#also i gave it warmer tones so that it would look better with the red...i hope it did?? sksk
footballandshit · 11 months
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spirit-girl-nijisanji · 7 months
I'll take care of you little one~
Thank you to @myclaire9 for giving me this prompt when I was stuck with writers block and I apologize it took so long, I was dealing with somethings and I didn't have the time or energy to write but I'm feeling better now and I sincerely hope you enjoy the story!
➼ Pairing - Luxiem x GN! cat/dog reader
➼ Content - Fluff, Luxiem boys being sweethearts, you may interpret the relationship how you would like.
➼ ⚠️ Please remember I only write for the personas you see on your screen. I do not and will not write for the people behind the models. Please also remember that behind the models there are very real people with very real emotions. Please be respectful towards our beloved Nijisanji EN livers and do your best to separate the real people from the persona reflected on your screen. Thank you so much and enjoy the story ⚠️
➼ Summery - You are a cat/dog human hybrid who has the ability to swap between your animal form and your human form. You had been in your animal form for quite sometime during the winter after not having a place to stay. The Luxiem boys find you and take you into their home and attempt to gain your trust especially after you show your human form.
Luxiem x GN!Cat Reader
Vox Akuma
It was in the middle of a blizzard, you had been curled up in a drain in a park trying to get away from the cold. You were a hybrid between a cat and a human, you could spend most of your time in your cat form as little black and white cat in order to keep some what warm.
The blizzard has started and your fur was soaked with snow and water. You lay curled up in the drain shivering. Before your ears perked up hearing footsteps, not wanting to move, you lay your head back down and closed our eyes.
Before long, a soothing voice spoke, waking you up from your slumber,
" Hello there darling, what are you doing out here in the cold? " the voice spoke, you opened your eyes and met the crimson red eyes of a raven haired man who looked back at you with a gentle gaze.
He put his hand out wanting to see if you were going to be friendly. You stretched out and sniffed his hand lightly, a pleasant scent gracing your nose before rubbing your head gently against his hand. The gentle smile on his face made it easy for you to be drawn to him and his warmth.
After he confirmed you were friendly, he gently reached into the drain and gently pulled you out, holding you in his arms and wrapping you in his jacket to warm you up. You snuggled into the warmth that spread out through your small body as he carried you back to his home. Bringing you inside, he walked over to his fireplace, lighting it and setting you down in front of it,
" Now you wait right there little one, let me see if I have something for you to eat. " the man spoke with a gentle tone before turning and going into the kitchen to find some food. When the raven haired man disappeared into the kitchen, you switched to your human form, scooting closer to the fire and rubbing your hands together to get warmer before letting out a content sigh after being in the cold for so long, it was absolute bliss feeling the warmth of the fire.
" Little one…? " the raven haired man's voice came from behind you and you froze, holding the blanket he left with you covering your body. He walked closer and he sat down in front of you, looking at the ears that adorned the top of your head, showing you were the little cat he just brought into the house,
" I.. Thank you. " was all you could manage to say to him, " B..but I won't bother you for too long sir. " You said quickly your tail flicking anxiously and your ears twitching.
Expecting him to tell you to leave, instead he gave a soft smile, he set down the bowl of milk down in front of you and gently put his hand on your head, " You don't have to leave little one, I would love to have a someone as cute as yourself stick around. Let me go get you some clothes to put on. " He said before getting up and going to grab something for you to put on, coming back with a pair of shorts and one of his sweatshirts. Turning away to give you the chance to change.
After putting the clothes on he gave you, he turned back around and he gently pat your head, " What is your name darling? " he asked softly motioning for you to join him on the couch in front of the fire place,
" Y/N. " you responded as you slowly moved up and sat beside him, " That's a beautiful name, my name is Vox. " he said back, introducing himself.
It was nice to finally have a warm place to stay, Vox was a nice person so it didn't take long for him to earn your trust and for the two of you to become close.
Shu Yamino
You had just been kicked out of your home into a blizzard simply because you were different than the rest of your family, you were the only one who had cat ears and a tail as well as a cat form you could switch to at any time. You were thrown out in your human form, it didn't take long for the cold to almost completely zap your energy, you had nothing besides the clothes and shoes you were wearing and no jacket of any sort. So you were left walking down the street, knee deep in show, shivering and exhausted.
You had been knocking on doors, begging people to let you in just for a moment to warm up and call someone but you were turned away everywhere you went. Tears of frustration welled up in your eyes as you continued trudging along in the snow. Soon coming up to a house with an open garage, you stopped and looked inside, there were a few blankets stacked on a shelf inside, looking at the house it seemed like there wasn't anyone home and you didn't understand why someone would leave their garage open in the middle of a blizzard. But you decided to go inside to get away from the cold, grabbing one of the blankets and curling up in a corner of the garage.
Inside the house, the purple eyes that belonged to the homeowner had seen you wondering around outside and had seen his neighbors turn you away when asking for a warm place to stay. When he saw your trembling form starting to walk down the street, he opened his garage as an invitation for you to come inside, get one of the freshly washed and warm blankets in the garage so you could find some warmth as well as preparing some hot chocolate and some food to bring out to you.
He grabbed the drink and snacks and made his way down to his garage, opening the door and walking over to you, " Um, hello, I couldn't help but see you outside and I opened my garage so you could come inside to warm up. " He spoke carefully as to not spook you, he watched you stir only to see a little furry head pop out from under the blanket before you turned back into a human turning to face him with wide eyes. Before he walked over and set down the drink and the food he brought out, looking at you with wonder in his eyes while you stared back at him unsure of whether or not to trust him. He soon spoke with a soft voice, " You use magic too..? " he asked softly, his eyes shining with hope before you nodded, explaining what you were and how you were able to shift back and fourth between human and cat. He listen intently, asking questions and showing an interest in you. That made a warm fuzzy feeling creep up into your chest, He had introduced himself as Shu Yamino and seemed to be happy when you timidly introduced yourself. You sat with him for hours, talking and getting to know him. He seemed sweet enough and if he wanted to harm you, he would have done so already. His warm and welcoming aura made it very easy to feel safe with him, He let you have some human food and gave you the warm milk he had brought down, looking towards the open garage door seeing the storm had started to get worse, he cleared his throat and looked at you, " The storm seems to be getting a lot worse, I don't think it would be a good idea to go out again. Sooo I'm asking if you are okay with staying here? " he asked softly, you looked at him and explained that after the storm was over, you would be out of his hair, you promised he wouldn't have to deal with you for long after the storm to which he looked surprised, " No no! I'm asking if you would like to stay WITH me. You wouldn't have been out in the freezing cold if you had somewhere to go right? So I would like you to stay, permanently. Look I know we only just formally met but it would be nice to have someone around during the storm. " He explained. Your eyes were wide as you listened to him, he actually wanted you to.. stay? Wasn't he afraid you were going to do something, that your whole situation was made up? As if he read your mind, he smiled and chuckled softly, " I've seen you around before with people who I assume was your family? I saw they didn't really pay much attention to you and I could hear how they spoke to you so I know your telling the truth about that part. I'm putting a lot of trust in you because I don't want you to feel alone. " He said smiling. His words brought tears to your eyes before accepting his offer, smiling Shu got up went to a keypad and shut the garage door and came back over, offering his hand, " C'mon let's get inside the actual house, I'll get you some hot food and I'll get you some more hot chocolate okay? " he said with the signature v shaped smile you would eventually come to love very dearly.
Luca Kaneshiro
When you were very young, you were adopted by a family with mafia ties. You were only a baby when you were adopted so your feline features didn't come in until later on and that was when the family showed their true colors. They shunned you, saying you weren't actually family because of your different appearance and abilities. Whenever anyone came to the house, you were ordered to change into your cat form and stay out of sight. You learned your family were paid a lot of visits by the boss. You never saw him, you only knew what your family told you:
" He hates cats! " " He'd throw you out if he saw your ears and tail! " " He could never accept you because of your abilities!"
You were afraid of what could happen if he ever saw you. Until a day came where you were told to shift and stay out of sight because the boss was stopping by. You did as you were told and went off into another room. While in the room, you were able to hear the voices in the living room, you could hear the boss's voice. He didn't sound scary, in fact his voice sounded very welcoming. Curiosity got the better of you and you shifted into your human form and you crept out of the room and down the hall, peeking around the corner and you saw him, he was a tall man. A white suit, a white fluffy coat adorned his broad shoulders, he had blond hair and purple eyes. His Australian accent made him sound very welcoming compared to the harsh and cold voices you heard on a daily basis from your family. " I think you know why I'm here. " he spoke to the family and crossed his arms. Each member taking turns speaking while you stayed peeking around the corner listening in, you knew there would be hell to pay if you got caught but you were stuck staring at the man that was the boss. And before you could even realized that the room fell silent, you realized you were staring into the purple eyes of the tall blond man. Before seeing the look on your adoptive father's face, you quickly turned, shifted into a cat and bolted back to the room you were supposed to be staying in, hidden. You could hear the sound of footsteps accompanied by the voice of the blond man, " Who was that and why did she run away? " he asked followed the the jumbled replies from the people you called family. You had left the door open just a crack and the blond man had caught sight of your tiny furry body so he opened the door and flicked on the light, " Since when did you guys have a cat? And why didn't you tell me there was a cat and another person here? " he asked squatting down, you hissed and pushed yourself further into the corner afraid he was going to get angry about you being there. Each member of your family had a different explanation,
" We just got them. " " They aren't friendly and we don't want them to scratch anyone. " " You must have been seeing things, there isn't another person here! " " It must've been an intruder. " None of their stories lined up and you could see the annoyance on the blond man's face, before turning to you and a gentle look came across his face, " Hey there, aren't you a cute little thing. I'm sorry if I frightened you. " he spoke in a calm and gentle tone so he didn't frighten you further. At this point, it wasn't him you were afraid of, it was the furious glares of the family behind him. You wanted to go towards the blond man, his welcoming smile beckoned you forward but the glares of the people behind him, kept you back. He hummed and he scooted a little closer and he spoke softly, " My name's Luca, Luca Kaneshiro. I promise I'm not as scary as I seem, I won't hurt you. " he spoke softly while putting his hand out, with a new found courage, you came forward and rubbed against his gloved hand. The family behind him getting angrier with you the longer you stayed close to Luca. Before he stood up and turned around asking why they lied to him, each family member stammered, stumbling over their words before you decided to shift back into a human being and give Luca a straight answer,
" They're ashamed of me, my appearance and my abilities. " You spoke causing Luca to spin around and stare at you with wonder in his eyes like a child, " Whoaaaaa! That's so cool! " he said looking at your ears then examining your tail. After excitedly looking at you, he turned to the people behind him, " You lied to me and hid someone from me. " he said, his bubbly demeanor disappearing and turning into a menacing stare, your family struggled to give a proper excuse. Finally having had enough of their bull, Luca crossed his arms and spoke once again,
" Then if you are so ashamed of them, then you won't mind them coming with me permanently. " he said to them, you could sense it was more of a demand than a request. Each person in your so called family tried to reason with him and tried to convince him that you were very happy with them which you denied without hesitation. To which he took your hand and pulled you up next to him, putting his arm around your shoulder, " Then it's settled, they'll be coming with me where they WILL be happy. " he said pulling you along. As you walked past, you felt the hateful stares your family gave you before being yanked along by the hand, Luca's cheerful and bubbly demeanor coming back, " C'mon! I can't wait to introduce you to my friends! They'll love you! " He said happily pulling you along to his car. Ike Eveland
Being in your feline form was the easiest on you when you were tired. But it got you into trouble very quickly, after not being able to turn back, an animal shelter had picked you up. And you had been spending most of your time within a kennel where people could come in, see you, interact with you and then decide if you were going to be their new family member. Every family you had gotten were horrid. They mistreated you and you ended up having to escape every time, only to be found and returned to the shelter. With time, you grew very untrusting of anyone and everyone who tried to get close. Weeks at the shelter turned into months and you weren't letting anyone get close enough to you. You would hiss and swipe at everyone who tried fearing mistreatment. That was until HE came into the shelter. You were laying down before hearing the door open and soothing kind male voice spoke to the attendant, you lifted your head and caught sight of a young man, he was wearing heeled boots, he had pale skin, ear length brown hair and green eyes. He spoke about wanting to adopt a cat and was taken along to meet all the cats up for adoption. He went along before his soft green eyes met your untrusting ones. He asked to see you and he knelt down, " Why is this one all by themselves? " He asked, the attendant explained to him that you were brought back multiple times, you didn't trust anyone, hissed and swiped at anyone who dared to get close and it was safer to keep you separate. The man's kind green eyes gazed into yours before you turned away and he spoke, " Well... I want them to trust me because I'm positive I could give them a good home. " he said softly before sitting down right outside the kennel, " I don't care how long it takes. " he added with a smile. The attendant didn't try to stop him, in fact she provided him with treats for you. He would lay them down close enough to you so you could reach them without having to get too close. He spent his time on the floor next to your kennel door, giving you treats and talking to you. You refused to give in, you weren't about to fall for another shit home. But he kept coming back, he didn't give up. He spent most of his days sitting with you, giving you treats and talking to you. Slowly but surely, he began to get through to you, he was able to give you treating out his hand and he would smile wide whenever you felt comfortable enough to get close to him without flinching and running back to the comfort of your kennel.
And after months of sitting on the floor with you, you finally let him pet your head. He was over the moon and you were taken to his home that day. It took a little getting used to but he treated you like royalty. It was then, you weren't thinking about it when you turned back into human form. You had scars from previous homes, your ears and tail gave the man you came to know as Ike Eveland confirmation that you were indeed the timid little feline he brought back to his home. After sitting with him and explaining what happened, what you were and your ability to shapeshift, you told him you were so sorry and you would get out of his hair as quickly as possible. You were quick to get up and before you could bolt for the door, he grabbed your arm and pulled you back, " Don't leave! You being human has not changed anything. I brought you home because I felt you were lonely and needed someone. " he said and deep down you knew he was right. You had grown so close to Ike and you felt safe with him. He sat with you and spent hours convincing you to stay with him. In the end, you caved and you promised to stay with him. And from that day, you were always with him, he treated you like royalty, introduced you to his friends and they loved you. You were so happy and you felt very loved.
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bitchin-tubs · 1 year
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My Looney redesign <333
The explanation for this one is that I just self indulged on furry and emo stuff
For the furry part I think we can guess all hellhounds are based on real life dog breeds which is ehh but ok at least it allows for more character uniqueness instead of all hellhounds looking the same. Anyways, Loona seems more Husky like obvs so I looked I kept her simple coat patterns tho I did add some very exaggerated bottom liner markings because she’s an edgelord. Tho I shrank her tail because tails as big as a character’s body bothers me so much and you can see them all in vivz work. Over all I made her a lot scruffier and messy because I think that would fit the hellhound theme a little better than just hot furry with red eyes.
For the fashion I kept her outfit basically the same because I thinks it’s pretty alright and simple tho I gave her the cute stripped stockings/arm warmers for her emo fashion. I’ve been trying to fit an aesthetic for every character I’ve redesigned so far and I just FELT like emo and specifically 2000s emo would be so good on her and so the stripped patterns reflect that. She also has that long side cut hair but I made it spikier like the crispy spray styled emo hair we know and love.
Over all emo furry became emo-er and I think I prefer the version on the left over the right since the reddish tone is a nicer contrast than the grey scale of the original
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Chapter 56 – Reunited
The end of one student’s year is the beginning of another one. The boys of Room 701 were heading back to their room from breakfast, discussing how the weather was gradually getting warmer again as spring approached. Some of them were also chuckling about how Jack kept wearing Legoshi’s shirts after he dropped out.
‘I think it’s a habit of him now’ Jack overheard Collot saying.
‘Well, Labradors get lonely quite easily’ Durham said.
‘Well, it would still fit me better though. We wear the same size of clothing after all’
Jack lowered his head, trying to appear a bit more small-profiled.
‘I’m not lonely!’ he thought. ‘It’s just that him leaving was so sudden. But I know we’ll be friends forever.’
Suddenly, his phone started buzzing in his pocket. As he looked on its screen, he soon remembered who the number belonged to. It was Legoshi’s grandfather. Jack picked it up.
‘Um… Hello?’ an older voice asked nervously in the open line.
‘Oh, it’s you, sir! Hello!’ Jack replied in a friendly tone when he realized it was Legoshi’s grandfather on the other side of the line.
‘Oh, it’s been such a long time, Jack. How are you?’
‘I’m been doing fine, what about you?’
The others watched in awe how social Jack turned in a minute because of a phone call. They all agreed that Jack was possibly the most sociable Labrador they have ever seen.
‘I know this will sound strange’ the elderly friend continued ‘but Cherryton refunded the annual tuition of Legoshi. They’re telling me he dropped out? What is that all about?’
‘Oh, I thought you already knew since the signature of a family member is mandatory if you want to drop out’ Jack said in surprise, drooping his ear. He felt sorry for Legoshi’s grandpa not knowing anything about his grandson.
‘I see…’ he sighed. ‘I guess even when he is dropping out, he doesn’t need my signature… I suppose it’s the sad fate of a Komodo dragon… Society will never recognize me as Legoshi’s grandfather…’
‘Oh, don’t be like that, Gosha… I mean sir!’ Jack turned red. ‘Just because your marriage was illegal and you’re not listed as a relative by blood, it doesn’t mean you mean any less for Legoshi. I’m sure he loves you a lot. I’m sorry, I should have thought before I spoke…’
‘Don’t worry, Jack. As far as the school is concerned, I’m just a scaly purse walking around on two legs, paying good money for a young wolf’s education. But there’s no doubt we’re related by blood… Legoshi’s my grandson. And I worry about him.’
‘He isn’t the kind of animal who acts without thinking. I’m sure he had a reason to drop out. I believe this would be the perfect time for you two to reconnect. I can tell you his address’ Jack offered.
‘Thank you, Jack, it would mean a lot to me’ he could hear Gosha smile on the other end of the line.
It was a busy night in the Bebebe udon noodle shop. This was a place where Legoshi got his first job as a cook. His new boss, Sunaga the barn owl, almost gave him a job as a waiter due to Legoshi’s vast knowledge about all the different species of animals, but his scar left Sunaga with no choice but to put him into the kitchen to help out. Legoshi was surely not the fastest cook in the history of udon shops, yet he tried his hardest. Some of his waiter colleagues and the patrons, however, would have liked him to be a bit more effective…
‘Good grief, is order 76 finally ready?’ a gazelle waitress asked.
Legoshi handed over a bowl of steaming udon.
‘Okay, I’ll be taking this’ the gazelle said. As he reached for the bowl, he slightly touched Legoshi’s hand, who in return, pulled it away rapidly… with the soup glued to it.
‘I’ll take this one. Could you please take the next one? I’m really sorry about this’ Legoshi said, a bit flustered. He was still a bit tense in the company of herbivores after eating Louis’ foot.
‘You’re so innocent!’ the waitress laughed. Getting so nervous after you touched my hand a little. You sure know how to make an old lady happy’ she smiled.
As time passed, Legoshi was slowly getting used to working with other animals of different shapes, sizes and ages. Working in such an environment made him more confident about living in the fringes of society. He also learnt a lot about the workings of the restaurant and its patrons.
When the last guest walked out full and satisfied, Sunaga closed the doors while the others started cleaning. They took off the tablecloths, cleaned the tables and the chairs, mopped the floors and cleaned the restrooms.
‘Why did you want to work here, Legoshi?’ Miika, a female African lion cook asked Legoshi in the locker room as they changed back to their regular clothes.
‘Well, I just found this job on a job-offer website and it just happens to be close to my apartment, so…’
‘There’s also probably the fact that most restaurants pay good money’ the gazelle said. ‘It really helps that you can take so many shifts.’
‘Oh, it’s nothing’ Legoshi said humbly. ‘I’m just glad that both carnivores and herbivores get along so well here.’
‘That’s normal! We’re adults!’ Miika said.
‘Anyway, I’ll be going, see you tomorrow!’ the waitress said before leaving.
Sunaga and the others, Donson the stoat and Thomas the raccoon waved goodbye. There was a moment of silence after the door closed before Miika grabbed Legoshi by his shoulders while the others gathered around him.
‘Now, it’s time for your welcome party at the Black Market’ she said with a wide grin on her face.
‘Wait a minute, hold on!’ Legoshi protested. ‘I can’t go there!’
‘Oh, right… You’re only 17’ Miika said in disappointment.
‘You haven’t been there before?’ Sunaga asked in surprise. ‘But you do at least know what kind of place it is, right?’
‘That’s not what I mean! We’ve been working alongside herbivores the whole day! How can you even think about going to the Black Market to eat meat?’
‘We were thinking about you, Legoshi. Really’ Miika said in an almost motherly tone. ‘We’re carnivores, we know what you’re dealing with. You had a violent experience eating meat, right?’ she asked as he placed her hand on Legoshi’s shoulder. ‘We can see how you’re trying to avoid touching the herbivore staff because you’re suffering from meat withdrawal. You need to eat meat from dead animals, which they sell in the Black Market.’
‘I’m really thankful that you care this much about me’ Legoshi smiled. ‘However, I’m meeting someone tonight, so I can’t go.’
The others let out a disappointed ‘Aww’ before hugging Legoshi. They all got changed and parted ways at the entrance of the restaurant. Legoshi decided to take the longer way home to appear as if he was really going to somewhere. As he was walking, he kept staring in front of him on the ground. He missed Louis and Haru a lot. He wanted Haru to be there so she could tell him how stupid he was, while he wanted Louis to be there so they could catch up. He yearned the red deer’s company, his heart ached for him not being there, but he knew it was an impossible situation for him. For now, he felt it was best for them to be apart, but he knew that when the time would be right, he would meet them in a heartbeat.
When he got to his apartment, Legoshi reached inside his pocket to take out his key to the main entrance. He couldn’t help but feel watched, however. As he looked around, he saw an elderly Komodo dragon staring at him. Legoshi’s heart skipped a beat when he realized it was Gosha, his grandfather.
‘Oh, grand-’ He couldn’t finish his sentence because the Komodo dragon walked up to him while he licked his index finger before placing it inside Legoshi’s mouth. Legoshi blinked a few times, tasting the bittersweet poison on his tongue, in surprise before the reptile took his finger out of his mouth. Suddenly, he felt the scale-wrapped arms of him hugging him.
‘How are you, Legoshi?’ he asked with a wide smile on his face.
‘Well, that’s a peculiar way to greet your grandson for your 5-year reunion’ Legoshi chuckled uncomfortably.
‘Well, it’s not like my poison would hurt you, right?’ Gosha said before hugging Legoshi tightly. ‘You’re my only grandson…’
Legoshi could feel tears on his grandpa’s face, dampening his fur. When they stopped hugging, Legoshi suggested going to a nearby bistro, just the two of them, like old times. When they walked in, Legoshi walked to one of the many free tables, which was tight next to the window, having a great view of the main street and its many colors in the night.
‘This table would be just fine’ he said, pulling out a chair.
‘But there are plenty of other seats around’ Gosha said hesitantly, trying to walk away. Legoshi grabbed him by the edge of his cardigan.
‘No reason to sit so far in the back.’
‘Yeah but…’ Gosha started, but Legoshi had already taken a seat. The Komodo dragon couldn’t help but notice the changes in his grandson’s behavior, thinking back to the old days when they would take the seat at the far end of restaurants to hide from society. It had almost been like as if they were running from a murderous gang, avoiding to be seen together by anyone. Eventually, he took a seat across Legoshi. Soon a mustelid waiter arrived, greeting them.
‘Good evening, sir. May we see the menu, please’ Legoshi said politely.
Gosha was amazed how well-behaved Legoshi was: keeping eye contact with smaller animals, hiding his claws as part of the carnivore etiquette and maintaining great posture at all times.
‘I take my eyes off him only for a short time and he has already grown up!’ he thought.
There was an awkward and uncomfortable silence lingering around them, almost acting as a wall. The two of them were looking quietly into the street, watching the animals walk by in the evening.
‘Is it my fault!?’ Gosha said awkwardly, almost yelling.
‘What!?’ Legoshi asked in surprise, not having any idea what his grandfather was talking about.
‘You dropping out of school and that large scar on your face! Is it my fault that you’ve turned delinquent!? I took care of you when your mother couldn’t so it must be my fault. I can’t imagine anyone else being responsible for this. I’m the one who exposed you to discrimination. It makes sense that you’d want to rebel from this society. But I-’ Legoshi touched Gosha’s hand.
‘Don’t be so hard on yourself, please. I’m sorry I never told you about what’s going on with me, like, dropping out and such. By the way… I know about pacifism. You were always teaching me about it. You were always smiling when I was with you. There was never a time when I felt sorry for our circumstances, grandpa.’
Soon, the waiter arrived with the menus, handing one to both of them. Gosha pulled out his reading glasses and started going through the possibilities.
‘Alright, I’ll be treating you just like old times’ he said, smiling widely.
‘Wait, are those reading glasses?’ Legoshi asked in surprise when he looked up from his menu.
‘They are. I’m turning 54 this year, I’m not young anymore so I need them…’ Gosha said. ‘Anyway, I’ll order some fries for you. You still like them, right?’
Legoshi nodded politely. Even though he was not that fond of fries anymore, he didn’t want to upset his grandfather. He only wanted to enjoy some time with him. Suddenly, a flock of roosters walked up to them.
‘Why is a toxic lizard sitting t one of the good tables?’ one of them asked, talking down to Gosha. ‘It’s a full house old-timer, you ought to leave before you turn this place into a gas chamber.’
Legoshi’s smile froze off immediately.
‘Excuse you, I don’t think I heard you right’ he said as he stood up. ‘Do you seriously think that Komodo dragons emit poisonous gases?’
‘Don’t get smart with me, pup! You wanna fight?’ the rooster tilted his head.
‘Sure, why not?’ Legoshi shrugged his shoulders.
‘Oh, excuse me’ a crocodile entered the scene. ‘We have other customers in this restaurant. You’ll have to wait in line if you want a table’ he said to the roosters.
‘Unbelievable. What a shitty restaurant, I’ll never come back. You’re lucky the owner is a reptile’ he looked stirnly at Legoshi from behind the crocodile. Legoshi sat back on his chair.
The two of them ate their meals in silence.
‘I’m really disappointed in you, grandson’ Gosha said when they were walking back to Legoshi’s apartment. ‘You have really turned fully delinquent. You acted like a thug back there. That’s not the way I raised you!’
‘You can’t expect me to not stand up for you when they talk to you like this. I’m 17. I refuse to act like a spectator when they hurt or insult you!’ Legoshi defended himself.
‘You’re still a little kid, don’t be presumptuous. I’ve been discriminated against my whole life, get used to it. Do you even remember the meaning of pacifism?’
Legoshi wanted to answer but he was interrupted by the sound of flapping wings. A lot of them, actually. It was the rooster and his friends from the restaurant, surrounding them in the alley, in which they were walking.
‘There you are’ the rooster said. ‘I hope you don’t mind if we return the favor of you making asses of us. You pair of freaks!’ he lashed out at Legoshi.
‘Don’t you dare even think about touching my grandson!’ Gosha jumped between them, clawing the rooster’s wing. Blood started to spill out of it. The rooster let out a mild scream. ‘That’s right. You’re lucky I won’t do worst with feathers as soft as yours.’ He looked back at Legoshi to check if he was alright. The other roosters sensed the danger and started flying towards Gosha to defend their friend.
‘So, as I was saying’ Gosha continued as he looked around to scale up his position ‘you’re still a little kid, but you have some maturity in you, so I’ll start teaching you in more detail. You see, pacifism is a fine thing. It only has meaning…’ he paused for a moment as he grabbed a rooster by the neck of his coat, lifting him up from the ground. ‘When the strong uphold it.’ Gosha seemed like a superhero to Legoshi all of a sudden. ‘I’ll tell you more when we’re done with these punks. I could use your help, you know…’
Legoshi watched in awe as his grandfather kept fighting with such nimble movements as a 20-year-old. He couldn’t believe Gosha would be hiding a secret identity from him. A punch here, a kick there and the avians had no choice to retreat momentarily.
‘Are you hurt anywhere?’ Gosha turned to Legoshi, panting.
‘I’m fine’ Legoshi answered timidly. ‘What about you? There’s a lot of blood on your face…’
‘Oh, this? Don’t worry, it’s not my blood’ Gosha laughed. ‘Still, they’re pretty tough.
From the corner of his eye, Legoshi could see one of the roosters approaching Gosha with a crowbar. He quickly pushed him aside and grabbed the bird by his neck, choking him slightly. The bird’s eyes became swollen and red as he was gasping for air.
‘Are you going to finish him?’ Gosha asked.
‘Finish him?’ Legoshi asked in surprise. He never would’ve thought of hearing anything like this from his grandpa. Who was he?
‘Please, just let me go!’ the bird begged.
Legoshi decided to have mercy on the bird. Not without teaching him a lesson first though. He raised his leg up and kicked the rooster in the chest, sending him flying for a good few meters. He quickly got up and ran away towards the main street, yelling something about how the other two were maniacs.
Legoshi looked around. There were bodies lying motionless in the alleyway everywhere around them.
‘Birds’ bodies are meant to fly. They’re not meant to fight on land…’ he sighed. ‘I hope they’ll be okay.’
‘How do you know that? Are you used to fighting?’ Gosha asked with an almost satisfied and knowing smile spread across his face.
‘What!? No! I… read it in a book!’ Legoshi tried to hide the obvious. ‘You, however, have a lot of explaining to do! What was that all about grandpa?’
‘Well, all I did was smack them around for a bit’ Gosha chuckled. ‘They’ll wake up in a few ours… Give or take.’ He reached for his cardigan and put it back on. ‘It sure is cold tonight.’
‘You should wipe your face, there’s a lot of blood on it.’
‘Really? Then we better find a place with water quickly.’
‘He’s gone back to “grandpa mode”’ Legoshi thought. ‘I don’t think that cardigan suits him anymore though…’
After washing up a little, Gosha insisted on buying celebratory drinks for their victory. They walked to the nearest grocery store, where Legoshi went for his classic carton of milk, while Gosha grabbed a can of dry beer. Since he forgot his wallet at work, Legoshi paid for the drinks with the emergency money he kept hidden in the sole of his shoe.
With their drinks in their hands, they walked to the Gazura Bridge where they sat down on a bench. It was getting a bit late and cold. Legoshi zipped up his jacket.
‘You know, I’ve never seen you drink alcohol before’ he said when Gosha cracked his can open.
‘Oh, right. I’ve stopped drinking when you started living with me. I didn’t want to set you a bad example’ Gosha said, his thoughts wandering away a bit. ‘What were we talking about on the way here?’ he tried to think back to their conversation. ‘Oh, right. Your “emergency money”. I didn’t know you still use this trick. It must have helped you out a lot, huh?’
‘Yeah, there were occasions it was useful to have it around…’ Legoshi said while he thought back on the night he used the money to pay for the hotel room where he spent the night with Haru. He swore never to tell that to his grandfather. They sat there silently, each with their own secrets. Legoshi had five-years-worth of it, but Gosha… Legoshi wasn’t even sure he knew him anymore. What could Gosha, the Komodo Dragon be hiding from him?
‘You know, I’ve never tried to know more about what kind of animal you are’ Legoshi started. ‘You must have had it real rough being discriminated against just because you’re a poisonous reptile… Did falling in love with a female wolf make you happy? I want you to tell me more about your past and circumstances. I don’t think I know anything about you… Not even why you’re always smiling at me.’
Gosha smiled at Legoshi before saying ‘A grandfather doesn’t need a reason to smile at his grandson.’ He reached for Legoshi’s scar and touched it. ‘Such a big scar…’ he said as he rose up from his seat. ‘You know, I’m content with being your nice old grandpa. That’s my happiness. It’s been my reason for living since you were born. But if you’ve already grown up to be such a kind male, then I’d say I’ve already achieved all I wanted in life!’ he cheered.
‘Are you drunk, grandpa?’ Legoshi asked, shaking his head. Gosha looked at him.
‘I really do mean it, Legoshi. I want you to meat Yafya. I want to know what would happen if he met you, even though it won’t make up for what I did to him…’
Smelling how drunk his grandfather had become from one can of beer, Legoshi decided to order a cab for him. He walked him to the corner where the taxi was waiting for them. He helped Gosha into the car.
‘You know, Legoshi… I really hope that one day, you’ll find your female wolf to fall in love with…’ Gosha said.
‘Well, you know…’ Legoshi began as he looked to the side. ‘I didn’t want to tell you about this yet but I’ve been in love with a male red deer for a while now…’ Gosha’s eyes widened when the words finally hit his understanding. Legoshi let out a laugh when he saw his grandpa’s expression. ‘I guess I gave you quite a bombshell just now. I’ll see you later’ he said before closing the door.
The taxi drove off, Legoshi waved after it then walked away, while Gosha was left alone with his own thoughts.
‘Is interspecial romance an inherited trait? Why did he drop this bombshell on me before we parted ways?! What else are you not telling me, Legoshi!?’
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natsfirecat · 3 years
Natasha Romanoff X Fem!Reader. R has fire powers linked to her emotions. The Avengers try to guess who her crush is and when Natasha’s name is mentioned R’s powers play up 🔥🔥. So her friends make it their mission to get the two together. Fluff please and thank you 😊
yes i LOVE writing pyrokinetic reader
Operation Fire Widow
word count: 2.5k
warnings: some swearing, Supergirl references, accidental burning
A/N: anon i’m so sorry this so long. i got shadowbanned and my dumbass didn’t know I could get my account back until recently so- but anyway i hope you enjoy! :D 
"Also no,"
"Just when I thought your ego couldn't get any bigger, no,"
"Ugh, fine. Is it Steve?"
Sighing, Carol and Wanda looked at each other in defeat; they were not going to crack you tonight.
"Alright, new subject then," Peter interjected, taking a sip of his root beer. Despite his age, you found that he fit in well with you Wanda, and Carol. The four of you made quite an interesting friend group.
"I overheard Mr. Stark talking about how Mr. Fury made Natasha train a bunch of new SHIELD agents and she made a lot of them cry,"
You gripped the pillow tighter, picturing her losing it and yelling. The thought started to make smoke come out of your hands, hence why you were gripping the pillow tighter in an attempt to hide it.
Unfortunately, your attempt was unsuccessful.
"Y/N what the hell are you doing?" Carol asked, noticing the smoke rising.
You let go of the pillow, then balled your fists to try to stop the smoke.
"What's going on?" Wanda asked softly. When you first joined the Avengers, she was the one who helped you learn all about your powers and how to control them. She knew you lost control sometimes, so she placed a gentle hand on your back, which nearly burned her.
"Wait a minute," Carol said, connecting the dots. "It's Nat, isn't it?"
"No!" You lied, feeling the smoke starting to rise from your palms again.
"It is!" Peter said with a grin.
You sighed, hiding your face in the scorched pillow.
"Don't be shy, Y/N," Carol said, smiling at you. "It's sweet,"
"It's pathetic, and never gonna happen!" You protested, not peeking out from the pillow.
"I beg to differ," Peter stated proudly.
"Me too," Wanda said.
"This is gonna be a thing now, isn't it?" You said with a groan.
Peter thought for a minute, thinking about your superhero name and Natasha's.
"Operation Fire Widow," he said.
Wanda and Carol nodded in agreement.
Yep, this was definitely going to be a thing now.
The next morning, you woke up to a loud knock at your bedroom door.
"What is it?" You groaned, rolling over.
"Us!" Wanda yelled back.
You let out a deep breath, there was no getting out of this one.
"Come in!"
The door opened, and Wanda, Carol, and Peter all walked in and sat on your bed. Peter was holding a piece of paper with a bullet list on it.
"What is this?" You asked, rolling your eyes at them.
"Operation Fire Widow!" Peter replied with a bright smile.
"Oh what the hell?" You said, giving in. "Tell me about the operation,"
The three of them surrounded you, holding the piece of paper up.
"We've created a three-arc plan," Carol started. "Part one starts today; we're gonna get you and Nat in the living room at the same time, alone. Then we're gonna take away all the blankets, and turn the air on really high so it gets freezing. Because of your powers, you'll be fine and be really warm, so then she'll want to cuddle you to warm up,"
"Oh come on, you guys aren't gonna actually freeze the room, right?" You replied, slightly concerned.
All three of them looked dead serious.
You let out a long sigh,
“Look, you’re not gonna actually do something like that. I’m open to some things you guys could plan, but this is taking it too far,”
Carol rolled her eyes, then snatched the paper back. 
“I’m going downstairs now,” you told them.
“Good, ‘cause Natasha’s down there!” Wanda called as you exited your room, earning an eye roll in response. 
She was right, Natasha was sitting at the table eating breakfast. 
“Hi,” you told her. She waved in response, giving a small smile.
Unfortunately, she stood up as soon as you sat down.
“Where are you going?” You asked.
“I need to reheat this,” she replied, holding her plate up.
“Wait!” You said, stopping her. “I could do it! It’ll be faster!”
You immediately regretted it as soon as you said it. She raised an eyebrow at you, then shrugged. She handed you the plate without another word.
Taking in a deep breath, you knew you couldn’t mess this up. You closed your eyes, then slowly began to heat up the plate. 
Once you finished, you handed it back to her and smiled triumphantly. 
She hesitantly grabbed her fork and took a bite out of it, then looked at you with a shocked expression.
“It’s a little warmer than I was expecting, but it’s better than how it was before. Thanks,”
You smiled at her for a few awkward second before backing away. 
You ended up backing into the counter, your hands smoking as a jump response.
“Shit!” You cursed, closing your fists whilst trying to ignore the growing pain in your lower back.
“Are you okay?” Natasha asked, standing up immediately.
You gave her a thumbs up, forcing a smile.
“I’m good, I, gotta go, I-”
With that, you ran out of the kitchen before spending the next few days trying to forget the incident.
“Alright, you’ve done enough sulking,” Carol said as she barged into your room without even bothering to knock. “It’s time to talk to her again,”
“What? More operation Fire Widow?” You asked in a mocking tone. 
Carol rolled her eyes.
“You guys are just like Kara and Lena, you’ll either be the greatest couple of all time or the worst queerbait ever. In your case, it would be because you’re too afraid to admit your feelings to her,”
You sighed. Of course your best friend would use one of your favorite ships to pressure you.
“Talk to her at Tony’s party tonight, okay?” 
“Good. Wanda and Peter have already agreed to help you get ready,”
You couldn’t help but smile at all their efforts to help you with the woman you were hopelessly crushing on. 
Carol returned your smile, then exited your room.
A few hours later, as promised, Wanda and Peter (who was surprisingly good at doing makeup) arrived.
Wanda had come over with a few different outfits for you to try on, while Peter already sat behind you and started doing your hair. 
Whilst he was experimenting with a bunch of different styles, Wanda held two outfits up, then held one over your chest.
It was a sparkly purple dress. She pulled it away and held the other in it’s place.
This one was a dark red suit. Wanda’s eyebrows raised, then she set it down before holding one last outfit up. 
“That one,” you said. It was darker with some sparkles on it, just enough to make your eyes shine. 
After putting the outfit on, Peter added the final touches to your hair. 
He then turned you around to face him, carefully putting some makeup on your face. He sat up a little straighter, leaning in to make sure he got it right. 
“Perfect,” he said after a few minutes. 
Wanda gently grabbed your wrist as you stood up, leading you to the bathroom so you could look at yourself in the mirror. 
“Is that one of the steps in your little operation?” You asked Peter with a smile.
“You look beautiful,” Wanda told you, grinning widely. 
“Thanks,” you replied, returning her grin.
Just as you were about to say something else to them, your bedroom door opened once again as Carol walked in.
“Wow, Y/N...” she said, looking you up and down. She smirked at both Wanda and Peter, then back to you. “Go get your girl.”
The music was loud, there were people surrounding every side of you. It was honestly overwhelming if you were being honest.
You eyes scanned the room, looking for Natasha, but you couldn’t make anything out in the crowd of people. 
“Sorry,” you muttered, making your way through all the people. 
Being in the middle of the crowd was doing you no good for finding Natasha, and you hated being surrounded by people like that anyway. 
So you walked away from the dance floor, and made your way to the drinks. 
You couldn’t help but sigh as you took the drink. Your friends had gone through all this effort for you, and you hadn’t seen her at all.
As you held the glass in your hand, the liquid inside began to bubble. You frowned, realizing that you were involuntarily using your powers. 
You took a deep breath, then closed your eyes. 
In 1...2...3...4...
Hold 1...2...3...4...
Out 1...2...3...4...
Hold 1...2...3...4...
You repeated this pattern a few times until you could feel yourself calming down. 
You opened your eyes, and sure enough, your drink had stopped boiling.
You began to head for the hallway when the familiar red hair swept into your vision.
“Nat!” You called.
She swept around to face you, her lips immediately curling into a smile.
“Y/N, there you are! You look amazing, by the way,”
“Thanks! You look amazing too!” You replied, hoping she couldn’t see the red in your cheeks as you blushed.
As you took the last swallow of your drink, she stepped closer to you.
“I’m probably gonna leave soon, I’m not really in the mood for a party.” She said. “But, before I do, wanna dance?”
You nodded, taking in a deep breath, hoping she wouldn’t notice.
She smiled, then grabbed your hand as she led you to the dance floor.
For a few moments, the two of you stole glances at each other while moving your body along to the song. It was going fine.
Until it wasn’t.
A slow song started playing.
You were about to suggest to leave the dance floor when she shrugged, then wrapped her arms around you.
Natasha was touching you. Her hands were on your shoulders as she pulled you closer to her. She was actually dancing with you.
You let out a shaky breath before placing your hands on her waist.
As you stared into her eyes, all you wanted to do was close the gap in between you and kiss her right then and there.
However, the nerves in your stomach were stopping you. As much as you tried to stop it by slowing your breaths, you felt the anxiety getting worse.
“Ow!” She said suddenly, pulling away from you. 
You gasped, realizing that you had once again used your powers without meaning to. This time, Natasha got hurt from it.
“I’m sorry,” was all you managed to get out before dashing away from her, and out of the building.
Natasha watched you run out, her mouth hanging open, dumbfounded. 
She wasn’t mad. Disappointed, yes. But not because you hurt her. She knew you had pyrokinesis, something must have trigged your powers. She was mostly disappointed because of how you left her.
The burn barely even stung anymore.
She walked off the dance floor, attempting to follow you. 
While Natasha was unsuccessful at finding you, she was lucky enough to find one of your best friends.
“Peter!” She called, walking up to him.
“Hi Ms Romanoff,” he replied, grinning.
“I’ve been over this with you, call me Natasha or Nat.”
“Right, sorry, Nat,”
“It’s fine, I wanted to talk to you about Y/N anyways,”
“What about her?” 
As soon as your name was mentioned, he tensed up. Had things not gone well between you and Natasha?
“She ran out on me,” she told him. “We were on the dance floor, and something set her powers off ‘cause she burned me. She apologized, then just ran off without another word,”
“Oh no...” he replied, frowning.
“Do you know why her powers could’ve been acting up? Is something going on that’s causing that?” She asked.
“No-” he replied too quickly. 
Natasha caught onto this.
“Peter... what’s going on?” 
She took a step closer to him, narrowing her eyes.
He gulped, looking to the floor.
“I told you, Ms. Romanoff, nothing’s happening,”
She took another step closer.
“If you don’t tell me right now...”
“She likes you-” he got out just as she was leaning in again.
“What?” She asked, finally stepping away.
“Oh god, she’s gonna kill me now.”
“What do you mean she likes me?”
“Nothing, I-I gotta go-”
Just as he was about to run off, she grabbed his wrist.
“Oh no you’re not. Sit down. You’re going to tell me everything.”
The next morning, your heart dropped to your stomach when you got a text from Natasha asking you to meet her in the training room. 
You had spent the rest of last night, and a good portion of this morning watching sad episodes of Supergirl. 
You closed your laptop right as Lena shouted the words, ‘I KILLED MY BROTHER FOR YOU, FOR OUR FRIENDS! DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU’VE DONE?’
Carol was right about you and Natasha being like Kara and Lena. You could’ve been one of the greatest pairings ever, but instead you ruined it when you burned her and ran out. 
You let out a slow breath, preparing for her to yell at you for hurting her and want nothing to do with you ever again. 
You texted her back, saying that you were coming as you finally changed out of your pajamas.
You could already feel your palms heating up as your heartrate increased on the walk. You were trying so hard to stop it, but there was already a little smoke. 
When you opened the door to the training room (which you had to do by pushing with the side of your body, since you were worried you could accidentally burn the door with your hands) you tensed up at the sight of her.
She didn’t look mad.
In fact, she was smiling at you. 
She walked over to you, then started to put a hand on your shoulder, before you backed away abruptly.
“You okay?” She asked gently. 
You weren’t sure how to respond as you balled your fists, doing whatever you could to get your powers to stop.
“It’s okay, and you’re okay,” she told you, leaning in close. “Take a deep breath with me,”
Had this happened earlier, it would’ve been embarrassing for Natasha to bring your nerves down like this. But now, it didn’t feel embarrassing. In fact, it felt safe.
She made you feel safe.
Once you felt okay, you gave her a small smile. She returned your smile, then took your hands in her own. 
You almost tensed up again, but soon felt relaxed as she ran her thumb over your knuckles. 
You stared at each other for a few moments of comfortable silence before she leaned in closer.
“So, about your little Operation Fire Widow...”
“Oh my gosh, um- it’s not what it sounds like! I promise, it’s-”
She brought a finger to your lips, interrupting you.
Your cheeks turned bright red as she moved her finger under your chin so you’d look her in the eyes. 
“Y/N, I think you are adorable,” she said, smiling. “In fact, I’d really like to take you on a date, if that’s alright with you?”
You couldn’t believe what she was saying. 
Natasha Romanoff, the intimidatingly, scary, spy who could easily kill you in two seconds if she wanted to, liked you back. 
Suddenly feeling a surge of confidence, you leaned forward and kissed her. 
Your lips fit so perfect on hers as you smiled into the kiss.
She moved her hand around the back of your neck, and moved the other through your hair. 
She softly bit your lip, prompting you to allow her entrance. Her tongue explored your mouth as you leaned in even closer to her.
You didn’t plan on stopping anytime soon, but unfortunately air soon became an issue. 
You were practically gasping for breath by the time you finally disconnected your lips.
She couldn’t help but smile at you, reconnecting your hands.
“So I’ll take that as a yes, then?”
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
claimed || alpha!Andy Barber x reader
summary: an interrogation with an alpha is no place to have an unexpected heat.
word count: 2.7k
warnings: smut (dub con; the reader goes into heat and can’t think clearly enough to say no), a/b/o dynamics, loss of virginity, mentions of misogyny/discrimination against omegas, vague noncon and violence references, kinda housewife kink, possessiveness, breeding kink, praise, overstimulation, knotting, slight bondage (reader is handcuffed), slight pain kink, implied/subtle age gap, pregnancy mention at the end, kinda soft!dark andy but he's really not that dark
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"This would be a lot easier for both of us if you started telling the truth."
You chewed your lip, looking away from the man across from you; it was impossible to keep eye contact when his gaze bore into you like that, when he gave you that stern, dominating look.
Andy Barber was so obviously an alpha, he was one of those types that just reeked of it. Figuratively— with the way he towered over you, his masculine body and strong features— but also literally considering his scent was filling the room now: pine, cinnamon, sage, and something a little bit sweet that made your mouth water.
It made sense for an alpha like him to have a high-powered, high-pressure career like this; he probably got a real kick out of squeezing information out of scared betas who couldn’t stand up to him.
And that was the role you were going to play now, because he was wrong: it would not be easier if you told the truth. If he knew what you really were, you’d be doomed.
You’d been hiding successfully as a beta for a long time by now, and you weren’t about to give it up now, even if it would likely have the charges against you dismissed. Omegas lived sheltered, oppressed lives; sought constantly by alphas, they had their pick of the finest since omegas were so rare, but until mated they were extremely vulnerable— and afterwards they were usually made to be subservient housewives, constantly bearing children as a consequence of their extreme fertility.
Maybe some omegas were okay with that, plenty probably loved that lifestyle since it was sort of the instinctual habit of an omega by nature, but not you. Never you. You wanted a life, a real life, your own life as more than an alpha’s mate. Thankfully you’d found the right mix of suppressants and perfumes to hide your scent, the right work schedule so you could always be home for your rare heats, and voila: to the rest of the world, you were a beta.
Being a beta meant being unnoticed, unacknowledged, never pursued and never courted. And that was exactly how you wanted it.
If Andy Barber knew that the man you’d stabbed was an alpha trying to force himself on you, there was a chance he would understand that it was self-defense and let you go. Then again, a lot of alphas seemed to think that being forced to mate was just par for the course for an omega; surely Andy wouldn’t be one of those types, as a man of the law, right?
“I can’t,” you finally answered.
“Whatever it is, you can tell me,” he assured, some of his anger shifting to a soothing tone. It really did calm you down; he must have been using his ‘alpha voice’ on you, and the fact that it worked should’ve been a red flag but you didn’t notice. “Let’s start from the beginning. You said you were at home but no one has confirmed your alibi. You said you didn’t know the victim but you obviously reacted when I showed you his picture. And, you said you weren’t there at the time of the murder but we found your DNA on the body.”
A little smile pulled at the corner of your lips, exactly not the reaction Andy had been expecting. “You’re lying,” you whispered.
He tensed up as you called his bluff. The DNA found at the scene was in the process of being analysed, sure, but it would be weeks until the results came back. “How can you be so sure?” he pressed.
“Because I.  Wasn’t. There,” you hissed, glaring back at him; he shook his head solemnly..
“No, that’s not it. I can tell when you’re lying, too, you know,” he warned.  “Tell me how you know I don’t have your DNA at the scene?”
“Because… because…” you breathed, blinking a few times as the room started to get warmer. Your head was spinning, your thighs clenched together— and when Andy reached out to rest his hand on yours and ask if you were alright, his touch sent it all into overdrive.
No, no, it wasn't your time yet. It shouldn't have come for a few more days, and you’d arranged to be bailed out tomorrow so you’d go into your cycle safely at home and not in jail. But now it was beginning and you had no way to stop it. Had the smell of an alpha really been enough to start your heat early?
Andy watched you start to pant and sweat with a furrowed brow, unsure what he was witnessing because he’d never had the opportunity to see it before. His ex-wife had been a beta, he'd never even met an omega before— they were quite rare after all.
But what he lacked in experience, he made up for in instinct; his body told him everything he needed to know about what he was seeing. “Omega,” he growled lowly, watching your whole body erupt into shivers at the timbre of his voice.
As far as alphas go, Andy was relatively level-headed, not as preoccupied with instinctual desires to dominate, to claim, to impregnate. A lot of alphas viewed mating with a beta as settling, although it was the much more likely outcome, statistically speaking. Andy, though, never really saw it that way, even knowing how much harder it would be to have a child with a beta. Their fertility was significantly weaker, both the males and the females, and Jacob was the product of years of trying; in all their marriage him and Laurie had never used any contraceptives and she only got pregnant the once.
But an omega? Especially a young one like you? He could knock you up right now, if he wanted. That power was intoxicating. It was exactly what he never knew he needed so badly.
“I don’t need the results of your DNA to know what you are,” he explained firmly. “I can’t believe I didn’t know before— you must have tried really hard to keep it a secret, little one. You must be so afraid of who you are… and who I am, for that matter.  It must scare you to imagine what I could do to you.”
You whimpered, the noise tugging his heart in conflicting directions; to comfort you, or to make you do it again.
“I’m not going to hurt you, if that’s what you think,” he assured. “Not if I can help it…”
Honestly, he wasn’t so sure he would be able to help it; he felt his own sanity slipping as he watched you writhe and cry, instinct overtaking logic in the both of you.
"Alpha, please," you shuddered, the title making his cock harden instantly, uncomfortably filling the trousers of his suit.
"You smell so good," he purred, taking his jacket off as he stood up to cool off a bit. "I can smell your heat, Omega. I bet everyone in the building can—” he glanced to the locked door— “but I'm the only one here."
"Need you," you whined, tugging on the handcuffs that kept you bound to the table.
"Stand up, bend over," he commanded, and he'd barely finished speaking when you'd already done it, bent at the hips with your forearms resting on the table as you waited for him. "Good girl."
He rolled up his sleeves and took his place behind you, caging his body in with yours, nuzzling into your neck to get a deep breath of your scent.
"Fuck, so sweet," he groaned. "Waited so long for this. To feel an Omega on my cock. Never thought it would really happen. Has an Alpha ever taken you before?"
"No, I never… no."
"Not just unclaimed but a virgin. Christ, am I dreaming?"
But he was too far gone to take any more time to appreciate his luck— he needed you now, and he was taking you all for himself.
If he wasn't so overcome with need he wouldn't have thought to tear your clothes off, but now he didn't even think to question the idea, shedding you of your clothes like they were made of paper until you were completely exposed to him, your wet core vulnerable while another wave of your sweet scent filled the room.
"Look at all this," he grinned, kneeling down to lap at your folds and taste your slick. Your eyes rolled back in your head, your channel craving to be filled. "All for me, Omega?"
"Yours, it's all yours…"
"Doesn't it feel good to be claimed, little one? To be owned?"
"S-so good," you agreed. "Want your knot, Alpha. Want your mark."
A growl echoed in his chest when you said that, and he craved nothing more than to bite your neck and bond you to him for life.
But, it would be better if he saved that for a little later.
He stood up again and gave your ass a quick slap— nothing too rough, just enough to make you yelp all cute and whiny— before grabbing your hips to pull them back into his. You gasped and pushed back onto him, shamelessly rubbing yourself against the thick outline of his cock.
"Gonna make a mess on me with all that slick, Omega," he growled, but it was by no means discouragement.
"Want it in me, please," you sobbed. Unable to resist your begging anymore, he hastily opened his belt and fly, sighing with relief when he wrapped his hand around his cock and pulled it out. Your whole body visibly quaked when he swiped the swollen head through your folds, coating himself in your plentiful arousal.
Without any further warning, he pushed his cock in with a loud moan, a cry tearing from your throat as he tore into your body. "Shh," he soothed as his fingers rubbed your spine, "that's my girl, that's my pretty Omega."
But pain wasn't really your issue; it hurt, yes, but what made you cry was that you were already on the edge, about to come from hardly anything. When he thrusted once, you lost it and your legs quivered as a new wave of slick started to dribble down them.
"Are you coming?" he asked darkly.
You could only nod, biting your lip to try to keep from moaning too loudly.
"Oh my god…" he groaned, amazed at how sensitive you were. Clearly he wasn't the only one realizing how powerful and incredible it could be when an alpha and omega mated.
He started to really pound into you then, each brutal thrust knocking you forward.
"Feels good when you come for me, Omega. Do it again."
You couldn't help yourself; his voice had complete control over your body, his words a command you were helpless to resist. With a broken whimper you came again, walls squeezing his cock in a weak and stuttered rhythm.
"It's better than they say it is. Even better than I imagined. So fucking good," he sighed. It felt so right, that was the thing. It felt like your body was made to be claimed and owned by him.
"Want your knot," you whined, "please, Alpha—"
"If I give you my knot, you're mine. My Omega. You will never allow another Alpha to touch you. You will not speak to another Alpha, look at another Alpha, even Betas are off-limits. When I bite you, you'll be bonded to me and become my wife, you'll never disobey me or leave me. When I knot you, you'll give me a child. Is all of that perfectly clear?"
It was everything you'd wanted to avoid just an hour ago. Now it was your greatest dream come true. "Yes, Alpha. Yours, Alpha."
"Want to be bred, Omega? Bred by your Alpha?"
"Please!" you sobbed.
"Then keep coming and I'll let you have it soon," he promised. "I'll give you all my come like you need so badly."
You whimpered as your walls seemed to try to suck him in deeper, gripping him so tight that it made his head spin. Orgasm after orgasm washed over you, too many and too numb to count, each part of you slowly stripped away and replaced with pure, all-consuming pleasure.
The base of his cock began to swell and you mewled proudly— that is, until, it just kept growing and you couldn't imagine taking anymore.
"P-pull it out," you begged instead.
"I told you that you would take my knot, was I not clear?"
But you hadn't realized how big it would get, how far it would stretch you— and it was still going. "It hurts, Alpha, please!"
"You'll get used to it, gonna keep it in you all night and give it to you every day so you'll have plenty of practice. Take my fucking knot while I come inside you and breed your cunt."
When his knot finally grew to its full potential, streams of hot come began to fill you, deeper than you had ever imagined possible. It was overwhelming, apparently unending, and one final orgasm rocked your body as you milked his cock for all it was worth.
He wrapped his arms around your body, holding you close and soothing you as you shivered and cried, his kisses trailing up your shoulder to your neck where, finally, he sunk his teeth into your skin and left his mark on you.
Your walls quivered around him at the feeling of being claimed, mated for life. In that moment you didn't notice or care that it was to a man you barely knew; he was your Alpha now, that was all that mattered.
He kissed and licked over the sensitive bitemark, whispering praises your ringing ears couldn't quite process yet.
At least you were getting bailed out a day early.
Andy kept his promise about exactly how owned you would be. For the first few months you didn't even leave the house, he was too busy filling you with his cock every day. Although he was happy to claim you anywhere he happened to find you— the shower where he hopped in randomly, the kitchen where he bent you over the counter, the living room where he pinned you onto the couch— his favorite place was the bed. It was rougher and more animalistic in the other places, but in bed he was possessive in an entirely different way.
"My wife, my sweet little wife," he whispered in your ear as he slowly thrust all the way into you, making your back arch until your chest pushed against his. "My Omega. All mine."
"Yours," you agreed.
The protectiveness increased tenfold when your scent changed during pregnancy, even more when you started showing; he was obsessed with the way you looked full of his baby.
As for you, omega life was better than you'd expected. At times you felt smothered by him, but simultaneously you felt worshipped and loved like you never thought you could deserve. He certainly spoiled you, though he expected your unwavering loyalty in return.
That part was easy, though. Love, not fear, kept you in check when other alphas had a wandering eye. They knew you were mated, the bitemark scar (which Andy never, ever let you cover) and ring (which Andy never, ever let you take off) were sign enough along with the change in your scent to them. Occasionally one would shoot his shot and get unilaterally rejected by you before getting his ass kicked by your husband. If only they knew what you'd done to the last alpha that tried to creep on you; how you met Andy in the first place.
In the end, maybe it wasn't so bad to fall into your instincts, your natural role in society. Andy sure made it pretty enjoyable with the way he brought you to the height of pleasure over and over every night. "Mine," he promised you in deep whispers, "from the moment I saw you."
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bl00dgutsgl0ry · 3 years
Just a Little Reminder
Pairing - Xiao x Fem!Reader
Warnings - 18+ NSFW SMUT DO NOT INTERACT IF YOU ARE A MINOR, blood mentions, degradation, VERY SLIGHT dollification (like I mean it’s mentioned maybe ONCE), spitting, face fucking, this is just some nasty** sex man.
Word Count - 2.2k
Other Comments - It’s been so long since I wrote a good smut fic so this was nice and refreshing to write. It’s a break from all the angst you guys have been requesting for some ungodly reason. Anyway hehe enjoy you freaky weirdos.
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      Xiao’s day could not get any worse. Something happened overnight that caused the gods to curse his day. Nothing was going correctly. He didn’t know why he felt so restless, maybe because he hasn’t seen you in a couple of months. Being an Adeptus had some drawbacks, one of them being that they could never leave Liyue. That didn’t exactly work well with your carefree spirit dragging you all over Teyvat, rightfully earning the title of a Traveler. That meant you left his side for an unknown amount of time, you always came back of course but you leaving never got any easier on Xiao. He was protective of you, and you not being in Liyue where he could secretly keep an eye on you made him anxious. The feeling of anxiety was not something new to Xiao, but it was different from the anxiety he had experience with. He was never anxious over a mortal's safety and well being. It almost made him unnerved how much you had already subconsciously changed in him.
      Xiao never really had much need to venture out of Wangshu Inn, so when he did he always wanted to immediately relax on the balcony at the top of the inn he resided in. Some days Verr Goldet would bring him some freshly made almond tofu, when he gratefully accepted once the young woman made it back downstairs. As he was staring out past the railing, he saw a familiar silhouette approaching the inn. Something sparked in him when he saw the way you limped up the stairs of the ground floor towards the elevator. Within seconds, before you could step onto the elevator Xiao grabbed you suddenly jumping back up to the top of the balcony. You squealed quietly, your arms quickly finding their way around Xiao’s slender neck, absentmindedly remembering to avoid the large spikes coming off of one of his shoulders.
      Before you could even think, you felt your back land on the soft bed the two of you shared at night. Sure Xiao never really slept much but the sentiment was nice. It also worked for these little moments. Xiao’s sharp canines poked the side of your throat causing a soft gasp to escape your lips.
      “Xiao- Hey wait… I just got here.” Your voice a little bit above a whisper as you bashfully looked at the man hovering above of you. 
      “When you were leaving for this little expedition, you promised me you would return uninjured. Are you really that stupid that you would break such a promise to me? I guess I have to remind you what happens when you make me upset (y/n).” The way Xiao’s voice rumbled low in his chest made warmth bloom in your chest, as everything slowly began to get warmer. Your face was beat red as you felt Xiao’s callused hand grab your cheeks and push your face to the side; giving himself better access to your throat. You once again felt Xiao’s sharp canines graze your throat, alongside his long tongue lapping at the delicate skin. Suddenly a sharp pain shot from your neck as he bit down, immediately licking your blood away, pleasure beginning to  bloom from the mark. 
    Xiao slowly slid down your body, undoing your shoes and tossing them away. After that was done he rose back up, roughly undoing your skirt and pulling it off before once again throwing it away somewhere, much of the same work was done on your top and before you knew it you were left in nothing but your undergarments; while Xiao was fully clothed. Your cheeks got even redder as you felt a little embarrassed, trying to cover your face with your arms. Xiao’s hand shot to grab both of your wrists and slam them onto the bed above your head, a loud growl coming from him.
     “Don’t you even dare try and hide your face from me. You are going to face your punishment head on. Oh and don’t even think about making any noise lest you want an even worse punishment.” His sharp gaze softened for a moment, eyes silently making sure you actually wanted to do this. When you gave him a quick small nod his eyes immediately snapped back to the cold harsh glare he wore mere moments before. He began attacking your neck and collarbones with harsh hickies and sore bites. Your breath began to hitch in your throat, as you tried to hold back whimpers of pleasure.
     Agonizingly slowly Xiao made his way down your body, leaving bruises and bloody bite marks all the way down. You were shaking from the pure ecstasy coursing through your veins. Xiao ripped your panties with his teeth exposing your most vulnerable spot. The cold air that hits your hot wet lips, causing a shiver to wrack its way through your body, your clit pulsing with excitement. You looked down to see Xiao’s piercing auburn eyes staring back into yours, head so close to your core.
     “Don’t you dare cum tonight you filthy whore.” Was all that left his his lips, before his head was shoved between your thighs, his long tongue diving deep into your dripping cunt. Your hand flew to your mouth as you tried to hold back loud moans. You were so desperate and needy from not seeing Xiao for so long. Xiao lifted your legs above his shoulders, hooking both of his arms around your thighs, his hands roughly kneading at the soft flesh; his tongue getting deeper from the new position. Soft muffled moans were beginning to fall from your covered mouth, your free hand trying desperately not to grab at his head, instead gripping the sheeting as tightly as possible. The noises coming from the man below you were obscene, loud slurps and laps being amplified by the otherwise silent room.
     Your nerves were on fire, the familiar coil in your stomach beginning to tighten. Despite tightly covering your mouth, your moans were as clear as day. Xiao pulled away from your pussy, lips shining from the slick of your arousal. His hand quickly gripped your wrist and ripped it away from your mouth.
     “Stop embarrassing yourself by trying to muffle your moans. If your gonna sound so much like a whore you might as well let it be known that your my whore to all of Liyue.” With that Xiao went back to attack your clit with his tongue, occasionally fucking it in and out of your cunt. Loud moans began falling out of your mouth, almost shocking yourself with how loud you were, and how you couldn’t care less about who heard you; you were flooded with euphoria and oxytocin. Your moans spurred Xiao on as his pace on your clit was relentless, not only that but he had unwound one of his arms and inserted a couple of fingers into you.
     You were getting finger fucked and eaten out at the same time, your breathing was beginning to get incredibly labored as your moans rose in pitch and volume. Your free thigh began to tremble against your lover's head as you got closer and closer to the edge; trying desperately to hold yourself back from cumming. Xiao felt the familiar flutter of your walls as you got closer and closer to cumming, and he suddenly pulled them out of you as he halted all actions. You whimpered loudly, thighs shaking desperately yearning for release.
     “Xiao please… please Xiao please let me cum… I’m sorry I broke the promise I won't do it again please Xiao.” Your voice was already wrecked and you sounded pitiful as you saw a smirk pull on your lovers lips. He was fucking laughing.
     “You are fucking disgusting you know? You are so desperate for me you are making yourself look stupid. You aren’t cumming yet. Now shut up and be my useless little fuck toy hm?” You opened your mouth to beg again, but Xiao shut you up by spitting in your mouth and closing it with his hand; forcing you to swallow. That action shot right down to your clit, and you needed him inside you now.
     You opened your leg wide open, hoping that would incentivize him to get on with it already. He knew what you were trying to do and rolled his eyes before standing up and beginning to disrobe. Your eyes were glued to him as his toned pale chest shone with a soft gleam of sweat. Then he began taking his pants off, letting the now loose waistband fall to the ground. Your mouth was basically watering from how horny you were.
     Xiao tightly gripped you thighs and pulled you towards the edge of the bed, which caused you to think he was finally going to fuck you; much to your surprise though he straddled your head as he looked down at you expectantly. Xiao’s cock was just one of those that you could only describe as pretty. It was long yet a little slender, and he kept himself well groomed.
     You eagerly took his dick in your mouth, trying your best to fit him all the way in; reminding yourself to keep breathing through your nose. Then Xiao started moving, harshly shoving his dick deep into your throat, your nose pressed against his body. Before you could get your bearings of you now deep throating Xiao, he just as harshly pulled out them thrusted back in; beginning to ruthlessly face fuck you. You were desperately trying to maintain your breathing but you just couldn’t with how hard Xiao was fucking into your mouth, so you tried your best to hold your breath and hollow your cheeks; trying and failing to suppress your gags. Xiao loved the choking and gagging sounds you made, his animalistic movements becoming erratic and uneven.
     He quickly pulled out of your mouth and fell back to the side of you before he came, not wanting to cum just yet. You coughed as you took in loud gulps of air, before attempting to even your breathing out. Xiao maneuvered your body and flipped you onto your stomach, hand coming down to rub your ass. You felt Xiao line up the tip of his dick to your entrance. You whimpered and wiggled your hips, and suddenly felt that same hand that was just gingerly rubbing your ass, come down and smack hard against it. You yelped and gasped at the sudden pain and pleasure that shot through you. Then while you were still in shock he shoved himself deep inside of you, ripping a pornstar-esque moan from your throat. Xiao groaned low in his chest, struggling to see straight from how tight you were.
     “You’re so fucking tight (y/n) relax you slut.” Despite his words, Xiao was pistoning in and out of you at an ungodly speed, your moans unabashedly flowing throughout the inn. Loud grunts could be heard coming from behind you as Xiao kept fucking your brains out. You were so blissed out, eyes rolled into the back of your head, and tongue lolling out of your mouth. Your mind was so clouded, as tears fell from your eyes. There was some twisted part of Xiao that relished in seeing you cry, you just looked so pretty and wrecked. He knew you were gone when all that would come from you were calls of his names and incoherent babbling.
     Both of you were reaching your limits, and you were reaching them fast. Blaring white hot pleasure filled yours and Xiao’s senses, overwhelming the both of you as you came. You wall clamping around Xiao forcing a loud snarl to come from behind you felt a final sharp bite on the back of your shoulder.
     Xiao stayed in you, rocking his hips lightly; gently letting the both of you ride out the rest of your highs. After that he pulls out before walking into the bathroom and running a rag under some warm water and cleaning himself off. He grabs another clean rag to dampen and come back over to your crumpled form, your mind still foggy and completely blissed out. Xiao gently cleans you up and tucks you into bed, before grabbing a glass of water for you and setting it on your side table. He then slinks into bed next to you and pulls you close to him. He’ll take a look at your “injuries” in the morning.
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ptergwen · 3 years
warmer than cuddles
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w/c: 2.4k
warnings: may plays matchmaker and makes some suggestive jokes
prompt: you and peter get caught in the rain and have to share an umbrella
a/n: thank youuu to the angel who requested <3 swear this is my favorite trope to write hehe ☔️
one of the many things you and peter have in common is being lazy. it’s sort of the basis of your friendship. you’re not the kids who drink or party or get in trouble. you play board games and eat pizza on his ripped up couch. the riskiest thing you’ve ever done is sneak into a movie.
peter was so paranoid you’d get caught, he couldn’t even pay attention. he kept whispering to you about paying the whole time. you had to drag him out by his hand after the movie ended. the next time you went to that theater, he bought an extra ticket to “make it even.”
that about put an end to your trying new things phase. you went right back to your comfy nights in pajamas. tackling each other for the remote, baking terrible cookies that you just throw out, sharing a blanket to stay warm. what also helps is that you cuddle under it.
all the fun you need is you, peter, and your love for doing nothing. may disagrees.
she’s always trying to get you two out of the apartment. in her words, it’s “unhealthy for developing teens to spend so much time cooped up inside.” peter once asked which mother’s facebook group she joined. you snickered at that. may gave you a warning look.
well, you don’t have a choice to stay in today. she’s kicking you and peter out because she has guests coming over.
“it’s girl’s night,” may tells the two of you with a satisfied smirk. she hangs her raincoat on the rack and comes into the living room. peter squints his eyes at her. “you have friends?” he sounds too surprised for your liking. you flick his arm hard enough to make him go “ouch!”
“peter, we only have, like, four friends. that’s counting ourselves,” you inform him with a laugh. peter drops his head onto your shoulder. “and i don’t need any of them but you,” he says sarcastically, rubbing his cheek on your sweatshirt. “aw, i know,” you coo and rest your head on his. may crosses her arms and shrugs.
“you should do a group play date with everyone! i haven’t heard from ned in a while,” she suggests, your eyes flicking over to peter. he’s biting back a grin. “play date?” you try to stifle a laugh when you ask. “you know what i mean. a hang out,” may nods at her better word choice. peter winces in protest.
“eh, ned will probably wanna go out somewhere. we don’t do that,” he tells may, like that’s a completely normal thing for a teenager to say. you raise a finger in agreement. she laughs in disbelief at you and peter. you’re splayed out on the couch, on a saturday, complaining about doing anything else.
“you two make me feel young.” may’s words are a joke, but her tone isn’t. “you are young, may,” you reassure her and smile a little. peter says nothing. his eyes become hooded as he settles into you more. “look at you two, like some old married couple,” may gestures to you from where she’s standing. she smiles this time.
peter’s face gets hot from the mention of you being a couple. your heart skips a couple of beats. you’re pretty sure he can tell from how close he is.
“do whatever you want, just not here,” she gets back to the real conversation. peter hides his entire face in your shoulder as a form of protest. you pat his back. “and not each other. unless you’re safe,” may adds. “may, please. no,” he groans out, positive he’s all red now. you blink at her in horror.
may knows what she’s doing. peter isn’t the most subtle person, especially not about liking someone. she’s learned all the signs that her nephew is falling. he’s falling for you. she sees it in you, too. the way your eyes soften when they meet peter’s, how fast you are to hug him back or beam at the silly things he says.
you two spend so much time apart from your other friends, you basically are a couple. you’re just not old or married. the only thing you need is a push to realize that.
“ok, we’re gonna go now,” peter decides and pulls away from you. “god bless,” you say only so he can hear. he chuckles at that, you getting up from the couch. giving him a knowing smile, you grab one of his hands. he lets you pull him to his feet while exhaling. he’s already exhausted. may watches and shakes her head.
peter walks up to give her a quick hug. “enjoy girl’s night. love you,” he murmurs as she squeezes him tight. even though they tease each other a lot, their relationship is really sweet. it’s very telling how a guy treats his mother. well, aunt in this case. that thought has always been in the back of your mind.
“have fun!” you grin at may when her and peter pull apart. he comes back over to you and tugs on your sleeve. “thanks, kids. we’ll be done around eleven,” she lets you know. you’re already getting your shoes on and ready to leave. eleven is a while from now.
“don’t forget an umbrella! it’s drizzling!” may calls after you two. peter grabs hers that’s leaning against the front door. it’s pink with purple polka dots. you giggle at that. “hey, i like pink,” he defends himself and opens the door, letting you out first. you raise your hands in defense, leaving the apartment.
peter waves at may one last time. “good luck, peter,” she tells him once you reach the stairs. he furrows both eyebrows. “good luck with what?” “you’ll see,” may raises her own eyebrows in a way that’s all too familiar to peter. he calls it her face of wisdom.
still confused, peter heads out. he finds you at the bottom of the stairs. you shove your hands in your pockets and push against the door to open it. peter meets you outside, twirling the umbrella between his fingers.
“is there anywhere you wanna go?” he asks as you start to walk. you’re just going down the block for now. “back upstairs,” you sigh out. “i wish. not an option, though,” peter puffs some air out of his cheeks. you fumble to pull up your hood. he easily reaches over and does it for you.
“thanks,” you say quietly. “you’re welcome,” peter pats the top of your head for emphasis. “we could just walk around.” “until eleven o’clock? that’s five hours from now,” you laugh out, adjusting your hoodie to block your face. disappointment crosses over his features.
“should’ve brought my suit,” he mutters mostly to himself. linking your arm with his, your eyes widen. “i’m not trusting you to swing me around in this weather.” his bicep flexes when your arm wraps around his own. “what? i’ve done it before, y/n/n. on patrol.” you turn your head towards him.
“didn’t you get hurt last time?” you already know the answer. “sprained wrist and a few cuts,” he grumbles, you humming because you’re right. he’d called you in tears when he got home, scared he broke something. you reminded him he would heal soon and stayed on the phone until he calmed down.
that ended up being the whole night. you’re probably the most supportive of peter being spider-man. you of course worry about the toll it takes, but you understand why he does it. the least you can do is be there for him while he navigates the superhero world. not talk him out of it or scold him for making mistakes, be there.
that’s why he loves his lazy days with you so much. they’re his break, his escape from what he lies awake worrying about most nights. you’ve seen what he has to go through, so you respect that. whatever he needs to do to unwind is fine by you. as long as you get to do it with him.
“then you couldn’t patrol for weeks. you could barely hold a pencil.” your other arm sneaks around his. they’re both hugging him now. “you had to be my note taker,” peter reminisces, a smile making its way onto his face. “that sucked, man. you’re such a perfectionist about them,” you breathe out.
peter flips the umbrella around in a show-off kind of way. “you don’t complain when i send them to you.” he sounds so cocky you can’t help but roll your eyes. he isn’t wrong, though. “whatever. seriously, where should we go?” “uh,” peter’s eyes scan the block for inspiration. they land on a man carrying takeout.
“dinner? not at a restaurant since we’re in sweats,” he adds the last part so you don’t have to. “ooh, let’s go to panera,” you happily squeeze his arm. peter quirks an eyebrow at you. “you’re always hungry after.” “so? we can get dessert, too. we have a while.” that makes his heart flutter. a while with you.
“cool, cool, cool,” he sings to you, leaning into your side as you walk. you giggle and push at his shoulder. “i think we can make it there before the rain picks up.” there’s a clap of thunder right after he says that, like something out of a movie. it’s followed by a heavier rain coming down on you two. you pull at the strings of your hoodie to keep it tighter on your head.
“jinxed it,” you remark, both of you stopping so peter can open the umbrella. “ugh,” he grunts out. his lower lip is between his teeth while he undoes the velcro. he pushes down and watches as the umbrella springs open for you two. “here, c’mere,” peter welcomes you under as he holds it above your heads.
it doesn’t quite fit you both since it’s only meant for one person. you forgot he took may’s. the two of you have to squish together so you can avoid the rain, which is pitter pattering down hard on the sidewalk.
you’re comfortable under here with him. the freezing cold weather outside of the umbrella is hardly an issue anymore.
peter turns to face you, letting out a breathless laugh. “you can take off your hood now.” your arms slip from around his. you remove it from your head and give him a toothy grin. it’s one that’s meant to be over exaggerated. “there’s that pretty face,” peter’s voice gets quieter. unlike what you did, that wasn’t a joke.
your pretty face loses its smile. you’re suddenly very aware of how close peter is to you.
you can see the faint scar on his chin from when he banged it into a wall in your living room. he’d ran straight into it during your two person game of hide and seek. yes, you still play that. it was gushing blood for half an hour.
there are also the thousands of freckles dotting his face, the ones you only notice by looking at him super hard. you try to count them whenever you get bored. peter stares back at you while you fall in love with every tiny detail about him.
he takes the time to admire your lips, not just because they look really kissable right now. because of every curious expression they press into when he does something you can’t believe. your eyes, that he feels a sense of safety and honesty and familiarity every time he looks into. he finds them and feels like he’s home.
“peter?” you speak up after a few moments. your tone is hesitant, as if whatever you’re going to ask will change what you have forever. that’s because it might. it’s silent except for the sound of the rain hitting his umbrella. peter finally answers, almost in a whisper. “yeah?”
“i... i think,” you clear your throat before going on. his eyes trail down to your lips again, then back up to your twinkling ones. even on a gloomy day like this, they could light up the whole sky. “i think i love you,” you get out, a hand over your racing heart. peter gives you a small but sure nod. “i think i love you, too.”
he takes a step closer to you, if that’s even possible. his hand without the umbrella comes up to hold your cheek. you watch as he uses his thumb to wipe away a few stray rain droplets. your head tilts to the side, lips parted on instinct. peter leans in until his lips just brush yours, letting you decide what comes next.
you choose to close the space between you two. his eyes squeeze shut, whole face scrunched up when he kisses back. this is a release of all the emotions he’s been holding in that he didn’t even realize he had. you slip into a rhythm, using the angle to move your lips against peter’s.
his hand drops from your cheek to your jaw to support you while you kiss. your own hands grab his biceps, fingers pressing into him, depesrate to have him in your arms. peter lets out a content sigh against your lips before detaching them. it’s not for long. he comes right back in after taking a breath.
you get one long peck from him, then another that’s softer than the last. you give him a short kiss back, lips curving into a smile when this one ends. peter’s thumb smooths over your jawline while he searches for your eyes. he grins at you and tightens his grip on the umbrella handle. he’s surprised it didn’t blow away in the midst of your mini makeout.
“i definitely love you, peter,” you state so genuinely, hands on his shoulders now. that has to be peter’s favorite sentence he’s ever heard. the most beautiful combination of words, said by you to him. “i definitely love you, y/n,” peter agrees, punctuating his statement with one last kiss. you haven’t stopped smiling when his lips meet the corner of yours.
may was right about two things that night. you needed the umbrella for that huge storm, but it did more than protect your from the rain. it also brought you and peter together in a way. the second thing she was right about was that peter loves you, and every feeling he has mirror yours for him.
actually, she was right about three things. you two have to get out of the apartment more often.
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plush-rabbit · 3 years
Taking Care Of Tomura Shigaraki - Headcanons
Request: can i request tomura with a s/o thats always buying/making clothes for him, cutting his hair, doing his skincare and just caring for his appearance in general
A/N: i tried knitting once, i wasn’t good at it immediately and i gave up:(
Tomura isn’t one to care for his appearance, not because he’s lazy or unable to do something about it, but rather because he is apathetic about it. The dry skin does have it’s setbacks- itchiness, cracking skin that bleeds easily and brittle skin- but it’s nothing that he minds too much. At this point in his life, he’s used to how he appears- he doesn’t hate his appearance and he’s made peace that any product applied to him just makes him feel uncomfortable. However, when you come along, you dote over him, wanting to take care of him and make sure that he feels his best whenever possible.
You don’t try to change, but rather help him feel a bit better. You’ve dealt with your fair share of skin problems and even just having dry skin is enough for you to feel uncomfortable. You do your best to find the best creams for him, making sure to figure out what textures and scent she isn’t fond of and what ingredients he reacts negatively to. While the experience takes time away from his duties as a leader, he doesn’t mind it too much. He has you with him, sitting on his lap with your hands pressed against his face- cupping at his cheek or twirling with a piece of hair- so he’ll sit still and lean into your hands as you take care of him.
You’ve gotten into habits of knitting and sewing so when his shirt has a hole in it or his sweater sleeve, you’ll patch them up. You make sure to add a match color so nithing stick outs. It’s then that you realize he has no clothing prepared for the winter cold and that he’s left with just a thicker sweater to wear. You decide to buy yarn and stitch something for him- a sweater to keep him warm and it’s a bit oversized and a few loops out of place towards the end, but it's made with love. He’ll take it in his hands and give you a sort of wide eye look as you explain that you wanted him to have something personal. You wanted to make him gloves but you’re sure knitted gloves wouldn’t work well with a missing finger hole or two and that it sort of defeats the purpose to keep him warm.
It’s a bit of a mess when taking care of him. He’s independent and apathetic about his appearance so when you approach wanting to try to give him a semblance of love and care, he is at a loss for words. He allows you to do what you want, but he feels as if he has to repay you back in some sort of way. He’ll hold your gifts in his hands, his pinky lifted and eyes narrowed as he asks what it is that you want in return. He can’t promise he’ll get it by ethical means, but he can promise to get it. He doesn’t understand the nature of a gift, he wasn’t given gifts when he was under the care of AFO without some sort of repayment. He had to do something good to earn things so when you appear gifting him knitted clothes, he stares at them, not knowing what you want or what he did to warrant something nice. He can only nod his head and give you a rough kiss on the cheek when you tell him its gift and that you expect nothing in return.
His closet is filled with similar types of clothing so, you like to buy him outfits and at first it was more about a bit of selfishness by dressing him in things you like and changing to things that he’s more comfortable in. You buy outfits that are dark in order to keep up the villain's attire to playing around with it and gifting him turtlenecks and different types of jackets. While you wish you could play around with color for his more noticable outfits, you know that he relies on stealth for a decent part of his work. You tend to give him colors for his sleepwear or even outfits for him to relax in. It starts off with bursts of color, wanting to see which one you think he will look nice in- you end up choosing warmer tones like reds and oranges and a few cooler tones like dark and light purples and dustier types of blues. You want him to have fun and you also want him to be happy with his style and feel seen so you decide to buy more gaming related things for him. Rings with a symbol of a console attached to it or mirroring one from a game, to shirts that have a logo or even a panel from a manga or scene that he likes. You like gifting him accessories just a bit more. It’s nice to see him wear something small and be reminded that he actually enjoyed the thing rather than just stuffing it into a drawer.
For the most part, he doesn’t really touch his hair, choosing to let it grow out rather than messing with it. On the rare occasion that he does cut his hair, he does it on his own. He isn’t a fan of having other people touch him, especially with something so sharp close to him. When he does cut his hair, he’s a bit reckless with it, seeing it as a form of expression rather than wanting to make it look something proper. Music will blast from his phone speaker, drums and loud screaming that matches his mood as he stands in front of the mirror, a pair of scissors in his hand as he snips around, fluffling up the sides and twirling the ends. While he isn’t one to care for appearances, his hair is the closest that he’ll take autonomy in, wanting to decide for himself how to style it.
Touch is something that he can be rather odd with. He craves it, wants it and will press your hand close to his nody desperate to just have you touch him, but there are other days where he is repulsed by it, touch so toxic to him that it makes his throat close and acid burns his tongue. One the occasion where he does enjoy touch, and he’s too tired to cut his own hair, he’ll drag you to the bathroom. He’ll sit in the shower, the tile cold underneath him as your hands run through his hair. Shivers will run down his spine when you press your lips to the crown of his head. You’re much gentler with his hair than he is, trimming at the ends and fluffing it with your hands, asking for his advice and wanting to follow it. He doesn’t let you do any more than just trimming the ends and sections where the hair is split, but even then, he appreciates that you did it for him.
Despite being in a relationship with you, he always expects you to turn away from him, to reject his touch or to simply grow bored of him. Yet, you’re still with him, gentle and caring, pulling him close to you and washing his hair. Your nails scratch against his scalp and you make sure that no soap reaches past his eyes, your voice a low hum as you mumble a song between your lips. It’s these moments where he can just fall asleep, he’ll lean into your touch and close his eyes, teeth piercing into the insides of his cheeks, desperate to hide his growing smile when the cool water rushes down. You might push, but you care for him.
He’s told you his sob story, has mentioned how he was raised under All For One and how he was denied things until he did what he was told, but he never expected anything from it. He hadn’t realized that you would want to care for him in ways that he had never been cared for before. Your hands are gentle, pressed against his face in a soft kiss, cream thin on your hands as you rub the cooling gel against him. Your hands hold his as you clip his nails, pressing your lips to his knuckles once you’re done. You give him love, your tenderness showing through and your smile gentle as you don’t expect a thing in return, only for you to kiss at the scar under his eye and pull away with a cheeky grin.
Time and time again, he’s been under your touch, welcomed and in awe of it when you are still gentle with him as if it were the first time. You call his name, a lilt in your voice as you pull out various things from your bag, gifting him various items with a smile wide on your face. He’s kissed you before, your lips soft compared to his, sweet like honey and making his teeth ache but he never tires of it. Your touch is something new to him, something old and wanted, something so heavy and intoxicating that he’s sure you are too good to be true. Shigaraki holds you close, his eyes half-lidded as your hand combs through his hair while he lays on your chest. He can feel your heartbeat through his chest and it’s his own personal lullaby listening to the rythmic thumping of it. His face will be red when you call him pretty, your hands still on him and his name on your tongue. Hidden from your view, he’ll smile and feel tears prick at his eyes.
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ichorai · 3 years
frozen hearts, flaming arrows ; p.sh
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parts ; one. masterlist. two coming soon.
pairing ; fire!seonghwa x ice!reader
summary ; two enemy clans. one icer healer, one flamer soldier, one brewing war. love was never meant to be a part of this. but then again, when is love ever supposed to be a part of anything?
words ; 7.3k
warnings / includes ; cursing, violence, a make-out scene !!, future suggestive / mature content, hwa being sexy as always, ANGST okay this is a lot of ANGST and hURT, enemies to friends to enemies to lovers trope lol
a/n ; bet yall didn’t see this one coming lol but yea pls enjoy !!! im rlly excited for this series omg !!! im sorry this part was rlly short and kinda bad kkdfjdf but this is just the beginning and i swear part two will be much better !!
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A snowflake glowing a luminescent blue lazily floated above your palm, multiplying into several others until you held a mini-flurry in your hand. You walked past all the frosted-over trees, huffing in deep breaths of cold air as your boots stepped over piles of unblemished snow and crispy dead leaves. 
Being a healer was exhausting. Though you were still fairly new to the job, you couldn’t help but lay all the blame on yourself for being incapable of saving a life today. You just… hadn’t expected there to be that much blood. Icers had thicker blood for a reason; it wasn’t usually a problem. The head healer tried to reassure you that you did everything you could, but you couldn’t stand to be in the medbay for much longer. You needed air. 
And that’s how you ended up here, head spinning dizzily as you stomped through the wintry grey forest, releasing out a frustrated groan from the bottom of your lungs.
“You’re dangerously close to our territory, Icer.” The sudden deep-timbered voice had you flinching so harshly you hit your head on an icy tree branch. “I’d watch my step if I was you.”
Breath caught in your throat, you watched with wide eyes as the Flamer stepped out of the shadow of a tree. He was undeniably handsome; his irises were dark, flecked with a fierce gold the same hue as the edge of a fire, his slicked-back hair a nightly black, and a curl of his carmine lips that was nowhere near friendly. An obvious insignia of a red flame was embedded into his unwrinkled jacket, a clear sign of this man being from the Fire Tribe.
“I’m sorry. I hadn’t realized I was so close to the border.” You murmured, backing away slowly. The small snowflakes that you had accumulated in your palm quickly dissipated into the air, but miniscule particles of snow still floated around you, no doubt a result of your quaking nerves.
Noticing this, the man watched curiously as a snowflake drifted by him. He raised a finger towards the ice crystal, a small orange flame bursting out of the tip. The snowflake melted into a droplet of water, falling to his feet. You noticed the snow had melted away from him in a large circle around his shoes, now standing in a patch of wet grass. Even from the great distance between the two of you, you could still feel the wavering heat pulsating from this strange man.
“What are you doing so far away from your people?”
You knew you shouldn’t be talking to a Flamer stranger. They were dangerous, and it was common knowledge that Icers and Flamers weren’t on the best terms as of late.
“I couldn’t be there anymore,” You whispered, just loud enough for him to pick up. At his raised eyebrows, you continued on. “I’m a healer. It was a lot of pressure not to mess up.”
He nodded, his curiosity getting the best of him. He stepped closer and asked, “Then why are you a healer?”
“Because I’m good at it.” The words came off far too snobbish for your liking, so you quickly added in a sheepish tone, “Also because I like helping people.”
The two of you fell into a queer silence, before he nodded, somewhat satisfied with your answer. The Flamer turned his back to you, “I best get going now. The lands aren’t going to patrol themselves. Run back to the rest of your people, Icer.”
You could feel his heat retract as he walked away. More snow fell to cover his tracks, as if the strange man with flaming eyes was never there.
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It wasn’t until the same time the next day that you found yourself strolling towards the forest, back to the same spot last night, feet acting to their own accord. You paused in your steps when you realized where you were heading. 
Would you really risk getting a Flamer angry at you for getting too close to their borders again? With not another thought, you pushed back the doubts and walked onwards… it wasn’t like you actually crossed the border. There was a large grey strip of forest land that belonged to neither tribe; it was far too costly to maintain and the forest gave them nothing but bugs and piles of dead leaves.
Much to your surprise, the man was already there, watching you with those glowing eyes of his. “What are you doing here?” He hissed.
“I can ask you the same thing,” You retaliated, arching an eyebrow.
The cold wind whistled as it blew past you, but you were planted firmly to the ground. He, on the other hand, grimaced quite obviously as the breeze tousled his neat hair about, sending dark strands careening into his eyes.
“I’m Y/N,” You said with a small smile. Although he pulsated with heat, that only made him feel the frigid sting of the cold wind all the more. At the sight of his shivering form, you wondered just how bad a Flamer can be.
He eyed you suspiciously before stepping forward quite boldly, sticking out a hand, “I’m Seonghwa.”
There was a strange arrhythmic thump in your chest. Now that he was so close to you, the lilith-hued snow around your feet started to wilt away as well, your cheeks flushing at the sudden rise in temperature. Icers weren’t very good with heat, that was obvious.
And when you took his hand, it was as if he was the coldest thing you’ve ever touched. But that couldn’t be it… you couldn’t really feel the cold much. Nonetheless, you gripped his palm unflinchingly, staring him dead in the eye. It became like some sort of challenge, but the both of you knew that you had obviously won. Seonghwa winced at how freezing your fingers against his were.
“Do you come here everyday?” The Flamer asked once he retracted his hand from yours to shove into the warmth of his pocket.
“Yesterday was my first time. I wasn’t planning on coming back today, but I just ended up here on instinct.” Your boot scuffed the pristine snow, avoiding the way his gaze seemed to quite literally burn holes into you.
Seonghwa frowned slightly. Funnily enough, the same exact thing had happened to him. He wasn’t on patrolling duty today, so really, he had no cause to be out here. He could be curled up with a book in front of a nice, warm fire, instead of standing in the snow with an Icer, of all people. Gods, he must be crazy.
“So… what are you doing here?” Your seemingly innocent question had Seonghwa struggling for words. 
In all honesty, he had been curious whether or not you’d come back. An Icer healer in the Grey Forest was more than enough to pique his interest. Nothing remotely gripping ever happened in the Fire Tribe (other than the various men and women who threw themselves at him whenever they got the chance). He hadn’t actually expected you to come back. 
“I’m… hunting.”
“It’s illegal to hunt outside of your tribe lands, everybody knows that.”
“Who said I was hunting for an animal?” Seonghwa crossed his arms over his chest to try and look somewhat menacing, but you just grinned. “I was looking for a book I lost.”
You hummed slightly, “Right.” As you waved your arm about, little snowflakes seemed to trail after you, and Seonghwa watched in masked fascination. “Can’t you just admit that you came to see me again?”
“Who’s to say that it’s not you coming to see me?”
“Hmm, let’s just say we both came to see each other. I’ve never seen a Flamer up this close before.”
Seonghwa blinked down at you with wide eyes, as if realizing just how small the distance between the two of you was. His cheeks reddened quickly as he cleared his throat into a fist, stepping backwards and almost slipping on more snow. When he attempted to sidestep the large wet puddle he’d created because of his rippling heat, his foot caught onto a tree root and he tumbled backwards. Snowflakes clung onto his dark hair and he shivered yet again. You tried to conceal your sniggers behind a palm, but Seonghwa still seemed to notice, his blazing eyes narrowing in mock-offense.
“You’re enjoying this,” He stated with an accusatory tone.
“Of course I am,” You replied through muted laughs. “I’m sorry. I would help, but I’m afraid I’d only make it worse.” To emphasize your point, you shook your hands slightly, blue crystals of snow whirling about.
Seonghwa’s fiery eyes seemed to soften at this. He pushed himself up to his feet, now shivering so harshly that you could hear his teeth chatter. You’d only known this Flamer for less than two days and yet he’d already managed to tug at your heartstrings.
“You should go back and get warm. I’ve read about Flamers and their immune systems… you guys are absolute babies when it comes to the cold.” Out of instinct, you reached out to touch his arm, like you did to most sick patients. But of course, you paused just before the tips of your fingers brushed against his jacket, curled your hand into a palm and forced it back down to your side. “I wouldn’t want you getting a fever just to see an ordinary Icer.”
Seonghwa cracked a half of a smile, shaking his head in disbelief.
But when he spun on his heel to leave, you called out before you could stop yourself, “Will I ever see you again, Seonghwa?” He stopped in his tracks without turning to looking at you. Stomach coiling into a tight knot of tension, you awaited in the palpable silence, a heavy lump forming in your throat.
“Next time, let’s go somewhere a bit warmer, yeah? Meet me closer to Flamer territory, by the river next to the largest tree in the Grey Forest. If you get to see me shiver, I get to see you sweat, Icer.” And then he continued on his way, until his lithe form disappeared behind the misty haze and the frosted shrubbery.
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Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck. Just what were you thinking, agreeing to meet with a Flamer? Were you always this stupid or had you just realized now? You couldn’t believe you were spending your free time with some random Flamer from the Fire Tribe. 
Thoughts of doubt swirled about in your head as you wove your way through the Grey Forest. The low rumbling of the river had you gulping down a large lump in your throat. It was already far too warm for you liking, the little snowflakes that buzzed around your head slowly melting away in water droplets. You didn’t think you’ve ever been this nervous before; not even back when you performed your first major surgery. There was just something about Seonghwa that you couldn’t stay away from… like when your Nan used to tell you no sugar candies before bed, it only made you crave for them all the more.
By the time you spotted Seonghwa leaning against the large tree, you were panting heavily, perspiration marring your skin. 
“Fancy seeing you here,” The Flamer chimed, seeming to be in a much better mood now that the tables have turned. He seemed quite at ease, not a bead of sweat to be seen. “Already worked up quite a sweat, have we?”
Pathetically, you lifted your arm to conjure a small snowball, proceeding to press it against your head for cool relief. It quickly melted into a slushy of ice and water, dripping down your hair. You frowned, while Seonghwa grinned in return.
“Not so fun, is it?” He teased while you kicked off your boots and dipped your feet into the river, moaning in relief at the slightly cooler temperature of the water. You wished to make it colder, but much to your disappointment, the water wouldn’t crystalize because of how quickly it was rushing by. 
Seonghwa crouched next to you, but still kept a decent length away, picking up rocks to skip across the river. For that, you were grateful, because if he made you any warmer than you were at that moment, you would’ve gotten up and stormed back to Icer lands. 
“The first time we met,” You started after flicking water onto your face to cool down, making Seonghwa glance at you with curious eyes. “You were telling me to go back to my territory. But now, you made me come closer to Flamer lands. What’s up with that?”
“I don’t know,” He answered honestly. “You’re just… not what I thought an Icer would be like. It made me curious.”
“And what did you think we’d be like?”
A small shrug lifted his shoulder, “Cold. I mean, not that you aren’t, but cold as in… your hearts would be frozen over as well. I grew up with stories of Icers freezing Flamers to death and placing them in their gardens as statues. But you don’t seem like you’d do that kind of stuff. Especially when you told me that you were a healer.”
“For me, everybody knew the story of how the Fire Tribe would lock the Icers they captured in a sealed room, and the snow they made would melt and they’d slowly watch as the room filled with water, unable to turn it into ice because it was too damn hot. And eventually… they’d drown.” At the last few words, you frosted over your fingers and dunked them beneath the waters’ surface.
Seonghwa’s horrified expression made you chuckle slightly.
“Well, for the record, we don’t do that. We aren’t barbarians.” His words were said huffily as he crossed his arms and turned fully to fix his rapt gaze on you.
“I know. It was merely a silly childhood legend.”
The hours dribbled away fairly quickly, you and Seonghwa exchanging tales of your childhood that only increased in absurdity the farther you recounted. He told you about his friend, San, and how they once snuck into Wind Tribe territory to steal rare Gustberries that only grew in the harsh fields of the Breezers. You told him of Hongjoong and Wooyoung, the former being your closest friend and the latter constantly getting himself hurt. Laughs and giggles and the quiet hum of the river filled the silences in between the gaps of your vivid conversations. The more time you spent talking with him, the more you found yourself growing fond of the fiery-eyed man. Who would’ve thought?
By the time the sun had already set, you and Seonghwa were sitting much closer than when you had first sat down, his heat pulsating through the air in waves. To be honest, you didn’t quite mind the subtle warmth after you got used to the initial shock, but you knew you were pushing your limits. An Icer shouldn’t be out in high temperatures for this long. 
You pushed yourself up to your feet, head swimming dizzily as you sucked in lungfuls of air. Slightly concerned, Seonghwa reached out to help you find your feet, but he pulled away at the last moment, just as you had last night. The tables really have turned, you thought in mild amusement.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m… fine…” You swayed on your feet slightly, pressing your cooler palm against your warmer-than-usual forehead.
“Come on, let’s get you back to the cold. You guys are absolute babies when it comes to the heat.” He said, mimicking the same exact words you told him yesterday. A weak laugh slipped past your lips, as you leaned against a tree branch.
Oh, everything was just too hot. You’ve been out of the snow for too long…
All of a sudden, the world was flipped onto its side, damp grass pressing against your face. You could barely register Seonghwa startled yelp before everything went dark.
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“Hey. Icer, are you okay? Icer! Y/N, come on, I put you back in the snow, I don’t know what else to do.”
Though your head pounded as though someone had whacked you with a tree branch, you could just barely make out Seonghwa’s concerned tone. When your eyelids fluttered open, you were met with the sight of the Flamer’s handsome, yet alarmed face.
“You okay?” His words came gentle and soothing.
Puffing out a small sigh, you nodded tiredly. Being back in the snow felt much better, “Yeah. Thank you,” You croaked out sheepishly.
Seonghwa beamed down at you, before shuffling away so as the snow around you wouldn’t melt. But just as soon as the smile graced his features, it quickly dissipated into a frown, “Don’t scare me like that,” He practically scolded. “You win, okay? Next time we can stay in the snow.”
Breath caught in your throat, a heavy blush laid over your cheeks, “Next time? You just can’t get enough of me, can you?”
“No, I suppose not,” Seonghwa said somewhat nonchalantly, shocking you.
“I… well, thank you for the, well… uhm, getting me back,” You stumbled over your words the longer Seonghwa stared. Oh, what was this man doing to you? “I have some… healer things I need to do… so, I best get going… erm -” Without another thought, you pushed yourself onto your knees, snow crunching underneath your breeches as you leaned over towards him.
He was so warm. His face, especially, once you brushed your far-cooler lips against his cheekbone. The Flamer reared back with a ridiculous, startled expression, eyes comically wide. One of his hands came up to clamp against the cheek you kissed, mouth opening and closing but no words coming out. 
“It was really nice talking to you. Thank you again,” You murmured while hiding a grin behind your palm. With that, you turned on your heel and left the blushing Flamer alone in the snow.
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From then on, you saw Seonghwa practically every day. Oftentimes, you’d meet in the snow and stroll through the Grey Forest until it got far too warm and the both of you would have to turn back. The moment he’d see your skin dampen with sweat, he’d have the two of you abruptly changing course, steering away from the heat of the Fire Tribe. You thought that was incredibly thoughtful of him. 
Once, Seonghwa discovered a more shallower part of the river that you could actually crystalize to keep yourself cool. That day was a good day. You had gently taken his scorching hand and tried to help him run across the ice before his heat could melt it away. The two of you left soaking wet, boisterous grins painted across your lips.
Hongjoong, being your closest friend and all, was constantly questioning and badgering on about where you went every afternoon. After all, you were a healer and your tribe needed you. But, however selfish it was, you didn’t want to stop seeing Seonghwa… he made you feel things no person from the Ice Tribe had ever made you feel.
The more you saw him, the more you had the urge to yank his stupidly sharp jawline towards you and shove your lips onto his. You’d imagine the way the warmth radiating off his skin would feel underneath your frigid palms and lips. You thought back to the second-long cheek kiss you gave him a couple months back, a fond smile tickling at the corner of your mouth.
“What’re you thinking about?” Seonghwa asked from beside you, nudging you slightly. Over a long course of time, the pair of you grew more and more comfortable with one another, inching closer and closer with each meet-up. At this point, you were practically sitting on top of him, one of his legs intertwined with yours and your head laying on his shoulder, the both of you leaning against a frosted tree trunk. Seonghwa smelled of sweet, burning sugar with a heavier scent of roasted coffee beans. He also often complained about how cold you were, although his tone was always fairly light and lacked any true bite. 
“Nothing,” You were quick to say, pulling your head away from his shoulder to peer up at him.
Shrugging off your strange attitude, Seonghwa glanced down at you with excited eyes, “You wanna see a new trick I learned?”
Without awaiting your answer (because he knew you’d say yes anyway), Seonghwa cupped his hands together and pulled them away to produce a thin orange flame morphed into the shape of a shooting arrow. You watched in rapt fascination as the fire-arrow spun in the air when Seonghwa whistled sharply. Then, he pushed it away to embed itself into the tree across from you. The tree’s dry bark was quick to catch aflame, but you flicked your hands and caged in the fire with frost, the orange dying out into the blackened wood. 
“Learned that during archery,” Seonghwa beamed down at your bemused expression. “You know, only the best Flamers can morph their fires into shapes. It takes a lot of concentration.”
With no effort at all, you twirled your fingers to make an intricate rabbit out of ice, whiskers and fur and all, holding it out to Seonghwa with a minuscule smile. The Flamer scowled slightly, and touched the tip of his finger to the clear crystal, watching it dribble into liquid through the gaps of your palms.
You rolled your eyes to the side before leaning your head back onto his shoulder with a content sigh, “Don’t you compete with me, Park Seonghwa. You’ll never win.”
Much to your surprise, he didn’t bother to argue, and instead pressed his warm nose into your frosty hair, humming, “Yeah, yeah. And who was the one that fainted in the heat again?”
“If I recall correctly, you’ve caught more than three colds just this year! And it’s only the fifth moon, too!”
His hands suddenly darted out to tickle your midriff, to which you squirmed away with a smothered laugh. 
“Hm, wanna put it to the test? I promise I’ll go easy,” You said teasingly once you managed to capture his wrists. You could feel his pulse rapidly thumping against the pad of your thumb. 
“I don’t know… I wouldn’t want to hurt you.”
“Trust me, you’re not the one that’ll be hurting.”
“Oh, you’re on, Icer.”
The two of you stumbled onto your feet and you held yourself up in a defensive stance. With a faint smile, Seonghwa mimicked your position. Admittedly, it wasn’t a very fair fight; you were a healer and he was a well-trained fighter.
But nonetheless, you were the first to throw, a frozen ball of ice the size of your fist hurtled towards him at top speed. Seonghwa was quick to react, blasting the ice with orange flames until it melted mid-air. You frowned and lithely dodged behind a tree when he reconjured his fire arrows and sent them after you. In retaliation, you quickly brought up a thick ice barrier with a laugh, smothering the thin lines of fire away with the sole of your boots. 
The air was chock-full of his crackling flames muted by your snow, crystalline icicles dripping from nearby tree branches, and lame taunts tossed back and forth by the both of you as you play-fought for another couple of minutes.
Seonghwa might’ve had the upper hand in combat, but you knew how to play dirty. Just as he was stepping forward, you sent a sheet of slippery ice to slide underneath his boots. With a bewildered expression, Seonghwa flailed about for a moment, the small fire he prepared in his palm dying down to glowing embers, before tumbling down into the snow. 
“That was low, Y/N,” The Flamer huffed out whilst trying to catch his breath against the pale white mound of snowflakes, glaring at you with playfully narrowed eyes. You were glad to see that he wasn’t actually angry at you.
“Do you call defeat, Seonghwa? There’s no shame in admitting it, you know!” Your jaunts were light-hearted as you walked closer to him and Seonghwa found himself grinning despite the cold stinging his skin. 
Sticking your hand out to help him up, Seonghwa eyed you for a moment with an indiscernible expression, his playful nature fading away into something you couldn’t quite decipher.
Instead of pushing himself up, he suddenly pulled you down with him, a startled shriek leaving your lips and echoing across the Grey Forest. You fell on top of him with a grunt of pain, meeting his glowing amber eyes with your confused ones. During your hazy moment of puzzlement, Seonghwa tugged you closer, his warm palms curled around your forearms gently. 
And then, without further warning, he kissed you. This one was nothing like the first kiss you gave him. That one was merely an innocent peck on the cheek. But this one… this one held passion and furtive desire and yearning. The both of you most definitely wanted this, it was quite clear by now.
Your senses were overwhelmed in the best way possible. All you could smell was him, the heavy undertone of roasted coffee beans sending your head into a cloudy daze. Your lips were slanted against his hot ones, noses of starkly opposite temperatures bumping against one another in your moment of desperation. You weren’t sure where to place your hands, so you balled them up against his jacket, just close enough to feel the hardness of his chest underneath.
For you, everything was hot, searing with a need for more as his plump, warm lips laid over yours. For him, however, everything was cold. The snow beneath was a mild annoyance, and yet he was willing to bear through it for you. You were equally freezing, but Seonghwa welcomed the cold for once, a dangerous ache that would grow to be lethal if neither of you were careful.
A small, frosty sigh left you when he pulled away for a second to stare at you with those intense eyes of his. You stared back with part-confusion and part-longing, lips agape. That apparently set something off in him, because he sat up with you straddling his hips, hands now encircled around your midriff as he kissed you more passionately, leaning forward so your back arched into him.
This wasn’t supposed to be happening. Why were you feeling these emotions for a Flamer of all people? Why couldn’t you have just stayed within your own tribe? Turmoil churned about in you as you kissed him in somewhat of a frantic manner. You hated yourself for loving it so much.
The second time he pulled away, you were both gasping for breath, lips swollen and clothes rumpled and askew. You could tell he wanted to kiss you again, and probably a thousand times after that. To be frank, that was all you wanted as well.
But you knew this had to stop. And so, when he leaned forward to capture your lips with his again, you flinched none-too-subtly and slid off his lap. An expression of genuine hurt flickered across his handsome, reddened features. A twinge of guilt gnawed away at your stomach as you got up onto your shaky feet.
“Go home, Seonghwa,” Was all you could find yourself saying with a hoarse voice. “You’re going to catch a cold again.”
You couldn’t look at him anymore. And so, you left him laying crestfallen in the snow, hurriedly making your way back to Icer lands, small blue snowflakes trailing behind you and cold tears pricking the corners of your eyes.
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The next day, Seonghwa didn’t show up. You waited by your usual meet-up place, gnawing on your lip anxiously, glancing every which way in hopes of seeing the raven-headed Flamer. In the midst of your worrying turmoil, more and more snowflakes emanated from your skin and it didn’t take long for them to accumulate by your feet, completely covering your boots in a pristilline white blanket. You stepped out of the feather-soft pile, opting to impatiently trudge about in an attempt to steel your nerves.
You hadn’t been able to sleep that night. Seonghwa’s heartbroken expression was imprinted into your mind, leaving you in a mess of guilt and regret and anger. 
Why did you have to push him away? Seonghwa, your first non-Icer friend, shoved away as if he meant nothing. You released a frustrated groan, smacking your palm into your forehead.
It made sense that he didn’t want to see you. If you were in his shoes, you probably wouldn’t leave your room and have the light of day touch your face for a whole moon. The idea of Seonghwa upset just didn’t sit right with you. Nonetheless, you could do little else than bide your time for him, however much you hated waiting.
He didn’t show up the next day either. Nor the one after that. 
By the fourth day of waiting, you started to feel twinges of discouragement, but you never gave up, determined to set things right with Seonghwa. The niggling thought of him never showing up was one that often pestered you while you patiently awaited his return, although always quickly shoved down into the corner of your mind. You didn’t want to think about what you would do if you never saw him again.
It took just over a week of waiting for him to come back. At that point, you hadn’t thought he’d come back at all, reluctantly accepting that you’ve ultimately ruined your friendship with Seonghwa.
And so, imagine your surprise when his voice rang out through the trees, your name rolling off his tongue smoothly, “Y/N.”
Startled, you flinched so hard that your head hit a branch that hung lowly on the icy tree you were sitting beneath. It reminded you so much of the first time you met him that you couldn’t help but crack a smile after your initial pained grimace.
“Seonghwa,” You gasped, eyes round with shock and mouth agape. “You’re… you’re back!” 
The excitement in your voice didn’t go undetected by either of you, but his features were set in stone, unmoving and neutral. Those blazing eyes of his seemed to bore holes into you, and you felt strangely naked underneath his gaze. You noticed that his appearance was more disheveled than ever, eyebags dark and hair not neatly slicked back like usual. He looked broken, but far too proud to admit so.
“Seonghwa…?” You stepped closer, the frosted leafy foliage crumbling under the pressure. This man was someone you deeply cared about, and you knew he felt the same about you.
So why was he staring at you like you meant nothing to him?
A shiver ran down your spine, a sensation that only Seonghwa could bestow upon you. Which was ironic, because the cold feeling that tickled down your spine was ignited by a man with powers of fire and heat. 
You and him didn’t belong together. That was clear as day by now.
“Seonghwa,” You mumbled again, reaching out to him once close enough.
He shut his eyes as if looking at you were torture. It stung more than you liked to admit, so you retracted your fingers, clenching them into a fist and dropping them back by your side awkwardly. The air was so tense, so utterly uncomfortable, you could feel the crack in your heart splinter into more branches.
“Stop saying that.”
“Saying what?” Your bottom lip trembled. This wasn’t the Seonghwa you’ve grown to be so fond of. This man scared you. You had half a mind to grab him by the shoulders and shake some sense back into him. Where did your Seonghwa go?
An angry huff escaped his lips, misting visibly out of his carmine lips. The very ones you kissed a little over a week ago.
“You can’t… just… don’t say my name. Please. We can’t be like that anymore. We can’t do this. We can’t keep seeing each other.” Seonghwa’s stoic mask disintegrated into raw emotion. He looked to be on the verge of tears, and you wouldn’t be surprised if you mirrored the same exact expression.
There was a part of you that wanted to yell and scream and throw sharp icicles at him until he had no choice but to run back to Flamer territory. Anywhere, as long as it was far away from you. The other, more rational part of you, whispered that he was right. After all, you were the one that pushed him away first. It was only fair.
A broken bone won’t heal if you keep putting pressure on the wound. Being a healer, you couldn’t just ignore your own teachings.
But for just once in your life, you wanted to be selfish. You wanted to hold Seonghwa tightly in your grasp, no matter how dangerous it was. You wanted to call him yours, and you wanted to be his. You wanted to kiss him again, despite the small action being the ultimate downfall for the both of you.
And so you found yourself croaking out, making sure to emphasize his name, “Seonghwa, you know just as much as I do that there’s something here between us. You can’t just ignore it and toss that all out the window!”
His face screwed up in an effort to keep the onslaught of tears at bay. Perhaps what he felt for you wasn’t yet as strong as what he’d call love, but he wasn’t very far from it. He cared too much for you, so much more than anybody else in his life.
He needed you. And because of that, he had to let you go. Fraternizing with the enemy wasn’t something to be taken lightly. If his tribe knew about this little escapade of his, they’d have his head and would finally have a good enough reason to declare war. Regardless, it was only a matter of time. The Fire Tribe has hated Icers for centuries and centuries, teetering on the brink between neutrality and complete bloodshed. 
“We have no choice,” The words were said in a low tone, rumbling deep down in his chest. Seonghwa shuffled closer, so close that you could feel his familiar heat wavering against the ice once again. You longed to reach out and place your hand on his chest, feel his heart thumping against his ribcage frantically, just as yours was. “Do you know what they’d do to you - to us - if our tribes found us together? It’s too risky, Y/N. I don’t know what I’d do if you got hurt.”
“I’m a healer. I can take care of myself! And we can just stay careful like we always have. Besides, people rarely come into the Grey Forest anymore!” Your words came out fast and jittery and panicked. You thought that you had already come to terms with losing the man that stood in front of you, but you were far from acceptance, you knew that now.
Seonghwa carded a pale hand through dark strands of hair, “I’m sorry, were you not the one that told me to go back home? You started this. You wanted this!” He was so agitated that when he swung his arm back to his side, small crackles of fire lit up his fingers.
Something inside you snapped, “I most definitely did not! It was just… all too sudden and I needed time to think. Now that I’ve already thought, there’s no need for us to run away and never see each other again! You’re overexaggerating, Seonghwa.”
“No, you don’t get it. Don’t you know, Y/N? Our tribes are verging on war. We’re supposed to be enemies, you and I. Don’t be daft!” His voice raised a notch or two louder, and you found yourself shrinking into yourself.
Tears pricked your eyes and you looked away from his fierce gaze, “We don’t have to be a part of that. We can just -”
“Just what? Pretend? We can’t play picnic in the forest and act like our people aren’t planning to slaughter each other!”
“You know what?” You shouted so loudly that the birds nesting on treetops fluttered away, a mass of dark wings and agitated squawks. “If you want to walk away from this relationship, from me, then go ahead! I won’t stop you. Fuck you, Seonghwa. Fuck you for throwing this away the moment it became something more.”
“You were the first to push away!” He protested, pointing an accusatory finger at you.
“Well, I’m sorry!” You cried out, furiously swiping away the tears that dribbled down your cheeks. “I’m sorry I was scared! I’m willing to try again, but you’re not giving me the chance. I waited for you every day, you know.”
“I know. I saw,” He said, suddenly quiet. “I’m sorry for making you wait.”
The two of you stared at each other defiantly, heavy breaths misting the air in front of you. His nose was tinted a deep pink, no doubt because of the cold.
“I’m leaving,” Seonghwa said after a long while. “And you shouldn’t come back here. Ever. I need you to know, Y/N. I’m doing this because I care about you. I expect you to do the same for me.”
Then, after casting you a forlorn expression, he tore his blazing eyes away and stiffly swiveled around in the snow. A gust of wind tousled his hair and he blew out a sigh of pale white mist. The cold made his nose red, and you subconsciously noticed the way he shivered slightly, brushing snowflakes off his sleeve. You’d miss that.
You’d miss him.
His heat grew fainter as his long strides took him further away from you. Your tears had crystallized on your cheeks uncomfortably, a frozen reminder of what you’d lost. You had half the mind to storm right up to Seonghwa and force him to stay here, by your side. That was the child speaking within you, however, and you were no longer a child. 
Flicking the solidified salt water on your cheeks away, you did just the same as Seonghwa had minutes ago, trudging your way back to Icer lands. Little did either of you know, the two of you cried fresh tears along the whole journey back. 
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The last time you ever stepped foot in the Grey Forest was just the day after. Your eyes were puffy and aching, hair a terrible mess, and a wax-sealed envelope was tightly clutched in your hand.
There was a chance that Seonghwa would never come back. In fact, it was most probable that he’d never get the precariously written letter you left by the usual meeting place, considering what he told you yesterday.
Fond memories sunk its sharpened claws into you, stealing away your breath as you cupped both hands over your mouth, overwhelmed in every way possible. You were far too drained to cry, having emptied away all your tears the day before.
And so, you brushed stray snowflakes off the periwinkle-hued wax stamp, placing it down by the tree stump where Seonghwa usually sat. 
Then you muttered a quiet, broken goodbye, stomping back to Icer lands. You were never going to see Seonghwa again. 
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Dear Seonghwa,
I know you told me to never come back. I won’t, I promise. I just wanted to leave the letter because… we never properly got to say goodbye, did we?
Well, congrats, you big dummy. You’re right. You always were, and you always are. We were never supposed to be friends. I mean, I suppose we’re enemies now, aren’t we? It was quite the foolish fantasy we had going on there, huh? I get it, we have to stay loyal to our respective tribes, we can’t risk getting caught, so on so forth. I just hope that when war is declared (which doesn’t seem to be long from now, to be quite honest), I won’t see you on the battlefield. I don’t think I’d be able to handle that. 
So, I guess this is goodbye. It’s a little hard to believe that I won’t ever get to see your stupid face again. Remember when I threw a snowball at you so hard that it broke your nose? You panicked and blood went splattering everywhere and it didn’t stop until I got you to calm down. For a highly-ranked Flamer soldier, I’d expect you to be less squeamish at the sight of your own blood. It’s alright, though. As a healer myself, blood still freaks me out just a bit.
I thought I ruined your pretty face for all the poor ladies and gents who were mad in love with you back at the Flame Tribe, and I felt so guilty. And then you smiled! I remember feeling envy and astonishment at the same time because how the hell could one look pretty while smiling through a broken, bloody nose? 
I’m glad I didn’t ruin your face, though. You’d probably get really mad at me if I did. But you would’ve forgiven me eventually, right?
Frankly, I don’t know if I deserve your forgiveness for what I did. And no, I’m not talking about hurting your precious face (they say a once-broken nose makes a man more attractive!). I’m sorry for pushing you away, Seonghwa. Really, I don’t know what I was thinking. I was scared and I needed time to think. I hope you understand that. If you don’t, that’s okay as well.
If I could rewind time, I wouldn’t have stopped kissing you. I could’ve carried on for days and days and days on end. Did you know that you’re the second person I’ve ever kissed? Don’t ask about the first, drunk Wooyoung isn’t really something to brag about. Well, for the record, you were the first kiss I actually enjoyed. Congrats.
Of course, all this doesn’t mean that it was entirely my fault. I waited for you for a week, and you did nothing but hide behind trees and watch. That was real shitty of you, to put it plainly.
I’ll miss you, though. I’ve never felt this way about any Icer and I doubt I ever will. Of all people to set my sights on, it just had to be a Flamer. What rotten luck we have.
Goodbye forever, Seonghwa. Stay safe, alright? For my sake.
With much love,
Seonghwa read the letter through so quickly that his pupils seemed to be moving at lightning speed. Then, with a numbed heart, he read it a second time, this time much slower.
By the third time he reread each of your carefully handwritten words, warm tears of salt water were running over his cheeks. His face had grown considerably hotter, the salty liquid steaming misty tendrils against his skin. He was angry. So, so ridiculously angry. At himself, at this stupid rivalry between the tribes, at you for being so goddamn perfect. Of course you’d managed to squeeze in jaunts and jokes in a farewell note.
There was a part of him that wished he’d never come back to the Grey Forest and found the letter. Fat droplets of his tears trickled down his jaw and soaked through the parchment, marring the intricate ink characters. With a gentle sigh, Seonghwa brushed the dampness away and stiffly flicked his wrist.
The letter burst into glowing orange flames. And Seonghwa watched on, stifling down the urge to break down into a fit of chest-wracking sobs, until your goodbye was nothing but a measly pile of blackened ashes on his palm.
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dorimena · 3 years
That ask you got about Shoto being soft : an Absolute meal.
Please, could you please write what happens after ? Like, it’s not going to be the first time he watches his reflection with a pout in the mirror. He’s always been lean thanks to training and also his dad overly controlling his diet in the past. So, now that his body is soft?
When you fuck him, his thighs jiggle a bit. His butt bounces if you spank him. It always did, but now even more so. When you have him tied to a chair,naked, his tummy is adorable, the little fold in it is biteable and for some reason, it becomes even more sensitive.
The softness of his body somehow accentuates how more sensitive he is now.
But, he always needs the reassurance that you still think he’s pretty. That’s he’s still your beautiful boy.. Maybe he even asks you if you mind ? Maybe after he recovers and he asks you if you want him back as he used to be. ( because he actually liked how your fingers sank more in him now , the way you praised a little more to ease his worries and the self conscious way he held himself sometimes. But , he would go train more, ask his mum to stop being pastries, if that is what you wanted. He’d do anything for you and to make sure you still want him)
+ (imagine him crying a little when praised)
Of course I could! (✯◡✯)
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𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔢𝔯; Todoroki Shoto
𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱; 1.8k
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰; Soft!Todoroki, fluff, a sex scene, insecurities, implied praise (sexual and non-sexual), bondage (in the sex scene), proclamation of love (kinda), reassurance, cuddles, cursing, dom!reader, sub!character
𝔬𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔞𝔤𝔰; aged-up character, Todoroki is 20+
𝔰𝔦𝔡𝔢𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔢; I hope you like it! I kind of kept coming in and out of some weird writer’s block, so the ending might seem a bit rushed. This isn’t proofread yet!
Also! Shoutout to @buckybabyboyzzz for unintentionally helping me with this, because some ideas in this fic come from our conversation about soft!shoto, and by our conversation I mean me receiving their ideas about soft!shoto ヽ(*・ω・)ノ
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𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖒𝖊, 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖒𝖊 (𝖘𝖆𝖞 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖒𝖊)
You knew fucking him and kissing him everywhere wouldn’t be enough for him to feel secure. It’s illogical to think he wouldn’t go back to the mirror and stare at himself again, with that mean, insecure gaze set on his tummy, on his hips, on his thighs.
You know he’s struggling to accept his new body, and it’s showing with how he’s suddenly becoming more conscious of his cravings, of the servings (which are one of the few things that haven’t changed), of the food being placed on the table (again, another of the few things that haven’t changed.)
He asked you, in such a small, low tone, about what you think made him put on weight. And you couldn’t even lie, not when he’s staring at you with so much trust, awaiting your honesty, knowing you’re not going to be mean or rude about it.
And with such a smooth voice, you tell him that maybe the amount of times he’s snacking and lack of permission to be able to burn off the calories would have contributed. 
And you waited for him to react, to maybe cry, to get angry with himself, to maybe go back to the mirror to check and agree that you’re right.
Instead, he nods and snuggles closer next to you, hugging you close to him as you both continue to watch another one of Midoriya’s movie recommendations, considering how behind Shoto apparently still is with the whole movie culture situation. He just found out where the ‘I am your father’ reference comes from and he’s never felt so happy.
Okay that’s a lie, you fucking him more times after the first has made him feel so much joy and makes him feel so desired and needed.
But, it’s not enough to ease his insecurities and new thoughts away.
You come back from work one day, concerned over how quiet the house is.
The TV isn’t on.
The radio isn’t either.
You don’t even hear the shower.
You thought maybe he’s napping, because poor baby’s still catching up with sleep, but he’s nowhere.
You don’t really panic, but you’re worried.
Maybe he went to the office for something? But he usually texts you when he’s on his way.
Maybe the doctor called for a checkup? But the appointment isn’t until next week.
You can’t really come up for another reason why he wouldn’t be home, but you decide to simply text him to come home soon and safely, telling him you brought some take-away pasta.
About an hour later he returns, all sweaty yet glowing with joy.
Curious, you ask him about the sudden change in personality, as he was gloomy since a few days ago.
He tells you how he called the doctor and asked if it’s possible he could go on long walks and possible morning or evening jogs, to which the doctor gave him the thumbs up and off Shoto went to do some errands, even paying a visit to Midoriya’s house.
He went to take a shower, not before handing you a bag of what appears to be some new workout clothes.
But, his clothes still fit and look fine on him?
Shoto wouldn’t agree, doesn’t, not with how tight his sweatpants feel around his thighs, how you can easily tell where he’s put on weight when even trying to cover up with a hoodie.
And seeing the new clothes in the bag made you upset, if not a bit angry. 
You’re trying your best to understand, but he does one thing and then the next does a complete 180°.
And that night when you’re both just kissing each other, you trying to suck up any moan or whine he makes, the moment you begin palming his dick he pulls away. Staring at you with a weird look in his eyes before turning around, mumbling a goodnight.
No, impossible. You’re not going to allow this!
So the next day when he comes home from another job, you call him from the bedroom, seductively lying on the bed as you play with the ropes.
With enough persuasion, seduction and sweet promises, you manage to tie Shoto to a kitchen chair that you brought into the room before he arrived.
And you’re on your knees, your hands slowly massaging up and down on his thighs while you kiss his stomach, nuzzling the skin before leaving some pretty hickies. 
Shoto’s shaking, eyes filling with tears but not because of pain or pleasure. He’s not sure why he suddenly feels so emotional, but his sniffling catches your attention.
You look up as your kisses go to the base of his dick, making him whimper as he tries to tell you to stop.
But he doesn’t say anything, because he doesn’t want this to stop. He’s not sure why he’s so embarrassed (he does know) or why he’s trying to hide (he also knows). He moans your name, rolling his hips up because he wants you, he really, really wants you.
You're not done yet, but while you stroke him slowly, teasing his tip, biting and kissing his thighs, moaning your praise and singing your compliments, all while not breaking eye contact with him, not wanting any of your words going through one of his ears and out the other.
That night you ride him to oblivion, making him go through countless toe-curling orgasms as he fills you with so much cum, his soft cheeks so red you bite them gently, helping him stay grounded and not go stupid yet. 
It helps him think between orgasms about how even with all this attention, with you still desiring him and his body, it still doesn’t feel enough.
Once you��re both cleaned up and snuggled in bed, he has that weird look again, but you know what you have to do now.
You kiss him, so softly, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss, and once he pulls away, you whisper so happily how beautiful he looks, fixing his bangs to show his eyes better, tracing the bridge of his nose and softened jawline. 
And in the following mornings until the doctor’s appointment, you compliment how pretty he looks, how well the color of the new gym clothes look on him, how much warmer he feels whenever you hug him.
And once you hug him, it’s so hard for you to let go, to go to work after that. 
You just hope your love has oozed out of you and he managed to absorb it. Sounds weird, but you just want him to remember your promise that you’ll always love him no matter what.
The day of the appointment came and went within a blink of an eye, but Shoto’s been torn between worried and delighted. He can finally start going back to the gym! He can also take baby steps through his training, but he can also go on runs, just not for long periods.
He’s still forbidden from going to missions yet, but patrols are okay as long as he has sidekicks with him.
Yet, he’s worried about you. You’ve been silent all day, having accompanied him just in case. You aren’t ignoring him as far as he could tell, but you haven’t been your chirpy self, not even following much of his attempts at small talk.
Is this the moment you tell him you’re breaking up with him?
Okay, that sounds ridiculous, but he just wants to know you’re doing okay! He just wants to know everything you’ve done since he’s been homebound (kinda) until today wasn’t out of pity but genuine love and care.
So he sucks in some breath before asking you..
“Do you mind that I’ll be going back to the gym? Did, um, did you like me like this?”
He braces himself for the next question.
“Do you… Do you want me to stay like this? Would this make you happy?”
“Would it make you happy?”
You ask back softly, opening your arms to invite him for a hug, one he doesn’t hesitate to throw himself into, making you both land onto your bed. 
“You’re avoiding my question-” “I’m not! I’m not, Shoto. If working out to get back your body makes you happy, then go for it. I don’t care about your body. Okay, that sounded bad, let me rephrase that.”
You nervously laugh as you shift, making sure he’s comfortable as you try playing with his hair in such an awkward position.
“I love you, Shoto, very, very much. I love you because of your generosity, your kindness, your sometimes too brutal honesty, your unintentional jokes and weird humor, your confusion for such everyday normal things that you weren’t exposed to, your excitement that you fail hiding whenever we pass your favorite donut shop.
And your body during these times has made me live through one of the best experiences of my life! I got to spoil you in so many ways I wasn’t able to do before because of how busy you were. And I got to finally see a side of you no one else was able to see: you’re naturally sensitive, baby. Not in a sexual way, but in such a tender, sweet way that makes me just want to keep you away from every danger in the world.
Shoto, I saw the way your eyes lit up with the doctor’s words, and I’m glad he finally gave you the thumbs up.”
You sigh, frowning as you hold him closer.
“I know how mean you’ve been with yourself, how cruel the change was messing with your mind. I might not understand to a certain extent, but I just want you to know that I’m in no way against you going back to how you were. What I am against is you still being mean with yourself and possibly overworking yourself. Do you understand?”
He takes a while to shake his head, not knowing what you exactly mean but has a pretty good guess.
“What I mean is that you might push yourself too far and hurt yourself again. And if you hurt yourself again, the doctor might make you stay at home for who-knows how much longer and take away this opportunity you’ve probably been waiting for.”
He gasps, never having really thought about that. Yet-
“Do you want me like before?”
“Yes and no, Shoto. Yes, I want you like before because I’ll always want you, no matter what. No, I don’t want you like before because you’ll overwork yourself again and probably hurt yourself even worse next time.”
And with the conversation you both continue to have, many other topics are spoken about, helping Shoto come with his own conclusion that maybe he’ll stay soft like this for a little while longer, until he adapts back into a healthy recovery and workout routine. 
Actually, it’s only because he wants to bask in a bit more of your praise, in your reassurance, in your care as you help guide him back to his old lifestyle, all while slowly taking out certain things that you’ve both incorporated into your lives while he stayed at home.
Meaning next time his mother paid a visit, pastries, as much as they’re appreciated, will be politely declined.
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passable-talent · 4 years
i love your works! could i request a zuko x reader scenario where the reader and zuko first meet at the northern water village (reader saves zuko from drowning during that full/blood moon) and sees zuko again when he joins the gaang? they’re training and the reader heals a cut on his face and they kiss👀? thank you!
oooooo I haven’t gotten a water bending reader request yet 👀 this’ll be fun
also thank you! I’m definitely enjoying myself
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When you saved Prince Zuko’s life, you’d had no idea who he was.
Okay, to clarify, you did know he was a firebender. That much was obvious, from the fact that he was under the ice of the northern water tribe, melting his way through it.
You’d been wandering down toward one of your favorite hideaways, a little platform closer to the water’s surface that doubled as a pipe’s drainage point. You’d been sitting there, legs dangling so that you feet almost touched the water, when you heard a thump behind you. You turned, and saw nothing, and so ignored it. But a moment later you heard sizzling, and turned to see red-hot hands pressed up against the thick ice.
At that moment, it didn’t matter that he was a firebender. It mattered that he was trapped under the ice.
You shot to your feet and skidded to your knees over top of him, just as you watched his hands detach from the surface of the ice. He’d lost his air- and was sinking downward.
Immediately you split the ice open and used water bending to create a current upwards, spitting out enough of his torso that you could drag him from the water. He was lucky, and hadn’t yet taken a lungful of water, and so when you dropped him on his back he took a big, gasping breath.
“Are you okay?” You asked him, concern in your eyes for a moment before you asked something else. “What in Tui’s name were you doing under the ice?” You demanded, honest concern for the safety of this clearly insanely brave individual in your tone. But he looked up at you with a cold expression, and you sat back with a sigh as realization clutched your heart.
He was a firebender. The city was under siege. There were likely soldiers like him everywhere, crawling in like elephant rats through any holes they could find.
“Oh. Right.” You looked over his shoulder and with a hand motion, resealed the hole you’d pulled him from. He made no attempt to move, and made a few puffs of flame to try to warm up.
“You don’t look like a soldier,” you told him, and his fire began to turn from the cooler red flame to the hotter orange.
“I’m not,” he answered, which soothed your fears a slight bit. The night was eerily silent, but the movement of the water at the mouth of the pipe echoed through its length and past the two of you. There was an odd sense of peace- a firebender and a water bender, at a truce, within a pipe. His nation was laying siege to your capital city, but you wouldn’t hold that against him. Forgiveness, and unconditional love. That’s what you loved about your people, and you would let it guide you. You wouldn’t let someone drown- not even a fire bender.
You only hoped that you wouldn’t discover that he killed Princess Yue or something, you decided, as you watched him sneak off into the streets of the city. But you had faith in him. After all, he could’ve killed you.
When three months later you were a part of Team Avatar, you still hadn’t known that the boy you saved was indeed Prince Zuko. You’d joined Team Avatar late, only for the eclipse invasion, and so had only heard tales of the angry banished prince who caused so much harm. The two were definitely not the same person, it hadn’t ever even occurred to you that they could be.
So when Zuko turned up at the Western Air Temple, your first response was unbridled joy.
“It’s you!” You’d shouted before he could say a word, and rushed forward to hug him even as he stood stalk still in surprise. You turned back to Aang with a huge smile, relieved with this turn of events.
“Guys, this is perfect! He’s a firebender, but he’s good. I met him back at the Northern Water tribe, on the day of the lunar eclipse. He’s good, he’s-“ you turned to Zuko, a sheepish look of embarrassment on your face.
“I’m sorry, I never knew your name,” you said, before Katara spoke from behind you.
“That’s Zuko,” she spat, and your shoulders dropped. “Y/N, step away from him. I don’t know what you know, but he’s not what you think.”
You found it easier to accept him then a lot of the gang did. You had only ever seen the good side of him, and even though you’d heard of the bad, you just remembered that shivering teenager you’d rescued and the honest thankfulness in his eyes when he saw you.
You saw the relief on his face every time you sent him a smile, because you wanted him to know that you were supportive of his change of heart. He began to gravitate toward you, knowing that conversation with you wouldn’t feel awkward or forced.
You’d seen the good in him, and now you were sure of it.
When he wasn’t training Aang, he’d gotten into the habit of sparring with you. Hand to hand combat, without bending, had been a focus of yours ever since the lunar eclipse back at the North Pole, and even moreso after the Day of Black Sun. Both eclipses made you realize that it was easier than you expected for a bender to lose their ability, and illustrated just how much your fighting relied on your bending.
So the two of you started sparring together. You’d learned how to convert some of your waterbending into close quarter combat, and he began to do the same with his firebending. It made you better fighters, benders, and made you a better team.
Sometimes, though, it got a little rough.
On the beach in front of the Fire Lord’s vacation home on Ember Island, you both stood with bare feet in the sand. He’d taken off his shirt, and you any layer you could spare, as the physical activity warmed you both up. The sun was setting, turning the sea all sorts of blood red, and Katara was in the process of making up dinner, which was why the two of you were free to do this. You were both standing with your fists up, tense and ready for the other to make the first move.
As soon as you did, he ducked his torso out of the way and attempted to jut his fist into your sternum, which you caught with your wrist and shoved it downward. Your opposite hand made use of the opening left by his fist and you tried to get a jab into his chest, but he blocked it out to the side, opening up your torso for a kick that thrusted you backward. You stumbled but got your balanace, giving him a soft, playful snarl before rushing back toward him with a flurry of hand movements that he skillfully blocked. You grew frustrated and, without thinking, slashed with your left hand, palm up and open, away from your chest. It sent water up and to his face, centralized into a small enough stream that it gave him a shallow cut along his left cheek.
The sparring match stopped dead as you covered your mouth with your hands.
“Oh spirits I’m so sorry,” you said, one hand gently reaching out to cup his face. “I’m going to heal it, it’ll be fine, you won’t even notice. I’m so sorry.” With a light laugh he wrapped his hands around your wrist, his eyes locked on to you.
“It’s fine, I’m okay,” he said, and yet still you felt horrible.
“I didn’t mean to, I swear,” you said, your right hand drawing water from the ocean and quickly you purified it by letting the salt fall out. Your left hand pulled from his cheek for just long enough to cover it in water, and slowly you pressed your hand back onto the cut. You didn’t quite touch his skin, but let the water soak onto his face, and though you focused on making the water glow with healing, you vaguely noticed that he’d closed his eyes, and let out a small puff of air.
The water’s glow faded, and you lifted your hand to check that the cut was gone. Once you’d confirmed it was, you took your right hand to discard the water, leaving your left hand still cupping his cheek.
“I’m sorry,” you said again, this time whispering. The waves crashed on the shoreline, but he’d heard you. His eyes opened slowly and your breath caught, for a moment astounded by the gold that shimmered behind his eyelids.
You told your whimpering heart that he hadn’t been this pretty when you first met him.
His left hand slowly detached from your wrist and reached out toward you, first tucking back a strand of your hair that had fallen into your face, then letting it fall to the back of your neck. From there, he slowly brought you in, as though giving you time to pull away.
You wouldn’t.
As much as you wanted to keep your eyes open, to watch him, for as long as you could, instantly you’d closed your eyes and let him guide you into his lips. He was warm, beyond the warmth of exercise, and you realized you’d heard somewhere that firebenders were naturally warmer just as waterbenders were naturally cooler. Zuko was exceptionally warm- you felt almost as though you could fall asleep with his arms around you the way they were, the comfort of his heat and his contact soaking into your bones.
And his lips. Though they were chapped, they still managed to feel so soft, and he tilted his head in just the right way so that the two of you fit together, perfectly.
“Hey, Y/N, Zuko, Katara’s got-“ Sokka, who had appeared over the hills, stopped dead in the middle of his scentence to turn around and walk back to the house. “Dinner,” he called over his shoulder, giggling a bit, and as you pulled from Zuko’s lips with a smile you could already imagine the kind of comments the two of you would get during the meal.
With a single look to Zuko’s face, his expression soft and caring, you decided you didn’t mind.
-🦌 Roe
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pillage-and-lute · 3 years
Eskel is a Fanboy (Part 2, Electric Boogaloo)
This is a second part of this. Which in turn was inspired by this.
Please note, this is less funny and a little deeper than the first part, despite the title. Discussions of FEELINGS, hardcore, but also the trials. Brief mention of hypothermia.
Read it here on Ao3
Geralt arrived late that year. Vesemir had been pacing the corridors, a worry line between his brows, for the last week. The snows were getting worse and worse and innocent snowflakes joined other completely harmless snowflakes until a very un-harmless amount of snow had piled on the track and the passes. 
Lambert, alongside Aiden (another reason for the creases on Vesemir’s brow) lounged in the great hall, completely unconcerned. 
“He’s stayed later and later every year,” Lambert said, lazily. “He keeps lingering with that bard of his. Why should this year be any different?” His eyes were half closed as Aiden played idly with his hair.
“If he doesn’t get here in the next two days he’ll be too late,” Vesemir snapped.
“I recognize I’m the outsider, here,” Aiden said. “But I don’t always winter with my troupe, and Lambert occasionally spends winters away...”
Eskel shook his head. The constant bickering was impacting his reading and he’d long ago marked his place in his book and set it aside. “Not Geralt,” he said with certainty. “He always winters at home.”
Aiden levelled a chilly, yellow gaze. “You love him.”
“He’s my brother in arms.”
“He’s special to you.”
Eskel wanted to growl and snap, but Aiden wasn’t saying it in a malicious way. There was no threat or accusation in his words. If there had been it would have been pure hypocrisy, what with the way Lambert currently lay in his lap. Eskel had spent a week pretending not to see the pairs’ furtive kisses.
“He is special to me,” Eskel said at last. “I found him, after his second trial, was given special allowance to be away from training to help him. Whatever happened, with the mutagens, he was deaf and blind for nearly two weeks. And had as much strength as a kitten.”
Vesemir’s pacing gained a sharper edge. “I wish I’d killed the mage that called for that second trial.” He said. Lambert and Eskel made eye contact, they were familiar with the self loathing in Vesemir’s voice. Lambert was angry at the world and his whole situation, but they had all forgiven Vesemir years ago. There was no choice but to mend bridges with a pack so small. Still, they rarely talked about it.
“You killed the mage that called for his third,” Eskel said, quietly.
Aiden’s head jerked up. He’d been a witcher, albeit a different school. He knew the trials, he knew the pain, but three trials... “They tried...?”
Eskel nodded his confirmation. “Geralt survived, and the mages who ran the trials wanted to see how many he could take.”
“So I split his throat on my knife,” Vesemir said. There was no satisfaction in his tone, but just an empty statement of action.
“I didn’t know it was you that killed the mage,” Lambert said. “I just knew one had been killed for the suggestion. I heard they made the witcher drink hemlock as punishment.” There was a warmer light of respect in Lambert’s eyes than usually shone there.
“They did,” Vesemir said. “It didn’t kill me.”
That was it for conversation that night, but Eskel went to bed thinking about Aiden’s words. 
He’s special to you. 
Geralt was special to him. There was an understanding, something gentle and kind between them. Geralt and Eskel lived their separate lives and had lovers and adventures. But for three months of the year they had each other.
Eskel had sometimes wondered if there was something wrong with him. He never gave his heart to anyone. Sex meant nothing and love didn’t happen, and he could only love Geralt for three months at a time. 
Except that wasn’t true at all, because of course Eskel loved Geralt all the time. It was only a softer kind of love than he read about in poetry. He didn’t need fiery passion and desperate declarations of love. He had a steady love for Geralt, as sure as the beating of his heart. It was as good a love story as any, but now Geralt had his bard and a tiny, hidden part of Eskel whispered “If Only.”
If only he and Geralt could lounge like Aiden and Lambert, to pet each others’ hair and share small kisses in the corners. If only Eskel really had Geralt for those three months. He had no doubt that the feelings were mutual, but something in their lives had been built apart, and it would take something powerful to shape them anew.
The next evening brought a blizzard. And Geralt.
It took both Aiden and Lambert to shut the door behind Geralt with the way the wind blew in around him. It curled and flickered shards of ice through the air that melted in the heat of the hall, dampening Geralt’s old, black cloak. Which he was holding around himself like a cocoon. Vesemir took Geralts cloak for him, which revealed what he’d been holding. 
Huddled against Geralt, nose red and face pale, was a young man in a blue cloak. 
Geralt bundled him in front of the fire without a word, pulling away the damp cloak and hanging it to dry. Vesemir brought blankets as Geralt pried the instrument case from the man’s hands.
A lute case.
Eskel’s pulse picked up. This was obviously the bard. This was Jaskier, Oxenfurt’s most prodigious poet. He’d studied with Rumi and Alighieri and Li Bai. In just a few years he’d reformed witchers’ reputations. They’d all been treated better these past few years. More money, less tar and feathers. Eskel went to sit beside Jaskier to beg him for stories but Geralt met his gaze, smiled softly, and shook his head.
Eskel restrained himself. Jaskier was clearly staving off shock from the cold, as well as hypothermia. Instead of doing what he really wanted to do (lay himself prone at Jaskier’s feet and worship his skill with words) he put on a kettle for tea. 
Aiden and Lambert make eye contact with each other, nod to Geralt, and leave. Vesemir also makes a tactful retreat. This time was just for Eskel and Geralt. And the bard shivering on a pile of cushions next to the fire. 
“He had a hard time on the Killer,” Geralt said, quietly.
“It’s called the Killer for a reason.”
“He begged me to come, I told him it would be too dangerous,” Geralt whispered. “He followed me and I couldn’t make him leave, that’s why I was late.”
“Vesemir’s been worried,” Eskel said, staring at the fire. He sat on the cushions, beside the bard, without taking his eyes from the coals. Geralt sat on the other side of Jaskier, rubbing carefully over the bard’s chilly hands, pulling off the woolen mittens and gently warming each knuckle.
“I had to go slower for him,” Geralt said. Between the two of them, the bard seemed mostly asleep. His eyelashes flickered on his cheeks, struggling to stay open.
“You can sleep,” Eskel whispered. “You’ll wake up, you’re cold but not in danger.” He took the other chilly hand. “Just sleep.”
Blue eyes slipped closed and Eskel took the kettle off the fire so it didn’t whistle. 
“He was so desperate to be here, he wanted to see the Keep,” Geralt said. “And I wanted him to come. To meet you.”
“I did make you promise I’d get to meet him,” Eskel said, sitting back down and resting a hand on Geralt’s shoulder. “I think I’ve read everything he’s ever written.”
“That’s not why I wanted him to meet you,” Geralt said.
Eskel’s breath caught. They were talking about it, sort of. “I know,” he said.
The bard curled up a little, like a nautilus shell. Geralt lay down on the cushions behind him and Eskel made himself comfortable. Sleep and warmth and the smell of the pine fire lulled him slowly to sleep. Just as he was drifting off, Jaskier reached out in his sleep and placed one hand, less chilly than it was, on Eskel’s arm. It stayed there until the morning.
“So True Love’s Waste wasn’t inspired by a person?” Eskel asked over breakfast, mouth full of porridge. 
Jaskier shook his head, gulping down hot tea. “No, I was out on a bender with some friends and we saw this washerwoman’s cat trying to catch a soap bubble, right?”
Eskel nodded, entranced.
“It was so totally focused on catching this soap bubble, it’s eyes were all wide and determined, like all it wanted was the bubble, but when it caught the bubble...”
“It popped,” Eskel laughed. “And you wrote a poem that has been deemed the best love poem of the last hundred years about it.”
Jaskier chuckled. “Art is more trite and derivative than people think.”
Eskel reached out and touched Jaskier’s wrist, looking into those heavily-lashed eyes. “Your work could never be called trite, or derivative.”
Behind Jaskier, Eskel saw something flash in Geralt’s eyes, and he stood from the table, clearing his plate, but then Jaskier was telling a story about Rumi, his former professor, and Eskel’s attention was diverted.
The next week passed in peace, for the most part. Repairs to the keep were ongoing, but halted when the snow was heavy. Vesemir kept them training and the library, neglected by all but Eskel, kept Jaskier busy. At mealtimes and in the evenings Eskel and Jaskier chatted about art and music and life on the Path. But Geralt was subdued, something tired and sad gleaming in his golden eyes. He wouldn’t talk about it, and he fled when Eskel tried.
It hurt, that Geralt suddenly wouldn’t talk to him, but Eskel knew the white wolf better than anyone, so he cornered him in the training yard one afternoon and pinned him down.
“Talk. To. Me,” he panted, grinding Geralt’s shoulders into the flagstones.
“Nothing to say,” Geralt grunted.
“You keep hiding! It’s not nothing!”
Geralt kicked his feet up, flipping them both over and freeing himself. He stood over Eskel who was still laying on the ground. “You can have him,” he said, beginning to walk away.
Eskel snagged his ankle, bringing his idiot wolf down to the ground without remorse. “You’re stupid.”
“I’m not, he adores you. You have so much in common, it makes sense.”
Eskel remembered the conversation of the year before. Please don’t take my bard.
“I’m not taking your lover boy from you,” he snapped.
“He’s not my lover boy.”
“He would be if you would only ask him.”
“He deserves better.”
“He wants you.”
“He wants you,” Geralt howled. “He looks at you like you got out a ladder and personally nailed the moon to the sky. Every time you talk he hangs on your words.”
“He looks at you the same way,” Eskel said, quietly. “And I...” He paused. This was so close to the thing they never talked about.
“You don’t look at me that way,” Geralt whispered.
“But I feel it all the same.”
The admission rang in the empty training yard, despite it being barely a whisper.
“I want you to have him, to be with him, because the two of you are made for eachother. It was obvious to me before you’d even met. I just wish,” Geralt stopped, his voice growing tight. 
“What do you wish?”
“I just hate that it hurts so much. I love you both, I do, so so much, and all I want is you two happy, and you’ll be happy together, but I just wish it didn’t cut me out.”
Eskel rolled over and bumped his forehead to Geralt’s. There were tear tracks in the dirt there. “It doesn’t have to. That’s a silly rule and you made it up for yourself. I love you both and he loves us both, so you can have us both.”
Geralt sat up, bringing Eskel with him, then pulled him into a kiss that burned. It was a simple press of their lips together but Eskel felt like he’d been struck by lightning.
“Oh,” came a quiet voice from the nearby doorway. Jaskier was standing there, cheeks flushed and eyes wide. “I’ll just--”
“Stay,” Eskel said, chuckling. He pulled Jaskier down to sit on the flagstones with them. “I think Geralt has something he wants to tell you.”
Geralt looked nervous. He swallowed a couple times, eyes darting over Jaskier’s face. “I...” He said. “Um, what Eskel means is that... um, I”
“Oh you great big oaf,” Eskel said. “Jaskier, he loves you, he’s absolutely mad about you. He just can’t say it because he loves me too and it’s taken him the better part of a century to tell me.”
Jaskier beamed, his blush growing. “And you?” he said.
“I’m not sure I love you yet,” Eskel said. “But I think I will.”
“I think I will too,” Jaskier said, then he leaned in and brushed a soft kiss to Eskel’s lips, off center, so it brushed his scar and part of his cheek too. Then he kissed Geralt the same way. 
“Aiden’s going to be so pissed that he lost the bet,” Jaskier said, as if he hadn’t just rocked both witchers’ worlds with a mere kiss. “He bet Lambert you wouldn’t figure it out until next week.”
“You knew,” Eskel said, touching the tips of his fingers to where his face was still tingling from the kiss.
“They way Geralt talks about you, well...” Jaskier said, smiling at Geralt. “And then the way you talk about him,” he smiled at Eskel. “And the way you both look at me, I knew. I just wasn’t sure you knew.” His smile shifted into something bashful and a little insecure. It was an odd look on his normally confident face. “And it seemed too much to assume you both would really want me, I’m not all,” he gestured at his shoulders and arms, obviously comparing their builds.
Eskel couldn’t help but let out a little chuckle. “We don’t care about that,” he said, carding his hand through Jaskier’s hair and revelling in the way the bard leaned into his touch. “I’ve seen Geralt with a face full of pimples, and I mean full, and that was back when he was calling himself Geralt Roger Eric du Haute-Bellegarde. It isn’t about looks.” He trailed his eyes across Jaskier. “And even if it was we wouldn’t find you wanting.”
“He’s right,” Geralt said, pressing a little kiss right behind Jaskier’s ear. “We find nothing about you wanting.”
“You both are going to leave me wanting if you’re not careful,” Jaskier whined, borderline laciviously. He leaned back against Geralt and pulled Eskel closer, kissing Eskel’s cheek chastely in spite of his words. When he turned to kiss Geralt’s cheek too Eskel nuzzled closer, feeling Geralt’s arms pull him into the pair of them.
“You have to promise to write me into your poetry, after all this,” he said.
Jaskier laughed, head tilting back and eyes crinkling at the corners. “As if I haven’t already,” he whispered. 
Three months later the great bard Jaskier debuted his latest poetry anthology. Silver and Steel was praised by academics across the continent, although the line about being eaten alive was highly debated. Jaskier’s sudden penchant for high collars might have answered the questions, but he wasn’t about to give away the secret. 
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zintranslations · 3 years
Kaleidoscope of Death, Ch. 110
Kaleidoscope of Death by Xi Zixu Link to Chinese / Novel Updates
Chapter 110: Open This
Though the Hako Onna's position could change, the position of the items inside the chests could not. In other words, if somebody had already opened a chest and seen what was in it, then the next person did not have to waste a chance on the previously opened chest.
Opening the chests was dangerous, but there was potential profit in the danger. If they could find an item that could kill the Hako Onna or give her rest, or if it was the strongbox passcode or something like that, then the humans would gain the advantage.
After his speech, Sun Yuanzhou swept his gaze through the crowd, voice terrifyingly cold: "I know what you're all thinking. You want to pick up other people's leftovers, right? Zhu Meng, you've played the game before. Tell them, can Hako Onna enter chests that have already been opened?"
"Of course she can," Ruan Nanzhu answered evenly. "The chests close after opening, so Hako Onna can definitely move inside. For those who want to avoid danger, I recommend you don't try to play for leftovers. It’s better to starve."
"Hear that?" Sun Yuanzhou said. "Intel. That's what's most important right now—intel. Open boxes in groups of at least two. This way, if anything happens, there's someone to take the record."
Frankly put, this was so that should anyone open up a Hakobito or the Hako Onna, they wouldn't disappear without anyone knowing.
"That's right, didn't Xiao Ji open up a power called False Answers yesterday?" Ruan Nanzhu told everybody what they'd discovered earlier in order to prevent anybody else from getting tricked. "In the tabletop, this power meant that the player acting as Hako Onna could lie. But here, the power's changed accordingly—Hako Onna can hide in chests and sound like people you know. So if you hear any sounds, don't think that someone you know has been caught."
Sun Yuanzhou nodded his own understanding, and looked at the group.
"Any other questions?"
The people seated around the table began to whisper among themselves, discussing the information Ruan Nanzhu gave them and Sun Yuanzhou's suggestions.
"We're also not going to make you open any chests. If you think you can bear the hunger, then go on, starve." Sun Yuanzhou added one last option: "You can also wait until you're so hungry that you can't take it any longer, and open a chest then."
"I have a question." A young woman from the group stood up. Lin Qiushi remembered her name was Xuan Zihui. She pointed a finger at Ruan Nanzhu. "She's the one who's been telling us all this information. If she's lying to us, we have no way of knowing."
When he heard this, Sun Yuanzhou started to say something. But Ruan Nanzhu laughed, raising his chin and speaking with derision: "If you'd like, you don't have to believe me at all. I don't mind."
Sun Yuanzhou, "exactly." He was clearly taking Ruan Nanzhu's side against Xuan Zihui's suspicions. "If you can provide any other intel, nobody would mind."
Xuan Zihui wanted to add something else, but was stopped by a tug from someone beside her, indicating she should stop.
"If we were in another door, I might have something to gain from lying to you. But in this door, there's no profit to speak of from lying." Ruan Nanzhu wasn't even looking at Xuan Zihui, evidently disdainful of her doubts. "Increase the number of Hakobito, and you think I'll have an easier time beating this game?"
"The nature of this door is a bit special. We can set all of that aside for now. I think it's best we focus on the matter of opening the chests," someone spoke up as peacemaker.
Sun Yuanzhou fished out sticky notes from his bag and distributed them among those gathered. He warned everybody that if anyone managed to open up an item or one of Hako Onna's powers, then they had to talk. There could be no hiding.
People took the sticky notes with a rich range of expressions. Everybody clearly was taking their own measure of the situation.
After that everybody made a pact to exchange information every day at noon. They would trade discoveries from the day before and also check on the number of survivors.
When the meeting concluded, the group scattered.
"Do you think they'll open up any chests?" Lin Qiushi began discussing with Ruan Nanzhu. They had him to listen to chests. Compared to everybody else, they had a much wider margin of safety.
"No," Ruan Nanzhu said. "They're all sly old foxes keen on surviving. Nobody will open a chest today at least."
"Then we have to wait until morning?" Lin Qiushi understood Ruan Nanzhu's meaning. "Breakfast, right?"
Ruan Nanzhu smiled.
"Yeah. Though that's only one meal a day, you don't have to starve if you've got the one meal."
"Honestly, upon careful thought, this is not a bad method," Liang Miye sighed. She was talking about the door's restriction. After all, if it didn't force them to open up the chests, then these people could definitely hole up in this mansion for months.
She mumbled, "who doesn't want to get out as soon as possible though…"
That night, many people lost sleep. Perhaps it was due to hunger. Perhaps it was terror.
Lin Qiushi didn't manage to sleep well either. For most of the night, he stayed halfway in and out of dreams. Amidst the drowsiness, he suddenly felt Ruan Nanzhu climb into his bed.
"Nanzhu…" Lin Qiushi mumbled. "What is it?"
Ruan Nanzhu got up close to Lin Qiushi's ear and whispered, "Linlin, are you hungry at all?"
Lin Qiushi, "a bit…"
Who wouldn't be hungry after not eating all day? He was only hungry, however, not so starved that he couldn't stand it.
But he didn't expect that after he said this, Ruan Nanzhu would fish something out of his own pajama pocket. Lin Qiushi looked down and saw that it was a piece of chocolate.
"Half for you and half for me." Pinching the chocolate between his fingers, Ruan Nanzhu lightly snapped it apart. "It'll be our secret."
The corners of his eyes curved up, and Lin Qiushi thought his smile was very lovely.
"How much did you bring?" Lin Qiushi asked.
"Not much…" Ruan Nanzhu answered. He tore the wrapper off and brought the chocolate to Lin Qiushi's lips. "Go ahead, eat."
Before Lin Qiushi could say anything, he felt the chocolate push into his mouth. On reflex he gave Ruan Nanzhu's fingers a lick, and saw Ruan Nanzhu's pupils darken.
Ruan Nanzhu, "is it sweet?"
Lin Qiushi nodded.
Ruan Nanzhu got closer and lapped at his lips.
"It is sweet."
He didn't eat the other piece, but wrapped it back up and stuffed it into his pocket.
"How come you're not eating?" Lin Qiushi asked.
"I'm not hungry," Ruan Nanzhu said. "Sleep. We have to wake up early tomorrow."
Lin Qiushi watched Ruan Nanzhu's eyes. However impressive he was, Ruan Nanzhu was still just a regular human; he also got hungry if he didn't eat.
Lin Qiushi still wanted to talk, but Ruan Nanzhu was already squirming into his arms, kissing him once on the chin and whispering, "shh, stop talking, you'll wake Miye. Go to sleep already."
Seeing Ruan Nanzhu's adamant attitude, Lin Qiushi could only give in. He reached out and wrapped his arms tightly around Ruan Nanzhu.
The Ruan Nanzhu inside this door wasn't small or frail—he was just a few degrees livelier compared to outside. At least, Lin Qiushi thought, if they were outside, he wouldn't dare to fantasize about wrapping Ruan Nanzhu up in his arms to tenderly cherish...
The first thing next morning, Liang Miye stared at the hugging clump of people on the bed, eyes bugging out.
"Good morning," Ruan Nanzhu greeted her easily upon waking.
Liang Miye said, "you two…"
Just as she wanted to ask why they were sharing a bed, she saw Ruan Nanzhu press a kiss to Lin Qiushi's cheek, calling, "Linlin, time to wake up."
Lin Qiushi mumbled drowsily, "good morning."
Liang Miye, "…" Oh fuck, she seemed to have learned something she shouldn't have known. The leader of Obsidian was dating one of his own members?! Wasn't that a bit too similar to her own boss?!
Neither Lin Qiushi nor Ruan Nanzhu reacted to Liang Miye's shock, washing up in tranquil peace and heading to the dining room.
Once in the dining room, they saw the atmosphere among the crowd and knew their guess last night was correct. Of course the door wasn't going to be merciful and grant them a loophole—if they didn't open any chests, they couldn't have breakfast either.
Only Xiao Ji, who'd opened up a chest yesterday, was happily stuffing his mouth with hotcakes. People watched from around him, eyes red with jealousy.
"Heheh. No use looking at me like that. If you want to eat just open up some chests."
Lin Qiushi's group found chairs to sit in and waited for others to show. After a while, Sun Yuanzhou's group arrived late. They sat down, gave everyone a smile, and began picking up and eating the food on the table—these people had also opened some chests.
"You guys opened the chests?" Xuan Zihui, who'd voiced suspicions about Ruan Nanzhu yesterday, hurried to ask. "What did you find?"
"You could say we were lucky, but you could also say we weren't." Sun Yuanzhou only spoke after swallowing a mouthful of porridge. "Two empty boxes, one power for Hako Onna."
"We opened up another power!" The crowd was slightly despairing. "What did you open??"
Sun Yuanzhou put the power card on the table. Lin Qiushi was closest, and read the text in a moment: Open This.
"What does that mean??" Everybody looked toward the only one who knew the rules—Ruan Nanzhu.
"It's a troublesome power," Ruan Nanzhu sighed. "The Hako Onna can force a player to open a designated chest…"
The group sank immediately into silence.
"Meaning what? Meaning she can choose somebody to die?" The one speaking was a newbie who looked on the verge of breakdown. "Is that what that means?"
"Yes." Ruan Nanzhu's answer was light.
"But this is also our chance." Seeing looks of despair surface on everybody's faces, Ruan Nanzhu continued in a warmer tone. "The Hako Onna and Hakobito can actually be killed. It just takes one of the special items. And, the way to kill them is to use the item on the chest before opening it. These items are hidden inside the chests, so if you can open one up, you can render this power null."
Nobody replied, because everybody knew in their hearts that things wouldn't be so easy.
With two hundred chests, who know where those items were hidden?
A hopeless aura enveloped the crowd. Around the dining table, the sound of crying once again started.
Sun Yuanzhou clearly had no good feelings to spare the sobbing, breathless newbies. As soon as he finished eating he got up and left with his companions.
Ruan Nanzhu and Lin Qiushi didn't dally around the dining table either—it wasn't like they could eat at any rate.
"Let's go see about the chests in the study first," Ruan Nanzhu suggested after leaving the dining room.
"Okay," Lin Qiushi nodded.
They got to the study, and Lin Qiushi selected two random chests. After bending down and listening closely to confirm no sounds were coming from inside, he took a deep breath and decided to be the first to open one.
"Let me try first," Lin Qiushi said. He actually wasn't all that confident. With another deep breath, he clasped the top of the chest and lifted with force—empty. There was nothing in the chest at all. As he exhaled in relief, Lin Qiushi also felt a sense of disappointment.
He hadn't been able to open up a useful item.
"You take the next chest," Ruan Nanzhu said, looking toward Liang Miye who stood off at the side, not saying much.
"Me?" Lin Qiushi was a bit shocked. She was already mentally prepared to go hungry for two days—it was Lin Qiushi's power, after all. Two days wasn't much anyways, it wouldn't kill her. But she hadn't thought that Ruan Nanzhu would give her this opportunity.
"Mh," Ruan Nanzhu nodded.
Liang Miye had wanted to refuse, but then saw determined Ruan Nanzhu was.
"It's only two days," he said. "It's not a big deal."
Liang Miye, "alright… But you don't have to starve either. I brought in some food of my own. Though it's not much, it'll do to curb the hunger."
Ruan Nanzhu shot her a smile.
"Okay then."
Liang Miye chose a chest. Lin Qiushi gave it a listen, then nodded, indicating she could open it. Like Lin Qiushi, she held her breath when she got ready and opened the chest with careful motions. There was something inside her chest—a card with a number 3 on it.
"It's the passcode to the safe!" Lin Qiushi exclaimed.
"Not so bad," Liang Miye grinned, slipping the card into her pocket.
Ruan Nanzhu, however, didn't smile. In fact, he sighed.
"What's the sigh for?" Lin Qiushi asked him.
"Opening the safe is the most troublesome way of getting out of here," Ruan Nanzhu told him.
"Why do you say that?" Liang Miye asked.
"Because the passcode might not be in a single person's possession. So when it comes time to leave, who does the hint go to?" Ruan Nanzhu said. "But it's too early to think about that now. We'll talk later."
As the three kept discussing matters, they heard, coming from the dining room downstairs, a young girl's wailing cry. This cry was piercing and anguished—it belonged to the Hako Onna.
When they heard this sound, all three of their expressions changed for the worse.
In the tabletop, Hako Onna couldn't use a power immediately after a player opens one up. She must first cry to make the power truly belong to her. Though Hako Onna's cry exposed her location, it told all the players at the same time that she had gained one more power.
"I've got such a bad feeling about this," Liang Miye said.
Neither Lin Qiushi nor Ruan Nanzhu spoke.
The entire mansion was sunk in an air of despondency. Lin Qiushi came down from the second floor and saw pale-faced newbies sitting in the living room. They seemed to have given up on any hope of surviving, sitting there utterly still like wooden figures.
These were all people that Wei Xiude had brought inside, but Wei Xiude was currently nowhere to be seen. Clearly, after these people became a hindrance, he'd given up on them.
Lin Qiushi thought that this guy really ought to change his name, from Wei "Meritorious" Xiude to Meritless. It would be more fitting.
When it came lunchtime, only half of the group of twenty could move their chopsticks. The rest either didn't come to the dining room at all or they sat there staring.
Sun Yuanzhou was a bit shocked that Ruan Nanzhu also wasn't eating. He asked, "you didn't open one either?"
"I was scared," Ruan Nanzhu pouted, all soft and weak as he leaned against Lin Qiushi's shoulder. His long lashes trembled, and his expression was pitiful. "What if I open it and something weird comes out?"
Sun Yuanzhou said, "but you can't keep not eating."
It seemed that he liked Ruan Nanzhu enough to care about him this much.
Ruan Nanzhu didn't reply.
There really was a good amount of people not eating, even a few veterans. Thanks to Xiao Ji, Wei Xiude managed to eat his fill. His look of contentment did not put others in a good mood.
After eating, the group traded some information. No one had yet opened up any particularly useful items. Only one person found a can of gasoline.
Ruan Nanzhu explained the gasoline's use. It can restrict the Hako Onna's movement once or kill a Hakobito, but the condition to use it was that you had to be certain that the Hakobito or Hako Onna were in that particular chest, and use it while the chest was closed.
The person who found the gasoline let out a breath and said he was safe for tomorrow then. As long as he used the gasoline before opening the chest, he could be a hundred percent certain that the chest he opened was safe.
Liang Miye also told everyone about them finding a piece of the strongbox passcode, but she didn't tell them what the digit was. She only said that if anyone else found any, they could work together. Whoever had more digits could get the key, and if everybody found only one, then they would play rock-paper-scissors for the key.
This was the fairest method. Plus, others hadn't found any other digits yet, so everybody quickly agreed.
After exchanging intel, the group dispersed.
Ruan Nanzhu seemed a bit sleepy. He kept yawning after getting up from the table.
Lin Qiushi asked, "what's wrong? Are you not feeling well?"
"Mh, I want to sleep," Ruan Nanzhu said. "Let's go back to the room first."
He rubbed his eyes, looking really quite tired.
“Alright. Did you not sleep well last night?"
They walked up to the second floor and returned to their room. Ruan Nanzhu sat down on the side of the bed, but didn't get in. His gaze fell on a chest by the wall.
Sitting behind him, Lin Qiushi paused.
"Zhu Meng?"
Ruan Nanzhu didn't answer.
"Zhu Meng?" Lin Qiushi came up to him and patted him on the shoulder, asking, "what's going on with you?"
Ruan Nanzhu's head whipped around, and he said, "…nothing."
A touch of hesitation surfaced between his brows, but in the end he still said, "nothing."
Liang Miye, "Zhu Meng, you didn't eat right? I'll go make some instant noodles for you."
She'd actually brought in instant noodles.
Liang Miye went to the kitchen to boil water. Lin Qiushi stayed seated beside Ruan Nanzhu, thinking Ruan Nanzhu wasn't feeling well. He put a hand to Ruan Nanzhu's forehead and confirmed Ruan Nanzhu wasn't running a temperature.
"Does it hurt anywhere?"
Ruan Nanzhu shook his head. He seemed a bit disconcerted by his own condition as well.
"I'm fine."
Lin Qiushi didn't reply. He followed Ruan Nanzhu's line of sight and saw the black wooden chest by the wall. It was still a normal chest, but judging by Ruan Nanzhu's gaze, one would think there was something of tremendous importance inside that chest.
An absurd thought appeared in Lin Qiushi's mind, and his expression went frozen. His voice, when he spoke, had become raspy: "Zhu Meng."
He took Ruan Nanzhu's face in his hands and pulled it by force to face him.
"Stop looking at that chest."
Ruan Nanzhu didn't answer. His expression didn't look right at all.
Lin Qiushi, "Zhu Meng?"
Ruan Nanzhu reached up and pressed his hand to Lin Qiushi's arm. Then, he pried Lin Qiushi's hand off him and turned back, gaze once again landing on that chest in the corner.
"I think there's an important item in that chest."
As soon as those words were out, Lin Qiushi knew he'd guessed correctly—the Hako Onna had used a power.
Open This. There must be something important in there. Maybe it's something that couldn kill the Hako Onna. As long as it's opened, they could leave here and return to reality. Ruan Nanzhu's eyes grew more and more determined. He slowly stood up from the bed.
"Nanzhu—" Lin Qiushi couldn't care for much else at this point, calling out Ruan Nanzhu's name directly. He grabbed Ruan Nanzhu around the waist. "Nanzhu, wake up!!"
Ruan Nanzhu didn't speak. He was very strong, easily pulling off the arm Lin Qiushi held him with and continuing toward the chest.
"Nanzhu—" A layer of cold sweat dotted Lin Qiushi's forehead. He used all his strength, but only managed to slightly slow Ruan Nanzhu's walking speed. "Nanzhu you gotta wake up, you can't open that chest!!"
He was roaring, trying to snap Ruan Nanzhu out of the illusion, but it was of no use. Ruan Nanzhu couldn't hear his voice at all, only continued forward step by step. He was already moments away from reaching the chest.
Because of Lin Qiushi's calls, Liang Miye had also come out of the kitchen. Seeing such a scene she yelled in fright, "Linlin, what's wrong!"
"Hako Onna's power!" Head soaked in sweat, Lin Qiushi was panting heavily. "Quick, come help me!"
Liang Miye also dashed over to help grab onto Ruan Nanzhu with Lin Qiushi.
But in the face of Ruan Nanzhu's immense strength, their attempts to stop him were like mayflies dashing themselves upon a tree. It was in this critical moment that an idea flashed in Lin Qiushi's mind. He yelled, "Liang Miye! Quick! Grab my backpack!"
Though she didn't know what for, Liang Miye still made a run for the backpack, dashing back to Lin Qiushi with it.
"Now what?!"
Lin Qiushi said, "hold onto Ruan Nanzhu!"
He took the backpack and swiftly began to dig through it—he didn't know if it would actually work or not, but this was the last hope of Ruan Nanzhu's survival!
[Ch. 109] | [Ch. 111]
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ranhaitanisgf · 3 years
;; 𝖈𝖍𝖔𝖓𝖌𝖞𝖚𝖓
otherwise read as: xingqiu is a little shit who obtained jueyun chilis
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❧ masterlist
"BRO YOU CAN'T JUST DO THIS EVERY TIME WE GO OUT TO EAT!" Xingqiu merely just awkwardly smiled at you, waving his hand up and down at you to try and get you to calm down.
"I WAS GONNA HAVE A NICE NIGHT, BUT NO!! XINGQIU DECIDES TO PUT JUEYUN CHILIS IN HIS BEST FRIEND'S FOOD, WHO IS ALSO MY BOYFRIEND! SO GUESS WHO HAS TO BUY A HUNDRED MORE POPSICLES!? ME!" Your screams were resonant throughout Liyue Harbor as you trudged home, Chongyun's arms flapping around over your shoulders due to his unconscious state.
"Ah, yes yes, well (Y/N), while this has been a rather enjoyable endeavor, I must bid you farewell. Good luck!"
"(Y/NNN)..." Chongyun was starting to awaken, shifting around on your back. You flipped off Xingqiu, who just waved and smiled back before heading inside the Feiyun Commerce Guild.
"Chongyun, you feeling alright?" You asked in a gentle tone. It was almost a completely different persona, though when one has to put up with Xingqiu's antics every time you guys went out to eat, it would make sense.
"What...happened?" He asked, still not fully aware of his surroundings.
"Ah, well when we went to Wanmin Restaurant, Xingqiu might have slipped some chilis in your food...sorry, I was sitting right next to him to make sure he didn't do anything, but I didn't notice..." Chongyun groaned, and you could feel his face buried in your shoulder.
"About what?" Chongyun heaved out a sigh at your question, getting off your back and instead lacing his fingers with yours, heading towards the direction of your house. Your parent(s) didn't come home too often due to their jobs, so it was the perfect place to cool off.
His hands were warmer than usual; still a little cold, but you guessed that it was due to him just waking up.
"This happens every time, but you always...take care of me." His cheeks and the tips of his ears turned pink and he looked away, making you giggle at his bashfulness.
"I don't mind, you're quite cute this way!" Chongyun looked at you with wide eyes, and his face started to glow red as he stopped walking. Before anything could happen, you shoved a popsicle in his mouth, and after a moment or two, he started to return to normal, so you let go of his hand and kept walking home. The sooner the better, since you wanted to go to sleep.
He popped the popsicle out of his mouth, catching up to you as you kept walking. His hand grabbed yours again, lacing your fingers together again with his eyebrows furrowed.
"Why'd you let go..."
"Mm, sorry, just tired..." Almost on cue, you yawned, shivering a little bit from the chill of the night. Chongyun slipped your intertwined hands into his pocket, and started to walk a little faster, wanting to get back quickly so that you could sleep. He still felt bad about losing control again, so he at least wanted you to get a decent night's rest before tomorrow.
It wasn't that far away, so the two of you made it within no time. It was a quick process to get ready for bed, but when you got in bed, you realized Chongyun was hesitating.
"Chongyun? Is something wrong?" He looked to the side nervously, and you just smiled. It was easy to read what he was feeling sometimes, especially on nights when his congenital positivity got the most of him.
"Hey, it's fine, I don't mind. What I do mind is Xingqiu, when I see him next, I will wring his neck so much that he won't even have a neck! He will never see the light-" You were interrupted by Chongyun, who gave a light kiss on your forehead before climbing in bed and pulling you to his chest. (read first part of a/n bc I want to explain why I think chongyun can cuddle people >:) )
"Let's just get some sleep, and we can plan Xingqiu's demise tomorrow." You leaned your head up, lips parting slightly as you connected your lips with his cold ones in a soft kiss.
After a few moments you pulled away, noticing the slight flush to his face.
"Chongyun, we've been dating for over a year, and you still blush when-"
"Go to sleep."
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thepaperpanda · 3 years
♥ Dangerously Perfect Match ♥ || Part II
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♥Part I♥
Summary: You’re the Earl of little settlement deep inside the forests of Norway. After Ragnar Lothbrok’s death you and your warriors travel to England to support Ragnar’s sons in the battle against Christians. Shortly after a victory, you and Ivar turned out to be a dangerously perfect match?
Warnings: explicit content - smut
Words: 8846
Authors: Cass & Rouge
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It's not that you all expected plain sailing, or for winds to be kind, the waves to be gentle; it's that you trusted your ships to carry yourselves to shore no matter the weather. It was a confidence born of faith, of feeling to your bones that with such tenacity you could achieve anything at all. They said it's only impossible until it's done, that was your motto under all skies, upon all seas.
Thankfully, Gods fostered your attempts of getting back to Norway - despite the storms and heavy rain, all the longships made it back to the homeland.
A smile spread across your lips, it was good to be back home.
Dressed in your usual attire with addition of a new warm cloak gifted by Ivar, you stood at the front of your ship. Holding the ropes tightly you turned to your troops. "We made it, friends! Gods blessed us and allowed us to return home so we can fight yet another day!,” You yelled and your people's voices reared loudly.
Ivar kept his eyes fixed on you since the moment you left England. He wasn't truly happy with you sailing among your warriors but it's your decision, with which he couldn't argue. They needed their Earl after all. He rolled head back to rest it against the wooden edge of the boat.
"Land sighted, master!," One of his men shouted.
"Drop the canvas," Ivar ordered as he propped head on the edge of the boat to admire the beautifulness of the shoreline.
Of course, his glance also moved to look at you. Oh, how he missed your body next to his.
Hvitserk's tone pulled him out of thoughtfulness. "Are you sure it's a good idea? Harald Finehair isn't a person you can fully trust."
"I trust no one," Ivar snapped back. "I have the last say."
You walked among your people, gently touching the shoulders of your warriors. It was a simple gesture, a little bit of a comfort and small thanks for their loyalty.
For now this was all you could do, to show your gratitude toward them all.
The ship moored in Harald's docks. You heard a lot about him and his ambitions, and honestly you expected much more from his settlement.
After jumping off of your ship you let out a sigh of relief. Solid ground under your feet. "I hope you didn't miss me too much, Ivar?," You asked him with a cocky smile which was partially hidden by your mask. Since it was damaged in the battle you didn't bother to fix it or make a new you. It was enough your scars weren't fully visible.
Ivar's blue eyes glistened in the rays of the setting sun, and his long lashes casted a little shadow on his clearly defined cheeks. "You need to answer this question to yourself, dear Earl."
After these words he passed you, offering you a mischievous grin as he did.
Hvitserk, who jumped out of the boat on the pier, gave you a long glance, his brows cocked. "Why are you questioning such an obvious thing?"
The red line on his nose reminded you about your last true interaction back in York. "It's called teasing, Hvitserk. Men love it. It's time to learn it."
Humming, you quickly boarded the ship that brothers traveled in. You crouched in front of the bishop and gently caressed his cheek to see if he even survived the long trip.
Man instantly reacted to your touch; he winced and spat right into your face. "Get off me, heathen whore."
You flinched and growled, wiping the spit of your face. Getting up to your feet, you pointed at one of your men. "Bring me one of my furs." Once the fur was in your hands, you wrapped it around the man that just insulted you. "Since Ivar has big predictions when it comes to you. The last thing we want is you getting ill."
Bishop was glaring up at you, not being sure whether you were mocking him or not. Your behavior was completely out of anything he could have expected. Deep inside Heahmund appreciated the fur being wrapped around his shoulders as he was cold.
"Now. You should be all warm," you muttered, tucking the fur in all the right places to shield him completely from the bitter cold. "Now, you can say that a heathen whore helped you." After those words you simply walked away to join Ivar and Hvitserk.
Two men tugged on the ropes wrapped tightly around his neck and wrists, pulling bishop behind them. He hated his position, but it was still better than death from pagans hands.
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Harald groaned annoyed, getting comfortable in his throne. Last thing he expected or really needed was Ragnarssons visiting him. He already knew that young Ivar meant troubles. King watched them walk inside the great hall.
Hvitserk was the first one in, taking a comfortable for him spot on one of the tables, while Ivar shuffled behind with his crutch.
To his surprise there was one more visitor; a young woman in a mask. Suddenly the visit became much more interesting. "Ivar and Hvitserk Lothbrok. Why did you not return to Kattegat? I can also see you brought an interesting guest," Harald said with his deep, hoarse voice, pointing his finger at you.
Ivar stopped at the podium and leaned his weight on his crutches. "She's my guest," he said, pointing his chin on you. "You know we couldn't return to Kattegat. That witch, Lagherta, is still a Queen. Me and my brother are looking for alliances that could let us overtake the throne. The throne that belongs to us."
Harald raised from his throne and walked closer to the guests, nodding his head. "Ah, yes. As I can see your need for revenge on Lagertha is burning with a flame that will never go out." King smiled and took your hands into his much bigger and warmer palms. "I know the sons of Ragnar but I have never seen you with any of them. Who are you?"
"My people call me Earl Wolf but my name is Y/N. It's an honor to meet the future king of whole Norway," you said with your voice sweet as honey.
"The pleasure is all mine, Y/N," Harald said before placing a kiss to your palm.
Ivar kept his face straight but the fact you let Harald touch you pierced his heart like a cold needle. "Can we get to the planning? I am not going to spend another hour waiting for you two to exchange pleasantries," young man growled.
Hvitserk, who observed the entire situation while standing in the back of the chamber, snorted quietly. He would never think his brother fell in love so easily.
"Ivar. You brought a beautiful woman in and don't even let me take all of her beauty in," king rolled his eyes.
"As a lady, you flatter me but as the Earl I need to agree. We came here in important matters," you said. "social talks can wait until much calmer times. I can promise you we will have a moment for ourselves."
Listening to you, Harald smiled softly and nodded. "Beautiful and smart. Let's get to planning then. Ivar, I am listening. What do you expect?"
Ivar turned head to throw you a cold glance; did you just plan to spend some time with Harald? Did you really say it aloud in his presence?
"Let's get somewhere where not many curious eyes are on us."
Hvitserk, seeing how his brother and rest are moving to another chamber, followed them.
Oh, Ivar was mad. This is exactly what you wanted, your plan was to rile him up and to see if something interesting will happen. You followed them to be present during the planning.
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Talks were long and boring.
Ivar and Harald were arguing for a long time and it wasn't about troops anymore.
The youngest Ragnarson wanted to be the king of the Kattegat after chasing Lagertha, Bjørn and Ubbe away.
At the same time Harald wanted to carry on his great dream of ruling whole Norway.
Thankfully, in the end, they somehow found a way to agree on something.
"You will be a king but when you die the title is passed on me," Harald said, rubbing his forehead.
You let out a little yawn and rubbed your eyes tired. Travel and long boring planning took a toll on you.
Hvitserk didn't say anything during talks; instead, he ate at least four apples and was playing with his little dagger which he used to cut the fruits. It wasn't his thing, all the great planning. All he wanted to do was to return back to Kattegat which was his true home. He didn't really want to stand against Bjørn or Ubbe, but did he have other choice? The decision was made the day he got out of the ship to join his youngest brother.
Ivar put his chalice on the table, nodding briefly at Harald's words. "Sounds like we have it. Just don't be surprised if I'll rule for many long years." The Boneless got up from the chair he sat at and using his crutches, he slowly walked off.
"My men will take care of that Christian prisoner of yours, Ivar," Harald said. "Whatever his point is. If I were you I would just kill him."
You let a soft sigh and decided to join Hvitserk, silently asking him for a piece of an apple.
"But you're not me," Ivar smirked widely at Harald and left.
Hvitserk was highly surprised by your request, but of course, as he had a good soul, he shared one huge apple with you, cutting it in half so it would be easier for you to eat. "You're welcome," he muttered slightly.
"Thank you, Hvitserk. You are a kind soul," you gave him a sweet smile and looked at Harald. "My king? May I know where I can find our prisoner?”
When you received the seeked answer, you bowed your head and walked off.
Bishop was held in a barn, tied to a metal pole in the middle which provided the stability to the roof and construction itself.
His hands were weak as he was forced to hold them above his head for the entire time. The blood circulation faltered and he barely could feel his fingers anymore. Yet, bishop Heahmund was praying quietly. Man was saturated with the intelligent energy of countless prayers - as such being able to carry out supernatural acts. "Credo in Deum Patrem omnipotentem, Creatorem caeli et terrae; et in Iesum Christum, Filium eius unicum, Dominum nostrum...," He was whispering all the time.
You stopped in the door and watched him, praying, it was quite an interesting sight.
"Those have to be a made up babble. No one speaks like this," saying this, you stepped inside and smiled seeing your fur on him, so you dared to point it out. "They let you keep it."
"What do you want, heathen?," He asked weakly. "If you came to kill me, I'll gladly accept my faith. I'm ready, in my God.
As if nothing ever happened, you simply placed yourself on his laps. "You know... I am just a heathen to you but I do have a real name. Maybe I should call you Christian from now on? What do you say, Heahmund?” You presented him the piece of an apple you got from Hvitserk and smiled innocently. "I also brought you this."
"Get off me, woman," he tried to kick you off, but your hips pressed to his side's strongly, holding him motionless. "I don't need your mercy!"
"It's not a mercy. It's called help, you Christian don't know what it is?," You asked with a smile, purposely pressing your hand into him. "Come on, I am sure you are hungry."
He indeed was hungry. Heahmund parted his lips, waiting for you to slip a slice of apple into his mouth.
"Good boy. See? I am not so bad," you chuckled and slipped the slice into his mouth. "I'll get you more if you will want."
He chewed viciously, gagging himself with a not fully chewed piece of the fruit. Truth was he was starving for the last few days and he would give everything for a piece of bread.
"Slow down, we are not going to starve you. I'll make sure of this," you said quietly, touching his shoulder.
He almost gasped as the skin under his clothes were bruised and swollen.
"Right, they got you bad during that battle. Maybe I should undress you and take care of these injuries?," You asked in a hushed voice. "I am sure you would feel much better. You need to be in good shape since Ivar has great plans for you."
Bishop's eyes fixed on your face. He hated your touch on his body but you didn't try to kill him.
Looking him in the eyes your hand started to unbutton the upper part of his armor, not breaking the eye contact for even one second.
Little did you know a pair of incredibly blue eyes were watching your every move. Ivar leant his forehead against the wooden wall of the barn, clenching teeth and rolling palm in a fist. He offered you everything, yet you were still chasing the fucking, useless priest. What man had that he didn't? He felt a strange thing, a twinge of envy.
Slowly you pulled away the armor and hissed, seeing his injury. "Oh, you poor thing, just look at what they did to you." You hand gently touched his skin, making sure to not press the blue and purple spots.
You could hear noises outside the building.
Bishop's eyes widened as he looked past you.
Three warriors, every of them armed in axes walked out of the darkness of the room. "Earl Wolf, you're going with us. Now."
You glared over your shoulder with bored and annoyed look
"What do you want, huh? I am busy, who is even summoning me in such a terrible moment?," You almost growled.
"Now," one of the men repeated and showed the exit with his ax.
Rolling your eyes you let out a loud sigh. "Maybe we will return to that. Only Gods know."
You adjusted Bishop's clothes as much as you could before getting up from his knees. Turning to the warrior you shrugged. "Lead the way," you said and followed them.
They walked in a silence through empty paths of settlement, eventually stopping in front of a little hut almost at the edge of it.
One of them pointed at the door and they turned with their backs to the building.
There was not much you could do but follow this game but honestly you were also really excited to see what is hidden behind the door. After taking a deep breath, you stepped inside.
The hut seemed empty and the only source of light inside were candles standing on the shelves around the chamber and hanging in the metal candle holders attached to the ceiling.
The sweet scent of mead filled the room, and you could spot a chalice full of alcohol placed at the table.
On the right side of the hut there stood a bed with many furs on top of it; it looked inviting. In the end the place was cozy and warm. Next to the chalice you found a piece of paper with one word written on it: UNDRESS.
You walked around the place. It was interesting, who set it up? There were two possible options. Harald who looked really interested in you or Ivar wanted to return the favor from York. That could be fun. Taking the chalice you sat down on the bed.
After drinking a few little sips of the really tasty mead you started to undress.
This actually felt good, as much as you loved your clothes the thick leather was annoying after too many hours in it. Naked, you laid down on the bed and waited.
Suddenly, the candles standing closest to the bed faded away. Then, the candles at the table, and the last to fade were the ones in candle holders.
You sat up and frowned. "Great," muttering, you lied back down, you weren't going to light those candles again.
And then, out of sudden, you could feel a soft touch on your ankle, followed by a hum. Your body's first idea was to react and protect yourself by kicking whoever tried to sneak on you but somehow you stopped yourself. The muscles only twitched a little. Giggling you shook your head. "Ivar, love. Don't do this, I do not want to hurt you."
"Prescient, aren't you?," His voice husky as he crawled fully out of the shadows. His hand placed against your leg and moved up , to rest on your knee as he brushed his full lips against your calf.
You let out a short laugh and hummed. "No other man would do such a thing for me. I am more than sure it was you. Besides, I recognized your hand, love."
Oh, if you could only see the grimace on his face. He continued to brush his lips against your soft, delicate skin until he reached your thighs. Only then he let go of your body and focused on getting on the bed, which was easy for him after all those years of crawling and supporting his upper body part on hands.
"But to send armed guards for me. That was... Interesting idea and the whole preparation for this? I feel like a real princess, you surprised me," you hummed and removed the mask that was still placed on your face. It won't be needed anyway.
He didn't reply, just slipped one of his hands between your thighs, forcing you gently to parted legs. His skilled fingers pressed to your pussy, where he rubbed little circles. "Was it wise to tease me with King Harald?"
"For this all? Of course it was," you said with a humor in your voice and opened your legs to give him as much access as he only needed. "I loved your face, this was my goal, sweetie."
"Was it?," He whispered as his fingers slipped lower to be gently shifted inside of your pussy. "Mmm, nice and wet."
"Yes it was. Everyone can fuck but build it up? It makes stuff more fun and pleasurable," you answered his question and let out a quiet sound. "Wet for my king."
He rolled to his side and to his belly in the end, diving right between your legs. He trailed the tip of his tongue up and down your clit, offering you a few long licks, then Ivar wrapped his mouth fully around your pussy, sucking on it lightly.
You gasped and let out a quiet moan. He was learning fast, he was making you proud.
He let you put your legs on his strong shoulders as he continued to eat your pussy out, humming in appreciation of the taste you left on his tongue. Soon, his mouth was accompanied by two of his slender fingers, slipping rhythmically in and out of your slick cunt.
"You like it? Don't you? You love it after our first night," you said playfully. Your hand moved into his hair to keep him close the whole other hand traveled up your breasts to tease your nipples.
Ivar growled which sent a little vibrations to your slick pussy. He placed a kiss to it and spat on it to make you even wetter than before. His fingers in you were joined by his long, skilled tongue as he tried his best to lick your inner walls and suck in your sweet juices.
His action made you shiver and moan for him even louder. Biting your lips hard,  you nuzzled to the furs beneath your body, focusing on the pleasure he was giving you.
He fingered you until you cum hardly around his fingers. Ivar gave one last lick and sucked his fingers clean, murmuring. "Oh, sweet Y/N, you taste so fucking sweetly I could eat you all day and night long."
Ivar placed kisses to your tummy and licked his way up your body, catching one of your nipples between his teeth, as gently as possible.
The climax washed over you and you tried your best in calming down your breath.
You muttered at the feeling of his mouth and teeth around your sensitive flesh. "I would like to taste myself... Can I?”
Ivar continued with licking his way up your body and finally his lips crushed on yours, and he slipped his tongue past your lips so you could taste yourself.
You returned the kiss and moaned loudly at the sweet taste of your own juices. Dominating his kiss was no use, he was too much into it, both of your hands moved into his hair which to your own surprise were completely loose.
Suddenly, a cold, sharp blade was put to your neck. "I distinctly remember saying I don't like to be mocked," he whispered into your ear.
You gasped loudly and your lips parted. "Ivar... You could warn me that you want to add a knife to bed," swallowing heavily, you could feel the blade against your skin.
"If I would there would be no fun, sweetheart," Ivar kissed your cheek. "Did you enjoy yourself with him? Huh? Did you?," He asked and the blade was pressed more to your skin.
It hit you then. He probably saw you with the Bishop or someone told him. You laughed loudly. "Oh, so this got you going? It made you so angry you planned all of this? Just to pin me down with a knife to my neck?"
"Maybe," he whispered. "I just want to remind you that you're mine, I marked you as mine back in York, and nothing is going to change it."
Ivar hid the knife in his pocket and got off the bed.
You giggled and looked at him while biting your lips. Even if you already knew that Boneless was crazy enough to kill, it didn't frighten you at all. To be completely honest, this action brought a different reaction for you. "I know I am yours. I have never claimed the opposite. You are my lover, my future king," you voice was a soft pur that you knew he loved. Your inner thighs rubbed together in the seek of any friction.
He used his crutches to get to the table and sat on the chair. He refilled the chalice you drank from and downed it quickly.
His eyes glistened in the darkness in a dim moonlight falling onto the chamber through a little window. He was watching you. "Yet you still seemed to seek some adventures. Who is going to be next to be blessed with your body on top of them? Harald? Or maybe my sweet, crazy brother? Or maybe you'll fall for Bjørn?"
You hummed, pretending to think. Your teasing game continued. "King Harald would be a fine adventure, I can already imagine what he sounds like in bed; thanks to that voice of his. Ironside... I heard he is big as a bear, it could be a lot of fun to ride him. Hvitserk... Not really the type of a man I enjoy."
Ivar smirked to himself in the darkness. Oh, he was jealous already, that if you continue, he would simply bathe his dagger in your blood watching how the last ounces of life escape your flesh.
Suddenly, the door opened and a young thrall stepped in. Ivar didn't look at her yet gestured for her to come closer.
You sat up on the bed and watched them with your eyebrow raised.
As the girl brought another jug filled with taste mead, she put it carefully on the table and circled the chair Ivar sat on to gently place her palms on his shoulders. She started massaging him, earning a long moan from him.
"What's your name, sweetie?," Ivar asked, his tone low.
"Katia, my lord," she replied.
"How many springs have you lived?"
"17, my lord."
"The younger the better," Ivar turned his head to the young thrall and pulled her into a short kiss.
You watched them, completely taken aback by his action. Honestly, you felt proud of him in some way. Just a few weeks ago back at York he was all shy and unsure of himself, only to do this. Of course Ivar knew what he was doing because it worked. It worked too well.
The jealousy burned deep inside of you, he gave you a taste of your own action.
Ivar grabbed the woman by hand and pulled her into his lap.
Young thrall pulled her shirts up and straddled his lap. Her arms wrapped around his neck. "I never knew I'll be so close to Ivar the Boneless himself, my master."
"Because you won't be for much longer," you growled as you got up from the bed to move closer to them. Your hand moved into her hair and grabbed a handful, pulling her head away. "Listen to me now, child. If you won't get off him right now and leave, I will make sure to cut you in all of the right places to make sure now man will ever touch you."
That's what Ivar hoped for. "You heard the lady," he looked at the thrall but let himself cup one of her boobs briefly. "Leave now, but stay tuned for maybe you'll be needed to warm my alcove one day."
Young girl hissed but obeyed your words. She got off him and smoothened her dress, quickly leaving.
You chuckled watching her run off.
Humming softly you placed yourself on his lap, and immediately moved into his long, dark hair. "Look at that. Ivar the Boneless, a man who a few weeks ago was afraid to lie with a woman for the very first time. Now is making her envy. Don't you know such a woman can be unpredictable, boy?"
"Is that so sweet Y/N?," Your name rolled from his lips as he moved his head closer to your naked body, inhaling your scent as he brushed his lips against your collarbone, his hands in gloves stroked the curves of your waist.
You giggled and continued to play with his hair, scratching his scalp with your long nails. "Oh yes, just as unpredictable as men can be. I think we saw both today."
Your hands moved to his throat and your small palms wrapped around it, squeezing it a little. "I could strangle you now," you whispered as your grip got a bit stronger. "And I should do this, for a knife you pressed to my throat and that thrall but you are lucky enough that I love you."
He kept face straight, chucking darkly at your sudden outburst. "Oh, I think I need to play with thralls some more as it's keeping you going," he whispered and parted his lips, tracing the tip of his tongue along his perfectly shaped teeth.
"I need to visit our prisoner often too," you nodded with a smile. "I still wish to have him in my bed at least for once... As long as he is loyal to my man and his orders."
Ivar's hand moved to grab your hips strongly. "You're such a tease," he mumbled deeply.
You laughed and rolled your hips against him as your hands slipped to his shoulders. "But it gets you going. You love the idea of misbehaving. It makes you jealous and it leads you to anger," you leaned over to whisper against his lips. "And this, my love, leads you to your desire."
He couldn't pretend any longer; you kept him going. A short moan left his parted lips, and his eyes widened a little.
"Ah! There you go. You couldn't keep it up for too long, huh, Ivar?"
With a soft giggle you slipped off of his laps and placed yourself on the floor right between his legs. It was time to return the favor.
He looked down at you while letting a sad gasp out. His palm was placed to your cheek. "You're like no other woman I met in my short life. You make me lose my head, all for you."
You smiled at him sweetly, nuzzling to his palm. "Maybe because you didn't meet the right ones." Your hands moved down his chest and started to work on his pants so you could move them enough to free his member. "You are like no other men I met in my life. You are brave, ruthless and strong despite your flaws. Wonderful leader, lover and warrior."
He smiled. "Come to me, little one," he demanded in a husky voice.
You didn't like this exact order. All you wanted was to make him feel good but still you followed his order, placing yourself back on his laps. "Your wish is my command, my king."
He reached his hand down his body to guide his cock into your cunt. As he did, he let a loud moan and rolled head back, his hands slipped into your hips to hold you strongly.
A soft moan passed your own lips. Even when he worked you hard back in York, you still felt so fucking tight around him. "Fuck... Ivar," you gasped, grabbing the chair back.
He rested his forehead against your chest, letting out some deep gasps when you were slowly going up and down his shaft.
Your hands moved into his hair, scratching his scalp and keeping him as close to you as possible. Soon you started to move faster, moaning and pulling on his hair.
Ivar let out a long, deep grunt as you tugged on his hair. His hands moved down to rest on your ass as he squeezed the flesh hardly, moaning and brushing his lips against your chest.
When you realized he enjoys the hair pulling you let out a soft laugh and used it to pull his head back so you could kiss him deeply.
Ivar stole a kiss from your lips and parted his, gasping harder and harder as he chased his climax. Soon, he milked your pussy, grunting and groaning as he did.
You moaned his name out at the delightful feeling of his seed flooding your cunt. This triggered your own high and your walls tightened around him.
Ivar's arms wrapped tightly around your waist, his forehead rested against your collarbone, he gasped, a few drops of sweat rolled down his neck and forehead.
You smiled and wrapped your arms around him, just to keep him as close as only possible. Humming quietly, you started to play with his hair. "I love your hair, you should be called finehair," you whispered and giggled at your own joke.
He didn't reply as he was buried deep in his thoughts and he was only about to get off his peak. "Yeah," he managed to mumble softly, nuzzling to you.
You chuckled and massaged his scalp, letting him relax and calm down right in your arms after such a strong climax. "You okay there, Ivar?"
He raised his chin and looked you up right in the eyes. "Yes. Go to bed, I'll join you soon but I have one more thing to deal with."
You frowned softly, cupping his cheek. "Like what?"
"I need to speak to my brother. Nothing much. You stay here and warm bed for me."
You kissed his cheek and nodded. Slowly, you remove yourself from him, growling at the feeling of emptiness. "As you wish, love."
The bed was soft and warm thanks to all the furs. You got comfortable and nuzzled to the pillow. "Don't leave me alone for too long or I will have to go and pay our prisoner another visit."
Ivar shifted his floppy cock back into his pants, and growled playfully at your words. "Don't you be worried about that, I won't be long."
He took his crutches and slowly got up from the chair, throwing you a cocky smirk before leaving. Ivar headed to another hut, located almost at the docs. We stepped in without knocking, just like he had it in the habit of his.
Girl that was currently kissing Hvitser jumped in her place and gasped before looking right at Ivar.
It was one of your shield maidens, the one that took most interest in older Ragnarsson back at York.
Hvitserk sighed deeply, seeing his brother. "Brother, as much as I love your company. This is not the best moment," he said and the girl nuzzled to him, hiding from Ivar's eyes.
Ivar offered the girl a brief nod. "Mmm, you're fast like a lightning, brother," Ivar claimed and shifted a chair for himself, placing it right next to the bed. His blue eyes shifted to the girl. "Be a good, little thrall and leave us for a moment."
"I... I am not a thrall. I am Earl Wolf's shield maiden," girl said.
"Go, Asta. Wait outside, we won't talk for long," Hvitser said, patting her shoulder.
Soon the girl was gone and Hvitserk looked at his brother annoyed. "So! What was so important that you decided to interrupt me right now?"
"Hold your horses, brother, you'll have her pussy soon," Ivar frowned as he moved his glance to make sure the girl closed the door. "Remember our last talk? The talk about relationships and things?"
"Yes, I do but I am still not sure if we really did have this time. You are asking for advice when it comes to relationships and bed... Could be just my drunk dream," Hvitserk muttered, crossing arms over his chest. "What about it, Ivar?"
Younger brother used his crutch to poke his brother's thigh. "Can you not be a dick for once in your lifetime?," Ivar asked, frowning hardly, he ran his other hand through his messy hair. "It worked. And I need to know more of those."
"Ivar. I am glad that it worked but I really don't know what else to tell you," Hvitserk said with a shrug. "Tell me about her."
"Like, listen to this, brother," Ivar was excited at the single thought about things he performed with you. "The things you advised me in your drunken state worked, what I mean is that after eating her out she was more eager for other things. Let's not pretend, you're not only older but many women came and went through your bed, so I hate to admit it, but you're more experienced than I am."
Hvitserk laughed and nodded, rubbing his chin with pride. "Well, of course I am. Just... I can tell she likes it rough. So just go with that, Ivar. Listen to her."
Ivar tilted his head like a puppy while listening to the owner. "How can you say such a thing when you haven't seen her?"
"Then why do you ask me what to do when I haven't seen her in action?," Hvitserk asked with a roll of his eyes. "Listen. Every woman is different, you just need to observe and follow your intent or heart if you are really in love... And have heart."
Ivar didn't comment on his brother's words, he only nodded and got up from his spot. He patted Hvitserk's cheek. "Thanks. You can be useful from time to time."
Asta watched Ivar left the hut and immediately went back inside to join Hvitserk.
Ivar took some time to enjoy himself in the cold air. He walked slowly back to the hut Harald had let him stay in. Door was open so he walked in.
You were already asleep, covered with furs.
Ivar took the sight in, smiling to himself, feeling like his heart was melting for the sweetness overload. He put the crutches on the floor quietly, he got undressed and crawled to the bed. As carefully as it was possible he got on and spooned you from behind.
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The following week was filled with preparations for a great battle. Everything had to be just right.
The days were filled with planning and training with your people, making sure they all are ready for the upcoming battle.
Of course whenever you found time you liked to bother the Bishop who actually was free now and somehow agreed to fight on your sides of the conflict.
You screamed out Ivar's name as you both reached your climaxes. The remarkable feeling of his seed filling you because some kind of fixation for yours. You seeked it every night and he was happy and eager to satisfy your common needs.
Humming quietly you lay down on his chest and started to trace random patterns on his chest. "It's tomorrow. I can't wait to leave this place and set a camp... And get ready for the battle," You growled playfully.
Ivar's arm was wrapped loosely around your waist, his fingertips rubbing little circles on your belly as he held you close. "Don't be scared, Y/N, the seer predicted we'll win the battle easily," Ivar assured you and kissed the top of your head. "There's no need to be worried, dear. It's just a formality."
You laughed and looked at him with a cocky smile. "Me? Scared? You're joking! I am more than ready to fight, our last battle in York was so much fun! I craved more since that day."
He looked down at you and pecked your lips briefly. "I would never say you're more bloodthirsty than I am."
You giggled against his lips before kissing that one sensitive spot on his neck. "Is that bad? Is some... Boring, dress wearing, royal lady would be better for you? You dont like me the way I am?”
He moaned at the touch of your lips on the most sensitive spot on his neck; his grasp on your waist tightened. "You're perfect just the way you are."
"Let's get some sleep, love. We need to be rested for tomorrow." You kissed his cheek and then nuzzled to his chest, closing your eyes. Soon, you drifted into slumber.
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Travel was exciting.
Everyone was ready for that great fight so were you.
To be honest you couldn't wait, fighting and then ruling by Ivar's was your dream ever since you two clicked just perfectly back in York.
In the camp as well as during negotiation with Lagherta and his brothers you stood there proudly, being by his side and supporting his action.
You fought for him just like you did in York, doing your best to tip the scales of victory on your side.
The battle was long and of course there was a lot of death and suffering.
Just like Ivar assured you that one night, you won. Kattegat was yours and you couldn't be more happy.
The Great Hall opened its door for the new king.
Ivar entered the familiar chambers for the first time since months. He felt like the very important part of his childhood was restored to normality.
People weren't truly keen on the change on the throne, but they could do nothing about it.
Ivar's royal warriors took care of those who didn't want to hail the king. Ivar took a place at the throne that once belonged to his father.
You laughed loudly walking in with Hvitserk and King Harald close behind you, all of you bathed in blood of your enemies.
"You did it Ivar, you won your home back. I need to say I am jealous now!” Harald joked.
You walked around, inspecting the inside of the Great Hall. You already loved the place.
"Of course he did. How could you doubt him."
Saying this you walked closer to your lover and sat on the throne right beside him.
Ivar offered you a smirk, yet tilted his head. "Y/N, what do you think you're doing?"
"Well, I am getting comfortable in my throne, love?," You answered, returning the smirk. "Just as we talked in York. We will be the most powerful couple in the world."
He rolled a little in his place, so he leaned his forearms against armrest. "We? A couple? We were never a couple, sweetheart. I just needed your troops."
You frowned deeply, looking into those beautiful blue eyes you so loved. "Excuse me... But. Your promises, the nights we spend together. Our plans for the future."
He laughed loudly, he didn't really pay attention to the fact there were people in the chamber. "Darling, I would never say you're so silly. You wanted to be fucked so I provided that to you. I just had to make sure you won't change your mind in the day before the battle. Now, get off the throne, it's not yours. You can go back to your sweet, lovely settlement. You're my vassal from now on, I expect you to pay 500 gold pieces every year. If you won't follow, I'll have to flatten your little place to the ground."
You got up from the throne, your eyes never leaving him. How could he do this to you? You shared so much from the past to the future. Did he really lie to you... Why it hurt more than the wounds you suffered during the battle. "Is this some kind of a cruel joke? Because if it is, then better stop, Ivar."
"Do I look like I am joking?," He asked, the smile vanishing from his face, leaving a cold grimace and raised eyebrow as he glanced at you. "Get out of my face."
You couldn't believe it. All the nights you shared, sweet words, the love and dreams... It all was his way of taming you. His way of making sure you will follow him until he achieves his goals. Your heart broke like a thin ice under a pressure. "You are a terrible man, Ivar the Boneless. Ragnar is ashamed of such a son. One that can't keep a promise and can't even avenge his mother fully. I will dance the day you die!” You didn't mean any of those words, it was the pain speaking through your lips. Just like he wanted, you turned around and left the Great Hall.
Hvitserk threw his brother had a cold glance and followed you. "Stop, Y/N! Earl, stop!"
Meantime Harald stormed to the freshly announced king. "What the hell are you doing, Ivar? She is a great warrior, she brought a lot of people, you can't simply send her away and push her off our common matter."
"Our? Mine. Nothing is ours, everything is mine now," Ivar chuckled darkly. "Go on, you can take her. She's nothing but a puppet."
You stopped and pulled out your sword, pointing it right at older Ragnarsson. Your face looked serious but the tears rising in your eyes were visible. "What do you want, Ragnarsson? Came to tell me how stupid I am for trusting your brother?” You growled loudly.
"I had no idea what he was planning for all that time," Hvitserk instinctively raised hand up in the air, showing you he was unarmed. "Don't leave, I bet it can't be discussed and explained."
"Discussed? Explained?! What can be, Hvitserk?! He used my love, my feelings for him to get the troops for his plans," You said, desperately trying to hold your tears. "I wanted to stay here for him but I won't be a rug he can use and throw away as soon as he is done."
"Stop it, you can't leave! You're the only person who still keeps him on the straight and narrow!"
"HOW I DO THAT?!," You yelled as loud as your lungs let you, slowly lowering your sword as your body became too weak suddenly. All the emotions you felt and the post battle injury mixed together now.
"He threw me away as soon as my help became useless for him. I was never needed, coming to York was the biggest mistake of my life."
"Come," not being sure whether it was proper to do, Hvitserk wrapped arms around your figure, offering you his shoulder to lean on. "Take me with you then," Hvitserk asked openly. "I don't want to stay by his side, he's not a sane person. Please. I'll do whatever you order."
You nuzzled to his shoulder, wrapping your arms around him. All you needed now was some kind of closeness, of course you wished it was Ivar but he didn't care any longer. You started to cry into his shoulder, pawing at his back in an attempt to grab something in your hand.
"Now, move," he reminded you. "Let's not wait for him to change his mind and order his hellhounds to burn us alive."
Oldest Ragnarsson led you to the stable where your horse ate hay. He helped you hop on the animal. You sighed deeply, getting comfortable in the saddle. Rubbing your eyes you looked at him. "Thankfully my men are ready to go too," You said, grabbing the reins. "Let's leave him with his wonderful kingdom. Harald can deal with him."
"I don't think he is going to stay either," Hvitserk pulled his horse out of the box and got on his stallion's back.
"I have no idea who would want to stay with him now. Kattegat will burn under his lead," You muttered as your horse moved.
You quickly collected your remaining troops and then you all were on the way home. "Hvitserk?"
Hvitserk, whose horse galloped right behind yours, lined up with you. "Yes?"
"Don't you regret it? Leaving your own youngest and well... Creppled brother? For a woman who broke your nose?," You asked, looking at him.
"No," he replied hardly, being sure of his words. "I was afraid of my dear life. It was the most reasonable decision I've made in my lifetime."
"Let's hope you will feel much better in my home," you told him with a soft smile.
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The trip took three day but it was worth it.
Your settlement made you feel better just because you were back home but there was still this void, somewhere inside of you. It felt even worse when you how your warriors greeted their families. Their smiles made you wish you could feel something like this.
Of course, people were happy to see their Earl and you returned to happiness but it wasn't the same.
You led Hvitserk into the Great Hall and as soon as you entered a big wolf's fur was placed on your shoulders, the hood that was made out of the wolf's head was pulled on your head. You laughed and looked at Hvitserk.
Hvitserk didn't think he could be greeted so warmly anywhere. Your people offered him not only furs and good words but also a roof over his head.
You sat on your throne and smiled, looking at your people. Tears will have to wait until you close the door to your room, now it was time to be Earl. "My friends, my warriors, my people. I can't describe how happy I am that God blessed me and our warriors with the chance of returning home," You said loudly and got up. "We lost many but many returned. Tomorrow there will be a feast to welcome the one that returned and honor the one that did not. I also want to introduce my special guest."
Hvitserk, as much as he was against the idea, walked closer to you, offering you a nod.
"This is Hvitserk. Son of Ragnar. Welcome him and be treated as your own because as long as he wants to stay with us. He is a part of our pack," You informed and your people cheered.
Hvitserk cleared his throat. "Thank you, dear Earl. Thank you, dear people. I assure you that I'll protect this settlement until the very last blood drop."
You gave him a sad smile. "You will stay here. There is one more room in Great Hall that wasn't used for years. I will order my thralls to prepare it."
Hvitserk bowed his head. "This is too much, my lady. I'll be fine just by staying among your people. I will stay at the edge of the city."
"I don't ask you as a Earl. I ask you as a friend, I want you to stay here. You will have days to get along with my people," You explained.
Hvitserk didn't complain anymore. "Thank you."
"No need to thank me."
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Evening finally came and this one felt weird.
Most nights you shared with Ivar and you missed him and his body.
Letting out a deep sigh you get out of the bath and continue with getting ready for the bed. You put on a soft nightdress and brushed your hair. It felt different.
Since you joined Ivar back at York you didn't really have a chance to clean yourself properly. Suddenly you decided to visit Hvitserk so you got up from your bed and went to his room.
You knocked on the door, waiting for a permission to enter. Maybe he already had some girl over.
"Come in."
Hvitserk was sitting on the floor, his legs crossed and elbows propped on knees as he was meditating. He offered you a nod. "Earl Y/N. What have I done that you honor me with a visit? Do you need my help?"
You sat on the floor next to him and chuckled. "Don't start with all that Earl thing, Hvitserk. I am the same Y/N that broke your nose. No need to use my title."
"Don't need to remind me about the nose all the time," he offered you a little too cocky smirk.
"Just trying to remind you that I am no one special. Sorry" You sighed. "And well... I am here because. I felt lonely."
"Being lonely doesn't mean being sad, yet I hear sadness in your tone and see it in your manner."
You raised your eyebrow. "How being lonely doesn't mean being sad?," Shaking your head you shrugged.
"I just used to spend the night with your brother. It felt good, I felt happy... Loved," You already could feel tears in your eyes.
"Don't cry. You can't change him. He's a spoiled brat who doesn't care about people's feelings. You'll find yourself a man anytime soon, just look at you. Young, beautiful, in charge. All men are losing head for you already."
You sighed and wiped your eyes with a short laugh.
"You are losing head for me as well? Who would want a woman with a face like mine. I should cry for how stupid I was to trust Ivar's love."
"It was not stupidity, what you experienced is used to be called love," he smiled softly.
"Was... Was it too much to ask for? To be loved for once in my life?," You asked, looking at him. "Father, left me to die. Mother didn't care enough to protect you. Brother tried to kill me... Man I loved..." You couldn't finish your sentence.
"You're young, you have your entire life lying ahead. You'll fall in love not once, not twice. The pain is temporary, it will pass as soon as you'll sign a truce with yourself."
"I am young with a face eaten by a wolf," you muttered. "I... I have a stupid question."
"No question is stupid if you think about it."
"Can I stay here tonight? With you?,” you asked. "I don't think I can sleep alone... Not today at least."
"Of course. You provided me with a room with a bed for two. But you can take it full."
"I don't want to take it all. I want to share it with you... I don't want to be alone tonight, Hvitserk."
"Your wish is my command," he replied with a little smile.
You smiled and then climbed to bed. Letting out a sigh you nuzzled to the pillow and wrapped fur around yourself.
Hvitserk spent a few more moments meditating. After that he went to wash his face and neck with cold water. The he slipped into bed with you
"Thank you for that. I need to look pathetic... I am the Earl and I act like a child," you said cringing at your own action.
"Don't judge yourself. I don't mind it. I offered you that I can be a shoulder you can lean in."
"Yes, you did," you nodded and moved closer to nuzzle him. "And I am going to use it tonight."
He straightened his arm to make a room for you. As you put your head to his chest, he lightly wrapped arm around your waist.
You got comfortable and hummed quietly, closing your eyes. He was arm and soft, you just wished it was Ivar who would really hug you.
Hvitserk used his other hand to stroke your cheek. "Shhhh, you're going to get through this for you're the strongest woman I saw."
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