#also laughing bc my partner just text
fakeoutbf · 1 month
five stages of grief but it’s five stages of social anxiety
#walk with me#this morning i got a bouquet delivered to me at work randomly out of nowhere#the note basically said that i could count of the person even if for just some words of advice or a gesture that could make me laugh or mad#count on the person**#i immediately knew it’s from one of my coworkers and ngl i have a very charged?? relationship with them#in the sense that it’s very intense and we can be laughing joking and teasing or we can be really angry and pissed with each other#it can have very extreme emotions even if we just chill most of the time#idk why i think this whole year i’ve been leaning on them more?? and we started texting more often too#so we’ve been more properly friends lately#and for one i was SO EMBARRASSED for getting flowers bc my coworkers tease the shit out of everyone myself included and i’m not used to#gestures like that so obviously they were on my ass all day about it#and everyone asked about them and it’s EMBARRASSING to get that much attention#(me: i wanna be a singer / also me: can’t stand to be the center of attention)#anyway the person that sent them avoided me yesterday out of nowhere??? idk if they thought i was mad bc i didn’t reply to their texts all#weekend but i literally never reply to anyone and pms was a bitch and i just wanted to be alone#so they didn’t talk to me on monday i was mostly just working listening to music bc i was still emotional whatever#and today i did talk to my other coworkers bc it’s the day when my favorite coworker comes in and i talk to them a lot so i engaged more#and they were still ignoring me and then the flowers came in and we didn’t say a single word to each other today we just texted#they told me they sent them and that ‘they forgot’ what they sent and that it was just meant to be a nice gesture#and that bc they wanted to ‘surprise’ me and make me feel better bc i said i was sad at one point?? idek#i literally just want to tell them I HAD PMS ITS FINE I FEEL SUICIDAL ALL THE TIME and move on#bc now i’m second guessing everything they’re saying bc i thought we were friends and there’s no reason why friends can’t send each other#flowers or whatever but they’ve been avoiding me and then they keep answering my texts really weirdly and i always misinterpret flirting bc#i’m never outright romantic with anyone?? plus we’re FRIENDS i should have no reason to think that’s changed#but they’re being so weird and why get me FLOWERS??? idk get me a chocolate or a coffee i don’t NEED flowers#and then i said it was random to give me flowers out of nowhere and they’re like no it’s serious bro what’s serious??????#your feelings towards me?? or just your will to cheer me up???#if they don’t reply straight up in their next texts i’m gonna flat out say but it was a platonic gesture right???#so yeah i’m overthink getting flowers bc what’s the social code for that and what is one supposed to do when they get flowers from a friend#delivered to their joint workplace where everyone can see them and think they’re from a partner or something
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ferrstappen · 1 year
max, the wag (for the third time) l Max Verstappen x reader
a/n: i was in the middle of writing this when news of Danny coming back to the grid!!! omg I'm so happy of seeing RIC and listening to his radios and everything, it wasn't the same without him <3
also, about requests. Please keep sending them, I've LOVED all the reqs I've gotten but right now im getting ready for my bar exam in a couple of weeks so my time is super super limited, but I promise I'll get to most of them (bc imsorry there are some reqs that I really can't connect with) after the exam, it's one of the things I'm looking forward to <3 but for now this kind of mediocre story telling will have to do...
ANYWAY, HOPE YOU LIKE THIS INSTALLMENT! you can find part 1 and 2 on the master list <3
summary: the continuation of your favorite paddock couple.
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Max arrived to the track by himself.
If he was being honest, it wasn’t on his plans to walk alone with the photographers, Red Bull marketing team snatching him for stuff right after he swapped his credential. Even from far away he was able to hear chants of fans and more media than usual. 
But you weren’t right there next to him. 
He knew it wasn’t your fault, Silverstone not being a track where he was usually welcomed with opened arms and he was aware of you not wanting to be too in the eye of photographers who didn’t make questions to you, but there still were different WAGs and outfits or whatever accounts tracking your every step, especially with the new wave of partners and sudden break ups and polemics. 
Still, the selfish part of him wanted you to enter the track with him, even if it was a few steps ahead or behind him, holding your hand and smiling as you complained about the amount of credentials you had to carry: the usual green VIP Paddock, Red Bull something. You’d think after all these years they’d know me, you’d say and he’d laugh.
On the other hand, you finished getting ready and called the front desk to get a taxi to get there, feeling a bit guilty of letting Max go on his own, especially when there were more eyes on the track with Brad Pitt being there and a lot of important people who’d want to talk with him all day. 
Texting Max to let him know you were already by the guests entrance waiting when you noticed some intense flashes getting near. You’d been around a time or two to know this wasn’t usual, maybe in Miami but not when you were on the abandoned back entrance, not very glamorous and low key. 
But you saw her…
Shakira, are you visiting Lewis?
Who are you cheering today?
Shakira, third Grand Prix of the year! 
Did you talk to Lewis before? Is he nervous?
Your eyes followed her, mouth opening when you followed her small frame, exuding class and sympathy, even Alexandra who was also making her entrance stopped to get a closer look of the Colombian bombshell. 
Of course, they didn’t ask her to show and get accredited, she just walked by with a radiant smile leaving paparazzi behind as she kept talking with the friend she came with. 
But wasn’t that a Haas credential?
It didn’t matter, it wasn’t important, because right then your brain made the connections and started dialing Max while nervously biting your polished nails. 
“Baby, everything okay? Are you already inside?” Max answered, but his words were quiet and rushed. 
“Yes, but you’re never going to believe…”
“I’m sorry we have a meeting, please don’t go to the paddock, go straight to the driver’s lounge, okay? Love you” 
He hung up and you wanted to pull your hair out, knowing he is the one and only person you wanted to share this information with, and you were also certain he was the only person who would truly appreciate the gossip and speculation about his fellow driver’s love life. 
Max was able to leave the meeting almost forty minutes later, getting outside for some air until he remembered your call and that you probably were bored to death on the lounge. He was turning around to go there when…
When he saw the one and only Shakira in all of her glory. 
He wasn’t starstruck or anything, being immune to celebrities and the imaginary pedestal where most people placed them, but this wasn’t about that, it was about the way she was supposedly hiding under a cap walking towards the Mercedes garage.
He covered his mouth and hastily made his way to you. 
You didn’t greet each other with the usual peck on the lips and short hug; his slightly widened blue eyes told you exactly what you needed to know as he opened the door to his small room. 
“Please tell me that you saw her!” You said as soon as he closed the door. 
“Yes, just now she was walking to Mercedes,” Max was whisper shouting as if someone would hear him and it was the highest of secrets. 
“Did you see Lewis?” You asked Max but he said no. “What if you try to ask Brad Pitt if he saw her and like if they’re friends… with Shakira?” This time both you and your boyfriend laughed at the idea.
"I did see Sainz trying to go unnoticed with a tall brunette,do you think she is the new girlfriend?" Max asked and you nodded.
"I'm pretty sure he cheated on Isa with her, and I am almost certain she was in the Paddock Club in Monaco during qualifying," Max whistled at the new information.
Now he kissed you, lips fitting perfectly against each other, but your eyes suddenly opened and separated from him. What? Why? What happened? Max was disconcerted. 
“Please don’t laugh at me because this is a serious idea…” You told Max who had your entire attention. “What if we write to Deuxmoi?”
“Deux what?”
“They have all the inside scoops  and sightings, even your name’s popped up once or twice,” Max’s eyebrows rose at the information. “We should write that Shakira was seen on the British Grand Prix and I am one hundred percent sure someone will have more information!” You proposed and Max chuckled.
“Schatz, I can just ask Lewis why she’s here,” Max told you before embracing you, his arms circled around your waist.
You rolled your eyes before resting your head on his chest, but suddenly it hit you, swiftly lifting your head and facing Max. 
“Then why haven’t you asked him yet?!”
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ktaerssoi · 2 months
hii could you do a jealous kate fic PLEASEEE
jealously is my middle name
summary: blowing off a project for your girlfriend and her jealously.
kate martin x reader
Being a business major meant being paired up with others often, and by the middle of freshman year, most people had a go-to partner. Your go-to partner was Violet, she was pretty and super funny.
By senior year, you and she had worked on countless projects together. You guys had recently been assigned a project that would be part of your final grade, wanting to finish it early, you guys had planned to meet up the following day to get a basic layout.
there was one problem though, your girlfriend. Kate had been making up excuses for you to stay home all day, whether it was her pretending to be sick, saying that you had all semester, or just saying she would miss you so much that she would "die an agonizing death."
needless to say, she didn't want you to go. "Kate, I need to go, seriously now." you separated yourself from her, knowing that the physical contact would make you fold.
"I don't know where your problem with me hanging out with Violet is coming from, but we need to get this work done." You and Kate were standing by the front door of your guys' shared apartment, she was leaning against the wall, still trying to bargain with you.
"It's not that I had something against her, I just don't understand why you guys have to meet up so often. I mean seriously, it's like every other day." She had pushed herself off the wall, her hands finding your waist as she now stands in front of you.
you squirm at her touch, the simple action causing your cheeks to flush. "because it's our final kate, it's not like it's optional." you looked up at her, she was 6'0, so it got hard to focus sometimes when you guys were standing so close together.
she nodded, a disappointed look on her face, but you quickly saw her eyes change as a thought popped into her head. She stared down at your lips for a second, and then quickly pulled you into a kiss.
you kiss back quickly, melting into it, a pout on your face as she pulls away. "kate, you can't just do that." she gives you a confused look, but you don't miss the smirk on her face.
"do what? I can't give my girlfriend a goodbye kiss as she leaves to go hang out with another girl?" you shake your head, realizing what Kate's big problem is with Violet all of a sudden.
"you're jealous." you smile, wrapping your arms around the back of her neck as she tries to pull you closer (if it was even possible)
"I- what?" the look on her face makes you laugh, her being unable to defend herself, giving you all the proof you need. "I am not jealous."
She narrows her eyes, the tips of her ears reddening at your accusations. "you see y/n, if I was jealous, then I would be trying to get you to stay home. I'm not doing that. Leave for all I care, te ll Violet I say hi or whatever." she bites the inside of her cheek, her hands falling to her sides and off your waist, trying to act nonchalant.
"mhm, okay then, see you later k." you smile, kissing her goodbye as you go to reach for the door you don't get far and you feel her hands grab your waist once again pulling you toward her. "okay but seriously babe do you really have to start it today? wait until tomorrow at least," the end of her sentence is muffled as she barries her head into your neck, her front pressed up against your back as your hand is still on the doorknob.
"not jealous my ass."
you had texted Violet that something had come up, and you were unable to meet her that day, you and kate had spent the rest of the night watching movies. (along with other things)
it wouldn't be the last time you had to blow someone off for kate.
okay chat, i like dont absolutely hate this but it def isnt my fav, so ill prob rewrite it.. i was also thinking of rewriting the other kate fic bc i just don't like how i left it. also how do we feel about me writing for women's hockey?? lord kk harvey is so fine. anyway chat im actually dying sos - kate
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reverie-starlight · 1 year
For the MC returns fic you wrote, it's absolutely splendid. But I was wondering if I could ask for a part two with the dateables??
AHHH okayokay i'm so sorry this took so long, I have been so busy since school ended among other things, but here it is!!! and thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed part one <3
as always, gn!MC
disclaimer: I'm not that familiar writing the side characters' personalities, this is my first time writing for them, so please bear that in mind if you think they're a bit out of character. Also, I won't be doing a part three with the undateables (as much as I adore thirteen), bc I'm only on lesson 25 of the OG game :')
warnings: fluff!! slight reverse comfort in diavolo's bc if the game won't let him have a small breakdown, then I will, but it's like so minor. he cries a bit. poor baby deserves to let his emotions out a bit. his section got looonnnggg. slight making out in simeon's? nothing explicit, but definitely lots of kissing. blood mention in barbatos' but no gore or violence. he's just coming back from the dungeons bc I love him being just slightly unhinged. barbatos' is probably the most ooc because I had such a hard time trying to write his section, plus it got just a tad suggestive.
and once again, the details of MC's return are unspecified, just because I don't want to think too hard about it right now! did they complete the task and re-forge all 7 pacts again? did they just pop back into the present randomly? who knows? not me!
MC Returning to the Present: Dateables Edition
(aka MC goes back to the future... I missed out on that pun last time hehe)
After waking up in your room, where you rightfully belong in the present timeline, and getting through your teary reunion with the brothers, you were anxious to set out and find your lover.
You couldn't even text him to let him know you were back- with a shattered screen and an apparent dead battery, your D.D.D. had seen better days. The brothers offered to text the others to let them know of your return after they were done dog piling you, but you shook your head.
"I need to go see him now," you said, feeling guilty that you wanted to leave the warmth of their company so soon after finally having your chosen family back. You made a silent promise to them that you'd spend as much one-on-one time with them as they needed after this, but you were desperate to find him and they could tell. They could see on your face that you had been through a lot and just needed the comfort only a partner could provide.
So instead of fighting to keep you there with them a bit longer, they led you to the front hall and let you go find your beloved. You'd be back after all, you told them as much.
As soon as you opened the door to run to Purgatory Hall, you walked right into a wall shaped like the sorcerer you were looking for.
"Solomon!" You gasped out, throwing your arms around him tightly.
"MC," he sighed in relief, cradling the back of your head with his hand, other arm around your waist, holding you just as tight. "I was so worried when you were nowhere to be found in the other timeline, I rushed here to see if you were back."
You hid your face in the crook of his neck, and blinked away a tear. "I made it, I don't really know what happened, it's all a blur, but I'm back now."
"You're back, you're okay..." he pulled back a bit to scan over your figure. "You are okay, yes? No injuries? No weird physical space-time abnormalities?"
You laughed a little breathlessly and shook your head. "No, I'm okay, my love."
He smiled fondly at you before glancing behind you, making you aware of your audience. The brothers were glaring daggers at your boyfriend, and you were sure that if Solomon wasn't, well... Solomon, any other human on the receiving end of those looks would perish.
"Guys, don't. He kept me safe when I was trapped back then. He took good care of me when I needed it, I swear."
You raised an eyebrow at them when they didn't immediately stand down, but they untensed after a second and just eyed him wearily.
Solomon smiled sheepishly. "Honestly, MC, you give me too much credit, but yes, I promise I kept them from getting into potentially catastrophically worse situations."
You returned his smile and squeezed his shoulder, tearing up again. "Don't be like that, you did far more for me than you realize..."
He knew you were referring to all the nights he held you in bed as you sobbed over the possibility of never getting back home, comforting you and acting as a distraction. If he weren't there, you honestly don't know what you would have done.
He sighed again, not wanting to get you too worked up right now. You looked like you were about to drop from exhaustion. His eyes lit up and he grabbed your hand.
"MC, why don't you let me cook for you tonight? A special treat in celebration of our return." The poor guy looked so hopeful that you almost gave in.
Before realizing that you wanted to live to see another day in the present.
"Oh, Solomon, that's very sweet, but you must be exhausted after everything as well! We can just go to Ristorante Six, or get take out..." the determined look in his eyes scared you and you glanced at the brothers for help.
"Nonsense, my love, you didn't let me cook for you once when we were living in Cocytus Hall, let me return the favour." Damn his persistence.
A few of the brothers snickered at that, probably picturing you frantically trying to keep your boyfriend out of the kitchen by any means necessary. It was then that they truly realized how many obstacles you had to overcome. You gave them another pleading look and finally Lucifer took pity on you.
"Actually, Solomon, it's Satan's turn to cook tonight, and we'd prefer to spend the evening with MC, so we insist that you join us for dinner. It'll give us a chance to go over some of the more... pressing details of what happened." His tone left no room for debate, so the sorcerer nodded.
"Oh... well alright, then, thank you for having me." He looked mildly disappointed but it didn't last long after you pressed a kiss to his cheek.
You let out a small sigh and silently thanked Lucifer as you walked further into the house again. You hooked an arm through Solomon's and went to sit with everyone else in the living room, finally feeling at ease for the first time in forever.
The second you were out of the house, you sprinted to the castle.
Normally you would be more courteous on the castle grounds, not wanting to piss off any of the nobles and have them think negatively of the Prince for choosing an ill-mannered human as a partner, but every rule of devildom etiquette left your mind as you ran through the halls.
You smiled at some passing servants as you slowed to catch your breath, wondering where he would be at this time of day. Finally you caught the eye of a servant you had gotten to know quite well during your visits and you visibly lit up as she greeted you.
"Hello, MC, it's lovely to see you again," she curtsied and you smiled kindly at her, insisting she didn't have to. She didn't seem shocked to see you, so you assumed everyone had tried to keep your disappearance a secret.
"Hello, it's lovely to see you, too... you wouldn't happen to know where the prince is, would you?"
She hummed and thought about it for a moment. "I believe I saw his personal butler bringing tea to his office not long ago... perhaps he's still there? He's been working in there far longer than he normally would, lately."
Your heart clenched at that, and you thanked her before running in the direction of his office.
You tried the knob, but it was locked, so you knocked frantically. It took a few moments, but finally it opened and there stood Diavolo. He had a welcome expression on his face, but you could immediately tell it wasn't genuine.
Until he realized it was you, that is.
All the pent up exhaustion you could see on his face melted away and he pulled you to him immediately. "You're back."
You closed the door with a gentle kick behind you as he dragged you further into the room. He lifted you up so that you were sitting on the edge of his desk, him in between your legs. His arms tightened around your waist before his hands trailed up to your shoulders, slid up your neck and finally rested on your cheeks. He rested his forehead against yours and let out a long, shaky, relieved sigh. Like the weight on his shoulders had just been lifted.
You let your own hands tangle in his hair and closed your eyes. "I'm back."
As you held him close, you started to feel him tremble slightly. You opened your eyes in panic, and your heart broke at the sight in front of you.
The future king of the devildom was doing his absolute best to hold back his tears, clinging to your shirt, his breathing unsteady. All because of you.
Your grip in his hair turned softer and you pressed your nose against his cheek, nuzzling into him. "It's okay, my love, I'm here. You don't have to hide from me, you can let it out," you whispered softly.
He listened to your words and immediately sank into your arms further, letting out a strangled sob. The tears that dropped from his face dampened your clothes but you didn't care at all. "Let it out, I'm here now."
You continued to soothe and shush him, all the while caressing his hair and kissing wherever you could reach. You knew Diavolo felt as though he had to remain strong all of the time, and honestly if you were in his position you'd probably feel the same. But since you started dating, you had been trying your best to let him know that he didn't have to be that way around you. He could let his walls down with you and never have to worry about being thought of as less.
A knock at the door made him tense up again and you looked at him in reassurance, silently letting him know you'd take care of it. He straightened up slightly, back still turned to the door, and nodded at you. "Come in," you called out.
You peeked over his shoulder and were pleasantly surprised (though you probably shouldn't have been) to see Barbatos standing there, composed as ever. When the butler saw your head sprouting from behind Diavolo's his eyes widened slightly before returning to normal.
"Hello, MC, welcome back."
You waved. "Hi Barbatos! I missed you."
He chuckled. "I must admit I missed you too. Young master, shall I prepare your room with fresh night clothes for MC as well? It's quite late."
You glanced at him and while he had dried his tears, his eyes were still rimmed with red and his nose was running. So he just nodded and said "Yes, thank you Barbatos. Could you possibly run us a bath, please?"
"Yes, my lord." He nodded at you once more with a knowing smile and closed the door behind him.
You looked back to your boyfriend and smiled. You gently kissed him and wrapped your arms around his shoulders again. "My love, I'm so happy to be back. I missed you more than anything."
He managed a smile and helped you down from his desk. "I was so worried about you, MC, I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't come back."
You squeezed his hand tightly as he lead you out of the office and down the hall that lead to his personal wing of the castle. "Well you don't have to think about that anymore."
He nodded and for the first time you've seen that night, and most likely in general since you've been gone, a genuine smile took over his face and his usual playfulness returned. "Will you spend the weekend here with me, MC?"
You nodded. "Of course, I was going to ask you if I could, anyway... oh! Diavolo..." you sheepishly looked at him and pulled out your D.D.D.. "Do you think we could get me a new one sometime this weekend?"
He laughed. "Of course, my dear. Is there anything else you need? Anything at all, just say the word."
"No," you started, opening the door to his room and flopping onto his bed. "Just you."
His smile turned soft and his eyes were filled with love. "That can surely be arranged."
You knocked desperately on the front door of Purgatory Hall, hoping to see your boyfriend's face. All you wanted was to be wrapped up in his arms right about now.
Soon enough, you heard faint footsteps from behind the door and the sound of a lock unlatching. The door opened a crack and you looked down to see a certain blonde boy's wide eyes. Your own eyes widened in surprise, as you weren't expecting Luke to be up at this hour.
"MC?!" He exclaimed, opening the door wider and throwing himself at you for a hug.
You laughed a little and kneeled down to hug him properly. "Luke! I've missed you."
You both walked further into the entry hall and he refused to let go of you after the door closed. "We were so worried about you, MC! Are you alright? Did you get hurt?"
You patted him on the head. "I'm okay, buddy, promise. I'm glad to be back in our time."
Another pair of footsteps was heard as you and Luke had your little reunion. Your heart raced in excitement, recognizing the pattern of the footfall.
"Luke? Who was at the-"
You smiled as his words cut off and he stared at you, frozen and clearly shocked by your arrival. He looked as if he'd seen a ghost. "Hi, Simeon."
Your voice brought him out of his trance.
He rushed to you and held you close. Everything about your boyfriend was gentle- his tone, his smile, his disposition... his touch normally was, too, but in this moment he held you tighter than he ever had before.
And you clung to him just as tight.
He pulled away after a minute, just taking you in- making sure you were real. His eyes turned glassy as he fought back tears. "MC... you're here. You're okay."
You nodded and felt your own eyes well up a little. "I'm okay, Simeon. I'm even better now that I'm here."
He took a shaky breath and composed himself, nodding once and turning to Luke, who was bouncing on the balls of his feet. "Simeon, let's bring them to the parlor. We have so much to catch up on. We could watch a movie- oh! We could do some late night baking..."
The two of you shared a longing look as he rambled on about all the things you could do that night. There was a silent understanding between the two of you that you wanted some alone time, so he gave you a sly smile before addressing the boy.
"I know you're not going to like what I have to say, Luke, but it's getting late."
The angel frowned immediately and crossed his arms. "But Simeon, I want to spend time with MC!"
"I know, but you were already about to go to bed before answering the door. It's best to stay on schedule so you don't ruin your sleep cycle."
"But how is this any different than when you let me stay up late during our sleepovers?"
"Well..." he had a point. "I'm sure that MC is tired right now from their trip back. Time travel must be very draining, you know."
You stifled a laugh as Simeon grasped at straws to get more alone time with you and decided to help him out when he shot you a pleading look.
"Luke, how about we wake up early tomorrow and make breakfast together? Simeon's right, I'm exhausted and I want to be wide awake when we hang out. Does that sound okay? I'll spend the night and you can wake me up as soon as you wake up."
This seemed to satisfy him and he nodded, before hugging you one last time and running up to his room with a quick "Goodnight!"
You both waited for the sound of his door closing before his lips were on yours. You sighed into the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck. It was soft and needy and longing. Exactly what the two of you needed. Your hands tugged at his hair and his hands roamed from your waist to your hips. His touch was back to being gentle.
You stayed like that for a bit, one hand trailing down to play with the hair on the nape of his neck.
When he pulled away after a while, a little breathless, he tugged you to his bedroom and let you rummage around through the drawer of your clothes he let you have for whenever you stayed the night.
When you were both changed and laying under his covers, cuddled up as close as possible, he kissed your temple. "I missed you so much, MC..." he whispered. "I was terrified that you would be harmed."
You turned on your side to face him properly. "I'm okay, Simeon. I just missed you a lot. You were there, you know... and you were almost the same. It was so hard for me to hold back from acting how I normally would with you..." you traced a finger along the bridge of his nose and then over his cheekbones. "I had to remember that it wasn't a version of you that knows me like you do. You were so close but so far."
He caressed your cheek with his knuckles and gazed at you with a loving smile. "Well I'm here, and it's me. I'm all yours, MC. You're okay."
If he was being honest, he felt like he could breathe again. Being away from you, knowing where- when- you were and not being able to help in any way was torture. Having you back safe and sound was the biggest blessing he could ever receive.
You leaned up to kiss him again and then rested your forehead against the crook of his neck. "I love you, Simeon."
"I love you too, MC. I'm so glad you're back."
Once you entered the castle, you immediately asked around to find out if anyone had seen him. The first few servants had no clue, but welcomed you back to the castle with a smile. It wasn't until the fifth servant you had run into that you got an idea of where he might be.
"I believe I saw him heading down to the dungeon about an hour ago. He's been spending a lot of time there lately- when he's not tending to the prince, of course. If you wait there, he should be about done with his... ah... appointment," he said.
"Thank you!" And then you were dashing to the top of the stairs leading to the dungeon. Just as you were about to descend the staircase, a familiar figure was ascending.
You both froze and stared at each other for a good few seconds, taking in the fact that he was in his demon form, covered in blood and carrying a bag. This certainly wasn't the reunion either of you were expecting.
However that didn't matter, because as you were too excited to finally have him back, you jumped into his arms, not caring about any blood on your already trashed clothes.
"Barbatos, I've missed you so much," you sighed in the crook of his neck.
He finally seemed to register was was happening and dropped the bag, wrapping his arms around you. His tail curled around your leg as well, a seemingly unconscious act. "MC... I've missed you, too." He said, slightly breathless. It wasn't often that anyone could catch him off guard, so you smiled slightly at your achievement.
Once he regained his composure, he immediately pulled back and looked you over for any injuries he could attend to. "Are you alright, my dear? Are you hurt? When did you get back?"
You cupped his cheeks and smiled up at him. "I'm alright. I got back about an hour ago, I just woke up in my room. I wanted to see you right away after I got done with the brothers," you said, and then ran a thumb under his eye.
"I'm happy you're back." He said, bringing up the hand with the less soiled glove to rest over your own. "I feel much more at ease now that you're here."
He'd never tell you how much of an understatement that was. He felt like everything was right again. His heart had been pounding in his chest ever since you made eye contact. He'd never tell you, but he was sure that you knew.
You smiled at him teasingly. "Have you been taking your nerves out on the prisoners? Is that why you're covered in blood?"
He chuckled. "It might be. Would that be so wrong? It's an effective way to relieve stress."
You snorted as he uncoiled his tail from your leg and brought your hands down to swing in between you both as you walked. "That's fair... Barbatos, would it be too much to ask if I could stay with you tonight?"
He squeezed your hand slightly. "Not at all, I was going to insist upon it. I still have things I must tend to tonight, but I need to clean myself off first. And while I'm at it, I will get you some new clothes. Then you should see the young master to let him know you're back."
You nodded at him and clung to his arm. One thing that hadn't changed from back then was how to the point and blunt he was. It was admirable, really. He smiled a bit as you walked, feeling perfectly content for the first time in a while.
Once you were both cleaned up and dressed in fresh clothing, you headed to Diavolo's office. You weren't nearly as nervous to see him as you were your boyfriend, but nerves still bubbled in your stomach. He was a close friend, after all.
Barbatos knocked and entered, signaling for you to wait a moment. You could hear muffled speech from the other side of the door before it opened again and he ushered you in.
Diavolo's eyes lit up. "MC, welcome back! You must be so glad to be home safe. I hope you're able to rest well tonight. We'll call a meeting tomorrow with everyone so you and Solomon can explain everything in detail. For now I expect you to take it easy for tonight."
You grinned at him. "Thank you, Diavolo. I'm happy to be back." You looked at Barbatos briefly to address him in a softer tone. "Should I wait in your room or the parlor?"
He was about to respond before Diavolo cut in. "Oh, Barbatos, you're dismissed for tonight. I'm just about done here, anyway."
The butler's eyes widened. "My lord?"
"You deserve to spend this time with them, take the night off."
"...Are you sure, my lord?"
He nodded and then looked at you pointedly. It was clear he was conveying along the lines of 'get him out of here, I can't convince him on my own'.
You smiled and bowed your head at him in thanks and gently tugged your boyfriend out of the office. "Come on, my love."
Once you were back in the hallway, he looked at you. "Are you hungry? I could bake for you, it's not too late yet."
You nodded. "That would be great, thank you..." you kissed him on the cheek as you walked, laughing slightly at his still-stunned expression.
Clearly he wasn't expecting much free time tonight, but with one glance at you, he knew exactly how he wanted to spend it. "When we're done in the kitchen, I think we should turn in for the night a bit early..." he leaned in close and brushed his lips against your cheek. "Does that sound alright with you, my love?"
You shuddered and nodded, looking up at him with an expression that matched his own. "That sounds perfect."
He was so happy to have you back.
I'm so happy to have this done!! it was genuinely so much fun to write... I'm sorry for Barb's section being so... short? and ooc? I had the hardest time figuring out how I wanted to portray him and I think I'm going to have to keep working on it cause I'm not 100% happy with it, but we'll see!
I also dug up some unrealized feelings I have for Diavolo with this fic, cause now I'm like totally head over heels for him.
all in all though, I hope you enjoyed!!
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neoraso · 7 months
bf things with tbz
sfw, gn reader , similar to my subtle skinships but something a little new ♡ hope you enjoy
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waking up before you to prepare breakfast and maybe even pack a lunch for your school or work day
drawing bubble baths for you (and if you ask him to join of course he will oblige)
day trips!! always opens the car door for you and makes sure you're buckled up before leaving
buying you gifts especially jewelry and leaving it on your bed while you’re away so you have something sweet to come home to
literally already acts like a husband to you like . once you do get married not much will change,,he worships you
playing his guitar when you can’t sleep
making playlists with songs that remind him of you/your relationship. sometimes he sends them to u and they're called like "for my love"
wants you to be involved with his family and includes you in his calls and facetimes with them
likes driving you to spots and parking just to listen to music and talk with you
very even-keeled and becomes your rock. always there to listen to you talk about your day looking at you with heart eyes the whole time.
always getting you little things when he travels on tour like even if its a little keychain, and writes a little note or card to go with it
regularly talks about your future together like it's obvious you're life partners
literally never argues with you,, even when you disagree he's very sensitive to you and just wants to work things out peacefully with you.
you're his whole world. he adores you, has to let everyone (including you) know as much as possible, reminds you he's a better person because he met you.
will drop everything to make sure you're ok. brings you drinks or food when he can during your day. if you're feeling down he will like - run errands for you, bring you snacks etc
regularly brings you to his family home bc he knows how much his parents (and darong) love you
sends you pics of the sunset when he’s away at work but thinking about you
frequent hugs with kisses that start from the top of your head until he works his way down to your cheeks
has to be holding your hand,, crossing the street? laces your fingers for safety, sitting down together? grabs your hand and kisses the back of it
likes when you do his hair care and fix it for him the best. closes his eyes and hums when you're putting the product in and massaging his scalp
petting your hair when he’s sat next to you and his arm around you also loves to give you shoulder/neck/head massages to relieve your stress
always keeping an eye out to make sure you’re good in social situations (he may seem aloof but he’s in tune with you!!) ur happiness is his happiness
that being said . sometimes he doesn’t realize when you’re flirting with him he just thinks you’re making conversation T^T but then he catches on and tries to play into it which usually ends up in yall giggling maybe kissing
refuses to let you pay for anything, provides for you happily
so patient with you, always listening attentively with eye contact and appropriate responses <3 an angel
always trying to make you laugh whether it be twerking, sending you tiktoks he thinks you’ll like
baking and cooking for you ! his lucky taste tester,, literally doesn’t care if you just sit there and watch him but would love if you joined him!!
loves that you have a good relationship with stella lowk gets jealous when she texts you with news before him
brags about you to anyone that will listen "they're so funny and cool and great and smart,, i'm so lucky"
makes up little songs to narrate what you're doing even if it's like. the dishes -_-
couple fashion yes yes ! obsessed with taking ootd pics with you
expect his whole camera roll to be you and his favorites are all the ones of you together
always attentive to you whether it be getting something off your clothes, getting you water, reminding you to rest and offering his shoulder when he notices you're tired, moving your necklace clasp to the back, etc
lowkey gets nervous around you like NOT THAT HE'S NOT COMFORTABLE but if you give him too much eye contact he starts blushing and laughing
always leaning on you, head on your shoulder, hanging on you holding your hand/arm. JUST loves u sm and wants to be close to you it's sweet.
wants to “do your hair” and ends up knotting it up (he’ll brush it out though)
gives you really weird hypothetical situations bc he knows you'll actually put thought into your answers <3
he's a silly guy but he likes his chill time and loves it more when you're with him. sometimes he'll bring you home and you take ghana on walks together,, or he just wants to watch a movie with your feet propped across his lap yktv
whenever you're out together at a cafe or restaurant he always lets you taste his order before him and lets you have as much as you want if you like it
will bite you. you'll just be laying together and he bites whatever part is closest NOT even hard enough to leave marks like juyeon but just enough where he can express his ,,,, cute aggression
shares his love through food with you
has a specific time slot for you in his week set aside for just spending time together whether he's taking you out or spending a night with snacks and a movie :>
loves when he can get you up early to watch the sunrise together (always brings coffee/tea and a pastry for you)
your biggest cheerleader. literally texts you with a message every morning encouraging you for the day
comes home singing loudly to announce his presence. you're the first thing he looks for when he walks through the door and has to give you an ENGULFING hug and at least 3 kisses on your face to prove how much he missed you
saying you’re “too far” when there’s more than 5cm between you
if he's sitting across from you he holds your hand(s) INSIDE his sleeves
low-hanging fruit but he absolutely has a folder FULL of songs about you
loves nights where he's just laying in between your legs or when he's holding you,, either way just wants you close, doting on you all night
pretends to be too cool for being your sweet angel baby sugarplum fairy but when you pull away from showering him in affection he goes "why did you stop -_-"
has a picture of you as his lockscreen and his wallpaper, in his wallet, on his mirror, a framed one on his dresser, etc. etc.
if you're watching a movie and an attractive person comes on, he covers your eyes with his hands and says you should only be looking at him bc he thinks he's sooooo funny
always buys you a mango juice or whatever drink you like when he gets his from the convenience store
wants to include you in everything he does as much as possible whether it be going out with his friends, all his days off, his early morning walks
needs his face as close to yours as possible; kissing your cheeks/eyelids/nose biting your ear, etc etc
do not repost or rework/copy any of my posts here or on other sites
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undercovercameron · 1 year
a domesticated rafe cameron
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summary: a bf headcanon for sir rafe m.f. cameron
notes: *NSFW NEAR THE END* i have been seeing so many headcanons for rafe as a bf recently and i used to do these all the time for other fandoms and people and holy fuck i miss and love them.. allow me to indulge myself. also a lot of these are not simply him being touchy or super cute positive ones bc he’s canonically a murderer and drug addict and felon sooo akdjdjd we all of course romanticize him but i just thought i’d say that. lemme know what you think !
tags: rafe cameron x reader
i think rafe is a very complicated kind of lover
he’s a complex ass dude as it is, so that obviously reflects in your relationships
your relationship probably started unconventionally, either because of a fuck up or drunken mistake or maybe even meeting him randomly on a golf course or on the beach and just immediately being drawn to each other
he wants someone that challenges him a Little bit but really just wants someone to go with the flow and let him take the lead
he already gets enough direction and bossy shit from his family
(probably a couple arguments have sparked because of that; he sees too much of rose or ward in you. it’s also something that draws him to you, though, so take it with a grain of salt)
on the topic of arguments, you two are no stranger to them
he always ends up apologizing though, even if you started it—he’d just much rather have your mouth on his than have it yelling at him and knows there’s always a way to get you back on his side
he’s a proud man, so his apologies are usually in the form of him complimenting you or giving entirely hypothetical situations in which he Possibly Might Be Sorry
you take it because it’s probably the best you’re gonna get
he shows his love and affection in a little different ways that other people you’ve dated
of course he’s no stranger to PDA
in fact it only puffs his chest that you want to be seen with him and touch him
he’ll never admit it, but he loves when you kiss his face
like duh,
but not just his lips, he really likes when you kiss him on the temple or just press your face to his cheek or peck at his jaw
he also likes when you hold onto his belt when getting his attention or trying to move him
a lot of your dates involve watching a movie or TV show, because truth be told he is a home body
maybe not his home, but def a home body
your house is a reminder that he is apart of your life; he sees the pictures, the movie tickets, his favorite chips (salt and vinegar, ew i know), or spares of toothbrushes and his clothes in your closet
in any social situation he is either looking at you, thinking of looking at you, touching you, or asking people where you are
he cannot stand to make small talk without his emotional support girlfriend at his side
you’re just so much funnier than all these other people
he prides himself on his ability to make you blush, and does it any chance he gets
he doesn’t really get to laugh a lot, as he is either in distress or about to get punched or reprimanded, so you’re always whispering some joke into his ear to get him to laugh. your success rate is much better than anyone else’s in his life
he knew he loved you when you grabbed his hand during a dinner you were at and some politician walked in with a very apparent and badly concealed nose job. you just mouth “oh my god” and he had to snort to cover up his laugh
you were also all dolled up and cute and sexy that night so that may have had something to do with him knowing he loved you
he is also a great communicator
it’s not in his nature to hide his feelings because they’re so fucking obvious on that expressive face of his
and he never knew he could have so much fun texting until you came along
now he’s a regular emoticon user
weird, right?
now onto spicy things,
you’ve never known a partner to ask you how you feel more than Rafe
it’s a praise thing, you think
he wants to hear that he feels good, that right there, that he fucks you so good, that he’s perfect for you
the nonverbal sign that all those are true is when you throw your head back and a gasp is caught in your throat
the very idea that your breath is stolen every time he does something good makes his heart skip a beat
his cheeks get very red while you’re having sex, so your cool fingers are usually petting them or pressed near them
you have a thing for his legs
i mean come on
he just walks around like that all day
he walks around with a dick like that in his pants all day, and you’re supposed to just ignore it?!
absolutely not
you especially like when he wears those hoochie daddy 5 inch inseam swim trunks, because you get to see where his skin gets a little paler and softer and it makes you get goosebumps at the thought of where it leads
those trunks are a treat usually, saved for a special occasion where he doesn’t have to be around his family and he can have you in his lap, hand trapped between your legs
let’s just say you two fuck like rabbits
two beautiful young adults, what else occupies your time?
it gets a little annoying for other people when you’re apart of their dinner party, because you’re always late, but then learn to just deal with it
it’s better to not have a sexually frustrated rafe cameron that accidentally stabs through his plate of rice and vegetables like that one time at the island club with your parents when you licked up a drop of lemon sauce from your chin and his eyes nearly bulged out of his head
decidedly not a great time or place to act like that
i just think while yours’ and rafe’s relationship def has its ups and downs like all other relationships, your recovery period after an argument is remarkably high
you both know you’re not mad anymore, so it’s not worth it to be bad communicators and make it worse
at the end of the day, there’s always space for you in his bed, and he always welcomes you with a slap on the ass and a whisper of “we’re totally fucking in the shower tomorrow”
(and yes. you do)
notes: i hope this doesn’t seem to scatterbrained, i may or may not end up adjusting or editing this later to be closer to what i think would be him
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rumisgf · 2 months
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summary: here’s some denki headcanons if he was your boyfie bcs i rlly love this boy sm and he don’t get enough love for my liking :[
warnings: college!au, suggestive, crack, feminine terms for reader used, black!reader ofc and always
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✧ you’ve earned yourself a himbo gamer bf congrats
✧ denki is so loud about how much he loves you and he makes it very known that you’re his
✧ while it annoys people like bakugou when he constantly goes on tangents about you, it’s honestly such a green flag
✧ by nature, denki’s a very flirty person so you assumed you’d have to work that out with him a lot
✧ not only that but as denki got older, ladies (and boys) definitely started flirting with him first
✧ it definitely irked you when yall were js talking/in a “situationship”
✧ sometimes you genuinely wanted to rip the hair out of not only your scalp and his
✧ it was only because you wanted him so bad
✧ surprisingly tho, if you bring it up to him he stops immediately
✧ and when you do start dating he pretty much tunes out anyone who even tries to make a move on him
✧ he definitely owns one of those “i love my girlfriend” shirts and will genuinely style it
✧ overall, denki’s one of the most reassuring partners you could ask for after y’all make it official
“i promise i’m literally obsessed with you.”
“you’re the only one i see, princess”
✧ if yall see the way he talks in the show, he definitely is in tune with his feminine side
✧ and in the best way possible, the only reason he might have a lot of friends who are girls is because girls feel so comfortable around him
✧ and i’m a huge believer in the ‘denki with an older sister’ headcanon so that’s definitely where he gets it from
✧ he always helps you with outfits and he even knows how to do makeup to an extent
✧ the first time you were running late but still had to do your makeup so he just came over and did a perfect winged eyeliner, you were just like ‘…..someone cooked here.’
“kaminari….what the fuck.”
✧ he always calls you “girl” when you say something weird or dumb and it really just slips off his tongue
✧ denki also loves gossiping. he’s so messy
✧ if he peeps something, you’re the first person he texts and y’all definitely make fun of people together
✧ when he’s gaming you’d think he’s one of those dudes who just completely ignores their girl
✧ which sometimes is a habit when you’re on the phone
✧ but usually, he’s able to have a full conversation with you and play the game with bakusquad on a seperate instagram or discord call (yes, he has this talent because of his adhd)
✧ besides he makes up for it when you get to take facetime photos of him with his camera set up, his bedroom lights off, the lights from his computer monitor/tv and his led lights highlighting his features so beautifully
✧ if you ever need his attention, he’ll get off in an instant with the excuse ‘i wanna go hang out with my girl’
✧ and he also loves gaming with you. it’s 50/50 though, sometimes he’ll let you win and sometimes he’ll absolutely obliterate you then laugh in your face
✧ it’s ok though because you get kisses after :)
✧ in person, kaminari’s always is touching you in some type of way
✧ whether it’s you sitting between his legs on the floor, his hand on your thigh while you sit next to him, occasionally hugging your waist if you stand up next to him
✧ his favorite though is definitely having you sit in his lap
✧ he’ll play with the hem of your pants or your shirt, wrap his arms around your waist while holding the controller, or let you bury your face in his neck and fall asleep
✧ speaking of, he loves when you fall asleep on him
✧ even around other people, he always likes pulling you on his lap or having your head rested on his shoulder
✧ both of y’all’s friends definitely take pictures whenever this happens but he honestly loves it and doesn’t care when bakusquad sends it into their groupchat
✧ he’s just like yeah, that’s my cute lil girlfriend what abt it?
✧ he really does think you’re so adorable and he loves babying you
✧ yk how the one episode where he said nejire was cute because she was kinda stupid (😭) ? yeah, he loves when you have little dumb moments because he likes to make fun of you and tell you how adorable you are
“awww, you’re so adorable baby!”
✧ besides, it does make him feel better for him to not always feel like the “dumb” one in the relationship, it makes yall more balanced out even if you are smarter than him
✧ he also really likes flustering you. he’ll grab your belt loop, let his hands go a bit too low when you hug him, randomly pull you onto his lap, give you kisses all over your face, and purposefully stare into your eyes while you talk
✧ though, he does equally enjoy being babied. he loves when you play with his hair, laying his head in your lap, and being little spoon when y’all cuddle
✧ which is often the case unless you’re laying your head on his chest, his only other favorite cuddling position other than you being big spoon
✧ he loves playing guitar for you and if you can sing, he’ll play a song to have you sing the lyrics along with him
✧ denki is just a music lover in general, it’s often what’s in the background if y’all are making out or just chilling together
✧ if you like dying your hair, he will practically beg to help you do it because he thinks it’s a great bonding experience
✧ he’ll even dye a strip of his hair to match yours
✧ based on the ova where the big three were playing as villains and class 1-a were the heroes, i like to think denki was one of the first out of his friends to learn how to drive
✧ so he definitely was eager to make you his passenger princess. he loves taking you out to eat, driving you home, picking you up from places, and taking you shopping
✧ even if he barely has the money, he’ll spoil the hell out of you and (sometimes you gotta remind him to be responsible with his money 😭)
✧ his lock screen is definitely a picture of you in his passenger seat or you holding his hand while he’s driving
✧ he loves showing you off and he puts all your instagram posts on his story within seconds, and he will spam your comments
✧ he’ll also convince you to do tiktoks with him
✧ his favorite dates are at arcades, he just loves having fun with you and watching you get competitive with all the games
✧ he also loves when there’s a photobooth and will practically drag you to take cute pictures with him, which he’ll later put in his room on full display
✧ in general he takes tons of pictures of you and you take up a lot of his storage, his phone is really on its last leg.
✧ this also means he as the worst bangers of you imaginable. his birthday story posts are lethal.
✧ overall dating him is like having a built in best friend, except yall kiss a lot
✧ 10/10 boyfie
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@ rumisgf
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AITA for Getting Someone Evicted?
So I recently became friends with a group of people. There's a larger friend group, and a smaller sort of subset friend group that all lives in the same kind of communal house. I'm becoming friends with all of them, but I've become FWBs with the guy who owns the house, so just by the nature of having frequent sex with him I'm much closer to him.
The people involved are my partner, and two other men who live in his house. I'll call the partner Tom, and the two other guys Jake and Alex.
I'm friends with Jake, and Jake is friends with Alex, but honestly I absolute despise Alex. He's one of the most irritating AHs I've ever met. So I don't know if this is biasing me.
What happened:
I was sitting down drawing a few feet from them. Alex was sitting down taking Jakes measurements. This required Jake to kneel with his back to Alex. As guys do, they were making half a million sexual jokes about the situation. Then something happened that I think crossed a massive line.
Jake: (obviously playful/joking) "oooh choke me daddy!"
Alex then put both hands wrapped around the sides of Jakes neck and applied pressure. Not enough to hurt him, but enough to feel. (I am telling the story with info I later learned from Jake)
Jake (firmly): "hey don't actually do that, that's a massive trigger for me".
Alex then removed his hands from physically touching Jakes neck, but kept them hovering a few inches from his neck.
Alex (laughing): "good trigger or bad trigger?"
Jake: "bad trigger. Don't do that"
They then went back to fucking around and taking measurements. Jake says Alex apologized later but I didn't hear it so I don't know what was actually said.
I at first kind of brushed it off, since Jake handled it and seemed fine, but the day after it kinda hit that oh shit, I watched someone just grab someone else's neck as a "joke", this is real fuckin bad. So I told Tom I needed to talk to him about something, laid it all out, told him he needed to talk to Jake and make sure he was okay, and told him I no longer saw Alex as a safe person to be around. I would have liked to go to Jake first, but just bc of schedules I have recently not been able to see/talk to him at all, and that didn't seem like a text convo.
I think this was the log that broke the camels back, and Tom is now kicking Alex out. He'll have a couple months at least, but he's got terrible credit and rental history, and with the housing market where I live, I'm not sure what he's going to do/where he's going to go. Tom was also one of the people convincing everyone else to not just cut Alex off (he's done some slimy shit before this) so it's likely he may lose a decent chunk of his friend group.
Ultimately it was Toms call, but I'm questioning whether I was right to go directly to him about an issue that didn't involve me, and say i did not feel safe around Alex with so little evidence. It almost feels like I'm throwing my weight around as Toms partner, since he obviously wants me to keep coming around (and fucking him)
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angeliclovely69 · 4 months
OMG YES!! Anything Lute and I’m screaming:)
Sick Day
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Pairing: Lute x Fem!SickReader
Warnings: Lute being clueless, Sickness, Reader being a bit dramatic, maybe ooc Lute, soft Lute, fem reader
Note: In my mind Lute is a very caring person with her partner, but is also extremely clueless at times. So here:) Also this is really short because I got distracted while doing homework
Maybe it was dramatic to be leaning off the edge of the couch trying to call for your girlfriend’s attention. Key word-trying. Your throat is making that extremely difficult since your dear Lute was in the next room, and you can barely talk above a whisper.
“Lute!” You whisper yell, what follows is a string of extremely loud coughs. Which, fortunately, gets her attention. “Huh?” Her voice is loud, but that’s nothing out of the ordinary.
“Lute!” You try telling again, it doesn’t work. So instead you send her a text.
I’m dying. Help.
Lute rolls her eyes, but stands up and walks into the living room nonetheless. “Maybe you wouldn’t be dying if your head wasn’t off the edge, hm?” She jokes. The strained laugh that leaves your throat catches her off guard.
“Are you good? Dying? Water? Cough drop?” She is almost panicking. Confused. Apparently this girl has never been sick, or maybe she’s just never witnessed another person sick.
“Help m….!” Your words are cut off by a string of throaty coughs. Her eyes widen. She genuinely has no idea what to do. Her first thought is to grab you a cup of water, but when she places it down on the table you shake your head. “Can’t.”
“What can you do?” She asks while unwrapping a cherry flavoured cough drop(the only kind you’ll ever accept). She softly grips your chin to open your mouth and places the drop on your tongue. “Nothing.” You whisper around it.
“That’s a bit dramatic, don’t you think?” She asks, amused, while also being confused. You shake your head with a groan.
“Cuddle.” You manage, voice hoarse. She clicks her tongue, “you’ll have to make it to the bed for that.” You groan dramatically before coughing again. “Come on, drama queen.” She practically pull you from the couch. You wobble.
“You can’t even walk?” You give a little nod and sniffle. “Great.” Her tone is dripping in sarcasm, and you try to laugh. You can’t. She lifts you bridal style and carries you to your shared bed.
Tucking you in, she kisses your cheek. She gets in bed next to as you close your eyes, already half asleep. “Goodnight, dearest.”
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liyawritesss · 11 months
ʟᴏᴠɪɴɢ ᴄᴏʟʟᴇɢᴇ!ᴍɪʟᴇꜱ ᴍᴏʀᴀʟᴇꜱ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇ...
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Characters: College!Spider-Verse!Miles Morales 
Type: headcanons
Synopsis: What would it be like to hold the heart of Brooklyn’s very own Spiderman? Is it an exhilarating tale for the ages, or do things crash and burn before the romance even begins?
Warnings: Some cursing but that’s about it
A/N: Think of this as a part 2 to my original college!miles morales headcanons. Very sweet and cute, with Miles being a dork even in his young adult years.
Tags: @6-noir @babyboiboyega @badass-dora-milaje @jacuzziwaters @mbakuetshurisprincess @shuriszn @verachii @writingintheshadowsforever @cafehyunji @niyahwrites @pantherheart @marsfunzon22 @briology @honeybleed
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As said previously in my general college!miles headcanons, I doubt that he’s that invested in dating and pursuing a love life while at school in jersey. So I feel like it’s likely he’ll meet his partner when he travels back home for vacations, weekend trips, etc, as its somewhere he feels more at ease to be himself.
I like the idea of Miles bumping into the attractive person at the Lenny’s Bodega he normally buys his Jamaican Beef Patties from, in a very cheesy and cliche situation where there’s only one left in stock when the both of you reach for it….and Miles being the gentleman he is, would let you have it (also bc there’s a massive fight happening outside and he’s got a suit up real quick, but you don’t question just how frantic he is when leaving the store)
After that Miles tries his hardest to see you again, making up the lamest excuses to head to the corner store. Mama Rio’s out of milk? He’s already bolting out the door. Catching up with dad while he’s on patrol and Jeff mentions he’s a tiny bit hungry? No problem Pops, I got it. And lord knows that boy do not need to go on that many ‘snack runs’ with how skinny and lanky he is, cuz he not gaining nothin’
Though at some point he does run into you again, and he’s able to engage a conversation by the fact that there’s more beef patties in stock so both of you guys can get one. It’s a cheesy joke but it works, cuz when you laugh a little it gives him a major confidence boost
Of course, Mama Rio peeps that somethings up with her son when he comes home with an extra pep in his step. But just because he’s an adult now doesn’t mean that she doesn’t have grounds to tease him. “Did you meet someone today? A girl? Or….. a guy?” She absolutely lives for seeing her son happy and giddy.
It starts just as casual texting, sending tiktoks back and forth and sending casual check-ins. Over time it evolves into meetups, hangouts, facetime calls. And originally Miles is just like “they’re attractive and cool asf” and is perfectly fine with a friendship. It’s been a long time since he’s had a genuine one (in reference to the events of ATSV), and more than anything, just wants someone he can be real with.
But even he can’t fight the realization that at some point throughout your friendship, his perspective of you shifted from platonic to romantic. Miles started to notice little things about you that would make his heart stall in his chest or his stomach flip around with butterflies. Noticing a new fragrance you’ve bought, or a change in your usual hair style, or being more in tune with your emotions than even you are.
So it begs to question; when would Miles say anything about his budding feelings? Well…he probably won’t say much of anything at first. If anything he tries to bury them because he doesn’t wanna ruin the one good friendship he’s been able to maintain since he was a teen. But his changes in behavior don’t go unnoticed by you, and for a while, the two of you walk this thin line of “will they-wont they” until you ultimately bring the conversation up
You go on a couple of dates, have a couple of conversations about what would be expected in a relationship with the both of you, and with your talks Miles slowly but surely begins to gather the courage he needs to be firm with his desires for you…which comes in the form of a kiss underneath the stars while stargazing on the rooftop of his brownstone building.
In the beginning, he’s still kind of skittish, he doesn’t wanna do anything wrong ruin what you two have, and there’s a lot of reassurance that goes into play during the first few months of you two dating (on both ends, really). But once he’s comfortable and you two are really set in…good luck tryna get rid of him
Clingy clingy clingy clingy clingy- loves cuddles, hugs, kisses- is definitely a “where my hug at” typa nigga, and will immediately get grumpy if you dont give him a greeting kiss. Always has a hand on you, whether it be on your back, in your hand, on your thigh- he just needs to physically feel you to ease his mind sometimes.
He draws portraits of you and leaves them in your bedroom or his to find. He also likes when you give him feedback and praise for his drawings because they make him feel really good about them. He always jokes about how you change your hair so much, it’s hard for him to nail down certain hair types and protective styles that you wear.
When he’s home for summer break, your parents can’t and will never stop you two from sneaking into each other’s rooms through the fire escape. They just expect to come into your rooms and find the two of you cuddled up together, with blankets lazily thrown over your bodies. But it also gives them plenty of pictures to blackmail the both of you with. (Jefferson is notorious for picking on his son for clinging onto you like how he used to cling onto Rio’s arm as a baby when he slept. Miles will never know peace in his own house.)
If you have your own apartment, Rio has to beg this boy to come home, and constantly makes jokes about him moving in with you since he spends so much time at your place anyway.
When he’s away at school, he calls you three times a day - one in the morning so that you two can wake up and get ready together, one in the afternoon when he’s in between classes and while you’re either in between classes or on lunch at your job, and once in the evening so you two can unwind and fall asleep together on the phone for the process to be repeated again.
He likes to speak random sentences in Spanish and watch your face contort in confusion. In the scenario that you don’t know or understand the language, you’ll ask him what he said, but he’s so difficult with it, he lets you beg until you ultimately give up, and whispers it in your ear while giving you a back hug. It turns out to be something cheesy as hell, but you love it either way.
If you do understand/know the language, you look at him like he’s grown two heads and question what it is he’s even saying, because in this scenario he’ll say the most random and out of pocket shit just to annoy you. Though you forgive him in the end because he honestly sounds so good when he’s speaking his mother’s tongue.
Dating Miles also means sharing him with Brooklyn, and subsequently New York in general, when it comes to his Spiderman duties. If you can hold him down even though he can’t guarantee being a constant presence for you, you’ll make him fall harder than he originally had. If you love him unconditionally, even if the nights where he comes to you, battered, bruised and exhausted; even when he has to cancel dates or disappear in the middle of a phone conversation; or there are certain things he can’t tell you because of his superhero occupation - the one thing Miles will always promise you is that he’ll come back to you every single time. And that's more than enough for the both of you.
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junhuiste · 3 months
experi-meant to be ⋆ park wonbin
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pairing: wonbin x gn reader
tags/warnings: fluff, cursing, college au, laboratory environment, one mention of baking, 1600 words
a/n: i meant to publish this on valentine’s day since i had lab that day but i never finished it lol. there’s some microbio lab procedure jargon so like this is what streaking plates is if you want a visual lmfaoao. this is my first published work in like three years it feels weird haha + i might change my layout/header for fics but for now i’ll keep the same layout i've had for past fics
wonbin believes U are the uracil to his adenine—you should always be paired together.
| seunghan: dude 
| seunghan: lowkey i can’t come to lab bc my car won’t fucking start so i’ll have to make it up next week :\ but taehyun and his partner would probably be willing to help you out with calculations and clean up hopefully
Wonbin pants heading up the stairs into the classroom lab, cheeks immediately pink as he’s made a spectacle amongst everyone already sitting and tuned into the TA’s pre-lab lesson. Sighing as he processes Seunghan’s text, Wonbin turns to the drawing of bacterial growth curves on the whiteboard but is soon after preoccupied with the fact that there is no Taehyun on a stool. There’s just your backside entirely in front of him. 
Taehyun is one to set up all his materials before the TA even steps foot through the lab door so if he isn’t here now then that means—
“Guess you’re stuck with me for today.” 
Wonbin tries to swallow but it gets stuck halfway down his throat and is about to go into a choke type cough frenzy when he surprises himself and softly clears his throat instead. His thoughts are all just stuck there—in the middle of his esophagus, begging for them to travel back up to his brain so he has enough stamina to stick it through the four hour class. 
“No hate to him because Taehyunnie’s a tad faster at getting through the steps, so you know, we’re usually out thirty minutes early, but I can promise you I’m better at calculations. And I’m more precise with measurements,” you let out a small giggle before setting your backpack on the floor next to Wonbin’s.
The commotion of pipettes being thrown onto the surface, glass tubes clinking, and sneakers squeaking rushing to obtain their samples is right away drowned out in Wonbin’s ears by the sight of you perched atop the stool a mere few inches away from him. He tries to keep his chest from heaving at bay by taking his notebook out of his backpack and reviewing the method for today’s class. The solution is only short lived though, promptly taking notice of how you gather materials from the drawer while simultaneously reading through your own notebook. 
Every Tuesday and Thursday, Wonbin assumes his seat in the third to last row of his Virology lecture, close enough to the door that he can be among the first to leave as soon as “see you guys next time” leaves Professor Choi’s lips. He longs for the day (ideally it would be quite before the last week of classes but realistically that’s the best he has to offer for now) that he musters up just the slightest bit of courage to join you and Taehyun in the second row, where Seunghan also occasionally accompanies you two. It’s only the third week of this semester, but perhaps the sixth course of his over the past three years Wonbin’s seen you in. From Biochemistry to Rhetoric 2, he has never taken place at a desk next to yours. 
Wonbin’s always aching to know how you’d answer everything he could ever ask you, be it the attendance quiz question or your weekend plans—what time you usually roll out of bed, whether or not you stroll to the local farmer’s market near campus, if you’re spending Saturday with a special someone. He needs to hear you laugh at Taehyun’s cynicism about college. He needs to hear it up close, not having to strain his ear when he’s fifteen rows behind when you crack up at your friend during the five minute break Professor Choi gives the class. 
But Wonbin will take what he can get for now, and if that’s helping you fulfill your wish of completing the lab procedure as quickly as possible, he’ll do it. 
“I can do the calculations for us,” you begin, “would you mind getting our mutant strains at the front of the class and streak the Petri dishes?” 
Wonbin nods almost too enthusiastically and curses at himself for seeming embarrassingly desperate in front of you. Sure, he’d like to muster up the courage to ask you out, but today he’ll try to take it one step at a time.
When Wonbin returns with new plates to grow your bacteria on and two tubes filled with your bacterial strains, you scoot your chair closer to his to later show the finished calculations. He catches a whiff of your light perfume and almost falls out of his own chair. 
As he’s setting up the Bunsen burner for sterilization, you chuckle, “you know the real reason Taehyun’s not here today is because he left town last night to get a head start on the extravagant romantic weekend he has planned with Gaeul.”
“If there’s one way to use our one free unexcused absence, that’ll do it,” Wonbin replies. 
“Do you have any plans for Valentine’s Day, Wonbin? I mean if you did I just hope you wouldn’t leave me early like Taehyun did,” your eyes meet his for a brief second before flitting back to your notebook.
Wonbin’s grip on the matchstick to light the burner loosens. He just barely catches himself before the match could fall from his hand onto the lab bench. What he needed to get a grip on was his fucking sanity—he almost set the classroom on fire because his heart instead is aflame for yours. 
Taking a breath, Wonbin exhales when the flame turns to blue, finally lighting the Bunsen burner. 
“Nope, no plans,” he briefly turns to you. There’s a beat and he considers that asking you back would seem too forward, but he does it anyway. 
Upon seeing your grin before you open your mouth, he turns his attention right back to the tubes and plates in front of him. 
It’s so over. 
For a second Wonbin’s relieved, because he thinks he can actually get through the next two hours without overthinking his micro movements in front of you. Now that it’s over for him, maybe he can actually pay attention to the way the metal loop he’s holding makes contact with the jelly-like agar inside the plastic plate and not disappoint Seunghan with the results. However, it’s not realistic because even still, Wonbin takes note of all your beauty and remains completely bewitched.
“Honestly I wish...I mean Minjeong, Yunjin and I are gonna do a rom-com binge and bake desserts…but you know…not any plans with someone like that…” 
Your temporary lab partner tries to hide his smile and nods silently as he continues switching between spreading bacteria on the plate with the metal loop and then sterilizing the loop in the blue flame. 
The rest of lab goes smoothly as Wonbin tries to quell the embers within him for the time remaining. There’s forty minutes left but technically to you Wonbin knows time is dashing away and it should feel like there’s what but only ten minutes left to do everything. Your pair was a few steps ahead of the others, just like how it would be when Taehyun accompanied you every week. 
Wonbin has been psyching himself up the past two hours to finally ask you out but currently he’s stuck in his head and just can’t seem to get it out. Does he chase you after you’ve stepped foot out of the lab or should he leave you be? Or maybe he can try next week. He’ll keep telling himself that until there’s one day of instruction left and then he won’t see you for three months and then he’ll lament the entire summer to Seunghan that he didn’t say shit. 
He can do that…or just rip the bandage off at an agonizing speed. 
The last Petri dish that Wonbin holds is being wrapped in parafilm to prevent contamination. He’d been going through the motions of the procedure while simultaneously not paying attention to his surroundings, at his own self’s behest. You’ve already cleaned the entire lab bench and he doesn’t notice until he hears “see you in Virology,” and suddenly you’re slinging your backpack over your shoulder. 
It’s now or next week…or never—wait you know that Wonbin’s in your Virology class? What you said is ringing in his ears and it hits him all at once.
Petri dishes in hand and turning around, Wonbin freezes in his tracks.
Your eyebrows furrow.
“Do you want to hang out tomorrow?” his own mouth betrays him and suddenly it’s all coming out much too quickly for his liking. 
You’re about to answer but before you can even get a word in, “I-I don’t mean to interfere with your plans with your friends but uh, if you wanted to do something like that I’m down.”
Your lips press into a line and Wonbin is about to pass out from the threatening fluorescent classroom lights. 
“Park Wonbin…are you asking me out on a date?” He can practically feel his sweat melting the parafilm tape off and a vision of him dropping the Petri dishes in front of you, cracking open and shattering, exposing E.coli to everyone in the room flashes before him. He blinks once and calms his vice grip on the plates. 
“Yes. Yes I am asking you out on a date,” Wonbin looks down at your sneakers, not knowing where else to shift his gaze to. 
“Well, I’ll see you tomorrow then,” you smirk, slinging the other strap of your backpack over your other shoulder and saluting.
Park Wonbin swears his heart is on fire and does a backflip off a fifty foot cliff. A curve forming on his lips, he smiles slightly waving with the plates still in his hand, “see ya…”
You halt your forward movement and turn back around, “Wonbin?” he perks up again, “you should sit next to me in lecture on Tuesday.”
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blacksmokehorizons · 2 years
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Summary: You were one of the only ones to remain in The Dreaming when your lord vanished. One day when you ran to tell your librarian a discovery you’d made, you didn’t expect a certain someone to be standing with her.
Warnings: uhh.. none? I think? Unless you count bad writing bc I haven’t wrote in ages <3
A/N: Enjoy whatever this is, it popped into my head a while back. Also my first piece for Sandman but I currently have like 3 other ideas being planned/written so stay tuned LMAO. Sorry this is so short! You can read it as being Dreams bestie or his partner I didn’t have a specific relationship in mind!!!
“Lucienne! Lucienne!” You yelled sprinting down the corridor as fast as you could, dodging all the glass and stone that’s crumbled of course.
The librarian turned her head towards you hoping you’d slow down, “How many times have I told you not to run about the palace, especially when-” her chiding was cut off as you slammed into her wrapping your arms around her.
“I found the library! I found it! It’s nowhere near what it used to be but it’s still here! And there’s some books, I didn’t touch them but they may still contain text!” It seemed like the grin on your face got wider as you spoke, “Damn place has hid from us for far too long!”
Lucienne shared your smile as she gently asked you to unhand her, which you did quickly apologizing. Gently tugging her arm soon after, “Come on! I have to show you, I told the room not to go disappearing on me again so hopefully it listened!”
Before you could take off again you heard someone clear their throat, making you freeze in your place. Turning your head slightly towards where the noise came from your eyes went wide. 
“Leave it to you, commanding a room to not leave, before turning and immediately leaving it.” Morpheus said trying to hide his amusement.
“Am I dead? I don’t recall seeing your sister, Lucienne is this a dream, or hell? Or-“
“You are not dead, not asleep and dreaming, and no this is not hell. You’re still with me in The Dreaming dear.” She said softly.
You dropped her arm and felt tears prick your eyes, trying to fight the lump in your throat, silently praying this wasn’t a delusion.
“You’re back?”
“I’m back.”
With that you took off straight towards Morpheus colliding into him with enough force to cause him to stumble backwards a bit. Your arms wrapped around him and the tears were falling down your face by now. His arms engulfed you, pressing your body closer to his. You tried to speak but it was nothing but mumbling and hiccuping as tears flowed, but he understood everything you were trying to say. 
“I never meant to leave The Dreaming, or you for that matter, for so long. I’m sorry.” He spoke softly to you, gently rubbing a hand across your back. You sniffled and wiped your eyes, trying to compose yourself the slightest bit when you separated. 
“Now,” he said as he took in the state of the palace, “Where’s that elusive library at?”
Smiling as you grabbed his hand pulling him with you as you took off, laughing as Lucienne scolded you once again for trying to run down the rubble cluttered hallway. But judging by the tone in her voice, she was far from angry, she was just as delighted as you were to finally have Morpheus return home.
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sun-stricken · 5 months
hey random head canon feel free to ignore. But imagine Gray’s a horrible single and Lyon is a freaking amazing singer. Only issue both will only sing when they’re drunk
i will not ignore this tyvm, youre giving me an excuse to talk abt how they are when intoxicated
Im adding onto this by saying neither of them are lightweights, Gray doesnt drink often but he was Canas favorite victim drinking partner for a long time, so he still maintains his ability to hold his liquor. Lyon just has a naturally high tolerance, and his body has gotten used to all the strong fancy shit he usually drinks
So to get them drunk and that theory out would take time. but man is it fun when it works
Lyon’s a bit of a romantic drunk, ‘flirting’ with everyone he sees for the fun of it, also with the bartender to try and get more drinks when hes been cut off (tbh hed probs be the type to try and text his ex when drunk)
Dude probably starts belting off love songs at random, hes loud with it bc, well, drunks tend to not be able to control their volume, but ppl around cant really tell him to stop because hes like really good?? like weirdly good. stupidly good for a guy who’ll probably blackout at any given moment
he probably bows at the end too
Gray is a giddy drunk, he only drinks when hes happy as to keep it that way, he gets touchy and affectionate and will express himself in the most expressive way possible, and thats all fine and dandy and honestly? good for him.
the bad part, however, is if theres music playing he will sing to it, any and all songs. hes an equal opportunist for drunken singing.
and hes not… particularly good at it, he doesn’t even try to to be good at it either, hes off key and breaks off to laugh and wont even attempt to follow the flow of the music.
picturing him singing off-key to random white girl music has made my day tbh
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moodywyrm · 1 year
K sorry ignore me I’m streaming my entire consciousness for you here moons
Ellie, on the other hand, (walking in on the same scenario), it’s not that she doesn’t care (the opposite!!) it’s just she’s so painfully awkward, she doesn’t know how to handle it almost? Obviously the longer you’re together, the better she gets as she learns what you need, but she’d frown and walk over, gently stroking your hair with a soft “hey babe” that one scene with Dina nobody talk to me and would immediately crawl into bed with you. If you start crying she’d probably tease you (lovingly) and be all “aw my girl’s so soft hm? My little crybaby. That’s it, let it all out”:( and if you’re extra moody, whereas I can see Abby more just ignoring this or giving you a gentle “come on babe don’t be like that”, ellie would laugh. She think you look extra cute when you’re all >:/ she just can’t help but pinch your cheeks with a big grin or ruffle your hair or something. I think there would be a bit of a learning curve if you’re a little extra sensitive, maybe one of her usual silly jests would send you into a puddle of tears, and she’s like ??? cause usually you’d laugh and give it right back to her, so she has to learn to be a little extra gentle with you. That being said, she’d do just about anything to make you laugh, a light “there’s my smiley girl” when she finally coaxes a giggle out of you I’m crying
in the wise wise words of jj, the ppl who are crybabies on their period please rise.
it's me, im the crybaby on my period. Ellie with a gf who is just extra teary n sensitive on her period is so cute to think about. because she is so fucking awkward!! I love Ellie so so much but baby is incredibly awkward when it comes to handling emotions, even her crying girlfriend.
she's such a sweetheart though :(
she’d frown and walk over, gently stroking your hair with a soft “hey babe” that one scene with Dina nobody talk to me and would immediately crawl into bed with you.
she would!!! that little "hey babe" lives in my head rent free, it's so sweet and gentle and soooo Ellie. gonna make this a modern au bc I honestly do not want to write a period during the apocalypse rn.
somehow it always happens that Ellie is working or in class when your cramps hit :( she gets your first text telling her you got cramps like midway through her shift and she's so upset that she can't just go home and comfort you then and there. you update her when you're not incapacitated by pain or asleep, but it's hours before she can get home.
on her way home she drops by the store to pick up your favorite snacks and comfort items, literally approaches this trip with militant efficiency. get in get out, and she does!
when she gets home she's immediately in the bedroom, throwing off her jackets and shoes and sitting next to you at the edge the bed. literally just sitting there, going "hey babe" and stroking your hair, pressing a kiss to your forehead before helping you up to the bathroom.
bc of course she does my favorite period trope: helping your partner into the shower! I feel like you two wouldn't actually shower together during your periods, but she'd sit there while you shower and you'd sit there while she showers. or, alternatively, you'd wash off first and then Ellie would join you. not because I think she's afraid of blood or anything, but she wants you to be as comfortable as possible, and that includes not having to deal with the mental ahhh of getting blood on your partner. anyways yall get nice and clean and she proceeds to help you get dressed, putting lotion on you and otherwise taking care of you.
she holds your lower tummy for the rest of the night, massaging it in a way that feels heavenly <3 she's honestly so cute and sweet im >:(
as for the rest of your period, she 100% does some gentle teasing, calling you her little crybaby while also doing pretty much everything for you. suddenly she's a fucking Chef, cooking you all of your comfort food and/or picking up the Good Shit (burgers) from Joel's place. she may be a lil meanie about it, but she's also unbelievably caring during your period <3
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lenasprouts-words · 2 months
olderbrother!skz headcanons pt 2!!
ahh maknae line! hyung line
you guys are inseparable
you also get mad at minho for stealing your brother
also han and u are actual soulmates
minho is second (and less cool in ur opinion)
only about one-two years apart
when yall meet he does the ‘where my hug at?’ thing
its either you koala hug him or he does
just like, legs wrapped around waist typa hug
or he’ll bury his face into your armpit
you think it’s disgusting but he argues its comfy 
he sends you all his photos he wants to post
then you choose the ones you like 
he likes anime; you like kdramas
constantly fighting abt which is better
it got so heated once that even felix rose his voice for yall to stfu
its okay tho u made up a day after and went to the park to have a singing contest
you watch silly documentaries together
your chat is filled with stupid jokes and complaints
but he’s the first to know when something is wrong
started dissing this kid who bullied you in fifth grade
he got sent to the office but gave you a hug right before
steals things from photoshoots to give to you
spams you when he’s in the studio
asks you for lyric inspo and uses your terrible love life as inspo
once you showed one of his songs to your partner
’my brother wrote this about my last ex. dont make him do it again, he cried writing it.’
well your partner also cried so
matching stuffed animals <3
asks you to help him learn twice choreo
bc ur a huge once
he also got you a signed album from them
’oh here noonas gave me this idk why tho’
loves you to death.
like fr its scary
youre four-five years younger than him
so you basically have eight older brothers
nicknamed you smiley bc your smile is the cutest thing ever (and it is)
runs to you calling ‘smiley!!!’
and lifts you off the ground when you hug
he hooks his chin around your shoulder and smells you
you think him smelling you is weird but it isnt
bc according to him you smell like ‘vanilla and lavenders and lemon’
it is so very random but you love it anyways
you two balance each other out so well, in a really weird way tho
like he’s hyper and energetic and sweet
while your active and excited and a little bitter
your insults and comebacks make him cry laugh every time
and you do the same with felix
he will NEVER shut up abt you trust
like seungmin once put him on a ban from talking about you
but he just started texting about you so
taught you taekwando
and now you fight hand to hand against changbin (and win most times)
felix doesnt like it tho bc ‘changbinnie'll get hurt and cry!’
both of your puberty hormones went to your voice box
his got deeper and huskier; yours is silkier and in the middle tone range leaning deep
but its like a rich deep ya know?
when he’s sleepy he starts mumbling random sentences and you record them snd send them to you group chat named ‘skz (-1 sunshine +1 smiley)’
if seungmin thought felix was bad at gaming, youre even worse
most of the time you end up dying
its funny because you started gaming before felix did too
you gave each other sweatshirts for white day in korea
and now your roommate hates when you use it because its so worn down and lowk smelly
jeongin has to beg felix to take it off and put it in the wash
dance parties at random times
especially if you or felix are feeling down
the playlist ‘HOE DANCE DOWN!’ is blasting
consisting of twice, charli xcx, dua lipa, and olivia rodrigo
other artists too and some from jyp bc felix loves his jypnation
not jyp tho anytime felix complains abt the ‘stupid motherfucker who wont shut up and has no talent and too much confidence’
complains ESPECIALLY while yall r playing fortnite, on your request
baking is your shared therapy
felix makes brownies, you make cookies
perfect duo in the kitchen
you bake so often that watching you two is like a dance
members will literally watch you bake and you flip them off
rock paper scissors is YOUR thing
like felix will just turn to you and stick his fist out
you also win almost every time
you literally have twin telepathy
mainly bc your twins but he is also thirty two minutes older
so, day ones
gatekeeps you from his friends but not the group
because somehow they already knew who you were
you introduced yourself to them the day they debuted
only pretends to be sad abt not being a twin in the group
because he already has you and wouldnt change it for anything
the only person he will not hesitate from skinship is you
pats on the head, chin on shoulder, holding hands, occasional squeezing
his hugs are your safe spot
he’d tap you on the shoulder and take your arm
then he starts massaging you after pulling you into the hug
and it feels so good
and he’s surprisingly good at it too
treats you like a baby bc ur the youngest in you family (by a half hour)
once got you a new phone to stop you from complaining
you think its because he loves you but that is denied every time (its true tho, bc who wouldnt love you?)
only person who can calm you down
when you get too mad
he’ll call you or lay next to you
rub your back until you calm down
if youre on call he’ll put on music and start singing random shit
youre the orange kitty to his golden retriever puppy
you literally paw at him until he gives you his attention
he’ll get excited and its the cutest thing you’ve seen
wakes you up by singing the high note in ‘cover me’ in your ear
ever since he’d recorded that he’s been bragging abt it
but you dont mind bc his singing is nice and you know he would feel the same if you bragged about your fashion designs and website
every day you leave him sweet messages (like his older sister!!)
‘oh seungmo, love your hair today! your smile lit up my room puppy’
in return he sends cute gifs
he also learned french from the i am you tour to swear at you
asks for help in english before events/interviews where english will be used
you were the one who calmed his worries before the paris fashion week
since youre an english and fashion design major he relies on you
he will also never get over the fact that his TWIN is double majoring
your literally jeongin’s favorite tho
bc if seungmin says no you’ll say yes
very very mischevious
if one of you are having a bad day
you’ll just bring the other to a rage room
very effective
he’s the maknae of the group and hates getting babied
so he automatically doesn’t baby you
maybe he does a little bit….
but thats because you told him it was okay and you liked it
youre around three years younger than him
so everyone in the group babies you
jeongin is always the first to go and greet you tho
spooks you tho
goes behind your back and yells ‘boo!’ in your ear
he gets punched by you after that
you just tackle him and squeeze him
but he goes ‘oh youve grown so big now!’
he’s also been getting stronger so when he goes into his normal hug where he puts his amrs around and under your armpits, you get squeezed until youre out of breath
on that note
he takes you to the gym bc you’ve been wanting to work out since starting college
he wanted to b your gym buddy (also was scared of u dying bc of asking binnie)
pushes you enough to finish bc he knows ur limits <3
you go to a convinience store after your workouts
both of yall try to pay BUT you make a schedule for who pays
you switch off
innie is extremely proud he made that idea
share a gym playlist
and most of your playlist
bc ur music taste is so similar you end up collabing playlists
you both do daily fit checks
slowly you’ve been able to coax him out of terrible shoe choices
you’ll show him something new and he’ll be like
‘oh is this what all the youngsters are wearing now?’
he busts out these rubber shoes that give you a headache
‘im doing it for stay’ you know stay’s reaction bc u r one
you always show what stays are saying on pinterest and call them simps
but you also cant talk bc, and jeongin quotes this
‘damnn hyunjin looking fine enough to be mine’
but also jeongin constantly uses pick up lines on YOUR friends
if he ever picks you up he’ll turn to someone your hanging out with
‘are you the sun because youre so hot you burn my retinas’
and everyone is just. majorly confused
its his random space obsession showing okay
you went on a planetarium date one time
he talked your ear off and then you bit his ear
retaliation for all the times he’s bit you when he was a wee little one
after that you went shopping
a stay photographed yall starting dating rumors
but its okay bc jeongin addressed it in his lives
telling everyone youre siblings
there is a ten minute video of him cracking up, tears flowing bc of the situation
@chans-muffin i delivered!!!!
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bright-and-burning · 8 months
No bc I love women and football tell me all the gossip with mccabe and foord and the ex (who is she) ☕️
alright this is going to be long im sorry but get me started on woso and i just blabber. uhh most of my sources cited but this is mostly me going back thru texts from during the world cup and grabbing facts/pictures from then so a few of these claims are a little
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BUT i promise i didnt make this up LOL i was Deep in google for the entirety of the world cup so i Know i got my info from somewhere
everything else under the cut bc this got SO long im actually so sorry
there's three primary people involved here:
katie mccabe: left back (but honestly left everything wonder woman). captains the irish national team. plays for WSL's arsenal, has been since 2015 (minus a lil bit loaned to glasgow in 2017). those are the two important facts here really but the below is ~flavor~.
also for context this world cup was ireland's wnt's first ever major tournament appearance. she's the first ever irish goal-scorer (of men and women!). she's amazing. here's her for arsenal:
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ruesha littlejohn: striker/midfielder. scottish-irish, but represents ireland at the senior level. 33 years old. has played for a lot of teams club-wise. currently plays for london city lionesses, a second tier team, but that wasnt announced til after the world cup. her most recent wsl team was aston villa (but i mean it, she's played like everywhere lol). 5'6 if you're curious.
here's her in ireland's kit:
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caitlin foord: forward! plays for australia internationally, and arsenal (so teammates with katie. this is important.) she's played for arsenal since 2020! used to play for the thorns in the nwsl once upon a time. 5'7, if, again, you're curious. she used to date a swiss footballer (lia walti, who's played for arsenal since 2018) but they broke up like six months before the world cup. walti unfollows the australian team on instragram right after they post a video of foord, it's all very dramatic (THEYRE STILL TEAMMATES AT ARSENAL THIS WHOLE TIME BTW). arsenal man, always at the scene of the crime.
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ok so now you've met our main players!!
world cup happened this past summer (2023), btw. to give you an idea of timing.
katie mccabe and ruesha littlejohn dated for 6-7 years (some articles say 6, some say 7). they came out in june 2019 and said they'd been dating for three years already. their breakup was confirmed right before the world cup (like THE SAME WEEK??), in an article where mccabe was like "yeah, ruesha, my partner at the time..." very casual.
and then. in JUNE. (world cup starts july 20th!!)
foord and mccabe go to ibiza w an ex-arsenal player (jordan nobbs). who (in june 2023, not anymore) played at aston villa with. you guessed it. littlejohn. so yeah your ex gf goes on a trip to ibiza w a new girl and your current teammate, you might be a lil pissed off. maybe.
the sun's (i know, BOOOO but this made me laugh so hard) caption on a pic from the trip had me cackling:
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(the title of the article was "inside the glam lifestyle of pals caitlin foord and katie mccabe after ireland’s star’s ex snubs world cup handshake." borderline galpals commentary like have writers there never heard of regular synonyms for friends?? there was also a line that just screamed please don't sue us: "However, The Sun does not suggest the Aussie forward had anything to do with McCabe and Littlejohn's break-up.")
so now we've got two exes on the irish national team going into their first world cup appearance, the captain of the swiss national team and an australian player having broken up like six months ago, and much more, but that isn't directly related to This Specifically.
while you, anon, presumably know how the world cup works, ill give a mini explainer for anyone lost: there's the group stage, where the teams get divided into groups (in this case, of four), and your team plays every other team in the group. you get three points for winning a game, one for a draw, and none for a loss. those points add up and top two teams move on. and then you go into the knockout stage, where you have to win to advance, and if you keep winning you make it to the final yay!!
but for this we only care about the group stage. and more specifically, about group B.
group B is made up of nigeria, canada, australia, and (drumroll please) ireland!!! it is the stuff reality tv shows WISH they could make happen.
ireland and australia play. it is (almost*) the very first game of the tournament (but it's still on july 20th). it is at 5am my time. you would not believe the timezone fuckery i went through that month.
(*ok new zealand played norway starting a bit earlier on the same day but that's not as dramatic sounding)
and you know how they shake hands with the other team before a game? yeah well here's littlejohn apparently refusing to shake foord's hand:
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here's a lovely photo of a Look from littlejohn to mccabe:
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here's a diff irish player (sullivan) separating littlejohn and foord after the game (australia wins 1-0, btw.):
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and i already shared this on @powerful-owl's post BUT. here's mccabe's little sister, supporting mccabe. please note the date (july 20th) and the comment from foord (from after the game, im like 99.99% sure) asking if she wants her jersey now. me personally if i just beat my totally platonic friend/teammate on the world's stage i wouldnt be pulling up in their sister's comments asking if she wants a jersey now (also implication of the word now as in previously discussed, etc etc. this was the thing that pushed me over the edge into insanity at like 9am after no sleep)
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i admittedly have not kept up to date on anything that's gone down since the world cup so it's entirely possible more has happened! in fact i would say that it is downright likely lol. i love soccer lesbians n the insane charts necessary to keep track of their relationships <3
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