#also i just always wanted froy to be in this
stagandsteer · 10 months
But only the queen was changed to king? And that's understandable since the last british queen just died they would've thought it'll be inappropriate to show a queen being homophobic. Who else am i missing?
Alex had a sister??!! her name is June. she’s just gone. I saw it said that June and Nora were sort of made into the composite character of “Nora” that we saw, and that’s almost worse. the women of color are just interchangeable??!
Bea was made a completely one dimensional pretty sister (played very well by Ellie Bamber, i would add) with almost nothing to do but smile and sit in chairs. Henry also had a mother! she’s been sent away to another country I guess.
also they made the decision to change the queen to a king and cast him way before the actual queen died.
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littlefroginapond · 9 months
i just had a very visceral reaction to the timothee chalamet rumor.
like i already have anxiety, i don’t need the frail victorian sick boy making me even more anxious
but to the whole point of this: i’m applying to filmmaking schools currently and have been a DC fan for most of my life, so let me tell you that i have OPINIONS on DC casting
btw, these are of course my opinions, but as everyone always says, DC stands for Disregard Canon…
Dick Grayson - Nightwing/Robin I
My Casting: Anthony Keyvan
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ideally i would want a Romani actor because Dick is canonically Romani (even if the the origin on why he is… well it’s pretty creepy), but i couldn’t find any.
i also tried finding Indian actors, because the Romani people are originally from a specific part of India and are officially recognized as Indian.
…but there was no luck there either. lmk if you have ideas
but this led me to Anthony Keyvan, who i’m pretty sure is Iranian and Filipino. Filipino actually works for Dick because eskrima (the weapon that Nightwing uses) is a Filipino style weapon, so becoming Nightwing could be a way to tie him back to his roots.
Jason Todd - Red Hood/Robin II
My Casting: Froy Gutierrez
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do i headcanon Jason as latino? yes!
is it because Jason grew up poor and abused by his dad? no! (if you headcanon him bring latino because of this… that’s racist my dude)
i actually headcanon Jason being latino because of this actor, who’s half Mexican and half white. a combination of his past acting roles and just his general vibes feel very Jason to me.
Tim Drake - Red Robin/Robin III
My Casting: Aidan Gallagher OR Ian Chen
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Tim is the one that i wouldn’t be incredibly mad if they cast Timothee Chalamet as. i mean, i have feelings about only casting A-list actors, but it wouldn’t be the absolute worst.
Tim is typically drawn very angular, which gives a lot of people the headcanon that he’s Asian. i don’t feel super strongly about this, which is why i found 2 actors.
i chose Aidan Gallagher for a couple reasons. one: he’s like 5’5” (at least according to google, i couldn’t find it on imdb). two: his role as Five in Umbrella Academy. UA has always gave me batfam vibes, and i do see Five as the Damian of the group, but for some reason, he also really reminds me of Tim
now if you do headcanon Tim as Asian (which i’m fine with, i’m just not super opinionated on it), then i think Ian Chen would be a good choice. he’s a pretty young actor (i think mid- to late teens), so he hasn’t been in much, but he’s a good comedy actor, which i think works pretty well for Tim.
and finally, the most contested casting of them all…
Damian Wayne - Robin V
DC’s Alleged Casting: Timothee Chalamet
My Casting: Ian Ho
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i refuse to let this little white ghost boy play a character that is canonically white, Chinese, and Middle Eastern.
i will say that i had a hard time finding a young actor that is white, Chinese, and Middle Eastern, but Ian Ho is Chinese (allegedly, idk where i actually heard this), so it was the closest i could get.
these are all my opinions ofc, so don’t take it too seriously. also i definitely have fancasts of the rest of the fam so lmk if you want those too ❤️
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ina11rarepair · 3 months
Can I request some Froy x Asuto headcanons?
✨🌞 GiriMori / Froy Girikanan x Inamori Asuto
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Froy would often tell Asuto stories about Shinjou Takuma when he was working for them or when he's outside of work and accompanying Froy's dad. He'd even ask his brother about Shinjou so that he could tell his boyfriend.
Asuto prefers to work hard to earn his own money but there are times where incomes were short which his boyfriend would help him with. Asuto always feels a little embarrassed accepting Froy's help and feels like he owes Froy big time for his aid (Froy would reassure him to not feel so).
They both love sharing each other countries' cuisines.
Asuto loves fairs a ton, so he always dragon froy along with him when there's one around.
Froy is the one who always wins gifts for Asuto (Asuto sucks at the games, especially the claw machine ^_^).
Froy cooks traditional russian food for Asuto every chance he gets, and Asuto loves it.
They visit each other's towns often and Froy surprisingly loves the heat of inakuni island.
He was scared to visit at first since he's not used to hot weather, so he packed at least 5 different fans.
Froy loves to borrow Asuto's clothes.
They both love cats and would like to adopt one in the future, but they have troubles deciding on the breed they want (Asuto wants a short haired cat meanwhile Froy prefers long haired breeds).
After Irina got arrested, Asuto helped Froy deal with everything since he knew how it felt to lose both parents. That included long walks, lots of gifts, meetups with friends and of course playing football.
They realized they had feelings for each other on one of their walks when they held hands and just spaced out thinking “omg".
It was Froy's first relationship, since he was not allowed to date before but Asuto reassured him and honestly he couldn't have hoped for a better first partner.
They both love lemonade, but Asuto loves to put different kinds of syrups in his glass (Froy tried it with strawberry syrup once but he hated it with a passion).
-🌲, 👛
A little note from admin (👛) here :P so recently I've been looking back at my work for this account, I noticed how rushed most of it was and how little love and care I put into those works. I think they were so half-made because of how busy I am with school since I have so many homework every single day and so little time to do your guys request. Most of the admins have very little time to finish the asks since they also have to focus on a bunch of tests and exams in order to graduate; not to mention some of us get sidetracked a lot on other stuff. Back to the topic, I just wanted to say that I'll put more life into the things I do. sorry for taking so long btw :[
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sehtoast · 7 months
What inspired your oc?
what inspired Ben?
that’s a hell of a rabbit hole, but lemme give it a crack. hope you're ready to read a whole book lol :
so, for starters, i’ve always been a spider-man kid for as long as I can remember.  I’m not sure what my first introduction to spidey would’ve been, but i’d bet it was either the 90s animated series or tobey maguire’s spider-man movies.  The first maguire movie came out when i was 2, but i’m positive i saw it super young because i don’t remember a time where i didn’t absolutely fucking adore spidey. Some of my strongest memories are actually of ‘wall crawling’ up my grandma’s brick sidewalk and running around her yard like i was swinging from a web.  I had the toys, the pajama suit, the string-can webshooters, plastic masks, played all the games growing up, etc etc. Spider-man stuff is just like, idk INGRAINED in me. He’s what i wanted to be- and, honestly, i still dream of swinging from a web.
Now, that said: Ben.
Ben started as a x reader concept. I’d never written fics before stumbling onto homelander, but i ended up finally snapping one day and giving it a shot for two reasons.  a) blindmagdalena inspired me to write and b) i wanted to finally see some form of trans rep for fanfics, particularly for transmasculine people.  I have my brain trained so strictly to swap pronouns, gendered terms, and even body part names that it actually affects my reading outside of fics, too. Which isn’t necessarily good, but it just goes to show how little is out there for us (fic is usually always skewed toward fem readers- which isn’t a bad thing! It just makes it hard for transmasc folks to indulge sometimes).  But yeah, i really fucking wanted to finally put something out there for us.
But, this fella had to have powers right?  Tender Threads was the start of my writing adventures and i was adamant that it would follow a supe!reader.  And what powers would i want if i were a supe? Spider powers, of course!  Initially i was really insecure about doing this because webweaver already exists in the boys comics and i felt like a copycat.  I couldn’t even figure out a better spidery hero name than spider-man, so i said fuck it and went with it.  Of course, months later across the spider-verse came out and validated me putting a spider-man in another universe, but that’s besides the point lol.
The more i wrote this x transmasc!reader concept, the more and more i could see Ben in my head.  He started off as a concept and just… grew?  I picked his name because i really like ben reilly as spidey and i figure there’s gotta be another spider-man out there named benjamin, right? They can’t all be variants of peter and the more major characters. Funny enough, he was almost a Bennett.  Anyway, i imagined him quite similar to peter parker in the ultimate spider-man comic line, but he’s steadily grown to have his own appearance, especially once i went out looking for a face claim for him and found froy gutierrez.  Now, he looks like a ~2018 era froy!  Funny how ocs grow and change.
I decided that i wanted him to have powers more along the lines of Miles Morales in the insomniac games (bc i fucking ADORE miles and i think his bioelectricity is SO FUCKING COOL). So, i picked that. Kept the organic webbing bc that made sense to me. 
Also, it  wasn’t even a thought in my head of whether or not to carry over the aspect of being trans for ben.
His suit design was heavily inspired by the unbreakable spider-man suit by @ vaughanilla_cosplays on instagram, but i’m still working on building a design that is truly ben’s.
From there, i thought of him in terms of what my ideal spider-man would be like. This part i actually struggled with until i stumbled across this video of Peter Cullen about the day he auditioned for optimus prime (hopefully the time start works, otherwise it's at 1:38-2:10).  Those words hit me first, like, as a person, and i find them influencing me in my day to day life, surprisingly.  But then i realized, that’s what i want for ben.  If ben was going to be a hero, he was going to be a real hero.  Benjamin would be strong enough to be gentle.  Even being a character destined to love a man who is anything but, Ben would be strong enough to be gentle.
Above everything else, Benjamin is gentle.
And from there, he grew.  He grew and grew and grew, and now he’s actually very precious to me.  Ben is my spider-man, more than any iteration ever. When i think of spidey, i think of Ben.
But yeah. I guess ben was ultimately inspired by my love for spider-man meeting my love for the boys. Just, one day an egg appeared, you know?
Anyway, thank you so much for this ask. I fucking LOVE talking about my lil benny-boo 
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dangermousie · 8 months
I forgot how much I wanted to murder Evanjalin in the beginning of that series.
“I am gonna get you sent as a condemned slave to the mines with no warning in hopes this will further my restoration plan” is…ummmm.
The thing is, on reread I know and get her deep trauma and drive and need for vengeance and justice. But it still does not sit well with me, and never will. I both get why Finnikin gets over it and yet can never fully get over it myself.
The thing is, Finnikin x Evanjalin/Isaboe is very much the gender-reversed trope of sunshine girl x deeply fucked up hardened dude. And unlike fucked up x fucked up set up (see Warner x Juliette in Shatter Me, Dred x Jael in Dred Queen or even Froi x Quintana in this very series, not to mention 10x other stories) which is my favorite ship set up ever, the problem with sunshine x fucked up always becomes "well, I see what the fucked up one gets out of it, but how about the sunshine one?" In a lot of stories this gets circumvented by the fact that the mess is actually providing physical protection (the usual this is a dangerous environment/someone wants sunshine one dead/etc set up.) But Marchetta does not make it this easy here - Finnikin can fight just fine and he does not need protection from Isaboe (who cannot offer it anyway.) In fact, all the danger he faces is BECAUSE of Isaboe. The author thrusts it in your face and dares you to understand how trauma and desperation and cause can make people ugly and desperate and do all sorts of awful things. When I first read the trilogy, I ended up liking both Isaboe and Isaboe x Finnikin but it took me a very long time to get there and this is such an interesting thing. She is a person who will always put her cause above any person (even at the very end, if it came to cause v Finnikin, we know what she’d pick) and it’s a rare set up.
PS AAAAAAA Trevanion!!!! Our first glimpse of present day Trevanion.
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Trevanion, Daddy of Finnikin and Daddy in every sense of that term.
He is actually probably my favorite character in this series (except Froi.) I find his character (and Lady Beatriss) such a heartbreaking deconstruction of a perfect warrior, perfect knight, perfect commander with a perfect oath and a perfect chivalric love story with a perfect lady. And then it's all destroyed in the most horrifying, brutal, prolonged, thorough way. And he's left alive and then what...
Out of all the happy endings in this series, I honestly find his and Beatriss' the most heartbreakingly hard won. They have some of the worst trauma but also unlike a lot of the other characters, they are not young and also they remember many years of peace and happiness and "before" so it's harder to adjust because of that as well.
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agentthirsty · 2 years
I actually really really enjoyed Hocus Pocus 2. I want to talk about it so I'll place it all down below! Spoilers, of course.
I felt like they did a good job keeping the tone and quirkiness on par with the first one.
Is the plot recycled? Totally, but there's deviations so it doesn't feel entirely like deja-vu.
Was the movie necessary? Not really, but it was enjoyable. Very nostalgic.
Did it lean on that nostalgia hard? You can say that, yeah, but I feel like that's kinda the point. That's why Disney did it. The original movie hit cult classic status and they knew people would tune in.
I really liked how they humanized Winnie and showed how she legitimately cares about her sisters more than her life and powers. Loved how that scene where Mary and Sarah disappear mirrored how the Reverend took them from Winnie in the flashback.
The new cast did great I think! NOT fond of Froy's character, however. He could've easily just not been there. He made Sarah Sanderson look like a genius.
I also liked how Becca turned out to be a witch as well. AND she kept the Book. I always liked the idea of Max from the original movie being a warlock or something, so doing this with Becca was nice for me.
I HOLLERED when I saw Ginger Minj and Kornbread
In the end, nobody does Halloween movies like the 90's and early 2000's anymore and this sequel had that magic and it got me right into the Halloween spirit so yeah, I really enjoyed Hocus Pocus 2.
Fingers crossed Disney doesn't start beating the property like a dead horse
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nepofm · 1 year
+𝟑  𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃  𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒  𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄  𝐁𝐄𝐄𝐍  𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐃  .  roman  castillo  (  evan  mock  )  is  looking  for  a  romantic  connection  ,  sasha  de  leon  (  zion  moreno  )  is  looking  for  a  romantic/sexual  connection  &  jack  valmount  (  drew  starkey  )  is  looking  for  a  romantic  connection  .
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romantic.   —   roman castillo is looking for a friends to lovers situation ( i’ll try to keep this connection short, but please forgive me if i get carried away ! the gist of it is they started off as friends - specifically the type of friends who just had an immediate connection, almost as if they’d known each other their entire lives (or maybe they have, i’m not super picky on this detail). but what’s clear, is they’re incredibly similar. but it was never really just a friendship, there was always something more and eventually they just gave in and started to explore said feelings - but they never did go as far as admitting they were a couple, not to each other and CERTAINLY not to anyone who commented on their relationship. they’re a couple but at the same time, they’re not a couple. it’s also a strong possibility that it’s an open situation, meaning they’re free to sleep with and date other people because they know they’ll end up with one another in the end. ) within the age range of 24-26 that preferably looks like rudy pankow, archie renaux, bright vachirawit, cha eunwoo, nick robinson, aria shahghasemi, froy gutierrez, emilio sakraya, herman tommeraas, ryan potter, any male/male aligned non-binary fc. you do have to contact the mun before applying under wcrstbehaviior. 
romantic/sexual.   —   sasha de leon is looking for a boy toy / long term fling ( sasha de leon has always been unsuccessful when it comes to relationships, though it’s not because of a lack of trying. in fact, she’s had quite a few short lived relationships. in fact, her only relationship that’s lasted any real amount of time is nothing more than a fling. and while they’ve had their share of fun, she’s often left wanting more. that’s pretty much all i’ve got, because i thought it would be much more fun to discuss the remaining aspects of this dynamic ! especially whether or not there are any feelings to be had ! ) within the age range of 23-27 that preferably looks like alex landi, darren barnet, avan jogia, charles melton, freddy carter, gabriel darku, jacob elordi, kedar williams-stirling, keith powers, mena massoud, fabien frankel, rege jean-page, sean teale, tommy martinez, utp. you do not have to contact the mun before applying under wcrstbehaviior. 
romantic.   —   jack valmount is looking for a long term partner / on again off again relationship ( once upon a time they were a couple of teenagers madly in love, but now they’re nothing more than a pair of twenty somethings who’ve stayed together out of convenience. they still seem to care about each other, in a roundabout way, but there’s no real question that they’ve fallen out of love. why they stay together, though, is a question neither of them have been able to answer. it’s not unusual to find either of them, especially jack, going home with someone else. // i think that provides an accurate description without dictating too much which is why i’ve also requested to be contacted, just to hammer out any additional details ! ) within the age range of 23-26 that preferably looks like lulu antariska, natasha liu bordizzo, amita suman, anya chalhotra, aslihan malbora, billie lourd, chase sui wonders, davika hoorne, diana silvers, halston sage, hunter schafer, kathryn newton, josefine frida pettersen, madelyn cline, utp. you do have to contact the mun before applying under wcrstbehaviior. 
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evermorehqs · 1 year
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Dewford ‘Dewey’ Duck is based on Dewey from Ducktales. He is a 23 year old human, barista/struggling DJ, and uses he/him pronouns. He has no powers. Dewey is portrayed by Froy Gutierrez and he is taken.
If you were to look up middle-child syndrome in the dictionary there’d be a photo of Dewford Duck smiling widely in a way that made you suspicious he’d done something nefarious. He never did though, he simply wanted to make sure you were thinking of him for a long time after he’d left. He couldn’t help it though. For all of his life he’d been fighting for the spotlight between his brothers and somehow always missed out. The fear of being incredibly average has weighed on his shoulders and Dewey will do practically anything to make sure that he’s remembered as more than that. There’s a drive within him to prove himself in everything he does, a need deep down to not only to be good at something but to be told how good he is. But doing incredible things is hard to do when you can’t leave the town you were born in.
Evermore isn’t a bad place, Dewey can see that, but it feels like a cage wrapped up in a pretty bow. It feels stifling. How is he supposed to be his greatest self in a place like this? While his brothers and Webby also want to solve the mystery of this town to see the world outside of it, he has an ulterior motive, one he doesn’t want to share in case they judge him for it - his mother. Dewey knows his brothers want to find her too but he’s been told his whole life that he’s the most like her and, whether he can help it or not, he knows a part of him is missing without her. He wants to make her proud and maybe that’s one of the reasons he acts the way he does. He tries to get everyone’s attention because one day, it might include hers. Throughout the years, the boys have played pretend as they went on adventures only in their imaginations but now that they’re older, Dewey can’t help but feel that one day they could make them come true only if they try hard enough.
❀ Ferb Fletcher: It’s said opposites can attract and Dewey can’t help but think that’s accurate when it comes to Ferb. He can’t ever seem to keep him mouth shut while this guy can stay quiet for what feels like record time. Regardless, Dewey likes his company and hangs out with him whenever he can
❀ Meri Webster: Trios are something these two have in common and Meri can understand feeling like you need to do something to stand out, not something Dewey is used to someone else empathizing with. She does seem to get annoyed with him often but he’s pretty sure that’s just how she is
❀ Bobby Zimuruski: Dewey can’t quite put his finger on why he likes Bobby so much but the guy has this magnetic energy and he likes hanging out with him. Both of them know that sometimes you have to do crazy things for the bit
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txboocvntboisrp · 2 years
Link to muse page (muses are subject to being updated at all times
Link to kinks
Link to open starters
1. Communicate. If I messed up or you want something changed etc, be a grown up and talk to me
2. Remember real life takes precedence. I may not have time, energy or muse to reply at times. Respect that and I will do the same for you
3. Be patient (see above). It is fine to dm me to see if I saw your reply but don’t dm me every hour asking when I will reply in turn
4. Don’t change my muses characteristics in your reply
5. Don’t be a dick
6. Don’t judge. My muses are kinky and they also like bad guys (killers etc as long as said bad guy doesn’t kill or try to kill or inflict bodily harm on my muse)
About replies: mine and yours:
1. This is rp. Play. It is supposed to be fun. It is not a livelihood or life and death. Real life takes precedence. Real life meaning: family, health, school, energy level, friends, and many more things. You rp when you want to and can and are in the mood. That is the way it should be and I respect that and want you to do the same.
2. What you are in the mood for varies. It is not a personal attack if you have inspiration for some threads and not others. Again I understand that and expect you to do the same
3. Communicate: this is a BIG one. I don’t mean DM every hour going ‘don’t you want to rp anymore’ if you haven’t gotten a reply to a thread. I DO mean, tell your partner if you want to start over or there is something you want changed. DMs are not always a clear means of communicating, don’t assume your partner meant to offend or to break a rule. Communicate and see if you can get on common
4. Read their tumblr. They might have put a PSA or post explaining why there is a delay or that they don’t have muse for certain things at the time. There is NOTHING more frustrating then stating in a post and then having a follower ask you a question you just answered in plain sight on your tumblr
5. For me icons, gifs, photos are not required on a reply, nor is a particular font size or format etc. not everyone has the same tools, or comfort level with such things so why be dictator or anal about something that, again, should be fun
6. That said I would like to know what your muse looks like
7. I rarely drop threads. It may be I don’t have the muse for some threads at times, while I do for others. I will get back to the ones that are pending. Please be patient. IF I do drop or need to drop a thread, I will proactively reach out to you to let you know. If I haven’t done that? Again I will reply in time when the muse for that returns
A couple of other things while I am on the subject:
I do have banned fcs: some because I find the individual repulsive, most just because they don’t do anything for me. See list below
Banned fcs
Darren Criss
Chris Pratt
Armie Hammer
Johnny Depp
Adam Driver
Sebastian Stan
Chord Overstreet
Chris Evans
Jason Momoa
Ben Affleck
Zachary Levi
Misha Collins
Harry Styles
Chris Pine
Noah Centineo
Jensen Ackles
Cory Montieth
Mark Salling
Chord Overstreet
Froy Gutierrez
Robert Downey Jr
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tomhagans · 2 years
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[ froy gutierrez | cis male | he/him | twenty-five ] —— it’s just another typical week in hawkins i guess — isn’t that right, thomas hagan? huh, guess they can’t hear me over i ran (so far away) by flock of seagulls playing on their walkman, but it looks like they’re headed to work as a gym coach at hawkins high school. did you know tommy has been in hawkins for his whole life? yeah, they’ve been described as a bit arrogant, but i suppose them also being ambitious outweighs the negative. i’ve also heard people say they remind them of fresh pair of red converse, roar of a car engine, busted upper lip, and being two different people… however, that could just be this weeks newest rumor.
full name: thomas alberto hagan
nickname(s):  tommy
age:  twenty-five
date of birth:  march 27th
star sign:  aries
place of birth: hawkins, indiana
current location: hawkins, indiana
gender: cismale
pronouns:  he/him
sexual orientation:  heterosexual (actual bi in crisis)
occupation:  gym coach at hawkins high school
family: victoria hagan (hernandez) (mother), scott hagan (father)
education level: bachelor’s degree in sports medicine from Indiana State University
financial status:  upper middle class
spoken languages:  english, spanish
tw: depression, skewed self image, self imposed expectations
If there was any kid in Hawkins who got doted on, it was Tommy Hagan. The Hagans used their money and time to shower their one and only son with love and all the material items he could want. He was surrounded by everything his grubby little kid hands could touch, all encased in one of the better houses in the town. Maybe they weren’t as well known as the Cunninghams or the Harringtons but Tommy always knew he was fortunate to have what he had.
The constant doting though, didn’t have the best effect on him and with time, Tommy became spoiled -- rotten almost. He felt superior to the other kids in school, called them names, pushed them into the dirt all because he felt like he had a right too. While other kids had absent fathers or lived on the less fortunate side of town, Tommy’s life was privileged (overly so) and he didn’t hesitate to act like it made him important. 
He took that mentality all the way to high school, forming a group around him that commanded attention. Steve was the golden boy, the one everyone focused on but if they listened to Steve, they listened to Tommy. It was all good for a while until even that started to fall apart. With his parents on his back and his future jutting toward him, Tommy had to grow up quickly and find a way to reconcile all the awful feelings he had toward just about everyone. It was only until after high school that Tommy changed his ways. He stepped back from whatever plagued him as a kid, the spoiled nature that turned him into a bad apple, and he focused on living his life. He wanted a future, happiness, normal stuff.
So Tommy did what he thought was best. He left. As soon as he graduated, he left behind everything to do with Hawkins and tried to restart his life in Terra Haute. He was a different person when he left -- nicer, calmer, maybe a little bit more sensible but all of that came crashing down when his mom called him, telling him his father was sick and getting worse. If life taught him anything, it was that family always comes first so Tommy didn’t hesitate to pack up his degree, his life and move back home. 
It was supposed to be easy. Just settle back into small town life for a few years to take care of his dad, make sure both of his parents were okay, and then get the hell out of dodge but then Calvin Cunningham died and everything went to shit. It was like a giant reset button had been pressed and right alongside Jason, Tommy was finding any excuse to go after those freak hellfire club kids he bullied back in school. That mean teenage boy came out of hiding and wreaked havoc over Eddie Munson, firmly believing him to be responsible. If he thought rationally, Tommy might have told himself it was wrong. He might have stopped instead of instigated but there was no resisting the need for answers. 
Even after the earthquake, the loss, and the police trying to tie up loose ends -- Tommy still isn’t convinced that everything is fine in Hawkins. His guard is all the way up, monstrously high, and he bitterly wants to believe that there’s a rational explanation. He can’t let himself believe anything less because that puts his family in danger and he just can’t have that. Not to mention, the less he understands about Hawkins, the less he understands about himself and the constant feelings he hasn’t grappled with. Tommy is okay being the bully for now because anything else seems too hard and too good to be true. 
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radcliffefm · 5 months
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2+  wanted  connections  have  been  added.
have you seen that william "liam" waldorf who looks a lot like tom blyth is looking for their best friend / future boyfriend. they're twenty four - twenty six and a graduate. i hear they get told that they resemble paul mescal, hunter doohan, bright vachirawit, archie renaux, fabien frankel, froy gutierrez, freddy carter, utp . you do reach out to @liamwaldorf for additional plotting. — the two of them met during their undergraduate years at radcliffe and quickly became inseparable. they've been by each others side through it all, good times and bad. they've been mistaken for a couple on more than one occasion, something that they have both always laughed off. but lately, liam has started to realize that maybe it's not that ridiculous of an idea after all. that maybe, just maybe, he's in love with his best friend. this acknowledgment is an especially big deal for liam as it also means he's coming to terms with his sexuality. all in all there's plenty of potential to be had here i think ! and i ask that any potential applicants message me so we can work over the details because i am open to making adjustments !.
have you seen that william "liam" waldorf who looks a lot like tom blyth is looking for their younger sibling. they're twenty-twenty four and a either anundergraduate or graduate. i hear they get told that they resemble ewan mitchell, christopher briney, axel auriant, alva bratt, bailee madison, danielle rose russell, any appropriate fc you can reach out to @liamwaldorf for additional plotting. — the two eldest children of the five born to william waldorf sr. and his wife caroline. an imense amount of pressure was placed on each of their children at an early age - they were expected to excel and in return they were showered with gifts and luxuries only a few could imagine. but that never really did make up for their parents lack of affection. due to their close ages, liam and his sibling were pressured to compete with each other and while this easily could've driven a wedge between them, it's actually made them incredibly close. of course, they aren't without their moments. my only real requirement is that they have a classic name - their npc siblings are james, amelia and henry just to give you an idea !
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gaycelebtea · 1 year
Do you know why all the Froy threads at The Datalounge are getting deleted? It's like every time a new one is started in the last couple weeks, it then gets deleted once it gets going. Is there some sort of embargo on discussing him there now? Possibly from his PR or Richard's? Or just the admin of that board doing whatever they want? Bummer, as it's one of the few places to have a real open discussion about them that's not only praise and worship like the other boards.
Yeah, that always happens. Blame Muriel. They always paywall popular threads. It sucks. I doubt it's an embargo thing, or that Madden's handlers have asked to get them taken down. I just think they get paywalled due to traffic. It's also possible the other posters get sick of the Froy threads so they FF the threads, that's how they usually disappear, if they get enough FFs.
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veetlegeuse · 1 year
Objects for Maddox
📣 MEGAPHONE - how loud are they? what do they speak like? got a voice claim?
maddox isn’t very loud at all, unless he’s really angry or really excited. he speaks very casually. his voice claim is the same as his face claim, froy gutierrez.
📖 OPEN BOOK - do they like reading? what's their favourite genre?
maddox does like to read but he doesn’t get a lot of time to. he really likes mysteries.
🪤 MOUSE TRAP - what will always lure them into certain danger? a loved one in danger? a promise of something they are always searching for?
a loved one in danger for sure. maddox is loyal to a fault and will fight to the death for all of his chosen family.
📸 CAMERA - do they enjoy having their picture taken? what's their go-to pose? do they like taking photos? what do they take photos of?
maddox is indifferent about having his picture taken. he usually breaks out a peace sign. he doesn’t take many photos, but when he does, it’s usually just of his friends.
🎭 MASKS - do they act differently around certain people? what's different between the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc.?
the only person maddox doesn’t act like his true self around is his father.
✂️ SCISSORS - what is the "last straw" for them to cut someone out of their life? how easily do they let go of people?
maddox’s last straw is any sort of betrayal. while yes, he is loyal to a fault, he doesn’t want to put himself on the line for someone who wouldn’t do the same for him. he also gets pretty volatile when anyone hurts his loved ones.
💡 LIGHTBULB - is your oc a planner? do they write down every small detail or just wing it?
maddox isn’t really a planner. he goes with the flow.
💎 DIAMOND - how rich are they? can they live the lifestyle they want to?
maddox was pretty well set for life before he moved out of his father’s house to live with his older sister. he never really cared for money, he’s perfectly content without it.
🎁 PRESENT - what types of presents would they be most happy to receive? are they good at gift giving?
maddox doesn’t really care about Things, so he’d probably be happiest receiving food based gifts or experiences! he’s pretty good at gift giving because he’s so sentimental.
🍼 BABY BOTTLE - what are their thoughts on children?
he loves kids. he volunteers to be a little league coach during the summer. he’s open to having kids if fangs wants them.
🔪 KNIFE - how do they react to injury / misfortune befalling their loved ones (significant other, family, friends)? do they put themselves at blame?
maddox freaks the fuck out and immediately tries to find who is responsible and hold them accountable. maddox only blames himself if he was supposed to be, like, around the person and wasn’t for some reason.
👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
maddox wants to be remembered as a helpful and good person. that’s all he’s ever wanted, is to make a difference to the people that matter to him.
✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
“i was far too scared to hit him, but i would hit him in a heartbeat now. that’s the thing with anger — it begs to stick around.” from seventeen going under by sam fender.
🎵 MUSIC NOTE - what is their playlist like? their favourite artists? do you associate a particular song with them?
maddox’s playlist is fairly chill. his favorite artist is harry styles and his favorite band is bad suns. as stated above, i associate seventeen going under by sam fender as well as family line by conan gray with him!
🎤 MICROPHONE - are they good at singing? what is their go-to karaoke song?
maddox is a good singer. his go-to karaoke song is i want it that way by the backstreet boys.
🎷 SAXOPHONE - do they play any instruments? are they any good at it?
maddox plays piano, and he plays it very well!
📚 BOOKS - how were they at school? what is their best subject? what is their worst subject? do they have a favourite subject?
maddox is pretty good in school. i’d say like barely above average. his best subject is history and his worst subject is math. his favorite subject is probably english lit.
👖 JEANS - what is their go-to outfit?
usually cuffed jeans, a loose t-shirt and a jacket or cardigan or sweater of some sort with high tops.
🎨 PALETTE - can they draw? what do they like to draw?
maddox can draw, but he’s just average. he usually just doodles stick figures or flowers.
🎡 FERRIS WHEEL - are they someone who wants to kiss at the top of the ferris wheel?
um, definitely. he loves that cheesy stuff and he’s such a romantic.
⏳ HOURGLASS - are they usually late or on-time?
maddox is always on-time.
🔫 PISTOL - do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
maddox does trust pretty easily, he likes to see the best in people and always gives the benefit of the doubt, but only once. screw him over and that’s it. he has been backstabbed before by jughead and betty. maddox would never betray anyone.
🎀 RIBBON - how would they fit into other worlds / aus? what aus would you like to try out? what fictional world would they fit / not fit into?
maddox is a pretty versatile character i think so he could probably fit in anywhere! i haven’t thought of any aus i would like to try but i think he’d fit in really well in the pjo universe or the stranger things universe.
📎 PAPERCLIP - a random fact.
maddox’s least favorite color is orange.
📦 PACKAGE - what are some "most likely to..." that can apply to them?
most likely to be mvp, most likely to get married first lmao
🖍️ CRAYON - what advice would you give to them?
the only advice i would give maddox is probably to buckle up, because things are gonna get rough, but he’s gonna be okay 🖤
⚙️ GEAR - what are your ocs thoughts on science & art? which do they give more importance to? how much value do they place on each?
maddox values both of those things equally, though he participates in the arts more than he does in science.
🔧 WRENCH - are they good at fixing relationships? or do they tend to avoid doing so?
maddox is pretty good at fixing relationships. he’s never really had to, he’s a pretty good communicator so things usually don’t go south, but if they do, he’s the first to try to get it on the mend.
❇️ SPARKLE - what is their most prized possession? what do they value?
maddox’s most prized possession is probably his keyboard. again, he’s not really a material sort of guy.
📏 RULER - is your oc well educated? where did they get their learning from?
maddox is pretty well educated, thanks to the internet mostly lmao.
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usertiff · 1 year
hello, lauren! a little behind in sending, but they do say better late than never right? oops, i forgot to say who i am, i'm your secret santa! i hope you had a wonderful saturday and your sunday is great, too! can you tell me a bit about some of your favorite muses and face claims? ❄️
that's okay, being behind is the name of my game ksksdfjjf im always a little slow. but aaa yay!! i'm so excited!!
so i think my ultimate favorite muse/muse i've had for the longest time is (erika linder, she/they, nonbinary lesbian, 28) JULES HELLSTRÖM (which she doesn't really have a lot in her tag tbh but anyway) she's fucking RUTHLESS when she needs to be, will always stand up for good and justice, so honestly she never backs down and is always ready to throw a punch. HOWEVER, within this load of anger she has, it's truly because inside she is v soft and caring, always trying to help others, protect others, and do good where she can. specifically to other women and nonbinary people. continued under cut!!
she's a big angry lesbian who is v loud about the things she cares about, v much an activist and hates rich people and hates men tbh im ngl. she's definitely the "scary hairy lesbian" that hates all men that Those All MenTM warn you about LMAO. she is by and large a moon child. like seriously i based her off of artemis kskskdjflskjdf. she lives for the night and never wakes up earlier than 3pm tbh. she kind of has two occupations, it just depends where i'm playing her that decides which one i use. her og occupation is a wildlife officer, because (artemis, really) she loves animals and respects the hunt, and wants to ensure others are respecting nature as well. on the other hand, she owns a whole ass bar, not because she's like wealthy, but her uncle leaves town and passes it down to her and she's like wTF?! i'll end this here but i could talk about her for awhile, i love her! also i just noticed i used she pronouns this whole time, but i want to end this by saying jules's preference for pronouns changes by the day lol. some days it's a they-only day, some days she's like yeah... yeah you can call me she, that feels nice. LOL idk
i don't know if i have any other specific muses to share that i can think of at the moment, but here's some of my favorite faceclaims!! (i rly only had a few like FAVORITES so i bolded those, and the rest are some that i've always wanted to play or just think are neat!)
im so sorry i didn't know how long or short to go so i just ksskdfjsldkfj but again i bolded the real og's
erika linder
keiynan lonsdale
brigette lundy paine
lizeth selene
kat graham
amber midthunder
anya chalotra
hunter mcgrady
sasha pieterse
khadijha red thunder
evan rachel wood
winona ryder
jeanine mason
kiera allen
kim petras
devery jacobs
kacey rohl
quannah chasinghorse
kristin kreuk
bree kish
aly michalka
summer bishil
olivia cooke
olivia taylor dudley
vera farmiga
levy tran
rutina wesley
dichen lachman
kiana madeira
manny montana
froy gutierrez
cody christian
bill skarsgard
harvey guillen
milo ventimiglia
michiel huisman
joe keery
ian bohen
maxence danet fauvel
alex meraz
nyle dimarco
tanner novlan
erika linder
brigette lundy paine
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Just to inform your questioning anon, Froy always posts more stories when he is away working or with his family because its innocuous. It is not a sign of anything except he wants people to know he is working in Slovakia. Madeleine is doing the exact same thing.
Also he used to post at the beginning and then people figured out he was at emilia's house from a ladder and a cereal bowl so I guess he was like maybe not as people are obsessive. Toodles.
I can't quite read what the tone of this ask is supposed to be but I thank you for your precious insight, anon!
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fearxcourage · 6 years
just wanted to let everyone know that i’m changing oscar’s fc from froy gutierrez to brandon perea! 
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