#also i sorry i got carried away a little???
bruhnze · 1 day
BOXING LESSONS - Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Fluff with a bit of smut, inspired by these pics cause holy hell their arms uhggg, they are fs in boxing lessons together. (imagine watching that, pff id die on the spot).
Summary: Lucy gets a substitute coach for her boxing lessons, but now it's a women, Ona gets jealous.
Wordcount: a very long one sorry; about 3600
Warnings: 18 and up, minors dni, fictional story.
BOXING LESSONS - Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
/// 13:04 ///
Lucy and Ona came back from morning training to eat lunch at home. It was one o’clock and they had a rare free afternoon. Usually they wouldn’t be done until three, four or even five in the afternoon.
While eating lunch they discussed their activities. Lucy had her boxing lesson, what she tried to do atleast once a week and Ona wanted to go to the beach with Coco and Narla.
‘’So you have a substitute teacher today?’’ Ona asked.
‘’Yep, got an email from Mateo, him and his wife are dealing with some personal difficulty’s and that’s why someone else will come today, and he said if i like them, i could continue my year with them otherwise it’ll still be Mateo but then we’ll have to make effort with the scheduling’’.  Lucy stated.
‘’Well maybe the sub is better than Mateo, cause you said you needed more challenge, no?’’ Ona said.
‘’Yeah’’ Lucy sighed ‘’i didn’t have the heart to tell him, he seemed so distracted lately, so maybe it is for the better, i’m curious about the replacement tho, hope their good’’.
Ona laughed, ‘’i cant wait to hear your stories when we’re back’’
/// 13:48 ///
While Ona got the dogs leashed up and gathered some stuff to take to the beach, Lucy cleared the table and cleaned the kitchen. She tried to keep up with chores now that Ona practically lived with her, when she lived on her own ,she sometimes left the dishes for a day until she got to them.
But Ona liked the kitchen to be clean and Lucy knew that a happy wife, meant a happy life and it helped that she seemed to earn points with Ona everytime she did something around the house.
After the kitchen was spotless she walked to the bedroom, Ona was changing into a bikini. Lucy stripped aswell, but only to change into her gym clothing.
They looked at eachother while getting dressed ‘’it’s a shame we have to go’’ Lucy swooned while closing the gap between her and Ona, now both fully clothed again.
‘’ I can reschedule my appointment with the beach’’ Ona kissed Lucy briefly ‘’but it is probably better that you’re not late with your potential new coach’’.
Lucy kissed her back and sighed ‘’Yeah probably’’.
They gathered their stuff and walked to their cars. Lucy carried the bags while Ona held the leashes with the dogs.
Lucy helped her girlfriend settle everything in her car and gave her one more kiss ‘’see you in few, don’t forget to relax and maybe take some cute pictures of our little ones’’.
Ona smiled ‘’ I will, good luck with your lesson, don’t act too tough, watch your knee and also have fun’’
‘’Thanks mom’’ Lucy laughed causing Ona to push her away. ‘’Sorry that i care about you, stupid, no go before you will be late’’ with that Ona closed her car door.
Lucy waved and then sprinted to her own car, chugging her sports bag on the passenger seat. She connected her phone to the car to put some music on and drove off.
/// 17:04 ///
Ona had been tanning for a few hours almost ready to go back home again, the dogs were still playing with eachother in the sand, until she rembered Lucy asking for some photos.
She put her clothes back on and snapped some pics of the dogs from different angles. When she thought she got some decent ones she packed her stuff and leashed the dogs.
In the car the dogs layed passed out on the backseat, completely worn out by their beach adventure. Ona got behind the wheel and took a selfie of her with the dogs in the background.
She went through her photos and selected one of Narla, one of Coco, one of them together and the picture she just took to send to Lucy.
@Ona: *shared 4 pictures*
@Ona: we had a great time🏖️🏖️
@Ona: we''ll be home in 25
/// 17:58 ///
After Lucy stepped out of her second shower that day, she had put on a black tanktop and grey sweats and got her phone from her bag. Her and Valentina, as the substitute turned out to be called, had lost track of time a bit.
Her phone was full of incoming messages like usual and as usual one name stood out, Ona, she had sent something a while ago. Lucy opened the message and saw the photos, she read that Ona would be home in 25 minutes, she checked the time and realised how late it actually was.
She texted back.
@LucyB: hi bb, cute pics, they look exausthed
@LucyB: did you have them do laps up and down the dunes😂
@LucyB: anyway i’ll be home soon x, just showerd, sry we lost track of time.
Ona answered right away.
@Ona:nw, im making dinner, i think it will be done when you are here
@Ona: so new coach is good?
@LucyB: yeah she’s great, ill tell u bout her when im back
@Ona: drive safely , see u soon
Lucy was tempted to reply -yes mom- but instead she went for a simple heart emoji.
/// 18:43 ///
Lucy stepped in to their apartment and she immediately put her sports bag in the hall closet and threw her dirty sportswear in the laundry basket. Then she walked to the kitchen. ‘’Hola’’
‘’Hi’’ Ona smiled up, she was on her phone standing next to the oven  ‘’a few more minutes until its done’’.
Lucy stepped into her girlfriends space ‘’I have experienced better greetings, I don't even get a kiss?’’ Lucy pouted.
Ona looked up now and had to laugh ‘’ofcourse you get a kiss, sorry i was just watching something a-
Ona became silent and blushed, her eyes landing on lucy's upper body, specifically her arms.
She put her phone on the counter and held out her hands and took a bicep in each.
‘’Meu forta guapa’’ she grinned appreciatively.
Lucy looked at her confused but smiley, her spanish was okay but her Catalan not yet ‘’what? guapa i know but forta?’’
‘’I called u fit, forta is like strong’’ Ona said while tracing her hands over Lucy’s shoulders and biceps. ‘’I like this top, it looks nice on you.’’
Lucy grinned ‘’Fit hmm, soc de teva núvia forta y sexy?’’ (am i your strong sexy girlfriend) she tried in her broken Catalan.
Ona smiled, Lucy knew it got her weak in the knees when she talked, or atleast tried to talk in catalan, or spanish.
‘’Yeah’’ Ona said ‘’almost, its sóc la teva núvia forta i sexy?’’
‘’Yes you are, meu teva núvia forta i sexy’’ (my strong and sexy girlfriend) Lucy tried seductively.
Ona laughed ‘’Nice try but then its: la meva xicota forta i sexy’’.
Lucy groaned and looked up ‘’ugh i wish i would pick it up quicker, i want to be able to talk to you in your mother tongue’’
Ona held Lucy’s face ‘’I think you’re doing good, very good, you put in effort, and i mean, we have our whole lives to practice, right?’’
Lucy kissed her now, smiling into the kiss she talked as their lips were still connected ‘’are you asking to spent the rest of our lifes together?’’ then she pulled away and looked at Ona ‘’because, yes’’
Ona looked at her girlfriend with a wide smile on her face, ‘’no wasn’t a question, it was a promise, you will never get rid of me’’
‘’I dont want to, i’ll never will’’ Lucy cupped ona’s face and went in for another kiss, as the kiss became deeper and more heated, Ona pulled away suddenly.
‘’Lucy!’’ ona called out ‘’you distraced me, don’t you smell the oven?, quick!’’
They pulled out the tray with vegetables and chicken, it was a bit dark but they could stil eat it. They put everything on the table, including two bowls of rice and Lucy poured two drinks. Sparkling water with lemon and ice.
‘It looks good bub, thanks for making dinner’’ Lucy said as they took place at the table.
‘’no thanks, i'm happy to do it, would've been better if you hadn't distracted me, but okay, now tell me about your new teacher’’ Ona said as she started her meal ‘’If she is as bad as you at losing track of time in the gym i dont know if yous two are the best match’’ she laughed with her mouth full.
Lucy rolled her eyes and chewed until her mouth was empty before she spoke ‘’Valentina is her name, she was a professional, but because of injury she became a coach instead, the session was actually really refreshing, wayyy different from Mateo’s style. We first talked about my goal with boxing, she knew i’m a soccer player and then we talked about injurys for a bit and..,, yeah i don’t know actually, the time flew by, she got called actually, she had to go, so then i showered and saw your messages, but next week we planned a session together again.’’
Ona listened to Lucy, she was happy that Lucy had enjoyed herself but that the new coach was a women, that was something Ona was less happy with, she didn’t know why, but the way her girlfriend said -Valentina- got her feeling jealous.
‘’So how old is she’’
‘’huh? Who, Valentina?’’
There it was again, Ona felt it in her bones.
Lucy sighed ’’hmm, i don’t know actually, i guess about my age or something, maybe youger?’’ .. ‘’why’’ she said as she looked Ona straight in the eyes.
Recognising the fiery pupils that only came up when One was jealous.. wait.. was Ona jealous? Lucy thought by herself, why, how, she hadn't even seen Valentina.
‘’okay’’ Ona said poking at her food.
‘’Is someone a bit jealousss’’ Lucy laughed and stood up from the table standing behind Ona, she tickled her and kissed her neck ‘’You’re crazy Ona, my crazy little girlfriend’’ she kissed Ona’s cheek a few times and then flopped back in her chair.
She changed the subject by asking ‘’How was the beach’’  
/// 20:03 ///
‘’So you didn’t even swim huh?’’ Lucy asked
‘’nahhh’’ Ona laughed ‘’It’s nice out, but the sea is still wayy to cold’’
‘’did you know that Valentina swims in the seawater whole year round’’
‘’Does she now’’
‘’Yeah, i talked about my icebath, she said she wish she had space for an icebath but that her house is too small and thats why she just does morning plunges in the sea’’ Lucy said
‘’amazing’’ Ona couldn’t prevent the sarcastic tone it came out in.
Lucy laughed ‘’you don’t even know her, how are you already spiting the women’’
‘’well she seems to have made quite an impression on you, you hardly met her yourself and here you are Valentina this Valentina that’’ Ona couldn’t help pronouncing the name angry, she almost spat it out.
Lucy looked amused at her sputtering girlfriend ‘’why don’t you come with me, next week, then you will find out that you are worrying about nothing’’
Those words sparked Ona’s interest, next to meeting this mystery coach, she also had an opportunity to watch Lucy box, something she was farley interested in. She agreed ‘’yes, that could be fun’’
‘’Good’’ lucy said ‘’now, no more crazy talk’’
‘’Okay, but no more saying other people's names when!’’ One said sternly
Aha, Lucy thought, that was what had bothered Ona, she smirked, ‘’but i like saying Ona’’ she cheekily said, knowing full wel that was not what she meant.
‘’Other people!’’ Ona kicked Lucy under the table, ‘’im not other, im yours’’
‘’Hmm, damn right you are, come here’’, lucy said as she patted her lap.
//// The next week //// 19:16 ////
This session was at night, in the context of the other things they had that week Lucy had planned it that way deliberately. Lucy had sent a message to Valentina asking if it was okay if Ona came along for their session, to which the coach had reacted enthusiastically.
They stepped foot in the gym that Lucy was now a regular at since 2022, in the car Lucy had talked Ona through some of the basics but she had said that she was sure Ona would be a natural.
''Hello guys!'' a low voice called out.
''Hey Valentina'' Lucy said.
Ona stopped in her tracks as she faced the women, she had a completely different picture in her head than the woman with the high bun and undercut who stood in front of her. The woman had two tatted sleeves and she was wearing a muscle tee.
Lucy laughed not understanding why Ona had frozen up, she put a hand on her girlfriends shoulder and said: ''This is Ona, it's actually her first time boxing''. thinking perhaps Ona maybe went shy because she only now realized that she knew nothing about boxing.
Valentina walked over to the pair and put out her hand to shake Ona's ''Hi, im Valentina, you can call me Vale btw, and dont worry i love teaching rookies''
Ona put on a smile ''Good, I can't wait to learn''.
Ona laughed out loud on the inside, oh how she had misjudged this!
As they were warming up Vale was mostly giving attention to Ona, Lucy hadn't thought anything off it, after all, Ona was the beginner. Ona thought it was strange, she could do a warm-up.
Ona started to wonder if Vale was flirting with her when she felt her hand on her lower back for the umpteenth time this warming up and Vale kept coming close to explain things.
She tried to eye Lucy, who was completely caught up in her lunges.
''So are you a soccer player too?'' Vale asked.
''Yeah'' Ona anwsered ''Im with Barca, like Lucy, we're on the same team''.
''Ah so that's how you know her?''
''No, she, well it's a long story but Lucy is my girlfriend also'' Ona laughed akwardly ''It's kinda private though, that's why not everyone knows, but with the fans it's better that way''.
''Ah, thats a shame'' Vale smirked
''What'' Ona frowned, finding the smirk weirdly out of place.
''That the fans can be invasive'' ..''and that you have a girlfriend'' she quietly added, but loud enough for Ona to hear.
Ona knew she had not imagined it and was now stopping completely with the exercise she was doing..
Lucy walked over to them ''ah are you guys also done warming up, now we can start with the fun part'' she said while punching the air.
Ona and Vale laughed, Ona hoped Vale would get the hint and stop with her stupid behavior and they could just box.
While Lucy helped Vale get some gloves and wraps and two hand targets from the storage closet, Vale suggested Lucy and her could give Ona a demonstration of boxing first, a little sparring session, before teaching her.
Lucy agreed, as she liked the idea of Ona watching her and last week she and Vale had also finished with a friendly boxing match, which went quite well as Vale adapted to her pace.
Lucy showed Ona how to put on the wraps and gloves, while Vale helped her a bit. After that Valentine also put her gloves on and she explained the idea.
When they had been dancing around each other for a while and Lucy had done some blocking and hitting and Vale had dodged it and attacked back, going back and forth, things started to get a bit more intense.
Lucy was sweating and had a hard time keeping up with Valentina, she couldn’t help but think Vale was trying to show off. But if you knew Lucy at all, you knew she wasn't going to give up.
Ona had watched it all from the sidelines and couldn’t help but admire her girlfriend working hard in the ring, it was maybe even hotter than watching her play soccer.
A few minutes later, when she was forced into the corner and dived to avoid a blow, she thought it was enough and spoke up. ‘’Right, well I think we have showed Ona what boxing is like’’.
She looked at Ona and smiled, noticing concern on her face but also admiration.
Vale smiled ‘’yup, that was good, well done Luce’’, and held up her fist with the glove around it for Lucy to bump, Lucy looked back and gave in to fist bump her, even though she thought it was weird how Vale was behaving.
‘’Okay lets head over to the bags, and practice some punches’’ Vale said as she stepped out of the ring. She got her gloves of and took the hand targets in one hand and she put an arm around Ona to guide her to the punching bags.
Now Lucy was irritated, did Vale think Ona was just a friend of her or something, she should’ve clarified it when texting about bringing Ona. She quickened her pace to join the other two.
Valentina said to Lucy that she could start with Jabs on the brown bag and then do a drill of crosses and hooks.
Lucy sighed ‘’I think I still need to recover a bit from our session just now, I will do the drills in a second, maybe I can watch how my girlfriend does for a bit’’. She stared at Vale with those last words.
‘’Okay’’ Vale said without reacting ‘’Lets start with some easy drills for you’’.
//// 20:32 ////
Lucy was watching Valentina’s every move, it seemed as if she had completely ignored Lucy's comment and Lucy didn’t like it one bit.
Vale walked away for a second to grab some more attributes and Lucy got close to Ona, ‘’Hey, are you okay?’’
Ona smiled ‘’yeah the boxing is nice, I really like watching you box as well’’
‘’Do you think Valeria is acting strange?’’ Lucy questioned
Ona looked straight into Lucy’s eyes, ‘’Yeah do you notice it too? it kinda feel like she is hitting on me, I even told her you are my girlfriend and you just said it again’’.
Now Lucy's blood was boiling, at first she had thought it was all in her head, that she was just jealous, but now that Ona said she didn't feel comfortable, she felt like she could beat up Valentina. ‘’Do you want to stop? Do you want to leave?’’
‘’I don’t know, I want to do this with you Lucy, I get why you like to do this sport and it’ll be nice to have a hobby together’’
‘’Yeah, we can continue to train together, I’ll just teach you for a few weeks, while I'll search for a new coach and when I find one we will be more on the same level, hmm?’’ Lucy came closer to Ona and whispered ‘’This coach kinda sucks, she’s wayyy to comfortable around my girlfriend’’.
Ona laughed ‘’and I was the one who was worrying last week’’
‘’yeah, but I told you then already that it was not like that, and this is your proof , she has good taste but she should know when to piss off’’
‘’Who should piss off?’’ Valentina asked when she came walking back with some rubber bands and other stuff.
‘’We -, we are’’ Lucy stated, ‘’we just got a call and sadly we have to go..’’
‘’But your phones are in the dressing room?’’ Vale asked suspiciously.
‘’Yup’’ Ona said ‘’It was nice training with you, but we really have to go’’
As they walked away Lucy grabbed Ona’s butt and looked back, seeing that Valentina had seen her do it she slipped her hand under her girlfriends shirt and kissed Ona's cheek and head.
In the dressing room they got their bag and Lucy wanted to get her stuff to take a shower, but Ona grabbed her wrist, ‘’No, we’re supposed to be in a hurry remember, let’s go home’’
‘’No I think she got the part where it was just an excuse’’ Lucy grinned and cupped Ona’s face to kiss her.
‘’I want to go home Luce’’ Ona said softly ‘’let me show you how much I love being yours’’
Lucy gulped ‘’damn, lets go then’’
//// 21:41 ////
Ona quickly opened the door, Lucy following behind her with their gym bag. In the hallway Ona pushed her girlfriend against the wall, ''I liked how you showed her I’m yours when we were walking away'' she said while she kissed her neck, already breathing heavy.
Lucy laughed as she looked up ‘’hm, yeah, well I hated watching her be so up in your space and I will not be working with her again’’
‘’thats a shame because it was kinda hot when you two were sparring in the boxing ring’’ Ona said against Lucy’s ear. ´´Your so muscular´´ she said as she felt Lucy's shoulders and arms.
Lucy lifted Ona up, holding her up with her hands just below Ona´s ass. She always got very horny when Ona adopted such a worshiping position.
Ona straddled her legs around Lucy´s waist and as they were kissing Lucy walked them to the bedroom, when they bumped into the doorframe, Lucy broke their kiss ´´Oh sorry baby, didn´t -
Ona didn't let her finish, ''Sshh, I didn't feel it , you know im a bit of a masochists anyways '' Ona smiled cheekily.
Lucy gulped, she knew Ona liked it rough but it was always special to hear again that Ona really thought it was such a turn on, Lucy herself was more of someone who got off on being praised, maybe that's why their dynamic worked so well.
She threw Ona roughly onto the bed and told her to undress. Ona immediately obeyed and undressed clumsily ‘’wow so well behaved’’ Lucy smirked. ‘’Don’t even have to direct you further, immediate follow-up, let's keep that up, right bub? Are you gonna listen to me really good?’’
‘’Yeah’’ Ona said, voice raspy from being so turned on.
(sorry for edging, but i don't know how to continue so that was it😘)
unless maybe someone has some ideas and sends them my way
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(Once Bitten) Twice Shy
Chapter Eleven
Plot summary : Desperate to get away from your controlling family, you take a job in New York as a wealthy vampire's blood source. A million dollars awaits if you can make it through a year, but life with Billy Russo is not going to be as simple as you think.
Pairing : Billy Russo x Reader
Story Rating : R  Chapter Rating : R
Warnings : [This is a fic for 18+ only, minors DNI] Violence against reader. Also some very smutty smut using toys (not related to the violence). All chapters will contain mentions of blood. Please check the warnings on each chapter if you choose to follow this story. 
Word Count : 5.4k
A/N : Please, please, please read the warning. I'm sorry it's probably a little spoiler-y but I'd rather be safe than sorry even though I don't tend to write these things in the most graphic way. If you don't want to read it, it's the last few hundred words of the chapter (I think it's pretty well telegraphed). Also, I'm sorry for this, please don't hate me 😅
Chapter Eleven
Billy didn’t go back to work and, as the days passed it got harder and harder to tell if he was better for it. Every time you’d mention it, he’d mutter something about Frank, about not wanting to have to deal with it and, then, distract you by telling you about how he’d rather spend time with you. And, when that stopped working, when you’d try to talk to him about it, he’d move onto more physical means of distraction.
But every time his phone buzzed or lit up with a notification, you’d see his irritation flare.
You sat with your legs draped over his lap as you tried to concentrate on your book, The Count of Monte Cristo, while Billy read emails on his phone. You had wanted to suggest doing something, going out for a drive or to see a movie, but Billy seemed tired and you didn’t want to bother him.
His phone buzzed and he huffed.
“Was that work?” You dared to ask him and received a grumbled answer in response. “I don’t think you’re going to be able to avoid it forever, Billy...”
“I’m not avoiding it,” he sighed, rubbing his hand over your bare calf, “I just don’t want to deal with it right now.”
“He’s not going to change his mind about us unless you talk to him,” you tried again. “Unless you’re planning on skipping work for the next eight months...”
At this point, you were starting to wonder if that was the plan, if Billy was simply going to stay home every night until your contract was over. He didn’t seem to be in any hurry to go back to work. But, as much as you were enjoying having him in the penthouse every night, you felt responsible, like you were fucking up his life.
“We could go away together? Somewhere with a beach?” He tried to change the subject.
“I don’t want him to ruin this for us,” he relented, his tone turning tense. “These last few days have been so good and I just want it to last a little longer.”
“He’s not going to ruin anything,” you told him. “We get to decide what this is. No one else. I just don’t want you to burn bridges and wreck your life for me.”
He fell silent and you hoped he was thinking about what you were trying to tell him. As much as the incident at the party had upset you, you couldn’t just think about yourself; in just over eight months time, you’d be gone and Billy would have to carry on without you. You didn’t want him to lose friends or damage his business on your account.
“Fine, I’ll go in tomorrow.”
You kept your relief to yourself, not wanting to say or do anything to anything that might make him change his mind. Your attention returned to your book while Billy got up and headed for the kitchen, answering his phone as he went. Obviously he wanted some privacy, but that didn’t stop you from trying to listen in to Billy’s quietly spoken half of the conversation.
“What do you mean you lost her?” He practically hissed. “How did she even... past security... whose plus one?” 
His voice got lower making it impossible for you to hear anything else, but the call lasted at least another minute and the look on Billy’s face when he returned told you far more than words ever could; he was frustrated. 
“Is everything okay?”
“It will be,” he answered cryptically. You gave him a questioning look urging him to explain. “I’m just making sure Krista can’t get near you again.”
It was the first time he’d mentioned her since the party. You hadn’t asked. Honestly, you hadn’t wanted to. The less you thought about other women Billy had let into his life, the better.
“I’m not going to let her hurt you,” Billy promised, sitting back down and pulling your legs back onto his lap. “I won’t let anyone hurt you.”
You both fell back into silence; your attention returned to your book and Billy continued to look at his phone, reading through messages and declining calls. Eventually, put his phone face down on the coffee table. Over the top of your book, you watched him rub his eyes and slouch back.
For a moment you thought he might close his eyes and try to rest but, instead, he caught you peeking at him.
“You know, I was thinking about the other night,” he said as his hand moved back to your leg and softly caressed your bare skin, from your ankle up to the hem of your cropped leggings and back again.
“Which part of the other night?” You asked, a hint of warmth already starting to bloom across your cheeks.
His fingers wrapped around your ankle, lightly holding you, as if he thought there was any chance that you might try to pull away from him.
“The part when you had my cock in your mouth, giving me the best blowjob of my life, and you came without my permission,” he stated with a smirk, making a point of ignoring the way your breath caught. You bit your lip as he looked at you. “You owe me an orgasm, hummingbird.”
“Is that my punishment? To come for you?” You asked, trying to fight back your embarrassment so you could play his game.
His smirk turned to something darker, something almost sinister, something barely restrained and full of wanting. “That depends on if you want consequences for breaking the rules.”
Your heart skipped a beat; at the unasked question and the hungry way he was looking at you. Already he seemed to be forgetting about work, Krista, and everything else that had upset him, and you wanted to keep him that way. 
“They wouldn’t really be rules if they didn’t have consequences,” you said, trying to hide your nerves though you were sure he could see right through you.
“Are you willing to accept any punishment that I choose?” He asked and you nodded. “So, if I told you to go to your room and bring back one of your toys, you’d do it?”
You stopped breathing. You felt completely frozen, like even your heart didn’t know whether to beat or not. Your cheeks felt like they were burning and your wide eyes were fixed on him.
A couple of seconds later, Billy opened his mouth, no doubt about to tell you that you didn’t have to, that he was only playing around. There was a flash of something like embarrassment on his face, regretting taking things too far.
“Yes,” the word leaving your lips in an awkward squeak before he could walk back the question.
Billy seemed just as surprised as you were, so much so that he hesitated before responding, leaving you with time to change your mind if you wanted to. But you didn’t want to change your mind. You had no idea what he was planning or what he wanted to do, but you wanted it, in part because you wanted to try and bring him out of his frustrated mood but, also, because you were feeling brave.
He licked his lips, waiting a second more, not taking his eyes off of you.
“Okay then, go and get the toy you used the morning I heard you moaning my name,” he said, a hint of daring in his tone, as if he was still expecting you to back out. 
Moving your legs from his lap, you stood up and slowly started to walk towards your rooms, trying your best to just breathe through the waves of panic and excitement that were crashing over you. Your steps got quicker once you’d slipped through the door to your room, not wanting to overthink what might happen in case it made you want to back out.
You quickly retrieved the blue vibrator and returned to Billy, watching as his grin grew wider. You didn’t realise that you were clutching it tightly in both hands until Billy extended his hand. 
Your heart raced as he took the toy from you and inspected it, turning it in his hand before looking back at you. Without saying a word, Billy reached for you, placing his hand on your chest above your racing heart and for a few seconds his eyes shut, just enjoying the moment. Then he kissed you, pulling you close. Your own eyes fluttered shut.
His fingers hooked on the waistband of your leggings and you helped him lower them, stepping out of them without breaking the kiss. 
A gasp slipped out against his lips as you felt him press the toy between your thighs, softly rubbing it against you over your panties. You tensed when he turned it on, a bolt of arousal running up your spine, causing you to arch your body against him.
He moved you back, leading you down onto the sofa and following after, keeping his lips against yours and the toy between your legs.
It wasn’t long before your hips started to move, desperately seeking more friction despite how self-conscious you felt. Your heart was still racing and embarrassment was clawing beneath your ribs, but you wanted more. And so did Billy.
The toy was dropped onto the sofa while his hands started to pull at your panties, revealing you to him.
“Fuck, hummingbird, you’re soaked already,” he muttered, roughly tugging your panties the rest of the way down, leaving you in nothing but your baggy shirt that had ridden up to just below your bust.
Your cheeks burned as he lifted the panties to his face and took a long inhale through his nose. His body shuddered and tensed.
“How is it that everything about you makes me want?” He asked, dropping your panties to the floor. He slipped the vibrator between your legs again, pressing the tip against your clit before turning it on again. “I can’t get enough of you. I’ll never have enough of you.”
Before you could even try to wrap your head around what he was saying, his lips were on yours, his tongue pushing its way into your mouth. 
It wasn’t long before you were moaning against his lips, almost forgetting that this was supposed to be punishment. Almost forgetting that you didn’t have his permission to come. 
He pulled the vibrator back just in time, turning it off. “Not until I say so.”
You nodded, taking deep breaths and trying to calm yourself. When you were ready, you felt the toy between your folds as he coated it in your arousal, before positioning it at your entrance. 
Your lips parted and a moan tore from you as he began to fill you. Wet enough to take the toy without any resistance, it wasn’t long before every inch was inside of you, and Billy started to fuck you with it. He started slow, but it didn’t last.
“Moan for me,” he groaned against your neck, still fucking you with the toy, “moan for me like you did that morning...”
“Billy...” you moaned, then; “Mr Russo...”
You heard his breath catch and a growl claw its way from him, and even though you were at his mercy, it made you feel powerful.
“Mr Russo...” you gasped, over and over.
His lips covered yours, swallowing down the moans that he’d asked for, as if he’d realised that it was too much, that he couldn’t take anymore. He pulled back the toy, almost slipping it from you entirely before filling you with it again and starting to set a much faster pace. Your eyes stayed closed tight, imagining that it was Billy inside you, that he was finally giving you what you both craved.
That thought alone had you clenching around the toy, your arousal climbing higher and higher, pushing you closer to breaking point. He took you right to the precipice before pulling the toy out, leaving you empty and unfulfilled. 
Your eyes opened, fixing on him, whining when you saw his smirk.
“You wanted a punishment,” he told you darkly, tormenting you by pressing the tip of the vibrator against you, pulling it back again when you shifted your hips, trying to push yourself onto it. “If you misbehave you’ll only make it worse for yourself.”
You stilled immediately, earning a smile from Billy. He kissed you softly, distracting you as he turned the vibrator back on and ghosted it over your swollen clit. Again, you squirmed, wanting more than just a grazing touch.
“Do I have to tie you down?” He asked against your lips, his tone causing your heart to race a little faster, leaving no doubt in your mind that he’d do it. 
It should have worried you, maybe even scared you, but all you could think about was the unfulfilled ache between your legs.
Billy continued to tease you, but even those gentle touches were enough to start you climbing towards orgasm, and he knew it. Every fibre of your being seemed to tense, like thousands of springs being coiled too tight, at any moment you knew that you’d snap.
But, again, Billy denied you.
“Billy,” you pleaded as a feeling of discomfort started to fill you.
“I think I preferred Mr Russo,” he teased, an edge to his voice that sent a shiver down your spine. 
“Mr Russo,” you tried again, wanting to give him whatever he wanted.
“That’s better.” A moment later, he had the toy against your lips and a dark grin on his lips. “Open up.”
You hesitated for a beat before doing what you were told, parting your lips and letting him slip the vibrator into your mouth. Without being asked, you started to suck the toy as he moved it in and out of your mouth.
“I dream about this mouth,” he groaned against your ear, “and these perfect lips, and how good they feel wrapped around my cock. It’s like you were made just for me.”
Another moan escaped you as his teeth nipped your ear. When he lifted himself over you again, he stared, watching the toy as he fucked your mouth with it, his jaw set. You kept your eyes on his, letting him see exactly what he was doing to you. 
You licked your lips when he finally pulled the toy away. You didn’t look down, didn’t beg for what you needed, you just kept looking at him, giving him complete control.
“Mr Russo...” you gasped as he plunged the toy between your walls again, this time moving at a merciless pace that you knew you’d never be able to withstand.
“Come for me,” he demanded, turning the vibrator back on as he fucked you with it.
You did as ordered, crying out as your body was finally granted relief.
You weren’t sure when he’d pulled his cock from his sweatpants, but there it was as he kneeled over you, your thighs shook wildly as he kept the vibrator buried inside you with one hand and started to desperately fist himself with the other.
He grunted and swore, coming quickly, finally pulling the toy away so he could coat your trembling pussy and thighs with his cum. You whined softly, overstimulated and far too sensitive, as his finger ran through your folds pushing some of his cum inside you, like he was claiming you and marking you as his.
Reaching for him, you pulled him down into a kiss, expecting things to de-escalate now that you were both satisfied. Instead he kissed you roughly, pressing his hips down against yours, letting you feel how achingly hard he still was.
Your fingers tangled in his hair until he took hold of your wrists and pinned them beside your head. Your breath caught and you struggled against his lips.
“Billy,” you gasped, tearing your lips from his.
If he heard, he gave no response, moving his lips to your neck, sucking and nipping, until you felt something sharp scrape your skin.
A deep, guttural growl vibrated through his chest - a sound you’d heard before.
There was another scrape against your neck, this time causing pain. But before you could say anything, he was already pulling away from you. He moved awkwardly and suddenly, ending up on the floor next to the sofa, his head in his hands.
“Fuck - fuck - I’m sorry.”
It took a few seconds before you could think straight, reaching up to touch your neck and the small cut he’d left on your skin. Not a bite, just a scratch really, but enough to draw blood.
Torn between comforting him and running, you found yourself frozen, trying to understand what had just happened. And, as you thought back, you hated yourself for not noticing the warning signs sooner; the look on his face, the things that he’d said and the way he’d said them. 
“Hey,” you finally managed, awkwardly sitting up, trying to ignore the mess he’d left between your thighs. Gingerly, you reached for him, running your fingers through his hair. Billy bristled at your touch. “It’s okay.”
“It’s not okay,” he snapped, head still in his hands, “how can you say it’s okay? How can you keep saying that?”
“Because you stopped yourself. Again,” you answered back. “It’s a scratch, Billy. We both know that you could’ve done so much worse.”
“How can you be so relaxed about this?” Billy demanded, finally lifting his head and letting you see the anguish on his face. “I feel like a fucking timebomb and you’re there acting like you weren’t just five seconds away from death.”
“Would you have killed me?” You dared to ask, cutting through all of the usual bullshit, not sure how else to try and settle the issue once and for all.
“I -” for a moment he just stared at you, torn between what he wanted to tell you and the thing that terrified him more than anything, “- I don’t know. I - I don’t even know if I wanted to kill you or...”
A chill ran through you at what was left unsaid, filling that blank with a dozen terrible thoughts, and when you didn’t immediately respond, Billy took that as a sign, pulling away and getting to his feet.
“Stop,” you quickly got up, legs feeling weak beneath you while your hands pulled your baggy shirt down to try and cover yourself. “Please don’t go.”
“Why are you fighting so hard for me?”
“Because someone has to, Billy,” you told him without hesitation, “because you deserve to have someone on your side, even if you don’t think that you do. You haven’t hurt me and I don’t think that you will, so stop trying to scare me.”
He seemed stunned by the sudden firmness in your tone, so much so that he didn’t try to argue.
“Now, sit down. I need to go clean up,” you told him, taking a step back. “If you try to leave while I’m gone, I will never forgive you.”
Billy hesitated but soon sat, fixing his gaze on the window while you grabbed your leggings and panties from the floor and headed towards your rooms.
You cleaned up as quickly as you could, putting a bandaid over the cut on your neck and changing into your pyjamas when you were done. As quick as you were, it still felt too slow and your heart was pounding uncomfortably with the thought that he’d be gone by the time you made it back out to the penthouse.
But he wasn’t. He was exactly where you’d left him.
You cleared the distance and sat beside him, throwing your arms around him before he could even think about protesting, holding him tight.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea for me to be around you right now,” he told you, his voice betraying his exhaustion.
“I think it is. I think this is the best place for you right now.” You said, watching as the confusion on his face deepened. “Just let me look after you. I don’t want to be alone right now, and I don’t think you do either...”
Moving slowly, you reached for a cushion and placed it on your lap, patting it softly.
“Lay down,” you said softly, leaning a little so you could take hold of his hand and gently urge him towards you. 
After a moment of hesitation, Billy moved, laying down and resting his head on the cushion. You started to gently run your fingers through his hair, and heard an awkward breath escape him.
“I used to get sick a lot when I was a kid and my nanna used to sit with me like this for hours,” you told him softly, watching as, little by little, he let himself relax.
You let a few minutes pass in silence, watching as the tension started to leave him, fingers still running through his hair. Eventually, you reached for the TV remote and put on Netflix, starting the next episode of Black Sails.
“Pirates again?” He grumbled, the weight of his exhaustion seeming to catch up with him. You weren’t sure what caused him to lose control, but you were starting to realise just how much effort it took for him to rein it back in.
“Pirates again,” you confirmed. “Just close your eyes and relax.”
The whole while you kept stroking his hair, letting your eyes drop to him every few minutes, watching as he slowly gave up on trying to keep his eyes open. It was hard to tell if he was sleeping, but he was certainly more relaxed than he had been.
Hours passed. After three episodes of Black Sails, you decided to turn off the TV and close your eyes. At some point you drifted off, only to be woken when Billy started to move. His body was tense, eyes still shut tight, letting out the most heart rending little mutters, sounding like a terrified, wounded animal. 
For a short while, you waited, hoping it would pass and he’d settle again, but it just seemed to get worse.
“Billy?” You tried, gently at first, running your fingers through his hair, trying to soothe him. “Billy, it’s just a dream. You’re okay.”
He awoke with a gasp.
“Hey, you’re okay, everything’s okay,” you continued, still stroking his hair.
“Huh, what  -” it took him a second to realise where he was. You watched him sit up, noticing the way that exhaustion seemed to cling to him. When he reached for his phone to check the time, his hand was shaking so much he almost dropped it. “I’m sorry, I -”
“What are you apologising for?”
“It’s two in the morning, I kept you up all night worrying,” he told you, looking about ready to get up and leave. “I should -”
“You should lay back down and rest. You look exhausted,” you told him softly.
“But you need to sleep too.”
“I was sleeping,” you said, putting a hand on his shoulder and gently tugging him back.
As much as Billy wanted to argue, he was too tired. He laid back down while you grabbed your yellow blanket from the back of the sofa and settled behind him, pressing yourself against his back and covering you both.
He gave an uncertain sort of huff. “I’m not used to being the little spoon.”
And, despite the situation, you found yourself bursting into laughter, pressing your face against the back of his neck and holding him all the tighter. A moment later you felt his body shudder with a tired laugh of his own.
“Go to sleep, little spoon,” you muttered sleepily, snuggling closer. 
He was still for a few minutes, leading you to hope he’d fallen asleep until you heard him sigh.
“Do you want to talk about it?” You whispered.
“I just want to keep you safe.”
“I’m safer here with you than I would be if I left,” you confessed softly, pressing your lips to the back of his neck
“So I’m the lesser of two evils?”
“No, Billy, you’re who I want to be with, even though I know it’ll never be easy...”
You heard him take an awkward breath before starting to move, turning himself so he could face you. In the dark you could barely make out his face, but you knew he was looking at you. 
“Stay with me,” he said suddenly, desperately, like the thought had been weighing on him for hours.
“I am,” you told him, “I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere.”
“No, I mean after. I mean for more than a year,” then, much quieter, “forever.” 
You fell silent, barely daring to breathe. More than anything, you wanted to say yes; you wanted to belong there with Billy, you wanted to spend the rest of your life in his arms.
“Whatever you’re running from, I can protect you. I can keep you safe,” he continued. “I want to be yours...”
“I know it’s fucked up to ask you, but I can work on it, I can learn to stay in control, I can -”
“That’s not the problem, Billy. I know you can stay in control, it’s just...” you sighed. “My life is more complicated than you think and I don’t want to cause you any trouble.”
“Is that a no then?” He asked, sounding broken just at the thought.
“No. I don’t know. I need some time to think,” you tried to explain, earning another sigh from him. “I want you to be mine, Billy. More than anything. But I can’t just say yes now and hurt you in the long run. Just - just give me some time, okay?”
“Okay,” he said before falling silent.
Reaching for his cheek, you pressed your lips to his, and closed your eyes tight. “I want you to be mine. I want to stay. Things are just complicated,” you whispered before letting out a tired sigh, “I’ve been dreaming about falling asleep in your arms...”
“Oh, hummingbird,” he muttered softly, pressing his lips to your forehead and holding you tight.
You didn’t feel him start to move until the break of dawn. In your sleep, you’d shifted, ending up with your head on his chest and your hand beneath his sweater resting on his waist, holding him tight.
He gave you a tired smile as you lifted your head.
“How did you sleep?” He asked.
“Five more minutes,” you muttered sleepily, burying your face against his neck.
Billy laughed, holding you tight and kissing the top of your head. “I’d stay like this with you forever if I could.”
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For staying last night. For trusting me,” you told him, keeping your face hidden. “I know it’s not easy for you and you scare yourself sometimes, but it means a lot that you didn’t walk out.”
He didn’t say anything and, even if he had, you weren’t sure what you would have wanted to hear. Instead, you just closed your eyes again and tried to enjoy your five more minutes.
Eventually, you had to let Billy go so he could go to bed. You weren’t sure how much sleep he’d managed to get but you wanted to make sure he was rested before his return to work that night.
That evening, you met him with his blood, nice and warm in his travel mug and ready for him to take to work. He seemed a little unsettled at the prospect, but you didn’t give him time to linger before ushering him out of the penthouse.
You missed having him around, but you hoped he’d be able to fix things with Frank, and that you’d all be able to move on with your lives. It was a quiet night and you spent it relaxing before heading to bed early, falling asleep the moment your head hit the pillow.
A loud crash in the penthouse startled you awake some time before four am. Without even stopping to think you shot out of bed and headed for the door.
You stepped out into the gloom, finding the dining table had been flipped and one of the chairs laid broken and splintered against the wall. And, standing amidst the destruction was Billy.
“Billy, what’s -” 
The question was left unfinished. The moment he turned you had your answer. It was like this first night in the kitchen all over again, only somehow worse. His dark eyes fixed on you, his whole body seeming to tremble and twitch like he was trying to crawl out of his own skin.
A low snarl escaped him and, for a split-second, he flashed his fangs.
He didn’t say anything, didn’t offer any of the usual warnings or tell you to stay back, he just watched you edging closer and closer.
“What happened? What’s wrong?” You asked softly, knowing you needed to pull him out of it.
As you got closer, you noticed the state of him; his shirt was torn and drenched in blood, and there were deep scratches on his neck like someone had been clawing at his throat. With the holes in his shirt and the cuts on his neck, you couldn’t tell if all the blood belonged to Billy.
You needed to get a closer look.
He gave another snarl. “Don’t.”
But you didn’t let that stop you. You edged closer, trying to get a look at him in the dim light. The corner of his lip curled again, giving you another glimpse at his fangs. His hand tightened to a fist at his side and he almost seemed to move forward before pulling himself back.
“Billy, what happened?” You tried again.
He took a shuddered breath, almost wincing as you reached for him, tenderly placing a hand on his cheek, hoping you could soothe him.
“Who did this to you?”
He leaned into your touch and his eyes closed, and for the briefest of seconds you allowed yourself to believe you’d fixed whatever this was.
His fingers wrapped around your wrist before you could even think to pull away, yanking your arm awkwardly as he forced you backwards, slamming you back against the wall. You yelped in pain, the impact forcing the air from your lungs. And, when you looked in his eyes, Billy wasn’t there anymore.
“Billy,” you gasped, pushing against him, trying to escape his grasp.
A sob slipped out as he forced you back against the wall again, reminding you that you were nothing more than a weak, pathetic human.
Another snarl tore from his lips and he bared his fangs.
You turned and twisted and pulled, doing everything you could to keep him from biting you, raising your knee and hitting him in the groin as hard as you could. Billy staggered, winded, letting out an angry howl, his grip loosening enough for you to pull away.
Starting to run, you almost made it to your door when he grabbed your wrist again, this time pulling so hard that you screamed.
“Mine,” he growled, pulling you back towards him. 
The pain in your arm was overwhelming and only got worse when you tried to move.
“Billy, please,” you sobbed, “this isn’t you. You don’t want to hurt me. Please, don’t ruin this.”
For a moment he almost looked like your words had gotten through to him, but then he continued to pull you towards him, pressing your body to his. 
You lashed out again, kicking and swinging your fist, managing to catch his face in a way that had his nose exploding and blood spraying everywhere.
This time you ran faster, making it into your rooms and into your bedroom.
Billy followed after, only a couple of steps behind, blood pouring from his broken nose.
You tried to shut the door, only to find his hand blocking it - a hand that he quickly pulled back when it started to sizzle. He couldn’t come inside. He couldn’t get to you in your room.
All he could do was stand and stare at you, his chest heaving, his face bloody, looking more monster than man. You clutched your injured arm to your chest, tears streaming down your face.
“I trusted you,” you sobbed, watching for a reaction and getting nothing but anger from the vampire.
A couple of seconds passed before you slammed the door shut and dropped to your knees. A loud thud in the corridor had you crawling towards the door, pressing your back against it even though you knew he couldn’t get in. There were more sounds out in the penthouse, more thuds and bangs before, eventually, everything went silent.
End Note : As much as I love writing chapters like this one, I kinda hate posting them because I know that it's not exactly what some people want to read. So, I guess, no hard feeling if you don't want to continue reading after this one? IDK posting anything darker always makes me a little nervous but I don't want cute fluff all the time, especially not when I'm writing a vampire fic. But I do promise reasons and resolutions to this. It's not just there for shock value, is what I'm trying to say. Anyway, I'll stop rambling now 😅 Thanks for reading! I hope you have a great weekend and, as ever, thanks for all the love and support you showed on the last chapter!!
Let me know if you'd like to be tagged in future chapters! If tagging doesn't work for some reason (aka Tumblr being dumb) I post most Fridays around 7:30 gmt.
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reddesires · 21 hours
hey, would you be down to write some Koba head cannons for if he reunited with the woman who cared for him for a short time when both of them were little, kinda like Caesar and Will except Koba was taken from reader and that’s when he got put in the labs and abused and all that. But years later while he’s hunting with Caeser or Caesar welcomes reader into the colony since they needed help and Koba recognizes them since they kinda raised him and pretty much the only human he’s ever met who was kind for him
Platonic please, may you also include Koba later getting Jealous if Reader interacts with any other ape
I’m so sorry of this is like too much for a request this is literally one of my first time requesting things on peoples pages and I have no clue how to go about these things 😭😭
Koba x Human!Reader [Platonic Headcanons]
Fandom: Planet Of The Apes
Rating: No Warning.
A/N: Here you go lovely, I appreciate being the one to writing your first request. I hope you enjoy it ❤️
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(Primatologists are people who study primates, including apes, in their natural habitats)
•You were a primatologist who helped rehabilitate Koba when he was small, his mother had passed away and was refused by the other bonobos since they had babies of their own.
•You had a bond with koba unlike any other, he clung to you like you were his mother despite there being others that looked after him too. After seeing his distress of being apart from you, you took sole responsibility of the small bonobo.
•He became the light in your eyes. You would coo at him in a gentle tone as his small hands tenderly touched your face in fascination. This small creature captured your heart, and his eyes were your favorite feature of his. The intelligence and unconditional love he held for you became your source of motivation.
•the devastation of being separated from him after there was a financial cutoff for your program was like a punch to the stomach. he wasn't yours but he was in all the ways that truly mattered, you became his surrogate mother and you knew that getting feelings involved would complicate things but he needed you and loved you and felt the same.
•"NO! Please! Don't take him, I'm begging you!" You pleaded and begged. You just knew that if they took him away, you may never see him again. All you wanted was for him live the life he was supposed to, amongst his own kind but in the end they took him from your arms as your pleas' mixed with koba's cries, his tiny hands reaching out for you and your own hand reached out in desperation "Koba!".
•You searched for him for many years, making connections and reaching out to sources, but it always led to a dead-end, but you couldn't give up. You felt immense guilt, and you still carried so much love for him that helped you hold onto hope that you'll be reunited with the bonobo that you raised.
•One of your sources gave you info that one of the last times they heard of the group of apes that came from your program was when they were sold to a corporation for testing purposes in a lab, the doom you felt catapulted into you with such force that you felt your heart break into a million tiny pieces. You had no way of knowing which corporation and the location and it's been so long that you knew the damage was done and there wasn't a damn thing you can do, the shame you carried was an overbearing force as you came to terms. You were working in the San Francisco zoo as the up until the simian virus ravaged the human population, leading you back to the bonobo you were looking for.
•You had found refuge in the woods since other humans no longer welcomed others within their inner circles, you understood they were trying to protect themselves but you'd rather avoid the conflict entirely seeing as how scraped up you are already.
You knew of the apes within the confines of the forest but you'd rather your chances with them as you spent many years living amongst them during your primatologist years, but it was obvious their intelligence skyrocketed since then.
As you are gathering whatever resources within the area, berries being your top favorite and encapturing your attention as you're busy with your task, you start to hear slight rustling to the left of you.
You tilt your head only slightly, seeing two dark figures in your peripheral, you knew better than to react abruptly so you slowly straighten yourself out facing them your hands up in surrender to show you mean no harm. The two are cautious in their steps as they fully come out of the brush. It's a chimpanzee and Bonobo you observed.
The Bonobo has a defensive stance, a spear at ready and a snarl crossed on his muzzle and the chimp has a hardened scowl on his face and you feel a chill trail down your spine at his green stare but the primatologist in you tells you not to stare him in the eye.
"I mean no harm..just seeking safety.." You softly say, your throbbing leg shaking as you try to balance yourself upright.
"Koba." The chimp holds his palm up in front of the bonobo, the bonobo slowly lowering the spear, his stare hard and calculated as he sizes you up but nevertheless listens to the order given.
You feel your heart stop in your chest as the word hangs in the air, and you're practically breaking at the seams. He's not only a bonobo, but his name is Koba too.. it seems too much like a coincidence to not be him.
"Koba?" You say, signing his name the way you did back when you cared for the baby bonobo. You dropped your hand against your sternum, a circular motion you would reserve only towards the small Koba.
Time seems to hold still and resume after Koba drops on all fours slowly approaching you with an unreadable expression on his face as he stands in front of you, and you notice him extending his palm out.
You remember this motion. He did it as a small one often to you. He was expecting you to respond accordingly so you do. Your fingers slide across his palm.
It was you, after all. His mother.
Bonus ending:
You were welcomed by Caesar into the colony after the revelation of your connection to Koba, you were in disbelief of finally getting reunited with your little bonobo and though he was different than what you remember you can still see remnants of the old him.
You came forward to Caesar with your knowledge of rehabilitation to help the other apes in the colony and heal their ailments, he accepted your helping hand concluding that you were now a valuable member of the colony due to your extensive experience and abilities.
Koba was very protective of you and he was in a way jealous of your attention to the other apes, after years of being separated and missing your motherly guidance you were the only human that'll he'll ever hold a torch for.
A growl rumbled from his chest as he watched a male chimp get too close to you for his liking. "Koba, be nice to the others."
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gabessquishytum · 23 hours
(not super sure about triggers on this one. It’s probably dub-con?)
woah, I loved your addition to my previous ask, how you added Dream and Hob taking care of Robyn!
It got me thinking about next time Robyn gets drunk. Dream and Hob put him to bed and tuck him in, and Hob immediately starts kissing Dream. He’s a bit eager, he’s been waiting for hours for Dream and Robyn to come back, and as making out transitions to hands slipping under clothes Dream has an idea: why bother sneaking away to Hob’s bedroom? Dream wouldn't have let Robyn drink himself into a coma, but it was a near thing. He's out cold.
So they just fuck right there, in Robyn’s narrow little bed, beside him and half on top of him, and having to avoid making too much noise or jostling him too much is both tricky and terribly exciting, the fear of getting caught is such a turn-on… so they get a bit carried away. They manage to clean up and look presentable by morning, but the sheets are covered in cum and drenched in sweat. They can’t change them without waking Robyn, so they just go to bed, Dream beside Robyn and Hob in his own bed, deciding they’ll just think of something later.
When Robyn wakes up and finds Dream sleeping half-naked beside him, the bed a mess, he wakes him and asks what happened. Dream just says he got horny, Robyn was sleeping and so he took care of himself. Multiple times. Robyn believes every word and is in fact very sorry about it all! “I’m so sorry for leaving you hanging... I shouldn’t have drunk so much.” And Dream, well, Dream gets an idea. “Well,” Dream says, “If it happens again I could just fuck you in your sleep. Only if you want me to, of course.” And Robyn of course says yes! He wants to please Dream best he can, Dream is so good to him after all!
(this is where it gets extra fucked-up: tw non-con drug use… also, maybe this is considered incest-adjacent? I’m not sure tbh)
Dream does his research, before taking Robyn out again. Figures out exactly what to slip into Robyn's drink to make sure he's 100% out cold. Nothing actually dangerous, of course! He wouldn't hurt Robyn (Hob would kill him), he just wants him completely out of it for the night. Sure enough, when they go out again, midway through the night, once Robyn is well over tipsy Dream slips something into his next drink and not long after Robyn starts nodding off, and Dream takes him home.
Hob helps him carry Robyn, now unconscious, upstairs. Dream has Robyn’s permission, and knows Hob overheard the conversation, so he strips Robyn naked, lays him on his bed on his stomach and props him up on a couple pillows so his arse is nice and up in the air, and undresses himself. He stands at the end of Robyn’s bed and starts opening him up, bending half on top of him, his own ass in full view of Hob. Hob watches, as always, but he’s a bit puzzled by this development: he thought Dream wanted Robyn out so Hob could have Dream for the night...
Dream just smiles knowingly, and after getting Robyn ready he sticks his cock inside him, then pulls out his own plug, showing Hob his hole lubed up and ready.
"Well, Hob Gadling? This way you can do to me everything I do to your son... move for move."
As soon as Hob gets what Dream has in mind, he doesn't need to be told twice, and fills Dream up to the hilt.
Dream is in heaven. It's hard not to cum on the spot. He has Robyn's tight little ass around him and Hob's massive cock inside him. He tries thrusting into Robyn, and Hob matches him thrust for thrust a moment later. As he tries different things, he realizes he can use Hob. He fucks hard into Robyn? Hob does the same to him. Pulls Robyn's hair, pinches his nipples, adds a finger inside him alongside his own cock? Hob does it to him. Dream is pretty excited about this, but he also can’t help but be a bit disappointed: he thought Hob was much tougher than his son…
And then it hits him: he slaps Robyn’s ass, hard as he can, and Hob does the same to him… but with a much bigger, stronger hand. Dream tears up a little. He feels Hob smile against his neck. A little scared but mostly aroused, Dream gives Robyn’s balls a good tug, then has to bite Robyn’s shoulder to muffle a scream when Hob does the same to him, but harder. Then, of course Hob’s teeth sink into his shoulder, and it hurts so bad he thinks he might be bleeding for a second… but it feels SO good. Dream babbles a question, and Hob just chuckles and explains that, after all, he wouldn’t want Dream to think he can just do whatever to his son, and if this arrangement gets Dream so bold perhaps everything he does to Robyn Hob should do to him twice as hard.
Hob absolutely means this as a deterrent: though he knows Dream is a bit of a slut who likes it rough, he’s sure he’ll show him rough, and that way get him to behave easily enough (just behave a little bit, mind you, just so Dream doesn’t literally walk all over sweet, innocent, people-pleaser Robyn). But the thing is… Dream is elated by this development, and it will only incentivize his devious behaviour rather than discourage it.
Thankfully, Robyn is still a little out of sorts in the morning, and very happy that he didn't "leave Dream hanging" this time since he feels as thoroughly fucked out as Dream looks, even if he doesn’t remember anything, so he doesn't notice he and Dream have identical bite marks on their right shoulders before Dream puts on a shirt.
HI AGAIN PA ANON! Here is the link to the initial ask about Dream fucking Hob literally behind Robyn's back...
This is an amazing addition. And since Hob and Dream have managed to get away with their awful, reprehensible behaviour, I can only imagine that they grow more confident in their debauchery...
See, Dream is a little weary of fucking Robyn while he's unconscious. As fun as it is, and as much pleasure he garners from it (as he's also being fucked by Hob at the same time) it's just. A bit dull. Robyn doesn't move or squirm or do anything, he doesn't moan or react in any way. Dream wants more from him. So, he decides to further take advantage of Robyn's sweet people-pleasing tendencies. He asks Robyn if they can spice things up even more - he'd really love to introduce bondage and blindfolds into their sex life. Sweet Robyn, who wants nothing more than to please his lovely boyfriend Dream, immediately agrees to try!
And so, Dream gets him all set up. He ties Robyn up, spread-eagled on the small bed. And he carefully ties a blindfold over his face. It's a high quality piece of kit, designed not to slip off - Hob purchased it himself, sparing no expense. Dream gets started on Robyn, fingering him open and then beginning to fuck him. When Robyn is suitably caught up in the moment, Hob moves from the edge of the room (where he had been watching) and joins the party.
It's even better than when Robyn was unconscious. He makes all his cute little noises, he squirms and clenches around Dream’s cock. All while completely oblivious to the fact that his father is watching and participating, fucking Dream so hard that it ricochets right into Robyn's body too. Dream is having the time of his life between the two of them, and the best part is the absolutely filthy illicitness of the act. If the blindfold was to slip down, Robyn would come face to face with the sight of his dad fucking his boyfriend. Its so fucked up, it just makes Dream want to cum.
Fortunately Robyn enters sub-space so he doesn't really register anything that happens after the blindfold comes off. He doesn't notice the cum sliding out of Dream’s ruined hole. He doesn't notice the faint scent of a familiar cologne. He's just happy that he made Dream happy. Not to mention that his dad seems to be extra affectionate that evening after Dream goes home. He makes Robyn his favourite food for dinner and they cuddle on the couch afterwards for the first time in years - Robyn is glad, he was feeling kind of bad. He's been spending so much time with Dream lately, he wouldn't want his dad to get lonely...
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kokoasci · 1 year
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shoutout to the sigma enjoyers (its me i am sigma enjoyers)
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solomon couldn't stand your pact marks.
well, no, that wasn't the right way to put it. he was proud, even jealous of your pacts. they were one of the many admirable things about you! he just hated... looking at them. he knew what other people thought when they saw them.
when one would see those marks on your skin for the first time, they would be able to get a glimpse at your relationship with the brothers. one of trust and respect, gathered from just a glance. meanwhile, one would have to be told about his and your relationship. one look at you couldn't decipher all the time you two have shared together, filled with chatting between classes, practicing magic for hours, and endless love.
at first, solomon tried to mitigate this with his own marks upon your skin. wearing lipstick as he placed a kiss on your neck, a few stray bite marks from your time together at night. but those, while fun, were temporary. and solomon needed something permanent.
why not a ring?
(Hope you don't mind me adding on, anon. Thank you for the delicious meal! Literally so honored to read your beautiful work! 🥹)
Getting the ring was the easy part. Getting you away from the brothers long enough to propose...was not.
The lengths Solomon went through to be able to have a private moment with you might put him in a record book as the three realms' most whipped man. With the mask of his "shady" persona secured, he lets his silver tongue weave him through these seven obstacles, the sin of each dripping from it with only you on his mind.
Swallowing his pride, breathing in greed, spitting out envy...his wrath, lust, gluttony, and sloth. A vicious rinse, repeat until he's either buttered them up or grated them down until they finally gave in. But he did it. With the day cleared of any interruptions, his plans were set in motion.
He decides to have a redo of your very first date, flying you up and walking in the sky amongst the stars. It's just the two of you against the ever inky black sky of the Devildom, a place that has become synonymous with your presence. Only this time, there are no surprise gales, no surprise drones -- just the surprise of a velvet heart-shaped box in the inside pocket of his coat.
Solomon brings up fond memories of your time together as you both near the spot he's picked to pop the question. He's filled with a giddy glee that soon you'll have something that binds you to him, something to show the world you're his.
Still, there's a little voice in the back of his head reminding him that you could say no. That perhaps he's not worthy. Does he deserve to have matching rings adorned on his and your fingers forevermore? Does he dare stand by your side as your equal when you are, in fact, so far above him?
He decides it's best not to dwell on such thoughts as this is meant to be a happy occasion, as long as all goes well.
Your feet touch the ground once he lowers you both on top of a cliff that overlooks the Devildom, the moon hanging brightly above. As you take in the magnificent sight, he lowers himself on one knee behind you, waiting with bated breath for you to turn on your own volition.
The moment you do, he knows he'll have to keep this memory stored away with his magic, just staring in awe. The moon is angled just right that it shines right behind your head like a halo. Your eyes are as wide as saucers while your jaw is slacked. With the way you look, he truly wonders if he's in the Celestial Realm.
Nervously, Solomon begins his improvised speech after clearing his throat, "my dearest apprentice, it is with great honor that I'm knelt before you tonight. I have dreamt of this moment more than I'd care to admit, yet I never thought it'd come true. But here I am, willing to give you all of me, if you're willing to give me all of you. You are the sun to my moon, the air in my lungs, the very reason why I believe I've lived so long. I was always meant to find you and work side by side to protect the human realm together. And most importantly, to love you. So, please do this old sorcerer a favor...by marrying me..."
He pulls out the ring box, opening it to offer you the ring within. The blessed box is shaking as he trembles, waiting patiently for your answer.
Happy tears spring from his eyes once you say, "yes." The ring is carefully slipped onto your finger, and a single word comes to Solomon's mind.
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shakingparadigm · 1 month
what is the theory that ivan manipulated the event where till and mizi met the wagyein?
It's not a theory, actually! It's confirmed that Ivan orchestrated the whole event. The true reason as to why however is still unknown. The information provides more context to this scene, though:
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During the earlier times of ALNST the most rational explanation for this scene was that Till ran after a flower crown (presumably Mizi's) and Ivan followed him in out of curiosity. Now we know that Ivan was conveniently just standing there because he was waiting.
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Side note, I find it heartbreaking (and maybe a little funny, sorry) that Till most likely didn't notice Ivan in this scene. That's just like him, isn't it. Always too busy running after Mizi while Ivan trails behind, an ever-present shadow.
I'm not sure how Ivan manipulated the circumstances for both of them to end up there, but it is confirmed that everything was intentional. What strikes me most is how they describe this particular scene:
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I can't copy down what they said word-for-word (Patreon info), but they described Ivan watching "creepily" as Till and Mizi are faced with danger. We know that Ivan was familiar with the Cerberus wagyein beforehand, enough to touch its teeth and even to rest himself inside its maw. To Ivan, the wagyein is not dangerous, but to Till and Mizi, it could be. Ivan prepared the wagyein, led them there, and watched "creepily" from afar as Till fell on his knees, seemingly injured.
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The closest I can get to making sense of Ivan's "scheme" is that he wanted to see how other children would react in a dangerous situation. Ivan's always been an observer, after all, and he's learned to survive by copying the more "normal" behaviors of his peers. This situation occured when Ivan was still young and had not yet developed his more charming mask, so perhaps he staged this encounter to study a situational response, to learn and mimic the emotion of fear. And what better subjects for the experiment than two of the most expressive and reactive humans of their batch? It helps that he was already fixated on Till beforehand, too. I think Ivan became irreversibly obssessed after this incident, especially since it's framed as a turning point in Ivan's life, comparing Till to the stars.
This is just my attempt at an interpretation, though. It could very well be for another reason. He most likely chose Till and Mizi specifically for personal reasons, not just for reaction. I'm still not sure on the purpose behind the whole thing.
The team wanted to capture Ivan's "dark emotions" through the shot of his stalking, which could relate to his more sinister intentions. His gaze can be read in a few different ways, though. Curiosity, interest, fear, etc. Maybe that's why they decided to redraw the shot in ROUND 6.
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I think this better sells the feeling they were trying to convey.
#ivan u fucked up little guy.#also okay i just wanna clear this up#i know i make a lot of posts about ivans darker side and his more problematic traits#but this isn't me trying to villainize him or reduce him down to “toxic yaoi”#I HOPE YOU GUYS KNOW ALL MY TOXIC YAOI POSTS ARE LIGHTHEARTED.#i just want to clarify that ivan was always intended to be a darker and complicated character. even since his debut in round 3#the way i refer to ivan (“twisted” “creepy” “obssessive” etc) are literally the direct words used by q and v themselves to describe him#but despite that id like to emphasize that i don't see ivan as a villain or a completely bad person. hes complicated#there is no normalcy in this world they are living in. none of the characters know what being truly normal is#this isn't me condoning his actions#but it has to be acknowledged that alnst is fucked up in nature. we can't expect perfect relationships from people who are born to die#plus ivan has a lot more layers past the “dark” parts. he's constantly battling himself and his desires#especially at the end of round 6 where he performs a myriad of conflicting actions (kiss strangle peck smile)#thanks to the r6 production notes we now know that ivan was going through a rapid internal conflict#“sure and unsure at the same time”#there is sooo much to ivan. his low self-esteem. his desire and possessiveness despite knowing till will never love him#his VEHEMENT insistence that till will never love him vs his desperate persistence in trying anyway#uh i need to shut up i think#anyways sorry. just wanted to clarify my thoughts on him in case people think im. yk.#in short. hes a fucked up little freak and he fascinates me. this poor tragic child. i love him.#SORRY I GOT CARRIED AWAY#alnst#alien stage#alien stage ivan#alnst ivan#asks
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buwheal · 6 months
I wanna give him a blanket. Can it maybe just materialize outta nowhere?
(I know fabric wrinkles suck to draw. You don't gotta 😵)
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asmidge · 7 months
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Todd Ingram in Scott Pilgrim Takes Off!
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stevethehairington · 1 year
i love you prompts: 98 w/ romantic steddie? 😌
lou!! thank you for sending this in!! ooh this is a good one!!
98. "Take a deep breath"
It’s late when the credits finally start to roll onscreen.
Steve guesses it’s sometime close to midnight, or maybe a little after, but he’d taken his watch off earlier before he’d gotten elbow deep in dirty dish water, cleaning up after the mess they somehow managed to make whipping up a simple dinner of grilled cheese and tomato soup. It sits on the kitchen counter, all the way across the room, and the nearest clock in the Munson trailer hangs beside the phone, too far away for Steve to see from his spot on the couch.
He can’t exactly twist in his place to try and catch a better glimpse of it, or get up to fetch his watch either. Not while Eddie leans up against his side, arms crossed over his chest and neck bent awkwardly so his head can rest against Steve’s shoulder, fast asleep.
When they first put the movie on, the two of them had started off on opposite ends of the already pretty small couch, but as it progressed, they’d gradually shifted closer and closer — in the name of sharing popcorn easier, to whisper their movie commentary directly into each other’s ears rather than speak over the film, and, eventually, so it seems, so that Eddie could use Steve as a pillow. 
Not that Steve minded or anything. He liked it, in fact — likes it. Likes having Eddie so close, likes feeling the warmth of his body pressing up against his own, likes the fact that Eddie is comfortable enough with him to let his guard down like this.
Eddie hasn’t been sleeping all that well as of late, so when his head tipped onto Steve’s shoulder a little over half an hour ago, Steve just slouched a little lower to ease the angle of his neck and reached for the remote to turn down the volume. It had been a little hard for him to hear it after that, but he hadn’t really paid it much attention after that point anyways.
Now, though, the movie is over, and it’s late enough that Steve’s verging on overstaying his welcome. He knows he should probably wake Eddie so he can let him know that he’s going and say his goodbyes and head out.
But Eddie just looks way too peaceful. Steve doesn’t want to wake him.
Instead, he decides that he can just leave a note. In case Eddie does wake up to find him gone. He’ll know nothing bad happened to Steve, just that he went home for the night and that they’ll see each other tomorrow — because chances are they will. They hardly went a day without spinning into each other’s orbits now.
Except, Steve doesn’t want to just leave Eddie on the couch either. He knows from personal experience that the Munson’s sofa is not exactly the most comfortable thing ever. Every time he falls asleep on it, he wakes up with a crick in his neck and an ache in his back. He doesn’t want that for Eddie.
His bedroom isn’t far, just down the hall, and Steve will feel a lot better if he gets Eddie to his bed before he leaves. So, he does his best to maneuver out from beneath Eddie, cradling his head as he removes it from his shoulder and lowers it to the cushion instead.
Steve takes a second to roll out his shoulders, then he slips one arm under Eddie’s back and the other behind his knees, which are curled to his side. As carefully as he can, he lifts Eddie from the couch.
Eddie stirs, but he doesn’t wake, thank god. He just smacks his mouth a little and buries his nose into the collar of Steve’s sweater, and Steve lets out the breath he didn’t even realize he was holding.
Eddie’s lighter than he looks, but still pretty heavy, and Steve doesn’t want to drop him, so he takes it slow as he follows the path towards Eddie’s door at the end of the hall. It’s, thankfully, already open, so all he has to do is kick out a foot to push it wide enough to fit through.
The blinds in Eddie’s room are still fucked up — broken enough that the slats droop down in a way that gives the morning sun the perfect opening to shine right in and wake him up before it’s time. Eddie complains about it constantly, but he hasn’t made any sort of attempt to fix them yet, and right now, Steveis grateful for that. The glow of the moon is bright enough to seep in through the gap, providing just enough gentle light that Steve can see where he’s going.
He makes it to the side of Eddie’s bed without issue, and delicately deposits Eddie onto his mattress. Again, Eddie shifts, rolling slightly onto his side, but he still doesn’t rouse.
The blankets are shoved to the end of Eddie’s bed, and Steve stifles a snort at that as he reaches for them and starts to pull them up and over Eddie’s body. He knows Eddie runs cold, so he takes a moment to tuck the corners in and add an extra blanket to the top so that he’s nice and cozy.
Then, unable to help himself, Steve brushes Eddie’s bangs to the side and leans down to leave a soft ghost of a kiss to his forehead.
He’s just starting to straighten up and pull his hand back when quick fingers dart out to curl around his wrist, trapping him there.
Steve freezes, eyes snapping back open to find Eddie, awake, blinking hazily back up at him.
“Steve?” Eddie asks, groggy, still somewhere halfway in between awake and asleep.
“Hey, yeah, it’s me,” Steve whispers. “You fell asleep, I just brought you to your room so you’d be comfortable,” he tells him.
Eddie smiles then, this sleepy, goopy sort of thing that makes something warm settle in Steve’s chest, and he tugs on Steve’s wrist. “C’mere,” he mumbles, and Steve thinks maybe he has something he wants to tell him.
So he leans in closer.
And closer.
And closer.
Eddie tips his chin up, and Steve thinks he’s going for his ear, so he can whisper his sleepsoft secret. Only, his mouth doesn’t go anywhere near Steve’s ear. Instead, it lands against his own in a—
In a kiss.
It’s chaste, tender, just the sweet press of lips against lips. It catches Steve off guard at first, but the surprise settles, and Steve is about to let himself melt into it.
Then the moment shatters.
Eddie jerks back, bolting upright as he scrambles far enough back in his bed that he hits the headboard. His eyes are wide open now, fully alert and not a single trace of sleepiness anywhere on his face as he stares at Steve. His hand, the one he’d had around Steve’s wrist just seconds ago, hovers over his own mouth, like he can’t quite believe what it has just done.
“Oh, oh, fuck,” Eddie chokes out. “Shit, shit, shit, I’m so— I didn’t mean to— fuck, you have to— please don’t—”
“Woah, hey, it’s… it’s alright, Eddie,” Steve says, holding his hands out in what he hopes is a placating gesture. He doesn’t come closer, doesn’t want to frighten Eddie further, but he wants Eddie to know that there’s no reason for him to be so scared. He’s not… he’s not mad. Or upset. Or anything that Eddie probably thinks he is right now. Not even close.
Eddie’s words start to fail him as his breathing begins to hitch, and Steve can see the rapidfire rise and fall of his chest. His eyes are on Steve, but he’s not looking at him. He’s looking through him, like he’s somewhere else right now. Like he’s spiraling into every single bad place his mind can take him right now.
Steve recognizes it for what it is — a panic attack.
“Eddie,” Steve tries, forgetting politeness as he moves to the edge of Eddie’s bed and kneels against the mattress. He reaches out to rest his hand on Eddie’s shoulder — to give him a point of contact, something to focus on. Something to ground him. It’s what usually helps Steve whenever he’s having a panic attack, finding an anchor, to bring him back down.
Eddie’s hand flies out to grasp at Steve’s wrist, and Steve lets him pull it from his shoulder so that he can curl his fingers around Steve’s palm instead. His grip is tight, nails biting into Steve’s skin, but Steve doesn’t care.
“You’re safe,” Steve reassures. “You’re safe and I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.”
Eddie nods, but Steve isn’t so sure his words have reached him. Not when he still looks so panicked, and his breathing is still coming out too fast.
“Hey,” Steve says softly, rubbing his thumb over the back of Eddie’s hand. “Take a deep breath,” he instructs.
Eddie’s eyes settle onto Steve’s face, still hazy but doing better at focusing. Steve smiles at him, nods encouragingly. “Come on, do it with me, deep breath in.”
Steve makes a show of inhaling again, holding up his fingers to count to three before he starts to let it all back out in an exhale. He goes through it twice before Eddie catches on and starts to mirror him.
They follow the pattern until finally Eddie’s breathing returns to normal and the panic seems to subside.
“Are you okay?” Steve asks, once Eddie’s shoulders slump and his head drops forward, his hair hanging like a curtain around his face. Steve hasn’t let go of Eddie’s hand yet, and he doesn’t plan to.
Eddie lets out a humorless laugh, but he doesn’t look up. “Depends,” he starts. “Are you going to… to fucking… hit me or shout at me or something?”
Steve’s face screws up, mouth tugging down into a hard frown. “What?” He asks. “Why would I do that? Because you had a panic attack?”
Eddie snorts. “No,” he replies, like he can’t believe that’s what Steve thinks this is about. He stays quiet for a second, two, three. Like he can’t quite bring himself to say it. “Because I— because I kissed you,” he finally breathes.
“Oh,” Steve says softly. He watches Eddie for a moment, doesn’t like that he can’t see his face. He wants to see his face. So, with careful fingers, he reaches out to brush Eddie’s hair back, to tuck it behind his ear.
Eddie’s breath catches as he does, and his gaze flickers up to Steve’s, briefly, before fixing firmly on his lap again.
“Eddie,” Steve starts, “I’m not mad that you kissed me.”
It takes a second for his words to sink in.
When they do, Eddie’s head snaps up. His eyes land on Steve’s, wide and surprised and searching. “You’re not?”
Steve shakes his head. Lets a little smile grace his lips. “Nope,” he confirms. “Not one single bit.”
And, well, in for a penny, in for a pound, right? He shuffles a little closer on his knees, presses further into Eddie’s space. “In fact…” he trails off. Does a little searching of his own. “I wouldn’t mind if you did it again,” Steve finishes after he’s sure that Eddie isn’t going to push him away.
Eddie’s eyebrows lift this time, the pull together. Steve wants to smooth out the little wrinkle that forms between them. 
“Are you… you’re serious?” Eddie asks.
“Serious as a heart attack,” Steve replies.
The corner of Eddie’s mouth twitches, then a smile breaks out across his face. “Holy shit, you’re serious,” he says, followed by a breathless little laugh.
Steve can’t help but laugh too, and he nods and starts to tug at Eddie’s hand to pull him in this time. “Yeah,” he says. “Now that that’s been established, you think I could get another one?”
Eddie looks at him like he’s won the lottery. “Jesus christ, yes, yes please,” he says, and the hand not caught in Steve’s comes up to bunch into the front of his sweater as he meets him halfway.
It’s a little offcentered, a little overeager on both of their parts, but it’s perfect.
When they break apart, Eddie presses his forehead against Steve’s. “Were you leaving?” He asks.
“I was,” Steve answers. “I don’t want to now,” he admits.
Eddie chuckles and lets go of Steve only just long enough to peel back the covers Steve had so lovingly tucked around him not too long ago.
“So stay,” Eddie says.
With his welcome so graciously extended like that, who is Steve to say no?
So he stays.
100 ways to say i love you prompts
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skyafied · 1 year
if you are still taking requests, could you draw heavy surrounded birds like a disney princes and medic looking lovingly from the distance
Hey anon how does it feel to have an absolutely massive brain, like just ginormous
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aropride · 10 months
earlier today i got curious if there were any irl groups for aromantics in my area (answer was no) so i googled it and the first result was a list of 37 groups on meetup.com tagged "aromantic". a lot of the titles didn't mention aromantics at all and only mentioned asexuals so i decided to count up which groups were actually for aromantics. i also decided to look at the locations of the meetings, because almost all of them were in the US.
under the cut because this post is really long! (post archive link)
Out of 37 meetup group names:
17 names mentioned aces but not aros
11 names mentioned aces and aros
2 names used the term aspec (one used the terms aro and ace as well, I counted it twice)
0 groups were primarily/only for aromantics
6 were non-aspec-specific LGBTQ meetup groups
2 didn't mention queerness in the group name at all (one is a volunteer group that's mostly queer, the other was a childfree support group that's explicitly queer-friendly, including aspecs)
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(ID: a pie chart with 4 slices showing the above data, minus the ones that used the term aspec. the smallest pie slice is 5% and is for entries that were not queer specific, next is 16% and is for ones that aren't aspec specific, next is 32% for the ones that mentioned both aros and aces, and the largest slice is 46% and is for entries whose titles mentioned aces but not aros. a fifth color in the key, blue, represents groups that were primarily for aros, but there is no blue in the pie chart. end ID)
So I got curious as to whether aros were even included as an afterthought in these groups. as anyone with a normal amount of time on their hands would, I read through all 37 descriptions.
Out of 37 meetup group descriptions:
none were exclusively for aromantics
20 mentioned both aromantics and asexuals
14 only mentioned asexuals
3 didn't mention aros or aces (these were all wider LGBTQ meetup groups)
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(ID: a pie chart with three sections showing the above data. 8% didn't mention aces or aros, 38% were ace-inclusive but didn't mention aros, 54% were ace- and aro- inclusive, and 0% were aro-specific. end ID)
Comparing the titles to the descriptions:
6 didn't mention aros in the title, but did in the descriptions
3 didn't mention aspecs in the title, but did in the description
1 mentioned aros in the title, but not the description
3 of the 37 groups mentioned alloaros
2 explicitly said aros are under the ace spectrum (which is not true)
Notes about the descriptions:
One group said they were “aromantic-friendly,” but their description said it was for "asexuals, demisexuals, and grey-asexuals". I counted it as not mentioning aromantics because aromantics were not explicitly invited.
One group said they were for “asexuals and aromantics,” but that it was a “safe space to discuss asexuality” and didn’t mention aromantics again. I counted this as the title mentioning aromantics but the description not mentioning us, because again, we weren't explicitly invited.
One group counted intersex as an asexual identity. I don't even know what to say about that except that it's just... wrong. And shows the leaders know nothing about asexuality. I am so exhausted. The same group said aromantic is under the asexual spectrum.
One group used the term “Aspec” but didn’t clarify who that included. I’m assuming they meant aces and aros and counted it as such.
29 of the 37 groups were in the US.
2 were in Australia and 3 were in Canada
The other 3 were in India, Singapore, and Germany, respectively.
here's the map i'm using to define the regions, i did not make it so if u disagree take it up with the bureau of economic analysis, not me
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(ID: the US Bureau of Economic Analysis regional map, which divides the country into 8 regions: New England, the Mideast, the great lakes, the plains, the southeast, the southwest, the rocky mountains, and the far west. end ID)
amount of groups in each US region:
New england: 2
Mideast: 5
Southeast: 6
Great lakes: 0
Plains: 2
Rocky mountain: 2
Southwest: 2
Far west: 10
groups in non-US locations:
Canadian locations: Victoria BC, Vancouver BC, Hamilton ON
Australia locations: Melbourne, Sydney
India location: Kolkata
Germany location: Kassel
Singapore location: Singapore
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(ID: two maps, showing the same points in various different colors. one is zoomed in on the US and a small fraction of canada's southern border, and the other shows the world map. the groups in the US and Canada are almost entirely clustered along the east and west coasts. there are two in australia, one in singapore, one in india, and one in germany. end ID)
i've made a map (link) of all the meetup entries and their locations, color-coded by how aro-friendly they appear. green means aros were explicitly invited in the title and the description, blue means aros were mentioned in one but not both, and grey means only aces were mentioned. pink are for general queer meetups, yellow is for not specifically queer but queer-friendly events, and red is for entries that conflated aromanticism and asexuality.
a quick search for different aro irl groups didn't bring up much more but it did bring up aromanticism.org (run by AUREA, the aromantic-spectrum union for recognition, education, and advocacy), which has a list of aro-specific groups, and aspec groups in general. there are 36 aspec groups, of which 3 have been confirmed to be explicitly aro-friendly. there are two aro-specific groups. it also brought up acesandaros.org, which has a list of 106 groups. around 34 have the word "aro" in the title. i'm running out of energy so i'm not going to go through them all but i'd bet the statistics would shake out similarly to meetup.com.
and to be clear: it's not bad that there are more ace-focused or ace-exclusive groups. and i don't think this is the fault of ace people, more the lack of visibility and education about aros. what's bad isn't that there are ace groups, it's that these groups are in the aro tag, while not being aro-focused or sometimes even aro-friendly, while we have no groups at all focused only on us in our own tag. and to be clear: it's not really about the tags, it's about aromantics not having our own spaces. i'm tired of aromantics being ignored and pushed aside in aspec spaces and the wider queer community. i'm tired of alloaros being ignored and pushed aside in aro spaces, in aspec spaces, and in the wider queer community. these are all places we should be able to feel comfortable in. they're places we belong in, and we should be able to feel like we belong.
i don't know. i wouldn't have been able to go anyway, even if there was something in my area, i can't drive and have no one to go with. but it would've been nice if i'd had the option. it'd be nice for anyone to have the option.
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good-beanswrites · 2 months
Fe Aspec Week Day 4: Acceptance
This week on I Accidentally Made Myself Sad With My Own Angst :( As much as I know Forsyth would be the most accepting person in all of Valentia, I think his own insecurities/mindset would cause a bit of tension during his childhood with Python. It has a happy ending but I wanted to explore just a bit of that first...
Forsyth’s tiny hands trembled, clutching the gift that he’d bought with his very own money. His father didn't need to know.
Python scrambled down the big oak tree to meet him. He tugged at the dress his father probably made him wear for the holiday. His hair had already come loose from it's braid, likely caught on the twigs and leaves of the tree. Forsyth waited anxiously at it's base for him to come down.
When he arrived, Forsyth shoved the box forward. He startled both of them with the force of it.
“I – I – I have this. For you. Will you – I mean – I would –” Forsyth’s cheeks burned red. It was clear what he was asking. There would be no other reason you’d give someone a perfectly wrapped package of sweets on the Day of Devotion unless you were asking them the question.
Python looked down at it. The two had been friends for so long, it took only a second for Forsyth to understand exactly what it meant. 
“Oh…” He felt his stomach twist up in a knot. His throat started to constrict. “I know Father doesn’t like you, but he doesn’t much like anyone. S-so we can make it work!”
“We could keep it a secret!” Then, in desperation, “we could – we could run away together!”
“Fors!” Python whined. “C’mon, you know we’re too young for that!” With one hand he took the chocolates, and the other took Forsyth's arm. “We’re supposed to be climbing trees and playing pranks on Teacher – not doing gushy grown-up love stuff.”
Forsyth bit his lip. He didn’t think it was gushy at all. He didn’t trust his voice to speak; with one word he may just start bawling right here. The last thing he needed was to be scolded for being so emotional. 
Python beamed as if he hadn’t just shattered Forsyth’s heart into a million pieces. “Let’s just take it slow, okay? We’ll have plenty of time for all that when we’re older, okay?”
He coaxed a small nod from Forsyth.
“Speaking of! I heard Teach left the schoolhouse window open – have I got the perfect plan! We’ll share the chocolates after, okay? You’re my best friend, we should split them.”
I don’t want to split them. Forsyth let himself be tugged along. I wanted to give them all to you. To give everything to you.
He grit his teeth as they ran. He wasn’t the type to accept defeat after a small setback like this. So, Python wasn’t ready. That was fine. One day he would be. And Forsyth would be there. It was like every book he’d read: the steadfast knight would get the beautiful lover, if he was just patient enough.
He said a quick prayer to Mila, that one day they’d stop being friends, and true love would win out.
Forsyth’s hands trembled, his fists balled up in fury. 
“I am sick and tired of this.”
“Oh you’re tired of this? Then quit fucking confessing every single year. Every year it’s the same speech, and the same shitty plan to run away together. We’re not in some fairy tale, Fors. Just give it up.” Python moved to take a sip from his drink, turning his back. Though they’d both come of age, it wasn’t ale. Though it wasn’t ale, they both spoke as loudly as if they’d each had a barrel to drink. It was a good thing Python’s father was out all night; there was no one in the tiny house to hear them argue.
Forsyth grabbed the cup away before he could take a sip. It earned him a hard look, but a direct one. “I’m not tired of confessing, I’m tired of this type of disrespect!” He placed the drink down a foot away. “You can’t just be honest with me and tell me why I’m not good enough for you – it’s infuriating!”
“I am honest. I’ve told you, this has nothing to do with you. It’s me who–”
“Oh-ho, don’t give me that tired cliche! Every year, it’s another cryptic excuse, another roundabout lie!” He flung his hands in wild gestures, his voice pitching. “You say you’re not ready for commitment, yet you spend every day with me regardless. You say you would make a terrible housemate, yet you stay over at my home for weeks at a time. You say you’re not ready to be with someone, yet I catch word that you shared a bed with the innkeeper!”
“What, you jealous or something?”
“That is exactly what I am. And how dare you act like I’m the crazy one for it!” Tears threatened his eyes, but he pushed through. “I have been by your side your entire life, looking out for you, caring for you, giving all of myself over to you! And here you are, laughing in the face of my love! Like - like it’s another one of your jokes!
“Oh, you're jealous, huh? So is that why you do it? You do all that for me just to get laid at the end of the day? Well if you’d said that sooner, I would have happily –”
“You know that’s not what I meant!”
“Then what do you mean?”
“It doesn’t make any damned sense, Python!”
“It does, if you would just pipe down and listen when I –”
“Pipe down?” 
“Yeah! If you’d let me finish a damned sentence this will all make sense!”
“Fine then, go ahead and finish – give me one good reason why you don’t want to be with me!”
“When you’re acting like this I could give you a hundred!” Python swatted his cup away, spilling the drink all over the floor. He stormed out of the room.
A heavy silence fell over the house. Forsyth gathered his things. He left. He finally let his tears fall.
It was simple, he decided. All he needed to do was accept the fact that this relationship was going nowhere. Python didn't love him, and he'd just need to imagine whatever reasons he could. They should simply end things before they got any more hurt. 
End our friendship...
He cried through the night, unable to even muster a word to Mila. 
Forsyth’s hand was steady as it took the man’s shoulder. The pair locked eyes. 
“Run away with me.”
The wind rustled the leaves overhead. Usually the area was bustling with chaos as the new building was erected, but Python was the only one to stay back today. Forsyth would have teased him for the irony, if it hadn’t presented him with the perfect opportunity to ask his question.
Python rolled his eyes. “Har-har. I thought today was Day of Devotion, not Flostym Fools'…”
“Huh?” Forsyth’s expression flashed with confusion, then horror. “O-oh! Not like that, of course! Oh gods, I meant… the Deliverance.”
He spread his hands. “It’s clear we’ll never get the approval we seek to join. So I propose we do it in secret. Everyone will be distracted by the village festivities tonight. If we don’t come home right away, everyone will assume it’s for… the festivities. It will give us a reasonable head start. We won’t need to worry about them catching up to us by the time they finally realize we’ve gone.”
He looked eagerly to Python. 
“Heh, using all the hype around love to make our escape... you’re a true ally after all, Fors!”
Forsyth’s look soured. “L-listen. I swear, I would never ask you that again. I mean, we got over that years ago. I nearly lost you to that argument, and I shall never make the same mistake again. I know how much pain I put you through, and I would never dream of –”
“Hey. I know. You had a lot on your mind, then.” He let out a loud sigh. “Which is why I’m gonna come along with you. Somebody’s gotta help you find that special someone, right?”
“Do you mean it? Wait, what is that supposed to mean?”
With a hearty laugh, Python pulled him into a hug. Forsyth held him close. Reality may not follow a path like the perfect little fairy tales he read as a child, but that made it no less perfect.
“So… that’s a yes?”
Python leaned back so he could study his face. “You’re really serious about this, huh?”
“W-were you not?”
“Eh, I’m not serious about anything…” He offered his hand. “But I’m in. I’m always in.”
Forsyth accepted it, clasping it within both of his. He found himself too choked up for words, though he didn’t care if anyone saw him cry. He wiped tears from his cheeks and smiled at Python’s kindhearted teasing.
He thanked the gods that they would never stop being friends.
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sn0wbat · 9 months
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strange dreams that make you go hmm.
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justaz · 2 months
im TIRED of reading fics with period typical homophobia 😭😭 i caint do it 😭😭😭 just let them be gay in peace 😭
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im-bush3d · 2 years
cyno always makes an effort to memorise little things about you: for example, hobbies and interests you mentioned offhandedly in a random conversation. then, give him a few days, and he’s thoroughly researched that topic and all the aspects of it you’re interested just so that he can crack a few awful jokes in the hopes of making you smile.
(or, if not smile, at least sniff through your nose in what may be disappointment, amusement, or both.)
He WOULD be one to memorise dates important to you (like your birthday) or even small comments you've mentioned once- he WILL remember it. He’ll not only thoroughly research it but also might give you gifts on the things he knows you enjoy the most.
You find it incredibly romantic to see cyno trying hard to remember the things dear to you, not only that but also practising those things so he can relate to you, and join in with what you enjoy.
I imagine him either recording these notes mentally or him having a small, private notebook in which he record these things in case he will forget. But he wont forget. Not when it has to do with you.
if you mention a specific restaurant you love to go to you’ll bet that he’ll take you there. If you mention a specific food you really like he will spend a whole afternoon, cooking and making it from scratch just for you.
Why? You ask. Why does he take the time to memorise and learn the things you love?
Because he cares for you. Cyno cares and loves you, any opportunity he has in making you feel happy immediately brightens his day. The smile and laugh you give whenever he cracks and awful joke is enough to brighten his day. He loves taking his time, spending his time to learn the things you love to see the you're look of pure joy on your face when you can do it together, and have someone to talk to about you passion and interests who can join in and reciprocate those feelings.
Even if he doesn't necessarily care or like whatever you love he will take his time to research it intensely for you. Because Cyno loves you. And you love him too :)
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