#also i labeled some of these with the main au they're from when they are part of the inspired series
itstimeforstarwars · 7 months
Writing Patterns Tag Game
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Tagged by @phoenixyfriend!!
Lava Cake (Galidraan AU, Arla Fett & Rex)
“Would you like to go shopping with me today, Rex?”
The Muddler and The Joxter (Joxter & Hodgkins & Muddler) (this isn't even star wars lol)
On the first day of spring, Hodgkins awoke from hibernation.
Cody’s Day Off (Cody/relaxation)
Cody woke up, and he didn’t have flimsiwork to do.
Three Jedi, Two Clones, and One Force Anomaly (Cody & Rex & Obi-Wan & Anakin & Ahsoka, plus ensemble platonic relationships, Galidraan AU)
When Master Dooku had landed on Galidraan, it was to stop Mandalorians from committing senseless muders.
Unusual Train Delays on the Scrapper Line (Cal Kestis & Prauf, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Ezra Bridger, SpectObi AU)
When a Mandalorian fell through the roof of the train, everyone immediately decided that was not their problem.
An Ordinary Date Night (Anidala, Ahsoka & Anakin & Padmé, Ahsoka & Rex)
Right off the gangplank, Anakin was almost tackled into a hug.
For Old Times' Sake (Quinlan & Obi-Wan, Quinlan/Obi-Wan, Quinlan/Ventress, Padawan At War AU)
The door slid shut behind Obi-Wan, cutting him off from Anakin and the others, and plunging him into total darkness.
Carbon Scoring and Conversation (Ezra Bridger and Obi-Wan Kenobi, SpectObi AU)
Obi-Wan Kenobi, newest member of the Spectres, stepped into the sonic fully dressed, minus weapons.
Alliances, Treaties, and Improvised Planning (Codywan, CWW Sith AU)
It had been a long day.
Blankets and Night Time Thoughts (Codywan)
It had been a long day.
You know, I was gonna make a joke about Phoenix making me realize that I start all of my fics in the exact same way, and then I got to the last two, which I LITERALLY started in the EXACT SAME way. So. Lmao. Either the first sentence gives you a character and important action, or it was a long day. Considering that one of those fics was written five years ago and only posted last month, I've clearly had this pattern for a while.
I tag @thefoundationproject, @ranger-jedi-knight, @campfire-octopus, @personontheswing, @kckenobi, @tarantula-hawk-wasp, and anyone else who wants to play!
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riddledeep · 21 days
FOP Sideblog Update - Sept. 2024
Hi! This lovely ol' sideblog's been tidied up in light of A New Wish! I have a new AU for New Wish works. Let's talk about it!
Main blog - @fountainpenguin
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My FFN - My AO3
Sideblog masterpost
Housekeeping Updates
- New avatar - @zachbrightside and I updated our FOP sonas. Tossed the headcanon'd honorary pixie hat on mine! :) Shout-out to that one kid in "School of Crock" who wore this hat with no explanation. And squared my gal's wings! Experimented with pink and purple hair options, but I like the brown too much to change.
- Fixed all broken masterpost links - Checked 3 or 4 times, so let me know if you find something wrong.
- Added things to the masterpost that weren't there (Ex: Art section)
- Combed through every post and changed the bullet point system so they're easier to read, following format update from several years ago that condensed the spacing between bulleted items.
-> As part of this, I've used indents and dashes in place of bullets in many posts. I've also added periods on otherwise blank lines to force blank space, as the blank space is another thing we lost during that format update.
-> This is so posts will look better on the dashboard. The dots may seem odd when viewed directly on the blog, but it definitely makes it easier to not lose my place while editing long posts. Also, they should be more readable now than they would be if they're reblogged to others' dashboards without this change.
- I combed through the short bios and long profiles and divided paragraphs more. There were many bulky paragraphs that have now been divided in a way that should make posts - especially these big profiles - easier to read.
-> Cleaned the "Appearances" sections of the long profiles. They used to list each 'fic that character is in, but now they have a labeled AO3 link to works written by me that include that character. Sleek, clean, and automatically updates!
- Shout-out to me having Dale Dimmadome already down as one of H.P. and Sanderson's past godkids 5+ years ago. I knew that was my headcanon, but I did not remember that was on his profile and I'm glad it was, haha... oh no. I don't know what my plan is for that in light of New Wish, but I'll figure it out.
- Changed posts that called my canon Riddleverse Classic to say Cloudlands AU, since that's the new name for my series. Left the name Riddleverse for posts that encompass multiple AUs.
-> Updated my Icebreaker post with this and other new info
- Deleted any posts tagged as "Delete later"
- I have a lot of long profiles and other posts saved to my drafts from years ago. Once Tumblr shifted to the new format (including with the queue), it became so distressing and ever-changing that I struggled a lot to find my footing.
Ex: They took away line dividers, which I thought was frustrating since I used those on my long posts and found them helpful. I was holding out hope they'd return. - Some posts (like my wing refs and the giant 20k-word class overviews) kept getting flagged if I edited them, and I was worried I'd lose my stuff or have the account deleted - Back then, the queue would only tell me which day of the week something was posting, not which month or day. It was just overwhelming to create a schedule or keep track of my stuff, so I took a break from Tumblr in general.
These days, I'm much more comfortable with the editor and my queue is now more specific about deadlines. I look forward to posting here again!
I won't be on a schedule, and the big character profiles do take a lot out of me, but my plan back in the day was to release one a month. Might be able to get to there! If not, maybe the short bios.
Future of this FOP Sideblog
- More worldbuilding posts! I let this blog sit a long time because I felt like I'd said all my worldbuilding and the only thing to do now was profiles and bios (which I was reluctant to prioritize when I felt "behind" in my 'fics).
However, I found some things I'd never moved to this blog, such as my notes on aging. I'd like to post that and others I found.
- No longer hesitant about sharing stuff for "weird" characters or OCs. I had a post about celebrity kids (Poof's age and younger) that I never posted because I didn't think anyone would care about my headcanons for Simon Sparklefield (who only appears in one obscure episode I don't count as fully canon anyway) or Billy Crystal Ball (also obscure) but... Hey, that's why you're here, isn't it? So let's talk celebrities!
In other words, I'd like to bring this blog back as the unapologetic place to share my FOP things. We have references to canon characters and talk of OCs (like Hadley, Emery, Whistle, Soren, China, Anti-Saffron, Kalysta, Iris, Idona... List goes on.)
- This blog will have more polished fanart than the doodles from my main blog
- Polished 'fic cover images will be reblogged here. By this, I mean the posts I do on my main blog that outline what to expect from a 'fic. I won't reblog my general chapter announcements; I don't want to flood this blog with those.
- 130 Reasons Why I'm Fairy Trash's cover will be reblogged, but the posts for individual trains won't be. - Existing cover images will get new, polished posts for their 'fics before I reblog them here.
- I went through the blog and added the tag "Cloudlands AU" to many posts, apart from a few I'm still hesitant to edit (or where it didn't seem worth noting). Cloudlands AU refers to my lore for the 11 seasons of the main series (i.e. including the "Oh Yeah!" shorts), and this is what my sideblog was meant for.
- The reason for this new tag is to separate it from City Lights AU: my new AO3 series for works about New Wish. These works are not compliant with Cloudlands AU, which was designed years ago.
Ex: Peri and Irep will get a short bio on this blogged tagged as City Lights AU to explain what we're setting up for their characters over there, distinct from the existing short bio for Poof and Foop in Cloudlands AU (who are very well established in their arcs). In other words, I'm not rewriting Cloudlands AU canon to fit with A New Wish, but I still want to write works for New Wish. Expect bios and art for Hazel and Dev here someday (and others).
The next thing I post will be Hadley's full character profile (now with updates that are compliant with A New Wish).
After that, I'll reblog my Cloudlands AU and City Lights AU guides to this blog so they'll be under their tags and on the masterlist.
When that's all done, I'd like to knock out full character profiles for Dale, Dev, and Hazel when I can (in addition to finishing my drafts for Cosmo, Wanda, Poof, and Foop). Long, slow process, but it would be cool to have those things done by the end of 2024 or early 2025.
Feeling decent about my idea for Hazel's birthdate. I have nice options for Dev, but no commitment until Zach and I nail down where "Operation: Birthday Takeback" goes in our New Wish timeline. Enjoying the process so far! -> Dev's b-day is QUITE the toss-up between options like "National Day of Unplugging," "Plant a Lemon Tree Day," and the absolutely golden combo of "Pizza Party & Virtual Assistants Day." And perhaps others we've not investigated!
I think that's everything! Hopefully, this is the last "blog news" announcement we have for a while, and the blog can return to being a landing spot for fanart and story meta.
As always, the sideblog's Asks are closed as I want to maintain a consistent feel for this blog. You can reach out to my main blog (Askbox here) if you want to ask a worldbuilding question.
Additionally, I'm interested in following other people's worldbuilding / AUs so I can engage more with the community, especially those passionate about FOP worldbuilding. -> I'm open to self-advertisement if you want to shoot me an Ask on my main blog telling me where I can find your work! -> I'd prefer to follow a blog that is primarily for FOP worldbuilding / art / 'fics (or subscribe to an AO3 series for FOP works), but I'm open to consideration if your blog is multi-fandom! My preference: Thoughtful takes on characters and world that dig deeper than just ship art / ship 'fics- Nothing against shipping, but I'm more interested in character analyses and worldbuilding. Bonus points for a focus on miserable children, Dale lemonade trauma, Pixies, or Timmy growing up to lose his memories and live an average human life. If you don't fit this, you can still recommend your AU and I'll check it out, but that's my wishlist :) Also, if there's anyone who makes Timmy/Molly content, you are my hero and should totally link me your work.
It's such an honor to see so many followers of this sideblog despite its long absence! To those of you interested in staying with me as we enter this next phase, thank you very much - it means a lot to me - and I hope you enjoy browsing!
And to anyone who's lost interest, thank you for spending time while you were here <3
One last note - My goal has always been to reblog others' fanart for my 'fics here, but most of them are still sitting in my drafts, unreblogged. I'll queue those up. I'm always delighted to receive gift art! Feel free to tag @riddledeep and I'll reblog it here! Same goes for gift 'fics, so don't hesitate to share!
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shinxeysartgallery · 2 months
How we feeling now that murder drones is ending?
I think it's so unfair that glitch is cancelling murder drones cause tadc is much more profitable like damn I thought they were better than this
To be fair, we never explicitly had a Season 2 confirmed and I don't think it's fair to blame TADC over it getting cancelled. From what I can tell, it seems like GLITCH and Liam both planned on there being a Season 2 at some point, but we also don't know what's happened behind the scenes. ANYTHING could've happened.
Maybe they didn't get greenlit for a Season 2? Even if they have enough funding and support from the fans for it, they can't move forward without that green light.
There's not enough funding or other resources for them to realistically work on a Season 2 right now. They're also working on TADC and the new Gaslight District and have also just now picked up helping Lackadaisy with funding. Pretty sure at least some of the GLITCH crew works on the main SMG4 channel's stuff as well. That's a LOT to work with from such a small company! It might be a case of they bit off more than they could chew. This could also indicate that it's a temporary thing, but they don't want to get peoples' hopes up in case they can't give us the coveted Season 2.
Liam could be feeling burnout and wants to work on something else. I believe Murder Drones is his longest running series, and it's been in production for at least 4-ish years, counting the Pilot episode. He could've very well lost motivation or be suffering from burnout in that amount of time!
The main series is ending, but it's because they're planning on doing something else with Murder Drones (such as a sequel or spinoff) instead of a Season 2. Up until about when Episode 7 dropped, the Murder Drones playlist was labeled "Season 1" and Liam has said in a past AMA that he planned on there being a Season 2 at some point. He could've discussed his plans for Season 2 with GLITCH and they collectively decided that a spinoff/sequel/etc. would be a better fit for Liam's ideas!
Those are just a few scenarios that could have caused its ending; it's not necessarily a "hurr durr we wanna ditch literally everything else we're working on because TADC gives the monies" situation. Obviously, unless Liam himself or someone actually from GLITCH comes out and makes a statement about it, we don't know for sure why or what caused it. But again, I think it's incredibly unfair to blame TADC over it.
As for my feelings on its conclusion though? Bittersweet. I'm so excited to see what Liam's got planned for the finale and I know it's going to be epic; it'll be so cool getting to see everything come to an end! But at the same time, I'll be sad 'cause it's over. No more excitedly waiting and wondering what's going to happen in the next episode or wondering how the current one's cliffhanger is going to resolve. Buuuut that doesn't mean it's the end! There's still a chance we could get more official Murder Drones content, but even if we don't we've got fanworks! This fandom is one of the most passionate ones I've been in and I don't think it's going anywhere any time soon, even if we never get another official piece of content.
Personally, I'm going to keep working on my AU and keep drawing my drones. The show ending isn't going to stop me! >:D
(Also lowkey is kinda good because after this episode, I don't have to worry about the next episode completely destroying some of my lore again. lol)
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
You have too many posts for me to go through and see if it's been talked about before, so apologies if I'm treading old ground here, but what are your thoughts on adding "incest" as a major archive warning? I'd personally like to have an easier way to filter out incest, especially in fandoms with fandom specific tags (BLMatsu comes to mind).
I could see it being used in the same vein as the rape/non-con tag, where people use it to be overly cautious of any consent issues, or in an AU where the characters aren't related, which are both things which could be clarified by additional tags. Which would help increase the sensitivity of the tag filters for people who don't want anything to do with it.
I say this because I feel like incest, much like rape and underage, can evoke that immediate "nope!" response that could warrant a major warning. It would also be relatively easy to look at a ship and go "yes they're related-please tag", or "not considered incest in this culture (ie. some cousin incest)-tag preferred but optional" in the same vein as "A is 18 and B is 17 and 11 months-underage tag optional but preferred"
Obviously, as it's something I would like to see, I can see way more benefits to doing this than not. Are there any major reasons (other than time/cost) that you think this would be a bad or inadvisable idea? Issues to iron out?
My thoughts are: "Too bad for you".
The main archive warnings were picked based on:
What was widespread on other archives of the past
What was easy to enforce
Keeping the list very short so it did not place an undue burden on posters
Incest is something that should be guessable from the ship. It's also culturally defined and annoying to enforce. You think it's easy to decide when first cousin ships count?!
There's no chance it's going to get added as a mandatory archive warning.
Increasing the sensitivity of the tag filters is not a priority of AO3. Being pretty okay for a wide swath of fandom, from people who like lots of warnings to people who like literally no warnings, was the aim.
If B is 17 and 11 months and you go out of your way to point this out in the fic, the underage tag is required if they're fucking on page. Under 18. That's the rule.
The main drawback of any mandatory labeling is that having to think about metadata is always a burden on the poster. It may not always outweigh other concerns, but the more you make people think about their headers/tags/etc., the more of a chilling effect that has on people posting at all.
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ask-duotale-b2fc · 9 months
✨️Duotale FAQ✨️
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Just in case peeps ask questions a lot lol. Will add more as we go.
•What exactly is this AU about?
Its just a funny little AU where not all monsters were locked underground and some went into hiding instead. Some species of monster in this AU can take on human form with their magic, hence why this is possible. Of course, this doesnt stop kiddos, human or monster, from climbing that darn mountain though.
•When is the next page?
Duotale updates every Friday. Time varies but I try to keep it between 10am and 12pm EST. If either day falls on a holiday, the page will be posted the following day.
•Why is this AU called Duotale?
Because the two main characters are twins, hence the Duo in Duotale. Ok they aren't twins, but they are siblings, born a few months apart. Yes, Strawberry is the Older one.
•Is the player a thing in this AU?
Maybe, maybe not. Depends on the AUs in the Citadel. No one is controlling the Duotale cast though. They've had their own mind and actions from the start. Underplayer is in the Citadel though, if you count them as a player.
●Can my AU be featured in your comic?
Why yes. Just refer to the link in the Masterpost labeled "how to get your AU into the comic". Follow the rules, answer the questions, and you'll be in where we can fit you! Do note that we will try to spread everyone out through different MVC visits, so please, don't be upset if your appearance isn't automatic! You will be seen eventually before the story's end! Scene art and asks are a different story though.
•Will Kris make an appearance?
Yes :3. I'll leave it at that. Ralsei will make an appearance in asks or art, Susie may or may not be in the comic itself. Here's the boi. During the comic he's a lil toddler. (Gender explaination is below btw for those that care.)
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•Is Kris gonna be Frisk or Luci's counterpart?
No. Neither. They will be their own person.
●Is Clover gonna make an appearance?
Like Kris, the cowboy ghost will be there, but unlike Kris, you won't see him in comic til the end. He will (and has already) pop up on our blog, like Dalv or Star sherrif boi, but in comic, sorry, hes in Asgore's castle and that's so far away right now lmao. But here's how he looks. Yes, he knows the fox stole his hat. He does not know where his gun is, though.
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●Will xxx color soul child also be in this AU?
Depends. We already have the Yellow soul decided (obvi). If There's another colored child you wanna see pop up as a canon-to-duotale ghost at the end of the comic you can ask, but so far only Clover and MAYBE Marine(Patience soul) but the lore is off that comic might contradict yellow or ours so that's undecided. Any other kids so far would be only seen in the MVC. We're trying not to pick kids in full existing sets so thats why Clover and maybe Marine are our only choices so far. We are more likely to make up the rest tbh. No more red souls though beyond cameos. Red souls work a special way in our AU and there's not a lot (if any) that can fit that requirement.
•Can other ghosts see Chara/Luci?
Yes. And she can see said other ghosts. Strawberry can only see those that she summons and Blackberry can see ghosts as well. Frisky can sense spirits near him but obviously cannot see them.
●Why do some characters have rings around them?
That just means they're dead. Ghosts. Spirits that didn't move on to heven or hell. The ring color matches the color of their soul and doesn't change. Luci, Blackberry, Dalv, and Kris have special rings though. They change color based on emotions. This color changing mood ring is only available to one species and it starts becoming visible around puberty. Luci is fullblooded, hence why her ring is always visible and changing like a rainbow, though Blackie and Kris aren't fullblooded, so their rings might be a bit faultly ha. If you're every curious what the colors mean, you can refer to the link labeled "Luci's mood ring" on the master post. Or a more simplified list ca be found on her teen ref.
•What exactly are the main cast's species?
Blackie is is a halfbreed kitsune vampire, Luci is a purebreed vampire with demonic powers, Strawberry is a tanuki who practices witch magic, and Frisky is a human. He just has a magical scarf to give him wings like redbull. As for Kris... you'll figure it out. No spoilers, sorry lol.
•How did you come up with the idea of Duotale?
Originally this story was gonna be a comic of our own runs in Undertale, showing how they clash and would effect each other. Kinda like thise PMD comics and Nuzlocke animations people make. But somewhere between writing the script and making the first cover art, we changed our minds and made a whole AU instead.
•Is fanart allowed?
Yes uwu. You can find character info and all current ref sheets in the Masterpost, last section at the bottom :3 If ya tag me, I can reblog it in my main account so peeps can see it, and an account I have specifically for or art made by others so I wont lose it. Main account is @oatmealkitty . That is where all non ask/comic art goes.
•What ships are in this comic/blog?
Oh boy a hard question to answer. Ignoring any cameos, out of our own and JUST our own characters this is the list. I'm probably missing a LOT though as these are off the top of my mind.
☆Friskyberry (Frisk x Blackie) | ☆Charaberry (Luci x Strawberry) | ☆Charisk (Sugartale) | ☆Chariel (Luci x Cristal; in the past before adoption, though nothing comes of this.) | ☆Pappyton | ☆Soriel (They break up post story on mutual terms) | ☆Torgore (They break up before the story and never get back together.) | ☆Kingdings (Asgore's relationship post comic) | ☆Sansby (After Sans and Tori split) | ☆Alphyne | ☆Kris x Ralsei
•What are the pronouns of each character?
You will find all information on the masterpost, last section. If someone is missing we just didnt finish the refs yet. Apologies. Since I know MK, MTT and Blooky will be asked about due to lack of refs, they are all he/him here but Blooky and MK accept They/Them. Remember that this is an Alternate Universe, as in not sticking to the game's lore to a T. So please dont start a fuss over this. If canon versions of the characters ever speak or are spoken to in the Citadel, they will be referred to by the genders Toby (NOT THE FANDOM) placed on them, so be happy with that smh.
A note to avoid confusion since I KNOW this will cause issues if I don't give a bible explanation: WITHIN the comic, Kris' pronouns will be he/him, hence me calling the younger one he/him. Personally, I can't see a literal 3 year old toddler changing his gender or even caring about that. I know I sure didn't back then lol. I didn't care till damn near the end of highschool tbh. Soo, He starts requesting people use they/them (if possible) in his late teens as thats what I personally experienced. Sorry to anyone who wants out of the womb non binary/trans babies. Oh and when he's spoken to or about in another language, regaurdless of age, it will be male pronouns bc languages. Sorry, can't fix that either. That's just how languages work. So yeah, Tldr: In comic=he/him. In asks=they/them (he/him if non english language).
•You can ask LITERALLY anything to ANYONE. Even the mods.
•All questions will go to the cast as they are in the comic, unless we allow asks for the adults for some reason. All asks starting in chapter 2 are considered canon.
•You can ask spoiler based questions, but they will either be heavily censored or answered in a joking manner as to not give away everything that happens in the story. Depending on the question, we may not be able to answer it at all though.
•All asks that seem like spam will be ignored. I know we answered them before jokingly but after a while it becomes too much. Also! We will ignore asks about religion (offensive/forcing), racism, sexism, stuff like that.
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xitsensunmoon · 1 year
Main FAQ
First of all, let's make it clear - this blog is my home. You're not a "customer" and you're not "always right", you are a guest. If you don't like anything that happens here, just leave, scroll away or block. I will not change anything just because you don't like it.
Before sending an ask, please also check my bio. Surprisingly a lot of people don't do even that. Let's go.
Can I use your work for a profile picture/wallpaper on my device? Can I print your stuff?
You can take my work for personal use if you don't get any profit from it. If it's online - credit me.
Can I dub/translate your comics?
Yes but with few conditions.
1. You credit me as an original creator. If it's a video you put the credits in the video, not in the description. If it's a post you put them in the post itself, not in the comments.
2. You do not put your watermark on my work/do not erase my watermark. You also don't colour it/don't "fix" it. It's my work and my work alone.
3. You do not change the dialogue/add phrases that weren't said by the characters. Again, it is my work, it's my interpretation and I will not tolerate you taking my work and changing it to your liking.
4. If you want to profit from my work - you don't have my permission.
5. You take down videos/posts with my work if I ask you to.
If any of these don't suit you - you don't have my permission.
Can I make an AI bot of your character?
Hard no. Roleplay bots are almost always using public fanfiction without the consent of the authors, not paying for their hard work but using it for profit, it's theft and I'm not going to contribute to that. I'm already considering removing my own bots from Character AI, as ch.ai still doesn't tell the public how they're training their bots so we'll see about that.
Anything that is absolutely off the table when sending an ask?
- Please don't vent to me. I'm not a professional phycologist and I never agreed to play the role of one. I also avoid questions like "I had a bad day, can you draw[ ]?" because after them my inbox becomes a venting place. Please seek professional help if you feel like every day is worse than the previous.
- Please do not send me anything NS///FW. As much as I can support suggestive content, explicit stuff will be immediately deleted and if you make me uncomfortable I probably will block you. No hard feelings but Tumblr is an SFW place for me. If you see me reblog something not SFW, it was probably made by my friend or with previous discussion and proper mature labels for everything.
Can I send you a DM, not an ask?
After some not-very-pleasant experiences that made me uncomfortable, I closed my DM's for everyone except my mutuals. But you're still free to send me asks about anything(within reasonable limits ofc).
Can I write a fic based on your art? Can I use your ideas in my works?
About ideas - ask first. I can get protective over one idea but completely don't care about the other one. If I said yes, credit me as an original source.
Can I draw a fanart/write you a fic?
Of course!! I'm absolutely happy to see anything! Also please tag me when you're done. If it's one of my au's - use specific tags for fanart so even if dumb Tumblr doesn't send me your tag, I will eventually bump into it browsing the tag!<3 (you can also tag me again if you think I didn't see your fan work, I absolutely don't mind!!) Also, feel free to drop an ask with a link too!
Can I tag you in other stuff?
As I already said you can absolutely tag me for any type of fan content(it doesn't even need to be yours). Memes are fine too, just don't do it every day alright?
Why don’t you answer my ask?
It can be one of these reasons:
1. I want to answer your ask with an art piece/comic. It takes time.
2. Your question contains spoilers so I'm keeping it for later when the truth can be revealed =]
3. I'm busy. Yeah.
4. I've already answered something similar/I don't want to answer your question so your ask got deleted.
When will you continue working on [insert whatever]?
When I can. I'm not pausing my things just to spite you. Most of the time I'm just busy or I simply don't have the energy to do anything. To everyone who says stuff like "oh well we've been waiting for a few months already!!" - I'm not here to entertain you. I'm here to have fun and share it with other people and you're currently ruining it. I will block anyone who is doing this continuously.
Can you draw my characters?
For free? No, I don't accept requests like that. You can commission me though. When my commissions are open of course. I will open DMs when it happens.
What content are you okay/not okay with?
Admiring of any of these in real life: terrorism, racism, rape, war, sexism, misogyny, transphobia, homo/queerphobia, pedophilia, sex trafficking, mental illnesses. If the content tries to show how terrible these things are I am mostly okay with it.
Is there anything I should watch out for on your page?
Dark themes, suggestive themes, and sometimes negative ones. I'm not afraid to draw violence, blood and gore. Dark humour. In general, I don't recommend anyone who's under 16 to be here but it's always your responsibility for what you're about to see.
In your bio, it says russians DNI? Is it about every russian or only those who support the war?
I don't care if you're a good russian or not, I don't care about your opinions and worldview. I don't want you in here. I have no time nor desire to try and understand how good you are. As a Ukrainian, I have all the right to tell all russians and people who admire anything connected to them to go fuck yourself. It's my safe place and I don't feel safe with zz's in it. Do you feel like I'm being "too categorical"? Don't make it my problem and leave. End of conversation.
Even WITHOUT war context (which I actually huge and should NOT be ignored) this post explains pretty well why this boundary exists.
What is your stance on reposting your artwork/fics?
The only cases when I allow reposting are dubs/translations with credits and all the other rules that I mentioned earlier. In other cases, no, do not repost my artwork. Doesn’t matter if you credit, I said no.
I saw your art somewhere but I'm sure you weren't the one to post it.
I post on Tumblr and Tiktok, my nickname always contains "xitsen" in it. You also could possibly see the dubs of my stuff on YouTube, as I allow these. Please send me an ask with a link to the repost if it's somewhere else. I will try to solve the situation myself.
Can I use your work as a reference? Can I trace/copy it?
Reference? Yes. If it's very obvious - credit me too. Trace/copy? No. No. And no. It's straight-up stealing.
What pronouns do you use?
She/they. Please don't refer to me in masculine terms.
What art program(s) do you use? Drawing tablet? Brushes?
For art pieces 90% of the time it's Paint Tool Sai 2, sometimes Photoshop and Krita. For animations, it's rather Toon Boom Premium or Krita.
My tablet is fucking 6 years old, Wacom something. They don't sell these anymore so I couldn't even find the model lmao.
Brushes - standard SAI brushes, watercolour for shading and brush for line art. If it's textured I use my custom one, you can create it yourself if you use SAI.
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Don't mind the text quality please lmao. I literally had to copy it from Google for English translation. But the settings are mine yeah
Your "r" looks like "z"-
I know. Just let me be with my handwriting please lmao.
If you struggle with reading it this post with my alphabet can help you.
Why do you call [character] a whore??
It's an inside joke that suddenly became bigger than we expected. A silly, a funny, a goofy. It's not slut shaming if you thought it was. I love to joke about characters being whores in the most affectionate and lighthearted way possible even when the character clearly has no bitches. It even doesn't need to be sexual. Just a hee-hee ha-ha.
Probably gonna update it in future because I'm fucking sure I forgor something.
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Pirate AU Infodump Post #1: Best 8 :P
Hey gamers! I decided that I would like to redo the infodump posts and organize the main thread a little more-- the information has changed quite a bit since the last time I talked about these guys as well :'D I'll have specific posts for world building and others just for characters!
Anyways, this post will mainly focus on the Best 8 of Splatsville! Their personalities will stay mostly close to canon tbh, I don't think I've changed them around too much--? Eh, whatever, enjoy!
Infodump under the cut :D
Here is the link to the main thread
For a bit of context, I've split the best 8 in half;
Wireglasses' Crew consists of himself, Ocho, 8-Bit, and Shady + their respective teams. Same goes with the remaining four of the best 8, consisting of Tako (Shellmet), Barreleye, Hornmet, and Mitsuami + their teams. (Except for Mitsu, I don't think she has her own team yet..? Not really sure yet)
Wire's crew:
The Wireglass Pirates!! One of the strongest pirate crews to ever patrol the seas at the time. They've created a pretty fearsome reputation for themselves, a lot of smaller sailing crews will go on routes to avoid them.
The main crew members' bounties are in the high 900k's, Wire's bounty almost reaching a 1 million cash! :D
They have no known allies, although they're sort of buddy-buddy with Barreleye's crew. They don't really attack each other while at sea but it's also really really awkward when the crews do run into each other.
Sometimes Barreleye and Wireglasses' crew will meet up and trade resources-- although most of the time they end up just hanging out and playing cards.
Uses black labels in battles which disable their opponent's weapons and can also prevent them from using their specials as well if stuck directly onto them
Black Labels are considered illegal, they're very hard to attain unless you either make your own or smuggle it from somewhere.
The Captain of the crew!
He also goes by Captain Wire
Mainly uses a cutlass and/or the splattershot pro, depending on the circumstances
He likes playing cards and staying with his crew. They play cards sometimes to pass the time. He is scary good at playing card games like Speed or Hearts.
Sometimes he gambles during stops— he’s won a few, lost a few (Sometimes he’ll cheat at the gambling table whenever he feels like it) 
He's also pretty firm in negotiating trades. He gets a little bitter whenever trades don't go his way--- just because he's firm about it doesn't mean he's good at it
Wire sometimes gets a little too serious in battles. He's ruthless towards his enemies and just overall gets overconfident during battles 
Master at pick-pocketing and picking locks; If you flip him upside down and shake him around a lot of spare change and random trinkets he found will come out
Sometimes whenever the crew plays cards, Ocho likes to cheat (even though he doesn't always admit it)
He's sometimes sent off to run errands for the crew if they are split up.
Second in command, sometimes helps with other stuff around the ship. EXCEPT FOR MOPPING he hates mopping the deck. He will complain the entire time/hj
Uses a set of throwing knives and/or .96 gal, depending on situation
He's a bit of a sore loser when it comes to almost everything
He likes collecting little trinkets; sometimes it's stuff from trading posts and other times it's random stuff he'll pickpocket off people.
Ocho rarely calls other captains by their proper titles. He mostly uses their names— which Barreleye doesn’t like (Ocho is mainly avoiding Barrel’s title just to annoy him)
Ocho has a boyfriend!! He is dating my friend @autoboros ‘s OC, Lock :D (hi auto!! waving at you) 
They spend time together between voyages 
Most of the time they meet up at the docks and spend some time together :3
She LOVES explosives and has probably tried to make her own at some point (But got told off by Ocho and Wire)
She takes care of the canons on the ship
Uses a dynamo roller most of the time, though sometimes she'll have smaller bombs that she throws.
Like Ocho, she cheats in card games, but not as often as he does. She’ll get all offended if you accuse her of cheating.
8-Bit also sometimes makes really weird drink combinations whenever she’s bored, the rest of the crew just tries it to be polite— but it mostly turns out to be a disaster.
Due to an incident, 8 Bit is banned from the ship’s kitchen— she is no longer allowed to cook for the crew ever again (womp womp) 
8-Bit and Ocho compare bounties whenever they appear in the newspaper. She's jealous that his bounty is higher
Sniper of the crew! 
He has an eyepatch for when he’s aiming his shots. 
Shady keeps a journal of the places they go to
He is also in charge of navigating the ship wherever they go places.
His accuracy goes head to head with Skull’s, it’s only a matter of reaction time and who fires first 
Shady likes reading the newspaper to pass the time whenever he is bored at sea. Most of the time he’ll just be sitting in the crow’s nest and reading the paper for hours at a time. His favorite columns are the sudoku puzzles. 
Shady usually stays behind to watch the ship sometimes while the crew goes to run errands. Every now and then he’ll tag along though :D  
Shady does have a smaller dagger on him just in case for close combat. Normally in battles he’s well-hidden and enemies have trouble finding him :D
Barrel's Crew:
I’m gonna be 100% honest, I still haven’t come up with a name for their crew. So far I can’t find any names that really stand out to me at the moment so I’ll have to keep thinking about it :’] 
The crew mainly uses heavier weapons compared to other pirate crews.
They’re all in all a very loud bunch, mostly Barreleye though. 
Even though they’re pirates they prefer to have fair fights— they won’t fight someone who is unarmed.
They have a lot of other allies :D Although their relationships with other crews are mostly one-sided. Neither of them get benefitted its more like people they're acquaintances with
They first got their bounties after accidentally exploding a few navy ships-- and also """"accidentally""" stealing a few of their resources.
Tako (Shellmet):
She used to be in Wire’s crew but she eventually left to join Barreleye’s crew. She also became the new captain after Barrel stepped down for a little bit. 
She left because she was against the whole black labeling thing. Wire wasn’t too happy to hear about Tako leaving the crew, he’s still bitter about it but there’s nothing he could really do to change her mind about it. 
Tako uses a cutlass and the hydra splatling, depending on the situation. 
As second in command of the crew, she makes sure the ship is in tip top shape every day. Sometimes she’ll try to help out with repairs
Tako met Barrel in a tavern where Barrel was arm-wrestling other patrons for fun. Tako arm wrestled him and won 
While she was in Wire’s crew, Tako used to whack the other crewmates with a broom whenever they annoyed her, she’ll still do it whenever the crews run into each other
He carries a blaster and sometimes uses a cutlass. 
He is LOUD. Sometimes he’ll fire off the cannons just for fun and gets scolded for it by the rest of his crew.
Barreleye is friends with Gloves and was the one who convinced him to set sail in the first place! :D Although they don’t really see each other often 
Barreleye makes a lot of silly blunders that his crew usually has to drag him out of. 
His bounty was first posted after he exploded a navy ship on accident. It was a long tangle with the navy but the crew ended up being victorious from the whole ordeal. The crew had bounties after that incident as well.
Barreleye doesn’t really get along with other pirate crews— mostly Hivemind or the X-Bloods. 
Sometimes he gets a little overconfident in his own abilities, both in silly situations and serious situations
She wanted to join a sailing crew initially. Hornmet was the one who convinced her to join Barrel’s crew!
Mitsuami has her tri-stringer but no sword, in close combat situations she’ll sometimes freeze up and panic. She’s still trying to get better with those situations though!
Her accuracy can almost catch up with Shady’s. She’s only missed around 3 times but she doesn’t really like to talk about those times
Mitsuami is absolutely terrified of pirate crews with higher bounties such as Wire’s crew or the X-Bloods. She tries to avoid them whenever she can
Mitsuami sometimes cooks stuff on the ship for the crew to enjoy. She likes going to snack shops whenever the crew goes anywhere
She freaked out when she first saw her bounty listed in the newspaper but later saw it as something cool :D
Hornmet and Mitsuami have been friends for a decently long time, before both of them joined Barrel’s crew :] 
Hornmet is the shipwright of the crew! She is mostly in charge of repairing something in case it gets broken or needs fixed 
Sometimes she’ll help with the canon repairs as well 
For the most part, she uses her tri-slosher in battles 
Every now and then she’ll use throwing knives for longer range attacks. 
Hornmet loves the thrill of being a pirate, she has no interest in reading maps and stuff
Like Barrel, Hornmet sometimes gets herself in situations due to her overconfidence 
That's all for now! :D If I think of anything else I might put it in a separate post or something... but that's everything for now :] Thank you for reading and have a nice day/night!! I'll write some stuff up for the S4 and others next hopefully :D
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Outcast of the Realm, AU Part 2
Part one
Nimona is the 'young girl' Nimona from the movie in this AU, so expect a meeker personality...
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Nimona is mostly compliant to the director because they understand how it's only cause they're under her protection that aren't being haunted down.
The Director told Nimona how she saved her from the rest of her kind who are nothing but monsters.
The Director also lied about Nimona's parents; she told them that Nimona's parents would've eaten her alive if she hadn't saved them.
Nimona still shifts to whatever they want, but only when the director isn't around.
The director lets Nimona shift, but she usually instructs them to practice shifting into dangerous things and trains her to fight.
Nimona complies, but they don't really want to hurt anyone.
Nimona knows that the Queen was working on a way for people to accept shapeshifters more, however this confused them because they met the Queen once and they thought they were nice, and like the director told them, Shapeshifters were evil.
"That's why I want you to learn how to fight. Some people don't like this, and they could be violent. You need to help protect the queen, understood?" This was the frame of thought the Director tells Nimona.
Nimona was hoping that if the Queen was successful in "changing shapeshifter's for the better" that the Director would allow them to explore the world more themselves. They don't know, of course, that the director's just lying to them and how humans were labelling the "slave shapeshifters" as the good ones, and the "free shapeshifters" as the ones with evil intentions and needed to be hunted down.
Unless the shapeshifter allowed themselves to be slaves and servants, they would be executed once caught.
The director was still working on a way to kill the Queen.
Plot twist: Ballister is a half-shifter and half-human. This meant he could shift, but only to one thing; a black panther.
Plot twist: The queen is the reason for him being 'half-human' Plainly said, she's the mother. The 'human half'
The father was sent away as an order of the Queen. He only found out later that the document that sent him away was fake and Valerin never wanted to them to leave.
Before his death, he gave Ballister a sword with a secret crest that Valerin gave him before the night they conceived Ballister.
His dying breath was 'Show this to the queen... She will lead you to your mother.'
Ballister's goal in life, apart from protecting innocent humans and shapeshifters alike, is to find his mother.
Ambrosius is still a knight here. His job entails leading hunts and/or help build relocation sites for the "slave shapeshifters".
While people wanted the shapeshifters as slaves, they didn't wanted them living with them in their homes.
Ambrosius was still a Gloreth descendant, except Gloreth's backstory is just being one of the most well known shapeshifter hunters in history.
Gloreth's a hunter that's well respected by everyone in the realm, even the director.
The director has an unhealthy obssession with Ambrosius because of this. [Yeah, you know... She is judge Frollo in this AU, too.]
This is why Ambrosius also volunteers a lot to head into field missions; to avoid being alone with the director.
He already confronted her about it, but Ambrosius is certain she would try something crafty if the opportunity presented itself.
However, Ambrosius couldn't actively go against the director so this was the best thing he could do.
After returning to the main city from another finished construction of a shapeshifter village/slum, Ambrosius reported to the director.
It was something he begrudgingly did every time. Luckily, a briefing session with her always meant her advisors had to be in audience so she definitely couldn't try anything then.
Ambrosius's latest assignment would be to track down a particular 'black panther.'
This specific 'black panther' is presumed to be a shapeshifter that they couldn't confirm for sure yet.
They are assuming it's a shapeshifter because it's seemed far too intelligent to be a simple animal.
However, they are also aware that some animals can be intelligent.
If it was a shapeshifter, the director wanted to get something from it. Even if they couldn't capture it once confirming it is a shapeshifter, the director instructed Ambrosius to do their best to get something from it; a limb for instance.
This was so she could leave it somewhere to frame the shapeshifter after she finally got around to killing the Queen.
Cutting off a limb doesn't usually prove fatal for a shifter, because the limb could just regenerate.
But of course, Ballister's half a shifter so it wouldn't regenerate. He still has fast healing, though.
That's all for now. Need to figure out other things for more later.
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cagedchoices · 4 months
The dash has been in a fairly spicy mood this weekend, and I feel that but I'm really more in the mood where I just wanna be soft and affectionate about my ships for a minute, so I thought I would share some of Caleb's favorite things about his partners. Under the cut because I don't shut up ever lmao
@killjoysanonymous — MAEVE MILLAY
He loves how sharp-witted Maeve is and her sense of humor which typically falls on the dry, sarcastic, and sometimes a bit morbid side. Caleb doesn't get to joke around a ton as he takes things so seriously most of the time, but when he does get to joke, it's usually very similar so their humor pairs well together.
He admires her motherly, nurturing side—the part of her that will do anything for the ones she loves, and her resilience as a survivor who has to do exactly that just for an un-guaranteed chance to one day be reunited with her daughter.
He loves her looks, which...yes I know as a host she's designed to look hot because she's built specifically to gratify human desires, but you'd be amazed how quickly all of that becomes an afterthought to Caleb when he spends time around her and doesn't overthink it. And anyways we have AUs where Maeve is human and equally as hot so really. It doesn't matter. His favorite features of hers in particular are her smile, her eyes, her hands, and her voice. He really likes saying her name out loud too.
Caleb genuinely just loves spending time with her. It doesn't matter what they're doing or where they are, he just wants to be there with Maeve.
@timerevolt — LULU WARREN
The first thing that ever came to mind was her looks! I think because the first time we decided to ship together all started with Caleb and Lulu matching on Tinder. Lulu's photos had such a dreamy vibe surrounding them that he was drawn to the idea of who she might be. But even in AUs where they meet in-person first, he's just taken with how pretty she is.
Her positivity and optimism. Despite being through some fucked up, traumatic things in her life and carrying a dark side that she knows she can trust Caleb with, Lulu strives to spread kindness and happiness to others by maintaining a cheerful outlook on life.
Her free-spiritedness. Lulu likes to keep things light and she doesn't really let labels or status define who she is or what she's capable of. Caleb adores this about her, but it's also kind of the main factor that prevents him from telling Lulu he's in love with her sometimes, because he worries she won't be happy if she ends up tied down in a relationship with him. It comes as a real shock to Caleb when Lulu willingly chooses to leave her old gig as a circus performer or a burlesque dancer just to move in with him and expresses the desire to adopt a dog, get married and have babies with him because as it turns out, she is happy in a relationship.
Her baking/cooking skills. I think rarely a day goes by where Lulu isn't making something good to eat. Whether it's born out of pure joy for the love of the hobby or done as stress relief to take her mind off of trouble, she's usually there with a fresh plate of brookies to brighten anyone's day.
Her resourcefulness. Okay, so the fact that she often combs through garbage cans and dumpsters looking for things to repurpose is an aspect of it that does gross Caleb out a bit, but just look at how happy Lulu gets whenever she finds something she wouldn't have without scavenging. Occasionally they probably do have a stern moment of Caleb going "Babe, I can buy you some of these things. You don't have to go dumpster diving." and Lulu "But baby it's free this way—" but overall, he thinks the idea of Lulu taking something someone else threw away and fixing it or making it into something new that she can use is actually very romantic.
@walkswastes — OPHELIA
These two are pretty new and just starting to figure each other out, and I feel like there's some things that feel similar to Lulu—free spirit, optimism— but the very first thing that really struck Caleb about Ophelia is the way she pushes his boundaries a little further than he'd normally go with them! She's very flirty and forward, and sometimes he doesn't really know what to do with that so he just locks up. But so far with her he's been a bit braver and more confident than he normally is.
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inevitably-johnlocked · 7 months
Hopefully you or some of your wonderful followers can help me out with a really odd question: what is the difference between an AU and a crossover fic?
This might sound silly, but I've always assumed that a crossover is something like "Sherlock and John, while solving a case, cross paths with Mulder and Scully who are also trying to solve their mystery, and they join up to work together." vs. an AU is more like "Sherlock and John are solving cases in the X-Files universe" and their characters are like combinations: Sherlock/Mulder and John/Scully. But the characters from X-Files don't actually exist in the fic.
Or even fics that are just a completely new universe altogether, not necessarily based on an already known one (like Sherlock and John are from Las Vegas and Sherlock the always winning poker player is under suspicion from security guard John that he is cheating, and that is how they meet, etc etc) would be considered an AU.
Anyway, that is how I've always filtered on AO3 when searching. But now I've come across a few lately that are tagged AU but when I start reading them, they are more what I consider crossover fics (which aren't my preference, sorry. I just don't care to read about Sherlock and Iron Man working together lol).
Maybe I've missed out on some great fics that were tagged as crossover but were actually AU's? Is my assumption of which one is which completely off base? Other than reading every fic until it's obvious which type of story it is, is there a better way to at least get an idea for filtering purposes?
I don't want to miss out on fantastic fics because I don't really understand what they're about because I've misunderstood all along!
Thank you for any help you or your followers can give! 😁
Hey Nonny!
Alright, so here's how _I_ personally understand it, and I'm probably totally off-piste, but it's how I've always understood and try my best in my sorting of fics. PLEASE note that EVERYTHING BELOW is how I PERSONALLY UNDERSTAND it all.
Generally, there's a VERY thin line between AUs and Crossovers AND it also melts into Fusion fics as well.
Alternate Universes:
Basically, AU (or Alternate Universe, for my newbie lovelies) is the "larger umbrella term" that all fics NOT following canon events have. These can be as simple as a non-canon-compliant fic, but GENERALLY it's understood as stories that take place in different franchises, eras, timelines, professions, species, etc. That's the broader definition. It covers everything, really. It doesn't necessarily mean just other franchises, but it can contain them.
But in terms of "this story with BBC Sherlock Characters takes place during the Avengers" for instance, each character from BBC Sherlock REPLACES a character in the Avengers. They would never ever meet any of the cast of the main Avengers IF they are a replacement character.
So let's say we're adapting the Avengers. For the sake of this example: Sherlock is Tony, John is Captain America, Molly is Black Widow, etc. Now THOSE characters in the Avengers franchise should never show up AS those characters. We are doing one-for-one replacements to put Sherlock Characters into the MCU AS Iron Man, AS Black Widow, AS Captain America. Tony, Natasha, and Steve cannot exist in this universe.
(as an aside though, given the MCU's current state of Variants existing in multiverses, it can be argued that they can exist, but I'm being pedantic... for the sake of this example let's say they don't)
TL:DR; we replace main characters with other main characters, and those main characters from either franchise should never meet. So TECHNICALLY what is labelled for your example is actually correct (Crossovers and AU), and unfortunately the filtering needs to be whittled down more. Filtering by "Alternate Universe" does NOT guarantee no-Crossovers, so you will have to add crossovers as an exclusion in your filtered terms. On AO3, there is a place to select exclusions, so just type in "Crossovers" there, or character names.
Crossovers and Fusions
I'm grouping these two together because my understanding of these two is that they're PRETTY close to each other enough that they do overlap.
Crossovers are stories that characters from one franchise meet and interact with characters from another franchise; no characters are omitted intentionally, and don't replace other characters in a story. For instance, in a Harry Potter AU, the Sherlock gang all go to Hogwarts, and Harry and Co. all exist and continue on with their story, probably interact occasionally, but we're focusing on the Sherlock gang and their exploits rather than Potter people.
Fusion stories, or my understanding of them anyway, is one of two things:
You have characters that replace SOME of the characters but keep OTHER characters from Universe 2 to interact with Universe 1. Let's go back to the Avengers sample; Sherlock (Tony), John (Steve) and Molly (Natasha) meet and interact with Bruce Banner and Clint. Now it's a FUSION of two universes, interacting and existing based on the actions of what our BBC AvengersLock is doing.
A fusion can ALSO be adapting or using a franchise storyline as inspiration for the plotline of what an author is writing, ie. the rules of ONE franchise's universe can be brought into another. So you can have a FUSION of Sherlock and the X-Files by adapting an X-Files episode as inspiration for the story with BBC Sherlock characters, but doesn't necessarily take place in the X-Files Universe, just simply the rules of the X-Files universe apply also to the BBC Sherlock Universe.
ALL that said, the gist of what I'm trying to say is this: All Crossovers and Fusions are Alternate Universes, but not all Alternate Universes are Crossovers/Fusions.
I tried my best to simplify everything as best I could, so I hope I helped a bit. And hey, if I'm wrong somewhere, or you want better clarification, feel free, all, to reply or send me another ask :)
Cheers, all <3
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See... I didn't even say I have a problem with SolarMoon. I literally said "I don't care what y'all ship" At least do not add words in my mouth. I couldn't careless about shipping in this show that's main thing for so long is about family. You and your friends quickly became defensive when I am not even accusing you of incest shipping. I WASN'T accusing you of that nor am I trying to "GOTCHA" you. Reread my message if you have to. Being quickly defensive and assuming I'm trying to get a moral high ground when the point of my first message doesn't even involve SolarMoon, you immediately reduce me to some kind of malicious dumb hater of the ship that, again, I didn't even mention nor express hatred towards.
The point of my previous message was, Earth said in that ranking video when Lunar immediately placed Solar on the sibling rank "Does he count as sibling? He's, he's a cousin" I GET IT, that they are not bio-related and Earth likes to give a title to people she holds dear, and that she's not making/using a family tree. If Earth sees him as a cousin, what's wrong with that? Why not let her label him as a cousin to her, instead of going "No, no one in the celestial siblings views him as a cousin" when clearly Earth does. She wouldn't give him a familial title if she doesn't see him as that familial title. That's my point and I'm sorry that it wasn't clear in my first message. And I probably missed the video where Earth apologized to Solar for giving him the cousin title and Solar showing discomfort for it. I didn't see that happening in any episodes so far as I am rewatching. All I've watched is Solar saying that "it doesn't roll off the tongue"
Okay. I debated wether to reply to this, but I think I will.
I will be fully honest with upmost transparency.
I understand where you are coming from.
Truly I do.
But at the same time. Someone coming to my askbox and accusing me of spreading lies is an accusation I don't take lightly.
And if you read like 20 plus bad faith attacking Anon messages in the past month.... That wears mentally on you. So when one person comes with general confusion toward the mater, when it looks like the same asks that are designed to trap me, and especially when they're on Anon, you would be a little defensive and use the ask as a talking point for other things.
So I do apologize if my initial response came out as aggressive or defensive.
The whole "cousin as a joke" thing is very up to interpretation of this whole thing.
Is Solar saying he's a cousin cus he thinks it easier, or if he really sees himself as one?
If he does? If he's a robot, can't he change his mind?
Can Solar still be considered a member of the family?
Also yeah.
I've had "cousins" who were friends of the family, who I wasn't biology related to in any way. They were just the daughters and sons of my parents friends in college.
So theoretically, if we ever developed feelings I think my parents would be supportive. Because that's the "cousin-friend" and not the "bio-cousin"
Same thing as having a mom or dad friend in the group.
And is there anything inherently wrong with viewing Solar as a cousin? Or strictly related?
No. Absolutely not.
If you view them strictly as family, that is Your interpretation and by all means, I won't take that away from you.
But I personally don't view Solar as related. He is still a close family friend and member of the family without being those things.
I shipped Solarmoon since Summer of 2023. I only very recently as of this year been vocal about it with mixed reception.
And I know SolarMoon will not happen. I don't want it to. And I know the show is about family bonds. And I know thats the VAs for a fact do not care about this.
At all.
It's just a funny little thing I speculate about for fun.
Especially when it comes to things that happen in the show, I just use it as a spring board for speculation and fun headcanons. So when I say "I ship them as Au" it literally means "the cousin label was never given to him in the first place, or he used it as an excuse and changed his mind later."
Which, is a thing.
Cause again.
They're robots.
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Tag Game: Writing Patterns
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there’s a pattern.
Tagged by @squireofgeekdom thank you! This seems fun. It's all going to be Writer's Month fills (I'll exclude the poem though)
It was dark, inside the Speed Force. (Alone)
Something was wrong with Barry. He was acting strange, had been ever since Caitlin had picked him up from home. And he was standing too close. (Black Out)
Weather Wizard had actually managed to trap him. (Weather Wizard's Worst Plan Yet)
There were wires missing. Barry had put this together yesterday and now there were wires missing. (Twist of Time)
Even with his powers dampened, Barry could probably have found a way to escape if he was on his own. (Reunite)
Eobard held the hoodie close, breathing it in. (Prize)
I feel I should start this story with it was a dark and stormy night. (The Mystery Lantern)
“When you couldn’t phase,” Cisco said softly. “I… For a moment, I…” (Different)
Cisco seemed right at home on the stage. (Undercover)
“Are we sure putting four speedsters in a car is a good idea?” Eddie asked. (Road Trip)
I think the pattern is the opening tends to be shorter lines rather than full long paragraphs- number 2 with its three whole sentences is the longest opening, most of these are just one sentence paragraphs- though these are all Writer's Month fills, so they are all shorter fics written quite quickly which probably has an influence, I don't know if that pattern would stay the same if I compared these with longer fics and the no deadline to work to shorter fics that I often write. I wouldn't be surprised if most tend to start quite quickly though, especially with shorter fics.
Almost all of them mention a character within the first line, so maybe that feels like prioritising establishing characters over establishing setting? I suppose there's also some influence there of- with the exception of number 7- all these are set within the canon setting (even if they get labelled canon divergent AUs) and because it's fic there's an assumption the reader is probably already familiar with the setting and the characters, so maybe don't need as much.
7 is a full AU, so there's a little more on setting that comes later, but it's the third fic in the Barriscowest Sherlock Holmes AU, so there is some that's still skipped over because I wrote it in a different fic. Its main inspiration being the Sherlock Holmes books is also why it does feel different to write, it's the only time I write in first person, I usually use third person limited, and I do try and write them to attempt to feel like someone who grew up in the Victorian era is writing them (though actually, they're probably being written somewhen between the late 30s and early 50s, because they're Iris- and Cisco- going back and writing everything down again for their grandchildren to have the whole story instead of just the parts everyone knows about).
Tagging @kitkatt0430 @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @shrinkthisviolet @angst-is-love-angst-is-life if you'd like!
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incomingalbatross · 11 months
So thoughts on the Gravity Falls episode of Amphibia, after a second watch of it.
It's very much in the spirit of Gravity Falls for AU versions of its characters to exist in other worlds, but I think that it's interesting that this isn't a Frog Gravity Falls... It's a different frog town that just happens to contain Frog Stan, Frog Soos, and Frog Gnomes (Fromes, as they're labeled in the Museum).
Also worth noting that all the Amphibia evidence suggests Anne is from the prime Gravity Falls Earth, but she hasn't met anyone else in either place who seemed like a counterpart of someone from the other world. Amphibia is not Frog AU Earth, generally speaking - it's very much its own thing.
Then there's the Frog Shack itself:
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First off I love that it's on the main street of a completely different frog town but it still has to simulate having evergreens around it. <3 That's essential.
But also hoo boy is it clear that whoever built this place was in dealings with Bill Cipher. It is UNMISTAKABLE. So. That's concerning.
And you know what else is concerning? Frog Stan. Not that he's slightly eviller than our Stan, I'm okay with that (it's not like he even killed any of his waxworks, they're FINE). My concern is WHERE IS HIS FAMILY??
This is set in 2019. Even if his personal timeline isn't in sync with GF's, Bill has been dead for seven years. Where is Frog Ford? Where are the frog Mystery Twins?? Why is Frog Stan apparently alone in his hut with just Frog Soos, trying to make money??
I'm worried about this Stan. If things didn't get better for him in 2012, when will they get better? If he's got the same background as canon Stan, something has clearly gone sideways. :(
Returning to the multiverse considerations, however, I have some points: Frog Stan makes a couple remarks that imply he thinks his frog world is weird; he dismisses Frog Soos's musings on the multiverse in a way that sounds exactly like "Stan dismissing things he secretly knows are real"; and he HAS A CD WALKMAN. WHERE DID HE GET THAT.
He SAYS he got it from Newtopia but we later learn Newtopia has seen zero multiverse travel for a thousand years. Anne & Co. didn't bring this one, or she would have recognized it and said something. STAN. WHERE DID YOU GET THE HUMAN TECHNOLOGY.
Anyway. My working half-explanation for Frog Stan is that he is A) probably not originally from Amphibia but B) definitely did some dimension-traveling sometime in the '00s, somehow. Was he a frog when he started? Unclear. Is he a basic Portal (Frog) Stan who's been traveling since the '80s, is this his own dimension that he had to return to, or is there a more complicated backstory? Don't know.
BUT if he's met other Sooses that would at least explain why this one is "Frog Soos." :P If he's not in his own dimension, that would explain why he's not in a version of Gravity Falls and doesn't have frog niblings around (though it doesn't explain Frog Soos or the fromes), and any kind of portal travel would explain the Walkman.
Unfortunately, if he built the Curiosity Hut after coming to Amphibia, this suggests he made a deal with Bill at some point. :/ And I'm still very concerned about where his brother might be and if he has any remaining hope of finding him.
(It's fine though! It's fine. Our Pines Family can find him at some point and help out, probably. They're good at that. Especially if Anne meets them and is able to tell them about Frog Stan.)
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Ello! I'm Cyrus, and welcome to my blog! This is a side blog to post art and Thoughts™.
☆○°•°○☆ Read First! ☆○°•°○☆
@spacewasnotagoodidea is my main blog! It is 99.9% reblogs (hence why I made this blog) so go there if you want to see me go crazy over fictional characters :>)
@ask-the-metallics is my ask blog for my AvA OCs! There's nothing there yet (so please ask me questions). There is an into post, though!
☆○°•°○☆ About Me! ☆○°•°○☆
Names: Cyrus and Tea (nicknames welcome)
Pronouns: She/They
Age: Miner (Thats all you get >:>)
My labels: Demi-Girl, Lesbian, AroAce
Other things: I get unseasonably obsessed with things, Like to do art, has undiagnosed something, I'm bad at summaries and have been here for almost 2 years now!
☆○°•°○☆ Fandoms! ☆○°•°○☆
More or less from most obsessed to least obsessed: Animation vs Series, Henry Stickmin do you see a pattern?, The Magnus Archives/Protocol, The Mistome Museum, Generation Loss, Shorts Wars, Ranboo Live, Cookie Run, Slimecicle, Stardew Valley, Minecraft, Ace Attorney, Hermitcraft, Doug Doug, The Amazing Digital Circus, In ___ With Markiplier, The Stanley Parable, Welcome to Night Vale, ULTRAKILL, Dream smp.
Damn that's a lot
☆○°•°○☆ Art Stuff! ☆○°•°○☆
I'm doing Art Fight this year! When I get all my stuff done, that will be my pined post. But till then (and after), this will be pined.
I am taking doodle requests (Unless stated otherwise)! I will try to get to them quickly but the Horrors™ might get to me first.
☆○°•°○☆ Music Stuff! ☆○°•°○☆
I'll do art for most of my fandoms except for the following (I'm bad/don't wanna): Shorts Wars, Cookie Run, Stardew Valley, Ace Attorney, The Amazing Digital Circus, Doug Doug, The Stanley Parable, Welcome to Night Vale, ULTRAKILL, The Mistome Museum and Dream smp.
My music taste can be split like this: 30% Indie, 35% Nerd Core, 25% Soundtracks and lyric-liss songs, 8% Japanese Songs, and 2% Sad stuff.
I also make playlists!
"Thank you" (Generation Loss)
"And I fell in love Instantly" (WTNV)
"I can't lose you, _nala" (CyberAttack (an AvA au)
A Playlist that Reminds me of Captain (In Space with Markiplier)
My current Favorites!
☆○°•°○☆ AUs! ☆○°•°○☆
Way of the Wind Au (AvA) - Four fatality wounded teens wind up in front of the Wind God's temple are able to mutter out one last prayer before collapsing on it's front steps
My OCs Au (AvA)- A small gang of meet a new member (and friend)
Zombie Au (AvA) - There is a zombie apocalypse on the canvas but everything's fineeee, as long as we don't talk about Florida.
☆○°•°○☆ Tags! ☆○°•°○☆
Magical Girl Au (AvA) - [I'm not to sure how to explain it but it's like kid show magical girl show. It's sweet tho] Coming soon!
Bendy and the Ink Machine Au (AvA) - Very much just "What if the BATIM characters were also AvA?" so it's simple.
Hear the Stars Wispers (Charlie Slimecicle) - Charlie's new job is doing numbers on his mental health. Maybe there was a reason this place was abandoned for a few months. (Inspired by his Voices of the Void stream)
Break the 4th Wall (AvA) - Yellow's machine didn't break; more like did something it wasn't supposed to do. Something that lead to Kaori to frantically call her husband. Today's going to be a long day. (The sticks end up in the real world and Alan was just trying to get groceries.)
Main TADC Au (AvA) - Today hasn't been fun. First someone broke into his house. Then said person knock them out. And now he was here, in this circus place. He doesn't even know how he got there. Worst of all, he might have a concussion; he can't remember his name. (Alan in The Amazing Digital Circus)
Second TADC Au (AvG) - Look, they were just trying to film a video and now they're stuck. They were just trying to play Minecraft and for some reason it didn't work! Why are they in a circus?? (Alan and DJ in The Amazing Digital Circus)
The Amazing Animated Circus (AvA) - "What if the TADC characters were also AvA?"
A Different Path (AvA) - I throw Alan back to like a month before chosen's creation. What will he do? (Inspired by @/i3utterflyeffect's Untitled-3 Au)
Also feel free to ask about my head-cannons! (This goes of all fandoms!)
#Baps you cutely - Reblogs
#Space Rambles - Text posts
#Art Fight - Art Fight stuff!
#My Art - Art
#Asks - Ask responses
#Doodles - Doodles responses
#Way of the Wind AU #WotW AU - Au stuff
#Zomble AU - Au stuff
#The Metallics #AvA OCs - AvA OC stuff
Fandom specific tag are the same as they are across tumblr :3
#Magical Girl AU - Au stuff
#BATIMxAVA - Bendy and the Ink Machine Au
#Hear the Stars Wispers AU #HSW AU - Au stuff!
#Break the 4th Wall AU #BT4W AU - Au stuff!
#Main TADC AU - Au stuff!
#Second TADC AU - Au stuff!
#The Amazing Animated Circus AU #TAAC AU - Au Stuff!
#A Different Path AU #ADP AU - Au stuff!
#My OCs - All my OCs!
#Extra Extra! - Stuff that doesn't fit under anything else.
☆○°•°○☆ Banners! ☆○°•°○☆
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burningdarkfire · 4 months
dear critter (wildflowers 2024)
Hi! I’m burningdarkfire on both AO3 and tumblr.
The prompts below are in order of preference, although of course I would be excited about anything listed (which is why I listed them!). If you want reference points, I’ve written 50+ critrole fics on my main AO3 account that you are welcome to peruse. 
I read widely and am hard to shock or dismay. In general, I would prefer for you to write something you are comfortable with than tie yourself into knots trying to fulfill my vision. Confident writing is fun to read!
I am not active in discord servers but you can always reach me on tumblr if you have questions. Here is last year's Dear Critter letter if you'd like it for reference.
Details below!
I love reading and writing about trans characters, but I do not want to put the pressure of conforming to my complex preferences onto a gifter. Please avoid any unrequested genderfuckery—there are two exceptions that I will detail in the next section.
I do not want any included or implied character backstory for Essek Thelyss that whumps him to explain or excuse his actions—this includes abuse from his family members, abuse from members of the Cerberus Assembly, etc. Additionally, I strongly prefer that Essek returns to the Dynasty post-campaign and tries to build a home there.
I do not want sprinklings of other languages in the fic—this includes snippets of dialogue, recurring jokes, nicknames, pet names, etc. I know it’s a canon characteristic for some but I prefer not to read it. It’s fine for the narration to indicate that characters are speaking in other languages or if there is a specific purpose to the change in language (e.g., familial titles that don’t translate if they are strictly necessary for the world-building).
Explicit fic, including both smut and darkfic
Power dynamics, complicated relationships, codependency, devotion, strong platonic bonds, relationships that defy labels, polyamory, having casual sex or sex between people who are not in a romantic relationship, waking up together, laughing together, descriptions of food and other small aspects of domestic life, found family
Stories that explore the role gender plays in character—the two exceptions to the above "no genderfuckery" are a/b/o and Rule 63
I absolutely adore aromantic Caleb Widogast with my whole heart
Request #1: Campaign 2 Wizard Soups
Astrid/Eadwulf/Essek/Caleb, Astrid/Essek, Astrid/Eadwulf/Essek, Eadwulf/Essek
Definitely my flavour of the year! They're so similar and yet so different—I love to imagine how they might fit (or not fit!) with each other. There's a lot of potential post-canon for complicated feelings—jealousy, nostalgia, missing someone even though they're right there, staking claims on Caleb's past/present/future, budding and re-budding relationships. I don't need Caleb to be present in a fic where he isn't included in the central pairing, but I think his presence or absence is exactly what makes A/E/W contending with each other interesting. I love it when no one knows the answer to "what are we?"  Divergent canons, such as Volstrucker!Bren, are also totally okay and encouraged. I particularly enjoy explorations of the canon where Astrid kills Trent and/or the existence of the Volstrucker continue under her hand. I think there's a lot of opportunity to explore how A/E/W are much closer to the dirty details of running a nation versus an idealistic Caleb—how might they collaborate or antagonize? 
Request #2: Campaign 2 Blumendrei
Astrid/Eadwulf/Caleb, Astrid&Eadwulf&Caleb, Astrid/Eadwulf, Astrid/Caleb, Eadwulf/Caleb
It's my fucking bread and butter and I'll take pretty much anything. Academy days, post-campaign reunion, the most nebulous of timelines or the most obscure of AUs. I'm happy to read about assassination missions, eating lunch together, or an AU with nonsensical white collar office jobs. How did their relationship start—how did it fall apart—how did they reconnect? It can be nostalgic, happy, or toxic. It's fine if not all the characters involved are queer, as long as they're together. The sky's really the limit here!
Request #3: Campaign 2 Wizard Shenanigans
Astrid/Jester, Astrid&Jester, Astrid/Beauregard, Astrid&Beauregard, Astrid/Marion, Eadwulf/Fjord/Jester, Caleb/Lucien, Caleb/Nott, Caleb/Essek/Jester, Caleb/Essek/Fjord, Caleb/Marion
Basically this is the catch-all category for "happy to read more about the wizards"! Again, pretty much anything goes—flirty and fun, serious parallel character studies, "what if" moments in canon that might have turned another way. Non-canonical pairings in the background are okay and even encouraged. If Fjord and/or Jester are involved, I've always held an immense soft spot for Pirate AUs (set in Exandria or elsewhere). My only preference is that Astrid, Wulf, and Caleb remain on good (or just unknown) terms if the fic is focused on them with other partners.
Request #4: Campaign 2 Polynein
M9/M9, Fjord/Beauregard, Caleb/Beauregard
I believe deeply that relationships don't have to all look the same—I would love to explore what Polynein looks like, in the canon world or another! What does it look like with children involved, with marriages, with differing or changing primary partners, when the Nein are scattered across the globe?  Including the Beauregard pairs here as I feel like they're natural fits in this category, but I would also be interested in how you can make them work otherwise!
Request #5: EXU Calamity
Asmodeus the Lord of the Nine Hells/Zerxus Ilerez
I just think there should be more fic about how they're fucked up together and what it looks like for them to be bonded to each other post-game. I'm not particularly caught up on Campaign 3 but would be interested to read what they might be up to in the "current day" of canon (spoilers totally fine) or at any other point in the past or future. Please don't soften the sharp edges of this one.
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I’ve also randomly had thought of a High School AU with them! I always thought it was kinda cute how their dynamic is very role reversal with their age difference. Typical in American HS stories is a big deal if the freshman girl gets the attention of the hot guy senior but in their case Ada is the hot senior and he’s the freshman that wants to impress her lol it definitely feels that way in RE2R.
The scenario I’ve always had was freshman Leon enters school (becomes very popular himself) meets Ada for the first time via a very great encounter that I haven’t come up with yet lol but I see her as a bit of a loner, preferring to hang by herself, so maybe stumbles upon her alone in her favorite nook in the library and develops a huge crush, not knowing she’s a senior. When he tells his crew (other RE cast members) they (likely Claire telling him she heard from her older brother) tell them everything the know about her & advise him to stay away from her bc of school gossip labeling her as a “bitch, Maneater, selfish, slut,” (basically everything real life Ada haters call her). Leon doesn’t care about what they say and pursues her anyway, and during his pursuit, even Ada herself advises he shouldn’t be interested in her, but that doesn’t stop his persistence. Her breaks through her resolve, date through the school year and have cute moments/experiences together until finally the angst shows up!
Close towards the end of the school year, they have a fight over something. Haven’t thought it all through yet but something along the lines of Ada lying to him about something or keeping something from him. He finds out and confronts her, in his anger says things he doesn’t truly mean, maybe about how everyone was right about her. Ada would let him believe that, maybe act nonchalant about it and they break up. School gossip now sees Leon as just another poor victim of her. Leon is left with mixed emotions regret and bad for some of the stuff he said, doesn’t really believe what people label her as after getting to see all the different sides of her when they were dating. But at the same time is still hurt & angry, yet also wants to be with her. He ends up never having the courage to speak to her again up to the end of the school year so she ultimately graduates and goes off the college.
They don’t talk again for years until after he graduates. At that point he convinces himself he’s accepted all the things left unsaid between them and it was probably for the best, thinking “no one really ends up with their HS sweetheart anyways right?” but then finally sees her again…Like RE4 I would out around 6 years where he’s 21/22 and she’s 24/25 when they come across each other again, maybe even older 🧐 From there I hadn’t thought enough ahead how their reunion would go lol
These are the Aeon brain rot things that keep me up at night 😭😂
this is adorable!!!!
leon with a baby face makes me >:3
send me more! i'd love to do a collab or something hehe
also gave you a really long tag lmao
i feel like they'd meet in the library or something, even though leon's popular later, he's still horrible with the ladies, they think he's cringe or just too young. or something. kinda in like the whole "he's so hot, but he's your friend's younger brother type of way."
he stumbles into ada eating lunch on her own and he's not expecting it at all, maybe her head in buried in a book and it's one of his favourites. they bond over that and then he leaves it at that. maybe one of them asks where leon was at lunch the other day and he said he had it in the library and they're like ?? what the hell were you doing in the library? and eventually they figure out it's because of ada. they warn him that's she's trouble or whatever and (also i hate the narrative that ada gets called a slut, cause if anything, another main female character has actually been written to be sexually promiscuous, but ada gets labelled as a "slut??" get outta hereee)
i'd actually love a bit of a banter between these two, and also cause i feel like "slut shaming" is so prevalent in high school that it would be interesting discourse
i could imagine them maybe getting together for a while and she doesn't want to tell him that she's actually leaving after graduating to go travel or something and she lied about what school she was going to. (leon was planning to go to a certain one, and ada panicked and just said, yeah same) and he's hurt over the idea of not being able to see her.
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