#also idk what happened to his beard that day but i actually had to draw a lil patch for him lolol
yesloulou · 1 year
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Brazilian GP 2019 (x)
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ruthytwoshakes · 7 months
oh good evnening my homos,, my swagggalishis peepol, my lovely little guys . idk. I drew some gi. rrrrrls !!! Some fem fort!! Wahhooooo!!! Yippepeeee!! oh oh and big thank you to everybody who voted in the poll I set up! Once winter break hits I’ll be able to work on the projects full time, until then I’ll just be putting out little wips because school is more important :]
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I’ve always wanted to make a gender swap au of some sort but I really had no good ideas until now,,. . They’re all clones of the red team that Engineer and Pauling worked on!! But like kinda. really crazy and blood-thirsty.
Pauling was requested to make a better Blu team because they sucked so bad,, ,so instead of hiring new people she got lazy and asked Engineer for help to mess with the respawn machine and create these new guys. They’re also like a fourth bigger than the original mercs. They’re very scary and violent and not r,eally good at being people yet. to be fair they were born like yesterday sorta. And I think I’d be a little evil too if I was born with the memories and mannerisms and scars of a life that I had not lived. ? ,,,,oh well sucks 2 suck. They hate the other team with a burning passion because they were programmed that way I guess. Idk I just came up with it tonight so it kidna isn’t all that coherent but we bal l . If I have the time I’ll draw them all beating up the boys or just like tormenting them. heheghjshh. pyro is a bear because the original pyro is a butch,, and spy is trans masc cus the original spy is trans fem. c ool
oh if anybody has any ideas for names I’d love to hear them! I’m shit ass at names so help is appreciated B))))) )
oh. welell hello thehrer,, here is more deisntns
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these are for fun and would not actually work in the au,, teehhe. Man I don’t know what the fuck happened with saxton but he just looks the exact same. he’s growing out his hair. happened with saxton rhymes kindaa also Bidwell yay! Made her look more like Ma because I think she and scout are sisters booyahhh woah. Reddy with the butch realness hell yeah ,, love her. Mister Pauling wooooooow don’t have much 2 say. Twink Pauling little scary. Administrator though fucking killed me ,,I turned a bad bitch into an old man I’m losing my minddd. Kept the earrings cus they slayy cunty cunt cunt? Idk I don’t say that stuff
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PYRO FACE JUMPSCARE !!! I know I committed sin and removed a masked character’s mask buut,idk fuck it I wanted to. Got some gnarly burn scares there and a rat tail cowaaabunga. Don’t know if you can tell but Blu has a half a beard.
JUMPSACREE JUMPSCARE I ADDED MY OCS MUHAHHA it’s gliderrrs yay. Red and Blu glider are two different. guys,, uhh they’re both twins!! Fraternal I think. Red is very flamboyant and extroverted and talks with her hands while Blu kinda stares at you,, you can’t really tell if she’s angry or not? Not happy with you that’s for sure. I can’t info dump about them on this post because I have to get back to work but one day in the near future. perhaps. perchance. mayhaps. what
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dglvr1760 · 9 months
my eyes hurt rn and I had the want to draw but can't rn, so here's au info that imma drop:
Hercules one piece au:
The couple who took zoro in (hercules) is actually just the dojo
Whos zues in this au? Idk um, smoker idk-
Then mihawk comes and is so done with this kid, but oh well-
Anyways, zoro just happens upon luffy, not made for him, just happens to find him while he got lost finding a mentor-
He saves sanji from a sea monster/beast (og thought was saving him from one of sanjis brothers buuuut idk, seems odd but it still could work)
Sanji had his heart broken by a woman, big surprise and his father set up the breakup so sanji could never leave or want to (aka, women are overrated kid)
See, I also want to do one where big mom is hades, it'd fit more ig....
Anyways, take this au with a grain of salt, so much in the works!
To the theater one piece au:
Im taking a theater class so-
Shanks in the iconic hat scene gives luffy a hat and a script shanks had written and told him to become the greatest director (changed from actor to director-)
Shanks works on on the road Broadway stuff
Zoro is a fight choreographer
Nami is a stage manager/ stage producer (yes ik the differences but still)
Sanji is the normal choreographer (dance and he has to work with zoro alot)
Usopp work with set but wishes to become a great actor one day
Chopper is on props and is a stage hand
Robin is another manager that helps with stuff back stage and helps give everyone a break
Franky is our man for tech, lights, and sound
Brooke is on it for music and some sound
Lastly Jimbe is here because he retired but is helping the gang make some amazing musical (teacher who helps)
Ace and the white beard pirates are a group that goes around doing musicals on the road too, but mainly stationed in one area
Marines can be the government or even critics
Sabo and revolutionaries do postmodern stuff
Buggy does circus stuff
Mihawk is king at fight choreography while perona is out here with costumes
Some of the crews are actually doing some stuff as actors too, like they aren't just crew
Sea kings *thats the name* are minor inconveniences
Fights that occur are actual fights so yes, adults r having beef with teens here too
When it comes to devil fruits they are still in play, and yes... even Chopper or Brooke and no, Fishman don't exist neither do I other species besides humans. So everyone else is human, an animal (via gum gum fruit) or dead/skeleton (gum gum fruit) no exceptions unless mentioned in comments
What do yall think, it's v long but I just wanted to get it out there
have a good day and here
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Have men who always have their tits out for ur troubles-
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twsthc · 1 year
ignihyde headcanons and projections ☠
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⚠️ warnings: disordered eating habits, and ortho exclusion </3 idk enough about him yet, i'm sorry!!!
last updated: mar 29, 2024
🇹🇷🇬🇷🇵🇷🇯🇵 BISEXUAL NONBINARY TRANSNEU (he/they/it/xe++)
my hcs are basically the same as what zvezdacito draws them like
below is basically what he would look like if he had less acne and facial hair
acne scars, pimples, tiny mustache, tiny beard, hooked nose
xe get insanely pale in the winter but tan in the summer (if they go outside)
really extremely random but i think idia would enjoy femcel jokercore hikikkomori makeup. trust me bro.
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his room is a constant mess, littered with energy drinks, clothes, unopened packages, discarded homework, books/manga etc etc.
they have multiple manga bookshelves and space for fandom items
╰ on every surface there's a figure or stuffed animal/nui, and his walls are absolutely covered in posters
constant back pain because of his gamer posture™
makes references no one gets in the middle of conversation
he also uses terms like "kekw" and "oshi" out of nowhere like a normal person would know what the hell he's talking about
uses XD :3 ;-; on a daily basis and u can't convince me otherwise actually
he likes to collect things, even if they aren't animanga/game related. has a few colorful cans that he thought looked cool and lots of trinkets
other than little trinkets, he's definitely collected animanga/game pins, bookmarks, rare figures, signed books, etc
PTSD, NPD, onset schizophrenia, schizoid disorder, autism, social anxiety, and selective mutism (he uses his ipad to communicate when he can't talk!)
triggering content ahead !!
after his brother died he spiraled a lot
still gets nightmares about what happened
couldn't get out of bed for a while after that, and stopped eating for days at a time
after, he turned to the internet to cope which was... not a good idea
was probably exposed to a lot of bad shit/people early on
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 3 years
Fri 19 March ‘21
Zach Sang’s 25 min of relaxing ASMR wait no I mean celebration of Zayn’s great talking voice wait NO I MEAN his ZAYN INTERVIEW (promised months ago then sadly postponed until NOW) is here!! Zach is such a good interviewer for these guys, you can tell he sincerely loves the music and he asks great respectful questions only, love it. And sure enough, this is a lovely interview and Zayn actually seems totally comfortable chatting and sharing his thoughts. They talk about lots of specifics about the songs on NIL; Zayn says NIL is his fave of his music and that he “tried to go a little deeper into my own personal things,” he said that he recorded the majority of the album at home in Pennsylvania and that yes, it is influenced by being there, that River Road especially is massively inspired by the locale and “I’ve got a very country vibe going on right now with the big beard and the nature, I’m enjoying it, it’s cool.” He says the cover painting is of “the blank expressions you might get when you’re speaking to somebody that’s not listening,” that “my teenage years were very different than I expected them to be and I learned a lot of things … to take things easy and at your own pace.” About Calamity that he often writes poems (zoems) and just takes lyrics out of them later, but friends voted he keep Calamity as is and go for it, that Sweat (the drums specifically) is an homage to Phil Collins, that he’s writing new stuff and will hopefully have something more out later this year, and Zach asks the pressing question we’ve all had: IS THAT A KAZOO ON CONNEXION? Disappointingly Zayn’s answer is only, I don’t really fuck with those fine details, that’s down to the producers. So no confirmation but also: it’s totally a kazoo. And finally this from Z: “I love music, it’s my solace. I love writing, I love being in the studio and being in that space, it’s something I love to do. I feel like as long as I’m alive it’s something I’ll do I’d like to be able to, I’d like people to remain interested for as long as I’m alive, I know that’s a long shot but it’s a long haul, we’re all trying to stay around for as long as we can.”
We got to see Liam today!! I’ve missed that sweet face! He recorded a little video while walking through a park (“on my way to the shops”) to show off his beautiful shaggy long hair and beard to say that he’s just surpassed 5 billion streams and a “humungous massive ginormous thank you to all you guys who are listening.”
Louis tweeted “a lot of these NFT projects are very interesting!” NFTs are unique digital things-- like normally anything online can be duplicated, unlike real objects, this way it can’t (it’s how crypto currency works), or rather: you CAN still copy stuff, just there’s a way to tell the original from the copy (of a copy). People are excited about this because it makes it possible to sell things that previously you couldn’t really charge money for (like unique digital art). The way it’s achieved is unfortunately via the massive and wasteful expenditure of resources though, it’s very bad for the environment; current bitcoin creation alone for example uses more resources than entire countries and the current NFT craze is racing to outdo that. Louis responded to a DM asking about that; “Louis are you aware the average NFT has a carbon footprint equivalent to more than a month’s electricity for a person living in the EU?” Louis says, “I’m aware and it’s something I’m looking to do differently if I do my own project,” then liked a tweet from a company addressing the issue: "Our carbon neutrality pledge is a step toward making NFT digital collectibles and the digital metaverse part of a green, environmentally friendly future.” IDK how realistic that is, but in any case Louis is aware of the issues and the fans’ concerns.
Anyway he also tweeted about football a bunch- because a former Doncaster player was picked for the England World Cup team!! Louis says the player “was at donny when I was training there. Top lad and top keeper,” and “he deserves every bit of success.” And in answer to queries, the official word from Louis’ merch site (responsive as ever, bless that twin) is that they do not plan to restock the album! No CDs! This is likely due to it having been put out by Syco, who no longer exist, but what does it mean in the long run? It’s a major release and I can’t imagine it simply going out of print forever, surely a reprint of some kind will be worked out?
What secrets was Niall hiding in his photodump yesterday? “What are you playing on the piano?” asks a follower, and Niall selected the tweet to, well not answer, but to draw attention to his failure to answer by simply replying with an eyes emoji, like a troll. Then he posted a picture of sunglasses on an electronic piano, but when asked again to spill what was up said only “a pair of sunglasses on a Wurlitzer.” But IS he trolling? “There’s nothing to know hahah it’s literally a pair of sunglasses on a piano!” he protests. He also tweeted “today is a good day!” which ALSO doesn’t tell us anything but you know what, Niall’s out there having a good time and good for him.
Lenny Kravitz tagged Harry in a throwback post of himself in a stunning look- “real men wear boas,” and the deuxmoi / Olivia’s PR team partnership rose to new levels of obviousness with the gossip blog using a supposed blind item about Olivia (you’d think she was royalty, the astonishing number of blind items they JUST HAPPEN to get) to announce a giveaway in partnership with a sponsor brand she is the face of. HARD eyeroll, imagine thinking that blog wasn’t get paaaaid, can’t relate.
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vagrantblvrd · 3 years
I’ve seen posts where people think Sebastian Stan should be cast as Luke for future space adventures? Which believe me, are amazing and I would 100% watch the hell out of?
But also please to consider this:
Din comes across this character played by Sebastian Stan who gives Din what is obviously a fake name. Because Antilles, right? One of the most common names around and he might as well have not given Din a name at all, but it’s not like he’s going to call the guy on it or anything, right?
Din’s out hunting down Imperial remnants that have anything to do with the experiments on Grogu and finds this Antilles guy in a cell at one of the bases. He’s clearly had a rough time of it if the look he gives Din when he opens the door to his cell is any indication.
Just this...shock and surprise and something like grief before he tucks it all way behind this oddly familiar smile.
Antilles has clearly been treated to Imperial “kindness”, in that he’s bruised all to hell and can’t walk on his own - almost falls when he insists he’s fine, no really - so Din gets to play human crutch. (Might have been there a while, because he’s all scruffy too, unkempt beard and hair, and anyway, he’s not had an easy time of things.)
Which is fine because Din dealt with most of the Imperials by the time he found Antilles, but! They hit an intersection while looking for the labs and a couple of stormtroopers coming from the opposite direction.
This moment where they all stare at one another in that uh, situation? kind of way but haven’t had the time to react just yet.
Thing is, Din and Antilles happened to trip over their feet just before the troopers walked up, are untangling themselves but Din’s not in a good position to draw his blasters or any of his other weapons. Is like of course this would happen now and resigned to using himself as a human shield, because Antilles is in rough shape and Din’s armor, and anyway.
Doesn’t matter in the end because he feels this tug at his hip and Antilles ducking under his arm and pew-pew-pew, down go the stormtroopers, felled by incredible aim and Din’s blaster and Antilles who gives him this little smirk that is also oddly familiar.
Antilles shrugs, says something about his dad teaching him to shoot or whatever and when Din gets them both back on their feet apologizes for grabbing his blaster. But since doing so just saved their lives, Din’s not all that bothered by it.
Anyway, they get to the labs and Din parks Antilles in a chair while he digs for anything helpful. Scrounges up some datasticks and destroys the rest and when he turns to collect Antilles on the way out - 
The guy’s got this look on his face. Complicated, because angry and wistful and a whole bunch of other things Din doesn’t have the time or luxury to unpack.
They get back to Din’s ship, and Din catches the - he doesn’t even know - expression on Antilles’ face when he sees it.
Some of the grief is back, and the wistful nostalgia and weirdly enough, Antilles pats the hull of the ship as Din gets them up the ramp and he swears he hears him say something like long time no see, old girl, and anyway. Din has stuff he needs to get back to Lu - to Skywalker to see if he or his New Republic friends can make sense of it.
He gets Antilles patched up and there’s clothes for him to wear - old bounties who didn’t need it anymore or gifts from people Din helped in the past an he didn’t know what to do with them and anyway.
Antilles looks better after he’s patched up and cleaned up, wearing this mishmash of clothes but he’s not complaining. Seems more grounded, settled, too, than he had earlier, like he’s had time to sort things out for himself.
Shaved his beard, but kept the mustache and just shrugs when Din notices it, just an observation on his part and doesn’t ask because it’s not like matters and anyway.
They run into some trouble getting back to Skywalker’s school, but Antilles isn’t useless. Knows how to fly, is a damn good shot - impressive, really - and knows his way around both jungle and desert in survival situations.
Because that trouble they run into and crashing and continuing to not die after the crashing is done because Imperials or other baddies, and anyway.
Antilles is far from useless and also snarky as hell and Din actually starts to like him.
Wonders a little at how sad he seems sometimes, the two of them sitting at the fire they’re cooking that night’s dinner over and Din looks over when Antilles isn’t expecting it.
Staring at the flames and sad, the kind that runs deep.
Din doesn’t ask, though, doesn’t think it would be appreciated because there’s something...brittle about Antilles in the right conditions and anyway, he doesn’t ask.
Antilles gives him little pieces of himself here and there, though. Mentions his parents, the one who taught him how to shoot, the one who taught him how to fight. Both of them arguing about who was going to teach him to fly until his aunt and uncle had enough of the pointlessness of it and taught him themselves.
(”I learned to fly on a freighter,” he tells Din, cutting through an asteroid field to avoid Imperial TIES after them like it’s nothing. “Corellian make, fastest thing around.”)
Apparently Antilles knows a whole lot of things besides all that, knows how to cheat at sabacc well enough Din almost doesn’t catch him at it. And when he does, the man gives him this wide-eyed look of innocence like who, him? cheat? he would never that is so painfully familiar Din has to look away because there’s a reason he’s out here on his own, isn’t there.
(All these inconvenient Feelings and no chance that Skywalker would ever return them, because Jedi and also look at Din, okay, kind of a mess of a human being and Luke is Luke.)
Eventually they make it to Luke’s school and Din can’t help but notice how quiet Antilles gets as they come in for the landing approach. Hands whit-knuckled in his lap, and he’s trying to look like everything’s fine but his jaw in clenched and he’s got that look in his eyes again and anyway.
Luke comes out to greet them with Grogu running ahead, and both of them stop short at the sight of Antilles.
“Din,” Skywalker says slowly, in such a way that Din realizes something is going on, “who’s your friend?”
Din explains meeting Antilles in the cell of an Imperial remnant base and their many adventures getting back to the school and so on.
The entire time Skywalker (and Grogu) are staring at Antilles, and Antilles is staring back at them, and Din is just like this is Force nonsense again, isn’t it.
And then Antilles is like, So I Have Something To Tell You.
At which point he tells them that he’s from the future - because of course - thanks to some doohickey in the ruins of a Jedi temple he was investigating - because of course it’s to do with Force nonsense - and also he’s here to set the timeline right after a sith or whoever got their first and meddled with the original timeline.
Because of course he is.
There’s a whole Thing in which Antilles and Skywalker go off to talk Jedi stuff.
(Oh, yeah, apparently Antilles is Force-sensitive, probably actually a Jedi himself and Din is like, of course he is because that’s his luck, isn’t it?)
Anyway, Din goes off to check on Luke’s students with Grogu and everyone’s happy to see him, pepper him with questions about what he did while he was gone and he tells them the parts that don’t involve killing people, because wow, no.
And then later on when everyone’s asleep or supposed to be asleep Skywalker finds him and they just kind of enjoy a moment of quiet, peace, while they can.
Comfortable the way things are around one another, and Din’s traitorous heart goes all soft and squishy when Skywalker gives him this warm smile as he catches Din up on happenings at the school while he was gone.
(How many frogs Grogu’s eaten - too many to count, honestly, I’m starting to worry - and so on.)
Din feels guilty at how much he enjoys these moments with Skywalker because they’re not something he gets to have, and anyway, yes.
Shenanigans in which Antilles is clearly in league with Skywalkers students and just about everyone in shoving Din and Skywalker together until finally one of them breaks and confessions concerning Feelings are had and convenient that they’re locked in a storage area because no one else to see when Din presses his forehead against Luke’s and they both do that breathy little laugh that’s all soft and surprised and only for them, and anyway!
Then the Serious Shenanigans happen in which the sith (or whtatever) Antilles was after pops up and does an Evil Monologue in which it’s revealed they were responsible for killing Antilles’ family in that original timeline and also ushering in a new era for the Empire and oethr bad stuff.
Oh, and also, Luke and Din are his parents because those experiments on Grogu and that time both Din and Luke got caught and had blood samples and the whatnot taken and anyway.
He’s cloned from them or something equally dramatic, idk how science works, and they rescued him and raised him as their own and the mustache of his should have been a bigger clue, really, it’s been staring them all in the face (literally) the whole time, what fools they’ve been not to realize!!1!
Emotional fallout and sacrifice plays with one of them being no, bad, don’t try that again or I’ll be Disappointed and the good guys winning the day as the timeline is set right, and all that good stuff.
Din, Luke, Grogu, and Antilles go to where the Jedi ruins are with the time travel doohickey to send Antilles - he still won’t tell them what his name is.
There’s emotional goodbyes all around and then poof, off he goes back to the future where he belongs Din and Luke and Grogu like wow, that was a thing, huh?
But also.
The thing where they’ve both been captured - together and separately - by Imperial remnants and had blood samples and the whatnot taken and Antilles could exist in their timeline right now.
Realize he never told them where they found him or how, and are like oh, no, because what if they don’t find him now? What if they never find him???
So of course Artoo trundles over and plays this little holomessage of Antilles.
Looks nervous as hell and that sadness they knew the reason for all over him, must have recorded this before he told them who he was, and anyway.
He doesn’t know where they found him exactly, just the name of the system and his best guess at when it happened, and then he gets this look on his face like. It’s too much like the one Luke gets sometimes, like Din’s when he’s in a bad place, and anyway.
They go looking where he told them and they find this kid, tiny, adorable, scared kid who can tap into the Force and he’s got Luke’s eyes and Din’s hair and other little small things and he’s just.
“Would have been helpful if he told us what we named him,” Luke says, but he’s kind of an emotional mess the way Din is, and anyway, yes.
(Also, though. Grogu is the worst influence on their kid, but an awesome big brother.)
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sunflowerdigs · 3 years
So, I did a little sarcastic-y review from the salt mines for RNM 3x09. Warnings for excessive sodium content, Maribel mourning, a desire to recycle cardboard, and, of course, Malex opinions. Without further ado:
- Every time Michael smiles I forget for like 5 whole seconds how much I hate that Malex keeps me shackled to this show. Too cute that he brought Alex lunch (and probably hoped he could sneak a glimpse of him) and they're going on their first date (omg omg omg).❤❤❤❤❤
- Kyle should yell at people more. Starting with his garbage friends who left him in a barn without proper triage or jello cups while he was in a coma (why didn't they just keep him at DS if he's having appointments there anyway? Nevermind... ). Alas, he's starting his understandable rage tour with Uncle Edgelord, who, naturally, makes a dramatic statement and tries to leave. I am so glad Kyle called him on that.
- Delmanes would be cute if Greg didn't have the personality of cardboard. They've created a character who is actually only here to remind us of how special and amazing Maria is. Turns out that's not super interesting. And it's so painfully obvious that it's a pair-your-spares situation. I really wish they'd just give her Kyle, he has the patience of a saint. Anyway, Isobel's pigtails are cute af (rip my Isobel/Maria/Kyle heart - I would have taken Isobel interrupting Delmanes and Heather's post with pigtails today as signs if not for genetics).
- Anatsa and Isobel's development seems to have taken place completely off-screen, like everything else gay on this show, so I'm guessing it's gonna stick. Honestly...I guess this is controversial but Isobel and Maria have really good chemistry and a history. I know their bond is supposed to read "sibling" but it doesn't for me. And rather than waste time watching them flirt with these one-note (ah, Greg chimes in right on time with a convenient line any rando could have delivered) LIs, I'd much rather see them get closer. The whole related thing has thrown a wrench into it for me. That said, it's nice to watch a woman be encouraged to go after another woman. 🎉
- Alex the sci-fi/fantasy nerd figuring out immediately that the hallucination is his own subconscious is 100% legit. Much like Kyle not letting his uncle pull a classic tall-dark-and-broody exit, I appreciate Alex's 4th-wall break moment.
- Not Max and Liz proving that discussions about s2 drama can occur on Roswell New Mexico?! What? Must be a straight thing. Lucky them.
- Isobel is actually acting a lot like Sherlock Holmes when he's on a case, from the wardrobe to the focus, and it's hot. Also, totally believable that Isobel would be able to pull up that pod from under the ice because we know she's been training even if it didn't happen onscreen. Because she told us. Just a suggestion.
- I love the idea of Jim Valenti as a double-agent, but I don't see how Eduardo thought he could keep Kyle safe by never knowing him. It feels like there's a lot more here Eduardo isn't saying.
- It wasn't a sister-fight that Maria and Isobel had, but whatever (no one got physically shoved or brought up a horrifying memory from 100000 years ago to shove in someone's face in public - doesn't count).
- Also, why would you waste a glass by throwing it into the fireplace? Wouldn't it just explode back in your face? Man, the show is trying so hard with Maria and Greg, I want to give them some kind of romance-novel award for effort (but not success).
- Not Liz and Max showing us that it's possible to move forward by discussing your past mistakes like adults instead of pretending they didn't happen!? What? Must be a straight thing. Lucky them.
- Draw a line on the bottle? No way, Valenti, he obviously wants you to chuck that whole thing straight into the fire in a fit of passion to prove that his words had an emotional impact.
- Also, Kyle wins the prize for this episode for that speech to Uncle Edgelord. Everyone go home. When do I get a Kyle and Alex spin-off where they travel the world, defying sci-fi tropes and seducing beautiful men and women?
- Not Liz and Max talking loudly about aliens while breaking and entering! This one is actually very believable, I take it back.
- It was idiotic of Liz to trust Heath. And Echo keep having this same fight because MAX IS RIGHT BUT THE SHOW WON'T LET HIM BE. Which is so obnoxious. I would forgive Liz for almost any sin (like, idk, getting a better romantic storyline because she's straight) because she's gorgeous and smart and tough and I wanna go live with her and her mad scientist energy on a deserted island somewhere. But she's being real dumb rn.
- I love the t-shirt and if Vlambase doesn't sell one I will. But he couldn't have held up a radio and blasted some Barry White? I feel like that would have cleared everyone but Alex put of the building real fast. Also, what is time on Roswell NM? Was Alex just setting the alarm every so often for kicks? Does Eduardo really not check in on staff who are working with dangerous technology for days on end? Also, why is this entire plot happening over a single goddamn episode instead of two or more so that we can really feel Alex wasting away under the machine's influence? The reason this twist is at all surprising is also the entire plot's undoing - Alex's demeanor wasn't exactly one of a man obsessed (or an addict, tbh) in his last scene.
- Anyway, back to Rizzoli and Isles. I definitely am always super excited to hear the details of my sister's sex life. All the time. That is totally a sister thing except where it's really not. Do any of these writers actually have a sister? I feel like they must because the Michael/Max/Isobel sibling chemistry is always bang on but Maribel is just...flirty lady city. Oh, and look, the beard just showed up with coffee to cockblock - it really is R&I!
- Back to Alex's plot line, which, much like Isobel's coffee, is Express To-Go. He's become haggard and worn in the time it's taken Michael's mom to find a cute sweater in the void. Seriously, we wasted like 3 whole episodes where Alex was presumably sitting in DS twiddling his thumbs and now he's being worn down by the machine in a single episode? Why didn't this plot start back in episode 3 or 4? Like...look, I don't come on here to be an asshole. But I just really hope they're taking note of what worked this season and what didn't because HOLY PACING FIASCO BATMAN. Just because you're giving us Malex doesn't mean everything else can just be hot garbage (not the acting, Taylor's doing his best to sell this). Also, when did Alex put his leg back on? I have so many questions but they aren't the good kind, so Michael better ride in soon and save this mess.
- Regarding what Nora is saying, it's fine, it makes sense but the zero build up makes it completely ineffective. Alex is afraid he doesn't love enough - it would have been nice to see that over several episodes instead of just being told in a burst of sudden exposition but, you know. Nice straight things we can't have, I guess.
- If Michael and Alex want their relationship to "purr" they could, idk, talk through their past misunderstandings like people in relationships do. Or the show could keep throwing exposition bombs at them, idek.
- Are those empty toilet paper rolls inside the machine? I knew the CW was budget but come on...
- And we finally get the Heath connection and it's to our brand new trope-y character, Wise Old Black Man Dallas. It's surprising but only because the 4th alien didn't exist before this episode. So, good job.
Overall, not the worst episode of RNM ever. I only wondered why I watch this show maybe 3 times this episode. And Michael's enthusiasm for Alex was adorable.
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goddess-of-geeks · 4 years
Grace and Power pt. 6
All this for a lotus tile.
A/N: Sorry this took so long to update my personal life and school life decided to come together to slap me in the face.
Word Count: 5041
Warnings: IDK something if you squint, I guess.
Part 5
You sat in the helm with Iroh and a few other crew mates. You watched as Iroh set up a game of Pai Sho with another member of the crew. Usually at this time of day you would find yourself with Zuko. But ever since you got back from Roku’s Island he took every chance he could get to ask you why you were banished. You honestly didn’t believe that his little heart could take it. The truth is a wild and hurtful thing, you weren’t ready to just lay it out before him.
“Oh no! This isn’t good!” Iroh exclaimed. You looked up to see Iroh's worried face.
“What’s not good?” You questioned, “Did you lose the game already?”
“No.” Iroh answered, “This is much worse, Y/N.” He said.
“What happened.” You appeared to be lost and confused. Which was true you were very confused.
“It seems that I have lost my lotus tile.” Iroh stated.
You straightened your back in your chair and gave Iroh a serious look. “That isn’t very good at all.” You spoke.
You knew all about the importance of the lotus tile, thanks to your uncle. He told you of the group known as the White Lotus and how it came to be. He told you about a handful of the members, including Iroh.
Iroh stood from his chair and approached the helmsman.
“You must bring us to the nearest port of call. This lotus tile is of the utmost priority.” Iroh instructed the helmsman.
The helmsman nodded and turned the ship causing you and a few other items to slide towards the opposite ends of the room.
When the ship balanced you stood yourself up from your chair, as Iroh took his seat in front of the Pai Sho board.
“That was fun.” You announced to the crew. You furrowed your brows in realization. “Someone needs to tell the Prince, the reasons for our change of course.”
You looked around the silent room. No one seemed to want to inform the prince, and honestly you didn’t blame them.
“Not it.” You said as you sat back down in the chair.
The other crew members quickly followed suit except for the unlucky Pai Sho player.
“Do I really have to tell the prince.” He asked from his seat in front of the Pai Sho board.
You opened your mouth to answer his question, but you were soon interrupted by the slamming of the door.
“What’s the meaning of this mutiny?” The prince questioned as he stormed into the room, “No one told you to change course.”
“Actually, someone did.” A brave Iroh spoke up, “I assure you it is a matter of utmost importance, Prince Zuko.” Iroh said.
“Is it something to do with the Avatar?” Zuko questioned hopefully as he turned to face his uncle.
“Even more urgent. It seems… I’ve lost my lotus tile.” Iroh said as he moved a piece forward on the Pai Sho board.
You had to cover your mouth to stop laughing at the mystified look that graced the young princes’ features.
“Lotus tile?” Zuko said.
For my Pai Sho game. Most people think the lotus tile insignificant, but it is essential for the unusual strategy that I employ.” Iroh said calmly.
“You’ve changed our course for a stupid lotus tile.” Zuko said angrily.
“See, you, like most people, underestimate its value. Just give me ten minutes to check the merchants at this port of call. Hopefully they'll have the lotus tile in stock and I can get on with my life!” Iroh said cheerfully
You saw how Zuko did his best to contain his anger, but his efforts were futile as he released a gout of flames that licked the ceiling.
You coughed and swatted the smoke out of your face before speaking up. “That was highly unnecessary.”
Zuko turned to you with a pointed glare. “We need to talk.” He said through gritted teeth.
“That is incorrect. You used the ‘word’ need in place of the word ‘want’. Now people often get needs and wants mixed up. So if you just-” You stopped speaking when you noticed the look of anger on Zuko’s face.
You quickly stood from your chair and walked out of the room with your head down.
You quickly and quietly led Zuko to your room. You sat on the edge of the bed with your hands folded gently in your lap. You still refused to meet Zuko’s eyes.
The both of you sat in silence for a few moments before Zuko got irritated.
“So are you going to tell me why you got banished or not!”
The sudden outburst caused you to flinch slightly. It wasn’t like Zuko to raise his voice at you.
You slowly lifted your head to look Zuko in the eyes.
“I’m not ready to answer that question Zuko.” You stated.
“You know why I was banished.” Zuko attempted to reason.
You rolled your eyes. “Everyone knows why you were banished Zuko. My banishment is not something that I want to talk about.”
“I understand why you wouldn’t want to talk about your banishment, but I also know that you understand my curiosity.” Zuko said with concern lacing her words.
You felt tears form in the corner of your eyes. Just the thought of your banishment made your heart ache. You turned your head away from the prince and brought your hands up to hold your arms.
“Zuko I don’t know how you feel about me, and I’m pretty sure I’ve made it quite obvious how I feel about you. My banishment hurts me in two ways. And the thought of how the reasoning could affect you gives me so much anxiety. I don’t know how you would take it. I don’t know if it would hurt you. I don’t know if it would ruin the relationship we’ve built thus far.”
Zuko didn't respond to you. And for the first time since you and Zuko met all those years ago, an uncomfortable silence settled upon the both of.
You, Iroh and Zuko stood side by side in a market area. Zuko stood by your side with his arms crossed over his chest, he was clearly unhappy. You would practically feel the anger radiating off of him.
“I've checked all the shops on this pier. Not a lotus tile in the entire marketplace.” Iroh spoke up
Zuko turned to shout at his uncle, “It's good to know this trip was a complete waste of time for everyone!”
“Quite the contrary.” Iroh stated calmly, “I always say the only thing better than finding something you were looking for, is finding something you weren't looking for at a great bargain!”
As Iroh spoke, a parade of Fire Nations soldiers walked by carrying armloads of merchandise from Iroh’s recent shopping spree.
“You brought a tsungi horn?” You questioned Iroh as the last soldier passed by the three of you.
“For music night on the ship” Iroh said. He brought his hand up to his beard and stroked it before walking away from you and Zuko, “Now, if we only had some woodwinds.”
You and Zuko gave each other questioning glances before following after Iroh.
As the three of you begin walking down the dock, you notice a pirate ship.
“Oh, This place looks promising!” Iroh said excitedly as he pointed at the ship.
Iroh entered the ship, you and Zuko following after. When you entered the ship you noticed an array of items coating the shelves and the walls.
You tilted your head towards Zuko keeping your eyes on Iroh in front of you and whispered, “how much are you willing to bet that half or more of these items were stolen.”
Zuko gave a small chuckle, causing you to smile a little.
“Ooo! That is handsome! Wouldn't it look magnificent in the galley.” Iroh’s exclamacion drew your attention to the little jewel eyed stone monkey. You felt a shudder go down your spine.
“That thing gives me the creeps.” You said with a grimace.
You watched as Iroh picked up the monkey.
“You can't seriously be considering buying that Iroh.” As you said that you saw Zuko approach the two Pirates behind the counter.
“This monk,” Zuko said, drawing your attention away from Iroh. “Did he have an arrow on his head?”
“Oh great another Avatar sighting.” You thought to yourself as Iroh began to make monkey noises.
You stood on a smaller ship sailing through a river. Zuko was ahead of you talking with the Pirate Captain.
“Shouldn’t we stop to search the woods?” You heard the Captain suggest.
“We don’t need to stop.” Zuko responded, “They stole a waterbending scroll, right?” He asked the captain.
You heard the captain hum to answer yes.
“Then they’ll be on the water.” Zuko stated.
That had to be the smartest thing Zuko has said since you joined him on his fools mission.
It was way after nightfall when you heard disgruntled shouting in the distance.
It seems the water tribe girl has been spotted.
“About time.” You yawned. “I was about to go to sleep.”
The pirates silently hopped out of their ship in attempts to corner the girl.
The helmsman brought the ship to the river bank, causing a loud sound to distract the girl.
You and Zuko got off of the ship and walked through the bushes.
You saw how one of the pirates held the girl, she was clearly struggling in his grasps.
“I don’t like how he’s manhandling her.” You mumbled to Zuko. He just ignored you.
“Ah! No! Let go of me!” The waterbender exclaimed before she bent water into the pirates face and ran out of his grasp and right into Zuko’s arms.
Zuko quickly grabbed the girl by her wrist so she couldn’t bend or escape.
“I’ll save you from the pirates.” Zuko said.
“Was that improvised or did you write that down beforehand?” You asked Zuko with a smirk.
He sent a glare in your direction before turning around and dragging the water tribe girl with him.
The water tribe girl was bound to the trunk of a small tree. You, Zuko, the Fire Nation Soldiers and the Pirates surrounded her. Everyone else put on an intimidating face, but to be honest you were too tired to try to be scary.
“Tell me where he is and I won’t hurt your brother.” Zuko said in an attempt to coax the Avatars' whereabouts out of the water tribe girl.
“Go jump in the river!” The water tribe girl retaliated.
You couldn’t help but snicker at the girls relent to give away the Avatars location.
Zuko turned to you, giving you another glare. He turned back to the water tribe girl. “Try to understand,” Zuko said,walking around the girl. “I need to capture him to restore something I've lost. My honor.” You rolled your eyes at the mention of Zuko and his honor, “Perhaps in exchange I can restore something you've lost.”
Zuko stood behind the tree trunk and placed a water tribe betrothal necklace along her neck.
“I’m not gonna lie, I forgot you had that.” You said out loud, causing the Pirates, Soldiers, Zuko, and the water tribe girl to look up at you. “I said that a lot louder than I intended.”
A look of shock quickly found its way onto the girl's face. “My mother’s necklace!” The girl announced, her voice a mixture of shock and anger. “How did you get that?” She questioned Zuko.
Zuko walked away from the girl, necklace in hand. “I didn’t steal it if that's what you’re wondering.” Zuko said. “Tell me where he is.” Zuko said this time more threateningly.
The Pirate Captain walked towards Zuko. “Enough of this necklace garbage. You promised the scroll.”
Zuko produced the scroll from his armor and brought a flame to hover just below it. “I wonder how much money this is worth.” Zuko taunted the pirates.
The silent woods were filled with gasps and cries of “no!” As the pirates express the importance of the scroll.
“A lot, apparently.” Zuko said with a smirk. If it wasn't for the fact that he was manipulating pirates to do his bidding you would have found the scene unfolding before you quite attractive. Scratch that Zuko was very attractive when he showed how much authority he had over others, except for that disgusting pony-tail.
You were too lost in your thoughts of how you would slice Zuko’s ponytail off with your katana you didn't seem to notice that he was now speaking to you.
“What?” You asked the Prince finally noticing the receding backs of the pirates heading deeper into the forest.
Zuko looked at you angrily, it seems the only thing Zuko could do today was be angry at you.
“I told you to watch those pirates. I don’t want them going back on our deal.” Zuko said, anger in his tone.
You brought your hand up to your mouth and yawned. “Whatever you say, your majesty.” You said bringing yourself into a low bow before standing up straight and snorting as you followed quickly in the footsteps of the pirates.
You and the pirates trekked through the woods, moving slowly as to not cause a disturbance to nature. The pirates came to a halt when they heard voices conversing in a little clearing.
You noticed two boys. One of them being the water tribe boy, and the other was the Avatar.
You, of course were not paying attention and rammed face first into the pirate captains back. The captain gave you a quick glare before giving his attention back to the voices. You decided to listen in as well seeing as you had nothing else to do.
“-Thing. It’s just a matter of time before she gets us all in deep-” You heard the water tribe boy speak, but he was soon cut off as one of the pirates threw a sling at the boy.
You watched as the water tribe boy was pulled to the ground screaming, as the sling was thrown in his direction, once again. This time, however the boy was lucky enough to dodge it. He rolled to the side before he grabbed his club and charged the pirate. Your attention then shifted to the airbender as he got into an airbending stance when he was faced with another one of the pirates. The pirate wielded two crossbows that appeared to have a net tied between them.
“Wow,” You said to yourself in reference to the pirates, “These idiots actually came prepared.”
You watched as the pirate with the crossbows fired at the avatar. In attempts to protect himself the Avatar sent a gust of wind, which passed harmlessly through the holes of the net. The net wrapped itself around the Avatar before falling into a neat bundle on the floor. Another pirate began to drag the helpless Avatar away.
“I got him, come on!” The pirate said.
You followed the pirates as they exited the forest, leaving behind the water tribe boy.
You paused however when the boy called out, “Oh, what? I’m not good enough to kidnap?”
You sighed before taking another two crossbows and aiming it at the boy, successfully entageling him in the net. You shoved the crossbows into the chest of the pirate you took them from. You were too tired to put up with butt hurt little boys today.
You were back on the river bank. Standing beside the water tribe girl and Iroh. Zuko stood in front of you, scroll in his hand, addressing the pirates that stood in front of you. With the Avatar and the Water tribe boy in their grasps.
“Nice work.” Zuko said, complimenting the pirates.
“Aang, this is all my fault.” The water tribe girl spoke up, speaking to the avatar, who you now know was named Aang.
“No, Katara it isn’t.” Aang the Avatar said in attempts to reassure the water trib- Katara.
You nonchalantly shrugged your shoulders before speaking up. “I mean-,” You turned to Katara with a look of sympathy, “I mean no disrespect when I say this. It kinda is your fault.”
Katara sent a glare in your direction. What’s with people and glaring at you today.
“Give me the boy.” Zuko demanded of the pirates.
“You give us the scroll.” The pirate captain retorted.
“You’re really gonna hand over the Avatar for a stupid piece of parchment?” The water tribe boy spoke up, questioning the barter between the pirates and the prince.
Zuko pointed in the water tribe boy's direction. “Don’t listen to him! He’s trying to turn us against each other.” Zuko said, trying to keep the pirates on his side.
The pirate captain turned to look at Aang, “Your friend is the Avatar?” He questioned as if the answer wasn't out in the open.
The water tribe boy drifted to the captain's side. “Sure is,” He stated proudly, “And I’ll bet he’ll fetch a lot more on the black market then that fancy scroll.”
“Shut your mouth you water tribe peasant!” Zuko shouted at the water tribe boy.
You gave Zuko a questioning look, “You can’t call people from other nations peasants just because they're from other Nations.” You mumbled to yourself, “That’s racist.”
“Yeah, Sokka,” Avatar Aang said in a concerned voice, “You should really shut your mouth.”
“Sokka?” You questioned yourself internally, “Isn’t that the same name as the boy who wore that Kyoshi Warriors Uniform.”
“I'm just sayin', it's bad business sense.” Sokka continued, “Just imagine how much the Fire Lord would pay for the Avatar. You guys would be set for life!”
The Pirate Captain pointed at Zuko, “Keep the scroll. We can buy a hundred with the reward we’ll get for the kid.”
The pirates turned to walk away when Zuko spoke up angrily, “You’ll regret making a deal with me.”
Zuko and the two guards next to him unleashed a torrent of flames at the pirates. The flames bathed the ground at the pirates feet, causing the pirates to jump just out of reach.
A fight breakout, one of the pirates jumped into the group of firebenders with a loud cry. The pirate threw smoke pellets at Zuko and his crew that obscured your vision.
“Aren’t you going to help them.” You heard a voice say. You turned and saw Katara giving you a skeptical look.
“What?” You questioned. She opened her mouth to repeat her earlier statement but you cut her too it, “Oh, no.” You answered shaking your head. You looked up to see smoke stopping you from seeing the pirates or Zuko and the soldiers, you still heard the sounds of battle though. “I usually just let these things play themselves out.”
You turned your head towards Katara, “Sometimes I very discreetly help out the ‘Enemy’ '' You said putting air quotes around the word Enemy.
You leaned backward and eyed the ropes that bound Katara to the tree trunk. You swiftly pulled your Katana from its sheath and walked to the other side of the tree. Before you could cut the rope however, you turned to Iroh.
“You’re not gonna tell Zuko I did this are you?” You questioned him.
“Tell Zuko you did what?” Iroh jokingly questioned.
“Good.” You said with a nod. You brought the blade down to the ropes and cut through them easily.
Katara pulled her hands in front of her and began to rub her wrists. She eyes you skeptically while you placed your katana back in its sheath.
“Why are you helping me?” She questioned.
You kept your eyes trained on the hilt of your sword in its sheath. You took in a deep breath before answering her question.
“Because I, unlike most other Fire Nation citizens know the truth about this war.” You answered simply before picking your head up and walking into the battle.
You walked through the smoke carefully dodging blades that belong to the pirates or spears that belonged to the Fire Nation soldiers. You walked deeper and deeper into the smoke with miraculously no harm done to your body. You took a step and brought down your foot before hearing a loud crunch and an obnoxiously loud “Ow.” From underneath your metal boots.
You lifted up your foot and looked down at the water tribe boy.
“Sokka’s your name, isn’t it?” You questioned him.
He squinted up at you. “Hey, aren’t you that girl from Kyoshi Island?”
“Answer my question first.” You demanded him.
“Yes my name is Sokka.” He answered.
“My name is Y/N.” You responded, “Now that we are on a first name basis I’m assuming you would like some help?” You suggested to Sokka.
He gave you a questioning look before giving his answer. “Actually some help would be preferable.”
“Lovely.” You said.
You once again pulled your katana from its sheath before planting it into the ropes that tied Sokka’s hands together.
You pulled your blade from the ground and reached your hand out to help the boy on the floor. He accepted it gratefully, and allowed himself to be pulled to his feet.
When Sokka stood to his full height he called out, “Aang, are you there?”
“I’m over here, follow my voice!” You heard a voice call out.
“Where?” Sokka questioned, turning every witch way “I can't find you!”
“I'm right here!” You heard Aang call out.
“Yes because that really helps us in our current situation.” You said aloud to yourself.
After a couple of moments of searching the smoke for the Avatar you heard him shout, “Uhh, never mind! I’ll find you!”
You and Sokka ran through the smoke evading all of the Soldiers and Pirates. Sokka eventually fell down to his knees to avoid a spear, and stayed crawling on the ground until the two of you made it out of the smoke.
As you exited the smoke you saw the Avatar jump over your heads and land in front of you.
“Run!” The Avatar announced.
Sokka quickly got to his feet and began running with the Avatar in front of him.
You yawned and brought your hand up to cover your mouth.
“I did not get enough sleep for this.” you mumbled to yourself.
You began a brisk walk following after the Avatar and his companions.
You noticed from afar how Aang, Katara and Sokka made an attempt to push the pirate ship into the water.
“Hey!” You shouted, gaining their attention whilst you were still a few meters away. “Wouldn’t it be easier if you just bent the water?” You suggested to them.
Katara looked at Aang and smiled. Aang and Katara were in water bending stances pushing and pulling the water at the hull of the ship. Slowly the water level at the prow of the ship began to rise. Finally after all the effort the two benders put in, the ship floats!
“Everybody in!” Katara demanded the two boys. She turned to you holding out her hand.
You looked at it questioningly.
“Aren’t you coming?” She asked you.
You pondered on your answer for a little while before shrugging your shoulders. “A fun little boat ride never hurt anybody.” You said as you grabbed her hand.
You stood on the deck of the pirate ship watching the pirates near you in Zukos’ boat.
“Can’t you make this thing go any faster?” You called over your shoulder to Sokka.
“I don't know how. This thing wasn't made by the water tribe.” He shouted back.
You drew your katana from its sheath as the pirates began jumping onto the ship.
You and Katara stood side by side as two pirates approached you. You got into a stance preparing yourself to strike the oncoming attackers, but as they drew nearer a large wave crashed onto the deck washing one of the pirates overboard.
You looked over your shoulder and saw Aang on top of the cabin. You assumed he was the one who created the wave.
“Thanks Aang.” you shouted up at him. He gave a cheeky grin in return.
You focused your attention back on the other pirate. You glanced at Katara out of the corner of your eyes and saw how she looked hesitant.
Her look of hesitance quickly morphed into a face of determination, she bent the water at your feet and used it to whip the other pirate off of the ship.
Katara had a huge grin on her face as Aang congratulated her on her new achievement.
You walked over to the bridge of the ship and saw Sokka and two pirates in a strange predicament.
“Y/N perfect!” Sokka said with excitement, “Could you do me a favor and help me out.”
“Shall we play a game?” You questioned the pirates that held Sokka captive.
You held up your blade and swung it at the pirate with Sokka’s legs wrapped around his neck.
The flat of your Katana hit the Pirate Salesmen in the stomach and he hunched over in pain, as Sokka's legs fell from his shoulders.
“I call that game ‘I promise I won’t stab you.’ Me and Zuzu played it loads of times whenever he came over for training.
The beefy pirate released Sokka from his hold and began to advance towards you.
You smirked at the pirate as he confidently strode towards you.
“Would you like to partake in these activities as well?” You asked sweetly. “Let's even the playing field shall we.” You said as you dropped your katana to the floor.
“What are you doing?” Sokka questioned from his spot on the floor. The pirate brought his arm back to punch you
“Playing a game of course.” You said rolling your eyes and dodging the pirates attack.
You looked at the assailants arm as it was brought in front of your face.
“You, a grown man would make an attempt to attack me, a little girl.” You said with a fake gasp.
The pirate swung his other arm at you, but you simply ducked and stepped out of his way.
You stood by the pirates' side with your hands clenched in fist, brought up to your chest.
“The last time I attempted to chi-block someone they were paralyzed for a week.” You said.
You quickly struck the pirates acupuncture points with the right amount of pressure to leave him falling and slumped on the floor.
“Let’s hope for your sake, that I did that correctly.”
Sokka stood up from his place on the floor.
“Thanks for the help.” He said.
You opened your mouth to respond but he cut you off.
“Though I bet I could’ve taken those two with my hands tied behind my back.” Sokka finished confidently.
You gave Sokka a blank look before walking away from him.
Sokka jumped over the rail and landed on the deck with a thud.
“What an idiot.” You mumbled to yourself.
Aang airbent off the cabin and landed gracefully next to Sokka to help him up.
You approached the young Avatar as Katara called out.
“Aang, look!” She said.
You heard the sound of falling water.
“A waterfall.” You said to yourself. “What a lovely turn of events.”
From behind you, you heard the sound of a blade being drawn. You and Aang turned and saw the Pirate salesman approach the both of you.
Aang drew what appeared to be a bison whistle in response. He brought the whilst to his lips and blew hard. The whistle did not make a sound.
“What was that supposed to do exactly?” You questioned.
The pirate brought his blade up to strike the two of you. Before you could do anything to defend yourselves, Sokka rammed his shoulder into the pirate and turned to kick him overboard.
Sokka approached you and Aang, tapping the side of his head. “Have you lost your mind!?” He questioned. “This is no time for flute practice.”
Aang joined Katara on the foredeck of the boat. Katara had come up with a plan to stop the boat from going over the falls.
The two of them stood together and in unison began to push and pull the water surrounding the boat. The boat began to slow and turn right at the lip of the waterfall.
“It’s working! It’s slowing down!” Katara exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement.
You noticed the approaching ship with the pirates still onboard.
“Us not falling to our deaths sounds great and all,” You announced, “But I think we have bigger problems to worry about.” You said pointing out the oncoming ship.
Zukos’ ship crashed into yours, tipping it over. You, Aang, Katara and Sokka fell off the ship and over the falls. Aang held onto Sokka and Katara, whilst you gripped Kataras’ arm.
The 4 of you screamed as you approached the surface of the water.
But out of nowhere Aangs’ sky bison swoops down and the 4 of you land on it’s saddle. The bison exits just in time to avoid being hit by the pirate ship.
You felt anxiety bubble in the pits of your stomach, and you gripped the sides of the saddle.
“I knew a bison would come in handy.” Aang said, holding up the whistle.
“Well as fun as this little adventure was.” You said, the trio turning to face you, “I should really be getting back to Zuko.”
“Why don’t you join us?” Katara suggested. “You even said so yourself you knew the truth about this war. Why don’t you help us stop it?”
You smiled at her, “As much as I would love to help, I need to make sure my idiot of a best friend doesn’t get hurt. He’s become extremely reckless between the 3 years we’ve been apart.”
They seemed to frown at your final decision.
“Though if you ever find yourself in need of assistance, I promise that I will lend a helping hand.” You told them truthfully.
That seemed to cheer them up.
“Now if you don’t mind.” You said, “I’d like to get off this bison now. I’ve never been keen with heights.” You said not even attempting to hide the fear in your voice.
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dreamsafterhours · 4 years
college boyfriend!markhyuk au series: II (mark’s pathway)
a universe in which roommates!markhyuk meet each other's s/o in class
markhyuk are roommates, my/n and dy/n are roommates, mark and dy/n take classes together and so do donghyuk and my/n — how will their fates intertwine?
genre: fluff, some angst pairing: platonic!donghyuk+my/n, surprise visit from mark format: dotpoint AU universe: non idol, college best friend warning: a lil swearing (best get used to it)
or click here to continue your friendship with eng lit!mark!
I ⇤ | II | ⇥ III
Tumblr media
II: relationship consolidation.. it’s platonic i swear
the fellowship continues (donghyuk + my/n)
hello again
are we ready
ever-ready i’m going whether u r or not lol idc you’re COMING
aight so ;;, donghyuk,
this boi,,
to meet someone new who he sees as almost a personal challenge,, to befriend and get to That Point™ in the friendship where you can talk about anything and everything without judging each other
he doesn’t have many friends that he can do that with tbh,, , he does have a lot of friends and people he knows and has conversed with but not a lot of friends he can crack jokes with and know they don’t take it personally
lots of dark humour and sometimes suggestive ones and political jokes and all that shit ,, intellectual puns and suicidal jokes,,, the lot
the basics for gen z humour right
he just wants someone to talk to and explore different concepts and abstract meanings and philosophical questions and get new perspectives on things he’d never thought about before
but also be able to say “ah fuck me upside down” without it actually affecting the relationship bc you’re just that close
sometimes it’s hard to have that relationship with the predominantly straight boys he surrounds himself with a lot of the time
and he’s always wondered what it’d be like to have a female friend like that and unfortunately he hasn’t befriended anyone and gotten to that point yet that he can ask genuine questions for the female point of view on certain topics
so meeting you,, and finding out you’re going for the same faculty after your undergrad course ,,,. then you being genuinely comfortable with him and his jokes and openly willing to accept his humour
he’s like /exclamation point appears above his head/
will this be The One™
so he lowkey ,, unintentionally,, in the process of getting to know you
develops a smol crush on you
it’s unintentional but he can’t help the fact that he falls in love really quickly but is also capable of getting over people fairly quickly if they don’t reciprocate his feelings and seems to be okay with that
but who can blame him for liking you??
you’re really damn cute
and genuinely good company
when he hinted that you could get married and have children in the future,,
his thought process was that ahaha i’m kidding.. unless?
so yes he was flirting but like ,, experimental flirting
and over the next couple of weeks he continues flirting with you
random lines like
“hey you look familiar, have i taken a class with you before?” he literally said this on the second day of classes with you
you honestly thought he was being genuine and actually didn’t remember you so you were like wait what ??? you literally walked me to my next class yesterday../? how? do you forget that??
and then he pulls a
“really? i swear we had chemistry” hand stroking his invisible beard
and then laughing at your reaction when you deadpan
“it was biology, donghyuk”
and sometimes u keep having that thought that u had in the middle of ur first lecture together, how he’s probably like this with everyone and he can easily befriend anyone else he’s probably gonna end up being those people that you know vaguely
but then you realise he’s been waiting in the same spot outside the lecture theatre every morning and afternoon, leaning on the wall, and looking up occasionally
smiling when he finds you in the crowd, picking up his bag from the floor and making his way over to you to walk into the lecture together
and you decide hm? he sticks around, i’ll stick around
on a separate occasion in some study session he’s like
“are you my appendix because i have no idea how you work, but the feeling in my stomach makes me want to take you out”
and you’re like “wow looks like you went ahead in the course donghyuk we don’t have human anatomy until next year. but how’s tmr at 7”
“perfect i’ll pick you up wear something nice”
and then he bURSTS OUT LAUGHING and HOLLERING and yelling about how that was a good one tho right
you’re both in this sort of grey area where neither of you know where this is going
the reason he’s been saying all these things is to see what you were comfortable with in conversation and trying to analyse from your reaction whether or not you were actually flirting back or not
he’s ranted to mark in his dorms about it a couple times ,,
and so have you with your roommate
you return to your dorm after a day of doing a lot of back and forth semi flirting with donghyuk and you collapse onto your bed
your roommate looks over from her desk like “u good bro”
"i’m confused”
“fair enough”
“seriously idk if this kid is actually flirting with me or whether he’s practising on me or what”
“is this the donghek boi”
“yeah donghyuk” aka your future s/o yEET
you sit up and look at her
“uk what he said to me today”
she turns in her chair to face you fully,, ready for the tea
so you tell her the pickup line he came up with that day & your response to it and then his reaction to that bc he always seems to go for it but then tap out afterwards when you actually respond
and now you’re thinking,, do you really like him as more than a friend ??
and its???
so ?confusing to you
if you can’t tell if you like him for sure then you probably don’t, romantically
but then what effect are your responses having on him
what he actually does like you and all those flirty comments are genuine??? and you’re /internal gASP moment/
what if you’re leading him on?? what if it’s always gonna be him initiating the flirting but you’re accepting it with insincerity?
you decide this goes entirely against your morals
and you tell this to your roommate and she goes hmm,,
if you don’t feel committed to the idea of that,, then you don’t have to feel obligated to keep it going,, be honest with him ,, draw lines if you have to .. yes leading people on is a bad thing and it’s gonna affect the friendship
but also maybe it really is just part of the humour and that’s the friendship dynamic he wants to build with you?
so you decide to sleep on it bc it’s 1am and significant choices should not be made when drowsy and you’ve lost a lot of sleep these past couple days anyway
not that you get good sleep that night anyways
meanwhile donghyuk is shrugging @ mark like
“idk bro do i like her?? or do i like the idea of having someone to say that to”
“and yes she returns the gestures but then also i don’t think she means it? do we just keep it at that and keep being friends like WHAT IF I CATCH FEELINGS”
and mark is just staring at him like dude idk don’t ask me
“you’re so bad at giving advice mark”
but you wake up the next morning and decide to have a serious conversation with him after class bc that day you have a free hour after your lecture
it’s all you can think about during the class so you’re kinda distracted plus the partial sleep deprivation is getting to you
and he notices so he’s like
“bro u alright?”
so you just think fuck it and go
“hey real talk tho”
“maybe i’ve been overanalysing this so,, tell me if i am but”
“do you ,,, actually mean all those pickup lines ,, like are they based off, , real feelings or is this just part of the friendship dynamic”
and you’re almost surprised when he gets serious with you
he’s always been so lighthearted and sarcastic about things
but when he listens to your side of things and how you’re worried about whether or not you’ve been leading him on or something
he lets you finish and just tells you his feelings as well
“i’ve always wondered what it’d be like to have that dynamic and i guess i tried it on you without being honest ,, half to see if you would flirt back and half to just joke around ,;; i’m sorry that you got confused but i guess this means you don’t have? romantic feelings?”
so you have to reply honestly
“not necessarily ,, it’s been fun to have these conversations and laugh at pickup lines but”
“nothing behind it right”
and instead of putting a damper on the atmosphere
it’s actually
it clears the air in a way you didn’t expect
“right? nah it’s fun what we have going”
and you agree
aside from the confusion behind the flirting it’s been really fun talking to him and getting to know him
half of him was a lil disappointed that it didn’t go the romantic path but then again he wasn’t sure he had romantic feelings anyway
so he settles for
The Best Friend™
and so the friendship turns into sibling-like teasing and petty arguing from that day onwards
legit you’ll catch him staring
“what” “wHat” “what u lookin at” “whAt U loOkIn At” “stop copying me” “sToP CoPYinG mE” /you slap his arm/ “oW”
whimpers a lil clutching his arm uwu babie
“you hit harder than the bass drop”
sending each other bio memes and yelling at each other to go commit lysis
“lysosomes can take you out because you’re TRASH”
“i would send a macrophage after you you PATHOGEN”
calling him a parasite when he asks u for notes that he missed in class but it happens vice versa anyways lmfao
then one morning lab class he forgets his pencil case in his dorm like he forgot his laptop on the first day
except this time you call him a forgetful dumbass
all while offering a pencil from your own pencil case
which he takes
so he calls his roommate who “has a noon class and is probs still sleeping lol” to ask him if he can bring it down for him bc he’s got more lab classes that day
so after the class you wait outside the building for his roommate to arrive
and when he does he gives you a rlly nice smile and says “ʰᶦ”
“oh hello”
“yes this is my adoptive younger sister and my/n this is my roommate the Elder”
“ah you’re overreacting” the roommate turns to you and u ,, gotta admit ,
he’s really cute ,,, “don’t listen to anything donghyuk says, all he does is lie”
the roommate points to donghyuk again and goes “see he’s even lying about being civil”
so you laugh and gang up on donghyuk like “oh i saw through him a long time ago”
“wow he even lied about how” /puts up air quotes/ “ugly you AREN’T”
donghyuk is flabbergasted at this point
which results in a sulky hyuk and you two laughing at his reaction of being Wronged™
he regrets letting u two meet in that moment
oh but we don’t
“ok u did ur mission. u can go now”
“so mean :((”
but donghyuk’s roomie waves at you while turning to leave and you wave back ,,
trying to calm yourself bc you’re highkey feeling kinda hot ur cheeks r burning up
he said ?? donghyuk was lying when he said u were ugly?
donghyuk’s pickup lines had never been direct compliments about you
but this one from his roommate wasn’t a pickup line it was just
a statement
and it made u feel a typa way
dw baby it’s gonna be a happy ending uwu
and u tell ur roomie that night abt it too
“bRO his rOOMMATE”
“what’s his NAME i gotta FANGIRL WITH YOU”
“.. idk”
“.. oh”
/short pause, lip smack/
“.. lib tomorrow?”
“.. ya sure”
the next day after classes you check your phone and see that she’s texted you asking if her friend and his friend from eng lit can come and join you guys in the lib
and, naturally, u don’t see why not
so u reply
“the more the merrier”
Tumblr media
the more the merrier for us too sweetie hmm hmm
mhm mhm mhm it’s finally getting somewhere
click here to continue your friendship with eng lit!mark!
I ⇤ | II | ⇥ III
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feisty-fae · 4 years
If you still do the flower ask thingys.. 👉👈 𝘼𝙡𝙡 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙢 𝙜𝙤 :)
HoooH boY hEre we gO-
Alisons: Sexuality?
I sexually identify as a can of beans
Amaranth: Pronouns/Gender?
Cis female she/her
Amaryllis: Birthday?
27 September
Anemone: Favorite flower?
All flowers pretty,, but stargazer lily, rose, dahlia and cherry blossoms
Angelonia: Favorite t.v. show?
I don't watch tv but I'll list some other stuff i like to watch:mha, beastars and aggretsuko
Arum-Lily: What’s the farthest you’d go for a stranger?
Idk depends on scenario??
Aster: What’s one of your favorite quotes?
"Kanye West he likes, fingers in his ass."
Aubrieta: Favorite drink?
Any Milkshakes or smoothies (mostly banana and strawberry for milkshake and p much anything for smoothie)
Baby’s Breath: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
I've never had kith
Balsam Fir: Have you ever been in love?
Well you see yes but actually no
Baneberries: Favorite song?
I listen to a lot but to keep it short:baby in the kitchen, in my mouth and friends slowed (chase atlantic)
Basket of Gold: Describe your family.
We p chill fam
Beebalm: Do you have a best friend? Who is it?
Irl bestie,, shes not on tumblr lol
Begonia: Favorite color?
But i like most colours
Bellflower: Favorite animal?
Bergenia: Are you a morning or night person?
Black-Eyed Susan: If you could be any animal for a day, what would it be?
I'd be like a doggo bc it would be the most fun i think-
Bloodroots: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a vet but then when my granny asked me "but whos gonna clean up the animal poop?" I was like "eWW pO0pP!" and then decided that mayb i shouldn't be a vet
Bluemink: What are your thoughts on children?
They're either really kind and sweet
Or literal demons from hell
Legit no inbetween
Blazing Stars: What are you afraid of? Is there a reason why?
I'm afraid of lot of things-
Borage: Give a random fact about your childhood.
I was one dumbass bitcg-
Bugleherb: How would you spend your last day on Earth?
Idk eat pizza and cry or smth ajakamkw
Buttercup: Relationship Status?
Camelia: If you could visit anywhere, where would you want to go?
Candytufts: When do you feel most loved?
When someone hugs me or just generally spends time with me
Canna: Do you have any tattoos?
Canterbury Bells: Do you have any piercings?
I used to have piercings when i was a bab but eHh haven't worn them since and i dont think my ear holes are big enough now-
California Poppy: Height?
4'10 grrr I'm the omega midget and I'll devour ur ankles
Cardinal Flower: Do you believe in ghosts?
Carnation: What are you currently wearing?
Pant, pink top and black hoodie
Catnip: Have you ever slept with a nightlight?
I think i have??
Chives: Who was the last person you hugged?
My mom and my dad
Chrysanthemum: Who’s the last person you kissed?
I never kith
Cock’s Comb: Favorite font?
I dont have one so imma say sans bc it always looks out of place and makes me laugh-
Columbine: Are you tired?
I feel like screaming and jumping around my room like a crackhead
Common Boneset: What are you looking forward to?
Nothing in particular ig
Coneflower: Dream job?
Smth kinda fun and art or design related hopefully,,,,
Crane’s-Bill: Introvert or extrovert?
Introvert but i also get lonley easily
Crocus: Have you ever been in love?
Crown Imperial: What’s the farthest you would go for someone you care about?
I would get run over by 5 monster trucks, jump off a plane, get mauled by 10 bears, get trampled on by a stampede, get brutally tortured for 12 hours straight, yeet myself into the Grand Canyon and then break all my bones with my bare hands if they weren't broken already
Ok basically i care a lot
Cyclamen: Did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a child? What was it?
I had this st bernard plush called Sparky and this lion named Sammy,,
Daffodil: What’s your zodiac sign?
Dahlia: Have you done anything worth remembering?
My memory is legit so bad it's probably concerning uHHH
Daisy: What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment?
Mayb art??
Daylily: What would you do if your parents didn’t like your partner(s)?
Ehhh i might reason with them and then if they still disagreed I'd just keep the relationship a secret
Dendrobium: Who is the last person that you said “I love you” to?
My parents
False Goat’s Beard: What is something you are good at?
Ehhh arT
Foxgloves: What’s something you’re bad at?
EhhHh everything that isn't art-
Freesia: What are three good things that have happened in the past month?
Oh boy here comes my shitty memory-
Idk but I'm mostly happy that I've been more social and stuff and i feel like im kinda coming out of my shell a bit
Not sure what to say for other 2 bc nothing in particular has really happend?
Garden Cosmos: How was your day today?
Ehhh oK??
Gardenia: Are you happy with where you’re at in your life?
Gladiolus: What is something you hope to do in the next year or two?
I hope to pass all my exams and get an okish job mayb
Glory-of-the-Snow: What are ten things that make you happy/you’re grateful to have in your life?
2. Fammm
3. eHhh yummy food,,
4. Drawing and uhhh art
6. Ok idk what else aside from like serious stuff like house and etc.-
Heliotropium: What helps you calm down when you feel stressed?
Drawing, crying, venting to a friend/parent
Hellebore: How do you show affection?
Hugssss,kith,cuddle, *draws u stuff*
Hoary Stock: What are you proudest of?
MmmmmMy aRRt?
Hollyhock: Describe your ideal day.
Wake up
Don't go to school
Vibe with friends
Hyacinth: What do you like to do in your free time?
Hydrangea: How long have you known your best friend? How did you meet them?
Ehh 8yrs? We met in hell school
Irises: Who can you talk to about (almost) everything?
Laceleaf: How many friends do you have?
6..?? Aa idk theres some people that idk if they'd consider me a friend or not,,
Lantanas: What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
Idk any compliment is best compliment for me,,
Larkspur: What do you think of yourself?
Ew yucky gröss
Lavender: What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
m y a r t
Also my hair bc its soft and wavy,,
Leather Flower: What’s your least favorite thing about yourself?
Everything else-
Lilac: What’s something you liked to do as a child?
Climb trees and do dumb shit
Lily: Who was your best friend when you were a kid?
Same irl bestie i mentioned before
Lily of the Incas: What is something you still feel guilty for?
Lily of the Nile: What is something you feel guilty for that you shouldn’t feel guilty about?
Lupine: What does your name mean? Why is that your name?
Well I chose Fae bc i thought it sounded pretty
Marigold: Where did you grow up? Tell us about it.
Idk what to rlly say lmao
Morning Glory: What was your bedroom like growing up?
Kinda the same but i had toys everywhere-
Also when i was like 5 i had this legit fucking cursed thomas the tank engine shaped bed that i actually found a pic of but it's FUCKING HORRIFYING SO I PROBS WONT SHOW HERE-
Mugworts: What was it like for you as a teenager? Did you enjoy your teenage years?
Norwegian Angelica: Tell us about your mom.
Hi mom ily ur epic
Onions: Tell about your dad.
Hi dad ily ur epic
Orchid: Tell about your grandparents.
Omg i miss my grannies sm bc i couldn't see em this year bc nasty pandemic
Pansy: What was your most memorable birthday? What made it be so memorable?
Haha shit memory gor brrRR-
I don't really remember too many specific parties but when i was like 7-10 i had these epic parties in those birthday places with the giant play areas
I kinda wish i wasn't too old to go to them sobs
Peony: What was your first job?
I haven't had a job yet
Petunia: If you’re in a relationship, how did you meet your partner(s)? If you’re not in a relationship, how did you meet your crush/how do you hope to meet your future partner(s), if you want any?
Hmmmm idk? I haven't really thought abt that but i don't really mind i just wanna find someone to vibe with,,
Pincushion: How do you deal with pain?
I cri
Pink: Where is home?
Home is home home
Plantain Lilies: If you could go back in time, what is one thing you would stop/change?
Now where do i start...
Prairie Gentian: Who is someone you look up to? Describe them.
I look up to people that are kind, caring, brave, funny, cool or stronger than me ig?
Primrose: Describe your ideal life.
Basically my current life minus school, stress,pandemic and responsibilities lmao
Rhodendron: What is something you used to believe in as a child?
I used to believe in ghosts after i thought i encountered one
Ricinus: Who’s the most important in your life?
Rose: What’s your favorite sound?
Peoples laughsss also music
Rosemallows: What’s your favorite memory?
Bro i dont have one,, my aphantasia makes it hard for me to remember stuff-
Sage: What’s your least favorite memory?
Snapdragon: At this moment, what do you want?
I wantttt better chargersss thattt donttt telll meee thatt myyy tablett will finishh chargingg innn 1 dayy andd 7 hoursss
St. John’s Wort: Is it easy or difficult for you to express how you feel about things?
Kinda difficult but im opening up more
Sunflower: What is something you don’t want to imagine life without?
Sweet Pea: How much sleep did you get last night?
8 hrs
Tickseed: What’s your main reason to get up every morning?
Idk ig i kinda have to go to school and do stuff
Touch-Me-Not: How do you feel about your current job?
Non existant
Transvaal Daisy: What’s your favorite item of clothing?
My black and white stripy top, and all my hoodiess
Tropical White Morning Glory: Describe your aesthetic.
I don't think i have just one aesthetic bc im drawn to so many different aesthetics at the same time-
Like vintage, neon, dark, spoopy, pastel, cute, etc etc
Tulip: What would be the best present to get you?
Vervain: What’s stressing you out most right now?
Wisteria: How many books have you read in the past few months? What were they called?
I haven't been reading anythinggg
But i should really finish reading Percy Jackson bc it do be picking up dust-
Wolf’s Bane: Where do you want to be in life this time next year?
Yarrow: Do you know what vore is?
Mmm yummy 👅
Zinnia: Give a random fact about yourself.
I am currently living and breathing yes
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wo-wann-was-wer · 4 years
I'm so sad Regina got buried in the woods
these fucking comparison shots are amazing
someone just tried to text me and I low-key flipped out because I was like you need to leave me the fuck alone
What if he just took her jacket and was like this is mine bitch
Katharina looks so dope with glasses
I'm so into her being the rock of this family by the way which I was never surprised by because women have the strength of 6 million men but
we've literally never seen Charlotte and her dad interact (like for reals)
That's one of the problems of this show is that some relationships fell by the wayside and I'm not a fan of that
did Charlotte drop herself off on the stoop
That's Tannhaus baby is somewhere because they never found the body of that infant so that infant is somebody.
yeah I literally can't imagine finding something like this out I'd lose my fucking mind
"who am I?" "I don't know" wow that's a fuck of a thing
Wow Claudia from the other universe That's fucking me up
Also what if Claudia from the other universe is the fucking bitch who has been fucking with us this whole time AKA the white devil
Also when are we going to see Noah again because I need to see Elisabeth and Noah together falling in love because I stan
worried about her Please tell us what happened to her I'm concerned
This actress has to be at least partially deaf and or hard of hearing because number one her ASL is fluent and she even emotes some words right? Idk
I do not trust this other Claudia as far as I could fucking throw her
This show is like the debate between Democrats and Republicans every fucking party is trying to convince everybody else that they are the ones that's trying to save the world and both of them behind closed doors are like all right how do we fuck the people in the asshole
I can't help wondering if this wouldn't have happened if we understood the half-lives of radioactive materials
so is all of this coming back to 1986 Is that the the origin time
And then do what What are you going to do with fucking 250 radioactive barrels The fuck you talking about
The scratches on the other side of her face and I don't know why it's on the other side of her face but it's on the other side of her face and it's concerning me
does that mean something's going to go different like
Jonas is out here like why did the adults lie to me
Oh my God after three seasons he's finally realizing not to listen to other people good boy
Oh Peter and Charlotte bonded over having fucked up families
Peter's mom is dead and he didn't know who his father was
Also babies
Also the way that he embodies Peter is fucking insane
I'm so into Charlotte with this curly hair
Oh my God who is this
Elisabeth run baby girl. too late. we've gone this long without sexual assault if they touch this child I'm going to lose my damn mind
Peter is going to kill this man
Elizabeth kill him Peter kill him if Peter dies is the hands of this dude I'm going to lose my fucking mind get back from my baby get back from my fucking cinnamon roll I'm going to kill you Elizabeth stab him the back stab him the back Elizabeth your daddy has a knife at his neck NOOOO PETER NOOOOOOOOOO NOOOOO FUCK
I literally will never forgive them for killing Peter why are the dopplers the most important and most tragic family
he never did anything to anybody
Katharina please kill your abusive mother She deserves it
everybody on this show is super into bludgeoning nobody likes shoots anybody else everybody fucking bludgeons everybody
No can I watch this abusive fucking bitch is going to hit you No Don't let her kill you Don't let her kill you
Is Katharina dead why are they taking my favorite people
she doesn't even get justice for how her mom treats her it's not fair. and now Ulrich is still stuck inside the asylum
oh thank God Noah is here because I was so worried about my baby
Wait what is going on. Oh Jonas has never died before This is exciting
oh wait there's only one Jonas damnit
Even though it's not working for everyone I do really love the 1888 look on Jonas
I did not expect that Aleksander was going to tell Bartosz about his real identity
This shit is so uncomfortable.
Ulrich needs a real stop telling the women that he's fucking to stop coming to his household
It's like the penny traveled through time GASPPPPPPP
Jonas What the fuck did you come from
all my fucking pussy friends are bothering me from finishing this show YALL GOT STUPID PROBLEMS STAND UP FOR YOURSELF AND THEN THIS WONT HAPPEN
I'm going to say this every single time he's on screen but this beard is too good
I think that bartosz may be the most scorned member of this entire group he never gets any pussy and it's so sad
I'm super over this really creepy really ugly fucking dude I want him to leave I also kind of don't believe that he's the child of Martha and Jonas
Oh I absolutely love love love them holding hands and then going back to a shot of them holding hands as kids
why are they such a good couple I really like them but I also always have
I'm not super sure I understand why they had to leave bartosz behind
I don't trust a single of these fucking adults I'm just any of them including themselves when they become adults
This is like a suicide squad. This is the weirdest collection of people What is this team. What are they doing. since when are these people are working together. omg
Oh shit a child born of both worlds takes both worlds energies to destroy it. But that's what causes the apocalypse
Well this is super fucked up
everything that's happening in this final montage sequence is bad news
all of it
why do I Stan Noah and Elisabeth so much
omg Hannah is giving birth is NOW the time
wow this is a lot
our perspective is what makes definitive reality
I'm confused about the gravestone that says Charlotte on it
Also yes give me more Elizabeth and Noah please please please
This is absolutely crazier than any shit doc Brown ever did But he was also trying to build a time machine in the 1890s so that's fun
Oh is this how he gets all the fucking scars
My goodness what is happening What is going to happen I'm getting stressed.
There's only two episodes left I feel like they're not answering my questions I'm worried
What happened to wöller
What is silja doing here
This is bullshit she's like drawing him in
Oh that's a surprise so silja is a tiedemann
why is it always like I feel like I know what's happening and then around episode 6 or 7 I just completely lose the plot
oh wow Jonas almost straight up died but Noah saved him
‘you can't die’ points a gun at him
Oh my God you can't kill yourself because you've already grown
oop well after that birth happened I had to take about 5 minutes to pause my brain and factor that in
yo I knew Tannhaus was going to figure in fucking more than he did
Is he the one who builds the cage
does this seem like a good idea or does this seem like a bad idea
shooting yourself What do you think that feels like
everybody's on a different team there are too many teams It went from like a presidential race to a March madness bracket There's so many fucking people involved everybody's got their own goddamn plan
folks I just want to emphasize here that we have an episode and a half to tie all this up
Oh shit universe A Claudia infiltrated universe B Claudia
I love what they did with the place after the fire It looks really nice It's a different vibe but it's good
so Eve made the plans for the machine
Wait what She died. 
I can't believe that Elizabeth and Charlotte have to be the ones to drop off Charlotte as an orphan
Oh noooooooooooo Jonas didn't do it!!!!
Oh my God don't make me feel sympathy for Hannah
he looks so fucked up 
bye hannah we won't miss you
but also hate leaving a child without their parents
Tell us what's on the last page and tell us what happened to woller's eye
All right now we're seeing how everybody got to where they were like the first fucking time
I love this walk down memory lane it's literally just the stylized recap of the show right before the final episode which is 10/10
watch your face girl
too late
Omg what does this mean 
This show is just Claudia Tiedemann Lurking: the TV show
Also the bullshit that he had to live through all of this in order to get to the end makes me really sad
yeah wait who's the fucking father of Regina
been way too sucked in
How many times are going to burn this place down
how many versions of this fucking machine do they have they're always like oh God we don't have a way here or there FUCKING LIARS
I can't believe that the thesis of this show is teenage hormones cause the apocalypse
Adam and Eve are such fucking children it's so stupid. 
reunion nnnnnnnnnnn
Oh shit he fucked up your plan huh
No I don't want it to end
I wish everybody didn't cry so much everybody so sad all the time
yup what in the actual fuck is happening
yo this is fucking wild
these baby Martha and Jonas are so cute
Not sure where we're going with this folks what's happening here wrap it up shit
I'm really obsessed with this golden snitch
It's just making me so sad
oh they're becoming stardust together
this is a weird cover but I'll take it
everything is going back to normal
but without Jonas and Martha and Claudia
if they don't tell us what happened to his eye I'm gonna flip out
Also what does this ending line mean its stressing me out
Well thats it. Three years of my life. Damn
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How To Train Your Dragon: Homecoming - Thoughts/Review!
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blehbleehhhh · 5 years
A Princess and a Barbarian Cheiftain ft. EreMika❣️
Hey, Braveheart anon! 💕 I see you! I hope you like it. I'm sorry it took forever to write .-. I pictured Mikasa as a warrior princess so I hope you don’t mind that lol. Please send in more requests! Also, an interesting fact from all the research I did for this one - the word "barbarian" did not have a negative meaning for everyone in the Roman Empire. It was actually used to refer to the people immigrating into their territory and not at all meant to be derogatory. I went back and forth with using historically accurate Barbarian Tribe names and writing in the Roman Empire but then I'd really have a restriction so ehhh, whatever. That's who I'm referring to when I say the "Empire'. Hope you enjoy because this damn thing took ages to fucking write! Shout out to my hubby for helping me with this! This is also a good time for me to introduce a new thing I’d like to try if people actually like it, add a drawing to my fics. Ever since I started writing this one I had a vision of Eren sitting in a chair like that with them both decked out in armor idk, I’m pretty rusty, it’s been a MINUTE since I’ve picked up my pencils, lol. Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys. Yes, there’s smut, there’s angst, don’t think I have to actually put a warning in but someone complained .-.
It's a cold, frigid December morning and Princess Mikasa is on the back of her young horse with sights set on a local barbarian village because her father is finally responding to the violence done by their chieftain, a fierce and talented warrior. Emperor Ackerman wants to establish some sort of a peace treaty with him in the hopes of preventing such acts from ever occurring again, at least attacks that would be under his direction and blessing. The village is hidden behind a tall wall made from wood and what an impressive sight on the other side of the gate - a large, expansive crop field being tiled by farmers, crop animals being maintained for food and wool conveniently located near a tannery, where the hides are made into clothing then sold to villagers, and of course, a stables with a large grazing field for their horses. Mikasa was surprised to see a black smithery where one smith was currently molding a dagger out of scalding hot iron, his shop displaying many goods ranging from weapons to lock keys to horseshoes, all of the items she's seen the smiths make around her hometown. Villagers were minding their own business for the most part and working their trades, some grooming animals, some sweeping the dust out of their shops while children were running around a large tree in the center of town surrounded with dead leaves, giggling as they played tag and tossed such vegetation in the air. The princess gave her trusty steed's meaty neck a rewarding pat down by his shoulders, making his fluffy, dark ears perk up with interest, standing perfectly still as she carefully dismounted to put her stirrups back up into the saddle. Someone she recognized as being one of her father's previous subjects approached and copied Mikasa's smile when he was handed the reins. "Your Elegancy." The elderly man moved to bow respectfully and was stopped with a gentle, kind hand on the shoulder, looking up to meet her eyes with a confused expression.
"Please, that really isn't necessary, but thank you for being so respectful. Just take care of my horse for me, sir, that's all I ask."
"Of course! Some of the best hay in the area!" He turned with a smile to guide the twelve hundred pound animal into a temporary stall, where he carefully removed it's bridle and bit before locking him in behind a short, wooden stall door, allowing the horse to graze on some of their hay. Just like her Uncle Levi has taught her over the years he's been mentoring his young niece, she took in a deep breath to center herself with the advice he'd given her before she left this morning; You cannot make good decisions without a clear mind. Something that he's always insisted and Mikasa has definitely found that to be the case. And so one last time she thought through the steps Levi has constantly hounded into her head, since her parents were always too busy to raise their own child and teach these lessons themselves - the most important being to not let emotions get in the way of negotiations. The largest hut is the one she assumes to be reserved for the chieftain and it's guarded by two barbarian brutes that are definitely not intimidating at least to her, which is why she simply nodded as she opened the old, wooden door. It was difficult to maintain her trademark blank expression when she saw him - someone who doesn't even come close to resembling the stereotype that follows barbarian chieftains. There he sat upon a wooden throne boosted up on three stone slab steps and clearly missing the anticipated grisly bear of a beard in favor of a cleanly shaven, surprisingly handsome face that's framed with pushed back shoulder length, chocolate brown hair, his skin sun kissed from always being outside, and eyes so green that she swore her heart skipped a beat. What was just as surprising to her is that he appears to be about her young age of twenty four, something she didn't expect to be possible given such an impressive reputation. "Eren Jaeger?" Mikasa could feel herself blush when he responded with what she loathes to admit is quite a sexy smirk, her cheeks red already from being in the cold, and she watched his eyes as they clearly sized her up. The young man sat taller in his seat and was genuinely unsure if his eyes were in fact deceiving him because surely one of the princesses wouldn't be a warrior, but based on the armor she's wearing, it's obvious that this ravishing creature fights for the empire.
"Ah, your Elegancy. What can I do for you?"
"This destruction has gone on for long enough and it has to stop, so I've been sent here to negotiate peace."
"Why would the empire give a damn about what we do?"
"We assume that you're the one responsible for that local town being decimated? You know," Mikasa sighed as she crossed her arms over her chest and raised an eyebrow. "The fifth one this year?" He simply gave her a slow nod and pulled his hair back into a small, low ponytail at the nape of his neck, now flashing an amused grin that she's counting things out for added effect. "Okay, we'll continue. How about all of those castles that have been destroyed? The crop fields bunt? The countless Lords and knights you've killed? I realize someone else could have done this, but you're our most problematic tribe." Eren smiled and nodded his head, leaning his cheek on his fist because she’s simply alluring.
"Oh no, that was most definitely me."
"Why? You have killed so many people! Why?"
"I've been doing it for years now. Why would you get involved now?"
"Because you're out of control! What is the meaning of this?"
"You aristocrats and your stupid government have some laws that tend to be harmful to my people and I simply cannot have that. I refuse to tolerate injustices of any kind when there's something that can be done about it!" Eren leaned forward in his throne as his fists slammed into the wooden arm rests and was surprised when she didn't cower, it seems he won't be getting his way with this one. "Besides, I tend to attack other tribes that fuck me over and I could care less what your father thinks of me."
She simply rolled her eyes.
"What could those people have possibly done to warrant such extreme violence?"
"The most recent village happened after I had attempted to establish a peace treaty with their leader, so I sent one of my best men over. Only his head returned three days later hanging off the horse's saddle."
"I'm sorry about your loss," And then her expression fell sympathetic when she pictured a sight so horrific. "I really can't imagine." His face softened as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat.
"Yeah, well, I know you're not here to give your condolences. You want peace with me?"
"That, and I would love to actually give the families of Lords and knights some kind of closure instead of just staring at them blankly -" She paused to take a deep breath when she remembered that day in battle, where a very dear friend was ruthlessly murdered. Nobody could have done anything to stop the blitz attack, because the one who killed him rode past on their horse so quickly that there wasn't any time to respond. And suddenly her face grew as fierce as before. "One of my Uncle's best legionnaires was killed in battle last year with your men. I was there when he was decapitated, Eren, and the killer looked an awful lot like you." In a second his eyes screamed irritation and he sat forward in his throne almost growling.
"Yeah, I know exactly who you're talking about. That asshole was responsible for wiping out half of my men with your Uncle's assistance! Those people had families!"
"He left behind a wife and two little boys!"
"And should you aristocrats decide not to feed these people when they inevitably become poor," Eren smirked as he cracked his knuckles because he knows that his words have made her angry and he finds it extremely amusing. "I'm happy to take them in as I so often do when they wander away from the city. Those two morons back there were originally a part of your father's empire." The girl knit her brows together and growled under her breath because she's all too aware of the empire’s failings when it comes to caring for its people who aren't wealthy. She snarled under her breath and allowed her hands to curl into fists at her sides.
"Why, you gargantuan piece of -!" Mikasa paused and took a deep breath to collect herself. "I'll have you know that he was a very good man and someone you probably could have taken some pointers from!" Those words immediately changed the room's atmosphere and both of them felt it as they tried to intimidate the other with their increasingly heated exchange.
"So what," He rose from his throne tall and definitely commanded the room with such an intimidating presence, smelling of ale and nature. "Because I'm brutal with my enemies, I can't be a gentleman?" The fur pelt around his neck swayed as he slowly walked down the slab steps, their eyes watching each other with mutually fierce expressions. Now, this woman is stunning. Until the princess waltzed in, Eren has never really felt tempted enough to bother with something as distracting as being in some kind of relationship, but she's definitely worth the effort. There truly isn't anything he finds sexier than a woman this passionate, actually cares, and actively pursues justice, hell, the fact that she's so attractive is nothing more than icing on the cake. Her eyes are a beautiful gray-blue and they go so well with long, silky black hair that frames such a slim and angelic face, matching perfectly with her fair skin. Yes, Mikasa certainly is every bit as breathtaking as he's so often heard her described from others that had the privilege of being graced with her presence. But he can tell from her body language that his usual intimidation tactics haven't managed to get things straightened so far and with a glance behind her, he nodded at the two men standing guard at the building's entrance. "You two. Out. Now." His eyes flickered down to hers once more as he reached for a water canteen and brought it to his lips, finishing whatever was left in a large gulp before setting the empty container down on the table. She crossed her arms over her chest and sighed deeply.
"You certainly don't behave like a gentleman."
"Aw, that isn't a very nice way to negotiate, princess."
"I hate being called that. And I'm only behaving this way because you're being an ass. How dare you speak to me that way!"
"Respect is earned, princess," Eren smirked as he slipped his hands into his fur lined pockets, eyes giving her a second once over. "And I have no respect for the empire. You have a failing economy, the taxes are much too high, and you're so lazy that you literally use barbarian tribes to guard your fucking borders! Just what kind of an army is your Uncle running?"
"Well, it's better than a bunch of assholes who rape women, murder innocent people and destroy lands!"
"This tribe doesn't rape women. I've actually had quite a few of my own men executed for doing that. And I don't have people executed unless I think it's called for." Because he was just as passionate about this response, Mikasa reasoned that she's being told the truth when he insists such behaviors aren't tolerated here. "But I won't deny destroying lands, crops, killing Lords and knights, because I did all of that to protect my people. We're fighting for our lives just like everyone else." She briefly looked away with a sigh and pushed her fingers through her hair when she met his eyes once more with a considerably softened expression.
"I appreciate that, Eren, I really do, but if you don't it knock off the brutality, I'll be forced to have you and your men executed."
"Oooh," The young man smirked as he took a few steps closer to her and was surprised when she didn't back away, only flashed a genuine smile he finds to be extremely beautiful, pressing her fists into her sides. How cute. "Is that a threat?"
"No, actually, it's a promise," Mikasa smiled and bit her lower lip as they intently studied each other's eyes, an amused grin teasing his lips because he's never felt so attracted to someone before and boy does he want her. "I already have permission to have you all killed. Hell, I'll decapitate you myself."
"A princess that yields a sword? You are as impressive as I've heard."
"I have a collection." She flashed a devilish grin and cocked an eyebrow, very aware that his eyes are drawn to her lips and she was extremely flattered. Little did she know that smirk he wears is because he's ashamed to have already wondered briefly if she's this playful in bed.
"What's in it for me if I cooperate?"
"You mean besides living?"
"I think you know exactly what I meant." Eren brought a hand to his mouth, itching the corner with his finger as he briefly looked away because he's extremely amused, especially now that she has taken a few steps closer with her eyes still glued on his. They flickered down to his lips, her rational mind quickly being over powered since she's giving some serious consideration to defying Levi's instruction and giving in to this undeniable, magnetic spark between them that neither are really willing to resist. Love at first sight indeed.
"You won't be invaded and we won't destroy your crops."
"While that is appreciated, I'm afraid it's just not enough."
"Any tribes that you struggle with?"
"Yeah," He crossed his arms over his chest as they got closer and smiled at just how much he's truly enjoying this fire she has. "There are a few. Unfortunately, we aren't quite strong enough to deal with them on our own now thanks to your Uncle, since they're many in number and much larger than the ones I've already taken care of." The young woman bit her lower lip as she studied his face, so chiseled and handsome. Even the man she's been engaged to since she was four doesn't look at her like this.
"We can help you fight them."
"You also have a few of my people in custody that I'd really like back."
"Okay," Mikasa smiled as she pushed her fingers through her hair, the strands slowly falling before her eyes. "I can get them out of jail and talk with my father about maybe getting their charges dropped." He just slowly nodded his head in agreement and smirked as he closed the small gap that remained between them, an action that made her cheeks a little rosy.
"Now, that is an interesting offer."
"Well, wait a second, you need to hold up your end," She hesitantly placed a hand on his chest and was relieved when he simply smiled instead of backing away. "All we want is your cooperation if we have to fight other tribes. We may have a large military, but there's only so much border and territory we can cover on our own. The empire has grown quickly and continues to do so." Her eyes flickered from his eyes to his lips, waiting patiently for what she hopes will be good news. So much for not letting my emotions get involved..
"Fine." Eren smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and placed his hands on her hips, leaning in slowly to kiss the lips he's admittedly been eying since she walked in. But the door suddenly opened, and they rushed to pull away as one of his men stuck his head in the room to deliver a message having unknowingly interrupted their first kiss. "What is it?" He hissed out of frustration because he was finally about to kiss her after bickering back and forth with palpable sexual tension for almost an hour. Mikasa bites her lip, clasping her hands together behind her back as she impatiently watches him speak with one of his men.
"Sir, our scouts have returned. They determined that the new nearby tribe isn't a threat."
"Yeah, okay, thank you." Eren was already moving to grab her by the waist as soon as the door closed with a mutually playful smirk. "So, like, do you always negotiate peace treaties with yourself? Or am I just lucky enough to be the first one?"
"Luck had nothing to with what's about to happen," Mikasa smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and brought him closer until their lips were almost touching. "I want you so badly.." She whispered, letting out the softest moan when he finally kissed her, a moment so magnetic, so magical that it truly seemed as if they were the only two people in the world and nothing else mattered but them. The encounter left them both feeling dizzy and that lingered long after he pulled away, her nose slowly rubbing alongside his.
"Maybe we should find somewhere more private?" He breathed to her smile and smirked when she backed away enough for him to see her biting her lip, and he was more than happy to drag her by the hand out the back door so his people don't see them leaving together for the chieftain's private living quarters. Their hearts were already racing once they got on the other side of the door and the tension had reached a new high as she started removing her armor to reveal basic cold weather clothing; several tunics, wool leggings and socks with her tall leather boots. Mikasa chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her waist with a smirk and pulled her into his solid form, sliding her hands along his fur cape to lift it over his head, tossing it on the floor. She crashed her lips against his and jumped up to capture his waist with her legs as they slowly wandered to his bed together, exchanging frantic kisses and carefully laying her on her back. Large hands slide beneath multiple, wool tunics and she was disappointed when their lips had momentarily parted so he could tug them over her head, revealing an insanely slim and beautifully toned body that he was already very drawn to.
"You're fucking gorgeous."
"Thank you.." She blushed as he grabbed onto one of her legs, smiling and watching her eyes while he pulls off her boots, then leggings and socks. Mikasa sat up on the edge of the bed as she reached for his layers of warm tunics and slid them up his body with her hands, which encouraged him to remove them and toss the bundle aside. Her cheeks immediately grew red at the best set of abs she's ever seen as he reached behind her back to loosen her corset until she was able to remove it still in shock - slim, slender, absolutely ripped. "Wow, and you say my body is incredible?"
"That's because it is. At the risk of sounding crass, I've been with quite a few women, and you're just top notch gorgeous. And a tough as hell. Which is even hotter."
"Were any of them good at giving head?" Mikasa grinned as she placed a gentle hand on his bulge and slowly slid it up to tuck her fingers behind his wool pants and sheepskin underpants. "Because I've been told I do.." He smirked as she dropped everything to his ankles and proceeded to gently curve her fingers around the thickness, her tongue lapping at the tiny amount of goo oozing from the sensitive tip. With a low groan he carefully gathered her hair away from her face and watched as she opened her mouth, leaning in slowly to control how quickly she swallows his long length, nuzzling her nose at the base in soft brown hair.
"Fuck, you are good..." Eren chuckled with a simultaneous moan as she gently pulled back with her cheeks sucked in, just enough to add her hand back into the mix so she can stroke with gentle twists of his shaft. She suddenly picked up her pace as she stroked and sucked him in tandem, making his hips jerk with his slightly louder groans and moans. But she was prepared and swallowed his length eagerly once more, content with him slowly pumping into her mouth. "You are literally the perfect girl, holy shit -" He paused when she moaned softly around him and slowly released his length from her mouth with an audible pop, biting her lower lip as she lay back on his bed so he can climb on top. "I realize now what I said just came across that you're only the perfect girl because you give amazing head, but I didn't mean for it to." She giggled just loud enough for him to hear as he began to tug down on her underpants, his eyes watching hers for any sign of hesitation only to find nothing but pure lust.
"You were fine, but thank you anyway.."
"Of course," Eren smirked as he leaned in to kiss her and tossed her underpants aside, their lips only parting so his can wander agonizingly slow down her body. "Now, where were we?" She grinned, blushing furiously as her hips are hoisted up over his shoulders so he can drag his tongue along her glistening slit and she grasped onto both of her breasts, watched him munch away at her sweet spot from above while her body dangles off of his.
"Erenn...." She squeezed her breasts as he stretched his arm down to touch one of her breasts, surrendering control over how hard he squeezes to her. His lips sealed around her clit, suckling in just the right way that caused an almost immediate climax and inspired him to playfully pop his hand on her ass, making Mikasa giggled as squeals with delight, struggling endlessly not to grind against his mouth because he's holding her so tight. "Ohh! Please, please!" She pleaded through her helpless moans and blushed a shade darker when he opened his eyes to hers, slowly pulling his lips off to plant a kiss over the pink skin. He smiled as he carefully lay her down on the bed and leaned in to kiss her, his hand wandering down so he position himself at her entrance. They both moaned into their increasingly passionate smooch as he carefully slipped deep inside the heat, lingering here to let her body get used to him being in there. Suddenly, he was thrusting into her so quickly, that it forced her to tear her lips away, watching his eyes as he absolutely railed her. "Eren! Eren! Eren!" With a most pleasurable cry she clawed at his back, letting out the occasional whimper amidst her helpless moans. And the sight of her clearly feeling satisfied made him smirk, something that she's certain will always make her heart skip a beat. "What?"
"Nothing, you're just ridiculously sexy," He paused when her eyes rolled back in pure bliss and she came hard, slowing his thrusts significantly since he's not quite ready to finish yet. "Seriously, I knew I had to have you as soon as you walked in." Those beautiful eyes opened to his and he offered a heartwarming grin as he leaned in to kiss her once more, thrusting into her deep and slow. She sighed into his mouth, reciprocating his thrusts as she pulled her lips away with a moan and giggled softly, placing a gentle hand on his cheek to touch the prominent dimples she's already loves.
"You look nothing like what I expected."
"What do you mean?"
"You're ridiculously hot.." She grinned as he suddenly took off and slammed into her, his smirk making her belly burn with desire as he stops again, sliding his hands beneath her back to encourage her to roll onto her stomach and she did so slowly, giggling small giggles as he gently pulls her up on all fours by the hips.
"I am?" Eren whispered in her ear as she eagerly spreads her legs for him, his cock still nestled deeply inside. "I'm ridiculously hot?"
"The only other cheif I've met wasn't even close to being attractive. But you are just..." Mikasa grinned when she felt his hands warm hands curve around her slender hips, his kisses slow on her spine and a smirk evident against her skin. "...the complete opposite."
"Last thing I expected when I woke up this morning was a sexy warrior princess to shiw up.” His husky voice whispered to her as he kissed up her back, making the entirety of her fair skin blush a light shade of pink. She moaned at the sound if his voice and pushed herself back against him, making her moan in such a way that he couldn't help but do the same.
"I should have guessed someone as stubborn as you would be a tease.." She purred immediate, pleasurable sounds when he took off and thrusted into her so quickly that neither  could think a coherent thought. She slowly slid her arms out until she could rest the side of her face on a pillow, clawing at the sheets and moaning loud whimpers. "Eren! Eren! Eren!"
"Mikasa.." He whispers breathlessly in her ear as she moaned through her climax, slowly pulling her hips back into his and pushing them forward. "I'll help protect your borders if you let me see you again. I assume you're like most princesses and are already engaged or married to another man, but to be honest, I really don't fucking care."
"I don't either, my fiancé is already cheating on me anyway. He even has a kid with her. Wait, you know I'm engaged to someone else, yet you still want to see me again?"
"I'm sorry," Eren's voice was genuine, soft and husky in her ear. "He sounds like an ass. Why are you so surprised that I want to see you again?"
"I didn't think you felt anything between - ah! aha! ah!" She squealed with delight when he suddenly took off and absolutely drilled into her and she loved it. "Oohhh!" Her hips started to tremble and she whimpered pleasurably, white knuckling the sheets as she bounces her hips back against his.
"I can't get enough of you already! Fuck! You're like a drug!" He moaned with her as he dug his fingers into her hips and guided her faster, sending his lover into an equally euphoric state. "I'm gonna cum!" In one swift movement he quickly pulled out at the perfect time and exploded all over her back with countless groans, hisses, and low moans. Eren held onto her tightly as they collapsed together on their sides and made her the little spoon, both hearts thumping hard against their rib cages. She sighed happily and yawned as she reached her hand up to push her damp hair back, already feeling sleepy from the most incredible sex she's ever had. “Damn, you’re incredible.”
"Mmm," Mikasa hummed with a smile and stretched back against him as he kissed any skin he could readily reach. "We need to figure out how to sneak you into my bedchamber.." His embrace is warm and welcoming as they settle beneath the blankets, basking in the heat coming from the fireplace that's giving the now dark room an orange glow. It's safe to assume that an unspoken agreement has been made between the two and that at least this tribe will no longer be of concern, all thanks to the negotiations between a barbarian chieftain and a princess.
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purplesurveys · 5 years
Tumblr makes the spacing kinda weird by the end, idk why but I hope it gets better for everyone else who wants to take this haha.
ONE - HI THERE! It’s an intro!
What do most people call you? Robyn. In what month is your birthday? April. What country were you born in? The beautiful but politically miserable Philippines. Do you have siblings? How many, if you do? I do; I have two. I’m the eldest, but they aren’t that far off from me. Who do you live with? I’m still studying so I’m living with family for now – mom and dad, a sister and a brother, and a dog. I really want to move out in the next couple of years though.
Are you in a relationship? Yes. Do you go to school? As I said, yes. I’m in university but I’m supposed to graduate next year. What mood are you in right now? Well, I wrapped up my internship last week and my entire weekend was booked with stuff I did, so now I’m just super glad to be home and bum around after all that hectic-ness. I just had 8 hours of sleep and am feeling pretty well-rested right now. What does your shirt look like? I’m wearing a big-ass gray Knicks sweater that’s like 3 sizes bigger for me. What’s your zodiac sign? Taurus.
TWO - Your Appearance
If you could have plastic surgery on any one body part, what would it be?Boobs. They’re so abnormally small that I’m tired of having to waste what would have been completely bomb outfits just because of my chest.
Are you satisfied with your hair? It could have less baby hair, honestly. But I’m fine with it for the most part.
Do you have a hitchhikers or a straight thumb? It’s a straight thumb. My left pinky is quite crooked though.
What colour are your eyes? Dark brown.
Do you have any tan lines? No, I haven’t gone to the beach in a while.
How old do people usually think you are? I just asked this question to Gabie last week and she said that I look 15.
What about your appearance do you get complimented on the most? Face and my overall figure.
Are you comfortable with your weight? Sure, but it’s always worrisome when I get to the lower 90s.
Do you have any piercings or tattoos? Where? Yeah, just the basic earlobes piercings that my parents got for me when I was a couple of months old.
How tall are you? I am 5′1″ and a half. I’m shorter than 5′2″, that’s for sure.
THREE - True or False
I love winter. Neither true or false as I have never experienced snow. I think I’d love it though.
I have eaten meat in the past five days. True. Filipinos eat meat a lot.
I have painted a room in a house. False. My mom is so controlling over adult things like that so she hired people to do it to all our rooms.
I can whistle. True. I learned pretty early.
My keyboard is black. True-ish? The buttons are black, but the spaces between them are silver.
I have never bought something off an infomercial. True. My mom would be so furious because it would be her money anyway.
I own a snuggie / would like to own a snuggie. False.
I bite my pens / pencils. False. I do bite my straws though.
I wear glasses / contacts. True.
My nails are painted right now. False.
FOUR - Childhood Memories!
What was your all time favourite movie as a kid? THE GAME PLAN, without a shadow of a doubt. Watched that shit everyday through third and fourth grade. My runner-up would be High School Musical.
Do you still have your first pair of shoes somewhere? Doubt it. My mom isn’t big on memories like me.
Did you have anything you always dragged around the house, like a blanket?Nope. I did use my parents’ blanket as a cape some days, and other days it would be a gown train and I’d pretend I was the Queen, but I wouldn’t drag it because it would get dirty.
What toy did you play with the most? I was always into grownup stuff so I always got kitchen appliances, dollhouses, etc. I once had toys that mimicked a pizza restaurant and it had a pizza roller and it was super fun for me haha. Once I got a pretend cash register though it was game over for all these bitches.
Did you ever bring your favourite toys in the bathtub? We didn’t have a bathtub, but yeah we would bring in our toys when we would shower.
Did you used to take baths with siblings/cousins? ^ Ooh, barely missed it. Yes, we did.
Are you still friends with your best friends from long ago? A handful are still my best friends. I keep in touch with most of my batchmates from my high school because we’re all close and we’re family and there was generally very little drama – and if there was, it was easy to let go.
Do your parents ever tell you stories about how cute/silly you were? They have several stories, but I was mostly a quiet kid who didn’t like getting in trouble.
Did you go to the park often? What was a typical outfit for the 5-year-old you?Blouses with a girly pattern, denim jeans, and Nike rubber shoes. The top always has to be tucked in.
Actor/Actress: Kate Winslet
Singer/Band/Both: Beyonce / Paramore
Chocolate: Reese’s
Toothpaste: ??? Whatever we have at home I guess?
Picture of yourself: Nah man, not doing that here.
Pair of sunglasses: I don’t have a favorite.
Vegetable: Broccoli!
Sandwich: Monte Cristo
Aspect of nature: Waterfalls
Word to say: “Literally”
SIX - Love Life ;)
Who was the first person to ever ask you out? No one’s ever asked me out before. Although I think that dude from one of my classes in sophomore year intended to…but I dunno. We were paired up together for this class and he wanted to spend time with me in a coffee shop after our work was done; I didn’t feel comfortable just being by myself so I told him in advance that I was gonna be bringing Gabie…never heard from him ever again :/
What does your ideal date consist of? Dinner somewhere nice (Italian or Japanese) should be enough for me.
What’s one thing your partner must be able to accept about you? I get sad and I’ll need loooooooong stretches of time alone some days.
Does your ideal person have any special talents? She can paint and draw. She doesn’t really share these with other people but she does with me.
Do your parents like the person you’re with? (Or the last person) My parents liked Mike and were convinced something was happening between us lmao. They don’t know about my relationship with Gabie yet.
Do you like pet names? Yes when it’s just the two of us. Publicly, I control myself, cos I know it annoys me when other people are too showy/vocal. Like I don’t call Gab pet names when we’re out with friends; and when we’re out at the mall or whatever, I’m not very physical other than holding her hand.
What is your age range? Same age. I can’t imagine dating someone younger or older, but then again this is because I haven’t had any other experience.
What is one attribute that your ideal partner must have? Sincerity.
When was the last time someone seriously said “I love you.” to you? This morning.
Have you ever been in more than one relationship at a time? No.
SEVEN - The wonderful world of the Internet!
What is your most used website? Probably Twitter. It’s the first thing I check everyday.
Do you play any online games? Other than playing on Y8 when I was younger, no.
Which chat program do you use most often? Messenger.
Facebook vs Myspace- which is better? I haven’t used Myspace in a hot minute, so I’ll go with Facebook.
Is there someone you met online that you’d like to meet in person? Yes, I’m still waiting to meet Aliyah. Girl is in BGC every single day but I can’t seem to grab lunch or dinner with her!
Have you ever sold something on Ebay or Craigslist? No.
Have you ever gone on Chatroulette? Or Omegle video? Yeah, when I was like 12 and curious about the Internet haha.
Are there any videos of yourself on Youtube? I don’t think so.
Mac or PC? Mac.
Have you ever Googled your name? I’ve Googled my username before, but not my name.
EIGHT - This or That?
Twilight or Harry Potter?
French fries or potato wedges?
Liquid ortape white out?
Digital or film camera?
Nail clippersor nail scissors?
Rock, paper, or scissors?
Beard or mustache?
Knee high or ankle socks?
Hockey or basketball?
Mr Clean or sponge and ‘the other leading cleaning product’?
NINE - Be cool, stay in school!
What subject are/were you best at? It’s always history, or social studies in general.
How old will you be when you graduate high school / how old were you? I was 18 when I graduated.
Isn’t there that point in the year when you stop caring so much? Yep, it’s usually when you’re a senior.
Do/did you have any really cool teachers? In UP? Absolutely. There’s a lot of shitty profs, but the cool ones are way too hardcore.
Who is/was your most strict teacher? Sir Ruel in my old school. Old man was and is such a fucking loser. Once had a comment about my breasts and I never forgot about it. Also kicked me and a bunch of other kids out of his class in fifth grade because we didn’t have crayons. He actually got booted by the school for a year because a parent complained about him, but he came back after.
Where do/did you sit at lunch? In high school, the cafeteria was too crowded so my friend group would hang out in our classroom, since most of us were classmates. Right now, lunch just depends on my schedule and where I happen to be by noon.
What do/did you do at recess? Catch up on homework I skipped the night before.
There’s always that one kid who no one really knows, right? LOL, yes.
Is/was your cafeterias food actually any good? It used to be good. Then they kind of hired this company to start making the meals starting junior year and the food was never as good again.
Do/did you have a stereotypical school, with all those cliques and such? You can say that. We had popular party kids, smart but still cool kids, soccer players, the basketball players who all turned out gay, kids who kinda just hovered in the middle, and those who were kinda brushed to the side were the theatre and anime kids.
TEN - Randomly Platypus.
Do you like your toothbrush really wet when you’re brushing your teeth? Not really wet. I just make sure I’ve put it under the running water before applying the toothpaste.
What song are you currently obsessed with? Not into anything at the moment.
What was the stupidest dare you’ve ever done? I hate dares, so I don’t do them haha.
Do you enjoy playing with tape? No?
What’s one word/phrase you say too much? LITERALLY. Which is a problem because most of the time, the things I associate the word with aren’t literal.
When was the last time you went trick-or-treating? 2017.
What did you last use a knife for? Haha, my orgmates were cooking up lunch and I volunteered to chop up the onions. Fun fact: First time to use a knife, ever.
When you open a pack of gum, why is everyone your best friend? Because gum is always a good idea.
What has been on your mind way too much? Completing my requirements for internship so I can submit them as early as possible.
Did you actually enjoy my survey? Sure. Categories are always fun.
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holydepths-blog · 5 years
✩ jt & sienna
my wrist hurts from typing so eat ass 
Who is more likely to raise their voice? sienna … like we get it he’s in a gang so he has to b mean to other people but both of them know she’ll kill him if he ever talks to her loudly in any capacity Who threatens to leave but never actually does? i feel like he’s a dramatic mf … like ummmm i can go any time i WANT to im not actually ur bf !! and she’s like yeah ur right leave and he goes :pensive: Who actually keeps their word and leaves? sienna . she would storm out of her own house for dramatic effect .  my girl doesn’t give a fuck Who trashes the house? she’ll throw sum at him …. prolly a pillow , she doesn’t need a lawsuit on her hands Do either of them get physical? not to imply domestic abuse is ever laughable but if (when? we dk) she ever came @ him … it’d be funny cos he cld literally just push against her forehead and her arms would not reach him How often do they argue/disagree? all the time, she disagrees simply to disagree w him Who is the first to apologise? her, solely because she’s Antagonistic on purpose and then feels bad 
Who is on top? she wants to take a ride on his disco stick Who is on the bottom? u heard me Who has the strangest desires? they both think the other person’s entirely normal behavior is freaky . jt wants to snuggle ? sienna: tf are we , puritans ? Any kinks? i refuse to take the bdsm test for her because i’m scared of what i’ll find so come back to me on this one Who’s dominant in bed? it’s exhausting being dominant in everything else so he takes the w on this one Is head ever in the equation? yethIf so, who is better at performing it? his beard is itchy so he compensates by being really fucking good at it Ever had sex in public? yes. they’ve had sex in the back room of the thrift shop more than they have upstairs in her apartment Who moans the most? can he shut the frick up Who leaves the most marks? sienna…………………………………. dont askWho screams the loudest? can SHE shut the frick up ….Who is the more experienced of the two? idk how experienced he is probably very but it’s important for me that u know she’s a whore Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? they frick Rough or soft? r**gh …. once a month she’s uwu ….How long do they usually last? for a long time , her poor thrussy Is protection used? yes. she’d kill herself before she got pregnant Does it ever get boring? no Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? they’ve had sex anywhere and everywhere 
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? she would literally rather DIE than be pregnant. FOR THE PURPOSES of this section … they adopt (one) kid when they’re too old to be raising a tot but still try, don’t @ me. If so, how many children do your muses want/have? her ? none lol but AGAIN … i cannot leave this section blank and …. future purposes dont @ meWho is the favorite parent? sienna’s not a regular mom, she’s a cool momWho is the authoritative parent? she’s also a bitch though, don’t forget it Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? jt , mostly because sienna doesn’t want them around all day Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? SIENNA  …. yeah sorry that i don’t think it’s jordan ‘waahhh sienna i don’t want you to get mercury poisoning’ tucker …. mind ur fucking business maybe ? Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? sienna , but she drags jt with her so she has someone to bitch about soccer moms and how long [ insert activity here ] is running with Who goes to parent teacher interviews? jt , sienna isn’t allowed there anymore. it’s a long story. Who changes the diapers? bold of u to assume she would ever go NEAR a diaperWho gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? she’s fully decided she is INDEPENDENT and does not NEED him to wake up for moral support or to warm up a bottle … her tit is good enough Who spends the most time with the children? jt , she’s an ankle biter anti . ( she still  reads the kid bedtime stories every night )Who packs their lunch boxes? jt , sienna is not allowed to make health choices for ANYONE Who gives their children ‘the talk’? SIENNA … she tells them flat out what happens and why it happens , no bullshit . science babey ! Who cleans up after the kids? nothing ever gets cleaned up , ever. Who worries the most? jt . sienna is too cool and chill 2 have anxiety Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? SIENNA 
Who likes to cuddle? he does … she’s super handsy casually but whenever it comes to actually hugging she takes a bit to warm up to it Who is the little spoon? she is …. he’s only allowed 2 snuggle her if she can fall asleep in his arms . nearly vomited writing that actually Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? right now ? sienna , trying to convince everyone they’re like actually really a thing . Who struggles to keep their hands to themself? sienna , and she denies it until her dying breath How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? sienna’s … ability to be uber affectionate with him is limited …. but she gets a lot better as time grows on . that’s character development Who gives the most kisses? jtWhat is their favourite non-sexual activity? dont ask me why my first thought was watching shitty b-rated horror movies …. she also makes him sort through clothes with her, and she promises it’s very theraputic Where is their favourite place to cuddle? bed . it’s much easier to get her to drop her mr tough guy act when she’s sleepy Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? neither , when they touch eachother it means BUSINESS , see two sections back How often do they get time to themselves? all the time , she runs away
Who snores? i already know she does , dont judge her If both do, who snores the loudest? sienna Do they share a bed or sleep separately? share :3 not rn …… but they WLD If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? she’s ready to draw a partition down the middle of the bedWho talks in their sleep? sienna , and he makes fun of her for it What do they wear to bed? sienna steals clothes specifically from him  to sleep in. she’s also 10/10 a morning showererer so she’ll lit sleep in her clothes from that day and not give a FUCK Are either of your muses insomniacs? sienna never sleeps she runs purely on red bull and annoyance Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? yeah , she takes them most nights Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? side by side, though occasionally she’ll reach for his hand Who wakes up with bed hair? sienna, and it’s awful. he’ll get his ass beat if he mentions it Who wakes up first? jt. it takes her FOREVER to fall asleep , but once she’s out she’s out .  think being awake for 24 hours then sleeping for 12+ Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? he does, not to be romantic but because he’s sick and tired of her eating leftover fried rice in bed. What is their favourite sleeping position? she sprawls , and she doesn’t like to be touching him when she sleeps , but his presence is a good thing Who hogs the sheets? jt , simply because he’s so comparatively large next to her that using a reasonable amount of sheets reads as hogging Do they set an alarm each night? they both intend to — and always forget. when when it goes off, sienna sleeps through it Can a television be found in their bedroom? yes , but it doesn’t get cable like the one in the living room does. it’s exclusively for blockbuster rentals. Who has nightmares? she doesn’t have wake up in a cold sweat nightmares, but she has sad dreams a lot Who has ridiculous dreams? sienna makes up the craziest dreams to relay to him just to fuck with him Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? SIENNAWho makes the bed?  neither have the time What time is bed time? either 8pm or 4am, no in between Any routines/rituals before bed? her SOLE form of self care is face masks, and she makes him do them on the top half of his face where green gunk wont get in his hair Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? sienna is grumpy all the time, so it’d have to be him by comparison 
Who is the busiest? she literally lives at work, so there’s always something Who rakes in the highest income? considering she is a SMART , STRONG , almost business owner ( omg they popping BIG bottles when the old bitch that actually owns the attic dies ) and he thrives on tips and gang bullshit ? do the math. Are any of your muses unemployed? nopeWho takes the most sick days? sienna just opens the store and goes back upstairs to fake supervise in her sleep, call her if there’s a fireWho is more likely to turn up late to work? he is, it’s LITERALLY impossible for her to do that Who sucks up to their boss? paging ed, she’s her own fucking boss What are their jobs? he’s a bartender/gang fREAK , she manages the attic thrift store Who stresses the most? jt has a lot of long days to to the antics of alcoholics , she likes her job even though she wishes she was somewhere else Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? she likes it…. but she’s super depressed she isn’t following her dreams. i assume he likes whatever’s going on on the wrong side of town Are your muses financially stable? yes 
Who does the washing? jtWho takes out the trash? jordan tucker Who does the ironing? jordanWho does the cooking? mr tuckerWho is more likely to burn the house down just trying? see i would say sienna, but she DOESN’T try. Who is messier? sienna, but she’s not as much messy as she is disorganizedWho leaves the toilet roll empty? siennaWho leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? jt, he lit just took his shoes off in the thread ….. literally get off her couch Who forgets to flush the toilet? that’s gross. Who is the prankster around the house? if he pulls anything over on her in her house he’s kicked 2 the curb. she bullying he is fair game tho Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? sienna doesn’t drive, so him Who mows the lawn? what lawn Who answers the telephone? she pointedly ignores them Who does the vacuuming? see the other chore listWho does the groceries? ^Who takes the longest to shower? siennaWho spends the most time in the bathroom? neither of them , efficiency is key 
Is money a problem? mo money mo problems is what i always say . it isn’t overflowing , but it isn’t an issue How many cars do they own? he has a motorcycle , she has a bike and two working feet Do they own their home or do they rent? she rents , technically , until she gets the store Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? dont ask this again mads still has not told me where we are Do they live in the city or in the country? SHE lives downtown , he would have to move in with her Do they enjoy their surroundings? she hates it , she wants a big city What’s their song? she played this on her record player , and she had one too many drinks and tried to dance with him to it ….. What do they do when they’re away from each other? breathe a sigh of relief Where did they first meet? the thrift storeHow did they first meet? when she literally made out w him unprecedentedly Who spends the most money when out shopping? sienna is always buying things at garage sales and other thrift stores she insists are to resell but then a week later they show up in her house or she’s wearing them Who’s more likely to flash their assets? sienna  owns one expensive thing and never lets it go. Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? they aren’t 10 Any mental issues? too many to countWho’s terrified of bugs? spiders are her friends Who kills the spiders around the house? if he does she’ll b mad at him that’s pablo , he lives in the corner Their favourite place? her apartment Who pays the bills? siennaDo they have any fears for their future? at this point probably the stress of staging a breakup Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? LOOK … i know it’s not the question but she surprises him with spectacularly unfancy dinners …. he shows up and they’re eating pizza rolls by candlelight because if she doesn’t cook them ahead of time he won’t let her eat them Who uses up all of the hot water? SIENNAWho’s the tallest? he is , she’s 2ft Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? sienna, the horndogWho wanders around in their underwear? [ me vc ] if he keeps barging in he’s seen her in a towel Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? neither of them , they DANCE What do they tease each other about? him about her poor life choices , her about his criticisms of her life choices . essentially she mocks him Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? sienna has to beg him to not wear a clean version of the same fucking clothes every day . he owns one outfit and washes it each night as far as she’s concerned Do they have mutual friends? no , they run in VERY different circles Who crushed first? [ tatbilb vc ] if anyone’s fallen in love with someone who doesn’t love them back, it’s not you. it’s kavinsky. he’s kavinsky. Any alcohol or substance related problems? the only water she drinks is watered down beer because it was cheaper, amiright lads? also she smokes a lot , have fun with lung cancer when you’re 40 sienna Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? sienna, and he was the bartenderWho swears the most? her 
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Happy Friday!! We’re back at it again, with an exclusive profile of the one, the only @fandomtrashwhore​, aka Marie! You’ve seen her instagram aesthetics, from Hunger Games to Parent Thiam AU to New Years’ AU. And now, we had the opportunity to learn more about her creative process and her life well…behind the screens. Let’s get it started!
Marie! Why not start us off with a simple introduction. Who is fandomtrashwhore? Or the artist behind her? The twist: the word count should be equal or less than the # of letters of the characters in your favorite TW rarepair ship.
Theo Raeken + Mieczyslaw Stilinski = 29
My name is Marie, I’m 19 years old and from Germany. My life is dedicated to my fandoms but besides that I’m an apprentice as an technical product designer.
Ha, I see whatcha did there with ‘Mieczyslaw.’ Smart, very smart! A Technical Product Designer! What does that entail? Do you like it so far?
I don’t know if there’s a perfect translation for it and I’m bad at explaining (that’s why I’m not a writer and my answers in this interview are gonna be shit :’D). I like the 3D drawing part most and till now I’m quite good at it and even ‘job school’ is pretty good. I feel like Hermione cause I always know the answer and my grades are on point af (which definitely wasn’t like that in my previous schools. I never said anything in class).
Pst, who said you have to be a good writer to have a good time? Just do you haha. That’s what we’re all here for any. That’s super interesting though. What’s another thing our fandom would be surprised to know about you?
I have to confess that I didn’t really mind Theo or Liam before season 6? Like I knew they were there and I liked them but I was too focussed on other characters + I didn’t know they wanted to end Teen Wolf then and felt like they wanted to shove the main pack away to replace it with Liam and his gang. (Now I’m all over the puppy pack ).
AND I watched the whole show till 5B or season 6 (not so sure) in one go and that’s why it felt like Theo and Liam both joined around the same time. (Even if there was one whole season between them…wtf.) I remember that I sometimes couldn’t even tell who was Liam and who was Theo cause I thought that they ‘looked alike’…BITCH WHERE? This is more than embarrassing, but every time I watch a show in one go I have trouble learning the names (when the name is said in the show I usually know who they mean but if I talk about it to someone I sometimes can’t remember the names cause I watched 3 seasons within a week…. :’D ). I definitely need to rewatch and appreciate them more this time cause they’re such amazing characters.
*Actually Cackling* Were there any other characters you were hazy on? Like, would Garrett be the “angry, tiny blonde one” to you?
No it’s embarrassing af. :’D And I know who Garrett is and what he did and he was indeed an angry tiny blonde kid, but I don’t remember details. Sadly (I mean I think he only was there for a few episodes so I don’t think there was much detail so I’m good as long as I know his storyline). :’D
Truth. When I started watching Supernatural, until (at least) midseason 2, I called both Sam and Dean, DeanSam cause they were always together when someone addressed them. So, you’re not alone, eek. Now, THAT’S embarrassing.
So, how did you go from ‘kid, what’s your name?!’ to Thiam instagram aesthetics and our fandom? What drew you in?
I think I jumped on the train quite late (cause as I said I didn’t really mind them), but I think I shipped them before but just realized it last season. So, I think I first felt something for them during their fight in the hospital because I was ‘fun-shipping’ them (not really fun but I wasn’t deep into it cause I didn’t bother checking their ship name or anything but I was like ‘lol. They’re gay for each other) during 6B and then I completely lost it in episode 6 of that season and realized that it is a real thing and it’s love.
From that moment I was a mess and died the last few episodes cause I thought they either make it canon or kill Theo off (and maybe make it canon) but neither happened so….ok. :’D I’m sad that I only had like two weeks left with them but since then it’s been a wild ride and they brought me new internet friends ( a whole pack) and made me tumblr fame … it’s crazy how inspiring they are for edits. I just can’t stop. :’D
BUT how I found my way into the Teen Wolf fandom is a bit funnier I think…(at least for me) :’D
This has now become the moment where I ask, “Marie, can you tell us how you got into the Teen Wolf fandom? Lol”
Idk if it’s funny if you don’t know my friends and me personally. But I always had this little group to talk about series with. Mostly The Walking Dead and Game Of Thrones but sometimes other series. A friend of mine, Lucas, once mentioned that there’s a series called ‘teen wolf or something like that’ and that he knows that one character looks like one of our classmates (his name is Tobi). He was talking about Derek and even showed me a pic AND HE REALLY FUCKING LOOKS LIKE HIM (I mean in close up you know it’s not him but you know…).
He already had a beard really really soon (he looked like 20 when he was 15 or something because of it) BUT NOW he looks even more like Derek cause I met him again, like a year ago, in a club and he lost weight and is working out now and….he’s really a Derek look alike (I wish I could show you but privacy…).
After laughing about that I never heard about that series again till I watched the trailer on youtube, and I have no idea why, but it was around new years eve 2015 to 2016 cause I thought about starting it and told a friend of mine on new years eve and showed her the trailer and she also thought it was cool and we started it about a week after that and binge watched the shit out of it.
BUT I ALWAYS HAD THAT PICTURE OF MY CLASSMATE IN MIND WHEN I SAW DEREK. And I still call Derek Tobi when I talk to my best friend who doesn’t watch teen wolf about teen wolf and want to explain something to her.
Lol are you kidding me?! That’s hilarious! And, I’ll raise you. I have a friend Michael who is a spitting image of Scott–skin tone, jaw, hair and all. I wonder if your Tobi/Derek and my Michael/Scott met, would they have a Scott-Derek-esque relationship haha! Since we’ve veered towards Friends, let’s say you, 4 characters from TW, and 1 of you personal friend were living in a Friends-type sitcom. Who’d you bring into your inner circle and which antics would yall get up to?
Ok! This is exciting! So it would be Stiles, Theo, Mason, Liam and my best friend Michelle (she doesn’t watch teen wolf but the hell do I care). We would just be such a funny sassy pack. Do you know that ‘meme’: ‘My friendship comes in 3 levels: Sass, insults, inappropriate sexual humor’? That would be so us. Michelle and me are basically Stiles and that meme describes our friendship so well; we’re really soulmates so I want the whole pack to become that close too.. Theo is a sassy ass anyways and Mason is also on fire.
Liam would suffer under our jokes and always be the one who makes bad jokes only he laughs about and the rest just laughs about him, but we still love him. Michelle and me would ship the hell out of Theo and Liam (and Mason and Corey are goals af). Mason would be sceptical at first but together with Corey–I can’t have Mason without Corey…sorry?–we get him to join us.
Sometimes, Liam and Theo even go with it and flirt for fun just to piss Stiles off who somehow ended up stuck with us after Scott left for college and Stiles decided to quit the FBI and now works as a police officer at the station. Of course, Thiam gets real and no one really notice it at first cause we think it’s just another prank on Stiles until we catch them making out in my kitchen during a pack meeting. There are also a few other pranks since we’re the sassy pack. Stiles mostly uses his position as a police officer, like towing our cars or getting us a ticket. Theo’s pranks are a bit shocking at the beginning since he needs to learn how to be a decent human being. Liam and my pranks fail most of the time. Michelle and Mason are the prank master team; they always come up with the craziest ideas.
Yassss of course, Corey would be there. There’s always a significant other who’s there so often, they become part of the group lol. That sounds like my kind of party, all the chaos and sassy destruction. All the creativity, it’s the perfect segway to our next topic of the day: fandomtrashwhore, aka your creativity.
If your creativity was a person, what type would they be? What would they do? Wear? Listen to? Handle conflict?
I think it would just be a furious working single mother? Cause during the week I’m working and even if I have nothing to do after work I only seem to be able to edit at weekends and then I sacrifice my whole weekend to it like it’s my child. And furious cause once I have an idea in my head, I drown myself in pic finding which can be so exhausting and I bet I look like a stressed single mom during that cause I’m having so many tabs open and so many search phrases to throw at google in my head at the same time.
I also have specific pics in my head and I could cry if I don’t find a perfect pic to fit that image in my head. I mostly listen to the Airplanes playlist I made while editing but I also love artists like Ed Sheeran and Halsey so that would also fit quite well to keep that person calm and grounded. I also think my creative process is quite vulnerable and moody cause sometimes I can’t wait to edit and other times I feel like I never want to edit again and I need to force myself to (during editing I love it again tho). And vulnerable cause like I said I hate when I can’t find a decent pic and could cry. Same goes for if the app crashes during a long edit or if something won’t go how I want it and my patience dies.
Does that single mother furiously create outside of the Thiam fandom too?
Yes, I do social media au’s for all my fandoms (at least I want to, till now I only have a few.)  I’m not a writer but I have a started Sherlock fanfic with a trailer (I like the trailer tho and some one shots to several fandoms on wattpad. I’m ashamed of them cause I’m a bad writer but I can’t stop trying :’D So here’s my Wattpad. Don’t expect too much!!
I mentioned the trailer for my Sherlock before and right now I’m also working on a trailer ( more like ‘short movie’) for and OC (who ended up to be Marie Avgeropoulos) x Negan from The Walking Dead.Till now it’s 13 minutes long and I love the shit out of it. I never drew for a fandom before (german youtube back in the days, I had instagram fanpages. I still have them but I don’t edit for them anymore cause series took over my life. If you know german youtube and are interested contact me but they’re not that important for most of the people reading this, I think. ANYWAYS, what I wanted to say is that I want to draw something Thiam or rather Airplanes themed soon.
Oh AND I and my best friend (Michelle from before) used to write our fanfics (mostly about german youtubers) over whatsapp back in the days. It was legendary but also very unrealistic and hilarious. Sadly, we lost most of them when we got new phones which breaks my heart.
Dang, that’s tragic. Thankfully, you still have the memories. From trailers to Whatsapp/Wattpad fics, they’ve all led you to this moment: Instagram aesthetics. How’re you inspired when choosing a theme?
Most of the time I find a pic that inspires me to an edit theme. E.g., I saw the 3rd pic of The Buck’s party pic on Liam’s profile for the engagement & wedding edit coincidentally on tumblr or something and was like: “Yes, that could be Liam carried by Stiles and the boy on the right is Scott and the girl is Lydia and the pic was taken by Mason….why would something like this situation happen….A BUCK’S PARTY! I NEED TO DO A ENGAGEMENT AND WEDDING AU. Then, the other pictures and ideas just find their way.
I also accept requests (like the new year eve one) or I’m inspired by a post (like for example when I did the Thiam Mykonos one.
And when you search for photos, what’s your process for choosing the best ones?
Most of the time, the story of my au’s is formed by the pics I find. Like I have an idea and look for pics and then I see which pics make a logic story. Most of the time, I don’t know myself how I find so good pics and I bet I could never find them again (I tried once after I lost some), cause I found them so deep in the internet. Mostly, I google pretty weird sentences and I wonder what the NSA is thinking of me. :’D  For example, I googled “Throwing Tampons” for an Airplanes related edit once. I bet whoever observes me thinks I’m a killer when I look for aesthetics (especially when I did the The Walking Dead aesthetics) and googled for bloody pics. I nearly threw up a few times tho while doing so.
Finding pics is a harder job than you might think; I would say it takes more time than the editing itself, but I can’t say for sure cause once I start editing I’m lost in some sort of tunnel and suddenly it’s dark outside. When I want to google for ‘natural’ pics, I mostly add ‘snapchat’ or ‘instagram’ behind it (e.g. ‘couple eating take out food snapchat’). Also, you can find good pics on pinterest (my Pinterest name is ‘Marie Rosa’ btw), especially aesthetical and gay couple pics!
Deciding is even harder cause I often have 50 pics in my folder and can only use 12. Then, I check which one I definitely want to have in the edit and which I liked best and are the most decent ones to the images I had in mind.
When there are people on it, it’s also important that they look like the characters they should portrait. After that, I still have 20 pics left and cry because I love them all. Then I make two new folders to decide which ones are for Liam’s and which ones are for Theo’s profile and then I delete some more pics with a hurting heart (or I save them for other edits some day) and look which pics fit best together (when I edit aesthetics, similar color is a big topic). The biggest mess is when I get more ideas during editing or realize that one pic I thought I liked doesn’t fit at all and stop to look for more pics and the whole order I had is thrown away again and I need to start again. :’D
My goodness, I remember seeing you and Sammy (@glitter-cake20) talk about finding pics before on Discord, but that is…really involved. Are there times when you create your own images instead? If so, which edits/manips have been your favorite?
I would say the Hunger Games one was my best manip, but I also like the one in the Thiam parent AU  where I replaced Cody’s cat with a baby two times. And, nearly all manips I did for my Airplanes series, especially Disney Kiss (I just edited Dylan on Cody’s ex-girlfriend…lol…no regrets), the bowling pic, all the pack video calls in which I added some more heads and the ones of Derek and Stiles in NYC. I also love the one of Mason and Liam carrying watermelons in the Dirty Dancing AU and the whole Daredevil Thiam (+Morey) AU is also one of my favorites cause it’s so aesthetical. I mean in the end I nearly love them all cause I wouldn’t have posted them if not.
You’ve mentioned CaptainMintyFresh’s Airplanes a few times. What inspired the idea to make instagram posts for the guys’ journey? So far, which has been your favorite chapter to conceptualize? And why?
I don’t really know how it started but I was editing my other ones and Tagan kept mentioning certain pic scenarios. (I think it was around the waterpark chapter.) I was just like: ”She’s giving so many good patterns why don’t you try to make Insta profiles to the chapters.” It was one of my best decisions cause I loved it, even if it was a pain in the ass! I finally managed to catch up and since then I feel so empty…sounds strange but my past few months were spend with Thiam and Airplanes and suddenly, I’m free. I was looking forward to editing other things again and I did but on the other side, I feel lost and don’t even know what to edit or I’m not in the mood. I have an Airplanes hangover or something. :’D  
My favorite to conceptualize were probably the Disney chapters (it used to be the lake chapter but since editing Disney, I like that more) but every chapter was fun in it’s own way. (I’m planning on doing a commenting on the airplanes edits after Airplanes is finished).
I also think you can see how my skills improved while editing when you look at the first chapter edits and the last ones. That’s maybe the thing I’m most grateful about; it gave me the chance to experiment and grow along with the Fic and the characters.
Aww, that’s quite poetic. And, now we have Chapter  39 out, so you must feel the inkliest bit complete!
And, now I can feel the inkiest bit better about the next question to come.
CHALLENGE TIME! If you seen how BTS works, you know we love giving you the Time to Shine! For your first challenge, you can bring any of your insta posts to life in the TW Universe. Which would you choose? Set the scene for how that pic was taken.
I mean I would say the airplane series but it’s not my story so I’m gonna go with one of my single edits.
Then I would say the Parent AU cause I’m a bitch for parent Thiam. I’m gonna go with the pic of the crying baby with the title ‘Great. My son has my husband’s attitude’.
Liam sends Theo to the store with Leo after a discussion so he has some peace and can clean the house without interruptions. Leo won’t stop crying on top of his lungs in the middle of the store and Theo sighs while resting his forehead on the shopping cart (I hope that’s what it’s called).Then, he looks up again and gets his phone out to snap a picture and post it to show everyone that not only Liam is a whining little shit torturing him but now also his son. He laughs at himself for the joke which makes Leo stop crying and laugh with him instead. Theo takes that as an encouragement for his joke and carries him on his arm for the rest of the shopping trip, When they return home, he’s greeted by Liam who’s trying to look pissed but fails and just smirks at him and giving him a slight slap on the arm.
Hahahaha, yes! Dig it. And yes, it’s totally called a shopping cart (at least in my state). One final challenge before we wrap up? Since your images are always so unique to the theme, which pictures/ types of pictures would you use for these one word/phrase prompts:
Stuck at the Airport
Blind Date Gone Wild
Do you just want one pic or a collage of some good pics I would use? BUT I would love to do the whole edit. :’D
Heck yeah, we’d love a whole edit!!
FINALLY, done! Amen.
Wow!! I’m stunned. Over 80 pictures. 6 Days. 3 WHOLE POSTS!?! Plus Comment Posts! Honestly, how do you do it? Everyone, definitely go check these out; their linked with their respective challenges below!
[   Celebrity   |   Stuck at the Airport   |   Blind Date Gone Wild   ]
While we all marvel at that, can we expect any other Thiam instagram themes from you in the future?
Of course. I have an Thiam folder with 357 a folder for the upcoming Mockingjay AU with 37 and my airplanes folder with still 194 pics. Somehow and someday I’m gonna use them all. Planned is to finish the Hunger Games series, cause I still need to do Mockingjay and I also have so many good parenting pics left so there’s definitely going to be another parent Thiam AU and some random ones.
It depends on my mood and requests I get or if I’m suddenly inspired by a pic to edit a specific theme. I also want to make more of Thiam x other fandoms, like Maze Runner, Divergent and so on but I also want to edit for so many other fandoms and ships. Why is there so less time in my mortal life?
Who knows? If only time stopped during the Fandom spurts of our lives, then we could enjoy it as long as we wanted to. Aww, I’m sad to see us come to an end. Marie, what’s next for you?
Finish my apprenticeship in 2020 and have a job after that + moving out. The next thing I’m saving money on right now is my own car till august (I also want my first own TV and playstation and need a new laptop any maybe smartphone :’D). Other fix dates this year are german comic con in december or turning 20 on 27th June.
Of course, I’m gonna drown myself in more fandoms and editing (I mean I’ve already watched 7 new series in 2018).
Oooh, which new shows? (I know I said we were ending lol, but shows are my drug!)
I finally got myself netflix since streaming became officially illegal (it wasn’t actually legal or illegal before but they couldn’t do anything to you and it was safe) here last year and I used it to watch all the marvel netflix productions like Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, Daredevil, The Defenders, Luke Cage (which I haven’t finished cause Netflix won’t let me, every 30 seconds it crashes) and The Punisher. Jessica Jones and Daredevil are my favorites out of them. Then, I also watched How To Get Away With Murder….IT’S MY FUCKING NEW RELIGION! Coliver is giving me more than life. They’re goals.
(In case anyone is interested in what I’m watching and stuff here’s my TV TIME name: MarieRo)
OMG, Ok, Ok, let me end this before I start a rampage about all things Marvel. Thanks so much for hanging with us at the Thiam Lib and letting us get to know you! Is there anything else you’d like to add, including any life/creating wisdom?  Write until your heart’s content.
There are SO MANY intelligent things to say, but I’ll go with: Don’t give a shit about what other people think but always be open for other people’s opinions and teachings BUT don’t believe anything blindly. Just survive somehow tbh.
I have some other blogs on tumblr: @marierosaurus (random shit I like, sexual or funny af, just everything) @music-is-all-i-need-in-life (my music fandoms) @edsheeranfanblog (as you can maybe tell….a blog for Ed Sheeran?) @youtube-fan-live (blog for mostly german youtube)
(Instagram (about my traveling and just random private instagram shit): marierosarius)
I also want to thank you Minna for doing all this (bts is such a cool idea and keeping us inspired with the movie fest and stuff has to be so much work!) and especially for inviting me in the Thiam Discord pack chat 4 or 5 month ago. It’s been a wild ride and I maybe would’ve never known about that chat without you.
I love that chat and how we spend the christmas holidays together and thiam got so much more intense and it’s not even only about thiam anymore we also exchange about many other fandoms and we cried so many smut tears together (I mean that nsfw chat is on fire and I remember voice chat talks between in that christmas holidays we will burn in hell for and I love it :’D) and also fluff and angst tears but mostly smut tbh.
Just thanks for everything the Thiam community gave me, I said earlier that thiam gave me ‘tumblr fame’ and that sound stupid but it did, cause I edited before and nobody gave a single shit and reblogged or liked anything. Thiam was the best thing that could happen to me, even if I mostly edit for myself cause I like it and it’s fun, I can’t deny that it motivates you and makes you happy when other appreciate your work. Even not Teen Wolf or Thiam related posts / reblogs are noticed and it makes me so happy. Ok, sorry for bothering you with all my stupid talking. All I have left to say is: Meow
Awww, thanks so much for the love! Hahaha, our first Discord chat feels like so long ago now lol. And I also wouldn’t be here without my other Thiam Library Mods, esp Tiffany, Esme, Lizzie, Euthoxia, and Vis. They keep me inspired and grounded when life gets crazy. Just as you all, the Thiam Fandom, keep us inspired with your interactions and massive talent. We love you all!
With that, Behind the Screens presents Marie to you! If you want even more, you can read her questions that didn’t make it into the official interview here! Of course, the conversation doesn’t stop here. Not only can you chat with her on her 4 other blogs AND TV TIME, you can find her at these places too:
Main Tumblr: fandomtrashwhore
Inbox/Ask: fandomtrashwhore ask
Wattpad: Marierosarius
Instagram: marierosarius
Snapchat: marierosarius
Twitter: MarieRosarius
She’s also accepting prompts and the like, so hit her up!
We’d like to thank Marie for entertaining our many questions and challenges!! We have tons more BTS coming in the next few weeks, so stay on the look out for those <3
Have a Thiam Creator you fan over? Send us their names. Likewise, if you as the creator, would like to be a part of the Behind the Screens series, give us a shout too! We’d love to get to know you, as well.
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