#also file under things in doing instead of sleeping
expressflamebunny · 10 months
This is a venting post, but I'm okay with people responding if they feel inclined.
Long story short: I'm struggling with facing the blank page and deciding what to work on. I only have myself to blame for this.
Prior to getting hyperfixated on a certain anime, I was starting to plan out a visual novel. I had some loose outlines, rough character sketches, as well as things link Pinterest boards and short Spotify playlists for the main characters. As someone who majored in English, is a web developer by trade, and has some small artistic ability, I thought this would be a good way to stretch myself. As an aside, I wasn't actually planning to try and make money off of my VN if I had succeeded in making it in part because it would be my first one, and thus wouldn't be very good, and also because my art isn't professional enough to sell IMO. I was starting to get into the habit of sitting down to work on the planning phase of it every night and was trying to get myself to shift into the writing phase. This was over a year ago.
At which point I allowed myself to get distracted from my original project idea by getting hyperfixated on a certain anime that will remain unnamed but should be obvious from my profile pic if you're familiar with it. I stopped thinking about my original work and started focusing much more on this anime along with fan fic ideas for it. My attempt to get into the habit of sitting down to do some creative work for myself daily also fell apart at this time.
Just to be clear, I don't blame that anime for this happening. The only one I have to blame for this is myself.
I want to try and get into the habit of doing some creative work on a daily basis, but I'm struggling to pick what to work on. I've completely lost momentum on my VN, but I have some fan fic ideas kicking around in my head, and then there's plenty of other abandoned original ideas of mine that I could try and return to as well.
While I do think that writing fanfic can be good writing practice and what not, I find that I'm hesitant to write it myself in part because it kind of feels like I'm neglecting my own children to fawn over the cool celebrity kids when I do. At the same time, I'm just not feeling the passion for my own original story ideas, and I do acknowledge that there are benefits to writing fanfic. I'm not used to other people looking at my work, and I think it's safe to say that it will be a lot easier to get people to read and give me feedback on a fanfic that I post than on an original work.
Anyways, I should probably be sleeping and not posting to Tumblr at the moment. This post is probably a bit incoherent due to writing it when I should be sleeping.
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gghostwriter · 2 months
hi dear author! how are you?
I have a request for Spencer where reader has a head injury and passes out and Spencer's reaction to it and the aftermath. I found your fic around 15 mins ago and I'm in love with them<3
Thank you!!
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader Trope: Established Relationship; Fluff! Just fluff Warning: Medical inaccuracies A/N: I’m sensing a pattern with the request writing I’m doing—most of them deal with a head injury of some sort but I am having fun trying to make it different the the earlier works. No further editing was done but I hope you enjoy it! Main masterlist
Bundle of Nerves. // Spencer Reid
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The bright and playful disposition of your kindergarten students was one of things you looked forward to every Monday. How each student would go up to you to chatter about how their weekend went—family went to the park or to the library or to the beach—and how in return, they’ll ask if you also enjoyed the weekend as much as they did. 
But something seemed off today, you really couldn’t specify where it all started. Maybe it was you falling back to sleep after your alarm went off, or maybe it was you missing breakfast, or maybe it was just all of the above. 
Either way, everything was going sideways and it was just about to get worse. The lights seemed darker, the children’s voices were distorted, and the room was starting to sway. Feeling the need to sit down, you were only able to take a couple of steps to your desk before promptly fainting—smacking your forehead on the floor and the children screaming for help.
Spencer wasn’t one to wish for a case to land on JJ’s desk but at 1:30pm on a Monday, he found himself twiddling his thumbs and calculating his rocket launches using his expansive brain capacity—all paper filings done and submitted early. He swiveled to face Morgan who was caught red handed about to throw a paper clip in his direction. 
“Hey Kid,” he cleared his throat, trying to act nonchalantly. “You done with your paperwork?”
“Yeah, now I’m thinking of how to improve my rocket magic. Hey do you think if I add more—” 
The vibration of his phone on the table interrupted his sentence. His eyebrows furrowed as he took in the unregistered number. Curious but definitely wary, he pressed ‘accept’.
“Hi, this is Dr. Spencer Reid. Who is this?”
A female voice answered. “Hi Dr. Spencer Reid, I’m calling from Virginia State Hospital. Y/N had you listed down as her emergency contact. She was admitted—”
The remaining information all sounded muffled. His breathing was spiking up and all he could hear now was the rapid staccato beating of his heart. He couldn’t think straight. Is this what unknowing family members of victims feel when they receive a distress call? Like the rug was pulled under their feet? He couldn’t comprehend what to do, how to—
“Dr. Reid, are you still there?”
He cleared his throat. “Yes—yes, I’ll be there soon.”
Before the voice could say another word, he ended the call, was out of his desk, and up the steps to his unit chief’s office, SSA Aaron Hotchner. 
“Reid, what is it?” the stern BAU leader clocking in the distress painted on the genius’ face.
“I-it’s Y/N. She was admitted at hospital and—”
He nodded. “Go, Reid. I’ll explain to the team and HR.”
With a quick ‘thank you’, he ducked out of the bullpen to the elevator, grateful that he opted to drive to Quantico today rather than take his usual train route.
Maybe he should have borrowed the government owned SUV instead, he thought to himself when he turned to the main road and saw the congestion. Hotch would have understood, he just wasn’t sure how to explain that in paperwork but this counted as an emergency, right? It felt like a life or death situation to him—for him and for you. 
When he exited the bottleneck traffic, Spencer wanted to floor the gas. His foot itched to stomp on the accelerator and worry about the fines later. But the idea of getting caught, being pulled over, and wasting more precious seconds away from your side was enough for him to second guess it—that and his tight white knuckle grip on the steering wheel. 
He should have asked for more information over the phone call but the second his mind registered the words, it went to overdrive and out of the window—his emotions were running high and clouding every logical thought possible. He had an IQ of 187 but all he could think of was you. You, the love of his life. You, his fiancee, lying down on a hospital bed, alone and unconscious. Any man, no matter how smart they are, would react the same way he did when it involves a loved one.
He parked his car at the first slot he could find in the hospital parking lot and ran straight to the reception.
“I’m looking for Y/N. She was admitted a while ago. I-I’m her fiancee.” Spencer hurriedly introduced himself.
The nurse nodded once, stating your floor and room number. Without so much as an acknowledgement, he ran to the nearest elevator and willed it to open any faster.
Spencer felt like he ran a marathon by the time he found your room and seeing you there, lying on your bed—conscious, thank god—took a little weight off his chest. He breathed out your name in relief. “What happened? Did you—did you hit your head?”
Your hand gingerly touched the bandage on your forehead. “I think so. I started to feel faint so I was walking back to my chair. I must have hit my head on my way down—”
He took your hands into his, kissing it. “You had me so worried. Did the doctor say anything? Diagnosis? Cause? Treatment?”
“No. When I came to, only a nurse was here. She left to page the doctor but it’s okay—I feel fine now.”
Spencer opened his mouth, no doubt to chide you about minimizing your pain and health, but then the doctor walked in with a clipboard on hand.
“Hi, I’m Doctor Smith. How are we feeling?”
“She said she was feeling faint before she hit her head. Does she have a concussion? Why did she feel faint—was it stress? Hypoglycemia? Labyrinthitis? Vertebrobasilar insufficiency?” Spencer rattled off.
 “Well, your husband sure knows medical terminology. Are you a Doctor too?” the physician asked.
Spencer’s brows met in between, finding the whole interaction off-putting. Here he was about to have a nervous breakdown and your doctor was as calm as a cucumber. “Fiancee, actually, and yes Doctor, 3 Phds not MD.”
“Impressive, and to answer your questions, Doc. None of the above.” 
His eyes widened. “Then it could be hypo—” 
Dr. Smith smiled and shook his head. “It’s not that either.” He reached into his clipboard, removing a prescription pad, and quickly jotting down medicine. “Here you go. She’ll need to take a capsule a day and I suggest a healthy balanced meal, exercise, and plenty of bed rest.”
Spencer’s eyes widened when he realized what the chicken scratch handwriting said. 
“What—what is it?” You asked in worry as Spencer seemed to have glitched.
The doctor grinned at you.“Congratulations, you’re pregnant.” 
“I-I’m what?!” 
The doctor chuckled. “You’re 3 weeks along so you’re still in the early stages. Your body is still adjusting—the fainting spell was caused by change in your hormones and low blood pressure. I suggest you schedule an appointment with your OB/GYN as soon as possible and get ample rest—” he looked at the couple once more before exiting the room. “—congratulations, again.”
The tears that started to gather in your eyes seemed to bring Spencer back to life. “Oh love, are those—are those happy tears or—?” 
You nodded. “Happy tears, Spence. I can’t believe it!” 
He reached out to hug you to his chest. “I love you, Y/N. You make me feel like the luckiest man in the world.” 
You giggled. “I guess we have to tell your team about the baby genius on board, huh?” 
He laughed, remembering how Emily once asked him if he ever planned on having one and here he was about to become a father. 
You gasp, causing him to lean back and look at you with worry—did he hug you too tight? Did you feel— 
“I’m not going to fit in my wedding dress by then! Penny will have a fit! She had this vision and—” 
He leaned down to interrupt your ramblings. 
“I’m sure she’ll forgive you, especially if you're turning her into an aunt.”
You smiled, peering through your eyelashes. “Y’know we might have to find a new apartment soon. Just imagining how much shopping Penny would do for our baby genius even before he or she is born is making me shudder.”
He laughed. “Me too, love. Me too.”
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Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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dmitriene · 9 months
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❝𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗡𝗧❞ 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘣𝘰𝘺 𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘨𝘦 𝘭𝘦𝘰𝘯 𝘬𝘦𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘥𝘺 𝘹 𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘨𝘦 𝘧𝘦𝘮 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 ❝𝗧𝗔𝗚𝗦❞ 𝘍𝘓𝘜𝘍𝘍, 𝘊𝘖𝘔𝘍𝘖𝘙𝘛, 𝘕𝘚𝘍𝘞, 𝘚𝘔𝘜𝘛 𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘨𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦, 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘰𝘯 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳, 𝘭𝘦𝘰𝘯 𝘪𝘴 𝘢 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘺𝘦𝘳, 𝘱𝘦𝘵 𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘴, 𝘢𝘭𝘤𝘰𝘩𝘰𝘭 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘵 𝘴𝘦𝘹, 𝘤𝘶𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘴, 𝘭𝘦𝘰𝘯 𝘪𝘴 𝘢 𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘤𝘩, 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘣𝘰𝘥𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘱, 𝘣𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘧 𝘯𝘪𝘱𝘱𝘭𝘦 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘺, 𝘴𝘶𝘣 𝘭𝘦𝘰𝘯 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘮 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳, 𝘭𝘦𝘰𝘯 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘳𝘦𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘢 𝘱𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘺, 𝘤𝘶𝘵𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴
❝𝗔𝗨𝗧𝗛𝗢𝗥'𝗦 𝗡𝗢𝗧𝗘❞ 𝘪𝘵 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘵 𝘪𝘴.. 𝘢𝘭𝘴𝘰, 𝘪 𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘭𝘦𝘰𝘯 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘳𝘦4 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘮𝘢𝘺𝘣𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘰𝘵 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘦 𝘱𝘪𝘦𝘳𝘤𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘪 𝘢𝘥𝘥𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺..
 ✎ 𝘮𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵. 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘴𝘬𝘴. 𝘢𝘰3. ˑ༄
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living through the wall with leon was, well, roughly speaking, unbearable, no matter how many pillows you tried to put on your head to drown out the noise behind the door, and no matter how much you kicked the door to his room, and even if you filed a complaint against him, no one in college seemed to care.
happy studying years in the end were nothing more than sleepless nights and irritation from every unnecessary noise, first because of it your healthy sleep suffers, and then also your reputation in college, because his whisper while he was purring something on the ear of your stupid classmate, was heard throughout the entire audience, and her squeaky giggle caused nothing but a desire to hit her on the head with a book.
of course, kennedy never stood on ceremony with any problems — someone else will do his homework for him, the curfew begins only when he has had enough time on his bike, and no one will punish him for the noise in the room because of his meetings with friends over a joint or a makeout session with one of his peers, all doors are open to him.
you, as a rule, did not come into his field of vision — he did not touch you, you did not touch him, if not fleeting meetings in the middle of the night in a cool corridor, when you stood shaggy and with black circles under your eyes, and he leaned on the doorway in nothing but gray sweatpants, making no attempt to hide his still proud erection as sweat dripped down his forehead, darkening his wheaten hair, his voice a little hoarse, growling — «you wanted something, bun?» sending a shiver down your spine, but you are tired of the endless noise.
— «can you be.. more quiet?» you were going to say confidently, but the voice itself escaped in a strained squeak in response to the strange nickname, causing the blue eyed bastard to have a bright grin instead of the usual rolling of his eyes, and he nods, fleetingly turning to the female whine behind him, calling him in a breathy moan by name, before than he glances at you furtively and, starting to close the door behind him, waves you off — «sure thing, bun)»
and what the hell kind of nickname is this?
at least he really became quieter, it is unknown whether he gagged her mouth or something else, but leon really complied with your request — he became much, much quieter, not only within his room, and there was no longer anything to hate him for, after all, he was silent both in classes and on campus, if only you knew that this was due to the fact that you seemed very, very interesting to him.
leon, in principle, is not interested in much, don’t get me wrong, but what else can a guy like him do when everything falls into his hands? he is wealthy, girls run around his little finger, problems in school and campus bypass him, for his beautiful eyes or for his eloquence, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that he benefits from it, and his image is already shaky.
but whether this makes him less hot is another question, because no one has ever felt hostility towards him as such, unless of course it’s the ex of another girl who jumped on his dick, because if you didn’t know, then it’s not your fault, is it? and it doesn’t matter that he could have stopped fucking her after this news.
he was a collective image of what many wanted, handsome, sharp facial features that had long lost their childhood fluffiness, thick blond hair framing chiseled cheekbones with its strands and revealing the brightness of blue eyes, he had a strong physique, accumulated over years and aspirations that few people know about, refraining from getting «dirty» with tattoos, but did this apply to piercings? no, that's why he had a little secret on his tongue.
and you would never have known about any of these details if you hadn’t gone to the damn party he was holding in the campus common room, having been invited by friends, you didn’t even want to think too much about how it would all end — whether everyone would be reprimanded, will only those whom дeon has his back avoid it, and how quickly they will kick you out of college, but in general, who gives a fuck, the main idea is to relax, and it doesn’t matter that there will be a lot of alcohol, weed and couples, you’re just going with friends!
avoiding him in a fairly crowded room is not so difficult, especially if you are huddled in one corner with your friends, drinking some beer, slowly chatting about your own plans, exams, until they begin to slowly dissolve, some to other friends, who goes to their boyfriends, and in the end leaves you.. alone, just in the corner with a bottle of beer, isn’t it wonderful? and how many bottles you already drank?
you stand like this for thirty minutes, an hour, your eyes are already slightly double from having drunk too much and your inner thinking responds with a hint to leave this room and go into your dorm, so as not to wake up with a hangover, or something worse, but you don’t have time when a ringing whistle reaches your ears, literally completely from behind, and the head itself turns to the languid baritone — «who's this pretty girl out there, hm? never seen you here before, sweetheart»
sticky words flow from the soft lips of the guy you least wanted to see right now, especially in his slightly amused position, accompanied by reddish eyes and a light gait, his tank top covering almost nothing, showing off his muscular arms and wide figure, you don’t even register how your eyes wander all over his appearance, and he allows it, only teasing, taking a step forward — «what's that, cat got your tongue?»
frowning and softly clearing your throat, you turn your gaze to the side, then again into the blue gaze, absorbed by the gradually expanding dark pupils to give your answer, because the very fact that he didn’t even remember you for some reason irritates, of course he shouldn’t have, you have about zero value for him, but considering how often he kept you up at night, you expected at least a little recognition, so the next words slipped out harshly, tensely — «i'm living in the dorm nearby to yours, kennedy, we talked a couple of times»
leon furrows his light brows, humming, really thinking, at this moment resembling a sort of puppy, before he jerks his head up with a certain glint in his eyes and comes even closer, sliding his hand to place a heavy, warm palm on the very bottom of your back, exclaiming strangely joyful, stretching out into a tickling grin — «ahh, you're right, didn't understand it was you at first, bun, you cleaned up nice, hmm?» as he pushes you forward.
his words are puzzling, it’s not like you really tried hard to dress up, so it sounded strange, but even more puzzling is his gesture and attempt to push you somewhere in the far corner towards the empty sofa, where he, judging by the bottle of whiskey and a shot glass, accompanied by an ashtray in which there was a stewed joint, spent his time, and now he was determined to spend it with you, but without asking if you wanted it — «wait, wh.. where are we going, what are —» he tuts, not annoyed, more jokingly, before seemingly stroking your waist soothingly and muttering — «shh, no need to trash, just wanna talk with you, get to know each other, yk? i need to make amends for annoying you everytime, right?»
but this is something new, to be honest, a wonderful trap for you, cleverly developed by him, not exactly on purpose, no, of course, marijuana mixed with alcohol is responsible for most of his actions at the moment, but it’s not that you don’t interested, oh, you are, and he will very soon let you understand how much, just relax, let him pour you a couple sips of whiskey, hand you his joint, and then let the viscous smoke, burning your eyes to the point of tears, flow from his lips into yours, weaving your tongues together.
it didn’t take long before you found yourself in his room with him, casually stumbling over the threshold, managing to see the posters, his clothes thrown over the back of a chair and a couple of small things before he was already pushing you onto the clean sheets, they smelled of him, faintly giving off a heavy breeze, filling your nostrils with a heavy smell, when his soft, slightly damp lips fall on yours, greedily, with hunger, you are both drunk and high, but you do not resist a single action of his, accepting, allowing the moment to take over the situation.
leon kisses you passionately, clanking his teeth and intertwining tongues, allowing you to feel the cold metal, your lips swell and become warm, acquiring a pink tint, his hands slide over your body, a little calloused, surprising with their tenderness, as if velvety, moving slowly, as if checking and caressing every centimeter of your skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps and reddish marks.
in the end, his hands slide to your panties, his touch is light, he tests the territory, rubs against the fabric, feeling the viscous stickiness of your wetness, and chuckles strangely with amusement, vaguely commenting on how wet you already are, while your arousal only burns more, the cotton fabric becomes almost transparent, no matter what color it is — «haha, fuck, so wet for me already, impressive»
your eyebrow jumps and arches like a house, finding yourself in his room, you were expecting something else, less pleasant, obviously sex where he would simply rip off your clothes and start satisfying himself, neglecting your pleasure, but his gentle touches, slurred and hoarse words? what happened to that fuckboy?
one way or another, all thoughts come to naught when he almost hastily takes off your clothes and carelessly throws them aside, only somewhere in the corner of the room a dull sound was heard, allowing you to understand approximately where the stack of fabric fell, after the roughly pulled tank top from him, revealing his slender, toned figure, and a small trace of hair hiding behind the waistband of his jeans.
he eagerly looks at your wet panties, stuck to your folds, causing an unexpected howl, mixed with the usual humor, to escape from his lips, his hand hastily combs his own blond locks back — «shit, so gorgeous, babe, all for me?» hunger fills his eyes as he lowers his head, burying his nose in the crook of your neck, and then peppers your body with kisses, exploring every curve and crevice with his lips, soft, with such a strange tenderness that your head short circuits from his behavior, contrary to his usual, but you don’t want to say anything.
maybe for fear of scaring him off and ruining everything, because maybe it’s all a show, but he’s so careful — he moves deliberately, his lips slide over the skin, leaving behind a trace of warmth and sensations, and his teeth lightly touch your flesh to bite gently, as if wanting to taste, brushing against the softness of your breasts and hardened nipples, even running his tongue over them, but not lingering too long.
leon reaches your waist, his breath hot against your skin as he nuzzles and tickles, blonde strands brushing against your sensitive flesh and strong hands grip your hips, squeezing with possessive force as he continues to move lower, between your legs, like a puppy on smell.
in a timely manner, his kisses and caresses become more and more insistent, but just as neat, his mouth eagerly explores your plush thighs, he sucks and kisses, his tongue teasingly slides over your heated skin, leaving very light marks, but unable to leave it completely clean, and you don’t mind, you love his enthusiasm, practically seeing an puppy ears and cute tail, and the very sight pulls a quiet giggle from your lips.
he tilts his head just like a dummy, tilting it to the side, being completely between your legs, right in front of your still leaking hole, frowning his eyebrows comically and parting his lips after he kisses, playfully, but as if a little offendedly, biting your thigh — «what's so funny?..» and you read his concern, finding a peculiar charm in it, deciding to tease, find a weak point — «nothing, puppy, keep going»
the face opposite you takes a gentle blush at almost cosmic speed and oh, what a beautiful sight it is when his light eyelashes flutter, briefly covering his bright blue eyes before he nervously licks his lips and nods, unable to even find the words, hiding behind the curtain of his silken hair when his face began to fall closer to the most important course of this evening, and you, as if completely and without embarrassment, laid one hand on his head, guiding, even stroking a little.
his tongue trails along the fabric covering your wet cunt, the taste of your arousal fills his mouth, an involuntary growl rumbles deep in his chest, a primal sound of satisfaction more suited to his usual alpha male behavior as he squirms on the sheets, you can't see, but his jeans are already squeezing tightly around his erect cock, slowly leaking precum, forming a stain on his boxers, and how he hopes that you don’t find out about it.
meanwhile, your head falls back, your fingers tangling in his hair, and you submit to the sensations, a little unfamiliar, the touch of the piercing giving new sensations through your body, his hands and fingers tightly squeezing your thighs, providing both support and an unyielding grip as he presses his mouth completely to your clothed pussy, nuzzling it, grumbling contentedly.
leon lets your folds flutter against his eager lips, his tongue working hard to please you and pick up the pace, the cotton fabric becoming a barrier, increasing the friction and teasing your swollen clit, drawing breathy, needy moans from your lips, biting your lip and arching slightly for him, pushing your hips and thrusting into his mouth, definitely causing him to react, aimed not at his pleasure, but yours.
his fingers deftly remove your panties, his aquamarine eyes focused on the wet spot and slick threads of arousal clinging to the fabric, but wasting no time, he tosses them aside without a second thought.
leon's attention is focused solely on the treasure that lies between your slippery pussy lips, moaning with need and satisfaction, his tongue caresses your cunt in wide strokes, and his nose bumps your throbbing clit, creating additional stimulation that sends a shiver down your spine.
the taste of your sweet juices envelops his tongue, driving him into a frenzy of desire, and he is tireless in his services, his tongue outlines every inch of your tender folds, trying to bring you to the point of pleasure and beyond, using everything he has with him, everything his whole face and his hands.
continuing to mercilessly attack your slick folds, his movements become more passionate, more assertive as you tighten his grip on his hair between your fingers, moving it away from his face, and he openly enjoys the taste of your arousal, a mixture of pleasure and pure needines coming from your increased moans and whining, when he himself practically moans, mumbling something — «mmghm, taste s'good, fuch»
helping himself with his hand, he lets go of one of your legs, letting it fall onto his broad shoulder, curling on his back, and his fingers deftly pass between your folds, spreading them, giving his tongue access to your tight hole, the feeling of his muscle sliding inside you, fucking you in a rhythm that matches the trembling of your legs, filling the room.
he continues to stimulate your clit, his thumb applying the necessary pressure, gradually bringing you closer to the edge, the wet, squelching sounds of his tongue plunging in and out of your wet cunt fills your ears and space, but you're already far enough away to listen, just mumbling and babbling, supporting his movements, squeezing his strands, fleetingly fidgeting with your hips to press into his mouth more actively — «ye.. yyees, good — hmmn.. boy!»
your sweet, moaning words of praise fuel leon's persistence, his movements become more and more insistent, he bobs his head up and down, his tongue and metal ball slides inside your wet hole with an inexorable rhythm, the tip twists to hit the right spot in rhythm, while he tries to suck your clit, his finger continues its exploration instead of his tongue, running along your wet folds and sliding into your tight hole, carefully, curling to feel your spongy spot and thrust against it.
the sensation sends waves of pleasure through your body, making you gasp and shudder, your walls clenching around his digit, squeezing him tightly as the pleasure builds inside you, and he reacts to your vice grip, sucking harder on your clit, flicking the throbbing bud with the tip of his tongue, the movement of his finger immediately speeds up.
the combination of his skillful tongue and the teasing pressure of leon's fingers pushes you closer to the edge, your moans growing louder, mixing with the wet sounds of his mouth working on your sensitive flesh, slurping and letting the sweet juices flow down his lips and chin, picking up the wave of sensations, fidgeting with his hips against the sheets and humping, sending goosebumps through himself from the friction of his clothed erection.
his movements continue, his second finger joins and slides deeper into you, stretching you to accept his invasion, he feels your grip on his finger as he pump and thrust, targeting your sensitive g spot with quick precision, and at the same moment he continues to focus his attention on your swollen clit, his tongue sliding and sucking with fervor.
your stimulated whimpers and your tight grip on his hair only fuel his desire even more, his hips involuntarily shaking, leon rubs his clothed erection against the sheets, and this friction adds an extra layer of pleasure to his wanton moans into your wetness — «mmhrm, good.. so good, s'tasty»
he gets lost in the sweet confines of your pussy, enjoying the taste and the soft, sucking in texture that surrounds him, the wet sounds of his fingers and his mouth working on your increasingly sensitive cunt as it clenches tighter around his fingers, slowly bringing you to the edge, forcing to groan, bending in an arc — «fuck! don't stop, kennedy, i'm — hhngh — gonna cum!»
he wouldn't stop no matter what, because he feels your walls squeezing like a vice, squeezing his fingers, and he responds by curling and opening his digits like a scissors, rubbing against your warm, wet walls, making your pussy squelch with every movement.
he hastily removes his fingers from your pussy, taking their place with his tongue, the pink muscle curls and teases your spongy spot, causing a shiver of pleasure to run through your body, you arch deep, your legs wrapping around his shoulders and you press him closer, riding the waves of impending orgasm — «yess, yesyesyes, lee.. leon!»
your body tenses, a literal cry of pleasure mixed with his name echoes through the room with a deep moan, and leon’s tongue continues its relentless attack, flicking and writhing inside you, pushing you to lose your head completely, and the intensity, the warmth in the lower abdomen increases, reaching its peak when you give in to the powerful release that hits you in a blissful wave, pressing his face deeper between your legs.
he experiences the waves of your orgasm, feeling your tightness squeeze around his tongue, your slippery creamy juices fill his mouth, and he swallows them, slurping, enjoying the taste of your orgasm, drinking it all greedily and hungry, cleaning out every drop and literally rolling up his eyes.
as you tremble in a post orgasmic state, raw and exposed, he moves away from your throbbing cunt and rises to his knees, the mattress sagging under his weight as he takes a moment to clean his chin and lips with his tongue and palm, his eyes fixed on you while you catch your breath with deep sighs and heaving chests, still with your legs spread.
blue eyes watch the way your cunt clench and unclench, testifying to the intense pleasure you just experienced, and you slowly lower your head, catching his puppy dog look, and what's more, painfully erected clothed cock, so much so that a stain has already formed on top of his jeans, escaping his boxers, causing words from your lips that make him wag his imaginary tail and whine «yes, owner» with his gaze, and you think about what’s happening with your changed attitude towards him — «one more?»
oh, of course he agrees, he is literally hooked, although the original plan was different, no? ‹𝟹
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henneseyhoe · 1 year
My Big Three As Boyfriends|
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You wanna have the perfect balance of a country boy and a city boy rolled into one? He’s the man for you!
His love feels like coming into a warm house after shoveling snow.
The first time you two ever kissed, my lady by Tyrese played in the background and since then ‘my lady’ with a brown heart has been your contact name.
He’ll sing any song you ask him to even though his ass can barely hold a tune in all seriousness.
Uncovering your ears, you start laughing. “Yes, sounds just like how Tyrese sung it” He smiles and takes a bow.
You try not to be the clingiest since he loves his space sometimes, but he definitely has his moments where he needs you near him like some kind of support teddy.
Hates when you all up on him when it’s time to sleep but always ends up damn near on top of you by the morning.
“Move, Bae, it’s hot” he groans. 8 hours later. “Tre…Trevante…baby, you crushin’ me!” You huff, trying to push his arm and leg off of you so you could go pee.
He’ll blame you as if your little ass can move him from one side of the bed to the other.
Expect booty slaps every time you walk by, and don’t let him be upset with you prior, cause it’ll be harder this time.
“Tight ass shorts” he’d say as you walked around the house as free as you wanted in the Nike shorts HE bought you.
Often play fighting and roughhousing until he accidentally hits you too hard and has to be soft with you for the rest of the day.
“Awwnnn, cmere, I didn’t think it was gonna land that hard” he holds you as you pout, rubbing your now sore arm. “That actually hurt, Tre. Like seriously 🥺”
He makes fun of the Erotic books you read, but you caught him peaking over your shoulder once and following along with one of your favorite stories.
“Don’t get too hype, I peeped something and the shit was interesting!”
Has a habit of putting his hand up your shirt when you two are cuddling.
He hates when you leave for work because he works mornings and you work nights. Sometimes on his day offs(though a bad idea) he’d stay up at night and bother you on the phone all throughout your work, dropping hints that you needed to come home on your snack break for a real meal.
-you’d brush him off and sneak off to the bathroom, sending him a titty pic to hold him off till you got home.
-‘oh wow. I just might take a trip instead actually’
-He’s definitely already taken trips up there a few times to get you right, as he should.
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A REAL certified loverboy
If you told him to jump, he’d ask how high.
He would never admit it but he is CLINGY. He wants to be with you and all up under you as soon as those paparazzi cameras turn off.
Also certified double texter.
‘babe’ ‘Y/N’ ‘Y/N’ ‘Y/N’ ‘babe’
‘don’t act like you don’t see these texts’
‘WHAT boy’
‘I miss you’ ‘wyd my love’
‘working. Something you should be busy doin’
‘I finished already’
‘Fast reader you are. Here’s a gold star⭐️’
‘What can I say? You’re engaged to a smart man’
Boo🩷 has unsent a message.
‘Forget you read that till further notice’
The man can’t hold water, as you can see. Which is why you don’t tell him anything that’s meant to be a secret.
He literally can’t sleep without your leg thrown over him some kind of way.
He remembers all the cute little shit you like year around so he already has a laid out plan of gifts for Birthdays, Valentines, and Christmas.
A good bit of his camera roll is just you and screenshots of things he wants to keep tabs of.
Can’t organize for shit and that’s exactly why his phone storage is about to explode
Begged you to organize his work stuff, so you agreed, until you saw NOTHING was put where it’s supposed to go.
“how do you work like this?!”
“I honestly don’t know…I- I do not know” he responds, staring at the unorganized files.
“Your assistant doesn’t take care of this stuff?”
“I don’t like to bother her like that”
“Nigga, she’s an assistant, she’s supposed to be bothered!”
Thursdays were self care days for you two. Wether you were just sitting around and watching a movie or doing actual things to improve the body, it was still self care to y’all.
Both of you are foodies, but he’s more adventurous, so he always tries to get you to try new foods when out together.
“would you ever try live squid?” He asks, looking through the menu the restaurant provided for them. “Uhh..I dunno. I don’t think I’d like it, but I’d probably try. Just have to ignore the memory of that story of that man who ate a live squid and it killed him and crawled back up his throat” he stares at you for a moment then looks back down at his menu. “Never mind then…”
Soooo protective of you and thinks you don’t stand up for yourself enough so he always makes sure you’re heard in any and all conversations.
Takes any chance to show you off. Was it cause he genuinely loved you or was it cause he liked showing niggas what they’ll never have? Both actually.
“Oh, and y’all know my girl, right? My beautiful, wonderful girlfriend” he grabs you by the hand, and kisses the top of it, pulling your attention away from your drink. You smile and look away, feeling extra appreciated.
Gentlemen in the streets, freak nasty in the sheets.
You ever came so hard that it took a few seconds for your vision to come back? Yeah.
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The dynamic between the both of you is just very unserious. He is truly your bestfriend who also happens to be your boyfriend
It’s hard to get anything done when the both of you are constantly cracking jokes back and forth, a con of having the same job.
“Yahya, please, my stomach hurts!” you spoke in between laughs, tears prickling the both of y’all’s eyes as you tried to make it through a SINGULAR business email. “How the fuck do you misspell so much shit on a business email?!” He howled, wiping tears from his face and slouching in his seat, you still crying.
He blames you for when he doesn’t get much work done, but he knows damn well it’s his fault for being the goofy mf he is.
When you two were just friends, your mutual friends would tease him by calling him “boy Y/N” because you both had so much in common.
He’s your reminder to eat like a normal person
“What’d you eat today?” Yahya questions, reading over his weekly to-do list. You glare at him then look back at your computer, not answering because you didn’t wanna hear his mouth about you forgetting to eat. Sighing, he gets up and heads into the kitchen to make you something quick.
At first the relationship felt like you two were still just friends, but you both grew into being a little more intimate with each other.
You both can’t help but create small(but healthy) competitions. You were both a little more competitive than you’d like to admit, but you both had competitions so often that basically everyone you guys hung out with knew of them.
“Damn” You sigh as you watched your paper ball miss the trash basket. “Hm” Yahya hums and gets up, picking the paper ball up. Instead of throwing it away right then, he went back to his seat that was a bit farther back and took a shot, the paper effortlessly making it in the basket. You look back at him with a squint and he smirks. “Okay, bet” you whisper.
Ten minutes had gone by and you both were throwing balled up paper that you needed in the trash. To make what point? Neither of you knew, but you both were entertained.
Theres a box in his closet with Polaroid pictures of you two throughout the five years of dating each other, most taken by Yahya himself because in his words, “I just love looking at you. Pictures don’t even capture all that I see, but damn, baby”
The man could easily make you melt like some chocolate. He was just as smooth as he was when you first met him.
Once you both got more into the relationship, he was honestly the most romantic and caring person ever. He’d do anything to make you feel those butterflies.
Sent you on a corny little riddle game for Valentine’s Day once which lead you to some of your favorite places around the city until the last clue brought you home to three bouquets of your favorite flowers and a ring the size of your brown eyes.
Alexa, play whatever you want by Tony! Toni! Toné!
Some niggas don’t trick, but Yahya? Oh he’s gonna step. In the end, if you’re happy, he’s happy.
The night ended with something else a little more eventful that had the neighbors thinking to call the cops for the third time that month.
He plans on staying with you for the rest of his life, and made that know.
And he’s determined to put a baby in you one of these days, with or without that damn ring.
Looks and bias aside, who would y’all pick as a boyfriend? 🫣 I think I’d pick Yahya 😭
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empthy1 · 8 days
heyyy I was wondering if you’d be up to maybe writing a Victoria Nueman fic where maybe the reader is like a supe who’s not well known at all in like their personal life, antisocial, they’re very exclusive and maybe they’re genuinely like a myth, like some sort of phantom or something and maybe they’ve been tasked(by themselves, after hearing about how she was in danger) to watch over Victoria from afar until they actually have to step in and save her from being jumped and maybe her powers were blocked so she couldn’t fight back and so reader finishes them off for her? and maybe like it turns out that they were also at red river when they were young and them and Victoria were friends so that’s why they had been watching over her. Like a guardian angel or like a guard dog. so like a gn!reader.
- 👁
Guardian Angel - Victoria Neuman
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omg yesssss ty warnings: none? idk lmk
Most Supes weren’t exactly… subtle. Big, flashy displays and exaggeration of power were Vought’s M.O. Snatching up every Supe that made it to the top of the rankings, perfected super speed and strength and showmanship, with an ego the size of Texas.
You were… less like that.
With powers that allowed you to slip into shadow, and the personality to match, Vought overlooked you. Saw a mediocre crime fighting major and didn’t think twice. You liked it that way.
After school, you were assigned to any small town. Some place that led you to disappear even more, somewhere with no more troubles than cats stuck in trees and dumb teen robbing the gas station. Most of the time, the police dealt with everything, not needing you to even intervene.
It allowed you to slip away whenever you wished, exploring the country through its shadows. Slipping in and out of places hadn’t always been this easy. But, with years sneaking yourself (and another, once upon a time) out of the orphanage had lead to a skill honed liked a knife. It also led you to… interesting career paths. Let’s just say that.
Being a PI was boring and thankless. Cheating spouses and pending divorcees were your usual clientele. Occasionally, though, you’d get an interesting case. Like protecting the soon-to-be Vice President.
Sneaking into her house was easy. Even with the increased security, and random cameras on every corner of NYC, slipping in under the door, body melding with the shadows was so, so easy. What caught you off guard was not the government files you found in her office, no—but the countless familiar items, sparking childhood memories. Not of Victoria Neuman, but Nadia. Your scared little friend, who was attached to your hip day and night (really. You slept in the same bed more nights than not).
A locket, showing her parents. The same one she revealed with trembling fingers one cold night, months into your joined stay. Or maybe her journal, pages delicate and yellowed from age.
The kicker—the one thing that truly incriminated her was her daughter. You didn’t mean to see her. You usually only survey rooms and leave, planting cameras in the dark corners. Yet, there she was, sleeping. A spitting image of the girl you once knew, young and soft.
You had to get out of there, but not before seeing her. There, sat at her desk, head a weary weight on one hand. Even with small marks of stress and age, she's still recognizable. This is about so much more than the money now.
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Weeks of surveillance. It’s more time than you usually take. Instead of pictures of infidelity and sin, notes about drug drop-offs and mistress names, you’re greeted by pictures of her, notes that don’t relate to her protection. How she likes her bagels, or her coffee. How long she works, when she gets home. There are even a few notes about her daughter’s preferences—a favorite color, beloved character, and how she’s doing in school.
You were bound to get caught, one of these days. Sneaking around her house, knowing how protective she is about her daughter? Oh, you had a death wish. It’s just a normal surveillance—slipping through the shadows, notepad tucked in your pocket and a digital camera against your breast—
Unceremoniously, you’re grabbed, yanked from the protection of darkness. Sent sprawling and tumbling over the hardwood floors of her office, the one you’d almost memorized by now, you’re greeted by a familiar, pissed face.
“If you don’t tell me why you’re here, I’m calling the police—“ when your mask is ripped off by her callous hand, she gapes as wide as her training will allow her—barely a brief widening of eyes. A breath of your name is breathed, before she’s rearing back again. “What are you doing in my house. You didn’t think I wouldn’t catch you?”
No more sweet bedmate. She’s gone steely in your view, drawing back as if to protect herself.
“Nadia—I’m not here for… I was here for a job. Protect you.” Immediately comes your reasoning. Please, please believe me.
She seems too, if only minutely. Softening, just that little bit.
“You promise?” She murmurs lowly, a wary note to her words. Even then, she’s still idealistic—trusting of the ones she loves. Are you still one of them?
“Promise.” Is equally low and murmured, a pinky automatically extended. The juvenile routine, still ingrained in both your minds. Your hands meet pinky first, other fingers tentatively twining after the promise as she hauls you up.
Warmth is all you can feel as you’re barreled into. She’s not tall by any means—but she’s solid, with warm hands and soft hair against your skin. Wrapping you up in that all-too-familiar bear hug, as though you’d never reunite. Mumbled words against your skin and soft breaths meld, in this unlikely place. Meeting again, a decade-and-a-half later.
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paperstarwriters · 1 year
Muriel x Reader
Warnings: Sleepy reader, a kiss is used to shut the reader up. Muriel manhandles reader a bit
Summary: It's late. You're tired, and Muriel is too. All he wants to do is bring you to bed.
[A/N]: Reader is currently me rn. I should really head to bed lol. Also, if this looks familiar, this is the file "A bed and a book" from that WIP Wednesday I did a while ago. (I'll link it tomorrow lol. I need to sleep...)
Masterlist | The Arcana Masterlist
Word count: 2,021
─────── ᶻ 𝘇 𐰁 ───────
Muriel watches you amidst the growing cold of the hut.
He watches you tremble and shiver, as you work, too focused to notice your own quaking limbs, or too busy to give it any attention. The fire dies in the fireplace, and though there was plenty of firewood that he could easily restock the fire with, a roaring fire with no one to watch over it only ever spelled trouble.
Usually he didn't even let the fire keep going this late at night, but you needed it while you worked.
You also, however, needed sleep.
"It's late."
You hum, continuing to scribble as you mutter something about a fleeting idea before you respond.
"I know. Just let me finish this."
Muriel huffs. That's not the first time you've said that and he knows full well that it won't be the last either. He pulls himself from the warmth of the bed, where he had been waiting for you, and plants his feet on the cold floor. The feeling makes him flinch for a moment, and he decides with a sigh, that he would give you one more chance.
"No. It's really, really late."
"You don't have to wait up for me."
In another moment, in another context, Muriel might have blushed at being caught caring for you. At being caught waiting or anticipating your return to his side. Currently however, a streak of frustration, fleeting but hot, burns in his chest. He "doesn't have to"? If he didn't wait up for you, you'd waste yourself away working on your projects. If he didn't wait up for you, he'd have to fall asleep and wake up to empty arms as you sit there just within reach and yet so far away. If he didn't wait up for you, would you ever sleep at all?
Muriel scoffs, and he wonders if you can hear it through your work. He wonders if you can hear him stand from the bed, and stride over towards you. Hearing you gasp as he wraps his arms around you, he figures you didn't, which only serves to target the selfish and greedy part of him—the part that makes his frustration flare all the more at the absence of your attention, the absence of your body pressed against his own.
The look you give him, wide eyed and filled with a startled awe, serves to soothe him for a moment, easing that need for attention, but it brings back to his focus the dark circles under your eyes, and the tremble of your hands hovering over your paper. It's a horrible combination really. The selfish and greedy need for your attention, for your skin against his, made virtuous through his concern for your health and your desperate need for sleep. It made it all the more hard to tell the line where he was being greedy, and where he was being concerned. Yet, if he wanted you to be happy and healthy by his side, could that even really be called greed?
As shock melts into confusion, Muriel can feel your trembling body melt against his, relaxing into the offer of sleep and rest that you continue to deprive yourself of. Greed, Muriel decides, is a kind and necessary thing to indulge in if it means you get to rest.
"It's late," he reiterates.
You scoff, rolling your eyes as you glance around the room, clearly not believing time to have slipped past you so quickly. Knowing you’re delirious with exhaustion, he doesn't trust you to realize that he had stocked the fireplace earlier that day to burn late into the night, and that no, he did not do anything that may speed up the burning process in any way.
Instead, he drags his hand down to your own, trembling as you grip your pen as if you feared it might be ripped away from you in any given moment. Though the temptation to do so is there, he knows full well how ineffective that would be. Instead, he trails his hand down your forearm. The rest of your arm is still pinned down by his in a half hug, but he doesn't even need to exert much pressure to keep you in place—your exhaustion doing most of that work for him.
Fresh from the confines of the bed, his hand and body still cling to the remains of warmth, a sharp contrast to your own, left night-chilled in the absence of the fireplace. It's clear, with the trail of goosebumps and shivers that appear in the wake of his touch, that you're freezing right now, and in desperate need of blankets and warm, warm cuddles.
His hand makes his way down to yours eventually, and he can see the twitch of your fingers as you're tempted to drop the pen to take his hand into your own. Pressing his thumb to the seam of your wrist and your palm,  Muriel feeds the temptation, massaging the tender skin as best he can manage despite his calloused fingers. He’s careful not to seem too desperate for you to relax and drop your work to follow him back into the warm embrace of the bed. Up and down, he works his thumb from the centre of your palm to your pulse on your wrist. Little by little your hand sags in his hold, your pen drooping and slipping from loosened fingers, until it finally falls and leaves a splatter of ink on the wood of the table.
Your eyes dart down and your hand tenses up prepared to apologize and clean up your little mess, but Muriel refuses to let you fuss over something so trivial when your own health is at risk. His face dips into the crook of your neck, his lips spattering kisses against your skin luring you further into his embrace until your eyes flutter closed and your head bobs against his shoulder, fighting a futile battle against the urge to sleep.
Letting go of your hand, and slipping his hand instead beneath your legs to scoop you from your seat, Muriel realizes that he too must be a little delirious with sleep. Blush grows against his face, while he continues to press kisses against your skin, but he doesn't have much energy left to care about how embarrassing his affections may be. Instead, he sighs his lips still pressed against your skin as he pulls you into bed.
"Next time, I'm dragging you to bed the moment the sun goes down," he blurts, uncaring for any embarrassing connotations you might derive from his words. Instead, he focused on holding you close against him, in his arms where you belonged as you wormed your own arms around him, finally settling into his embrace.
At least, he thought you were settling into his embrace.
Despite how your body was nearly a puddle of boneless goop in his arms, exhausted and ready for sleep, you try to turn looking back to the table where your pen and papers lay.
"my pen—" you try to argue.
"it's fine," he mutters, his voice a bit gruff with his own exhaustion. "Go to sleep"
"But the ink—"
"it's fine," he grumbles again, squeezing you tighter in case you tried to slip free. "Go to sleep"
Muriel sighs again, loud and irritated and tired, before he leans in and seals your lips with his own. He knows that tomorrow, if he thinks to long about the events of last night, he'll burn himself with how hard he'd blush, but today, all he wants is for you to go to sleep and get some well deserved rest. He's willing to sacrifice a little embarrassment if it means you sleep.
Even if he'd find himself embarrassed tomorrow, he hopes that it'll be washed out with the pride he feels in the moment, burning bright and making his chest tight, as he feels you sag in his arms. You’re melting from his kiss alone and that makes his heart soar. The effect he has just from kissing you is wonderful sure, but it's the evidence that he knows you that makes him feel the warmest. He knows how to get you to relax. He knows how to make you feel comfortable enough to finally go to sleep. Pulling back, he settles himself back into the crook of your neck, grinning from accomplishments, as he feels you finally seem to drift of to sleep.
Of course, seem is the word of focus here. Since, moments later, Muriel can feel you once again trying to squirm free from his embrace. Though he keeps his eyes closed amidst your little struggle, he holds you tighter, muttering in a sleep raged voice for what seems like the hundredth time.
“Go to sleep.”
You fall limp at his request, though he's more than awake enough to realize what you're trying to do. Waiting and biding your time for him to fall asleep before you. He sighs at the notion, and changes tactics.
"What's wrong?"
You're silent for a moment, still feigning sleep even if he can feel your heartbeat's staccato rhythm from where you're pressed against his chest. He doesn't push though, almost hoping that you'd fall asleep while pretending to do so, but he still waits for your reply, whether it comes or not.
"I just... I have an idea I want to write down."
"You can write it down tomorrow."
"But what if I forget?"
Muriel pauses. The temptation to wave away your concerns with a simple argument like, "if it's important you'll remember tomorrow," sits on his tongue, but he can't help but reflect an answer onto himself. Perhaps it was the constant wash of affection that you'd give him, or how you were often so eager to denounce whatever quiet self-deprecating thoughts he might voice aloud, or maybe it was just how often he was spending time outside of himself, and with you, or Asra, or the others. He doesn't know what exactly caused it, but he knows how it affects him now. He's important, and yet he was forgotten. To you, this project is the same.
This matters to you. Denying its importance will get him nowhere he wants to be.
"You can tell me," he offers, "I'll remember it."
"You're already half asleep."
Muriel cracks an eye open, "you are too."
Your attempt to refute his statement falls short when you yawn, which makes him yawn as well, though his is half muffled around his smile.
"alright, fine," you mutter eventually, tucking your face against his chest. Your arms squirm from their place trapped beneath his own, this time though, rather than escaping, you wrap your arms around him as you finally settle in his embrace for good.
He listens as long as he can, to you talk about the solutions to the puzzle you have noted down in your book, but you're mostly talking to yourself, thinking through the issue, refuting your own claims as you drift off, voice growing weaker and weaker before you finally sag against him, and Muriel can finally settle in against you, able to fall asleep now that you're in his arms, and he is in yours.
Before he settles however, he takes a moment to appreciate his reward, pressing a kiss against your eyelids, before he leans back and appreciates your relaxed and sleeping expression, whispering. You deserve rest like this. You deserve to relax. You've been so busy lately, he doesn't want to see you in pain.
When he finally tucks himself by your side and presses his cheek against your skin, Muriel can't help but chuckle at the chance to just fall asleep just like that. He knows it clings to him now. That falling asleep would be just as easy as that, but it hadn't always been. Sitting up forced to deal with swirling thoughts alone had once been the bane of his existence, but now, curled up with you by his side, he could talk if he needed to, just like you needed to earlier.
Now, falling asleep is as easy as one... two...
In the dying moments of his consciousness, Muriel continues to stare at you, pressing another kiss against your sleeping face, as he whispers precious words, fully aware you can't hear him. It doesn't really matter anyways. He'll tell you them all again tomorrow night. And if you can't hear it then, he'll tell you the next day, then the day after that, and the day after that.
"I love you," he mutters. "Goodnight."
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pluto-supremacy · 7 months
YOUR VI JAIL FIC WAS SO GOOD AND THE HEADCANONS WERE SO SO ACCURATE. :'( IF POSSIBLE, CAN YOU MAKE A P2 TO HOW THEIR LIFE IS OUTSIDE OF PRISON WHEN THEY MAKE IT OUT? or an angst with caitlyn being blackmailed by the warden to only let one prisoner out? :3 said one being vi, and vi having to abandon reader?
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Vi Fic: Bye Bye Bun
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➼ Aaaah thank you so much! I'm so glad so many people liked the Stillwater headcanons^^ I was afraid my Vi was going to be soooo out of character. I decided to write some angst first >:) if this fic does well or I get another ask I'll also work on life after Stillwater, give you guys some fluff after this
➼ Continuation of Vi Headcanons: dating f!reader at Stillwater
➼ No beta we die like Claggor (I'm running out of people who die in the series-)
➼ Warnings: None! Bit of a longer fic for you guys today, enjoy!
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GIF does not belong to me! All credits to the owner
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The sound of knuckles meeting hard concrete echoed throughout the cell block, small grunts following close behind. "You know we don't get clean bandages for another two weeks Vi, your knuckles are going to get infected at this rate." you called out. Suddenly the pounding stopped and a small chuckle was heard. "Don't worry about me bun, just trying to blow off some steam," she said, pacing around her cell instead of beating up a wall. "You should really get some sleep. Long day tomorrow"
"No such thing as a short day here." you groaned. Carefully you laid down on the ground of the cell. Vi's was only a few doors down, close enough to talk just above a whisper but way too far away to see each other. Both of you always slept against the walls that faced each other. It was the closest thing to sleeping next to each other in this shithole. Aside from whenever you two napped during free time of course. Even then Vi stayed wide awake to ensure you were okay.
"Goodnight Vi, wake me up if anything happens, okay?" "I will Y/N, I promise"
That was nearly two hours ago. You were sound asleep by now, the cold, hard floor no longer keeping you up. It was something every prisoner in Stillwater had to get used to. Mattresses weren't provided. The few that did get a thin mat to sleep on at night only got one after a lot of medical visits and several notes stating they needed one for medical reasons. You and Vi weren't so lucky to have any notes. Still, there were worse things here. Like the food. That's why any food or snacks that were smuggled in were high value items. Currently you had a packet of chips hidden under a loose brick right where you slept. You scored them a few days ago and wanted to surprise Vi by sharing them tomorrow.
The elevator dinged as the doors opened, the clack of heels filling the halls. Caitlyn stopped in front of Vi's sell, her hood still up. "What the hell do you want?" Vi asked, glancing over at the taller woman. "Your help. You beat up an inmate, I needed to question him about a crime scene from yesterday. Why did you break his jaw?" "Because I wanted to." She responded with a small shrug, disinterested in whoever this enforcer was. "Why are you in here?" Caitlyn tried again, looking over the file in her hands. "For my sunny personality." Vi shot back immediately.
Caitlyn shook her head, sighing. "This was a waste of time." she closed the file and her journal, starting to walk off. Maybe she could find away around a broken jaw, pen and paper perhaps. "Couldn't have said it better myself. Give Silco a kiss for me on that winning eye of his." that was what caught the enforcer's attention. Turning around she walked back to Vi's cell, getting a bit closer to the bars. "Silco? The industrialist?" "Hardly what I'd call an industrialist." She scoffed, leaning against the bars. That's when the other woman held up something that caught her eye.
In Caitlyn's journal was a picture of a spray-painted monkey. Just like the ones Powder used to make. "Where did you get this?" Vi asked, desperation creeping into her voice. "My question first. The inmate worked for Silco?" "Everyone in here does. You of all people should know that. Now where did you find that?" "It was at the crime scene, this is evidence" Caitlyn responded. She had the upper hand here now. "If I'm to believe you about Silco, I'm going to need proof."
A way out. Vi could get both of you out of here. "I can provide you proof. Just, not from in here" she gestured to the bars around her. "And," she began to add on "I need another inmate. Inmate 381. I'm not leaving without her." Caitlyn seemed to consider this for a moment. Then she turn and left without a word. What that meant, Vi had no clue.
Caitlyn had ran off back to the warden, forging papers along the way for the release of two inmates. She needed Vi's help to track whoever this person was down, so if someone else had to come along, so be it. As she put the papers down on the warden's desk, he seemed to lazily look over them. "I have orders to release inmates 381 and 516." she spoke up. He hummed in thought before shaking his head. "I can only release one." "What? It says right there-" "I can read. But I'm only releasing one. Pick." "..inmate 516."
So when Caitlyn returned and opened Vi's cell, she immediately ran to your cell. Or at least tried to. The enforcer stopped her a few steps in. "The warden only let me release one of you. You understand that-" "No I don't! This wasn't part of the deal!" Vi went to grab the collar of Caitlyn's dress, the other wrapping her hands around Vi's wrists as she was pressed against the wall. "You will-" "If you try anything I will make sure you're put back behind bars and you never see that other inmate again." Cait rushed out. It wasn't what she wanted to resort to, threats, but it seemed to work.
Almost instantly Vi's grip loosened, slowly setting Caitlyn back down on the ground. Leaving you...
"Once we're done, you let her out. Immediately. No excuses, exceptions, or delays. And I get to say goodbye." Vi demanded. That was fair, anyone could agree to that. Thankfully Caitlyn began nodding, dusting her dress off. "Go ahead then. Afterwards we need to get going to the Undercity."
This was going to hurt.
Vi walked over to your cell, kneeling down at the bars. You were still all curled up, dead asleep. She gently knocked on the bars. "Bun..bun you gotta wake up." That was odd. Vi's voice sounded so close...as you opened up your eyes you saw your girlfriend just on the other side of the bars. There was no quicker way to wake up than seeing your lover free from her cell. "Vi! You escaped! How-" you were cut off by seeing Caitlyn standing behind Vi.
"Who is that?" "Y/N, I can explain." "Vi, who is that!" you were shouting now. You didn't even fully realize it. "She's the one that got me out-" "So now you're going to get me out?" you interrupted. Seeing the pain flash on Vi's face told you everything that you needed to know. "You're leaving me.." your voice was barely audible, but Vi caught every word. She could feel her heart shattering as she saw the tears form in your eyes. "It's only for a little bit. The warden wouldn't let us both out, once I'm done helping Caitlyn we're coming right back for you, I promise."
You wanted to believe her. Vi had never lied to you before, why would she start now? Maybe it was the fear of never seeing her again. Or maybe it had to do with the enforcer standing behind her. Caitlyn was beautiful, you had to admit, so what if...
"No, no this isn't right. Vi you can't leave me here!" you shouted, crawling up to the bars and reaching out to grab Vi's wrist. "Vi you can't leave me! Please don't leave me!" the tears finally began rolling down your cheeks faster than you could wipe them away. Vi's own eyes were starting to gloss over with tears. "I'm coming back for you, Y/N. I swear on my life I'm not leaving you. It'll be a few days tops." "What does she," you nodded your head towards Caitlyn "even need help with, huh? What are you going to do for her?"
That cut deep. Vi tried not to take it to heart as she stood up, pressing one last kiss to the back of your hand. "I'm coming back for you." she repeated, steeling herself to actually leave. To not fall to her knees and tell Caitlyn to find someone else. This was your guy's chance of freedom. Even if this hurt you now, it was better in the long run. Everything would be better when you two could be together outside of Stillwater. "Bye bye, bun. I'll be back for you" and with that she turned around and started walking away. Vi knew if she turned around to look at you one last time, she'd never leave.
That's when the shouting started.
"Vi! Vi turn around right now! You can't leave me here!" you were standing up now, having an iron grip on the bars. Almost trying to bend them out of the way so you could run to Vi. Unfortunately you weren't that strong and the bars weren't that weak. "Violet don't leave me!"
Vi quickened her pace, rushing towards the elevator. Your voice was starting to blend with Powder's the day they were separated. It was all too much. She was going to find Powder and come back for you. Everything would be okay, everything would be right. As the elevator doors closed, she heard one last thing. Yours and Powder's voice were nearly indistinguishable from one another as you yelled out:
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diagnosedpsychosis · 1 year
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I just wanted to thank every one for the love I'm receiving for my other little imagines, and to let you all know that if you have anything you want me to write (character or prompt, or both) just let me know and I'll see what I can do.
Description: You had a crappy morning and are clearly struggling to stay awake. Aaron offers the two seater couch in his office to you.
Word Count: 2.7k
You absolutely hated wearing your glasses. You despised them to no end, and in a perfect world they'd never of been created. You hated wearing them. The way they dug into the bridge of your nose. The fact they'd slip every 30 or so seconds so you'd have to readjust them. How if you pushed them up, the second you'd try to take them off they'd tangle in your hair and create a small knot you couldn't detangle until later that night. The way that the lens was so powerful that whilst it gave you perfect vision, it also elicited a powerful headache.
You loved how they looked, but far out did you hate how they felt.
Today wasn't a good day for you, in fact you couldn't even remember your last good day, but today trumped all your other bad ones. You'd woken up to the night-time construction work happening on your street at 3 in the morning. When you finally managed to get back to sleep an hour and a half later, it turns out some of the tradesmen out front had accidentally hit a water pipe and it blew up out of the ground and into the air. So not only were you now awake at 4:30 am, but you were also getting drenched as everyone in your building was evacuated out, instead of staying inside, away from the burst.
Everything had been cleared rather quickly and soon enough everyone was filing back into the building at 5 in the morning. You had an hour and a half until you had to get up and get ready for work, but this mornings events left you wide awake and unable to sleep despite how desperately you craved it.
So you decided to have an actual shower. You got undressed, took all your jewellery off, stepped under the shower head, pulled the tap and...no water came out. You spent five minutes trying everything in your power to get it working when the memories of this morning hit you and you realised the construction workers had hit the main water source.
You were frustrated, tired, naked and on the verge of tears not because you were actually upset, but because you were so overwhelmed. You had been so tired the night before and were so excited to sleep the night away, but the day had other plans for you and now you felt partially blind, struggling not to fall asleep standing up every time you blinked and your eyes lingered closed for a couple seconds longer than usual.
It was too late to get anymore sleep in before work, so wanting to at least fix one issue you walked back into your room, threw on a nightie and grabbed your contact lens case from your bed side. Walking back into your bathroom you opened the little container, your hand beside it on the sink as you bent to grab the saline solution from the cabinet, but as you went to stand back up your hand slipped and a second later you heard a plop sound come from the toilet.
You stood, frozen in time and just shut your eyes. Breathing in and out slowly you imagined all the things that could've possibly fallen in the toilet. You could just buy a new toothbrush if that's what fell in. A new roll of floss was only a couple bucks. You thought of everything that wasn't exactly what you knew it was, purely just cause you couldn't have a worse morning.
But then you opened your eyes, found your open eye contact container floating upside down in the toilet and stormed back into your room to scream into your pillow that held mascara stains.
That was how you found yourself walking into the Quantico building, with the old black framed glasses you'd stopped wearing a year or so ago perched on the bridge of your nose.
"Hey gorgeo- Whoa" Derek's hands flew straight up in the air in defence, cutting himself off mid greeting as your exhausted eyes snapped to him. You didn't look scary whoa, or ugly whoa, you looked 'I haven't slept in years and my slightly red eyes are begging you to knock me out so I can sleep for an eternity' whoa.
"Morning" You grumbled, unable to even offer Derek a grateful smile as he slowly passes you the same coffee he brings in for you every morning. You two stop at the elevator, your tired eyes staring at the metal doors, and Derek's watching and worrying about you as you slightly sway back and forth.
"You look rough. Bad night?" Rough? Bad night? You felt like hell and that was underexaggerating it.
"Stupid construction woke me up, hit a main water pipe, evacuated my apartment building, left me showerless and then stupid me knocked my contact lenses into the toilet" Derek sucked in a sharp breath through his teeth, reaching out and rubbing your back for you, trying to relieve some tension. You arched away from him, and caught his frown in the elevator door, offended you flinched away from his touch.
"If you keep rubbing my back I'll fall asleep on the spot" You mumbled, barely having the energy to even speak.
"You're not going to be productive if you're fighting to keep yourself from falling asleep all day. Just go home" Derek hoped he didn't sound rude and dismissive, and thankfully relief flooded his body as you looked up and offered him a lazy smile.
"I love how concerned you are about me, but I can't go home."
"Why not?" Derek asked, frowning. It was either just go home now or get up to the sixth floor, struggle and then have Hotch tell you to take the rest of the day off, neither of which you wanted. You loved your job, you wanted to be there more than anything, but...maybe a power nap isn't such a bad idea.
"Cause then I'll be letting the team down" Derek laughed, the elevator doors opening as he slung his arm over your shoulders and practically dragged you out.
"No you won't. You look like hell, every one will understand" You squinted your eyes up at Derek as you glared at him.
"So much for calling me gorgeous" You grumbled, Derek pushing on the bullpen door and shoving you in first before following after. He used his arm around your neck to pull your head toward him, before planting a kiss to your cheek.
"Y/n, you're absolutely breath taking, but you also look like hell" You huffed, glaring at Derek before pulling his arm off of you and taking a seat at your desk. You had barely been sitting for 5 seconds before Emily stopped in front of your desk.
"I haven't seen those frames in ages. What's it been, a year?" She asked, her loud voice gaining Spencer and JJ's attention, the latter standing to join Emily at your desk.
"I hate 'em" You grumbled, glancing up at the two girls before looking back down at your desk. Emily and JJ frowned, glancing at each other, wondering what was wrong, but all questions were answered as Derek swung around in his desk chair grinning.
"She flushed her contacts down the toilet" You sucked in a deep breath, side eyeing the direction Derek's voice came from before unpacking your bag, pulling case file after case file out, and neatly stacking them on your desk.
"Usually the nerdy teen in a high school rom com takes off her glasses and puts contacts in, but here you are, choosing not to conform. Good for you" Emily teased as you looked up at her, ignoring JJ and Derek's snickers.
"I love you Em, but I'm moody and running on about 2 and a half hours of sleep" Her mouth formed an 'o' shape as she held her hands up in defence and backed away slowly.
"Drift, caught" She said before turning and heading back to her desk. You sighed to yourself, turning back to face your desk properly. You noticed in the corner of your eye Spencer leaning forward in his seat.
"Are you alright, y/n?" You looked up and toward Spencer, offering him a tiny, appreciative smile as you slowly nodded your head.
"I'm alright, thank you Spence. Just a lot of night time construction going on lately. It's keeping me up" Spencer nodded his head once before sitting back in his seat and looking down at the case file open in front of him. Slowly, you sunk back into work, despite the overwhelming exhaustion consuming you. Spencer's silence lasted seconds.
"I know I live a little further out of the city-" Spencer began, sitting forward again and easily gaining your attention, "but if it gets really bad you can always stay on my fold out couch."
You couldn't fight the smile on your face as you stared at the genuinely caring and compassionate kid in front of you. Spencer had always felt like a baby brother to you, but he had the protectiveness of an older brother.
"I might just have to take you up on that offer" Spencer smiles before getting back to work and losing himself in his own mind instantly. You look away from him before half swinging around in your chair and looking in Derek's direction. Derek feels your eyes on him and looks up, frowning as you point at Spencer, mouthing 'real friend'. He rolls his eyes, a playful smile on his face as he shakes his head and gets back to work.
For at least 3 hours you manage to keep yourself awake. Cup of coffee after cup of coffee, after energy drink, after standing in front of the freezer in the kitchen, make you think you've finally got used to being awake. But then people start leaving at around 11:30, starting lunch breaks and you start getting tired again purely at the thought of eating and doing nothing.
Hotch glances out his window, looking into the bullpen when his eyes catch you frowning at your desk. From where he is it looks like you're stuck on whatever you're working on, when in reality you'd blinked but were yet to open your eyes. Noticing most of the others aren't in the bullpen to help, he stands up and makes his way out of his office.
"Y/n?" He calls from the top of the stairs, his usual frown deepening as you don't answer. He notices you don't have headphones on and wonders if maybe you're just lost in your head, too focused to even hear him. But then he walks down the steps, getting closer, and notices the slow rise and fall of your chest.
Hotch had heard about your morning, after all, it was hard to not hear the booming voices of your team as they all spoke too loud for such an early hour in the morning. So when he stepped even closer, and noticed the faint exhale every time your chest fell, he wasn't surprised to realise you were asleep.
Despite the fact you were at work where you were supposed to be busy 24/7, Hotch wanted you to sleep. He had every intention to slowly back away and return back to his office, but you looked so uncomfortable. Your head was almost completely tilted down, chin on your chest as your shoulders hunched over. You would be beyond sore when you woke up, and Hotch didn't want that for you either. So slowly he stepped closer before crouching down in front of you.
"Y/n?" He spoke softly, placing one large hand on your knee, and the other on the chairs arm rest. You stirred but didn't wake up, instead letting out a heavy exhale as you further sunk into the seat. Hotch patted your knee with a little bit more force, using his hand on the arm rest to lightly shake the spinning seat.
Slowly, you opened your eyes, the same frown you'd worn all day glued to your face as you looked up before back down, your eyes widening when you realised who was crouched down at your knees. You immediately sat up straighter, and a little more awake as you cleared your throat, immediately starting to apologise.
"Oh god, Hotch. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" He quickly cut off your rambling with one single amused raised eyebrow. You sputtered on your words, tilting your head slightly in confusion as you stared at the slight smile playing on his lips.
"You're going to give yourself a hunch back if you continue to sleep sitting up" Your hardened expression slowly softened, a light laugh passing by your lips as you raised your hands to rub your eyes.
"I know, I'm sorry. I was doing so good" You scolded yourself, disappointed you'd fallen asleep and your boss was the one to find you, out of everyone.
"For someone running on two and a half hours of sleep, you've done good" You sighed, keeping your hands to your eyes to block out the light.
"You heard about that?" You ask, spreading your index and middle fingers apart to peak out at Hotch. He nodded, his smile still small and soft as he stared up from you, not having yet moved from below you.
"Voices travel" Hotch replied.
"Sorry" You mumbled apologetically, eyes following Hotch as he used your knee to push himself up, going back to his naturally towering height.
"Make it up to me by moving to the couch in my office?" He asked, using his foot to spin you and your chair out from under your desk. You snorted, leaning back in your seat and crossing your arms over your chest.
"Sounds more like a win for me" You stated, Aaron shrugging as he stuffed his hands in his pant pockets, his gaze unwavering, locked on you.
"You get to sleep, I get my smart, refreshed agent back. It's a win win" You absolutely loved the sound of a nice couch nap, and in Hotch's office of all places.
"Really?" You asked, Hotch slowly blinking before nodding and offering you a smile.
"Mhmm" With a dramatic huff, you stood like you were being forced to do what he said, when really you could kiss him for the suggestion.
"Well... only cause you won't shut up. I've never met a man that begs so much" You pushed your chair in, following Hotch up to his office.
"I don't know if that's what I'd call begging-"
"It is" You quickly cut him off, your grin widening as he glanced back at you over his shoulder, with his smile still present. You stepped inside his office, immediately making a b-line for the couch under the window that lead outside.
"You can close the blind if you want" Hotch pointed at the open blind behind you as he closed the door to his office, grabbing a coat off the back before making his way toward you.
"It's not going to make it harder to see for you?" You asked, wanting to make sure he was 100% okay with it. He snorted, stopping in front of you and holding the coat out, waiting for you to take it.
"I think I'll live, y/n" You took the coat with an appreciative smile, watching him turn around and walk behind his desk, before you closed the blind. You put your arms through the coats sleeves, the back of it against your chest like a blanket. You went to lay down but quickly looked to Hotch.
"You're sure this is fine with-"
"Yes....the company is nice" Hotch replied softly, now sat behind his desk, flicking through a case file. The corners of your mouth slowly spread into a genuine smile.
"Even mine?" You asked, watching Hotch as he looked up and away from his work, his eyes latching onto yours.
"Especially yours" You bit back a tired grin, turning away from Hotch to hide the blush quickly rising to your cheeks. You laid down, bringing your knees to your chest as you snuggled into the large coat Hotch had grabbed off the back of his door for you. You felt your eyes grow heavy, but just before you let sleep overcome you, Hotch spoke again.
"Just don't snore" You laughed, shaking your head lightly.
"No promises."
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captainpricelover · 1 year
Peter b. Parker x f!reader
Word count - 2k
Warnings: Profanity, large age gap(18-39) infidelity. Smut!!! P in v sex. Slightly rough sex, Peter cheats on MJ with Mayday’s babysitter
Names used: Angel, Doll
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You babysit part-time to help pay for tuition but also lashes and nails. I mean who isn’t a high-maintenance girly nowadays? This isn’t your first babysitting job but it is your hardest. The child you babysit, Mayday is very special she is basically Spiderman but that isn't the hardest part of this job, the hardest thing is probably the thing in her dad's pants every time he sees you.
You never thought you would spend 20 minutes attempting to get Mayday down safely from the ceiling, but here you are. The chair under you wobbles as you stretch your limbs trying to grab the ginger child.  Peter walks in, and the noise from the front door startles you, causing you to lose your balance. Mayday finally decides that she's bored of the ceiling and jumps down into your arms. All this causes you to lose your balance, you squeeze your eyes shut and tighten your grip on Mayday bracing for contact with a hardwood floor. But it never happens instead, you find yourself being carried bridal style by Peter.
“Don’t worry I got you, kiddo,” He smiles while squeezing your thigh before placing you down on the floor and taking Mayday from you. Peter’s hair is slightly messy, and the jacket from his suit is tossed over his shoulder while his tie hangs loose around his neck. 
“Where’s MJ?” You ask slightly tilting your head. 
“Work emergency,” He laughs “Taste of my own medicine I guess, I’m the one usually running off halfway through the date due to work,”
“Was your date still good?”
“The food was delicious, got some in a box in the car, you can snack on while I drive you home if you want to wait in the car. I'll be there in a few minutes,”
“I mean you paid me for a couple more hours so I don’t mind helping you put her to sleep and cleaning  with the uh-mess”
 The house was a state, Mayday’s toys are scattered everywhere, and her costumes completely cover the sofa, crayons on the walls and even the ceiling. It wasn’t a one-person job barely a two-person job but hopefully, you and Peter could make it work. 
“It's also partially my fault your house is like this, so I’ll feel guilty if you make me go now”
“Don’t blame yourself, Mayday is a handful. The number of babysitters who quit within the first few minutes”
“Minutes?” You laugh
“Sometimes its seconds, Mayday is pretty picky but she seems to like you,”
Neither of you has noticed the fact that she's fast asleep in Peter’s arms but when you do your conversation stops, slowly down both of your movements making sure not to make any noise that would wake Mayday up. Peters nods his head, signalling that he's off upstairs. You smile before heading over to the lounge as you begin picking up Maydays toys and putting them in a basket. A few minutes pass before you hear Peter walking down the stairs but he doesn’t come into the lounge instead you hear the front door open. Shit. There's probably a spider-man related emergency, you carry on cleaning but are surprised when Peter comes back through the front door, carrying his leftovers in a white plastic bag
“You hungry?” He smiles slightly lifting the plastic higher into the air
“A little,” To be honest you were staved looking after Mayday drains all the energy out of you.
Peter puts the food in the microwave before pushing some newspapers and files into a pile, clearing a space for you to sit on his island. You happily sit on one of the stools as the microwaves bing. He takes the food before sitting on the stool next to yours, placing the food in between the both of you. You admire the domesticity of the scene, you never had a man cook for you before (Microwaving food is 100% what Peter considers cooking) There's always been a feeling of admiration for Peter, but seeing him now and being alone in his presence, you’re starting to believe you might have some actual feelings for him. 
“So, you got a boyfriend?” Peter asks trying to make small talk 
“Uh- no I don’t” You take a bite of leftover steak
“I-I mean,” He stutters for a few seconds “It's good because I would feel guilty for keeping you here when you could be spending time with him as well. Any reason don’t you have?”
“I guess I’ve never met the right, all the guys at my school are right dickheads,” He cocks an eyebrow “What? I bet you were the same in school?”
“Oh god no I was a right nerd in high school. I would never even talk to a girl as pretty as you, let alone be mean to one,” He laughs and you join in
“I could never see you being a nerd with the whole Spiderman shebang and the whole dilf thing you got going on” 
“You don’t know what a dilf is?” 
“I know what a milf is, so I’m going to guess it has a similar meaning.
You carry on the small talk while you both finish the leftovers. He entertains you with stories about him taking down villains and you get him up to date with all the latest school drama. The rest of the chores are split up between the two of you. Peter’s job is to clean the drawing on the ceiling. A job that's impossible for you since you lack any superpowers. You end up washing the dishes. The conversation between the two of you has died down so you put in some AirPods and listen to music. While scrubbing some stubborn stain you feel a pair of rough hands latch on to you, it's Peter. He gently guides you to the side so he can access the cupboard under the sink. His touch sends an eclectic shock through your entire body, especially to your lower abdomen where you can already feel pressure starting to form. You take out one pod and look up at Peter
“Sorry, didn’t want to disturb you listening to your tunes” He laughs his hands still on your hips
“Oh no, it's fine. You just startled me,”
“Are you tense? It seems that I’m always scaring you. Something on your mind? I’m always here if you need to talk, angel,”
Your heart skips a head at the new nickname he has given you, you stutter out some appreciative nonsense before he lets go of your hips, and your body craves his touch. It was only a small dose but now your already addicted. He squats down and grabs some supplies before shooting a web at the ceiling and launching himself at it to continue cleaning.
Half an hour passes and the house is completely spotless. No evidence of Mayday’s wild escapades is left. Peters decides to head inside the panty to grab a sweet treat to congratulate him on a job well done. You follow him. The pressure inside your lower abdomen has gotten stronger over time instead of going away, so you are most likely blinded by lust when you decide to ask him
“Did you really mean it when you said I was pretty?” You question while leaning against the frame of the entrance to the pantry 
“Of course, I did, your gorgeous,” He smiles as a million impure thoughts appear in his mind “But you’re too young for me angel,” He sighs but before you could feel any sense of rejection his lips crash into yours. His hand attached itself to your hair at the crown of your head while the other one finds its way up your baby tee and being to fondle your breast. He pushes you against the wall, deepening the kiss but as quickly as he begins kissing you he ends it.
“Oh god angel, shit I’m so sorry,” He apologised as he let go of your hair “I don’t know what came over me. I-”
 He is about to remove his hand from your breast when you interrupt him 
“I liked it,” You smile 
This time, its Peter who is shocked
“I want you Peter,” You confess and it sets this man off like a bomb. His hands are back on your body exploring every crevice he can over your clothes. You return the favour as you begin fiddling with his belt, it takes a few seconds but you finally undo the belt and his zipper. Before you could pull his bulge out of his boxers he start humping himself against your hand
“Fuck angel you are so perfect!” He whispers in your ear 
He pulls frantically at your pair of denim shorts, desperately attempting to get them off. It takes a few tugs before he figures out he needed to undo the button but when he does your shorts are off in one quick movement. His middle and index fingers quickly find themselves inside your panties as Peters uses his digits to explore your folds.
“Fuck me, doll. How are you this wet, I have barely even touched you”
You manage to help his cock escape its confinement you were shocked at the size. How was he hiding this thing under his Spider-Man suit? Before you could ask him the question yourself, he's picked you up. Instinctively you wrap your legs around his waist as his fingers dig into your thighs. 
“Are you sure that you want this?”  He asks as he lines up his tip with your entrance. You nod.
“Words, darling.”
“Please, Peter!” You practically beg 
With that, he does a singular powerful thrust into you making sure that his entire shaft entire you on the first time. After a few seconds to make sure that you’ve adjusted to his size he begins to thrust at a fast pace. Your brain is scrambled all you can let out is a set of incoherent moans. 
He moves one of his arms to the small of your back to make sure you are steady as his lips meet yours again and you start a hungry kiss. His lips interlock yours perfectly, he's a pro at this which makes up for your lack of experience. 
Each of his thrusts is more powerful than the last. This man is fucking you like there's no tomorrow. He's needy too which makes you wonder about his current bedroom life. I mean if you were MJ you would never leave your martial bed. He lifts you up slightly which changes the game completely as every time his cock enters and leaves, he hits your g spot. You wrap one of your arms around his neck for extra support as you use the other to rub your clit.
 After a few minutes of thrusting, you are close to reaching your orgasm, Peter knows this. His spider senses are going crazy. He slows down his movements, making sure to drag out the amount of time his cock spends touching your g-spots with drives you over the edge. You cum almost instantly after he does this. Your walls clench around him getting him closer to reaching his high when the front door opens, It's MJ. Shit! 
Peter tightens his hold on you as he ploughs into you with a god-like speed trying to finally get his release. He moves one of his hands over your mouth attempting to quiet down your moans so that MJ won't hear. You listen closely as you hear her taking off her shoes. His movements are rougher. She enters the lounge and Peter finally cum, moving the hand which was located on the small of your back to the crown on your head as he sets you on the ground. He pets your hair gently as he gives you a quick peck before pulling his pants up and going to greet/distract his wife, giving you enough time to make yourself look presentable and to pretend to be preoccupied with something.
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When The Girls Talk Boys | Spencer Reid
Add yourself to my taglist! | Here’s my masterlist!
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff!
Author's note:
Words: 2.051
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*** BOYS ***
She was beautiful. Everything was beautiful about her. The way her eyes lit up as she talked to JJ and Emily, and how her lips always curled up into this adorable pout-smile she always did when someone said something a little too inappropriate for work. 
Watching her from across the bullpen had been my favorite thing to do ever since I met her. The first few days, that was all I did. I just watched her from across my desk or as she made herself a cup of coffee. Even when we were in the field, all I could really do was list off any and all facts I knew about whatever was happening. I couldn’t bring myself to actually talk to her as I would get too nervous. 
That was until she asked me to go see a screening of Alien Girl, without subtitles. I think that might’ve been the moment I fell in love with her, but I didn’t quite know it back then. One cinema date turned into two, turned into three, turned into dinner dates and after-work drinks or pre-work coffees and breakfast. After two weeks of going out on casual dates, I had finally dared to kiss her. 
Knowing fraternizing between co-workers is strictly prohibited, the two of us had decided to keep it under wraps. From then on, we had been strictly professional when we were at work, however, the second we were alone, we couldn’t keep our hands to ourselves. Every night, she and I found ourselves, kissing and touching like no one else. 
Every day, I fell more and more for  her. 
“You have been awfully chipper lately, pretty boy,” said Derek, capturing my attention. 
I shrugged, returning to my file as though I hadn’t been staring at my co-worker for the past ten minutes. “Eh, it’s the sun,” I dismissed him, not wanting to attract any more attention than I already have. “The beautiful weather we’ve been having lately tends to boost serotonin levels. It improves your sleep, synchronizes your biological clock and lowers stress levels.” 
While I was ranting off factoids, Rossi joined the conversation. “I think it sounds more like there’s a woman in your life,” he suggested whilst dropping another file on my desk. 
Rossi and Morgan both tilted their heads and raised their eyebrows, neither of them really believing anything I was telling them unless it involved a woman. Of course, they were right, but I couldn’t tell them that. 
“Who is she?” Morgan asked, noticing my faltering. 
Sighing, I shut the file on my desk and turned to my co-workers. “Fine, there is someone,” I told them honestly, capturing their attention, along with my boss’. “She’s… just amazing… You know how someone can just take your breath away with one look?” Morgan, Rossi and Hotch all nodded their heads slowly. “I don’t really understand it, to be fair… It’s-It’s just… I don’t know.” 
“Well, that’s a first,” Rossi chuckled. 
“So, who is this woman?” Morgan wanted to know. 
I fought my instinct to look right at her. If I did, they would most definitely figure it out. They were the best profilers after all. So, instead, I grimaced and turned back to my file. “I-I can’t tell you… It’s kinda new so I kinda want to keep it to myself for now. Don’t wanna jinx anything.” 
All three of my co-workers chuckled as they patted my shoulder or simply shook their heads as they left me alone to get back to work. As I let my own words simmer in my mind, I looked up to find her already looking at me with that gorgeous smile on her face. 
It did make me wonder if she, herself, talked about me the way I just talked about her. 
Watching Spencer from across the room was one of my favorite things to do. I just loved how he furrowed his brows in concentration or how his tongue would poke out as he wrote something down. I hated not being able to touch or kiss him whenever we were at work. But I also did know that this was for the best. 
“You’re daydreaming,” Emily pointed out, capturing my attention. 
I let out a chuckle. “Yeah, a bit tired, I suppose.” It wasn’t a lie. Last night, Spencer and I spent a lot of time together, cuddled up in bed, just talking. And kissing. And touching. All things we couldn’t do when other people were around. 
“Ooh, who kept you up last night?” JJ questioned, having heard part of the conversation. There was a teasing in her tone that I had used on her myself whenever I would ask about Will when they first started going out and I was the only one who knew. 
Shrugging, I turned away from the girls, ignoring the way my cheeks were heating up. “No one– it’s…” I couldn’t lie to them anymore. I had to say something. Something that would get them off my back, something that would allow me to gush about Spencer without them knowing who I was talking about. “It’s kinda new, so I don’t wanna jinx it…” 
“We got a new lover alert?!” Penelope exclaimed as she passed my desk, catching onto my last words. “Tell me everything!” 
I fought the urge to glance across the bullpen towards Spencer, who was talking to Morgan, Rossi and Hotch. No one was supposed to know about us. No one could know how we’d gone on several dates and how we’d kiss and touch each other in ways that weren’t very appropriate at work. 
“I–” I inhaled a sharp breath, thinking about what to tell them and how to tell them. “He’s a sweetheart, you know? He’s a gentleman…” I bit my bottom lip to keep myself from continuing, but then did anyway. “In and outside of the bedroom.” 
The girls all gasped in surprise. “Y/N!” Penelope exclaimed, capturing Spencer’s attention. I locked eyes with him for a split second, which wasn’t enough to alert any of the girls. 
“He’s all I’ve ever wanted and I think…” I pressed my lips together. There was no way I could ever admit to what I’m truly feeling for my co-worker. “I think I might be falling in love with him.” 
The girls’ jaws dropped while their eyes widened. Their reaction sent a rush of heat to my cheeks, forcing me to hide my face in my hands. I couldn’t believe I was admitting all of this to my co-workers during work hours, even. 
“Oh my God!” Penelope cooed, holding her hands to her heart. 
“What’s going on?” Morgan asked as he joined, hearing his favorite girl’s exclaims. 
“Our little Girl Wonder is in love!” she shouted loud enough for everyone in the bullpen to hear, including Spencer. 
Morgan’s eyebrows raised. “Are you now? Who’s the lucky fella?” 
Shrugging, I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “It’s–I’m… It’s kinda new. Don’t wanna jinx anything.” 
Something shifted in Morgan’s facial features, like puzzle pieces fell into place. Rather confused, his eyes flitted from me to Spencer and back. “You… You’re in a new relationship?” he asked me, to which I nodded very slowly as I was trying to grasp onto what he figured out. “And so did you…” he pointed at Spencer. 
My eyes widened ever so slightly as they flicked towards Spencer, my lips pressed together tightly. “Y-yeah,” Spencer responded nervously. “Can happen, right? I-it’s a coincidence…” 
Morgan hummed suspiciously while Emily narrowed her eyes as well. “But it’s not a coincidence how you’ve both been staring at each other since you guys entered the office…” 
Exchanging quick glances, Spencer wordlessly told me he wanted to tell them and while I agreed, I also didn’t want them to win. But I also knew I wasn’t going to win against my co-workers. They were the best at what they did after all. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I told them, shaking my head and crossing my arms. 
“Oh, come on, y/n!” JJ whined, followed by a chuckle. “You’re in love with him!” 
My eyes landed on Spencer again as his eyes softened and his lips curled up into a smile. “You’re in love with me?” he asked, ignoring everyone else around us and the fact that I was still trying to dismiss their suspicions. 
“I–” I tried to get myself out with some little white lie, but looking into Spencer’s honeycomb eyes, my insides completely melted and my walls came crashing down. “Yes,” I squeaked. 
The most beautiful smile tugged Spencer’s lips upwards and I couldn’t help but mirror said smile. Albeit the setting wasn't’ the most romantic, the moment felt kind of sweet. 
“Nawwww!” JJ, Emily and Penelope called out. 
I rolled my eyes at them, though I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. “This is kinda awkward.” 
“Is it, though?” Spencer asked as he took a step closer towards me. He was quick to grab my hands and pull me up to my feet. 
Chuckling, I looked up at him. “It is when you don’t say it back, honey,” I whispered, scrunching my nose. 
“I’m in love with you, too, baby.” 
A wide smile spread across my cheeks as I leaned up on my tiptoes and kissed him deeply. The shivers the feeling sent down my spine caused me to forget about everyone else around us. It wasn’t until I pulled back from him and Hotch spoke up that I realized where we were. 
“I’m gonna need to see you two in my office,” he said sternly, though the ghost of his smile still resided on his face. 
Sighing, we smiled at each other before following Hotch to his office. I didn’t let go of Spencer’s hand until we reached the office. The two of us listened to what Hotch had to say and filled out the forms he needed us to. Once we were done in the office, Spencer and I exited and made our way to the breakroom. 
“Are you okay with everyone knowing?” Spencer asked when he shut the door while I started making us some coffee. 
I smiled up at him. “Yeah, it feels freeing, kind of? Means I can just talk to the girls about you without having to hide who you are.” 
Tucking his hands into the pockets of his pants, Spencer made a beeline towards me. “You talk to the girls about me?” he asked, a slight pink tinting his cheeks. I simply hummed as I grabbed at his sweater to pull him closer. “What do you tell them?” 
“That you’re a sweetheart,” I replied and kissed his cheek. “That you’re a freak in bed,” I kissed his jaw with a mischievous smirk plastered on my face. “That you’re my lover.” I kissed his nose. “And that you’re all I need.” I finished my answer with a kiss to his lips. 
“We probably shouldn’t be doing this at work,” he mumbled but leaned in again for another kiss anyway. 
A knock on the door startled the both of them into releasing one another. Morgan peeked his head inside. “All right, lovebirds, Hotch wants us all in the briefing room.” 
Nodding our heads, Spencer and I walked out of the breakroom together and joined the rest around the round table. Spencer kissed my knuckles before taking a seat, allowing me to take one on the other side of the table. It was better for us to sit apart, anyway. At least then, we could refrain ourselves from constantly touching each other. It had been our way of keeping us a secret for so long. 
We had been able to go without anyone finding out for longer than I had anticipated. But with our co-workers knowing, it felt as though a weight had fallen off my shoulders. I loved Spencer and I loved how everything we did was ours without anyone knowing. But having it out into the world, I didn’t have to be careful with every glance, every touch or what I wanted to say to him. 
From now on, I could say what I wanted to him, I could hug him if I needed it without any suspicion. 
From now on, I could love him openly and loudly. 
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Everything taglist: @calamitykaty @littlemissaddict @n0wornever @wanniiieeee @unnowhatthisistbh @Jassy122
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storiesofsvu · 9 months
Solace in Solitude Ch 9
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Emily Prentiss x reader warnings: language, alcohol consumption, sexual conversations. guys... we're so close. SO CLOSE!
The barrier had been broken and routines began to shift around the apartment as the two of you continued to get comfortable with each other. Emily started staying out in the living room when she would hear your alarm go off on work mornings, she’d time it just right so that the coffee was hot and fresh the moment you got out of the shower. You’d usually brief through your day with her, go through any surgeries you had, especially if you were worried about something. She took it all in and always asked the right kind of questions that helped your brain work around the issues, and you were impressed with just how well she understood most of it.
You’d come home to a quiet apartment while Emily slept, drop your stuff off and then head to the gym most days to make sure you weren’t waking her up, so she got proper sleep. Dinner was usually ready as soon as she was getting up and the two of you would be able to eat together, usually on the balcony as the sun went down. You’d had life chats, tell old stories, stupid jokes, laughter filled the space rather than tension. Emily knew just how to get you to tell a story about your childhood, something relating to family or your mom without you realizing what she was doing, and in turn it was never a sad memory. You discovered Emily was a whiz at poker, but you were the breadwinner when it came to blackjack, that she preferred paranormal horror movies, and you were the one that always cried over cheesy romantic comedies.
There was finally starting to be a balance between the two of you, she wasn’t snarky because you were her doctor and thus caretaker anymore, and you didn’t have to babysit any longer. You took care of each other, Emily holding up her end of the deal by always making sure there were home cooked baked goods to snack on while you made sure vegetables made it into dinner. Emily made the promise to only smoke if you were also smoking, which rarely happened but there was the occasional night that you were having a rough go and needed more than a glass of wine to help cope with everything and there was nothing wrong with that.
You were in the kitchen getting breakfast ready, surprised that Emily hadn’t been in the living room when you’d gotten up that morning. But it would make sense that she just got tired early and decided to marathon tv in bed instead so she didn’t fall asleep on the couch. You were about to toss her breakfast sandwich into a container when the coffee machine beeped loudly and a few seconds later she was coming out of her room.
“Shit…” she muttered under her breath, “sorry. I thought I’d wake up when your alarm went off.”
You looked at her curiously for a moment before your lips twitched up into a smirk, “did you just sleep through the night?”
She stilled, an almost guilty expression on her face, “uh… yeah.” She laughed softly, “guess having to get up early with you to go into the hospital kinda fucked my daytime sleeping thing up.”
“Mmhm.” You nodded, pulling down an extra mug to fill with her coffee, “so I take it the new med adjustment is working?”
“How’d you know about that?” She asked, stepping into the kitchen to accept the steaming beverage and you chuckled.
“I’m still your doctor. I took a look at your scans from yesterday and with that came your file.” You grabbed another plate from the cupboard, putting the extra sandwich on it, “glad it’s working. You wanna eat outside?”
“Yeah.” She nodded, “thanks. And uh, another question for you.”
“What’s up?”
“PT said I should bump up my activity now, and I kinda liked getting out in the morning, the city’s quieter. Do you think it’d be okay for me to tag along with you on your way to work more often?”
 “Yeah, of course.” You replied with a smile, “it’s a lot nicer to not do it alone.”
“You’re a life saver.” She let out a breath, “and I wouldn’t like, follow you around at work or wait for you or anything, probably just grab a coffee and wander back here.”
“If I were you, I wouldn’t even want to see another hospital again.” You replied back with a laugh, relief washing over you when she laughed even harder, shaking her head at you as she picked up her plate, nudging you toward the balcony.
Emily liked her new morning commute, even if it wasn’t starting her workday, it gave her something to do, a proper reason to get out of bed and a way to feel a bit more like a real person again. Most days she’d split off from you a few blocks from the hospital before picking up a coffee or tea to do her people watching in different areas of the city. She’d meander around as the shops opened, checking things out and usually pick up a lunch on the way back home from a local vendor. If she found something she really loved, she’d pick it up again the next day and drop one off at the hospital for you, her way of saying thank you, and apologizing for being the worst patient and roommate you’d ever had.
On days that you didn’t work, the two of you avoided the metro at peak times, opting for lazy mornings with later breakfasts and extended cups of coffee. Some days you played tourist, checking out the sights of the city, other days you just wandered around together. On the rare occasion you had more than three days off in a row you were able to rent a car and head outside the city limits to explore a little bit further.
Some days Emily would join you at the gym, eager to get herself back to the shape she was in prior to everything going down. While she knew it would likely take more than a few months, she had to start somewhere, focussing on strengthening what her PT from the hospital said and taking it up a few notches higher. She did prefer to just use the time you went to the gym to work out at home, she wasn’t the gym type, never had been, but she couldn’t exactly store everything she needed in the small, shared space.
On lazier days, days you were too tired or unmotivated to do anything sometimes Emily would wander alone, some days she would keep you company while you showed her your favourite movie series. And some days, you ended up down the road at one of the smaller pubs where you could swap out the usual wine for cocktails and pretend like you were being social with other people.
Which was exactly where you were tonight. A basket of fries sitting between the two of you on the bar top while you sipped on drinks. You were seated at the shorter side of the bar, parallel to the space behind the bar, partially so Emily could have her back to the wall and partially because it gave you both the full view of the room. While chatting with the bartender or watching the sports game was fine, you’d both discovered that watching the other patrons was more entertaining.
“It’s got to be a full moon or something.” Emily muttered; her eyes fixed across the room.
“People are particularly wild tonight.” You replied, snagging another fry from the basket.
“I honestly thought that guy was gonna get a glass to the face.”
“It’s what happens when you hit on someone else’s girlfriend like that.” You replied with a shrug, “he was relentless.”
“And the girl’s boyfriend was twice the size of him, what’d he think was gonna happen?” She laughed, pulling one from you as the bartender came over to check on you, offering another round of drinks that you accepted.
“God I can’t believe I used to be that young and dumb. I couldn’t even imagine doing half the shit we’ve seen tonight at our age.”
“We’ve turned into spinsters.” She replied dryly, “it’s honestly amazing we’re out of the house on a Friday night anyways.”
“Yeah but I’m far too lazy to make my own mojitos.” You paused to thank the bartender for the refill, taking a hefty swig.
“I’ll drink to that.” She tilted her glass toward you and you clinked it with yours. “This group at ten o’clock?”
“Yeah?” Your eyes scanned through the room, following her direction until you found them.
“Girl in the pink’s been getting hit on by green shirt and blue shirt all night. Who’s she going home with?”
“Hmm...” Your lips wrapped around your straw for another sip as you surveyed the situation, spinning your own theories onto things, watching the group dynamics.
“Green shirt’s managed to get pretty touchy without any shying away.”
“Yeah but he’s buying her drinks, I’d put up with the flirting for free shit too. Besides, blue’s hotter.”
“You think?” She looked over at you and you shrugged.
“I’m mean, I wouldn’t fuck him, but if I had to pick between the two of them…” you gestured vaguely towards him and Emily tilted her head in recognition.
“He’s too shy.” She muttered, watching the man in blue, “doesn’t have the balls to flirt with her when green’s around and he doesn’t care who sees.”
“Yeah, but that’ll pay off in the long run.”
“Green’s a partier, a fuck boy, he may be flirting with her but he keeps eye fucking everything with a pulse when he thinks she’s not looking. Nice guys don’t always finish last, ya know.” You teased with a smirk and she scoffed, “besides, look at the scar on the back of green’s leg.” Emily’s eyes flicked to the back of his knee, “that’s fresh. I’m sure he’s supposed to be wearing a brace but thought it wasn’t cool, he’s probably still on the painkillers. He’s what?” You eyeballed him for a minute, “5’8’’, 160? With the amount he drank in the last hour, he’ll be three sheets to the wind in the next twenty.”
Emily pulled her gaze away from the group, surveying you for a minute as she took a sip of her drink and then let out a huff, “fuck, sometimes I forget you’re a doctor and you can do shit like that.” You laughed, “my money’s still on drunk-y.”
“Alright.” You replied with a grin and the two of you laughed before distracting yourselves with another group to people watch.
It was almost exactly twenty minutes later when Emily’s eyes circled back over to the original group and she let out a quiet swear. The girl was sitting in a separate booth from her friends, next to blue who had his arm against the back of the booth. Green was attempting to dance with another girl, stumbling so hard the bouncer was already on his way to escort him outside.
“Fuck.” She glanced up to the bartender who was halfway through a conversation with you, “put her next one on my tab.”
“Huh?” You glanced over to her and she nodded in the direction she’d been looking and you burst out a laugh. “Told ya.”
By the time that round of drinks had been finished, blue had made his move and the two of them had yet to stop making out across the bar.
“Jesus Christ.” Emily muttered, “they really don’t care that they’re in public, do they?”
“They’ve gotta come up for air sometime.” You replied and she laughed, “god...” you sighed, your elbow dropping onto the bar top so you could prop your chin up in your hand, “to be that young and just not give a shit….”
“Oh I remember the days.”
“Most of the time they make me cringe, I won’t lie. Half of it was likely just to piss off my mother.”
“They really are going to town…” your brow furrowed, “is his hand up her skirt?”
“Wouldn’t be surprised.”
“Good for them.” You huffed, “lord knows it’s been ages since my last good make out.”
“Yeah?” Emily raised a playful brow, “how long.”
“Well…” you chewed on your lip for a moment, “my ex and I broke up like…almost a year before I moved here...”
“A year?!” She exclaimed, “wait… how long was I under for?”
“Just shy of a month.” You replied, taking another sip of your drink, “got here early March.”
“October is next week!”
“You don’t have to remind me.” You stated with a laugh, picking up the shot Emily had ordered earlier and throwing it back.
“Okay, but relationships fizzle out, you stop having sex near the end of them, sometimes for months. Please tell me you at least had a couple hook ups after that.”
“Nope. Too heartbroken, then too busy with work.”
“So how long for that?”
“I don’t even want to think about it.” You chuckled, “this conversation is making me feel very shrivelled up but the saving grace is that I know you haven’t touched a soul in at least eight months so I feel a little better about that.”
“Glad I could be of service.” She laughed, saluting you before signalling for another round, “you know, there’s a sex toy shop that’s open late around the corner, you could pick something up.”
“Oh?” You raised a brow, “that one of your weekly shopping destinations?”
Emily scoffed, “no! And in my defence, I thought it was a lingerie boutique, figured since I don’t have anything that’s actually my style, I might want to pick something up. Went inside and nope, dildos, everywhere. And a very awkward conversation with the clerk.”
“Yeah? What’d’ya buy?” You asked with a grin.
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” Emily teased you right back, laughter filling the space between you as the bartender placed down another round of shots.
You were sitting at the breakfast bar, laptop in front of you and completely unaware that Emily was already out of the shower.
“What’re you looking at?” She asked, the tease very present in her voice and you jumped, practically slamming the laptop closed.
“Oh c’mon.” She laughed, flipping it back open, “it’s not like I didn’t already see, I watched you click through three options.” You felt the heat creeping up on your cheeks as she braced herself on the counter, hand half wrapped around you as she peered over your shoulder. “Why bother ordering online, just go to that shop.”
“Well after the raving review you gave I figured an in-person sale might be incredibly awkward. Plus the wrapping isn’t usually discreet and then you’d know exactly what I’d bought and I don’t need that.”
“Did you seriously move across an ocean and not bring any with you, or are you one of those girls who just doesn’t use them?” She asked, her hip coming to lean against the counter as her arms crossed.
“I moved to Paris for an indefinite amount of time, of course I brought some.” You deadpanned, “but it’s just weird to even think about doing anything when you’re in the house, I’ve lived alone so long I usually don’t think about it.”
“Have you seriously not touched yourself since March? No wonder you’re so pent up.”
“You were in the hospital for a long time…”
“Right.” She nodded, understanding what you were getting at, “still… grab a toy, use it. I’ll go out for a drink tonight.”
“That’s still weird though!” You laughed, “then the entire time I’m trying to get off all I’m thinking about is the fact that you’ve purposely left the house and are sitting at some bar wondering how long it will be til you can come home cause you’re thinking about me touching myself. And that’s not gonna help me.”
“Okay, so I’ll start leaving the house more randomly when you’re home.”
“Don’t bother.” You sighed, your chin finding a home in your hand as you redirected your gaze to the computer screen, clicking back a page to see more options, “the vibe died back in April and I’m not big on using the dildo myself, only when it was attached to the ex.”
Emily smirked, suddenly caging you into the counter from behind, “it doesn’t have to be her wearing it.” She laughed, “I can confidently say I know my way around a strap.” Her breath was hot on your ear when she spoke and you nearly choked on air at the tone in her voice. Her fingers brushed across your lower back as she moved around the island, “What?” She raised a brow.
“Nothing.” You shook your head, not daring to look up from the screen.
“Really?” She turned around, pouring out a fresh cup of coffee, “seems like you’re a little flustered, that’s all.” Turning back to you she took a sip, watching the way you shifted in your seat, almost uncomfortably before she barked out a laugh, “I’m kidding!”
“Jesus christ.” You swore, throwing a pen in her direction.
“You should have seen the look on your face.”
“I hate you…”
@momlifebehard @daddy-heather-dunbar @maybe-a-humanbean @rustyzebra @leftoverenvy @kades95 @dextur @supercriminalbean @daffodil-heart @its-soph-xx xx @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @hopelesslyfallenninlove @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @zizzlekwum @emobabeyy @riveramorylunar @scorpsik @happenstnces @sapphicprentiss @geekyandgay98 @pagetboobstarcomments @onmykneesformarvel @inlovewithemilyprentiss @desperate-gay @amypoehlfey @overtrred28 @theclassicgaycousin @regalmilfs4me @kalixxh @ara-a-bird @five-bi-five-mind @niyizh @inlovewithmiddleagewomen men @tommyriddleobsessed @hotchs-bitch @ollysmulti @kmc1989 @irishavengersassemble @romanoffsho @ratsnestinmyhair @assgardangod @originalbrunettecharacter @elz-artzzz @hopedoesntknow @dj-bynum3718 @venromanova @waitaminuteashh @noahrex @imlike-so-gaydude @nachofriess @wittygutsy @cx-emerald-cx
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shiroganeryo · 1 year
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So... I may or may have not made a Dazatsu lovechild a while ago 💦 Decided to show her to the world after seeing some discourse on the neighboring site today 😅
I took inspiration from Yūko Tsushima, Osamu Dazai's daughter and novelist! Her ability is Child of Fortune.
A lot about her is still a WIP, but please check under the read more cut if you're interested in knowing more about her (and also see me exposing myself with the delirious idea that brought her into being)!
Feat. married Dazatsu, which is always good; but this post is looong.
So, how did this happen?
I'm very weak and give lovechildren to my ships often. I was thinking about how cute would be a child of theirs and conveniently found out about Dazai's daughter, who also was a novelist and everything simply fell into place effortlessly.
The actual backstory
Yūko is a byproduct of the Book. The text written into it desired a strong ability that could be easily manipulated to come into being. However, since the Book follows a certain logic, such ability manifested as a singularity; key traits of two abilities it considered powerful if combined merged and came into being as an infant's.
Still following the Book's logic, this weak, vulnerable being appeared in the vicinity of the ones who would protect it from harm.
And now the "serious" part is out of the way, imagine Dazai randomly getting up in the middle of the night for a glass of water and finding a sleeping cat that had broken into their home.
...Except when he touches it to put it back outside, it turns into a child.
This is a case of "instructions too vague, gave a random couple a child" lmao
What happens from there
What else would Dazai do if not wake Atsushi up, who at first doesn't understand why all that fuss just because of a cat that broke in until he sees it for himself. Both are extremely confused.
Then what else would they do if not resort to Kyouka next door because they're at a loss and need a female's feedback here. She's immediately smitten but Atsushi keeps reminding her they can't just keep her like a lost kitten, they need to find her parents.
This results in them deciding to take her to the Agency, they're detectives after all. The three of them walk in, Dazai with the girl in his arms (to prevent her from activating her ability and running off), Atsushi carrying a bag with the improvised provisions they had arranged, and Kyouka with the straightest face ever.
Everyone looks at them in confusion. Ranpo instantly knows what's up. Atsushi says he would love to say they can explain but he honestly has no idea whatsoever.
They tell the others what happened and since Ranpo likes to make things more amusing, he remarks on how similar she looks to both Dazai and Atsushi in appearance, and that her ability also resembles Atsushi's weretiger features. Dazai instantly picks up on the hints.
Kunikida is hellbent on finding the girl's parents before anything else, but Dazai suggests running a DNA test to test a theory of his. Kunikida resists a little because there's just no way you're implying what you're implying, but Dazai insists for the sake of ruling out possibilities.
It's a perfect match with both him and Atsushi.
The next steps
Apparently, they're her parents now. She needs registration documents and whatnot; Ango takes care of the bureaucracies and necessary paperwork to make this happen more smoothly because this is by no means your everyday occurrence, she must be properly recorded in the Special Division's files.
Since Dazai and Atsushi are married, this means they're also both her legal guardians. For safety's sake, her surname is registered as Tsushima (津島) instead of Nakajima (中島) to make her a little harder to track because there's definitely something up with that (or so Dazai thinks, which he tells Ango).
To help cover her identity better, she's also accepted into the Agency as an employee (she went through an entrance exam and all) of sorts, so Fukuzawa's ability takes effect on her. The ID card on her lanyard is her official detective ID.
Currently, she's learning how to read and write and undergoing training to better control her ability.
Yūko's ability was dubbed Child of Fortune (寵児, Chōji); it's still under observation to determine the full potential of her skills. So far, it's known that much like Atsushi, she's able of transforming fully into a tiger (except it's a tiger cub) or partially, into a weretiger. She supposedly has restoration skills, but they're still not fully developed.
Exceptionally strong claws.
She also has a powerful bite, observed to neutralize the effect of other abilities with the only exception being No Longer Human. The bite leaves a mark that renders the affected person unable of using their ability for a set time.
Some trivia
Since Yūko can't heal herself properly yet, her injuries are kept bandaged. Usually seen on the wrists or ankles. I left this detail to match Dazai's bandages, as a visual representation of the young age the irl author lost her father to suicide.
The reason why her left hand is bandaged in the second drawing though, is because she punched a classmate who was bullying her; she didn't mind the offenses until it sounded like they were badmouthing Atsushi and GOD FORBID she hears anyone say anything bad about any of her dads.
It's fine btw, they're best friends now. Dazai actually talked to the kid and they apologized after that; Yūko only apologized because Atsushi told her to.
I need you to imagine them being called to the school because Yūko got into a fight and Atsushi becoming disconcerted after learning the reason behind it from their daughter while Dazai tried very hard not to laugh because it would upset Atsushi but he was a little too proud of Yūko (defend your cinnamon roll dad!)
She's very easy to deal with, a very calm and obedient child despite having a strong, assertive personality. When she's not in school, she's hanging out in the Agency; she stays in the lounge area of the office and spends her time drawing or trying to write words. Both Atsushi and Dazai take turns checking on her.
Like any child, Yūko has a lot of energy and may tire out her parents, especially if she decides to activate her ability; she outsped Atsushi once and since then they're both surprised and terrified. She always falls for Dazai's trap of calling her by saying "pspsps" with a smile though and fails to understand why she turns back to normal every time.
Her training isn't just to teach her how to control her ability better, but also to teach her how to use it responsibly. Sometimes it looks a lot like gym classes tbh.
Yes, tiger Atsushi does carry tiger cub Yūko around in his mouth and gives her baths.
Yes, Dazai does whine there's yet another cat in his immediate family circle that he can't pet.
And if you read until here, I wish you a wonderful day, please know that I love you and am sending good things vibes your way 🫶
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shenenenigans · 1 month
FILE A-1226 | SUBJECT 020798
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020798 has been found sneaking into segyein only rooms and stealing numerous files and records. She has also caused harm to multiple workers in the infirmary by subjecting them to extremely hazardous elixirs on multiple occasions. She has done this either by injections in their sleep or by “gifting” the workers juice which they drank unaware of the poison. This has unfortunately gone under our radar until the day of her departure.
020798 also tried to kill one of her nurses, Ambys, a former interviewer who worked on Incident 8-625 in the 39th ANAKT Garden. Cameras show 020798 hitting Ambys in the back of the head with her IV stand before proceeding to stab him directly in his chest with an unknown object. She looks to have dug deep into his body, removing his heart. She collects many blood samples from him, then throws her unidentified weapon at the camera allowing her to escape with no witnesses.
From gathering evidence, it seems that she had made a makeshift laboratory for herself in an old closet where she created a serum out of the blood she collected from Ambys. We are not sure what she was hoping to make of it.
Ambys cannot die. We are sure 020798 was aware of this information, as most of the files she stole were about him.
020798 left a camera on nearby her laboratory, where she smiled into the lens and waved. We can also see Ambys steadily regaining control of his body, which is due to his species being able to regenerate any part of the body after a short amount of time. 020798 must have removed his heart in hopes of slowing him down.
Ambys and 020798 had a fight in her laboratory where Ambys tried to restrain her. She was quite violent and acted very out of character. She is seen injecting herself with the serum she made and becoming more aggressive after being injected. Black veins circled around the site of injection. Her nails also became stained black.
Ambys slammed her against the wall, breaking her collar, and holding her by the head.
020798 thrashed about before her head was violently torn off. Another student had walked in after the incident occurred, and he was dealt with accordingly.
We are sure that 020798 is dead. However, when her body was transferred to a holding room, after 24 hours, it was missing. We do not know what happened during that time.
Ambys visited 020798’s body within those 24 hours, but refuses to talk about the situation.
In short: 020798 is dangerous and most likely deceased. We will not label her as missing and instead hide this event from the other students by reporting her death as a surgical accident.
If 020798 is still, in fact, alive: please do not be alarmed. She will not survive more than one week.
020798 deceived us all. We thought she was a sweet, kind girl at heart. This is her true nature. Do not be fooled in the future. There will be incidents like this again if we do not keep close watch.
Other notes:
Ambys will not be punished for causing the death of a student. It was in self-defense.
If there are any future sightings of subject 020798, please report it to ANAKT Garden staff. We will only then proceed to search for her. We are still confident that she will not survive.
From now on, all infirmary staff will lock all doors before closing down for the night. We will now have night time surveillance.
020798 had also stolen files on herself. It is possible she found things she shouldn’t have.
We will now relocate the records into a secluded area.
tags! @bluemoonscape @4listr @starry-skiez @rockwgooglyeyes @aakaneeee @paradisedisconcert and also @apriciticreveries @pwippy and @nottoonedin ! for the last three im not sure if you wanted to be tagged since you only liked the post but i did it just in case… please let me know if i missed anyone! if i did, i apologize! you can also tell me if you want to be added here as well <3
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salllzy · 4 months
Sal's ramblings #6
Lilith had fucked off and left him and Charlie, his sweet little princess. The light of his life. But he also knew that he would need help to look after Charlie, the rest of the sins were busy and he couldn't ask them to help. But at the same time, he didn't want to invite anyone else into their lives. Lilith had created a massive gaping wound in their lives and it was going to take time to heal. Then one day Charlie went missing, he didn't know if it was due to incompetence or it was due to maliciousness. But either way, he had dealt with it. They had been given one job and that was to look after Charlie and they had failed to do that. For weeks he combed through the Rings of Hell, hoping that he would find some trace of her, eventually, he started to give up hope. Then one day when he was listening to the radio, he heard a familiar laugh. It was Charlie's laugh. He also knew that there was only one demon who controlled the radios and would do regular broadcasts. It didn't take him long to find where the broadcast came from and he rained fire down on the radio station. He then proceeded to beat the radio demon to a bloody pulp. He then took Charlie away from the burning wreckage of the radio tower and took her home. Naturally, Charlie was upset, Lucifer did his best to soothe her and it eventually worked. It was also then that he got the story from Charlie. The radio demon, Alastor, she had called him, had found her wandering around the streets after she had gotten lost. She had followed her nanny who had gone into a shop to buy some sweets, but when she left the shop the nanny hadn't been there. So Charlie panicked and tried to find the nanny only to run into a group of angry demons instead and was then rescued by the radio demon instead. The story made him feel like an absolute bastard, he had flown off the handle. He had been so blinded by panic and rage that he hadn't stopped to think things through. He wouldn't call the radio demon innocent, he had read the demon's file, killing over a hundred and twenty-three people before being mauled by dogs and then shot in the head. Only to cling to life for an extra ten minutes as pain consumed him. So Lucifer decided to try and make things right, if not for Charlie's sake then for his. After all, Charlie had been well looked after and cared for while she had been under his protection, the least Lucifer could do was heal the wounds that he had inflicted. Only when he returned to the smouldering remains of the radio station, there was no sign of the radio demon. He looked and kept looking but it was as if the demon had vanished. He silently hoped that he hadn't killed the demon. Charlie would be devasted if she found out. he returned home and kept Charlie company while she drew a picture of the radio demon, silently he kept hoping that he would be able to find the demon soon. Only it didn't happen. For seven years he looked and for seven years he failed to find the demon. All the while Charlie was telling him stories about how Alastor had looked after her, how he had braided her hair and sung her to sleep. How he would cook her favourite foods even though he didn't like to eat them. The more she talked, the more he wanted. Lilith was never coming back and Charlie needed a mother in her life, he knew that he would need to apologise and make amends for his actions. If he wanted to create any type of relationship with Alastor, then he would need to clear the air. ------ Then one day, as he was throwing a ball for Charlie's birthday, Alastor walked into their lives as if nothing had happened. But Lucifer knew better, he could see his red eyes tracking his every movement and Alastor made sure that Lucifer was always in his line of sight. Much like how a prey would watch a predator.
Charlie had no problems with running towards Alastor and hugging his waist, she had grown during his seven-year absence. Lucifer made sure to keep an eye on the pair throughout the evening, he watched as Alastor put another Overlord, Mox? Dox? Box? In his place, it was an arousing sight. He knew that Alastor was powerful, he had to be to be an Overlord. But he didn't show it off, not like the other Overlords. But the fly was now in the spider's parlour and Lucifer had no intention of letting Alastor leave without finding some way of binding Alastor to them.
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clownboymcchucklefuck · 10 months
Virgil Evans Analysis
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Analysis under the cut hehehe
Virgil is definitely one of my favorite yanderes just because of how deep his character is. Something about the mix of trauma and also just pure obsession and desperation go together perfectly. So first off, trauma and this man has been through some shit especially since his trauma is what makes him a yandere.
-Virgil’s Backstory:
First of all, a few days before Virgil’s tenth birthday he had an argument with his father who then had to go and visit his sister whose husband had passed away from another country and went on a plane. There was a malfunction during the flight which sadly killed Thomas. It’s pretty clear that this had a hard impact on Virgil and his childhood considering that he had to go to therapy due to his mom noticing that he coped by playing the games his father had bought him before he died in his alone time. 
In highschool he joined a track team and was the second fastest runner but then later quit since he figured that wasn't what he wanted to do for the rest of his life, his sister Sarah introduced him to theater and all this ends up showing a lot in his yandere behavior but right now we talking about traumatic backstory so shhhhhhh. He started a band with a few of his friends and it was going pretty well for him until one of his band mates started a rumor about him ‘sleeping around’ just because Virgil politely declined their love confession. Virgil got so mad that the bandmate couldn't handle the rejection that bro literally whooped their ass.
During college Virgil spent most of his time hanging out with his younger siblings and helping his mom with the house when she wasn't able to be home. He was doing very well mentally and was even considering getting himself back out there to start dating again. But one day as he sat in his house he started to question the state of his reality, That's when everything around him had started to glitch. Virgil could only watch and cry as he watched his family and everything he thought was home disintegrate and fade away in front of him. 
Leaving only him. All alone. 
-Virgil’s Yandere Behavior:
Oh dear.
Okay but as sweet and fluffy Virgil he is not one to fuck around with. I say this because I have literally asked so many questions, done so much research to say that escaping Virgil might as well be impossible. 
In that case that you do run away Virgil can 1, track you down using technology (Your phone plus other people's devices around you.) 2, will crossdress and mimic a woman's voice using his theatrical talents to gain your trust before revealing his identity and taking you back. Keep in mind that getting caught by Virgil after trying to escape also gets you the bye bye leg movement treatment where he puts you to sleep before paralyzing your legs. Also just running away period is difficult too, mf taking morning jogs and being the second faster runner in track is definitely catching my iron deficient ass.
Also you can’t hide anything from elf boy. I did send an ask because I saw some people trying to trick Virgil by revealing their plan in Spanish but since Spanish is one of the three languages Virgil speaks it didn't work. I tried the same thing but instead I used dutch. But surprise surprise even if you don't speak his languages they still go through his code and translate it for him. Also in Yoshi’s words, “he has your ip, your home address too, your government files say alot about you”. 
Virgil is always watching you. He watches everywhere you go. It doesn't matter if you're in his world or your world he can watch you. I innately thought that he could only do this through devices but no. Devices or not he always finds a way. He can also crawl through devices and you can’t stop him either. (Throw shit at him anyways though.) and this also means he can drag you back to his dimension too. 
Watches you sleep and steals your shit (Clothes) kjasnjkcnask-
He's a fae. That's a danger in itself. He can put curses and hexes on people if they have feelings for MC. But that's usually after he stalks your friend for any information to blackmail them about to get them away from MC. Same thing goes for if say a roommate is hurting MC then he’ll blackmail them to get them away from you but if they don't then he’s not afraid to take matters into his own hands. 
It is also impossible to get away from him by fighting. It’s been talked about a few times but Virgil was in alot of fights during highschool with different types of species so he definitely knows what he's doing when it comes to fighting. Virgil also doesn't feel normal pain like a human, throwback to when a ask stabbed him and he just casually said ow and pulled the knife out. He feels pain but nearly as much as a human does.
Now doing research for this theory and reading through all the WYS posts I found something and I'm shocked how much people forgot about it:
Even after death, he still knows who you are when you are a different identity.
-Overall Analysis: 
Virgil is very patient, calm and gentle with MC but at the same time he’s clearly not one to fuck with. If MC pushes the right buttons it can push him to curse MC and basically ruin their life. But that's extremely rare. He is a fae and despite being gentle and caring he can be dangerous. Whenever he paralyzes MC’s legs he doesn't know what he's done until it's already been done. A trait that is in Virgil whether it be yandere or OG he is always a caretaker, yandere Virgil however tends to have more twisted ways/delusional ways however. But at the same time he does prefer to take the more patient routes and kidnapping MC is a last resort.
Virgil is very family oriented, we can see that from his childhood, how he kept his dads necklace and how he treats his siblings. Virgil misses his family dearly and he’s clearly traumatized from the event. Something I find terrifying is that Virgil doesn't care if MC wants a relationship with him or just wants a roommate type of thing. He just doesn't want to be alone. Don’t leave him alone. You’re the only person that exists besides him. You can’t leave.
D̸͚͍̜̠͈̘͈͖̈̌̎͘Ǫ̶͕͓̻̝̺̺̗̩͉͠N̸̢̖̪͈̻̺̈́̋̓̎̅͠T̷̟̘̮̣͓̤̤͓̎̎̕ ̷̨̧̗̺̮͕̘̫͖̆͂̃͋͗̐̌͑͛́L̶̨̢̢͙̲̥̠̞͆̂̿͆̒̚͜E̷̡͔͖̞̤̮͚̬̰̐́͆̃̐̋̇̆̄̿͂́͜Ä̵̛͇̱̣̩͚̯̖̞̥̭́̽̓͗͊́̄̀ͅV̶͚́͊̓̀͘E̵̦̯͔͖̼͎͓̻̰͐̈́̐̕̕͠͝ ̸̘̤̥̳̆̅̆̃͋̏̔͠ͅH̴̼͖̉Ȉ̴͉̀̓͌͌̈̏̋͑̈́͘M̵̗̯̭͇̏͂̀̈́̿̽̄́͜ ̵̨͇̥̫͉̦̳̘̓͛̄̈́̎͒͘͜͝ͅA̶̼̯̞̔̅́̐͝L̵̻̠͖̜̥̊̈́O̵̯̘͂͐̅̎́̇͋͒̕N̷̨̢̯̦̙̜̙͉͍̽̑͒͑͘͜Ę̴̹̣̼͔͍̰̱̝̭́̽́̇͂̏̾.̴̨̣͍̙͖̯͈̜̂̀̈́ ̵̡̱̩͇̹͔̠̩̲̏̄̉̀H̵̡̬̰͕̖̻͇̳̬̓̓Ė̵̞̿̚ ̷̢̢̺̜̥̮͖̝̝̫̺̪̆̔̆̊̅̍̒͋̈́͘͝͝H̵͓̰̓͗A̴͈͓̓͛͒̾͋̔̃̕͝͝T̶̨̳̩̲̫̹̫̻̖̅͗̂̆̿͑͜͠Ę̵̗̗̰͍͎͖̰͂͘Ṣ̶̰͕͉̫͍̞̩͙̫̈́̉̐̔̂͒̎ ̵̟̦̙̳͚̗̦͇̊͑̉̍ͅỊ̵̢̞͚̥͇̺͖͔̣̹̈̿̉̀T̸̗̆̈̂́̊̕͝ ̸̨̡̳̮̼̮̥̔̏̏̅̂̀͝͝ͅḦ̵̱̘̌̈́̐͑̽́̀͒͋͘͝E̸͉̋̽ͅŖ̶̞̭͉͙͈̙̹͒̃͋̀̍̎̀̋̑͜͠Ę̶̟̣̝̮̰̺̹̙̻̼̐̂̏̋̂͆̅͋͘.̶͍̤̠̹̙̖̜͓͂̅͂̽͝ ̵̖̫̣̹̻̖̭̑̀͌̔H̸̺͔̳̤̥̞̬̊E̴̢̺̹̻̗̱̞͚̬̱̐͑̏̅̈́̓̈́͘͜'̵̣̞͔̼̈́̓̏̄̽̈͒͛̒̀̕Š̸̢̧̩̥͉͔͎̩̮̦̽̀́́͊̀̑̀̓ ̵̨͓̜̑̀̎͗͗̑̈́̔Ś̷͔͈̖̳̦̖̝̫͕̩̑́͌̐̀̌̅̓̃̚͘O̵͚͉̞̽̿̚Ȓ̵̛̹͚̤̃͋́͛͗̾̒͗Ŕ̶̨͚͈̹͚̮͂͗͛͜͝Y̴̪͍̪̼͖͇̋͂̓́̃̄̈́͘ ̵̨̯̳̫͖̞̬̦̌̉̒̿̒̇̽̂̂̚͘͝Ì̵̡̝͔̠̭̊̅̀́͘T̷̲̜͕̩͛̃̀̈́̀͌̇͌͗͘ ̶͇̦̠͉̭͕̯̏̍͌͂H̶̘̰̙̖̠̜̅͂A̷̮̩̝͖̗̿̐̐́̇̂͠͝S̸̢̞̤͛̀̊ ̷̢̺̮̘͍̬̥͙̦̃̋̽̿͛̈̀̅̓͜T̶̡̺͕̟̻͉̞͂̓̈́̓̇ͅÓ̴̜̝̬͎̍̑ ̴̢̛̞̤̥̯̩͖̳̝͉̱̂́̑̀̔͒͊̕B̶̨̧̙̘̬͖̱̙̗͕͌͑͆͊̌͛̒̆̉̆̓̕Ȩ̴͖̥͆̕ ̴̦̗͉͚̱̟͖͎̀͊̃̃͜͝T̸̡͎͓̥̝̘͕̪͚̖͙͌̂͐̍͜H̴̻͓̫̘̬͎͓͎̾̏̉͌̔I̸̙̒S̸͖̩͙̺̩͍̖͔̠̘̎̊̓̎̍̒̎͐̍̌̔̄ ̷̨̡̪̖̖̼͙͙̭̣̳̔̈́̒́̿W̸̛͖̙̪͎̄̓͐͆̑̀̾̕̚̚Å̷̧̜͈Ỳ̸͎̫̃̃͌͝.̷̙͍͉̣̤̈́̂͆̇́ ̶͚̻̫̟̘̺̗̋̈́̌̉́͋͋͗̕͠Y̶̭̜̘̭͕͖̱̆̂̆̏͜͜Ò̸̡͍̖̲̮̬̻̗̊̂̽U̴̧͔̗͓̻̥͚͓̙̒͠'̴̢͎̝͍͕̪̈́Ṟ̴͓͝Ẽ̷̢̯̰̞̳͉̬̻̠̻͗́̈̋̃̆̓̅̏̆̄ ̴̻̃̿͗̃̾̏͘T̶̨͇̖̖̰͚̺̠̪͈̙̟͒̿͊̆͝Ḧ̴̹̝̘́͆È̴̱̤̬͉͛̋͗͛͒̈͝ ̴̢̠̖̺̘͓̲̻̹͎̆̄̇̓͗́̈́̒́̽͝͝O̵̙̫̼̼̜̠͖̾̓͛͆N̷̺̑̌̑̏̿̃̚L̸̨̻̞͓͑̌͠Ÿ̷̘̰̮̹͇̗̺́̎̌ͅ ̸̹͈̟͕̹̣͛͋̕ͅƠ̶̛̛̰̙̪̝̠̦̫̑̈́̑͛͑́͜Ņ̸̢͈̭̤̲̠̣͍̻͓̂̅̎̓͜͝͝È̷̞͇̩̯̥͚ ̶̧̩̜̤̬̣͇̠͇̻͙͑̀̃͊̀͌͒̇̔͘̚̕H̶͕͖̪͎͉͊̓́̍̀̿͗́̑̕̚͜E̷̞̿̐͊̌̾͑̇́̇̐͝ ̴͎̙̬̀̐̀͐͋́͊̈̎̈͜C̶̛̜͕̘̙͓̞̗̮̬̽̍͑͋́̾̉͠͝ͅA̸̘͉͕̺̪̦͙̬̰͛͐́̊̂̊͘N̶̫̻̖̜̳̤͚̣̱̜̙͗̾̀̔̊̐̚ ̶̛̺̤͍̠̭͕̅̂͋̆̕̕͠T̷̠̣̿̎͂̽̔̈̚͝Ắ̴̧̢̠̞͈̩̣͚̱̭̄͐̑̐̔̽̉͊̕͜L̵͔̯̱͎̭͑̓̋̾̉̅̃̒̀̾̂͝K̶̮̫̙̻̪͆̓̐̊͒̅̊ ̴̧̻̖̈̽̈̽̾́̓́̕͘͝͝T̷̢̡̨̤͉̤̟̠́̉̓̈̇͗Ő̷͔̦̤̜̒͂̒̀̓̉̔.̸̪͐ ̸̩͒͆̾͐̓̓̎̉͝P̵̧̧̭͚̥̺̟̝͉̹̯͛Ļ̸̖̖͝E̶͍̯̰̭͈͕̥̭̦̮͍̗͌̽̈́̕͠A̷̡̟͕͌̎̅͛̽͋̎̊̕S̵̡̧̲̟̣̱̤͕̗͙̈́̀́̈́̈́͋̈́͆̏E̸͔̞͖͑̓̽͛̌̐̈̏̇̕ ̴̨̝̺̰̦̫̦̮̬̌̿́̐̏ͅͅD̸̫̱͔̰̦̯̠̘̩́̈́̀͆̀̈́̈́̀͌͝Ơ̷̧̫͍̟̿͌͛̐Ń̸̡̛͎̠̞̇͂̕'̵̨̢̢̦̩͙̰̻̹̗͛͗͆̓̋̾̔̐͠T̴̼̘́̇̌̀̈̏͝ ̶̥̪̲͚̮̟͑͐̈L̴̰̂͌̏̉͒E̸̡̟̦̺͙͓̙̖͑͂͌̅͛̒̕͝ͅA̵̭͗͗͛̾̽V̵̥͚̯͙̐͊̓͐̽͝Ë̷̝̩̞̺̟̓̌̈̂͗̎̎͝.̸̡̟͕̮͉̱̪̱͐̄̀̒̾̅̒͐̽̊͗̚ ̵̢̧͍̩̯̱͒̽͐̌̏̇̿̾̚͜͝I̶̹̤͝T̴̥͎̱̝̫̬̘̗̬̱̰̆͛̂ͅ'̸̢̺͈̦̥̱̳̻͕͕̦͉̆͑̋̾Ŝ̶̲̤̀̊̓̀ ̴̢̛͎̲̟̜̹͓͍͋̆̉̽̔̚S̶̢̪̩̞̦͓̳̟͇͉̽̐̓̉͆́̀͐̎̾̑͜͝Ơ̴̢͉͚̏͆̃̓̋̀͆ ̶͔̎̉̓̏̾L̷̫̖̮̮̪̋͋͆͋̍͘͝͝Ơ̵̡̢̝͕̲̫̜̝͉̿́̔̄͛̎͛̃̋͘N̶̢̫̝͎̩̻̻͋̈́͛͋̓̈́̍̔́͌͝͝Ȩ̸̰̼̉̔̅͋̂̉͛̾Ḻ̴̨̢̦̫͔̼̥͉̲̗̼̓́͐̔̚Y̸̡̳̊.̶̨͔̰͉̬̳̤̹͎̹͕̗̾̒̾́͛̄̋̅͑̅͗͠
01011001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110111 01101111 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01101100 01100101 01100001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01101000 01101001 01101101 00100000 01101100 01101001 01101011 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 01111001 00100000 01100100 01101001 01100100 00101100 00100000 01110010 01101001 01100111 01101000 01110100 00111111
Word count: 1.2k
Virgil belongs to @wouldyoustayvn/@turquoisesea01
Tags for my pookies 🤭
@dont-wannadothis-anymore @mysticnebula @mr-ritza
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actualbird · 11 months
where is the nxx sleeping during the bakerlon event because there appears to be a limited number of rooms which makes me think they all either have rooms next to each other or that they’re sharing?? I’m sure there’s extra rooms off camera but i also find the thought of them all crammed into a tiny room like snakes in brumation quite funny
filed under: asks that got me googling the word "brumation"
but this ask is also so funny and so good i love it. according to the little bits of narrative description in the event story, the room situation seems to be "everybody has their own room but these rooms are joined to a share lounge" (i dont have a screenshot of the narrative description where this was heavily implied but trust me, it's in there....somewhere) which okay makes sense
five rooms connected to a shared room??? on a TRAIN??? that simply does not make spacial sense. at most, there can be two (2) rooms connected to a shared lounge, if im understanding the concept of trains correctly. like, it'll look like this:
Tumblr media
like, okay, maybe the train is a 2-storey train and the bedrooms that dont fit are on the second floor, but thats a reach given how nobody on the train ever once mentions a 2nd floor. and, okay, the story also takes liberty in going past what we see visually because otherwise how would so many guests fit on a train that only has 8 rooms and whatnot but like......STILL
the most likely arrangement if we want to stay canon to both the story and the visual representation of the train is really 2 bedrooms with a shared connected lounge situation.
but then how would the room division go? logically, it should be divided like 2 people in one room and 3 people in the other, and given how much they all love mc, theyd want her in the roomier room with less people. BUT knowing the boys, theyre not letting Anyone bunk with alone mc because HOW DARE YOU.
so the most likely room sharing situation is
mc all alone in one room and living it up
all the boys sharing the other room
because theyre silly
in terms of bed situation this is easy because bunk beds are a thing, but also theyre in the luxury car, so theyll be in.....luxury bunk beds??? idk. i figure the event organizers of this train trip got boggled when they saw that the nxx team wanted to room together As A Set instead of in separate rooms like a sane person room
the boys: no no. we come as a set. do not separate us from our emotional support miss mc rosa qiangwei
mc: im so sorry theyre always like this
so yeah thats how i think rooms are working. it's only the boys crammed into a tiny room like snakes in brumation
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