#also i'm trying to get one ask answered every weekday
giantchasm · 22 days
Hey Peony! Are you a zombie!? O:
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It's a favorite nickname of some kids I don't always get along with, unfortunately... these stupid jerks who are still caught up on stuff that happened a really long time ago. They don't like my family— Dad and Miss Sectonia especially, so they don't like me either. It's dumb 'cause all the things they're angry about are things that happened before we were even born. But their parents have told them all about it, and now they're mad even though it never affected any of them. I... hear a lot about how my dad really hurt people or is responsible for all of the current issues in Floralia. Truthfully, I wouldn't mind if they just took it out on me, but that's not what it's like. They're always going on about how bad my family is, and I hate hearing it. They call them awful people, and it's not accurate at all! Dad and Miss Sectonia didn't mean to harm anyone. Dad just loved too much, and Miss Sectonia was sick. I don't meet people who dislike my mom as often 'cause of where I live, but it's the same for her. She's not evil! She was just desperate! Granddad, too! ...It's okay, though. I try not to let their words get to me. I know they're just imbeciles. So it's not like I'll let them affect how I see myself or the people I love. Would still be grateful if you didn't call me that, though.
[Soft gasp] What's this? Not everyone thinks Peony is the specialest girl in the world!?
Yeeeeahhh. Unfortunately it just kind of comes with the territory of being the daughter of two war criminals. Taranza in particular kind of helped Sectonia ravage Floralia, which is where Peony lives. The kids around her have heard a lot of stories about their parents being traumatized or haven't been able to meet certain family members of theirs because said family members were killed during the tyranny. Lots of anger and sadness regarding that.
Not that that excuses them taking it out on Peony. Being mad at Taranza, sure, but Peony didn't do anything. Like she said: she wasn't even born at the time! But Taranza's not someone these kids feel they can lash out at (...in fact, they're kind of scared of him), so they aim at the next best thing: his innocent daughter, and that's where it crosses over into just being cruel.
...Yeesh. Just get some therapy, you brats! Leave her alone! D:<
It's okay, though. Like Peony said, she's coping. Truthfully, half of the time she just has her guardian angel taze these people to scare them off. Doesn't make it any less of a pain, though.
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lavender-romancer · 10 months
I'd Do Anything
Part One Tommy Shelby x Reader
You met when you were sixteen and from there, your lives ebbed and flowed closer and further away from one another but there was always something that brought you together.
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”*°•.˜”*°•. ˜”*°•. ˜”*°••°*”˜.•°*”˜.•°*”˜.•°*”˜
When you were a child your parents' marriage always seemed too difficult, with such a lack of care or affection for each other. More like two adults who had married for social convention than for love and you decided then and there that you'd never accept anything less than love.
Your teenage years had a few flings but you knew you were never in love with them, there was one boy you had met whilst watching your younger siblings play on Watery Lane with some other local children.
This boy didn't approach you initially, instead looked at you across the street with an inquisitive expression as he sat in a doorway with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. You decided to walk over to him which seemed to take the boy by surprise.
"Can I have a smoke?" You asked, attempting to start a conversation. He quickly scrambled to his feet and was noticeably smaller than you but most boys were at your age anyways.
"What's… what's your name?" He asked and you smiled before rolling up a cigarette and holding it between your fingers.
"I'm Y/n, and you?" You looked at him expectantly and he quickly brought out a pack of matches.
"I'm Tommy," he smiled and gestured to where the children were playing. "That's my brother John and my sister Ada. Arthur's around here somewhere."
"How old are you, Tommy?" You lit your cigarette and Tommy looked at you hesitantly before answering.
"I'm sixteen, I know you would have no way of realising that. I still haven't had my growth spurt." Tommy huffed and you smirked before telling him you were also sixteen. "Do you live 'round here?"
"I'm at the end of the street," you smiled "I hadn't seen you before either, if that's what you meant." You struck a match and lit your cigarette before handing them back to Tommy.
"Will I see you again?" He asked with a hopeful look in his eyes.
"I suppose you will. But I'll be busier than before so you'll just have to have wonderful timing." You giggled and Tommy's cheeks went pink.
"I- I only meant that we could do more than watch our little brothers play." He stumbled over his words and you found it quite endearing.
"I'd like that. You'll have to meet me after around 5 at the school. I get extra tuition there on weekdays." You took a deep inhale of nicotine and your head seemed to clear.
"Why are you at school still?" He asked.
"Because, Tommy, I am trying to pass an entrance exam. They have a women's college in London so for the next two years I have to work harder than I have before." You felt the fogginess in your brain returning but you had to ignore it.
"I never considered leaving here and you're going to London, it's impressive." Tommy looked up at you and then averted his gaze, not wanting to make you feel he was too small.
"I have to get out of here, at least for a few years. Small Heath isn't the problem, it's my parents and their lack of concern for my education." You rolled your eyes and leant against the brick wall behind you. Tommy saw what you were doing and followed your actions, wanting to seem interesting.
"Jesus." Tommy let out a long breath and you nodded.
"There's no other way for me to break the cycle of my family never earning enough to get by and constantly being worried, I can fix it all." You tapped some ash off your cigarette.
"I can't say I could match you academically but I could definitely beat you at cards." He joked and you smiled.
"I wouldn't be so sure." You looked down at him.
"I could absolutely rinse you when you get all rich." Tommy raised an eyebrow and you looked at him with offense.
"Now that will definitely have to be tested." You smirked.
For the next two years Tommy would meet you after tuition every single day and when you didn't have tuition you would be spending the day with one another. Going on walks, visiting his family or going to his uncle's dockyard and messing about there. He was your escape from the fogginess in your brain that crept up when you thought about the future. He made you laugh and feel at ease with the world.
Tommy had figuratively and literally grown up in front of your eyes, now a bit taller than you and a lot more mature. The two of you acted like an old married couple with the way you bickered and then made up. But the two of you had never breached the subject of romance. Regardless of the Shelby brothers' teasing, the two of you had never brought it up.
You got a lot closer with Tommy's aunt, Polly when her daughter Anna was born. You loved babies and wanted to help in any way possible with childcare. Her and her brother Michael were angels to look after, most of the Shelby brood were. But they were always a bit more mischievous than the Gray children.
When Finn was born things got significantly difficult for Tommy. His mother was dead, his father had abandoned them and you didn't have the social faculties to try and soothe the hurt. You tried to help with Finn whenever Polly had to work or the Shelby offspring went to try to find work. But it wasn't the same between you and Tommy, he had taken the position of the leader of the family and the responsibility weighed on him greatly.
"Tom," you asked as you leant against the same wall you'd met in front of two years prior. "Can I have a cig?" You asked with a pleading smile, he looked unimpressed but rolled you one anyway.
"When's your entrance exam?" He asked.
"It's next week, I'm absolutely terrified. I didn't think trying to get matriculated would be so stressful after this much preparation but I'm losing it." You let out a long sigh and rubbed your eyes.
"You need time to chill out. Polly is with Finn, Ada and John all day tomorrow so we could go for a walk? Take the bus out to the countryside or something?" He suggested and you could have blushed. You didn't want to admit that you had feelings for Tommy but it was hard to not feel that way when he was just so wonderful.
"I would like that very much." You smiled broadly and Tommy bowed his head, trying to hide that he was blushing too.
The next few months after your entrance exams in London were a lot more relaxed than you thought they'd be. But it was all down to Tommy. He did everything possible to spend time with you and never even mentioned university so you could take your mind off it. All you could do was look at him adoringly as he made you tea and helped look after Anna and Finn. Polly often joked that the two of you looked like "a couple with a baby". The first time she said it you looked up from cradling Finn and Tommy looked up from spoon feeding Finn his milk. The two of you simply blushed to yourselves and never spoke of it again.
But the family was beginning to see you as a couple regardless of what the two of you thought about it. One night- more alcohol fueled than you wanted to admit- the two of you had been lounging all over one another as you drank more and more pints when someone started a daring game. Most of it was boilerplate dares until Arthur focussed his attention on the two of you.
"Tommy, I dare you to kiss Y/n!" He announced with a resounding cheer from everyone taking part. You looked at Tommy with a confusing expression and Tommy went to refuse but you put a hand on his cheek in some drunken confidence. He turned his head to look at you before leaning forward and kissing you deeply. In the back of his mind Tommy could hear his brother's laughing but none of it mattered. He was kissing you. Kissing the person who had made him anxious when they first met and now continually impressed him with their dedication and affection for others. The two of you pulled apart and both finished your pints before going up to the bar together to order another.
"Well that was…" you slurred and Tommy hiccuped which made you laugh.
"I liked it." Tommy said in a very serious voice before you both started laughing.
"I know you're definitely too drunk to remember this tomorrow but I've wanted that to happen for so long." To stop yourself drunkenly stumbling you were leaning against his shoulder with your eyes fluttering shut.
"You think I haven't?" Tommy asked as the pints came and you were convinced you misheard him.
"Huh?" You said as he went to move back to the table.
"You heard what I said!" He said happily before turning around and heading for the table. You stood for a moment and had to check your bearings, leaning against the bar. He'd wanted to kiss you? Your head was spinning and you didn't know how to process that information so you headed outside. The cold autumnal air hit you like a slap and woke you up a bit. You needed to calm down and try to figure out what had just happened.
Tommy turned around to see where you'd got to and saw your pint still on the bar. He knew it was unlikely you'd leave it so he stood up and looked around a bit before walking outside. The air also woke him up a bit and as he looked around he saw you leaning on the wall of the Garrison smoking a hurriedly rolled cigarette. He stood in front of you and took the cigarette out of your mouth before smoking some of it himself, you just looked down at his shoes and it made him shuffle uncomfortably.
"This is the longest we've been silent with one another the whole time I've known you." Tommy noted and you nodded without a reply. "What's wrong?" He finally asked and you stole back your cigarette.
"I'm just coming to terms with the fact that you wanted to kiss me." You wouldn't raise your gaze from his shoes and Tommy sighed.
"But you said you wanted to?" Tommy said, confused.
"I did, I do. But I didn't know that you did. For how long?" You asked.
"Since the day I met you, Y/n." Tommy admitted without any shame and you smiled.
"Even when you were that short I found you endearing so I suppose I did pretty early on as well." You finally met his gaze and could stare at nothing else but his eyes.
"So what are you so confused about?" He asked, taking a step closer to you.
"The eventuality that we might hate each other," You paused. "I don't know if I could live with it."
"Why would we hate each other?" Tommy seemed even more confused.
"If something happens and then the two of us grow apart and everything changes and I don't know." You trailed off and just lent against the wall and looked up at the sky.
"You're thinking too much again." Tommy smirked and you rolled your eyes.
"You're a bastard." You smiled a bit, not willing to admit he was right.
"You need to be in the moment." He said softly, moving slightly closer to you, your eyes met his before he leant down and kissed you.
You spent the night with him after that but waking up in his bed partially clothed with a banging headache, all you could feel… was regret. You prayed he wouldn't remember the night, the kiss and everything after. As you left that morning from the Shelby house you were so familiar with, you almost didn't look back.
By the following week much has gone back to normal between you and Tommy with neither of you broaching the topic of the night in question because what was there to say? There was an air of difference between the two of you but you refused to address it. You were back to hanging out together platonically, looking after each other's siblings and dealing with all the teasing about you both 'looking like a couple'. Even if you had to suppress your feelings forever it would be worth it. Tommy was worth more than a night of a drunken mishap, it wasn't that you regretted the act, you did regret the way it happened. You didn't want the first kiss you shared to be influenced by alcohol or the first night you spent together. You wanted it to be normal.
That week you received your letter from Bedford College and practically ran to the Shelby household. You burst through the door unable to speak with how out of breath you were, all of the Shelby's looked at you as if you were insane but you shook the letter at them whilst puffing. Polly took the letter from your hand and quickly opened it as you keeled over.
"Oh my god." Polly said quietly looking at the letter.
"W-what?" You managed to get out, absolutely terrified.
"You got in." She turned her head to you with wide eyes and a smile. You genuinely felt like you might faint.
"We've got an academic in the family!" Arthur yelled with a smile and even Finn started laughing happily. Your eyes fixed on Tommy and he smiled at you but his eyes were sad.
"Well done sweetheart." Polly said before embracing you in a close hug. "You deserve it."
"I think I might need a drink." You said quietly and she laughed.
Polly cooked you all dinner and sitting together you couldn't believe you would have evenings like this for a while. You looked at the faces of all of the people you were able to call your family and just wanted them all to come with you. The security blanket you'd had these last two years would be so far away in only a month. Anything you knew would be so far away and it was incredibly daunting. As you were all cleaning up, you and Tommy had been saddled with washing and drying, it had been about five minutes and he hadn't said a word.
"Are you alright?" You asked him and he nodded. "You have absolutely nothing to say to me?" You prompted and he rested his hand against the countertop.
"I'm happy for you." He replied in the most deadpan voice you'd ever heard before walking out of the backdoor. You sighed deeply before placing the plate you were holding back in the sink and following him outside. He was sitting on a rusty metal chair smoking a cigarette and didn't walk away as you approached him so it seemed he did want to discuss whatever was going on.
"Please talk to me," you said softly as you pulled an upturned box closer to sit near Tommy.
"What is there to say?" He brought his eyes to yours and you could see the glint of a tear forming before he sniffed and looked down.
"I know everything is changing, you know I love this place, I love your family I love…" you trailed off. "Anyways, you know I love it here with all of you but just because I love something doesn't mean that I can't want better opportunities for myself even if they are somewhere else. You understand what it is to want to protect people and I can do that with proper qualifications and a good job. I can help all of you the way I want too."
"We're not asking for charity." Tommy said harshly and you were taken aback.
"Charity? It would be a gift for all you have done for me." You were referring to the whole family but it felt as if your words were so directed towards Tommy you just didn't know how to express yourself.
"Everything is going to change." Tommy said simply and you rubbed the back of your neck anxiously.
"But you knew it would, for years you've known my plan." You tried to explain and he scoffed.
"It's different now. We're different now and it's not the same as before." Tommy tried to subtlety wipe his eyes but you saw it and it sent a pang to your chest.
"What do you mean?" You tried to deflect from what he was referring too.
"Don't tell me you're still pulling a 'Im too drunk to remember' excuse. You know what I'm talking about and honestly, I think we both might be finished with this conversation." Tommy stood up and tried to walk away but you grabbed his hand and then his leg and held on like a scolded child. You didn't know how to express yourself but you knew you wanted him with you. In whatever capacity that was, you didn't care.
"Please." You whispered and you heard Tommy sigh before stroking your hair.
The two of you stayed like that for a moment before Tommy sat down again. Your eyes were glassy and threatening to release tears at any point and Tommy knew that. You took hold of Tommy's hand and traced the lines of his palm so you didn't have to look him in the eye.
"I did what I did because I was scared. I meant what I said when I was talking about how worried I was that you'd hate me because things would change. Not that I didn't want them too but that they could end badly and then nothing would work the same as before. I'd much rather sacrifice my own happiness than our bond and the closeness I have with your family." You explained quietly and Tommy closed his fingers around your index finger tracing his hand. You looked up at him and could see the hint of a smile before he pulled you closer to him.
"The affection I feel for you would overpower any petty fight or disagreement we might have." He said softly and you smiled slightly, it tugged at the edges of your mouth like an annoying child.
"I'm sorry for leaving and-" you began but Tommy just shook his head.
"Everything is settled now." Tommy picked up your hand and kissed your palm. "I think-"
"We're going to the pub do you-" Arthur started saying as he opened the backdoor but then saw you holding hands and burst out laughing before going inside.
"Oh Jesus Christ." Tommy muttered that you could only laugh, which caused you to lean backwards and forget you weren't sitting on a chair. You tumbled backwards and hit the ground hard but you were laughing so intensely you ignored the pain.
"Fuck me, that hurt." You giggled as Tommy helped you to your feet. When you were stable Tommy kept hold of your hands and looked down into your eyes.
He was so beautiful. It took you back every time you looked at him, the way his lips parted slightly when he was near you or how his hair fell over his face so he'd constantly be pushing it back. Everything Tommy did was so endearing it was hard not to feel the way you did for him. When he leant forward to kiss you, it was the first time you had both been affectionate with one another with clear heads. It didn't feel real, like a daydream that would wander into your head whenever you were staring off into the distance- whenever someone tried to get your attention and it took a moment it was because you were usually thinking about Tommy.
"I'd do anything for that to happen again." Tommy whispered as the two of you lent your foreheads against one another.
Your stomach felt like it jumped out of your body, did an excited somersault and jumped back into your body. All you could do was smile.
next chapter
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fuyuu-chan · 1 month
hellu! how are u? i adore the entirety of ur blog, its very cute! : D
i was wondering if you could write vyn with a reader who lets their emotions overtake them? like theyre very sensitive! then they meet a calm vyn that affects them to be more at peace w/ themselves.
thank u sm! i hope ure doing well!! 🤍
Love Who You Are
Fuyuu-chan: Hi Hi. I'm good, how about you?? Thank you for requesting!! Love your idea, also idk if i did this right 🥹 but i hope you like it <3
Pairing: Vyn Richter x Reader
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You were just here to browse for a new book to read when someone approached you out of nowhere.
"Excuse me...are you perhaps interested in that book?" Someone asked.
You looked from the book you were holding to the person who probably asked the question to you.
"Are you talking to me?" You asked as you let your eyes scanned your surroundings only to found you and this guy.
"Yes I am" he nod and smiled slightly. You looked back at the guy again.
"Oh well...to answer your question..yes, I took an interest on this book, why do you ask?" You asked.
"Oh its nothing...its because its my first time seeing someone took an interest on that book...not many people like those types of book" he explained.
You frown slightly which made the man taken aback. "Oh...are you telling me...never mind" you said as you avert your gaze for a few seconds before turning back to the man. 'Is he telling me I had bad taste in books?' you thought. Seeming to notice your silence the guys asked. "Did...I say something wrong?"
"...umm do you meant that in a bad way or like??" You asked.
The man took a second only to realize what he said earlier. He probably had offended you accidentally considering your also a book lover. "Oh no I'm sorry...I meant it in a good way...that book was actually nice to read while relaxing, I was just surprised to see someone also interested, since whenever I came here no one really looked at that book." He explained. Usually people take his compliment but you...thought it was an insult? Sure maybe bevause of his wordings and all but... People still usually assume its a compliment or sometimes they just dont ask about it.
"Oh...I see" you nod in acknowledgement. "I..never got your name by the way?"
"Ah how could I forget to introduce myself... My name is Vyn Richter, what about yours?"
"(Name), nice to meet you Vyn" you said.
Ever since that encounter you two usually met coincidentally there at that book shop and sometimes at the café across from that book store.
Of course with those encounters you two exchange a word or two that extends to conversations that extends for quite some time. So at the end of the day you two got to know each other.
Your time with Vyn only grows and he got to know you. He got to realize about your sensitivity for words at your first meeting.  So he make sure that he watch his words much more carefully so he won't accidentally offend you like last time. He also realized your sensitivity for loud noises.
That happened when he invited you to catch up after not meeting each other after a busy week. Vyn invited you to catch up in the usual café you two always meet up.
As usual you also met up at the same time as always. But you noticed, lots of people starts to pack up the café. Like every once in a while you would hear the bell meaning some new people just entered. Then you realized then. "Is it holiday today?" You asked Vyn as you put down your drink.
"I think so..." He said as he looked down and took his phone that is on the table. He opened his calendar and looked to see if it is holiday or something.
He looked up after confirming. "It is holiday" he said as he smiled. "Oh...this café must be really famous" you said as you drink again.
Vyn nods. "Even if it weekday it doesn't have much people but I didn't expect to see this many now that its holiday." He said as he looked around.
"Mhm" you hummed trying to calm yourself down since its starting to get loud by people's chattering.
Vyn who looked back noticed how quiet and how you look uncomfortable. Not to mention the urge for you to cover your ears. (He could see by your body language) After gathering his thoughts he asked. "Hmm its getting a bit hot here too, do you want to go somewhere peaceful and have some fresh air (name)?"
You who was looking down the entire time to calm yourself looked up at the mention of leaving the once peaceful café. You immediately nod and so Vyn stands up as he extends his hand to you.
You took his hand out as you two left the café and goes to a park where its just you two. You sat down at the vacant swing as he too sat down next to yours.
He glanced at you checking if you starts to calm down. "Are you alright?" He asked. You looked at him and smiled softly. "Yeah thanks for offering to leave"
He shook his head. "No problem. Though I'm sorry for not noticing immediately that you dont like noisy places"
"No no I should be the one saying sorry....we were having a good time but had to stop because of..me" you looked down as you said that. "My fault too for not bringing my earphones"
"You should not blame yourself (name), besides I was also about to offer to leave the café because it was getting hot there and so we could also watch the sunset here" Vyn said as he smiled to reassure you and sure enough you smiled back.
"Thank you..." You said as you looked at the view in front of you. "You're welcome, you should tell me next time if you got uncomfortable too" he said as he also looked in front.
After that day, he made sure to bring extra earphones just in case it became too loud for your liking. And considering your comfort Vyn started to invite you to his home to just relax while listening to his collection of classical musics, have tea, read, bake or anything else because at least there its just you two and peaceful for you.
It doesn't mean that you two won't hangout anymore to other places, you two would still do that. He would let you choose the places you like to go to and when its his turn to pick he would search/research about some places where its quiet, where there is no much people. 
You notice how caring Vyn is, how he watch his words (even though you two became comfortable with each other and even though he made a mistake or two you completely understand since you know he mean no harm). Vyn also doesn't judge you like how people would normally do instead he helped you.
He also doesn't push you to get over the things your sensitive at instead he told you its alright to just be you, since he would be there no matter what. There always at your side but if you want to actually do it he would tell you to do it at a slow pace or a pace were you are comfortable.
Vyn is literally there that helped you through it all and most importantly he helped you to be at peace with yourself. Because of how calm Vyn is, you got affected that you also starts to be calm too (with his help of course).
When in the past you hated who you are and your sensitivity. Vyn...vyn loved who you were and guided you. In the end he is also the reason you start to accept yourself, love yourself, and starts to be a new person.
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Please do not copy, translate, repost to any other social media, Thank you
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godlizzza · 1 year
prompt: danbert meeting for the first time in an aquarium? like maybe one of them works there? (I love your fics btw)
Herbert glanced up from his book as a shadow fell across the page. He was met with the sight of a boy around his age, wearing a garish blue polo shirt and lanyard. Pinned above his nametag was a badge that read, Ask me about manatees!
"Hey there," Dan (thank you, nametag) greeted. "You need help with anything?"
Herbert, who just wanted to be left alone to complete his Trig homework, replied curtly, "No."
He'd hoped that would be the end of their little interaction. Herbert could get back to his work, occasionally looking at array of fish swimming past in the huge tank, and Dan could go tell some brats facts about dolphins or something. But Dan simply grinned and sat down beside Herbert on the viewing bench.
"I see you here all the time," Dan said.
"I have a season pass."
"What's your name?"
"Do you always bother your customers this much?" Herbert groused.
Dan just laughed and ran a hand through his hair, making Herbert's stomach swoop. It was unfair how cute he was.
"When I want to," Dan quipped. He leaned over to look at Herbert's notebook. "What're you doing, anyway?"
"Homework," Herbert snapped, flipping his book closed. "Nothing too exciting, I'm sure."
Dan raised an eyebrow at him, which really was ridiculous. He was the one pestering him, and yet he had the gall to act as though Herbert were being uncouth by not wanting to share scribbled equations with him?
"You know," Dan began conversationally, "most people do their homework in a library. Your school not got one of those?"
Herbert huffed an irritated breath. "Obviously it does."
"Just can't resist Stella, huh?" Dan said, gesturing to a huge sea turtle swimming lazily past the screen.
Herbert glared at him. Dan didn't need to know he preferred the aquarium to the library. The library was too crowded, full of students all clustered together around shelves and tables, talking loudly more than they were studying. Herbert missed his elementary school days. The school librarian, Mrs. Pillsner, had been militant about maintaining silence at all times. He'd respected that about her.
Also, he did like the aquarium. So long as he came on weekday mornings when no kids would be running around, squealing every time a fish so much as blew a bubble, he had peace. He could sit in front of the saltwater tank, bathed in the ethereal blue glow of the water, and solve his problems without the annoying nag of chatter itching at his ears.
Rather, he usually could. When he wasn't being interrogated by employees.
Herbert didn't answer Dan. Instead, he flicked his eyes down to his chest and asked, "What about the manatees?"
Dan paused then blinked at him. "Huh?"
"Your shirt," Herbert said, nodding at his badge. "It says you have something very exciting to tell me about manatees."
"Oh." Dan glanced down at his manatees badge, as though just remembering it was there. "Right. Well, every month we try to raise awareness for different species of endangered sea creatures. Last month it was humpback whales, now we're onto manatees."
Herbert hummed. "I prefer whales," he said, turning to face the tank.
They sat in silence for a moment, watching a nurse shark swim by, when Dan spoke up.
"I can, uh, still tell you some pretty cool stuff about whales," he ventured.
Herbert looked at him out of the corner of his eye. He was scratching at the back of his neck, sneaking glances at Herbert. He turned away when their eyes met, seemingly embarrassed. Ugh. Even when he was nervous, he was cute. How annoying could he be?
"Alright," Herbert said anyway. He coughed into his fist at the grin Dan aimed at him. "I mean, if you really want to. Seems like you've got nothing better to do."
"Alright then," Dan replied, his smile dazzling. "You still haven't told me your name though."
Herbert rolled his eyes. "It's Herbert. I don't know how that's relevant to whales but there you go."
"Nothing to do with the whales," Dan agreed. "I just wanted to put a name to the face."
Then he started listing off random quips about whale anatomy--"You couldn't swim through the heart of a blue whale, but you could probably sit in it."--and Herbert listened. They sat there, just the two of them and the glow of the tank, for most of the morning, and Herbert didn't even mind. In fact, he might've actually liked it.
He certainly wouldn't be returning to the library anytime soon.
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umbrellatte · 2 years
Distant | F. Hargreeves
synopsis: after years since that day of resetting the timeline, five, klaus, ben and you begrudgingly agree to a reunion with the rest if the hargreeves, expectedly ending in an outburst from five.
pairings and duos: five hargreeves x reader, five and klaus brotp, ben and klaus brotp, five and ben slowly getting along
notes: unlike my other fics, everything from the show happened here, except you were with five instead of him time traveling, returning right after he left so he was same of age. i'm also not sure of claire's age but for the sake of this, let's say she was 4 at 2019.
disclaimer: five is above 18 in all my fics unless stated otherwise!
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After everyone had left, well almost everyone, luther had left to find Sloane, Allison went to return home, Diego and Lila on their way to a new life with one another, Viktor to god knows where, [Name], Five, Ben and Klaus were left standing there.
“C'mon Five! Let's gooo!” Klaus said, gently but seemingly hardly pushing him to a different direction along with Ben.
“Hey. What the hell are we supposed to do now?” the remaining sparrow asked. “Live without our powers, i suppose.” Five answered. “Yea, but where are we going to live? And the food or the money. I'm pretty sure that's what Ben meant.” you replied, grabbing Five's hand, walking along the path Klaus was bringing the three of you to.
From then on, you and Five's lives in a teenage body with Klaus and Ben has begun. Ben took care of the job and money, because, quote on quote, Klaus is still not sober for that shit. Slowly, Five became accustomed to the company he was given that he's learned to be able to express his emotions better.
Six years later... You, Five and Ben helped Klaus reach sobriety so now he has a job, during the weekdays.
“Five? Klaus says he wanted to go to a carnival later since he and Ben have no work. He's inviting Ben and was asking if you wanted to come too?” he hums, indicating a yes, as he puts his coffee cup down. “May i sit?”, you asked, pertaining to the empty spot on his bed. “Yes you may. No need to ask, it's a small matter.”
You held him, something you've always known he liked. “We should go honey. Klaus and Ben will probably be here in a minute, assuming Ben said yes.” you smiled, took his hand and stood up.
“No, i wanna stay first.” he said pulling you back down on his bed. Giggling like a child, you laid on the bed with him, combing you fingers through his locks. You two enjoyed the silence, the presence of one another.
“I love you, you know?” you mumbled but loud enough for him to hear. “Yes, i do in fact know. You succeed in reminding me ever so much every day.”
Silence once again filled the room. “I love you too.” he mumbles quietly for only you to hear. He is trying to use words, but usually touch and actions speak for him instead. So with that, he gave you a small kiss on the crown of your head, hopefully relaying his message louder. “C'mon lovebirds. Klaus is waiting for you two.” Ben said, interrupting the moment.
A week later, they received a letter from Allison, someone they have not heard from for a long time.
Dear [Name],
I hope this letter reaches you. We haven't seen each other in a while now, huh? How about a reunion? Since Claire is turning 10, I think she deserves to meet you guys. My place (Allison's address), at [Month, Date, Time]? I really do hope you, Five and the others come.
Allison Hargreeves-Chestnut
As soon as you read this, you got everyone at the living room to discuss with them, because you knew they deserved to know and that they should decide for themselves whether or not they are going. Little murmurs here and there of shock on why she decided to contact now are filling the room.
“Sure, why not? We haven't seen everyone in so longgg” Klaus said, dragging the 'ng' of the last word. “I'll go if Five does.” you said, sooner with Five replying, “Fine, but only because I get to meet Claire. ”
“I have no choice but to go with you guys, don't I?” Ben deadpanned, expecting a yes. “Indeed, Ben-erino!”
“Oh wow. This place is huge.” Viktor said as he walked in with Diego and Lila. Viktor happened to run into them when he was on his way to Allison's abode.
“Could be bigger.” Five said, but as expected, no one recognized him, seeing as it's been six years. Force of habit, Diego pulled out a knife and placed it pointing directly at Five. “Who the hell are you.”
“Hey, hey! Put it down! That's Five, Diego! Geez.” Klaus said, slowly pushing Diego's hand down. “Oh.”
Then it hit him. That teenage boy was his brother. “OH. Five!? Look at you, you're.. Well.. grown up? Kind of?” Diego said, surprised. “Well obviously. It's been six years, idiot.” you said, comung in the house with Ben.
“Hey guys! Great to see you guys again! Luther got her an hour ago but you're just in time!” Allison greeted, Ray beside her and Claire in front. Everyone, well like before, almost everyone gathered together and had their hugs. Five and I on the other hand were together by a corner.
“You don't have to stay with me here, you know. I know you miss Diego and Lila.” you hummed. “It's okay, go. I'll be fine here.”
“We both know you won't. C'mon, I know you sort of miss Lila too. Let's go, okay?” pulling his arm, you walked to the direction of wherever Lila and Diego were.
“Hey stranger. Long time no see.” you greeted. “Holy!- Look at you little turds. Long time no see, huh?” you and Lila laughed. “Nice to see you again, Lila. And you as well, Diego.”
Diego smiled, “How have you two been? I'm just gonna assume you guys are not so sane anymore after being with Klaus and Ben for six years.” Five smiled. In a long time, he hasn't heard anyone from his siblings besudes Klaus and Ben ask how he was, so for Diego to do that, he actually did smile.
“We've been doing fine, thank you. And to my surprise, no we have not lost are sanity.”
It was time for dinner and everyone was talking. You ate pasta, fork in your right hand, and your left was occupied with Five's hand. Chatter overlapping chatter, soon, it had died down and everything was quiet. Until Allison decided to speak up. “I really missed you guys. And Five, look at you! You've grown so much, your eighteen now, right!” he hummed a yes.
Allison went on about how he's grown and anything else of the like, which you could see was pissing Five. Atleast he was pissed, until he was angry. “Would you be quiet!? Look, I get it! I've grown! I'm eighteen now and shit! Maybe you would have known if you decided to reach out six years ago, not six years later! I personally don't care anymore, but you rambling on about it infuriating because i don't even know why you're trying when you could have years ago.”
He finally snapped. You were proud of him for letting all that resentment but Claire was here to watch so you gave Klaus a look and he stood up, and guided Claire to her room with Ray. “I..- Are you okay, Five..?”
He scoffed. Oh now he was really angry. He usually bottles his emotions when with other people. Guess the bottle finally cracked. “Oh, now you're asking?! Really?”
Luther coughed. “Okay, let's all take a minute to settle down and talk properly, okay?”
“No let him be. He deserves to let it out.” you told Luther. “Do you have any idea how long it took me to accept you guys didn't care? That maybe Lila actually cared more than my siblings ever could? I moved heaven and earth to get back to you and not once has any of you asked if i was okay, or thought that maybe! Just maybe, i wasn't the bad guy and that it wasn't my doing!”
Lila's look softened. She was shocked to say the very least, that Five actually acknowledged that she did care in her snobby british way. “I personally don't care about this crap anymore, atleast i thought i didn't. Not until you kept rambling about this.” he said, leaving the room.
“He's right, you know. Technically it is your fault if you missed parts of his life. He would have welcomed you if you decided to reach out even if he didn't give a fuck anymore because atleast you made the effort. That was Three years ago, eventually he stopped caring overall. Clearly, you've shown no regards to him whatsoever until now, so yes. He is angry about it.” you defended Five, following him.
Everyone looks at Five, then each other. “Five, I'm sorry!” Viktor called out, following him. Klaus, blocking him, knowing exactly that Five didn't want to see any of them. Not anymore. “Sorry Vik, but i know Five doesn't want to see you. Or any of you, really, and—”
“They aren't wrong, we did fuck up.” Luther said, cutting Klaus off. “I guess we did. We should follow him.”
“You do realize he's probably not gonna wanna talk to you, right?” Lila said, as Diego nudged her with his elbow. “What? I'm just calling it as it is.” she whispers.
“Low blow, Allison. Low blow! He clearly just wanted his siblings! Sorry, we gotta go, Allison. I'm sure Five probably wants to leave now.” Klaus said, walking out with Ben. “That was shit ass behavior, even for me. And i know I'm a douche so that says something.”
You returned home, sitting on the couch with Ben, Klaus and Five. Five snuggling beside you, Klaus behind him and Ben behind you. Like an imperfect but perfect little family. Five's grip on you tightened, a few tears in his eyes. “I guess i still did care, huh?” he mutters.
“Just ignore those assholes. That'll teach them.” Ben says, trying his absolute best to not be as rude and snarky as he usually is. “Yea! Plus you have us anyways and you, Five. Are never getting rid of our chaotic asses!” Klaus said.
Five laughs a bit, clearly happy. “Yea i know that, dipshit. Apparently i also seem to enjoy the company of said chaotic asses.” you smiled, leaning your head towards Five's shoulder.
What a wonderful family Five had.
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eilinelsghost · 7 months
9 and 17 for the ask game!
(For this ask game.)
9. Do you write every day? If you wrote today, share a sentence of what you’ve written!
I do try to write every day! I usually manage every weekday (I can always write over lunch and sometimes there are lulls between work tasks), but the weekends are often a struggle. I have a four year old and we try to be really intentional about doing focused time with him on those days since he's in daycare the rest of the week. But often I still get some time in the evenings.
Here's a sampling from today:
“Ah, but twas I saw him first you know. I watched them for hours from the shadows of the trees, and could not take my eyes from him as he sang beside the fire. Mind you, he had not the voice of a nightingale."
17. What's something you've learned about while doing research for a fic?
Oh gosh, there are so many things I want to answer for this one! I think some of my favorites have been:
Learning that the Vikings had ice skates and reading/watching various attempts to recreate these so I could get a rough idea of how to portray the Atani equivalent in Here in Our Frailty.
Looking into what kind of marginalia medieval scribes left in manuscripts so I had a feel for what might show up along the edges of Belen's book in Atanatárissë. Here's a sampling that has some of my favorites.
Trying to get a handle on how horses work in general 😂 Huge shout out here to @sallysavestheday and @actual-bill-potts and YouTube for all coming in clutch in this process. I've always wanted to know more about horses (and actually ride one lol) so it was really fun to know more about how that whole process works.
Thanks so much for the ask! (Also lol I promise I have not forgotten about your director's cut ask 🫣 Yours is the next one i'm working on - I'm just a hopeless puddle of indecision whenever I'm given free rein on something, but it will happen!)
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yuriko-mukami · 1 year
General RP style and preferences
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Repost, don’t reblog. Bold what applies. Strikethrough what does not. Elaborate on any points you’d like.
Please be honest, we all want to find the people who work best with how we RP.
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Types of RP / How I do threads
| I don’t I just do whatever is on my dash when I’m online | Mainly asks | I do little short things mostly | I do my threads on discord | Long running threads that slowly build upon the muses |
Asks are a great way to start a thread with me but I also give short answers, depending on the ask. I do love long threads that are slowly developing the relationship between the characters. Along with Tumblr, I also roleplay on Discord (both long and short things).
Plotting Preferences 
| Wing it | Get a general idea ooc and then run with it & plot further if need be | Long expansive thought out story arcs |
I do this all. Somehow I have mostly ended up winging things in most of Tumblr RPs or going on with very little plotting... but I also have some very carefully plotted out long RPs (mainly on Discord).
Type of threads I do / Prefer
| Oneliners only | Whatever dash shenanigans I’m online for | Para or Multi para | Literal Novels |
I rather write at least one paragraph but I prefer multiple paragraphs... and well, I'm very willing to write longer things too. My longest RP has probably reached the 100 000 words milestone (it has several threads though).
Reply Speed for Threads & Consistency & Keeping threads
| I lose threads all the time & don’t usually get back to them | I tend to lose threads but please tell me if I have and I’ll reply! | I drop threads pretty easily | I’m really slow but I WILL get back to you | I reply on a schedule/queue | I usually reply within a week | I reply every day | I reply almost instantly |
I don't have a steady schedule but if I have many threads going with many different people, I make one and then I usually use a queue too. At times, I'm slow because I have busy seasons at work or other real-life situations going on. I try to reply within a week but sometimes I can't. Sometimes I might reply almost instantly if I happen to have free time.
Romantic or sexual ships
| I don’t do these ships | I’m not against them happening but it is not the main point of my blog | All ships will have to be super slow burn & discussed a lot OOC, super chemistry based | I love doing ships, HMU I probably already ship it just ask! | I ship really quickly | I autoship or ship within a few interactions | I mainly RP for the cute ship fluff or smut |
Shipping isn't actually the main point of my RPs. For Yuriko's canon story, her ship with Ruki is one of the main points though and Rukiko RP with @ruki-mukami-dl is definitely my biggest and longest RP. I also have YuuNa ship with @nalia-wagner-rp on Yuuto's blog and Yuuto is exclusive with Nalia. And outside my current ships, I actually rather RP friendships, family stuff, or other dynamics.
| I do NOT do smut at all | I’m very selective about it | I only do it on a separate (blog/discord/specify here) | I mainly only do asks relating to nfsw headcanons on Sundays | I write it a medium amount | I write it all the time and love to | 
At the moment I don't write smut threads on Tumblr but I publish smut fics here. My smut threads are on Discord and I'm very selective with whom I write those and I prefer building the relationship between the characters before writing smut. But... when I write smut, I write it rather often and I do love it.
Active hours [Specify Timezone, if you’d like]
| Mornings 8-10 | Midday 11-1 | Afternoon 2-5 | Evenings 6-8 | Night 9-12 | Ungodly hours of the day 1-onwards |
Timezone: UTC +2 (Summertime +3)
I bolded the times I usually write on weekdays. But sometimes I'm active during the evenings and in the middle of the night too. And at weekends, I'm active whenever I feel like it. So, I really don't have that steady schedule.
Activity Schedule
| SUPER slow and sporadic, like once a month or so | Slow and sporadic week-long gaps between activity | Bi-weeklyish activity | Weekly activity (specify if there’s a certain time you have school/work/etc. off that you are most active) | Daily activity | I’m online nearly all the time |
I post something weekly, sometimes daily.
| I don’t do starter calls | I want to do starter calls but often don’t have time | I do selective calls (specify) | I don’t do calls, but always feel free to ask me for one! I do starter calls rarely/regularly/often |
I do starter calls if I have enough extra time in case I get many likes for that. So... rarely. But you can always DM me and ask me to send a starter to you or plot an RP with you. Or just send me a starter instead, I'm okay with that! So feel free.
| I don’t do AUs | My blog is an AU but outside of that I don’t do them | I sometimes do them but only with a lot of plotting | I have a couple of AUs already feel free to request them! | I have AUs coming out of my ears please interact with them! | I love making AUs HMU to plot if you think of one! | There are some AUs I won’t do (specify here) | 
Well, practically most of my RPs with different muses are considered AUs where other muses Yuriko has relationships with don't exist. Some of them are happening in the same universe or overlap partly though.
Other than that, I haven't written AUs. I might be willing to try that out at some point. Maybe. Not quite sure.
| I don’t do crossovers (specify reason if you’d like) | I’m selective with crossovers (specify reason if you’d like) | I love crossovers! |
I'm not too fond of crossovers because I rather know about both of the original stories but I rarely have time to collect enough information... and I'm very picky with my media consumption, so... Yeah, crossovers aren't exactly my cup of tea but I don't completely shut them out either. You can always ask me if you have a suggestion.
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jacksnwangs · 2 years
Lol, I don't mind long messages at all ;) Anyway, I wanted to request snapshots of Jihoon's perspective. You know how you rewrote the major scenes in Yoongi's perspective? I was wondering like, what was Jihoon thinking when he suggested that Jimin should date Yoongi, when he saw Yoongi come home crying, when they got married, etc. Thank you! ;) (Also I literally just read so many of your Yoonmins and I love your angst so much, I recced your fics on bantanficrecs, I don't know if you saw. xD)
does anyone even follow me anymore? i know it's been literal years since you asked this and unfortunately, i don't know that i'll follow through and finish all the scenes, but i did in the past couple years write a solid 6k of jihoon perspective so i thought i'd post a little bit just to honor this very very old request! and who knows. i miss writing a lot and even though i'm not really on the rpf/kpop fic train anymore, i love the relationships i created with jihoon as an oc so it's not impossible i finish this as a whole story one day soon ;)
you definitely need to read the original when you're in love all the lines get blurred for this one to make sense
Jihoon is fourteen when he answers the phone, Jimin already partway through whining a complaint as the connection completes. There’s the rough crackle of static that he’s gotten used to from his old, hand-me down flip phone and then he hears, “… that I’m gay and she laughed at me!”
It’s said with that can you even believe it! kind of tone that makes it seem like Jihoon should know what’s going on and he should be on Jimin’s side. Jihoon, as is usually true, does not know what’s going on, and probably wouldn’t even if he’d caught the first half of Jimin’s sentence, but, as is always true, he is on Jimin’s side.
He tucks away Jimin’s casual announcement away to consider later, if he can remember to, and focuses on the more pressing issue: “She laughed at you?” Jimin makes an enthusiastic noise, which Jihoon hears clearly as thank god, you understand, before launching back into a rant about his mom and not being taken seriously. It gives Jihoon the same sense of pride he feels when a teacher calls on him because they know he isn’t paying attention and he gets the answer right anyways.
Jihoon follows the conversation, making vague sounds to express outrage and sympathy at all the right points until he hears a faint knocking through the line and Jimin hurries to end the call with a grateful and cheery, “love you, bye!”
Jihoon does not, in fact, remember to address the part where Jimin just came out to him.  
Jihoon is sixteen when he has to spend half a week needling Jimin to find out why he’s been using every free period to pout and stare longingly out windows like a weekday drama character. When he finally does get Jimin to cop to marathon moping, the two of them slumped against each other on Jihoon’s bed with their backs against the wall, Jimin still tries to get away with mumbling, “It’s nothing, just a… little argument with my mom.”
“Oh,” Jihoon says, because Jimin never fights with his mom, or anyone, really, and he can’t remember the last time Jimin was even annoyed with her. Until he does, and he says, a little too excited, “Oh! Did you try to tell her you’re gay again?”
Jimin blanches, immediately, and Jihoon can’t fathom why he’s got that wide-eyed, stricken look on his face. It’s not like Jihoon cares. He’s never thought twice about it, not once in the years since he found out, not even long enough to tease Jimin about how much he blushed and stammered when that one handsome teacher from the dance studio complimented him on his improving skill.
“I-I-I,” He stutters, and Jihoon briefly wants to make the joke about how nervous that guy makes Jimin now, but he waits, because he lives mostly to embarrass Jimin but there’s a time and a place and this probably isn’t it. Jimin abruptly scrambles away from Jihoon, nearly falling off the bed in his rush to create some distance, “How did you know?”
“What do you mean, how did I know? You told me!” It never occurred to Jihoon that it might be a big deal. The first time, Jihoon had accepted it just as casually and easily as Jimin had said it. If Jimin had sat him down to have a big coming out moment like they sometimes do in American movies, Jihoon probably would’ve said something at least vaguely nice to fit the moment. “Did you forget?”
“You never said anything!” Jimin accuses instead of admitting he totally forgot he came out to his best friend in the middle of complaining about his mom one time, like, two years ago.
“Why would I say anything? You’re the one who’s gay!”
“Stop saying that,” Jimin demands. Jihoon swallows back a petulant ‘but you are’.  No one is home, Jihoon knows, and Jimin probably does too, but he still glances furtively towards the door like someone might hear. There’s another sarcastic comment, as there usually is, on the tip of Jihoon’s tongue – something disparaging about his older brother, no doubt.
Probably also thinking about Yoongi, Jimin suddenly asks, without looking at Jihoon, “Did you tell anyone?” He’s so tense it seems painful, hands closing into fists around Jihoon’s wrinkled bed spread, smoothing Jihoon’s own defensive edge into something more sympathetic.
“Who would I tell?” Jihoon replies softly. Sure, he’ll whine and argue when Yoongi makes some passing comment about Jihoon only having one friend because Yoongi sucks, but it’s not like he’s wrong. He’ll pretend to be bitter about it, but, in reality, Jimin and Jihoon have been friends for sixteen years and Jihoon’s never seen the need for anyone else. And, contrary to popular (read: Yoongi’s) belief, Jihoon isn’t a huge asshole. If he did have someone worth telling, even if he thought Jimin wouldn’t care who knows, he wouldn’t have.
Jimin accepts this without further argument, maybe because he’s acknowledging that Jihoon is a better friend than that and wouldn’t spill secrets that aren’t his to share, but probably because he also knows they are an exclusive duo.
They fall into a long silence, Jimin panicking while Jihoon sits very still and hopes Jimin will come to his own conclusions. The facts are obvious – Jihoon has known for two years, and Jihoon has known while believing Jimin wanted Jihoon to know, and absolutely nothing about their friendship has changed. If Jihoon was going to care, if Jihoon was going to spread rumors and turn his back on his best friend, he would’ve done it by now.
Jimin seems to get there, eventually, but he still whispers, too full of doubt, “you really don’t care?
Jihoon drags Jimin back into his side by grabbing him loosely around his neck and yanking him into a headlock. He rests his cheek against the top of Jimin’s head, keeping him close, and promises, “You are the same person you’ve always been.”
Jihoon is eighteen when he gets a text from his best friend saying, apropos of nothing, “I’m an idiot.”
He doesn’t ask why. Jimin doesn’t explain.
Jihoon texts back, “i think you meant ‘a dumbass’ but ok.”
Jihoon isn’t sure exactly how long Jimin’s been lying next to his bed. He didn’t pay much attention when Jimin came in and shut the door with an irritated huff. In fact, Jihoon didn’t even look up from his phone, recognizing the sound of Jimin’s heavy footfalls on the steps leading up to his bedroom before the door opened. Jimin might have texted to say he was coming, the message buried somewhere in any number of notifications Jihoon has been ignoring for the sake of doing nothing else, but it’s just as likely he showed up unannounced.
He’s been sighing at freakishly perfect one minute and forty second intervals – Jihoon counted the time between five in a row after the first dozen before getting bored – since he arrived and threw himself bodily onto the floor of Jihoon’s bedroom, which is certainly unclean.
Jimin will keep sighing and Jihoon will keep pretending he doesn’t notice, not because he doesn’t care, but because he knows better. If he tries to ask what’s wrong, Jimin will insist it’s nothing, and then worry about why Jihoon thought something was wrong, and then he’ll get self-conscious about how his face looks and what his voice sounds like and act weird and robotic because he’s trying so hard to make it seem like everything is fine and then it’ll take an extra three days for Jimin to actually talk about whatever it is he’s sighing about. It’s better to let Jimin huff and puff until he’s built up enough steam to bring it up himself.
The rhythm of Jimin’s angst becomes strangely soothing, turning into such a relaxing backdrop to Jihoon’s mindless scrolling that he’s somewhere near half-asleep by the time Jimin speaks.
“What am I gonna do?” The question prompts Jihoon closer to consciousness. Jimin keeps talking, but Jihoon only has the chance to process the word “boyfriend” before he’s dropping his phone and rolling away from the wall to glare at Jimin.
“You got a boyfriend?” Jihoon feels a genuine hurt, thinking that Jimin, who Jihoon has always supported without question and very few (genuine) complaints, would keep secrets from him.
“No,” Jihoon is pleased to see that Jimin looks as scandalized as he feels. “That’s the whole problem,” he continues, and then asks again, because it apparently wasn’t rhetorical, “what am I going to do?”
Jihoon suggests he fake a breakup, the easiest solution, but Jimin is right that it won’t work. Ending the life of a lie quickly is, of course, ideal, but lies are best when there are some messy loose ends that just can’t be tied up or explained away. Having a few holes in your story can make it more believable, as long as you’re careful about where you leave them.
Jihoon also suggests Jimin gets a boyfriend, which is a win-win. Maybe even a win-win-win. Jimin’s mom believes he’s gay, win. Jimin has a boyfriend, big win.  Jihoon’s best friend is happy, the biggest win of them all.
And, sure, Jimin has a point. If it were that easy to find someone to date, Jimin would have brought one home back when he was fourteen and his mom laughed at him, and Jihoon would not be counting the seconds between Jimin’s exhales at three in the afternoon on a beautiful spring Saturday, and Yoongi would have something to do other than sleep for twelve hours at a time and somehow still be the crankiest man alive.
Jimin visibly gives up when Jihoon declines to be Jimin’s fake boyfriend, easily the worst idea either of them has ever suggested. What should happen is Jihoon should be sympathetic and comforting, while they conclude Jimin will admit he lied and continue to live his life as he has been. If the two of them thought about it for maybe, like, fifteen more minutes they would realize that Jimin’s mom refusing to accept his identity is unfair and hurtful but ultimately inconsequential. That, eventually, Jimin will naturally find a genuine relationship and he will introduce that person to his mom because he wants to share his life with them, not because he wants this specific acknowledgment from his otherwise loving mother.
However, what actually happens, because Jihoon does not believe in thinking about things for more than one minute, and because Jimin looks kind of pathetic and more importantly, sad, and Jihoon simply will not stand for that, is Jihoon grapples for any other plan, just anything to get Jimin’s enthusiasm back. What actually happens is, Jihoon says, “My brother’s gay!”
Jimin doesn’t look like he believes Jihoon, even when Jihoon lays out his very strong evidence of Yoongi kissing boys sometimes like, five years ago. Yoongi never said he was gay, sure, but in Jihoon’s defense, Yoongi didn’t say much of anything, especially not to him, and especially not when Yoongi was in high school. The most they ever talked about it, Jihoon thinks, is after the third time when Yoongi came inside after saying goodbye to his friend and found Jihoon staring at him over the back of the couch. They’d held silent eye contact until Jihoon had pursed his lips to make kissy noises and Yoongi, before Jihoon could follow through, told him to shut up and left the room.
So, maybe Yoongi never said he’s gay, but he also never said he wasn’t gay, and that’s about as close to Jimin’s type as they’re going to get in the next sixty seconds – and as established, Jihoon does not plan farther ahead than that – so he suggests him.
It’s only meant to be that – a suggestion. Something that will get Jimin’s spirit back for a few more minutes until the new plan is inevitably foiled. Jihoon gives it, at best, a two percent chance Yoongi even entertains the idea. If it were him, ignoring the deeply problematic nature of asking your own brother to fake date you to fool your mom, he’d give it a solid zero. The odds of Yoongi doing something for another person are, by Jihoon’s estimation, astronomically low. The odds of Yoongi doing something for him are lower. But, in his roughly fifteen years of observation, Jihoon’s noticed that Yoongi has what one may call, if they were being generous, a bit of a soft spot for Jimin. Jihoon does not blame him. Jimin is very hard not to adore.
“You want me to date your brother?” Jimin asks, and that is not what Jihoon said. He gags, only a little on purpose, at the idea. It’s not clear if he’s more disgusted at the idea of Jimin dating his brother, or Jimin dating his brother, and he’s not going to consider it long enough to figure it out.
“I want you to fake date him,” Jihoon clarifies, and he doesn’t dwell on how, nothing better to do or not, Yoongi probably isn’t going to help. And he doesn’t dwell on how the entire charade is definitely dumb and unnecessary, because Jimin doesn’t need to prove anything to anyone but himself. And he doesn’t dwell on the mounting swell of unease when Jimin peeks his head around the open doorway to say, full of disbelief, “uh, he said yes, so I’m going to talk to him for a while.”
“Stop telling people I’m gay,” Jihoon is startled but forces himself not to flinch when Yoongi suddenly speaks, catching Jihoon as he passes Yoongi’s bedroom to get to the bathroom.
Jihoon manages to take it in stride and says without looking, “Then stop doing gay shit.”
In a truly delightful turn of events, Jihoon catches Yoongi talking to himself in front of a pile of black t-shirts several hours before he’s supposed to fake meet Jimin’s mom for not the first time. It’s been a long time since Jihoon has seen Yoongi flustered and off-kilter like this and he’s going to enjoy it as much as he can.
“Aren’t you going to Jimin’s today?” Jihoon asks, squinting at the pile to try and see if he can guess what Yoongi’s current contenders are. It’s a pointless question. There are roughly two hundred anxious, nonsensical text messages clogging his inbox making him damn certain Yoongi is, unless Jimin’s clearly
unfounded fears that Yoongi suddenly changes his mind come true. Well, maybe not entirely unfounded, Jihoon thinks. Perhaps Yoongi won’t be able to pick a shirt and will cancel to avoid the shame.
Jihoon is not one to let such a wonderful opportunity go to waste, so he takes his time teasing Yoongi until Yoongi has physically removed him and slammed his bedroom door completely shut. He’s also not one to let Yoongi have the last word, making sure to yell back through the wall that Yoongi’s ridiculous.
Halfway through making good on his promise to tell Jimin that Yoongi spent all morning picking an outfit, standing in the middle of his room because he couldn’t hold it in long enough to flop back onto his bed, Jihoon pauses. It’s been a long time since Jihoon has seen Yoongi flustered and off-kilter.
The harder he tries to remember, the more he realizes he’s never seen Yoongi that flustered and off-kilter.
Jihoon erases the message and heads to his closet.
Jihoon isn’t waiting for Yoongi. He just happens to be downstairs. Did he watch Yoongi nitpick at his clothes through the window until he had walked out of sight? It’s possible. Has he spent the past two and a half flipping anxiously between channels because he can’t focus on any one show? Maybe. Is he waiting for Yoongi to come back from his first fake date? Absolutely not.
He does, when he hears the sound of a key in the front door, suddenly rearrange himself from his stiff, upright position into a (hopefully) casual-looking slouch and try to appear extremely invested in the baseball game he hasn’t been watching. Since he wasn’t waiting for Yoongi, he doesn’t look up when the front door opens and shuts, or when he hears Yoongi puttering around in the entryway.
After changing his shoes and hanging up his coat, Yoongi comes to stand behind the couch. Jihoon doesn’t really care, of course, but it seems impolite not to, so he asks, “How was your date?”
“Fake date,” Yoongi corrects absently, weirdly focused on the tv while Jihoon stares up at his chin. It seems like it’s all he’s going to say, which should not surprise or disappoint Jihoon, but kind of does. They don’t really talk, about anything. Yoongi doesn’t talk much to anyone, and they aren’t close, and Jihoon has learned to be okay with the ever-widening distance between them.
But, maybe Jihoon was waiting, and maybe Jihoon did think it would be different this time. Even though they’re brothers, it was starting to feel like Jimin was something they could have in common. Yoongi did agree to Jimin’s insane fake dating scheme, and if Jimin can be trusted, Yoongi did most of the actual planning. In the back of his mind, Jihoon thought, maybe if Yoongi was opening up to Jimin, and Jimin is an extension of Jihoon, then Yoongi could let Jihoon in too.
“How was your fake date?” Jihoon sighs, long-suffering, and hopes it hides any desperation.
Almost on cue, Jihoon’s phone vibrates noisily from where it’s fallen between the couch cushions. They both know, without looking, exactly who the message is from. Yoongi snorts before asking, “Hasn’t Jimin already told you?”
They both know the message is from Jimin, and they both know Jimin has been messaging consistently for the past three hours, and Jihoon could let this go. He could let it go like he always does. He can pretend he wasn’t waiting, and he can pretend he doesn’t care. Instead, Jihoon says, a touch too softly, “Yeah, but I’m asking you.”
The silence goes on long enough that Jihoon thinks Yoongi might really ignore him, which isn’t that strange, but normally he at least has the decency to leave a room if he’s going to act like Jihoon isn’t there.
Just before Jihoon gets uncomfortable enough to exit the conversation himself, Yoongi says, “You don’t like baseball.”
“Yes,” Jihoon agrees. He’s been staring up at Yoongi’s chin, watching Yoongi not-watch the game, Unexpectedly, Yoongi glances down and meets his eyes. Jihoon would feel exposed, but Yoongi doesn’t look long.
“It was fine,” Yoongi says.
Jihoon isn’t jealous. He totally doesn’t care that his best friend, his only friend, if you ask anyone, is suddenly spending his free time with Jihoon’s brother. Jihoon definitely doesn’t think they’re being excessive, with how much they’re suddenly hanging around Jimin’s house, even though Jimin’s mom has a job and probably isn’t even there half the time. It’s not like Jihoon wants to hang out with both of them and watch them do weird, fake couple stuff, either.
Jihoon isn’t mad. It doesn’t matter to him that his brother, the same brother that once took every opportunity to complain about the general existence of Jihoon as a person and Jimin as a permanent fixture, has all the time in the world to play happy couple with someone he acted like he hated three weeks ago. He definitely doesn’t want Yoongi to suddenly decide he’s worth his time and start playing happy big brother.
Jihoon isn’t disappointed. He doesn’t care that his best friend seems to have forgotten he exists, and it doesn’t matter that his brother chose his best friend over him. It’s not like he thought maybe the three of them would bond, like they would all laugh about Jihoon’s great idea and what a success it was, and Jihoon could fake third wheel until the three of them together wasn’t so pretend anymore.
Jihoon’s fine.
About a month after the whole stupid charade started, and no, Jihoon is not acknowledging that it was, technically, his idea, Jimin’s over for the first time in a couple weeks. He’s sitting on the floor next to the couch while Jihoon is stretched out across the cushions. A movie they’ve both seen about one hundred times is playing on the tv, so neither of them is paying much attention, but it’s nice. Jihoon thinks they should probably be talking more, given how little they have been lately, but there’s something to be said about companionable silence. Every five minutes or so, Jimin will lean back enough that the back of his head will press into the soft dip below Jihoon’s ribs and it feels familiar, like home. It makes Jihoon wonder if Jimin has been missing him just as much. On one of the touches, Jihoon reaches out to affectionately ruffle up Jimin’s hair.
Jimin shifts, pushing into the contact, so Jihoon leaves his hand there. He wants to say something, talk about how he’s doing, but he’s afraid it’ll all come out too honest – it’s been lonely, I wish I’d been more included, I wish things could be different between me and Yoongi, I wish I could be close to Yoongi like you seem to be. He wants to ask what it’s like, when he and Yoongi are together, what do they talk about, is he nice, does he talk about me.
He doesn’t say those things, but he does ask, hopeful things will go back to normal soon, “did you two fake break up yet?”
Unexpectedly, Jimin seems a little surprised by the question, even though Jihoon was pretty sure that’s why Yoongi went to Jimin’s house all weird and morose the morning before. Predictably, when he came back in the afternoon, he didn’t say anything, but he seemed normal, at the least, if not a bit happy. Jihoon hadn’t known if he should take it as the breakup being successful, or nothing happening at all, but he’d assumed the former.
Jihoon tries not to read into what Yoongi’s moods before and after may have meant, as Jimin tells him, “oh, um, no, we decided to continuing faking for a while longer.”
When Jihoon asks why, Jimin says, “Well, it’s not like there’s any reason we have to stop now, and, my mom seems to be really getting used to the idea, you know, so I think with some more time she’ll really accept it, and, Yoongi agreed we should continue, so…”
Jimin trails off and Jihoon lets him. None of it is quite a lie, but it’s not the truth either. Jihoon knows Jimin better than he knows himself, can hear him scrambling for another excuse, something to prove that he believes in what he’s saying, something to make it make sense to himself. It’s obvious that Jimin has no idea why, but Jihoon doesn’t call him on it.
They’re both idiots, Jihoon thinks. They’re both idiots, but they probably know what they’re doing.
They do this now, sometimes, have conversations. It’s not like Yoongi is spilling his darkest secrets and asking Jihoon about his and there’s no brotherly bonding but it is a step up from passing each other like strangers in the hallway or only communicating through insults across the dinner table.
He can ask “how was your day” and Yoongi will respond with something vague and uninformative but not overtly negative and let them lapse back into silence. Jihoon can then, in an intentionally bad approximation of his brother, say, “Wow, Jihoon, thank you for asking, how was your day?” And Yoongi will give him the stink-eye, and he won’t say the words, but he’ll wait around and actually listen when Jihoon does tell him. It’s progress.
Today, Jihoon finds Yoongi drinking juice straight out of the shared carton and calls him a heathen. It’s a Sunday, and its only early afternoon, so Jihoon is surprised to find him out of his room at all. In a big step up from their normal routine, when Jihoon asks what he’s up to, Yoongi says, “I went for lunch with Jimin and some other people.”
Jihoon knows ‘some other people’ can’t be ‘some other people Jimin knows’, because he’s the only other people Jimin knows. By process of elimination, then, these must be people Yoongi knows, and shocked, he says “You have friends?”
This earns him a very familiar dirty look, Yoongi mumbling something about how alike he and Jimin are before replying clearly, “I have more friends than you and Jimin combined.”
With a thoughtful hum, Jihoon asks, “Combined, do we have one friend or two friends?”
Yoongi smiles, really smiles, genuinely, and Jihoon has to tense up his whole body to keep from physically pumping his fist into the air at his success.
If they were any two other people, that wouldn’t be the end of the conversation, but they are who they are, so it is.
Progress is progress.
“That was nice of you.”
“What you said to Jimin – it was nice.”
“I can be nice.”
“But you aren’t.”
“Are you picking a fight?”
“I’m just saying. You can be nice, but it seems like you only are nice to one person.”
“It sounds like you’re not saying anything.”
“I meant – “
“Jihoon, just drop it.”
Jihoon, in a rare show of magnanimity, does.
Jihoon swallows back the hurt, and the jealousy, and the anger, and the disappointment, just like he swallows back his desperate questions, why did you stop following us around back then and are you teasing, or do you really mean those things and what did I do wrong and can I fix it?
It’s been at least thirty minutes since Jimin stammered out an excuse about needing to “ask Yoongi uh, something, about the, you know, fake boyfriend… thing.” Jihoon isn’t sure what they could possibly have to talk about. First of all, they’ve had plenty of time outside of the few precious hours Jihoon has convinced Jimin to finally pay attention to him. Secondly, how difficult can it be to pretend to be in a relationship for a few months. Has Jimin’s mom really not gotten it, yet? She seemed pretty convinced when Jihoon saw the three of them after Jimin’s last showcase, but what would he know.
Part of him hopes that they’re up there discussing how to break up, because then Jimin won’t do things like disappear mid-game to talk to Yoongi, or stop coming over for a week at a time because he’s hanging out with Yoongi at his own house, and he won’t get so distracted responding to texts that he doesn’t even notice Jihoon needling him about some handsome actor or another. That hope placates him for another fifteen minutes of getting angry at pre-teens who are much better at video games than he is, but Jihoon can only handle so much x-box live before he wants Jimin to be the one kicking his ass.
After almost an hour of waiting, Jihoon’s patience reaches its limit, and he tilts his head back to yell Jimin’s name at the ceiling. Nothing happens for another several minutes, not even a shout back or an irritated ‘shut up’ from Yoongi. He pauses the game to hear better and tries again. This time, immediately, there’s a heavy thud of something hitting the floor and a short burst of footsteps. Jihoon waits for the sound of the door creaking open, but it doesn’t come.
He presses his head back against the couch cushions until he can almost see the stairs and calls, “If you don’t come down, I’ll come up there!”
It’s supposed to be a benign, meaningless threat. In part because he won’t, Jihoon’s laziness outweighing his desire for Jimin to rejoin the game, in part because there shouldn’t be any real consequence if he does go to see what’s taking so long.
Apparently, there could’ve been, because Jimin comes rushing down the stairs already spilling out apologies. As he comes around the couch, Jihoon notices that Jimin’s face is flushed pink and his hair is unusually disheveled and his bottom lip is just a little swollen and startingly red and, “oh my god, did you just make out with my brother?”
“What?” Jimin is immediately too defensive, looking anywhere but at Jihoon, and, because he is a lying liar who lies, he says, “no!”
“You just made out with my brother!” Jihoon repeats, “You left me down here to go and make out with my brother! For an hour!”
“We didn’t make out for an hour,” it takes Jimin ten seconds too long to realize that his argument only proves Jihoon right. He looks sheepish, briefly, before falling back into defensive, “It doesn’t matter, anyways! You know we’re only faking dating.”
“You can’t fake kiss!” Jihoon bursts, incredulous and furious and disgusted. It doesn’t help that Jimin looks, behind the bravado, lost and a little helpless.
“It doesn’t matter, okay?” He insists, “It didn’t mean anything.”
Jihoon makes a high-pitched, frustrated noise meant to convey are you sure and does he know that and why would you kiss him and why would he kiss you and I don’t even know who I’m angrier at.
Apparently, Jimin is not so attuned to Jihoon these days, because he doesn’t get it, and he just says, quick and dismissive even though he’s still clearly anxious, “Really, don’t worry about it.”
Jihoon is well-versed in not worrying about it. Jihoon worries about very little. Jihoon lets things go, all the time, easy as breathing.
Jihoon is, whether he’ll admit it or not, a little worried.
The first thing Jihoon thinks, when Jimin tells him he has a boyfriend, is that Jimin should probably sound happier about it. His whole story comes out uncharacteristically stilted and flat, Jimin’s smile looking so forced while he recounts the first date and jokes about some kiss they almost got seen having last weekend. It’s not like Jimin, excitedly recounting some fake couple outing he and Yoongi had under the guise of updating Jihoon on how successful the plan was going. Or when Jihoon caught on to his impromptu make-out with Yoongi, where Jimin was flushed and stuttering and embarrassed and every few minutes Jihoon would catch him fighting a smile in his peripherals.
That’s the second thing Jihoon thinks, what about Yoongi? He wonders idly if Yoongi knew. If that’s what that look Yoongi’s been giving him lately is for. Yoongi never intentionally seeks him out, but when they do cross paths in their shared house, Yoongi will stare at him, uncomfortably long and searching, like Jihoon knows something he doesn’t. The likelihood would normally be low, because Jihoon is not one for knowing things. However, the things Jihoon does know are usually about Jimin, and the things Yoongi cares about these days are also usually about Jimin, an unexpected venn diagram. So, in this one case, there’s a fair chance Jihoon has whatever information Yoongi is silently looking for.
Was this what Yoongi was waiting for him to know?
“So, you and Yoongi are over, or whatever?” Jihoon asks, a little nonsensically, but there’s a quiet bitterness that Yoongi never said anything. Sure, Yoongi doesn’t say much of substance to him, but he was starting to. And those looks – did Jimin tell Yoongi first?  
“We were never together,” Jimin replies stiffly, and Jihoon has that thought again – shouldn’t he be happier about this?
Before he can ask, Jihoon is struck with a terrible realization.
He and Yoongi were almost getting closer, because Jimin was a tether between them. If their thing is done, the progress Jihoon made will go too.
It’s pure chance that Jihoon runs into Yoongi. The shine of loitering around waiting for him after every visit to Jimin’s for the chance to pry into what the two of them could possibly talk about all those hours they spend together has long worn off, in part because the answer typically turned out to be we sat in silence like absolute freaks for most of it.
So, this time, Jihoon really isn’t waiting for Yoongi. He’s got his knee bent at an awkward angle so he can press his shoe, sole first, against the wall. Yoongi opens the door just as he’s leaning forward against his own thigh to adjust the laces and Jihoon immediately prepares to argue, because Yoongi hates when he doesn’t just sit down on the bench to tie his shoes, and always nags about how that’s what it’s there for  and you’re going to scuff up the walls and Jihoon finds great joy in how much Yoongi seems to care about something so inconsequential. The anticipation for the pointless but familiar routine is quickly curbed by Yoongi not acknowledging Jihoon’s presence at all.
Yoongi kicks his own shoes off roughly, throwing them into the normally pristine line of other pairs so that shoes scatter and knock noisily against the wall. It’s so deeply out of character, Jihoon doesn’t even think to take the opportunity to call him out on the hypocrisy. He’s not looking at Jihoon, either, and not in that usual you’re-not-worth-my-attention kind of way, or like he’s just so distracted by his own bullshit he’s genuinely not noticed Jihoon. The not-looking is intentional, like he’s trying to hide something. Jihoon leans so far back he almost falls on his ass, trying to look, thinking maybe he’s gotten a secret face piercing, or someone gave him a black eye.
What Jihoon sees, when he manages to peek at Yoongi’s face before Yoongi can rush himself up the stairs, is much worse.
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layanasstories · 1 year
For my dear friend.
This person knows that I am talking to them.
As promised... your early Christmas Gift! What started as an idea for a one shot, ended up as a multi part fan fic, 5 parts to be exact. I really hope you enjoy this one.
With love, Layanasstories.
Lost and Found
Part 1
I'm hanging at the bar with my umpteenth drink in front of me. It was how long? One, two weeks? I don't remember very well, nor do I care much. Probably because of the amount of alcohol I've had. And so it goes every night these days. I come here with a stabbing pain in my heart and leave the bar numb. I look up when my glass is taken way and a cup of coffee is put down. "Hej! I hadn't ffinisshed that sjet!" I protest while trying to sit up straight, but the bartender doesn't care. "You've had enough Layana. You had the chance to wallow for two weeks, now it's time to put yourself together again". "Iff I can't trink anymore, can you be my dissstrasion?" I slur my words while fluttering my eyes at Phil. "Oh, god no. Not in the state you are in right now". He pulls up his nose in disgust but I can see his eyes are full of pity. “I know it hard you lost Richy, Layana. But you can’t keep on going like this.” He tries to encourage me, but to no avail. Due to his words I feel the tears well up. “It is not just Richy. Someone else got lost too you know. A friend.” Even though the alcohol had hit me hard I still was able to choose my words carefully. As long as I don’t know if he survived or not, I will not speak of his name to people who doesn’t know him. “I am sorry to hear that. But still, I believe your friend nor Richy would have wanted you to get wasted all the time, to sooth the pain”. He sighs walks around the bar and sits on the empty barstool, next to me. He gently puts his hand on my shoulder “Listen, drink the coffee and then I will bring you back to where you are staying, okay?”. I make a noise that sounded something like ‘sure’ and I nod.
It's amazing what can happen in a few weeks time. I started a new case, somehow this has become a thing for me, solving crimes. It wasn’t a big one, something was stolen and I found it back within a few days. The plus was that I got paid for solving it. Also I don’t drink as much as I did before. Ironically thanks to Phil. He banded me from visiting the Aurora during the weekdays. He only allowed me to visit the bar if I worked for my drinks. So, I worked on Friday and Saturday nights, then at the last hour before closing, I was able to take my spot at the bar to enjoy my well earned drinks. Yes, he even would mix me the most weird or special mixes for me. Besides that we talked during the moments I was working at the bar, we also texted almost daily. He grew on me, more then I expected. Sure he is the womanizer as the guys from the group already had said, back then. But most of the time only when he is at the bar, as if it is a image he has to hold high. The eternal bachelor, who does his own thing whenever he wants, it suits him. I'm glad he's not looking for a steady relationship or a relationship at all. Because I am not looking for anything like that. That doesn’t mean we don’t flirt on occasion. It’s a fun game to play but we both know not to go to far with it. Okay, maybe one time we crossed that line and we ended up almost kissing.
I am standing in front of my coatrack to get my jacket. It’s Friday evening, just past diner time, so I am getting ready to go to the Aurora. But suddenly there is a hard knock on my door that startled me. I don’t expect anyone so I peek trough the hole in my door to see two police officers waiting. Carefully I open up. “Good evening officers, what can I do for you?” I ask them when I open the door slowly. “Good evening miss, we are looking for Ms. Layana Schmidt.” Both had taken their hats off and the more senior one spoke. “That’s me.” I answer them but I am still a bit wary because I still no idea why they are here. “We are only here to deliver this to you.” The other officer hands me an envelope. They both put back their hats on, tap it and say goodbye. As soon as I closed my front door I open the envelope. Shocked I look at the paper in hand, my hands start shaking and my breathing stops. I read aloud almost in a whisper. The State vs Mr. Jake Samuel Hernandez (defendant). Subpoena to testify in trail in a criminal case. To Ms. Layana Schmidt. You are commanded to appear in the State court at the time, date and place shown below to testify in this criminal case. When you arrive, you must remain at the court until the judge or a court officer allows you to leave. I didn't even realize that I had stood against the wall in the hallway, in tears I sink to the floor and sit down. After weeks I had the answer, he is alive. But he had failed to shake off his pursuers. And now I'm being subpoenaed to testify against him. Feeling the panic creeping up, I frantically try to grab my phone. It's only in moments like this that you actually know who your friends really are. Because there's nobody but one that I can turn to. I haven’t spoken to anyone of the group since the happening in the mine. It seemed like they had forgotten about me the moment they had their Hannah back, and lost their Richy.
Layana: Hey Phil, I am not sure if I can make it tonight.
I thought it was best to cancel. I can't fake a smile and act happy. And how the hell am I going to explain to Phil why I got the subpoena. I can't say anything about Jake and what his whereabouts are. Phil is the last person Jake would want to see. Let alone that Phil knows about Jake's existence and his criminal activities. I imagine Jake's expression as I walk into the courtroom with Phil by my side. Disgust? Betrayal? Confusion? Probably all three. Although Phil is the only friend I have right now and I don't know if I can handle this alone. At this point, Jake doesn't have much to say. If he wants to get out, he should accept what is being done for him.
I'm pulled out of my thoughts by a message from Phil.
Phil: Hey. What’s up?
Layana: I don’t know how to tell this on the phone.
Phil: You’re are okay?
Layana: Yes, I am okay. Nothing bad happened. It’s just…
Phil: It’s just??
Phil: Just come to the Aurora, you don’t have to worry about working.
Phil: Let just talk about what’s going on before opening. And then we will see.
Layana: Thanks Phil.
Phil: No problem ;)
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charturnus · 2 years
i'm reading through some of your other work and holy shit you're a super talented writer. like genuinely some of the most beautiful poetic shit i've ever read.
little dove is my favorite so far though!! i am such a sucker for how sweet you've written wanda like all the cuddling n reassurance melts my heart sm <33
i have a couple things to ask, though:
do you have any idea how long little dove is going to be in terms of chapters? like how many chapters do you think there will be once the fic ends?
and also, how long can we expect between chapter uploads? no pressure to keep on a schedule, though!! i'm just wondering :)
have an awesome day :))
I have been thinking about this ask all day, trying to see if I could figure out a solid and accurate answer to give you, but I came to the conclusion that I don't think I can.
I know roughly where this story is going, but more so than with any other fic I've written, these characters have a mind of their own. Sometimes I plan something, and then it goes out of the window because the character just has different ideas. This makes it hard for me to predict what I can fit in one chapter. For example, the staged kiss was supposed to happen in chapter 6, but it's been forward because I made room for all the messy emotions. I try to keep my chapters between 4k and 6k words, so it's at least somewhat consistent, so I try not to deviate too much from it to fit more into a single chapter. From what I know now, I think the story will be between 10 and 20 chapters, probably somewhere around the 15 chapter mark.
A schedule is something I really have to work on because I am aiming to get some consistency going. In an ideal world, I would post twice a week, one chapter/oneshot and a little blurb. But right now, I think it'd be wise to try and consistently hit that once-a-week goal. I am also attempting to write a novel alongside this, read 10 books a month and go to the gym every day and work 3 days a week. So to say that I have my hands full is an understatement lmfao.
I'll let you all know if I decide on a set weekday to release stuff, if I do it'll probably been in the weekend, maybe on Sunday, as I've released most chapters on Saturday/Sunday.
Also, thanks so much for the lovely compliment!! I tend to compare myself a lot to writers I look up to, and it can get disheartening because I feel like I'll never get where they are. It's so nice to know that people still enjoy what I write, even if I feel inadequate sometimes.
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hidesquidling · 2 years
Answer 30 23 Questions and Tag 20 Some Blogs In Spirit
Name: squidling
Sign: taurus
Height: 5'5'' ish
Birthday: i see u identity thieves… not today!
Time: almost 2pm, i can almost turn my work phone off... i get two hours a day off phones and i feel like a dog waiting for a walk
Favorite band/artists: florence + the machine, fallout boy, uhhhh and mystery skulls, god that was hard, i'm not really a music person
Last movie: Nope; it was excellent, great acting, great animal acting, great stuff to say about animal handling which I did not expect to ever see in any movie let alone a horror, do recommend
Last show: supernatural. It's going to be supernatural for a while tbh cause I'm on s11 and already longing for s1-5 so hard that I'm probably going to start all over again when I'm done
When I created this blog: uhhhh not sure, may? Whenever I started to go too insane over wincest to keep quiet about it
What I post: it's reblog city my friends; mostly gifs and samdean meta, also blood/gore whenever it crosses my dash, and lord knows what it's going to be tomorrow--this thing is NOT curated it's all id all the time.
Last thing I googled: incarcerated uterus. i work in the back office of an obgyn clinic and oh boy do i run across some wild stuff. this one's less horrifying than most of them but still. know yourself before careless googling.
Other blogs: my main runsquidling for things i'm not trying to hide from irl people, and readsquidling for things i need to go back and… you know, read. If I put your rec list or your fic there it's because I'm methodically going through each and every one and appreciating them all.
Do I get asks: no :'( but i'm a serial reblogger i'm not really expecting any
Following: 388 blogs but I'm pretty sure most of them aren't active anymore. I don't really unfollow for anything but you know, not having the same taste anymore (or being were--ralph who i have to periodically unfollow and refollow because sir i love your taste but i am a compulsive tumblr user and cannot stop myself from tumbling in places where i really can't have werewolf dick front and center on my phone)
Average hours of sleep: 5 on weekdays, 12 on weekends. do not recommend. try to not have your circadian rythm set to 3:30am if you can help it, it sucks
Instruments: i sing enthusiastically enough for my local karaoke bar seems to enjoy it!
What I’m wearing: a t-shirt and some pjs i made in a fit of sewing passion that ended in seven pairs of flannel pajama pants and no tops.
Dream job: oh trophy widow for sure, but that involves a whole lot of skills I don't have and a whoooooole lot of luck so it's out of reach T_T
Dream trip: I don't like trips! routine disruption bite bite kill kill. I do like to walk to the library though if that counts.
Nationality: american
Favorite songs: i'm so sorry my looping song right now is e-girls are ruining my life (CORPSE, Savage Ga$p)… it's so… aggressively horny… the uwu… i'm a sucker
Last book I read: oh god it was Acorna's Quest by Anne MacCaffrey after YEARS of casually thinking about wanting to read it again… it was very different from what i remember but you know what? still good. acorna my love <3 unicorn girls and space orphans <3<3 heros with an overactive and foolish sense of justice who also win in the end <3<3<3
3 fiction universes I’d live in: i'm such a baby i couldn't handle any of the fictional universes i like XD So uh… Catwings, Tea Dragon Society, and The Ship Who Sang--the last of which is just The Future And Sometimes Spaceships Are People.
Tagged by @zxroh and now i'm paralyzed trying to interpret tagging etiquette rules. Who am I allowed to tag. I've been thinking about this for seven minutes. Enough. If you're thinking "gosh i wish she'd tagged me" consider yourself tagged.
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yoonieboonie · 3 years
The Substitute Lover (6)
word count: 2.5k
genre: fluff, angst hehe
pairing: myg x reader
summary: Finally meeting the college boy you’ve been eyeing on for months, everything goes wrong when you realise what you’re really getting yourself into.
a/n: this is part 6 !!! Thank you for the feedback from last chapter!  The vote for updates was split so I updated on the weekends and weekdays! :> If you can, please please please leave me a feedback after reading this chapter. :> Thank you!!!
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"Joonie, you promised." You groan into your phone. You are pacing back and forth in your apartment as you talk to Namjoon who decided to do a raincheck on your plans today. You were supposed to buy a gift for your Mom as her birthday was near. If you can't be there physically, you at least wanted to send something.
"I know, Y/N." he sighed on the other line. "I was pulled in by Mijin saying Mrs. Lee needs me for rehearsals. No one else in our batch can play flute but me." you can hear in his voice that he wasn't fond of the circumstances too, so you decided to let it go. You can just go alone.
"I contacted Hoba, he can take you."
You found yourself roaming the mall alone for a good hour when you receive a message, asking where you are. Assuming that it was Hoseok's new number, you respond with your location and saved it under the name "Hobi" as you pocketed it to continue your stroll.
You turn to a corner and your mouth opened to gape like a fish. Yoongi is walking towards you with his hands in his pockets. He finally reaches you as you close your mouth.
"I'm assuming Joon didn't tell you that I was coming?" He mused. I shook my head mutely.
"Does Eujin know about this?" you asked. You didn't mean to impose. Yoongi nodded his head. Why was he lying about something as simple as this?
He doesn't know. He doesn't even know why he said yes to this at all. All he knows is that he intends to enjoy today. He's having too much on his plate. You shrugged and cleared your throat.
"I want to buy a shark charm." you said, not looking at him.
"Shark?" he repeated. You put your hands together and placed it above your head as if to act like fins. "Sharks. Jaws. Fish are friends, not food?" you mused.
This made him smile to himself. You really are a peculiar one. "That's my favourite animal to exist, I'm giving that to my mom as something to remember me by."
He nods in understanding. He then leads you to what you assumed were a jewelry store. You trail behind him quietly. This was the start of your friendship and you didn't want to jinx it by doing or saying anything stupid.
You two walk around the store quietly. Charms of different sizes and figures displayed in a glass case, sparkling in the lights that illuminated the whole store. You try to focus on looking for the charm you intend to buy, momentarily forgetting about Yoongi.
You hear a throat cleared beside you and you turn thinking it was Yoongi, rushing you to hurry and pick already. To your surprise, you were faced with a handsome, handsome young man. Confused, you moved to the side, thinking that you may have blocked his way.
"Anything I can help you with, ma'am?" the man asked politely. You then realised that he was a clerk at the store. You feel heat creep up your cheeks just as you failed to answer immediately. You were too busy being flustered to even open your mouth.
Yoongi was quickly beside you, making you recollect yourself.
"I-I'm looking for a shark charm." You said, and awkwardly doing the fin thing you did for Yoongi earlier. The man in front of you chuckled heartily, revealing a dimple on his cheek. You found yourself blushing again.
Yoongi clicked his tongue in annoyance and lifted his hands to bring your "fins" down. Once your hands are back to your sides, he spoke up.
"He knows what a shark is, Y/N. You don't have to do the hands." You nod, and subtly glance at the nametag of the man in front of you that read "Jeongguk".
"Follow me, sir." Jeongguk paused for a while. "Ma’am." he warmly smiled again.
Jeongguk showed you all types of charms and pendants available in the store and in the end, you bought a bracelet charm. It was beautiful.
"Thank you, Jeongguk. My mother would love this, I'm sure." You thanked him one last time. He bowed slightly.
Yoongi was itching to leave and you are honestly sorry to take up so much of his time. So you both head to the exit but before you reach the door, you hear a soft "wait" behind you.
Yoongi was the one to turn first, and then you did. It was Jeongguk. You assumed you have forgotten something but he handed you a piece of paper.
"I wasn't going to since it was unethical," he explained. "But I don't want to have met you and not shoot my shot."
Yoongi snatched the piece of paper from Jeongguk before you could get it. Was he fucking invisible? What was this guy's deal?
"What's your deal, man? Don't you see that we came in together?" Yoongi asked, trying to stay calm.
"I didn't think you would mind, sir." Jeongguk explains. Yoongi shot a brow at this.
"The ring on your finger." Jeongguk answers. "She doesn't have one."
You try and keep a straight face and act unaffected with the statement. Before you can even reply, Yoongi was dragging you out of the mall and into the parking space, not even bothering to stop. He was pissed beyond words. Why was everyone endeared by you? This was a mystery to him.
And you? Blushing furiously at everything that boy said. He scoffed beside you, while you are still oblivious to why he got angry. You assumed it was because you inconvenienced him. You are already thinking of ways to apologise but you were busy not tripping. He wasn't as tall as Namjoon but he was relatively taller than you and you had to jog in order to catch up to his pace as he continue to drag you by your cardigan sleeve.
He was mumbling angrily as he dragged you to his car. You stayed quiet beside him, he must've felt humiliated to be with you. Had you not been with him, he wouldn't be mad right now.
"Yoongi." you call out. His head snapped to your direction. You cleared your throat awkwardly, and fixed your glasses.
"I'm sorry," you start. This made Yoongi's eyebrows furrow in confusion. "I should've just waited for Namjoon to be free and not have you come with me." you spoke up.
"Stop." He replied. "I told you before and I'm telling you now. I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to."
You look up at him, you felt your entire emotions surge and you are fed up with everything Yoongi does and says. You sigh as you ran your hand through your hair.
"Yoongi, why are you here?” you asked. “Have you figured it out?” “Figured what out, Y/N?” He returned. Your mind flashed back to last week’s events.
You were on your way to Mr. Do, your professor’s office, when you heard a female voice that made you stop in your tracks. You start hiding at a corner while at the Business Administration building..
There you found Eujin and Mr. Do hugging tightly. You didn’t really know how to react. After all, it was just a hug. You would like to put a little faith into the love of Yoongi’s life. She would never do this to him, you thought. But when he attempted to kiss Eujin you were quick to react. With your small frame, you pushed the two away from each other. Your chest heaving with every breath that you took.
"Eujin. Mr. Do." You cleared your throat. This made them jump away from each other. Like a fire was lit and burned the two of them. "I-I will pretend to have not seen whatever this is" You start.
Mr. Do, as you addressed him to be, seemed to relax at your statement.. After all, he will not only lose his job but also his dignity once this gets out of the three of them.
"But" you continued. "This has to stop, please."
The way you begged confused the fuck out of Eujin. Why were you begging? Weren’t you supposed to be happy that you caught her and can finally be with Yoongi?
"Y-Yoongi. He loves you so much, Eujin." You faced Eujin who has no emotion in her face but shock. "Please don't hurt him, please." You continued to beg.
Unbeknownst to you, Hoseok followed you to the building for you have left your apartment keys on the chair you sat on. He watched the whole ordeal as you started to beg. He wanted to zoom into the picture and take you away. You were lowering yourself to beg for Yoongi? He was infuriated with whom? He no longer knows.
"Mr. Do, please know that if this continues, I will report to the Dean immediately." You threaten and with that, you grab Eujin's arm and drag her to the restroom nearby.
"Don't fucking touch me, Y/N." Eujin takes her arm back as soon as you both arrive at the restroom. She made sure no one was around when she turned to face you. You can see clear as day that she is terrified with what you saw. She didn't want to lose Yoongi.
"I-I won't tell." you promised as you fixed your glasses.
"Why not? Wouldn't that benefit you? You can finally have Yoongi." Her voice was shaky as she said this.
"I'm not selfish, Eujin. I want him to be happy." You smile. "So please, while you haven't done anything you'd regret yet, stop now. I can guarantee that I won't tell him." you urge.
She closed her eyes, ran her fingers through her hair and looked in the mirror. She was still shaken but better. Without saying a word, she turned and left.
You had no choice but to watch her figure leave.
“Nevermind. I can go home from here.” You fake a smile. You bowed your head and turned to leave. Yoongi has had enough of you leaving and grabbed your arm. The contact sending shivers down your spine. You were quick to remove his hand and something flashed in his eyes. It was gone before you could even decipher what it was. “I’ll take you home. You accept these offers from Hobi and Joon, why am I any different?” He was going to start dragging you but you spoke up again. “Yoongi. we're friends, right?" you asked, as you removed the paper bag of the charm from his hand.
"Of course, we are." He answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Then don't act more than that. I asked you to give me a chance and you didn't." you face him tiredly. "I had to endure seeing you with Eujin for months and you didn't hear anything from me. The least you can do to is to not confuse me with all these halfass comments. I like you but I will never be a substitute lover."
With that, you turned to leave. Everything is crashing down on you. With the stress of having to hide what you saw, to your studies, and now with Yoongi confusing the fuck out of you. You just cannot catch a break.
Yoongi was too shocked to react, he wanted to follow you but what would he say to actually appease you? You were right, after all. Spending time with you honestly confused his feelings for Eujin. Hoseok and Namjoon knew this but didn't say anything. They took matters into their own hands and set you two up.
You sat at a bus stop as you rummage through your bag for your phone. Dialing Namjoon's number, he picked up after a few rings.
"Y/N?" He had a teasing tilt to his voice. "How was it?" As you expected, he wasn't in practice as it was quiet around him. You sigh into the receiver.
"W-What do you t-take me for, Namjoon?" You try to make your voice as stable as you can but it cracked in the end. The humiliation and exhaustion with the whole narrative is making your head spin.
"Did something happen, Y/N? What did Yoongi do?!" He grew alarmed as you cried. You heard shuffling as another voice spoke into the phone.
"Y/N? Are you alright? Where are you, I'll pick you up." Hoseok spoke.
"You were in this too?" You gritted your teeth. Anger and disappontment bubbled in your stomach, no matter how you tried to push it back down, trying to be rational.
"I am not a toy for your trio to play with." You finally spoke coldly. "I have feelings too. I'm not a charity case, Hoseok."
Hoseok winced at the lack of nickname and familiarity to your tone. He and Namjoon only wanted to make you happy, hence the setup of the date.
"Please, I'll pick you up." Hoseok sounds panicked already. "Y/N, love, tell me where you are." On his side, Namjoon watched shocked with how he addressed you. Hoseok was shocked too.
"Don't bother showing your face to me," You breathed. "I don't want anything to do with the three of you.” You were about to drop the call as a bus approached the station but you stopped as soon as Hoseok spoke again. “I saw you last week, Y/N.” You didn’t reply. You both knew what he was talking about. “It was none of your business. That was up to Eujin and Yoongi to fix—“ “Come on, Y/N! Do you hear yourself? She was cheating on him and you know it.” His voice was cold, you barely recognized it. “Even if Eujin did cheat on Yoongi, even if they break up,” You pause. “It still wouldn’t be me. Yoongi will never choose me.” “And how sure are you of that?” A voice spoke but it was not Hoseok. You glanced to your right and saw Yoongi who must’ve followed you. He was panting as his chest heaved up and down. He ran. The bus finally stopped in front of you. You gave him a final look. Yoongi’s eyes were begging you to not get in. But you did. ------------------------------------
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littlearchivistau · 3 years
Not really a question just wanted to say I'm in love with your series and can't wait to see more of it!!!!!(also I hope I'm not being rude but could you explain why does it take so long to post (again I'm not criticizing jyst curious as to the why ))
So, first off. Thank you so much for the sweet comment ^^
And shout out to everyone else who’s sent me similar messages it means a lot to me!
Also to answer your question on why it takes me so long - I understand completely, no need to worry about sounding rude. 
Plus I want to explain to everyone what the current situation is.
Initially I started this askblog when I lost my job back when the COVID outbreak began, when I had a lot more free time. But since then I got a full time job at a computer store as a greeter/sanitizer. And I really can’t afford to go part time because I want to get out of where I’m currently living and hold onto my health insurance sometime this year because COVID prevented that last year. 
I’m not completely comfortable with stating what’s going on with my life at home, but I can go on about what the situation is at work.
I’m working all weekdays right now, so Weekends are my days off. But I have to get most of my other activities outside the house done on either Saturday or Sunday (groceries and whatnot). They have me doing morning shifts at work, because no one else is available for those shifts. Except for Mondays (which are only 6 hours at best), I’m out of the house from basically 9 to 6:30-7. Basically Mondays and weekends are the best days for me to work on the comic without pushing aside other important stuff.
At my job, I basically have to see and help with every customer that walks into the store during my shift. EVERY CUSTOMER. I also have to manage carts and baskets, which includes sanitizing them. My store also has us offer masks and face shields for free to anyone who needs it, as well as gloves and hand sanitizer. Believe me, it gets really frustrating and emotionally exhausting when people repeatedly walk in without one and refuse to take a free mask or face shield. 
As for the story itself? I do have a clear stream line idea of where I want s1 and 2 to go. And I have a script for future responses to asks, as well as thumbnails. But the script isn’t done, as some of the stuff gets switched around with new asks, and I'm trying to shorten or break up some stuff so I can post responses a lot faster. 
Thanks to everyone for their patience and I hope you guys understand my reasoning.
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quillsink · 3 years
Hi Ink!
So I have a couple questions-advice-thingies I want to ask you, if that's okay.
You said you were under 17, right? So I'm assuming you're still at school. How do you balance your blog with your schoolwork, if you have any? I also have an amrev blog and I've been struggling a lot with it. I get distracted by tumblr a lot and I have too much overdue work. I'm wondering how you get it done.
And you write fanfiction too, right? How do you find the time to have a (really funny, may I add) blog, do your schoolwork, and write great fics like that????? like I'm seriously wondering how you manage??
and if you don't go to school and/or you also have hw problems, then lmao ignore this
Hey anon!
Yeah, I‘m always open for questions! I won’t respond if it’s too personal, but my inbox is always open!
Yeah, I’m under the age of seventeen, and dragging myself through high school (ugh). I do have a lot of schoolwork! For the past few weeks, I’ve been on holiday, so I’ve been more active. When school restarts in the next few days I probably won’t be online as much.
Ahhh yes the ol’ I get distracted by tumblr. My tip for this is — make your friends your alarm. I’ll say on the server “yall if you see me online in the next one hour bonk me on the head i need to study.” This way, if they see me on tumblr or discord they’re like INK GO THE FUCK BACK TO YOUR TEXTBOOK.
Another tip is to take away your devices while studying. Take your ipad or phone or laptop and put it away in a corner of your room. What I do is I set a timer for one hour, and I keep that tab open, while I walk up and down in my room and study. The times reminds me “hey you go to another tab youre being unproductive” and the deadline pressures me into studying.
Another tip for not getting distracted is to not follow too many people! The less chaotic your dash is, the less you’ll want to check it. Try to limit your follows to people whose content you think is something you’ll want to see 99% of the time. My rule is, you look at someone’s blog, at least half of their listed fandoms you have to be in, and the 5 most recent posts on their blog have to be something you’d like to see. I often go through my followers and unfollow some people, and I’m also not joining any more discord servers—two is enough for me.
So yeah, set limits for yourself!
See anon the answer is I have no friends-
No actually it’s quarantine and it’s currently holidays, so I have the time to do all I want. Back in April when I was still in online school, I would generally do homework during class, so I would finish all my homework and classwork in the first part of the day when the teachers were rambling about nonsense (I multitask aight lmaoo) and by the second half of the day I could chat on discord and check tumblr, then after school I’d study for a few hours, then check social media, etc. Most of my fic writing is done on the weekends or a spare half an hour on weekdays. I’m churning out fics pretty fast now cuz holidays, but during school I’d write maybe 1-2k words every weekend.
Okay this was very long lmao, but I hope you find it helpful!
(And yes even though I don’t listen in class I still pass, the teachers are shit and they can’t teach, I’ve learned more from the textbook than their incoherent rambling. My teacher once taught us an entire concept, then told us “lol i was wrong” and didn’t reteach it, so i just don’t listen to them any more and learn from the textbooks, khan academy and crash course) 
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donaidk · 3 years
Alex Albon - This is my show I.
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The first chapter of the Alex & Lily Maffia Au is here fresh and steaming just for you guys 🤗 This was a lovely request from @formulola that I kept in my drafts, making my little game plan for it until now as i didn't have time immediately to write it. I'm pretty new to the world of aus but I'm not stepping down from a challange 😏 Also, it's probably not the usual maffia setting, it's a mix between probably everything dark 😂 I hope you guys will still like it, and I will try to bring the next chapters soon 😊🧡
TW: Injury, Blood (mild)
Masterlist | Taglist/Queue | Request
A week earlier
Alex was just fixing up his tie in the body length mirror on the side of the well lit closet when he could hear rustling sounds coming from the bedroom. A smile was immediately evident on his face, though his eyes stayed focused on the task at hand, literally, knowing the source of the noise wouldn’t run away in the next few seconds. It wasn’t often that they stayed at the others on weekdays, with both of their work schedules full to the limit, but there were occasions that you couldn’t just let slip. Lily’s birthday was part of the list that was sacred for Alex, not letting anything get in the way of them spending some time together finally. Not even if that meant more work for the following days. Getting back from his thoughts he pulled once more on the silky material and left the little room, entering back into the bedroom.
“ Good morning sleepyhead. ” He grinned at Lily, the two of them exchanging a quick kiss when she sat up a little, still under the duvet. “ Don’t look at me like that. You know I have to catch up with work today. ” Alex let out a sigh as soon as he saw the pout that got on Lily’s face, seeing he was already dressed in his usual work clothes.
After 4 months of dating, they knew each other’s schedules like the back of their hands. Their office hours were almost the same, both of them sitting behind a table for 8-10 hours 5 days a week, or at least that was what they knew about the other. Their same interests were a huge part of their first meeting, firstly connecting over their love of sports and then realising how they both were into the same style of art, consisting mostly of drawings and paintings. For once in his life Alex felt like he found someone who truly understood him and for whom, even the topics that were usually boring for other people, seemed just as exciting as it did for him. After just a few dates and spending almost every weekend together they were ready to call themselves a couple, Alex asking the first big question in a relationship during their picnic in a local art museum's little park. Since then they spent every free minute they had together at either Lily’s flat in the middle of the city or Alex’s apartment on the side of the mountain.
“ I do… I’ll have to as well, just a bit later. Are you taking a look at that painting collection today? ” She asked, kicking off the duvets to finally start getting ready. Alex answered with a quick nod, not even fighting his instincts as his eyes followed Lily to the bathroom. “ Is dinner still an offer for tonight? ” She asked again, from the little en-suite, her voice echoing between the white tiled walls.
“ It can be, if the traffic won’t be too bad. I just have to get back home in time. ” Alex answered, getting his watch onto his wrist and deeming himself ready to take on the challenges of the day. “ I have to go, but I’ll call you when we’re finished. ” He stepped to the bathroom, stealing one last kiss from Lily before taking his bag and phone from the living room and leaving the apartment.
Alex drove the usual half an hour to the office, parking his car in his own spot and took the elevator to almost the last level of the building. He was met with familiar faces, greeting all his coworkers on the way to his own little cubicle. As one the head writers for the magazine, he knew almost everyone and everything around the corporation. Even a part of it that was closed off to everyone other than the boss, him and a few other guys all in leading positions. Putting his bag down on the table he got his laptop and papers ready for the day, just as someone knocked on his door, peeking inside immediately.
“ George is ready for us if you’re done pretending. ” Lando rolled his eyes at the organized workspace, ducking behind the glassdoor when his joke was rewarded by a pen flying his way. It sadly bounced off the glass, Lando opening it again when he deemed it safe again to do so. “ Are you coming or should I tell him to find someone else? ” His friend asked, stepping away from the doorway, when Alex finally decided that he was ready to leave.
“ Are you coming with me today, or do I get to finally finish a job on time and without any mess-ups? ” Alex asked as they walked down the hallways together, Lando snorting at the audacity his colleague had for calling him out like that. “ Don’t even try to argue. We both know I wasn’t the one getting almost caught the last time. ” Alex elbowed his side, the younger one taking a few faster steps to get away from him before another attack could arrive at his ribs.
“ It’s your job today. It’s a public collection and the media pass will be perfectly enough to get you inside. ” Lando shrugged a little, knocking on the big door when they arrived at the end of the hallway. The boss’ assistant let them inside, sitting them down until George was ready for them. “ Everyone was jealous that you got to write about this one. If they would know what goes down in the background… ” He let out a laugh and Alex let a smile get onto his face. He has been with the ‘team’ longer than Lando, making him the more experienced of the two of them, but he would have been a great challenger for Alex if they were in the same position.
“ If they knew we would be in jail already. ” Alex snorted, pocketing both of his hands as they waited for the other big glass door to finally open. It was darkened enough that no one could see inside but it still matched the style of the whole of the office with all the shiny glass doors and huge windows. “ Sometimes I wish that more people knew about this side. Then I remember the few idiots we work with, and how they would mess up everything. You’re already here for that position. ” He patted Lando’s thigh, pulling away when he received a fist into his shoulder in the next second.
A few minutes later the assistant let them in, asking them to sit down as George was still on the phone. As two of the few people that he worked very close with neither of them were a threat to a private call anyways. Alex sat down in one of the chairs right across from the desk crossing his legs and patiently waiting, while Lando went to get himself a drink like he was in his own office. George just rolled his eyes at the younger one’s antics, while he tried to concentrate on the words thrown at him over the line. When he finally put the devic down Lando was already sitting in the other chair, taking small sips from the glass in his hands as he was never the best with alcohol but still liked to have a drink once in a while. Mostly when it was free, even though one glass at a bar wouldn’t kill his wallet or bank account. Not any of theirs really.
“ So, about today’s job. Alex, you’re going to the exhibition today if I remember right. ” George asked, leaning back in his seat, his face relaxing a bit as business talks were always more frustrating than planning things that brought him profit almost immediately. “ We already have your media pass and a map ready, and they also should have your name on their list. ” He pulled one of his drawers open, pulling the mentioned items out onto the desk adding a card to the bunch that Alex suspected to be an entry card to the backstage of the exhibition. He wasn’t about to ask questions about how they managed to get one, as there were things even he didn’t want to know about. “ Are you taking anything else? ” George asked as Alex pulled everything closer to himself, already looking through the map.
“ You mean a gun? No, thank you. I managed without until now and I’m not changing that for this one time. ” Alex shook his head, not looking up but hearing the sigh both men let out. Even though all his actions were illegal, violence wasn’t on his plate ever. He would rather choose intelligence and smarting people out than hurting them when he got in trouble. “ It will be quicker and more effective to act as a stupid reporter who just went to places he shouldn’t. ” He added, looking up at his friend and boss, both of them knowing that Alex had enough self defense training to get himself out of tight situations.
“ Good luck then. I will have to get to meetings but Lando will be on the line if you need help. We will talk about everything else tomorrow. ” George nodded, the others getting up and leaving the office as soon as Alex put everything away, not to give the people outside any more ideas than they already had. The simmering adrenaline was already there as they separated, Lando getting back to his work while Alex took the elevator down to the parking lot.
A company car was already waiting for him in one of the parking spots, even though he had his own everyday car to get to work and then back home. It was easier to have a separate one that was upgraded for runaway action and also could be followed by Lando back in the office, to make sure he was actually fine, than wrecking and having to replace his own one. That would have been a bit obvious to both his family, friends and probably the neighbours who knew him as an everyday writer with a boring worker’s life. However careful he was, there were sacrifices he had to make while bailing, and the car was the smallest damage to the whole operation. He still tried to stay away from trouble, but when it was a main part in your everyday life, you couldn’t run forever from it catching you.
Arriving at the well known building Alex parked down his car and made sure everything was on him before locking the vehicle and walking up the big stairs. The media pass granted him access without a second look from the security guards, and he was already in the main showing room in seconds. As Alex actually enjoyed art shows and museums he didn’t really mind having to pretend for a few hours, walking around the recommended route and taking notes of the paintings for his articles as well as of cameras and security setups. The thin crowd in the rooms and the fact that it was still only an early access day for media personnel was all the advantage he needed to get a whole picture of the little areas. Just as everyone was advised to gather together in the main hall for a drink and opening speech he was standing right next to the door that was also highlighted on his little map. It was an entrance to the behind the stage hallways and rooms that somehow fell out of view on every ceiling mounted camera. He just had to make sure there weren’t any security guards or nosy colleagues around him as he swiped the card over the little reader.
With a last quick look behind himself, making sure no one actually saw him, he stepped through the doorway, pulling it closed behind himself. With a sigh of relief he pulled out the map again, making sure he didn’t miss the room he had to get inside from the long hallway. Pushing the paper back into his pocket, he was already walking down to the highlighted room, hoping that security would be as overwhelmed by the huge gathering in the main room as they were informed they usually are. Stepping inside the room was another checkpoint, his focus turning towards finding the papers that would tell him the planned schedule and also some passwords to the place. It took him time to find everything, a rush of adrenaline hitting him at every sound from the outside but luckily no one felt like opening the door onto him. He scribbled everything important down, into his notebook making it seem like just a normal part of the article he planned on writing as a review of the place. It was a perfect way of being safe about anyone checking his stuff out if he somehow gets caught before leaving the part that was closed off to everyday guests.
“ Hey, shouldn’t you be in the main hall? ” Alex was just a few steps away from the door, thanking all his luck that the guard didn’t stumble around the corner while he was stepping out from behind it.
“ I was in the bathroom and missed the announcement most likely. ” Alex smiled at him, hoping he won’t throw too many questions at him and confuse him into his own lies. “ Where can I find them? ” He asked, following the guard when he fortunately guided him through the rooms without another word. Alex joined the group of people there, trying to blend in as well as he could, gettin any kind of attention off himself.
At the first given chance he was among the first ones leaving the building, hoping no one caught onto his actions from a few minutes earlier, walking into the car park and finding his vehicle. Even though he wasn’t close to getting caught he could never truly feel safe until all steps of the plan were completed and he was already on his way home. He had to be careful as people following him home was still a possibility, making him take a lengthy route home, parking the car far away from his own block and just walking the remaining distance, mostly taking thin and dark alleyways whenever possible. When he was finally inside his own building, stepping inside the elevator, he pulled out his phone sending a ‘Good night!’ text to George, signaling that he was fine and everything went well. They could never know when their rivals could see into their phones or online profiles, forcing them to talk in code whenever they had to discuss any kind of events that included their life behind the one they showed to most people. Alex was just one cog in a huge machine that represented George’s underworld corporation, but losing him could cause immense damage to the stability of the group that kept them over all the other rival groups.
Closing the work chapter in his head for the day, the only remaining thing he could think about was his bed and the duvet pulled over his head, although a part of him knew there wouldn’t be time for any of that. He still had the plans with Lily for a nice dinner together and even though he already had the food ready in his fridge for it, the apartment was a mess and he still had to get a few things ready for the briefing tomorrow. Balancing a real and a hidden life as well as actually writing the articles to keep up a picture of himself to everyone else drained most of his energy. That’s why he never really let anyone close to himself, until Lily came along and turned Alex’s world upside down. It felt like their meeting was meant to be and Alex couldn’t let her go as easily as everyone before. He felt an actual and immediate connection towards her and promised himself to do anything and everything to keep Lily in his life. Of course, he meant the safe side where she wouldn’t get hurt by all the people he made angry in the last few years since he started working for George. It was still deemed as his best decision ever, but he also never thought he would find someone to spend so much time with and actually enjoy it. That was never part of the picture he imagined as his future.
Stepping inside the apartment he mostly threw everything down in his office, pulling the door closed as always before he turned around and pointed himself towards the bedroom and more specifically the closet. He could hear the wind outside blowing furiously a bit too much, his eyebrows rising higher when he spotted the open window next to his bed. Letting out a defeated sigh at the old framing that never closed perfectly he stepped closer and pushed it shut before continuing his way inside the closet to finally change into something more comfortable. He already had a shirt and sweats ready on the side and was just about to get his blazer off when he heard something move behind him, but before he could turn around something flew by his head and his gaze got stuck on the object. It was a knife, lodged into his closet door, and a piece of the dark blue material of his jacket hanging off of it. In the next second Alex could see something move in the body-sized mirror next to him, making him turn around and run after whoever just attacked him inside his own place. He could just see the body run out the now open front door, closing it again as they left somehow locking it on him from the outside.
By the time he fetched his own keys and opened the door again the person was well out of sight and Alex knew there was no chance of him catching up. They could have gone several ways, all of them leading to different roads and streets, making it impossible to guess correctly. With a defeated sigh he strutted back inside to at least get the knife out of the door it got thrown at and as he passed the mirror again he also realised the weapon did injure his arm in a thin line. It wasn’t a deep cut and he couldn’t even really feel it, but the idea of how wrong it could have gone with just a few inch difference scared him more than anything before. He never ever before got attacked in his own home, and until now thought he managed to separate his work life from the one he lived outside this apartment quite well. In this exact moment it dawned on him that he knew far less than what was actually going on.
Shrugging out of the shirt he gathered a bigger chunk of gause, wrapping it around the upper part of his arm before it would get anything else dirty. He pulled on another shirt, hoping the bandage won’t soak through as the scar was thin and only on the surface of the skin. The food in the fridge was already forgotten as Alex couldn’t imagine staying one second longer inside this room and started looking for a restaurant in the proximity of his block where they could go out to eat instead. Luckily there were many to choose from and a few minutes later just as the phone that was connected to the gate on the bottom floor of the building started ringing he already had a table reserved for the two of them. Alex let Lily inside, waiting for the girl to get up to his floor and get to the open door.
“ I’m sorry, but I might have lost the key you gave me. I couldn’t find it anywhere. ” Lily let out a sigh, stepping into the welcoming hug she was offered and almost started getting her coat off, but was stopped in time.
“ It’s okay, we will get you a new one, but we ‘re going out to eat instead of making dinner if you don’t mind. ” Alex gave him a smile, taking his own coat from the hanger so they could leave as soon as possible. “ We can eat the food in the fridge tomorrow or next time, but I really don’t feel like staying inside tonight. ” He explained even before Lily could have asked about the reason behind his decision.
With one last look into the apartment Alex shut the lights off and closed the door, locking it with his keys. Pushing the keychain into his pockets he took Lily’s hand and led her back to the elevator, slowly falling into a conversation. She winced away for a second when Alex squeezed her hand gently, showing a little cut in the side of her palm to him and saying she injured herself as she packed out her bag, searching for the keys to his apartment. It didn’t seem like anything serious still, Alex couldn’t hold back and planted a little kiss onto her skin there, making Lily chuckle while they left the elevator and then the building to walk to the restaurant which was just a few minutes away from them. Alex almost forgot about his own injury and the happenings of the day during their walk and tried to completely put it into the back of his mind as they got inside the restaurant to take their seats at the table and have a lovely meal together. He had enough time the next day to go through everything once again and figure out where they went wrong.
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wontokkiluv97 · 5 years
Club Love
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A few little notes:
I'm real nervous about posting this but hi! This will be multi chaptered & I promise Wonho appears in the next chapter! It's very loosely based on my own experiences hah!
The only warning for now is for profanity I guess, that may change in the future...
This will be cross posted on Ao3 as well
That's it I guess! Hope you enjoy ~♡
"I really don't wanna go to a club this is not my type of thing..." You said with an edge of exasperation seeping through the phone, as you lay in your bed refusing to get up.
"Oh come on (Y/N), we're in freaking Japan you can't just hole yourself up in your room all the time." Your friend Amber replied with a whine in her tone. "You gotta let loose and have some fun sometimes, pull that stick out of your ass for god sake."
"I don't have a stick up my ass, fuck you Amber. I just don't see the appeal of being in a crowded room with the music blasting and being pushed around by a bunch sweaty people. Also, some of us haven't taken 3 semesters of Japanese, it's not like I can even flirt with anyone." You answered a bit sulkily. You were studying abroad in Japan for the semester, and even though you tried to teach yourself as much Japanese as possible before coming, the University you attended until now didn't offer Japanese courses like Amber's did, so you never got a formal Japanese education.
"Flirting has no language just come on it'll be fun!" She begged.
"Alright fine," you answered with a defeated tone, "But I'm gonna have to be drunk for this or it's not gonna happen."
"Of course! Hurry up and get ready, we'll take the train to Shibuya and stop at a Sev and pregame with some Strong Zeros. Meet me downstairs at 11." She blurted excitedly.
"What the hell am I even suppo-" you started before you heard a click indicating that Amber had hung up the phone. You pulled the phone away from your ear and looked at the time, 22:37, before groaning and rolling over onto your stomach and burying your face into the pillow and sighing loudly.
After a minute or 2 you pulled yourself out of bed and walked over to the dresser and began looking for something to wear. You scrutinized your closet for a few more minutes before purposely ignoring your more risqué outfits and settling on a thin cropped black sweater with shoulder cut outs and simple but tight, high-waisted white washed blue jeans. You quickly threw on the outfit then walked over to your bed and sat on the floor, eyeing the few pairs of shoes you brought before deciding against the heels and putting on a simple pair of black flats. You then walked over to the mirror and looked at yourself, debating whether or not it was worth it to put makeup on, before simply applying eyeliner and mascara and being done with it. As you were grabbing your bag and throwing your wallet in it, being sure that your resident's card was in it in case the police decided to stop you since your University threatened they would, Amber was sending text after text telling you to hurry out. You responded quickly telling her to "calm her tits" you grabbed your badge to get back in the dorm and your passmo for the subway and left your room.
You, Amber, and another mutual friend Jules, were precariously sitting on a guard rail on the side of the road right next to Seven Eleven, each of you nursing your third strong zero and most certainly feeling a rather strong buzz at this point, arguing about the alcohol content of the regular cans versus the larger cans.
"Dude, that doesn't even make sense." You argued squinting at Amber and pointing a finger in her direction.
"How does it not make sense?" She questioned right back, "If I'm drinking a tall strong zero, it's like drinking 2 regular strong zeros and therefore has an 18% alcohol content."
"Are you stupid?" Jules jabbed at Amber. "Both the regular and tall strong zeros are labeled as 9% alcohol, which means drinking 2 small ones will get you more drunk than one tall one."
"That still sounds wrong to me..." you replied hesitantly, because for some reason Jules' argument was swaying you when you knew if you hadn't been drinking at all, you wouldn't have given it a second thought. "Either way I think the fact that we are having this conversation proves that we are well on our way to being drunk so we should chug the last of these and head to the club." You said before doing just that with the last of yours and cringing at the aftertaste. You really weren't a fan of grapefruit but it was the only flavor they had left at the Seven Eleven.
"Oh, someone's impatient considering I had to drag your ass here in the first place." Amber commented with a smirk before her and Jules finished their drinks as well.
"Don't let the alcohol get to your head. You couldn't drag me anywhere if you tried."
"Sure babe whatever helps you sleep at night." Jules replied with snark.
"You know, I'm feeling really attacked right now, maybe I should just go home." You replied sarcastically.
"And waste a perfectly good buzz? Nah, lets go." Amber answered as she got off the guard rail and you and Jules followed behind her, since she knew where the club was.
"TADA!" Amber screeched. "Welcome to Camelot, AKA the best club in Shibuya!"
"How do you know it's the best club in Shibuya?" You asked sarcastically. "Have you been to every club here?"
"I know you're trying to be funny but I honestly probably have, you know I go clubbing on weekdays too."
"Yeah I know, because you always miss class the next day and ask me for notes. Honestly they can fail your ass for breaking the attendance policy."
"I'd like to see them try."
"Can y'all shut up so we can go inside?" Jules asked heading into the club and you and Amber continued to bicker as you followed behind her.
You all walked down the stairs to the front desk gave the attendent your residence cards to inspect and paid the 1500 yen entrance fee for the club. She gave all three of you 2 free drink tokens and permitted you to enter the club. The club had several small circular tables spread throughout where there were various people smoking and drinking. Straight ahead was the bar in which there was a small line of people waiting their turn to order drinks. Further to your right you analyzed the dance floor where there was a small crowd of people dancing and jumping up and down. There was a fog machine periodically adding more fog to the atmosphere and red green and blue flashing lights. At the very front of the dance floor there was a stage with a DJ hyping up the crowd. There were three platforms on the dance floor that only girls were permitted to dance on. No one explicity told you that, but you assumed that was the case when you saw security guards pull guys down from the platform if they attempted to get on them. The music was so loud you couldn't hear Amber trying to get your attention so she smacked your arm instead.
"Ow you bitch, what do you want?!" You asked loudly, trying to raise your voice over the music.
"Do you have 100 yen?" Amber questioned.
"Yeah, for what?"
"There are some lockers over there we can put our stuff in, it cost 300 yen for the night. I figure we could all just share one for 100 yen each."
"Sounds good to me! C'mon let's go." Jules shouted.
The three of you walked to the locker room, taking some money out of your bags before stuffing them in the locker and taking the key. Your friends left the key in your care since even though you were all a little drunk already, you were known to be the more responsible one. You all left the locker room and walked to the bar and used your first drink tokens. Amber and Jules got tequila sunrises while you just got whiskey on the rocks. Not the tastiest but hey, if you're gonna make it through this night you're gonna need to be much more drunk and it needs to be right now.
"Hey Y/N!" Jules shouted both her and Amber already finished with their drinks. "C'mon let's go dance on the podiums!"
"I'll meet you guys there! Lemme just finish my drink." You yelled back and the others nodded in agreement before running over to the podiums and jumping up on them, dancing like maniacs immediately. You sighed as you downed the rest of your whiskey, and shook off that familiar burn. You mumbled to yourself as you walked over to join them.
"God it's gonna be a long night..."
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