#also me: what if I made a drawing of only shoes?
tiktowafel · 16 hours
some 1b girl lineups so i can have all my little personal designs in one place :3 slightly inconsistent bc i drew them separately at first but fuck it we ball
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no clothes versions that i made for myself to use as templates (yknow so i can draw clothes on top of them without having to draw them over and over again) and showcase my general appearance headcanons
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how i think they like to wear their uniforms (looking at bakugo, UA seems pretty liberal about it so i get to have fun lol). obviously what they wear depends mostly on the weather but these are meant to be like,, their favorite combinations?
i really like the "long sleeve shirt with no blazer" look. kind of a shame no one in bnha seems to wear their uniform like this
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the most important part!! the costumes!! putting the notes under the cut bc they ended up kinda long
i like Reiko's canon costume a lot, i just decided to give her fingerless gloves and make her kimono long and tattered for the spooky vibes. i used to also draw it with a reversed (right over left) collar bc that's how they dress dead people and Reiko's meant to have this ghost aesthetic but decided against it this time because maybe it's more culturally inappropriate than i think?? idk its not that big of a visual change so i'd rather play it safe
Setsuna is wearing my own costume design that i explained fully in an older post. i still like it, i just gave her spike bands on her legs instead of the same thing she wears on her forearms bc i decided i dont vibe with the total limb symmetry anymore lol
i spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to think up a redesign for Kendo only to settle for her canon costume with extra bandages/cloth wraps (theyre cool) and ordinary combat boots instead of the ones she wears in canon (i just don't vibe with them). i guess sometimes less is more or whatever
Pony is wearing @doodlegraveyard's awesome redesign :) pastel cowgirl swag
Ibara's design is by m0chicakes, i still think its amazing
Yui's costume also takes a lot from doodlegraveyard's design, i just decided to try blue as her accessory color to distinguish her color palette from my Momo design
Kinoko's canon costume is just *chefs kiss* so the only thing i changed was the color of her shoes. her sleeves are short here bc i thought it could look cute for a summer version of her costume, the winter version keeps the long fluffy sleeves. her spray guns were pissing me off so i decided not to draw them but trust me they're here in spirit
i might post winter edits for some of these later :)
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pinkiemme · 1 year
✨ Fancy boots ✨
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nessa in the bun suit
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fahbev · 2 months
hey @sillysealll!! Im the anon who sent you this ask. I did in fact end up doing it.
So here’s my… I don’t even know what to call it? It’s not a redraw because I definitely traced it, but it’s also more than just a coloring job. I guess I can call it an edit?
Here’s my edit of the first page of sillysealll’s amazing kid gang au!
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and down here is the original ⬇️
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soooo… you may have noticed that I changed Jason’s outfit. That was by accident 😔. I misunderstood his clothes and by the time I realized, I was already committed. So then I thought… what if he’s just borrowing Dick’s hoodie? So I colored it red and here he is. Wearing Dicks hoodie.
also, I tried to keep with the original style, but by the time I got to inking that was kind of out the window bc I got super pen-happy.
Oh, also also! Nobody asked but this was my Batmobile ref (I flipped it)
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I gotta find a faster way of coloring— I literally traced your art and it still took me 11 hours
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poepill · 11 months
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happy belated valentines day quodo upon thee! originally posted on ao3 for the quodo minifest, this was my valentines for @chacusha, who organized the event! i had a ton of fun drawing them and im definitely looking forward to next year <333
+ bonus art based on the comic by Kate Beaton, Javert is in Slash Fiction:
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gorejo · 8 months
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▸ BOSS'S FAVORITE - gojo satoru (forbes30!gojo au)
what can you say to the boss's favorite customer when he comes five minutes before closing? Kick him out? Not an option, especially when he tips so well and has a rather cheeky motive to stay and get your attention.
content: 1.1k words. unedited. this is before the breakup! so, college forbes30!gojo. reader is his girlfriend, she/her pronouns. fluff! got this from an anon ask!! so nonnie if you see this, I hope you enjoy! also this is the shortest fic I've made in a hot minute! so be proud of me yall )) :
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"you're here again," you monotonously asked, deadpanning with a raised brow, crossing your arms while you leaned to one side.
“Yes, as you can see since I’m seated here to get my order taken.” he smiled amused by your baffled expression.
"your boss likes me," Satoru smugly responded while he sat back on his chair and crossed a leg over the other, his expensive shoes reflecting the cafe's dim lighting, "i came for him, so don't get mistaken," he teased with a childish smirk.
“And you know, that’s not a way to greet a valid customer. especially with my VIP status,” he huffed with the corner of his lip threatening into a smirk.
"And you know it's courtesy to not come into a store when we're just about to close," raising your wrist to look at your watch, “I don’t know like five minutes before closing.”
"well, don't blame me," he innocently batted his soft eyelashes, steadying his cheek on the palm of his hand, "I was waiting for my girlfriend outside and he so happened to kindly invite me in."
Gojo Satoru was your boss’s favorite. Not only did he effortlessly draw in customers, people curiously entering the cafe just for a closer look at him, only to end up buying a drink and some pastries to chill in the somber ambiance, but he also tipped generously — too generous to be even called a tip.
Those that walk by would do a double take when they would see the white haired man, tall in stature, dressed in a simple white shirt, and black slacks, and would reroute their steps hoping that maybe they were lucky to see him again.
Just by the frosty white of his hair, he gained attention — who wouldn’t stare at a handsome guy, covering his beautiful cerulean eyes with his notable sunglasses chilling on a seat looking through his phone, while he sipped on the most sugary drink the cafe had to offer.
The cafe was especially the busiest whenever he tagged the store on his socials. Flocks of his followers bombarded the store just to see a glimpse of their favorite college nepotism student, who happened to also be unapologetically haughty about his good looks.
And to his mercy, today, he graciously came just when the store was about to close — at least there won’t be a murderous amount of people trying to flock over. 
Because fuck capitalism.
Working on the weekends, and sacrificing your leisure to make money wasn't out of the norm. It was something most college students would do. Make a couple of bucks to comfortably buy that extra cup of coffee with oat milk, or go out with friends for some food or the club.
But for you, you had bills to pay. And it didn't help that your boyfriend was well outside your tax bracket.
He was kind and offered to pay for almost if not all the dates. But with exams rolling around, and your monthly rent just about due, you didn't have enough time to fit him into your schedule.
He never complained, simply worried that you were pushing yourself too harshly. Placing a kiss on your forehead as he tucked you into bed, or cradled you in his arms when he found you sleeping on the couch, he hoped that you could trust him — trust him enough with your burdens but he never pushed. Because he trusted you would come to him on your own time, when you were ready to invite him more into your heart.
So, he's found a rather cheeky way to squeeze some time to let you know he cares. It's just his way is not the most conventional one you could imagine...
“He likes you because you tip well,” you laughed while rolling your eyes.
Clearing his throat, "I know you like to talk to me because I am that handsome,” he opened up the menu and placed a finger to rub his chin while he “actively” tried to decide what to get, “but like I said, I do have a girlfriend and I would like to order please." He chuckled while looking up, giving you a boyish grin — the one that made your heart flutter despite how cheesy he was. 
At this point, it was disappointing how he still affected you. Flustered at his forwardness, you turned around, muttering as you felt a sudden heat radiate to your cheek. “Okay, then call someone when you’re ready.”
“No!” Immediately grabbing hold of your hand, a sharp screech on his chair scraping against the wooden floor echoing through the quiet cafe. He gave it a tight squeeze before he sat down, his puppy eyes pleading for you to wait, “I’m sorry… just, I- I’ll choose soon,” he mumbled, silently sitting back down.
"Okay, then… what can I get for you, Mr. Gojo." you sighed, shaking your head, looking at his fingers lightly playing with yours, “And didn’t you say you have a girlfriend? Not sure if she’ll like this if she saw, ” You smirked.
“eh it’s okay, she’ll understand,” He responded with a hum, “she loves me too much.” his thumb gently rubbed against your skin, the scales of the day’s stress flaking off the more his warm hands massaged yours. “but, give me a minute, gotta read through all the options.”
“You serious?... ” It was so easy to read through his actions — it was laughable, really. 
“Yes, this requires a lot of thinking,” quickly peeping at his watch latched on his vacant hand before humming exaggeratingly, “hmm…”
Tapping your foot, “Any minute now, that’ll be great, Sat —”
"Give me a couple of seconds please,” he stopped you, reading through each item, slow as a sloth — at most twenty items were on the menu, it shouldn’t even take an elementary student this long to read at his pace.
“Sure, whatever for the boss’s favorite, right?” you pursed your lips, your eyes forming faux crescent moons.  
“Oh, I got it!” he chirped, simultaneously closing the menu when you heard your boss off in the distance, shooing your other coworkers into the kitchen, “Let’s close up! Chop! Chop! The faster we finish, the faster we go home!” 
“I need to go help —” you tried heading to the kitchen, not wanting your coworkers to bear the burden of cleaning on their own.
“I'll get —" Gojo hummed, just about to say his order before you cut him off, his firm grip on your hand keeping you from leaving.
"the mochi with zunda, with freshly whipped cream and a side of strawberries to go with it, anything else?" you quickly retorted.
"Oh yes, maybe I can top it off…” elbows leaning against the table with his arms crossed, flashing you with his cheeky smile — the one that showed his teeth and the cute dimple he had on the bottom corner of his lip. 
“with a kiss, because you’re finally off the clock now, right?”
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author's note: he's so annoying but I love him to death so that's alright heh
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serotonins-stuff · 1 year
3am pregggy cravings
_____________ ❤︎ _______________
♡︎ Bnha boys
♡︎ f!reader
♡︎ Sypnosis: You suddenly get strong pregnancy cravings in the early hours of the morning
♡︎ Includes : Bakugo, Izuku, Todoroki , Aizawa, Hawks
____________ ❤︎ _______________
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_____________ ❤︎ _______________
(characters are aged up)
He shuffled in his sleep, while low grumbles and sniffles echoed from downstairs.
He guessed he was having a dream till the cries sounded way too real and familiar. He patted the space next to him, expecting to feel your warmth but it was empty.
He jumped up from his sleeping position in the warm blankets, shirtless and disheveled as he scrambled out of the bedroom in a panic. Concerns flooded his head but he had no time to stand and think.
Were you ok?
Why the hell are you crying?
He strumbled on various things in the dark, causing him to curse lowly but he moved on.
"Y/n!?" He half yelled, still hearing your sobs echoing through the house. The sound guided him to the kitchen downstairs, so he made sure to be cautious moving toward it.
He clutched a broom nearby, in case something bad was happening so he could prepare. Hell- he didn't even know why you were crying in the first place.
The kitchen was pitch black, although the pantry next to it was beaming with light. The alarm didn't go off which means you were safe.
He strolled into the pantry quietly and the sobs grew louder. He was temporarily blinded by the bright light but blinked repeatedly so his eyes could adjust.
And there you were, sitting cross legged on the floor while holding onto your big tummy.
"Shit-Whats wrong?" he rasped and squatted in front of you, holding onto your shoulders and looking over your features just to make sure nothing bad had happened to you.
"You hurt?" he asked and you shook your head no. "Is the baby ok?"
"Yeah" you cried. "The baby's fine"
Your face was tear-stained and your eyes a little puffy. The baby seemed fine, and you also seemed fine physically so what was the problem?
He positioned himself to sit behind you and placed his hands on your stomach from behind, rubbing it soothingly in hopes to calm you down. "Shhh," he cooed onto your nape softly.
Whatever he was doing seemed to work because, you had calmed down.
"This is gonna sound so stupid but-" you began talking "We don't have any of the food I'm craving!" You wailed in his arms.
Your husband's eyes widened at your mini rampage. He honestly didn't know where to start. "Listen I'll go get you some right now ok?"
He understood that your hormones were all over the place at the moment, so you couldn't control your emotions.
"I don't know why I'm crying so much over ice cream" you sobbed quietly "M'sorry Kat"
"Oi don't apologize for that alright?" He consoled you, still drawing soft circles on your enlarged stomach. "You've got our kid in there, and your hormones are all over the place right now"
He helped you up and guided you to the couch, wrapping a blanket around you and switching on the tv while he walked over to the door. " Call me if you need more stuff." he glimpsed back at you while searching for his cap.
He wouldn't want to be recognized by fans this late at night. Luckily there was a 24 hour convince store nearby your home, so he'd be back before you knew it.
He completed his look with a black face mask, not bothering to change out of his oversized tee and sweatpants.
"I'll be back" he stated, but before he left he made sure to glance at you once more to make sure you were ok but your eyes were glued to the tv screen.
He scoffed a smile as he closed the door and locked it. You had the spare key so it wasn't a problem. Off he was to the covience store.
He didn't take long, only about 15 minutes when the sound of his shoes and the opening of the door could be heard.
He headed over to you first thing and pulled out the food you've been craving the whole night.
"Thank you!" You beamed widely as you accepted it, already eager to open it. Katsuki exhaled a chuckle at your cuteness, flopping himself next to you on the couch and pulling out a tub of ice cream.
He brought another spoon for you in case you would want to taste some. You snickered at dramatic shows on the tv enjoying each others company.
Eventually Katsuki could feel the weight of your head on his shoulder. He peeked to the side to find you snoozing peacefully, some ice cream smeared across your lips and soft snores pouring from your nose.
He sneered back the grin that wanted to appear on his face, giving your stomach one last rub before getting you cleaned up and heading to bed.
_____________ ❤︎ _______________
"If I can just figure this out" Izuku mumbled from where he sat on the bedroom floor, holding his chin while he stared at the various papers scattered across the carpet.
He knew that you were fast asleep on the bed. You needed the rest as your belly grew each day, nourishing the little bean inside of you.
A shuffle from the bed made him freeze slightly. He didn't want to make any fast movements that would wake you up.
Once you had stopped moving he continued, but as soon as he turned his head away you called out to him.
"Izuku?" You rubbed your eyes "You still up?"
"Um-yeah I just had some work I had to finish" He rubbed the back of his head. feeling a bit guilty if he were the reason you woke up.
"Did I wake you?" He stood up and walked over to your side, leaning down behind you to rub your back.
"No you didn't do anything I just-" you sighed, not wanting to sound silly by telling him that you were craving something at such an early hour.
"Is it the baby?" he asked with slight panic, pulling the blanket down so he could come eye to eye with your stomach.
"Well yes and no"
He raised a brow in confusion.
"This is going to sound stupid but I'm craving some food " you looked at him apologetically.
"Hey" he held your hands and you turned around so your body could face him.
"Nothing you say is stupid" he smiled At you softly. "It's completely normal to feel what you're feeling and I don't blame you because you've got a whole life growing in there" his hands made their way to your stomach.
You smiled at how reassuring he was. This is exactly why you fell in love with him in the first place, he was able to make your troubles vanish just by flashing a smile.
"I'm going to drop some paperwork off at the agency anyway, so I'll get you some by the store alright?"
You nodded.
"Alright then, I'll be back soon" he placed a kiss to your cheek. "Do you need anything else?"
"I need you to eat it with me when you get back". You glanced at his tired features, he was working hard to make his agency successful but it was taking a toll on him.
He's more stressed than usual, and you only see him for a few hours a day because of his messed up sleep schedule. He promised that it would only be for this week, but it's only been 3 days yet you've been missing him like crazy.
He misses you too. He calls you everyday from work and sends a caretaker to look after you and the growing baby in your tummy while he's not around.
"Okay I promise"
_____________ ❤︎ _______________
He could feel you shuffling uncomfortably beside him. He was half asleep but woke up to check if you were ok.
"Love are you alright?" he rasped sleepily, wrapping his arms around you and rubbing your belly. His hot breath tickling your neck as he spoke
"Yes I'm fine Shoto" you stretched your legs.
"Are you craving something?" He asked and you looked at him in bewilderment.
"H-how did you know that?"
"You were staring at pictures at it all day, so I figured you'd crave it at some point" he rubbed his eyes and yawned "You also mumbled it while you were sleeping"
You squealed in embarrassment, covering your face with the blankets. Could you have spoken about food while you were sleeping? You could barely even remember what you were dreaming about.
This only made Shoto laugh lightly, you had such a cute reaction and he just couldn't help it.
"I can order us some right now if you'd like?" You heard him shuffle towards the nightstand, and the light from his phone blinded you temporarily.
"What store is open at a time like this Shoto?"
"There's a twenty-four-hour convenient store nearby that delivers," he said nonchalantly, tapping away at his phone "Looks like they have more than enough"
He proceeded to buy so much of the item that it was out of stock. You scolded him for that but he didn't have much of a reaction
Eventually the items you were craving arrived and you sat onthe bed together, devouring them.
"You are so amazing" you groaned in delight, taking another delicious bite.
"Anything for you," he said with a half-full mouth, also enjoying the delicacy.
_____________ ❤︎ _______________
"Shota" you whined, shaking the sleeping man next to you.
"Hm?" he answered almost immediately, meaning that he was probably awake for the whole time this early hour. You knew his insomnia bothered him, but he refused to take pills or anything like that because of the side effects they gave him the next day.
"Trouble sleeping?" He inquired cuddling up to you.
"Yeah I'm having really strong cravings right now" you sighed into his chest. "Insomnia keeping you up again?"
He hummed an agreement at your question, It was a bit difficult to cuddle with the little human between the two of you, but you were excited that soon you could meet your cute little chunk. Who hopefully won't cry throughout the night and keep you awake. You heard a conspiracy theory once that children could inherit that from their parents.
"Did you cry a lot as a baby?" You asked suddenly, playing with his hands that lay on your stomach.
"Never let my parents sleep a wink" he huffed, recalling the stories his mom would tell him. "My mom often called me the pub crawler"
You snickered loudly at that name "Pub crawler....seriously?"
You went silent and he knew you were up to no good "Don't even think about calling me that" he cut your thoughts off.
"You're no fun Shota"
"How would I take you seriously if you called me a pub crawler?" He deadpanned.
"I think it suits you considering you're up at this hour"
"Then I'm calling you a incubator"
Now it was your turn to deadpan. "On second thought I think Shota suits you better"
Shuffles could be heard from him when he slowly arose from your intertwined position on the bed. You pouted your lips at the sudden emptiness next to you.
"Maybe I could get some sleep if I get some fresh air outside" he rasped slowly, stretching as he put on his shoes "I'll go get your cravings from the store nearby"
"Let me go with you" you also sat up from your position but he halted you, placing the blankets nice and snug around your body while a chuckle of amusement left his lips.
"I appreciate the enthusiasm, but you need to rest"
"Party pooper as always" you rolled your eyes.
"I won't be long" he stepped out of the room, stopping in the middle of the doorway to wait for your reply.
"I'll see you then pub crawler" you smirked sheepishly before he breathed a chuckle and swiftly closed the door.
_____________ ❤︎ _______________
He had never panicked so much in his life.
He didn't even have time to think when he jumped out of bed shirtless with pajama shorts. Your soft sobs echoing in the living room downstairs. Luckily his feathers sensed your discomfort and that's what woke him up.
He jumped down the staircase gracefully, his wings making it possible for him to land softly.
His eyes caught your figure, sitting on the couch while the tv playing in the background. He walked up to you slowly, calling your name to not scare you by suddenly appearing.
"Keigo?" You sniffled and the couch dipped slightly next to you from his sudden weight. He hooked his arm under your legs from where he sat beside you, his other arm gently making its way to your back. You couldn't feel a thing when he lifted you into his arms. Cradling you on the couch as he also tried to figure out what was going on.
He smiled softly, sensing that it was just your hormones making you feel this way. "Is nugget keeping you awake?"
You nodded your head pointing to the tv. At first, he didn't understand what you were implying till he saw delicious food being made and eaten on the screen.
"Ah I have just the trick" he yanked out his phone, typing for a while before placing it down. "It should be here in about 20 minutes Peach"
He was expecting to see you smile and thank him for being the greatest lifesaver ever but was surprised to see tears still spilling out of your eyes as you looked away.
"C'mon talk to me" he clasped your chin so you could look at him.
The truth was that you felt bad for waking him up at such an early hour just for some food. You know very well that he has work tomorrow and he has to be up early.
"Keigo, I feel bad" you whimpered. For some reason, having a baby was making you cry at every single inconvenience. "I know you must be really tired from work and I'm over here ruining your sleep schedule for cravings"
"You have nothing to be worried about, you're waaayyy more important than work," he said making sure to exaggerate the way. "And if anything you're doing me a favor, I haven't been getting much food in because of everything that's been happening lately, so thank you"
He made sure to order some for himself so you could enjoy it together. Spending time with you and nugget makes him feel unstoppable.
"Being with you and nugget gives me extra strength to face the next day." He pecked you on the lips.
"I also think that your cravings might have affected me 'cause now I'm hungry" he deadpanned and giggled slightly.
He would do anything if it were to see that sweet smile all the time.
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korasonata · 1 year
So I work at a post office and somebody called me today and asked if they could ship fish to the US, and I wasn’t 100% sure, so obviously I went “let me just check the prohibited goods section of my shipping binder real quick”. Flipped all the way to the US section, found what I was looking for and sent them on their way. But of course naturally after they’d left I’d still had the book open, so naturally I was curious and decided to check it out, and let me tell you, there is some WILD stuff in this book.
•You’re not allowed to ship playing cards to Italy.
•Antarctica simply says refer to Australia. The epitome of logic.
•Andorra is just sad. You’re not allowed to ship artwork, drawings, books or toys of any kind, musical instruments, sheet music, cutlery, furniture, several types of paper, shoes??? It has the longest list of restrictions I’ve come across so far and it’s a country that has a total population of less people than my local college.
•Apparently you aren’t allowed to ship clothing to Ireland, but it only specifies men’s or women’s clothing, so like non-binary people stay winning.
•Only a handful of countries specifically mention that you aren’t allowed to ship asbestos, so like RIP to the rest of the world I guess.
•The US has some very specific things prohibited, including “a knife, gaff, or any other sharp object attached or intended to be attached to the leg of a bird for use in animal fighting ventures” ????
•Canada is the only country I have found so far that specifically states that you cannot ship hate propaganda, which I thought was nice. But then again, it also specifies that you cannot ship any beekeeping apparatuses, but do you know what you CAN ship? LIVE FUCKING BEES.
•There are several countries which seem to be in direct competition with one another, ie pairings of countries that have specifically stated they will not accept anything made in the other country and vice versa.
•You can’t ship things to China that were made in China.
I’m having the time of my life right now.
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rebelfell · 17 days
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eddie munson x fem!reader
"I want it to be urgent. Like you can't keep your hands off me."
Smut blurb featuring no *actual* smut, in which Eddie is doing his best to help you get over your ex. Cause that's what friends are for. Right? cw: drinking/smoking, references to sex acts.
18+ MDNI 2.8k
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“Alright, that’s it. I need another.”
The cushions of Eddie’s well-worn sofa bounced beneath you as he stood, sighing as he headed to the kitchen. His shaggy hair flew up as he glanced back at you with a playful twinkle in his eye that fully betrayed his attempt to sound irate.
“Can’t believe you talked me into watching this shit,” he added with a scoff, indicating the movie flickering on his television screen.
With a quiet giggle, you tucked your legs further up underneath you and squished deeper into your seat. The smile on your face only widened when he returned carrying two new bottles, one of which he passed into your waiting hand.
He’d successfully bribed you into coming over for a long overdue movie night by texting a picture of his fridge that was almost barren except a case of your favorite beer and a couple boxes of day-old pizza captioned, “how can you resist???”
Evidently, you couldn’t. Hence your arrival at his door not even an hour later, swathed in baggy sweats and a giant hoodie without a speck of make-up on your face. Your uniform of late.
“She lives!”
He bellowed in his mad scientist best, practically dragging you through the door to wrap you up in a hug so tight it threatened to crack your bones and made your lungs ache as they attempted to draw air—as if he thought he could wring the sadness out of you like a sponge.
Admittedly, it had been too long since you’d seen him. And not just him, but any of your friends.
For weeks now, you’d been using excuses of work and needing to catch up on laundry or cleaning to avoid facing them. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to see people. You just knew any attempt to hang out would only lead to questions about your recent break-up.
Questions you didn’t have the answers to, nor the mental capacity to tackle.
Eddie was a safe bet in that regard.
He’d always had what you could only call a morbid curiosity about your love life. If he asked about it, he did so in such a way that it made you feel like he was sort of dreading the answer? Like checking under a shoe to make sure a spider was really dead. You had figured that he of all people wouldn’t press you for too many details.
It was as close to a perfect evening as possible.
The remaining half of the joint you shared still sat smoldering in the ashtray on the coffee table. The two of you basked in the rosy glow of Christmas lights strung up on the walls he had yet to take down even as summer rapidly approached.
Beer and pizza sat in your belly, it and the weed only making the travesty of a bad movie you had basically bullied him into watching all the funnier.
You’d almost, almost, forgotten about your current tragic circumstances. And then…
“We can talk about it, you know,” Eddie said during a quiet stretch of the movie.
He instantly clocked the stiffening of your spine and the tensing of your shoulders he knew had nothing to do with the appearance of the killer following a side character down an alley.
“We don’t have to,” he went on, forcibly keeping his eyes forward like he was talking to the guy on screen now getting gutted, “I’m just saying if you wanted to, we could. Or we can just keep drinking and watching this garbage.”
With a laugh, he indicated the screen again.
The killer completed his deed and the wide shot revealed a painfully obvious dummy version of his victim lying on the ground beneath him. You were also pretty sure a boom mic dipped into frame.
It made you chuckle along with him and you turned your head, finding his doe eyes shining in that annoyingly endearing way of his that never failed to soften you to his whims.
“It wasn’t anything bad-bad,” you muttered, half talking to yourself. “He was just sort of…selfish.”
“Selfish how?” Eddie asked, brow knitting in confusion. “Like he hogged the covers? What?”
“No, like…”
Your cheeks burned as you stared at your hands in your lap, your thumbnail scraping against the pulpy label of your beer bottle that had begun to sweat profusely the longer it went un-drunk.
“Like in bed,” you said at last. “He didn’t ever go down on me, or do much of anything other than jump straight to fucking. And it was always over very…quick. Once he came, it was right back to business as usual. He wouldn’t check in with me or even me ask what I—”
Your voice wavered slightly and you clamped your mouth closed, forcing back the bitter taste suddenly filling your mouth. With a deep and steadying breath, you finished your thought.
“I just didn’t feel like a priority.”
The detached tone was one you’d been working on for weeks. You knew eventually you’d have to crawl out of the hole you’d banished yourself into and when you did, you would have to sound okay with the fact that you’d been burned yet again by another guy you foolishly got your hopes up for.
Eddie leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and lacing his fingers together. He shook his head, baffled by what he was hearing.
“Did he ever give a reason? I mean, did he…”
Eddie trailed off, not sure what he was getting at.
Because what kind of person had to be told to make their partner a priority? To make them feel important? Beyond just pleasure, beyond just making them come. How could anyone be lucky enough to land you and not do anything and everything they could to make it work?
His eyes bored into the coffee table, unable to lift his head to look you in the eye. It was hard for you to read the expression on his face. It looked like a cocktail of all the different things you had felt during your isolation. Anger. Sadness. Disappointment. Disgust. Pity.
“We talked about it.” I talked about it, you wanted to say. “But he wasn’t interested in changing, so I said we should end it. And we did.”
Your words seemed to hang in the air after you said them. Eddie stayed silent a few moments longer, seemingly deep in thought. The movie played on, but the words and pictures both sort of blurred into static neither of you were paying much attention to anymore.
“That’s awful,” he said at last. “I’m…I’m so sorry.”
Your eyes darted up, surprised by the softness in his voice. The soothing, calming reassurance thing was much more Nancy’s speed. You knew Eddie could be sweet, but it was always buried under a million layers of sarcasm the same way he hid himself behind the armor of his leather jacket and denim vest. By the look on his face, he’d surprised himself as well.
“He’s a fuckin’ loser,” he grumbled, almost angry. “You were right to dump him.”
“Maybe,” you sighed back, staring down at your lap again. The swishing of Eddie’s curls told you he was shaking his head emphatically.
“There’s no maybe about it,” he insisted, tipping his beer back to take a long swig. “If he doesn’t appreciate someone like you he doesn’t deserve to be with anyone, s’far as I’m concerned.”
The tiniest smile emerged on your lips when you heard the little southern drawl that crept into his voice whenever he got a bit worked up. It makes him sound like his uncle Wayne grumbling about the noisy neighborhood kids or “those damn bureaucrats with their burea-crock-a-shits.”
“Thanks,” you said, nodding weakly. “I know it was the right decision and all, I just…it all feels so fucking hopeless. Even if I find another guy who seems nice, who knows if he’ll stay that way? I don’t want to just fuck a bunch of frogs on the off-chance one of them is a prince.”
Eddie snorted, nearly spraying the sip of beer he’d just taken out of his nose as you went on.
“The worst part is I’m so, like…”
You shook your head as you laughed in disbelief, hiding your face with your hand as it flushed with heat at what you had almost blurted out. Were you really about to say this?
His brown eyes danced under arched brows. He smirked, daring you to say it. Fuck it.
“I’m so pent up, my vibrator is gonna file a complaint for hazardous working conditions.”
“Maybe you need a new vibrator,” Eddie suggested. Or someone new behind the wheel.
You shoved his shoulder playfully, wide smiles spreading across both your faces. He grabbed at your wrist, wrestling your hand away and bringing it towards his mouth, feigning like he was going to bite. Squealing giggles erupted out of you as you pulled it back and he gnashed at the air.
Breathless from laughing, you settled back into your seat and inhaled deeply a few times trying to catch your breath. Eddie brought his hands back to his lap and looked down, allowing a small smile at seeing your face light up like it just had.
He’d do anything to see you like that.
“I will say,” you started, absently drawing circles on the arm of the couch, avoiding his gaze as his eyes jumped to your face, “It would be so great to get, like…one good night. You know, just scratch the itch so I can think clearly for once.”
Eddie paused, mulling again.
What he meant to say was…what if it was with someone you knew? Someone familiar you were comfortable with? Someone you knew you could trust to take care of you? What if it was someone you had known a long time, who cared about you and would put you first the way you deserved?
But the words that actually came out were—
“I could do it.”
He knows that sound. That nervous, breathy little exhale that just came out of you. You blinked at him, stunned into silence as you tried to figure out if he was being serious. Eddie shrugged.
“I’m just saying, you don’t want to fuck a stranger. And I’m certainly not a stranger, so…”
He gestured vaguely at himself with his hands, a goofy little movement that had you rolling your eyes and tssing at him through your teeth.
“Eddie, don’t be stupid.”
“I’m not being stupid!” he exclaimed, only to stop and reconsider. “Okay, fine, maybe I am. But I'm also being serious. You’re my friend and I wanna help you out. However I can.”
“You seriously think…” You shook your head. “I mean, are you even attracted to me?”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “Come on,” he groaned, “is that even a question?”
“No, Ed, I’m serious. Really think about it.”
So, Eddie thought about it.
He thought about that two-piece you wore that one sticky-hot summer day when you all piled into he and Argyle’s vans and drove out to Lover’s Lake to swim. He thought about how he had to keep reminding himself not to stare and how his shorts got so uncomfortably tight until he had to fuck off into the trees for ten minutes to take care of himself. And how when he got back, he had endured everyone’s teasing about taking a shit in the woods—because he would much rather they thought that was what he was doing instead of jerking off in front of some voyeuristic squirrel.
He thought about the way your lips wrapped around the end of every joint he’d ever shared with you and how his heart would race when you asked him for a shotgun. He thought about that one time he was sick as shit and had that fever dream about you in a nurses outfit he’d torn off you piece by piece, kissing you all over your body until you were writhing underneath him crying out his name until he woke with a violent jolt and had to throw his sheets in the wash at 4am.
And now not only was he extremely sure he was attracted to you, he also had a significant piece of evidence to back up his claim.
“I think it’s safe to say I am,” he chuckled, shifting in his seat.
Your eyes flitted down to his lap and you inhaled sharply at the sight of his growing bulge and the piss-poor job his thin sweats did of concealing it. Your cheeks burned just thinking about it and you simply had to laugh at the absurdity. If only it hadn’t come out so breathy and nervous…
“What about you?” he asked, his voice lowering to a suggestive timbre as he scooted in closer. “Are you attracted to me? Really think about it.”
Your pulse thrummed as your eyes scanned him, taking in every detail. Cutoff sleeves that showed off his taught arms, inked all over with scratcher tattoos. Narrow hips sort of mesmerizing in the way they swiveled whenever he played guitar on stage. Fingers that moved dazzlingly fast over the strings and had made you wonder on more than one occasion what it might feel like for him to play Master of Puppets on your pussy.
It made your mouth flood with saliva, and other wetness gush between your legs.
“What if…we kissed?” he asked slowly, his eyes locked so intently on your lips you could almost feel the heat of his gaze on them. “Just to see? Just in case?”
In case of what?
You wanted to ask, but the words didn’t come. You were too breathless as he drew you in.
You’ve seen Eddie kiss girls before.
Whether it was out at a random dive bar after his band played, or some house party in a house you didn’t recognize. You’ve seen how he cups their faces in his hands, large grasp nearly engulfing their entire head. You’ve seen the way his eyes hooded and how that insufferably smug, knowing smile of his turns up the corners of his mouth as he goes in for the kill. You’ve seen how his fingers spread wide to cradle their heads as they gave into him and felt the way it made something stir, however briefly, deep in the pit of your belly.
But you’ve never been that girl. It’s never been your face in his hands or your lips parting, waiting for the touch of his. And now that it’s happening…you don’t have any idea why you waited so long.
His mouth is gentler than you thought it would be, his lips soft and smooth as two pink petals of some flower you can’t name. You can feel the distinctness of their shape moving against your own and can still taste the malt of your favorite beer in his mouth, but the combination makes it into something new—something unlike anything you’ve ever tasted before.
You can just barely feel the tip of his tongue swiping at the entrance of your lips and it’s purely instinctual the way you open up for him to grant him access. He moans softly into your mouth, a plaintive little noise that sets your blood on fire. Suddenly, you’re possessed. Fisting his shirt in your grasp, dragging him with you as you lean backwards and sink deep into the cushions.
“I take it we’ve got the green light?” he asks in a throaty chuckle.
You answer by pulling him into another kiss, tangling your fingers in the hairs that run along the nape of his neck, twisting his curls in your grasp as you tug him back onto your mouth.
His hand wandered downwards, dipping into your sweats to cup your heat over your panties, his two middle fingers stroking at the arousal gathering there. His touch is teasingly light and yet he has you held firmly in his grasp, just enough to have you mewling into his mouth seeking more.
“Tell me exactly how you want it,” he groaned as he peppered hot kisses along the column of your throat, his voice soft but solid. “I want it to be just what you need. Just how you like it.”
You swallowed hard, struggling to form coherent thoughts with his teeth nipping so sweetly at your neck, and all the rings on his fingers pressing into your skin as he squeezed the curve of your waist. And through the haze his touch and teeth and lips created in your head, you managed an answer.
“I…I want it to be urgent. Like you can’t keep your hands off of me,” you sucked in another breath, “Like I’m all you’ve ever wanted.”
Eddie’s head lifted and you tensed just slightly under his reverent gaze. His eyes drifted across your face, all round and glassy and searching, as if he was trying to memorize every inch.
And then, as immediately as he’d paused, he was burying his face in your neck again, body grinding into yours with a newfound sense of desperation as he growled out a single word,
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thank you for reading :) love you, mean it!
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kquil · 5 months
SUM : to help pay the bills and your tuition fee, you get a new job at an elite club where the tips are incredibly generous. you’ve met a majority of the clientele already but they don’t match the stranger who ordered a simple negroni
TAGS. : mafia au ; modern au ; muggle au ; mobster remus ; mafia boss remus ; bartender reader ; reader is a hard working sweetheart that must be protected! ; catching remus’ eye ; remus lowkey wishes he can be the one to do the protecting ; and maybe more ; for now, he’s a low key stalker ; but sexy… ; stalking is bad, don’t do it! ; this is just fiction! ; but hey! remus owns an elite club! wooooo! ; i don’t know how to feel about my interpretation of the marauders as mafia men/mobsters ; it’s growing on me… ; also, im casting peter pettigrew as Dane DeHan in this!
LENGTH : 1.5k
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It wasn’t as if you were new to the job; you had previously worked some years as a bar tender for a pretty well-established club, it paid well and managed to help pay for your rent and utility bills for most of your higher education years. However, all the built up stress and sleepless nights finally caught up to you. And you found yourself repeating a year, meaning that you needed to pay for your own tuition this year atop all the other monthly bills and necessities you keep up with. Perhaps it was the universe telling you that you needed to stop and change the direction of your life — you needed to choose an easier path, a doable path. But you were stubborn and also quite the optimist. So you kept at it, determined to finish what you started and earn your degree. 
Yes, it was a let down but you were still breathing. Life just gets hard sometimes. 
Thankfully, your past experience and phenomenal recommendation letter from your previous manager earned you another bar tending job at a very elite club, where tips were more than generous, considering the clientele composed primarily of the privileged class, some with multiple businesses under their belts, some who were phenomenal investors and some living off their parents’ money. You didn’t care to look too much into it, you were there to work and you were going to work hard and honestly. 
The patrons surprisingly had very similar tastes and so, you fond yourself making the same types of drinks repeatedly. It made the job a lot easier and you were able to focus more on your delivery and interaction with customers, leading to more tips. Times were rough after having to accept defeat with your studies and repeating a year with your own funding but things were looking up. If you keep at it, you’ll make it out alive. 
Your only complaint was the dress code. Make up was advised with a bold red lip but must be kept simple. You felt like a showgirl of some kind, squeezed into a high collar, white dress that came down to your mid thigh and with a low-cut, open back. The sleeves aren’t as long as you would like but, at least, you were permitted to use black kitten heel court shoe pumps as opposed to stilettos — your only saving grace, along with the higher salary and generous tips. 
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“Looks like we have a newbie working the bar,” Sirius points out, drawing all attention to your lively figure as you served drinks with a sweet smile and airy voice. A hum of curiosity vibrates through Remus’ chest and up to his lips at the sight of you, “certainly easy on the eyes, huh?” the tattooed, right-hand comments again as he looks towards the head of the table where Remus holds up his glass of Negroni. 
“Very… innocent— a sweet, pretty, little thing,” James comments on Remus’ other side, which Peter grunts at in agreement as he takes a sip of his whiskey-sour. 
“Looks like she doesn’t belong,” Peter nods before smirking and letting out a light laugh. The domino effect had James and Sirius laughing too as Remus smirks behind his glass before proceeding to down the rest of his drink. 
“Exactly your type, eh? Moony?” 
Sirius’ teasing comment is ignored. Instead, Remus calls for there server and orders another drink with an additional request that only confirms his smirking friend’s disregarded statement, “Have the new bartender personally deliver my drink for me as well,”
There was no higher authority that could dismiss the club owner’s personal request. 
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It was a strange request but you steeled your nerves and asked your fellow bartender to minister your unattended station while you made quick work on the order. It wasn’t unusual to receive requests like this from an isolated table that had privacy curtains for convenience. However, it was usually for drinks that you could make a show out of like a Holy Water cocktail, a Phoenix cocktail and even a Dragon’s Blood cocktail — a performance that you liked partaking in for the flammable aspect. But this was a Negroni. A cocktail of equal parts gin, saccharine vermouth and bitter Italian Campari. It’s a very egalitarian drink that was enjoyed by everyone, men and women alike, simple but elegant and definitely didn’t require a performance. Despite the odd summons, you were eager to fulfil your curiosity for who the client may be. 
With a professional smile, you place refined mix in the middle of your circular tray with it’s classic orange garnish and set off to the table. The standby server, who made the order, saw your approach and quickly announced your arrival through the small front opening, momentarily disappearing into the shadow of the curtains. He reappears a moment later and pulls the heavy drapes fully apart, to reveal the guests from beneath the, once, opaque shadows. 
To say that you were stunned was an understatement. 
It was pure luck that you didn’t stutter in your stride and spill the cocktail prematurely. At the table was seated four men, all dressed in suits and ties that were in various states of disorder. Among their collection of suits, you could spot Armani and Tom Ford, however, you were sure that their unconventional styles were not the way those suits were intended to be worn. 
One man with long, midnight-black hair and paper-pale skin had an array of mismatching tattoos littering both arms, revealed to you by his lack of a suit jacket and rolled-up sleeves. Another wore cute circular glasses and a cheeky grin with a suit jacket but no button up shirt and his chiseled upper body on full display. The last was a dirty blonde with piercing eyes and a deceivingly boyish smile. He had his ankle propped up on his opposite knee and several buttons undone where a tie should have been fastened over, his sleeves also rolled up as his suit jacket lay beside him.
It was the man at the head of the table, however, who stole your attention. If you had to guess who ordered such a simple but elegant drink, it would have to be him. He had his suit jacket draped over his broad shoulders and also had several of his top buttons undone, revealing some faded scars marked across his toned chest. His neat brunette hair and kind brown eyes gave him a deceivingly gentle appearance but his close company revealed a duplicity that caught and tensed your nerves.
You ignored the creeping goosebumps that prickled your skin, down from your toes all the way up to your ears. 
Just do your job…
“Gentlemen,” you addressed kindly with a slight tilt of your head, which they acknowledged with their own hums of acknowledgement, their eyes lighting up in subtle surprise at your actions, “I have an order for a Negroni,” you raise your tray with the drink and scan the four for some indication as to who the order belonged to. 
“That would be for me,” just as you suspected, it was the brunette with the kindest eyes but also the most ominous air. His voice is a deep and smooth lullaby, patient with it’s seduction on your senses. It was a trap that you resisted but are so hopelessly tempted to fall into, “Thank you, sweetheart,” he meets your eyes as you lower the drink into his large, outstretched hand. You notice how his knuckles and fingers are littered with scars also, some fresh, some faded with time and some hidden behind luxurious rings. Nevertheless…
He’s beautiful 
She’s precious 
“Not a problem,” you reassure with a soft voice, “have a good evening,” with your circular tray pressed against your side, you offer him an innocent smile and dismiss the butterflies in your stomach urging you to linger, “gentlemen,” you acknowledge the remaining three once more before offering another sweet smile. Turning on your heel, you leave the group and ignore the stares drilling holes into the back of your head.
She doesn’t know… 
Once you were out of earshot, Remus turns to his closest friends and most trusted colleagues. They all share a look, one that conveys a unanimous thought. It isn’t long before their agreement manifests into knowing smiles and a ring of laughter shared between them.
“Don’t get greedy now, Moony,” Peter chimes in as Sirius throws his head back with a barking laugh. 
“That’s not gonna stop him Wormtail, you know that; she’s a rare one,”  
“So what’s the plan, bossman?” James asks with a raised brow as he brings his drink up to his lips.
Remus doesn’t answer right away, he simply requests that the curtain remain open so he can fix his fond gaze on you for the remainder of the evening. The group already knew what to do and sat at the edge of their seats, awaiting orders eagerly despite their slack shoulders and composed expressions. Only they were able to observe the shift in the air between them; it became charged as soon as you entered their circle and slowly started accelerating, parallel to the climbing affection in Remus’ eyes as he watches you smile at customers while making their drinks. 
He takes a singular sip of his Negroni, bitterly sweet with a citrus edge. 
Heaven in a glass. And made by an angel. 
“I want a background check and profile put together immediately,” Remus finally orders, “I want to know everything there is to know about her,”
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A/N : i downloaded some fics and read some over the holidays and there some mafia/mobster aus and i couldn’t help but picture remus as a mob boss, i’m sure im not the only one to ever imagine this but goddamn! why is it so easy to imagine sweet, gentle, responsible remus like that?!
TAGLIST : @melinajenkins @aastonishment @until-i-found-you @corp0real @celestcies @lovelydoveval @inlovewithremusjohnlupin @calums-betch @futurecorps3 @hihihi1112 @simpingforthe80s @yrluvjane @chaosofmanyfandoms @storyofaromance @loving-and-dreaming @somewereinthegalaxi @ashreblogsficshere @cassandra-nerezza-black @stray-bi-kids @ttkttt @notasadgirlipromise @desikudisworld @volturissideslut @arilxup88 @rosalyn-s
595 notes · View notes
jayden-writes · 6 months
pairing: Lucifer x gn!Reader
wordcount: ~1.5k
genre: hurt/comfort, angst
cw: descriptions of an injury (sprained ankle)
summary: When you sprain your ankle, Lucifer doesn't appreciate your attempt at hiding it.
other notes: no name, Y/N or MC used // based on this drawing by @sbmlamb // AO3 // thanks again to @gravedwe11er for helping me so much with this fic!
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There was no doubt in your mind that you must have been the clumsiest being in all three realms. Twisting your ankle because you simply tried to keep up with the long strides of a demon? How utterly embarrassing.
Gritting your teeth, you kept following the brother that was escorting you back to the House of Lamentation today - Satan. It seemed as though he hadn't noticed the way you were falling behind or your minor accident at all, being too engrossed in his rant about something Lucifer had done.
Despite the mixture of pain and numbness radiating up your lower leg, you managed to catch up with him, maintaining a mostly normal expression and a steady gait. Turning his head towards you, the anger drained from his features as he observed you. He took in your carefully masked suffering and how your shoulders were heaving with the effort it had required to get back to him.
“I'm sorry,” he said, slowing his pace and giving you a worried glance, “I hadn’t realized that I was too fast for you. Are you alright? It looks like you’re in pain.”
Cursing yourself internally, you racked your brain for a believable excuse.
“I… uhm… I just have a stitch in my side. No big deal,” you explained, shooting him a reassuring smile.
Satan nodded and visibly relaxed at your words, returning his attention to the path. From that point on, the walk back was spent in comfortable stillness with him occasionally glancing at you. When you reached the mansion and entered, you exhaled a quiet sigh of relief and waved goodbye, heading straight for your room as quickly as you could without putting too much weight on your foot while still walking normally. Finally inside your own space, you hobbled towards your bed, sitting down to take off your shoe and sock, which jostled your ankle, and caused you to hiss in agony. Once it was bare, your eyes widened at the sight of it swollen and bruised.
“Fuck…” you muttered and attempted to move it, which only made the pain worse.
Suddenly, there were knocks on your door, startling you.
“Oi! It’s your turn to make dinner!” called Mammon’s voice out from the other side. Right. Of course. You had completely forgotten about that.
“Give me a moment!” you yelled back and you heard him disappear again.
Sighing, you removed the second shoe too, and slipped into a pair that had a looser fit to reduce the pressure on your foot. Then you limped towards the doorway, biting your tongue to stifle the pained whimpers threatening to escape you, and opened it. Peering outside, you looked to your left and right, checking whether someone was around. Satisfied at not seeing anybody, you stepped out and silently shut the door behind you. Making your way to the kitchen, you put as little strain as possible on the ankle.
Aside from being embarrassed about your clumsiness, you also didn’t want them to worry about you or for them to start treating you as if you were a fragile thing. You weren’t. You really weren’t. You were a human and they were demons. Surely, you would be able to handle this just fine on your own, and wouldn't have to rely on one of the brothers.
It took you almost twice as long as usual to get to the kitchen, but once you did, you immediately started gathering all of the supplies you needed to prepare the meal. Still, you stayed vigilant, closely listening for any noises so you’d know when to stop limping.
What you hadn’t accounted for, however, was the practiced silence of Lucifer’s steps. You didn’t hear him arrive, rather, you felt his presence, the way his crimson gaze burned into your back. It made the hairs on your neck stand up and you whipped around to see him leaning against the doorframe, his eyes narrowed and fixed on you.
“And what exactly,” he drawled, pushing himself off the frame to saunter towards you, “do you think you’re doing?”
“Cooking dinner…?” you replied hesitantly, although it sounded more like a question than an answer. His tall figure loomed over you, and you tried your best to maintain a casual position that kept your weight off your foot.
“Is that so?” he hummed thoughtfully, scrutinizing you. “What made you think that this was a good idea in your current state?”
“Huh? Come again?”
“You are hurt, are you not?” Lucifer’s voice was calm and collected, in contrast to the displeasure evident on his face.
“I’m not, I’m totally fi-” you began, only to be cut off by him saying your name sharply.
“Do not take me for a fool. Answer me. What made you think walking around with an injury was a good idea?”
“It’s my turn to cook dinner…” was your meek reply, and he simply sighed deeply.
“Seriously. You are incorrigible. I can’t believe you sometimes. Sit down. Now.”
Reluctantly, you obeyed him. He kneeled in front of you, reaching for your ankle, and pulled the shoe off with careful motions that betrayed the ire he was exuding.
“It’s just a bit twisted. I’m sure it’ll be fine by tomorrow, there’s no need to make a big deal out of this,” you mumbled, grimacing as you watched your swollen and bruised foot become visible again.
“Twisted, you say?” Lucifer echoed, his gloved fingers delicately grasping your injured body part as he examined it. At first, it was painful, but soon a soft glow emanated from his hands, providing a cooling sensation that dulled the ache. “It is not twisted. You sprained it, if not worse.”
“Oh…” you responded quietly. “Well, that’s not good, I guess?”
“Not good…” he repeated, shaking his head in disbelief. “That certainly is one way to say it. Especially considering that you have foolishly decided to keep straining it.”
Standing back up, he hooked one arm underneath your knees, wrapping the other around your back to lift you up. Your brain short-circuited for a moment as you were held against Lucifer’s chest. He was already halfway to your room when you managed to recover yourself and glanced up at his face to study his stern expression. Red eyes darted down to meet yours, and you flinched internally at the combination of anger and disappointment swirling in them, swiftly averting your gaze. Once he had entered, he placed you on the bed and made sure to elevate your ankle, then he turned to leave.
“Stay here and do not move. I will return soon,” he said gruffly, and with that, he was gone, leaving you alone. Defeated, you let your head sink into the pillow and stared at the ceiling. Eventually, the door handle was being pushed downwards, and heels clicked across the floor as Lucifer approached you, pulling up a chair to sit on.
“I will perform a quick diagnostic spell. It may cause an odd feeling, just bear with it for a minute,” he informed you matter-of-factly, and you gave an affirming hum, only briefly glancing at him to catch a glimpse of first-aid materials before looking away again. Mumbling some words under his breath, he grazed his fingertips over the swollen flesh, the leather of his gloves barely touching your skin. It was silent for a while and your foot prickled until he withdrew his touch.
“You are lucky. Nothing is broken, however, one of the ligaments is partially torn,” Lucifer explained plainly. “You will have to stay in bed and rest for at least a week.”
“A week?!” you exclaimed indignantly, propping yourself up on your elbows to look at him. “You can’t be serious! What about RAD? I have a presentation in two days!”
He huffed in annoyance and shot you a glare, taking out bandages.
“You have two options: either you will stay in bed voluntarily or I will have you tied to it. So, what shall it be, hm?”
Without offering a response, you sank back into the bed.
“Good. I’m glad you’re finally being reasonable,” he grumbled and started wrapping your ankle up carefully.
Turning your head away from him, you clenched your jaw tightly when the pain that he had dulled earlier with whatever spell he had used resurfaced temporarily. Lucifer heaved a faint sigh as he took note of your stubborn stillness and your tense posture. As soon as he was done, he put a cold compress on your ankle and sat on the bed next to you, the mattress sinking under his weight. He spoke your name; you didn’t respond.
“Come on now,” he whispered, his voice much gentler now, and he stroked a hand over your hair, “I am simply looking out for you, you know that, right? You are far too reckless with your health.”
“You’re one to talk,” you retorted, and pouted, but you turned your gaze back towards him, observing his softened expression as he hovered over you.
“Don’t deflect,” he chuckled, and cupped your cheek, leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead. “I will make up for it, alright? I am going to keep you company. Does that sound agreeable to you?”
“Fine…” you breathed.
“That’s my good human,” Lucifer cooed, tilting your face up to brush his lips against yours. “Now, rest.”
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apute11as · 6 months
Baby troubles - Alexia/Jenni x child!reader
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Summary: Mami and Mama have some big news to tell you, who knows how you’ll react.
Warnings:⚠️pregnancy, sickness, hitting, suggestive language.
Based on this request 🤍
Mami and Mama told you they had important news to share with you this weekend. You wondered what it was and why they couldn’t just tell you straight away but they’d insisted that they had planned a special day on Sunday, where they’d tell you the news.
It was currently Saturday and you were excited as you were spending the day with Tia Alba and Abuela. Alba had taken you to the park whilst Abuela was preparing lunch and you’d bumped into Mami and Mama’s teammate Irene and her son Mateo. Mateo was a good friend of yours as the two of you often ended up playing together with his other mom when Alexia, Jenni and Irene were training with the national team.
The two of you played together for a while whilst Tia Alba sat on a bench and talked to Mateo’s mothers. After a little while, Tia Alba called you and told you it was time to go back for lunch.
When you got home, the smell of food instantly hit your nostrils and you bounded inside to see what was for lunch. To your delight, Abuela was cooking up Tortilla Española which was your absolute favourite. You’d also spotted Panellets in the oven which made your excitement grow even further. Normally, Abuela only made them on special occasions but you welcomed the change.
“Hola Bebé how was the park?” she greeted you with a smile
“So good Abuela we saw Mateo!” You beamed
“Yes we did she was a very good girl!” said Alba
“Ah well that’s good because good girls get dessert!”
“Si si I am so good!” You shrieked with excitement.
Lunch was nice and dessert was even nicer. You spent the rest of the afternoon playing games and watching a movie with Tia Alba. The two of you were snuggled up together on the sofa when the doorbell rang. Abuela went to answer it, and was met with the two stressed faces of your Mama and Mami.
“Hola Mami how has she been?” Questioned Alexia, leaving a kiss on her cheek.
“She’s been good mija don’t worry it’ll be fine, how are you feeling?” she questioned her oldest daughter, hand placed on her flat stomach.
“Fine Mami stop fussing please” said Alexia shaking off her mother’s hand.
“Hola Eli” said Jenni from behind
“Hola querida” she said greeting Jenni with a hug and kiss to the cheek.
“Mama! Mami!” You yelled, racing toward them and wrapping them in a group hug!
“Oh mi amor” said Alexia picking you up and hugging you further.
“Careful Ale” warned Jenni as Alexia carried your weight on her hip
“It’s fine Jen and hush she doesn’t know” urged Alexia
“She won’t know what I mean” scoffed Jenni
“She’s also got ears and an annoying habit of repeating stuff so I’d drop it, both of you” added Alba gesturing to you.
“What’s going on?” You asked, confused
“Nothing bebita are you ready to go home? Go find your shoes and bag, Mami can help you” suggested Alexia.
“Mami can help can she?” Asked Jenni with a raised eyebrow.
“Si she can unless she wants me to have to bend over and carry her heavy rucksack?” said Alexia raising her own eyebrow.
With a sigh, Jenni silently agreed and began getting you ready to leave.
“Whipped” said Alba with a laugh that earned her a smack from her sister and mother
Once you made it home, Mama cooked some dinner whilst you and Mami sat on the counter drawing a picture each.
“Would you like to help or keep drawing your flowers like the child you are?” Alexia questioned Jenni
“I’ll keep drawing thanks for the offer babe” teased Jenni
“You’re insufferable you know that” said alexia waving a wooden spoon in Jenni’s direction
“Oh but you love me” she replied, standing up to hug her wife from behind.
“Maybe a little bit” huffed alexia
“Mmm only a little bit” hummed jenni, kissing her neck softly.
“Ay no not in front of the baby” hissed Alexia swatting her wife with the wooden spatula, causing you to erupt into a fit of giggles.
“Oh spanking with a spatula, that’s something I could get on top of or underneath your choice babygirl” retorted Jenni with a suggestive wink, hands wandering over her wife’s body.
“Oh! My! God!” Pleaded Alexia, smacking her again after each word. “You are disgusting Jenni Hermoso! What if she repeats your words at school or to my mother huh? What would we do then” she urged
“Ugh fine you’re right sorry bebita” Jenni replied, kissing Alexia’s cheek with a grin before holding a hand out for you to high-five, which you gladly did.
“Seriously you’re teaming up against me now” Alexia said with a sarcastic pout. “I hope the next baby is on my side” she smirked.
“Ale!” Hissed Jenni at Alexia’s comment on the baby.
They hadn’t told you yet and had planned a way of telling you tomorrow, that would ensure the best reaction out of you.
“No next baby!” you shouted
“Ay why no next baby?” Jenni questioned, her gaze flickering between you and her wife’s glossy eyes that looked as though they might burst into tears at your comment.
“Our family is a 3 and girls only! We can’t have a boy baby in it!” you announced
“What about a girl baby?” Jenni pushed further
You thought about it for a minute. A girl baby might be acceptable, you could share toys and play dress up together! But you’d have to share Mami and Mama and you wouldn’t be their little baby anymore.
“No no girl baby! No boy baby! Just me, you and Mama!” You spat
As if on cue, Mama burst into tears beside you.
“Oh Ale, hey don’t cry she’s not thought about it properly” Jenni pleaded, wrapping the younger woman in a hug, allowing her to cry into her shoulder.
“Why is Mama crying?” You asked confused and worried as to what had happened.
“She’s gonna be ok bebé why don’t you go put the tv on for a bit?” Offered Jenni, still holding a tearful Alexia.
“No! Why is mama crying?” you insisted
“Should we just tell her now?” Jenni questioned
“She will… hate me” Alexia hiccuped between tears
“No mi querida she won’t she’ll get over it eventually and she’ll love having someone” Jenni comforted
“please tell me Mama, no hate you never!” you said jumping out of your seat and joining the hug.
Mami picked you up and placed you onto her hip, wrapping an arm around a tearful Alexia and guiding her to the living room. She sat down and pulled Alexia to sit beside her, manoeuvring you onto her lap.
“Bebita we have some important news to tell you but please don’t be mad or upset okay?” Jenni began
“Okayy…?” You frowned
“So do you remember all the needles Mama kept having to put in me every night?”
“Yes they were scary I don’t like needles” you gagged
“Well those needles were from a special doctor and they put something in me to make eggs”
“Eggs?! Your special doctors gave you scrambled eggs needles?” You blurted loudly
Jenni couldn’t help but smile at your obliviousness.
“No mi amor not scrambled eggs, special eggs and when these special ‘scrambled’ eggs from my body are taken by the doctor, the doctor mixes it with something special. Then the doctor put them into Mama” she explained
“I don’t get it” you said with a nose scrunched in confusion.
“Well these special eggs made a little tiny baby in Mama and then after 9 months a little baby will be born” she continued cautiously
“And then you and Mama will give the baby back to the scrambled egg doctor?” you questioned. Jenni felt Alexia tense up and dig her fingernails into the hand she was holding at your comment.
“Well no, this is what we did with you but the other way around. We used Mama’s eggs and my belly and then we had you, so we keep the baby and it’s your baby sibling, how’s that?”
“No don’t want a baby sibling! Give the baby back to the scrambled eggs doctor!” You yelled, smacking your Mami’s arm and running off to slam your bedroom door behind you.
“I told you” Alexia whispered before beginning to cry again. Jenni pulled her onto her lap and began carding her fingers through Alexia’s hair.
“She’ll come around bebita don’t worry” Jenni offered
“How can I not worry Jenni she hates me and she hates the baby, I wish we’d never decided to have another” sobbed the blonde
“No no Ale don’t say that, she’s going to love this baby, we just need to have a proper chat with her ok?” She said kissing her wife’s forehead and wiping the tears away with her thumb pads.
“Okay we can try” Alexia gave in
You’d ended up falling asleep after your outburst, so Jenni and Alexia decided to leave you be and retire to their own bed. Jenni had run a bath for the both of them to destress and had then held Alexia until the two drifted into sleep.
Alexia awoke bright and early the next morning as she felt a wave of morning sickness overtake her body, she sprang out of bed and threw up violently into the toilet bowl.
“Oh bebé” Jenni sighed in empathy, remembering when she was pregnant with you and how awful the sickness felt.
“Sorry I woke you” replied Alexia stiffly
“No amor don’t apologise, do you want some water?” questioned the older woman
“Si por favor” replied the blonde
“Ok I’ll be back in a minute bebita” assured the striker, bending down to kiss the midfielder on the head, before making her way into the kitchen.
Jenni grabbed a glass out of the cupboard, and filled it with cold water from the fridge. She was just about to make her way back to the bedroom to give it to Alexia, when she felt a small tug on her sleep shirt.
Glancing down she was met with your small form, clutching your old baby blankie and looking up at her with big eyes.
“Hola pequeña in just getting this for Mama and then I’ll come back and see you okay?”
She questioned
“Sorry Mami, I made Mama cry I didn’t mean to.” You pouted, eyes wide
“Hey it’s ok Bebita” she comforted, placing the cup down on the side and hoisting you onto her hip. “How about you come with me and you can apologise to Mama?” She questioned picking the glass back up and moving you into one arm.
“Okay Mami” you smiled
Jenni walked carefully into the other room, you helping her by opening the bedroom door, as she had no hands left from carrying both you and the glass of water.
Upon entering the room, you were surprised to see your Mama hunched over the toilet, face pale, body slumped.
“look who I found on the way” Jenni said putting you down on the floor outside the bathroom and placing the glass on the floor next to her wife.
You stood watching shyly from the doorway, flinching as your Mama threw up into the toilet bowl.
“Mama are you sick?” you asked timidly, sucking at your blanket.
“No mi amor, I’m ok” she replied, exhaustion evident in her voice
“Why’d you throw up?” you asked
“Because I’m growing a baby in me and sometimes the baby makes me feel a bit sick so that it can grow properly”
“Baby hurt you?”
“No not hurt me just make me a bit uncomfortable that’s at all” she said sipping her water slowly
“Oh ok, when I was in Mami’s belly did I make her sick too?” you asked innocently
“You definitely did, I was up every morning throwing up when you were in my belly” laughed Jenni as she rubbed soothing circles around Alexia’s back.
“Will you love this baby more than me?” you asked quietly
“No bebé where did you get that from?” Asked Jenni
“Well a girl at my school said that she got a new baby brother and then all her family were so excited and gave all the attention to him when he was born.” you explained. “I don’t want a baby sibling because I don’t want you and Mama to forget about me” you said, pouting sadly
“Oh mi amor we would never forget about you, we won’t love you or the baby more than one another” stated Jenni, moving to wrap you into a hug.
“Will baby share my toys?” You asked
“A little bit but we will also get baby some new toys, is that okay with you?” Asked the striker
“Yes I can share with baby” you smiled “sorry for shouting at you Mama” you said moving to hug her.
Alexia attempted to stand up to meet the hug but stumbled back down, forgetting that she’d just basically thrown up her entire stomach lining and likely had no energy left. Jenni moved to catch her before she fell back down, before picking her up bridal style.
“Alright cariño we’re going to take you to the bed okay?” Jenni asked the blonde who was draped limply in her arms.
“Gracias amor” she replied weakly
“We are gonna take care of you and baby Mama!” you assured her
“Thank you Bebé te amo mucho” alexia smiled at you
“I love you and Mami too and I will love my baby sister too”
“Or brother” Jenni chimed in
“Fine maybe a baby brother is allowed” you replied causing the pair to laugh at your answer.
Thank you for reading, I’m finally working my way through requests 🤣
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snzhrchy · 2 years
Hi hru 👋🏾
I have a request for Wednesday on Netflix maybe you could write xavier and the reader having a fight and then he suddenly kisses the reader. Only if you want
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xavier thorpe x fem!reader
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synopsis; you’re just concerned about your boyfriend’s issues but it leads to a terrible argument between you two yet you both still long for eachother.
warnings; none :)
taglist; lmk if u wanna be on it !
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Ever since the arrival of Wednesday Addams in Nevermore and the unfortunate expulsion of Rowan, your boyfriend, Xavier Thorpe had been acting rather, unusual, to say the least.
Yes, he did lose his roommate and he was being tormented by frequent nightmares of a creature — it was enough to make one lose their sanity. Yet today, in particular, he was acting odd.
You noticed that today, he was feeling uncomfortable, bothered by the slightest conversation, as if he were scared. He also was making an attempt to cover his neck either with his collar or hands. You observed that the reason as to why he was hiding his neck was due to the large red scars that were planted on it — worst of all, they were fresh. They looked as if a creature had attacked his neck as it appeared that maybe claws were the cause of it.
You overheard him informing Wednesday that the scars were due to fencing class yet you knew him better than anyone — he wasn’t that careless to get injured so terribly in fencing. It was probably due to another cause.
Eventhough, deep down you knew you shouldn't inquire him about his latest injury something had urged you to question him about it. You wanted to know why he looked and felt so terrified. After all, you were his girlfriend, shouldn't you have a right to know?
Reluctantly, you made your way to his art studio which was an old shed he had cleaned out. You knew he was in it due to the slow hum of the music you could hear from the outside and the small light rays that penetrated out of the shed's windows.
Xavier would visit the shed whenever he was in distress. Lately, he'd been visiting it quite often as he was tortured by all his horrifying dreams and the events occurring in Jericho. The rumours of the creature in the woods weren't helping either.
One, two, three. You knocked thrice onto the door, patiently waiting for the man inside to let you in. After a few moments on waiting, the door finally opened to reveal an anger-stricken Xavier, who leaned against the doorway of the shed.
His palms were coloured in different shades of blue and red, indicating that he was painting. Whereas his eyes were both avoidant of your gaze. He kept glancing at his shoes, not even bothering to greet you — other times, he'd let you in, showing off anything new he had painted.
You broke off the awkward silence with a small cough, 'can I come in?' you lightly asked as you attempted to smile at him. Still not meeting your eyes, he replied with a simple 'sure,' and moved out of the way so that you could enter.
You looked around and were horrified at the sight of the inside of the shed. Nearly every corner was filled with sketches, drawings and paintings of the creature - some scribbled messily while others were decorated in detail. You now knew that his nightmares were only getting worse even with his multiple therapy sessions, he still wasn't getting any better.
'So what do you want?' Xavier asked with no emotion. You turned to look at him after finally tearing your eyes away from the gnarly pictures he had drawn. 'I just wanted to check up on you, see how you're feeling,' you replied, 'I noticed your scars and I wanted to ask you...' you trailed off, unsure of how to continue since you noticed that his expression hardened.
'Why? So you could blame me for all the murders?' he snapped. You had no idea what Xavier could possibly mean by that statement. Did someone blame him? Was that he was feeling so sour?
'No, I don't blame you at all and you know that. I was just here to check up on you and-' before you could finish, you were cut off by Xavier: 'well, I don't need you checking up on me, I'm perfectly fine. Stop pretending like you ever actually cared,' he shouted.
All the worry you had about him left you immediately, you yelled back at him as he yelled at you. You both were shouting back and forth, throwing cruel words at eachother. Until, you had had enough. Your eyes and cheeks were now stained with tears, your lips were bleeding due to you biting them aggressively and you wanted nothing more than to leave.
His harsh words were enough for you to finally leave his shed, filled with rage and sadness. Clearly, he was not feeling alright and took out his anger on you. You were just trying to check up on him, what could've caused him to feel like this?
To be honest, you were angry at him, terribly angry. You stormed into your room, trying to block off any thoughts you had about him. Yet you couldn't since no matter how foolish he acted, you still liked him.
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Rave'N was suppose to be a fun and eventful night for any outcast. Well, any outcast except for you. Ever since your argument with Xavier, you didn't bother talking to him, even when he attempted to apologise to you.
You went with your friend and roommate, Yoko and instead of moping over Xavier, you decided to actually enjoy yourself. It was a party after all, you were suppose to enjoy yourself here. The drinks and loud music were finally making you forget all about Xavier.
After a couple of drinks and a few dances with Yoko, you were finally exhausting yourself. Tearing away from Yoko and the dance floor, you finally sat down on a table you presumed to be empty to rest a bit before going back.
'I see you're enjoying yourself here,' a familiar yet unexpecting voice called — the last voice you wanted to hear right now. Sighing, you turned to look at the unwelcomed face of Xavier. You raised your brow, 'So? It's a party,' you replied, not even bothering to pay attention to him.
'Hey listen...' he began as he sat himself next to you. You knew what to expect, for the past few days, Xavier had been attempting to apologise to you for his harsh words yet you didn't bother listening to any of his apologies; most of the time, Yoko would just tell him to leave.
You sighed and turned to look at him, 'you've told me that same apology multiple times but you have to realise that I was really hurt by your words... I was just worried.' This was probably the longest conversation you both had this entire week.
'Xavier, I understand you were hurting back then but I just kinda wished you ta—‘ before you could finish your statement, you got interrupted by a pair of lips on yours.
It was a surprised gesture but you reciprocated it almost immediately; you missed this so much. You’d never admit it but you really did miss Xavier loads. Just by kissing him, all the events of the past few days were lost; you just wanted to be with him.
Once you two pulled apart, Xavier looked at his shoes, avoiding your gaze again — it looked as if he was embarrassed of his actions.
‘I’m really sorry about that, y/n. I shouldn’t have done that,’ he stated apologetically. Deep down, Xavier longed for things to go back to the way they were. He felt upset and he missed you so much.
‘Hey, it’s alright. I’m kinda over it besides, you were just on edge back then; we both said things that we regretted. I understand,’ you gently spoke. Xavier looked at you with hopeful eyes yet he didn’t utter a single word.
The last thing Xavier expected you to do was stand up and offer your hand to his, inviting him onto the dance floor.
‘Come on,’ you said as you happily dragged him to the dance floor.
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thebestandrealestever · 11 months
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miles1610/hobie brown x black fem! reader
sum: miles cheats on reader w gwen, reader gets even 🤷🏽‍♀️
warnings : slang, the n word, cursing, cheating . emotional cheating. READER BEING PETTY unedited and not proofread
genre: angst, a lil of comfort?
a/n:i rly hope it don’t disappoint, part 2 w miles and reader make up eventually, cause i can’t stand writing miles as a dickhead. JUST A STORY, I DONT CONDONE CHEATING, DONT THIS TO PEOPLE.
- - - - - - - - - <\3 - - - - - - - - - -
first time in a long time.
hurting deeply inside .
there it was. the confirmation you so desperately needed to blow off on miles. you’d suspected he was messing with gwen for a little while now, him leaving you too go on missions with her that ONLY they knew about, being on facetime with her while he was at YOUR house, his highlight on instagram for her, not to mention the countless drawings of her around his room that he hid horribly, just a bunch of weird shit. you had conversations about it before but he always reassured you and gaslit you until you shook of the accusations. but now, now you knew he was cheating. miles was in the shower he left his phone on the nightstand, you looked long and hard at it. debating whether if it was a invasion of privacy, as you thought about it you get more and more upset. if gwen could be an invasion of your relationship then this didn’t really matter. you pick up the phone and put the password it, it’s his birthday (narcissist 🙄.) you go to gwen’s message thread, the blue heart next to it made you infuriated. your stomach twist and your eyes leak with tears that you don’t even try to wipe not wanting to miss anything. all of the “i love you’s” and the “im with her right now’s” made your fingers tremble as you scrolled farther into their text. why did he waste his time with you if he loved her? why would he do that to you? when did he fall out of love? what did you do? your thoughts quickly interrupted by the sound of the shower turning off you jumped up turned the phone off and put it in the same downward facing position wiping your face speed walking back to the bed pretending to watch tv.
“what’s going on now , ma?“ he asked referring to the episode you were watching. your face turned as you came up with a lie. “uh nothing really they just found out she was pregnant” you huffed, you’ve never been a good liar and miles could read your emotions like they were his own, you had no idea how you were going to go the rest of the night with him, so you didn’t. getting up from the bed you acted like your mom texted you to come home, frowning looking at the fake text. miles squinted at your pout, walking closer to you he said,
“you okay?” “my mom said i had to come home, she’s going out tonight and wants me to watch my sister, she’s sick” miles fake frowned “you want me to come with you?” he suggested walking to his drawers to get some clothes. you shook your head no “i don’t want you to get sick, it’s fine i’ll just facetime you okay?” you said as you picked up your purse and put on your shoes. “okay at least lemme drive you home. can’t have my baby walking alone in the dark.” he joked as he put on his own shoes and jacket too. you internally cringed at his sentence reminded of who he also called his “baby”.
trust, trust who?
watching my back even when i’m in the booth.
ohh, trust who?
you’re in the passenger seat of his car, seeing the blue hair tie in the cup holder that wasn’t yours. you stared at it for a bit rethinking your entire relationship. he glanced at you, then the hair tye. he spoke up rubbing your thigh trying to get your mind off of it. “u wanna go to the mall tomorrow? we can get froyo.” he suggested knowing that you liked the froyo place in the mall, you knew he was trying to make you happy so you wouldn’t question the hair tye you just went along with it.
“yea okay.” you smiled warmly at miles not meaning it at all. his phone buzzed and you both looked down at it, the speed of which he grabbed it in was almost inhumane. you side eyed him closely as he swiped the opened the message then turned his phone off placing it into the cup holder facing away from you. as you pulled up to your house he leaned forward to peck your cheek, you couldn’t stand the feeling of his lips on your skin right you. “bye mami, facetime me later okay?” he whispered as he looked into your eyes with that same look on his face that made you swoon once before. “okay, i will” you said knowing you weren’t. as soon as you got into your room you cried, searching in your mind for a clue on why he was doing this to you. you’d tears interrupted once again as your phone buzzed, who was calling you and why couldn’t they go away ?? you checked it as a small smile speared on your face it was margo. margo kess had been your best friend since before you met miles, she worked at the same spidey agency he did , or whatever the fuck it was called. you answered wiping your tears. she was eating unti she saw your expression. “what happened??? why you crying boo?” she frowned at you through the screen “miles is cheating on me with gwen, i checked his phone” you chuckled through sniffles as her jaw dropped “what the fuck?? u exposed him his ass right ??” she shouted and you shook your head “i was in denial i guess, i still can’t believe this shit” “you know what you gotta do right?” she said and your face turned into a confused expression “what i gotta do?” she rolled her eyes “get even duhhhhh!! you way to pretty to let this nigga cheat on you with a big back ass bitch you know that.” you snorted at her compliment “ion know mar, maybe gwen didn’t know we was dating” you said trying to express grace to gwen.
“bitch how?? all that nigga do is talk about you, not to mention youre his lock screen.” you tilted your head in agreement, she spoke up again “and you been told his ass all that shit he did with gwen was weird and he didn’t stop it? if he wanna act nonchalant you can act notchabitch” margo smiled as she her attempt to cheer you up worked. “speak of the damn devil, guess who texted me.” you smirked as margo raised her eyebrow “don’t tell me you talm bout hobie.” you tried to fight the smile on your face as you clicked on his message
“hey, wyd rn?” the text read. margo sighed as she saw the smile on your face “HOBIE. HOBART BROWN?? really (name)? well i mean the way he looks at you is crazy, and i been saying y’all would be mad cute .” she shrugged as she resolved up her own feelings, you nodded as you thought about it . was this really what you wanted to do? hurt miles? nonono if he didn’t care about hurting you he can’t say shit when you do it back. you texted hobie back “nun rn, wby?” and he replied almost instantly “im bored, lemme come over?” you almost laughed at how you realized that hobie has never cared about your relationship with miles . you told him yes and you said your goodbyes to margo as you got ready for him to come over, eyes burning as you saw the multiple hoodies that miles owned .
“hey love.” hobie said as he walked into your room from the window, you always noticed hoboes accent but you never noticed how attractive it was until now. “hey hobie.” you said as he lifted your chin up with index and thumb. “you’ve been crying? what happened ?” he said trying to read your face. “um nothing just stuff with miles” he almost winced at the mention of miles, he would offen tell you that he wasn’t good for you, guess he was right. “what did he do now. something when gwen again i bet” you sighed deeply remember the messages in his phone again. “yea, he’s cheating i just found out.” hobie eyebrows furrow as you say this, if he didn’t like the way miles was treating you before, he definitely hated him now.
“i was just joking but, really? what the fuck? after everything you’ve done for him? i’m gonna murder him i swear to g-“ “hobie no, no don’t say anything. i’m fine i’m gonna deal with it myself.” you say pushing him back with your fingers. “at least let me make you feel better.” he said giving you a tight hug. he smirked as he said “you know i’d never make you feel like that.” you snorted into his chest pulling away, hobie grabbed your face with both hands and kissed your forehead. “you don’t deserve this ,(name) you deserve the entire world” he muttered , looking down at you with so much care. stand on your tipe toes to kiss hobie, he doesn’t kiss back for a while in shock but then he reciprocates it and you know you shouldn’t do this, that’s the exact reason why you did it anyway . you pull away looking up into his deep brown eyes, you needed this, comfort from someone that wasn’t hurting you. someone that wasn’t him. he kissed you again more aggressively this time. he pulls away this time only to catch his breath. he pecks your lips once , then twice. he smiles at you then walks to the bed and turns on the tv, you thought it was weird but you also didn’t want to talk about it, and definitely didn’t wanna do anything further. after watching tv with him at a uncomfortable distance you decide to address the elephant in the room.
“so, we not gon talk about that?” you turn off the tv before turning your head to look at him and he does the same “we don’t have to, you know i like you. but i don’t think you need that tonight, i think you just need me here.” he said and honestly, he was right. even though he had you all the way fucked up onna tuesday, you still loved him. you just nod at hobie and he kisses your cheek wrapping his arms around you so he’s spooning you, the way hobie is holding makes you think that he’s the only boy in the world. he falls asleep and you lie awake looking at the ceiling, you decide to go on instagram looking at people’s story until you see gwen’s story, it was a picture of her and miles in his car her feet up on the dashboard, the same car you were just in, the same car you had your first kiss in. that’s not even the half of it, the picture had a “besties” caption on it but you could tell from 20 miles away they were far from that. you take a picture of hobie asleep and post it, tagging him too copying the same caption as gwen had. after maybe 20 minutes miles replies to it “wtf? why are you letting hobie touch you like that? and i thought u had to watch your sister” “and i thought you and gwen were besties?” you reply back sending him the screenshots you send to your phone if gwen and miles text he starts blowing u up like crazy but you put your phone down and snuggle closer into hobie, maybe you could get even.
doing my own thing,
i’m down to come clean,
not like you.
lmk wat u think 😭.
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diorctrl · 3 months
OH NO! I ACCIDENTALLY FELL IN LOVE WITH YOU park sunghoon x fem reader 𓂂 ˳ warnings: college au, yn is a mess, fluff, angst, enemies to lovers, sports rivals, kissing, some swearing
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YN AND SUNGHOON HAD BEEN RIVALS since their first year at hybe university. both of them were captains of their respective soccer teams and they constantly teased each other, trying to outdo one another on the field.  yn was pretty popular on campus, not just because she was the captain of the girls soccer team, but also because of her charming personality and athletic abilities. She was often described as chill, goofy and easy to get along with. however, her beauty was often overshadowed by her best friend, aeri.
aeri was the school's queen to put it in exaggeration, she was beautiful and had a way of getting what she wanted. she was also yn's roommate and the two of them had been inseparable since their freshman year. however, aeri's popularity often made yn feel invisible, especially when it came to guys.but that was the least of her worries, as she had her eyes set on soccer and soccer only.
as aeri’s best friend yn had hear the girl talk on and on about the man she hated most.
sunghoon was the captain of the boys soccer team and was known for his good looks and popularity. He was often seen hanging out with his teammates, jake, jay and heeseung, yn liked to call the four of them dumbest , dumb, dumber and the smart one.
you can guess which is which. It was warm outside, the sun beaming down on yn as she wiped the falling sweat off her forehead and drank the water from her bottle, letting out deep breaths. aeri watched her friend with her face scrunched in disgust, unable to hide her disdain for yn’s athletic pursuits.
on the other side of the field, sunghoon was practicing with the boys' team, his every move drawing admiration from aeri. she watched him with a dreamy look in her eyes, completely enamoured by his presence.
"yn, can you please help me get with sunghoon?" aeri asked suddenly, breaking yn’s concentration.
yn turned around in bewilderment to make sure aeri was talking about the same sunghoon, the same annoying sunghoon that she couldn’t stand with her being, “him?” she asked awfully loud.
she scrunches her face at aeri’s nodding, "what? why? would you want to get with sunghoon? you know I can't stand him," yn replied, confused.
aeri rolled her eyes and leaned back against the bleachers, “can you put this petty rivalry behind you for a second and help me get with him? you know how much I like him and you know I would do the same the for you.”
yn stubbornly looked off to the side, her mind running fast, does she really want to help her friend get with the man that’s the main reason why she has stress acne? aeri let out a sigh and grabbed one of yn’s hands, “please? when we get together you’ll be able to brag to him that you’re the very reason why he has a girlfriend, that would for sure bruise his ego and I know how much you love doing that.”
aeri's words echoed in yn's mind, and despite her reluctance, she couldn't deny the appeal of bruising sunghoon's ego. She let out a sigh, knowing that aeri was right - she would want the same kind of help if she were in aeri's shoes.
"fine, I'll help you," yn finally relented, giving aeri a small smile. "but you owe me big time for this."
aeri's face lit up with excitement, and she hugged yn tightly. "thank you, thank you, thank you! You won't regret this, I promise."
as they walked off the field together, yn couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. helping aeri get with sunghoon meant spending even more time with him, something she wasn't looking forward to. but for the sake of her friendship with aeri, she was willing to put aside her feelings and help her friend achieve her dream with being with the boy.
little did yn know, this decision would change everything, leading to a series of events that would test her loyalty, her friendship, and her heart.
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MOST OF THE TIME, the boys and girls soccer practices are joint together which was the main reason for yn and sunghoon’s dislike for each other but that’s a story for another day.
the captain’s argument got them a day where both teams have their own days where it’s only their team that has the field, today was tuesday which was the boys team day, and was also the reason why yn was looking at aeri in confusion as they walked onto the field.
“what are we doing?”yn asked has aeri linked their arms, “starting the process of me winning sunghoon.” aeri whispered back.
as aeri and yn approached sunghoon, yn felt a knot form in her stomach. she knew this interaction would be awkward, to say the least.
"hey, sunghoon," aeri greeted him with a bright smile. "we just wanted to say, your footwork out there is really impressive."
sunghoon looked at aeri, then glanced at yn, a puzzled expression crossing his face. their rivalry was well-known, and compliments from yn were unheard of.
"uh, thanks," sunghoon replied, a hint of confusion in his voice. "I didn't know you were into soccer."
aeri shrugged. "I'm not, but we can appreciate talent when we see it," she said smoothly, shooting a quick glance at yn.
sunghoon's eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was trying to figure out aeri's angle. “well, thanks for the compliment," he said, his tone slightly guarded. "Is there something you wanted to talk to me about? I’ve never seen your big mouth so quiet yn.”
yn has to stop herself from lunging at him as aeri laughed at his words.
“we do actually,” she starts “I had to drag her over here, because we both know how stubborn she is, yn needs your help with some soccer technique.”
as aeri pushed her towards sunghoon, yn stumbled slightly before regaining her composure. she shot aeri a glare that could have frozen lava, but aeri just grinned back at her, unrepentant.
"actually , I don't need any help," yn said, trying to salvage some dignity. "I'm perfectly fine on my own."
sunghoon raised an eyebrow, clearly amused by the situation. "really? because aeri seems to think otherwise," he said, a smirk playing on his lips.
yn felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment. she hated being put on the spot like this, especially in front of sunghoon. but she knew she couldn't let aeri down, not after agreeing to help her win him over.
"fine, I'll admit it," yn said, reluctantly. "I could use some help with my technique."
sunghoon's smirk widened, clearly enjoying Yn's discomfort. "well, lucky for you, I'm always happy to help a fellow soccer player improve," he said, stepping closer to her, “especially the great yn.” he says sarcastically, “we can start after practice tomorrow, now get off my field.”
“your field?!” yn asks enraged, she opens her mouth to say some not nice words but aeri pulls her away before she can say anything, “yeah we better get going, see you around sunghoon.” she says sweetly.
as aeri pulled yn away from sunghoon, yn couldn't help but feel a surge of anger. she hated the way sunghoon always managed to get under her skin, to push her buttons with his arrogant attitude.
"can you believe him?" yn fumed as they walked away from the field. "who does he think he is, calling it his field?"
why did she even agree to doing this in the first place, she’s already regretting it, “how can you even like him?” she asks aeri who just shrugs.
as they walked back to the dorms, yn’s frustration bubbled up inside her. she couldn't understand how aeri could be so blind to sunghoon's flaws, so enamored by his charm.
"he’s just so cute and determined," aeri had said, as if that excused his behavior.
"more like a pain in my ass," yn muttered under her breath, earning a curious look from aeri.
"what was that?" aeri asked, tilting her head to the side.
"I said, he's more trouble than he's worth," yn replied, trying to keep her temper in check.
aeri just laughed, clearly unfazed by yn’s attitude. "you're just upset because he got the better of you today. don't worry, you'll get him back while you help me tomorrow.
yn couldn’t believe that she’d have to deal with him tomorrow.
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the next day, yn reluctantly went to the field. sunghoon was already there, waiting for her. yn tried to avoid making eye contact with him, but she could feel his gaze burning into her.
“so..” his voice filled her ears, “what do you need help with?”
yn hesitated, unsure of what to say. She had been so focused on helping aeri win sunghoon over that she hadn't thought about what she actually needed help with.
"I...I'm not sure, actually," yn admitted, feeling a flush of embarrassment. "I guess I just thought it would be good to get some tips from you."
sunghoon raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by yn’s request. "tips, huh? well, you're already pretty good, but I can always help you get even better."
yn felt herself get smug at what he said, “pretty good huh, did sunghoon just tell me that I was good? this is an honour.” she teases.
sunghoon chuckled, a lightness in his eyes that Yn hadn't seen before. "don't let it go to your head, yn. you're good, but there's always room for improvement."
yn grinned, enjoying the banter between them. She had never imagined that she would be joking around with Sunghoon like this.
as the afternoon went on sunghoon gave yn some tips on how to control the ball, obviously yn already knew how to do that.
it seemed like the universe was conspiring against her. as she tried to implement sunghoon's advice, she found herself tripping over her own feet, stumbling and nearly falling.
sunghoon, ever the quick thinker, reacted instantly, reaching out and catching yn before she hit the ground. His touch was gentle yet firm, and yn couldn't help but feel a jolt of electricity shoot through her at his close proximity.
"careful there, yn," sunghoon said, a teasing smile playing on his lips. "I don't think falling for me was part of the plan."
even though her heart was racing, yn pushed him off her and scrunched her face in disgust, “weirdo.” she said as she patted her self off.
sunghoon laughed at yn's flustered state, clearly amused by her reaction. "come on, yn, lighten up. It was just a joke," he said, holding his hands up in surrender.
yn rolled her eyes, trying to hide the fact that her heart was still racing from his touch. "yeah, well, next time, try a less hands-on approach," she quipped, trying to regain her composure.
sunghoon grinned, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Noted," he replied, stepping back and giving Yn some space, “it’s getting late let’s get a drink from the cafe.” he offers.
yn hesitated for a moment, unsure if accepting sunghoon's offer was a good idea. after all, they had just spent the afternoon together, and she wasn't sure if she was ready to spend more time with him outside of practice but then she remembered the main reason on why she’s with him, to help aeri win him over.
"sure, a drink sounds nice," yn said with an awkward a smile.
sunghoon grinned, clearly pleased by her acceptance. they walked to the cafe together, chatting about soccer.
once they got to the cafe and ordered their drinks they sat together at a table near the window.
“so,” sunghoon starts, “what made you want to ask me for help? that’s something that I could never think of you of all people doing.”
shit, yn thinks to herself, now what lie what does come up with?
"well," yn started, "I've always admired your skills on the field. I thought, who better to ask for help than the captain of the boys' team?"
sunghoon raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical. "really? You've never shown any interest in improving your game before."
yn felt herself sweating under his gaze. she knew she had to come up with a better excuse, and fast.
"I guess I just wanted to challenge myself," yn said, hoping he would buy her lie. "I thought, why not learn from the best? I know you of all people would give me a challenge.”
sunghoon seemed to consider her answer for a moment before nodding. "fair enough," he said, a small smile playing on his lips.
yn let out a sigh of relief, grateful that sunghoon had bought her lie, she opens her mouth but is interrupted by the buzz of her phone, its aeri
aeri babe🤍: how’s it going?
oh right, yn clears her throat and looks at sunghoon, “you know aeri right?”
“your friend?” sunghoon asked, “yeah I know her.”
“she’s pretty right?” she asks which results in Sunghoon looking at her weirdly, “she’s alright, not my type though.”
“what’s your type then?” she asks leaning forward, maybe this will help.
sunghoon leaned back, a thoughtful expression on his face. "my type?" he repeated, as if considering his answer carefully. "I guess someone who's confident, independent, and knows what they want."
yn nodded, feeling a sense of relief. Sunghoon's answer seemed to align with Aeri's personality, which meant that Yn's plan might still have a chance of succeeding.
"Interesting," yn replied, trying to keep her voice steady. "well, I should probably get going. thanks for the drink."
sunghoon smiled, a warm expression that made yn's heart flutter. ew what’s happening? “anytime," he said, standing up to leave. "I'll see you around, yn."
as yn walked away, she felt her mind racing, she had to remember who this is for, aeri.
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as the weeks turned into months, yn found herself enjoying sunghoon's company more and more. despite her initial intentions to help aeri win him over, yn couldn't deny the growing attraction she felt towards sunghoon.
It was like sunghoon had taken up residence in her mind, his teasing and playful banter becoming a welcome distraction from her thoughts. Instead of wanting to smack his smirk off his face, yn found herself wanting to kiss him, to feel his lips against hers.
but every time she felt herself getting too close to Sunghoon, she would remind herself of her loyalty to aeri. she had made a promise to help her friend, and she intended to keep it, no matter how difficult it was becoming.
and it was becoming really difficult.
“sunghoon invited us to jake’s party.” yn says to aeri who laid on her bed on her side of the dorm, “I don’t know if I want to go.”
“are you kidding me?!” aeri shot up, “we totally have to go, it’s been months of you helping me this party can be my chance of getting with sunghoon.”
yn knew that attending the party would be a crucial moment in their plan to get aeri closer to sunghoon. despite her own feelings, she couldn't let aeri down after all the help she had provided.
"okay, we'll go," yn said, forcing a smile. "It'll be fun."
aeri squealed in excitement, already planning what she would wear and how she would approach Sunghoon at the party. yn tried to push down the unease she felt, reminding herself that this was all for her friend.
as the night of the party approached, yn couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that settled in the pit of her stomach. she knew that this party would change everything, and she wasn't sure if she was ready for the consequences.
music filled yn’s ears as she stood in a corner and took a sip out of her drink, aeri ditched her not to long ago to talk to her other friends, not that yn mined though , she liked being alone sometimes.
after a while yn felt like going to the washroom, just to get away from the crowd, as she made her way through she bumped into someone causing her drink to fall all over her shirt.
yn gasped as her drink spilled all over her shirt, the cold liquid seeping through the fabric. she looked up to see Sunghoon standing in front of her, a surprised expression on his face.
"oh shit, my bad" Sunghoon said, reaching out to help her. "here, let me help you clean that up, let’s go to the washroom.”
yn nodded, grateful for sunghoon's offer. they made their way to the bathroom, the loud music from the party fading into the background.
“wait in here, I always keep extra clothes here at the frat.” he says leaving the washroom and coming back with his jersey.
yn's eyes widened in surprise as Sunghoon handed her his jersey. "are you sure?" she asked, as he nodded his head.
“here let me help you,” he gestured for yn to lift her arms and he lifted her shirt off.
as sunghoon helped yn take off her shirt, she couldn't help but feel a flutter of nerves. his touch was gentle and warm, sending a shiver down her spine.
"thank you," yn said, feeling a blush creep into her cheeks. she quickly put on sunghoon's jersey, the fabric soft against her skin.
sunghoon smiled, his eyes meeting hers. "you look good in my jersey," he said, his tone soft.
yn's heart skipped a beat at his words. “shut up.” she whispered flustered earning a laugh from sunghoon.
he leaned closer to yn, “do you remember when you asked me what’s my type a couple months ago?” he asked and nodded her head.
“I forgot to add sporty girls.”
yn felt her cheeks flush at sunghoon's words. she tried to think of a witty response, but her mind was blank. all she could focus on was the closeness between them, the way his breath brushed against her skin.
"sporty girls, huh?"yn said, trying to keep her voice steady. "well, I guess that's lucky for me."
sunghoon chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "yeah, I guess it is," he replied, his voice low.
yn's heart was pounding in her chest, her mind racing with thoughts of sunghoon. she knew she should pull away, remind herself of her loyalty to aeri, but in that moment, all she wanted was to lean in and kiss him.
it seems like he was thinking the same thing because before yn can say anything sunghoon is giving her the eyes, the eyes that are asking for permission.
and in this moment the only thing on her mind was him, yn nodded immediately and sunghoon pressed his lips against hers, yn kissing back immediately.
he trails his hands down to her waist and lifts her up to sit on the counter.
as sunghoon lifted yn onto the counter, she wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. the world around them faded away, leaving only the two of them in that moment.
sunghoon's hands trailed up and down her sides, sending shivers down yn's spine. she had never felt so alive, so consumed by desire.
when they finally pulled away, both of them were breathless, their hearts racing. sunghoon rested his forehead against yn's, his eyes locked on hers.
"that was..." sunghoon started, but yn silenced him with another kiss, craving more of the intoxicating feeling he gave her.
as they kissed, yn couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt. she knew she was betraying aeri, her best friend, but in that moment, all she could think about was sunghoon and the undeniable chemistry between them.
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it has been a week since the party, yn remembers after her kiss with sunghoon aeri found her when it was time to leave and complained about how she couldn’t find sunghoon the whole party.
yn nodded, trying to hide her guilt. "yeah, it was pretty crowded," she replied, avoiding aeri's gaze.
aeri frowned. "I know, right? I was hoping to talk to sunghoon more, but he seemed to disappear," she said, her tone disappointed.
yn felt a pang of guilt. She knew she should tell Aeri about what had happened between her and Sunghoon, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. She was torn between her loyalty to her friend and her growing feelings for sunghoon.
and let’s say yn was making some pretty bad choices.
as sunghoon pressed his lips against yn's, she couldn't help but melt into the kiss. they were sitting on her bed, surrounded by textbooks, but all yn could focus on was the feeling of sunghoon's lips on hers.
earlier that day, sunghoon had asked her if he could come over to study, but yn knew that studying was the last thing on his mind. she had agreed, unable to resist the pull she felt towards him.
as they kissed, yn's mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. she knew she was making a mistake, betraying
as sunghoon pressed his lips against yn’s, she couldn't help but melt into the kiss. They were sitting on her bed, surrounded by textbooks, but all Yn could focus on was the feeling of Sunghoon's lips on hers.
earlier that day, sunghoon had asked her if he could come over to study, but yn knew that studying was the last thing on his mind. She had agreed, unable to resist the pull she felt towards him.
as they kissed, yn’s mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. she knew she was making a mistake, betraying aeri's trust and jeopardizing their friendship. but in that moment, all she could think about was the intense connection she shared with sunghoon.
“oh my gosh, the I have had.”
as the door opened, revealing aeri standing there, yn and sunghoon quickly pulled away from each other, both looking flustered.
aeri's eyes widened in surprise as she took in the scene before her. "oh," she said, her voice filled with disbelief. "I didn't realize you two were...studying together."
yn's heart sank as she saw the hurt in aeri's eyes. she knew she had hurt her friend, betrayed her trust, and she didn't know how to fix it.
"aeri, I can explain,"yn started, but aeri just shook her head, her expression unreadable.
"I don't want to hear it," Aeri said, her voice cold. "I trusted you, Yn. I thought you were my friend, you were supposed to help me get with him, not the other way around.”
with that, Aeri turned and walked out of the room, leaving a tearful yn and a confused sunghoon.
“what is she talking about?”
“aeri has had a crush on you for a while and she asked me to help her get with you,” yn sniffed, “I have to go talk to her.”
“wait- wait is that why you asked me about her all those months ago? you lied to me.”
yn nodded, tears still streaming down her cheeks. "yes, I lied to you," she admitted, her voice cracking with emotion. "I'm so sorry, sunghoon. I never meant for any of this to happen."
he shook his head and got up from the bed, “and I really thought that you had put your ego aside and wanted to be my friend, but all you did was lie.”
sunghoon's words hit yn like a ton of bricks. She felt the weight of her actions crashing down on her, the guilt and regret overwhelming her.
"I know, and I'm so sorry," ym said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I was wrong to lie to you, and I understand if you can't forgive me, it was just the first time a guy looked at me first and not aeri.”
sunghoon looked at Yn, his expression unreadable. After a moment of silence, he sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I don't know what to say, yn," he said, his voice filled with frustration. "I trusted you, and you betrayed that trust, how do I know if you even like me?” he asked giving her the opportunity to pour her heart out and say how much she likes him because that’s what he wanted, but her mind was to frantic to pick on up that.
yn felt her heart break at his words. She knew she had hurt him, and she didn't know if she could ever make things right.
she hurt him but most of all she hurt aeri.
"I just wanted to help aeri," yn said, tears still streaming down her cheeks. "but I ended up hurting everyone instead."
“oh my gosh, I have to go find aeri, I’m so sorry.” yn says before walking out the room and leaving sunghoon.
as yn hurried out of the room, her mind raced with thoughts of how to make things right with aeri. she knew she had to find her friend and apologize for everything that had happened.
she found aeri sitting alone on the floor looking at her phone with a pained expression. yn’s heart broke at the sight of her friend's sadness.
“aeri, I'm so sorry," yn said, her voice trembling with emotion. "I never meant to hurt you. I was wrong to lie to you and to sunghoon.”
aeri looked up at yn, her eyes filled with tears. "why? just why? was this your plan the whole time was it just to get close to him?"
yn shook her head, tears streaming down her face. "no, that was never my plan," she insisted. "I only wanted to help you because I knew how much you liked him. I never expected to develop feelings for sunghoon myself."
aeri looked at Yn, her expression softening slightly. "I understand that you were trying to help me," she said, her voice soft. "but you should have been honest with me from the moment you started gaining feelings for him, I would’ve understood yn, it doesn’t matter how much I like him, if I saw that you guys liked each other and looked happy I would’ve let him go.”
yn felt a pang of regret at aeri’s words. she had been so focused on helping her friend that she hadn't considered the consequences of her actions.
"I'm so sorry, aeri," yn said, tears welling up in her eyes. "I should have been honest with you from the beginning. I was just afraid of losing your friendship if I told you the truth."
aeri reached out and hugged yn tightly. "you'll never lose my friendship, yn," she said, her voice filled with emotion. "I value our friendship too much for that. but please, promise me that you'll always be honest with me, no matter what."
Yn nodded, feeling a sense of relief. "I promise, Aeri," yn said, hugging her friend back. "I'll always be honest with you from now on."
with that, yn and aeri sat together, talking and crying, but also laughing and forgiving.
“I left sunghoon at our dorm, he’s probably never going to forgive me.”
aeri looked at yn, her expression softening. "maybe he will, maybe he won't," she said gently. "but what's important is that you've learned from this experience and you're willing to make things right. That's all anyone can ask for."
yn nodded, grateful for aeri’s understanding. "I just hope he knows how sorry I am," she said, wiping away her tears. "I never meant to hurt him."
aeri gave yn's hand a reassuring squeeze. "I'm sure he knows, yn," she said. "and if he doesn't forgive you, then it's his loss. you're an amazing person, and you deserve someone who sees that, let’s head back to the dorms.” yn nodded and they made their way back to the dorms when they entered, sunghoon and his stuff were gone.
“talk to him tomorrow,” aeri said making her way to her bed.
yn felt a mix of relief and anxiety at Sunghoon's absence. She knew she needed to talk to him and apologize, but she was afraid of what his reaction would be.
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the next day, yn walked onto the soccer field to find sunghoon alone cleaning up soccer balls.
as yn approached, sunghoon looked up, a faint smile playing on his lips. yn felt a mix of nervousness and relief. she had hoped he would be willing to talk, but she wasn't sure how he would react after their conversation.
"hey, sunghoon," yn said, trying to sound casual. "mind if I help?"
sunghoon looked surprised but nodded, handing her a ball to clean. they worked in silence for a few minutes, the only sound the soft thud of the balls hitting the ground.
finally yn broke the silence, “I’m sorry sunghoon, I just wanted to help aeri but as the time went by I started gaining feelings for you, I realized that you aren’t some annoying guy and that you’re a person with a big heart and I’m sorry for lying, I like you so much, but I under-” yn rants as she looks down at the ground not even realizing that sunghoon dropped his ball and made his way over to her until he grabbed her chin and tilted her head up before pressing his lips against hers.
as their lips met, yn felt a rush of emotions—relief, happiness, and a sense of completeness. she wrapped her arms around sunghoon, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss. sunghoon responded eagerly, his hands gentle yet firm as they held her close.
When they finally pulled away, yn looked up at sunghoon, "I'm sorry," she whispered again.
he laughed at the girl and shook his head, “I forgive you.”
yn smiled, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders. she knew that their road ahead wouldn't be easy, but she was willing to face it with sunghoon by her side.
and as they stood there, on the soccer field where their story began, yn knew that their journey together was just beginning. but this time, she was ready for whatever challenges came their way, as long as they faced them together.
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maxillness · 2 months
Ocean Eyes || SV5 x Reader
Warnings: 18+, unprotected sex, implied age gap, bisexual!seb, Seb used to have (romantic) feelings for Lewis
Wordcount: 2.2k
Don’t ask me why this is set during Christmas break. I don’t even have the excuse I wrote it in December; I wrote it in February
Can we also just take a second to appreciate how cute this gif😭🫶
Tag list: @e-nonsense @babyprofessorsharkpalace @aexitizen-ln4
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It was snowing. Quite a lot actually. But it was expected when you were this close to Christmas
She hated the snow. It wasn’t really her, but she had to go out with the dog anyway
She stood on the porch, watching the dog play in the snow, trying to catch the snow flakes
She had been at her parents house for about a week now, and she knew they were close with the neighbour, but she had yet to see him
She figured that maybe he was visiting family and wasn’t home, but she couldn’t know for sure
Just as she thought about what he might look like, she heard a door open to her right. She looked over. When you talk about the devil
“Oh, hey” He smiled over at her “You must be Y/N” He said walking closer to the fence separating the two yards
“Yeah, I am. You must be Sebastian” She answered, walking over to him
“I am. Nice to finally meet you” They shook hands “You’re parents has spoken so much about you”
He was pretty. His smile was bright, making small wrinkles appear in the corner of his eyes- his eyes. They were the most drop dead, gorgeous, ocean blue eyes. Never had she seen such pretty eyes
“They have? Hope it’s only the good stuff” She chuckled nervously, slightly embarrassed
“They say it in a way where can only think it’s good, if that’s any relief” He said, smiling back at her
His ears and nose, as well as his cheeks had started turning red from the coldness of the air, but it only made him so much prettier
A loud bark cut her out of her trance “Are you done?” She asked as she had turned around “Alright” She sighed “I better go. Nice meeting you”
“Nice meeting you too” He said before they parted and she went into the house again
“Saw you were talking with Sebastian” Her mother said, sipping her tea when she walked into the house
“Oh. Um, yeah” She said, taking off her coat and shoes and placed them neatly on their spot
“What’d you think?” She said, trying to hide her smirk behind her cup
“He’s… Nice. Don’t know enough about him” She went into the living room, slumping down on the couch and returned to her phone
“Good to know” Her mother whispered, taking a place in the living room as well
“I think I baked too much” She said, looking at the verity of cookies on the kitchen counter
“I promised Sebastian you would come over with some” Her father said passing her in the kitchen
“What? Why?” She asked, looking confused at him
“Because he doesn’t have anyone to bake for him” He answered before walking out of the kitchen
“Maybe he’ll invite you in for a cup of tea” Her mother said not looking away from her book
“Mom! Have you realised how much older than me he is?” She said, drawing her mom’s attention to her
“So what? Age is just a number, beside he thinks you’re pretty” She said, closing her book and putting it on the counter
“I’ll walk over with some cookies, but I won’t stay for long, okay? Deal?” She said, looking directly into her mother eyes
“Okay. Deal. Give him some of each, okay?” She said before leaving the kitchen
“Cookies?” She said the moment the door opened
“Hello to you too, miss y/n” Sebastian said, quite startled by the sudden words
“Sorry… Hi” She said, her cheeks lightly heating up
“Thank you” He said, putting his hand under the box of she had in her hands “Wanna come in?” He asked, opening the door more
She thought about the deal she made with her mom but decided to screw it
“Sure. Thank you” She said, taking a step into the small hallway
She took off her coat and boots as Sebastian walked to the kitchen to put the cookies away “Tea or coffee?” He asked when she stepped in the kitchen
“Whatever you’re having” She smiled, fidgeting with her fingers behind her back
“Okay. Just go to the living room and I’ll be in in a minute” She did as she was told
She looked around the pictures around her. They were pretty. It was mostly of mountains. Some where with who she assumed to be family or friends
One sparked her interest. She walked over to the shelf where it sat. It was an old picture. 2010 maybe. It was Sebastian and another guy
“That was a long time ago” He said walking up beside her “Here” He gave her the cup. Honey
“Sorry. Shouldn’t have-“ “No, it’s fine” She looked at the picture a moment longer before she opened her mouth again
“Who is he?” She sipped on her tea, hissing slightly at the burning water “You look like good friends”
“Lewis. We’re still friends” He sighed sipping his own tea
“Why’d you say it like that?” She asked confused, eyebrows knitted together
“The day that picture was taken, I told myself I was gonna tell him about my feelings towards him. I never did, but sometimes I wonder what would’ve happen if I did” He chuckled the last part, turning around and sat on the couch
She didn’t say anything, but she sat down on the couch turning her body slightly towards him
“I’m not gay, if that’s what you’re assuming” He said, turning his head towards her
God, were his eyes beautiful like this
“No, no. I’m not assuming anything, not against it either” That seamed to relieve some anxiety off his shoulders
It wasn’t an awkward silence they were left in
“Tell me about yourself” She said, sipping on her tea “You know practically everything about me, thank you parents, but I know nothing about you”
He agreed, and he seamed like he hated talking about himself, but he didn’t tell her that, she could see it in his eyes as he spoke
“It really isn’t that interesting” He chuckled, looking into his lost empty cup
“Not that interesting? You used to be in a sport where you risked your life every time you went. That seems interesting for a few lifetimes” They had somehow both ended up on the floor during their conversation
“A few lifetimes? That seems like a lot” He chuckled
“It’s a life risking Sport, of course it’s a lot” She said, scooting closer to him if that was even possible at this point
“You’re life is interesting too” He said, trying to get the topic off of him
“Not as much as yours” At this point, they were practically sitting in each others laps
They fell into a comfortable silence after that. She was lost in the blues of his eyes
“You’re eyes are so pretty” She said, not expecting the deep blush that landed on his cheeks
“T-thank you” He said flustered, looking into his hands in his lap “You’re p-pretty, too”
It was cute when he stuttered. She hooked her finger under his chin, lifting his head upwards again
“Thank you” She loved the way she made him blush like he did “You’re even more pretty like this”
That set off something inside of him. He pushed her hand away, pulling her in by her neck, smashing their lips together
He pulled her into his lap when she kissed back. Her arms went around his neck, pulling him impossibly closer
She pulled away, almost gasping for air. His blow pupils ruined the view she had of the ocean in his eyes
She drove back to his lips, but a little softer. She flicked her tongue over his bottom lip and he parted his lips immediately, letting her tongue into him
Maybe it was because it still lingered on her own tongue, but he tasted like honey. Sweet honey. Not like the shit kind you can buy at any grocery store, but a good one
He groaned into her mouth, feeling the way she was exploring every corner of his mouth. His hands were tighter on her hips, sensing shivers over her body
“It’s getting late” She mumbled into his mouth “I should probably go home” But she didn’t pull away from the kiss
“Mhm… You probably should” Neither did he pull away, he instead pulled her sweater over her head, throwing it on the ground
“Bedroom” The kiss had started getting sloppy and out of rhythm
He only shortly nodded while picked her up without problems, her legs hanging around his waist
He effortlessly carried her into his bedroom, softly placing her on the bed without breaking the kiss
He only broke the kiss to start trailing over her jaw and down to her neck, drawing out a string of whimpers from her
“Off” She barely said anything as she started tugging at his shirt “Please” He finally obliged and pulled his shirt off
Her hands went to his chest the second she could, feeling his skin under her palms. Her hands started wandering as he went back to sucking on her skin
She started bucking her hips upwards, wanting to feel him against her. His hands went to her back, unhooking her bra, pulling it off of her
He looked into her eyes as he placed a gentle kiss between her breasts. He pulled away before his hands went to her pants
He unbuttoned and zipped them down before slowly pulling them down her legs, pulling her socks with them
His fingertips felt like feathers when he pulled down her panties, kissing her legs on the way
He went up, spreading her legs before placing light kisses on the inside of her thighs. She whined when he passed the spot she needed him
“Sebastian, please” She bucked her hips, hoping to get closer to his mouth
He gave into her, pushing his tongue through her wet folds, grazing over her clit, earning him a moan
“Fuck, please! Keep going!” She threaded her hand in his long curls, pulling him closer again
He chuckled, but obliged. Bending her knees, holding around her thighs, he drove his tongue back over her clit, flickering it
She tried squeezing her legs together, but he managed to hold the outwards before she squeezed around his head
“Keep them apart, sweetheart” She whimpered at the nickname, trying so hard to spread her legs to give him access “Good girl”
One of his hands went towards her entrance, teasing her before pushing two of his fingers inside
She whimpered as her back arched off of the bed and he eyes rolled into the back of her head behind closed eyes
He started pumping in and out of her with a slow pace before finding a good rhythm he could work with
He curled his fingers, hitting just the right spot inside her making her almost screw out in pleasure
“At this volume, I think your parents might hear” He smirked, sucking lightly on her inner thighs
Her body started shaking slightly “Sebastian… Fuck. Feels so good” Her back started hurting from the position she was in
“God, you sounds so good for me. Fucking pretty moans” His tongue went back to her clit, putting pressure on the bundle of nerves
“Seb-fuck! Stop, stop” He immediately pulled out of her, looking with worry up at her
“What’s wrong?” He asked, his thumbs circling the skin on her hips
“Felt too good. Wouldn’t… Wouldn’t want to come without you” He chuckled at her words, but happily got out of his pants and boxers
He got in between her legs, pulling them around his hips, lining himself up with her entrance
He pushed in just the tip before slowly pushing all the way in, letting her slowly adjust to his size
“Move, please” He did so, holding her hips as he slowly moved in and out of her
“Fuck, you feel so good around me” He breathed out, sounding almost like a moan, but not quite
“Filling me up so good” She whimpered, looking up into his eyes, her hands clasped around his forearms, holding herself steady
If she knew that those fucking pretty ocean blue eyes would be looking at her like this, she would’ve visited her parents sooner
“Fuck, I’m gonna come, please” She moaned loud when he started hitting the spot that made her see stars over and over again
He could feel his own orgasm growing in the pit of his stomach “Come for me, Schatzi”
His accent sent her over the edge, her whole body trembling with such force that just looking at her sent him over the edge as well, filling her up with his cum
“Fuck, you’re even prettier like this” He chuckled, seeing her fucked out state as he pulled out of her
He got them both cleaned up before he tugged them both under the sheets
They barely got a moment of silence before her phone rang. It was tugged into her jeans somewhere on the floor
“I’ll get it” He said, seeing her exhausted state “It’s your mom” He chuckled
“Just let it ring through” She said, turning over onto her stomach
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