#also can you guys let him rest please bro's like 60 now...
itsvs · 1 year
that codename 'joryu' is so fucking funny skdbjsbdndbb
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dystopia-fantasy · 3 years
Always read the job description -Part 1
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Max was a fit, well built man. He had been body building since he was 14 and now In his early 40s he has the body of a god, but is slowly getting to the age when he needs to find another way to make money. He knows he can't take part in his competitions anymore, and needs to take it easy. He got great grades in school and college, proving people wrong that you can't be a nerd in a jock body.
Max had some money saved and was able to keep up on bills for a few months but needed a job to keep his large house, in the rich area of the city. He got a call from a business he applied to a couple of days ago, telling him to go in for an interview tomorrow, and if it goes well he will be sent straight on a trip for the company. He gets his new blue suit ready to be worn the next day.
The morning arrives, it's 5am, and Max wakes. He does his normal morning routine, making breakfast, working out, taking a shower, then gets his suit on ready for his early morning interview. Driving to the office building in the middle of New York, it's at least 50 stories high, and is made of mostly glass, and is one of the newest modern builds in the city.
On arrival a large man in his late 60s wearing a suit greets him, "hello sir, you must be max, Sir Mammon is on his way down to collect you, may I say what an amazing suit you have on today".
Max looks the man up and down, seeing the man's huge belly flowing out from under his dress shirt, showing a massive W shape, "thanks mate, you might want a bigger shirt" then points to his belly.
"sorry if I offended you sir, but all clothing has been chosen by Sir Mammon himself" Mammon is the big boss of the business "if you would like to make a complaint I can print you a form".
Max laughs, "No thanks, I'm gonna sit over there, tell Mammon im there".
"will do sir, have a great day" the man says while max walks away paying no more attention to him.
About 15 minutes later a young handsome slender man walks over. "Max is it?" He says behind Max.
"yes.." max says confused.
"I'm Mammon, nice to meet you" he smiles holding his hand out for a shake.
"oh hello Mammon, is wasn't expecting someone so young, no offence of course" max shaking his hand.
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Mammon let's out a little laugh, with a little grin "it's ok max, people don't expect someone like me to own such a remarkable company like this one would you like to follow me, we can go up to my office, this is Mark by the way, he's my Butler". Mark is another large man aged around 50, he has a massive belly stuffed into his suit, hes huffing and puffing, like he ran a marithon, "don't mind him, most of my staff are..."
Max cuts him off "fat?"
They both laugh, "you could say that Max" the elevator arrives and they all walk in, "now max, you did read the whole advertisement correct?".
Max didn't, it's was 48 pages long, who would read it all? He just looked at the wage he would get, it started at $100,000 per month. "Yes, I did".
"that's good, most guys are more keen to keep their body's but I guess if your struggling you'll do anything."
Max now confused just nod's and watches though the glass elevator as they fly up to the top floor.
"where here sir" Mark the butler says peacefully in his British accent.
They walk into the room, and Mammon sits at his desk pouring himself a glass of wisky, and Max one too. Max looks around in aww, the room was covered in art work, with the walls painted in golds and whites and had its own bar. "How do you have all this money?" Max asked.
"a mix of many things, this company, and a few investments paid for this whole building, I have many other ways but we're not here for that." Mammon points at the seat," take a seat max" Max sits the chair is made from leather and is very comfy. "So, max, I've gone through your file, I think you're perfect for the job."
"so, does that mean I have the job?" Max replies confused, expecting to be asked a question.
"well yes, if you agree to the terms"
"terms?" Max still confused.
"well yes, you expect to be paid 10times the amount the normal person for this job without any terms or conditions?"
"well I didn't know.." Max gets cut off.
"Max let me simplify them for you. You sacrifice your body to the company, and in trade you get, $100k X the amount you weigh paid into your account per month, So if you weigh 450lbs, you get $450k a month."
"what the fuck? That's sick, I'm not doing that, I'm leaving" and with that Max got up from the chair and stood face to face with Mammon, with the desk all that is separating them. "Your sick, you fa**ot".
With that Mammon's eyes glow a bright red. "I'm a what?" Max got through back against the chair by an invisible force. "Max you could have just left with your freedom, but now look what you've gotten yourself into".
"Let me go, What the fuck?" Max says while traped against that chair, it chreeking with the force of his muscle.
"I'm a fucking demon max, I'm never going to 'let you go'" he took a second break to mock max, "now, what did you say? Fa**ot, was it?".
"fuck, I didn't mean it" the force pins him down harder, trapping his arms against the leather chair arms, and pushing his legs against the underboard. "Please let me go home, I won't do it again."
"shut up max, the process is already starting".
Max looks down to see his body deflating, his pecs turning from mountain peaks to a flat surface, his giant powerful arms turning weak and light. And then looking up he sees a whole new man infront of him.
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"Not as big as I thought I would get, but boy I'm big" he took a break to admire his new giant arms and pecs.
"what the?" Max looks in confusion, "how did you do that? Give me them back".
"what are you gonna do max? I'm an infinitely powerful being and you, your an old man, or at least your going to be."
"I'm only 42, what do you mean, going to be?"
"you see I don't have my infinite life span on earth, so to stay alive and in this fit body, I absorb anything a guy has and I want. In your case, these massive muscles, but then I need to absorb their life force as well, in order to make sure I don't age."
"what do you mean life force?"
"well, you have roughly 50 years, worth of life left, I'll drain about 20 years leaving you in your future crippled body at around age 60, force you to work for the company for another 20 years, then when your 80 drain the rest of your life, which after you get fat won't be much, then you got to hell."
"man your sick, let me go, LET ME GO!".
A bright red light shoots from Peters hand enveloping Max's whole body, and he starts to age, his face wrinkling, skin dropping, eye sight worsening, hearing getting muffled, and mind changing a little. "Max, you ok old man?".
"yes sir" max was confused in his mind, why did he say sir?
"max, you ready for your Cruise? You can have tones of food for the next 6 months."
"Yes sir, I'm ready" max lifts his head, opening his eyes to see a new blurry room from his new old eyes.
"you're gonna need these from now on" Peters eyes glow and a new pair of glasses appear on Max's face he can now see clear.
"thank you... Sir", max blinks seeing Peter infront of him, "what have you, done to me".
"Max, I've turned you into the perfect office worker, old, brainiac, who is soon going to get fat and live the rest of his life, in an office chair for me, don't worry for accomodation you live here now, we have apartments on floor 30 to 40, all workers live here, it's policy, we have also sent a team to your house to, well, blow it up, that way nobody is going to be looking for you, becuase we can plant a body"
"give me... My.... Body back, give me... My.. life back."
"Max we both know that will never happen, now enjoy a life of gluttony, and prepare yourself for hell, that's gonna be worse then anything I can do to you." Peter snaped his fingers and a red glow enveloped max.
Recovering from the glow max sees two men infront of him with a trolly of sorts between them. "Is he awake" one says,
"I don't know" said the other.
"im- awake" max said in a much older raspy voice.
"good we can now start the feeding" the man on the left said, his body as muscled as a god, ripped from head to toe, and we can see everything.
Max rubs his eyes under his glasses and opens them again, "Fucking hell, put some clothes on both of you".
Both men where nude, one a ripped god, another muscled up but with a big gut. "Clothes are banned here mate" the beefy man said in a type of Australia accent, "you cant say much fella, look at that tiny pecker".
The men laughed pointing at Max's shriveled up old cock and low hanging balls, "what the fuck"max tries to move his arm to cover him but his arm doesn't move, he looks down to see him stuck in a chair, with a cut out hole under his ass, and straps tying him down, trapping him. "What... Are you gonna do to me?" Max asked sceared.
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The men laughed at him again, "no need to act to sceared, we're here to feed you for the next 6 months".
"but... Sir said..." Max get cut off.
"he said you'd be going on a cruise? Fucking hell are you dumb? He's a demon, you shouldn't trust a demon" The muscled guy says.
"bro let's start the feeding we have 50 other guys to see and I wanna watch football Tonight." The beefy guys says, and in unison both their eyes glowed a bright red, showing they where demons too.
The trolly between them had several items on top, one long tube, which floated in the air for a few moments before shoving itself down maxes nostril and deep into his stomach, his head flipped back trying to wriggle it out, but it was stuck. Another item moved into his frame, a IV bag holder, holding a giant barrel type object made of glass, and two large bags floated of the table again and started to drain into the barrel, and the tube connected itself to it, starting a flow of the liquid into maxes stomach.
"done" the beffy guy said. "Now we'll be back tomorrow to refill your barrel, and clean you up if you make a mess, but youll basically be unconscious for the next 6 months, due to the drugs were feeding you."
"so enjoy your sleep mate, you'll litterally wake up a different man." The two men laughed and walked out, max tried fighting the restraints but in his crippled form could do nothing. The door slammed and locked, and the room fell dark, max screamed begging into the darkness to be let free, and to have his life back, which he had only an hour before, but nothing happened, nobody came. He felt the drugs taking effect, but tried to fight back, but it was useless, his body slumped and loosened. His mind fell blank as he drifted of into his 6 month hibernation.
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missinghan · 4 years
give it a chance ⤖ lee minho
❖ genre : college au; roommates au; friends to lovers au
❖ word count : 9,6k.
❖ warning : explicit language, slightly suggestive & mentions of alcohol
❖ summary : you convinced yourself to attend a party in order to prevent Lee Minho from doing stupid things; however it’s not so stupid anymore when your roommate said he needed to tell you something important.
❖ a/n : the continuation of what if we is dedicated to @chaninfused, so *clears throat* this is where I hereby declare that she deserves more than what the entire universe can possibly give her; oh hi furat, this is why I’ve been so cryptic all this time. I know this isn’t much but I want to thank you for tolerating me and letting me be mean to you even though we only started talking for a few months; you’re an incredibly great friend and an amazing writer, don’t ever forget that 🖤
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It’s been almost a week since Jisung last talked to Minho (albeit texts and FaceTime) and he wakes up to his best friend roaming around his crusty kitchen, struggling to find a bottle of honey. Seungmin’s mom has been constantly sending them thirty packets of rib soup per week. And Minho thinks the sight of Han Jisung slurping on nothing but distorted rice with pork ribs while stressing over his paper for seven days straight is more tragic than his non-existent love life.
“It’s like you’re trying to turn us into gym rats,” Hyunjin snickers lazily, flinging his bangs away from his face. “You even brought us Tupperwares, are you really expecting us not to order tacos impulsively on study nights?” He’s a little dubious about stuff like this because he can feel the actual horror of only eating chicken breast and string beans just by seeing Chan cooking them up. 
Seungmin chucks a piece of lettuce towards his direction, “Don’t you have anything else to do other than complaining?” He knows that when Jisung and Hyunjin decide to order food on study nights, they’re gonna do anything but study.
“Uhm, I actually do,” he replies nonchalantly. “I’m going through Minho’s phone.”
Jisung takes a seat next to him by the counter, propping his head onto his hands, “What’s the point? There’s nothing but cat photos and cat memes...and also Y/N as his background.”
“That angle is hideous, by the way,” Hyunjin comments like the true photography geek he is, which is completely ignored by Minho because he’s too cranky to start a fight at ten in the morning. “But it’s kinda cute for you to do that, so I’m gonna turn a blind eye.”
Jisung asks out of the blue, “Who’s going to BamBam’s party this Sunday? Well, besides the other two-thirds of 3RACHA.” 
“I have a midterm on Monday, dumbass,” Seungmin mumbles while washing his vegetables at the sink. 
“And I’m sleeping over at Lix’s for a project,” Hyunjin informs him lamely, having no intention to attend another single frat party. At least not BamBam’s frat parties—that guy has the weirdest friends; a chick was so drunk that she thought Hyunjin was her boyfriend and almost tried to make out with him on the dance floor. 
Jisung secretly hates going to parties without his friends- no, actually, he never goes to parties without people from his social circle because he dreads the whole introduction part that requires formalities and inevitable awkwardness. But it’s not like that with Minho, ten minutes into their very first conversation and he feels like he’s known him for years. 
In short, he will die if Minho doesn’t come to the party. Chan can only chat with him for so long until his DJ duty occurs and Changbin’s probably gonna be too busy doing keg stands to care about his antisocial friend. 
“Fine, I’ll go,” Minho gives in while chopping up the chicken breasts and this prompts Jisung to clap happily like a seal for the next twenty seconds as he skips over to the fridge to fetch a water bottle. “But we’re gonna need a ride, I’m not taking my motorbike for some crackhead to puke on it. Ask Chan later when you crash at his place.”
Jisung tosses his head back to take a peek at the clock hanging by the bookshelf, and it reads 10:07 AM. He really should be getting for his class at eleven because traffic sucks but he’s not feeling like sitting through two hours of Park ranting about marketing strategies. “Can’t Y/N just drive us? I don’t think she’d let anyone else take you home when you’re not sober,” he ponders, earning a nod of agreement from both of his roommates. 
Just when Minho opens his mouth to brush it off, he stops himself to process the information again and holds back a ‘you’re right’ because he hates letting people know that they’re not wrong. He wouldn’t let anyone drive you home when you’re drunk either. “Her car’s with her dad right now,” he tries to sound casual when three pairs of curious eyes are glued onto his back. “I, uh, sorta had it run into a tree last week.”
“You what? How are you still alive?” Hyunjin’s jaw is on the floor and Seungmin accidentally dumps too much vinegar into his salad while Jisung’s choking on the iced cold water, coughing furiously after into the sleeve of his hoodie. Guess Chan’s gonna have to drive them both. After all, he can never say ‘no’ to J.One. 
Minho murmurs, “A dude rear-ended me, fucking idiot.” He finishes marinating the chicken breasts and arranges them nicely onto a tray with aluminum foil on top, pushing it into the preheated oven. “And basically she’s never letting me touch her car again,” he sighs while staring into midair dreamily, flashbacking to last Friday when you immediately Ubered yourself all the way from campus to downtown after picking up his call. All he got was thirty seconds of affection; you made sure that he’s not hurt and the rest was just a monstrous tantrum. He ended up sleeping on the couch that night. 
“My my, you two are just like an old married couple,” Hyunjin chuckles lightheartedly and shakes his head, scrolling through the series of texts in amusement, “What even is this? I swear your conversation consists of 60% ‘when are you going home?’, 40% ‘your lunch is here’ and 20% terrible cat memes.”
“We’re roommates,” Minho drags the word through gritted teeth, holding back all the murderous thoughts inside his head because he feels like Hyunjin’s just asking for a death wish. It’s too early for this. 
Unexpectedly, Seungmin decides he’s in a pretty good mood today since he aced his OChem pop quiz yesterday; meaning, he’s gonna stick his nose into his friend’s business whenever there’s a chance. “Don’t you guys share a bed too?” he pretends to play dumb only to receive a kick in the shin from the older boy. 
“We’re also broke,” Minho cranes his neck tiredly, washing the dirty knife under the tap. “Besides, the heater in the living room sucks.”
“You both even smell the same, it’s getting kinda creepy. Please don’t tell me you guys also share showers to have a light water bill,” Jisung makes a gagging noise and Minho thinks he’s already said too much. His grip on the knife tightens for a split second before letting it drop into the sink. He doesn’t trust himself with anything sharp the moment Hyunjin started this unwanted conversation. He also regrets stealing Changbin’s meal prep recipes to feed his trash friends. 
Minho questions callously, “We just use the same shampoo and shower gel, what’s the big deal?” His hands go for the box of oatmeal that Felix left here last time in the cabinet full of random food. He doesn’t get why Seungmin would buy so much groceries like he’s in a pandemic knowing damn well that his idiotic roommates can’t cook for shit. 
Hyunjin purses his lips, trying to prove his point, “Don’t you think that it’s weird? You don’t do those things with us.”
“Because none of you would fucking house me when I was on the verge of being homeless!”
“And why is she yelling at you through texts anyway? Bro, there’s like ten missed calls here with at least a hundred ‘where are you?’. Why is she terrorizing you this early in the morning?” Minho immediately snaps out of his semi-angry trance, chest heaving up and down. 
“Oh shit,” he facepalms himself. “I promised to pick her up at ten from class, what time is it again?”
“You’re fifteen minutes late, my friend,” Jisung supplies unhelpfully. “It’ll take another ten to arrive at campus, without traffic that is. You’re so dead. D-E-A-D.” It feels weird to hear something correct coming out of Jisung’s mouth (twice in a row) and now Minho wishes he could just whack his friend unconscious on the floor with the new set of microphones that Chan gave him last year for Secret Santa. 
“Oh, I left your rice sitting at ‘warm’, by the way,” Minho makes a grab for his biker jacket and helmet on the counter before fleeing out of the apartment with his sneakers half-way tucked in. It’s not even been thirty minutes since they’ve seen each other for the past week and Jisung’s already choked on water, not once, but twice because of Lee Minho. Sometimes he wonders if the universe is telling him that he needs new friends. 
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“Your boyfriend is late.”
“He’s not my boyfriend,” you hiss at Yeji while staring at Minho’s contact on your phone anxiously. There’s no reason for you to be; worst-case scenario, you can just take the 0325 home and lock him outside for the night so that he’ll have no choice but to endure Chan’s embarrassing sleeping habits. He wouldn’t even notice either way because he’d be too busy swearing in his sleep to be annoyed. 
Yeji puts her hair up into a ponytail after stretching her limbs tiredly. She only has one class today and no choice but to stay on campus for her shift at the café before lunch break. Too bad Woojin can’t cover her today because of midterms. “I’m only speaking facts,” she tells you with a yawn and notices the slight pout on your face. “Hey, don’t be sad just because your stupid boyfriend can’t pick you up. I can call Chaeryeong if you need a ride here and there, she wouldn’t mind.”
“I’m not fucking sad!”
“Y/N, you look more depressed than Ryujin when she got a B+ in calc.” That’s irrelevant, Shin Ryujin already has a GPA booster after signing up for Kim’s stats class, one B+ won’t make it any less sparkly.
You only let out a prolonged sigh after checking your phone for the tenth time in the past half an hour. He isn’t picking up any of your calls, your messages probably can’t even reach him and now you’re sitting at M.I.A Cafe with a cup of plain water after standing outside at the front gate for so long like an idiot. An idiot, who’s hopelessly in love with her roommate- wait what? 
Listen, you already know that this is going to happen. It’s awfully inevitable and it’s getting harder and harder as the days pass by because summer is almost here. Meaning, Minho’s gonna move out soon, according to the contract. 
Are you sad about that? 
Yeah, kinda.
The more you think about it the more you regret your decision that day to let him stay with you. Because now you don’t think you’d be able to sleep without him next to you, hogging the blanket all to himself; you get angsty when he’s not home even if he’s just at dance practice; you’re definitely getting way too used to sharing an earphone with him while you both are dreading your assignments silently at the kitchen counter. And now you’re getting nervous just because he’s thirty minutes late. He’s never late, not even to your Monday Movie Night where you both can pig out and binge-watch the Avatar: The Last Airbender series until you’re sick of it. 
Maybe you’re relying on him too much. Hypothetically speaking, it’s not his fault for the damage of your car but you’re just making excuses to be with him. You even set him as your emergency contact. It’s kinda tedious to be your roommate, you realize. All of those things aren’t mandatory and he can simply mind his own business without having to feel obligated because of the ‘roommates’ label yet he’d still choose you, over everything else. Perhaps he’s dealing with his own first world problems and forgot to leave you a message this time. 
Yeji inquires breezily, wiping a cup dry with a towel, “Also, are you going to BamBam’s party this weekend?”
“For me to carry your ass home after getting shitfaced and sit through another two-hour lecture from Lia? I’ll pass thank you very much.”
She indicates with a quirk of her perfectly dark brow, “What if I tell you that Minho’s gonna be there?” Now she sounds like she’s the one who’s crushing on Lee Minho and not you. Never knew that your friends can be this creepy but the more you learn… “Jisung just told me he found a plus one aka Mister Celebrity to attend that frat party with, you wouldn’t have the heart to let me be the loner right?” she pouts with her nose scrunched and it reminds you too much of Light Fury so you look away, knowing that you wouldn’t stand a goddamn chance if she kept this up.
“How is that my problem?” you merely roll your eyes, slightly annoyed. “And also, isn’t Jisung supposed to have his marketing class now?”
Yeji doesn’t give a damn about what on Earth Han Jisung is doing with his life so she just brushes your question off. “Would you let Minho drink irresponsibly?”
You nod without hesitation, though it feels wrong coming out of your mouth, “He can do whatever he wants...as long as my carpet remains clean after his hangover.”
“Would you let me drink irresponsibly?”
“The same goes for you,” you tell her monotonously. “And I only picked you up because Lia sounded like she was hyperventilating when you attended that one law brat’s birthday party. Na Jaemin, wasn’t it? Hate that guy, by the way.”
Yeji thinks it’s time for you to open up even more and not despise people that much. Having Lee Minho as your roommate is already a huge step-up but it’s not like there have been any modifications to your routine except the fact that another human being is simply enduring your bitchy ass of a loner. She wants you to be really out there, just not messing with shit like doing keg stands because Seo Changbin is a terrible influence. Woojin once had to drop his shift at the sushi place to drive Jeongin home because Changbin left him hanging on the beanbag chair for a game of beer pong. Jeongin has never gone to another single party since. 
“You hate literally everyone!” Yeji’s getting impatient, you can feel it.
“Are you telling me it’s my fault that people are shitty?” you bark, massaging the sides of your temple tiredly. You wish you could just drop the entirety of your current presentation to Yeji because your brain cells are already evaporating one by one into thin air.
She barks back, merely sneering, “C’mon! Y/N, it’s not like you ever have plans for the weekend.”
“But I’m having midterms on Monday, I didn’t spend my time on those notes for nothing.”
She shakes her head at you almost in disapproval. Sure, you’re a coward for backing out on this because BamBam’s no stranger to you. That Thai kid has been hanging out with Chan since middle school and he always offers to buy you coffee whenever you happen to drop by as they’re working on a project together. He’s a nice guy, but you don’t know him that well. Something in your gut is telling you that he has weird friends (he totally does). And you’re not about to overdrink only to blurt out an awful confession to Minho while being surrounded by a bunch of crackheads that aren’t in your social sphere.
“I heard kids are vapi-” Yeji stops herself, thinking she should just give up, and get ready for the next batch of sleep-deprived customers coming in at lunch break before Jeongin chucks an avocado at her direction for chit-chatting too much about your gigantic crush on Minho. “Nevermind, it’s not like you’d care anyway, have fun with reviewing I guess.” And with that, she leaves you alone with the cup of plain water to dump the used coffee grounds in the trash.
It takes you at least ten seconds to comprehend what she just said. And you’ve come up with a new yet very last-minute decision: screw midterm because you’re making sure that Lee Minho’s going home in one piece. 
Very timely, your phone buzzes on the wooden counter.
[10:38 AM]
lino | hey you still on campus?
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The blush scattered across your cheekbones just grows ten shades darker when you see Minho at the front gate leaning against his black Kawasaki; disheveled hair, hands stuffed inside his pockets, occasional puffs of smoke escaping his lips, and unbothered gaze. You’ve never told him this, you’re not telling him this now, and you’re never gonna tell him; but he looks stupidly good in that biker jacket. Again, you don’t get how someone can look this good early in the morning. 
“What are you doing here?” you murmur grimly, approaching him from behind. It feels like he’s doing this to your heart on purpose, without even trying. And those girls over there are making you very uncomfortable by eyeing your roommate up and down like he’s an expensive piece of steak with a gold leaf sticking to it.
Minho turns sideways and flashes you a smile; your little heart just did a perfect cartwheel because of that, it can only take so much. “Sorry, I kinda lost track of time, but I still promised to pick you up, didn’t I?” he says casually as your face morphs into a deep frown because you’re basically confused. The only problem is: you don’t even know why you’re confused. There’s this fluttering feeling at the pit of your stomach and now you feel as though someone just gives you a blow to the head when Minho looks straight into your eyes, brows slightly knitted together.
This is not healthy. 
“You didn’t answer my calls or my texts.”
Minho thinks you look cuter than usual when you’re silently fuming because you’re not the type to lash out on people. But it’s not so cute anymore when you threatened to flush his AirPods down the toilet that one time when he spilled ketchup on your carpet. He just hopes he doesn’t end up sleeping on the couch tonight like last time. 
“I put my phone on silent, as always,” he reminds you of how much of a pain in the ass it is to receive a call-back or a simple reply from him. 
You make a face, “Whatever, didn’t I tell you not to make a scene? Have you seen those chicks back there? They’re watching me as if I’m sabotaging their dreams of eating you alive.” Well, you can’t exactly blame your roommate for having girls gushing over him wherever he goes because...it’s his fault for looking like a snack all the time. 
Minho quickly detects how you’re not overly fond of his admirers and needless to say, he’s fairly amused. “Then let them,” he puts an arm over your shoulders and pulls you flushed against him, ruffling your hair. Moments later, you’re already hearing scandalous gasps along with hushed whispers going through your eardrums like a never-ending train. It’s really setting your nerves on fire. 
“Don’t you think that this is weird?”
“What?” Now it’s Minho who’s confused here. 
You slightly push him away and avert your gaze elsewhere to avoid eye contact. “We’re roommates, right?” you mumble, slightly unsure about...all of this. 
“Hmm, what about it?”
“Well, I don’t know…” you fiddle with the hem of your jacket and sigh. “What if people keep getting the wrong idea about us?” You sound somewhat regretful as if your decision of taking him in as your roommate was a mistake, as if you feel like it’s better off if he wasn’t in your life at all, as if the past month was completely meaningless. Since when did things become this complicated? It started with a harmless one-month contract and now Minho’s not sure of what he should do next. But that’s not it, is it? Maybe he’s just overthinking too much. 
He looks hesitant for a moment there, very not-Lee-Minho of him. “We’re still cool right?” Minho tilts his head to the side, the afternoon sunlight slips through fluffs of white clouds and brings the constellations in his warm brown eyes to life. Though he looks like a scolded child, you can’t help but want to put this moment into a frame and simply cherish it for the rest of your life. 
“Beats me,” you breathe out, silently hating yourself for not being able to get angry at him. It’s harder than you thought, really, and it doesn’t help when his eyes keep doing that thing to your poor little heart. “Make me pasta and we’re good,” you end up chuckling when Minho’s expression turns a solid three hundred and sixty at the offer.
“That’s not a very smart move for a business major, your loss,” he replies with a goofy smile, tossing the helmet that he got you yesterday in your direction. And if you pay attention enough, you can almost see Minho exhaling out of relief. But you’re too busy staring at the ground to douse yourself in your own giddiness to notice. “Oh crap, I think I left my wallet at Hyunjin’s,” he tells you after swinging a leg over on his shiny vehicle. 
You narrow your eyes at him, “You don’t need your wallet to make me pasta now do you?”
“By the way, are you going to BamBam’s party?”
“Only if you’re going,” you scratch the bridge of your nose with your ring finger, a little embarrassed to admit that he’s the only reason why you’re ditching midterms. 
Minho’s hearty laugh fills your eardrums, shit-eating grin and all. “If it makes you feel better, Chan’s driving us,” he voices without looking at you, but your chest still swells either way. 
You fucking hate how you have the softest spot for him. 
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You’re already regretting this although you’ve only been sitting in Chan’s back seats for less than twenty minutes. Crankiness takes over your body as a result of reviewing for the whole afternoon, your eyelids are getting droopy, and your head seems to be all too big for your neck at this rate. More reasons for you to not drink tonight. 
“Ugh, why am I even here?” you groan, and Jisung scrunches his nose, slightly alarmed because you’re not usually this loud unless you’re high on caffeine. 
Minho tells you in the most lighthearted way possible, “Because you love me.” 
You wish you could just put his head through a wall because everything and anything coming out of his mouth are never healthy for your mind, or heart. “Uhm, no I don’t.”
“But you did confess your love to me,” he singsongs as if he just hit a jackpot with his lottery ticket, angling his head to toss you a wink. “I have receipts, ma’am. They’re right here, in my heart.” Minho’s never seen you so giddy before so he recorded everything, but he’s not planning on putting himself on a chopping block by telling you that. 
You shove his arm and purse your lips, flaming cheeks but the car’s too dark for him to see it. “I was sick, asshole, I talk shit more when I have a fever than when I’m drunk,” you defend yourself helplessly, not enjoying the fact that he had to bring it up when you’re in a confined space with Seo Changbin and Han Jisung. 
“Minho doesn’t like it when Y/N raises her voice.” Great, now he’s talking in third person. 
“What are you even? Four?”
He winks at you, “Baby me, baby.”
“Oh my god shut the fuck up and get away from me!”
“You’ll never get rid of me, baby.” Eventually, you give up because you’re too mentally exhausted and there’s still a long night ahead of you. You’re not wasting your energy in pointless arguments with him because you both yell at each other on a daily basis anyway. 
“Maybe he’ll zip it if you tell him that you love him,” Jisung suggests innocently with a not-so-innocent look on his face. He’s already acting dumb when he’s this fucking sober so you’re not looking forward to two hours later when vodka’s practically replaced his own blood. 
“I’d rather chew off my own foot.” Changbin snorts involuntarily at your stiff remark, Chan mutters a small ‘ouch’ while Jisung’s too busy laughing his ass off. And a demeaning silence descends after that. 
Minho’s right next to you, oddly unresponsive to the situation, his head leaning against your shoulder as he gazes dejectedly out the window. You don’t see how stormy his eyes are. He also misses his motorcycle tremendously because Chan’s the safest (slowest) driver to ever exist. No joke, if he keeps going at the pace of thirty miles per hour then you should just skip the party and watch a movie while getting drunk at his place altogether. 
“Can you go any fucking slower?”
“Excuse me?” Chan laughs in disbelief, he’s a little offended because he personally thinks he’s a good driver, maybe a little bit too obedient when it comes to the law. Hey, at least you know you’re in good hands. “I’m not trying to get us all killed before BamBam could poison one of you guys.” 
Jisung purses his lips as he’s reminded of the last party where he ran into that Thai dude. He gave him a plastic cup, telling him that it’s merely a harmless fruity vodka only for Jisung to get kicked out by an Uber driver after throwing up in the back seats. Turns out, the lemons and oranges in the cocktail were relatively spoilt. 
“I’m gonna die from boredom before we could even get into a car accident,” Minho informs him unconstructively, staring at some random notifications from Instagram of people commenting on his cats’ photos, text messages from his mom and swipes them all away. Mostly to chuckle to himself like a moron because of his lock screen. Yes, your stupid face is still on there after three weeks and you don’t know if you should be crying or laughing.
Chan narrows his eyes at the rear-view mirror, “It seems like you’re entertaining yourself just fine by looking at Y/N’s face.” 
“This photo does make me laugh because it’s priceless,” the younger boy states without turning his head to look at you. “But still, bored.” 
The car grows silent again soon after because Chan’s already been stressed out enough from traffic since clearly, people can’t drive to save their own lives. But it’s not like your friends can keep their mouths shut for the rest of the trip anyway. 
“Boreddd,” Minho voices randomly while a J.One’s song is blasting through the speaker. It’s a terribly soft song and it doesn’t help when Minho feels like he can downright sleep through an earthquake, potentially falling into an enormous crack on the Earth’s surface and still being able to nap like there’s no tomorrow. He’s just glad that Jisung grew out of ‘Wow’ and embraces his awkward self through his own music. It’s..sentimental but what’s a J.One song without that element?
Changbin looks up from his phone for half a second, wholly uninterested. “Then shut up and sleep,” he says expressionlessly. Very timely, his most recent track comes up next on the playlist and he starts rapping along with it. Minho thinks he can really use a good eye shut as SpearB is performing live right behind him because Changbin can only stay sober like this for so long until he gets his hands on one of BamBam’s sketchy-looking concoctions. 
You’re starting to get bored too at this rate because usually, during times like this when the car is filled with nothing but music and everyone (except for the driver) feels like they’re falling into a food coma, a certain idiot will—
“Y/N, don’t you have a midterm on Monday?” Ah, there it is. 
Jisung bends himself forward and drapes an arm over the leather seat, scrunching his nose at the sight of Minho sleeping soundly against your shoulder. He’s still bitter about the fact that Minho refuses to drive anyone other than you with his motorcycle for some reason. Exclusive things are always so annoying. 
You exhale deeply because Jisung reminds you of that one kid who always asks questions that stress the hell out of the teachers back in high school. Would it kill for him to just shut up once in a while? 
“I do, and I haven’t got a wink of sleep since yesterday afternoon,” you tell him rather lazily, shifting when Minho snuggles himself closer to you, his hair tickling your jawline. You pray he doesn’t know how fast your heart is beating. “A little alcohol might spare me a night of crying myself to sleep.” 
Jisung lets his bottom lip stuck out like he’s a fucking five-year-old not allowed to get his favorite ice-cream flavor. “Aww, you should have asked Minho for cuddles then, pretty sure he’d be more than happy to—,” he remarks sarcastically and you wish you could just throw him in the middle of an intersection. He’s lucky because Minho’s a heavy sleeper or he would have been knocked senseless or something. The last thing Chan needs is being forced to pull over for having wild animals wrestle the shit out of each other in his vehicle. 
“Hey, fuck off,” you snarl at him, knowing you should have chosen the passenger seat instead. That way, you wouldn’t be fuming inside because you can’t physically strangle Han Jisung to his imminent death. He has already tattooed that image into the back of your brain and you swear you’ve never heard a creepier chuckle from your friend. 
Jisung notices the coral tint on your cheeks and sneers, leaning back against his seat. “Yeah right, as if you’re actually gonna get drunk,” he says snarkily. “You’re just gonna be there to prevent Lee Minho from making bad decisions.” 
“I decided to come because Yeji wanted me-“
“Yeji who? In what world will you have time for her when you’re too busy staring at Minho like a total creep? Wanna bet ten bucks?” 
That’s bullshit because Lee Minho is already your entire world. 
Chan butts in, “Make that fifty.”
Changbin raises his hand, “I’d bet my Tesla.” Your friends really spelled out ‘a bunch of fucking clowns’ in bold, gigantic capital letters and you’re this close to facepalm yourself against Chan’s steering wheel. This is why you don’t go to parties with them that often because you’re stuck with cleanup duties with Seungmin until these crackheads grow out of their amateur drinking habits. 
“You’re just jealous because he would rather call you an Uber than give you a lift himself,” you say pointedly and Jisung lets out the loudest, most scandalous gasp. So dramatic. 
“You,” he jabs a finger at you, eyes wide in accusation. “Need a nap.”
You laugh dryly, ignoring the urge to snap a picture of his flabbergasted expression and turn it into a new meme for your group chat. “You don’t say, Han, you don’t say.”
And Changbin rolls his eyes over the moon, vividly picturing where this disastrous conversation is gonna go. Basically, he wants you to get shitfaced as soon as you step foot into BamBam’s house so he’ll have a sappy, drunk confession video to toss on Twitter tonight because Woojin just posted a picture of him with a drumstick dipped inside a glass of what looks like a watered-down Margarita. He’s highly concerned since there hasn’t been anything juicy on his feed other than his friends creeping people out with their questionable content. 
“If you two don’t end up getting drunk and kiss, I’m gonna be pissed,” Changbin says casually as if it’s just an afterthought. This prompts you to chuck your phone in his direction—you can care less about your screen protector at this point if it means stopping him from taunting you further. 
He asserts like a snake, “Hey, remember that time where you tripped over Kkami and totally crushed Minho under your weight?”
“I blame gravity for that.”
“But Albert Einstein said you can’t blame gravity for falling in love.”
“Who cares about Albert Einstein?!” you whisper-shout harshly, cautiously eyeing Minho’s sleeping figure. He scrunches his nose and murmurs something that you can’t quite hear before turning over to face you completely. His arms unexpectedly slip underneath yours like second nature. He furrows his eyebrows occasionally, other times he’d be grinning like an idiot and his lips are slightly agape, full eyelashes framing his eyes beautifully. Sometimes you wonder how weird his dreams are whenever you caught him talking (and cursing) in his slumber. 
Changbin wants to pry aloud when you start staring at Minho for too long; he might as well be tossed on the freeway at this point before exasperation squeezes the little amount of oxygen left out of his chest. This is worse than Hyunjin’s terrible rom coms. He props his head onto his hand in boredom as Chan pulls over and turns off the engine. “Hey we’re here, why not wake your prince up with a kiss—”
“I’m gonna kick your ass,” you threaten. 
Now there are two distasteful tattoos at the back of your head. And you will not hesitate for a heartbeat sacrificing the entirety of your bank account to get them removed. To get Lee Minho removed from your mind.
If only it were that easy.  
“Mhmm,” the figure beside you lets out a low grunt and hugs your arm closer instinctively. His warmth seeps through the fabric of your denim jacket and sets your heart on fire. You’re ready to flick his forehead any second now to interrupt his slumber but before you could even do anything, Seo Changbin aggressively opens the door and you widen your eyes in horror. Where the fuck did he get a megaphone? And what for?
“Bitch wake up! Those drinks aren’t gonna finish themselves!”
It’d be a miracle if you ended up finding him alive by dawn. 
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“Y/N you ass, give it back!
“No, we’ve only been here for three hours and this is your fifth cup already,” you tell her in a mildly serious tone before dumping her cup of whatever the fuck of a yellow substance that Ryujin gave her ten minutes ago into the sink. 
Yeji plops herself onto the sofa in the living room after you drag her out of the kitchen where people are making out on the marble counter. Glad to see nothing’s changed...idiots. “God, you’re such a party pooper, I shouldn’t have told you to come,” she complains in between small hiccups, alcohol tinting her cheeks beet red. 
“I’m here to save your ass and this is how you’re repaying me?” Your question didn’t come out as coherent and threatening as you imagined and every single cell inside your body is shaking for no specific reason. 
Your friend narrows her eyes down into a mere glare like a detective in those crimes shows that you spend way too much time on and you’re debating whether you should be laughing or pissing yourself. She fucking knows that you’re lying. She fucking knows the sole reason for you to be here. “Give me a break, it’s not like you’re doing anything besides staring at your boyfriend from afar,” Yeji scoffs dejectedly. 
“God forbids ‘Lee Minho’ and ‘my boyfriend’ go in the same sentence,” you grit, subconsciously averting your gaze around the living room to spot your roommate. All he’s been doing is being held back by Chan when he tried to murder Changbin once, catching up with his old friends from high school and hanging out with some of his classmates, ranting about how much he dreads Kim’s eight AM, gushing with Hyunjin over some senior’s choreography set. By the looks of it, Jisung must have handed him at least seven of those red party cups from the bar—thanks to BamBam who keeps restocking them every hour. 
Yeji chuckles creepily when the alcohol finally hits her hard, you think you just got chills by the way that she’s leaning closer. “Of course not,” she hiccups into your ear, words slurred, “Lee Minho’s not my boyfriend, he’s your boyfriend.” You look at her in the eye, and mentally regret your life choices. How insufferable. 
“I mean, seriously,” she slams her body back onto the couch and groans; you can’t tell if it’s out of frustration or the cushion is too soft for her back. “It’s like you’re living the life of the main protagonist in a Harry Styles fanfiction! Do you know how many girls and boys would kill to live in the same apartment as that?” Her index finger is pointed directly at the person you’ve been watching and avoiding all night, across the room with a dart in his hand as he stands in front of the dartboard. 
“Were you aiming for the board or were you plotting to kill me? Because I can’t tell! I-can’t-fucking-tell!” Changbin shouts over the music and you momentarily cringe at the crack in his voice; it’s never a college party without one of your friends riling each other up over the dumbest things. And also, who thinks it’s a good idea to lend an unstable Lee Minho a sharp object of any kind?
You look away as heat flares through your nostrils when Minho accidentally glances at you after laughing at some corny joke that Chan made. He’s more than mildly hammered right now, you suppose, because, well, Chan can only make people laugh when they’re exceptionally drunk. 
A stupid question then slips out of your lips. “With what?” It sounds like you only have one brain cell and are perpetually dumb. It makes you feel even dumber when there’s nothing but a can of Coke inside your body. 
“A hottie who dances, cooks, has a good sense of humor, lowkey a genius, highkey a tsundere, shares a name with a famous actor. Far more handsome than the actor himself, if I dare.” Yeji has no hesitation whatsoever naming every reason as to why people on campus shamelessly throw themselves at your roommate on a daily basis. And now your head grows ten times fuzzier, floating mundanely in the clouds above. Basically, you feel like you’re drunk—except your confidence isn’t sky high enough to do something stupid—which makes no absolute sense. 
The silver-haired girl next to you puts an arm around your neck and giggles, you’re highly perturbed that her vocal cords are gonna give in tomorrow when she convinces you through FaceTime that you should be extra careful with your notes since she won’t be showing up to class. “Oh! And he has three cats, right? Cat people are said to be more intuitive and thoughtful, that’s a bonus,” Yeji asserts and your jaw is on the floor at this rate. She doesn’t even spare him a second glance during lunch break and she already knows this much?
No wonder Minho never talked about his cats with Felix and Seungmin again.
“I bet you read that off a Buzzfeed article.” 
“Doesn’t necessarily mean it’s wrong!”
You inhale and exhale deeply, linking your fingers together, “Yeah, but that’s all people will ever see.”
“Well, what else can they like about him?”
“I don’t know,” you say bluntly, but the rouge on your cheeks is anything but ‘blunt’. “They don’t see how stuck-up he is, how he loves hogging the blanket all to himself, how he secretly stocks up a stash of trashy snacks. They don’t see the way his eyes sparkle when he looks into their eyes during a conversation because he’s actually a very attentive listener.”
Yeji pats your back without turning her head, slightly amused, “I think you meant how he looks into your eyes during a conversation.”
Your eyes scan the room one more time to find Minho hugging his stomach from laughing too much, there are actual tears in his eyes because Changbin just lost a bet and apparently he has to belly flop himself into the pool as a punishment. You haven’t seen him this happy in a while, even when he’s potentially dying from a really bad stomachache but it still puts your heart at ease knowing he’s having fun tonight. 
Needless to say, he always knocks the breath right out of your lungs without much effort. Even when he’s ditched the leather jacket and ripped jeans, you still think no one looks better than him in a large t-shirt and sweatpants. 
“But I don’t get it,” Yeji looks over at you this time, real carefully because your tone just grows firmer and more serious. “How can he just stand there, laugh...and look so beautiful?”
“I told you—”
“Yeah that’s exactly what I need to hear right now, Yeji,” you facepalm almost immediately, highly disappointed in yourself. 
Jisung’s getting his ten dollars on Monday when you surprise him with two slices of cheesecake from his favorite dessert place. Changbin can keep his Tesla and Chan...Chan isn’t getting anything.
You push yourself off the blue velvet couch and groan, you’re getting sore quickly because the cushions are far too soft. “Let me get some fresh air, I feel like I’m gonna to lose my mind,” you tell your friend but you doubt that she caught it since the music is all too loud for students to communicate properly. Maybe that’s one of the reasons why fistfights during parties are a thing. 
“Uhm, wait,” Yeji tugs onto your sleeve and jerks her head towards the direction of Minho. “I’m sorry but what the hell does your boyfriend want now?”
“Huh where—“
Like..three feet away. Or a whole lot closer. 
“Why didn’t you answer my texts?” And you find Minho standing in front of you with his arms crossed stubbornly, eyebrows knitted together and tinted pink cheeks. He looks a little pissed off, and you don’t think you’re both on the same page here. 
When you give him a ‘what do you mean’ look, your roommate feels the need to unlock his phone and jab his index finger against his poor crusty screen as he shows you at least fifty messages that he’s been spamming in the last half an hour. This reminds you of the yellow Post-It note that Minho violently smacked onto your fridge the very night when he first moved in. 
‘I hereby fucking declare that if we did end up going to the same party (doubt btw), we would keep our phones with us 25/8 so one can save the other’s ass from stupid decisions— lee minho’ he wrote. Minho knows all too well the only ass that needs to be saved is his. And you’ve thought about taking the note down several times but you don’t think you’d have the heart to. 
“Oh,” your head draws a blank canvas and you look for your phone in your pocket. But then, “I left my phone in Chan’s car.”
Minho rolls his eyes at you and decides that he’s too impatient to wait for Chan to sober up and remember where he left his keys. “Whatever,” he manages to crack a small smile, one that shines through the dimmed LED light on the ceiling and makes your heart stuck in your throat. “Let’s get out of here, I have something to tell you.” 
“Hey hey hey,” Yeji tries to get up from the couch but her limbs are too wobbly. “You can’t just tap out all of a sudden and steal her from me like that. Don’t even think for a minute you second rate—”
“Yeah, no, she’s mine.”
You’re downright baffled. But you’re not sure if it’s because of what he said ten seconds ago and your heart is going haywire, your brain cells are giving in on you or it’s because he’s tugging you by the wrist and piloting you through the impending chaos of sloppy college students. 
You’re not sure if you want to know. You’re not sure if you’re ready. 
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Fall arrives sooner than you thought and it almost makes you miss summer. Though you didn’t really have anything exciting besides an internship that refrained you from living on YouTube for too long. 
The evening is oddly cold, but you’ve never had a problem with the tips of your fingers growing chilly. It’s different tonight—it’s the kind of coldness that slips through your flesh and into your bones, coming in contact with the thumping force of your heart, causing it to shiver. There’s nothing to do but keep your gaze straight forward, your feet moving on their own with the one and only goal of heading home. Clouds with the murky color of wet ashes pass by, and the ground as its dank reflection—a reminder of how humanity is ruining the planet. 
The streets are so quiet and tranquil; you’re afraid that Minho might be able to hear your heartbeat. Now you’re pointing a finger at society in accusation because it’s the weekend yet no elder couples are taking their night strolls, no middle-aged ladies in fluffy jackets are walking their spoiled teacups dogs and no wasted college students are roaming the streets with ‘trouble’ spelled out on their forehead. Really, you’d rather stare at people in a creepy way and zone out than constantly thinking about Lee Minho when he’s right beside you. 
This is terribly suffocating and you don’t think if you can keep this up in the next thirty minutes until both of you get home and melt into the comfort of your bed. 
“Sober up, Mister Celebrity, that’s too much fun for tonight.” Minho winces slightly when you press a can of cold green tea against his cheeks as he’s about to doze off on the wooden bench next to the vending machine. While he’s taking a swig, you feel a silent obligation to take a seat but your eyes are determinedly fixed on the curb. 
The bench suddenly feels far too big and the night breeze is far too cold for Minho’s liking, so he shifts his body closer, fingers brushing over yours and sending electricity down your spine. “What do you mean?” he scoffs, finding it hard to not look at you so his gaze is temporarily glued onto the can of green tea in his palms. “Tonight was nothing compared to Jisung’s birthday.” He can still feel the remaining warmth from your hands, it makes him wonder how it’d feel to actually hold them. 
“Ugh, god,” you shake your head in disbelief, internally cringing. “Don’t even remind me.”
You still don’t know what Hyunjin fed him that day to the point he couldn’t remember what happened. All hell broke loose Felix posted a video of him pretending to be a stupid ostrich and trying to do a mating dance towards Jisung on Twitter. No one dares to talk about that scarred video since. Now that he’s reminded you of it, you wish you didn’t own brain cells in the first place. This is why the internet is scary. 
“What is it that you wanted to tell me anyway?” 
Minho stops for a second at your question and places his beverage down on the bench. He stares distantly at the space ahead as if he’s fighting with himself inside his own head, seriously contemplating something. It’s come to your attention that this isn’t very like his usual self. Minho never hesitates for a second when he has something in mind. Even when he knows that you might rip his head off.
He exhales deeply, turns his head, and makes direct eye contact with you for what seems like an eternity. His eyes are as wide open and honest as a child’s, they possess something so much more the longer you stare at them. A warmth, safety. Your heart is gonna combust if he doesn’t get this over with soon. 
Then, “I think I forgot to put yeast in the batter.” Wait what?
“Minho!” you punch his arm, earning a low grunt from the blond-haired boy. “Don’t fucking scare me like that!” He’s looking at you as though your eyes are turning red with rage and smoke is coming out of your ears, scared for his own life but truthfully, you’re just relieved. Surprisingly. 
“Wait, so you’re not mad?” he asks you with a wide-eyed expression, trying way too hard to keep a straight face. “Aren’t we supposed to bring homemade bread for the get together at the nursing home tomorrow?”
“Old people still enjoy Bingo for some reason, they can have that instead of bread.” His mouth forms a small ‘o’ as he scoots closer to you and you can tell that he reeks off alcohol, which is making you a little dizzy. When your gaze falls elsewhere but Lee Minho, you attempt to appear casual, “But if you wanna bake so badly, I can still pull an all-nighter and start over with you.” That was doable, but you could have done better—should have sounded like you didn’t really care. 
Minho flings his bangs away from his face and tosses his head back, chuckling breathlessly. “Don’t you have a midterm to stress over instead of me? I don’t want you to pick out every single strand of hair on your head after baking with me.” He finally said something nice once in a while, you sorta appreciate it. “It’d be embarrassing when my parents FaceTime me and see you as bald as my great grandfather.” Nevermind, he’s still the same old jerk. 
“You don’t have to be embarrassed, you’ll be moving out in two weeks, either way, right?” Your tone sounds sad and grim all of a sudden; it really dampens the atmosphere because Minho is now looking at you with concern laced in his brown eyes. “Look, I get that it’s bothersome to be my roommate so there’s no need to feel bad. I’ll be fine going back to my old life where my feet don’t get cold in the middle of the night because no one would be there to hog the blanket anymore.”
Minho feels the need to clear things up here. “I never said anything about moving out,” he grabs you by the shoulders and hopes you could just look at him when he’s being serious for once. “Y/N, who even said anything about moving out? Was it the landlord?”
“No,“ you say, still not willing to face him directly. You’re such a coward. 
“If so, why would I move out? Did I do something wrong? Did I piss you off or something?”
You’re trying so hard not to snap at this point. “No!”
“Then why can’t you just fucking look at me?!”
“You’re still drunk, let me buy you another—“
Minho shakes you forcefully, hoping to knock some common sense into that brain of yours. “For fuck’s sake, I’m not drunk!” he cries helplessly, not caring about the fact that he’s waking up every cat possible in the neighborhood. “Just- just look at me, will you?”
You stubbornly keep your eyes anywhere but him. “Why would I look at your stupid face?”
“Don’t bullshit me, Y/N. You’re not usually like this.”
Every single cell inside your body quivers simultaneously when he says so—good god, no, he’s testing you. Minho knows something’s off. Now to think about it again, you’d rather let him dirty your carpet than being put on trial like this.
“You wanna know why I’m acting like this? It’s because of you! You’re making me nervous! It’s your fault for making me feel this way!”
“What?” he blurts, eyes blinking numerous times in disbelief. “What did I ever do to you?”
“God, Minho, you can’t possibly be this dense. Tell me, that you’ve never, not even once, seen me turning beet red when you simply look at me in the eye. Or when you’re just sitting there, laughing your ass off about something stupid. It makes my heart flutter, okay? You make my heart flutter. Do you know how much of an effect you can have on me? You don’t go around juggling with others’ feelings like that,” your voice grows smaller and smaller towards the end until there’s nothing but an oddly comfortable silene floating midair. A sense of relief washes over you; you unknowingly exhale.
Minho stares at you in awe for a moment there, until he also speaks up for himself. “Maybe you should take your own advice,” he almost snickers, and this causes you to peel your gaze away from a random bush to gawk at his response. “You’re telling me to not go around juggling with others’ feelings? If anything, you’re the one who keeps messing with my heart. What am I supposed to do? Not get drunk so that I won’t be able to get away for doing dumb things?”
“What dumb things?”
“I don’t know, kiss you?”
“Fuck, you can’t get away with it this time now, can you?”
You’re already regretting this and there’s no turning back. Because when Minho subconsciously runs his tongue over his bottom lips, you’re already fighting the rouge spreading on your cheekbones. He shortens the distance between your heads until your lips are practically a breath away from his. Impatient, you grab a fistful of his shirt to smash your lips against his. Minho stays frozen for a nanosecond, taken aback by your boldness before pulling you closer by the waist. You’re hesitant at first, but he guides you through it, telling you that it’s okay by embracing you more tightly. Dear god, Minho’s kissing you and the world just falls away. It’s slow, comforting in ways that words can never be. He slackens his jaw to deepen the kiss, smiling into it when giddiness bubbles up inside his stomach. 
The world still feels like it’s spinning when he parts away, an alcoholic taste mixed with the green tea ghosts your lips, and your face grows ten times hotter. Even in this cracked darkness, Minho sees you blush hard and is fully aware that his cheeks are mirroring yours—he doesn’t even bother to convince himself that it’s from the alcohol, because it isn’t. 
“Why aren’t you saying anything?” Minho questions though his breath is still a bit shaky from the kiss. He really didn’t lie when he said that he could never stop bothering you. 
You can’t help but smile at him brightly; this causes his heartbeat to spike inside his chest. “Well, do I have to?” He shakes his head and stares down at your hands until he musters up every strand of courage left to finally intertwine them with his own. Fits like a glove. 
“Come on, let’s go home,” he tells you softly, eyes crinkling into a pretty crescent moon shape. But you stop him right there when he attempts to stand up and wordlessly lean your forehead against his. Minho understands that you simply need a moment so you both hover right there, simply melting into each other’s touch. But what you say next just makes the ignited passion inside his heart flare-up. He’s at a loss for words, utterly speechless. 
“I am home.”
“Welcome home then, Y/N,” Minho whispers.
Everything feels like a dream that you’d never want to wake up from. His hands are clasped on either side of your face, resting just below the lobes of your ears. His thumbs gently caress your cheeks so that you won’t drift away, your breaths mingling. Never before has your own name made your heart flutter. But you guess it’s only because Minho said it. You do know that it’s not an afterthought, nor out of impulse. It’s a promise, for whatever’s coming your way on this path, he’s never gonna leave you behind. And the moment he feels that thing beating inside his chest is in sync with yours, he slowly leans in again.
Albert Einstein once said you can’t blame gravity for falling in love. And you have every right to argue with him in the afterlife because you’ve confirmed that Minho is your gravity. Gravity keeps you grounded, always get a hold of you so that you won’t ever have to wander off too far away. It’s there for you but it doesn’t have to act like it cares. Minho’s kinda like that too—he picked you up every time you said you’re good walking home, he only stocked up the stash of candies to secretly feed your midnight cravings. They only differ so much where his heartbeat for you is loud, undaunted and he loves you fearlessly; nothing shall meddle with his feelings for you as long as the way your eyes light up when they meet his doesn’t change. 
Before you met Minho, you didn’t know that it was possible to just look at someone and smile for no reason. The way his lips curl up when he smiles, his sarcastic remarks, his kindhearted nature though he’s awfully good at hiding it. That’s what people do when they’re in love, they say—to fawn over the littlest things but they’re what makes you fall so hard for him. But as time passes by, you’ve learned that it’s actually quite nice to be in love with someone. Because then, you get to spend your time and effort on their happiness as well, not just your own. In exchange, that person is capable of bringing colors to your dull world, tearing down your walls, and showing you just how beautiful life can be. Surely, Minho might not stay by your side forever in this crazy game of Monopoly but you’d risk it all for him even if the sky comes crashing and the universe turns upside down. 
After all, you can’t love alone. 
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 years
Pairings: None
Word Count: 1,919 Words
Summary: A new friend moves into the dorm.
Warnings: Death Mention, Abandonment Mention, Orphan Mention, Disownment, Cursing, Injury Mention, Blood Mention, Caps, Food Mention, let me know if I should tag anything else.
Usernames: Existence Is A Prison  Aizawa: feral cat dad, Aoyama: gay salt, Hagakure: ranch flavored jello, Tokoyami: foil-mecha, Shinsou: farmer toshi, Kuroiro: life is a nightmare, Shiozaki: saviour, Tsunotori: schrodinger better run, Honenuki: pure, Monoma: nat20, Yamada: President Megaphone, Bakugou: deku-deck-you
Aizawa, We Agreed No More Cats: Chapter 5
6:30 AM
Existence Is A Prison
President Megaphone: Alright, you might have noticed dorm 10 is occupied this morning. You guys are getting another fellow dormmate.
gay salt: mon dieu. Who?
President Megaphone has added Bakugou
Bakugou: Hi, I guess.
farmer toshi has changed Bakugou's name to deku deck-you
deku deck-you: I'd kill you if you didn't risk your life for my teacher.
farmer toshi: Come kill me then, coward.
deku deck-you: No, I'm too tired.
schrodinger better run: Hey, Baku, what's your tragic backstory?
deku deck-you: What?
foil-mecha: Well, about 60% of us in here have a tragic backstory for being in the dorms. Monoma's mother abandoned him in Japan, Hagakure and Shinsou are orphans, Kuroiro's parents hate her, and Honenuki's been disowned. Me and Shiozaki are only here because our commute to and from school would have been horrible and Tsunotori and Aoyama are exchange students.
deku deck-you: It's stupid. I don't want you to think I'm pathetic.
gay salt: If anyone makes fun of you, I'll personally kick in the teeth. Besides Shinsou, he gets a free pass only because his teeth are already fucked this week with wires.
deku deck-you: Well, my old hag mother wanted me to drop from UA because it's too dangerous for her liking but I wouldn't do it so she kicked me out and disowned me. She beat me pretty bad, ended up breaking my right kneecap and left a bunch of deep cuts on my arms and almost severed my arteries in my wrists with some glass from a vase she broke before she threw me out of the house.
deku deck-you: I'd have used my quirk on her if it wouldn't be considered unwilling quirk usage against a civilian and, with my quirk, I'd be put in jail for how dangerous me using it in a fight could be, especially if she claimed I hurt her. I can't even go to class this morning because she threw my blood on my UA uniform so I wouldn't go back.
farmer toshi: Can't say it'll completely fit you, but my uniform is clean in room 6 in the top drawer of my dresser. Use mine for today since I'm not allowed to go to school today still. I threw up last night so I'm being held yet again for observation.
deku deck-you: Thank you. Who all is even here?
ranch flavored jello: Oh yeah, introductions. You weren't here for them.
ranch flavored jello has quoted 21 messages
Aizawa: Shouta, he/him, I'm gay, married, depressed
Shinsou: Hitoshi, he/him, I'm gay
Monoma: Seiko, she/they/he, pansexual/genderfluid, if you have a crush on me, you're some kind of gay
Hagakure: Toru, she/her, lesbian
Aoyama: Akemi, she/they, trans mtf/lesbian
Tsunotori: Pony, she/her, lesbian
Shiozaki: Ibara, they/them, asexual/agender/aromantic
Kuroiro: Kageya, she/her, trans mtf/bi
Tokoyami: Fumikage, he/him, trans ftm/bi
Honenuki: Juzo, she/her?, bi
Kuroiro: Ah yes, our girl, Honenuki Kiyomi.
Shinsou has changed Aizawa's name to feral cat dad
Shinsou has changed Aoyama's name to gay salt
Shinsou has changed Hagakure's name to ranch flavored jello
Shinsou has changed Tokoyami's name to foil-mecha
Shinsou has changed Kuroiro's name to life is a nightmare
Shinsou has changed Shiozaki's name to saviour
Shinsou has changed Tsunotori's name to schrodinger better run
Shinsou has changed Honenuki's name to pure
Shinsou has changed Monoma's name to nat20
feral cat dad has changed Shinsou's name to farmer toshi
deku deck-you: Well, I'm pansexual, he/him, trans ftm, just please don't call me Bakugou anymore, I don't want that hag's surname.
feral cat dad: I'll fight your mother, don't tempt me.
feral cat dad: Also how about Aizawa Katsuki?
deku deck-you: I'm going to start crying.
nat20: Looks like Mr. Aizawa is adopting another kid with bad parents.
President Megaphone: Yeah, I'll get the paperwork on the UA twelve hour adoption from custody transfer.
deku deck-you: Oh my god, I can't believe this is really happening.
farmer toshi: I'd kill a transphobe for my brother, your honor.
deku deck-you: I have a family? Really? A real family that won't hurt me?
President Megaphone: As your uncle, I assure you, nobody here will hurt you.
feral cat dad: Katsuki, I would never hurt my son.
farmer toshi: Yeah, dude, I wouldn't hurt you, ever.
ranch flavored jello: I have a brother! I wanna paint your nails!
deku deck-you: I don't think I've ever been happier in my life.
farmer toshi: I'm glad you're happy, Katsuki.
deku deck-you: You're all so nice, thank you.
gay salt: We'd be nice to you regardless, Kats. We're happy to help you whilst you're settling in and finally getting to feel safe. We're proud of you for being brave enough to reach out for help when you needed it.
deku deck-you: I need to get dressed before y'all keep making me cry.
deku deck-you is now offline
7:50 AM
Existence Is A Prison
deku deck-you: katsukiinhisschooluniformwithorangehair.jpg
deku deck-you: Toru helped me because my arms still hurt a lot when I grab things.
ranch flavored jello: My boy, Katsuki, looks like a god.
deku deck-you: I finally don't look like my mother anymore.
farmer toshi: I'll punt kick her for you, bro.
deku deck-you: Don't make me cry.
ranch flavored jello: Get to class, Kats. I'm waiting for you.
deku deck-you is now offline
8:15 AM
Existence  Is A Prison
ranch flavored jello: katsukisnewhair.vid
Video Transcript
Oh my god, Kacchan? -Unknown
Let me fucking explain maybe before you all just gang up on me and make me even more uncomfortable. -deku deck-you
My hag mom threw me out because I wouldn't drop from the Hero Course because it's too 'dangerous' for her liking now. So I'm living in the dorms, if you make fun of my hair, I'll have to kill you because Toru worked hard to make it look good on a time constraint -deku deck-you
I think it looks really good, Kacchan! - Unknown
I will still deck you, Deku, you damn nerd. -deku deck-you
[the camera shows that Katsuki is actually happy and smiling at Midoriya and he's being hugged by Aoyama as Aizawa comes into the room bandaged to the point of looking like a Halloween mummy decoration]
Transcript End
President Megaphone: God fucking dammit, Shouta!
farmer toshi: DAD!
ranch flavored jello: What's wrong?
President Megaphone: He wasn't supposed to start teaching again yet since he's still too injured for Recovery Girl's quirk to work on him.
gay salt: Don't worry, us dorm kids will make sure he doesn't do anything too dangerous.
President Megaphone: Fine, I guess.
3:15 PM
Existence Is A Prison
farmer toshi: I'm officially going back in the dorms, Aunt Nemuri came and got me. They knocked my hold down to twelve hours since I threw up since I haven't had anymore nausea or vomiting.
farmer toshi: My stubborn ass is at the store before I go home, do you guys need anything?
President Megaphone: Make sure you pick yourself up things that are liquid for the next couple days while you're on the mend before Recovery Girl can heal you.
farmer toshi: That's the plan. I've already procured blueberry yogurt drinks and silken tofu and soft ice cream and jellies and stuff. I wanted to know before I check out if anyone else needs anything.
gay salt: Yeah, grab me some boiled octopus and crab sticks if you can. I'm craving them.
foil-mecha: jagariko please, whichever one you find.
ranch flavored jello: Enoki, a bunch of them, and thick white bread.
feral cat dad: Just grab some extra jellies.
life is a nightmare: ham, bean sprouts, tofu, and eggs.
pure: Tofu and spam.
schrodinger better run: Milk, bacon, and eggs for my breakfast tomorrow.
nat20: cheese sausages and kimchi ramen, please.
saviour: Just tofu and edamame.
President Megaphone: aloe yoghurt.
farmer toshi: Got it. I'll be home in like a half hour. Be waiting for your groceries.
8:15 AM
Existence Is A Prison
schrodinger better run: @everyone I've made everyone breakfast! Even you, Shinsou and Mr. Aizawa. I made you two's food liquid for you.
schrodinger better run: Breakfast is eggs, pancakes, bacon, and tofu. I made the pancakes vegan friendly and I tried really hard to make the tofu like sausage for Toru and Ibara!
saviour: Thank you, Pony, I'm sure it'll be good no matter what.
ranch flavored jello: Thanks Pony, you're the best.
schrodinger better run: No problem!
schrodinger better run: And for Mr. Aizawa and Shinsou, I made you two your smoothie bags and some of the juice I made for you!
farmer toshi: Which ones?
schrodinger better run: For you, the vanilla coconut, chocolate peanut butter jelly, and guava orange juice. For Mr. Aizawa, spinach peanut butter banana, citrus berry, and guava orange juice.
feral cat dad: Thank you, pony.
feral cat dad: No, capitalize pony.
feral cat dad: Fucking speech to text.
feral cat dad: Pony. There we go.
schrodinger better run: Love you, Mr. Aizawa.
feral cat dad: Love you too, kid.
2:30 PM
Existence Is A Prison
feral cat dad: Katsuki, Recovery Girl says she can likely heal you now that you're feeling better.
deku deck-you: Yeah, sure.
3:45 PM
Existence Is A Prison
farmer toshi: You feel okay, Kats?
deku deck-you: Yeah, just tired. I'm gonna take a nap. Wake me up for dinner.
5:30 AM
Existence Is A Prison
deku deck-you: I'm going out for a run.
6:45 AM
Existence Is A Prison
farmer toshi: Jeez, you get up early. I'll try to run with you tomorrow.
deku deck-you: I'm good running alone, Shinsou.
farmer toshi: Oh, okay.
deku deck-you: I mean, if you wanna, then go ahead, but I know you don't sleep well. Plus you have to rest up so Recovery Girl can heal you.
farmer toshi: I know, but I also know it sucks to run alone sometimes.
5:30 AM
Existence Is A Prison
deku deck-you: I'm going out for a run.
6:30 AM
Existence Is A Prison
farmer toshi: Shoot, I slept past my alarms.
deku deck-you: It's fine. As long as you're getting sleep, you don't have to run with me, Shinsou.
5:30 AM
Existence Is A Prison
deku deck-you: I'm going out for a run.
6:35 AM
Existence Is A Prison
farmer toshi: Fucking alarms weren't set.
deku deck-you: You needed the sleep, Shinsou. You were up late.
farmer toshi: Fine. But I'll catch you one of these mornings.
5:30 AM
Existence Is A Prison
deku deck-you: I'm going out for a run.
6:15 AM
Existence Is A Prison
farmer toshi: I'm getting closer, you early bastard.
deku deck-you: Keep thinking that, Shinsou.
5:30 AM
Existence Is A Prison
deku deck-you: I'm going out for a run.
5:55 AM
Existence Is A Prison
farmer toshi: Now you're taunting me.
deku deck-you: You wish. I'm just good at waking up early.
5:30 AM
Existence Is A Prison
deku deck-you: I'm going out for a run.
5:35 AM
Existence Is A Prison
farmer toshi: I JUST MISSED YOU!
farmer toshi: Get back here little bastard!
deku deck-you: shinsousprintingafterhim.jpg
life is a nightmare: What a wholesome ending.
deku deck-you: shinsoufellonme.jpg
President Michael: You good, kids?
deku deck-you: Yeah, we're good. My knee is a little achy but I'll be fine.
farmer toshi: Don't worry, I'll force him back if he's hurt, Uncle Zashi.
Taglist: @everythingisstardust
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emjee · 4 years
The Glorious Queer Potential of Viola and Orsino in Twelfth Night
for Shakespeare Appreciation Week - Day Three - Lovers Day
This is a long-promised essay/ramble and I’m chucking it under Lover’s Day because it mostly concerns Viola and Orsino. I suppose an alternate title for it could be Orsino: He’s as Queer as the Rest of Them.
Before we begin, brief caveat: queerness exists in many forms and means many things to many people. This is my reading as one (1) singular queer person. Also, as you will have noticed if you read this far, I’m using the word queer. Not only is it an academically accepted term and one of my personal identifiers, it is in many cases the best descriptor for people and relationships in a play written in a time where gender and sexuality were constructed differently than they are today. Am I going to use the word “bisexual” when I talk about Orsino? Probably. But overall, the play’s just queer, in terms of gender, sexual attraction, and social relationships.
Let’s start with Viola (another heads up, I’m going to refer to her mostly as Viola because that’s how she seems to think about herself, and I’m going to use she/her pronouns). I believe @shredsandpatches recently made an argument that Viola can be read as a trans woman, which is an argument I love—she’s clearly uncomfortable with her masculine disguise (“Disguise, I see, thou art a wickedness, / Wherein the pregnant enemy does much. / How easy is it for the proper-false / In women's waxen hearts to set their forms!”) but she also passes as a man marvelously well. Like, people make a few comments about her higher voice, but nobody actually seems to suspect that she’s a woman until she’s finally in the same place as Sebastian and everyone goes “twins?!” Viola being a trans woman would also make the whole “she and Sebastian are literally identical” thing much more plausible, although one should never let “biological technicalities” get in the way of a good twin plot. I think there are also arguments to be made for playing Viola as a gender nonconforming cis woman who thinks, “It’ll be safer if I just pass as a man”, or with some other relationship to genderqueerness. (And by the way, when I say “arguments to be made”, sometimes that can mean the argument is “I, a queer person, feel like playing Viola this way.” Sometimes you just gotta do it for the queer joy, you know?)
So, Orsino. The two most memorable Orsinos I’ve seen have been Nicholas Bishop in the 2017 RSC production and Oliver Chris in the 2017 National Theatre production (truly we were blessed with Twelfth Nights in 2017). The RSC production chose to look at Orsino and immediately go, “This is not a Straight Man” which was valid of them—from the get-go, you understand why Orsino might go for a person who’s got some excellent gender-fuckery going on. In the NT production, Orsino is much more of a jock and, to my interpretation, definitely Thinks He’s Straight, which is fun because you get to see his heterosexuality crumble before his very eyes. (The moment where Viola reveals herself as a woman and Orsino lets out a long “oh thank God” breath can read a little too close to “no homo” for my liking, but Oliver Chris is good at making even asshole characters weirdly endearing, so I will let it pass.)
With both of these productions, you also have to consider the era they’re set in: the RSC is in the Victorian era, the NT in the 1970s (I think. I’m pretty sure it’s the 70s. Could be the 60s?) In the RSC, one could infer that Orsino’s commitment to getting Olivia to love him stems from the homophobia of the society he’s living in. Would he love to be able to just get with men? Sure. But the odds of him getting away with that for his entire life are low. The show’s design really makes this production Shakespeare-by-way-of-Wilde: the sets, the costumes (especially Antonio, who’s literally wearing a green carnation in his lapel). By evoking Wilde and his persecution, the production reminds the viewer that plenty of the people in this play—Antonio, Olivia, Viola, Orsino—can’t show the outside world their true queer selves, however much they might want to be.
Now, the NT production’s version of Orsino reads to me very much like someone going through a bisexual awakening. Source: I have undergone a bisexual awakening and I took one look at Orsino in this production and went *John Mulaney voice* “Oh, okay.” To me, Oliver Chris’s Orsino is going through the motions of compulsive heterosexuality. By all accounts, he should be in love with Olivia. It makes sense to him. He knows all the motions to go through. He’s talked himself into loving her because that’s what you do when you feel you need to be visibly in love with a woman and she’s the most suitable person around.
But once Orsino meets Viola, he seems to immediately adore her, in his own bro way, for herself. This isn’t what he’s used to attraction being like, he doesn’t immediately recognize it because Cesario is a guy, sometimes guys are just friends with other guys and do a lot of homoerotic boxing practice (still not over it) and it’s just dudes being bros and chilling on a table at your fortieth birthday part five feet apart because you’re not gay (spoiler: you’re actually really gay, and by gay I mean pick your favorite flavor of polysexual queerness).
Orsino continues to refer to Viola as Cesario up until the end of the play, mostly because Viola is still wearing men’s clothes. In early modern England, clothes were a huge part of gender expression. Cross-dressing was against the law (I’m 99% sure, someone please correct me on this if I’m wrong; it’s been several years since I discussed queer early modern stuff in a formal setting). Orsino referring to Viola as Cesario even when he knows she’s a woman is one of those things that has a reasonable historic explanation, but can also be read nowadays as: he likes it. Orsino’s into genderqueerness, and good on him. Genderqueerness is attractive as hell.
I know we sometimes lament the end of Twelfth Night along the lines of “But Will! Tell us what the original super-gay ending was!!” I totally understand why people want to see Olivia and Viola wind up together (Olivia—another raging queer who I didn’t even get to in this ramble—does seem to be truly in love with Viola and it’s hard to leave her disappointed at the end of the play), and I think we’re all heartbroken for Antonio (he just loves Sebastian so MUCH). However, I want to point out that men and women can still have queer romantic relationships with each other.  A love story between Viola as a straight trans woman and Orsino as a bisexual cis man is still a queer love story.
Happy Lovers Day, my loves! Have a fabulously queer day.
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adultswim2021 · 3 years
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Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law #1: "Bannon Custody Battle" December 30, 2000 - 4:30AM | S01E01 Welcome to the first episode of Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law, the first show on Adult Swim’s roster that I rejected as a substandard product. It should’ve been the Brak Show. In the opening episode, Birdman takes a case from Dr. Benton Quest, better known as Jonny Quest’s father. Race Bannon is fighting for custody of the boy, arguing that he’s a much better, much more present father figure to Jonny. Harvey Birdman was first conceptualized with an episode of Space Ghost Coast to Coast. In the episode “Pilot” we’re shown a supposed disastrous pilot episode of “Coast to Coast” where Birdman was originally attached as the star. Birdman, a depressive, out-of-work super hero, utterly botches the job as his inability to host a late-night show due to his deriving all his powers from the sun becomes more apparent. The character recurs a few more times, most notably in the episode “Sequel”, where Birdman guest-hosts the show. Still, to call this a proper Space Ghost spin-off requires carrying a big asterisk along with it. The character name “Harvey Birdman” was invented for Space Ghost, but besides both being based on the old 60s Birdman Hanna-Barbera show, they have little to do with one another. One would get almost nothing out of watching the original Space Ghost episodes before watching this (except for, you know, getting to see episodes of a much funnier show).
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So in Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law you have one 60s Hanna-Barbera character as a lawyer taking court cases from various other Hanna-Barbera characters, usually of a similar vintage. In this particular episode we’re treated to a lot of jokes about the homoerotic subtext of Jonny Quest, specifically the relationship between Race Bannon and Benton Quest. The writers decide to tastefully side-step the seemingly pederast relationship between Race and Jonny. Watching the original Jonny Quest with the same attempt to subvert and recontextualize the relationships between the characters through a modern lens, a certain type of observer would probably note the amount of shirtless roughhousing Race does with Jonny. Speaking of watching Jonny Quest: I have to admit something: I never really watched Jonny Quest at all before writing this blog. I’ve had an interest in older shows and cartoons my entire life, but the entire genre of action cartoon didn’t appeal to me whatsoever when I was a kid. So last night I watched my first episode of Jonny Quest, in glorious 1080p on my new 4K television; a format it was never EVER intended to be viewed in. Jonny Quest is objectively junk. It’s fun, boyish, escapist entertainment, and there’s a lot of good irony in it, especially with it’s antiquated portrayal of other cultures from a bygone era when we were far less connected to the rest of the world. It has limited animation and simplistic design. The backgrounds look like they were painted on a post-it-note and most of the men are drawn to look like reskinned versions of Race Bannon. But there’s at least something a LITTLE charming about it. In fact, there was one moment of beautifully scripted action that absolutely won me over: Race and Jonny’s speed boat goes airborne briefly and crushes the bad guy’s boat from above as they speed towards one another. I nearly cheered when it happened. I knew The Venture Bros took liberally from Jonny Quest, but the coolest action sequences on that show seemed to be striving for the same exact visceral reaction I got from seeing Race crunch up some lizard men on a boat. Birdman is a similar deal: He was a cookie-cutter imitation of comic book heroes from the silver-age of comics (the obvious comparison here is DC’s Hawkman). I actually did watch a Birdman adventure late last night as I was falling asleep to follow up on Jonny Quest, but it felt less important. I can remember checking out the original Birdman on DVD not too long ago. Also, your typical Harvey Birdman usually focuses on jokes about shows other than Birdman. Still, it’s neat to see those characters in their original context, as well as that Hanna-Barbera stock-explosion animation we all know and love from Space Ghost blowing up Zorak on Coast-to-Coast. Also the episode I watched will be heavily referenced later, but not for this. I only watched the first episode of Jonny Quest taking a cue from my friend Kon who noted that most of the references in “Bannon Custody Battle” are directly from the first episode. The most specific (and funniest) scene in the whole show involves the Lizard Men, the main villains of that first installment. Other characters show up very briefly, and are all ones that appear in the opening sequence. Unless I find out differently (I’ll probably try to make my way through the rest of Quest in preparation for Venture Bros.), it really does seem like the writers just watched the first episode of Jonny Quest to write this show. Watching this episode of Harvey Birdman was like batting away an existential crisis. I remember vaguely at the time not being SUPER hot on this show, but I cut it a lot of slack and trusted that it would simply get funnier. I wanted to love all the shows on Adult Swim. Anyway, I went from being lukewarm on Birdman, to hating it. Reading my own earlier review of Birdman I blasted this episode for being homophobic. I used to have a very low tolerance for gay jokes, back when they were highly in fashion. But now that we live an era where there’s an arms race to find new ways to scold one another for perceived slights gay jokes can sometimes, NOT ALWAYS, be a little refreshing to hear. The fact that my stance on gay jokes can change as long as it’s in direct-opposition with the rest of the world is at least a little troubling. Does this mean I’m an inauthentic reactionary? Yes. Yes it does. There, I admitted it. Now, let me off the hook, please. I say that sorta jokingly. The gay jokes in this are mostly pretty lame, and come off like Mike Scully-era Simpsons gay jokes. The early scene at the beginning where Birdman eyes widen when he’s misunderstanding the nature of Dr. Quest’s and Race Bannon’s relationship really does come off as early 90′s homophobia. I remember it seemed out of place at the time. I’m sure it played just fine in the midwest, but the show didn’t really put it’s best foot forward with that. Speaking of lame jokes, this episode has a few that have nothing to do with insulting gay people. One of my least favorite bits involve the specific gag of undercutting a dramatic moment with characters fumbling around awkwardly in true-to-life fashion. Why, if a person tried to recreate a dramatic sting you’d see before a commercial break in real life, you’re right, it’d probably go awkwardly! But this 11 minute show has at least 3 explicit examples of this, and it’s only mildly amusing once:
Bannon dramatically walks out on Dr. Quest, after announcing his intention to take Jonny with him. He awkwardly comes back because he forgot his keys
Birdman dramatically argues with a rival prosecutor and summons his personal digital assistant, and then awkwardly fumbles with it
Birdman proves that the Race Bannon on the witness stand is actually a robot by unplugging him, but he accidentally pulls the wrong cord and has to spend a few seconds untangling and retracing the correct cord.
Another thing about Birdman is that there is usually a lack of strong jokes. The show usually includes a layer of comedy where there are simply characters who simply have odd, scattered speech patterns or odd ticks. The rival lawyer in this slurs his speech in a particular way: cut to the jury looking confused. That’s the joke. The Judge grumbles in an ornery fashion and generally acts like he doesn’t wanna be there. He says stuff that sounds like bad improv. That’s the joke. The show will only ocassionally come up with jokes to justify these character traits. It’s just silliness that doesn’t usually go anywhere. But, I do kinda like some things about this episode. It was animated by J.J. Sedelmaier, known for early digital animation seen in the crude era of Beavis and Butt-head and SNL’s TV Funhouse. They really do have their own style of comic timing, and there are some gags in this where the animation works in their favor. There are some jokes where the drawings really sell the comedy. I’m not sure if I liked this animation better or worse, but it does match the oddly-stilted Jonny Quest animation better than the episodes that came after this would have. Oh, one of the funniest bits not on the show was when I popped in the DVD I forgot that the menu music is Wesley Willis’ “Birdman Kicked My Ass”. If I were in high school when the DVD came out I would have loved it just for that reason. Same could be said “Jonny Quest Thinks We’re Sell-Outs” by Less Than Jake. I was an easily impressed kid.
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Everything Wrong With The Umbrella Academy. Episode 6, The Day That Wasn’t.
We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals
Run Boy Run
Extra Ordinary
Man on the Moon
Number Five
Disclaimer: This is all in good fun! I wanted to do a really nitpicky re-watch of the series and found some really cool and interesting things I didn’t notice before. This is meant to have a Cinema Sins-esque tone. However, I did take off a lot more sins than Cinema Sins would have because I do genuinely like the series and the people that made it possible. So all of the good things got one sin off and all the bad things got one sin added. This is a really long post, so grab some popcorn. If there’s anything that I missed, feel free to add it!
I would also like to add that normally you wouldn’t watch a show this way. I am purposefully looking for mistakes, easter eggs, and other things that we’re not supposed to notice. I am watching not with the goal of entertainment, but for analysis. So most of the things that I sin, I am seeing for the first time.
Also, no I can’t do better. I am in no way qualified to give this level of criticism about anything. 
[Today we got the s2 release date!! I am so excited. To answer any questions about that, I will probably do a season 2 version of this a year after it comes out. Since some of my sins involve fandom and any fic tropes/theories we might come up with, I want to make sure that has time to happen.]
The Day that Wasn’t 
Only Dave notices Klaus coming to Vietnam via briefcase. The flashing blue lights and loud “oof!” isn’t loud enough to wake anyone else up. +1
Cody Ray Thompson’s workout routine. -1
“Katz” isn’t a fandom thing! The dude that is yelling at all the soldiers and Klaus to get ready (some sort of commanding officer?) calls Dave “Katz”! -1
Klaus is so confused that he just puts the pants on without really questioning it. What the fuck was going on in Klaus’s head? +1
Where is Ben? +1
Right where I’m paused Klaus’s face is hilarious. “It was at this moment Klaus knew. He fucked up” -1
The Power of Boners is what keeps Klaus in the fucking Vietnam War. +1
For all future Dave sins, I am calling it The Power of Boners because Dave gets one line. As soon as the show corrects this and shows us why Dave was so wonderful, these remain sins. Sin for the show for not providing more Dave content. +1
Overly saturated forigen country cliche. +1
Seriously, why is Vietnam so orange? +1
The Doors. -1
This one shot in the foreground of the girl with white boots. I want those boots so badly. Costume people, where did you get them? Sin until I know, damnit! +1
Cool white boots are cool. -1
Klaus’s dance moves. -1
Klave. -1
Scene does not contain a lap dance. +1
Or any other indication that Dave and Klaus didn’t just make out once and decided to remain friends. Please give me more Klave content show. If anything, just to flesh out this character who motivates Klaus for half of the season. +1
Luther barges in on people in the bathroom. He has six siblings! Anyone with at least one sibling knows that barging in on people in bathrooms is a shitty move. Heh, shitty move, bathroom, get it? +1
Klaus’s face when Luther deadpans “the world’s ending in three days”. It’s the face of someone who completely forgot about that since he’s been in the 60s for ten months. -1
Also, the way Luther tells Klaus “the world’s ending in three days” is the same way I might tell my brother that it’s time for dinner. +1
“Five’s a little- [coo coo whistle]” Emmy Raver-Lampman kills this line. -1
Luther’s face when Allison asks “what did Five even see?” brings me so much joy. That is the look of complete panic. Love that. -1
Luther can’t lie for shit. Checks out. -1
Anyone with siblings can relate to Diego, Allison, and Klaus’s reaction to this bull. -1
The dramatic music leading into the little “we died” followed by a sip of coffee. Priceless. -1
Title umbrella scares the shit out of Klaus! -1
Comic power foreshadowing? Sin until we get answers. +1
Foreshadowing that Five is in HQ by sending orders that don’t follow the same format as the rest of the ones on the shoe. Fiveshaddowing? -1
Kate Walsh plays an excellent villain. Part of that evil demeanor is getting all up in Five’s personal bubble. This is the closest Five has been to someone in the entire show without any injury or being drunk. -1
The Handler is creepy. +2
Five makes demands after setting foot in the building for less than one minute. +1
The masks from the comics are on the wall in the briefcase room. -1
Based on the two agents we see in the briefcase room and Hazel and Cha Cha, the uniform of the commission assassin is a blue suit, yet all of Five’s are grey or black like management. Inconsistency. +1
Typewriters. I hate those things. +1
I think Aidan Gallagher forgot what he was doing in this scene. His expression doesn’t look like Five, it looks like some kid who is letting a math lecture wash over them. You could make the argument that Five is sort of letting this wash over him too, but I would call bullshit. Five knows how dangerous of a situation he’s in right now. He shouldn’t look this calm. +1
The Handler touching Five’s face. +3
Dot has the “i’m in danger” expression when meeting Five because Dot let Five live in hell for 45 years. Five also looks like he wants to kill her. Great acting, Patrice Goodman. -1
Five’s expression when Dot says “No hard feelings” brings me so much joy. And fear. -1
The Handler makes Five the teacher’s pet on his first day by calling him leadership material in front of his new coworkers. +1
Kate Walsh was temporarily directed by Tim Burton for this scene. +1
That weird look one of the commission management people gives Five once Five sits down and starts working. I don’t like it, I don’t like it! +1
The Hargreeves mansion looks really fucking chaotic on the roof. I don’t like it. +1
Leonard’s face at finally being allowed inside the Hargreeves mansion. Just the right dose of satisfied and creepy. Well done, John Magaro. -1
Leonard is raising so many red flags that he may as well be a stop sign. +1
Umbrella Academy action figures. Oh, Reggie. +1
Luther has to explain that everyone in the whole world dies and not just them. The Umbrella Academy School of Delayed Reactions due to Stupidity was too long of a name so Reggie shortened it to The Umbrella Academy. +1
Allison’s right, Vanya isn’t being fair. However, Allison isn’t specific about how Vanya is family but Leonard is not. Sin for both of them for being dumb as hell. +2
“I’m gonna go find Vanya” “There isn’t time, we need to figure out what causes the apocalypse” irony. +1
“Nuclear war” cited as one of the possible causes of the apocalypse. Comics fans, enjoy this sin off. -1
“But I’m thinking this is about the Moon, right?” well yeah, but not for the reasons you think. Foreshadowing the moon. -1
That creepy portrait of Five behind Diego. No, not the big one, the other one by the bar. What the fuck, Reggie? +1
Leonard steals the action figure of The Monocle (reggie for those who don’t know the comics), which symbolizes the way Leonard feels he is controlling the Academy through Vanya. -1
Leonard is creepy. +1
Ben doesn’t realize that Klaus is going through withdrawal despite seeing it the day before. Sure, Ben could have been more focused on the tourture, but because Ben points out Klaus’s withdrawal by name in Man on the Moon, we can assume he noticed and that this is a continuity error. +1
Vanya’s powers affecting the world around her as soon as she is a safe distance away from the academy because reasons. Seriously, there should have been at least something while she was confronting her siblings. Show plays fast and loose with the rules of Vanya’s powers. +1
“If you tie me up after.” “Come again?” Diego and Klaus have the most sibling like relationship on this entire show. -1
Klaus’s Diego impression. -1
Excessive use of the word “bro”. One sin for every time I have to hear it in this scene. +2
“Mr. Five”. Is Five’s first name “Number” or did he not give the Commission any other name? Does this imply that he doesn’t go by Five Hargreeves? +1
This is one of the few scenes where Aidan Gallagher no longer looks like Aidan Gallagher and instead looks like Five. Acting. -1
Dot is really trying to get murdered. Don’t engage the man you put through hell for almost fifty years, moron. +1
The Handler has nothing better to do than to stalk Five. Does this lady have a job or did she take the day off specifically for this? What was she doing in the tube room?+1
The origin of “deadly little thing” is fucking Gloria? Really, fandom? +1
Five is too good of an actor. I understand why Aidan Gallagher might make some of these choices as an actor but I don’t understand how a man who grew up alone in the apocalypse can act this well. +1
The Handler keeps singling Five out in front of his coworkers. +1
The Handler’s arm around Five’s shoulders. +1
Creepy dude is back. I’m not even going to try and look up this guy’s name, but the expression suggests something I don’t want to think about. +1
Creepy guy’s name is Herb. Of course it is. +1
The file Five picks up just has a smiley face inside of it, which suggests that the Handler put it there as a red herring. Nice touch, show. -1
Gender neutral bathrooms. -1
Five’s expression when the Handler continues talking to him as she is peeing. -1
The Handler talks to Five while peeing. Gross. +2
His expression when she starts coughing is so funny. -1
Rugae +1
The Handler peeks over the door of the bathroom stall. +10
Cha Cha says, “Sure, shoot” when Hazel asks if he can ask her a question. +1
Where did the gunshot come from if Cha Cha didn’t shoot Hazel? I get they’re using it to make us think that she did, but there is no other explanation for the noise. +1
Luther frantically searching for his moon research makes me very sad. +1
Also, I’m kind of bored with this episode at this point. It’s such a low episode with the only interesting parts that make me as excited as the last episode Number Five, being the Commission parts. Everything else is kind of boring. Pick up the pace, show. +1
Reggie is a dick to Luther. +7
Luther looks so lost and broken and sad. I’m sad. Fuck you, Reggie. +1
Why the fuck was Luther carrying an axe?? +2
And rope?? +2
When and where did Luther find the time and money to get the engraved gold locket for Allison? This interaction is so full of plot holes and stupidity. +1
However, Cameron Brodeur and Eden Cupid do well with this dumb writing. -1
Seriously, who wrote this scene? The fact that I can’t bring myself to care about what is going on right now says a lot. +1
Reggie jump scare. +1
Cliche record scratch. How did that happen? Did Luther or Allison bump into it? Sin for lack of clarity and for destroying a record. +1
“Fun and games are restricted to Saturdays between noon and half past noon” Reggie is a dick to his children. +7
Klaus and Diego bonding. Literally? -1
Ben is in this scene! -1
I forgot how weird the soundtrack is for this scene. It’s too ominous. Scoring is important. +1
“Dave must have been a very special person to put up with all your weird-ass shit.” -1
“He was kind and strong and vulnerable and beautiful” that’s great, show. Why don’t you show us that instead of having Klaus say it. Just once scene where Dave shows these qualities so that he’s a real person instead of someone created to drive Klaus’s storyline? Please? +1
I feel really bad for Ben in this scene. From Ben’s perspective, he wasn’t good enough to motivate Klaus to get sober, but this random guy was. Ben angst. +1
Also, Justin Min manages to convey this without any lines. Major props. That takes some serious skill. -2
Bro. +1
“Everyone I like is already dead”. Fridging. +1
I can’t tell if this is Ben walking away or if this is the transition between Diego and Klaus’s point of views. If this is meant to imply the pov switch, It would have been easier to have Ben disappear from the same spot. If it’s Ben walking away because he can’t take being told that he isn’t good enough to get sober for, Ben angst. Either way, it’s a sin. +1
“Aww shit! I need to pee.” Diego’s expression is amazing. -1
“If this [having powers] is even true, everything I know about myself would be different.” That is Vanya’s storyline in a nutshell. This line is really underrated. -1
All of Leonard’s lines point towards the book. All of them. Which makes total sense. -1
Vanya is starting to show more sass and personality because the pills are gone. I wish fanfic writers would explore this. Including myself, I am sinning fanfic writers for not taking into account how cool Vanya is without the meds. +1
“I’m sorry you got stuck with the ordinary one” See! +1
“Ordinary” This word keeps coming up. Probably because of the whole rumor situation that we’re not supposed to know about yet. Rewatches are fun. -1
“My life is so weird” “I like weird”. And if you weren’t such a colossal creep, Leonard/Harold, I would like you too. This line is super sweet. Sin for manipulation. +1
Ellen Page isn’t my girlfriend. Have you seen this scene recently? She looks so cute/hot/beautiful here. +1
No transition, just straight from Leonard and Vanya kissing to The Handler slurping her smoothie. It’s jarring. +1
I want to know why they decided that killing Archduke Ferdinand would start World War I. Noodle incident. +1
“I had a bad Twinkie in the apocalypse once. Kinda put me off desserts.” Yet you still ate the fluffernutter sandwich, Five? +1
The Handler’s office is really cool. Once again, set designers you win this one. -1
Why would Five go straight for a decade instead of a flavor? How does something taste like the 1950s before it tastes like a popular candy from the time for example? +1
The suit is blue like the rest of the time travel assassins have. This suggests a uniform that the Commission didn’t make Five wear before, and suggests a sort of power play. Details. -1
The Handler is a fucking creep. +1
“M26 grenades from the Vietnam war”. This is the comment that sparked the theory that the Commission killed Dave. I want answers. +1
The candy that tastes like the 50s is really chewy. Why is Five still chewing it? +1
The Handler gives Five a pistol and he doesn’t immediately shoot her, which suggests that the pistol is empty. So why was the grenade still operational if the other weapons were not? You would think she would make sure that the grenades couldn’t be used against her. +1
The Handler is a fucking creep. I think Aidan Gallagher was a little uncomfortable in this scene. The look in his eyes isn’t something you can fake. +1
Kate Walsh is an awesome actress. -1
Out of all the candies in the bowl, Five conveniently takes one that is an actual candy and one that is a tracker. +1
So I want to talk about Luther. I think the show did him a great disservice by setting up his story this way. Compared to the Commission stuff, Luther’s story arc doesn’t seem important, hence the “Dad sent me to the Moon” jokes. If this was in a better order, then maybe the fandom would like Luther more. Not that I know what that order should have been, but it definitely shouldn’t have been this one. This whole episode seems kind of disorganized and Luther’s character suffers for it. After this sin, I’m going to shut up about it, so I’ll just add a few and move on. +5
“Four years of my life. A lie” “What an asshole” That’s a bit of an understatement, Allison. Seriously, this Moon research has got to have some value to it. Luther was studying the moon for four fucking years. Who knows what kind of crazy shit he could have found out about the moon’s atmosphere and what the Earth was like when the moon split from it. Those soil samples would tell us a lot about what the developing planet Earth was like. Luther’s moon research is important scientific material. And Reggie just locked it away. +3
This scene is excellent independently. Tom Hopper and Emmy Raver-Lampman play off each other extremely well. -1
“Can I show you something?” +1
The tools in the greenhouse have not moved in seventeen years. +1
And neither has the dust free record player. +1
Two cans of generic cola from seventeen years ago. And these two morons drink them. The family brain cell is dying. +1
This is such a sibling moment. Trying to do something nice and then it all goes up in flames? Sibling. Culture. -1
You know what isn’t sibling culture? The fucking locket. +3
This is a really human moment for Cha Cha. Burning the note shows that deep down, she cares about Hazel. -1
However, I don’t understand why she’s so pissed about Agnes. Is the show trying to ship Hazel and Cha Cha? Because that would be a stretch and I really don’t see it. +1
Klaus asking for one last hit is believable. Diego’s reaction is really good too. Well done. -1
Klaus’s ptsd. Putting my boy through trauma. +1
The wound on Dave’s chest has to be an exit wound. He was behind the barrier, so there’s no way he could have been shot from the front by the enemy. Someone (like a Commission agent) shot him from the back. So I guess we sort of got answers? I’m going to sin this until we know for sure. +1
Klaus is distraught. My poor boy. +1
Why is the chandelier still on the ground? You would think somebody would have attempted to pick that up at this point, right? It’s been two days. +1
Grace’s more relaxed hairstyle shows that she isn’t under Reggie’s strict control anymore. The tight pin curls are now replaced by gorgeous waves. Symbolism, well done hair stylist. -1
Grace lies because Pogo is standing behind Diego. Otherwise, I think she would have told him the truth right then and there. Secrets. +1
Yo, @ Luther. Who the fuck eats a hot dog like that? +1
Also, it was bright daylight when Diego was talking to Grace and now it’s pitch black out. What happened in those hours? +1
Talking about their regrets, Allison says “we can’t go back”. Insert every season 2 headcanon and the whole “Where are they?” tag line from the season 2 promos. +1
Allison attempts to see the silver lining of child abuse. This works and is a valid coping mechanism that I think is totally in character. Well done, writers. -1
The kiss on the cheek is very “this is the last time I will see my sibling whom I love very dearly and who also loves me for me”. This should have been it for Allison and Luther kissing because it’s a really good moment. -1
I love the dancing in the moonlight scene because it’s a reference to something from the comics. -1
The choreography is really, really good. Emma Portner fucking rules. -1
And I love the earrings that Allison is wearing. No joke, someone please tell me where I can find them, they’re adorable and I would love to have them. -1
However, the show made us see two sibling characters kiss. In a very romantic way. +15
And it’s very clear that this kiss happens outside of the fantasy too. +15
Also, without the lights and the music, were Allison and Luther just two weirdos dancing in the park to nothing? +1
The transition to get back to the Commission is really good. -1
“Gloria. The Handler knows that Five is up to something. Get this to Hazel and Cha Cha immediately.” Was the extra info about Five necessary? I feel like a regular person wouldn’t say that. +1
Gloria doesn’t know who the second best assassins are. +1
Five gets that stapler out of nowhere. This goes back to his unexplained power from episode 1, but now the question is: Is this switching power stapler based? +1
Five’s expression when he finally gets the name of the man who will cause the apocalypse. -1
And now we know the origin of the terminate Hazel message. Five, you clever bastard. -1
Did we see the terminate Cha Cha message before this? I can’t remember. If we didn’t then it’s a great reveal. If we did, then I didn’t care enough to pay attention. [I looked back] We didn’t. Great reveal. -1
Five, hide your bodies better so they don’t start waking up for comedic timing. +1
The comedic timing of Gloria waking back up. -1
“You’re a first rate pragmatist!” no he’s not. Have you been paying attention to Five’s character at all, Handler? If he was, then he never would have broken his contract because he was safe in the Commission.+1
Also, this is what a lot of fanfic writers base Five off of. Not his actual character, this fucking line. Sin for the fandom. +1
Why did they have to split up this scene? The Handler just attempted to shoot Five and now we’re supposed to care about Mom and Diego?? +1
Grace finally gets to tell the truth! Sin for Pogo and Reggie for forcing her to lie. +1
The truth. -1
The Commission desk people do care about Gloria. Caring. -1
Vanya finding Reggies book. This could have been the original trigger to the apocalypse in the first timeline. I want answers. How did it go down originally? +1
Dave! -1
“I do owe a debt. But it’s not to you.” This is one of those lines that will be referenced in a future season. “See, [this character and/or relationship] was referenced in season 1” or something like that. This is my favorite Five line, too. -2
Five once again stands too close to an explosion. Fuckin’ run, dude! +1
The ending of this episode reminds me of the “and it was all just a dream” ending that 5th graders write. Nothing in this episode has any consequences. +3
And I am adding back the sins I took off and then some for the important bits like Diego and Klaus bonding, Grace telling Diego all the secrets, and Klaus seeing Dave. +4
Wednesday. 8:15 A.M. (...again). The time stamp is pretty good though. -1
“What gives us a win this time?” And then Five appears. -1
Five snatches Allison’s coffee. And he should be bleeding from the shrapnel wound. +2
Allison’s face when Five snatches her coffee. -1
Diego, Luther, Klaus, and Allison are all watching Five stumble weird and chug Allison’s coffee with the funniest expressions. I want to know what they were thinking. Ya know, beyond “What the Fuck?”. +1
Those expressions, though. -1
“So if y’all don’t get your sideshow acts together” Five this whole season has been you saving the world and everyone else as a sideshow act. That’s gonna take a lot more effort than saving the world. +1
Aidan Gallagher fucking nails this scene. Expletive required. This is why I respect him as an actor. This scene would have been so easy to over act, but he kills this monologue.  -5
If you look closely at Five’s hair, it looks sort of like the triangular shape from the comics. I can’t tell if that was intentional, but it was a good detail. Hair department. -1
“Who the hell is Harold Jenkins” followed by a coffee slurp. That is how they end the episode? Really? It would have been stronger without the coffee. +1
Season 2 comes out on July 31, 2020! I got the announcement just as I was finishing this episode! I’ll take off a sin because we finally know! Whoop!! -1
Overall review:
After the powerhouse that is episode 5, this episode feels odd and out of place. My favorite parts were the Commission parts, and everything else felt like an interruption. Even more so when you consider that the commission parts are the only parts of the episode that actually happened. Sure, it’s great character building, but without any consequences, it feels cheap. I feel like I’ve said everything I needed to say, so I won’t get crazy with the analysis. I would say more if anything in this episode actually mattered. 
Total: 112
Sentence: The Umbrella Academy of Reacting to things Slowly due to Stupidity. Say that 10 times fast. Then I will undo all your hard work through the power of time travel. Seriously, fuck this ending. 
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louadorable126 · 4 years
Demons(you).me - Chapter 6 Redgrave Market
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>>Click here to Read over on AO3!<<
Art by Aya/ITOUYAS! <3
In a city controlled by the generally altered race of Demons, Lady's life as a mercenary on the lower floor was never easy. Especially when she ran into Dante. A demon on the hunt for his missing brother.
Important information!
Fandom: Devil May Cry
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Realtionships: Dante x Lady, Vergil x Lady
Characters: Lady, Dante, Vergil, Morrison, Nell Goldstien, Eva, Sparda, Mundus
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Cyberpunk, Genetic Engineering, Sci-fi Fantasy, Strip Clubs and Strippers, Dystopia, Seizures, Flirting, Eva and Sprada are alive!, Human Experimentation, Cults.
Chapter 6
“Hang on. You want me to do what?!” A familiar deep voice, on the other end of the phone, exclaimed.
“I need you to find us a way into that event, Morrison!” Lady repeated herself; words laced with growing frustration. Her hand tightening its hold around the bright yellow ceiling handle hanging above her. “Yes, I know you don’t deal with the Cult of Fortuna! But this is really kinda urgent!”
The heat of the compartment was really starting to get to her. Sweat beads welling up on her forehead and covering it in a wet, salty glaze. It was hard to tell if this was because of the stress of negotiating with Morrison, or the 60 or so people rammed into the same monorail cart around her - pressed up against one another like sheep in an inclosed pen. It felt as though she was being cooked in a gruelling dry oven. The air conditioning unit stationed above her, trying its best as it worked overtime to pump small blasts of cool air in the mercenary’s direction, to little avail except for a brief millisecond of chilly relief she gained from it.
Her compatriots, likewise, also seemed to be uncomfortable in their current situation.
Apparently, Dante’s already non-existent attention span had been quickly eroded away in the 15 or so minutes he had been forced to stand here. Well…not really stand. As he had leaned back against one of the glass archways, in-between the main seating area and the exit door, arms crossed. Obviously rather bored, if the occasional upset, deep sighs she heard coming from his direction, were anything to go by. Alongside the sweet sound of him humming some kind of rock song, unbeknownst to anyone but himself, and tapping his foot on the floor to its invisible beat. His eyes closed, although occasionally peaking one sapphire eye open to see if their final destination was coming up on the floating holographic sign above them. Only to always be sorely disappointed, then returning to his sweet humming.
Vergil, meanwhile, was sitting on a small plastic bench in between the pair of them. It seemed he had declared some sort of silent, and bloody war against a screaming and whining young child across from them; the child’s ignorant mother taking no action to stop them. His sharp eyes fixed intently on the small, high-pitched creature. Glaring at them angrily, as though the demon thought that by some miracle, it would get the child to shut up. That...obviously wasn’t working however, and the little boy continued to screech regardless.
Lady took the opportunity to slip a glance over her shoulder at the elder twin, while her conversation between her and her employer lulled for a moment. Morrison deep in thought as he lit up another cigar.  
It was crystal clear from how tense and rigid the blue demon’s body language was becoming - his sharp pale jawline, peaking from beneath the veil of shadows covering his aristocratic features, hardening - that Vergil was soon going to blow. Massively. Which given the elder twin's track record for bloody slaughter, could only really lead to a disaster on a packed train like this. All Lady could do was hold her breath, and hope they could get off this nightmarish train before that happened.
“Alright. Cause’ its you little missy, I’ll see what I can do.” Morrison relented. A touch of fatherly gruffness to his voice. "Not making any promises though. Fuck. I don’t even wanna to think about whose strings I’m gonna have to tug to pull this off!”
“I certainly appreciate it, Morrison. Cheers.” Lady thanked, before ending the call. Sliding her phone into her skirt pocket.
“So is he going to do it?” Dante asked. Smiling hopefully at her.
“Sounds like it.” Lady confirmed with a nod. Switching her cramping arm, holding onto the ceiling handle, over to the other. “I’m sure he’ll pull through with something.”
More accurately, they needed him to pull through with something.
Despite being the one to send them off on this perilous quest in the first place. Augustus had been kind enough to provide them as much information as he could gather about this “Charity Ball”. Sending through several of the emails he had received from the cult’s network, after the group had handed back his laptop.
And it was just as well he had! Because, as it turned out, the Charity Ball drastically moved location every time it was held. From fancy restaurants on the middle floor to a gentrified warehouse in the slums. However, this time it seemed the location of choice was a small expo centre. Ironically, it was surprisingly close to the hotel where she had first encountered Vergil.
But, even if they at least knew this secret meeting's location, it still didn’t mean they had any way to actually enter the Ball. It was an invite only event. Unless Lady wanted to bankrupt herself a few hundred times over, she sure as hell was not buying her way inside! It wasn’t even like the twins could do much to help either, even with their father’s limitless wealth. As Vergil had pointed out, it would be obvious they came from a demonic household, given that they weren’t already a part of the pre-established wealthy society of humans. And thus, given the Cult of Fortuna’s fears about being found out by the demonic authorities, they’d be swiftly rejected regardless.
“MUUUUUUUUUUM I WANNA GET OFF! THIS SO BORING!” The bratty child screamed at the top of his lungs. Before pointing a chubby finger over in the group's direction. “SERIOUSLY THIS PLACE SMELLS FUNNY!! ESPECIALLY THAT CREEPY GUY WHO KEEPS STARING AT ME-“
The child didn’t have a chance to finish. Pinned against the opposite train wall by the sharp tip of Yamato’s silver blade, held dubiously resting above the boy's heart, in less than the blink of an eye. The boy fell, choked on his words. Only letting out a small whimper in terror as he looked up at the towering man before him. The whole crowd erupted into a mania of panicked screaming and backing away from the scene. Leaving a circle of free space around them.
Crap, this isn’t good! Lady thought to herself. Silently cursing the child for antagonising Vergil when they had seemed so close to being able to get off without a hitch. The next station’s only a minute away, dammit!
“What on earth are you doing!” The child’s mother cried hysterically. Reaching out to push him off her son, before being stopped dead in her tracks by Vergil’s cutting glare.
“Teaching your child the consequences of his actions.” Vergil informed her sharply. A look of genuine confusion shot onto the woman’s features at his declaration. As though she had no idea what he was talking about."You really are a terrible mother, aren’t you? Don’t you realise there are other people on this train who do not wish to hear your child's screeching? You are not only neglectful to your son, but also to common decency.”
The mother grew enraged at his accusation. Clenching one hand tightly around the handle of her crimson handbag, as her heart-shaped face twisted and disfigured in offence. “B-but I don’t control what my son does! He’s his own person-“
“Yes. But as his guardian you have an obligation to do something, woman!” Vergil snapped angrily.
“Yeah, as much as my bro might be overreacting. He’s kinda got a point lady.” Dante chimed in. Causally moving to stand over beside Vergil so that they were back to back; Dante leaning a portion of his body weight against his brother.
Subtly, he elbowed his twin’s lower back. Getting Vergil’s attention off the child and towards him. The blue demon tilted his head over his shoulder in Dante’s direction, before leaning in close and whispering into his ear. “Think the kid’s got the idea, Verge. Wanna let him go?”
At his brother’s words, Vergil withdrew his blade. Returning Yamato back to its holster under his coat with a satisfying click. He turned away with a flourish of his blue coat, leaving the now silent child in his tracks. As he headed for the train doors, the packed crowd standing in his path shifted aside for him, like he was parting the Red Sea, just as a masculine, artificial voice stated; “We will shortly be arriving at Redgrave Market Station. Please stand clear of the doors for those exiting.”
“That’s our stop! You coming babe?” Dante called out over his shoulder, walking straight past Lady after his brother, as the train’s heavy doors slid open and bright artificial street light flooded through into the dim cabin. Illuminating their escape.
“Yep!” Lady exclaimed, embarrassingly high-pitched. Finding it hard to keep her cool with all these people, likely hundreds, staring at her. After quickly sparing a glance to check if the young boy was ok - which seemed to be the case, as his mother cradled the now crying child close to her chest, ironically finally paying him the scrap of obviously needed attention - the mercenary fled the train just as its metal doors slammed shut behind her.
Click here to read more over on Ao3! :D
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chaosenticed-blog · 5 years
                      greetings  angels ! i’m  steven,  going  by  she/her  pronouns  and  miserably  lodged  in  the  pst  timezone,  also  currently  known  as  the  devil’s  taint  thanks  to  this  heatwave !  super  fun  !  pls  bear  with  me  ,  i’ll  be  up  everyone’s  asses  for  plots  with  my  lil  dudebro  shithead  𝖘𝖎𝖑𝖆𝖘  ,  he’s  a  new  muse  of  mine  i’ve  conjured  up  bc  ethan  is  just  too  good  looking  to  not  utilize  ?  i’ll  keep  this  short  so  we  can  pull  a  queen  carly  rae  and  cut  to  the  feeling  ~
Tumblr media
❛ chicago’s very own  𝖘𝖎𝖑𝖆𝖘  𝖉𝖎  𝖌𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖑𝖉𝖎 has been spotted in new york city in his jeep wrangler blackhawk , welcome ! your resemblance to  ethan dolan is unreal. according to tmz, you just had your twentieth birthday bash. your chance of surviving new york is uncertain because you’re 𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐑𝐔𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐓 , but being 𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐂𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒 might help you. i guess being a taurus explains that. three things that would paint a better picture of you would be 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐘  𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐃  𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐀𝐋  𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐅𝐈𝐓𝐒,  𝐓𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐃  𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐍  𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒  𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆  𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐄  𝐌𝐎𝐒𝐓  𝐈𝐍  𝐍𝐄𝐄𝐃,  𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆  𝐀𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐏  𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇  𝐂𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐃  𝐅𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐒  𝐀𝐍𝐃  𝐕𝐎𝐋𝐔𝐌𝐄𝐒  𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐀𝐈𝐃. & ( cismale & he / him / his )
aesthetic :  
playing  guitar  barefooted  in  a  hammock,  sun  kissed  skin  and  a  half-kept  beard,  knowing  all  the  vegan  options  at  the  city’s  boujiest  restaurants,  a  crooked  grin  saved  for  whoever  he  can  tell  needs  it  most,  overthinking  his  next  move  even  if  it  seems  completely  organic,  a  boyish  laugh  at  the  most  asinine  pranks,  c-’s littering  his  transcript ( except  the  a  earned  in  environmental  science,  his  elective  of  choice ),  calling  instead  of  texting  because  texting  “ loses  the  humanity, ”  casual  nights  spent  oversized  hoodies,  yellow  checkered  vans,  shorts  with  a  60-day  chip  in  the  left  pocket,  yelling  out  species  of  trees  passing  by  over  thumping  bass  beats  on  a  road  trip,  sweat  on  designer-clothed  skin  like  glitter,  doing  head  counts  of  “the  squad”  over  and  over  in  the  rear  view  mirror  on  the  way  home  from  a  rager,  random  stupid  tattoos  done “ for  the  memory, ”  intricate  handshakes  performed  with  ease.  acting  like  you  don’t  care,  but  you  do— god  you  do,  sometimes  so  much  it  consumes  you  whole.
inspired  by  :
jim  halpert from  the  office,  jackson  maine  from  a  star  is  born,  jim  hawkins  from  treasure  planet,  jackson  avery  and  owen  hunt from  grey’s  anatomy.
history :
born  to  a  major  chicago  councilman   father  and  a  ceo  mother,  the  middle  of  three  boys,  silas  found  himself  drawn  outside  until  the  sun  came  down,  connecting  to  whatever  the  earth  was  able  to  give  him  in  the  inhospitable  chicago  weather .  he’d  wander  aimlessly  for  hours,  guiding  his  twin  and  their  older  brother  through  the  trails  he  made  himself .  his  home  wherever  he  could  make  it  —  the  branches  of  creaking  trees at  the  park ,  the  caverns  of  frosted  caves ,  he  learned  to  be  content  with  the  little  things ,  humble  and  rooted  firmly  in  his  beliefs  of  morality  and  logic .  
it  was  never  exactly  fun  to  play  the  role  of  the  son  in  the  limelight,  eyes  on  his  family  whenever  his  parents  where  on  a  particularly  tricky  trip .  his  eldest  brother,  julien,  was  a  parent’s  dream  and  easily  took  up  a  political  career  without  any  complications .  balancing  in  the  shadow  of  his  eldest  brother  and  the  push  of  his  twin ,  silas  kept  his  own  hopes  and  dreams  on  the  back  burner ,  prioritizing  a  family  name  before  his  own  desires ( and  thus ,  the  apparition  begins. )
he  knows  the  eyes  are  on  him  to  carry  on  the  family  legacy ,  and  does  the  bare  minimum  possible  to  keep  his  uptight  parents  off  his  back .  he  went  to  the  private  schools ,  played  the  big  name  sports ,  mingled  with  the  a-listers .  he  fills  the  role  to  please  his  family  and  keep  the  peace ,  but  once  the  light  comes  off  him ,  he  pushes  off  against  the  prim  and  proper  upbringing  and  finds  his  own  stride .  though  he  takes  the  classes  and  attends  the  conferences  to  make  his  father  think  he’s  prime  for  having  his  name  in  the  news ,  silas  could  not  be  bothered  to  carry  the  illusion  on  into  the  rest  of  his  life .  nights  are  spent  at  raves ,  hiking  canyons  off  the  grid ,  indulging  himself .
yet  all  this  time  spent  trying  to  fit  into  a  future  he  never  asked  for  folded  over  on  him ,  as  one  would  readily  expect .  the  beginning  of  his  freshman  year ,  it  was  exposed  that  his  father  had  carried  on  with  an  affair  nearly  two  decades  ago  and  kept  it  secret  until  now ,  resulting  in  a  half-sister  close  to  his  age  and  an  onslaught  of  media  attention  on  his  once-pristine  family . now  ,  his  father  remaining  in  chicago  and  his  mother  moving  to  new  york  to  helm  her  medical  cosmetics  business  with  a  renewed  vigor  ,  silas  chooses  to  make  the  jump  to  new  york  wit  his  mom  .  to  his  chagrin  ,  she  notes  a  political  run  in  her  future  that  puts  silas  on  edge  ,  forcing  him  to  really  come  to  terms  with  living  the  life  his  family  will  forever  ask  of  him  .
never  one  to  particularly  enjoy  attention,  the  added  pressure  of  trying  to  repair  his  family’s  reputation ( and  keep  mum  on  the  bitter  divide  caused  within  his  family ) drove  him  to  a  point  where  anything  he  could  use  to  escape  would  become  a  viable  option .  smiling  for  cameras  and  keeping  up  appearances  in  public  led  to  binge  drinking  and  benders  galore  in  private ,  ultimately  ending  with  his  twin  brother  hauling  him  to  the  emergency  room  after  a  particularly  brutal  night .  a  stint  in  rehab  this  last  summer  ( explained  as  “ humanitarian  work  in  the  middle  east ”  ) led  to  silas’  newfound  perspective  on  life—  struggling  every  day  to  keep  in  mind  who  he  is,  and  who  he  feels  he  has  to  be  for  the  world .
personality :
silas’  upbringing  has  been  rocky  to  say  the  LEAST,  and  despite  half  the  shit  he’s  gone  through  he’s  managed  to  keep  a  pretty  solid  head  on  his  shoulders  ?
i’ve  been  playing  emo  broody  boys  so  often  i  wanted  to  switch  it  up  and  lowkey ? silas  is  a  breath  of  fresh  air  okay .  he’s  your  quintessential  frat  bro  but  with ~layers~ and  none  of  the  tragic  manic  pixie  dream  boy .  he  comes  across  as  a  reserved  and  non-talkative  kind  of  guy,  stoic  at  first  meeting,  but  with  time  and  comfort  people  find  he’s  really  just  a  cool  laid-back  dude .  he’s  the  dad  friend  of  the  group  and  spends  as  much  time  caring  for  others  as  he  can  possibly  allow  between  his  totally  booked  schedule  of  pretending  to  be  a  preppy  boy  and  literally  not  giving  a  shit  about  most  things.
he  loves  nature  and  hiking  and  being  outside  just  as  much  as  he  loves  a  good  party ,  which  is  where  festivals  and  the  rave  scene  come  into  play .  he  loves  sharing  good  energy  with  the  people  around  him  and  tries  to  keep  the  peace  within  his  circles.  silas  has  a  genuinely  kind  and  benevolent  heart ,  one  he  doesn’t  expose  readily  but  also  doesn’t  ignore .  he  uses  humor  and  quiet  observations  of  others  to  keep  himself  ahead  of  the  loop,  even  if  his  generally  bro-ish  personality  leads  people  to  believe  he’s  inattentive  or  ignorant .  he’s  responsible  and  mature  and  deeply  intelligent,  but  most  of  all,  has  common  sense  and  doesn’t  let  a  decision  be  made  without  weighing  the  pros  and  cons .
( for  the  most  part . )
silas  has  forever  been  recognized  as  inheriting  his  father’s  impulsivity ,  a  trait  he  absolutely  fears  after  seeing  the  terror  it  wreaked  on  his  family .  he  pushes  himself  to  be  smart  and  rational,  trying  to  see  the  logic in  all  things ,  and  tries  to  be  as  disciplined  as  he  can  manage .  when  other  factors  come  into  the  equation  though ,  he  struggles  to  keep  up  his  resolve  and  will  easily  lose  himself  in  the  moment .  he  has  an  addictive  and  ultimately  reckless  personality ,  which  led  to  his  addiction  and  consequential  rehabilitation .  he  tries  to  minimize  the  time  he  spends  with  people  that  may  lead  him  down  a  path  he  doesn’t  want  to  go  down ,  but  obviously  not  everything  goes  as  planned .
otherwise ,  silas  is  stubborn  but  considerate  of  others .  he’s  intelligent  and  creative but  very  poorly  motivated ,  mostly  doing  things  for  the  sake  of  his  family  and  letting  little  else  bother  him .  he’s  loyal  and  sensitive  to  the  emotions  of  others ,  but  is  the first  to  call  out  bullshit if  it  surrounds  him .  he’s  almost  painfully  mellow  and  is  notorious  for  not  having  buttons  to  press  lmao .  he  just  doesn’t  let  most  people’s  comments  get  to  him .  he  has  no  issue  in  cutting  out  the  things ( or  people )  he  has  no  interest  in  spending  his  time  on  and  can  come  across  as  a  bit  forward  in  this  regard .  he  can  be  hypocritical  and  overly  complex ,  having  conflicting  feelings  that  he  can’t  explain  or  rationalize  and  lead  to  him  snapping  or  breaking  down .  he’s  deeply  jealous  and  has  a  bad  habit  of  overthinking  and  not  letting  others  bear  his  burden  with  him .  
as  of  now,  silas  isn’t  sure  where  he  wants  to  take  his  future .  very  few  know  about  his  stint  in  rehab,  and  he  explains  his  lack  of  drugs  or  drinking  as  his  preparation  to  be  a  walk-on  for  the wrestling  team at  NYU  where  he  attends ,  as  his  mother  has  been  encouraging  him  to  pursue  in  order  to  build  a  fanbase  base  for  his  future  political  conquests .  currently,  he  does  modeling  for  a  casual  platform  and  represents  certain  brands  he’s  actually  rather  passionate  about .  he’d  LITERALLY  rather  d*e  than  go  into  politics,  and  is  eyeing  a  future  in  environmental  advocacy  or  ambassador  work ,  but  knows  this  is  not  a  future  aligned  with  the  di  grimaldi  legacy .  for  now ,  he  remains  at  a  crossroads ,  living  half  a  life  he  doesn’t  even  recognize ,  just  hoping  it’ll  manage  itself  on  its  own .
connections :
forbidden  ( 0/2 )  —  best  friend’s  gf ?  his  brother’s  ex ?  his  sister’s  best  friend ? basically  i  want  someone  who  silas  wants  but  can’t  have  because  of  another  relationship  that  could  REALLY  put  them  in  a  dangerous  spot  and  potentially  ruin  what  they  have,  but  it’s  all  hidden  glances  and  risky  snapchats  trying  to  gauge  where  the  line  is  and  where  it  can  be  crossed
exes  ( 0/? ) —  gimmie  angst,  gimmie  chill,  gimmie  people  who  mutually  broke  up  and  are  bros,  give  me  people  who  had  a  messy  split  and  it’s  still  touchy,  give  me  people  who  are  “ supposed  to  be  over ”  but  end  up  in  each  other’s  beds  at  the  end  of  every  other  night,  give  me  people  who  fucking  hate  each  other,  this  is  so  versatile  i’ll  take  anything.
“ gucci  shoes,  boy  i  invented  you ”  ( 0/1 )—  a  fake  gf  he  had  for  the  clout,  someone  who  really  helped  him  live  up  to  the  image  his  family  wanted  for  him,  basically  helped  “ make  him ” and  in  the  process,  she  fell  in  love  with  him.  did  he  feel  the  same  way ?  did  he  not  realize  it ? did  he  simply  not  reciprocate ?  either  way,  they  ended  poorly  and  now  she  resents  him  and  thinks  he’s  a  cowardly  piece  of  shit,  since  she’s  seen  the  “ real  him ”  vs  the  him  she  helped  conjure.  lots  of  tension  !
turn  up  team  ( 0/4 )  —  basically  : whos  gonna  go  rave  with  him  ?  he’s  not  gonna  roll  w  them  if  drugs  are  involved  but  he’ll  enjoy  his  adrenaline  high  with  pleasure.  these  are  people  who  aren’t  close  enough  to  him  to  pressure  him  into  doing  drugs  again,  so  he  feels  okay  with  going  out  with  them  since  there’s  little  to  no  risk  he’ll  relapse
squad  (  0/3-4  )  —  i’m  thinking  a  small  group  of  people  who  he’s  just  always  likely  to  be  found  with,  these  are  the  people  who  matter  most  to  him  and  u  can  hella  catch  him  fathering  them  almost  to  an  ANNOYING  extent.  they  get  to  see  the  best ( and  sometimes  the  worst )  of  him,  but  he’d  do  anything  for  his  squad
devil  on  his  shoulder  ( 0/2 )  — this  can  be  as  intentionally  or  unintentionally  toxic  as  u  want,  but  i’m  basically  envisioning  two  people  who  really  tempt  silas  to  risk  it  all.  maybe  they  want  him  to  dive  back  into  the  hedonistic  side  he  has ( he  was  wild  and  lots  of  people  lowkey  hyped  him  up  for  it ) and  it’s  gritty  and  sexy  and  dark.  maybe  this  person  doesn’t  even  realize  they’re  a  trigger  for  him  and  unintentionally  send  him  close  to  the  edge.
sponsors / confidants  ( 0/2 )  —  i’m  envisioning  a  team  of  3  who  have  been  THROUGH  it  with  the  substance  abuse,  maybe  they  stage “ improvised  meetings ” whenever  they  need  to,  maybe  these  are  just  two  people  who  want  to  make  sure  silas  stays  clean  because  they  know  how  badly  he  needs  it  and  how  dangerous  it  would  be  for  him  to  relapse
vlog  squad  ( ? )  —  my  idea  is  that  silas  and  his  twin  brother  are  youtubers,  and  silas  is  a  BIG  paranormal  shit  guy.  it’s  like  the  perfect  intersection  of  talking  about  nature  and  exploration  without  making  him  seem  like  a  hippie  tree-hugger  and  raise  any  objections  from  his  parents,  so  maybe  he  has  like  a  little  group  similar  to  the  vlog  squad  where  they  share  a  channel  and  they  have  a  small  following?
i’m  putting  in  a  wc  for  his twin  brother  and  his  half-sister so  peep  THOSE
sibling-like  friendship,  booty  calls,  hookups,  people  he’s  in  a  club  on  campus  with,  childhood  friends,  maybe  a  penpal  he  had  after  moving  around  from  place  to  place ?
please  literally  give  me  anything  that  makes  me  smile  or  suffer ?  and  all  in  between .  muah  lov  u  all  can’t  wait  to  rp  !
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kim-seungmine · 5 years
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title: likewise (part of i am you small project) characters: reader x kim seungmin of stray kids genres: fluff with sprinkles of angst, aspiring actor!seungmin, college au word count: 3301 words warnings: language synopsis: you hate your job as a part-time librarian, until you meet a certain puppy-like boy with smoldering eyes--which is a weird combination, but you like him anyways a/n: watch Day6’s Shoot Me MV for references. Also, I suck at giving titles I’m sorry!
You believed that fate affected 40% of your life. No more, no less. The other 60% would be decisions, but sadly you had a knack for making yourself suffer. Your decisions ranged from bad decisions to don’t-even-talk-about-it decisions: taking morning classes so you had time for part-time work (bad decision), choosing the wrong apartment building to live in (very bad decision), and working as a part-time librarian (don’t-even-talk-about-it decision) in your campus.
Choosing the wrong apartment should have been the worst decision you had ever made, but now anything would be better than stacking thick, dusty books back to the top of the shelf. First of all, you weren’t on the tall side. Secondly, the old stool you were using was about to collapse. Thirdly, you had accidentally dropped three books and the three people studying on the table across you kept giving you death glares.
“We still need one more point, guys. What should it be?” A guy with a sharp jawline and raspy voice asked. You hopped off your stool, deciding to arrange the books in the bottom shelf first until these guys went home. The Sharp Jawline (very gorgeous, if you might add), stopped to look at his friends, waiting for their feedback.
One of his friends, the one who reminded you of a puppy, rolled his eyes. “It’s very simple, Changbin. The topic is whether money is everything, and our stance is no. Why do people do all the ‘useless’ shit like drawing, dancing—”
“What the fuck!”
“Fuck, sorry Felix. Didn’t mean to make it sound that way.”
The guy named Felix was furious now. His hands were curled into fists and if he had laser eyes, he would’ve made a huge hole on Puppy Guy’s face. This is interesting, you noted. You never liked eavesdropping, it was plain creepy and rude, but this was clearly more fun than your job.
“So you were saying?” Sharp Jawline interjected. Felix was no longer furious, he just looked hurt. Puppy Guy let out an (almost) apologetic sigh before rephrasing his statement, “Some of us choose to do things that we love instead of other things that have more definite future. There are a lot of living proofs of that, so I think that will be a strong point.”
A smile slowly crept onto Felix’s face. He nodded excitedly, jotting it down on his notebook. “Can I take this one? I’m sure I’ll nail it. I’m the living proof, after all.”
“Felix, you’re a Finance major.”
“Hey I’m transferring next semester!”
“Alright, but don’t use yourself as an example. Don’t choose celebrities either,” Puppy Guy said. “Changbin can take the second point and I’ll take the first one. Now we just need—”
He didn’t get to finish what he wanted to say since you dropped the fourth book for the night. All three of them gave you another death glare, but this time Puppy Guy got up from his seat and walked towards you.
“Do you need help?” he asked. In a normal situation, you would count this as a meet-cute, but Puppy Guy’s glare turned out to be scarier than Felix’s. You didn’t know how he still managed to look so adorable—so puppy like—although he was basically trying to stop himself from murdering you.
“Sorry,” you muttered. “I just started working here and I’m still not used to holding big books… it’s okay. I’ll just go to the other sections first.”
Puppy Guy stole a glance at his friends before looking at the book you were holding, Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables. “Does anyone even read that book anymore,” he said; his tone told you that it wasn’t exactly a question. “Why bother taking it out when you have zero intention to read it.”
He took the book from you, darting his eyes to the other books scattered on the floor. “I’ll help you,” he sighed. You nodded, sliding the stool towards him. Puppy Guy stepped onto the wobbly stool, extending his hand out to you.
“Seungmin-ah, what are you doing?” Sharp Jawline whispered-yelled, a playful smile plastered on his face. Felix (you would’ve nicknamed him Cute Bunny Teeth if they didn’t reveal his name sooner) propped his face on his palm, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
Puppy Guy—Seungmin!—ignored his friends, fully concentrating on putting the books back to the top shelf. You couldn’t help but stare at him; he really looked like an adorable puppy, but his eyes looked fiery, like he was angry at the world. “Wow this is the worst job ever,” he grumbled, losing his balance as he put down the last book.
“Please ask them to give you a new stool. This is dangerous,” he said, dusting off his denim jacket (which looked amazing on him).
“I read Les Miserables,” you blurted out as he was about to walk away.
Seungmin raised his eyebrows, thinking for a few seconds before finally nodding his head. “Yeah, I did too,” he answered, and then something magical happened.
He smiled.
The rest of the week passed just like that. It was nearly midterm period, so you were drowning in assignments and part-time jobs. You never met Seungmin, Changbin, and Felix in the library again, although you were sure you saw Felix dancing at the university festival two days ago. There were a lot of attractive boys in the library (surprisingly), but none of them caught your attention like Seungmin and his soft smile.
You closed your laptop as your professor left the classroom. “Y/N, you’re still helping me to film Day6’s new music video today right?” Bang Chan, your senior who possessed the deepest dimples ever, tapped your desk.
You completely forgot about it. Both of you were in the same Advanced Cinematography class, and your professor recommended him to one of the most popular video production companies in Korea. He was asked to choose one more person, so he chose you.
This project would boost your resume although you probably wouldn’t do much. “Oh yeah, of course! How could I forget?” You faked a smile, packing up your things in a rush. Chan glanced at his watch, his face turned pale in an instant.
“Oh shoot, we have to leave now, Y/N. I promised the director that we’d arrive earlier. Is that okay?” he asked, helping you to put your laptop into your bag. “Do you know that the male lead also studies here? He’s from the International Studies department.”
You only nodded nonchalantly as Chan dialled a number. “Yo Seungmin! Where are you?”
Seungmin? How many Seungmins were there in your campus? Was it your Seungmin?
Chan quickened his pace, waving his hand at a brown-haired guy when as you two were nearing the front entrance. You tried not to scream when you realized that it really was your Seungmin standing there, waving back to Chan.
“Y/N, this is our actor, Kim Seungmin.”
When your eyes met his, you felt somehow… relieved. He was looking at you with those smoldering eyes of his, and you were supposed to feel intimidated, but you weren’t. If anything, you felt almost giddy. “Hi, I’m Y/N. Thanks for helping me the other day.”
Seungmin shrugged. “I only did it because you were noisy as hell,” he said. Chan clapped in excitement, squeezing himself between both of you to wrap his arms around your shoulders. “Wait, you guys already know each other? That’s great!” He turned to you, “You should’ve seen Seungmin auditioned! He was born to act.”
Seungmin punched Chan’s shoulder, avoiding your gaze. “I just got lucky,” he mumbled.
“Have you been acting for a long time?” you asked, your heart did a flip when Seungmin chuckled. You wondered how he could possibly act, seeing that he didn’t even smile often. But small moments like this convinced you that Seungmin had another side you didn’t know about.
“This will be my first.”
You would be seeing Seungmin act for the first time. Somehow, you liked the sound of that.
You were examining the storyboard with Chan operating the camera beside you. The director was looking at the screen, nodding as Seungmin pointed his fingers at the camera and started shooting imaginary bullets. You heard the staff behind you gasped in awe, so you decided to steal a glance at the screen.
And you were transfixed.
Seungmin was sitting there, opposite the female lead, staring into the camera with teary eyes and a sorrowful gaze that you would never forget because how could someone look as angry and vulnerable like that? When the corner of his lips curled into a sad smile, you checked your storyboard, and saw nothing like that in it.
Seungmin was in his element, and he was beautiful.
Chan turned to the director, who said nothing as Seungmin continued staring into the camera. “And cut!” he shouted at last. “Good job, Seungmin. That improvisation was amazing.”
The whole room clapped, bowing to each other as the director announced that the shoot was done. Seungmin blinked, letting his tears roll down his cheeks before harshly wiping his eyes with his hand. You waited until he finished greeting everyone before running to him.
“You did very well! Everyone was so mesmerized, to say the least.” You patted his shoulder lightly, feeling a bit self-conscious when he didn’t reply. “Thank you,” Seungmin finally said, walking past you to high five an excited Chan.
“Damn it! You just outdid yourself, bro!” Chan exclaimed. The two boys continued chatting as you panicked for the second time that day. “Chan! I gotta leave now, my shift at the library starts soon!” you informed, already sprinting to the door when Seungmin said something you couldn’t make out.
You were ready to come up with twenty cliché excuses about why you were late, but the first thing the head librarian told you when you arrived at the library was that you got a new stool. “There are some new books at the back, make sure to put all of them to the shelves,” she said. You nodded, internally sighing as you realized that it wasn’t just “some” new books, but “a lot” of new books.
Deciding to start with fiction books first, you pushed the book cart to the fiction section. This was the exact aisle where you met Seungmin, and you couldn’t help but admit that you had a crush on him. You had fallen in love quite a lot; there were enough boys for you to make your own version of “To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before”. The difference was, none of them turned out to be Peter Kavinsky.
“You got a new stool. Nice”
You grinned the moment you noticed that voice. Seungmin leaned on the shelf, taking a book from the cart. He flipped through the pages, his brows furrowed as his eyes caught some interesting words. “I’m borrowing this one,” he declared, slipping it into his bag. “I wanted to ask you to return the book I borrowed, but you bolted out the studio so fast.”
“I’m not your maid,” you pouted. Seungmin lowered his head to examine your face. “Why are you pouting like that?”
Great. Please continue being so obvious, Y/N.
“Nothing,” you mumbled. “So you’re an International Studies major? Do you want to be a diplomat or something?”
Seungmin let out a heavy sigh that made you worried. A glint of anger returned to his eyes. “Not really. I just want to leave,” he answered, his stern gaze erased whatever reassuring words you wanted to say.
“Why do you want to leave?”
“It’s easier to deal with strangers than those you know well.”
“Like who?”
He paused, keeping his gaze on the floor as you continued putting books on the shelf. He stopped you when you were about to start arranging the top shelf. “Parents?” he sheepishly said while stepping on the new stool.
“Well, mine got divorced,” you commented, trying to sound as nonchalant as you could.
“Lucky you.”
Seungmin sneezed, and you quickly put your hand on his back so he wouldn’t fall down. “How is that lucky?” you asked when he turned his head to look at you. Seungmin left your question hanging in the air for a while, arranging the books quietly per your instruction.
“It’s better for them to separate than staying under one roof but constantly trying to destroy each other,” he continued, hopping off the stool to sit on the floor beside you.
“At first I thought it would be better this way. But all the words they say to each other, to me—they burn.”
You nodded, now knowing why Seungmin was the way he was. “Wanna know something funny?” you offered as an attempt to lighten up the mood. However, before you said anything further, the boy beside you started sobbing.
“Seungmin-ah,” you called out. His body only shook harder as he cried his heart out. You rubbed his back in a calming rhythm, shutting down curious, judgmental whispers from other students with a single look. Seungmin looked up at last, his swollen eyes meeting your concerned ones. “You have pretty eyes,” he complimented.
You cleared your throat, not breaking eye contact even though you felt like dying out of happiness. “Likewise,” you replied, causing him to let out an airy laugh. “It’s true. Although you look like a sad puppy now.”
“I guess I am,” he admitted. “Is it okay if I cry again? I haven’t done that in ages.”
You smiled at him, wiping the tears along his jawline instinctively. Seungmin took it as a yes, burying his head in his knees as he started sobbing again.
So you stayed, watching his wall crumble. Listening to the words that broke his heart. Feeling yourself fall even harder for this beautiful, broken boy.
Day6’s new music video for Shoot Me had been released, and Kim Seungmin was now the hottest guy at campus. You had watched it for at least a thousand times, yet you still teared up everytime you did. After breaking down in front of you two weeks ago, Seungmin hadn’t contacted you at all. You didn’t expect him to, especially since you two weren’t even friends to begin with.
But still, you were disappointed.
“I think that’s them.”
You were on your way to the cafeteria, and you felt that someone was following you. “Really? I couldn’t really see them when we were in the library.”
“Can I help you?”
Changbin and Felix stopped on their tracks when you turned around. “H-hi,” Changbin stuttered as Felix flashed you his brightest smile. “We didn’t mean to stalk you, I swear!”
“It’s just—”
Felix rubbed his nape, trying to think of a good reason, but in the end he just slapped Changbin’s biceps. “This is your fault!” he yelled. “We’re just curious.”
“About why I asked Chan for your number.”
Seungmin was standing behind you, mouthing a string of curse words to Changbin and Felix who were just grinning at him. “How dare you guys call yourselves my friends!” he protested.
“You didn’t even tell us about you getting into acting!” Changbin countered.
“We found out from YouTube!” Felix added. “You called dancing a useless shit but look at you, actor Kim. How dare you!”
Seungmin raised his hand in defeat as you scooted away. This is how secondhand embarrassment really feels!
“Since you’re here, I don’t need to text you anymore,” he said to you. “Let’s ditch these dumbasses and get some coffee? Or whatever you want, it doesn’t matter.”
You nodded, trying to suppress your giggle as Changbin and Felix yelled, “KIM SEUNGMIN, FIGHTING!!!!”
Your eyes snapped open when you heard your bell ring. You groaned, kicking your blanket away before making your way to the door.
“Seungmin,” you yawned, eyes widening as you realized that your boyfriend was standing at your door at 2A.M, and you looked like absolute shit. He smiled, the same soft smile you saw when you two first met. Seungmin lifted a camera you didn’t know he was holding, snapping a few photos of you with your bed hair.
“What are you doing?” you whined, snatching his camera from him. He laughed before entering your flat. “Your neighbors aren’t being noisy anymore?”
“Ah yes, I forgot to tell you. They moved out last week. Now I can sleep peacefully.” You paused, glaring at Seungmin who was making himself comfortable on your couch. “Or so I thought.”
He pulled you down so you were sitting on his lap. “I want to see you,” he said, circling his arm around your waist. You sighed as you felt yourself blushing. “How could you say something so romantic with a straight face like that?” you protested.
“It’s a fact. How is that romantic?”
You cupped his face, caressing the apple of his cheeks while staring into his eyes. “What?” he asked.
“I want to see you,” you said, mimicking his straight face. Now it was Seungmin’s turn to blush, and you giggled. “See? That’s how I feel everytime you say things like that!”
Seungmin pointed at himself. “Things like that?”
You rested your hands on his shoulders, recalling all the times Seungmin caught you off guard with his sweet gestures. “You called me ten times just to make sure I could sleep after watching Lights Out. You always drop by whenever I say I feel lonely. You bought me a tablet for my birthday present although you wanted a new camera… and this. Randomly appearing at 2A.M because you want to see me.”
Seungmin reached for your hands, intertwining your fingers together. “I do all of those things not because I’m trying to be romantic, but because I love you.”
You groaned in frustration, he had once again succeeded in making you feel giddy without meaning to. “I know,” you mumbled. “I don’t deserve you.”
He shook his head, pressing soft kisses on your fingertips. “You didn’t judge me for crying in front of you last year. You’re never mad at me although I’ve failed so many auditions. And you’re willing to see me no matter how late it is.”
“But you snagged a main role this time,” you argued. “And it’s for a webdrama!”
You suddenly remembered the time you wanted to tell him something when you two were in the library. “Wanna know something funny?”
Seungmin’s eyes lit up; they were a lot brighter now, especially after he told his parents how he really felt. The day after you two started dating, Felix almost cried when he saw his stoic best friend walked into the class with a lopsided grin on his face.
“I believe fate only affects 40% of my life. The rest are decisions. The thing is, I’ve made gazillions of bad decisions that I can’t trust myself.” You paused, glancing down to see Seungmin waiting for you to continue. “Working at the library was my don’t-even-talk-about-it decision, you know. But then I met you.”
“You��re the one being romantic now,” your boyfriend pointed out.
You ignored him, dramatically announcing, “I made one great decision.”
He snickered, pulling you closer so that he could rest his forehead against yours. “Let me guess, that’s me?”
You rewarded him with a peck on his nose. “Likewise,” he said, closing the distance between you, kissing you slowly and long. You curled your hands around his neck, smiling as he nibbled your bottom lip. You stopped him. “I love you, Kim Seungmin,” you whispered against his lips.
He didn’t respond, only pressing his lips on yours harder. Seungmin pulled away after a while, leaving your lips swollen and your cheeks flushed. “Hmmm,” he hummed, tracing the outline of your lips. “Tell me something I don’t know, baby.”
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ghostmartyr · 5 years
Pokémon Black 2 Randomized Nuzlocke Run [Part 9]
All eight badges earned, so what does that leave?
Team for the task?
Vertex (Luxray)
Caspet (Gengar)
Stormy (Metagross)
Photon (Rayquaza)
Nessy (Milotic)
Diego (Gardevoir)
...Those who did not participate in the last Gym, raise hands or whatever you have in place of hands for grinding.
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Colress, I swear, if you pull a Euicine and make me fight you for the honor of not fighting the Terrakion...
He does not. He gives us a toy and basically says to check out the cave that I need Strength to go through more thoroughly. The Giant Chasm pirates are still blocking my way, so.
Box crew! What have you got for me!
I will take out Bessy, the level 33 Miltank, and teach her Strength.
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Bessy is Modest and somewhat vain, but that doesn’t matter because she’s just here for HMs. She’s temporarily taking Vertex’s place, since Vertex isn’t in need of more experience.
Ah. Actually, Strength just lets you get Toxic. Which is fine, but sorry Vertex, guess I threw you out of the squad for nothing.
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Hey we found the boat!
Marlon lets us aboard. Thought: I should go put Bessy back in the box and grab Vertex in case something goes wrong. Except that would take time.
...I am going to go put Bessy back in the box and grab Vertex.
After shifting a boulder on Route 22. And grinding for a bit.
Okay. A few hours later, I am more comfortable entering the pirate ship. Team levels are now 56-60. That is absolutely a balanced assessment of my current team. It is in no way misleading.
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...This is the greatest grunt ever. He calls Marlon Smiley Swimsuit. Yes. You have perfectly boiled down his character essentials.
Oh wait, he has a Watchdog.
Sorry pirate friend. We can’t be friends.
Russell, my actual friend, is trying to go on his roaring rampage of revenge. Only as a responsible big brother, not a Sasuke.
I used to have a Sasuke. No more.
...I should have named Russell Itachi. If there’s ever a next time...
I continue to find it delightful that after N leaves, Team Plasma ditches their knight theme for a pirate one. I don’t even know why, I just love it. I love knight aesthetic, I love pirate aesthetic. My castle was right next to my pirate ship for most of my childhood, and it rocked.
Though my pirates wouldn’t steal people’s pets. A key difference. Pirate in name only. Well. And clothing. Pirate is just a more fun word than sailor, and pirates have looser fashion.
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Mook time over?
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Technically this one isn’t stealing.
Just animal abuse.
The villain of this game is just a salty old man who spent so much time in a refrigerator he decided the rest of the world should spend time in a refrigerator, too. Then he found out his region has a legendary Dragon/Ice type, and the rest is history.
Only history I have to repeat.
Because the villain of a Pokemon game decided his winning strategy would be shooting bolts of ice down at the world below.
Video games are the greatest.
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...Wait. How did me and Russell get down here? Did Team Plasma just throw us off?
Also, yes Cheren. They use everything for evil. They’re the bad guys.
And then Cheren asks where the people Zekrom and Reshiram recognized are and. I wonder if he misses his friend. his best friend, [last game protagonist]. How much does it suck that he spent a full game with [person], and now they’ll never see each other again because [person] is bound to a different dimension. A world Cheren can’t touch.
Canon has, what. Red who comes back? Every other protagonist kind of just. vanishes as far as future references to that world are concerned. And Red spends quite some time up on a mountain. Alone.
These games are all about people who swoop in and birth legends, then vanish.
I made myself sad.
Anyway, to the Giant Chasm!
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Totally bro.
Aw crud. Do I need Strength? I think I might need Strength. Can I mayhaps avoid that?
Oh. I could just go down the giant stairs.
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Wow. Talk about your parties.
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I hate password games. At least the ship supplies a doctor early on. I wasn’t to the point of active concern, but I was feeling a bit itchy about using up healing items. I haven’t grown out of my usual standard in these games where I just let everything in my party die to avoid spending money.
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Agreed, let’s roll you.
This guy just keeps throwing Cryogonal at me.
You know, I don’t have a lot to complain about regarding these games and their choices. I whine about everything, but all in all, I find all of them very solid and enjoyable. Even if gen 4 has too many HM requirements wtf just stop.
This isn’t really a complaint, but it is a confusion. Zinzolin is fought multiple times in a relatively small window, and his team never changes. We just keep beating him. I get the sense that they wanted a villain, but as a sequel game to a gen that went all out on that, they didn’t really have anything they were willing to turn into a threat.
Really, I feel like a better path to pick would have been giving one of the Plasma grunts a different hat and having them be the captain of a very confused and angry crew. But eh, whatever.
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....Oh. You.
Why is the most anime hair dude in the game so gosh darn forgettable?
For the sake of my flawed memory, he wants to bring out the full potential of pokemon, and is willing to us whatever means are necessary. The only question is which approach actually yields results.
I like you, Colress. I am never going to remember you, but I like you.
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Good grief his theme sounds like it came out of Phantasy Star.
First up is a level 50 Magneton. Caspet’s an okay choice, so I’ll just Shadow Ball it. Magneton Thunder Waves Caspet, then uses Volt Switch to swap in Beheeyem (also level 50), who takes a Shadow Ball and dies instantly.
Sorry, ‘faints.’
A level 50 Metang is switched in next. Out of twitchiness over Caspet’s paralyzed state, I put Nessy in and go with Surf. Metang uses Agility from the red. Colress uses a Full Restore. Metang hits a Zen Headbutt, but Nessy has the last laugh.
Ugh. Colress is going to send in a Magnezone. Stormy’s the best answer to that, I think. Stormy knows Hammer Arm. It hits, but like everything I hate, Magnezone has Sturdy. A Bullet Punch handles that.
A level 52 Klinklang is next. His only thing over 50. Stormy is paralyzed thanks to Magnezone, but a Hammer Arm that hits should end it, and I don’t think Klinklang knows anything that’s a threat.
Even if Stormy feels like being paralyzed.
Only once, though. Hammer Arm + Bullet Punch does the job, and we only have that pesky Magneton left.
Hammer Arm and we are done.
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Please don’t make me fight another one of these clowns. I don’t wanna.
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Aw heck, Russell’s having his moment with Purrloin drama. And I guess I’m not fighting robe dude. It’s all ninja for now. With my four pokemon who aren’t paralyzed. Maybe I should have fixed that.
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For real though, our rival’s plotline here is pretty dang sad. He wants his little sister’s pokemon back, and by the time he finds it, it isn’t hers anymore. It’s had an entirely different life without them, probably committing crime. Because it’s been told to.
This is why you get the pirate Plasmas and the knight Plasmas. It’s fantastic that you, the protagonist, has a crew of pokemon perfectly happy fighting and doing whatever you want. But living things being forced to do whatever you want them to because you happened to throw a ball at them is pretty screwed up.
There’s not really a satisfactory conclusion to all of this, since critique of a game mechanic that is never going to stop being a game mechanic doesn’t get to start dramatic revolutions regarding that mechanic, but it’s all very sad and sobering.
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That pretty ice tho.
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No, but thank you N. I was not ready to die at the hands of Kyurem. Your assistance is much appreciated, and pretty great in your sequel. Props.
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Gee, that looks bad.
Cue dramatic anime battle sequence.
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Followed by anime transformation sequence.
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Welp. Time to kill you. Let’s just hope I can.
...Stormy. I think I might want you to tackle this. To the front you go.
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But really.
So damn cool.
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It’s dead now, but so. cool.
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There are too many fights going on. I think I wouldn’t mind in a normaly playthrough, but for a Nuzlocke, this is needlessly stressful and I am not a fan also I beat Ghetsis in the last game and it wasn’t fun then, either.
He has six pokemon, and he opens with a level 50 Cofagrigus. That is not Stormy’s friend. Nessy, if you would. Hydro Pump hits. Toxic hits from the other side, and I will deal with that in a moment, after the Cofagrigus is gone.
Ghetsis, naturally, uses a Full Restore.
Nessy handles it in the end, but is down to 73 health. Eelektross is coming out next. Time to switch. To... uh. I’ll give Photon a whirl. Feeling lucky, I use Outrage, and Eelektross faints.
Ah. Hydreigon is out next.
That is a nasty type combo for my team to deal with. I think. Geez, mark this where I have all the regrets, but Photon’s staying in to murder the Hydreigon with Outrage. Ganbatte.
Seismitoad is next. Diego, time for you and your Magical Leaf to shine. Shine they do, and we’re on to Drapion, which I will leave to Photon. Two Air Slashes make their mark, and all that’s left is Toxicroak, so in you stay Photon.
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But where is that certain Trainer, N????
Anyway, with that, it looks like the plot portion of this Nuzlocke is over. All that’s left is heading up to challenge the Elite Four.
I think a battle like that can have its own part.
7 notes · View notes
moczothe1st · 6 years
Let’s Play Fire Emblem IV: Genealogy of the Holy War, Part 26: The Julius Formerly Known as Prince
Part 25
Welcome back to Fire Emblem IV! Last week we had started our invasion of Grannvale, coming up to it through the southern Miletos district, and in so doing got to smack the crap out of Tinni’s crazy aunt, who unfortunately managed to get away.  These things happen.  This week, we have to start off by opening the gates that will allow us to proceed north to Miletos itself.  
I’m just gonna say, if you guys wanna stop now, I’m down for that. How about we just move in to Hilda’s old torture castle and set up there? Do we really need to beat the Empire?
Ah, well.
Well, to start, we need to take Rados castle, which is thankfully unoccupied after we killed all its inhabitants last week. It’s cool, they were gross people.  Though first, I have Ced grab the village right north of it…
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Behind the Times: Not so long ago, from what I hear, Emperor Arvis himself forbade ‘em. What the devil could’ve changed his mind? Please, I’m begging you, you’ve gotta save our children! Here, this magic ring oughta help you out.
Niiiiiiiiiiice. This pushes Ced’s magic above the 30-point cap, leaving him even more of a killing machine that he already is.  Dude doesn’t even have a holy weapon, he’s just raw badass. Cairpre also continues his path to minor godhood.  
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This kid was level one on the last map, and he’s going to be promoted and breaking skulls right along with the rest of the kids next map. I’m so proud of him.  
Seliph, take the castle and set the story going, my man!
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(Yeah, but he had to be a man named Morrigan, so who really suffered the most?)
Seliph: How could they… how could anyone be so savage…?
Lewyn: And that’s why we’ve got to fight this war to the end, Seliph. This is something you’ve got to understand.
Lewyn: This is the way of the Loptyr Empire. There’s no place at all for the good-hearted… Now, it shouldn’t be too long before the gate to Miletos opens for us.  
(…. Why…?)
Lewyn: What’s your next move, Seliph?
Seliph: Needless to say, we must march on Miletos. We can’t afford to rest while those children are still at risk. Or Julia, for that matter.
Lewyn: Good. And after that, Grannvale awaits!
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(Oh, and also Arvis. Man, you have not aged well, buddy. I’d feel bad for you, but you know… the rape and murder and stuff.)
Arvis: Listen, Ishtar. Release the captive children.  I know you care no more for these foul deeds than I do.
Ishtar: My apologies, sir, but I’m on Prince Julius’s-
Arvis: Pay Julius no mind. I’ll be having a word with him soon.
(Funny story, bro, he said the same thing about you last week, and I’m a bit more scared of him at this point.)
Ishtar: But…
Arvis: This is an order from your emperor, Ishtar! Has Julius bent you such that you will no longer listen to the word of your liege?!
Ishtar: N-no. Never, your majesty…
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(Speak of the [Literal?] Devil.)
Arvis: Julius! How dare you-
Julius: Why, Father, it almost sounds as if you still don’t know any better! Old age must be dulling that once-brilliant mind of yours. Why not retire before it grows still feebler? Unless… ohohohoho! Don’t tell me you still seriously believe that you can banish me?
Arvis:  … No. I know better than to try something so futile again. I… have no further objection.
Julius: That’s better. Now, then. Begone! Return to your post and haunt my sight no more. Defending Chalphy is crucial, so don’t fail me for once in your sorry life, Father.  
(Daaaaaaaaaaaamn, son, you just got burned.  Or should that be Julienned?)
Arvis: Y-yes, Julius. At once…
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(God, it’s like every creeper left in the game is all gathering in this one castle to see who can be most sleazy. If Hilda shows up, I’m going to need to stop to take a shower.)
Manfroy: Never would you think this wretch, now clinging only to the ghost of a crown, was once the most powerful man in Jugdral.  
Julius: Ah, Manfroy. Where’s Julia? Have you restored her memory yet?
Manfroy: Your dear little sister is in Chalphy, burdened once more by her old memories. Never have I seen such horror as when she recalled how you, her own brother, almost killed her! Or how her dearly departed mother spirited her clear of the castle and your clutches…
Julius: Indeed… near everyone puts up some defiance to death by my hand, yet Deirdre never so much as flinched in the end. She accepted her own demise, all to save Julia with what little strength she still had.  But Julia possesses the foul powers of that ghoul, Naga, just as Deirdre once did. Nothing is more crucial than killing her now, Manfroy, lest we lose the chance.
(………. Then… why did you need to restore her memories…?)
Manfroy: You overestimate her threat, milord. After all, the Book of Naga remains under the strictest lock and key in Belhalla. Without it, Naga’s soul could never come to dwell within that girl…
Julius: How many times must I explain, Manfroy?! Every last one of the avatars of Naga, the heirs of Heim, must be purged!
Manfroy: Understood, milord. I’ll have my men see to it that Julia is dead by sundown.
Julius: Do not fail me, Manfroy. Now, then, I suppose I’m needed in the capital.
Manfroy: I shall ensure that holding the Miletos territory is the Order’s highest priority. Before the week is done, Your Majesty, the corpse of Seliph shall lie before you.
Julius: Seliph? … Ah, of course. The one the peasants call ‘the scion of light’.  Just as they call me the ‘scion of darkness’.  The alleged eldest son of Deirdre and the alleged true heir to my throne. A fairy tale, told to inspire hope amongst fools.
Manfroy: He is still a threat, milord. The sooner we dispose of him, the better.                      
Julius: Surely he doesn’t truly bear the power of the Crusader Baldur. He couldn’t possibly. I don’t care about him, Manfroy, but you’re welcome to do with him as you will.  
Manfroy: Very good, milord.
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Julius: … Actually, I have a better idea. I want to play a game.  
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Julius: Rumor has it that a small army of fresh sacrifices are headed our way. Let’s see who can claim the life of a rebel first.
Ishtar: Yes, Lord Julius. I’d love to!
(Sympathetic anti-villain~)
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And then the newly arrived enemies start screwing with me, thus ruining the drama of the moment. Anyhow. The army arrayed against us is arguably the worst in the entire game thus far, given they are almost all dark mages. Dark magic still has no disadvantages to anything in the weapon triangle, and a lot of them have status effect staves to fuck our advance over hard. And of course, standing near the castle…
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At first glance, Ishtar actually looks worse than Obvious Final Boss Julius. She’s bulked up considerably since we last met her; her Magic has gone up by six points, speed by one, and resistance by a whopping twelve with the addition of a Barrier Ring to her inventory.  He, in contrast, has generally good stats at everything (and is a damn stone wall with 25 defense and 35 resistance) but he’s slower than her and his Loptyr tome is heavier than her Mjolnir.  Beyond being a stone wall, he appears to be less dangerous than her.
This is a filthy lie.
You see, Ishtar is stronger than her last fight with us, but we’ve leveled up far more than she has since then. She’s certainly still very dangerous thanks to her combo of Mjolnir and the Vantage ability meaning if you don’t kill her in one shot she’ll wreck your ass on all further battles, but that’s nothing new. It just means we’re playing the same damn game of Nuclear Rocket Tag that we were last time, and Arthur is carrying a much bigger nuke than before. Maybe he still only has like a 60% chance of pulling it off, but I honestly can’t believe I did it at all last time.  
And as for that heavy Loptyr tome? It has a little extra trick to it that you’ll quickly come to despise.  
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See that little note, ‘cuts foe’s atk’ down in the bottom left corner? See, more specifically, it cuts the attack of anyone who gets into battle with Julius by a whopping 50%. So before hitting Julius’s again, stone-wall defenses, anyone who takes a swing at him will first have their attack cut in half, at which point he will swing right back with a Holy Weapon that has no weapon triangle disadvantage to anything and is backed up by his maxed out magic stat.  And in his ability list, he has Pursuit and Accost for maximum possible double-attacking potential to go with his very high natural speed, and Wrath to cause his critical hit rate to skyrocket if you do eventually get his HP down below half.  
His 80 HP.  
So yeah, this is the game’s subtle way of telling you ‘DON’T FIGHT JULIUS’. Indeed, the easiest thing to do here would be to let him or Ishtar kill one of our soldiers and then have Cairpre revive them with the Valkyria staff, because they will both leave if one of them manages to win their ‘game.’  Which, I mean, if I get really desperate, maybe, but for the sake of my pride I’d prefer to beat one of them, causing both to retreat. And by ‘one of them,’ I mean Ishtar. And by ‘beat’ I mean, ‘Arthur, it’s time to play another round of Holy Weapon Nuclear Death Tag with your cousin, please try to survive.’  
Oh, and just for fun:
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That’s Julius’s Holy Blood screen. Just in case you didn’t have enough unhappiness in your life.
Now then. First thing we need to do is clear out at least some of the enemies in play here. There’s a whole mess of Dark Mages with some melee fighters scattered among them, and they’re operating with a variety of tools, but the worst, as poor Altena found out, are the ones with Sleep staves. Status effect staves in this game are the worst; they have perfect accuracy as long as the one using them has higher Magic than the target has Resistance. In our hands, they’re balanced by only having 2-3 charges before they break. In the enemy’s hands, they have infinite charges because Fuck You, that’s why. Sleep + Hel + Any Hit of Anything is a very bad situation.  So first step is to work out where they are:
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There, we have a basic cross-reference of where only high-resistance units should go. The dark mages have 16 Magic each, which isn’t much for the purposes of combat but for the purposes of Sleep Staves it might as well be a trillion. Maybe a quarter of our army can go into that crossfire zone without being zapped, and one of them is Cairpre, who can’t fight. On the other hand, he’s also the only person who can wake people up, so his staying awake forever is useful, in its own way.
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Back to full power! And now, we clear out the vanguard and move the team up, making sure to keep most people firmly to the east.  
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There we go. First wave down; the only people in the current batch who can lure out enemies without getting a forced nap are Ares, Fee, Ced, Tinni and Cairpre; Seliph will be able to when he actually reaches the army, but he, Nanna, and Ulster are a bit further back. He had to take the castle and they needed to do some weapon repairs.
End turn!
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Ah, yes, some of them have siege tomes too. Because, again, fuck you, that’s why.
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Cairpre, you’re just getting silly.  But in any event, we’ve now gotten a situation where the only people in the Sleep range are people who cannot be Sleeped, and they should also be drawing in some of the enemies from the west so we can clear out at least one or two of the staff wielders and give us some more movement range. There’s two to the west, and two to the north; the western ones should start moving on this turn now that we’ve cleared out the enemies closer to us. With luck, I can kill them both right away. End turn…
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Okay, not bad. With the positioning of the enemies, I thiiiiiiiiink three of the sleep staffs can be taken out this turn without much issue.  Let’s see…
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That’s one!
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And that’s two, and also all we’re going to get. But the remaining two are going to put some people to sleep, but they won’t be able to get anyone killed.  That’s worth Ares getting a shit level, I guess. What remains is to clear out the final village-burning bandit of the map…
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And killing off this sniper so he can’t kill Fee and ruin everything.
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Good times. All right, dark mages! Please don’t kill anyone. End turn.
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Lame, but tolerable. We will be able to kill one more staff guy this turn; but the second one is being… troublesome.  
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He’s one of those charming robed figures firmly in Julius’s combat range. That is not a fight I want to pick.  Instead, we’ll take this other dude with the physic staff…
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And pull back, trying to lure them out further. Cairpre wakes up Lester to let him do the same, and gets his like seventieth level.
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To the south, we need to clear a path without letting Patty get put to sleep preferably. So I have Tinni try to clear a path, which will let Ced get through to the third Sleep user.
She misses. On a 90% chance. Dammit. Seliph, please?
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That’s why we’re putting you on the throne later, buddy.  And now Ced can get through and remove one more stumbling block.
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Beautiful. Only one staff jackass left, and the only people in his range are Tinni and Seliph.  He’ll have to move, and with any luck at all he’ll do so out of Julius’s combat range where someone can take a swing at his dumb face. End turn!
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Heeeeeeeeeey buuuuuuuddy.
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Niiiiice. With that, there’s only seven enemies left total; one guy with a normal tome, three siege tomes, the boss in the castle, and the two far more dangerous bosses waiting for us to get all up in their business. This will be… tricky. But for the moment, we’re safe, so I have Seliph drop in to have a conversation with Tinni.
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(In all this mess, you may have forgotten Lewyn is her dad. He certainly hasn’t been very fatherly.)
Seliph: If you need anything from me, I’ll be waiting over there.
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(You see what I mean about her having a character arc, now? Imagine the Tinni we first recruited saying that. She was so broken down she was going to fight us just because she was too afraid not to. And look at her now, electrocuting her aunt! I’m so proud.)
Lewyn: She didn’t treat you well, did she?
(“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHA…. Oh, you’re serious…? Wow. No. No.”)
Tinni: Day after day, again and again, she would beat and abuse us. She kept on accusing Mother of being a traitor…
Lewyn: Your mother… Taillte…
Tinni: Yes… after the Battle of Belhalla, she and my brother, Arthur, fled to Silesse. I was born there soon after. I never knew my father. I think he must have died long ago…
Lewyn: I see. Then you went to Alster, right?
Tinni: King Blume and his minions came to Silesse, one night. They dragged us away to Alster… Mother never left there alive…
Lewyn: I… you’ve had such a hard life…
Tinni: Mm… Hilda hated Mother so much. I’ve never seen anything like it. Mother coped with so much, trying to protect me from Hilda. She was always in tears, right till the end…
Lewyn: She… she did…?
Tinni: Lord Lewyn? Is… is everything okay, sir?
Lewyn: … Yeah. Why do you ask?
Tinni: It’s your eyes, sir. Are those… tears?
Lewyn: I… no, it’s nothing. This is just a bit of sweat. I’m fine… I… I’m okay…
I like this conversation for a few reasons. First, it gives Tinni a ridiculous +5 magic, which is wonderful for these conversation bonuses and pushes her to her magic cap of 27. But on a story front, you’ve probably noticed that Lewyn has become kind of a douche in the years since the first generation.  This is one of the very few moments where that attitude breaks and he really shows you just how much he’s hurting beneath it all. He manages to hold up the Jerk Attitude for most of his other daughter conversations (he can have one with Fee, Lene, or Tinni if he’s their dad) but this is the only one he breaks down on. Learning your wife was essentially tortured to death will do that, and it probably only hurts more because Tinni isn’t trying to guilt him over it. Just innocently sharing how awful her life has been.
It’s a good, solid, quiet little character moment. I really like those when they’re done well, and I think this one was.
End turn.
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Way to kill the emotion, jerk.
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After murdering that buzzkill, I have to consider the situation.  Ishtar is by far the weaker of the two enemies, but she’s not weak by any means. And unfortunately, anywhere that she can go, Julius can go too, thanks to the Leg Ring in his inventory. Getting them separate is hard.  So what I’m going to do is have Ares, with the Mystletainn in hand, stand on a forest tile in Julius’s range. I will also put Nanna, Seliph, and Dermott near him; with boosts from two Charisma skills, Seliph’s leadership stars, and a forest, he gets something like a 45% boost to his dodging, which even Julius should have some trouble with. And even if he takes one hit, his Resistance is high enough that he should be able to survive.  And from there, I have all of them run past him with Arthur, giving him a similar bonus to his offense and offsetting Julius’s own five leadership stars when he fights Ishtar. With luck, which I seem to be having lately with these big annoying bosses, Arthur will nuke the crap out of his cousin once again.
This might work. Maybe! Or I might die. End turn!
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Gotta admit, the man makes an impression! Ares takes the hit, but survives with 21 HP left, and Ishtar runs up behind Julius, but can’t reach anyone to blast. But we can reach her.  Deep breath. Moment of truth.  Everyone, get her! NUCLEAR ROCKET TAG GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
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I’m hoping you don’t notice how many of my problems I have been solving with Forseti.  Like… all of them. Seriously, of the three hardest bosses in the game so far, Ishtar, Arion, and Ishtar again, Arthur has killed all three of them on his first move, doing the exact same thing.  I have dealt with every serious challenge the game has to offer by nuking it with a wind god.  
If this is wrong, I don’t wanna be right.  
Oh, and hey, why not.
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This kid is going places. 
Now then, not much left on the map to deal with.  I have Lene dance Cairpre, so he can grab one of the two remaining villages.  
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Captain… Nay, GENERAL Obvious: Just a single glance into those eyes of his and you’re gone. You lose yourself. So many of my friends and people my age have all left for Belhalla to serve him… I’ve heard nothing from any of ‘em since.
Oh-ho.  So, does this mean Julius can literally warp the minds of others? It can’t be limitless, mind you, since otherwise he could just mind-rape our army into joining him, but some ability to sway the weak-minded to his side would fit with how so few Imperial citizens are actually protesting the whole… you know. Hunting of children.
On the enemy phase, there isn’t a whole lot left. We have only three enemies left outside the boss, and they’re all carrying siege tomes.
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And hahaha, they’re not super great at picking targets. That was fun.  Now, let’s destroy them!
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Not bad at all! One guy remaining, we can get him on the next turn before Seliph takes that castle. Altena grabs the last village, as well.
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Extremely Morbid Info Master: Hate t’say it, but sometimes, yeh need t’make sacrifices if yeh wanna keep going…
See, kids, this is why you don’t fuck with Info Master. He is willing to make those sacrifices.  End turn!
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… They can’t all be great, Cairpre. You’ve still grown far beyond anything I ever expected. Now, nothing left to do but send the team up north, preparing to go where the story will dictate after we take the next castle. Seliph, care to set things up?
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Lewyn: I hate to admit it, but I doubt we could’ve gotten here soon enough either way. Now, then. It sounds like they’re just finishing up repairs on the Miletos Strait bridge. Ready to move in on Chalphy?
Seliph: Chalphy…. My father’s homeland….
Lewyn: So it is. I’m betting the citizens there will be even happier to see you than usual.  Let’s not make them wait any longer!
Seliph: Indeed! Everyone, move out! Onward, to Chalphy!  
(“We’re not forgetting anything, right? Eh, I’m sure Julia would remind us if we were.”)  
Well. There isn’t a whole lot of this chapter left, but it can take quite a bit of time to successfully pull off, so I do think I’ll stop here. See y’all next week when we head back home to Chalphy! The very first castle we ever had in the game, and now we get to go take it back from another blast to the past, good old Arvis! I sure did miss him.
But my aim is improving.  
See y’all next week!  
12 notes · View notes
mirrorballparkers · 7 years
museum dates — peter parker
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requested: nah. idea popped up into my head randomly.
tagged: @ttholland @t-oodles @cmonspiderling
- yo so i fucking am a god damn art geek myself, so why not write this? also, i am SO SORRY that it’s been so long since i’ve posted any fics. i’ve just had a lot going on personally, and also had a lot of job interviews (I GOT A JOB !!). not to mention i’m taking a college placement test this week so i’m just a mess. but, i digress. ENJOY THIS FIC! thanks for being patient, lovely humans. 
warnings: a shit ton of fluff and a reader who legit has NO CHILL and peter is such a soft, sweet human bean. 
summary: cute art headcanons with peter parker
- you grew up on art. always going to the local art galleries to discover new artists and collect some of their paintings and sculptures
- you’d always gush to peter about a new art piece you bought or a new artist you discovered
- “babe! oh, my god, look at this new Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun piece i got !!  isn’t it absolutely alluring?”
- you’d sometimes feel bad that you geeked out so much, but peter thought it was so adorable. you had so much passion in your eyes, voice, and physicality it made his heart go fucking wild.
- “keep going, pumpkin. tell me more please.”
-when he told you that he got the two of you ticket to the museum of modern art
- your heart busted a nut
- you literally smothered peter with a bunch of kisses, so happy and thankful  that he would do something like this for you. it wasn’t very cheap to visit museums these days.
- peter thought you geeking out was so cute
- he researched for hours and hours to find the best museum just for you
- when you got to the front entrance, you couldn’t wipe the smile off of your face and you were jumping up and down like a little kid because, actual nerd
- “HOLY SHIT. peter, this place is so beautiful. the detail, the atmosphere, my heart is bursting right now you don’t even know how excited i am right now. this is the best day ever. ”
- peter would just be looking at you with heart !! eyes !! because you were so cute and this genuinely made you happy and excited.
- he was very proud of himself for researching until 4 am on a school night for the best museum in new york
- you were more excited to be with peter though just sayin’
- when you saw him looking, you got a little embarrassed
- “sorry..didn’t know i was acting so childish”
- you calmed down
- for 0.5 seconds until you two entered inside then ya heart went ‘SKRRRAAA PAP PAP PAP PAP PAP’
- you held onto peter’s arm and you were like: !!!! looking around at everything
- it was so mesmerizing !!! like you had never seen a place filled with such unbelievably beautiful pieces your heart busted a nut !!!
- peter would sling his arm around you and kiss your head like a soft cutie
- he was usually too shy for that shit, he prepped himself in his head
- ‘don’t be a pussy, she’s your girlfriend just do it. YOU’RE SPIDERMAN.’ he’d tell himself in his head
- walking around the museum and honestly your heart was busting a nUT everything was so mesmerizing and PERFECT.
- you’d jump up and down like an actual child holding on to peter’s arm as you’d hand the lady in the front your tickets.
- “hi, yes my cute ass sweet ass boyfriend bought me these.” you’d say while doing finger guns.
- taking those typical pics where you’re standing in front of some art piece !!
“should i put a hand on my hip..?”
“maybe like idk uh just stand still. pretend you’re just posing for a picture.”
“but how will i know you already took it? i don’t wanna be standing here forever, pete. there’s a whole bruce nauman exhibit with my name on it.”
- peter would make a clicking noise for you to know when he took it so you wouldn’t be standing and hurting your feet. he was a considerate boy.
- he thought you were so cute !!! screw the painting, you were the actual art
“ ew my hair looks weird here let’s take another”
“shut up you look cute af babe”
- peter was whipped so he did as u asked n took more for u cuz the more photos of ya cute ass he would be able to have in his phone and show aunt may how pretty u looked after the date
- “no,no, delete that it makes my butt look bad.”
- peter would blush n shyly say
- “but u have a cute butt…….” bRO
- he wasn’t lying homie thought ur butt was cute
- Even though u would get a lil embarrassed you’d start to get a little more confident and feel ya selffff
- “okay out all the 60 that i’ve taken of u doing cute lil poses i think we have a winner. ALL OF THEM, YOU’RE BEAUTIFUL.”
- you’d gasp every single time u saw a sculpture or a painting, anything
- “babe look at this one !!”
“ooh look at this one lOOK AT THAT DETAIL AND TEXTURE”
- peter giving you all kinds of sweet kisses to assure his feelings for you
- cheek kisses
- nose kisses
- temple kisses
- he’d even pull you to a corner to low key make out with you
- SO !! MUCH !! KISSES !! AND !! HUGS !! 
- peter would hold your hand to his heart and just smile, feeling so warm and happy he was with you
- getting yelled at for touching things
- sassing the workers for getting yelled at for touching things under your breath
- “ the fuck? you don’t tell me what to do fuck you.”
- peter would calm you down but inside he’s like “that’s my baby girl !!”
- linking pinkies as you walk through all the exhibits
- peter wouldn’t even be paying attention to the art
- he dead ass would be just looking at you the entire time, so !! in love !!
- “why’re you not looking at this Ian Chung piece babe?”
“why go to an art museum when i can just look at you for art.” he just !! said that !!
- you’d get all shy and shit
- “aww, my pretty girl.”
- he’d always check to make sure you were hydrated
- “babe you want some water? i haven’t seen you have water all day and i just wanna make sure.”
- “wanna stop and have some water?”
- “do your feet hurt? it looked like you were limping just now.”
- he felt like he was bothering you, but really you were really tired and sore, possibly dehydrated from the hours and hours of walking.
- “i think we should sit down, sweets.”
- you’d finally agree after he told you that you looked kind of pale, so the two of you sat down on a bench and you rested your head on his lap as he played with strands of your hair
- before aunt may picked you guys up, you two went to the gift shop
- you bought so !! much !! amazing !! things !!
-  peter lost you at least 3 times
-  he kind of lowkey panicked every single time because you were his precious daffodil and he’d freak out if he lost you
- “hey, where’d you go?”
- “daffodil, you need to stop wandering.”
- you picked out cute matching rings, even though it was incredibly cliche.
-  you had at least 5 items in your hand: a coffee traveling mug, a shirt, magnet, and two hats. you didn’t need two hats bitch what the fuck.
- peter wouldn’t dare to let you spend all that money on you
- “peterrrrr, it’s fine i have money. you’re already buying the rings!”
- this soft boi was too stubborn and bought them for you anyway
- “your total is 32.50.”
- you’d already put the hat on the second you walk out the gift shop and peter thought it was so cute, so he snapped a picture without you seeing it and captioned it as: ‘she’s so extra, but i like her a lot so it’s fine.’
- putting the matching couple rings on for each other as if ya’ll were about to fucking get married.
- taking snaps of each others hands with the rings and putting dorky captions
- your whole body was aching from all the walking so peter would be all cute and give you a piggy back ride to his aunts car
- when you got in the car, you rested your head on his shoulder completely worn out.
- peter was VERY excited to show aunt may all the pictures he took
- “hon, these are all of her, not the art.”
- “what’re you talking about, may? SHE IS ART.”
- you fell asleep on his shoulder bc it was going to be a very long drive home.
- he’d be very sweet and take off your shoes for you so your feet wouldn’t hurt anymore
- peter eventually fell asleep too, hands intertwined with yours and his heart very full
- it really was a perfect date.
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jenna347-blog · 4 years
Chapter 5 (Koopa Kingdom fanfiction) draft I may edit this later on
                               Chapter 5
               (Meanwhile Ludwig point of view)
Me, Lemmy, Morton jr., Iggy, and Roy went out to find and rescue Kamek and King/Prince of Koopa. As soon as they arrived at the kidnappers' hideout according to Iggy’s’ tracking device, and the castle looked familiar. “If my calculation is correct, I believe our father, brother, Kamek all should be here you guys.” “I hope you’re correct Iggy because I don’t want to go through this bullshit again.” Roy said in a concerning tone. “Yea Iggy, maybe this could be a damn trap bruh.” Lemmy replied while Iggy pulled out a 3D blueprint watch layout of the building. “Look, I know this could be a damn stretch, but I placed a tracking device microchip while they were sleeping, and those dots on my blueprint is their exact location. At longs, we follow this carefully we may rescue our king, prince, and Kamek….” I interrupted him. “Sorry to interrupt you, Iggy, even though this is a good idea. But I should make the decisions around here as a true leader should.” “Well, “Mr. Leader” if you let me finish maybe you know that I was going to say that we need to make sure stick together and make sure we’re not detected, it shouldn’t take us maybe not even 30-60 minutes if you follow my league.” They all agreed, Iggy made sure to disarm any type of alarm, CCTV, and in case they had body heat sensors. As soon he was finished, he finally transported us inside making sure no one notice once we entered. “Okay guys, and before you say or do anything stupid like you always do Roy. Roy gave Iggy type of look how dear you say something so foul. Don’t give me that look, Roy, you know it’s true, but anyway it says that they’re located on the other side of the building. If we are very careful and not make any sound, we could rescue them in a snap.” “Don’t you think we should split up to make sure we get every area in this castle bruh?” Lemmy asked I replied to his question by saying. “You may have a point, but like Iggy had said before we need to make sure we stick together just in case we can charge at our enemies head-on. Plus, this place is like a maze and could be boobytrapped” “I guess you’re a right bruh.” “Stop lollygagging around chumps, let’s get our family and get the fuck out of his, the others are probably worried sick about us by now.” I thought to myself that Jennifer was worried about me as well, felt the same way about her. I knew I couldn’t contact her to make sure she was okay, because we both knew if she ever gets caught in my room she could go straight to the dungeon. Feel like I love way too damn much to ever lose her, it’ll break my heart. “Look I’m the only one who should make the decisions here wellbeing the leader and all. I think we should split up: I and Lemmy will go left and two just go straight, think we could make it out better that way. Not just that we have wands and not just that Iggy and I aren’t stupid, unlike some people that we know.” “HEY!! Who are you calling…”? “Who cares, and you two want someone to hear us you loudmouths, and back to you Ludwig you may be the oldest and share the same IQ, but I still have the right equipment to figure out our way around this damn castle, so if you just want to use your wand fine by me. Just don’t cry to me when you both are going to bloody die, let’s go Roy seems like our brother thinks he’s better than us.” Lemmy shockingly looks at me. “Ludwig, this doesn’t seem like you in any way, not just that I never would think you’ve called me and Roy stupid. If you feel that way about us, then I think that we should separate as well. This is probably why dad picked Jr to become the future king of our land, going with Iggy and Roy, please think about it for a minute because I don’t want to be near someone who acts like because I miss the old Ludwig. Yo, wait up for me bros.” While walking towards the end of the hallway had long thought about what Lemmy had said and he was right about it including Iggy and Roy. But at the same time should know that I’m trying to prove to our father that I could take charge, even though I truly hate my ratchet family still must have to make my father think I’m better than those morons. They just don’t understand I must take over that kingdom for my own, at the same time can’t allow them to see that maybe the reason why I reacted the way I did towards them was that I truly miss Jennifer even though we just that but it felt like that we knew each other for a very long time. As soon as I went towards the end of this hallway, I hear some mumbling in one of these rooms it could be them or could be a trap, placing my hand against the wooden door trying to magically can see what’s going on on the other side of the door. Looks like them but at the same time it doesn’t, trying to phone-in Iggy, Lemmy, and Roy nobody answers thought they were still pissed, so I left a message trying to tell them that I could’ve found them in this room. Once I did so, Lemmy was the one who called me back via face cam but only wanted to communicate in a whisper. “Yo Ludwig, when I, Iggy, and Roy went to our separate ways somebody just snapped them into a room, but I ran away before they could get to me. You need to come by, and we need to figure out what to do bruh.” “Sure Lemmy, I’ll be there in a quick minute. Replied and used transporting spell to his location. Ok, so what the hell happened, and why didn’t you help in any way?” “I got scared okay damn bruh. Let’s just find them including pops, Junior, and Kamek.” I just wish he wasn’t so damn careless, so he shows me the room that the guys that grabbed them into. Like I thought it would be bloody empty, and I asked him was he sure that he saw these unknown people snatch them into this room. He was for certain that he had seen them doing this, thought maybe they had gone into a hidden passageway either behind the bookshelf or underneath the floor, the only one that would work was the false floorboard. “Ludwig, I don’t think we should go down there, because we could get caught.” “I don’t think we have anything to worry about don’t be stupid and so damn scared of everything.” “Yea, tell that Iggy and Roy the same thing bruh.” While rolling his eyes, I could tell that he felt like a total wimp kind of like Larry in away.  “Whatever, just help me get this bookshelf open maybe they through here.” (I just wanted to get this over with and make Bowser see I should be the one who could take over the Koopa kingdom and not that damn brat, while my beloved become a queen of all koopas. I miss my princess the sooner I get them the better.) “Damn dude it's so damn dark in these halls.” “What do you expect? It’s a damn tunnel and keeps it down we may get caught.” “Maybe we should at least have a torch to lead the way you know how I feel with dark areas.” (Please kill me). “Okay, let me figure out where we could find something to “light up this room” or I got one deal with the darkness… Forgot about his rainbow hair and war face makeup tends to act like a glow stick. Maybe we could use your hair and your war face paint as a glow stick to find our way towards our family.” “Bruh, I’m just hoping that we don’t run into a trap would be a bummer…. (Mumbling). If I’m correct that sounds like Iggy and Roy.” “Let’s slowly go in to make sure this isn’t a trap like you had mentioned before. As I slowly crept up towards “Iggy and Roy” only finding out that these were dummies and a recording the door behind had slammed shut before it did, we saw the crooks who kidnapped them in the first place. Damnit, can’t believe we fell for that bull!” (Fawful on a projector) “Is this mic working? There it goes, hello Ludwig and Lemmy, I hope you like your new room because I wanted to make sure you koopalings were in a pleasant place to be in.” “Where’s our family you monster?” Trying to act like a tuff 4-year-old child. (Great job Lemmy) “Aww! You’re so damn cute little Koopa if I told you that what would be the fun in that right. Oh yeah, before I forget Ludwig, I think you would love this new gift that one of my goons had grab from your room. But some birdy had told me that nobody in your family knows about your little princess I heard she’s from a different universe, you’re probably wanted to know how I know all about this outsider. But Fawful would promise you that this young lady would be treated so damn well, don’t worry about anything my dear Ludwig, because if you try anything maybe just maybe you’re going to be the next red cap mustache fat plumber, who knows right but I’m going to keep you from your woman, adopted father, grandfather, or your brothers right. Oh yeah before I let you two go also got the rest of your clan as well, just because like before Fawful is going to take over Koopa, Beam Bean, and that got damn mushroom kingdom a place that your dumb drunk ass father tried to take something that belongs to yours truly…. Muffling and crying Fawful slaps Jennifer. You better shut the hell up! I wanted to kill him so damn bad I think I’ll let you go have a great day.” “Ludwig, you allowed an outsider into our castle, what the fuck is wrong with you bruh? You always called me and Morton dumb, but I think this is the worst thing that you ever have done.” “I didn’t she came all on her own, I thought she was working for the Mushroom kingdom but the time we got to know each other we started to love each other. Look Lemmy I know you wouldn’t understand, but she’s my princess and my everything, if I lose here don’t know what I’m going to do anymore can’t live without her.” “Hey look, man, even though I shouldn’t get mad at you because our dad did the same thing right. We could get through this just need to figure out a way to fight for our family, you’re the best leader that we could ever ask for, so why are we standing around and acting like the end of the world let’s go get them. So, what do you think do you want to save our family and your princess? While holding his hand out, I guess he was trying to say was “everyone can fall, but we can get back on the horse again”. Hmmm. Maybe we could use our wands to get out of here and try to reach towards them.” “The only problem would be if Fawful has CCTV with audio around here, don’t want him to catch on with our plans.” Lemmy took out a pen and notepad he said, “just take your wand from your hair, try to see if they’re any cameras in the room and if so, try to get rid of them.” I thought this could work but had to think about this, even though we can’t just sit here and do nothing while our family even though I kind of despise them, but I need to save my deadly princess she needs me more than ever. So, I went along with his plans did so, but I had to make sure I do this correctly without setting any alarms. (One of the Cameras breaks and waits). “Hopefully that works, but I have a feeling that’s not the only one in this room. I don’t know why but that was too damn easy.” “Maybe I could get a whack at it bruh. Putting his wand on his temple guessing if he could find a trick on allowing him to find a way to destroy the motherboard. Okay, bro, I found something to make sure he wouldn’t expect a damn thing, Iggy once showed me a trick to destroy a switchboard if it connects via CCTV going towards body heating type scanners.” “Don’t just tell me this just do it, Lemmy.” Heard something in the distances, then the door finally opened, didn’t think he was this clever with anything, or at least listen to either me or Iggy. “Okay, hopefully, that’ll allow us to get around this castle for now before Midbus tries to fix it. But I don’t have to worry about old pig boy though bruh. Saying all of this while laughing. But maybe I could my wand to try to use it like a wishbone and try to find them that way.” “You mean we could’ve done that from the start, Lemmy!” Grabbing him by his shirt. “Oh, I didn’t say that before, even though if I did tell you, you’ll think I was beyond stupid bruh.” “And if you fuck up this time, and my princess dies. I’m either going to kill you by breaking you into pieces or allow Fawful to do anything he wants to you.” “Yeah bruh you got my word, please let me go. Replying as he was barely breathing, then I let him go. Thought you would never let me go, don’t know what’s wrong with you man starting to worry me bruh, just calm down we’ll find her trust me on this one bruh. Trying to get a signal on his wand finally got something northwest of the castle. I think we’re so damn, says that they should be right in this room.” “You better be right boy, like I said someone is going to see their maker. Once we enter this room, and there was my beautiful princess including our family. Trying to untie them, as soon they were free my dear love was trying to say something and looks like she wanted to tell us someone was behind us. “Oh, Ludwig and Lemmy Koopa, you thought it was going to be that easy to defeat me. Midbus, get these nasty little Koopas and show them how we do it in Bean Beam Kingdom mon.” “Sure thing Lord Fawful.” “Lemmy, just try to get them out of here I’ll take Midbus head-on.” Lemmy took his wand and tries to take them back to the castle, but some reason his wand doesn’t work in this room. “Dammit, dude! I guess we must do this old fashion way. Saying this while Midbus is beating every living shit out of me. (Muffling). Are you trying to say something strange lady? Let me take this bandana off your face okay.” “First Lemmy I do have a damn name, and second Fawful if you don’t let us go, I’ll make you pay for everything you have done to us.” “Oh, Jennifer, you think you could do anything in this universe. Not even the Mario bros could finish me off, it got so bad that they needed King Bowsers' help tried to stop me from taking over Bean Beam, Koopa, and the Mushroom Kingdom. But guess what Fawful keeps coming back for more Fawful never stops keeps moving forward, so if you think some low life human could stop me, I would like to see you try.” Starts laughing, but that quickly ended when he heard Midbus being dropped to the ground moaning in pain later died when from having his neck snapped. “Don’t you lay a hand on her you little ingrate. I can see in the corner of my eye my deadly princess whispering to Lemmy with an evil smirk for some reason I already knew he was going to do something looking back at Fawful. I think my love wants to do something to you, Lemmy maybe we should allow her to torture Mr. Fawful. I want you to untie our family get them out of here while I and Jennifer deal with him” “Sure thing bruh.” “I know you want to hate me King Bowser, but this isn’t the time to do so we can talk about this when we get back to the castle. Now for you Fawful, you had kidnapped the wrong chick today little boy. As Jennifer throws him across the room. Is there any way to reverse the spell barrier, so we could make this torture so much fun? Bowser nods even though I could tell that he was kind of piss for her trespassing into our castle, but also knew this wasn’t the perfect time to start an argument and started to head back to the castle while I and Jennifer handle Fawful.  Now back at you little monster. Would you like to know what I could do? Well, when I was back in Ludwig’s’ room, found a book that I could let say have 2 voices in the same mind, instead of rambling on, Lira can just show you what I’m rambling on about right.” (summons Lira). “It’s nice to meet you Mr. Fawful heard so much about you my dear….” Fawful interrupts her after he spits in her face and being tied up. “I don’t know who you think you are, but when I get out of these ropes you and the Koopa clan are freaking dead. Not just that I’ll soon enough control all of these fine kingdoms.” I placed a gag ball in his mouth to shut him up. “His voice was so damn annoying now would you finish Ms. Lira.” “Oh, I sure can Mr. Ludwig, thank you so very much. Where was I oh yes, Ludwig could you help me torture our guest? He agreed to her offer. Great, Mr. Fawful would love to show you what we going to do for you and to you (a table full of drills and many other dangerous tools). Ludwig, please pick one of these lovely blunt objects to make our guest feel so good dear sir.” “Sounds good to me Ms. Lira, maybe I should try this torch lighting up this steal pole placing this on his face” An evil smile was upon both of our faces, too bad that my beautiful princess couldn’t experience this pleasure. While burning the pipe, Lira finds out that Fawful tries to untie himself and she prevents him to free himself. “Mr. Fawful you think you could get out of here that easily, not under my watch. Explains to him while giving out an evil laugh. Now, Ludwig, I hope that pipe is ready for some great burns, don’t worry my dear sir this wouldn’t hurt a bit maybe in my point of view, but a lot on you though.” Telling her that it finally was ready, placing it upon his face turning it around slowly, she told me that my beautiful princess was so damn happy that I cause him so much pain she also felt the same way. “Well, Fawful, I think it’s Lira turn to cause you some pain, and if she doesn’t mind it’ll get to the point, we may just torture you so much to the point you may die.” “Oh, Mr. Ludwig, my mother (Jennifer) picked the most perfect man, maybe we both could pour some acid on his pants and poke a hole through his cheeks and leaving it there.” Told her that we could use our magic to pour it on him so it wouldn’t cause any type of damage towards us. And when I tell you the sound of him suffering brought a joyful tear into my ears, it gave me a type of high I never had before, not just that reminds me of going to a classical play just so damn calming to me. “Aww, I think Mr. Fawful wants to leave because he is so much pain, even though we just starting this joyful torturing, so you can meet your beam bean kingdoms god right. Oh, I think my mother has a great point in trying something more painful. What do you think Mr. Ludwig? hopefully, you’re on board with her plans to make sure his death is the most dreadful and painful. I told her and my beautiful deadly princess that wanted to hear their ideas. Well, Mr. Ludwig, she wants me to take this drill and placing it into his bloody head to see how much these ratchet Beam Bean can take, then put it on repeat. What she meant by that is magical fix the hole but make him go through the same type of pain kind of a loop, I guess I shouldn’t take this forever. (Lira/Jennifer does this torture for about an hour). I think we need to move this torture along and just straight up kill him, because we’re getting kind of bored Mr.Ludwig I guess you can take the truly sweet lead my dear, this should be fun. Well, Mr. Ludwig, hopefully you have fun with our guest here Jennifer would see you back at the castle dear.” Explaining while disappearing. “Oh I’ll have so much fun with you. Maybe I’ll take my time, because you look like you could last a very long ass time dear sir. Let me see maybe I could grab this machete and start skinning you but you going to have this fun pain for hours on repeat till I feel bored enough to just end your life for good. Only reason I agree for this to happened not just because of my deadly princess/Lira, but our kingdom wanted to do this to you that ratchet stack of bacon for far too damn long now mostly me, and now that my dreams are coming true. Starting to skinned him from his left shoulder to his wrist, the screams that he made like I mention felt so wonderful to me like if I had a expenivse steak and red wine. (A hour later) See Fawful, that wasn’t bad right, now I’m going to gash your eyes out and after that I’m going to set you on fire. (gashing his eyes out with a sharp blade slowly he started to cry for bloody murder)After I done so grab myself a seat and just flat out told him. You know what Fawful, I may not even burn you alive. Shocking I know, but wouldn’t be fun if I did at the same time I don’t want to have my deadly dark princess waiting in the castle with those no good losers. Maybe I should just cut your head off and put it on the stakes, you’re head would put me first in line for Koopa Kingdom throne, (Got the biggest knife that I could find plus making it sharper) I’ll make sure your death painful as possible.” Started to cutting his limps off piece by piece very slowly, dumping his limbs in a bucket filled with a very strong and deadly acid. Now all was left was his torso, after that I chup his head off and placing it in a burshack bag. Decided to take some gasoline making a trail from this room-outside about 30 feet from the castles entrance, using my wand as a made shift ligther. Then magically tellaported back to the castle, just like I thought everyone was waiting on your one truly. (Koopa Troopas chants Ludwig 4x) Brings a smile upon my face, but I didn’t see my princess anywhere maye she’s probarly in crowed cheering me on. “Koopa Kingdom, I come before you today to let you guys know that we don’t have to worry about that unlawful bean beam ever again include his minion Minbus. Because I of his head and blew up layor, but I didn’t act alone with the torture/killing of Fawful, would to like to announce if it’s okay with King Bowser that I bring up my beautiful partner Jennifer.”
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allbeendonebefore · 7 years
you've done the other two prairie bros, now its time for head/canons for sask! (only if you want to tho)
Ok today’s disclaimer is that the majority of what i know about Sask comes less from my 2 brief stays in Sask and more from my Saskatoonberry friends/roommate + additional stereotypes
- dont do the flat jokes they don’t like that
- How to find Sask in a crowded place: shout “GREEN IS THE COLOUR” and wait for the response (”FOOTBALL IS THE GAME”) and very shortly you will see him with a disembowled watermelon helmet
- ya you got any pil? grab me some pil bud
- literally just oscar on corner gas. plans Revenge brunch. Petty small town cranky grandpa.
- let’s go to the lb and get some pil [turns on the radio and blasts the Sheepdogs]
- “its SASKATCHE-WAN not SASKATCHE-WIN but also we’re winners”
- “see that orange blob on the horizon? thats the pumpkin festival. but if you hit that dark shadowy place you’ve gone too far, that’s winnipeg”. 
- the (physically) softest man. Like of all the province boys he is 10/10 the nicest pillow. Soft all over but can throw you like a pigskin
- well bud if there’s no pil i guess i’ll have a vi-co
- his house is Just Right sized but his property boundaries are LARGE and CLEARLY MARKED by roughriders flags and whatever
- Farmboy AF. But he’s hick >>> redneck ok, take this from a pseudo-redneck lmao. Like 100% You Cannot Take The Country Out of the Boy Because the Boy Is the Country
- Probably went to Vet school at some point, maybe multiple points as medicine improved. Has also probably helped stitch people/himself up while repeatedly saying ‘im a vet im not qualified as a doctor pls stop doing stupid crap’ to himself
- drives his combine down the road and laughs to himself as everyone pulls over and doesnt know what to do as he drives over them. Has once driven into town with his tractor because it was the only thing with enough gas to get there. 
- plaid shirt tucked into jeans up past his belly button and duck dynasty baseball hats + camo = high fashion. 
- outmigration to cities is a really sore spot with him. It means losing a lot of necessary people and sways his opinions to be older/crankier/more conservative the more people leave. Frustrated because he can’t provide all the necessities/that social safety net he worked so hard for if nobody friggin stays. 
- literally no patience for regina jokes until The Minute he is the one making them
- Not an impulsive person when he’s on his own. Takes either 10000 years to do something right the first time or doesn’t do it. This entirely depends on whether Bad Influence Bert is in the room or not jk (but Sask has sort of been trying to be more impulsive lately on get-rich-quick schemes and he Doesn’t Like It but because Bert admires independence he’s like LOOK HOW WELL SASK’S DOING Pshh you dont need libraries!!!) He was equally hard hit in the 80s as Bert so they like to be Angry about it together because this is like the 100th time they’ve been Shafted by central Canada. But they spend more time ranting at each other than thinking of better ideas lmao.
- When he doesn’t think things through they usually do end up badly even if they sound good at first i.e. hey big bro Mani really liked that Riel guy maybe I should just give him a shot and Do Whatever He Says Even If Its STupid
- like canonically his design is based on primarily scandinavian immigrants but despite being a settler in appearance he’s always been really close to local first nations people- back in the 1880s there was a lot more solidarity between white settlers/metis/FN than there is now but he’s doing his best not to lose touch with his roots... 
- Absolutely the hardest hit of anyone in the country during the Depression. Is really actually hung up on food/health/financial security and tends to hoard things sometimes. Was probably definitely motivated to haul himself up after to help big bro Mani (again)
- More soft spoken but also more persuasive than Mani so was almost solely responsible for Canada/Matt’s 180 on the rest of the country in the 60s etc. He gets crap Done - if Bert is all bark and some bite, Sask is some bark and all bite.
- Clams right up around strangers but if you’re his neighbour he will absolutely talk your ear off about Anything on his mind and will just follow you around with gossip and probably just shove cucumbers he’s grown at you because he’s got tons of them and just wants to get rid of them because he doesn’t want to see them go to waste please you can pickle them you can hide them in desserts just take them away
- Keeps pics of Tommy Douglas in his wallet and CCF propaganda under his bed. OTP Sask/Tommy Douglas = Saskommunism. Sits on his tractor shirtless and tanned gazing idealistically out at big sky country - a plane flies by with the banner THE FUTURE BELONGS TO SASKATCHEWAN - his bros start feeling Very Uncomfortable.
- canoes on the lake and goes fishing. Lays back in the boat with a hand on the fishing rod and stares up at the clouds until he falls asleep. When things are still and the sun is at the right angle you can pretend the whole lake is an extension of the sky. Swims in the Sask river in the summer and sinks his feet into the sand as far as he can go. Values his alone time the most of the prairie bros because he’s the glue that holds them together and that can be tiring. 
- like both prairie bros, the sort of person who won’t let you in his house again if you don’t eat something when he offers it to you. “No I’m not hungry,” you say. “You look thin,” he says. “You need to eat.” his voice gets more shrill “You’re skin and bones... I just made this this morning...” “No thank you” “how about you try this pie that my neighbour dropped off eh? you will like it!!” “I already ate” “I made you coffee, just take it!!!!” If you don’t eat something you will let the devil in the house. 
- [doing laundry with bert wearing his Laundry Day Bunnyhug] IT’S NOT GONCH ITS GOTCHHHH [towel whips him]
- everyone always says he’s afraid of heights as a joke and im like hahaha but what if..... he and bertie got their pilots licenses together :) as bros :))))) y e s
- the one yelling WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM at the top of his lungs when bert launches a potted plant through the window. 
- Extremely invested in the Sasktel commercial storylines
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amnachil · 7 years
The High School Game Part 8
(no i’m not coming back several months after, absolutely not :p)
Gregory DAY 60 Saturday
The after-match was going well. The young lad played as an attacking midfielder, while Tobias took Sam position as the supporting striker. However, the game turned out to be a big joke. Raphaël, displaised by Tobias attitude, decided to play solo. He scored 3 goals alone, leaned on his defense to make the rest. And they won this way, the others strikers desperately useless. Sam, constrained to the bench, had a lot of fun seing the spectacle, and laughed hard during 90 minutes. We tried to make fun of him but he had more fun than us... Gregory leant his lesson : do not prepare a plan without the captain approval. Anyway, Tobias, sportsman-like, organized a surprise-party as always. And now, they were in his manor, having fun. I'm so happy. Thanks to Raphaël support, the discreet boy started to become popular. He spent a long time after gym class every night exercising with Thomas. Rumours spread faster : 11th grade student thought he was the new right arm, instead of Sam and Tobias. And I managed to move aside both of them... Indeed, Tobias was moving soon, and Sam... well Sam being Sam, Gregory used his pride to trap him. He will never succeed my bet, but I will feed him so much he will just explode. And rigt after, Raphaël will be the only barrier between him and the success. Everything is going well. The others shouted when he won another beerpong game. Easy. Gregory sighed and found his way towards the buffet. Sam was here, eating like there was no tomorrow.
"Care buddy, I could make you stuff yourself, you know ?"
The brown lad smiled.
"Try it. I can handle everything, knowing you're too bad to be supporting striker."
"What do you mean ?"
"Well, you saw this : Raphaël did not need your help or Tobias's one to win. So why would he designates you supporting stricker while I was better, even without my full muscle capacity ?"
Gregory smiled. This motherfucker was just provoking him. He wants me to lose face. He will be disappointed. He knew he can't feed Sam too much, or the captain would notice somethings, but his "partner" got what's coming for him.
The discreet boy took a slice of pizza, and looked for Barbara and Jessy. Thanks to rumours, he knew the latter had a crush on Liam, the goalkeeper. By the way, where is this boy ? He disappeared, like the two girls. What the fuck are they doing ? Gregory searched them for a while, but he bumbep into Shirley. The blond girl was more or less hiding under the stairs, and watched Sam with sadness. Poor thing... Maybe she needs some comfort. He decided to join her, and smiled when she noticed him.
"You were not at the match." he stated. "We won."
"Ten persons told me Raphaël won." she agressively replied. "You're the only one to say the contrary. And to be honest, I watched the whole game, and I can tell you deserve no special credit."
Gregory lost his smile. She wants to fight ? Okay, I can do this too.
"Sam and I became good friends." he whispered. "He told me you were the worst girlfriend of his life."
Shirley gave him a dirty look. Yeah, irritate yourself chick, and make a spectacle of yourself.
"I suppose it's better than having no one." she responded. "By the way, you said Sam and I were a sweet couple one week ago. How much opportunist and brown-noser are you, exactly ?"
"Well, this is the game, as Raphaël would said. Be a good loser Shirley, and admit I was better than you."
"You're so pathethic. Manipulated by your captain, you just think you're special. But let me tell you a secret, Gregory : you have nothing. You are just easier to manipulate than the others."
He clenched his fist. How she dared ? He was at the head of everything, soon better than Sam and Tobias, and after that... Anyway, she had no right to insult him while she was the hated-girl.
"Look at you." Shirley continued. "You want to tease like Sam used to, but you just failed. Exactly like on the field. It seems like you're a unlucky boy, after all."
He grabed her shirt, enraged.
"You will pay for this. I'll make you pay, do you hear me ?"
"What could you take from me I didn't already lose ? My boyfriend act like if I wasn't existing, and my only friend decided I was responsible of all his misfortune. You have nothing to steal from me now."
"I will find." he promised. "I'll find."
Gregory left the manor quickly. He knew some random guy saw him, meaning his improviastion worked. And now, I will have another rumour about me. I will become even more popular than Raphaël, thanks to this stupid Shirley. Everything was going fine.
Shirley DAY 61 Sunday
She left the party early (she understood Sam would not come to her, he just acted like she was not here). After a disturbed sleep, she went to her athletics without any motivation. The training last 3 hours. Shirley worked with a group, mainly running, but sometimes, they did the others sporting disciples (her favourite was javelin throw). Having started at 9:00, she finished at 12:00, satisfied with her performance. Suddenly, she caught sight of Liam, waiting beside the running track. She came closer and smiled :
"Hi mate. How are ya ?"
Seeing her, the black-haired guy smiled too. He had a cheerfully smile.
"Hey Shir'. I'm fine, and you ? You're quite good, as much as I see."
"Well, thanks. I'm training for years now. What are you doing here ?"
"Waiting for my sister." he replied while showing a young girl on the track. Oh, they are siblings ? I did not know that. She knew Chloe, a 7th grade student promised to be one of the best runners of the athletics club. And now, she could actually notice resemblance with Liam.
"Usually, it's my mother who get her back." he explained, guessing her question. "But she is busy with my little brother right now, and asked me to come."
Shirley did not want this moment to end. She needed this discussion, making her feel better. At least, the goalkeeper treated her with respect. But what she could say ? I have to try my luck.
"Last time, you said me you disliked Jessy's physic... But would you date her if she was... slightly different ?"
He blushed like a eight years old shy boy and lower his eyes.
"Probably..." he answered in a hushed tone.
"Well, I can give you some advice if you want me to. As you said, I'm like... well, a specialist. At least according to rumours."
"You will tell me you have not feed Sam in order to make him gain weight ?"
She smiled. He was smarter than he looked. And he is one of Raphaël's closest relatives. I have to be careful on this.
"You know what I did. And I can help you to do the same thing to Jessy. That will be easy, seeing as she doesn't pratice any sport except equitation on Sunday."
He frowned, suspicious.
"What did you want in exchange for you help ?"
Here we are... High school community worked by deals. Students signed several arguments, and tried to keep them secret. They all wanted popularity, success, a relationship and good grades. It was a constant fight against rumours and envy. Liam as for her were not exception to the rule. They both wanted something. Well, the boy wanted Jessy. A chubby Jessy. However, Shirley hesitated. What I really want ? She dreamed about Sam, but also revenge against Raphaël, Jessy (but she can't make a deal about that with Liam, of course) and this fucking asshole of Gregory. The goalkeeper waited her answer, but she had to be cautious. He is too close with Raphaël... He will not betray his friend for me. Nevertheless, he don't know Gregory very well... I can use this... Or I can use him to make up with Sam. Eventually, she chose.
"I teach you how to date Jessy and fatten her up a bit, and you help me against Gregory."
"How am I supposed to do that ?"
Good. He did not decline, so he was ready to give it a try. Sam would never forgive her anyway, but she still could make Gregory pay.
"Spread a rumour for me. Well, that's not really a rumour, but when Jessy will hear it, everyone will be aware of this."
She came closer, and whispered :
"Tell to them Gregory want to take the team captain position."
Shirley went back home pleased by the new development. Liam was a sweet boy, in love and quite smart to understand where his interest was. He agreed to the deal. Soon, Raphaël will find out about Gregory ambition, and they will tear each other apart. She was back in the game. The young girl went upstair, avoid her sisters and entered in her bedroom. Suddenly, Dan hailed her. He came closer and smiled. Obviously, he knew about her separation, and since last Sunday, he tried his best to lift her spirits. Today, as every weekend, despite being 13:00, he worn his pajamas, probably woken since 30 minutes or less. The clothes (a new outfit) were loose enought to hide the most of his fat. However, his belly, which packed the most of it, was still visible, as a bump under his shirt. The gut hung over his pants sized 36, apparently bloated from a big breakfast. And still, Dan was eating a slice of bread with chocolate.
"How was your lesson sis' ?" he asked.
"Fine. I'm training for the january tournament, and my instrutor think I'm better than the last year."
"That's good ! And you have one last week at school before holidays. It'll be alright, isn't it ?"
She smiled. His brother was so sweet. She could not understand how this awesome guy tolerate Raphaël coldness. Needless to say, since Sam left her, Dan was the reason she had not a nervous breakdown. But soon, her rumour will spread, thanks to Liam, and she will have her revenge.
"Everything will be fine bro'." the girl stated. "Futhermore, Wednesday we have the christmas day : feast, party and good mood are obligatory. I'm among the volunteer to make the cook on Thursday, and I think I will have fun."
"Yeah, I hope you will." he replied. "Raphaël invitated me to the party : I will manage to be here, okay ?"
She nodded. Really, the idea of her vengeance expanding gave her satisfaction. She watched her brother go downstairs while rubbing his belly, and smiled. The game had began again.
Sam DAY 63 Thuesday
Sat here, in the coach office after the gym class, Sam felt a bit nervous. Next to him, Raphaël wrote an message, totally quiet. Well he is not the one coach Litman summoned. The two boys already knew the reason of this little meeting. When the coach arrived and sat, Sam gulped. He did a workout routine, and exercised as much as possible. He did not know his weight, because he was too busy to weight and was persuaded he lost some fat. After all, his pants fittted and his shirt were not smug anymore. The young boy felt comfortable, and he hoped coach Litman will not be too strict.
"Okay boys, let's begin. You probably know why we're here." started this one. "Sam, you can't remain our supporting striker as long as you're... hum... not ready."
Out of shape. He wanted to say out of shape. The brown lad sensed he will dislike the development.
"I think we will appoint you substitute, and let an other player take your place."
"You said he had to get back in shape before the holidays." interrupted Raphaël. "He still have one week, plus the two weeks of vacations."
Coach sighed.
"Please, how could he succeed on time ? Nobody lose weight during christmas, it's even more the contrary. And the last week of school will not be enough. We have to replace him in order to win our next games. He can't stay beside you in those conditions. Sam, what training are you doing ?"
"Workout on morning, especially bodybuilding and running. And I came to gym class every day last week."
Well, that was a lie. To be honest, Sam did his workout every two day, because bodybuilding was exhausting, and he disliked run beneath everyone's eyes. But it was enough to get back in shape, he knew that. Coach mumbled :
"This is good, but I think you would not be able to make it. Seeing you know, I'm sure it will be too hard."
"Let him try." asked (ordered) Raphaël. "We will designate another supporting striker meanwhile, but Sam is still our first-team player officially."
Coach Litman nodded. I already know my bestfriend was authoritatian, but wow... I will have to thank him for this. It was quite impressive, particularly knowing their instructor was 195 cm and weighted something like 110 kg of fat and muscle mixed.
"I thought Gregory would be a good supporting striker. He became faster, this last month."
Sam frowned. This cockcroach, instead of him. No way. He is too bad. Raphaël fixed his gaze on the coach and smiled slowly. He exuded such a callouness, the brown lad shuddered.
"It's out of the question. Gregory get the physics ability, but he have the wrong mentality. He will always try to score by himself, and will ruin our teamplay."
Well, last time, you ruined the teamplay. Obviously, Sam did not say that. Coach Litman neither. They both knew Raphaël was essential to the team, unlike Gregory.
"We have plenty of players who want a place in our team, even as a substitute." continued Raphaël. "Designate one of the substitute, and take another guy in his place."
"But... substitute are substitute because they are the worst player of our team."
"Maybe, but Sam will come back soon enough, and to be honest, I can handle pool phase all by myself. Are we all right ?"
The coach and the brown lad nodded, too cautious to brave the team captain. Anyway, he was right, for sure.
Back home, Sam was hungry (Greg fed him at noon as much as possible, and then he ate somes donuts, but still he was hungry) and rushed towards the fridge. He opened the door and smelt the odor of chocolat mousse. Indeed, his mother left a big container full of it and a word. He read it, curious while his stomach gurgled :
"Honey, this is one of my special dessert I made for the high school christmas lunch as a volunteer. Please, have a taste of it and tell me how it is."
He did not need to be told twice. Sam took a generous spoon and put it on his mouth. A multitude of flavor enguled his throat, and he sighed with pleasure. It's so good. He felt the warmth taste of chocolate fill his stomach. He watched the container with envy. His mother took the bigger, and there were still a lot of mousse. One more can't hurt. The young boy took a second spoon, and polished it in no time at all. Then, he closed the door and went to his bedroom, satisfied. This christmas meal will be so nice. Greg already warned him : it will be a feast. But the bet would be ended, and Sam would have win. The lad sat on his chair and patted his tummy. I can't lose this, I want this laptop. He took a can of protein shake (A lot lied around his desk) and drank, his head full of ideas. Then, he opened his agenda, and watched his homeworks. Sam started by mathematics, while eating some chips, but he felt bothered. This assignement was annoying, and he hated mathematics. Plus, chips were quite gross after the wonderful chocolat mousse. The idea of the dessert made his belly gurgle again. Well, seems like I'm still hungry. He was used to eat a lot, since his started his workout routine again, in order to have energy. Sam devoured two larges bawls of cereal and a glass of milk every morning, plus some cookies his mother made. Then, before school, he bought donuts at Liliano's bakery, a six or twelve bag. Then, Greg gave him some snacks during the class, and they went back to the bakery during the break. They did this the whole day, plus lunch, where Sam ate at the canteen, and then at Mcdo (Greg made sure he stuffed himself). And every evening, his mother Nadia cooked a real feast for her son, glad to see he had an appetite again. In fact, the only difference with before was now, the young lad exercised. Shirley made him fat by made him lazy. Now, I'm working out, and I'm not fat anymore. I'm losing the weight really fast, definitly. His stomach gurgled again, excited by the idea of eat. Sam went downstairs, checked he was still alone and opened the fridge. One spoon will be fine. There is still plenty of it. Slowly, he ate one spoon. And another. And a third. Sam, without even notice, brought the container to his bedroom. He gorged himself with the delicious dessert. It's so good. After a while, he bleched loudly and took a break. With patience, he rubbed his bloated belly. This chocolat mousse his too tasty... But now, I will put it away. With another blech, he stood up. Woah, I'm so stuffed. His belly, round and hard, felt nice. Sam lower his eyes and stare at the remainder of the dessert. It smelt so appetizing. Well... I guess a little more could not hurt. Carefully, he sat down onto his bed. During at least 30 minutes, he pigged out. His bloated tummy was ready to explode, but the delicious dessert was too attractive. He stuffed himself the whole container, while rubbing his distended stomach. He was unable to stand up straight, currently in a food coma.
"Son ?! I'm back !" shouted his mother from downstair.
Sam, barely able to think, did not answer. Holy shit, I need to find a explanation. I will tell her I invited some friends... He belched, and closed his eyes. Before all, it was time for a nap.
"I'll call you for diner !" his mother shouted again.
He smiled, and fell asleep.
Gregory DAY 64 Wednesday
As he walked towards tle classroom, the young boy could feel his mates staring at him. His plan to get himself talked about was working well. In the near future, he would be even more popular than Raphaël. The power is mine. However, one thing was turning wrong. Sam appatite and capacity were higher than he thought. This asshole could really win the bet. Despite being overfed the whole day by perpetual snacks and a huge double lunch, the brown lad succeeded so far. Anyway, lose a latpop worhty 800$ was not so bad if Gregory became in the same time the new head of the 11th grade.
"Hey Gregory. What's up ?"
Jessy, his beautiful and big boobs sized schoolmate, smiled. With her black hair and blue eyes, she was quite cute, depiste being not Gregory's favourite. I deserve better than her. Plus, the last check-up on december revealed she gained  1 kg, being now at 62. It means she will become obese before her twenties, and I don't want such a girlfriend. To be honest, his ideal was Shirley, but with a much lenient personality.
"I'm fine." he eventually replied. "Ready for our history exam ?"
"Well, as much as I can be I guess." she smiled again. "But I wanted to have a discussion with you before."
"Yeah ? What can I do for you ?"
Already, people came to him instead of Raphaël. This is the beginning of something new. But I will be good with you captain, because you and your brother were nice to me. Maybe Raphaël would be his right arm.
"I heard you have some... different with Shirley. I have some too. To be honest, I expected her to be devastated after Sam left her, but she act like if nothing happened. Even worst, I saw her talk with my new boyfriend Liam, and I dislike the idea. We both have interest in common."
Gregory gave a faint scowl. This was even better than he thought. With the gossip girl help, he would be able to find a weakness. A way to make Shirley pay for her provocations.
"What are you offering ?"
"She lost her boyfriend, and everyone hate her, but she still think she can be happy because her brother supported her. We have to break their relation."
"How ?"
Gregory felt excited by this. Shirley loved her brother, and talked about him often. If they have an argument, she will be devastated.
"Spreading a rumor. A rumor which make her a real asshole, even for her brother. I already have an idea, but I can't spread it myself. I need you to do this."
Jessy came closer and whispered the development :
"Tell everyone she is lesbian. Okay, you think it's totally dumb, but think for a sec. She love sport, and have the body of a real little boy. And she is short-haired, always wearing jeans or sweatpants. Please, she is the only girl doing that."
"I don't give a fuck about the truth. This is awesome, she will felt devasted, and her brother will be disgusted. Really, this is a nice idea. But we can improve it a bit."
To be continued
Well, this is soon christmas holidays (in the story of course) and we’ll have fun with that ! I’m sorry for taking so long before posting a new part, I’ll try to be effective again !!
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