#also i will be responding to all of my asks later today too <3
420pogpills · 2 years
yesterday i had a lot of trouble trying to understand why i was feeling so numb and empty. i was trying to understand why i was so hurt by dream's actions because he admitted to sending the cringey flirty messages. and i was struggling to understand why i couldn't get past this when i saw the messages myself and didn't really believe they were of predatory nature.
and today i finally realised the reason i feel this way is not only because of dream's actions - but also because of my own. because i realised that my skepticism from the very beginning was based around believing that this was so out of character for dream, and that he wouldn't do this, that's he's better than this, that more than likely this is fabricated... only to then have him admit that the messages were real, that he was personally contacting his own fucking fans of all people.. and yesterday his defence villainized these girls so heavily, and he wrote paragraphs upon paragraphs of words that had no real meaning... and with that i think i actually suddenly came back down to earth and realised i do not know this man at all. because not only did i never believe he would say the things he said in that twit longer - i never even fully believed he was actually contacting his fans in such a manner.
your own fucking fans dude. the young girls who would happily do whatever you wanted them to, if it meant getting your attention. as if that is not the first, most basic fucking rule in the book - that relationships between fans and the person they are a fan of will NEVER be impartial or equal. regardless of the nature of the conversations - they happened, and when we begged him to address it and we begged him to prove to us we weren't wrong for having trust in him.. he posts a whole essay where he danced around the topic and blamed everyone but himself.
now i know that this is what's really hit me the hardest. and this is why i don't believe i can come back from this and feel the same way about him again. because he betrayed more than just the girls he was speaking to. he betrayed all of us who never believed he would do that. he betrayed all of his friends, who i am hoping and praying from the bottom of my fucking heart did not know about any of this, and now it's going to heavily impact them too. especially george - he literally packed up his fucking life to move to a whole new country for dream.. and now i have lost all trust not only in dream, but in all of his friends too, because if i don't know who dream actually is as a person, how the fuck can i trust everyone else in that circle?
as of right now, i cannot see myself supporting dream now nor in the future. who knows if that will change, i like to believe everyone is capable of change. but i think a part of me knows that i'm never getting that same level of trust back that i had in him. on that same note, i am not condemning any of his friends with the hope that they were unaware of this, but i am most definitely taking a step very far back and taking my time deciding what i want to do next.
i will say i won't regret being a part of this community. because like red said - WE created this community, not dream. dream is not here on tumblr, we built this ourselves. and i have gotten to speak to some of the kindest, funniest, most amazing people i have ever had the pleasure of meeting. and i am so so hopeful that i will be able to remain in contact with at least some of you.
i will keep this blog, and most likely be re-branding like i've seen a lot of people do - and i want to remain to see the outcome too, because i feel like i really need to see this through. to everyone i've ever met on here - i fucking love you, and thank you for some of the happiest memories i've ever made in the last couple of years.
take care of yourselves ❤️
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joelslastofus · 2 months
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[SUMMARY: Joel deals with upsetting his overly sensitive eight month pregnant wife.]
“Baby girl, open the door” you could hear the defeat in his voice but you didn’t respond. Joel knew he fucked up and he knew he had to fix it fast.
It was 3:30 in the afternoon, Joel should’ve been here by now. Here you sat in the waiting room looking at the clock every other minute, even waiting for a ring from your cell. It was your eight month sonogram appointment. Yes, Joel had been present for each and every sonogram but this was your last one and you wanted him there. Maybe it was your hormones but you could feel the heat in your cheeks as each minute went by and not even a call from Joel. This wasn’t like him yet it still set you off. When the doctor finally called you, you could feel tears forming in your eyes knowing Joel wouldn’t make it in time.
“Maybe he got caught up today, sometimes our job can get hectic, I’m sure he ain’t mean to miss it” Tommy spoke as he drove you home. He was nice enough to pick you up when you called him in tears that Joel wasn’t there. Sarah sat silently in the back, she knew how much this meant to you, she also knew her father didn’t do this selfishly.
Not saying a word you walked straight to the room closing the door shut. Tommy and Sarah giving you your space as you waited for Joel to show up.
A half hour later Joel rushed in through the front door throwing his bag aside.
“Where is she?” He looked around as Sarah pointed at the bedroom. Tommy and her both raising their brows not knowing what to expect.
You heard the front the door close, you knew Joel must’ve been home. The second the handle of your door turned you pushed yourself up as fast you could and rushed to the bathroom. Joel walked in, attempting to stop you from closing the door, reaching you a second too late, you slammed it in his face without saying a word. Locking the door shut you turned your back to it.
“Baby girl, open the door” you could hear the defeat in his voice but you didn’t respond. Joel knew he fucked up and he knew he had to fix it fast.
“I tried to get out of work as fast as I could, honey, I swear. These assholes delayed me then my phone was dead. I was in the other side of town, I came out rushing as fast I could” he explained.
Still no response.
Upsetting a pregnant woman was the last thing Joel wanted to do, upsetting his pregnant woman was something he could not ever have. You were under a lot of stress, anxious about giving birth, your sensitivity at an all time high Joel did his best to keep you calm but clearly failed at it today.
“Honey, please…ya know it ain’t good for you and the baby to get upset like this,” you rolled your eyes wiping away a tear.
“Fuck” Joel mouthed silently rubbing his forehead. He knew how important this was for you, he knew how much you wanted him there.
“Open the door, baby” Desperation in his voice when you suddenly opened up. His dark brown eyes widening with guilt noticing how puffy your eyes were, knowing you had been crying.
“Aw Jesus, baby” he whispered.
“You know today was the last sonogram-“
“I know” he whispered with sincere understanding eyes. His voice was gentle as he took a small step forward.
“I wanted you there, I..I wanted you to see him-“
“I know, baby”
“Did today even matter to you?!” You yelled as you felt yourself about to cry all over again and he could see it.
God damn those hormones.
“Of course it did” he took a step closer to you.
“How could you even ask such a thing?” You began to sob covering your eyes, his voice coming out more aggressive than he meant to.
“Shit, baby I’m sorry” he took another step closer slowly pulling you towards him. You took a deep breath wiping your tears.
“I…I don’t even know why I’m so upset” you looked down feeling a bit embarrassed. A soft chuckle escaping his lips as he held you, gently he kissed your forehead.
“That baby boy of ours is doing a number on you, honey” Joel whispered as a million things ran through your head.
“What if…what if you don’t make it on time to his birth? I can’t do this alone, Joel-“ you began to panic.
“What if-“
“Look at me” he gently tilted your face up at him.
“Ain’t no one or anything stopping me from seeing my son be born, ya hear me?”
You nodded in silence as you looked away.
“It was such a frustrating day, not to mention that damn man at the pharmacy got my vitamins wrong again” you walked around him towards the bedroom.
“Not again, ya need me to go over there and say somethin’ to him?” You could hear the playfulness in his voice.
“Joel” you turned to him rolling your eyes placing your hands on your lower back for support. He attempted to hold back a smile, the sight of you eight months pregnant with an attitude was something else.
“Are you laughing at me?” You asked as he quickly turned serious and shook his head.
“No mam” he took a step towards you as you tilted your head looking up at him.
Joel was forever teasing you.
“Ya know, after how upset you had me today, I highly suggest-“ Joel reached in his jacket unexpectedly pulling out your favorite pack of chocolate cookies you hadn’t found anywhere near by in weeks. You gasped with excitement making a big grin appear on his face.
“Where did you find them?!” You grabbed the pack out of his hand excitedly ripping the wrapper apart. Joel watched as you eagerly took a bite, closing your eyes, sighing with pleasure. It had been weeks that you were craving them, Joel had gone around every neighborhood searching for them, it was the only good thing that came out of working on the other side of town.
“Oh…Joel you’re the best” you continued to devour the cookies making him laugh.
“Oh I’m off the hook now huh?”
“Mmmmhm” you rolled your eyes back enjoying the taste.
“Anything for you mama” he whispered leaning in with a kiss as you sat back on the bed enjoying your snack.
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leah-lover · 2 months
Entangled desires. Leah Williamson x Alexia putellas x reader.
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Part 1
“ Fuck me!” You semi yelled at your TV.
“Only if you beg me for it.” Said your girlfriend with a smirk on her face. You were both laying on the couch. She was laying on your lap reading a book, while you were watching the Arsenal vs Chelsea game. Chelsea have just broke through the backline and scored a goal. In their defense the goal was pretty incredible, but you hated that your team got scored against.
“ I would love for you to fuck me amor but not now, I am too busy “ you joked. “You have been stressed for about 50 minutes now. I think you need a release.” She said sarcastically, The book is now laying on her chest. “ Mi Reina, this game is so important for my sanity right now.” you respond. She didn't talk after that, she just turned on her side, her head still on your lap. She put the book aside and focused on the game.
The rest of the match was pretty exciting. There were some missed shots from both teams, a goal from Arsenal, some decent shot blocks from the Arsenal defense, and just overall a lot of tension. Alexia stood up from your lap by the time the final whistle blew. She was alert and satisfied. You were more than happy with Chelsea's defeat since you were a die hard Arsenal supporter. As a result, in celebration, you kissed your girlfriend. The kiss was soft and filled with passion. You then pushed Alexia on her back, straddled her lap and kissed her hard. You didn't want any space between you two. You were hungry for her, needy for her, all you wanted was her touch. The adrenaline from the game took over your body. Suddenly, it all went away and was replaced by tiredness. “ It's okay baby it happens.” She confronted you because you pulled out of the kiss and sighed loudly.
“ I am so sorry.” You apologized. “ Let's go cook dinner instead. Then we can finish later.” She added, a small smile on her face.
At the dinner table you sat opposite each other. You were both comfortable in the silence.
“ That arsenal defense was really good today.” She said, breaking the silence.
“Yeah, most of them are lionesses, so they are pretty good.” You answer.
“ Leah Williamson, the center back, is the captain of England right?”
“ She is the captain, she also captained the team today. She is pretty good.”
“ She was excellent today, made some pretty good deflections.”
“ And?”
“ What do you mean?.”
“ Mi Reina, tell me what you think.”
“ Well she is kind of attractive I guess. If you tell this to someone you won't like your punishment.”
“ Baby relax,I won't. I promise. Now let's go finish what we started after the game.”
“ What do you think about her?”
“ Leah ? Well I agree with you she is hot.”
Tonight was one of the best nights of the year. The fifa best awards. This night was special because you were being awarded the best female player in the world which made you very proud of yourself. You were also proud of your girlfriend who made it into the best starting 11 in the world along with you and a few legends of the game.
You and Alexia got ready in the same room. You decided on an emerald green corseted dress that highlighted your chest and your brown hair. Alexia decided on an all black 3 piece suit paired with a red lip and her hair down.
The day leading to the ceremony had nothing out of the ordinary. You did your media duties, got ready, and left for the red carpet.
You and Alexia looked like a power couple, all the cameras were on you two, two of the most awarded and talented footballers. The ceremony was no different either. Kelley Smith presented you with your award and you thanked the most important people in your life in your speech. You talked to a few people but that was it. All the fun started at the after party.
While you were at the bar getting drinks your girlfriend was far from you talking to some people.
“Can I get two vodka sodas please?” You asked the bartender.
“Can you please make that tree?” Said a British voice from behind you. You turned around to find that the voice was Leah's.
“ Vodka soda is the athlete's best choice of drink right? ?“ she asked.
“ I guess so.” you respond.
“ I am Leah Williamson.” She added.
“ I know who you are. You are pretty recognizable.”
“ Not as much as the woman of the hour. Congrats on your award by the way. Spanish football is lucky to have you.”
You blushed at her words, that's when your drinks were ready. You wanted to talk to her more.
“ Why don't you join me and Alexia at our table?.” You asked hoping to get a yes
“Only for a little while I have my own people to tend to.” She responded.
You proceeded to guid Leah to your table. On your way there you passed alexia who said goodbye to the people she was with to join you too.
“ Ale this is Leah williamson. Leah, this is my lovely girlfriend Alexia.” you introduced the girls.
“ It's very nice to meet you alexia. We should have met a long time ago.” said Leah
“ I am glad we met too. How are you finding the night.” said Alexia. You knew your girlfriend well to know when she is nervous and right now she was clearly nervous, other people wouldn't spot it very well.
“ it's pretty boring actually. This is the most exciting thing that happened tonight.” responded Leah.
Your relationship with Alexia was common knowledge. However, Leah was flirting with the both of you for the better part of the hour and a half that Leah stayed with you. Throughout this time you talked about everything from football to your childhood. Several compliments and flirtatious attempts were made by all 3 of you. Leah’s phone was ringing for most of the time but she didn't answer. She then got a text saying that her teammates left and that she should go to the hotel because the party venue was almost empty. You didn't realise the time that passed, you were too immersed in the fun all of you were having. You were sitting on a couch, Alexia’s hand on your thighs occasionally caressing them, and Leah sat opposite you on a chair.
“ I can't believe they left without me.” she complained.
“ Well they did call you several times but you blew them off.” you responded.
“ but still how am i supposed to talk to them and miss out a second with you two.”
“ You can come with us. We are staying at the same hotel right?” suggested Alexia.
“ yeah but I don't want to intrude.”
“ nonsense, consider it an extension of this lovely night.” you added.
You then got out of the venue. You held Alexia’s hand while Leah walked to your other side.
The car ride was quiet. “ I would kill for a burger right now.” you whispered in your girlfriend’s ear because you were nuzzled in her neck. She then ushered for the driver to change direction to the nearest fast food chain.
“ one quick stop before we release you.” you apologized to leah running you hand on her thigh quickly.
“ No, not at all. I really want this to go on forever.” she responded.
The car stopped, you got your order, Leah and Alexia got a meal too after you provoked your puppy eyes.
You were now blissful on the hotel floor, and eating your burger with Leah Williamson and Alexia putellas. You were focused more on leah than on your burger.
“ shit i dont have my key card. I left it with Keira. God i am such a fucking idiot. ” she said after she finished.
“ Don't ever say that about yourself.” said Alexia who was quieter than usual.
“ what she means is it's fine you can stay here. it's too late to wake her up.” you corrected.
“ No, I can't do that .” she said frantically.
“ Yes you can and you will. It's too late to do anything. Plus we can hang out more. And we can put it to a vote and we both want you here.” said alexia before taking the last bite of her burger.
“ Alexia I can't. There is something. I just can't.” she said before heading towards the door.
Alexia got up and stopped her by her wrist. “ Look, it's alright, stay. Please. “ she said softly.
“ alexia almost never says please.” you added.
“ There is this unresolved tension in me. I can't hide it anymore.” she added, now looking at the floor.
Alexia lifted her head up by her chin, and at that moment we were all nervous. We all shared a look with each other, then looked at the floor, then at each other again. The silence was deafening. We all were thinking the same thing. It was just the matter of who starts.
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baileypie-writes · 7 months
Can you please write a veneer x GN!reader where he’s cuddling us? Please have TOOTH ROTTING fluff 🙏🙏🙏 Ty <3
A/N ~ Yeeessss! Tooth rotting fluff coming right up! Hope you enjoy!(also sorry this is pretty short)
~🎤Winding Down🎤~
Veneer x GN!Reader
Fandom: Trolls 3: Band Together
Relationship: Romantic
Synopsis: Veneer has had a busy day. All he wants to do now is to wind down in your arms.
Warnings: Exhaustion(Veneer), tooth-rotting fluff
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Veneer was exhausted. It had been a busy day. He and Velvet had put on a big performance. Afterwards, they had an interview, and had to sign over 300 autographs. And of course, he the whole time he had to deal with his sister bossing him around. All of that left him with a tired voice, a headache, and a very sore wrist. So it’s safe to say that all Veneer wanted was to relax. And what better way to relax than to be with his partner?
The moment you opened your front door for Veneer, both of his long, spaghetti arms were wrapped tightly around you.
You let out a strangled “Whoa!”, before closing the door with your foot.
You basically had to pry him off you to look at his face. He looked miserable, a big contrast to how he was currently acting. His makeup was slightly smudged, and his eyes were droopy. “Woah, are you good? You look exhausted.” You asked.
Veneer sighed dramatically. “I am. Gosh today was not my day.”
“Aw, I’m sorry babe. Wanna talk about it?”
“Eh, maybe later.” Without another word, he dragged you into your room by your arm, and basically launched you guys onto your bed. His arms were, once again, wrapped around you. But this time, his legs were too.
You laughed. “You’re not even gonna take your makeup off first?”
“Nope.” Veneer responded, before burying his face into your chest, not caring about his makeup staining your shirt.
“Okay then.” You shifted a little bit to get comfortable. Then, you pulled your arms out of Veneer’s to hug him back. After that, you grabbed your blanket, and covered the both of you.
Veneer soon started to drift off. He was in a state where he wasn’t quite asleep or awake. The only thing he could think about was your warmth and the feeling of you tracing random, nonsensical shapes on his back. He felt himself start to fully fall asleep, but not before hearing you say something you thought he couldn’t.
“Love you, Veneer.”
He smiled, and before slipping into a dreamless slumber, mumbled a response.
“Love you too, (Y/N).”
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vinsmokesangio · 6 months
"are we on a date?"
pairing: tom blyth x bestfriend!reader x actress!reader
summary: you and tom met not long ago, but the connection you have and affection for each other turns into something more. tom is three years older than reader, she’s initiating in acting.
genre: only fluffy - at least for now
warnings: english is not my first language | no proofread.
N/A.: Hi! I really want to turn this into a series, but I need reader engagement to know if it’s worth it! Don't forget to comment, reblog, and tell me what you think <3 read my social media au here!
word count: 954
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It was a cloudy and cold Friday, and you’re feeling completely tired. After several classes and auditions throughout the day, all you wanted was to be at home watching your favorite movies and rest with your comfy pajamas. Picking all of your stuff at the restroom to finally go home, your cellphone rings with a message from Tom, your best friend. Suddenly, there are some butterflies in your stomach… looks like the universe heard you.
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It was a wonderful idea, right? Tom’s busy as hell since he got important roles and projects, and despite feeling really happy and proud of him, you miss him a lot and all of your quality times.
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Something about the nickname gave you so much comfort and warmth in your heart. Tom was picking you up by car at your drama school in a couple minutes and you couldn't help but feel anxious in a good way.
"Hi pretty boy!" - you grinned while hugging him and putting on your seatbelt. 
Tom was wearing a gray sweater matching wonderfully with his pretty blue eyes. Smiling at you, he responded:
"I’ve missed you a lot, honey. How’s your day going by far?" - He said and headed on his way to the nearest coffee shop. 
"I’m just exhausted. We're in the final stretch of the Christmas play and I've never felt so tired. It’s like, I don't know, but my mind needs a break." - You sighed, staring in front of you, looking at the light traffic on the busy avenue.
"And I’m here to make your wish come true" - he chuckled. - "We can grab some coffee and watch silly memes on the internet like we used to do, whatcha think?" - Tom is always so gentle and lovely. 
Your friendship was really a very healthy, comfortable thing... and every time you saw each other, it was as if you never had any problems in the world. It was just you and him, inside jokes and comfort. You wished you could say how important he is to you, but instead, you simply nodded while you both entered on the drive thru and took your order. 
Tom parked the car at the coffee shop and you spent hours updating each other on your busy routines, laughing over tiktoks, singing... There were also moments of comfortable silence between the two of you, the calm you loved and needed so much. 
He looked different this time. You didn't know if it was because you hadn't seen each other for a while, but you could feel that something inside you and the way you looked at him was different. A few sparks every time he smiled at you, and you swore you could feel the same coming from him too.
Her cell phone rings, breaking her out of her reverie, showing a call from your mother. You realize that you forgot to tell her that you would be coming home later today, but all you had to do was tell her that you were with Tom and her worry would disappear. She loved him. Sometimes it seemed like she loved him even more than you, her own daughter.
“Enjoy your date tho”, your mother said cheerfully on the other side of the line. You couldn't help but chuckle and feel your cheeks burn, as you looked at your friend who had a confused expression on his face. Before you could answer, she hangs up the phone.
"What does she said? Why were you laughing?" - Tom asked with a funny expression while taking a sip of your already watery iced coffee.
"It’s nothing! Curious boy." - you poke him.
"I don’t believe you. But I know you enough to know that one day, when you least expect it, you'll tell me like it's no big deal." - He teased as he pointed at you between each word.
"I want to show you a video that I forgot to send you." - you tried to change the direction of the conversation, wanting to avoid confessions that might come out too soon. Your mother was always right, and it made you wonder if you were actually on a date with Tom. 
After a burst of laughter, you find yourself in a awkward silence trying to catch your breath. “It’s time”, you thought.
“Enjoy your date”, my mom said at the phone. - you finally confess, avoiding his gaze.
Tom looks at you with a surprised, but fun and provocative expression:
"So… are we on a date? Kinda looks like one to me." 
You can't hide your smile mixed with an expression of surprise and doubt. It's really impressive how Tom always found it easy to confess things, to be direct, but his goofy personality - which you loved - always confused you about whether he was being serious or not.
"I wouldn't mind if we actually were in one." - You said in almost a whisper, but he clearly listened.
Finally you find the courage to look into his eyes, and notice his calm smile looking into yours with admiration and affection.
"I thought you would never say that. You're a bit slow to even ask me on a date, frankly, buttercup!" - He scowled at you, making you laugh nervously. You're so lost in his "confession" that you can't even notice his hands on your thighs.
The comfortable silence that existed between the two of you suddenly became a little awkward. You take a deep breath, and slowly lean over him to join your lips in a calm kiss, with all the accumulated affection. He reciprocates by taking one of his hands to your face and stroking your hair with the other.
If there was any doubt about his feelings towards you before, it disappeared at that moment.
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hausofmingi · 6 months
dumb baby
Pairing: dom!reader x dom!san x sub!wooyoung
author note: This came from a brain thought in my 3 person group chat, and everyone knows that a 3 person group should NOT be shared to the public. But it was too good not to share. Also, I am a loyal sub in the bedroom in real life, so I don’t know what came over me, but woo just brings something out deep inside. I hope all you dommy mommies enjoy!
nsfw warnings: sub!wooyoung, dom!reader, dom!san, mommy kink, pet names, name calling, mxm, threesome, hair pulling, use of ropes/tying up, reader is implied to be afab, cuckolding, oral (m & f receiving), san is a bit of a head pusher (non-derogatory), implied consent, daddy kink, face fucking, fingering (m & f receiving), cum eating, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, anal (m receiving), choking, creampie (m & f receiving)
Minors, don't even think about it you little shits.
That little slut, you thought. Right across the party, your boyfriend had his beautiful legs draped over his best friends, his hand holding San’s face to the side. Was he licking his ear?? A classic Wooyoung move. 
Did it make you mad to see your boyfriend flirting with someone else? Absolutely not. Did he want it to make you mad? Absolutely he did. 
He was staring daggers into you as he trailed his tongue down to San’s neck. He’s fucking asking for it. The cogs turned in your head. What punishment will I give that little shit this time?
You see, Woo loved to be punished. He loved to cry and beg and whimper and whine. He loved to be denied. And you were good at punishing. And suddenly, you got the perfect idea. 
Wooyoung had finally moved off of San’s lap, excusing himself to go get a drink. He walked towards you on the way to the kitchen, but dropped his gaze as if to ignore you when he got closer. 
You grabbed his arm to stop him next to you. Although he was taller and stronger than you, he always crumbled in your hold. 
“You think you can get away with that? Being a slut in front of the entire party?” you whispered, only in his earshot. You felt his arm tense under your grip. Oh, he was eating this up. 
He didn’t say anything, only turned to you and smirked before walking into the kitchen. You follow, and luckily, you two are the only ones in there. He is pouring himself another cup of whatever is in the crappy jungle juice, but you aren’t done with him yet. 
When he turns around to walk away, you are right behind him. You back him into the counter, gripping him by his cock to really get your point across. “Answer me,” you demand. 
He shakes, scared but already his dick is hardening. You have him right where you want him. “I- I-” he starts. “I, what? Baby boy already scared?” you cut him off. He licks his lips, both in anticipation and in fear. “I was just trying to get your attention, mommy.” he responds, finally. 
Using mommy in public? He knows ~exactly~ what he is doing to you. “Meet me at home in 10 minutes. I want you in the bedroom, ready for me.” you say, and let your grasp go of his now hard cock. 
You watch him as he goes, making a beeline for the front door to his car. Why he didn’t question how you’re getting home, you’re not sure, but like you said, you have a plan. And luckily, San walks into the kitchen at just that moment. “Hey San, I have a question for you…”
Back at home, Wooyoung waits patiently for your arrival. 
He is already where you want him to be, on his knees on the ground in front of your bed. Just underwear (and today he chose his favorite black boxer briefs, which he knows you love to ruin). You like his hair down at first, but he knows the hair tie you keep on your wrist will be put to good use later. He faces away from the door to your bedroom, head looking down at his knees, and his hands in his lap. 
He really didn’t expect for this to happen tonight. But you both knew of his, for lack of a better word, infatuation with San. 
For years, there was tension between both of them. And you always told Woo it didn’t bother you, especially because you found San hot too. “Hall pass lists” weren’t really a thing for you guys, but it was unspoken that San was number one on both of yours. 
But tonight, after a few drinks Wooyoung got bold. It started with them sitting next to each other, then Woo’s legs were on San’s, then Woo leaned in to whisper in San’s ear. He felt how sensitive San was to have Wooyoung so close to his ear, so being the flirty dickhead he was, Wooyoung decided what a better time than now to make my best friend hard. And why not kill 2 birds with 1 stone and turn you on too. 
Wooyoung heard the front door lock turn, and then open. His cock stiffened in excitement for what was coming. You were silent coming up the stairs, not wanting to hint to Wooyoung anything that was about to happen. 
The door creaks open and Wooyoung looks up just a bit to see your shadow reflected on the bed. Except, it isn’t your shadow. It’s a mans. It’s Sans. 
“Hello, Woo.” San says. Wooyoung freezes. Oh my god… its really happening. She sent him here to fuck me. But, how is that a punishment? He thinks to himself.
“Someone tells me you’ve been very bad tonight. Dragging me in the middle of it? That was very naughty Wooyoung…” San says as he makes his way to kneel next to Wooyoung. 
He grabs Wooyoungs face in his hand, tilting his chin up with just his pointer finger. He taps Wooyoung’s mouth with his thumb as they make eye contact. “Do you have anything to say for yourself, baby boy?” Damn, you must’ve told him everything, Wooyoung thought. 
Wooyoung’s only response, in true Wooyoung fashion, is to suck San’s thumb into his mouth, peering up at him with his best pouty eyes, hoping San loses his composure a little faster than you do. San’s only response is a small laugh, but it is laced with evil underneath. 
“Still giving the silent treatment, angel?” You ask from the doorway. Its a good thing you sent San in here first, to try and break Woo down before he was really in for it. Wooyoung immediately snaps away from San, bringing his gaze back down at your presence. 
“I’m sure you’re wondering why Sannie is here, baby” you start as you walk over to him. “It seemed like you wanted to play with him, but mommy got a little jealous.” you stroke his hair as you speak. 
You kneel down next to him, finding his lips parted and him breathing heavily, but he still won’t make eye contact with you. 
“I got a little jealous because I decided I wanted to play with Sannie too. But I don’t think baby deserves to join, do you?” you motion to San. 
“No, not yet. I think you have to prove you can be good, sweetheart.” San says. Wooyoung’s cock jumps in his underwear at that pet name coming from San.
“I can be good, I promise.” Wooyoung whimpers, bringing his head up to look at San. 
You grab the back of his long black hair, pulling hard so he has to arch his back to look at you. “Uh-uh baby boy. Sannie doesn’t get to decide, I do. Don’t forget who’s in charge here.” you say. 
His eyes are shut tight, reveling in the feeling of getting his hair pulled. What a painslut you think. “Get up on the bed baby” you command. “Mommy is going to tie you up, okay? You’re just going to have to watch as Mommy gets fucked.” 
His eyes bolt open, and you see all the emotions go through his head: excitement, fear, desperation. This is the perfect punishment and he knows it. 
You and San make quick work tying his arms to the headboard. “You’ve done this before, huh?” you ask San. He doesn’t respond, only smirks at you. 
You weren’t surprised when San was down for your little plan after you approached him at the party. You also weren’t surprised when he pushed you into the bathroom for a quick makeout sesh before you both left in his car. 
He really took control, even in the short 5 minutes in the bathroom. And you let him. He was really strong and had no trouble lifting you up to sit on the counter. You were so used to being the one in control, but this was a nice change. 
Of course you had to catch him up in the car of everything Woo likes, to make sure this really would go off without a hitch. And so far, it is. 
San was the first to make a move after you were both finished with Wooyoung. “Come here, beautiful.” He said, motioning for you to join him standing at the foot of the bed. 
You had given San full permission to dominate you beforehand, knowing how much it would rile Woo up to see him dom getting dommed herself. And you were right because the moment San weaved his hands through your hair and pulled, Wooyoung was already letting out the smallest whines. 
“Quiet, baby. Let mommy play” you said, never breaking eye contact with San. You were quick to snake your hand into his jeans, lazily stroking his half hard cock. He groans at the contact, gripping your hair a little bit harder. Okay I’m kind of understanding the pain kink now…
You weren’t going to give San everything he wanted, and he knew it too from the way you weren’t fully grasping him. “You can do better than that princess. On your knees” he commanded. 
You sunk down slowly, your back facing Wooyoung, really putting on a show for him to watch. His whines grew louder the closer you got to the ground, he was really eating this up. You make quick work unbuckling Sans belt and undoing his jeans. 
His cock springs out, and it’s beautiful. A good 8 inches, and the perfect girth. It curves up just a little bit at the end. You’re practically drooling when you look back up at him. He knows exactly what’s going through your head. 
“You have such a pretty cock, daddy” you say, really emphasizing the last word. You hear a groan and then a clang; Wooyoung’s sad attempt at pulling out of his restraints. 
“Stay put, dumb baby. You’ll get a taste eventually” San barks at Wooyoung. Holy shit, he’s going to be the end of you. 
You grip him and start licking up and down his veiny shaft. You get the feeling he likes it messy, and you do too. He pushes your head just a little to signal you to start sucking. You oblige, you love sucking dick anyways. 
He starts to gather your hair into a makeshift ponytail in his hands, but you raise your right arm up. He gets the message and removes the hairtie from your wrist to pull your hair up. 
“Mommymommymommy,” you hear Wooyoung call from the bed. He knows that is his hairtie that you’re supposed to use on him. 
“Mommy is busy sucking Daddy’s cock right now,” San says in response. “You wanna watch?” Wooyoung whimpers, not sure what he wants, but nodding anyways. 
San turns you sideways, so that your back isn’t facing the bed anymore, and Wooyoung can get a clear view of you bobbing on San’s cock. “Damn Woo, you never told me how good your girl is at sucking dick,” he says, letting his head fall back and he guides your head up and down his length. 
Your spit is gathering so much at this point, his dick getting messier and wetter by the second. You look up at San through your eyelashes before sinking down all the way until his tip is touching the back of your throat. Your eyes water but you don’t break eye contact with him as you choke. 
“Oohhhh fuck babygirl. That’s so good,” he praises. “You want to hear your mommy choke on this big dick again?” he asks to Wooyoung. “Daddy, please.” Woo says. 
San gently grasps your chin with one hand, the other resting on the back of your head. He starts off with slow thrusts, preparing you for a second. You look up at him after a second and give him a nod, knowing what he wants. 
His grasp on your face becomes tighter and then he is fucking your face, not breaking eye contact even though your eyes are screwed shut in concentration. Your gags are so loud, but not louder than Wooyoungs calls for both of you. 
He pulls you off suddenly, “I have to stop, or else i'm going to cum down your pretty throat” he says. 
You are just staring up at him though, as if he’s a god, not fully hearing what he’s saying. “Awe, Woo. I broke your mommy. She loved this dick so much she went cock drunk.” 
He kneels down to your level, swiping his thumb over your lips and collecting the spit that was dripping. He grabs your face and brings you in for a kiss, waking you up from the dream a little. His tongue snakes into your mouth and he guides you to stand up by your hair. 
“Daddy, pleasepleaseplease touch me. I’ve been so good. Please, it hurts,” Wooyoung calls from the bed. You break the kiss to glare at him, considering the options.
He looks fucking beautiful. His hair is messy hanging around his eyes, his chest heaving with every breath. His beautiful dick straining against his underwear, begging to be let out. 
Fine, but just a little tease. You stride over the bed, and lean over it, wiggling your ass a little to get San’s attention. You pull Wooyoung’s underwear off and fling them onto the ground. 
Your face is perfectly lined up with his cock and he bucks his hips to try and get it in your mouth. You push them down with your hands, not allowing him to move. But before you can even think about touching him, Wooyoung watches your face twist up in pleasure. 
Behind you, San had pulled your dress up and your underwear off and was absolutely devouring your already wet pussy. “Oh, daddy,” you moan. 
He continues to eat you out like his last meal, his hands gripping your ass and pulling it apart for better access. You decide to return a bit of the favor to Wooyoung. 
You suck your right pointer finger into your mouth, coating it with spit. Woo whimpers watching you, knowing what's coming. You trail your now lubed up finger from the tip down his shaft. He wails out at the contact, tears starting to fall. 
But you don’t stop at his base, continuing down until you circle his rim with your finger. He clenches to try and suck your finger into him. You let him, finally entering his tight hole. 
His moan when you start to finger him borders on animalistic. His head is thrown back and the sound he makes come deep from his throat, laced with rasp. 
You are getting closer to your orgasm as San sucks on your clit, circling his tongue lightly around it. 
“Sannie, can you-” he cuts you off with two of fingers prodding at your entrance. He knew exactly what you needed. They sink in slowly and you continue to finger Wooyoung, lightly brushing his prostate.
His cock jumps with every brush to his prostate, and you know hes close. You always found it so fucking hot that he can cum untouched, and you wanted to show San your baby’s talent. 
San finds your gspot, angling his fingers down and doing a come hither motion to bring you closer. He doesn’t let up on his pointed attack on your clit, and you know you're close. 
When San starts to feel you clench, he removes his fingers from you and stands. You shake your ass in protest, mad that he cut you off of your orgasm. 
“Don’t worry, baby. Daddy’s gonna give you what you want.” he says in your ear. He swiftly enters you, with no warning but no trouble either because you are already so wet. 
His cock fills you up deliciously, much thicker than Wooyoung. You fingers stall inside him, focusing on the way San’s cock hits your gspot perfectly every time. 
“Pl-please” Wooyoung whimpers below you, moving his hips to try and get your finger moving again. “Sorry baby, Daddy is just fucking me so good.” you say. 
As if in response, San speeds up his thrusts, bringing you back to the edge of your orgasm. You reach back to where his hand is holding onto your hip and move it down, signaling for him to circle your clit. 
“Mommy is gonna cum on my cock baby boy, you better look up and watch,” San says as he feels you clenching hard around him. Wooyoung’s head tilts up and makes eye contact with you.
That’s all you need and you’re cumming. San pinches your clit as it jumps in his fingers, his cock not letting up on the fast pace. It lasts almost a full minute. He slows down with your clenches, letting your orgasm taper out before eventually pulling out. 
It’s then that Wooyoungs breath speeds up, his hole clenching tightly around your finger. He continues to look at you, his eyebrows furrowed and his mouth hanging open in a silent “O” as he cums all over his stomach. 
When you draw your fingers out of him, his head goes limp to the side. He came hard you can tell, but you’re not quite done with him yet. 
You come up from your position and go back to the side of the bed, undoing his restraints. San does the same to the other hand after stripping the rest of his clothes off. “Baby wake up, Daddy hasn’t even fucked you yet,” San says as he crawls over top of Wooyoung’s spent body. 
You watch in admiration as San licks up all of the cum on Wooyoungs abs, swallowing it all. Wooyoung’s eyes flutter open at the contact, and lets out a low groan. 
San then crawls up to Wooyoung’s face, stroking it lightly before kissing him deeply. This may be the hottest thing you have ever witnessed. 
Wooyoungs hand comes up to hold onto San’s side, the other one lightly stroking his cock as they make out. “Angel, you have to stop, or I’m gonna cum.” San breathes heavily into Wooyoung’s mouth. He obeys, eager to get San’s cock inside of him finally. 
San moves down just a bit, angling Wooyoungs hips up so he can access him. He holds his cock in one hand and looks down to spit on it. It expertly lands on his cock and he jacks himself off a few times to coat it around. 
Literally this guy is a sex god, you think, still watching from the side of the bed. 
He enters with ease and immediately Wooyoung’s back arches up like a pornstar. “My slutty baby loves to get his hole filled, doesn’t he?” you ask. Wooyoungs only response is a loud high pitched moan. 
“Want to join?” San asks. You wordlessly oblige, throwing your dress over your head and crawling onto the bed to hover over Wooyoungs body. You grab his face and harshly angle it to look at you. “Mommy is going to fuck you now, okay? Think you can fill me up while Daddy fucks you?”
He nods desperately, tears already starting to form in his eyes. You grab his already hard again cock and sink yourself down on it slowly, pitching your body forward to give San enough room as well. 
The 3 of you move in tandem, somehow finding the perfect rhythm. San grabs your arm when he gets close, pulling you up until your back rests against his chest. He doesn’t slow his fast thrusts into Wooyoung. “I want to play with your tits while I cum” he says. He pinches and twists your nipples, letting your boobs fall down and bounce before doing it again. 
The new angle has Woo’s cock twitching inside of you, and he grabs onto your thighs to brace himself. You continue to fuck yourself on his cock. 
San grabs you by the neck with one hand, while the other continues to play with your tits. “Please let me cum inside him.” San breathes into your ear. You nod, feeling Wooyoungs cock continue to twitch inside you knowing he’s about to get stuffed.
3 more thrusts and they are both cumming. The sounds of both of the boys loud moans fill the room. Woo fills you up with what cum he has left, shakily thrusting through his orgasm. San stills behind you, gripping you as if steady himself as he cums in Wooyoungs ass. 
You all still your movements, breathing heavily. When San lets go of you, you pitch forward, falling onto Wooyoung. He is barely there, his hands having now fallen from your thighs where they were gripping on for dear life just a minute ago. 
You kiss around his face, making sure hes okay, and brush his hair away. “Wooooyoung” you call for him in a sing-songy voice. “My baby, did you have a good time?” you ask. He grins, still not opening his eyes, and nods. 
San flops down to the side of you two on the bed. He puts his arms over his eyes as he slows his breathing down. “There ain’t no rest for the wicked, Daddy. You better clean up your mess” you say. 
He grins at you, with his eyes squinted shut. He leans over to kiss Wooyoung on the forehead before getting up and walking to the bathroom to get a washcloth. 
“I have to go to the bathroom baby, I’ll be right back,” you say to Wooyoung. He nods and squeezes your thigh in response. 
You aren’t bothered enough to ask San to leave while you pee. He stands in front of the mirror, washing his hands before he goes to clean Wooyoung up. You kiss the back of his neck as you cross behind him to the toilet. 
“We’ll have to do that again, yeah?” He asks. “Mmmm yeah. I think we can make that happen,” you say. 
He smirks as he wipes his hands off and grabs the washcloth to leave. “Maybe even a weekly thing?”
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euaphoric · 10 months
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♡ ♡ ♡ all jungkook wishes for on his birthday is you ♡ ♡ ♡
✩‧₊˚ pairing — jungkook x f!reader, best friends to lovers
✩‧₊˚ warnings — mostly fluff but i sprinkled in a *tiny* bit of smutty action towards the end hehe, the cliche (but cute) dynamic of being total opposites, koo wants you sooo bad omg, jk shoots his shot in such a cute & smooth way, food play (kinda?), unedited for rn but i’ll edit it later at some point !
words ⥂ 2.3k
made a lil post for jk’s birfdayyy, even tho he’s 26 he’s still like 21 in my eyes hjsjfjfds. i haven’t posted in a while so this is the least i can do for now lol hope y’all like it 😵‍💫
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it’s your favorite person in the whole world’s birthday today ! you woke up in the wee hours of the morning to get everything ready for your best friend’s big day. you texted him straight away at midnight, sending the sweetest birthday message along with a gif of my melody holding a cake. you could never express into words enough how much jungkook means to you but your actions do most of the talking anyway. since he was turning 26 you got 26 pink and white balloons to scatter all over your living room, you also work at a bakery so it was obvious you had to make one for his special day. it was a single tier cake in the shape of a heart with a cute minimalistic design of a bunny and pink/white stars surrounding the edges. though the cake itself looked fairly simple, you worked really hard on it and took about 4-5 hours perfecting it. there was a lot of time and effort well spent into all this but was very worth it— only the best for the most amazing person you love and cherish. <3
the sheer excitement within you couldn’t be contained, feeling so giddy about him being on his way over to your place to come celebrate. you’ve known jungkook for years but this was the first time celebrating his birthday with just the two of you. a couple weeks ago, you asked him what he wanted for his birthday, to which he simply replied, “i don’t need anything, i just wanna hang out with you all day.” it was an odd request to you since he had so many other friends but you didn’t go against his demands, who are you to question the birthday boy’s request? to dress for this special occasion you wore a pretty pink flowy dress with a satin bow barrette in your hair, pairing it with white frilly lace socks and mary jane platforms. you looked super cute and jungkook will definitely think the same, it’s too bad he doesn’t wear much colorful stuff anymore, he’d look great in pink!
you get a call from jungkook saying he’s at your place and you immediately sprint to the door, going in for a hug as he steps inside. “happy birthday to the bestest boy in existence!” you cheer, gleefully smiling up at him. “thanks sweetie pie— wait, did you really decorate your whole house for this? there’s so much pink everywhere!” his glassy eyes soared around the room, taking in all the pretty decorations. jungkook’s outfit completely contradicted the theme, he was wearing a black fitted CK tee with black distressed jeans, very much on brand of him. “i thought it’d be cute! but that’s not all, i made you a cake, come look!” you grab his hand, leading the way for him to follow you into the kitchen, “tadaaa!”
he couldn’t stop smiling at how cute you were being, flailing your arms out towards the cake like it was some extraordinary discovery. he only chuckles in response, staring at you instead of the cake. “do you like it?” you hesitantly ask, second guessing if the cake design was a bit too simple. jungkook indefinitely snaps out his trance to respond, “oh i love it y/n, it’s adorable and i can’t wait to eat it!” well thank goodness, a weights now been lifted from your very tense shoulders. “phew.. okay good. you better have or else, i didn’t break my back doing all this for nothing!” you jokingly tease, pinching the side of his face to squish his adorably round cheeks. “can’t believe my boy has turned 26 today, you don’t look a day over 20, no wonder you still get ID’d at the bars!” it was too easy to keep teasing him, you have way too much fun doing it over the years.
“is this why you were so eager to spend my birthday with me? just so you can bully me all day?” he pouts like a child who’s about to throw a tantrum, “better be lucky you’re so darn cute..” that last comment made your face grow hot, attempting to cover your face so he doesn’t see you blushing. it’s weird how you’re getting so worked up over your best friend complimenting you, he always does it, there wasn’t much of a difference now. “you know you didn’t have to do all this for me right? celebrating this day with you is already a gift in itself.” jungkook really was a simple guy, all he needed was the people he loved most around him, that’s the best birthday gift in his eyes. “oh please, you’re my best friend so obviously i’m gonna go all out for this! plus i literally do this kinda thing for a living.. i had this prepared days in advance for you. also, quit being so sweet, you’re gonna make me cry on your own birthday!” you don’t know what’s in the air today but you can’t shake this feeling of butterflies in your stomach. “nooo, don’t do that you’ll ruin all the gorgeous makeup you’re wearing, i’m sure you spent a lot of time on that too!”
you’re not sure if it’s because it was his birthday but jungkook was acting extra cute towards you. the way he was paying more attention to you than anything else around him built an inexplicable tension between you. “i’ll go get the candles and something to cut the cake with, then after that we can do whatever you want!” you squeal from excitement, grabbing the box of colorful pastel candles and a cake knife that you actually stole from your job. placing the tiny candles around the rim to make it look aesthetically pleasing, you take the lighter from the table to light the candles. “turn off the lights!” you shout to him behind you, he hurries to find the switch to flip it off, making the room completely dark except for the tiny orange flames. you gesture for him to come closer, “ok now sit here!” sliding the chair out to let him sit down. the omitting light from the candles illuminated his face so beautifully, making your heart burst when he looks up at you with star-filled eyes. you’ll never understand how this man can be single, he’s so damn breathtaking.
it isn’t a birthday without any singing involved so you began chanting the happy birthday song to him in a cutesy high pitched tone, being the annoyingly loud best friend you always are. you had your hands rested on his broad shoulders, swaying side to side as you sang your little heart out, it probably wasn’t the best singing he’s ever heard but it’s the thought that counts! “you’re so freaking cute, stop ittt.” jungkook says after you finished singing, “it hasn’t even been a full hour yet but this is already my best birthday, thanks y/n, you made me feel special today.” he couldn’t help but express thorough gratitude for all this, you went so above and beyond for him. “oh it’s nothing really kookie, i’m just happy i get to spend this day with you.” you know he can’t see it but you smile anyway, hugging him from behind, the intoxicating scent of his cologne on his shirt made you feel dizzy.
“ok, now it’s time to make a wish. wish for anything in your wildest dreams, the world’s your oyster!” “hmm, alright.. will it come true though?” he asks in a hopeful tone, “of course it will! and if by chance it doesn’t, then i’ll make it happen.” you’d practically do anything for him, your friendship meant the world to you. “okay, here goes nothing i guess.” he shrugs, closing his eyes for a minute to think of his undying wish, once he opens them again he blows out the array of candles. “yayyy, it’s official now!” you ferociously clap, turning around to go find the light again but jungkook stops you in your tracks. “wait, please don’t turn the lights back on.” his voice sounding a bit more serious than usual. you listen and turn back to face him again, “wanna know what i ended up wishing for?” he gets up from the chair to walk towards you, pulling your hand to hold you in close to him. here comes the butterflies again… “what? you aren’t supposed to tell me your wish silly, then it won’t come true!” you playfully argue, thanking the heavens above that it’s too dark for him to see how flustered you looked. “but this wish is important, i really need it. you even said so yourself that you’ll help make it happen, right?”
just what the hell could he be up to right now ? you’re so clueless about what’s going on but you decide to humor him anyway. “hmm, yeah i guess i do remember saying that.. what was your wish that’s so important then?” pressing your body further into his chest, the atmosphere felt much different than it usually did, you couldn’t seem to put your finger on why though. without any hesitation he reveals his only wish, “i want you to be my girlfriend.” your body felt frozen, you were sure this had to be a dream at this point, there’s no way your best friend is asking you out.. no freaking way. “w-what?” the dry lump in your throat made it impossible to talk, you were so overwhelmed with emotions it seemed like you were rejecting him, but in reality you were just too stunned to speak. “i don’t care if this ruins our friendship anymore, i can’t keep holding this in… i’m in love with you y/n. ever since you broke things off with that loser i couldn’t stop thinking about you being my girlfriend. i can treat you so much better baby, i promise, just give me a chance. that’s all i want for my birthday, just wanna make you finally mines.” he gravely confessed everything, laying out all the thoughts he had building up over time.
you were still in shock but you had to say something before you mess up, clearing your throat to voice what you had to say. “i can’t believe i’m about to say this but, i don’t want to keep being friends anymore...” slowly pausing before finishing your thoughts. “wha-” “because i want to be your girlfriend too.” you quickly cut him off, heart anxiously pounding at the fact you just admitted to this. it never dawned on you that jungkook could ever feel romantically towards you but he hid his feelings a little too well for you to never detect this secret. the distance between you was seemingly nonexistent, feeling his warm breath against the side of your face as he leans in closer. “i guess it’s official then, you’re my girl now.” a pair of ring clad hands cup your face gently, pulling you in for a slow kiss. his soft lips felt so divine against yours, the languid movement of his body with yours was like magic. out of all the fake scenarios you created in your head about kissing jungkook, none of them could top the real thing. his peach flavored lip balm tasted so sweet, delighting you with even more hunger for him, the room felt like it was spinning.
a whine slips from your lips when he momentarily pulls away, missing the peachy candy taste of him. you could kiss him for hours with absolutely no complaints. “now that you’re my girlfriend can i do the thing i’ve really always wanted?” jungkook cranes his head to the side while asking, tracing the outline of your lips with his thumb. you thought him kissing you was what he wanted most but guess not. “of course honey, whatever the birthday boy wants the birthday boy gets!” you were willing to make this the most memorable birthday he’ll ever have. “to be completely honest, i want you to ride my face. but you can do that later for me, i wanna try this cake you made!” his attentions drawn back to turning to the light on again, finally getting able to see each other better. you were trying so hard to play it cool after he said that, but on the inside was total chaos. this whole day escalated so quickly, you wanted to pinch yourself to wake up but this felt way too good to be a dream— you’re now dating your best friend and couldn’t be happier.
“this looks so damn good, i can’t wait to eat it.” jungkook smacks his lips at the piece of cake you cut for him, and of course, it was on a pink plate with a matching fork to fit the theme. “i’m most excited to eat you instead though.” he smugly grins, dipping his finger into the frosting, but instead of eating it he dabs it on the side of your face. “what are you doing?” you cluelessly respond before he leans in again, this time licking the sweet buttercream off your cheek. “i wanna try somethin’ real quick, hold on.” he announces as he goes back to dip in the frosting again, you could sense the mischief all over his face. his other hand travels to the neckline of your dress, pulling it down slowly to reveal one of your perky breasts, his eyes were like a deer in headlights, in complete awe of how perfect you looked. “so much fucking better than i imagined.” the tent in his pants grew inevitably, biting his lip at the stunning sight in front him. bringing his finger to your perched nipple, he coats it with the pink icing, bending down to sensually lick it off once again. “nnghh.. that felt so good..” you lull out a moan, body turning into straight puddy by his touch. “don’t worry babe, there’s more where that came from,” the devilish smirk on jungkook’s face was enough to know he wasn’t kidding around, “i’m about to have the best birthday sex ever.”
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etherealyoungk · 7 months
birthday blues no more - joshua hong
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pairing: joshua x reader
warnings: none, fluff
wordcount: 940
a/n: also @fairyhaos this is also a little bday gift from me to you bub, hope you like it <3
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you reach your apartment and step into the elevator, pressing the button and standing as the door is about to close. your eyes flutter shut and you let off a small sigh. today was exhausting like every other day, but today felt even more tiring. and today wasn't any normal day - it was your birthday.
you hear the whoosh of the elevator door opening and your eyes flutter open and you see a familiar face in front of you, joshua, your coworker. you both coincidently lived in the same apartment building, just a floor apart. he steps in, giving you a small nod of acknowledgement as he stands beside you.
the elevator ride is quiet until joshua speaks, his voice filling the space. "any birthday plans?", he asks, looking over at you. you meet his eyes and shake your head. "no, not really", you say. all your friends were busy and your family stayed out of town, so no plans, no one to celebrate with. but you were used to it, spending your birthday alone, not really doing much. you whisper a small bye as you leave, walking towards your apartment door, the keys jangling as you unlock the door and step in.
30 minutes later, you've changed and you're sitting on the couch, scrolling through your phone as you try to decide what you are feeling like eating for dinner when you hear the doorbell ring. you furrow your brows as you get up and open the door slightly, only to see joshua standing outside. you immediately straighten up and greet him with a small smile. in all the time you knew him, he'd never come up to your house, so seeing him at your door tonight was a surprise.
"oh hi!", you tell, opening the door wider.
"hi", he replies, giving you a small smile back.
"have you had dinner yet?", he asks, a hopeful look on his face. "no, i was just about to order something", you respond and he nods, a smile playing on his face.
"will you let me take you out to dinner?", he prompts and you open your mouth to say something but close it, words not forming. he must've seen the confusion on your face and speaks up in a rush. "that's the least i can do. i wouldn't want you to spend your birthday alone", he adds, running a nervous hand through his hair. he looks at you, a hopeful glimmer in his eyes.
"yeah, okay", you say softly and he smiles. "great! i'll meet you at 8?", he asks and you nod as you watch him walk away and you close the door, resting your back against it, and you found yourself smiling.
as you get ready, you think about joshua. he was your co-worker but it wouldn't hurt to say that he was cute. you put on a the best outfit you can match in the given time and check your appearance in the mirror one last time before you hear the doorbell ring again. it must be joshua.
you hurry out, slipping into a pair of boots and you open the door. you're almost caught staring too long at joshua, because wow, he looked really good. the car ride is quiet and to be honest, you were nervous. would it seem weird that your co-worker was taking you out to dinner? did this mean this was a date or just a friendly dinner? your mind was racing.
joshua was an absolute gentleman the entire night, engaging in conversation and you both talked about things you'd never talked about before. you got to know each other more than just as co-workers but as friends. the more you got to know him, the more charming you found him.
"how come no special plans for your special day?", he asks, sitting opposite you as you both wait for the food to arrive. you shrug, eyes looking down at the glass of water in front of you. "friends are busy", you mumble out, looking back up. "i don't know, i don't really feel the need to celebrate my birthday", you add and he nods, contemplating.
"but it does need celebration! you've made it through another year around the sun, that's a big feat", he says, giving you a smile, a smile that almost melts your heart. you chuckle at his words. "well, i'm happy to be celebrating with you right now", you tell and this makes him smile wider. "i'm glad you feel that way", he says. he surprises you even more with a cake that also happens to be your favourite flavour - fresh cream and strawberries. he softly sings for you as you make a wish and blow out the candles, feeling content and delighted. "what did you wish for?", he asks and you give him a look, titling your head to the side. "if i tell you it won't come true", you reply and he chuckles. "wouldn't want that now do we", he adds as he helps you take off the candles from the cake before the wax drips onto it.
that night, after dinner, you're lying in bed thinking about joshua. you giggle and smile to yourself, burying your face in the pillow. that's when you realise that this was the first time in a while that you had opened up to someone, that this had been the best birthday in a while and you wished it wouldn't end. you hoped your newfound friendship with joshua would continue to blossom and grow. that was what you had wished for.
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taglist: @daisycheols @naaaaafla @slytherinshua @weird-bookworm @idubiluv @qaramu @n4mj00nvq @joshuaahong @itsveronicaxxx @fallingforshua29 @frankenstein852 @lvlystars
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catch1ngmoths · 11 months
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Summary: fem reader with a smooth voice. You’re used to making people stutter nervously. The band just met you, your interviewing them and their all flustered and stuttering as you tease them but it’s all fun an games ;3
A/n: I’m sorry this took me so long to write! I’ve had like no motivation so I’m so so sorry!! So in the request it says like Connie from big mouth (aka mommy) so I kinda made y/n talk like Connie so I hope you guys enjoy! (๑>؂•̀๑)
Requested by my love, @bunnysenpai31
𓆩⚝𓆪 𓆩⚝𓆪𓆩⚝𓆪 𓆩⚝𓆪𓆩⚝𓆪 𓆩⚝𓆪𓆩⚝𓆪 𓆩⚝𓆪𓆩⚝𓆪 𓆩⚝𓆪
You were getting ready in your dressing room, as you run your hands down to straighten your dress. You were sent to interview tokio hotel today and you were pretty excited. You walked down the hall and stopped at the closed door where tokio hotel was inside waiting for you.
You took a deep breath as you cracked open the door and walk in, sitting down in your spot next to one of the crew members. “Hello boys, how are y’all today.” You say with your intoxicatingly sweet voice. Their eyes were already wide from seeing you but once they heard you’re voice they blushed.
“O-oh! Er yes, we’re.. we’re doing great!” Bill says taking charge in the group. Tom narrows his eyes at you as he looks you up and down. Georg can’t take his eyes off you as he scans your face, heat rising in his cheeks. Gustav smiles as he plays with his fingers. Heart beating faster every time you spoke.
“Good..” you say dragging out the “o”. “Okay so let’s start.. are you boys starting on any new albums?” You continue with a soft smirk looking at all of their reactions. “Yes! Yes we are, tho we don’t want to spoil the name of it yet!” Bill says looking at you with red cheeks.
“Hmmm.. that’s okay love” you say looking back at the sheet of paper in front of you that’s holding the questions to ask. Bill smiles wide as he hides his face in his slender hands. “Well, any new women in y’all’s life?” You continue, looking at them through your lashes.
Tom speaks now, “i might if you don’t have any…”Tom pauses as you stare at him, making his heart flutter. “ m-men in your life..” He says winking at you and leaning forward. You giggle softly making the boys hearts speed up. “C’mon now baby, don’t get all shy on me now.” You say with a laugh.
They all smile at the nickname and laugh with you. “Now, gustav.. this next question is for you.” You say turning your attention to gustav who widens his eyes in shock and nervousness. “O-okay, what is it.?” Gustav says playing with his fingers again.
“Who is your inspiration, that got you into drums?” You ask leaning forward and giving him all your attention. “I-inspiration? A-ah yes! Uh it was my father.. h-he helped me practice.” He answered, looking at you with a nervous smile. “Ah your dad huh. That’s so sweet” you respond, flipping your hair to the back of your shoulders.
“T-thank you! Your sweet.I I MEAN! Your hobby is sweet too- heh.” Gustav says closing his eyes in embarrassment as he laughs with the rest of the band. “Ah your to cute gustav.” You say as you flutter your eyes at him sweetly. They all look at you as if they hypnotized by you.
You ask them around 15 more questions, their faces all a bright red when you spoke in your smooth and intoxicating tone. None of them ever took their eyes off you as you asked them questions. Around 20 minutes later after asking most of your questions you smirk and look twards Georg. “Okay last question.”
“Georg…how would you describe your fans?” You speak, your smooth voice and beautiful face making Georg feel a wave of confidence. “Well I would say, sweet, kind, amazing, and just wonderful.. are you a fan?” He asks with a sly smirk. “Well of course love.” You answer, your siren eyes lifting upward as you smile. “Then they’re also beautiful.”
“Awe Georg you flatter me sweets.” You playfully blow him a kiss as you slowly stand up. “Well that’s it for the interview.. I hope you all enjoyed.” You smile walking out as you turn and wave quickly. “Holy shit.” Bill says leaving his head back. “Tell me about it.” Georg says closing his eyes and smirking.
𓆩⚝𓆪 𓆩⚝𓆪𓆩⚝𓆪 𓆩⚝𓆪𓆩⚝𓆪 𓆩⚝𓆪𓆩⚝𓆪 𓆩⚝𓆪𓆩⚝𓆪 𓆩⚝𓆪
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hinakazino · 2 months
Royal Reverse Harem, Gojo/Reader
#1 Continuation of the Royal Reverse Harem series! This'll be a mini series, just with interesting scenarios with JJK. <3 Warnings: Obsessive Gojo, mean gojo, toji/reader & gojo/reader.
When you'd first transferred into the novel, you were in a state of shock. The fancy bedroom, the beautiful decor, the utter amount of respect you were given, and the overly expensive food was awesome. Reality didn't really hit you until after a week or so.
You felt so stupid, you had wasted a week doing pretty much nothing except enjoy your new lifestyle. Sure the maids, butlers, and EVERYONE seemed terrified of you but all you really thought about was being nice to change their opinions.
Your idea of "I'll just be good and live my life happily watching my favorite characters" came completely crashing down when Gojo decided to pay you a visit. By now, thankfully you already set in motion your plan to change public opinion but Satoru had other ideas.
Satoru was stunning, a majestic being. He looked like an angel who had been sent from the heavens, sculpted by the gods themselves. His soft white hair and striking blue eyes, and oh goodness, his soft lips. It was a little embarrassing, how much you admired him.
When you first saw him, there was no doubt in your heart why the villainess loved him so much. Satoru was fascinating, not just in his standing but his mere presence demanded respect. You felt the air leave your lungs as you sat at the dinner table.
It was quiet for awhile, which made you feel awkward as Satoru himself was the one who requested your attendance. However, what you didn't know was that Gojo was just as confused with your silence. Normally you'd be speaking to him, in your confident haughty mannerisms.
He couldn't quite understand what was different today, you seemed, nervous? He didn't know, but what he did know was that at the moment he was fed up with your schemes. It was just too bad, he didn't know you weren't the actual villainess!!
"I don't understand why you're so silent, especially when you of all people should know why I'm here," he stated. Oh, now you were panicking, because you honestly had no idea what he was talking about!!
Silence seemed the best choice but this had only angered Satoru more. As the night progressed he had begun shouting at you, violently clattering plates to the floor, and commanding you to simply stay away from him.
It was a traumatizing experience, safe to say, after that Gojo Satoru did not look the same to you. Now whenever he was near you, whether it be just passing by or due to political, social, or marital reasons you tended to shift away whenever possible. Even when you were pressured by your family, which sucked, Gojo wasn't interested anyway so you snuck away most times.
In the end, you decided on a divorce, it was also the best step to ensure you stayed alive, which you asked for two weeks later after your dinner session with him. Satoru, although surprised by your request had asked whether this was a tactic to gain his favor.
"No, I truly want this divorce," you responded quietly, eyes not being able to meet his as you glanced everywhere but forward. You didn't know what to say to him anymore, it was not longer a feeling of awe and captivation anymore with him. Now, you simply wanted to be as far away from him as possible too.
Gojo on the other hand was delighted, had quickly signed the papers, and had pressured his father, the emperor, to confirm it a week later. Everyone was caught off guard by the sudden divorce, and word spread like wildfire.
Can you believe that the crown prince and, well, previous-to-be princess divorced? , I saw it coming from a mile away! That witch would've ruined this empire. , What does this mean, could it be that the rumor of the crown prince having a secret lover is true? Who is it? , Oh, I feel so sad for poor (y/n), she really is a kind woman, have you even spoken to her before?
The last statement made you proud when you heard of it from your lady-in-waitings. At the very least, public opinion had changed for you to some extent. You intended for it to continue turning positive for the better. Now that you stayed with your parents, maybe things wouldn't be so bad.
What you didn't realize was that after 3 months of divorce Gojo was beginning to rethink his choices. Firstly, he was annoyed because despite the divorce being official his father still pestered him on the daily. The truth was evident, the emperor did not approve of a commoner becoming the future empress (that said commoner, the female lead).
The emperor only agreed on this divorce because Gojo did make some sense, and, he didn't want to lose the support of one of the highest nobles in his empire. That being said, he either now expected Satoru to find another noble lady (many available) or crawl back to you (honestly emperor has given up on trying to be civil).
Due to these factors, Satoru has still be thinking of you. However, he wasn't that interested until just about the 2nd month after your divorce with him. See, the reason was that he had eyes on you anyway, his spies in your estate told him anything they deemed necessary. What were you going to do? Go after the female lead again?
It was all too predictable, which was why when Satoru's father yelled at him for not doing anything he was confused. "What is it now father?" he responded, irritated. "YOU FOOL. (Y/N)'S ALREADY COURTING OTHERS, THE ZENIN, SOUND FAMILIAR? Oh.. you're a lost cause now..." his father had responded, tired and exhausted of his son.
That was when Gojo was informed by his spies, that you, in fact, had been in much contact with Toji much recently. Then, when Gojo asked why his men hadn't reported anything, they stated that they had mentioned it once already but nothing important seemed to come up other than you both being acquaintances. Plus, the rumor was everywhere anyway, they'd assumed he'd heard.
Now, Satoru began to watch you more intensively, peaked even higher when at a social party just 2 days later, you were dancing with Toji. Both of you so friendly, even Gojo was dumbfounded as to how. Didn't Toji not like you?
After Toji, there was Geto, Gojo's best friend turned into one of the Empire's sole enemies. A true tragedy that was, and yet, you were spotted with him as part of reports following his activity! Which occurred to everyone considered an enemy of the empire, but you? What were you doing with him?
Then there was the flirting with Choso, and your newfound friendship with Yuki. You were on a roll of drama, being front and center on stage whilst promoting good deals which pleased all classes on the social hierarchy. Gojo was at a loss and at the same time, thrilled? No, maybe jealous, not of you but those associated with you.
He hadn't seen you like that before, you looked genuinely happy now. You were having fun at social gatherings, not having a care in the world. Despite your obvious scandalous behavior, you were no longer committing acts of evil and, no longer glancing at him. Which didn't feel right!!
Gojo Satoru hated to admit it, but if this was another one of your games it was definitely working. Only a couple months after separation, and he was watching your every move. Even beginning to reconsider his choices, thinking how the female lead wasn't as interesting anymore to him.
Sadly, it was a bit too late now but Gojo has decided, he wants to win back your favor. A crown prince, a noble lady previously wed to him, what could potentially go wrong?
© 2024 by Hinakazino, do not translate/edit/claim or use my work in any form.
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to-thelakes · 4 months
cake-related disaster
pairing; frank castle x fem!reader
summary; you wanted to celebrate frank's birthday properly but the world never really was on your side.
warnings; fluff, reader being a baking disaster, very brief mention of frank's trauma, frank being in love
notes; okay! hello this is day 6 of my fluffbruary fics! i wasn't sure whether i was actually going to get this up but it's here, it's out and she's just cute, this can be read as a part two to rainy day but it can also be read as a one-shot just fine! also, this one-shot nearly went in a more angsty way but since this is fluffbruary, i steered away from the angst (though the angst goblin is making an appearance, it wants me to write something heart-wrenching). it's a little shorter than my previous one but i'm starting to love this pairing with frank. i'm used to reader being a little more passive than the slightly more sarcastic and teasing version i've had in this fic and rainy day, please feel free to let me know if you like this kind of reader because i'm honestly loving the challenge. anyway! i'm done rambling, please enjoy <3
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It was Frank’s birthday and when he had told you that he hadn’t celebrated for a long time, you knew that you had to do something for him. After everything he had been through with Maria and the kids, you couldn’t blame him but this was a new chapter in your lives and you wanted him to enjoy a day just for him again. Even if it was only for a day and only this year.
But nothing ever really seemed to go how you wanted. It was embarrassing and frustrating but at least your bad luck had brought Frank to you in a capacity that was more than friendship. You’d always love the rain because of what it brought to you. Today, however, your bad luck just pissed you off. A huff escaped your lips as you stared down at the cake. This was your second attempt and somehow it looked worse than the first.
The first had been dry and yet somehow too sticky after cooking for far too long. You had no idea how you managed it since you were usually an amazing baker. But of course, fucking today of all days your skills would fail you. The second cake looked better and you had even levelled it off, just to find that when you took a bite out of it, it tasted salty. There was no other taste, just salt and you had to spit it out into his bin.
“Are you fucking with me?” You said as you dipped your finger into the jar that you had used. When you tasted the white granules, it was fucking salt. Why the fuck had Frank put the salt in a jar? Your hands ran across your face and you took a deep breath. It was okay. One more time and it would be fine.
You dumped the other cake into the bin and returned to the counter. The icing had already been made hours ago at this point and despite it melting slightly, it looked fine. It was the only thing that had gone right all day. With a deep breath, you double and triple-checked everything as you followed the recipe again. It seemed to be going well and that was good.
But then you heard the door of the apartment close. Your head shot up and you turned back to see Frank standing in the entryway. He was taking his boots off. He knew that you were in his apartment, he had let you in that morning and you had spent the morning eating breakfast before he went off to work at the construction site. He knew you’d still be here.
But when you didn’t say anything to him, he looked up, meeting your shocked and dazed expression. His eyebrows knitted together.
“Everythin’ alright?” He asked softly. You stared at him and then your head twisted back to the half-mixed cake batter.
“Why are you home? I thought you weren’t back till later?” You responded, turning around fully and doing your best to hide the cake better. But the flour, sugar and old cake batter splattered across your shirt exposed what you were doing. Well, that and the rest of the baking ingredients on the counters but there was nothing you could do about that.
“Eh, he let me off early. Said I wasn’t needed,” Frank explained as he walked closer. A smile was cracking across his face as he took in your appearance, “What are you hidin’?” He asked, a teasing lilt to his tone. You looked up at him before you let your shoulders drop. There was no point in trying to change anything now.
“I was making you a birthday cake and I know you said you don’t celebrate so don’t start but I wanted to make you something and I fucked it up,” You explained. Frank tilted his head and his amused grin settled into a soft look. He looked at you, not entirely what to say to that confession, “I made two cakes before this one and they were awful. Why the fuck do you put salt in a jar? What is wrong with you?” You asked, his features making you a little more relaxed. The embarrassment that was creeping up your neck in the form of heat didn’t seem so overwhelming now.
“Y’know, I was gonna give you a kiss f’being so sweet but then ya ruined it,” Frank said as he stepped closer. You chuckled and looked up into his eyes. The adoration in them still scared you sometimes. It felt so new, so terrifying. You had been friends for so long and you thought that he’d never want to admit he loved you. Yet, he had and here you were.
“When you taste the finished product, you’ll want to give it to me,” You muttered in response. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you in.
“Mhm, might just give it to ya anyway,” He responded. A grin began to spread across your face as you gazed into each other’s eyes.
“Go on then.” Frank leant down and captured your lips into a soft kiss. Your arms moved from resting against his chest to wrapping around his neck, standing up on your tiptoes to get a better angle. He nibbled at your bottom lip and you couldn’t help the giggle that you let out.
“You need a shower,” You muttered as you pulled away from the kiss. Frank’s eyes reopened and he looked down at you, baffled.
“So hard to please,” He said. You shrugged, letting your hands rest back against his chest.
“Why don’t you get a shower and then by the time you’re done, I’ll have a treat waiting,” You requested. Frank contemplated it for a moment, leaning forward and pressing another soft kiss to your lips. Then he nodded and let go of your waist.
“I’ll be waiting,” He said. You watched him saunter off to the bedroom, biting your lip to try and stop the smile from growing into a grin. You still felt like a teenager every single time he was around you. It was embarrassing but you loved it. You loved him and you wanted this birthday to be special. So, you turned back to the cake batter and continued, determined to get it right.
And you did. 
When you presented Frank with the finished product, he grinned like you had never seen before. He couldn’t wipe the smile off his face as you rambled about how long it took and that you wanted it to be a surprise. You also gave him the few presents that you had picked up for him and he seemed to just melt.
It had been a long time since he’d been loved so fiercely and he didn’t even know what to do with himself. And despite being paralysed by the love he felt towards you, he knew that he was going to make your next birthday the best one you’d ever have. 
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miinatozakiii · 10 months
i fall in love too easily
kindergarden teacher!sana x fem!reader.n (pt.2)
summary: your niece has access to too many romance movies and sana thinks she's in love with someones mother.
wc: 3.2k
warnings: mentions of food
pt. 1, pt. 3, pt. 4
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a/n: hi! I hope you all enjoy this! I'll try to update this little series as fast as I can! I have been a bit busy, but I'll try my best. I have some ideas for it, lot's of fluff, lots of wlw pining-ish idk.
anyways, enjoy!
(again, this whole thing is inspired by @soliarus, their take on the prompt is adorable, go check it out!!)
You check the watch on your left wrist, it reads 3:11 pm, meaning Hana would be out in 4 minutes.
You had just got off your 7 hour shift and were worried that you’d be late to pick up your niece, luckily, the school was only a seven-minute drive away. 
You fiddled with the collar of the white button-up shirt that you still had on from working, and you wonder to yourself whether anyone would care how dressed up you were, at least, compared to the casually dressed parents, grandparents, and guardians around you. You anxiously waited for the moment when the bell would ring, and you waited for when the kids would be spilling out the entrance doors to reunite with their parents.
You checked your watch again and it hit 3:15 pm, and a loud ring of the bell was heard.
It was only a minute later that you started to see groups of kids being led out by various teachers. You scanned the area for a bit, and thankfully you were tall enough to see over some of the parents’ heads, so that you could see your little niece standing with a group of kids, 
You also saw her teacher.
You made your way over to the area where Hana was, and Hana seemed to notice you first because she was already running toward you with her arms out. You wonder how the hell a four year old could make you lose your balance, and you might have to consider her signing up for football due to the way she almost made you fall as she came into contact with your lower body from the hug,
“Y/n!” She grinned, and you kneeled to match her level and give her a proper hug, “I missed you y/n!”
“I missed you too sweetheart, you seem happy.” You say, and you brush some of her hair out of her face,
“Ms. Minatozaki is so nice and sweet, she let us paint and she gave me more stickers for being good! They're sharks too!” the little girl beams, making you smile,
“Is that so?”
“Yes! Does this mean we can go to the cafe? Please? I was good I promise.” Hana pleads, tugging at your rolled sleeve. You hum as you think to yourself,
“Hmm, we’ll have to ask Ms. Minatozaki to make sure, won’t we?” You respond, and you’re really just saying that as an excuse to talk to your nieces' teacher again.
You glance over to where Sana is, smiling and waving to a set of parents and their kid. Her eyes light up with surprise and delight as they meet yours, her cheeks slowly turning a shade of pink, though, you don't notice.
Sana bids a final goodbye to the parents and the kid before you and your niece make your way over to the beautiful young teacher.
“Y/n! It’s lovely to see you again.” Sana greets you, and you feel that warmth in your chest again, your heart skipping a beat.
She still looks as beautiful as she had in the morning, maybe even prettier. That voice of hers is still soft and sweet when she greets you with joy, and her face lights up the same way.
“It’s great to see you again too.” You say, and you subconsciously fix your shirt and dress pants to look more presentable. A smile finds its way to your lips, and Sana’s too. There’s a small moment of silence as you gaze at each other, and you feel that warmth in your ears again, and this time it’s slowly spreading to your cheeks.
You clear your throat and tug at your collar, “How was Hana today?” You say, breaking the slight tension in the air. 
Hana looks at her teacher with puppy eyes as she hopes to get a good answer, and Sana giggles to herself softly,
“She was very good today, she was really helpful too,” Sana says, Hana lets out a big sigh of relief.
“Is that so?” You question, and Sana hums in response,
“She helped me put the paintbrushes back, she’s a sweet girl,” Sana explains, and Hana tugs at your hand,
“I told you! I told you I was good, so can we go to the cafe? Please?” Hana pleads, and you nod at the little girl, then bring your gaze back to the woman in front of you.
“I guess we should get going then…” You begin, your gaze tearing away from Sana reluctantly to look back down at the girl beside you, “Why don’t you say bye to your teacher, Hana?” 
Hana nods and you watch as Sana crouches down to meet the girl's level, patting her head and ruffling it a little before Hana hugs the teacher, and for a moment you think to yourself: gosh, I wish that were me. 
You steal another glance at the young teacher before Hana goes back to you to hold your hand and tug you away. The last look you and Sana share has a sense of longing and an unspoken desire to get to know each other more, and you finally wave to her with a smile, and she gives you that adorable grin back to you and your niece.
“Alright, let’s get going.” You say before taking off Hana’s small school bag and putting it in the front seat, then lifting her up to put her in the carseat in the backseat of your dark green Mercedes. You close the door and make your way to the front seat to start the engine, 
“Buckle up!” the little girl exclaims from the back seat, and you laugh, 
“Of course, I wouldn’t forget the most important step.” You respond with enthusiasm.
You click shuffle on the playlist that you and Hana had made months ago, and a jazz favorite of yours starts playing. You turn down the volume so it turns into a faint melody in the background as you drive, and Hana starts to hum along.
You park near the cafe in your usual spot and grab Hana’s bag from the passenger seat, then open the door for Hana to jump out. The little girl’s smile widens immediately as she spots the exterior of the cafe, and rushes over to the entrance, and you have to run after her.
“Hana wait! Be careful!” You call out, hurriedly shutting the door and fumbling with the keys in your hand to lock your car, all whilst running after the excited five-year-old.
You two enter the cafe and are immediately met with the familiar and inviting atmosphere. The air is filled with the scent of freshly baked pastries and the scent of espresso shots being pulled, and you can hear the gentle chatter and laughs being shared in the cozy cafe.
There are a few people present in the cafe, though it’s not too busy at the moment. You spot a few adults in their work clothing sitting and chatting at the table for four near the window, sipping on their americanos and lattes. The dim corner to the right is lit up by a small lamp hanging from above and is occupied by a trio of high school students laughing, and they seem to be treating themselves to a small cake. 
You scan the area and your look shifts over to where the familiar baker and barista are. The baker notices you and stops what she’s doing to wave,
“Ah, Y/n! You’re back, did you miss me that much?” Dahyun jokes, “Oh, and you brought my favorite customer too.” She adds, redirecting her gaze to meet Hana. Hana gives the dark-haired woman a big, gummy, and toothy smile before going to hug the woman as she walks out from behind the counter,
“Ms. Dahyun! I had my first day of school today! My teacher says I was good!” Hana boasts, and Dahyun laughs before ruffling her hair up a bit,
“Wow, I’m impressed. Hmm… maybe I should give you the special treat I prepared then.”
“Please please please please please please-”
“Alright, alright. A special treat for my favorite customer coming up!” Dahyun says cheerfully. The shorter woman heads behind the counter, and you lift Hana onto the chair thats pushed under the marble surface.
You make your way to where the taller barista works, and he’s busy measuring the coffee grinds for an espresso shot. He furrows his brows as he takes a small portion of the ground coffee out from the portafilter,
He jumps a little and you laugh,
“My god, don’t do that.”
“My fault, can I use the steamer real quick? I need to make something for my niece.”
“You’re giving espresso to a five-year-old?” Chaemin says in surprise, he turns his body to you fully and raises his brows and looks down at you in disbelief,
“Of course not, she’s already a handful without the caffeine. I’m just gonna make her a hot chocolate.”
“I see, okay.” He says, bringing his attention back to the portafilter and tamping the coffee grinds, “By the way, where’s Johnny? I thought he would be the one taking Hana to school, you know, since he's her dad and all.”
“He had this last-minute business trip. He complained about it a lot, but he’ll be back in two days.”
You and Chaemin exchange a few more words, creating some small talk whilst you make the hot chocolate, and Dahyun has already given the giddy five-year-old her cream-filled croissant that has a variety of fruits inside, along with a drizzle of milk chocolate. 
“I made it just for you, I even added extra strawberries and chocolate since you like them so much,” Dahyun says, pushing the plate toward the girl.
“Ms. Dahyun you’re the best! It looks really yummy! Thank you thank you thank you!” She says excitedly, and Dahyun pats her shoulder, 
“Anything for the young scholar.”
“You never make me anything like that.” You mumble as you make a design with the steamed milk and chocolate,
“You’re not a scholar; in fact, you lack a lot up there.” she jokes, pointing to your head.
“Ouch.” You respond, looking at her with a pout and setting down the hot chocolate with the latte art and giving it to Hana from across the counter. Hana smiles and looks at the drink and pastry eagerly, but just as she is about to dig in, you pause her,
“Phone eats first.” You say, forcing her to pose and smile for the family group chat, she groans in response before Dahyun encourages her to grin for the camera, giving her a thumbs up.
You sit beside Hana and watch her eat while you hold your head in your palm, smiling at her. Dahyun goes back to rolling whatever dough for whatever pastry she was working on before, and you scroll through the family group chat, talking with your brother and mom.
“These are so good, thank you Aunt Y/n,” Hana says with a mouth full of the pastry,
“You should thank Dahyun, but I’m glad you like them. Also, don’t talk while you have so much food in your mouth!” You scold playfully before taking a sip of the iced americano Chaemin had made you. Hana sticks her tongue out at you and you pinch her nose lightly, making the two of you laugh.
“Aunt y/n, can I ask you something?” Hana mumbles after gulping down the bite she had taken,
You raise an eyebrow, “What is it?”
“Do you… Do you like my teacher?”
“Of course, she’s sweet and takes good care of you, I’m fond of her.” You answer before taking another sip of your coffee,
“No, do you like like her? Like in the movies?” And Hana’s directness nearly makes you choke on your coffee,
“W-what? Why- where did this come from?” You question, sitting straight up. Chaemin overhears the conversation and his eyes land on the two of you,
“You like your nieces' teacher?” He says in disbelief, a hand on his hip and a brow raised. You look at your co-worker and then back to your niece,
“N-no, it’s not like that,” You start, trying to keep your voice and tone relaxed (Chaemin and the little girl aren’t fooled), “She’s just nice, we’re just friendly. She’s your teacher, of course I’m going to be friendly with her.”
“Ok, then why did you look at her like that? You looked all lovey-dovey and your ears turned red!”
“Oh? What is this I’m hearing?” Dahyun interjects, and you shoot her a glare before looking back at your niece,
“I- no, It’s not like that! We just met Hana, don’t be ridiculous.” You say defensively, and Hana’s smile grows, it makes you uneasy.
“Your ears are turning red again, just like in those cartoons and movies!”
“What movies are you watching? You’re like, five! Shouldn’t you be watching some normal cartoons? Like something with mermaids or superheros or something?” You say, and now you’re getting more defensive as Dahyun and Chaemin team up with Hana to poke at you.
You roll your eyes at them, but there’s a small smile that tugs at your lips as you think of Sana.
You do not believe in love at first sight, that’s something out of a Disney movie and love is much more complex than that; however, you cannot deny that the woman that will be teaching your daughter every day is one of the most beautiful woman you’ve seen. You think about her stupidly cute smile and contagious laugh, the way her nose scrunches when she would do both, and the way she held your hand when you greeted her. Her soft, unique, and beautiful features sit in your head for a bit, even as you're being teased and poked at.
You think to yourself a bit more and you won’t admit it, but this woman did have an effect on you, and you were scared that it would be harder to hide the more you saw her.
“Look, I just think she’s a nice person okay,” You say, and you begin(or at least try) to change the topic, “Anyways… how was your first day of school? What else did you do?”
Dahyun laughs at your attempt to change the subject and decides to give you a break by going back to what she was doing, and she also gives Chaemin a cheeky look. You ignore their stupid little exchanged looks and give all of your attention to the little girl,
“You were right Y/n, I made a friend! Her name is Jiyeong, she’s taller than me by this much,” and Hana shows you the height difference by pinching her fingers down, except there’s a space in between that you would assume is an inch, “Also,” Hana begins, “Ms. Minatozaki read us a story, she’s super nice. She smiled and laughed a lot, she has such a nice smile! She smiles like a princess," Hana adds, and you really agree with that statement. Hana thinks to herself a bit, "she also helped everyone with their paintings, she’s so cool! I like her a lot.” She states.
You grin at the girl and take her empty plate, pushing it to the other side of the counter for Chaemin to take, “I’m really glad you made a friend, I told you my genes were passed on to you!” You mess with her hair, “And I’m glad you like Ms. Minatozaki, it’s important that you have nice and caring teachers.”
“And pretty teachers too, right?” She teases, and you laugh, messing with her hair once more,
“Alright smarty pants, Finish up your hot chocolate so we can get going.” You sigh, rolling your eyes playfully before going over to where Chaemin is behind the counter to wash Hana’s dish. 
“How was work?” Jihyo says as she backs up her car out of the parking spot in front of the school. Sana has always taken the bus or gotten a ride from her friend, she doesn’t drive, it’s always been like that. This year Sana is lucky as she’ll most likely be getting regular rides back home from not only her best friend but also the mother of one of her students (and one of the drivers of the century). 
Sana sighs and smiles, then sets her head down against the headrest of the passenger seat, “It was really good, the students this year are great. Your daughter did great too.” Sana starts. Jihyo smiles and looks at her daughter from the internal rearview mirror, 
“I’m glad Jiyeong was good,” Jihyo starts, “Jiyeong, sweetheart, how was school?” 
“Ms. Minatozaki is nice, and I made a new friend.” The little girl in the backseat responds, “Her name is Hana, she’s cool and nice, I like her a lot. We promised to be best friends this year!” 
Sana tenses up at the mention of Hana, and she thinks of the girl’s captivating mother. Sana starts to zone out whilst Jihyo talks with her daughter, and she thinks about the young-looking mother she had met. She replays the memory of shaking the woman’s hand and thinks about her cheery grin, as well as her caring nature. She daydreams of the look the woman had given her this morning, and the friendly greetings they exchanged had remained in her mind for a bit of the car ride back.
Her heart sinks a little at the thought of you being her student's mother, and she tells herself to compose herself, there are always others, right? (but none that were as cute as you.)
“Alright, we’re here. Jiyeong, say bye to your teacher.” Jihyo says, putting the car in park at the front of the apartment complex. Sana smiles at Jihyo and steps out of the car, closing the door and waving at Jihyo and her daughter through the window,
“Thank you Ms. Minatozaki! See you tomorrow!”
“Bye Jiyeong, I hope you have a good night. You too, Jihyo, thank you again.”
“It’s no problem, your place is on the way to our house anyway, have a good night Sha.”
Jihyo waves again before rolling the passenger seat window up again and driving away, Sana turns and walks into the building.
The young teacher unlocks the apartment door and sets her bag on the hook to the right of the door, takes off her shoes, and finds herself wandering over to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. 
She leans against the counter in her work clothes, staring at the cup of tea in her hand.
“I really have to talk to Jihyo about this.” She mumbles, taking out her phone and clicking on the woman’s contact. She lets out a small sigh thinking about how the hell she’ll survive the year while having to see your pretty face so often, and having to interact with someone so charming.
The phone rings for a bit before it’s answered by the woman that had dropped Sana off at her home, and the woman sounds like she’s opening the door to her house.
"Sana? Hello? What is it? Everything okay?”
“On a scale of one 1-10, how bad is it to have a crush on your students' mother?”
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pearcesvn · 9 months
bf!chuuya who treats you like a princess.
warnings: a looot of fluff and some smut... :3
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you walk out of the bathroom, and chuuya looks at you from the kitchen, with a smile, he walks to you, and hugs you tight. "hey baby.. looking so pretty ah? i want to spoil you today, do you want to go shopping? i'll pay for everything you want." you nod and smile at him, he gives you a small peck on the lips.
before going to the bedroom with you to change. he smirks, and before you even get to the walk-in closet, he pushed you down gently on the bed, and asks "may I kiss you?" you turn red immediately, your whole face heats up, but you nod. he smiles and kisses you passionately, his hand goes to your thigh, caressing it gently, his other hand behind your back, "you're so soft... and you smell so good." "chuuya.. l-let's just.. do this later." he sighs disappointedly, but agrees, then you two decide to change so that you can go out to the mall.
you decided to wear a white lace dress, while chuuya went with a blue button down and trousers, he's also wearing a gold watch, he looks at you lovingly, and says "just like a princess..." he takes your hand, and kisses your cheek. he smells so good.. and so expensive. he opens the car door for you, then while driving, he keeps his hand on your thigh, and looks at you from time to time. "why do you keep looking at me?" you say, "you're just so pretty.. i can't explain it." he says, with his eyes on the road, and one hand on the wheel. your face turns even more red, "you're so corny, you know that?" "hm, am i that corny?" he says, after parking, he opens the door for you, and then lets you hold onto his arm while walking.
"look at this, baby, this would look cute on you." he says, showing you a bag, it wasn't really your type, "that does look cute but i'll look for a few more bags, chuuya" he fake pouts, and waits for you while you look for bags, you show him a few that you like, and he compliments each one. you couldn't decide, but there was a bag that you really wanted, but it's too out of the budget. (who even has a budget? imagine... i spend all my money online..)
"how about we go and eat? i'm so hungry..." you say, and he responds "sure, what do you want?" him, you wanted him! jokes aside, you really wanted some pastries, "i want some cake, and some coffee or boba." he nods, and he paid for everything you wanted. while you were eating, you were looking around, and he just started feeding you, just like a princess.
after shopping, chuuya carried all of the things that you bought (with his money! of course!) "i have a surprise for you, baby." he says, as he opens the car door for you. he gets in and is holding a big bag, "what is that, chuuya?" "i saw you eyeing that big bag earlier, i got it while you were in the washroom." you were too stunned to speak, you turn red, and hug him immediately.
when the two of you got home, chuuya lifts you up from the passenger seat, and goes to the bedroom.
"now that we're home, can we continue what we were doing earlier?" you nod, and he kisses you passionately, while slowly taking off your dress, kissing you everywhere until you were all naked. he then goes down in-between your thighs, and starts to tease you. "how does that feel?" you moan softly, burying your face in the pillow, he smirks, "look at me, baby" he says, before taking off.. his boxers. "d-do we have condoms..?" you ask, feeling so embarrassed. he nods, before focusing on your bosoms, touching them gently, before caressing them, "so soft.. why are you so soft, baby? you're like a pillow.."
after a while of making out, he puts on the condom and then starts to slowly enter, you feel a bulge in your stomach, you look down, and see an imprint of his cock, making you moan even more, he starts to go fast, as tears fall down your eyes due to the pain, "oh baby, am i hurting you? i can stop if you want me to." you shook your head, and after a while of screaming out his name, the two of you were done.
he then wipes off his mess off of you, and prepares you a bath, he then lifts you up from the bed, and joins you in the tub, cleaning you gently. "your body is absolutely beautiful.. even your flaws." he kisses your forehead after bathing, and that night, you got knocked out, he's holding you close to his body, and whispers "i love you" with a smile.
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chuuya is so hot i want him inside of me ugh i want ugheehwjnskwjakwkwnwkeje meow wmekwmekwowow @tsjmra love u sorry late
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dorotheataylor · 9 months
Begin Again
Pairing- Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader
Summary- Based on Begin Again (Taylor’s Version) by Taylor Swift <3
Warnings- Slight angst, kissing, a lot of Fluff and as always my poor english :)
Word count- 1.6k
A/N- Long time no see people. So here I am with a Fred Weasley fic coz I love this dork sm. Also this happens after the war and yes Fred is alive coz he never died (im delusional)
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It was Wednesday, probably your least favourite day of the week. You were getting ready for work, deciding to wear heels for today.
“Don’t wear them, they don’t look good on you.” Your ex-boyfriend would have said if he were here. You sighed and looked into the mirror.
“But I look good in them.” You smiled at yourself before leaving. You decided to walk to the ministry for today rather than apparating, stopping by a cafe to grab a quick morning coffee for a head start for the day. Your headphones played a song you loved.
“I don’t get this song.” Your ex-boyfriend would’ve commented if he were here. You shook your head and smiled through the song.
“But I do.”
As you walked towards the cafe, you suddenly bumped into someone who was much taller than you. The things they were carrying dropped on the floor as you quickly bent down to pick them up, removing your headphones from ears to your neck, apologies never stopping to leave from your mouth.
“I’m really sorry for not paying attention, hope I didn’t break anything.” You said, finally looking at the stranger’s face as you gave them the last thing you picked.
It was a man. A really good looking and tall man. He had red hair, which were perfectly messed up, his smile looking genuine as he smiled at you.
“It’s alright.” The handsome stranger said, “I hadn’t been paying attention as well. Reckon its partly my fault too.”
Damn, you could listen to his voice forever if you could. It was as clear as crystal water, as smooth as silk.
If it had been your ex-boyfriend, he would’ve gotten mad. Mad that because of you he dropped his things. He would’ve cursed at you, maybe even yell. You shook your head and quickly came out of your thoughts.
“Guess we’re both sorry then.” You said, trying not get awkward. He chuckled and extended his free hand.
“I’m Fred, Fred Weasley.”
Three weeks later on a Wednesday, you walked inside the same cafe, half expecting that Fred wouldn’t arrive. But you were immediately proven wrong when you saw him, already standing near a table, waiting for you.
He waved at you when he saw you and gestured for you to sit across from him. You walked towards him, sitting down as he pulled out the chair for you. He didn’t know how nice this gesture was but you did.
You small talked about everything. You attempted to make jokes about things to which he responded with throwing his head back laughing like a little kid. “That was the funniest thing someone has ever said to me.” He said.
You were surprised at his response. “It wasn’t even funny, why do you even try to be funny when you’re not?” Your ex-boyfriend would’ve said if it were him instead of Fred.
As your conversation went on, you thought that maybe not all relationships are the way your previous ones were. Maybe some included this. Happiness. Because today, on Wednesday, in this cafe, you watched your feelings begin again.
“I’ve never met someone who has the collection of all the chocolate frog cards.” He had said laughing a little when you showed him your card collection. “Well except my brother Ron of course. This is impressive.”
You had smiled and responded, “thanks. I’ve liked chocolate frogs since I first ate them on my way to Hogwarts, back in first year.”
“I kind of figured, it’s cute if you ask me.” He had smiled, making you blush.
He had been telling you about himself and his family. You had been listening intently and laughing every time he told you about the pranks he had played on other students along with his brother George, back when he was in Hogwarts.
You told him about yourself, getting shy occasionally which he couldn’t comprehend why, but you did. He was the sweetest man you had ever talked to.
He eventually took you to meet his family. You were a nervous wreck, to which he had assured you that there was nothing to worry about and his family especially his mother were going to love you.
And he was right. His mother, Molly Weasley who was also a redhead welcomed you as if you were her own. His father, Arthur Weasley was also genuinely interested in knowing about your work. He had asked you many questions related to your work field, making you smile a little as you didn’t really have anyone who was interested in what you did.
His siblings were all friendly towards you. You had immediately gotten along with George, which made Fred smile to himself. You had even given some advices on how they can improve their shop works. Ron showed you his chocolate frog card collection and told you how he still had some missing. You offered yours to him to which he smiled and agreed happily. Ginny treated you as her sister, very much interested in getting to know you more.
You liked the Weasleys, and the fact they accepted you made both you and Fred happy. He had kissed your forehead once you reached your doorstep, after he had insisted on walking you home. That night neither you nor Fred slept, replaying the moment you spent together.
Christmas was around the corner and snow had started to gather everywhere. Everyone you could see were busy shopping for holidays.
You were in a shop, buying gifts for Fred and his family. You smiled when you saw the things that Fred had talked about many times and how much he would love it if got it. You made your way to pay, the cashier surprised to see you buying gifts.
“You’re buying gifts for yourself?” he asked. You and the cashier had been friends for many years as you were a frequent customer in his store.
“No, they’re for my- friend and his family.” you had hesitated because you two hadn’t made anything official. Hell was there anything even to make it official? You thought.
The cashier smiled, “explains why you look better than before since last few weeks. Finally got someone right?”
You smiled and nodded back at him and said, “I’m giving love a chance to begin again.”
You and Fred were walking back to your house, hand in hand as he small talked about everything. You hadn’t been paying attention, your mind going back to your ex-boyfriend.
You didn’t remember anytime when you and him were like this, peaceful and most of all- happy.
You decided to tell Fred about him so you said, “I wanted to-”
“I wanted to-” he said at same time as you, making both of you laugh.
“You first.” You said.
“I wanted to tell you that my mother wants me to invite you home for the Christmas dinner.” He said sheepishly rubbing his neck.
“I don’t know, Fred. Christmas dinner is for families and-”
He interrupted, “But you’re a part of the family now. Please come, Y/N. I’ll feel better if you did. Plus we’ll get a jumper knitted by my mother herself with our initials on it. It's a family tradition for every Christmas."
"Okay, I'll be there." You said with a smile. Fred grinned widely and kissed your cheek in excitement making you a flustered mess and you thanked Merlin for the cold.
You forgot all about your ex-boyfriend as Fred went on to tell you stories of pranks he played on Ron with George. You had a small smile on your face as you listened to him, and for the first time you thought 'what happened in the past stays in the past'.
It was New Year's Eve and you and Fred were decorating your house for the party later tonight. He watched you as you were focused on shaping the cookie dough to bake. Your tongue was grazing your upper lip, ounces of flour around your forehead.
He blushed and looked away when you caught him staring and resumed his work, smiling to himself.
Night came on and the party was in full swing. Fred and George were entertaining the guests with the products from their joke shop. Ginny and Hermione helped you serve the drinks as Ron and Harry small talked, drinks in their hands.
And the time came for which everyone was waiting. The new year countdown. Everyone gathered around near the clock as it ticked. Suddenly, Fred took you by your hand and led you to the balcony.
People started counting backwards as Fred took your hands in his. He looked nervous and your heart couldn't help but pick up its pace.
"Y/N, I've known you for almost an year now and I don't think I can deny it any longer."
"You have always been so kind to others but never to yourself. So I want to be the one to take care of you. You have showed me many times what I'm worth of. You showed me a new way to view life."
"Fred, what are you saying?" You asked, quietly.
"I'm saying that I love you, Y/N. All of you. And I'll never get tired of admitting it. Be my girlfriend, Y/N."
You didn't say anything as tears fell down your cheeks. You grabbed him by his collars and attached your lips with his. He immediately wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer when you heard everyone screaming.
"Happy New Year!"
Fred and you smiled into the kiss as he sealed the promise of never hurting you by deepening the kiss. Surely you have had some bad relationships but it was all worth it if it had brought you to Fred Weasley, the redhead which made your belief in love begin again.
Ah I loved writing this. Thank you for reading!
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sodoshame · 11 months
hi, could you please write an overwhelmed autistic reader x aether? i had a meltdown today and i really want some aether comfort content
thanks 💕
Hello there! I hope you’re feeling a bit better and managed to get yourself some rest <3
I hope this is what you were after anon! Sorry it’s a little short, this is the second time I wrote this because it deleted itself the first time lmao.
I’m also autistic so I’m kind of writing from my experience, remember everyone experiences thing differently!
Autistic!Reader (GN) x Aether Ghoul.
Warnings: Description of a panic attack/autistic meltdown/shutdown. Reader goes non-verbal for a while.
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You ran out of the common room and into the hallway, sliding yourself down to the wall and onto the floor. Bringing your knees up to your chest, you rest your head there, bringing your hands up to pull at your hair. All you could hear in your ears was ringing; everything felt way too much. Rocking back and forth and pulling at your hair, you really tried to calm yourself down.
“Y/N, darling. What’s going on?”
You could barely hear Aether’s voice, let alone make out what he said, so you just let out a small whimper, still pulling at your hair. Feeling a hand come to rest on your wrist, you slowly looked up at him. A slight feeling over relief washes over you as the ringing in your ears quietened down a little.
“That’s it, keep your eyes on me. Can you talk right now?” He asked, his face soft and his eyebrows knotted together in concern.
Shaking your head in response to Aether, you slowly reach a shaking hand out to him, gripping his shirt tightly. He nods, sitting down cross-legged in front of you, close enough so you could cling to the fabric of his shirt.
“Okay, honey. Is it okay if I stay here with you?” He asks, searching your face for an answer.
You nod, your other hand still pulling at your hair. He reaches up, taking your hand into his and taking it away from your head. He holds it tightly in his hand, knowing that light pressure will only make it worse.
“Can you look at me, Y/N?”
You slowly lift your head up from your knees to look at him again, blinking away tears that are threatening to spill.
“Would a hug help? I know last time you said that deep pressure-”
Before he can finish his sentence, you crawl into his lap, pressing your face into his neck. Aether wraps his arms tightly around you, resting his head on top of yours.
“That’s it, I’ve got you sweetie.” He murmured softly, holding you tight to his chest.
You could feel yourself trembling slightly in his arms, but the longer you’re there, the better you feel. After around ten minutes, you untucked your head from his his neck, looking up at him.
“Aeth?” You mumble quietly.
“Yeah, darling?” he responds, brushing a stray hair from your face.
“I bet you are, Y/N. You wanna go take a nap?” He asks, a smile on his face. You nod, looking up at him with a small smile on your face.
“Right then!” He exclaimed, standing up with you still in his arms. You let out a little squeak which made him chuckle as he started walking to your room. Once you got there, he opened the door and walked in, putting you down on the bed and putting a blanket over you.
“Aeth? Can you stay?” You ask, a slight whine to your voice.
“Of course I can, Y/N.” He smiles as he crawls into bed next you, pulling you to his chest again.
“How’s that, darling?” He asks, his voice soft and sweet.
“Perfect.” You mumble, nuzzling into him. Two minutes later, you were asleep.
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multifanhoe99 · 9 months
Kinktober Day 3- Lingerie
This is gonna be self-indulgent as hell and I am not sorry but also I hope you enjoy it!
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Pairing: non-idol!JB x afab!Reader
Warnings: Pet names (Daddy, Princess, Baby), mentions of panty stealing, mentions of masturbation, oral (fem. receiving), PIV intercourse, creampie (fem. receiving), no condom (be safe out there y'all), spanking, hair pulling
=Please let me know if I missed any.=
~18+ MDNI ~
It was not often that you wanted to buy fancy things. Even less often the fancy stuff you happen to buy turns out to be something sexy to wear for your husband. This time you couldn't help it. One day in your boredom you decided to do some online shopping and found a gorgeous lacey emerald green set that you knew would look amazing against your skin tone. Even better it was on sale! One night's bored purchase is another night's fun. Honestly, you had almost completely forgotten you bought it until it came in the mail today. It was a pleasant surprise, a gift from your past self and you couldn't help but be thrilled. Just then you got another idea. You were going to make an event of it. You had the day off to relax anyway why not make it worthwhile. With that determination in mind, you went to take a shower to get ready for what you had planned. After your shower, you applied some light makeup and fixed your hair into neat french braids that finished off as low pigtails. He liked your hair like that for very obvious reasons. Then you put on the new lingerie set you bought. On top of it, you put on the dress you know he loves seeing you in the most. It's a long red sundress with flowers on it and a slit that goes up the middle rather than down the side. Once you were all dolled up and ready you decided to head to the kitchen to fix up his favorite meal and to set the table like they would in a restaurant.
When you were finally done you sent a quick text to your husband, -I have a surprise for you when you get home! I hope you like it I love you. See you soon!- You knew he should be on his way home by now and the notification would come up on the dash screen of his car. A few minutes later you get his reply, - I can't wait! I am almost home. I love you too!- It was exciting waiting in anticipation for him to come home. Not even five minutes later while you were putting the finishing touches on the meal you heard the front door open and close. You went out to greet him, "Hello my love how was work?"
"Ah, you know same old-," he pauses when he finally looks up from taking off his shoes to switch to his house slippers, "Wow, what's the special occasion that my beautiful wife feels the need to make my knees weak."
"There is no special occasion I just felt like pampering my handsome husband because he's been working extra hard lately," you replied moving closer to give him a kiss. He instantly returned the kiss and placed his hands on your hips. Before the kiss could get any more heated you pulled away, "Dinner is ready in the kitchen. I made your favorite."
"Have I ever told you that I love you," he asks following you into the kitchen/dining room.
"Only every single day Jae," you respond with a giggle at his affection. No matter how long you two have been together Im Jaebum gives you butterflies like it's still the very first date. Upon seeing the spread you had laid out on the table he came up to hug you from behind and whispered in your ear, "So you did all of this just because I have been working extra hard? I feel like you are planning something, Princess."
"What I can't just want to do something nice for you," you ask trying not to give your true intentions away.
"Okay, I will believe you for now. Let's eat then," he says giving you one more kiss on the head before going to sit down. You both enjoy your meal together and he helps you clean up. When everything was cleaned and put away you went up to JB and wrapped your arms around his neck. He placed his hands back on your hips. You lean closer to whisper in his ear again, "There is more to your surprise. Join me in the bedroom will you?"
"See I knew you were up to something," he says with a smile but follows you to the bedroom anyway. You sit him down on the edge of the bed and tell him to close his eyes. Once you are sure he isn't peeking you remove the dress you were wearing and throw it into the hamper in the corner of the room. You let him know that he can open his eyes and when he does you don't fail to notice the way his eyes darken when they look at you. His expression shifts from one of pure admiration to something darker and full of lust. You can hear it in the timber of his voice when he says, "Come here princess let daddy get a closer look at you."
You can't help but do what he asks this was your plan after all and you couldn't be more glad that it worked. As you step closer he places his hands on your thighs. It is gentle at first and then he moves up higher. Wrapping his arms around your thighs and pulling you closer so he can see as he moves his hands up to your ass and giving it a firm squeeze. Then he lands a sharp spank on your left cheek and soothes it by rubbing his hand softly over the spot. "Look at you, baby. You look so good for me all wrapped in lace like this. I will try not to ruin it while I am busy fucking you into oblivion," he growls from his position below you. From that same position, he lifts you up with no issues and tosses you gently onto the bed so that you're lying on your back.
He takes his sweet time kissing and nipping at your inner thighs. He makes his way so slowly to the place you need him most. You can feel how wet you are just from this and he hasn't even properly started yet. You know that he is doing this on purpose and are sure this was his own plan ever since he became suspicious of you planning something. He was moving so slowly and so gently and you knew that he could see how much it affected you from the ever-growing wet patch on your new panties. "Da-daddy please don't tease me anymore I c-can't take it. I need you please," you beg gasping when he nips just a little bit harder at your most sensitive parts.
"That's it, baby beg for me. Beg for me to use this pretty little pussy however I want," he replies finally giving you some type of relief by rubbing a thumb up and down your covered folds. He continued that for a little while longer and then gave in at the sound of your desperate moans. He pulled the panties down your legs and once they were fully off he shoved them into the pocket of his slacks. You already struggled to think and he was only getting started. It only got worse when he finally gave your pussy the attention you wanted him to. He licked a long stripe up your glistening folds humming in satisfaction at your taste.
"What do you think princess should I take my time eating you out until you cum again and again on my face or would you just like me to get you ready enough to take my cock," he asks. It was getting hard to form words. The combination of his tongue and his two fingers that joined shortly after his question was blurring your mind with pleasure. He stops all movement to say, "Come on baby use your words. Already so fucked dumb and I have barely even done anything yet. What do you want you can say it."
"I w- I want to-to-to- wanna get ready for daddy's cock," you say barely able to string the sentence together. Jaebum had a way of doing that to you and you loved it. You loved being able to give yourself over to the pleasure he brought you and he loved it too. Hearing your answer JB dove in like a man starved. After so many years he knew your body like nobody else and he knew exactly what to do to bring you over the edge. His mouth licking your sensitive clit and his middle and ring fingers plunging deep into you. Every time you'd touch yourself when he wasn't around you could never get your fingers to go as deep as his. He brought you ecstasy like nothing else. You could feel yourself getting closer.
"Daddy I am so close please can I cum I really wanna cum on your face please please, please," you begged almost crying.
"Cum baby cum all over my face and then again one more time on my cock after," he said temporarily removing his mouth from your clit and then going right back. When he replaces his mouth you feel yourself let go coming all over his face and fingers. It feels so good but you know you aren't done yet. He wastes no time moving away to remove his own clothes and then flipping you over. He pulls your hips up and once he has the right position he slides right in. He gives you enough time to adjust to him and as soon as he's sure you're okay he sets a fast pace. At first, his hands are on your hips giving your ass harsh slaps every so often that make you yelp and moan at the painful pleasure. Then his hands move to your hair each hand taking one of the pigtails and then pulling back making your back arch and he is able to hit a new deeper angle. He can feel you tightening around him and he knows you're close again which is good because so is he. He leans down into your ear, "That's it, baby just a little more, and then let's cum together yeah?"
He keeps up this pace and it is only a matter of time before you're falling off the edge cumming all over his cock and he follows seconds after. Cum spurting out in thick ropes into you. It takes a moment for you both to calm down but when you finally do he goes to the bathroom to get a warm rag to clean you up. "That was amazing and you should online shop more often if this is what it leads to," he jokes.
"Yeah I will get right on that," you respond with a laugh. He helps you clean up, take your make-up off, and let your hair down. You both fall asleep in each other's arms after exchanging a sincere 'I love you' and you couldn't be happier to end your day with him.
A/N: HOLY COW!!! I am so sorry for being so late on this one but like I said it was really self-indulgent and I definitely got super carried away. Luckily day 3 is done and day 4 will be out later today so as a bonus for this one being late you technically get two in one day! HOORAY!
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