#also loved the grammar joke in episode 2
Hi, everyone!
I just watched the first two episodes of the Clone High reboot, and wow...hearing the Drowning Pools revamped theme song took me straight back to watching the show in college.
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How has it been 20 years?! God, I'm so old haha
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The voice acting is still top-notch (I'm not sold on the new Cleo yet, but Will Forte continues to nail the sweetness of Abe Lincoln in the original). I am also so happy they included Christa Miller by having her voice Candide Sampson, and the newest clones are working well for me so far.
By the way, Bo Burnham would be a PERFECT Abe...well, his younger self would have been as cute and awkward as Lincoln haha
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Ayo Edebiri is fantastic as Harriet Tubman as well. Fun fact: She's good friends with Jerrod Carmichael and had her picture taken with Bo and Lorene last summer at the premiere of The Bear.
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All in all, I'm loving time traveling back to 2003 through Lord and Miller! 🙌🏼
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81buttons · 3 months
Hii ^^ I love your account it's really the fandoms I love and I wanted to ask you if you could write a story about james wilson where he and the reader end up on a date at the monster truck (a bit like the episode with Cameron and House) or maybe House is there too, I just want a story a bit in the same style as the episode ‘cause I love that moment but with wilson. Thanks again keep writing I can't wait to read all your stories ❤️😊
hello so you should know that I am currently in my Wilson era so I loved writing this story, I took your basic idea and modified certain things I hope you like it...
´Like a date ?’ Part 1
Part 1 (this one), Part 2 , Part 3
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House md!James Wilson x reader 
summary: when House invites Wilson's crush on a date for revenge or when Wilson falls madly in love with a member of House's team
TW: House being house, mention of failed marriages and divorce, some house’s jokes and for this story I don’t mention the presence of Cameron, the reader being the main female character in the House team
sorry for the grammar mistakes
"I am the best"
Wilson raised his eyes from his lunch, House stood in front of him with his eyes sparkling with joy? Or pride may be in any case it was not a good sign.
"And you want me to tell you that..." James replied not sure where his friend was going.
"I want you to tell me that yes I am the best being on this planet that is called Earth, that you will create me a congregation dedicated to the god House so that I have thousands of supporters and faithful, and finally that you tell me that I am the best thing that has happened to you even better than your 3 marriages. ”
James looked at him perplexed unable to know what he was going to announce, knowing his friend it could go from a simple action like buying him a can of coke or offering him a 2-year trip to the Pacific islands, or killing someone, the variables were endless.
"My friend, what are you doing on Friday night, no, it's not even a question in fact, I'm announcing that Friday night we're going to see you and me the Monster Trucks"
Wilson was shocked, a surprise a real good surprise from his friend, who did not ask him to commit any violation of the law. But suddenly his face darkened.
"Wait, you said this Friday night"
"Yes, Friday, you and I are as free as the air in the fabulous world of car destruction"
Wilson was embarrassed
"House, I can't I'm really sorry"
"I think you didn't hear, it's probably because of your old age but it's okay I'll repeat it to you, I said Monster Truck and you have no choice"
"I know I know but I had already planned something that evening"
" What can be better than that? Your wife? Your ex-wife? Your ex-ex-wife? Believe me, none is worth it"
Wilson sight, of course when House was offended he became bitter.
"It's been a month since I promised a friend to see him tonight, it's been almost 7 years since we saw each other, and I told him that we would see each other in town and that I will organise everything"
House stared at him for a second and then took a breath, he didn't believe what he was going to say.
"Your friend there... uh"
"Yes, Ben, does he like Monster Trucks ? ”
House had managed to get two more tickets for tonight, yes two tickets because after he offered to invite his friend Fred to his Monster Truck party, Wilson had told him that he didn't need to do this for him and that he didn't want to force House to spend the evening with another person just so he could go see the Monster Trucks. 
For House yes, seeing the Monster Trucks without Wilson wasn’t possible, it's like eating bread without butter, watching a movie without popcorn, going to Vegas without playing, seeing Cuddy with a low-cut without saying anything ... in short impossible for him. 
But Wilson had insisted, because of his damned conscience he could not accept this ticket without feeling bad about his friend. So House offered him to also bring a friend like that he would not be completely alone during the evening.
"A friend? ”
"Yes, a friend, what do you think I have no other friends than you? ”
"No, no, it's just that I haven't met them before"
"Well, you'll see them on Friday night" and he left his office
"House if you bring back a ho-"
And now he found himself with less than 24 hours to find a "friend" for tonight, so that he would not be alone in front of the duo Wilson / Derek.
He thought about it very seriously, he had to be a person who he is sure is not a plan for tonight. Either a person from the hospital, it is well known that doctors have no life apart from their work. 
Cuddy? No, he needed someone who was afraid of him.
Foreman? No, he would surely say no and the company would be rather unpleasant
Chase? Maybe even if the Australian has surely never heard of the Monster Trucks on his island.
Finally he had an illumination, of course it was the ideal plan, he had to invite Y/N.
Since his arrival as a member of his team, House has noticed his friend's obvious link with the young doctor. After all, the woman was beautiful and young, one of the reasons why House hired her in the first place, but in addition ‘miss perfection’ also claimed to be a good doctor, from time to time according to him but enough to be useful to the team. 
Wilson always had the unfortunate habit of flirting with all the beautiful women he met and they fell into his ´nice boy' trap so easily that it had lead to 3 spoiled marriage. But with doctor y/n it was different, after carefully observing them several times, House had seen that the young woman was making her friend nervous, for one of the first times it was he who was in a lower position.
It was very satisfying to see how he managed to forget everything when he saw her, to the point of sometimes stammering slightly, if he pretended to listen to her we could see that he was completely lost in front of the young woman. In short, he was a mess in front of her.
This was a enough for House to invite her, okay she was not necessarily the perfect candidate, he should surely have to explain the rules to her for hours and she would surely be suspicious in the first place. But House saw this as a "revenge" on Wilson, he already imagined his friend's face; or even George's, when he was going to arrive at the woman's arm who drives him crazy. 
House knew he was pinching for her, they had talked about it but Wilson didn't want to do anything at the moment. So House had to force things a little, and after all y/n was one of the few people apart from Wilson to support House and accept his humour, and he also appreciated it especially when she shuts down Foreman or Chase, she was smart and clever.
Upon entering his office, he saw her studying a file on the table in the next room.
"Hum" he coughed so that the young woman noticed his presence.
She gently raised her eyes to look at him. "Everything all right? ”
"What are you doing tonight? ”
Part 2
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lapascale · 4 months
Just me making a post about how Shadow Milk Cookie (from CRK) and Bill Cipher (from Gravity Falls) are similar (don't read this if you only know one character and not the other):
!!Spoilers for Gravity Falls (season 2) and the 2nd episode of Beast-Yeast!!
If there was a character that was similar to Shadow Milk Cookie (at least in terms of personality), I'd say it could be Bill Cipher:
First, they're both evil and are the antagonists of the story they're in (I mean this one is obvious)
They're both very powerful (this one is also obvious)
They both tried destroy their world, or at least brought it in a state of desolation and destruction (Bill Cipher literally burned down his dimension and brought Weirdmageddon to Earth while Shadow Milk Cookie was one of the Beasts who brought chaos, destruction and confusion to the world)
We could also say that they tried to rule the world (Bill wanted to rule the whole universe. And since episode 2 of Beast-Yeast, I think Shadow Milk Cookie also has similar goals (especially after what he did to the Faerie Kingdom))
They love causing chaos but hate it when things don't go perfectly in their ways or how they wanted to (Bill Cipher repeatedly got angry when things didn't get in his way (example: the scene where Mabel and Dipper tried to escape from him). Shadow Milk Cookie said that he wanted to make a perfect show or something like that and he got angry when Elder Faerie managed to "change his script").
They're both of the funny type villain (I mean, they make jokes and talk kinda in an energetic way (idk how to explain it))
They're both too arrogant and don't take their enemies seriously which leads them to be defeated (Bill's ego caused the end of his life and Shadow Milk Cookie got sealed again in the tree because he didn't take White Lily seriously enough and literally said to her something like "If you defeat me then your friends are gone and if you choose to save them, then you will die", so yeah he underestimated her)
They have lots and lots of knowledge (Bill is literally said as All-Knowing and All-Seeing while Shadow Milk is the one who had the virtue of Knowledge and he is said to be the Master of all Knowledge and to be the Ruler of Truth and Deceit)
And other things that I probably forgot to list out
Btw, I'm sorry if I did some grammar errors or if I got mistaken on the lore of both of these characters :)
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mask-of-prime · 1 year
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Fyuzi Explained
So a user on DeviantArt brought up a really good point about Vitani's eyes taking on a resemblance to Nuka's upon being possessed by his spirit. This was brought on by one of my recent drawings of Vitani where I recently depicted her with a partial glow in her eyes when her fire powers begin to charge. My indecision with how I was ultimately gonna go about with depicting Vitani's possession powers manifested in the form of various sketches exhibiting different situations when I was thinking of designing a Fire Roar Vitani with regular red Nuka eyes, or glowing Ghost Nuka eyes. Breakdown below: Image 1: Vitani's Swahili command for her and Nuka's spirits to combine. "Fyuzi" is Swahili for "fuse", and why I chose that word specifically was because you get "fuse" as in combining AND "fuse" as in lighting a fuse which was perfect for a fire ghost lol. Here Nuka's fiery entity enters Vitani's brain and chest to occupy her conscience and to fuel her lungs. (no she doesn't turn into a silhouette that was just me being minimal lol) Image 2: When it's Nuka's turn to talk/think, Vitani's eyes change to the red eyes Nuka once sported when he was alive. When this happens, it could make it appear as if Vitani's arguing with herself, but sometimes with the mannerisms of a certain awkward brother, and it occasionally concerns and even frightens passers-by, and especially loved ones XD Image 3: "Fully-Charged" mode is when Vitani is about to use/is currently using/just finished using a Fire Roar. Her eyes and throat glow a hot orange when she unleashes a Fire Roar. Image 4: Joke drawing on the whole possession thing. Yeah it's a reference to the Boondocks episode where Tom is possessed by Stinkmeaner and a certain scene that's been living in my head rent free for years. I like to think that Nuka would just end up ruining one of Vitani's speeches to the Pridelanders or something lol god I miss making VG art where it's, like, not just formal, fully-rendered art of "episodes" with proper grammar in the description. I missed making lore sketches like this, feels like it keeps VG a little more alive when I worldbuild. Besides, idk where in the story all of this is gonna fit anyhow. Might as well just show it SOME way. Also just less explaining and expositions within the story if all the information's kept in one place for readers to redirect to beforehand
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so. turns out this was easier than i thought
ignore the two generic smurfs after smurfette they're just there bc the formatting sucks :/
also i couldn't find a finance smurf but he belongs in the "burn in smurf hell'' category <3
also i have time to kill so. list below the cut!
1. Clumsy - sweetheart. doesn't have a mean bone in their body. very autistic.
2. Lazy - i don't know how to explain lazy being an unintentional allegory for people with invisible disabilities that are considered a burden and. lazy under capitalism. but he has a big heart and cares about his friends even when they're less than considerate towards him (seriously, WHAT was the slumber party episode? were they like, intentionally trying to torture him?)
3. Jokey - "Oh, the folly of a clown, masking his loneliness with a joke!" <- person who definitely doesn't have any internal issues :). Also can we just appreciate the fact that he has ONE main prank and everybody still falls for it. (not to mention that the prank is. giving people bombs)
4. Timid - he BABY
5. Scaredy - he baby 2
6. Smurfette - specifically lost village smurfette cuz that was where she peaked. you go girl give us an identity crisis and journey of self-discovery only to find the answer was with you all along!
7. Greedy - comics/ 2021 specifically, because him and chef being distinct characters is funny as hell. he's so cute i would totally give him a muffin if he asked.
8. Harmony - he sucks so bad at what he's supposed to be best at! and i think that's so interesting and criminally underexplored! and every time he gets the other smurfs to like his music it ends badly :(.
9. Painter - dramatic ass bitch (affectionate). why was he the only french person in belgium.
10. Doctor - i assume that one's doctor at least. it is now. anyways he's funny as hell, like harmony he's also...bad at his passion. he doesn't have a reason to be a quack, he's just. Like That.
11. Reporter - I like his voice.
12. Poet - there is NO need to speak in couplets all the time, he's so extra.
13. Tailor - "*terrible Kip King impression* EVERYBODY STOP COMPLAINING OR I'LL SCREAM." He's really nice, he made Smurfette that dress in one episode even though he was busy, and he made Tracker a fur coat out of the scraps he gave him and Vanity a scarf with his face hand-embroidered on it just because? AND more importantly, he's very blunt. i like that :)
14. Hefty - no no you didn't see my love for strong muscular guys that are kind and caring and totally whipped for that one girl. ok he's not maws level but like. if you can put "she's so high" by tal bachman in a ship playlist then you've got a valid m/f ship
15. Grouchy - let him say hate again oh god please i will tear my ears out if i have to hear "me, I don't like x" again. fuckin WEAK. also the grammar i wanna curl up on the floor and cry.
16. Farmer - remember when all the smurfs only wore white pants so to distinguish farmer from the others he would just be randomly carrying a hoe for no reason. also his accent is SO silly in the new cartoon i love it.
17. Vanity - just...watch this.
18. Brainy - i'm sorry for putting him so low brainy fans can you ever forgive me /hj. with all fairness i do think he's an interesting character! he's just...interesting in a way that doesn't really appeal to me specifically.
19. Handy - i feel like he would build a doomsday device if he got bored one afternoon and honestly? i respect that.
20. Papa Smurf - sometimes he's a good father figure. sometimes he's a terrible "father figure". it depends on the medium. and the direction of the wind.
21. King (pretentious) Smurf - made a whole authoritarian regime in like. two days. what the hell man.
22. Finance - capitalist :/
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vivika-ka · 2 years
now that i am done torturing myself and finished season 4, i’m not going to explain why the last episode made me pause multiple times to pace in my room because i was so angry lmao because i reblogged plenty of well explained posts already.
but i’ll talk about other stuff that stuck with me, and people might hate me for it but…yeah, ain’t that the life of anyone that doesn’t enjoy popular characters.
grammar might be shit because english is not my first language. fyi, this is fairly big and it’s very negative, so if you want to skip, feel free.
[i mean it, if you read something you don’t like to the point you want to send me threatening messages or cyberbully me, keep scrolling and leave me tf alone. thanks.]
1. dustin had waaaay too much screen time. why are we supposed to accept him as the certified genius of the group when all of members of The Party are “nerds.” all i’m asking is maybe instead of dustin always being the one figuring the upside down out, give some of those ground breaking discoveries to lucas. but also, it got to the point of being so annoying. i know it’s supposed to be a running gag of “maybe some humility will do you well,” but all the time? shut up.
2. everything and everyone revolving around nancy. i’m not joking. robin is scrambling to get on her good side and make nancy like her, which season 3 robin would’ve cared less. the whole stäncy thing, i just…please move on. the fact that she expects jonathan to be the one to drop everything to be with her, when he’s been doing that for every season, like maybe nancy can make some effort too? idk. the expectation that jonathan has to be the one to absolutely change the trajectory of his life because of what she wants (point is, he shouldn’t be afraid to decide the trajectory of his life, this is a relationship which entails two people, not one). the portrayal of every character being annoying, stupid, and incompetent sometimes, while she is always portrayed as someone incapable of mistakes. the same old self righteous and superiority crap that i don’t like. (but that’s on me because i never liked the wheelers since season 1, so i admit i’m biased).
3. going from stäncy fiasco, it still is technically tied to the overt attention to nancy, but steve was supposed to grow up. when she says he’s grown, i could only laugh at that point. part of growing up is realizing that maybe, just maybe, you have to learn to live with yourself instead of desperately seeking for a lover, which is what steve had been doing. being in a relationship isn’t going to fix all of your problems (this applies to mïleven but i’m not even going there). we had moved on from steve being in love with nancy, but the duffers act like that’s all there is to his personality, and let’s be honest, they were obviously out of ideas for steve’s character because they don’t know how to write characters other than relying on their superficial and stereotypical lenses. it would have been interesting to maybe see steve realizing that he is convinced he needs nancy in his life because he is lonely as fuck—so it’s not about “being in a relationship with nancy would change your life for the better,” there’s no such thing, it’s about “you’re seeking what is convenient and familiar because you are terrified of ending up alone.” but whatever, steve will always love nancy because that’s all he is there for.
4. the overt attention to karen wheeler. why am i supposed to care about this woman? why are we getting karen and ted’s reactions so much, and not the sinclairs or mrs. henderson? they are the ones watching their kids run towards danger right in front of them, why are they panning to karen constantly? “she’s worried about nancy,” yeah it’s been established again and again, but i am interested about the parents who are at that moment watching their kids turn their backs to them instead of asking for help. but then again, why should i care about her? to me she’s nothing but a woman who was flirting and willing to have sex with a 17-year-old in seasons 2-3, so, y’know, i’d much appreciate the sinclairs’ outburst about trust given they seem to be the most stable family in this show.
5. max’s “he made my life a living hell” after episode 4, but also after season 3 when it portrayed both of them as not super close but on the way to a better relationship. (i could go on about this but as i said, plenty of people did already). + the scene of billy breaking the sauna door portrayed as though that was all him and not him possessed by the mind flayer, me poupe. + “you’re much braver than your brother,” and the scene didn’t cut to said brother standing up to the mind flayer? ME POUPE.
6. the whole papa redemption arc. just get the fuck out of here. yeah, eleven didn’t forgive him, but the whole “i love you, you’re my family.” are you kidding me? the man ripped kids from their families, experimented on them, without a doubt killed and got them killed, all for the sake of winning an ideological war. ME POUPE.
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Welcome, to, not a Tintin review, but since I’ve done half of the Tintin books, I wanted to do a retrospective, of sorts, cover my process for writing these, and talk about what’s next after Tintin
Also, this is going to be way more informal, so expect sloppy punctuation, and grammar
A retrospective, of sorts
I came up with the idea of reviewing all of Tintin somehow, I don’t remember exactly, I was having trouble coming up with a post each week, and 24 posts with no trouble working out what to post, that sounded fun
So, I grabbed my copy of TITLOTS (an acronym which here means “Tintin in the land of the Soviets”, and got writing
Do I regret starting this series?
Maybe, it takes up a large chunk of time writing, but I do enjoy it, and it’s better than scrounging for ideas every week
My process for writing these
So, I’ve had two different systems for these, originally, it was going directly through the book, in linear order, and making jokes and observations as I went
With that system, I did 15 pages worth of Tintin a day, or roughly 1/4 of a Tintin book
Then, as the books started to have character depth, complexity, and even plot, I moved to a system of headings, which I would do 2 of a day, with the wildcard of plotline, which, to quote my blank format, “counts as 3 because is chonky”
I somewhat prefer this one, but I might drop the fixed list of headings all-together, and made a set of headings for each topics I want to cover in a set book (with a few fixed ones like plot of course)
The writing itself, I do around 2 am, in bed, on a iPad, after writing my >500 words journal entry for the day, also on that iPad, which I then email to myself, and stick it together in Obsidan, both the journal, and the review, and then properly edit in CLion, a professional-grade C/C++ IDE (the review, not the journal)
Don’t worry, I use a Magic Keyboard, I don’t just type on the onscreen keyboard, that would be suffering
What’s next after Tintin
So, I’ve got other stuff I want to review
First and foremost, Blake & Mortimer, another Belgian ligne claire series, that’s still going as it happens, think Tintin, but mature, and sci-fi, and British, but the author’s not British, just the titular characters
Also, one of them contains a racial slur, and somehow does it in a tasteful way
Other than that, I want to give reviewing music a try, mainly as I think doing one post/song is a lot more compatible with short posts, which are more Tumblr-friendly
Let’s be honest, there’s basically no market for 2500 word reviews like I produce, which is why these get zero notes, almost every time, but like 200 word quick and funny reviews of songs, that’s a lot easier to consume, and casually like/reblog/comment/tag/whateveryoutumblrwith, without any real time investment
I’ve got a few ideas, I’m aspec, a phrase here meaning I’m on the asexual (and aromantic) spectrum(s), demi(sexual|romantic) to be precise, so I’d like to try my hand at some love songs, for the irony, because that's my grade of humour
I considered Beatles, but, due to my mother, I unironically have their entire discography on my monolith of a playlist, and really enjoy some of their songs
Then, songs I genuinely enjoy, but I don’t have much funny to say about them, can’t exactly crack jokes at a song about not-veiled-in-the-slightest murder, can I? And making jokes at comedy music doesn’t really work, as well, or maybe it would
This isn’t at all planned by the way, or edited, this is the kind of ramble in the reviews until I clean them up, and what my journal looks like
I might consider suggestions, but who’d I get to suggest them, I don’t think anyone reads these (if you do, asks are open, please give me your suggestions)
Now, do I just go song-by-song, or a whole album? Of course, it’s going to be one song per post, as that’s funnier
I considered the Simpsons at one point, until realising it’d take over a decade to do all of them at one episode/week
That would be a stupid amount of my life to spend reviewing Simpsons
And one season/week wouldn’t be a working workflow
Concluding and wrapping up things with finishing statements and the like
Right, that’s all I’ve got to say, there will be another review, after this one, in order, as I've been doing for 12 books
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heyitssashag · 1 year
My Random 30 Things List:
1.) I’m not going to date my posts anymore. Looks like Tumblr is doing it …and I’m fully aware I’m looking pretty neurotic when I continue to do so.
2.) Yes, I got caught up with the Twitter/Tumblr joke and got the 2 checkmarks.
3.) Lately, I’ve been going through old posts editing and correcting grammar.
4.) Every night I get pretty severe anxiety. I can’t wait until morning where I’m comforted by a cup of decaf coffee and the day ahead.
5.) I used to think decaf coffee was for losers.
6.) I re-watch episodes of Friends to help my anxiety. I’m fairly certain I’ve seen every episode at least 10 times.
7.) I think a lot about what would have happened if I did ____ or should have done ____ and after a certain period of time of overthinking, I realize I’m right where I’m supposed to be.
8.) When I get really scared or go into shock, my eyesight goes dark, my ears ring loud and I get diarrhea.
9.) I always laugh at the word diarrhea.
10.) I self published a book on Amazon about learning to run or walk after illness or injury. I unpublished it because there’s so many mistakes that I’m horrified/embarrassed I never caught them sooner. So instead, I’m offering it for free on Kindle Unlimited until I have the motivation to finish editing it. No one can complain if it’s free, right?!
11.) I sometimes wonder if I was wrongly diagnosed with bipolar disorder when I’m probably autistic with ADHD.
12.) It’s taken years to get a grip on my mind and mood. It’s still a struggle but now I have cancer and pain to take up my time.
13.) I love to do stand up comedy but I have a terrible fear of public speaking. I end up forgetting my set so I use cue cards which looks super cool. 🙄
14.) Over the years, I’ve tried very hard to be a huggy person but I hate them. They’ve always felt uncomfortable for me and sometimes even painful. It got worse after my mastectomy and now with my neck issues. I don’t tell anyone that, though. I would put that in the same category as telling people I don’t like puppies and ice cream. (For the record, I do like puppies and ice cream.)
15.) I think about what happens after we die. Does everything just turn dark and that’s it? Is there a bright light? Do we get the option of hanging out earth-side and sending our loved ones messages? Do we meet some old white guy with a big long beard at the pearly gates? Do we get to see our lost loved ones again? Do we become all-knowing? Are we reincarnated to learn new lessons? I think I may write a blog post on this. So many questions. So many theories.
16.) I don’t get high much anymore. Yes, I have all these thoughts entirely sober.
17.) At some point in my life, I wanted to be an: artist, fashion designer, rockstar, photographer, music therapist, dancer, counsellor, floral designer, mother, doctor, teacher, comedian, personal trainer, life coach, athlete, fashion buyer, stylist and writer. I’ve been a couple of those things. I would have been good at maybe 2 or 3 more. I suppose it doesn’t matter now.
18.) If I was suddenly cured from cancer, I’d probably be back in school doing something that would be interesting (to me) but completely useless. Like majoring in philosophy.
19.) I regret not having proper therapy when I was younger and relying heavily on medications to “fix” me.
20.) I spent a lot of time volunteering or wanting to help others in order to ignore my own issues. I loved volunteering, though. Still do. However, there was a point where I kept myself very over-scheduled and I was stressed. I’m someone who always took on too much. Then if I got sick or burnt out, I let people down (at least, that’s how I always felt.) Which probably contributed to why I got cancer. If you can’t slow down and just “be” then your body isn’t able to have time to heal.
21.) Not being able to run like I did has been devastating.
22.) Not running has also given me the opportunity to reinvent myself which has been an interesting experience. Still figuring that one out, though.
23.) I occasionally have a nightmare about working at McDonalds when I was 16.
24.) If I was able to beam myself to any country in the world to visit, it would be a hard choice between England and Holland. Then, Ireland.
25.) I believe that love and connection are the most important things to heal most chronic conditions and many diseases. I’m not saying they’re the only things - they just rank at the top of the list. It’s hard to recover from anything, alone.
26.) I used to think a lot about aliens, alternate universes, mysticism and the occult. I don’t, now.
27.) I wish Blockbuster would make a triumphant return. Many a fun evening was spent picking out movies. I worked at a video store briefly when I was 19. Have to admit, was one of the most fun jobs I ever had.
28.) Netflix sucks, yet, I continue to subscribe. 🤔
29.) Given the circumstances, I’m doing okay. I tend to use the term, “hangin’ in there” a lot.
30.) Yes, really - I’m fine. ☺️
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joegranatoiv · 2 years
Quantum Leap: Butterfly
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This will be a strange entry into this collection of things, but I wanted to create it and give it a timestamp.
About 7 years ago (and I can mark the time because I know that it was before my son was born or even conceived), I woke up from one of the most vivid dreams I've ever had. It was straight up Quantum Leap fan fiction. And it was so on point and consistent with the themes and tone of the show, that I maniacally scribbled down everything I could remember. A few years later, upon coming across those scribblings, I laughed, and marveled at how much I'd love to have the blinding optimism of new Quantum Leap considering the vitriolic dystopia we currently call reality. There has been a running joke among the creatives I've worked with about me actually turning this weird dream into a fan-created reboot. Well, it seems I was just ahead of the curve. Almost ten years later, and we're about to get a new season of the show on NBC. I'm extremely excited...but then, I was also excited about more X-Files and more TNG (in the form of Picard) and about The Stand remake and when they announced Clarice...and...and...and...and of course, I'm almost always sincerely disappointed to the point where it sours my love even for the original property. You all get exactly what I mean. But with that all in mind, I thought I'd finally post a flimsy synopsis that is draped over the skeleton of the dream I had for the QL reboot. I'll be very curious to see how it compares. My hope - whatever they do is so awesome that it makes my weird dream-inspired version look trivial and juvenile. Here's to hoping! But for fun, and in anticipation for more QL, I thought that there has never been a better time to post it! Without further explanation, I present to you the very broad, entirely unofficial, fever-dream inspired, lazily constructed, checked for neither spelling nor grammar nor logical consistency, general premise for a new Quantum Leap potential reboot episode called Butterfly. __________________
Quantum Leap Butterfly
Alison Paige is a young, struggling performer in New York City. She is meeting with a friend and the casting director for Madame Butterfly, who respectfully rejects her for the part. He tells her that her performance is capable and musical acumen is technically proficient, but it all feels very calculated rather than moving. She never truly embodies the character empathically, and thus despite checking all the boxes for a quality performance, never transcends into the ability to change lives. 
Ali marvels at the tragic irony of having her work be described as calculated. She is estranged from her mother, physicist Dr. Samantha Fuller (known to friends as Sammy Jo), who has always been disappointed that she’d let her academic talents go to waste on a futile pursuit in the arts. Ali harbors a bit of resentment for her mother after her obsessive devotion to her work soured the marriage to her father. It was her father, Michael Paige, who had supported her and her career until losing his battle with cancer. Dr. Fuller did not even leave her Nevada research for the funeral, and Ali has never forgiven her for that.
To her surprise, Ali is called by her mother to Nevada for a private funeral for *Uncle Al*, the eccentric 98 year old consultant to her mother’s research. While she convinces herself to be civil, her mother’s reluctant but determined sudden exit from the funeral in service of her work leaves Ali fuming. She is calmed by Janis Calivicci, Al’s daughter,who expresses to her that her mother’s actions were ironically in service of Al’s wishes. She understands Ali’s frustrations and expresses that she’d once been in the same spot with her father. She gives Ali the same choice that she was given. Option 1, she could return to New York in ignorance, clinging to her resentment and pursuing a normal life, or Option 2, she could choose to take up permanent residency in the compound and learn first hand about her mother’s top secret project. While she is adamantly against the notion, seething in anger, she agrees to sleep on it.
Ali finds herself living as a muslim teenager, also named Ali, in the familiar New York City, early September of 2001. The muslim teenager’s confusion is attributed to suffering a head injury, which has resulted from an apparent fall down a flight of stairs. This teenager, and by proxy a confused Alison Paige, has frightful paranoia of being stalked by someone who means to do her, or rather the young teen she has come to embody, harm. She can not remember any details about this stalker.
Sure enough, she is pursued by a stalker. However, this stalker turns out to be the hologram of a military case worker assigned to be her custodian and handler. This hologram, Daniel Grimshaw, begins to fill in some gaps of her missing memory…about her mother’s work, about the Quantum Leap Project, about being a willing civilian participant in a time travel experiment.
As it turns out, Dr. Fuller’s early work was responsible for building a sort of temporal faraday cage around a particular part of the QLP compound; this ensured that those within it were immune to time distortions created by time travel experiments…experiments that were spearheaded by her grandfather, Dr. Sam Beckett. At 60, Dr. Fuller became the Director of the project. When Al Calavicci, in late retirement and feeling rather unsettled by no longer having purpose or meaning in life, was approached by his longtime family friend Dr. Fuller, he visited the compound and memories of his time with Sam came roaring back (including the secret detail that he’d long since forgotten, that Dr. Fuller was the daughter of the time traveler Sam Beckett). He moved to the compound and became obsessed with helping retrieve Sam, somewhat alienating his own children.
While QLP’s funding is still supported, it has slowly transitioned into a military institution rather than an academic or scientific one. A new director has recently been appointed to replace Dr. Fuller. Where Dr. Fuller’s primary interest was in tracking and cataloguing temporal fluctuations in hopes of finally retrieving her time traveling father, the new guard wants to see a return on the investment and flex the technology to see a true dramatic change with massive, overt consequences. So while Dr. Fuller, with the help of Janis Calavicci, set out to illegally utilize the QLP one last time, their retrieval of Alison was interrupted.  Now Alison finds herself out of time, not so dissimilar from her grandfather, Sam Beckett.
Daniel is rather annoyed that, by misfortune of having a uniquely tuned brainwave pattern, he was relegated to this detail rather than taking the next step in his career in USSF. He is tasked with proving the QLP is a legitimate experiment and not all just an algorithmic virtual sideshow by the QLP super computer nicknamed Ziggy. The military-led experiment is to prompt Alison to stop the coming terrorist attacks of 9/11. Through all this, she begins to recall her quest to find Dr. Beckett. Daniel the hologram balks, insisting that the truth of the matter is that there is only anecdotal evidence that Dr. Beckett ever traveled in time, and even if he did, if he is still alive.
As her fractured mind begins to come to terms with her situation, she is somewhat lost with no google, no social media, no cell phone with access to the world’s information in the palm of her hand. She manages to call on her acting career to play the part of the teen she has leapt into. She finds that her neighborhood is the target of extreme islamophobia. She witnesses a loud confrontation between a newly constructed mosque’s imam and a local resident.
Rather than try to change the events of 9/11, she runs down some personal rabbit holes, including catching a few pompous casting directors that had slighted her, seeing the struggle of their own youth and how it parallels her own. It gives her a unique perspective. Having momentary control due to understanding of the future, she considers acting in a spiteful way that might damage the career of one of her future dissenters, but seeing an advertisement for Madame Butterfly at the Lincoln Center causes a memory of seeing a 9/11 memorial at the same venue not long after moving to New York. While she’s distracted by personal pursuits, Daniel returns to give her instructions that will change the course of history. She follows these instructions. Unfortunately, as a muslim child of refugees from a low income part of New York, even the military tips from the future can not help her voice to be heard or taken seriously by the appropriate parties. And so, Daniel conveys an escalation of the order from on high - that she needs to act as the aggressor and begin calling in direct and specific threats that are dire enough to be taken seriously. 
This begins a major ethical debate. If she does do this, there is a high probability that the innocent boy she has leapt into will be convicted of terrorist activities, sentenced, and be murdered in a federal prison. However, if she does not do this, history will play out as she remembers - all of the innocent lives will be lost on 9/11, and it will begin the chain reaction that leads to decades of war and paranoia. The pragmatist in Daniel insists that the sacrifice of one innocent teenager will be for the greater good. He discusses at length the friends and family he lost to wars that were seeded because of the actions on 9/11. It all becomes a real life incarnation of the Trolly Problem with massive ramifications. She consults the imam about this in a very general way. After all, he knows the boy Ali has leapt into. It’s a good way for Ali to gauge how such an action would not only affect the life of this boy, but perhaps the community at large. She receives some sage words about the value of innocence, about conscience, and about perspective. As she is leaving him, the man who her swiss-cheesed memory suddenly remembers to be stalker that she feared upon leaping attacks the imam. This man blames muslim immigrants for all of the evils of the world and the eventual collapse of American democracy. He is a self-proclaimed patriot who believes his actions of violence are a cultural form of self-defense in service of his country. Alison, as the teenage boy Ali, intervenes and is beaten within an inch of life. The stalker is scared off before he can finish what he started, however her decision to intervene has saved the life of the imam.
She wakes up in the hospital in the dramatic and chaotic aftermath of 9/11, having failed. Daniel appears to her, citing what her failure means for the future of the QLP - that she failed to demonstrate that anything significant can be changed, and that his superiors question the validity of the project entirely, concluding that it’s all just a bad carnival act perpetrated through high end simulations. 
She asserts that he missed the point completely - that trying to create a false narrative to spark fear and action which would have led to the incarceration and death of an innocent kid is demonstrative of the cycle that led to 9/11 in the first place. She wasn’t the villain here for trying to protect an innocent life, the forces like her stalker were the villains for their violent xenophobia and prejudices. And while Daniel concedes that he agrees with her ideologically, he does not agree with her pragmatically - not when the cost is tens of thousands of lives and decades of turmoil. To him, no one life, innocent or not, is worth that.
When Alison asks Daniel what has become of Ali in the future, he is able to trace data that finds that he is a pediatrician in inner city Baltimore with a practice that was opened to work exclusively with low income or economically troubled families. This challenges Daniel’s absolute position, and he leaves in frustrated existentialism..
Ali finds the imam amidst the chaos. The racial prejudices are volatile. The fear is real. Neither are safe considering the images on the television. When she touches his hand to offer him comfort, the touch reveals that the man’s aura is, in fact, that of Dr. Sam Beckett, her grandfather the time traveler. Their true identities are revealed to each other. 
When Ali suggests that she was sent to help him find his way home, he smiles warmly but demures. He doesn’t want to be retrieved. His charge is to continue to help people in need. When she questions him about regrets for missing his own life, he explains that he’s lived a thousand lives and has been able to appreciate new perspectives in ways he never could’ve imagined. Ali grows frustrated about how she had an opportunity to stop a major historical catastrophe and failed. Sam reassures her that she did not fail. He tells her that such events are impossible to change. Quantum Leaping affords the opportunity to change the lives of individuals, and it’s that direct empathetic resonance that matters. The effects on the world are incalculable. It’s the smallest changes that make the greatest difference; Butterfly Wings and Hurricanes.
Ali and Sam both leap. However, rather than being retrieved, she leaps into a scientist working on Project Quantum Leap in the year 1999.
This sets up a long heart to heart talk between Ali and her young mother, whose younger self is around her current real age, and who has just recently started at the QLP. She is working on the algorithm to bring Dr. Beckett home. Because only a few people are aware that her mother is the child of time traveling Sam, she plays coy while discussing the concept of a paradox - if Dr. Beckett is retrieved and his timeline altered, could that cause a paradox in the things that he’s done or will come to do in the past? Her mother assures her that the quantum faraday cage protects the QLP compound and all within it from time travel paradox. As a parting thought, Dr. Fuller beams with a secret pride for the actions of her father, knowing the good he will go on to do. Ali internalizes that, finally fully understanding her mother, and also with the sudden ambition to be the source of the same sort of pride. 
Her mother leaves the software running as she goes to get a cup of coffee. Ali regards the laptop. Daniel’s hologram appears and urges her not to act on her impulse to sabotage the retrieval code. She responds with Sam’s words about affecting lives in an incalculable way. Daniel informs her that if she sabotages the code, she will likely be sealing her own fate to be lost in time along with Dr. Beckett, and if it is all more than a grand illusion, she can’t just go unilaterally changing time on a personal whim. She smiles, acknowledging that this isn’t a change to time - she was always here, doing exactly this. And as she plucks in a few alterations to just a few numbers to corrupt the retrieval code, she repeats Sam Beckett’s words about how the smallest changes make the greatest difference. 
After the change, Ali officially begins her adventure in time as she quantum leaps into an early 90s grunge rock artists in the dingy green room at an underground Seattle rock club.
Oh boy.
0 notes
Hetalia: Axis Powers Episode #33 Transcript
This episode has cafes run by several nations and a shooting star.
{Text on sign: Café Germany}
{Caption: I hate cafés like this! Part 1}
{Caption #1: A young man passing by}
{Caption: #2: Mr. Nuruo Nuruyama (23)}
Germany: Welcome to the Café du Pain! You’re late and will be treated with contempt!
Nuruo: What?
{Caption: Nagging Nagging}
Nuruo: I’m so sorry.
Man [narrating]: Germans should really stick with engineering.
{Caption: I hate cafés like this. You get scolded for being late the moment you arrive}
Nuruo: Wow, you’re mean!
Germany: Today’s menu includes canned lamb, dry crackers, Bavarian beer cheese soup, and Jello! No repeating. You will remember what I said.
Nuruo: Yes, sir.
Man [narrating]: Why read it when you can taste it on his breath?
{Caption: I hate cafés like this. No written menu}
Nuruo: Nom!
Germany: You’ve only got fifteen minutes to eat. If you can’t finish eating within the time limit, I will kill you.
Nuruo: Eummmm! That’s fair.
Man [narrating]: Reminds one of grammar school.
{Caption: I hate cafés like this. There’s a time limit}
Nuruo: Thanks for the food. Ahuah!
Germany: Our time together has been very special. Be sure to lock your doors at night.
Nuruo: No problem.
Man [narrating]: Well, that could have been a lot creepier.
{Caption: I hate cafés like this. When you leave, it’s like bidding a final farewell}
Romano: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
Italy [in a letter]: Japan, how are you? I’m on the African war front with Germany right now! This was all my big brother’s idea.
Dream Romano: Come on! You love shooting guns in the desert!
Italy [in a letter]: Then he went home! I feel like crying because every time I see Britain, he shoots at me, and it’s hard to retreat drunk. Bro hugs. Italy.
Italy: Good job! We sure covered a lot of ground retreating today! Britain nearly chased us to the ocean!
Germany: You know that’s a bad thing, right? Anyway, it’s time for a status update.
Italy: Oh...
Germany: Between you and me we have 250,000 troops. As for the Allies, they’ve got 480,000 troops and that’s just with Britain and America.
Italy: Woah! Big numbers! Anyway, thanks for saving my butt once again, uber bad Germany!
Germany: Ja, but next time could you make sure it’s important and not just because you couldn’t set up your tent?
(Ja: Yes → German)
Italy: Sure thing, boss; this chick is ready to fly on his own!
Germany: Mmnh…I’ll avoid the obvious joke about you being a chick.
Italy: Hey, Germany!
Germany: Duah!
Italy: A shooting star! Wow!
Germany: Ahuh…
Italy: I wish Britain would get a headache and go home! I wish Britain would get a headache and go home! I wish Britain would get a headache and go home! I wish Britain would get a headache and go home! I wish Britain would get a headache and go home!
Germany: What do you think you’re doing?
Italy: Stars are magical! If you make a wish on one, it has to come true!
Germany: I can’t believe that you’re really this naïve. A headache won’t make Britain go back home! Go to bed before I beat you even senselesser.
Italy: And you?
Germany: I can’t go to bed. Someone has to stand guard for us.
(Italy: Oh, ah…ah…nah…)
Italy: Hey, would you wake me up when it’s my turn to play guard? Buona notte!
(Buona notte!: Good night! → Italian)
Germany: Ja, ja, guten Nacht.
(Ja, ja, guten Nacht: Yes, yes, good night → German)
Germany’s thoughts: Man, he’s so high maintenance!
Germany: Mm? Another.
Germany’s thoughts: I wish Italy would be cured of being a pussy. Please, make it so he doesn’t smell like garlic all the time! And if you could make him a little less cheery every day and a little more serious like me. Also, teach him to drive, bathe, worry, and frown. It might also be good to have him split the atom so we could make a weapon of unparalleled destruction.
Star: AAH! Germany, I’m a freaking star, not a miracle worker!
Britain: Righto! So we’ll make an all-out attack on those two tomorrow! In terms of the sheer numbers of soldiers, there’s no way they could possibly---aahhh!
America: Britain totally got a star stuck in his head! That’s badass! Hahaha!
{Caption: The Next Day…}
Man: It was reported that Britain went home because of a headache!
Italy: Aah?!
Germany: Huh?!
Britain: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
{Text on sign: Café Spain}
{Caption: I hate cafés like this! Part 2}
{Caption #1: Just got dumped by his girlfriend}
{Caption #2: Mr. Pokozo Pokota (21)}
Spain: Oh, wow! Are you really a customer, mister? Yes, you are one! Sorry, it’s been a long time! I’m so glad! Let me touch your back!
Pokozo: Mhn…
Spain: You know, because of the bad economy, nothing’s really been happening!
Pokozo: Mn…
Spain: But things are looking up now!
Pokozo: Nhh!
Spain: Oh, yeah! I made this shirt after our king told Hugo Chavez to shut up! Isn’t that just awesome?! I’m telling you, man! It’s like…they’re real people.
{Text on shirt: ‘Why don’t you shut up?’ –King}
Spain: Whoa! It looks so good on you!
Pokozo: Ghn…
Spain: I wanna send one of the shirts to Hugo Chavez too. You look so cool that I’d definitely want to go out on a date with you! I mean if I were a girl.
{Caption: [Wanna show it to the Venezuelan President, too] In a November 2007 conference, Spain’s King Carlos roared “Why don’t you shut up?” at Venezuelan President Chavez, who criticized Spain’s former prime minister. When these two reconciled after about eight months, King Carlos gave President Chavez a gift with “Why don’t you shut up?” written on it. By the way, this T-shirt was mass-produced and sold like crazy}
Pokozo: Nhhhh!
Spain: Now! Coffee! I’ll go get some for you! Just sit tight, okay?
Pokozo: Dhn!
Spain: Eugh! Well, this is embarrassing! Since I haven’t had many customers, I’ve only got instant coffee!
(Pokozo: Nh…nh…)
Pokozo: Nh…nn…
{Text on sign: Café Spain}
Pokozo: Life is meaningless.
0 notes
wonwoosthetic · 3 years
EP. 45 TTT #2 🌷 Minnie
So, here we have Part two! This one took me a lot longer... I don't know why, but I also had to read through it more often because I partially wrote it in the middle of the night😅 Anyways! I hope you enjoy it! :)
K-Pop Masterlist
Anon claim
Asks, taglist, and requests are open! :)
Warnings: drinking (as hopefully expected)
Word Count: 5.9k
A/N: Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes!
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Italics is what you wouldn't be able to see on camera/in the episode
Slowly but surely, more of the members entered the kitchen one by one while Minnie and Joshua were still preparing some of the food.
"Hey, why did we just leave the homemade wine out there?" Seungcheol exclaimed, making the girl and Jeonghan turn towards him and chuckle.
"Just go and get it," she laughed at the leader's pouting.
"We didn't leave it there, we need it when we play foot volleyball again," the second oldest explained.
Minnie, standing next to the youngest '95 Liner, just finished cutting up the rest of the vegetables and asked what she should do next,
"Nothing, you can sit down," and added with a smile, "next to Wonwoo." She looked at him with confusion written all over her face as she pointed to the cabbage and onions that hadn't been cut yet, "But those still-", he stopped her with a hand on top of hers, "We don't need them."
For another second, the girl stood in her place, complexed, before deciding on joining Mingyu and Minghao outside at the grill station.
"Are you guys almost done?" She asked after putting on a pair of shoes that were too big for her and waddled over to where they were standing.
"In a bit, why?" the tallest turned around.
"They already sat down, and they're hungry," she answered, "Don't you want to eat too? Should I bring something?"
"Can you get us some rice and pickled radish? We can just eat here until it's done," Mingyu told her. Minnie nodded her had and skipped back into the house, collecting bowls to fill up with the food he had asked for.
"What are you doing?" Jeonghan stopped her as she was just about to leave again to bring her fellow '97 Liners their food.
"Mingyu and Myungho are gonna eat a bit outside until the meat is done." She left without another word but came back within a minute, carrying a plate full of stuff Mingyu had put on it for her to bring to the members.
"I feel like a deliveryman," she joked as she entered the kitchen again, making Seungkwan laugh, "You look like one too," which earned him a death stare of hers.
[Minnie's Delivery Service] (as a reference to Kiki's Delivery Service)
"Is there anything else you guys need?" The girl asked into the room to find out whether or not she could finally sit down.
"Anything we need?", Dino raised his head, "Your love?" She chuckled and blew a kiss in his direction before sitting down on the chair, that Wonwoo had pulled back and patted for her to take a seat.
As most of the members had gathered around the table, Seungkwan spoke up, "I'm saying, let's enjoy all of this!"
"I'm saying Mingyu's way of speech ended up becoming a trend," Woozi stated and started a conversation about the tallest member's influence on their way of talking.
"How are you feeling?", Wonwoo next to Minnie wondered while he was filling up her plate with meat and vegetables as he sat closer.
"That's good," she commented on the amount of food now on that plate and took it back, "I'm not feeling too drunk anymore."
"Hey!" Dokyeom, who was reaching for food beside her spoke up, "Minnie said she's not drunk anymore! We gotta change that!" And loud chatter erupted as they got ready to drink again while the girl just shook her head laughing.
[Tonight's Mission: Let Minnie stay drunk]
"Dino just gave me meat wrapped in lettuce, and it was really good," Seventeen's producer complimented the youngest.
"It's good, right?" He asked for confirmation, "Here's one for Minnie," and handed her one unexpectedly, which she grabbed, "Oh, thank youuu."
Dino watched her closely, and as the girl was still trying to chew it right, she gave him a thumbs-up, making him smile brightly,
"I've put all my love into it."
"You put just the right amount of all ingredients," Woozi explained and Minnie nodded her head in agreement.
Then Wonwoo joked, "Dino's lettuce wrap brings today to a wrap..."
Some members had gone back outside, some upstairs, and half of them stayed in the kitchen either cooking or just sitting at the table. The female went outside to check on the meat at the grill when she first got spotted by Hoshi, "There you are! I've been looking for you!"
"For me?" She wondered, "You're just standing here."
He walked up to her and placed an arm around her frame, pushing her towards the table outside that was facing the foot volleyball field, "And in that time I was looking for you."
"Alright, alright," she laughed it off, "Where are we going?"
He stopped her and took two plastic shot glasses that were still there, getting ready to fill them up with some of the homemade wine that they had left outside, "Dokyeom said you're not drunk anymore," and handed her the now filled up shot. Minnie shook her head laughing, "Hoshiii," she whined, but he was having none of it and pushed the plastic glass up higher, "Come on." He motioned a 'Cheers', and before she knew it, she downed the liquid in one go at the same time as he did. They both started laughing, and he didn't hesitate to fill up a second one.
"But that's the last one. We can still drink with the guys, you know?" She couldn't stop giggling as she watched her older friend trying to, as steadily as possible, fill in another shot. After downing that quickly too, both of them went back to the kitchen, entering it as a giggling mess.
"What's gotten you two in such a good mood?" Jeonghan wanted to know. The two looked towards him and tried getting themselves back together, "Hoshi's a bad influence," Minnie stated, pointing at him, who faked a shocked impression but started laughing immediately after it, "Yeah," and continued walking up to the table to see what Joshua had placed on it.
"Why? What did you do?" The leader got slightly concerned.
"He's making me drink," she joked around, acting as if it was bothering her as the '96 Liner pulled her to sit on his lap and hugged her tightly.
"Only because I care for her," he defended himself, making S.Coups and her chuckle.
[Hoshi giving out lots of love tonight]
The oldest got a chair to place it next to him, at the corner of the table to let Minnie have her own seat. Once she got herself free from his grip, she sat down and patted Hoshi on the head, noticing how much drunker than she he was.
"Oh, it's good!" Jun commented on the stew Joshua had placed on the table, and they all got to try it, agreeing with the Chinese member.
"Is it good?" Wonwoo came back in jogging, ready to eat more, and they all only nodded, mouths full with food.
"Okay, let's go," Hoshi suddenly said again, giving out another round of shots to Minnie and Jun, making her eyes go wide, "How did- where did you just get them from?" Wondering as she didn't notice him getting up from the table or doing anything else but eating.
At that same moment, DK came through with a big pot in his hands, "Ramyeon!" And suddenly all attention was on him. But it didn't stop the three from continuing to drink, and they clinked their glasses and shot the alcohol down their throats.
Everyone sitting quickly got their hands on some chopsticks and started taking turns, putting some of the noodles into each of their bowls - some already filled with rice, some with vegetables.
"Eat this with everyone," Jeonghan brought some more meat to the table, and the members didn't hesitate to start eating that as well. "Jeonghan, the beef is really good," Hoshi complimented the older one. Minnie turned around and nodded, "You did really well." "Really?" He asked, "Beef is good no matter who grills it." Making the guys erupt in laughter and Woozi comment, "I wonder if he just thanked you or ignored you guys." "No, I was thanking you," the '95 Liner defended himself. Seungkwan and Mingyu soon joined the rest, "I've never seen Jun so red before."
"But he's fine," Minghao said before Vernon also pointed something out, "Yeah, and Minnie's slowly starting too," startling the girl, whose hands immediately went up to her cheeks, "Really?" "No wonder," Joshua explained, "Jun, Hoshi, and Minnie have been drinking Soju like it's water." Making everyone laugh... because it was true. "I never knew your guys' faces turned red after drinking," Mingyu commented. "I didn't know it either," the girl kept on touching her cheeks, trying to feel some of the heat radiating from them, but she couldn't. Suddenly Woozi noticed the clock on the wall, "It's not even 8pm right now." And some turned around to check it. "If we're having dinner right now, we've gotta have some snacks at night," he decided, "It's gonna happen at 2am."
"I think..." Minghao joined, "We'll be drinking until midnight."
Minnie and Seungcheol started noticing Hoshi next to her slowly spacing out as they just got done taking another shot, "Hey Hoshi, you can't be taking a break," the leader stated. "I'm not, I'll drink, don't worry," the tiger answered. "Yeah, you can't make me drink, but then stop yourself," the girl scolded him as she poured more alcohol into some glasses, not caring about who takes which. "No, you can slow down, guys," Myungho interrupted them, "Give me some too," which made Minnie very happy, and she handed him a shot with a wide smile on her lips. "She looks a little too happy giving out alcohol," Seungkwan noticed, which made most heads turn to her. "She always gets really happy when she's drunk," Joshua smiled at the younger one as she tried posing cutely, grinning at him. "Someone dig a grave out there," their producer joked, "I don't think we'll be able to get up tomorrow, so let's just bury ourselves."
Minnie felt a presence standing close behind her, so she turned around and came to sight with Wonwoo, whom she got a questioning look, asking him 'Are you okay?' without using words, and nodded with his hands in his pockets and a smile, as an answer.
"After drinking like this, we've gotta play some foot volleyball again," Jeonghan mentioned, not wanting to miss out playing as much as possible. "We're playing foot volleyball again?" Woozi sounded as shocked as Minnie looked with her eyes open wide.
[Traumatized from playing foot volleyball| (referencing to one time where she got hit on the head twice during a game)
At that moment, the maknae joined the room again, "Playing foot volleyball after drinking is the best. It'll look like there are two or three balls."
After sitting down, now next to the girl, Dino continued, "And stop making Hoshi and Minnie drink, and make Myungho drink!" To which the rest cheered. "He needs to have a birthday drink!" Dokyeom mentioned, but Minghao tried brushing it off. "Oh my god, yes, he needs to drink!" Minnie jumped up, "Let's go The 8," she supported him in English.
When she got done eating, the girl quickly went upstairs to use the bathroom and once she got back, she noticed her seat had been taken, therefore making her now have to sit next to Mingyu. Just as she was about to sit down, he stood up, showing off his underarms to Woozi and Jun in front of her, "Look, the right one is bigger than the left one."
"No, it's not," the other guy tried to make him see, whereas the girl just said, "I wonder why..." with a knowing look, earning a slap on the arm from the older one next to her and a 'are you kidding me' face from her fellow '96 Liners, but she just smiled innocently.
Both of the '97s got to work with filling up a round of shots for every member started passing them on and Minnie stood up to get them to the other side of the table.
"Let's drink!" Mingyu quickly said as everyone reached for the alcohol in front of them. The girl was about to go back, holding onto her own glass, when Hoshi stopped her, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and shouted, "Let's gooo!" through the room. After letting her throat feel the burning liquid once again, she got back to sit next to Mingyu when suddenly the lights got turned off and on again.
Turning around, she saw Wonwoo at the light switch and Jeonghan coming down the stairs, holding a cake, with Seungcheol following closely behind him. As soon as the three started singing, the entire room joined and sang "Happy Birthday", as a celebration of Minghao's birthday the week before.
She backed away from the table, letting Jeonghan pass her, and started standing next to Wonwoo, while everyone was singing and clapping their hands. As the '96 Liner saw the girl slowly struggling to stand completely still, thanks to the alcohol in her body, he carefully placed his hand on her lower back to steady her.
Once the song finished, the second oldest reminded them of Woozi's birthday, which made them start singing again, after which, the birthday boys got to blow out their candles.
Before sitting down again, she walked back to her original place, next to where Coups used to sit, now occupied by Hoshi, but her seat was free again. Just as she wanted to sit down, Seungcheol placed his phone underneath the TV in the kitchen, on top of the decor table and shouted for everyone to get into place, ready to take a picture. Minnie got pulled in by Seungkwan, leaning onto him as they posed. Right after that, she finally got to sit down, and some of the members started deciding on a game to play while eating the cake.
"S s s S.Coups game, Choi Seungcheol," DK started after they found a game to play, and others quickly joined him, including Minnie, repeating his words and actions.
Coups started it off, saying a four-syllable word, Jeonghan followed, then Mingyu, Dokyeom, Hoshi, Minnie, Seungkwan, until eventually it was Minghao's turn, and he messed up by saying a five-syllable word.
"Since Myungho got caught, should we do the birthday drink right now?" she proposed while continuing to dance to the game with the choreographer member. The guys started cheering, agreeing with the girl, but the birthday boy himself wasn't too fond of the idea and laughed it off, "A bit later."
The oldest '97 Liner then had the idea to give him the special birthday drink later, and do another round of shots for now. Minghao got handed his plastic cup, "If I drink this now, then I can only see you tomorrow," indicating that he would pass out any minute by now, due to the amount of alcohol the group had been drinking.
As Minnie's eyes fell to the end of the table, she noticed the person that had been sitting there was missing. She looked around the room but couldn't find him, making her stand up and cross the room to take the stairs to the upper floor without anyone asking her where she was going. There was no one in the room with the pool table, so she went up two more floors, to find him in one of the rooms without a camera in it, sitting on a couch, looking at his phone.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" She asked him, jumping onto the cushion next to him. "Why aren't you downstairs?" He answered with another question, to which she shrugged her shoulders, "I noticed you were gone," and put her head on the backrest of the sofa. The older one chuckled and copied her position, letting their faces be closer than before, "Oooh," he teased her, "you came looking for me." "No, I didn't," she tried defending herself, but god, was she terrible at it drunk, "I just wanted to see what kind of party was going on upstairs," making him laugh. "And you don't think the guys will notice it when both of us are gone?" Wonwoo knew that that was the last thing Minnie wanted to happen, as he recalled from one of the conversations they had before. "They didn't even notice me leaving," she explained, "Maybe Joshua since he's had an eye out for me, but I don't know."
He looked at her confused, "What do you mean?"
The girl noticed his gaze into her eyes getting deeper, "Earlier, he asked me if I had something to tell him. With that creepy smile he gets whenever he's onto something," her description made both of them laugh.
"And did you?" Wonwoo could feel his heart starting to beat faster at the thought of Minnie confessing to one of the members, which is something he had been wanting to do for a little longer. He noticed her hand laying on top of her leg, and he took that opportunity to grasp it into his own.
"Do I have something to tell him?" The girl could feel the alcohol in her system giving her more confidence and courage to take steps further when she knew that if she had been sober, situations like this wouldn't happen in a place where the other guys could just surprise them at any moment.
"I don't know," he shrugged, "You're the one who wanted to take this slow."
She jokingly gasped and sat up slightly, "You agreed on it," and slightly pushed him on his chest. Wonwoo laughed at her action and took a hold of the wrist of the hand on his torso, to let her stay closer, "Yeah, but only because you wanted to." And god, was she thankful for that. Her past relationships had made her doubt her "luck" in love, but the multiple conversations she had with Yves, Rocky, and eventually even Minghao, made her open her eyes and finally find what had been there right in front of her, waiting patiently.
Her gaze softened as she felt Wonwoo sitting up straighter, still holding her wrist close to him, "Thank you," her voice was suddenly only a whisper.
"You don't have to thank me," he adapted his volume to hers.
Minnie blamed the alcohol for her next move: she slowly started feeling herself sinking into his form, almost sitting on top of him. The hand that wasn't around her wrist, came up to run a thumb across her cheek, taking in the blush that spread across her face and her glassy eyes. His eyes drifted from her lips back to her gaze, switching back and forth. The girl's sight also changed, raking over his face, trying to concentrate on his features, but her blurry sight made it difficult.
It was most definitely not the smartest idea but he still pressed his palm against her cheek, making her lean into it before doing the same he was doing: leaning in. Their lips met in the middle as her hands stayed on his chest. He started leaning back, letting Minnie fall onto him, almost sitting in his lap. They quickly found a slow rhythm at which their lips were moving against each other. Minnie swore that the tickling feeling in her stomach had absolutely nothing to do with the amount of liquor in her body.
As his grip around her wrist loosened, her hands went around his neck to pull him closer, which is where he decided to stop their soft make-out session and pulled himself apart from her. For a few seconds after separating, both of them kept their faces close to each other, noses almost touching and just taking in the breath and stare of the other one.
But Wonwoo had to ruin the moment, "That's what you call taking it slow?" She rolled her eyes and quickly freed herself his hand on her face, ready to stand up, "I'm going." As soon as she stood up, she felt another grip on her hand and a laugh escaped his mouth, "No, stop," he tried pulling her back, but she didn't give in easily, "No, no," she shook her head and held her head up high in a jokingly arrogant posture, "I'm gonna go downstairs and have fun with my friends, now."
Her acting made him laugh, "They're my friends too."
"Mh, sure," Minnie hummed loudly, as she left the room, going back to the kitchen - his eyes never left her silhouette.
As soon as she was back with the rest of the guys, she noticed that they were still playing the S.Coups game, so she just went to sit where she had been sitting next to Hoshi and tagged along. She could feel someone's eyes on her, and when she looked around, Minnie found Joshua smiling at her with raised eyebrows. She titled her head to the side with a smile, copying him, and he motioned for her to look to her left where Wonwoo was just walking down the stairs. Her gaze quickly shifted back to the '95 Liner, who started laughing with an accomplished look on his face and just nodded before turning his attention back to the game.
Hoshi noticed the girl disoriented looks around the table, trying to figure out if the rules had changed and if someone had already started playing, so he leaned over to her, "Four syllables, no laughing, just say Red Flavour" (빨간 맛, but Minnie thought it would be 빨간 마드 (which doesn’t even exist in Korean, but she couldn’t think about that at that moment)) and she believed her friend... bad choice.
After he explained the new dance they would have to follow along, another round began, starting off with Mingyu.
She and the tiger were standing on top of the chairs, dancing along to the beginning of the game, as motivated as ever. After he said 'Sexy Dance', it was Minnie's turn, and she mentioned what the older one had told her before. Just as they were about to let it go, Seungkwan stopped it, "Wait, wait, wait, Red Flavour only has three syllables!" Everyone at the table started calling her out, shouting "Minnie, drink!" as she turned to Hoshi, slapping him, "You said it had four!" Faking a pout. He just smiled at her, wrapped his arms around her for a hug and gave her the shot he had gotten handed over.
"Minnie really just wants to drink," Dokyeom joked as she scrunched her face, feeling the liquor burning in her throat.
[Does she?]
Quickly after that, Hoshi started singing, the other '97 Liners and the ones sitting across from the joined quickly, all chanting the song. To stop the mess they had created, S.Coups proposed playing the Hongsam game, which got everyone to quiet down again. Without needing to be told twice, thirteen of them, Seungkwan standing at the stove, cooking more food, started playing in sync immediately.
Way too many shots, some more food and every game that ever existed later, the group had split up again into different rooms within the house. Minnie decided to join Seungcheol, Dokyeom, and Vernon upstairs. She crouched down to where Hoshi was laying on one of the stools next to the gaming stations. She patted his head and made sure the beanie wasn't poking his eyes, "Oooh," she cooed, "Are you tired?" But he just shook his head and pouted, making her chuckle. Soon, more members joined them, all supporting the chaos and fun they had created. They watched Hoshi, Minnie, Seungkwan, and Dino jumping up and down, as they hyped up the song coming from the machine. DK helped with a rhythm from his little drum thing, while Mingyu created the perfect club atmosphere by switching the light switch on and off.
At this point, the tiger, the leader, and the girl were embarrassing themselves in front of the camera, dancing ridiculously up against the window, whipping their hair back and forth.
The five "party makers" of the household didn't stop but went on to sing one song after the other, dancing around the entire room, remembering most of the choreographies surprisingly. Minnie was the first to get tired and join Vernon on the sofa, watching the scene in front of her, laughing. As soon as she saw Hoshi collapsing on the floor, she got down next to him, "Don't you want to go upstairs and sleep?" He nodded, and she got up quickly, helping him stand up before Mingyu took over and supported him on his way to the stairs.
Quickly, it was only Seungkwan who was motivated enough to keep the party going as he put on "Ooh, Aah" by Twice.
"Minnie, come on!" He encouraged her to get up, "You remember? I made you dance to girl group songs!" excitedly he reminisced about their times as rookies when Hoshi and he would do more "girly" dances with her. She laughed at the memory and got up as he pulled her up from her place on the sofa and made her dance along with him. DK joined them mid-performance, syncing up perfectly immediately.
After that full choreography, the two '97 Liners fell onto the floor, breathing heavily, while the '98 Liner kept on singing and dancing, when Mingyu got another one of his great ideas, "Anybody in for a soccer game in this cold weather?" To which all of them agreed.
And so, the hard-drinking and playing went on for another hour or two, until all of them were too worn out to do anything more and decided to retreat into their rooms to sleep off the massive amount of alcohol each of them held at this point.
As soon as Minnie woke up, she found the bed beside her empty instead of the '97 Liner that should be laying there. Getting up, she immediately was met with the pounding of her head and a sore throat. She looked around for a bit before deciding to get up and get something to drink from the kitchen.
Trying to be as quiet as possible, she tiptoed through the house with no socks on her feet, passing all of the doors, and went down both sets of stairs. On the ground floor, the girl came to sight with Minghao, "Why- oh," she got surprised by the roughness of her voice and cleared her throat before continuing, "Why aren't you sleeping?"
He turned around, "Oh sorry, did I wake you up?"
Minnie shook her head and went past him to get to the fridge, looking for water, "No, but when I woke up, you weren't there. That surprised me."
"Ah, sorry," he was sorting out some stuff from outside he had brought in, "You want to come eat breakfast with Joshua and me?" While drinking and not being able to answer with words, she nodded excitedly, making him laugh, "Alright, then go get ready, we're leaving soon."
After showering quickly and putting on the clothes she came in the day before, she walked back downstairs to find both of the men sitting at the table, talking about something but immediately shutting up, as soon as she entered the room, making her look at them suspiciously.
"Okay!" Joshua clapped his hands, "Let's go!" and ushered them to get to the cars.
During the drive to the restaurant, Minnie was resting her head on the window in the backseat, while the two older guys were talking in the front. "How are you feeling, Minnie?" the oldest asked the youngest. She opened her eyes and slowly nodded, "Alright, I think. I don't feel sick, which is good." "Soooo," he started another sentence, unsure of how to approach the next subject, so he looked over to Minghao for help but he only raised his hands in defence. "Hm?" she hummed, not knowing where this was going but also not expecting anything. "Anything... anything you wanna talk about?"
The words tickled her memory, and she sat up straight, meeting his eyes in the review mirror, "You know, I don't recall everything from last night, but are you trying to get me to talk about that 'something' again?" "Only if there is 'something'," he mocked her tone at the specific word, "And I know there is, so yeah, I'm trying to get you to talk about it." Her eyes were focused on the road outside, "I don't have anything to say." Now it was her best friend's turn to get involved, "Come on, Minnie, he knows," he turned around, looking at her desperately with kind eyes, that were always able to assure her and give her comfort. She was shocked, "Did you tell him?" He quickly shook his head, not wanting to make her sad or angry, "No, no, no, he came to me and asked me."
"You're not necessarily sly with it," Joshua commented, but she scuffed, "The other's didn't notice anything." "Yeah, because they're blind," he joked, making her chuckle and feel at ease.
For a few seconds, she got lost in her thoughts, trying to gather them and figure out, how much she should really tell him. Obviously, she could trust him, she knew that, and she did trust him. But there was still the slightest amount of fear inside her that came with entering a relationship within the same group of friends.
"We're trying," she started, looking down at her fingers that were picking at each other's nails, "We're trying to figure out whatever this is."
"Who?" Joshua knew exactly who, but he wanted to let the girl say it herself, knowing how shy and unsure she was, and he hoped it would give her more confidence talking about it with people she trusted. Minnie looked at him through the mirror again, giving him a 'are you serious?" look to which she received a smile. Minghao turned around and patted her knee, stabilising her nervous mind.
"Wonwoo and I," her voice was a lot quieter before, but the boys in the front still heard it and erupted in loud cheering as soon as the words fell from her lips. She flinched at the sudden change of volume within the car but started laughing once she noticed the happiness that got spread,
"Why are you so cheery about this?" she noticed they had finally reached their destination. After freeing himself from his seatbelt, the eldest turned around to give her a kind look, "Do you know how long we've been waiting for this?" Minnie looked at him, perplexed at the sudden confession, quickly getting out of the car herself and joining them as they made their way inside.
"What do you mean, you've been waiting for this?"
He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, "We all knew it would happen eventually, or so we hoped. It's good that it finally did."
She stopped his thoughts, "We're not official, there's nothing secured yet. Don't get any ideas."
All three of them sat down, the men looking at the younger girl with smiles on their faces, finding the shy nature of her incredibly cute, "Sure you aren't. Not like you've been in love with each other for years," Minghao suddenly commented. While Joshua started laughing and clapping, Minnie gave him a confused look, surprised at the sudden statement.
"Only you two know about this, so shut it," she motioned a zip on her mouth, making the others hold back their grins, and she received a pat on the head from the blonde men next to her. Her actions may have come across as her being unsure about the situation but on the inside, the girl could feel a warm feeling spread within her body, finally being able to talk about this openly and getting the assurance she had needed after worrying about the possible relationship forming and the downsides of it.
After spending an enjoyable breakfast together and the girl obviously getting slightly teased by the older ones, the three of them made their way back to the house, unsure of what the other's would be doing next. On the way, they picked up some coffee and as soon as they got back, they found Jeonghan and Dokyeom outside in the garden.
"Where were you?" "We ate," Minnie and Minghao answered at the same time. "You ate?", "Yeah." "What did you have?" he wanted to know. The girl left it to her member to answer it as she just sat down. They went on to talk about the food they ate, Joshua, Jeonghan, and Wonwoo joining them mid-conversation. "What did you do?" Wonwoo questioned the members who had just arrived. "We ate," Minghao started, "And talked." "About?" Minnie looked at her two friends, not letting them spill anything to the 24-year-old. Joshua chuckled and brushed it off, "Nothing important."
"When are we leaving?" She wondered., changing the subject to avoid any uncomfortable situations. "We can leave earlier," the blonde member explained, "And you guys," pointing to the rest, "can go and eat breakfast first." "You wanna go?" the oldest one of the round asked the DK, who answered, "Let's go eat the stew," excited about the food.
All of them decided to go back inside and see what they could do to pass the time. After Minghao asked the leader what they should do, Jeonghan got the genius idea of taking off right at that moment and leaving the members who were still sleeping back in the house. In the meantime, Minnie and Wonwoo were already in the kitchen, starting on cleaning the mess they had created last night.
"Did you already pack everything?" He wondered.
"Yep," the girl nodded as she emptied some of the half-drunken bottles into the sink, "My bag is in my room."
"Then I'm gonna go pack up too, alright? He didn't want to rudely let her clean up by herself but still wanted to be done with everything before they would leave. She nodded and gave him a smile, letting him know he could leave, and oh god, did he wish he could have kissed her again at that moment, but knowing the number of cameras that were around them, held him back.
A few minutes later, some of the members came back and found Minnie still cleaning up, "Wow, that's a lot of trash," Joshua exclaimed.
"Yeah," she nodded, "I already started a bit, but it doesn't seem to become less."
The China line and Joshua were quick to join her, getting followed by every member that was up at the moment. As they all helped, they got done quicker than expected even though some kept on whining about the big mess.
"Alright," Minghao started, "We're done, we can go," pointing at Minnie and the '95 Liner. They walked out together after saying goodbye to Seungkwan and Mingyu, that were still in the kitchen, and passed the members who were playing another match of foot volleyball. Jun decided earlier on to join the three of them on their way back to the office, where they only had to say a last farewell to the cameras and were able to go back home.
Taglist: @naghahabol @myballzinyojawz @chaebb
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violettelueur · 3 years
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↳ featuring : itadori yuji + fushiguro megumi + gojo satoru + ryomen sukuna from jujutsu kaisen
↳ warnings : mentions of violence and EXTREME grammar issues
↳ form : story
↳ published : 09 february
↳ pronouns : she/her
↳ word count : 3.0k
↳ synopsis : within the jujutsu world, there were three famous clans to be aware of, the Kamo clan, Zenin clan and the Gojo clan. However, unknown to many sorcerers there was one last family that was known to be apart of the three, only for them to disappear after the golden era leading some to speculate that they had died in battle after the sealing of ryomen sukuna, but....
↳ previous episode : ryomen sukuna
↳ next episode : girl of steel
↳ barista’s notes : since you loved the first one so much, i decided to do episode two for you guys ╲ʕ·ᴥ· ╲ʔ also i am now addicted to genshin impact and right now, i am on adventure rank 19 and already cleared the ‘stormterror lair’ thing ʕ ㅇ ᴥ ㅇʔ i hope you enjoy this cup of classic black coffee (jujutsu kaisen) and come again soon!
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1. the whole story belongs to Gege Akutami and the credits go to them and them only
2. the spell curses used belong to Tite Kubo due to them being the ‘Kidos’ being used on the manga and anime ‘Bleach’
3. this whole thing might be confusing and please don’t expect a part three because i will do it when i am ready or feel like i can at the right time ʕ ᵒ ᴥ ᵒʔ
4. i don’t know, if i am going to add this onto my masterlist since this was just for fun to be honest!
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“What’s the situation?” 
All of a sudden, a new voice came into the area leading you to turn your head to the side to find a rather tall male standing next to Fushiguro. From a quick glance, you could immediately inform yourself that had spiky white hair with a black blindfold covering his eyes, as he carried a paper bag on his arm while wearing a similar outfit to Fushiguro meaning he was another sorcerer.
“Gojo-sensei?! Why are you here?” Fushiguro asked in surprise, as he turned to look at what you assumed to be his teacher leading to the shadows around him to immediately disappear from sight.
“Gojo…” you muttered under your breath as you looked at the two male sorcerers right in front of you in horror as you came to the realisation of the situation you were facing.
‘Mother…..I’ve been found…..’
“Hey!’ the teacher cheerfully greeted while waving an arm to his student as a short greeting. “I wasn’t planning on coming, but man, you’re roughed up,” Gojo explained, before leaning forward as if he was taking a closer look at Fushiguro to which then caused lead to his hand to go into his pocket as he proceeded to pull out his mobile phone. “I should show the second years, face this way!” the sorcerer playfully stated as he began to take a multitude of photos of the ‘roughed up’ student, leading to the subject of his images to turn away while covering his face with his arm.
Looking at the scene with anxiety looming above you like a rainy cloud, you swiftly turned your head back to see if you could find a way out without both of them as well as Itadori noticing as they were distracted for the time being.
‘Shit, the only way I can escape is either jumping from this floor or going through the large gap behind me, but that’s gonna make them notice. What am I going to do?!’
“Ah! Miss, I know you are already there, so no need to escape!” Gojo suddenly stated, causing you to quickly turn back with widened eyes - surprised at the fact that he knew what was on your mind - to find the teacher waving at you with the same greeting he gave to Fushiguro as if he had known you for some time, like an old friend one would say.
‘Ah…..what a drag….’ you thought, as you then carefully picked up the katana that had landed in front of you when the curse was exorcised before slowly sliding it back into the casing that was behind your back.
“The higher-ups wouldn’t such up with a special-grade cursed object gone missing, so I stopped by while doing some sightseeing,” Gojo explained while looking down his phone like he was checking something when in your mind, you assumed that he was going through the photos that he took of Fushiguro due to his jolly smile that was displayed on his face.
‘Maybe, if you damn sorcerers got the cursed object sooner before the damn protective seal was ripped off, WE WOULDN’T BE IN THIS SITUATION!’ you argued in your head, as you slowly began to realise the reasonings why your mother never took a liking to the higher-ups, to begin with.
‘Those higher-ups are so useless, all they do is command other sorcerers to do their dirty work while acting if they are superior dear. If I could, I would kill all of them’
“So, did you find it?” the blindfolded teacher asked, as he looked up from his device only for your schoolmate to interrupt the sorcerer’s conversation as he raised up his hand in a guilty manner. “Um...Sorry, but I ate it,” Itadori confessed, as he then pointed to himself to emphasise the statement leading Fushiguro to look down to the floor in what seemed to be in shame while Gojo turned to look at Itadori with a shocked expression.
“For real?” Gojo asked, trying to make sure that it wasn’t some sort of joke.
“For real,” Itadori and Fushiguro answered simultaneously, confirming that it wasn’t a joke at all.
In a complete rage, you slowly made your way towards your schoolmate before grabbing his shoulders with as much might as you could as you then turned him around to face you. 
“I don’t know who broke that damn seal I placed on that stupid little hut, but maybe if you haven’t taken that finger, we wouldn’t be in this situation where these two dumbass sorcerers would be in our lives right now!!” you screamed in frustration leading to the two mentioned sorcerers to look at you with dumbfounded looks painted on their faces while Itadori just peered at you with an extremely surprised expression.
During the school hours, Itadori had seen you a few times around the hallways and in his class when you had to collect something for another teacher. From what he could read off, you were the calm and collective type, someone who was on top of their academics while being able to maintain close relationships with other students between the three-years that Sugisawa Municipal Highschool offered. Even though you came off a bit blunt from time to time when calling something or someone a ‘drag’, the students liked that from you since that meant you were being honest to them as well as to yourself, just like the time when you surprised everyone when you rejected being part of the school’s council's committee much to the President’s begging. 
“But...shouldn’t you like sorcerers since you seem like one?” Itadori questioned with a confused tone, leading you to look at him with a rather both understandable but irritated expression which caused him to be nervous somewhat due to you being out of character.
“Just because I am one, doesn’t mean I like any of them!” you counted back, as you pointed towards the direction of Fushiguro and Gojo before continuing with “it was such a drag when Fushiguro was here this afternoon and it’s more of one now that two of them are here!” as you then let go of his shoulders before turning away to lean against the crooked metal balcony to relax your vocal cords after screaming so much.
Taking the opportunity, Gojo leaned to the side as if he was inspecting Itadori like he was painting before coming closer to the teenage boy with his hand on his chin as if he was thinking what he could do now. “Hehe, damn, it really did combine with you. That’s hilarious,” Gojo amusingly stated, causing you to turn back to look at the scene with a dumbfounded expression on his face.
‘What is hilarious about the situation right now? This isn’t something to find assuming Gojo’
“Anything off with your body?” Gojo questioned, after straightening his back leading itadori to inspect his body for a quick few seconds.
“Not particularly,” Itadori answered.
“Can you swap out with Sukuna?” Gojo then asked, leading you to then fully turn back to look at the special-grade sorcerer with extreme confusion and astonishment as you begin to wonder what hit Gojo’s head before coming here to the school.
“Sukuna?” Itadori confusingly stated as he looked at Gojo with a perplexed expression.
“The curse you stupidly ate,” you quickly answered, as you gave Itadori a serious glance before letting out a sigh of frustration leading Fushguro to quickly tug your arm as you dropped down to his height before you snatched your arm back, worried about what the Zenin relative would do to you.
“Oh…Yeah, I think I can do that,” Itadori clarified, as he placed his hand on his hip before giving a nod to emphasise this statement.
Stepping back, Gojo suddenly began to stretch in a weird position, which suddenly reminded you of a certain baseball player, but you couldn’t recall who before stating with confidence, “then give us ten seconds, once ten seconds are up, come back to us.”
‘Great, I’m going to die young…” you jokingly thought, as you looked to the side with a grim look as if you were staring at the death ripper at this very moment in time.
“But..” Itadori wavered, as he started to be concerned about Gojo's request since he didn’t know what damage Sukuna could do or how the teacher was going to be at the end of it. “Don’t worry, I’m the strongest,” Gojo confidently stated, leading to another grim look to appear on your face, as you were getting annoyed at his constant confidence even though you knew he had the right to be.
“Megumi, hold on to this,” Gojo demanded before throwing the bag towards his student, leading to the catcher to catch it with his hands before looking down on the paper bag with curiosity.
“Megumi?” you quietly questioned as you suddenly discovered that the sorcerer next to you had a feminine name - since it was quite rare to hear a male have a name that was generally used for the female gender. 
“What is this?” Fushiguro asked before his teacher stretched his arms right in front of both of you before answering, “Kikufuku from Kikusuian! It’s Sendai’s speciality, and it’s super good! I recommend the zunda and cream flavour!”
‘So...this man bought mochi when people here were dying, ah...that was dumbass~’
“It’s not a souvenir, I’m going to eat it on the bullet train home,” Gojo stated as if he needed an explanation for his actions. However, what got your full attention was the black markings that were gradually coming onto Itadori’s skin before he suddenly jumped up into the air while Gojo was still explaining his reasoning for this purchase.
“Uh Oh~” you commented, as you stared at the sky with widened eyes before Fushiguro screamed for his teacher’s attention at the curse directing an attack from behind. However, it seemed like his teacher wasn’t fazed on second as he continued explaining the reason why he bought the mochi, “Kikufuku’s not like other souvenirs…”
‘I THOUGHT YOU SAID IT WASN’T A SOUVENIR!’ you screamed in your mind before ducking your head down as Itadori’s body finally crashed back to the ground, trying to make sure that the debris didn’t blind you at all. Quickly looking back up to check what was happening, you suddenly came into eye to eye contact with a bright shade of ruby mixed with a hint of malevolence. You came to the realisation that it was Sukuan who was now in front of you while Gojo was casually sitting on his hack like a horse.
“And the whipped cream inside is simply exquisite..” Gojo continued talking, causing you to give off a confused expression on what really was going on inside the special-grade sorcerer’s mind and what his main priority was right now. Suddenly, Sukuna made a 180 degree turn to aim for another attack, yet the second Gojo clasped his hands together, he once again missed and as well as the other attacks he tried to execute.
Unexpectedly, Gojo appeared behind Sukuna’s back before leaning back to say something within his ear, “my student and a little sorcerer’s watching, so I’m going to show off a little.” Instantaneously, Gojo disappeared once again before grabbing the curse vessel’s arm as he then processed to hit Sukuna’s face with his arm, leading to Itadori’s body to slightly fling itself up in the air.
‘What is he manipulating? Time? No, that’s not it….is it like a vacuum? But that means he would be controlling empty space with no particles…’
Suddenly, you slightly noticed the slight manipulated on the air as Gojo’s arm begins to swing leading you to come to the conclusion that Gojo’s cursed technique might be the control of space at an atomic level, leading to a massive pressure to hit the King of Curses as his body smashed into the only part of metal railing that wasn’t bent.
“For crying out loud, you jujutsu sorcerers are always trouble, no matter what era!” Sukuna declared as he, once again, jumped into the air while somehow carrying massive pieces of the broken wall along with him before slamming down at Gojo’s direction. “Though that doesn’t mean much to me,” Sukuna arrogantly stated, with a smirk on his face as some of the windows processed to smash. 
However, the second the thin debris started to clear up, Sukuna’s expression quickly twisted into shock as a brightly lit barrier enclosed his opponent, yet he wasn’t the one that had a surprised expression on his face. Turning back around, Gojo found you kneeling next to Fushguro with a flat palm on the ground as your curse energy flowed down to the ground as if the box just didn’t just end on the ground that they were standing on right now.
“This is such a drag,” you muttered before standing up straight as you observed the walls making sure that there wasn’t a single crack when the rocks could have hit. “Seven, eight, nine, ten,” you counted and right on time there was a sudden change in curse energy pressure around you leading you to come to the conclusion that Itadori was now switching back, surprising Sukuan once again at the circumstances that he was in.
“Oh, was everything okay?” Itadori innocently asked, one the marking disappearing leading you to undo your curse spell as the walls slowly started to fade away with little blue parts flying away like they were little fireflies. 
“I’m shocked, you really can control it!” Gojo cheered while Fushiguro looked onto the scene with such surprise and confusion on what was happening.
“He’s kind of annoying, though,” Itadori commented as he continuously smacked his head, “I can hear his voice.”
‘And is smacking your head gonna make it better, idiot?’
“It’s a miracle that’s all he’s doing,” Gojo stated, with a smirk on his face as he began to walk towards Itadori before suddenly placing his middle and index finger on the salmon-haired forehead, causing Itadori to freeze for a second before giving in to the suddenly unconscious feeling empowering his body to which lead to his falling within the teacher’s arms.
“What did you do?” Fushiguro asked with slight worry in his tone.
“Knocked him out,” Gojo then answered. “If he isn’t possessed by Sukuna when he wakes up, he might have potential as a vessel,” the white-haired sorcerer explained as he then turned to his student with a question in mind. 
“Now, I have a question for you, what should we do with him and the little miss, who is trying to run away?” 
Confused, Fushiguro turned around, only to find you with your back turned to both of them as your foot halted the second his teacher had mentioned you. Turning back around Fushiguro then looked at his teacher with a serious expression displayed on his face, “even if he is a vessel, jujutsu regulations demand Itadori be executed. However, I don’t want to let him die!”
“Your personal feelings?” Gojo playful asked his student with a smirk on his face before Fushguro quickly answered, “yes, please do something about this.”
“Hehe~ Now it’s a request from a previous student,” Gojo stated, as he proceeded to lift up the unconscious teenager onto this shoulder. “Leave it to me! But also, what do you want to do with Miss runaway?” Gojo commented, once again leading you to halt your movement as you surprisingly made some distance between you and the two sorcerers now staring at your back.
‘Ah…..caught again…..’
Turning around, you looked towards the two sorcerers with a nonchalant expression displayed before giving them the hand gesture of ‘shooing them away. “There’s nothing you got to do with me, take Itadori and make sure to do what you’re planning to do, don’t drag me into your mess,” you commented, as you turned around once again, only to find the infamous sorcerer to be standing right in front of you with a cheeky smile on his face.
“Come on~ Jujtutsu Tech is so much fun, you get to make a few friends and you get to bug Megumi!” Gojo cheerfully tried to persuade you, only for you to scoff in annoyance at this futile attempt to invite you to the school that your mother informed you all about.
“I rather not be near anyone belonging with the three clans,” you irritatedly declared as you placed your hand on your hip trying to keep a distance between you and the teacher. However, this statement of yours caused Gojo and Fushiguro to look at you with surprise painted on their faces. How much did you know about the Jujutsu world? How did you have the acknowledgement of the three great families? Who were you and how much you had the strength to stop Sukuna’s attack within a millisecond?
“L/N!” Fushiguro stated, leading you to turn to him with an angered expression on your face which caused Gojo to peer at you with seriousness clouding his entire body.
“L/N huh?” Gojo curiously questioned, “no wonder your curse technique is familiar to what those old documents have told.”
Taken back to his discovery, you turned back to look at Gojo will a deadpan expression leading him to then carefully suggest, “Since you are part of the lost L/N clan, I won’t tell the higher-ups about your existence but rather have you twist your name slightly when you enrol, how does that sound?”
Glancing at the teacher with suspicion, you tried to hide the gut-wrenching feeling that there was not a possible chance of you now escaping from this. You had been caught and found and there was no way to lie yourself out of this situation you were in, not when Gojo had discovered who you really were while Fushiguro seemed to look clueless on what was going on between his teacher and the female sorcerer in front of him.
Letting out a sigh of frustration once again, you looked up at the sky, letting the same moonlight bathe your face as it did for Sukuna a few minutes ago.
“What a drag”
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© violettelueur 2021 : written and published by violettelueur - do not steal or repost
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Stranger Things Season 4 Volume 1 - Live Thoughts + Reactions
I wrote all of my thoughts and feelings in a notebook down and copied them here in case anyone is interested in my thoughts and feelings on S4 so far. It’s taken me a while because 1) the season is LONG AS FUCK, 2) I’ve been ill and 3) I’ve been at work, so… anyway, here it is!
Episode 1 - The Hellfire Club
Oh damn, that opening 8-10 minutes though :O They made it look like Eleven straight up slaughtered all the other “numbers” (the kids at the lab) as well as all the orderlies 
My theory at this point: Eleven was possessed by Vecna and he killed the kids/orderlies through her
It showed Will painting and I was like “oh that’s so for Mike” even though it didn’t show what it was exactly
I love Eleven, Will and Jonathan being siblings
“We’re all time travelers if you think about it”
Her visual aid for her school project was Hopper and the cabin :’)
Eleven saying Joyce enjoys her new job (seems that she’s a telemarketer???) and it showing Joyce just shouting “PRICK” down the phone
Let’s be honest, “California Dreamin’” may be the obvious music choice for this but it’s the perfect song so I ain’t mad
Eleven saying she’s good at maths but “grammar is getting good also” kind of just proves that no, it’s not XD
Not Dustin getting Suzie to change his Latin grade :’)
*looking at Jesus statue* “... I will repent later” LMFAO
As soon as they mentioned Vickie, I was like “that’s Amybeth McNulty’s character” and “SO SHE IS ROBIN’S LOVE INTEREST”
“You ask out a girl, she says no - big deal. Nothing happens. Maybe your ego’s a little bruised.But I ask out the wrong girl, and BAM! I’m a town pariah” - OOF TRUE
“I like boobies, you like boobies... Vickie likes boobies” - I WAS WEEPING WITH LAUGHTER
Nah but I ship Robin and Vickie already ngl
Max seems so depressed, which I wasn’t actually expecting. It makes sense given that she saw Billy (her stepbrother) die in front of her, but at the very end of ST3 (which was 3 months after his death), she and Lucas were laughing and joking around and teasing Dustin over the Never Ending Story thing, so I guess I’m still kind of surprised
I was trying to figure out why Jason Carver, the basketball captain, seemed familiar... turns out it’s because he was Chris Dollanganger in Flowers in the Attic in 2014... aka the guy who slept with his sister 
My first impression of Jason is that he seems cute but like he’s probably gonna be a douche
Max wasn’t happy at all watching Lucas play :(
Is... Is Jason seriously using the mall disaster AND Barb AND Hopper to pep up the team/game???
“You’ve been on the bench all year” OOP
Me: *sees a box* // also me: WHAT’S IN THE BOX?!?!
A Russian Doll??? That’s all that was in that big ass box??? A creepy Russian doll?!?
The presentations El/Will are doing at school are on heroes... :( HOPPER IS ELEVEN’S HERO I’M CRYING-
Also, Will’s presentation board was on Alan Turing... 👀
Oh Max went straight up full on depressed emo :(
Chrissy came out of the counselor’s office looking super upset... interesting
Max says that her mom is drinking and working 2 jobs, also Billy’s dad has fucked off and left them... On the one hand, that’s actually good because Billy’s dad kind of came off as an abusive dick bag. On the other, this poor family is broken :(
The counselor really said “it’s okay to not be okay”, she really used that line
“Maybe you should find something you care about too” - LUCAS SHUT UP BRO
“It’s like you’re not even here” “a ghost or something” - she’s literally depressed dude
Max and Lucas broke up?!?! Bad time for LuMax fans...
Oh no, she’s taking pills as well
A  theory I had was Chrissy the cheerleader was pregnant because Max sees her being sick in the bathroom, she was upset coming out of the office, she’s in a relationship with Jason... IDK
Not people trying to say D&D is the devil’s game and a cult
I won’t lie though, the Hellfire Club kinda scares me
So Eddie keeps flunking his senior year, am I right?
I love that Joyce and Murray are still in touch, that’s nice
Joyce: *looking at the doll* Jesus... she has nipples // Murray: *sliding into the bath* *cheering and whooping* — I’M-
So... Jonathan thinks Nancy isn’t coming for spring break, but she was hoping to go but hadn’t told him?
Okay so it seems that Jancy still really love each other but they’re not communicating and it’s driving them further apart :/ 
Nahhhh, newspaper dude (Fred) is fucking WEIRD. He gives me a weird creepy rich preppy boy incel vibe
Now why is Chrissy wandering into the woods???
... why is there a clock in a tree???
Oooooohhhh okay, it’s a vision, that makes sense
Eddie and Chrissy in the woods together... he was straight up selling her weed I think
No but they seem cute, they apparently knew each other when they were younger and they had a nice little scene together
“...Do you have anything stronger?” - at this point, because I was convinced she was up the duff, I was like, “is she trying to get super high or terminate a pregnancy???”
Not El getting an F :( I couldn’t see what subject the paper was on but I think it was Math?? Meaning she was lying to Mike about being good at math as well as having friends and her grammar getting better
El is still missing her powers but she seemed to forget because she tried to use them on Angela and just ended up looking weird 
Ooooh Angela’s in trouble :D Good on El for not saying “nothing happened”
“We’ll fix it together” - Will is such a good brother to El, oh my god
Okay but did Joyce REALLY need to drop a fucking bucket on the doll from a tree?!?
We already knew this but HOP IS ALIVE
Not Steve dating high schoolers after he’s graduated
Steve: “Told you... muppet” // Robin: “Okay, she does sound like a muppet” - THEIR FRIENDSHIP URGH I LOVE THEM
Vickie: “Totally sounds like Kermit” // Robin: “I was thinking more like Miss Piggy” - I FUCKING CAN’T
“I used to think she sounded good ‘cause I had this massive crush--” OOP ROBIN CAREFUL YOU NEARLY OUTED YOURSELF THERE
Brenda (girl Steve is with): “Wow, she sounds AMAZING, doesn’t she??” // Steve: O_o
Robin, sweetie, you have always been able to do better than Tammy Thompson, gurl
No but the Tammy Thompson thing is ten times funnier after reading the Rebel Robin book that’s set before S3 XD
Erica wearing the America flag is an iconic moment... “You can’t spell America without Erica” in-fucking-deed
Damn, Erica did NOT come to play around
Oh no, Lucas is playing in the final game but Mike and Dustin aren’t there to see it because they’re playing D&D, and Max didn’t show :( 
I just know Will would have been in the Hellfire Club and living his best life
Dustin and Erica team up for the win!
Max seeing Eddie and Chrissy... O_O
Is Special K cocaine or...?
Is Vecna making her see things again???
Is Vecna trying to possess Chrissy or...? Like, playing mind games with her to weaken her? Because in reality she’s standing in Eddie’s trailer just staring/blinking but in her head she’s seeing everything else???
Episode 2 - Vecna’s Curse
I knew Hopper was still alive because he was in trailers etc, but it’s interesting to see how he somehow survived
Ah hell, they all gonna think Eddie fucking killed Chrissy now
So... IS Chrissy dead? She’s not gonna rise as a zombie or some shit?
I feel like Will is excited to give Mike the painting but Mike is only gonna have eyes for El.... :/
No but why does Mike look like a fuck boi in that outfit?
I have no idea why I don’t like Mike anymore, I like Finn but Mike kind of irritates me and I don’t know why
“Just this painting I’ve been working on” - GIVE IT TO HIM WILL.
Why is it so awkward :(
Also Nancy didn’t show up to California for Jonathan :(
Argyle hugging Mike though lmao
“I heard a lot about your sister” - LMAO
I’m just convinced Will is in love with Mike :O
“But I’m having this problem where it’s like, I should stop talking. I have said everything I need to say. But then I guess I get nervous, and the words keep spilling out, and it’s like my brain is moving faster than my mouth, or... or rather my... my mouth is moving faster than my brain. And it’s like I’m digging this hole for myself, and I want to stop digging, I’m trying to stop, but I can’t. And I’m doing it right now, aren’t I?” - Robin is a fucking MOOD I LOVE HER
Not Lucas drinking and being hungover, you’re like 15 dude
This town truly IS fuckin cursed, jesus christ
Dustin: Mike and me, no one was nice to us - no one except Eddie // Max: Okay, I mean, they said the same shit about Ted Bundy. Yeah, he’s like a super nice guy but then he’s murdering women on the weekends. // Dustin: So you’re saying Eddie is like Ted Bundy???
Oh no, not the Russians! 👎
“the elephant” - NO, I wish it was a real elephant THAT MASK IS FUCKED
Poor Will third-wheeling :(
Not El lying about having friends and partying
Ewwww Mike put some damn socks on ffs
Oh no not Angela turning up
Not the basketball team using Benny’s to drink and party tho >:(
Jason has got some anger issues like holy shit
Not Dustin and Max using the video store computer as their base of operations though
Fred was really sitting there dunking on Jonathan and I’m not here for it
Ooop, Fred’s about to get posessed, I can tell
.. but he hasn’t told Nancy :/ TELL HER DUDE!
I feel like Jancy are about to break up tbh
“Got me stressed and it ain’t even my girlfriend” - lmao I like Argyle
Oh no not Angela interrupting the date :(
At least Mike tried to get them to turn the music off I guess?
How do these Russians know Hopper has a trust fund for Eleven? But also it has $40,000 in it??? Damn, Hop
Who the hell is this “Enzo” dude???
What the fuck is Kamchatka? They said “hell”??
Lucas pretending he only knows about D&D because of Erica >:(
“LET’S GO HUNT SOME FREAKS! FOR CHRISSY!” - I can promise you that she wouldn’t want that, my dude
Steve: Someone has to attend to the customers // Robin: Especially if they’re babes, right? *winks* - LMFAO
Robin is a certified GENIUS, of course she found Rick through the video store computer
No but if anything happens to that trailer park dog, I will be suing Netflix
Yes for Nancy telling the uncle’s side of the story!
Oh I just know Fred about to die
Victor Creel, hey?... sounds like lore time!
So apparently Victor Creel lost his mind, killed whole family, took their eyes/cut them out... and he’s in an asylum. Interesting
Kamchatka is basically a Russian concentration camp?
It’s the prison guard who sent the package to Joyce?!?
“I’ve been a total third wheel all day, it’s been miserable, so sorry if I wasn’t smiling” - poor Will :( I’m sick of seeing him third-wheeled by Mike and Eleven tbh, like if they want to date then fine, but stop third-wheeling literally anyone around you
Basically since S3, Mike has been kind of a shit friend to Will and he’s still a shit friend
Poor Eleven :( I wanna punch the kids who did this to her
I need Eleven to actually beat them up, especially Angela
Angela fucking deserved that lmfao, fuck that ratched raggedy ass bitch
No but Eleven has been SUPER violent this season, even without powers??
Robin and Eddie were in band together???
Dustin: I swear on my mother // literally the entirety of the rest of the gang: yeah, we swear on Dustin’s mother -- LMAO
So... did Fred get in a car accident that killed someone, and he ran away instead of getting help, and then someone died? Is that what happened?
.... yeaaaaah, Hawkins is definitely fucking cursed, my god
This season is just one big fucking horror film, holy shit
So... is Vecna Victor Creel or is Victor another victim?
Oop Fred levitating, not again-
Sooo... Vecna is in the upside down world, right? Not ours?
Episode 3 - The Monster and the Superhero
... Now we’re in Nevada??? We’ve got Hawkins, California, Russia, and now Nevada??? We sure are travelling this season
“Everything that’s happened in Hawkins has been due to Brenner’s little pet” - NOOOO NOT THEM BLAMING ELEVEN
No but that makes ZERO fucking sense, the thing with Victor Creel was in the 50s??? And Eleven was born in the 70s I think???
Yeah, I don’t think Jonathan and Argyle were helping with the situation tbh
Jonathan waving, “Hi Murray!” :D
“...Why? What’s going on?” Oh, he’s fucking baked like a cake
Mike: She didn’t look fine -- oh fuck you, Michael
Not the fuck boi basketball team -__-
Oop Nancy about to team up with the Dustin-Max-Steve-Robin gang
Mike put eggos out for Eleven at breakfast :(
El thinking she doesn’t belong anywhere kind of broke my heart, I won’t lie
On the one hand, I get where El is coming from, Mike seems super aversed to saying he loves her... on the other hand, these kids are like 15??? They’re fucking kids???
Not the police arresting El :( All she did was slap a bitch smh
Jonathan and Will being protective brothers of El is GOD tier content and I wish we had more of it
The guard is actually helping Hopper... but for a price of course
“Serial killers stalk their prey before they strike” - God, Robin is so smart
Robin: I don’t have a license // Steve: Why don’t you have a license? // Robin: I’m poor. -- LMFAO MOOD
Max: I can drive! // Steve, clearly thinking about waking up in S2 in the car whilst Max was driving: NO. NEVER AGAIN. ANYBODY BUT YOU
I ship Robin with both Nancy and Vickie, she has two hands after all <3
Steve: ALWAYS THE GODDAMN BABYSITTER - and you’re always amazing at it, bby <3
Ohhhh there was some DARK shit going on in Hawkins when Vecna was choosing his next target; “I’ll tell them I slipped again” as a woman puts make up on over a bruise, “I can’t say no, he’ll leave me” as two teens get it on... jesus 
Not Lucas lying again and being all anti-DND, smh you’re better than this Lucas
They can’t seriously arrest Eleven just for smacking a bullying bitch?!
You know, I think El is a little too honest with some of her answers, and yet she’s not admitting that Angela was torturing her
Murray being the worst airplane seat neighbour tho
Nahhhh Airplane food looks fucking NASTY, I’m glad I haven’t used a plane in like 20 years 💀
How’s Hop supposed to get away if he’s got a broken leg though???
“I don’t really have a filter or a strong grasp of social cues” - Robin is giving off that autistic vibe this season and I’m here for it
Do NOT tell me Steve has still got a thing for Nancy for fuck sake
Also, said it before, I’ll say it again: STEVE HASN’T TOLD ANYONE ROBIN IS GAY. He knows if he told people, it would upset her and lead to people harming her because it’s the 80s and Hawkins is homophobic. He could have because Dustin thinks he’s a coward/refusing to ask Robin out, and Nancy thinks he’s dating Robin, but he hasn’t. It’s a super low bar but given how Steve USED to be... we love to see the character development.
Lucas coming through and radioing Dustin to warn him
Max: Lucas you’re so behind it’s ridiculous - LMFAO
Dr Owens again??? And they’ve taken El?
Murray and Joyce arriving in Alaska: “OH GOD, THIS IS SPRING???” LMFAO
Oh god, was Hopper trying to force his broken leg out of the cuff???
Is Nancy seriously jealous of Robin, thinking she’s dating Steve???
Robin is a fucking genius for pointing out that ofc conspiracy theorists would have been the ones to document Victor Creel / Vecna
Robin: “We leave them alone for TWO HOURS 🙄”
So both Chrissy and Fred were seeing Ms Kelly... is he targeting kids in counselling? Is she working for him??? Or is he just using her and she’s totally unaware of any of this???
Of course they could make the rollerskate incident go away...
Wait, did Lucas misdirect the team to Hopper’s cabin?!?
YES, Lucas, leave the frat boys!
A way to bring Eleven’s powers back??? How??? But if it fails, she’ll never see her friends again???
So symptoms pre-Vecna-trance are headaches, nightmares, past trauma... MAX HAS HAD THOSE SYMPTOMS TOO :O
Noooo she heard Vecna’s voice????
If ANYTHING happens to Max, I’m sueing Netflix for emotional damage
Episode 4 - Dear Billy
So Eleven wrote a note to Mike but NOT her adoptive family???
Stop showing the twisted eyeless bodies, I’M-
They’ve got less than 24 hours to save Max??? No, Ma-am-
It took me a while to realise but is Jason’s name a Friday the 13th homage?
Not Jason stopping Erica from shutting her own front door and Erica calling Jason and Lucas boyfriends
Robin teasing Nancy over her Tom Cruise poster lol
Also Robin geeking out over Nancy’s stuff is so cute
Robin: *sees blouse* Please tell me you’re joking -- no but sAME
“It was you guys who saved me” - AND BOB! DON’T FORGET BOB, WILL
Max wrote a letter to Billy
“the armpit that is Mike’s basement” - LMAO 
Max threatening to prosecute Steve if he stops her XD
Robin struggling to walk in high heels and hating her blouse/skirt is a fat ass mood lmfao
“This bra is pinching my boobs” - SHE’S WEARING NANCY’S BRA???
Ladies, is it gay to share bras with other women? XD
Robin spitting straight up facts and bullshit to get the asylum to let them see Victor Creel
“My boobs hurt” “may I call you Anthony?” -- LITERAL TEARS
“Because nobody takes girls seriously in this field, they just don’t. We don’t look the part or whatever” - DAMN SHE ON FIRE
Robin and Nancy’s little secret Low-Five was ADORABLE
As soon as Yuri said bears got into cockpit, I knew he was joking XD
Is he seriously going to handcount $40,000
Russians in this show are either plain evil or pretty chill lol
Hopper blowing up the tool shed and stealing a snow plough is icon behaviour
“Things got batteries in it?” “... I’m not even answering that question” LMFAO
The scene between Max and her mom :(
Oh, Robin slipped up with the name of the professor :O
No but why am I so nervous about this omg
Why are these prisoners in fucking jail cells though
No, Will, you haven’t been a total jerk???
“Hawkins is not the same without you” - damn straight, Mike, maybe fuckin act like it
“Oh my god, why’s that guy holding a gun?” “DRIVE!”
Hopper’s going round with no shoes on, how’s he not got freaking frostbite
The cemetery... to see Billy, I assume
How is Max so chill about being close to death, omg
Creel: “Survived? Is that what you call this?” = ... Ooof.
So to sum up the bullet points I wrote in my book: Victor, his wife Virginia and their two kids - son Henry, daughter Alice. NOT THE SPIDERS AGAIN. Demon using a wheelchair??? What was up with the baby crib on fire??? Cursed home, town AND family. Killed wife first, so he tried to save kids; not the baby burning to death in his vision; both kids died?
So with his whole family dead, he tried to join them by gouging his eyes out and OH MY GOD NOPE NOPE NOPE NIGHTMARE FUEL
This season is so fucking dark omg
Interesting to note: all he said about Henry was he was a sensitive child and that Henry was in a coma for a week before dying, but the flashbacks show more Victor/Wife/Alice than Henry... hmmmm
Ooop Ronance have been caught
Max reading her letter to Billy had me crying
I’m still not sure how I feel about Billy because he kind of redeemed himself at the end of the last season, but also he was definitely abusive to Max... I feel sorry more for Max’s sake I think
“We could’ve become good friends like a real brother and sister” “maybe we could try again”
“for a while I tried to be happy... normal”
“love your shitty little sister, Max” - oh I was crying BAD
So music is the key/lifeline...
Also it makes sense that Robin, someone who’s in band and who’s said her ears are “little geniuses” was the one to figure that out
“It took me six months longer to walk than all the other babies” OMG ROBIN SAME I THINK???
All the people Vecna killed are in the upside-down-mindscape-place just rotting
Noooo he’s levitating Max
Max hearing the music and thinking about Lucas/Eleven/her friends :’( and it snapping her back/helping her
“Running Up That Hill” about to top the charts again, I can tell 👀
Max is okay thank fUCK
Me, seeing the credits: ROBERT ENGLUND??? FREDDY KRUEGER DUDE??? (he played Creel)
Nahhh not me crying over this episode
Again, Max’s storyline feels like a metaphor for depression/suicice/recovery and it made me emotional
Episode 5 - The Nina Project
“We’ve gotta get him to St Mary’s” “I don’t think a prayer is gonna help” “I MEANT THE HOSPITAL”
Who the fuck is Nina
Argyle: *panicking over dead dude in his van* // everyone else: GET OFF THE ROAD
Oh no they found Eleven’s note to Mike… why’d that idiot throw it away anyway, boyfriend of the year huh 🙄
I’m not sure if I trust Dr Owens or not tbh
Massive door in the middle of the desert is hardly conspicuous tho
Ohhhh Nina is a machine
DR BRENNER?!? That dude’s still alive???
Eleven rightfully running away from him, 🤦 also, not the “papa” “daughter” comment
Yeah no I don’t trust this plan of theirs to get her powers back, it might work but they’ll make her their puppet again
Wait were they using a mace on Hopper?!?
The gang all asleep :’)
Dustin fell asleep on “Max Watch”
Ted: Could try sticking together at a different house for a change — LMFAO HE’S RIGHT THO
Max and Holly having a crayon morning is so adorable though
Not Dustin scaring Holly by telling her about Freddy Krueger 💀
Max using drawings to show what she saw, just like Will has in the past
It’s the Creel house?!?
DID THEY RESHAVE ELEVEN’S HAIR? After she’s spent like 3 years growing it out?!?
(I’m aware MBB didn’t shave her head again, it’s probably something like a bald wig cap or whatever)
She’s clearly having a vision about being back in the rainbow room so maybe… ?
JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER??? VOLTURI CAUIS I THINK??? YOUNG GRINDELWALD??? (I knew he was in it but I still got excited seeing him)
Yeah no this is a vision
Argyle panicking/flipping out is a mood
Will talking about how scary it is to open up to it if they don’t like the truth… he’s totally gay for Mike, I’m sorry-
The number was in the pen???
Everyone calling Joyce, Hopper’s “woman”
Hopper fought in a war… Vietnam? And he’s talking about how a bunch of guys he fought with went sterile or something because of the chemical agents??? “crooked spines, eyes popped out” - like Vecna victims, holy fuck
Hopper talking about Sarah :( And then also talking about El and Joyce :’(
“Everyone I love I hurt” - HOPPER STOP
Hopper saying he wasn’t cursed, he is the curse T_T
I’m not being funny but at this point I don’t trust any of the cops, agents, special forces, doctors etc.
Chrissy’s funeral :/
Ohh Patrick’s having visions now
Steve: (at the Creel house) ...yeah, that’s not creepy
Robin just chucking a brick through the window of the door though
Dustin to Steve: Do you need to be told everything? You’re not a child.
Nahhh but why they all dunking on Steve :(
Murray fighting only kids in karate though lmfao
Tiny Eleven T_T
Oh the switching between current and baby El though
So the Nina project is named after an opera I think?
Sooo they’ve basically put Eleven in a giant sensory tank?
The only hacker they know... is Suzie
Come on, someone help Eddie :/
Dustin’s British Sherlock accent XD
“Platonic with a capital P” :D
Bless Steve, he’s trying so hard
The chess set in the Creel house kind of looks like the chess set in the Rainbow Room
So there’s a “002″... What about “001″?
It’s honestly just depressing seeing all these kids aged like 3-18 with shaved heads and going “me me me” wanting to impress Brenner
Not Murray doing a whole Kung Fu monologue T-T
Oof the plane fight scene though, Murray actually beat the shit out of Yuri omg
Oh no, the plane’s gonna crash?!?
Vecna’s in the Creel house but “on the other side”...
Steve is just so fucking done and I don’t blame him “we won’t be able to see if we turn out our flashlights???”
Robin: It’s an attic... of course it’s an attic
Eddie paddling on the boat to try and escape the basketball guys
Not Jason swimming to the boat???
Ooh the upside down transition from House to Vecna
Oooh he’s got Patrick!
Eleven smacked Brenner, like he deserves
Wait, so they DID shave her head???
RIP Eleven’s hair
... Nevermind.
Noo not her going with him, not the “papa” “daughter” crap again >:(
Episode 6 - The Dive
Will Jason believe Eddie is innocent now or...?
“Eddie’s a vessel for Satan” - ... nevermind
Now who the fuck they torturing- oh wait it’s the agent from the California house
Why is Brenner comparing El to a stroke victim? I mean I get his analogy but also the hell??
I feel so bad for El, guys, I wanna hug her - just let her live a normal life ffs
The gang don’t even know Eddie had to run :(
Noooo not them all blaming Eddie T__T Poor Eddie
Argyle: I can’t feel my butt
What IS this place? Suzie lives HERE???
Argyle has a thing for Eden???
You know, when they said that Suzie comes from a super religious Mormon family... this wasn’t exactly how I imagined them
Welp, at least Joyce and Murray are still alive
LMAO they tied Yuri up
Murray mocking him XD
LMAO at them threatening to leave him to freeze to death/get eaten by animals-
“This is it, American, I hope you’re ready”- FOR WHAT?!
For...a meal? Is it poisoned??? Fattening them up???
Ohhh fattening them up for a fight (with a demogorgon?)
Hop: So enjoy, boys. This is your last meal -- DAMN
Not Jamie Campbell Bower jumpscaring me AGAIN
“You remind me of someone I used to know”...001? Brenner said he didn’t exist but the orderly JCB is playing was with him...
Another Theory: 001 IS HENRY CREEL
Okay but why exactly is he telling Eleven all of this? What is he hoping to gain from this? I’m getting bad vibes from it
No but Steve saying he made Skull Rock a popular make out spot is so funny
Lucas said that Patrick was abused - Vecna is definitely targeting those with something in their lives haunting/traumatising them
Robin calling birds beautiful 
Is Robin really trying to get Steve and Nancy back together? -_-
I still ship Robin and Nancy tho lmao
They’re “officially” friends :)
Hawkins getting mad at the police, fuck the police
Jason gatecrashing the town meeting with his cronies
Ohhhh he’s telling them it’s satan/cults/sacrifices and that Eddie is leading them, blaming all bad things on a cult
Mike, Dustin and Lucas’ parents seeing their kids in the club “cult” photo: O__o
That one dude leaving the town hall truly didn’t waste time, he went straight away
So they’ve told Suzie it’s a video game console...?
She knows Dustin’s birthday to the exact day/exactly how long it is until then 💀
Oh her dad took her computer away because she’s dating an agnostic
Erica: Yeah, no, they lied to you - lmao
Now why is Karen calling the cops on their kids???
Surge of energy = Vecna attacks
Steve: Cursed? No, he’s fine. Just mental.
Dustin: I was right, Skull Rock IS North! // Steve: ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW???
Oh, it’s the compass/magnet/field thing!
“So either there’s some super big magnet here, or--” “There’s a gate!”
“I say you’re asking me to follow you into Mordor... which, if I’m totally straight with you, I think is a really bad idea. But, ah, the Shire... The Shire is burning” - HE’S SO NERDY, THE LOTR REFERENCE ASDFGHJKL; I LOVE IT
Dustin’s excited bouncing XD
Steve: What is Mordor?!? - LMFAO
Damn, these number-kids straight up beating each other to win this game
So 002 is the big bad bully of the group - I’m assuming he’s the oldest (since 001 is “a myth”) and most developed powers-wise
Oh, Eleven kicked 002′s ASS
Murray: Oh Jesus // Yuri: Hey, not in a church
Joyce: You’re gonna be Murray... // Murray: And I’m gonna be Yuri -- OMG
Oh, a prison brawl! All so Hop could pick the guard’s pockets and get a fuel and lighter
“My ribs are broken, don’t make me laugh” LOL
Oh they snuck into Suzie’s Dad’s office
“Holy sh- HECK!” LOL
Jonathan: What’s the internet? // Suzie: Don’t worry, it’s just gonna change the world
Damn, Suzy’s parents got a lot of kids
Mike: Can you print this? // Suzy: No, my skills end at IP Geolocation -- LMFAO
Is the gate in the lake???
Dustin: Who put her (Nancy) in charge? // Robin: I did -- ICONIC
Steve done with being a babysitter lmfao
Why are they bullying her in the Rainbow Room??? 002 super nasty
Ohhh it’s the thing from the opening
I NEED to know what happened 
“I killed them, Papa, I killed them all” - Jesus Christ
“Wonky with a Waaaah” - LOL
Not Robin smirking at Nancy looking at Steve stripping lmfao (same tho nancy)
Lucas: Urgh, since when did Steve get so hairy??? / Dustin: Right? I keep telling him he needs to tame that jungle but he claims the ladies dig it -- AND STEVE IS RIGHT, LET MEN BE HAIRY
Max going “let me see it” and taking the binoculars followed by the silence... SAME
Steve’s not even THAT hairy????
Dustin: You guys realise there’s a gate down there....it’s technically a watergate” - NOT THE PUNS
You know, I’m not sure Steve needed to be shirtless but... not complaining. Also, it would have made more sense to strip ALL his clothes, no?
Damn, how long can Steve hold his breath for
Steve jumpscared me coming out of the water lol
Nancy jumped in after him :O
Episode 7 - The Massacre at Hawkins Lab
Yesss RoNancEddie to the rescue!
“Only took like a pound of flesh” I’m-
Omg Steve ACTUALLY winning a fight???
Robin: Great... More running -- SAME
The episode title… 👀 also it’s 1hr40???
Who’s really the worst here - Americans or Russians? They’re both torturing people so 🤷🏻‍♀️
“Cause you missed your daddy-daughter time” - OOF YEP HE REALLY CAME FOR BRENNER LIKE THAT
At least Dr Owens feels bad and says she’s traumatised/frightened… ?
“You talk of monsters and superheroes… that’s the stuff of myth and fairytales” - I mean, she literally had superpowers and fights monsters, my dude
I want to know what happened during the massacre but also I’m sad, leave Eleven alone :(
I have to appreciate how bad the whole gang are at lying lmao they can’t get their stories straight even sitting next to each other
Erica calling them out for lying XD
Questioning them one at a time and they go for Max first when she isn’t even in the Hellfire Club :/
Is Steve going to stay shirtless because… I mean… I’m not complaining
Robin rambling when Steve collapsed and was losing blood 😂
Steve’s “Robin… I kinda wanna punch you” as she was rambling and saying shit about how he can tell her “shut up I wanna punch you” if she starts rambling 😂 Besties
I think Steve and Nancy were both enjoying her treating him a little bit too much… 👀
Steve: I highly doubt the Hawkins PD has grenades — 😂
Nancy: And a revolver // Steve: you almost shot me with one // Nancy: you almost deserved it — is this show really trying to push them back together I’m-
Not Eddie throwing Steve a shirt “for your modesty, dude” 😂😭
“It must be hardwired into us to reject our fathers” - OOF
“That monster is part of something that wants to kill El” 😭
“Maybe I can still help El - even if it’s the last thing I do” — BRB IM CRYING
Murray pretending to be Yuri is comedy gold lmfao 🤣 he got the annoying “I’m joking” mannerisms down tho
“Anymore headaches? Nausea?” - VECNA SYMPTOMS ALL OVER AGAIN, and this is BEFORE, this is in the rainbow room???
Not a lesson about rules for the kids…
Eleven got a concussion from 002 and the others???
002: She must have fallen. You’ve seen her, Papa, she’s clumsy, stupid” - NAHHH KILL HIM
“Collar him” - the fUCK?!
Does the collar subdue their powe- IT ELECTROCUTES THEM?!?!
Oh shit Brenner keeps turning it up 😭
Eddie comparing Steve to Ozzy Osbourne 😂😂😂
“These ladies came straight in after you” - of course, he’s worth it :3
Not Eddie also trying to set Steve and Nancy back up??? Saying it’s true love??? No thank you?!
Robin: “okay, second on my list of least favourite things: earthquakes! I’m unsteady on my feet as it is” - LOL
“Here’s the deal, either you tell me what’s happening - or I tell Dustin what I found under your bed” - WAIT WHAT DID ERICA FIND UNDER LUCAS’ BED-
Erica raised an essential question: who opened the gate? El opened one, the Russians opened another… who opened the water gate?
Also why does Vecna kill people? For what purpose?
He’s making a powerful psychic connection with each kill… enough to make more gates…
So Demogorgon = foot soldier, Vecna is 5 star general to mind flayer??? Who can open gates and shit???
“Might be time to get a maid, Wheeler” — OMFG
No but did Nancy REALLY think her guns from the normal world are in the upside down-
“There’s a six year old in the house, I know where I keep my guns” - I guess at least she’s careful but still…???? Maybe don’t keep guns in the house with a 6 year old running about
Her study cards from S1, the wallpaper, stuff she threw out…
November 6 1983… when Will went missing in Season 1! 🤔
So they’re not in the present, they’re in the past??? The upside down past???
Just like Will found a way to speak through the lights, the teens do too!
Ohhh Eddie knows SOS / Morse Code - it’s just pure luck that one of the gang in Mike’s house also knows morse code 💀
“Hey, remember when I said they wouldn’t be stupid enough to go through Watergate? I overestimated them” — LMFAO
“…and you have many screws loose” - I laughed more than I probably should have
Not the other numbers glaring at El 🤨
Wait so 002 is in the infirmary but when he’s out, the numbers are going to kill El and “papa” will let it happen?!! “He wants it to happen” — yIKES
Not being funny but the Jamie Campbell Bower orderly giving me the bad vibes. “You must do exactly as I say” - ummmm???
No but did the lab security/CCTV not see him give her the damn keycard?!?
Not the kids stealing Holly’s toy to communicate with Steve/Robin/Nancy/Eddie 😭
Robin calling Dustin a “genius child”
There’s a gate at every murder site… so 1) Eddie’s trailer, 2) the road where Fred was killed, 3) the lake?
Steve (about Dustin): Jesus Christ, this kid’s got to get his ego in check — LMFAO
No but I kinda hate the current Hawkins police, especially Officer Callahan 💀
The upside down transitions are super cool omg
Nooo the demobat saw them 😶
Okay so now we’re on the day of the massacre… oof let’s go
Okay so 011 was colouring in that opening in E1, and I went back after this episode to see if you can see her colouring in the opening of E1 and there’s not focus on it obviously but yes, she’s in the background/briefly seen colouring!
The orderly said “still hurting her” — they hurt her before? Is this to do with Vecna choosing traumatised victims?
Nahhh Jamie Campbell Bower STILL jump scaring me 😭
He mentions lab vents that lead to the woods… is this how she escaped in season 1?
Wait, why would Brenner put a tracker inside the orderly???
“What if I made it go away? You help me, I help you” - OOF
Aaaand back to Hop and the Russians
Not Hop getting the fire and fuel ready… only for it to not work 💀
Dmitri(Enzo guy?): tElL mE tHaT’S nOt oUt oF fLuId
Joyce got the doors open!!!
The Jopper reunion 😭❤️ they hugged I’m-
Wait, isn’t the Upside Down air toxic??? How are the four of them still fucking alive???
Oh thank got it’s just Dustin on the other side, I thought the agents would be there in Eddie’s trailer
Eleven really pulled the tracker out of the orderly’s leg like she did that piece of mind flayer that was in her leg in S3
…oh, I don’t like the way the orderly suddenly just looked evil, like he was smirking almost
“Who knew something so small could cause so much trouble” — UMMMM 🚩🚩🚩🚩
Eddie: Those stains are… I don’t know what those stains are — UMMM?!? O_o
The climbing up to sliding down is super cool omg that kinda looks like fun
OOP massacre flashback time again
YEP, 001 really killed them all
All of the bodies look like Vecna’s victims’ bodies… is 001 also Vecna???
“How was old, dumb, blind Victor? Did he miss me?” - OH FUCK I HAVE CHILLS
WAIT WAIT WAIT… JCB’s Orderly = 001 = Henry Creel = Vecna???? DAMN
NOT HIM WORSHIPPING SPIDERS, HES FUCKED, that’s immediately a sign he’s evil beyond help
So all the numbers at the lab - including 011 - are copies of 001/Henry Creel/Vecna???
So Eleven got blood on her outfit from being thrashed about on the floor, NOT from murdering other kids
He tried to kill her/twist her limbs/made her eyes bleed… Vecna victim signs AGAIN
So just to make sure I’ve got it right: Henry Creel (Victor’s son) didn’t die, he was the original (001) with natural born powers, he killed his family/did some weird spider-and-Satan worship, the doctors at Hawkins lab said he died but in actuality used him to create copies (002, Eleven etc), he ended up massacring the entire lab/including the children, he thought Eleven was going to join him but she was disgusted so he tried to kill her, but she’s so powerful that she sent him to the Upside Down where he became Vecna???
Overall, I love this season so far! I have a few continuity issues/gripes but other than that, I’m living for it! I love the horror turn this season has taken, it’s definitely a lot darker than the last three series I think. I think I need to see the last two episodes before I pass judgement though!
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uno-writing · 2 years
@queer-verse ‘s ask, it just has a lot of specifics for ep 247 so I wanted to put it under the cut :D🍿🥤🍭🍬🍫🧋
*spoilers for 247 lol*
- Wellston has seen them together other than the staircase scene,,,, (p sure those three specifically weren't together in season 1 or 2) their dynamic is established common knowledge among the student body??? I refuse to believe there aren't already jokes abt it.
- this is the first sass squad ep. We got sass squad. Ik it was implied heavily in the art uru released during the hiatus and it's been built all thru season 3 but we Got It, it's Canon
- sera was not as mad as I thought she would be lol
- John and sera mother-henning over eachother while Arlo third wheels? Uru is a gift that keeps giving
- lol arlos sigh and him chilling in the bg he's so done w their back and forth
- on a serious note they care sm abt each other 🥺 sera wants what's better for john no matter what it costs her and vice versa.
- God I hope that dream from 245 wasn't foreshadowing
- honestly ik that someone's ability getting affected is the Chekhov's gun for this arc but I don't want anything to happen to any of my bbys
- I hate Terrence. Fite me I remember him smirking in an ep he doesn't feel bad for what he's doing at all
- poor remi needs a fuckin break
- Arlo called him and sera "we"
- "but I don't want his number" "I don't want yours either" damn they're really dragging out this rivalry thing huh there's gonna come a point where to their individual horror they don't mind eachother's company ~le gasp~ and the bickering is going to get worse b4 it gets better
- Arlo and John have Canonically exchanged numbers
- pfffffft John getting stuck w babysitting Blyke, r we Gon see that Blyke John wholesomeness? (I want to go in depth abt blykes issues but I'm too tired rn)
- seriously tho, y didn't they assign John Terrence? John can track Terrence even when he turns invisible, surely that makes the most sense. Guess they'll use that another time.
- John is the only only one who canonically swears. Love it. One of the reasons I love him. It's so funny too bc we would've been shocked to see him swear in the beginning of the comic.
- there's also been one (1) canon flirt between the main cast
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- hey remember the fandom calling him asslo? Remember when remi called him asslo and that was the first time we got to his close they are? Remember him hugging remi fybdyjfrukbc
- (uru said spoilers when asked abt romance between the main cast so at least we can expect that. Can't wait to see real flirting)
- sera's outfit is also gorge. I think we've seen her wear it before somewhere but it hits different in this episode.
- also the way John's blue shirt flairs out at the waist like a fucking tutu is sending me
- doesn't matter what he's doing, that thing is at a forty five degree angle from his body
- ooh also John w his his hand in his pocket isnt something I knew I needed?
- and that last panel? If I was Terrence, I would be running far away as fast as possible.
- another super long episode, appreciation for uru and her team
- there's like five people total who like your posts and I'm tempted to tag them u guys the anons aren't fooling no one
- Boba anon 🧋
*Flippin Elaine has had to deal with their bs like 3 times before now
*Tbh, I think I’d hate having a strongish healing ability at Wellston
*I don’t wanna get pulling into all the bs lol
*Yeah, Sera didn’t really react to it lol
*I thought she’d be pissed
*But she was just mildly perturbed
*Arlo’s reactions while Sera and John were arguing k i l l e d me
*I think something’s gonna happen with it bc it showed up in 2 different frames all by itself
*It was so funny
*I think another Chekov’s gun is the Ferris Wheel
*I don’t think Terrance feels bad bc this is what he believes is right
*Like it seems like he’s a bit of an extremist for SPECTRE so I think he just believes that taking people’s abilities and putting others in danger is what’s necessary
*Poor poor Remi
*Like seriously
*She just wants this trip to go smoothly
*Arlo and John are like toddlers around each other
*People’s lives could be in danger and the two of you are arguing about swapping numbers
*And Blyke will probs be around Remi the majority of the time
*Why did they not assign John to Terrance???
*Like it makes more sense for Sera to hang around Blyke bc they’re kinda friends
*Plus, like you said, John can see when Terrance goes invisible
*Like I guess Sera sees Terrance as the biggest threat so she wants to take him
*But still, I think it’d be smarter to put John on Terrance
*Like we’ve seen him text Sera and it’s not that bad
*At least we should get some John and Blyke interactions!!
*John wasn’t even trying texting
*So John was probs doing in on purpose to mess with Arlo lol
*It flares out bc his plot armor is so poofy lol
*I think Terrance was also smirking bc he knows how badly it pisses Sera off and it makes him feel powerful
*Like he can make her feel angry and scared for her loved ones and can’t do crap to him while she still wants her ability
*And lol
*I’ve got a lot of lurkers on my blog too that don’t interact other than sending in anon asks (which is fine, obviously. Im just glad peeps enjoy my stuff 😅)
*But yeah, the people that actually do like or reblog are the same for almost every post
*Like I think I’ve got about 7 or 8 regular anons (including you lol) that send asks in at least every other day
*Just bc their asks are similar in the way they phrase things or type
*Every now and then it’ll branch out a bit lol
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parismelodies · 3 years
my thoughts on all of the marinette/ladybug/chat noir/ adrien ship combos
long title, i know.
so i’ve been rewatching a bunch of my favorite episodes from mlb this week and i realized how much i love certain ships. i also realized the fact that theirs 4 ships with 2 of the same characters (math🙄). anyways, this is me explaining how i feel about the ships, how they would work out, and my rankings for it.
sorry for all the grammar errors that are probably there, i didn’t proofread 😳
adrienette 👫
well i’ve definitely stayed it a bunch of times but i don’t really like the ship😐 i mean don’t get me wrong, they’d be super cute together, but marinette still needs some more character development when it comes to her super crush to adrien. i feel like their relationship will be the best if they start off as friends, meaning marinette loses her basically celebrity crush on him, and the they both start catching feelings for each other (the calm but still kinda flustered type of feelings, like the one she gets with luka).
ladynoir 🐞🐈‍⬛
they’re cute ngl. all the casual flirting chat throws at her plus the sassiness she throws back is VERY adorable 😩 when ladybugs crush on adrien wears off, i definitely think she’d start catching feelings for chat. it wound make the 4th season entertainingly complicated when it comes to love too. i do wish there were more sensitive scenes though😔
to me they’re eh. like i COMPLETLY LOVE the idea where both of them are with their crushes, but this also causes mistakes. like in desperada when adrien literally spent 89 days worth of minutes trying to save ladybug and failing every time. they want to seem as perfect as they can to make their crushes fall in live with their other personality and that’s why they aren’t me favoriteee😛
YES YES YES MY FAVE🤩☝️ they are the best ship in my book😌 during that one episode (forgot the name but it’s with the ice cream dude) where ladybug stood chat up, he chose to go to marinette, and after he left marinette said she never saw the sensitive side of chat. with marinette chat can let his guard down, not constantly trying to look like the perfect man for ladybug. and with chat, marinette can just vent a little (even though she still has to hide her secret identity). the reason i don’t like ladrien that much is because they are trying to become a person the other would like, but that’s the complete opposite with marichat. now i don’t think they should date, but a platonic marichat can lead either ladybug to discover she has feelings for chat, or adrien to discover he has feelings for marinette. or both👀. that’s because marinette isn’t flustered when talking to chat (it’s the complete opposite actually) and chat isn’t constantly trying to woo marinette with his jokes.
anyways... that’s it! platonic marichat is the best ship and here’s my rankings...
lady noir
maybe they’ll change with the next season, idk👀
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mandaloriandy · 3 years
Fic Writer Interview
I suppose I should... actually get around to doing this.
I was tagged by @maderilien, @stormwarnings, and @willowcrowned! (that’s what I get for putting off doing this, I get ganged up on.) (I’m just joking, I am very touched that you all thought of me)
How many works do you have on AO3?
What's your total AO3 word count?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
oh fuck there's so many. uhhhh 32 apparently. big yikes. I'm just gonna copy-paste the list over, that'll be easiest. A lot of these are overlaps but alas such is life
1. Star Wars - All Media Types (24) 2. Star Wars Prequel Trilogy (18) 3. Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types (7) 4. TOLKIEN J. R. R. - Works & Related Fandoms (4) 5. Homestuck (4) 6. Doctor Who & Related Fandoms (3) 7. Avatar: Legend of Korra (3) 8. Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling (3) 9. Marvel Cinematic Universe (2) 10. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV) (2) 11. The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types (2) 12. Doctor Who (2) 13. Ender Series - Orson Scott Card (1) 14. Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) (1) 15. Iron Man (Movies) (1) 16. Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (1) 17. Original Work (1) 18. Sherlock (TV) (1) 19. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) (1) 20. Big Hero 6 (2014) (1) 21. Emelan - Tamora Pierce (1) 22. The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien (1) 23. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga (1) 24. The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien (1) 25. Captain America (Movies) (1) 26. Paranatural (Webcomic) (1) 27. Torchwood (1) 28. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika | Puella Magi Madoka Magica (1) 29. Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003) - All Media Types (1) 30. Star Wars: Rebels (1) 31. Doctor Who (2005) (1) 32. The Hobbit - All Media Types (1)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
To nobody's surprise, my top 5 fics by kudos are (in order) the first 5 parts to the Jedi Shmi AU.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Oof. I used to. But I ended up spiralling pretty badly uhhhh a couple years ago and had to stop. I feel like I should reply to comments, especially those wonderful long ones, but even though I do this whole writing thing, I always have a really hard time, like, knowing what to say to them? Like "akjsdfk;jf thank you" always feels inadequate, but writing a well thought-out reply takes a stupidly large amount of brainpower, and I'll leave them marked as unread if I want to reply to them and then they just accumulate in my inbox and I end up spiralling again, since it just continues to exist as a mental load of something I have to do and the avoidance just gets bigger and bigger the longer I put it off and–
look, I just get into my own head too much about it. I respond to questions, usually. I love all the comments but I can't let myself overthink it, and the easiest way to do that is to not let myself reply.
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
I guess Obi-Wan’s Terrible Horrible No-Good Very Bad Life doesn’t count because it... doesn’t have an ending yet? and I don’t know how angsty that ending is going to be. Even Composing Hallelujah doesn’t count because it ends happier than in canon, even though it’s... y’know, not exactly happy-ending.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you've written?
Hahaha I don't do crossovers often, but I have done them, and the craziest one I've actually written is probably my Sailor Moon/Puella Magi Madoka Magica fic. It’s especially crazy because I’ve only seen a few episodes of sailor moon lol
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
lmao YEP
There's this one, like Ender's Game/Doctor Who fic I wrote and posted on FFN back in middle school. And it got a ton of hate, as far as I can tell mostly from the same person, talking about like, how bad and non-canonical and whatever it was. And when I migrated over to AO3, I reposted it there too. This was in like 2012. The migration, at least, the fic was written in... idk, 2010?
And then. In 20-fucking-19.
I got a comment saying "Terrible. Makes zero sense. It’s like the author threw canon out the window and took a shit on it." like lmao what??????
(for reference: https://archiveofourown.org/works/361723?show_comments=true#comments and https://www.fanfiction.net/r/7621672/)
(like what the actual fuck was this person on)
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Not any that I've been brave enough to post. And… also… nothing that I've actually written more than a few paragraphs on… I keep chickening out. I did recently make a deal with a friend, though, so… we'll see. If I do, it’s probably going to be quite dark, because that’s the kind of smut I like to read.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I sincerely hope not.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes!! See how the blackbird walks into russian and just recently In all your wanderings into french!!!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I've tried. It's never gone… especially well? I don't think any of them ever actually ended up complete, they all just petered out after a while.
What's your all time favorite ship?
I don't really have an "all-time favorite" anything, let alone a ship. I'm a horrible multishipper and I'm going to cause problems on purpose
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
Sigh. Probably my intricate, 30-something-k unpublished Silmarillion Helcaraxë fic. It has so many moving pieces. I know where most of them end up but it's going to take so much effort to get there
What are your writing strengths?
What are your writing weaknesses?
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Hm. Given that I mostly write fic for SF/F, I don't run into the "real life languages" problem a lot. I end up working with conlangs of various complexity, for the most part, and for those… I'll sprinkle in a word or two if it makes sense, especially swear words and stuff. But for most of those conlangs, grammar is… less well-determined than vocabulary, so I almost never do phrases, let alone full sentences. I'll just put it in italics (if the POV character understands it) or say "and they said something unintelligible in [x language]" or the like.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
I think………. let me check the dates on this. I think the actual first fanfiction I wrote was sometime in fifth or sixth grade, for this "Zenda" book series I read?? Either that or Harry Potter.
What's your favorite fic you've written?
A big shout-out goes to The Lichtenberg Figure, which I can’t believe is the only Tamora Pierce fanwork I’ve published, but for my favorite... it's gotta be Messenger. Like, looking back, there is a bunch about it that I am very not happy with, and a lot of things I think didn't come across the way I wanted, and things I would not write the same way now, years down the line, as I have very differently balanced understandings of… well, a lot of these same characters. But, fuck, I just can't let go of Mandalorian!Beru.
No pressure tags!! @apaladinagain @determamfidd @faeymouse @lumateranlibrarian (apologies if you’ve already done this one and I haven’t seen it!)
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