#also im gonna tell you that you dont have to match length
analyzing some images (for fun)
so i found this pair of promotion images for good omens season 1 on the good omens reference library server and it’s hooked me so so bad im having feelings about it. we’re analyzing them now. not really for meta purposes just fun to see the parallels and differences :)
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everything under the cut !
unique traits
1) his plank background. its older, its crisp, it smells like wood from the screen. mmmm
2) the pencil shavings at the bottom. he does a lot of writing honestly, so i like this. also adds a messy and cozy vibe he always seems to have in that shop…. i like that blessed shop fr
3) his SUSHI. little soy sauce drops near it too—just the right amount of deliberate mess. our first formal introduction to aziraphale in the present day and beginning the Tomfoolery just happens to have sushi... i watch that scene and i go “yeah, that sums up aziraphale i suppose” very nicely. (they dont have sushi Up There) (im literally never gonna forget that)
4) the ray of light shining on the scene. tiny thing, but a bit of the heaven is peeking through..it also sort of blurs the whole image but i think thats just me.
5) and we’ve saved the best for last: the big whopper. the nice and accurate prophecies of agnes nutter, witch. I LOVE THAT BOOK!!!!!!! i cant remember if that ring stain was there but if it isnt in the show on the actual book i’d assume thats to add that ‘thy cocoa doth grow cold’ thing. ALSO. you know what’s being used as a bookmark in the pages?? a check for the ritz. he bookmarked their one chance for living . with a ritz check . MMMMMM. my GOD. that means so much to me even if i cant convey it in words. he KEEPS THE CHECKS 😭😭😭😭😭😭
1) let me get my favorite out of the way. crowley’s glasses have fire in their reflection. we’ll talk about the glasses themselves later but the REFLECTION IN THEM. fucking FIRE, BOOKSHOP fire, PAIN, SRIVING THROUGH THE M-25, HELL, I DONT KNOWIM HAVING FEELINGS!!! i do believe this is a bookshop fire reference though, the flames feel too Familiar. the lengths people will go to to attack others 🤧
2) the leather seat background!!!!!!! probably meant to look similar to the bentley’s seats but i cant recall their texture, exactly. maybe just meant to convey modernness—unsure. still, its there <3
3) the tiny little crisp plant </3 its trying his damned best to stay perfect. it might a specific plant that means something, but i cant tell at thsi angle, so i’ll assume its a mini version of the ficus he keeps in the flat. its so SMALL and sitting in ANOTHER POT i CANT
4) the snake slithering!! black and red (in this image it looks orange lol) bellied scales!!!! slithering there, chilling, being crowley, showing hints. love it
5) QUEEN RECORD!!!!! TRYING TO OVERRIDE IT WITH TCHAIKOVSKY!!!!!! the tape over it does a reminisence to crowley’s handwriting, but in a clean ‘this made made to be a font’ way. not exactly just yet. ive become a fan of tchaikovsky recently. amazing darling wonderful crowley, trying to push the rock up the hill for eternity 😞
6) HIS LITTLE DEMON KEY THING. HOLDING A TINY LITTLE BENTLEY CAR KEY OHHH. thats how he doesnt lose the tiny key despite probably not needing one of those. and he CHOSE that intentionally probably. little wings and red circle….URGHHHHHHH
mmmmm now here’s the good shit. similarities! i’ll bullet point most of them but ohhhhh. ohhhh these. i’ll go from top to bottom as best i can….
1) one of their shoes, obviously. crowley has them iconic snakeskin shoes while aziraphale has his old loafers like the old loafer he is /pos
2) chateauneuf de pape wine bottle labels! (crowley’s is under his glasses, aziraphale’s is next to his shoe). oh my fucking god theyre MATCHING. the labels are old, battered, of course labeling the drink’s age, but mmmmm its these tiny details that get me going….
3) their respective drinks in their mugs—crowley’s a black mug coffee (or what looks to be coffee) and aziraphale’s angel mug tea (or what looks to be tea). i think about that mug sometimes. where did he get that from?? mystery for the ages….
4) their glasses, of course. crowley’s iconic sunglasses and aziraphale’s reading spectacles. i cant really tell the reflections in this pair, but if its supposed to be fucking fire, im done with this. im giving up forever
5) their own watches! aziraphale’s is visibily older while crowley’s is visibly modern, but they function just the same. also, crowley’s is set to 2:56:59 (presumably PM), which is around the time we see when crowley starts checking his watch at warlock’s birthday party. its almost time for disaster to strike!! 😃
6) and finally….their ties!! they have their own ties!!! or more accurately, neck accessories, but i digress. i mesn i assume its crowley’s neck tie, because the fabric looks… different. either way, crowley’s neck thingie is very whispy and aziraphale has his funky little bowtie i love so much,,,
okay thats it. there’s no canonical implications, any fantheories, none of the sort. just saw a pair of images and my mind went GOD DAMN!!!!!! theyre very important to me. i need to look at more promo material 😔
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bazooka-overkill · 4 months
ive been working on actually tallying each boxer's infraction count becuz i don't really think that rlly popular video does them justice. i'm still working on it so any suggestions to add or change one are welcome /gen
list under cut :3
i was considering adding that none of the boxers are seen shaking hands after losing a match but then i remembered theyre probably fucking dead due to little mac
infractions will count in total between contender and td. i.e. glass joe kills a man or some shit in contester, and then hits the quan on little mac's body in td. in total glass joe has 2 infractions, rather than contender and td be two separate characters 
little mac: 9(?)
note: his tank top is allowed in minor circuit, known as a “singlet,” but he’ll have to remove it in major and world circuit. i’m counting two infractions for that. also has a coach in his corner (doc)
no mouth piece (birdie had one in super PO so idk why they removed it?)
underage (ban until he’s legally allowed to box)
im iffy on his star punch as he jumps(?) to do it. (jumping isn't mentioned in boxing rules, but you will get warned by ref if you jump and attack)
faces his back towards opponent when he does a star punch (does a little spin teehee)
ducks so his head is below opponent’s waist/belt line(? might just be a perspective thing)
tank top in major and world circuit. see note
too young to hold a belt/title, so three infractions(? not sure if this is an infraction or something else entirely)
glass joe: 2
no coach/trainer in corner
no mouth piece
glass joe TD: 2
did some research and headgear isn’t allowed period. +1 infraction for joe
his hair also peeks out of his headgear. even if headgear was allowed, he can’t have his hair poking out
von kaiser: 6(?)
no coach/trainer in corner 
no mouth piece
improper wear (pants, boots)
hits with inside of glove during his attack attack thing
may or may not have some sort of ptsd regarding children so um. yeah. would probably be banned until he got therapy sooooo
mustache is more than 10 cm in length(? someone fact check me on this please)
von kaiser TD: N/A
yeeyee ass haircut (placeholder)
disco kid: 3
note: i love this guy. im also not counting his disco ball becuz it’s really just theatrical intros and gives a little swaggah to his fights
no coach/trainer in corner
no mouth piece
honestly the only thing i can get him on are his headphones. even though they’re audibly playing music, they’re still against the rules
disco kid TD: 1 (so far)
leotard. no clear line between waist and lower half
too cool (placeholder)
king hippo: 7
no coach/trainer in corner
no mouth piece
no weigh in and most likely no actual license
head covering (crown)
ear clap move
indecent exposure (? can i even write him up for this or is this a legal issue)
shoes are not boxing approved, seem to be slip ons
king hippo TD: 2
bandages are allowed in the minor circuit, but not at the world circuit
fat /j
piston hondo: 4
no coach/trainer in corner
no mouth piece
head covering (head band)
unsportsmanlike behavior in the ring (bowing w/ eye contact. it's subtle but i'm still counting it)
piston hondo TD: 0
nothing! at least that's what i think.
bear hugger: 5
no coach/trainer in corner
no mouth piece
improper attire (overalls give no clear discern between his waist and legs, so low blows are hard to tell. plus his boots)
beard (needs to be clean shaven or well groomed)
does an ear clap move (need a hug or whatever the fuck he says before it i dont care)
bear hugger TD: 2
bringing a squirrel into the ring (im gonna count this as bringing someone into the ring willingly, as the squirrel has boxing gloves on and isnt trying to run away from the ring. the squirrel is willingly fighting and understands what is happening)
head covering
great tiger: 10
note: his head covering is for religious reasons, so it doesn’t count towards infractions. i also won’t be counting his magic carpet as he only uses it during intermission to entertain the crowd and it isn't seen in his actual fights.
another note: his clones, in my mind, act like actual people. great tiger is shown controlling them, but during intermission they can be seen lounging around and talking. this may just be theatrics for the crowd, but i see it as they’re all separate people. 
no coach/trainer in corner
no mouth piece
leaves his corner of the ring
5 infractions (for each clone he spawns, 5 being the max he can spawn. i also want to point out that a boxer can only have three corner men at a time, so great tiger having 5 people/clones, much less while he’s boxing, is basically cheating within cheating. aran ryan much lmfao)
pants go below the knees
mustache is longer than 10 cm(?)
great tiger TD: dead
did little mac kill a man in this fight (placeholder)
don flamenco: 5
no coach/trainer in corner
no mouth piece
spraying perfume on himself between rounds
head covering (toupee LMFAOAOOOAOA BALD ASS)
personal branding on his shorts
don flamenco TD: 2
turns his back repeatedly, which counts as being knocked down
emo /j
backhand punch
aran ryan: banned (12, still counting)
no coach/trainer in corner
no mouth piece
loaded gloves (DQ)
due to the fact that he was able to load his gloves, i’m willing to bet his fists aren’t properly wrapped and weren’t examined.
headbutting (DQ. also uses the ropes to gain leverage for said headbutt, so two for one combo there)
hits with elbow
once knocking little mac down, does not go to farthest neutral corner while ref counts
refuses to make an attempt to fight at certain points (his taunt)
breaking of WVBA property (seen in his contester win animation)
personal branding on shorts. unless a clover is his sponsor’s logo, it isnt allowed
attacks the ref in his intermission cutscene (banned)
i KNOW theres more i just cant THINK OF THEM GRR
aran ryan TD: 4
brings a fucking flail into the ring. im counting his flail as two infractions, both for bringing a foreign item into the ring. one for the rope and one for the glove. i’m willing to bet that the purple glove is still loaded, but im not sure of that but im counting it so FUCK YOU
steals little mac’s gloves. idk if this is a criminal charge or an infraction
tries to get a hit in right as he’s going down
soda popinski: 7
no coach/trainer in corner
no mouth piece
improper attire
doping (the soda)
foreign object (soda bottles)
also giving him an infraction for drinking the soda during his matches 
mustache is longer than 10 cm
soda popinski TD: 4
foreign object (soda crates. im giving him three infractions, one for each crate of soda he brings in)
hits the side of mac’s head with a punch (DQ)
bald bull: banned (4)
no coach/trainer in corner
no mouth piece
anger issues, would have to get that sorted out before anything else
attacking a ref (perma ban)
bald bull TD: N/A
being bald
super macho man: banned (9)
no coach/trainer in corner
no mouth piece
as much as i want to keep looking at his ass (WHO SAID THAT) i gotta write him up for improper wear. also adding that he has personal branding on both the front and back.
also didn’t follow ref’s instructions to go back to his corner; can be seen in the little cutscene between rounds
uses camera to take selfies
wearing jewelry (gold chain and earrings)
i also want to point out that he may have some tanning lotion on due to how FUCKING SHINY HE IS COMPARED TO EVERYONE ELSE
super macho man TD: N/A
racist (placeholder)
mr sandman: 2
no coach/trainer in corner
no mouth piece
thats it. thats literally the most i can get on him /srs
note: this is the BIGGEST fucking stretch i’ll make on this document but maybeeeeeee the way he’s stretching the ropes in his contender intermission could be an infraction??????? not really becuz he doesn’t break them but ugh idk it might just be more of a “the ropes r very fragile so plz dont do that mr sandman world champion sir” than an infraction LMFAO
i also noticed that when he gets knocked down, a subtle song that sounds like what those little carousels that go above a baby’s cot starts playing. cute and its a nice reference to his name 
mr sandman TD: 0
note: the "make up" under his eyes are eye bags, not eyeshadow. mr sandman may be emo in td but not like don
my references
“According to rule 4.2. 5.2. 2 of IBA Technical & Competitions Rules, “a boxer can have a beard and mustache, but either must not cover the neck and must not be longer than 10cms.””
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in-my-feels-probably · 5 months
Hi! It’s no worries I’ve been around this app long enough to know it’s kinda buggy lol. Anyways, I actually remembered just now I wrote out my request in a random google doc before I sent it and never deleted it so I have able to just copy/paste!
Congrats on 1.7k!! May I have a romantic hunger games (it can be either the original films or the newer one) option 2 match up please? I go by she/her and am bi with no preference, so any gender is fine.
I’m about 5’5, dark blue eyes, medium length hair thats kinda too dark to be dirty blonde but not so dark that its light brown with slightly lighter blonde highlights throughout. Ive been told I typically wear what would be considered 90s type of style but leaning away from more feminine things tho I’m not opposed to dresses and all.
I do get pretty anxious when thrown in certain situations rather that be talking to a group of people or just one person. But on occasion and definitely when I get to know someone I never stop talking. I am a ranter and rambler which means I could be ranting about something that happened and then start talking about something else that may or may not be related to the original subject. Basically I will always find something to talk about though I do enjoy listening to other people talk. I am considered the mom friend because I tend to be the most logical. Im also a very determined, stubborn person who usually is kinda pessimistic but still has a huge imagination. And despite all the anxiety I am usually a relatively confident person and am not afraid to take up for anyone I care about. Also I am pretty good in school despite having a kinda bad memory. Also an INTJ, Sagittarius, and Ravenclaw.
I absolutely love writing and have for the longest time rather that be random original stories I make up or the various fanfics I have(lol). I also love drawing and painting and recently realized I’m actually pretty good at making art related to animals and the occasional landscape. I’ve also been a big music fan since I was a kid, I honestly dont know what I would do without it. I also really enjoy reading when I get the chance, like I could spend hours getting consumed by whatever I’m reading. Which also travels into me when I’m watching things. As in I spend a good bit of time just binge watching new or old shows. I also really like walking around and enjoying nature. Theres a few nature trails I love going on and would go to the zoo every weekend if I had the chance. Which also goes along to my love for animals. Also I do like going to random places with my friends.
And thats about all I can think of to say, hope it wasnt too much lol. But anyways, thanks in advance :)
thanks for participating :)
since you have no gender preference, i’ll tell you who i ship you with out of both the boys and the girls, and then do the full thing for who i think you’re better suited for.
i ship you with katniss and peeta! i’m gonna go with katniss for this, hope that’s ok :)
katniss is absolutely not a people person. small talk makes her uncomfortable, and putting on a mask and playing a part doesn’t come easy to her. there’s a handful of people she’s comfortable talking to, and the rest don’t matter to her. she’d understand your apprehension getting to know people. but she’d feel pretty special when you opened up to her and started feeling comfortable venting and rambling. she may not be one for talking, but she does like listening. and you could listen to you talk for hours about whatever you wanted, happy to listen. you’re very alike as people. your values, your view on life, your temperament and your personality. you both being headstrong and stubborn could get in the way of your relationship sometimes, but you’d always manage to make her go soft around you. you’d be one of the few people that make her happy and help her feel relatively calm and safe, so she wouldn’t want to ruin that with petty arguments and bickering. you’d learn to work past it together quickly so you could get back to the simple things.
katniss doesn’t have much time for hobbies. plus, i don’t think she really allows herself the time to be idle. you’d have to constantly remind her to take a break and relax for a little while. she’d be too impatient for reading or art, but she’d enjoy hearing what you were reading about or working on. it would give her a sense of domesticity that she craved. and later on after the rebellion, she’d slowly start feeling more comfortable joining you with your hobbies and finding some of her own. i don’t think she considers herself to be a very talented person, but she would get a small sense of accomplishment and pride when she found a hobby she both enjoyed and was good at.
the place she’d most feel at peace would probably be the forest. walking along the streams, hunting for deer, just breathing in the fresh air. it would be a place she enjoyed going alone, but eventually, she’d start asking you to go with her. she’d show you all the best places she’d come to catch something or just clear her mind for a little while. it would be peaceful and quiet, which she’d love. one day, she’d ask you if you wanted to bring along something to draw with. she’d take you up to a ridge she liked to sit at, letting you sit down and draw the landscape while she hunted for a few minutes. eventually, she’d make her way back to you, sitting down next to you.
“no luck?” you’d ask when you noticed her coming back with a full quiver and no kill.
she’d shrug, setting down her bow. “found a few wild turkeys down by the river. some of the hens were nesting. i didn’t want to bother them yet.”
you’d nod, going back to your drawing. she hadn’t been gone that long, but you’d already made significant progress drawing the ridge and hillside that led down into the valley where the meadow was. you could feel her eyes on you as you worked, and you’d eventually feel her chin rest on your shoulder as you started drawing one of the trees, making you smile. you liked when she was soft like this.
“that’s pretty,” she’d murmur, fascinated by the way you worked. “peeta could’ve used you down at the bakery if he knew you could draw like this.”
“i wouldn’t want to upstage him,” you’d joke, knowing what peeta used to do took a lot of time and skill that only he could make look easy.
she’d chuckle, and you could feel her smile as she looked over your shoulder. “i don’t think he’d mind.”
you’d sit in silence another moment before deciding to take a break, setting your things down. you’d watch the ridge together, peering down through the valley where the spring flowers were just beginning to grow.
“you never told me we had flowers like this in the district.”
“they only grow in the spring,” she’d explain, resting her head against your shoulder. “my father told me the soot from the mines stifles them before they have a chance to grow. but out here in the meadow, they’re untouched. they can grow a few feet tall if they’re not harvested right away. you can use the roots for medicine…i used to bring prim some.”
you could hear the hurt in her voice at the mention of prim’s name. she’d grow quiet again, her eyes locked on the ridge. she was afraid if she looked over at you, she wouldn’t be able to keep it together. you figured it was best not to pry about it—not now, at least. instead, you’d pick up your drawing, handing her a few pencils.
“pick a few colors. i want to draw the flowers in too.”
she’d give you a small smile and nod, immediately reaching for the green pencil. you’d grin, setting the rest of the pencils down as you began working again.
“i should’ve known.”
thanks again for participating! i hope you liked this :)
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ocarinaofpride · 10 months
fucked around and assigned mario kart mains for some ff7 characters. ill do more if anyone truly wants it but here we go
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ill explain these as shortly as possible here so bare with me. if these dont make sense im sorry
- these arent chosen by stats mainly just by Feeling . my gut feeling
- characters are mainly chosen bc of how they act/who i think they’d like. I feel most confident in those ngl
now that those 2 main points have been stated ill just. ramble on about my thoughts for this:
sephiroth would cry and throw up over rosalinas backstory so of course he’d main her. why wouldnt he. thats their girl they love her so much
(not in a weird way need to preface that)
mashing other hcs in here as well I think seph would dabble in playing videogames in general, so they’d kinda care about stats? but not too much. theyre not like rlly rlly serious about mario kart but when they are He’d have a completely different loadout lol.
genesis would absolutely not gaf about stats he just chooses what represents him most or some other bullshit reason like that. king boo bc hes a KING , fire motorbike because hes COOL, and bowser glider because hes SUPER STRONG!! pretty straightforward. he would be horrible at mariokart btw . he normally falls into 6th place or under
hes such a sore loser he blames every single bad thing on everyone else he plays with EXCEPT himself
zack is so obviously a yoshi guy that i didnt even have to think about it. he’d love yoshi!!! so ofc hes gonna play as him!!! likes the buggy and glider bc it looks funny.
genesis gets pissed off over the fact zacks better at mario kart than him. how could I get beat by a guy with THAT loadout? Unbelievable . hes just super jelly of his awesome skills
id feel like angeal would want to make his loadout match, he’d choose matching vehicles and tires as much as he can. Yes he chooses the mercedes benz No i will not explain this you just have to get it. Also! yeah he plays as himself. Self explanatory i think he just would play as his mii. He’d be alright at the game, not too good not too bad.
LAST ONE!!! cloud. he chooses toad not only to annoy everyone else but also bc zack said toad reminds him of cloud and he forever stuck with it because of how absurdly dumb that is. OF COURSE he’d choose the badass motorbike with a black and gold glider. all bc he thinks it makes him look cooler, despite being a TOAD MAIN… whatever . he plays this game so much, yet has the worst fucking luck EVEERRR. he would get red shelled 4 times in a row and then slip on a banana peel as he gets struck by lightning back to back
would they all play with eachother? maybe. genesis and sephiroth cannot play competitive games with eachother because they always end up fighting the entire time but other than that im SURE THEYD ALL HAVE A GREAT TIME… hopefully
anyways i apologize for the length of this post i put a lot of thought into this can you tell. im trying to get used to sharing my own headcanons publicly 😭😭😭 scared to tag this but whatever.
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cerealmonster15 · 7 months
This quiz is very simple :) you shouldn't have any problems with it :) it's just their names after all !!!! Tell me which character each name is 😊
Admittedly though, taking this chance to study up on them myself bc even though I play on the JP server, I only recognize a couple of these 😭
excuse me. Oh my god.
see if you had asked me these back in like, late 2020/early 2021 i maybe wouldve done slightly better than im about to do bc the only way i could ever find twst fanart back then was by constantly copy pasting their names into pixiv bc there wasnt much of an english fanbase at the time... virtually none on tumblr... but i havent done it much recently- i did a few days ago [from when u initially sent this LOL] but it's nothing compared to when i did it like, DAILY jklfdsjklfds
at least. at least silver is a freebie LOL
umm. Ok this one both first and last name end in ム but I don’t know what ム is 🤔 I think this is gonna be Kalim or ruggie. The ム is probably either -im or -ie bc they’re the only ones left that have names that have that pattern… going with KALIM bc I have another guess later for ruggie
uhh. god i remember the dashes in some of these names specifically tripping me up when i was learning how ship names worked LOL. Mmmm I think it’s either gonna be rook or vil bc the name is short and snappy and written similar to Ace (I think. Maybe I got fucked on the Ace guess bddbcbfbf) but the last name seems shorter which makes me wanna think it’s rook? The last names both end in the T/-to sound…. ト you are Everywhere…. OH but I think it’s ROOK HUNT bc the next one I said is Jack howl and both of the last names for those two start with ハ so maybe that’s a hhhhhh sound??? Rook bb is that you???
Backwards process of elimination from 7 and 4, I think this one is JACK HOWL
i think this one might be azul or jamil but idr which LOL. i mean it looks too long to be either of them BUT im almost positive that triple line thing was in there when i looked up azujami LOL and i dont see it anywhere else so umm. idk jamil maybe??? unless i recognize that one for a different name and remember wrong sfjdsklfjd. Ok yes I think it’s Jamil bc of my same reasoning for #7
leech. Floyd?
Liiiilia? Going off ア at the end of probably idia matching here. Lilia please do not bamboozle me AGAIN
leech. Jade? I was back and forth for a while but since three characters start with the Ja- sound and there are three names with that same character at the start… I think this is Jade.
Ummm. R-ruggie. Maybe. Going on yet another limb bc it ends in チ and the only other names that end in that are leech, so maybe bucci’s ch sound matches??
A bit of a stretch guess but I’m gonna say riddle? For the same ド reasoning i say in 17; riddle has that -do sound near the end of his name but I feel like there’s an extra sound thing after it. Specifically when trey screams his name in book 1 but I can’t really remember LOL. But the last name also has ト… -to… rosehearts… rosehear-to….
trey or cater. i think trey.
Doing another stretch guess and saying azul, bc he’s the only one with same letter for both his initials and this one has a same character at the start of both. I am hesitant bc az and ash I would think might be different? But I can’t think of anyone else that would have a similar start 🤔 and the length of names looks possible. And by that logic, ト at the end might be the -to sound, which does line up with the to- for like trey’s name. Idk how it’s actually spelled but when I mumble it to myself that’s what it sounds like hdjfjfngng
Ace I think, with the ト in tr- appola to match tr-ey and ashengrot-to… which I mean in English maybe doesn’t match but I think I’m Japanese spelling/pronunciation they are??? Also this one looked familiar from my pixiv days and I couldn’t place it, but I think the A for a-deuce is what I’m remembering LOL
Malleus? The ア at the end of maybe draconia matches the -ia for maybe idia and lilia
idia or ortho. I think ortho once again bc of the ト -to sound??
Deuce? Bc names like Jade, Floyd, Diamond, and shroud all have the ド at the end, and spade should have one too I think 🤔 beloved juice spade please don’t fail me now 🙏
cater or trey. i think cater.
idia or ortho. Going with idia bc I decided the other is ortho probably….. ooh and his and lilia’s names mmmmmaybe would end the same? Possibly???
Ok this one and 22 last names both end in ト, that -to sound, and all I have left are Leona vil Epel and sebek, so this one has to be either Schoenheit or Zigvolt… I’m going to completely guess and say this one is SEBEK. bc of the two this name looks less familiar to me and I k ow I used to look up several vil ships on pixiv LOL. also the last name looks shorter. So I think sebek
Ok down to Epel or Leona. I’m going with Leona tho bc it’s Slightly Longer than #16 AND bc silver and Probably Viper both end in the same dash and I think phonetically they sound more like -ar??
Reasoning for 20, I’m saying vil 🤔
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brattata · 2 years
hellooo howre you?? i hope youre doing great! id like to request a genshin matchup please ^^
for the age range i would prefer someone pver or 18 please
my pronouns are she/her and id like to be matched with a male character, im an entp and my love languages are gift giving and physical touch (although i have a really hard time expressing my feelings)
as for personality, in a person who sometimes talks a LOT.. like way too much but then i get tired and dont say a word for hours, im usually very energetic and more of a comical relief person hehe and i also love teasing people. for the good traits id say i can get along and understand pretty much anyone, im a very empathetic person and i always try to male everyone happy. for the bad ones id say since im a huge people pleaser i tend to bubble up my emotions and sometimes its hard to control them, i can also be kind of childish at times when im too stressed
for my likes and insterests i wanna say drawing (im going fo art school aadhshe im so happyi really adore it) i love reading a lot and especially about history. i also love rock/metal music and true crime.
for the fluff alphabet letters im gonna say L, O and K
thank you sm!!
Hey there, anon! I’m going to assign you a 🤘for masterlist purposes.
I went back and forth on this one between Kaeya and Albedo. 🤔 Poly Kaebedo maybe?
Ultimately I think you’re just a liiitle bit more compatible with…
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Kaeya Alberich!
You know that “we irritating 😂😂😂” meme? That’s you. You’re Mondstadt’s golden couple, but also just a little too much sometimes. 😝 I could see Kaeya initially getting close to you as an information source (since you’re well liked in Mondstadt and seemingly can’t stop yourself from spilling all the hot goss), sticking around because he finds your rambling and childishness cute and enjoys riling you up, and gradually falling in love with your deeply empathetic nature. For whatever reason I don’t see Kaeya being super into metal (though he’ll listen to it and go to shows with you, like a good bf), but I could see him being an extremely troll-y true crime fan.
K is for Kiss
Okay, I’m undoubtedly biased because he’s my favorite, but there’s no way he’s not an amazing kisser, right? Very seductive and playful, perfectly smooth lips, just the right amount of tongue, and he’s also great at using his hands. Like, suggestively rubbing your waist (not too high or low ofc, he’s an honorable Knight of Favonius after all), or maybe trailing a chilly fingertip down the side of your neck. If his kissing technique has a flaw, it’s that he can be a little lacking in genuine passion. But be patient with him, it’s just hard for him to express his true feelings sometimes.
L is for Love Confession
This would be very difficult for Kaeya I think. Like you, he’s used to keeping his emotions locked up tight, but he almost never loses control of them - at least, not where anyone else can see. He has a lot of trauma around losing or being left by people he loves - his bio dad, his adopted dad, his adopted brother, to name a few. There’s also his heavy responsibilities as cavalry captain (/basically one-man FBI of Mondstadt), the looming threat of Khaenri’ah (and what side he’ll choose when that goes down), just so many justifications for keeping you at arm's length. He’ll only confess when it seems like he’s in danger of losing you, and even then part of you may worry he’s just telling you what you want to hear, but he means it.
O is for On Cloud Nine
To most people in Mondstadt Kaeya in love is almost identical to his usual charming self. But you know the three people who notice the biggest change? Venti, Rosaria, and Diluc. Kaeya still spends most of his evenings hanging out in Angel’s Share - that’s actually for work as much as for fun - but he gets drunk less often and rarely stays until closing time now that he has someone to go home to. Diluc thanks you for influencing Kaeya to be a less obnoxious customer (but secretly it’s for making his brother happy 🥲).
Congrats anon, and as a diehard Kaeya simp I hope you’re happy with the result! 😉
For others who may be reading, I’m not taking matchup requests right now, but I do take requests for HCs and drabbles. Please check out my pinned post for more info.
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
no clue if youre open for requests or matchups but!! hey if possible can i get a matchup?
im 5'2/5'3, im whiter than white, i have like medium length (think ted from bill and ted) dark brown hair that i tried dying black but its just gone brown. i use he/him and im a gay trans man, i dont know if it matters but i dont plan on getting bottom surgery.
im quite social but consider myself an introvert, like im not afraid to complement someone but i do enjoy my time alone. im very loud with little voice/noise control when talking; especially when its something i enjoy. im autistic so i dont get sarcasm and find that i take things very personally. i love args and online horror, a huge fan of homestuck and i really like movies more than tv shows. im kinda really emotional bc i feel things really deeply so if im sad I'll probably cry or I'll be really mad abt little things. im extremely affectionate and at any chance i get i will hug/sit like shoulder to shoulder with someone. im really assertive with my thoughts and if i dont like or hate something, everyone will know. also into shoplifting.
i love halloween (the holiday) and if i ever got a house it would probably look halloweenish all year round.
im a hard bottom i dont think i could ever top tbh, really submissive, im into primal, biting, really into bondage, i love praise but praise and degrading at the same time is really cool.
I paired you up with...
♡Jesse Cromeans♡
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Mr baldy man here is your man 100%. Mate compensates that shiny bowling ball with all his charm and love.
Initially I thought about giving you Asa but I feel like he's too mean. Jesse may seem mean but he's certainly not, he's just a very calm and collected person when interacting with others. He loves his time alone too and would actually appreciate you enjoy being by yourself sometimes cause with how much he travels it would be really difficult for him to be there for too long.
I've seen some many people being mean to others , autistic and not, who have your same type of excitement over things so be assured he would never do that to you. He loves to hear you rant about the things you like and he will remember little details that show you he was in fact listening the whole time. You will surely end up making him like more than one thing if you keep being so passionate about it
He would always be careful to choose his words wisely to prevent to hurt your feelings. Like he may not seem like it but he hates to be seen as mean by the people he loves, he would never want you to feel likes he's laughing at you ecc and if he accidentally does he will always say sorry as fast as you make him notice.
Good thing you love horror cause this man's job is basically all around it, and he would always ask you for opinions on how to make things more gory or scary. He wants your input and he values your ideas so much so don't be afraid to tell him!
He will never make you feel bad about your emotions, as i said he would rather say sorry than making you feel bad. He will always be there during bad times if you need him tho
Please this man would smother you in affection, everytime he gets the opportunity he's always showering you with love. His favourite displays of affection are having you sitting on his lap, holding hands and letting you play with his hands
He actually likes you're so straightforward with what you like and not and that you make sure other people knows about it cause it makes it so much easier for him to know what to do and what not around you instead of guessing and unknowingly making you mad
Bro would decorate the house as you like, he would never say no to you. Like he just hands you the money and tells you to go crazy with it, he doesn't even questions it. If you're happy then he is too, the rest doesn't matter
About the last part 👀👀 im just gonna say this, he really really likes you. Like perfect match for real broski
Hoped you liked it!! Im sorry for taking so long mate
Song recommendation for this matchup!
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cubedmango · 2 years
i have not had time yet to sit down and rewatch the final episode to write comprehensive thoughts but i did absolutely need to tell u i looked at the endings songs lyrics like right before work and i was just like. on the floor. in so much pain. I CAN SEE WHY U LEFT IT TO THE END BC IT HITS SO HARD.... LIKE WHAT ARE THE LYRICS SO SWEET FOR??? my god like first we have "like, say, its cold out but your smile is all warm" IM SICK!!! MY HEARTS SO WARM HEARING THAT... ADACHIS SMILE IS HIS WARMTH...
AUGH YEAH literally at first i wasnt gonna translate the song bc i wasnt sure if i could do it well but i had to do it anyway for ep4 so i did the whole song and let me tell u . the experience of reading those original lyrics and Finally Getting What They Really Mean Was . Something Else I Swear ..... then i jst knew i had to post it after ep13 so it would Hit Hard for everyone else too 😔 (putting the rest of ur asks under the cut for length akfjkdsf)
2/ "every chance comes after endless waiting" im just remembering how live action drama kurosawa was in love with adachi for like 7 years or some crap and like ok im normal totally ... "want to muster courage, hold your hand just once" IM SO. IM SOOO NORMAL ABOUT THESE LINES... its such a simple request and yet it means the absolute world... and the way both of them sang the line... and im just. i remembering ur headcanon how adachi thought he may had only one last time to hold kurosawas hand
THE SEVEN YEARS DONT REMIND ME GOD !!!!!!!!! now ur making me think of the song in la drama kurodachi context w kurosawas Extended yearning and domestic dreams and .hhrhf . .jj jhwhejhjj !! kdjdhvk, jfh (<- having a very normal one)
why would u hurt me w my own hc Hey Hello . Ouch????? when they just wanna hold hands? ???? ???? (curls up and cries)
3/ "let the world lend me to you and bare its heart" ITS SO PRETTY?? IDK SOMETHING ABOUT HOW THEY LIKE PERSONIFY THE WORLD IS JUST VERY GORGEOUS TO ME.... "your throne's made of plenty love and praises / riches in form of many's first love / yet how's it that you hoard all that love just for me" how. how did you survive this. im on the floor. was thinking abt this all day. I GET IT U GUYS ARE IN LOVE KUROSAWAS ABSOLUTE DEVOTION TO ADACHI. just how his whole heart his everything goes to his love
YEAAHH the world as a metaphor for love and acceptance is [chefs kiss] So Good
i did not survive it i think abt those lines All the time ....... i did tweak them a liiitle bit in favor of matching the og syllable count (and creative liberty) but i hope i got the same idea across????? anyways kurosawa having so many ppls (superficial) love yet he keeps all of his love for adachi only no matter if it got reciprocated or not bc adachi saw past his perfection and Saw Him As A Goddam Person . they make me so sick in the head help
4/ "wait to meet me at the crossroads of life" i rlly like how kurosawas the one singing this line?? bc usually it's kurosawa doing the "waiting" until adachis is ready but this time hes calling out to him to wait for him? and im just? i have to lie down?? like this is not ok??? "though the world never once kissed my forehead" makes my heart hurt and "you still have me going on my tiptoes" i think of the cover art where he is on his tiptoes to kiss kurosawa i think and im just :>
SO TRUEEE when both of them wait for each other and they walk forward together ....... i cant express emotions in words anymore i need crycat pics
oh god speaking of the cover art kiss ive been meaning to draw that ep13 scene w adachi on his tippy toes for the longest fucking time i just. my face gets so red when i make any ship content beyond like holding hands so u can imagine the kind of stress im under . also kisses are inherently a bitch to draw i hate them !!!!! still gonna keep trying tho
5/ "if the world doesn't bare its heart to your eyes / then please let me hold your hand for it instead" IM JUST. THE HAND HOLDING. THEY JUST WANT TO HOLD HANDS.... and again i still think the whole thing abt the world is so pretty you know? ok ok and now where im tooootally ok and fine but "i long to sleep with you on one pillow / fall into shared dreams as i turn around / at the time please dont break them at bedside" THE DOMESTIC IMAGE? JUST WANTING TO BE TOGETHER IN SUCH A WAY? LIKE HEY????
thinks abt kurodachi having each other no matter what happens in their lives. holding hands despite it all. explodes
i dont remember what number i was on bc reacting to that last line just made me go through all the emotions again IM JUST. SOOOOO. how can such a small and simple request mean the world... mean the future... mean so much... i want them to enjoy such peaceful days forever and always and be in love till the end of time!!!! ok finally "a dream most sweet is that your smile is all warm" im on the floor. destroyed. thank you so much for these translations!!! I TRULY APPRECIATE IT I HAVE TO LAY DOWN
i am wishing rd kurodachi a very I Hope They Are Living Their Best And Happiest Lives Together And Forever (remembers manga vol 6-9 plots theyd hypothetically also go through) oh god oh fuck- (remembers vol 10 plot theyd hypothetically go through) OH WAIT-
LIES DOWN ALSO sorry abt the destroying i had no choice i was compelled by a dark force into writing that line . and again ty for yelling abt the sons w me im excited for ur ep13 rewatch asks kdjsfkjs
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datingdonovan · 3 years
hq boys falling for a manic pixie dream person
in which you are the manic pixie dream.
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inspo: I was listening to Portland by Bowling Shoes while cleaning
a/n: so this is the manic pixie dream person as in like, 500 Days of Summer and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. aka like, kinda sad story, emotionally unstable, and not that romanticized. leaves a lot. lol. I'd elaborate on my thoughts about mpdp tropes but this intro is already long so uhh send me an ask if you want to hear bc I could truly go on lol.
length: ~2k
warnings: yeah i wont lie this went to way darker places than i wanted it to and it became a lot about the manic pixie dream trope and relationships in general as a performance hahahhaa soooo this has real life angst along with the fluff. some scenarios work out and some don’t. sorry to be too honest. im literally becoming the ceo of emotionally damaged reader i dont know what else people expect. anyways off to the races.
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shockingly matches your energy. I mean this man is down to do anything, anywhere, anytime. you say the word and he’s there. starts asking to pick YOU up for random trips in the middle of the night and signing YOU up for couples kickboxing classes, and you bite your lip every time he calls you at 2:55am, not believing you found someone who can keep up with you but simultaneously scared you might be falling a little too hard. one night, he drops you off at your door, and you know the tables have turned too far. all of a sudden, he’s holding your hands and asking you to move in with him and your heart is in your throat knowing you just can’t. this is fun, but that’s closer than you ever really want to be.
➽➽➽hinata, atsumu, bokuto, lev, goshiki, noya, tanaka
same energy match as the above but bonus points because he’s so aware of what you’re doing. he does it to the people he chases, too, probably more than he’d like to admit, and with the two of you together, it’s gonna be mind games to the finish to see who falls in love first. real twin flame type of deal because you both sort of know you’ve met your match, and maybe if even one of you could just let down your walls, you’d find that it’s really something special to be together with someone else who is as smart, wacky, interesting, bold, and shockingly blunt as you. this one’s open ended. are you gonna take that chance or not? and even if you do, is he gonna be open enough to reciprocate? or will he just shut you down like he does everyone else?
➽➽➽TERUSHIMA!!!! I WILL SCREAM IT FROM THE TOP OF MY LUNGS TERUSHIMA!!!! (i’m sorry but who else is thinking about @applepiekyuu’s fics??? I can’t help but believe he would do this bc of the way gwen writes him!!! she writes my fave terushima ever), also feel like this could be tendou, with walls up and a sort of snarky calculated way that he goes about relationships
finds it really refreshing to be with someone who’s flippant with him, who doesn’t see him as some bigshot like all of his fans. it’s not as much about your antics. the relationship is more marked by the fact that you could care less about how what you do affects him, and somewhere in the back of his head is a little voice telling him that’s not a good sign, but it’s drawing him in like nobody else has in so long. it’s like falling in slow motion. he can see every red flag and every time you hold your real self back from him and he just ignores each one, knowing exactly where this is heading. Im thinking on the way down except you don’t catch him and he does fall right thru. wow this is actually maybe the saddest one because he sees the whole thing happening and just has this stupid hope that maybe it’s not gonna end that way, maybe he can change you, maybe he can really get you to you like him enough to make you stay.
➽➽➽OIKAWA. I know he’s the only one but im just getting EXTREMELy strong vibes thats all
isn’t phased by you. for whatever reason this man is a stone cold chiller. he’s really relaxed and down to earth and honestly finds your little act kind of weird and intriguing, but in a mostly disinterested way. sure he’s into you but he’s not swept up in the manic pixie hype. Im getting vibes of him just sitting on the couch doing something else while youre actively trying to show off for him or seduce him or whatever and he’s just. i guess it’s not that he’s not impressed but it’s that he’s not really interested in your trying to impress him. he’s like… what are you doing you weirdo. just come sit with me. you’re probably totally weirded out by this bc it’s sort of the opposite of above—rather than you not being starstruck by him, he’s not starstruck by you, which is something you really don’t experience a lot and have trouble figuring out how to handle. and i think how this ends really is in how you handle it. are you gonna exit stage left the second you realize he’s not swept up in your allure or are you gonna end up chilling right there next to him and finally letting your guard down? news flash i think this man could literally change your life if you allowed him to chill you out and give you a no judgement space to be your real self
➽➽➽MATTSUN, makki, semi, aran, fukunaga, iwaizumi. maybe Osamu??
tries really hard to pretend he’s not into it, but you’re pushing all the right buttons and he’s like, the perfect candidate for this type of thing. kinda sulky or uninterested or tsundere or sadboi whatever he is or whatever you want to call him he is SO into it. I feel like ive truly read countless fics about these guys doing exactly this already like the classic picking up your phone call in the middle of the night and really trying to be angry but just feeling so excited to hear your voice no matter what stupid thing you’re asking him to do. over the course of you nagging him and teasing him and forcing him out of his comfort zone, he goes from glares to smirks to soft smiles to actually enjoying the out of pocket adventures you take him on. but i think for you this is about you intriguing him, you going out of your way for him, you wanting to unlock him, and he’s just basking in that glow, always the one being let out of his shell without much give and take between you. when you leave, it’s abrupt, and it’s because you’ve had your fun transforming him, but he’s still no match for your chaos, and you need to find someone who can bring that energy to the relationship, who can entertain you sometimes, instead of it always being the other way around. and honestly, in the aftermath, i dont think you helped him as much as you thought you did, because maybe all he learned from this experience was not to let anybody in like that again.
➽➽➽TSUKISHIMA, yahaba (ok i know he seems out of left field but i can see him being like cocky and unamused and just… breaking down into a simp omg), SUNA, kenma, kyoutani omg, kunimi, sakusa, maaaaaybe kageyama if you could somehow get him interested in the first place hahahaha
falling way too hard. these are the ones you really probably wouldn’t expect to enjoy the manic pixie thing but oh man i am gonna speak from personal experience on this one guys like this they just let their guard down waaaaaay too much. they’re really fairly stoic and sort of intense decision makers in everyday life, but when they’re alone with you, that all just goes straight out the window. you’re such bad news but they just dont see it coming at all. they’re so distracted and SO enamored with every wild idea you suggest, and they’re sort of also scared out of their minds, but they’re on top of the world like they never have been before when they’re with you, and maybe most of all they just don’t want to lose you. of course, they inevitably get to the point of wanting to settle down with you. how could they not? you seem like the perfect person! but when that hint of commitment starts rearing its head you just become a totally different person. like omg have you seen Gone Girl??? where the whole thing is sort of the guys being like, where did that sweet sexy person go? I thought you would always be like that??? and the love interest is like… um… the act is part of the fun of it all. but eventually it ends. this was truly something but im not in it for the long haul. sayonara suckers
➽➽➽DAICHI, YAKU, weirdly getting daishou vibes here hahaha, hoshiumi and kindaichi maybe too?? SHIRABU. UKAI JR. ushijima, aone
ok i personally love this one. he’ll admit it. whatever you’re doing is very sexy, and he’s endlessly intrigued by you, but he’s no dummy. he knows you can’t really be like this all the time and he so badly wants to figure you out. this one really verges on sort of a protector role, like he can see the way you’re bending over backwards to be this exciting person and he doesn’t understand why. studies you when you’re not watching, trying to get a sense of what you’re actually like. and the worst part is that he really likes what he sees. you’re attractive, and fun, and you carry yourself with a real confidence and self-assurance when you’re not so concerned about how you’re being perceived. he wants to show you that you can be you around him, and he’d like that person just as much if not more than the persona you put on when you know he’s watching. and it’s so hard because he has to be so careful about it. he kind of agonizes over it. he wants to know you for real, and love you for real, and understand what makes you act this way, and handle all the baggage that comes with it. together. but if he oversteps or changes his demeanor for even a second, he knows you’ll pick up on it and disappear. please don’t disappear. please let him be there. I swear those moments with him would change you.
➽➽➽SUGA, ennoshita, kuroo, kita, AKAASHI, HIRUGAMI, im also putting yamaguchi ikejiri and asahi in this group with the caveat that they’d have to be emotionally mature and have the bandwidth for it bc honestly i think they have enough emotional issues of their own lol. finally this is out of left field but koganegawa. he gives me very strong vibes of someone who would want his partner to be totally at ease and themself, and i think he would be in the hyper excited category until he suddenly one day realizes how one-sided the relationship is and he’s like wait… the vibes are off... and investigates...
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taehyungsgrowl · 3 years
omg pleaseee do an nsfw or sfw alphabet for xavier
hi babie :')
ofc! i feel like i hardly write anything for xav 🥺
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
i think aftercare w xavier looks a lot like him pulling you close... letting you rest your head on his chest and just having him hold you for as long as you like... sometimes talking... sometimes dozing in and out of sleepy kisses... sometimes getting a little high... soft and hazy...
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
xavier's favorite body part on their partner would be their legs/thighs. he's the kinda bf that loves to lay on top of or in between his partners thighs. especially being a dance instructor, he's learned to uh really appreciate a good pair.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
oh! i've for sure talked about this before, but mr. plympton is definitely into some cum play. i think specifically because i dont think breeding k!nk would be his thing... so like... pulling out and covering you in his cum would be so hot to him
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
hmm.. i think.. canonically... his secret would have to do with the porn videos he made but thats getting angsty so uh... i think he has a habit of hooking up with some of his aerobics students in the locker rooms - he likes the rush of the threat of being caught. word kinda gets around and more people sign up for the after class special than the actual classes...
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
you on top!!! absolutely loves it when you rise him. especially on a lazy morning just slow and steady... would have his hands propping his head up... just watching as you work yourself on his cock
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
this was is an obvious one - xav is honestly a big clown... honk!honk! almost to a fault... sometimes doesnt catch on to when he should be serious... but never fails to make you smile! even during sex. giggly... touchy... clumsy sex with him is a frequent occurence
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
i feel like he would keep things pretty tidy down there not too sure what was "in" in the 80s but i do think he'd keep it well maintained lmfao
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
i think w his long term partner he'd be really intimate... soft kisses... holding their hand... almost a little gentle. i dont think that is always that case w his hookups though - intimacy is reserved for his special person
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
xav loves some mutal masturbation - hear me out: he thinks he's clever and found a "loophole" in margrets "no sex" rule (although we know he has no intention on following it! but im imagining him sneaking into your cabin or pulling you into the showers... gets you all hot and bothered and guides you as you both masturbate... he'd be like, "we're technically not making purple... yet.."
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
he's into some roleplay in the bedroom and you cant convince he otherwise - and you've definitely taken it out of the bedroom too
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
idk about his "favorite" but it might be the most common (which i guess by default is a favorite) but his van! if he doesnt take you out in the back of the van, he'd sliding his seat back and asking you to ride him right on the front seat.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
he likes knowing you want him. doesnt always have to be begging (although that does really get him going too) but just like... letting him know how much he's turned you on... telling him what you want him to do with you = he's in love
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
he's really not into daddy kink (or mommy kink) -bad taste in his mouth from blake :/ but even without that, just not really his vibe
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
receiving! not to say he wouldn't be into giving it as well, but... with just a promise of going down on him - he'd do anything.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
it really depends with xavier because he can give you both - and he can do both really well. like i said earlier, he loves when you ride him all nice and slow - but can definitely show you something a little.. rougher. no one gives switch vibes like xavier
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
omfg loves a little quickie in the van or in the dance studio! probably more often than not!!
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
loves having the risk of being caught. as far as other "risks" he takes... it would be more dependent on what you ask of him. always down to try things you suggest but doesnt always suggest "risks" himself
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
hehe idk but i love the thought of desperate and whining xav that... finishes too soon because he cant handle much more of your teasing
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
xavier said pegging rights! so he'd let his partner use toys on him. i also think he'd be open to using toys on his partner too...
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he isn't the best at folling through w his teasing because he gets sooo needy and gives in + he's a little too impulsive to really drag it out.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
lots of sounds! not a ton of dirty talk but thats because he gets soo blissed out all he can focus on is how good you make him feel - which results in lots of pretty moans and groaning
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
i know we give dunc a lot of credit for best ass (of the cody boys) but you cant tell me aerobics intructor xav doesnt have a nice booty
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
im gonna say he's got a good 7 inches going on. not super thick but has good length
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
xavier is horny on main. i think he has a pretty high sex drive (hence the result of a lot of quickies)
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
surprisngly, doesnt fall asleep right after! he's too high strung to fall asleep right after lmfao
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mizunetzu · 4 years
Can you do Daichi x male reader where Daichi asks his boyfriend to come over to meet his team and he forgets and goes home so Daichi give him a call and is like "where you at?" "I cant come I look like a clown." "I bet you dont look that bad." "No you dont get it im in full drag." So his boyfriend comes to the gym in full drag, booby and butt pads, and monster heels, and when he walked in it's like Kags that recognizes him as his drag name.
Daichi x reader - DRAG QUEEN?!
⚠️warnings - drag queen, college first year reader x high school 3rd year (if that’s even a warning skdjd)
Pronouns- male, he/him
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Daichi said it on impulse, really.
“Do you guys...wanna meet my boyfriend?”
Everyone in the gym stopped. They were in middle of a practice match between themselves, and just when Yamaguchi was about to serve, he choked on air and missed the ball completely. The ball flew in the air, before landing somewhere near his feet.
Everyone stared at Daichi with a variety of expressions. Some shocked, some looking at him like he ‘said I’m gonna chop my dick off,’ and some who didn’t even care. (Tsukishima, obviously.) Ukai had to call timeout, since no one could focus after what Daichi blurted out.
Suga chuckled awkwardly, slinging a towel over his shoulders. “So uh, ahaha, your um...gay...?” His voice progressively died down into a whisper.
“Yeah. Is...that’s a problem?”
“No! No! I fully support y-“
“AND YOU CHOSE NOW TO TELL US? DUDE, WE COULD’VE LIKE, THROWN YOU A COMING-OUT PARTY!” Tanaka shook his captaincy the shoulders, while Noya squirted water into his mouth with his squeeze bottle.
“Well I don’t really mind, I’m already out, I was just asking if you wanted to meet him.”
“DO WE?! OF COURSE WE DO! DOES HE PLAY VOLLEYBALL?! DO YOU THINK HE COULD JOIN THE TEAM?!” Hinata jumped up and down, slowly inching is way towards Daichi with an awestruck look on his face. He’s rather surprised Hinata isn’t more shocked.
“Yeah. Uh-no, sorry. He doesn’t play.” Daichi chuckled, patting an excited looking hinata on the head. “I don’t think he has work tomorrow, so tomorrow’s really the only time he can come to practice.”
“Work?” Asahi looked up from the towel he was using to wipe off his sweat. “How old is he? Is he a third year?”
“He’s a first year in college. Actually-I think he goes to the college in Sendai.”
Asahi exhaled. It would’ve been weird if someone as young as a highschooler were to already be working, when the could be enjoying their time in classes or clubs. “Where does he work?”
Flashbacks of all the drag shows and money being thrown around a stage whipped across Daichis mind like a slap to the face. He’s sure the team wouldn’t mind, especially because they already don’t mind him having a boyfriend, but he isn’t sure if (Y/n) was ok with him telling his team he was a...y’know.
“...I’m not sure?”
“Oh-hello Daikkun! How was practice today?” (Y/n) opened the passenger seat to his door, waiting for him to step inside. Sometimes he liked to pick him up from school before he had to get in makeup for a night show. That didn’t stop him from doing a little bit of eyeliner, though.
“It was nice. I told them they could meet you soon. The team.”
“Yeah, you don’t have any shows tomorrow, right? I kind of told them tomorrow.” Daichi scrubbed at the back of his neck, while (y/n) started up his car. “I know you’ve wanted to meet them.”
“You bet your ass! Well-I mean I have a show at like 2 am but that doesn’t matter. What time can I come? Are they nice? Didn’t you say there was one who was really short but could jump as high as me in stilettos?”
“Oi-! Focus on the road!”
“Sorry, sorry! I’m just excited. Anyways! Can you come to my show tonight? I’ll sneak you in.”
“Every time I go to one of your drag shows I get scared someone will kick me out since I’m 17.”
“Dude, have you seen yourself?!” (Y/n) gestures over to Daichi, putting emphasis on his thigh-region. “You’re big and muscly enough to at least pass as 18. It’s just a one year difference, when’s your birthday again?”
“I can’t believe you forgot, I’m hurt.” Daichi chuckled, fiddling with his backpack straps on his lap. “Besides, doesn’t your show run kind of late today? I don’t get to choose when to take my classes like you, (L/n). And I have morning practice, so I need to sleep.”
“You’re no fun, Daikkun.”
“Yeah, yeah, My house is over there.”
(Y/n) scrolled through his phone for the nth time that day. Fanning himself dramatically, he huffed and buried his face into his pillow. There was nothing to do today, and since he took morning classes, that left him with the rest of the afternoon to ponder, before working at night.
Was there something to do today? Was he forgetting something? He felt like he was, but he couldn’t quite place his finger on it.
He glanced guilty at a tube of light pink lip gloss tossed haphazardly on his desk. A light bulb went off in his head.
Hastily throwing his covers off his body, (y/n) dragged himself over to his closet, grabbing the lip gloss in the process. He shuffled through hangers of clothes, finally pulling out a girls uniform he bought from when he was in high school. He never wore it to school, choosing to wear the boys uniform, but he thought it’d be nice to have when he was feeling fruity.
Slipping on the skirt and cardigan, he walked over to his desk mirror. He unscrewed the wand from the tube of lip gloss, tentatively applying it generously to his lips. He shrugged. He figured he could do some more makeup. It’s not like he’s busy today, right?
Carefully winging the tip of his eyeliner, he took a step back and admired himself in the mirror. He looked cute, yeah, but cute wasn’t really his style. It screamed ‘cute femboy’ rather than his usual ‘sexy ass drag queen dominatrix who could step on you with their sharp ass knife heels’
Damn. He was really about to go all out, huh? Time to bring out the butt pads and fake boobs.
Sighing contently in front of the mirror, (y/n) did a little spin, puffing out the length of his dress. Damn, he was hot. And with his impossibly high monster heels? Take me now.
(Y/n) was in the midst of taking a couple cute selfies in front of his full length mirror, when his screen went grey and a caller ID appeared.
‘Incoming call - Daikkun!! <3’
(Y/n) smiled unconsciously and clicked the bright green button with his thumb. He brought his phone to his ear and twirled a piece of his faux wig with his finger.
“Hi Daikkun! Did you need something, cutie?”
“Are you still coming over?” Daichis voice was hushed, and the slam of volleyballs rang though his speaker.
“Uh-what for?”
“To meet my team? Where are you?”
(Y/n) paled as he eyed himself in the mirror. He couldn’t show up looking like that. And it was too much to take off before Daichis practice ended. This was the only time he had to meet this team Daichi had always been talking about, and he’d completely forgot.
“...I can’t, I look like a clown.” (Y/n’s) voice came out a hoarse, nervous-chuckly whisper. He could taste the expensive red lipstick sitting on his lips.
“I’m sure you don’t look that bad.”
“Dude no, you don’t understand.” (Y/n) picked at the hem of his dress, the silicone boobs suddenly squeezing his chest a bit too tightly. “I’m in full drag.”
A silence rang out from both sides of the line. Daichi awkwardly chuckled.
“Ahaha uh-didn’t you say you didn’t have work today?”
“No! No I-I don’t have work til like-later later but like-I got bored and I forgot I was gonna meet your team today...sorry-“
“Well I’m sure they won’t mind if you show up in drag. I mean-they seemed pretty ok with knowing we’re a thing so...?”
(Y/n) gulped.
“...I guess I’ll see you in ten minutes then.”
“Good work everyone!”
Ukai dismissed the players, leaving them to start rolling up the net and cleaning up the gym. Sugawara jogged up to the captain, dragging his mop lazily behind him.
“You said your boyfriend was gonna come today, right? Where is he?”
“Uh,” Daichi checked his wrist, before realizing he didn’t have a watch and fished out his phone. “He should be here any minute now-“
Just in time, the doors to the gym creaked open. Daichi smiled, leaving Suga to trail behind him curiously. He reached for the door handle, giving it a firm pull.
In stepped a boy with a long synthetic wig on, and heels that made him tower over Daichi easily. The sharp platforms of his heels clicked with each step he took, jewelry and accessories also bobbing up and down. And not to mention the ‘bobbling’ the silicone boobs made. Jeez, even if they were fake, they did still jiggle a hell of a lot.
(Y/n) bent down daintily, pressing a kiss onto Daichi’s cheek. Lipstick smeared on his sweaty cheek, leaving a dark imprint on the side of his face. (Y/n) seemed to finally take notice of all the astonished stares directed at him.
Should he A, stand beside his boyfriend awkwardly and pick at the loose thread of his dress or B, put on his confident drag persona and play it off?
He chose B.
(Y/n) smirked and leaned on on of his feet, placing a hand on his hip. “What? Like what you see, boys? I’m afraid I’m already taken, though.”
Fuck. Fuck fuck. Fuck. Even with the confident display, (y/n) couldn’t help but stay somewhat behind Daichi, trying to shrink behind his 10 inch heels.
Immediately, a bald guy and a kid with a bleached strip on the front of his head erupted into excitement.
“Yo! Sick dress, dude!”
The atmosphere lightened up tremendously. (Y/n) let go of a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
“Well thank you, Mr. Bleach strip.”
The bald one, who introduced himself as ‘Tanaka’, slapped Daichi on the back. “Dude! What’s with all the surprises?! You tell us you have a boyfriend but you didn’t tell us he was a drag queen?!”
“I-to be honest I didn’t know he was in drag today-I didn’t know he had work.”
The closet door opened, with Hinata and Kageyama walking out from placing the net inside. Hinata gasped excitedly, while Kageyama froze. Hinata practically bolted towards the unknown person wearing heels and jumped up to his height. (Y/n) choked on air. This kid practically flew at him.
“Wow! Are you one of those ‘drag queens’ I see on tv sometimes?! Cool! That’s so cool! I-“
Hinatas throat closed up, along with (y/n) after hearing his stage name being called out so...dramatically. The boy continued.
Kageyamas booming voice rang through the gym as he pointed at (y/n) with wide eyes. Everyone’s gaze went from (y/n) to Kageyama, who was frozen in place. Even (y/n) was a tad bit confused.
The club he worked at recently had a special done on TV, and (y/n) was only in the background. He didn’t know how this...boy recognized him from that, or why he was even watching the drag special on that show in the first place.
“...yeah...yeah I am,” (y/n) smiled awkwardly and a boy with blond hair and glasses chuckled from somewhere in the gym.
The boy, with another guy with dark-green hair, walked out from the storage closet aswell. “Who knew the king was into that kind of stuff? Drag queens? No disrespect, ma’am-sir.”
Kageyama seemed to unfreeze just to glare at Tsukishima with a flushed face. “I-IM NOT! MY STUPID SISTERS JUST A BIG FAN, IS ALL!“
Kageyama turned to (y/n), and marched scarily fast towards him. He stopped abruptly and bowed his head so far it made (y/n) take a step back.
“M-MAY I HAVE AN AUTOGRAPH FOR MY SISTER?! AN-AND MAYBE A PHOTO TOO?!” Kageyama stiffly held his arms to his sides as he kept his head down. Small chuckles and snorts sounded from all around the gym, (y/n) even joining in and patting the black haired boys head.
“Sure thing, doll.”
“Your team was nicer than I thought.”
Daichi looked up questionably, fastening his seatbelt. (Y/n) started up his car. “What do you mean, nicer?”
“Well-I thought they were gonna be a bunch of meatheads banging their heads together. They’re actually more interesting than I thought they were going to be. Especially that Kageyama guy.”
Daichi smiled contently. “I’m glad you like them, then.”
A comfortable silence breezed by them, the only sounds audible being the hum of the car engine and the soft tapping of Daichis nails against the armrest. Daichi stole a glance at (y/n). His wig was discarded, placed neatly on the backseat with the wig cap and hairpins resting underneath it, and his hair was slightly damp and messy due to being constricted. His lipstick was a bit smeared from when he kissed him on the cheek, and droplets of sweat gathered near his hairline.
Daichi set his fingers lightly on the spot where the lipstick mark sat, caressing it softly so the lipstick wouldn’t smear more that it already has. He exhaled softly and shifted his gaze back down. He wouldn’t mind if he came to his practice again.
“...so wanna come to my show tonight, Daikkun?”
“It’s at 2am, no.”
Kageyama: miwa.
Kageyama: MIWA.
Miwa sighed and checked her phone, sliently scolding her brother for bothering her. She stretched and rubbed her eyes. She swore, if Tobio wanted a ride home from practice...
Miwa: mm
Kageyama: -photo sent-
Miwa: DUDE
Kageyama: -photo sent-
Kageyama: apparently he’s dating my captain
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jeankirstein4ever · 3 years
hihi i hope you're doing well! can i get a matchup the gender doesnt really matter. i use he/they prns btw.
personality categories (idk what to call them) scorpio, intp 5w4, chaotic neutral, and my hogwarts house is slytherin if that matters.
Im a pretty introverted person and will only talk to ppl that i am friends with, even then if we arent really good friends i still wont talk to you unless you spark conversation because i dont like bothering ppl. My sense of humor is mostly sarcastic and dirty. Im also mean as a joke but, i only am to ppl i know who are comfortable with it bc i dont want ppl to genuinely be hurt by anything i say (making ppl uncomfortable/annoyed is my worst fear ngl). i have random burst of energy which usually makes me rant about literally any topic i can come up with. some bad things about my personality tho is i do have a lot of self doubt. its not that i hate myself i just believe that ill never live up to other ppls expectations. its also hard for me to believe someone actually enjoys my presence.
some of my hobbies are dancing, watching anime, gaming, and watching random science vids that pop up on my youtube recommended.
I look for humor and intelligence in a partner. especially humor because i dont take things seriously unless its something im interested in or its a serious issue. also intelligence because i like ranting about things and getting good feedback and thought provoking responses/questions whether the topic is serious or not, and understanding because i will admit im not the easiest person to be with.
my love language is mostly physical touch
im black, 5'3, have short ear length hair (i keep them it in mini twist), im curvy, have sharper features on my face, and have dark skin
random stuff: my fav music genres are alternative rock, rap, hyper pop, r&b, and kpop. my current favorite song is Pretty little birds by SZA and not allowed by TV girl. i also used to do ballet and i love it so much
Aot Matchups
A/n I love these so much, thank you for your ask
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I match you with Levi
Levi and you are an all or nothing relationship, the second you two start dating it's all-consuming and absolutely everything
Levi was never one for affection of any kind let alone physical but when you sat down and talked about the things that made you feel loved he made sure to try and incorporate physical affection even in the smallest forms.
After a little while into your guys relationship when you started getting a bit more comfortable you started giving him little kisses on the forehead which he loved more than anything else in the world.
Before missions he would always pull you aside into his office before hugging your for dear life while muttering sweet nothings in your ear, “I love you, you know that right? You mean the world to me, if anything happens I need you to know that.”
When you got injured on a mission, he lost all self-control, this man is a killing machine on a good day but when he thought you were gone the world deserved to burn. Every titan he came across was slaughtered in a matter of seconds.
On the other hand when he found out you were fine, he fucking broke “I thought you were dead, I-I thought I lost you.”
“Baby, you're never losing me”
PET NAMES, this man will fucking die if you call him “baby” or “honey” he loves it so much.
Levi doesn't like PDA in the slightest but if someone tries to get a little too flirty like Petra (sorry Petra) he will purposely kiss you or wrap his arm around your waist In front of them as long as your comfortable with it.
He loves your dirty jokes, even if they're not the best it'll still earn a grin maybe even a chuckle.
YOUR HAIR, he loves it so much. I can't emphasize how much he loves your hair, it's one of his favorite things about you.
He adores your laugh, the first time her heard it was after his own attempt at a dirty joke causing you to spend a solid five minutes laughing your ass off.
He thought it sounded angelic
Mood board:
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Playlist :
Love song - The Cure
This side of paradise - Coyote Theory
Hate Yourself - TV Girl
When Am I Gonna Lose You - Local Natives
Corduroy Dreams - Rex Orange County
July - Sir Chloe
Always Forever - Cults
Sanctuary - Joji
Alrighty Aphrodite - Peach pit
3005 - Childish Gambino
Love Letter :
Darling, I love you. I cant say enough , nor can I ever get tired of you saying the same. You loved me, I am loved. By you of all people, wonderful angelic you. In case I don't get a chance to tell you this, or in case I don't say it before we leave, you're my everything, all I've ever needed or wanted. I plan on marrying you , maybe not right now but soon. There's a ring in my office drawer, I almost proposed last night. I'm worried that I m moving to fast and somehow every time I get worried, you find a way to reassure me that I'm not. Just as I will always do for you. I don't know if you remember this but the first night you stayed in my room you fell asleep muttering "please don't leave me." Darling there is nothing in this world that could separate me from you. I am with you always and forever.
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grayfilmsandstuff · 3 years
Meowdy pawdner could I get one fresh madcom matchup? Only platonic tho cause of mad trust issues and being called a “best friend” makes me go 👉👈.
I’m a 19 yr old trans guy who’s 4’11” ft tall and gets mistaken for a 15 yr old all the time. :( In terms of race I’m mixed (Cuban/Jamaican), with hair that's shoulder length and corkscrew. I’m really pale (vitiligo doesn’t help) bc I don’t go outside that often /v/;; I’ve got brown eyes, wear glasses, & have freckles!
I’m very stubborn and my scale of emotion is kinda janked to being annoyed for me looks explosive to others. I’m an artist that likes to use a lot of vibrant colors & I’ve been told I’m so expressive to the point of theatrics.(despite wearing only black because it’s my fav color) I also have autism, some depresso, etc heavier stuff! I like to ramble about funeral facts and whatever media I’m in at the moment. I prefer horror but I’m a sucker for Ghibli movies (Kiki’s delivery serviceee)
aaaand this is already too long but!!! I really like you art!!! the mini madcom series us a personal fav!!! bye!
yeye here you go!! im so sorry youve had to wait this long so im gonna make this really good just for you also thank you so much!! im glad people like my art :}
i match you wiiiiiiith...
- you were probably a shopkeep for some small store in Nevada, and Tricky decided you were someone he wanted to be friends with
- now he visits you every day and you spend a lot of your free time with him!
- you're about a foot shorter than he is so he has this sort of bad habit of just picking you up without warning, sometimes you don't mind but other times you tell him to put you down and he'll do so, he would seriously hate to make you uncomfortable
- he steals your glasses and puts them on like a goof. a lot. he'll always do it to make you laugh because he likes knowing that he can
- plus seeing you happy makes him happy
- Tricky is definitely on that janky emotion scale. he'll be on a crazed killing spree one moment and smiling and telling jokes to you the next, so he always lets you know that he understands you
- he loves watching you draw! sometimes he decides to draw with you and he'll give whatever he makes to you. you find it sweet and you've kept all of it
- every time Tricky notices you're being overly expressive he takes it as a cue to join you and he will turn it into a skit, of sorts
- "ughhhh today has been the worst"
- "do not fear, prince! clown will save you from a bad day! he will not let his best friend be sad!aaaaaaah!" (he runs at you, getting down and sliding on the ground so he ends up at your feet) "here you go :}" (he hands you a drawing he made)
- "...Tricky you are literally the best person ever"
- whenever you're feeling really, really down and you need to tell someone about everything going on, he will listen for as long as you need him to. he's not the best at helping, but he will make sure you know he's there for you. you are clown's best friend, after all
- he'll also listen to ramble about the good things too! if you're talking about things you like he loves to either join in on the conversation or just watch/listen to you, happy to see you passionate about something
ugh im not good at writing for tricky BUT i did the best i could so i hope you like it!! i dont write romantic matchups for tricky just because i personally dont see the clown being in a relationship with anyone, and it makes me slightly uncomfortable, but im happy to write him having best friends!!
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in-my-feels-probably · 8 months
Hi!! Congrats on 1.5k!! May I have a romantic marauders era option 2 match up please? I go by she/her and am bi with no preference, so any gender is fine.
I’m about 5’5, dark blue eyes, medium length hair thats kinda too dark to be dirty blonde but not so dark that its light brown with slightly lighter blonde highlights throughout. Ive been told I typically wear what would be considered 90s type of style but leaning away from more feminine things tho I’m not opposed to dresses and all. 
I do get pretty anxious when thrown in certain situations rather that be talking to a group of people or just one person. But on occasion and definitely when I get to know someone I never stop talking. I am a ranter and rambler which means I could be ranting about something that happened and then start talking about something else that may or may not be related to the original subject. Basically I will always find something to talk about though I do enjoy listening to other people talk. I am considered the mom friend because I tend to be the most logical. Im also a very determined, stubborn person who usually is kinda pessimistic but still has a huge imagination. And despite all the anxiety I am usually a relatively confident person and am not afraid to take up for anyone I care about. Also I am pretty good in school despite having a kinda bad memory. Also an INTJ, Sagittarius, and Ravenclaw. 
I absolutely love writing and have for the longest time rather that be random original stories I make up or the various fanfics I have(lol). I also love drawing and painting and recently realized I’m actually pretty good at making art related to animals and the occasional landscape. I’ve also been a big music fan since I was a kid, I honestly dont know what I would do without it. I also really enjoy reading when I get the chance, like I could spend hours getting consumed by whatever I’m reading. Which also travels into me when I’m watching things. As in I spend a good bit of time just binge watching new or old shows. I also really like walking around and enjoying nature. Theres a few nature trails I love going on and would go to the zoo every weekend if I had the chance. Which also goes along to my love for animals. Also I do like going to random places with my friends. 
And thats about all I can think of to say, hope it wasnt too much lol. But anyways, thanks in advance :)
thanks for participating :)
since you have no gender preference, i’ll tell you who i ship you with out of both the boys and the girls, and then do the full thing for who i think is better suited for you.
i ship you with remus and marlene! i’m gonna go with remus for this, hope that’s alright :)
i think remus is a lot like you. he can handle himself in social situations, but he’s also pretty well off on his own. he knows how to entertain himself and not push his own social boundaries. and his friends would respect that when he got a little distant, knowing he needed a little time alone. but i do think it would make him a bit lonely. and he’d be lonely, even when he didn’t feel like doing anything. he’d have you there to be with him, even if you weren’t talking. you’d just enjoy each other’s presence. and as you got closer and you opened up to him a bit more, he’d find it a lot easier to talk to you, in a group situation or not. and he’d know your tells for when you were all hanging out in a group, and he’d know when you were getting overwhelmed or uncomfortable, and you’d do the same for him. it would be easy to tell what the other person needed. overall, he’d really enjoy talking to you. he’d find your rambling cute, and he’d love talking about all your niche little interests.
i’m not sure what remus would think of art, but he definitely enjoys reading. he’d love hearing about all your story ideas, and he’d help you with them. he’d also love hanging out and listening to music with you. it would probably be one of the main things you talked about. it’s one of his biggest interests, and he’d be happy to have you indulge him on it.
idk why i keep getting stuck on this, but i feel like there would be a little academic rivals trope going on between you too. even if one of you didn’t do as well academically as the other, there’s still be some sort of competitiveness between you both. really, it was just an excuse for remus to tease you and mess with you. he didn’t really care whether or not you scored better than him. but it would for sure be an ego boost for you when you did.
he’d find you one day in the library where you were working on a story idea you had been talking about a few days before. he’d smirk as he sat down, putting his things on the table next to you.
“studying, huh? looks like you need it after that last exam.”
he’d chuckle as you shoved him, picking up your notebook. “oh, piss off! i’m writing, remus—not studying. and i didn’t score all that low below you anyway.”
“i know,” he’d smile, reaching over to gently slide your notebook over. “just teasing, love. what are you writing about? that idea you told me about last week?”
you’d immediately light up, excitedly explaining to him. he’d listen as you told him about what you had written so far, every once in a while piping in to give you new ideas. he couldn’t help but smile, loving how excited you got talking about your work.
you’d pause after a minute, setting your book aside. “didn’t you say you were gonna study with sirius? go ahead, im good here.”
he’d shake his head, pulling out some of his textbooks. “he’ll be alright without me…it’s you i’m more worried about.”
he’d dodge another hit and you’d feign anger, but you both couldn’t help but smile.
thanks again for participating! hope you liked this :)
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scandeniall · 4 years
wash day head canons (black!reader)
kuroo, sakusa, atsumu, iwaizumi x black f!reader
Now this is hella self indulgent for my fellow black bbys on here with 4 of my top 5 boys helping on wash day. Now reminder babies, our hair is beautiful. It doesnt matter if your 3a high porsity or 4c low porosity (like me oop). And any of these clowns would be blessed for his bby to have your hair!
He’ll help if you ask. You just want company? He got you. He the bf you ask to go get the scissors so you can cut the braids shorter and you actually trust him to not cut your hair.
Hes gentle when taking the braids out, not really commenting on how dirty it might be
But hes ass at the pre-poo stage
Like this mf will MISS sections
And will be like “damn thats crazy my bad” when you tell him. But it happens EVERY time 
He lets you wear one of his tshirts the first time you ever spent your wash day with him, and it just becomes your official wash day shirt
He the bf that’ll go get you food if your hungry, bc theres no way in hell youre going out with only half of your braids in
Hes sweet though and kisses you before he goes.
He’s annoying and like “let me hop in the shower w/ you” (partly to see you naked, partly bc them products smell good)
I can just see him as the type to be deadass mesmerized by shrinkage and the type to just play with the bouncy coils
Now listen, he is NOT washing my hair but he can look. He’d try work through sections but will tangle tf out of your hair
Anyways, once your’e out at this point hes tired (shit me too), so just kinda vibes out in the same room while you do your hair
Once he asked to help you post wash, and you say why not, and he go to apply product and he will be the “quarter size amount” type
“Kuroo- what are you doing with that”
“Uh about to put it in” and he look at you like DUH
“Damn my hair about to be dry af” you have to help that boy out. 
But he also the type to know how expensive hair products are bc he listens to you when you talk and is just like ????
Idk i love kuroo, he wouldnt be terrible help, but not professional helper status
Now listen here. This mf is NOT helping with the takedown process. He saw you do it once and saw the built up dirt and said “yeah ima head out”
Plus, he’s not about to touch all that fucking braid hair
You: Yoomi do you wanna help me-
Him- no
But alright once you're actually washed he’s better. 
Since wash day take the whole day, and if its a day where he doesnt have v-ball stuff hes more than content to just sit and turn on something for you both to watch for the day.
Your arms hurt from detangling post wash? Yeah you not about to rest your wet ass head anywhere
He hates the feel of your products, but if you ask with the right look and tone of voice (grossly sweet), he’ll take over a section with product application
Apply generously? He got you.
If the product works for his hair too, he IS the type to buy products for the both of you
Anyways back to him helping post wash/condition. Hes good at finger detangling
Yall know i hc him as having a secondary love language of touch-
Anyways on that note, at that point he’ll let you sit between his legs in front of your big ass floor mirror and yeah when he feeling extra soft and domestic, kisses on your temple
You put him on to bonnets lets be real here (he got a collection bc he washes his way more than you do LMAO)
Type to tease and be like “this mean I can go out to the club without you”
He would not help your ass at all during the takedown
Once he tried (and actually tried) and almost cut your real fucking hair
“C’mon babe, I won’t do it again”
“Absolutely not”
Another “let me join you in the shower ass mf”
He’s hot so um yeah ima just get on my knees at this point. He don’t even gotta ask
“This is a good time for ya to let yer deep conditioner sit”
“Don’t tangle my hair even further” you gotta redirect his hands though
Anyways when thats done, don’t trust him with a comb near your scalp at ALL
He doesn’t mean to be rough, but this man is impatient
Hes annoying and just sits on the bathroom counter while you just going through it
The type to mess around with your products
Another boy you put on to the magic of scarves and bonnets
His shit already deep fried with that dye and he cant afford more damage
Hes headass and wants yall to have matching ones
Yeah hes the best
Whatever you want baby, he got you
You can trust him with the scissors
Once you told him about the importance of being gentle when taking the braids out and stuff, he makes a conscious effort to make sure hes gentle
You say you can’t hang out bc its wash day? Yeah he’s right there with you
He’ll gather your stuff for you if you asked. Wide tooth? He got it. Spray bottle? check
If you listen to music while you take your hair down, he’s just vibing, whether its with him helping or keeping you company
Now I hate doing my hair and would be a simp for someone who does like this, so yeah lemme get a distraction smooch
He indulges for a little bit, maybe a few little touches and gropes until
“You’re gonna complain all night if you don’t get this done today”
Then back to business
He wont hop in the shower with you unless you ask
But once you come out with your hair mask sitting and shit, he’d have a snack for yall
Scalp massages!!!!
He got the oil, the love for you and everything
He’s just the right amount of rough that it feels good, but not to where it’d damage and frizz up
Iwaizumi perfect boyfriend thank u
a/n: now this sucks and ive never written actual hq headcanons, but i dont have the brain power to write full lengths rn and this is a mess of words and i want someone to luv me and my hair LMAO. (i was gonna do akaashi bc he rounds off my top 5 but im lazy). Also idk i wanted to write something and had ZERO ideas
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somefandomimagines · 3 years
Hi! Im not sure if matchup request are still open but if it is here's my entry :))
Id like one for death note and/ or dsmp, but if you onky do one fandom per request, death note is k for me!
Im pretty tall (5'7) with smooth shoulder length black hair and dark brown eyes, slightly curvy and a bit tan. Im bisexual and my pronouns are she /her & they/them. I do not jave any triggers or disabilities, as far as i know just social anxiety because im insecure and self-loathing. Im known to be kind,sympathetic, responsible( well yes i very much like to take control if thats what they mean), thoughtful, approachable and optimistic. But i can be stubborn, indecisive, insecure abt myself.
im fond of music(classics to rock its pretty diverse.. Ithink) aside from horror, thriller and comedy. Also im trying to learn how to play the ukulele and the piano 😤🖐️. Im always up for science and anything connected to literature. Just dont... Pls keep math away from me, i beg you dont jusy dont.
Im sorry if this was very long, i got carried away teehee~ but yep tysm i hope you have a great day :)))
YOOO SO UM- HI GUYS IM ALIVE AGAIN? AFTER SO FUCKIN LONG! LMAO! But sorry for such a late response to this, I kinda lost interest in tumblr for a while so I'm gonna try and be more active!! For Death Note I'd match you up with.... MELLO! - You would kinda just join his gang one day, no one knows how it happened but he was drawn to ya - You'd quickly make your way up the ranks, your good leadership shining through!! - It also didn't take long for you and Mello to get surprisingly close! - Obviously he wasn't at the point he'd tell you anything personal, but you'd hang out with him and Matt! - You guys were comfortable to the point you'd both sit around quietly with rock music playing as Matt played his games - But one day Mello noticed you were more... I dunno, lifeless - Matt was out doing his own shit, so Mello scooted over to you on the couch and roughly put a hand on your shoulder - This would scare the fuck out of you, but you'd calm down once you saw Mello's face... Even if he was basically giving you a death glare - He'd simply ask what's wrong, no context or nothin' - You could tell he wouldn't take any bs... But that he also DID care - So you kinda just opened up to him about your anxiety and the things you were stressing about - This man took it seriously, listening to every word - He noticed at some point you were getting REALLY emotional... And Mello? He ain't good with that - He didn't know how to respond except to quietly listen, but when you were about to cry you quite literally had a piece of chocolate stuffed in your mouth - It definitely did calm you down a bit, especially when you looked at Mello and... His gaze was just so soft - At least softer than you've ever seen it - Serious but in a caring way - And since then you two got closer... He'd even just casually let you steal a chunk off his chocolate at some point - Matt wasn't happy abt that, he wanted chocolate too - BUT THEN - The main area of your guys' hangout got stormed - Bullets were flying everywhere and Mello didn't know where you were - He'd first think about killing the motherfuckers that got there but... He needed to know if you were ok - At this point he opened up to you even the littlest bit - And he cared so much about you - You were different than anyone he's ever known, he didn't know what these feelings were - Jk, he's a genius ofc he knew- but he wasn't used to them - When he found you holding yourself up, being all badass but barely holding yourself against the bad guys - He didn't think twice to help out - After the entire situation, he just held you close and muttered smth about how worried he was - You just... quietly held him back, which was exactly what he needed at the time - He realized how much you grounded him - When you guys started dating, he didn't even tell anyone - You didn't either, you guys would just casually sit really close on the couch - Matt damn well knew, but when Mello ONE DAY kissed your head, Matt knew that Mello would give the world for you - That head kiss took you so off guard - Mello isn't into PDA, but that? In front of Matt? WILD - You guys don't even need to tell each other words at some point, you guys just know what the other is thinking - You're sitting on a couch and Mello taps your shoulder without looking at you? You knew he wanted the TV remote to turn that shit off since Matt was raging - Anyways, you two have such a weird dynamic - Btw... Btw... When you two are alone Matt let's you rest your head on his shoulder and he'll wrap an arm around you - It's rare that you two get much alone time since you guys are so damn buisy - Also... kisses taste like chocolate THIS ISNT MUCH BUT IM LIKE- GOING BRR RN SO HERE YOU GO!
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