#also have thoughts for a younger day/night entity
nemo-draco · 8 months
I know there's a lot of people out there that think Dark and Light should have a romantic relationship, but, hear me out...
Twin siblings. Make 'em twin brothers. Yin and yang, what have you, but they're basically total opposites in some very key ways. One example, Dark is easily flustered and takes things to heart a lot. Light is more unflappable and clearly settled into his own skin. Makes arguments the most frustrating things ever for Dark given that he'll be all ready to bleed off the resentment he has from being thought of as 'the bad one' and Light just, doesn't match his energy. Doesn't get mad. Absolutely sees the projection for what it is, and Dark is just no no no no I wanna be pissed off at something LET ME BE PISSED OFF!
And meanwhile Light's like sure, man, you can be pissed, but not at me because my existence isn't what's wrong here. We both know you're not mad because of ME specifically.
And Dark gets huffy because he's not gonna be able to correct all instances of nyctophobia on planet Earth. Though Light lets him rant a bit anyway because, hey, better than the guy stewing in private.
But yeah, sibling snarkiness and in-jokes. Silliness. 'Oh remember that time when you-' quickly followed by 'WE SAID WE WERE NEVER SPEAKING OF THIS AGAIN AND HERE YOU ARE SPEAKING OF IT'. Occasional moments of Twins being Twins.
Also moments like:
Some Random Entity: So, who's older?
Dark: We're twins, it doesn't matter.
Light: Me.
Dark: BY ONE SECOND---Also, yeah, doesn't matter. Still twins.
Light: [picture of nonchalant innocence here]
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kaytrawrites · 8 months
QSMP - when a little bird wanders
Summary in which Cellbit is having trouble sleeping. Phil is also not asleep. they talk.
Notes this is noncanon. i also really really really want Richas to observe qCellbit calling qPhil 'dad', bc i think his reaction would be funny.
The upside of being a semi immortal being: you don’t need much sleep. The downside of being a semi immortal being: you don’t need much sleep. 
Phil sat on the porch outside his new home facing the wide, calm river, carefully preening his dark feathers. Chayanne and Tallulah were deeply asleep after a long day of searching the new lands for interesting things. 
The wind set the copper wind chimes that hung from the porch roof gently ringing, also bringing with it familiar footsteps. Phil glanced up and saw the familiar disheveled brown hair of Cellbit, who paused in his steps when he saw Phil looking.
“Hi mate.” Phil drawled, giving the much younger man a kind smile.
“Oh. Hello Phil. I didn’t expect you to still be awake.” Cellbit took a half step forward.
Phil chucked and stretched his arms up above his head. His wings followed his stretch. They had been freshly clipped when he woke from that long coma, but far more gently than the first time he arrived on the island. His muscles still ached from that flight in purgatory with Tubbo, but it was now much less.
Cellbit took another half step forward, his eyes drawn to the rainbow sheen of the lamp light across Phil’s carefully tended-to feathers. “They are looking better.” He said, his voice soft.
Phil chuckled, and settled his wings. “Yeah. They are feeling a lot better too.”
Cellbit cocked his head. “But. You flew on them just fine during Purgatory…”
“Pushed myself too hard, flying me and Toby to the boat. Hurt the muscles really badly. The meteors burnt my feathers pretty bad too.” Phil leaned back on his hands. “One of the Fed doctors dragged me into an exam after I got back and told me I needed to work the muscles if I wanted any chance of them getting back to full health. I did get a second opinion from Pac, who said the same thing.”
Cellbit stepped up to the porch and perched on the edge. “Watching you fly during Purgatory… was magnificent…”
Phil laughed. “It felt amazing.”
Cellbit let out a small sigh, and leaned back in his seat. “What’s it like?”
“Hmm?” Phil said. “Well, you flew with those temporary elytra during Purgatory.” He shrugged.
Cellbit shook his head at Phil’s words. “I mean flying over the world. Our world. Not that void of stars.”
“Oh.” Phil leaned back, looking up at the stars painted across the sky. “It’s the most freeing experience I have ever had. But also the most lonely. Watching the seasons change from among the clouds… watching civilizations rise and fall. Some by my own hands… It’s an experience I would both recommend, and caution against.”
Cellbit sat up, and turned to stare at Phil. “Wait. Back up. Civilizations? As in multiple?”
Phil chuckled. “Ah. That slipped out. Yeah. I’m… way older than I look.”
“How old…”
“Oh… bout as old as the concept of death.” Phil shrugged. 
“What?!” Cellbit yelped. “How does that work?”
Phil chuckled. “Death is my Beloved Lady, and I her Angel of Death.” 
Cellbit sat in silence, processing. “Is that why you chose the Death Entity?” 
“It felt like Her. Not exactly, but close enough that it felt Right.” Phil shrugged. “But enough about me. What are you doing up so late?”
Cellbit stared at Phil, his eyes narrowing slightly. “I- I couldn’t sleep.” He admitted. “Às vezes, os pesadelos são demais.” (The nightmares are too much sometimes)
Phil nodded. “Well, if you ever need a place to talk through your night time thoughts, I’ve got a wing” he raised one of his wings, with a slight smirk. “you can whisper secrets into.”
Cellbit stared at the slice of void that Phil had extended, and shuffled closer. Phil held the wing out further, half wrapping it around the broader man.
“Eu menti quando disse que não senti nada quando vi o Cucurucho. Eu senti algo. Senti que não me importava. Que não me importava com o fato de ele existir. Como se ele não fosse nada para mim.” The words spilled out of Cellbit. Going faster and faster. (I lied when I said I didn't feel anything when I saw Cucurucho. I did feel something. I felt like I didn't care. That I didn't care that he existed. Like he was nothing to me.)
Phil nodded. “That’s it mate… Let it all out.”
“E agora que estou de volta, a ilha parece tão diferente. Todos se sentem tão diferentes. Richas se sente diferente. Roier se sente tão diferente.” Cellbit sighed, “Parece que ainda estou naquela maldita ilha…” Cellbit growled. “Do lado de fora, olhando para dentro.” (And now that I'm back, the island feels so different. Everyone feels so different. Richas feels different. Roier feels so different. It feels like I'm still on that damn island… On the outside looking in.)
Cellbit fell silent, then turned to look out toward the river; and the little village Em, Bagi, Mouse and Tina had built. “Só quero me sentir em casa de novo...” He mumbled. (I just want to feel at home again…)
Phil wrapped his wing a bit tighter around Cellbit. “Home is wherever you make it. It’s the people who you look for. The ones you forge a bond with. It’s ok if it takes time to make it.”
Cellbit leaned back to stare at Phil. “Sometimes I can’t tell if you are this ancient all knowing being, or just a silly old man.”
Phil burst into laughter, soon followed by Cellbit’s growing grin then his own laughter. “Oh. Oh man, Cellbit.” Phil panted as the pair’s laughter abated.
Cellbit jabbed an elbow into Phil’s side. “Dad’s giggly.” He teased.
“Mate…” Phil chuckled. “It’s been a bit since I heard you call me that.”
Cellbit chuckled and leaned into Phil’s wing. “While Baghs and I were stuck on that island, I tried not to refer to you as ‘Dad’ when I talked, or even thought about you. I kept on thinking about how disappointed you would be that we stayed behind-”
“Bruh.” Phil chuckled. “I thought you knew me better than that.” He teased. “I was never disappointed in you or Baghs. You both made the best choice you could with the information you had. That’s no reason to be disappointed in you.”
Cellbit smiled. “Thanks dad…” He leaned into Phil’s shoulder, letting his eyes drift half closed.
Rapid steps approached, and a familiar bright yellow shirt caught the lantern light. Cellbit sat up, ready to yell at Richas to go back to bed.
Richas slid to a halt, turned and plonked down one of his deep blue signs, rapidly writing a message. “YOU CALLED TIO PHIL ‘DAD’!?”
Another sign. “WHAT”
Another sign. “WHAT”
Yet another sign. “WHAT”
Phil burst into laughter. Richas whirled around and swung a fist at Phil’s knee. “Ow ow! Mate!” Phil managed to get out between giggles. Cellbit had folded over, trying to hide his bright red face with his hands.
“EXPLAIN. IMEDIETLY.” Richas wrote.
Phil extended the wing that was surrounding Cellbit a bit more so Richas could cuddle in as well. As soon as Richas was settled into Cellbit’s far side, Phil began to speak. “Well, it started in Purgatory. When Charlie Slimecicle suggested we start a gas mask cult.”
Richas plonked down a sign. “WAT??? KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK”
Phil nodded. “Yep. There were some jokes thrown around that I was ‘Dad’ in a cult leader type way. It wasn’t until we had moved from Red Spawn to our second base location that Baghera, Jaiden,” Phil tilted his head toward Cellbit. “and Cellbit referred to me as ‘Dad’ in a less cult leader type way. It was Baghera who started that part, because she was having a Bolas day and was finally coming out of it. If I remember correctly, she said ‘Dad, I killed a silverfish. Are you proud of me?’ And Cellbit basically shoved her aside and said, ‘Dad, are you proud of me too?!’ We went a little insane on that island.” Phil shrugged.
Richas placed a sign. “KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK”
Another sign. “does this mean i should call you ‘avô’ now? KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK”
“If you want to, mate.” Phil drawled, chuckling.
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camels-pen · 1 year
The Law of Fenton
The more a Fenton tries to be scary, the funnier and lamer it is.
The vice versa, however, is also true.
based on @notoverjoyed's prompt "Danny goes to college and dodges the attention of the campus paranormal club as they try to figure out just what the hell he is."
Ao3 Link
“There! He’s over there!” 
Danny sprinted down the path, just barely managing to scramble around the corner and pulling tight to the wall as a thundering cloud of footsteps ran past him. He waited a moment, straining his hearing for any sign they were turning back. After a long enough silence, he slumped against the wall with a breath of relief.
“Danny! I just have a few quick questions.”
He jumped, flailing his arms. “What the fuck?! Where did you even come from?!”
The man chuckled. “Don’t worry about it, just answer my questions, please.”
“Are you sure you’re not the paranormal one?” he muttered. “And I already told you no, I don’t wanna be interviewed.”
“We never mentioned a full interview, but if you’re willing—”
“What part of ‘no’ don’t you understand?” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Fine, you want an interview? Talk to my secretary, she’s behind you.”
The man whipped his head around… only to furrow his brow at empty air. He turned back only to curse as his eyes darted around the side of the building.
Danny shook his head with a smirk, invisibly watching as the man got increasingly frantic as he searched the area. Well, at least the President was as gullible as the regular members. 
Off and on, Danny struggled to get through his classes because, despite being more than a state away from his hometown, there were still people trying to ruin his life.
He thought it would be better here—no ghost attacks, no ghost hunters, no Dash—and yet, somehow, it was worse.
If he could go back and smack his younger self from 6 months ago, he would— deciding to use his ghost powers late at night to sneak into one of the lab rooms to staple an assignment together was so not worth it.
Someone else—sneaking in without ghost powers—seemed to catch him in the act and a picture started spreading around campus of a floating stapler, his name on the cover page of the assignment in. 
Ever since, he’d been hounded by these chuckleheads calling themselves the “Paranormal Exploration Experimentalists” between classes, outside his dorm, in other clubs.
They used to try getting to him during classes too, but his professors quickly put a stop to it. Whether out of the goodness of their hearts or out of hating students talking over them, he didn’t know and didn’t care. 
He grumbled to himself as he angrily munched on a bowl of cereal on the couch, having pulled an all nighter and having a physics class in an hour. A rerun of some older cartoons were playing on the television.
Danny sighed. Oh to be a prey animal in a cartoon. It seemed like such a good life: going wherever you want and not having to worry about having the money for it; sneaking food from restaurants or unsuspecting humans; (third thing).
He continued to yearn for the simple life of a road runner when Looney Tunes ended. Class time was coming up soon and he was just about done with his sort-of-breakfast sort-of-dinner. Just as he grabbed the remote though, the title card for the next cartoon came up. In an instant, it was like a lightbulb went off in his head.
He couldn’t live the simple life of a cartoon prey animal—maybe temporarily if he jumped into the tv with his powers—but he could treat that pesky club president and the other jerks in the P.E.E. club to the same karma as an unlucky cartoon predator animal.
The following few days lent itself to preparation. After all, he had lots of reality breaking powers at his disposal, but without a plan, he’d just end up peaking their interest as some strange entity haunting the campus or, worse, they’d take it as some kind of proof that he wasn’t human. Which is true, but he didn’t want them to know that.
So, he set up a call between himself, Sam, and Tucker—he was going to include Jazz, but she’d probably yell at him or something for being so petty about this—and they plotted how exactly to scare the P.E.E. club shitless in a way that didn’t lead to Danny’s human identity, with many of the best ideas surrounding an item featured frequently in the cartoon that inspired him.
It was fairly simple: ‘Tom’, as Danny had started calling him, would be the first victim.
“Hey, president guy!” he waved a hand at the man, walking up to him in the hallway where he was sitting outside a closed door, papers and binders spread at his feet. “I’m ready for an interview.”
‘Tom’ raised an eyebrow. “Really?”
“Yup!” Danny squatted down in front of him. “If you get it done, you’ll probably leave me alone. So the sooner I get this over with, the better.”
“Well, yeah, I guess.” The guy pulled out a faded agenda and a pencil from under one of his binders. “When are you free?”
“I’ll agree to an interview with Tom.”
“To lure him out?” Sam asked.
“Well yes, but also to have all his club members’ attention on me.” 
“They already have all their attention on you. I thought that was the problem?”
Danny grinned. “Yeah, but this way they’ll be more focused on hearing about the interview than poking around for other supposed paranormal stuff around campus. Including anything my duplicates get up to.”
Danny Duplicate #13 roamed the skies above the building the original Danny was currently sitting in. The duplicate combed the roof and jammed the lock by phasing some wood in it just for good measure.
“So, you’re some kind of invisible man?”
“Starting off strong, huh?” ‘Tom’ was no journalism major, but he was expecting some lead up questions. “Well, not really. Everyone back home can do this kind of stuff.”
“What kind of stuff, exactly?”
The duplicate began poking Danny on equipment placement. A little further from the door, he mentally responded, don’t want to actually get anyone hurt. Absentmindedly, he said, “Oh, lots of stuff. It’s like magic with how versatile it is.”
“Okay, but what is ‘it’?”
“Ectoplasm,” he said, before his thoughts caught up to him. Fuck fuck. He wasn’t supposed to say that.
“And you’re gonna direct a bunch of duplicates while also trying to avoid spilling everything in this interview?” Sam said, squinting.
“What?” he said, crossing his arms, defensive. “I can do it.”
“Danny, I love you dude, but you remember what happened during that scramble at graduation, right?”
“No.” He blushed. “No idea what you’re talking about.”
Tucker smirked. “I have the video saved on my phone if—”
“ANYWAY,”—he interrupted loudly—“I’m older now—”
“You’re, like, six months older—”
“I’m OLDER now. It won’t happen again.”
God. He can’t believe it happened again.
Danny’s duplicates froze where they were setting things up. Danny himself laughed awkwardly. “Y-Yeah, y’know. There’s always been a bunch of ghost sightings around Amity Park, y’know? So, uh, the most popular theory is that sometimes the ghost’s leave weird energy stuff behind and we call that ‘ectoplasm’.”
Tom was furiously scribbling on his notepad, nodding along. “And how does that relate to your powers of invisibility? Does this mean everyone in your town can turn invisible?”
“So,”—Tucker spread his hands, voice low and promising with ideas—“you could set up a giant mouse trap right on top of the roof. Then drag him up there with an invisible duplicate so Danny Fenton has an alibi from the victim himself.”
“Don’t call him a victim,” Danny said. “You’re making it sound like I’m gonna maim him.”
“Oh, and he could conveniently look away as Fenton while his victim is being taken—” Sam continued, speaking right over him.
“Yeah, and then Danny can, like, turn up the ghostliness to the max on his duplicate and threaten them not to meddle in some completely unrelated supernatural rumour on campus.”
“Then Danny Fenton can pretend to be a scaredy cat and panic. Maybe call for help from the people eavesdropping on the interview to help look for the kidnapping victim too. So he can build up eye witness reports that make it seem like he couldn’t be the perpetrator.” 
Tucker slapped a fist on his palm. “Oh! During the interview, he could bring back the fear of ghosts excuse from high school, which would help when he inevitably slips up too.” Sam nodded. “He could say he doesn’t know any specifics, but that he knows that weird stuff happens in Amity all the time.”
“I hate that excuse,” Danny grumbled.
Sam snorted. “Well, unless you want to gaslight the entire club or admit to being an amateur magician, suck it up.”
“I’m not too sure,” Danny said, grinding his teeth a little. “I’ve been afraid of ghosts my whole life so I tried to avoid learning any specifics.”
“Then, the picture?”
Fuck. The picture. “Uhh, the—the picture.” Oh, he really had to use that gag back up excuse, didn’t he? Ugh. “I really didn’t want to give it away, but you guys have gotten really annoying with the constant pestering.” He sighed. “I’m an amateur magician. I was using a really thin wire and hooks.”
“Is that so?”
“Well, yeah,” Danny said, putting on his most condescending voice. “It’s pretty obvious when you look for it. I’m surprised that wasn’t the first thing you ruled out.”
“You gotta scream.”
“I’m not gonna scream!”
“Danny, you have to scream,” Sam repeated. “No one’s gonna buy it if you don’t. You suck at acting.”
God, he hated it when she was right.
“Fine, but I draw the line at calling for help. I’m not gonna be some dude in distress.”
Danny Duplicate #1 hovered behind Tom, ready and in position. It seemed the other duplicates were prepared too. Good. He just needed to plant the idea in the guy’s head that he was a regular human and then he could strike.
“We did rule it out. We ruled out many forms of illusions from stage magicians. Professional ones,” Tom said calmly, tapping the end of his pencil on his paper. “We also ruled out photo editing as the person who took the footage is not only part of this club, but also a good friend of mine.”
Fuck, are you serious? Stupid Fenton luck at it again. “Maybe they should get glasses then?” He slumped back in his seat, putting on his most pathetically tired look. It wasn’t hard. “Look, I’m not trying to call your friend a liar or anything, but I really was just practicing some tricks.” 
“Of course,” Tom said, disbelief clear in his voice.
He threw his hands up in the air. “I don’t even mind you throwing around rumours or anything, just quit hounding me everywhere I go!”
At that, Tom did start to look a little guilty. “I guess, regardless of if you’re telling the truth, we should probably back off a little.” Oh thank god. Maybe Tom was reasonable after all. Maybe he wouldn’t need to even go through with—“After all, we aren’t sure what you’re capable of, and if you get upset, you might hurt someone.”
Wow. Wow. This guy really just said that to Danny’s face. Suddenly, he was glad he decided to amp up his threat from the original idea.
“The mousetrap isn’t enough though. If I was Tom, I wouldn’t give a shit about a single ghost threatening me.”
“Your viewpoint is skewed,” Tucker said. “You’re, like, Ghost Threat Georg; you get threatened by ghosts so often that you think people get ghost threats all the time, which is very much wrong.”
“Your viewpoint is skewed,” he said petulantly.
“Look, I wouldn’t have believed it either, but going to school in a place with basically no ghosts means most days I don’t get a single threat.” Tucker shrugged. “And the ones I do are usually some of your old rogues trying to ask to hang out somehow. I haven’t gotten a legit ghost threat in ages.”
“Yeah, same here,” Sam said. “It’s kind of weird, but Tucker’s right. I’m pretty sure the trap is enough.”
“No,” Danny shook his head. “It needs something more. It needs something to really send the message home.” He grinned. “And I’ve got just the thing.”
“A very bold claim you’re saying to the face of said person you think might hurt someone.” Danny strained to stay loose and relaxed. “If you’re so worried, why not go to campus security or something?”
Tom waved a hand. “Security guards are functionally useless in this situation. I’ve prepared myself and my club members on how to defend themselves and others against paranormal threats”—oh good, Danny thought gripping his leg, another GIW scenario, just what I needed—“using purified salts, stakes, holy water, etcetera. The basics.”
Okay, the lack of any real anti-ghost stuff made him feel a little better. “Right. The basics.” Wait a second. “Just out of curiosity, what exactly do you think I am? Just some guy with invisible powers?”
“We haven’t pinned anything down, but none of our theories are that simple,” Tom flipped through his notebook. He stopped on a page and read aloud, “Shapeshifter, shapeshifter, dragon with camouflage abilities, shapeshifter, a human shaped chameleon, shapeshifter, creature made entirely of string that can unravel at will, and shapeshifter.”
He really shouldn’t ask, but—“Why didn’t anyone think I was a ghost?”
Tom laughed. Fully belly laughed. “Danny,”—he wiped a tear from his eye—“you might be elusive, but you’re nowhere near scary enough to be a ghost.”
“I could be scary!” he protested. 
“You were the only entry in the haunted dorm room competition back in October to make everyone laugh their asses off.” Tom grinned. “I still watch the video sometimes to lift my mood.”
“Hey, I worked really hard on that—”
“Anyway, it’s just not possible.” Tom said, talking over him. “You don’t have it in you to be some spooky spectre come back from the grave to haunt the campus. You don’t have a single scary bone in your body.”
Okay, well, Danny’s had enough of this slander. Clearly, Tom didn’t believe in Danny being a ghost so, whatever, fine. That was what he wanted in the first place. He was fine with it. Didn’t make him want to spill his guts just to prove the guy wrong at all. Nope, no sir.
He did wish he’d put more effort into making his plan more fear-inducing, but whatever. It might not be that scary, but it was gonna get Tom off his back forever and Danny was done talking with this jerk.
“And you don’t think this isn’t… a little much?” Tucker hedged.
“What do you mean?”
“It’s probably gonna scar him for life,” Sam said. “It’d still fix your problem, but I didn’t think you liked going that far.”
“What? No.” Danny shook his head. “You guys probably have a messed up sense of fear from fighting ghosts and stuff for four straight years.”
Sam raised an eyebrow. “You were fighting those ghosts too.”
“Yeah, but I’m just built different.” He looked through the list of equipment he’d written down next to him. “This is gonna be hilarious. He’s either gonna laugh his ass off or, if his sense of humour sucks, call it lame and move on. Either way, I’m freed from those stupid P.E.E. stalkers.”
“I don’t like this slander against our sense of fear,” Tucker said. “I have very normal fears. This is definitely one of them.” Sam agreed.
Danny rolled his eyes. “Fine, maybe, by some miniscule chance, you guys are right and his sense of fear’s messed up like yours.” He raised a finger. “But! At most he’ll probably get a little spooked and end up staying away because of it! So, I win regardless.”
Sam hummed disbelievingly. 
He sent the signal. Off to the mousetrap with him.
He couldn’t see it, but he felt Danny Duplicate #1 salute him. On it boss.
“What—?!” Danny Duplicate #1 grabbed Tom around the middle. Tom wiggled in the chair, unable to move his arms or get up. His notepad and pencil fell to the ground. “Hey, what the fuck?! Did you—?!”
Despite how he hated it, Danny’s best blood curdling scream was so impressive it shocked Tom into flinching, even stopping his struggling to press his ear to his shoulder with a wince. At least the guy would totally believe Danny’s excuse after this.
The faint chatter outside the room silenced. Then all at once, people were yelling, jiggling the locked doorknob—one of Danny’s conditions for the interview, being alone with Tom so as to ensure his plan went off without a hitch—and Danny jerked his head up towards the ceiling. The duplicate nodded and quickly phased through the ceiling, Tom in his arms.
Now, what to do about the bystanders….
Oh, duh. 
The yelling and lock jiggling quickly started to peter out after that, followed by the faint sounds of laughter and one, “Jesus Christ, the lungs on that guy,” which Danny would take as a compliment.
He chuckled to himself as he shared his senses fully with his first duplicate.
The plan was going perfectly. Sam and Tucker didn’t know shit.
“It’s really not that bad!”
“It really is,” Sam and Tucker chimed in together.
“It’s not,” Danny sent a picture through their chat. “Look, see! It’s cute!”
“Danny, this is fucking horrifying,” Tucker said.
“Fuck, that’s so cursed, what the hell?” Sam said. “Why did you choose this one? Where did you even find it?”
“Doesn’t matter.” Also, they’d probably tell him not to buy stuff from people hanging out in the rundown bathrooms in the engineering building every time he happened to pass by. “What does matter is that it’s fine.”
“Danny, your plan is to restrain and drag someone to the roof, put them in front of a giant mouse trap prepared to go off, and have him surrounded in a circle of your duplicates, who are going to be backlit by green flames and wearing the most cursed version of a Jerry costume I have ever seen in my life,” Sam said. “This is not fine.” Tucker nodded his agreement.
“It is!”
“You’re not gonna be right about this.”
“I’m gonna be so right about this. I’m gonna be the most right anyone’s ever been about anything.”
Tom pissed his pants and fainted.
Damn, Danny thought as he phased the guy back into his club room, I can’t believe Sam and Tucker were three for three on this.
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vesselandmoon · 4 months
Since I got ahead of myself I decided to post the story version of this first, I thought it only made sense to also post my own take that is not in that format.
I swear I will attempt to be concise and not ramble, but no promises.
When I first saw the title of the album I thought it was a little odd but it stirred some memories of a deceased relative that struggled with this. For that reason I will TW sundowning as well as dementia and Alzheimer's, just in case. Also, the little personal experience backstory here will be between the asterisks if you wish to skip it.
That being said, I recall how she was during the day. Of course, we are talking about a woman well into her nineties at the time so there was very little that she did besides watch television. Evangelical preachers and the news more often than not. She wasn't bed ridden or anything of that nature and other than typical ailments for her age, she was rather healthy. Days were slow and quiet.
But as late afternoon crept in, tension built in the house. As she was able to stay home until her passing, she was accompanied at all times by at least one other person, be it family or hired ladies that assisted in her care. She would become confused, agitated, and paranoid. I won't go any further into it, but what I experienced made me wonder about Vessel.
Why the title of Sundowning when that is usually reserved for individuals suffering from dementia and Alzheimer's? Then I considered it as less of something he could not help, and more of a state he suffered as a result of knowing Sleep was coming. This plays up on my thought of Sleep being a separate entity that can (in some way) possess Vessel. Sleep isn't always there, but when he is, Vessel can feel him coming.
See, in lore context I wonder... when it's sundown you're growing closer to the time to sleep. Night is settling in and there is only so much time left before you must sleep. Fighting that sleep is always an option but rarely has positive consequences.
Vessel obviously doesn't have dementia so what if it's more in the sense that the night is coming and so is Sleep? I assume Sleep does not join Vessel every night, mostly because I believe that Sleep finds ways to manipulate Vessel and keep him in a state of longing or desire and what better way to do that than by living by the adage "absence makes the heart grow fonder". Let Vessel suffer through the night alone and when Sleep is present, it would bring so much relief, that Vessel would see the encounter as worth it no matter how unfulfilled he feels in the morning.
The prospect of the encounter could cause Vessel to pace and grow agitated or confused on how to feel about it. Seeking some kind of companionship to not be alone through the night, which is when most people struggle with loneliness, while also knowing that what's coming might not leave him feeling as fulfilled as he hopes.
This would tie in with my thoughts on Thread the Needle but that is for another post. However, I will say that it is the idea of giving his all to Sleep while accepting the bare minimum in return. I can relate to Vessel's side of that. I'm not proud to admit it, but when I was younger I obsessed with someone very similar. Only at night did they acknowledge my presence and they gave me just enough to keep me craving more. I was afraid of being alone, afraid of losing them, so I allowed a lot of things to happen just for the sake of the relationship. I'm still fighting the consequences of that.
A bit of a personal take I suppose, but aren't we all projecting just a little?
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blububblgum · 8 months
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im not arguing with her and her gorgeous brown eyes. whatever u say beautiful.
also!!! next in my dnd series: Alicent hightower!!!! Twilight domain cleric for the church of the Seven. as per usual, details under the cut
I was pretty sure of cleric immediately, because while it is predictable, it also fits most of how alicent was raised and how she acts. The harder part was figuring out what her domain would be, because of how differently the dnd gods behave compared to the religion within westeros. If we treat the Seven as one entity (many faces to one god) then that is kinda boring because theres all of 3 "pantheons", and one of them is just one being. However if we treat them as 7 separate/ semi separate deities then they get a little bit simplistic. So im gonna use a kinda happy middle, with them being both one being and yet also separate heads (almost like a hydra, or the way the entities in the magnus archives are described). Using them this ways means that when deciding alicents domain, the aspect that she worships should go with it.
For her domain, I was really torn between order, peace, and twlight. I'll go through each as briefly as I can. The order domain is a great one for the mechanics of combat, and while I've been keeping that in mind, I don't really think alicent would be in the frontlines even in a dnd world. However, the order domain really matches the strict, rules based approach that alicent has been raised with in regards to religion and then how she behaves when she is older, and so it would make sense for her to be within this domain. Peace is a bit controversal I know!! However if you get rid of Otto's bitch ass, alicent would really be a peacemaker I think. When she is younger and not yet married, she was a soothing presence for rhaenyra, and I think she has the potential to be a peace domain. Lastly, the twilight domain, which is a little bit more disconnected from the different faces of the seven, but I think its so fun. With the twilight domain, there are the elements of peace, but it’s a little bit more in between. It’s a bit more about the transition into the darkness of night, while still staying positive and calm. As you can all tell, I decided on the twilight domain, because it retains the complexity of alicents life (and doesn't require basically removing everything to do with otto) and it isn't exclusively a combat build.
Now that we've explained her domain, I wanna talk about the faces of the seven. To say that alicent is mainly connected to the mother feels like reducing her to her relationship with the targaryan house, and how she can provide for them. However, I don't think its fair to reduce the mother (and maiden) to how active someone's sex life is, so I want to combine the aspects of her that are about peace with elements of the stranger. I know the stranger is rarely worshipped, and a bit taboo in the world of asoiaf, but ! In dnd the gods are quite different, and death is nowhere near the end for many people. Since alicent is a cleric, and a medium high level one at that (I was thinking around level 9, though I don't see her going much above level 13 idk) she has the ability to cast both revivify (resurrects people within 1 min of their death) and raise dead (resurrects people within 10 days of their death). With those powers in mind, and her domain having some depth, I think the mother and stranger are the main two that alicent prays to (and thus gains her powers from).
For the final collection of thoughts, the feat "keen mind" would go well with how well alicent remembers and thinks over everything. It gives her the ability to always know which way is north, as well as a perfect recall on events/info learnt within the past month. Which is pretty baller. If her other feat is observant (increases passive perception, and gives the ability to read lips), and she has a 20 wisdom at level nine (not unreasonable for the stat associated with your class) then her perception and insight + memory would be killer when dealing with politics. I think her stats go (highest to lowest) wisdom, intelligence, constitution, charisma, dexterity, strength. Once again i apologize for making castors have lesser physical stats but it just makes sense.
Ok thank u for reading, i'm in love with you.
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ilikemyteawithmilk · 7 months
I tried writing a fanfiction after a while :3
Also I know Al is Ace. Since Asexuality is a spectrum I took some research into that matter and used one interpretation in here. He is more Demi romantic asexual though. hope thats okay
Alastor didn't know what consequences this ritual would hold.
Looking back at it when he first arrived in Hell, he would do in again in a Heartbeat.
Looking back at his Deal now, with all the constraints, with how he has to fiddle around his Masters orders, he does regret not having thought about a backdoor clause.
But than again, he was just a child when he killed the rabbit, and used it's blood to draw the circle in the snow. Just a child when his father shoved his mother to the floor, and punched him a black eye when he dared walk towards her. Just a child, that wished his father would simply die.
Funny, it was so cold outside, and this rabbits blood was so warm.
It wasn't that difficult to draw a summoning circle on the Ground. This Book that the old lady gave him had all the instructions. In his defense he couldn't understand everything thats written in there as he rarely looked presentable and unbrused enough to go to school, and therefor still had trouble reading. But even experienced readers would have trouble with the cursive in this Book. The Lady clearly wrote this in a hurry. Despite her poor calligraphy he liked her. She had a shop a couple streets away and claimed to be a Witch. Though the others called her a Lunatic, it didn't went unnoticed to him that she often seemed to look younger than the day before.
Once the circle was complete, and the Spell was spoken, young Alastor expected to have Lucifer, the Devil himself appear in front of him and offer to kill his Dad in exchange of his Soul. But faith rarely acts as one expects does it?
No, the entity he made a feal with was less powerful than Lucifer. But far, far more sinister, and a tad more cruel. But Al didn't mind at all. Because instead of Killing his father, his new Friend as The Entity introduced themselves, they offered Alastor some 'ways' to deal with this Drunk himself. And put his new found powers to use. _____________________________________________
A decate later young Alastor just exited a Radio Station where he applied for an Internship. He was humming a song that just played inside, wearing a big smile on his face. He has behaved his best, displayed all his charisma and manners. He was sure to hear from them soon. 'Ah, what a delightful day' he thought. The wind was a refreshing chill against the warm summer heat. He did enjoy the interview, his mother always said he had a way with people. And he did could never get enough of his own coice, so reaching, and influencing, people as a Radio host was a given.
While walking through this ever growing town in the best suit he could afford, he slowly strolled from the mansions, to the apartments, and finally to the slums he and his mother called their home. Never would he admit that he spent a big part of his live in poverty, never behaved or dressed like that either. What would that even bring. He still looked down at the beggars, at the prostitutes, at the drunks. His mother and him never would have lived with theese people If his wretched failure of a father would have been able to hold a job for a week or more, or if he didn't spent all their money on cheap booze.
Al came home and locked the door, quickly getting out of his tailored suit as to not ruin it with dish soap, or stain it with what he plans on doing later that night.
"I'm Home" he announces, Opening the door to his Mother's room and walking to her bed. A quick glance to the empty Glass of water and the half empty Bowl of Soup indicate that she ate. This time. "Good." He whisperes, scared of waking her, but still testing if she's not to far gone into her dreamworld. He quietly refills her Glass and stealthily exits the Room, quiet as a Mouse.
Opening the Pantry, he let's out a deep sigh. Bread, some moldy Carrots, and not enough rice to feed the both of them. But that's okay, he planned on going hunting anyways. And most of the time he does return with something.. more than edible.
"Have you added enough sage dear?"
"yes Grandma, " you sigh. "And enough Cow blood, and not to much " wait how much wolfsbane was to much?" you laugh as a display of horror grows in her face "A joke a joke Im joking" you laugh while stirring the Pot. Potion Making was never your strong suite, but you where no amateur. Witchcraft was a Family business, and you were an excellent apprentice.
"Yeah keep on laughing, but when our Client comes back and wears a pitchfork with his blue warts and Lizard eyes I will grill a Sandwich on the sltar they burn you on"
Now the both of you were laughing. Witches haven't been caught in centuries, and the small coven of you and your two Grandma's isn't big enough, or suspicious enough to get caught. just two Old ladies who raise their Granddaughter together. Well, in theory Marlene was not your grandmother, but as long as Grandma loved her you will too. "Grandma, Pitchforks? really? " "They used those to hunt us back in the day! didn't forget the time one of those idiotic Farmers threw one of those at me." she winked. "That man became a nice and warm Furcoat for xou when you were a baby you know? "
Another laugh escaped you while pouring the potion into a small vial. Autumn's with your Gramdma are always the best part of the Year. A nice escape from your modern life with your Mom, and a welcome to get back to your Roots.
"Why would that man need a potion of strength anyways?" you wondered. "He's scared someone might kill him. And eat his remains for dinner" A sinister smile on her lips. "Wouldn't he than rather need a protection Talisman? or a Rune on his front door to sanction his House?" your Granny's smile grew. "Sold, sold and sold. Oh those cowards have always been my favorite clients. Poor Soul lives alone with his Dog. When he comes in to pick up his order I'll offer him a talisman for the dog too. Cute thing. a German Shepherd. From it's fur we could brew some fine Lycantrophy antidote" "Grandma, you know as good as I tha- really? I thought Australian Shepherds had better Fur for those?" She giggled and gave you a small slap with the Broom "just testing you my little raven of the night! Don't want you to loose all your wits while beeing away from me"
Again, both of you giggle. While you do your work for a while, filling two more Viols with the Potion and stealthily cleaning the counter where you spilled two drops, you wonder, and ask "Hey Grandma, Why is that man so scared?"
"ouuuuhuiii" She barely can contain her grin and walks other to you, using the Broom as a cane. "haven't you heard it yet? " you raise an Eyebrow, mentally going through all the things she told you since picking you up on the Trainstation merely 4 Hours ago. "We. have. a. Serial Killer in New Orleans" joyfully like a teen cousin who just told you about her crush of the week. "Marlene and I have restricted each other in scrying about who it is, but we are fairly sure they must be young and charming, the way the crimes are comited, oh" She takes a bite out of the air and moans as if eating the most delicious strawberry parfait she has ever tasted, then giggles misheviously. "It's mostly the same old scheme. Once or twice a month, a scream appears, than several more. Theese screams go on for a couple Minutes, but never enough for anyone to trace where exactly they come from. just the direction of the forest." This time, grandma interrupts to actually eat a Cookie, after chewing it painfully long, tasteing the suspense she's creating, she continues. "When police searchey the forest, they always find drops of fresh blood on several places, up to 300 feet apart. They usually never find the Victim, or their remains. Though last time they did find a Pinky finger and a piece of liver." You wrinkle your face. Ew. But the fact that the killer left traces last time means that they grew less cautious. That amused you. Most serial Killers where narcissists after all, and it wasn't unusual for them to make mistakes when they though no one could ever catch them. This brought a smile to your face, and your Grandma took it the wrong way. "Should I peek a look into the crystal ball and see if they're available for courting? "
Before you could correct your Grandma, the bell rang as Marlene opened the door and entered the shop. "Ah ah ah, no peeking my Spiderleg, we won't spoil our game will we? " The thin Woman Dropped her Bag and took off her flat Black hat. First she gave your Grandma a small peck on the cheek before coming up to you. "Come here little dove of doom. How have you been? how was the train ride? how is your stomach doing after the long time apart from my good cooking?" You embrace Marlene in a tight hug and answere her Questions with a smile on your Lips. Marlene's cooking was the best you ever had. You're not a hundred percent convinced she wasn't casting spells on it to increase the flavor though. Than she spoke the words you were afraid to hear since last year, and your stummic dropped to your feet.
"Are you ready for the Ritual tonight?"
Are you? You should be. You have been prepared for this. You have weighed the consequences, You could live as a Normal Human like your Mother choose. Or you Choose Magic.
"I. I think I am." "Have you decided on a Demon yet?" "She should pic one of the Sins. I picked an Ars Goetia and look where that left me." Your Grandmother exclaimed, still swiping the floor on the exact same spot. "My powers are great, but I'm nearly 250 years old, and already look like I'm close to the Grave." "You and I both know your age and appearance isn't determined by the demon, but by our use of magic. Play nurse for some more children, get some vials of their blood and you will look like 170 in no time" Marlene said smoothly while putting a hand on your shoulder. "We don't have to-" "I am ready. And I have choosen. I just need to reread the Spell for tonight." You interrupt her. " to chant it correctly you know? I left My book about Demonology at home so Kalista could read it, to ease her nerves. May I use yours?" You quicky glimpse at your Grandmother while fiddling with your necklace. You have been so sure when you packed your Bags yesterday, when you entered the train, even when you took a seat and started to mentally go through simpel spells. Only when you saw the look of worry in yours Mom's eyes as the train departured did your confidence stutter, and your insecurities grew. "Pah, Kalista should have rather visited us aswell. Support her big sister with such a big step" Granny's swiping grew more aggressive. "She will come when, and only if she's ready spiderweb." Marlene baisicly floated over to your grandmother with how light her steps where. She took Granny's chin in her hand and slightly tilted it up. "not everyone wishes for the life we share, but that doesn't mean we won't enjoy it the best we can"
You did love Marlene for the way she made your Grandma loose her track of thought and her temper. How one bewitched the other without spells just with a look.
After a few moments of you puting the vials, two talismans and a parchment with the correct Rune in a small Box, you cleared your throat.
"The book?"
"Oh.What book?"
You sigh.
"The book about Demonology?"
"The Book I need for Tonights ritual?"
"Your Book about Demonology wich I need to lend in Order to fullfill my Ritual and keep my powers even After my 6999 Day on earth?"
Both you and Marlene stare and Your Grandma.
"Spide-" "I gave it away."
This time, the silence came from you and Marlene
"Look, there was A boy, always covered in Bruises and.. I .. My contract stated that I was to be mishevious! and I thought a little chaos, a little...well he never did anything with it though!? stleast his Parents never contacted me, and just last week I saw him buying whisky in the"
"Buying Whisky?" Marlene shook her head, letting go off your Grandma to look her in the Eyes. "yes." "I thought you gave the book to a child. "well yes. About ten years ago. Maybe eleven."
Both you and Marlene were speechless. To be fair, none of you really kept the whole 'beeing a witch' thing this secret. Wearing long Robes, collecting herbes, openly cuddling black Cats.. but your Grandma always had to be extra. Going as far as to tell kids how she would have grilled Hansel and Gretel instead of baking them. But giving away a Spellbook to strangers, that was could have consequences. For all three ou you. "He clearly didn't do anything! I'm sure the book is just dusting Away in his Attic! I can Summon it ! I just need.. " she left the room. You could hear her rummaging through her storage, angry huffs and puffs when whatever she was searching for wasn't where she expected it to be. Meanwhile Marlene came over to you. Picking up her bag on the way there. "I brought you something Applepie. It might be a bit early, and a bit old fashioned, but tradition is tradition." She took out a black, simple pointy hat, with a ribbon in your favorite color. You thanked her and took her into a tight embrace. Marlene was a treasure you intended to keep in your life.
"Aha! found it!" Granny re-emerged with just the right tool. A piece of paper. "A spell to summon what one once lost. If you need it back no matter the cost. Just chant its Name, with hope in mind. And the Object you will find. My Book of Demonology" She spoke in singsang. It was odd that your Grandma didn't now the spell by heart. given how easy It was, and how often she lost her belongings. But after some moments and a fine Orange glow the Book appeared howering in front of her. "Ahaha! there you are! ihihihi!" She was practically glowing and smiling, it faded a little while she took it in her hands, but her expression was still happy. "oh, eell you do look a but worn out? And youre cold. Have you been kept outside? Dumb boy must have kept you in an outside shed rather then a nice dusty bookshelf in the attic huh?" She shifted her Fokus back to you and handed the book over. "here Pumpkinpie, the Book should contain all the information your copy had. Go on and learn a little, it's almost midnight already" she wore a Soft smile now. gazing into your Eyes. "We will start at 03:00 o'clock. Witching hour." You noded and made your way up to your room. Eagerly putting on the Hat and flipping through the pages to the demon of your Choice.
Back in the shop, Marlene and Your Grandma Shared a sigh, looking after their little girl practically running up the stairs. "Are you sure he didnt do anything with the book?" Marlene asked, having a sense of foreboding. Granny took Marlene's Hand in hers and squeezed a little. "Ah, don't worry dearest, I'm sure he wouldn't even notice.
But Alastor did notice. This was Bad. Very Bad
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shambless-life-blog · 7 months
I dont want to set the world on fire ~
I tried writing a fanfiction after a while :3
Also I know Al is Ace. Since Asexuality is a spectrum I took some research into that matter and used one interpretation in here. He is more Demi romantic asexual though. hope thats okay
Alastor didn't know what consequences this ritual would hold.
Looking back at it when he first arrived in Hell, he would do in again in a Heartbeat.
Looking back at his Deal now, with all the constraints, with how he has to fiddle around his Masters orders, he does regret not having thought about a backdoor clause.
But than again, he was just a child when he killed the rabbit, and used it's blood to draw the circle in the snow. Just a child when his father shoved his mother to the floor, and punched him a black eye when he dared walk towards her. Just a child, that wished his father would simply die.
Funny, it was so cold outside, and this rabbits blood was so warm.
It wasn't that difficult to draw a summoning circle on the Ground. This Book that the old lady gave him had all the instructions. In his defense he couldn't understand everything thats written in there as he rarely looked presentable and unbrused enough to go to school, and therefor still had trouble reading. But even experienced readers would have trouble with the cursive in this Book. The Lady clearly wrote this in a hurry. Despite her poor calligraphy he liked her. She had a shop a couple streets away and claimed to be a Witch. Though the others called her a Lunatic, it didn't went unnoticed to him that she often seemed to look younger than the day before.
Once the circle was complete, and the Spell was spoken, young Alastor expected to have Lucifer, the Devil himself appear in front of him and offer to kill his Dad in exchange of his Soul. But faith rarely acts as one expects does it?
No, the entity he made a feal with was less powerful than Lucifer. But far, far more sinister, and a tad more cruel. But Al didn't mind at all. Because instead of Killing his father, his new Friend as The Entity introduced themselves, they offered Alastor some 'ways' to deal with this Drunk himself. And put his new found powers to use. _____________________________________________
A decate later young Alastor just exited a Radio Station where he applied for an Internship. He was humming a song that just played inside, wearing a big smile on his face. He has behaved his best, displayed all his charisma and manners. He was sure to hear from them soon. 'Ah, what a delightful day' he thought. The wind was a refreshing chill against the warm summer heat. He did enjoy the interview, his mother always said he had a way with people. And he did could never get enough of his own coice, so reaching, and influencing, people as a Radio host was a given.
While walking through this ever growing town in the best suit he could afford, he slowly strolled from the mansions, to the apartments, and finally to the slums he and his mother called their home. Never would he admit that he spent a big part of his live in poverty, never behaved or dressed like that either. What would that even bring. He still looked down at the beggars, at the prostitutes, at the drunks. His mother and him never would have lived with theese people If his wretched failure of a father would have been able to hold a job for a week or more, or if he didn't spent all their money on cheap booze.
Al came home and locked the door, quickly getting out of his tailored suit as to not ruin it with dish soap, or stain it with what he plans on doing later that night.
"I'm Home" he announces, Opening the door to his Mother's room and walking to her bed. A quick glance to the empty Glass of water and the half empty Bowl of Soup indicate that she ate. This time. "Good." He whisperes, scared of waking her, but still testing if she's not to far gone into her dreamworld. He quietly refills her Glass and stealthily exits the Room, quiet as a Mouse.
Opening the Pantry, he let's out a deep sigh. Bread, some moldy Carrots, and not enough rice to feed the both of them. But that's okay, he planned on going hunting anyways. And most of the time he does return with something.. more than edible.
"Have you added enough sage dear?"
"yes Grandma, " you sigh. "And enough Cow blood, and not to much " wait how much wolfsbane was to much?" you laugh as a display of horror grows in her face "A joke a joke Im joking" you laugh while stirring the Pot. Potion Making was never your strong suite, but you where no amateur. Witchcraft was a Family business, and you were an excellent apprentice.
"Yeah keep on laughing, but when our Client comes back and wears a pitchfork with his blue warts and Lizard eyes I will grill a Sandwich on the sltar they burn you on"
Now the both of you were laughing. Witches haven't been caught in centuries, and the small coven of you and your two Grandma's isn't big enough, or suspicious enough to get caught. just two Old ladies who raise their Granddaughter together. Well, in theory Marlene was not your grandmother, but as long as Grandma loved her you will too. "Grandma, Pitchforks? really? " "They used those to hunt us back in the day! didn't forget the time one of those idiotic Farmers threw one of those at me." she winked. "That man became a nice and warm Furcoat for xou when you were a baby you know? "
Another laugh escaped you while pouring the potion into a small vial. Autumn's with your Gramdma are always the best part of the Year. A nice escape from your modern life with your Mom, and a welcome to get back to your Roots.
"Why would that man need a potion of strength anyways?" you wondered. "He's scared someone might kill him. And eat his remains for dinner" A sinister smile on her lips. "Wouldn't he than rather need a protection Talisman? or a Rune on his front door to sanction his House?" your Granny's smile grew. "Sold, sold and sold. Oh those cowards have always been my favorite clients. Poor Soul lives alone with his Dog. When he comes in to pick up his order I'll offer him a talisman for the dog too. Cute thing. a German Shepherd. From it's fur we could brew some fine Lycantrophy antidote" "Grandma, you know as good as I tha- really? I thought Australian Shepherds had better Fur for those?" She giggled and gave you a small slap with the Broom "just testing you my little raven of the night! Don't want you to loose all your wits while beeing away from me"
Again, both of you giggle. While you do your work for a while, filling two more Viols with the Potion and stealthily cleaning the counter where you spilled two drops, you wonder, and ask "Hey Grandma, Why is that man so scared?"
"ouuuuhuiii" She barely can contain her grin and walks other to you, using the Broom as a cane. "haven't you heard it yet? " you raise an Eyebrow, mentally going through all the things she told you since picking you up on the Trainstation merely 4 Hours ago. "We. have. a. Serial Killer in New Orleans" joyfully like a teen cousin who just told you about her crush of the week. "Marlene and I have restricted each other in scrying about who it is, but we are fairly sure they must be young and charming, the way the crimes are comited, oh" She takes a bite out of the air and moans as if eating the most delicious strawberry parfait she has ever tasted, then giggles misheviously. "It's mostly the same old scheme. Once or twice a month, a scream appears, than several more. Theese screams go on for a couple Minutes, but never enough for anyone to trace where exactly they come from. just the direction of the forest." This time, grandma interrupts to actually eat a Cookie, after chewing it painfully long, tasteing the suspense she's creating, she continues. "When police searchey the forest, they always find drops of fresh blood on several places, up to 300 feet apart. They usually never find the Victim, or their remains. Though last time they did find a Pinky finger and a piece of liver." You wrinkle your face. Ew. But the fact that the killer left traces last time means that they grew less cautious. That amused you. Most serial Killers where narcissists after all, and it wasn't unusual for them to make mistakes when they though no one could ever catch them. This brought a smile to your face, and your Grandma took it the wrong way. "Should I peek a look into the crystal ball and see if they're available for courting? "
Before you could correct your Grandma, the bell rang as Marlene opened the door and entered the shop. "Ah ah ah, no peeking my Spiderleg, we won't spoil our game will we? " The thin Woman Dropped her Bag and took off her flat Black hat. First she gave your Grandma a small peck on the cheek before coming up to you. "Come here little dove of doom. How have you been? how was the train ride? how is your stomach doing after the long time apart from my good cooking?" You embrace Marlene in a tight hug and answere her Questions with a smile on your Lips. Marlene's cooking was the best you ever had. You're not a hundred percent convinced she wasn't casting spells on it to increase the flavor though. Than she spoke the words you were afraid to hear since last year, and your stummic dropped to your feet.
"Are you ready for the Ritual tonight?"
Are you? You should be. You have been prepared for this. You have weighed the consequences, You could live as a Normal Human like your Mother choose. Or you Choose Magic.
"I. I think I am." "Have you decided on a Demon yet?" "She should pic one of the Sins. I picked an Ars Goetia and look where that left me." Your Grandmother exclaimed, still swiping the floor on the exact same spot. "My powers are great, but I'm nearly 250 years old, and already look like I'm close to the Grave." "You and I both know your age and appearance isn't determined by the demon, but by our use of magic. Play nurse for some more children, get some vials of their blood and you will look like 170 in no time" Marlene said smoothly while putting a hand on your shoulder. "We don't have to-" "I am ready. And I have choosen. I just need to reread the Spell for tonight." You interrupt her. " to chant it correctly you know? I left My book about Demonology at home so Kalista could read it, to ease her nerves. May I use yours?" You quicky glimpse at your Grandmother while fiddling with your necklace. You have been so sure when you packed your Bags yesterday, when you entered the train, even when you took a seat and started to mentally go through simpel spells. Only when you saw the look of worry in yours Mom's eyes as the train departured did your confidence stutter, and your insecurities grew. "Pah, Kalista should have rather visited us aswell. Support her big sister with such a big step" Granny's swiping grew more aggressive. "She will come when, and only if she's ready spiderweb." Marlene baisicly floated over to your grandmother with how light her steps where. She took Granny's chin in her hand and slightly tilted it up. "not everyone wishes for the life we share, but that doesn't mean we won't enjoy it the best we can"
You did love Marlene for the way she made your Grandma loose her track of thought and her temper. How one bewitched the other without spells just with a look.
After a few moments of you puting the vials, two talismans and a parchment with the correct Rune in a small Box, you cleared your throat.
"The book?"
"Oh.What book?"
You sigh.
"The book about Demonology?"
"The Book I need for Tonights ritual?"
"Your Book about Demonology wich I need to lend in Order to fullfill my Ritual and keep my powers even After my 6999 Day on earth?"
Both you and Marlene stare and Your Grandma.
"Spide-" "I gave it away."
This time, the silence came from you and Marlene
"Look, there was A boy, always covered in Bruises and.. I .. My contract stated that I was to be mishevious! and I thought a little chaos, a little...well he never did anything with it though!? stleast his Parents never contacted me, and just last week I saw him buying whisky in the"
"Buying Whisky?" Marlene shook her head, letting go off your Grandma to look her in the Eyes. "yes." "I thought you gave the book to a child. "well yes. About ten years ago. Maybe eleven."
Both you and Marlene were speechless. To be fair, none of you really kept the whole 'beeing a witch' thing this secret. Wearing long Robes, collecting herbes, openly cuddling black Cats.. but your Grandma always had to be extra. Going as far as to tell kids how she would have grilled Hansel and Gretel instead of baking them. But giving away a Spellbook to strangers, that was could have consequences. For all three ou you. "He clearly didn't do anything! I'm sure the book is just dusting Away in his Attic! I can Summon it ! I just need.. " she left the room. You could hear her rummaging through her storage, angry huffs and puffs when whatever she was searching for wasn't where she expected it to be. Meanwhile Marlene came over to you. Picking up her bag on the way there. "I brought you something Applepie. It might be a bit early, and a bit old fashioned, but tradition is tradition." She took out a black, simple pointy hat, with a ribbon in your favorite color. You thanked her and took her into a tight embrace. Marlene was a treasure you intended to keep in your life.
"Aha! found it!" Granny re-emerged with just the right tool. A piece of paper. "A spell to summon what one once lost. If you need it back no matter the cost. Just chant its Name, with hope in mind. And the Object you will find. My Book of Demonology" She spoke in singsang. It was odd that your Grandma didn't now the spell by heart. given how easy It was, and how often she lost her belongings. But after some moments and a fine Orange glow the Book appeared howering in front of her. "Ahaha! there you are! ihihihi!" She was practically glowing and smiling, it faded a little while she took it in her hands, but her expression was still happy. "oh, eell you do look a but worn out? And youre cold. Have you been kept outside? Dumb boy must have kept you in an outside shed rather then a nice dusty bookshelf in the attic huh?" She shifted her Fokus back to you and handed the book over. "here Pumpkinpie, the Book should contain all the information your copy had. Go on and learn a little, it's almost midnight already" she wore a Soft smile now. gazing into your Eyes. "We will start at 03:00 o'clock. Witching hour." You noded and made your way up to your room. Eagerly putting on the Hat and flipping through the pages to the demon of your Choice.
Back in the shop, Marlene and Your Grandma Shared a sigh, looking after their little girl practically running up the stairs. "Are you sure he didnt do anything with the book?" Marlene asked, having a sense of foreboding. Granny took Marlene's Hand in hers and squeezed a little. "Ah, don't worry dearest, I'm sure he wouldn't even notice.
But Alastor did notice. This was Bad. Very Bad
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yippie-ki-yay · 2 years
Hey! I really like your headcanons and I wanted to send you send! Yandere Hank and Sheriff's older sister/brother Reader,who has a tough temper with everyone except his brother I would like to see how you implement this idea, and I apologize in advance for mistakes, English is not my native language.
Thank you so much! Also this is my first yandere ask so I might be a little shaky. I didn’t give the reader a specific gender so anyone can read!
Also, I realized I kinda messed up in the last ask post with the ‘two asks in one day’ thing (meant for it to be ‘posts’ but I forgot to change it before I left for work). Making that true now before I sign off for the night!!
CW for yandere behavior!!
Okay so
Normal Hank is already terrifying enough to go up against. He’s the goddamn boogeyman of Nevada, has an entire organization dedicated to stopping him, and has racked up quite the bounty outside of the AAHW. There are few who’ve lived to recount their brushes with the dark-clad madman, and one such person is your younger brother. 
Knowing Sheriff, he’s always been one to air on the side of caution. He’s more of a ‘flight’ than ‘fight’ person, so when you hear that your little brother’s being targeted by one of the deadliest people in Nevada? There’s no way you aren’t going to step in. 
So you stick closer to him in the passing weeks, helping out with things and taking care of the occasional aggressor, but those were all small game compared to who you were really waiting for.
Soon enough Hank does end up showing, having tracked down where Sheriff hid this time. He’s expecting the guards at the door, nor is he surprised by the agents hiding behind corners and in other blindspots just waiting to ambush him. Even if he’s never been in the building before he maneuvers through it like he’s lived there his whole life. 
Finding that little coward couldn’t have been easier, just like every other time he broke into one of Sheriff’s hideouts, but something was different this time…
He’d seen numerous bodyguards that had been hired to protect that sniveling waste of oxygen, but something about the stern-faced person standing just in front of his target wasn’t the same as those mercenaries. 
He’d never seen your face on the wanted posters or even heard about someone matching your description. Even if Hank never really cared to pay attention to things like that, he’d taken out dozens of ‘dangerous’ people without breaking a sweat, normally he could recall something about the poor sod that thought they had a chance at beating him. 
You though? You were basically a nobody, and yet you didn’t even flinch when he kicked in the door. You stared him down as he crept into the room, piercing red goggles staring into your very soul. 
Hank was the one person that everyone wished to avoid, meeting your end at his hands was one of the worst fates out there, and you showed no signs of fear whatsoever. 
And, dear reader, that’s what catches his interest. 
Famous mercs and other powerful entities never really gained a reaction from him, they were normally all talk anyways, but you hadn’t said a single word to him. No taunts, no threats, nothing. You let the weapon in your hands do all the talking. 
Hank couldn’t help but grin underneath his bandana - oh, this was going to be fun…
Whether or not you’re proficient enough at fighting to hold your own against him, I doubt that would matter much to him. You’ve already caught the eye of one of the most feared men in Nevada and that isn’t easy to do. 
But let’s say you are able to fend him off. Trading blows, both you and Hank are banged up and bloody. He doesn’t even seem to be tired but you’re struggling a little. The blood loss is definitely getting to you, but you’re too stubborn to go down and give up like that. 
It isn’t until Hank manages to pin you that things really become tense. You’re quite literally looking death in the face and he’s just…staring back. 
While you’re frozen and confused, Hank’s just…looking you over. Looks really don’t matter much to him, it’s your eyes that intrigue him the most. What are you thinking? Are you afraid now? 
You tense up as he leans closer, frozen as he breathes out four simple yet terrifying words. 
“Be seeing you soon…”
Hank’s gone before you can even react, disappearing as if he wasn’t even there to begin with. Even if you want to take pride in the fact that you technically bested Hank J. Wimbledon, the parting words he left you with chilled you down to your very core. 
Things go back to normal (or as normal as they can be) after that - you get patched up, reassure your little brother that any sane person wouldn’t have jumped in on that fight, and go about your business. Though, even in the ‘safety’ of your own living space, you won’t be alone for very long. 
There are few who lived to talk about their experiences with Hank - you became one such person after that day, but soon enough you won’t be talking to anyone… Not when he gets his hands on you for good.
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spoop-doll · 2 months
My Storyteller/Elsa Strict Head-Canons!
I feel that Elsa is an icon who doesn't get enough love and so I thought I'll start with her first now that I'm doing HHN Head-Canons again!
- Elsa was born in 1935, and was at least at the age of 5 when the winged creature came to her. She started showing signs of the darkness she inherited from the creature for months until Elsa killed her own mother on Halloween night.
- She was put in an orphanage shortly after the death of her mother and lived there until she aged out of the system.
- During her time in the orphanage Elsa developed her love of literature, she felt like an outsider compared to her peers due to her tough attitude along with her strange behavior that warded off any potential friends.
- She especially loved writing; Elsa wrote of far away places and dark entities unknown. Authority figures and other kids would constantly write her tales off as evil and demonic, so she would make sure the protagonists of her stories would always fail or even die..And that there would be no happily ever after.
- Elsa lived most of her adult years in the mid-1950s’; where she took a job as an editor of the local newspaper while she worked on publishing her novels
- During this time was when she realized she was a lesbian, especially taking notice of a co-worker who seemed to also have a passion for literature as she did. Though to Elsa’s disappointment this co-worker was a happily married woman and seemed to admire her husband very much.
- Her unrequited pining and the feeling of being shunned by society for her macabre writing and harsh exterior gave her the influence to create The Terra Queen. A character that meant to represent Elsa’s most dark desires and the terror she wanted to invoke in her readers.
- The story of the Terra Queen and Terra Cruentus was a dark-fantasy novel that at first wasn’t a success but slowly into the 1960s did it take off fast with the younger generation.
- Readers loved her rebellious spirit and she became a bit of a polarizing figure in Carey, Ohio.
- Though what nobody knew was that the stories she would tell weren’t just fantasy, one day while writing the first draft of Terra Cruentus Elsa somehow found herself in her own story. Though she didn’t understand it at the time, this was a power she seemed to possess from the winged-creature. Making anything she writes and turning it into legend.
- Elsa would continue writing but once she got to old age, her pursuits turned realistically gorey.
- She would open a book-shop that was frequented, though there would be some delinquents who would only come to misbehave and even ridicule her stories. Elsa was constantly frustrated with the lack of discipline and one day she was fed up.
- So when one of the delinquents came to mess around, she invited the hooligan to sit down and when no one was watching, she sent the trouble maker to Terra Cruentus to be sacrificed.
- That’s when her taste for blood came in and became a bit of a habit, it evolved soon to her committing the actual bloodshed through her creating specific tales that they would never escape from to just cutting out their tongues.
- Fortunately for her there was never any suspicion towards her when investigations started increasing, and in the modern day people would write her off as just a creepy old lady, never capable of anything actually horrific. Never knowing of the crimes she has committed.
- For Elsa is a demon and not what she seems..
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oldxenomorph · 5 months
i was going to lay down and take a nap until i saw something that simply will not leave my head. i must scream about it. (MASSIVE HADES 2 SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT)
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(from this post)
i've been unhealthily obsessive with the chaos-chronos storyline (because i NEED to know where is nyx), eating up every crumb i can find on youtube and in the hades 2 tag and oh my god. puts my head in my hands.
i still would like to know exactly how chronos was able to overpower nyx, considering her power and, again, her connection to the underworld. hopefully someone comes across that or it gets revealed in a later update. but! are we in a nightmare scenario where chronos has everyone imprisoned, including nyx and the fates, when he says "but now i have them all!"? violently rattling the bars to my cage! i'm dying here!
crying and throwing up wishing chaos was able to exchange the fates for nyx and that they're hiding her/protecting her somewhere, maybe within themself. (i don't necessarily agree with the interpretation i've been seeing that chaos looks like megaera aside from the ponytail. also we know where meg is: she's imprisoned with the rest of the house of hades members. but anything's possible at this point, maybe supergiant will surprise me.)
ever since i learned about chronos wanting to go after the fates, i've been thinking a lot more about the relationship they and the fates have with the great family.
first off, i'm of the firm believer that the fates have no jurisdiction over the great family. as the children of nyx, they are considerably younger than most, if not all, members of the great family. even the emperor is older than them. seeing that the great family operates beyond space and time, they are governed by their own strange beliefs about destiny. as a result they treat the fate with mostly indifference.
that being said, the fates do know about the great family and they know about the emperor. they know that the night and extinction must be brought together, that after a time apart they must be reunited; the night must endure the wait and all that may come to pass in the meantime, and extinction must endure a time spent amongst humanity and claim their inheritance. the fates know about the cycles of extinction and that one day, it will come for them.
i still can't get out of my head the idea of nyog'sothep making herself known to chaos during this crisis. i don't think chaos knew or even understood why nyx eventually became estranged from them, only that their relationship had deteriorated. i'm not sure if chaos knew that nyog'sothep has something to do with it, that she was the one who drew nyx out so she could be with the emperor these first several billion years while the universe cooled and sorted itself out.
THE CYCLE BEGINS: nyog'sothep became a mother to nyx. she taught her the ways of the great family. her servitors dressed the young goddess. for a time, her domain was nyx's home for a time. nyog'sothtep brought her to the emperor when she was ready. as a mother, nyog'sothtep is stern but loving, she expects one to find their role within the family and fulfill their duties; she is the rationality to nyarlathotep's chaos, she is her parent's deepest thoughts. (insert more about nyog'sothep and azatoth later, i'm starting to get sleepy.)
typically nyog'sothep does not involve herself with matters beyond her domain, the violet sephulchre, or the great family. but the crisis, her genuine worry for nyx, her wanting to collect the emperor's centipede emissary before chronos noticed its presence, made her do something she had no plan on doing until now: making contact with chaos.
i'll have to think more about what their first meeting was like, but i feel like both entities come to an understanding of one another. nyog'sothep would have notices the changes in chaos, seeing that their relationship with nyx has greatly improved over the years. i do think nyog'sothtep would still be genuinely upset that nyx was put in danger, than her power was somehow over ridden. such a thing must not stand. if nyx is safe, then i can see nyog'sothep at first offering to keep nyx within the violet sepulchre, but would have to be convinced to allow chaos to keep nyx with them. if chronos still has nyx and the fates, then i think nyog'sothep would be Incredibly Upset. if that's the case, then (the cycle continues) like zagreus, melinoe may have to help get nyog'sothtep to forgive chaos. maybe nyx will have to get involved when the crisis is over.
ALSO, NOT EXACTLY A PARALLEL, but man. chaos giving the fates over to chronos to save nyx. then thousands of years later, nyx giving the emperor-as-shepard's body to liara to give to cerberus in order to save her.
screams and passes out.
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hlvrfreakyfriday · 1 year
HLVRFF: Chapter 7
It’s been a few days since the switch first happened.
And thankfully, said days have been considerably calmer than that initial night and following day. No more accidental shape-shifting or skeleton summoning for Gordon, and Benry has been doing pretty well about being careful with Gordon’s body.
Benry also apparently made a blog. Seems he thought that telling strangers on the internet about his non-human status and current situation was a fantastic idea. Gordon was of course upset… but eventually joined in on the blog anyway. Like, fuck it, why not? And it turned out to not be that bad- answering questions from curious ‘anons’ gave Gordon something to do, filling in the time he’d usually be using for his Twitch streams (Gordon really doesn’t want to explain this shit to his viewers).
At least, the blog thing was nice while it lasted, anyway. Soon as the asks slowed down, Benry quickly lost interest in it, and Gordon wasn’t really sure what to do with the blog himself. So there goes that distraction. Guess people claiming to be cosmic beings from beyond the veil just isn’t that interesting to the internet.
God, he’s bored. That’s another thing that Gordon’s discovered he hates about this.
He can’t do his streams while looking and sounding like Benry, and he’s also afraid to go kill time away from the house, the risk of a body horror-inducing anxiety attack happening in public being one he doesn’t want to take. He could go visit Tommy or Coomer and Bubby, he supposes, but he doesn’t wanna bug them too much. That, and he still doesn’t want to leave Benry alone in his body.
With nothing much to do to keep him occupied, Gordon has been finding his thoughts wandering. Thinking about his youth again, but also wondering about Benry’s. He recently learned that the entity is not in fact ancient like Gordon always assumed, but a year younger than Gordon himself. What kind of childhood did he have? Benry pretty much never talks about his past- his explanation of his skeletons the other night being the first time Gordon’s ever heard anything about Benry’s life before he worked as a guard at Black Mesa.
Well. There was also the time Benry insisted that he and Gordon knew each other as children, but Gordon’s fairly certain he'd remember playing with a kid that looked as distinct as Benry. He may have taken a few knocks on the head as a child and can’t remember a lot from back then, but his memory isn’t THAT bad!
Maybe he should shoot his mom an email sometime. See if she remembers what all friends and playmates he had as a kid.
In fact, he may as well do that right now. Not like he’s got much else to do. Gordon grabs his phone and opens up the email app.
From: Gordon Freeman To: Beverley Freeman (mom) Subject: childhood question
Hey, Ma.
Random question, but do you remember any of the kids I played with when I was little? Like, from six years and earlier. I got to thinking about it recently and it’s bugging me that I can’t remember.
Oh, and sorry I haven’t called much lately! Been busy between my streaming schedule and getting dragged into impromptu hang-outs with my friends.
Gordon hits send, and now plays the waiting game.
Not just for his mom’s reply, but also for Benry to get done washing Gordon’s hair, so he can then get started on lunch for the two of them. Benry had missed getting a shower last night, and like hell Gordon’s gonna let Benry ruin his hair care routine. Gordon works hard to keep his hair so nice, damn it.
While Benry’s taking this lunch time shower, Gordon is sprawled on the couch, browsing the ‘net on his phone for lack of anything better to do. His attention is drawn from the phone, however, when there’s a knock at the door. Did Benry order a package or something? Gordon ponders as he makes his way over to answer the knock. He opens the door and-
“Oh, hey Benry. Is Gordon in?”
-Gordon immediately slams the door closed.
Which he instantly regrets, because that’s his ex-wife and son out there that he just closed the door on. Fuck.
What does he do? What CAN he do? Anna still doesn’t know that Gordon’s roommate for the past four months isn’t at all human, and he’s not sure if dropping that bombshell on her like this would be a good idea. He could try to pretend to be Benry… but he’s a bit shit at it, he’ll be honest. And Benry would probably be even worse at pretending to be him, too. Anna may not know Benry very well, but she knows Gordon too well to not notice something’s up. It’s not at all hard to imagine just how horribly that plan could backfire and bite them both in the ass.
God damn it. Bombshell it is, then.
Gordon slowly opens the door back up, and is greeted by the sight of a confused Joshua and annoyed Anna. He can’t help but wince at her judgmental stare.
“Uh… hi,” Gordon says awkwardly.
“Yeah. Hi. You wanna tell me what that was about, pal?” Anna says, irritation clear in her voice.
Gordon takes a deep breath. Hoo boy. “Yeah, I uh, have a lot to explain, actually. Come on in,” he says, stepping aside to allow the two entry. Once they’re all fully inside, Gordon kneels down to meet his son’s face. “Hey bud, could you go play in your room for a bit? Your mom and I have some grown-up stuff to talk about,” he says to the six-year-old boy. Joshua gives him a strange look, but nods his head, uttering a little ‘kay' before running off to the back of the house. Gordon then motions for Anna to follow him into the kitchen, and they both take a seat at the table.
“Okay. So, explain,” Anna prompts.
Gordon sighs as he runs a hand through his hair. “God. Okay, uh. Two things, one of which I probably should’ve told you about way sooner. It’s kind of connected to all the Black Mesa bullshit, so it’s gonna sound… a little crazy,” he says. Anna quirks a brow at him at the mention of Black Mesa, but says nothing, waiting for him to continue. He taps his borrowed claws on the table as he tries to figure out how to explain… all of this. Another deep breath, and he looks Anna in the eyes as he says, “I'm not Benry. It’s me, Gordon. I’m in Benry’s body, and he’s in mine.”
Anna blinks at him, and gives him a look. “Wow. That is… probably the weirdest and also shittiest excuse for slamming the door in my face you could’ve possibly made,” she says, wholly unimpressed.
Another sigh from Gordon. “Look, I know how it sounds,” he then says, “I wouldn’t believe me either, if I had never been through the- uh. The accident at Black Mesa, but you’ve gotta believe me.”
Anna crosses her arms as she leans back in her chair, still very much not believing what ‘Gordon’ is saying, but admittedly curious to see where he’s going with this.
Gordon drums his fingers on the table again as he considers how to convince Anna. “Okay, look. The other thing I was gonna tell you, that I probably should’ve told you about sooner? Is that Benry isn’t human. He’s the reason we’re stuck like this,” Gordon explains.
“Riiiiight,” Anna says, “'Benry' isn’t human. Y’know, all you had to really do is just apologize, instead of making up this wildass excuse that Gordon’s no doubt going to debunk, so you can stop with… the… uh…” she trails off when Gordon begins to sing out a sustained high note.
As well as several orbs of blue light.
The lights linger in the air after he stops singing. Anna reaches out to touch one, transfixed, and it bursts like a bubble upon contact, followed by strange sense of calm briefly washing over her.
She looks back to Benry… Gordon? And says, “What the actual hell?”
“Benry calls it his ‘Sweet Voice',” Gordon explains. “I have absolutely zero idea what it is exactly or how it works, or why it tastes like Jolly Ranchers of all things, but, yeah. Do you believe me now?”
Anna looks away, thinking. Does she believe him? That ‘Sweet Voice’ stuff seemed pretty solid evidence for the whole not human thing… But is he really Gordon?
…She has an idea for how to find out.
“I’ll believe you if you can answer this question right,” Anna starts. “How did you- assuming you are Gordon- and me first meet? What exactly happened?”
Oh, god. Gordon kinda wishes he couldn’t answer this question. It’s a mortifying memory he'd rather forget the exact details of… which Anna knows, and thus also knows Gordon would never tell anybody else about it. Perfect question for this, really.
Gordon buries his borrowed face in his hand and groans to himself for a moment, and then he begins. “It was a party at some guy named Mark's place. After meeting and chatting with each other for a bit, me and you somehow got roped into that ‘seven minutes in heaven’ thing and locked in the hall closet.” A pause. Here’s the fun part. “…We were in the middle of kissing when the beer I had there started mixing badly with those fucking gas station hotdogs I'd eaten just before the party- honestly I don’t know what I was thinking eating that shit. But, uh. Yeah. I very nearly threw up in your mouth. And then did throw up all over Mark’s clean linens,” Gordon says, grimacing at the memory.
“Unsurprisingly, I never got invited to any more parties at that guy’s place. But what did surprise me, was that you still wanted to see me again. You said you wanted to give me a second chance at a good first impression,” Gordon says with a fond smile. Anna returns the smile, but it quickly falls from her face as a sudden realization hits her.
“…Holy shit. It really is you,” Anna says, eyes wide. “How the hell did this happen? I mean, you said Benry did it, but, how? What IS Benry? I always thought his weird paleness was ‘cause he was anemic or something, not a- an alien or a monster- Oh god, is it safe for Joshua to be around him? Hell, is it safe for YOU to be around him!?”
Gordon raises his hands up in a gesture for Anna to slow it with so many questions. “Whoa, hey, gimme a chance to answer!” Anna settles down and utters a small ‘sorry' which Gordon handwaves away. “This happened because Benry was poking around in my dreams- ‘cause that’s just one of the many impossible things he can somehow do- but I was having a bad nightmare at the time. When it got abruptly ended, I got shoved out of my head and into his, while he was left in mine. Neither of us knows how to switch us back, but a friend of ours knows someone who does, so we’re just waiting on them.
“As for what Benry is… I’m not entirely sure? Some kind of... eldritch space god cosmic horror… But uh, despite that fact, he’s not dangerous,” Gordon says at first, before quickly correcting himself. “Well, okay, he can actually be extremely dangerous if he wants to be, but thankfully he cares more about video games than pulling any weird madness-inducing cthuloid shit… Plus, I’m pretty sure he'd take an entire firing squad for Joshie.”
“Joshua does like to go on about how cool and nice he thinks your roommate is,” Anna says with a small smile. “But, how did you end up rooming with this… guy, anyway? I’m guessing the thing about him being another former co-worker from Black Mesa was just a cover story?”
“It wasn’t, actually,” corrects Gordon. “He really did work as a security guard there. I have no idea how or why he ended up in that job, though.”
“You don’t?” Anna asks.
Gordon shrugs. “He doesn’t talk about himself much, and I don’t ask.”
Anna gives him the ‘I love you but are you fucking serious’ look. “I, ah, think that maybe you SHOULD ask, especially if you’re gonna be living with him indefinitely.”
Gordon rubs at the back of his neck sheepishly. “Well, you see, when he first moved in here, I set up a bunch of ground rules for him to follow. He agreed, but only if I let him set some rules, too. One of his rules was to not ask him invasive questions,” Gordon explains.
“Asking your co-worker why he picked his job counts as ‘invasive'?” Anna asks, raising a brow.
“I mean, maybe? I don’t know!” says Gordon. “He’s a weird alien-thing, I never know how he’s gonna react to stuff.”
“Okay, okay… But still, why he’s living here with you? You’d said it was because he had no other place to stay after losing his old job. That still true, too?”
Gordon nods. “Apparently he just lived in the facility dorms before. And he’s here specifically with me because he had to live with a member of the Science Team, and I’m the only one on the team who had the space for him.”
“Why does he have to stay with one of you guys?”
“…For reasons I legally can’t talk about,” Gordon says simply.
Ah, he did say this Benry stuff was kind of Black Mesa related, didn’t he, Anna thinks… Wait.
“…He didn’t cause the accident at your old workplace, did he?”
Gordon shakes his head. “No, he… well, he was there when it happened, and him being there may've factored in… But he didn’t directly cause it,” he explains. He purposefully neglects to tell Anna that he’s the one who caused the accident. He’s not quite ready for that conversation yet.
He’s also not ready to tell her Benry’s one of the major causes of a lot of his PTSD, either. Or about all the people he killed for seemingly no reason. OR about how he turned into a giant fucked up monster and tried to kill Gordon and his friends… She, uh, would probably start to worry herself to death over Gordon and not let Joshie come over anymore if she knew about all that…
Speaking of Joshua, the six-year-old is all of a sudden dashing into the kitchen, b-lining for Gordon.
“Daddy! You can’t let Benny grow a beard when he’s him and you’re you again!”
If Benry had ever thought about maybe growing his hair out like Gordon’s before, those thoughts have all been completely discarded now.
Turns out that taking care of this much hair is a major pain in the ass. It is taking him so. Dang. LONG to wash all this shit. He can’t understand how Gordon puts up with this bs. The price humans must pay for beauty, he guesses.
When Benry’s finally done with washing Gordon’s mane of hair, he slips out of the shower and begins the next arduous step: drying it all. He tries seeing if he can get away with just towel drying it… but, nah, too much hair here for that. Time to break out the hair dryer.
…Benry has no idea where Gordon keeps his hair dryer.
Pulling on some sweatpants and draping a towel around his borrowed shoulders, Benry heads out of Gordon’s master bath and bedroom, with the intent of finding and asking him where he keeps the dryer. However, soon as he steps out into the hall, he’s greeted by someone else entirely.
“Daddy!” Joshua chimes.
oh shit, Benry thinks, before responding to the boy. “uh- heyyy there, joshie bro.”
The smile that was on Joshua's face falls, and his expression is replaced by a confused one. “Heeeey, YOU don’t call me bro, just Benny calls me that,” he says. “And Benny was talkin' like you at me, too. Why you guys doin’ that?”
aw damn, sussed out by a six-year-old. After a quick glance down the hall, Benry kneels down to get more face level with Joshua, and speaks in a hushed tone, “it’s because i'm not your dad and he’s not benry. i'm benry, and he’s your dad. we got body swapped, yo.”
The boy’s eyes go wide at that, and after doing an exaggerated gasp, he whispers back, “Did a mad scientist get ya?”
“nah, it was kinda my fault. but it’s all good, man. tommy's pops is gonna fix us up when he gets back from some trip he’s on,” Benry assures.
“Oh that’s good,” Joshua says. “I like you guys better when you’re you and dad’s dad. You’re not s'posed to have a beard.”
Benry snorts. “oh yeah? what if i decide i like having a beard, huh? maybe when i'm back in my body i'll grow me one.”
“you could call me beardry.”
“oh i'm thinkin' yes. grow me uh, an epic wizard beard.”
“Nooooooo!” Joshua continues to protest, but with a smile plastered on his little face. Benry laughs at him, but then Joshua suddenly takes off down the hall, heading towards the kitchen.
“yo, hold up!” Benry calls after the boy as he gives chase. When he reaches the kitchen himself, he’s greeted by the sight of Joshua clinging to his father’s borrowed leg.
“Daddy! You can’t let Benny grow a beard when he’s him and you’re you again!” Joshua cries.
Gordon looks at his son, but then up to Benry when he notices the other in the entryway. Gordon’s ex is also sitting at the table, and she follows Gordon’s gaze to look at Benry, too.
“uhhhhh…” Benry mumbles, lightly chewing on his borrowed lip.
“Hey, relax,” says Anna. “Gordon already explained all this weirdness.”
“oh. ‘kay, cool,” Benry says, and does visibly relax.
“What’s this about you growing a beard?” Gordon speaks up.
“lil' mans said ‘m not allowed to have one ‘cause i'd look weird,” Benry explains.
“You would!” Joshua says. “Super weird! Like that time daddy didn’t have one!”
“Hey!” Gordon says with mock offense. “I didn’t look that weird!”
“Yeah, you just looked like a sixteen-year-old high schooler,” says Anna, which gets her a frown from Gordon.
Oh no, Benry’s picturing that now. It’s a little too easy to, honestly. “yooo, gordon got a case of baby face? ha ha, nice,” he says, laughing.
Gordon continues to get ribbed by his family and roommate about his ‘baby face’ for a good bit, before Anna checks the time and announces she and Joshua have to get going. Apparently, they just stopped by real quick to say hello while they happened to be on this side of town. As usual, Anna (and Joshie) both swear to secrecy in regards to the new info they just learned before they leave. As they head back to the car, Gordon steps out with them to see them off and give his son a hug. Benry watches from the living room window, and can’t help but feel a little… something. He’s not entirely sure what. But he always gets the feeling whenever he sees Gordon interacting with his family like this.
He’s never mentioned it to Gordon. Or anybody else.
It’s fine. It’s not important.
Gordon comes back in, and Benry finally asks him where the hair dryer is (turns out it was in the top left drawer under the sink. Why didn’t he think to look there???). After hair is dried and a shirt is put on, the rest of the day is significantly less eventful. Lunch is had, video games are played, YouTube is watched, Gordon keeps giving him weird looks when he notices Benry being way quieter than normal- oh. He should probably say something, huh.
“admiring yourself, freeman?” Benry says to the man at the other end of the couch. As predicted, Gordon’s expression scrunches up into an annoyed scowl. All according to plan.
The annoyed look leaves Gordon’s face pretty quickly, though, and he replies, “No, you’ve just been weirdly quiet ever since Joshie and Anna left. Is something up?”
aw fuck he was supposed to get distracted. “nah, just don’t feel like talking. your dumb human vocal chords feel weird.” nice save.
Or, well, it would be a nice save if Gordon wasn’t very clearly mentally pressing X to doubt right now.
…Theeeeen again, maybe it really WAS a nice save, as Gordon doesn’t press any further, instead changing the subject. “…Y’know, I’ve been wondering. How did you end up working at Black Mesa anyway?”
“'cause they gave me the job,” Benry answers simply.
“Okay, but WHY did they give you the job?”
“’cause i was good at it.”
Apparently, that wasn’t the answer Gordon was looking for, as he gives an exasperated sigh and turns his attention back to the T.V. screen.
Benry kind of has an idea about what kind of answer Gordon probably was looking for, but he doesn’t really… feel like telling him. Talking about the Not Good parts of his past would just bring up unnecessary drama and shit, and nobody wants that. Besides, it’s the past. Can’t change it. No use worrying about it.
It's not important.
Welp, Gordon can now tell Anna that he knows so little about Benry’s history not for lack of trying. He didn’t bother trying to get any better answers out of the entity, as he’d probably have better luck getting blood from a stone. Same reason he didn’t try asking again why the guy was being extra quiet.
Whatever. If Benry doesn’t want to talk about his feelings, that’s none of Gordon’s business.
It’s late at night now. Benry has since gone to bed, while Gordon’s still wide awake. And bored. God he is so fucking bored. Benry’s own usual go-to for keeping himself occupied at night is just more video games, but Gordon’s not really in the mood. He decides instead to open up the Tumblr app on his phone and see if there’s any new asks for the blog.
And of course, there aren’t.
Something does catch his eye, though. A conversation he had with one anonymous asker, about trying to get over his issue with Benry’s shape-shifting by voluntarily practicing it. Admittedly… it’s not exactly Gordon’s ideal way to pass the time, but he knows he really should get on it. Help ease his anxiety, and thus lower the chances of a repeat of that first night.
Gordon takes a deep breath to steel himself. Okay. Okay okay okay. Let’s do this shit.
…Uh. How exactly does he do it, again?
Every time he’s shape-shifted before, it was totally involuntary. Maybe… if he just thinks about doing it? Same way one would move their arm by just thinking about moving it. Yeah, let’s try that. Lifting his borrowed right arm, he focuses on the thought of it growing a little longer, like when he reached for that glass on the high shelf.
And much to Gordon’s surprise, that… actually fucking works. His borrowed right arm is now several inches longer than his left. And there wasn’t even any weird squirming in his insides or flesh-tearing feelings when it happened, either. He turns and twists the limb this way and that, taking in how, aside from the added length, it still looks like a totally normal arm (well, normal for Benry, anyway). Hell, it even FEELS normal. He was expecting it to feel weird and wrong, but it… really doesn’t. Changing shape is just that much of a normal, natural thing for Benry’s body, he supposes. He feels a little silly for putting this off for so long, now.
Gordon’s about to will it back to normal proportions, when he catches his reflection in his bedroom mirror. He gets a little chuckle out of the imagery of Benry with the mis-matched arms.
But then he also gets the strangest sense of deja vu.
Before he can dwell on that any further, though, his phone grabs his attention next, notifying him on receiving an email. Shortening his arm back (which also comes easy) and grabbing his phone, he sees it’s a response from his mom. Ever the night owl, his ma.
From: Beverly Freeman (mom) To: Gordon Freeman Subject: Re: childhood question
Hey there, honey! Good to hear from you again!
Childhood friends, hmm? You didn’t actually have any regular friends when you were that young, I don’t think. You mostly just played with your little brother. You DID have this one imaginary friend, though! I found an old drawing you did of him when you were little. I took a picture of it with my phone and attached the file (aren’t you proud of me?)
By the way, do you know if you’ll have Joshua this Thanksgiving? It’s been so long since we’ve had either of you over for turkey day, or since we’ve had both you and John in the same room!
Love Mom <3 (lol it’s a heart!)
[attached file: mybestfrend.jpeg]
Huh. Maybe that’s why he can’t remember any playmates he had as a kid. Because he didn’t have any. Makes sense, he guesses.
Gordon downloads the attached file, and then opens it up in his phone’s picture gallery.
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[image description: An old child's drawing on wrinkled paper. It depicts a boy with green eyes and glasses standing next to a taller monster boy with sharp teeth, claws, and multiple eyes. They are both smiling. There is a brown mud puddle at their feet, and several pink and blue orbs floating around the monster boy's head. The words 'MY BEST FREND' are written at the bottom of the drawing. End description.]
  ...No fucking way.
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privilege-rpg · 5 days
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☆ FULL NAME: Sage Sue Sylvester ☆ GENDER: Non-binary ☆ PRONOUNS: They/She ☆ AGE: 29 (October 13th, 1994) ☆ TYPE: Adopted sibling; solo ☆ HOMETOWN: Cleveland, Ohio ☆ JOB: Gallery Curator of Pacific State University’s Robin Sylvester Art Gallery, Host of Beyond the Veil Podcast ☆ SCHOOL: PSU Alumni ☆ SEXUALITY: Pansexual/Demiromantic ☆ FACECLAIM: Vanessa Morgan
TW: Chronic Illness, Family/Sibling Death, Spooky Shit, Child Abduction
Alessandra Sage Mannox was born as the second of the twins. Her older sister, Alison, never let her forget it– and Alessandra never did, even if she wanted to. She took her role as the younger twin with a grain of salt and half a smile. Her father, Troy Mannox, was a semi-famous jazz trumpeter in New Orleans, despite never really catching a break in mainstream music. Her mother, Natalie, worked as a private chef for local families. Alessandra was always known as being too smart for her own good. She was sharp, both in her mind and in the words she used. Alessandra was obsessed with reading as many books as she could get her hands on, which meant that her vocabulary was advanced even from a young age. She was reading by three, and stayed reading two grade levels above whatever she was supposed to. Her family had a nice house, and a happy home. Alessandra’s childhood was idyllic– until it wasn’t.
New Orleans is known for its paranormal activity– among other things– and Alessandra would swear to you and anyone else that the house she grew up in was haunted. Pretty harmless stuff, really, and nothing too terrible happened until the day the girls turned eleven. The Elder invited the girls over to her home for a weekend, and that’s when everything went wrong. That weekend, several things happened that could not be explained easily. Sure, it’s possible that when they walked into the Elder’s room, there was a stray wind that blew out all of the candles. But really, it seemed more like a warning. Also, there wasn’t a window open. Later that night, blood started pouring from the eyes of a holy figure’s statue in the bedroom they were sleeping in. Terrified, Alison called their mom and begged her to come and pick them up. But, it would have been disrespectful to leave the Elder’s home in the middle of the night, so their mom insisted they stay. Alessandra quickly decided to will herself to sleep, until they both heard scratching at the door. Alison swore she saw the door open and a shadow figure floated over to her bed, but Alessandra was half-asleep and swore it was some kind of night terror. Whether it’s possible to believe in the paranormal or not, it was clear that Alison was cursed after that weekend at the Elder’s.
Not long after, Alison was supposed to walk home from school after lacrosse practice, but she never made it home. Video footage showed her being taken in by a stranger, and she was never seen again. The Mannox family set out on a wild hunt for her, but it was the Elder who delivered the heart-stopping news. An entity, of whatever kind, had decided he wanted Alison, and that was that. Now, until her sister’s disappearance, Alessandra would have chalked all of this up as a bunch of hocus pocus, but to watch someone else so vehemently believe something could be true with little to no proof? It was astounding to her. She very quickly realized that religion– organized religion– wasn’t as much of a lie as she’d thought her entire life. Clearly, there was some truth to the beliefs that her family shared, if only because she herself could not believe the total certainty in which the Elder spoke. It was like watching someone comment on the weather, or the shape of the moon– it was a fact. Alison hadn’t been part of a tragic accident, she had been taken. She was part of the grander design of the universe, and one in which she had to be separated.
It would have been easier to believe that Alison had been taken by aliens, and Alessandra really did think that was a potential theory. She became rapidly obsessed with voodoo culture and the occult, trying to find and understand what had happened to her sister. The more she read into it, the more she attempted to speak with psychics and mediums, the more she even tried to summon her own demons– nothing gave her any clarity. Nobody could tell her what exactly had happened. She had no more answers and no closure. Her family was in shambles, and there was nothing she could do to make it any better.
Six months later, Katrina hit, and it took Alessandra’s parents with her.
Sue Sylvester swore that she literally flew down to NOLA in the post-hurricane insanity, plucked a tweenage Sage Sylvester out of the rubble of what had become her home and adopted her from the streets. But it wasn’t like that– Sage lived in the foster system for two years, and one day decided that her old name was going to die with the rest of her family. Sue Sylvester decided to bring her Cheerios down as a part of her “Cheerio UP!” program for disaster relief. Sage sat in the back, rolling her eyes, and immediately marched up to Sue Sylvester in the Sue-Sponsored Happy Hour (that was literally an attempt at making everyone happy) and asked why the fuck she thought a bunch of assholes in pleated skirts could bring any kind of cheer to families who had lost everything. Sue, thinking that adoption agencies worked like animal shelters, asked if she could take the bratty one home with her.
As a Sylvester, Sage didn’t ever really get by in her athletics, but she certainly got by in being as cutthroat, blunt, and ruthless as Sue herself. If Sue could imagine herself as a tiny, pink-haired person who could draw like none other, then she might have seen Sage reflected in a mirror. But, Sage’s athleticism stopped and began with hiking. Sue’s adoption was when she started going by Sage instead– new life, new name, right? Any hope of making something new for herself faded away, unfortunately, when they moved to a community where children had been friends since they were in diapers. A sullen, moody, pink-haired middle schooler wasn’t exactly on top of everyone’s list to be friends with. Sage hated LA because she couldn’t stand the sun. Sage didn’t make friends easily– or at all, really– and felt much better that way. After all, her best friend and greatest friend was watching out for her on the other side, right? She had every kind of protection from the supposed spirit realm, but it all seemed to completely dull her.
The only solace she truly found was in her art. With so many horrendous experiences in her life, Sage knew that the only way she could get everything out of her body was in putting it to paper. While she explored quite a few mediums over the course of her life, she found that painting and mixed media was her niche. Anything creative was where Sage thrived, and she finally was able to start to heal the trauma of her past. Sage got her Bachelor’s in Studio Art at PSU, but then– Twilight jokes aside– Sage had the opportunity to go off to college in Portland, Oregon, and got her masters in Art History. Originally, Sage’s podcast started out as a way to tell the story of their sister, but it quickly took off and became a sensation.
Sage was diagnosed with POTS this year and is even crankier than normal with the knowledge that their body doesn’t work properly. Sage is happy to work at an art gallery at PSU and still is finding time to work on their own art. As for the podcast, Sage decided to fully embrace the telling of stories. Their podcast focuses on things “Beyond the Veil”, whether it’s a missing person, a criminal case, or a story related to the paranormal. Sage reads stories from the community who sends them in, and it’s been one of their favorite segments so far. Mostly, Sage is happy to be able to tell the stories of other people who have gone missing, and is hoping that someday, someone might have concrete evidence for them as to what happened to Alison. Until then, they’ll be waiting Beyond the Veil…
Sue Sylvester is many things. A world-renowned cheerleading coach. Owner of one of the highest-grossing athleisure brands with brick-and-mortar stores in over 17 counties plus Greenland. Founder of multiple organizations dedicated to providing resources and education on Downs Syndrome. A serial lawsuit-sender (a Sue-er, if you will). And, the title she holds in the fifth highest regard, a mother.
Of course she couldn’t put her career on hold for the nine months it took to properly cook a baby, so for most of her children she went the adoption route. Much quicker that way, although it did give her the brilliant idea to add maternity tracksuits to Sue-perStar Athleisure’s line.
Don’t get it twisted, though. Although few men have been worthy of fertilizing her award-winning uterus, Sue has had her fair share of relationships. Sure they all ended in her husbands mysteriously dying by unknown causes with her as the sole beneficiary. But the cops can’t prove anything, and she’s successfully shut down all the Reddits dedicated to the conspiracies, so mind your business. 
There are also rumors that Sue’s hoard of children were taken in as a stunt to raise her public image, but anyone who has actually spoken to the family knows that to be false. It’s the one rumor Sue has never cared to clear up because, yet again, people need to mind their business. 
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nakuuro1994 · 1 year
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So anyways, I was just thinking about a brand new DC Comics Superhero who’s essentially is my answer to the question “What If The Easter Bunny was a Silly Holiday Superhero”!!😅
Alright, so essentially what I was thinking about is having the 65 year-old Macanese American physician, dietitian, restauranteur and loving grandmother Dr. Yolanda Wong randomly becoming the next Easter Bunny after she suddenly finds the old Easter Bunny being critically injured on the side of the freeway as she nursed him back to health as he was so moved by her own kindness and generosity that he ultimately decided to leave the huge responsibility of being the Easter Bunny to her so he can finally retire as she now can rapidly transform into a much younger, faster and stronger bunny version of herself to fight crime as well as to maintain the Easter holiday as well.
So here’s a quick short list of her holiday powers and abilities….
~ (Easter Bunny Physiology):
* Candy Manipulation
* Egg Manipulation
* Plant Manipulation
* Surprise Inducement
* Were-Rabbit Physiology
* Fertility Inducement
* Resurrection
* Sexual Inducement
* Holiday Magic
* Good Luck
* Luck Bestowal
* Spring Manipulation
* Enhanced Cuteness (only in bunny form)
Not to mention that she actually has to hide the fact that she’s the new Easter Bunny from her own family for obvious reasons as she soon learns that can freely transform back and forth from her usual elderly human form to her much younger Easter Bunny form at will (as long as she concentrates on positive thoughts).
(While also facing off against other holiday entities/villains like The Krampus, The Zodiac Gang, Jack Frost or Stingy Jack).
Plus I was also just thinking that her main two hangouts would probably be her regular hometown in River City, Nebraska and her own personal holiday/superhero HQ at Easter Island.
Not to mention that I was just thinking that for her Holiday-Themed supporting cast I was just thinking about the following characters…..
* Baby New Year (New Year’s)
* Zodiac Gang (Chinese New Year)
* Cupid & Venus (Valentines Day)
* St. Patrick (St. Patrick’s Day)
* The April Fool (April Fool’s Day)
* Uncle Sam (4th of July)
* Nian Rouge (Devil’s Night)
* Stingy Jack (Halloween)
* Santa Muerte (Day of The Dead)
* Santa Claus & Krampus (Christmas)
* The Boogeyman & The Sandman
* The Tooth Fairy
* Mother Nature & Father Time
0 notes
aflowergarden · 1 year
Guess who did a little stupid and read all of the lore for this stupid little lake on break at work!! Fair warning that this story is hastily written within like an hour with very little prior thought on my way home from said job so!! Uh!! It's probably bad!!
(cw for family death, mild suicidal stuff? Also for ooo oopy lake....)
Little things for context about the narrator's life and the story in general! Because it wouldn't make sense to have expedition for these characters?
This is written from the perspective of a 17-year-old girl writing in her journal, who recently moved into this town, I didn't very much convey it in the story, but her mother and father lived in this town when they were younger. They've been here for a few months at most.
Liv is a one-off character mentioned, probably supposed to be a friend/coworker?
Vee is the kind of love interest but it's not a plot point !!
Eden is the narrators deceased little sister. It's never mentioned what happened to her, but it is implied she died at a young age. It's not specified how she died but I had a few ideas in mind that might be conveyed in the story
Also! At some point it will be kind of obvious how long is in between the journal entries, But I intend for it to be read as if the main character writes about four to five a day, But most of those aren't plot relevant, so I didn't bother writing 20,000 words of teenage drama and stuff even though that would be fun
Lastly uhh!! I probably got some of the lore wrong! There's a few big things I'm worried about being unrealistic to this lake character entity but most of it could be written off as the narrator having a bias for something or another.
Without further ado!
Entry no. 61
mom has been talking about this lake on the edge of town. Pretty sure she's dramatizing it like she does with well, everything, but it's kind of interesting. Apparently it can? Eat you? Unless you give it food? Sounds crazy imo
Entry no.67
I talked to liv about it. Apparently it's actually kind of an urban legend around these parts. Weird.
Entry no.75
Me and vee are thinking about going down to check out the lake. I don't know. It seems fun. I'll admit I'm a little bit nervous after hearing more about it? But it seems too interesting to pass up this chance at having an actual supernatural adventure! Given it probably won't end up with anything fun, But who knows?
Entry no.77
We're going! We both have Thursday free so we're going to get all dressed up and make a day out of it. Even if it won't lead to anything, it's kind of exciting? You would never get to do anything like this living in New York. Don't get me wrong, I kind of miss home, but it was all flashing lights and there's so much stuff here that you would never get to see. I don't think I'll ever stop missing it, but being able to see the stars at night and being able to go on adventures like this is just. It's like I was sucked into a cartoon when I moved here!
I'm going to regret it and want to go back to the city no matter what, So I'm just kind of glad there are good sides to it, y'know? I could maybe see myself spending the rest of my life in this town. After college of course.
Entry no.81
We're on our way out! Write more when I get home 🤍
Entry no.82
Nothing happened. That shouldn't really be surprising. I got this weird feeling from the lake though. This is going to sound stupid, but it seems almost alive? Me and vee were talking on the rocks And I don't even remember how, but the topic of turtles came up and it just started splashing. On the topic of Sea Life! It was really weird. There didn't seem to be any kind of fish or frogs or anything. I've been to the river just a few blocks away and it's filled with tadpoles and shit? I'm not sure what makes this lake different.
Altogether I'm really not sure How much people say about this place is true. But I'm definitely going to go back. If nothing else? The locals seem too scared to come here, so it's a pretty nice spot to relax. Maybe I should be scared to, but I can't find it in myself to really care. Also I'm not sure if I really believe that This place would kill me If I decided to swim in it.
Entry no.89
I'm at the Black lake again! Actually writing from it this time. I had a day off so I decided it would be kind of relaxing to have a picnic out here. It's kind of neat! I decided to throw some of my grapes to the thing. Mostly for kicks I think. Hoping it doesn't harm any of the wildlife that might be here, but I mean it's grapes so it shouldn't do too much harm?
This place gives me a weird feeling. It was kind of off putting before But now it's just kind of calming? It feels safe. I don't think I remember actually failing this way in a long time. Maybe I should dig into that, but I sure as hell am not a therapist and even if I was I don't think I could therapize myself. Do therapists do that? I don't know. I should look that up. That's another weird thing, it doesn't seem like this place has any cell service? And my Bluetooth shut off ): maybe people are just scared to set up connections here? I don't know. Still seems kind of stupid that people are afraid of this place. I don't think it would hurt anyone.
God I'm talking about it like it's a living thing. Maybe I buy too much into those horror stories.
Entry no.91
I'm at the lake again. I brought some more food this time! Some for me and some to hopefully appease the non-existent lake entities.
You know I thought this was kind of stupid at first but I started talking to the lake. It's kind of like talking to you? It can't answer me but it feels weirdly comforting. Like maybe something is listening. And there's no risk of anyone finding it, like people can with this book, so it's almost more secure?
I can talk about things that I would never dare write down Because honestly what is the lake going to do? Tell someone?
Still makes me feel stupid though. Seriously, I'm talking to thin air. Maybe I should try to convince dad to let me see a therapist again.
Entry no.100
!! We're at 100 entries! Not sure if that's really something I should be proud of considering what this book is for but like. You know.
I'm at the lake again. I've found myself being drawn to here more and more. I haven't written about it, but I've stopped here on my way home from work a few times. I just sat by the water and talked. I know it's stupid I just, I don't know, it's so nice too. Be able to get these things out with no risk of judgment and still feel like someone is listening. This book is great, really, and I don't think anyone's going to look at it. But it's always an anxiety, you know? I don't think I'll be able to stop worrying about it. I can't stop worrying about most things usually.
…It's really stupid. But I feel safer here. This feels like home. I'm not sure why
Entry no.102
You know, I read in a book one time that it was some kind of universal truth that staring into big bodies of water could help with emotions. Maybe that's what's happening.
Entry no.117
Vee asked If I wanted to go try and explore the lake again today. I said yes because obviously! I haven't told anyone about the time I spend there But I really want to share it with her, y'know? She deserves to know I think. God this sounds so stupid. I feel like I'm 12 and legitimately believing I have magic powers again. But it's different. It is really stupid I know I just. Feel like something is actually going on? This lake feels alive despite having no life inside it. It feels like a friend. God I sound so stupid right now anyway! How would it be less embarrassing to talk about vee? Literally how?
Entry no.118
A lot just happened. I don't think I can even begin to explain. I don't think I don't think I can go to this lake anymore. I don't think it's safe. Vee, god, I love her, fuck. She's the best swimmer I know.
I don't even know how to swim
Entry no.118
That was jumbled. Sorry. I just couldn't deal with writing that down right now. What just happened? So glad you asked, my future 30-year-old self who will be reading this! If you remember!
We were just sitting by the water and we were laughing and I kept throwing it little bits of my food, like I always do, and vee, Like the absolute fantastic idiot that she is, decided it was a good idea to try and swim in the lake that kills people if you swim in it. Such a good idea. God I swear this girl will literally be the death of me. That's what I thought today! She started sinking and I panicked and I jumped in after her and? I'm normally the worst swimmer you would ever see. You know this. I guarantee we never get better at swimming. And I just! Pulled her out! It was weird. She said It was like some invisible force was dragging her down and the moment I touched her it vanished?
I gave the lake My necklace before we left. I kind of regret it. It was from Eden. I really shouldn't have thrown away One of my most important possessions but I couldn't think of anything else to do to show my gratitude.
I'm not going to stop visiting the lake. I said that on a whim. I don't think I could stop after that. Not only would I miss it too much, it would just…It feels mean. I don't think I should do that. But I don't know but I should do either.
There's obviously something wrong with this thing. But it's also the closest thing I have to someone I can trust right now. And isn't that pathetic? How did I somehow become closer to a literal body of water than my own family?
Shit. Maybe I should imitate vee as much as we all joke I do and jump into the lake. Even if it does like me, I'm not a good enough swimmer to get out of
Sorry. That's dramatic. Sorry. I should stop writing. Sorry I had to poison this dramatic story with my teenage angst, future me. G'night.
Entry no.125
I think I should move back to New York. Auntie still Lives there. She would let me come over.
Entry no.126
I need to stop coming here. I don't know why I'm doing this. Am I really that pathetic? Do I really need to be listened to that much that I will actively put myself and those I care about in danger for some stupid fucking lake? Why am I like this. I think I need to stop actually! This isn't going to end well and I know it. I.
Entry no.142
I'm moving back in with auntie. She was ecstatic when she heard the news. My parents just think I miss my friends.
Vee was disappointed but I think we both know why I'm doing this.
I don't think I'm ever going to get Eden's necklace back.
Entry no.648
I've been rereading some of my past journal entries. I kind of feel bad for 17-year-old me. I think I found something that I kind of blocked out of my brain though?
I'm kind of curious if that was one of those things I embellished for the fun of it? Vee doesn't think so, but I'm not sure. It seems unrealistic that all of that actually happened. I guess that's the point of it, though. For future reference when reading this, I'm referring to A lot of the entries between 77-142. It's kind of crazy how much I wrote back then, man. I don't think I could dedicate that much time to talking about myself now if I tried.
Anyway, I'm going to visit Dad in that old town for Eden's birthday soon. I'll take a walk around that place, see what it's actually like. Because even if I exaggerated it it was still big enough for me to lose her necklace. By choice even. No matter how stupid me at 17 was I don't think I would do that without a good reason
Entry no. 687
Happy 23rd birthday, sis. I miss you. If you're reading this by any chance, I hope you're doing well. Wherever you are. Love you.
Entry no.690
I found your necklace Eden.
I'm not sure what this lake is but it's not anything natural. I can tell. On the off chance your spirit is there, I think I'm going to keep visiting. I think I might move back here.
It looks just like the day you made it for me.
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dreamkidddream · 4 years
Can I request a teen mc who is like YUJI from jujutsu kaisen as in they are the vessel of SUKUNA PLSS? Like maybe they can manifest SUKUNA in his curse form as another being as well like megumis dogs? (If you don’t know JJK can you just do a chaotic teen mc? ❤️)
So let me tell you: I started reading the manga but have yet to watch the anime 😭 it’s really good though and I’m probably gonna start it this week, but I’m not sure if I’m 100% confident in writing Sukuna. BUT this request was too good to pass up, so if you don’t like it I will write the other scenario instead just let me know!
So for these headcanons, I made it to where MC is Sukuna’s vessel like Yuji, and that they can manifest him if needed. But, I still kept it to where he’s not exactly a good guy with MC’s best interest at heart. Reader is gender neutral and younger than the Bros, so the dynamic is more family instead of romance just a heads up! Hope you enjoy!
TW: Minor cursing, spoilers for Lesson 16 in Mammon’s, Beel’s, and Belphie’s part
The Brothers with Teen MC who’s Sukuna’s Vessel
Was very irritated with this revelation, but still curious
Still annoyed either way though
He already had to make sure that you stayed alive during your stay and not disappoint Diavolo, but now he had to make sure that you kept this curse at bay too!
He’s very skeptical of you: not only because of you being a young human but also being a human with essentially a demon inside of you
A very troublesome demon if not kept under control at all times
Honestly Sukuna was like an buzzing gnat who wouldn’t just go away, so Lucifer didn’t see him as a threat personally. More of a nuisance that could grow into a threat if remained unchecked
After you explained the whole situation, he still assigned Mammon to you, but he made sure to personally keep an eye on you too
Your presence was seen as a threat at first, but as time passed, he, along with his brothers knew you meant no harm, but the same couldn’t be said for this Sukuna
He wanted to have faith in you, but he couldn’t bring himself to fully believe it. After an incident at RAD with another demon attempting to attack you, your powers (or rather Sukuna’s) came out to play
He saw the markings, the extra eyes, the malice spread on your face, and he then realized just how serious this has become. You were able to gain control back, but the damage was already done. You were so distraught, sobbing before you, trying to apologize and swearing that you didn’t mean for this to happen, all the while Sukuna was laughing, morphing a mouth on your cheek
It was so bizarre to see, and he couldn’t help but feel a pang of pity for you. You were such a kind person, always going out of the way to spend time and help wherever you could. You essentially became a part of the family, but he knew that you didn’t feel accepted because of him
After that, your “punishment” was to practice holding control over Sukuna with Lucifer, every day after school (which can just be seen as him checking in on you on a daily basis, and trying out different techniques to make sure repeats of this incident doesn’t happen again). Meaning that you trained on manifesting him at will, instead of him completely taking over
Not gonna lie he’s acting like a proud dad when he sees you making progress and Sukuna just sitting in your head tired of all this positivity lol
Lucifer cares for you, he’s accepted you fully even if you hadn’t for yourself. He wants to protect all of his family (including you), and he doesn’t want to think about what could happen if Sukuna becomes a danger to the Devildom or Diavolo...
Is impressed but also low key nervous
Humans are not suppose to be like this, ya know!
He’s not the smartest demon in Hell, but he definitely knows that you can’t summon demons without a pact, and he knows your baby face doesn’t have one with the King of Curses
You had to break down the whole deal, and it made him even more confused and distressed
Was still acting annoyed being your designated babysitter, I mean seriously, just how annoying can you be?!
Just kidding! You guys are totally partners in crime in no time and you both make Lucifer get 2x the wrinkles now
“MC, let the Great Mammon show you how’s it done!”
“Mammon, you’re going to be the reason why we’ll be strung up again for the third time this week.”
“It’s going to be both of your idiots’ faults. Such a pathetic display.”
He HATES whenever Sukuna makes an appearance, whether you call on him or he makes his own special appearance. He’s like a gritty and more sadistic version of Lucifer, minus the style and uptight personality (and honestly the finesse too), which made him 10x the more aggravating
He honestly hates Sukuna in general. Here you are, his MC, one of the only people to stand up and defend him always, struggling to live a normal life because of him. It was bad enough that you got sent down here with no warning, but now you got sent with him, and from what Mammon could hear with the conversations between you two, he wasn’t exactly your BFF
Denies being excited about seeing you perform your cursed techniques, but only because it brings him out (and he guesses it’s a little cool that you know how to do it). But human, you don’t need that lame curse, you got the great demon himself to protect you!
On a darker note, you made Mammon swear to you that if Sukuna took over and you for some reason couldn’t gain back control, that he would protect himself and his brothers first before worrying about you. He hated this even coming up, you should be worrying about what’s the next scheme you guys could pull off, not some weird sharpie colored entity causing problems. But you were dead serious, and you made him promise that if the worst case scenario ever happened, he would make sure it’s taken care of
Mammon realized you were the missing piece to their family. It felt nice to have someone depend on him, to actually treat him with respect and care for him truly. He refused to accept Sukuna as a part of you (really he just acted like he didn’t exist, which he didn’t in his mind), and he refused to let him or anyone else harm you
You’re family now, and he wasn’t going to lose anyone else ever again
Oh look, another normie
Wow, you’re such a normie that you’re even talking to yourself through a manifested mouth on your palm-wait WHAT
You broke it down to him, and you just...stared at you, with a blank expression on his face. Until-
How ironic lol
He practically had a fanboy overload moment whenever you showed off your cursed techniques to him after he begged asked you countless times
You guys remember that vine with the kid saying, “I have the power of God and anime on my side”? Recreate that while doing your moves and he’ll be in awe and dying laughing at the same time
Will post it to his Devilgram and DevilTube
His envy will start to show at first. How is it that someone boring like you get to have all these cool powers and have an actual king reside in you?? You’re living the Shonen dream and not even grateful for it!
But this reality for him would soon shatter after he saw Sukuna for himself, and the way that he behaved towards you. The way that the curse would just look at with disdain in his eyes just made Levi’s skin crawl. He was made well aware that you were in fact not living the anime dream he thought you were. The look in your eyes reminded him of how he would feel whenever he felt like a scummy otaku, and from that point forward he would find ways to cheer you up
You can plan on having anime marathons, game nights, even talking with Henry (I hc that he can talk and understand aquatic animals) when you get into these moods. Anything that helps him get out of his funks he’s hoping it helps you too. You don’t deserve this type of treatment from anyone, especially someone that even he can no doubt eliminate
You were honestly one of the coolest people that he knows, and one of the strongest too! Not just physically, but mentally too. He can’t imagine what could be going on in your head since Sukuna became a part of you, but he knows that you’re strong enough to overcome anything that he throws at you. And if you had moments where you faltered or doubted yourself, that’s okay! Levi would be right beside you the whole way, doing anything he can to keep pushing you forward
Be the teen anime hero that he’s know you can be MC! You wouldn’t be his Henry if he didn’t have any faith in you, you know?
Bonus: you don’t have to worry about your anime nights being ruined after one night when Sukuna somehow found a spoiler to an anime that Levi was really anticipating became a very visual warning for the curse. Levi convinced you to let him take over, and whatever was said resonated with him because you never heard a peep after that, both out loud and in your head
Oh he was BEYOND fascinated
We all know how much Satan loves to read and how smart he is, so while you look at your condition as a curse (no pun intended), he saw it as an opportunity
Could you feel this curse coursing through your body? Did you feel stronger? Could he see through your eyes all the time or only when you let him? He had so many questions it wasn’t even funny
Very understanding of your situation surprisingly (but still called you dumb for eating Sukuna’s finger)
Satan would be one of the only people you could really trust when dealing with Sukuna. Yes, you trusted all of the brothers, but if you were really in a bind you could count on Satan to come up with a solution quickly
The only issue was his anger. Everyone knows just how angry he can get, and to avoid him ASAP if you even think he’s getting frustrated. Sukuna knows this too, and will be more than happy to taunt him to truly bring out his wrath. While he does need you alive (for now), it wouldn’t hurt to have some type of fun around here. Plus, this could cause your bonds with these brothers to weaken, and the weaker the bond, the weaker the will to help you keep him at bay and defeat him
But Satan knew better, and you did your best in keeping Sukuna away. He may be the Avatar of Wrath but that didn’t mean he was stupid. However, he did have one slip up unfortunately
You see, he was just having a bad day and already got into a spat with Lucifer, and you sensed that he certainly needed his space. So while you slowly backtracked to your room and from his path, Sukuna decided to be the evil ass that he is, and proceed to provoke him. What finally made him snap was his comment that, “You would be a formidable opponent if you weren’t in your older brothers’ shadow, but oh well. Can’t help who you come from I see.”
It took Beel, Mammon, and Lucifer to properly restrain him from ripping Sukuna (really you) limb from limb, with him laughing manically and you scrambling back in fear. Which called for a very long, detailed family meeting (of course after Satan fully calmed down) that resulted in mediated meetings between you and him for the next month. You felt guilty, you should have done better containing him, but you couldn’t predict whenever he decided to pop up!
But after a long talk, Satan didn’t blame you. He blamed himself for losing to his anger and especially blamed Sukuna. He decided that it was time to get rid of this pest once and for all. Be ready MC, cause once he puts his mind to something, there’s no stopping him
Prepare for your bonding time to be deep into books and practicing new hexes and curses. But don’t worry, it’s not always boring and Satan makes sure that you’re having some type of fun. He’s really doing this to have some sort of protection for you: whether it’s against Sukuna or himself. He wants you to know something besides your cursed techniques just in case they fail for some reason
Will shockingly want you to manifest the curse, one main reason is to obviously collect information on him, the other reason is to test said hexes and curses on him
Can a curse be cursed? Let’s find out
You helped Satan with him realizing that anger isn’t the only emotion that you can feel, and with you being so young, he wanted you to experience life as much as you can. And while you had an extra...passenger with you, he will do his best to make sure that it doesn’t get in the way of you enjoying life. It was nice to see a joyous smile on your face
Also you guys did find a hex that made Sukuna meow for the whole day and it was the best thing to ever happen with him lmao
Honestly wasn’t really bothered with it at first. If anything, he treated it like hot gossip when you told him in the beginning
One thing he will say though: humans can be so revolting at times. I mean you ate a rotten finger, a cursed, aged, sharp, disgusting- you get the point. He did cringe at that, but everything else was pretty normal besides that
Still talked about your daily gossip, painted nails, the works. But recently, Sukuna’s name has been coming up more and more in your recent convos. Asmo, being quite the messy curious demon, wanted to know more about this curse
He really treated Sukuna like he was just your show and tell act and would want you to bring it out to see how he really was. He was amused with your cursed techniques, but he wanted to see more!
He heard you both talking with one another, and he wanted to see him in person! He hasn’t done anything and you’re among the seven strongest in Hell, so what could go wrong?
So much. So much could go wrong
And so much went wrong
After you manifested him, it went downhill from there. The large amount of control you did show caught his attention, but then it moved to the King of Curses himself. He was very delighted to see him up close for more than a couple of seconds, and took his time admiring his physique up close. It was fun for him, but not for you. Sukuna could feel your will slipping since your focus was being divided dealing with Asmo, so he took this as his time to shine
You had an exhausting day, and you were tired, which he used to his advantage. Asmo started to complain when Sukuna suddenly disappeared, but didn’t have a chance to voice it as your arm suddenly gripped the front of his shirt. He felt himself jolt, feeling his heart pumping. He looked into your eyes and realized that this wasn’t you, this was now Sukuna. The black markings that lined your face along with the new eye color (and the extra pair of eyes) came with a grin that stretched across your face
“What’s the matter? You were so eager to be in my presence, is it not to your liking now that the tables have turned? You claim to be one of the strongest, yet I would be able to kill you just being in this form-Ah, the brat is trying to come back, what a shame. Do me a favor, little Asmodeus, don’t insult me like this again. I am a King, and you will remember that. I might have to pay you another visit and take your heart with me next time to make sure you’re aware of that.”
He didn’t give Asmo time to answer, as his grip loosened and you were back. He saw you stumbling, shook out of his own thoughts and reached to catch you. He knew that this curse was an issue, but he didn’t understand just how serious this was, how serious it had gotten so quickly. The thought of Sukuna didn’t scare him, but the promise of him coming back just for him caused some worry. He wasn’t the weakest, but he didn’t want to hurt you! As much as he couldn’t stand his new found scorn of Sukuna, it wasn’t enough for him to take the chance of injuring you
You didn’t strike fear in him, rather the opposite. To see someone he has grown to care about be the one to try and bring his demise was...saddening. He could just feel his heart breaking at the notion. And if this experience taught him one thing is to be more understanding of what you’re going through
You remembered bits and pieces of the incident, and whenever you asked Asmo about it, he would divulge a tad in what happened, but wouldn’t go into too much detail. He didn’t want you blaming yourself, and he didn’t want you to distance yourself from him either. You already proven yourself of formindable you are ever since you gotten down here, and Asmo wasn’t going to let some jealous wannabe demon get in the way of that!
So no more talk of the thing, and whenever it did want to make an unsuspecting visit, Asmo would be ready. The thing was immune to most curses, but that didn’t mean that he couldn’t be charmed to some extent, right?
Has covered the eye slits up with makeup and other beauty products every morning, becomes both of your favorite bonding activity. Anything to erase any evidence of it existing and to hear your giggles brightens his day everytime!
Is very sympathetic of your ordeal
Has mad respect for you eating that finger though, even he doesn’t think that he would eat that
Maybe with some sauces and some Hellroast he might
Is another brother that tries to keep an eye on you. If this Sukuna really is as dangerous as you make him out to be, then he would make sure to be prepared if things went south
Beel’s motto: stay ready you ain’t gotta get ready
Will want you to practice your moves with him. Beel’s pretty powerful, and on muscles alone is one of the strongest brothers. He wants to make sure that you can recognize your full potential, and to always do your best. Expect to be in the gym or the HoL’s backyard working out and training majority of the week
Is thoroughly impressed with your cursed techniques
Beel doesn’t understand that while yes, you have a whole curse residing in you, doesn’t make you less of a human. He forgets that you still have some limitations, and you have to remind him at least twice a week. You gotten more powerful yes, but you still weren’t at Beel’s level
“You can do it MC! Don’t give up!”
“Beel this is over 500 pounds...are you forgetting that I’m still HUMAN-”
But you can never stay mad at him, he’s just too sweet and he means well. He genuinely wants you safe and prepared if anything happens with Sukuna, and if getting you buffed up makes him feel somewhat at ease, then you’ll deal with it
Shares his food with you sometimes. He makes sure that you eat properly too, so no skipping out on meals!
Great listener! Whether you’re complaining about class, talking about a new restaurant you’re interested in (he’s definitely tuned in), or venting about Sukuna, he’s all ears. Even gives you advice if you ask for it or if you really need it
Has encountered Sukuna while he took over your body once, and let me tell you, he was not happy at all
Beel is one of the brothers that are in touch with his emotions; he doesn’t really fly off the handle into a rage unless someone has done something to his family or if he’s being denied food. But now that you’re family and vulnerable not only to other demons but to this curse inhabiting your body, he wasn’t taking any chances
He made sure to be very clear when talking with Sukuna. He wouldn’t stand for anything happening to you, and he made sure that the curse would wish he stayed scattered if that boundary was crossed
Beel is a very protective big brother that’s constantly looking out for you all the time. Even if you feel like that you need to bare this burden on your own, he makes sure that you never feel alone.
He already lost Lilith, and he doesn’t want to lose you too. He won’t mess up this time
See, he knew that there was something wrong with humans, and you were living proof of that
How can you trust humans not knowing if they have another creature living within them?!
Whatever, he’s too sleepy to even care about it
And you weren’t one of the worst so...he guesses that you’re tolerable, but don’t push it!
In the beginning, he thought it was easy to manipulate you, but he could just sense that something wasn’t right with you (and no, it wasn’t because you were just human). He would hear you talking aloud to yourself, except that you were...responding to yourself too?
He thought you finally cracked up lmao
He brought it up as a joke once, but the way you reacted was tense and...ashamed? Oh, he just hit a gold mine. This could make things much more interesting. You shared a little bit of your story with this so called “King of Curses”, but he was smart enough to make a plan off of the information. Maybe he could take advantage of Sukuna like he is of you. Kill two birds with one stone
Well his plan backfired swiftly. After he was freed from the attic and went straight in for the kill, things went array. His hands were wrapped around your neck, he could-should see the life leaving your eyes, but instead he was met with Sukuna’s gaze. Belphie thought he planned this right, he made sure that he didn’t give you enough time to manifest him or to use your curse techniques, so how was this-
“You think I don’t recognize the look of bloodlust, you spoiled child? You were foolish enough to believe that you could get rid of me this easily like the brat?!”, and he was sent flying across the room. How was this happening, this wasn’t suppose to happen!-
“As much as I would like to see them die, they’re useful to me for the time being. Once they are of no use anymore, the only one who will be relishing in their demise is me. They’ll be dying by my hand, not by some weakened child.”
Those words still resonated with him still to this day. Honestly, the whole incident did. No matter how many times he tried to convince himself that you forgiven him and want to build a real bond together, his mind refused to erase that horrid memory, and he deserved it. When Belphie remembers back to that day, he remembers the horrified and heart breaking looks on his brothers’ faces, the way that your eyes show how betrayed and petrified, and how you were gasping out begging him to stop, before he comes out and puts everyone in danger
He felt disgusting, guilty, mortified, regretful, a disappointment. Those feelings only escalated after having them explain the truth to him, both about yourself and being a descendent of his dead sister. He could see how much you touched his family, and you extended that kindness to him too, and he just exploited it
He stayed far away from you for a very long time. He didn’t try to approach you at all, only staying in the planetarium or even the attic, to avoid crossing paths with you. He didn’t deserve to make a connection with you like his older brothers, as much as he wanted to. He was remorseful, it wasn’t because of the whole Lilith revelation, but because you really didn’t deserve that happening to you
You made the first move to make amends, to have a fresh start, and he couldn’t have been more grateful, albeit nervous. He was so terrified of messing things up again, but you were there to help keep him grounded. “I won’t lie to say that what you did was okay, but I’m willing to move on from it. You aren’t completely forgiven, but we can work towards fixing things, together.”
Belphie was shaken by Sukuna’s words, but he wasn’t necessarily scared of him. In fact, he would personally find a way to cast him out of your body and destroy him permanently as the perfect apology and thank you gift; the thank you for reuniting him with his family, and for helping them develop healthy relationships with one another. They weren’t as separate as before, and it made him feel so warm every time he thought about it
Not that he would ever say that to anyone
You both spent time together either napping or plotting for future LYS (Lucifer You Suck) pranks. And since Belphie is pretty good with magic himself, he would be teaching you some new spells or curses that you could use to protect yourself, even against the curse inside you
Belphie will make sure to not make another huge mistake when it comes to you ever again. He’ll have his little slip ups, but you were never put into harms way because of them. He doesn’t want to sabatoge this bond, and he wants you to truly be happy spending time with him. He’s not the greatest role model (obviously) and may be tight lipped about how he feels most of the time, but he really does have your best interests at heart
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year2000electronics · 3 years
Siblings, Origami, and Slightly Wasted Potential
Hi. Me again. I have some thoughts on Origami King and the ideal future we could have had.
(Spoilers for Origami King!)
(image recreation)
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Last time on the analysis show, I took a look at the characterization of Paper Luigi (which is a pretty good read, I’ve been told). This time, I’d like to build on that a little more by addressing Paper Mario’s other pair of iconic siblings- Olly and Olivia. 
Specifically, the way I believe they have the ability to parallel Paper Mario and Paper Luigi.
So, to lay out some basic facts (as is usually necessary to make a strong foundation), I’d like to talk a bit about Mario and Luigi’s relationship with one another. 
Thanks to Luigi gaining importance in the Mario series as a whole, he’s been equipped with some new abilities and stories of his own. However, thanks to Mario encompassing everything heroic under the sun, a lot of the time, Luigi tends to need to take the ‘road less traveled’ of abilities and stories. This may just be an out-of-character thing, but over time, it’s given Luigi this sort of niche that he fills compared to Mario. 
Me, personally, I like to call Mario a ‘sun sibling’ and Luigi a ‘moon sibling’. 
The sun is associated with brightness, happiness, daytime- the time that most people use to the fullest. A sunny day will bring a smile to anyone. Mario has the same happy aesthetics as the daytime, his adventures always triumphant and basking in the spotlight. 
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... (And sometimes, they’re quite literally ‘sunny’ adventures.)
Compare this to the moon- the nighttime. In popular culture, the night, darkness and even the moon have been used to signify darkness, mystery. The night in and of itself is something that’s only designated to ‘night owls’- it takes a lot of active planning to stay up for a lot of the night. However, the moon itself isn’t inherently dark- people still need it to get their eight hours. Even though the night’s job isn’t the same as the day’s, it’s still important...
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...when the sun is hiding away. 
That little bit of poetry aside, Luigi’s ‘dark’ and ‘against the norm’ aesthetic can be seen pretty much everywhere you look, even if you’re not much for my metaphors.
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Luigi’s flagship series being all about ghost-hunting in a spooky, dark mansion...
(Which, by the way, in Mario Super Sluggers, can only be accessed at NIGHT!!! !!!) 
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Luigi being the one who has access to the mysterious and vague dream world powers, 
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Whatever this was,
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This fucking guy,
You get the point. 
Which leads me to my next point: Olivia and Olly are also Sun Sibling and Moon Sibling.
I’m sure this is fairly obvious to anyone who looks. Olivia is bubbly, excitable, friendly, and kind.
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Olly is, um.
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Not that. 
(Oh also, their colour schemes the ‘night’ and ‘day’ colour schemes of Scorching Sandpaper Desert. So there’s that.)
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So now we’ve established that 
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But here’s the thing. Siblings is not the same. See, there’s something different about Olly and Olivia compared to Mario and Luigi.
Olly is the older sibling. And just like that... Luigi’s primary reason for being a ‘moon’ sibling is just straight-up not available to Olly. Luigi got his quirks from being in Mario’s shadow, but Olly is new... fresh. He just is this way. It’s not a phase, CRAFTSMAN. 
This poses some... interesting ideas when it’s presented next to the Mario brothers, though. Olivia is the younger sibling, who seems to look up to Olly just as much as Luigi looks up to Mario. Or at least... she’d like to. 
Despite having LITERALLY NO EVIDENCE to believe this, Olivia spends the entire game saying that she believes Olly can be talked down from this. She almost treats Olly and his entire evil plan as two separate entities, almost like Olly is a damsel she has to rescue. Don’t get me wrong, she never shies away from saying her brother needs to be stopped, but considering what seemingly little reason Olly gives for her to believe he’s worth saving... (sorry Olly. You lived then you put your dad in a wall. Life’s tough like that. Also you put a rock on her.) She’s persistent. 
Imagine how that must feel to Mario, seeing someone- seeing a Luigi who’s not the meek, mysterious one, but just as bright and bubbly as him. They grow so close throughout all this, but... Mario isn’t HER brother. And Olivia isn’t HIS sibling. 
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And neither of them forget that. Even for one second. 
It makes us almost sigh in relief that Mario is such a good role model to both Olivia and Luigi, because Olivia shows us this idea of the underdog sibling not HAVING a forever-kind older brother. It’s... kinda sad. No, really sad. Olivia and Olly WANT to be a pair, but neither of them agree. They both want to ‘save’ each other, but they must keep battling if they want their side to win. 
This on its own is pretty interesting, but I want to cover the ‘slightly missed potential’ part. If you think Olivia and Mario’s parallels are a good story bit... can you IMAGINE what Olly and Luigi would be like? 
Referencing my Luigi analysis again, I concluded that Luigi has a bit of an inferiority superiority complex- a TV trope where someone’s feelings of inadequacy are often masked by an overconfidence, trying to hide that horrible blemish. 
(Don’t worry. He gets better.) 
Now, I wouldn’t say Olly is secretly insecure or anything- far from it. He is, however, EXCEEDINGLY confident, in both his abilities and his beliefs. He truly seems to believe that the ways of origami are glorious and that folding the kingdom will be a sort of ‘rebirth’. The only thing that is motivated entirely by his rage (not that those other parts aren’t, this one is just really personal) is his wish to turn every Toad into blank paper. And why is that? 
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Because the Origami Craftsman scribbled on him. It’s a blemish, and one that he keeps hidden VERY easily. (I mean, you don’t see it here, do you?) 
...Interestingly, Olly has this line here: 
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He says he made Olivia ‘too perfect’. It’s backhanded, sure, but... it’s still a compliment. He thinks his sister is perfect. She is perfect. He is blemished.
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The sun sibling is perfect...
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The moon sibling isn’t. 
This is why I think Olly and Luigi should have had some form of interaction. Luigi is this perfect mentor figure for the young king. Even though he wouldn’t be able to make a dent in Olly’s ideology or Toad-hating, there is one thing... one thing Olly might still be able to turn to the good side for. 
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His sister.
Despite the fact that Origami Castle gets folded to life before Mario’s very eyes, which is when Olly has asked time and time again for Olivia to join him, and she’s still refused, the castle is still LITTERED with decorations of BOTH OF THEM. 
Olly still loves his sister. And he doesn’t want to lose her- even if he is blinded by rage. I think if Luigi was around Olly somehow, for most of the game (my personal idea would be that Luigi just can’t be folded somehow and Olly has no choice but to keep him in Peach’s Castle because he might help Mario otherwise), then he could say, from personal experience, how blind rage doesn’t solve anything... how your relationship with your sibling is the most precious thing in the world, should you keep it correctly. 
How... he KNOWS Olivia really looks up to him and looks to him for guidance, because he’s the exact same way. And how Olivia needs her big brother. 
Maybe Olly has some second thoughts, but convinces himself it’ll all be for the greater good. He just needs to defeat that red plumber. 
That green plumber’s... big brother. 
All in all, I think it could really have made Olly and Olivia even more impactful than they already are. At least they finally get reunited...
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Even if it’s only for a brief moment. 
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