#also i wanna toss william in there
animangalover-writes · 10 months
For once I'd like to go into the jigsquad tag and not see people hating on Logan.
He needs to be there to give us that straight white boy loser energy!!!
He needs to be the tired older brother that's just trying to deal with his younger siblings(apprentices) while helping dad with work(making traps)!!!
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mochirimochi · 10 months
Somewhere Safe
William Afton X Reader
I wanna smash the pervy dilf in the rabbit suit ok?
-This is now officially part 1 in a series!-
p1 ● p2 ● p3 ● p4
You just need somewhere safe to hide from your abusive ex. Unfortunately for you, you're about to stumble into the arms of something much, much worse.
18+ Minors DNI.
~3700 words, no use of y/n
cws: abusive relationships, degradation kink, breath play if you squint, smut, rough sex, EXTREMELY dubious concent, a sprinkle of spanking
You can also read on ao3 if you prefer: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51567985
Your arms shake as you push up the rusted steel door that separates the pizzeria from the outside world. Every clatter and rumble of the metal makes you flinch and sweep your eyes over the abandoned side lot. There shouldn’t be anyone out and about to catch you at this time of night, right? Regardless, your heart pounds as you force the heavy door up, inch by agonizing inch. As soon as you’ve made enough space for your body you toss your bag under and swiftly crouch to follow it. 
Breaking and entering is far from your typical Monday night activity, but circumstances have left you with little choice in the matter. You need somewhere you won’t be found, somewhere no one will think to look for you. A dilapidated former birthday attraction certainly fits the bill, you don’t think you’ve ever mentioned the place to your ex before and if you have he probably won’t remember anyways. 
You give the door a tug to close it behind you, flinching as it slams back down into the concrete, and pick your way through the broken glass of the entryway. The smell of mildew is heavy in the air, clawing at your lungs and making your eyes water. This place used to be so vibrant and full of joy once upon a time. You’ve attended many a birthday in the restaurant that stretches out in front of you, even had a few of your own. This place had always been a favorite of the local parents due to its… generous wine portions and the ability to outsource their children's supervision. As a result it had been a kids paradise, the ability to run wild while mom and dad got lost in the sauce on a Saturday afternoon? Few things could rival that sense of freedom for a kid. Ironic as it was considering what had come later, it had always been a place where you felt safe and happy. Maybe that was why you’d chosen the pizzeria when you needed to hide from your abusive boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend now you suppose. It wasn’t like you had any plans to go back to the man after tonight. 
You give yourself a shake, attempting to bring yourself back to the moment at hand. This isn’t exactly the time to be spacing out after all, you’re technically committing a crime. Actually, there isn’t anything “technical” about it, you’re definitely breaking multiple laws right now. You shoulder your backpack and cast a glance toward the stage, it’s concealed behind a dusty red curtain but you can practically picture the animatronics behind it ready to jolt into song and dance just like they did years ago. You wonder if the owner removed them when he shut the place down. If you pull back the curtain will you find the shabby remains of your childhood heroes? You shiver, maybe it’s best not to find out.
If you remember correctly, the staff always entered and exited through a door next to the prize counter, maybe you’ll find a staff room with a couch through there. It seems like as promising an idea as any so you flick on your flashlight and make your way past the dining area and through the arcade. Sure enough, you’re greeted with a “staff only” sign and an unlocked door to boot. 
The hallway beyond is dark, lacking any of the color of the show floor. Interestingly, flickering yellow bulbs hang from the ceiling sporadically. The emergency power must still be on in this part of the building, you reason as you cautiously move through the hallway. You round a corner and let out a yelp as you collide with something huge, brown, and strangely soft. The impact knocks you off balance and you land rather gracelessly on your ass. It takes a moment for your brain to comprehend what you’re looking at as your gaze travels upwards over pudgy brown legs and a round plush stomach.
“Fredbear?!” The exclamation comes out before you really have a chance to think. “How in the world did you get all the way over here?” Your heart, which has been about ready to leap out of your chest, slows as you take in the animatronic. It’s in surprisingly good shape considering the state of the rest of this place. You push yourself to your feet and take a few steps back. “I can’t believe they actually left you guys here, you’d think they’d have moved you. Poor guy, all this time stuck in this dingy old hallway.” 
It’s strange when you really think about it, who would leave him just standing in the bowels of the restaurant? It seems like an awfully strange place to just leave your star animatronic, rushed closure or not. After a moment, a distant memory of the animatronics being wired to wander through the pizzeria comes back to you, in fact now that you think about it you can remember getting a big warm hug or two from the Freddy animatronic. That would explain it, maybe his circuits got damaged over time and had triggered that unique function. 
“Sorry to bug you big guy, I promise I’m not here to cause trouble. I just… needed somewhere safe.” Not for the first time that night you feel tears well in your eyes. “Nope, I am not going to cry over this. Not happening, you didn’t see me cry as a kid and you’re not gonna see it now.” You blink the tears away and the absurdity of your situation finally hits you. Not only are you hiding from your psycho ex and breaking the law for the first time in your life, but you’re also talking to a decrepit old robot like it can actually understand you. You heave a shaking sigh to ground yourself and pull your shoulders back. This might be your lowest moment but you refuse to let yourself wallow in it. With a determined huff you give Fredbear an affectionate pat on the arm before moving further into the building.
Before long you stumble across the staffroom, a long cluttered room with an extended plexi-glass window looking out into the hallway. Maybe at another time the window would serve to make the room feel brighter and bigger but now the dust covered plastic is shot through with a spider's web of cracks that barely allow you to see into the room. The door is unlocked though, and after a few quick shoves the warped wood releases its hold on the frame to allow you entry. Luckily, the room seems fairly well preserved and you spot a few dusty but intact couches pushed up against the wall. Jackpot. The exhaustion you’ve barely been keeping at bay all night hits you like a freight train and you lurch across the room to the couches. You collapse onto the nearest one, sending a fine cloud of dust into the air. You can’t bring yourself to care as you curled into a tight ball, finally letting sleep take you.
William watches the security cameras with curiosity as you wind your way through the building. Normally the animatronics would have taken care of any intruders well before they got to this point. This is new, novel even. He leans forward at his desk, squinting at the video feed in an attempt to get a better view. His jaw almost drops when you collapse onto the couch and fall still. Even through the grainy monitor he can tell that you’ve fallen asleep. What in the world is your deal? Who in their right mind would break into an abandoned establishment of dubious repute only to take a nap? He clasps his hands in thought as he watches the slow rise and fall of your chest. This calls for a more… hands on investigation.
A tickling in your nose rouses you from your slumber and you begin to sneeze yourself awake with surprising force. You check your watch, barely 4 in the morning. You’ve only slept for an hour at most and exhaustion threatens to pull you back into sleep. It might too, if not for the insistent vibration of your phone in your pocket. You flip the cursed thing open without hitting the button to answer, bracing yourself for what you know you’ll see. 
Unsurprisingly, you’ve got 53 unread texts, 20 missed calls and 16 voicemails. You don’t need to check the contact info to know who they’re from. Against your better judgment you navigate to your sms messages and begin to read through the backlog when your phone finally stops buzzing. Some of the texts are pleading, others threatening. A few texts claim to “love you so much” and be “so fucking sorry”, while others rail at you “you fucking bitch” and “how dare you fucking run off like that?”. The messages paint a grim but unsurprising picture, a picture that’s unfortunately all too familiar. You raise your hand to the tender bruising that you know must be beginning to come to the surface on your neck before you navigate to your most recent voicemail. You flick on the speaker before staring into the green light of the screen. 
“Where the fuck are you, you fucking bitch?” You flinch as an angry voice fills the room. “You think you can fucking run away from me? You think you can fucking end shit? You’ve got another thing coming to you, used up fucking slut. The next time I lay eyes on you you’re fucking dead, you hear me? Run the fuck away from me again and see what happens. I’ll-” You don’t give the voicemail a chance to run its course. With a raw, frustrated scream you launch the phone across the room. It hits the wall with a satisfying clatter. The battery and casing skitter across the floor and the voicemail cuts out abruptly. Not satisfied with just cutting the bastard off you stomp across the room, still screaming, and smash your foot into the body of the phone. It gives with a satisfying crunch and you roar as you kick it for good measure, sending the now useless device across the room once again. All the fear and rage of the last few hours overcomes you and you let yourself scream until you run out of breath.
Suddenly a flash of something yellow through the hallway window catches your eye. You push your hair out of your face as you try to catch your breath, attempting to squint through the aged plexi-glass. A hulking, inhuman figure stands on the other side of the window, seeming to peer back at you. For a moment neither of you move, it seems to be taking you in as much as you’re taking it in. The strange standoff breaks when the figure, still indistinct through the dust and cracks in the glass, starts to move slowly and methodically towards the staffroom door.
Finally your brain springs into action. Shit. Whatever that is, it’s not good. You sweep your eyes frantically around the room, weighing your options. Any windows to the outside are boarded up, and the only door in or out is the one the massive yellow figure is making its way towards. The only viable option seems to be to take the defensive. There’s a tiny kitchenette against the wall, and you rush towards it in desperation. Frantically, you yank open the drawers in search of anything you might use to protect yourself. The best you can come up with is a wooden spoon. In another situation that might be laughable, but you can’t take a moment to consider how absurd you look brandishing a wooden spoon like a sword. The rattle of the doorknob tells you that you’re out of time.
Whatever you had expected to be on the other side of that door it certainly wasn’t a massive yellow rabbit suit. It’s huge, so large that it has to duck to get its ears under the door frame. As it tilts its head to take you in, your blood runs cold. You hold your ground as the thing stalks closer, its movements slow and deliberate as it moves towards you. 
In a moment of desperation you launch yourself forward, attempting to dodge around the looming figure and make a dash for freedom. You don’t have a chance. A pair of strong arms wrap roughly around your waist, jerking you back with enough force to knock the air from your lungs. Your makeshift weapon clatters to the floor. A dark chuckle rumbles from the depths of the suit as a hand drags its way from your waist and up your chest to grab your chin.
“What. Have. We. Here?” The voice that comes from the suit is deep, taunting, and undoubtedly mascuine. He punctuates the last word with a rough but controlled yank, pulling your chin up and your head back into his chest. You whimper as it strains your already aching neck. With your head tipped back you can see the yellow rabbit head looming above you and it tilts to the side again as if in curiosity. “I asked you a question.”
“I-I-...” You can barely get your mouth to move and you lick your lips in a desperate attempt to draw words from them. Your obvious fear draws a satisfied hum from the depths of the suit and the hand on your waist tightens noticeably. The hand on your jaw however, disappears. You pull in a shaky gasp and buck your head forward in an attempt to build up enough momentum to break free. The vice-like grip on your waist is unaffected and your captor grunts in amusement. 
A rustling above your head draws your attention and you look up to realize that the hand that had just been holding your jaw captive is running along the neck of the suit. With a single, deft movement the head of the suit comes off and your captors face is revealed. There’s an almost rugged handsomeness to his mature features, graying stubble covering his cheeks and eyes that in another life may have looked almost kind. The expression he’s peering down at you with now is anything but kind or gentle though. There’s a hunger there, and a barely suppressed rage. He places the head on a nearby table and returns his hand to your jaw. With agonizing languidness he leans forward and presses his lips to your ear.
“Who gave you permission to sleep in my restaurant?” 
You gasp as his stubble rasps against your jaw and his hot breath ghosts across your face. 
“I’m sorry. I just needed a place to stay. I’ll leave right now. I’ll-”
He cuts you off. “A place to stay, huh?” His lips are still brushing against your ear and despite yourself you feel a chill run down your spine that has nothing to do with fear. “That wouldn’t have anything to do with that absolute delight of a man on the other side of the phone, would it?”
“He’ll kill me.” As soon as the words come out of your mouth you know they’re true. Honestly, you’re lucky to have survived him this long.
“Oh, little mouse, what makes you think I won’t?” The grip on your jaw releases for a moment and you hear something fall to the floor. When it returns it’s a very warm, very human hand that takes its place. His other hand briefly lets go to do the same and you can feel his nails digging into your flesh as he presses you against him. 
“Please.” It’s barely more than a whimper as the hand at your jaw dips to circle your neck. “I just needed somewhere safe.”
“And you chose here? Bad luck.” He presses his nose to your jaw and draws in a deep, ragged breath. “But you know, we might be able to work something out.” The hand at your waist begins to travel, burrowing its way under the hem of your shirt before splaying wide across your stomach. His long fingers barely brush the underside of your bra but you feel the heat of them as if there’s no fabric to separate you. “I’d hate to see a pretty thing like you put out in the cold.”
William can barely contain himself. The feeling of your trembling body in his arms is oh so delicious and your intoxicating scent floods his nose, every breath sending a thrill through him. You’re so soft, so malleable, so utterly breakable. It’s brilliant. 
Using one hand to keep you pinned against him he uses the other to work his way out of the suit with practiced skill. Initially he’d just wanted to watch you, figure out the enigma that was your survival after breaking into his restaurant. Normally people don’t last for more than a few minutes. But you’d dithered around, chatted up his ace in the hole, and then taken a nap? He couldn’t contain his curiosity.
The phone call had derailed his plan and given him an idea. Sure, he had planned on killing you once he’d solved your mystery but maybe there were other things you could be useful for. There was something captivating about you, and the perfect leverage had just fallen straight into his lap. 
He makes quick work of the suit, and soon he’s reveling in the feeling of your body against his. 
“Anything?” He asks, stroking his thumb gently over your jugular before giving your throat a controlled squeeze. Your startled gasp is almost enough to send him reeling. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, little mouse.”
This is wrong. Everything about this situation is wrong.
And yet, your body seems to have some of its wires crossed because it is not getting the message. The only thing you should be feeling right now is fear, and sure, there’s a very healthy dose of that tying your guts in knots but beyond that there’s an underlying current of heat. None of what’s happening should be causing your core to tighten, and the goose bumps forming on your neck should be from terror.
But they’re not.
His hand drifts up even further, pushing your bra up and out of the way to capture the smooth skin of your breast in his hand. You can’t help it, you roll your hips back into his, pushing against the hardness that’s growing there at an almost alarming pace. He growls behind you, pulling you even closer to grind against your ass.
“So that’s how it is?” His voice in your ear is even deeper now, heavy with lust as he gives your breast a hard squeeze. Even you’re surprised when you let out a wanton moan. “Imagine such a dirty fucking slut falling right into my lap.” His words have you clenching around nothing and you don’t even have the presence of mind to feel conflicted about your body's reaction. He releases your breast and his hand burns a trail down to the top of your jeans, he flicks the button open with ease and slowly undoes your zipper. Then he stops, his hand ghosts over the crotch of your jeans before it stills. You let out a needy whimper that you barely recognize as your voice.
“Beg for it, little mouse.”
You groan, canting your hips forward in a desperate search for pressure. “Please.”
“Please, what?”
“Please, fuck me.”
His control seems to snap and he spins you around before shoving you across the room and face down into the couch, barely giving you time to yelp in surprise. He pulls your hips into the air before yanking down your jeans and panties in one harsh motion. The animalistic groan that escapes him at the sight of your dripping pussy sends a shock of arousal through you. He grabs a globe of your ass in each hand, digging his fingers in so hard that you gasp. His nails bite in deep enough that you’re sure they’ll draw blood. 
“God, look at you.” He grunts, releasing your ass and stepping back as if to admire the view. You hear the clinking of his belt buckle and wiggle in anticipation. “What a fucking freak you are, so fucking wet and ready for a strange man in an abandoned building.” He lifts his hand and lands a stinging blow on your ass. You flinch and yelp at the unexpected pain and he does it again on the other cheek. “Dirty slut.” The sting brings tears to your eyes, but it also causes your arousal to coil even tighter in your abdomen. 
Suddenly and without warning he grabs your hips and slams into you, burying himself to the hilt in one fluid motion. You scream as he stretches you, your channel burning around his thick cock. “Take it.” He grunts, slamming into you. All you can do is whimper in response as he sets a punishing pace, thrusting into you again and again. The burn eventually melts into a building and rising heat that threatens to sweep you away. 
Your scalp stings as he tangles his fist in your hair and yanks your head back, changing the angle so that he drives impossibly deeper into you with every stroke. Any train of thought you may have been able to carry is lost as he bombards you with pleasure. Your eyes roll back as your hands desperately grip the couch cushions. A few more thrusts and you’re coming undone, screaming out your release. He follows close behind you, letting go of your hair to grab your hips again. His fingers bite into you as he pulls you back against him, trapping you to him as he fills you. 
“Fuck.” He grunts, his voice raw and his hands trembling at your hips. You both still for a moment and your brain finally starts to realize what you’ve just done. But in the throbbing, warm throes of your afterglow you can’t seem to bring yourself to care how truly fucked up this situation is. When he finally releases his vice-like grip on your hips you groan at the loss of contact.
The chuckle that he gives is warmer than any of the others so far, and he gives your ass a final squeeze that you could almost consider affectionate before he steps away.
“Yes, I think we’ve come to a satisfying agreement.”
I don't know what came over me last night, but this was the result. I've never written smut before, but I sure have read a lot so hopefully it's enjoyable.
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findmeintheferns · 1 year
⭒ love me rough
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𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮: ellie has always been so soft & gentle with you, until today. after a rough day on patrol you see a side to her that you didn’t realise was there all along & it feels so good
𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: ellie williams x reader
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜: pet names, rough smut, angst, strap, begging, etc, not proofread// i’ve had sm writers block MINORS DNI
𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩: approx 1.8k
You knew you were lucky, because while others slaved away on patrol trying not to be brutally murdered, you spent your days in Jackson’s garden making sure all the fruits, veggies & plants were happy and healthy. You loved your life, but you couldn’t help feeling a little guilty watching people return all beaten and bruised when the hardest thing you did that day was try and revive a tomato plant. The thing you hated the most though was that one of those people happened to be Ellie, your girlfriend. You had been dating for over a year now, she was the first person you ever truly loved and trusted. It wasn’t easy seeing her covered in blood after a long day or trying to pick the prickles out of her face after Shimmer got spooked & knocked her off into a bush. Whenever she returned from patrol you really did try your best to hide your concern, but Ellie always saw right through you.
“I’m okay baby, really I am” she’d say, pulling you onto her lap and cradling your face like you were the one who had been out killing infected all day. She was selfless and kind like that, to you at least. Today, however, was different. You had been home for a few hours, trying to make the space as clean as possible so Ellie would be able to relax as soon as she got back. You were dozing off on the couch when suddenly the door slammed open and Ellie stormed in, heading straight towards the bathroom.
“Baby?” you called out, confused as she rarely acted like this. You made your way over to the door and peaked in, Ellie had removed her top and was washing the blood off her chest in the sink. It was hard not getting distracted by the sight of her. Her rough hands gripping vanity as she bent over the sink, highlighting her toned back muscles in the process. She was incredibly attractive, but now wasn’t the time to get hung up on that. You gently push the door open and move to wrap your arms around her waist, leaning your head onto her back.
“You okay?” you hum softly. Ellie turns around and wraps you in her arms.
“I’m sorry, today has been so fucking annoying” she groaned, rolling her head back to face the ceiling.
You gently rub circles on her back as you look up at her, “Wanna talk about it?”
Ellie’s eyes shift down to you with a look you don’t really recognise, she was filled with…hunger?
“No, actually. I don’t want to talk.” She utters, grabbing your waist and lifting you up, your legs wrapping around her.
“I want to fuck you until the only thing I can think about is how good you feel, that okay with you?”
You pause momentarily, taken back but her behaviour but also incredibly turned on. You nod, unsure of what to say.
“Good” Ellie mutters, roughly carrying you out of the bathroom. Once you reached the bed she tossed you down, removing all your clothes quicker than what you thought was humanly possible, but she wasn’t done. She flipped you over, conveniently putting you in her favourite position, doggy.
“Stay there” She demands, walking away on a desperate mission to find something. You knew exactly what she was looking for and your pussy ached at the thought.
After rustling through multiple draws a soft “Here we go.” escapes her lips, you try to turn your head around to see her discovery however she puts you in your place instantly, “Nuh ah princess, you don’t get to look yet”. You would always pretend you hated that nickname, although you weren’t fooling anyone. You heard Ellie pull off her jeans followed by the sound of pulling and clicking. Her footsteps drew closer and before you knew it, she was behind you gripping your ass.
“You know how I’m about to fuck you, don’t you?” she spat “Such a pretty girl, you look so beautiful”. Listening to Ellie speak made you so incredibly aroused you temporarily lost the ability to form words, so instead you nodded intently.
“You know how much I love seeing you bent over like that. Fuck you’re soaked, I haven’t even touched you yet” you groan at her words, trying to grind up against her but being met with a hard strap teasing your entrance.
“Don’t worry baby, I’m still going to warm you up first” Ellie smirks, pulling your panties to the side. She teases your clit causing soft moans to exit your mouth uncontrollably. Suddenly you feel her fingers fill you up. It was rough and abrupt but still felt so good. Your whole body fills with a heavenly intense tingling sensation. You grasp the sheets, groaning Ellie’s name as she fucks you.
“I think that’s enough” she spits, and before you get a second to process Ellie is thrusting the purple strap-on inside you. You throw your head down against the bed, grasping at whatever you can as you let out muffled moans.
“Good girl, taking it so well for me.” Ellie groans as she claws onto your ass, pounding you over and over. Your head was fuzzy from the intensity, but it felt so fucking addicting. Ellie thrusted even harder, hitting your g-spot in the process.
“F-fuck Ellie right there, FUCK right there” you slur, taken over by the pleasure.
“That good yeah baby? You like when I fuck you rough huh?” You were drunk on Ellie’s words, getting closer & closer to climaxing every second.
“Tell me how good I make you feel Princess.” You wanted to please Ellie so bad but you couldn’t get yourself to function enough to form a sentence. Instead loud moans escaped your mouth.
“Come on, use your words or I’ll stop” she grunted.
“F-feels, feels so good Ellie. You fuck me so good.” you mumble.
You always knew Ellie loved hearing you talk while she fucked you, and this was once again proven because the second you opened your mouth her thrusts became sloppy and she let out a low (and incredibly attractive) moan.
Suddenly Ellie was flipping you over so that you were now facing her. She took in your appearance, you were wrecked. Your once neat braids were falling out, stray fly always galore. It looked like you had heavily applied blush on your cheeks and the bridge of your nose when it reality, you’d just be fucked really good. Ellie drooled at how beautiful you looked, no matter how messy.
“I want to look at you while you cum, okay baby?” Ellie whispered, her gentleness almost starting to show again.
You nodded in response, barely able to keep your eyes open. One of Ellie’s arms was pinning your hand down and the other moved down towards your clit. Still thrusting into you, Ellie’s thumb began to press fast circles against your clit. You were used to her starting slow, so it was a little overstimulating, but you didn’t mind. Her pace continued to pick up and you knew you weren’t going to be able to last long.
Fuck. You kinda wish you were able to last longer than this “Mm gonna cum” you mumble.
Suddenly Ellie abruptly stops & you looked up at her frustrated.
“Beg.” she spits
Flustered and confused, you just continue to look up at her and for some reason, this really pissed her off, “Beg, otherwise I’m not letting you finish.” Ellie orders, pinning both your hands above your head.
You understood now, “Please Els, don’t stop” you groan.
“Not good enough.” she uttered “Try again.”
“Please baby, fill me up again. I want to feel you inside me as I finish.” You frown, desperately missing the way she felt.
“Much better” she smirks, moving her hand down to your clit & roughly thrusting back inside you. You were impressed by her multitasking.
You gasp, dragging your nails down her back driving Ellie crazy.
“You know how much I love it when you do that. Fuck.” she grunted, picking up her pace.
You always tried to be reasonably quiet, there were families nearby, but you had lost all control at this point. You moaned over and over as she thrusted again and again, harder each time.
“Oh shit.” She blurted “Fuck.”
Ellie tightly grabbed onto the headboard, throwing her head back. She was so incredibly attractive, her mouth gaped open & her eyes screwed shut. Was she about to…cum? She had never finished while fucking you with the strap before. The thought of her pleasure tipped you over the edge and you came hard, groaning Ellie’s name at the same time.
“Good girl baby, good girl finish for me.” Ellie spluttered, “Fuck, fuck, fuck you feel so good. I’m so close ugh.”
Ellie dropped her head, panting. You assumed holding her position probably took alot of stamina, but you were far too much of a bottom to know first hand. Having already finished, her sloppy thrusts almost hurt from how sensitive your pussy felt, but you wanted her to cum more than anything so you endured it. Ellie’s nails dug into your hips and you knew it wasn’t going to take much more. Grabbing her neck you pressed rough hickeys into her skin, that was enough to push Ellie over the edge. As she spluttered and groaned you couldn’t help but moan at the sight. You loved making her feel good. After one more intense thrust Ellie rolled off you, flopping down by your side, clearly trying to get her breath back. You scoot closer, admiring the view. Finally she made eye contact with you, pushing your stray hairs behind your ear which made your heart flutter.
“You okay baby, I wasn’t too rough yeah?”
You shook your head, she has no idea how much you enjoyed that.
“You felt amazing” you grinned
“I’ve never cum like that before, shit. Are you sure your okay? I don’t know what happened I just needed to get my anger out and I-”
“Shh babe,” you cut her off, “I’d tell you if I wasn’t okay with it. I wish I’d seen this side of you earlier. I want to make you come like that again.”
Ellie laughed, “Your pussy is going to need a little break bub, let’s shower, I’ll wash your hair.”
And just like that your soft & gentle Ellie was back, you loved every part of her.
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elliespillowprincess · 8 months
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pt 1
pt 2
pt 3
a/n: this is my first ever (kinda) fic so it kinda sucks and is all over the place.. also this one will be a bit longer than the others! i hope to just make this an ongoing series with no real end? idk yet!!! it’s kinda all over the place
c/w: TIME SKIP??, modern au, reader is in med school, biker!ellie!!, rich!ellie… kinda toxic!ellie? angst, addiction, substance abuse, joel’s death makes an appearance, fluff, fem reader, plus size reader, insecure reader, race of reader not specified, smut, strap-on usage (r!receiving), cum eating, spit?, tribbing, fingering (r!receiving), breeding kink, TERRIBLY WRITTEN, not proofread
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her name is everywhere now. after leaving your town, her music had blown up more than ever before. 2 years had gone by since the two of you shared your last kiss, and for the first few months the two of you texted constantly.
ellie🤭: how’s my pretty girl?
ellie🤭: hoping to come back soon
tours been getting crazy
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missing you
it felt like a dream, texting one of the worlds biggest rockstars while she was on tour, her sending photos of her adventures. but all dreams end in you waking up.
you: hey wyd?
you: hoping you’re coming back soon
you: hey ellie?
we haven’t talked in a bit
i miss you.
the dream ended. just like that, you were just another girl. after waiting for replies, you decided to move on. this fantasy wasn’t real, the dream was over. ellie was now famous for hooking up with her fans, videos popping up constantly of her leading them out of her concert and onto her bike, just like she did to you.
you were just another girl.
you graduated university as the top scholar in your small town, liliana just behind you. both of you applied to a med school in new york, both getting accepted. your best friend kept telling you you’ll forget her, but how could you? she was everywhere.
eventually, there were some days you could go by without thinking of her. you decided to quit drinking and smoking, and focus on schooling. you got your pleasure elsewhere; hooking up with whatever girl swiped right on you on tinder that day. they always looked a little like her. if they didn’t have that auburn hair, they had tattoos, if they didn’t have tattoos, they were a musician, etc.
“hey, y/n?” you hear a familiar voice say. “wanna go out tonight? i feel like we haven’t gotten to hangout in ages. you don’t have to drink or anything, promise!” liliana practically begs you. it was true, the two of you hardly had any time outside of schooling to hangout, so hesitantly, you agree. she tells you all about this new club that opened, how its invite only so there won’t be too many people, and how there’s surprise private performers. she got the invite from her boyfriend, and was allowed to bring one extra person: you. you decide to use the rest of your day off prior to your later plans to take an everything shower, shaving and exfoliating your whole body. when you get out, you go to your closet to pick out something to wear, still in your towel. your new wardrobe consisted of mainly business casual clothes and scrubs for lab days, so you push them away and dig through the back of your closet. you go through the pile of clothing, until you hit something hard. you grab it, pulling it into the light. when you realize what it was, you feel lightheaded.
it’s her helmet.
tossing it to the back with a pit in your stomach, you grab three random items of clothing, shutting the door. it was exactly what you wore when you first met her: a lacy cami, short black skirt, and a leather jacket. you threw the outfit on, hoping to cover up the old memories with new ones. after you touched up your makeup, you, andrew, and liliana started pregaming. you didn’t want to overdo it, but you also wanted a small buzz for this intimidating of a club. your plan was to leave around 9, it was 8:47. “i’m actually excited, i haven’t been this excited for an event in a while!” you say to the group, feeling a buzz. the three of you are laughing and talking until you get a notification, indicating the uber was there. driving to the club, the driver put on the radio. of course, it had to be her.
the loud music and sweaty atmosphere of the club made you feel dizzy. the only thing keeping you from running away was a tall girl eyeing you across the room. she had short, dark hair, freckles, and a sour face as she looked at you like prey: your type. after a while, you notice she comes up to you, asking if you want anything to drink. agreeing, you thank her and start talking. “where y’from angel?” she asks. “nowhere near here, i used to live in a small town, goldwhit grove?” she looks at you like you’re crazy, rolling her eyes. “never heard of it. hey wanna get outta here?” you look over to your friends, liliana dancing against andrew, and remember how mad she was last time you ran off with a girl without telling her. “i don’t know i’m here with my frie-“ your sentence was interrupted but the screams of the drunken club goers around you as they all flock to the front. looking over to the stage, you see who they’re going crazy over. and of course,
it’s her.
she was everywhere, it was like you couldn’t escape and forget her no matter how hard you tried. she’s stumbling all over the stage, and slurring her words. bras were being thrown at her, and she just had this stupid look on her face. like she was loving it. she was looking around the crowd, for what you assumed to be a girl to take back to her hotel, she made eye contact with you. it felt like the whole room went quiet, even though it was far from it. you wanted to scream, call her an ass, throw drinks at her. but found another solution. turning to the girl next to you, you began rubbing against her, feeling her biceps as she wrapped her arms around you, kissing your neck. you did all of this while making eye contact with her.
“i.. i um… sorry guys.. can’t-can’t perform t’night.” she says, rushing offstage. this makes you smile, knowing you got under her skin. you continued to dance against the stranger to whatever shitty music the club put on between performers. then, it felt like the world went back into focus, your phone buzzing in your hand waking you up. “hey hold on, gotta take this.” you say, lightly pushing the girl off of you and pulling out your phone.
???: what the fuck is wrong with you
who is that???
answer me y/n i’m not fucking around
the unfamiliar messages creeped you out, so you simply blocked the number and went back to the girl, making small conversation. then, another one.
???: don’t block me
can we talk??
come to the bathrooms
rolling your eyes, you type a response.
you: idk who you are but leave me alone
it’s weird
are u stalking me??
???: please
abiding by this stranger could put you in a life or death situation, but all of the adrenaline from seeing ellie and the alcohol made you lose your senses. “hey, i’ll be right back. gotta use the bathroom.” you tell the stranger, making your way through the crowds into the shitty club bathrooms. as you approach it, it seems oddly quiet for a club bathroom. you walk in, and instantly feel a hand grab your wrist, pulling you in and locking the door. “hey what the fu-“
then you see who it is.
confusion turns to shock, shock turns to anger.
“what the fuck ellie? you really think you can just ditch me for 2 fucking years and just be like ‘surprise! i’m back!’” you yell at her, pushing her away. “i’m not playing your fucking games, i feel dumb for even thinking we had something! had me waiting months for you to reply just for you to get with any groupie you come across?” she’s not saying anything, and it only makes your blood boil even more. “are you just gonna fucking sit there? i’m trying to have a good night! i caught fucking feelings for you, you made me feel like i was worth actually fucking loving, and you just threw it all away!” she just sits there, letting you yell. “fucking say something!” your voice becoming weaker, trying not to cry. looking into her eyes, you can tell she’s on something. they’re red and blown out, she reeks of alcohol and weed.
“you’re wearing the outfit.” she says flatly, looking at your outfit. you laugh, actually laugh at her. the fact you just spilt your heart out and all she can do it’s compliment your physical traits. “oh.. oh my god. you- you got problems ellie.” you say with a huff, pushing her away and heading for the door. “i’m leaving, and i’m gonna go back to a girl that maybe actually gives two fucks about me, unlike you.” reaching for the handle, you feel her grab your waist and pull you to her back. “please, don’t go.” you sigh against her, starting to tear up. “let-lemme go ellie..” you barely try to fight her grip. she doesn’t do anything, just breathes you in. “don’t… don’t go, please.” she says softy against your neck, her voice cracking. it feels like you’re melting.
turning around, you look directly at her. “i want an explanation.” you say, wiping tears from your eyes. “you told me you’d come back, you told me you missed me. where did that all go?” you look at her with doe, tear-filled eyes. she just wraps her hands around your face and admires you. “it.. didn’t go anywhere. jus’ a lot happened okay? i just need you to believe me.” your faces are mere inches away, and she’s staring at you with pleading eyes. “how can i believe you ellie? you’re not even sober.” she just wraps her arms around your neck, pulling you in and hugging you.
then you start to hear crying- no, sobbing. she sobs into your shoulder, trying to speak but unable to get words out. she casts her spell on you once again, drawing you in and making you hug her back. “just… just tell me what happened okay?” she’s barely breathing, and you rub her back in an attempt to calm her down. “he- he died!! he fucking died!” she says between cries. “who? who died ellie?” you say softy into her ear. “joel! he- he took care of me i- i- was so mean to him!” she cries against you. “hey, hey it’s okay ellie, just breathe.” after a few minutes of her crying, she starts to breathe slower, eventually pulling back and wiping your face. “can.. can we go somewhere else please?”
it was like déjà vu, being back on ellie’s bike. you had her other helmet at your apartment, so she gave you hers instead. you were honestly scared, she looked intoxicated, but she assured you she was fine to drive. speeding through the streets of new york, you arrive at ellie’s penthouse, of course. the walk into the building in the ride up the elevator is quiet, the only noise coming from ellie sniffling.
unlocking the door on the top floor, she lets you in. the place was trash. liquor bottles, pill bottles, baggies with unknown substances, different girls clothes. you were a little disgusted, but ellie ushered you to her room, which was much cleaner in contrast. you hesitate to sit down, thinking about how many girls fucked her on that bed. “no girls have been in my bed, promise.” you hear her voice say, sitting down.
the two of you just sit there, waiting for the other to speak. she finally gets the nerves to, and starts off. “i just wanna say i’m sorry, y/n. you didn’t deserve any of this.” she looks over at you with hooded eyes and continues. “when he… died, i didn’t know what to do- it was when i was in london.” that was around the time she stopped texting. “i just.. turned to a lot of stuff for comfort. i didn’t know what to do- i know it’s not an excuse..” she stares at you, waiting for a response. “thought about you every fucking day. honestly.” your heart starts to melt. “i don’t expect you to forgive me, but let me make it up to you okay?” you nod silently. this doesn’t feel real. “please say something..” she begs. your eyes meet hers and you just word dump everything that’s been clouding your mind for the past two years.
“look, ellie, i understand where you’re coming from. i just.. i need you to know how much it hurt me, seeing you get with all those other girls, it made me feel ugly. inside and out.” her gaze softens and she unexpectedly pulls you in for a hug. “fuck. i’m so fucking sorry, y/n. you’re the most beautiful girl i’ve ever fucking seen.” she says, her head buried into your shoulder. “everytime i was with any of those girls, i thought about you. anytime i was anywhere doing anything, i thought about you.” her words contrast her actions, but her soft words and tears make you start to believe her.
you hug her back, the two of you laying down in her bed. it all feels so wrong, but so right, she was like an addiction; she was horrible for you but you just kept going back. she softly rubbed your hair, causing your eyes to feel heavier and heavier until you fall asleep in her arms.
you wake up, and the first thing you see is ellie. she’s awake already. she smiles at you, a genuine smile. you on the other hand, look horrified. “goodmorning.” she says, pushing your hair out of your face. “how’d you sleep?” you’re lost for words at this point. you start to remember why you don’t drink anymore. “i.. um.. i gotta use the bathroom.” you mutter before getting up, grabbing your phone from her bedside table, and locking yourself in the bathroom. you open your phone.
lili🦄: wya?
you slipped off again
where’d u go?
dude don’t do this again
ur freaking me out.
is that u that i just saw leave?
i’m following u
who is that?
where are you going??
dude answer hello??
you reply with a spew of apologies, telling her you’re safe and you’ll be home soon. “y/n?” you hear ellie shout from another room. “i made breakfast!” what the fuck? it was like she was a different person, like nothing that happened in the past actually happened and the two of you were a happy couple. you unlock the bathroom door, creeping into the living room. your jaw dropped, it was spotless.
“wow! you uh.. really cleaned up the space?” she smiles at you, plating what looks like eggs, bacon, and toast. “couldn’t sleep. i know you usually wake up early so i slipped out of bed last night and made it back before you woke up.” she waves you over to the table. “come, eat.” you tiptoe to the table, still in your clothes from the club the night prior. sitting down, ellie sets your plate down, along with some water before sitting herself down across from her. it’s quiet, uncomfortable. she decides to break the silence before you start eating. “i’m done with the pills, y/n.” she says bluntly. it kind of takes you by surprise, not the fact that she’s doing it, but the fact she announced it so bluntly. “gonna better myself. better myself for you, us.” she says. her words almost feel like knives to your heart, why was she changing all of this now? “i know it’s late, but i want to be better.” you put a piece of bacon in your mouth, swallowing before speaking. “i’m glad, ellie.” you say softly. the meal remains quiet, but its shifts from an uncomfortable to a comfortable silence.
“hey, i have to go home, can you text me please? for real this time.” you say half heartedly. she puts your dishes away in the sink, nodding. “i’ll take you home, don’t want you in those ubers, they’re not safe.”
the next few months consisted of you texting ellie, again. but this time, she came back very often. as soon as a show ended, she’d be on the next flight to new york to see you.
ellie🧸: boarding the plane rn
can’t wait to see u :)
both of your schedules were tight, but you still worked in time to see each other. ellie often cancelled entire shows just to see you, losing all that money. but she didn’t care, she just wanted you to be happy.
you: i miss youuuu
when r u coming back?
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rn tbh
it felt like a dream once again, but this time, you had a feeling she wasn’t gonna let go. you hoped she wouldn’t. the two of you hung out constantly, going to her shows and being in the first row, her singing directly to you. going on walks at times square, ellie wearing a mask to hide her face of course. and sleepovers at each others apartments. liliana kept telling you to be careful, to not get hurt again.
not only were you guys talking again, but she was making it very apparent to her fans. saying things like “this one’s for my girl, she’s watching at home. see you soon, sweetheart” before playing love songs. even though you guys weren’t official- you haven’t even kissed since your last one almost 3 years ago- she sure acted like it. she was almost always sober, only ever smoking weed or having small amounts of alcohol before performing to lighten her nerves: never with you.
you were going over your neuro notes in your room, when ellie calls you, and you pick up.
you: “hey! what’s up?”
ellie: “i just got off the plane, gonna pick you up in 30 kay? wear something nice pretty girl, we’re going out.”
you: “what? where?”
ellie: “just be ready, kay? mwah i gotta go!”
the call ends and you laugh at how dumb ellie was, making kissing sounds. you quickly get up to find something to wear and throw on some makeup. you didn’t know how fancy you had to be, so you stuck with a tight black dress, black heels, and the necklace made out of pure gold ellie bought for you a couple weeks ago.
ellie🧸: come outside
her text makes your heart skip a beat, and you go out to see ellie standing next to a car. from your knowledge, she didn’t own any cars; just bikes. she was wearing a fucking suit: white button up that she of course didn’t button up all the way, black pants and jacket, and her dumb converse that completely contrasted the outfit. she smiled when she saw you. “ellie? what’s this?” you laugh, going up to hug her and smell her cologne. “y’like it? had it delivered earlier today before i got home for tonight!” she says with a coy smile. you let out a breathy laugh at the fact she can just buy such an expensive car for no good reason.
“it’s gorgeous, ellie.” you smile at her and she pushes herself off the car, turning around to open the passenger side. crawling in, you admire the inside. it was all black, with silver accents and a large carplay module. the passenger side had some photos of the two of you, and your name was engraved into the dashboard. it looked engraved by the fucking manufacturers.
she shuts your door, walking to the drivers seat, plopping inside. “whatcha think? paid a pretty penny for them to customize that.” she looks at you nervously, hoping you’ll like it. “oh ellie, you didn’t have to do this! you’re so sweet.” she smiles. “i’m glad you like it, babe.” she presses the button to turn the car on, and it unleashes a loud roar. as if she couldn’t get any hotter, the car was a manual, and she knew very well how to use one. the two of you leave the parking lot of your apartment complex, speeding through the buildings. you can help but stare at her, as you never got to see her face when she was on her motorcycle. she was focused; shifting gears strategically without stalling. you just stare at her face, her slightly unbuttoned shirt, her hands: your face becomes warm. “something wrong?” her voice snaps you out of it, noticing you’re staring.
“oh um- i’m fine! sorry..” you laugh quietly. “it’s okay to stare y’know? i stare at you all the time.” she says simply. god, she says everything with no fear. “where are we going?” you ask, curiously. “uhh i think it’s called masa’s sushi bar? heard it was really nice.” your eyes widen and your jaw drops. “WHAT??” you ask her, dumbfounded. “ellie that’s like $600 a person!! i can’t afford that right now i-“ “i got it, don’t worry ‘bout it kay?” she interrupts you. “ellie i don’t need to be taken out to nice places- id love to just sit in one of our apartments and watch cartoons.” you start feeling bad.
“you deserve it, let me take you out okay?” you put your head down, feeling terribly guilty. “hey, don’t feel bad okay? this is what i want to spend my money on.”
the two of you arrive at the restaurant, and before you can open your door, ellie screams “WAIT!” before jumping out her side and running to your door, opening it for you with a smile, reaching her hand out. you can’t help but laugh. “you’re such a nerd, ellie!”
the dinner consisted of the two of you laughing at each other, almost getting kicked out a few times for your loud behavior. “ellie! be quiet! that guy has come over a million times to tell you to be quiet!” you say in a loud whisper. when the check comes, you see the total and feel like vomiting. “$2,457?? ellie you’re crazy! i feel so bad let me give you someth-“ you try to pull your empty wallet out but she stops you, “i got it, don’t worry okay?” she tips the workers a large amount and gets up to grab your purse, and walk you out. walking to the car, she opens your door, handing you your purse before getting in herself.
“i have one more surprise, we’re going back to mine tonight.” she says while starting the car. “another? seriously ellie i dont want you spendi-“ “nuh uh, don’t wanna hear it. you deserve this okay?”
the ride home was fast, and filled with tension. you were nervous for what else ellie had in store for you. arriving at her penthouse, she lets you out and leads you to the elevator. you’re shifting nervously on your feet, and she notices. “what’s wrong?” she asks you, stepping a little closer. “i’m nervoussss! what is the surprise?” “gotta wait, sweetheart.”
arriving at her door, she opens it and holy shit. it was covered in flowers, slow music playing in the background. you followed the trail of flowers to the dining room table: the place the two of you spent countless meals together just basking in eachother presence. on the table, was a small white box. you lift it up, having no clue what could be inside. “open it, princess.” she says with a goofy, excited smile. you open the box, and oh my god. it was a gorgeous golden necklace, with an “E” attached to the chain. it wasn’t obnoxious, it was beautiful.
“ellie! what is this?! it’s so pretty!” you smile at her, hugging her. “do- do you like it?” “like it?? ellie i love it!!” you say into her shoulder. the two of you hug for a moment before she pulls you back, pulling a necklace out with your initial on it from under her shirt. everything feels electric, fuzzy, and warm. “let me help you put it on.” she says, gently grabbing the necklace out of the box. you turn around, lifting your hair, allowing her to clip the necklace around your neck. you turn around to look at her, and she adjusts it so it sits centered on your neck.
“you’re so pretty.” she just stares at you for a moment, admiring your features. she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, opening them again before asking,
“can i be your girl?”
it felt like you were floating. her cologne was filling your nose, her eyes searching for an answer in yours.
“i know it’s a lot to ask- i just- i really like you y/n and-“
she’s cut off by you pressing your lips against hers, wrapping your hands in her hair. her eyes stayed open for a moment before the closed, kissing you deeper. she wrapped her arms around your waist, wanting to feel you closer. the two of you stayed there for a moment before you pulled away with tears brimming your eyes.
“yes, yes i’ll be your girl ellie!” you say, laughing deeply and throwing your head back as she places playful kisses along your jaw. “fuck yes, yes!!” she says, laughing with you. the two of you just stand in the dining room for a bit, gently kissing one another before you pull back, leading her to the bedroom.
you grab the collar of her shirt, pulling her ontop of you, kissing her deeply. the two of you spend about 15 minutes just enamored with one another’s mouth, when she notices you squirming, pulling back. “what’s wrong baby?” she asks, innocently. “s’hot ellie..” you say, mascara running and your cherry lipstick smudged. she smiles, dipping down to suck on your neck, leaving dark marks, running her tongue over them to soothe the pain. her lips travel down, meeting the top of your dress. “can i take this off for you?” you nod immediately. “gotta tell me with your words, princess.” you whimper at her request, obliging. “yes.. yes you can take it off els.”
“good girl.” she gently removes your dress, followed with your bra and underwear, leaving you naked under her. “so pretty, my gorgeous girl.” she coos. she begins kissing down your collarbone, and to your chest. she looks up at you as she practically makes out with your boobs, giving equal attention to both of them. she lifts her head, looking at you with lust filled eyes as she steps off the bed to undress, completely naked. you’re practically drooling, looking at her toned abs, perky tits, and the freckles that litter her body. she goes back up to kiss you, before asking, “are you still sure? “fuck- yes fuck els- just… please”
“okay, baby.”
the speaker in the living room begins playing Let the Light in by Lana Del Rey. she lifts your leg, allowing it to limply lay over her shoulder as she slowly lowers her cunt over yours. the sudden contact causes both of you to let out a breathy moan before she begins grinding against you. “so pretty, my pretty baby..” you can barely respond, the feeling of her cunt directly on yours making you dizzy. it feels so intimate, but so right.
“never.. never leaving your side again you understand?” she says between grunts. “you and me- fuck- forever baby.” she’s grabbing at you: your tits, your hips, kissing your face. the air in your lungs feels like it’s being sucked out. “els… please i- more..” you beg. her pace speeds up, her eyes locked on yours. “gonna… gonna take care of my girl ‘kay?” you feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge. “els… m’gonna cum!!” you moan, grabbing at her arms. “me too- fuck- cum with me baby cmon give it to me.”
and that’s all it takes.
your orgasm rips through you, making your vision blur as hers follows right after, riding both of yours out. the room is filled with moans, squelching, and grunts as you both come down from your high. she collapses beside you, kissing you softly and cuddling you. she pulls away for a minute to just admire you. “y/n i.. i love you.” she says, smiling nervously. you can’t help but giggle as you pull her in closer, saying,
“i love you ellie williams.”
1 year later
you were getting ready for ellie’s private concert, wearing the same outfit you wore when she asked to be yours. it was your anniversary, and she was gonna take you out to a nice dinner followed by a surprise after the show was over. “baby? you ready?” you hear your girlfriend say, walking over to her to show her your outfit. “oh my goddd” she gawks over you. “look at my princess.” she says, grabbing your ass as she pulls you in for a messy kiss.
you two were late for her concert.
your heart was so full watching your girlfriend perform onstage. you were right up front, catching each others eye constantly. the sound of squealing girls around you threatened to drown out ellie’s singing. you look around, growing insecure at all the girls throwing themselves at ellie. she was smiling, enjoying the crowd and attention. girls were flashing her, holding up provocative signs. normally it didn’t get to you, but tonight it did.
finishing the concert, ellie’s bodyguards escort you to join her backstage. ellie notices your mood, and asks what’s wrong. “nothing ellie, jus wanna go home.” you reply blankly. “okay.. okay let’s go home yeah?”
arriving at her house, you walk to her bedroom, plopping yourself on her bed. she follows close behind after setting down her bag. “what’s on your mind, you seem sad?” she asks innocently. “the fact all those girls throw themselves at you! i mean, i don’t usually get so insecure, i know you love me jus…” you choke on your tears. “they’re so pretty, els. scared you’re gonna leave me for one of them y’know? i know im not the prettiest, i don’t have the best body-“ ellie cuts you off, jointing you on her bed. “hey, hey. don’t say that okay? you know i only have eyes for you.” she says softly, kissing your forehead. “you’re the most beautiful girl in this world, love. your body is beautiful.” she kisses all over your face, making you giggle.
it was like all your insecurities flew out the window. the two of you were laying on her bed, kissing each other softly. “m’sorry i ruined your surprise.” you say sadly. “hey, you didn’t ruin anything okay?” she reassures you. “what was the surprise?” her face turns a light shade of pink, stuttering. “we don’t have to- it’s was just if-“ you become more interested in what it was. “cmonnnnn just tell meee!” you say, the curiosity killing you. “are you sure? it’s not- if you’re not in the mood-“ “tell me ellie!” she sighs, grabbing your hand gently and placing it over her crotch. your eyes widen and you instantly feel wetness pool to your cunt.
she bought a strap on.
“we don’t have to, sweet thing. we can ju-“ her sentence is interrupted by you kissing her deeply, spit mixing with one another’s. she sat up so you could sit in her lap, her palming the fat of your ass. the two of you already removed all of your clothing besides underwear, the skin to skin contact making you dizzy. the make out session turned sloppier as minutes went by, and you became needier: grinding against her thigh. she noticed, and inquired you about it. “what’s wrong baby? needy for me?” you nod, almost forgetting ellie always wants you to use your words. “want.. want your cock, ellie.” you say, whimpering in her mouth.
“lay on your back, lemme do all the work.”
she helps you pull your underwear down your legs, followed by her boxers just after: causing the strap on to bounce out and fuck was it big. probably 7 inches, extremely thick and a dark shade of purple. you practically drool at the sight of your naked girlfriend in front of you, all strapped up. “gotta make sure you’re ready first, okay baby?” she tells you, gently pushing her fingers into your wet hole. “your so fuckn’ wet, baby. i do this?” you nod aggressively, making her add a second finger. “cmon, mama, gotta tell me with your words, how else will i know?” you loved when she was demanding, it usually only happened when she becomes really possessive.
“yes ellie- fuck! yes it you that made- made me this wet!” you say between moans. after a few minutes, she pulls her fingers out. “suck.” she demands. you oblige, taking her long digits in your mouth and sucking every last drop off. “y’ready? i’m gonna go slow okay?” she says whilst gently pushing the tip in. she goes slow, waiting for you to ask for more before she goes deeper. once she’s all the way in, she’s drooling at the sight of you swallowing the silicone. “can feel you squeezing my cock, baby. fuckkk look at her.” she presses your thighs to your stomach, ensuring she can get as deep as possible. then, it’s like the world is on fire.
she starts pounding into you animalisticlly, watching the ring of white forming at the base of her fake cock. she leans down to suck on your tits, sloppily making out with them as you scratch her back up with your long nails. this time, it isn’t slow or gentle. it’s hot and fast. needy. most of the time, she coos you through your orgasm, going slow and gentle. times like this, however, it’s like she has her mind set on one thing: making you finish. her words become more vulgar.
“fuckkkk look at that pretty pussy baby, she’s just taking all of me huh?”
“all. fucking. mine.” between thrusts.
“can see it poking through your stomach, sweetheart.”
“gonna fill you up, mama. carry my kids?”
the last line makes you moan loudly, as you didn’t know it was something you liked. she smiles, continuing her pace, out of breath. “yeah baby? you like that? want me to fill you to the fuuuuckin brim? dirty girl.” she makes out with you sloppily, drool dripping down your faces. “ellie.. ellie fuck i’m gonna cum!!”
little did you know: she was too.
the base of the strap had been rubbing perfectly against her clit, her pace speeding to make the two of you finish.
“fucking cum all over me- fuck- cream my fucking cock baby. fuckkk”
the two of you scream out, as your orgasms rip through at the same time. all you can hear is ellie saying “iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou!!” as you come undone, her fucking you through every last bit of your orgasm. she collapses next to you, pulling out. you whimper at the feeling of emptiness. “i love you so much.” she says, wrapping her hand around your waist basking in the skin to skin contact. “i love you, els.” she kisses you softly, rubbing your plump hips.
“i love you most sweetheart, happy anniversary.”
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cowpokeomens · 9 months
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Pairing: Will Ramos x Reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: 18+ this is straight up self-serving porn!!!!!!! Minors go away!!!! Anyways this has got everything: Biting, p-in-v, blowjobs, fingering (female receiving), breeding kink, big ole praise kink, me projecting how badly I want to swallow William's load, I think that's it but by all means DM me or reply if you think I should add something!
Literally no one hmu unless it's to talk about this photo. It has nothing to do with the story but I wanna fuck him so bad so I'm putting it here. It's my blog I do what I want.
Yes I was listening to Dress by Taylor Swift as I wrote this!!!! Yes it's one of the horniest songs in her discography!!!! Leave me alone!!!!
This is straight up porn, no plot in sight, no beta because I'm insane, no fucks given because I'm a whore! Enjoy.
Will was about to vibrate out of his fucking skin. 
He’s irritable, too- a far cry from his usual “Sunshine and Rainbows” disposition. People kept trying to make conversation, ask him about the tour, compliment the new album. It would end with a curt, “Yeah, it was a lot of fun,” as his eyes would be dragged from whoever he was talking to back to you.
The dress was unfair. It was diabolical, even. He searched his memory, trying to come up with a reason you’d put him under such physical and emotional duress. He did the dishes last night, made breakfast this morning- he even folded the laundry! In terms of “deserving of death by nefarious garments,” his conscience was clear. 
Yet there you were, clad in the slinkiest little black dress that he never knew you owned. You had spent hours in front of the mirror, perfecting your makeup, carefully styling your hair. It had been fun for him to watch; Fun to listen to your “Ultimate Emo” playlist and jam out while you painstakingly applied a swipe of lipstick, a striking mark of eyeliner. It was fun. 
He stopped having fun the moment you stepped out in the goddamned thing. 
“Zip me up?” You had asked, batting mascara-ed lashes at him sweetly. His brain had short circuited for a second, rebooting completely when it started overheating. Zip you up? He wanted to eat you up, toss you over his shoulder like a caveman and keep you in bed for hours. 
“Where are you going in that?” He asked incredulously. Your breasts were about to fall out, fabric clinging to the small of your waist. There were other details- lace and ribbons and shit he didn’t have the vocabulary for when his head was running on all cylinders, much less now. You turned around so he could reach the zipper better, and he genuinely wondered if the anime nosebleeds were onto something with how quickly the blood rushed to his cock at the sight of your ass stretching the fabric.
“Um, to the jamboree your label is hosting?” You retort with a giggle. “C’mon, we’re going to be late to this shindig if we don’t leave soon.”
He had complied, after some whining, zipping you up and kissing you softly on your shoulder, willing his cock to miraculously soften. 
Then you had arrived, and he was swept away by record executives, you saw a group of gal-pals, and he had to keep his hands to himself.
For hours. 
Will’s hands itched with the urge to reach out and touch you, twitching at his sides. Someone said something that must have been fucking hilarious, because you were laughing, head thrown back, chest heaving-
I can’t do this. He thinks to himself. This is a task for men stronger than me.
Quickly downing the last dregs of his cocktail, he impolitely excuses himself from the group he was speaking with, maneuvering through the mass of people to where you stood. 
“Hi baby!” You call when he enters your line of sight, smiling brightly. You’re in a small group of people who also greet Will upon his arrival, immediately asking about the tour. 
“It was a lot of fun, thanks for asking.” Will mumbles distractedly, eyes never leaving you. “You ready to blow this popsicle stand, love bug?” 
Your eyes widen slightly in surprise. “Oh, sure.” You quickly excuse yourself from the group, leaving with warm goodbyes and tight hugs. Will thinks he’ll catch on fire before the two of you make it out of the building, but then you’re walking over to join him, the two of you quickly working through the crowd.
“Is everything okay, Will?” You ask when you’re both out of earshot. Concern is evident in your tone, and Will fights the urge to smooth the crease between your eyebrows with a kiss. 
“Yeah, just itchy is all.” He murmurs to you, placing a kiss on the top of your head as you both exit the building. Itchy was a good word; He was practically crawling out of his skin with the urge to get you undressed, underneath him. 
Guilt overtook your pretty features. “Oh baby, was the party too much? If you felt overstimulated, we could have left earlier-”
“No, I’m fine, pretty girl, really. It’s just-” He sighs, stopping in the parking lot to dig his keys out of his pocket.
“Did I do something?” You sound so sad, eyes widening. Will could practically see your mind sifting through the evening, trying to find some misstep.
“No, no baby- stop. I can see you overthinking, you didn’t do anything wrong, I just-” He sighs again, pausing by the car now. He glance around the two of you, making sure you were alone, before guiding your hand to his groin. 
Your eyes went dark at what you found there. “Holy shit, you’re- how long?” You stammer, sounding hoarse.
“Ever since you put on that fucking dress.” He admits sheepishly. 
“C’mon.” You nod towards the car, motioning for him to get inside. 
You made quick work of shutting your door, Will about to start the car when you stop him. 
“Leave it off.” You command, making his eyebrows shoot up in question. “Less conspicuous.”
“Less conspicuous for wha-” Will’s question was cut off as your lips locked with his in a searing kiss. You gripped his shirt in your hands, dragging him closer to you. 
“All hard for me, huh?” You whisper against his lips. 
He’s nodding before he realizes it. “So hard, baby, all fucking night, all for you.”
You’re nodding with him, already drunk off of the power you have over him. “Let’s get you taken care of then, yeah?” 
You tear your lips away from his to better unbutton and unzip his pants, tugging the fabric down the best you could in the cramped space. He hisses as you pull his briefs down so that his cock can spring free. 
“Holy shit.” You breathed, taking him in.
He’s always been big- you were familiar with that part- but you’d never seen him after being hard for hours. The veins on his cock were bulging angrily, the tip shiny with precum and deliciously red. 
“Poor thing,” you say in a saccharine voice, leaning in to kiss the cherry-red tip. 
He outright keens at that, hips barely jerking up, like it was taking everything to hold himself down. “Don’t be mean, pretty girl.”
You give him one last grin before you’re swallowing him down, stopping three-quarters of the way down to soothe your gag reflex.
“Fuck-“ Will gasps into the air, one hand coming up to tangle in your hair. His grip tightens, and you feel your control over the situation slipping away. “Fucking tease tonight, huh? Not enough to wear your slutty little dress, couldn’t wait to get my cock in your mouth either, could you?” 
You whimper almost silently at his words, but he feels the vibrations of it on his cock. “Little slut likes that? Does she want me to use her pretty mouth?” He continues, pulling you up by your hair just enough for you to be able to speak.
You relinquish any semblance of control you had when you manage a small, “Please.” 
He grins at you, so far from his regular, cheerful smile, and pulls you in for one last kiss. It’s sloppy and wet and wonderful, and you’re almost sad when he yanks you away by your hair again to guide you down to his cock. 
“Open.” He commands, the gruffness of his voice making you quickly do as you were told. His cock is in your throat immediately, but before you can gag, he’s pulling you back up roughly. You manage half a gasp of air before you’re being shoved back down, swallowing him again. He continues fucking your face at a brutal pace; Soon spit is covering your chin, and you can feel you mascara running down your cheeks in the form of tears. 
“So fucking good for me.” Will grunts, hips thrusting up to meet your face. “Such a good girl, taking what she’s given.”
The praise makes you moan- or at least, as much as you could with him fucking your mouth so thoroughly. You’re lost in the sensation of him so deep in your mouth, breathing deeply through your nose as he uses you. His thrusts start becoming irregular, a chant of your name and “fuck” falling from his lips as his movements grew shorter and shorter. 
Oh, you think. He’s so close, you can see it in the tension of his body, in the drawn-up expression on his face. You want nothing more than for him to finish in your mouth, to make you swallow it down, but he pulls out abruptly, chest heaving with labored breaths. 
“Is something wrong?” You’re pouting, you can feel yourself pouting. 
He sees your face and huffs a laugh, still panting. “Pretty girl wants my cum that bad?”
His words- the vulgarity of them- color your cheeks pink. Although… Yeah. That was exactly what you wanted. You nod, the smallest movement. 
You think you hear him stop breathing, but then he speaks again. “C’mere, honey, I’ll give you what you need.” He motions to his lap, where his cock is beckoning you like a siren at sea. You hastily go to unzip your dress, but he stops you. “Leave it on.” His gaze drags down your form, back up to your throat, where his eyes linger for a moment before he’s looking into your eyes again. “Leave all of it on.”
His words make you shiver, but you obey, crawling over to straddle his lap. He yanks your panties to the side in record time, immediately thrusting two fingers into you. You mewl at the sensation, eyes squeezing shut as your hand comes up to slap over your mouth to muffle the sound. 
“Nuh uh, let me hear.” His voice is in your ear, nose rubbing against the lobe of it. “Let me hear your pretty sounds- God, you’re so fucking wet.”
You could hear him moving his fingers inside you, even over your own noises. You grind down into his hand without consciously realizing you’re doing so, chasing the pleasure his fingers brought you. You open your eyes blearily, wanting to see him, only to find that he’s studying that same spot again, right at the base of your neck. Jutting your chin up so that your throat is completely vulnerable, you give him a meaningful look. 
He accepts the offer, teeth coming down to bite at your pulse point. The moan that escapes you is profane, dwindling to the pathetic whimper of an injured animal as he sucks at the skin where he bit, soothing it with his tongue. Your chest is next, ample cleavage on display for his lips to lock onto, sucking a hickey into the sensitive skin with ease. The hand that’s not fucking into you grips onto your waist to leave another bruise, pulling you impossibly closer.
You know what he’s doing- Marking what’s his, letting everyone know who you belong to. And you couldn’t care less about the perception of it, lost in the pleasure of his lips and the sensation of being owned. Arching into his mouth, your hands tangle in his hair as your legs start to quiver with unadulterated want. 
“‘M close, Will I’m-” You pant, tugging at his hair desperately. 
“I know, pretty girl, be good and come for me so I can fuck you properly.” He whispers into your neck, and that’s all it takes to hurtle you over the edge, shaking with your orgasm even as he replaces his fingers with his cock.
It’s so much more- more girth, more length. It stretches you, fills you up to the brim. You’re still in the aftershocks of coming as he starts fucking you in earnest, yanking you into his chest until you feel like you can’t get a breath in. You’re practically wailing, the sensitivity of getting fucked so quickly after orgasming overwhelming, but it’s perfect. 
“You’re my girl, right?” He’s grunting, holding you stationary while his hips rock up into you at break-neck speed. “My pretty girl, all mine.”
You nod, incoherently babbling, “I’m yours, I’m yours, I’m yours-”
“Want my cum?” He pulls back just enough to look in your eyes. It’s all love there- an all-consuming love that illuminates his gaze like a flame. “Want me to fill you up? Put a baby in you- Keep a baby in you?”
You’re nodding again, unintelligible sounds falling from your lips in response. “Please.” You finally manage to stammer out. 
He’s almost smiling, a joyous kind of pleasure overtaking his features as his thrusts grow erratic for the second time that evening. Your grip on him tightens as you feel yourself get closer and closer, tears springing in your eyes from the overstimulation. 
It hits you like a fucking train, face curled into his neck in a silent scream, legs spasming in every direction. He fucks you through it, coming in hot spurts inside you, thrusts growing sloppier until he finally nestles himself deep within you, setting you down gently in his lap again. 
You’re panting and trembling, completely collapsed against his chest. The both of you sit like that a few long minutes, his hand rubbing at the exposed part of your back soothingly. When you feel an iota of strength return to your body, you’re craning your neck up to kiss his cheek. 
He’s grinning, turning to look down at you. “Well shucks, thanks for the kiss, honey.”
You’re giggling with him, pushing yourself up so that your back is straight. You hiss as the movement moves him inside your sore hole, a shudder passing through your body. 
“You better cut that out, I’ll fuck you again if you’re not careful.” He warns teasingly, hands gripping your hips lightly. 
You flash him a grin, and then ready yourself for the chore of him pulling out. You know it’s going to be tender, but you still yelp as he slips out of you. Flopping into your seat, you give yourself another minute to collect your breath. He tucks his cock away, zipping up his pants carefully and starting the car.
You zone out for a moment, only recognizing the long silence that has stretched between the two of you after a few minutes more have passed. You look over at him, a question on your lips, when the look on his face makes you pause. 
He’s staring in between your legs, a small pout on his face. “It’s leaking out.” 
You throw your head back, barking a laugh at his distress. “I have an IUD as well, my love, I don’t think it’ll work no matter how hard you try.”
His eyes go dark at your words. “Then I’ll just try harder next time.”
Before you can respond, the car is in drive, and you’re headed home. You quickly buckle your seat belt, pulling down the passenger mirror to clean yourself up, stopping when you catch the first glimpse of your reflection.
Your makeup has smeared everywhere. Black streaks run down your cheeks in rivulets, your lipstick smudged around your mouth. Your tits are littered with bruises, lovebites of various colors decorating your skin. You look like a slutty fucking mess, You think to yourself. You’re searching for a napkin to wipe your face when Will speaks up again. 
“Leave it.” He flips on his turn signal, pulling onto your street. His jaw is tight, and you swear you can see a bulge in his trousers. He turns to look at you as he puts the car in park in front of your house, eyes already glossed over again. “Leave all of it.”
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trulygnomed · 8 months
Victory Royale
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pairing: ellie williams x fem!reader
a.n. woohoo first fic posted yayyyy comment to be on a dt list if i ever keep doing this
summary: you and ellie play fortnite together. maybe more? fluffy :)
tw: bad writing syndrome. short. also kind of wrote this as a joke to get used to posting on here
It was a rainy day in jackson, and Ellie invited you over to her house (well, garage) to hang out and play video games. You two had met when she first came to jackson at 14, and have been best friends ever since. and you were fine with that. But honestly, you wanted more.
“Hey mama” she opened her door with a smile. She took your hand to pull you inside “Hi Els”you gave her a smile and followed her, being sure to take off your shoes and jacket to not wet her whole room.
“What did you want to do first?” she asked you, tossing herself onto her bed. She was wearing her Savage Starlight pajama bottoms and a white wife pleaser, which showed all of the beautiful details of her body, like her tattoo that took up most of her forearm. Shit, were you staring?
“Um…” you paused “you pick.” you said, joining her on her bed. It was a twin, so you guys were both pretty cramped, but you were okay with it. She smiled as she had an idea, “wanna hop on Fortnite?”
You sucked at Fortnite. You groaned and fell backwards onto the bed, covering your eyes with your hand as you handed Ellie back her controller with the other. She simply laughed at you while shaking her head, “You just need practice.”
“How much practice do I need? I got 100th place that last time. How is that even possible?” you complain.
“Getting 100th place is equally as impressive as getting a Victory Royale” she smiled, flopping backwards next to you, until you wore both staring into each other’s eyes, mere centimeters apart.
“I’m glad we’re friends, Els.”
“Where is this coming from?”
“Nowhere. I’m just, glad that I got to know you.”
“Me too.”
It was silent for a moment, before she placed her lips on yours, and you kissed back. On the screen, a user was doing the default dance emote while celebrating the win that they stole from you, but you two didn’t care. You had each other, and that’s all you needed.
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romana-after-dark · 8 months
"Can you peel my orange" with ROF boys.
There's a social media trend where you ask your boyfriend to peel an orange for you and see they react. Some are super cute, some the boyfriends are dicks.
I thought it would be a good way to explore a lot of fics and characters to see how they react vs others
This is for Rooms on Fire, my Triple Frontier cult fic, and will include the TF boys but also a few OC's
This will be as Madonna stands after chapter 3, where she's settled into a routine with Pope, Francisco, William and Benny, but also with Jonah, Reyansh and Iris that we will see more of in chapter 4
Relationships will change grow, become damaged and morph throughout the series so its not permanant canon.
Warnings: NSFW, implied sexual acts involving fruit...
"Could you please peel my orange?"
Of course, baby." Pope smiles, beckoning you over to him. He pulls you onto his lap and your pretty dress spills all over his legs. With his arms wrapped around you, he peels the orange in front of your stomach. When all the peel was off, Pope slowly slides a middle finger into the hole of the orange, in and out, then two fingers before pulling a slice off and bringing it to your mouth.
It's after Will has fucked you into the mattress, filling you up and leaving you dripping on the bed. After several sessions, you were drenched and your core sopping, so Will decided it was time for a break. Grabbing you some fruit from the fruit bowl, he agrees to peel it for you, saying you should save your energy for more important things. After peeling it, he even takes out as man of the stringy white parts as he can in a reasonable time. After plopping a piece in your mouth, he asks how it tastes.
You smile at him, sweaty still and complete naked knelt before you. "Good, thank you." "Wanna know how it can taste even better?" He eyes his cum dripping out of your pussy with a hungry look in his eyes, taking apart another slice.
Ben is struggling to peel his own orange. You do not ask him.
"No." *Peels Benny's orange*
"Sure" He pucks it out of your hands, prodding at it. He's not very good. In fact, by the time he gets a lead going on it there's orange juice on the table he's wiping up with his sleeve. It's just a little mangled by the time you get it back, but you smile sweetly at Reyansh and thank him. He grins back at you.
Jonah holds out a hand and you toss the orange over. With his legs propped up and crossed on the table, Jonah easily catches it and wipes out his knife. He cuts off the peel and finishes peeling it for you and it back with a relaxed smile.
"I'm pretty good with a knife. If you toss me the apple, I can peel it all in one spiral."
"No." But she grabs it and makes the beginnings of a peal with her nails, giving you a starting point.
I'll be for fucking real, I just wanted content with Jonah using a knife....
If you have wanna see how any other characters in my series, dark or not, would react, just send an ask!
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undefeatednils · 11 months
TTRPGs I Desperately Wanna Play
I like TTRPGs. I've only played with three systems (D&D 5e, The Dark Eye 4th Edition Revised, and Dread), but I'd love to try out more. These are a small selection of games that I wish I could play, but I sadly lack the group(s) for that. Also, as an honorary mention, Pathfinder 2e needs to be pointed out. It's very mainstream, and I think I'd enjoy it as a player, but not as a GM.
These games are all in alphabetical order, by the way!
Blades in the Dark
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Blades in the Dark is an absolute classic, from everything I've heard. Designed by John Harper and pretty old by now (2017!), I'd just love to experience a short campaign with it. The usage of "clocks" to represent progress when solving problems, the focus on intrigue in general, flashbacks! Blades in the Dark is a very specific game, but it sure looks so fun!
Cloud Empress
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Designed by someone going by watt, Cloud Empress is heavily inspired by Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, the first original movie by Hayao Miyazaki (by the way, not a Ghibli movie, because it predates the studio, and its success allowed Studio Ghibli to be formed!).
Cloud Empress really feels like a world where violence is an option, but rarely worth it. Gorgeous illustrations, a fantastic injury and stress system, and a dark yet hopeful setting really give it a lot of flavor that I really, really love!
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Designed by Tumblr's own @efangamez, GRIM is a dark sci-fi horror game inspired by Quake. I loved reading about its fast-paced, coin-toss-based gameplay and its focus on players rushing around the dungeons, so I'd love to get to play it some day! Let me slay some eldritch beings!
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Another oldie, but a goldie! Mausritter by Isaac Williams really plays with the squishyness of player characters in TTRPGs of yore and plays with it by making the players create cute little mice that go on adventures. You can go Watership Down dark, or whimsy, or somewhere inbetween. Perfect little guy energy in the form of a game.
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So... Are you looking to play a game with someone that really allows you to mirror classic films like Alien or Aliens or The Thing or Event Horizon? I think Mothership by Sean McCoy and others would be the perfect game for that. It largely uses d100s and really seems to allow for characters that fit the archetypes you can find in sci-fi horror movies and have them be both weak enough to be in danger but competent enough to have a shot at dealing with the problem at hand.
See You Space Cowboy
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See You Space Cowboy (also known as CUSC) by Onslaught Six and the rest of Tidal Wave Games is really just Cowboy Bebop the TTRPG without the licensing required. Lots of jazzy slang creates the short ruleset for this fun sci-fi RPG. Its system of traits, talents, and breaks feels very intuitive, and I just wanna put on some T-Square or Yoko Kanno or Casiopea while me and a bunch of friends try to survive in a zanier version of space compared to, say, Mothership xD
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Created by Richard Ruane, with additional design by Eric Swanson, Sherwood really looks like it can capture the feeling a lot of TTRPG campaigns want to achieve when presented with the idea of adventurers being more trouble for commonfolk than they're worth.
It uses a nice, elegant 2d6 system, its four attributes also serve as a resource for your outlaw, and it really seems fit to tell fun folk tales filled with magic, rebellion, and merriment!
The Electrum Archive
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Developed by @emielboven, I just adore pretty much everything about The Electrum Archive. It combines an incredibly flavorful desert world setting with mechanics that are easy to grasp for folks who mostly play 5e, and three very cool classes (I adore the Warlock and the whole magic system which involves knowing the true names of magical spirits and a bit of negotiation between the Warlock player and the GM). I backed the game's second volume via Kickstarter because I was so blown away even by the free rules. I adore it!
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Wanderhome, by Jay Dragon, is another classic. And it barely has any "conventional" mechanics, mostly relying on conversations guided by the, many, many playbooks that exist for it. It really seems like such a beautiful game, an exercise in empathy, and I'd love to read the rulebook more and sit down with folks to "play" Wanderhome, sharing tasty drinks and snacks in the sun.
Also, as an honorary mention, Pathfinder 2e needs to be pointed out. It's very mainstream, and I think I'd enjoy it as a player, but not as a GM.
Also sorry to the two folks I tagged, both are just very prolific people who are also (semi-)active on Tumblr, so yeah...
And again, I didn't get to play any of these. But maybe I will sooner rather than later? Hopefully?
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thekrakenlolz · 6 months
Start up fic - Ellie Williams x Reader (Part 2)
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part 1
Summary: You switch dorms at your boarding school after you and your girlfriend go through a messy break up and you no longer can handle being roommates with her. Only your new one is a different kind of problem
a/n: Hiiii, so I still don't know what the overall plot will be, so feel free to suggest any and everything. Sorry this is so incredibly short. In my defense, it's exam period and I really can't afford failing bio-med rn. This prolly isn't worth the wait but it is what it is. I swear a proper third part will be out on the weekend. And I'll come up with an actual name by then<3
As always, pls don't mind the grammar mistakes, English is my third language
You were stood on your bed, taping fairy lights to the ceiling.
"So, Ellie" you ripped another tape stripe off with your teeth "how long have you been here?"
"Oh uhh, since fifth grade" she hadn't expected you to start talking.
"Since the very start, huh?" You tore off another piece, readjusting it for the forth time.
"Yeah, I guess. You?"
"Tenth. So pretty recent. My parents thought it'd look good on my college application"
Ellie chuckled "this shithole, seriously?"
You moved onto posters "yeah, well, the name sounds high brow. Also the building looks very...... generational wealth-esque"
"If you say so." You could hear her shift in her seat "Probably aiming for a prestigious uni then. What do you wanna study."
You sighed, tossing the scotch role onto your desk
"You don't seem too excited"
You jumped off your bed, taking in your work from a little distance.
"Yeah well, it's not really a choice. It's either law school or my parents pretty much withdraw financial support." You said, trying your hardest to sound nonchalant.
"Jeez, that blows"
You spun around, sitting down on the edge of your bed.
"Kinda. What do you want to do?"
She stood up, slinging her leg over to the other side and resting her arm against the back of the chair. You pushed down a smile, realizing she made the conversation 'official'.
"Not sure, but prolly astronomy." You scooched backwards and rested your back against the cold concrete wall.
"Oh, so you're smart smart." You flashed her a smile.
She rolled her eyes "says you, Mrs. Law school."
You dragged a fingernail across your knee, watching the now flaked off dead skin create a white stripe. "Oh please, wanting to go and actually getting in are two completely different things."
"Same thing goes for astronomy." She stated
"Fair enough."
Your gaze fell onto the pile of stuff Ellie had hastily gotten of your part of the room not so successfully hidden under her blanket. The corners of your mouth involuntarily rised up.
@bready101 @melissatheblob @elliesexual
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oceangirl24 · 5 months
Happily Ever After...Almost
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The mood the next morning was subdued, for as much as the trio wanted to get home and relax before heading back to school, none of them wanted to leave Lancaster and the anonymity it provided.
No one wanted to return to pretending they weren't a family.
Breakfast was lackluster compared to the days before. As much of the leftover food was eaten as possible before cleaning and packing up. Once the truck was loaded and they were about to get in, Shawn had a sudden burst of anxiety about leaving.
What made it worse was that both Jon and Audrey had the same sense of foreboding.
Shawn stood several feet away from the truck, hugging himself. "I think we should go to Mama's and skip the apartment," he said somberly.
"I can't," Jon said as he tossed Audrey's hair and cosmetics bags into the back of the cab of the truck. "George is supposed to call this afternoon and I told him I'd be home by noon."
"So?" he said grumpily, not happy that Jon made plans that put them on a specific timetable without telling him. "A lot of unexpected things happen when you go outta town. Make somethin' up."
Jon shot him a disgruntled look as he walked around to the driver's side. "I'm already makin' a lot of stuff up," he huffed. "I don't wanna add anything else. But maybe I can drop you and Aud off at her place and go back on my own."
"Oh, no," Audrey said as she shut the door to the cabin behind her. "We have to go back to school tomorrow and separate until you can talk to Mr. Feeny about us. I don't want to split up early."
"Yeah," Shawn gnawed on the skin around his thumb and refused to move. "I don't wanna split up either. We need to stay together."
Jon opened the truck door, then turned around and leaned against it. "Well, look, let's go back to apartment and as soon as George calls we'll go to Aud's, spend the night. We won't even unpack the truck."
"Yeah, I guess." Shawn shifted uneasily. It was a good plan. A decent compromise. He had no reason not to go along with it.
But something in him resisted the idea completely.
"It'll work out. We'll be okay," Jon said with more confidence than he felt. He couldn't understand the foreboding that hung over the truck. "I was kind of hopin' I could talk to George about us this afternoon. Get it out of the way."
Audrey and Shawn exchanged apprehensive looks, then stared silently back at him.
"Well, the guardianship papers will be signed next weekend so we should get that done as soon as possible," he explained.
"Yeah. You're right." Audrey gave Shawn's arm a squeeze and nodded towards the truck. "Everything will be fine."
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Shawn looked down at his plans, then closed his notepad and stared out of the window again. The sense of foreboding grew as they entered the Philadelphia city limits.
Audrey sensed this and Shawn and Jon's growing discomfort, so she distracted them by getting them wound up over the Rangers' offseason foray into the playoffs they just barely made. Both happily took the distraction, loudly complaining and chirping each other to the point that by the time they made it into the building, the emotion of the friendly teasing had overridden the intense anxiety.
As the little family made their way to Jon's apartment, each one tried to reassure themselves they were just feeling depressed after the weekend because it didn't make sense that anything would be wrong at home.
Audrey was sure her feelings were also caused by her resistance to pretend she was just Jon's student teacher again. It was different with Shawn, as he was often, jokingly, called her son by other faculty members. But she hated having to watch Jon get hit on and say nothing.
At least he wasn't dating anymore.
Shawn's concern was that someone would be waiting for them in the apartment. His guess was it would be either Mr. Feeny who got their whereabouts out of Mr. Williams or Chet who showed up and decided to take over the apartment.
He didn't want it to be either one.  He hoped Jon would have the chance to talk to Mr. Feeny before they got caught.
Jon could find no logical reason for his feelings. He figured, at the very worst, they'd find Eli camped out on the couch because he couldn't get past Mrs. Dubchek and her advances.  He really should have told Eli he was going to be out of town over the weekend. While Eli would give him a hard time, George was the one he really needed to talk to about what was going on.  The sooner the better, as it occurred to him just how quickly the week would pass, and it would be Saturday again and the paperwork that he'd been holding onto for so long would be signed.
By both him and Audrey.
He couldn't wait to see Shawn's face when he realized he was getting two legal guardians.
As soon as he got the apartment door unlocked, he caught Audrey by the waist and Shawn by the shoulders. Hugging them close, he pushed the door open with his foot.  Laughing, they awkwardly struggled through the narrow space together, angling Audrey in first while he and Shawn briefly got stuck in the doorway. The whole thing struck them as ridiculously funny as they fought to maintain their footing as they entered their home.
Tears clouded their vision, and it took a few minutes for their sight to clear. When it did, the trio froze in horror, unable to move.
None of them could process the scene in front of them.
Someone was waiting for them.
But it wasn't Eli camped out on the sofa.
Or Mr. Feeny and his disapproval.
It was Katherine.
Read the Rest:
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Ghost Stories Update
    The Locals: “J”
Man, William is too good. He’s got that fiery temper, the kind of guy who works for what he wants and then does your work for you. I had come to check in on him, apparently startling him in the process. “So?,” He says impatiently, “What do you want?” I had my bag of supplies in tow, ready to get the place spotless. “Just checking in mi amigo. It’s a pretty big house.” I say carefully. He’s like a stick of TNT ready to go off, but that’s kinda a bonus of working with him already. 
“Well, amigo, I’m fine, no need to concern yourself.” I can see him looking at my bag. “Did you really need all that?” I pretend to look appalled. I scoff, “Uh, yeah! Do you see how big this estate is?! No way a bottle of spray and a roll of paper towel is cleaning it all.” I say, pretending to be affected by his words. He exasperatedly turns to whatever he’s cleaning, fed up with my shit already.
When he stands up to move to a desk near him, the jack of his headphones unplug and unleash the music he’s listening to. Nervously, he fumbles to insert the headphones back into his phone. “Hey, was that Los Campesinos? ‘You!Me!Dancing!’?” I was surprised to have a similar music taste with a stranger. “U-Uh, yeah.” He stutters, flustered. I smile. “That’s cool. I love that band.” I’m trying to start a conversation here, kindle a fire if I may. 
He loosens up a bit, I see it in his shoulders, and breathes out, “Yeah, they're cool.” Damn it! Mans not even starting this ‘fire’, he’s full on pouring a bucket of water on it! Way to dampen the already soggy situation man…But he continues, “What’s your favorite band?” JAJA, there we go!! “Man, gotta be Lovejoy…but also Nirvana, Half Alive, ACDC, I’ve got so many bands and artists…Did you hear that Normal People Things just got released?” 
His eyes light up, but his facial expression remains the same. “Really? Is it any good?” He roughly scrubs the handles of a desk drawer. “Man,” I look him dead ass in the eyes, “More than good. Wanna listen?” I gesture my headphones to him.  He hesitates. “They don’t bite, maybe…” I joke. He glares at me but accepts the headphones, giving me his. “I don’t know how much you listen to Portuguese
or Spanish music but…It’s just something I like.” He gently puts on my black headphones as I slide his earbuds into my ears. Smooth accordion and a woman's voice fills my ears. I understand bit’s here and there, It’s beautiful. I look at William, him clearly bopping his head to the song. It’s kinda cute. 
I call over his song, “This is beautiful!”. He takes out one side of the headphone. “It 's called Última Dança.” He says to me, smiling from ear to ear. He has fully loosened up now, things won’t be as boring now. “Not usually my genre of music, but I will admit, It’s nice.” He smiles, “Yeah, the release is great, too!” He hands my headphones back to me. I realized I still had his in my hands. I give them to him, noticing the bright colors on them.
“Huh, awfully colorful.” He pulls them away quickly, probably embarrassed. “Yeah, whatever…” He turns back to the desk he was cleaning, disgruntled for whatever reason. And then it’s back to dull silence. Wow, so much for a fire.
An hour later, and we’re still cleaning in this nasty, uncomfortable tension that’s been created. I glance at him, looking as he struggles to keep his hair out of his face. I need to break this damn silence. I saunter over to him, taking my own elastic out of my hair. “Here,” I hand the elastic to him. He tosses his head up, his hair everywhere. “Oh, thanks.” He takes it but he clearly doesn’t know how to use one. “Here, lemme help you.” I take the elastic back and begin to gently tuck his hair behind his ears, tying it neatly in a bun. 
“Better?” He shakes his head to test the elastic. “Wow, yeah, thanks.” He looks at me and laughs, “But yours is everywhere now!” Indeed it was, sticking up all over the place. For a mexican, I had some curly ass hair. He lightly runs his fingers through it. “It’s so soft…” He then realizes how close he is to my face. “Wow, I’m sorry. I should have asked.” He jerks his hand away. “You’re good man, I don’t care. Half the girls at school would just play with it, I honestly don’t know what they see.” I quip. 
tagging:@thinkingaboutctommy@paldeanbooper (my writer buddy:@wiblursaystuff) @vibestillaxxx@gay-mooshrooms@colleenispunk@wormsinsdirt (another writer buddy:@teagica)
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allthewriteplaces · 11 months
Magnolia In May ~ Chapter Two
So I was thinking we could post one chapter every Thursday. Would that be alright? I'm trying to create a consistent schedule, and if you know me, or are anything like me, schedules can sometimes be hard to follow. That being said, I will try my absolute best to stick to it. This is also my first time writing for the Peaky Blinders fandom, so if I get anything wrong regarding certain things, please let me know, also if you want to be added to the taglist, I will be happy to add you. :)
Chapter Summary: Jessie is upstairs keeping her cousins out of trouble while her aunt and uncle speak with the mysterious visitor downstairs, but when adventure comes calling, she must choose between the life she's always known, or taking a chance.
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 3214
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Chapter Two
Twenty or so minutes had passed and still no sign of the guest or who they might be. The children all sat quietly and obediently on the floor, reading or playing with toy horses and dolls. Violet, however, was starting to get a little bit fussy by now and was expressing her frustration by tossing her book onto the ground and letting out unhappy noises.
“Shh, Daddy says we must play quietly,” said Alice in a coaxing manner, attempting to hand her back the book, only for the baby to throw it halfway across the room. Considering the fact she was only three months old, she had an impressive throw. She could be a brilliant cricket player when she grew up.
“GAAAAAH!!!!” she screamed.
“Mama doesn’t like it when you scream like that,” said Marie.
Her bottom lip trembled and she looked like she was about to cry. I bounced her on my knee in an attempt to stop her from crying.
“Look what you did, you made her cry,” William frowned.
This made Marie wipe her eyes with the back of her hand.
“I didn’t mean to make her cry.”
“Papa said to play nicely,” Alice tutted, “This is the opposite of nicely.”
“You sound like Mama,” said William, rolling his eyes.
“Good, at least one of us does.”
“It would be easier if it weren’t so boring!” Marie groaned.
“Why don’t we play a game together?” I suggested. That seemed to lighten up the mood a little bit. I got down from the rocking chair and sat on the floor, crossing my legs and holding Violet on my lap.
“Like what?” asked Alice.
“Soldiers!” Henry suggested.
“Dolls!!” Marie said at the same time.
“No way, dolls are for girls,” said William.
Marie was outraged by his comment.
“No they’re not, right, Jessie?”
“Let’s combine both ideas,” I said, not wanting to get into the whole debate regarding toys and societal gender roles today.
Usually, I was always good at coming up with solutions to problems on the spot and this time was no exception. After doing a bit of brainstorming, bouncing ideas off of each other as well as coming up with a beginning, middle and ending, as if we were inventing a story rather than a nursery game, we were ready to get started.
“Wait, do you hear that?” Henry put a hand up.
“Hear what?” asked Marie.
William stood from the floor. “It sounds like wheels scratching.”
All at once, the rest of the kids followed suit and clamoured by the window.
Henry’s eyes widened. “That’s a really fancy carriage!”
“It’s a car,” Alice corrected. “There’s a man coming out of it.”
Marie jumped up and tried to get a good look. “Is he handsome?”
“He’s got a funny haircut,” remarked Henry.
Even as the noise of the kids spiralled through the room, I could hear the front door opening, and a few cheerful voices blending together downstairs, but then as the door shut again, it all went quiet, which only piqued my curiosity further. Who was this person? Were they dangerous? Royalty?
“I wanna go downstairs and see who it is!” William went to the door.
“But Papa said we have to stay up here, remember?” I reminded him, even though I wanted to stand up from the chair, press my ear against the white door or sneak outside to the bannister and listen, but instead, I stayed where I was, doing as I was told, staying in the nursery with the children.
“Yeah, Papa said to stay here,” repeated Marie.
“Besides, they’re probably talking about boring stuff,” said Alice.
“Like money,” William said.
“Money is good,” said Henry, “You can buy fancy cars.”
“And horses.” Marie jumped up and clapped her hands excitedly.
“Can we play our game now?” asked Alice.
“Yes,” I said, “Let’s get started.”
We all sat down on the floor and played for about an hour. Violet had a role in the story, too. It was getting quite interesting.
“Steady, men! The enemy is approaching!” Henry declared.
“Guns at the ready!” William announced, lining up the soldiers.
“Where are they?” I spoke in a deep, manly voice.
“Sir! I don’t hear anything!” Alice whispered.
Violet pointed ahead to the enemy troops on top of a stack of books.
“BAAAAAH!” she hollered.
“Look out!” cried Henry as William mimicked the sound of a gunshot.
“Man down!” Alice shouted.
“Medic! We need a medic! Now!” I called.
“Coming through! Make way!” Marie commanded, moving her doll to where the pretend soldier laid and put him onto the stretcher.
“He has a broken arm!” I said.
“Be brave, soldier. We’ll make you all better.”
Hearing the door opened, we all turned to see Eliza standing there.
“What’s going on here?” she asked, a smile on her face.
“Mama! Look! We’re playing soldiers,” said Henry.
“AAAAAA!” Violet squealed, holding onto one of Henry’s toy horses.
“Jessie, can I steal you away for a moment, love?”
Fixing me with a look, Eliza waved me over to her. The kids’ eyes all shifted to me and I stood up, following her out of the hallway and to her bedroom. As soon as we were inside, she closed the door softly behind her and sat down on the bed, patting the spot next to her in a gesture for me to do the same.
I did what she asked and then folded my hands in my lap. “Am I in trouble?”
She sucked in a breath and shook her head. “No, no, it’s not that.”
Knots formed in my stomach, tightening as her eyes quickly shifted to the brown leather suitcase in the corner of the room against the wall and then back to me. Last time I was in this room, she told me that Albert and David had to go away to France to fight, and that they might not come back.
Did he have to go back again? The thought terrified me. My heart was pounding and my mind was panicked.
“There is a gentleman downstairs,” she said, placing her hands on top of mine and looking down at the carpet, “who wishes to meet you. I said I would need to bring you in here first so that I could prepare you. Make sure your hair is set right. Go and change into those clothes.”
Pointing to the closet, she stood up again. I slid off the bed and walked over, opening the two wooden doors and pulling out the only clothes inside: a long black dress and a white blouse with a frilly collar. “Shall I change here?”
“Yes. Meet me in the hall once you’re finished. I’ll inform the children.”
Nodding, I watched as she left the room and shut the door.
Questions formed in the back of my mind as I came out again and she ushered me down the hall, not saying a word. Who was this man she was speaking of? Was he nice? Was he dangerous? Was he royalty? Did they know him?
Everything downstairs was quiet. I could hear the grandfather clock ticking, which was not something I thought I could hear. Then again, it’d never been this quiet in the house before. Something was definitely not right. I searched Eliza’s face, she was calm.
Finally, as I rounded the corner and peeked into the living room, I stopped in my tracks. Sitting on one of the armchairs and wearing a heavy, black overcoat, was a man who I was positive I had never seen before. Eliza stepped behind me so that I was once again in front of her, placed her hands on both of my shoulders and then, still in the calm tone of voice, said. “That’s Mister Thomas Shelby.”
Shelby. The name was quite familiar to me. My aunt and uncle spoke quite frequently and highly of the family, including this member in particular. I, on the other hand, had not known Mister Shelby like they did, so I couldn’t form an exact opinion on him. From what I knew, he was born into an English Romani family and spent most of his life in the Small Heath neighbourhood of Birmingham. I had never been there before, but Albert had been there a few times.
Up close, I couldn’t deny the obvious fact that he was quite handsome. He was tall, with broad shoulders and a muscular physique. His dark hair was slicked back and it looked like it was shaved at the back and on both sides. The most fascinating part about him though, were his striking blue eyes that crinkled up as he smiled while he and my uncle were engrossed in conversation, and downed the last of the drink clutched in his hand.
“Shall we go in and meet him?” she asked.
Wordlessly, I allowed her to escort me into the living room, though my legs felt like they were made of jelly. The smell of cigarettes hung in the air. Normally, no one was allowed to smoke indoors, it would damage the children’s lungs, but looking around, I could see no ashtrays on the coffee table, so maybe the scent had carried itself into the house.
“Another drink, Thomas?” asked Albert.
“Need to have a clear mind today, ya know?” he said with a slight smile as he set his drink down on the table. His voice was deep and rich and it sent shivers down my spine. He reached into the pocket of his coat and pulled out a watch.
“Suit yourself.” Albert chuckled and poured some of the tub into the glass for himself. At the same time, Thomas’ eyes turned to me. I could feel myself melting under his gaze, like the sun burning its light into my soul. I could do nothing but stare at him in awe, too stunned to even speak. “Ah, there she is! The girl we’ve been telling you about. Isn’t she a pretty sight?”
“Quite a vision, I must say.” It was as though every word he spoke was some sort of forbidden incantation, enchanting me and enthralling me.
“Come and sit down, sweetheart,” Eliza brought me to the sofa and the two of us sat together. Her hand rested on my knee, which was bouncing uncontrollably, something that always happened when my nerves got the best of me. Today was no exception. No one had given me any clues as to why Mister Shelby was here in our living room. Clearly this wasn’t a social visit, there was still tension in the air, though perhaps I was the only one who could sense it.
Not only that, their continuous glancing, as though they were engaging in some sort of secret code, did nothing to ease the growing anxiety or to loosen the knots in my stomach.
He sat back in the armchair, his imposing presence and commanding figure dominating the space around us. I felt small, like a puny little mouse. His eyes burned into mine and I could feel my heart racing, but I could not look away. I was drawn in by his masculinity and his aura of confidence and power.
“See? I told you he would make an excellent husband,” she said, looking at me. If she had told me that the earth was flat after all, I wouldn’t have been more surprised than I was when I heard her words. I barely knew this man, despite hearing my uncle talking about him. I watched the exchange with growing concern, the sense of foreboding in the pit of my stomach slowly intensifying.
Husband? Was this what the two of them were so tense about? I thought. Am I being tricked into an arranged marriage, with a man I only know by name and by reputation?
Mentally and subtly, I scanned the room for any possible means of escape, the window, the back door, and I tried to plan how I would get past the three of them. Her hand found my back and she rubbed it gently. “Darling, do lighten up! It was only a joke.”
“Look at her, she’s as pale as a ghost!” Albert remarked. I saw a humorous glimmer in his eyes. He set his glass down on the table next to the one that Thomas was drinking from and looked toward the front door. “You think we would marry you off to someone you don’t know?”
“Wow, I didn’t think being engaged to me would be that frightening.”
Even Thomas seemed to find humour in this situation.
Frankly, I didn’t think any of this was funny. Not in the least. I was genuinely scared and fearing for my life and the fact that they were all making a joke out of it was enough to make me want to dig myself a deep hole and bury myself in it. I exhaled deeply, hoping to stay calm, and not get angry.
The sound of creaking wood made all of our heads turn to the staircase. No one said anything for a few minutes, though I could hear a few small voices whisper-shouting for everyone else to be quiet. Shaking her head, Aunt Eliza laughed nervously. “Children, am I right? Speaking of, we were just discussing your qualifications and your experience, Jessie, and the three of us agree you would be a suitable choice.”
“Choice for what?” I asked, confused.
“As a governess,” she clarified. “Albert, where are the papers?”
“In the top middle drawer,” he answered.
“Perhaps you can help me find them.” She fixed him with the same look she fixed me and he stood up, set down his glass and then followed Eliza upstairs, leaving Thomas and I alone in the living room. “I thought I told you all to stay in the nursery!”
“We were bored of staying in the nursery,” William complained.
“We were waiting for Jessie to come back so we could finish playing, but she was taking too long!” Henry added.
My mind was spinning as I tried to take it all in. A governess? For the children of this powerful man, who could easily crush me under his heel without even thinking about it? I wasn’t sure if I should be flattered or terrified.
On the one hand, it was a huge honour and I was grateful for the opportunity. On the other hand, there was something about him that was deeply unsettling. He seemed capable of anything, of good or evil or anything in between. I was at once curious and scared, wary and drawn-in.
He towered over me as he stood, his dark coat looking more like a cape now and I swallowed thickly. He reached a hand into his pocket and pulled out his watch. At the same time, I glanced over at the clock on the wall. It was half-past noon, though the sun had disappeared behind the clouds again, making it seem later in the day than it actually was.
Marie came running into the room and boldly approached with a beaming smile. “Alice was right, you’re really handsome.”
Thomas laughed and knelt down to her level, his eyes glowing with compassion and warmth as he looked into hers.
“Why, thank you, little lady,” he replied. There was a soft, gentle quality about him now, completely different from the dark and brooding aura that he had exuded just moments prior. I could see that he was a man who truly cared about children and had a soft spot for the innocent. It only added to his already staggering appeal. “And who might you be?”
“Marie?” she answered. She was never shy when it came to strangers. This was something that often concerned Eliza, Albert and I, who knew that there were plenty of people in this messed up world who would take advantage of such innocence. But from what I gathered, Thomas seemed harmless and didn’t have any clear intentions of doing her any harm.
“Jessie! Come upstairs and pack your things, love!” Albert called.
Watching the two of them with a fond smile, I moved over toward the bannister and went up the stairs as the other children came down to meet this interesting stranger. I could hear them all laughing as I started packing my bags, as best I could, my hands shaking slightly as the nervous energy in my body built up.
There was an excitement in addition to the fear, like when you’re standing on the edge of a cliff, staring out into the abyss. Deep down, I knew that this was a risky and potentially foolish decision, but there was an allure about it that was impossible to resist. It was like the call of the wild, the tug of the unknown. I had to do it, I had to know what it was like in the depths of this unfamiliar world.
I took a good look around my bedroom, striving to memorise the details of it and commit it to memory: the beige-coloured walls, the cream-coloured sheets, the window-seat where I would spend rainy days losing myself in books. It wasn’t much, but it was comfortable, and it was home.
One last glance and I went down the stairs, still gripping the handle of my suitcase as though someone might snatch it from me. Mister Shelby was waiting for me. My aunt and uncle and cousins all stood in the hallway.
“All set?” he asked as I approached. Even though I was nervous, the warmth of the sun and compassion in his eyes made me feel a little bit more at ease. He extended his hand and I took it, my skin tingling with a rush of electricity as our hands met and I was swept away by the powerful presence that emanated from him.
We stepped outside where a 1921 Ford sat waiting for us, recently washed and quite comfortable by the looks of it. Without hesitation, I climbed inside and settled into the soft, leather seats and I was amazed and impressed by the luxuries surrounding me. I had never been in such a beautiful car, or one that was so comfortable. It was clear that Mister Shelby spared no expense when it came to the finer things in life. I was instantly overcome by a sense of elegance and sophistication that I had never experienced before but couldn’t help but feel at home in, like I belonged here, as if I was finally where I was meant to be.
My eyes darted toward the window as the car drove away and the kids started chasing after us. A smile tugged at my face, knowing they probably wouldn’t get far.
As the kids raced behind the car, Thomas laughed and put the car in drive, speeding off in the opposite direction. But he didn’t completely ignore the little ones; instead, as he sped away, he stuck his hand out the window and waved back, his deep, rich laugh filling the air. It was infectious and I felt myself beginning to giggle, getting caught up in his laughter and his joy. He was like a child himself, a playful and mischievous man with such a zest for life that it was impossible not to fall under his charm.
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aristobun · 7 months
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"   Danny,   you   wanna   take   my   little   girl   out   for   the   afternoon   while   me   and   the   boys   sort   through   some   of   this   junk?   "   William   asks,   lifting   his   gaze   from   the   mountain   of   paperwork   on   the   table   in   front   of   himself   and   three   others.
Kaffee   had   been   helping   for   the   better   part   of   a   week   and   he   was   the   only   one   in   the   same   age   bracket   as   his   daughter,   so   William   wanted   to   give   him   the   opportunity   to   take   a   break   and   was   using   his   daughter   needing   adventure   in   order   to   do   that. 
His   eyes   met   Kaffee's   as   soon   as   the   question   reached   him   and   there   was   shock   on   the   others   face,   but   he   didn't   immediately   object   to   the   suggestion.
William   understood   that   Kaffee   was   probably   too   worried   about   saying   no,   even   if   he   did   have   a   reputation   for   back-talk   in   most   situations.   William   was   technically   his   boss   on   this   case,   so   giving   him   a   response   he   probably   didn't   want   didn't   seem   likely.
"   Sure,   Mr.   Rose..   no   problem,   "   he   says,   grabbing   his   jacket   off   the   back   of   the   chair   and   tossing   it   on   while   waiting   for   Penny   to   get   herself   ready   just   across   the   room.
Penelope   didn't   even   object   to   her   fathers   request   either   because   she   hadn't   been   out   of   the   house   for   the   last   four   days.   Most   of   the   time   she   went   out   with   her   friends,   but   as   they   were   all   busy   this   week,   she   hadn't   been   very   far.   William   also   did   not   approve   of   her   going   anywhere   alone,   her   being   so   small   and   naive   most   of   the   time.
"   You   can   call   me   William,   "   her   father   says,   his   attention   back   on   the   papers   in   his   hand   while   his   glasses   rest   halfway   down   his   nose.
"   Sir,   "   Kaffee   acknowledges   those   words   with   a   nod   of   his   head,   though   offers   to   use   the   more   formal   term   for   now.
"   You   ready?   "   Kaffee   asks,   opening   the   door   so   he   can   hold   it   open   for   Penny   as   she   smiles   toward   him   as   she   approaches,   wrapped   in   a   very   fluffy,   bright   pink   jacket.
"   Love   you,   Daddy,   "   she   calls   to   her   father   before   stepping   out   of   the   house,   having   blown   him   a   kiss   with   a   look   of   pure   happiness   on   her   face.
"   Doesn't   your   boyfriend   take   you   places,   Penelope?   "   Kaffee   asks,   opening   the   car   door   for   her   and   waiting   until   she   is   settled   into   the   vehicle   before   running   around   to   his   own   side   and   buckling   up   for   the   journey   to   wherever   she   wanted   to   go.
"   It's   Penny,   "   she   chuckles,   making   the   decision   that   she   would   rather   have   him   call   her   that   instead   of   being   equally   as   formal   with   her   as   he   is   with   her   father.   "   ..and   I   guess   he   would,   if   I   had   one.   "   
"   Right..   "   Kaffee   grins,   pulling   out   of   the   driveway   and   out   onto   the   main   road   while   asking   her   where   exactly   she   is   wanting   to   go   on   this   sunny   afternoon.
"   How   about   we   grab   a   bite   to   eat   and   then..   maybe,   shopping?   "   she   says,   though   it   comes   out   as   more   of   a   question   because   she   doesn't   want   to   put   too   much   pressure   on   him   to   say   yes   to   shopping   if   he   has   absolutely   no   interest   in   it.
Kaffee   shoots   a   look   her   way   before   turning   his   attention   back   to   the   road,   but   a   grin   cracks   what   would   have   otherwise   been   a   very   irritated   expression.   He   has   no   particular   interest   in   spending   the   afternoon   shopping   at   all,   but   per   her   fathers   wishes,   he   has   to   take   her   out   and   keep   her   occupied,   so   perhaps   he   has   no   choice.
"   Not   what   I   had   in   mind,   but   food   is   definitely   something   I'm   in   the   mood   for,   so   we'll   do   that   first   and   then   decide   together,   "   he   suggests,   before   asking   where   she'd   like   to   grab   some   food,   as   the   car   cruises   along   Hollywood   Boulevard.   
"   Anywhere   with   pizza,   "   she   says   immediately,   pointing   out   the   window   as   they   drive   by   a   few   different   restaurants   that   seem   to   cater   to   what   she   wants.
"   Now   that's   something   I   can   get   onboard   with,   "   he   chuckles,   pulling   up   to   park   before   hopping   out   to   open   the   door   for   her,   taking   her   hand   in   the   process.
"   Such   a   gentleman,   "   she   teases,   brushing   her   lips   against   his   cheek   as   a   thank   you   as   she   releases   his   hand   once   she   is   standing   on   the   sidewalk.   
Kaffee   stands   there   in   stunned   silence   for   a   moment   before   closing   the   door   and   locking   his   car,   doing   a   little   jog   to   catch   up   with   Penelope   as   she   makes   her   way   a   little   down   the   street   toward   her   selected   restaurant.
"   You   uh..   you   come   here   often?   "   he   asks,   stumbling   a   little   over   his   words   as   he   tries   to   recover   from   the   unexpected   brush   of   her   lips   against   his   skin.   "   To   eat,   I   mean.   "   
"   I   don't   usually   go   for   pizza,   but   I   feel   like   indulging   today   for   some   reason.   It's   been   a   minute   since   I've   been   out   anywhere,   so   I   wanna   grab   something   cheesy   and   greasy,   "   she   laughs,   pushing   the   door   open   and   waiting   for   him   to   grab   it   behind   her.
"   Sounds   good   to   me.   I'm   paying,   "   he   says,   following   her   to   a   table   near   the   window.
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widowsliver · 1 year
ok. this will be fun but playlist for your life right now? with explanations on why you like them / how they related to you. (idm whether its 5 or 20 songs, i need recommendations and i need explanations AHAHA)
omg best question ever award. initially I wanted to keep this like ‘album length’ (max 15 songs) but we’ll see how it goes :’) also so sorry this took like forever I kept changing everything LMAO
track 1 — ‘the 1975’
being funny in a foreign language, the 1975
a pretty obvious choice for the opening song. was a toss up if it was either going to include the bfiafl version or the self-titled version — in the end decided to go with the bfiafl version because of the lyric “I’m sorry if you’re living and you’re seventeen”, because I am seventeen. therefore it was more appropriate to include this one whilst I can! like I said, I was undoubtedly going to start with a version of ‘the 1975’ because it’s the perfect representation and reset of the things that I love.
track 2 — ‘you belong with me (taylor’s version)’
fearless (taylor’s version), taylor swift
now the next two songs are basically the representation of my childhood. before I even fully knew who taylor actually was, I was obsessed with watching the music video for this song and I was absolutely in love with it. when I got older and went my own way before finding my way back to her, the amount of nostalgia I got from this song was insane — making me love her even more now. fearless will forever & always (pun!!!) be my favourite taylor album.
track 3 — ‘red (taylor’s version)’
red (taylor’s version), taylor swift
much like you belong with me, the whole red album was the album that I actively remember listening to the most when I was in primary school and actually grasped taylor as a person for the first time. madness to think how full circle I’ve actually come now that I’m going into year 13 (over a decade later).
track 4 — ‘roxanne’
outlandos d’amour, the police
this has been one of my top spotify songs for quite some time, and I first started listening to it because it came from one of my favourite films / musicals of all time — moulin rouge! my uncle also has the picture disc for this album (if my memory serves me right) so it’s also nostalgic to have that family connection to it, I always love what music is capable of doing in terms of relationships. it’s absolutely magical.
track 5 — ‘stuck on a puzzle’
submarine soundtrack, alex turner
I was introduced to this song through the film ‘submarine’ (richard ayoade) as it was one of my set texts for a-level media studies. majority of my class heavily disliked the film, but it instantly shot to one of my favourites of all time — the cinematography along with the soundtrack is some of the most masterful work I’ve ever had the pleasure of viewing. the lyrics themselves in the song also just gives me that mellow feeling when listening to it (as alex turner’s voice itself is amazing). I’m also welsh, so watching the film gives me the same feeling as gavin & stacey, constantly picking out locations that I know and also sharing almost the exact same accent as to the ones in the film haha!
track 6 — ‘thick skull’
this is why, paramore
these next few songs I’ve placed in the playlist to sort of represent my long battle with mental health problems (which I’m very happy and proud to admit that currently I’m the happiest I have ever been since I was like 9 lol), and thick skull does that perfect representation (also whilst being sung by hayley williams, what more can a girl ask for). the sinking feeling that I get from listening to this song truly does feel like drowning in the best of ways, mimicking that battle that you have to have with yourself. from the slow start to the layered buildup towards the end, it truly does feel like an explosion.
track 7 — ‘i always wanna die (sometimes)’
a brief inquiry into online relationships, the 1975
I feel like I am constantly talking about this song so I probably won’t elaborate on it that much, but from suffering with a personal loss that’s represented almost to a t through this song is why it’ll always be so important to me. from “your death it won’t happen to you, it happens to your family and your friends” to “if you can’t survive, just try”, anything else I could possibly say is in the lyrics themselves.
track 8 — ‘fine line’
fine line, harry styles
this songs included because it reminds me of one of my bestest friends in the entire world. although this doesn’t have the deepest meaning behind it, when we both went to a harry styles concert together, a group of girls in the row behind us snapped a photo of us hugging each other during fine line and it’s become my favourite photo of all time. I’ll include it at the bottom, so then this song just became our song :)
track 9 — ‘the crow & the butterfly’
sound of madness, shinedown
this song comes from one of my dads favourite albums, and the instruments in this song are just breathtaking. my nan also vehemently hates the idea of me getting tattoos, and when I asked her what I should get for her, other than being like don’t you dare; she said get a butterfly (with the most annoyed look on her face ever hahahah). therefore this song also reminds me of her :)
track 10 — ‘symptom of being human’
planet zero, shinedown
this other shinedown track is also included because one of the best concerts I’ve ever been too was on the planet zero tour. also, listen to this song and pay attention to the lyrics because it’s so emotional and the meaning behind it is insane. it really makes you feel seen and special!
track 11 — ‘i’m so sick’
flyleaf, flyleaf
this is included because it’s just one of my favourite songs of all time, and the vocalist on the track (lacey sturm) is just an absolute powerhouse! no other reason other than that hahaha.
track 12 — ‘aimee’
ozzmosis, ozzy osbourne
pretty obvious, it’s my name (and I love ozzy anyways).
track 13 — ‘funny how love is’
queen II, queen
queen have always and will always be one of my favourite bands of all time (as I’m absolutely in love with roger taylor) and queen II is just my absolute favourite album by them, and one of my tops of all time. this song reminds me of me first starting my vinyl collection and going record hunting for the first time, in which I bought first pressings of their debut self titled album and queen II.
track 14 — ‘all I need to hear’
being funny in a foreign language, the 1975
one of my favourites on the album that means so much to me, so had to include it for that reason. I love singing along to the track over any other 1975 song, and also getting to hear tim healy sing this live at finsbury was just magical.
track 15 — ‘sunshine baby’
in the end it always does, the japanese house
again, one of my favourite artists of all time, and one of my favourite albums of all time. this is my favourite song on the album and it just gives me vibes haha! some of my favourite flowing lyrics of all time as well, “the feeling when the windscreen wipers line up with the song”.
track 16 — ‘sincerity is scary’
a brief inquiry into online relationships, the 1975
had to include this because it comes from my favourite 1975 album, and I wanted to include it because I feel like it perfectly demonstrates meaningful but satirical lyricism.
track 17 — ‘mean (taylor’s version)’
speak now (taylor’s version), taylor swift
again, a pretty simple reason (I’m running out of things to waffle about at this point, only so many times can I say I love a song) but this one goes out to all the negativity that people have tried to feed into my life, because they will never define you :)
track 18 — ‘i am the fire’
into the wildlife, halestorm
halestorm are also another band that my dad introduced me too, and seeing them live for the first time and getting a pick from a concert for the first time will always be a stand out memory to me. also, I love the message behind the song and how uplifting it can be!
track 19 — ‘i bet you look good on the dance floor’
whatever people say I am that’s what I’m not, arctic monkeys
this song reminds me of my other best mate in the whole entire world, who I’ve known for years. she’s always been a bigger arctic monkeys fan that I have and I am so proud of her for accomplishing everything she has today. although she’ll never see this I’m so proud of her! more than she’d ever know.
track 20 — ‘left behind’
plush (released as a single)
from another one of my favourite bands of all time, this is their newest single release. it’s hard, it’s heavy, and I absolutely love jamming out to it. a girl rock band all under 22 — sign me up!
track 21 — ‘girls, girls, girls’
girls girls girls, mötley crüe
recently saw mötley crüe in wembley with my dad, and it was so emotional being able to see his all time favourite band with him. this was one of the first mötley songs that I ever listened to and realised oh shit my dad wasn’t lying!
track 22 — ‘give yourself a try’
a brief inquiry into online relationships, the 1975
favourite 1975 song. means so much to me. the message is just the most important.
track 23 — ‘people’
notes on a conditional form, the 1975
ending on a complete high, reminds of the end of finsbury (the best gig ever) when I absolutely lost my shit and had the most adrenaline ever. really sums up the person who I’ve become!
so turns out this was actually insanely difficult — listen time clocking in at 1hr & 27m. but this genuinely just sums up me as a person, absolutely all over the place, up and down, leaving you thinking ‘wtf is going on’. I hope you enjoy, and if you don’t recognise any of the songs, I would 110% recommend them :) (also could u tell I literally had to cut down so many the 1975 songs and couldn’t just have it all them LMAO)
bonus tracks:
forget (ashley suppa), all dead all dead (queen), epiphany (mammoth wvh), over there (the japanese house), nana (the 1975), I couldn’t be more in love (the 1975), nothing revealed / everything denied (the 1975)
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choccy-zefirka · 2 years
Well then. I had to take a plane ride with some obnoxiously talkative neighbors that would have prevented me from taking a nap, so instead I decided to put on headphones and watch a movie. The in-flight entertainment catalog was not very varied, so I ended up settling on the live action Aladdin, which I have been blissfully avoiding all these years. And yeah, that sure was a movie.
I'd say that I enjoyed it less than both the Lion King and Beauty and the Beast, particularly the latter, which I actually had genuine fun with, albeit most probably because I watched it with a friend and we were so carried away by pointing at the screen and riffing off each other that it might have created an illusion of a grand old time, softening the flaws of the film. Anyway.
There were a number of things that I kind of liked about live action Aladdin. They almost, just barely, brought the experience to the brink of being fun.
I remember all the Blue Will Smith memes back in the day, but he actually was one of the least meh parts of the movie for me? His performance was charming, when he was being himself rather than emulating Robin Williams. And I really appreciated the idea of this version of Genie turning into a human once he was freed from the lamp. Aside from that, I was rather interested in some of the new additions/character expansions (and I actually laughed out loud at the "I am going to get some bread... To go with all the jams" bit, it aligns perfectly with my sense of humor), but then they sort of... slipped away.
I wanna draw a parallel with the visuals here: in some parts of the movie, like the cave of wonders and the landscapes in A Whole New World, the backdrop was rather muddled. Both in terms of a diluted colour scheme and in terms of overcluttered details that do not pop the same way as the more simplistic yet bold and expressive animated scenes.
The plot buildup feels the same: there were moments that made me mentally go "Ooh, nice", like the backstory of Jasmine's mom, or the hints that Jafar and Aladdin are foils of each other, with similar backgrounds as thieves, or the attempt to make the captain of the guard more three-dimensional than "Grr gotta chase Aladdin with a sword"; but then they were not explored in-depth.
And I get that, I am beset by blorbo concepts that come to me as kernels of potentially intriguing plot and then simmer into nothingness all the time. But I am a small gremlin with a mundane day job, not a big-name creator at a multi-billion business meant to entertain people across the globe.
My biggest disappointment, though, aside from the almost complete loss of Iago's personality (which is also why I felt it made little sense for Jafar to pull Iago into the lamp at the end, as this is now less of a sidekick that you want to take down with you, but a random borb that talks sometimes), was the fact that I fully expected the himbo Fantasy North European Prince to show up when Jafar tossed Aladdin into the middle of the snowy nowhere.
I wanted it to be his kingdom, and for him to come riding in on a sleigh or something, and be like "Hey man, I see you got the princess over me, no hard feelings, let me give you a hand". The story paid way too much attention to him during the first act, turning the original asshole suitor from the animated movie into a dumbass but well-meaning jock that got bitten by Rajah not because he was being a douche to Jasmine but because he could not resist petting the Danger Kitty, which. Valid.
Justice for Himbo Prince.
Oh, and I guess the nostalgia bait of the songs worked on me to some extent, and I am now having flashbacks to my own retelling of Aladdin that I toyed with but obviously shelved because I did not want to come off as culturally insensitive. Overall, not the worst alternative to failing to nap.
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billy-reads · 2 years
Ellie Williams x Oc
Part 4
The line spacing on these are really all over the place, that’s because these chapters are just copied and pasted from my Wattpad page. If u wanna check out more chapters it’s @bIlly_readS, there are more updates on there x
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When Reese got back that night, 2 hours later. Ellie and Riley still weren't back.
Thinking they had just got ahead of time Reese walked into the bathroom to put her pyjama's back on, the ones that were currently stuffed in her arms, holding them after having to change at the gym.
Upon entering, she took a good look at herself, being to tired and upset with Ellie earlier she didn't get a chance to check out her possible visible injuries.
Her left cheek was redder than usual, it was as if she had slept on it funny and left a red mark prominent. And her right had a small almost circle like purple bruise just above her jawline and slightly under cheekbone, clearly made from Jonas' strong grip.
Signing she quickly got changed and headed back into the dorm. Again noticing her friend' absents she slipped under the covers and lay in bed.
She didn't sleep though, she couldn't. She had this underlying worry in the pit of her stomach that just wouldn't leave. So, she opted to stay awake until they got back. Maybe then she could sleep peacefully.
"I'll be fine" Ellie sighed "I'll be fine, and Ree will be fine. And you'll be fine. And we will see each other again"
"You should keep these" Riley sighed, handing over the water guns she had gifted Ellie and Reese from her travels. "Not gonna do me any good"
"Ree will love these" Ellie chuckled slightly, taking off her backpack to put them inside,
Riley smiled at her friend. Smirking amused "you like her don't you?" She asked "I mean this is the what- 4th? 5th time you have brought her up? And that's just in the last..." she checked her watch "4 minutes and..43 seconds"
Ellie's brows furrowed, acting confused "Oldy specific timing... and Ree? Of course I like her she's my friend?"
Riley chuckled, punching her arm "AW! Hey, what the fuck!?" Ellie winced at the hit,
"Stop with the bullshit" Riley chuckled "you like-like her!" She stated,
"Wha- Urg, whatever dude" Ellie sighed whilst zipping up her bag and throwing it over her shoulder,
"You didn't deny it" she chuckled, poking Ellie in the ribs teasingly "oooh, Ellie has a crush!"
"What! No. I mean- maybe- possibly" The younger girl stuttered, but seeing the look Riley was giving her she had no choice but to cave, she sighed "fine. Yes I do"
Riley squealed, but Ellie cut her off "but! She can't know, I'm not about to kill our friendship cause my silly feelings" she explained, Riley went to reply to tell her friend how ridiculous she sounded when she heard a bang from the entrance,
Ellie, also hearing the sound, shot up from her spot looking towards the sound.
After a moment of silence another bang echoed through the building, making the 2 girls flinch,
And then they saw it, the swarm of infected running towards them.
"Shit, run!" Riley cursed grabbing Ellie's arm as they took off through the shop.
Back at the dorm
They never came back.
Reese couldn't relax all night long. Tossing and turning in her bed, lost in thoughts and ideas swarming her head.
What if they got hurt! Lost? Bitten? Urg!
What if they left for good this time.
Or they just left me here?... no. Ellie wouldn't do that. Would she? -Riley's done it, she wouldn't again... surely not?
After sighing deeply she threw off the covers and got dressed, quickly packed her backpack which contained a flask of water, her small handgun and a flip knife.
Taking out the gun and knife she put them in her jeans pockets for quicker reach and snuck out the window.
Scaling the wall she landed carefully and quietly on the ground she thought to where Riley could have taken Ellie.
She walked for a little over 5 minutes before a place popped into her head, she had found this place about a week ago and was going to show Ellie, but with all their recent training, they had no time.
Taking a sharp right down a small hole in the road she moved slow and steady through a underground tunnel like cave,
It was raining out so water was dripping from the tops of the tunnel and it was slightly flooded, enough for Reese to feel the water seep through her warn out combat boots.
She was silently moving along, only hearing the sound of her feet dragging through the water and her steady breathing.
She saw the familiar hole in the wall that was just visible in the dark and crouched to crawl though it. She huffed slightly at the effort she had to put into squeezing through the confined space, but she made it out the other end with relative ease due to her small frame,
She was coming up towards her stop when she heard whimpers and small sniffs or cries,
Racing towards the sound she finally saw her. Ellie.
She was hunched over grabbing her forearm, and Reese wasted no time sprinting toward her friend to help.
"Ellie!" She shouted, skidding down to her friends level and checking for injuries.
Ellie looked shocked that Reese was there, but the shock turned to panic when Reese spotted her bite.
"No, no, no Ree you can't be here-!" Ellie pleaded, but Reese payed no mind and put her hand over the bite putting pressure to hopefully stop the waterfall of blood that pooled from the wound,
"Where's Riley?" Reese asked looking up, and Ellie saw the tears that were already spilling down her cheeks. She felt her own as well.
Ellie knew the answer but couldn't speak it, she opened her mouth to talk but no words came out other than whimpers and stutters, so she sighed and broke down in a sob looking down and shook her head,
Reese realised what was happening. Riley was also bitten and she was turned. And Ellie was soon turning. She was going to be alone, she was going to lose her best friend. Her family, the only person she had left.
That was then Reese started to cry. She reached forward and placed her forehead to Ellie's, making the latter look up and their eyes made contact. Reeses hands on the sides of Ellie's face, sneering the blood on her cheeks from her bite wound, but she didn't care,
"I'm so sorry" Ellie whispered, still crying but not taking her eyes of the girl.
Reese shook her head frantically "no, you don't apologise. Not now, this is not your fault" she breathed out a breath she knew was held, as she tried to hold back her tears. The 2 girls only had moments left together.
No more late nights talking about anything and everything, no more people to share her stolen objects with, no more hugs for comfort when one had a nightmare. There would be no more, Reese would have to survive on her own. And her biggest fear is being alone.
They had calmed down slightly and Ellie unexpectedly, by both herself and Reese, reached forward and attached her lips to Reeses,
And Ellie felt everything, everything that was said about your first kiss. The butterflies, the nerves. Everything.
So did Reese,
The kiss was short slight longer than a peck, only long enough for Ellie to know that Reese kissed her back.
Pulling back they just looked at each other, both smiling.
They didn't speak much, they didn't need to, and they didn't want to. That's what was so great about their friendship, they understood each other and their bond was unbreakable.
"Leave" Ellie said, confusing Reese.
"Leave that place, don't put yourself through it" she told the girl, they knew the training that was awaiting them. The killing of firefly's, the duty's they would have to learn. More training, harsher. They were both frightened of it but it seems now only one of them will have to endure it, alone. "please"
Reese stared at the girl before answering "okay"
"...Promise?" Ellie held out her pinky, Reese chuckled sadly at their made up promise they had read about in one of Ellie's cheesy comics.
Linking her pinky with Ellie's and putting their thumbs together, locking the promise.
"I promise”
With that, Reese gave Ellie one last tight hug. Not wanting to let go yet, but she knew she had to. She stood and headed back out the room, not before turning back and giving Ellie one last glance. Tears flooding down both their faces as their eyes met for the last time, before she finally left the room.
Ellie was then left alone, thinking these were her final hours she allowed herself to carry on crying. Something she didn't often do. But she was smiling as well.
Smiling at the fact she had met Reese and Riley, smiling at the fact she had grown feelings for Reese, smiling for Reese liking her back. Their kiss, smiling about all the fun and happy things they did and shared together in such a short time. And smiling because their friendship was irreplaceable, they had made a bond with solid walls that no one could break. Not them or this virus, or even death. Because they would have these memories that will last on, at least in one of them. And they will both never forget how special they were to each other.
Because they have something completely unbreakable.
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