#also i feel like asriel would be a good student maybe
mentheii · 3 months
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goofy thing for ides of march eve
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Prompts involving Asriel getting swallowed and churned?
Definitely, something I can work with! I have also, unfortunately, learned that Tumblr will not let me put prompts into bullet lists anymore. It considers the entire thing to be one block of text that hits its character cap, which is just going to happen with three prompts. Really annoying, but oh well.
"It's so sweet of you to visit!" R.udy says with a big grin. "Your old man mentioned you were in town last time he was around." The reindeer's gut lets out a low gurgle and he pulls the blanket over it a bit when A.sriel glances at it. Yelling about how his son was in town and would be looking for him were some of A.sgore's last words before the reinbeer's gut snuffed him out, and R.udy had been hoping the goat was right. He's thankful it took over a day--most of A.sgore has digested by now, and R.udy is starting to get peckish for more goat meat. A.sriel has certainly started to fill out like his old man, too, thanks to that college life of his. The younger goat smiles politely, simply asking if R.udy had seen his dad around. "Sure I have, kiddo. But...you gotta come a bit closer to I can tell you. It's a secret and I don't want the old diddy's taking care of me to hear." R.udy keeps up that casual grin, hoping he's not drooling too much. A.sriel seems a bit reluctant, but he does lean in, turning his head slightly for R.udy to whisper in his ear. The reindeer pulls him down and belches right in A.sriel's ear. "Aaah...was saving his last breath just for you! Doubt there's much of your old man left, but you can check for me!" R.udy's jaws open wide, a surprised bleat escaping A.sriel just before his head is engulfed. R.udy starts gulping and slurping wetly, dragging A.sriel down the hatch. He goes down even faster than A.sgore did--not because he wasn't struggling as hard, but just because he was much smaller. All it takes is a few wet gulps, and a thick slurp on his kicking legs, and A.zzy is bulging out R.udy's gut under the blanket. R.udy settles back in bed, arms folded behind his head, and lets loose a thick belch into the air. He snickers softly as he watches his gut slosh back and forth, A.sriel's muffled voice bleating out through it as he fights for his life. "I really am glad you visited, A.zzy! I was starting to get hungry after pumping A.sgore away, and I was just craving an extra helping of goat! Be a good kid for me now and melt nicely, alright? Nurses almost caught me churning your old man before, don't need to have to pretend I'm pregnant for them." The reindeer snickers to himself despite the panicked screaming coming from his gut. Thankfully, it's rather late, and no one comes by to bother R.udy despite the screaming lump in his gut. So as the minutes turn to hours, A.sriel's wild thrashing begins to slow down and his voice starts to become indistinguishable from the thick gurgling of R.udy's gut. With a final, wet belch carrying some white fur on his breath, A.sriel goes completely slack in R.udy's gut. The reindeer gives it a few pats and snickers. "Aaaah...like father, like son, huh? I'm feeling a lot better thanks to you two, though. Maybe I'll be able to check out tomorrow. Just hope no one asks about the bowl of jelly jiggling off of me." He snickers again, shaking his gut and making it slosh the A.sriel soup around. For now, R.udy will sleep the rest of the kid off, and come morning, he'll be looking nice and plump off of all that goat meat. At least he'll look healthy.
A.sriel didn't like the way his professor was staring him down. He knew that he had been slacking in his classes lately, too distracted with his frat and all the fun he's been having there. But it's not...that serious, is it? He can feel his other classmates watching him from behind--it was just after midterms, and the professor was bringing every student up to tell them their grades. At least three of them were too far behind to be salvageable. A.sriel's eyes drift down to the professor's round gut, straining the buttons of his shirt--they've all stopped moving. The last one was only in there for a couple minutes, wasn't he..? When the professor clears his throat, A.sriel looks up quickly to meet his eyes. "D.reemur, I'm afraid that you failed your midterm," the older man says, "and that you won't be able to pass the class, even if you performed perfectly for the rest of our assignments. So you'll have to drop." A.sriel opens his mouth to respond, but nothing comes out. His heart has sunk into his stomach and he's completely frozen. The only thing he can think is that his dad is going to be really disappointed as the professor drags the goat over his desk and into his wide-open maw. A.sriel doesn't even resist as he's shoveled down, three wet gulps all it takes it turn him from a prospective college student into a meal in his professor's mighty gut. Once he lands in the sack, the panic starts to set in, and he begins to beg and plea--for mercy, for extra credit, for a second chance, anything to save him from this fate. He can hear the muffled voice of the professor call down the next student, not even listening to him. The stomach is growing deafening loud around A.sriel and he lets out a shrill scream. On the outside, the professor's gut rumbles loudly and suddenly balloons in size. A couple buttons pop off his shirt and he belches thickly, hitting the next student in the face. Some white fur and a plastic student ID fly out of his jaws. The ID bounces off the students and hits the desk, which the professor carefully picks up and sets aside with the others. Another for the stack in his office. The professor moves on with the day without another thought towards A.sriel, other than the fact that he recognizes that last name, and hopes that he'll be seeing the student's father once he calls in the failure after class. A.sgore had been a student he recalls...and one he hopes he can actually claim unlike last time. Plenty of angry family members come by to talk about their failed sons and their fate as far, but rarely does the professor get to see an old face. He doesn't want to let this one get away again...even if he had to grade poor A.sriel extra harshly to ensure he didn't survive this class.
A.sriel lets out a whine as the first thick gulp rings out, sucking him in up to his knees down his dad's gullet. Around him, his fellow frat guys were cheering them on, chanting 'Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!'. But the thick gulping of A.sgore's gullet drowns it out, as the second gulp sucks A.sriel in up to his hips. His dad had made a surprise visit to him on campus, and seemingly always looking for a chance to embarrass him, had A.sriel take him to his frat. What the younger goat didn't expect was that A.sgore was a part of the same frat in college and, apparently, had a lot of respect within it. His frat brothers had almost instantly taken a great liking to his dad, which was embarrassing for different reasons. A.sgore had been flustered and tried not to get too involved, but it didn't take long for the goat to crack. Several beers later and some attention to his gut from a few horny and drunk college guys, and they were able to convince the old goat to show that he's still as good of a pred as he was in college. Rumors of eating the entire football team and clearing out the frat more than once wanted them all to see the goat in action. A.sgore didn't even hesitate with how tipsy he was, but A.sriel hadn't expected his own brothers to shove him forward and sacrifice him as his dad's example snack. Or for his dad to do it without a word. He'd just hoisted A.sriel up by the armpits and started lowering him down his gullet. Speaking of...he can feel A.sgore's tongue over his face. He's already up to his shoulders in the older goat's maw, his vision frame by teeth and lips. A.sriel realizes that his dad really is going to eat him. "W-Wait, Dad, don't--" There's another gulp, and everyone watches A.sriel's head sink down the tight gullet. A.sgore's gut bounces and sloshes as the young goat drops inside and begins to thrash around. Once A.sgore lets out a meaty belch for the crowd, everyone starts cheering and continuing to praise him. A few beer rain down on A.sriel, and plenty of rubs shove and squish him around. Even as his body begins to get goopier, and he can't distinguish himself from the gut sludge sloshing around in his dad's stomach, he's praying that his dad comes to his senses and coughs him up. The last thing he hears is muffled cheering over another wet belch. When A.sgore goes come to, it's the next day, and his head is fuzzy with a hangover. He can't quiet remember the night before, or why he's sleeping on a couch in a strange place. When he tries to call out fo this son, though, something solid rolls down his gut and bumps into his muzzle. It's a skull, still a little damp after being belched up from the depths of A.sgore's gut--specially, a goat skull.
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krispdreemurr · 3 years
i would like to hear about deltashuffle 🥺
ok so starter notes: we're loosely calling the ch2-based shuffle Cybershuffle mostly bc like. lancer!kris and ralsei!susie and so on are still good and important. also, like the ch1 shuffle, this is a group project and like friends and i have been working on this together, i did not have all these ideas. but all that said let's go thru the main characters real quick!
Susie Spamton taking the role of Kris: The younger of two adopted kids, Susie's had a tough time of it lately. With her older brother and arguably the most mature person in the household, Asriel, leaving for college, taking care of things and keeping things running when her dads can barely function has fallen on her shoulders. Maybe that's why she's been so quiet lately, so distant, so much more... responsible. Maybe it's for the better if she's gotten past her punk phase and settled down. Right?
Princess Noelle taking the role of Ralsei: It's nice to imagine, sometimes, being needed and wanted for who you are, even if you barely know who that is. It's nice to pretend you could be the hero rescuing the princess, even if most days you feel like the monster. But Noelle isn't quite the fantasy she maybe once might have been, with a quiet, cold bitterness about her role and her loneliness seeping into her. She could grow beyond. She hopes.
Lancer taking the role of Susie: Much the same as original Deltashuffle, Lancer is a young middle school student who seems to be constantly ending up in trouble for restlessly dismantling things and bossing his classmates around. He doesn't talk about his dad much at all.
Krismas Holliday-Kaard taking the role of Noelle: Don't call them by their full name they'll die. Anyways. Quiet and strange, in an ongoing state of rebellion against their overbearing mother but only when she's not actively looking. Has more in common with their dramatic theatre kid dad than maybe they want to admit. Good at school, good at keeping to themselves, good at not being known much at all. Used to be close to Susie, but drew away from everyone after Dess' disappearance. May or may not worry about the middle school kid they keep seeing in the same lurking spots as them and want to adopt him as a little brother a little. Absolutely hates that they turn blue in the dark world bc they look like their dad
Ralsei taking the role of Berdly: Number two in the class and always on his best behavior, Ralsei is a sweetheart who teachers and parents love and other kids loathe. Close to Kris, if only because Kris' mom set up plenty of playdates between them. Very concerned about doing things properly and by the rules, and staying on top of his image. People refuse to talk about his resemblance to Asriel it just weirds them out
Prince Berdly in the role of Lancer: Adopted child of the regent Swatch, Berdly knows his high-class etiquette by heart and will enforce it on you. We're working on this but it's hard because it's Berdly.
And minor characters, trying my best to keep this shorter:
Sweet Cap'n Cakes are in the role of Rouxls. A band of rebels against the unocracy, they keep trying to corrupt the ruler's son by hanging out with him but he's just so lame
Rouxls Kaard is in the role of Rudy. Kris' father and husband of Carol Holliday, he's a bit spineless unfortunately but he does love his child and loves acting out dramatic Shakespeare duels with them. Has been unwell lately.
Rudy is in the role of Jevil. Don't worry about him. He's free from pain now.
Jevil in the role of Asgore. Still the owner of the clown museum slash gift shop. Comes by to harass Spamton regularly despite the fact they're divorced. Has known the grocery store owner for two days and they're also already divorced.
Asgore in the role of Seam. A tired, tired man, wishing for something better, not expecting it to come. In the meantime, he keeps tending his flowers. There's someone he wishes he could give them to...
Seam in the role of Sans. Local grocery shop owner. Is crushing on Spamton and Jevil and hates self for it. Upper floor of grocery store is dedicated entirely to cursed goods.
Sans in the role of Gaster. There's nobody here. Stop looking.
Gaster in the role of Queen. Part of the basis of the operating system who saw there was more beyond, and who wants to let the dark flood out so he can know everything. Fixated on preparing Kris for their role opening fountains by running increasingly dangerous and stupid tests on them.
Queen in the role of Alphys. She drank too much age appropriate battery acid last night kids so she's going to take a break while you all play minecraft, that's probably educational,
Alphys in the role of Spamton. A helpful desktop assistant to guide you on your quest, who can make useful suggestions, find helpful items, and even send e-mails! Wants to help! Let her help! Let her help! Let her help! Let her h
Spamton in the role of Toriel. Who let this man adopt. Anyways. A former big shot ad executive now running a shady used car lot. House is full of weird products from past schemes and scams. Terrible at taking care of himself, relies a lot on Susie.
Toriel in the role of Swatch. Keeps things running! Wears a cute vest! Baked you a pie (wait wasn't she meant to be working for your enemy)
Swatch in the role of King Spades. The head of the dignified and composed Uno Lands, they're an accomplished refined gentleperson. Lately, though, as if preparing for an important guest, they've gotten increasingly controlling and demanding about making sure everything functions.
Nubert as Sweet Cap'n Cakes. My man.
what do you mean there's someone missing. there was never a character there
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jorisjurgen · 3 years
For the Ask Game, Asriel/Flowey perhaps?
First of all thank you for being my #1 supporter in "going insane over him" hobby for the past couple of years, Saffron. This post will certainly contain NOTHING that you hadn't heard me say about him 10 times before in your dms. probably.
[ask game]
1. I literary don't even know where to begin. He has 97 mental illnesses, he's a tsundere, he has 20-30 music tracks associated with him, he's an edgy 12 year old, he remembers what you did in other timeloops and has a lot of dialogue about that, he a lot of different designs and all of them are good. All of it is really good. Though probably my most favorite part IS the sheer tragedy that his life is, and how in the end he gets a happy ending.
2. How underrated he is 💔
3. Of all banger lines that he has, this dialogue straight up Haunts me: "I thought of all people, SHE could make me feel whole again. ...She failed. Ha ha... I realized those two were useless. I became despondent. I just wanted to love someone. I just wanted to care about someone. Chara, you might not believe this... But I decided... It wasn't worth living anymore. Not in a world without love. Not in a world without you. So... I decided to follow in your footsteps. I would erase myself from existence. And you know what? I succeeded."
4. Him and literary everyone. I want him to have a big support system and a lot of friends, and obviously for him to have a good relationship with his parents. But I especially like to see him being friends with Sans and Papyrus. Papyrus is an obvious pick, as for Sans, it's because in geno-route he says that what he thought "the anomaly" (who is almost certainly Flowey, though at that moment he is convinced it's player) really needed is a support system, friends, and care. Also it's funny when Sans is friendly with him and Flowey is PISSED because of that.
5. Past Him and Chara, and then Him and Frisk post-game.
6. I don't know any other pairings with him dfgjsdfg.
7. Some of this is kind of crack, and almost all of this is post-canon lol. Frisk introduces him to vocaloid music and he loves it. I think he'd like beyond-dark music about trauma and death, and vocaloid has a lot of that. Also he seems like the kind of person who unironically listens to nightcore. I think Toriel, not yet knowing that he is her son and that he has 97 mental illnesses, would enroll him into public school the second she learns he is a kid (which, let's be real, will be like a day or two after Frisk brings him outside simply because she can like... Hear him say words, and connect the dots.). He then would definitely cause something simply dubbed as "the knife incident" and be homeschooled then on. He's a good student on good mental heath days, but definitely much worse than his deltarune counterpart. I also think Toriel would be would be a lot more protective and a lot less strict with him than before he died, because she is badly afraid of losing him again. He definitely spends a lot of time with Asgore! Dreemurr Coparenting Real. I don't think his childhood was entirely happy even before death, and before Chara. Neither Asgore or Toriel are perfect, and I could picture him being quite a bit lonely, sheltered, and having a lot of expectations on him from Toriel. He has neon rainbow darkness dementia ravenway type ocs.
8. Chara and him weren't siblings and Chara was abusive to him, and that's not even an opinion this is literary canon. Also he has PTSD and depression and just thinks his emotional issues are the result of being soulless because he literary doesn't know anything! He's some 12 year old guy!! It's far more likely that he is a very unreliable narrator on his own condition because he isn't an expert on souls and maybe doesn't know what a "mental health" is.
9. I have a 3 hour long playlist about him, but my ESSENTIAL Asriel song is "Scrumize" by Maretu.
10. This cut goof toby posted a couple of years ago.
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so. it’s finally time to talk about [my] nano.
i’ve kept my nano project pretty under wraps so far, mostly because it’s been out of my hands. i wasn’t actually planning on doing a for real for real nano; instead, i thought i would dedicate some time to my fanfic (spoiler alert, but i haven’t yet) or work on finishing up revising fairbone (spoiler alert: i did revise one chapter, but i still have like half of it left to go and a nov 30 deadline...rip). if that didn’t work, i thought i would pick a wip i started over the summer or one i had half developed (let’s just say the ideas note i have really boomed over the summer and like...yeah). in conclusion, there were many wips ready for me to work on them, including ash heart, which i really want to write but haven’t figured out how to.
instead i started a new wip.
well, it’s not necessarily new, persay. it’s an idea i’ve had stewing since like late september/early october and planned out a good portion of. however, deciding to start it was a last minute decision - and by last decision, i mean that on october 31st i finished developing the barebones of character development and basic plot lol and then gave it a go. it’s honestly been going crazy well. as of today (november 9th), i just hit 21.2k words. i’m hopeful about this year, while also not wanting to jinx stuff, but like...wow. but writing is has made me realize that, wow, this book is going to be crazy long probably...like i’m 21k words in and we’re still like in the exposition idk what’s going on. but hey, i finished planning out the rest of the basic plot for it today!!!
right. onto the wip details.
honestly, the only reason i haven’t introduced this wip is because a) i want actual stuff done on it and like a proven commitment, because i feel like too often i introduce wips i don’t actually go anywhere with and i hate it, b) i don’t have a set title and c) i actually have no idea how to summarize this.
the novel i’m working on right now is the first of a projected trilogy. i say projected because i have a vague idea that it belongs to a trilogy, but like not a lot of plot except some vaguely connected ideas that should happen in the future. in it, i used a lot of characters from these violent ends, which i tried to write for camp april 2020, but like just their basic barebones; i changed a lot to fit the story, of course. 
not to sound nerdy, but it is like....harry potter inspired, but ONLY in the magical boarding school sense. of course, right now all i have is magical boarding school shenanigans, which i don’t really like because i feel like it unfairly sets the book up as like fun magical stuff when it’s really about murder & politics & student activism (+ a lot of other things ending in -ism). the whole activism part came from watching the trial of the chicago 7 and i was like, bingo, this is what this story needs. 
kay but ANYWAYS. onto the story. like i said, i can’t really summarize it, but there are lots of themes of classism, feminism, the affect on youth and youth’s effect, manipulative adults, revolution, terrorism, sibling dynamics and found family vibes, like all that stuff...packaged into a magical boarding school off the coast of maine setting...recipe for disaster!
mainly i’ve been writing in ophelia’s pov, because she’s my main girl and she’s problematic, but also she’s trying her best and just having a little difficulty fitting in. some other main characters are her twin brother, sebastian, and two other boys, asriel and vincent, who have an initially animistic relationship with ophelia (& kind of each other?) but it’s like enemies to friends (to lovers?).
anyways. here are some carefully curated excerpts below the cut:
i. vincent and asriel meet on a train (ch. 1)
The boy pursed his lips together. “It’s unusual,” he said, finally. “That’s all.” But he was looking at Vincent as if he was noticing him, which meant he was lying, or at least withholding the truth about something. He added, “You’re not from around here, are you?”
“Do you mean geographically?” Vincent replied, raising an eyebrow. “Because I’m from New York.”
A small glimmer of a smile appeared on the boy’s lips, though it vanished as quickly as it had come. “From the Magical World,” he clarified. 
“What gives it away?” Vincent asked sarcastically, waving a hand across his body. “My impeccable taste?”
“Among other things,” the boy said.
ii. sebastian and ophelia discuss grief on a ferry (ch.2 )
“You and mom talked?” Ophelia asked, surprised. She hadn’t exactly been keeping track of them, but she was sure she and Sebastian had spent much of the day together, as they were wont to do.
Sebastian looked at the floor. “Yeah,” he answered, hoarsely. “At least she wants to talk about Des. Dad doesn’t, and neither do you.”
Ophelia sighed, wondering why, today of all days, her sister was haunting them. Maybe it was because there should have been three people heading to Rijevduct, instead of two. Maybe Mother Magic was reminded of the loss of one of her own. 
“I’ve let her go,” she said. “You should too. We have too much of our lives ahead of us to mourn Desdemona forever.”
“I don’t mourn,” Sebastian said, words uncharacteristically sharp. “But I do grieve.”
“Isn’t that basically the same thing,” Ophelia mumbled, closing her eyes and feeling the press of a headache behind them. 
“Sorrow,” Sebastian said, the word a soft shudder. “And sad endings.”
“That’s what makes a good tragedy,” Sebastian answered. “I read it in a book.”
iii. headmistress alexeyev gives a speech (ch. 2)
“Eight years ago, seventy two students were slaughtered here. Some died on the very spot where you now stand today.” Ophelia glanced down at the floor, seeing the motion repeated instinctively around her as well. She looked over at Sebastian, who had closed his eyes instead, a pale flush meeting the faint color in his cheeks. His throat bobbed as he swallowed, tennis shoes scraping against stone as he toed them against the floor, as if he was shaking something only visible to him off.
“It was a tragedy,” Headmistress Alexeyev continued. “I say this because it is the truth. It was a tragedy, and not one that should never have happened.” She inhaled; Ophelia saw her chest rise, shoulders with it, in a sharp motion before she exhaled, body rearranging itself into poise once more. “I speak of this to tell you to assure you that Rijevduct is safe. I know there have been continuous doubts over the security of this school since that day eight years ago. I cannot, of course, guarantee that you will not come to any harm here. I cannot tell you that Rijevduct is the safe haven you were taught it was growing up; events have already proved that it is, in fact, not as impenetrable as one might think.”
Ophelia frowned, confused as to the line of reasoning. She had thought the whole point of the year of transition was to make sure that Rijevduct was infinitely more safer than it had been—and they had all been under the assumption that Rijevduct was virtually impenetrable until the massacre, which had led to the heightened security measures they saw today.
“I can, however, promise you that I, and everyone here today, will do anything in their power to keep you safe,” the Headmistress said. Next to Ophelia, Briar bowed her head, lowering her eyes and swallowing, the action almost a convulsion of her throat and mouth. Ophelia brushed her hand, lightly, in question, and the other girl just shook her head, looking away purposefully, so that Ophelia lost sight of her face and her sad eyes.
“These next three years will be far from easy. Gone are the sheltered lives where your parents could kiss your injuries goodbye, or sing you to sleep at night. Rijevduct is far from the cold, real world, but it is close enough when it comes to not asking you what you want first. This is an adjustment period. This is learning how to survive—and I will tell you this; surviving means many different things to many different people. You will have to decide on your own what this will mean for you, and how you will apply what you are taught here to your futures. Be wise. Be proud. Be humble. Cry. Laugh. Live. As your Headmistress, I, along with your professors, will be here throughout your time.” She raised her glass, “To the worthy,” and then drank, turning and walking back to her seat, which she lowered herself into gracefully.
iv. sebastian pov! (ch. 3)
There was a dead girl in Sebastian’s first period Magical Theory class. She was sitting diagonal from him, on the Glass side of the classroom, in an empty chair, staring straight ahead at the chalkboard. Sebastian tried not to look at her too obviously, his eyes straying from the open book in front of him to her cautiously, beneath the sleeve of his sweater.
She was sitting blankly in the chair, scraping her shoes against the ground, though they could not leave any scuff marks. Though she was the same faded shades most girls were, Sebastian could make out her pleated pale blue plaid skirt, which brushed around her knees, and the stained white blouse that might have once been spotless, but had been marred forever by the circumstances surrounding her death—objectively, that was to say, with blood. Her dark brown hair fell into loose curls around her shoulders, little silver studs glinting dimly, unable to catch the light. Her knee high socks now pooled around her calves and ankles, revealing a rotting bandaid on one of her knees. One of her tennis shoes was peeling at the toes, looking as if it had been ripped apart. 
Her fingernails had all been pulled off. Sebastian was good at analyzing ghosts by this point; he recognized the bloody flesh and bone of the nail bed. There was also blood matted across her head, trickling down her temple, with bruises covering her body; they peeked out from beneath the collar of her shirt, blackened across her cheekbones with a sunken quality in particular to one of her cheeks, as if the bone had begun to cave.
Subjectively, she was far from one of the worst that Sebastian had seen.
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lordeasriel · 5 years
oakley street during his dark materials
let’s talk about oakley street. as if I needed a reason to do that, but it’s mostly curiosity plus some headcanons, you’re welcome to add your thoughts to it. BEWARE SPOILERS FOR THE ORIGINAL TRILOGY, LA BELLE SAUVAGE & THE SECRET COMMONWEALTH. there is no way I can write this without spoilers, so, sorry about that.
What we know of Oakley Street is fragmented at best, but there are some facts that we can use to pinpoint their moves during the events of His Dark Materials. For that I am using some basic concepts that we learn from both books of The Book of Dust.
They have members all around the globe, from different social classes and careers. Some of these members aren’t even British, despite the official sanction that Oakley Street is part of their secret service (which would be weird in different circumstances; can’t have a foreigner in your secret service). Examples of this are Bud Schlesinger and his wife, Anita; they’re both New Dane (essentially Americans, according to maps and their accent in the audiobook, but I’m bad with accents, so take this with a pinch of salt) and Bud states to Lyra he isn’t a full time Oakley Street agent. He is a diplomat, a position that is quite beneficial to their practice and he helps them under this banner; during La Belle Sauvage, it is known he visited the witches of the North to learn more about the prophecy surrounding Lyra. In Smyrna, he mostly works as a diplomat and reports his findings to Oakley Street. We do not know for sure that Anita is a member, but she is a journalist and she is aware of their work.
A great deal of their members consists of scholars, academics and free speech advocates. Hannah Relf and Malcolm Polstead are just two of the many members that belong in Academia. As a government agency, though, Oakley Street is often headed by a member of the Privy Council, as Nugent used to be and they have plenty of government employees, because once they’re dismantled in The Secret Commonwealth, most of its official members will be reassigned to other departments. We also know they do employ people without connecting them to the agency, like they did with Malcolm when he was young. They also have agents amongst the Gyptians, which is a natural thing, given that the gyptians suffer the most under the CCD. It’s unclear whether Asriel was a full-member or an ally like Bud Schlesinger, but he did have ties to them, enough that Nugent was in charge of protecting Lyra and had contact with Asriel. His address was also in Chelsea, the same place where the actual Oakley Street is. (This isn’t exactly an argument, but I thought it was cool fun fact).
Their efficiency depended on the current government. When they were first founded, they were meant to be a direct opposition to the Magisterium forces during the Swiss War, with full backing from the King; during The Secret Commonwealth, Oakley Street was struggling because the current king wasn’t happy with them and eventually they were officially dismantled. Their funding came from the Defense department, meaning they could be concealed from public knowledge as most Defense fundings go with no disclosure.
Their operations are mostly from the shadows or happening in the background. We know that they’re acting because we have their POVs, sometimes, but essentially their work is from the shadows or behind the scenes. Malcolm and Alice are never aware that they are being sought after by Oakley Street and if not for their intervention, Lyra would have been captured or killed. That means whenever something important is happening, Oakley Street is likely countering it or promoting it.
With that in mind, the first thing we need to remember is that His Dark Materials is the original story and Oakley Street’s first appearance is on the new trilogy. That means we have absolutely no hard facts when it comes to them, but it’s possible to guess and theorise and that’s what I am doing now.
Lyra in Oxford: We know that the gyptians, according to Ma Costa, watched Lyra as a favour for Lord Asriel - they even had a half-gyptian man, Bernie Johansen, reporting on Lyra from inside Jordan. I don’t think the reports on Lyra reached only Asriel, in fact, I think the reports went through Oakley Street to get to him. Given the gyptians quarrel with the CCD, it’s easy to assume they might have spies with Oakley Street (other than Coram, of course) - we know they had spies of their own - and those spies mostly reported what the gyptians knew about Lyra. Asriel is often abroad too, so learning about Lyra’s welfare through Oakley Street agents is much more suitable and reliable. They had agents everywhere, people that could give him telegrams and the photograms he required. We need also to remember he forbade Marisa from getting anywhere near Lyra, so I imagine any time she set foot in Oxford, Asriel was quickly warned.
Oakley Street’s interest in Lyra was beyond appeasing Asriel, though; she was a target of the Magisterium, so protecting her was in their best interest. During her youth, stuck at Jordan and protected by Scholastic Sanctuary, they didn’t have to bother themselves, but as soon as Mrs. Coulter takes her away, they now have to find Lyra and protect her.
Adèle Starminster: This is probably the easiest thing to guess. Adèle infiltrates Mrs. Coulter’s cocktail party and is in the company of an unnamed scholar, who has some sort of interest in her. She is approached by Lyra, who then speaks of the gobblers and catch her attention. Adèle even questions if Lyra is Marisa’s daughter, before being interrupted by Marisa herself and quickly leaves the party. There are some possible scenarios here:
Adèle is just a journalist trying to write a piece on Mrs. Coulter. Marisa has a social life, but in general, she is quite the mysterious figure. Ignoring inconsistencies, most people don’t even know she had an affair with Asriel; she’s also known to be the director of the Oblation Board, it’s public knowledge, at least in some circles. So, if Adèle wanted to write a piece on Marisa, infiltrating the party would make sense. A good way of knowing Mrs. Coulter, by talking to friends, associates and of course, her young child assistant. This scenario is, without the second trilogy, essentially the original scenario.
Adèle is a journalist who was paid by Oakley Street to investigate Marisa and act as an informant. Oakley Street had dozens of agents and they also used informants, like Malcolm, to reach places a formal agent couldn’t go for various reasons. In Mrs. Coulter’s case, her guests were unlikely to be related to Oakley Street; the members are often recognisable people from academia, people Marisa would be familiar with; so Adèle is a good pick because she is unknown. She might do this for various reasons: interest in writing a good piece about this unreadable figure, doing for noble reasons or simply because she needs the money.
Adèle is actually part of Oakley Street. She’s either a member or an ally, like Bud. As a journalist, she probably had to deal with the Magisterium’s censorship and everything, so people in her profession had cause to fight them, they fit the profile. She was probably assigned there, officially, so Oakley Street could find out more about Lyra (maybe even rescue her) and about Marisa. A quick reminder that, despite fighting the Magisterium, Oakley Street prioritised the CCD given that they were one of the most violent of the groups, but they certainly kept tabs on Marisa, especially because Lord Nugent knew who she was, at least, as Lyra’s mother and a threat to her. Adèle asks Lyra several questions about Marisa and before that, she asks if Lyra is related to Marisa. This could be Adèle trying to figure out what exactly Lyra knew about herself. Had Mrs. Coulter told her the truth or not? Then she asks about Marisa’s nature, to know how Lyra feels and if she’s being well cared for. This was information valuable to Oakley Street, given the nature of Marisa’s business and Lyra being the Magisterium’s enemy number 1. (There is some plot holes in this scenario because this book can’t have possibly guessed the existence of Oakley Street, but I like it, so I’m keeping it.)
Adèle is forced to leave the party early, but the impression I have is that Marisa eavesdropped on the conversation or was tipped off, because she knows Adèle is a journalist, yet she does not know her name. And Lyra’s first impression of her is that she might be a student, so there is nothing on Adèle that shows she is a journalist. The scholar with her is escorted out as well, as Lyra sees it happening. The implication is that the man brought Adèle with him; he doesn’t look like he has a secret agenda, so I suppose Adèle convinced him to take her to the party or she was picked for that infiltration based on an invitation she already had.
On the run: After Lyra escapes Mrs. Coulter and ends up with the gyptians, she’s back on the Oakley Street radar. Marisa and the CCD have pretty much every authority in England looking for Lyra, but the gyptians evade them by hiding Lyra. To pull that off, they had to have help from Oakley Street, and probably needed it, because the gyptians suffered a lot under the Magisterium rule and had almost no rights when it came to the CCD. Oakley Street could have helped them by interfering in multiple ways, such as misinformation or obstructing their messengers in land, while the gyptians did their best to avoid docks and ports on their way to the Fens, where a treaty protected them from the Church.
When Lyra is with the gyptians, Oakley Street can worry about other matters. The gyptians use their own men to spy on the Gobblers; it makes sense for Oakley Street not to care so much about the GOB because their sole focus was to disrupt the Magisterium and the GOB was privately funded, and it wasn’t tied to the Church publicly. My guess is that they had their eyes there, mostly because Marisa was responsible for it, and the rest of their efforts were elsewhere. Other agencies of the Church were rushing against time to learn about Lyra and capture her, so it makes sense that Oakley Street would stick to tailing the College of Bishops and the violent CCD.
It’s possible that Oakley Street was aware of what was happening during Bolvangar and Svalbard thanks to Farder Coram. So, 1) They knew Lyra had gotten capture and likely brought to Bolvangar and 2) They also knew Lyra escaped Mrs. Coulter again by going to Svalbard in an air balloon. That is where their information source pretty much dies. Lyra is left with Serafina and Lee Scoresby, and Iorek, and as far as I know, Serafina and Lee stick together after the events of NL, so no one goes back to warn Oakley Street; it’s possible neither of them knew about it to begin with.
However, we know Marisa had alerted the CCD or at best, she forgot to hid her tracks, so they knew where she was headed and assumed there was where Lyra was too. It’s safe to assume Oakley Street had eyes in Magisterium ruled places, so when the Muscovite Army was assembled and sent to the North, they probably knew Lyra was there with Asriel too. It’s also possible that they knew that before it happened, given that spywork is mostly about avoiding things rather than actively countering them.
They likely knew Asriel had been captured way before Lyra went to him, so the fact Asriel remained in prison is intriguing. Main scenarios for this:
Oakley Street knew about Asriel’s plan. They kept him there because even if he failed, the chaos he would cause was enough to disrupt the Magisterium for a while, the sort of moment Oakley Street could use to cause a lot of damage, even take down important agencies of the Church. If they knew exactly what he planned or not, it’s difficult to say, but Asriel at some point said to Lyra “I did not send for you.” That means he had means to communicate outside of Svalbard and that he had someone to contact when he needed a child. We know it’s not Marisa, she clearly wouldn’t give him a child because she was trying to stop him from doing his thing. So, his most solid allies have to be Oakley Street. At the time of Northern Lights, Thomas Nugent was director, and he is ruthless, so if Asriel came to him with a proposition that could shake the very core of the Magisterium, he wouldn’t hesitate to allow it or even help him.
Oakley Street couldn’t help Asriel. Going to Svalbard would be a challenge, let alone break him out of an armored bear prison, especially because Iofur was supporting Marisa, and by association, the Church. They also had better things to work on, and Asriel was not captured on a mission here, he maybe wasn’t even an actual member of Oakley Street to begin with. There is also the chance they contacted him and he was like “No, I’m good. I even have a fireplace here.”
As a spy agency, Oakley Street wouldn’t have exactly frowned upon Asriel’s handiwork. He was a man of greater good aspects and the agency was used to work from the shadows and resorting to not-so-noble means to achieve their ends. They were small in numbers, weak by the ageing of the members and very desperate, each day struggling against the massive force of the Church, so I wouldn’t put it past them to help Asriel. However, whether they knew about it or not, they definitely took advantage of whatever chaos came from Asriel’s deeds.
After the Bridge to the Stars, we know that Asriel eventually builds an Army and a fortress, but we know that no one in Lyra’s world is aware of what happened. They know he fucked up the sky and the weather and that he was on some sort of heretic rampage but that is all. His fate isn’t even known by Lyra and many others; people think he and Marisa disappeared, including Oakley Street, who at TSC has very little knowledge of Lyra’s importance or so it seemed based on Godwin’s request to hear more about it. That probably indicates that the agency took no part in Asriel’s war, but they likely kept fighting the Magisterium as they began to build an army themselves to follow Asriel.
There isn’t much happening in the Subtle Knife for any speculation, I think they’ll mostly stick to doing their average procedures, investigating the Magisterium’s army, checking what they’re doing and why they’re doing and sabotaging what they can. If anything, I think Grumman could have been associated with them, he was a Scholar and then as a shaman, he could provide valuable information about the state of where he was living. They also probably kept tabs on Marisa, but maybe lost track of her when she went to another world; Lyra was still a person of interest for the CCD, and Oakley Street was likely looking for her, but there is also the chance that they assumed she was with Asriel, so they chose to focus on the other matters.
The thing about Asriel’s war is that it was very focused in one point; the world still kept on existing after he went to fight the Kingdom, it continued to exist normally. The weather was crazy, but that was about how people perceived the change. So, saying Oakley Street still maintained their objectives is appropriate I think. Under the chaos, there was room for a lot of damage to be done.
In the Amber Spyglass, Asriel has his own spies, so Oakley Street’s work here is a bit more clouded. I haven’t read this book enough to actually break it down to this level, but maybe when I do, I will do it in another post.
This was fun! If you guys have any theories or corrections, feel free to add them!
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tsukihimeyfan · 5 years
To Undertale
In honor of its 4 year anniversary, I would like to talk a bit about Undertale (I know I’m a bit late, but bear with me). Apologies ahead of time for the long post, and to anyone who reads it in its entirety; thank you. Also thank you very much to Toby Fox for giving birth to this masterpiece that has touched all of us so much :) I will be discussing several important details in the story, so SPOILER ALERT (just in case)
I came upon Undertale very late. It had already been out for about a year when I first heard about it, but everyone said such wonderful things and I was curious, so I decided to watch a playthrough on youtube, just to sate my curiosity. But Oh Man, I was not prepared for what I found: a gorgeous soundtrack, dozens of memorable characters, an amazing story, an incredible journey, and a veritable fountain of feelings sprouting in my heart. I fell in love.
For at least several weeks afterwards, the words “stay determined”, “everyone can be better if they just try” and “despite everything, it’s still you” bounced around in my head. Also, the idea that “even if its painful, even if you are going through a hard time, you can always choose to be kind, and happiness can always be found there, for others as well as yourself” became embedded in my soul. Even now, thinking about the True Pacifist ending fills me with joy. It was only fairly recently that I finally completed my own playthrough of the game, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that there were still many little secrets to uncover (for example, did you know that the  “gauntlet of deadly terror” bridge is just a rock formation that Papyrus painted over to make it more dramatic? He also added the rope for safety LOL😂)
The best part of the game, in my opinion, are the main characters. They are all more complex than they appear, they all have their struggles, and I would like to talk a bit about my opinions and theories about all of them.
Let us start from the beginning and talk about everyone’s favorite goatmom, Toriel. Of course, we all know her sadness at the death of her children, new and old, but if we really think about it there are signs that the situation may have been even worse than it seems... Namely, the shoe box in the room Toriel prepares for Frisk. If you check it, it says there are several shoes “in a disparity of sizes”. Presumably, these are the shoes left behind by the human children before they left the ruins, but they surely didn’t leave the ruins barefoot, right? And if they only stayed with Toriel for a day or so like Frisk does then she wouldn’t have had the opportunity or the need to go out and get some for them. This implies that each human child that fell probably stayed with Toriel for a while, long enough for her to need to buy them new shoes, maybe even because they outgrew their original pair. This, in turn, means that she had a chance to really get to know them, take care of them, and love them, unlike Frisk, who she only took care of for a little while before we leave. This might explain why she is so angry at Asgore, why it is unlikely that she will ever forgive him. If this is true, he not only killed random innocent human children that she didn’t really know, which is bad enough on its own, he might have killed her children, children she treasured. This also explains why she is so obsessive about protecting Frisk from everything and keeping them in the ruins no matter the cost. And yet, despite her pain, her “loneliness and her fear”, she still is one of the most gentle, kind and caring characters you meet, even willing to try to prevent Asgore’s death as well as Frisk’s. Toriel is best goatmom <3
Then we meet the star of the True Pacifist run (especially if you call him often); the Great Papyrus! He is my second favorite character for good reason. He is so much fun from the very beginning. Although he might appear to be a bit narcissistic at first, you quickly realize that in truth he is just lonely and desperate to impress in a misguided attempt to make more friends. Even so, he is always attentive to the feelings of his friends and tries his best to make them feel better. His relationship with Undyne is also quite adorable, and there are signs that he knows more than he lets on about everything (he is at the very least great at gauging the emotional state of people and manipulating them a little to push them towards self improvement, as Frisk’s date with Undyne and his warning about Alphys can demonstrate). Also, the way he always tries to believe the best of people, even in the worst circumstances or when he is scared, is truly admirable. I really love that precious cinnamon roll
Then there is Sans. Oh my god, Sans. He steals the show in the genocide route, truly. He is my favorite character of all, and there are so many things about him you don’t find out if you don’t dig deeper and talk to several people. First of all, he is a wonderful brother. Although he always teases Papyrus, he does his best to cheer him up all the time (for example, in the Genocide route he says that Junior Jumble is the hardest, even though in other routes he says its the crossword, just to make Papyrus feel a bit better when the human refuses to play along with his puzzles), he pays the bills for the house, he probably gave Papyrus his action figures (Papyrus tells you santa gave them to him, but there is a thank you letter to santa in Sans’ room), he made sure Papyrus’ room was super cool and comfortable when he doesn’t even have a bed frame himself, he was probably the one who bought Papyrus his car on the surface (one of the guys at Grillby’s tells you that he spends most of his time checking out car magazines), he helped  him build his sentry station and battle body, and he reads him bed time stories every night. Second of all, although he seems to be a comic relief character at first, he is struggling with major depression (you can find out that he is eating less, he doesn’t sleep much at all at night, he feels hopeless all the time, he seems fatigued all day, and he doesn’t see a point in doing anything at all) and is probably using humor to cope. Finally, there is Sans’ heroism as well as his tragedy: he is one of the only characters who is aware of the resets. First he had to live through Flowey’s endless resets, when he first befriended everyone and then proceeded to kill them all in a variety of ways, presumably being the one to stop him from getting the human souls several times (Flowey tells you that Sans has caused him “more than his fair share of resets”). Then there is YOU, who manage to free the monsters, begrudgingly earn his trust/friendship, and then rip it all away (even worse, he is completely aware of your betrayal; if you reset after a True Pacifist ending, you can find a picture of Frisk smiling happily with all of your friends together, and the only time such a picture is taken is when you all make it to the surface, so he certainly knows that you freed everyone and then returned them to the darkness for your curiosity). And yet despite all of that, despite knowing that fighting you is pointless (especially since he can tell every time he kills you and you load your save file), despite not having hope anymore that he will one day see the sun and remain under its light, he still fights you fiercely on the genocide route, again and again, employing all of his considerable power, but not for himself (he doesn’t hope for anything anymore after all); its because he still wants his brother and his friends to have a better future, because he knows that if you win the world will end and no one will ever return, because he still wants you to reset so that everyone will come back and have another chance at happiness, no matter how brief. Jesus christ, this character gives me all of the feels. I love him so much
As for Undyne, I love how she seems so rough but is actually very sweet to her friends and loved ones, and she cares so much for her fellow monsters, always trying her best for their sake. Also, her crush on Alphys is the cutest thing ever, particularly if you take the time to call her often (you’d be surprised how often she talks about Alphys. Papyrus also tries to encourage her several times to be honest with her feelings, and their dynamic is frankly the best mentor-student relationship I’ve ever seen)
In the case of Flowey, I really like how he is a sort of reflection of the player ingame, especially for those who chose to go through the genocide route (“‘I don’t like this’, I told myself, ‘I’m just doing this because I have to see what happens’ Hahaha, what an excuse!”). And the Asriel twist was truly masterfully executed.
I really empathize with Alphys in a lot of ways, since I struggle with social anxiety myself. Her journey to overcome her self hatred and be honest about her mistakes is really touching. I love how her friends understand that she only had the best of intentions at heart and continue to stand by her when she comes clean about what she did. Friendship can really make all the difference in the world for those of us who are struggling like her in one way or another. Her apparent suicide if you kill Mettaton or Undyne, her pillars of support, is one of the saddest things in the game I think. I also really admire how during genocide she presumably opens up the true lab for the evacuating monsters despite her fears, and if you abandon the genocide route in Hotland she takes charge in order to protect all monsters in Undyne’s stead
When we first meet him, my opinion of Mettaton is the same as Undyne’s; “I don’t really like that guy, but I admire his lifestyle”. However, I really enjoyed his growth as a character after Frisk beats him and his fans remind him of what is truly important. He becomes so much more supportive of his friends, and I really like how he always stays true to who he is, even going so far as to find the body/look that perfectly represented how he felt inside, and later encouraged others to do the same (like giving that one lion his dress)
Finally, we come to one of the most interesting characters, even though they are rarely mentioned and not really seen except in the ending of the genocide route: Chara. Truthfully, I think they are often misunderstood because the biggest impression they make is in said ending, when they take control of Frisk and destroy the world. However, I do not believe Chara was inherently evil. After all there are clear indications that Chara is the narrator of the game (the most obvious being the mirrors in Genocide). They tell you that your determination awakened them from death, and I believe that their spirit becomes attached to yours at the beginning of your adventure, which would explain how you, a human new to the underground, can understand the monsters that can’t speak normally like the Froggits and the snails (notice that their text starts with a noise they make, like “ribbit”, and what they actually mean is in parenthesis) as well as the ancient writing on the walls. After all, Chara lived in the underground long enough to become a sibling to Asriel and become known by all the monsters, it would make sense for them to have learned their language, and then they translate for you. This would also mean that all the funny commentary whenever you check an object or a monster comes from Chara. Also Chara being the narrator would explain why they go silent at one point or another during the battles with Asgore and Toriel (when the description says only “...”). Many people argue that their plan to cross the barrier with Asriel and kill humans means they were evil, but I do not think so, even if they did hate humanity. After all, if they only wanted the power to kill humans they could have killed one of the Dreemurs in their sleep, taken their soul and crossed the barrier with it. Instead, they killed themselves, gave Asriel their soul in order to break the barrier and made a plan to free all of their monster friends and family. Death from buttercup poisoning is not an easy one either (it includes bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain and blistering of the intestines); they had to suffer in terrible agony for days in order to achieve their goal, all for their monster family. People also argue that the fact that they laughed after accidentally poisoning Asgore means they did it on purpose or enjoyed causing him pain, but Undertale shows us many times that sometimes you laugh when the only thing you want to do is cry. There is also this during the fight with the Snowy amalgamate which proves my point: (look below) . Finally, during the battle with Asriel in True Pacifist, you use your memories with your friends in order to save them, but you don’t know Asriel at all, so how do you save him? The answer is simple: Chara shares their memories of him with you, and since they are the narrator, they are also the one who encourages you to use the last of your power to save your friends. In conclusion, I think in the beginning Chara is just a slightly bitter, slightly misguided, sometimes unnecessarily violent child who tried to do their best to protect those they loved, even though in hindsight it might not have been with a good method. In many ways, they remind me of Undyne (specially after MK says that maybe she is mean, not cool, in the True Pacifist ending. That really breaks my heart, when I think about all she has done for monsters in general and MK in particular in other routes. It would also explain why Chara seems to admire her so much, calling her a heroine in every route and seeming horrified by the state of her body when she is killed in neutral routes). This means that what they become in the Genocide route is because of you, and they even tell you so at the end (you are the one who makes them think the only meaning of their reincarnation is acquiring power). It makes sense that seeing everyone they know and love being killed systematically right in front of them would twist them, turn them into something they were never meant to be in order to cope with what is happening. Also, Sans does say that gaining LV causes you to feel less and hurt others more easily. Your actions take that well-intentioned but misguided child and turn them into a demon.
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I am so in love with these characters that I cannot do a Genocide route myself. I only know about it from watching playthroughs but I don’t have the heart to destroy their happiness. I only ever did a single run, without resetting once, all the way up to True Pacifist. I like to think that in some universe where they are real, they are living happily on the surface, Sans has had the chance to restore his lost hopes, and resets are no more.
I would also like to thank the Undertale fandom for giving me a home, and so many wonderful ideas to explore. Since Deltarune practically confirms that the Multiverse exists in canon, the possibilities are endless, and the amount of detail and dedication you guys have devoted to building those other realities is truly outstanding. I specially love Underfell, Aftertale (and its close relative Errortale), Underswap, Handplates, Endertale, and Underverse/Xtale. To their creators, thank you for the ideas, the art, and the possibilities. And most of all, thank you Toby Fox for starting us all on this wonderful journey.
And to all my fellow fans: Remember, Always Stay Determined ♥️
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Since a bitch got sent one (1) ask only about. my ask meme that I created lol I’m going to go through and answer B) all of them bc i can... its selfcare.....
First 3 answers above the cut, other 47 below lmfao
Favourite of the main 6? I think the title of my blog speaks for itself lol
Least favourite of the main 6? Garbage stink piss man (Lucio)
Which of the main 6 do you want to slap the most? The aforementioned piss man but.... also kjaenfjkfea at times. Julian very badly because he’s just Like that but he’d probably enjoy that unfortunately
Which of the main 6 have the most similar interests to you? (favourite colour, flower, food, drink, season, hobbies etc.) Portia tbh!!! She’s a very sweet spring girl and I also have a fairly similar personality to her. 
Who has the most tragic backstory? Mmmm.....muriel.......... I mean everyone has a pretty sad past but Muriel’s really is something else. The man is Heavily traumatised and I desperately want to give him a hug :(
Favourite side character? Mazelinka.... adopt me challenge kjaefkjnaf. i cant stop thinking about “goat bitch” what a fucking icon
Favourite animal friend?  Faust!!!! shes a good girl!!!
Best/worst of the courtiers? fuck i dont remember any of their names but valerius is. hot basard. worst is vlastomil hands down im kinkshaming anyone who wants to fuck the worm
Fuck, marry, kill (asker’s choice) Well skajfnkajf I’ve shot myself in the foot but. TBH its like. Marry Muriel, fuck everyone else, kill Lucio (full disclosure I only just finished julians upright ending and haven’t played Nadia’s yet so this may change except for wanting to marry Muriel and kill Lucio lol)
Romance or fluff? (Muriel) Fluff!!!!! Muriel deserves all the affection in the whole wide world. He gets sick? Bundle him up in furs by the fire and cuddle up into him with a good book. You look at him once? he blushes. it really doesnt get fluffier than that ++ a lot of his character arc in general is going to be.... letting himself trust you............. which is. so fucking wholesome
Wild night out or quiet night in? ( Muriel ) Quiet night in lmfao. We’d just hang out inside drinking hot chocolate and talking until we fell asleep propped up against the wall in his tiny house having completely lost track of time. 
Adventure or domesticity? ( Muriel ) I wanna say adventure because. I love travelling! I love going out and trying new things! And Muriel very does Not but I feel like getting him out of his comfort zone would do him some good! Starting small would probably be best, like maybe a tramp or going camping once in a while, then building up to bigger trips to other cities once you’ve convinced him you’ll both be ok as long as you’re prepared.
Cute date to the aquarium/zoo/park or elegant dinner date? ( Muriel ) I already answered this one B) I said: “ Definitely somewhere casual!!! I feel like he’d be most at ease somewhere like the park on a sunny day! Pick a nice grassy spot by a creek and bring a basket and have a really nice, chill picnic, and have a nap together in the early afternoon sun. Go for a walk after and talk about Plants (because i. am a biology student lol)  and generally just have a really relaxing time. Give the man a flower? Tuck it behind his ear? and he’d die kjnaefjnaej. Alternatively….. aquarium………. “
Coffeshop AU, high-school/college AU or modern AU? Give a headcanon about the one you chose jnakfjkjaf coffe shop AUs are so cliched but I actually love them for the settings of meetcutes. You meet Muriel when he’s on his rounds as a part time dog walker around the block and you barrel straight into him coming out of the shop when you’re checking an email, spilling the (now cold) remnants of your beverage all over him. You apologise profusely and he shrugs it off, blushing over your fussing and awkwardly tries to excuse himself. You insist on helping him finish his walk with All these dogs, anyway, you like dogs so it’s no trouble, and he begrudgingly agrees to finish the interaction sooner. You end up having a nice chat with him and notice in the weeks after that he starts coming by the shop without the dogs during the times you’re usually around, even though he doesn’t drink coffee. Your conversations with him during these short interludes quickly become the highlight of your day, and you start to suspect, eventually, that he feels the same :)
If (Muriel) turned up on your doorstep at midnight covered in blood, how would you react? Well I’d clean it off.... of .......course............. 👀👀👀
You’re stranded on a desert island; which 2 of the main 6 do you want with you? Muriel of course not only because I adore him but he’s. also a mountain man. Handy. And Asra because hes a good good magic boy and can make sand into water so.... handy. also asra is just an incredibly blessed person so kajefnkjaef
If your apprentice could go back in time and change one thing before the events of the game, what would it be? lucios birth :^)
You’re sick; who do you want to take care of you and why? I think I’m becoming predictable but. Muriel kjaefnkjafnjf you took such good care of him so it’s only fair that he should return the favour. He’s got a surprisingly good bedside manner and is generally just very gentle. Cooks eggs and grumbles that you should be taking better care of yourself but when you say thanks for all his help he blushes and kinda. stands up slightly straighter bc hes secretly happy he can Help
If you were trapped in an elevator with one character for 8 hours, who would you want it to be and why? Jojaefafjoafe ok so. Porbably Portia because she seems 1. one of the least likely to panic and 2. Would have fucking great conversation the whole time. 
Give a headcanon about Nadia She loves romcoms!!!! She would never ever admit it to anyone though, but she’s a huge sucker for romance stories in general. Cries at the end of mamma mia. Uses it as an excuse to snuggle all the way into your shoulder.
Give a headcanon about Asra He’s extremely lactose intolerant but he eats it anyway bc hes Chaotic and gives 0 fucks about how bad his guts feel afterwards, the cheese was Worth it dammit (and I say this bc thats also me kjaenfnef)
Give a headcanon about Julian Had a brief stint in his teen years where he unironically identified as sapiosexual
Give a headcanon about Portia She loves playing with hair/having her hair played with! Catch her falling asleep with her head in your lap as you weave your fingers through her hair.
Give a headcanon about Muriel I also already answered this one!:  “ He’d be really into gardening if he knew how! Catch me digging up all the dirt around his house and planting herbs, flowers (*cough* forgetmenots *cough) and other medicinal plants, and some strawberries for when spring comes! “
Give a headcanon about Lucio Unironically identifies as sapiosexual now even though he’s a huge dumbass himself 
Give a headcanon about a side character/the apprentice (asker’s choice) Nadia’s dad gets pegged
Give a popular opinion that you disagree with People calling Muriel a dom. have you. looked at this man. I have to laugh
Give an unpopular opinion Lucio sucks lol
Tarot or zodiac? Zodiac!!! Mostly bc I know exactly 0 things about tarot, I appreciate the aesthetic tho!
What is your patron major arcana? Oh worm I just looked at all the explanations in the wiki and tbh. The empress uh. dragged me with how much I ID with that (both reversed and upright) so akejfkjfae thats mine
Upright or reversed ending? Upright
Ot3? Me x muriel x asra (muriel has 2 hands and 2 tiny partners)
Brotp? jakjefnkanfe i love. portia and julians sibling banter. the good shit
Favourite non-apprentice-based ship? asriel............................. till i die............. (pordia is also fucking god tier)
Is the apprentice you, or your OC? thats just me bich kajefnkjnafe we living our best self indulgent lives 
Tell me about your Apprentice(s) im a big bi mess and i would die for muriel and thats it really
Favourite piece of worldbuilding lore? already answered: “ I really love how much of a shithole Vesuvia is kjbanefknaefk like. No formal process of trial/law? Public executions just being how people Do things? someone fucking help this city lmfao”
Favourite background/location? ok i really love nopal bc of all the cacti but tbh like. really anywhere theres a lot of cool nature? the forest is fucking good
The Forest or Nopal? bring the cacti from nopal to muriel’s hut in the forest and it’s perfect
The Palace or the shop? thheeee shop. i like the palace but i think id get Overwhelmed not being able to just. be in my own space a lot lol
The Rowdy raven or the library? the library with a healthy amount of alcohol lol. 
Favourite sprite?
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43. Favourite character design?  I !!!!!!!!! really. love Asra’s design bc of its howl callback but all the designs r fucking cool 44. Best masquerade outfit?    Nadia’s..... glamorous..... 45. Best scene? Muriel. hugging. faust you and asra. hes so fucking wholesome ill cry...... or just straight up both of his books akjenfkjafn 46. Worst Scene? Honestly any containing lucio 47. Favourite song on the soundtrack? I love Crowd hammer! (predictable) but also memory 48. Best tale/bonus content? I dont remember names im terrible but i/ love the muriel one ofc kjneafkjn 49. Best CG?/ 50. Favourite memory?
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Deltarune, the end (pt.1)
...Already (o O) I thought it would take me a lot more hours to finish the game...
So yeah, we were fighting the King. Guess who got killed over and over ?
( -   -)
It took me a long time to learn to successfully dodge his attacks. Good thing I had a provision of HP items... Basically, being good at dodging is the only strategy. The goal is to last the longest time possible, until he gets...
...too tired to fight.
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He falls on his knees and complains that he’s not used to fight for so long, that he wishes there was a way to end this pacifically... So we put our weapons away and Ralsei even offers to heal the King ! 
That’s when I start thinking that it looks like a hell of a trap.
Ralsei asks the King how he feels.
King  **smacking the three of us** :
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He even attacks Susie who tried to get up, but I intervene :
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He kicks me out of the scene, then proceeds to steal Susie’s line.
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She doesn’t appreciate the plagiarism, and attacks him from behind.
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The King didn’t lie actually, he’s really tired ! He challenges us to kill him, knowing that doing that will damage the trust Lancer has in us. But he also has his spades above our heads, ready to finish us off. Susie won’t hesitate.
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“Waiting for what ?” asks the King, right before falling asleep. He’s been Pacified™ without even realizing it.
I thought Ralsei had casted the spell while no one was watching but no, it was Susie herself. She learned it !
Also omg, SUSIE HAS EYES ! (°0°)
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I knew she had one (1) glowy eye but seeing her actual face is strange, in a cool way.
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Ralsei feels guity because he’s the one who healed the King. It could have ended badly, yep, but how to be mad at Ralsei ? Either way, the King would have played a dirty trick on us.
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Aaahh... **patting urges**
As amazing as it seems, Susie is the one who comforts Ralsei. You’d think she would call him a weenie or scold him, or lecture him on the dangers of being too nice, but no :
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Like, at some points you have to kick some butts, but if you never let your guard down, you might end up hurting people you didn’t mean to hurt.
Lancer (who escaped before the battle after blocking his dad’s first attack against us) comes back. He’s not too mad at us for beating his dad a bit. Actually he came to warn us, because...
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...His people is trying to get to the throne room. Time to scamper in direction of the fountain. There won’t be a goodbye, because as Lancer said, they’re bad guys, and bad guys only say bad-byes !
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But before we go, Ralsei has something to tell us. With a lot of hesitation.
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wwhwhwwhwAT ?
Ralsei isn’t the cute black fluff we walked with all this time ? Ralsei is a....
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....Pink horned Asriel... Or something ???
(Yeah, I had noticed that Ralsei is an anagram of Asriel...)
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But dang, I liked his black fluffo aspect better... Oh well.
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Determination ?
At this point, I started to have a bad feeling.  I’ve read something about the end of the game being actually darker than expected...
But nothing happened.
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We just go back home... I mean, school... 
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...Random sounds can be heard...
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We’re in an empty classroom, and what we see oddly looks like the remnants of the fantasy world we just were in. That plush on the floor looks exactly like the stitched cat guy who sold us some stuff, there are red Lego blocks (some enemies were made of these), cards, a chess game...
Was there something in Susie’s chalk...? Maybe she offered me to taste some in this empty classroom and we both had a sort of... bad trip ?
Kidding, of course, but that’s strange.
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The deserted school is very peaceful, birds are chirping, and it's exactly like when it’s the end of the school year and you and your friends are the last remaining students in the building.
(Toby Fox has a talent for creating places that you only leave with a regret). Susie grunts that it’s time to head back home, but before she goes...
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She’s.... she’s SMILING. Not her usual sarcastic grin, no, a real smile !
What happened...? Oh yeah, I think I just melted. ( - <-)
I explore what seems to be Toriel’s classroom for the younger kids. There are scented markers...
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Kris is a character of refined taste.
I examinate everything, including this pile of chairs, because the game maker’s comments are worth it :
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I get a call from my mom as I exit, she had waited for me in her car and didn’t see me.
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She might even have to punish me. Oh naw ! (°a°)
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Yes ! I made friends with the very girl who was bullying me this morning !
I’m out of trouble, but I’ll have to go to bed early tonight. 
What happens if I call Toriel back ?
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She tells me to walk home (”it builds the character”). Boo.
Actually I’m happy, because it means I’ll get to explore the town and interact with the characters I saw this morning ! That’s so cool !
Nice place. That reminds me of the end of Undertale, once I got rid of the bosses and got the whole town all for myself. Except that this is only the end of the first chapter.
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Oh, no, there’s the bitchy kid in the librarBy. He’ll probably give me shit for skipping class. There’s something wrong with either his head or the way he wears his polo. One of these is... I forgot the word... turnways. Whatever.
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Wow, wait, he’s showing concern ? I take it back, this kid is actually not a butt. He is...
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...A MAJOR butt. What are you even talking about ?!
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...Oh. Just a book I shall bring back. Well dragons are heckin hard to draw, mind you.
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Ick ! Get to the point, Snugbutt McScaryFace.
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Whut ? There is a Susie on the front of my book ?!!
Oh well. 
See this Teenz-Own board ? That’s “the place where adults and teens can be kids”, if I remember well. There is an anime review. Do I want to read it ?
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‘Course I do.
It’s a review of Mew Mew Kissy Cutie 2, by a certain Anonymous Yellow Lizard. It’s praising this second season for how mature and dark it has become, and how the character of Mew Mew is a lot less stale. It also mentions instant noodles.
Dang, Alphys’s tastes have changed a lot.
Oh yeah, Temmie is there, too !
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I... have a feeling of déja-vu. Like a temptation of suggesting her to sell Temmie Flakes to get funds.
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It’s not specified of those demons have orange horns.
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Terezi no. Get out of this body.
Wait, what if Kris is actually blind ? We never see their eyes, after all... Kidding.
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Wait wait wait. I actually do remember that guy. Fiery Hotguy or something. In Undertale.
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He remained shocked FOREVER because I did remember his name. Each time I exited the elevator, I found him like that.
I also see a dog on the computers behind a door. It seems to be working on a game. A game I could be in once it’s done.
(I check a bit later...)
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There’s also a book written by Gerson (turtle guy) and someone’s diary who got added to the catalogue.
Now let’s see Undyne ! She’s a police officer, she’s doing her job.
Which is blocking the way and yelling at the passerbys, apparently.
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The guy on the left is the one Muffet has robbed of his money convinced to buy her a donut in Undertale, and the one on the right, one of the snails from Napstablook’s snail farm !
AAAAAAND here’s the part that broke the heart of millions of Alphyne shippers.
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She even mentions tackling Alphys in case she finds them doing anything illegal. :’c
But let’s remember : it’s only an alternate universe. Alphys and Undyne are probably sitting next to each other on a couch decorated with pink fish, eating instant noodles together, in another world we know.
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Aww. She too is cute when she smiles. I only realize now that she has her two eyes.
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O... Okay. Might even do it myself. 
She also mentioned that I am “Asgore’s kid” which means I’m gonna meet the big guy too.
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(-<°) *winks back*
She also mentioned “purple girls who committed comic mischief”. Susie, what have you done ?
There’s a hospital next door, and I can go in and bother the patients, so let’s do that.
And play the obligatory piano.
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I find my classmate Noelle in one of the rooms, visiting her dad. He asks her if she has beaten a game, and she says she’s rather wait for him to be out so they can finish it together.
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...UH OH.
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He also declares his intention to kick Bird Guy’s ass (”What’s his name ? Nerdly ?”). As his daughter objects that he can’t get up : “Tell him to stand by the window, I’ll throw something at him !” Now that’s a dad.
By the way, the reindeer characters are Christmas-themed, right ? Noelle sounds like “Noël”, which is the word for Christmas in french. ( °3°)
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Jingle your what now ?
Apparently I was supposed to be here somehow, because he asks me if my mom sent me here. Upon hearing my negative response, he compliments me on how much I grew up.
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“Hahahaha !”
Ha. (- _ -)
He’s my parents’ friend. He’s very happy with his daughter, but asks me to watch out for her, worried at how defenseless she is.
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Well uh, scary movies are scary. That’s their goal. To scare people. (As a fearful person myself, I can relate).
 Apparently, I’ve scared the poor girl myself by hiding under her bed, at a time she was afraid of monst... of humans under her bed, sorry.
Why is he hospitalized, anyways ?
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“Nothing I can’t beat. I’ll be out in a jiffy.”
(0_0); Bad feeling bad feeling 
Like, the dude who tells me to watch on his daughter, advises her to not wait and “it’s just some tests” ? I hope I’m wrong when I say it doesn’t bode well...
In the next room, there’s... him.
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He seems to be divagating... (there’s an obligatory hospital piano in the cupboard.) (A tiny one.)
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I try to enter the police station, but someone comes and closes the blinds. Geh...
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Look at that. I know all of these people. The lion who loves dresses, Ice Wolf, the female rabbit...
Catti seems uh... happy that I’m alive after my encounter with Susie ?
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“...I’m working.”
Okay, okay... not disturbing you more... I really dig her style, by the way.
I wonder how old are the characters. I thought we were schoolkids, but if Catti is working here, since she’s in my class, it means we’re both teenagers at least ...? I don’t know at what age you can start working in the States...
Next I encouter these... guys...
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Oh my god. It’s him.
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Nervous Guy. He calls me Little Buddy, the same way he called Frisk at the end of Undertale, when I went back to talk to everyone. 
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Eeehhh... sure ?
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The poor guy is overworked, he “can’t even slack off for a minute” without a coworker falling on his back :
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Yeah, I see what you mean...
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Him and Asriel seemed to be good friends, Nervous Guy wishes that he was back, so they could hang around together and pick up...
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...y-yeah, you do that.
He talks about his coworkers, and I realize that the dude I saw raving at the hospital is one of them. He got uh... “pizza-related injuries”.
He also mentions...
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...That name is ringing a bell in me, but I can’t tell why it sounds so familiar.
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A pizzeria ? Weird bunnies and bears with scary faces and crazed smiles trying to entertain clients ? Purple guy ???
I never played Five Night at Freddy’s, and even I know that this pizzeria is a FNAF reference. 
Dang it. Let’s go elsewhere - 
Sans !!!
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I was not expecting to encounter him, I don’t know why...
Next part coming later cause I’m sleepy and myinternet is running slow.
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rhythmicpirate · 5 years
Prediction for Deltarune Chapters 2-7
 -Spoilers under the cut-
Chapter 2:A fourth player joins the team but it’s not Noelle, it’s Jockington (A Gunner) who only needed to get a pencil. There’s a second fountain in need of closing and Ralsei is concerned about the fourth member. Kris is still mostly sane at this point. Lancer returns but this time as a good guy and this time they fight in a town full of stuffed animals. They seal the fountain and the three return to the outside world. After defeating the boss of this world, Susie also shows Kris that she did her work some point in the chapter and Kris says that they’re starting theirs. Jockington makes a joke about how they might be a thing which Susie gets all angry at. Kris then goes home, learns omnisans secret, and works on the project for a little bit, tearing their soul out and mentioning that “you are not in control of me.” Chapter 3:Susie and Kris go to China town, literally, unaware that they’re getting followed by Catti (summoner). She was curious why Kris and Susie had been skipping class lately. She says she’s gonna tell Alphys about their behavior unless they tell the truth. When she tries activating her phone though, there’s no wi fi so she’s forced to play protagonist number 5 until the final boss. During their time Susie asks Catti if she and Jokcingotn are dating to which she replies,  with a maybe. Kris dosen’t like this and demands a yes or no answer. Ralsei reminds Kris that they are on borrowed time and that now isn’t the right place to fight. Upon returning to the light world, Susie notices a black spot on the wall but thinks nothing of it. Kris shows Susie the progress that they made in their project and as a reward Susie decides to award them by letting them see their home. During their trip to her house Asriel calls saying “Hey Kris! I’m gonna be coming home on Sunday!” Kris starts to cry at this statement.
Chapter 4:You want Noelle to be a protagonist now don’t you? Well here’s the Healer Noelle chapter you wanted. Alphys says that due to something happening the supplies cabinet is locked up. Susie is angry at this and demands Alphys opens it up but is persuaded other wise when Kris says “DO NOT OPEN IT, OR WE DON’T KNOW WHAT WILL BE UNLEASHED.” So Susie and Kris decide to just skip the darker world today until Noelle joins them and says that her dad needs help at the hospital. They fall down a medicine cabnet and find medicine monsters. Ralsei says that there’s no fountain here but understands that Neolle’s father is probably in need of the medicine so he helps. Through out the Chapter it’s obvious that Kris’ is acting...weird. Their soul isn’t there and you seem to lose control of them at times. While Ralsei finds this odd Susie is enjoying this and Noelle, being used to their bullcrap, ignores this. There’s also also a love confession scene with Noelle and Susie...which sadly does not go well, not matter what you do. After finding the medicine Noelle is depressed and decides that it would be best if she walked home alone. Susie thinks that she was kinda harsh and her and decides to make it up tomorrow. Kris is left alone to walk from home to here. It’s there they meet Sans, who has had his eye on them ever since they laid eyes. They talk about their natural distrust towards one another which is soon interrupted by Papyrus offering ravioli. DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUN. Also there’s a black puddle on the way back home and Toriel seems to be a bit unwell, BUT RAVIOLI INSTEAD OF SPAGETHI IS THE MAIN THING
Chapter 5:Berdly (inventor) is the last one to join team KSR. Ralsei, being Ralsei, tries to tolerate him but it’s very hard to when he keeps brining up science stuff. What makes matters worse is that they’re in the science lab. Susie thinks about how she’ll make things up with Noelle and she’s a lot more nervous then usual. Kris is still like they are in Chapter 4. Ralsei says that there’s one more fountain to be closed but up next is the strongest enemy they’ve faced so far so he’s glad that he brought Lancer along for the ride. Oh Lancer is there as well BTW, it’s 5 vs ? during most of the battles, except the ones in a specific part which is only Susie and Kris. After defeating the boss Ralsei warns Kris that even though all the fountains are sealed, there’s still danger. For the knight still walks alone and the angel is yet to be seen. Upon returning to the light world Berldy realizes how much of class he misses and hopes he can make it up. Susie talks to Noelle about what happened last night in the dark world and you don’t get to see if they make up or not. Upon the walk home, there’s a lot of worry and panic throughout the town. More and more people start talking about a mysterious dark spots in the town. Alphys reports to a local police lady that the world as we know it is going to end and Undyne gives her a big hug. Napstablook, chief police, says he’ll do investigating but when he steps over the puddle something interesting happens. The police hat he’s wearing turns into headphones. And when Kris steps over it they turn into their darkener self. The chapter ends with Kris threatening to stab the soul... Chapter 6:...But that doesn’t happen thanks to a restraint from Toriel. The town is in a panic. There are no visits to the dark world today. Kris calls Asriel who still says that he's coming over which is the only good news Kris head. No one is happy, well except Susie, who for once in her life time feels as though there’s nothing to worry about she’s got her side of the project done and Kris is almost done with theirs so they should be good. It’s at this moment the other classmates appear and talk to Susie and Kris about their adventures in the dark world and explain that Ralsei might have been twisting the truth a little bit in his prophecy. Berdly states that, upon doing some research, there was only supposed to be two heroes, a human and a monster and that if they were to seal these fountains the sky would turn black. Susie gets angry all of the sudden and demands that they find Ralsei and have him explain his actions at once. Kris though pulls the dagger out of their pocket and says otherwise and “you’ll have to get through me first, Suzy.” You play as the five other students in their regular forms and although they don’t have Kris’ dagger or abilities they had in the dark they do have their natural abilities. Susie asks what they hell that was about and Kris explains that they are not who is in control at all times sometimes -your vessel name here- takes over. It’s then your vessels pops out of your soul and reveals it’s form that you did. It doesn’t say anything and simply disappears. Suddenly Kris feels in control of their body again and lets go of the knife. Right now they’ve got one more thing to do, find Ralsei and the knight. First things first, Ralsei. After fighting tons and tons of bad guys, the six eventually find him near a forest and they ask him what Ralsei really wanted. “It’s quite simple really,” says the dark prince “I wanted you to be fooled by an innocent look.” In reality he was the angel that was to bring chaos to this land and before you know it, new home is covered in darkness. Everyone is scared now. People don’t know what to do and thus the gang has to fight him. Thankfully, he gave them their powers back. But first, the monsters must find the knight. Chapter 7:Leaving Kris behind they reunite with Lancer and decide to add him to the party one last time meaning it’s basically 6 against 1 and 8 if they can get the knight to side with them. It takes a little why but they do find out who created the Dark World at least “Dr.Gaster” whose from a parralel universe known as Undertale, which he can no longer return too. So he created this universe in his image with a few familiar faces and some new. However it seems that there was an error in his makings or something. The knight appears and fights Dr.Gaster, no matter how good of a fighter you are the knight will grab his soul and run off with it. However don’t lose hope. For with his soul came a hint to the knight’s location. Once they find the knight he asks “where is Kris?” they refuse to tell them their location and get into a fight. The fight is rigged for him to lose no matter what you do. He surrenders but still wants to know where Kris is, for only he and Kris can stop Ralsei. Ultimately they cooperate and each one goes and fights a boss from the world they appeared in but not by themselves. Susie gets help from MK, Temmie Alphys, and Snowy. Jockington gets help from Alvin, Mettaton, Napstablook & Undyne. Catty, Bratty, the blue bunny and Burgerpants help out Catti. Sans, Papyrus, and Rudolph help Noelle and Berdly. Finally Susie and Lancer get help from the Dreemurs and Gaster. Kris and the Knight have to fight the second boss before Ralsei before they can reach him. After that they reach Ralsei once and fight him in his new found angelic form. ZUN helps compose the music for the final boss themes and in order to defeat him you’re gonna need a lot of time to get him. There’s 3 phases, one of him saying that balance needs not be restored and that your’e the ones restoring the balance. The second is of him showing him the true demon behind the angel wings and with wings of familiar colors appear. Scars, injuries and a destroyed kingdom are all explained through this phase. Eventually it seems like the Kris is about to give up but then phase 3 happens with the most unexpected twist. “...No you can’t die now Kris.” he says “And why not?” they ask.
“...Because I haven’t even got you hot choclate yet.” After defeating the demon Ralsei once and for all the truth is explained to Kris. Asriel’s college is were he studies parallel worlds or something like that and the dark world here was a parallel version fo the light world. However Ralsei was sick and tired of balance all the time, he wanted chaos and disorder so he went and did just that. He eventually gets arrested and light and dark is restored again with hometown being a mix of light and dark. Ralsei is jail mates with King Chaos and Lancer transfers schools to go with Susie. She doesn’t get together with Noelle, but she’s moved on to a girl that she meet in the darker world. Undyne and Alphys get together. Omnisan finally tells us their secret. The dog finishes his game. Kris and Asriel go get that hot choclate and life returns  to usual. With Kris pulling out the soul again, but more gently...and setting it down in the cage saying “thank you.”
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iamjjmmma · 5 years
“Number All My Bones: There and Back and There Again” Part 1, Chapter 4
Beginning: https://bit.ly/2NtGPgu
Previous: https://bit.ly/2H5dDej
Next: https://bit.ly/2tD9Q03
It’s only a taser; I know. I know the basics about these types of guns, although violence isn’t my main research preference. Still, I duck inside, my heartbeat still somewhat yelling at me, my head definitely yelling at me to get back to my work, that it’s probably just some sort of census. But the doorbell rang, and Papyrus immediately sprang out of his seat, with that golly-gee smile impressioned all over his face, and sprinted towards the door. Sans sprinted after him, and I after Sans, all of us except Papyrus seeming to remember the rule that no one was supposed to answer the door except for me. But the door opened before I could say anything, and there stood the one woman I would cry over just a few weeks later. Her name tag read “Ica Grey, Head of the Anti-Monster Department”, the “Jess” part obscured by a shadow for a little while, but I knew who she was. The streak of grey hair, the crossed arms, the badges on her blue dress told me everything. She was the one who had started the “MF” tag, the one who had started the monsters coming home without any sort of occupation, the one who had started the monster children not allowed to take the same classes as humans, the monsters being denied from the hospitals. The dehumanization process didn’t need to be done; it simply was, and it was since when we were born. My smile stretches until it turns taut. “Hello, Miss.” Her hand settles on her taser for a moment, but it stutters just before it settles by her side. “Hello, Doctor. I’ve heard a lot about you.” I nod. “I can say the same. Especially with your ‘MF’ endeavors. What does it stand for, though? I’ll take a wild guess. ‘Monsters Forbidden.’” She nods back, although I can practically see her teeth gritting. Her hand moves closer to the gun. Betty whimpers a little, and Sans and Papyrus hush the other children away before they get embroiled in the grown-up soup of politics and science. In another world, maybe I would have gone with them. But that world is faraway, much too far from now to even think of existing. Miss Grey put her hand by her hip. “Are we conducting the meeting or not?” I nodded, although I didn’t even think about giving her any more than that. I was prepared to send all of the children upstairs, thinking they went into the living room, but it was only Betty, reading a history book for her tutoring program, no doubt. I was about to say something, but one look at the scary lady behind me all in blue sent her tiptoeing away and making her way up the stairs. As we sat on the couches, the coffee in the pot cold by now after my morning cup, I made my move, even though I knew it wouldn’t work by a long shot. “Do you mind putting the gun away? I have four little kids here, and I don’t want them getting-” She laughed, ran her long fingernails through her hair once or twice. “Of course not. You’re the scientist, aren’t you? You should know by now that it’s only a safety precaution. Not that I’d willy-nilly fire at one of your kiddos, right?” I sighed, went into a conversation about geothermics I wouldn’t give to my students until it was May and the graduation caps were being shipped. I counted myself using the words “entropy”, “enthalpy,” “quasistatic”, “Carnot cycle”, and “calorimetry” at least twice each before she started to nod off before nearly bumping her nose on the edge of the couch. Science that would have gone over her head even if she had a fifty-foot mitt to catch it. She jerked herself up so quickly that she started falling forwards, and I almost stretched out my hands to catch her before she could regain her composure.“Well, Dr. Gaster, this was all very, very informative, but can you please focus on the effectiveness of your project?” I went into a slight smile. Finally. “Alright, Miss. The expansion of the Core will help to power our city by-” She put a hand over her mouth in mock shock, but I knew she was yawning underneath. A professor tends to notice these things easier. “So it basically makes our gas bills cheaper?” I laughed, and I almost put a hand over my own mouth. I shifted into a different language, one that politicians love to speak. “What-?! No. No, not at all. If the expansion is complete, you won’t even have to pay for electricity at all. Ever. And thanks to it, we’re starting to see a big change. Not only in the bills-” I stopped. I was getting a little preachy. I laughed again. Even if I was preachy, it wouldn’t ever stop me from loving the feeling. So I gave in when she asked how the Core worked. Just this once. “Well, it converts geothermal energy from the mountain to-” I couldn’t say “magical”, but there was another word for that. A word I could use. “-idiopathic energy by using the underground chambers. These chambers have magnets with turbines that allow the electricity to be transformed from idiopathic to-” She put her hand over her eyes, although I know they were closed underneath. “It converts electricity to heat.” “Oh, I see.” Huh. So she wasn’t asleep after all. “A non-polluting, unlimited, self-sustaining power source. Of course…” I stand up, and she puts her weight on her toes as if she’ll follow, but she stays right there where she is. People say I’m a good judge, even though I’m a better scientist, but in cases such as this, I can’t always pull out a clear verdict about someone. “...none of this would happen if you don’t sign the agreement tomorrow.” She nods, but puts her hand closer to her taser just in case. “Yes, but that doesn’t mean anything.” “What do you mean that doesn’t mean anything? I’ve just explained an energy agenda that I doubt you’ll find anywhere else, and-” “That still doesn’t explain the rest of your kind.” “Are you-?!” “Yes, Doctor. I am. You think that just because you’ve made energy out of the dirt means that you haven’t come from it. You come up here and steal our jobs, steal our money, all because you think you’re better than the rest of us. You-” I stretched out my hand, reach for anything looking vaguely like a door handle to push. “Miss Grey, I didn’t say any of that-” “Oh, just because you didn’t say it doesn’t mean it isn’t-” I saw her in the corner before I heard her. Betty had come back from upstairs, probably because of all the fuss we made down here, and was looking at me with some of the most terrified two eyes I’ve ever seen. “Excuse me, ma’am.” She didn’t bother me as I went over and patted Betty’s shoulder. Poor girl. Only a few minutes here, and already we’ve escalated beyond what I would ever think of doing if Jessica wasn’t… Jessica. “Betty, it’s alright. The both of us were just having a discussion, alright? It’s very important. So what I need for you to do is to go back upstairs and-” “Doctor.” “Just a minute. What I need for you to do is go back upstairs and tell the others that everything is fine. And even if it does escalate, I’m stronger than I look, huh?” I patted her shoulder again for good measure. “Doctor, please. You’re not talking to anyone.” “Miss, what do you mean I’m not talking to anyone? Betty’s right here, isn’t she?” Chara and Asriel have come back down, too. I suppose the conversation died just enough. “Isn’t she?” Chara shakes his head, while Asriel shrugs his shoulders. “She’s still upstairs playing puzzles with Papyrus. An’ I think she’s learning how to play chess, too.” I look to my right, and Betty’s gone. Anxiety can do more than you could ever imagine, I suppose. If it can keep me staying awake at night after a dream that only mildly alarmed me, it can do what it just did. Anxiety also kept me heading towards my room after Jessica left, after calling down the kids and getting Papyrus to help me fix a pizza and some chicken, telling them that dinner was probably right around the corner. And just as anxiety foretold, something’s wrong. One of my books on human-monster history has fallen on the floor, but even without any sort of education in physics, I can tell it doesn’t fall like that. It’s at least halfway across the room, my bookshelf still in place right next to the door, and when I picked it up, another eerie fact sent a chill down my spine, and I almost felt my coat shaking along with it. It was open only a few pages in towards the end. Experience has taught me otherwise. If books don’t fall flat on the covers, front or backs, it normally falls with the middle pages open and spread out. Meaning if it didn’t fall, someone had to have taken it. Was it Sans or Asriel or Betty or anyone being tutored by him, forgetting to pick it up after they’d left? Or was it Papyrus, who was trying to get his own little revenge for me not getting him the book at the library? Alright. Focus. It’s probably one of them. I put back the book, and I sighed, going out to fix myself another cup of coffee. Anxiety can do everything, I suppose.
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sorio99 · 6 years
Deltarune Chapter 1: The Official Undertale AU
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At 6:00 AM PST, on Halloween 2018, the official Undertale twitter account released what is essentially a demo for the next game by Toby Fox, deltarune. Between the baffling intro, the odd relationship with the original Undertale, and the implied involvement of a certain missing doctor, everything about this game was shrouded in mystery.
And I loved it.
(Spoilers and Review below the cut)
Part 1: The Story
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At first glance, most people assumed this mysterious new game would be a sequel (or possibly prequel) to Undertale. After all, it involves a number of shared characters, the titular rune was prominently featured in Undertale, and even the name “Delta rune” is an anagram for “Undertale”.
However, the relationship between the two is much stranger, and the plots are largely unconnected.
After creating an avatar and having the game unceremoniously throw it in the garbage, you play as Kris (that lovely person up there), the human child of Asgore and Toriel, and younger sibling to Asriel Dreemurr. Right off the bat, about a million questions are raised, especially since later conversations indicate Kris has at least been living with the Dreemurrs’ since they were too young to know their species, but we’ll come back to that.
Toriel drives you to school, though still get there late, and Alphys (who is your teacher here) puts you in a group with Susie, the only student to show up after you, to work together on a group project. However, when she realizes she doesn’t have any chalk, she sends the two of you to go get some from the school’s broom closet. You catch Susie eating chalk, she threatens to eat your face but doesn’t, and you head off to the broom closet.
Then things get weird.
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After that, it sort of follows a plot line similar to the original: you fall into another world, there’s a bunch of monsters you can either fight or spare, and you just have to keep going up and to the left to fulfill a prophecy & get to the exit, all while dealing with ambiguously evil characters who are more silly than dangerous. It is, however, a bit shorter, with only about ten unique enemies and only three areas in the whole game. But hey, it is technically just the first chapter, so what do you expect.
Of course, what really makes an Undertale is the characters. Since you’re in a different world for most of the game, the returning characters from Undertale don’t have much of a presence outside the very beginning and very end. Instead, we focus on a handful of new characters, all of whom are pretty well-rounded and developed, with the exception of Kris, our silent, somewhat-ambiguously-gendered protagonist. Susie, in particular, goes through a pretty nice character arc, going from someone who’d casually threaten to rip your face off and eat it, to an actual antagonist at one point, before eventually working her way back to being a good guy and someone you can actually be friends with! It’s definitely the strongest arc in the game so far.
There’s also Lancer!
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He’s a villain.
And not a skeleton.
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Just trust me on this.
Part 2: Presentation
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Just to get it out of the way, the music is fantastic. Of course it is. It’s an Undertale spinoff and, more importantly, it’s made by Toby “Radiation” “I could shit out a better soundtrack than most of you will ever even imagine” Fox.
I will however say that I prefer Deltarune’s sound design in general to Undertale, though. Don’t get me wrong, Undertale still has the better OST (for now at least), but Deltarune’s sound effects JUST beat it out in my books. In particular, I felt like the text sounds for most of the characters was, on average, less annoying than in Undertale. Again, don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate Undertale’s voices, but some of them could get a little ear-grating, especially for characters who talked a LOT throughout the game. Here, with the exception of one returning character (where the irritation was kind of the joke anyways), all of them work really well. There’s even a tiny bit of voice acting from a couple of the more important characters! So, big thumbs up there.
More pressingly, however, are the visuals. In case it wasn’t obvious from the above screenshots (aside from that second one of Lancer, maybe), the graphics have gotten a MAJOR glow up since the last game. Temmie Chang, aka “Most Precious Meme”, is still the main Artist for the game, and Undertale is by no means a bad looking game. However, in general, the games’ art went from “Beautiful and sometimes even breathtaking” to consistently “HOLY SHIT MY EYES ARE NOT EQUIPPED TO COPE WITH SUCH SHEER BRILLIANCE!!!”
You think I’m exaggerating, but I legit dropped my jaw at a lot of this game’s visuals. I mean, just look at this one End-game animation!
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I think this one short scene has more detail and frame than Asgore’s overworld sprite got in the entirety of Undertale.
On the slight downside, however, we no longer get the full-body monochromatic battle sprites from Undertale, as enemies appear in battle almost identically to how they appear in the world. Still, with this much more detail in overworld sprites, it’s not even a slight loss.
Speaking of battle...
Part 3: Gameplay
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Yep, the gameplay has gotten a major overhaul over the past three years. First, as the screenshot should make obvious, you have a team now! Yep, in addition to Kris, you can get up to three additional party members over the course of your adventure, including Susie! 
In general, what you can do in battles with Kris is mostly the same; you can Fight by hitting the button at the right time, Act in certain ways to make the enemies not want to fight you, use an Item really quick, or Spare an enemy who you don’t want to kill. You also have the option to defend, which will lessen the damage you take if you get hit during the obligatory bullet-hell attacks your enemies dish out.
Where things get really interesting, though, is the team mechanics. You see, every character is different, and everyone but Kris can use magic (although some of Kris’s ACT commands kinda seem like magic?). However, only Kris can directly ACT, with other party members only being able to preform certain set spells. So, instead, Kris can command the other party members to perform actions, or Kris can ACT while the others defend, use items, or attack. If you use a Team ACT, the other party member(s) involved won’t be able to do anything else that turn, but said Team ACTs are usually more powerful or potent as a result. The whole thing can set up for actually strategic choices in battle: In Undertale, since most enemies only had one or two ways to spare them, the most strategy you could use on a Pacifist play through was “Which enemy should I deal with first?” Here, you have to figure how you’re going to handle each encounter. Do you have Kris ACT first, then have another party member spare that monster in the same turn? Or do you act WITH that party member, and next turn be able to spare at least two monsters?
In addition to the battle system being reworked, there were a number of smaller, quality of life changes:
You now have three item categories: Items (your standard consumables), Gear (your armor and weapons), and Key Items (your cellphone and a couple other important things).
You can sell at pretty much every shop in the “Dark” world, which makes sense, since you’re mostly selling food, armor, and weapons-things people in this world would need to survive.
Each character in your party uses a different kind of weapon, but all of them use the same armor, and you can give them all two pieces of armor each, so you can stack defense and get extra boosts!
Choices are mostly presented in a cross pattern, so you just have to pick a direction and confirm to choose that option.
You can also have up to three save files at once, although I’ve heard each file has some minor differences in flavor-text across the game, so be on the look-out for that.
Overall, I feel like I honestly prefer the game play to Undertale. In fact, with the exception of the story (which is mostly underdeveloped because, again, this is basically just a very long demo), I honestly prefer most of Deltarune to Undertale. While it isn’t technically a sequel, per se, it does do what any good sequel should do: use the original as a starting point and just improve almost everything. It’s almost like the Bioshock Infinite to Undertale’s Bioshock, if that makes sense.
(Would that make System Shock 2 Homestuck? Am I over thinking this?)
Now, with the actual review out of the way, we can get to the main event.
Part 4: Co̞͞n̤̠͎̙̥̗n̸̰̜̳͚͓͇͍e̸͈͉̳̺c̭̮̬̖̭̗̳͠t͍͓͘i̖̺͙͇̟̫o̢̰̜̦n͈̮̼͈͎͖̦s͈͝ ̹̙̦͈̯̜A̡̟̥ņ̥͙̗d̛͙̤̦͈̹̪͚ ̺T͍̞h̡̜̝̟̬e͏̱̹̲ͅ ͕̯̰͍̜͇͍D͝oc̜t̸̺̱̯͙̠o̷̱r͈̟̣̤̯
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As I mentioned before, this game isn’t technically a sequel to Undertale. None of the events of Undertale seem to have occurred in this universe, including (seemingly) things from before the game even began. This becomes especially apparent after you leave the “Dark” world and can explore town, talking to various people. Character relationships are almost universally reset, there is no mention of the “Underground”, and considering Asriel is still alive and in college, it’s safe to say there is no Flowey in this world. It could almost be passed off as a complete alternate continuity, or even a reboot, if it weren’t for a few...
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Yep, among the returning characters, Sans makes an appearance, having apparently just moved into town and never having met you before. Despite having apparently met Toriel the night before in the grocery store, and having a business relationship with your teacher, Alphys. Plus, there's the fact that what used to be Grillby’s and the Bone Brother’s house both look WAY too close to there original versions (no other building looks that similar), the fact that of ALL the returning characters, only Sans looks the exact same (no redesign, visible aging, or even new clothing), and the fact that some of Kris’s dialogue choices seem to reference things that haven’t happened in this universe, and other characters notice them acting...different.
Plus, you know, there’s Chapter 1′s ending.
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(Plus, as you might have noticed at the top of this part, there’s a monster who is the only one in either game who looks similar to this Gaster Follower)
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All of this seems to point to something much more sinister going on. And, for those who haven’t seen it, the tweets leading up to the demo’s release might just explain why.
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Now, we aren’t quite sure who this is supposed to be, but judging by their vocabulary and how they type, it’s a pretty safe assumption we’re being chatted to by our favorite former royal scientist. And, sure enough, most people are assuming that this entity is at least some version of Dr. W. D. Gaster. Why is he doing this? What does it all mean? Why was the Delta Rune even slightly relevant to the plot of this chapter aside from there being three prophesied heroes?
Well, I suppose only time will tell.
Until then...
L̴͙̖̠̕è̘̝͚̯̩̘ͅt͔͎͖̝͎̼͘͢ ̷͎̮͘ù̴̹̘̮̰̙̮̮̘͝s̵̷̫̠͎̯͙̥͟ͅ ͍͍̤̟͇͕̺ͅh̨̼̼͕̠ą̶̛̦̫̼v̺͞e̸͎̭̱͍̭͞͠ ͖̩̳͕͔͚͚̝̱s̘̭̩͜͟ơ҉̥͖̯͟m̞̠͈e̷͔͖̭ͅ ́҉̤͔͎̫̣̥̱͚̲ḿ̶̩̼̙̪̻̝̥͟o̗͇̩͇̠͍͟r̡͖͇̤̗͔͈̕͠e̶̝̠͔͈̭̟ ̷̫̬̺̮͔̣F̢̗̘̟̯͈̜͖͕͈͞Ų̴͍̜͚̘̠̞͈͇̀N҉̡̣̺̝̩̘͓ͅ.̷̩̹͓̯͝
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manygalaxiesinone · 6 years
3rd Party...Xehanorts?((A crossover discussion))
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((Greetings Hee Hoo Dood, Prinnyfrost reporting for duty! I wonder how many people are still excited that Kingdom Hearts 3 is finally coming out.
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After so long of waiting, the 3rd main title in one of everyone’s favorite crossover gaming series is finally coming out! In the meantime, I decided to look over the trailers of the confirmed worlds.
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Some I’m excited about,
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others, not so much.
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The one trailer that caught me the most off guard was the Winnie the Pooh trailer, and that’s for two reasons.
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The first is the fact that, unlike previous entries, you’re going around and actually fighting heartless in them instead of playing mini-games. This is one thing that actually disappointed me. I loved the fact that not every world in the games has to be about combat. It shows that Sora is capable of helping others even when there aren’t any heartless or nobodies involved to mess things up.
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It was one of the arguments I made as to why an Undertale world WOULD work if they ever bothered to include 3rd party worlds, as unlikely as that sounds; however that’s still not as jarring about the second thing they showed in that trailer.
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Eeyore becomes a Xehanort!
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Yup! Everyone’s favorite donkey with a constantly missing tail that needs more love gets taken over by Xehanort. This blew my mind because I thought Xehanort was only going after characters that originated from the Kingdom Hearts series like Riku and Roxas, but this clearly shows that he’s up for nabbing anyone in his grasp. So that got me thinking, “Who else might he target as he go through other worlds getting ready for the upcoming keyblade war against Sora and friends?”
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Now like before, I’m only sticking to possible candidates on the off chance of third party involvement. While I haven’t seen any videos about people theorizing who might be next on Xehanort’s list of people to infect with his heart virus (pun not intended), I do like to stick outside the box from time to time. Plus, there’s also that chance where someone could make a crossover fanfic and could take notes from this. And remember, when I mean “3rd party” I mean strictly “3rd party”. As in anything owned by either Disney or Square won’t count for this.
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Which might be for the best considering that if Thanos were to be controlled by Xehanort while holding the infinity gauntlet with all the stones, I’m pretty sure we’ll have more to worry about than losing just half the universe. I’m also not going by just the villain characters in each of the worlds either. Anyone, hero, villain, or neutral could be under Xehanort’s radar on where to spread his infection. Basically anyone from a series that pops up to mind. Now with that out of the way, let’s get started. First let’s begin with the easiest one I could come up with,
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Flowey from Undertale. The reasoning for this should be pretty obvious. Flowey has no soul inside of him, and considering that souls in Undertale work pretty much the same way hearts do in Kingdom Hearts, he would be considered a Nobody, the husk of Asriel Dreemurr.
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As Xemnas pointed out in Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance, nobodies are the easiest to take over since they’re born without hearts. While he did lie about nobodies never having one, he was telling the truth that they didn’t start out with one and it’ll take time for a new one to develop.
Xemnas: “A heart is never lost for good. There may have been variances in our dispositions, but a number of us unquestionably showed signs of a burgeoning replacement. Once born, the heart can also be nurtured. Our experiments with the heartless were attempts to control the mind and convince it to renounce its sense of self. But understand, one can banish the heart from the body, but the body will try to replace it the first chance it gets, for as many times as it takes.”
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Asriel didn’t become whole again until he absorbs the souls of all the monsters in the underground as well as the 6 human souls Asgore obtained. So I’d say his best bet take over Asriel is to implant his soul into him while he’s still Flowey or wait until Flowey starts taking everyone’s soul from the underground, become one of the souls he takes without him realizing it, and become the dominant one.
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Actually, now that I think about it, it’s actually pretty damn dark when you realize this means by doing this, Xehanort has pretty much taken the ENTIRE underground hostage just to make Asriel his vessel, leaving only Frisk and Chara (who’s resting inside of Frisk’s soul) remaining. Ugh...and I thought the genocide route was fucked up. Speaking of crazy people and broken hearts, let’s head over to another series I mentioned might work for Kingdom Hearts,
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Orphen. Considering that this is an old show that not a lot of people are familiar with, let me give you a quick refresher.
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Orphen is the tale of a talented sorcerer named Krylancelo Finradi (or “Orphen”), who left a school of magic in order to save his sister Azalie after she transformed into a dragon by stabbing herself in the chest with a magic sword.
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And believe it or not, it’s that sister whose going to be targeted by Xehanort next. Why?
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Well, Xehanort seems to be able to control those that show darkness seeping into their hearts as if it found cracks and begins to flow through them, like water leaking through a whole. That’s the case in how he controlled Aqua, Terra, and Riku.
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I bring this up because in the anime, Azalie was very nice and sweet. While she was the #1 student in the Tower of Fang, she never let it go to her head.
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That is until one day where she confessed her feelings to her teacher, Master Childman (yes, that IS his name), the person who brought her and Orphen in while they were out in the winter on their own.
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Surprise, surprise, Childman rejected her proposal stating that he only considers her his student.
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It’s at that point the drove Azalie more into her studies. She became obsessed with power, aiming to become strong enough to impress and possibly surpass Childman. Orphen even says it when bringing up their backstory in episode 8 of the anime.
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Orphen: ”Sometimes I could see a different side of her. Something that frightened me. She was intense, almost fanatical about her studies. Her curiosity was insatiable. I tried to tell myself it was just ambition, but deep down, I knew it was something else. Something dangerous.”
This got to a point where she attempted to experiment with the forbidden Sword of Baltanders. While it wasn’t clear of what she was trying to do with it, considering she stabbed herself in the chest with it, I believe she was trying to turn herself into an all powerful sorceress, since the sword has the power to turn anyone it cuts to anything the user wishes.
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It didn’t work... It also didn’t help that her former colleagues began hunting her down and tried to kill her, which drove her even more insane, so she starts killing people! Do you get what I’m trying to point out here? Her obsession for power, her lack of sanity, she’s a prime target for Xehanort! Darkness has definitely found its way into her heart and it’s growing stronger overtime. The only issue I can think of that Xehanort might have is the fact that Azalie is well adverse with white magic. This includes mind manipulation and soul transfer, so there’s a good chance she could be at least somewhat resistant to him.
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In which case, I guess he would try to take advantage of that Gaia machine in the video game. Alright, let’s see what else we could come up with.
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Hmm, while I do think Shantae could work as a possible world, I can’t really think of anyone that could become a Xehanort. Then again, I should get back to playing Shantae 3 soon.
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Hmm...the only possible candidate I could think of is Satsuki, and even then, that’s a huge maybe.
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Pretty sure they already have their own true Organization XIII.
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Okay! Now we’re talking! Sengoku Basara! Granted, while I only played the 3rd game in the series and watched the movie “Last Party”, I’m pretty sure we have a perfect candidate to become another Xehanort puppet.
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At first, I was thinking about Mitsunari, considering his grumpy attitude and carries a huge vengence against Ieyasu (or Masamune in the “Last Party” movie). Clearly someone like the Dark Prince himself would definitely be a Xehanort...that is until I recall one important detail that Ieyasu points out in Oichi’s story in Sengoku Basara 3.
Ieyasu: “Back in those days, Mitsunari seemed to possess...qualities. Both darkness and light. People admired his exceptional abilities. He gained respect for fearlessly showing his true nature. I’ll admit, I was envious of him because of this.”
Although it may not seem like it, Mitsunari has a balanced heart. He’s cruel, and cold, but loyal to a fault and isn’t afraid of his true self. Xehanort tends to struggle when it comes to dealing with people with more balanced hearts. That’s how Riku was able to break free from his control without the aid of Namine’s lock. So, that’s fine and dandy, but you know who doesn’t have a good balanced heart?
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Oichi Oda! After the fall of the Oda clan, Oichi became mentally unstable. She wanders around to different areas without much of a clue and in different hands, she could be kind and helpful or a threat to anyone she comes to contact with.
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It’s almost like if she herself became a heartless or nobody, like she loss her sense of self.
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That is until Nobunaga comes back to life, realizes what she must do, and she sacrifices herself to save the world. So, Xehanort may want to act BEFORE that happens. Like Xemnas said, a heart doesn’t stay lost forever. Okay, this is starting to get long so, I’ll bring up just one more possible candidate. For this, let’s head over to one of my favorite franchises,
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The Disgaea series. I’ll be honest with you, this was more difficult for me than I expected. I kept debating about who could be the ideal candidate to work with.
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At first, I was thinking Etna around the time she loses her memories due to the fact that she discarded them after so much frustration in terms of Krichevskoy marring another woman, having a child with said woman, and dying by the hands of Tyrant Baal. Guess everyone has their drastic ways of handling rejection.
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Then I thought about Fubuki, a guy obsessed with seeking vengence against the fake Zenon after the destruction of the clan, no matter what the means.
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Then there’s Mao, whose heart became in flux for years due to Geoffry pushing him to become the strongest overlord just to he can have a good fight.
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Finally, I thought of Void, a guy who literally let a dark heart take over his mind after being jealous of Killia and accidentally killing his sister. I thought any one of these people would be a prime target for Xehanort, that is until my friends on Amino convinced me about what could possibly be the perfect candidate out of everyone in the entire franchise...
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Nemo from Disgaea 4. And if you’re thinking that I’m just saying that because his name means “No one” in latin, like Desco points out in the game, you’re not wrong. It IS a major reason considering that he’s literally discarding his sense of self just to be a nobody. Remember what Xemnas said! That’s what the experiments he did with the heartless were all about! Also, remember that Artina spent her time as an angel trying to get Nemo to let go of his hatred, but overtime, he stopped hearing her voice and stopped believing, as if Artina failed to nurture his heart to see the brighter side.
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Hell, knowing that Xehanort can time travel, I would be surprised if in Kingdom Hearts continuity, he would go back in time to try to convince Nemo to give into the darkness just for that reason. Kind of like if he’s another voice in his head telling him to ignore Artina and seek vengeance against the humans and demons. I can picture him doing it now actually, getting Nemo to turn away while giving Artina a fiendish smile as they leave. That’s how evil Xehanort is! It makes too much sense. So, those are the possible 3rd party Xehanorts I could come up with. Anyone you can think of?))
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asktemmie-frisk · 6 years
Back to Normalcy (Lost and Found Arc)
Everyone brought Frisk and Chara out of the hospital and back home. Frisk and Chara weren't very happy with the terms they had to take to leave, but at least they were with their family.
After 30 minutes of driving, they all arived at Toriel's house, where Sans, Papyrus and Gaster were waiting for them. They went inside and saw the skeletons waiting for them in the living room.
"Hey, Sans, Papy, we're back!" Frisk declared.
All three of them immediately dropped what they were doing to see Frisk and Chara. All of them were so happy to see that glowing smile of Frisk's face, their eyesockets flooded with enough green energy to give them a flame-like aura.
"BRO! YOU'RE OKAY!" Sans said, crying tears of joy.
"You came back to us after all! I knew my greatness rubbed off on you!" Confirmed an estatic Papyrus.
Frisk wagged his tail happily and licked his brothers in the face.
"Yeah. Sure did." Agreed Frisk.
The brothers shared a hug as Erica and Soichiro approached them.
"Hey, mom, sorry I was so hard on Frisk earlier." Said a guilty Sans.
"It's fine. Your brother just needs some help. That's all." Replied Erica.
"Yeah. And we're really sorry. Chara and I fucked up real bad." Admitted a guilty Frisk, who tucked his tail between his legs.
"But, we're ready now, you guys." Chara said as she stepped forward.
"Hmm? What do you mean, Chara and Frisk?" Asked Gaster.
"To go to a therapist to talk about our problems. WITHOUT JUDGMENT."
"What? Why?" Questioned Sans.
"Big bro, you know why." Said Frisk.
"You've made it way more than obvious that we can't tell you anything without you being so judgmental."
"Frisk, come on. Go easy on me. I ju-"
"Stop. Just stop. You're just trying to make up for what you said earlier. I get it, Sans. But you're just too judgmental of everyone. I still love you, but you can't be such a prick when it comes to people doing those types of things. The world isn't black and white, it's all just different shades of gray. Some shades are brighter than others, but that's just how the world is sometimes. Even you have some dark spots in your special shade of gray, Sans. But that's okay because it's your shade. And the best thing is you get to choose what to do with it. The only problem: what you've done with it so far is use it to judge how dark other people's shades are."
"Yeah. I know. I'm still sorry, though. But I get it if you don't wanna tell me anymore. I wouldn't either."
"Sans. I can still tell you. Just please don't be so harsh with the judgment anymore."
"Sure. You made up for it, so I guess I can work that out."
Sans and Frisk shared an awkward sibling hug. Papyrus joined in on it, happy they settled their differences.
"I knew you had it in you both! This is a family after all! All we had to do was talk it out!" Said the proud, younger skeleton.
"Thank you both! And as for you, Frisk and Chara, we'll all be there to support you one-hundred percent of the way!"
"Wow. Thanks, you guys. I guess we owe you one."
"You and Chara helped save the world twice AND bring equality to both monsters! I think we owe you. And even if we didn't, I'd say we're even now."
Frisk and Chara looked at each other happily, relieved that they would finally get the help they needed. And the best part was they wouldn't be judged by their family for asking for it in the first place.
Suddenly, Frisk and Chara remembered the lessons they missed out on.
"Hey. Ms. Toriel? Do you still have those homeschooling assignments?" Asked Chara.
"Oh! Yes, they are upstairs. Why?" Toriel replied, also forgetting their educational priorities.
"Give us the ones we missed out on, and we'll get started."
Yikes. Well, Toriel certainly wasn't expecting Frisk and Chara to remember their work. Thankfully, thanks to simply being homeschooled, they could make up what they missed out on easily.
"Come upstairs."
Toriel led them to her room. She went to a file cabinet with their homeschooling subjects. She swiftly gave them to the students, and they made quick work on getting started.
They looked determined to catch up on what they missed out on. They didn't look up from their papers and writing utensils for a while.
Five hours later, they brought every last assignment they missed out on to Toriel's room, completed. It was almost 8pm, and they had finished a massive amount of work in a small amount of time. It was incredible, but it was done. They knocked on Toriel's door.
"Hey, mom! We got the paperwork done!" Said Chara.
She heard a faint conversation through the door. It was between Asriel and Toriel.
"Do you really think Flowey might want that, mom?" Asked Asriel.
"I mean, think about it. He killed you a whole bunch of times. He only thinks you're his mom because you're mine."
"Asriel, Flowey had your dust and memories. Nothing more." Replied Toriel.
"If Flowey comes out, he and I are not related. He is not my son. You are."
"So what you're saying is-"
Chara barged in to hand Toriel her paperwork with Frisk in tow.
"You call wearing a t-shirt and boxers naked?" Chara asked, mimicking Frisk's signature blank face, who was also doing it at that moment.
"I said 'practically', Chara! Sure, it doesn't count, but I'm still not decent!"
"Right. Well, you and mom can back to what you were doing beforehand -wear a condom, by the way- because Frisk and I just wanted to say we're all caught up."
"Yes, that's great, Chara." Toriel said, trying to rush them out.
"I'll get to them later. But first, let 'Phoebe' and 'Dante' have some fun, okay? They have been stressed out, and they need a break from it."
"If you two wanna fuck, that's fine, but just remember we still have to look for a therapist, please."
"Your brother's the only one I need, for his 'sessions' work for about 8 'hours', if you know what I mean."
"Are you using units of time to describe Asriel's size? That's weird. I'm leaving."
Chara set down her assignments and turned tail before she could ask anything else to her mother. Frisk dropped his paperwork off and promptly went to his room.
Once Chara got in her room and closed the door, her parents asked her something.
"Chara, why were they in the same room with each other with such little clothing?" Asked Charon.
"I'm sorry for saying this, but it's not a pretty story." Chara replied, feeling a little nauseous.
"We're inside your head and your soul; we're taking a look."
"Okay dad, but you're not going to like it."
Charon and Laura ran through her thoughts and memeories to find why Toriel and Asriel were like that. They regretted not heeding their daughter's word, for she was right after all, and they didn't like it. Good thing they were simply souls at this point, or they would puke. It made matters worse that Chara already had the urge, however.
"Chara, we're sorry your father and I didn't listen to you." Laura asked, somewhat disgusted.
"Apology accepted."
"Why would they do that? They are mother and son. They shouldn't be doing that."
"Mom was thinking about having sex with my brother for a while, and vice versa. They just recently did, and they enjoyed it. I told them they won't have to worry about me telling people, but if anything were to happen, I would call mom 'Phoebe', and I would call Asriel 'Dante'. However, all they want is sex from each other. Nothing more. They love each other, but they're not IN love with each other."
"That's...a very unorthodox way of solidifying a familial bond. But if that's what they wish to practice, then I can't say anything about it."
"What? Why not?"
"Sweetie. It's sex. They are both adults, and they both want it. Even then, I'm not sure whether that would be acceptable with monsters or not. But whatever the case, we won't say anything about it anymore."
"Okay. Thanks, mom and dad. Now let's get some sleep. Maybe the nightmares will stop with you two around."
"Well, maybe not stop, but lessen over time."
Chara finally retired for the evening, sleeping the same way she usually did.
"Chara, are you sleeping naked?" Laura asked, feeling her daughter's lack of clothing.
"Oh, yeah. Something you should know. I sleep naked. Unless it's chilly, then I wear something light to bed. And I...well, I've...learned how...I'm sorry. I can't. It's too weird."
"Sweetie, it's okay. You can tell us."
"I learned how to masturbate, and it feels so good."
"Well, I certainly wasn't expecting you to say that. But that's good. And before we go any further, it's perfectly natural. And so is blood-letting from between your legs."
"Mom! I know! I-Toriel had to....you know, buy a book on the human reproductive system. Apparently, once a month, I get something called a 'period'? That's what it's called, right?"
"Yes. But let's get some sleep. I can feel how tired you are."
"Yeah. Good night, mom. Good night, dad."
And so, Chara went to sleep completely. She could finally slumber in peace with the help of her parents.
The next day, Frisk and Chara went to the kitchen to get something else to eat. They were feeling a lot better than they were before all of this happened.
"Hey, Chara? How did it feel sleeping last night?" Frisk asked as he got himself some salad.
"I don't know how to describe it." Replied a fully-refreshed Chara.
"It felt...nice? I mean, I had that nightmare again, but it stopped midway before my mom got hurt. Like she tried to alter the memory or something."
"I think your parents were trying to protect you from that nightmare again."
"Again? Why again?"
"Well, I meant to say 'this time', but 'again' came out of my mouth. I dunno why."
Suddenly, Charon took over Chara.
"That's right." He confirmed through Chara.
"We saw and felt Chara having that dream again about us. We decided to help her sleep better by making the dream a good one."
"Charon, you and Laura really are good parents, despite the circumstances you were placed in."
"No problem. Now let Chara eat something. She didn't come in here for nothing."
"Yes, and then we'll be looking for a therapist, or whatever it's called."
Charon gave back control to Chara, letting her eat her breakfast.
"Finally. I need food now."
About 15 minutes later, after they finished eating, they went to Toriel's door, waiting for their next lesson.
"Hey mom, we're ready for the homeschooling session." Chara said, knocking on the door.
The bathroom door opened with Toriel draped in a towel.
"Well, that is-"
Chara screamed, not expecting Toriel to be behind her; Frisk's tail frizzed out from the unexpected boss monster fresh out of the shower.
"Oh! It's just you, mom. Thank God."
"Yes. Well, just give me a moment to dry off. No, you cannot watch. I remember your kisses from yesterday. I must admit, you do have a good technique, but you are lacking in experience. In addition, I am not into women, Chara. Sorry."
"Don't apologize, mom. Just let me enjoy wa-"
"No. Move. Now."
Chara blushed and obeyed, ready to let a blood vessel burst as Toriel walked into her room and locked the door.
"I'm attracted to my mom." She shamefully admitted.
"Chara, that's gross." Frisk said, putting his two cents in.
"Your mom is inside you, and she's-"
"Wrong. Mom."
"Oops. Let's go downstairs."
They went to the living room with pencils and pens, ready to get started. It took about 20 minutes, but Toriel and Asriel made it down the stairs to Frisk and Chara.
"Asriel? What are you doing here?" Frisk asked, forgetting about the night before.
"Dude. Remember? Mom." Replied an annoyed Asriel.
"Oh. But wait. Why is Ms. Toriel all dressed up to go out in public?"
"We will not be doing lessons today, Frisk." Responded a placcid Toriel.
"Instead, we will be looking for a therapist for you and Chara. Your birth parents will be assisting us in the endeavor."
"You're actually letting my parents get involved?"
A knock on the door was heard from the hall.
"Excuse me. It should be your parents."
Frisk's eyes instantly shined yellow brightly enough to attract his parents attention when they came inside.
"Frisk, it's okay, son. It's just us." Soichiro said, noticing the color of Frisk's eyes as he and Erica walked inside.
"Dad, how do you know I was scared?"
"Frisk, your father and I have always known." Answered Erica.
"Your eyes act like mood rings. The only time in which they don't act like that is if you don't feel anything. At that moment, they default to your true eye color."
Asriel and Toriel's interest was piqued.
"True eye color?" Inquired Asriel.
"What is it?"
"Frisk, show them."
Frisk closed his eyes and turned to Asriel and Toriel. He slowly opened his eyes back up to reveal that his eyes were actually gray. Asriel and Toriel immediately became scared.
"They look so empty. So devoid of life."
Frisk's eyes then became completely empty as he approached Asriel.
"I'm gonna get serious with you for a moment." He said.
"Sometimes when my eyes are gray like that, people are only mildly unsettled. But when my eyes look completely empty...boy, do they get scared. You should probably never fuck with me again. Unless you don't mind the look of death, that is."
"Don't speak like that, young man." Erica said, noticing that Asriel looked ready to run away screaming.
"Sorry, mom. Let's go."
Asriel trembled alongside Toriel as they all went into the living room to help find a therapist. It was difficult to know how long the trauma of seeing Frisk's eyes in their truest state would last, but Asriel would likely be unable to forget for a long time.
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deadlyswarm · 7 years
family is more than blood ch 6 ( thanks giving special that i forgot to put here XD)
Sans had a good quality talk with the parents, however only so much could be done. Some students still gave Frisk  mean looks. It didn’t help that some adults did the same,they just tried to hide it better.  At some point he needed to have a chat with Undyne about the possibility of her paying the school a visit. However his thoughts were interrupted by Alphys calling him.
“ ‘sup al, howsit goin?”
“H-Hi Sans, um...good, d-do you have a moment to swing by the lab, t-there's something kinda neat that i think you should hear about.” Sans agreed and popped over to the lab, where Alphys showed him a waterlogged magazine with something called ‘thanksgiving’ written on it. She had said that it had  peaked her curiosity and so she took it to the lab to restore what she could. From what she could gather, it was a holiday celebrated in the country that they were in, and it came from Frisk’s world. It was a holiday where families  gathered for large meals, and give thanks for what they have. There were several traditions listed, such as different kinds of food that was typically eaten, with the primary focus being turkey.
“A-And I think that w-we should give this holiday thing a try, that way if….when we get out of here Frisk won’t be as separated from the world she came from.” Sans smiled
“ that sounds like a great idea. So all of us, undyne, asgore, you, and paps and i, she’ll get a kick out of it.”
“O-Oh and you could get that lady you and Frisk visit to come too, and maybe introduce us t-to your new friend? U-Unless she really wants her privacy, I mean i know how that is….” Alphys started to sweat. However she noticed something else, as he started to speak, a few small flecks of blue appeared on his cheekbones…...no way.
“ well she does kinda prefer her privacy, but i can see if i can’t get her to swing by” Sans said with a wink.
Of course, it would take time and planning to get their schedules lined up right, but during this time, Sans made sure to speak with Toriel. He knew that she had no desire to speak to or even see Asgore, and yet Frisk would love having the both of them there. However , her business was very much her own. He decided just to bring it up gently, and if she ultimately said no, it would be the end of it. While Frisk was at school, Sans met with Toriel inside the Ruins.
Toriel beamed when Sans described their plan to re-create a holiday for Frisk.
“Oh my that is simply wonderful!” Sans shrugged.
“well, i mean, everyone’s gonna be there of course, undyne, alphys and uh….asgore. so i mean if you don't want to come i get it. we could either call you over when he heads out, or hang out here a little bit after the whole thing.”
Toriel thought on this. She had little desire to see Asgore. All her begging and pleading for him to see reason, only to see him and so many others turn to willingly harming children. This was the reason she stayed in the Ruins, for she could not bear to see what the people had become. However, this no longer seemed to be the case. This child was clearly loved by many people and deserved a time to be surrounded by all of them. All that sealing herself away had accomplished was to delay the inevitable, and let her own bitterness fester. How could she not, should she have instead watched as the man she married slowly faded away and become replaced with the very thing humans were afraid of?  But at the same time, how long has she been cooped up in the ruins, and what good has it done her? Seeing the child happy surrounded by people who love her…..that may be worth braving the world once more.
“I….I think I will. Though I would ask that you inform Asgore, as to avoid shock when I arrive.” Sans nodded and went to begin the prep, and boy was it a doozy.
When Toriel came to Sans’ home and he let her in, she saw Frisk being chased by Papyrus and Undyne, with the child giggling wildly. The trio stopped when they saw her, Undyne muttering
“No way….” under her breath.
“Oh no, I am-”
“Miss Tori! You’re here!” Frisk cried as she ran to give Toriel a hug.
“Ah greetings my child, it appears you are having quite the ball.” Frisk nodded and Toriel turned her attention back to Papyrus and Undyne.
“I am Toriel, and You must be Papyrus! Your brother has told me much about you!”
“Yes, for a time that was true, but i hear we are doing something special and thought that I would like to help, if that is okay.”
“OF COURSE! THE MORE THE MERRIER! RIGHT UNDYNE?” Papyrus said, turning to her. Undyne looked at the former queen, rage beginning to bubble up. How dare she leave everyone when they were hurting the most? How dare she leave Asgore to pick up all the pieces…..and yet she looked at Frisk and that rage faded. She did not need to see her aunt tearing into someone she saw as a friend. That conversation will have to happen later. So instead she put on a smile
“Yeah! So can you cook?”
“Oh yes, but Sans told me you two are excellent chefs!” at this Frisk eyed Sans and had to stop herself from laughing. She knew that miss Tori was gonna come out of that kitchen covered in pasta sauce in a matter of minutes.
“Darn right we are!”
An hour later Toriel watched as somehow Papyrus and Undyne set a pot of water ablaze.
“Oh my…”
The group decided to wait a few days so they could get things together for the feast. During this time, Toriel was preparing in the Ruins when she heard a loud knock on the door. She went to open it to find Undyne on the other side.
“Ah hello Undyne, do come in.”
“Yeah….thanks.” Something seemed off about Undyne, but Toriel couldn't quite place what. The fish woman was shaking.
“Look, i came here because boy do I have words for you, but i didn’t need the punk to see that. You know Asgore told me a lot about you? He raised me for the most part, trained me, and I became head of the royal guard. In that time I learned a lot of things. So i have a few questions.” Anger filled her voice, and from what she had said, Toriel had a feeling what those questions would be.
“Why did you up and leave? You didn’t just move out on him, you VANISHED.  After…..all that happened he loses you too? And do you have any idea what that did to the moral of all the people you left behind?! Do you even care?” Toriel’s face went stern.
“I shall answer them with this. You know what happened to Asriel and Chara…..do you honestly think i wanted to see MORE dead children? All the begging and pleading I did with that man to stop and think because that isn’t what Asriel would have wanted him to become at all! Do you think i enjoyed seeing my once husband looming over the broken corpse of a CHILD?” Undyne winced.
“That may be a good reason, but that doesn't mean what you did didn’t have negative consequences. You didn’t have to seal yourself away. I won’t say you should have stayed because hell I can’t imagine what you two were going through, but….you didn’t have to outright abandon everyone. Did you know that once you left, more monsters started to fall down, even though we had a human soul?” Toriel looked shocked
“I’ll take that as a no. When that happened, Asgore was fully trapped in his choice. If he had quit when he wanted to,  he was afraid that would dash away what hopes the people had left. He hates himself for it, but he feels like he has no choice in the matter, and the last thing he needs is you dragging him in the dirt even more. If you decide to talk to him, you should know that like you, he’s been through hell.” Toriel took a moment to allow the words to sink in. Undyne did have a point, what she did was not the best way to handle things, and she stayed hidden out of repulsion for those who had looked up to her.
“You are correct. The way I handled things was not the best choice… it is clear that neither Asgore nor myself were capable of making a better one. However what is done, is done. Four of the children he killed were ones that I had cared for, ones that I sought to protect, only for them to leave and be taken from this world by the man I once thought would never be capable of such horrific acts. That….I do not think I can so easily forgive.” Undyne sighed
“Look, when you put it like that, I get it. If someone had tried to kill Frisk, I’d be furious. She ain’t even my kid and i’d protect her with my life, just as much as any  other monster down here. I won’t say you have to forgive him, because honestly no you don’t. He did something bad that hurt you and you left. That, I do actually understand.”  Toriel nodded
“Thank you, though I will take what you said to heart.” Undyne held out her hand for  a handshake and grinned. Toriel accepted and between them, an underlying respect for one another formed. Toriel may not have wanted to hear her own faults…..but she needed to. Sans, being as kind as he is, never would have pressed that far, nor would Asgore.
While Toriel dealt with Undyne, Sans made sure to forewarn Asgore that Toriel would in fact be coming. He seems happy, but in reality he knew full well that she would still be angry with him.
Thank god Toriel had agreed to help with the cooking. Undyne tried to make a turkey via deep fryer, burning down her house for the thousandth time. Aside from flames, the walls were also adorned with various sauces and splotches of flour. The skeleton brother’s only fared somewhat better, with Frisk and Papyrus cooking. As Frisk stirred things and mixed, she began humming bonetroussle which made Papyrus’ day.  A knock was heard at the door, and when Sans opened the door with his magic, Toriel stood there.
“Greetings Sans! Where are Frisk and Papyrus?” but just as she said it a huge CLANG rang in the kitchen. Toriel and sans looked and began to laugh. Frisk was covered in pasta noodles, flour, and sauce, giggling hysterically.
“FRISK THAT WAS A GOOD UNDYNE IMPRESSION! BUT WE SHOULD GET YOU CLEANED UP, OH HELLO  THERE!” Papyrus said as he noticed Toriel. Frisk hopped down from her stool and an up to her.
“Miss Tori! I'm getting to help Pappy cook!” Toriel smiled
“Well i can see that! Though it appears most of the meal is all over you!” Frisk laughed as Sans took the child up to get washed.
Eventually everyone gathered bringing various food items such as ramen, Spaghetti, Turkey made by Toriel, and several sides provided by Asgore. When Frisk was brought inside she gasped, seeing all of her friends and family in one spot. Papyrus however was noticing something else. Throughout the whole thing, Sans could hardly take his eyes off of Toriel. Their puns were insufferable, but…..Toriel was doing the exact same thing with Sans. it was strange, almost as if…..could his brother be falling in love?
“Wow so that's what all the cooking was for?  What’s going on?” Alphys walked over
“W-Well we learned about this thing that some humans too around t-this time of year. They like to gather with their family and friends for huge meals for some quality family time! We thought that we would t-try the holiday out.” Frisk was beaming
“Really? That's so cool!” Toriel came out of the kitchen, announcing that everything was set up. As they ate Undyne would talk about her day, Papyrus would talk of various puzzles he made and Sans cracked several puns.  Toriel found herself constantly laughing. Whether it was Sans’ puns, or Undyne and Papyrus’ antics, and especially if those antics involved them playing with Frisk. She watched as everyone began to become overtaken by a food coma. Undyne and Alphys fell asleep on the floor side by side, with the T.V still on. Asgore fell asleep in a rocking chair the brothers had gotten. The skeleton brothers happened to be passed out next to her on the couch. Frisk was propped up on Sans’ sternum, her head rising and falling with Sans’ breaths. She seemed to snuggle into the fluff of Sans jacket as the two slept. Sans of course, was propped up against a sleeping Papyrus. As Toriel looked around her she realized something.
She missed having moments like these. Back before everything went to hell in a handbasket. She, the children, and Asgore would do similar things often…..she never would have thought before now that she could ever feel that level of happiness and joy again. But looking around the room, after all she witnessed, Frisk was surrounded by everything a child needs to live a good life, and she was honored to be a part of that. As she pondered these feelings, She too began to nod off, leaving not a single soul awake in the house.  
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krat395 · 7 years
How To Make A Lizard, Ghost, and Robot Laugh (Chapter 8)
Chapter 8 and the conclusion to this story. In Chapter 7, Frisk, Chara, MK, Blooky, and Mettaton finished their long tickle war and then they just hung out until Toriel arrived back at the house. And now that Toriel's back at the house, Mettaton and Blooky can catch up with her as they intended. And while the two cousins are doing that, Frisk and Chara can give MK that foot rub they promised him. Undertale(c) Toby Fox.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8: MK’s Reward(s)
 Toriel: *enters the house* Children! I’m home!
Chara: Hi Mom! We’re in the living room!
 Toriel then entered the living room and noticed that Mettaton and Blooky were with her daughters and MK.
 Toriel: Oh my goodness, I wasn’t expecting any visitors other than MK today. How long have you two been here?
Mettaton: About an hour or so, your majesty. And you’ll be happy to know that the children did an ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL job keeping us entertained. *smiles at the children*
Toriel: That’s good to hear Mettaton. And please, just me Toriel. By the way, how are you Blooky?
Blooky: Oh, I’m fine Toriel. Thanks for asking.
Toriel: You’re very welcome Blooky. May I ask as to why you gentlemen are here?
Mettaton: Oh absolutely darling. Blooky and I just got back from our recent gig yesterday and we thought it would be ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL to visit all of our lovely friends. *whispers to Toriel* We’re also here to talk about our next performance. *wink wink*
Toriel: *figures out what Mettaton is implying and winks back at him* Oh how nice of you. Say children, how about you run along and play upstairs while I catch up with these nice gentlemen here.  
Frisk: Ok Mom. Come on guys.  
 Toriel then spent some time catching up with Mettaton and Blooky. As Toriel did that, the three kids went upstairs to give their mother, Mettaton, and Blooky some privacy. As soon as the kids left, Mettaton and Blooky revealed the primary reason for their presence. They offered to perform at Toriel’s school sometime next week for all of the staff and students and they wanted to discuss more details about it in private with Toriel herself. They want it to be surprise for every single student at her school, which is why they didn’t say a word about it to Frisk, Chara, or MK. Turns out Mettaton isn’t THAT BAD at keeping secrets. ;)
 One minute later, the children arrived in Frisk and Chara’s bedroom to spend some additional time with each other before supper, which is several hours from now.
 Frisk: Alright MK. Prepare for a foot rub that you’ll never forget. But first, I have to go to the bathroom. I shouldn’t be too long.
 Frisk then left the bedroom and went to the bathroom, leaving MK and Chara in the room all by themselves. MK is currently sitting on Chara’s bed and Chara is sitting right next to him.
 Chara: Hey MK, thanks for being such a good sport about letting me do all that stuff to your feet earlier. And trust me; I completely understand if you thought the whole thing was freaking weird. I just couldn’t control myself with your feet that close to my face.
MK: No problem Chara. I actually found it quite relaxing to be honest.
Chara: Really?! Well I’m glad you did. You have really cute feet MK. And so does Asriel and this VERY adorable female bunny student in my class. (That bunny is in drastic need of some tickles, by the way! :3) They’re SO MUCH CUTER than human feet!
MK: Is that why you, Frisk, and many other students are jealous of me and Asriel? It’s because all of you think our feet our cuter than yours?
Chara: That’s part of it. But it’s also because you’re able to walk barefoot wherever you gosh darn please! No matter how hot or cold it is outside! We humans need to wear shoes to protect our feet because they’re not durable like yours are. And I gotta tell you; it can be a real nuisance at times. Especially when it comes to buying them! You boys (and the cute bunny) are so lucky that you NEVER have to worry about any of that crap!
 After hearing what Chara said, MK recalled a memory from last December of human students seeing him walk barefoot in snow and then asking him why he didn’t get frostbite afterwards.  
 MK: Huh. That makes so much sense to me now. But your feet are cute too Chara!
Chara: You really think so MK?!
MK: Of course I do! You may not have known it, but teasing me with your bare feet was driving me crazy! When you asked me why I was acting so strange earlier, it was because you were showing off your soles in front of my face. And I was afraid that if I broke free from those ropes, I would’ve wound up doing everything you did to my feet… TO YOUR FEET! So in other words, I completely understand what you were dealing with Chara.
Chara: Really?! You like feet too, huh? I never knew that! I’m so glad we have that in common!
MK: Yeah, me too! I thought I was the only one! And don’t worry Chara; I promise I’ll keep your secret between us, Frisk, and Blooky.
Chara: Thanks MK. *hugs MK* You’re such a good friend. I can’t wait to spend more time with you this Friday at Alphys’s house.
MK: *hugs Chara back* Same here Chara. It’s gonna be fun.
 A few days ago, Chara and MK made plans to stay overnight at Alphys’s house this Friday and when they go to Alphys’s house on Friday, only Alphys will be there. Undyne won’t be there because she left town yesterday to go on a short vacation with Gerson and she won’t be back until the following Saturday.
 Chara: And while we’re there, is it ok if I play with your feet again?
MK: Of course it is Chara.
Chara: And maybe you can play with my feet too?
MK: I don’t think that’s a good idea Chara.
Chara: Why do you say?
MK: *sigh* Promise me you won’t tell anyone?
Chara: … I promise.
MK: Thanks. And by the way, Frisk is the only other person I’ve told about this.
 With that said; MK started explaining to Chara why he doesn’t think it’s a good idea to “play with her feet”. It’s partly because he would tickle her immensely while doing so due the feeling of his very rough tongue, but’s it’s mostly because it makes him think about the time he tickle tortured Undyne under her bed and all of the negative feelings that followed after that incident. He told Chara that his foot fetish got him in trouble with Undyne and Alphys and even though he’s been doing an amazing job earning back their trust, he still feels terribly guilty about the entire incident. But before he could reveal any further details about it to Chara, Frisk returned from the bathroom.
 Frisk: Ok, I’m back. Did anything interesting happen while I was gone?
MK: *whispers to Chara* I’ll tell you more about this later.
Chara: *nods in agreement*
MK: Yeah; Chara told me why you guys and several other students are jealous of me and Asriel.
Frisk: She did? What did she say?
MK: She said that all of you are jealous because Asriel and I don’t ever need to wear shoes. She also said it’s because you think our feet are cuter than yours.
Frisk: Oh there are other reasons besides those MK.  
 Frisk and Chara then spent the next couple of minutes filling in MK with more reasons why students are jealous of him and Asriel. And MK just sat there and listened to them all the while they talked.
 A few minutes later…
 MK: Wow. I… I don’t know what to think right now.
Frisk: I know, right? It’s a lot to take in, isn’t it?
MK: I’ll say. I never realized what others really thought of me. But just know that I can tell you many reasons why monsters are jealous of humans.
Frisk: I’m sure you can MK. But can it wait? We’re about to give you that foot rub we promised you.
Chara: Yeah, you earned it buddy.
MK: *gets off of Chara’s bed* Oh yeah, thanks you guys.
Frisk: You’re very welcome MK.
 With that said; MK sat down in Frisk and Chara’s comfortable reclining chair (the same chair that Asriel got tickle tortured in during one of the first two Saturdays of April) and placed his feet on the reclined footrest. Before the girls officially started giving MK a foot rub; they decided to tickle his feet briefly as a means of playfully teasing him. Frisk is giving MK’s left foot attention and Chara is giving his right foot attention.
Chara:  Come on Lizzy Boy, you didn’t think we were gonna start without doing some teasing did you?
Frisk: Yeah MK, you should know better than that!
 Frisk and Chara then dug their fingers hard into his balls and under his toes.
Frisk and Chara: *chuckling*
Chara: Ok Lizzy Boy, we’re done with the teasing (for now at least)! *stops tickling MK’s right foot*
Frisk: Yeah MK, *stops tickling MK’s left foot* we’re done. Now; without any further delay, prepare for a foot rub that you’ll never forget.
 With that said; Frisk and Chara started giving MK an amazing foot rub.
 MK: *moan of pure happiness* Wow, you guys really know what you’re doing. That feels so amazing!
Chara: *lightly wiggles her index finger on his right ball*
Frisk: Chara!
Chara: *giggling* Sorry. *winks at MK*
MK: *giggles and smiles at Chara*
 Right now, MK is receiving the best foot rub he’s ever had. Frisk and Chara are rubbing every inch of his feet and toes and they are relieving him of single ache and pain he has in his feet, including the ones he doesn’t even know he has. The foot rub felt so relaxing that it made MK want to fall asleep several times and upon noticing MK nearly falling asleep, Chara tickled the foot she was rubbing every now and then to keep him awake. Chara wants MK to enjoy the foot rub and he can’t exactly enjoy it if he’s asleep. Plus, she likes teasing him. :3
 MK: *almost falls asleep*
Chara: *wiggles her index finger on his arch*
Chara: *stops tickling MK* Stay awake Lizzy Boy. You can’t exactly enjoy this if you’re asleep.
MK: But it feels so amazing. *another moan of pure happiness* I’m in heaven. And you guys are angels.
Frisk and Chara: Seriously MK?
MK: *realizes what he just said* Sorry, that was my feet talking. *wiggles toes briefly*
Chara: *whispers to Frisk with a giant grin on her face* Hey Frisk, are you thinking what I’m thinking?
Frisk: *whispers to Chara with a giant grin on her face* Yep.
Chara: So MK, your feet can talk, huh?
MK: Um… what?
MK’s feet: …
Chara: What’s that Feet? You want Frisk and I to tickle you some more?
MK’s feet: …
Chara: Yes?! Ok!
 Frisk and Chara then tickled MK’s feet for one whole minute. And yet again, they focused primarily on his balls and under his toes. :D
 One minute later…
 Frisk: Ok Chara, let’s go back to rubbing his feet.
 Frisk and Chara then stopped tickling MK’s feet and went back to rubbing them.
 MK: *a little giggly from the tickles* Heeheehee. You guhuhuys sure like tickling my feeheeheet, dohohon’t you?
Frisk: We abSOLElutely do MK. And remember, you only brought that on yourself.
MK: I suppose you’re right. But seriously though you guys; keep up the amazing work with this foot rub. *yet another moan of pure happiness* I have NEVER felt so relaxed in my life! I wish this could last FOREVER!
Chara: Well just know that there will be PLENTY MORE foot rubs than just this one Lizzy Boy. *winks at MK*
MK: *with great enthusiasm* Good to know. *tilts his head back with a great big smile on his face*
 About fifteen minutes later, Frisk and Chara noticed that MK was starting to get very sleepy. So they finally decided to rub his feet until he actually fell asleep and as much as Chara wanted to tickle his feet again to keep him awake, she managed to resist the temptation due to witnessing him hugging his tail moments before he fell asleep. MK looked so cute hugging his tail and Chara thought that if she tickled him again, he would stop hugging his tail. And she didn’t want that to happen! And because MK looked so cute, Frisk couldn’t help taking a few pictures of him with her phone as he slept. After that, the two girls decided to let MK sleep. And if he’s not awake by the time Toriel finishes cooking supper, they’ll be sure to wake him up by then. (Maybe they’ll wake him up by tickling his feet. :D)
 Chara: *continues rubbing MK’s right foot* Wow, he must’ve been REALLY tired.
Frisk: *stops rubbing MK’s left foot* I’ll say. We did tickle him like crazy after all.
Chara: We sure did. I can’t believe your plan actually worked.
 At this point, Chara began rubbing both of MK’s feet as he slept. And she continued doing so all the while she talked to Frisk.
 Frisk: I know, right? I figured there was a way to get him to like being tickle tortured.
Chara: Well you succeeded.
Frisk: No Chara, WE succeeded.
Chara: *smiling* Aww, thanks Frisk. Plus, you got to learn something new about me in the process.
Frisk: *knows what Chara’s talking about* I sure did. And don’t worry; I won’t tell anyone.
Chara: I know you won’t Frisk. But who knows; maybe someday I’ll share my secret with someone other than you, MK, and Blooky.
Frisk: That’s a great thought Chara. But you’ve got plenty of time to worry about doing that.
Chara: I sure do. And what makes it even better is that I now know that I’m not dealing with something like that alone.
Frisk: Why do you say that Chara?
Chara: Well; while you were in the bathroom, MK told me that he likes feet too.
Frisk: He did?
Chara: Yeah, and apparently you knew this whole time?
Frisk: I did, yes.
Chara: Frisk; if you knew, then why didn’t you pull me off of MK when I started teasing him with my feet earlier?
Frisk: It’s because I promised him I wouldn’t tell anyone, not even you and Asriel, about his love for feet. I thought that if I tried pulling you off from him, you would’ve gotten all suspicious.
Chara: Oh ok, that makes sense. Also, another thing he told me was that his love for feet got him in trouble with Undyne and Alphys. He wants to tell me more details about it later and the only reason I’m mentioning this to you is because he looked sad when he started telling me about it.
Frisk: Oh yeah, THAT incident. Just so you’re forewarned Chara, MK might start crying once he tells you about that. He might cry because… Well, you’ll find out why when he tells you. But for now, let him sleep. He’s earned it. Just look at him Chara. He looks so sweet and innocent.
Chara: He sure does Frisk. He’s a real cutie. And I do hope he knows that everything we did to him this morning was one of our ways of showing how much we love having him as our friend.  
Frisk: I’m pretty sure he knows.
Chara: I believe you’re right Frisk. And we sure did a number on his feet today; *stares hard at MK’s feet briefly* his… super adorable feet. *comes back to reality* Man, I still can’t believe I did all that weird stuff to these cute things of his. The moment I started kissing and worshipping them, I was trapped in my own little world and I felt that the only way for me to leave was to fulfill my desire to show them some long-awaited affection. I know; sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it?
Frisk: No Chara, it doesn’t. Your interest in feet is a something that you shouldn’t be ashamed of. It’s something that makes you who you are as an individual and it’s something that will never make me think any less of you.
 Chara then stopped rubbing MK’s feet long enough to give her sister a hug.
 Chara: Wow, thank you Frisk. That’s exactly what I needed to hear.
Frisk: You’re very welcome Chara. And do take your time if you decide to share your secret.
Chara: I will Frisk. Maybe I’ll start by telling Asriel some time. I actually have a feeling he might know already, but I’m not 100% sure if he does.
Frisk: That’s another great thought Chara. You trust me; I don’t see why you can’t trust him.
 Twenty seconds later…
 Chara: I love you Frisk.
Frisk: I love you too Chara. Now what do you and I play some [Insert game here] together?
Chara: Sure Frisk. That sounds fun. But before we do, *smiling* I wanna rub MK’s feet a little longer.
Frisk: *smiling* Ok Chara. Take your time.
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