#also just not thinking too hard about shading in general
little-eye-guy · 11 months
things that have made my life easier as an artist:
not caring as much about closing the line art and using the lasso tool to shade
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astral-schools · 9 months
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he may be Nothing but hes MY everything.
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risuola · 4 months
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III — GAMBARE, GAMBARE // In the world of crime and blood, Sukuna knows what's off limits. You certainly are one of those things and yet, he's unable to stop thinking of you.
contents: smut, little angst-ish in some places, mafia!au, unprotected sex, a hint of body worshipping, violence, mentions of death, subtle threats, reader discretion is advised — 3,2k words
a/n: third part, thank you so much for support guys! it means the world to me to see how INSANELY big is the tag list now. i literally love y'all~ ❤️ also, just as the first part got inspired by the absolutely menacing quote from our king, it only felt natural to include the famous gambare, gambare (do your best) into this one.
ᴅᴇᴀᴅʟʏ ᴀᴛᴛʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴ | masterlist
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Sukuna prefers to think of himself as one of significant intelligence. Over the years, during which he ruled over the entire criminal milieu, he proved himself to stand atop of anyone who dared to even think of overturning his jurisdiction. All the exceptionally dumb bold ones that once wished to take the position of a boss from his hands had learned the hard way why troubles with Sukuna Ryomen are the least desirable fate of anyone who bears any volume of oil inside their brains.
It’s not only tactical or business intelligence that he’s priding himself with. It’s also the excessive knowledge about general rules of life that allowed him to comfortably push and pull the edges of what’s right and wrong, bending his own reality to his liking. Now it’s intuitive – he just knows where he can put more pressure and where it’s not worth his time. He knows what to bet his money on and what won’t realistically pay back. And most importantly, up until that point, Sukuna thought he can tell with his eyes closed which people he should consider crossing paths with, what men can be useful whilst he aims to reach his targets and which crowds he shouldn’t mess around with – for various reasons, most of which being just business and inconvenience. Same thing concerns women. Ryomen’s position works like a magnet and not a day passes by without girls, often way too young to even think of him, throwing themselves at him, led by fantasies of money and power veiled in the shades of love. If he wished, he could have a different toy every time the night falls and if he’d be just slightly less trained, he might have fallen for the temptation. But he didn’t.
Sukuna learned it from experience, not exactly his own, but of his pawns, that allowing random women in the proximity of their profession usually leads to catastrophes. Girls get persistent, they grow attached, they fall in love sooner than it’s even logical and then they threat, they blackmail; all of which eventually leads to their deaths because dealing with just barely adults that weaponize tears and screams is something he doesn’t allow in his circle. There were no exceptions, any man bearing similar power to Ryomen knows that there’s no place for romance in the world of death and bones, the one that’s stained in red and sorrow. If there happens to be love, it’s always of people from inside the criminal circle, sharing the same set of broken morals. Mafia should never tie itself romantically with civilians. Especially him, the leader, the menace that he is in the world of misdeed, murder and corruption, knew all too well why he should never, ever, even think of someone from outside of his tale as of anything more than one time plaything. That would be irresponsible, straight up naïve. It would be foolish. He knew all of that and not even once he felt any need to engage into any kind of relationship with someone that he deemed non-profitable to his general targets.
Then why the fuck he kept thinking of you? Why he kept seeing you after what was supposed to be a fun one-time fuck? Why did the taste of your lips and the sweet scent of your skin made him so completely addicted that he couldn’t focus on his own business without his mind wandering to the memory of you at least once an hour? He just liked your body, he told himself every time he thought of sending you a message. You were a good lay, it was purely physical. You did, after all, take his dick like you were born solely for this very purpose. He was meeting you only for sex and it was an accident that some of these meetings began with a dinner. All of the gifts he showered you with were just a form of payment for the service. Sukuna knew much better than to let his emotions take control of him.
“What’s on your mind?” Your quiet voice tore Ryomen out of the realm of his self-criticism. The tone that you spoked with was raspy, the testimony of the rough, throat-fucking he had used you for just few hours prior, and yet, it still somehow flowed with cottony softness, so characteristic to you.
“Nothing important,” he replied bluntly, lowering his gaze to where your face was buried into the broad muscle of his chest; your frame completely hidden in his own, much larger and stronger. It was another night you spent in his house, one of those that began with the reservation in one of Tokyo’s best restaurants that served traditional Japanese cuisine. You showed up in a dress made of dark olive silk, long enough to reach your high-heeled sandals and clinging to your shapes as if it was made to be worn over the divinity that was your body. The long, scandalous slit exposed one of your legs and the thin straps accentuated your shoulders and cleavage just perfectly. It was a dress that he himself bought and ordered to be delivered to you in an expensive box before that day. Now that very same gown was laying somewhere, discarded on the floor in the living room of his mansion.
“Sometimes I feel like you’re plotting my death,” you chuckled against his skin, the vibration of the act made him scoff because both him and you knew that the scenario you offered wasn’t exactly falling into the realm of fiction.
“If I were to kill you, I wouldn’t need to plot it. One bullet is all it would take,” he retorted with calm and despite any logic, instead of creating some distance, instead of running away you hummed at his statement and pressed your lips to the center of his chest.
You were way over fearing Sukuna and his world. The few months that you spend seeing him, you came to terms with the heavy weight of tragic fate that was now resting on your shoulders. It couldn’t end well, you shouldn’t tangle yourself with a man such as him, the path of your normal life should never come even close to the blood tainted one he was walking through. You should have never left the club with him and once you did, you should have run out his house the moment he gave you a chance. Instead of that, you stayed. That night, after the time of Ryomen’s pursue and the unfortunate event with Naoya and his gang, soon turned into two. Then just few more and then many more. The one-night stand evolved into continuous romance and though it was strewn with roses and intimacy, it came also with the realization that the more you see him, the less days you have left. There was no way for someone like you, an outsider, the mere civilian with no mafia bonds whatsoever, to be living a long life. Sukuna has enemies, there are people that want the power he holds and will eventually target you. That is, of course, if he doesn’t kill you himself over time – out of boredom or prevention. You knew a lot, he had told you more than he should.
But you loved him. You had seen him do some pretty dark things that would make most people’s eyes water, and in all honesty, it did the same thing to yours, but then, with you, Sukuna was always protective. You loved the way he always seemed to know just what you needed, the way he read you like an open book and knew just what to say or do to put you at ease. You loved the way he made you feel like the only woman in the world, how he made you feel beautiful, even on the days you felt like a total mess. He was a danger, a threat so deadly you shouldn’t play with it, he was a flame that you were bound to burn yourself on, but he was also the only person in the world you felt so safe around. Ever since you met, he had protected you. Even if his words were harsh and his own deeds rough, he never failed to envelop you in a bubble inside of which nothing and no one could hurt you.
“Oh, how much you’d miss me,” a certain sense of amusement hinted in the tone you used as the sheepish smile stretched your lips. Ryomen acted suddenly, grabbing the tiny thing that was your body and pressing your back to the mattress. His fingers wrapped around the frail of your neck; it wouldn’t take much of his strength to snap it and yet, you seemed rather comfortable with his grip secured around your airways. Over the time you managed to grow enough trust to know he won’t hurt you for no reason. Your lover was a man powerful enough, there was no need for seeding fear in you. You were also smart enough to differentiate the real danger from the playful acts. If Sukuna truly wanted you to be scared, you most definitely would be scared shitless.
“You think so?” His tone dropped an octave as he crawled above you; your bare figure now trapped underneath the weight of his presence. He got your legs between his initially, the heavy shaft of his dick rested over your lower belly as he shifted his hand from your throat down to cup your breasts. Your body seemed to never stop attract him, no matter how many times he touched and tasted it. You looked almost angelic in the dim light of that morning; the remnants of sleep still painted over your features and the only things that disturbed the innocence of your picture were the marks he had left on your plush, velvety skin. Red and angry spots that he sucked onto your flesh adorned the beauty of your frame, ultimately making you his own. “Aren’t you a little too confident?”
“I think I’m confident just enough,” you grinned playfully, smoothing over his hands, one staying on top of his palm on your breast and the other reaching up his arm to touch more of him. There was always a hunger lingering inside of you, you were never completely satiated and even if your body was utterly exhausted, you were always happy to take more. Sukuna made you feel ecstatic, like you were really his only one and though it was an illusion that you chose to believe in, it felt good to imagine yourself as his only care.
“And why would I miss you, huh? Aren’t you only a plaything for me?” The question he asked was meant to sound venomous but the sound of his voice betrayed the lighthearted intention. “Do you think I’ll blink twice when discarding you when I get bored of what you can give me?”
“I don’t think you’ll hesitate,” a chuckle once again shook your chest gently as you watched how Sukuna gently pulled your legs up from underneath him and brought one of your ankles to his face. The kisses he smeared along your shin were delicate, completely contrasting with the threatful impression that he was trying to make. He was worshipping you so openly, it made you blush every time. “But even though I know you wouldn’t think twice before killing me, I also think you’d miss me afterwards.”
Once the tender caresses finished, your calves landed on top of his shoulders as he leaned forward, squeezing a breathy moan out of you as he pushed his length into you to the very base of it, sliding on enough spit that it made the entrance easy. Ryomen learned your body through and through, he knew you can take it, he knew you’re always ready and eager to take him. Even if it’s early, even if it hurts. No matter when and where, if he told you to sit on his dick in the middle of a grocery store, you’d probably do just that and ask no questions. And yet, he knew where the boundaries are. Not once he pushed you when you were feeling bad. Not once he used you when you were not ready. The knowledge he now had about you came from observation.
“I think I would miss you,” he purred, his lips so close that they brushed against yours as he spoke. He’s got you in a mating press, filled to the brim with his bricked-up manhood and completely at his mercy. “You are addicting.”
“So keep me safe,” you whispered, cupping his face and chasing the kiss he was yet to give you. The request caught him slightly off guard. The pleading undertone made his heart clench; a feeling that he’s gone without for a decade at least and though he hated the odd sensation in his chest, he also couldn’t deny the warmth that spread throughout his body.
“You are safe with me,” the reassuring lie he followed with a heavy press onto your lips, sealing his words with his own tongue and silently promising you his protection. A vow that he wished to keep and yet, feared he won’t be able to. But now, it wasn’t important. Now you were here, in his bed, on his dick. Now there was just you and him.
Your dainty fingers found their place in his hair as he began thrusting into you. The new slick that combined with the remnants of the night made his movements easy as he dragged his hips back almost all the way out and then pushed back to the point of his pelvis clashing with the back of your thighs and your ass. The pace he set wasn’t fast. It wasn’t anything of what he’d most often pick, there was no violence intertwined into the melody of his hips. That morning it was sensual, it was deep and just rapid enough to stimulate every sweet spot inside of you. Stroke after stroke he was driving you crazy, he just barely started and already you felt yourself dripping. The filthy, wet sounds filled in the early aura and the muffled moans and whimpers accompanied them.
Sukuna allowed your legs to fall lower from where they were pressed against your chest and you hooked them around his hips. The newly earned access to his neck and shoulders you immediately used by allowing your hands to wander in the area, scratching his skin just to force a low purr from his throat. Every sound he made, you swallowed greedily as the kiss continued. Your tongues were dancing to the fiery rhythm of intimacy.
The coil in your stomach tightened all too quickly, you wished it to give you more time to enjoy what he was willing to give you but no matter how much you wanted your body to calm down, he made it absolutely impossible to achieve. Your veins were running with pure ecstasy and lust, the heated flurry that now was your brain was focused only on him, on the rhythm of his hips, on every sweet little lie that he whispered to you. Ryomen knew how to make you weak, he knew just how to angle his body to hit that one spot, the most sensitive one and you could feel him grinning against your lips. He knew you were close. The delicious squeezes that your cunt did on his girth were enough of a hint to notice and it gave him a sense of pride to be able to make you come undone so easily.
“Just few moments more,” he murmured and you nodded eagerly. Tears prickled in your eyes, gathering along your lash lines like crystals that he wished to kiss away, but was now too engulfed in the taste of your lips to part. His movements got quicker, just a little heavier as he began slamming into you with more force than at the beginning. Mornings tend to rid Sukuna from the ability to last – the ones that he spends with you in his arms, with your naked body pressed against his, unknowingly shifting against his dick for hours. That makes him unable to keep his composure for too long. Sometimes he feels like you strip him of all qualities that he once prided himself in, leaving him bare only to your eyes, with only the most primal needs exposed and he felt good with that kind of freedom.
“…don’t stop, oh god, ‘kuna~”, you were whimpering, arching your back underneath him and squeezing your little hands over his shoulders. “I can’t, I—”
“Oh, you can. Do your best,” Sukuna chuckled, teasing you with such impossible tasks. Your head fell back, your thighs were trembling against his sides and he could tell he’s losing you. You were far too deep in the realm of desire to hear his words; all of your world now came down to what you felt, to how you felt him and Sukuna loved your blissed out state. He loved the way he was the one to push you so far over the edge that you wouldn’t notice if the world was ending. But what he loved above that, was how you were gripping onto him; holding him tightly, pulling him closer as if you never wanted him to move away, as if he was everything you needed. And he was.
“God, you’re so beautiful,” he muttered against your throat, painting the skin over there with wet trails of kisses and new, red marks – the ones gentle enough to fade in a matter of hours. You moaned something incoherent. “Cum for me,” he allowed, not even sure if you’re registering his words. It had to be unconscious; the way your brain caught his voice between the blurry lines of everything else.
Your climax hit you like a rock; his name was slipping over your tongue continuously, so sweet and breathless that Sukuna was once again reassured that he never wants to hear anyone else calling him. Your walls were squeezing his throbbing length, he twitched and flexed inside you, groaning with satisfaction and before he allowed himself to come, he pushed himself up. As he sat on his heels, he pulled you with him; your body now on top of him and he used his hands to guide your hips up and down his dick. You wrapped yourself around him, finding a safe space for your face right where his neck connects with his muscular shoulder and all he needed to feel the bliss was the sensation of your teeth sinking into his skin.
White seed painted your insides as he shot it as deeply as he could reach with you on top of him. Few more moves, few more groans and you could feel him relax. His strong arms snaked around your waist as he shifted slightly to lean against the headboard, straightening his legs in front of him. You stayed pressed against his chest, catching your breath and feeling the tension leaving your body as the morning went by. And as Sukuna held you so close to his heart, he couldn’t rid himself of the feeling that it felt so right and that made the question bloom inside his brain. Was it still strictly physical? Was it ever only about sex?
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taglist: @yihona-san06 @tiredscavengerskeleton @son4aras @vixorell @cecesharktales @isleqt @thickmacandcheese @captainchrisstan @bbylime @sad-darksoul @shartnart1 @kiki17483 @grimreaqueer @phoenix-eclipses @fan-of-encouragement @valleydoll @aleeeeeeees-stuff @marifujioka @going-to-californiaxx @just-pure-trash @edenofeve @impulsivethoughtsat2am @thigh-o-saur @heyohalie @matchat3a @bubblearts @littlemisspropaganda @aconstructofamind @lawislife18 @rzcnlb @sunukissed
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chadleys · 8 months
›› pairing: astarion x reader
›› wordcount: 1.9k
›› genre: established relationship, smut, fluff.
›› rating: 18+, mdni
›› synopsis: got a request for pregnant tav and astarion taking place after the events of the game. this is that.
›› warnings: pregnant!reader, impreg, biting, mentions of blood drinking.
the grounds of the manse are still, quiet, as you examine yourself in the full-length mirror by the window. cloud cover has been rolling in all day; a storm is brewing. you wish it would just arrive already — you’ve always loved the rain. and any excuse to spend the afternoon in bed with your beloved while rainfall pounds at the windows is a good one to you.
you turn this way and that, examining the subtle swell of your belly. that’s not the only change you’ve noticed, of course; your hips and thighs are a shade larger, your breasts more plump, arms slightly too thick to fit into most of your tunics anymore.
at the moment a sheer, lacy negligee drapes from your shoulders, the bottom hem barely brushing the backs of your thighs.
just as you start to grimace and turn from the mirror, a knock at the door distracts you.
❝ is my love decent? ❞ astarion’s dulcet tones make your legs quake and a tenuous bout of gooseflesh prick your arms.
❝ as though you’d care either way, ❞ you purr. a moment ago, you were desperate to get away from the reflection in the mirror. now, you stand your ground, waiting for him to enter.
which he does, beautiful body sliding between door and frame as his crimson gaze finds you. he sighs, wistfully, and his bare feet make quiet shuffling noises along the hard wood floor as he approaches. ❝ what can i say other than that you’re right? you are utterly indecent and i have to be honest. i prefer you this way … ❞ those last words spoken right into your ear send a shiver down your spine, your lashes fluttering before flying open again.
this. this is why you so suddenly changed your mind about abandoning your post in front of the mirror. it’s been enchanted. ever since your return to baldur’s gate, both your and astarion’s fortunes have vastly improved. not only monetarily, though it’s certainly been fun to watch your coffers steadily rise and eventually overflow. but also your general quality of life; not only do you have a special midwife who’s been helping to check on the babe from time to time, making the periodic blood meals it requires more palatable for you, but every mirror in the house has been magicked to be able to show a vampire’s reflection.
❝ admiring yourself? ❞ astarion’s voice is unbearably low and intoxicating in your ear. you nearly fall into his arms, as one wraps itself around your waist, hand cupping your belly. ❝ … i know i am. ❞
your hands come to brace themselves on astarion’s forearms, running back and forth, though you’re comforting yourself more than you are him. ❝ just the opposite, ❞ you all but spit. ❝ i don’t look like myself anymore. these changes, they … they disgust me. ❞
suddenly, you’re being whirled, losing your footing. but astarion is there, hands on your biceps, drawing you close and pressing his mouth fiercely to yours.
you melt, fingers clutching at the collar of his tunic, trying to pull him impossibly closer.
just when you think he’s sucked all the air from your lungs, he presses you back and allows you to breathe again.
❝ i don’t ever want to hear you talking about yourself like that again. and i do mean ever. ❞ gentle fingers swipe a lock of hair back from your forehead. ❝ you’re carrying my child; how could you possibly be disgusting? ❞
at a loss for words, you let him wheel you slowly back around to face the mirror. chin hooked over your shoulder, his scorching carmine gaze roves over you. slow hands part the lapels of your negligee, traipsing over all of your newest curves. ❝ look at this beautiful body ... ❞ his voice is low and hot, splashing molten waves over your entire body. ❝ and it's all mine. ❞
in one swift move, he sinks his teeth into your neck, making you moan and squirm against him. he doesn't drink from you anymore, not when you need all the energy you have to keep up with the life growing inside of you. but it's enough for him to continue to mark you, never letting your bites heal fully before he leaves more.
❝ astarion ... ❞ his name is a plea on your lips as you lean back into him, a solid pressure against your back.
❝ i can smell you, ❞ is his response, one hand traveling steadily downward, ❝ getting so wet for me. it happens more often now that you're pregnant, have you noticed? i certainly have. ❞
you want to tell him that it's not like the two of you weren't having sex every single night before. but now you're having sex every morning, too. and afternoon. and evening …
instead, you swallow thickly and swerve onto your other path of thinking. the path that focuses on the heat between your legs, thighs already sticking together as astarion slips a hand between them and cups your sex.
❝ please tell me you were wearing this — ❞ he plucks a piece of flimsy fabric from the negligee between his teeth. ❝ — for easy access? ❞
❝ of course. ❞ it hadn’t even crossed your mind.
astarion releases a shaky breath and steps away from you. you miss him immediately. ❝ get on the bed. ❞ normally he would throw you onto it, bthe two of you are taking every precaution for the baby.
climbing onto the soft bedspread of your giant four-poster bed, you allow astarion to come after you, crawling, hunting you as if you were his prey. the softest, sweetest prey he’d ever encounter.
legs spread, you welcome him between them, where his hardness presses — warm and insistent — against your wetness. but he still has his breeches on.
you hook a finger into the waist and tug, letting the fabric snap back against his alabaster skin. ❝ these, i think, need to come off. ❞
❝ why, i do believe you’re right. ❞ using his roguelike reflexes, the trousers are gone before you know it and his erection is jutting up, thick and hard, against his stomach. the sight is enough to make you salivate.
normally you’d put it in your mouth straight away, but pregnancy has made you overly sensitive to nausea and you really don’t want to chance ruining this lovely afternoon. so you pull him down by his tunic and kiss him again, your tongues slipping, dancing, enjoying themselves.
one of astarion’s hands has found itself down between your legs again, and he parts from you to whisper, ❝ you’re so wet … i think i could just … ❞
he trails off, and the head of his cock finds your entrance. gentle fingers splay your lips apart and he guides himself right into you, gliding easily along your slick walls. this is not the first time you’ve gotten wet so easily for him and certainly won’t be the last.
you pull your legs back, hooking your arms around your knees to hold yourself open for him. you’ve made this exact shape with your body many times before, and not always in a bed as comfortable as this one. but the extra weight you’ve put on makes holding the position a touch more difficult this time, and one of your legs slips from your grasp, knocking astarion hard in the side.
❝ gods, sorry! ❞ you reach for him, to make sure he’s okay, but the vampire catches your hand easily and pins it to the bedclothes, fingers twined with yours.
❝ never apologize to me, my love. you have no need to. you could ravish me, and still i would thank you. ❞
the thought makes your toes curl; being with astarion hasn’t always been easy, especially when you first met. but now … especially now that you’re pregnant, his desire to dote upon you has grown immeasurably. you want nothing more than to bask in the intensity of his gaze forevermore … and to give birth to his child, of course, but that is still months off.
❝ i still c-can’t believe, ❞ you stutter as he begins to thrust, ❝ you actually managed to get me pregnant. ❞
astarion covers your swollen belly with one of his perfect hands, and both of you watch your breasts sway as he fucks you. ❝ my dear, i was so full of your blood that night i’d be surprised if you don’t give birth to twins. ❞
the thought makes your head swim, your legs clench around his waist, drawing him in, wanting him so much deeper.
neither of you had strictly known that was how it worked; that the more blood a vampire had drunk, the more virile they’d become. not until conducting some research and investigation after you’d mysteriously missed your cycle that month.
needless to say, however, both of you were beyond thrilled.
❝ careful, ❞ you jest, with your legs still tight around him, urging him on. ❝ don’t want to poke the baby’s eye out. ❞
astarion chuckles, leaning down to lay a chiding bite to your chest, fully on display now that the opposites sides of your negligee had fallen completely open. ❝ i don’t claim to be an expert, but i don’t think that’s how it works, love. ❞
as if to prove his point, his hips start to piston in and out of you. harder, faster, astarion holds your gaze as he all but begins to plow you.
pregnancy has made you sensitive in ways you couldn’t believe were possible. the ridges of his fat cock dragging against your tight walls make the room go fuzzy, the bed canopy above you shifting and twinkling like a sky full of stars.
your hands are in his hair, tugging, drawing a hiss from him as he tosses his head back against your ministrations.
he growls, tight and low, that he wants to see you cum, wants to see you lose yourself for him. and you can’t help but obey.
your entire body seizes, toes curling in the sheets, and astarion fucks you through it with harsh, demanding thrusts. you’re so wet that his cock makes sticky sweet noises every time he enters you.
it takes him no time at all, after that, to finish for you. this time you pull your legs back as far as possible and tell him to cum as deep inside of you as he can, wishing to every god you believe in that he could get you pregnant again now, fuck another baby into you.
the one already inside of you is demanding enough, but you can’t help but marinate on astarion’s earlier words: what if you’re having twins? the thought fills you with inexplicable joy, heart pounding big and broad in your chest.
astarion sighs and slips to the side of you, sliding down to place his cheek against your belly. ❝ see? i don’t think he minds at all … ❞
❝ oh? and how do you know it’s a he? ❞ you can barely catch your breath to ask, fingers brushing hair back from astarion’s sweaty forehead.
❝ i don’t. but if you have a boy, you can be guaranteed i’ll be getting you pregnant again as fast as i can, so that he’ll have a sister to keep him in line. ❞
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For @orange-artist ‘s ASL god AU DTIYS! (congrats on the milestone!)
This was really fun, I absolutely love drawing ethereal designs
Additional notes 👇
So i adjusted the original designs ... a bit... To draw in my style means that i have to make everything extra, sorry.
I like the base design for Ace a lot! i looked at other posts to get more context to these outfits and i say this draping billowy pants design that i liked a lot more, so I used that instead of the ones he has in the picture.
I love his cute little star crown, i think it looks dope as hell. I wanted to bring it to other parts of him too, so I gave him an arm cuff with it, too! If i had drawn the front of him, you would also see that crown design around his waist as a belt, too.
i originally had him in a pose similar to the one he has in the original, but after i sketched out the other two poses i found he looked a little two flat, so i brought his hand out to the foreground.
I like the choice for his hair to gradient out to look like a comet! I had a lot of trouble trying to make it look Just Right, but i think I nailed it
I didn't change much about his design, I really just made him a little more yellow than he was before. Its hard to improve an already banger design. He's my ethereal silly guy...
I really love the idea of Luffy's scars looking like gold, that's really cool.
I wish I could've added that cold crown he has around his head, but i didn't know how to without it looking sloppy so i had to leave it out.
I changed so much about Sabo's design, i would like to send out a formal apology for it, I admit I went a little too ham. I had already completed the picture before i went back to look at the original post and saw the comments about how Sabo was supposed to look... discreet...... I... Did Not Make Him Discreet. In The Slightest. :DDD ehe
I needed help for Sabo's pose because i was having so much trouble with the hand, i called upon my good website friend JustSketchMe to get it right. I had this idea for the pose because i wanted the claw to look like a crescent moon, I think it looks pretty good.
I would've given him normal snakebite piercings too but i felt that the ring piercings looked more Crescent-like, so i went with that.
Moon belt. i want that moon belt. I have no outfits it would go with. but i still want it.
I love Sabo's whispies that he has in the original design, but when I put them in the art i had, it cluttered up the piece too much and I had to get rid of them. A moment of silence for the fallen whispies...
Noticing now I forgot Sabo's Cane..... oops.
I shaded Luffy to be lighted by the sun, Sabo the moon, but i made Ace be the light for himself. There's some deep meaning to that, but I cant think of one right now.
I had a lot of fun drawing this, i hope i was failthful enough to the original designs even though i changed everything a lot :)
Drinking game: take a shot everytime I used the word "I", take a double shot each time i forgot to capitalize it, too. You will be Dead by the end of the post, though.
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ravens-two · 1 month
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PAC: Your Next Romantic Relationship
This reading includes:
the person you'll be dating next
The extended reading includes:
when and how you'll meet this person
what the relationship will be like
any 18+ messages
Disclaimer: this is just for entertainment purposes, and as a pick-a-card reading it may not resonate for everyone. Also, this content is 18+ only!
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Pile 1
Who are you dating next
Eight of Cups, Moon, Tarragon - Regeneration
The first thing I'm getting for this person is that they could be a scientist or work in research, maybe even as a teacher. They seem like really deep thinkers and people who are very well-read or that tend to read a lot. Besides spending a lot of time and energy on their work - that seems to be their passion - they also look like they really enjoy traveling. Some of them may have to travel for work (and now I'm seeing that some are archeologists or something like that), but most seem to travel for pleasure. No matter what your next person is someone who has travelled a lot and has seen a lot of the world - and even if they haven't travelled "that much" it could be that you haven't travelled much at all so that's why it seems so much.
Your person is also a very deep thinker. I'm getting something very specific about them which is that they like to get to the depth of any subject. Let's say that you're talking about your favourite dishes, your person wants to get to the bottom of the subject, they want to analyze why you love those dishes, the memories you have of them, how hard or easy they are to cook, then they may get into the culinary arts in general or the history of food or something like that. Do you know what I mean? Once you start talking about something with them it's like they unravel the subject as if it were a ball of yarn.
Your person seems to be an introvert. They don't really like crowds and tend not to go out or party too much, they prefer to keep to their friend group or to small groups in general. I feel that this is also related to how much and how deeply they like to talk, it's better suited for smaller groups. For some of you it might also surprise you that this person is more spiritual than you thought. They might not practice anything in particular (including religion), but they very much believe in something bigger than them and are very open to the spiritual side of things. This is also someone who has been through a lot and has had to reinvent themselves multiple times. I feel like your person is very wise and has a lot of life experience specifically because of this - they've just been through so much shit that would have broken down any other person.
When it comes to their appearance I'm seeing pale skin - and depending on skin tone you can even see their veins - and dark hair. Mostly black and brown hair, but I'm also seeing red (dyed I think).  In general, they seem to be taller and leaner. Even for the men they don't like they are very muscled. I'm also seeing that some of them have dark circles under their eyes. So what I just heard was that they "look a bit like a fucked up Tim Burton character come to life" lol. I do think that they are good-looking but in that Timothée Chalamet type of way. Also, I think that your person has huge eyes!
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Pile 2
Who are you dating next
Three of Wands, Strength, Marigold - Positivity
The first thing I'm seeing for this pile is tanned skin and defined muscles. Your person looks like they spend the whole day under the sun. I'm literally seeing them wet as if they had just come out of water. An interesting detail I just got is that they have body hair, especially for the men they seem to have hair on their chest and tights. I feel like for most of you this person has really dark eyes, the lightest color I can see here is a darker shade of hazel eyes. No matter what they have warm and very expressive eyes. It's the type of eyes that you feel safe just looking at them, honestly.
Speaking of warmth and safety I think that your person just radiates those vibes, especially if they're a man. They seem/are someone who's reliable and handy, basically someone who you can call at any time of day or night and you know that they'll find some way to help you. They also seem the type of person who really cares about the safety of your friends, not just yours. This is very specific to some of you, it doesn't really apply to everyone, but your person also has a bit of a himbo energy. Like they have a really good heart, very good looking and strong looking too, but not much going on in their pretty head. But, again, this is just for some of you! For most of you this is someone who is pretty smart and very aware of the current political/social climate.
One of the main things I'm seeing is that your person is very hopeful and definitely an optimist. They try to cheer you up whenever they feel like you're feeling down or when you need just an extra push of motivation. The thing that keeps coming up though is that isn't just for you it's for your friends, their friends, the people around you two. It makes me think of those guys who only want to buy a drink to the girl they're interested in instead of the whole group and it's the polar opposite of that. If you're hanging out with your person and your friends, your person will make sure to treat your friends well and make them feel welcomed.
For some reason I feel like your person might be a firefighter or EMT, I'm not sure why, but it seems like more of a physical/manual type of work. This person doesn't look like they're sitting behind a desk the whole day. They might work the night shift too. No matter what they do, their work is a source of satisfaction for them and their "way to contribute to society" so it's important that their work aligns with their values. This person has a bleeding heart and they're always trying to help whenever they can. They might do volunteer work or community work of some kind, but this is someone who really cares about their community and the world around them. A bit random, but your person might cry very easily, just like watching a commercial or something like that. It seems that they are very emotional. A bit like pile 1 in that sense, but I also feel that your person has been through a lot and that's exactly what made them kinder and made them worry more about the people around them. Very, very specific but I think that hunger and poverty is something that really "hurts" them if that makes sense. It would be the thing that they would just erase if they could.
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Pile 3
Who are you dating next
Sun, World, Sweet corn - Ritual
Okay, the first thing I'm seeing is that your person loves eating and cooking and feeding people to be honest. They see meals almost as a sacred ritual that helps to create stronger bonds with other people. I feel like they're really good cooks, especially because they have a good palate. Your person also seems like the type of person that is really close to their family, like calling/texting them every day, sharing a meal together every weekend, that kind of stuff.
This person might have OCD or something like that, but their daily rituals seem very important to them. They are someone who loves routine and feel a bit anxious when things don't go as they had planned. Honestly, that seems to be the biggest issue for them they get really disappointed/annoyed when they plan something and it doesn't happen, even in simple things. Let's say that you two plan to go watch a movie and eat popcorn, but when you get there there ins't popcorn. Well your person is devastated. It's only for a couple of moments, but yeah it really hits them strong.
With the Sun and the World though, this is a very successful and hard-working person, but also someone who is very happy go lucky. Like they genuinely believe that life is beautiful and a miracle and they will romanticize even the smallest things. They seem like the type of person who will just tell you "it's going to be fine" even in the face of something absolutely tragic and that couldn't possibly "be fine" (somehow they may end up being right though).
They seem to have a very child-like and radiant personality too if that makes sense. In a way it's because they really attract other people's attention just for being themselves, but also because they just seem so genuinely happy and joyful. When they laugh it makes other people want to laugh as well. You may get an instinct to protect them at times, because it seems that they are too innocent for this harsh world. They're definitely dreamers and they think that even the smallest action can change the world. They have strong beliefs about what they think is wrong with the world and what should be changed.
When it comes to appearance I'm seeing blonde or light brown hair, maybe even some ginger here too or maybe a brass tone. In general, I'm seeing really long hair, especially for the women, and mostly wavy or curly. Although I think that the shorter your person's hair is the curlier it is. For their eyes I also lighter eyes here, even the brown eyes are more of a honey shade. The most striking thing though is that your person - no matter what they look like - is very beautiful. They get other people's attention precisely because of how physically striking they are. I feel like they tend to be very symmetrical and their bodies are very good looking too. It seems that they tend to be taller and curvier, both men and women.
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Pile 4
Who are you dating next
Two of Wands, Ten of Wands, Peppermint - Success
While doing the reading for this pile "Ocean Eyes" suddenly came up so I really feel like your person is probably going to have blue or green eyes, maybe even hazel too. I also feel like their eyes have this very emotional quality to them, it's like you could get lost them in them because they're so expressive. Honestly, I get a very big Ian Somerhalder vibe here like with the dark hair and very light eyes and that contrast. I think that in general your person is a person of contrasts, of light and dark and even contradictions.
Do you know that Walt Whitman's poem "Do I contradict myself? / Very well then I contradict myself / (I am large I contain multitudes)"? I think that they really embody these lines. I'm also getting Fernando Pessoa's "I am nothing. / I shall never be anything. / I cannot even wish to be anything. / Apart from this, I have within me all the dreams in the world." Your person is very, very poetic pile 4. Maybe they're into literature (especially the classics) or they really love reading/writing poetry. This person is very deep, but again, filled with contradictions. They are hard to understand because they seem to be many things all at once. It's a very Gemini energy to be honest.
Apart from this your person is also very successful. They may come from money or they worked really hard until they got to where they are. No matter what though they dedicate a lot of their time to their work, to the point that they can't even rest properly because they can't take their mind off work. Some of them might also have some personal project or a business that they feel very passionate about and are just waiting for the right time to "launch" it. They're someone who makes a lot of plans, but not like in pile 3, more in the sense of making a plan to break down the steps that they need to take. This is for organization not control, if that makes sense. They also seem to really enjoy traveling, but either don't have much time for it or they end up getting tired in the middle of their trip. They feel like the type of person who has wanderlust, but also gets homesick easily. 
They are introverts for sure, and although this doesn't mean that they're antisocial it really does feel like they spend more time at home or by themselves. To me this feels more like they never really get the company that they crave. They really need mental stimulation, and the people around them can't really offer them that. Something that's coming up is that they might struggle with the little demon and angel on their shoulders sometimes. I feel like the little devil sometimes really wants them to cause some mischief or chaos and they try to control this. Honestly, what I'm getting from this is that they may annoy you on purpose, for their own amusement. I don't think that this is toxic, it's more meaningless stuff that will make you laugh rather than really annoy you.
What I can tell you pile 4 is that your person is very, very unique. I think you'll know it's them as soon as you meet them because you'll think that you've never met someone like this.
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astaroth1357 · 1 year
Demons in the Dark 
What if they have glow-in-the-dark eyes?
Contents: No warnings aside vague mentions of imminent danger. And bugs and snakes.
Seeing Lucifer in a dark room is incredibly unsettling. You know those horror movies where the protagonist sees a pair of demonic eyes from shadows? You've found the inspiration.
His eyes burn with the color and intensity of molten glass and they that just loom ominously in the darkness, usually well above people's heads!
Lucifer knows exactly how haunting his eyes can look, which is why he prefers to sneak up on Mammon when it's dark and he's up to no good… 
The mental image of Lucifer's crimson eyes have long since burned their way into the secondborn's nightmares...
He tries his best not to scare MC with them, but it's undeniably unnerving to see disks of pure hellfire roaming around the kitchen looking for a glass of water…
His eyes glow just the prettiest shade of gold you'll ever see. Think of a mound of ancient coins glinting away under a treasure hunter's torchlight.
Mammon knows full well how attention grabbing his eyes are, which is part of why he always wears sunglasses when out stealing. People can't see'em glow if they're all tinted up behind his frames!!
He's also pretty proud that his eyes don't give people nightmares like Lucifer's, but since they glow like little sundrops when he's out, moths fly into his face… a lot…
He is far too embarrassed to admit to MC that he also wears his sunglasses outside for bug protection, so he makes up some shit about it being part of "Devildom-style" they just wouldn't understand.
Sometimes, the MC swears that if they look close, his pupils look like Grimm signs. But has to be a trick of the light… Right?
Levi's eyes glow a citrine orange but weirdly, his pupils actually slit instead of dilate in the dark.
Though he will never admit it, but he actually has pretty bad night vision in his normal form. (Which isn't that surprising given all of screens he stares at.)
It's a little comical watching Levi stumble around in the dark if he needs to go grab something. The MC can just follow his eyes as he smacks into a lot of walls…
His demon form can kind of make up for it, but only so much. If things get too dark, Levi can change into it so he can see his surroundings with the help of UV light.
"Snake Vision" makes the dark more manageable, but it's not very good for gaming at all so he rarely thinks to use it. Everybody knows that past a certain brightness in the room, don't expect Levi to be of much help.
Magically enchanted his eyes to look exactly like a green-eyed cat's in the dark. I'm dead serious.
Imagine just going about your business then two grown man-sized feline eyes pop out from behind a corner. They even have nocturnal eyeshine so feels like you're being hunted!
Sometimes he can't help himself and he'll sneak up on people with his eyes closed so he can open them over their shoulders or peeking around corners.
He has given the whole House about as many heart attacks as Lucifer has pulling those shenanigans, I swear…
Belphie is the only one generally unaffected and he always gets a big laugh from when Satan scares the others. The youngest boys just be like that, unfortunately...
His eyes look like a kaleidoscope in low light. Every slight tilt of his head makes them reflect a whole new wave of fractals and colors.
Asmo is just as aware as Mammon that his eyes are gorgeous, but unlike Mammon he wouldn't DARE cover them up!! Sunglasses are for sunny days, which they don't ever get down in Hell.
Asmo's eyes are integral to his charm spells, so he takes extra care to be sure that they are as healthy and bright as they can be! He won't even accept eyebags.
Seeing Asmo's eyes in the dark kind of like seeing a trippy optical illusion just... staring at you. It's less unnerving than the others but it's equally hard to ignore.
To this day, he brags that it was his eyes that caught Solomon's attention when they first met. (Solomon actually wanted to pluck them out to use as potion ingredients, but he'll let that stay a secret.)
Beel's eyes are probably the most normal of all of the family unless you look at them suuuper closely.
In his normal form, his eyes will just glow a nice shade of purple with nothing fancy happening. But in his demon form, they get that glassy, compounded film akin to insects with his iris still trapped and moving around under the surface.
Thankfully, they do not bulge out of his skull. They even give him the ability to see and track objects in fast motion, which does wonders for his reaction time.
... Somewhat unfortunately, though, his line of sight is more narrow than an inscets so it can look like he's trying to look everywhere all at once to compensate. His eyes will constantly dart around the room as if he is trying to follow the flight pattern of a coked out fly.
At least he mostly only uses this during fights or sporting events where they really come in handy. Honestly, if there's anything more jarring than red eyes, it's stumbling across bug-eyes that they can practically see right through you.
Belphie's eyes glow purple, but they don't shine nearly as brightly as his brothers'. In fact, they have a steady, calming pulse when stared at which is very unnerving.
Total darkness is really when Belphie gives off his best "sleep paralysis demon" vibes. His eyes are really relaxing to look at, but only in the same way that the little light on an angler fish would be enticing to its prey. It's a trap, don't fall for it.
Belphie CAN put people to sleep this way, but he hates doing it because it means he has to somehow not blink for ages. He really has to be motivated to want to see someone zonked out.
For a couple centuries, Mammon would send Belphie to talk to Lucifer if he was working too late in order to (compassionately) knock their brother out so he could get some rest.
Lucifer's since gotten wise to this trick, but sometimes if he's really been going too long he will forget until he wakes up on the nearest couch post Belphie "convincing" him to take a nap.
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enbyfrogwrites · 6 months
you're so needy, baby
first actual post, be kind!
tags: dead dove do not eat, mommy kink, sub! choso, smut, begging, afab reader but reader is nb coded, reader is mixed coded but there's nothing pertaining to race tho outwardly, begging, cockwarming, needy!choso, dom!reader, 18+
also i tried my best but there's going to be spelling error and shit, i'm only one person and im sorry. Also decided to end it early because I don’t think that it’s that good. But if you want me to actually finish it, shoot me an ask.
word count: ~1.7k
It started that you wanted to play your game, and Choso kept asking for attention. He kept standing by your side even though you just started your new quest in your game. It was going to take awhile. You kept looking up at him when you saw him shuffling side to side from the corner of your eyes.
"Cho," You voice soft, this was your first forreal day off that you didn't have to do errands or still go on missions. You wanted to play your game. It's been weeks. "What is it that you need, baby?"
Your boyfriend just silently pulled at your sleeve, giving you a pout.
"If you want something, you have to tell me, I can't read minds." You pause your game and full turn to face the poor curse.
"I just..." His voice so quiet and sounds? Whiny? "I really miss you, Mommy."
oh. Oh.
"You miss Mommy, baby?" You coo, your face splitting into a toothy grin. You watch him nod, his face flushing such a pretty shade of pink.
"We...we haven't done it in so long," His voice was most definitely whiny. He wasn't wrong, since you were sent on back to back missions, all you did when you got home was just...sleep. The only thing you two did for the past couple weeks was scattered blows and handies. You understood where he was coming from.
But you really wanted to play your game. You also happened to look down, and see that Choso was half hard in the joggers you bought him. A bright idea crossed your mind, making you giggle slightly. It was perfect.
"How about this," You purr, your hands reach out and caress his stomach through his shirt. You watch as his body tensed and breath hitched. It made you smile softly. He's such a needy boy.
"I'll warm your cock, baby. I'll sit on your cock, and you be good for Mommy, okay?" You watch as his face twist in lust and confusion.
"Let Mommy play their game for one hour, okay? If you don't move and be a good boy, Mommy will let you fuck their hole however you want to, sound okay, Cho?"
Choso's face brightened up, you watched as his cock gave an interested twitch in the joggers.
"So... I can fuck Mommy if I'm good?" His voice was too cute, it was so hopeful and happy.
You nod, your lips giving your boyfriend a small smile of encouragement. "But, you're not allowed to move in me for one full hour. If you're able to do that, then yes." You really wanted to clarify the last part. You still really wanted to play your game.
Choso nodded, his face bright pink in lust and his facial expression showed so much excitement. You get off your office chair and motion for him to sit in it. You watch as he clammers into the chair, his hands fidgeting in his lap. His pants was still on…now that just won’t do.
You decided to pull the chair out from the desk, his hands grabbing on to the arm rests of your chair as you move him back. You move the chair far enough that you can slot yourself between the desk and your boyfriend, with space to move. You bend down to gently tug at Choso’s pants, pulling softly at each pant leg to get your point across. He dutifully lifts up his hips and you pull his pants down. He wasn’t wearing any underwear.
“Oh you, slut. No underwear? You’re so needy, baby!” You laugh, not maliciously but out of surprise. Generally he always kept his underwear on even at home, it was a habit he picked up from living with Yuuji before coming to live with you. He’s so desperate. It was so cute.
Choso nodded, his flushed face deepening in color. “I missed you so much, Mommy.” Your heart fluttered, god he was so cute. You were wearing one of your boxers only, so you swiftly pulled them off and tossed them off to your bed which was next to your desk. You watched as your boyfriend’s cock jumped, his cock almost all the way hard just from taking off both of your bottoms.
“This only works if you’re fully hard, so I’m gonna suck on it okay? Don’t move, okay? Be a good boy.” He gulped, his blush went down his neck and to his chest.
You didn’t wait for a response, you carefully dropped to your knees so you don’t land on your boyfriend’s feet. You looked back up at his face, looking at his lust filled eyes as you carefully brought the tip of his cock to your lips. Choso gasped quietly as you began to go down on him, your brain storing all his beautiful sounds in your memory bank for later. You sucked as much as you could comfortably fit in your mouth, making sure not to swallow around his hard length. After all, it’s just to make sure he’s completely hard not to actually get him off. You pulled back and went down again, doing this action a handful more times. Each time you took a bit more of his length in your mouth than the last. By this point Choso began panting, his mouth was open and he was mewling pathetically at the attention that you were giving him. You watched as his face began to scrunch up, his eyebrows furrowing cutely as he whined softly and gripped the arms of your desk chair.
You decide to pull off, which caused Choso to whimper. “Mommy, you felt so good though!” Choso was adorable, his eyes had tears in the corners from the stimulation.
“I know baby, but I told you I just wanted to just get you hard so you can slide in my hole, remember?” You were teasing him, you hand coming to gently stroke the tip of his cock. You felt his cock twitch in your hand deliciously, making you smile up at him. “Only for an hour, okay?”
You stood up and pulled up your shirt a little, it was baggy and you didn’t want it to catch on his cock or anything else. You leaned down a little bit and kissed Choso, your lips only going for a peck then pulling away. It was adorable seeing the poor curse trying to follow your lips. You turned around and felt Choso’s hands grab at your back, massaging your rolls lovingly as you pulled the chair closer to the desk with one hand. It was nice, your boyfriend didn’t care what you looked like, he loved your fat stomach, all your stretch marks and cellulite. It made you so happy that Choso genuinely love you for you, and wasn’t an asshole or embarrassed by you being fat. It made your heart soft when you felt his right hand snake its way to your front and rubbed at your stretch mark covered apron belly. You loved him so much. Without much prompting, you reached between your legs and aimed Choso’s cock to your now sopping wet hole. You carefully sat down, sheathing his length inch by inch. It took you a couple moments since your boyfriend was so big, but you finally bottomed out and was fully seated in his lap. Behind you though, you hear Choso gasping and felt him grip at your stomach. You looked behind your shoulder and saw his face was completely blissed out but also tortured. Your boyfriend’s face was so flushed, and his lips were parted and had drool partially leaking out of the corner of his mouth.
“Oh fuck, baby you feel so good around me.” Choso gasped out, his eyebrows furrowing as he opened his eyes to look at yours. “Love your hole, Mommy! It makes my cock feel so good!”
You smile softly as you lean back to give him a kiss. You sloppily landed it on his nose, since that was as close as you could get, but nonetheless you turn back around. You shifted a little, getting a bit more comfortable on your boyfriend’s muscular thighs. The moment made both of you sigh, his shaft was hitting your insides Perfectly, and your hole was clenching around his shaft so good. It was then that you realized with a laugh that you were still too far away from the desk, Not too far away, but too much so that you couldn’t reach your keyboard well enough to actually play.
“Baby?” You ask, your head turning around to look at your boyfriend. “You can move me for a minute or two if you scoot the chair up closer to the desk.”
“Move you on my cock?” Choso sounded so excited.
“Yep! Only for a minute or two, then I’ll play my game. But I can’t play this far away from the keyboard.” You blink at Choso as he smiled at you as he did what you ask in a heartbeat. You felt yourself and him scoot across the hardwood floor in a smooth motion, his thighs clenching as he flexed his legs to propel forward. Choso propelled you two enough so you can reach your keyboard and pull it closer to you. He left enough room so your stomach wasn’t digging into the desk, he was so considerate. God you loved him.
“Okay, you can move for only two minutes then you’ll let me play, okay?” You grinned at Choso as you felt him grab at your hips and sides, and hefted you up. Since he was a half-curse, his strength was able to carry you with no problems. He swiftly brought you down, your ass smacking against his pelvis with a loud slap. You grab at your desk as he lifted you up and began a brutal pace. You were left moaning helplessly. Your body jolting with each time Choso meeting you halfway. You look at your desktop and see that two minutes has passed and you reach down and grab at Choso’s legs, making him come to a halt.
“Baby, that’s two minutes.” You grinned wolfishly.
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soulofapatrick · 1 year
Bleeding Hearts - Jasper Hale x Reader
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Summary: Jasper finds you on the floor crying and bleeding and patches you up which leads to feelings being admitted
Words: 2.1k
Warnings: blood; cut otherwise fluff and a little angst
Notes: DW I’m still gonna be writing TLOU stories too
I didn’t wanna go back to mine, the place feeling to cramped and closed off which I know would add to all the pent up frustration I’m currently feeling. It’s why I’ve ended up at the Cullen’s house, needing to be somewhere no one will judge me and hey maybe Jasper can use if freaky emotional control on me so I can stop feeling like I want to slam someones head into a table or scream. This week has been non-stop and I just need a fucking break, shoulders tense and heart racing as I let myself in, knowing they’ve got the fridge stocked for me to help myself to anything I want. 
I drop my rucksack with a hard thump, kicking my shoes off and throwing my jacket in the general direction of my bag before heading towards the fridge. I’m moving around the kitchen island too quickly as I feel my elbow connect with the  beautiful glass jar there and just watch it go crashing to the ground, realising a few expletives, “Ahhh! Fucking shitting fuck!” 
The sound of shattering glass grates against my ears as my frustration is turning into overstimulation, the frustration reaching a breaking point that I can’t deal with it anymore. The tears are welling up in my eyes as I sink to my knees to clean up the mess before any of the Cullens get home and see me in this state. It’s like I’m fighting a losing battle and everything is just falling apart around me, the frustration is just so overwhelming and I’m struggling to stop the tears as they stream down my cheeks rather embarrassingly. The Cullens don’t like to leave me home alone after what happened to Bella and Laurent when Bella was human. 
“Y/N?” My head flies up at the sound of a familiar southern drawl to see Jasper standing in the doorway. His usually golden eyes are a bright, almost glowing shade of red and his gaze is intense as they focus on my hands while his jaw pops audibly as if he’s trying to restrain himself. My hands are bleeding, the pain only registering with me as I see the fresh blood dripping down my palms and onto the floors, adding to the mess I’ve made with the jar. The frustration turns into hopelessness as I can’t even clean up without causing more problems, the world conspiring against me and hey, maybe Jasper could lose control and kill me. It’d be the least of my problems at the moment, “Leave the glass, I’ll clear it up. Let’s get you bandaged up.”
The honey blond vampire is swallowing thickly, as if swallowing his urge to give into the bloodlust, before he’s approaching me. He crosses the room in a few quick, human paced, steps to lean down and help me to my feet with his icy hand on my forearm. He’s leading me upstairs and down the very familiar hallway, past my room to the room at the end which is his. I don’t think I’ve actually been in his room in the year I’ve been friends with the Cullens. 
The walls are a soft grey colour, making me think back to him and Emmett running upstairs one day with cans of grey paint a few months into me knowing them all, and there’s a few painting on the walls. There’s photos around the room from different centuries he’s lived through. If I was in a better mood I think I would have laughed at it and teased him as it’s such an odd sense of humour and I like it. He also has a bed which surprises me as they’ve vampires, they don’t sleep. It’s large and comfortable with high quality linens and pillows, a cozy blanket draped at the foot of the bed and a few fuzzy pillows. He’s pushing me onto the bed, making me sit on the edge while he disappears to do whatever, I don’t mind as it gives me time to really take in every detail of his room. 
There’s a vintage dresser, looking like it has been carefully maintained and it just makes me think about how weird it must be to watch the world you were born into develop and change while you… you stay the same. It must be so scary and lonely, watching everything you knew change with only you knowing what it once was. 
Jasper’s returning, med kit in hand and I can feel my heart rate embarrassingly begin to race at the sight of him and I know he hears it as he’s got a small smile on his lips. He doesn’t say a word though, sitting next to me and raising an eyebrow as if to tell me to hold my hands out. I do just that, marvelling at how gentle and careful his touch is. His hands are cold and smooth against mine, the contract between us noticeable and somewhat soothing. 
Despite the stinging pain of the cuts the sensations of his touch is almost comforting and if find myself relaxing under his care. I can feel his fingers brushing against mine and there’s an undertone to intimacy in the way he tends to me. His touch almost hypnotic that I get lost in it, the tension almost palpable and I know he definitely feels it as he’s able to read emotions. I should be embarrassed about Jasper always being able to know exactly how I feel but right now I couldn’t care less because even without vampire abilities I can tell it’s reciprocated and the moment is a gentle one, just between us. 
He’s breaking the tension, southern drawl filled with heat and concern, “Now, why don’t you tell me what’s got you all worked up?” His eyes are fixed on mine, the red having disappeared so they’re that breathtaking golden colour again, like the colour of a sunset on a hot day. The concern in his tone is genuine and I think my heart jumps into my throat when he leans closer to me. 
“I-I really don’t know.” I reply softly, feeling stupid that I got so worked up over something that I don’t even know what it was. He’s leaning even closer, icy hands sliding up my shoulders around my shoulders as he pulls me into a hug that draws a sound of surprise from me. His embrace is warm and full of comfort despite how naturally icy cold his body is as it’s pressed to mine. The scent of the vanilla shampoo he uses on his wavy blond hair and the rich and musky scent that is just Jasper, makes me almost dizzy. 
Being so close to a vampire like this I feel completely safe and secure. His nose is buried in the crook of my neck and his cool breath against my neck, sending shivers down my spine. Vampires have no need to breath but it just seems a force of habit for the Cullens as they’ve integrated themselves into mortal society. I know how hard this must be for him, controlling his bloodlust being so close to my jugular but I don’t feel scared in any way. The moment feels intimate and special, feeling an embarrassing surge of romantic attraction towards him as I want to stay in his arms forever. 
The small smile I feel against my neck lets me know he can sense my emotions and a gasp is ripped from my throat when those cold lips press to my neck before he’s pulling back. Those golden eyes have darkened a little, full of unmistakable desire and passion. My heart is trying to break through my ribcage when he moves his hands to my cheeks, pulling me forwards until those same lips are soft against mine. I’m caught off guard as I never though Jasper would actually make a move, given his reputation for not being able to control his lust of human blood yet, making the kiss somewhat overwhelming. 
The kiss is oh so gentle and calculated as if he’s holding back so he doesn’t hurt me, thumbs stroking my cheeks softly as my own fly to his chest, feeling the coolness of his skin and the hard muscles beneath his shirt. My whole body feels electrified, tingling with anticipation and a satisfaction that I’ve not felt kissing other boys. His lips are surprisingly soft and cool against mine, mouth opening slightly so he can slide his tongue over my bottom lip. I’m parting them for him, our tongues meeting and the passion intensifying in a flood of warmth and I’m sure if Jasper knows he’s using his powers or not as we lose ourselves in the moment. 
Hands move from my cheeks, one to grip my waist almost painfully and the other tangling in my hair as he tilts my head back to deepen the kiss even more. I’m pressing against his chest lightly and he loosens his grip on my hair so I pull back enough to gasp for air and he’s chuckles low and rich, southern drawl strong and going straight between my legs, “Sorry doll, I forgot you need to breathe.” 
“Jasper.” His name slips from my lips in a whine and his eyes darken even more, tongue darting out to wet his lips. He’s yanking me forwards again, lips crushing against mine and I’m melting into his embrace as I can feel how careful he’s being with me despite how much sexual tension and want there is between us. He’s shifting his body over me, the hands in my hair and on my back are laying me down. 
My body feels so alive with the comfortable weight of him above me as he moves his lips down my neck and sucking gentle hickeys into the skin. His lips trailing down my neck is a new sensation that has my hips raising and searching for some form of friction, drawing a low sound from him. It’s amazing, being able to finally express all these feelings I’ve had kept hidden for so long, letting his feel the love and want for him. My fingers running through his surprisingly soft hair, pulling him closer to me, wanting Jasper to be the only thing on my mind. 
Suddenly, a low sound escapes my lips and Jasper’s replying with a small laugh as his hand in my hair moves to cover my mouth as he whispers, “They’re back darlin’.” 
“Jazz,” I can’t stop the whine as he breaks away from me, letting me catch my breath and regain my composure before we go down and greet the rest of the Cullens. I feel so empty and longing and I don’t care if everyone hears with their vampire hearing when I grip the front of Jasper’s shirt and yank. It catches him off guard, a surprised sound rumbling in his throat as he tumbles on top of me again, arms catching himself before he hurts me, “Jazz.” 
“I know sweet girl, I know,” He coos softly, fingers brushing the stray strands away from my face, his gaze so loving it steals the air from my lungs and I’m flushing hot, “Come on, we gotta go talk to them.” 
“They can hear us.” I protest quietly and he’s chuckling fondly again, head falling to my shoulder. 
“There is glass and blood on the floor.” Jasper reminds me and I groan in protest but let him move away, watching him as he’s now standing beside the bed. His tall and lean figure towering over me and I should be scared but all I feel content. He runs a hand through his tousled blond hair, causing it to fall into a charmingly disheveled way across his forehead. His golden eyes are filled with tenderness and concern as he gazes down at me, taking in my flushed and flustered appearance, chiseled jaw set in a determined expression, as if he's ready to protect me from anything that might cause me harm. Despite his vampire nature, there is an undeniable warmth and humanity in his features that make you feel safe and loved.
He reaches down and helps me to my feet, placing a soft kiss to my forehead before holding my face in his hands and looking me in the eyes promising me he will always look out for me no matter what. A sense of comfort washes over me as he wraps me in a strong embrace that has me knows he means every single word and no matter what any of his family says he will always stay by my side. 
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icyg4l · 1 month
PAC: May 2024 Predictions
Hello beautiful people! Later on this week, I will have a Five Dollar Friday Sale where any topic can be talked about. Please refer to my guidelines if you are interested in booking with me! Today, I will be giving you all some predictions about the upcoming month. I hope that those who resonate will continue to support me. For those of you who have been supporting me, I thank you. Without further ado, please select the quote that resonates with you.
Left-to-Right: (1-3)
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Pile One: I am getting Taurus energy from this pile. I feel like you are going to be walking away from a situation that no longer serves you in May. It's going to hurt. But on the bright side, at least you are done with that chapter in your life. I feel like you are inviting new energy into your life though. It feels lively. I think that you need to be careful though if you go out to a hookah bar, or just go out into the nightlife in general. I am seeing that you will be going to a cookout. I am seeing the image of a thermometer's heat rising. I feel like you may have tension with someone that's super thick, lol. All in all, I feel that this month for you will determine the theme of this summer for you all. You got your wings, you've been promoted! It may be hard to focus on the positives because of your circumstances but you will survive. This month will feel weird because it’s like your on two ends of the spectrum. One part is good and the other is gone to shit, but all will work in your favor boo! See the good in life.
Cards Used: Page of Cups, Queen of Discs, Ace of Cups, 5 of Discs, The World, 10 of Swords, Justice.
extras: arrogance. cheap labor. pennyslvania. slabs. coney island. sweet! livelihood. perfume. body shapewear. antisocial club.
Pile Two: Idk why but your energy reminds me of Natalie Nunn lol. Not the messy parts but the part about her where she's unintentionally funny and fun to be around. Your energy feels very much party girl, I could easily get in this section if I wanted to type of vibe. Anyway, I think that you are going to be strengthening some platonic connections that you already have. But I also think that you're going to cut someone loose --- someone who has been around for a while. The name Harold comes to mind. Have you eaten Harold's Chicken as of recently, lol? I think that you're going to have sharper instincts as a result. You're going to see people for who they are. I am seeing the image of a butterfly flying on someone's nose. You will be growing up in the month of May. There is an emphasis on meditation. You're being called to devoting your time to staying in the present. You're being asked to go within and get more introspective. Also, cut back on the refined sugars. I think you'll be listening to Amaraae and Solange more often this month as well.
Cards Used: King of Cups, 3 of Cups, Strength, Death, King of Swords, The Hermit, Prince of Discs, 2 of Swords, The Lovers.
extras: big eyes. blonde hair. shapely. wiz khalifa. stunna shades. "i ain't going nowhere." "get comfy." gloomy. rainbow tips.
Pile Three: Someone in this pile is going to be reuniting with their family at a prom sendoff, at a graduation, a party. Either way, it will be a celebration. This pile will also be very grateful in the month of May. You are also going to have many opportunities to make quick money with the people that you love (not necessarily family but anyone that makes you feel safe). A love opportunity will be coming through for you as well. I don't see this as something you should take serious. I think you want to be independent right now, that person understands and they will give you your space for the time being. If you're trying to curate an event, don't worry too much about what people will think because it's going to be a big turnout regardless. I think some of you will be going to a wedding or will be getting married. So, congratulations to that! I also think that some of you will be meeting your future spouses in this pile (you won't know it yet though). Overall, I feel that this month is a great month for you to focus on community building.
Cards Used: The Emperor, The Hierophant, 9 of Swords, King of Wands, Justice, 3 of Discs, 8 of Wands, 4 of Wands, Ace of Cups.
extras: entrepreneurial spirit. aquamarine. blue butterflies. single father. "something cute, something for the summertime."
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nvoirs · 1 month
Pairing: Nerd Leon x Nerd female reader. Creds to the plot by @asmodaywritesstuff and also just a genuine present to them.
Disclaimers: P in V, both Leon and reader are virgins, unprotected sex, cussing and fingering.
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“I’ve tested you on this one so many times, maybe we should just stop working.” You yawned, stretching your arms behind your head.
“Well ok then I guess.” Leon mumbled, placing his Bio textbook face down on your desk, adjusting his glasses to peer over at you. 
Oh. your tank top had ridden up and he could just see a tiny bit of your hot pink bra showing.
He turned red looking away quickly and coughing. “So uh I was wondering, have you ever been asked out?”
You perked up raising your head at his question, your top falling down into its original place. “Yeah one or two times, but more or less it was a prank. You know like hey let's see who can get in that nerds pants first kind of being asked out.” You shrugged your shoulders, not seeming bothered.
“Oh..” He stumbled over his words. “I’m sorry I didn’t know people could be so cruel..” You chuckled at him, tossing a hand in the air. “It’s no biggie, seriously Leon, and besides I already like someone.”
He froze at those words. You already liked someone? “Oh.. mind telling me who it is, I mean I am your best friend after all.” He grinned.
God he really had no clue, you wanted to kiss his stupidly perfect face so badly it hurt your heart a little. “Well I’m not sure about that.”
“Oh..” He looked dejected staring at his lap. You bit your lip feeling slightly regretful so you spoke up. “Well I could give you clues.” Leon’s head shot up after that. “Yes I’d like that.”
“Well..” You sat cross legged. “He’s taller than me, has a nice physique and he just has the cutest smile I’ve ever seen.”
Leon huffed, “That’s so generic, I’ll never get the right answer.” he rolled his eyes at you.
“Wait, you didn’t let me finish yet.” You poked him in the side. “Oh ok.” He said sitting up, you wouldn’t be surprised if he grew a tail and it started to wag.
“He’s got the softest hair, it's a nice sandy colour, his eyes are the shade of the ocean and he’s my best friend but I don’t know how to tell him.” You choked on the last word staring at Leon, hoping that he felt the same.
He couldn’t believe his ears, you liked him? This was the greatest news he’d ever heard and he wanted to spin you around and around and- 
“Leon, are you ok? Sorry if you don’t feel the same I-”
He captured his lips on your own, grabbing the fabric of your tank top and grasping it. You gasped when he let go, your lips popping and you stared at him starstruck.
“That was my first kiss..”
“I’m sorry I shouldn’t have-” You grabbed him by his t-shirt going back in for round two. At first Leon was hesitant, not wanting to go too far. He’d tried to learn how to kiss good multiple times, so he just hoped he was doing good. You both crashed onto your bed, Leon caging you between his arms so as to not crush you. His tender kisses he was leaving down your jaw and neck made the sensations in your stomach burst, you could feel yourself becoming wet from his kisses grinding up on him.
The string of spit that left your lips still connected to his made Leon hard. He wiped it away looking at you. Flustered and the shade of a tomato, he wondered if you wanted to take it further.
“Leon please, I need you.” You whispered. He nodded at you squeezing your calf. “How about we revise first?” You looked at him confused. “You can’t be serious Leon.” He shook his head at you, “Not what you're thinking, we can visually revise our human anatomy now can’t we.” You were lost for words, how was this the same guy that begged you to play monopoly with him.
“I’d love it.” You watched him kneel in front of your sprawled out body. “May I?” He looked at your shorts. “Yeah please take it off.” He nodded, pulling off your shorts, and slowly began to peel off your panties. The strings of slick that were attached made him groan, a noise you’d never heard before.
“Fuck me.” He whispered under his breath, once he had a crystal clear view of your pussy and your cute clit. “Leon, are you ok?” You said worriedly, beginning to shift.
“I’m fine, just relax baby just relax I got this.” “Wait Leon, I’m.. I’ve never done this before so please be gentle.” Leon paused, “It’s ok baby we’re just two virgin morons trying to figure it all out.” That made you laugh, holding his hand tighter.
His singular finger that ghosted over your pussy began to spread your folds. Collecting your fluids and smearing them over his double digits. He found your clit with little to no effort, and began to slowly circle it. That made you whine, your whole clenching on nothing as he began to get faster and faster. He stopped all of a sudden the build up stopped. He began to ease his finger inside your pussy, causing you to whimper and shiver against him.
When his finger was half way in he started to pull it out again before pushing it backing in. He pumped his one finger in and out to get you nice and stretched for his cock. “More.” You said hoarse, gripping Leon's free hand. “Ok.” He smiled at you, kissing your forehead as he added another digit. You could feel yourself clenching around his fingers as you came harder than you had ever done with your own fingers. You groaned as he removed his fingers from your cunt before shakily sucking one tasting your juices.
“You taste so good, I want you to sit on my face.” He whined on his knees in front of you, he was begging for it. You pulled your t-shirt over your head brandishing the fuschia coloured bra you were wearing. “Maybe next time, I just want to uh… do it you know?”
He raised a brow at you, a quizzical expression splayed across. “Oh ok I get it, so you want me to fuck you?” your throat turned dry and your words were stuck inside the tunnel of your dry throat. “Yes.” You whispered, hoping he even heard your answer.
Leon had you lay back on the comfort of your soft pillows, propping one leg onto his shoulder (He’d seen the position in a porn video) before lining himself up with your entrance. “Relax f’me yeah? I’m just as nervous as you, Jesus.”
He bit his lip, holding back a moan as your warm, firm hole squeezed him as he pushed through the ring of muscle. “Oh fuck your so.. Tight, I don’t want to cum yet.” He pushed in further before his hands landed on your hips, showing that this was all new to him. You gasped as he began to rut into you, his hips moving gently to lessen the pain of popping your cherry.
“You're so pretty you know that? God I love watching your tits when we’re studying.” He groaned into your ear, hot breath fanning over it causing shivers to erupt though your body. “Perv.” He smiled at that, the boyish grin he had made your stomach flutter. “Leon... I'm gonna cum.” You drew him nearer with your arms wrapped around his neck and your lips trailing over as you both moaned.
“Come for me then baby, don’t hold back.” With his hair falling in front of his face and his hands tightening around your hips to push you into the bed, Leon murmured to you. He spread your thighs apart with one hand while massaging your clit with the other. As he played with the small bundle of nerves between your inner thighs, his fingers moved sensually and at a medium rhythm. As you clamoured and squeezed around his cock.
“Ngh leon I’m cumming fuck!” You grinded against him as you came wrapping your legs around his waist like a spider's web. “F..fuck me to.” He sealed his eyes shut before pulling out of your little hole cumming all over the mound of your pussy.
“That was amazing.” You were out of breath as you tugged leon down next to your own body. Sprawled out like this not giving a shit that your Bio exam was tomorrow. “Yeah it was great, so does this mean we’re a thing now?” He stammered, twisting and pulling at his fingers.
“Of course.” You cupped his face in your hands, his soft skin dimpling between your fingers. You kissed his dusky moles, his cleft and lastly his forehead.
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fagidarity · 9 months
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y’know generally i try to limit colour palettes to as few colours as possible to make things more cohesive but despite my best efforts only jay ended up being able to stick to that </3
ANYWAYS here’s the as-of-right-now fully updated designs for these dickheads. these will no doubt undergo even more tweaking as i draw them more but this is a start i guess. also pls open the pictures to look at them properly i worked so hard LOL
some random notes under the cut yaaaay
chip —
he jingles when he walks. somehow he’s still stealthy. i do not know how
kept the platinum ring that bonded him to gillion in the block! because hey he doesn’t really have a reason to take it off (and it’s a nice reminder of how much gill cares about him, and how far their friendship has come since that ice arena)
his tattoos shift and flicker like actual flames, and sometimes (harmless, purely aesthetic) sparks fly off them when he’s excited
i just think smoke coming out of his mouth when he’s angry would be cool :]
chipped teeth from biting rocks and coins all the time :/
he has scars from the red lightning, they’re just mostly contained to his back and shoulders. they’re a similar red to his coat even once they’ve healed
gillion —
the tail sleeve thing is so he can rest it on the ground without damaging his scales, he doesn’t usually wear it when he’s just on the ship because the wood is soft enough that it’s usually fine + it can hinder swimming a bit. it’s mostly meant for places where there’s cobblestone or gravel streets and such. i think his armour would probably have a version that looks similar but covers the whole tail minus the fins, maybe with some armour plating of its own. i didn’t draw it because there wasn’t any room lol
his scars from the lightning are pink mostly because red stood out too much tbh. they softly glow in the dark the same as his coral and the pink parts of his fins
also kept his ring! his hands aren’t really made for jewellery, though, because the webbing means it won’t sit very secure on his finger. so he keeps it on the same chain as the necklace he got from aslana to keep it safe
tried to make him look a bit bulkier and more his age than in my original design? i feel like i was leaning too much into the naivety and. shortness. originally lol. he also has thicker eyebrows now and i’m still trying to decide how i feel about them but i think? i like it? i don’t tend to give many character thin eyebrows so it could’ve been a unique thing for him but alas
i think i made the sword too small but like ignore that
also forgor to include pretzel </3 that’s okay though she can get her own design sheet later. she’s special like that
jay —
i believe in tall jay supremacy
blue magic! i was considering gold but that’d look a bit more like a canary than i wanted for her wings so. blue jay :]
her hair is supposed to look kinda like fire to mimic her dad ! kinda showing that even if she runs from her family and the navy they’ll always be a part of her. and also i just like drawing messy hair
i gave her sturdier gloves just because i feel like it fits her better. also changed up the shirt to more of a button up solely because i don’t like tank tops very much LOL
i did WANT to make her outfit a bit flashier to match the boys better but i couldn’t quite figure out where to Put the flash. maybe that’ll come later, the way the story’s going i might get to design some cool prosthetics for her or something
overall —
because there’s just so many fucking colours i triiied to add at least one or two colours from each of them into the others designs. jay has her necklace with each of their main colours on it, her wings are the same blue as gillions eyes, her jacket and right eye are the same dark blue as destiny’s blade, her hair is the same orange as the lighter part of chips tattoos. chip has a dark green sash under all the belts, the same as the hilt of destiny’s blade. they all use the same shades of black, gold, and brown
the only real exception is gillion doesn’t have anything from the other two because he has Such a specific colour palette and he already had so much going on as-is orz jay was obviously the easiest to do this with because she has both warm and cool colours in her palette by default lol (and i did her design last, so that helps)
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ruija · 3 months
Well I really love your art, may I ask how do u color? I struggle with coloring turtles and I wasn't to know how do u do that?
Hi anon! That's a very broad question, so you've given me a great excuse to ramble anything I want about my coloring, eehehehee~! This will be in two parts and I'll start with talking about my simpler coloring style.
As in, when I color characters on a white background, with a limited or light palette.
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The driving force behind this style is me being lazy. My time, energy, and attention span are pretty limited, so if I want to finish anything, I gotta do it fast. And with fanart, I'm usually just doing it for fun and relaxation, so there's no need to push myself to polish it too much.
Despite that, I rarely post just black and white sketches or line arts. I always try to add at least a little bit of toning or shading, because that makes the image easier to read. The characters and their shapes pop out and catch the eye of the viewer better.
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However, in this particular example, just the couple toning colors don't quite do the job. The way Don and Leo are entangled makes the center area of this illustration very busy and hard to read.
As a comparison; this pic has only one tone + mask colors, and it works. This is because all the characters are standing separately and their poses are very stationary and simple.
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So for the Don + Leo pic, adding some shadows helps in bringing out shapes and depths. Also in general, if you don't feel like drawing BGs, it's good to at least add a shadow below the characters. It grounds them and makes them feel like they exist within a space.
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Sometimes if the posing looks too complex and busy, it might just be best to color in the characters fully.
However, even if I do full flat colors, I tend to use a lighter palette. Putting characters in their neutral/default color on a white BG can look a bit jarring as if they're floating in a void. It feels less immersive and like the picture is unfinished.
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Using lighter colors makes the image more cohesive, and fits the characters into the white environment a bit more naturally.
If I'm too lazy to draw a BG, I prefer using stylized and limited colors. It feels deliberate and that the whiteness is just part of the palette, whereas the character-accurate colors on white don't match as well, even if they're more pastel.
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That being said, there's nothing wrong with just slapping the flat-colored characters on a white background. As you know, I do it too. I'm just exposing my 'fancy coloring style' for what it is; me being lazy, hah!
Limited and monochromatic palettes are a nice shortcut even when you do actual backgrounds. It's faster and you don't have to worry about clashing colors. And you can still convey atmosphere and mood.
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Also, on the topic of conserving your time and efforts; I think it's very common among younger/less experienced artists to think that the amount of time you spend on your art piece = how good and well received that piece will be.
Which has some merit to it of course, but it can lead to putting too much effort into areas where it's not necessary. E.g. filling the piece with tons of details and clutter that don't serve an actual purpose, but rather make the image hard to read. Or doing really complicated shading for a meme/comic, where simplicity would deliver the joke better.
So whenever I'm drawing something I intend to publish, whether it's a quick doodle or a more polished piece, I try to follow these two principles: Make it easily readable and do the bare minimum that needs to be done to convey what I want to convey.
Putting time into practice is important, but if you draw for work, it's also crucial that you know how to prioritize and use your time efficiently!
Anyway, thanks for reading! In the next part I'll go into how I do my fully colored pieces, so stay tuned for that!
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black-lake · 2 years
astro observations 6
Heyyy, here's another observation. ☆ This is a lighthearted one, I hope so. I've done so many hard aspects/healing observations ik, and so lets have fun with this one! This post focuses on the ascendant and physical traits, but anything that comes to mind really. 🦚 🦚
Highlights: ascendant, virgo, gemini, leo, aquarius, pisces, all risings, moon, saturn, neptune, uranus, pluto, celebrity ascendants, degrees.
🐉 If something happens to your teeth or jaw, check your Saturn transits or solar return. You may get braces or aligners during a significant saturn aspect transit. Check the transits if any bones you have start acting up. You may feel like getting cosmetic treatment, surgery or anything of that kind. Stepping up your aesthetic game. I got my aligners during multiple saturn conjunction transits, a pain in all aspects of life lol, wasn't expecting less from it. It's a good time to break and restructure solid things in general, in your life, body, and mind, it will have a lasting effect.
🐉 If you have ascendant-pluto aspect transit or in your solar return, especially ascendant conjunct pluto, you may change many things in your looks/aesthetics. You could fix something you wanted to fix in your appearance, change your wardrobe, your style, dye your hair, or go through a major glow up. You could also change the way you express yourself and show up to the world. Any aspect of your ascendant will undergo some kind of transformation, even the way you view yourself.
🐉 Virgo risings are easy to spot for me, they have small features that are defined but soft, think Emma Watson, Timothée Chalamet, Chris Jenner, Kurt Cobain, and Emma Chamberlain (which I believe is a virgo rising not approved, but the vibes are strong). They kind of have a perfect look yet they don't care about it, cuz idealists ya know. They are effing beautiful. They want to appear natural, remember. Sometimes I notice they talk about doing the least to their appearance and keeping their natural hair/beauty, even tho it is so evident that they take good care of themselves and that takes effort and time. But they also do it effortlessly. If you compliment their natural beauty you are a keeper. Never tell them they're trying too hard, ouch. They care about using natural/vegan products, and encourage others to do so. Again Mercury influence does give off a swag vibe, wether in how they dress or appear, cool girl next door, fast talker, intelligent af, sweet but honest, hard worker. They dress in a professional, comfortable and clean way.
(I can't decide, but it might be my fav rising, y'all win).
🐉 Gemini risings look much like Virgo risings, their features are small and elf-like. But they are harder to spot imo. They have morso a fluid look, not giving too much feminine nor masculine energy or mannerism. They can be soft, but can be many other things at once. Their skin looks youthful. They have charming smiles. They are easy to spot not in the face but with how much long and flexible their body is, especially hands and feet lol. (trust me I'm a Gemini rising, hypermobility at its finest). They move kind of effortlessly fast. Their vibe is childlike, dechated, swag, quick, nonchalant, noncommittal, and intelligent. They can and want to change their aesthetics, but the quick wit and youthfulness are always there. Their fashion style is casual, trendy, may like to wear silver jewelleries and chains. The way they match their clothes and create completely different looks everytime makes them trendsetters. They dress in the way they want to talk, like their communication influences their style. They move their hands a lot and they may get compliment on their hands. 
🐉 Leo risings of course, with the typical hair like a lion's mane, thick and beautiful. But I noticed it doesn't have to be that, there's just something striking about it for no reason sometimes, like the hair is brown but never boring brown, it's shiny or has many shades in it, either way it catches attention. They have noticeable and gorgeous smiles. With the Leo Aquarius axis, their looks can be very individualistic, like there isn't something particular in the face that give it away, their features are simply just them. But with the Sun influence, it brightens an aspect of their physical looks, like bright hazel eyes, natural sun-kissed highlights or skin, warm complections. They like to appear confident and in charge. They want to be seen for whatever they value. They dress in a glamorous, colorful way, depending on other placements of course. e.g. Blake Lively, Vanessa Hudgens, Justin Timberlake, Selena Gomez.
🐉 Other risings that are easy to spot for me are Capricorn, the sharp jaw, bone structure, big straight teeth, and prominent collarbones. Their model-like features and calm unbothered aura makes them trendsetters. Aries, very bold but in a youthful and childlike way (whichever is dominant depends on other placements), athletic bodies, something masculine about them. They dress in colorful or sometimes just dark clothes. The way they match clothes makes them different, bold trendsetters. Scorpio, the darker hair and shadows in their face, their gaze, overall intense vibes. They can have the dark aesthetic look, tights, skirts, bold makeup. The way they give off the idgaf look and also their sultry energy makes them trendsetters. Cancer, round face, full feminine bodies, dimples. They dress comfortably, baggy clothes and comfy fabrics, light-colored clothes, feminine dresses that compliment their bodies. They can be trendsetters with the naturally cute vibes they have, but if other outer planet aspects support it, like uranus and neptune.
🐉 Now Aquarius and Pisces risings are tricky, sometimes I get them right sometimes I'm surprised to find out. Aquarius can have a distinctive look and features that are just simply them, so it would be hard to guess based on just that. The hair, face shape, spaced-out and bright eyes, distinctive features, lean body and sometimes brighter skin can stand out. But again rather than features, it's the vibe and mannerism that I notice right away, they can be unconventional in the way they dress. They of course set the trends with their originality. It's so easy for me to spot aquarius placements in general, but rising is tricky. They appear intelligent and friendly, sometimes rebellious and too individualistic or both. They have an innocent and nonchalant charm. 
🐉 Pisces risings are somewhat easier to spot, because their features tend to be noticeably dreamy, watery, big and again very spaced-out eyes, even looking high lol. Can have downturned, sanpaku eyes or a striking eye color. They have milky smooth skin and small teeth. They give off a flirty yet innocent look with their slow but smooth expression. They kinda look like they've been daydreaming for the past 7 hours. Now the way they present themselves is the tricky one for me, even the way they dress, it can be changeful and meld into other inner placements. Like they might dress boldly if they have aries or fire somewhere, or dress casually and trendy if they have air. Whatever they dress like, it's always unique and inspiring. Major trendsetters because they give off an immaculate and irreplaceable vibe. They can also look like anyone's dream, or create their own dream appearance that becomes iconic, especially if they have neptune-ascendant aspects. 
🐉 The harder ones to guess for me are Sagittarius and the Venusian risings, Libra and Taurus. I don't know whether it's because I don't have these signs in my chart or that I haven't met many venusian people in general. Taurus risings have this natural earthy beauty, that doesn't seem to age. Their face has a glow, full lips, healthy looking skin, naturally beautiful hair, distinctive face shape. Their style is comfortable but luxurious. They choose their fabrics with attention. Natural expression, giving the I don't have to try hard. For Libra they tend to look kind, treat people well and smile a lot I noticed. They again don't seem to age. They have balanced features that just work well together and create a beautiful look. They like to dress in a girly and classy way. They want to appear likable, so they look like they're extra, trying hard. Not the type to create trends but follow them but won't go unnoticed. Sagittarius risings dress in whatever way makes them feel free, positive and alive. Their style can have bright colors, flowy clothing, suits that are never boring, and accessories. They have unique hairstyles and hair colors and they change their style a lot.
🐉 A reminder that you won’t look 100% your Ascendant ever, other placements and aspects do influence the look a great deal. Sometimes the ascendant isn't even apparent in your physical look or expression because other placements are dominant in the mix, especially if you have planets conjunct or oppose the ascendant, major aspects to personal planets, or you have a stellium in a different sign. Your venus and mars and their degrees are especially important. e.g. Kendall Jenner gives me strong Scorpio vibes in the way she expresses herself and dresses, even though she only has sun in scorpio but has Aries moon and ascendant, and a lot of sagittarius. She has venus conjunct pluto and venus, pluto, and mars 10° in the 8th house so scorpio and pluto is the dominant energy for her. Her style is a mix of scorpio, capricorn and aries. She has a minimalistic but polished style, prefers daker/neutral colors (scorpio sun and capricorn mc at 8°). But she still has the aries and sagittarius playful influence, yet not as strong. Even her house gives me strong capricorn and scorpio vibes and a bit of aries. 
🐉 Another example is Ariana Grande, she doesn’t dress so much like a Capricorn rising. She has taurus venus in 4th, libra moon, neptune and uranus conjunct ascendant, scorpio MC with pluto 10th, mars 8th, and cancer sun and mercury. All of this influences the way she dresses, but the venusian signs, cancer, scorpio, neptune and uranus influence is strong. Let's break it down. Her style is comfortable and girly, oversized sweaters and heels, pink and lavender colors (taurus venus in 4th, sun and mercury in cancer, libra moon). Flirty dresses, short skirts and knee-high boots, wanting to appear sexy in her video clips and many of her looks, her social media having a dark aesthetic, (scorpio MC, pluto 10th and mars in the 8th). The way she expresses herself is very known to the public, the iconic long high ponytail and long boots style being her brand which many people try to copy (neptune conjunct ascendant at 0°). Again her aesthetic is distinctives and unique (uranus conjunct ascendant at 0°). Her style wouldn’t be a big deal if she didn't have major outer planets influence. Now the capricorn ascendant still comes out in the way she works extremely hard, cares about her money and reputation, is professional with people, knows how to lead and make good business decisions. And of course, her face shape, sharp long jaw, prominent teeth and collarbones scream cap rising. 
🐉 Moon conjunct Saturn can give downturned or sleepy eyes. Now this is especially true if there are other earth placements, especially moon, or other strong saturn aspects. Wise looking eyes, mature look, commanding respect because they earned it, they likely went through a lot. Grounded and down to earth, trustworthy, hard working and serious. e.g. George Clooney, Cate Blanchett, Emma Chamberlain, Timothée Chalamet. 
🐉 Moon conjunct/opposite Jupiter is a great manifestation aspect. Of course if you are aware of it, work on it, and develop it continuously. But there are other manifestation aspects I noticed. Jupiter and Neptune aspecting NN, Mercury conjunct/opposite Jupiter/Saturn/Uranus or Neptune. Venus aspecting Moon/Jupiter/Neptune especially conjunctions/oppositions. Sun or moon conjunct/opposite Jupiter/Saturn. Pallas or Vesta conjunct/opposite inner planets or Neptune and Uranus. Doesn’t mean that individuals with these aspects get things easily, it just means that if you are conscious and make efforts things are very possible. 
🐉 One aspect I wish I had is Mars or Mercury conjunct/opposite Uranus and Neptune. The artistic talents these aspects give, man it's a huge blessing if you have it, work with it. Two magical and colorful outer planets (neptune and uranus) joining your mind and body personal planets (mercury and mars) is a huge blessing imo. Could give talents in dancing, performing, writing, acting, inventing things, many varieties. And actually it makes the individual multi-talented. I do have mars square both uranus and neptune, and mercury sextile neptune, but the conjunctions are so powerful. 
🐉 A cardinal sign at 0° is an important placement. I heard Pam Gregory once say that a 0° of a cardinal sign and within two degrees of both sides (28°, 29° mutable and 1°, 2° cardinal) is on the world axis or a critical public point. How this will manifest depends on the planet and the house it's in. I have a 0° aries Mercury in the 11th and I find it fascinating to observe because when I think about it, it already went through Pisces the last sign of the zodiac and 29° the last degree of the cycle, it ended both the sign and degree cycles and it's completely new, it's really interesting!
🐉 You won't feel like the planet acts completely like the sign it's in. The 0° doesn’t just have the fresh energy of the sign but the wisdom of the previous sign and remembers it vividly, because the cycle wrapped not long ago. It's not like "new" and "unadvanced" at all. It has an important thing to share with the world, but it's on a new journey of discovery with the sign it's in. So in my case, it needs to develop the qualities of that sign (aries) in order to share the wisdom it already possesses (pisces) with the new attitude it has (aries). I felt like I grew into my 0° aries mercury eventually, saying exactly what's on my mind without hesitation. At first it felt like my communication style wasn't discovered yet, I would hesitate, until someone pisses me off then I go off on them lol. My words become honest and cut throat. But it does feel like I have some of that pisces mercury energy sometimes, speaking with metaphors and symbols, being compassionate, talking softly, and in two minutes I'm already screaming, like fight me lol. The aries energy can act on impulse when angry, I can cut people off if they hurt me, thinking I don't need no one, this is where we work to develop the sign. 
🐉 The way I think about it in general, 0° of a sign means that just before you were born, the planet already ended a 29° cycle of the previous sign. You gained wisdom through trials and errors and now have the new energy of the current sign. You have to share what you learned with the world. In the 0° cardinal example, and within two degrees both sides, it's more public, like the information can spread widely. It should develop and use the assertive energy of the cardinal sign the planet is in (aries, cancer, libra, capricorn) and initiate action somehow. Keep in mind that you will have similar energy with the mutable 28° and 29° (gemini, virgo, sagittarius and pisces) since it's almost already the end of a cycle, it's like going through your final test, so time to use and share your talents and knowledge. The difference here is with the 28° and 29°, you need to use the energy of the sign the planet is in fully and wisely. But with the 0°, 1°, and 2°, you need to develop the new energy as you go and share what you already know using that new energy. Now of course the sign the degree represents should be taken into consideration, e.g. with 28° embodying cancer energy (a caring, nurturing but assertive way), and 29° embodying leo energy (confidently ruling and shining). With 0° you have a lot of freedom to embody and create your own values, still working with the sign it’s in. 
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scoobydoodean · 22 days
I was wondering if you, as a Dean fan have opinions about the different writers? Mostly because I see a lot of Dean fans really strongly dislike Dabb for some reason and I don’t really understand why. I’ve never seen a concrete explanation beyond “he can’t write Dean/doesn’t understand Dean/actively hates Dean” but with no examples as to what he does that’s so bad. And I see this in every shipping lane. I don’t have a strong opinion about him as a writer one way or the other.
I'm exploring this more as I rewatch the show (currently on season 6) so I'll speak mainly from that perspective on my most recent thoughts. I am not a big fan of Dabb or Loflin, but have tried to be fair about things so far when talking through each episode. I am a fan of "Alpha and Omega"—it's my favorite finale (it's also... a finale for a season Carver started as showrunner? So I don't know what the implications are there as far as storyboarding). Also points for having demon Dean stab a guy through in 10.02.
I'll focus on the negatives you asked about in this post, but in the links you'll find me moving the narrative this way and that toward much more charitable readings... I think. (I do have a tag #dabb disk horse which you can either peruse or blacklist at your leisure). What I can tell you is something almost always strikes me as a off about Dabb/Loflin episodes so far in this rewatch in terms of character work.
Dabb/Loflin's first ever episode was 4.06 "Yellow Fever". In the aftermath, Kripke felt the need to release a definitive interpretation of their episode to the public, stating, "Dean is not a dick... he's a hero." The whole episode toyed with, to an extent, the idea that all the victims of the MotW were bullies. You can take this other directions—for example, queer meta, or meta about Sam as the real bully. However, the story a lot of fandom latched onto was that "Dean is a jerk and deserves to be humiliated and punished for that" which obviously didn't make Dean fans watching live in season 4 happy—and this theme of Jerk!Dean continues into their next episode, "After School Special", where they once again parallel Dean with a bully literally nicknamed "Dirk the Jerk" by Sam, and throw what I think is transparent shade at Kripke's issued statement from before the Christmas break (post here)... or maybe they mean to throw shade at the Dean fans who got angry. In this episode, they also make illusions to Dean wanting to have sex with barely legal high school cheerleaders, which also did not ingratiate them to Deanfans at the time. I said on my last rewatch, "In After School Special, Dean seems more unlike himself than any episode ever in the history of Supernatural up to this point" (post explaining that here). I carry similar sentiments about portions of 5.06 "I Believe The Children Are Our Future". Yes—I am aware of performing Dean meta. I just... feel like they try a little too hard. It feels hamfisted—desperate. To the point it doesn't feel like Dean anymore sometimes. In 5.06, they also have Dean (guy who is generally very protective of kids) suggest to Jesse that he'd be good to have in a fight???? I can see how they got there, but again—it just feels... off. The last episode I rewatched that they authored, 6.04 "Weekend At Bobby's", also leaves a bad taste in my mouth—not in what it's trying to do with Bobby or what it's trying to do on a meta level—but once again, with dialogue from Dean that just makes me think "he would not fucking say that" (post here). I think looking at all of these, you can probably see deangirl ire toward Dabb has a long history. It's been around as long as he's been around, whether he deserves as much ire as he gets or not.
I haven't circled back yet on this rewatch, but Dabb and Loflin also penned season 7's "The Girl Next Door"... do I need to say anything specific? Maybe I'll just link my entire #amy tag. What narrative did they want you to get from that episode? Who the fuck knows. And that's often the problem:
When you watch various episodes I've mentioned, you can work around to a meta that tells you something different than you might at first think the page conveys—something hidden and maybe contradictory. The thing is... you could also... not do that? And that wouldn't be so bad, except that sometimes the two narratives you can most easily grasp completely contradict each other. "After School Special" can be an episode that points to Sam's envy of Dean and John deep down and foreshadows Sam becoming a bully, but on a meta level, it also just as easily says Sam becoming a bully is somehow Dean's fault, and Sam is some poor captive baby. Dean is a creep and a bully and a cheater but we should all coddle him because he saw his mom die when he was a child and he's sooo sad. "Yellow Fever" can be a queer meta story and might also foreshadow approaching Bully!Sam in 4.14, but it also very much does call Dean a jerk (should we take that seriously? should we not?) and implies Dean should be punished for the outcome of three decades of reality-bending torture. Even if it's a queer meta underneath... it's just as easily one about how closeted men should be humiliated for cowardice or how being closeted turns you into an asshole.
Jumping way ahead, I have to mention 15.10 "The Hero's Journey" just because. Yes, it is full of jokes and Garth goodness, but also tries to sell you the story that nothing about Sam and Dean is real, to a degree that feels like you are being flipped the bird for ever watching this show. And again—you can make meta that it's all a ruse! But is it? Or is Dabb actually just telling you to go fuck yourself? Like he totally wasn't when, after the SPN finale when fans were Not Happy™️, he tweeted a sign reading, "Don't feed the baboons"? Yet again—we play into the motif of the "hero" who isn't a hero at all but some pathetic loser who deserves to be publicly humiliated, bookended with Dabb's opening episode in his opening season. I'm not saying that's what it is on purpose—but I am saying you can make these arguments easily, and that leaves me consistently annoyed with Dabb for being fucking sloppy and leaving me to deal with some of the most insufferable meta imaginable that carries little support outside of episodes written by Dabb or the Dabb/Loflin writing team.... Yes—I am in fact saying that Dabb and Loflin's hamfisted episodes (regardless of their intentions) are largely responsible for some of the most insufferable, loathesome fandom metas about Sam and Dean's relationship around.
Look at 5.16 "Dark Side Of The Moon", and 7.08 "Time for A Wedding!" and 8.14 "Trial and Error", 11.17 "Red Meat", and 15.20 "Carry On". Along with 4.13, while they might or might not say something deeper or contradictory on a meta level, on a surface level, every single one of these episodes sows the narrative that Dean is needy and clingy and needs Sam more than Sam needs him—something I intensely disagree with for a multitude of reasons... but I'll just link this. Many of these episodes also follow a surface level narrative of "normal life obsessed Sam" (and here I'll link my entire #sam the hunter tag and #in which sam is not a helpless little waif with his hands cast over his eyes being carried along by the tides of the immutable sea). When I look at this episode list, I also don't find it at all difficult to believe that Dabb wanted Dean to die in the finale. There is nothing at all shocking about that. And yes—you can argue he's pointing to the opposite—that this fate should be subverted and that's what makes 15.20 the dark ending, but I think you can just as easily argue that yes it's a dark ending and yes Dabb has always dreamed of this ending. A "tragic" ending where Dean dies and Sam goes on to have a white picket fence... while also leaving you little hints along the way that maybe it's all a big ruse because how could he not? He never has to explain anything. Someone else will pick up the story and make it make sense. He's already fucked off to piss all over fans of Resident Evil.
That said, when I mention what I feel is off character work, I mainly mention Dabb/Loflin episodes from my recent rewatch, which suffer from the two of them being newer to the series (coming onto the writing team in season 4) and also leave questions about whether, perhaps, they had conflicting ideas about characterization. Was Dabb the one penning these lines? Was it Loflin? Was it both? Did they trade out who took the lead? I didn't really say anything negative about "Sam, Interrupted" or "Jump the Shark"... (though "Sam, Interrupted" also calls Dean "codependent") who wrote those? Is it possible that the messiness of the meta comes down to two writers at war? I have to imagine though, that they got along, or else they wouldn't have written together for four fucking years. If they didn't get along...? My mind always comes back to their first solo episodes, right after splitting up in season 8. Dabb's first solo episode is "Hunteri Heroici"—the only episode to lend any perspective to season 8 Sam's reasons for abandoning everyone—paralleling him checking out with Fred's catatonia, which Sam has to save Fred from. It is the only episode that lends Sam sympathy in the early part of the season. He follows it up with "Trial and Error"—where Sam promises to save Dean from suicidal thoughts. Loflin's first solo episode is what I would regard as the most scathing solo episode commentary on Sam in the entire series—"Citizen Fang". Then he writes again right after Dabb's "Trial and Error"—penning "Remember The Titans" where Sam tells Dean to get over the promise Sam so passionately made in Dabb's episode and face reality.
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This is why we're exploring this rewatch.
DISCLAIMER: Now I just devolve into bitching because I'm writing at 3AM. Proceed at your own risk.
It seems like these days, everyone demands an explanation for disliking Dabb (something about some sort of destiel battle... I don't know what that flamewar is and I don't give a damn tbqh.) I guess I've just been wondering what's actually so great about him. Because it feels like people have overcorrected to basically acting like he's god's greatest gift to mankind. People point to how meta his episodes can be, but I think other writers easily best him on that front on multiple occasions (particularly enjoyed by me so far on this rewatch: 3.10 "Dream A Little Dream Of Me", 4.04 "Monster Movie", 4.12 "Criss Angel Is A Douchebag"), and without leaving their meaning so up in the air that you don't even know what the hell they were actually trying to tell you because there are two different completely incongruous narratives you could just as justifiably claim were the intended one. Some people may find that duality praise-worthy. I don't. I find it sloppy—and when I add in mediocre character work, I just land on the side of him being, at the very best, mid.
Add him in as showrunner, you have... at least two of my least favorite seasons (13 and 15). Add that he's a one-trick pony in terms of the Sam and Dean conflicts mentioned above that he continuously rehashes rather than come up with anything new or fresh, and the same conflicts between Dean and Cas being played out until they both die (shut UP I'm not talking about canon destiel as the alternative—I am literally just asking for more diverse conflicts). I can't say I understand what I''m supposed to find so impressive.
(Before anyone so much as breathes this near me, Berens also sucks and I am going to tear off your nose hairs if you start bringing him up as if disliking Dabb for some reason means wearing rose colored glasses about Berens. Berens can eat a whole cactus raw over "The Trap" alone.)
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wtfsteveharrington · 2 years
tequila & strawberry lip gloss / robin buckley x fem!reader (featuring bf steve harrington)
context: listen - steve loves you. he also loves robin. you know what you and robin love? boobies. i fully believe in my heart that bf (boyfriend & best friend) steve harrington would want to see the two ladies he loves getting to have a night of exploration together.
contents: IMPORTANT & LENGTHY (i’d rather over explain than under)- there are zero sexual or physical interactions between robin and steve. zero. robin is into ladies and that stays true here. this is lady on lady smut. just with bonus steve moments. 
that being said here are the interactions:
steve x reader: kissing, dancing/grinding, his assets are mentioned, and he observes the act. some praise thrown in / some teasing energy directed at both but not a focal point.
robin x reader: whew… it got away from me a little bit. kissing, begging, teacher!robin explaining what she likes, praising, nipple play, biting, fingering & oral (both receiving), a little degrading scissoring, overstimulation.
this story also includes mentions of drinking, smoking weed, cursing, all that good stuff. 
author notes: this was a full labor of love and respect. sexualities & exploration is fluid & i just fully believe to my core steve harrington would share. this came purely from my pansexual heart that’s in love with both steve & robin. i have an idea in mind for part two if anyone’s interested
word count: almost 4.4k
part two | part three | part four
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You’ve lost track of time since leaving Steve’s house. One minute you’re sharing a way too strong drink with Robin and Steve’s blowing a steady stream of smoke into your mouth.The next thing you know your back is pressed firmly against his chest at Cynthia Prescott’s party while Robin scans the crowd around you. 
Steve’s thigh is between your legs, supporting your body as the two of you lazily “dance” together. All truth being told, he had gotten hard about five minutes ago and was torn between finding some near by closet to absolutely destroy you in and staying on the floor to keep a close eye on Robin. 
Robin who was equally crossed. 
You’re giggling now as Robin grabs your hands, trying desperately to drag you towards the crowd dancing. “C’mon! Unlatch yourself from Steve for just like ten minutes. Two, maybe three songs tops!” 
Steve’s got his eyes closed and head tilted back when you move your ass just right. There’s no way you could leave him now. Not your pretty boy who’s rock hard in his pants. 
“No can do, Robin. Your best friend here has a uhhh — situation at the moment” 
Robin’s gasping when she realizes what you mean, reaching out to smack Steve’s arm. “Dude! So totally not cool!” 
He’s keeping one arm tight around your waist, the other reaching over to give Robin a little shove back. “It’s not like I can help it! I’m in love and a generally horny guy to begin with. Get me high? Zero control over what’s going on down there. You can’t blame a guy.” 
Robin’s pouting now, eyes flickering between the two of you and the crowd dancing. “Yeah well at least you get to be taken care of tonight. I’m high and horny too and I can’t even find someone to make out with, let alone anything else.” 
It slips out before you stop yourself. “I’ll make out with you.” 
Steve’s laughing behind you now, his chest rumbling along your back. Asshole. Robin’s cheeks flush a shade of red you hadn’t seen on her before, her hands anxiously fluttering around her body because she can’t decide where to casually place them now. “Again, not cool. You can’t just joke about kissing around me. I take that shit very seriously. Like, on the list of priorities if you took everything we’ve been through, kissing would still be so high up on the list.” 
You’re opening your mouth to talk but before you have the chance to say anything it’s Steve that speaks first. “She’s not joking, Robin. She thinks you’re hot, has the whole time we’ve been together. I was a little worried about it until, you know, -… Well let’s just say I know she isn’t going anywhere.” It’s taken a few failed attempts at love but he knows he finally found it in you. You were just as whipped as him. Fully satisfied in all aspects that he could satisfy. Robin could just satisfy a different urge unreachable by Steve.
Robin’s eyes are shifting between you both, watching you closely as you lick your lips before giving her a little nod. “I like pretty people who make me laugh. You’re beautiful and you make me laugh. Why wouldn’t I want to kiss you?”
She’s a little hyper focused on you calling her beautiful. Like, kind of really focused on that part of it. Funny? Robin knows she’s funny. Beautiful? Well… It never hurts to hear someone say it, that’s all.
You’re reaching out to lace your fingers with Robin’s and bring her closer to you. “Is that something you’d want, Robin? To make out with me? I probably taste like tequila but my lip gloss is strawberry flavored. I think I’ll taste good.” There’s a groan coming from either side of you now. Both Robin and Steve imagining just what tequila, strawberry, and you taste like. Steve’s head is dipping down to press a wet kiss to your neck. His voice is low but you’re not sure if it’s low enough for just you to hear or if Robin’s even still listening but he just gives a simple, “You always taste good. All of you.” 
Robin’s getting nervous again. Not to kiss you, but because she gets to kiss you. There’s butterflies in the pit of her stomach and she’s thanking the skies above for whatever strain Rick sold Eddie who sold Steve that lead to this moment. “Are you-… Are you sure you’re okay with this? Both of you. Because I’m down and I’m not gonna be weird about it but I don’t want to jeopardize our friendship or your relationship and-“ 
You feel Steve’s head snap up, rolling his eyes at Robin before reaching out to grab her shoulder and bring her close to you. “Just shut up Buckley and kiss her.” 
That’s all the confirmation both of you need. You’re sliding your arms around Robin’s neck, giving a little chuckle as you bump your noses together. “Just let me know if this is too much, okay?” 
Instead of giving a response Robin finally, finally leans in, connecting your lips in a gentle kiss. You’re tightening your arms around her neck and feel Robin’s hands cup your sides right above where Steve has his arms wrapped around you too. All this attention is making you dizzy. 
Her lips are softer than what you’re used to.
Robin’s tongue gently licks between your lips, still a little timid nervous and trying to make sure this is truly okay. You reward her with a soft moan that has Robin pressing her thighs together. Her tongue swirls around yours now that she’s getting more bold and you feel Steve’s fingers dig into your waist at the sight. You slide your tongue along hers, the once dull throbbing between your legs picking up in intensity.
The power you hold in this moment… 
You’re nipping Robin’s bottom lip as she pulls back to get some air. “You’re uh, you’re a really good kisser. Like really good. And that lip gloss? Like such a real strawberry flavor. You’ll have to let me-“ You bring your lips back to Robin’s, effectively cutting off her nervous rambling. She gives an appreciative hum at the interruption and rewards you by sliding your tongues back together. You had wondered what she tastes like before - tonight it was tequila, faintly weed, and the fruit punch she made the three of you stop at the gas station for on your walk to the party. 
“Why don’t get go find somewhere more private for you ladies? It seems we have an audience.” Steve’s voice is snapping you out of the trance that simply is Robin Buckley. You glance over to see that a few people are trying and failing to casually glance over at the spectacle that is the three of you tangled together. 
He takes your hand, lacing your fingers with a little squeeze before linking arms with Robin to lead the two of you down a dark hallway. Steve’s peaking into the rooms while you and Robin trail along before he finally makes a victory whooping sound at finding an empty bedroom. He’s shoving the two of you in, fumbling around with the lock before it finally clicks into place. 
Your hands are back on Robin’s face, thumb stroking over her cheekbones and pulling her into another kiss. She’s got you walking back towards the bed now, her hands slowly sneaking under your shirt. Both of you being careful to make sure you’re not overstepping. Neither of you having any concerns of stopping. 
When the back of your knees hit the bed, you’re pulling your head back to look between Steve and Robin. Neither of them look concerned, upset, worried. In fact, Steve’s just giving you a tender smile. Maybe some part of him knew this was always going to end up happening from the moment he introduced you to Robin and you both ended up a nervous mess. He knew you were curious and didn’t want to be the reason you never got to explore that side of yourself. Who better to trust you with than Robin? Your boyfriend’s stepping up towards you two, cocking an eyebrow at Robin which causes her to blush and lean away from you just enough to give him some space. He’s grabbing your chin, giving you a gentle kiss. And another one. 
“Do whatever you two want. I trust you both. And this one -“ He’s bumping your shoulders together now, giving you one last kiss on your cheek, “- won’t stop talking about boobies. So enjoy Robin’s.” 
Steve steps back with a smile, ruffling Robin’s hair. “Just take care of her, okay? My girl’s needy sometimes and she deserves to be taken care of.” 
Robin’s glancing between the two of you now, grabbing Steve’s arm before he can head back out the door. “Watch.” All three of you look surprised at that. Her hands are letting go of Steve and back under your shirt quickly, fingers just brushing the bottom of your breast. “I mean… If you want to then you can watch. You know, to make sure she’s treated right and comfortable.” 
Listen, he didn’t need to be told twice. Things like this? He’d have to try and steal a porno from the back of Family Video for the night to see two girls like this. The fact that it’s you, the love of his life even if he hasn’t admitted the depth of that love quite yet and his best friend whom he once upon a time also had a crush on? 
Robin wastes no time falling to her knees why Steve panic moves further in the room. Desperately trying to not interrupt the mood but also making sure he doesn’t get kicked out. You’re half focused on him, your silly boyfriend who’s letting you hook up with his best friend so you - “Oh fuck, Robin.” 
You were too caught up in Steve that you didn’t notice Robin’s head going under your dress until she’s kissing you over your panties. “You’re already wet.” Just an observation. You want to make some snarky reply like of course I’m already wet when you feel Robin’s tongue drag over your cloth covered pussy. 
Her hands slide up to grip your ass and suddenly you’re much too worried about what you can’t see anymore. You’re reaching down, gripping at the fabric of your dress in an attempt to rid of it from your body. Once you do? You’re greeted by the sight of Robin looking up at you with playful, inquisitive eyes. “More of a visual learner?”
You just hopelessly nod and use every once of strength to keep your his from rocking against her face. Not wanting to overstep again. “Just appreciating my view.” Robin rewards you with a pinch to your ass that causes you to yelp out. While you’re distracted by the sensation she’s pulling your underwear down your thighs. “Let me focus on taking care of you.”
Robin’s leaning up, instantly burying her face into your wet pussy. No teasing, no taking her time. Maybe part of why she pinched you was because she still can’t quite figure out if this is real. 
Fuck you can hear her licking you out. The smacking sound of her lips as she tries to clean up the mess you’ve made. Your hands lace in Robin’s hair as you give up on the resolve not to rock your hips against her face. 
Between the buzz of the party outside and the buzz leftover from your pregame, your head feels so light. No thoughts. Just Robin pushing her tongue into you as her nails drag across your ass. 
It doesn’t take long for you to learn if you move your hips just, right her nose will bump your clit and - “I’m already close. Why am I close? This can’t be over.” 
To your… Horror? Amusement? Robin’s giggling into your pussy. Giggling. The vibrations against your folds driving you almost as insane as the fact that she’s giggling into you. “Do you wanna come on my tongue, pretty girl? Hmm? Let your boyfriend watch you come for me?” 
Everything’s going right through that empty head of yours and straight to your clit. It’s as if she can read your mind because one of her hands is going from your ass and right between your thighs. She’s rubbing her thumb in circles over the sensitive bundle, pressing a kiss over your folds before dragging her tongue back down to dip into your hole. 
It truly doesn’t take long for you to feel the tension building up in your stomach… Much quicker than you’d like to admit. One hand stays in Robin’s hair while the other slides up your body to tease your own nipple, rolling it between your fingers at the same time Robin rolls your clit between her fingers. You’re short circuiting. 
You could yell out that you’re close but she knows. She feels the way your knees are starting to shake, getting weaker. Your breathing is more shallow and the once steady motion of your hips against her face has become broken twitches. 
Robin gives your ass a firm squeeze, licking out your pussy for all that she’s worth. Every time you feel yourself clench just to be met by her tongue you’re on cloud nine. 
Then, still so much sooner than you want, you tense up. Nothing more than a gasp and her name falling from your lips as your climax finds you. 
Normally people back off when you finish. Not Robin. Her tongue moves softer now, just little kitten licks in lieu of the full out lapping she just gave you. You’re a whimpering mess. A little pathetic in all honesty. You black out for a second, just letting the waves of your orgasm run your body.  
You’re being dragged onto the bed by Robin who’s managing to stumble out of her own clothes during your comedown phase. Once again not wanting to waste time. She’s pulling your body on top of her, seeking out your lips for a series of lazy kisses.
“Teach me.” Robin’s raising her eyebrows at your words, her thighs clamped tightly together and holy shit she’s dripping without even being touched. “I wanna make you feel good, Robin. Tell me how.” 
She‘s getting too flustered. Like she’s in a dream and any second her alarms going to go off. 
But you’re real. 
And you’re on your knees between her legs. 
You’re probably still wet for her. All she can think about is the cool air hitting your wet pussy and if it makes you miss her. 
None of that comes out though. Nope. All you’re getting is just, “Holy shit. You’re so fucking hot.” Which has you giggling as you slide your arms under Robin’s thighs. You’re pulling her hips closer to your face, kissing a line down her inner thighs. “You have such a pretty pussy, Robin. Let me try to make you feel good.”
You dip your head down, lining your tongue up with the base of her hole before flatting it out to lick up between her folds and letting your tongue flick against her clit. Robin is, truly, a mess. Withering against the bed and gripping the sheets. 
This whole time? Steve’s watching the two of you through hooded eyes, trying to burn this image into his head. The back of house pornos will never hold up. He’s not wanting to disrupt too much because holy shit it’s the hottest thing he’s ever seen. He can’t help but give a little - “C’mon Buckley, tell our girl how good she’s doing. She likes it if you’re loud…” 
Our girl. No one will ever know who that turned on more. You’re trying your hardest to remember exactly what Robin did to you, but every ounce you lack in skill you make up for in enthusiasm. Your brain just nonstop trying to walk you through this. (Okay now flick your tongue over her clit. Not too much! Pull back and drag the tip of your tongue across her folds. You’re getting this.) Remember when Steve mentioned the praise thing? Yeah, he wasn’t lying. So when Robin finally, finally gets vocal? All the motivation you need. “You’re doing so fucking good. You’re -… Fuck it, you not a good girl, are you? No, girls who eat pussy like this are good little sluts. Is that what you are, Baby? A good slut?” 
Now you know for sure that before she was still trying to tip toe this invisible line she’s worried about crossing with the two of you. 
Like there was anything left. 
“Can you - Oh fuckin’ hell- No, no that’s already so good.” Robin’s holding the back of your head in place, tilting her hips so your lips are directly on her clit. “Kiss me there. Again. Good girl. You’re liking this, aren’t you? Now wrap your lips around my clit and use your tongue to -“ She’s cut off with a gasp as you do exactly what you’re told. Your tongue flicking over her clit while your lips stay wrapped around it. It takes you a minute to figure out how much pressure to put on her clit, but Robin doesn’t mind laying there while you figure it out. 
You pull a few inches away to catch your breath and the sight of you with a wet chin and glossy lips makes Robin’s clench around nothing. Absolutely nothing. She’s going a little crazy. You’re looking up at her now with the most innocent smile you can muster. “I like being a slut for you, Robin.” You’re trying to make sure she feels comfortable. All you want is for Robin Buckley to fall apart and you be the one to both catch her and put her back together again. One of your hands leaves the death grip you had on her hips, sliding down her sensitive skin to bring a finger between her folds. You watch her carefully before gently pressing your finger into her pussy. “Look at how fucking beautiful you are.” 
Beautiful. There’s that word again. Robin’s going to go fucking crazy and quick. You duck your head back down and go right to sucking on her clit while slipping another finger in. Rotating your hand palm side up and dragging your fingers along her walls.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. Please don’t stop. You’re such a good girl, aren’t you? Please, Baby. I’m gonna - Holy shit.” Robin’s thighs tighten around your face, one of her hands coming down to grab the back of your head while the other one clamps down around your wrist. You’re greedy now, licking her out through her orgasm. She’s whimpering now, squeezing your wrist while her thighs shake. “Sensitive, so sensitive.” 
You allow yourself one more flat tongue lick from the base of her pussy all the way above her clit. Robin’s hips jolt up from the pressure, more soft whimpers falling from her lips. 
This is the first time you get to see her, like really see her. Hair a mess and covering the pillow under her head. Her nipples still hard from the cold air. Thighs are slick and covered with bruises yet to fully form that you’ve left. 
You’re smirking, clearly proud of yourself. Sure, maybe it wasn’t the best head in the world but no one was complaining. In fact, Robin wouldn’t complain about you using her to get better again. Not at all. You crawl on top of her, kissing a trail from between her thighs, up her stomach, a kiss to both nipples, before finally kissing her lips. Robin’s already broken or else the fact that she can taste herself on you would send her into orbit. She brings one of her legs around your waist, adjusting the two of you until one of your knees is next to her hip and the other knee is pressing in behind her thigh. She’s got a firm hand on your lower back now, the kissing between both of you becoming a little more sloppy. “Too sensitive for much, but I want you to feel.” If this is the only time you ever sleep with a girl, she wants you to have this experience. 
Which, by the way, if it is the last time you’re ever with a girl then Robin’s quite sad this will never happen again. If it isn’t your last time as a whole but you’re last time with Robin, she’s jealous of whoever else gets to see you like this. Fuck whatever other girl you or may not sleep with. 
You wrap your arms around her leg, gasping the second you feel her pussy press up against yours. She’s welcoming the distraction from mentally fighting whatever future bimbo gets this version of you. “Oh fuck, Robin.” All you can do is rock yourself down against her, your hands digging into the soft, fatty part of her thigh. You’re using this grip to bring her leg over your shoulder, a mixture of gasps and moans leaving you two as the new angle let’s one another feel whats going on better. You turn your head to the side and on instinct bite down on her ankle. Not too harsh, just enough pressure. She’s going to have bruises tomorrow… You both will. 
Both of you are sensitive and over stimulated, so it’s just a couple of minutes of grinding against one another. The room is filled with nothing more than the sound of you two rubbing together, just so wet and slick. Your mouth is watering at the idea of licking both of you off of her. The only other sound is one of you gasping when your clit gets rubbed just right. You lick over the spot of Robin’s leg you’ve been biting at. 
You weren’t planning on coming again. But the pressure in your clit? It’s almost too much to bare. Your hips were moving with grace but they’ve lost every ounce of rhythm. The pressure’s building up in your stomach and you could practically tear up with how many sensations your body is going through. 
Robin’s nails start to dig into your skin, her head thrown back and you’re convinced one of the most beautiful sounds on Earth is your name coming from Robin’s lips. Her back’s arched up off the bed, her tits moving in time with your motions. 
In all honesty? Your body takes over and before you realize it your hips are staling as a second orgasm over powers you. Robin’s hips buck up at the sight of you coming against her. “Look at how fucking stunning you are.” 
Sure, the bedroom was getting a little too hot for your preference, but nothing compared to the heat in your cheeks when Robin compliments you. Your nails drag down her leg and you make eye contact as your hand sneaks inbetween the two of you. “Will you come for me, Robin? One more time? I’ve been so good, right? Show me how good I’ve done tonight and let me see you come for me.” 
It doesn’t take much convincing. Robin’s once again a puddle of moans and crying out your name. Your pointer finger dips into her pussy and it’s almost pathetic insane how wet the two of you were. While using your thumb to tease her clit, you slide your middle finger into her pussy as well. 
Then you feel her clench around you. “Holy fuck, Robin.” She’s gripping whatever inch of your skin she can, her whole body twitching under you as her orgasm wrecks her body. 
You give her a moment to come down before adjusting your position. Your legs untangling from one another as you lean in to press a few firm kisses to her lips. “Thank you for doing this with me… It was, truly, amazing.” 
Robin’s wrapping her arms tight around you, giving a breathless laugh. “Thank you? You are so, so very welcome.” She’s smiling at you, pushing your hair off of your face. “We kinda messed up your make up.” Which has you both a giggling mess. You lean in to give her another kiss, letting the two of you stay close together while you both let the night soak in. 
After a few minutes of just soaking up Robin, you finally start to untangle yourself from her. Surely whoever this bedroom belongs to is going to want it back and soon. Your feet hit the cold ground but your body still isn’t quite ready to stand up yet. Across the room? You guessed it. Steve. 
Who’s still entranced by the situation. 
You’re greeted by the sight of your boyfriend, hands pulling through his hair and a soft cock in his lap. He notices you honing directly in on the fact that he’s soft. “Uh, I like totally came on myself maybe… Twenty minutes ago? At least? Honestly you were only about five minutes in when -“ He’s imitating an explosion sound and waving his hands around his dick. You and Robin can’t help looking back at each other and laughing. “Yeah, yeah, I would say fuck you two but since that’s already out of the way…”
He’s flustered at getting “caught” before springing into his typical caring boyfriend and best friend mode. Whoever this bedroom belongs to thankfully has an en suite bathroom that he’s stepping into, returning a few moments later with a hopefully clean hand towel. You and Robin gently clean one another up while Steve hunts down the clothing thrown around the room. 
When all three of you tumble out of the bedroom together, there’s still a few eyes that are honed in. Girls ready to gossip about what who Steve Harrington’s into, boys giving Steve a proud smirk and winking at you linking arms with Robin. The two of you just roll your eyes while Steve steps up closer to put a hand on the small of both of your backs. “Alright, let’s navigate this sea of creeps and get the hell out of here.”
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