#also feel free to give me recommendations for next year's reading list!
selchielesbian · 2 years
I did not meet my reading goal this year (and threw my list out the window about a month in) but I think that’s fine because I’ve done more reading in the last six months than I have the last four years, which was the point!!
For my own benefit, and your enjoyment, here’s what I read this year:
Indecent Advances: A Hidden History of True Crime and Prejudice Before Stonewall by James Polchin. Absolutely excellent book about the history and formation of the ‘gay panic’ defense. In depth and well researched.
The Secret History by Donna Tartt. Very glad I never got around to reading this in college because I would have made it my entire personality.
Dead Blondes and Bad Mothers by Jude Ellison S. Doyle. Essay collection that started out strong but I think lost the plot somewhere around the chapter on motherhood and pregnancy. Since publishing the collection the author has come out as trans so I’d be interested to see them revisit some of their points—there were a few times when they brought trans identity into focus but mostly quoted other trans essayists because they felt they were unqualified to speak on the subject, but wanted to include trans women and nonbinary people when relevant. This book gave me a lot to research, and some film recommendations aside lol.
Her Body and Other Parties by Carmen Maria Machado. I actually received this book from a friend back in 2020, read the first story, and went hmmm. Maybe not for me! I finally picked it back up this year and devoured it in a few days. Really delicious, left me feeling sick and raw for some time. Great stuff.
The Locked Tomb series (GtN, HtN, NtN, As Yet Unsent and Dr. Sex) by Tamsyn Muir. As you all know, it has taken over my life. I think this series has a lot of good and bad qualities and was designed to make me, specifically, insane.
Princess Floralinda and the Forty-Flight Tower by Tamsyn Muir. Very fun break down of the ‘princess trapped in a tower’ fairytale. This is one I listened to while driving and doing chores so I’d like to sit down with a print copy some time and dig through it a little more.
Antigonick by Sophocles, translated and reworked by Anne Carson. I love Antigone and Anne Carson so this was just entirely delightful. I really recommend watching the live performance here while you read along with the script!
Did Not Finish:
I’m Thinking of Ending Things by Iain Reid. Really enjoyed the nonlinear storytelling and subject matter but I put the book down for a month and was completely lost when I tried to pick it back up again so it’ll have to carry over into next year’s reading list!
In the Dream House by Carmen Maria Machado. Just as excellent and unsettling as Her Body, but the narrative hit a little too close to what I went through with my most recent relationship to the point where every chapter made me physically ill so I had to put it down for my own wellbeing. Lol. Someday I’ll return to it. Not this year.
Dead Girls: Essays on Surviving an American Obsession by Alice Bolin. Very disappointing. First few essays were interesting and well written but this is not a cohesive collection and had very little to do with the pitched premise.
This Thing Between Us by Gus Moreno. The plot sounded intriguing but I just found the first few chapters a slog. Could be persuaded to give it another shot but it’s not high on my list.
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f-t-e · 7 months
I started watching SUPERNATURAL in November 2020. I know, I know. My partner and I had been isolating alone since March. The timing felt right. I went though a wild amount of upheaval and trauma over the next year and SPN was there for me through it all. It was THE show at THE time and it kept me afloat when I needed it the most. Since November 2021 I've written just about 110,000 words of SPN fanfic, a number that seems unbelievable to me, and that too has been a real blessing to my creative life, no matter what haters say. (why didn't I write my own novels in that time? Because I have a hobby, Karen, and I love it.) And I've read about 500000x that much fanfic, which has been the biggest blessing of all. (ETA: oh right, if you want to read my fic, you can find my stuff here, I wrote a fic where Dean reads books. Lots of books.)
I know I'm a nobody in this fandom but I thought on this, our #DestielDay, I would submit my own humble rec list. I've curated this very deliberately: every fic here has just about 4000 hits or less (most under 3000) and all were published in 2020 or after. So, sort of a rec list for some lesser known and newer fics, something you maybe haven't stumbled on yet. Especially thank you to @jewishcharliebradbury, her rec lists gave me a place to start back in the day and I have tried to model the depth and quality they brought to their lists. I tried to link to everyone's tumblr, but if I missed one, let me know.
Most of all, thank you to everyone who has EVER created something for this fandom, from 2005 to 2023. I am so thankful and, honestly, honored to be among your number. You're not supposed to be cringe and say a show saved your life...but SUPERNATURAL saved me, it really did. See y'all when the movie/reboot drops, to quote Ryan Gosling in The Notebook: IT WASN'T OVER, IT STILL ISN'T OVER. And I'm glad.
Finale Fix-It & S15 and Beyond
What The Moon Was Saying by Amiril (@runawaymarbles)
This is hands-down one of the coolest “Dean Rescues Cas from the Empty” fics I have ever read and the concept is brilliantly structured to mirror the literal and metaphorical things Dean needs to give up and let go to get free. Every scenario is very satisfying and they make sense, is there any better feeling? Dean is very open in this, but in a believable way that still has edges. And, oh, the reunion is so good. Plus all the family stuff. Just excellent, exactly what you want in a fic like this: lovely, well-written, smart, fulfilling, all the pieces clicking, the show but better.
Awake and Annoying by skycruise
I love the use and passage of time in this one, it has some real impact, and I love the way Dean gets into the Empty (so smart, fits just right) and what I REALLY love in this one is the way it lets Dean be really clear-eyed and honest about his relationship with Sam, both the strengths and the weaknesses. And the last line, very clever and moving inverse of one of fandom’s favorite things. 
Living the life you chose by allthismusic
THEEEEE post finale Sam Winchester-Outsider-POV this fandom needs. Sam is absolutely awesome in this, the most believable, loving, realistic mix of “I knew all along” and “I had no idea” versions of Sam, landing somewhere I think that’s really true and in character. It fills in and develops so many gaps and silences in what the show let Sam know in the absolute best way. Best Brother Sam is a weakness of mine and he really shines here, there for Dean in the best ways but also coming into his own, I love it so very much. (this author also has a very great 2022 Big Bang fic, hugely recommend that one too.)
your ear to the wound that whispers by EmandFandems (@lazarusemma)
Who doesn’t love a HANDPRINT FIC?!? And boy this is such a good one. It follows Dean and his thoughts on the handprint from the first touch all the way to fixing the finale and it simply buzzes with longing and desire, tenderness and rawness. It’s great insight in lot of ways into Dean’s journey. It’s short but fulfilling and oh that very perfect last line. (this author also has a lot of great Jupernatural content.)  
Somewhere Off in the Dark by magickastiel 
Another awesome fic that traces Dean’s shifting/growing feelings for Cas from when he shows up in his hotel rooms to a HEA fix it after canon. Dean, again, is handled so deftly in this one, his confusion and sorrow at all the times Cas is slipping away from him all the way through the things he won’t let himself know. He feels really true in this one, sharp and tender in the best Dean ways. Also it has an agonizingly romantic end, you love to end up there.
Pins and Feathers by theskywasblue (@buttherewasnogod)
This author has so many freaking good SPN fics, omg it was almost impossible to pick just one to include on this list. Go treat yourself with their entire list because there’s so much good stuff there! But this one, oh I am a sucker for a finale fix-it that lets Dean be this tender. While I LOVE fics where he just jumps right into Cas’s arms (and write them lol) I also feel like this is so true to Dean too: that “maybe I misunderstood, maybe I shouldn’t say anything, maybe he doesn’t still –” And on top of all that, it’s a “they go the beach” fic and it gets the details of it so right, sand in your toes and all. Tender, amazing slow-burn, real, hot, full of heart and longing and everything unspoken and just waiting. Very satisfying!
i loved you first by kalmialatifolia
A set of four short fics that create an entire world of feeling and emotion. These feel like little whispered stories told under the covers, very atmospheric. There’s one very sexy one, a haircutting one (so good) and they’re just intimate. All together a great set and did I mention they’re in the “Cas saves himself” genre which is mmmm an underrated treasure.
no other faith is light enough for this place by anonymous 
A fix-it fic that has a particularly unique and beautiful visual of both how and why Cas comes back. The mechanics behind it are fairly standard but the way this author creates the visual of it, the sheer emotion and force behind it and how it happens, it really stood out to me and stuck with me. It’s Dean being brave enough to really feel and the way that just blossoms – lovely, aching, full-tilt wonderful.
 no proof, one touch by TakeThisWaltz (@watchinghimrakeleaves)
One thing I absolutely cannot get enough of is fic where Cas is hiding out from Dean in heaven. It just hits. And the only thing better is Dean chasing him down and the WAY he does it in this fic, methodically and – well the method (sobs) it is so endearing and OBVIOUS and gives Dean a chance to shout in all the best ways. This one is just real sweet and kind of goofy and if they have to be in heaven, I want them to still be these same two dorks.
Stay by redbrickrose
This is a post S15x18 from Cas’s POV and I think it’s very true to where he would be in the moment of getting yanked out of the Empty: resigned, hesitant about what he has in front of him, still a little in shock. And then. And then. Sweet and simple and Dean gets a chance to say, say, say it. This author has a good post series AU and a lovely little spate of S15 codas, all good. And then wrote this in real-time in the week after 15x18 Despair and right before 15x19 Inherit the Earth aired (could you just sob over the possibilities?!) and then hasn’t wrote anything since and that’s a shame but, like, yeah I get it.
like a one-two punch by Muir_Wolf (@muirmarie)
Don’t you love a short fic that feels like it’s a whole novel? This goes AU after 14x20 Moriah but it is a truly delightful twist on how Chuck could’ve reacted there and it makes Dean sharp as a knife, which is one really resonant image woven through this fic. Great imagery here and so many clever solutions for the lazy plotting of S15, including simply one of my all-time favorites in any fic ever solutions to Cas’s deal (genius) and getting rid of Chuck. Brilliant like a puzzle box yet still full of so much fucking joy.
maybe i like pleasure pain by tothewillofthepeople (@kvothes)
The fact that this was written in October 2023 and is so agonizingly good fills my heart with joy and tells me Destiel will never die lol. Cas, in particular, is great in this – he’s having a hard time adjusting to being in a body and with all the fuzz of the world. I love fics where Cas struggles with coming back from the Empty and this uses a really unique approach to it: Cas facing sensory overload and not knowing how to feel but wanting it all. Lovely, hot, Dean is just right in this too.
Earlier Canon (pre S15)
Proverbs 13:12 by starlingcas (@angelcasendgame)
Many might say I am biased because Renu has beta’ed everything I have written in the SPN fandom and they can read my brain and make everything I write better. But it’s not just that. Renu has done something beautiful and delicate in this fic, which is about Dean and Cas getting trapped in a net together (forced proximity trope, yes please) and weaves a web of its own; pulling you in just as they are pulled together. This is set mostly in early S14 (before fixing the finale in the most heart-healing way) and captures that feeling so well. There’s so much that’s unsaid between them yet still conveyed and Renu absolutely nails that, along with the tender longing that was always there. This is a fic to relish.
you may tire of me (as our december sun is setting) by deludedfantasy
You know how the show just sometimes is like “uh so anyway uh then Cas…uh…left.” and it just doesn’t make one lick of sense? FINALLY FINALLY a fic where Dean says “I’ll go with you,” and then goes because he actually would do that. This is a post Tombstone fic so it is exactly where/when he WOULD go and it is tender and hesitant and aching in just all the ways it would be between the two of them at this time. It’s about needing to keep someone in sight, it’s about having another chance to say something so important, it’s slow and soft and just right for the characters in this place. I could read this one about 100 times.
the anatomy of flightless birds by cowlovely (@dollhousemary)
This fic is basically the way you feel when you get all cozy and snug underneath your favorite blanket. This is a domestic-life-in-the Bunker S9 fic where everyone behaves like they are in character and not just like they have to get Cas off screen because the writers panicked. You’ll just want to curl up in this fic and savor it the way you wrap your fingers around a hot beverage on a very cold day, there’s no better way to describe it.
virtue by JenTheSweetie
I think I’ve read this about 100 times and it still gets me everytime? It’s a five things fic about Dean and Cas hooking up and it’s all you’ve ever wished for. This is set in an amorphous S8 and it is not just agonizingly hot but also romantic and very funny. It feels really in character! Sam is hilarious, Dean is clueless but bowled over and letting himself be swept up, Cas is delighting in every second and smarter than he lets on and it ALL feels fated and lovely and sexy and just splendid. (this author only has 3 SPN fics but they are all so good and if you try sometimes, well you just might find is an absolutely brilliant deconstruction of Dean learning the differences between “needing” and “wanting.”)
Romance at the Motel 6 by shelia_amour 
This fic makes me feel like Stefon from SNL. This fic has everything: Cas and Sam pretending to be married, just the right amount of jealous Dean, Dean randomly pretending to be married to Cas, Dean realizing maybe this isn’t so fake after all, motel vibes, Cas in Dean’s clothes, Cas getting bee slippers. If you are not sold on this already, we are very different people. So good, aches just right. (set in a kind of “whenever” of canon, but I like to put it somewhere in S8.)
que sera sera by Purple_Starflower (@hauntedpearl)
The epitome of how fanfic unfolds for us all the things that COULD happen. You can’t PROVE to me Dean and Cas never snuck off to snuggle and feed Dean’s touch-starvation early in S13. I had to check when I finished because I just couldn’t believe this fic was under 4000 words because it feels so full of touch, longing, the things unspoken, and all the ways Dean was reaching, reaching, reaching. The best kind of ache, and everything by this author is lovely. 
the hard edge that you’re settling for by lesspopped (@trekkiedean)
This is some S10 Demon!Dean that made my stomach hurt and my heart ache and I absolutely loved it and I absolutely hated it and it all felt so REAL with who Demon!Dean was and could have been. There’s a TW for mildly dubious consent in this, but to me, Cas was so agonizingly true to who he was/where he was at this point in canon too. This fic is gloriously, claustrophobically intimate. I say unbearable because as a reader you know that this closeness, this intimacy, is what Dean wants/craves/deserves but can only give himself as a demon and the author does an exquisite job at getting all that across. Hurts so good! 
four of swords by sundryvillians (eurythmix) (@perenial)
Can the world ever have enough post 12x12 fic? The answer is, of course, no. Dean and Cas bake bread and in the soft space of creating something with their own hands, get so close to the words Cas said. It’s about healing and anger and making something just because you are so tired of everything breaking. If that alone isn’t enough to convince you, let me also throw in this is another one of those “possible off-screen moments in canon” that gives them something honest and tender and raw and it feels so very possible. 
Fifteen Prayers From the Faithless by koyas_cat
Short, achy, that sweet sting. A set of prayers for Cas from the beginning to the end, full of all the things Dean doesn’t let himself say outloud and just reflecting the changes in their connection over alllll the years. So good.
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bettyfrommars · 1 year
I saw a post yesterday or the day before where someone was saying that this side of fic world was quiet and there was not much to read. It made me sadddd because there are so many talented writers still blogging away, and so I decided to make a list of recs with recent stuff I've enjoyed. I have a very small page and not much reach, but hopefully a few of you can find a couple new ones here to sink your teeth into.
If you are a friend of mine and I missed you on this list, pls know that I'm a fan of edibles and I forget things. But I will probably do a couple of these.
I'm not going to organize them into groups, because these are all good regardless of the main.
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(in no particular order)
Pick up, will you? - @somnambulic-thing
rockstar!Eddie in this one and Somna is such a creative genius, you will thank me if you are able to go through their Masterlist. One of the more underrated creatives on this app, everything they put out is gold.
As Above, So Below -@jo-harrington
Kas!Eddie for the vampire/monsterfuckers out there. This story is so rich, Jo is one of those fic writers that make me say out loud: Wait, we get this for FREE?? Highly recommend.
Wasted Years - @neonghostlights
rockstar!Eddie and 90's au! Bee is one of those fic writers that make you want to consume everything they put out so fast because they are all SO good. Plus, she's just genuinely an amazing person and deserves to be supported/protected at all costs.
Exile in Guyville - @chestylarouxx
90s au Eddie, and let me tell you that I am not one of those who waits around for a fic to warm up or get good---this story will grab you right from the start and literally transport you to the 90's. Plus, Eddie is soooo hot in this. Please, you will love it.
Joe Keery is about to be in the next season of Fargo as Gator Tillman and @courtingchaos did their own breathtaking spin on him. The creativity is out the roof, y'all. @usedtobecooler also gifted us with some Gator content that had me on my knees the other day. These are the only two I know of, but let me know if there are others so I can check them out!
S.J. - @lesservillain
Less just decided to drop the most beautiful story on us last night as I was about to go to sleep 😭 Based on the most wonderful Black Mirror episode ever, the way she made this her own is just breathtaking and sad in the best way.
Saccahrine - @pepsimunson
The rockstar!Eddie smut that you've been dreaming of, for real. This is one of those fics with a lot of parts already published, so you can really sink in an enjoy.
all of Drac's Sapphic Summer - @dr-aculaaa
really tho, the creativity and work she has put into these beautiful fics is insane. The Robin Buckley Y2K one is my favorite so far...it will give you the best nostalgia tingles. Seriously, you will fall in love with these.
Sea Stars and Sunshine - @imjuststeddietrashatthispoint
Steve Harrington Summer Love🫠 Another win for this writer, I love everything they create. This story will taste like summer and sand on your tongue as you read it, for real. All the beach vacation vibes...it honestly feels like a warm hug from Steve, chest hair and all.
There are also a handful of popular creators on here writing their hearts out for us all on literally a daily basis, and if you ever have any fic recs, please send them to me!
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samejimachich · 3 months
My impression of GLAZE and Nightshade
It may be a bit long post I guess.
I tried to use GLAZE and Nightshade, so I'll show you how the images are changed.
Here is the latest UI.
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Render Quality is all slowest, because they didn't look different from Faster to Slowest.
Intensity: Low
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Intensity: Default
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Intensity: High
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Here is the latest UI.
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By the way, if you want to use both GLAZE and Nightshade, you must use Nightshade first.
So at first I'll show you the images only use GLAZE.
I only show Intensity: Default ver./Intensity: High ver.
Render Quality are both Slowest.
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Because the lowest intensity in Glaze is Default, and I guess Default is the recommendable setting from official.
Render Quality: Faster
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Render Quality: Medium
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Render Quality: Slower
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Render Quality: Slowest
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Next, Glazed after Nightshaded ver. Intensity: High Render Quality: Slowest
(Green texts are Nightshade settings.)
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So, if you want to use both, it depends which look you like tho, but I recommend both settings are Intensity: Default/Render Quality: Slowest.
But IF you want to use both and furthermore using the effect as watermark, I recommend both sittings are Intensity: High/Render Quality: Slowest.
The following sentences are just my opinion and how I post my art from now on. so you don't have to read more if you don't care about what my art will do.
So, from today onwards, I'll post my art as Intensity: High/Render Quality: Slowest nightshaded/Glazed ver.
Because, once, my fanart ha been unauthorized reproduction on Youtube, and long ago, my arts have also listed in the "Maybe I'll review it one day on my YT channel" box on DA. Of course no contact to me. I didn't feel anger but disgusting, and the alert to the stealers was so tesious. Seriously, I think my art never be stolen from "Al artists" but I no approval that someday Al steal Mike Mignola-ish art and someone praize for them like "Wow, it's really Mike Mignola!!". I believe Al and Al artists never understand the skill of the lighting, at least in a few year. But IF someone try to, I don't know how angry I'll get.
Sorry to let me change the subject slightly, I don't think Al Tim Burton-ish arts are not even Tim Burton-"ish" arts. (It's JUST my opinion tho, I love Burton's sketch.) They just picked up the "Burton-ish features" like spiral, stripe, twig-ish neck, morbid looks, brah-brah-brah. But I was shocked many people saw them and praized.
So, this is the one of the opinion of mine.
Second, I think the artists need more protect our art from network. Once, (I only know Japanese artists tho) social medias were the gratest places for commercial of art, even for non-famous artists. We wanted to show their art high-def and we tried many times how we can post our art without dull. But we had to notice, we were too open. Our posts were like setting up the unattended store on the side of the road in a slum area. Inside the store, there was no security buzzer but just free mercandise. Finished product, not a sample. And a flyer on the side saying "If you like my art, please give me some tips or a job."
Once again, I believe my art will never be stolen at least from Al. This is my worthless action, but some artists need I think.
If you want to see my proper art works, you need to buy my book or join member ship on ko-fi. Thank you for reading this long sentences.
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campbyler · 3 months
hi guys first of all i wanted to say that i love this fic, it's literally my favorite♡. idk if you have talked about this before (it's hard for me to keep track of everything on tumblr) but i wanted to ask 2 questions.
the first one was if you guys were going to give backstory in the next chapters on why will and mike "hated" each other and what happened in the first summer camp and the rivalry that followed in the next years prior to acswy?
and the second question is related to "in the quiet of the night" series that acswy is part of, i just need a little help understanding the order so i can read it.
that's all!!
hi hi thank you so much for the love! no worries at all, we know our tumblr can be a bit chaotic at times :-) by the end of the 16 chapters (potentially 17 depending on whether we are splitting up ch10 lol) we will be caught up on the full mike and will story!! we do obviously have companion fics planned and everything, but those have always been intended to be more supplemental to the main story — aka, they’ll help embellish the story and fill in some gaps or add an interesting perspective, but everything actually Crucial to the fic that would be weird to leave out will be addressed by the time it’s over (dw btw we have not forgotten about fearless lore!)
as for the series, we’re posting fics in chronological order along the acswy timeline, so that if someone wanted to read the universe start to finish, they could! i think it would definitely be helpful to know a little bit about acswy/to have read a chapter or two first for sure, just bc we’re not trying to give exposition with every companion fic as that would get horribly repetitive, but we’re also trying to write them so that they’ll be hopefully still be interesting as a first introduction to the universe for a reader! so basically i would recommend a chapter or two of acswy or at least knowing the Premise, then you can feel free to just go down the list and read them in order. we also plan on specifying in the notes where in the timeline each fic takes place, just to help with any confusion. hope this clears things up, and happy reading!! :^)
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hey i hope you had a nice day, do you have some parentlock fanfic recommendations? im currently running out of fanfictions regarding this trope and need some new stuff🙏🏼🙏🏼
Hey Nonny!
Ah, not much, I haven't been doing much new reading lately so all the lists I do have are about 6 months old the latest... Hmm. Let's make a new list and go through my MFL list, because I once again don't have a different list of stuff I've read ready, so let's give y'all a nice long list today :) These are all the fics that have been tagged with "Parentlock" based on the author descriptions.
Feel free to add more, friends!
EDIT: THIS HAD TO BE SPLIT UP, SO YAY I HAVE LISTS FOR THREE WEEKS!!! :D I had a lot more Parentlock MFLs than I thought, so I hope you enjoy Parentlock for the next three weeks, hahahha!
PARENTLOCK Pt. 4A (MFL, 0-25K w.)
See also:
Parentlock Pt. 2
Parentlock Pt. 3
Single-Parent Sherlock
Sherlock Soft With Children
Dragons and Giants by ChrisCalledMeSweetie (G, 432 w., 1 Ch. || Fluff, Humour, Parentlock with Rosie) – Uncle Mycroft tells Rosie a story about how brave her Daddy and her Papa really are.  Part 4 of the Bedtime Stories with Sherlock and John series ||  Part 17 of the Children's Classics with a Johnlock Twist series || Part 6 of the Ring Around the Rosie - Parentlock Fluff series
FOR YOU, MY LOVE....... by sherlock_is_actually_a_girls_name (G, 540 w., 1 Ch. || One Shot, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Rosie Watson, Parentlock) – Rosie has decided that her papa needs some makeup........
Bad Influence by Mottlemoth (T, 923 w., 1 Ch. || Mystrade || Humour, Secret Relationship, Background Johnlock, Parentlock with Rosie, Rosie Swears, Uncle Mycroft) – Three-year-old Rosie Watson learns a fun new word; Sherlock is in no doubt who taught her it.
Dear Sherlock: The First 30 Times I Loved You The Most by wendymarlowe (M, 1,063 w., 1 Ch. || S4 Fix It, Parentlock, Schmoop / Fluff) – Written because I have some serious feels about the end of S4.
The Ghostly Beekeeper by ChrisCalledMeSweetie (G, 1,129 w., 1 Ch. || Dog, Parentlock) – Rosie Watson-Holmes shares the story of her father’s great tragedy. Part 9 of the Spooky Johnlock Stories series || Part 2 of the A Sackful of Saki series || Part 11 of the Ring Around the Rosie - Parentlock Fluff series
He Gets That From Me by CrayolaDinosaurs (G, 1,163 w., 1 Ch. || Parentlock, Implied Mystrade, Depressing as Fuck, OC Child) – Sherlock discusses the traits that Hamish gained from John and himself.
Rosie and the Rainbows by MissDavis (M, 1,194 w., 1 Ch. || Parentlock, Girl Guides/Scouts, Papa Sherlock, Fluff, M for Language) – Sherlock isn't exactly opposed to Rosie joining the Girl Guides, but he doesn't really see the appeal, either. It ends up being much worse than he imagined.
Z is for Animals by chainedtothemirror & ChrisCalledMeSweetie (G, 1,228 w., 2 Ch. || Case Fic. Riddles, Fluff, Established Relationship, Parentlock, Illustrated) – A case leads Sherlock and John to spend a day at the London Zoo - with surprising results.  Part 8 of the Sherlock Challenge Prompt Fills series || Part 7 of the Ring Around the Rosie - Parentlock Fluff series
Are you gay, Sherlock? (the question that changed everything) by Wholockian_Nerd (G, 1,370 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, POV First Person John, Parentlock with Rosie) – Rosie asks a question one day and Sherlock’s answer changes everything about his and John’s relationship.
Still here by solrosan (G, 1,387 w., 1 Ch. || Post-TFP, Parentlock) – Sherlock and John come home to Rosie after the events of The Final Problem.
Ink by Strange_johnlock (T, 1,460 w., 1 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Parentlock with Rosie, Friends to Lovers, First Kiss/Time, Tattoos, Mutual Pining, Angst, Fluff) – Every tattoo Sherlock gets has to do with John.
Without Complexities or Pride by Raina_at (G, 1,671 w., 1 Ch. || Post-S4, Sherlock POV, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Parentlock, Stream of Consciousness, Friends to Lovers, Pining, Domestic Fluff) – Love is what happens when you look and look and finally see.
Family by bluebellofbakerstreet (G, 1,919 w., 1 Ch. || Art Fic / Text in Images, Parentlock, Mycroft POV, Fluff, Background Mystrade) – Mycroft Holmes keeps an eye on Rosie Watson. Strictly for the sake of security. Excerpts from a confidential file.
parenting 101 by ImJustPassingThrough (G, 1,922 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4,  Parentlock with Rosie, Crying Sherlock, Caring John) – Rosie accidentally broke a glass vase by playing ball in the apartment, despite her Dad telling her not to. However, when her Papa told her off for it, she may have yelled something she shouldn't have...
Sherlock chooses himself by thewallflower07 (G, 2,035 w., 1 Ch. || Post TLD / No TFP, No Parentlock, Dialogue Heavy, Sherlock is a Mess, Sherlock and Feelings, John is Not Good, Angst) – Sherlock is a physical and emotional mess after John beats him bloody during the Culverton Smith case. He visits his therapist, who tells him to be selfish for the first time in his life. When John appears with his daughter and asks him to move back, Sherlock has to make a very difficult decision.
enbyfriend by blueberrynoahboi (NR, 2,045 w., 2 Ch. || Post S4, Teen Romance, Gender Dysphoria, Teen Rosie, Domestic Fluff, Family Feels, Parentlock) – Rosie brings home someone special, and John has to grapple with some new ideas. Sherlock's there for support. But as always, it's all fine.
Evermore by SosoHolmesWatson (G, 2,068 w., 1 Ch. || Post-S4, Parentlock, Beauty and the Beast, Love Confessions, Disney Songs, Oblivious John, First Kiss, Friends to Lovers, Pining Sherlock) – For the past years, John and Sherlock have lived at Baker Street again, raising Rosie together--as friends and nothing more. Ever since the little girl has watched her first Disney movie, she is obsessed with princesses. When John comes home one day, he finds his friend and his daughter in the middle of a reenactment of her current favourite. Part 1 of the Made of Music series
Are You Gay? by orphan_account (G, 2,299, 2 Ch. || Parentlock with Rosie, Older Rosie, Fluff) – Some boys at school called Rosie "Gay." She doesn't exactly know what that means, but maybe her dad does?
Keep Calm and Celebrate Sherlock's Birthday by BookGirlWithLove (G, 2,431 w., 11 Ch. || Post-S4, Sherlock’s Birthday, Parentlock / Rosie, Collection of 221B Ficlets First Kiss) – Rosie's excited to throw Sherlock a surprise birthday party. John knows it won't be that simple.
Three of us by Salambo06 (E, 2,801 w., 4 Ch. || Post S4, Parentlock, Domesticity, First Kiss) – He leans in as soon as he’s close enough, kissing Rosie’s forehead softly, murmuring a quiet “Morning love” as Sherlock goes into more detailed facts about Rosie’s sleeping habits. John isn’t sure what happens next, but without thinking twice about it and actually feeling like it’s the most natural thing in the world to do right now, he leans in towards Sherlock and kisses his temple with a smile.
The Best Things in Life by Calais_Reno (T, 2,969 w., 1 Ch. || Post-S4, Parentlock with Rosie, Fluff and Humour, Accidental Kissing, Developing Relationship, Idiots in Love) – Will they talk about this? Hell, no. Part 27 of Just Johnlock
Hope is sweet by Lock_John_Silver (T, 2,977 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, Parentlock with Rosie, Valentine’s Day, Developing Relationship, Pet Names, Friends to Lovers, First Kiss, Classical Music, Idiots in Love, Endearments, POV Sherlock) - Sherlock wants to be more than John’s best friend. Has wanted it for ages, truth be told. So, when Molly comes up with an idea, that to some extent involves three year old Rosie, Sherlock doesn’t hesitate.
Lines in the Sand by JRow (G, 3,067 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, Parentlock, First Kiss, Love Confessions, Fluff) –  He examines the plain white box, which clearly holds a new mug. John must have purchased it and he’s written a note on the top. First time for everything. – J. Sherlock smiles and feels excitement as he opens the box. As expected, it’s a mug. It appears to be a boring, white mug. Sherlock pulls it out of the box and his breath hitches as he sees the image decorating the side. It’s not boring at all.
Move in by Strange_johnlock (G, 3,073 w., 1 Ch. || Post-S4, Misunderstandings, Idiots in Love, Parentlock, First Kiss, Light Angst, Fluff) – Sherlock wants John and Rosie to move out. At least that's what John thinks.
Enfolded in Love by Schattengestalt (T, 3,258 w., 1 Ch. || Trans!Sherlock, FTM Sherlock, Body Dysphoria, Domestic Fluff, Couch Cuddles, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Parentlock, Fluff, Insecure Sherlock, Kissing) – When their daughter comes to them with a question, Sherlock fears that the answer to it will change her perception of him forever.
Words Won’t Come by unicornpoe (G, 3,323 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, Fluff, Angst, Softness, Mutual Pining, First Kiss, Friends to Lovers, Parentlock with Rosie) – John wants to take Sherlock’s wrist into his hand, to tether him close. Pull him in with a palm at the small of Sherlock’s back, press his forehead into the curve of Sherlock’s neck. Catch that heat, and hold it forever. Kiss him. He doesn’t. Instead, he settles for tea and awkward conversation. Fifteen minutes, tops, and John barely breathes the whole time.
The Wee Small Hours of the Morning by Quesarasara (NR, 3,330 w., 1 Ch. || Soulmates AU || Parentlock, Family Fluff, Surrogacy, Established Relationship) – How Sherlock, John and Jack became a family. Part 2 of the The Colors 'Verse series
"Daddy, who do you like?" by OnlyForward (G, 3,441 w., 1 Ch. || Parentlock / 6 Year-Old Rosie Fic) – Rosie is in the phase where she constantly asks questions. This leads to questions like "Who do you like" and develops, eventually, to "Why don’t you kiss Sherlock?"
About Bloody Time by ANGSWIN (T, 3,925 w., 1 Ch. || Post-TRF, Parentlock with Rosie, Family, Friendship, Love, Babysitting, First Kiss, Matchmaker Mycroft) – During a family emergency, Mycroft (un)intentionally plays matchmaker.
Father by NomdePlume (G, 4,525 w., 1 Ch. || Post-T6T Fix It, Parentlock, Soul Searching, Papa Sherlock, Pining, Panicked Sherlock, Fluff,  Godfather Sherlock, Pre-Slash) – Sherlock never realized how good he would be at this parenting thing. Or how much he would love it.
Don't Read the Last Page by Raina_at (T, 4,527 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, Parentlock, Domestic Fluff, Life with a Toddler, Friends to Lovers, Love Confession, First Kiss) – What does it mean to be brave? Or: Sherlock and John spend New Year's Day with a grumpy toddler and have a long overdue conversation.
A Study in Sleep by Ranowa (T, 5,691 w., 1 Ch. || Post TFP, Parentlock, Nightmares, Hurt/Comfort, Self-Worth Issues) – John just wants to go to sleep, and instead is woken up by a crying toddler. He learns that Sherlock is at his most honest only when he thinks that no one is watching.
Love Like Ours by Berty (T, 6,563 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, Parentlock with Rosie, Past John/Mary, First Kiss, Declarations, Developing Relationship, Conversations, POV John) – In a moment of madness, John tells Sherlock that he loves him. He had not anticipated where the ensuing conversation would take them.
Incidents with Dogs, Curious and Otherwise by DiscordantWords (T, 6,850 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, Dogs, First Kiss, John Comes Home, Parentlock) – Rosie, it seems, is quite taken with dogs. So is Sherlock. John cannot help but notice.
Swift, Fierce & Obscene by J_Baillier (M, 7,183 w., 4 Ch. || Post-S4, Angst, Illness, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Big Brother Mycroft, Drugs, Parentlock, Reichenbach Feels, Flashbacks) – Every morning, he lets out a rattled breath of relief because John doesn't know yet; he can still pretend everything hasn't changed.Sometimes it's the smallest things, rather than criminal master plans or elaborate family secrets, which ultimately destroy what a man has fought to preserve.
Dinner Conversations, a 5+1 by BakerTumblings (G, 7,559 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, Blended Families, Parentlock, Dinner Conversations, Established Relationship, Family Adventures, Five and Ones) – Five times that John had something to say at or about dinnertime, and one time where John was requested to listen. Part 8 of Eyes Wide Open
The Beating of a Heart by Ficlet_Sprinkler (NR, 7,700 w., 1 Ch. || MCD, Heavy Angst, Love Confessions, Parentlock) – John is deadly sick, laying in the hospital, with Sherlock by his side. Things are not looking well for John, so Sherlock decides to finally tell him the truth. The truth he had been holding back for years, as it hurt too much for him to admit. Before it's too late...
Miscommunication by SrebrnaFH (G, 7,849 w., 6 Ch. || Post S4, Father’s Day, Parentlock, Surprises) – Sherlock picks Rosie up from daycare and is faced with a Problem To Resolve. Little Watson is distressed.
I meant to say always by OnceSherlock (T, 8,808 w., 1 Ch. || Fake Relationship, Parentlock, First Kiss, Friends to Lovers, Unresolved Romantic Tension, POV John, Protective Parents) – Rosie made sure that Sherlock was listening before whispering into John’s ear. “I wished for you and Papa to be married.”
Alternative Facts by SwissMiss (E, 10,116 w., 2 Ch. || Post-S4, POV Outsider, Parentlock, Fluff, Five and One) – Five times people imagined what John and Sherlock get up to in the bedroom, and one time we see what they really get up to.
We could. by agirlsname (M 10,918 w., 1 Ch. || Twitterlock AU || Post-TRF, Relationship Crisis, Emotional Sex, Angst and Fluff, POV John, Parentlock, Hurt/Comfort, Texting) – We can do better than two weeks. An interpretation of events occurring on the 16th of May 2017; a most dramatic night on Twitter. Part 1 of Contacts
Wanting Everything by jadztone (T, 10,931 w. 1 Ch., || Post-S4, Miscommunications, Pining John, Pregnancy, UST / RST, First Kiss, Parentlock, Mollcroft) – John and Rosie are living in Baker Street again, after the events of TFP. John is trying to work up the courage to tell Sherlock how he feels. When he finds out Molly is pregnant, he fears that he is too late.
Casualty by Silvergirl (E, 12,051 w., 4 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Canon Compliant Until T6T, Mary’s Dead, Trauma/Comfort, John’s a Good Friend, Friends to Lovers, First Kiss/Time, Sherlock Learns Teamwork, Parentlock) – Sherlock renders assistance at a hit-and-run and is left deeply shocked. When the accident turns into a case, John moves back in to 221b to help—and finds that Sherlock has way oversold his image as an emotionless thinking machine.
Darkest Days, Finest Hours by blueink3 (M, 12,448 w., 1 Ch. || S4 Fix It Fic, Parentlock, Angst with Happy Ending, Friends to Lovers, Kidnapping, Hurt John, Peril, Soft Sherlock, BAMF John) – They both knew, deep down, that it was only a matter of time. And now the time has come.Rosamund Catherine Watson is missing. And Sherlock Holmes is about to set the world on fire.
The Infinite Curse Of A Lonely Heart by Potrix (M, 13,416 w., 1 Ch. || Post S3 Canon Divergence, URT/UST, Pining, Infidelity, Unhealthy Relationships, Drug Use/Abuse, Angry Sex, Hurting Sherlock, Oblivious John, Not-Nice Mary, Parentlock, Eventual Happy Ending, Protective Mycroft, Paternal Lestrade) – Sherlock agrees to be the best man. John is his friend and that's what you do for your friend. Sherlock prepares and delivers the best man speech for his friend. John is his best friend and that's what you do for your best friend. Sherlock watches his best friend get married and smiles on. John is the person he loves and that's what you do for the person you love.Sherlock kills the man threatening the person he loves. John is his world and that's what you do for you friend, your best friend, the person you love, the love of your life, your world.
A Fortuitous Oversight by scribblesinthebyline (E, 14,513 w., 1 Ch. || Omegaverse AU || Parentlock, Omega Sherlock, Alpha John, Past Mpreg, Anal Sex, Angst, Fluff, Happy Ending) – Sherlock Holmes was perfectly content being a single parent until a scent on the wind caught his attention.
A One-Track Life by JennLynn77 (E, 13,526 w., 7 Ch. || Post S4/TFP, Parentlock, Est. Rel., Medical Procedures, Anal, Cuddling/Snuggling, Bed Sharing, Surgery, Physical Therapy, Retirement, Sherlock Whump, Caring John, Bottomlock, Endearments, Drug Addiction, Triggers) – A medical situation threatens to derail the plans Sherlock had for his life with John and Rosie.
Full Circle by cumberqueer (E, 13,797 w., 3 Ch. || Post S4, Parentlock, Domestic Fluff, POV Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Jealous Sherlock) – Sherlock Holmes has noticed that his best friend and crime-solving partner John Watson is doing well - too well for what they've been through, if you ask him. Sherlock is worried John is seeing someone that is making him very happy, and intends to find out who. But first: data. Featuring a spreadsheet of John Watson's Smiles, a parentlock makeover for 221b, and John being charming af.
Sehnsucht by unicornpoe (T, 14,770 w., 9 Ch. || Post S4 Fix It, Mutual Pining, Parentlock with Rosie, Romance, Slow Burn, Touch Starvation, Hurt / Comfort, Hurt John, Angst and Feels, Angst with a Happy Ending) – Sehnsucht: longing, pining, yearning, craving, intensely missing. An individual’s search for happiness while coping with the reality of unattainable wishes. John is here now, yes, yes he is. He and Rosie are back home in 221B with Sherlock, safe where they belong... but why is there still a hole deep inside Sherlock, wide and gaping and consuming? Does John feel it too? And what will it take to fill it?
Quite an Eyeful by BakerTumblings (M, 14,869 w., 1 Ch. || Post-S4, Parentlock with Rosie, Established Relationship, Military Backstory, Brief Previous John/OFC, Domestic Life) – Life on Baker Street for Sherlock, John, & Rosie was very good. They had resolved many of the issues that had plagued them, settled in as parents, and thrived on a more predictable yet very enjoyable routine.Until something very unexpected from John's past surfaced to challenge them.They will, of course, work together and find a way to manage. Together. Part 1 of Eyes Wide Open
Winning the Goat by ArwaMachine (E, 17,204 w., 1 Ch. || Post-S4, Parentlock, Established Relationship, Kissing, Anal, Fluff, Bottomlock, Slice of Life, Mild Hurt/Comfort) – The life that Sherlock and John have together is rather unusual. Sometimes they lounge about the flat with their daughter. Sometimes they flee for their lives from a band of organ-harvesting criminals. Sometimes they shag. Sometimes Sherlock insists upon arguing with John about the Monty Hall problem for weeks on end. Somehow, they love each other. Somehow, it all works.
Stay for Me by Itsallfine (M, 17,310 w., 7 Ch. || Post-TAB, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Drug Withdrawal, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Hurt/Comfort, First Kiss/Time, Bed Sharing, Mental Health Issues, Not-Nice Mary, Divorce, Angst with Happy Ending, Parentlock) – 221B was packed into boxes and bins, and that was when John knew, really knew—Sherlock had planned to be gone forever.
One Good Scare by blueink3 (M, 17,386 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, Holmes Family, Parentlock, Misunderstandings, Family, Fluff and Angst, Jealousy, Halloween, Happy Ending) – Mummy invites Sherlock, John, and Rosie to the country for her birthday, which just so happens to coincide with the annual Harvest Festival, an event Sherlock loathes. With John seemingly making the wrong move at every turn and with ghosts hiding in each of their closets, what will it take for their (Halloween) masks to finally come off?
The Nearer Your Destination by Silvergirl (E, 18,949  w., 6 Ch. || Post-TLD, Established Relationship, Wedding, Venice Honeymoon, Parentlock, Jealousy) – After a December wedding, Sherlock takes John to Venice for a February honeymoon. It's absolutely perfect, up until the moment he hears John growl, "What the hell is Zanardi doing here?" Part 4 of the Drawn to Stars series
I'll Show You the Difference by Ginger_Cat (E, 19,677 w., 10 Ch. || Post-HLV, Infidelity, Hand/Blow Jobs, Hair-Pulling, First Kiss, Caught-In-The-Act, Almost Parentlock, Minor Character Death, Angst, Bittersweet Ending) – John attempts to prove that Sherlock's love for him is platonic. He fails, miserably.
WHISPER TO ME by chrysanthemumsies (T, 20,598 w., 3 Ch. || Post S4, Fluff, Parentlock, Mutual Pining, Music, Sherlock Plays Guitar, Love Confessions, Light Angst, Romance, First Kiss) - Following the events of S4, Sherlock and John try and fit back into their old life as carefully as they can, all while their feelings threaten to bubble to the surface. Or: Sherlock picks up playing the guitar. John falls more and more in love with every passing day.
A Twist of Fate by cloud_wolfbane (M, 21,103 w., 12 Ch. || Omegaverse || Mpreg, Drug Use, Parentlock) – In a cocaine bender Sherlock forgets to take his heat suppressants and spends his heat with a soldier readying for deployment. While he remembers the man's kindness he does not remember his name. In a move even Sherlock isn't sure he can deduce, he decides to keep the child. What will he do 10 years later when he meets Dr. John Watson at Barts? Part 1 of the Twist of Fate series
Home Is by glenien (E, 21,786 w., 2 Ch. || S4 Fix-It / Post S4, Eventual Happy Ending, Parentlock, Emotional Baggage, First Kiss, Domesticity, Fluff) – While 221B is still under construction, Sherlock stays with Rosie and John.
Into the Multiverse by AnAnYaH (M, 21,958 w., 18 Ch. || Avengers / Sherlock / Dr. Strange Crossover || Multiverses, Everstrange, Parentlock / Teenage Rosie, Sad Sherlock, Angry Sherlock, Guilty Sherlock, Sherlock/John Fight, Magic, Strange John, First Kiss, Whipping, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Threats of Rape / Non-Con, Mental Anguish, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst with Happy Ending) – Nothing lasts forever. I am beginning to think it's the same for you and me. In a world where we don't co-exist how long will it take to finally break us ? Or are we already broken in need of a fix ?A multi-chapter fic where Sherlock and John had to leave their lives to save the world from universal threats and pursue as Doctor Strange and Everett Ross.Will they ever reunite? Part 1 of the Everstrange series
The Alchemy of Sea Glass by reveling_in_mayhem (E, 22,010 w., 5 Ch. || Post-S3 Canon Divergence, Parentlock (Rosie), Friends to Lovers, First Kiss / Time, Vacationing) – Salt and air and sand surrounded their little party of three. Crashing waves, gull cries, and the exhilarated exclamations of an excited three-year-old served as the soundtrack to a day filled with blue skies and bright sunshine.
Where I Cannot Find You by withoutawish (M, 22,211 w., 1 Ch. || Parentlock, Drama, Cancer, Illness, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Turmoil, Established Relationship, Character Death) – When Hamish is diagnosed with cancer, his parents have two entirely separate ways of coping.
Becoming Us (A reunion in three parts) by addicted2hugh (E, 23,207 w., 3 Ch. || S4 Fix It, Pining Sherlock, Grief/Mourning, Hurt Sherlock, Hurt/Comfort, Protective John, First Time, POV Sherlock, Virgin Sherlock, Light Parentlock, Bottom Sherlock, Self-Harm, Drug Addiction, Sherlock is a Mess) – After watching Mary's last message, Sherlock and John try to be the "Baker Street Boys" again. Rebuilding the destroyed flat is the easy part. Will they manage to rebuild their friendship as well? And what did Mary mean when she said: "And if I'm gone, I know what you could become."?
Lockdown by johnwatso and Salambo06 (E, 23,376 w., 20 Ch. || Quarantine, COVID-19, Lockdown, Fluff, Parentlock, Reunion, Dancing, Soft Idiots, Sex Toys) – The world is in lockdown due to Covid-19. This is how Sherlock and John spend their time.
Danger Nights by khorazir (T, 23,591 w., 3 Ch. || Post-TLD, Friends to Lovers, Mentioned Parentlock, Pining, First Kiss/Time, Winter, Folklore, Wales, Spooky Elements, Bed Sharing, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Spooky Elements) – According to folklore, the nights between Christmas and Twelfth Night are the most dangerous of the year. During them, the Wild Hunt rides, and ghosts and demons come out to haunt unsuspecting and misbehaving folk. An investigation of a series of strange occurrences leads John and Sherlock to Hay-on-Wye on the Welsh Marches, to face ghosts weird and ancient as well as close and personal – and perhaps to start the new year on a more hopeful note than the previous one.
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highladyluck · 1 month
13 books tag game, tagged by @amemoryofwot and @asha-mage (incidentally I typoed that as "amemeryofwot" which would be an excellent sideblog concept, maybe snatch that one up?)
1) Last book I read:
Mistress of the Empire by Raymond Feist & Janny Wurts (at the time I started filling this out, anyway… I've been working on this ask for several days) This whole trilogy was a delight, thanks to @sixth-light for telling me I would love Mara!
2) A book I recommend:
The Best of All Possible Worlds by Karen Lord. It's a quiet little road trip romance exploring grief & diaspora, in a setting that I can best describe as 'if Madeline L'Engle had been in charge of Star Trek worldbuilding'. (If you squint you can see analogues to humans, Vulcans, Romulans, and Orions, but the tone is reminiscent of L'Engle.) There are sequels that follow different characters but this is the first one and it works as a standalone. I feel like it has a lovely light touch on some intense subjects and I appreciate the way each chapter works as a separate story while still fitting into the whole.
3) A book that I couldn’t put down:
I remember staying up past my bedtime for The Monster Baru Cormorant, I think? At the very least, that's where we first get my beloved Tau-Indi, and the pacing on the climax is kinda weird, about 2/3rds in, so I think I would have read through to it without stopping. I don't know if this question is supposed to be about compellingness or pacing? Probably compellingness, I think I'm weirdly fixated on structure when I read things. But sometimes I think books you 'can't put down' are at least partially that way because there's no damn place to breathe, and I don't entirely approve.
4) A book I’ve read twice (or more)
I see from literally everyone who has tagged me in this that this is one of the two free spaces for Wheel of Time, but I'll switch it up: Lifeboats by Diane Duane. It's set between Young Wizards 9 & 10 and deals with an emergency response team permanently evacuating an entire alien population from a natural disaster (RIP their moon and also consequently their planet). This novel is a huge comfort read for me and is undoubtedly the Young Wizards work I've read the most. I don't really know how to explain what it means to me… I wish I had had it when I was living and working in a foreign country.
5) A book on my TBR
A friend recommended Cahokia Jazz (in general, not to me specifically) and it sounds SO MUCH like my jam. I suspect if I can't find it at my library soon, I'll end up buying the ebook.
6) A book I’ve put down
Can't think of a recent one, but if I hadn't forced myself to finish reading it because it was a Hugo Award nominee, I would have DNF'd Project Hail Mary.
7) A book on my wish list
I wish for more Baru Cormorant but I also literally cannot imagine how Seth is going to write that next book. So like, I'm girding my loins for Baru #4 either 15 years from now or never.
8) A favourite book from childhood
When I was really little I loved the Berenstain Bear books and my mom HATED that I loved them ("they were so badly written!" - my mom the children's librarian) but she bought them for me anyway. That's love.
9) A book you would give a friend
You all need to read Middlemarch by George Eliot. I don't care what stage of life you're at, you will find something resonant in it. Read it now, and read it again in 20 years. Give it to recent high school grads. Give it as a wedding present. Take it to the beach. BUT I am specifically recommending it to the WoT contingent, because the characters are so good!
10) The most books you own by a single author
It's actually either Diane Duane or Terry Pratchett, and DD's probably winning because I don't have every Pratchett book but I do have almost every DD book including tie-in novels.
11) A nonfiction book you own
Four Lost Cities: A Secret History of the Urban Age by Annalee Newitz. I don't read a ton of nonfiction but the writing is very engaging and I think cities are neat.
12) what are you currently reading
I'm between books but I just finished The Imposition of Unnecessary Obstacles (as I am writing this part several days after question 1). I didn't like it as much as the first one, The Mimicking of Known Successes, but I think it's just a taste thing. I didn't like being in Pleiti's POV very much, her overthinking is too much like mine and it alternately stresses me out and makes me angry, because I can see the assumptions/unhelpful thought patterns but I can't fix them. Obviously, to draw that reaction from me the characters are well-defined, and I like everything else about the series, I just hope it goes back to Mossa's POV.
13) what are you planning on reading next?
WHEN WILL 'RED SIDE STORY' BY JASPER FFORDE REACH MY HOUSE??? I have been waiting like 15 years for this sequel to Shades of Grey and the entire point of preordering it was so I could have it ASAP. I could have walked into a bookstore on May 9th and walked out with it, and instead I won't get it until tomorrow. >:(
I think I am supposed to add a shelfie? The organizing principles(s) of this shelf in my bedroom are very weird…. Classics/adventure, fantasy, popular science writing? Someday I need to reshelve everything in the house according to size/favoriteness/genre/theme/vibes (in that order) but I haven’t felt like it.
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I think pretty much everyone I was going to tag already got tagged, so whoever want to do it, go ahead!
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lesbiancolumbo · 1 year
re: your last post about eastern european/turkish/etc films do you have any specific recommendations 👀
hell yes i do, i have a lot, and i'm gonna open this up to a wider net of countries in europe that i think just aren't getting enough attention when it comes to their cinema. i'm also keeping this limited to contemporary cinema.
romania: the films of cristian mungiu are all amazing, especially 4 months 3 weeks and 2 days and beyond the hills (i'm watching his latest effort and that's what inspired that post btw). i also recommend tuesday, after christmas, and the death of mr. lazarescu. i haven't seen this next title but it comes highly recommended and looks amazing: collective, a documentary that is high on my list.
bulgaria: viktoria. watch viktoria. it's on kanopy and i think it is a movie that is so beautiful and moving and challenging and it has just stuck with me since i saw it almost a decade ago. i miss maya vitkova so much, i want another film from her asap. another film i enjoyed was glory (2016), which i don't think anyone else i know has seen, but i saw it for a film festival i was working for at the time, and while we didn't program it, i vouched for it.
serbia: no one's child, which is a film i saw at a festival as screening duty for the same festival i was working for when i watched glory. i fell in love with this film's uncompromising vision and recommended it, we programmed it, and it actually won our jury prize that year. so maybe i have taste.
bosnia/herzegovina: watch quo vadis, aida? and never look back. best movie of 2020 (i got the year wrong in my last post, apologies)
hungary: i am probably most excited to see what hungarian cinema is gonna look like after the last few years. a film i really liked recently is preparations to be together for an unknown period of time. there was a sweet little film that was at last year's sundance that was called gentle, and another sundance watch, a documentary from 2017 called a woman captured that made me sob. there's also son of saul, which is A Brutal Watch, be warned and read the imdb summary before you go into that one. also a really exciting filmmaker coming out of hungary is Ildikó Enyedi and her film on body and soul is really interesting.
turkey: the film i mentioned in my other post was between two dawns, which is fascinating and heartbreaking. another one that i love is mustang (when i saw deniz's name on several episodes of perry mason i cheered lol).
lithuania: lastly i wanted to give two films a shoutout from lithuania - the summer of sangaille, a visually beautiful film about two girls falling in love, and one of the most interesting films i saw at this year's sundance, slow, which is a gorgeous and unique love story.
i will leave you all with these -- i realized in consulting my lists that i don't have anything contemporary from czechia, which is embarrassing because that's my people lol, but i digress. feel free to continue recommending stuff in the comments - let's spread some love for world cinema!
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captainmera · 8 months
ello mera,
I wanted to ask how you post your comics online because i was thinking about making my own web comic series but i dont know where to start hehe
I think the website you used for IBWR was called Hiveworks but im not to sure how it works...
Also if you have any other tips when it comes to making comics like time management, planning, or even how draw those gorgeous backgrounds, it would be much appreciated :D
Thank you for your time ヾ(•ω•`)o ✧.*
Sure thing buckaroo, get in the backseat and let's hit the comic road!
ヾ(•`ω´•)o ✧.*
this is all from my perspective though, some stuff may not work for you, but hey - no knowledge is bad knowledge.
Hiveworks is a... Publisher! of sorts! Kind of. They're not like webtoons or Tapas when it comes to comic hosting, you have to be invited to Hiveworks (like me!) or apply to join them! :) They also have Hivemill which is a place where they sell merch for the comics. Either Hiveworks helped making the merch, or the artists themselves made the stuff and Hiveworks helps distribute it (I THINK, don't quote me on that. I haven't made or sold merch with them before. But it's what I understand. They have explained it to me, I'm just kinda dumb).
However! Comic control, of which Hiveworks uses to make the websites are free for anyone to use! :) So if you want your own website, go ahead and make one!
I'd still recommend you buy the URL you'll use in that case though. I pay a yearly fee on GoDaddy.com for mine. It's affordable and honestly worth it as a precaution, lest a dirtbag buy it just to ruin my day and give me distress for a year(s).
But my recommendation is that you mirror your comic in as many places as possible.
Now, my website has ads on it, so if you switch off ad-block when visiting IBWR, I can get ad rev from it! :D (thanks to Hiveworks, that is, they added the ad stuff on there. Idk how it works but it's nice passive income that I really need. It pays for my food).
That means I will prioritize the website over the secondary mirrored places. So that's the place I always link to first. So if people REALLY want to get the next page sooner, they can always check there first.
However, mirroring is great because it is very difficult to get people to read the story you've put so much love into. I want people to enjoy my story as much as I do. The more places you update it to, the more people will discover you.
I've noticed that people like to follow the artist/author on social media for update announcements and general news of what's going on for the comic - so know where your presence on socmed is at! If it's instagram, well, then prioritize instagram but don't forget bluesky or tumblr too! Just know where you're at.
BUT!! And I cannot stress (lol) this enough - but don't stress (lol) about it. which is easier said than done.
It can feel super overwhelming to constantly make each update of a page feel like a check list of "okay, posted announcement to insta, tumblr, twitter, I have scheduled a mirrored post to comicfury and tumblr, I have added all the links in the author section, uuuh, I gotta add a cropped panel sneak-peak in each and I gotta--" that shit gets tiring quick. Work smart not hard. I copy paste from a document and I print-screen crop a panel from my comic on my phone kind of flimsily and that works. Nobody cares if it's fancy. It's just extra energy on my part that I can't be arsed to worry about.
Like Webtoons require that you to always have a preview icon for each update. That's as complicated as I'm willing to get tbh. If it requires more than that from me I'm gonna hate it. But that's just me.
you want to be able to do something consistently.
Which brings me to..
bro, it's a job. It takes work. Work is not always fun, but you gotta show up for it. you're the only worker here. If you don't show up, it doesn't get done.
And people are not going to read it until there's at least pages enough for them to catch on to a story. If you're here for recognition right away, stop. You'll hurt yourself. I know we live in a time of quick-positive feedback through likes and shares, etc. But that's just not reality most of the time when starting up.
So, you got to want to tell the story more than whatever you are expecting to get out of this.
Which will also help you with managing your feelings if your reader count grows or declines. Just remind yourself of why you even want to tell your stories. It's easier said than done, but I found it to be a helpful philosophy to try stick by.
Everything I gain from sharing my story is just a plus. Not the reason.
What I did, also, was to just post whenever I finished a page. I had no readers, only commitment to myself and the comic. That's it. You'll find it easier if you don't force yourself at first, at least I did. And then as you gain your own momentum and work-pace, you'll be able to be like "Oh yeah, sunday works for me. I'll aim for that." Aim for it, don't promise. But show up. You're not a machine, shit happens, life comes in. If you have a deadline that makes you feel guilty, you might start avoiding it etc. So maybe just cut yourself some slack and go "whenever I'm done with a page is a good day."
You are your own boss. You make your own rules.
Yes, there is an algorithm to it all - when's the best time to post, getting new readers through memes or what have you. You might discover that the best way for you to get readers is to make funny videoclips on instagram or tiktok - there is no wrong way.
However, it shouldn't feel like too much of a chore. You should enjoy it at least a little bit. Like, maybe you kinda like making goofy vids of your comic, or draw memes, whatever, right? But you should enjoy some of it. If you hate making vids, but you know it is a good pond to fish in.. well, like... I'm sorry but you're gonna get frustrated with it.
I like posting THANK YOU FOR READING doodles of my characters on instagram stories! :D <3 I like that! That's not too much trouble for me.
who gives a shit.
enjoy yourself you goofy ass little comic artist. Blast your story everywhere, be proud, have fun. People enjoy having fun, they usually want to join in with the fun.
If you have fun, others have fun being with you.
dawg I wish I had any better tips than... Fuck it, poke at it however you want.
I usually have ten pages flimsily sketched out with speech-dialogues so I know what's gonna happen in the next pages, so I can pace the scene somewhat.
I say that, like I'm some kinda professional, but I jump between pages. Whichever page seems a little more fun. Sometimes I stare myself blind on a page and gotta draw on something else.
Some pages are super well sketched, others are just bald stickfigures making faces at other bald stickfigures.
Get references. Either look at photographs or take the yourself. Start getting into looking at buildings in real life. I, myself, spend quite a lot of time looking at different windows and brick buildings going "Dang, so that's a widow huh? Architects sure just make windows like BAM ENJOY THIS ONE huh?"
Basically, start appreciating the world around you. There's art everywhere. Someone has put thought - however big or small - into that sidewalk.
Is it a shitty sidewalk? Well, that's really grounding isn't it? Someone, at some point, looked at this space, sighed and thought "fuck man I just wanna go home. That's good enough." and that really grounds you visually into that this world is a place where people have been before you.
Sometimes I get lazy and at the same time in a mood to challenge my memory, and I'll start inventing what the heck a building or street looks like. And you can probably easily tell in a page when I, too, am going "fuck man I just wanna get this page done with, that's good enough."
Not everything have to be an awestriking master page! Damn, the pressure I'd be under if that's the only thing I had to produce asdfghj! if anything, great pages look better because some pages are shite.
It's okay.
It doesn't have to be perfect every time. Learn what didn't work, what worked. Post it. Move on. You can't sit on this forever or the story will never be told. Just post it, it's fine.
Post it in chunks or page by page. It doesn't really matter - new readers are going to read it all in one sitting anyway.
I think that's all I can think of for now??
Hope that helped!
Oh also I have this side blog I've been neglecting a bit, but feel free to check that out: @comicartistcentral
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literaticat · 4 months
As an agent, how do you recommend authors handle review spaces? Most writers are also readers, but I understand it's probably looked down upon to go around giving 2-3 star reviews to who are essentially your colleagues. I enjoy having the data to look back on of my reads, but as I plan to be published in the future, I'm wondering if I need to make this private and find a private system.
A bit more broadly than your ask: In my personal opinion, writers may be readers, but reviewing spaces such as GoodReads, etc, are not for them. I would strongly suggest that for mental health purposes, authors not only NOT EVER go on GoodReads, but also block it from their computer like it is a naughty website. NSFW BABE. Don't look up your own reviews, don't look up your friend's reviews, for the LOVE OF GOD don't RESPOND to any reviews of your books or your friend's books you happen to see, and unless you have something glowing to say about a book that will uplift the author, for Pete's sake keep it to yourself. If you have potentially snarky things to say about a book or author, journal about it. Text it to the group chat. But don't post it.
As for your more specific ask: I totally understand wanting to keep book-reading data -- I do! I use the Reading List app, which is private. StoryGraph I just got but it feels like a nice interface, I'll be playing around with it, and I'd happily add books I'm reading, my TBR, etc -- but I would either keep my account private to whatever extent is possible, or I just wouldn't rate the books on that. Other people use cool personal spreadsheets, or cool notebooks. This is MY data -- I'm not keeping it to impress or inform anyone else, so why would it need to be public?
When I find books that I particularly adore, I'm delighted to post about them on socials, but I don't need or want to talk smack about books publicly, that would be totally inappropriate coming from me, and since I know and work with SO MANY editors, other agents, authors, etc -- There's pretty much NO WAY I could get away with that without inadvertently insulting somebody. And while you may be "aspiring" now -- the longer you stay in publishing spaces, the more people YOU will know and meet, too.
TRUE STORY from just this week: I was at a Little Free Library and found an old Sweet Valley High book - BEWARE THE WOLFMAN, #106. It has a hilarious jacket and cover copy, I had no idea that the Wakefield twins went through a paranormal "American Werewolf In London" era, I was obviously obsessed and posted about it on Facebook, with a pic of the front and back of the jacket. Now, this is a book that is WELL out of print, it was published when I was in high school thirty years ago, it was a friends only post and I'm not friends with the author, like, literally who would I be insulting if I made fun of this book? Oh -- well potentially my friend Dan, who chimed in immediately to say that he in fact wrote the funny jacket copy. My friend Elise, who is an agent now, but was Dan's boss in 1994 and in charge of these books. OH ALSO, I am friends with the publisher. Ahahahah OK! Yay! Luckily it truly is a bonkers book and they know that so it was all in good fun and haha teehee, but like -- it could have been WAY worse!
ANYwhoo, you asked what I think, that's what I think. This is just how I approach it. "As an agent" I would never tell my authors what they can or can't do with their lives - but this is MY philosophy: we're all here to SELL books, not bash them, so if you don't have anything nice to say, keep it to yourself, because believe me when I say, it's extremely upsetting for all parties when you give a book a shitty review and then are seated next to the author at a publisher dinner later. TRUST ME, I KNOW.
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seiwas · 6 months
hi sel!! #3, 23, & 24 for the end of year fanfic asks please!!
noos!! aaah thank you for sending 🥺
send me any number from this fanfic writer ask game!
#3 favorite line/scene you wrote this year
omg a favourite line is impossible bc i sadly forget what i write the moment i hit post 🥲 but i will say!! one of my fave scenes to write was the car scene from this megumi fic 🥺 mostly because it's personal to me!!
And you think, with your music playing over the comfortable silence you’ve built, being in his passenger seat one too many times—this feels nice.  Any other day and you’d hate traffic as much as the next person, but not right now.  Megumi’s eyelashes are long, pretty, stretching on for miles—and you wonder if this drive with him can extend to the length of them, if you can stay in this traffic jam a little longer just to be in this moment with him.  “Sorry, are you cold?” Megumi asks, interrupting your stare.
i always try to include 1-2 lines that feel ~satisfying bc i think my sentence constructions are really simple!! so to add some kind of dynamic to it i guess!!
#23 fics you wanted to write but didn’t
omg my wip list grows by the day noos 🥺 i wanted to write my ex!bakugo fic this year but am so intimidated by him that i struggle to start even tho i have everything in place alr 😭
there's also an escort!reader x nanami idea that i have but will probably never write 🥹 it's a skill gap on my end i think sfbsdhfsj idt i'm a good enough writer to give justice to that kind of concept!!
also wanted to write more for my iwa series this yr but figured i'd wait till next year when the hq hype comes back!!! (am gonna re-edit everything!! might reformat it too)
#24 favorite fic some unforgettable fics you read this year
noos... you opened a dam with this question... how can i possibly just choose one... are you kidding me... i can't choose one... so i'm putting everything under the cut... gonna give myself 5 per fandom 😭 (you can tell im very partial to friends to lovers 😭😭😭)
also!! there are a lot of fics in my tbr that i haven't gotten to yet!! and everything i reblog is pretty much a fic i recommend 🥹
over the course of 24 hours by prettyiwa (iwaizumi hajime x reader) [10k. friends to lovers.] my favourite iwaizumi fic ever 🥹 i reread it once a year hence why it's here
an observer of longing by shibaraki (iwaizumi hajime x reader) [18k. friends to lovers.] took me like 4 hours to read this bc i wanted to savour it. and was lying down in bed, staring up at the ceiling crying when i was done 🥺
miya atsumu and the chronic lovesick disease by fushisagi (miya atsumu x reader) [12k. friends to lovers.] the thematic consistency in this is so good & i still think abt this to this day!!
long shots by ahtsumu (miya osamu x reader) [5k. TA!atsumu.] solidified me reading for osamu—he's soooo attractive here.
seasons by mintmatcha (hanamaki takahiro x reader) [6k. friends to lovers.] fully roped me in being a makki fucker 😭
half agony, half hope by seravphs (gojo satoru x reader) [ongoing series. knight!gojo.] superb. that's really all i can say about this. the want and tension is gripping.
wormwood by linkcities (gojo satoru x reader) [25k. friends to lovers.] heartwrenching and achey. so so good. 🥲
oh my destiny, how far you have sprung now by twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat (gojo satoru gen fic) [5k. canon divergence.] such an interesting look into something i don't normally see written on gojo. written beautifully too!
(though we may) fall apart by stellamancer (gojo satoru x reader) [4k. canon compliant ish.] amazing buildup & the tension is insane too. 🤧
keeping up with the fushigojos by augustinewrites (gojo satoru x reader)
[ongoing series. found family.] sooo cute and feel-good. their lil family lives in my mind rent free!! 🥹
i like to call myself wound but i will answer to knife by kirketeer (bakugo katsuki x reader) [59k. enemies to friends to lovers.] i reread this once a year oh my god it's one of my fave fics ever.
you had only to look at me by willowser (bakugo katsuki x reader) [7k. friends to lovers.] reread this recently and was tearing up by the end omg.
all the times i told you by gardenofnoah (bakugo katsuki x reader) [8k. established relationship.] the most teeeendeeer bakugo i've ever seen and i tear up every time i read this.
love to love you by shibaraki (midoriya izuku x reader) [2k. established relationship.] another one that's super soft. such a raw tenderness to this 🥺
nitroglycerine by alrightberries (bakugo katsuki x reader) [1k. fwb to idiots to lovers.] the dialogue here is amazing and there's so much in the unsaid i am gnawing my fist.
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ijustkindalikebooks · 6 months
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I really hope I don't read a life changing book in the next three weeks so this list is out of date, but this is a list of twelve books that have been dwelling in my head for the last year.
I quote them, I think about them, I think "holy cow someone wrote that" often about these and I can't wait to either the read the next one or the next thing that comes from this author (or both). I really hope you've had an amazing year of reading and I can't wait to see your own lists from 2023.
How High We Go In The Dark by Sequoia Nagamatsu - A sort of slow burn book that has dwelled in my brain since I read it back in April, How High We Go In The Dark is a dark exploration of humanity connected by short stories that have a common thread through the book. The rollercoaster story lives in my head rent free, and not in a good way, it's a little bit disturbing, but I think we live in a dystopia more than we believe we do and maybe there's a metaphor in there somewhere.
Sea Of Tranquility by Emily St John Mandel - Another book that connects via short stories, this is quite common for me as I love that sort of thing, reflecting on my list of books. I think Mandel writes so poetically and brilliantly throughout this book, she delivers on pathos and emotion to really deliver stories about people, about people in different timelines connected by a strange portal moment of magic. If you love fantasy but in a more contemporary delivery, I do recommend this book to you.
The End Of The Affair by Graham Greene - I am a collector of books as much as a reader of them and this year I've been trying to read my bookshelves a bit more as I just am buying books to make myself look clever at this point, which is just lame. This was one of the first books on my shelf, and though not perfect, and damn did she deserve better, this book delves into obsession and love and what it actually means to people. It's a weird book.
Another Day In The Death Of America by Bryan Younge - I am not American, I have never seen a gun in real life in the hands of a person I know (some police have them near Parliament, well they did once I think) so I don't understand America and their passion for ammunition, but this book should not make you proud of it. This book is a gut punch through every chapter as the author details the young lives lost to guns in 24 hours. A brilliant and sad book.
Tower by Bae Myung-Hoon - My passion for Korean Literature does not abate (I am not a Koreaboo, don't worry). There's a way Korean writers write books like their objective observers on a scene that I particularly enjoy and Tower is another good example of this. Tower again is short stories tied together about a building that is it's own country and the people who live and want to live in it. The Elephant chapter hasn't left my brain since I read it and I recommend it (unless you like Elephants, then don't, cos it's again fucked up).
Beyond The Story: 10 Years of BTS by BTS - Ahh BTS, since 2017 I've known this group and their impact of my life and music taste is so ridiculous, I feel like something's walk into your life for a reason and wow, did they. The story of the rise of BTS from a lucky break on Mnet's music show to Grammy nominations (robbed!) is incredible to read and even if you don't like them it's a fascinating insight into a group that made their name in a country that was dominated by three big music companies, and they weren't on any of them - Hybe now supercedes all of them. An incredible underdog tale.
Lirael by Garth Nix - Where has this man been all my life with these books? I'm embarassed, be embarassed for me. This series is so good so far, I'm going to read Abhorsen next year which I believe is the next one and I can't wait. I would also recommend the Booksellers Of London series too by the same author, which is every bit as good and set in 80's London/Bath. Fantastic fantasy that makes you think where is the next one, give it to me now.
The Last Devil To Die by Richard Osman - Y'know, this series is so British, it should come with teabags and digestive biscuits, but I love it all the same. A series about a group of pensioners who solve mysteries, The Last Devil To Die is the fourth book in this series and it's probably for me one of the best. The storyline with Stephen is devastating and the plot is incredible with characters that come to life every time this book is opened. I can't wait for whatever this author does next and those who voted for The Housemaid on Goodreads, I'm judging you, to be honest.
Hortus Curious by Michael Perry - Plants, people. Plants are incredible, insane, incredible. There are plants who eat living things, but that's just the start of their madness. This book is an incredible exploration in fantastic plants you would think you'd only see in a Herbology classroom but here they are in real life, killing people and eating small animals. Fantastic book, if you love nature and weird stuff, this is for you.
Against White Feminism by Rafia Zakaria - I think the white women were in the house so much from this book. How women were protected in their plantations as people were treated abysmally who were just another intersection from them. I think we all need to work on our biases, prejudices and judgements we make and this is a short and brilliant book that could help you do that. I consider myself a feminist, and to be a good one you also have to shut and listen to people who don't look like you, make spaces intersectional my friends.
The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang - The only romance book for me with rights this year (I keep being recommend books about hockey players and I am, that's just not going to happen). The representation of autism is fantastic and the sexy times are sexy if you need that and the characters, the characters are impeccable. I really recommend all of her books to be honest (and Talia Hibbert too, actually) as they make such great books with fantastic rep.
The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman - John Green on Crash Course said about this book 'the thing about this dystopian book is that this dystopia has already happened'. Charlotte was told by her doctors to quit all her hobbies and stay in a room and do nothing and it drove her to a deeper sickness, she wrote this book during that time of recovering from her ''recovery'' and it makes for powerful reading. The whole story is easily found online for free and I highly recommend it, probably one of the first psychological thrillers.
I apologise if some of these are a bit grammatically weird, I am working on it, I only just found out I'm dyslexic hence my difficulty with small text and need for audiobooks (smh, sometimes it's so obvious it makes me shake my head).
Please let me know what your favourite books of 2023 were.
Vee xo
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mothymusings · 9 months
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Hello! My name is Satu, the Not-So-Wormy Bookmoth! Welcome to my little corner of book reviews called Mothy Musings, where we try not to eat the pages and dig into the fuzz and fluff of literature. This blog is purely for fun while also giving me the opportunity to chat about some of the books I read, feel free to stop by, get comfortable, and get your muse on!
My main focuses and also what I prefer to read are Sci-fi, Cosmic/Weird Horror and Fantasy novels with a spotlight on POC and Queer authors :3! As a warning I’m personally not that big of a fan of romance (with some very selective exceptions) and will try to avoid reading romance centered novels!
I tend to choose my picks based on how interesting the synopsis looks or if it’s been recommended to me, however for the foreseeable future I will sadly not be taking new recommendations as my to-read list is very very (oh so very!) long. But I hope to open polls on what to read next on my queue based on your opinions later this year! 
Each Book Review will be live monthly on Mondays, either the first or second of the month at 12pm CDT!
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canirove · 1 year
Professor Rice | Chapter 5
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Declan’s POV
Two more weeks passed, and I was running out of excuses to try to talk to Veronica. Today, I brought a book I thought she could use for her next assignment. The book was on the list of recommended reads the University gives to the students. Did that stop me from getting my own copy to give it to her? No, it didn’t.
“Veronica! Can I talk to you for a second?” I said to her when I saw her leaving the classroom.
“Sure. What is it?”
“I thought you could use this book for the next assignment, so I brought it for you.” Why am I talking to her as if I was a fifteen-year-old talking to his crush?
“Ah... thanks. That’s... um... really nice” she said while blushing and looking at the book. “Is this your copy?”
“You’re giving me your own annotated copy that you studied with? Why?” The look on her face was impossible to read.
Because I like you and I want you to like me back. “I just saw it at home and thought you could use it. It’s fine. I mean, it’s just a book” I laughed nervously. Like a teenager. God Declan, get it together.
“Professor Rice?” Both Veronica and I turned to look at Maddison.
“Yes Maddison?”
“I’ll go now, I need to get to my next class. Bye professor. Bye Maddie, see you later!”
“Yeah, can’t wait for our coffee date” Maddison said, laughing and hugging Veronica briefly. “So,” she said, turning to me. “I have some questions about this week’s assignment and I was wondering if we could talk about it after class.”
“Yes, absolutely. Are you free now? Otherwise it would have to wait until tomorrow, I have quite a busy day.”
“That’s fine. My next class is in an hour and a half. Should we go to your office?”
“Yes, let me pick up my things and we can walk there together” I said while packing all my stuff.
Thirty minutes later, Maddison and I had gone through every single one of her doubts. She actually reminded me of myself as a student.
“You are pretty great as a teacher, you know?” She shocked me by saying that.
“Em... thank you” I laughed.
“No, really. You actually seem to care about us learning and enjoying your class, not just about a grade. That’s pretty cool.”
“Thank you, Maddison. That means a lot” I said sincerely.
“I don’t know what Veronica would do without you.”
That picked my attention. “Veronica? Why?”
“Well, you’re helping her a lot more than the others, which is fine. She really doesn’t like science and has been dreading this class since she started her major. Now I can actually see her being quite confident about getting a decent grade. And feeling that she won’t lose her scholarship makes her a lot more relaxed and happier. So thank you for making my friend happy, I guess” she chuckled.
I was really lost for words. Of course, they all noticed how I paid more attention to her. But I guessed if Maddison thought I was just doing it to help her keep her scholarship, maybe the rest of the class felt the same way? I need to be more careful, though. But I want to keep on making her happy.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable” Maddison said, noticing my silence.
“Oh no, you didn’t. I just have a lot in my head at the moment” I lied.
“Right, then I better leave you to it. I also want some coffee before my final class of the day.“
“Have fun” I laughed.
After all the meetings, I went back to Mason’s. He was back from a Champions League match and had invited me to have a beer with him and celebrate the win and the goal he scored.
I really didn’t want to bother him with my problems, but he could read it in my face the moment he opened the door.
“What happened?” he asked.
So I told him.
“You think they know you like her?” Mason asked.
“I don’t know” I sighed. “I don’t think Maddison knew before she talked to me, but the way I reacted to her comment has definitely made her suspicious. I mean... I can only imagine how stupid I looked.”
Mason took a sip from his beer. “Well, you can’t just cut her out all of a sudden, that would be more suspicious. Just... switch your focus to someone else who isn’t doing too well. Kinda make it look like you’re helping students one at a time.”
That was actually a pretty good plan. “Bro, I’m supposed to be the smart one in this friendship” I said, making both of us laugh. “But that’s actually a really good idea. I’ll try to do that.”
What scared me the most was thinking about how Veronica might take this the wrong way. And what if she fell behind in my class again because I couldn’t help her? But I have to do this.
And that’s what I did. I kept on checking on Veronica during classes as I used to do, but less often. And it was now Patrick’s name I called after class to recommend books and websites he should use for our next test.
It was all going well, or so I thought. I mean, I still thought about her all the time but knowing I was doing the right thing gave me some peace of mind.
Until that one day when I saw her walking past my table after class. I could see from the corner of my eye how she looked at me and then shook her head. What’s that supposed to mean?
When I went to pick up some coffee after class, I saw Veronica sitting at one of the tables surrounded by books. She looked very stressed and... sad?
Of course, my mind had to go there. Let me imagine she was sad because of me.
Sure, Declan, sure. Keep telling yourself that.
Veronica’s POV
I can’t do this. My brain was literally going to explode if I kept on working on all these papers. And also, because I was an idiot, I couldn’t stop thinking about a certain professor who went from making me feel like the most special person in the world, to the biggest bellend.
Of course, he was only helping me because that’s what good teachers do, not because he liked me. He only had eyes for Patrick now because he probably thought he had already helped me enough and he could move on to the next charity project.
Well, newsflash mister, I’m going to fail your class. And then I’ll have to get a job after I lose my scholarship. All while nursing a broken heart because I’m a stupid little girl who thought her professor liked her.
To add insult to injury, there he was, looking gorgeous while ordering his coffee. As he turned to leave, he caught me looking at him, so I waved. He waved back and smiled... and the butterflies were back. Why do I keep on doing this to myself?
I used my period cramps as an excuse to spend the weekend in bed. Did I fool Jo? Of course I didn’t.
Luckily, her boyfriend Mike was visiting her and I got some room to just be moody without anyone asking me why.
On Sunday, Mike made us watch the Chelsea match. But he also bought us our favourite ice cream, so I didn’t complain.
“I can’t believe you met Mason Mount, Veronica. He’s literally my favourite player ever” Mike said.
“Babe, you say that about every single player” Jo said, laughing.
“Whatever. I’m still jealous. Why don’t I get cool professors that are friends with football stars?”
From the corner of my eye, I could see Jo elbowing Mike and whispering to him. She was probably asking him to change the subject. She knew who the reason for my mood going from happiest to crappiest was.
“We do need to take you to a match, V” Mike continued. “I’ll pay for our tickets, so don’t use that as an excuse. You choose the match.”
“How am I supposed to choose?” I laughed. “I know the name of a few teams and that’s about it.”
“I’ll choose” Jo chimed in. “Can we go see them play against Everton?”
“Everton? That’s so random, Jo” I said with a frown.
“Go on Google Images and search Dominic Calvert-Lewin. Not random at all.”
“Not this again” Mike said while rolling his eyes.
Both Jo and I laughed while I went on Google to see who this Dominic was... and yeah, I got it.
Spending time with Mike and Jo made me feel a lot better, actually. Mike also helped me with one of my papers, which took a lot of stress off my shoulders.
Once Mike was gone, Jo got into my room and laid down next to me. She just held me while I cried and told her everything. And that was how we fell asleep, holding each other.
No matter what happened, I had Jo and she had me.
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ts-witchy-archive · 6 months
hi sweet! i was wondering, if you're comfortable, would you ever consider making a post or replying privately on how your audition process was like (for example, preparation, panel, etc)? i have an idea which school it is (is it j? 🤭) and missed the deadline this year, but am excited to try applying next year ☺️💕 please totally feel free to disregard if it's too much! thank you so much and hope you have a lovely week! 🌷💖🫶🏻
Hi friend!
Honestly I'd love to talk about the audition process because it was so unique and interesting. Although, J isn't the school i'm going to next year but never the less, I hope you find this helpful! I got callbacks for two out two schools that I auditioned for so I'll run through what happened in both because they were super different experiences. (also I'd like to apologise because this post is so long. so so so long. Like 2000 words. So I won't be offended if you don't read it all). And feel free to DM me at any time if you have questions or just want to talk acting stuff!
For reference, I'll call the school I got into 'Blue' and the other school I was rejected from 'Red'.
Very Quick Summary:
Round 1:
2 monologues videos or 1 monologue and a movement exercise uploaded to YT, personal statement video uploaded to YT, resume, headshot (professional not needed), audition form submitted to the university website.
Round 2 Red School:
In personal audition with improv games/activities (1 hour), questions with interviews and a cold read (1 hour), perform 2 monologues in front of the full judging panel and 30 other people.
Round 2 Blue School:
Perform your monologues in a screen test and for an audition panel
So the first audition for both schools were the online auditions, questionnaires, personal statements and resume. A simple youtube video (or 3) would be uploaded with the URLs attached to audition form which also contained the questions. I also needed a 'resume' which had my training, experience and a headshot. The second phase were the callbacks. I had 1 zoom call back and 1 IRL callback.
Personally I started preparation about 3 months before the first submission date. I read through the handbook and online resources and made a list of everything I needed to do before submitting. I really recommend starting prep 3 months out purely because you'll be less stressed later. If you have an acting coach, acting teacher, drama teacher, etc. start talking to them at this point. I didn't but watching YouTube acting tip videos was how I kinda supplemented that. Learning from others is the best thing you can do. Join acting facebook/tumblr/instagram/discord pages.
Choosing pieces that work well with how you audition is so important. This sounds obvious because it kind of is but don't pick something that was made for TV unless you can convert it to stage. While you may be auditioning for a screen acting degree (or at least I was) you won't have the closeness of that camera to get your emotions across so it's important to understand how to translate those fine details across. You also need your pieces to contrast really well. I had to chose 2 monologues for one audition and 1 and a prompted movement exercise for the other. I tried to do something a bit different so I went for a 'comedy' piece (it was labelled comedy but it just ended up being sad lmao) and an Anton Chekov piece
YouTube and Preliminary Auditions
What was so amazing about the YouTube auditions was that I could search the schools I wanted to get into and stalk other people's submissions. I cannot recommend doing this enough! You learn so much from seeing other people audition. From watching those videos I mostly learned what not to do (which sounds a little mean to say but that wasn't the intention). Take notes on what you like and dislike about everyone's performances then apply those to your own.
I really recommend giving yourself at least 3 hours to film for each school. I know that sounds like so much time but it's better to have extra time than to run out of time. Personally, I was super unprepared and it took me 5 hours to film for the Red school. They had us do a 2 minute introduction and it had like 6 questions. I really struggled to get my point across in such little time while still coming across competent and confidant.
I had to do a prompted movement excise for the Red school as well. This was a little intimidating because the prompt was 'You walk into a room, find an object, then leave the room in a different emotional state' (or something like that). I love having complete creative freedom but also it felt like they would judge me more harshly if I did something 'lame' or predictable. I also had to make sure it contrasted with my monologue. It was a whole stressful thing.
Red School: In Person Auditions!
This was one of the most exciting things i've ever done in my entire life haha. I wasn't able to take drama in year 11 and 12 so it had been 3 years since I had been in this type of creative space and I truly didn't realise how much I missed it until I walked into that audition space. All eyes are on you from the second you walk in and so it's important you show who you are straight away. For me this meant a lot of mental prep before going into the audition. I'm a very introverted person who isn't great with meeting new people and is pretty socially awkward so I had to force myself to skip that awkward stage. I love being an introvert but that combined with my resting bitch face, visible neurodivergent traits, etc I really had to go out of my way to show that I was excited, kind, funny, bubbly, collaborative and more. I truly think that was the hardest part of the whole audition.
As for what was included, the in person audition was made up of a large group of about 25-30 people which was then split into two smaller groups. In those groups we had improvisation, cold reads, an interview, monologue performances and question time. For the improv it was largely your basic drama games, nothing too crazy. Something I didn't do but I wish I did was google improv games and think about what I might do in these situations. We did these for about an hour, it was a lot of fun and very stress free. After we had a small break and question time. There were 2 current first year students who volunteered to help out, they were the people who answered our questions. While question time was happening people would be called into a room with one of the panel judges to do an interview and cold read. This was where I mainly think I fucked up my audition!
SO firstly, I'm a wee bit dyslexic (read as 'very dyslexic') and the judge new that but it just meant that I sucked at the cold read because I was concentrating too hard on reading. I kinda forgot she was there lol. But that wasn't the bad part. The bad part was the interview. The judge started by asking how I handled COVID. and I was like "ummm not very well at all lol". Naturally, she asked why, I explained why in the vaguest, least trauma dumpy way possible. HOWEVER, then she decided to ask me something along the lines of, "you seem like a very anxious person. Why are you going into a profession with so much rejection??". So ummm, I was kinda left speechless hahaha. All I could respond with was 'I've been rejected plenty of times before' which is, fine but not a good answer. Anyways, moral of the story, prepare really well for an interview. Take control of the interview and don't accidentally borderline trauma dump on your Judge.
Monologues! This was fun. We each had to perform 2 monologues. It took about 2 hours to get through everyone but it wasn't really boring at all. Everyone was so talented and amazing. There really isn't a whole lot to say tbh. They were monologues. The judges would try and redirect you after you finished (or half way through) your monologue to see how well you respond to direction and criticism. I really recommend trying to do your monologues in as many stupid styles as possible! It's great because A) you'll better understand the choices you make and why and B) it's so fun.
Blue School: Zoom Auditions
Blue school has been my top school since I decided to go to acting school a few years ago so to say I was a nervous wreck was an understatement. There were 2 parts to the audition, the screen test and the regular audition. The screen test lasted about 10 mins and is just to see how you looked performing with TV in mind. The audition panel is just that, your standard audition panel.
Now this whole thing was a cluster fuck. I was in the screen test for literally less than 2 minutes and was kicked from the meeting. It was 'technical difficulties' allegedly however, my best friend also had a callback for the next day and the same thing happened. Zoom said that the host kicked me from the meeting and not that it was disconnected so I personally think they did that to us to see how we handled the stress. For me, this actually saved my whole audition. It gave me a few minutes to calm down, have some water and ground myself. I have no idea if this is a common tactic or not but just be aware that a school might to do this.
I had the audition panel straight after and they apologised for the tech mess up, answered any of my questions and we did our thing. They asked me to perform my Anton Chekhov monologue (Irina from the 3 sisters. Her monologue from the first act). I didn't quite get what they were asking me to do at first. They kept prompting me to pretend that I was saying it to my best friend but it kept getting more dramatic because... well I'm super dramatic when I'm really passionate about something but turns out they wanted realism hahaha. The second prompt they gave me which made me realise they wanted realism was "you're saying this to your best friend who's in hospital". My best friend and platonic partner is actually chronically ill so this hit a little close to home. They're like never in hospital but it was still a bit... ouchie lol. At least the prompt wasn't boring?? The judges seemed to really love my take on that prompted, we had a whole conversation about what I did differently, etc. Then I was sent on my way!
Screen test part two was only slightly less stressful than part one. I tried to join the meeting with the new link they sent out, no one was there, I got the old link up on my laptop (whereas i was using my mum's PC) incase they were still using the old link. They were still using the old link and I almost missed my screen test (again lol). They wanted to see my 'comedy' monologue but they gave me prompt of "you're filming a video diary and you never want anyone to know that you have a crush on [the character], you haven't even really accepted it." for some reason that made me weirdly emotional lol. I completely forgot my lines about half way through when I really started to get emotional (the character talks a lot about her insecurities). The judges said that sometimes that can happen when you "unlock" a new level of emotion in a piece. I guess that's what they wanted to see because I got in! I really thought I had completely fucked it up. Moral of the story, even if you do something stupid, forget your lines, almost miss your audition and don't understand what the judges want from you the first time, it'll still be okay. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be.
Okay! I'm done. I'm so sorry for the word length of this and the fact it took me so long to reply! again, feel free to DM me if you ever have any questions, want to talk about acting or hell, even if you're bored and just want to chat. I hope this some what helped
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
My Top Reads of 2022
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Not totally back yet for another day, so I'm posting about reading rather than BTS. lol feel free to skip over it if you'd rather! I just wanted to share some of my favorite reads of 2022. I read 159 books this year (24 of them during my tumblr break the last few weeks!), here are just a few that I loved! If you want more opinions over these or perhaps over books I didn't love as much, I'd be happy to talk more about them!
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In no particular order:
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He Who Fights with Monsters by Shirtaloon (5 stars):
Content warnings for violence, mentions of cannibalism and death
A LitRPG style fantasy novel that is both high stakes but Still light hearted at the same time. I loved seeing the mayhem happen and the characters grow. It left me so excited to see how the over arching story continued to evolve. Plus I loved the friend groups dynamics here too! It's a little unpolished and times, can be a little slow, told through a flashback. But I loved Jason for the most part and loved hearing his adventures. Super funny and enjoyable.
The Deepest of Secrets by Kelley Armstrong (5 stars)
Content warnings for murder, gun violence, animal attack and mentioned animal death, sexually explicit scenes
Book 7 and the final installment of the Rockton series, but with the promise of a spin off that makes my heart soar. I love this series an unhealthy amount. Amazing characters, amazing writing, fast paced, engaging, one of my all time favorite OTPs. Thriller novels that aren't terrifying but kept the suspense flowing the whole time too. Can't wait to see where Casey and Eric go next. Book 1 in the series is called City of the Lost.
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One for All by Lillie Lainoff (4 stars)
Content warnings for ableism, SA, bullying, death of a parent, grief
I was so excited for this one! It was a little predictable and I honestly think it mightve been better If the romance was left behind all together. But the romance portion still wasn't bad. It was excellent for a debut novel. The representation for POTS here was amazing. I loved the strength in the MC, the friendships were all top tier and so sweet. I absolutely loved it! Especially well done for a debut novel too!
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The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater (3 - 5 stars through the books)
Trigger warnings, like ALOT of them. Full list can be found here
Had a billion friends begging me to read this one and I finally did! The author is the definition of why authors don't always belong in fandom spaces and is a bit of a mess, but I did enjoy these books! The first one started off super slow and was clearly a set up novel, but they just got better and better as they went. I wasn't a huge fan of her writing in other books, but it worked super well for this series. Massively character driven series and so much fun. The magic system was amazing. The friendship between Blue and the boys was top tier. I cried and I laughed and I had a blast. Not a huge fan of the ending, which felt like a bit of a cop out to me, but it didn't detract from my enjoyment enough to not still give it 5 stars at the end. Lol
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Spy x Family Manga (4 - 5 stars)
Content warnings for violence, gun violence
This one was recommended by my sister snd I fell in love so fast. Lol I also then watched the anime after. Very slice of life cuteness, mixed with spy and assassin shenanigans. Chaos incarnate and adorable. The trails of parenthood were hysterical, especially as a parent myself too. Lol although I'm not mixing parenthood with Spy work 😂
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Icebreaker by A.L. Graziadei (4 stars)
Content warnings for alcohol, blood, depression, suicidal ideation, homophobia, drugs, racism, sport related violence, sexually explicit scenes
Sports Hockey Romance mlm and so cute and so good! What a great representation for living with bad depression too. MC going through so much, but his relationship with his sisters is amazing, his budding relationship on his team is so good. Rivals to Lovers trope that's perfection too! I loved it so much! Fast and easy and fun to read and enjoyable every second!
She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker Chan (4.5 stars)
Content warnings for Ableism, Amputation, Castration, Death, Dysphoria, Homophobia, Misgendering, Murder (child) , Sexually Explicit scenes, starvation, torture (non-graphic), violence
This was INTENSE. But so freaking good. Historical meets fantasy. Mulan vibes, but way more grown up and based in more history. And it's queer. Fun, thought provoking, intense, and so well written too.
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The Lost Metal by Brandon Sanderson (5 stars)
Content warnings for death and violence
This is the 7th book in the series and every book in it is AMAZING. Released this year and wow what an epic conclusion. I laughed and I sobbed and I loved every second. Binged it in a day. These covers are so ugly lol but the stories are so good. So thought provoking. Fast paced but every freaking word counts. Engrossing and amazing story telling. The intricate plot contentions through the entire cosmere had me feeling a conspiracy theorist in the best way
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Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao (5 stars)
Content warnings for Misogyny & femicide, Rape mentioned, Physical & emotional abuse, Suicidal ideation, Alcoholism, Blood & gore depiction, Murder, Torture
This was so good!! So good! It could have used some more flushing out on the world building, magic system and character arcs, but overall I loved every second of it. It's giving me the morally Grey heroine and cast of characters I've always wanted. I loved that it set up with a fairly classic love triangle, but only to give us a bisexual polyship triangle! Badassery the whole way through too! Had me pretty consistently on the edge of my seat.
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^the line to end love triangles with all efficiency lmfaoo had me rolling!
Happy New Year! For those who enjoy reading as much as I do too, I hope the new year brings you lots of new good books to read and enjoy!
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