This especially fits some of the older games where boss fights were focused on using items to exploit the dungeon boss’ weaknesses, rather than hacking away at their health bar. In these older titles, Link was less of a straight up warrior and more of a clever trickster pulling off strategic victories.
Scout The Scout Rogue has heavy Ranger vibes, as they get free expertise in Nature and Survival, enhanced mobility, the ability to disengage from fights more easily, and at higher levels become masters of ambushes. This fits well with Link’s sneakier sniper playstyle that can be done in Breath of the Wild, as Link can take out entire camps without ever being seen.
Thief While Link is not a standard cutpurse, Link is a treasure hunter, a dungeon delver, and the jokes about him robbing the people of Hyrule and breaking into people’s homes doesn’t exactly help. The thief also gets to use more magical items, allowing Link to use things such as enchanted instruments without being a bard.
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Link usually isn’t the hero of his own volition. He often starts his journey with Triforce of Courage, a source of power gifted by his patrons. It’s honestly a weak connection, but it loosely works, so I’m including it. 
Celestial While this subclass is geared toward serving something other than a god, I don’t see any reason why a Celestial Warlock couldn’t serve the Triple Goddesses of Hyrule or even Hylia/Zelda directly.
Hexblade The most obviously martial warlock option, this is a good choice if you want to incorporate Fi into your character.
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Link’s Toy Chest
Hero’s Sword - Longsword (+1-3) Mirror Shield - Repulsion Shield Hero’s Bow - Oathbow Gale Boomerang - Storm Boomerang Fire Rod - Wand of Fireballs (requires spellcasting) Mastersword - Sword of Zariel, Holy Avenger Longsword* Hylian Shield - Shield of the Hidden Lord  Goddess Bow - Ephixis, Bow of Nylea Golden Gauntlets - Gauntlets of Ogre Power Zora Tunic - Cloak of the Manta Ray Pegasus Boots - Boots of Speed Hover Boots - Boots of Levitation Hook Shot - Rope of Climbing
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Sidekicks are a new edition from Tasha’s that let Link bring allies on his hero’s journey. Experts are skill monkeys who focus on Help actions, Spellcasters dip into the INT, WIS, or CHA spell lists, and Warriors are trained to fight and don’t have to talk, so they can be animals.
Epona - Defender Warrior Riding Horse Navi - Expert or Healer Spellcaster Sprite Sidon - Attacker Warrior Merfolk Sheik - Expert Noble (Elf) Wolf Link - Attacker Warrior Wolf
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Theros Piety
The Piety System from Theros lets us be devout to a god and earn features from worshiping them. As far as I’m aware, this is an optional feature, and not every DM will make use of these, but if you’re able to, here’s a handy guide. These gods really stood out as the clear choices for Link to go with.
Iroas - God of Victory
Domains: War Virtues: Achieve a great victory, Overcome slim odds honorably, Defeat a foe in single combat, Perform a great feat of strength or skill Sins: Being a coward in battle, Beat an honorable foe through deceit, harm innocents Piety Bonus: +3 Learn Compelled Duel spell +10 Learn Crusader’s Mantle spell +25 For 1 minute, creatures cannot gain advantage on you +50 Increase STR or CHA by 2 to a max of 22
Keranos - God of Storms
Domains: Knowledge, Tempest Virtues: Solve a riddle or puzzle, defeat an unwise enemy, plan ahead for an upcoming challenge, build or restore a temple to Keranos Sins: Jeopardize others through foolishness, ignore a wise course of action, fail to plan for a challenge, give in to anger or self-destruction
Piety Bonus: +3 Add 1d6 lightning damage to melee attack up to INT mod turns. +10 Reroll a failed INT or WIS saving throw +25 Advantage on Initiative rolls +50 Increase INT or WIS by 2 to a max of 22
Nylea - Goddess of the Wild
Domains: Nature Virtues: Help any wild animal, stop those who hunt for sport or profit, win an archery competition, slay an aberration, fiend, or undead Sins: Kill an animal without reason, Dedicate a building to or make a sacrifice for any god (including Nylea), protect a city from a natural disaster
Piety Bonus: +3 Learn Hunter’s Mark +10 Learn Speak with Animals +25 Attacking creatures must pass DC 15 WIS save or change targets. +50 Increase DEX or WIS by 2 to a max of 22
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Cunning Tactician
Battle Master Fighter (12) Inquisitive Rogue (8) Fighting Style: Dueling Maneuvers: Brace, Disarming Strike, Feinting Attack, Parry, Precision Attack, Riposte, Sweeping Attack Tools: Thieves’ Tools, Mason’s Tools
While Link is brave and strong, he is most defined by his clever mind and unorthodox solutions to boss fights. With this class split, Link has prioritized strategy and tactics over everything else. While it leaves him a little squishier, Link is still a very capable warrior. As a Battle Master, he got a free tool proficiency. Mason’s Tools allows Link to find secret passageways in stone walls, which most dungeons tend to be made of. On top of that, with his Feinting Attack, Link can give himself advantage, meaning he can use Sneak Attack even in a 1v1 fight, which fits his solo adventurer playstyle.
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One-Man Army
Battle Master Fighter (12) Hunter Ranger (8) Fighting Style: Dueling, Archery Maneuvers: Brace, Disarming Strike, Feinting Attack, Parry, Precision Attack, Riposte, Sweeping Attack Hunter’s Prey: Colossus Slayer, Multiattack Defense Tools: Mason’s Tools
I used this build once in a level 10 campaign. 6 levels of Fighter, 4 levels of Ranger with a +2 Longsword, and let me tell you something. This build creamed the competition, which was the other PCs at the table, who were also built as level 10 characters. Link nearly defeated his first opponent in a single round, dealing around 70 damage between his four attacks. When I say this is Link’s “power” build, I mean it. I didn’t even sweat when an adult blue dragon showed up after the tournament ended, that’s how much faith I had in Link’s ability to fight. I honestly forgot to even use Link’s battle maneuvers, he was just dealing so much damage that it slipped my mind. You could swap Battle Master for Cavalier, but for me, the Battle Master is more accurate to Link’s favor of techniques over basic hack-and-slash.
1 Absorb Elements, Ensnaring Strike, Hunter’s Mark 2 Cordon of Arrows, Healing Spirit
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The Hero of Hyrule
Battle Master Fighter (12) Glory Paladin (8) Fighting Style: Archery, Dueling Maneuvers: Brace, Disarming Strike, Feinting Attack, Parry, Precision Attack, Riposte, Sweeping Attack Tools: Mason’s Tools
As a Glory Paladin, Link is driven by a desire to be a legendary hero, and at least in the UA version, the Glory Paladin served the gods, as Link does. Like the two builds above, Link balances the brute might of the Glory Paladin with the tactile diversity of the Battle Master.
1 Cure Wounds, Divine Favor, Guiding Bolt, Heroism, Protection from Evil and Good, Searing Smite, Thunderous Smite, Wrathful Smite 2 Branding Smite, Enhance Ability, Find Steed, Magic Weapon, Warding Bond
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Oaths and Promises
Glory Paladin (12) Celestial Warlock (8) Fighting Style: Dueling Pact: Blade Invocations: Eldritch Smite, Improved Pact Weapon, Maddening Hex, Relentless Hex
The builds from here on are more for the flavor than necessarily Link’s character. As a Blade Pact Paladock, Link becomes a CHA-focused martial with some extra spell slots that turn his smiting sword strikes into a bokoblin slurry machine. This build focuses Link more as a servant of the gods than anything else. Just make sure he has the Hex spell, but you can replace Maddening Hex with Agonizing Blast if you want to use the Master Sword laser beam at full potential.
1 Divine Favor, Guiding Bolt, Heroism, Protection from Evil and Good, Searing Smite, Thunderous Smite, Wrathful Smite 2 Branding Smite, Enhance Ability, Find Steed, Magic Weapon, Warding Bond 3 Blinding Smite, Crusader’s Mantle, Elemental Weapon, Haste, Protection from Energy
C Blade Ward, Booming Blade, Sword Burst 1 Armor of Agathys, Cure Wounds, Hex 2 Lesser Restoration, Misty Step, Shatter 3 Spirit Shroud, Summon Fey 4 Galder’s Speedy Courier
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To Serve and Protect
Battle Master Fighter (12) Crown Paladin (8) Fighting Style: Dueling, Interception Maneuvers:  Bait and Switch, Brace, Disarming Strike, Goading Strike, Parry, Riposte, Sweeping Attack Tools: Mason’s Tools
Link is Zelda’s knight, bodyguard, and servant. So this build prioritizes features that makes Link the loyal emissary of the Princess of Hyrule. As such, this build changes Link’s role to be more of a defender to the princess than a solo hero. This build assumes that the princess or someone else who needs to be protected is joining Link on his adventure.
1 Command, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor, Heroism, Compelled Duel, Searing Smite, Thunderous Smite, Wrathful Smite 2 Branding Smite, Find Steed, Warding Bond, Zone of Truth
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After all is said and done, I hope I gave everyone a lot to work with. Of course my suggestions are not law, and if nothing else, I hope it gives you an idea of how you want to build him. Last time I built Link, I gave one set build for him, but I still laid out other options. Recently though, I’ve been trying to show multiple builds at the end of my build posts to offer a wider idea of what building a character can look like. Happy 2021 everyone, and let’s hope this year goes smoother.
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