#also i think cas deserves to get pampered
sheepstiel · 2 years
would you care to share more about servicetop dean/bottom cas? we'd all love to hear
ok i'll try to be coherent but i have many feelings about this.
i think dean is a caretaker and he has control issues. i also think he would be somebody to get pleasure out of giving pleasure. so a way to learn how to let go during boy bestie time would be for cas to take control in how he wants dean to take care of him. so dean can still be the one who is the active part but he doesnt have to decide how. as a bonus he can get praised for doing well.
i simply think this would fix both of them.
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spnorwhatever · 4 years
maybe for my next trick I can convince some of y’all to come around to bottom!Cas lmao
#txt#okay listen: fandom at large seems to have assigned Dean as Bottom and that's just feels like a large mass majority of everything now#but the interesting thing for me is. people also TAG for it too#like usually I find that happens if one is more popular ig vs the other so they want to show that it's the other way around?#but like. it just feels like basically most of the tags are Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester#and I'm like.... aw man#like.. idk my dudes! I've only perceived Castielnatural so I'm sure the bottom Dean thing comes from the rest of Spn and/or s1-3#but like... hmm how do I say this#ig I also feel like a lot of ppl look at Cas and are like yes he is the Dom Top doles out discipline and Dean is bratty bottom?#but like.. idk I don't see that when I look at Cas? I mean like. I'm not saying he doesn't have ''dominant'' traits but I don't see him as#like that's who he IS you know? He's a good leader and is naturally charismatic and will attract followers to him#but he doesn't WANT to lead and he takes on leading bc he feels like he has no choice/bc he feels an obligation to them#I don't think he's at his happiest or most natural when he's in charge of a large operation tho#Dean on the other hand. in a group he IS a natural leader#idk I bring this up bc like.. when ppl Identify the top/bottom like that in a thing they tend to also like..#write the personalities archetypally? and for me the destiel ''you lead. I'll follow'' is more Cas to Dean and not Dean to Cas#also I think Cas deserves to be taken care of and pampered and Dean deserves to have a nurturing relationship that isn't his brother#it's like!!! not even about the sex okay!! it's like. emotionally bottoming okay!!!#it's the top/bottom as allegory for like the provider-figure vs caretaker/nurturer-figure#I just feel like sometimes top cas/bottom dean gets too Top/brat and I'm like.. not into that nor is that how I see them
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expectingtofly · 3 years
Incident at Playgroup
fluff, established dean/cas, baby jack, human!cas, cas and dean terrorize other parents
dedicated to @thiscastielhasflown bc a few weeks ago we talked about tfw’s mcdonald’s orders and this fic happened. wishing you a good week with schoolwork assignments that only take half the time you expect them to, eventual restful sleep, and good grades <3
also posted on ao3
“Clown!” Jack yelled, pointing at the entrance to the McDonald’s indoor play area. A Ronald McDonald cardboard cutout guarded the door, holding a sign reading, You must be this tall to enter.
“Inside voice,” Dean said, though he wasn’t sure it mattered much when he could hardly hear himself speak. Recently, they’d joined a playgroup of parents and kids from Jack’s preschool, and this weekend, some of the moms had organized a playdate at the McDonald’s in town, one with a huge play area.
Meaning, they were now surrounded by screaming kids, diaper bags, and stressed out parents.
Dean winced as a kid shrieked from across the room. “We need to take a photo of you next to ol’ Ronald to show Sam.”
“Okay,” Jack agreed, jumping up and down in his chair.
Coming over with the tray of their food, Cas put out a hand to steady Jack’s chair. “That would be unnecessarily cruel."
Dean grabbed his Big Mac. “Yeah, well, he deserves it.” Before they’d come here today, Sam had repeatedly told them, quote, “please don't fuck this up again." Always was a polite bastard. “He’s gotta have more faith in us. What are we, amateurs?”
“Unfortunately, I believe that’s the point,” Cas said, sitting down and giving Jack his Happy Meal. “We don’t have the best track record with these sort of things.”
These ‘sort of things’ being playgroups. 
So, they’d tried a couple that hadn’t worked out. “Not like it’s our fault,” he said. “Take a seat, kid.” Jack ignored him, jumping in his seat as he waved to another toddler sitting nearby.
Cas beamed, holding onto the back of the chair. “He’s making friends, that’s a good sign.”
“Kid could make friends with a blank wall,” Dean said, but Cas was right—making friends was the whole point they were here. While Jack could make friends with just about anyone and anything—every crayon had a name and backstory, Cas’ trenchcoat was taken on make-believe-adventures, and the Impala could apparently talk, if Jack’s one-sided conversations during long car rides was anything to go off of—it was true that Jack was lacking in the friends-that-aren’t-hunters-or-over-a-decade-older category. There weren’t exactly many toddlers running around the bunker.
Hence, why they were spending their Saturday afternoon at the Hell on Earth known as McDonald's PlayPlace.
Jack held out the bag of apple slices that came in his Happy Meal. “Open.”
Dean stared him down and Jack added, “Peas.”
Close enough. Taking the bag, Dean told Cas, “Don’t look now, but Amanda is handing out brochures for Pampered Chef again.” According to Sam, that was another reason this playdate had to be a success—making friends with the right parents meant getting invited to more playdates and whatever other random events the parents came up with. It was like a weird society Dean had never known existed until Jack started preschool and started interacting with other kids his own age.
“I saw you using the food processor the other day,” Cas said, glancing over his shoulder to look despite Dean’s warning. Dean rolled his eyes. “I think it’s ingenious.”
“I’m not going to another two hour cooking demonstration.“
“Sam said we need to make a good impression.”
“He can go buy overpriced kitchen tools then.” It was a little too convenient that Sam had gotten out of taking Jack to this playdate—Dean had a suspicion that the multiple Ronald McDonalds stationed around had something to do with that.
He tried to hand Jack the apples, but Jack pointed at the play area. “Wanna play!”
“You have to finish your food,” Dean told him. Crossing his arms, Jack glared at him and stomped his foot on the chair.
“Just eat two more nuggets,” Cas told him. He picked up his filet-o-fish sandwich and glanced at Dean. “What?”
“You’re spoiling him.”
Jack stuffed his face with two chicken nuggets, which prompted Cas to give Dean a look. “Well, you’re teaching him bad table manners.”
Just to be obnoxious, Dean shoved half of his burger into his mouth in one bite. Jack laughed at him and Cas rolled his eyes.
“Done!” Jack announced, and Cas pushed his chair back so he could escape.
“These play places are gross,” Dean said, swallowing. “He’s gonna catch a disease.”
“Good thing he can’t get sick,” Cas said, watching Jack clamber up some stairs to reach a slide.
“Yeah, well I can,” Dean retorted. Jack went down the slide with a squeal. Landing at the bottom, he waved at them and Dean waved back.
“The Winchesters are here!” someone called too cheerily and Dean rolled his eyes, turning to see Ashley walking over. Lady thought she ran the group, always recruiting parents to bring snacks and toys to playdates. A little too high and mighty when Dean knew for a fact that the cupcakes she'd brought last week were store-bought.
Settling down into the seat next to them, she asked, “I wasn’t expecting you two today. Where’s Sam?”
Dean resisted rolling his eyes. Of course Sam was everyone’s favorite. Wasn’t his fault Sam was better at feigning interest in grocery lists and laundry piles. Parenting was hard enough without getting subjected to the unique torture of playgroup small talk.
“Him and Eileen went on a weekend trip,“ Cas answered easily and Dean nodded. They’d long given up trying to explain to others why Jack had a rotating list of parental figures accompanying him to playgroup, figuring if the other parents thought they were in a weird cult situation, at least that was better than them knowing the truth—like the fact that Sam and Eileen were away hunting a rugaru in Missouri. Though they were going to run out of excuses soon for why playgroup couldn’t be hosted at their place—an underground bunker with enough weapons to hold off an army.
“Well,” Ashley said, “I’m glad you guys were able to make it.” Yeah, that was a fake smile.
“We wouldn’t miss it,” Dean said, plastering on his own fake smile. “I can’t think of anywhere else I’d rather be.” Cas kicked him under the table.
“We’ve loved having Jack in the group,” Ashley said, and that might not be a fake sentiment. Jack could charm anyone. “Such a sweetheart. Lily adores him.” She smiled at where Jack and her daughter Lily were crawling through a tunnel at the top of the play area.
“Jack, no!” Dean called, seeing Jack stick his fingers in his mouth. “I’m so getting sick,” he muttered under his breath.
He was trying to come up with an excuse to get away as Ashley pulled out her phone to show them a new post on her mommy blog—boring, same old content. Give him a blog and he’d actually have something interesting to say—when he heard familiar crying from across the play area.
Without a second thought, he was pushing back his chair and rushing over, squeezing past playing kids and their parents to find Jack sitting on the floor bawling his eyes out and a bigger kid standing over him.
“What the hell happened here?” he demanded. He went to pick up Jack, but Cas was already swooping in and grabbing him.
“He pushed me!” Jack managed through his sobs, and Dean turned on the older kid.
“What the hell’s your problem?” The kid’s baleful expression faltered. He took a step back and Dean advanced on him. “You get off on making kids half your size cry?”
“Don’t speak to my son that way!” someone exclaimed, pushing through the crowd of kids and parents to glare at them. “What’s going on?”
“Your son is a menace,” Cas told the woman—Denise. Playgroup gossip said her son had gotten held back from kindergarten due to his inability to ‘play nice with others.’ Jack’s crying had subdued to sniffles, but Cas still held onto him like he might break apart. “He was bullying our son.”
“I’m sure it was an accident.” She put her hand on the kid’s shoulder. “You didn’t mean to hurt him, right, Tommy?”
Tommy only glared at them, and Dean glared right back. “He needs to apologize to Jack,” Cas said.
“Tommy, apologize.”
After several long, drawn out seconds, Tommy muttered, looking down at his feet, “Sorry.”
“I don’t think that was a real apology,” Cas said.
“It’s not my fault Jack’s a crybaby,” Tommy shot back.
“You little—” Dean started
“Take that back,” Cas snapped, and if he wasn’t human, Dean would’ve expected his eyes to start glowing fiery blue. Denise’s eyes grew wide, her grip on Tommy’s shoulder tightening.
“Is there a problem here?” someone asked, and Dean turned to see a McDonald’s employee hurrying over.
“Yeah, this kid shoved our son,” Dean said. “And he’s being a little shit about it.”
The employee’s expression turned shocked and Dean heard a few gasps from the parents that had crowded around to see the commotion. “I’m gonna have to ask you to leave,” the employee stammered. “This is a kid’s play area, we won’t tolerate fighting here.”
“We were already going,” Cas said haughtily. He glared at Denise. “And if 'Tommy' ever lays a hand on Jack again, he will be sorry.” Jack’s expression was eerily similar to Cas’ as they shot twin glares at Tommy, and Dean thought he caught a spark in Jack’s eyes.
“Let’s go,” he said, taking Cas’ elbow and guiding him through the crowd of spectators before Jack tried to incinerate the kid. He wasn’t sure if that was one of Jack’s powers or not, but he wasn’t sure he wanted to find out in a crowded McDonald’s. Even if the snot-nosed kid deserved it.
The staff behind the counter was watching along with everyone else in the store, the once noisy place now brought to tense stillness. Cas snatched up the rest of their food and Dean knew they were already on the verge of getting the cops called on them, but he couldn’t resist turning and jabbing his finger at the little brat. “And don’t you ever fucking touch Jack again!”
Cas shot Denise and Tommy another look, Jack copying it over his shoulder, and Dean let the door slam shut behind them.
“I can’t believe the audacity of that woman,” Cas raged, strapping Jack into his carseat. Dean grabbed the wipes and leaned over the front seat to wipe Jack’s hands before he touched everything and spread germs around. “And her kid is exactly the same!”
Jack craned his neck to look back at the McDonald’s as Cas finished strapping him in. “Play!”
Getting into the passenger seat, Cas slammed the door shut. “You will not be going back there, not when those children are around. Dean was right, these play places are vile.”
“You alright, kid?” Dean asked Jack, shutting the wipe container.
Jack kicked his feet against the seat. “Hungry.”
Cas pulled out the container of Jack’s half-eaten chicken nuggets and Dean protested, thinking of a fateful day with a bag of cheerios—he was still finding them in every nook and cranny of the car. “No eating in the backseat.”
“He’s just been through a traumatic experience,” Cas said, handing the container to Jack. “We can make an exception.”
“Fine,” Dean muttered, gripping the steering wheel as he pulled out of the parking lot. “I always knew Denise was shifty. You saw the way she was trying to spin the story, making it out like it wasn’t her kid’s fault? Fucking asshole.”
“Asshole!” Jack agreed cheerfully from the backseat.
“That’s not a nice word, Jack,” Cas said. Quieter, he added, “But it’s accurate.” He pulled out his phone. “I’m gonna send a message to the playgroup chat. Tommy’s behavior can’t be tolerated. Soon all the kids are going to become bullies.”
“He needs to be taught a lesson,” Dean agreed, glancing at Jack as he stopped at a red light, trying not to flinch at the crumbs on Jack’s lap that threatened to fall to the floor. “Needs to get knocked down by someone. Hear that, Jack? We’re gonna teach you how to fight back.”
Jack nodded. “I can fight!” He waved a chicken nugget around in mock punches and Dean gave up any hope of keeping the backseat clean.
“Maybe we can convince the other parents to kick Denise and her son out of the—Oh.” Dean looked over at him and Castiel winced. “We’ve been blocked from the group chat.”
“That makes three of them,” Dean muttered, pushing the accelerator as the light turned green. “We’re gonna end up on some blacklist soon.”
First playgroup, Jack had set a couch on fire. Since the "baby god testing out his powers” explanation wasn’t gonna fly, they went with the tried and true, “playing with matches” excuse. Didn’t stop the group from voting to kick them out.
Second playgroup, Cas had gotten in a fiery debate over the ethicality of beekeeping, and what was Dean supposed to do? Not back him up? He hadn't known you could get kicked out of the zoo for "disorderly conduct."
Alright, maybe Sam’s fears that they’d fuck up this playdate too weren’t completely off base.
“I think it’s time we give playgroups a rest,” he decided.
"But Jack needs to make friends."
"He's already got us, and Claire and Kaia and Alex and—"
"Charlie!" Jack added from the backseat.
"Charlie," Dean agreed. "He's got plenty of friends." Cas only stared him down with a particular smitey look in his eyes, and though Dean knew there wasn't a real threat behind the gaze, he sighed. "Fine. We’ll try again.”
"I already had one in mind," Cas said, brightening. "In case this one didn't work out."
“Done!” Jack yelled.
“Inside voice,” Dean said automatically. “Wait, you had a backup plan?"
“Yes,” Cas said, taking the empty container of chicken nuggets from Jack. “I thought it wise considering our track record. It’s a smaller group than this one was—Here, Jack, you want my ice cream?”
“Dude, seriously?” Dean protested as Cas handed an Oreo McFlurry back to Jack, who excitedly held out his hands. “That’s a disaster waiting to happen.”
“Not necessarily,” Cas said. “I don’t think we’re that destined to fail again—Oh, you mean the ice cream.” He glanced at Jack, who was dripping ice cream onto his lap with every spoonful. “Um. Traumatic experience?”
Dean wasn’t falling for that excuse a second time. He started to say so, but Cas wasn’t listening, picking up his phone as it beeped several times in quick succession.
“What?” Dean asked, seeing a slow frown cross Cas' face as he stared at the screen.
Cas held up his phone to show several texts in a row. “We’re in trouble.”
On cue, Dean’s phone started ringing, the screen lighting up to display Sam’s name. Fuck.
“Sam would like to know why we’re all blocked from the group chat,” Cas said unhelpfully, and Dean rejected the call.
“Good luck explaining why.”
“Maybe the problem is us,” Cas said slowly. He met Dean’s eyes, then they both shook their heads.
“No, it’s those stupid parents,” Dean said.
“And their insufferable children,” Cas agreed.
“Insufferable!” Jack agreed from the backseat, ice cream smeared across his chin. Or that’s what Dean thought he was repeating, the word losing a few syllables along the way.
“Not you, Jack,” Cas said. “Every playgroup would be lucky to have you.”
“Just, they apparently don’t know it,” Dean pointed out. “Or we wouldn’t keep getting kicked out.”
His phone started ringing again, as if to remind him of the fact, and he looked pointedly at Cas. “You deal with him.”
“No, you,” Cas said.
“For fuck’s sake,” Dean muttered. Then he had an idea.
“Hey, Jack, tell Sam about what you saw today.” He turned on speakerphone and handed back his phone, not even caring that Jack’s hands were a sticky mess. Okay, maybe he cared a little, but that’s why the Impala now always held wipes in the glove box.
Jack grabbed his phone eagerly. “Sam!” he crowed. “Guess what I saw!”
Dean caught Sam’s voice over the phone. “What—Jack, hey, where’s Dean?”
“Clowns!” Jack said, waving his ice cream spoon around. “Clowns everywhere!”
“Very mature,” Cas told Dean.
Dean shrugged. “Buys us some time.”
“That’s nice, Jack, but put Dean on,” Sam said. Jack started to give the phone back, and Cas whispered,
“Tell him about the slide.”
“Sam, Sam! I went on a slide!” Dean gave him a thumbs up in the rearview mirror and Jack copied it.
“Dean! I know you can hear me!” Sam yelled as Jack continued on about his eventful day.
“We’re horrible influences,” Cas said, unsuccessfully fighting back a smile.
“Nah,” Dean said. “We’re the best.”
tag list
@becky-srs @xojo @marvelnaturalock @aelysianmuse @prayedtoyou @letsjustdieeveryone @good-things-do-happen-dean @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @theninthdutchessofhell @madronasky @famouspsychicpizzabandit @multifandomdisorder @arcticfox007  @improvedpeanut @castiel-is-a-cat @harmonyhelms @thetrueliesofafangirl @dean-you-assbutt-cas-loves-you @confusedisaster @welcome-to-crowleys-hellhole @celestialcastiel @wormstacheangel
let me know if you’d like to be added or removed from the tag list :)
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theramseyloft · 4 years
Pigeon rescue being shut down for “Keeping nuisance animals” needs help finding homes for their birds.
From Tutu.Pigeon’s instagram;
Hi everyone, I don't even know how to write this post and my heart aches saying this. Our next door neighbors complained about the availability in our backyard and the Garfield NJ health department came to shut us down. 
We have a week to re-home our beautiful rescues and I've been working night and day to find them new homes. 
I've been summoned to court for the following violations: 1. Keeping of animals considered a public nuisance, 2. Having a coop that's too close to my home and the neighbor (needs to be 25 feet or more away), and 3. Having a wild bird feeder that is open. 
Apparently, we needed a permit to have the pigeons and the city is not allowing me to remedy the situation and apply for a permit. 
We do not have enough room in the yard to move the aviary (it has to be taken down) and as renters, our landlord would not be happy about all the pigeons in the home. We are cornered, and it is another reminder that people really do not understand or appreciate pigeons. 
How can animals inside their cage bother anyone? We are heartbroken and will do whatever possible to keep Tutu as a pet. 
We have been blessed to have people step up to help us, and we are arranging to drive all over the United States to find the birds placement in sanctuaries. 
If you would like to support us in any way, please donate to our fundraiser (link in bio) so we can make the necessary trips to Vermont, Oklahoma, and other neighboring states. It will be multiple days of driving but our beautiful rescues deserve another chance. 
Thank you all for the love you've shown us and we will continue to run this page as best we can. I think there is much work to be done to fix people's perception about pigeons and so so many innocent animals that need saving. 
Our disabled pigeons have been granted temporary asylum upstate NY while they find forever homes. As I write this, Beaker, Doll, Minion, Slate, Ally, Dove, and Farble (our disabled pigeons) are on their way to a new life. 
Hi everyone, I wanted to update you on our situation. We are still actively re-homing our beautiful birds. Yesterday, 7 of our disabled/sick pigeons (Beaker, Ally, Slate, Dove, Minion, Farble, Doll) were transported upstate NY to a safe haven while we find permanent placement. The wonderful Sue from @themiafoundation is taking care of "The Jersey Seven" and set them up in their own beautiful room where they are comfortable (pic 9 and video 10). You probably already know of Sue, her pigeon and puppy combo have won the hearts of many! (picture 8). Yesterday were able to find a great home for our beautiful one-eyed Grover with @pidgey.fred. Grover immediately went on her new mommy's shoulder and I believe she's probably still sitting there 😆 We have lined up more permanent homes for our pigeons but still have 16 pigeons that need placement. We are planning our multi-state trip and need your support to make this happen. There are people interested in adopting our birds in California, Washington, Florida and Oklahoma. If you can support us, please donate to our link in our Bio. We appreciate everyone's help and support thus far. You have been so very kind to us. The GoFundMe link is new, specifically for re-homing, so I can share updates on there about our trip. If we can make this happen, you will be able to see pics and videos of our destinations and the Pigeon's new homes. ♥️
Today we say goodbye to our aviary, and the so many beautiful moments we have captured. I'm blessed to have crossed paths with these beautiful creatures and been able to save them. I will keep fighting to secure them a good life, we will not give up on them. Our babies have struggled enough in their early lives and I can only hope they will all find loving homes. Thank you for your donations, it means the world to us. Please continue to support us on our GoFundMe (link in Bio). We are also blessed to have a friend who is taking the aviary and our babies until we can adopt everyone out. This buys us some time. You have all been so generous with us. Even though at moments it doesn't feel like it- the world does have good people and when we stick together we achieve the impossible.
Hi everyone, just wanted to update you all on the aviary takedown and this entire situation. We have successfully relocated the aviary to our friend's home a few hours away. It took us two days of taking it apart, getting some help with the lifting and then reassembling it at it's new location. It was a stressful time for the birds as they spent most of this time in their boxes and carriers. Their new safe haven is quiet and beautiful with lots of other animals such as chicken and ducks roaming in a private yard. If you recall, this is the place we rehomed Sophie (renamed Quinn) when Tutu couldn't get along with him. The last pics and videos show the aviary that Quinn lives in with friends. Our birds are being kept at this location while we secure safe homes for them. Our friend is very kind and is making updates to the aviary to make it more spacious, since the birds are a bit cramped. Here, we had an indoor room that they used as well. In the video you can see that we installed a smaller cage to the end of the aviary which the birds seem to be enjoying. With regards to adoptions, we have secured a handful of new homes and even found a great person in CA willing to adopt most of our babies. Our special needs birds such as Beaker remain upstate and have vet appointments coming up. Dove (the beautiful white wedding release bird) has been successfully rehomed after recovering from her sickness. This week we are planning to rehome in NC and GA and are driving down from NJ. Next week we will rehome in CT. Finally, we still need to raise enough money to take the week long trip to CA.
Hi friends, our babies are being pampered in their foster home. We've installed an extra flight cage to make them more comfortable since they've been a bit cramped in the aviary without their indoor room. Look how everyone is settling in. We estimate that it will be a few weeks before we can make our CA trip where almost all of our remaining birds are being rehomed. We still have 6 birds upstate recovering and not yet ready for adoption. Recently Dove (the wedding release pigeon) was adopted out! For us to make the Cali trip, we need to reserve an RV since it's roughly 5 days of driving each way. It will be quite impossible to check into a hotel with our birds. 😅 We will also need the room for several cages and to be able to clean the cages and keep everyone happy and fed. We need to purchase more cages and pads. The rental costs $200 a day, plus gas/tolls. We have donations saved but estimate we need another $1,700 to make this trip happen. Please help us by donating or sharing our GoFundMe campaign (link in Bio).
Rehoming Trip Day 1: We are driving South to North Carolina today and rehoming some of our turtles in a beautiful pond setup (we've rescued 13 turtles through the years). @tani.turtle. We will then continue down to South Carolina where we should arrive by midnight. We are driving 12 hour days this weekend. Tomorrow we plan to rehome another turtle and also our pigeons in Georgia before heading back up to SC again for the night. Day 3 will consist of driving back home. In the meantime, we have tons of cameras set up so we can keep an eye on everyone at home and so we can talk to Tutu through the monitor. Thank you all for chipping in and help us fund our trip down South. We plan to make a couple trips to rehome more locally in Connecticut and keep saving up for our Cali trip which should conclude our rehoming. From there we will continue to place our special needs birds as they complete their recovery. 
We have quarantine spaces open here at The Ramsey Loft, if needed, but they seem to have fosters covered and, understandably, they would prefer their remaining pigeons to go straight to their adoptive homes.
If any one is looking to adopt a pigeon, please contact them via  Facebook messenger (https://m.me/yazmin.feliz) instagram page (@tutu.pigeon), or text  646-705-8047
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babineni · 3 years
A Night Out in Dyrford
A little something something about a certain farmer becoming a mayor and how that complicated his relationship with his best friend.
Roughly 2500 words, cw for violence ending in beheading
"Dear Gaura"
Edér read the words over and over. Something didn't feel right about them, and he didn't even write anything worth writing yet. A single drop of ink dripped off his quill while he pondered how to continue. He sighed as he ripped a strip off the top of the page. He didn't have a whole lot of blank sheets of paper and he had no idea where to get any in Dyrford. Yet. It's only been a day since he arrived after all.
The Watcher was so much better at this, he mused. Edér looked at the page again.
"Miss having you around. I'll see you soon, I promise."
Now, he ruined the page. The farmer crumpled the sheet as if he could squeeze the thought out of his head. Not that there was anything wrong with such thoughts, he reassured himself, but he couldn't just put something like that on paper and have it sent to a friend. She might get the wrong idea. Edér tossed the tiny ball of paper over his shoulder. A second later he groaned as he stood up to clear it up. He couldn't just mess up a rented room like that.
A rented room. That was a decent place to start, he thought as he sat down again and took out a new, empty page.
Just letting you know, I didn't go back to Gilded Vale so don't send any letters there. I'm in Dyrford now, I'm thinking about moving here. I got the sense I could help out around here, be of use, all that. And folks around here have been real friendly towards me so far. Reckon they remember us passing through. The mayor invited me over for dinner."
Me, he thought to himself and a chuckle bubbled up from him. He wasn't sure what to make of his situation. He wasn't used to being wanted around. At least not by anyone other than the Watcher. He liked the feeling.
"Willing to bet he'll try to get me to stick around. I'm thinking I'll play hard to get, but I do want to stay. We'll be basically neighbors. So don't think you're rid of me, just 'cause I left. I'm still around, I'll visit as soon as I'm able. And you better come over too."
Edér nodded at the letter in satisfaction. That will do.
"See you, when I see you,
The farmer folded the page and a moment later he realized he didn't have any sealing wax. He shrugged. It's not like he could send it before morning, anyway, so it became a problem for tomorrow. That night's problem was the dinner. Edér wasn't sure how to present himself, not that he had a lot of options on that front. He didn't take most of the things the Watcher pampered him with. He could only hope she didn't take it as an offense that he left her gifts behind. It's bad enough he walked away from her. But what was he supposed to do? She became the Lady of Caed Nua, and Caed Nua became one suffocatingly fancy place. It was just like Gilded Vale - a home turning into... something else - something alien - right before his eyes. Except no one would have hurt him in Caed Nua, and knowing the Watcher, she would have let him live there however he wished to live. And he had a purpose now, one that lead him away from Caed Nua. He just wished he could've gone about his departure in a way that wasn't unfair to Gaura. She deserved better.
His old armor would do, he came to the conclusion. It always was lucky in a way, not that he needed luck, but it couldn't hurt. Edér lit his pipe and opened his windows, once he felt ready to go. He watched the smoke leave through the window and be carried away by a breeze. It was blowing towards Caed Nua. He glanced at the letter on his desk and made a mental note to ask around for messengers, as he put the pipe away a few minutes later.
By the time Edér left the Dracogen Inn, the sun was already setting. The mayor didn't live far from the town square, luckily, and the farmer got there in no time, and yet his host was already waiting for him by the door. He looked pale and a little anxious.
'Sorry for being late,' Edér couldn't help but apologize seeing the mayor's sorry state.
He, however, only blinked in confusion. 'No need, you're just in time,' he offered his hand with a strained smile.
'Happy to be here, if that's the case,' Edér shook the mayor's hand. He had quite the grip, he noted. His eyes probably just played tricks on hím.
'It will be just the two of us, if you don't mind,' the mayor said as he ushered him in. 'Wife's visiting relatives in Eina's Rest, dragged the kids along. So you'll have to bear with my cooking.'
Edér chuckled. 'Can't be worse than my own cooking and I've been eating that crap for years.'
The mayor's house was more spacious than Edér expected. It had an upper floor and there were no rooms on the ground floor, just a kitchen, the hearth and a rather long table with plates prepared on each end. And yet there was also something about the place that made the farmer feel like the walls would close around him if he stayed in there too long. Still, he took the seat the mayor pointed to and said nothing when the mayor came to fill his cup with beer that had a strangely red-ish hue.
'It's from Dengler's reserves, beer made of strawberries and wheat'
'That's real kind of you, thanks,' Edér shuffled awkwardly in his seat. He didn't expect any sort of fuss around him and could only hope things wouldn't escalate beyond the fancy beer and the Pearlwood chicken on his plate.
'The last time you were here, you helped out quite a lot around here. This is the least I could do to welcome you back,' the mayor made his way to the end of the table and sat down as well. He poured himself a drink as well, and drank it in a few gulps. 'Sorry, cooking got me feeling real parched.'
Edér drank from the beer for courtesy's sake. 'Don't be. There was really no need for your trouble. I'm really just here looking for work and lodging. Like most folk coming here, I assume.'
'Most folk coming here didn't take part in ending Waidwen's Legacy. Really, the honor is mine.'
'Mine was a pretty small part,' Edér's fingers lightly drummed by the fork in front of him. 'The Watcher did all the important bits, I just stood between her and everyone coming at her mostly.'
'I imagine she had quite a few folk coming at her. I heard some... troubling things about her last visit here.'
The farmer tried to forget about that particular memory. He emptied his cup, hoping that the beer going down his throat would drown the disgust turning into nausea in his belly. The shadows in the room seemed suddenly very long in the last rays of the sun.
'Yeah, she's got a knack for tangling with cults,' Edér chuckled. 'Remind me to tell you about our trip to the White March.'
'You really make it sound like standing between her and her enemies was quite the part to play,' the mayor let out a vaguely bitter laugh. 'Sure hope you got paid handsomely.'
'It ain't ever been about the money,' Edér picked up the utensils and was about to cut into the chicken when he realized he wasn't really hungry. He noticed the mayor hasn't touched his dish either. It was already dark outside and the room looked a lot smaller than when he entered it. At the other end of the table his host gave him a knowing nod.
'And yet you're here, looking for work and lodging.'
'Reckoned I'd be more useful here than in Caed Nua,' the knife in Edér's hand felt almost comforting to him.
'So there's no bad blood between you two, that is good to know. Good on you, son,' the mayor filled his cup again and raised it to Edér, a grin growing wide on his face. 'To your friendship with the Watcher.'
At that moment, the farmer realized why the room felt as crammed as it did: as he looked over the mayor's shoulder, he noticed an axe by the hearth; as he looked to the window, he noticed a garden hoe resting against the windowsill; and of course there was the pitchfork right by the door, just waiting to find its proper place in someone's chest. Completely ordinary things in a completely ordinary house in a completely ordinary village. Dyrford already felt like home. Edér let out a hearty laugh as he stood up.
'Can't really drink to that,' he said. 'My cup's running dry.'
'Well, why didn't you say so?' The mayor stayed seated. If Edér had to guess, he was going to grab the axe the moment he turned his back to him.
'Guess our conversation was just that godsdamned riveting.'
For a moment he and the mayor eyed each other in silence. Then the moment passed, and Edér dashed for the door. He grabbed the pitchfork and without looking, he ducked. He heard a swing going for the spot where his head was a fraction of a moment before. Edér turned around just in time to block the second swing coming at him - and the garden hoe got stuck between the tines of the fork. Edér couldn't help but scoff in surprise. He pulled the pitchfork to the side, dragging the hoe and the mayor at its end along, creating the perfect opening. The farmer landed a blow on the mayor's ribs, drawing a stifled grunt out of him but just as he lifted his fist for a second hit, the mayor dropped their interlocked weapons and lunged straight for Edér's throat. His momentum pushed the farmer against the door. Dull pain bloomed on the back of his head where it hit the door, fuelling a rage burning in Edér's veins. He twisted the hands off his neck until he heard joints cracking and cries of pain, then he slammed his head in the mayor's. The force of his strike sent the mayor staggering back against the table.
Edér could've turned and ran. The mayor could've grabbed a knife from the table and lunged at him again. And yet, both their gazes darted to the axe by the hearth. If only the Watcher were there, Edér thought just as he ran towards his goal, she could've made him faster. But as it were, the mayor threw himself at the axe, and while he may have been on the floor he held on to it firmly. Edér got there a moment later and barely stopped himself from crashing into the weapon held out at him. The farmer grabbed it instead and pulled. Then pulled again. But the mayor held on to the axe for dear life. Edér then twisted the axe downwards instead, leveraging every muscle in his body, and pushed with all the strength he had.
The next thing he knew, he was covered in the mayor's blood. The axe went right through his neck.
'Shit,' Edér muttered as the realization dawned on him: he just murdered the mayor of his would-be new hometown. His legs shook as he made his way to the table and emptied the mayor's glass that he raised to his friendship with Gaura. If only she were there, she would know just the right thing to say to save him from this mess. He sighed. As he walked to the door it felt awfully far away.
Edér wasn't sure what he expected when he opened the door. He certainly didn't expect a crowd gathering in front of the house, staring at him wide-eyed. It was only then that he realized he was still holding the axe. He dropped it hurriedly as he raised his palms.
'I can explain.'
But before he could say anything, Dengler, the innkeeper pushed past the crowd and looked him over. When he saw the blood wasn't his, he pushed past the farmer as well, and into the house. He came back out with the mayor's head.
'The mayor's dead!' He held up the head and Edér was almost certain he was doomed. But in the next moment he saw something completely unexpected: relief washing over the crowd.
'The Twinned God blessed us today!' He heard a voice cry out in joy.
'Bless you, stranger, bless you!'
More and more voices joined into one bizarre, celebratory cacophony, that Edér couldn't process, but it became clearer with every passing moment that these people were terrified of their cultist neighbors and that he was needed here.
'Wait, who will lead the town now?' A question arose in the joyful chaos, and it quickly silenced the crowd. Edér stood stunned as gradually more and more gazes fell upon him, questioning him, pleading to him...
'If you want... Uh... I could give it a go.'
A moment of silence followed his offer, then another question came.
'What's your name?'
An awkward laugh burst out of Edér. What was he thinking? These people didn't know him, they may be grateful but who would trust a stranger with the responsibility of running their hometown?
'I'm Edér,' he answered regardless.
'Gods bless Mayor Edér!'
And the celebrations continued. Edér felt Dengler's hand on his back guiding him away from the mayor's - former mayor's - house and towards the inn.
'Needless to say, your room is on me until we get you a proper house,' he said as he opened the inn for the crowd and for the new guest of honor.
Edér muttered a thanks and did his best to slip away to his room quietly. He left his window open, he realized and the evening breeze was now caressing the letter he wrote not so long ago. It ended up on the floor while he was away and it was now bathed in the moonlight streaming in through the windows.
"See you, when I see you"
It felt like a lifetime ago that he wrote those words. The excitement he felt then felt foolish now. The mayor was awfully interested in the Watcher and the relationship he had with her. Edér knew he wasn't his real target. All those months ago when they first came to Dyrford, that girl they saved wasn't the Skeanites' real target either. He sighed as he reached for the letter and took it to his desk. He lit a candle and fed the sheet of paper to the tiny flame. The smoke stung his eyes.
It took him some time to finally clean up and go to bed, but when he did, Edér was overcome with a sense of loneliness he hasn't felt in a long time. He fell asleep holding onto a crumpled piece of paper that he couldn't bring himself to burn. He liked the thoughts it contained.
"Miss having you around. I'll see you soon, I promise."
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Hey Sweetheart
Summary - Dean was suddenly pampering you too much. Not that you don't like it, but what happens when a Winchester lets his guard down?
Pairing - Dean x Reader, Sam x Reader (platonic)
Warning - Fluff, so much fluff you will have cavities (check the tags for more warnings)
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"Hey Sam, have you seen your brother? He's not in his room," You said plopping down on the chair beside Sam.
"Nope", Sam replied without taking his eyes off his laptop's screen, "he is probably in the garage".
"I swear that man loves his car more than his own girlfriend", you grumbled causing Sam to chuckle but you saw Sam's eyes were still glued to the screen.
"What are you upto? Sammy?" You waved your hands frantically in front of your best friend trying to gain his attention and also annoy him.
"Y/N", he warned but a little smile was playing on his lips, "Y/N come on, let me work".
You pouted at Sam, "Leave that laptop of yours for-"
"Chef Winchester at your service, Ma'am", You were startled by Dean's sudden obnoxiously loud voice.
"Wha-you made this?" You pointed at the plate of homemade burger and looked at Dean who had a proud smile on his face.
"Try it. It's tastes real good", Dean grinned.
"Dude? Where's my burger?" Sam asked making you giggle.
"Are you my girlfriend? Go get your burger from the kitchen", Dean said and pecked your cheek lightly. Sam left the library with a huff. You took a bite of the food in front of you and moaned loudly when it's delicious taste hit your taste buds.
"That good, huh?" Dean smirked.
"Oh God Dean! It's amazing. I love you", You moaned.
"Me or the burger?" Dean wiggled his eyebrows.
"...buhguh", you spoke with your mouth full. Dean placed his hand on his chest and put on a hurtful expression. "And here I thought I will take you out on a date tonight", Dean pouted at you.
Your eyes widened at his words, "What is it Dean? Am I m-missing something? Is it my birthday today?"
"Oh come on. Can't a guy just pamper his girlfriend for a day?" Dean rolled his eyes.
"Not when the end of the world is near", you teased.
Dean sat down on the chair where Sam was previously sitting. "Can we, for one fucking day forget that God is trying to kill us? Chuck is MIA and Sammy is always keeping an eye out for any unusual activity. I just want one day for us. If that's not what yo-"
You silenced him by pressing your lips to his. He pulled you closer deepening the kiss and only let you go when you both felt your lungs screaming for air.
"I love you and I would love to spend an entire day, heck my entire life with you", you smiled softly at your boyfriend.
"Dinner date tonight. Meet me at the garage at seven", he pecked your lips and got up from the chair.
"De, where are we going?" You narrowed your eyes at him.
"It's a surprise", Dean winked at you.
"Dean! What am I supposed to wear if I don't know where we are going?" You asked.
"Trust me, you will find the right dress", he winked at you again and sauntered off to somewhere inside the bunker. You went towards your room to find an appropriate dress.
"A date tonight, huh?" Sam smirked at you as he emerged from the kitchen.
"You know it's bad to eavesdrop on someone's conversation?" You raised an eyebrow at him.
"Shut up but honestly Dean is really happy you know even with the end-of-the-world crap hanging over our damn heads. You both deserve this day", He smiled at you.
"Well you want to clear out of the bunker for tonight or do you have noise cancelling headphones?" You teased.
"Oh I'll be out of the bunker as soon as possible and leave you lovebirds alone", Sam chuckled causing you to laugh with him.
You went to your room and found a box lying on your bed. You suspiciously opened the box to find a beautiful blue dress. Your eyes widened when you realised that it was the same dress you saw at a shop during your last hunt. How did Dean even manage to buy the dress? A note slipped out of the dress when you picked it up from the box.
'Hey sweetheart, hope you liked my surprise. Don't worry, I have a bigger surprise planned for you tonight. Love ya baby"
You looked at the time, you had another two hours to get yourself ready for the date. You had a stupid grin on your face that you couldn't seem to rub off. You had never seen Dean being an adorable sweetheart like this and truth be told, you were already in love with this side of Dean.
Two hours passed by. You got dressed and put on some light makeup. You didn't see Dean in that two hours and the suspense was killing you. You reached the garage as the clock struck seven but you froze when you saw the scene in front of you.
Dean was all dressed up. He was wearing one of his FBI suits without the tie and that made the look so much better. There was a table set in the middle of the garage. How did he bring the table up here? Or was it already there? Dean was arranging the chairs and he didn't notice you. The clicking of your heels made him look up at you.
"Hey sweetheart you look beautiful in this dress", Dean smiled at you and came closer, wrapping his arms around your waist.
"Wha-what is all this, De?" You looked at Dean.
"Do you like it?" Dean caressed your cheek with the back of his hands.
"I love it", your eyes turned moist, "I love you so much Dean Winchester".
"I love you too, sweetheart. Come on let's go to the table. I made your favourite for the dinner", Dean slowly guided you towards the table.
You took a seat at the table but you froze when you saw the man in front of you. It was not Dean.
"Surprise Y/N", the man in front of you smirked, "Nice dinner date Dean arranged for you. I always knew he was a hopeless romantic".
"C-chuck?" You got up from the chair, "Dean?! Where is he?"
"Dean? He is right behind you", Chuck pointed.
You looked behind you to see Dean lying on the ground writhing in pain. You rushed towards him. "H-hey", he managed to speak out.
"What did you do to him? Sam?" You called out.
"Sammy is not here. Remember you told him to clear out of the bunker?" Chuck shrugged. You looked at Dean and noticed that your hands were red. Blood? You turned Dean on his back and saw that he had a large gash on his stomach and blood was seeping through it.
"Is this your grand ending? To kill us when we don't have our game face on? You coward", you eyes were starting to tear.
Chuck didn't say anything but let out a dark chuckle and snapped his fingers. You looked up and saw Chuck had disappeared.
"Dean? Hey, hey, stay with me. You're gonna be fine, okay? Cas, I hope you can hear me. I need you right now", you prayed. Tears were now flowing freely down your face.
"H-hey s-sweetheart", Dean's breathing was laboured, "Pr-promise..me, you won't do anything s-stupid. P-promise me, y-you w-will take c-care of Sammy. I-I lo-love you s-so m-much...i-it's going to b-be a-a-alright".
"No no no, De. Keep your eyes open. For me please. I love you. You-you are gonna be just fine", You wrapped your arms around him, "Damnit Cas, where the hell are you?"
Dean gave you a bloodied smile and his breathing became shallow-
You woke up with a gasp. You realised that you had been crying in your sleep. You wiped the tears from your eyes and got up from your bed. You reached the library of the the bunker and saw Sam sitting at the table nursing a glass of whiskey and occasionally rubbing his temples.
"Don't you think it's better for your headache if you go to sleep rather than staying up all night drinking?" You asked.
Sam turned around and gave you a sad smile and you could see his eyes were red indicating he had been crying. "Why are you not sleeping?" You kept quiet. "Bad dream?" Sam asked you softly and that simple question made the walls that you had been putting up since that fateful day break down. Tears started streaming down your face. Sam got up and pulled you into a hug, trying to soothe you. But you needed him. You needed Dean.
"I know we gotta a-accept t-the fact that h-he is not co-coming back", you hiccuped, "b-but I-I can't. He's gone, Sammy. H-he is gone".
"Hey, hey, shh..shh. No one's telling you to move on right now. Take all the time you need okay?" Sam's voice was soft, "We both are hurting now but you know what I'm proud of my brother. He saved the world once again. He defeated Chuck. He-" Sam's choked on his voice.
"I'm proud of him too Sammy. He is a h-hero", you sniffled into Sam's chest, "I love him so much. It hurts, it hurts really bad. He left me a note, you know", you pulled out the note from the pocket of Dean's flannel that you were wearing.
"We're gonna make it through this. Together. Dean would want that for us to finally live a happy life away from this hunting but you can take all the time you want, okay?" Sam assured you.
You showed the note to Sam. He read and pulled you into a hug again. A single tear rolled down the younger hunter's cheek. You clutched onto Sam as if your damn life depended on it. You closed your eyes and remembered the words on Dean's notes.
"Hey sweetheart, promise me you won't do anything stupid. Promise me, you will take care of Sammy. I love you so much. It's going to be alright".
Forever taglist - @donnaintx @devil-in-my-boots @amandamdiehl
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missingexaltation · 3 years
LMAO I can just imagine Mick in the Casmick AU of SPN trying his hardest to fit into Team Free Will (before Jack's born) and doing so well with everyone except Dean.
Dean being grumpy each time he sees any reminders of casmick.
Mick not quite understanding why Dean is so increasingly angry, and thinking he needs to be even more obviously nicer to Cas in front of him in order to get Dean on side. (aka. look at how well I'm treating your bestie Dean, I'm being such a good boyfriend to him! Please like me!)
Dean also being extra nice to Cas as he's fully in competitive mode. Nobody's taking his angel best friend, damn it. Especially not some jumped up, limey son of a bitch that's just parading a very serene Cas around the bunker at every opportunity.
Cas obviously enjoying being pampered (like he deserves), amused with the attention from both boys, and confused at the whole situation.
(Sam has run away 'on a case' as he just CANNOT deal with this at all. Ketch walked in to the bunker one morning and was gone again by midday).
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katehuntington · 5 years
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2020, 1st edition Disclaimer: ‘Kate Huntington’s Author & Fanfiction Recommendations’ is a platform for writers, to show appreciation for their work and expand their audience. I do not claim to be the author of these stories, neither do I own them. Read each writer’s warnings carefully, most of them are rated +18. 
Without further ado, here is my list of recommendations.
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One shots 
“While You Sleep” - written by @foreverwayward​ Fluff - Dean Winchester - 617 words       A heartwarming little fic about Dean living the domesticated life we all wish he could have. The writer has a very clever way of storytelling and the end might come as a surprise, only adding to the emotion it already brought along.
“Imagine” - written by @pennydrabbles​ Fluff - Dean x Reader - 800 words      ‘Imagine calling Dean after a bad day and saying you miss him,’ says the header of this marvelous little story. It’s soothing, with strong descriptions, yet never over the top. Simplicity isn’t necessarily a bad word. It takes skill to not overy describe a scene and let the tale be told by the personal emotion of the reader. The author is able to do this with such elegance, that you actually feel Dean’s comfort.
“Heartbeats” - written by @there-must-be-a-lock​ Fluff - Dean x Castiel - 930 words      Castiel is fascinated by the human heart, but doesn’t quite understand it, until he becomes human himself. I’ll start by saying that I don’t ship Dean and Cas together, but I do appreciate the people who do. What this little piece of art does is incredible, however, because while I was reading, I found myself rooting for them. The writer does a great job by using the literal human heart as a backbone of this story. Intriguing and very well executed.
“Everything That’s Yet To Come” - written by @fictionalabyss​ Fluff - Dean x Reader - 812 words      Dean experiences what the future beholds, with the people who he wishes could be there. The author took me by the hand through this moving little one shot, which feels like a collection of greatest hits and wishes come true. It offers peace and closure not only for the older Winchester brother, but for the reader as well. Beautiful piece of writing.
“Take A Drunk Girl Home” - written by @amanda-teaches​ Fluff - Dean x Reader - 1869 words      Dean taking care of others; it’s his nature and shows what a kind soul he truly is. The situation sketched here is no exception, and it’s softer than one can imagine. The pace is steady and the balance between fluff and comedy is just right. A lovely read.
“New Beginnings” - written by @our-jensen-ackles-love​ Fluff - Dean x Reader - 1665 words      New Year’s Eve; a new start, a new life and plenty of reason to celebrate. A lovely ‘feel good’ story that makes us forget about the monsters, pain and loss Supernatural is known for. The level of fluff is equivalent to cuddling with puppies.
“When He Cries” - written by @revengingbarnes​ Angst/fluff - Dean x Reader - 1894 words       When the woman who Dean loves falls victim during a case, the hunter has trouble dealing with the aftermath. And, boy... Does that hurt to witness. This is one of the most breathtaking stories I have stumbled on. The realism that is used to describe the gruesome and horrific angst, the emotion that is laced in every word, had me clutching my chest while reading. It’s is a beautiful piece of art.
“Nobody” - written by @soaringeag1e​ Angst - Dean x Reader - 2561 words      This one shot reminds us why we should never stay angry with a loved one and let a fight unresolved, because what if something bad happens and we won’t have the chance to make it right? The writer gives a great sense to that fear and having to watch Dean go through this nightmare is truly heartbreaking. 
“The Demon Inside You” - written by @foreverwayward​ Smut/angst - Demon!Dean x Reader - 4375 words       Curing Dean from the demon that he has become proves to be difficult when he’s so hard to resist. What else is hard to resist, is this beautiful pitch black one shot. I don’t read Demon!Dean fiction often, because it still feels foreign to see the character who I love so much turn into something evil. This however, is so gripping and well written, that the darkness swallows up the beholder. Rough, hot, sad, narcissistic, all these ingredients packed up in one hell of a story.
“Curves And Edges” - written by @kittenofdoomage​ Smut/fluff/angst - Dean x Reader - 4375 words       This equally sweet, sexy, funny and sad story is a big shout out to all women who think they don’t meet the beauty standards and feel like they will never be good enough to get noticed. It is one thing to replace a name with Y/N and call it a reader’s insert; it’s a gift to make every person reading this feels like they are the character in this story. The author handles every woman’s insecurities with grace, making her words both relatable and soothing. Her spot on version of Dean reminds us that we are all beautiful, desired and unique.
“Hold Her Tight” - written by @waywardbaby​ Fluff/smut - Dean x Reader - 2955 words     ‘A story of a deep need to feel someone close to you’, is how the author describes her work. I couldn’t have said it better, because this one shot isn’t about sex; it’s about love making, and there’s a difference. What I also appreciate, is that Y/N takes the time to pamper herself. We all deserve some self care.
“Watch Your F!cking Mouth!” - written by @impala-dreamer​ Smut/comedy - Dean x Reader - 1984 words       Dean falls under a literal curse, and it’s the most fun I’ve had in a long time. I was wheezing, couldn’t breathe and died laughing. It’s astonishing how the writer can juggle comedy and sex without the two taking each other down. An uplifting read.
“Thank God For Sexual Frustration” - written by @winchester-fantasies​ Smut - Dean x Reader - 4398 words       God had nothing to do with writing this sinful story; we can thank the author for that. When Y/N is on a dry spell that has her frustrated, Dean helps her out in the best way imaginable. Delicious smut served in three courses, because we all know Dean keeps his lady satisfied.
“Life For Rent” - written by @winchest09​ Smut/angst/fluff - Mobster!Dean x Escort!Reader  - WIP      This amazing series follows an experienced, smart and resilient escort, who is ruled by contracts, money and aliases. When Dean becomes her client, he makes it his mission to understand what this interesting woman is hiding.       Conspiracies, deceat, crime. A strong family bond, blossoming love, oh, not to mention the sex. This series is intriguing beyond imagination and certainly not just another mobster fanfiction. The writing is smart and I could tell from the first paragraph that it’s loaded with hints and foreshadowing, but I couldn’t pick them out. This triggers a curiosity like an itch I can’t quite scratch away until I finish reading this story. And so I wait eagerly and drop everything the second a new chapter comes out.  An absolute must read!
“Findings” - written by @kathaswings​ Angst/smut/fluff - Dean x Reader - finished. Update: Sadly, this series is no longer online      This story starts out with what seems to be a routine demon hunt, until Dean and his brother find a frightened five year old survivor amongst the blood and corpses. Keeping the smart little Mackenzie safe and getting her back to her older sister proves to be difficult, because this case is a whole lot bigger than they anticipated and is likely to change their lives forever.      This is one of my favorite Supernatural series and I revisited it recently. The overall story arc is a mystery I just had to unravel and I couldn’t put it down if I wanted to. The bond between Dean and Mackenzie is so precious. Writing a child isn’t easy. I’ve read plenty of books and seen plenty of films in which the maturity the creators added wasn’t natural, but this author handles Mac’s dialogue amazingly well. What’s also interesting is the jumps from point of view between Dean and Y/N, giving very personal perspectives on the gripping story.
“When You Least Expect It” - written by @coffee-obsessed-writer​ Fluff/angst/smut - Jensen Ackles x Musician!Reader - WIP      This gorgeously written slow burn series kicks off when Jensen visits the idyllic town of Seaside. After a bad breakup he keeps his mind occupied with the organisation of a music festival, hoping to find a musician that fits the vibe he has in mind. He meets a spirited, undiscovered performer, not only her voice catching him by surprise. A friendship blossoms, with potential to grow into something more, but will their past allow the love they feel for each other?      Talking about an epic love story, but it’s so much more than that. The music that plays such an important factor, the setting that is Seaside. The fabulous supporting characters Bri, Rob, Jason and Jared, the wardrobe, not to mention the wonderful little gems and details that this author weaved into the story, showing how much love she has put into it. This is without a shadow of a doubt my favorite RPF I’ve come across.
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Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed the work of the authors above, don’t be afraid to let them know. I’m sure they will appreciate it. Feel free to share!
If you have any suggestions or would like a tag in the future, drop a request in my inbox or send me a message.
Love, Kate
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‘Kate Huntington’s Author & Fanfiction Recommendations’ taglist: @adoptdontshoppets​ @fangirlxwritesx67​ @idksupernatural​ @indecisive20something​ @tranquility-or-chaos​ @winchest09​ @wingedcatninja​
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save-the-spiral · 4 years
Wiztober Day Nineteen: Transformation
Welcome to Day Nineteen of wiztober2020. Content warning for arguing, implied bullying, death mentions.
(link to prompt list)
Castian moved her fingers nervously, the slight rasp of her scales against one another a soft, soothing sound. She balled her hands into loose fists, thumbs slowly feeling the sides of her index fingers, her claws carefully out of the way.
She had been very, very excited at first. One of her best friends had a mysterious, long lost sister, so how could she not be ecstatic for her friend, as well as for the opportunity to watch something so dramatic.
But it hadn’t been fun, not really.
Castian had known of Mari Jade, but had never met the girl. Castian knew almost every student at Ravenwood, so to have not met Mari meant that she was a recluse to the highest degree. All the information Castian had about Mari was through the grapevine of school gossip that Castian played no small part in facilitating, and even that was sparse and, apparently, wrong.
Mari was supposedly intelligent, though not as skilled in practicals, and had a habit of barely even passing classes that relied purely on casting magic. She was a quiet doormat, easily pushed around by the more bullheaded or mean of the life school. She was also a teacher’s pet, on very friendly terms with Professor Wu, sometimes slipping up and calling her Moolinda in class, to her own embarrassment.
It was a pitiful amount of information, and Castian quickly learned that most of it was completely wrong.
The Mari that wreaked havoc through the ice school, barging in and demanding to see Emrys Pyre and not taking ‘no’ for an answer was not the meek theurgist that Ravenwood Academy knew her as. The ambient magic around her was sharp, thorny, and enraged, a dark green aura around her instead of the usual vibrant lime of average life wizards.
When she had found Emrys with the help of a very mischievous Genevieve (usually going by Eve, or Evie), a vital, if not very young member to their friend group, Mari had tackled the stoic and typically rude boy in a hug, and began violently sobbing into his shoulder.
And Emrys, instead of pushing her away or looking uncomfortable at the display of emotions, had simply soothed her, arms reaching around her thin shoulders and mouth moving fast. Castian, Eve, and Jen couldn’t understand the language, but it was fast and in a soft undertone, a constant stream of bouncing syllables as Emrys let this random girl cry all over him. Jen, the only one of them who knew any Earth languages, guessed that he had likely been speaking Vietnamese, though how a half Korean, half Japanese boy who was raised in Mooshu knew the language, none of them could know. Well, they could just ask, but doing so would likely anger Emrys, who was a deeply private person. Private enough to hide a whole sister from his best friends.
Emrys never faltered in his kind, if not protective hold on Mari. He guided her to the ice wizard dorms, and into Jen and Castian’s room instead of his own. There, he had sat down with her on the floor, not even noticing his three friends trailing along.
Finally, when Mari had calmed enough, anger flooding back in over any fear or sadness, the line of her jaw tight enough that Castian worried it might just snap like a rubber band, though she didn’t know much about human wizard physiology. Mari stared at Emrys with a deep anger, not at him, but simply too ingrained in her state of being so she could not stop sounding as if she were going to strike the next person who drew near.
“We need to go to Dragonspyre, and rescue my-” Mari stopped, seething, nostrils flaring. “And rescue someone. The old death professor, Malistaire, kidnapped her. He’s going to kill her, after using her to help destroy the Spiral.”
“Woah.” Eve whispered from the doorway, standing alongside Castian and Jen. She was just thirteen, due to turn fourteen in a month’s time, though she refused to act her age. Considering she was a prodigy, she usually got away with it.
Emrys shook his head, leaning back a bit, putting his weigh on his hand. “Right now? You wanna go storm an entire world right now?”
Mari’s face twisted with her anger. “If you’re not going to help me-!”
“No- no! I’ll help, Mari. Whatever you need.” Emrys’ voice was vulnerable, raw in a tone that usually meant a bad flashback, though not this time. “Just- we can’t run off with no plan, no preparation. I can’t-” His voice cracked. “I really can’t do this without at least a day to prepare, Mari. After that, we’ll do whatever we need to save this person and even save the Spiral if we must.”
Mari huffed out a breath. “A day? She could be dead! The Spiral could be gone, wiped out!”
“It will be anyway if you run off right now, Mari. Look at yourself. You’re running on fumes already- when is the last time you ate, or slept, or even drank some god damned water?” Emrys demanded harshly.
“I-” Mari’s voice cracked. “I don’t...” She seemed to almost sway from where she was sitting.
“A day, Mari.” Emrys murmured. “Just one day and then we can go save another world together, okay?”
“‘Kay.” Mari slurred tiredly.
“Cas, Jen, please take care of Mari while I get the supplies we’ll need? Genevieve, come with me.” Emrys kissed Mari’s forehead as she leaned against the side of Jen’s bed, and then he left, Eve excitedly following him.
Castian and Jen exchanged one look, and that was all they needed. Castian grabbed some of their many mugs, filling two with tap water, and then preparing to make hot cocoa. It would be a long night, and hot cocoa solved most problems, even if it wouldn’t solve this one.
Jen lifted the now sleeping Mari onto their own bed, covering her with a quilt. They hadn’t expected this, but they adapted easily, and this would turn out okay. It had to.
After Mari woke from her impromptu nap, she drank water, she ate, she even drank a bit of cocoa. She was silent, though sometimes if she stared off into space she would let out a dry, hoarse sob. This person who was kidnapped was very, very important to her.
Castian knew the best thing would be to distract her, fill her mind with other thoughts so she could rest, and then she could think as much as she wanted about whoever she wanted then. But not tonight.
It started with a haircut. Jen had suggested it, considering Mari’s hair was a mess, cut quickly and uneven. Mari told them that her braid had gotten caught on a fence, and she had no time. Jen began suggesting hairstyles, pulling out one of their magazines. Mari saw a picture of a beautiful girl in a leather jacket and ripped jeans, with half of her head shaved, staring moodily at the camera.
“That one.” Was all she said.
Jen had gone all out, and they turned it into a spa night, complete with nail (and claw) painting, and a bit of hair dye. Jen had even shaved a little complex design on the side of Mari’s head, vines curling and dyed green, a bit of magic involved to keep it in.
Mari finally smiled when looking in the mirror, though the bags under her eyes spoke of far deeper turmoil that a bit of pampering could not fix in a million years. Castian and Jen knew this, but still. It was fun, and Mari deserved fun before she went on a mission to likely kill a man.
They began picking out clothes, and that was when the real fun began. Mari was introduced to Jen’s rather broad taste in music, though she quickly honed in on the punk side, eyes wide and mouth almost twisting into a smile when she heard loud, almost chaotic sounds, and knew it was called music. After that, Mari spoke more. As usual with Castian, it turned to gossip.
And it was amazing. Castian hadn’t known how deep the life school really went with its sometimes harsh interpersonal relationships, but Mari was in it, and not at all phased by sharing these supposed life wizard only secrets. It was a whole new side to almost every life wizard, and Castian couldn’t get enough, almost overwhelming Mari with questions, both of them drawing out their anecdotes, dramatic pauses and all.
Mari was changing, and she’d need to be more and more prepared to change, because Castian knew that people who went on quests never came back quite the same. It reminded Castian of her cousins who were in the process of shedding their skins, draconian scales dulling, almost dead looking.
Then on the other side they were shining and radiant.
Maybe it reminded Castian of herself, a bit. Though she had never felt the loss and fear Mari had, not since she was very, very young.
Castian would always be willing to help out a friend in need though.
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October 1 – A Thousand Small Ways
[also on ao3]
Every day, Cas does for Dean.
(Cas also does Dean, frequently, and well. But that's not what this little story is about.)
Cas does for Dean in a thousand small ways. He gets into their bed first in the evenings, and warms Dean's side up for him before moving over to his own. He places Dean's diner order while Dean hits the head, and he always remembers to ask for extra onions on the burger. He notices when Dean's shoulders are creeping up around his ears, and lays his arm along the back of Baby's seat to rub and relax his boyfriend's clenching neck.
Love notes in his duffel. Hearts and silly faces on steamed-up mirrors. Dean's favorite candy bar thrown in on the tab when Cas goes inside to pay for the gas while Dean stays out at the pump.
(The absolute best road head of Dean's fucking life. But that's not what this little story is about.)
Cas does for Dean in a thousand small ways, and every time, it blows Dean's freaking mind. Because no one has ever taken care of him before. No one has ever cherished him, pampered him. Not since he was in preschool. Not since the fire.
And that's not a slight on anyone else in Dean's life, past or present. There have been people who have tried to care for him -- friends, lovers, his brother... But Dean has always shut that shit down right out of the gate. Any attempt to dote on him hits a brick wall in his psyche and boomerangs back on the giver. Try to take care of me? his self-loathing snaps, Nuh-uh. No way. I take care of you, ten times as hard, and don't you ever forget it. Take that, fucker!!
But there's something about Cas that breezes through that brick wall likes it's a bead curtain. The force of the ex-angel's love is so strong, so steady, so inexorable, that Dean can't fight it. It washes over him like a warm sea, eddying into the broken parts of him and filling them up with bliss.
It's wonderful. It's terrible. It drives Dean absolutely fucking crazy.
Because they'll be watching a movie together in the Fortress of Deanitude and Cas will get up to grab Dean another beer 8.2 seconds before Dean was gonna realize that he wanted another beer, and his heart will sigh lovely and his brain will scream run. He's forever mentally suspended between I need to grab on to this wonderful man and never let him go and wrong wrong wrong danger danger this is not how my life is supposed to be. He knows Cas is the best thing that will ever happen to him in his entire life, and he knows there is no way Dean can ever deserve him.
They're always at war: the part of Dean that is ready to settle in to domestic bliss with the love of his life, and the part that's positive he needs to cut and run before Cas realizes what a mistake he's making and bails.
(There are a few parts of Dean with their own naughty agenda. But seriously: that's not what this little story is about.)
That scared part, that self-hating part, is a hard little stone at the center of Dean's mind. But Cas's love swirls around that stone. It bathes it, warms it, wears it away so, so slowly. Every day, every moment, every sweet act of kindness that Cas offers him, that hard little stone gets a tiny bit smaller.
One morning Dean wakes up to find Cas already in the kitchen, bent over a mug on the counter. He's stirring something, and by the concentration on his face Dean supposes that he's concocting a life-saving potion, perhaps the antidote to a coming global plague. He clears his throat, careful not to startle Cas into ruining his vital work.
"Mornin', sunshine. Whatcha got there?" he calls from the doorway.
Cas turns to him with a gummy smile. "Good morning, beloved. I'm making your coffee. I know you love those pumpkin spice lattes, but you hate going into that 'hipster trap' downtown, so I found a recipe online. I can't replicate the foamed milk without special equipment, but I--"
Dean stops his words with a kiss. Somewhere between the finger quotes around "hipster trap" and the realization that the fullness of Cas's considerable mental powers had been focused on replicating a Starbucks drink to make him happy, the last fragment of that hard little stone in Dean's mind had melted away.
This is right. This is forever, he thinks, mouth still occupied with Cas's. I need to buy this man a ring.
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alj4890 · 5 years
And Then I Met You
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Part 21
What happens when the one you thought you were meant for turns out to be meant for someone else?
A\N Choices Fan Fiction with characters from The Royal Romance, Red Carpet Diaries, and Perfect Match.
@lxaah11 @alleksa16 @penguininapinktuxedo @blackcoffee85 @stopforamoment   @hopefulmoonobject   @krsnlove @littleblossom357   @annekebbphotography  @gibbles82  @cora-nova @bella-ca  @hopelessromantic1352 . @sunflowergirl05 @desiree-0816 @greywitchyshots @lilyofchoices @emceesynonymroll @dr-nancy-house  @lolablackwrites
Part 21
Lythikos, Cordonia two days after enacting the plan
"YOU DRUGGED THEM!" Holly gripped her short hair as she paced back and forth. "Oh my--I'm going to be fired. Career ended. Thomas is going to have me put into prison for doing this to him and Amanda."
Olivia rolled her eyes. "You wanted them not only out of that southern harpy's clutches but also unable to begin filming." She folded her arms and glared at the panicking woman. "How else did you think I was going to get them up there?"
"I don't know! I didn't think that part out. I guess I thought you had a way of getting them there and then sneaking off." Holly exclaimed.
Olivia's smirk grew. "Where's the fun in that?"
Addison choked on a strangled laugh. "Will they be okay up there?"
"Of course. Amanda knows the place and has been trained in first aid. They'll be fine." Olivia sat down at the table with Drake and Liam.
Holly paused. "First aid? Why is that important to know?"
Liam cleared his throat. "The cabin is in a remote area."
"How remote?" Ryan asked.
Maxwell pulled a chair up and sheepishly looked at the Hollywood crowd. "So remote that the only way to enter is through either snowmobile or helicopter."
"HELICOPTER!" Holly clutched the table and lowered her head, trying to even out her breathing. "Dear Lord, I am going to prison. Unless Thomas gets to me first. He is going to kill me."
Addison burst into nervous laughter. When everyone stared at her, she explained what had come to mind. "I just remembered how much he hates being outdoors."
"Wow, he really is perfect for Amanda." Maxwell said in a cheerful tone.
"Is she an outdoorsy person?" Chris asked, starting to feel Holly and Addison's worry.
The Cordonian group began to laugh. Drake wiped the tears from his eyes. "Imagine the least outdoorsy person you know and multiply him by a billion. That's Amanda."
Olivia's good mood did not diminish in the least for her methods in completing her part of the plot. She had succeeded after all. "This just mean they will stay indoors the entire time. Who knows?" Her jade eyes twinkled with mischief. "In nine months we might be all gathered together for something that happened there."
Nadia squealed. "A baby! How sweet would that be if we helped form the first one?"
"I think it takes that long to bring a murder trial to court. That seems like another plausible event. You will either be victims or witnesses." Holly slumped into a chair and dropped her head on the table.
Addison patted her shoulder. "Stop worrying. Now that they are taken care of, we need to make sure that the next steps in our plan are as successful as the first few parts have been."
The cabin???
"What do you mean Olivia decides when we have been here long enough?" Thomas demanded. It was the first day he felt clear headed since arriving. The side effects of the drugs had finally worn off and he now realized how dire their situation truly was.
"That's what her letter said." Amanda explained. "She said it could be between two weeks and a month."
"I am supposed to start filming in less than two weeks!" He began to pace back and forth before the fireplace. "The crew will be arriving in a few days to prepare."
"Won't Holly be able to set everything up in your absence?" She asked.
He paused and fought against snapping at her. "This is my film. I am supposed to be there from beginning to end."
"I know." Her eyes were filled with remorse. "I am so sor--"
"Don't say it!" He cut he off. "You didn't do this to us." He looked out the window and frowned. "There must be a way out of here." Thomas stepped outside the cabin after throwing his coat on and began walking toward the forest.
"There isn't. The only way is with an off-road vehicle or a helicopter." Amanda pulled her coat on while following him. "We are literally in the middle of nowhere. The closest dwelling is sixty-five miles that way." She pointed in the opposite direction he was walking.
"What's this way?" He asked stopping at the edge of the cleared area.
"Wilderness. It completely surrounds us." She said bitterly.
Thomas could feel the bands that held his temper in check snapping. He took a deep breath and tried to control his tone. "I need you to go inside the cabin."
"Now, Amanda." He interrupted, turning away from her. "I need a moment alone."
Her eyes narrowed on his back while she struggled with remaining silent. She quickly went inside and shut the door. She threw her coat across the room then slumped into a chair near the fireplace. She lowered her head in her hands, wondering why Olivia had done this to them.
Thomas walked around the cabin to try and calm down before speaking to his wife. The last thing he wanted to do was to take his anger out on her. She couldn't help it that her friend was borderline psychotic. Who drugged people and abandoned them in the wilderness?
Thomas began to feel the freezing temperatures acutely and hurried back inside. He looked around and called out Amanda's name. He went upstairs and frowned at her disappearance.
Thomas called out again as he returned to the first floor. He heard some noise coming from the cellar and went downstairs.
He found her going through the supplies and filling a wooden crate with things to bring upstairs. Her back was to him and she did not hear him come down.
Thomas approached from behind to help her reach something on a top shelf and ended up making her scream and strike out with her elbow. He let out a grunt of pain and clutched his mouth.
"Thomas!" Her hands covered her mouth. "I am so sorry." She tried to touch him but he backed away. "You scared me."
His eyes narrowed. "I am the only other person here."
Her cheeks flooded with embarrassed color. "I know. But, this cellar has always creeped me out. Drake would often hide down here to scare me."
Thomas blotted his busted lip with his hand. "Remind me to thank him when I next see him."
Amanda quickly got a first aid kit and motioned for Thomas to go upstairs. "Let me see how bad it is."
He trudged upstairs and sat down at the kitchen table. She gently tilted his face up and carefully cleaned his lip. Her apologies and flinching each time she touched his wound caused him to wrap his arms around her waist.
"It was an accident." He tried to reassure her.
She paled while examining him. "Thomas?"
"Hmm?" He tugged her closer.
"I'm afraid you're going to need stitches."
Lythikos, Cordonia that  same night...
Lauren smoothed her black knit dress and checked her appearance one last time in the mirror. As anticipation set in, she opened her bedroom door and walked down the hallway to the main staircase. She made certain to descend in a manner she had found always drew compliments to her figure and gracefulness.
Her lips curved in pleasure at seeing the attractive lord waiting at the bottom of the stairs. She dipped into a curtsy. “My lord.”
Tariq bowed to her and offered his arm. “My lady.”
Holly and Drake watched the two leave together from another room. 
“This isn’t part of the plan is it?” She whispered.
“I think it is.” Drake whispered back. “Liv made sure to have them both meet her in case she didn’t like Neville. Granted, they deserve each other but his personality would cause anyone to run into Tariq’s pampered arms.”
"Yeah but will Tariq demand she choose to be with him over doing a movie?" Holly asked.
"I don't know. We might need to have another meeting tonight." Drake pulled her away from the door. "Are you really worried about your job?"
"No. Since Thomas has Amanda there, I think he will be happy once all is said and done." Holly chuckled. "Plus with the way those two have fallen in love, I think Olivia might be right about how they spend their time alone."
“This is perfect.” Maxwell rubbed his hands together. “If she has fallen for Tariq, we can encourage him to tie her down.”
“We don’t need to get in any more trouble with the authorities.” Holly mumbled.
“I meant metaphorically.” He explained. “He could insist on her being with him. Once we hint around to both of them how they will soon be apart and that all the ladies who know they won’t win Liam will naturally look to the other single noblemen, she will begin to worry letting him out of her sight.” His dimples deepened with his excited smile. “Would she trust him not to be stolen from her?”
“Oh! Just like she does with other men and their wives! I like it.” Addison scrunched her shoulders while a smile grew at the thought of Lauren getting a taste of her own medicine.
“Neville won’t cause a problem, will he?” Ryan asked.
“I don’t think so.” Liam replied. “If it appears that Lauren has truly chosen Tariq, then I can divert Neville’s attention with some mission or matter that I want his expertise on.”
“Is there a matter that requires that much narcissism?” Drake inquired.
Olivia snorted. “I could always drug him and put him in another cabin.”
Holly paled while Chris and Addison laughed. “When are Matt and Jessica arriving?”
“Tomorrow.” Addison held up her phone. “Matt sent a text a little while ago confirming what time to expect them.”
“Excellent.” Liam smiled at Addison. “So far, I believe we can rest that all is going well. Lauren is on a date. Thomas and Amanda are safe and most likely enjoying their time alone together.”
The cabin ???
"You are not stitching my lip!" Thomas backed away from his wife.
"It isn't like I want to torture you, but you have a deep cut. Trust me, I really don’t want to do this." Amanda waited on him to come sit back down.
Thomas shook his head. "Can't we try sutures or glue first?"
"It’s on your bottom lip. I'm afraid they won't hold up with eating and drinking." Amanda took a step forward. When he backed away again, she let her head fall forward in frustration. "Fine. We will try the glue first."
He still eyed her suspiciously. "Where's the needle?"
She held it out to him. He snatched it up and leaned closer to look inside the kit. "There's bound to be another one."
Amanda bit her lip to keep from laughing as she dug around and produced the spare. He took that from her too. "Now you can touch me." He grumbled.
"Hold on a minute." She went back down in the cellar and came back with an aged bottle of whiskey. "I think since it is Drake's fault that I busted your lip, you should have a drink from his personal stash he keeps here."
Thomas would have smiled if his lip wasn't already split open. He poured three fingers of it in a glass and then poured some into another glass, passing it to her. 
Amanda softly smiled at his peace offering. She softly kissed his cheek. “I am so sorry for hurting you.”
He gently caressed her cheek and sat down. He waited for her to pick up her glass and he clinked his against hers. “Even though I have been drugged, kidnapped, abandoned in a frozen wilderness, and am now wounded; I am very grateful I have you with me.” 
She reached over and took his hand. “You can’t say things like that when I can’t kiss you properly.” 
They both took a sip and grimaced at their cups. Amanda wrinkled her nose at how strong it was. “How can Drake drink glasses of this and remain upright?”
Thomas shrugged and finished his glass. His lip was throbbing as if it had a heartbeat all of its own. He poured another glass and watched his wife prepare to seal his wound. He began his second glass with another grimace. "I thought it might improve the more you drink it, but no. Still horrible." He leaned his head back against the chair as it began to affect him. "Oh. This is why he likes it."
Amanda moved between his legs. "Is it helping with the pain?"
"More that I don't care about the pain." He looked up at her and slid his arms around her hips. “How often have you performed first aid?” He asked.
“A few times. Olivia would get hurt practicing her self defense. Maxwell would perform some crazy stunt that usually resulted in something cut or broken. Liam and Drake suffered cuts from fencing.” Her cheeks turned a slight shade of pink. “And I was the clumsy one running into things, tripping, and spraining ankles and wrists. Sometimes both at the same time”
“How did you sprain both ankles at the same time?” He swallowed the last of his second glass and began to relax even more. She tilted his face toward the light and started to clean and dry his lip.
“I like to think it takes true talent to step off a sidewalk and sprain an ankle and then turn around and immediately sprain the other in the same fashion.” She smiled as he chuckled. She applied the liquid stitches to his lip and made him be still for a couple of minutes.
His hands slid down her waist and pulled her closer. She cocked an eyebrow at him. “No more whiskey for you.” She teased.
He ran his hands further down over her rear and looked up. “How long will I be unable to kiss you?”
“Most likely ten days to two weeks.” Her eyes widened when he stood up and pressed her body against his. He lowered his lips to barely touching hers. “One more thing your friends will have to answer for.” He stepped away and went upstairs. “I’m going to take a shower.” He called out over his shoulder.
She shook her head to clear it. “Keep that lip dry!”
He paused and looked at her, making her heart flutter. “Perhaps you should make certain I do.”
She downed the rest of her glass and followed him. “I think I should.”
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kpoppwriter · 6 years
EXO Reaction to Being Submissive
Anonymous said to kpoppwriter:
Hello, could I request EXO (OT12) submitting to the reader? Would they submit willingly, or would they need to be convinced first? Who goes into sub space quickly? Who's a bratty sub, who's a total baby boy? Who calls you daddy/mommy, master/mistress, who prefers to address you however you want to? (I tried to give you some questions, so you can do headcanons easily of you're unispired, but feel free to ignore me or add on!) Thank you!! ❤ ~💫
 Hi, I love you and told max I would  fight her if I couldn’t write this beautiful request.
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He would be rather shy at first when you brought it up but he was actually excited. Xiumin loved to be called you pretty kitty. Xiumin was compliant when he was in his sub space. He would want you to be hard on him often but still give him rewards when he was good. Xiumin would call you Ms./Mr. Y/N. He would begin to be more compliant in regular life too. If you were to even touch his back or leg the right way he would immediately look to you like the cute kitten he was and wait for you to guide him. Minseok is a perfect sub but when not in sub space is just as grown, in charge and has a dominant personality just like you, so when he isn't “Kitty”, he will call you on your bullshitty.
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Lu is a pleaser. He just wants you to be happy so he would be ok with being submissive. Lu would want to be dominant sometimes but his need to make you happy makes him want whatever you want more. If Lu is a sub he would be rather reserved. Not wanting to go to extreme as it would scare him slightly. Lu was sort of vanilla when it came to being a sub, and if he went farther than basics like hand cuffs and ropes he would want a treat or reward afterwards. Lu was sensitive and he would want you to take that into consideration, he wants you to feel good but pain is a huge no for him. He ca also become very easily blushy and is not one to always use verbal communication so be sure to keep track of what he does when he is needy, upset or anything.
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I would never call this man a sub, ok. Kris would bottom, and he would let you take control every once in a while but only if he really was close to you. No offence but if Kris was just having a one night stand he is domming but if he builds a bond and relationship with you he would “let you take control”.  Kris is a freak and would let you do almost anything to him but 2 rules: Tell no one. Don’t do it in public. Kris is rather private with his sexual desires.
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Yixing is like Luhan, he would sub for you and let you take control but is rather fragile (its or baby sheep). Yixing is super sweet to so he would want you to treat him softly. Even if your rough with him you have to talk to him softly the entire time to keep him calm. He loves it when you call him babyboy. It calms him and makes him get all blushy and soft. Yixing would want to sort of keep his kinks on the low but will not get mad if you call him babyboy in public because he is proud to have you dominate him too. Yixing follows all your rules and never makes any trouble since he only wants him
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Baekhyun is PURE puppy material. He is our first boy who will need/want heavy punishment. Baekhyun is an undercover masochist. Baek would love if you were mean to him and hurt him. He often falls easily into sub space is will start to be a tease or not follow your rules to get attention. Baekhyun would love to be your little slave and have you use him and put him in his place. Baekhyun has only a few limits he could never do and will be your little love as long as you don’t try those.Baek doesn’t care for giving you pet names but will call you one of you ask him too but he loves when you call him “Kitten”. Baek will also be the type to not be afraid if anyone knows you are in control of him. Sometimes doing risky things like asking for you to put a vibrator in him while he’s preforming and mess with him. He loves the torture.
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You might have to force Chen to be a sub since he isnt used to it. He would be sort of whiny about things and try to annoy you until you give him what he wants, so you might have to be a little hard on him. Chen is sweet and affection though, buts it only when he wants to be. Chen wouldn’t probably be into calling you mommy/daddy unless he was feeling super cute and needy.  Dae loves your hands a lot, he wants to hold them and kiss them. Dae would want you to hold his hands constantly since they were so comforting to him. Really holding jims at all is his weakness. He says he hates cuddles but he falls asleep in 10 seconds. He’s a cute needy sub who wants you attention but will complain you like him to much when he gets it.
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Chanyeol is your baby boy all day. He needs lots of love and affection, lots of pampering and your attention. Chanyeol would probably be one of the easiest members to get into sub space. He would do almost anything you say and love when you gave him commands and task. Chanyeol would never try to break the rules unless he wanted attention but 90% of the time he was your perfect angel. Chanyeol can sometimes become insecure that he is too tall to be your baby or that he isn't good enough for you so you will have to reassure him. Also this boy is not going to lose his muscles because he says their to help protect you because he doesn’t want anyone to touch you but him. (He’s possessive, and gets insecure when around others). Yeollie wouldn’t call you Mommy/Daddy unless he was in the mood so if you hear it slip out be sure to realize.
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Soo would be ok with being your sub only in private and if you were good at taking care of his needs. He would sub but not for anyone who cant give him love, can't help him cook, can't help take care of the house and him and cant fuck. Soo would want you to make up for his faults hopefully so he can learn to grow to be more like you and would want you to be more so teaching him then just being dominant in the relationship. D.O is happy letting you dominate him sometimes but would love to dominate too and is rather vanilla when he subs since he hates pain, or anything not purely, evidently loving. He is fine with praise but also can't do stuff public since he has a reputation to keep up. So I wouldn’t say he would really sub but he would be pleased learning from you and letting you dom in sexual scenarios per say.
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Nini loved being your pup and is the most obedient besides Chanyeol.  Jongin would expect lots of lot of love from you but can with stand the punishments amazingly. Jongin likes when you do things for your own amusement or pleasure before his sometimes. Jongin is pretty sweet and wouldn’t have a problem letting people know he was very submissive in the relationship. He wouldn’t run around screaming it but he didn’t mind if you called him baby or little one in front of everyone. Jongin does need lots of aftercare, unlike some older members. He wouldn’t just want cuddles but maybe food and for you to cuddle him and talk to him after he eats and goes to sleep. Jongin is an adorable sub and wouldn’t care who knows it as long as his Sir/Mistress is happy.
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Tao is a good sub but can get bratty at times. Most of the time he is sweet and will do things for you but remember Tao is a Taurus and is going to be a little to stubborn maybe and fight you on somethings. Tao would be the prettiest angel to his Mommy/ Daddy's face but everyone else gets what they deserve. Tao has some limits in the bedroom but not to many is is fine with experimenting there. Honestly thought he might be scared to let people know you are dominate over him since some people already think he's a Gucci whore. You're not a Sugar Mommy/Daddy, your his love. So Tao would be a good sub as long as you don't force him into anything and keep it a little low-key.
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Hunnie. That’s his nickname, cause this boy is a wild sub. He would live for the crazy kinky moments. He would need to be punished a lot because of his constant teasing and can get mouthy or bratty but would love to do almost anything you were up for. Sehun loves public sex and anything he thinks is sort of risky like slight knife play or threesomes. Sehun would like having someone to be more dominant for him but would sort of expect you to take care of him in almost a Sugar Spouse manner. Buy him things, baby him, fuck him until he can barely walk right, the regular. He would do call you what you wanted, dress how you want and do what you want as long as it wasn’t nasty and you took care of him and secured Ya’ll a bag, ok.
- Morning Star
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helianthus21 · 6 years
Dean vs. Cat
Dean and a kitten battling over Cas’  love for @theabsolutemagicpotato based on this artwork and what you said would be Dean’s thoughts about the picture they make :D (note: Cas named his cat Galadriel because he thought Dean would appreciate it and also because the -el makes it sound like she’s one of his kin:)
She was back again. Perched by Cas' side while the angel tapped away on his laptop in deep concentration. She was getting comfortable too, rubbing her head against Cas' thigh, every move aimed at mocking Dean, he was sure.
Dean shifted his weight from one foot to the other, trying to come up with a way how to proceed even as she purred. One eye snapped open, and Dean swore she was staring right at him, watching Dean's every reaction and relishing in his pain before she rose and climbed right into Cas' lap.
Dean was seething.
“Hello, little cuddlebug. What is up?” Cas cooed to her. And the cat purred louder and Cas scratched her on the head and Dean felt a horrible sense of wrongness because that was his place, right there on Cas' lap. That should be his head being pet. Not that he needed to be pampered like a.. like a kitten! But still. That place on Cas' lap looked nice and like it had Dean's name written on it, meaning he had more rights to it than that stupid cat. He was Cas' boyfriend after all. Hell, he should just speak out and claim his right (after asking nicely, because that was still Cas' lap, even if Dean's name was written on it and anyway, he wasn't as rude as that cat because he'd wait for Cas to finish whatever he was doing on his laptop before he'd interrupt with some Dean-time).
As he was contemplating all this he realized he was still standing there, in the doorway, ultimately giving the cat more quality time with Cas through his inaction and that was just unacceptable. So he cleared his throat, announcing his presence to the room.
Cas lifted his head and met his gaze. A small smile was sent his way as Cas said his trademark greeting “Hello, Dean,” and instantly Dean began forgetting all about stupid boyfriend-stealing cats and felt a smile of his own creep onto his face. It was a short-lived reprieve, however, because the vengeful kitten chose that moment to hog Cas attention back by meowing loudly and Cas looked back down to her and resumed his displays of affections. To the cat. Who clearly didn't deserve it. How Cas couldn't see how evil that thing was was beyond Dean. He cleared his throat again. “Uh, Cas, I wanted to ask if you wanna, uhm...,” he began. Quick Dean, think of something. “Go for a walk?” Good idea, Dean praised himself. A walk outside, where that lazy thing wouldn't accompany them. Not when she was in lazy mode like this. Cas gave him an apologetic look. “Maybe later, Dean. I am writing down a report about our last case. You remember how Sam said we should catalog our ‘stuff’ more? I'm trying to do just that, but this thing,” he gestures at the laptop with an air of frustration, “isn't exactly cooperating. Sorry, Dean.” Dean thought to offer his help with the technology, since Cas was even less versed in that area than Dean himself, but he noted how Cas' attention wasn't really on the laptop at all, but rather on the cat that had settled between his crossed legs, so he supposed it was a moot point. “I'll come back later, then,” Dean voiced his surrender. The cat put on a rather smug expression, and Dean could swear that when she stuck his tongue out, it wasn't just to lick at Cas' hand, but also to stick the tongue out at Dean. Dean ground his teeth. You win this round, he thought at the cat. But next time. Next time I'll know to fight dirty.
*** The next time he found Castiel, he was alone in the kitchen, making something that looked like it might be cookie dough. Dean came up behind him, wrapped his arms around Cas' waist and laid his head on top of Cas' shoulder. “Mmm whatcha doin'?” he murmured in Cas' ear. “I'm making chocolate-chip cookies,” he answered, and that confirmed that theory. A cheeky smile crept onto Dean's face. “Can I have some?” But Cas was already driving a finger through the dough before lifting it to Dean's mouth without turning his gaze from the bowl. Dean wrapped his lips around the proffered finger gladly, sucking off the dough, savoring how those little bits of chocolate melted on his tongue and goddamn, Cas really knew what he liked. When he'd licked all the rest of the dough from his lips, he just stayed there, snuggled close to Cas and nuzzling into his neck.
That was nice, he thought. That was very nice. He could gladly stay like this for quite a few minutes more, even without the cookie-dough-incentive, if Cas was willing to hold off his baking adventure a little while longer. But,“Meow!” came the sound of Dean's arch nemesis trampling all over his hopes and dreams. She wedged herself between Cas' and Dean's pressed together thighs and threw a tantrum down there before jumping right on the kitchen counter. “No!” yelled Dean, equal amounts annoyed at this monster pushing Dean out of Cas’ center of attention again, and scandalized at the sheer hygiene violation she presented. “Cats are not allowed up there! Cas, tell her!” The cat tried to peek into the bowl with the dough in it but Cas anticipated her intent and pushed her head back gently, murmuring that “No, honey, that's not for you,” in a much too soothing voice which the cat was undeserving of. He picked the cat up and set her down onto the floor again. An action that required him to step away from Dean's embrace, and then he just knelt on the floor for a minute, promising the cat another, more cat-appropriate snack and completely abandoned the fulfillment of Dean's feed-and-cuddle-quota of the day. It was unacceptable. Unacceptable! Shocked and affronted as Dean was, it took him until after Cas had selected the previously mentioned cat-appropriate snack before he could put his absolute affront into words. He cleared his throat pointedly. Cas looked up at him, from his perch before the cat who had her eyes closed in contentment from being treated like a princess while Cas' boyfriend was brushed aside as though he was a ghost. Or well, brushed aside like not-a-ghost. Because in this family, ghosts were generally salted-and-burned, and not ignored. Point was – “Cas, weren't we in a middle of something,” he reminded him. Cas blinked at him, frown deepening just the tiniest bit and then he said “Ahh,” and nodded. “The cookies! We were baking the cookies.” And he stood up to pre-heat the oven, formed the cookie dough in neat little flat circles and put them on a baking tray. All the while the cat was rubbing against Cas' legs, purring like she was so very pleased with herself. Because Cas didn't mind her clinginess as long as she didn't make him trip which she seemed to carefully avoid. Dean's attempts at casual affection on the other hand, were met with several “Dean”s, all pronounced in that Cas Tone Of Voice Number “Keep-going-and-you’re-in-trouble”. And that's how Dean found himself banned from the kitchen – yes, his kitchen!! – while that walking hygiene offense could roam around freely and claim Cas yet again as hers. *** Dean was beginning to feel rather aggrieved, and it was all to blame on that stupid cat, of course. She was deliberately stealing his boyfriend away, depriving Dean of his much needed Cas-time and Cas, the former commander of whole celestial armies, the strategist extraordinaire who looked at everything from all possible corners before getting an idea of things – that Cas didn't even seem to be aware of her secret ploy. It was really messing with Dean's head, the fact that he always seemed to lose against a furry little pet of all things! He was a hunter for god's sake, a hunter who'd survived to live his fortieth birthday, who'd gone against demons and gods and all kinds of ancient monsters, and now he was gonna be defeated by a measly little kitten? Apparently, yes, he was. Hanging his head (his whole body seemed too heavy to hold up all the way from the lack of Cas he had to suffer, so he kind of just scuffled through the halls of the Bunker until he found a comfy surface where he could curl up and bury himself in his own misery), he made his way over to their bedroom. Where he immediately stopped in his tracks, right there in the open doorway because she was there already, and all up in Cas’ personal space too! God, was Dean not getting any respite at all? It wasn't even cute anymore, how the cat had made herself at home up there on Cas' head while Cas was sipping his coffee. Not at all cute. How her little leg dangled down at one side of Cas' forehead. How she rubbed her cheek back and forth on that fluffy mop that was Cas’ hair.
It wasn't cute one bit. Dean's hand flew down to the pockets of his Dead Guy Robe, following his urge to swing the holy water spray flask at the devil kitten (he'd made it just for an occasion such as this!) but when he raised his hand again, suddenly he had his phone clasped between his fingers instead of the flask, and found himself zooming in on Cas and his cat-hat and snapping a picture of it. He scowled at himself because that wasn't at all what he’d intended to do. But at least now he had confirmation that the cat wasn't a vampire cat because she showed up very clearly on Dean's phone screen! “Dean!” greeted Cas, who'd finally noticed Dean's presence over there at the edge between their bedroom and the hallway. “Why don't you come in?” Cas seemed genuinely confused about Dean's obvious reluctance to come closer, and Dean reminded himself that it wasn't Cas' fault that the cat ruined everything good in life. So he approached slowly, offering a forced smile and said, “Hey.” Cas reached out a hand to draw him onto a sitting position on the bed beside him, and once again just that simple touch, like a glass of water offered to a man dying of thirst, raised to the surface how absolutely neglected Dean was feeling. All the while, the cat was still secure in her position on Cas' head, not disturbed at all by any of Cas' careful movements. In fact, she seemed to have fallen asleep up there. “Dean, I wanted to thank you for your patience these past week,” began Cas what sounded like a long-ish, serious speech. “Because, Dean, I'm not sure if you've noticed, but it seems like Galadriel is quite a bit jealous of you.” Dean bit back a petty 'You don't say'. Cas dropped his gaze to the bedsheet, a rather impressive deed seeing as he still had to balance the cat on his head. “I know how hard it can be to come into a family late, when all the dynamics have been built up already. You try to find your place without toppling the longstanding scaffold of familial bonds that has been established without you. It is a challenging maneuver, just to prove yourself worthy of that place.” Listening to his words, Dean felt his heart sink in his chest. He'd had no idea. “So, I thought, it might make it a bit easier for Galadriel to adjust in her new surroundings if she felt truly wanted here. If I gave her my unshared attention for a while. I realize that might not have helped with her feelings of jealousy towards you, because now...,” Cas sighed. “I'm not sure, Dean, but I think she either fears she has earned your dislike, or she feels validated in segregating you. In either case, I have failed to discipline her right and I want you to know that was not my intention. I will try to correct my mistake and get through to her.” All this time Dean had thought Cas completely oblivious. Instead, Cas had been trying to give the cat what he himsef would have needed back then, when he’d made his first steps into his new home, with the Winchesters. A confidante, a hand to hold. Dean had tried to be that for Cas, he really had. He just hadn't known how much more of that Cas needed. He'd always taken Cas' hesitancy for a sign that he needed space, and Dean'd given him that. But maybe he'd had it all sideways. So Dean slung an arm around Cas' shoulders now, drew him closer, careful not to topple the cat-hat arrangement. “Oh, Cas,” he said. “We're gonna work it out.” He found himself looking up at the cat hat Cas was wearing and snorted at the ridiculous image they made. “You two are sort of a package deal now, huh,” he remarked, and Cas gave him a sheepish smile. Dean remembered what Cas said about the 'scaffold' of their family and how fragile he seemed to fear it to be that such a little pet was enough to shake it. He wondered how much of Dean's distrust of the cat Cas had projected on himself. With a shrug, he added, “Well, guess that makes us a three-package sorta deal, then.” Because he couldn't just let those doubts roam free in Cas' head. Not on his watch. The hopeful glint in Cas' eyes assured him that: message received. “Thank you, Dean,” he said. The cat still slept away on his head. “I know I should've come to you with the cat problem. Sorry, Dean. I just didn't want to trouble you because I know how reluctant you were with welcoming her in our home. But it seems like trying to solve the problem alone just made it worse. So: sorry.”
Dean grinned. “Oh, he learns.”
Cas shoved him for that, gently.
“Okay, okay,” Dean chuckled. “Does this mean I can get my boyfriend back now?”
“Of course,” Cas said matter-of-factly, and to Dean’s immense joy, he leaned even closer, letting Dean’s arms circle him into a warm embrace.
“Yeah, okay,” said Dean, trying not to make a big deal out of the fact that just this casual touch was slowly but surely melting the metaphorical ice around his body that had made him feel like a zombie these past few touch-starving days. “So anyway, now that we've settled that... just one more thing. Can we make this room, at least, a cat-less space? Just our bedroom? There's some things I want for just myself, y'know.” Cas nodded once, a small smile painting his face in mute contentment. “I understand. I will speak with her once she's woken up.”
“Thanks, Cas.” He took Cas' coffee cup from his hands which was empty by now and went to place it in the kitchen's dish washer. Then he made a quick stop at the bathroom to change into something other than the Dead Guy Robe, and before he returned to the bedroom, the idea came to him that maybe he should start trying to get into the cat's good graces. Maybe he should bring a little post-nap snack as a peace offering. So he went back to the kitchen and grabbed one. When he reached their bedroom, the cat was already waiting in front of the door, looking a little miffed at being thrown out. Dean knelt down beside her, ignoring her little antagonistic hiss. “Hey there,” he said. “Looks like we started off on the wrong foot, huh.” The cat was eying him warily, but at least she wasn't outright attacking him. Dean took that as a win. “How about we start anew? Blank slate whaddaya say?” He offered the snack to her which she took gladly, despite her ongoing dislike of him. The way to a cat’s heart, as it seemed, was through its stomach too. Maybe they weren’t so different after all. “I'm Dean.” He reached out his hand to her paw which she ignored, still happily chewing on her snack instead, so Dean made do with tapping her leg lightly once, twice. “Okay. One thing we got in common at least, huh,” He nodded his head towards the closed bedroom door behind which Cas was waiting. “He means a lot to me, you know. And I'm guessing he means a lot to you too. So how 'bout we bury the hatchet, and start trying to do what makes him happy. Which is, ya know, not being a little bitch all day long. Maybe every other day. When he’s not looking.” Dean winked.  The cat had stopped chewing, her head bent down towards the ground. For a little while, all they did was sit there and stare at nothing. Then, very tentatively, the cat moved her head forward and nudged Dean’s hand ever so slightly. He almost didn't feel it, so light was it. But it happened, and it was something, Dean decided. Definitely something they could work with. He nodded at the cat, satisfied with the little agreement they had just negotiated, and slipped through the door. Thankfully, the cat stuck to her promise and stayed outside. And Dean could finally get his oh so long awaited cuddles!
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tinkerbellafan · 6 years
Hard to Love (Chp 4)
Dean drifted back to sleep with the assumption that Cas just happened to use that paper to write on, and had nothing to do with why Sam had been on his case lately. If there was something up, Cas would tell him. His subconscious, however, had a different stance. His dreams were filled with scenarios and situations that had him making a heroic run through a hospital while Cas lay dying in desperate need of a rare item Dean had gone across the world to find. The next dream had Dean watching Cas slowly fade like an old picture and no one else seemed to remember him but Dean. Easy to say Dean woke up less than rested, he rolled over hoping for some cuddle time as he had already told Charlie he was coming in late today.
He twisted and swung his arm over expecting to make contact with a warm body, the cold space he found was much of a disappointment.  It was unusual for Castiel to be a morning person, that’s one of the perks of being a writer Dean. So where had his adorable husband gone? Flashbacks from his dreams had him wondering if he made up the whole thing. The book was no longer on the nightstand and the blanket he dragged in with him was also gone. Maybe he shouldn’t fall asleep watching Dr. Sexy anymore, clearly, his imagination was playing tricks on him.
Dean got up, hopped in the shower and got ready to start his day. As he walked out to the kitchen, he could hear Cas on the phone clearly talking low enough he didn’t intend to be heard.
“Yes, I know..I know I’ll begin monitoring it immediately. I appreciate you doing this for me its such a big deal. No, he doesn’t know. I’m not ready to tell him. I’ll just tell him that I’m going to a convention or a conference. I’m leaving tomorrow, yes I know its only because you love me.”
Dean couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Was Cas cheating? Although Dean couldn’t blame him, Castiel was always too good for him. Dean started to wonder if Sam knew and he was pushing him to be better in the hopes that Cas wouldn’t leave. Of course, Cas would leave, everybody left Dean eventually.
After steeling himself to hide his emotions, Dean made a show of humming and stomping down the stairs so Cas would definitely hear him coming, wouldn’t want to interrupt the rendezvous he was clearly planning.
“Morning babe” Cas turned to Dean with a big smile. Dean noticed that he looked worn out, before at dinner when Sam pointed it out Cas looked like he just needed a good nights rest, now he looks ragged but puffy. Castiel had taken to wearing more and more of Deans sweats and no shoes today, that was weird for him. He’d always worn his normal slacks dress socks and some sensible slip-ons with an adorable argyle vest or sweater even though he didn’t have to look so professional working at home.
“Hey Cas, I missed you last night. I got home with some good news about the shop and you weren’t here.” Dean tried to sound inconspicuous, but he couldn’t help but wonder if his husband had been out on a date.
“Oh, honeybee I didn’t know you would be home so I went to have dinner with Sam & Jess. Sam is trying to soothe Jess’ case of baby rabies by having her dote on me. I highly doubt it’ll work but I won't argue with fresh baked cookies and pampering.” Cas chuckled and shook his head. He was in the process of making oatmeal for breakfast although instead of his typical bananas, Dean noticed he was adding apples.
They both knew Sam was not going to win the battle this time, he had already convinced Jess once before that they were not ready. There was no way she would be swayed to his opinion a second time.
“Ha, Sammy is so screwed, he might as well pick out a crib and start painting the nursery.” Dean chuckled while he started filling his thermos full of coffee.
“That’s what I told him, but he’s in denial and like I said fresh baked cookies.” Cas shrugged, everybody knew that pb&j cookies were his weakness. If you offered those in payment Castiel could never say no.
“So, I have to go in today but I think I’m going to take the weekend off. The shop is doing great and I need a break.” Dean kept his back to his husband, he didn’t want to see the look on Castiels face while he worked out the lie in his head.
“Oh honey, I wish you had told me sooner, I just agreed to speak at a convention in New York, you know how my publisher has been hounding me to be more……” Cas gestured in the air trying to find the right word that didn’t make him sound robotic. “..personable.”
“Oh okay, then I guess I’ll just hang out with Jess, help her figure out what color she’s painting the nursery, maybe convince her to give it a classic car theme. If I want to be the favorite uncle I gotta get a head start.”
The shift in Deans demeanor didn’t go unnoticed by Cas, he felt horrible knowing he was the reason behind the shift.
“Hey Boss, sleep in or get you some morning lovin from that handsome hubby of yours?” Charlie’s eyebrows danced suggestively as she looked up from her computer.
Dean walked into the shop on autopilot, he breezed pass Charlie like she wasn’t even there.
“Dean?” She followed him into his office and shut the door. “Earth to Dean” She tried again this time waving a hand in front of his face snapping him out of his zombie state.
“huh? Oh hey Charlie.” Deans eyes barely focused on hers and she instantly knew that look, he was spiraling. That meant Cas either still hadn’t told him, or hadn’t told him everything. Either way, this could only end up bad if it wasn’t fixed.
“Okay I know that look, its the same look you had after you and Cassie broke up, and after you were so convinced Lisa was cheating so you just ended it. Whats goin on, spill” Charlie folded her arms across her chest and perched in the middle of Deans desk preventing him from escaping into his computer.
“He’s leaving.” Dean barely said above a whisper. “There’s someone else and he’s leaving me.” Dean hadn’t said the words out loud but they were on an endless loop in his mind.  His whole body started to shake with tears he hadn’t realized were falling.
“That’s insane, Cas loves you almost as much as you love baby, be real.” Charlie tried but couldn’t resist the urge to smack Dean upside the head.
“It’s true, I heard him on the phone this morning, they’re meeting up for some getaway this weekend.” Charlie’s heart began to break, she knew exactly what Dean had heard, she was yelling at Cas for going to see the out of state specialist on his own.
She was sworn to secrecy but watching Dean fall apart in front of her eyes broke her resolve. She couldn’t let him fall apart like this, knowing the only reason Cas kept him in the dark was a failed attempt to keep from stressing him.
Charlie turned very serious and made Deans eyes focus on hers.
“Dean, Cas is not cheating on you. He was talking to me this morning. He’ll probably kill me for telling you this but, you deserve to know. Not knowing is hurting you more than knowing and he was just trying to spare you the stress since you’ve been so freaked out about running the shop.” Charlies eyes had softened during her speech. The internal struggle between keeping a secret and helping someone she saw as a brother.
“Dean, Cas isn’t cheating on you, he’s sick.”
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