#also got a notif that some more furniture I got for them will be coming in
meganechan05 · 1 year
Lmao got home and the first thing I do is open a package that has some new Rita faceplates
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Virtual Lies
Hello people reading this! Some of the older members may remember an idea @apersonstories , @funtimemoth , and me came up with in the old community server (that is forever lost the time). I have finally gotten the free time to write the first chapter of this AU! I'm hoping for there to be at least six parts and that you all well enjoy it! TW will be warnings for all of the things that will be going over in the story! I hope you all enjoy! :D
Also if you have any questions don't be shy to send them to me!
TW for all parts- intentional / unintentional dehumanization, accidental fear play, feelings of being trapped and despair, and if there are any more I will add them!
"Are you sure you want to play this Phil? This game seems kind of weird…" Kristen commented as she read over Philza's shoulder as he installed a simple sim game for his phone, he had happened upon the game well looking for something to entertain himself and the game seemed pretty interesting. 
"Kristen it's just a little life sim, these terms and conditions are probably just making sure you don't do anything creepy with the game" Philza finished installing the game and started making the custom home he would have in the game "I well say tho it's kind of annoying I can only make boxes for the rooms and not connect any of them, it would be nice to make a more complicated hallway then just a straight line."
Kristen just laughed as she sat down on the couch next to Philza and watched him work on the rooms over his shoulder, she every now and again would help setting up some of the rooms. Philza and Kristen did find it a bit strange there were certain rooms they absolutely had to have before they could add bonus rooms.
The game told them they needed three bedrooms, two bathrooms (one with a bath and one without) and a kitchen with a table and chairs in it. Philza found it a bit annoying cuz he didn't even know what kind of virtual family he was going to make and put in this house but he did it anyway.
"There finally fucking done- now to make an actual dining room and living room for this house." Philza got a bit more comfortable on the couch leaning up against his wife as he added the final details to the house and made sure there were a few windows so natural light would come in, the blonde hit done and instantly got a notification saying that his house would take an hour to make.
"What the fuck- this game has literally only been out for a month at best, how is it this fucking slow?" Philza grumbled until he noticed a new notification and clicked on it "Oh wait do I not make my own tiny family for this?"
"I guess not, maybe they had to trade out the customization for the family so you can customize your house more?" Kristen noted as she slowly took her husband's phone and started scrolling through the small family's they could get, she smiled when she found a very nice particular looking pair.
"You should get these three, the Neapolitan ones!" Philza took his phone back from Kristen and smiled at the three young looking NPCs she had picked out, he clicked the check mark next to them and the app informed him that within an hour his home would be done and these three would be moved in. Philza decided to just set his phone down and talk with his wife for a bit till it was time to actually decorate the house he had made for the three, he was really looking forward to the decorating expect of this game!
Philza has been decorating the house he had set up in the game for at least 2 hours now and thankfully had only spent $10 on extra furniture for the house, plus well setting up the furniture he had learned a very fun and kind of cute thing about the three brothers.
Tommy and Wilbur were little shits and sometimes moved the furniture slightly to a different spot just to mess with Philza. Well Techno straight up picked the furniture up and completely moved it to a different room, Philza didn't really mind and found it kind of funny. The boys were all roughly the age of teenagers so it was probably in their coding to be rebellious.
"Kristen, come look at the house! I finally finished decorating!" Philza called over his shoulder as he looked over at the kitchen, he smiled as his wife walked out and sat back down on the couch next to him. Philza excitedly handed the phone to her, starting to show off each of the rooms.
"So the game gives you a tiny descriptive on the three house members so I tried to decorate their rooms to fit things they like, for example Tommy really likes animals so I gave him a bunch of different toy animals for his room- well Wilbur only likes one animal and that's a sheep so I gave him a bed that kind of looks like a sheep!" Philza explained excitedly as he finally pointed at Techbo's room "Now Techno's room was probably the hardest, his description was pretty blank and the only notable thing was that he likes to read. So I just gave him a few extra bookshelves and made sure they were full of books that he would like!"
Kristen smiled as she looked at the three tiny rooms and zoomed in to inspect them a bit more, she then noticed something a bit strange in Wilbur's room. "Hey Phil, why is there a hole in the corner of Wilbur's room?"
Philza looked at his wife a bit puzzled as he took the phone and also looked at the strange hole in the corner of the room, he and Kristen became even more confused as Wilbur suddenly dropped a pillow over the hole acting like he was trying to hide it.
"I don't know…maybe the game is just glitching out?" Philza suggested as he moved over to the kitchen and went back to adding small details to the counters so it felt a bit more lived in, he set his phone down as it started to load and set up decorations.
"Why is it loading? You just added some small decorations to the kitchen." 
"Hm? Oh I'm not really sure but whenever I place decorations a loading screen pops up, I'm starting to think the game didn't add in the future of you placing the item down like the Sims." Philza explained as he picked his phone back up once it was done loading "Do you think I need to add anything to the living room or kitchen?"
Kristen took the phone again and started inspecting the kitchen and living room, she moved over to the dining room and pointed at one of the corners that was very bland looking. "I think you just need to add a painting here and you should be all done with decorating!"
"I'll do it later, is dinner ready by any chance?" Philza asked, turning his phone off for now and standing up from the couch, he followed his wife to the kitchen and smiled as he spotted the finished pasta.
"I have! We just need to wait for the cheesy garlic bread in the oven to finish up, can you grab my oven mitts?" Kristen asked as the timer on the oven went off and she started turning the heat off, she thought of her husband as he handed her the oven mitts and pulled out their cheesy garlic bread.
The two started dishing up their plates and getting ready for dinner Philza ignoring the notification he got on his phone from his new game.
Tommy inspected all of the plush animal figures that had been left inside of his room and started moving the ones that he found extremely creepy into a corner making them stare at the wall, he didn't like the stuffed animals lacking button eyes. He actually found it pretty creepy they just had weird black buttons replacing their eyes.
"Tommy? What are you doing?" Wilbur asked as he walked into his little brother's room and noticed him moving the toys around. "Um…why are they all just staring at the wall-"
"They are creepy evil creatures that don't deserve to stare at the room!" Tommy explained as he shoved yet another large plushie into the corner. "I hate them."
Wilbur leaned against the door frame as he watched his little brother continue to choose which stuffed animals would be staring at a corner and which ones got left alone in the room; he patiently waited a few minutes until his little brother seemed to be done.
"So now that you've exiled some of these guys to the corner do you want to go eat? Techno was able to find a small bit of food in the weird cold box thing." Wilbur asked, taking his little brother's hand and started to lead him towards their kitchen.
"I guess, when we're done eating we're going to skip and go home right?" Tommy asked with a big smile on his face as he looked up at his brother. They had been stuck with these horrible humans for at least two months now and Tommy just wanted to go back home. 
Tommy didn't really notice the weird face his brother made as they walked into the kitchen and he sat down at the table, the young borrower's nose scrunched up and disgusted as a plate of nothing but vegetables was placed in front of him. 
"Why are there so many carrots and peas? Are there any crackers, nuts, or fruits?" Tommy asked poking the two peas on his plate with his finger, he knew not to complain about food too much but this was all they had been eating for months!
"No. That's all that was in the cold box Tommy, just eat up and then go to bed." Techno said in a Stern voice as he started munching on his own peas and carrots.
Tommy wanted to protest but felt Wilbur lightly kicked his foot and decided not to argue with Techno, he begrudgingly started to eat his peas and carrots hating every minute of it. Why can't the stupid humans in the white coats give them actual food?
The young blonde finished his dinner instead of from his seat getting ready to head back to his room, he walked around the table and gave his brother Techno a hug.
"I'm sorry I complained about the peas and carrots, they weren't that bad." Techno reached up and padded Tommy on the back and then sent the young boy back to his room, Tommy tried to ignore his brothers as they obviously started to have a conversation without him.
The young blonde grabbed one of the small plushies that looked like a moth and climbed into his weirdly shaped bed, for some reason it had Wheels but both him and his brother said it was not in fact an old wagon turned into a bed. Especially with the ugly silver color it was.
Tommy wrapped himself up tightly in the blankets hugging the moth plushie close to his chest, a few moments later Tommy felt a soft kiss against his forehead and finally fell asleep hoping he would wake up home with his brother's and they could finally eat something that wasn't peas and carrots.
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I just need to throw something in the void because i have No Idea how to feel about this.
So, if you've seen these void posts, then you know that my mom has absolutely lost it and is selling her house and randomly buying one in a totally different state. The news came to me randomly. She was just "I'm heading up to TN and looking out houses, might buy and sell my house." And I'm just caught incredibly off guard because there was zero forewarning. Anyways, after that whole phone call where i was honestly very shocked and very scared, and having her basically say that I'm moving in with her without really asking what i wanted. And also disregarding my sister who will be left in FL ALONE at college (like what the fuck). Anyways, I told her to CALL ME when she found a house or was on her way back home.
She didn't. For some reason she expects me to call her and then gets mad that i don't call her.
So, i get a notif from facebook saying my mom posted. Apparently she sold her house today for her original lowballing price. Which is first, how you get it to sell immediately to FLIPPERS and airbnb people. Both me and my dad told her to go with like $400k or so which she COULD GET and then get them to talk her down because she was just "gonna sell for 300k" which WHY? You could get half a mil for your house if you wanted to right now. It's near water. Prime location. By a fire station. It's worth MORE. You remodeled the back half. It's worth MORE. It sold at the FIRST showing. For so much less than it was worth. My dad has already commented there that he was telling her to ask for more. Her house is worth MORE. But she's just "You don't know shit. don't tell me what to do." So, I'm assuming, because she Didn't Fucking Call Me, that she bought a house. Like thanks. If you're expecting me to move in with you, communicate?? Tell me about the house?? Tell me what you're doing??
Either way, I've come up with a totally different plan because i was literally just using her as a landing pad to get back to my hometown. I wasn't specifically wanting to move back in with her. I just wanted to GO HOME. New place in TN isn't HOME. THAT house you sold for shit, is HOME. SO. The long-distance bf. He's getting an apartment cleaned out. It's attached to his mom's place and she's only going to charge us like 100-200 a month. It's just a small on bedroom place above the car port. It's spacious for what it is, it just needs MAJOR cleaning because his shit sister left beyond a simple mess. Complete with food trash and dog shit and furniture. This morning he'd been focusing on cleaning the fridge out. Which yeah, she left A LOT in. Like tf. She left something atrocious. Like it's not just a couple days' work. It's a couple weeks. There's even a door that has to be replaced because she took the bedroom and CUT THE DOOR IN HALF and used it specifically for her young daughter. Then proceeded to board up the porch and use that as her bedroom. Which they're just filling with all her shit and locking off from the apartment, because apparently she's got sticky fingers and they don't want her in the apartment stealing our shit when she picks up hers. So, they're opening up the side/back door to use as the main door. Because yeah, that "porch" is a mess and it's barely got a path to get in through anymore.
So yeah, moving in with him. Honestly, it feels like a good option. I know we get along well and he's a lot better with communication than other people I've dealt with, so if we hit any bumps suddenly with cohabitation together, I'm sure we can figure it out fine. And with something that has happened with him (some huge lego set that he was promised after getting a job by his grandparents), I've learned how to get him to leave me alone for hours on end if I need that. Like, I know i can definitely just ask if he hangs out in the bedroom and me living room or vice versa for a bit if we need space, but you know. If it comes to it, i at least have that knowledge. But it seems like a nice place. If we need help, his family is literally on the other side of the wall. There's goats, dogs, and cats on the property. It's like ten minutes out of town in the woods, so it's quiet. And honestly, I've been wanting to have him around like really bad for a good long while now. The plan if my mom hadn't moved, would be staying there and doing the test to see if we could live together by basically spending a couple days together, so we're skipping the testing period. But at least that means i won't have to move my stuff twice, just skipping the middleman and bringing it all there. But my mom is already in her process. So, I'm just going to go straight there once I can. He's already offered to pay the price of getting me there which helps immensely because the only reason I'm not in that town yet is because we haven't had the money. Quite literally, as soon as the repairs on my car are done and he's got the place cleared out, then we're good to go.
I should probably tell my dad he offered to pay that.
ANYWAYS. I should call my mom at some point and tell her my plan because I don't want to go with her and basically get trapped by her again. Ntm because she still also hasn't cut off her nazi ex husband. I basically explained that to my dad and he was just nodding and agreeing. Like he understands exactly why I wouldn't want to just up and move in with her alone.
I should also call my sister and get her that remote job referral. And tell her that she won't be alone in the state and we'd have a couch for her to crash on if she needs a place to stay over school breaks.
I do want to move in with this guy. Really do. But WHY can't my mom return her expectations for me and CALL?? I wanted updates. I told her to give me updates. She did not. I came up with another plan instead of just having the "I'll stay with her for a year or two and then eventually we'll get together." No no no. I'm going right to him. Fuck staying with my mom and getting trapped under her control again.
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aubzikins · 1 year
Coffee On Us Chapter 3: The New Client... Friend or Foe?
***Author Note: Eek, I am so excited for this fic and I am hoping you all like it *squeals* Also this is pretty much unedited so if you see anything crazy, please let me know? (nicely preferably haha)
Also Cloud9 is a rival group that my friends and I made up one day. We have discussed many ideas for fics and characters. One day we wanted to come up with a rival group for a story line with the Stray Kids because we did not want to use one of the many groups we love as the antagonists.
I'm sure you will meet this mysterious character again in one of our fics, we do not like Don. Don is a terrible human being lol***
After Chan walked her home, Anise hopped onto her laptop. Originally, she was going to ask if she could have a later morning today, but she had an email from her new client.
From: Tang, Dongbaek
To: Michaels, Anise
Subject: Meeting
Good Morning Anise,
My name is Tang Dongbaek, but you may call me Don. I wanted to reach out and introduce myself. I am excited to meet our Marketing Manager as soon as possible. Would you be able to meet for brunch, 11:00am at the Gardens? I will see you then.
Looking Forward to Meeting you,
After reading the email, Anise sighed as she sees the read receipt notification pop up. He really didn’t give me much of a choice, did he? She thought to herself. Looking at her watch, there was no point in taking a nap since she would barely get any additional sleep anyways. She decided to take a shower and get ready for the meeting, planning on stopping by Oddinary on her way to the restaurant. She would be able to get some work done and enjoy some coffee. Maybe get to know the guys a bit more?
Around 9 am, Anise heads out to Oddinary. When she gets there, there’s no one else there and now there’s a table with a comfy chair in the corner. She stops and looks at the corner, do they just constantly change their furniture? She shakes her head and walks up to the counter.
Changbin sees her and smiles, “Good Morning Anise, are we feeling a bit better?” he asks.
“A little bit, didn’t really get to nap when I got home, got an email from a client that I have to meet up with here in a little while. Do you mind if I set up shop in the corner?” Anise asks.
“Of course you can, Want me to make you an espresso?” Changbin asks.
“Yes please! Are Felix and Chan here?” Anise asks.
“They had to go for a supply run and will be back shortly.” Changbin smiles.
“Ahh, I wanted to thank them for this morning. I was pretty out of it I guess…” Anise says nervously.
“Yeah, it happens. You shouldn’t work yourself so hard.” Changbin says with a reassuring smile.
“Question though, if you don’t mind me asking?” Anise looks at Changbin.
“Maybe answer?” Changbin says.
“When I first came in here last week, there was a normal chair in that corner. Last night it was recliner, today it’s a comfy office chair?” Anise looks at the corner while asking.
“Oh...” Changbin rubs the back of his neck nervously, “Chan likes to change things whenever he feels like something is gonna be needed. I think he wanted to possibly work out here today instead of the back office.” He says.
“So, I shouldn’t sit there? I was hoping to work a little bit before I head to my meeting.” Anise says.
Changbin looks like he’s going to be in trouble. “You can! Chan will more than likely just work out here later. It is open for you!” Changbin says at a slightly higher note than normal.
Anise giggles, “Thank you Changbin.”
“You can call me Binnie,” Changbin says.
“Thank you, Binnie.” Anise says with a smile. Anise walks over to the table and pulls out her laptop. She sits down and puts headphones on. Changbin brings over her drink and she thanks him but doesn’t look up. He shakes his head as this reminds him of his boss when he gets into one of his moods.
Felix and Chan come back to the café after a while, but Anise doesn’t seem to notice. They both see that she is busy typing up something and so they leave her be, walking over to Changbin instead.
“Everything okay Binnie?” Chan asks.
“Yeah…” Changbin says as he double checks Anise is too busy to listen in. “She noticed the café adapting though.”
Chan looks wide eyed at Changbin, “She did!? What did you say?”
“I blamed you of course. Hashtag Always Chan’s Fault. I just said you were planning on working out here today instead of the back.” Changbin shrugs at Chan.
Felix laughs, “That works!”
“She has a meeting soon though; I don’t know the time. You might want to take over your spot here soon so she’s not late.” Changbin says using his fingers his fingers as air quotes.
“I’ll go say hello!” Felix says and is off before any protests can be held. Felix rushes over to Anise’s side and sits down. Felix watches Anise for a few seconds before he gently touches her arm.
Anise looks up, takes her headphones off, and looks at Felix. “Felix! Hello! Thank goodness you are here, I wanted to thank you for this morning!” She says smiling.
“Aww you don’t have to do that! I am always happy to be of service!” Felix says. “What are you working on? Binnie says you have a meeting this morning and didn’t get to take a nap?”
“Unfortunately, no, I made the mistake of checking my email and apparently the client had read receipts on so I couldn’t pretend I didn’t see it. We have a meeting at the Gardens? I think that’s a restaurant or something about 10 minutes from here.” Anise says.
“Ahh yes, The Gardens is a small intimate café a few blocks away. Would you like a ride? I believe Chan has to head up that way here soon for a meeting as well.” Felix asks.
“Oh no I don’t want to impose! I would feel terrible since he already walked me home this morning!” Anise shakes her head.
“It’s not a problem, I promise,” Felix says as he waves Chan to come over. “Hey Boss, so Anise has a meeting at the gardens at…” He turns and looks at Anise.
“11 am” she says softly.
“At 11 am! Think you could give her a ride?” Felix asks with a look of insistence in his eyes.
At first Chan seems annoyed with this request which causes Anise to tense up. “I told him I was okay to walk it Chan, my apologies. Don’t worry about it, really, I am fine.” She says.
Chan sees Anise tense up and immediately changes his demeanor, “It’s okay, sorry! I do have a meeting up that way around 11 am as well and would be more than happy to drop you off.” He says with a charming smile.
Felix turns and looks at Anise, “See, told you that he would be able to give you a ride!” he smiles.
“Only if you are sure Chan, I don’t want to cause any issues.” She says.
“No issues I promise. Leave in about fifteen minutes?” Chan asks.
Anise nods, “That would be perfect. It would give me time to finish this memo and get my stuff packed up.”
“Ok, I gotta deal with something in the back with Felix here so I will be out in a few.” He smiles and grabs Felix by the ear and takes him into the back of the shop. Felix continues to smile the whole way and when they get into the back office, Chan pushes him into the extra chair.
“What the hell did I tell you about pushing Felix?” Chan says sternly.
“That wasn’t a push, it was a slight nudge…” Felix says with a smirk.
“Not okay Felix, it’s supposed to be a natural thing.” Chan says.
“I was only trying to help, she seemed stress about this meeting, and I figured you giving her a ride would be a ‘2 birds, 1 stone’ type of thing.” Felix says looking at the ground.
“I get it Lix but you gotta be careful. Free will is a big deal and if we manipulate her into this, then it won’t be a true match with us. Please think things through.” Chan says pleadingly.
“I'm sorry. I will try my best to do better.” Felix says.
“Thank you, now if she asks you what this was about, inventory.” Chan says.
Felix nods and wipes his eyes quickly. Chan notices but doesn’t acknowledge the tears because he knows it would only cause Felix to cry a bit more. Chan stands up and pats Felix on the shoulder, grabs his keys and heads out to the front to meet Anise. Anise is packed up and ready to go when Chan makes it to the front of the shop.
“Ready to go?” Chan asks.
Anise nods and follows him out the door. Chan leads her behind the shop to his blacked out SUV that’s parked in the owner spot.
“Thank you again Chan, I really appreciate it.” Anise says as she gets into the front seat.
“No problem, Anise, I’m just happy to help.” Chan smiles and winks at her.
Within a couple of minutes, Chan is pulling up outside of The Gardens. He parks, gets out and opens the door for Anise. “Thank you” Anise says as Chan nods.
“Good luck in your meeting, here's my cell. Text me when you are done with your meeting and I'll swing by and drive ya back.” Chan says as he hands here a post-it note with his number. He then gets into his vehicle and heads off. Anise turns around and looks at the café in front of her, checks the time on her phone, takes a deep breath and goes inside.
Unbeknownst to Anise, there is a man watching everything from his table in the corner. At the sight of Chan opening the car door for Anise and her smiling at him, the man smirks with a hint of annoyance. He looks at his watch and sees that she arrives at 10:55 am. He deems that this is not acceptable, and he plans on making his displeasure known. He watches her as she takes a deep breath before walking inside and then stands up.
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wtylas · 1 year
dear future me !
happy 2 years to this ask marinating in my inbox 🥳🥳🎉🎊🎊🎊🪅🎈 (ask sent on may 31st 2021 for some ask game from 2 years ago, it is currently july 18th 2023)
ive got nothing to do today so i might start working on this... and sorry gen for randomly putting this in your notifs LOL tell 2021 gen thanks for the ask 😋
dear future me, i hope you are well. i don't expect you to be living any sort of calm life because life is often tumultuous and must always have something thrown at you. but i hope that despite it all, you are well. i hope you have learned how to stand in the face of it all and i hope that even when it will inevitably gets hard, you are still able to stand up after it.
thats enough cringe stuff. I HOPE YOU HAVE A COOL HOUSE!!!!!! 😄😄😄😄 i hope you have a swag apartment that is also a loft that also has a secret room that also has a #modern #old fire escape that also has HUGE WINDOWS that is also full of cool furniture that you invite friends over and theyre like "Wow this is a nice house 😲" and their friends kids come over and they are like this house is now Playground and you are living in the COOLEST PLACE TO LIVE EVA
i also hope you get bangs. i also hope you make a reasonable assessment of that decision afterwards and act accordingly. we must beat the 5head allegations together..........
i hope you get better music taste. i cannot be skipping all these damn songs when its my turn on the aux fr...... i also hope you get better at driving so that you can drive people around and have people be like "wow lasi this music is quite sophisticated in nature 😲 the beats are scrumptious.. and delectable"
i hope you have many friends!!! i hope they are polite and kind. i hope they think that life without you is incomplete. i hope you fall in love!!! i hope you grow and better as a person. i hope you make people happy! i hope you dont just do it for the sake of them, and you do it because you really want to and because its a way of life for you. we gotta stop people pleasing man anxious attachment drives a girl CRAYZEE!!
i hope you start wearing crop tops! i hope you find out what type of fashion you like. i hope you dress elegantly in a way that tells the world that you are here. i hope you make your mark on the world in general! overall i just want you to have both a comfortable life as well as a present life. sometimes these are seperated ideas but often i think you may find that they are actually one in the same.
future lasi, life right now isn't all the best. for a time it was nice, but it got bad again. it's hard to be right back where you started. it makes you think if it ever was nice at all, if it was just delusion trying to hide what was really going on underneath it all, and it makes you wonder if it ever even is going to get better. i don't want to listen. i want to work harder and wake up each day trying to get better because i want to be you. i want to be the you that looks back on this silly post from my old tumblr i used just before college and that i am the one looking back at the young girl i was before i was a young woman and i am the one realizing that yes, i am cooler. and yes, i do have a cool house. and yes, i have people around me that i love, and yes i did get better. and even after that i will always get even more better. and that there will be more future mes and they will always be more awesome than the next.
be ya later! luv lasi
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handelplayssims · 1 year
Welcome to another day with the Wildfangs. Lou’s rampaging boosted him up into being an Apex wolf! I’m gonna make him able to dig anywhere and go anywhere. Rory is still sad from last time and I’m trying to think of activities that she that she already likes to do. Knitting is one so I start on that! ...just as she gets too tense to knit. And finally, it’s time for Celene and Lou to get some rest. Just as Bianca starts up working from home!
-sharp intake of breath- Oh boy! One of her things is to make money advertising a minor product! One of the things that always does is bleed followers. Ads are not good for the following but good for the bank account. Perhaps. Anyway, before we lose our followers, lets go watch some funny videos on Sim.tv for 2 hours. The other job thing. ...this somehow is too much for her wolf-brain?! Like she gets that super angry moodlet from thinking too hard. But this is youtube! I would think it would be the shiny lights thing instead! ...probably works similar to the searching wikipedia thing in coding. Anyway, she’s about to rage out. So uh, perhaps punch a boxing bag first? Oooh, Celene has got an hour until work and needs to eat! But things are dirty so cleaning frenzy first? Because I don’t know what’s actually dirty. Also gives her an energized moodlet to go of to work to! Nice!
Bianca’s done with the punching so uh, outside? But outside is rain and she hates that! Never mind! Inside! Scratch the furniture I suppose. There we go! There she enrages! Lou also wakes up at this point. Bianca does run over to snarl at him but he just flicks her forehead. Heh! Rampage is over now. Let’s go and have her share some jokes with her followers to try to gain more clout before ruining it. Also Rory is awake again and she woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Welp. Meanwhile with Bianca, I’m going to use that very exicitable personality to get her in that super-playful mood instead of the tense one. ...oh! I was waiting for the comedy boost but instead she’s a super snob! She only wants the news! ...if it weren’t for the fact she’s very excitable and likes all shiny lights. Hehe.
Let’s look at Lou and see what his whims are? Break up with Bianca? INCORRECT. Soulmates. They need to go on a date then! ...after Bianca hunts for food with everyone in the home. The wolfpack that hunts together, ect. Anyway Bianca eats and then heads to bed. No date tonight I guess. So Lou needs to do other things. Like enthuse about the steal! So let’s chat with a paparazzi folk who always come with the klepto trait! Sione Hoapili! Naturally that’s when Rory runs over as an enraged wolf. And now she’s yelling at Lou. OH BOY! Certainly a thing that gives ideas. Anyway, I brought Lou and Sione to a more private corner where hopefully Rory won’t bother them.
Finally Rory has regained control! Let’s do first things first. Aplogizing to the people you snarled at! Like she may be hurt at him but she did yell at him during a rampage. ...honestly amazing that he doesn’t feel any bit bad about her snarling at her. Lou’s a good guy. Annnd we got a notification for Rory that she isn’t participating in her pack well enough. I’d say she should craft a woodworking gift for Lou but once again, she has that tense moodlet bugged onto her. ...let’s visit the library! It’s been a freaking age since I’ve gone there. So let’s research some handiness to get into the mood and the skill! ...and she got a pop up for liking research and debate. ...on the one hand, that would be a nerdy thing to like but she is a wolf who wants to be the best. That would definitely include debating with words. Sure! Anyway let’s get back home so we can check-
Neighborhood Watch!
Evergreen Harbor: The Kahananui household recently moved in.
...one moment while I check Evergreen Harbor. Okay cool! It’s not the premade family! Final day of the household so let’s continue onwards! And you know what I forgot? NAPs. Anyway, let’s throw some votes for Rock Your Body and Mind. Time to GET FIT! And let’s set Rory up to make a woodwork. A bunny sculpture! Annnnd I can’t give packmate gifts to people within the household. Let’s take some of the raw meat and give it over to the resources.
Anyway, both Lou and Celene need more rest so it’s Bianca and Rory. Bianca has work and she gets to go into work today. Also tried to regain passion but didn’t quite work out. Eh. We’ll deal. Next time, obviously. Right. Rory wants to get a promotion but to get said promotion, we need to be a decent actress in the first place! Let’s actually start leveling our acting skills.
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There’s something interesting about seeing a wolf go and do those acting animations. Celene also was manually woken up with an hour before work. Looked up art for inspiration and voted for the food NAPs. And now Rory needs her rest so to bed she goes. And now Lou is up! He is on probation for the pack for self-improvement so he needs to read a book. Find those secrets! And also super-ragey today. He is in a flirty mood...and also it’s a full moon. Meanwhile Bianca is off work and super tense from the lack of promotion and the failure to regain the desire to go to work. We could go retail therapy time...but I don’t want to leave the lot just yet. So lets listen to the tunes.
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Oooh, we got a big thing here. Lou learning how exactly not to be a werewolf anymore. Good thing to have in your pocket. And wolfsbane can be found here or in Forgotten Hollow. Annnd we got a second warning for Bianca for not giving gifts to the pack. Weeeelp. Let’s wake up Rory and talk about this. And she’s demoted back down to an Omega. Ooof! Welp. Oh and now Rory got a mark for not exploring. Let’s wake her up and explore. Right. Lou is ragey. Bianca wants to go elsewhere. But Rory’s gotta explore the tunnels first. Ah! NAPs! Let’s see what Bianca wants for NAPs! ...Sharing is Caring is up. Our kleptos would absolutely take advantage of that. I’m still keeping it one behind fitness and foodies.
Hmm. Bianca is flirty and I could do something with- mm. Lou’s rampaging and I can’t pacify him. Alas. Celene is finally back from work aaaaaaaaaaand has that fear of dead end job as well. -sigh- Oh man, she totally could have promoted as well if I had managed to get her to work hard. Annnd it’s a full moon everyone! All three werewolves are rampaging! A perfect time for Celene to just game. She’ll be fiiiine! And it seems the wolves are more interested in raging with each other than with Celene. Play video games and keep your head down friends! Annnd now Lou has the probation thing going on. Weeeelp times 2! Rory had the urge to pick a fight so I let her rampage brawl against Lou. She won and Lou got knocked out of his rampaging. And with that, we leave this household in a frankly, awful state. Two wolves still rampaging and marks on their pack activity. Yeesh. Beware the full moon.
Neighborhood Watch!
Windenburg: The Maeda household has moved in.
...going to also make some adjustments to neighborhood stories. The Volkov household is now available for deaths, but we’ll see as I believe one is normally immune and the teen is somehow naturally immune. I debated on removing death immunity for Lux but she is Rory’s soulmate and I really do actually still want to pursue that relationship on my time. Just hardly ever play with Rory it seems. She’s free to move out though, if she wants. We’ll see if that actually happens. Anyway, join us next time when we visit...heck yes! The Roswell household! Until then!
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call out my name pt. 2
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summary: spencer rushes off to fix things with y/n, but can they really be fixed?
word count: 2,371                                                                                     reading time aprox: 9 mins
a/n: i just wanted to say thank you for all the support and praise i received on here, especially seeing all of my favorite authors comment and reblog my work is so heartening. thank you all so much for the support, you’re the reason why i have the encouragement to continue doing what i love <3
part 1
The rain pattered against the window panes, interlocking with the light that shone through the sheer curtains of my apartment. A cold breeze slipped through the crack of the window, letting it venture through the dim room before it graced my skin. Although the sensation hadn’t registered in my mind as the plain beige wall in front of me consumed my attention. 
The hypnotic sound of the rain provided a consistent rhythm that encouraged my introspection. In the entire duration of my break, I’ve let my thoughts filter and organize themselves. I’ve felt powerless against the accusations that my brain has thrown towards me, setting my emotions to the side in a state of suspense. 
My knees were curled up against my chest, my unwashed hair scrunched up against my cheeks, and my sweater was littered with unknown stains and dried tears. Along with the descension of my reasonability, my hygiene followed shortly after. 
I was brought out of my bubble by the buzz of my phone. I turned it off weeks ago from the constant notifications I got from the team, it was only when I received a text message from my mother that I decided to turn it back on for the day. 
I reached over to the side table where my phone laid, feeling my muscles tense up and ache from the lack of movement I’ve done these past weeks. Turning it on, the intense light blinded me, leaving me disoriented. When my eyes finally adjusted to the sudden change of light, I wished that I had been blinded a little longer than I was. 
The notification read ‘New Voicemail: JJ <3’ 
My breath got pushed back in my throat, a wave of discomfort flooding over my entire body as my thumb hesitated over the notification. My lips trembled, swallowing my saliva while a debate ensued between my impulsivity and my timidity. With a numb boost of confidence I hurriedly pressed on the notification, traveling through my phone to hear out her message. 
“Hey Y/N” The message began. “I know that you heard...about what I said to Spence-” Her voice was low and full of penance, although any remorse that I tried to comprehend washed away at her use of Spencer’s nickname. “Gosh, I don’t even - I don’t even know how to begin to apologize for what I said - I - you don’t know how much Spence loves you and how much he talks about you” She sighed, her tone picking up as she praised Spencer. “But what I said was completely inappropriate and I’m so sorry for what I said. Telling Spence that I loved him was way out of line, considering that you’re such a dear friend to me, and especially since things are so complicated with me and Will - I just - I’m so sorry that I told him that I love-” 
The rest of the message was left to the imagination as I forcefully threw my phone against the beige wall, denting it in the process. A flurry of newfound rage clouded my mind, providing a break from the contradicting thoughts that usually engulfed my head. For once, I had directed the emotion towards another individual rather than myself. 
The phone fell with a heavy thud, glass debris flying across the floor, decorating the oak floors with fragments. I could care less about the material expense that I would have to pay; my blind resentment tainting my rationality. 
My chest heaved in exasperation as a novel onslaught of tears pricked the corners of my eyes. Although the quantity of tears were sparse because they were wasted on my self reproach the previous week. I furiously wiped them away, detaching myself from the malicious feeling, a habit I came to develop. 
I adapted to the stupefaction that infiltrated my heart, at times feeling grateful for the ability. The coldness that surrounded my small living room couldn’t compare to the icy innards of my chest. 
Finally collecting my composure, I looked over to a mirror that sat between my bookshelves, taking in my disheveled and ragged appearance. 
JJ wouldn’t look like this
My face contorted into a somber expression, letting my insecurities slip through the hard persona I persisted to instill in myself. I surveyed the filthy environment that surrounded me; the floor was painted with old dirt, the furniture had accumulated colonies of dust, and the roses that sat on the kitchen counters had wilted. 
JJ would never let herself go like this
Who was I kidding? Who was I, Y/N Y/L/N, to compare to a Georgetown graduate, an astounding profiler, and an icon of beauty? 
Well the one thing I had that she didn’t was Spencer
But did I really? 
I was startled out of my grim assessment by a frantic knocking against my front door. I groaned internally, not hesitating to stay where I was situated. I couldn’t handle any human interaction at the moment, frankly I didn’t want any human interaction at all. I’ve learned to love the little cocoon I had built around me, finding serendipity in my self-isolation. 
“Go away!” I attempted to shout, but all that came out was a hoarse whimper that sent a sharp pain to my esophagus. I flinched as the knocking became more frantic, the volume elevating along with the forceful jabs against the wood. 
I felt my ears ring, using my hands to alleviate the pounding that attacked my eardrums. I was about to open my mouth to disclose another warning, but a familiar voice had interrupted me. 
“Y/N! Y/N are you in there!” Spencer yelled, slamming his fists against the door between every phrase. 
I froze in my spot, a wave of mixed emotions coming over me as my cheeks flushed at hearing his voice for the first time in a long time. The familiar sound sent shockwaves down my spine and dread silenced my tongue. It felt like I was on high alert, like an animal paranoid of its prey. 
“Y/N! Just - god please tell me you’re at least okay” He stammered in his fit of hysteria, the bangs on the door slowing in rhythm. 
Silence followed his pleas, instilling a sense of relief that I didn’t know I needed. Movement outside stilled, making me think that he had given up his relentless efforts and went elsewhere. I let out a breath that I held in, alleviating the stress that had accumulated inside of me. 
Although the moment that I began to relax into my seat, two blaring shots rattled through the apartment complex. The scent of gunpowder meshed with the dewy air as I jumped out of my seat, startled and alarmed. I closed my eyes and covered my ears with my palms, the ringing leaving me blindsided. 
“Y/N! Y/N? Are you there?” Spencer rushed in with his gun pointed, his feet clattering against the floor in a haste. 
“What the fuck Spencer” I hoarsely whispered, although the meekly volume of my voice hadn’t penetrated this ears. 
“Y/N!” He called out once again, slowing his movements as his sneakers squeaked with every step he made. 
“I’m here Spencer, I’m here” I repeated, using all my might to push the small phrase off of my tongue. My throat stung at the strain of my voice, a burning feeling eliciting from the back of my throat due to the dryness. This time I had caught his attention.
We locked eyes for a brief moment before I quickly broke our line of sight, insecure about my current appearance; even after a month I still held Spencer’s opinion to the highest magnitude. In the time that I observed him, I noticed that he was drenched in rain water, his hair tangled and strung out from his head while droplets proceeded behind him. 
“I-” He breathed, his words caught in his throat. He dropped his revolver beside him in incredulity, drinking in my battered presence. He didn’t look too well either, his stature was still the same but the bags under his eyes were prominent, his cheeks were puffed from exhaustion, and his posture resembled the hunchback of Notre Dame. 
“W- what are y- you doing here Spencer?” I croaked, rubbing my hands against my arms in an attempt for any type of coverage. 
My senses heightened as I waited for his response. He brought in such a familiar, yet unfamiliar presence with him. It felt like I was home, but so far away from it at the same time. 
Maybe it was the way that I longed for the warmth of his embrace, the calming rhythm of his heart beat while I slept on his chest, and the soothing melody of his voice while he read to me. But maybe it was also the way he hadn’t dared to speak when JJ’s voice was full of love, when he assumed that I hadn’t acknowledged the endearments he received from another woman, and when I became a distant thought in the back of his head. 
I’ve never doubted Spencer’s eidetic memory, but this time I questioned my place in that brilliant mind of his. Maybe for the first time, I was the one thought that had ceased to exist. 
“I - why didn’t you tell me?” He uttered, running his hand over his jaw in grievance. His eyes burned holes into me, the intense glare making me feel small under his scrutiny. 
I couldn’t answer
“God Y/N - I don’t even - why didn’t you even tell me?” 
“I - uh - I don’t” I stuttered, unable to muster the confidence or cognitive ability to speak; it was like my brain had turned into mush. 
“Please talk to me” He pleaded, taking a hesitant step closer to me. 
I stumbled back in a haste like he was some sort of repellent. I felt a constant push and pull in my gut, messing with my innate instincts. 
“Spencer don’t-” I warned, seeing how he had taken a few determined strides towards me. 
“Spence...please don't - p- please” I whimpered, feeling a wet substance slide down the apple of my cheeks. I tasted the crimson blood mix with the salty residue on my lips, unaware of how hard I bit down on the skin. 
Pained tears continued to fall incessantly from my eyes, matching the way the rain ran down my window panes previously. I saw Spencer’s figure slump down in defeat, the helplessness in my words permeating his eardrums. 
“Y/N just - please let me fix - Y/N just please let me fix us” He solicited, looking to me for permission to advance. 
“Spencer there’s no need for fixing anythi-” 
“Yes there is Y/N-” 
“No there isn’t Spencer!” I persisted, convincing myself that I had everything under control. I shut my eyes in frustration, shaking my head in denial while I reminded myself of all the malicious emotions I refused to feel. 
“Y/N please just list-” 
“No Spencer. I know what to do and I know how to deal with-” 
“No Y/N! No you don’t - god you’re so stubborn sometimes -” He imprudently blurted out, pinching at the bridge of his nose to collect his composure. “Y/N - please just…” He sighed, looking deep into my eyes from a distance. “Please just let me in” He begged, a few tears slipping from the corners of his somber irises. His face wore an anguished and desperate expression, an expression that had the ability to end a war. 
My cold exterior shattered instantaneously from the sight of Spencer, feeling my heart being tugged into multiple directions until all that was left was a pained human muscle. As much as I wanted to convince myself of an ardent persona, I knew that Spencer was the only person that could invoke such a visceral reaction from me. Whether I accepted the feeling or not, I knew that Spencer’s effect on me was unmatched to any delusions I made myself to believe. 
My lips trembled uncontrollably as a soft sob rolled off my tongue. I looked to Spencer for aid, feeling my entire facade crash and burn. My knees buckled and weakened from reality coming in all at once. When the first cry fell from my mouth, more followed soon after. 
I became a drenched mess that sat in the middle of the living room. I felt deceived by myself, developing a sense of self resentment as my mindset came into actualization. I grieved for the fragment of myself that I secluded and killed off because of my inability to process my agony, longing for that piece of me back. 
Spencer came to my rescue, engulfing me in his arms and encroaching me with his touch. I leaned into his chest, desperately clutching onto the dress shirt he wore. My tears stained his blazer, leaving puddles along the fabric, but I couldn’t care less. 
I breathed in the sedative scent, feeling it flush through my nostrils, reminding me of home. I held onto his arms tightly, afraid that he would disappear the moment I let go of him. 
Spencer tried to reach down to grab a hold of my cheek, but I nudged his fingers away, climbing into his lap as I buried my face into the crook of his neck. 
He cooed into my hair, stroking my back while he whispered his endearments in my ear. “You’re okay Y/N - we’re going to be okay” He breathed, letting out a staggered exhale as he enunciated his words. 
Light rushed into my chest at that moment, letting it conquer and cut through the caution tape I had wired around my feelings. Shutting my eyes, I relaxed into his love, letting it infiltrate and replace my fears. 
I didn’t doubt that it was going to take time to heal and repair, but at least it was beginning. 
“I love you so so much Y/N - more than you can ever conceive” He declared, pressing a soft kiss on my temple. “And nobody will ever tell me otherwise” 
I knew from that moment that I didn’t have to walk on a tightrope no longer because I knew it was my name that Spencer would be calling out.
taglist: @rexorangecouny​ @howdycharlie​ @linthebinbag​ @goldentournesol​ @andiebeaword​ @moon-light-jukebox​ @pizzarollsfordayz​ @baby-i-am-fireproof​ @cielo1984​ @spncersreid​ @101donuts​ @l0ve-0f-my-life​ @haylaansmi​ @parkeroffline​
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atlabeth · 3 years
neighborly things - sokka x fem!reader
summary: reader can’t make things for shit. thankfully, she has a cute and crafty neighbor willing to help her. 
a/n: im so sorry lmao. i have requests and i have 2 series that havent been updated in like a month but sometimes i just need to write a stupid little oneshot to get back in the writing mood. i did this in an hour 
im not a screwdriver expert so dont come at me if some of this info is wrong lmao 
wc: 1.6k 
warning(s): some cursing but otherwise pure fluff. also i didnt proofread im SORRY im pretty sure they laugh grin and smile like 200 times 
 Anyone unfortunate enough to have a place near you during this time would have heard the phrase on more than twenty occasions, and it wasn’t even noon yet. You had gotten the parts in the mail to put together a new dresser a couple days ago, and had finally decided to take on the task. You didn’t know if it was because you were inexperienced with furniture or just lacked basic comprehension skills, but it was proving to be no less than Herculean. 
 You threw the screwdriver at the wall and fell back to the floor as you let your arms sprawl out above you. You had been trying to screw in a part for no less than thirty minutes, and if a miracle didn’t happen right about now, you were going to lose your mind. 
Your head snapped towards the door when she heard a knock, and your brows creased. “God?” You muttered as you got up, wondering if you had actually thought a miracle into existence. 
 You weren’t greeted by a deity when you opened the door, but the man standing in front of you was pretty damn close. With ocean blue eyes, hair pulled back in a ponytail with shaved sides, and toned arms, he was a sight to behold. But you had no idea why he was in front of your door. 
 “Hey, are you okay?” He questioned, genuine concern in his tone. 
 “Um, yeah, why?” You were trying to rack your brain for any memory of this guy — because you knew you would remember him if you had seen him before — but to no avail. “Also, who are you and why are you here?”
 “Right,” he chuckled. “My name’s Sokka. I’m your neighbor; I live—” he gestured at the door just next to your place, “—over there. Moved in a couple weeks ago, so that’s probably why you don’t know me. I’ve just been hearing a lot of cursing and loud noises coming from your place, so I figured I would stop in and see what was going on.” 
 “Oh. That’s.. very considerate of you, Sokka. I’m just…” you sighed and chuckled at the ridiculousness of it all. “I’m just trying to put together a dresser, and it’s not going well at all. That latest sound you heard was the culmination of my rage. I threw a screwdriver at the wall.” 
 “Yeah, that’ll do it,” he laughed. “Listen. I don’t wanna intrude on you or anything, but I happen to be pretty good at putting things together. I had to do a lot of furniture construction when I first moved in, plus I’m the one all my friends call when they need help with putting anything together. I could probably help you with whatever’s troubling you.”  
 “Are you serious?” 
 “Oh, no. I just go door to door joking around with people, asking if they need help with their furniture, sometimes I ask if their refrigerator is running? It really gets a kick out of them.” 
 You rolled your eyes goodnaturedly and stepped aside so he could enter your apartment. “Thank you so much, Sokka. I’ve read the instructions a million times, I seriously don’t know what I’m doing wrong.” 
 He crouched down and picked up the manual, turning to a dog-eared page and skimming over the instructions. He pointed at the screwdriver you had thrown against the wall and glanced back at you. “Is that the one you’ve been using?” 
 You closed and locked the door behind him then walked over to the wall, picking up the unfortunate victim of your anger and spinning it in your hands. “Yeah, why?” 
 “Do you know what kind it is?” 
 “Um.. maybe? God, I don’t know. I think it’s a Phillip’s head?” 
 Sokka laughed and shook his head, holding up the manual so you could see it. “That’s where you’re going wrong. You need a Pozidriv for these screws — they’re similar enough that anyone can make a mistake.”
 You stared at Sokka in complete amazement — apparently, your savior lived next door, and he came in the form of a handsome guy with basic knowledge on putting furniture together. “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me,” you said as you walked over and took the booklet from himl. You flipped through it a couple times and read over the part, shaking your head in disbelief. 
 “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me!” you repeated, louder this time. “Do you know how long I’ve been trying to get that thing to- to work, to screw, to— whatever you call it?” 
 “It’s actually to—”
 “Thirty minutes!” You interrupted, earning a small chuckle from Sokka. “Thirty damn minutes that I have been trying to get that screw in, and it’s all because I was using the wrong screwdriver. Why would they make screwdrivers that are so similar but aren’t interchangeable?!” 
 He shrugged and held up his hands. “Don’t ask me — I don’t make the rules, I just follow them. But like I said; this dresser might fall apart if you keep using this thing. I actually have a Pozidriv back at my place, I can go get it and we can finish this up together.” 
 “God, that would be the biggest help,” you admitted. “But I don’t wanna take up your time — I don’t know how I would even repay you.” 
 “I’m doing this because I want to help you,” he said. “You don’t have to repay me. Think of it as… as a neighborly thing.” 
 “A neighborly thing?” you repeated with a laugh. “Well, if you’re offering, I’m definitely not going to refuse.” 
 “I am offering,” Sokka winked. “And unless you want to be at this for another three days, I think you should take that offer.” 
 You pretended to deliberate over it before letting out an exaggerated sigh. “I guess I’ll let you help me. I mean, really you should be thanking me for this brilliant opportunity to, um.. hone your skills.” 
 He laughed, a brilliant sound that made your heart sing, and nodded as he went back to the door. “Thank you so much for letting me put together this dresser. Truly, it’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
 “Then I’m happy to be of assistance.” 
 Sokka grinned then unlocked and opened the door. “I’ll be right back, then we can get started.”
 Once he got back, the two of you got to work. The next three hours passed so quickly as you and Sokka talked about everything from the work you did to people in your lives (no girlfriend, thankfully), to exchanging stories — even the silence, though rare, was comfortable. 
 Sokka pushed the last drawer into its place then clapped his hands as he stood up, admiring the fruits of your labor. “And that’s it! We’re done.”
 “Wait, we’re done? Already?” You set down the instruction manual and stood up as well, backing up to Sokka’s position to see what he saw. “Wow, that looks.. that looks just like the picture. We are good at this! Well, you’re really good at this, I’m good at keeping you entertained. But still!” 
 You held your hand up for a high five and he laughed, but not without meeting it with a satisfying clap. 
 “It does look pretty good,” he admitted. “And not only do you have a brand new, fully functioning dresser, you also had the priceless experience of spending three hours with the neighbor you know nothing about.” 
 “That’s not true,” you countered. “I know that you’re really good at putting things together, you’re a genius when it comes to anything math or science, and you hate blueberries.” 
 Sokka snickered and brushed his hands off on his jeans. “That’s everything there is to know.” 
 “I dunno, Sokka. You seem like a pretty interesting guy.”
 “Yeah. It’s not every day that someone offers to put together a whole dresser just because they feel bad.”
 “Well—” he tore off a blank part of the instruction manual and picked up a spare pen from the counter, then put it up against the wall as he scribbled something on it. Sokka put the pen down and handed the slip of paper to you with a smile. “If you ever need any more help with furniture, then call me.” 
 You could feel your cheeks heat up as you took the paper. Your fingers brushed ever so slightly as you took the slip of paper, and you decided to just go for it. You bit back a grin and tried to sound as innocuous as possible. “And if I want to get to know you beyond the blueberries?” 
 Sokka laughed and leaned against the doorframe. “Definitely call me.”  
 The two of you smiled at each other like idiots for way too long before a notification from his phone broke the silence. He jumped from the sudden noise and dug his phone out of his pocket, giving you an apologetic look. “Sorry, my sister just texted me and I gotta get over to her place.” Sokka started towards the door then paused and turned around. “I actually had a lot of fun doing this, though. I’ll see you around, yeah?” 
 “Yeah.” You knew you had that same smile on your face, but it just wouldn’t go away. His energy was contagious. “Definitely.” 
 “Great.” He winked at you one last time then left, closing the door behind him, and finally snapping you out of your spell. 
 You leaned against the dresser and stared at the slip of paper in your hands, committing the number to memory. 
 You were definitely going to take him up on that offer. 
perm tag list: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin​
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rosiehunterwolf · 3 years
CONGRATS ON 100 FOLLOWERS FREN 💖💖 you deserve it and so much more
If you're feeling up to it (DONT FEEL OBLIGATED DO U HEAR ME MY DEAR) movie verse Jay my beloved
asfljdlkj tysm Amour! I'm so glad to have you as part of my tumblr family, ur one of my best friends on here 💕✨
i really needed to write something movie!verse because I LOVE movie!verse and haven't written anything yet, so I was excited for this one
(@fabro-de-omres you've said in the past that you would love to read it if I wrote something movie!verse, so here's ✨content✨)
I'll chase you to the moon and back
Summary: When you’re in a secret ninja force and are your city’s primary protectors, pulling your weight is important.
Jay tries to be an asset to his team, but it’s difficult when he’s viewed as the scaredy-cat who cracks lame jokes. He loves his friends with all his heart, but sometimes it’s hard to know if they return those feelings.
Jay wouldn’t blame them if they didn’t.
Sometimes, Jay felt like he was a burden to the team.
He tried not to, he really did- he knew the others liked him and cared about him. But standing next to strong Cole, smart Zane, brave Kai, determined Nya, or warm-hearted Lloyd, it was difficult not to feel… inadequate.
It didn’t help that Cole hadn’t answered any of his recent texts.
It could be anything, Jay told himself as he stared down at the unread messages, resisting the urge to send another text. He could have an appointment he forgot to tell me about, or maybe he’s just not looking at his phone right now, or he simply doesn’t share my urgency to answer a text message so quickly. Cole had always been much more laid back about that, raising an eyebrow as Jay always scrambled to answer the text from his mom, or whoever had sent it this time.
But Cole was also Jay’s best friend. He knew he got anxious when someone left him unread for too long. Because of that, he had always been good about answering Jay’s texts quickly, even as the others still groaned about the earth ninja taking ages to respond to them.
For him to go an hour without responding was… concerning, to say the least.
Jay pushed the thoughts aside. He was probably just overthinking this, like he always was. Cole would get back to him soon. It wasn’t like he was ignoring him, or anything.
Maybe the others are up to something. He opened the group chat, but although there were usually a hundred notifications at any given time- he had learned that the hard way the first day he had joined, turning on his phone after school to a whopping 785 texts- it was empty now. The last text was from Lloyd, asking Kai to meet him at his locker before lunch.
Jay felt his heart rate spike. The lack of an argument between Kai and Nya in the last five minutes alone was worrying- because heaven forbid they actually talk things out in person, even if they literally lived one bedroom down from each other- and his mind quickly spiraled into possibilities. Had someone kidnapped them? Had their parents grounded them? Or maybe they had committed a crime and gotten thrown into jail. He wouldn’t put it past Kai and Nya to pull something dumb- Cole and Zane would go along with it, and Lloyd would never speak up enough to voice his disproval-
No, don’t be ridiculous, they wouldn’t commit a crime.
Well… Kai might. But the others would stop him.
What if they made a separate group chat without me?
No. His friends would never do that. They’d be more likely to commit that crime.
But the thought wouldn’t leave Jay’s brain, and before he knew it, he was sending a text in the group chat.
jaybird123: What r u guys up to? Wanna hang?
He immediately regretted it. What if he came off as too clingy? Too overbearing? They probably just wanted some time to themselves.
That didn’t sound quite right to Jay, but he stuffed his phone in his pocket, forcing the thought out of his mind.
He decided to go to the park- watching the people there always gave him good ideas for inventions. He was too late to catch a bus down there, but it wasn’t too far to walk.
His phone buzzed, and he glanced down.
thegreendragon: sorry jay, got plans 2nite. maybe tmrrw?
Jay tried to stop the pang of disappointment. Lloyd wouldn’t lie to him. The others probably were just busy. It was no big deal. Tomorrow, things would be back to normal.
A couple of blocks away, he caught the sounds of annoyed shouts, the kind that usually hinted towards the presence of-
He stopped, blinking, as a boy darted past the onlookers and into the shop.
Huh. Lloyd?
Starting towards the store his friend had vanished into, Jay peered through the window, looking for Lloyd-
Jay froze. Lloyd was standing with the others, animatedly babbling something to them as they watched him happily.
Jay shrunk back. They really had met up without him, and had lied about it, too. He wasn’t being paranoid- his friends just didn’t want him around.
For a moment, the shock left Jay floundering. He had no other friends. The other ninja were his entire livelihood. What was he meant to do now?
He quickly wiped at the tears pooling in his eyes. I’ll go home. My mom will know what to do.
He had the worst feeling that this was something that even his mom couldn’t fix, though.
About halfway home, a buzz in his pocket interrupted him from his stupor. Pulling out his phone, he saw there was a new message in the group chat.
rock’n’cole: hey jay, something just came up, can u meet us at the warehouse asap?
Jay just stared at his phone for a minute, debating whether to actually show up or not. After all, the others had ditched him, why shouldn’t he do the same? And he still felt hurt- he wasn’t sure if he was ready to talk to them yet. He really should just go home.
jaybird123: sure, i’ll be there in 20
Jay had never been good at holding grudges.
Thirty minutes later (he had ended up stalling a little bit just for the spite of it) he pushed through the doors of the warehouse. It was pitch black inside, and as he fumbled around for the lights, he couldn’t help but notice that no one else was there. It was stupid of me to come. They just abandoned me. Again.
Suddenly, the lights burst on, and the others were jumping out from behind the furniture, cheering and hugging him. Jay stumbled backward, taken aback. “What’s going on?”
Kai looked at him like he was crazy, gesturing widely at all the balloons and streamers that Jay could see now that the lights were on. “It’s a party, dumbass, what else do you think?”
“What for? It’s not my birthday!”
Nya scoffed, as if he had just told her that men lived on the moon. “Of course not, this is for your Ninja-versary!”
“My… what?”
“The anniversary of the day you first became a ninja, stupid!”
“Oh.” He blinked around at all the decor. “All this? Just for something as simple as that?”
Kai wasn’t the only one looking at him like he had sprouted a second head, now.
“Are you kidding?” Cole said. “We’re not going to skimp on celebrating the day one of our favorite people came into our lives.”
Jay blinked at him. “I…” I’m so sorry for ever doubting you. That’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me.
“Now, what are we waiting around for?” Cole threw an arm around Jay’s shoulders. “Let’s go get some cake!”
As the ninja hurried over to the table, squabbling over who would get which slice, Jay squashed between the middle of his big, loud, bickering family, he couldn’t have felt more at home.
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rivers-rambles21 · 3 years
The one with the ring
Part 9 of The one where Bucky has a cute neigbour series!
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Reader (f)
Summary | Reader and Bucky become friends after he saves her from  a creep in their apartment building. Each chapter explores a different point in their friendship - very slow burn!
Warnings | 18+ only, Smut in later chapters (this is a slow burn), swearing, unprotected sex, oral sex, (later chapters)
Chapter 9 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 1 | Masterlist
As the weeks went by Bucky slipped further and further into his own personal hell.
You’d asked if he could show you how to use some equipment at the gym and help you with the weights. Working out is the easy part but seeing you in your gym gear? That was a different level. Your leggings clung to your every curve and it took every ounce of Bucky’s willpower not to stare at you - he did however notice other men in the gym didn’t have the same consideration so he made a point to stare back until they averted their gaze. 
You’d found you enjoyed boxing more than you’d anticipated. Bucky had suggested it after you’d had a difficult day at work and wanted to relieve stress. He never engaged in fighting with you but he did help with your form and footwork.
Rather selfishly though, he saw it as an opportunity to touch you at every chance he got. Whether it was how to grip your hand for a punch, moving your hips to help your footwork or blocking your attacks. He couldn’t get enough. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” You asked, trying to tape your hands up. 
Walking over to you, Bucky took one of your hands in his and began taping your hand up correctly. It had become a common routine which neither of you were interested in stopping. 
You tried your best to not sigh as he gently stroked your palm before taking your other hand, repeating the process. 
“What do you mean?” He asked, his eyes not meeting yours. 
“We don’t have to, but I know what it meant to you - the shield-” 
“He never should’ve given it up.” He replied, interrupting you, holding onto your hand which was now taped up. He gently rubbed his thumb over your palm, almost hypnotized by the tape covering it. “I’m going to go see him, I might be gone for a while.” His eyes finally met yours as he gazed back at you. You couldn’t help but notice the sadness in his eyes. You’d become used to his usual broody resting bitch face, especially during the morning (safe to say Bucky definitely isn’t a morning person) but this broke your heart. You knew he had his demons, despite him being generally quiet on the subject and you also knew Steve’s departure had hit him hard. You were hoping one day he’d open up more to you but you didn’t push it. 
“I understand… I’ll miss you though.” You smiled at him although it didn’t quite meet your eyes. Having Bucky in your life filled a void that had been missing for as long as you could remember; he was the only constant you had. 
“Yeah?” He smirked back - inside he was gleaming. 
“Whether you like it or not Buck, you’re my friend” His smirk faltered at the mention of being your friend “plus I’ve only just started bulking up! All this hard work will go to waste” You flexed your arm, attempting to show off your progress, causing him to chuckle. 
“C’mon doll, show me what you’re working with” He let go of your free hand, not realising he’d been holding on all this time and reached for your boxing gloves, throwing them your way as he climbed into the ring. 
You spent the rest of the afternoon together, heading to your local coffee shop after finishing up at the gym. Although he’d quickly gotten to grips with modern technology, he was still a bit shaky on booking flights so you helped him make the reservation and booked a hotel room for him. 
On your walk back to your apartment building you chatted about what he could expect flying commercial - a first for him and took the time to reassure him he wouldn’t be recognised. 
“Can I text you whilst I’m away?” He asked, trying his best to sound as casual as possible. 
It was at that moment it dawned on you that you didn’t even have his number, you’d both gotten so used to your routine of popping by each other's apartment whenever you hung out. Although admittedly, you both always found yourself hanging out more at yours since he wasn’t big on owning furniture.
“Of course, here pass me your phone and I’ll put my number in” Bucky tried not to sigh in relief as he reached into his jeans pocket, retrieving his phone. Despite you both growing closer the past few months, he still felt nervous around you, scared of being rejected. 
“Oh god you’re one of those” You groaned, staring at his 15 unread notifications. “Can I get rid of them?” You asked as the little red icon taunted you. 
“Go for it doll” His metal arm snuck around your waist as you continued to walk through the busy streets of New York, Bucky doing his best to help you dodge the crowds of people ahead as you focused on his phone. Bucky justified his arm around you as purely helping you avoid being barged and walking into people but he knew deep down it was just another opportunity to hold you close. “Spiderling ….. Spiderling. ?You ignored Spider Man?! He’s messaged you a few times, can I read them?” You asked, staring up into his baby blues. He glanced down at you and nodded before focusing back on walking you through the streets of Brooklyn. 
There were a few more messages which had gone unread, a couple about picking his brain for a history paper and another about upgrading his arm. 
Hi Mr Barnes, it’s Peter Parker, do you have five minutes for a chat?
However, one caught your attention. 
Are you ignoring me because I beat you? It’s okay to admit a 16 year old bested you Mr Barnes :D 
“Bucky did you get your ass handed to you by a teenager?” You giggled, rereading the message as the man beside you held the lobby door open for you. 
“Okay first off he didn’t beat me, I let him win. And secondly -” His nose scrunched up as he tried to think of his second point, failing miserably. 
“Wow, James Buchanan Barnes got beaten up by a sixteen year old and yet he has the audacity to criticise my footwork.” You teased, pressing the button for the elevator. 
“In my defence, as soon as I knew how young he was I held back. By a lot” Gesturing towards the empty elevator that had arrived, he followed you inside and pressed the button for your floor. “And then he caught me off guard with his sticky web thing and it all went downhill from there.” 
You covered your mouth trying your best not to laugh, imagining the man in front of you getting caught in one of Spider Man’s webs, struggling to get free. 
“Whatever Buck, you lost to Spider Man.” You finished putting your number in his phone and handed it back, chuckling to yourself. “You should call him sometime though, it sounds like he’s going through it.” 
He gestured again for you to leave the elevator first as the doors opened in front of you, swiftly following on your heels. “I’m not his babysitter.” He responded, pulling out his keys. 
“And I’m not yours but I still listen to your shit.” You smirked at him, leaning against your door. 
He responded with that stupid tongue thing he did, licking his lower lip before smiling back at you. God what you’d love to do with that- You shook yourself out mid thought, knowing where your mind was leading would only end in another night of frustration. 
“How long do you think you’ll be gone for?” You asked, the conversation turning more somber. 
“Hopefully not too long doll… come here.” He held his arms open and you pushed yourself off your door without hesitation, falling into his waiting arms. Your face was pressed against his hard chest, your arms snaking around his waist as he held you against him, his biceps curling around your shoulders, gripping you tightly. Ever so gently, he placed a kiss in your hair, his lips lingering slightly longer than they should’ve. A few moments later, you both released one another, trying to avoid the cold feeling overcoming you as his warmth left your body. 
“I’m expecting a souvenir y’know” 
“Of course” He replied back, chuckling as he pondered just how he was going to cope without you.
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modern!au random quirks headcanons for the aot veterans
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i’m back bitches with more brain rotting headcanons (if you want to see the ones for the 104th they’re here and if you think i should do some for the warriors then let me know!) - mac
erwin smith:
erwin has the loudest fucking sneezes, like you jump out of your skin when he does it.
definitely texts with proper grammar and punctuation. never used an emoji in his life.
eats pizza with a knife and fork.
don’t ask him to take a picture of you. it will be blurry and his finger will be in the frame (why do all my headcanons make him sound like a grandpa lmao.)
doesn’t have spotify/apple music because he still listens to cds!! he’s got a massive collection of them hoarded in his house and car (don’t you dare put a cd in the wrong case unless you want to feel his wrath.)
levi ackerman:
he has every group chat he’s ever been invited to on mute. would only ever open them just to get rid of the notification bubble.
talks to children and babies like fully grown adults.
wears headphones even if he isn’t listening to music so strangers don’t disturb him.
levi’s also the master of untangling headphones, or anything that needs untangling for that matter (he’s petra’s go-to necklace untangler.)
paints his nails black and wears a few rings on each hand “because it will hurt more if i ever need to punch someone.” (“okay but the nail varnish??” “oh that’s just because i think it looks hot.”)
hange zoe:
never shuts up about conspiracy theories - even if they don’t believe them they’ll spend hours watching videos about them on youtube (“moblit did you know that beyoncé is part of the illuminati-” “go to sleep hange it’s 3am.”)
is double jointed and isn’t afraid to show people at the strangest of times (“hange no one at the store wants to see how you can twist your body into a pretzel!”)
refuses to go to a doctor unless they’re on the brink of death. not to mention they’re the most accident prone person on this planet (moblit suggested that they wrap them self in bubble wrap - they actually did it much to his dismay.)
has three cats with really human names if that makes sense?? probably called phil, sandra and dave.
will only eat cereal at night. they will refuse it for breakfast but will eat 3 bowls between 9pm and 11pm.
mike zacharias:
i saw this drawing once of mike doing woodwork and i have come to the conclusion that yes, he is a DIY husband! he makes gifts out of wood for his friends but he will also put together your IKEA furniture, fix your boiler and put up that shelf you’ve been meaning to put up for 8 months. he’s just the best.
go-to person if you ever can’t open a can or a lid. mike is undefeated when it comes to opening things.
he and erwin definitely got drunk and dressed up in drag (petra did the makeup and nanaba has pictures.)
cracks his knuckles like 5 times a day. if you ask him he’ll crack your knuckles for you.
is the person who will ask what drinks people want and make them for everyone (he’s a sweetheart.)
moblit berner:
definitely has a karaoke sesh every time he’s in the shower. hange has secretly recorded for blackmail purposes.
is that person who locks their car doors twice for good measure.
bought a pregnancy pillow because he likes to be comfy.
took a first aid course because he was sick and tired of hange burning them self every time they cooked dinner.
mixed a bunch of spirits together once and called it his ‘cocktail of death.’ he had to get his stomach pumped the very same night.
get her to braid your hair, she’s amazing at it. she can do really cool french braids and fish braids and it looks so pretty !!
definitely the ‘mom’ friend. always the designated driver (okay but imagine nanaba having to put up with a drunk erwin and mike that’s so funny - “erwin did i ever tell you that i fucking love you so much?” “oh mike, buddy, i love you too.” “okay lovebirds it’s time for bed.” )
bakes a lot and makes the best fucking brownies and cakes ever. every weekend she will bake and bring whatever she makes into work on monday and everyone loves her for it.
can fall asleep anywhere. mike once found her asleep on the floor next to her bed because she was too tired to get into the bed itself.
has a knack for interior design. knows what looks good and what matches. her house looks like an IKEA showroom.
petra ral:
okay but why can i see petra going to zumba twice a week?
snorts when she laughs. she’s also got that kinda laugh that makes you laugh yourself so you just spend 10 minutes laughing for no reason.
wears cute dangly earrings all the time. always got the perfect manicure too (”just in case i need to scratch oluo’s eyes out for looking at my ass for the tenth time today.”)
you know when you walk past a stranger and get a whiff of their scent and it’s like, really nice? yeah, petra is that stranger.
organises the birthday cards and secret santa for her friends and workplace every year.
oluo bozado:
probably drives just over the speed limit because he thinks he’s cool (until he gets pulled over and given a ticket lmao.)
drenches every meal in mayonnaise. doesn’t season his meat either (disgusting.)
won’t open doors for people unless he thinks they’re attractive.
obnoxiously yawns loudly and probably chews with his mouth open (apologies to oluo fans, i just see him as being super fucking annoying ahahah.)
cuts the crusts off his sandwiches. also refuses to eat the crust on pizza.
gunther schultz:
made an instagram for his dogs. doesn’t even have a personal instagram, he just wants the world to see how cute his dogs are.
if you’re on a roadtrip, pass gunther the aux cord, he’s got the best taste in music.
always wins card games - from poker to UNO, he will always win.
has loads of old gaming consoles for nostalgia purposes. he is unbeatable on smash bros and mario kart, don’t even attempt to challenge him - you will lose.
such a good cheesy party dancer. pulls out the moonwalk and the robot every time.
eld jinn:
always wearing plaid?? does he own anything else? We will never know.
gives everyone head pats and fist bumps.
will do that really annoying thing where he goes ‘what’s that on your shirt’ so you look down and he flicks your face with his finger.
touches the top of the door frame every time he walks through one.
if anyone ever asks him to do something, he responds with ‘yes chef’ (and on that note, watches loads of gordon ramsey. quotes him at least 6 times a day - including calling oluo an ‘idiot sandwich.’)
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angryschnauzer · 4 years
Just What I Need - Part 2
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Summary; Working in a coffee shop you meet all sorts of people, but one customer in particular is always friendly, a local Detective from the nearby precinct. When one night he orders through a delivery service rather than in store, you get more than a tip when you make the delivery.
Part 1
Fandom; Nomis (Night Hunter) Movie, Henry Cavill
Pairing: Detective Walter Marshall x Female Reader (no race or size specified)
Trope: Coffee Shop Meet Cute
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Flirting, unprotected sex, Vaginal Sex.
I do not operate a tag list but instead please pop over and follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications, then you’ll get an alert every time i post a new story. My Masterlist got too long and tumblr ate it, so all my past stories can also be found on my AO3, link HERE
I don’t plan on expanding this story any further at this time.
Part 2
Walter pushed the bike through the door to his apartment, resting it against the back of the couch before looking up and realising you weren’t sat on the couch where he’d left you just a couple of minutes ago.
“The snow is really beautiful”
Turning to the sound of your voice he grinned as he pushed the door shut. You’d pulled the net curtain up and was kneeling on the other couch that sat in front of the window, your head tucked under the curtain to watch as the feathery flakes of snow fell on the outside world.
Walter’s attention however was trained on the way your ass was perfectly framed by his t-shirt where it has ridden up as you’d bent over. With your long woolen socks pulled up to your thighs he’d started to grow hard again in his soft sweats, and as if on a SWAT raid he quietly snuck across the room and got to his knees behind you. 
The first touch of his lips against your pussy were a shock, but as his large hands gripped your hips you relaxed and arched your back, widening your stance as you knelt on the chair and presented yourself to him like a bitch in heat;
“Someone will see!”
He pulled away for a moment, rising to his feet before kneeling on the chair behind you;
“Its the middle of a blizzard. If anyone is even outside, they aren’t going to be looking up to the fourth floor”
With his body pressed to yours he rutted into you from behind, the obscene bulge in his sweats fitting perfectly in the crease of your ass. Pulling the curtain out of the way you let it drop down to the floor before turning your head, Walter catching your lips with his own for a fierce kiss, before he moved his attention to your neck to suck at the soft skin where it met your collarbone;
“Come to bed, let me keep you warm”
Clumsily getting to your feet, there were kisses and caresses as the pair of you bumped into furniture, neither leading but both eager to get to the soft confines of his massive bed. When you finally reached your destination Walter tumbled first, falling back onto the bed;
“C’mere and sit on my face” he quietly ordered, but you just grinned and slid to your knees, your fingers curling around the waistband of his sweats and tugging them down.
“No, its my turn, Detective”
At the use of his title his dick twitched and grew harder, and as you wrapped your nimble fingers around his hardness he let out a shaky breath of anticipation. Pushing himself up so he could watch, he damn near blew his load the second your warm mouth engulfed him, your tongue working on the thick vein that ran the length of the underside, your hands keeping busy by grasping his shaft and cupping his balls. 
You didn’t hold back, hell with a dick this good it would be a crime not to. Once Walter realised you were really going for it he pulled some pillows behind his head so he could lay back and the show, a smile on his lips as he watched you force more of his length into your throat, and he couldn’t help but to lay a hand on the back of your head as he rained down praises;
“Holy fuck your mouth is fucking amazing… Yes, do that thing with your tongue again, oh OH Fuck yes, that… so fucking good… knew you’d been good that this when i watched you inhale that marshmallow cake pop you guys were doing for Halloween…”
At his last comment you had just pushed down as far as you could go when your immediate response was to laugh, as you remembered him walking in just as you were attempting to win a bet with your colleague that you could fit the whole thing of four large marshmallows decorated as pumpkins into your mouth at once, and had managed it just as Walter had walked into the coffee shop.
Pulling off of him you coughed and spluttered, a large hand coming down on your back to pat it before you were pulled up onto the bed and onto his chest;
“You’re fucking adorable, you know that?”
“You’re only saying that ‘cos i can deep throat you”
“True, but you do it adorably. Now come and sit on my face so i can hear some adorable squeals…”
He pulled the pillows away and you straddled his head, his massive hands immediately pressing to your ass and pulling you down onto his waiting mouth, his tongue eager to burrow between your lips. Leaning forwards you wrapped your hand around his dick and took him back into your mouth, the grunts from between your thighs telling you he hadn’t been expecting it but it wasn’t an unwelcome development. 
It was now a race, who could get the other to cum first, and as good as Walter was at eating pussy, you were determined to get him to cum before you did. Taking him as deep as you could you swallowed around him, internally smiling to yourself as you heard whimpers from between your thighs as your throat constricted around him. As your hands worked on the rest of his shaft you were a woman on a mission, and when you finally felt that tell-tale tremble you pulled back just a little so he could release into your mouth without suffocating you. His shaft swelled and his hot salty seed flooded your mouth, swallowing around him as he filled it again before finally with a shudder finishing. Lifting your mouth and ass at the same time, you smiled at the string of quiet expletives coming from his lips, moving until you were laying beside him, your head on his chest and his arm naturally around your shoulders;
“You are a devil”
“Yes Detective” you grinned, your smile widening as he rolled you onto your back and kissed you, his hand pushing between your legs and he slid two thick fingers into your soaked hole.
“I just wanted to eat that pussy, and there you go distracting me with your amazing mouth”
You wanted to reply, but his thumb had found your clit and a third finger had slid in alongside the first two, Walter playing your body like a musician played well tuned instrument. His mouth found your breasts and he took one peaked nipple into his mouth, his beard brushing against the soft skin as his tongue worked over the hardened bud. He curled his fingers within you and found that delicious spongy spot, rubbing against it with the pad of his finger, his lips curled into a smile when he felt you getting closer and closer to your orgasm. Pressing kisses to your chest he worked up to your neck, his lips brushing against your ear;
“You gonna cum for me? Can feel you squeezing my fingers, feel so fucking good, gonna soak my hand? Such a pretty little pussy, taking three fingers so well…”
With a scream you came, your body shaking and he immediately kissed you to swallow your cries of pleasure, his hand stilling between your legs before he carefully and gently pulled his fingers out. Tracing a pattern up your stomach with your juices he finally brought them to his mouth and you watched as he licked each one clean as if it was frosting on a cupcake, before leaning forwards and kissing you again. 
It was late and in the glow after your orgasm you could feel your eyelids dropping, and with a strong arm draped over your waist Walter pulled your back flush with his chest as the both of you soon fell asleep, the world outside being blanketed in a soft quilt of snow.
Walter lay in bed, one handedly scrolling through his phone, the other hand wrapped around your shoulders where you slept soundly curled up to his side. Apart from a trip to the bathroom around 6am, it was the longest he’d spent in bed for months, even years, and he wasn’t minding it one single bit.
At some point in the night you’d stripped yourself of his loaned t-shirt and your long socks, and when he’d returned from the bathroom he’d seen your ass peeking out from the duvet, and as much as he’d have loved to give it a squeeze, he settled for a few seconds of gratuitous staring before he climbed back into bed beside you sporting a semi.
You stirred beside him, a smile forming on your lips as he watched you stretch and feel your muscles protest after the nights activities. Setting his phone down on the nightstand he ran a fingertip down your cheek, before pressing a kiss to your lips as you woke;
“Mmmm good Morning Detective”
“How is my little muffin this morning?”
Stretching again you winced;
“Sore… but a good sore…” you finally opened your eyes and smiled at him, before your gaze went wide when you saw how light it was, sitting bolt upright in bed; “What time is it?”
Walter glanced at the clock on his phone;
“Almost Nine”
You lept out of bed;
“FUCK… i’m late…”
In a panic you ran around the room trying to find your clothing, pulling your skirt and socks on, before finding your bra hanging from a set of drawers. Pulling at the duvet you scanned the floor;
“Walter, where are my panties?”
“Muffin…. Stop…”
“WALTER, i’m going to be LATE!”
“ARUGH! I cannot go commando all day in a skirt!”
“Oh i don’t know, i like the sound of that…”
You turned and glared at him, but before you could say anything he was out of bed and standing in front of you, his hands resting on your arms;
“Check your phone… the blizzard has shut down half of downtown, the coffee shop’s facebook page said they were closed today around 7am this morning”
You visibly relaxed in his arms, nodding before you quickly ran to the other room and pulled your phone from your coat pocket, smiling when you saw a message from your boss that the shop would be closed due to the snow.
A large pair of arms wrapped around your waist, and you leaned back into Walters embrace;
“You have any idea how horny it makes me knowing you aren’t wearing panties under that skirt?”
Pushing your ass back against him you could feel he’d put sweatpants on, but his meaty dick was growing impressively hard against you;
“I think i can feel how horny you are”
He spun you and lifted you into his arms, walking you back until he could rest your ass on the counter. His lips were on yours as he one handedly pulled his sweats down and you felt the meaty slap of his erection against your inner thigh. Widening your stance you wrapped your hand around him as you pulled him to your core, gasping as his hot flesh speared you. You gasped into his mouth, sharing breaths as he filled you, his forehead pressed to yours. With the tiniest thrusts of his hips he skillfully brought you to orgasm, fucking you straight through it as he angled his hips to drive you crazy again.
Your gaze fell to his naked chest and stomach, watching as his muscles moved as if they were fluid, waves of power rolling as he used the power stored in them to push deep inside you. Snaking a hand between your bodies he rubbed quickly at your clit, his breaths growing short as his thrusts became erratic, pushing you to meet your peaks together so he could relish the feel of your walls gripping him so tight as they milked him of his seed.
With one final thrust you were cuming hard, Walter throwing his head back as he came inside you as you felt him swell and release another load in your waiting womb.
You’d showered alongside Walter after your kitchen escapades, hand and lips exploring each others bodies, but it didn’t go any further than fondling, both of your bodies and minds an equal mix of sore and sated. 
Eventually you’d managed to find all your clothing with the exception of your panties, but you had eventually given up on that idea and just accepted you’d have to head home commando much to Walter’s amusement;
“Not to worry, the seats in my truck are heated” he said with a grin as he poured you a cup of coffee and set it onto the counter; “I have to go check on my Daughter later, but can drop you off on the way if you like?”
“Thanks” you smiled before pausing; “You have a daughter?”
Walter let out a quiet laugh;
“Yeah; Faye... sixteen years old and full of attitude. She’s amazing. Lives with her Mother - my ex and the new husband”
“Nice… its nice you’re still on good terms”
“Yeah. So what about you?”
“Me? Oh, no kids. Not really any ex’s to talk of… there hasn’t been anyone important since i moved here eighteen months ago”
“Important… so how would one become important?” he smiled and inched closer to you
“Dinner would always be a start.... And something that isn’t delivered by me is even better…”
“Out or homecooked?”
“You cook?” you laughed as he feighed shock
“Yes, i just don’t always have time to go shopping for groceries…” he wrapped his arms around your waist; “So can i get your number so we can arrange dinner?”
“You sure can”
Two Weeks Later
Cleaning the milk steamer you glared at it as it hissed out hot water, not helping your mood. In fact the mood had been steadily growing over the last ten days.
Walter had shovelled the snow from around his truck and loaded your bike into the back, before carefully driving you home after your night at his place. A heated kiss on your doorstep had only ended when your roommate had opened the door to take the trash out and had interrupted the two of you. You’d swapped numbers and he’d said goodbye, and that afternoon you’d gotten a facebook friend request from him. Three days and nights of messages and chatting had ended with a short ‘new case, speak soon x’ from Walter.
And then nothing. You’d tried not to be offended, you’d spent more hours than you’d like to admit trawling through his sparse facebook profile, seeing that all 26 of his friends were either colleagues or family; and you’d seen his daughter Faye’s picture too. She had his dark curly hair and bright eyes.
Trying not to read too much into it, he was a Detective after all and it could be all manner of things, but what if he was hurt? Or worse? Or… he was just ignoring you? But why would he have added you on social media? You’d spent far too many hours overthinking the whole thing, far too many nights losing sleep.
The sight of a customer standing at the counter drew your attention away from the milk steamer, instead wiping your hands on the cloth that hung from your apron before greeting them with a smile;
“Hey, what can i get for you today?”
“Could i get a non-fat soy latte, with two pumps of hazelnut sugar free syrup?”
“Sure thing, anything else?” you asked as you scribbled her order on the side of the paper cup
“That’s it, thanks”
The young girl went back to looking at her phone as you rang up her order, swiping it over the Apple Pay reader before walking to the end of the counter to the pick up station, still absorbed in her phone.
You were on auto pilot, working through the drink before setting it on the counter;
“Order for Faye”
She looked at you, a grin tugging at the corner of her mouth and you realised what you’d said;
“Yeah… i never gave you my name”
“Dad says that… a lot”
You were thankful the coffee shop wasn’t busy and there were no other customers waiting to be served as you stumbled on your words;
“I’m so sorry… i’m… friends, with your Dad”
“Yeah i know”
“We… kinda went on a date…”
“Yeah… I know”
“And he added me on facebook… and then hasn’t called. I’m sorry, i just recognised you from your photos of the two of you he has…”
“I. Know.” she said with a grin; “Firstly, you liked one of the photos i was tagged in, so i got the notification. Secondly, i follow you on instagram”
“You do?” you said, shocked.
“Yeah. This shop is on my way to school, i saw the chalk art you did on the windows a few months back and followed you ever since”
“And Dad kept talking about this one coffee shop girl that he liked, and i’m glad he finally asked you out”
Your mood suddenly deflated;
“Yeah, well we had… coffee… and then urh… well he ghosted me”
“No, he’s on a case… he’s undercover”
Faye leaned forwards on the counter;
“He really likes you. He told me. And the case, whatever that is, i only know because he was meant to be taking me to visit a college last weekend and he had one of his work colleagues get a message to my Mom… he isn’t ghosting you”
You let out a deep breath, the tension slipping away from your body and mind;
“Thanks Faye”
She took her drink a smiled, pushing her ear-bud back in as she started towards the door before calling your name;
“It was good to finally meet you”
Nodding you smiled; “You too Faye… take care”
That night you were settled into your comfiest pyjamas, enjoying the fact you had the apartment couch and TV all to yourself, your roommates catching up on work in their rooms or simply sleeping, so you were surprised when there was a knock at the door. Setting the bowl of popcorn down you called out to ask if anyone had ordered takeout, but with negative answers you frowned before checking the peephole… and letting out a gasp before flinging the door open;
Standing in the hallway was your favourite detective; SWAT vest still on, the metallic tang of gunshot residue hanging in the air from his sweater and hair. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously;
“Hey Muffin…”
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and pressed your lips to his, the kiss deepening before he finally pulled back just enough to speak;
“Wow… now that’s a warm welcome…” the smile on his face growing; “Seeing as i kinda left you on read without any explanation…”
“Yeah, well Faye came by the coffee shop today and explained…”
“How do you know…?”
“I recognised her from your photos on facebook, and she follows me on instagram, and…” you walked fingers up his chest; “And she told me she had encouraged you to ask me out”
He threw his head back and laughed;
“Kids, they aren’t great at keeping secrets”
Before you could say anything else, one of your roommates called out;
“Hey either take the delivery or refuse it, you’re letting all the heat out of the apartment!” followed by the slam of their bedroom door. Walter turned his attention back to you;
“Well, are you going to accept the delivery or refuse it?”
Taking his hand you pulled him into the apartment;
“I’ll accept it… but don’t expect a tip, the order updates were awful”
“Oh don’t you worry about a tip, i’ll make sure you leave a five star review after what i deliver tonight”
With a slam of the door it was the start of a very sleepless night… for you AND your roommates, but for wildly different reasons.
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bts-reveries · 3 years
expect the unexpected | 23
“It’s okay hyung, everything’s going to be okay. Don’t worry about anything.” 
Taehyung’s words ran through Jin’s mind over and over as he sat in Soojin’s room, helping her with her math.
“Three,” Soojin says, answering the seventh problem on her paper. Jin shakes his head.
“No, why would it be three? Try again. Hyunmin has TWO apples but Sewan gives him TWO more. How many apples does Hyunmin have now?” Jin says, repeating the problem again.
“Uncle Yoongi says if you don’t know the answer, it’s always three!” Soojin argues, causing Jin to roll his eyes. 
“Don’t listen to him, he doesn’t like school. Hold on, let me grab some actual apples from the kitchen so we could do this visually.” Jin gets up from the floor, walking out of the room. He looks at you two’s shared room as he enters the hallway, seeing that the door is now open.
“Minseok, hand me my phone please,” you say. You were currently sitting at your desk, typing away on your laptop. You had a new client and a bedroom to design. The aesthetic she’s asking for is called Grand Millennial. It’s beautiful. She wants blues and pinks, and gold of course. She just sent you a pinterest board of furniture she likes and photos as to how she wants the room to look like. You typically do this with all of your clients, encouraging them to make pinterest boards on what they want to have in their homes. It makes it easier for you to know what they want and in the end they’re always happy with the outcome. 
You’re seeing a lot of paintings here that she pinned and you had the idea to recommend Taehyung to her. A customized piece would complete the whole look of her dream bedroom. She’d get both the look she wants and also a personalized piece. 
Now she wasn’t the only client. You have another one you’re working with but this one gives you a headache. 
This one doesn’t know what she wants, yet when you give her options she doesn’t like any of them. So right now you’re trying to get to know her so maybe you can help suggest some things that go along with her interests. 
But she takes about 2-3 business days just to reply to your messages. Also mentioned she’s not a phone call person so calling her doesn’t help when it goes straight to voicemail. 
You sigh, rubbing your temples.
“Minseok, did you hear me?” You ask, turning around. Minseok was in your room, sitting on your bed as he read. He said Haneul kept bugging him and wanted to be with you for some peace and quiet. This was before you put Haneul down for a nap.
Now you’re looking at an empty bed. No traces of your son but the book next to your phone on your side table. 
“Nevermind,” you mumble, getting up instead. He probably went to the kitchen or something to grab a snack. 
Once got up you suddenly felt dizzy. “Ah.” You have been working for a few hours straight, and didn't eat lunch.
“O- ow,” you say, wincing as your head starts to pound. You close your eyes, holding onto your head with one hand and grabbing on to your bed with the other for support. Your legs were starting to shake and you tried to sit back down on your chair but missed.
“Woah what was that,” Minseok says, turning to the hallway. Jin was looking as well when they heard a loud sound coming from one of the rooms. They were both standing around the kitchen counter. He was grabbing the apples for Soojin and Minseok was trying to get a tangerine from the same fruit basket.
“Haneul?” Jin calls, “Are you okay?” Haneul was down for a nap, but Jin thought he might’ve woken up or something, maybe even fell.
“I’m going to go back to mommy’s room,” Minseok says, running off.
“Okay, I’ll check on your brother.”
The two quickly walked to the hallway. Minseok went ahead of Jin while Jin entered Haneul’s room. 
“Haneul?” He says, walking into his room. Haneul was still asleep on his bed. “Huh.”
“DADDY!” Minseok yelled. Jin’s eyes widened as he heard the panic in his son’s voice.
He immediately runs to your room, his heart beating faster and faster. 
“Mommy’s not waking up,” Minseok says, kneeling next to you on the floor, shaking your arm. 
“What happened?” Soojin says, standing from the doorway.
“Minseok go get your brother, and Soojin go grab your jackets and put on your shoes,” Jin says in panic, hooking his arm behind your back and under your knees. He quickly picks you up, heading to the garage. 
“Haneul, wake up!” Minseok says, shaking his brother, he runs around his room, grabbing a coat and his slip ons. Haneul blinks his eyes open slowly, turning to the side and watching his brother run up to him.
“Put this on,” Minseok says, pulling Haneul upwards. He hurriedly puts the coat on his brother and shoves his feet into his shoes. 
“Oppa hurry,” Soojin says, running to Minseok. She was already dressed, shoes on and a hoodie. “Here,” she says, giving him his own shoes and his own hoodie. 
Minseok hurriedly throws on the clothes and Soojin pulls Haneul off of the bed. 
“Let’s go!” She says, running to the garage while she dragged Haneul behind her.
“Come on, hurry,” Jin says. Running towards the kids and grabbing Haneul. Minseok runs in front of him and jumps into the van. You were sitting unconscious in the seat Soojin’s car seat usually is. 
“Soojin you’re going to sit in the back with Minseok okay,” Jin says, securing Haneul into his carseat. Which was next to the seat you were sitting in.
“Mommy,” Haneul says in a raspy voice. Poor baby, he just woke up and has no idea what was going on.
“Yeah, mommy is not feeling well so we’re going to take her to the hospital okay?” Jin calmly tells Haneul. “Are you two buckled up?” He asks his two oldest, moving his head to the side. They both give him two thumbs up. “Okay good. Minseok, here's my phone,” he says, handing his cellphone to his oldest. “Call uncle Jungkook and let him know that we’re going to the hospital because mommy fainted. Tell him to let the others know and if any of them could come and help.”
“Okay,” he says, taking the phone from his dad. Jin quickly hops out and closes the back door and hops onto the driver's seat.
“Is mommy going to be okay?”
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
expect the unexpected
♡ part twenty-three: don’t worry ♡ 
pairings: ceo, dad!jin x interior designer, mom!reader
a/n: i don’t have anything to say except😭 the part with haneul makes my sister and i laugh bc of this one picture his irl mom posted on instagram once when he just woke up and that’s all we can imagine
taglist: @silentlyimpractical @jillianmarie @waddlebby @cecedrake2217 @ddofa @samros95 @sope-and-shine @joonjoonsmiles @codeinebelle @aianloveseven @Chamchamcham @princessjazzyjazz @notvantaes @casspirit0705 @ramyagovindraj @brinnalaine @ephyra1230 @betysotelo18 @thoughtfultaledreamer @salty-for-suga @cosmicdaylight @dreamcatcherjiah @kookoo-kachoo @justinetingball  @josierosie @jayhope88 @butterflylion @hobiismyhopeu @momma-said-that-it-was-oke @ygbubs @catspancake  @somewhereofftheglobe @strawberryforever25 @rjsmochii @prdshobi @beeeb05 @eatjeanjin @taekookcaneatme @Cheeely14 @kookietsukkie @anpanman-sonyeondan @glitteringcoffeefreak @chocobetterknot @alpaca1612 @ohmy-fandoms @liljooniecutie @Jikachoo @preciouschimine @fan-ati--c @Joondala @httpmuffin @dammit-jjk @jikooksgirl19
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Charming Girl (J.JK x Reader) 🎀☁️💜🔞
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Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Good Girl!AU, Angst (a bit), Fluff, Smut of course because I can’t write anything normal these days smh
Warnings: Koo has a fight with his GG and says some mean things, Taehyung has a brief appearance and it’s actually all sfw and fluffy but he curses a lot so beware, smut, usage of toys (a vibrator to be specific), manhandling/restriction of movement, GG swallows because y’all should empty the plate when the meal is good, Mentions of past infidelity and overall toxic relationship, there’s a scene where Jk spits in GGs mouth, pls don’t judge lmao
Summary: Jungkook really didn’t mean to say the things he did. He’s not even sure how his brain could even come up with such hurtful things; yet he did, and now, knowing that you’ve taken shelter in Taehyungs apartment out of all places, he’s forced to clean up his mess- and for the first time he can’t ask you for help.
Good Girl || Sweet Girl || Smart Girl || Brave Girl || Pretty Girl || Charming Girl || Enticing Girl
Taglist: @sweetenedcooky @ggukkieland @btsismybias22 @darkgvk @daddypkj @flowerprincess24 @crazylittlemay @zeharilisharaban @teresaisla @tangledsparkles
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You had everything planned out. You even thought about making an entire PowerPoint presentation on why this was a good idea, why this should be done immediately; yet you decided against it, simply planning on explaining it to him the traditional way instead of overdoing it. This was technically his apartment after all, you were simply living with him and sharing rent and space.
Ever since you were small, your family had pets. Your parents had a dog that died sadly when you were young, later on you got your own pet; a guinea pig named Harold, whom you had all throughout your childhood. Harold died of old age when you were barely 14, and you felt as if your heart had been ripped out and buried in your yard instead of the small Tricoloured body. Ever since then you had promised yourself to get another pet when you were older.
When you had your first relationship, it lasted for a year or so, your ex had never wanted a pet. He'd complained that it was as if he was getting a child- and that he wasn't ready to be a dad yet. So you never got one during that time, even though time and space were there.
Now at 22, you had the space and time (and money most importantly), yet you didn’t have the approval of your dear housemate and boyfriend living with you. You didn’t really think it would be an issue honestly; he’d always been an animal lover- so you couldn’t quite understand the situation you got yourself in.
„But look, I’m gonna do all the work, I’ll only have them in my room, you won’t even notice they’re there!“ you whined, walking after him out of the kitchen. You knew you were being a little childish; he’d said two times already that no, not right now, and no, because no. He couldn’t quite give you a full answer that could satisfy you, and you had already noticed that he was grumpy, but you had grown so safe around him that you didn’t spot the warning signs.
„God y/n can you please sh-...“ he inhaled, rubbing a hand over his face, trying to calm himself. „Please, not now. I’m really not in the mood.“ he said, and you pouted at him. Usually he would find it cute, but right now he was too riled up to really let his vision lead his thoughts. He’d recently started to get more and more agitated whenever he came home, always tired and frustrated. And he didn’t tell you what it was, so maybe that had fueled your pettiness towards him.
„Well tomorrow you’re gonna be grumpy too!“ you said, raising your hands, before facing him. „If you can’t tell me why not then I’m doing it anyways! I’m not just going to blindly do what you want just because-„ you said, but he suddenly snapped, voice way more forceful than yours, making you back off a bit.
„Yeah well if you would do what I said you wouldn’t be standing here throwing a tamper tantrum like a fucking toddler!“ he yelled, taking your opening mouth as another attempt in trying to persuade him. You actually however, wanted to apologize. Those words died down inside your throat when his next left his lips. „Can’t you act your age just for a second? I’m really into fucking you, but also acting like a father isn’t on my list of favorites, thank you very much-„
It was almost comical how his own voice slowly lost volume and tune at the end of his sentence, as soon as he saw the way your eyes widened, face evolving into a look of something he never wanted to see, let alone because of him; it was a look of betrayal, hurt, and even shame- because deep down he knew there was a spark of honesty in between his words, but he also knew that this was you, this was something you couldn’t control. And he’d just used these insecurities and flaws against you.
Your delicate hands suddenly clenched, creating small but angry fists, unraveling just to weakly Push his chest, eyes suddenly swimming with frustrated water that trickled down your cheeks. He just stood there frozen, forced to watch how you stormed away into your room, not even his bedroom you two had been sharing these nights, and he still stood in the exact same spot when you emerged again with your small pink sportsbag, rushing past him and leaving his apartment with nothing more than the lingering scent of you, and the suffocating feeling of his own voice still heavy in the air. A chuckle escaped him, lacking any form of happiness or humor as he began to sob into his hand trying to keep his emotions inside. The wall next to him cracked loudly as his knuckles came in contact with it; breaking skin and wall the same, yet the pain he felt inside his soul was greater than the sting of his scratched up hand.
Right now, Jeon Jungkook really hated himself.
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You didn’t have high hopes honestly, and as the door opened, you only looked at the mismatched socks of the older friend of Jungkook. Alex didn‘t have an own apartment, and you honestly didn’t have enough money to stay at a hotel, so Taehyung had been the only option left. You had his number still, and he’d answered to your text that he was home; yet you still had some worry down your throat that he wouldn’t let you in. He simply opened the door fully, leading you inside, and showing you were to hang your jacket and leave your shoes.
His apartment wasn’t huge, but it was nice; you didn’t expect what you saw at all. It was warm, it smelled nice- not like your own home of course, but you’d expected his living space to be a bit more.. chaotic. He was quiet, walking into the kitchen and pouring two cups of something, before placing them down on his living room table. Here and there you could spot small things that showed he lived there; his Juul on the windowsill next to his balcony door, polaroids taped onto the wall, or his sweater halfheartedly thrown over the couch. You sat down on the edge of said seating place, your pink socks running over his light wood laminate. It was scratched, showed that he’d moved the furniture a couple of times since he lived here. Your eyes snapped towards the soft looking slippers he tossed next to your feet, shoe size way too small to be his. „My uhm-„ he scratched his head a bit before actually looking a bit shy. „My girlfriend she.. her feet get cold easily on my flooring so uhm, you can use these.“ he said, and for the first time you actually looked at him. His red hair was gone, dyed pitch black, a little curly too- it suited him well, you decided. „Ah yeah I- Guess I wanted a change.“ he said, going into the kitchen to shut down the lights before sitting down, looking at you. „So.. trouble in paradise huh?“ he said, taking a sip of his cup, eyes watching you.
You felt your eyes sting again, and Taehyubg Shuffle around in his spot. “I just..” you said, before reaching for the mug, hands uncaring of the hot temperature seeping into your skin, taking it as a punishment in a weird way. “I didn’t think About him you know? I mean, he told he he likes to take care of me but.. maybe he changed his mind?“ you said, shrugging your shoulders and sighing. „Sorry to invade like that too..“ tryout mumbled, back arching as if to cower. Taehyung clicked his tongue, crossing his legs.
„You’re Not, don’t worry.“ he said, setting his cup down with a crack against the table. His hands were so different from Jungkooks you noticed; fingers longer and thinner, nails wide. He was a tall person, so it made sense. „Jungkook can be.. difficult.“ he said, leaning his head on his hand. „He doesn’t show it but he’s clumsy. That combined with his usefulness when it comes to apologizing doesn’t really make a good mix.“ he admitted, smirking a bit as his phone lit up from the table, showing a notification from Jungkook, before vibrating a bit again and again, stopping at the count of 12. he didn’t comment on it, but continued. „I don’t think he meant what he said in a bad way. I guess he’s having a bad day, which doesn’t make it better honestly.“ he shrugged, and you bit your lip. „Also lean back a bit will ya? You look like you’re about to break a bone.“ he said, and you sat down more properly.
„I’m worried Taehyung.“ you said. „He.. I really like him, but I’m so scared he’ll get tired of me.“ you mumbled, finally taking a sip, hot chocolate swishing over your tongue, liquid warming your throat as you swallowed. „They all do.“ you whispered into the cup, and Taehyung got serious.
„Have you’ve been in a relationship before?“ he asked, and you nodded.
„Hmhm.. he cheated when he noticed I wanted to wait longer than he did. He stayed with me though because I paid for dinner. His words by the way.“
Taehyung laughed humorously, giving you a look of empathy. „Dickhead.“ he said. „Listen, Jungkook doesn’t know how relationships work. He’s horrible at it honestly, worse than me.“ he said, laughing a bit. „He doesn’t know jackshit about stuff, so you gotta teach him.“ he said. „I’m honestly surprised you both are together at all. Cause he knows this, and he never continues in things he’s bad at.“ you nodded at this. Though he knew Jungkook way longer than you did, you also knew this small detail about him. You'd wondered several times before, but you've never asked him openly about his actual dating history. If you were honest you didn't even knew if he had one to begin with. Maybe he'd always been like he was before you? You couldn't know. "What I'm trying to say is-" Taehyung said, breaking the silence, before standing up and patting your head a bit playfully to cheer you up. "Give it time. Don't try and fix things this time; let him do the work for once. God knows he needs a slap in the face once in a while, you've been babying him too much." He laughed, and you actually smiled as well. Maybe you really did need to wait. After all, his words had hurt deep down in your soul, leaving you embarrassed and insecure- he should get his cut of the cake as well. Sharing is caring, and all that.
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Whatever the fuck that was he did that night, it definitely hadn't been sleeping, that much was clear to him. He honestly looked like shit, he'd been told at work, and after several hours of snapping at his coworkers because of his headache, he'd been sent home for the rest of the remaining day, leaving him to visit his local doc and calling in sick for the last two days of the week. He highly doubted that he'd gain enough energy to really get anything done- having made mistakes over and over again today, leaving him with a feeling of uselessness. And the worst part?
Coming home.
Now usually, this would be his favorite part; he'd lay his head onto your lap while you looked at something on your laptop in the living room, or he'd get to catch you silently humming along a song on your phone while you cooked something. But he'd fucked things up these days, so his apartment had gotten a stale aftertaste as he walked through his door, nothing greeting him but silence. The lights were off, darkness swallowing the rooms until he switched them on. Has his lights always been so cold? He never noticed anymore whenever you were there.
He knew he was supposed to do something, but exactly that was the issue. He didn't knew what- because even if he asked you for forgiveness, it wouldn't make up for the crack that he'd seen in your eyes, not to mention how he didn't feel like he deserved it at all. He knew you would accept his apology as soon as he'd say it to you, and that made it so much worse for him. He couldn't even start to imagine how easy prey you were for men- and not in any way good.
This had become an issue over time. He felt like he had to protect you from everything it seemed, yet he also wanted you to become more independent- but there was the issue. He was actually scared. Because if you started to become less and less dependent on him,
would you still want him, if you didn't need him?
This had been a question riling him up greatly. It popped up randomly in his head, making it hard to really think of anything else- because deep down there was this voice, telling him that no; as soon as you found the amount of confidence you should have, considering your angelic character in his eyes- you'd start to see what an actual asshole he was. He'd never understood what exactly you saw in him to begin with. Sure, he had the looks kind of, he knew that from the amount of flirty comments he'd get, but character wise he was an absolute garbage can. He was picky, needy of being held in high standards, he craved praise and recognition. He was selfish, wanted everything for himself, and hated sharing anything. He was too honest, swore way too much, and had a chaotic way of keeping track of things.
He'd punched the poor wall in the living room again last night, the remnants still lingering like a bleeding wound, white dust from the broken material scattered over the dark carpet. After he'd heard you went to Taehyung out of all people, he'd completely lost it- eventually falling asleep on the couch, crying like a toddler after a tantrum. Ironic, since he'd called you one, when in reality it seemed that he was the immature one in this relationship.
This time he simply let himself fall onto the couch, a stray blanket still crumpled up pathetically on the cushions, looking almost how he felt. He knew he should do something, but he couldn't get himself to- simply falling onto his side, just to fall asleep, dreams haunting him much worse than before without you there to soothe him.
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After staying with Taehyung and his Girlfriend for two days, you felt like you were intruding, in a way. You also didn't like to run away anymore, deciding to face whatever would be waiting for you at home. Jungkooks friend had driven you, asking if he should come upstairs with you but you had declined- this was something you needed to do by yourself.
To say the apartment was a mess was an understatement. Empty noodle cups on the kitchen counter, sink filled with dishes. The bathroom door was open, showing that he'd been showering just recently it seemed, yet the clothes on the floor made you wonder if it was in a hurry. Even though he was chaotic, Jungkook was never really messy in a way. But the way everything looked told a different story.
You also noticed just how dark it was. The curtains were closed, room stuffy from not airing out like you did every morning, and the couch looked like he slept on it. But why? Even if he felt bad, he could at least sleep in his own bed, you wondered.
But you also noticed the lack of the person in question.
Worried, you crept into the bedroom, not finding him there. What helped to ease your mind however was, that his open dresser was still filled with clothes- he didn't leave.
So wherever he was, maybe at work? You decided to clean up, and get things a bit more comfortable around the small apartment. He did tell you to be mature, after all.
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Opening the apartment door with a bit of struggle considering the items in his hands, he instantly noticed something different. Maybe it was the fresh air, the amount of light in the apartment, or the fact that soft music played in the background, dishes clattering in the kitchen. He slowly set down everything he'd bought, almost tip-toeing into his home, eyes widening upon your form standing in front of the sink, hands occupied inside soapy water. You didn't turn around, but he could see in the way you bit your lip that you'd noticed him already, yet chose not to look at him. You feared one look would be enough to set you off, make you cry, and you knew this would probably end up as something new he could complain about. Okay, maybe not, you knew he wouldn't, but you were so unsure how to act around him now that it just felt.. awkward.
And Jungkook hated it.
He chewed on his lip as well, moving to get the stuff he'd bought set up inside the living room, wordlessly working on setting down the doggy bed, placing the other bags filled with food and toys down as well. You couldn't help but peak around the corner, almost comically leaning behind the wall between the kitchen and living room, only showing a fraction of your face. Jungkook actually chuckled at the picture you posed to him as, although it did sting a bit that you seemed too cautious around him now to actually get closer. "Can you come over here for a second please?" He timidly asked, and you looked a bit hesitant, before eventually walking closer to him, sitting on the floor in front of him, with a bit of space keeping you both apart. He sighed, before lowering his head. "I.. You can't imagine how fucking sorry I am for what I said. I didn't.. I had no right to talk to you like that, and I really fucking regret it." He said, making you nod, not looking at him either, occupying yourself with a stray string of your sock that you'd accidentally put on inside out. "I'm just.. I dont know how to actually explain it without sounding like an ass, so I'll just.." He started, running a hand through his rather long hair. "I've been noticing how you started to change like, you're becoming so much more confident and I love it, I really do, but at the same time it absolutely terrifies me because-" He sighed, scratching his neck and hand reaching out to you, not really grabbing or anything, but simply brushing against your smaller hand with his finger. It was a pathetic gesture really, but he had to clear his throat again before he spoke. "The more you can stand up for yourself, the less you'll need me, and I.. I know I sound like an asshole but I need you to need me, I just.. I need to have you lean on me and like, make me do shit for you because I'm selfish, yeah, I'll admit it. I'm a fucking dick who needs to get his ego stroked and-" Suddenly your hand grabbed his, both hands running over his tattooed skin on the back of his, and he looked at you with the eyes of desperation written in capslock. You smiled at him, so understanding and warm that he felt like crying.
"I'll always need you Jungkookie." You said, scooting forward and straddling him, burying your head into his chest, inhaling the familiar scent of him as he wrapped his arms around you, his head in the crook of your neck. "Who's gonna kick someones butt when they bully me in PvP games?" You said, and he chuckled, laughing, and pulled you even closer for a moment before you pulled away from him, brushing his hair out of his eyes and intentionally messily wiping his eyes, making him grin and laugh before grabbing your wrists, kissing your nose, cheeks, your entire face before you gasped for air from laughing so hard, begging him to stop. "What do you-" You said, catching your breath. "What is all that though?" You asked, and he pulled out his phone out of his back pocket, sniffling still a bit as he tapped away on his cracked screen, before he showed you a picture of a small white puppy, pink tongue peaking out of its mouth as it looked at the camera. You squealed, before connecting the dots. The dog toys. The bags filled with food. "No way.." You said, eyes wide as he became a bit shy.
"I know you wanted something small, but.. I found her on our local shelter's website, and I met her yesterday. I thought, a dog could be a good addition-" He said, before you hugged him again, squealing into his chest and making him chuckle. "Don't let yourself be fooled though." His eyebrows raised as he playfully looked at you in a serious way. "She's your personal bodyguard- an absolute killer machine if someone gets too close, we already talked about that." And you had to snort at the image in your head, imagining Jungkook all serious talking to the white fluffy dog about guarding his owner. "We're getting here on Monday, so we got two more days to go until then." He said, and you nodded, not letting go of him. He ran his hand over your head, suddenly more serious again. "I really mean it though." You raised your head at that, looking at him questioningly. "I.. I really like how you are. Deep down I guess I know that you're actually the mature one in this, so I guess I at least want to feel as if I have the upper hand, you know?" He said, and you smiled at that.
"Well, you do though." You said, leaning your head to the side before toying with the hem of his shirt. He looked at you now, before you answered. "I still.. trust you." Your voice got a bit breathier, before you said your next sentence. "You can do all you want with me. I'm yours after all." And he groaned, letting his head fall back. "What?" You questioned amused.
"Don't say shit like that right now-" He whined, trying to force the image of the cute puppy into his head instead of you, lying underneath him in all your glory, ready for him to- nop, no no no, cute puppies, cute puppies. But you didn't understand his standpoint it seemed.
"But why though? Don't you.. you know, want to?" You said hesitantly.
He shook his head. "No, you know I kind of always want to but.. I don't want you to feel as if that's all I want." He said, looking stressed. You smiled again, leaning into him.
"I mean, that's not true. I know that." You answered, before getting a teasing spark inside your eyes. "Either that, or its so good that you go as far as to get me a cute puppy." You chuckled, and his eyes got just as impish as yours, hand smacking your behind in a playful way.
"Careful. You could charm anyone into buying you a dog with those eyes." He said, smirking. You grinned proudly, and he suddenly attacked your neck, lifting you up and throwing you over his shoulder, the sound of your laughter music to his ears. He actually hadn't slept in his own bedroom solely because of the reason that he'd be tormented with the memories of you both, showing him almost mockingly what he'd almost lost. Now he didn't feel pressured anymore, he felt as if he was worthy enough to be in here, as weird as it sounded.
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Letting you fall onto the mattress, you giggled as you jumped a bit on it, making him grin as he crawled over your form, immediately attacking your lips in a searing kiss, not even asking for entrance at all, simply taking. He slowly grew more and more impatient, hands grabbing and running over your skin almost possessively as he growled out his displeasure about your choice of shelter. He didn't say it out loud because he had no right to talk about it, plus he was deep down grateful that you've spent the night there instead of somewhere else, but he hated the fact that you slept over at Taehyungs place. He knew you'd never be unfaithful, yet he couldn't help but feel insecure when you left, knowing that you could easily find someone else, someone better in his eyes than him. The time apart made him cherish you again in a new way, teeth biting your skin gently, leaving marks on your skin that would soon blossom beautifully in different shades. You mewled at that, his grin reappearing, before he opened his infamous drawer under his bedside table, taking something out that seemed to be still packaged. You looked curiously, yet turned all shades of pink when you saw what it was.
"Hm.. you like it princess?" He asked, opening the plastic and cardboard packaging of the device as you began to grow a little more restless at the sight of it. It appeared to be a vibrator of some sorts, coloring just the way you liked it- soft pink with white details, making you wonder how on earth something so sinful could also look so pretty. You'd never really cared for toys like that, but Jungkook had talked about maybe using them before. "Thought you'd like it." He said lowly. "You're gonna love it once I'm done with you." He promised, glad that he saw the small green LED light up- it luckily came pre-charged, so he could use it right away after he'd cleaned it with a babywipe. "Hm, lets see what it can do, yeah?" he huskily proposed, sitting on his legs in front of you. "Strip princess. Lemme' see my gorgeous baby." He said, and you started to undress just as he told you. You've long stopped feeling self-conscious around him after all the times he'd seen you, and he also always made sure to make you feel good about yourself, so you didn't hesitate anymore when it came to things like these.
As soon as you laid there, bare as the day you joined humanity, he used the tip of the toy to gather your slick between your legs, nudging against your very center, making you jump a bit at the foreign feeling. He smiled like the devil himself as he covered it in your own personal lubrication, before it entered you, making you sigh. It definitely couldn't match up to his own length, that was something you immediately noticed, but once he clicked a button, your whines started to sound in the room, making him smile at the view of your squirming form. Oh how long he'd imagined about this exact moment, the way you moved even more bewitching as he could've imagined to be. His mind tried to burn the image into its memory, the way your toes curled, your hands grabbed the sheets, or how your hips moved in a rhythm only you seemed to feel. "hmm, so sweet. You look absolutely divine like that pretty baby." He hummed, before turning the intensity up, making you gasp a bit. He chuckled, moving the vibrator around a bit so the additional small detail close to the switches and buttons pressed against your clit, making you huff out deliciously. He'd always been addicted to your sounds, the way you responded to him oh so well- he felt like he was watching a goddess unravel in his bed, as cheesy as it may sounded. The way you trusted him, gave yourself to him, let him control you like this- it made him feel as if he was on drugs, higher than he could ever get from any substance people used to cloud their minds with. He didn't need anything illegal or toxic to set himself free and let his mind reset back into place. Not when he had someone like you at his mercy, ready to be played with however he may wanted.
As his free hand moves to fondle your breast, kneading the flesh in an almost massaging way and kissing you silly, you yelled out his name as you came undone, breaking apart just to be put together by him later. Your mouth was open in a silent scream, and as he spotted the small strand of saliva still connecting you both he couldn't stop himself from letting a drop of his own fall onto your tongue, pupils dilating at the way you simply swallowed, uncaring how just plain dirty this entire tiny gesture just was. God he'd buy you an entire kennel full of dogs if it meant he'd get to see you like this, all his and his only. He decided to not enter you as you still whined from overstimulation, taking the toy out of you as you weakly reached for him, asking him to help you sit on a little. He helped you as you clumsily tokk him into your mouth, eyes closed and pace steady as he began to groan under his breath, brushing his hand through your hair as he fondly looked down onto your head, lips around him so perfectly that it didn't take him long to suddenly gasp out, giving him no time to warn you. Yet he only felt you swallow before letting him go, his tip sensitive making him hiss a bit, breathing heavy. "God you're perfect." He breathed out, kissing you feverishly as he slowly calmed down, laying on the bed, toy long forgotten on the floor next to the mattress.
You woke up as you felt something cold and weirdly damp against your inner thighs, spotting Jungkooks naked torso as he took out another babywipe, cleaning you with gentle movements. The soft smell of the wet tissues made you smile a bit, as Jungkook used one to clean himself up as well before joining you in bed again, pulling the covers over you. "I really mean it you know." He said, and you hummed questioningly. "I know I don't say it very often if at all but.." he looked at your face with fondness, before he pulled you closer again, letting you rest your head on his bare chest. "I really love you." He said silently, and you smiled, kissing his skin as he placed one to your shoulder, his hand running along your spine.
"I really love you too, Jungkookie." You said, before falling asleep, content and happy in his arms.
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"I can't wait to see you holding the pink leash of the cute little princess."
"Do you mean the dog or you? Because I wouldn't mind holding eithe- OW, WHY DID YOU HIT ME?!"
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honeypirate · 4 years
bestie bestie bakugou
Bakugou and fem!reader, best friends, roommates, loveeee
Warning - swears, mentions of sex
You were walking around the city for hours now, you left the apartment just before sundown and now it’s raining and you think you see the light from the sun turning the clouds lighter on the horizon. You came home after a long day of work, of fighting a villain, of almost not making it back this time, to find your boyfriend, who you didnt even live with mind you, fucking someone else on your bed. You didn’t say anything, you just walked out, quietly, he didn’t even notice. 
The buzzing in your hand caught your attention, making you aware of the heaviness of something in your palm, you raise it to see and then remember it’s your phone. The action causes it to wake up, showing your notifications, 50 missed calls from him and almost as many texts and double the amount of calls and texts from your two best friends
The screen catches the water from the rain as it flows down the surface, you try to unlock your phone, a sudden urge to not be alone hitting you, but your thumb was too cold and wet to unlock with the fingerprint. You go to press in the buttons but the screen doesnt recognize your fingers either, you’re starting to panic, to hyperventilate when the screen lights up, you relax seeing the name pop up and try to answer but you were shaking so much, you brought the phone to your lips, sticking your tongue out to click the green button. 
“Fucking bastard is going to die” he says as he wraps you in a towel, pulling you to his chest, “y/n im so sorry. You’re staying here with me for now on, i’ll go to your place tomorrow and get some of your things and get your key back from that fucker.” he was pissed, fuming, you haven't seen him this mad since high school “Katsuki i couldn't possibly put you out” he holds his finger to your lips “shut up, im insisting, plus this place is too big for just me” you chuckle through the shivers that are now finding your body, your skin and bones finally reacting to the cold as your body shakes uncontrollably. “T-t-thank you K-Kacchan” he sighs and takes your hand, pulling you with him down the hall to the bathroom. 
After a really nice shower, you exit his big ass fancy shower that was really more like a spaceship, you had to use a step stool to get inside it. It had multiple different heads, a steam option, and could even convert into a jacuzzi, if only you didn’t feel like a bath was too close to being a ‘you’ flavored soup. 
You find a change of clothes for you waiting on his bed, a pair of his sweats and one of his shirts, you brought them to your nose, taking a deep breath. They smelled like downey, the yellow kind your parents used to use, it smelt comforting. You slip on his clothes and feel like you’re getting a hug from him. 
When you make it back to the kitchen you have the shivers again, your wet hair making your back wet. He takes one look at you, arms hugged around your body, and he throws you over his shoulder and takes you right back to his room. He sets you down on the bed and then takes a hold of his hood and pulls his hoodie off, shoving it down over your head. “I’m making you some tea and then you are going to talk to me more if you feel like it okay?” you nod with a small smile as you pop your arms through the sleeves. 
Its been six months, Bakugou has helped you heal through your pain, he got you some things from your apartment and got your key back. He also officially, and with pleasure, told your ex to fuck off, that it was over and to never contact you again, with too many threats to count. He really enjoyed it and wanted to do it for a long time but he’d never tell you that. You cut your ex out of your life, easily letting him go because if you caught him cheating once who knows how long he did it, you were 100% okay with never seeing him again, the hard part was waiting for the feelings to go away, to rid yourself of the habit that was your ex. 
You tried to go back to your apartment after a few weeks, it was fine for the most part, you found a completely new bed in your room courtesy of Bakugou and although he denies it wholeheartedly you know no one else would have done that,... but after a few days you called Bakugou, telling him that it just felt empty and that it didn’t feel like your home anymore, he invited you to move in immediately and you never looked back. 
Your new bed and all the furniture you didn't sell sit proudly in the spacious spare bedroom at Bakugous apartment. He was right, this apartment was way too big for one person.
Bakugou had girls over periodically and you didn’t mind them at first, you even made them breakfast sometimes, on the off chance Bakugou slept late and didn’t kick them out immediately. He’s never liked the morning after, the girls he has dated were just to fill the hole in his soul made by the feelings he has developed for you. He’s trying to find one that makes him feel as electric as you make him feel. 
After a month of random girls you start to notice yourself resenting the girls you hear him with, the way they fake moan in the bedroom, loudly just so you will hear and then they will give you evil stares as they walk out in the morning. You asked Yao-Momo for some advice once, calling her after you hear another loud girl as you went to the kitchen for some ice cream, losing your appetite you left the ice cream on the counter and just left the kitchen (just eyerolling when he tried to give you shit about it) . “just ask him to stop” you sigh “I cant do that. I dont want to cause him any trouble. I just dont know why he has to go for girls like that” you fake throw up and she laughs “y/n do you think you like bakugou?” she asks and you gasp “of course not! He’s my best friend! And hes bakugou! I couldnt possibly…” you pause for a while as you think, were you really discovering feelings for the blasty explosion boy? This was such a rub. She just laughs at you from over the phone “unclench your jaw y/n. Dont be so tense” you realize shes right as you release your teeth, relaxing your face and jaw “you know me so well” you say with a laugh “of course i do. I’m your real best friend. Not some ill tempered boy. If you like him great, tell him and he’ll stop fucking randoms or if you dont like him tell him to stop fucking randoms so loud” you laugh “so wise Yao-momo, me lovely sensei Yao-Momo” she laughs at you before you guys have to hang up, both having work in the morning. 
After the next few days you realized just how in love you were with him, getting more and more annoyed with the girls he brought home, not even noticing that they were showing up less and less, pretty soon the random girls have stopped coming over all together, not that you knew that, you still heard what seemed to be sex noises from his room every once in a while, you just assumed he kicked them out right after, not that he was thinking about you and … you know wink wink  
Another six months later  you’re with him on a mission, the villains just keep coming wave after wave, a quirk controlling their (dead before you even came around) bodies, it was never ending, if you stopped fighting they would kill you and you didn’t know who the villain was or where they were. You had your agencies looking for them and until then you had to fight, to keep these bodies occupied so they didn't bring chaos anywhere else. You didn’t talk during the fighting but you both were paying more attention to making sure that the other was fine that you ended up just fighting the villains going after each other. When you get home, battered, bruised, and covered in sweat and blood and many tears, you each take turns showering in his amazing shower, you couldn't use a normal shower for your sore muscles. 
You made a meal for you both quietly as he showered, too tired to speak or do more than was required, when he came to find you he almost cried with relief at your home cooked meal, he was starving. You ate together in silence, both reflecting on the battle, both reliving every moment where you almost lost the other, where you almost lost the fight, feeling more and more anxious the more you thought about it. What would you have done without him? You didnt want to lose him and regret never telling him, but you know you are way to exhausted to speak. 
You stare at each other in the hallway, both wanting to say something, to not leave each other yet. You turn to go and he grabs your hand, pulling you with him into his room before climbing in bed and pulling you along with him down into his soft comfortable bed, he pulls you to his chest and you feel all your stress and anxiety leave your body. He kisses the back of your head “I love you” he whispers into your hair, the only energy he has left. You turn in his arms to look at him and see his eyes blink slowly, he can hardly hold them open anymore. You smile softly “I love you” you whisper back and he sighs, a happy smile on his lips as he lets his eyes close “good” he says and you chuckle, your eyes closing as you lean forward, pressing a soft kiss to his lips before allowing yourself to fall asleep, the feeling of his arm around you and the sound of his soft breaths comforting you.
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animedaddymilkers · 4 years
Kinkmas 2020: Day 21
Prompt: Yandere/Spanking w/ Inoichi
Genre: Smut/18+ || Tags: Yandere, Mutual Pining, Implied Stalking, Mild Dubcon, Spanking, Penetrative Sex, Aftercare || Characters: Inoichi Yamanka, Female Reader || read it on ao3 here
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this fic contains yandere and mild dubcon themes, if that makes you uncomfortable please do not read!
With a content sigh, you unlocked the front door to your apartment, a slight fuzziness blurring your vision and limbs thanks to the alcohol coursing through your veins. Your keys were discarded into the cutesy trinket tray, your shoes kicked off into the ever-growing pile nearby. The date was an okay one, nothing extremely exciting but, hey, he was cute and it was a fun time. It may have sounded obnoxious when said out loud, but no men your age interested you. Not like you didn't give a plethora of them chances, and you still made friends with most of them. You just never seemed to form that romantic attachment you craved so desperately. What that said about your mental health wasn't totally lost on you, but not like you could (or wanted) to do a whole lot about it.
The sweater covering your shoulders was thrown onto a chair, your constricting belt quickly following as you made your way to your bedroom. At first, you didn't notice it, didn't notice anything at all. You simply continued walking on past the kitchen and living room, into your bedroom where you stripped your shirt and pants off. Trudging back out to the bathroom in your underwear and bra, your brows furrowed. You didn't remember turning one of the lights on… Chalking it up to the kitchen stove light you always left on, you continued your mission of brushing your teeth and face. When you came back out of the bathroom, you headed to the kitchen for a glass of water, freezing when you saw a figure sitting in one of your chairs, contently reading a book.
"S-Sir?!" the big kitchen light was on, illuminating the stoic face of one of Konoha's strongest shinobi.
The older blond man placed his book down, seeming annoyed it took you this long to notice him before he started with a huff, "I pay all my employees well, even ones as low down on the ladder as you. One would think that allows for better locks. And it's about time you arrived home, considering you have work tomorrow, no?"
Confusion was about the only emotion you could feel as your boss all but scolded you, besides the dull horny you always felt when it came to the man in front of you, though you suppressed that part for now, "Better wha- What the hell are you doing in my house?!"
Inoichi stood slowly, towering over you and making you regret the harsh tone you used, "Because it seems you forgot whom you belong to, dearest rosebud."
Besides the fact that his reply gave you more questions than answers, you silently gasped at the pet name he used. It was the same pet name your secret admirer had been using for you. You never saw the constant flower bouquets, food deliveries, or expensive gifts as harmful. They were, if anything, an ego boost to you thus far. All delivered to you with the sweetest notes, describing how ethereal you were, and always addressing you as rosebud, albeit also sounding a bit possessive. Additionally, in the six months, you had been receiving gifts, you hadn't been on any dates, instead choosing to focus on your new career supporting the Torture and Interrogation Department. A career that found you moving up the ladder fast, though you were still just doing menial tasks. Briefly, you wondered how much Inoichi had to do with those promotions, but he took a step towards you, cupping your face in his hand, and tore you from your thoughts.
"I think it's about time you come home. To your true home, don't you?"
Your heart thumped loudly in your throat and you nodded against your better judgment, "I do."
The smile you were met with sent a warm tingle through your body, and you returned a smile of your own. Inoichi nodded and picked his book up from the table, his other hand patting the top of your head. The silent praise had your chest swelling with pride for some reason unknown to you. It should have alarmed you how easily you accepted his offer, though you rationalized that you didn't have much choice, fearing that if you rejected him the trained ninja would take you anyways. Better to go willingly than be taken by force, right? Well, that and you were still a bit tipsy.
Before long, you were tucked snugly into the side of the blond man, his arm wrapped protectively around you. The route to his home was longer than it should have been, you suspected he was purposely avoiding the main streets. Being a high ranking shinobi taking a girl home during the early hours of the morning would raise questions. Especially a girl that worked under him. His warm touch was protecting you from the cold and the smell of his expensive cologne was intoxicating. It had you snuggling into his side more, an act which made him smile, he knew his rosebud wouldn't deny him. This definitely proved you deserved a present larger than anything he gifted you previously.
The Yamanaka clan complex was expansive and the main house was nothing to sneeze at either, easily dwarfing your apartment several times over. He led you inside, showing you around and you took notice of how similar his place was to yours. Not in the layout or big furniture pieces, but he had the same type of napkins, your favorite drinks, even your shampoo in his bathroom which you assumed was his daughter's. It didn't dawn on you until he took you on a tour of his room just how deep you were in. In his room, you found clothing that was unmistakably yours, items that had gone missing months ago and some just last week. They ranged from shirts and leggings to underwear and even a pillowcase. You tried not to take note of how some pieces were stained with white spots. Uneasiness began to grow in your gut as you wondered what exactly you had gotten yourself into when your phone buzzed with a notification. You pulled it out, only to have Inoichi take it from you and punch in your passcode.
His face soured, "You really think that lowlife deserves a second date? Before you give me even <em>one</em>? Disgusting."
Your date from earlier must have texted back after you replied you wanted to see him again. He was about to slide your phone onto the dresser when it began to ring. If the scowl on his face told you anything, it was, unfortunately, your date calling. The guy did say he preferred talking over text and at the time, you didn't mind, but now, it was really rather annoying.
"Answer it. Reject him. Reject him like you know you want to," the direction was clear and stern, leaving no room for discussion as he thrust the phone in your direction.
Nervously, you took the device from him and answered the call. Rejecting someone, in general, was an anxiety-inducing task, but to have an overbearing admirer glare you down while doing so was all the more nerve-wracking. Your voice wavered slightly as you talked and although Inoichi still frowned, his hands played through your hair, skimming the ends of your locks. The guy on the other end was rightfully confused while you explained you never wanted to see him again because just an hour ago you texted you were looking forward to it. Part of you hoped he would pick up on the odd behavior and come after you, but the realistic part of your brain told you the boy was too daft and a measly coward. The opposite of the man in front of you.
Once the call was complete the smile returned to the blonde's face, "Good flower! I knew you wanted to be with me. But-," his face fell again, a look of complete seriousness that made you swallow hard, "I can't forgive your little indiscretion. Not yet. It seems you need a punishment to truly remind you of whom you belong to, rosebud."
Your face grew cold at the implications, yet still, you allowed Inoichi to lead you towards the bed. He sat on the edge and patted his expansive thighs, hardened with all the training he did. You should be refusing, should be running far, far away from this situation. But, it was too tempting. How many times does the man you fantasize about return your affections so vigorously? Additionally, a spanking from him sounded like time well spent and you did deserve it for trying to date someone else when you were meant for him. You laid yourself across his legs, the pants you haphazardly put on before leaving being tugged down to your knees. His hands caressed your backside, massaging your ass cheeks before giving a playful swat to them.
"Count them. If you lose count we start over. We'll stop when I think you've learned your lesson. Got it?"
You nodded before squeaking out a, "Yes, daddy."
The name seemed to both please and shock the man, as his hand stalled in mid-air before he grinned. Then, he brought his hand down to your cheek, prompting you to call out the number. A second smack was quick to follow onto the other cheek along with a third, his hands only stalling to hear you mutter out the number. Thankfully, he was merciful in his technique, alternating cheeks and making sure to smack the untouched parts of your backside. A couple even landed harshly on your folds, the wetness gathering there only intensifying the pleasure-pain you felt. After spank thirty, it was hard to find an area that wasn't welting up, and so he went over the areas he already smacked. It made it all the more sensitive as your legs jerked slightly and hands clutched at the comforter beneath you. Your ass was raw and bleeding slightly in a few places, yet still, his hands struck you, enjoying each conflicted whine that left your mouth.
At fifty, you prayed he would be finished, but he kept on spanking, making sure to land more smacks over your pussy. He'd make comments that were a mix of degrading praise about how wet you were for him and how well he was going to fuck you. The promise of being railed by the ever-growing hard-on beneath you was the only thing keeping you from begging him to stop. You were determined to be a good girl for your daddy, despite the burning pain you felt on your rear. Somewhere in the midst of the sixties, you actually came on his hand after he smacked your pussy again, earning rumbling praise from the man above you. Finally, at seventy-five, he stopped, most likely because his hands were sore at this point too. Your reprieve was capitalized by him affectionately rubbing and massaging your abused cheeks as if it pained him to hurt you. Without restraint, you whined into his chest as he held you, hips grinding down against his.
He laughed softly and kissed along your jaw, "Have you learned your lesson? Are you ready to accept me as your one and only?"
"Yes, I've learned my lesson, daddy. You're the only one I want in my life. Now and always, please never leave me," you held onto his shirt as you locked gazes with him, your best puppy dog eyes on display.
They worked their intended magic, as you could see his expression soften almost immediately, "Good little blossom. I'll never leave your side and you'll never leave mine. Especially not after we become one, petal."
The notion was intoxicating, being loved by someone so much they'd do anything for you. But right now, the love you needed was physical and with the goal dangling right above your head, you were desperate to reach it. Your hands slid under his shirt and peeled it off, your own being removed soon after. Within a flash, you both were naked and kissing each other feverishly. Inoichi laid back on the bed's pillows, admiring the sight of you perched atop him. You didn't mind being on top, taking the advantage to push his cock into you quickly. As you sank down on him, his hands stroked up and down your thighs, giving a testing thrust up into you. You sat on his cock as much as your body would allow and without hesitation, began to bounce yourself on him. He sighed in pleasure as you wrapped around him so perfectly, telling you he expected nothing less from his perfect rosebud. The praise drove you wild, finally getting the recognition you deserved, albeit in the form of compliments on your sex technique.
When your thigh muscles began to clam up from overuse he laid your body down on top of him. His thick arms wrapped around your torso and he wasted little time in thrusting up into you. Hands caressed your shoulders and he locked gazes with you, unable to tear his eyes away from your face. In the midst of your passionate throes, Inoichi couldn't help but get lost in your otherworldly beauty, only the noises you made and the movement of his hips kept him grounded. It felt like your pussy was made for him, wrapping around him so perfect and driving him insane, he had trouble restraining himself from fucking into you harder. His lips met yours fiercely, kissing and holding onto you like you might disappear at any time. You put a hand on his cheek as you kissed him back and snaked a hand down between your bodies to rub at your clit. Though, your hand was soon removed, being replaced by one of Inoichi's, who explained he was determined to be the one who pleased you. As if you'd have any qualms about that.
His surprisingly smooth fingertips rubbed at your clit and with the constant feeling of his cock pounding against your cervix, you quickly came a second time. Yet still, his fingers kept moving, only stopping for a brief moment to let you ride out your high. The look on his face let you know he was close to orgasm himself, the blush covering his cheeks made your own heat up. Seeing the older blond man so lost in ecstasy, lost in your body, was absolutely pussy clenching. He groaned and held onto you tighter, his face burying into your neck as he moaned your name. The number of times you imagined him calling out your name in pleasure had absolutely nothing on the real thing. You whined into his chest and dug your nails into his shoulder, relishing in the way his cock pounded into your hole, hitting the same spot over and over. Every little thing was mind-blowing when added together and when you heard Inoichi announce he was cumming inside of you, you easily spiraled into another orgasm of your own. You clenched around his twitching cock, milking him for all he was giving you.
After you coaxed a second orgasm from Inoichi you let him pull out, both panting hard and nearly passed out. Yet somehow, he managed to get you into the bathtub and cleaned you up, personally washing you as he whispered constant praises in your ear. You nearly fell asleep like that, if it wouldn't have been for the cold surrounding you once the water was drained. Inoichi sat you down in front of the vanity after he dried your body and affectionately brushed your hair while blow-drying it. Again, the attention and repetitive actions almost put you to sleep, your daddy coaxing you awake with kisses to your jaw. He instructed you to pick out something to wear in the closet while he waited for you in the bed. You assumed he meant to pick something of his to wear for the night, but once you entered the expansive walk-in closet, it all became a bit too clear. The wall opposite of what you assumed was Inoichi's was filled with clothes that fit your exact aesthetic. A few flips through and it confirmed, they were all in your size, some items were exact copies of things you had in your closet, others literal things that you had gone missing. The sight should have disgusted you, creeped you out, something. But looking at the wall of clothes and shoes all you could think of was how thoughtful it was of him to so thoroughly prepare for you moving in.
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