#also glad you enjoyed the meme XD
tastytoastz · 3 months
‘The what do you have there?’ ‘A smoothie’ is living rent free in my head omg. I think about it and I cackle.
Might try to do a mini comic for that I love it so much XD (no promises but it’s definitely a possibility)
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leggalese · 2 months
sorey phoenix for throwing on wall.... ://
givws hug 🫂 phoenix wtigjt save me.......
(also I love u OP the lil doodle of Phoenix bbeign thrown on the wall made me giggle 🥨)
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I can't imagine Wright responding to this without being sarcastic, sorry XD.
Also no problem, glad you enjoyed it. :)
Oh yeah if you're wondering about the cat, if the person is not an anon and they have no sona they will be drawn as a white cat with some accessories of their avatar, kind of inspired by these meme drawings of "cats" that usually express unhinged behavior:
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whimsiquix · 3 months
Hi Same anon here. I am an addict for hurt/whump in fics. The kind of fan who loves to put their fav character through hell and some more. Like that Mother, I crave violence meme. You've enriched my soul with this dark fic. <3333 Also, I love your HC about soulmatism, like why Deva seems to almost have supernatural power. Please convey my best wishes to those idiots in love. Thank you for answering my ask. <333333
Oh a person after my own soul XD I’m glad you enjoyed Invictus, it’s been (mostly) fun writing it.
My answer to Deva not getting shot is ✨ricochet✨ I’m still not sure if that making sense is tragic for Neel or me.
Thankyou for the ask!
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ask-duotale-b2fc · 8 months
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Prologue Start | Chapter 2 Start | Previous Page | Next Page
Do you have or enjoy UTDR AUs? Wanna make friends and RP with them almost everyday? Want to join an active server for Undertale/Deltarune fans that occasionally has events, streams, memes, and free art opportunities including cameos on the blog or comic? Click below now! It is a safe space for all where you can share your AU if you have one or other interests if you don't! Make friends! Be yourself! Having an AU of your own is not required!
If you enjoy the art, feel free to drop a like, reblog, or follow! I'm glad you enjoy the content enough to consider any of the options! xD If you'd like to support via Kofi or Commissions, all info can be found in the link below, along with all current ways to contact me with a gaurenteed response! It will also link you to all of my other (active) Undertale related profiles, SFW and NSFW.
✨️Character Credits✨️
Toybox!Frisk @abeoo
Vlasttale!Frisk @nakamiraa
Long Hair!Frisk @shionbluu
7 Children @toxiccrybabyart
(Unofficial)Underfell! Toriel @unofficial-underfell
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so I've read tsubasa years ago and still love it deeply, and I've been following your liveblog of it, which has been an absolute delight. to celebrate you reaching the point where Sakura gets stabbed and then also finding out about clone Sakura, I wanted to show you this years old screenshot because it's such an accurate depiction (including the tags!) of what watching you find out about these plot points felt like XD
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HA! Thank you! I'm extremely glad you're enjoying all this, and I adore this meme dearly. Thank you for thinking of me!
Also @mikkeneko spotted in the wild!
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ohnobrooo · 11 months
So, I was instantly inspired by your giant Peter B. Parker and Miles artwork. I loved it so much I got an Idea from it.
So here it is;
[Also, I haven't seen the movie since I watched it in the cinemas, so I might mix up a few things.]
So imagine each universe has a different size.
Miles's universe is rather a small one, so anyone getting sent to his dimension their body will instantly compress to fit this universe's requirements/rules.
[Different universes have different Requirements/rules.]
Of course, none of them knows this because universe/dimension travel is brand new to them all.
All those who come from a universe a lot bigger tend to glitch out way more as their bodies aren't used to the strain of dimension travel or being compressed into a small world and body.
They think the extra glitching on certain people is how far apart each dimension is, since Peter B. Parker glitches a lot they all assume his dimension is the furthest.
When Miles goes to the Spider Society a lot of spider people are bigger than him either by a foot or way bigger, he just assumes it because that's what their spider did to them, and well Gwen hasn't changed nor has she explained the reasoning behind the whole size difference thing.
Now Miguel is Massive, absolutely huge, which makes him even more intimating as so far no spider person they have seen has been that big.
[I like to think due to Miles's small size it makes Miguel underestimate him.]
Before anything can happen though an even bigger person comes through.
(In my head Peter B. Parker's world is the orginal, which I know isn't the case but I like to think that's why he is so much bigger in this.)
Peter B. Parker is instantly surprised at how small Miles is, he picks him up freaking Miles out.
(Imagine playing with a small marble between your fingers back and forth and that's what's happening to Miles.)
"Your smaller than I thought kid."
Miles instantly throws a glare his way at this comment and sighs.
"Thanks, Peter."
Peter B. Parker grins before nudging Miles with his overly-sized finger, Miles of course tries to push it away with no luck.
"Dude Stop."
And Peter B.Parker does and ask
"How is it out of our little group I'm the only normal-size one?"
I also imagine the scene where they try and stop Miles with the forcefield thing, which looks more like a tiny cup to the giant spider people;
but to the tiny spider people, they see it as a cage.
When Gwen yells at Miguel and Peter B. Parker;
"It's enough."
Peter B. Parker doesn't understand how bad it is because from his point of view, Miguel is saving his tiny vulnerable friend, and Miguel doesn't care since he's saving the universe.
But to other tiny spider people, it's seen as dehumanising and that even with their power they can't stop their bigger counterparts, it makes the smaller spider people see the bigger ones in more of a fearful light as they can easily control them.
Oh, and the chase afterwards I like to think that only the bigger spider people are chasing him or that only a few small spider people are doing it out of fear.
And that Miles is harder to catch because of his small size.
I hope you liked it, don't worry about drawing anything as long as you enjoyed my idea.
I might make more once I re-watch the movie XD
[Also, sorry for how long it is.]
I'm glad you liked my doodle of peter with miles, I feel honored honestly. I hope to inspire and motivate others more to make their own headcanons and ideas(Absolutely love to hear)
As for your ideas its absolutely mwah! Perfect chef kiss! They are kinda similar to this one idea I had were miguel was chasing miles but g/t, so miguel literally has miles in his hands but like pinned down (like that one cat meme that says "YOU").
Miles being a tiny is perfecto! Bro is the master of stealth and him being small makes him almost impossible to be found.
[Don't worry I love reading huge paragraphs, it makes me improve my English more. I would LOVE to hear more of your ideas. Lowkey making me want to watch the movie again just to draw more G/t content]
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crabsnpersimmons · 4 months
Hi, hello, your animatic has been living rent free in my head and I've rambled to a friend how much I love it, so I thought I probably should do the same directly to you! (I know this was a gift for someone else so I hope it's not weird gkjhdsf)
First of all, thank you for introducing this song to me, I'll be listening to it a thousand times XD
Second of all, aaaaa I love how well you fitted all the images to the lyrics!! All the shenanigans and fumbles are absolutely endearing! I love Sun using his leg as a fake guitar haha! And Moon flying away dejectedly with the cable when they think they already blew it. All the expressions are amazing, and I love how they can go from smooth and suave to nervous wrecks in a second XD But they always look so heartfelt in whatever they are saying! And I think my favorite part is when they are complimenting y/n, quickly switching so that each can say what they love about them!
And omg when they turn into Eclipse to get on one knee, because that's the part they both want to be present for aaaaaaaaaa
I am so not normal about this animatic at all, incredible work with it! The art style is delightful and colorful and so much fun! I hope you are proud of it because my god is it an amazing animatic! ^_^
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chaotik!! this is so sweet thank you!! i had a long day driving in the snow and reading this revitalized me!! (and no worries at all, a gift to one is a gift to all in the fandom. that's why I love gift exchange events like this! we all get to enjoy the fun!)
you actually covered a lot of the reasons why i wanted to do an animatic of the full song. it's a great song (sad it was cut from Frozen 2, but it understandably wouldn't have fit plot-wise) and just a wonderful balance of fun and vulnerability and sweetness. one of my favourite songs about love tbh. the line "I planned to really try to be the opposite of me" just gets me every time—the words, the way the music begins to slow, the way Jonathan Groff delivers the lines—it's just so raw
and Sun's guitar part was one of the first ideas i had for the animatic! just the way the lines are delivered always made me think of air guitar, so i was really anxious to get that part right (haha) it's still one of my favourite moments in the whole thing (the fact this silly bean is acting all suave one moment and then pulls back to strum his leg like a jester rockstar. gosh i love this guy!)
i initially planned to cut it off at the part Moon gets carried off, because i was worried about time. but there was just so much i wanted to do with the animatic (especially the rapid-fire compliments and Eclipse coming out) so i'm glad i was able to do it all! it was a big project, but i'm so happy with how it turned out and happy i could share this wild song with everyone too!
also! you reminded me i still need to share all the thumbnails and the memes i said i would do once i finished! expect those soon!
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theviolettulip · 20 days
Yesterday was awesome.
Why, you may ask?
Because I spent 11 & a half hours binging one of my childhood book series - The Tyme Series. And today, I (unfortunately) concluded my binge.
So. Let's talk about it~
Starting with "Grounded", here are some of my thoughts/feelings in no guaranteed order, tho ill try to be chronological:
OH MY GOD SO MANY HINTS!!! I already knew I'd enjoy this reread cuz of how CONNECTED these books are, so I'll have fun noticing the hints & foreshadowing, and BOY DID I! I can't count how many times I struck the guy & butterfly meme pose and was like, "is this foreshadowing?" ESPECIALLY with the way Witch spoke to Rapunzel in the beginning & Prince Frog's actions
Rapunzel's....not UNPLEASANT, per se, I actually still liked her and felt sorry for her, but in the beginning she's just really brainwashed and does and says....unpleasant things
When Jack showed up I got SO EXCITED!! Also when he goes "I literally told you yesterday--" and gets cut off, I actually squealed and took a sec cuz AHHHHH I LOVE THIS SERIES AND PLOT SO MUCH!! her memory loss plotline is soooo good. BUT! I'm glad she doesn't forget Jack any more times
They did NOT like each other at first, not at ALL! XD Rapunzel 's insults are soooo amusing, but poor Jack!
Also poor Red Fairies....come ON, Rapunzel! You don't just say "I wish your mate died" to somebody!!
You know how years after you've read smth, certain moments & details remain in your mind? One of those for me was the scene where R&J are talking about killed vs died & just death in general. I absolutely ADORE Morrison's world building!! About the countries and beliefs and stuff!
The amount of CONNECTIONS Rapunzel makes throughout the books are quite....astounding! And numerous. And she makes them everywhere she goes, without intention! (Reminds me of Monkey D. Luffy from One Piece ngl)
Ngl throughout the whole jacks tournament I was shouting "GO RAPUNZEL! KICK THEIR BUTTS!!!" And she really showed her! Tho I feel kinda bad for the woman who lost, cuz she thought Raps was mocking her when she was being /gen
However it pains me to say that this wasn't my reaction when Raps met him cuz I...MAY have forgotten most things about Serge beside the fact that he's Ella's godfather. Still, he was sooooo cool & awesome & I love him! (Can't WAIT to gush about him (and Jasper. yes, get angry at me and expel me to the void, i deserve it cUZ I FORGOT JASPER EVEN EXISTED!!! 😭😭😭)
Not Rapunzel later getting interviewed and ending up just gushing about her boots for half the article XD
...I am sooooo glad Rapunzel is Rapunzel and not Charlotte, I know WAAAAY too many Charlottes!
I think this might make me a bit evil but I just ADORE grieving scenes when the death is fake! And sometimes when it's real....it's just that real emotions...I really like them. So when Jack is just despiration to save Rapunzel after she gets swallowed by a tree, I could FEEL the sorrow and despair and that made me ache and also fangirl a bit because they CARE about each other!! 🥹
OH just remembered, BRUH. When Prince Frog "died" I was like -_- cuz he's just hibernating, and I thought Jack would at least know that frogs hibernate in cold weathers! and Raps using that life-breather thing that Rune gave her, OH MY GOD I just realized! It's like Tangeled's Rapunzel's magic healing hair! And then she loses the power or uses it up, like in Grounded, and because of that they can't save their partners, both of which were injured by Gothel/Witch!! =(
Another moment that remembered well and was anticipating was Rapunzel & Witch's deal and questionaire situation. And I kid you not, I legitimately started crying. Not tearing up, CRYING! And I was hastily wiping off tears so I can keep reading. That last question was the straw the broke the camel's back--
"Do you love me?"
and then Envearia telling rapunzel to go get water so she can die OH MY GOD THE TEARS KEPT ON COMING!!
I think my foreknowledge added another layer to my experience. That, and my more kowledgable and experienced brain. Cuz this? This whole situation? SO. FRICKING. NUANCED! Rapunzel, she understands, truly she does, all the pain and suffering Envearia has caused, but she's still her mother. She raised her and loved her, loved her so much she did the thing she was afraid of the most. Die for her sake.
I was SO glad White didn't collect her. I would've been so pained ='(
On a lighter note, Raps's fam & Jack's fam being next door neighbors? Why is that THE cutest thing EVERRR. Just THINK of the fanfic possibilites! Of them becoming one big close fam so that when R&J tell them theyre together they'd be BEYOND excited! Plus you just KNOW Rapunzel's gram & Tess are invested in R&J, you just know it!
Anyhoo, that is Grounded's bullet list, and I was going to do the other two books here too but I am tired and I think it might be too long. I'll make them their own seperate lists, maybe just one if they aren't too long. (They'll be too long.)
OH! One last thing, do any of you know Rapunzel & Jack's ages? I don't remember them being outright stated in the books.
I *think* Rapunzel is 16ish, and Jack's probably her age. I think. Please correct me. I also have the same wonderings about Dash & Ella. I think they're 15. R&J are definitely at least a year older, but I think maybe a couple years makes more sense, so if D&E are 15 then I think R&J are 17.
Luckily, I know that Syrah is 15 cuz he says he was 13 when he kissed Deli and then a year passed and then another year passed, so he's 15. BUT he said once that he thought of Raps as his younger sis (which is ADORABLE and so sweet but I will get into that more when I talk about Transformed), but I don't think that necessarily means she's younger than him, just that she's more...childish and naive, and he's more experienced so it would make more sense for him to be the older sibling.
....I think I might be overthinking this. If you guys know anything, or have any better speculations or any at all, do tell! I'd LOVE to chat with anyone who has read this series! Questions & Comments are very welcome.
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arietisstarowl · 9 months
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Just realised I never posted this. I thought I did LONG ago lol. Anyway, heeeeere's Pinkie! Did you know she she originally had wings?
Wanna make friends and RP with them almost everyday? Want to join active server that almost always talks about things unrelated to its topic? Lol that occasionally has events, streams, memes, and free art opportunities including cameos on the blog or comic? Click below now! It is a safe space for all, and you can even talk about your Undertale ir Deltarune AUs if ya have one! Make friends! Be yourself! Having an AU of your own is not required!
If you enjoy the art, feel free to drop a like, reblog, or follow! I'm glad you enjoy the content enough to consider any of the options! xD If you'd like to support via Patreon or Commissions, all info can be found in the link below, along with all current ways to contact me with a gaurenteed response! It will also link you to all of my other (active) Furry/ABDL related profiles, SFW and NSFW.
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thecrusadercomrade · 8 months
How was Ducktales Finale? I think Ducktales does the best with it large cast and giving them stuff to do. How was Webby being a Clone/Daughter of Scrooge and she has sisters? How was Bradford? The Headless Horse Joke getting a pay off. Are you sad it over and glad you watch the series.
It was... fairly good. I'll admit it was a little bit underwhelming and didn't quite match the hype I'd built up, but I still enjoyed it.
It was great seeing so many characters come back for the final adventure, but I wonder if it was the best idea. For some reason, even with three entire episodes for the finale, it still feels like there wasn't enough time spent on everything. Maybe it would've been better if certain things had been introduced and built up earlier in the season.
It's Webby's dream come true XD. After spending some time looking into other peoples' reactions to the finale, I know some people weren't happy about the twist, but I actually like it. Webby had a good relationship with the rest of the family even before they knew she was blood-related, and this revelation doesn't devalue that. Also, it explains how Webby could perfectly imitate Dewey just by changing her hair, and why she looks so much like the triplets in general.
May and June were the best part of the finale to me, and I'm sad we didn't get more time with them. They were so cute! A part of me wishes they could've been introduced earlier in the season so we could get more of them. It would've been so cool to have evil wildly misunderstood versions of Webby to deal with and it might've given more time to see them as good guys rather than at the very last second.
Bradford went full villain in the finale. It reminds me of that meme where "the villain is making too much sense so we need to have him kick a puppy so that we can ignore the valid points he brings up". Don't get me wrong, it makes sense for Bradford with his obsession with order and control, but it still gave me those vibes. Absolutely insane that he effectively murdered people onscreen, including Black Heron.
The Man Horse stuff came a bit out of left field for me, and it resulted in us getting very little time with Phantom Blot and Pepper so I hated it /s
But seriously, it was... fine. Just feels like yet another thing thrown into a finale that already had too much stuff going on and not enough time.
I'm definitely sad to see it done, but I'm happy I started watching it in the first place. It's a shame they couldn't get another season.
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wormholxtreme · 5 months
2, 4, 7, 16, 19, & 23
Mun Meme | Accepting
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2. what is your blog or graphic aesthetic or motif? why? It's mostly whatever @ppctts makes me because I CANNOT DO ANYTHING aesthetic XD but honestly she's made me so many pretty things and it's mostly around Kaylee being a sunshine, sunflower, star child and I am so grateful to Gin that she spends any amount of time making me these pretty things. I love her so much.
4. what genre do you primarily favor answered here
7. what universe have you never considered writing in? why? uuuuh well I'm sure there are some universes/fandoms that I'm not familiar with/even realize exist so those because of my ignorance LOL but I'm gonna say for the same reason DC stuff?? It's intimidating and like yeah I'm here for comics but I just don't know DC that well and I don't wanna try to manipulate DC story lines to the already complicated Marvel shit XD
16. how have your faceclaim choices changed over time? So Happy once upon a time was Michael Weatherly in an oooooold thing I wrote, back before I really had an idea of his character beyond the little bits we get in comics. But when I decided to bring him on for the sole purpose of simping after @ppctts the queen of fcs @dr-foster suggested Jay Ryan because of IT Chapter 2 and honestly I have not looked back.
For Kay, admittedly I had a very different FC for her adult verses but that person has since been what's the nice way of saying triggering and just not a good person. I don't always change my FCs over cancel culture stuff because I believe people are allowed to make mistakes but this was beyond even my comfort level. But I'm so glad I changed Kay's adult fc to be Joanna Garcia Swisher. She's precious and adorable and it really gave me an avenue to explore this kind of character further than what I had originally thought of, plus Joanna was originally my @cheeseburgersandwarbirds FC for Carol before we stumbled upon the amazing Yvonne and I thought it was a nice call back to our gaia days XD
19. who was the first faceclaim you remember using, who? for what canon? So throw back to gaia days in 2009 I was in fact using RDJ for my Tony. It wasn't too long after the first Iron Man movie came out when my lovely Noon invited me to come write with her. But it was before I knew much about the comics. So I decided to go back and throw myself into the comics reading from the very beginning when I realized Tony was a little different in the comics than the movie. He was younger, blue-eyed, had a sort of classic rat pack charm that didn't exactly translate into the movie because they were going more for his sarcastic vibe which was fine but I realized I really enjoyed comic book Tony more and around the same time there was this show called White Collar and just Neal Caffrey had all the charm, vibe, good nature, snark, intelligence, and suave that comic Tony had and so it wasn't very long that I started using Matt Bomer as my Tony FC also back in 2009 and honestly I've never looked back.
23. What skills have you gained by roleplaying? uuuuh typing rather quickly without looking at the computer???? XDD I don't know. Maybe some patience? I've learned a lot about myself, and I've learned that not everyone is going to like you. It stings sometimes but when I get focused on the people who love and care for me it outweighs a lot of the negative that comes with RPing.
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blackjackkent · 1 month
8, 12, 17, 28, 33, 35, and 39 for your durge and hector!!
ik its alot so dont feel like tou have to answer allll of them lmao. Im very curious about rhaka 👉👈 (hope i spelled that right)
(Tav/Durge as Companion Ask Meme)
Surprising no one, I'm doing the WHOLE DAMN THING. :D I hope you enjoy. <3
Hector first!
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8. Companion/romance death reactions
Lae'zel: "Get up, Lae'zel! This is not our last fight!" Shadowheart: "I'll protect you in Selune's name, will you or no!" Karlach: "No! You don't fall here, not after everything!" Wyll: "We've more yet to save, Wyll! Get up!" Gale: "Gale, no! Hold on, I'm coming!" Astarion: "Damn it-- no! Astarion!" Jaheira: "Jaheira's down! We've got to help her!" Halsin: "Hold tight - I'll help you, Halsin!" Minsc: "I'm coming, my friend! For you and Boo both!" Romanced PC: "My love! No, please. PLEASE!"
12. Encountering a locked chest/door
"Locked. Though that never seems to bother us much."
"Selune forgive me, I suppose. If she cares about this particular lock."
"This didn't used to be a part of my day-to-day."
17. Looking in a mirror
"Gods, the road's a dusty place, eh?"
"I've never looked so tired."
"The glass didn't crack, so we have that."
28. Party banter with Karlach
(Needless to say, in a scenario where Hector is a companion, he and Karlach are implied to get together in a scenario where neither are romanced. :P Because I said so.)
(Act 1) Hector: "I must admit, I don't know how you dart around with that axe in battle so easily." Karlach: "Well, when the weapon's bigger than you are, it's challenging. Like an imp with a longsword - cute but unwieldy." Hector: [mock-affronted] "Well, luckily I do so well with just my fists instead." Karlach: "And look good doing it, too!"
(Act 2, after Karlach's second repair, if neither romanced) Hector: "Gods, it's bleak out here. I've never gone so long without seeing moonlight of an evening. It's unsettling." Karlach: "Well, I can't do anything about the moonlight, but I bet I could make you see stars." Hector: "What?" Karlach: "What?"
(Act 3, after Hector's personal quest (deciding to stay with the party rather than return to the monastery)) Karlach: "So... decided to keep slumming it here with us, eh, Hec?" Hector: [gravely] "It wasn't an easy decision - but I've changed too much. I couldn't go back." Karlach: "Well, I'm glad you stuck around. Too many things still need punching, and you put on the best show in town!"
33. Party banter with Minthara
Passing on this one for now as I have not really had her as a companion yet. I also have an open request from @zenjestrr to do Hector banter with Minthara once I know her better, so I'll answer this then. XD
35. How would your Tav/Durge greet a player character if they were a companion at low, neutral, high, or romanced approval?
Answered here for another similar meme; copied here for completeness. :D
“Are we there yet?” (very deadpan) (negative approval)
“Make it quick.” (negative approval)
“What new madness to deal with?” (low approval)
“You look like you want something.” (low approval)
“Name what you need and you’ll have it.” (medium approval)
“Sorry, let me mark my place– there. Something I can do for you?” (medium approval)
“My sibling in moonlight. What can I do for you?” (high approval - Selunite)
“Always glad to see you. What can I do for you?” (high approval - others)
“I swear you can tell when I’m feeling lonely. Hello, darling.” (romanced)
“My love. Tell me everything.” (romanced)
39. If romanceable, what lines would they say if a player character prompted them with, "Can I kiss you?"
"I will never say no, my love."
"Gods, please - I could use it."
[slightly giddily] "Ahhh... lucky me."
And Rakha!
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8. Companion/romance death reactions
Lae'zel: "Stand - the fight's not won." Shadowheart: "Get up. Your goddess watches you." Karlach: "I will not let you die." Wyll: "No. No! Get up!" Gale: "Agh-- the Weave cracks-- someone get him up!" Astarion: "Not your blood, not now. Theirs!" Jaheira: "If I must fight on, then so must you." Halsin: "No earthen grave for you yet, druid." Minsc: "Will you die with skulls yet uncracked?" Romanced PC: "If you die, I will bleed the world dry!"
12. Encountering a locked chest/door
Answered here.
17. Looking in a mirror
"I knew that face, once."
"Where did the scar come from?"
"Sometimes it looks out of my eyes..."
28. Party banter with Karlach
(Act 1) Rakha: "You fight with rage. Blind violence." Karlach: "Yeah, well, I've got plenty to be angry about. And, well, sometimes it just feels good to really let loose, you know?" Rakha: "Yes. When I think of spilling blood, it is when I feel most alive." Karlach: "You know, somehow it's way creepier when you say it."
(Act 2 - after whatever happens to cause THE reveal) Karlach: "You know, I was jealous of you for a while. Would've been nice to be able to forget everything that happened to me in Avernus." Rakha: "And now?" Karlach: "Now... I don't know. I hope you're doing okay. You've had a lot dropped on you." Rakha: "I have. And I am not doing okay. But... thank you for asking."
(Act 3 - after Gortash's death) Rakha: "It was good to see Gortash die." Karlach: "Really fed the ol' beast, did it? Tried to really splatter him up, just for you." Rakha: "That isn't what I mean. [pause] He was cruel. You did not deserve it. So I am glad he is dead." Karlach: [slightly startled] "Oh. I mean-- yeah. Thanks. Me too. [pause] Obviously."
33. Party banter with Minthara
Once again, passing this until I know Minthara better. XD
35. How would your Tav/Durge greet a player character if they were a companion at low, neutral, high, or romanced approval?
Also answered here and recopied. :D
“…” (negative approval)
“What?” (negative approval)
“Say what you must.” (low approval)
“Go on, then.” (low approval)
“Who needs killing?” (medium approval)
“I have more questions. But you may speak first.” (medium approval)
“My blade is ready. Speak your need.” (high approval)
“Something troubles you?” (high approval)
“I wish I could show you what I see. How the Weave dances around you.” (romanced)
“It calms when you are close… I thank you…” (romanced)
“Please… come back later. The blood is… distracting.” (random, when spoken to while bloodstained from battle; conversation cuts off immediately)
39. If romanceable, what lines would they say if a player character prompted them with, "Can I kiss you?"
"I would like that."
(random) "I don't... want to be touched right now. Later. Please..."
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piracytheorist · 1 month
I got into Spy x Family recently due to family and a little because I discovered this blog. I just wanted to say that I love all of your essays (I guess that's what they'd be called?). They're all just so interesting.
(Though I did accidentally get myself majorly spoiled by some other rando on the internet- the animated series only goes up to mission 37 right now and I accidentally got a spoiler that claims to be from the 98th or smthn mission 😭 Now I have to read the manga too)
Nah, I'm kidding for the meme! It would just be so fun having a fellow anime only going through it together. I'm glad I have people I talk to who are very careful to not mention spoilers, but it would be fun to have someone who actually doesn't know what's going to happen, you know?
I mean, I've gotten my fair share of spoilers, too, it's bound to happen in such fandoms ;_; But I am happy my metas is part of what got you into the story, that's actually a wonderful compliment to hear! I love analyzing stories I love, and it makes me so happy people like them and analyze things with me :D
To be clear, the anime usually adapts two manga chapters per episode, so currently it has adapted up to chapter 59. But yeah, with nearly 40 chapters in between, a lot of things must have happened in the meantime in the manga and though I'm so curious to know what's happening, I'm sticking to my stubbornness because I enjoy it more in "anime first manga second" form, and also because I'm curious to see how long I can last XD
Anyway, thanks for the message! I'm glad you're enjoying my metas!
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arleniansdoodles · 2 months
LMAO ROAST HIM ANON! In the spirit of dunking on Yang (just a little - as a treat), I give you both this meme I have forged with my own two hands:
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Also I'm glad that Yin is no longer completely convinced that everyone is teaming up to murder her, and that her and Sean are getting closer! We love grumpy older brother and sad little sister (well not so much sad little sister, but you know what I mean)!
Lol I love him but he deserves a little embarrassment. To loosen him up you know? I have only his best interests at heart.
HAHAHAHAA OMG 😂😂😂 This meme is awesome, thank you so much for making it!! Heck, now you're making me want to try my hand at memes! Yang's really getting bullied now, isn't he? I almost feel bad for him loll though I know he could use a good dunking! XDD
Jokes aside, I'm happy you enjoyed the Yin-Sean development! 💗 Grumpy-sunshine for the win!! Though Yin's quite rainy right now loll And there's definitely more to see with their dynamic, so I look forward to hearing what you think of it! (if you feel like sharing, of course XD)
In the meantime, the next chapter will be a bit, um, tangled with quite a lot of characters! loll 😚✨
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wingedcat13 · 2 years
First thing, I wanted to say that I love your work and I'm getting addicted to your writing style XD.
For the ask meme I'm curious about the 9, 11 and 13 for Synovus, any part really I'm not picky.
Thank you! I'm really glad people enjoy it XD
Link to questions here!
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
Hmm. There were alternative variations, for sure. I'll elaborate on that under the cut, for spoilers to Villains Never Retire (4).
11: What do you like best about this fic?
I like the impact it's had on people - the connections it's formed, and the joy it's brought them. My chaos gremlin of a supervillain has probably done more good as a fictional character than Synovus has ever done in their actual life (at least, as they would judge it), and there's something about that I can't quite articulate.
Writing-wise though? I love writing Synovus's powerset. There's all sorts of variations on a shadowmancer in different settings and even genres, but there were also a few things I'd never seen done. Giving them the ability to manipulate light as well, and choosing to use it so sparingly most don't even realize they can, lets me explore a lot more about what it means to have strength and never use it. At some point, I want to delve more into Synovus's perspective on the light manipulation more, and the complexity of their feelings on it, because in a lot of ways it represents inherited trauma. And, well. I just like using light and dark metaphors. Too much time as a Star Wars roleplayer.
13, about music while writing, I answered here!
Right, so, the question about alternate versions. The scene I had to change the most was the showdown with Legionnaire. I knew I wanted it to happen, I knew I wanted Synovus to be the one to kill him, and I even knew I wanted them to do it with his own spear. The one-liner had a few revisions.
What I couldn't decide on, for the longest time, was whether or not Alexandria or Minerva were there when it happened, and whether or not they helped.
In one version, I considered having Legionnaire actually attack Minerva or Alexandria, convinced they were brainwashed and he had to subdue them to get them out of there. I rejected that one, because neither Minerva nor Alexandria need Synovus to save them.
But nor did I want them to be the ones to kill him, and if they had explicitly spared him, Synovus would've done their best to respect their wishes. They needed to turn their backs on him.
So, what if he attacked Synovus? Showed more blatant disregard for the civilians in danger? What would push them over the edge?
And in the end, it was a question. "Will you let me take care of this for you? Will you let this be my decision, instead of yours?"
And Alexandria answered, "Yes."
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mythicamagic · 1 year
Otomes I played in 2022
I thought I'd do some quickie reviews of otomes I've played recently such as: Hakuoki, Cupid Parasite, Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly, Sweet Fuse, Taisho Alice, Variable Barricade, Theory of Fear, Diabolik Lovers HDB and MB, Birushana, Ikemen Prince, Ikemen Vampire and Ikemen Sengoku.
Whew, I played more than I thought XD remember all this ranting is just my personal opinion.
Aight so Hakuoki:
For the most part I didn't mesh well with this one. The months in game felt pretty drawn out and slow-paced, and I didn't latch onto any of the characters except for the demons. I'm not entirely sure why. I think I just didn't feel like mc belonged there- and that she was way more invested in the Shinsengumi than they were bothered about her. I did enjoy seeing some historical events play out in Hijikata's route, and I liked seeing Kazama show up to wreck shit. Kazama was great, Kazama gave me a few months of brain rot. I did LOVE the music in this game though, dayme it was beautiful, and it goes without saying but the art style of the CGs were gorgeous. I'm glad I played this one because it's seen as a classic but I didn't personally get the hype sadly. I actually watched a playthrough of a fan-translated spin-off game (SSL) and actually PREFERRED it, despite it being just a comedy game. Whats wrong with me?
Best boy: Kazama
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Cupid Parasite
I remember having mixed feelings about this one, it was a mixed bag. Pretty ok! I really liked Allan's route and the voice acting was solid. Art style was interesting but it hurt my eyes after a while XD I think for me I just didn't find much of a 'replayability' factor. I enjoyed it fine, but it won't stay with me as one of the special otomes I love, capisce? I just couldn't stand Gil or Ryuki. Raul was fine and Shelby was fine, so overall it was just 'ok' for me.
Best boy: Allan. Really enjoyed Jupiters voice acting tho (from Yangs VA hehe)
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Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly
I remember while playing this game my friend hated its art style but man I LOVED playing this one. It felt really unique in terms of atmosphere, with mystery/suspense elements. It took me back to the earlier days of visual novels because I didn't look up a walkthrough for a bunch of this and it led to a lot of frustration and dead ends, but even that was kind of fun to figure out. Loved its twists and turns and bittersweet moments. I also loved having a voiced heroine with Beniyuri (which was one of my first experiences with the feature) and wish more heroines were voiced. Also this one had a BANGING OP, whooo! Reminded me of early 2000's nostalgia cheese, love it.
Best boy: Hikage and Yamato
Sweet Fuse: At your side
Hi um WHY DOES NO ONE TALK ABOUT THIS OTOME? Yeah I think its a bit of a lost gem but if you have a PS Vita, I totally rec buying this one. It's such a fun ride, and with a great MC to boot. The Love interests in this game were all very unusual and not typical otome pretty boyz but I really enjoyed the way they were written. The groups chemistry was great as well. The age gap thing might bother some people though so keep that in mind before playing. Anyway, the setting and plot reminded me a little of Danganronpa 2 and I had a real fun time with it.
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Best boy: Mitarashi
Taisho x Alice
Hooo boy people were excited for this on the otome subreddit. I sat down to try it and...
Well, I didnt think it was possible for an MC to ruin my game experience but here we are. I couldn't stand this game's heroine. Yes I understand why she was written that way, yes I enjoyed some of the guys and the end reveal was unique and impressive- but was it worth suffering through Yurika? Mn...possibly not. She seems to be somewhat divisive though and if you can stomach her 'memeing' and 'I'm not like OTHER GURLS' energy as she twirls, winks with both eyes and shouts to the world that she's SOOOO Quirky guyz- maybe you'll like this game. Thing is, even putting all...that, aside, I didn't like her attitude with Red by invading his personal space, and a certain thing she did in the last route made me incredibly uncomfortable but of course it was brushed aside bc she's the HEROINE GUYS.
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Best boy: Ryoushi and lil gremlin man Alice- actually while I'm here, if you can stomach the MC, Alice's VA had probably the best performance I've heard in an otome. He was hilarious- and had super great range
Variable Barricade
Boy I was super hyped for this one, it was probably my most anticipated game of the year. Great art style, great common route, great voice acting...and then the routes went on. I've noticed people seem to share the same sentiment that they usually enjoy the boys routes but then shit hits the fan and the boy is insensitive, the main heroine is too harsh or dumb- the boy LEAVES, the guy is manipulative- point is, something sours the routes and they're hard to recover from. I really liked Hibari as a heroine at first but as the routes went on I was actively wanting her to NOT be in a relationship, as she demonstrated time and again that she just wasn't ready for one. I ended up selling this game as soon as I was done with it, which I feel sad about, because I really wanted to like VB.
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Best boy: Taiga
Theory of Fear
I don't know why I played this game. XD I actually played a couple of 'indie' otomes like Trapped with Jester, Blooming Panic and Boyfriend to Death (the latter I wouldn't uh...call an otome...plus it awakened unpleasant revelations that I might be into some disturbing tropes so THANKS for that game. Never have I been more uncomfortable with being asked if I'd prefer a Hammer or Drill)
Anywho, Theory of Fear isn't discussed much. It's this awkward lil game with Russian voice acting you can find on Steam. Very 'this is someone's first fanfic' vibes, rife with sexual assault around every corner. Every time Yuki showed up I was like - oh boy here we go again. I found Sadaos route quite interesting in some ways though due to his way of 'fear exposure' and quite literally exposing the mc to her worst fears and mingling that with pleasure. I dunno, a twisted concept that made my brain itch in a good way. The game is bad no doubt about it and I don't rec it but I at least took something away from it. I really enjoyed Blooming Panic though and would totally rec that any day.
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Best boy: Sadao- look don't you JUDGE ME
Diabolik Lovers HDB and MB
In keeping with this trend of dark romance stuff that shouldn't make my brain go brrr but does is Diabolik Lovers. It's not English Translated but with the first two games in the series now on Switch, I used fan translations to play through the games and had a grand ole time. This franchise is only for people who like trash men ok. These boys are awful in every way and quite frankly you can't defend any of their abuse or actions BUT... it's fiction. And if you enjoy your fav VAs whispering degrading things in your ear, moaning and blood-sucking noises (wear headphones for these games oml) then you'll lurve this series like I do. I found myself enjoying Reiji more than I thought I would and Shuu a little less than anticipated, considering I used to love him in my earlier fandom days. Subaru remains the undisputed champ though.
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Best boy: Subaru
Birushana: Rising Flower of Genpei
This game was aight! Better than Hakuoki in my opinion but I know people will come for my head by saying that lmao. It wasn't a perfect game and holy hell did some battles drag on (hi Benkais route) but it really introduced some unique elements plus the best Rivals/ Enemies to lovers trope I've seen so far in otome with Noritsunes route. I recommend this game just for his route, to be honest. I thought Tomomori would be my favourite but he fell a little short for me.
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Best boy: Noritsune and Shigehira
Ongoing- Ikemen Prince, Ikemen Vampire and Ikemen Sengoku
I haven't finished all the routes in these mobile game otomes but yup they're my latest addiction. I'm obsessed.
I think Ikesen is my favourite of the three (I'm not touching Ikerev sorry) because of its writing being stronger in terms of just how fun and lively the world feels. Mc helps in a big way with that, and her chemistry with most of the guys is great to witness. Ikesen's menu layout is defo the worst though and could do with an update.
Ikevamp is aight, I didn't enjoy Comtes route like I thought I would and Leo made me sad but I'm loving Arthurs route, what a good boy. I have no gripes with the layout and the music is cute. I've spent the least amount of money on Ikevamp but still had a great time, which I feel is important if you want to be a free to play player. Also Faust route localisation WHEN?!
Ikepri's layout is the best no contest, everything looks super clean and stylish and the gacha systems are dangerous bc holy hell the cards look so good and pretty. Ikepri has hurt my wallet the most though and I defo feel the most pushed out of all of them to spend money. I think the writing is fine for Ikepri but oddly I enjoy the Events more the Routes themselves?? anyone else feel that way? I like it though, I just need to be stricter on myself not to get sucked into gambling because of it loll
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Best girl and light of my life: Ikesen's MC Mai Mizusaki.
Best ikevamp boy: Faust
Ikesen: Mitsuhide or Motonari
Ikepri: Chevalier
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