#also i keep saying timeline
copalcetic · 3 months
I think sometimes people forget just how old Alexsandr Kallus is.
Star Wars Rebels: The Visual Guide, which came out during season one, refers to him as “late 30s.” Season one of Rebels is set 5 BBY; if Kallus is 36-39 then, that puts his birthdate at 41-44 BBY, and makes him about a decade older than Kanan.
The Republic fell in 19 BBY. Kallus would have been 22-25 years old. The Clone Wars started in 22 BBY. Kallus would have been 19-23 years old. Academy service starts at age 16. Unless Kallus was a very late bloomer, it is extremely likely his recruitment and training happened not under the Empire but under the Republic.
I know Wookieepedia says “Kallus attended the Royal Imperial Academy on Coruscant, the main campus of the new regime's military training program,” but its source for that is the comic “Kallus’s Hunt,” and I have the comic right here and it never says that. Kallus talks a lot in the comic about what it means to serve the Empire and Imperial justice, but when he’s discussing his backstory with Jovan, it’s “We arrived on Coruscant and graduated from the main academy at the same time.” 
Not “the Royal Imperial Academy”; “the main academy.” We know from the High Republic books that there has been an academy on Coruscant since at least the High Republic era. There is no particular reason to believe from this comic that the academy was under Imperial control at the time Kallus attended it, and in fact his backstory with Jovan (they were friends at the academy, then had a philosophical difference later in life about what it meant to serve the Empire) makes a lot more sense if the “serving the Empire” part comes after their time at the academy together.
The other time Kallus references his academy days is in “Through Imperial Eyes,” when he asks Yularen if he remembers him “from the academy,” and Yularen says “Of course… I keep tabs on all my star pupils.” Again: “the academy.” Not “the Imperial Academy.” And we know from Clone Wars that Yularen’s career starts as a Republic Navy officer; why assume he was teaching Kallus under the Empire? Given how busy Yularen was in the early days of the Empire, it makes a lot more sense if his time teaching at the academy predates the Clone Wars. You know: back when Kallus was the right age to be at the academy.
Tl;dr: like Yularen and Tarkin, Kallus is probably a former Republic officer who stayed to become an Imperial officer after the change of regime. His intensely pro-Imperial feelings in early Rebels don't come from being indoctrinated from childhood; they come from having served under both the Republic and the Empire and concluding (or convincing himself) that the Empire is better. And I find that much more interesting as character backstory.
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darewolfcreates · 8 days
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utilitycaster · 6 months
Anyway returning to Lore Stuff but: feels really likely The Crush was due to Ludinus's attempt to contact Ruidus in the late 500s, which is what led to the fall of Molaesmyr. I wonder if he even realized until centuries later, since I don't think he was able to communicate with Ruidus until he started working with Ruidusborn which feels comparatively recent. Imagine unwittingly setting into motion a natural disaster that permitted the final stages of complete imperial takeover on an entirely different celestial body and then finding out 200-odd years later that this is extremely beneficial to your lifelong dreams.
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what if . stsg/reader isekai au except reader gets sent from the canon universe to a fix-it fic :3…. where they’re married to satoru and suguru…..
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
You guys think Harry Kim's ever talking to someone about a memory they both share and they're laughing as they go over it until Harry says something that makes them tilt their head and go "Huh? That's not what happened." Do you think he ever goes into a friend's quarters and sees something new and comments on it only to have them laugh and say "I've had that for years, Harry. You know that." Do you think he ever listens to his personal logs and stumbles over unfamiliar phrasing, events just slightly out place and he. Remembers.
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ratatatastic · 2 months
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The Hockey News | 7.15.24 (x)
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shartfinz · 2 months
I don't think Luigi would have ever had any of his own friends for like most of his life because he is a yapper
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sidesteppostinghours · 5 months
do you think julia wouldve grown her hair back out as easily as ricardo shaved his mustache if step asked her to.
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summertimemusician · 1 year
Linktober Day 7
*throws rose* For the First lovers.
Soft and sweet drabble with just the barest hints of tragedy, and more set on Skyloft than anything but I'd say it counts.
This chapter was brought to you by me getting emotional about the First Hero and his fate again due to the rain, the fact I believe all Links deserve to have love and appreciation but specially him. And the fact I think it's an absolute CRIME that we don't get anything more on him and that he and Sky don't get to have what Time and Twilight have, no I'm not bitter Nintendo I just want to talk, y'all can't just keep giving us like four Links before the actual heroes and then expect us NOT to want to elaborate with the crumbs we are given. If you ask me First and Sky deserve to interact and for First to have closure.
Anyway, as always can be read as romantic or platonic, up to y'all, and can be read in or outside and LU context, I just use Sky and First for simplicities sake but if you don't gel with LU then feel free to interpret this as something else, this is all highly self indulgent before I pass the heck out lol
If there was any place in Sky’s Hyrule that you could confidently say you adored with all of your heart and soul, Skyloft would be the most likely pick.
Even so high above it all in a way that would have you catastrophizing had you think too hard about what could happen if anyone ever accidentally fell from the isle even with all of the knights trained to not allow that to happen, you’d be lying if you said that it’s a wondrous mix of empyreal beauty and the comfort of safety and the wonder of touching the sky, a true breath taking haven that could soften even the hardest of hearts with time. Fitting of the warmth of the reincarnated goddess in Sun and the vast nature of Sky’s kindness, for all you knew he could be as frigid as the title of Godslayer demanded.
Looking at the way First let himself be tugged along the isle as soon as they’ve arrived in Sky’s land in a tour just reinforced that notion, you couldn’t help but chuckle a little. First was one of the harder Links to read, even more so than Time or Warriors, but looking at the way the stars of his azure eyes brightened with the fire of life hearing Sky talk about life in his home and about the many people made you feel so, so warm, like finding a nice sunny spot for a afternoon nap.
What could you say? First was such a wondrous person, calm and charming and perfectly polite and oh so kind in the way you knew all of your boys were. If there ever was someone who embodied chivalry and the ideal side of knighthood, he’d probably be the one to come to the forefront of your mind, and you’ve been insatiable for his happiness ever since.
When he first arrived to the Chain, he was as cold as the howling blizzard winds, heart a cold fort left in ruin and remade as best as a single man could for the sake of remaining kind, to do the right thing no matter what, it was a sentiment you knew far too well in your other boys, but specially so in First, who tried so, so hard to distance himself from getting attached. But who you knew loved the sight of the sky, as cold and numb it was in it’s distance, whom cared so so much he would driven himself into an early grave just to make the Surface a safer for the people who’d shunned him, whom after a long, long period of adjustment and effort from the Chain, allowed you to hold him close as he shaked from nightmares at night, allowing you to chase away memories of being held up by cold chains until the impression of them became one with his skin and subconscious, of being entombed and imprisoned in uncaring stone and iron to starve alone, being bitten at by hungry, crawling rats all because he wished to keep his people safe, made sure he could tell that your presence was tangible and real through telling stories from your world and singing him into dreams even through the fortress’s that was his stubborness. Trying your best to make lilies bloom on what looked like a most hopeless winter.
The day he actually chuckled and smiled, safe and healthy and alive in the presence of the Chain felt like the biggest victory you’d ever had.
He deserved to know love and to be loved as much as any of your boys, something real and tangible and that was actually properly reciprocated rather than used to justify an end. So seeing him being able to visit Skyloft with his descendant with a whispering, hidden smile was more than enough for you. And you can’t blame Sky for being equally animated about it, bless his heart, always wanting his people to be happy, always so, so kind, wanting to bring some solace to the older hero but being carefully attentive so his mood was still good
After all they went through they deserved it.
“Oh! There you are, I was just about to show First to the waterfall, want to come with?”, Sky snaps you out from your thoughts, touching your shoulder with a gentle smile.
“Unless something is ailing you, you did look quite deeply in though.”, added First, soft as the warm breeze on the isle in the sky.
You shake your head, smiling as you take First’s offered arm, an instinctive motion when he wished to be close but wasn’t quite ready for any other touch yet, and Sky’s hand in yours, which he swings with a hum, ears twitching, how precious. “Not at all, lead the way.”
As Sky leads you along, and you catch the ghost of a smile in First’s otherwise stern countenance and you take in the warmth of the late afternoon sun in Skyloft and the soft, eternal spring breeze. You think there’s quite a bit you’d give to keep witnessing these moments indeed.
The road to recovery was long and arduous, but you’d be there, and you knew the Chain would do their best to be there too.
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good-beanswrites · 8 months
And all of trial two has been added to Lights, Camera, Sing Your Sins!!! I hope you enjoy the Deep Cover addition 🐺
Kotoko’s face was somewhere between disgust and disappointment as she watched the prisoners put on the worst performance she’d ever seen. 
Fuuta writhed around on the ground, making clawing motions at himself and the floor. He was nudged away by Yuno, who was making odd growling sounds from her hunched over position.
“I think it’s a bit more like,” Kazui clutched at his chest, “like, aaaargh!”
“No, no, you’re doing it all wrong!” Mikoto moved beside him and tried his hand at the scene. 
Wanting to be included, Mahiru let out a long howl. Haruka and Muu joined in.
Just because Kotoko had never seen a classic werewolf movie didn’t mean she needed a demonstration, but the others hadn’t really given her a choice. It was necessary preparation, they said. Jackalope had made the mistake of leaving them alone before her filming was set to start, and they jumped at the opportunity immediately.
Kotoko crossed her arms. “Isn’t this all a bit…cheesy?” 
Mikoto looked up from where he’d bent himself into an awkward shape. “Cheesy? This is a horror movie staple!”
“Exactly.” She let her gaze drift away from meeting any eyes. “This isn’t meant to be like the movies. This is… this is real.”
While others continued their cries of transformational agony, Mahiru made her way over. 
“I understand.”
Kotoko had to hold back a scoff. She was probably the last person here who understood. Mahiru didn’t have a mean bone in her body – there was no way knew what it meant to feel a monster’s worth of violence and anger bubbling up inside of her. She could never know the pain of filming alongside that wonderful young girl, haunted by the fact that she’d cower away if she ever knew the truth. In fact, all of her fellow prisoners would cower away if they knew the violence that had simmered within her all her life. 
“It’s fine, Mahiru. I just think everyone should stop fooling around.”
But she would not be deterred. Over her shoulder, Fuuta was encouraging Amane to let out the loudest growl she could. Mahiru was unfazed as held Kotoko’s gaze. “I mean it. I’ve been there. Sometimes, there’s parts of ourselves that get out of control. Things that we see in the movies, and it’s alright there… but in real life…” her smile weakened. “In real life, those parts of us really hurt people. I’m here to tell you you’re not a monster for those things.”
Kotoko gaped at her. If Jackalope wanted a shot of her shocked, he should have kept the cameras rolling. 
Before she could muster up any reply, Mahiru grabbed her hand and dragged her forward.
“Now come on, let’s see your cheesiest werewolf acting! Awooooooo!”
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wolvertooth · 10 months
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LOOK AT THIS ALT COVER LIKE..UHM.......hellooooooooo gorgeous🙋‍♀️
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kiwichaeng · 8 months
WIP Wednesday
Thank you for the tags @heartstringsduet @lemonlyman-dotcom @fallout-mars @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad <33
“Are you going to hover over me the entire night? Am I going to find you looking down at me at 3 am?” Carlos’ tone is light as he finishes sits down heavily on the edge of the bed. He doesn’t hide the wince as well as he thinks. TK remains quiet in the corner.  Carlos looks up when he doesn’t get a response. He tilts his head and looks at TK curiously.  “What are you doing all the way over there? I know you don’t need to sleep but I would feel better if you didn’t stare at me from the corner the entire night.” TK knows it’s in good faith, that they’ve come leaps and bounds since they met and if nothing else else, the humour in Carlos’ eyes would give it away but tonight, all TK can do is play back the evening’s event in his mind over and over.  He knows Carlos has noticed it. He had kept on shooting glances at TK the entire time at the hospital as he was being treated to the point where the doctor had asked him if he was looking for someone.   The white bandages peaks out from under Carlos’ collar and TK’s eyes are fixed on them like a moth to a flame.  This is on him, that he got someone as good as Carlos tangled up in his mess. He should never have followed him home, never forced him into helping and should have— He should never have gotten attached.   “I have to go. You should too,” TK murmurs in the quiet room and made for the door. He doesn’t look at Carlos once as he slipped out of the room. “What— TK wait,” He can hear the confusion in Carlos’ voice turn into panic. “Where are you going?”  With a heavy heart, TK ignores the calls and keeps walking straight ahead down the empty hallway.  “TK,” Carlos whispers loudly from behind him but TK doesn’t turn back. It is only when he hears a sharp inhale and a wince does he stop.
open tag and no pressure tags under the cut <3
@liminalmemories21 @lightningboltreader @orchidscript @strandnreyes @reyesstrand @paperstorm @carlos-in-glasses @carlos-tk @ladytessa74 @three-drink-amy @chicgeekgirl89 @theghostofashton @redshirt2
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transingthoseformers · 7 months
Shockwave with anyone.
1.) had sparkling before empurata and shadowplay
2.) was with sparkling before and throughout. Results up to you on how that effects whatever relationship and the possibility of the sparkling growing up alone with only post-empurata&shadowplay Shockwave as creator and company.
That is of course, if shockwave bothers dumping the resources into care however he sees fit
I feel like both situations would have very different consequences, but I feel like the first one has some seriously horrible moments to it that would be so fucking fun for us to see especially if say the kid is/was old enough to remember what things were like when Shockwave first came home (if he did at all) because I feel like that's horror movie material, considering everything I know of IDW Shockwave
But the second idea makes me wonder how Shockwave would be different if he had a bitlet so soon after a pretty traumatic event, and how it would change his plans. Because I don't think he'd write off an entire new person as illogical to keep. Sure I don't think he'll remain the primary caregiver at that point as to him it would be "logical" to foist parental duties onto someone else, but his plans span for so fucking long and he'd factor offspring into that
(I really like the first option though as there's a very cool scene to be had there, and you can factor in his ex found family students into this I think)
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linagram · 3 months
i have no idea what shun's percentage is rn but if he gets voted innocent that would be so funny. a guy who has the worst memory ever is cursed to remember nothing but his life in milgram and his murder and he goes on a quest to find his wife (they're not even dating bro is about to commit the exact same mistake that sent him to milgram) who is living in a completely different part of japan. which one? he has no idea but he's excited to find out
he gets voted guilty? okay shun here's a fun prison update called you get sent to the Real prison
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lesbiangiratina · 10 months
Can not stop thinking about how during a conversation about testament’s gender someone sent a list of terms that fall under x-gender and i got to be like Heh. Literally All of these words have been used to describe testament. Oh the joys of messy but well intentioned early 2000s nonbinary coding
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The contexts are a bit complicated but like genuinely. All 3. Theyre quite unambiguously the second definition of musei now though.
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br1ghtestlight · 4 months
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this is so funny to me actually bcuz this is 100% how i talk abt my characters ages. i know what YEAR they were born and i know what rheir ages are supposed to be at the start of the story but i dont actually know when it takes place?? im really bad at math. There was a moment where rainbow was supposed to be 23 and i somehow accidentally made her 17 lmfao
#theoretically it would take place in 2021 bcuz thats when i created my object ocs but the more time passes#the weirder it feels to have it take place years in the past#i considered moving up their birthdays by a few years but like. idk i like their birthdays theyre cute :3#bubblegum is SUPPOSED TO BE 15 and she was born july 2007#watermelon is supposed to be 7 and he was born june 2014#etc etc#starr is 27 and she was born september uhhh 1995 or 1997 i actually dont remember. whichever one makes sense#also that would mean building block was born in 2020 and since she's always gonna be a baby the furhter away we get#it means that she wouldnt have even been born when the story is actually supposed to take place. Like#i know their birthdays and their ages and what year they were born everybody else has to do the math#to figure out wtf is going on because I DONT KNOW#also that means that building block would be a pandemic baby lmao 😭#what was rhe vibe in nigeria in august 2020 during the pandemic. well i say that like it even happened in their universe#which there really isnt any reason for that to be true#it isnt historically important to mention like..... world war two or slavery or whatever. fucking obviously. in the context of objects#it gets messy so its better to just Not#also the months the characters were born really fuck me up bcuz jayden was born in late december#so for most of the first year that they met he would be.... younger than he actually is being born in 2003#but since building's block birthday and exact age is the most important timeline-wise#and she was born august 14th 2020 and she's seven months old when they first meet#then it canonically would take place in march 2021 which was my original intention#bcuz that is the actual date that i first created my object ocs#ANYWAY. boring character age ramblings#but its hard to keep track of so i dont even blame the author!!!! birthdays are weird and hard to keep up w/#when you dont know exactly when your story is supposed to take place#assuming its in a normal-ish world im sure fantasy ocs dont have this problem#txt#object ocs
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