#also i love connie francis
moth3rr · 1 year
How I See Myself Trend♚❥
A Celebrity, A Place, A Food
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A Thing, An Animal, A Hobby
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A Style, A Song, A Character
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pizzaqueen · 2 years
It’s got to the point where even songs about people with names that rhyme with Eddie make me think about him! 😅 I keep singing Betty Betty (Go Steady With Me) with Eddie instead lol and it has the added bonus of the steady/Steddie connection I guess haha
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dulceslilacwine · 2 months
black beauty
dallas winston x reader
word count: 1.9k
warnings: none! just some angst i guess?
authors note: this is sort of based on lana del rey's song black beauty :) i think i'll be basing a lot of my oneshots off of songs until i can conjure up some more plots! also, i know the grammar isn't perfect let me live!!! btw I'm not sure if I'll write a part two to this or not
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years had passed since you last saw dallas, it hurt more than anything keeping away from him, but you knew you couldn't do anything about it. memories of the last night you had spent with him haunted you, kept you awake at night, and sometimes brought you to tears to the point where all you could do was lay in bed, staring at the wall wondering if you could've done anything to keep your relationship.
eventually, you learned to live with it. you didn't cry every night, you could sleep a few more hours than before, the pain was still there but you learned to numb it as much as you could. you decided to turn your heartbreak into something else, something that people would listen to, that he would possibly hear.
your friends all thought you were talented, that out of all the greasers you had something going, you would get out of tulsa and live freely, without a worry in the world. many told you to go to open mic nights, sign up for talent shows, sing in the church, anything or anywhere that someone other than just your friends would be able to listen to your voice, but you always refused. you had thought about wanting to sing but quickly snapped out of those thoughts as it would be near impossible to make it big, especially considering where you were from. the only person who ever got you to attend an open mic night was dallas, at a random bar in town.
the two of you were in your room, an elvis record played in the background while you talked, it was getting late and you were starting to get bored after being inside all day, dallas just arrived a few minutes after you decided to call it a night. he suggested going to a bar, and you agreed, wanting to spend some more time with him and he drove to the bar which had a notice on the door saying "open mic night, come sing!"
the two of you talked, and he drank a beer while you sipped on a daiquiri, not with much enjoyment but as the night went on, you and dallas judged the singers, people watched and enjoyed each other's company, and you began to like the drink. when you were on your second one, dallas suggested you go and sing a song. you said no about five times, telling him you were nervous.
"come on, doll, i've heard you sing before, you've got a pretty voice," he told you, he had heard you sing before, but that wasn't the reason behind the nervousness, you had never sung in front of a crowd of people you didn't know, the thought of them not liking how you sounded frightened you. another person went up to sing, you had just finished your second daiquiri, and once again, dallas suggested you sing.
you gave in because of the liquid courage, you put your name on the list with the song you wanted to sing, stupid cupid by connie francis. it seemed fitting as it was the beginning of february and everyone had been singing songs relating to love, whether it be about a broken heart or a love confession, you decided to be on theme.
you had your moment, up on the makeshift stage, some people sang along quietly, and you earned some claps and whistles, satisfied with yourself you went back to where dallas was sitting.
"told you, the people liked your singin','' he told you, his arm wrapping around your waist before giving you a kiss on the cheek.
that night had been just a little over two years. the night you remember the most out of all was the last night you spent together.
for two weeks before that, you had felt him getting distant. you tried not to worry so much over it, you two had been together for almost a year and you constantly heard people talking about how sometimes in long relationships there will be times one person can be distant, there isn't a spark like there was before, one or the other could get bored but it was all a matter of staying together and working through these times. you thought it was just that, so you didn't pay any mind to it.
he came over to talk to you, that was what he said when he called to check if you were home. when you opened your door and saw his face, you noticed he didn't smile at you like he usually did. with no kiss from him, he walked in and you two sat in your living room.
"I think it's the best for us to end things, doll." you saw in his face how he noticed your eyes were starting to tear up. "why, dal?'' you asked with a shaky voice, hoping you wouldn't cry in front of him. "it's for the better of us," he told you, he had an expression you couldn't read, he looked so calm but at the same time bored.
all you could do was nod, walk him to the door, and whisper an "I love you," before closing the door. the days after seemed like a blur, you couldn't sleep, you couldn't eat, and you didn't want to do anything, not read, write, listen to music, or get out of bed.
but that was months ago and today, you were going to meet with a journalist for an interview that would be going in the newspapers. you were excited, after all, you couldn't believe how far you had gotten in only a few months after the release of your first record.
"so, tell us about the song people have been most interested in, black beauty, what is it about?" the man asked. i took a moment to think about how to word everything because that was the first song i wrote and it meant a lot to me. "it's mostly about myself but a partner i had a few years back inspired it. things didn't end in the best way, i was left with a lot of questions and it left me in a horrible state for a few months, i forgot how beautiful life was because i let the sadness consume me. eventually, i started to live normally, well as best as one could after such a big heartbreak," i joked, trying to not sound too serious. "i wrote it after looking back on everything and thinking 'wow I was really in a bad place' and once again turning that into even more of a realization of me being able to enjoy life once again.”
"you won't believe who's on the paper!" ponyboy told johnny, walking into the living room of his house and taking a seat next to his friend.
"who?" johnny asked, taking a peek at the newspaper pony was holding. he smiled upon seeing the black-and-white picture of the girl the gang had spent so much time around before.
the pair read the newspaper, making comments here and there on the answers to the questions. when they had finished reading the last column about the song black beauty they turned to look at each other seemingly connecting some dots in their heads. "do you think she wrote it about dally?" ponyboy asked and before johnny could answer they heard the door open, revealing dallas who was smoking a cigarette.
they turned quiet, dally took notice and saw the newspaper in ponyboys hand. "anything good?" he asked, taking a seat on the couch. "see for yourself," ponyboy answered, handing him the newspaper.
dallas raised an eyebrow at him as he grabbed the paper and read it. he thought it was gonna be some boring story, but his eyes widened as he read your name and about your song.
he regretted leaving you, it was always a constant thought in his head even after two years. the guilt of it ate at him every day, especially when he heard the gang talking about how you hadn’t been doing well after the break-up, they avoided saying your name or mentioning how you were doing, but sometimes when dally would leave for a moment they took it as a chance to talk about you.
it hurt him to know he was the cause of your pain but he knew it would be for the better. he thought you deserved better, somebody who could give you more.
ponyboy and johnny watched him as he read the paper trying to grasp what was going through his mind.
“I’m glad she’s doin’ good.” dallas said, handing the paper back to pony.
“do you think it’s about you?” ponyboy asked. dally looked at him for a moment before replying. “maybe,” he said with a shrug. he knew it was about him, he knew how you wrote poems when something affected you, he thought only this time you chose to make something bigger out of the pain.
although you got where you wanted to be, there was always something missing. you thought of him every day, what he was doing, how he was feeling, if he even remembered you. in every letter you wrote to one of the guys from the gang, you asked about dallas, they all wrote back with seemingly the same response. he was alright, still causing trouble where he could and whatnot.
a few weeks after that interview, johnny received a letter from you. you updated him on the things going on in your life, you asked how he was doing, and what the gang was up to but most importantly you asked him to tell dally you said hello.
johnny kept the letter folded up in the pocket of his jean jacket, waiting for a chance to show it to dallas. the gang decided to go to the drive-in that night, johnny went over to the curtis household to show ponyboy the letter. sodapop was there when johnny got to the house and the boys read the letter.
"are you gonna tell him she said hi?" soda asked, taking a bite of his sandwich. "well she asked me to, so i have to." the boy replied. he nodded and ponyboy chimed in. "do you think he'll take it well?" "possibly, there's no hiding the fact he still cares for her. you saw his face when he read that paper about her." "i think he'll be happy, i know dally likes showing off as tough but you could tell he really loved her. do you remember his face whenever he brought her up? i still don't get why he decided to leave her." the boys agreed with soda and left the conversation at that.
"hey, i got a letter today that you might wanna read." johnny told dally nervously, taking the letter out of his pocket and unfolding it before handing it to him. dally was confused, but he took the letter from johnny and began reading it. he immediately recognized your handwriting and he was even more confused as to why johnny was making him read the letter that was clearly not for dallas, for a moment he thought johnny was taunting him. it wasn't until he got to the last few lines that he realized why johnny had him read it.
he handed the letter back without saying a word and was quiet during the whole movie, the gang quickly noticed but didn't mention it, because they knew why. at the end, when they were walking out, dallas turned to johnny.
"you think you could give me her address so i can write to her?"
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emlovslennon · 9 months
could u maybe write about george x reader where they are enemies/rivals to lovers. The reader is also an artist in Liverpool and the Beatles and her perform at the same gig.
YES this is such a cute idea!! I definitely need to make more George content and realized I’ve made 0 Paul oopsie daisy😭😭
You were 18 and an upcoming artist in your local Liverpool scene, you’ve wanted to perform ever since you were 5 years old, and you were doing quite well for yourself. Well, that was until a new a group came along, they called themselves “The Beatles” which you thought was a ridiculous name, I mean come on, a bug of all things? They were “stealing your shine” as you’d like to call it, when, in reality, you were just jealous. You did, however, have somewhat of a rivalry when it came to you and their guitarist, George Harrison. You were both the same age and extremely competitive. It didn’t help you and him were both performing at the same venue, “The Cavern Club” where you two both started out. You had to admit, it was your favorite place to perform, but you couldn’t but feel abnormally anxious. I mean, what if everyone is only there for them and not for you? You felt completely irrelevant. As you sat backstage, fidgeting with your fingers trying your hardest to not have a panic attack, 4 boys who you recognized immediately walked into your dressing room, including George.
“What the bloody hell are you guys doing in here? I could have been naked!?” You yelled angrily. The boys just seemed to laugh it off, bastards.
“Oh, calm your knickers, y/n. We just came in to tell you good luck, no need for such an attitude.” George said, he was cheeky, that’s for sure.
“Well, thanks. Now get out.” You replied, pointing at the door, the other boys snickered and giggled as they walked out, but for some odd reason, George stayed.
“I meant you too, Harrison. Get out.” You said, louder, George just chuckled.
“Alright, alright.” He laughed as he waltzed out of the room. As much as you couldn’t stand him, you slowly felt a blush cover your cheeks, you’re lucky he left before he was able to see it.
The show finally started, and there was about 170 people attendees, it wasn’t the biggest venue, but in your mind, that’s a hell of a lot of people. The boys were on first, so you had some time, you just decided to look from backstage, and you just sop happened to be on George’s side of the stage. Which no matter how much you hated to admit it, you weren’t complaining.
They were on a good hour, your eyes were glued to George the entire time, and, to your surprise, he even turned and winked at you a couple times, along with a smile or two. If your blush wasn’t visible then, it sure was now. I mean, it pretty much felt like he dedicated the song “that’ll be the day” which was a Buddy Holly cover, to you. That’s a lot. Unfortunately, they all went off the opposite side of the stage. You knew that meant one thing, you were next. Your heart was racing and you knew had to perform the best you could, you knew it wasn’t a competition, but it sure as hell felt like it.
“And now, ladies and gentlemen, give a warm welcome to the lovely y/n l/n!”
You walked on a stage with a smile on your face and waved, the crowd cheered and you could even hear some whistles, but you ignored it. You slowly grabbed the mic and got yourself ready to perform. Your biggest hit was a cover of Connie Francis’ “Stupid Cupid” it was a fantastic song and it fit your vocal range perfectly.
(It’s such a good song stream it LMAO)
You also went on for a good hour, your voice was starting to get strained and sore and you couldn’t possibly wait to get off the stage, you turned to your right and saw the boys watching you, Paul gave you a thumbs up while George blew a kiss. Your blush was visible now and you knew everyone was noticing. After you performed your final song, the crowd cheered for a good minute and the announcer gave you a quick hug and a “good job” before you went back stage, as soon as you were out of view from the crowd, George swooped you into a hug, you knew you should push him away, but you didn’t, you just couldn’t.
“Wow, y/n. I gotta say, you have the voice of an angel.” He praised, putting your hand into his, your breath hitched.
“Oh, t-thank you, George. You do too.” You said, completely flustered, you looked down out of shyness, not being able to look him in the eye. He slowly grabbed your chin with his fingers and made you look up at him, as he looked you deep in the eyes, asking for permission to kiss you. You leaned in slowly until your lips connected into a slow, passionate kiss. Well, that was until the boys gave out numerous “oooo’s” and “I knew it’s.”
“Hey, would you wanna go on tour with me and the boys? It’ll be worth it, I promise, I don’t wanna be without ya, y/n.” He said, squeezing your hand slightly. You nodded eagerly as the boys cheered.
Maybe The Beatles weren’t that bad.
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derangedanomaly · 4 months
Songs that I listen to while drawing the boys
(super random post- but I just thought I'd share this with ya lol. All of these songs fit them btw)
Lana Del Rey: Diet Mountain Dew, Trash Magic, I want it all
Melanie Martinez: The Contortionist
6arelyhuman: Faster N Harder
DPR IAN: Don't Go Insane
Laurie Anderson: O Superman (ISTFG THIS FITS HIM SO MUCH)
Slowdive: When The Sun Hits
Lady Gaga: Heavy Metal Lover
Grimes: Genesis
Billie Eilish: What Was I Made For? (THIS ALSO FITS HIM SO MUCH)
Rihanna: Breaking Dishes, Disturbia
T-Pain: Take your shirt off
Adele: Skyfall
Madonna: 4 Minutes
Bambee: Bumblebee
Elvis Presley: Can't help falling in love with you
Isabel LaRosa: Older
Mitski: Me and My Husband, Your best American Girl
Black Gryph0n: INSANE
Insane Clown Posse: Halls Of Illusions
Beetlejuice musical: That Beautiful Sound
Namika: je ne parle pas français
Lana Del Rey: Once Upon A Dream
Dev: Monster
Slipknot: People = Shit
Lydia the Bard: Cover of TOXIC (Sadder and darker)
Heathers, the musical: Meant To Be Yours
Ayesha Erotica: Shitzu, Where you at, Hands Up!
Adele: Million Years Ago
Lady Gaga: Bad Romance
Theory of a Deadman: Bitch came back
Cigarettes After Sex: Cry, Sunsetz, Crush, Sweet, Apocalypse, K
Mitski: Lonesome Love, First Love / Late Spring
Mindless Self Indulgence: Lights Out
JT Music: Anytime You Smile
Miike Snow: Genghis Khan
Charlie XCX: Speed Drive
Tom Cardy: Red Flags
Connie Francis: Stupid Cupid
Arctic Monkeys: I wanna be yours
Jamie Foxx: Fly Love
Måneskin: GOSSIP
Melanie Martinez: Evil
Beyoncé: Beautiful Liar
Wheatus: Teenage Dirtbag
Queen: Bohemian Rhapsody
J. Cole: She knows
TV Girl: Lovers Rock
Lustra: Scotty Doesn't Know
Rammstein: Sonne
Tally Hall: Two Wuv
Mother Mother: Problems
6arelyhuman: Hands Up!, GMFU
Elvis Presley: Jailhouse Rock
Kreayshawn: Go Hard (La.La.La)
Toy-Box: E.T.
Boygenius: Not Strong Enough
4 Door Theater: Porcelain Face
Britney Manson: FASHION
Psychosticks: I can only count to four
Ryan Gosling: I'm just Ken (he's a fan 😔✋)
Tom Cardy: H.Y.C.Y.BH, Best Friends
Owl City: Good time
Dazey and the Scouts: Wet
Melanie Martinez: EVIL, Cake
Cavetown: Boys Will Be Bugs, Devil Town
Faouzia: Born Without a Heart
Maddie Zahm: Fat Funny Friend
Soddiken: Hansel
Mitsuki: Abbey
The Dresden Dolls: My Alcoholic Friends
Radiohead: Creep
Sarah Cothran: As The World Caves In
Skillet: Monster
TOOPOOR: Crazy Girls
Lady Gaga: Government Hooker (I just can't help but imagine the man's voice as Ted's- 😭)
6arelyhuman: XOXO
Insane Clown Posse: Halls of Illusion
Why did I actually spend my time doing this? 💀
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Walkerverse Character Tier List
Hello Walker Family! I'm here announcing the beginning of the Walkerverse Character Tier List series!
I've created a list of characters from Walker and Walker: Independence to put in a tier list ranking. I will be releasing a series of polls with all these characters (including pictures and brief reminders of their roles) to determine which Tier List ranking they get. Whichever option from S to F gets the most votes will become the official ranking of that character.
Here is the criteria I used to select the characters I'm putting in the poll series:
They must have a name on the imdb page
They must have a minimum of two appearances
I have to remember them, regardless of their appearance count
Single appearances that were special/memorable will also be included (ex: Uncle Willy, Minnie Jayne)
The rankings will be as follows:
S tier: Best character in the show, love them with all my heart, they can do literally nothing wrong
A tier: Beloved blorbo, one of my favorites, I'd want to be friends with them if they were real
B tier: I like them, but I have my critiques. A good character that I mostly enjoy
C tier: Mid character, not the biggest fan of them but I won't complain when they show up
D tier: I don't like them. I have many criticisms of their actions and personality. I may even dislike whole episodes because of them
F tier: Literally the worst character in the entire show. Hate them. Much dislike. I fastforward over them on rewatches.
I currently have pictures (for the poll and the complete tierlist that I will link when it is public) for 39 of the 120+ characters I put on the list, so that's where I will be starting. I will include the full list of all the characters from both shows below the cut along with the taglist.
The first poll will go up on Monday, September 23rd! Can't wait to see what you guys think!
@theladywyn, @jaredwalkertexasranger, @laf-outloud, @aborddelimpala, @mysterybeau, @sweet-sammy-kisses, @kickingitwithkirk, @rhl74, @peachparakeet, @dumb-fawkin-bitch, @loveforwomenstuff, @low-soduimfreak, @ihavepointysticks, @waywardmaslow, @arte-mishuntress, @the-slythering-raven, @deeranger, @duo-kun, @inafieldofdaisies, @not-your-housekeeper98, @nancymcl, @sammysnaughtygirl
Cordell Walker
Liam Walker
Abeline Walker
Bonham Walker
Stella Walker
August Walker
Larry James
Trey Barnett
Geri Broussard
Cassie Perez
Micki Ramirez
Colton Davidson
Ben Perez
Dan Miller
Denise Davidson
Emily Walker
Gale Davidson
Stan Morrison
Clay Cooper
Clint West
Kelly James
Kevin Golden
Isabel Munoz
Trevor Strand
Detective David Luna
Julia Johnson
Hoyt Rawlins
Twyla Jean
Sadie Yoo
DJ James
Keesha Barnett
Carlos Mendoza
Officer Randall
Dr. Adriana Ramirez
Mercedes Ruiz
Miles Vyas
Coach Bobby
Principal Heaney
Byron Santos
Garrison (GM)
Nate Smith
Tessa Graves
Crystal West
Lana Jones
Tommy Adams
Jaxon Davis
Grant McLawson
Alma Munoz
Fenton Cole
Lorezno Munoz
Marv Davidson
Mr. Golden
Owen Campbell
Minnie Jayne
Becca Furgeson
Joanna Rawlins
Cole Tillman
Rebecca Tillman
Walker: Independence:
Abigail Walker
Hoyt Rawlins
Kate Carver
Tom Davidson
Lucia Reyes
Shane Davidson
Chief Taza
Francis Reyes
Luis Reyes
Ethan (Pinkerton Detective)
Salty Dog
Molly Sullivan
Anna Maria Reyes
Cordell the Horse
Burlesque Dancers
Teresa Davidson
Otis Clay
Martha Sullivan
Liam Collins
Eli McDowd
Charlotte “Charlie” Collins
Gil Santiago
Stella Rawlins
Wordell Calker
Amos Acorn
Parker Briggs
Judge Parker
Kirby Smith
Andrew Jones
Judge Carter
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hooked-on-elvis · 1 month
"She Thinks I Still Care" (Single B-side, 1976/1977)
Recording date: February 2, 1976. Release dates: December 1976 (single) / June 19, 1977 (album, "Moody Blue")
RECORDING SESSION Sessions for RCA, February 2–8, 1976: The Jungle Room, Graceland, Memphis The next number, “She Thinks I Still Care,” a George Jones standard by Memphis songwriter Dickey Lee, offered more of the same. The musicians tried adding more rhythm and new vocal parts, but finally returned to the original’s slow country feel.
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RCA’s red recording van docked behind Graceland, early 1977, for what's became known as the "Jungle Room recording sessions". Picture and excerpt taken from book "Elvis Presley: A Life in Music" by Ernst Jorgensen (1998)
First-time released as an A-side single (flip side "Sometimes You Just Can't Win") on April 14, 1962.
Connie Francis — "He Thinks I Still Care" (1962) B-side single (flip side to "I Was Such a Fool (To Fall in Love with You)"
Francis released her cover as a single in September 1962, a few months after George Jones first released the song. The lyrics this time had been slightly changed to match the performer's gender (gender flip: male to female).
Anne Murray — "He Thinks I Still Care" (1973-1974) As released in her 1973 Danny's Song album, and again as a single in 1974.
Elvis was a great fan of female voices in music; as such, among other artists, he admired Anne Murray's work in country music, so one wonders whether he chose to record "She Thinks I Still Care" after hearing Murray's cover on her 1973 album or some other artist previous release, considering other than George Jones and Connie Francis, more big names in the record business such as Cher, Jerry Lee Lewis and Glen Campbell had also released their covers of this tune prior to Elvis' However, Anne Murray's cover was the latest release of the song recorded by a strong name in the music industry regarding the period in which Elvis would release his cover version (late 1976), therefore it's highly probable that Presley took knowledge of Anne's recording and then became interested in covering the song himself, even if he had listened to other previous released versions as well. This is all merely speculation from my part since I haven't read anything yet addressing the origin for Elvis' interest in this specific song but, if you'd ask me, I'd say that letting aside the difference in gender in the lyrics concerning Murray's recording and his own, Elvis' version ("She Thinks I Still Care") sounds much more like Anne's version than the original recording by George Jones', IMHO.
Anne Murray naturally followed Connie Francis' 1962 female version of the lyrics for "She Thinks I Still Care" in her recording.
ELVIS RELEASE 💿 "She Thinks I Still Care" by Elvis Presley was first released on the latter part of 1976 as B-side to the title-track of the then-upcoming album release, "Moody Blue" (1977).
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Singles sleeve "Moody Blue"/"She Thinks I Still Care" (1976); LP cover: "Moody Blue" (1977)
"She Thinks I Still Care" — LYRICS Oh, just because I asked a friend about her Just because I spoke her name somewhere Just because I rang her number by mistake today You know she thinks I, I still care And just because I haunt the same old places (same old places) Where the memories of her linger everywhere Just because I'm not the happy guy I used to be Lord, you know, she thinks I still care Well, if she's happy thinking I still need her Yea, let that silly notion bring her cheer Oh how could she ever be so foolish Tell me where did she get, Lord such an idea Yeah, oh Lord Just because I asked a friend about her And you know, just because I spoke her name somewhere Just because, Lord I saw her and went to pieces Lord, you know, she thinks I, Lord, still care You know, she thinks I, I still care Lord, she thinks I still care Oh no, she thinks I still care
Lyricist: Dickey Lee/Steve Duffy
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kennediva · 14 days
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INTRO !! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) /
My name's Gabrielle, u can call me elle or gab (maybe gabbi/y can do too (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶) .ᐟ.ᐟ) .𖥔 ݁ ˖ 6teen ! filipino-chinese, she/her ,, adhd + ocd
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── .ᡣ𐭩 I love to listen to . . .
ᯓ★ Frank Sinatra, The beatles, Connie Francis, Brenda Lee, Eddie Peregrina and the platters
. . . ᯓ★ I LOVE history, i love to read about it ! I also like the kennedys and I'm kinda learning about them (plz do recommend books about them) I also play cookie run (kingdom + ovenbreak) , genshin impact and PJSK from time to time, i also like clone high lolz (bmf if you like the kennedys omg) -`✮´-
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tags !
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lubtubby · 9 days
rubber soul might just be my fav album apart from please please me n magical mystery tour. i fuck with their junkie druggie psychedelic era SO BAD
AHH YOUR REAL FOR RHAT. ITS SO HARD TO PICK A SPEFIC LIKE ALBUM OR ERA YOU LIKE TH3 MOST WITH THEM you just gotta fw everythinf rhey made. RUBBER SOUL IS MY ALL BEATLES ALBUM WITHOUT A DOUBT, YIUR SO REAL FOR THAT, but... please please me just hits different. That qnd hards day night I also really like just because the early love songs I'm a sucker for. Reminds me of Elvis and Connie Francis and the 50s music and for the druggy area I feel like I like Sargent peppers lonely hearts club band slightly better than magical mystery tour but I'm not sure. I JUST LIKE THE BEATLES ITS REALLY HARD TO PICK!!! your real for that though I especially fw the Indian type sounding junkie songs they made like Within You Without You shit like that
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xxinkys-ocsxx · 6 months
Some random ass headcannons I have for Vox because I'm board and I have no one to share these with :P
(warning: this is pretty x reader but it's not mentioned if its romantic or platonic so you can go either way with lol)
1) vox's music test is like all over the place but you don't know it until you really get to know him lmfao
Ppl/bands I think he likes are:
Marilyn Monroe
Panic at the disgo
Will wood
Neaten apollo
TV girl(ironically)
neon trees
Connie Francis
Big mamma Thornton
Paul Anka
And Elvis presley(he's a BIG elvis fan but dosent rlly tell anyone lmfao)
When you first meet him, and miusic becomes the subject of the conversation he trys to mostly keep to talking about the more popular/modern miusic because yk that's his literal brand, the VEES are up to date with all the Morden shit, what would the Media think if they found out he likes miusic from the 50s?! (even though that's when he was alive)
But when you rlly get to know him(romantic or platonic) he gets more comfortable and casual with playing the miusic he really likes
I can also see him being such a Marilyn Monroe fan boy tbh and will play her miusic and rant about her movies lmfao
(of topic bonus: he's the kinda guy to know alot about behind the seens about films so when your watching a Marilyn Monroe film he's like "did you know that she improvised this hole seen??" or smt like that idk lmfao)
I also think he'd love it if you'd make a playlist for him, he'd act all chill about it when you tell him and he'd be like "oh, cool, thanks" but inside he'd feel so Fucking happy and would play it in the background of whatever he's doing with a little smile when he reminds himself you made this just for him <3
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draganwhorror · 4 months
Everybody's Somebody's Fool
Author Note: This short story idea came to me while I was listening to my iPod one day and the Connie Francis song came on. The story's a bit...dark, I guess, and there will be trigger warnings in the tags. Also, the ending of this fic was inspired by this gif:
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His heart ached. The type of ache that could crush a man’s soul if he let it. And Travis Hackett was ready to die.
He had known it was too good to be true. Of course it had been too good to be true. No woman in their right mind would want someone like him. Travis wasn’t stupid. He had flaws. Lots of them. Travis hated his little pot belly. Of course, he also drank too much, which was the most likely cause of said pot belly, but he needed at least one vice in his life. Why not whiskey?
Travis hated his bald spot. His hair had been thinning for years now, but the bald spot on the back of his head was becoming more pronounced, and he wished there was some way to cover it up that didn’t require a hat.
His personality wasn’t much better than his looks, at least in his own eyes. He knew he could be a miserable grump sometimes. He had his moments. But deep down, Travis was soft. He’d never admit that to anyone, not even his younger brothers, but he was a bit of a hopeless romantic, and he just wanted to be loved. Loved for who he was. Flaws and all.
But it had never been meant to be. The love he’d thought he’d found was no more. And death would be preferable to the heartache he felt in this moment.
Travis sighed, sitting on his worn sofa in his quiet cabin in the woods. He had a bottle of whiskey on the table next to him, and his gun sat next to him as he contemplated ending it all. He doubted anyone would miss him. Maybe his brothers. But they would move on. Live their lives. Have their happily ever afters, whatever that might entail. But for Travis, there would be nothing. No happiness. No love. No joy. Just…darkness.
The memory of her surfaced in his mind. He closed his eyes, wishing he could forget her. Wishing he had never met her. She’d given him too much hope. And hope, for someone like Travis, was a dangerous thing. But he’d let her get under his skin. Let her in. And she had destroyed him. Torn his heart straight from his chest and stomped all over it.
Travis picked up the gun, holding the weight of it in his hand. He stared down at it, wondering what it would be like to be here one moment and gone the next. Would it hurt? Would there be a flash of light and then nothing? What if I failed, though? Travis imagined himself screwing up his own death, lying here alone, in pain—or more pain than he was already in—bleeding out, but not enough to actually kill him. What if I end up paralyzed? Or disfigured? Wouldn’t matter anyway…
Travis scowled, his thoughts running rampant through his mind. Between thinking of her and thinking about death, he felt like he was being torn in two. With a growl, he set the gun down and grabbed the bottle of whiskey, tipping it up so the liquid flowed down his throat, burning as it settled in his belly.
Images of her swam behind his eyes. Her long blonde hair tied back in a ponytail. Her bright blue eyes that seemed to look straight through him into his soul. Her soft pink lips that had pressed a kiss to his cheek…
“No!” Travis grunted, slamming the bottle of whiskey back down on the table.
He didn’t want to remember. He didn’t want to care. He didn’t want to hurt anymore.
He pushed himself up off the couch and walked over to the window, gazing out at the trees that lined his property. A light rain was falling, and the gray sky matched his mood. Closing his eyes, Travis rested his head against the cool glass.
He murmured her name softly, as though saying it any louder would summon her and bring about another fresh wave of heartache. Travis had dealt with his fair share of terrible people—criminals who had done bad things and hurt others—even in a small town like North Kill, but Laura…she had been an actual monster.
Well, okay, no…not an actual monster like a vampire or a werewolf, since those didn’t exist, but Travis viewed her in the same vein. Someone who was out to hurt. Destroy. Kill. And she had succeeded.
The memory of her surfaced again as he opened his eyes, staring out into the gloom. She had come to North Kill with her boyfriend at the time, a nice kid named Max. They had been counselors at his brother’s camp for the summer, but when camp ended, Laura had decided to stay in North Kill and work at the local vet’s office to get some experience before starting school. Max had balked at the idea of sticking around, but he’d gone along with it and had found a job working at the local paper as a junior photographer. That was how Travis had met him. And through Max, he’d met Laura. The first meeting had been the beginning of his downfall.
Travis had been smitten immediately. Sure, Laura was a lot younger than him, but he couldn’t help the way his heart had fluttered in his chest the moment he’d laid eyes on her. And even though he knew she was dating Max, Travis couldn’t help but want her.
He had fought against his feelings, buried them deep down where they couldn’t see the light of day. But despite his best efforts, his heart had betrayed him. Travis had found himself drawn to Laura like a moth to a flame, unable to resist her pull. He had tried to ignore her, to avoid her at all costs, but fate seemed determined to intertwine their lives.
Travis remembered the first time they had spoken alone, a chance encounter at the local diner. Laura’s smile had been so bright, so inviting, that he had found himself opening up to her without even realizing it. They had talked for hours, about everything and nothing at all, as if the rest of the world didn’t exist. In that moment, Travis had allowed himself to believe that maybe, just maybe, there was a chance for him to find happiness.
But then reality had come crashing down around him. Laura’s true colors had emerged slowly but surely, revealing a cruelty that had cut Travis to the bone.
He had been blind to her lies and deceit. She had played him like a fiddle, pulling the strings of his emotions. She had known just what to say, just how to touch him, to make him believe that there was something real between them. And Travis, poor Travis, had fallen for it all.
It wasn’t until he caught her with another man that he realized she had no qualms about hurting not only him but Max as well. It had been a blatant betrayal of trust that had shattered the fragile illusion he had built around her, when he realized the depth of her deception. Laura had used him, toyed with his feelings for her own amusement, discarding him like a used napkin once she grew bored.
Travis’s chest tightened at the memory of her mocking laughter, the way she had smirked as she twisted the knife in his back. He had never felt so foolish, so utterly defeated as he did in that moment of realization.
Travis felt like a fool for falling for her tricks, for believing that someone like her could ever care for someone like him.
As he stood at the window, staring out into the rainy afternoon, Travis clenched his fists in frustration. He couldn't believe he had let himself be so vulnerable, so easily swayed by a woman who cared for no one but herself.
But as the memories of her betrayal swirled in his mind, a sudden determination sparked within Travis. He couldn't let Laura's deceit and heartlessness be the end of him. No, he refused to let her have that power over him any longer.
With a resolute expression hardening his features, Travis turned away from the window and walked purposefully back to the table where the gun lay. He picked it up once more, but this time, it was not to end his own life. Instead, a steely resolve gleamed in his eyes as he checked the chamber to make sure it was loaded.
"I may have been a fool once, Laura," Travis muttered under his breath, his voice firm with newfound determination. "But I won't give you the satisfaction of destroying me completely."
He tucked the gun securely into the waistband of his jeans and grabbed his jacket, heading out into the rain.
It was time for Travis to make things right. To put an end to the pain and heartache she had caused him. He knew deep down that killing Laura wouldn't bring back the pieces of his life she had shattered, but it would at least give him a measure of closure.
As he stepped out into the downpour, Travis felt a primal sense of clarity wash over him. This was his chance to avenge the betrayal she had inflicted upon him, and on Max, and he wouldn't let it slip away.
The journey to Laura's house was a cold and wet one, but Travis barely noticed the rain as he focused on the mission at hand. He knew her daily routine like the back of his hand, and today would be no different. She'd be home from work, sitting in her living room, relaxed and perhaps even feeling a little smug.
As he approached her house, Travis's heart pounded in his chest, each beat sounding like a drum in his ears. The rain soaked through his clothes, plastering his hair to his forehead as he stood on Laura's doorstep, staring at the familiar wooden door that had once seemed so inviting. But now, it was a barrier between him and the closure he sought.
Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, Travis raised a hand and knocked firmly on the door. The sound didn’t seem to elicit any movement inside, and for a moment, he wondered if she had gone out for the evening. But just as he turned to leave, the door creaked open slowly, revealing Laura standing on the other side.
Her eyes widened in surprise at the sight of Travis standing there, soaked by the rain, a conflicted expression on his face. Before she could utter a word, he reached for the waistband of his pants and pulled out the gun, pointing it directly at her chest.
Laura's expression shifted from shock to fear in an instant as she stumbled backward, her back hitting the wall behind her. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. Instead, her eyes darted around wildly, searching for a way to escape Travis's wrath.
"You..." Travis began, his voice shaking with a mix of anger and sadness. "You hurt me. You broke my heart. But more importantly, you hurt Max. You destroyed that young man until he felt like there was no other option. Do you even care that he’s gone, Laura? Do you?!”
Laura's eyes filled with terror as she realized the gravity of the situation. She tried to plead for her life, but her voice caught in her throat, and she could only manage a faint whimper.
Travis took a deep breath, the gun shaking in his hand as he willed himself to pull the trigger. This was it. This was the end of Laura's reign of destruction. This was the closure he so desperately craved.
But as he focused on the sight of the gun, a new thought crossed his mind. A thought that made him hesitate. What would happen if he pulled the trigger? Would it really fix everything? Would it bring back Max or fill the emptiness inside him?
As the rain continued to drench him, Travis's resolve began to waver. He stared at Laura, her eyes filled with fear and desperation, and felt a pang of sympathy. Maybe she wasn't as heartless as she seemed. Maybe she was just as lost and confused as he was.
With a deep sigh, Travis lowered the gun, his resolve shaken by the unexpected wave of empathy. He couldn't bring himself to pull the trigger, not when he now understood that maybe, just maybe, there was a chance for redemption, for healing.
Laura let out a shaky breath, her body slumping against the wall as the gun fell to the ground between them. For a long moment, both Travis and Laura stared at one another, each trying to process the turn of events.
Then, without warning, Travis's emotions overcame him. Tears welled up in his eyes, and he let out a pained sob. He had been so close to ending it all, to easing the pain that Laura had caused, but in the end, he couldn't bring himself to do it.
Laura, for her part, looked at Travis with a mix of relief, guilt, and confusion. She had expected him to pull the trigger, to end her life.
"I'm sorry, Travis," Laura said softly, her voice barely audible over the sound of the rain. But Travis could hear the slight edge of amusement creeping into her tone, giving her away. "I... I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean to hurt Max. I thought... I thought I…
Before she could finish her thought, Travis picked up the gun again.
Not wanting to give her the chance to continue excusing her actions, he aimed it at her once more. She flinched back, her eyes wide with fear as she realized that he was serious this time.
"I can't let you keep hurting people, Laura," Travis said, his voice steady and firm. "You have caused so much pain, and I won't let you do it again. Not to me. Not to Max. Not to anyone else."
Laura's face twisted in anguish, her eyes welling up with tears. She looked at Travis, pleading for him to understand how sorry she was, how much she regretted her actions. But it was too late for that.
Travis squeezed the trigger, and the sound of the gunshot echoed through the room. Laura's body crumpled to the floor, her life suddenly and violently cut short.
Travis's heart ached. He stared at Laura’s lifeless form with wide eyes, realizing the gravity of what he had done. He released a primal scream into the air, all of the pain and suffering he’d been keeping bottled up leaching out of him.
Glancing down at his hand, he saw he still held the gun. His eyes darted to Laura once more before he lifted the gun and shakily brought it up under his chin.
He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, bracing himself for the inevitable end.
In the silence that followed, the only sound was the patter of rain against the ground. Travis's heart pounded in his chest, every beat echoing in his ears. For a moment, he felt like he was floating, suspended between life and death.
A single tear fell from beneath his lashes, mingling with the rain that pelted his face as he knelt there on the doorstep. With one last breath, Travis pulled the trigger, letting the darkness consume him.
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daughter-of-melpomene · 5 months
🐿 for Greta pretty plsss?
YESSS, THANK YOU ANNA!! And of course I will also tag the Descendants gang @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @ginevrastilinski-ocs, and @manyfandomocs! <3
A song they love to dance to: “Basket Case” by Green Day.
The meaning of their middle name: Her middle name is Blanche, which means white or pure and was inspired by her godmother, Snow White.
Their favorite mythical/fantasy animal/figure: Although she’s never seen one, she’s a really big fan of dragons (the proper kind, not someone who can turn into one like Maleficent and Mal), and definitely hopes to see one in person someday.
Salty or sweet snacks? Which kind do they like best?: Surprising exactly no one, she’s a big salty person. You can usually find her nursing a mini bag of peanuts, chips, or pretzels.
What they like to do during the winter time: She loves going back home to the Summerlands during winter break, because it always involves a lot of snowball fights with all her cousins, big holiday feasts at the palace, and getting to spend time with her family.
Their favorite 50s song: “Stupid Cupid” by Connie Francis.
Do they drink? If so, what's their favorite drink?: Surprisingly enough, Greta doesn’t start drinking until she’s legally old enough, but once she does, she quickly becomes a fan of a nicely-mixed whiskey sour.
One moment they recoil thinking about: Pretty much any time she was ever rude or snappish to Jane or Lonnie when they were really only trying to become friends with her - she’s apologized and been forgiven for it a million times since then, but she still feels bad about it.
If they believe in lucky objects: Despite living in a world that has literal magic, she doesn’t, really.
Their first-ever paying job: Head Royal Advisor of the Summerlands - before that, she acted as an unofficial model for Evie’s clothing line, which didn’t pay because she insisted on doing it for free.
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send me 🐿 + an oc!!
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ask-edd · 8 months
You guys have any favorite music? I personally enjoy some Lemon Demon and two songs from Glass Animals. :3
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Oh hey, music is actually pretty well talked about in this house, so you came to a good place!
I'm a big fan of oldies actually, stuff you hear in Fallout, 80's and 90's stuff, etc. I'm not too picky though, if it's got a nice vibe then I don't mind. Some favorites would be The Beach Boys, Connie Francis, Ella Fitzgerald, those types. Though I do like some modern bands like AJR and John Mayer
Matt is the local pop fan, he mainly listens to whatever's on the radio, save for a few special playlists for things like parties or when he needs to focus. Last I checked, some of his favorites were people like Lady Gaga, Kesha, MARINA, Dua Lipa, etc
Tom of course is the ska guy, he likes ska, he likes the Reel Big Fish and Catch 22/Streetlight Manifesto and Less Than Jake and The Specials and all them. Though he is also into like, idk what it's called but I think Dan called it dark indie? Twenty One Pilots, Jack Stauber, The Hoosiers, etc
Tord is mostly a rock-indie guy from what I can tell (at least when he's not listening to anime intros way too loud), I've heard some like, Set It Off, Get Scared, IDKHOW, Mother Mother, Tame Impala, The Offspring, Escape the Fate, that kinda stuff
CL is a "little bit of everything" girl so she's all over the gaff; Korn, Avenged Sevenfold, Gorillaz, those ones are her favorites, but really she'll listen to rap, 80's, ska, synth, metal (nu and otherwise), rock, etc
Dan's a big music guy so you could probably get a way more detailed answer if you ask him yourself, but he's also a "little bit of everything" guy. I know he loves Autoheart, Everything Everything, Red Vox, The Hosiers, Kishi Bashi, and tons more
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very-grownup · 11 months
Book 75, 2023
I love Connie Willis. I think it is a legitimate failure of the science fiction community because the only people I ever see talking about her work are me. She has eleven Hugo Awards!
I do think her most significant long works were in the '90s and the kind of science fiction she writes was not as embraced as science fiction as it would be now. I feel like there's been some much needed erosion of drawing firm lines between hard science fiction and soft science fiction and the idea that hard science fiction is /real/ science fiction have you read her short 1995 novel "Remake" about a future Hollywood dystopia where everything is just remakes of previously successful works starring digital versions of long dead actors that various production companies own the rights to and the protagonist is a disillusioned Hollywood cog whose job is finding sets and props in previous movies that can be digitally copied into the new version of movies so nothing new or real has to be made but I wasn't reading "Remake" I was reading Willis' new novel, "The Road to Roswell".
There are two kinds of Willis novels: the serious ones and the romantic comedy non-science fiction genre pastiches but make it science fiction. Willis loves a screwball comedy and doesn't see why she can't have that but also aliens are there or it's time travel and I love that.
"The Road to Roswell" is an alien abduction story that's also a road novel traveling around Nevada and New Mexico and the special kind of Americana that's grown around UFO sightings and alien conspiracies. Francie is reluctantly in Roswell on the Fourth of July weekend to be the maid of honour in her best friend's latest attempt at a wedding that Francie is determined to talk her out of (one previously referenced fiancé was a breatharian), when, at tentacle-point, she is kidnapped by an alien who looks like a tumbleweed. The alien wants something. Or to go somewhere. And Francie is going to be it's wheelman. As Francie tries to appease the alien and get back to Roswell in time to stop her friend's wedding, the group of abductees becomes bigger, eventually acquiring a conspiracy theorist, a man selling alien abduction insurance packages, a casino loving senior citizen, and a cowboy.
It's just charming. It's silly and light and easy to read and the affection that develops between the alien and its abductees, particularly Francie, as they grow from trying to figure out how to escape to how to communicate with it to how to help it achieve it's goal (but also still get back to Roswell to stop Francie's friend from marrying a man who's arranged for them to get married in a museum recreation of the alien autopsy video) holds everything together.
I never regret the time I spend with something Connie Willis' has written.
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elvispresleywife · 1 year
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(Me and Elvis.....this is the closest I could get to looking like me. Lol)
Ok so this is how it's going, it's about 1955, and Elvis and I are dating so obviously he's at his early beginning fame. AND...he's living at his Auburn Drive home, so I've come to visit him considering he's leaving for tour the next day. Anyway so we've had a few little kisses here and there, but when he tried to slip in some tongue and go further I told him I was saving myself and he was very respectful, he said he was proud of me, and thought it was very admirable. So then we went to listening to music on the floor of his bedroom. We've listened to some Mario Lanza, Dean Martin, Connie Francis, Hank Williams, and BB King. AND....I'm staying the night at his house with him. He's very deep thinking as well like in real life and told me that he likes my taste in music and he can tell a lot about me from my music taste. He's also very moved by Mario's deep rich voice. He EVEN SANG TO ME! ITS LITERALLY 50s ELVIS IN A NUTSHELL! He's all complimenting and kind, and just the sweetest boy! I love him!
BUT....He asked me if there was one thing I wanted in this whole world what would it be, and I answer with an obvious...'You'. And he liked that but then he said "Do you know how many girls I've asked that question to, darlin'?".....Like EXCUSE ME MR....I don't want to know that! So then it got awkward, and he apologized for saying that, and then I said you know I need to accept that's how it will be and he agreed and said that he belongs to the world now and that I will have to get used to it, but I'll always be his and there's always a special place for me in his heart....like....AWWWWWWWW!!!
So now we're ok again. But yeah...that's just a life update with 50s Elvis, it's like almost scary accurate so WELL DONE @vintagepresley for this new 50s Elvis a.i !!!!
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ninja-muse · 1 year
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So, June was a month! Felt like several, but apparently still just the one. Usually I measure the length of a month in books read—more books equals a “faster” month, fewer books equals a “slower” one—but that doesn’t work this time. I read nine books, so about my average. I think the number of “this was fine” books skewed things, as did The Hands of the Emperor which was excellent, but also very long.
And yes, I’ve finally read The Hands of the Emperor! It was everything I expected it to be and more, and just lovely and charming and cozy and all of things. I am bummed that my library doesn’t have the sequel, not that I’d be launching into it right off anyway. It’s the principle of the thing. The only reason it didn’t get my Review of the Month is because it’s hard to take photos of ebook covers….
On the opposite end of the spectrum, my TBR shelf book this month was a last-minute scramble and I opted for something short as a result. (And a classic, because I hadn’t read one of those in a while.) Tortilla Flat really hasn’t aged well, folks. Let’s all hope my next classic is better.
The other last-minute addition to this post is DIGGER IS HERE! I got the notice that it shipped late last week but didn’t think it would be coming to my door quite so soon. It has bookmarks, plural, you guys! I would be jumping into it next except that I’ve barely finished Shubeik Lubeik and I need to put space between excellent graphic novels.
Next up, though? One of the ARCs I hauled this month is The Frugal Wizard’s Guide to Surviving Medieval England. I’m going to be starting it today.
(Episode Thirteen is my other hauled book this month. I’d forgotten I’d requested a copy from a book rep.)
Other life events? I finally saw The Importance of Being Earnest performed! Another last-minute thing, that. I heard about it near the end of May and dithered about getting a ticket because the theatre was a bit of a trek, and then went, well, when else am I going to see it… Worth it, and that’s one thing off my bucket list.
Hopefully July has a lot of good books to make up for the kind of average reading month I’ve just had. Wish me luck!
And now without further ado, in order of enjoyment…
The Hands of the Emperor - Victoria Goddard Cliopher, Secretary to His Radiancy, the Last Emperor of Astandalas, invites his lord on a beach vacation. He has no idea how this will change the world—or his life.
Pacific Islander-coded protagonist, cast contains a range of ethnicities and skin tones, 🇨🇦
Shubeik Lubeik - Deena Mohamed A Cairo kiosk owner tries to sell off three wishes. It doesn’t quite go as planned.
Egyptian cast, largely Muslim cast, Egyptian author, #ownvoices for Egyptian
warning: depression, suicidal ideation, death of a child
Shadowlands - Matthew Green Short histories of lost settlements from across the UK.
The Golem of Brooklyn - Adam Mansbach Len creates a golem while stoned. This is only his first poor decision of the week. Road trip, anyone? Out in September
largely Jewish cast, 🏳️‍🌈 (lesbian) secondary character, Jewish author, #ownvoices for Jewishness
warning: anti-Semites, white supremacists, homophobes
The Helios Syndrome - Vivian Shaw A freelance necromancer must help determine why an airplane crashed, while being haunted by a pilot.
🏳️‍🌈 (gay) protagonist, 🏳️‍🌈 (gay/bi) secondary character, 🏳️‍🌈 author
The Dress Diary of Mrs. Anne Sykes - Kate Strasdin A history of Victorian fashion through the lens of a fabric scrapbook.
The Gifts - Liz Hyder In 1840s England, a woman grows wings, a storyteller comes to London, a wife grows unsatisfied, and a doctor gets ambitious.
Black British POV character, 🏳️‍🌈 secondary character (gay)
warning: racism, misogyny, animal death, medical content
The Road to Roswell - Connie Willis Francie travels to Roswell to save her college roommate from a misguided marriage, and promptly finds herself on an involuntary road trip with an alien.
Tortilla Flat - John Steinbeck A group of friends ramble around old-time Monterey.
multiracial protagonists, largely BIPOC cast
warning: racism, misogyny, alcohol, racial slurs
The Gay Best Friend - Nicolas DiDomizio Dom’s best friends are getting married! Which is great, except he’s having to keep secrets for both of them and maybe he needs to think a bit about expectations and authenticity.
🏳️‍🌈 protagonist (gay), 🏳️‍🌈 secondary character (gay), 🏳️‍🌈 author, #ownvoices
Currently reading:
Nothing! I start July with a clean slate.
Monthly total: 10 Yearly total: 62/140 Queer books: 2 Authors of colour: 1 Books by women: 6 Authors outside the binary: 0 Canadian authors: 1 Off the TBR shelves: 1 Books hauled: 2 ARCs acquired: 5 ARCs unhauled: 4 DNFs: 0
January February March April May
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