#also my aunt and grandma keep talking like i owe my aunt money?
vampirebiter · 2 years
my family loves dragging me into arguments i have nothing to do with and nothing to say about or add to. literally why would i know the specific charges my mom made on what card and why she says my aunt owes her money
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AITA for not having a job despite having time for it?
🍏🥝🍏🥝 <- to keep track of this when it posts,
My family really loves talking about me(20) when they think I'm not listening. I've heard them on multiple occasions say that I need a job and that I should just start working part-time while I'm going to college. The issue with that is that while other people can do both pretty decently, I dont feel like I'm capable of doing both part time and college without one of them suffering a lot because of the other.
My family is pretty financially stable, and the fees I owe never go over 900 dollars and sometimes I even make my own money off of commissions to help pay for things. I actually did have an actual job during my classes for a while filing things and remote video editing work (for the same job) but one of my family members worked with me there as my boss and I decided to quit after they decided to ask if my mom would've rather died than had me after I told him she called trans people abominations (I am trans, I'm only out to that family member and my brother). I haven't found a consistent thing to do to earn money since but I've been trying really hard to advertise my commissions since then.
The part where I feel really guilty though is the fact that I've been going to a community college for almost 3 years now (with my family supporting me money wise) and know I'm only going to come out with a one year certificate because of how fucked my schedule got in my first year. I didn't meet some prerequisites , and despite the course I wanted being a 2 year degree it was worth almost 80 credits, which felt insane as I went into it. 5 classes a term, some 5 minutes after the other, all based on pouring hours and hours into artsy projects (video, audio, 3d modelling, painting, 2d animation, ect...). I broke down within my third term after I started failing some of my classes. I was still trying for my 2 year degree up until 2023 where I decided that getting a certificate that was similar and getting a job after would probably be better for me at this point rather than spending ANOTHER 2 years struggling OR straight up giving up and dropping out with nothing.
I'm also home a lot when I'm not in class (I'm only taking 2-3 classes a term now). I do little things sometimes like take out the trash and pull dishes from out the washer and so on but it's all only when no one is home because the place where things generally need to be cleaned up is all in our very small kitchen AND the fact that I'm scared of them poking fun at me for "finally doing something for once" because it makes me feel terrible when they do. I end up chilling out in my room completing work and desperately finding work arounds for projects to only ever really need done in my room or on campus- generally anywhere that's not going to worry my grandma too much.
I've told my family that their teasing doesn't make me feel good but it just gets responded with "that's just how we show love!" when I know it doesn't have to be that way! My boyfriend teases me pretty often but the difference is that he actually listens to me when I tell him something he said didn't feel very good to me and we talk it through, and then he doesn't make that joke again or i feel better after knowing the context of it!!! A lot of my family members will bicker until another one ends up crying and it's horrible to watch how petty and bitter everyone can be.
Don't really know what else to write, AITA guys? I know I could be doing a lot more around the house instead of working but I'm scared of being touched (my aunt randomly spanked me as hard as she could one time last year) and scared of more mean comments being thrown my way. I already have a plan to leave this home and have been open about it to them, but I don't want to rush it if I don't have to and want to spend a few years saving money up so that I'm not in a horrible situation if things go awry.
What are these acronyms?
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by chrissylee22dc
Achievements: I guess I’m being asked to list some of mine...some of the ones I’m proudest of, at least, are graduating university with honors, landing a job (liking it is a big bonus), and taking up leadership positions.
Age: I am 22, but never felt quite like it.
Are you planning something right now? Kind of. I’m eyeing a long road trip to Tanay with just myself and go to one of their coffee shops, but idk when I’ll be able to do that. My wallet and bank account are still beat from Christmas lol (and until now I’m still buying gifts for friends), so it might have to wait until sometime next month.
Arizona or Alaska: I think Arizona weather is already quite like ours here, so I might enjoy Alaska a bit (if not a lot) more. There’s generally a lot more factors I find interesting with Alaska, like their food.
Birthdate: April 21st.
Build: I’m quite thin and underweight, but I actually recently made plans to start working out - both to make an effort to be healthy with myself, and also to feel good post-breakup. I’m hoping to see some changes in my body and build in the coming months.
Babies, do you have any? None of those, not sure if that’s still the plan for me.
Blonde or Brunette: Brunette.
Childhood sweetheart: Erm, does Gab count? We technically weren’t kids anymore when we first got together. I wasn’t attracted to anyone as a kid and was more concerned with growing my Pokemon pogs collection.
Current mood: I’m hungry and can go for savory breakfast foods right now, like shakshuka or huevos rancheros. Also a little anxious because I really don’t want to think about work, but tasks continue to pile up for a certain client.
Children, are there more in your future? There aren’t even any to begin with.
Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi just because it reminds me of Punk and my chaotic wrestling fangirl years.
Dad's name: Edgardo, but no one calls him by that full name. He has two nicknames; one of which he hates and only family and friends use, and the other is the name he has permanently introduced himself as in his workplace.
Dating anyone: Not anymore.
Do you plan on having lots of money? Don’t most people?
Dogs or cats: Dogs.
Elementary School: I’m not sharing that.
Eye color: Dark brown/black.
Ever going to China? Probably not right now considering the present situation. I’d love to go to the rural cities and have a peek into their country life.
Early or Late: EARLY. Lateness is a big pet peeve, unless the excuse is super reasonable like Manila traffic or a car accident.
First Crush: The first person I felt remotely attractive to was Andi, from 6th grade. Then she moved to New Zealand and the crush quickly faded out.
Fears: For concrete things, I hate cockroaches and fair rides. For bigger concepts, I fear getting left behind, failing, and not getting approval, and the idea of never being satisfied or happy with who I am, what I’ve done, or where I’ve gone.
Future goals: Have a place of my own, be able to sustain myself, and keep myself alive.
Funny or Serious: I think everyone has to have both sides. I wouldn’t want to hang out long with people who can’t be sat down to just shoot the shit with conversations that go a little deeper. At the same time, I’d be quickly bored with someone who talks about existential or philosophical topics 24/7 and takes everything seriously.
Grandparent's names: On my dad’s side, Dolores and Federico; on my mom’s side, Agnes and Jun. My maternal grandpa is the third in multiple generations of Abelardos in the family, but his nickname is simply ‘Jun,’ because Philippines.
GPA: We don’t measure our grades with that, but we do have a GWA; I’m just not sure how that can be converted to GPA. Mine was in the 1.47 range, which was good enough for cum laude honors. I barely missed out on a magna cum laude honor (which required a 1.45 GWA), so that’s something I’ve always been pressed about and I know I could have clinched it if the pandemic didn’t cancel my final semester, which would’ve given me the chance to pull up my grades.
Going anywhere this weekend? I don’t think so. I want to spend the remaining 5 days of my break completely unproductively.
Giver or Taker: Giver. I like pleasing people.
High School: I attended one school from kindergarten to high school.
Hair color: Black.
Hate anyone for life? I don’t think so. I dislike some people, but I can’t tell if I’ll feel that way for the rest of my life.
Hairspray or Gel: When I’m going somewhere or attending something fancy, I use hair gel to hold my hair down.
In 8th grade, who was your best friend? Eighth grade is freshman year of high school, right? In that case, my best friend was Gabie.
Is ignorance bliss? Sometimes it is. I like no longer being updated about Gabie’s life. Back when I still tried to push my way in, I was miserable. I stopped doing so over the holidays and I just stopped reaching out, stopped trying to communicate, everything. I’ve been a lot happier that way.
Is there anything you wanna share? That’s kinda the goal with every survey I take.
Ice Cream or Cake: Right now, maybe ice cream. I’m very picky about cake, and I don’t like the spongy ones aka most cakes I know.
Jumped rope for fun: That’s exactly what I use jump ropes for. I don’t think I ever used it for fitness or working out except for maybe PE.
Junk around you right now? I mean, not really. I have my embroidery stuff in a pile beside me, but I don’t consider them junk.
Joining anything anytime soon? Not planning on it. I briefly considered joining a gym as a new thing to do for 2021, but in the end I figured working out at home would be enough. Angela recommended the latter as well, so that’s how I abandoned my gym plans quickly haha.
January or July: I guess July? January always feels just a teeny bit stranger than other months, considering it’s the beginning of a new year.
Killed anyone: ...This serious?
Keeping a secret? I keep different secrets from different people.
Kicking someone off your top friends today? I don’t think that’s a thing anymore. Hasn’t been for a while.
Kiwi or Apple: Apple, just because I’ve never had the chance to taste kiwi.
Lost anyone close to you: I’ve lived 22 years, of course I have. I’d be very surprised if someone has lived that long but has never experienced losing people, whether from a fallout, from death, etc. Just this year alone I lost a great-aunt on my maternal grandpa’s side, and a ton of relatives from my maternal grandma’s side.
Last kiss, when and who: Gabie, three months ago.
List 3 people that you'll love forever: I can only think of Angela. And of course, Gab.
Lover or Fighter: Fighter, I suppose. I can be relentless. Right now with my breakup has been the only time I allowed myself to take a step back and not forcibly take things under my control for once.
Middle School: We don’t follow the concept of middle school here. The levels in middle school fall under elementary school as well.
Marital Status: Single.
Mom's name: Abigail.
Music or TV: TV.
Northernmost state you've been to: Batanes, which is as northernmost as northernmost gets in the Philippines.
Nickname: A lot of family members call me Byn, but for the most part Robyn has always been my main nickname.
Name your future boy and girl: I have yet to make up my mind about this.
Naughty or Nice: Nice. I never particularly feel ~naughty, and since the breakup I especially haven’t felt the need to be sexual.
Opened a piece of mail that wasn't yours? Sometimes I’ll open the electricity or water bill addressed to my parents out of curiosity just to find out how much we consumed in the last month. But nothing more than that.
Occupation: I’m an associate at a PR agency.
Owe anyone money: Nope.
Outgoing or Shy: Shy at first but I can get outgoing once I’ve warmed up to a person/situation.
Place you most want to be? Right now? I’d love to be at a coffee shop or bar at a higher altitude, with a view of the city. I used to go to a lot of these before the pandemic hit, but now I’m thinking of doing it again.
Purposely destroyed someone’s life? No.
Planning a major trip? Not really. Most tourist spots require swab tests and I am not having anything go up my nose.
Pink or Black? Love both, but I like pink ever so slightly more.
Quit a class: I’ve never dropped a class. I’ve wanted to, but there was so much paperwork to fill out to do so and I also didn’t want to be behind on my overall schedule.
Quickly...the first word to come to mind: Whistle, because the pink/black question reminded me of Blackpink.
Quitting your job soon? No lol I’m barely two months in.
Quiet or Loud: I can be both, but these days I’ve been quieter.
Riding in an airplane: I have no idea what this is asking.
Ride, tell me about yours: ^ Same.
Running for any political office in the future? No plans to.
Rain or Snow: I guess rain, since it’s the only one I’ve experienced.
Siblings names and ages: Nina is 20, my brother is 17.
Shoe size: I fit anywhere between a size 6 to 7.
Shave daily? It used to be daily, but I haven’t had the need to since the quarantine began.
Shower or Bath: Shower.
Turning 21 was (will be): It’s been a year since then.
Texas, ever been? No but I have relatives who live there, so it’s one of my choice states to visit and stay at if I ever plan to go to the US.
Think you'll live to be 100? I doubt it. I don’t have any relatives who lived until that age.
Tame or Wild: Idk, tame I guess?? I don’t know what this is asking.
Unique quality about you: I feel like this is a question best answered by other people who see and interact with me more than I do myself.
Underwear on? Yeah.
Under your bed lies: Large containers with all the magazines I collected from childhood that I can’t bring myself to throw out.
Under or Over: Idk, you have to be more specific.
Virgin? No.
Vacation time left? I have five days left, including today :( I plan to be the most unproductive or bum-y I’ve ever been, because I have no clue when I’ll have a break this long again.
Voting in the next Presidential election? Of course.
Volleyball or Swimming: I like swimming more, but I like watching volleyball.
Went white water rafting? I don’t think so, but I would give it a shot.
Wearing right now: A hoodie that’s around two sizes bigger for me.
Write a sentence about you: About anything? I’m a little upset with myself for having been a bit lousy with survey-taking during the holiday break. I planned on taking a lot to catch up on the ones I’ve missed out on, but so far I mostly take just one a day lol.
West Coast or East Coast: East.
X-Rays in the past month: 0.
X-Mas plans: Had a get-together with my mom’s side of the family on the 24th; we hosted our own Christmas party on the 25th; and we visited my dad’s side of the family on the 26th.
X, does it mark the spot? Idk.
X-Tina or Britney? Britney.
You lost "it" when? I mean, I’ve had more than one moment where I freaked out...
Your favorite song:  I’m really in love with Saw You In A Dream by The Japanese House. My favorite songs come and go, but this one has been a constant.
Your favorite place on Earth: Sagada.
Yes or No: Idk. I’m not enjoying these vague ass questions.
Zodiac Sign: Taurus.
Zodiac Sign: Idk, I’m still a Taurus.
Zippos are neat, agree? I don’t have an opinion.
Zoo or Circus: Neither.
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writethehousedown · 4 years
And the Livin’s Easy Chapter One (Multi) - Zyan
a/n: me? doing yet another multi-chapter for the challenge? how original. this idea came to me while i was watching hawaii five-0 and i just ran with it. i have no actual knowledge of how the surfing world works, i’m a simple kick boxing fighter, so please bear with me and the in-accuracies you’ll find. the rest of the characters mentioned in the summary will appear in the next chapter :D my sideblog is @chachkisalpaca - oh, and also, frey is an absolute angel for beta-ing this. hope you enjoy!
Summary: The surfing season in Honolulu is at its peak, with every surfer, old and new, having their eyes on the big prize of the Hawaii Surf Association annual competition. As the day of the competition comes closer, Crystal tries to not get distracted with a certain Californian girl, Vanessa swears she’s over Brooke, Yvie tries to seduce the hotel’s lifeguard and Jaida is just witnessing everything go down as she sips on her piña colada.
It’s summertime and the beach is packed.
Crystal doesn’t expect any less, honestly; the summer season is at its peak, plus Honolulu is always a famous tourist spot. No wonder there’s barely a spot to stand in O’Ahu.
The waves are good today and Crystal engages in a playful banter when she encounters some of her fellow surfers while training. There’s a surfing competition next week, a very important one at that, and every surfer and their grandma wants that prize. To think of what she could do with the money — Crystal might just layback for the rest of the season and enjoy some very well deserved vacations before going back to Missouri for yet another college year.
She finds it sad that the waves last only during the summer, because she’s capable of surfing them even when the water temperature is below 0 and would catch a cold for the mere act of standing too close to the water (“Colds start with the feet,” her mother has been telling her since she was a child, and it just stuck.)
But she doesn’t have to worry for the winter that’s still months away; right now she just lets the Sun burn her skin as the water soaks her entire body.
She feels lightheaded, like she’s capable of doing anything while she’s on her surfing board.
“You getting’ better, Glass,” Vanjie shouts, while riding the same wave as her.
Crystal laughs loudly, the nickname ‘Glass’ still sounding so wild to her, she sometimes wonders why and how did Vanjie ever come up with that one.
“What do ya wanna bet that I’ll beat your ass next week,” Crystal yells back, and Vanjie cocks a brow, focused on keeping her balance.
“Fuck off, I bet you won’t even last the rest of training without falling.”
“If I make it through training without falling you’re buying me a drink at Sal’s.”
Vanjie meets her gaze for a brief second and laughs shortly.
“Es más fácil decirlo que hacerlo, but you got a deal, bitch.” She winks at her and Crystal takes it upon herself to win that bet.
“Veamos si puedes conmigo, perra.”
Gigi is, decidedly, not a beach person.
She gets it; the water looks pretty under the Sun, the palms make a good background for an Instagram picture, and her bathing suit fits her like a glove, drawing attention from both men and women, but despite all this — she just can’t take how crowded it is, the children running around and yelling like banshees, how cold the water is, the dirty people that leave their trash behind, and a long etcetera.
Brita’s been so kind to invite them to their family’s house in Honolulu for a few weeks, Gigi is very much aware of it, which is why she tries not to be a gigantic bitch while they’re on the beach; she doesn’t want Brita to kick her out, basically.
Besides, Honolulu is very pretty. One of the most beautiful cities she’s ever visited, actually. She doesn’t mind the rest of it; it’s this specific part of the city that she dreads. She’s also very aware of the irony of agreeing to go to a place that’s famous for its beaches while hating beaches, thank you very much.
She applies a generous amount of sunscreen to every inch of her body, still sitting under the umbrella and ignoring her friends’ pleas for her to join them in the water. Gigi merely says that she’ll meet them in a moment, and though they’re not very convinced by it, they still run towards the sparkly blue water.
Gigi clearly lied; as soon as they’re out of sight, she pulls out her phone and thinks for a moment about taking photos for her Instagram — if she’s going to spend most of this trip at the beach, she might as well take advantage of it and take some cute pictures for her feed. She didn’t pack so many bathing suits for nothing.
She’s scrolling through her DM requests —deleting the men, replying to the women— when there’s a sudden uproar from the people sitting around her. They’re cheering for something or someone. Gigi looks around, confused, until she lays eyes on the sea in front of her and the waves crashing against the shore; there are surfers in the waves, naturally, but these seem like the skilled type.
Gigi decides to film it for her Instagram Stories, because why not, they are talented, and Gigi can barely float around in her parents’ pool in a donut floatie without rolling over and drowning.
One of them falls, and the crowd gasps, though Gigi isn’t all that interested in it. Her friends wave at her from the sea and Gigi scrambles to find an excuse not to join them.
Crystal can’t stop laughing, even when they arrive at the shore and all Vanjie does is shout at her, saying that she bewitched her or something, because there’s no way she fell instead of her.
“Get over it, Vanj. You owe me now.”
She sticks her board into the sand, taking her hair tie off and rearranging her hair in a ponytail. Her hair is soaked, clearly, and Crystal’s hands are already tired at the thought of having to shampoo the sea water off it.
Crystal doesn’t mind though, it’s worth it.
Vanjie shots Crystal a deadly glare and rearranges her own hair, groaning slightly as she does so.
“I’m only paying you because a bitch keeps her promises,” she says. “Also, on the note of having drinks, you wanna grab a smoothie before going on with training? But you’re paying for your own drink, ho.”
Crystal laughs wholeheartedly with a nod. She goes to look between the pockets of her bag for money and asks one of her friends to watch her board for her; it’ll just be a moment.
They’re talking about their plans once the competition is done and what would they do if they get the prize money. Vanessa says she’ll pack up her stuff and go back to Puerto Rico for the rest of the summer even if she loses, and will chase waves on her hometown beach. Maybe teach a few of the little ones in her family to surf, if she has the time and patience for it.
“Y’know, the little shits are getting bigger and bigger, and they barely remember their aunt Vanessa! My girl Julia, bless that one, still remembers me — but, bitch, she did her first communion already! Damn, last time I checked she was still five,” Vanjie rambles, and Crystal definitely feels her on a spiritual level.
This is the part she likes about being friends with Vanjie, the fact they both have similar experiences with their Latin families and understand each other in a way most people wouldn’t. Her favourite part of summer is getting to spend it with her.
Crystal says something about her little nephew Mateo —who Vanessa adores, despite having not met him yet, just because his name matches with her surname— and how he’s gotten so big in the blink of an eye, already reaching Crystal’s hip, when she bumps into something.
Or rather, someone.
There’s a gasp and Crystal is wet yet again, though this time it’s sticky and it smells fruity.
“Well, there goes ten dollars,” a voice snarls, and Crystal finally pulls up her gaze to meet the asshole that just spilled their drink all over her.
She finds a woman with long auburn hair, skin pale as snow, think as a rail, with pink plump lips and a pair of icy blue eyes staring right back at her. Crystal thinks it’s a shame that she’s an asshole, because she is really pretty.
“Watch where you walk, pendeja,” Crystal bites back and the woman rolls her eyes, avoiding her as she goes on with her way. Vanjie and Crystal briefly look at her before proceeding with what they were doing. “At least I can wash the stickiness off once we hit the waves again,” she consoles herself, resigned to smell like fruit until she gives her bathing suit a proper wash.
“I hate the beach,” Gigi declares, settling at Jackie’s side with a huff and her arms folded. Jackie quirks an amused eyebrow, barely stifling a laugh, and Nicky casts a side glance at her.
“Why’s that?” Nicky asks, her gaze still glued to her phone.
“Some idiot cost me ten dollars, can you believe? I didn’t even have a sip of that smoothie!” Gigi complains with a whine that’s rather childish. Jackie just laughs, patting her friend’s back.
“If you join us now, I’ll buy you another smoothie later.”
“Fuck off with that motherly tone, Jacqueline,” Gigi says with a laugh, Jackie gasps offended and swats her arm playfully.
“That’s not the way to talk to your friends, baby Geeg!” Jackie scolds her, only making Gigi laugh louder.
Jackie is the eldest of them all (though, to be fair, she’s only a couple months older than Brita) and she’s naturally the mom friend. She’s pulled them out of the bar, called cabs, helped them through heartbreaks, more than Gigi can count (though Gigi isn’t good at counting). It’s only fair she gets to do these jokes.
Gigi pouts and puts on her puppy eyes, locking her hands. “Do you promise to buy me a smoothie, though?” She asks, in a tone so high-pitched she annoys herself.
But never Jackie, she’s got the patience none of them have, so she just nods with an over the top sigh and forcefully drags her to the water.
Gigi hates what the salty water does to her hair, though to be fair — Jackie did buy her a smoothie once they came back to their spot.
Sal’s Shack has grown to be Crystal’s favourite place on the island.
She discovered it when she was a little girl and came to Honolulu for the first time, after her parents saved up for a whole year and her father pushed as much as he could for a promotion at his job. It isn’t just a restaurant or a bar; Sal doesn’t like labels, so he never put one on his establishment.
It’s whatever you want it to be, though it does become a bar after midnight, that title going away once the Sun is up.
When Crystal met Vanjie, almost five summers ago, she took her to Sal’s Shack, and Vanjie was so in love with the place they kept on coming back, with or without the other.
Sal immediately smiles upon seeing them enter, even if the place is already getting crowded, Sal tells them he’d be able to hear Vanjie’s voice from a mile away.
“What can I get you tonight, girls?” He asks, with that warm, kind smile that reminds Crystal of her childhood years.
“I’m in the mood for your spicy meatballs sandwich,” Vanjie says dreamily, prompting Sal to laugh wholeheartedly. Crystal follows her suit by saying she wants a burger, and tells Sal not to be shy with the sauce.
They get settled while they wait, talking about how their college careers are going and how much they want the summer to be endless.
There’s just something about this city that makes it magical, Crystal likes to think. She’s had a few summer flings there, never seeing them again once she packed up her things and came back to Missouri, but each one of them had something special that made Crystal feel as if it wasn’t just a summer fling.
She wonders if she’ll find someone new this time around too, though it isn’t high up in her priority list.
Brita takes them to her uncle’s restaurant-bar-whatever, saying they have to visit it, not only because they serve pretty good cocktails, but also because there are always some hotties hanging around.
Though the idea of a summer hook up is attractive to Gigi, this isn’t Los Angeles; she doesn’t have any cab numbers, she still can’t properly manage herself around, and would consequently get lost trying to come back to the house. She tells herself that she’ll wait a few days until she’s a little more familiar with the place, just in case.
They arrive to the bar —Gigi’s decided to call it a bar for her own sanity—, and much like at the beach, the place is full, and she can’t see a free table.
“Don’t worry, girls,” Brita says, “I called my uncle and told him to save us a table, follow me.” So follow they do. They absentmindedly link hands and elbow their way through the place. The music is blasting through the speakers, there’s a couple of people dancing, and a lot of others just standing with their drinks and nudging on them.
Gigi has to admit Brita was right; there are some attractive people around, and it takes all of Gigi’s willpower not to stare. Perhaps sticking to the rules she’s just imposed on herself won’t be that easy.
They make it to the end of the bar and Brita smiles widely upon seeing her uncle, breaking the chain of hands and launching herself into his arms. The girls stand there awkwardly until they finish their conversation.
“He looks like Brita, but as a man,” Jan comments in a whisper, making Gigi and Nicky laugh. Jackie shushes them, though she agrees under her breath.
Brita introduces them one by one with a wide smile, and Gigi has to admit the resemblance between them is scary. Brita’s uncle gives them a warm welcome and tells them to call him Sal before guiding them to their table. It’s in a corner of the place and they can see everyone and everything, plus, they’re a few feet away from the bar. It’s a nice spot overall.
They get settled and Sal leaves them a few menus with the drinks options, including non-alcoholic drinks, and leaves to go back to work, telling them to look for him if they need anything.
Gigi briefly looks at the menu before setting it aside and looking around the bar, trying to find a face that stands out from the rest — instead, she hears a voice that breaks through the noise and makes a few heads turn around.
They voice comes from a few tables away, right in front of them. There’s a woman with dark, curly hair waving her arms around and talking with her friend, while the other woman sitting in front of her and facing Gigi is dying with laughter.
Gigi squints, finding her face oddly familiar, until it clicks.
Crystal throws her head back as she laughs, bracing her stomach as Vanjie grows louder and louder during her speech.
“And the fucking bitch had the AUDACITY to call me a fucking liar! Can you believe?” Vanjie slams her fist on the table and Crystal is hollering with laughter. She knows she shouldn’t have brought up the fact that her ex is also coming to the competition, but right now Vanjie is too worked up to back down.
For the longest time, Crystal thought Canada didn’t have any surfers — with such a cold weather, how could someone even want to enter the water? But it turns out that Vanjie’s ex, Brooke, is Canadian and a surfer, and she’s going to be competing alongside them. She found out, because she follows Yvie Bridges’ socials, and she posted a picture with Brooke, captioning it with “Excited to be reunited with my sister in Honolulu!” Except with a lot more exclamation marks.
Vanjie quickly tries to backpedal her entire rant by saying she’s not bothered at all by Brooke’s presence, because she’s over her and she’s seeing this girl, Kameron, who she met in a competition in Puerto Rico and is a sports photographer.
Crystal cocks a brow and before Vanjie can further prove to Crystal that she’s not over Brooke at all, she asks her if she wants another round of destornilladores. Vanjie nods effusively, tossing bills to her.
She heads to the bar and perches herself on it, waving at the barman. She places her order and when there’s a seat available, she takes it without hesitation.
Crystal is watching the barman as he mixes her drink, when someone slides into the empty seat next to her. She casts a quick glance over them and has to do a double take when the woman’s face is familiar.
She blinks repeatedly; this is the woman that threw her smoothie at her earlier that day.
It seems that Smoothie Girl recognizes her too, because she stares at her for a moment too long, and somehow Crystal finds the courage to speak up.
“You’re the asshole that threw their smoothie in my bathing suit,” Crystal finally speaks up.
“And you’re the asshole that threw herself into my smoothie,” she shots back, cocking one of her perfectly painted eyebrows, and Crystal has to admit that was a good one.
The barman places her orders in front of her; Crystal quickly pays him and Smoothie Girl takes advantage of his presence to place her own order. Crystal searches for Vanjie’s eyes among the crowd, and she finds her with her stare glued on her. She smiles when she sees their drinks, but frowns when Crystal points at the woman sitting beside her.
It’s her, she mouths, but Vanjie tilts her head, confused. Smoothie Girl, she mouths this time, and Vanjie looks surprised. She starts to mouth things Crystal can’t catch, but she guesses it’s a combination of get your ass over here, and that bitch.
“I’ve been thinking all day about what you called me,” she says, attracting Crystal’s attention again. She frowns, confused.
“What? Pendeja?” She asks, and Smoothie Girl nods. “Oh, that’s Spanish for asshole.”
Smoothie Girls snorts, cocking a brow. “What’s the Spanish word for ‘you owe me ten bucks’?”
“That would be ‘in your dreams,’” Crystal retorts, the brunette rolls her eyes.
She knows Vanjie is watching them closely, her stare burning a hole in Crystal’s neck, in case hands need to be thrown. But she has a feeling she won’t be needing Vanjie’s hands — not that she can say the same about this woman.
The barman leaves a drink in front of Smoothie Girl and she pays with a coquettish smile, Crystal thinks her drink smells way too fruity.
“That smoothie left my bathing suit smelling like fruit even when I washed it three times,” Crystal comments, trying to sound nonchalant. The woman cocks a brow as she sips on her drink. “What flavor was it, anyway?”
She seems surprised by the question, though she’s quick to answer.
“Uh, mango and peach, I think,” she replies and Crystal scrunches up her nose.
“Ugh, that sounds hideous.”
“It’s not! Had you licked your bathing suit you would know it’s very tasty.” She laughs at her own joke, and Crystal finds herself laughing too.
It’s weird how just moments ago they were calling each other assholes and now they’re laughing like nothing happened.
Crystal scoots herself closer in the chair, their knees practically brushing as she tries to catch her gaze.
“You got a name, Smoothie Girl?” She inquires in a casual tone. Smoothie Girl finally meets her gaze, and her blue eyes aren’t as icy as the first time they ran into each other.
“Genevieve, but everyone calls me Gigi.” She offers her hand to shake and Crystal gladly takes it. “And you?”
“I’m Crystal. Some people call me Crys, others Cryssie — and that dumbass over there,” she discreetly points at Vanjie, who’s typing away in her phone, trying to act as if she hasn’t been staring at them for a long minute now, “calls me Glass. Don’t ask me why, she just does.” Crystal shrugs, and Gigi laughs.
She feels some sort of pride blooming in her chest at making Gigi laugh.
“So, Crystal,” Gigi begins. “Do I have to assume you’re a surfer? I mean, what you were wearing when you ran into my smoothie looks like something a surfer would wear.”
Crystal nods enthusiastically, proceeding to tell her that she’s been surfing on and off since she was just thirteen and how she comes to Honolulu every year, rarely shifting her destination for the summer.
In return, Gigi confides her that she’s from California and it’s her first time in Honolulu, saying that her friend —Sal’s niece, apparently— invited them and she just couldn’t say no, even when she isn’t that much of a beach enthusiast. She hates them, in fact.
Upon hearing this, Crystal lets an over the top gasp that makes Gigi go into a fit of giggles, apparently already expecting that reaction.
“What the fuck? Dude, you can’t be serious,” she exclaims, and Gigi continues giggling.
“I’m deadly serious,” she assures her, twirling a strand of hair around her index finger.
“You don’t even like the food or ice cream?”
“I do, I hate the dirty people that leave their trash behind, though.”
“What about the kids? They’re always so cute — running around with their water guns and getting excited over everything. Some remind me of my own little cousins.”
Gigi visibly scrunches up her nose, doing a disgusted face.
“I hate kids, actually.”
Crystal folds her arms in a huff, intently staring at Gigi.
“No, there’s no way you’re that much of a… Beach Grinch,” she blurts out, the embarrassment flooding over her as soon as the words come out from her mouth. Gigi cocks a brow.
“Beach Grinch? Now that’s original,” Gigi says, leaning in closer to Crystal, a wicked smile painted in her lips. “Y’know, though I find the beach extremely boring, I can’t say the same for the people that like it.”
Crystal grins; she’s played this game far too many times, but something in Gigi makes her think this time it won’t be as easy as with the other ones.
Just when she’s lining up a witty reply, Gigi suddenly scoots back, a bashful smile where there used to be a wicked one.
“Sadly, I don’t have the time to think too much about it, ‘cause I’m here to have a good time with my friends. Later!”
She hops off from her chair, bringing her drink with her, and makes her way back to her friends, swaying her hips as she walks and making her skirt fly with the movement.
Crystal takes a moment to realize what Gigi just did, and when she finally pulls herself back together to walk over to Vanjie with their drinks, she tries to convince herself that maybe Gigi is another one of those straight girls wanting to “experiment.” It’s what she says to herself to make her cheeks cool down several degrees.
Vanjie says they can cash the bitch outside if she wants to fight, but Crystal just dismisses her with a wave of her hand.
After they finish their drinks, they hang around at Sal’s for a little longer, dancing when there is a good song playing and talking with strangers, and just before they leave, Crystal looks through the crowd for Gigi’s eyes, and she finds her staring right back. What she sees in her eyes makes her stomach twist.
‘If she’s playing hard to get, then it’s on,’ she thinks, and the next thing she thinks is that Gigi can read her mind, because the wicked smile is back into her face before Crystal withdraws her gaze.
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prorevenge · 6 years
25 year reign of terror, a cane, and me sweet sweet revenge
We human will learn many lessons, in our lifetimes. Look both ways when you cross the street. Hot things will burn you. Don't pass out with your shoes on. But of all the things we learn, in our lifetimes, one stands out to me the most; it's the one's closest to you that will most likely stab you in the back.
This is something that I had to learn to hard way.
I've been in therapy for almost three years because of this horse shit, it really fucked me up. This is going to be a long and sad one, just be warned.
Some background
I grew up in a house with my mom, grandmother (GM), and my great-aunt G (AG); near the North Carolina/Virginia borader. My gm is the youngest of three sisters. AG is the middle child and great-aunt E (AE) is the oldest. I love both of my great-aunts, but my grandma is the scum of the earth.
I was her own personal punching bag from the age of 8 till 13. It only stopped because words like CPS and jail were being thrown around, by my doctor. No 13 year old should have the blood pressure of a 40 year old.
Now, you maybe thinking, why didn't my mom and great-aunt put a stop to the abuse. Mom was under Grandma's full control. She had some kind of dirt on my great-aunt. Enough to keep her quiet.
Too make things worse, I was bullied in school from 4th grade till my freshman year. By then I was tired of it all and tried to put a end to all of it. I failed seeing that you are reading this story, but sometimes I wish I didn't. (Story for another day)
Now on to the story.
Junior year meant thinking about your future, Junior prom, and all that BS. For me it meant that I was one year closer to blowing that popsicle stand. The one good memory I have my class rings.
I was told by my great-aunts, that I could order any kind if ring I wanted and they would pay for it. The ring I wanted was pretty standard, with one exception; I wanted my birthstone, a sapphire. As promised, I got what I wanted and it cost a pretty penny. The thing was my grandma wanted it. In her mind I didn't deserve something so nice. Trust me, she tried everything to get it and failed.
Graduation comes along and as soon as it's done, I high tail it to Virginia. I got a job and worked towards my personal goal, backpacking through Europe. (More on this later)
Two years later, my best friends younger sister was graduating high school and I was invited. After the ugliness of my freshman year, they became my second family. I worked in the families cafe and attended the oldest sister and my best friends graduations.
For the sake of the story os is older sister, bf is best friend, and ys is youngest sister.
The offer to stay with them was put forward to me, but I declined as I wanted to spend sometime with my little brother. "This was a big mistake." I was about to head out to ys's graduation party, when I have this conversation with my grandma.
GM: where do you think your going?
Me: I'm going to ys's graduation party. (By this time I had started wearing my class ring on a chain around my neck.)
GM: you aren't going anywhere with that.(pointing to my ring) We paid to much money for it, so you can lost it.
Me: YOU didn't pay anything for this ring. AG and AE paid for this ring.
GM: you aren't leaving this house till you give it here. (Head extended)
Me: oh yeah, you and what army? (As I turn to the door, I see mom blocking my way out.
Mom: hand it over and you can go.
Now the yelling and screaming starts. AG was also on the way out to do something, I don't remember what, but she puts a end to the fight quickly.
AG: ALL OF YOU SHUT UP! Give me the ring and I'll put it somewhere safe, if it means we can go about our business.
Smiling, I hand her my ring and wait for to put it up; so we can leave. Grandma following and yelling at her, all the way to her room. All is said and done; we head to our cars and go on our marry ways. I don't come back except to take my brother to lunch a few days later.
On the day I was to head back to Virginia, AG discovers my ring is missing. she thinks she may have moved it, but isn't completely sure. She tells me "when I find it I'll send it by CJ (her son my cousin). I agree to the terms and head back to Virginia.
A month has passed and still no ring. AG is extremely upset and I tell her, "don't worry, it'll turn up". It turned up, alright. A friend had ran into my mom in a pawn shop, with the ring. He calls me and here is the convo, as best as I can remember.
Friend: hey
Me: hey, it's been a while. How are you doing?
Friend: I'm good. By some chance, did you ask your mom to pawn your class ring.
Friend: I'll take that as a no. Saw her at ABC pawn on main, yesterday. Just thought I'd ask.
Me: That bitch is so Dead! Thanks for the info. I owe you big.
After hanging up, with my friend. I was on the phone with AG and AE. I was told that they will handle Mom and Grandma. They were going to order me another ring, but I didn't want one. I wanted payback, but was told not to do anything I would regret and let it go. AE put some money in my account and I dropped it, for now
Flash forward a year.
The bullshit of my ring has passed and I'm about to apply for my passport. Now, I hope you remember me mentioning my bank account. My mom set it up for me, when I was young. Saving money for a rainy day and child support payments. I continued to use it after I moved away. Her name was still on the account, but it was never a issue.
On one of my phone calls to my brother,. I mentioned my Europe trip. He told Mom, not knowing any better. Which brought on the next round of horse shit. It was this round that literally broke me emotionally and mentally broke me.
I had recently opened a new bank account for the trip. I was going to withdraw the money and transfer it to my new account. I hope that you can see were I'm going with this. When I go to do this, i find out that it's all gone. Close to $25,000 gone and I flip my shit.
I call the bank to find out what the fuck is going on. They tell me that I withdrew it.
CS: Sir you withdraw the money a week ago.
Me: No I didn't. I have withdrawn from my account in months.
CS: It says here you withdrew the money from 123 Adams St bfe, North Carolina.
Me: Wait what, I haven't been to bfe in nearly a year. Son of a bitch. (Hang up on customer service and called home.)
AG: hey sweetie, how are you.
AG: what's wrong, sweetie?
She puts down the phone and in the background i can, just barely her "I'm not letting him blow my hard earned money on some foolish trip." (I should add that my paychecks had been going into this account for years. Entitled bitch) By the time AG comes back to the phone I'm in tears and in no state to talk.
After I got off the phone, I was a complete mess. My roommate comes home to find me curled into a ball, crying. I must have worried her, cause she was trying to console me. The why me? I wish I was never born and I wished I was dead; started.
It was finally official, those cold hearted bitches finally broke me. The crying didn't stop and I was worrying my friends and colleagues. Then I stopped eating. Three later my best friend was there and their was no knocking me out of it. It was off to the hospital I go.
A month later Im released and my best friend is staying with me, for a bit. I was over crying, past pissed, and my rage was coming forth. I was long past getting even. I wanted my due revenge. Didn't care how long it would take, someone was going to pay.
I eventually return to work, a changed man. I was starting over when it came to my trip. Lawyers were suggested, but the law was not going to do. I wanted 10lbs of flesh.
Two years had to pass, before I saw my chance. I hadn't talked to those two people, in two years at that point. Things had gotten worse, back home for AG.
Grandma was acting like her shit didn't stink, literally. She was now sitting in the living room pissing and shitting, where ever she sat. The house reaked of shit and piss. She was being a bitch to AG and AG's friends stopped coming by. By this point, even Mom had enough of her and something had to be done.
I come home from work one night and who do I see sitting in my living room; my roommate, CJ, AG, my girlfriend, and mom. Soon as I see mom, "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!" and walked out.
My girlfriend,at the time(let call her R) follows.
R: honey, I think you should hear them out.
Me: AG and CJ yes but that bitch gotta go.
R: my name
Me: NO
R: they are going to put your grandmother in a home.
Me: She belongs at the bottom of a six foot hole.
She seemed quite shocked I would say such a thing.
R: hear them out for me, please.
I agree and I'm told of what was going on. A agreement is reached and I will help move the old witch.
Two weeks later R and myself are driving down I95 to bfe. We take our time, as I feel a disturbance in the force. A shitstorm is brewing. After stopping for lunch, we arrive around 2pm. We just arrived in the eyes of the storm.
They had dropped the bomb on grandma and she isn't happy. We can hear her in the car. That's how loud the was screaming. It is then that my sweet revenge, comes to me.
I grab my phone and call non emergency. I informed them of the situation and say I'm worried about my grandmas health and safety, a car is on the way.
Here is the thing about the town we lived in. If the police are called; it's either going to be the county sheriff or the highway patrol that comes, depends on who is closest.
I knew I had very little time, so I tell R to stay outside and wait for the police. I walk in and see the witch; keeping everyone at a distance by swinging her cane.
I'm laughing at this point. She's got everyone scared of her. Guess what, I'm not scared. I noticed that highway patrol has arrived. (Gotta do this quick) I walk up to her and tell her like it is.
Me: Look, you waste of space. The way I see it, you have two choices. You can go to the home peacefully or I can drag your ass out back and put you down like old yeller.
She chooses option three. Highway patrol and R walk in as the handle of the cane pops me below my left eye. I take the hit and feel the blood running down my face.
It's on bitch. Grab the cane and say "your turn bitch", but before I can swing; someone grabs hold of the cane. Trooper sternly looks me in the eyes and says "Go outside before you are in cuffs too"
I turn to go,but not before I get the last word.
Me: Krama's a bitch and it looks like she finally caught up to you. Enjoy your time in jail, I Know I will.
She had hit me for the last time and I got to watch her ride away in the back of a squad car. I had finally gotten my revenge and all it took was taking a cane to the face, in front of a cop.
I had to get stitches. She got me good, one last time. Left a scar, as well. I dropped the charges on the condition that she get some mental help, go to the nursing home and never speak to me again.
Mom and I are back on non speaking terms. Bitch brought a new fucking car with my money, so I put a cider block through her windshield after I found out. She wanted me to replace the windshield.
Me: why don't you just use the money that you stole from me, to replace it.
That is how I put a end to a 25 year reign of terror. Hope that you enjoyed my little tale of revenge. Like mentioned in the beginning grammar isn't my strong suit, please be kind. Oh and I will post some pics of Grandma's handly work.
Peace, love, and rock and roll.
(source) story by (/u/prettyfly4adazedguy)
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 5 years
The Eel River Inn (7/?)
A/N: Bucky is super soft and super in love. He’s also super supportive and will literally kill someone if they hurt you. Implied smut. One day I will write steamy smut for this fic. But this is not that day. 
Bucky follows you on social media, laughing at the awkward fan interactions and texting you daily to tell you that he likes your outfit. You hate California. It’s hot and crowded. You miss your house. And your super soldier. 
The evening phone calls are just not enough. Listening to the deep rumble of his voice as he tells you about his day over the phone isn’t near as lovely as having your head on his broad chest while he plays with your hair and tells you about it.
“I miss you,” you tell him one night. You can feel the depression gnawing at you, trying to rip the marrow from your bones. It was a hard day. Negotiations were long and drawn out. The studio wanted the option to cast a white person as a non white character. Your agent was telling you not to die on this hill but then... 10% of millions was a lot of money. You didn’t need the money really and you were more than willing to fight for it. They were Asian. They needed to stay Asian. It was central to their internal conflict and character development. The story wasn’t what you had written if they just cast a white dude and changed his name to Kevin. 
“I miss you too, baby doll,” he says. He can hear the tired in your voice. It wasn’t long day in your shop tired, fixed with a cuddle and a warm shower. It was more than that and it worried him a little. “How are the talks going?” he asks. You snort, “It’s all bullshit. They don’t care about making the story come to life, they care about manipulating teenage girls out of their money... I hate it. I’ve got half a mind to walk out and let some indie studio do it. Sure. The budget will be smaller but at least my nonwhite characters will stay not white.” Bucky smiles a little, “Do whatever you think is right, baby,” he soothes, “I don’t know what else to say.” You close your eyes and sigh, “I know,” you murmur. He stays on the phone, desperate to give you whatever comfort he can, waiting for you to speak.
“I did get some good news though,” you say, “I’ll be headed to New York week after next.” Bucky feels a thrill and his heart races, “You gonna have time for me?” he teases, “You know when you’re not being a big shot.” You smile, he always knows what to say, even if he says he doesn’t. “I think I can pencil you in between fan events,” you tease back. Bucky smiles, “Maybe if you show up a little early I can take you to some of my old haunts.” You beam, “The old folks home isn’t really my idea of a date but, I’m sure you could make it interesting.” 
“Ow,” he says, mock clutching his heart, “Old man jokes already? I’m shocked.”
“Oooh, I better lay off then,” you tease, “Wouldn’t want to give you cardiac arrest.” 
“Alright, whippersnapper,” he says, mock sternness in his voice, “Simmer down before I go get my cane.” He hears the giggle you’re trying to hold back and that helps. You’re still laughing; humor within reach of your fingertips. “What if I don’t simmer down? Then what?” you challenge. Bucky feels his cheeks heat. 
Things had been pretty innocent the week he spent with you. Slow kisses and tenderness when the lights got low. Positions that weren’t adventurous but still exciting. He’d liked being on top of you, where he could see you. Where he could feel like he was keeping you safe. Not that this week, as he missed you more with every tweet, text, and Instagram picture, he hadn’t considered other things. “Well,” he said, letting his voice deepen to the tone he used as he pressed you into the mattress, “Keep teasing me and find out.” 
He hears the hitch in your breath and his cock twitched to attention. “Bucky,” you say, too breathless to make the tease in your voice work. Your brain was about to make a smartass comment. It was on the tip of your tongue but the bedroom rumble in his voice made it evaporate like water on a hot pan. “What do you need, doll,” he asked, “tell me?” He knows you’re lonely and depressed. He can feel it, even over the phone. “I need you,” you say softly, “I miss you.” The longing in your voice makes his heart constrict. It isn’t simple lust. You just want a hand to hold and even Lady can’t make the empty feeling in your chest go away. “Y/N, do you want me to come out there?” he asks seriously, “I can be there in a few hours, baby. Just say the word.”
You swallow hard, blinking back tears. you’d never had anyone just offer to drop everything. No one, not even Aunt Sarah or your Grandma. They liked to try and make your mom parent first. “Baby, you still there?” he asks softly, “Talk to me, you need me to beat up any weasles?” He’s teasing, of course, trying to coax a laugh out of you. The sound you do make is mostly sob and a little laugh. He can hear lady whining in the background and the sound of fur rustling in the quiet as you hug her like a lifeline. A furry life raft. “Hang on, baby,” he soothes, already reaching for a bag, “I’ll be right there, okay?”
You sniffle and wipe your nose on your sleeve, “I'm sorry I’m such a baby,” you say. You sound so guilty and upset that you’re in pain. “Stop that,” he says firmly, “You’re not just any baby. You’re my baby. You’re my best girl. I love you. I love you so much, don’t be sorry.”
He wants to hurt the people who hurt you. The people who let you deteriorate until you shattered apart. You’re crying and lonely. Afraid to ask him for help. Afraid to talk to the people who love you for fear of some retribution. For fear of being judged or turned away. “Bucky?” you ask softly. He pauses his packing and grips the phone, “Yeah, baby girl?” He hears covers rustle and tissues crinkle, “I’m gonna lay down for a while, I don’t wanna be awake anymore.” Bucky chuckled, “Alright, get some rest Y/N. I’ll be there when you wake up, okay?”
“Okay,” you murmur before you hang up. 
Bucky doesn’t hesitate. He gets Natasha to fly the quinjet and take him to you. He’s worried. He’s seen glimpses of the manic the week he was with you. But this is where the switch flips. This is the other side of the coin with you. The price, you told him once, for all of your creative energy. The spy gives him a questioning look but when he tells her it’s for you, she asks no more questions. She really did have a soft spot for you. All awkward puppy friendliness and defending her from misogynistic men that made crude comments. You hadn’t known Natasha at all but when another woman walked into your space you said, “Sweet, work wife!” and showed her where the good coffee was hidden. 
“Use protection?” Natasha said with a smirk and a shrug as Bucky unstrapped his bike. The super soldier said nothing but rolled his eyes. You were waiting for him and you needed him. You needed him to come sit with you in the dark until you could find your way back into the sun. 
By the time he got to your hotel room, you were still sound asleep. Lady doing her best impersonation of a body pillow  as you hugged her close in the rumpled bedding. He doesn’t want to wake you. He just puts his bag down and hushes the dog softly. She listens and you hardly stir. He spoons up behind you and kisses the nape of your neck, “I’m here, doll,” he murmurs. “I’m right here, you’ll be okay.” In the dark of the room, an episode of I love Lucy as background noise, you lace your fingers through his, the feel of the cold metal cooling your skin comfortingly. 
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breg21 · 6 years
Danny Phantom. The Ties That Free us-Chapter one
CH. 1! I am so excited for you guys to read this. This is the endgame for the series. Better buckle up, because trust me, there will have plenty of bumps along the way. Thank you for coming along on this wonderful journey with me as we discover just who Danielle and her family really are as characters and the stories they hold. It's been one hell of a ride. Without further ado, I give you: The Ties That Free Us. Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom, Nickelodeon does.
Summary: Five years of peace. Something that Danielle never knew that she could have. But as the years passed, Danielle realized she wanted one thing: To pave her own path and the choices ahead. One filled with ghost fighting and the glory that came with it, the other a normal life with family. Which one would she choose? A life of living up to her dad's legacy and the burden that comes with it, could she even live up to that? Or does she want a life that she was denied the first two years of her life? So many choices, so little time. But then all her questions and fumblings in her head were put to a halt.
He returned. "Suprised I'm back?"
Danielle sighed, giving a long roll of her baby blues. "Surprised? Nah, not really. Annoyed? Definitely."
"I'm gonna need you to stop the traffic light on Elm and Maple."
No answer.
"Aunt Jazz?"
No answer.
"Aunt Jazz!"
Her voice finally tore through the intercom. "Yeah yeah, I'm programming it as we speak. You are such your father's daughter. I don't have to do this, you know."
Was she serious right now? They were literally in the middle of a high-speed chase, and she chose now to be in a cranky mood. Danielle knew wedding planning was a hard job to do, but her parents weren't so stressed when they did it. Then again, they had a wedding planner, but Aunt Jazz had insisted that she and Uncle Roy did the whole thing with the family members’ opinions weighing them down, even though Nana and Papa Manson said they would happily pay for a planner.
With her anger seething under the surface, Danielle did her best to remain calm. But she knew it broke through some. "This is your job, or at least part-time!"
"Then I don't get paid enough."
That's it, I'm talking to uncle Roy about this. Sighing, she patted the D on her chest off, ending the conversation. Rolling her eyes, Danielle continued sailing through the sky, cutting through the hazy summer breeze that caressed her skin as she flew in the opposite direction that the wind was pushing for. Buildings blurred, blending into one another as she zoomed past.
Shoving her conversation with her aunt to the back of her mind, she honed in on the car. Danielle sighed in relief as the streetlights froze on red, halting all cars in additional to the one she was trailing. Good. This should be easy enough.
Car horns honked in confusion as people started exiting their vehicles to find out why every stoplight had turned red. Upon seeing Danielle soaring through the sky, mumbles of understanding briefly caught her ear as she passed the cars. She quickly ignored the cheering that started as citizens assumed her heroic duty.
She pressed the D on her chest thrice to contact everyone. "Okay, I have them in my sight. Mom, dad, I'll be sending them your way, so be ready." Both Danny and Sam mumbled something in agreement. Speeding up, Danielle easily increased momentum as her eyes locked onto her target—a sleek, black 2004 Mercedes. She turned invisible and without a warning, overshadowed the driver.
She quickly glanced to the side to see the passenger side occupied with a man with a ski mask; from what she could see from his hands, he had pale skin, greasy brown hair from the little tuffs that pushed out at the end of the mask, and ratty old clothing. His hand clutched the handle of the car door, hanging on as the car continued to swerve between lanes.
She kept peeking between him and the road to see him loosen his grip on the handle to try to open the door, only to be met with the friction of the lock as it resisted to release the door open.  The adrenaline that surged through his body only intensified as everything blurred past his window, his possessed friend driving unbelievably fast.
"Let me out please, I didn't want this in the first place; all I wanted was to save my little girl.”
Danielle looked at the masked man in confusion, only taking her eyes off of the road for a second. "Little girl?"
Even with all other cars stilled on the street, Danielle was still having trouble not crashing into other people.  She really preferred flying over driving.
"My 7-year-old daughter was diagnosed with cancer about a month ago. My wife and I don't have the means to pay for her hospital bills so this shmuck," The masked man pointed the body that Danielle was now overshadowing. "Told me that if I helped him with a job that he would give me enough money for my daughters treatments, but I never wanted any of this. Now I'm not sure if I will ever see her again after this. Or my wife for that matter."
Poor guy. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Just how the world goes. Change of plans.
Danielle could see the guilt building up in his eyes as he continued to talk more to himself than anything. "Gosh, this was a mistake. I wish I could turn back time and take it all back."
Danielle once again looked at the man with the sparkle of an idea in her eye. she pressed the D on her chest and signaled her uncle Dan. "Hey, Dan Dan, you there?" Glancing in the rearview mirror, Danielle could see traffic starting up in small quantities.
A low growl could be heard over the intercom, making her force back a chuckle. "I told you not to call me that. What do you need, pipsqueak?"
Another car was successfully avoided. She gave a light tap to the gas with her foot. She was pushing sixty, but she needed to make it to her destination before traffic started completely back up. They wouldn't listen to the lights for long, no one ever did in Amity. With ghost attacks being an average thing, everyone was pretty numbed to travel laws. "I need a clock reversal in about ten minutes. Also, tell Dad and them to hold back. Plans have changed. I'll take care of it, just have them do the usual clean up of the city after."
"You know, she's not going to like that."
She rolled her eyes, trying to keep a steady steer with the wheel. This guy’s muscular hands were a pain to control. "Yeah, well unlike the rest of us at the moment, she has the time."
He sighed, but seemed to relent. "Fine, but you owe me. And don't think pizza can buy your way out of this mess like it used to. Nothing in Amity compares to authentic Chicago."
Another car passed, only this one had been driving in her lane and missed her by a beat— and yes, she was in the wrong lane, but if people would listen to the stupid lights, that wouldn't have happened—idiot.
"Stop drooling and get her here. And make it fast!" Danielle yelled as she nearly hit an oncoming charter bus.
The passenger, who was frozen to his seat the entire time, became animated once more.  He even ripped his mask off, not caring that she would be able to identify him now.
With that, he yelled, "What the heck! I thought a superhero would know how to drive properly!"
She shot him a warning glare, getting a glimpse of his soft structured cheeks, clean chiseled jawline, and oddly crooked nose, before returning her eyes on the road ahead of her. "Hey, I'm trying to help you out here, could you dial back the criticism just a bit."
He didn't look at all convinced as headlights reflected off of the windshield. She thankfully dogged it at the last minute, however, and she could see the relief sag into his shoulders.
With a slight scowl she added, "Besides, I do know how to drive. I was just taught by my Grandpa, that's all."
That relief was short lived as she did her best to swerve past the remaining traffic on the streets as more moving cars showed up. While keeping one hand on the steering wheel, she shifted the upper portion of her body out of the window.
She shouted to the sea of cars, "Come on, people! Ugh, you’d think people would recognize a red light!”
Just another normal day in my life. I wonder how grandma's doing in New York, I hope she's doing okay.
Realizing that she should focus on her task on hand, Danielle tried not to laugh as he gave her a sideways glance.
Out of nowhere, he said, "You have a lot of anger issues. You know, my therapist told me that when you're under stress it's best to— Oh sweet Mother Teresa!"
An oncoming eighteen wheeler was about to make a collision with them head-on. Danielle placed her hands on the dash of the car, causing it to phase through the oncoming truck narrowly escaping death.  
With his back glued against the leather seat, and feet firmly planted on the floor of the car, he cracked his head to the side just enough to look at Danielle with eyes opened in fear. Breathing in a sigh of relief, she said, "Woah, that was close."
Danielle shifted her eyes to the passenger to see a look of frustration on his face, eyes screaming at her as he stilled against the car seat.
"Why didn't you just do that before?" he said.
She swiveled the car, just slightly out of spite; she may have been helping him, but he couldn't comprehend the hardships of her job.
"Do you know how much energy it takes it takes to temporarily shift an entire car to another dimension?! No? Then zip it!"
Sending a sharp glare to her, he grumbled out, "You know, your bedside manner could use some adjusting."
"That's not what your mom said last night!"
Danielle heard the all too familiar voice of her youngest brother— he looked to be around fifteen, maybe sixteen if she had to guess— from the future as he kept pace with the speeding car. A time medallion hung largely around his neck. Danielle somehow smiled out of her annoyance. "So, if you're here Speedy, that means Lily is too?"
"Ten-four, big sis! Why aren't you breaking?"
She did as requested, putting pressure on the break, but instead of the car coming to a rolling stop, the petal wouldn't budge. It wouldn't allow her to slow down the car so much as a couple miles, no matter how much weight she put on it. Her eyes snapped to DJ's, fear contorting her face.
Oh, no.
"Uh kid, we have a problem."
Still keeping pace, and yelling over the rapid wind that pressed against them, he tried his best to reassure his sister. "Don't worry, I got ya. Your ride is nice, but it's a bit heavy for my taste."
DJ quickly became a green blurred circle around them as piece by piece the car slowly was dismantled; as each part was removed their speed slowed down, until all that was left was the frame and the two people hugging in the front seat.
Danielle, who was too busy consoling the crying adult in her arms, did not realize that they were now stilled. She awkwardly patted his back and shushing him over his shoulder as snot soaked into her suit. "It's okay, it's okay. We'll do everything we can to help you and your family out."
Tears and snot now ran down the man's face as he pulled back from the embrace. "She's my whole world. I would do anything for her."
DJ just looked at the two in confusion. "So um... You're welcome?"
Unbuckling the seatbelt that still remained strapped around her torso, she floated over to her younger sibling. Stepping out of the one man's body, she easily made a wad of ectoplasm, tied him up, and kept him close in case he woke.
She then turned to her brother. "Hey Speedy, before you take off, I think we're going to need you to do your magic.”
His crystal eyes that matched his sister’s widened in horror, his weightless steps easily propelling himself backward several feet. "Oh no... Every time we do one of those, you punch me way too hard."
She scoffed at DJ's cowardliness. "Come on twerp, you can take it."
"I'm so telling on you to Mom and Dad."
"Yeah yeah, just hurry up before the police get here."
DJ was much better at possessions than she was. Even though she could move the body, it never came naturally to her like it did to DJ, and even like her father. The problem was, DJ got too into it, relishing in his power, so she frequently had to knock him out for him to be able to separate from the body.
The former bank robber, Danielle had yet to catch his name, came stumbling from the leftover car, still shaken. "Wait, why the heck is he grinning!?" the man asked in total fear of the smirk on DJ’s face. He did enjoy overshadowing a little too much, in her opinion.
DJ quickly overshadowed the raggedy man, making him float ominously in the air just as the police showed up. "I am OVERKILL and you will all bow before me, puny humans!"
She didn’t understand why DJ idolized her uncle so much.
That was the moment that the police decided to arrive. They had always done their best to protect the town as a whole but there were just some things everyday people—with or without ecto guns—could handle.
Danielle looked on for a moment as the police had surrounded them, circling almost the entire block, with their weapons at the ready. "Aim!"
That's when she took her queue, jumping in front of the officers before they could move their weapons.
Using her best heroic voice that her dad had taught her, much to her mom's embarrassment, she called out, "Wait! This ghost has clearly possessed an innocent man. If you fire upon him, you would be hurting someone who had nothing to do with the crime that was committed!"
DJ looked to the people below him as he flew just a bit higher, in the unlikely case they started to shoot at him. "Silence, puny hero! Or else you will feel my awesome might, the likes of which your tiny mind could not begin to comprehend!"
And he wonders why I hit him so hard.
Danielle zoomed to her little brother,  punching him right out of the man's body as he dropped safely to the cushioned car seat DJ had been floating above. "You just made this so much easier, Overkill!" Danielle quickly threw DJ to the ground.
The hero's voice was becoming too much, even to her own ears, but she wanted to sell it. If they weren't convinced, they would be in deep trouble. She was beginning to understand why her mom hated it so much.
She yelled to him, "It's over, Mr. Overkill!" If I say that name one more time, I will put some force into my punch. "I have been waiting to capture you for a long time. Now, taste ghost justice, you fiend!"
She gave DJ a knowing smile as he just froze in place, eyes narrowing as he laid crushed up on the seat.  "Really...?"
Danielle wasted no time in taking out her Fenton Thermos and encased her speedy brother inside.
One officer out of the bunch walked up to Danielle, almost no color dampened his face, it was almost as if he had... seen a ghost. Heh, I'm too much like my dad.
The way officer’s adam’s apple bobbled up and down while he tried to force his words out was hilarious. "Thanks again, Danielle. Normally, we can handle these sort of issues but I have to admit we had no idea that man was overshadowed. Thank you for your service."
Then the man that Danielle hadn't possessed began to stir on the car seat. His head swayed a bit before he shifted from his resting spot against the seat. His hand flew to his head as he tried to steady his surroundings. "Ugh, what happened, and why do I smell like Axe? Wasn't I just-"
Before he could continue, Danielle interrupted, using the same voice that she had used on the officers. "Yes, we know. This foul man came to your door with a plan to rob a bank, and the ghost overshadowing you made you agree to this man's criminal plan. But worry not proud citizen, you are free from his tyranny and can go back to your normal life. Now come with me! We must make sure he did not leave any unwanted side effects."
Gosh, I sound like an extremely patriotic muppet.
Danielle took the man back to Fenton Works where Lilith and Tucker were waiting for her, Tucker stood uncomfortably in the corner, while Lilith sat on the couch with a face void of emotion. The rest of her family was still out, doing their usual rounds after something like this happened to make sure every citizen was okay.
Danielle could tell that she was definitely masking her anger. "So sis, who is he?"
I'm in trouble.
She strode over to Tucker, shielding herself behind her boyfriend, who stood several feet away from her younger sister.
Her lips fell into a sheepish smile. "He's someone who could use a break. I promised I would help him and his family."
Pushing herself from the couch, Lilith stalked over to the two, arms crossed and eyebrows raised: the very embodiment of fear itself. "So, what do you want me to do? I can't just rewrite today, otherwise this whole scenario will just get time tangled."
Tucker's body stiffened as Lilith neared them, but immediately relaxed under Danielle's touch as she began to rub little circles in the small of his back. It was the little things. "Yeah I know, also find a better name than time tangled. But what I need you to do is go back and alter his crook buddy’s memories to make sure that when the police interrogate him, he doesn’t remember this guy here..."
She paused for a moment, eyes going to the man awkwardly standing at the entryway of the door. "What's your name by the way?"
Danielle watched as heat flooded his face, eyes went to the blue carpet of the house,  his messy brown locks shielding his face. He refused to meet anyone's gaze. "It's Mattaniah, Herington the third." The toe of his shoe started to dig an invisible hole into the floor.
A few dry chuckles left her boyfriend's lips. "Wow, did three generations hate their kids that much to name them Mattaniah?"
His head snapped up, but he still wouldn't set his eyes on them. "It has a very old meaning to it, but yes it's very ridiculous."
Danielle moved out from Tucker's protective shielding. "Anyway, we need his friend to think he really was overshadowed."
She watched as Lilith sighed, shaking her head in defeat. "Fine, we'll take him home first and I'll go do the rest myself. Don't think I'm coming back too often though. We like to help out when we can—we're family after all—but protecting the city is your job as of right now. I'm not even conceived yet."
He looked at Danielle and Lilith, finally meeting their eyes. Confusion overtook his whole expression. "Why are you two doing all this for me, for my family?"
Danielle smiled, clapping him roughly on the back. "Well Matthan, Matten-" Her mind became a jumbled mess as she tried to say his name correctly. She failed, miserably.  "You know what, I'm just going to call you M. We're very big on second chances in this family." She pushed him towards her sister.
Lilith opened a portal to go back in time but before she does she looked back at M, a secret grin overtaking her lips. "Just don't blow up any fast food places and we'll be good."
"Fast food places?" he said in confusion, looking back to Danielle for an explanation, who didn’t respond.
Lilith shrugged, looking between Danielle and Tucker, shooting them a wink in a play. "It's an inside joke. Now come on, let's get you back to your family."
Danielle walked into the man's home, to see the place he was living in was not exactly glamorous. The house was old and almost looked condemned, with wooden boards that hung from the ceilings; some had scratches woven into the aged planks. In one part of the apartment there a large wall decorated with exposed brick, and chipped pieces fell effortlessly to the floor. It was absolutely disgusting.
"Wow... this is....um.... a nice home."
Danielle's hesitant smile held no genuine warmth, even though she pushed all her energy into it. It was half done, and it settled wrongly on her lips. In truth, even she knew it fit in an uneasy way, without the use of a mirror. Oh well. Never have been the best liar.
A weak smile spread on his lips, guilt swelling his eyes. "You don't have to lie to make me feel better. It's falling apart from all fronts, but it's what we got. It didn't always use to be like this but..."
The edge of Danielle's mouth turned down in a small frown. "What happened?"
He sighed. "I used to be the head of a large computer company, then one day there was some weird computer malfunction. I thought it was nothing, but when my company investigated, it said that I had been embezzling money from the company since near the beginning, but I never did anything of the sort. They threw me in jail, and when I got out I found out my company was bought out by Vlad Masters of all people, at a dirt cheap price."
Anger constricted her eyes, making them narrow in tight slants as her mind began to race. Of course Vlad had ruined this man's life. Now the monster was up in space and this guy had to live with what he did every day. She wanted to help more than ever now. She knew what it felt like to be manipulated by Vlad.
His squeaky voice was hollow. "Now because of my criminal record, no well-paying job will hire me. It's hard to think how one little computer error could change my family’s life so much. But if there is one thing that has been keeping me going, it's my girls at home. It just hit me that much harder when we got that diagnosis though. Please just promise me that if you tell her about helping us you won't give her any false hope."
They don't deserve this. No one does.
Danielle glanced around to see cobwebs and what she thought might have been specks of mold. This time her lips turned up into a loose warm, heartfelt smile. "Listen, I know a great charity that would help. Actually, I have their card, take a look." Handing him a card, he gave it a once over.
Reading it aloud, his eyebrows rose in confusion. “Sam Fenton Charities. Helping people in need of homes.” His eyes went up to meet hers. “Your mom has a charity operation?”
"Hey, um, yeah. She’s been doing for years now. She really loves to give back to people. I’m sure the staff would be willing to help repair and help get you on your feet."
His eyes shifted as pondered her offer. "I don’t know…. What about paying them back? I don’t know how we’d ever be able to do that.”
Placing a gentle hand on his upper bicep, she offered again. "Please, it wouldn't be a problem. It’s a non-profit, so it doesn’t charge period. If you want to pay back, you can volunteer. My mom opened this charity to be able to help people.”
He scanned the room, seeing the scattered remains of garbage littering the floor. "I don't know. It seems too good to be true." Out of nowhere, a piece of ceiling crashed down; Danielle let it phase through her to the floor while giving M a sly look. "I'll let the girls know.
After Danielle waved goodbye to her brother and sister after the portal closed, she transformed back to human, and started to shuffle her way to the stairs that led back up to the kitchen.
With each step, she didn’t want to admit the worries that today held. It had been so easy for DJ to do what he did, and while she was proud of what he— what they— had accomplished, it made her pause. Would she be able to do something like he did so easily?
Another thought struck her.
Did she even want that?
Oh well, another thought for another day.
Woot woot! First chapter completed. I hope you guys enjoy! And while Lilith and DJ won’t really show up much in this story, they will only play one big part later on. Please leave a review if you could. Love you guys!! Shout out to my beta reader, silente faery.
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21-11-98 · 5 years
잘하고 있어, 화이팅 ♡
I didn’t want to be dramatic but shit it feels real. I’m twenty? Damn... I grew up to be horrible and I doubt 13-year-old me would feel proud or happy to see the me now. Things were reaaally hard and it felt like I was going through things I should’ve if I were 30 or older but age really doesn’t play a part in this and difficult times can come to you at anytime, any day to anyone, really. Every time I ask myself “why does this happen to me,” I tell myself either “worse things happen to other people” and try to understand and go through it or “What the fuck? My life is the worst” and be selfish as fuck, forgetting about everyone else’s feelings, and putting mine first. I really have to mind my language but rather than me lacking of vocabulary to express myself, it’s more like I’m having no words that can explain this “phase” that I went through.
I starved, I was exhausted, I didn’t have time for friends and had to put them aside, I was scared, I was lonely, I was frustrated, I over-worked, I defied, I lied, I had to do things against my will, I had to control myself, I couldn’t do anything about the situation, I witnessed, I felt people looking down on me, I felt people pitying me, I felt like I had to be blamed for certain things, I wanted freedom, I was stuck, I embarrassed myself, I cried in public, didn’t feel like I belonged, I was angry, I said things that hurt people, I was constantly moving, I was jealous, I didn’t know how to say ‘no’, I kept apologising, I owed, I felt like I had no one, I had no space, I kept falling ill, I became someone I told myself not to become.
My family, the police, the loansharks, the authorities, the managers, the family who lived next door under a roof, the guy upstairs, the guy who talks like he owns the world, the shit Wi-Fi, the small space we squeezed in, the friends who has everything, the places I have slept at, the guys and their never-ending smoking cigarettes, the guy who gets high, the guy who I raised my voice at, the guy who ransacks through our stuff, the lecturers, the people who had and didn’t have faith in me, the guy who asked me if I’m okay, the guy who I cried in front of, my immune system, my bank account, the people who cried for our unfortunate events, the people who couldn’t bear to see us going through it, the people who were there when I cried, the people who tried to fight for my good, the couple who’s always fighting, the people who tried to find a resolution, the people who gave me resolutions, the guy who gave my stuff away without permission, the guy who has a place to stay, the one who talks more rather than doing it, the one who is trying to give my brother advise but is not doing it, the person who re-arranges my stuff without permission, the person who can’t agree with how I do stuff, my aunts, my uncles, my bosses, my colleagues, the estate agent, my classmates, my group mates, my schoolmates, the people who accepted that I kept moving due to the good location, the people who don’t know the fact that I stay in a common room with the 5 of us squeezing together, the person who I told to seek therapy, the caretaker who is taking care of my grandmother, the people who had it worse than me, the people who found out that I degraded but kept didn’t say anything bad to me, the people who are going through pain continuously, the people who had to accept the fact of a person’s death, the guys who were interested in me for a second, the guys who wanted to make friends, the guys who suddenly stopped talking.
It really goes back to EOY 2014. After I had a break up, I cut ties with almost everyone and wasn’t even active on social media. This was probably a personal problem, which wasn’t even a serious matter to be upset about, but one thing for sure was that my depression back then was real. I probably didn’t know I had depression but looking back, I think it was – maybe a minor one. It really drained me so much that it even sucked my self-esteem and confidence that I had so much in secondary school. You can say that I was really outgoing in secondary school. Thus, I was the opposite when I entered poly. In poly, the critique and presentations were never-ending and of course you need confidence for it and I don’t remember having and while doing it. I skipped so much lessons that my lecturer told me off about my attendance.
It was then that I couldn’t even go home when I want to and needed updates if it was safe to come home. There’d be a group of guys screaming and banging at our door. It was terrible and really terrifying. It was traumatic and I still get anxious sometimes when I go out. It was worst if I was inside the house. So if I was outside, I would hangout at this neighbourhood bakery/cafe, slightly further from my house and wait until my mom tells me that it’s safe for me to come back home. And yes, that was when I had a place to call home. I couldn’t imagine how terrifying it was for my grandmother, who used to stay with us at the house. I was actually thankful that she has poor hearing. Despite her poor hearing, she could actually hear the knockings and asked about it. So we had to lie about it. Construction works, door-to-door sales. I don’t think she was that gullible to believe us. Back then, she was aware of everything, unlike now. We had to bear with the banging and yelling for weeks. We couldn’t even switch on the TV with the volume on. There wasn’t Wi-Fi and the channels were just local TV. Our bills for cable and Wi-Fi got cut off, the electricity and water went off a few times too and I had to call both of them to have more time and get a date to pay off our debts, even though we didn’t pay it back at the promised date. And things just kept happening to us. The banging and yelling was due to my dad’s company failing to win over a project and yes he was the owner of it. The company already bought the materials for the project, thinking they got it and it was thousands over dollars. He probably spent some of the money on us too. However, another Chinese company took over the project and the loans that he took turned into debts. He had to resort to loansharks to pay for the debts. I’d be lying if I didn’t blame my dad for the situation now. He was partially responsible for it but he was really working hard for the family back then. I was living comfortably back then and I didn’t realise it till unfortunate hits me. He had to declare himself bankrupt and my mom rented out the house to pay for the debts.
My brother got himself into some trouble too. I am thankful that he has repented now but the things he does back then was so extreme for me to witness. I mean, I didn’t witness anything besides the police coming over to our house. The police came to our house for two cases on the same week! How can a 16-year-old girl not be traumatised? Throughout the night, the police stayed, from about 12AM to morning at about 6AM? Not so sure. I was just joking around with my sister getting midnight snacks and suddenly there were people knocking and greeting at the door. My sister and me immediately went inside the room, cuddled up, pretending to be asleep. I remembered leaving the door open so I saw my grandmother walking out, making her way to the washroom. I was so afraid she would open the door but then again, I was thankful for her poor hearing. She probably heard the knockings but pretend to not be aware of what’s happening. That night, my brother kissed us to sleep and told us to take care. I remember him crying and hugging my parents for so long. I didn’t have a good relationship with him because of the stupid stuff he do now but thankfully we’re good now~ He stayed inside until the police went off. My parents brought him to my aunt’s place and he seeks shelter there for days. He is really thankful for my aunt and her family. She has a big heart and without reluctance took him in for shelter. He still talks about this every now and then and can’t forget about the deed she did for him. We continued staying there even without Wi-Fi for weeks. My aunts and uncles actually came over to our place despite the situation and even witnessed the banging and yelling of the loansharks. I was so embarrassed and of course everyone pitied me but that was what I hate. I hate being looked down on and people sympathising me but I had to be sympathised for.
My aunt suggested me to pack and stay over at her place. At first I was thinking will there actually be space for all of us to fit in? There were 6 of us; they have 2 plus my aunt’s family. That’d make it 11 of us staying in a three-room flat. But we managed to stay there for almost 2 years. The five of us, stayed in a less than 30m² room. During the 2 years: Initially it was my grandma and Isleeping with my aunt and my cousin. My parents, my brother and my sister slept in the small room. And then my brother moved out to my other cousin’s place. And then my sister moved out there too. And then I moved in to the small room with my parents. And then my sister came back after we bought a double-decker bed. My sister and I slept on top and my parents slept below. Before that, we were all squeezing below with a mattress and if you’re unlucky you could sleep on the cold hard floor.
I always had projects and submissions so I was always awake till late. I am more of a night person anyways. I had to have a big space to do models so I did my work outside. I need a good connection to watch shows on my laptop so I had to do it outside. I was always being told off by the woman next door to keep my volume down when it wasn’t even loud and it pisses me off. I couldn’t do anything because i had nothing! I had no money to move out or a place to do my work. I remembered suddenly seeing my toothbrush in the bin… out of all toothbrushes. Why did she even have grudges against me? Also my aunt told me off for always sleeping late and told me the cause of my runny nose is sleeping late. But I understand that because it was for my well-being, but I was sensitive then, and so I moved in with my parents at the back always remembered to download the shows in school before i came back home so I could watch them at the back, in our room with the poor signal. I had to bear with that for 2 freaking years! I am so thankful to my aunt for letting us stay over but the people next door were really testing my patience.
My grandma’s legs were getting weaker and weaker so she needs assistance and guidance whenever she needs the washroom. Of course I had to stay awake, alert and had to wake up every time she needs the washroom. Even at the holiest times like 3AM or 4AM and she always wake up really early. I was there for her even before the 2 years, even at our old house, but I’ll always be in debt to her because she practically raised me! I love her so much and I’m always thankful and sorry… I couldn’t do anything for her to have a house… I’m still so young and penniless and that made me frustrated and sad. It was almost like she got kicked out of the house with us… I will never stop being sorry to her.
I remembered in 2016 while we were staying at our aunt’s house two weeks before my trip to Korea (which I worked my ass off for), she was hospitalised after she fell and it was partially my fault. I can’t stop blaming myself whenever she fell but really… I hid the fact that I wanted to kill myself. Until now, it felt like I was to be blamed for her being confused and unaware. My mom was frantically calling out my name but I didn’t go out immediately. She tried to get a grip of my grandma but she tripped. My mom was holding on to hot coffee to serve her and of course, she couldn’t help my grandma to prevent her from tripping. A day after, her arms felt hot and swollen. Maybe the fall had made the gout “activated” and we brought her to the hospital. She was hospitalised for days. I was on the look out at night to accompany her till the sun down every night, except one hehe. One of the days, the doctors reported that her calcium was too high. They gave her medications to bring the calcium down but it made her so cranky and weird… I was so scared. It was early in the morning at about 8AM, when my cousin who was a nurse at the hospital, just ended her shift and bought me breakfast. Luckily, she was there with me. My grandma kept saying she wanted to go home and to just kill her rather than staying there. My cousin was there to assure me that it was just a side effect of the drugs but of course I was still in shock. I really wanted to cry, and to add on to that I didn’t have enough sleep and had work later that night at the movies. I really hope it wouldn’t happen again. How did the words come out from my sweet grandmother’s tongue? A few days later, her condition got better, though she was partially unaware, and got to be discharged. My flight was on the same day of her discharge.
I worked so hard for my trip to Korea at the cinema. One of the reasons I had the money to fly off there was. A year ago, when I was working in a cafe, I worked hard just so that I have enough money to go to Korea. So I had enough money covered for the flight and accommodation. I worked at the movies so I can earn money to go for shopping. I worked so much but the rate of my pay was $6.50/hour exclusive of CPF. I went for work after school; sometimes I get to only go home after 3AM. Even after my trip to Korea, I stayed because my colleagues were nice to me and i had a really amazing manager. Which soon left because a new manager came in and he couldn’t get along with her. Not so sure why I still stayed after he left but I stayed. I was so broke, I should’ve left earlier and find a job with a better pay. I was wronged one day and the managers decided to suspend me for a week. To this day, I still felt wronged and not sure why I was punished with a suspension, it wasn’t intentional or a crime. Their decision to suspend me led me to quitting the job. I was actually fired because I didn’t go for work a week after suspension but beats me. I was working there for over a year and they didn’t take my side or believed me. I did not regret my decision then.
While I was working at the cinema, I actually had another part-time job with my sister. She was the admin of it and she introduced me to it. I really liked it and the pay was good. It was a pizza making workshop for kids, sometimes for students and older people, but most of the time for kids. It was really easy, I can either host, assist or/and bake and clean up before and after. I just need to prepare for the next workshop and clean, mop, sweep. That’s all. I only worked there for half a year and then I got fired for the pettiest reason ever. My boss and my sister couldn’t get along and he fired me? Since my sister introduced the job to my cousin, my boss fired her as well. She was just about to start working and was already cut. It was so unfair and petty.
While I was working at the workshop, I was also working at a kindergarten every Thursday and most of the days at a karaoke. I applied for the job at the karaoke right after I was cut off from the cinema. Unexpectedly, I got the job and am still working there right now. It has been a year and 4 months now to be exact. The kindergarten job was easy. All you had to do was to teach them science with scenes and stories and materials prepared beforehand with the cute kids! but it was difficult for me to commute as it was in the north and I am not familiar with the area. I was only able to work there for a few months because they had a class, which I was unable to attend to, and I didn’t hear from them afterwards. So I actually had a point of time when I was doing 3 part-time jobs at a time. Actually, I had two. I did Deliveroo while working at the karaoke and teaching science at the kindergarten. Currently, I am working at the karaoke and assisting with the workshops that my cousin holds every weekend. My job shows how broke I am even when I am a full-time student.
In December, after I came back from Japan, our estate agent who helped us rented our house told my mom that there was a 3-room flat that is being rented out for a few months for cheap. It was really cosy and I was really happy to be able to stay there. It was a few months of happiness in the east. My brother continued staying at my cousin’s place as it was easier for him to commute to work but he still comes over the east to hang out. During the period of time, my good for nothing uncle apparently got a divorce and has no place to stay. So he stayed with my brother at my cousin’s place. We had the place until end of April and our short happiness ended. We had to move to a place and we moved in with my brother at our married cousin’s place, in a small room estimated about 36m². My uncle had no choice but to sleep outside, as we were moving in into the room. According to my brother, he was hardworking with the housekeeping chores when it was only them staying there but ever since he had to sleep outside, he’s a mess. There was once when he took my sister’s phone and my sister knew right away because there was no one else in the house at that point of time. There are also times when he would stare blankly and stayed in that same position for a very long time. Of course I was and still am scared and unsafe to know that someone like that is staying in the same house as me. There were also times when I was preparing food during Ramadan and he was taking pictures of me from afar? I was so bummed out but I still had to continue preparing it. My sister assured me that it was probably to send his girlfriend (ew) but it’s still not right? It’s so weird and uncomfortable. Help me…
The guys staying here are extremely heavy smokers and smokes a lot everyday in the living room. It’s so strong that even when I slightly open the room door, I could smell cigarettes. Bless my lungs and my respiratory system… Again, if I had money or if I were older with a proper career, I would’ve already moved out. It’s too much smoke for me to handle. My breathing is at risk! My health is involved. Five guys smoking in a space, probably cancerous.
Staying here made it difficult for me to be organised and find for stuff. It was the same with staying with my aunt the last two years before staying in the east. It was due to the limited space that we had to use the second floor of the double decker bed to store our clothes… and the rest of my family members had to sleep on the floor.
It is slightly better now but I’ll never and I should not forget what I had gone through the past years. There has to be a day I’ll be successful and tell my success story too, right? If there was, I hope to bump into this memo.
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Witch school and my aunt has 8 Labradoodle werewolf kids???
12/14/16 I was a student at an all girls school. It was a young witches school. I was special and could manipulate time magic. I kept looking for somebody and for a specific grimoire. The school was training witches to fight, apparently there was also gun magic. Well I learned this because I was to break into one of the main buildings where these gun witches studied and take the grimoire. I did it by being super precise with my Magic. I would either reverse or speed up time, so that the girls around me would always have their back to me. I snuck behind them, took the book and got out . It was cool but kind of stressful and fun. In side the building was like like all wooded, looked kind of like a church but also had the feel of a boarding school. As I took the book, it wasn’t long before they were looking for the thief. I walked away, no running cuz screw that i have time magic. I would like warp across open areas, time shift past groups of students looking for me, warp on to second floors when I couldn’t go around patrols. It was fun. I ended up going to a church outside of school grounds.
I had some sort of flash back , I was at my grandmas house, but something was off. I think my aunt is actually pregnant ATM in real life so that’s why it’s kind of in my dream. Dream aunt had her baby, turned out she was like the next octomom so she had like 8+ babies at one time and the thing was that in this dream, I turned her husband/my uncle into a dog? And these 8+ kids were some kind of kid werewolves, but like think like labradoodle kids. They were cute but I was still like ???? Why would you want 8+ kids at the same time? And then my aunt pulled out her favorite pup/kid, and it was this tiny thing. It was a runt, so small it could fit in her hand. But this pup was badly disabled, its legs were docked, it could. It eat on it’s own, didn’t have any teeth, and I didn’t see a tongue, the pup was basically a log you had to feed . So I look at my aunt like, how could you make this thing suffer? Why didn’t you put it down? It can’t even breath properly? It might only live for another month, and even then suffer the entire way. But my aunt kept talking like it was normal, just a little small for its size. And I left her ready to cry cuz where she sees a happy tiny child, i see a poor suffering baby. I left and cried in the bathroom cuz no one understood what I meant.
Dream jumps back to witch school/ white church outside of the school. I can hear school girl patrols still looking for me as I walk into to church in tears( might have carried over from the flashback) . Mass is going on so i make my way through the crowd hiding the grimoire. Go to a back hallway looking for a certain priest. I find said priest and he says we need to get ready for the next mass session. I was to also make my weekly offer to the God (not real life god).
Basically there was a shrine where people leave a few dollars. The priest mentioned something along the lines that this would be his last offering, hinting that he might be leaving not dying. I look at the priest, he’s this Asian guy , maybe someone’s parent I didn’t recognize and tried to get more answers about what he meant, but then he realized he didn’t have enough money to pay the shrine, and also wouldn’t be able to pay back the money he owed me. I said “it was alright Father”, and then he realized he had a few bottles of alcohol so he was gonna leave a shot of Tequila for the God. I kind of forget what I was here for and tried to get a shot of tequila but we ran out, Father said he was gonna go get more alcohol but I didn’t have time to wait around.
I make my way upstairs, there is a closet that is blocked by a few people sitting in chairs. It was S**a, N****e, and K**i, blocking me. I tell them to move, make my way to the closet and I open it. Looks like a closet but I force myself through the secret panel behind it. This led to a large room. Behind me I can hear the three of them clamor in surprise and S**a and N*****e wanted to follow, K**i went to get the Priest . Neither of them seemed to have recognized me. In use my magic to undo the mess I did, the closet was fixed and the opening was sealed up again. Then I made my way across the room.
It wasn’t my room, it was the person I was looking for’s room. I couldn’t find her , and I knew that I stole the grimoire to see if I can find a spell to find her. I leave throw a window, end up in like an out door patio thing outside her room, the only way into her room was apparently through the secret door. But it was sealed and I didn’t understand why. I warp off of the second floor and begin walking around campus. I had taken this little black rag doll that I knew was my friends and I was gonna use it as a tracking item for the spell I had in mind. I ran into the priest I spoke to earlier and he sees me with the rag, he had also met with the patrols when he went looking for his gin. He told me the truth about the girl I was looking for.
The girl was a young aspiring witch. She had used the grimoire to summon a spirit friend because she was rather lonely. She was a ward of the state, stayed at his church because she couldn’t afford the boarding school the priest was helping her attend. She summoned this spirit because she wasn’t able to connect with others in her class because of the fact she was a ward.
As the priest walks me to the back of the church, to the grave yard. He points to a gravestone, I couldn’t read the name but understood. He then said, my friend, you’ve been here long than you were suppose to. She has gone to your world, but you still come to ours looking for her . It’s time for you stop coming back, go home, she is probably over there looking for you. I was apparently the spirit she summoned with the grimoire which explained my cool uncommon magic and the black doll was actually the vessel I was put in to keep the girl company. I just didn’t know how to go back home. I thank the priest and give him the grimoire and as the sun sets, I’m walking through the main gates of the school with the small doll in my hand. I wake up as I cross the gate.
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gwassysworld-blog · 8 years
knocked up
back in 2000 before online dating was cool there were these things called chat lines that you would call into to meet people. It was really a way for prostitutes to work from home before craigslist. but it was also fun when ur bored to get fucked up and mess with people in the middle of the night.. well at least for me it was..
well one night on there i some how started talking to this guy from Cleveland, and he just wanted to talk, i don't remember details but i told him to come up to my work the next day so i could have a look at him.. and he did.. and i left with him.. He took me back to his house in Cleveland and told me his whole life story on the way out there.. how he was 26, surprisingly the same age i had told him i wouldn't date older than. that his grandma raised him because his mom was a “wall licker” and was in a mental hospital.. that he was married, and had a 4 year old son, but the mother had taken him and moved away and he hadn't seen him in 2 years. he went on to tell me that this caused him to have a vasectomy so he never had to go through this experience again.. ya know pull at the heart strings.. i don't no really what he was trying.. but hey it worked, he was in me unprotected that night.. i hung out with him for about a week or so, until we went to get beer one night and he was carded.. I heard that cashier say “you don't look 32.” .....32? but u said u were 26... we got out to the car and i told him i wanted him to take me home. Theres one thing i don't like in life and its liars, u can lie about knowing me to other people, but don't lie to me. Instead of taking me home he drove back to his house. and told me to go in and get my things. good thinking, don't want to leave those behind. We got inside and he sat down and told me he wasn't going to take me home that i needed to get over it ... you don't tell me what to do.. its just never worked that way.. my parents tell me enough what not to do, i wasn't going to have a man tell me.. it escalated very quickly.. but like i said i hadn't know this guy that long.. right out hes lying about his age.. and i wasn't that interested either.. so i went to grab the phone to call my mom, a struggle happened and my head went through a wall.... i ran out of his house down to this convenient on the corner and called my mom and had her come pick me up... one psycho down..
me and my mom had a great talk on our way home. i think it was just like a tipping point.. i knew things were out of control and i didn't no what to do with my life. and she was my mom i should be able to talk to her about these things.. not so much.. i even told her i was cutting and she looked at me like i was crazy, i told her about a night when i was about 15 and out in the garage with my dad and one of his friends, they were partying and his friend grabbed me and kissed me and grabbed my ass, right in front of my dad, my dad laughed, i bit his lip.. yup her response, even to this day.. that never happened... My parents were swingers with this guy and his wife so i think it was more of a we cant open up any can of worms talking about this guy... or she just didn't care. which was shocking to me because in her crazy night time talks she would have with my dad when they thought we were all sleeping, i had heard her talk one night about how she had an uncle that forced her to do things to him. i figured she would definetly get it.. well this solidified the fact that i can never talk about what happened when i was younger.. this shit just had to stay bottled up.. she didn't care.. i stayed up the whole night crying and cutting the shit out of my arms. i just wanted to figure something out, i just wanted to get out of my parents house, i just wanted someone to want me, someone to talk to.. everything around me was falling apart, danny had pulled a knife on lisa cause he found out she cheated on him.. and i was like their kid stuck in the middle until they both quit and forgot about me. and slight friendship i had with anyone from school was over, either cause i slept with their boyfriend or they had left for college.. and here i am working in a pizza shop, walking to work..
So i go to work the next day and its just me and billy working the afternoon shift. All through high school our “sex” was a big secret but he was my friend, we would sit and talk for hours every night and he knew.. he knew me.. he knew everything. He also knew it was strange when i walked in with a long sleeve shirt on a 85 degree day to a pizza shop with no air conditioning.. he said something .. half joking half not asking if i had moved onto heroin and was covering my tracks..  no man, and the tears just started again, i pulled up my sleeves and fell to the ground, like someone please just hold me I'm cracking up.. and he did, he ran over and took the phone off the hook and he got down on the ground with me and wrapped his arms around me and just held me.. and then we had sex.... on the floor..  dignified.. right.. even in my weakest moments all i was ever seen for was sex.. but that was life and that was normal.. afterwards he told me about how he had an older sister that also would cut and told me of a place to go to get help and to call him whenever i needed someone.
well you know after you have an extreme lava flow of emotions sometimes you see things more clearer... well i do.. it always feels like when i finally let it all out i feel so much better.. i called that place and went to one counciling meeting.. but it was an eye opener i guess.. like time to figure some thing out.. partying like ur parents isn't going to get you anywhere.. so i started to make a plan.. stopped going out and stayed home with my sisters every night. i had this great plan that i would move out and get custody of them, but i needed to at least be there for them for now, they were still young, and it wasn't fair i was running away from them all the time because i didn't want to be stuck in that house, but i forgot they were there by themselves to see it.
alright so I'm on the right track, a month or so goes by and i start getting really sick to my stomach .. a lot! oh, let me think about this.. i haven't had my period in a month or so... oh shit.. i took 3 different pregnancy tests in various fast food bathrooms.. all coming back the same.. damn girl your pregnant...
my mom was the first one i told.. i couldn't keep it from her very long... she cried, but not in disappointment, she cried because she was so excited she was going to be a grandma.. then my brother called and she told him “guess whos pregnant?” i guess he had an ow shit moment, like who called you, who did i knock up, but was greatly releaved when she told him it was me.  My older younger sister didn't really care, but my youngest sister was really embarrassed and didn't want anyone to know... my mom also told my dad who didn't speak to me for almost 4 months... but that was it.. no talk about future, no talk about what i should do.. your pregnant, your pregnant, will figure it out, get up time to go make the pizzas.
it was starting to get colder out so the general manager picked me up for work.. i got in and he offered me a cigarette and i declined.. hes like what the heck your not pregnant are you... totally in a joking way.. he had no idea.. and i could tell by the look on his face when he saw the look on my face when he asked.. he was like holy shit.. you are...? and he quickly followed with.. its not billys is it?
what? i mean? we don't sleep together?
he was like stop seriously everyone knows..
well ya its billys and i guess i have to tell him..
great... i think i told him that day.. i don't really remember.. he didn't take it horribly.. i mean he didn't get pissed off or bring up abortion.. mostly like hey ur 18, I'm 19, our lives are kinda crazy right now, i still have a girlfriend.. what the fuck.. he also asked if i was sure it was his..
think back.. yup its yours.. i hadn't been with anyone else.. since that creepy guy and he had a vasectomy, yup sorry its yours.. ok will get thru this..
he didn't want his parents to know tho, not right away anyways, and i totally respected that, so did everyone we worked with, and outside of my family, no one really knew.
I got a full time job working for this electronics distributor. My parents were swinging with the owner of the company and his wife so it was an easy in...so i did that  during the day and was slinging pizzas at night. It was kinda funny cause after i told billy about the job he made me aware that his sister and aunt also works in the building so don't get chummy with the wrong people... this job sucked... but i was making money, and i was pregnant, so i was doing things right.. i didn't have anything to spend my money on so i just saved and bought a car. all i did was work and spend time with my sisters. Billy was around he would take me to appointments, but he had a girlfriend.. and that wasn't me..
Eventually my dad started talking to me again, after coming home drunk a shit one night and asking me to drive him to a different bar.. we never made it out of the driveway .. he just broke down in tears telling me how shitty of a dad he is and how hes going to be the best grandpa and always love this kid.. i had heard my dad cry several times to me like this about being a shitty dad.. it was always when he was drunk and supposibly moving out.. secretly back then i always hoped he just would already, but then he would pass out and the next morning things would be back to normal.. this situation wasn't much different.. i really didn't care about the things he was saying to me.. he never really talked to me anyways so this wasn't that big of a deal that he hadn't been.. i wasn't affected anyways.. but he said he would always love this baby and i hoped he meant it..
shortly after that my dad called billys parents and let them in on all the news as well... I guess they took it well.. i met his mom and his sister for the first time at dinner at applebees.. by this time I'm like 6 months pregnant.. she was the sweetest lady and i cant say that enough about her.. it was kinda weird that i had never met her before.. but when i was at billys it was for parties when they were out of town.. so.. we didn't cross paths i guess.. she told me that night though that her and billy had a long talk about the baby.. that billy still wasn't positive if it was his but that her family wanted to be very supportive through the rest of the pregnancy but they wanted a paternity test.. so i guess u can see where this is going.. billy continued to take me to my appointments.. his family went out huge for the baby shower... and at 3 oclock in the morning when my water broke they were the first ones i called and they were at the hospital before  got there...
well mainly because at 3 oclock in the morning by brother and his friend were just walking in drunk.. and my mom and dad followed... drunk... both my sisters woke up from all the commotion so theres all of us standing in the kitchen and I'm like ok ass holes my water broke whos sober enough to get me to the hospital. so my dad drove me, with my mom in the front and i laid in the back and my dad had my brother and his friend follow him with my sisters and gave him instructions to stay close and not let a cop get behind him, because got forbid someone gets a dui tonight, just get me to the hospital.
the labor was so quick, i remember getting there and they gave me an epidural right away which made me shake uncontrollably and scared my sisters because they though something was wrong.. and then minutes later i felt like i had to poop and they were like shit here comes the baby.. he was born by 6 in the morning.. and there he was .. my beautiful little boy.. my little boy that i knew had just joined me on this journey against the world.. living in my parents basement.. but i wasn't scared.. i knew no matter what things would work out.. i would figure it out.. at least i really freaking thought so.. he was mine and i had to get through this..
being a mom became more routine than anything.. i went back to work and dropped the weight right away.. i was back to me.. not pregnant.. T would be up every night.. all night.. he was so colicky.. then i would get up, go to work and he would be with my mom during the day. i quit the pizza shop so i could be at home with him in the evenings, and billy was taking him every weekend. things went pretty easy for the first 4 months.. i had this working mom thing down..
then the paternity test results came back... Billy you are not the father...
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