#also i know this isn’t how the meeting happened ‘’in lore’’ but i think it’s funnier
korokonas · 9 months
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Can’t get over the fact that the canon reason for the discovery of a whole-ass new species was from the desire to compare salaries
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I’m gonna write this down now so I can look like an absolute genius later (or look like a clown, but at least I said it with my full chest!)
❌ Spoilers for the FNAF Movie below! ❌
Ok, I might be huffing hopium here, but in my heart of hearts I STILL think Mike Schmidt is Mike Afton. If (or when) they make a sequel, there’s a way they can reveal this
So the most obvious thing from this movie is when Mike is in “Steve’s” office, and when “Steve” is reading Mike’s name out loud from his résumé, he stops mid-sentence. He looks at Mike for a weird amount of time, almost studying him, before completely changing the subject. There’s no way in hell “Steve” recognizes Mike from when he saw him as a kid when he kidnapped his brother Garrett 10+ ago, no chance. Also why would he go to Nebraska (unclear where the movie takes place, but let’s assume Utah because of the books) to kidnap a random kid and just drive off? Here’s what I think is going on…(also I’m gonna call him William from now on cuz we all know lol)
William fingered out that Mike is his son during that interview. My theory is that at some point, William was married and him and his wife have a son named Mike. And for one reason or another, they got divorced. This is when Mike was too young to really remember which is why he doesn’t recognize William during their meeting. Mike’s mom gains custody of Mike and remarries, she marries Mr. Schmidt. They have a child together, Garrett. Sometime after the divorce, William adopts a child, trying to cope after losing his only son. He adopts Vanessa.
William finds out about his ex-wife having another kid. He wants to cause her pain and suffering for leaving him. He follows the Schmidt’s and takes Garrett during the camping trip. Unable to handle the pain, Mike’s mom takes her own life, leaving Mike and his stepdad. Mr. Schmidt marries a little later to another woman, and she has a daughter named Abby. Sometime after this, both Mr. Schmidt and his new wife die, leaving Mike to care for Abby.
Vanessa owed William so much, he had adopted her while she had suffered in an orphanage for years. She would do anything he told her, even if it meant covering up his crimes. Years later, realizing what she was doing was wrong, she left her father and became a police officer, hoping to stop people like her father as she had failed to stop him.
Here’s another thing. Scott Cawthon knows that the fans are obsessed with the lore of FNAF. I think he knew he could make more movies, this isn’t going to be a one and done deal. Plus, he had his hand on this project every step of the way, he wouldn’t agree to anything that he didn’t want to happen in the story. Mike being William’s some is CRUCIAL to the story of FNAF (at least in the games). I think he’s trying to fake us out, you know how he loves to troll the fans!
Again, this is just a theory (A GAME THEORY lol), but I don’t think the idea of Mike being an Afton is dead just yet. Hoping and praying so I can look incredibly smart if or when the sequel drops 🙏🏻
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leog4u · 1 month
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Game Design and Porn Pt. 1
or, How To Fuck Up The Best Intrinsic Reward Ever
Hi, I'm Leo G, veteran pervert. One time while chatting in a server exclusively made of porn artists, I brought up the game design of a porn game I enjoyed. One of them laughed, saying "Who cares, it's just a porn game?" Being unwell, I never let this go. Since then, I have played many adult games and took each one as serious products made by professionals. Fast forward to today, and the demo for my porn game, Joker's Trip, is nearing completion. I also have some sci-fi erotica you should check out.
So you wanna make a porn game. You heard they make money, and hey what’s more fun than making a video game AND porn? But you don’t know where to begin! Well don’t worry, Leo’s got you covered. We’re gonna walk through the line of thinking you should have when designing your porn game. There's gonna be at least three parts to this, with part 1 focusing on how to reward your player.
Define "porn game" for me, Leo.
There are porn games, and then games with porn in them. A porn game is a game where you won’t last 5 minutes, where everything exists solely to meet and, subsequently, fuck. A game with porn in it is a game where everything exists for the purpose of the game, and also, you fuck. Fate Stay Night, for example, is a VN with a story that just so happens to have some CGs where the protagonist rails Saber, but is mainly about Shirou and the Holy Grail War. Much like how I would call Castlevania a game with horror in it, but not a horror game.
Porn games are a lot like horror games. They both get a bad rap for being cheap to make, appealing to base instincts, and generally being low quality. They're also both not actual genres of games, but genres of content. Think about it, if I asked you what a horror game is, you'd say a game that's scary. But what's the actual game part? The unfortunate answer would most likely be "walking sim," but there are a lot of examples that are FPSes, puzzles, driving sims, platformers, deck builders, the list goes on.
The most common genres of game I see for porn games these days are by far RPG Maker RPGs and VNs. I won’t be talking about VNs because they’re closer to writing than game design, which isn’t a flaw but a feature. What used to be everywhere, in days of old, were breakout games, where the more bricks and levels were cleared, the more of the sexy image would be revealed in the background. Other arcadey type deals like shoot ‘em ups and mahjong were also around, and had a similar “strip ‘em down until you have sex” gameplay loop.
Okay, so what’s an intrinsic reward?
There’s intrinsic rewards, and there're extrinsic rewards. Extrinsic rewards, generally, are the number go up rewards. Things that make your character stronger, or give you more resources to buy new gear or whatever. Intrinsic rewards in games can cover a large swathe of things. It can be the feeling of satisfaction of completing a puzzle, a piece of lore or world building, or a new dialogue option with a character you want to fuck.
I like fucking characters, are we talking about porn now?
Yes! I’m of the opinion that you literally can’t make a better intrinsic reward than pornography. On top of setting the tone for the entirety of the game., at its best it can add to a story, add to someone’s character development, or be a beautiful piece of art to look at. AND you can jack off to it! Unfortunately, that’s at its best. Let’s talk about how porn is delivered in a theoretical RPG porn game. (As a head’s up, there will be talk of “bad end” scenes, but this is under the assumption that the player is the one consenting.)
So you’re playing an RPG and get into a fight. Maybe you were underleveled or too cumbrained to remember to buy healing potions. Then your HP goes to zero, and instead of going back to the title screen, you’re getting fucked by orcs. That’s right, let’s talk about Game Over CGs.
You get to watch porn when you lose?
To someone making a porn game with a battle system, this delivery method makes sense. The characters in this world are driven primarily by lust, this is just the obvious conclusion. And it doesn’t even have to be non-consensual! Games like Future Fragments show that it can be presented as a sexy inconvenience rather than anything uncomfortable for the player or our hero. Game Over CGs even have the benefit of softening the blow of defeat, by giving the player a chance to reflect on their defeat and jerk off. Even better if losing a fight isn’t lost progress, but rather a bump in the road. However, there’s a problem here. The player is a dog, and we’re rewarding bad behavior.
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The porn is an intrinsic reward, so why are we giving it to the player for losing? Incentivizing losing on purpose isn’t just bad game design, but a waste of time. And to that end, a lot of porn games try to give solutions to this. One being a kill button on the keyboard or a skill that instantly KOs our hero to get to the lose screen faster. What might seem like a convenience is really just expediting failure.
What it says is that the gameplay doesn’t actually matter. You’re just here for the porn, right? In that case there’s plenty of places I can go to see a chick with huge knockers get railed by an orc, with the added bonus of not having to play forgettable and mid turn based combat!
Another solution I’ve seen is the game outright telling you, “hey don’t bother killing yourself to see the porn. Once you beat the game all of the scenes you missed will be unlocked!” At first this seems like a reasonable way to go about it, but it comes with another problem: your game better be fucking good to make me play through the entire thing before getting to see cock. Like I said earlier, porn at its best can reveal things about the world and drive character development. I uh. Just beat the game. I don’t care anymore. Showing me a scene that’s taken out of context by a factor of 5 hours or more isn’t what I’d call great game design or story telling. It’s also too little, too late.
What if we made the porn actual rewards?
Now we’re getting somewhere! Let’s make the reward…a reward! What if, every time the player beats a level, we get some porn? If we tie the CG to beating the boss, we’ll be tying the reward to game progression. That’s good right? So now, on top of the extrinsic rewards you’d normally get for beating a boss (a lot of EXP, better gear, opened areas) we also get that sweet dopamine rush of pornography! So we’re good, right?
There’s 1142 words left in this post, so I’m assuming no.
Well. It’s a start. It has the problem of predictability. If not handled properly, it comes off as lazy. As a game designer, one of your goals is to not constantly remind your player that they’re playing a video game. Get through the level, get porn. It feels a little too “mouse in a maze looking for cheese” for my taste. And much like the game over method, if the actual game itself is mid, the player will start to question if the reward is worth it, and might be afflicted with the worst condition a player could receive: boredom.
Of course there are exceptions. In puzzle or arcade type games where you don’t get extrinsic rewards, giving the player porn as another form of reward per level or whatever is perfectly reasonable (though it does have the issue of being predictable.) This is a perfectly good way of doing it if your game is short, or if the game is, y’know, good and fun to play. Bad Color’s game, Heroine Conquest, is a level based puzzle game with porn as the reward, but only when you do good. Combining the actual challenge of mastering the game, with a genuinely unique game loop makes for a feeling of accomplishment when beating a level. Pair that up with a sex cutscene, and the dopamine rush will hit.
So! Let’s combine giving the player a power trip, with a less rigid structure for giving the player porn. Instead of tying the porn to purely progression gates, let’s tie it to the progression.
Plot milestones
In Third Crisis, sex scenes are peppered throughout the regular game’s plot, starting with some lesbian bondage before introducing the protagonist, who goes through a tutorial before having their own horny encounters. It’s not just given when you win or lose, but is a natural part of the game. Beating bosses, losing to enemies, and exploring dialogue options in sidequests all lead to unlocking new CGs.
Now what’s nice about that, is that the sex isn’t placed somewhere extremely predictable. It isn’t just a reward for beating The Boss Of Forest Zone, Now Go To Ice Zone And Beat The Ice Boss For More Cock. Because that’s the biggest issue of predictable rewards, you know you’re not getting anything until that checkpoint, which will make the player weigh whether or not it’s even worth continuing. This is fine, again, for an arcade type game, not an RPG or adventure game. By sprinkling sex throughout the plot itself, the player will not only want to progress, but their curiosity will have them wondering “what else is out there?”
Rewarding exploration
By putting sex scenes behind optional side quests or encounters, the dog that is the player will scour every single corner of the map, and leave no pixel unturned. Personally, that’s more exciting to me than what you’ll get in the main progression route. In Future Fragments the player can find their rival Faye in sexual situations if they explore the map enough. These are completely optional, and don’t give any direct rewards like more HP or an item, but they’re by far what motivates me to explore the maps as thoroughly as possible, more so than the plot macguffins the game is named after!
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So now the player is excited. Sex can happen anywhere. Maybe that daunting off road path with stronger monsters isn’t just hiding a secret, but a sexy secret! They’ll be more likely to venture down those optional paths you painstakingly made.
If we’re using sex in game overs, boss fights, and just randos, why not put it everywhere?
So now I want to talk about the concept of a “sex stat”. It’s not a bad idea! Say, the higher the player’s sex stat is, the more opportunities you unlock for fucking. It could even be tied to the player character’s personality, and affect the story! Instead of using a sword and shield, they’ll end any conflict with sass and sex. They open their eyes to the horny world around them and stop being a hero, and instead become a succubus, and the ending is a massive cum filled orgy.
That sounds excessive
Yeah, it does, doesn’t it.
I’m not a fan of “corruption” systems in porn games. Corruption as a kink is totally fine, and having it be a part of the story lets you incorporate more sexuality into the plot. But as I alluded to, it snowballs pretty fast (and I’m not talking about spitting in someone’s mouth). It ends up being like a cheat code, where you’re bypassing parts of the game for no cost. It stops being a reward, it stops being unexpected, and it stops it from being sexy.
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Wait, what? Stops being sexy? What’s not sexy about a succubus orgy?
Alright, listen, we gotta rein it in for a minute. This isn’t so much about game design as it is about writing erotica, but if you have a world where everyone’s fucking and sucking 24/7, there’s no contrast to make what would normally be a hot taboo a hot taboo. If everybody’s naked, nobody’s naked. The aforementioned snowball effect of a corruption system can be seen if you play literally any game that has one. It won’t take long to not have to engage with any combat or adventuring system if you can just press the “Submit to the big dick warlock” button and watch porn to progress.
Which, now that I said that, is exactly the problem. Imagine any other rpg you’ve ever played. Now imagine if every encounter and dialogue option had an option to just watch a short cutscene to skip the encounter. That would suck ass, right? Literally no difference here.
It would. Hey, I’m sort of lost now.
Don’t worry, we’re wrapping this up.
So what did we learn? We learned game over CGs have a critical design flaw that shouldn’t be relied on. We learned that predictable rewards can lead to boredom. We learned to keep sex as a reward and not devalue it.
To summarize, here’s a neat trick to know where to put your porn scenes.
”Would I put an Xbox Live achievement here?”
It’s that easy. “Lose to Goblins for the first time,” that’s an achievement. “Beat orc commander,” that’s an achievement. “Find Hubert the Magical Dickhead,” that’s an achievement. Using that as a guideline is foolproof. Almost.
This sounds like it’d take a lot of resources
It sure does! But don’t worry. I’ll cover that in the next post talking all about how to deal with the resource management of a porn game.
(Shoutout to Taylor, my guy for editing!)
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ryemackerel · 27 days
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been scheming stuff for a wtfuture eddsworld au with the help of star 🫶🫶 my brainrot has been immense about them and we tried coming up with some ideas for how red leader tord would fit with our hcs. redraw of old red army 2018 art and some future tomtord GIGGLE.
lore below!!!
i like to think this future au is a completely separate universe from the current timeline. in my current headcanon timeline, character tord left the army and came back to reunite and catch up with his friends. paul and pat also became casual friends with tord and the crew.
they’re all happy with each other, and tord never goes back to the army. what if, in the future timeline though, tord left and never came back?
fast forward many years (they’re in their 40s now?), tord remains a part of the red army, an all-powerful military that has risen to power into the future. edd, tom, and matt have separated to live their own lives, but the one thing they all seem to notice is the very person *seemingly* in charge of the army. is this where tord has been all along?
little do they know, tord isn’t truly the person in power. to the public, he’s known as the “red leader”. however what if there was a person EVEN higher up who’s in charge of everything tord has to do or say? the TRUE red leader that oversees everything that happens in their army?
makes me think how tord regrets never leaving the army. if he chose to leave now, he could be called for treason or betrayal. in the current timeline, he reunited with the others early and narrowly avoided that fate he would’ve experienced in the future timeline. he definitely still thinks about his friends. (makes me think about forbidden love with tom HWGEHEHE)
i genuinely wonder how tord managed to reunite with the others without getting caught? of course, that wouldn’t bode well with the true red leader. tord would meet appalling consequences if he was caught.
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vvynia · 5 months
abby and your family’s thanksgiving
pairing: a. anderson x black southern belle!reader
genre: fluff w/ brief mention of smut (mdni)
word count: its headcanons so its short but idk the specific number sowwwy
warnings: not beta read, brief mentions of homophobia but only bc reader’s family isn’t like that, mention of family drama, pregnancy mention, brief moment where religion is talked about (saying grace/prayer)
synopsis: this is literally just headcanons of what would happen if our beloved abby anderson attended your family’s thanksgiving/reunion if you don’t celebrate. very much black reader-centric, but anyone’s welcome to read it esp if you’re from the south cause this is also heavily southern reader coded.
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bringing abby anderson to your black (southern) family’s thanksgiving would be a sight to behold.
and imagine its everyone’s FIRST time meeting her too. assuming everyone is super cool and unhateful, i just know she’d have all the aunties’ attention. they see her height, her build and turn to you talkin about, “now, where’d you find her?”
abby would 100% be in ya grandmama’s backyard huddled around the grill with the uncles and dads. she’s got a lil beer in hand (she probably doesn’t even like beer but she likes fitting in and it isn’t all bad when the bonding is genuine) one of em goes “mhm that turkey bout done smokin” and abby is taking mental notes cause one day, she’s gonna smoke a turkey for you two’s family, in your backyard, and your grandkids are gonna be running around
the kids are OBSESSED with her. they climb her like she’s a jungle gym, ask her to throw them in the air, ask her all types of questions. “ABIGAIL! come play with us!” and she does, but the whole time she’s wondering how they discovered what her full name is cause she sure ain’t tell em lool
sometime after, she gets together in the livingroom with you and your cousins, then that one uncle or aunt comes in, says a few words, then leaves with a plate. the gossip commences lol and she’s so in tune to what ya’ll are talking about. she thought her family could dog somebody out?
all that pales in comparison to yall’s words. these sly (and sometimes even blatant) insults are unhinged, the storyline is juicy. she feels like she’s listening to an audiobook of lore. and whenever she asks a question for clarification, someone is always ready to start from the beginning with “see, what had happened was” and “to make a long story short” (the story was not made short)
then it actually comes time to eat, time for her to have her taste buds born anew
your family has whipped up some southern classics: sweet potato pie, pig feet, neck bones and collard greens, cabbage, pound cake, and every other dish you can think of.
you were in charge of the sweet tea, but this year you made a peach batch cause you know abby likes peaches 🥰
ya’ll say grace cause lets be real, if this is the south, somebody baptist and its probably the family matriarch lol
abby is respectful about it whether she believes in god or not cause your family has treated her with the most open of arms and she can feel the love and hospitality all around (if god is real, she thinks, he would’ve wanted everyone who believes in him to be like my sweet girl’s family)
when ya’ll are done and everyone has plated their food, they’re all silently waiting for the white girl’s reaction. they’re trying to play it off, be casual, not stare LOL but they know what’s coming i must admit
and abby doesn’t disappoint cause as you’re sitting next to her, soon as she puts some of them collard greens in her mouth and a couple candied yams and your grandaddy’s secret cast iron skillet macaroni recipe in her mouth, the satisfaction is written all over her face
everyone starts laughing when one of the kids say, “damn, girl, is it good?” to which they’re scolded lol but ofc abby nods like she’s trying to shake the hair follicles out her head
after everyone has ate and said what they’re thankful for (she says she’s thankful for you ofc but she leaves out how thankful she is for getting to strap you down at least twice a week), you two go sit on the porch alone.
you’re leaned against her in a two-seater rocking chair, bellies impossibly full, enjoying the gentle breeze and setting sun and the scent of food that is still wafting from the house
one of your cousin’s kids runs up from the backyard, comes up to you asking for help with opening a new toy, so you help
abby sees how cool you are, how in your element you are with your family, and this moment truly solidifies how much she wants this with you too. ya’ll have had the kids conversation before, so she knows you want at least one
she can’t help but think how gorgeous you’d look bein her housewife, barefoot and pregnant and divine and ethereal, starting a family, never having to worry for a thing bc she’s gonna take care of you
and she knows, when she needs it, you’ll take care of her too
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eve-reviews · 18 days
ㅤ Once Upon a Time is a thirteen-year old’s fanfiction that was found by the creators of Lost and stolen for a show in hopes of making some money off the teen population. If the half-formed faux-edgy characters or bad acting doesn’t sell you on just how poorly this show was made, the terrible CGI definitely will. The first season revolves around a character named Emma Swan, aka The Savior, coming to the town of Storybrooke where her son tries to convince her that the town is actually full of fairytale characters that are under a memory erasing spell. The show has a way of making you forget that you’re watching a fairytale story until later you realize that “Oh! They just had Prince Charming cheat on his wife with Snow White. And then The Evil Queen framed Snow White for the murder of Prince Charming’s wife by hiding that wife’s heart in a box in the place Snow and Charming would always meet.”
ㅤ While the first season seems Wild, each subsequent season tries to outdo itself. The following seasons follow a clear formula constantly trying to convince you that it’s a good show. The creator’s favorite persuasion is to twist the usual fairytale stories and then play a dramatic stinger underneath it as if to convince the viewer to say, “oh shit!” Each time it makes this attempt, I am met with an intense feeling, but not the intended one. It’s a burst of laughter, a burn of secondhand embarrassment, and the impulse to share it with a friend so I don’t have to go through it alone (and may I say, I think my friends are starting to get sick of me).
            The show is held together by attempts to be a show that makes the viewer sit at the edge of the seat waiting to see what happens next. These attempts often involve corrupting or redeeming a “good” or “evil” character respectively. While the show constantly brings in numerous characters from Disney movies or any other existing story for that matter (such as Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, or 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea), it seems to forget this sometimes, so we are left with characters who have been corrupted and redeemed 6 times alone (in Rumpelstiltskin’s case).
            Might I also add that the show often does a twist saying that two fairytale characters were actually the same one. If we take Rumpelstiltskin as an example again, he is at least three different characters off the top of my head. He also happens to be the Crocodile from Peter Pan and the Beast from Beauty and the Beast. This isn’t even counting the family tree. Please feel free to skip the rest of this paragraph while I sort that out. Rumpelstiltskin is the son of Peter Pan (who’s evil) and the Black Fairy (who’s the origin of all evil or something?). He has a grandson, Henry, who is also the grandson of Snow White and Prince Charming. Henry also happens to be the adopted son of Regina, aka The Evil Queen. Regina if the daughter of the Queen of hearts and the sister of the Wicked Witch of the West. She’s also Snow White’s step-mother. Regina also happens to be soulmates with Robin Hood, who’s previous wife was sentenced to death by Regina before the curse. And Robin also had a daughter with the Wicked Witch but he didn’t know it was her at the time because she was pretending to be his dead wife.
            I’m stopping myself there. If you read any of that, you now hopefully know how complicated the lore is and how near impossible it is to explain. You may have also gleaned how fucking stupid it is. That was all just a small section of the family tree. The actual lore of this show involves people who are definitively good or evil (but they can be redeemed) and authors who are all powerful gods who control Everything but are also just Some Guy. And of course, a being of pure light magic called The Savior (Emma Swan aka Snow White and Prince Charming’s child) and a being of pure dark magic called The Dark One (Rumplestiltskin). I forced myself through the show. High out of my mind if I had to. And I gotta say, folks.
            I kinda love this show.
            At some point it starts to get confusing what the creators were thinking while making this show. You drive yourself crazy trying to put yourself in their heads. Do they know how dogshit it is? Are they trying to convince me this dogshit is actually fucking ratatouille? Or do they know it’s bad?
            By the end of season 6, I started to get the feeling that the writers had finally decided to accept that no one in the universe would consider this a good show; however, the show must go on so they may as well have fun with it. They finally left behind the attempts and just leaned into how bizarre the lore they’re spun truly is. They timeskip and they say. “Hey. We know that we’ve gone too far. We know we crossed a line somewhere along the way. But buddy? We’re not turning around. We’re gonna find throw back some brewskis and have a little fun.” And they decide to say that, “Actually? All those characters you just saw? The seemingly infinite number of them? That’s just the start. They’re just one of an actually infinite number of that same character that exists in the multiverse. We’re gonna make a new main character and she’s gonna be Cinderella. Yes, I know we already introduced Cinderella in season one. But this is a different Cinderella. From a different thirteen tear old’s fanfiction. “
            And so it becomes a show that clearly knows it’s bad. And I sit there and realize I had fun. And I realize that I’m still having fun. And I realize that that was the point. I spent the whole show taking everything so seriously, and for that, I partially blame the show for taking itself seriously. But somewhere along the way, the show stopped. And I followed suit shortly after. And it was fun.
            I loved watching Once Upon a Time.
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prince-kallisto · 5 months
Ghost Camera: The Connection between Dreams & Reality
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I cannot stop thinking about how strange the Ghost Camera is as a concept, and the very little lore we get about it is so fascinating. It’s to the point I have several posts planned to talk about it haha! I’ve begun watching the EN translation of Book 7, and I completely forgot that Yuu was able to take a Ghost Camera photograph of Mickey. I have a feeling that this photograph will play a role later in the story, because Ortho begins to establish a connection with Mickey, the mirror, and different worlds.
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We see Mickey through a mirror, which only happens when Mickey is asleep and dreaming. Ortho claims that the mirror in Ramshackle may be an accidental Viewglass, where you can communicate with a person from far distances. The reason why I think this it’s because the mirror seems to be connecting to a dream realm, NOT in Mickey’s reality. It technically is haha, because the style of his room is reminiscent of the classic Mickey cartoons. But it’s still his dream, so Mickey’s corporeal body is sleeping. We know this because Mickey quite literally begins to vanish when he wakes up in his own “real world.” The properties of the Ramshackle mirror are very special, but that’s for another day (*゚▽゚*)
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So if Yuu managed to get a photograph of Mickey with the Ghost Camera, which explicitly captures people’s souls as well, this means that Mickey’s soul is what travels to this dream realm as he sleeps.
Of course, this is all very wishy-washy haha, but it’s a basic foundation to the idea I want to elaborate on: The fact that the Ghost Camera could be the connector between not only worlds, but dreams and reality.
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Magic is definitely a bit unreliable when it comes to theory making, but it’s significant that Book 7 is heavily building up magic and lore revolving dreams, and Silver with a Unique Magic like “Meet in a Dream.” If the Ghost Camera can capture the soul of a being, whose from another realm, and is DREAMING, this could be huge! We don’t know the extent of the Ghost Camera’s powers, as there’s a lot about its history that Crowley is hiding from us. The Ghost Camera was around since before the age of video, but it seems like not many functioning Ghost Camera’s are left.
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Ortho remarks that the previous owner of such an old camera must have taken great care of it to be in such a good condition- the previous owner being Crowley. This is true, because if Crowley’s claims of the Ghost Camera being invented when Ace’s great great grandmother was a child, this camera is in a perfectly functional condition at LEAST for 100 years, if not far more, like 150 years. Considering how small the camera is, this is very impressive that all the mechanisms and lenses have been maintained for this long, and can still print pictures perfectly in full color. Of course, it’s enchanted with magic, but it’s notable the camera existed before video.
Crowley himself states that the camera is enchanted with special magic to make the soul photography possible- but isn’t it also possible that Crowley could’ve added another property to the camera? He’s so adamant about Yuu capturing everyone’s lives, to be left behind as “Memories: Fragments of Remembrance.” The students, their behaviors, building soulbonds/friendships, the school…everything has to be captured with this camera that HE gave himself. There has to be something that he’s planning with the souls captured by the Ghost Camera, which then must connection with how the school is destroyed in the endgame.
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The novel also brings up the idea that everything was an “illusion.” Of course, it could just be Yuuya lamenting on the tragedy and horror of the destruction of the school and potentially lives, but magic is also a thing, making this potentially literal. The Ghost Camera can replay events that happened in the photographs, with the people in the photographs taking a corporeal form outside the photo. These forms aren’t “real,” so they could count as an illusion.
I’m not sure where I’m going with this haha, I feel like I have all these pieces but I can’t articulate how they fit together. It’s hard to predict just what Crowley’s plans are, no matter how hard I try haha! But again, Crowley having possession of an item that can capture a person in their dreams…(Don’t make this about Meleanor and Crowley, don’t make this about Meleanor and Crowley-)
Hey what would happen if Meleanor was photographed with the Ghost Camera 🤪🤪🤪 Could she be brought to “life” through the photos 🤪🤪🤪
Jokes aside, I think the “soul,” “dreams and reality,” and “imagination” will become a key parts of Book 8, and I feel like through Book 6 and Book 7, TWST has been elaborating so much more about the extent of the power of dreams, and the properties of a soul and a heart. And with the set up for connection between worlds, the Ghost Camera could potentially have the ability to bring these characters and concepts into the world of Twisted Wonderland, or at least reconstruct the Twisted Wonderland boys and certain events, by playing out the events in the photographs over and over again.
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What’s even more interesting is that I recently made an analysis post, based on the theory that the Major Arcana tarot cards connect to each character via that countdown art.
Crowley’s tarot card, since his countdown number is “1,” is the Magician. Feel free to read that analysis post if you want more in depth analysis! But what’s interesting is how the Magician is explicitly designed to the connector between a world above, and world below. It’s most commonly seen as the “unification of the physical and spiritual worlds.” And isn’t this interesting if this tarot card theory is intentional? That Crowley, the man who speaks of imagination being the key to magic, who gave Yuu the Ghost Camera, who put Yuu in Ramshackle Dorm to live in…he and the Ghost Camera truly may be the connector to worlds and realities far beyond Twisted Wonderland. I will definitely be elaborating soon on the potential of this idea with Crowley 👀🐦‍⬛
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rainbowchaox · 8 months
QSMP! Missa Character Analysis and How it Relates To Pissa
This is like the twin post to the Philza character analysis and how it relates to pissa. If anyone wants to know about how QSMP! Philza as a character and how that relates to pissa. I recommend checking out that post. Everyone really loved that post so I wanted to do a twin post of sorts focusing on our favorite wet cat Missa. Special thanks to @pepper-mintzyy my fandom demon on my shoulder.
Now I was personally introduced to him in Qsmp so I have no prior knowledge about any lore or character traits he had in other series. So I’m just getting my analysis only from Qsmp! Missa. Missa at his core is kind. I would even say too kind at times. He easily believes and forgives those he shouldn’t. He is kind to everyone. Everyone but himself.
Missa is also primarily driven by his emotions. Not in a bad way. His emotions just bleed out like Ink for better or for worse. Unlike Phil his emotions are the primarily driving force behind his actions. And this isn’t a bad thing. Of course Missa will find Phil more logical and calm approach to things comforting and attractive. Phil is a calm balm and his security blanket. Missa always feels safe with Philza.
Missa also has some baggage from his first week or so involving Spreen and Roier. He had no clue what was actually was happening. And he didn’t want to choose between them. This led to them both leaving him by himself. So of course he was a tad depressed before meeting Phil. And you could say he fell instantly.
Phil was his opposite in a good way. But both are similar when it mattered. Phil is honest, kind, spoils the heck out of Missa, and just cared so much. So of course Missa fell for the man instantly. I’m 100% sure the first day they got chayanne is when Missa began crushing hard on his government assigned husband.
Sadly the fact about Missa as a character is despite being surrounded by his family and husband that cares so much about him and literally will kill anyone that hurts him emotionally or physically (looking at you chayanne numero uno shipper and protector of the pissa nation). He still believes he is unworthy of them. Despite them loving Missa just the way he is. He doesn’t realize he doesn’t have to change or impress.
He is a tangle of insecurities. Any mistake he does is the worst thing. Any criticism he receives is the truth. He loves Phil and his family so he wants to be better for them. He wants to be one they can rely on when things get rough. He wants to protect them even if he isn’t the best at things. He wants to try. And I think Phil loves that about him.
Like I previously said up above. Phil and Missa are opposites but similar in the way it matters. Both Missa and Phil are loyal to a fault. The only other loyal as hell pair in the server is the actual canon married couple. They both also want the best for their family and they both love so deeply. They both just want each other and their family to be safe.
But also Philza only feels safe with Missa. Philza main trait is his paranoia but when Phil is with Missa it’s like the things previous that worried him is nothing next to Missa. Missa is Philza comfort. Philza adores Missa and how comforting and sweet he is. And of course Missa who is emotional (will sob at anything and everything) fell in love first. But like I said in the Philza post. Philza adores him as much as Missa adores him. He just doesn’t verbalize it.
Meanwhile Missa would gladly scream he loves philza from the mountain tops of Philza was okay with that. He would gladly call Philza attractive and the best if he didn’t fear coming on too strong or making his beloved uncomfortable. (We already talked in length about why Philza isn’t used to being vulnerable and fully admitting he loves Missa in the Philza post).
Unlike a certain Brazilian Missa will never even dare think of taking away Philza agency. He loves Philza because he is Philza. And Missa is so kind that despite his love for the man if Philza ever rejects him he would accept. In fact he has kept most of his affections a secret because he doesn’t want to make philza uncomfortable. The fact is everyone can see the two of them are in love but them.
But we all know the truth. Phil adores Missa with his whole heart. He loves Missa so much. And I do think Missa knows on some level. But he doesn’t want to push the issue. Again because he is so kind and understanding. At the moment he is just happy to be in Phil’s presence. Whether it’s under a charade of a platonic marriage or not. He is just happy to be with Phil. And others may say he is not the best for Phil and his family because he was gone for so long. But the fact is Missa never stopped tying to come back home. He was literally kidnapped for months. And the only reason he went out in the first place was to get Phil a gift. And Phil knows this so of course he stayed loyal and accepted him back no hesitation. Missa always will love Phil. Even if Philza doesn’t love him back. And isn’t true love when you don’t expect it be returned and you love him anyways? (Philza loves him so much. It’s just too dangerous to say it. But Philza wants to so badly)
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saturnxgojo · 2 years
How he got his vision // Scaramouche x god!reader (pt 2)
✦ Pairing: Scaramouche x god!female!reader (she/her pronouns)
✦ Summary: He broke her heart with those five words, but what happens when she sents him a letter? Wishing to meet him one last time
✦ Warnings: angst, happy ending, inazuma archon quest spoilers, scaramouches real name is used so spoiler for that, more angst, i didnt know how to continue this so its a bit weird, scaramouche lore spoilers ig, ooc scara lowkey
✦ A/n: idk what to say
✦ Wordcount: 1100
✦ ATTENTION!!! do not copy. translate, remake my work, i do not give you permission to so dont do it. also GIF not mine, credits to the creator.
part 1
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She hesitated as she stared at the blank paper.  Her pen was shaking in her hand but eventually she started writing. 
Dear Kuni
The paper was thrown across the room with the help of a gust of wind.
Dear Scaramouche,
Since you didn’t wish to hear my words in person, I hope my letter can explain. I really do wish you read this through, for your own sake.
By now both you and I are aware of who I am. You know who I am connected to in more ways than one. I share my power with him, yet also my weaknesses. It is a tale well known around Mondstadt–in other regions too perhaps–of the Archons who abandoned their people. Who disappeared for years and years. 
My brother and I however do not control it, we fall in a deep slumber when fate finds it necessary. Hence I was not able to respond to your prayers. Even though I heard all of them. Well until the darkness took over.
I wish you to know that I reached out to you with all of my power, but it didn’t work. When I awoke I searched for you. I reached out to you, I wanted to find you, but I couldn’t find a trace. I eventually reached out to Yae Miko after a long time and I heard the story from her side.  What happened to you- what Ei did to you isn’t what you think. I wish to explain it to you, to tell you the truth. 
Please, meet me tonight as the sun sets, at the place we first met. 
She sent the letter on its way, hoping he would read it. 
She could only hope he did as she made her way to that same mountain she had hundreds of years ago. Her hands were placed on her lap as she sat down on that same spot. 
She waited, and waited, until the sun had long set. She would wait all night if she had to, even if this were to be the last time she saw him.
Scaramouche had cursed under his breath as he saw the paper flying towards him. Of course she’d do this, trying to win him over. He told himself that he’d only read the paper to get a laugh out of it, nothing more. But as he read it he couldn’t help feeling–he didn’t know the word for it. 
So in the end, long after she said to meet him, he walked to the destination. It wasn’t a long walk from where he was staying.
Both of the non-humans admitted they were scared–perhaps a bit happy too–to see the other again. He did not understand his emotions–he was supposed to be unlovable, his mother made sure of that. She did understand her emotions–to a certain level. She understood that this could very possibly be the last time she saw him, but also that if he came to meet her it would mean he still cared enough about her.
The minutes passed and the sky turned a deep blue, bright stars shining down on Tevyet. And then, finally after an hour of waiting he appeared in her vision. 
Scaramouche walked that same road he did a lifetime ago, this time with more confidence–and power. Though as he walked here old memories came back to him, and suddenly he was that frial, scared and weak little boy again. Sobbing in the middle of the road, until a strange girl with a glowing orb on her hip came up to him and held him in her arms. Calming him down and slowing his tears. Then she gave him something that changed his life; a vision. 
“If you ever need anything, just call out my name.” she had promised, and she did as she promised, for a while. Then, she abandoned him like everyone else did.
Scaramouche snapped back to reality when he heard the sound of soft footsteps approaching. Before he turned around he wiped away the tears on his cheeks he didn’t even realize were there. 
When he turned around he was met with your tired and puffy eyes, he could see no sign of the warmth they once held, they were empty. 
“Speak,” he said, kinder than he intended to.
Your eyes were locked on his as tears dared to fall down while you spoke. “I’m sorry. I didn’t-”
“No, not that. About- about my mother.”
You swallowed deeply. Scaramouche had to stop himself from forcing himself into your arms–to feel your body warmth seep onto him, or hear your soft voice hum a melody, to have your fingers brush his hair as he let go of emotions while his tears soaked your shirt.
“Your mother- your mother didn’t abandon you, she set you free in the world because she didn’t have the heart to get rid of you. She didn’t have the heart to kill you because you reminded her of herself too much, she would never have forgiven herself if she- did. So she set you free in the world to live a happy life.”
You went on, and on. And as you did Scaramouche felt the tears coming back. 
The pain in your voice, the emptiness in your eyes- it broke his heart. Had he truly meant so much to you? Had you truly loved him? No. No that was not possible, he was unlovable. 
“I wanted you to know the truth. And perhaps to see you again one last time. Seeing I don't know how this night will end.” 
It was the first tear that slipped out of your eye that made Scaramouche break apart. He took a step towards you and pulled you against him, it didn’t take long for your legs to give out as the two of you sank to the ground. 
One of his hands was wrapped around your waist as the other one held onto the back of your head; holding you close. His tears soaking your shirt. 
“I don’t think I ever lost faith in you- deep down I always knew you’d come back.” 
Your hands were entangled in his hair as you sobbed.
“I did everything I could to- to wake up- but the darkness- it was too powerful.”
It felt like a part of you came to life again, a weight lifted off your shoulders. 
And so it happens, that even the wishes of gods can come true. For now the Archon and Fatui harbinger would be okay, and that was all they cared about.
The end.
idk what this is tbh, but yeah hope yall liked your food xx
tags: @sx0leillia
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britany1997 · 10 months
Fate Yields For No One
Chapter Three
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Hey besties! I hope y’all enjoy the next installment of this series!!! This one is gonna have a lot more lore, and plot developing so I hope you like learning a bit more of how things work in this AU:) Thanks for all y’all’s support on this fic!
Poly Lost Boys x Fem Vampire Reader
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Prologue, Chapter One, Chapter Two
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California, 1986
Paul’s eyes widened as he realized who you were to him. You wished you could have stopped the word that fell from his lips.
‘This can’t be happening,’ you thought to yourself as you fought your instincts to keep the same word Paul has uttered to you from bursting out of your own mouth.
Even if you could ignore the fact that this man had been hitting on Maria not five seconds ago, this wasn’t what you wanted for your life.
All the big choices in your unlife had been largely dictated by some dude with a god complex. How could this guy be any different?
You refused to trade one captor for another.
The handsome blond man stared at you in shock, seemingly surprised as you were at the sudden twist of fate that had brought you two together.
Though as his shock wore off his lips seemed to curve into a smile and his hand moved to touch your cheek.
You panicked.
You recoiled sharply from his outstretched palm “Oh my god I totally forgot I have to go stock things in the back, so nice to meet you, bye!” you rambled quickly as you raced to escape from behind the desk.
“What?” Paul’s brow furrowed in confusion. He moved to stand in front of the swinging door, your only escape from behind the desk.
You glared at him, “you’re in my way…”
“What?!” he repeated with more frustration than confusion, “but we’re…I mean we-”
“I know what we are,” you told him, “and I don’t care. So can you please move aside so I can do my job.”
Paul’s jaw dropped.
You sighed and pushed passed him.
“Hey!” he called after you.
You ignored him and kept walking, desperate to be anywhere but next to him.
“This isn’t over you know,” he promised you.
You scoffed as you pulled at the door to the back room, “seems like it is.”
You slid in, slamming the door behind you and pinching the bridge of your nose between your thumb and forefinger.
Despite what you’d said to Paul, you knew you hadn't seen the last of him.
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You were determined not to breathe a word to Max about anything that had transpired that night.
He’d never really told you anything about mates, you suspected because he’d never found his own. You couldn't predict how he'd react, and you wouldn’t let him force you into anything else.
Which meant you'd have to figure this out on your own.
As the sun rose and Max went to bed for the day, you scoured the shelves of his home library for anything that could give you more information.
You slunk away to your bedroom with a mountain of books. You secured your black out curtains, preparing to stay up all day researching.
What you found terrified you.
Humans swooned over the idea of soulmates, they spent their lives searching for someone who’d complete them, one person who was perfectly suited for them.
But this wasn’t an original human creation. They’d stolen the idea of soulmates from vampires.
Many scholars thought when a human transformed into a vampire, they lost their soul.
From what you could gather, this was a myth. Instead, when a human became a vampire, their soul wasn’t taken from them, but tethered to another of their kind.
You read this was a facet of vampirism that had developed over time out of a necessity for more vampires. Great.
You’d also read that, as bats had multiple partners, vampires could have more than one mate. You didn’t even want to think about that possibility.
When you’d read the first text from cover to cover, you picked up a new one.
You found that the mates aspect of vampirism was inherently instinctual, which is why Paul had called you his, and why you’d almost done the same. He couldn’t help it.
You read, to your dismay, that your soul was intimately tied to his in a way that could never be severed. Your entire beings belonged to each other.
This was bad.
You continued to the next book, cringing as you read that from this point on every denial of your connection would only hurt you. Without Paul, a part of you would always feel empty.
Now that you knew you were “meant for each other,” every moment without him would hurt just a little bit. You could not exist the same way without him. He was yours, you were his.
Fuck that shit.
You didn’t need anyone to give your life meaning. You belonged to yourself and no one else.
You pushed the stack of books aside in a huff. They tumbled to the ground but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care.
You would fight to be the master of your own fate, whatever it took.
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You were apprehensive to return for your shift the next day for fear that you'd be confronted by the persistent blond vampire.
However after two days with no sign of Paul, you began to relax. And after two weeks had passed without a trace, you had pushed the whole ordeal out of your mind entirely.
Instead, you turned your focus to Maria.
The two of you were constantly scheduled together as Max could never find anyone else to work the night shifts. You spent almost every waking minute with the girl that had quickly become very important to you.
And once Max had seen you'd connected with Maria, he felt the urge to supervise you less and less. It wasn't long before you were permitted to work your shifts without his imposing presence.
But work was a term used pretty loosely as you always seemed to do more talking than working. It wasn't like you had tons of customers, who even needed to rent movies at three AM anyway?
Besides, you were all too eager to spend each night hearing every seemingly insignificant detail of Maria's life.
Every good grade she'd gotten at school, every party she attended on the weekends, every fight she had with one of her siblings that always ultimately ended in apologies and hugs, you wanted to know it all. You were content to listen to the sound of her voice ramble on for hours.
She was just as eager to know you, and though you couldn't tell her everything, you could tell her enough.
Maria listened intently, wide eyed and hanging on every word as you related stories from your time in New York city.
Five siblings meant Maria's family didn’t get to travel much. You gasped when she admitted she'd never even ventured from the state of California.
"We'll go together one day," you promised her, "I'll take you everywhere, I know the city like the back of my hand!"
Her laugh rang through the store, prompting your lips to turn up into a bright smile, her joy was contagious. "What a dream that would be," she sighed wistfully, you could almost see the stars in her eyes.
"I mean it," you said seriously, "you and me, together in New York."
Her smile grew, "you and me."
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As the work week came to a close, you shoved the last VHS back into place, moving to wipe down the counters as Maria flipped the switch to turn off the neon "OPEN" sign that hung on the front of the store.
You checked your watch as it flashed 6:00AM, sunrise was fast approaching and you were cutting it close.
"Damn you're working late," you realized as you wiped down the counters, "I thought I was by myself tonight."
Maria smiled sheepishly and you barely caught sight of the blush that rose to her cheeks, "you were."
Your eyes widened, "you stayed late for me? you didn't have to do that..."
"I wanted to," she replied as she bit her lip.
You dropped the rag and spray bottle, walking to stand in front of her from across the counter, "why?"
She blushed once more before her eyes fell to the ground, "I don't know, I just..." she looked up, "I like being around you."
As you stared into the eyes of the beautiful woman before you, you were presented with an opportunity. An opportunity to choose for yourself, to take control of your own destiny.
You didn't choose to be cursed with an eternity of seperation from the souls of your family, you didn't choose to be a vampire, you didn't choose Paul and you certainly didn't chose Max. But you could choose Maria.
"Maria," you whispered, leaning in till your noses were almost touching, "can I kiss you?"
She beamed before caressing your cheek with the back of her hand, "I thought you'd never ask."
You leaned in and her soft lips met yours.
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Note: I promise the next chapter is going to be focused on all the boys, thanks for being patient I promise it’ll be worth it😌
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justaghostingon · 1 month
Is it wrong to date a guy from an enemy faction when your country doesn’t exist anymore? Asking for a friend
A kaebedo au in which kaeya lives in a spy drama and albedo in a sitcom
Note: Minor spoilers for some lore from Pernhari lore books
Given what we now know about how the crimson moon dynasty came before the eclipse dynasty and was more focused on alchemy, i would like to submit a theory that albedo is from the crimson moon faction
His master rhinedottr is famous for her alchemy after all, and he followed in her footsteps.
Not that these factions mean much to albedo, k’hanriah is long gone, and there is so much more in the world to discover
But Kaeya! Kaeya was sent as a spy by the k’hanrians who haven’t given up yet, they still have hope and cling to old traditions.
They served the dynasty of eclipse, of course the differences between crimson moon and exclipse matter to them
Especially if i go out on a limb and theorize the crimson moon had something to do with the fall of k’hanriah. Like a revolt or political infighting. Side eyes “the exclipse was swallowed by the crimson moon”
So it makes sense why neither kaeya nor albedo were aware that they’d meet another k’hanrian in mondstat, much less another captain in the knights
Kaeya spends a day in agony, fully expecting albedo to jump him and make kaeya follow some new “mission” or something
That is until albedo mentions alchemy, specifically kemia. The pride of the crimson moon’s alchemists.
Combined with albedo’s seeming lack of knowledge as to who kaeya is, this can only mean one thing.
Albedo isn’t a spy from eclipse here to get Kaeya back on track. He’s a spy from crimson moon here to do the same thing as kaeya!
Naturally kaeya can’t let an enemy spy get to close to mondstat! Especially since they might not be friendly like him!
Plus he’s grown up on stories that blame the crimson moon for k’hanriah’s fall. (Also the gods and abyss, but come on, we all know the rival political faction was the real enemy here) he does not want that to happen to mondstat
So kaeya decides to get close to albedo, feel him out and see what his intentions are, and dispose of him if he needs to.
Unfortunately for him, a wrench is thrown in his plans in the form of Klee. Sweet, loveable klee who adores her big brother albedo so much, and would definitely cry if he were to suddenly vanish, and he just couldn’t do that ot her (also there is an all powerful witch who will definitely destroy mondstat if they make her precious daughter cry)
Now kaeya must find other ways to handle mond’s latest ticking time bomb and figure out his secrets, all while trying to ignore how those eyes make his heart skip a beat (from fear, he lies to himself)
Meanwhile, albedo clocks kaeya as a k’hanrian from the eclipse faction the moment he saw him. Given how it was all over kaeya’s clothes, he thought this was intentional.
And sure, kaeya never talks about his homeland, or his people before mondstat, but given everything that went down its probably a sore spot. No one else brings it up ir comments on his heritage so albedo just assumes everyone knows and no one talks about it out of respect for kaeya, and some other illusive social cue.
So when kaeya starts getting close to albedo, with his signature flirty moves, albedo does not think this has anything to do with crimson moon vs eclipse. He thinks this is just kaeya trying to get to know the new captain
Maybe he’s curious about alchemy?
So he shows off a few cool potions to a wide eyes kaeya
Kaeya internally: is this a threat?
Albedo internally: i am winning at social interaction 😁
Albedo figured kaeya would get bored of him soon enough, when he realized that albedo’s job of alchemy is a lot more math and a lot less cool explosions.
But when kaeya sticks around, asking questions about albedo’s past, befriending klee, expressing curiousity in what exactly his potions can be used for, albedo starts to get suspicious
It’s not the alchemy itself. Albedo offered to teach kaeya some small potions and kaeya all but leapt away in his haste to refuse (those childhood stories of “touch alchemy and u die” realy stuck with him)
So he goes to sucrose and timeaus and asks them.
Sucrose is equally baffled, wonders if maybe kaeya just really likes chopping up ingredients
Albedo: hmm. He does do it everytime i ask…
Timeus: oh my archons, kaeya has a crush on you.
Albedo decides to test both theories. He stops letting kaeya cut his ingredients, but that doesn’t deter him. So he checks to see if Kaeya is attracted to him
By silently crowding close to kaeya to hear if his heart speeds up
Kaeya meanwhile, has a stone faced alchemist pushing him into a wall, is absolutely thinking he’s about to be murdered (and that it’s hot)
Albedo notices the speed up. Ahh so he does like me.
Kaeya: i have to go now! Proceeds to rush out the door.
Albedo is confused. If kaeya likes him, why is he running?
He asks timeus and sucrose. Sucrose offers to stalk him for a while to find out why. Timeus replies that albedo was “too forward” and that people like “to be chased”
Albedo, chasing kaeya: is this what u want?
Kaeya: oh god he’s gonna kill me!
The method that albedo picks to woo Kaeya is to offer him a fancy lunch he cooked, complete with a traditional khanrian delicacy: the spider sandwich.
Kaeya does not enjoy this, his mind running wild trying to figure out what albedo is trying to say to him by feeding him spiders.
Albedo decides he can’t trust Rhinedottr’s ideas of “traditional delicacies” (who knew her spider sandwich wasn’t normal?)
So he turns to sucrose, who has been stalking kaeya. She proposes a date that she has gathered from her research: take him drinking.
Now if albedo had started with this, it probably would have gonne much easier for him. But after a week of being stalked, chased, and fed spiders, kaeya’s guard is way up.
He’s convinced this is an attempt to get him drunk to get information out of him. Well good luck with that, kaeya’s no light weight, he’s certain he can drink albedo under the table, and get him talking instead
Albedo is a but hesitant when kaeya suggests a drinking competition, but goes along with it.
The result is a very drunk albedo cuddling up to kaeya and whispering the periodic table seductively in his ear.
Kaeya was not prepared for that. Not at all. He comes back home thinking that the crimson moon really trains their spies to be good at keeping secrets
Albedo comes back to his home confident at a successful first date
Things continue onward in their will they won’t they, until one day kaeya wakes up in bed with albedo, in matching pjs, klee sleeping between them, and realizes that seduction was the crimson moons game all along, and he lost.
But oh well, its not like he’s really following eclipse’s orders anyways. He thinks as he goes back to sleep
The end
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mishwanders · 4 months
Hello again! I liked your Dark Reader and am back with another request. :3 Since it is October and I'm feeling the autumn associations, I thought it would be neat to read your interpretation of a fox reader (like a kitsune) with the Chain. Of course with the bonus of Dark Link if able, I feel as though not many people write him. ~🎃
I know this is late, the creative brain juice has been stagnant, but WE’RE KIND OF SORT OF BACK! I also got to preface that I am not the most knowledgeable on kitsune history/lore, but I tried my best with what little knowledge I and wikipedia had lmao.
Characters: The Chain (and Fierce Deity and Dink) x GN!Kitsune Reader
A/N+Warnings: N/A, safe for everyone. Written by Mishwanders - pls do not repost. Reblogs, nice comments, and likes are appreciated!
The place where the Chain first meets you would be in Wild’s Hyrule, shifted into a fox, somewhere close to the shrine of resurrection and a few of them have different reactions based off of what they can sense from being near/looking at you.
Wild isn’t deterred, he’s used to seeing foxes. However, the variety of tails is very different from the others. Maybe a mutation? Who knows, but he gets the sense that you won’t harm them.
Time is the first to really pick up that you’re a shapeshifter and that’s only because Fierce Deity allows him to know the truth of it. He’s wary, on his guard, but you haven’t made any move that would suggest you would bring them harm. Maybe this is normal in Wild’s Hyrule, he hasn’t quite decided if it’s best to speak up yet or not. He’ll wait for you to shed your disguise first before acting.
Twilight, Legend, and Four senses there’s magic about you, but it’s not dark magic, so they’re all unsure how to approach you as well. Twilight will however be keeping watch as Wolfie to track your scent and follow you around from afar to figure out what your deal is.
Sky and Hyrule are the first ones to realize that you’re actually trying to guide them all somewhere specific. Helping them avoid certain monsters, leading Wild and Wind to find more Koroks, food, etc. That knowledge helps ease everyone else’s minds a bit.
Warriors would complain as to why they’ve gone off road versus staying on track with the map, but he’s heard enough stories about Wild’s Hyrule to know that weirder things have happened.
Once they’ve all realized you’re no threat, you are free to roam their camp at night.
This will lead to some mischievous acts on your part - i.e. stealing food from Wild’s pack (or food from a bowl if someone isn’t watching), following Wolfie to get him to play with you, pawing/gnawing onto Warriors scarf and getting chewed out over it like a child, etc.
Other times though, you can be found snuggled up with Sky, Time, or Hyrule, fast asleep next to them or in their lap getting some much needed shut eye.
When you finally guide them to your desired destination of Kakariko Village, it’s only in the presence of Impa where you finally reveal your true nature.
The ones who called it are not the least bit surprised at your reveal, but they are surprised at how fox-like you still are in your Hylian form with sharper teeth, ears, and multiple tails.
Your first true introduction to each other goes rather well with the help of Impa and once they all know you’re a Sheikah who works for Impa as her eyes out in the world, their admiration grows for you.
It's a much different experience. He’s actually the one to get the drop on you first, surprise surprise.
His armor is not nearly as heavy or noisy as his counterpart, giving him an element of surprise in the dark across the land of Hyrule.
At first he takes a shot at you, thinking you’re nothing but a regular fox for him to eat. It’s only when you avoid the shot just by chance and raise your tails to make yourself look bigger does he realize you’re not just some ordinary fox.
Curiosity gets the better of him (as it does any Link) and he tries to make amends for his little accident of almost hitting you by tossing you some meat once he’s gotten his hands on it.
You accept it, but you do recognize something is off with him versus the hero’s you guided to Kakariko. You keep your eye on him in the woods, only growing closer when necessary.
The one time you do grow incredibly close is when a pack of Moblins and Lizalfos chase you. He finds you hiding behind him for protection and he shoos away the creatures with ease, turning around to pick you up. Once you realize he can protect you out there from the other beasts that you find yourself staying close at hand next to him, which he doesn’t mind, so long as you don’t try to steal his next dinner.
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cheshanoneko-draws · 10 months
Hi hi so I’ve finally completed my first twst oc, it was really tiresome but I really like how he turned out. He definitely isn’t perfect and I’ll probably change some aspects in the future, but I think he’s okay right now.
Name: Aurelio
Hobbies: taking long walks in the woods, cleaning, gardening and braiding Malleus’ hair
Family: he simply lives with his 3 aunts, he doesn’t know a lot about his parents
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Aurelio is a human born near Briar Valley, he lived in a secluded cottage located in the woods with his three aunts.
Always isolated, he often felt alone and lost. His only friends were the animals who lived in the forest, but even their presence couldn’t alleviate his loneliness, he dreamed of meeting someone special, someone who could be his friend. In a desperate attempt to run away from the monotony of his day, he started going for long walks, often staying even after the sun already went down.
Little did he know that his dreams would soon become true.
One night while strolling in the woods as per usual, he suddenly was met with something he had never encountered before: standing in the middle of the little path stood a tall figure, concealed by the pitch darkness of the night, he emanate an eerie aurora, but Aurelio could feel deep down in his heart that the man did not mean any harm, if anything he looked lost. He couldn’t help but approach him and as he slowly moved forward his eyes fell upon two long horns.
“ A child of man, aren’t you? I haven’t seen one in a very long time”
Aurelio flickered when he heard the man speak, shivers run down his spine, but he didn’t run away. His voice was hoarse as if he hadn’t spoken to anyone in a very long time.
“ Why are you here? I thought no one lived here apart from me and my aunts”
“ I just wanted a place where I could go to enjoy the peace of solitude”
The man said softly, turning around to face Aurelio. His glaze focused on Aurelio, a smile appeared on the man’s face, but he couldn’t help but notice a veil of melancholy in those eyes.
“ You remind me of someone I knew a long time ago…”
The figure however swiftly disappeared, leaving only a trail of fireflies. Aurelio remained still for a few seconds, unable to move as it took him some time to process what had just happened
“ His horns are so weird…. He feels like the man in my dreams”
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Almost every night after that, the two would meet right where they had first encountered each other. They quickly became extremely close.
“ Malleus, why doesn’t anyone want to be your friend? You aren’t as scary at it seems”
“ It’s delicate matter….often people are scared of what they don’t know or can’t understand “
“ Like your horns? They are a bit weird”
Malleus turned around to face Aurelio. His eyebrows clutched, a pout appeared on his face, his stare hardening slightly, clearly annoyed at the other’s remark. Aurelio laughed at the man’s childish reaction.
“ Not everything revolves around my horns, Aurelio”
“ That person you always talk about also thought they were weird though. They even called you ‘Hornton’, didn’t they?”
The two of them stared at each other in silence, Malleus’ body stiffened up as if it still pained him to speak or even think about this one person, his mind almost drifting elsewhere as his eyes looked now as if rather empty.
“ Do I really remind you of them ?……They left a long time ago. Were you two that close? “
“ They weren’t scared of me just as you aren’t…. Our relationship was a bit complicated, but I think you could say that we were close”
“ But why would they leave you like this if you two were so close? Didn’t they know that they would hurt you?”
The looks in Malleus’ eyes immediately darkened, his glare moved away from Aurelio and traveled unfocused onto their surroundings, looking intensity at the darkness of the woods as if he could see that person in front of him now.
“ I don’t want to talk about that right now”
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“ Hey Malleus…. Do you know what’s outside of Briar Valleys’”
“ Why are you asking that so suddenly?���
“ Just tell me, I wanna hear around your time at that college again”
Aurelio smiled, but he felt something tightening around his heart, hearing about what’s outside made him feel excited. He too wanted to know what was beyond this forest, he needed to see something new, something he couldn’t even imagine.
“ The outside world is unlike what we have here and every area has different cultures, customs and traditions. They don’t rely on magic as much as we do, in fact instead they use something called technology. There are also other species and not just faes or humans…”
“ I found this book in my aunt’s room, it talks about different landscapes all around the world…. I really want to see them”
Malleus immediately stiffened, he lowered his head as those worlds brought him in cold sweat, he swallowed hard, he felt as if he had a lump in his throat.
“ If I were to leave this place…. Would you mind it? I don’t mean to say that I don’t want to be your friend anymore but… I want to see what I dream about with my own eyes”
For once Malleus felt scared, he would be all alone again and so soon after having finally met someone who could cure him of his loneliness, he wouldn’t be able to go through it again, he had to do something. After what felt to Aurelio like hours of pure silence, the fae spoke again:
“ Aurelio… come with me”
It was wrong, he knew it. He should have just let him go but he couldn’t do it. He didn’t want to be alone again…..
“A-are you sure this is safe, Malleus?”
Aurelio’s voice trembled slightly, he felt that something was wrong, but he was quite sure of what, surely Malleus would never do anything to harm him, right? They were friends after all, weren’t they?
“ Of course it is….”
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serregon · 3 months
so Baldur’s Gate is overall really good, but not without criticism, and I’m kinda pissed about Halsin becoming irrelevant and the portrayal of his trauma.
I’ve seen some players calling Halsin’s story boring and two-dimensional, and I wish I could say I disagree with them, but I honestly can’t, and he deserved better than what we got.
I really liked Halsin in acts 1 and 2, but it feels like he just doesn’t have much going for him in act 3. I get that he isn’t an origin character, so he isn’t going to have the same big arcs that the main six get, but it feels like the writers just didn’t know what to do with him after act 2. act 2 was pretty much the conclusion of his character arc, and act 3 is just him hitching along for the ride. the thing is, he isn’t even playable until you’re almost halfway into act 2. he’s only playable when his story is almost over.
the only quest Halsin gets in act 3 isn’t even exclusively his quest. he’s one of several characters who could be kidnapped by Orin. so odds are it isn’t going to be his story in your playthrough. that’s it for him. couldn’t he have a small sidequest, like maybe making amends with the tiefling refugees? what about a quest with Jaheira to find other druids in the city? or what about actually meeting those hastily tacked-on shadow druids? if he doesn’t have his own quest what’s the point of having him in my party anymore?
one thing we do get from act 3 is a new side of Halsin where he’s really uncomfortable about being in the city. he’s in an unfamiliar and overstimulating environment, and seeing the poor treatment of refugees makes him lose hope in humanity. it gets to the point that he actually starts to think that the shadow druids had a point. the character who’s always putting on a kind and brave face is starting to break. that’s a good set up for an arc! sure hope it goes somewhere.
eventually Halsin’s unease about staying in the city causes him to have a complete meltdown. he loses control over his bear form and injures Scratch. when he turns back into an elf, he’s panicking about how the city is making him both physically and mentally sick. he has lost all hope in this world, and he pulls out a dagger and holds it to his chest. that’s a really shocking and evocative scene! who doesn’t love watching the nice guy go apeshit? I’d love to see where this goes for his character.
except, that last scene wasn’t actually Halsin, that was Orin taking his form to taunt the player. so that scene went nowhere. I can’t help but feel like I was robbed. you thought Halsin would have a deep character moment, but you were wrong! it’s just like an “it was all just a dream” ending. and of course that scene only happens if Orin chooses to kidnap him over someone else so there’s a good chance you won’t even see this non-character development. so yeah my take is that that scene should have played out with the real Halsin.
we do get another piece of Halsin lore in act 3, but the way it’s handled is. Bad. very bad, even. and this is where I have to add a content warning for sexual abuse.
so when you get to the brothel, the player and their partner can sleep with these twin drow sex workers. if you ask Halsin to join you, he just drops “yeah I was raped by two drow before lol. they tied me to a bed for three years haha crazy right.” I can’t fault Halsin for using a somewhat jokey tone when talking about his abuse. I also can’t fault him for saying that he even sorta liked it at times, abuse survivors are allowed to have complex feelings about their abuse. the problem is, the story itself is not taking this seriously. as far as I could find, Halsin’s history of sexual abuse is brought up absolutely nowhere else in the game. it’s literally only brought up when Halsin makes that half joking reference to it. the player can’t even ask Halsin about it like “hey man that’s a pretty traumatic thing are you alright?” this whole side of his character is a missable one-off line. where does this hint of backstory lead? why can’t we confront him about this later? there’s a lot you could do with a character who hides how deeply something affected him, but it literally comes off like being raped for three years straight barely affected Halsin at all. it’s such a heavy topic that feels like it was tacked on at the last minute with little thought.
it’s also weird because the game handles Astarion’s trauma with so much more grace. they know how to write a male sexual abuse survivor with the respect he deserves, so why couldn’t they do the same for Halsin? it doesn’t even need to be a whole arc, just some camp dialogue or literally anything.
semi-related tangent: the brothel is a steaming pile of tired tropes. the incestuous sex workers? of course the sex workers are freaks, how original! and the murdered sex worker shoved in the fridge like she’s nothing? never seen that one before! the madam who doesn’t give a shit about the safety of said murdered employee? you really reinvented the wheel there!
idk man just. everything else about this game is really really good, but act 3’s flaws stick out like a sore thumb. Halsin and sex workers deserve better.
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cali-kabi · 5 months
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~ hiya meet Marcy the magic space cotton candy chinchilla 🌟💫🍭she’s the twin sister of Elfilin. Have some lore info about her She escape the labs of the forgotten land thanks to Elfilin. Unlike Elfilin she has goodness all in her, also can create portals but doesn’t feel drained out in anyway. But Elfilin doesn’t due to his other half. When the people wanted to do experiments plan on Marcy, Elfilin overheard this and decided to plan an escape. The escape plan went awry unfortunately, Elfilin’s evil other half attacked Marcy and tried to fuse to Elfilin to become one again but that didn’t happen. The chinchilla siblings ran flew away as far they possibly can. Elfilin uses some of his power to created a portal to escape to another dimension right before Marcy went in, Elfilin got captured by the people again and said to his sister “ Marcy I want you to escape here and have a better life, I don’t want you to spend it in a lab! don’t worry about me I’ll be fine and find my way out. I don’t want those awful scientists to hurt you please go!!” Marcy shed into tears went through the portal it took her to Chiffon Star. She was asleep when Princess Marona found her. Marona nurse her back to health and decided to adopt her. Marcy was so happy to make a new friend she was so shy at the start but she isn’t now. During her first week at Chiffon Star, Marcy still thinks about Elfilin and how he’s been doing, has he escape yet? Why he has a other half that’s evil and got split separated? Elfilin and Marcy don’t know much about the other half and why it’s evil. There’s so many unanswered questions. The siblings will overcome them :0 okie that’s enough lore for now I think I might write in my A03 about how they ended up in the labs in the first place. Oh yeah they do reunite in the future after the events of Kirby and the Forgotten Land :,D have a few facts before I go I don’t know how my head is full of headcanons and stuff so late at 1 am ;w; like I said before Marcy can make portals anytime and not lose any energy power within her. She sometimes visits other dimensions just for fun. Marcy met Meta Knight before Kirby cuz Marona knew him, sometimes Meta Knight visits Chiffon Star to get desserts sweets. That’s how he met Marcy hehe hope y’all enjoyed reading this💖🌟🍭
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secteel · 2 months
As the League fan, what do you think Vermin is? The lore left hints towards both "this is just illusion/insanity" AND "this is some objective filth within the nature of men but not everyone can handle the knowledge so dreadful".... Also, why do you think Valtr stopped seeing Vermin eventually?
That’s a very interesting question! I was initially confused too, as Valtr describes vermin “writhing and squirming” upon killing you if you attack him, despite not being able to see it himself anymore. To me it sounds a lot like by the time the player character meets him, he’s already at a very self-destructive state. I mean, not one moment after meeting him, he’s already very insistent on you joining the League, and lowkey sad when you refuse!
Could this happen because Valtr lost his faith in the League's purpose at that moment? Maybe he’s trying so hard to convince the player that vermin must be crushed because he’s partly trying to convince himself that his mission is still worthy? I mean he sounds very, VERY passionate about crushing vermin. Maybe vermin isn’t real, and an illusion shared by all who partake into the rune, hence why all Confederates in the game eventually go mad. (Henryk and his roar gesture, Yamamura in his cell, Madaras trying to kill you on sight, and Valtr going nuts about seeing vermin when you attack him).
Moreover, it sounds like he does want to be able to see vermin again, and upon attacking you, you’ll hear him shout “when you’re dead, your rank blood will curdle with vermin”. My man really hates not being able to partake in that shared illusion, and according the Impurity rune, maybe there truly is mercy in madness. Considering everyone goes mad at some point in Bloodborne, I think Valtr might find some solace in knowing he’s not the only one going nuts.
I’m not sure why Valtr stopped seeing vermin, nor if it is ever implied how he did lose it, but considering he’s actively looking for a new Master to continue on his mission, I don’t think it was voluntary. Maybe he started to loose a grip on reality, to the point of confusing what was real and what wasn’t, seeing vermin where there were none, or not seeing it at all.
Considering only League Confederates can see vermin (if it’s even real) by imbuing the rune, I asked myself if Valtr lost the ability to see vermin when he lost the ability to imbue the rune, hence why he gives it to you with a happy jolly “yes!”.
It’s also very interesting that vermin are centipede-like creatures. In folklore, centipedes often represent hidden things, and may relate to a secret or repressed desire or trait. They also represent liars in one's life, who're keeping (dangerous) secrets from you.
With that in mind, who knows what Valtr’s disclosing from us. 👀
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