#also if you laugh at any of it don't feel bad 🖤
kasagia ¡ 3 months
His mortal saviour
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova/The Darkling x otkazat’sya!fem! reader Summary: You saved him. You took him from under the fold and healed him when he was in his most vulnerable state. He doesn't know you; he's hostile and distrustful of you, so he naturally runs away at the first possible opportunity. But somehow, he can't just walk away from you. Word Count: around 6k Anonymous requested this a looong time ago (in January). So sorry honey!!!! Hope you will enjoy! 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 Taglist: @aoi-targaryen @il0vebeingdelulu @chelseyyouraverageluigi @watersquirtpewpewboomm @summersummoner-pat Aleksander Morozova's Masterlist ~•♤♤♤•~ Main Masterlist
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He woke up feeling numb.
He had never felt so... paralysed in his entire life. It was as if the use of all his limbs had been taken away from him. And he didn't like that at all.
He expected him to be in the centre of the fold, with the volcra circling around him. However, as consciousness returned to him, he became more aware of his surroundings.
The first thing he felt was warmth. The warmth, which wasn't at all in the fold. He shuddered and remembered how the cold had penetrated his body even more the moment the volcra's claws had dug into his face.
Then he felt the softness of the mattress beneath his back instead of the hardness of the sandy, packed soil. Further evidence proving that he was entirely somewhere else was the sound of soft footsteps and humming a few feet away from him.
He opened his eyes hesitantly and hissed, unaccustomed to the light after being unconscious for so long.
He freezes as he feels a hand on his eyes, keeping the sunlight from reaching them. Little. Soft. Alina... a thought comes to him, and he quickly laughs it off. His little sun summoner would probably rather blind him completely with her sun than protect him from more pain.
"Take it easy. You've been badly harmed." A soft female voice breaks the silence and pulls him from his thoughts about the woman who betrayed him and their kind.
He feels a strange rush of fear as he hears a female voice. Aleksander unwillingly recalls the memory of the time when he and his mother were captured by the DrĂźskelle. He felt like he did now. Helpless.
He was unable to move even a small distance on his own. The only difference was that no one was hanging over him with scalpels and other blades or hurling insults. But he suspected that could change very quickly...
He had to do something. He needed to get out of here somehow, but every slight movement of his muscles was accompanied by a huge wave of searing pain throughout his whole body. And for a brief moment, it occurred to him that maybe destroying the fold wasn't such a bad idea.
"Don't worry. I am not a psychopath, mad, serial killer, or anything. I'm a nurse. I saw you near the fold and took you to my house to heal you. It's a miracle you survived your encounter with the volcra. Usually, no one gets out of the fold. Certainly not on their own." The woman says, slowly removing her hand from his eyes.
He's too dazed by the light, busy taking in his surroundings and seeing her face for the first time, to notice that she's adjusting the bandages on his face and checking his wounds.
But he hisses, feeling the burning pain on his forehead as she rubs some thick, gooey liquid onto him.
"I'm sorry, but I have to. It's an ointment against infection. This should also numb you enough so that you don't feel any pain in your face. How's your back?"
He is too shocked to respond. As he takes a breath, he has a sudden coughing fit. She moves away from him. He hears her quick footsteps as she returns a moment later with a cup of water and a tissue. He spits something black out of his mouth, desperately trying to get some air. She strokes his back gently and leans him more forward, making him spit out all the black goo mixed with his saliva from his throat.
He frowns, staring at the tissue soaked in black liquid.
"Don't worry, it's absolutely normal. Every time they bring a survivor from the fold to the infirmary, something like this happens. The air is different there, and volcra tend to infect their victims. Let's just say it's some kind of poison that comes out of you. That's a good sign. As well as the fact that you woke up. Here." The woman says, taking the tissue from him and throwing it into a nearby trash can. He glances there, seeing that it is half full of black dressings and bandages. He looks back at her as she hands him a glass of water.
"What do you want?" He asks, his voice hoarse from disuse (or screaming in the fold), not taking a sip from the cup you gave him. It could be poisoned or worse.
"I... I don't understand." You say, confused by his hostile attitude.
"What do you want from me?" He repeats it again, and the commanding, demanding tone of his voice sends shivers down your spine.
"Nothing. I'm just helping." You reply with a shrug, which annoys him even more. He laughs mockingly, making you frown.
"Selflessly? To a stranger? Don't make me look like a naive idiot. Tell me right now who you are, what you want, and where we are, and you won't get hurt."
"With all due respect, I doubt you'd be able to raise your hand right now, let alone hold a gun or sword, or hit me, even if you were a soldier of the First Army." He stares at you in surprise, realising that you have no idea who he is, and maybe you really just helped him.
Could a normal person dare to speak back to the Darkling with such courage and anger in her eyes? He didn't think so. But one name comes to his mind... even though he's too hurt to think about her.
"What?" You ask him as he stares at you for a little too long.
"Nothing." He clears his throat and stares warily at the offered water. "Not many people surprise me." He explains, still not believing in your good intentions. You couldn't be so altruistic as to help a strange man who got spat out by the fold. People weren't kind or helpful to the weak, at least never towards him. That's why he always had to be stronger than others. To never become prey again.
"I see that you don't trust many either. If I pour for myself and you water from one jug and drink it first, will you consider doing the same? You need to rehydrate." You say it calmly, completely unfazed by his distrust.
For some reason, this makes him more surly towards you. Maybe this whole act on your part was just to keep his guard down until someone came for him, for example, Shu, DrĂźskelle, or even Alina's group of heroes. He had to get away from here. As soon as he regained full control over his aching body.
“Try to deceive me, and I will make sure to wipe out your family lineage to the last living generation.” He growls hoarsely, trying to regain at least some semblance of control in this situation.
"It's good that I'm an orphan then." You say, pouring him and yourself a glass of water and showing him that both are empty.
Another orphan... he thinks as you reach both glasses so he can choose which one he wants.
"Who are you? Where are we?" He asks as he holds a glass in his hand.
You drink your water and set the glass on the nightstand near the bed. Aleksander decides to wait a while before taking a sip himself, to see if the water won't have a strange effect on you and if you haven't poisoned it after all. Although you could have practiced mithradism and been immune to whatever poison you wanted to give him. His head began to hurt more as he considered all the possibilities.
"Y/N Y/L/N. A nurse, as I mentioned earlier. We are in Eastern Ravka, on the border with the fold. More south of Tsemna and closer to the border with Shu Han. And you?"
He hesitates for a moment and doesn't know why, whether it's the headache or the fact that he doesn't want you to catch him in a lie, but he tells you his real name.
"Aleksander." He says, finally deciding to take a sip from his cup. He would always be able to use the cut if there was something wrong with the drink you gave him. You try your best not to smile at that.
"And what are you doing for life, if that's not a secret?" You ask jokingly, but he doesn't seem too eager to lighten his attitude.
He is still tense and looks around carefully, as if waiting for someone to attack him. Your heart hurts at the sight. Something must have happened in his past for him to be on guard all the time. And those scars from the fold... you suspect it wasn't just the volcra that were responsible for them.
"I... create things." He tells half the truth. After all, the fold, the volcra, and his shadows are some kind of... things he created.
"Are you a carpenter? Do you have your own workshop?"
Little Palace. He thinks, but he knows that after what happened in the fold, the tsar probably took this away from him as well.
He shudders to think about how he could have hurt his people. He had to get out of here. And fast. Before more, Grisha got hurt. Because if he knows something, he knows that Alina won't be able to protect them. He tried to walk the path of peace with Lantsov's dynasty, but it never ended well.
All he provided for Grisha—a safe place at the Little Palace, home, food, illusions of freedom thanks to the cessation of Grisha hunting, and much more—was bought with the blood of others. And if he had to be a monster to make sure his people wouldn't suffer like he did and many others have in the past, then so be it.
He would be the worst of them all.
"I have people who create for me and follow my orders and requests." He replies brusquely when you look at him carefully. You sigh, seeing that you won't be able to get through to him until he's sure you really don't have any bad intentions towards him.
"Okay… do you have any family I should write to? Or someone else?" You ask instead, apparently hitting another sore spot as his injured hand grips the cup so hard that the bandages you wrapped around it dig into his skin.
"No... there is no need for that." He says it coldly.
An image of his mother quickly comes to mind, as does the image of Alina, at which he shakes his head. The only two women with whom he allowed himself to be vulnerable and who could hurt him actually did. Without blinking an eye or a moment of hesitation. You probably were the same, and despite your quite tender care, he still wasn't sure if it was true or just an action.
Although if you were meant to capture him, you would at least tie him up so he couldn't summon his shadows. Maybe you really had no idea about his identity...
"I shall leave you to rest then. I have to go to my work." You say as you start to put on your coat.
"You will leave me alone?" He ask. He can't believe that you would really leave him—a strange man you didn't know at all—in your house all alone.
"Do you need a company?" You ask mockingly, using the exact same cold tone of voice he used before. Aleksander decides he liked you much more when you were soft towards him.
"Aren't you afraid I'll rob you and run away?"
"There are only herbs, medicines, and a few books here. I have nothing so valuable that I couldn't get it on the market if you decided to take it. You can look around if you want. Although I wouldn't advise you to get up, your wounds are still fresh and barely sealed, so they don't bleed."
"Are you insane?" He can't help but ask, as you really are going out. His words and utter shock make you giggle, which doesn't make his opinion of you any better.
"All the best people are. Try not to die. It would be a waste of medicines and bandages." You say this and smile amusedly as you close the door behind you.
Aleksander blinks, surprised, as he lays in your bed. He tries to understand what has happened here, but he still has a headache and needs to get out of here.
He didn't trust you at all.
So before anyone could come and get him from you, he stood up. His legs are shaky at the beginning, but as he walks around your (tiny) cottage, he regains the ability to walk… maybe not as well as he did, but enough to move.
He looks around, just as you suggested, but he didn't find any proff that would confirm his suspicion about your bad intentions towards him.. But it doesn't stop him from taking some pills and herbs before he leaves your house. He makes sure to take only a little—enough to get to the village or somewhere where he could find his people.
He decided that you were too kind to be robbed.
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The healer who was trying to heal his wounds was surprised at how good their condition was. Virtually cured. However, black scars remained on him, marring his face. Just like the piece of amplifier in his hand.
But Aleksander didn't care at all. His scars were a good reminder that anyone can be made a fool of. And he didn't want to be fooled by the woman's beautiful eyes once again—even ones as beautiful as yours.
David offered to take it out for him, but he wasn't ready for it yet. The amplifier was his only connection to Alina, and he needed every means to locate her. At least, that's how he explained to himself his reluctance to remove the festering amplifier from his hand.
He did the same with you. He also told himself that the creation of a secret shelter for his Grishas in an abandoned manor in the forest a few miles from your little cabin was pure coincidence. Just like the way he had a habit of wandering around your neighbourhood and watching you from afar when he needed to think alone about his further plans.
The problem was that he couldn't plan anything. Nothing significant. Of course, he still freed his Grisha and kept them safe, but when it came to Ravka's fate... he was in a bind. He didn't know what to do.
And so one day, when he went for a walk away from Ivan, Fruzsi, and the rest who were bothering him, he 'accidentally' came across you.
It's happened quite often. At first, he sent Ivan to look at you; sometimes he followed you around himself, waiting in suspense to find out that you weren't an innocent nurse after all. That it was not by accident that you took him from under the fold and cured him. But he found nothing. You have no conspiracy against him, no cult that was killing Grisha, or even any connection to Alina's group. Nothing.
He didn't know what to think about that either. He would rather discover that you weren't so selfless and sensitive to others' harm. This way, you would save him some sleepless nights when he thought about you and the way you took care of him. No one has done this for a long time... or ever. To be honest, Aleksander didn't remember the last time that someone just... he looked after him out of pure kindness and concern FOR HIM.
Neither his mother nor Alina. One was too cold to even think about caring for the other, and the second was too afraid of him to even consider him as something more than just a monster craving power and the throne. He didn't think he'd had anyone since Luda who would simply take care of him out of the goodness of their hearts.
That's why he started to be fascinated and curious about you. A mere mortal. Otkazat’sya. You tended to avoid people despite your willingness to help (at which he was very surprised). In the village where you worked in the infirmary, everyone treated you warmly and kindly, just as you treated them. Even your worst patients. To which Aleksander would lose his tamper more than once.
Over time, he realised that what drew him to you was your warmth. He was starting to get jealous of the attention you gave others, even if you then went back to your cabin alone. He didn't know what caused this need to be near you. Maybe it was because he was tired of being alone in his icy darkness. Alina once was his sunlight. For a brief moment, he felt... normal. In peace. After everything went to hell. And then, he felt like this for a while under your tender touch.
He should have learned from his mistakes and forgotten about you, but... something wouldn't let him.
He was beginning to suspect that maybe he was just getting too old for all this.
"All alone in the forest? Do you know what monsters might be lurking here?" He asks, encountering you on one of his excursions to help him think. It was a pure impulse. He snuck up on you on the spur of the moment (or maybe because Alina tried to snatch the amplifier out of his hand a few hours ago and he needed someone to talk to as... just Aleksander. Not the Darkling.)
"For example?" You ask, turning to him and stopping picking herbs. You look pretty. Strands of hair fall into your eyes, and he almost reaches out to brush them off himself, but you do it before he can raise his hand.
He takes a look at you. Your coat is too thin for his taste. The snow had barely melted, and what you were wearing certainly didn't adequately protect you from the cold wind that was still blowing. He had to ask David to make you something similar to a kefta when he would be back.
"The Darkling." He says, feeling your burning, careful gaze on his face. You don't look at him with disgust or fear. No. He sees in your eyes a professional assessment of his health and a slight hint of curiosity... he wonders if maybe he's not the only one here who feels drawn to the other.
"I doubt he has enough free time to wander around the forest." He smiles at your words, amused that you have no idea that you are now talking with him.
He had never been happier that the news in these parts of Ravka... usually didn't reach here. People here identified more with Shu since they started mixing with each other a long time ago. Of course not Grisha. They could only count on themselves. Mostly...
"Oh, you'd be surprised what can happen, little saviour."
"Saviour?" You ask, raising your eyebrows at him. He sees the spark of amusement shining in your eyes, and he just can't help himself. He steps closer to you and reaches for the basket of herbs. He follows you as you select herbs and plants that you apparently find useful. Aleksander feels... normal and ordinary. And for a moment, he begins to understand why Alina would choose a simple life with her tracker rather than a privileged one as a Sun Summoner.
"I believe I owe a part of my life to you."
"Almost no one gets out of the fold. Thank the saints for your life, not me." You shrug off his feeble attempt at thanking you and turn to him. You study his face carefully, assessing the appearance of his scars. He feels himself starting to blush under your gaze.
"I don't believe in saints." He finally says, glad that he managed to drag your gaze away from his face as you look into his eyes this time, frowning in surprise.
"They were ordinary people. Most of them had no idea what they were doing. People hailed them as saints mainly because of rumours—stories whose confirmation could only be sought from the insane."
"So not only a carpenter, but also an expert in saints. You are a true mystery, Aleksander." You laugh at him and he smiles, thinking that you don't even know what an enigma he is.
"I'm just saying that most of them didn't do anything significant. Not for Grisha. And they were killed because they tried to show people that they shouldn't hunt us and that we are useful in some way. If anything, they tightened the chains of slavery on us."
"So you are a Grisha." He blushes slightly, embarrassed at how easily he let his secret be revealed. Yes. He was definitely too old for all this. "What kind of are you? Inferni? Durast?"
"Heartrender." He answers quickly and without thinking. "But it doesn't matter. Forgive me. I should go." He says, almost panicking as he turns away from you and rushes in the opposite direction. He wants to get away from you as quickly as possible before he unknowingly reveals his true identity to you.
"Wait a second. Aleksander!" However, you don't give up and chase after him, grabbing his hand—exactly the one that is rotting from the remains of the amplifier left in it. Aleksander hisses, wincing in pain. He pulls his hand out of your grip and tries to look anywhere but at you. "Your hand." You whisper hurriedly as you walk towards him. He takes a step back, trying as always to keep some distance from you when you made him feel... vulnerable.
"Not your concern." He growls at you, hoping you'll drop the idea of ​​examining his wound. Because how was he supposed to explain to you the stag bone stuck in his hand?
"Volcra poison can infect your blood. You should get it cured by your healers. And do it as quickly as possible; otherwise, it will lead you to a slow death; you will lose your senses; you will start hearing whispers, calls from the fold, and volcra."
"I'll be fine."
"Don't make me laugh; even the Darkling wouldn't be able to deal with that all alone. The Volcra may be the product of his ancestors, but this... this is a wild kind of little science. Unpredictable. I have seen hundreds who may have managed to get out of the crease but have gone mad because of their venom. These are not ordinary shadows. They are living creatures that attack just like any other animal. So please, if you don't trust me with this, go and show it to some talented healer, because you can't leave it like that."
"How do you know so much about this?" He asks curiously, putting his injured hand into the pocket of his kefta.
"Anyone who lives near the fold and is involved in healing knows this." You answer evasively, trying to avoid his further questions. This time you turn your back to him, pretending that you are interested in some plant.
"No, they not." He continues insistently, wanting at all costs to know the real reason you were here, why you had so much knowledge about the fold. He grabs your arm and turns you around so he can look at your face, as he is waiting for your answer.
"My sister was a healer. A Grisha." You blurt out in one breath and look away from him as painful memories come flooding back to you. Aleksander feels a pang in his heart when he sees the obvious pain in your eyes. A pain he himself had carried with him for centuries.
"Was?" He notes, swallowing.
"She is dead."
"The fold?" You nod at his question. He feels his throat dry, and he lets go of your arm as his hands tremble slightly. And Aleksander thinks that of all the lives that the fold has taken, your sister's life will be the one that will remain permanently in his memory. Especially that look filled with pain, bitterness, and grieving. "Then why did you stay here?"
"I moved here... to help to this who could somehow managed to get out of it." You reply as you calm down. Your tone of voice and posture may confuse Aleksander at first glance, but your eyes, your eyes tell him everything that you try to hide.
"It's... very nobel."
"Just please, don't leave it like that. You will certainly die if you will."
"You care about the stranger?" He asks in surprise, raising an eyebrow at you. You reach for your basket and take it from him before giving him your answer and looking him in the eyes again.
"I've already told you. It would be a waste of medicines and bandages if you die." You reply mischievously with a smile, and he chuckles. He can't help but reach up to your cheek and caress your cheek with his thumb as he gets lost in your eyes. No one had ever cared for him, so... simply. Without any major reasons. It was... extraordinary. You were extraordinary.
"It's... more complcated... but I shall listen to you." He assures you, noticing the way you nuzzle your cheek into his hand, not pulling away from him at all, not flinching at his sudden touch. His gaze involuntarily flits from your eyes to your mouth for a brief moment, and he imagines what it would be like to kiss you—to feel the softness of your lips against his. And Aleksander really wants to do it.
"I hope so... and that you won't get in trouble because of that grumpy old general of yours for being here." Alexander chuckles at your joke, amused by the absurdity of the situation. If you only knew...would you still let him stand so close to you? His mood suddenly worsens as he thinks about it. What would you do if you found out he was the Darkling? That he created the fold?
"Believe me, little savior, he can't do anything to me for coming to you." He replies and lowers his hand, breaking any contact with your soft, silky skin. Oh, how he wanted to know more of you—to touch more than your hands, cheeks, hair, or neck. But he couldn't. Not after so much disappointment, not after Alina, not after Luda. He should have known better.
So he freezes, completely shocked, when you grab his wrist and cup his cheek in your hand. Your basket of herbs is abandoned on the forest path as you brush your nose against his. Alexander holds his breath, waiting to see what you will do.
"May I?" You ask, whispering, trembling as you're unsure of his reaction to what you want to do.
All Aleksander can do is cross the last inches between you and capture your lips in a kiss. You sigh, tangling your fingers in his hair and pulling him closer. Aleksander wraps his arms around you tightly and takes two steps back, pressing you against the tree. You moan into his mouth as his beard tickles you into the kiss, which he uses to his advantage and slides his tongue into your mouth.
Aleksander allows himself to lose himself in the feeling of you, your taste, your smell, and the way your body feels under his wandering hands. And if he had previously suspected that he might be obsessed with you, now he has proved to himself how deep you have gotten under his skin. He was a fool for allowing you to have such power over him. But how sweet it was to be a fool, with your lips and hands pressed against him.
And the next day, when he comes to visit you, his hand is completely healed, without any amplifier. And his mind is completely free of Alina Starkov.
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"That's nice." You whisper in the crook of his neck as you lie cuddled in the meadow under the full moon.
“Mhm…” Aleksander mumbles, burying his nose in your hair. He hugs you tighter, as if afraid that you might escape from his arms at any moment. "Although I'm beginning to wonder if you've brought me here to perform some witchy tricks. Maybe some sacrifice?"
"Your ass is too beautiful to sacrifice it." You reply teasingly, biting his neck. He gasps and digs his fingers harder into your hips. He leans down, moving your head away from his neck by pulling your hair so he can steal a kiss from your lips.
"Is it?" He whispers against your lips as he pulls away to let you catch your breath.
"Apparently." You reply, reaching up to caress the scars on his face with your fingertip. Aleksander closes his eyes and sighs, surrendering to your gentle touch. "I like your face too. The way you frown when you're irritated by something. The way you twist your ridiculously tempting lips into a smirk when you're right, even though it irritates me sometimes. The way your eyes sparkle when you talk about how you help Grisha. The way you look at me, as if I were your whole world. The way you wrap your hands around me or take my hand in yours to make sure I'm close to you, that I'm under your protection, and that I'm not going anywhere. The way you are grumpy when you are sleepy and how you don't want to admit that you are tired. I... I think I fell in love with you, Aleksander."
Aleksander smiles, caressing your cheek tenderly. He leans down and captures your lips in a tender kiss, trying to shake away the guilt that has been haunting him for several months now.
Ever since your relationship... became more serious, Aleksander has been trying to find the perfect way to tell you about his true identity. But every time he thought the moment was good, he lost his courage. He didn't even want to think about what your reaction might be to him being the Darkling who created the fold. He was absolutely convinced that you would hate him as soon as the truth came to light and that you would blame him for your sister's death. And honestly? Aleksander would not even try to defend himself. He knew damn well that he didn't deserve your affection and love. However, he couldn't help but come back to you, basking in the feeling that he had been denied for a very long time.
You end the kiss and bury your face in the crook of his neck. Aleksander shivers as he feels you exhale warm air onto his cold skin. He tightens his grip on you and presses a kiss to the top of your head.
"I love you too, milaya." He mumbles, running a hand through your hair. He plays with the strands of your hair, twirling them around his finger.
He feels unexpectedly pleasant around you. Homely. Ordinary. These were feelings that Aleksander had rarely, if ever, experienced over the course of hundreds of years. He found himself longing for moments where he could slip away to your little cottage and sink into the warmth of your arms, listen to your gentle heartbeat, and bask in your scent. This was a huge hindrance to his plans to get another amplifier and guarantee a better future for his Grisha.
"They say they've seen a Darkling in these parts. That he's gathering an army to start a civil war." Aleksander frowns, feeling his heart speed up slightly in panic.
"That's what they say?"
"Yhm... What do you think about it? Will you join him? Or will you try to escape and join Sankta Alina?" He unconsciously tightens his grip on you as you ask him this question and mention Alina. He buries his nose in your hair, inhaling your scent and trying to calm himself down before answering your question.
"I will stay. I think he wants a better future for us than Alina plans to guarantee."
"Maybe for Grisha. But still, I don't like wars."
"Me too, lapushka. But sometimes there is no other solution to change something than to start a war and take the power." He admits with a sigh and traces patterns on your arm, calming down as he feels the softness of your skin under the pads of his hard fingers.
Aleksander suddenly becomes more alert, subconsciously sensing the approaching threat. He doesn't want to outgrow you, thinking that maybe it's his paranoia kicking in, so he sits down, still holding you in his arms, as he looks around at his surroundings. He holds his breath as he sees movement in the bushes across from you.
Before he can do anything, a group of Shu surrounds you. One of them has a shotgun aimed at you. Aleksander acts instinctively. He wraps one arm around you, summoning his shadows. Before anyone can hurt you, he uses a cut and sends his shadows to remove the threat. The metallic smell of blood fills the clearing. Aleksander breathes quickly, his veins pumping with adrenaline as he looks around carefully. He feels blood seeping from where the bullet hit him, piercing his plain coat. He hisses, turning his attention to you. He breathes a sigh of relief when he sees no signs of hurt on you, but freezes in fear as soon as he sees your terrified look.
"Y/N... I can explain."
"You are hurt. Let's go back to my cottage, I'll stitch you up." You interrupt him, examining his wound.
You take his hand and lead him through the forest towards your house. Aleksander stares at the back of your head in shock, tightening his grip on your hand, wanting to make sure you don't suddenly run away from him and that you don't decide to abandon him in the middle of the forest to save yourself from him.
You open the door and wordlessly point to the bed. He takes your hint and sits down, taking off his coat and shirt. Involuntarily, he remembers the first time he came here and woke up in your bed. He swallows hard, hoping this won't be the last time you treat his wounds. Or when you're close to him.
"This may sting." You tell him, sitting down next to him. You squirt a cotton ball with antiseptic into his wound. He hissed, biting his lip, completely unprepared for this as he was still lost in his thoughts.
"Y/N… I… I wanted to tell you. I swear. I just… I didn't want to ruin… you know what I mean, right?" He asks, staring intently at you. You make no move to look him in the eyes, pretending to devote all your attention to his wound. Aleksander cups both of your cheeks in his hands and forces you to look at him as he gives you a pleading look. "Please. Say something. Anything."
"I… I didn't expect this. Because why would the Darkling be hurt by something he created and why would he return to my cottage?"
"Because you fascinated me. Deeply. You... you were the first person to see me as something other than a Darkling. Alexander. The real me, not the version of myself I had to create for my Grishas. I... besides, I didn't hide my thought from you. You... you were one of the truly few people I let under my mask who could see my heart. And I swear I was going to tell you, I... I was just afraid that I would lose you the moment you found out who I really was. What can I do."
"Oh, Aleksander. You stupid man. Am I running away screaming? Am I calling you a monster? Am I treating you differently?" You ask, placing your hand on his bearded cheek and using your thumb to stroke it tenderly, making sure you give his scars the tender care they deserve.
"No." He responds, carefully analyzing and comparing your behavior before today's fatal accident.
"Because I don't see you any other way. Yes, at first I was shocked and a little scared, but that was because I didn't expect it at all. You… volcra it's not your fault. Even if you created it. You didn't know what would happen." Aleksander feels a lump in his throat.
How can he tell you that he planned to make it bigger? That before he met you he would have done it without blinking an eye, but now he has such serious doubts that he is actually considering deviating from his original plan for you?
"I'm not as good a person as you think."
"Then show me." You answer casually, as if it were that simple. You finish patching up his wound and press a kiss on it.
Aleksander smiles at you tenderly and pulls you in for a passionate kiss. His heart is racing as he realises that he hasn't actually lost you, that you're still here and want to be here, judging by the way you moan into his mouth.
He holds you tightly and lays down on your bed with you straddling him as you place small kisses along his neck and across the width of his muscled chest. He smiles, realising how far he's come with you. He never would have guessed when he woke up in this bed that he would let you get this close to him. But with each little kiss you gave, the gentle, tender way your hands moved over his body, and the way you caressed each of his wounds and scars, Aleksander thanked the saints for putting you in his path. And unknowingly to him, you truly were his little saviour, saving him from a much worse fate than he could ever imagine.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo ¡ 8 months
Eddie drives you crazy but you can't help that you're also crazy about him. Mia is new to Hellfire and watching Eddie moon over her brings all your barely buried feelings to light...
Warnings: Jealous reader, Jealous Eddie, confessions and sweetness. Kinda enemies to lovers, Eddie is a cocky lil shit in this.
18+, minors shoo!
Don't copy, translate or repost my work.
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You could feel his eyes on you even though he was all the way across the room. Eddie Munson, was quite possibly the bane of your existence. Unbelievably hot yes, but a pain in the ass.
"Ignoring me again princess?" he teases and you glare at him, try to count to five but his smug smirk does nothing to calm you down.
"Bite me dumbass" you huff and Eddie looks delighted. Oh he just loved to get under your skin, wind you up until you were in knots about him.
You hated that he could make you feel like this, that he was the only guy you wanted. Not that you would ever admit it to him.
Even if you did want to kiss him senseless there was no way you were giving in. No way...
Eddie had been up the new girl in Hellfire's ass all day. She was pretty, into bands and like a female Eddie, according to the rest of Hellfire.
The way he showed off, acting his usual chaotic self to make her laugh, smiling all dimples and goofy charm. It riled you up to no end.
No, you didn't eavesdrop on Hellfire much... Which brought great amusement to Chrissy and Nancy, and frustration to you, when you heard them speak about Eddie and Mia, ugh Mia. She even had a pretty name too.
So you were pissed at Eddie for following her around like a love sick puppy, most of all you were furious at yourself for being jealous in the first place.
Stupid hot metalhead you grumble to yourself and your bad mood darkens even more when Eddie comes up to you, all swagger and his big brown eyes lighting up when he sees you.
You studiously try to ignore him and find your book for your calc homework, Eddie has other ideas and tugs your hair playfully.
Turning to meet him you level him with a glare. "You're such a child Munson" that gets you a little proud smirk.
"Haven't seen you around today princess" you feel flustered that he's noticed but don't show it.
"Surprising you noticed since you've been following the new Hellfire girl around like a puppy" Eddie's smirk widens, he looks like all his Christmas's have come at once.
"You jealous sweetheart?" he seems so smug, you scoff and shut your locker, trying to feign nonchalance.
"As if, I don't care who you want to fuck Munson" you snap and he looks delighted. Fortunately you're saved from further humiliation by Jackson.
Jackson who is part of the dark side that Eddie hates so much. A wicked idea forms in your head. Two can play at your game Munson.
"Hey gorgeous. You coming to my party tonight, got the kegs and a whole liquor cabinet to use" you don't really have any interest in this party but Eddie glaring daggers at Jackson catches your attention.
"Sounds like fun" you touch his shoulder and Jackson is all smiles until he spots Eddie behind you.
"What do you want Munson?'' he spits out and Eddie rolls his eyes and barely looks fazed by Jackson.
"Really princess. This dumb butthead is your type?" he sneers and the venom in his voice has you turning to face him, frustration fills you at his attitude. Why does he care?
"Shouldn't you go find your little girlfriend instead of worrying about me" you hiss at him and that delighted grin is back on his face.
Eddie lowers his head down, whispering in your ear. "We both know that asshole couldn't satisfy you sweetheart. Stop lying to yourself" he sounds so sure of himself and you clench your fists in anger.
"Fuck you Munson, I told you go and find your new girl and leave me alone" he still looks smug and winks at you.
"You're so beautiful when you're pissed off princess" he leaves then and you're still silently fuming.
You know what? A party sounds perfect.
Yeah... so it turns out the party is a bust from the start. Jackson gets blind drunk, picks a fight with Tommy who's back from college (thrown out according to Steve) and the party is broken up by Hopper.
That's when you made yourself scarce. Nursing a beer and wanting some peace and quiet, you end up at Skull Rock.
It was tiring avoiding Eddie and his pleased little smile whenever he saw you. Exhausting putting out a front that you hated him, that couldn't be further from the truth.
Turns out you're not alone at Skull Rock. After a few minutes you smell the scent of weed, Eddie's cologne as he joins you.
"Did you follow me here?" you scowl and he snorts and lights up a cigarette, there's still tension between the two of you from earlier.
"Don't flatter yourself sweetheart. Party was shit so I thought I'd come here" he's quiet for a few seconds and you can feel him staring at you.
"You know I was only hanging with Mia because she's new to Hellfire. Have to look after my flock" this makes you smile a bit, he sounds like a shepherd.
He growls frustrated when you don't answer and walks over to you.
"I don't want to fuck Mia, she's nice but she's not my type. No my type has to be you doesn't it? prissy, bitchy and you drive me nuts" Traitor tears prick your eyes and you force them back trying to hide your hurt.
"Charming Munson" he softens and tilts your cheek so you look up at him, stubbornly you do and he moves closer to you.
"You're also sweet, beautiful, kind and fiesty as shit and I love that, you're protective of who you love and that's the first thing I fell for"
Oh! you stop fighting what you feel, fighting him and drop your defences. Eddie's confession must have been hard but he did it and it gives you courage to confess how you feel.
"Really?" you ask and hate how hopeful you sound but it's nice just to lean into the feelings instead of always fighting them.
"Yes, hoping I haven't made an ass of myself and you feel the same" he murmurs and you take his hand, fingers brushing over his rings.
He gazes at you intently and his next words make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
"How can you think I'd ever notice anyone else when all I can think about is you" He caresses your cheek and you melt into him.
"I've fallen for you too" you admit and his smile is all knowing, joyous.
"Oh I know baby, been waiting for you to have enough and kiss me" cocky shit. It makes you giggle though and you kiss him.
It's a hot, searing kiss that lasts for what feel like hours and has you and Eddie smiling like absolute idiots.
You had both been idiots but not anymore, Eddie seems to be thinking along the same lines as you and rests his forehead against yours.
"Could have been doing that for ages if you weren't so stubborn princess" you raise your eyebrow. Oh so you were stubborn but not him? You open your mouth to say something about this but Eddie kisses you again.
Oh well... You'd say something later, much much later.
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writingforstraykids ¡ 3 months
Ready, pretty?
Pairing: Minchan
Word Count: 2564
Summary: One night, after sharing a few drinks, Minho feels safe enough to overshare a little, thinking Chan is too drunk to remember the next day. He doesn't know that Chan remembers every word and is more than willing to help him with his little issue.
Warnings/Tags: fluff, late-night confessions, drunk confessions, friends to lovers (sort of), virgin!min, first time
A/N: Oh well, another audio that rotted azzy's and my brain😂 Based on this audio by my dear miu, hope you like it love @slutforchanlix 🖤
do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works in any way here or on other platforms. Šwritingforstraykids 2024-
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Minho and Chan found a quiet spot away from the bustling crowd at the party, nestled under the comforting canopy of a sprawling tree. A soft blanket spread beneath them provided a makeshift sanctuary from the noise and distractions. The night sky above them was a tapestry of stars, twinkling faintly amidst the velvet darkness.
They sat side by side, shoulders brushing occasionally as they sipped from their drinks, the clinking of glasses a gentle background to their conversation. Minho, already feeling a bit lightheaded from the alcohol, couldn't help but notice Chan's relaxed demeanor and chuckled inwardly, convinced his friend was also a few drinks past sobriety.
"You look like you're in another world, Channie hyung," Minho teased lightly, nudging him playfully. "What's on your mind?"
Chan chuckled, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. "Just enjoying the peace, I guess. It's rare to have moments like this."
"Yeah," Minho agreed, taking another sip. "Life's been hectic lately, huh?"
Chan nodded, his gaze drifting upwards towards the stars. "Tell me about it. Sometimes I just need to escape from all the noise and expectations."
Minho nodded sympathetically, feeling a wave of empathy wash over him. "I get that. So, how do you relax best, then?"
“There's only been one thing that actually helped lately,” Chan grinned mischievously, a glint in his eyes as he glanced at Minho. "By relieving some tension…you know?"
Minho snorted, caught off guard by the unexpected response. He leaned his head on Chan's shoulder, his own laughter bubbling up. "I should've guessed."
Chan chuckled, patting Minho's knee affectionately. "You're not too bad at it yourself, Minho."
“What's that supposed to mean?” he asked with a snort.
“Your room's right below mine, I'm insomniac, so no, not everyone's asleep when you touch yourself,” he told him, taking another sip. “You're not exactly quiet sometimes and the vent carries it all the way up.”
“Oh,” he whispered, making Chan laugh. “Can't help it sometimes,” he said.
“Yeah, I get that,” Chan agreed, smirking to himself. There hasn't only been one time when Minho's soft moans and quiet whimpers kept him up, too sweet of a symphony to ignore.
Feeling emboldened by the alcohol and the already happening oversharing, Minho decided to share a bit more than he probably should have. "Yeah, well, I tried my fingers once, but it didn't feel nice. I didn't really know what I was doing, so I gave that up again."
Chan burst into laughter, the sound echoing softly in the quiet night. "Noted," he managed between laughs, shaking his head fondly at Minho's confession. Yeah, he'd remember that.
Realizing what he had just admitted, Minho blushed furiously, hoping the darkness hid his embarrassment. "Just don't tell anyone."
Chan sobered slightly, a warm smile on his face as he nudged Minho gently. "Hey, I'll keep your secrets safe, don't worry."
Minho hummed softly before glancing at Chan. “Did you ever try it?” 
“Yeah, a few times,” Chan nodded, seemingly unfazed. 
“Any…any advice?” he asked, ears burning up.
“Well, you should be able to relax, give yourself time and don't get too eager too fast. Also use enough lube and be careful so you don't hurt yourself,” he told him.
Grateful for Chan's understanding, Minho shifted the topic to something less potentially embarrassing. "Speaking of secrets, what do you think of our new album? You excited about it?"
Chan's eyes lit up with enthusiasm, his earlier humor returning. "Definitely. Also, you've been working so hard on those English lines, Minho. I'm impressed."
Minho pouted playfully, leaning back against the tree trunk. "I get tired of them sometimes, you know?"
Chan nodded sympathetically. "I can imagine. But seriously, you sound amazing singing them. Fans are gonna love it."
A small smile tugged at Minho's lips, grateful for Chan's praise. "Thanks, Channie. Means a lot coming from you."
They fell into a comfortable silence, content to simply be in each other's company, enjoying the tranquility of the moment. The night breeze rustled the leaves above them, a gentle reminder of the world beyond their secluded spot. For Minho and Chan, this brief respite from the demands of their careers was a precious gift—a chance to unwind, to share laughter and confessions under the starlit sky.
As the party's noise gradually seeped back into their awareness, they exchanged a knowing glance, both silently agreeing to cherish this memory. With a final clink of their glasses, they toasted to friendship, to music, and to the simple joy of finding peace beneath the stars.
After a tiring and long day at the company, Chan and Minho finally collapsed onto Chan's bed, the soft mattress providing a welcomed respite from their demanding schedules. They had stayed longer than the others, Chan meticulously fine-tuning tracks for their upcoming album and Minho patiently walking him through the new choreography after.
Chan couldn't help but notice Minho's restlessness as they settled in. The room was bathed in a gentle lilac hue, casting a serene glow that accentuated Minho's features. He looked almost ethereal in that light, but Chan sensed a tension in him that hadn't dissipated since earlier.
"You alright, Minho?" Chan asked softly, his concern evident as he propped himself up on one elbow to look at his friend.
Minho sighed, running a hand through his hair before meeting Chan's gaze. "Yeah, just... I don't know. Can't seem to relax tonight…Long day."
Chan nodded understandingly, his eyes scanning Minho's face with a mixture of affection and curiosity. "Ever wish someone could help you with that? Release some tension after a long day?"
Minho's breath caught slightly at Chan's question, his heart beating a little faster as he processed the implication behind those words. He searched Chan's eyes for a long moment, finding sincerity and a hint of something more—something he had quietly wondered about but never dared to voice.
"Yeah," Minho admitted quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. "I do."
Chan's expression softened, a gentle smile playing on his lips as he remembered their conversation from a few nights ago—the one where Minho had confessed his clumsy attempt at doing just that. "Remember when you told me about trying with your fingers? Didn't quite like it?"
Minho blushed deeply, embarrassed that Chan remembered and seemed unfazed by his earlier awkwardness. "Yeah," he murmured, unable to meet Chan's gaze directly. “I took your advice but it doesn't feel as good as Felix and Jisung said it would.”
Chan chuckled softly, reaching out to gently tuck a strand of hair behind Minho's ear. "It's okay, Minho. You can tell me what you need. That's what I'm here for, yeah?”
Minho swallowed nervously, his heart racing as he leaned closer to Chan, their faces now only inches apart. "I... I need..." He hesitated, unsure if he could voice his desires aloud.
Chan's hand found Minho's, fingers intertwining in a silent gesture of reassurance. "You can trust me, Min. Whatever it is."
With a shaky breath, Minho closed the gap between them, pressing his lips tentatively against Chan's. The kiss was hesitant at first, a mixture of nerves and longing, but soon it deepened, fueled by months of unspoken attraction and the intimacy of their shared moments.
Chan responded eagerly, pulling Minho closer until their bodies were flush against each other. The room seemed to fade away, leaving only the soft sound of their breaths mingling and the gentle rustling of sheets beneath them.
As they broke apart for air, Chan brushed his thumb over Minho's cheek, his eyes filled with tenderness. "I've wanted this, Minho," he confessed softly. "More than I've let myself admit."
Minho smiled shyly, a weight lifted off his shoulders now that his feelings were out in the open. "Me too," he admitted, his voice filled with a mix of relief and joy.
“Can I take care of you?” Chan asked softly and Minho's breath hitched.
“Please,” he nodded gently, rolling onto his back and glancing up at Chan as he sat up. Minho watched him as he gently pushed his legs apart and got seated between them, gently rubbing up his thighs. 
“Want me show you how good it can feel?” he asked and Minho bit his lower lip, nodding quickly. Chan reached into the drawer of his bedside table and pulled out a bottle of lube. 
As Chan settled back between Minho's legs, he held up the bottle of lube with a reassuring smile. Minho's heart raced with anticipation, his body tingling in anticipation of Chan's touch. The soft lilac light cast a gentle glow over them, adding to the intimate atmosphere.
Chan leaned down to kiss Minho softly, their lips meeting in a tender exchange that conveyed both desire and tenderness. Breaking the kiss, Chan whispered against Minho's lips, "Relax, Min. I've got you." Minho hummed softly in response. “May I?” he asked gently, waiting for a nod before removing his pants and boxers.
Minho blushed softly at Chan's admiring expression, feeling a little exposed. “Channie,” he whined softly.
Chan giggled softly. “Ready, pretty?”
Minho nodded, his breath coming in shallow gasps as Chan squeezed a generous amount of lube onto his fingers. He gently trailed his fingertips down Minho's thighs, causing him to shiver at the sensation. Chan's touch was gentle and deliberate, each movement aimed at building trust and pleasure.
"Let me know if anything feels uncomfortable," Chan murmured, his voice a soothing presence in the quiet room.
Minho nodded again, his eyes locked on Chan's as he slowly began to circle his fingers around Minho's entrance. He applied light pressure, testing Minho's response before gradually easing a finger inside. Minho gasped at the initial intrusion, but Chan didn't move further until he felt Minho relax around him.
"That's it," Chan encouraged softly, his other hand stroking Minho's thigh in a comforting gesture. He continued to move his finger in and out slowly, allowing Minho to adjust to the sensation.
As Minho relaxed further, Chan added a second finger, stretching him carefully and watching closely for any signs of discomfort. Minho's breath hitched, but he didn't flinch away. Instead, he arched his back slightly, silently asking for more.
Minho was a little overwhelmed by how good it felt, panting softly at the feeling. A shaky moan escaped him and he quickly bit his lip, not wanting to fall apart right there during the first time someone touched him.
"You're doing great, Min," Chan praised, his voice filled with admiration and desire. He curled his fingers inside, searching for that spot that would make Minho gasp and moan.
The pleasure began to build, Minho's body responding eagerly to Chan's touch. Chan moved his fingers in a rhythm that was both tender and insistent, coaxing soft sounds of pleasure from Minho's lips. Each movement sent waves of pleasure through Minho's body, heightening his arousal with every stroke.
"Chan..." Minho whispered, his voice strained with need. He reached for Chan's hand, urging him to go deeper, to give him more.
Chan complied, adding a third finger carefully and gauging Minho's reaction. Minho tensed briefly, but as Chan massaged that sensitive spot inside him, pleasure quickly replaced any discomfort. Chan's fingers moved with practiced skill, pushing Minho closer to the edge of ecstasy. Minho's head fell back, jaw growing slack as Chan lovingly worked his prostate. “Oh shit,” he whispered.
Feeling Minho's body respond eagerly, Chan leaned down to kiss him again, their mouths melding in a desperate, passionate kiss. Minho whimpered into Chan's mouth, his hips lifting off the bed to meet Chan's movements.
"Channie hyung," Minho gasped when they finally parted for air, his voice raw with desire.
“I'm here,” Chan whispered gently. “What do you need, baby?”
Minho moaned softly. “Need more, please. Can you - I'm…I never did that before,” he admitted, ears burning up fiercely.
Chan soothingly rubbed his thigh. “Are you sure you want it to be me?” he asked gently, searching his eyes observantly. 
“Please,” Minho nodded, vulnerability lacing his features. “I trust you.”
Chan nodded, his own arousal evident as he reached for a condom and quickly prepared himself. He positioned himself between Minho's legs, gazing down at him with a mix of tenderness and hunger.
"You're sure?" Chan asked softly, seeking Minho's consent.
Minho nodded eagerly, his eyes locked with Chan's as he guided himself into Minho's heat. Chan took his time, making sure to give Minho enough room to adjust to the feeling. They both groaned at the sensation of being joined so intimately, their bodies moving together in a rhythm that spoke of longing and mutual need.
With each careful thrust, Chan focused on Minho's reactions, ensuring he moved at a pace that allowed Minho to adjust and enjoy every moment. Minho's soft moans and gasps filled the room, driving Chan further into a state of controlled desire. He kept one hand firmly planted beside Minho's head for support while the other stroked gently at Minho's cheek.
Minho's body responded eagerly, meeting Chan's movements with an increasing urgency that mirrored Chan's own rising desire. Their eyes locked in a silent conversation of trust and need, each moment deepening their connection beyond physical intimacy.
As Chan moved inside him, Minho's fingers clawed at Chan's back, his breath hitching with each deep thrust. Pleasure coiled tightly within him, building to a crescendo that threatened to overwhelm his senses. Chan's movements grew more insistent, driven by the raw need to bring Minho to the peak of ecstasy.
"Chan," Minho gasped, his voice a desperate plea mingled with pleasure.
Chan's heart swelled with affection and desire as he pressed his forehead against Minho's, their breaths mingling in a heated exchange. "I'm here, Minho," he murmured, his voice husky with longing. "Let go. I've got you."
With a final, deep thrust, Chan sent Minho spiraling into euphoria. Minho's body trembled beneath him as waves of pleasure washed over him, his moans filling the room with unrestrained ecstasy. Chan held him close, his own release imminent as he buried his face in Minho's neck, his breath hot against Minho's skin.
Moments later, they lay tangled together, their bodies slick with sweat, hearts racing in the aftermath of their shared passion. Chan pressed gentle kisses against Minho's temple, his touch reverent and tender.
"You okay?" Chan asked softly, his fingers tracing soothing patterns along Minho's back.
Minho nodded, a blissful smile spreading across his face. "More than okay," he whispered, his voice filled with contentment.
Chan smiled back, his heart overflowing with love and tenderness for the man in his arms. He gently withdrew from Minho, disposing of the condom, cleaning Minho up and then pulling him close again, cradling him against his chest. They lay together in the quiet of Chan's room, their breathing slowly synchronizing as they savored the intimacy of their shared moment.
"Thank you, Channie," Minho murmured after a while, breaking the peaceful silence. “For being so gentle and always looking out for me.”
Chan kissed the top of Minho's head, his voice a soft murmur against Minho's hair. "Always, Min. I'm always here for you."
They drifted off to sleep in each other's arms, the soft lilac light still casting a gentle glow over their entwined bodies. For Minho and Chan, this night marked not only a physical union but also a deeper understanding of their feelings and a bond strengthened by trust and love.
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Taglist (Please let me know if you want to be added to or removed from the taglist):
@atinyniki @galaxycatdrawz @silverstarburst @aaa-sia @lilmisssona @kthstrawberryshortcake @channieaddict @soullostinspaceandtime @rebecca-johnson-28 @lixie-phoria @kibs-and-bits @xxstrayland @ihrtlix @pheonixfire777 @mellhwang @palindrome969 @harshaaaaa @rylea08 @heeyboooo @manuosorioh @gisaerlleri @andassortedkpop @bbokari711 @kazuuuaaa @rssamj @wolfyychan @stellasays45 @chrizzztopherbang @ionlyeverwantedtobeyourequal @silentreadersthings @myforevermelody143 @sapphirewaves @james-is-here
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armenianwriterman ¡ 4 months
So, this is it. The end of Rooster Teeth. The end of something I spent half of my life watching. I got into RT through randomly stumbling across Season 1 of Death Battle by chance and I never looked back. I spent more than half of my life watching their stuff, laughing along with their jokes, and being inspired by the people who made it. They were a source of joy in my life, especially in times when I really needed it. The talent and passion of those that worked there always shined through on everything they did. To those who worked there, I'm sorry it ended the way it did, and I wish them the best of luck as you go forwards. I'll always remember the heart and soul they put in, the engrossing stories they told, and hilarious insanity you really can't find anywhere else.
But, while there was a lot of good, there was also a lot of bad. The crunch, the toxic bro culture, the sexual predator that worked there for 12 years, it was a mess. It is horrible that any of this happened at all, and to those who were effected by it, I am so sorry you had to go through that. I felt terrible about being sad it closing for this reason, but after some reflection, I think what I'm really sad about is how much it meant to people. Me, the other fans, and all the employees, anyone who saw the goodbye stream could testify to that.
From that shared meaning spawned a community that I was a part of. One that unquestionably had a lot of problems as well, (I'm definitely not going to miss the anti-woke grifters when they inevitably move on to the next thing), but a community nonetheless. I don't really talk about my personal life on here much but, I'm not good with social interactions or maintaining relationships with people I don't see daily. I haven't ever really had a job before despite my attempts to get one, and well, given that I want to work in the TV/Film industry and the state that it's currently in...yeah. I sometimes feel like a failure, wonder why I should even bother trying.
But with RT, I had a community of people who were like me. People who I could nerd out with and not really worry about alienating. People I could laugh and cry with. I felt like I had a place here like I never really did elsewhere. One of my big regrets is that I never had the opportunity to go to a fan event and meet others in my community in person. But the good news is, despite the company closing, the community is still going to stick around for a long time. The fanmade archives are a thing, and many of the shows are either already going to continue, or in talks to continue.
Tonight, I decided to watch one final thing on their website and I chose Red vs Blue Season 13, partly because it's one of my favorite, if not the favorite, things this media company ever put out. But I also chose it because of the ending. Because even when things are bleak, even when the future is uncertain, there will always be hope that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, that your friends (and Rooster Teeth employees in this case) will all eventually be okay. In other words, because in the end, you just have to have faith. Ain't that a bitch?
Being a fan wasn't always easy, but I look around at everyone talking about what Rooster Teeth and its community meant to them, and I know that is why we were here. And I'm glad I was here with all of you.
❤️🤍🖤💛, 🟨🟨🟨🟨⬛, 🔴🆚🔵
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Party squad but jealous headcannon (not of each other) love your work 🫶🏽
look i KNOW it was most definitely a typo but "Party Squad" got me giggling and stuff ngl--
♥️🖤💙 Partner Squad Being Jealous Headcanons ♥️🖤💙
❤️ Barb ❤️
How easy is to make her jealous: 8/10
When she gets jealous she tries to not let it show, but, let's be honest here, she's terrible at it and it's very, very obvious. She's this 👌 close from outright snarling at whoever got her jealousy senses going. It not common for her to get jealous but it can sometimes happen and she's too stubborn to admit she's feeling that way, so you have to really talk her through it if you want her to feel more at ease.
Best way to reassure her: Quality time! It's as simple as that. Especially if it's with a lot of nose nuzzles and tiny kisses, those are her weakness and will help her forget about whoever set her off.
🩷 Poppy 🩷
How easy is to make her jealous: 3/10
She knows better than to be jealous (she's one of the hardest to get jealous out of the whole Squad actually), but sometimes she can't help it. There are moments when she sees other trolls outside of the polycule being a bit too friendly with you for her taste and she gets kinda restless about it. She won't be outspoken about it but it's very obvious when she's upset about something because her smile looks way more forced and she laughs a lot to cover up how tense she feels.
Best way to reassure her: Just. Talk her through it, really. Remove yourself and her from the vicinity of the troll that got her feeling jelly and give her some smooches, tell her how much you love and appreciate her and it'll be like night and day in no time at all.
🩵 Branch 🩵
How easy is to make him jealous: 9/10
It is very known already he gets increasingly grouchier whenever he gets jealous, which is not that often but his Jelly-Meter™️ can very easily be triggered. He will pout, he will sulk and he will make a lot of passive aggressive comments about the troll that was getting too comfy with you in his personal opinion. But even if he can be very easily set off in this aspect, he's never been wrong about his assumptions before, and he knows when someone outside the polycule is flirting with you and when the conversation is entirely friendly and harmless.
Best way to reassure him: Distract him first to help him cool off and then let him vent about it, because trust me, he'll have a whole monologue to destress about the situation. Also, validate him so he doesn't feel like he's overreacting, because he will kinda feel bad about it if you don't.
💙 Trollex 💙
How easy is to make him jealous: 5/10
Trollex can be a bit oblivious at times when it comes to this kind of stuff. He's blissfully aloof because more often than not his focus is on you and you only. But, once he catches someone getting a bit too close to you, or making a few out-of-pocket comments about your appearance or personality, that's when he snaps out of Heart Eye Land, that's his "hol' up" moment. He gets pouty, grumbles a lot and he'll be wearing this half pout half scowl look when he talks to the troll that made him jelly. It's comically obvious he's upset.
Best way to reassure him: Stepping away from the situation and talking about it it's the best route to take with this fella, but it'll help his peace of mind a million times over if you blow off whoever was flirting with you yourself. He'll also get super giddy if you add any remarks towards your happy position inside the polycule, so please do add those remarks, please.
💚 Tresillo 💚
How easy is to make him jealous: 7.5/10
Tresillo’s a cool guy, he usually very chill about other trolls interacting with you, not even blinking an eye when someone else hugs you or hangs out around you frequently. But things change once he knows that someone has ulterior motives and it's clearly flirting. He'll get vocal about it right there and then, fuming at the lack of shame the other troll has for daring to act like that right in front of him. To keep things from escalating further than this, you'll have to drag him away while he grumbles and curses in Spanish under his breath.
Best way to reassure him: Once the situation is over, he'll need a lot of hugs and cuddles to help him cool off and go back to his calm persona. He'll be sorta pissy about the whole thing for a few hours but that'll pass eventually, just keep those cuddles coming and he'll be fine.
🧡 Hickory 🧡
How easy is to make him jealous: 2/10
Hickory almost never ever gets jealous. Not even when someone comes up to you to flirt or whatever, because on top of being a calm soul, he's cocky as hell. He knows very dang well you won't give pay the time of day to any attempt at seduction from some rando troll outside the polycule, so he just watches with a knowing smirk, snickering to himself and lets you deal with the situation if you're up for it. He'll only intervene if you too fed up and then he'll simply wrap and arm around your waist and pull you away to go somewhere else. Easy peasy.
Best way to reassure him: In the very, very, very rare case that he does get jealous of someone else, he won't actually need you to do anything at all. He'll keep his frustrations to himself and he'll deal with them on his own and it'll be as if he wasn't bothered at all cuz he's got an image to uphold, okay?
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bonny-kookoo ¡ 11 months
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Take me somewhere nice Angel Kook AU! Thank you 🖤🤍
"Stop staring at her." Jimin laughs, as Jungkook doesn't at all back down, simply staring at you sitting next to the demon dressed yet again in white, eating your slice of cake.
You're odd. Neither here nor there, and yet clearly taken in by the darker side for some odd reason. He knows, deep down, what exactly you are- or most likely at least. But he refuses to accept that. Things like that just don't happen.
"Huh, you angels have terrible manners. Don't mind him, he's a true killjoy." Jimin simply hums, watching you eat with a smile on his lips. It's clear to Jungkook that he's taken you in, has become somewhat of a protector almost, because right from the start of this meeting, the demon had made sure that the angel knows the rules.
He's not allowed to touch you. Neither is he allowed to directly talk to you, nor try and use any of his powers given on you.
"I'm not delivering her to you like some sort of package." He'd told him. "I'm simply letting you see her, and that's it."
There's good reason for these rules- Jungkook could quite literally ruin your soul with just a touch, able to hurt you with simple words directed at you in a certain way- and Jimin is clearly protective of you for one way or another. Just like he told him before, time and time again.
Demons are terribly loyal creatures- at least here, settled amongst humans.
Most demons are strategically placed on earth, as seekers- working with angels to keep things in balance. The good can't exist without the bad after all- so demons are given the right to punish accordingly if needed because of that, as long as they stay within the boundaries set.
Which is also a reason why Jungkook needs to figure out how you even got here at all.
"Does she not talk?" Jungkook questions Jimin with his eyes however still on you- unsure why you seem so unbothered by his presence at all.
"Not much. Very quiet." Jimin hums, watching you instead. "You want something else? Or another one of those?" He asks you, pointing to the now empty plate- but you shake your head. "I can feel you reaching out to her. Stop that." He warns now, eyes turning a bit red as he challenges the angel across the table.
"Why is she not reacting?" Jungkook asks, when you suddenly lock eyes with him again. The same way as the first time he saw you. And it's making him shiver in an odd way.
You hold out your hand to him, and he looks at it with clear suspicion, before he takes it- however, almost immediately he flinches back.
"Quite the party trick, huh?" Jimin laughs openly at the shocked angel who now stares at you as if you've grown a second head. "I told you what she is." He warns. "And I'm not sure how much time we have to figure her out." The demon sighs, watching you look around curiously, as if you don't even hear them talk.
Maybe you really don't- it's possible, if you're this severely 'stuck' in the middle between light and dark. Neither of them really know where you stand right now. Which is what made Jungkook so confused- because you feel like.. nothing.
You're not supposed to be here.
You're not even supposed to exist at all-
especially not with the body of his past lover, most of all.
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aechii ¡ 2 years
Heyy, first of all I just wanna say I love your writing and I really really appreciate you writing for black readers 💖 I wanted to request a kylian story about reader meeting his family for the first time, maybe bonding with his mom and Ethan if thats possible 😊 (also are we getting a second part for good luck charm??)
₍⁠₍ ONE OF US ₎⁠₎
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PAiRiNG ?! boyfriend!kylian x black!femreader
GENRE ?! romance, fluff (😞)
C/W ?! written in 3rd person since i can't write in 2nd person for shit, she/her pronouns used, kylian whines alot, ethan is too mature for his own good lool, KYLIAN ISN'T DRIVING !!!
A/N ?! i luvvvv this request :) im glad you appreciate my works, it means a lot to me since i really want to make my black readers feel included <3
tried to make it not too fluffy (😞) but im sorry if i failed. part 2 of 'good luck charm' will be the next fic released after this so stay tuned for that (hopefully before the end of this week). anyways, hope i did ur request justice, anon 🖤
one and a half hours on road, and the ending of the everlasting queue of cars and headlights seemed out of sight. a traffic light suspended from the sky, like a descending black orb, and [y/n] tilted her head as she leaned forward to observe it. sighed, resting back as the lowness of her car's hood rendered her efforts futile, and instead, relied on the agonising snail-speed of the moving cars ahead.
"traffic's heavy today."
kylian responded with a quiet hum, tapping her thigh to the beat of the playing song, "yeah, bad day to go out but my mum's expecting you."
fear hovered just beneath her skin and kylian noticed the tremble of her hands. they gripped the steering wheel, as if to strangle it dead, sure that the grooves of the grips had indented into her palms. he gave a reassuring squeeze to her leg, then stretched forward to peck her cheek.
"you'll be alright, they'll love you."
her eyebrows remained crinkled, "are you sure?"
kylian gave an affirmative nod, "of course— honestly they'll love anybody who isn't me."
she knew his words were a tad bit hyperbolic, but it made her laugh anyways.
"yeah. their dear kylian can be a handful sometimes."
[y/n] was quick to nod at that, "you're not wrong there."
in any other instance, kylian would find fault in her words and be haste to correct her, whining. yet, he watched how the knots of her fingers grew loose and how her shoulders untensed and settled with ease, and bit his tongue.
silence dallied in the car, save kylian's hums of every song that cried from the radio. the congestion had lightened and they both rolled forward a couple of feet per minute.
"quick warning though, ethan is most likely to drag you to play fifa with him. don't be scared to say no," kylian rolled his eyes after; she found their bond way too endearing and wholesome for her heart to take.
"says that he needs to add to his fifa kill count, and literally verses anybody he can," he proceeded. [y/n] would think he meant his irritation if she didn't peak the slight grin that ghosted his lips. he could never dislike the boy, of course.
"i see where he gets his competitiveness from," she joked, surging the car forward as the light turned green. the motorway is long left behind, and the distant city blended and smothered into the view before them.
"are you one of his kill counts?"
kylian kissed his teeth, and it triggered a hearty laugh from the girl beside him, "that's not even the point. i've demanded rematches and he still refuses to."
"babe, i think it's a sign that you should suck it up and accept that he's better than you at fifa."
"in your dreams," arms were crossed and he ignored her grin, looking out the window, "i'm forcing him to play today."
the gps ordered her to take a left, and she swiftly took the sharp corner, bustling streets dwindling behind them as they entered a quieter road.
"i will be supporting you— although i can't guarantee that i will for all of the games you play."
"so- what? you'll be rooting for ethan?" his words left his mouth as if they were bitter and salty on his tongue.
she only said that to rile up the man, finding humour in his disdain. in kylian's eyes, [y/n] was his, and only his, hype woman.
"love you too."
they fell into tranquil muteness as the sight of kylian's childhood house is unveiled by the skyscraping evergreen trees that seemed to be a habitual plant around this side of paris. it's not entirely big, but large enough that, from the outside, it was obvious that it situated two floors. gated and neatly groomed grass carpeted the front lawn, bright green and dotted with white. daisies, she predicted.
the car undulated to a halt, and [y/n] released a sigh.
"we're here... finally."
kylian shifted in his seat, facing his girlfriend, "yeah, we are." reached to scoop her hands in his, "and as i said, you have nothing to be scared about. i love you, hm? even if they don't like you, which i highly doubt will happen, it won't change a thing, okay?"
nodded and tilted forward to kiss her boyfriend. kylian's hand rested gently upon her cheek as he deepened it, lips tenderly harsh as he attempted to portray his words into action, too. a ping from his phone caused them to break contact, turning it on as he read the text from the notification bar.
mama ❤️ i see a car outside. stopping hogging the poor girl and come inside, it's too hot.
"who is it?" [y/n] asked.
kylian showed her the text and she softly chuckled as she read it, "you heard her. let's go."
they depart, not before kylian gave her hand a reassuring peck, and they amble to the front door.
kylian looked at her, finger at the ready to poke the doorbell, "ready?"
"i think so, yeah."
greeted with a warm, encompassing hug, [y/n] was pulled inside, her boyfriend complaining behind her as he was left behind.
"okay, forget your own son then," he gruntled, closing the door as the warm air from outside began to mesh with the cold one inside.
fayza, his mother, kissed her teeth. undeniably kylian's mother.
"as if i don't see you more than i want to."
an arm circled [y/n]'s waist, head tucking itself into her neck as lips muttered complaints into her skin. she patted his hand in faux sympathy.
they're escorted to the back garden, filled to them brim with kids no taller than her waist, and chattering adults. it was welcoming chaos, one that made her feel settled and content because everyone was happy, doing they're own thing as they gathered as one family.
and now, she was to be one of them.
broken out of her reverie, fayza's voice cut through the cacophony, and all heads turned toward their direction.
"everyone, meet [y/n], kylian's girlfriend. make her feel comfortable and at home for me," her face was illuminated with a smile.
a little voice, she presumed was of one of kylian's nieces, sounded from just beside them.
"she's very pretty!"
[y/n]'s heart swelled, and she untangled herself from her boyfriend's hold, crouching down in front of the infant, "thank you, love. what's your name?"
she reponded, full of eagerness, "marie!"
[y/n] chuckled, "you have a very pretty name, don't you?"
the toddler nodded, as she signalled for [y/n] to pick her up. arms wrapped around the small girl securely, she stood up, swirling the girl around as she giggled loudly, then began to ask her questions about her and kylian's relationship. her curiosity was overwhelmingly adorable and [y/n] could feel her face muscles ache at the undying smile.
kylian watched from the doorframe, eyes drenched in obvious adoration as his girlfriend began to go around, socialising with the rest of his family. his sister is quick to welcome her with a hug and a kiss to the cheek, ruffling the curls of her daughter in [y/n]'s arms. if he hadn't decided to grow old with the girl, he certainly did now, for the sight of his most beloveds intertwining with so little difficulty made him feel full with joy.
the little girl in her arms began to grow restless, and with the sweltering heat beating upon her skin, [y/n] unleashed the hyperactive kid, submerging back into the air conditioned space inside. she went to look for kylian, stopping at the door of the living room (overly spacious, but embossed with pictures and trophies, made it feel smaller and more homely than expected) as she noticed two boys frantically clicking button on a controller, tv glowing with running, animated people in a sea of green. decided to not disturb and leave kylian to (hopefully) reign victorious this time round.
[y/n] found herself exploring the corridors of the house, gazing into framed photos hung upon the walls. a family so deeply knitted that not one was left out, and she couldn't help the thought of her face one day being displayed with pride, maybe with kylian beside her, or maybe just her, as she alone was enough to be one of them.
she ventured into the kitchen absentmindedly, meeting fayza stirring into a steam pot, napkin draped over her shoulder.
pushed all her nerves aside as she saw an opportunity to bond with her mother-in-law, "is there anything i can help with, ma'am?"
she was quick to spin around, a smile blooming as she recognised her voice, "you want to help?" [y/n]'s gesture was thoroughly appreciated, but the question left fayza's throat apprehensively.
"yes," then a laugh, accompanied by a permanent smile, "kylian is playing fifa with ethan so i really have nothing to do."
the older woman grunted knowingly, shuffling through the kitchen as [y/n] shadowed her.
"that's all the do when he comes here," a freckled hand is waved, aloof, "don't mind them."
she slid a bowl of freshly washed vegetables, dappled with droplets of water, "dice these for me, dear."
[y/n] acquiesced promptly, and the kitchen swiftly subsided into a warm silence. she chopped them with such experienced velocity, and fayza showed her an approving smile, althought she was too focused to notice.
"you know what you're doing."
the girl turned to the woman next to her, grinning, "have to be, or kylian would be a lost cause."
the guffaw that followed was thick with expectance and genuine hilarity, "you're very funny, looking after that boy isn't an easy task."
"you can definitely tell me about it," she fell silent as she focused on cutting off the butt of the onion, "but i love him, and forever will."
fayza felt her skin buzz with exhilaration and couldn't fight the urge to hug the lady helping her.
"you're such a lovely girl, perfect for my kylian," broke the hug and scanned the face of the girl that had her son immeasurably in love, "stand by him, okay? people out there are harsh, and, yes, i know that he's a strong boy, but with you beside him, he'll be stronger."
[y/n] exhaled, leaning against the counter as fayza started to fry the vegetables that she had chopped, "i won't lie to you and say it's easy because it's not," a hand rubbed down her face, "i don't get why people are so... brutal. it's like the only focus on his negatives when they lose, but praise him when they win, and i see that it gets to him a lot."
fayza knew what they, as a family, holding the name mbappĂŠ, just like the one that etched the back of france's golden boy, were getting themselves into. a life no longer hidden, everything was out and vulnerable for everyone to see, and if each blink and breath wasn't scrutinized by 'fans' (as they liked to call themselves, but tend to act otherwise) then something wasn't right.
"that's just how the world is, dear. they're backstabbers, running wild with no inch of humanity left in them. but you have to remain sturdy, be it alone or with the support of other people. and for kylian's case, he has us."
us. [y/n]'s skin crawled with thrill.
"you're part of the family, now, [y/n]," fayza smiled, eyes lined with aged wrinkles, deepened with the peaks and troughs of the past, and still to, with what was yet to come, "one of us."
she smiled, heart clashing with her ribs, "thank you, fayza. it really means a lot."
she returned it, arms agape, "it's nothing, dear. now, come here!"
[y/n] entered her arm, laughing loudly as her mother-in-law kissed her forehead, "and remember, if kylian ever does anything wrong, tell me, and i'll deal with him."
"i definitely will, ma'am."
she was given a disapproving look in return, "ma'am? please, call me fayza, or mum, which i prefer." winked and laughed.
however, their moment was cut short as shouts outside the door began to crescendo.
"—not only are you running away but your running to your girlfriend who i didn't even know was here!"
the kitchen is penetrated by the fury of two boys, of which their ages were miles apart but would think were near by how they acted, kylian's face contorted into a frown, "it would be a curse to introduce her to you, ethan."
the teenage boy gasped, kicking his brother, "take that back!"
"over my dead body!"
ethan scowled back, looking at her, before any trace of his negative expression seemed to disappear into thin air, "[y/n]! oh my days, you're prettier in real life!"
she grinned sheepishly, "thank you, ethan."
kylian, however, found no amusement in his words, hiding his girlfriend behind him, "oh please stop that crap. get yourself your own girlfriend!"
"and you just love hating! i bet your girlfriend is better than you at fifa."
"take. that. back."
"let's see it," he walked towards her, putting on the best puppy eyes he could muster, grabbing and tugging her arm, "please, [y/n]? play fifa with me?"
kylian glared at him, slapping his hand away.
"don't touch her!"
she turned to look at fayza, who nudged her head, "don't worry about it, go and take those hooligans with you."
10 minutes later, ethan was one goal down, with [y/n] on a aggregate score of 3.
"you're good at this— like good good. better than kylian."
to ethan's satisfaction, his older brother had been summoned by his mother to help her, saying he 'needed to use that football strength to good use'.
"how the hell did he even get a girlfriend like you? way too good for him, in my humblest opinion." she knew his question was far from ill-mannered, and didn't take it to heart. ethan tend to say whatever came to his mind at that moment.
"he definitely tried his hardest to ask me out," [y/n] stated, chuckling at the ever-vivid memory of his unrelenting advances.
"he's never one to give up, is he?"
she shook her head, "absolutely not. gave him my number for professional use only, and he saw the opportunity to flirt with me."
ethan visibly cringed at the fact, "that's embarassing."
"it was cute," she shrugged, "until it actually started to work and it all went downhill- or rather uphill- from there."
ethan's irises glimmered as he attempted a shot, but took in a sharp breath as he missed.
"all i can say is, he loves really hard. hasn't loved anyone as much as you, but from what i hear from him about you, he's deeply infatuated. i think it's scary, at this point," paused to regain his bearings as the ball was within [y/n]'s possession once again, "but, as much as i make fun of him, he's a good person. sometimes too good for his own sake."
he spoke truth. truth that hurt, because kylian's kindness was constantly taken for weakness, but he always, without fail, moved past it without another thought wasted.
"and he hides how much it affects him."
"exactly," ethan responded immediately, then laughed, "you know him just as much, or even more than me."
[y/n] grinned, "happens when you spend everyday with the boy. he's more readable than he thinks."
"or maybe you adore him so much that you just... care."
silence, then, "or maybe that."
it was only the noise of intense clicking and frustrated sighs that filled the room for a few minutes. it was a relaxed quietude, one that none saw the need to disrupt, but ethan wanted to express how grateful he was for [y/n]'s presence in his brother's life. it was comforting to know that he had someone, that wasn't a platonic friend, to confide in and find solitude in.
"you two were definitely meant to be."
"you think?"
"yeah," he looked at her, taking a hand off of the controller to punch her lightly in her arm, "i see you becoming [y/n] mbappĂŠ, one day."
"really?" her voice was incredulous, "you see me being one of you lot?"
"come on [y/n]," ethan rolled his eyes affectionately, "you're already one of us."
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aviradasa ¡ 7 months
Drunk Dancin
Elliott (Sdv) X reader
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(art from Pinterest)
This was so fun to write I hope you all enjoy! I got kinda lazy towards the end Sorry it's been awhile sense I've had inspo so this might be bad. Also I didn't proof read this shit🤣🖤
It had been a rough day on the farm, the crops were dying due to the change in season, the animals were grumpy even though they had plenty to eat and space to wander, And then to top it off the mines nearly killed me, and now I grumpily stumble to the stardrop saloon.
It's a busy night for the tiny bar. Friday nights are always like that, groups and sad lonely souls gather there to drink, sing, and stumble out sometime past midnight every Friday without fail.
As I make my way inside I see it's still relatively quiet. I walk up to the bar nodding my head to Pam who sits at her usual corner.
“Hey kid you're looking rough, what happened this time?” she asks, turning her head to me with a slight chuckle as she takes a sip of her beer. I look at her with a sigh as I slump over the bar lazily grabbing my drink and sliding it closer to me. “Oh, you know the same old shit. Crops are assholes, and my animals and the creatures in the mines want me dead.” I say lifting my cup to my lips and downing half of my drink before lowering my glass. “It’s been fun,” I say giving her a sarcastic smile.
“Jesus kid you outta slow down there wont be any good tomorrow if you're sloshed,” she says with a grin. I look at her with a raised eyebrow before I can respond. She laughs. “I’m just kidding, the best cure for a shitty day is a drink. If I had any extra cash I would buy you one outta pity but well I'm kinda runnin’ a little short for my tab as is so.. Don’t tell Gus,” she tells me with a wink, I let out a little chuckle. “ Your secrets are safe with me,” I tell her before downing the rest of my drink and calling Gus over for another, which he gladly sells me before I get up from the bar and wander to a table neatly nested in the corner. I sit down and after a few minutes, I see my good friend Leah wander into the saloon collecting her drink from the bar. She wandered to the table next to me. “ well hey their Y/n what are you up to tonight.”She asks as she pulls out her seat to sit down.
I look up at her with a grin holding up my drink. “Girl I’m drinking in hopes I don't wake up tomorrow sober!” I tell her as we both laugh. “ Jeez Y/n what the hell did you do now, don't you tell me you passed out in those mines again!” she jokes with a grin on her face as she takes a sip of her beer.
“Hey now I didn't pass out, but I got too damn close to those rock crabs are the devil.'' I shake my head as I chuckle. “ They keep sneaking up on me and by the time I see one of those things there are 3 more behind me.” I say Leah just laughs “Sounds like you need to buy some armor or something if you gonna keep going down there-” she starts to say before a new voice unintentionally cuts her off.
“Good evening Leah,y/n how are you both tonight?” the person says, looking towards the voice we see Elliott. I was starting to wonder where he was normally earlier. “ hey El where were you? You're a bit later than usual.” I ask the redhead. He just chuckles and takes a seat in between the two tables. “Well, you know how I was having a dry spell of inspiration? Well, I don't know What hit me but today I was able to get 3 chapters done in my novel! I was so caught up in it that I didn't even realize the whole day had run away from me. I feel so alive at the moment!” he tells us excitedly. For the past week, Elliott has been talking about how he had no clue what to write in this book of his, it was kind of sad to see him so upset, but now he's happy and inspired again! Don't get me wrong is amazing, I'm happy for him and even happier that he's so much more enthusiastic and optimistic now, but I just wish he was like this 3 days ago. Because now his joy is feeling a bit suffocating. Or maybe that's just because of my shitty day.
Even so, I sit there and listen to him excitedly explaining some plot twist he wanted to add to a future chapter.
As he speaks I can't help but tune into the music playing from the jukebox. It's decently loud but not enough to give you a headache and the songs playing are mostly from the 70’s and 80's. I guess Gus has decent musical taste! Who knew?
About an hour has passed and our little trio has had our fair share of drinks. We sit there joking around for a little longer before Leah thinks it might be a good idea to pull Elliott and me up to dance. “Leah I don’t know how fuckin to dance??” I slur as she pulls me up. She groans “Come on don't be lame let all just dance! I bet you can do it! Elliott, don't you think they can do it too??” she asks him. Elliott being a little less than drunk more on the tipsy side just laughs.
“ You know I think they can! Go on, go dance, you can do it,” he says, giving me a slight push. Without thinking I grab onto his hand and spin around to face him. “You know what! I’ll go if you come with us.”
Telling him to come with us was the worst thing to say ever.
Cause he was an amazing dancer with a couple of drinks under his belt. And he looked divine doing it. His red suit jacket had been long forgotten on the back of his chair, his long red hair was put up messily in a bun and he was dancing like he should have been on a stage.
He swayed and spun, stumbled once or twice, and laughed with us when we pointed it out to him. It was a beautiful thing to witness, but he didn't take my focus away completely, as Leah and I had been spinning around together, jumping up and down bobbing our heads to the beat as we stumbled and laughed.
As we dance my head starts to spin, dizziness overcoming every aspect of my mind and vision almost knocking me down. But as I stumble, a hand grabs my wrist from behind and spins me around full circle. As I nearly fall forward the person's other hand finds its way to my waist pulling me towards them, my back hits their chest and I hear a laugh. “I can see you've been having fun, you should be more careful, you just never know who you'll stumble into.”
Recognizing the voice, a dopey grin creeps onto my face as I turn my head to look at the culprit.
And just as I guessed it was Elliott standing behind me with an oddly placed smirk on his face. Seeing him sobers me up a little bit in the best way possible.
“ Well now you're the one who grabbed me, I could have stumbled my way into anyone I like. you just happened to be quick about it.” I said with a giggle as I spun around one more to the beat of the song playing. Now facing him as we move around the dancefloor.
“Yes, well. Ah, what can I say i can't think of a good excuse at the moment. I’ve wanted to dance with you for quite some time, And when I saw you had wandered out of Leah's grasp well. I suppose you can call me somewhat of an opportunist.” he says as we both let out a laugh
“ Well, I can’t say I'm complaining that you took that opportunity.” I wink “Nothing against Leah she's quite a good dancer.”
“Better than me?” Elliott says with a joking tone. “Definitely,” I responded with a grin. He places a dramatic hand on his chest as he tries to flip his hair forgetting it's put up at the moment “I’m hurt, I thought I was better than that.” he jokes. A small chuckle escapes me at the gesture before the night goes on and blurs together, not in the sense that I don't remember more like that of a watercolor painting when the colors bleed into one another as we had dancing in a wave of color that turns into something else entirely.
The door of the saloon swung open as we exited, we were one of the last few folks leaving. Leah had left about an hour prior leaving us to our fun, not without saying goodbye first. Waving goodnight to Gus, me and Elliott make our way to the town square. Stopping I turn to him with a tired look “Are you sure you wanna walk me home? It's getting pretty late.'' I asked him. It's not like the walk to the farm is long but for him to walk all the way there and then to the beach is quite the trek even with shortcuts it can take quite a while. “Of course. I'm not gonna let you walk home alone at this hour. It wouldn't be right, especially after the drinks you had earlier.” he tells me with a grin i gaze at him skeptically. Looking him up and down.
Even after the long night he looks surprisingly put together in a semi-messy way, his hair is still put up in that messy bun from earlier but now some more strands are pulled out some of them sticking to his face after the night of dancing, his white dress shirt was wrinkled now and his red coat was lazily thrown over his shoulder. Even so, his posture was still surprisingly straight though he was very slightly hunched over but it was kinda hard to notice. After a few moments, I shrugged my shoulders “Well if you insist.”I told him.
“Oh, I insist” he smiles, turning to the side he offers me his arm. I laugh a bit and take it “Trying to pull the gentlemen card tonight Elliott?” I joke as we make our way past the little garden turning the corner to make our descent down the pathway that leads to my farm. “ I don't need to pull a card. It's just who I am,” he says, his voice a bit smoother than before. Making a little heat rise to my face. I thank the dark shadows of the night for shielding the small details from his view. Damn, that silver tongue of his. I think to myself before I remember to respond “Whatever you say El.” I chuckle looking straight ahead of us. The air is cool as we walk but not uncomfortable in the slightest. It is more of a calming breeze that floats past us picking up the smell of some of the freshly bloomed spring flowers with a slight smell of rain from the previous day. I feel as though I could never tire of the night air, And to admit walking with the man that's haunted my dreams each night just adds that little bit more to it that makes it hard for me to remember that it's real.
“Well, here we are.” I hear Elliott mumble pulling me out of my thoughts. I didn’t even realize we had walked up the steps to my front porch. “ thank you so much, Elliott.'' I smile warmly at him as I release his arm from my hold. “ It was really sweet of you to walk me home tonight. And also thank you for the fun night you and Leah provided me with.” I told him.
“It's always a pleasure, and I would do it again any time any place,” he responds with a nod. a small grin gracing his features. A few moments pass before he decides to speak once more
“ Well I suppose it's getting quite late and I wouldn't want to keep you up too late so I guess I'll be going now,” he says hesitantly. I bow my head with a smile before opening my door a small bit of confidence overcoming me as I get i silly idea
“ Well, it's not that late, how about you come inside for a moment and grab some tea before you go?”
“ that. Would be lovely. As long as you don't mind.” he says taking a step inside my home.
“ I don't mind, I offered,” I responded with a laugh closing the door behind us as I went to heat the kettle. It was a small offer but it was a night neither of us would forget for a long time.
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nicoline1998enilocin ¡ 11 months
Flufftober Day 20 | Spooky celebration
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Pairing | Sebastian Stan x Female!Reader
Word count | 2.2K
Summary | You moved to the U.S. not too long ago, and this year will be your first Halloween celebration there. When your friend Sebastian finds out you’ve never celebrated it, he's taking out all the stops to make your first Halloween a spooky celebration to never forget.
Warning(s) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. RPF, Reader is Dutch but lives in the U.S., friends to lovers, mutual pining, use of pet names (Pumpkin, Trouble), flirting, very light angst, implied smut.
Prompt(s) | 20. Pumpkin | @flufftober
A/n | As someone who has never celebrated Halloween before (Hi, welcome to my side of the world 🇳🇱), I couldn't resist writing a Halloween story with some of the most cliché things because this would be my absolute dream. This is written for day 20 of my Flufftober 2023 Challenge, and I hope you will all enjoy this as much as I did when writing it 🖤
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 🧡
Divider is made by @cafekitsune | GIF credit to the owner
Main Masterlist | Sebastian Stan Masterlist | Flufftober Masterlist
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Ever since you told Sebastian you've never celebrated Halloween before, he's insisted on celebrating together and giving you an unforgettable first Halloween in the U.S.
That's exactly how you found yourself at his house this morning, decked out in an all-black outfit, combined with your Halloween sweatshirt that had Sebastian laughing loudly when he opened the door for you.
''Mornin' Pumpkin,'' he says as he pulls you in for a hug, and you can't help but fist your hands into the back of his Halloween hoodie.
''Good morning, Trouble,'' you say when he finally lets you go, though you wish you could have stayed in his arms for just a little longer.
''Ready to have the best Halloween celebration of your life?!'' he asks, and you're immediately excited. Sebastian's enthusiasm is slowly catching on to you, and you couldn't be happier to be here with him, having the best of times together.
You did feel a little bad when he told you he blew off plans with his other friends to be with you today, but what you don't know is that he'd much rather be here with you, the girl he has had a massive crush on ever since somebody introduced you to him a few months ago.
''So, will you tell me what we will do today? Aside from trick-or-treating, of course,'' you say, because that's the only thing Sebastian has confirmed. You both picked out a costume for tonight, but the rest of the day would be a surprise.
He looks at you for a second and contemplates telling you, but instead, he grabs your hand and leads you to the kitchen for your first activity of the day. ''Why don't you come along and find out?''
As soon as his fingers intertwine with yours, your heart skips a beat or two, and Sebastian feels a slight shock of electricity shooting through him at the feeling that makes him smirk in a way you can't help but love.
When the two of you walk into the kitchen, you can see a lot of different ingredients to make Halloween treats. He has also chosen some fun recipes to make together, which are nicely displayed on the counter.
''So, we could start by making some of our treats that we could munch on throughout the day. I picked many recipes from cookies to cake pops and some hearty options if that's more your thing,'' he says as your eyes glide over the ingredients.
''Oh, you bought peanut butter cups!'' you say enthusiastically and grab one to eat right away; these are some of your favorite candies you have discovered ever since moving to the U.S.
Sebastian already misses your touch as soon as you let go of his hand, but the way his heart flutters at the sight of you being happy with something as simple as some chocolate.
''What shall we make first?'' you ask with your mouth still half full, and the laugh that escapes Sebastian's chest sets your insides on fire. You secretly wish you could hear him laugh like that daily, but for now, you're soaking up every minute of attention he's willing to give you.
You look through the recipes until you suddenly feel Sebastian stand behind you, and your breath hitches slightly when he places his hands on your upper arms. You squeeze your eyes shut while trying to keep your composure, though it's not as easy.
''You can pick whatever you want to make, Pumpkin; it's your first Halloween after all,'' he whispers in your ear, and his warm breath against your ear makes goosebumps erupt all over your neck.
''H-how about some spooky cookies?'' you say, your voice slightly shaky from the closeness of Sebastian, though you're trying to convince it doesn't mean anything. You're just friends, nothing more.
''Sounds perfect,'' he says before walking to the counter and getting all the necessary ingredients; he'd already laid out everything, so it was done within no time.
The two of you have spent a significant amount of time in the kitchen by the time it's 3 PM, but you two have made a whole load of delicious treats, from cookies to cupcakes and from cake pops to Jello shots.
''Right, everything is clean, so what is our next activity?'' you ask, and you pop one more peanut butter cup into your mouth as you look at Sebastian, giving him a shy smile as you catch him staring at you.
''W-what?'' he says, his cheeks turning bright red as he knows you've caught him admiring your soft features.
''You're living up to your nickname, aren't you, Trouble? I asked what our next activity is,'' you say with a chuckle, and suddenly, it's like a light turns on in Sebastian's head.
''Oh, right! Pumpkin carving!'' he exclaims happily before running outside and getting the two pumpkins he picked out by hand, perfect for your first time carving a pumpkin.
He plops them down on the kitchen counter before running to his pantry, where he's getting two pumpkin carving kits—a green one for himself and a pink one for you.
''Here's your very own kit with everything you could ever need to carve your pumpkin,'' he says, and you happily take it from him before sitting on a stool by the counter, ready to carve.
When Sebastian takes his place next to you, you can't help but scoot your chair just a little closer, wanting to be as close to Sebastian as possible while still having room to carve. At that moment, a thought creeps into your head that you can't seem to let go of.
''Are you sure you'd rather be here with me than celebrate Halloween with your other friends? I know you said you're okay with just me, but-'' Sebastian doesn't let you finish your thought.
''Pumpkin, please listen to me when I say this, okay? There is not a single place in this world where I'd rather be than right here by your side. I'm honored to share your first Halloween with you, and I'm not letting anything get in the way,'' he says.
To emphasize his point, he grabs your face as he says that, and his hands feel warm on your skin, instantly making you melt into his touch. He brings your face to him before kissing your forehead softly.
Your eyes flutter shut as his lips press on your skin, and you can't help but smile widely. It feels like you've never done anything else, and it melts every last fear and anxiety away.
The rest of the afternoon is spent carving your pumpkins. Where you went for a standard jack-o-lantern design, Sebastian gave it a funny face, and you have rarely laughed so hard as you did when he finally showed you his result.
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By the time dinner time rolls around, you're getting pretty hungry despite having snacked on some of the treats you made earlier.
''Shall we order some take-out and watch a scary movie?'' Sebastian offers, and you'd love to do just that.
''How about pizza? I wouldn't mind sharing one if you're up for it,'' you offer, and Sebastian agrees immediately. The pizza is ordered within less than ten minutes, and now it's time to get settled onto the couch together.
''I have taken the liberty to choose a movie for today, but I'm sure you'll love it,'' Sebastian says as he plops down on the couch, followed by you on his side.
As Sebastian places his arm on the couch's backrest, you take your place and snuggle into his side, a blanket spread over both your laps and your head resting against his shoulder.
''Are you comfortable, Pumpkin?'' he asks, and with a soft sigh and a barely audible 'yes,' he wraps his left arm around your shoulders, his thumb rubbing circles on your upper arm.
Neither of you had planned this, but as soon as you find your place, you're very comfortable, and Sebastian isn't complaining either. Well, except that he might be enjoying it too much. Thank God for thick blankets, he thinks to himself.
He turns on the first Saw movie, and it doesn't take long for you to bury your head in his chest, only looking out of the corner of your eye. You've never enjoyed these movies, though you're happy to have Sebastian as your protector now.
When the suspense gets thicker, the doorbell suddenly rings, and you jump up, shrieking loudly as you get scared by the sound, and Sebastian can't help but laugh uncontrollably.
''Asshole!'' you whisper shout as he quickly gets up and goes to pay the delivery guy for the pizza. You've already got two plates and drinks for dinner by the time he's back, though he doesn't seem even remotely sorry for his action earlier.
''You know you love me, Pumpkin,'' he says, but you can't help but get flustered as he tells you those words. You quickly turn your gaze away before sitting down, getting a slice of pizza, and getting ready to finish the movie.
When the pizza is gone, the movie is also finished, and you have found your earlier spot by Sebastian again, though this time your legs are lying over his, and you are very comfortable.
''We should get changed for trick-or-treating, Pumpkin. It's the most important part of the night!'' Sebastian says after the two of you just sat there in silence and cuddled for a little while, enjoying each other's company.
It takes a little while for the two of you to be changed and ready to go out together. You've decided to dress up as Hermione Granger from Harry Potter, and Sebastian has opted to go as Professor Severus Snape.
''You look outstanding!'' you tell Sebastian as he walks down the stairs after getting entirely dressed in the other outfit, so when you're ready, you two get out the door and on your way for your first-ever trick-or-treat experience.
It definitely did not disappoint, but by the time you're back, you are practically shivering from the cold, so as soon as you're back inside, Sebastian grabs you in his arms and cuddles you tightly until you're all warmed up.
''Let's change into something more comfortable, and I'll make a campfire outside. We can bring our treats and something warm to drink to warm up a little,'' he offers, and you happily agree.
''Trouble? Could I borrow some of your sweatpants? I didn't bring any since I didn't think I'd need them,'' you say, and before you know it, you're sitting outside with Sebastian, being warmed by the fire. He turned on some soft background music, and the evening could not end in a better way. Or so you think.
''Pumpkin?'' Sebastian suddenly asks, and you look up at him with curiosity in your eyes.
''Would you have this dance with me? I've always dreamt of dancing by the fire, and there's not a single person I'd rather dance with than you,'' he says, a red color creeping onto his cheeks.
''I'd be honored to,'' you say, and you get up, grabbing Sebastian's stretched-out hand, and he pulls you close. Your breath hitches slightly as your front is pressed against his, but you can't get enough of him. It will never be close enough.
The two of you sway back and forth; your head is resting against his chest, and you can hear him letting out a content sigh right now. The two of you stay like this until you feel Sebastian's hand move up.
His hand slides over your back and shoulder, softly caressing the skin on your neck before cupping your cheek and tilting your head backward slightly.
Your heart starts hammering in your chest as you see the look in his eyes, and his eyes flick from your eyes to your lips and back up to yours.
''Can I kiss you?'' he asked, barely audible, but it was just enough for you to hear, and after a slight nod, you closed the distance between the two of you. Your lips press against his slowly, tenderly, and it feels nothing short of perfect.
He tilts his head to the right before asking for access by swiping his tongue over your bottom lip, and almost as if you're on autopilot, your lips part so your tongues can dance together in a passionate kiss.
A soft moan leaves your lips when his teeth nibble ever so slightly on your bottom lip, and you're already missing him when he pulls away.
''I can't tell you how long I've wanted to do that,'' he says, and the smile you flash him tells him all he needs to know. He placed his mouth on yours again before leaning down and grabbing the backs of your thighs to lift you.
When he pulls back, he looks at you with a question in his eyes, and you assure him you want this, too. The rest of the night, you spend every last second exploring each other's bodies and making love until the sun returns.
You would be now if you weren't already in love with this man. Your first Halloween ever has also turned into your favorite one, and it's all thanks to Sebastian.
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spaghettitm ¡ 5 months
splatoon requester here again! I return…
Could I request for headcanons of any of the idols or Acht (Dedf1sh) at the pool or beach? You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to! I hope you have a great day :)
oh dear splatoon requester.... why have one when you can have them ALL?
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She's on TOP of sunscreen! There will be no sunburns when she's around <3
Callie would have a pink criss cross bathing suit, that gives her a cool tan when she's done in the pool!
She LOVES pool games, She'd talk everyone into playing them with her despite being a 24 year old woman
She brings the drinks, Pink lemonade, sandwiches, and chips!
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She definitely likes to lay on a blow up mattress, float in the water, and tan
She falls victim to being flipped over quite often
Marie enjoys the pool... but not necessarily getting wet
She has sensitive skin, so the chlorine will irritate her skin sometimes
^ it's not too much of a problem, but she's very avid about staying on the blow-up mattress
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Pearl engages in the pool games with Callie!
She likes to splash... A LOT!
She brings their speakers and plays music for everybody
^ Though, not everyone enjoys rap
She is an excellent swimmer!
Pearl does SOOOO many canon balls
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She gets in the water, but usually floats on a donut or something
Marina likes to listen and watch everyone rather than doing anything herself
she relaxes the most, closing her eyes and almost falling asleep
her and Acht talk together, and share chips
Pearl bought her such a pretty bathing suit, but gets embarrassed when she's complimented about it (she's very bad at taking compliments)
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Ladies and gents, they have the worst gay panic known to man
They're so good at hiding it, I swear!
Shiver, after getting used to all the GORGEOUS people, uses that fake shark fin to try and scare people
the only person they end up scaring is Marina... who pretended to be scared so Shiver didn't feel bad
they where the last one out of the pool... they LOVE swimming!!
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First one out of the pool
They sat on the long beach chair and watched everyone
She is such a vibe to be around, chatting and laughing.. its always fun with Frye!
Frye and Pearl both yell the lyrics to the songs Pearl picked out
She drinks half the pink lemonade... IT WAS SO GOOD!!!
🖤Acht / DedF1sh💀
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Quiet half the time
They where dragged along by Marina because they "don't leave their house enough"
They quietly complain about the music to Marina
They wear a shirt over their bathing suit
Acht sits at the edge of the pool, just taking in the sun rays
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epicbuddieficrecs ¡ 11 months
Epic Buddie Fic Rec | October 9th-15th 2023
Hey guys!
I'm trying to get back into the habit of making these recs every week. I've been working on a banner and it's not ready yet, but I didn't want to wait for it to be ready before making fic recs because procrastination = bad!! 😆 I hope you enjoy!
If you don't know me from my other fic rec blogs, I rec pretty much all the fics that I've read and that I've enjoyed in these recaps, but I put an emoji next to the ones that I liked just a liiiiiittle bit more 😉 For Stucky, I used blue hearts (💙), for Steddie I used black hearts (🖤), and for Buddie... well the decision wasn't too hard to make 😜
take me to the edge (then let me fall) by honestlydarkprincess/ @honestlydarkprincess (PWP | 1K | Explicit): Or, the one where Eddie edges Buck until he loses his mind all the while calling him a good boy.
🔥 but i can see all along, love (it was you all the way down) by diazchristopher/ @captain-hen (Post-S6, Time Loop | 28K Mature): He puts his laptop away after a bit, and paces the length of his apartment as he tries to take stock of the situation at hand. One: The date is March 22nd, 2024. Two: It has been March 22nd for 3 days now. Three: Buck is trapped in some kind of time loop that is forcing him to relive this day. Four: Eddie is, apparently, in love with him. And. And. Five: Buck doesn’t feel the same way.
🔥 still by brewrosemilk/ @gayhoediaz (Post-Season 6 AU, Near Death Experiences | 9K | Teen): “Your guess was correct, Diaz,” the bomb technician tells them, as he gestures to the orange circle. “You’re standing on a large sensor plate, wired to a detonator. It’s incredibly important that you don’t move. Don’t shift. When you put your weight down, it was like cocking a gun - you take your weight off, this thing is powerful enough to take the entire house with it."
to feel the need of your touch by honestlydarkprincess/ @honestlydarkprincess (PWP, Light BDSM, Post-Season 6 | 7K | Explicit): When Natalia had casually suggested they stay fuck buddies, at least until he got his shit together about Eddie, Buck had seriously considered it. But it just wasn’t what he wanted. So, he had said no and Natalia had understood, and that was that. And now, Buck was miserable. He was so sensitive. His skin felt like a live wire. Any and all touches he received started to feel like a shock to his system. Or, the one where Buck is touchstarved and desperate for Eddie. They fuck but it's also really sweet.
reassure me with your praise by honestlydarkprincess/ @honestlydarkprincess (PWP, Kinktober, Getting Together | 5K | Explicit): Or, the one where Buck is concerned he might be bad in bed and Eddie has a solution.
bet on it by honestlydarkprincess/ @honestlydarkprincess (PWP, Kinktober | 4K | Explicit): Or, the one where newly together Buck and Eddie make a bet to see who can last longer without sex. The bet lasts one day.
Something Dumb to Do by glorious_spoon/ @glorious-spoon (Friends to Lovers, First Time | 8K | Explicit): "Too bad we can't just date each other." Eddie laughs. "What?" "No, I'm serious!" Buck sets his beer down, the better to gesture with both hands, face lighting up, and Eddie just—he really loves the guy, okay. Ridiculous as he is. "It would be so much easier! You wouldn't have to introduce a new person to Chris—he already likes me anyway—and you could tell Pepa so she'll stop setting you up on dates that don't go anywhere—" "And what would you get out of this?" Eddie asks, grinning. - Or: Buck and Eddie try something out together.
hope is a sword by marcato/ @callaplums (Post-Season 6, Near-Death Experiences | 5K | Teen): Holy shit, Eddie loves him so much. He’s been so stupid, telling himself to wait for the right moment. What right fucking moment? It should have been yesterday, three weeks ago– hell, it should have been three years ago when he was telling his best friend about the goddamn will. It doesn’t matter right now, though. The only thing that matters is keeping as much of Buck’s blood inside his body as possible. One can only hope and wish and pray.
🔥 Four Can Keep a Secret by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Post-Season 6, Secret Relationship | 20K | Teen): When Ravi and Hen accidentally see Buck and Eddie, who are trying hard to keep their new relationship a secret, in the middle of a romantic moment, they try to make them confess without the rest of the station finding out. Shenanigans ensue.
early hours of yearning by brewrosemilk/ @gayhoediaz (PWP, Kinktober | 4K | Explicit): “You really wanna go again?" “Yes,” he confirms, gently scratching his teeth down the side of his neck, treasuring the deep moan he gets in response. “God, you’re fucking insatiable," he hears Eddie moan as he tilts his head back, giving Buck more space to work. “Doesn’t feel like you’re complaining."
how forever feels by icesculptures/ @ice-sculptures @athenagranted (Post-Season 6, Getting Together | 8K | General): Or: tired of the growing distance between them, Eddie asks Buck to dance at Maddie and Chimney's wedding, healing more than his own heart along the way.
Don't They Know It's the End of the World? by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Fallout 4 AU, Post-Apocalyptic | 4/14 | 7K | Mature | Warning: Violence): After being put in a cryogenic sleep for over a hundred years to wait out an apocalyptic event, Eddie Diaz wakes up, too early, to find his son has been stolen from his cryo-chamber. Scared and alone in a frightening world he doesn't recognize, Eddie is willing to do anything to get his kid back.
🔥 Nothing Left But You by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars ("Blip" AU | 8/9 | 24K | Teen | Warning: MCD): In May of 2021, 25% of Earth's population suddenly disappears. Including Eddie. In May of 2026, they all come back. Eddie finds himself suddenly in the middle of a world he doesn't recognize, where the people he loves most have changed significantly.
Innocence died screaming, honey, ask me I should know by JJK/ @trenchcoatsandtimetravel (Demon Buck, Canon Divergent | 2/? | 4K | Teen): Buck is a demon with the power to help with pregnancy, childbirth, and infant health. When the Buckleys make a deal asking for someone to help 'save their baby', Buck leaps at the chance as it will give him what he's always wanted: a life on earth. But demon deals are tricky and neither of them gets quite what they're after. This is Buck's journey as he navigates growing up on earth and remembering how to help those in need.
🔥 for all the haunts and homes of men by euadnes/ @kananjarus (Canon Divergent, Post-Apocalyptic, Station Eleven Crossover | WIP | 10/? | 85K | Mature | Warning: Violence): The year by the old calendar is 2025. Home is gone. Home is a failed rescue mission and an echo of a memory. Home is a lost boy living in a wooden house by the sea. But first, there was a promise. Christopher, when it's safe, I'll take you back to your father. Buck had all but given up on keeping it after the world had died and everyone in it. But just as some oaths refuse to be forgotten, so the same can be said about the endurance of love.
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kasagia ¡ 8 months
Today marks ONE year of my writing on Tumblr!
And I didn't manage to finish the oneshot for our Aleksander (I'm so sorry :c ), so I wanted to at least share with you a fragment of what I will publish soon.
And thank you for all the comments, hearts and follows (THERE ARE OVER 1111 OF YOU!!!!! I can't believe it!!!!) THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I love you all! 🩵🖤🖤🩵🩵🖤🖤🩵🩵🖤🖤🩵🩵🖤🖤🩵🩵🖤🖤🩵🩵🖤🖤🩵🩵🖤🖤🩵🩵🖤🖤🩵
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A fragment from: "His mortal saviour" - coming soon...
The first thing he felt was warmth. The warmth, which wasn't at all in the fold. He shuddered and remembered how the cold had penetrated his body even more the moment the volcra's claws had dug into his face.
Then he felt the softness of the mattress beneath his back instead of the hardness of the sandy, packed soil. Further evidence proving that he was entirely somewhere else was the sound of soft footsteps and humming a few feet away from him.
He opened his eyes hesitantly and hissed, unaccustomed to the light after being unconscious for so long.
He freezes as he feels a hand on his eyes, keeping the sunlight from reaching them. Little. Soft. Alina... a thought comes to him, and he quickly laughs it off. His little sun summoner would probably rather blind him completely with her sun than protect him from more pain.
"Take it easy. You've been badly harmed." A soft female voice breaks the silence and pulls him from his thoughts about the woman who betrayed him and their kind.
He feels a strange rush of fear as he hears a female voice. Aleksander unwillingly recalls the memory of the time when he and his mother were captured by the DrĂźskelle. He felt like he did now. Helpless.
He was unable to move even a small distance on his own. The only difference was that no one was hanging over him with scalpels and other blades or hurling insults. But he suspected that could change very quickly...
He had to do something. He needed to get out of here somehow, but every slight movement of his muscles was accompanied by a huge wave of searing pain throughout his whole body. And for a brief moment, it occurred to him that maybe destroying the fold wasn't such a bad idea.
"Don't worry. I am not a psychopath, mad, serial killer, or anything. I'm a nurse. I saw you near the fold and took you to my house to heal you. It's a miracle you survived your encounter with the volcra. Usually, no one gets out of the fold. Certainly not on their own." The woman says, slowly removing her hand from his eyes.
He's too dazed by the light, busy taking in his surroundings and seeing her face for the first time, to notice that she's adjusting the bandages on his face and checking his wounds.
But he hisses, feeling the burning pain on his forehead as she rubs some thick, gooey liquid onto him.
"I'm sorry, but I have to. It's an ointment against infection. This should also numb you enough so that you don't feel any pain in your face. How's your back?"
He is too shocked to respond. As he takes a breath, he has a sudden coughing fit. She moves away from him. He hears her quick footsteps as she returns a moment later with a cup of water and a tissue. He spits something black out of his mouth, desperately trying to get some air. She strokes his back gently and leans him more forward, making him spit out all the black goo mixed with his saliva from his throat.
He frowns, staring at the tissue soaked in black liquid.
"Don't worry, it's absolutely normal. Every time they bring a survivor from the fold to the infirmary, something like this happens. The air is different there, and volcra tend to infect their victims. Let's just say it's some kind of poison that comes out of you. That's a good sign. As well as the fact that you woke up. Here." The woman says, taking the tissue from him and throwing it into a nearby trash can. He glances there, seeing that it is half full of black dressings and bandages. He looks back at her as she hands him a glass of water.
"What do you want?" He asks, his voice hoarse from disuse (or screaming in the fold), not taking a sip from the cup you gave him. It could be poisoned or worse.
"I... I don't understand." You say, confused by his hostile attitude.
"What do you want from me?" He repeats it again, and the commanding, demanding tone of his voice sends shivers down your spine.
"Nothing. I'm just helping." You reply with a shrug, which annoys him even more. He laughs mockingly, making you frown.
"Selflessly? To a stranger? Don't make me look like a naive idiot. Tell me right now who you are, what you want, and where we are, and you won't get hurt."
"With all due respect, I doubt you'd be able to raise your hand right now, let alone hold a gun or sword, or hit me, even if you were a soldier of the First Army." He stares at you in surprise, realising that you have no idea who he is, and maybe you really just helped him.
Could a normal person dare to speak back to the Darkling with such courage and anger in her eyes? He didn't think so. But one name comes to his mind... even though he's too hurt to think about her.
"What?" You ask him as he stares at you for a little too long.
"Nothing." He clears his throat and stares warily at the offered water. "Not many people surprise me." He explains, still not believing in your good intentions. You couldn't be so altruistic as to help a strange man who got spat out by the fold. People weren't kind or helpful to the weak, at least never towards him. That's why he always had to be stronger than others. To never become prey again.
"I see that you don't trust many either. If I pour for myself and you water from one jug and drink it first, will you consider doing the same? You need to rehydrate." You say it calmly, completely unfazed by his distrust.
For some reason, this makes him more surly towards you. Maybe this whole act on your part was just to keep his guard down until someone came for him, for example, Shu, DrĂźskelle, or even Alina's group of heroes. He had to get away from here. As soon as he regained full control over his aching body.
“Try to deceive me, and I will make sure to wipe out your family lineage to the last living generation.” He growls hoarsely, trying to regain at least some semblance of control in this situation.
"It's good that I'm an orphan then." You say, pouring him and yourself a glass of water and showing him that both are empty.
Another orphan... he thinks as you reach both glasses so he can choose which one he wants.
"You will leave me alone?" He ask. He can't believe that you would really leave him—a strange man you didn't know at all—in your house all alone.
"Do you need a company?" You ask mockingly, using the exact same cold tone of voice he used before. Aleksander decides he liked you much more when you were soft towards him.
"Aren't you afraid I'll rob you and run away?"
"There are only herbs, medicines, and a few books here. I have nothing so valuable that I couldn't get it on the market if you decided to take it. You can look around if you want. Although I wouldn't advise you to get up, your wounds are still fresh and barely sealed, so they don't bleed."
"Are you insane?" He can't help but ask, as you really are going out.
"All the best people are. Try not to die. It would be a waste of medicines and bandages." You say this and smile amusedly as you close the door behind you.
Aleksander blinks, surprised, as he lays in your bed. He tries to understand what has happened here, but he still has a headache and needs to get out of here.
He didn't trust you at all.
So before anyone could come and get him from you, he stood up. His legs are shaky at the beginning, but as he walks around your (tiny) cottage, he regains the ability to walk… maybe not as well as he did, but enough to move.
He looks around, just as you suggested, but he didn't find any proff that would confirm his suspicion. But it doesn't stop him from taking some pills and herbs before he leaves your house. He makes sure to take only a little—enough to get to the village or somewhere where he could find his people.
You were too kind to be robbed.
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106 notes ¡ View notes
toxicanonymity ¡ 1 year
Just read that apparently what you read in fanfics are what you really want from a relationship whether it's subconscious or not. And I'm speechless because I'm obsessed with your dark, toxic fics 😭 I need therapy
Well you're welcome to talk it over with Dr. Rock (FAQ). Between heavy breaths, he told me sometimes but not always there might be something in it that you want some version of. But he also said maybe you just want entertainment and sex. Let's take the main Joels as examples, taking traits or behaviors in isolation and giving them a non-toxic twist. . .
This for fun - like a Cosmo article or reverse buzzfeed quiz you will. Don't take any of this out of context. Also, if this leads to discourse I'll delete it. 💕🙅
If you like night walks, you might want someone who will pursue you, make you feel special. Someone who talks a lot.
If you like raider, you might want someone who will take you under their wing and give you a sense of belonging. Takes the lead but listens to what you want.
If you like Lincoln, you might want to be someone's #1 priority and want someone you can learn from. Someone who's gentle and understanding and enjoys alone time.
If you like speakeasy, you might want someone who's proud to be with you and will let everyone know it.
If you want stepdad, you might enjoy the chase or want someone who will take it slow.
If you want Trouble, you might want someone open minded to have fun and laugh with. Someone who's gotten to know you and lets you take charge.
If you want free use, you might want someone where you can share comfortable silence and an understanding of each other's needs.
If you want thighs out, you might want someone who will comfort you after a bad day and take control, but only when you want.
And of course the toxic Joel version allows you a taste of the forbidden fruit in a controlled way. 🖤
85 notes ¡ View notes
writingforstraykids ¡ 7 months
Nat, could you write sub Changbin with dom chan? And Changbin is too shy to ask so Felix does? For the 💌 event
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This was supposed to be a drabble...You could say I got carried away. That's what happens when you add some angst into it, I hope I did your request justice love🥹🖤
You're so cute
Pairing: Binchan
Word Count: 5823
Warnings/Tags: smut, shy!sub!changbin, caring!dom!chan, oral, dry humping, face sitting, changbin is insecure about his weight, emotional hurt!comfort, semi-public sex
A/N: Thanks to @galaxycatdrawz for sharing some thoughts (I hope I didn't spoiler you too much)🖤
Part of the 💌 event. More here
do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works in any way here or on other platforms. ©️writingforstraykids 2024 -
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Felix gently tugs on his friend's sleeve and pulls him with him. “Come on,” he laughs. 
“Felix, I changed my mind; this is embarrassing,” Changbin whines softly. 
“There's nothing embarrassing about it, I promise,” Felix assures him and squeezes his hand. “Also, Chan is amazing; he'll know what to do.”
“It kinda is,” he argues and groans softly as they reach Chan's room and Felix knocks. “Felix.”
“Chan will get it; I bet he'd love helping you out with this,” Felix says and pushes him inside. 
Chan's at his desk, humming softly to himself, and turns in his chair. “Hey,” he smiles at them and waves towards his bed, inviting them to sit down. “Everything alright?”
“Splendid,” Felix grins and pulls Changbin with him. 
“That's good,” Chan smiles and saves the file he's been working on. “You need anything?”
“I don't,” Felix smirks smugly and Changbin whines in protest. Chan frowns at them and Felix nods at Changbin. “He needs some help.”
“I swear I hate you,” Changbin groans, and Chan gets up. 
“What's up? Are you okay?” Chan asks worriedly and casually rubs his back. 
“Mhm,” Changbin hums and nervously fidgets with his hands in his lap. It must be so easy and nice to let Chan be in control. 
Chan sits down next to him and frowns softly. “Hey, you can tell me,” he says gently, and if it wouldn't be so damn embarrassing, he would. 
“I-uh,” he stammers and feels his ears burning up at the mere thought of saying what's on his mind. 
Felix takes the hint and gets Chan's attention. “So, you love being in control having sex, right?”
Chan chokes on his breath at the sudden bluntness but nods. “Yes?”
“Changbin usually does as well,” he continues, and Chan nods again, growing a little confused. “But he's been curious about switching it up, you know,” Felix says, and Chan hums softly. 
“Yeah, okay,” he nods, still not really knowing where this conversation is heading. “And that worries you or-?” he asks Changbin, but Felix answers instead. 
“You're missing the point here. There's a reason we came to you with this. Changbin’s too shy to ask, but he'd love getting fucked stupid by you,” he grins, and Changbin’s eyes widen, cheeks flushing red.
“Felix,” he whispers, shocked. 
“Oh,” Chan breathes out and blinks at them. 
“I-I didn't say it like that,” Changbin stammers and punches Felix's arm awkwardly. “Oh my God, this is so bad, I'm leaving,” he gets up, eyes widening as Chan's hand finds his and holds him back. 
“No, no, let's talk about this, yeah?” he asks soothingly, and Changbin sits down heavily. “Thanks, Lix, I'll take it from here.”
Felix smirks and gets up. “Have fun, you two,” he says cheerfully and hops out of the room, making Chan giggle. 
“Menace,” Changbin chuckles before glancing at Chan nervously. “I'm sorry for throwing it into your face like that.”
“It's fine,” he giggles and tilts his head at him curiously. “But you'd like to try that out? Being submissive?”
Changbin nods gently and can barely meet his eyes. “I just felt like…I don't know. Whenever I thought about it, I imagined I'd feel safest with you trying that out.”
“That's sweet,” Chan smiles softly. 
“You don't have to if you don't want to,” he quickly adds. “I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable or anything just to help me out and-,” his eyes widen as Chan's hand cups his cheek. 
“Breathe,” he says soothingly, rubbing his thumb across his cheekbone. “I'd love to share those intimate moments with you, Binnie. I wouldn't see it as me helping you out or doing you a favor. I'd enjoy it, honestly, and I love that you're willing to trust me with this.”
Changbin exhales a breath he didn't know he was holding. “Oh, okay,” he smiles shyly. 
“But you've never been on the receiving end? Also, no fingers, no tongue, nothing?” he asks gently, and Changbin shakes his head. 
“Nothing…is that a problem?” he asks timidly. 
“Not at all,” Chan reassures him calmingly. “Means we can slowly work our way up, see what you like and what you don't like,” he tells him, and his friend nods, relieved. “You wanna cuddle and set up some boundaries and stuff?”
Not much later, Changbin’s head is comfortably lying on Chan's chest as the older plays with his hair. They've talked through their boundaries and settled on the color system and preferences. Chan does most of the work, asking his way forward and trying to ease Changbin, who's still awfully embarrassed about it all. It gets better here in Chan's arms, who doesn't seem to be bothered by one bit he reveals about himself. 
“Feeling better now?” Chan asks gently, scratching his scalp. 
“I still feel shy but not as nervous anymore,” he confesses, and Chan hums softly. “Can we…Can we just kiss for a bit tonight?” he asks timidly, and Chan giggles adoringly. 
“Of course, we can,” he says and gently pats his back, sitting up against the headboard of his bed. He locks eyes with him and pats his thighs. “Come here.”
He swallows softly and chews on his lower lip. “I'm too heavy,” he whispers timidly, and Chan's face falls at the pain in his eyes. 
“Binnie,” he says softly before lifting him into his lap effortlessly and smiling at him. “You're not, not to me.” He soothingly fondles up his thighs and searches his eyes. “You're okay?”
“Yeah,” he nods quickly and hesitantly wraps his arms around his neck. He shivers as Chan's hands find his hips and locks eyes with him. 
Chan flashes him a reassuring smile and squeezes his hips before leaning in a little. “Can I kiss you?” he asks politely. 
“Yes, please,” he breathes out so naturally it surprises him for a second. He doesn't have much time to think, though, because Chan's hand cradles his cheek, and their lips brush together. He melts into the kiss, body automatically searching Chan's, eyes fluttering close. 
Chan hums softly and weaves his fingers into Changbin’s hair, keeping him in place as they kiss. His unoccupied hand travels below his shirt and up his back, making the younger male melt into his touch with a soft sound. Chan is testing the waters as they kiss, hand roaming his strong back, and he slowly detaches himself from his lips. Leaving a trail of kisses down his jaw, he gently pulls him back by his hair before kissing his neck. 
Changbin breathes out shakily at the change, hand hesitantly burying itself in Chan's curls as he paints his neck with loving kisses and tiny nibbles at his skin. “Chan hyung,” he whispers after a while, squirming a little in his lap. Chan hums against his collarbone, leaving a trail of kisses there. As he doesn't answer, Chan pulls back, and Changbin blushes furiously. He wants, no, needs more, but he doesn't know how to ask. 
Luckily, Chan seems to understand and gently tugs at the hem of his sweater. “Can I take that off?” His friend nods timidly, and Chan kisses him soothingly as he eases the fabric up his chest before pulling back to take it off. “Mine as well?” he offers and lets Changbin take his sweater off for him. 
Chan lowers Changbin onto his mattress and straddles his lap, hovering above him. He continues his trail of kisses down his neck, gently sucking at the small bites to mark him up. Moving further down on top of him, he kisses down his chest, groaning softly as he can bury his teeth in his pecs. He laps at his nipples, sucking softly and grazing his teeth over his buds. Changbin beneath him moans sweetly, clearly trying to keep the noise down, and Chan lets him for now. 
Chan takes his time, painting a beautiful picture of love all over his torso. Small bites growing into pretty marks adorn his hips, featherlight kisses trail along the hem of his boxers, and Changbin can't stop squirming beneath him. After checking in and getting consent, Chan gently shoves down his sweatpants, continuing his trail down his thighs before going back up on his inner thighs. His fingers sink into his skin, spreading his legs when he tries to shy away the closer he gets to where he needs him most. Very obviously by now. 
Chan rests his head on his thigh once he's done after what felt like hours of soft pleasure for Changbin. He glances up at him through his lashes, and Changbin gulps softly at how blown his pupils look. “We don't have to, but would you like to try how my tongue feels for now?”
“You mean…,” he trails off as Chan nods and a low moan escapes his lips. “Please, Chan hyung,” he nods quickly. 
They change their spots in bed once more, letting Changbin get comfortable against Chan's pillows. Chan smiles down at him and brushes back his hair for him, which is already sticking to his forehead a little. His eyes are wide and hungry, his lips swollen, and his cheeks flushed. “I know I said it before, but you're so beautiful,” he tells him softly, only deepening the blush on his cheeks. 
“Stop it,” he mumbles weakly, and everything about his body language tells Chan differently. 
Chan gently shoves a pillow beneath his hips and locks eyes with him again. “You're ready?” he checks in, and Changbin nods, blushing softly as Chan eases down his boxers, already stained a little from Chan’s body brushing against his lap whenever he has moved on top of him. “Say yellow if you need a break, red if you want to stop, okay?” he reminds him, and the younger male nods, biting his lower lip hard as Chan gets comfortable between his legs. “Words, beautiful.”
His lips part softly, body shivering at the small compliment and Chan makes a mental note of it for another time. “Yes, Chan hyung,” he nods, and Chan hums, clearly pleased. For a second, his nervosity takes the upper hand, and he’s about to stop Chan as he spreads his cheeks, but all protest dies in his throat when Chan’s tongue licks up slowly between them. His lips part with a soft gasp as Chan’s tongue circles his tensing hole, hands gripping the sheets tightly at the unfamiliar feeling. “Oh, fuck,” he whispers, and Chan chuckles softly, making Changbin gasp at the vibrations shooting through his body from it. 
Chan gently presses his tongue inside after a while, and Changbin falls apart above him with a soft whimper. He gently guides his legs onto his shoulders and soothingly rubs his thighs as he pushes in deeper. A strangled groan leaves his lips as he tries to keep quiet, unsure if Chan would mind him being loud or maybe even whiny if he kept going like that. He throws his arm over his face, trying to hide as Chan makes him fall apart with his damn tongue only. Chan glances up at him, pulling back and smirking at the whine that leaves his lips. “Binnie,” he says softly, giggling as he glances at him shyly. “Make as much noise as you want to,” he assures him, and Changbin can tell he means it. “Also, you can touch, baby,” he tells him and gently guides his hand down to his hair.
“O-Okay,” he stumbles over his words, not trying to be desperate and beg him to continue. 
Chan giggles adoringly and squeezes his thighs. “You’re so cute.”
“I’m not cute-” he protests and breaks off with a sweet moan as Chan eases his tongue back inside. “Nevermind,” he huffs, grip tightening on Chan’s hair to steady himself. He pulls at the sheets with a desperate little sound, and Chan reaches up, gently easing the fabric from his hand and replacing it with his own. He intertwines their fingers and lovingly squeezes his hand. 
Chan pulls back after another while when Changbin’s moans turn needy and at the edge of frustration. “Need more?” he asks, and Changbin nods weakly. “Would you be okay with me using my fingers?”
“Yes, hyung,” he nods, heart warming at how caring Chan is with him, always making sure he's okay. 
“Okay, try to relax, yeah?” he tells him and fumbles for the bottle of lube stored away in his bedside table. He spreads some on his fingers and watches Changbin observantly as he pushes the first one inside. “Breathe,” he tells him softly, and Changbin’s head falls back with a soft noise. Chan gently pulls his finger out a little before pushing back in. “Feels okay?”
“s’good,” he groans and soon asks for more. A loud moan leaves his lips as Chan scissors two fingers inside of him, stretching him out deliciously. He covers his mouth in shock, and Chan giggles softly, leaning down. 
He gently takes his hand away and replaces it with his lips, kissing him and stifling his next moan. 
Changbin shudders beneath him and kisses back fiercely. He's so close, and he can't even blame himself because Chan's kissing session before had worked him up so much already. “Hyung,” he moans out weakly, subconsciously fucking back against his fingers. “I'm so close.”
Chan hums and curls his fingers, dragging them over his prostate. Changbin’s body tenses, eyes rolling back and mouth dropping with the prettiest moan so far. 
His world explodes before his eyes with white, hot flashes as he paints their chests with thick ropes of cum. Chan's name tumbles from his lips, and he can't stop shaking at the intensity of his orgasm. He doesn't fully register Chan leaving as his brain tries to accept the fact that he just came untouched. 
Chan gently cleans him up and reaches up to brush his hair from his face once he's done. “You're okay?”
“More than okay,” he smiles shyly and leans into his touch.
“Let's take a nice shower, and then we can cuddle if you want,” he offers, and Changbin nods gently. 
Once they're in the shower and Changbin gets a full view of his hyung, his brain stops working for a moment. He's on his knees before he can fully process it and stares up at him with wide eyes. “Can I make you feel good in return?” he asks, blushing a little at Chan's intense gaze. Chan gives in, suspecting Changbin feels like he has to repay him. 
The moment Changbin welcomes him in the wet warmth of his mouth Chan's head drops back against the tiles of his shower with a loud groan. He definitely knows what he’s doing.
Two weeks later 
Changbin glances at Chan in the recording booth and shifts a little in his chair. Since their night together, none of them had made a move. Chan wanted to give Changbin the time he needed, and Changbin chickened out at least three times this week at the thought of asking for more. It's getting harder to stop himself today since it's just them. Watching Chan work has always been something he enjoyed. 
“How was that, Binnie?” Chan's voice pulls him from his thoughts. 
“Uh, let's listen back to it,” he says and tries to listen, but Chan groans as he hears the recording, bringing up memories of their shared shower. 
“No, delete that one,” Chan shakes his head before lifting his shirt to wipe his face, getting hot in the booth. 
Changbin can't help but stare at his bare stomach, the waistband of his boxers clearly on display. Shit. “Chan hyung?” he asks quietly. 
“Yeah?” Chan asks, grabbing the sheets with his text and mindlessly switching them. 
“How long did Jisung say he'd be gone?” he asks, and Chan frowns. 
“I don't know, I think another hour or two,” he shrugs. “Why?”
“Because I…I need you,” he admits, and the sheets slip from Chan's fingers. 
He quickly bends down to gather them and hits his head at the microphone coming back up. “Yeah, okay, shit,” he curses softly and steps out of the booth. “Here? Now?” he asks, and Changbin blushes heavily. 
“I didn't exactly think this through,” he confesses, and the grin that covers Chan's lips at that makes him squeeze his thighs together tightly. 
“Mhm, I think to go all the way for the first time, we should stick to home,” he says, and Changbin nods agreeingly. “But I do have something in my mind since last time.”
“Yeah?” he asks softly, heart warming at the fact that Chan's been thinking about him as well. 
“Mhm,” Chan hums softly. “I really want to eat you out while you sit on my face,” he says, ears burning up a little. At first, Changbin seems intrigued, but suddenly, a shadow travels over his face, and he timidly lowers his gaze. “Or not?” he asks gently. 
Changbin fidgets with his hands and shakes his head. “I can't.”
“We don't have to if you don't want to; that's okay,” Chan promises, worried that he overstepped a boundary now. 
“No, I-I want to, I just-” he swallows hard, feeling tears burning in his eyes as memories crash down on him in waves and threaten to drown him. “I'm too heavy,” he whispers. 
Chan kneels down on the floor in front of his chair and gently unclasps his hands, taking them. That's the second time he mentioned this. “Binnie,” he says softly. “Where's that coming from, hm? Who told you such bullshit?” Changbin exhales shakily and glances at Chan, whose face softens, spotting the tears in his eyes. “Heyy, you can tell me, baby.”
Chan listens patiently as Changbin tells him about some guy he's been seeing before they started messing around among the group. He explains how they'd get intimate, but whenever they wanted to switch things up, he backed out last minute, blaming his weight. “I'm fine. I forgot about it, but…it's coming back a little now that I could have it,” he admits, and Chan cups his face, wiping away a tear for him. 
“My beautiful Binnie,” he says so softly it tugs at Changbin’s heartstrings. “You're perfect, and that guy is some massive asshole,” he tells him, making him chuckle. “Please, I'm literally on my knees, please sit on my face and let me give you what you wanted.”
Changbin gently shoves his chest. “You're not the one supposed to be begging here.”
Chan giggles. “I will, just this once,” he winks at him and gets up, kissing his forehead sweetly. “If you still want it, I will make it happen. If not, it's okay.”
Changbin searches his eyes timidly and finds nothing but genuine interest and love in them. He swallows down his anxiety and nods weakly. “Please, Chan hyung,” he breathes out. 
Chan cups his face and gives him a gentle but long kiss. “Do you trust me?” he asks calmly. 
“Yes,” he nods, sinking deep into Chan's soft chocolate orbs. “I do.”
“Good,” he nods and soothingly rubs his thumbs across his cheekbones. “So if I tell you to move or sit down, you'll be a good boy and do as I say.”
Changbin swallows down his worries and feels a sense of trust and calmness taking over as he looks into his hyung’s eyes. Chan can see the change in his eyes, heart skipping a beat at how soft and vulnerable his friend looks. “I'll be a good boy.”
“That's right, my pretty boy,” Chan smiles satisfied. 
“Yours?” he asks, growing shy at Chan's stunned look. 
“Mine,” he nods sweetly and gives him another quick kiss, making the younger melt into it. “Now come on, before Ji gets back,” he whispers and winks at him mischievously. Chan grabs everything they need and quickly locks the door, getting comfortable on the sofa. He guides Changbin into his lap and pulls him into a kiss, trying to ease his nerves. 
Changbin anxiously positions himself above Chan’s face, taking a deep breath as Chan’s hands find his thighs. At first, he shies away from his touch, suddenly insecure again, but Chan doesn’t let him. His tongue continues its delicious play from two weeks ago, and Changbin can’t think much anymore. He still tries to take some weight off, but he doesn't succeed for long because Chan notices and pulls him down, gaining a groan from both of them. The longer Chan goes on, the weaker he grows, and he ends up bent over, arms resting on the sofa, his face buried in them with weak sounds. 
Chan moans deliciously beneath him, shuddering at the soft whines leaving Changbin’s lips. His hands knead his ass and thighs, eyes rolling back as Changbin starts fucking back onto his tongue. 
He growls in protest as Changbin suddenly grows lighter on him again, taking some weight off him again. Changbin bites his lip, already missing how deep Chan got only seconds ago. But the strangled sounds coming from him worry him, and he feels like he can't do this to him any longer. He has to help a little. 
Chan pats his thigh twice, signaling him to sit up. He blinks at him once he does and frowns. “What did I tell you?”
“To be a good boy,” he answers shyly. 
“You enjoyed it, didn't you?” he asks gently, and Changbin nods, a heavy blush creeping up his neck and settling on his cheeks. “Why did you stop then?”
“Are you enjoying it?” he asks quietly. 
“I fucking love it,” Chan says bluntly and squints at him. “Now sit down properly, baby; I won't ask again.”
“Y-yes, hyung,” he nods quickly and gets back into position. 
The next time he tries to take some weight off, Chan's grip is firm, keeping him in place. Changbin whimpers in protest as his hips start stuttering, pace growing a little rough as he chases his high. But Chan doesn't budge, moaning filthily against him and guiding him through. Changbin’s stomach flips hard, and tears shoot to his eyes. Chan was not only able to carry his weight on top of him, he even enjoyed it.
Five days later
Changbin smirks to himself as Chan drives them back home. Today, everyone would be out for a movie and dinner after, which seemed like the perfect opportunity for them to take the next step without having to keep quiet or anything. Changbin had made up an excuse of feeling overwhelmed, and Chan had assured their friends he'd stay with him. So once they knew everyone would be gone, they stopped working and started their way home. Chan had been touchy all day, driving him mad, seemingly excited as well. 
Once they're inside, Changbin strolls over to their kitchen island, inspecting the various cookies their friends made. He reaches forward to grab the note Minho wrote them and yelps, surprised when Chan suddenly wraps his arms around his waist, pressing his already hardening dick against his bum. “Chan hyung?” he asks, and Chan groans softly in response, burying his face in his back. 
“I swear I could take you right here if I wouldn't know better,” he confesses, making Changbin’s mouth water. “You're so cute, you don't even know; it's driving me insane,” he tells him and runs his hands up his torso. “Couldn't stop thinking about it all day.”
Changbin blushes at his words and bites his lower lip, pressing back against him. His lips part in surprise at Chan's growl, and he feels like he's about to pass out when Chan starts grinding against his ass. “Really, Chan hyung?” he asks innocently, pressing back against him more. “You think I'm cute?”
Chan moans needily as he grinds against him. “So cute,” he tells him. “Made me so hard I had to take a long shower after dance practice.”
Changbin moans in response. “That's why you were gone so long?” he asks, and Chan starts fumbling with the waistband of his trousers. 
“Sofa, now. I need some release right now,” Chan announces so casually it makes him dizzy. “Right now, I'm thinking with my dick; that's not good when I should take my time with you,” he admits honestly. 
“Fuck, do whatever you want to me, hyung,” Changbin moans needily. “Use me, please.” He finds himself on the sofa within no time, with Chan straddling his lap. 
Chan drags his hips across his lap and moans loudly at the needed friction. He braces himself on his chest, and Changbin’s hands find his thighs, fingers digging into his skin as Chan humps his lap forcefully. “You can move,” Chan pants, head falling back as he does. “Yeah, just like that, Binnie,” he praises him, and their moans mix beautifully. “Doing so good for your hyung,” he tells him, head dropping forward with a broken moan as Changbin rolls his hips up against him. 
“Feels so good, hyung,” he moans out. 
It doesn't take long, and Chan above him tenses up with a soft, relieved cry, shuddering as he cums in his pants. His eyebrows furrow with bliss, lips parting with silent moans, hips stuttering their way through his high. Changbin can't get enough of the sight of his hyung stumbling over the edge; he's a different type of pretty then. Also, it makes him all fuzzy, knowing he's the reason. Chan drops down onto the sofa next to him with a soft grunt and rubs his face, trying to catch his breath. “Okay,” he says after a moment. “That's better.”
“Your brain restarted?” Changbin teases softly, making him giggle. 
“Mhm, until you're undressed and moaning that beautifully,” he tells him, and Changbin blushes furiously. Chan gets up and helps him off the sofa before lifting him up. 
Changbin wraps his legs around his waist quickly and holds onto him with wide eyes. “Channie, hyung, let me down. I'm-” his words die in his throat at Chan's firm look. 
“Do I look like this is exhausting me?” he asks patiently, stopping in his tracks. 
“No,” he whispers. 
“I wouldn't pick you up if I thought I couldn't handle that, Binnie,” he tells him, and Changbin’s eyes brim with tears. “Okay,” he whispers and walks back to the sofa, sitting down with him in his lap. “Come here,” he says softly and pulls him into a strong hug. 
“I'm sorry,” he sniffles timidly, and Chan runs his hand through his hair. 
He soothingly kisses his head and rubs his back. “You're okay,” he tells him. “Don't listen to that voice in your head, yeah?” he asks and earns a nod and silent hum. “Do you still have his number? I'd love to invite him and show him how it's done,” he says, smirking when Changbin starts laughing. 
“You're so stupid.”
“I know,” he giggles, and they stay there until he's alright. 
Chan then carries him upstairs, kissing his worries away, and kicks his door closed before lowering him onto his bed. 
“You think Binnie will be okay?” Jisung asks thoughtfully. “I haven't noticed anything off all day,” he admits. 
“Not really,” Seungmin shrugs, thinking back to the time they all spent together. 
“Oh, I think he's just fine,” Felix assures them, and Jeongin squints at him. 
“You're sure?” he asks suspiciously. 
“Why?” Hyunjin asks. 
“Why what?” Felix tries to stall time to come up with an answer. 
“Why are you sure he's okay when he said he wasn't?” Jeongin clarifies. 
“Because Chan hyung is fucking him stupid right now,” Minho says casually, sipping on his drink. 
“Excuse me, what?” Hyunjin asks with wide eyes. 
“Minho hyung, you can't just say shit like that,” Jisung rolls his eyes at him. 
“You're all so blind if you didn't see that,” Minho rolls his eyes right back at them. “They've been growing closer for weeks now, and we all know Changbin was interested in submitting to Chan.”
Seungmin blinks at him as Minho keeps sipping on his drink. “On a scale from one to ten, how bored are you?” 
“A solid eleven on some days, why?” he asks, tilting his head and pulling a face at him. 
“How do you even notice that stuff?” Hyunjin asks flabbergasted. 
“How do you not?” Felix asks tiredly, and Minho hums agreeingly. 
“You guys are ridiculous,” he giggles happily. 
“Okay, try to relax for me, yeah?” Chan asks gently, aligning himself with his hole. “I'll go slow and gentle; you tell me if it hurts.”
“Yes,” Changbin nods, growing impatient. Chan had eaten him out patiently and then fingered him open for what felt like hours. His dick is leaking onto his stomach, his hole clenching around nothing, and his body screaming for a release. He just wants to finally feel him inside, finally experience what Minho has described as “incredible sex” talking about Chan. 
Chan starts pushing inside, groaning at how tight he still is, and closely watches his face. Once he's past the tip, Changbin tenses up beneath him, and Chan stops moving immediately. “Everything alright?”
“Yeah, keep moving,” he nods quickly, heart sinking a little. Did Minho have a thing for pain? This doesn't feel exactly comfortable. 
Chan eyes him suspiciously and pushes in a little more, watching Changbin’s eyes clouding with a pained expression. “I'm hurting you, right?”
“No, it's fine,” he shakes his head, sounding a little strained. “Just keep going, please.”
Chan shakes his head and pulls out again, grabbing the bottle of lube. “Binnie, we have all the time you need. I won't rush and hurt you in the process,” he tells him firmly and gently pushes in two fingers again. 
Changbin whines softly and pushes back against them. “Please,” he whimpers, and Chan gently caresses his cheek with his other hand. 
Chan stretches him out on his fingers, adding another two in the process, and kisses him, swallowing up his frustrated little sounds. Finally, he gets back into his prior position, trying again. This time, it goes easier, and Changbin beneath him gasps as he slowly pushes inside. “Better?” he grunts softly, reminding himself to go slow.
“Yes,” he nods eagerly, and this time he believes him. His jaw drops once Chan is buried inside him, and he can't help but squirm a little, feeling so full. 
“Take your time,” Chan tells him, holding himself back. He gently rubs his thigh, watching him closely as he gets adjusted to the feeling. 
“O-Okay,” he breathes out after a moment. “I think I'm ready.”
Chan nods and carefully pulls back before pushing back inside. Changbin sighs softly at the feeling of him massaging his walls as he works out a gentle rhythm. Chan lowers himself onto his arms, bracing himself next to his head, and smiles at him. He plants a few kisses down his jaw, and Changbin’s hand finds his back resting between his shoulder blades. “Don't be shy; let me hear you,” he tells him as he notices him trying to keep the noise down. 
“I'm too loud,” he protests softly, biting back another moan as Chan picks up the pace a little. 
“It's just us,” Chan reminds him and moans softly as Changbin clenches around him. “Wanna hear if I fuck you good, Binnie.”
“Fucks sake,” he groans at his bluntness, locking eyes with him. He swallows at how blown Chan’s pupils are, sheer need and passion clouding those usually so soft orbs. The next thrust pulls a beautiful, loud whine from him, and Chan buries his face in his shoulder with a soft groan at the sound. 
“That’s more like it,” he moans, kissing his neck and thrusting deep. “Fuck, you’re still so tight,” he grunts, and Changbin squirms a little. “Such a good boy, taking me so well.”
“Chan hyung,” he moans softly, his whole body responding to his praise. “You feel so good,” he tells him breathlessly.
Chan’s hips slam forward into him as he clenches around him, shifting positions a little. Changbin’s head falls back with an obscenely loud moan, and Chan stops moving, eyes widening. “Shit, sorry,” he apologizes immediately, swallowing as Changbin blinks up at him with glistening eyes.
“Please, do that again,” he whispers needily.
“You want me to be rough?” he asks quietly, and Changbin nods, biting his lower lip hard at the hunger clouding Chan’s eyes.
He arches into him and looks up at him through his lashes. “Please, hyung.”
Chan pulls out and grabs him by the waist, flipping him onto his stomach effortlessly. Changbin moans out, stunned, getting incredibly turned on by Chan handling him with such ease. Chan pulls him onto his knees and pushes back inside, grip firm on his hips as he sets a rougher pace. Changbin arches his back, melting into the pillow and gripping the sheets with a loud whine. Chan makes sure he’s comfortable with this and keeps a close eye on him before covering his hands with his own, intertwining their fingers. He plants soft kisses on his back, leaning down to his ear. “Such a good boy, Binnie. Doing so well, baby,” he praises him with little grunts as he pounds into him. 
Changbin can’t do much but whine his name, shivering as he hits his prostate. “Chan~.” He collapses into the mattress with Chan lowering himself on top of him, covering him with his body as their skin meets with forceful slaps. “Right, there, please,” he cries out as Chan repeatedly hits his sweet spot, moaning sinfully above him. The bedframe hits the wall in sync with Chan’s forceful thrusts, growing sloppier the closer he gets. “Chan,” he moans repeatedly, arching back into him. “So close.”
“Wanna cum?” he presses out, not that far away from his sweet release himself.
“Please, hyungie,” he whines.
“Make a mess, pretty boy,” Chan tells him and buries his face in his back. “Cum for me, yeah? Be a good boy, baby.”
Changbin doesn’t need another invitation and covers the sheets beneath him as he cums with a loud cry, whimpering as Chan fucks him through it, chasing his own release. 
“Inside?” Chan asks, hips stuttering.
“Yes,” he groans, getting a little overstimulated by now. His jaw grows slack at the sensation of Chan reaching his high, painting his walls with thick ropes of cum before collapsing on top of him. For a minute, they stay silent, both calming down a little before Chan moves on top of him, kissing his shoulder gently.
“And that wasn’t too rough?” he checks in and Changbin weakly shakes his head.
“That was amazing, you’re amazing,” he tells him, making him giggle. “Don’t laugh, I mean it,” he pouts, blushing a little as Chan kisses his cheek.
“You’re so cute,” he grins, and Changbin huffs.
“Will you stop calling me cute?” he laughs, and Chan squeezes him gently.
“Never,” he smirks before pushing himself up with a soft grunt. “Alright, let’s get cleaned up before the others return back home.”
Changbin smiles to himself and hums agreeingly. Minho had been right; Chan is incredible.
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sephirthoughts ¡ 2 months
K for the ship ask game, please: What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
Thank you for the ask, anon! 🖤
In any video game, Majima Goro, hands down. Best character development ever. I have ugly-cried many times over Yakuza Zero. I love Kiryu but his arc is nothing compared to Majima's. I'm a sucker for beaten dog turns into a big bad wolf tropes. He goes from eager kid, to beaten dog, to disillusioned young man, to the scariest motherfucker on the planet, all through personal pain and sacrifice. He seems to have lost his mind later, but it becomes apparent through what he does rather than what he says, that despite his acting like a violent psychopath for funsies (and because that's his carefully cultivated public image), he is very clear minded, always loyal, never fails his promises, and retains his strong sense of honor and integrity.
If we're talking about FF7 specifically, I really like Tseng's arc. From joining the Turks as this gung-ho teenager who wanted to save the soldiers instead of the Shinra weaponry, then slowly getting hardened and sharpened by the brutal reality of his world, and yet retaining his personal sense of integrity and loyalty (seeing a theme here?), and having a very clear cut moral bottom line.
Not saying it's a benevolent one, just that it's a clear one. He will absolutely drop the Sector 7 plate potentially killing thousands, but he won't drop it on Aerith. Later, when Reno and Rude are dealing with the guilt over their actions, he tries to console them by giving them ways to excuse themselves (even though they're not having any of it).
The most outstanding example of his personal integrity is when Zack asks him to take care of Aerith and insists Tseng is the only one he can trust. Tseng does that deeply ironic laugh, which thick-skulled Zack doesn't understand, but to the viewer, is very intelligible. He laughs because Zack is unknowingly asking him to not only give up the girl he loves to Zack, but also to keep protecting her for when Zack returns.
Please note that I do NOT personally ship them, but I don't care if it's never made explicit, I am not six years old and subtext is a valid means of canonical storytelling. Tseng is very clearly in love with Aerith too. Zack doesn't know that, and naively leaves the girl he loves in the care of a man who also loves her. EXCEPT! it's not naive because that man is Tseng. Zack is his friend. He promised he'd take care of her for Zack, and he does. His integrity is his bottom line.
And he doesn't half-ass it or try to slide into her DMs in the proverbial sense. He keeps every one of those letters and genuinely intends to give them to Zack. He tries earnestly to find and save him, knowing Aerith loves Zack and not him, because he is loyal to his friend. Also BECAUSE he loves Aerith and she loves Zack. He loves her MORE than he wants to be with her, and getting Zack home safely to her is what will make her happy, even if it means that happiness is with another man.
And, perhaps most tellingly, he keeps his feelings to himself and never ever makes them HER PROBLEM. He doesn't seem to think Aerith will ever care for him, or that it would ever be possible for them to be together even if she did, but he constantly makes decisions to benefit her anyway, within the scope his loyalty to the Turks and Rufus allows. He doesn't technically break the rules but he bends them to the very extreme in her favor. He supports her relationship with the man she loves, and doesn't ask her to choose, or even to consider him, even a little bit. Which is…hoo boy. Basically qualifies him for sainthood, despite the laissez faire attitude toward mass murder.
Before anyone argues about how he took her to Shinra and gave her to Hojo, yes he did. He does a lot of bad-guy things. He's not a good-guy. But he operates within the bad-guy system in a very morally sound way. He did NOT put Aerith into danger by taking her to Shinra. He knew they had to keep her safe and unharmed in order for their plans to work, so he was assured of her safety there for the time being. FAR FAR safer than she'd have been in literally any other part of Midgar during that chaos. Then he went and made SURE her friends with a history of anti-Shinra terrorism and winning unwinnable fights know EXACTLY where to find her. When they come to do just that, there are no Turks around trying to stop them. Wonder why...
Oh shit this got so long!!! 😅 I could go on about Tseng all day but I'll end it here for the sake of everyone's sanity. But I absolutely WILL talk about him any time anyone wants to inbox me about it!
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e-munson666 ¡ 2 years
I kind of imagine billy as a very very dom guy (especially dark billy) with sadistic kinks, here's some head cannons of mine before I start the request lol.
VERY BIG SADIST LIKE WTF 💀💀 I imagine that he'd purposely pinch you at times just to see you flinch and hiss. He is also a bit of a masochist himself, enjoying paint mixed with pleasure (though he doesn't like it when you hurt him with no sexual intent)
He uses nicknames like 'bunny' and 'kitten' or sometimes even 'baby bunny'
Okay now that that's out of the way- here is the actual request- Dark billy x female reader smut (duh) where pretty much he dubcons his childhood friend after finding out she had moved to Hawkins.
As soon as they introduce themselves to eachother again he begins to act, odd? The reader doesn't think much of it though, letting him lead her to his house were he does smutty things lol
Some lines you could use
"Awe.. baby bunny, don't you enjoy it when I pinch you?"
"Kitten.. I know you like it"
Ik it's vauge but I like to give you room to add what you think would fit :) ily, have fun!
This is my first attempt at Billy.
He's out of my realm, but I love this reader so I'm gonna do my best! ❤
18+ dubcon, dark themes, mean!dom!Billy. Let's just say reader is named Kat in lou of y/n
🖤Lady Hellfire🖤
Last week, Billy Hargrove got the surprise of his life. His childhood friend, his first real crush, had moved to Hawkins. Billy knew it was fate, especially when he laid his eyes on you in the hall, seeing what a beautiful young woman you were growing into.
You were being ogled by a bunch of other guys already, something Billy took notice of, and immediately disapproved of. Especially when one of those guys was Steve fucking Harrington, there's no way he was going to lose out to the former king of Hawkins high.
Billy started following you around school, always showing up when Steve would start talking to you, putting an arm around you and leading you away. "Hey kitty Kat" he would say winking down at you as he walked you in the opposite direction.
"Bbbbiiillllyyyy" you would whine, hating that he brought back his old nickname for you. It made you blush now, it gave you a feeling you weren't used to having for your old friend.
"Awe kitten don't be shy" Billy teased, pinching your cheek and watching you wince. He got a weird kick out seeing you squirm, loving it when he would get a reaction from his pinches or slaps.
They were almost constant, any time you interacted with Billy he was pinching you until you cried, or he'd harshly slap your ass or thigh, chuckling as you whined before him.
The rumors started pretty quickly, that Billy Hargrove swooped in and snagged the new girl already, (he may have started that in the locker room) but you didn't know that, not until you chased Steve down after school, wanting to hangout.
"Steve" you called, seeing him stop and turn towards you, a weary smile on his face.
"Hey Kitty" Steve joked, also one to enjoy giving you silly nicknames.
"Steve, do you want to hangout for a bit?" You boldy ask, noticing the confused look that spread across his face.
"Won't Billy be upset?"
"What? Why does it matter what Billy thinks?" You raise your eyebrow at Steve as you spoke.
"Oh uh, he was telling some guys in the locker room that he had locked you down" Steve responded searching your face.
You let out an audible laugh, looking up at Steve, "that is so not whats happening, we've just known each other since we were kids, nothing is going on there I promise" you say, looping your arm into his, smiling up at him.
"Oh, well in that case Kitty, I would love to hangout. Let's go get some food yeah?" Steve asked, giddy with excitement. He placed a kiss to your forehead as he led you to his car.. He was so happy to hear that you were still on the market, because Steve had it bad for you.
Billy had watched your little interaction with Steve, and watched as that fucker Harrington kissed your head. Billy knew it was time to step it up a notch, time to put you in your place. Under him, submitting to him, crying for him.......and ONLY him.
Billy decided to wait at your house, your Father not hesitating to let Billy in, excited for the opportunity to catch up with the young man. He told your father he wanted to surprise you, so your dad led him to your bedroom, wishing him luck as he left the house to go to the pub.
You had a wonderful time with Steve, getting food from Benny's, sharing a milkshake, and holding hands. He dropped you off at your house, walking you to the front door before saying goodnight. He leaned in for a cheek kiss when you quickly turned your face to crash your lips onto his.
"I'll see you tomorrow at school Stevie, okay?" You coo, twirling a piece of his hair. "Of course Kitty, I'll wait for you by your locker before the first bell" he responds, kissing you once more before retreating to his car. You shut the front door behind you, giddy and smiling from your time with Steve.
You called out for your dad, figuring he was out when you didn't get a response. You made your way to your bedroom, not bothering to check your surroundings as you started to undress. You were down to your bra and skirt, when you felt a presence, felt eyes on you. You quickly glanced up into the large mirror on your closet door.
In the reflection you saw him, Billy, with an angry look on his face, perched on the corner of your bed.
"Hey kitty Kat" Billy chuckles as you spin around, loving the scared look on your face, "surprised to see me?"
He quickly stood from the bed and made his way over to you, still frozen in your place. He wrapped one arm around your waist and harshly pulled you into him, using his other hand to trace up and down the strap of your bra.
"I saw you leave school with Harrington Kitten" "tisk.....now we can't have that" he states, pinching your side so hard you squeal.
"Billy....what.....why are you here?" You manage to get out, trying to shove him away, only to be met with a harsh slap to the face.
You looked up at him with watery eyes, cheek burning and red from his heavy hand. "Oh whats the matter little kitty? You didn't like that?" He teases, snaking his hands to the backs of your thighs, squeezing them tight before lifting you up into his arms, laughing as you struggle to get away.
"Calm down Kitten, stop wiggling around so much, I said STOP" Billy tosses you down on the bed, grabbing your tiny wrists with one large hand and flinging them up over your head.
He kicked your legs apart with his knee, sliding into the space between your thighs. You looked up at him, tears welling in your eyes, a large red outline from where Billy slapped you.
"So pretty like this kitten" he says, taking his free hand and cupping your chin. He leaned down to place a harsh kiss to your lips, feeling you once again struggle under him.
"You can squirm all you want little kitty, I can feel how wet you are on my leg"
"Billy, please" you beg, not knowing for what, but you bucking your hips into Billy's leg gave him all the signal he needed.
He went to work un buttoning his pants, sliding them down along with his boxers, before taking the tiny fabric of your panties in his hand and ripping them clean off your body.
You squirmed more when you felt the weight of Billy's tip at your entrance, knowing this was going to hurt.
"Stay still kitten, or this will hurt a lot worse" he laughs, slamming himself inside of you. You let out a loud, pained cry, music to Billy's ears.
"Too big.....too much.....please no Billy" you whine, feeling your body being split in half. You had been with one other guy before, but it was disappointing and you could barely feel him in there. This was different, this was painful, throbbing, you were sure your insides were tearing around him.
Billy just chuckled at you, starting to thrust into your rough and deep. You moaned and whined under him, repeating it was too much as he continued to slam into you.
"Its too much? Hmm baby? Daddys cock too big for his little baby?" He whispered in your ear, grinning at the moans that left your mouth as he fucked you into the mattress.
"Thats right kitten, you like this don't you, like daddy's cock splitting your tiny little body in half?" You moan again, arching your back at his words.
Billy slapped your already red cheek, looking at your teary face. "Words kitten, I want to hear you SAY it" he demands, grabbing your throat as he kept up his pace.
"Yes Billy, I like it" you cry out, feeling your orgasm coming close.
Slap. "No no my little slut, that's not what you call me now" slap "say it" he slams into you, deeper than he has gone before.
You let out a pained cry, body starting to shake as your climax came to a peak, "fuck, yes, yes daddy, I love your cock" you whimper, clenching around him as he fucks your through your orgasm.
Sensitive, and sore, you whine as he continues his pace, trying to squirm away as he chased his own release.
"No, little slut, you aren't going anywhere until I'm done with you" Billy says, finally unpinning your wrists with his one hand and taking the other from your throat to grab your hips and keep you still.
By the time Billy filled you up you were a writhing, crying mess below him, crying his name out in both pain and pleasure, and he was eating it up. When he finally pulled out, he looked over at you as he dressed himself, knowing he did enough to abuse your body to the point of exhaustion.
He left the room long enough to grab a towel to clean you up with, placing little kisses all over you as he helped get some pj's on, before getting into bed with you and pulling you into his chest.
You hummed as Billy stroked your hair, eyes drooping, waiting for sleep. "I meant it you know" he said as you dosed off, "you're all mine now babygirl" he laughed as he watched you attempt to lift your head up at him, before sleep completely took over.
Now Billy just has to deal with that fucking Harrington kid, and he'll have you all to himself.
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