#also my brother is in the guard not big army
theautumnriverleaves · 10 months
*screeches until glass breaks because my dad put up thoughtful little ornaments denoting his and my brother's military service on the tree but couldnt be bothered to get a lil firefighter hat ornament for me*
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abbyfmc · 1 month
Plot Idea #4:
A girl named (Y/n) was the daughter of a war general whose family always served closely to the royal army, having contact with the king himself. Her mother, on the other hand, was an old childhood friend of the queen of that time so she would bring her children to the castle for visits.
Thanks to this, (T/n) met the yandere prince when they were children, (without any of them being aware that this was only to arrange a marriage for them years later) so they spent a lot of time together playing and talking.
(T/n) was not an only child, as she had more siblings who due to medieval times, died due to diseases such as tuberculosis, including her mother. This saddened her to the point of making her a lonely person. Her father, having her as the only descendant in his lineage and little time to even get married; overprotected her due to fear of losing her, to the point of not letting her accompany him to the palace and leaving her at home in the company of her sisters ([Y/n]'s aunts) and governesses.
The yandere prince had already grown attached to her, as (Y/n) took him out of his monotonous prince life and her absence worried him, to the point of asking (Y/n)'s father repeatedly about his daughter. He knew about the loss of her siblings and mother due to tuberculosis, being the cause of her distancing herself so much due to depression.
He sees that she is not only more beautiful than before and how lonely she is, but how shy and distrustful she has become; he was also the one to blame for distancing himself from her due to his hard and arduous upbringing. He spends time with her and realizes that he is wanting her more and more, while she is still insecure. On the other hand, the old king is very proud of the educational and military work that (Y/n)'s father has done, so in his last days he not only arranges the marriage between (Y/n) and the yandere prince, but also promotes (Y/n)'s father and his family to a very good and high economic, political and social rank.
When the king dies, he leaves his queen a widow and the yandere prince is not only married to (Y/n), but is promoted to yandere king (and thus [Y/n] is promoted to queen). At first (Y/n) didn't want to get married and tried to protest to her father over and over again, but he told her:
-"Listen (Y/n), I don't like this very much either. At first your marriage wasn't a big deal even though the old king had proposed it, but now things are different. Your older and younger brothers, who are the ones who could bring this clan forward, have passed away along with your mother and for that reason our family only has you as a hope. I myself am getting old and you know it, and if something happens to me, there will be no one to look after you once I'm gone. I'm sorry, but we all have a responsibility to fulfill; that is yours and there are no other options."-.
While it was true that her father was getting old and he was quite right, she was nervous and insecure. On the other hand, the yandere prince was delighted with the marriage whose ceremony was finally very close. He promised to take care of her at all times, to the point of not stopping to watch her through guards or by himself. The yandere king introduced her and showed her off to everyone, but he also overprotected her from anyone the yandere king considered a threat, to the point of only allowing his father-in-law to visit her in the palace.
-The End.
Yes, you can use my ideas, just give me credits.
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Could I request a bat boys story? (any one, surprise me!)
Reader is being brought into the house of wind as a priestess when she peaks the interest of the boys but she's very shy. They feel the mating bond snap into place and try to romance her but start out too over the top. Since she is smaller in stature then then them, they end up overwhelming and scaring her a bit. They feel bad about it but once they take it down a notch and start small with things they slowly start to form a relationship when the mating bond finally snaps for the reader
Thank you so much for your writing! I'm enjoying your account so much!
-call me leaf annon 🌿
Scary mate.
Azriel x f!Reader.
Warnings; mentions of war, abuse, trauma and sexual assault.
This took way longer than I expected it to and gave me a hard time to write so I hope you enjoy it. I recently read here that Azriel is 6'10 so I decided to write this about him. Also I would like to thank you for your kind words and I hope you will enjoy this too.
The war was over and the king of Hybern was killed, everyone was picking their pieces and trying to rebuild their lives like before. You were lost, you didn’t have a home, the king destroyed your temple and killed most of the other priestesses there so you were alone. When the high lord of the night court found you, he immediately offered you a place at his court, he promised to protect you and give you a home, and you trusted him. So now here you are on the balcony of the house of wind next to Rhysand. “No one will harm you here, you will meet my family now and I promise you they are good… they will protect you and take care of you” Rhysand told you and you nodded. You smoothed your pale blue dress and fixed the stone that was hanging in the centre of your brow.
“I’m ready” you said, and Rhysand gestured to the big glass doors.
You walked inside and almost flinched at the sight; two huge males were standing in front of the dining table. Your eyes fell on the most intimidating one, he wasn’t as big as the other but the darkness that surrounded him made him look scarier. He was tall, you probably reached his chest, his body was twice your own and you could swear that if he hugged you, he would cover you entirely.
“Hello” you smiled politely.
The intimidating male’s eyes widened when you spoke, and he moved a bit closer to you. The movement caught you off guard and you instinctively took a step closer to Rhysand. The high lord scowled at him and cleared his throat. He didn’t take his eyes off him when he spoke.
“This is y/n she is the priestess I told you about.” Rhysand glanced at you, pausing for a few seconds before gesturing at one of the males “This is Cassian he is my army’s General, and this is Azriel my spymaster. We all grew up together, and I consider them my brothers.”
You nodded and glanced back at the two males. “Hello, its nice to meet you.” Cassian said and you once again smiled politely.
“You’re beautiful” Azriel blurted out surprising not only you, but his brothers too.
“Uhm thank you” you whispered. You felt uneasy by the whole situation and Azriel made you feel even more uncomfortable. You didn’t mind the compliment especially when it came from a stunning male like him, but he was so big, and he looked so strong… you knew he could overpower you anytime he wished and after what you saw during the war this fact made you feel  scared.
“Would you like to see your room?” Rhys broke the silence. You nodded and followed him. “Other priestesses used to live here too, in the library but after the war they left to rebuild their temples.” He said and guided you in a big bedroom. You gaped at the bed; it was huge. Rhys noticed that and chuckled. “All the beds in this house are like that… to accommodate Illyrian wings.”
“Oh okay… that makes sense too.” You nodded your head as you spoke. “Too? What else did you think?” he asked, a curious look forming on his face. “I…” you blushed but gathered up your courage and continued “you guys are huge even without the wings, so I thought that was the reason”.
Rhysand threw his head back as he laughed making you blush harder.  “Well yeah that too I guess” he said with an arrogant smile. You would scoff if he wasn’t the high lord.
“Anyway, I will let you settle. Please don’t be scared… they both are idiots, but kind idiots. They would never hurt you.” And with that he was gone. You took a deep breath and started exploring your room.
Evening came and your stomach rumbled, so you decided to head to the dining room again. They will probably be there having dinner too you thought and made your way there.
You were right, Cassian, Azriel and a female were sitting there, plates filled with food in front of them. They all looked at you when you walked in, and the female smiled.
“This is nice, Rhysand brought us another priestess to corrupt.” she said and both her and Cassian laughed “I’m Nesta by they way” she smirked. Azriel scowled at her and stood up, he pulled one chair back and stared at you. You approached him warily and flinched when his wings stretched behind him. He studied you for a moment and frowned. “You’re scared of me” he said. “No… I’m sorry” you muttered and sat on the chair, offering him a polite smile.
He leaned in, his one hand on the back of your chair and the other on the table in front of you. You felt caged in, his body so broad that it covered your view and his smell of cedar and smoke so powerful that you couldn’t breathe. He was taking over all of your senses, you only saw him, only smelled him and only felt him. It was too much and you gasped before jumping to your feet and backing off until you hit the wall behind you. Your eyes were wide, and you were panting.
“I’m sorry” he frowned “I didn’t mean to scare you, I just wanted to push your chair in...”
“I- I’m okay don’t worry about it”. Your voice was shaky and you couldn’t stand their gazes on you so you hurried off to your room, you could survive one night without food.
You were sitting on your bed when someone knocked on your door. You grabbed a small dagger you had kept on you from the temple and walked to the door, when you opened it no one was there. You started to close the door and noticed a tray on the ground, plates with different kinds of food were place on the tray and a blue rose. You furrowed your eyebrows and took the tray, out of the corner of your eye you noticed a shadow slithering away.
Morning came and you got ready for breakfast, you walked around the house and enjoyed the silence, no one seemed to be there. When you reached the dining room you noticed a plate on the table filled with pancakes and a blue rose next to it. You couldn’t understand what the meaning behind the blue roses was, but you enjoyed them anyway.
No one was in the house indeed, so you explored, and found the library easily.
Afternoon found you in the main room, on one of the sofas there lost deep inside the pages of the book and holding a cup of tea. The flapping of wings made you raise your head and soon enough Cassian with Nesta in his arms and Azriel walked in. The males were dressed in Illyrian leathers, you had seen those leathers before on Illyrian warriors, but you were shocked as you noticed their siphons. The warriors you met in the past wore up to four siphons but those two had seven on them. If that wasn’t enough, you noticed the colour of Azriel’s siphons, they were the same shade of blue as the roses you found. Was he the one who left the roses there? You blushed at the thought.
“Hey y/n” Nesta smiled.
“We were thinking about going out tonight would you like to join us?” She said the smile never leaving her beautiful face. 
“Uhm… I don’t think so I’m tired” you replied and she snorted.
“No you’re not, you are shy and scared of these brutes. I promise I won’t leave your side.” 
You thought about it. She was right you weren’t tired, and you noticed how the males flinched when she said that you are scared of them, their faces flashed with a pained expression. Even though they were huge they seemed kind and caring in a way that made your heart swell. You saw how Cassian acted with Nesta, his features always turning soft when he glanced at her and his voice dropping down a notch when she is around. They seemed to respect females and going out with them didn’t sound so bad, especially when they could protect you from any other harm. 
“Okay” you nodded. 
You didn’t know how you ended up in this situation. After arguing with Nesta for more than an hour you gave up, she was unbearable. She was trying to persuade you to wear something else than your usual pale blue dresses. She didn’t like them and she wanted you to try some dresses that belonged to her. At one point you had enough and with a huff you took the dresses from her and tried them on. She didn’t allow you to see yourself before she was finished. And when she did and guided you in front of the mirror your jaw dropped, you couldn’t recognise yourself. You were wearing a short midnight black dress that hugged your curves in all the right places, it had a deep v cut at the front that reached bellow your breasts, and  she made you wear boots that reached over your knees. 
“Wow” was all that you could say. 
“Perfect right?” She giggled. 
“Thank you so much, I look amazing!” You were staring at yourself with a wide grin.
“I can’t wait to see Az’s reaction” she clapped and you froze.
“What do you mean?” You asked.
“Oh you haven’t noticed? He definitely has a crush on you” 
You blushed. He was a stunning male you had noticed that the moment you saw him and how could you not; he was made from sin and darkness, the powerful aura around him could bring any female to her knees. You had thought about it to be honest, kneeling in front of him and surrendering your body at his mercy. 
You blushed harder at the thought. The things you would let him do to you If only you weren’t scared of him. The roses he left you though showed that maybe he could be romantic and soft. 
You shook your head and followed Nesta not sure where because you didn’t hear a single thing she said as you were lost deep in thoughts. You reached the balcony and found Azriel and Cassian, they were dressed casually now, their outfits making them look more approachable -still intimidating though. 
Azriel was staring at you, a blush creeping in his face as he followed every curve of your body until he reached your eyes.
“Uhm… have you….Uhm have you ever flew before?” He was stuttering earning a surprised look from Cassian.
“No” you shook your head feeling more comfortable now. 
“Okay, so… I have to pick you up, are you okay with me placing one hand under your waist and the other under your knees?” The stutter was gone, yet his voice remained soft and he was fidgeting. You glanced at Nesta, Cassian was holding her in his arms the same way as Azriel explained. She gave you a nod and smiled.
“Yeah, I guess…” you muttered and moved closer to him. Cauldron, he was huge. He crouched and stretched his hand.
“I’m placing my hand behind your knees” he informed and then you felt it “and now behind your back” you felt that too. “I will pick you up now” he said but didn’t move. You glanced at him and he was staring at you waiting for your approval. You nodded.
“Words angel” he said and you felt like fainting because of the nickname. 
And with that he picked you up and nodded at Cassian, they both stretched their wings and with two long strides they took off. You didn’t feel fear, you were so small that his body was covering yours entirely so you only felt him, not the void beneath you. And for the first time since you met him you felt comfortable by his size, it was making you feel safe. In addition to that, the way he made sure that you were okay with him touching you made your heart melt. 
The flight was silent, and as you landed he softly placed you at your feet again, before quickly moving backwards. He was trying to not scare you away and you smiled thankfully.
You entered a bar called Rita’s and followed Nesta towards a booth. Nesta sat on one of the couches and Cassian slipped next to her trying to make his wings fit. You sat on the other couch and Azriel took a seat next to you doing the same as Cassian. One of his wings bumped into you and his thigh pressed against your own. He sent you an apologetic look “It’s the only way to fit here…do you want me to find another seat?” 
You gaped at him. “No no it’s okay don’t worry” 
He smiled and turned his attention to Cassian. They started talking about their missions and stuff Rhysand had asked them to do making both you and Nesta bored. They noticed after a while and Cassian moved closer to her, kissing her neck and whispering in her ear. 
You didn’t know what to do so you glanced at Azriel, he was already looking at you.
“Do you like the house?” He asked.
“Yeah it’s okay, I really love the library”
“It is something else right? So many books..” he chuckled.
“Yes I can’t just pick one, I felt lost today every time one caught my attention I would see another better one” 
“Well you have all the time you need to read everything” he paused. “If you decide to stay of course”
“I think I already made the decision when I came here” you laughed.
“Right well I’m glad, I want you to stay” he blurted out and blushed as he realised what he said. 
“How is living here like? I mean except of Rita’s where else would someone go to have fun?” you questioned.
“There are many places, taverns, bakeries, coffee shops and also places in the nature, there’s actually one field next to the Sidra it’s amazing… it’s filled with sparkling flowers and you can see every part of Velaris.” He looked like he was daydreaming about this place.
“Maybe you can show it to me sometime” you smiled and his eyes widened.
“Of course, do you want to go now?” 
You glanced at Cassian and Nesta, they were making out and you could swear that you smelled their arousal. You wrinkled your nose and turned back to Azriel.
“Yes please” the look of despair made him throw his head back as he laughed.
“Let’s go” he stood up and offered you his hand, you gladly took it and followed him outside. Nesta and Cassian were still swallowing each other’s faces and didn’t even notice that the two of you left. Once you were outside Azriel let go of your arm and said “I have to pick you up again” 
“Okay” you shrugged and this time moved more confidently towards him placing your hand behind his neck as he crouched. He quirked an eyebrow but didn’t say anything as he swiftly picked you up and shoot off. 
“I think I can get used to this” you shouted over the wind making him smile. 
The field was indeed beautiful, the flowers sparkled, the only sound was coming from Sidra… the water flowing and splashing against the mountain rocks. 
The view of the city took your breath away, the city was full of beautiful lights and buildings and the sky around it was decorated with stars of almost every colour. 
“It’s beautiful” you whispered.
“I know, I come here when I need to calm down or think.” His voice was once again soft.
“Oh I’m sorry, you didn’t have to bring me here, I don’t want to invade your privacy” you gasped.
“No it’s okay, I wanted to bring you here.” He smiled. 
You were sitting on the ground, staring at the beautiful city and talking about your past. You were crying as he told you about his childhood and then you were laughing at the stories he told you about him and his brothers. 
Then, you told him about your own past and the things you saw during the war, his jaw was ticking every time you mentioned one of the warriors raping a priestess. 
“Did anyone touch you?” He asked when you were done speaking.
“No, I was the youngest so the other priestesses would hide me when the warriors came” you teared up.
“I won’t ever let anyone touch you, and if we ever come across one of those males I will make them beg for mercy” his voice became lethal as he spoke and his gaze was so intense that it woke something in you. You couldn’t understand the feeling, it was a tightening of your chest and then it snapped. 
You gasped. He only smiled and nodded his head.
“You knew?” You asked.
“From the moment I saw you” his smile was warm and full of care. 
“Is it okay if I touch you?” He questioned and you nodded. 
“Words angel” he said once again and this time the nickname made your heart beat faster and you grinned.
“Yes, touch me please” 
His hand moved and caressed your jaw, he leaned closer and stared at your lips.
“Kiss me please” you whispered and he chuckled.
“Good girl” he said and captured your lips with his own. 
Azriel was taking things slow... every day he would leave a blue rose somewhere in the house for you to find. Sometimes he would leave a new book on your pillow and a blue rose next to it. You got used to his size and it even became one of your favourite things about him. It made you feel safe and comfortable. 
So, a few months later you waited for him to come back from one of his missions with a plate of food you made for him and a blue rose. 
Requests are open! If you don't like it you can always ask me to rewrite it, I won't get offended!
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Aemond (book) x Reader
🔷Summary: After getting kidnapped on your way to King's Landing, you end up in another time where you meet a dangerous prince.
🔷Author's note: Either hit or miss with this one
🔷Wordcount :6756
🔷Warnings: This is Bookmond because im a little too sad to write showaemond atm. Bookaemond is my deranged honeybee he can do nothing wrong. Ok almost nothing.
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WARNINGS: Kidnapping, drugging, forced marriage and war crimes and aemond being a sexist little bitch. Also spankings.
Maybe it was for the best. You always dreamt of leaving the cold and quiet town of Winterfell behind. You dreamt of a bigger, exciting life. A life of tourneys, of exciting feasts, of noble men fighting for your hand. It should have been as simple as that.
Except it wasn’t.
Sansa, your sister is going to be the future Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Your father would be the hand of the king, one of the highest positions at court.  You, Arya, and her will soon travel with him to King’s Landing.
Until something happened.
Something unexplainable.
And something terrible.
Lately, your dreams have been getting worse. From nightmares that you didn’t pay any mind to darker things, things you barely could keep to yourself. Nightmares and dreams filled with unexplainable things, unknown faces and the death rising and marching. 
It is clear to you that your mind is simply toying with you. You are likely nervous for the future that awaits you. You are nervous for the suitors you’ll meet and that your life finally will begin. It will just be like all the romantic novels you read. It will be ball after ball and feast after feast.
Your dreams always start the same way. You are alone, surrounded by trees as big as towers, in the snowy woods. You hear the sound of the crispy snow as you set feet on it, moving in any direction, to find something. Home, you assume. The stars above your head are the only light to guide you, and it is unforgivably dark in the cold forest.
The cold winter winds pick up and toy with your hair, sending it in all directions. You never know why, but you always turn your head slightly sideways. You can’t control it. You don’t have a say. As a chestpiece moving over the board, you do as you are told by someone controlling you. 
It is always a surprise to see the wall close by, no matter how many times you have dreamt this dream. The majestic tall, ancient structure that has been here long before you were born and will be there long after you have gone. Something about it tells you are not supposed to be here. You feel chills.
You had heard reasons why the wall was built. Wildlings, mostly. The Nightwatch was installed to guard the wall, to make sure no threat could climb over it. You know your brother, Jon, dreams of becoming a brave member of the Nightwatch. It is all the honor he will gain as a bastard anyway. You are the same as his twin sister. But your father kept your bastardy a secret.
But the most important reason why the wall was built was the threat of white walkers. Cold, icy and deadly soldiers of an army without needs and without a will, forced to march forever beyond the wall. And when you are all the way North, you can only go one way: South.
You knew it wasn’t true. You knew when your father told you about them, they weren’t real. But any Northern child grows up with the same tales. Creatures with eyes as blue as ice, that could freeze you in pure terror so they could easily squeeze your eyeballs out of your head, killing you. A fun tale in a tavern. But not in the castle. 
You aren’t a foolish girl, no matter what the world tells you. You don’t believe those lies. You never did. You are not as brave as Arya perhaps or as pretty and polite as Sansa but you never believe in those ghost stories.
But here, in your dreams, beyond the wall and far away from your safe warm room at Winterfell, even someone as skeptical as you could understand why people believed those stories.
What would come next in your dreams was also always the same. You turn your head away from the wall. In the far distance, you can make out someone standing there, holding a lantern. The person is hooded, unrecognizable. But the person would always lift the lantern, and wave with it. Your eyes follow the movements, as the light of the lantern becomes brighter and brighter, shedding light over the forest, making the snow almost look like liquid gold.
It always seems so magical, as a scam shopkeepers tell their far too trusting clients before selling them magical rocks or potions. You know the hooded person never reveals themselves. You tried running at them, screaming, but you couldn’t move nor speak.
Then, you notice you are standing on something. A great lake, made of ice. Gone are the trees of the forest. Through the ice, you make out the skeleton of a human being. Someone from a long time ago. You watch the skeleton, wondering how long ago this person met their end, and how. And beneath the ice, poking halfway out of it, is a steel forged sword with a black handle. The tip of it is still in the ice, covered in a dark rusty coat of old blood. You notice your hands reach for the sword, picking it out of the ice.
The sword feels different than most swords. Lighter, better to wield. Safer. It feels like wielding one of your own arms. It feels safe, comfortable. Yours. Impossible. Ladies do not wield weapons. Not such obvious ones, at least. Ladies wield lies, poison, tricks, schemes. 
You turn to the hooded figure, sword in hand, still standing on the ice, with the skeleton safely beneath your feet. The hooded figure is gone. As is the light. The world is once again covered in darkness. It is suffocating you, in a way. 
Fear and anxiety fight inside of you, as you try to get off the ice. But you can’t move. Not anymore. It is not your body, anymore. You don’t have a say, anymore.
The sword is starting to hurt your inexperienced arms, and you try at all cost to drop the weapon. Your head snaps as you hear the sound of something you never heard before, but somehow you  know exactly what it is. A dragon’s roar.
You never felt fear like that, as you look around the lake for any sign of a dragon. But instead you are met with a thin skeleton made of ice and rotting flesh that reaches out with their hands, trying to grab you. A white walker.
You scream.
But before he could grab you, drag you into the lake with him…
You wake up.
You sit straight up in your bed, clutching the sheets of your bed. Your heart is still beating and your fear hasn’t left your mind yet. You are glad to see you are in your rooms, at Winterfell. Several familiar stuffed animal toys glance back at you from their spots on high shelves, calming your troubled mind instantly. You are coming of age so put some of them away, but unlike Sansa, you could never throw them out. 
You climb out of bed and prepare yourself for the exciting day ahead. The day your life will change forever. You just had no idea how much. And how terribly.
As always, Winterfell is busy. Servants go about their day, greeting you with nods or smiles as they carry in potatoes or walk around with freshly washed linen.
Your father and ‘’mother’’, brothers and sisters are already at the table, gathered for breakfast. They seem to have been waiting just for you. You greet them with a relieved smile. The food smells delicious and makes your stomach rumble in unladylike ways. You sit down on your chair and begin eating. 
You can almost hear Lady Catalyn’s thoughts. Everyone seems to know it. This might  be the final time you might all be together. This is goodbye, in a way. Jon will go to the wall, and you and your sisters to King’s Landing. 
You grab an apple and begin biting down on it, while also making yourself a cup of nice honey tea. You can not wait to leave the boring North and the nightmares finally behind. The north is a boring and cold place. Nothing exciting ever happened. Your sister, Sansa, also looks more happy than usual. Normally, she is grumpy at this hour.
‘’Do we need to leave soon?’’ Arya mutters next to her, playing with a fork and a potato. Your parents share a look, and your father speaks to the youngest Lady of house Stark. 
Even with their differences, their arguments and their fighting, you can see that Arya dreads the day that her and her  would leave for the capital. She likely wants to remain here, in the cold North forever. Eddard speaks, smiling with pride and joy and you feel jealous of how easy Sansa will become the Queen. ‘’Sansa will be the Queen. I will become the hand of the King if all goes well. Perhaps you’ll like King’s Landing.’’ Arya’s brown eyes fill with worry at imaginary scenarios. She looks at her sister, who always was said to be prettiest and who always has focussed on how to be a lady. She imagined King’s Landing would be filled with Sansas.
‘’No, thank you.’’ she mutters. Yet she does not have a choice.
You begin eating the apple first. At that moment, Maester Luwin comes from the courtyard, bringing likely fresh news, plucked from a raven. He brings the news first to your parents, the Lord and Lady of Winterfell.  ‘’Lady Lynantha is expected to be escorted to King’s Landing today. Her carriage is already here.’’ You drop your apple, distraught as all eyes are on you. ‘’Why aren't we traveling together?’’ You ask your father. He does not meet your eyes. 
‘’I received a letter. A nobleman from King’s Landing, one of King Robert’s nephews, wishes to get to know you. It is of importance that you leave right away.’’ You know why. There are rumors you aren’t a true born Stark. That you are a bastard. Rumors that are likely true.
You understand. You are eager to leave, in a way. Lady Stark stands up from her seat. ‘’I wish you well, Lyantha.’’ You never liked her. She never liked you. But you do respect her. You nod, respectful as you make a final curtsy. 
Luwin coughs, reminding you all that time is not on your side. You finally stand as well, excusing yourself as you mutter. ‘’I must pack for the journey-’’ You will need clothing, books, maybe jewelry.
‘’O, there is no need, truly.’’ An almost magical light voice rings out. A woman with raven dark hairs, a green gown with beautiful gold patterns stitched onto her skirt greets you with a curtsy. ‘’The Capital has everything you could need.’’ She assures you, a sweet but horrible hollow smile on her lips. The Lady makes a bow for her as well. ‘’I am Lady Alys Rivers. I have come to escort you to your Prince.’’ You know that Rivers is a last name used for bastards and commoners, and wonder silently how someone as Alys could have acquired such a position at the royal court. But you would never dare to voice that concern. Of course not. A prince, a title, it is almost too good to be true. ‘’A prince?’’ You ask, beaming with excitement. Sansa huffs, and you see Alys nod, almost a little too pleased with your excitement. 
The woman smiles as if you two are long lost friends. ‘’A true born royal, a fierce skilled warrior and an intelligent man. Few are blessed in so many ways.’’ You are certain your smile only grows.
He sounds so charming.
So perfect.
So kind and gentle and gallant and strong. 
‘’Very well.’’ You say. Your father is the first to hug you, whispering in your ear that you’ll always be a Stark, and his little girl. If you have trouble, you could write to him and he’d be there before you could blink with your eyes.  
The Starks remain loyal and firmly rooted outside in the yard as the carriage slowly departs to the roads, leaving Winterfell behind. Such sorrow the Starks all share And such more sorrow they would share if they had known what would become of Lynantha.
The carriage is comfortable and to your liking. It is warm as a mother’s embrace and has soft pillows that make the long journey comfortable. You imagined you would stay at multiple ins down the King’s road. Lady Alys has been nothing but kind to you, offering you sweets and cake when the landscape and scenery outside of the window changed. 
The lemon cakes you eat are heavy on your stomach, and soon you feel tired. Exhausted for some reason. It must be the weird nightmares that kept you up. 
As a true future Princess, you  try to stay awake in the carriage but the more she fight against the instinct to sleep, the more tired you become.  Eventually, you fall asleep in the carriage.
This time you too dream of the strange sword, the strange lady with the Lantern and the wall. But you can hear a voice this time as well. ‘’Do not go to the wall! Return! You don’t know what you are unleashing!’’ You can not place the voice, and you assume it belongs to the lantern lady. But when you look at the normally covered lady, you see Alys instead, wearing the common cloak and dress, holding the same lantern. Her eyes are red and sinister, burning like hellfire and her smile spreads wider than it should.
Once again, you wake up panting and breathing heavily. Alys is still near you, calmly knitting. You had hoped if you left the North, the nightmares would end. ‘’Welcome back, my Princess.’’ Alys says as she finishes her knitwork. ‘’We are almost there. Just a bit longer.’’ And at that moment, you notice a familiar basket that is half covered with a blanket on the floor. You would recognize that basket everywhere. And to be in King’s Landing so fast….Something is wrong.
‘’You don’t work for the King do you?’’ You ask, your voice soft and trembling. ‘’You’re not taking me to King’s Landing.’’
Alys only smiles, putting her needles and knitting work away. ‘’Just sit tight. I need to bring you to him alive, he didn’t say in what state.’’ He? Who is he?
You have many more questions, but you are not stupid. That was a clear threat and an order to shut up and so you will.
The carriage finally approaches its final destination. And halts.
When you look outside, all you can see is darkness. And the ominous yet sparkling stars above the carriage. Just as in my dreams.
It feels much colder here. And that smell. The smell of iron and snow. Alys takes her time with putting her hood on, and as you had  expected by now the hood had the same pattern as that of the Lantern lady. She smiles as she opens  the door. You don’t know what she wants. But it can’t be good. And you are not coming with her.
You clings to the carriage instead, refusing to follow Alys. ‘’No! I’m not coming with you! Bring me back!’’ You demand. 
Alys only chuckles and pulls harder, pulling you easily from the carriage as a flower being plucked. She puts you outside the carriage.
In the cold snow you take a good look at your surroundings, looking for any help or signs. And there it is. You turn around, as if you can already feel its presence. The looming tall wall of the North.
And you are clearly beyond it.
’Are you mad?!’’ you lash out at Alys. ‘’You have endangered us both! Who knows what’s out there.’’ Alys ignores you, shining her lantern around the ground, searching for something.
You rub your cold arms, regretting you didn’t bring a coat with you. The snow storm only grows worse and worse, as a storm unleashing upon a town. 
You look back at the wall, before stumbling on something beneath your feet, buried in the cold snow. Just like in your dream. And just like in your dream it is the sword. For a moment, you think about picking it up and threatening Alys with it. You reach out to grab it. ‘’What did you find there?’’Alys’s voice rings out, closer to you than she was before. You try to pick the sword up, but Alys is faster. She has a strange smirk on her lips when you backed away from the now armed woman. ‘’Such a good girl, finding the sword. I’ll tell him that you found it.’’ There’s that ‘’him’’ again. 
You become even more uncomfortable at her clearly condescending compliment, and for some reason she is more angry with you than before. Is it because you found the sword? And not her?  ‘’Now come. He’s not known for his patience.’’  You look back at the Wall. Alys sighs, clearly annoyed. ‘’Or you can stay out here in the cold and freeze to death.’’ She adds, with a careless shrug. ‘’I don’t mind.’’ She is right. You know she is. And you hate her for it. You won’t survive out here on your own.
The two of you approach a lake that is somehow not frozen despite the cold.  It is not the lake with the skeleton. You can tell. Red and green and black and yellow flowers grow around it too, and everything about it seems to confirm that this is nothing but just a dream. But you can’t wake up.
Alys grabs your arm, walking to the lake. You resist bravely but end up in the water regardless, yelping expecting cold, freezing water. But it does not feel cold. It does not feel warm. It does not feel anything, truly. It feels…soulless. Dead, in a way. 
Alys and you approach the deeper part, where you can no longer stand. Before you can ask what is happening, she pushes you underwater. You gulp, as water fills your lungs, convinced you will die. You close your eyes and at the moment you have given up all hope, something beneath you seems to open, and you fall down.
Your body is drifting between both space and time for a while, until someone pulls you up by your hair, and out of the waters, back into the world of the living. You gasp for air, spitting out the water and cling to the ground, looking around you as you thank the gods you are alive.
You are still near a lake. Just not the one you nearly drowned in. You look at the skies, and it is day as well. How long have I been gone?
This lake has flowers in just green colors, and has ruined walls around it, likely belonging to a palace from a time long ago. You look around and notice your captor calmingly sitting next to you, making a crown out of flowers. She drops her crown the moment she sees you have awakened. You can only glare at her, too stunned for anything else.
You hiss at her, close to strangling her. She cackles. ‘’You’re finally awake. I was worried you didn’t survive our little magic trip.’’ You sit up, taking in more and more of your surroundings, the sun warming your wet clothing, as you look at the ruins of a castle and people passing you both. 
You jump to your feet, ignoring your soaked clothing as you rush to a soldier. ‘’Hey, Hey! I need help! She abducted me!’’ You yell. The soldier takes one good look at you, before he sees Alys. Alys cracks her head sideways, causing bones to crack. That is all it takes for him to take off running. 
You huff, in disbelief and anger. ‘’Craven!’’ You shout, as he rushes off. Next to you, Alys doubles over cackling once more. She finds this extremely funny, for some  reason. She lays a hand on your arm, smiling at you.
You instantly shrug it off, disgusted. She doesn’t seem to even care, still smiling. 
‘’Come. We are almost here.’’ She says. You can do two things. You can dive back into the lake, and likely drown, or you can come with this woman. Both aren’t smart things to do. Alys offers her hand again.
At that moment, you spot a nice, big rock, just a few steps away from you. Most people here don’t care for abuctuees. They won’t care for murder either, you think. No one would know. No one would judge. And no one would tell.
This woman is a threat to your safety. And so you grabbed the rock, and tried to get Alys on her back. The woman cackled again, much to your annoyance. You did manage to get her on her back, and raise the rock skyhigh, ready to deliver the deadly blow. Alys laughs, before spitting in your face. Disgusted and caught off guard, you drop the rock. ‘’It seems we need to watch ourselves around you.’’
‘’Come, we must not let him wait any longer.’’ There it is again. 
You know you are going to regret going with Alys but you don’t have a say. Not anymore. ‘’Who is this him you speak of?’’ Perhaps the mysterious prince, her lover, or an enemy of Joffrey. It has to be.
Or, a Targaryen. You snort, in your head. The Targaryens had been defeated, like their dragons and their ancestors alike. They would not bother you or anyone else on the Westeros continent again.
‘’Your prince, of course.’’ There is something strange in her voice. Almost a scoff or an inside joke that you had yet to understand. However you perked up at hearing those words.
‘’The match my father arranged?’’ you ask. ‘’Is he here?’’ It couldn’t be. Could it? It would not explain the lake, the change of time, the wall, anything of it. But the thought that you soon would see your handsome prince again, gives you some hope.
Alys ignored you and did not confirm nor deny anything as the two of you walked to the castle gates. As you approach, you notice countless freshly dug graves. You gulp. You try to remember what castle this could possibly be. 
And that’s when you see it. The ruins remind you of a more polished version of the castle of Harrenhall. The cursed castle and the castle where dragon fire still burns to this day. The walls look younger, time has not been as cruel as it has been now. The fire burns, as always. 
The thing that scares you most, were the gates. Someone had put heads on the spikes, heads of people who all had their eyes wide open and full of terror of whatever killed them. A killer. A monster.
The smell makes you sick. And judging by their smell, they had been here quite a while. Alys doesn’t even bat a eye at the dead. But she did grab your right hand, dragging you inside of the castle. 
The doors open the moment Alys approaches them, her head high as a true queen. You walk next to her, your thoughts spiraling. 
You have just a moment to glance up at the banners decorating the outer walls. And you wish you hadn’t. An unfamiliar yet known sigil hangs there, proudly paraded by the wind and kept in place with pins.  You would recognize the three headed dragon everywhere. The Targaryens. But how? 
Yet this one looks different. Alys drags you in, the moment you finally draw the conclusion that this is the sigil of no other than King Aegon II.  The gold and the green made that clear. But what are his banners doing here, nearly hundred years after his passing? Unless….
You already felt sick because of the dead outside the gate, and now you feel even worse as an irrational and terrible fear begins to form in your head. A fear so insane that it can’t be true, but how can you deny what is right in front of you? Have I truly….?
Alys drags you with her, into the castle halls and into the throne room. The door has no guards. You can hear someone playing with a blade, sharpening it. You feel shivers and cold, in your wet clothes.
Alys gives you a push in your back, sending you into the room on your own.
‘’I’ve brought you something.’’ She says, her smile barely containing her pride. 
Whoever is there, they didn’t bother to open the curtains or to light candles. A truly terrifying conclusion. 
You trip over your dress, and fall. You regained just enough balance to land on your knees, instead of flat on your face. You know whoever is waiting here, orchestrated this whole thing. And if your gut is right, you know who it is. 
You laugh, quietly. You must be crazy, expecting an actual Targaryen prince to await you here. Stir crazy. But what other explanation is there? Why else bother with old banners, why else does the castle look better than it ever did in your time? 
You glance up at the man sitting the throne, his legs calmly placed on the arms of the lavious throne he sits upon. He is indeed sharpening a catspaw dagger, and his lips have the faint impression of a smirk and a smile blended into one as he takes in your soaked clothing and angry glare. Alys opens some curtains.
And the moment you do see his face, it feels as a relief and a shock at once. Relief because you were right. But also a shock because how, how can you possibly be right? 
You were treated as a silly little girl. You can only think of one reason why the banners were here, why the castle looked so good and why the dead were rotting above the gates. And this man’s face confirms it all.
In front of you, is no one else but Aemond Targaryen ‘’one eye’’ the Kinslayer of House Targaryen. You know him from the history books you have read. But those books barely mention him. Aside from his death and his atrocities at Harrenhal. 
And yet, here he stands. In front of you, alive and well. He is a true Targaryen with sharp classic Valyrian features like piercing eyes, and very light, almost silver coloured hair. 
He finally stopped sharpening his dagger, curiosity written all over his face as he takes you in, sitting on the floor, at his feet and glaring at him. He can’t help but smirk.
You glare. Whatever it was that is going on, it is all his doing. You can tell. And that prince Alys promised you would meet, that is him. A cruel joke on her behalf. You glare at her too. She simply makes another curtsy cackling once again.
Slowly, a smile creeps on his lips, amused by the audacity. ‘’I take it she was a smart lass and obeyed?’’ The question is aimed at Alys and you physically feel your stomach turn even worse by his words. 
You had not been a ‘’smart lass’’. If anything, you had acted insanely dumb. You resisted, you tried to kill Alys. You tried to run. You tried to resist in every way possible and more. 
You cross your arms, tired. Alys beams as she tells Aemond what has happened between the two of you, happy to see you punished by her Prince. ‘’She tried to kill me with a rock.’’ 
His face tilts, and although he tries to appear uninterested and cold, even a simple man could read the anger and murderous emotions in his eye.  ‘’I will see to that she’s punished for that.’’ He promises his loyal servant. To that, Alys smiles.
Aemond smiles at you, in a condescending way. You glance between him and Alys, aware you are in trouble now. ‘’I am not yours to punish.’’ He is not your husband, nor your king or father. No one should decide what happens to you but you. Your voice doesn’t sound scared or angry. Just annoyed.
Aemond shifts his legs, angry at your carelessness and casual behaviour. He slams his hands on the arms of the throne, causing you to flince briefly. He stands up, and you finally see just how tall he truly is. And how fast he stands in front of you. He sinks to his knees, the green leather cracking. He clearly enjoys the way you flinch as he reaches out to touch your chin and your cheeks, feeling your soft delicate skin beneath his fingers. He finally bothers to address you. ‘’Of course you are, Little Wolfling. If you touch and damage something that is mine, you will be punished.’’ He reveals. 
You understand finally that Alys is more than just his servant. They have a relationship. He loves her. And you tried to kill her. You must try to talk your way out of this. ‘’Your lady did not explain why I was taken from my home and lied to.’’ You hope he becomes more understanding of how terrifying all of this is for you.
Alys snorts and Aemond laughs. You curse quietly in your head. That was a failed attempt. ‘’As I ordered her. Alys obeys well and listens. You can learn a thing or two from her.’’ He tells you, finally getting up from the ground. 
Somehow, that makes you angry. The idea that he now thinks you will help him as some spineless pet and roll over for him when he wishes so, it makes you so furious that you are close to pulling him back by his eyepatch to slam his head against the stone floor. You do not have the sword anymore. 
You only have your clothes.
And …
You patiently wait until his back is turned to your front, before sliding your shoe off and aiming at his head. You throw the shoe as hard as possible and it ends up hitting him perfectly on his head.
Confused, he turns around, looking for who dared to have hit him. When he notices you, smirking very proudly and missing one shoe, something changes. And you regret even blinking in his direction.
Prince Aemond storms back to you, as you can barely back away to escape him. He is faster and steps on your dress, trapping you easily. You feel the walls closing in and are truly in danger now. The Prince grabs you by your waist, lifting you to your feet and drags you to the throne. You try to break free of his grip, protesting. ‘’Let go of me!” You turn your head to look at Alys. Surely she has a say in this. But she only smiles.
Aemond let out a low chuckle as he sits down the throne, your body still in his grasp. He places you on his lap, as some disobedient little girl. He whispers in your ear, and your cheeks burn with shame. ‘’You laughed. Now it is my turn to laugh, Little Wolfling.’’ You let out an offended cry, struggling to get away from him as fast as possible.
He chuckles. ‘’I am not sure what they teach you in the North, but here, we are respectful to our princes.’’ He says, lecturing you. His cold hands feel the back of your dress, feeling the warm skin that it covered.
Until that moment, you had never been touched before. Instead of doing what you feared he would do, he picked out a different punishment. He does lift your skirts, but barely enough to touch you. Just to reach your small clothes but mostly your behind. And at that moment you know what he is planning. And you don’t want that. You try to escape again, kicking and slapping him.
Aemond grabs your hands, grinning. ‘’Calm down, Little Wolfling. It’s just a spanking. I’m sure you had plenty before.’’ Never. 
Your parents did not believe that that was a healthy idea. ‘’No! Never!”’ You declare, angry. ‘’And you are not my father or my husband. You aren’t allowed to punish me.’’ You say, bravely.
He only scoffs, and his hand lands the first hard blow on your behind, causing you to cry out in pain. You squirm over his legs, fighting stronger and harder. He increases his grip, tightening it. ‘’Tis for the best you learn now, Little Wolfling. I don’t have time and the patience to do this every day.’’
The blows only increase, hurting your delicate skin. You did try to keep from crying and from complaining. You wouldn’t grand him that satisfaction. Not anymore.
It is true that you were disciplined in this way, yet your body betrayes you in the worst way imaginable. 
You do not notice your arousal until it is too late. Your nipples are hardened and there is a wetness between your legs, growing. 
You stop fighting. Perhaps in shock of your own betrayal, perhaps only to show the prince that he could stop what he was doing to you. Finally, he stops. But not before your behind is burning and a painful mess. 
He helps correct your dress and covers you apprioartly as if nothing has happened. You are still in shock, and don’t move away from him at first. ‘’I hope I made myself clear to you both. You both will play nice to one another.’’ He tells both you and his lover.
Alys bristles. ‘’I am not the one picking up rocks and killing people.’’ But this time, Aemond has enough of her complaints.
He did all he could. ‘’The Wolf has been disciplined. I am sure my Little Wolfling will behave much better in the future.’’ You are forced to sit on his lap, as a prize he had won.
‘’Won’t you, Little Wolfling?’’ He whispers. He does not kiss you, but his lips come closer to your cheeks, and unwillingly you feel your cheeks burn bright as stars. He chuckles, amused. ‘’You can go now, Little Wolfling.’’ You almost look offended when he sends you away.
This madness needs to stop. ‘’I,’’ You catched your breath. ‘’I don’t understand a few things.’’ You say. You want the truth. Now. Before you offend him again somehow.
Aemond rolls his good eye, smirking. ‘’You are a woman. I imagine that happens to you a lot.’’ Even Alys glares at that comment but his royal highness does not see it.
You only blink, ignoring him. ‘’You are alive.’’ You say, cutting straight to the case. ‘’You were killed in a battle.’’ You don’t remember who killed him or with what or where but you are certain Aemond Targaryen died.
Aemond’s head perks up, listening eagerly to what you tell him. You can tell he is not listening, but he is eager. ‘’What am I doing here? Am I here to save the dragons?’’ You ask. ‘’Or to stop the civil war?’’ Not that you would even know how in the seven hells to do that, but that's another thing entirely.
That causes the head of the prince to snap to Alys, worry written across his face for the first time that you met him. Alys only makes a gesture with her head, and Aemond seems to calm down. He smirks, carelessly. ‘’Oh, don’t worry about the Dragons.’’ You never heard any Targaryen say that.
The dragons are their wolves. Their dragons are their war winners. You laugh, offended and still hurt. ‘’But, without dragons, I am sorry to tell you, your entire family will become ash and dust.’’ You even chuckle.
Aemond stands back up from the throne, raising his sword and pointing it at you, lashing out. ‘’You are a bold little girl, are you not? Perhaps my hand was too gentle.’’
You don’t even back down anymore. ‘’It’s the truth. Where I’m from, house Targaryen is dust. All thanks to you, your sister and your brother. Together, you caused the civil war and killed the dragons-’’ That is pushing it too far. 
Aemond grabs you by your throat, choking you lightly to warm you of not accusing him of another thing. ‘’Silence.’’ He barks.
You obey, glaring. ‘’Good girl.’’ he smirks, mockingly. ‘’Now, I understand, you must be so excited to see a dragon, hmm? You can’t shut up about them.’’ He stops choking you, feeling your neck.‘’I suppose, there is truth in what you tell me. The dragons are long gone where you are from. But you are now here, with me.’’
‘’The story is written.’’ You say. 
Aemond snorts, and there is something dangerous about his body language. ‘’The story is just beginning.’’
You have a terrible feeling. ‘’You see,’’ Aemond grabs hold of your left hand. ‘’I have some inside knowledge. You know how this will end. You will tell me how the dragons died out, and I will simply be always one step ahead of my enemy. I will be their worst nightmare, their downfall and the dagger that slashes their throat.’’ He grins, as you become truly terrified and even tremble.
‘’How will you stop your sister?’’ You whisper. But you fear you already saw it in your dream. ‘’How will you stop Queen Rhaenyra’s marching troops?’’ Your voice is a soft weak whisper.
Aemond leans in, leaving a soft kiss on your forehead. ‘’I heard a prophecy. The song of ice and fire. That is where you come in. You can help me find something, something very precious.’’ He chuckles.
The sword.
He wants to find the sword.
But why.
‘’No.’’ You instantly say. ‘’You can’t.’’ You turn your head to Alys, watching her blank expression. She is fine with this. You watch as Aemond smirks in silence, confirming to you that he is planning to do the impossible. ‘’Aemond, you can’t.’’ You repeat.
Aemond’s grip only tightens. ‘’Think about it, little Wolfling. An army that never rests, never eats, never betrays me. An army that will help me conquer Westeros; An army of White Walkers. It is perfect.’’ He is insane. 
‘’I won’t help you.’’ You remind him. ‘’You might as well send me back.’’ 
He ignores your protests. You can see his smirk and grin only grow, and you are reminded of Targaryens and their insanity. Their fire. Their blood. ‘’You will help me, little Wolfling. You will. Because if you do not, you will never see your family again. I have the means to send you back. And I will. After you have helped me.’’
You scoff, so you must help him do gods knows what so he can send you back to your own time?  ‘’It doesn’t sound like I have a choice, do I?’’ Alys shakes her head. ‘’What will I need to do?’’ You ask Aemond, your head hanging in shame. How many will die because of you?
He lifts your chin, grinning. ‘’Now, now, don’t be so sad. To begin things, we must find the sword. And I want more information on how to better keep the dragons too.’’
You cannot do that. ‘’Dragons died centuries before I was born!’’ You don’t know anything about dragons. ‘’I don’t even know what they eat.’’ You almost whine.
‘’Meat. They eat meat.’’ Aemond says. ‘’Vhagar is right here with me. I will teach you about dragons, you will teach me what you know of the Dance and how it ended.’’ This all sounds like a horrible idea to you. ‘’And when the time comes, we must complete the prophecy of Ice and Fire.’’ That sounds vague. 
But you want to see your family again. More than anything. So you hold out your hand, and wait for Aemond to shake it. He smiles, kissing it instead. He leans a little closer. ‘’I can’t wait until we are married. I always wanted a Valyrian wife, but you’ll do.’’ You laugh, thinking he is jesting. Until you see how Aemond is looking at you. Like you are some delicious cake he can’t wait to taste. He mirrors your smile, allowing you to be in denial as he makes his way to his lover, kissing her openly on her lips. You watch speechlessly as the two of them walk away, their chuckles and giggles mixing as they likely picture their new world together, with them for once atop of it, instead below. 
You throw your head into your neck and try to process it all. What in the seven hells did you even become part of?
Ooh, i wasnt sure i even wanted to share this one.
But here he is xDDDD
Ok bye
let me know what you think
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flowerandblood · 1 year
The Impossible Choice (55) (End)
[ Aemond • Targaryen x Baratheon! • female ]
[ warnings: sex content, smut, giving birth, breastfeeding kink, mention of trauma, violence ]
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[description: Aemond comes to Storm’s End to choose his future consort. However, Lord Borros Baratheon presents him with only four of his five daughters. Being attached to his youngest child, he does not want to marry her. The prince, however, thwarts his and her plans with his decision. This is slow burn, with a lot of dark angst and sexual tension. (Anon Request)]
I am touched, this is my longest story, my beloved child, my beloved couple. This story of mine was probably the most successful and brought me a lot of joy, your involvement made me want to keep writing. I feel like I'm ending at the right moment, just as I wanted, and I hope you won't be disappointed. I remind those in despair that I still have stories from The Impossible Choice AU to write. I also recommend reading Brother, Lover, Son and The Pearl and The Sapphire, because these are also stories from this universe. Thank you all for such a wonderful response!
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Previous and next chapters: Masterlist
She wasn't sure she'd ever been as horrified in her life as she was when she realised her husband had lied to her – after he left the wedding feast, as she waited for him in his chamber, she finally asked the guards standing at her door if they knew where he was.
They looked at her in a way that made her feel uncomfortable.
She understood that her husband had hidden something from her, that he had planned something and left her.
Her head was buzzing with his words that he had said her before he left, she could see his gaze, his lower lip trembling.
You know that I love you.
Only then did she realise it was a kind of farewell.
A farewell in case he didn't come back.
She felt as she had that night when his army had set out with her father to the Eyrie, only for her to suffer such a painful loss.
She began to cry loudly, terrified, unable to calm herself, her child in her womb moving restlessly, sensing her condition. She was unable to fall asleep, but she was also too tired to think logically in the morning so she persisted in lethargy, breathing hard, recoiling at every louder sound, hoping it was him.
Finally the door opened and he stood there, his white hair, his face, his hands, his armour all in blood.
She covered her face with her hands trying not to scream, horrified at the thought that it could have been his own blood, that he was wounded, and just stared at him with big eyes, unable to get a word out.
There was a kind of emptiness and weariness in his gaze.
He approached her slowly and the door closed quietly behind him. He knelt in front of her with a loud clatter of his steel armour and embraced her gently, cuddling his cheek against her abdomen.
"It's done." He whispered in a hoarse, low voice while looking somewhere in the distance, and she felt a constriction in her stomach mixed with relief and horror.
It's done.
Her lip trembled as an involuntary question escaped her lips.
"Are they dead?"
Her husband swallowed hard and clenched his eyes as her hands stroked his hair.
He seeked comfort in her arms, consolation, an escape from what he had done, what he would have to face every day from now on.
She didn't ask him anything else.
She didn't ask him how they died, who killed them, if they suffered much.
She didn't want to know that.
She didn't want to think about it.
"You must take a bath, my love." She whispered, kissing the top of his head. He sighed quietly, as if relieved, as if afraid that the scale of his act, the enormity of the sin he had brought with him would make her push him away.
She knew he needed her like never before.
She did not let him out of her arms, letting him snuggle into her womb as she called their servants and ordered them to prepare a tub of hot water. As they did so she combed her fingers through his hair, whispering to him that he was brave, that there was no other way, that he had protected her and their child, his family, that he had to do this.
She told him everything he needed to hear to keep him from going mad with despair.
She felt his tears on the skin of her arms, felt that his body was shaking, that the realisation of what he had done was slowly reaching his mind along with the adrenaline and overwhelm leaving his body.
"– Joffrey –" He muttered and pressed his lips together in an attempt to hold back the feeling that was building up inside him, and then he burst out sobbing.
She felt a squeeze in her throat at the thought of that little boy, at the thought that both he and she knew he was a child who had nothing to do with these events, was no different from Jaehaerys.
"− shhh − I know − I know − I know, my beloved − I am with you −" She whispered and leaned towards him so as to enclose him in the embrace of her body, his head pressed from the side to her abdomen and from the top to her breasts, her hands stroking his neck and wet cheeks, her lips kissing his hair.
Slowly he began to calm down, ashamed of his weakness and what he had shown her. As he stepped into the tub of hot water at last he let out a loud gasp of air, as if he didn't believe he was back.
That he was alive.
Just as she had done before, just as she had done then, at the beginning of their marriage, she began by washing his head, the blood from his hair and body staining the water red. She felt him lift his hand back and run his fingertips over her arm, as if he needed to feel the touch of her body, needed to be physically reassured that she was with him, that he was not alone.
She knew he was scared, that what he had done was crushing him and that she needed to be there for him.
She tried not to think about it, to push the doubt and remorse away, knowing that she had to be his pillar, his strength, that he could not see hesitation in her. He needed to feel that he had made the right choice, that she did not despise him, that nothing had changed.
After his bath, she helped him get dressed in clean clothes. Even though it was morning and they should be eating their morning meal, she led him to their bed holding his hand, and lay down with him.
"Try to sleep, my dearest. I will be with you all the time." She said softly.
He hummed under his breath and nodded, laying down beside her, cuddling his face between her breasts. She placed her chin in his hair, embracing him tightly, stroking him, and began to quietly sing him the lullaby her mother used to hum to her when she was a child.
She felt his tense body slowly relax, felt him cry again, and then after a time that lasted an eternity for her he finally fell into a restless sleep.
Word of Aegon's severe burns reached her quickly and she decided to visit him with her husband, knowing better than anyone else what he was going through. As they walked into his chamber Helaena was watching over him, rising from his bed and smiling at them.
Aegon's face was almost entirely covered in bandages and she felt an involuntary tightening in her heart at the sight.
Despite what he had done, she felt sorry for him.
"How are you feeling, brother?" She asked softly and he glanced at her, warmth in his gaze by the way she called him. He shrugged his shoulders.
"Not only am I disgusting on the inside, now I'm disgusting on the outside." He laughed, but no one responded to his words. They spoke with each other for a while, and then Aegon surprised her with his words.
"I would like to speak with my brother."
She and Helaena left his chamber and moved ahead with a slow step – now that she knew it was over, that nothing threatened them anymore, she suddenly felt a gigantic relief, as if she realised that she was safe, that she could calm down at last. She looked at her companion.
"Is he good for you now?" She asked. Helaena looked at her with dreamy eyes.
"Yes. Yes, a lot has changed in him. I regret that it is only now, but… well, I am glad that after the death of our son, me and my daughter find comfort in his arms." She said quietly, looking around, distracted, immersed in her own thoughts. She involuntarily smiled at her words.
"I'm really glad."
She decided not to return to her husband's chamber, but to visit Royce and his new wife. She reasoned that since the danger had passed, she no longer needed to fear anything and lock herself in his quarters like a prison.
She stood outside her brother's chambers and asked the guard to announce her. The man went inside, and after a moment came out and said that Lord and Lady Baratheon would welcome her.
She went inside with a smile, stroking her swollen abdomen contentedly – Royce stood up, extending his hands to her, and they threw themselves into each other's arms, embracing each other tightly.
"I've heard about what they have done. Gods, why didn't they tell me anything?" He asked, glancing at her, and she sighed heavily.
"I suspect it was all about the surprise effect. My Lady. My congratulations on your nuptials." She said softly and nodded at the young woman who stood up from the table, her dark hair braided, a grey-blue long, simple gown with wide sleeves on her body.
She wore no jewellery.
Even so, she must have found the expression on her face pleasing, her mouth was full as was her shapes.
"Thank you, my Lady." She answered her and also nodded. She glanced at her husband, moving towards the entrance.
"I'll leave you alone. Husband." She said lowly and calmly, nodding at him, embarrassment and something she couldn't decipher ran across Royce's face. When she left, they both sat down at the table, Royce grunting away while combing his hair quickly with his hand.
"I'm sorry for the intrusion. I just wanted to make sure you were feeling well." She said, looking at him intently, unsure if he was happy or not.
"Oh, I feel well." He said quickly, pouring himself a cup of wine and grunting loudly. She blinked, looking at him intensely.
"Are you content?" She asked finally. He lifted his gaze to her and pressed his lower lip tight. He sighed and ran his hand over his face.
"I…I've had close-ups with various women, but she…gods, I don't even know how to put it, I've never experienced anything like this. She's very experienced, I can only tell you that much." He mumbled and she saw with surprise and amusement that he was all red – he had trouble looking into her face, clearly overwhelmed by the memories of his last night.
"So… you're content." She finished at last. He pressed his lips together and grunted again.
"I…yes, I think so."
When she returned to her husband's chamber he was already waiting for her, sitting in a chair right by the fire, his eye piercing her, focused and anxious.
"Where have you been?" He asked coolly. She sighed quietly, approaching him slowly – her abdomen was still swelling, and she was getting tired of walking more and more quickly, but sitting wasn't any more comfortable for her.
"I visited my brother. He is pleased with his new wife." She said softly and touched his hand with her fingers. "I thought that since my husband has ensured that the danger has passed, I could visit him."
He looked at her watchfully, and after a moment he hummed under his breath, nodding, accepting her words and explanation. His gaze fled to the fire again, her hand on his skin.
"What did your brother want?"
Her husband was silent for a long time, his whole body as tense as a string. He swallowed loudly, running his fingers over his chin.
"He said he wants to relinquish the throne to me." He said lowly, and she looked at him in shock, feeling her heart begin to pound like mad. "That as he is now, he cannot rule the kingdom or represent it physically."
There was a silence between them full of tension – his gaze finally lifted to her, wanting to see her reaction.
"Did you agree?" She asked quietly.
She had the feeling that his gaze was piercing her deeply, that he knew her enough to be aware of her every doubt, her every thought.
His silence seemed to last her an eternity.
She blinked, opening and closing her mouth, looking at him in disbelief.
She felt a sense of relief.
"Why?" She asked in shock. He murmured under his breath, stretching out his hand on the armrest, straightening and clenching his fingers as he always did when he was thinking hard about something.
"Because I promised the gods that if they spared you I would give up my hopes for the crown. They kept you alive then, in Harrenhal, and they kept you alive in the Red Keep. I have grown to think that the gods do not want me to be king. My current role suits me. As the Hand of the King and Prince Regent, I will rule in his name until his condition improves. I told him I want something else in return." He said, entwining their fingers together, stroking her soft, warm skin with his thumb.
She felt heat in her heart at his words, at the thought that he still remembered that vow, that he truly believed that through his sacrifice the gods were watching over her.
"And what do you want?" She asked softly, and he lifted his gaze to her, a disturbing glint in his eye.
When they finally moved to Dragonstone she walked with difficulty, the heat was unbearable for her and she demanded a cool bath as soon as they reached the place. Before their arrival, her husband had the chamber in the underground where Luke was last seen completely cleaned and sealed.
When she finally sank into the icy water she breathed a loud sigh of relief, her husband strolling through their chamber with evident satisfaction.
She knew that he had at last won a coveted inheritance, something to pass on to his descendants that was his, that he had been waiting for this moment all his life.
When he looked at her at last she smiled at him.
He hummed under his breath and approached her unhurriedly with his hands folded behind his back, gazing intently at the indistinct outline of her body that he could see beneath the sheet of water.
He knelt by the tub and took her hand in his, pressing it to his lips. He stroked her wet skin with his thumb and let the air out quietly through his nose.
"Just a few more weeks." He whispered, and she nodded.
She saw him press his lips together, looking at her – she knew what he was thinking about, she knew what he feared.
He was afraid that she would die.
That she had not been taken from him by fire or by an assassin, but would be ripped from him by her labour, just as it had taken wives from husbands for hundreds of years, just as it had taken Aemma from his father.
She stroked his face, seeing his worry and tension.
"Be of good cheer, my beloved." She whispered tenderly and he nodded, kissing her hand again.
She did not want to be alone at such a difficult time and asked that Cassandra come to Dragonstone to keep her company. Helaena and Alicent had also announced their passage, so that she was not as afraid.
She felt her first intense contractions at the table when they were eating supper together, as they did every day.
Her husband was telling her about a new book he had read and she listened contentedly until a wave of pain went through her body. She dropped her cup and rose suddenly, catching her stomach, her husband froze in mid-motion.
"What's happening?" He asked terrified, unable to move for a moment.
"I think it's starting." She muttered, and then felt something warm run down her thighs.
She began to cry in his arms as he carried her to their chamber, for Cassandra, Helaena and Alicent were only due to arrive in two days. True, the midwives and maids were by her side, but it wasn't the same.
"I don't want to be alone." She whined quietly and he looked at her despairingly, laying her down on the bed, the women around her began to untie her gown to help her.
"…do you want me to stay with you?" He asked uncertainly, and she swallowed with difficulty and wept loudly, feeling another powerful spasm.
He turned his face away, unable to look at her suffering, not knowing how to behave, not having any knowledge of these women's affairs that always took place behind closed doors.
"Get out." She said finally, grabbing her stomach – she felt him throw her a shocked, uncertain look. "Get out, I don't want you to look at this."
She exhaled, not wanting him to be disgusted with her, so that later, thinking of her, all he could see was that sight, the sight of a ripped flesh full of sweat, blood and bodily fluids.
He, however, did not move from his place, his hands clenched into fists, horror in his gaze.
He didn't know what to do.
She didn't have the strength to think about it, hot sweat was running down her whole body, she felt like she was on fire. She breathed a sigh of relief when she was finally left in just her nightgown, one of the servants put a pillow under her back and another applied a cold compress to her forehead.
The midwife sat down in front of her, parting her legs with her hands, peering between her thighs.
"When I tell you, my Lady, you will begin to push. Do you understand?" She asked softly.
She imagined with tears in her eyes that this strange woman was her mother, and that the servant rubbing her forehead was her sister, and nodded quickly.
Without even looking at him, she knew that her husband was still standing by their bed.
She felt relief and horror, gratitude and rage at the same time.
The pain and contractions began to become more intense and followed each other faster and faster, her heart pounding like mad, her whole body in readiness for the tremendous effort that awaited her.
She wondered if she would survive it.
"Push, my Lady!" The woman called out, and she clenched her eyes shut and, with a loud whine of effort, tried to force her child out of herself. She felt something move inside her and she threw her head back, panting heavily, hot tears running down her cheeks.
"Very well. Breathe, my Lady, deep, full breaths." The woman spoke to her, and she nodded, trying to focus only on her breathing, on the way the air flowed through her chest.
"Push!" She called out again, and she clenched her hands on the bedclothes around her and cried out loudly, feeling the searing pain, her baby's head trying to squeeze through her tight walls.
She fell backwards panting all over, heard a sudden movement beside her, her husband's hand tightened on hers, his gesture of support and terror, his gesture of closeness, his sign that he was there for her.
"Yes, just like that. And again. Push!"
It felt like it went on forever – she was one big sweaty, weeping mess.
She clenched her fingers on his hand so tightly that she felt like she was going to break his fingers, her heart pounding like crazy.
"I can already see the head, my Lady! Just a little more! Push!" She squeezed her eyes shut and a whined in effort and pain as she made her body to force her offspring out.
Suddenly she felt something flow out of her, a lightness and relief filled her, the midwife caught something red in her arms.
"There he is, my Lady, look what a beautiful baby boy!" She said, wrapping the small creature all smeared with blood in a clean white cloth, wiping him slowly. She laughed with joy and relief as she looked at her child's face.
Her son had dark Baratheon hair.
She turned her head towards her husband, wanting to see his reaction, his joy at the sight of their child, but she saw that he was crying without even looking in that direction, his wet cheek pressed against her hand, his fingers clenched on her skin trembling all over.
She felt her heart squeeze at the thought that he was rejoicing that she had been alive.
When their first shock had passed, when she had been changed into a clean nightgown and the bedclothes had been changed, when she had lain back in bed, her son had at last been given to her. He already had his first bath, wrapped in a warm, bright blanket, his tiny arms and legs squirming vigorously when he felt her proximity, as if he recognised her immediately.
She felt a bond, a love, a tenderness, looking at his little chubby pink face, his scent wonderful and addictive.
She looked up contentedly and saw her husband's proud look, an almost invisible smirk on his face. He stood over her with his arms folded behind his back, preferring not to touch such a small creature for the time being, watching his interaction with his mother.
They had agreed that if a girl was born she would name her, and if a boy was born, he would name him.
She knew exactly what name he had chosen, but she asked him anyway.
It was only at night, when they were finally alone, that her husband lay down beside them in just his shirt, looking intently at the little being sleeping in her arms. She cradled him looking at him with tenderness, thinking that he was the most beautiful child she had ever seen in her life.
"He has your eyes." She whispered and he hummed with contentment at her words as he carefully put his arm around them, pressing his temple against her forehead. She felt him place a kiss on her cheek and on her jaw, felt him inhale her scent.
"You were so brave, sweet wife. I have never been more proud of you." He whispered tenderly, and she felt the heat spread through her heart. She looked up at him, brushing the tip of her nose against his and they kissed, warmly, softly, their lips moist and swollen.
They spent the next few weeks getting used to the changes in their lives – her wounds healed slowly and after only a few days she was able to get up, much to the displeasure of her husband, who wanted her to avoid straining herself.
The cold stone walls of Dragonstone suddenly became cosier when the baby's babbling filled them, their son was loud and constantly laughing, overjoyed at their constant presence.
Her husband didn't want to be like his father, and though he was afraid to pick Daeron up, he often looked in on him just to touch him, to make sure he was safe.
She saw him watching out of the corner of his eye as she fed their son, finding it a very intimate and private sight, his wife holding his heir at her breast, giving him life, tending to his legacy.
She knew he craved her, saw the way he gazed greedily at her breasts, but dared not demand anything of her after seeing their son tear her flesh.
However, when her wounds had healed and she was no longer in discomfort, when she told him he could touch her, he threw himself at her like mad, his tongue deep in her throat, his hands ripping her nightgown from her body.
They were both panting loudly, kissing each other greedily with a sticky, wet click as she felt him grab her hips and settle her on top of him, quickly untying his breeches – they didn't have time to be embarrassed by how much they needed it, that they just wanted to fuck.
"If I don't fill you soon I'll die, sweet wife." He gasped affectionately, his voice trembling with desire – she kissed him again, clamping her hand in his hair, the other guiding the swollen head of his erection to her puffy slit entrance, slowly lowering herself onto him.
They both moaned piteously loudly, his hips beginning to impale her on his manhood again and again, filling her with himself, shivers of pleasure and heat passing through her.
She pressed her forehead against his, rising and falling against onto him, their bodies slapping against each other hard and fast, the lewd clicks of their shared moisture echoing through their chamber.
"− can I taste you? − " He whispered so quietly that for a moment she wasn't sure she heard it – his hand involuntarily cupped her full breast filled to the brim with milk. She mewled in pleasure as she felt him begin to play with her nipple in his mouth.
"− yes −" She exhaled and moaned loudly, aroused by this perverse act, his lips clamped tightly around her nipple began to suckle, she heard the loud sound of him swallowing.
She clenched her hand in his hair pressing his face closer to her, feeling her walls begin to throb against his length that he pushed into her body with each of his deep thrusts.
She was embarrassed by how surprisingly pleasurable it was.
"− oh, Aemond − yes −" She mewled as she struggled to fall and rise on top of him, their bodies slapping against each other with each violent slam of their flesh, his lips pulled away from her nipple with a loud plop, he licked his lips as he looked at her with a misty gaze.
"− so fucking delicious −" He breathed out and she whimpered softly, feeling his words between her thighs, not having the opportunity to answer him, his lips pressed against her other breast, repeating everything from the beginning, her nails tightened and ran over his naked back, she heard his loud purr of pleasure between the loud sounds of swallowed milk.
"− Aemond − it feels so good − oh gods −" She cried out loudly and tilted her head back, coming harder than ever in her life. He moaned low into her breast without releasing i from his mouth – she felt his hot spend spill inside her a moment later.
She wasn't sure she had ever experienced such an intense, long orgasm before.
He finally released her breast from his mouth, pressing his face to her chest, panting along with her. She stroked his hair, kissing the top of his head, purring with delight as she felt his manhood pulsing inside her in fulfilment.
"− will you let me do it again? −" He asked in a trembling voice full of embarrassment and guilt, as if he had done something lewd and unthinkable, as if he feared she would now be ashamed of him. She kissed his hair at his question.
"− yes −"
From then on, his perfect place in the world was to be deep inside her with his mouth pressed against her breast. They both knew that there was something even more intimate than usual about this act, some kind of taboo, unmistakable intimacy that could not be replaced by anything else.
She tried not to burst out laughing when one day during their morning meal he asked her, feigning indifference, when she would lose the milk in her breasts, and she answered him that her body would continue to produce it as long as she breastfed.
She then saw the shock and the glint in his eye, he bit his lower lip involuntarily, unable to hide his expression of delight at this information.
They were closer together than ever.
The birth of their son reassured the entire kingdom, for in the situation in which Helaena did not bear Aegon another son, there was a young heir to the throne alive who would take over after his father.
When she spoke to her husband it seemed to her that he was made to be the Hand of the King, his advice always cool and recalcitrant. To her surprise, Aegon finally learned to use them and became a better king than she would ever have expected.
Daeron was a calm, joyful infant. He soon began to chatter, making his own unspecified sounds and syllables, bringing joy and laughter into their fortress. Her husband read to him a lot, and he stood in his little wooden bed with railings and hopped softly on his feet, delighted.
He adored him.
She had to keep repeating it to him because he didn't believe it, but his son was drawn to him, forever longing for him – he would reach out his chubby hands greedily to him whenever he saw him return from the Red Keep.
Although outwardly he was stern and cold towards the servants and guards, when he locked himself with them in their chamber he changed into a different person.
He would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night from a nightmare, say he heard Joffrey crying from the underground and frighten her, breathing hard. She tried not to show it, hugging and stroking him until he fell asleep again.
She knew that these events would never stop haunting him.
When morning set in, the first thing after checking with a touch of his hand that she was lying next to him was to see if Daeron was asleep in his bed. He would sometimes get up in the night to check that he was breathing and, reassured, would only return to further sleep, embracing her from behind and snuggling his face into the hollow of her neck.
She was overwhelmed with happiness when her brother sent her a letter from Storm's End informing her that his wife was expecting a child.
From what she understood their marriage had been quite successful and peaceful, her character proving far more calm and composed than her brother had originally assumed. She renewed herself in Storm's End, happy to still be close to the sea.
As the time approached for her to give birth, she asked her husband to fulfil his promise that he had made to her when they were in Harrenhal and for them to travel to Storm's End.
Travelling on a dragon's back with a small child seemed too dangerous for them, so they set off in a carriage, patiently enduring the hardships and length of the journey.
When they arrived she felt a strange tightness in her throat as she watched the round throne room where her father had always sat, and now her brother sat in his place.
He stood up happy to see her, kissed her cheek and stroked the head of her son whom she held in her arms – Daeron giggled happily and began to squirm again, bursting with energy.
"I see my nephew is growing fast. How these children are changing! He was such a little baby not so long ago." He said gushing with enthusiasm, clearly delighted at the prospect of becoming a father himself. She smiled broadly at his words, glad to see him, glad to be home.
Royce looked at her husband, who was standing behind her, and nodded. Her husband reciprocated the gesture, but they did not say a word to each other.
She felt memories hit her from every direction and she was moved. She had insisted that they sleep in her old chamber during their stay even though it was small, her husband agreed without a word.
When they went inside their belongings and their son's cot were already standing. He had only been there once, on the night he returned from Winterfell and left abruptly after their argument, so he had no time to look at anything closely.
He looked through her books curiously, looked out of her windows, looked around, and she thought fondly that he had tried to imagine her life before she met him.
Before he had chosen her.
"Would you like to see my mother's crypt?" She asked softly. He looked at her and nodded.
They descended into the underworld with the torch he held in his hand. Although the web of corridors beneath the fortress was complicated, she knew this path by heart, having often gone down there as a child, asking her mother for advice from the heavens.
After a short walk among the stone statues, they arrived in front of the one she remembered so well. She felt a squezee in her throat, burning tears in her eyes as she saw a familiar sculpture, a stone female figure that was supposed to resemble her mother, but did not even partially reflect her beauty.
She approached it and touched its cold surface with her hand, her husband remained silent.
"Mother, this is my husband, prince Aemond. Forgive me for not introducing him to you earlier. He chose me against my and my father's will, but I did not know then how much I would love him. I didn't know that…" She said, feeling her voice break, her husband moved beside her restlessly, swallowing loudly.
"...I didn't know we would make it, I didn't believe I would be as happy as you were with my father. Thank you for watching over me, for listening to my prayers and making the gods send me the husband I asked for." She finished in a trembling voice, choking on her own tears, feeling that only now, two years after these events, did she truly understand what had happened, what she had experienced, what she had gone through, what a long and difficult path it had been.
She heard him come up to her, putting his torch down on the stone ground and embraced her, hugging her to his chest. She felt his heart pounding fast, felt that he was unable to get a word out. He kissed her hair and pressed his face to the top of her head, standing with her like this in the warm light of the fire.
"I thought it was impossible for someone to love me. I thought it was impossible for me to love someone. I thought it was impossible for me to make a good choice when I came here on Vhagar's back..." He whispered, and she clenched her hands tighter on the material of his leather tunic, his warmth, his familiar, wonderful, calming scent spreading through her lungs.
"...and then I saw you."
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Reborn!Wukong: Kidnapped.
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Word Count: 3042.
Content/Trigger Warnings: mention of poisoning.
Authors Notes: This came out a lot longer than I thought it would. There is another kidnapped thingy, but this one is based on the reader story and the upcoming one is a requested headcanon featuring all the Wukongs I'm doing.
<---Previous | Start | Next--->
You were no weakling, but you weren't much of a fighter compared to the other two you were left with. While Pigsy protected the monk from the pack of wild beasts, you were accompanied by Wujing. 
In your defence… It wasn't your fault. You just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time and ended up in something messy that Wukong definitely won't like… Let's just say he definitely won't be a happy camper.
“I'm scared…” Sweat dripped from your forehead at the thought of how mad Wukong would be when he returned to see you gone. 
“You're scared?! What about me?!” Pigsy snapped. 
You looked at Pigsy with a blank look and a raised brow. You didn't really care about what Wukong would do to Pigsy, since getting into a spat was an everyday thing with them. You shook your head and thought of ways to get out of the pit you were thrown into. No, you hadn't put yourself in any danger, it was more of an unexpected attack that got you hurt.
In the end, you and Pigsy were somehow captured and brought to the deity of the area. Some water deity you didn't care to remember the name of who had the demons that kidnapped you under his control.
Sacrifices? You thought to yourself. With my luck, probably worse. Ugh, Wukong's gonna throw a tantrum.
“Hey, big sis,” Pigsy's voice broke you out of your state. 
“Quiet, pork chop! Who gave you permission to speak to the goddess?!” one of the guards poked him in the behind with their spear, which made him cry out.
“Goddess?” you and Pigsy questioned then looked at each other and back to the male.
Guess that explains why he's tied up, but I'm not… This is already so exhausting. You sighed to yourself. Yep, this is worse than a sacrifice…
“Brother Monkey is gonna kill me,”
“You're at fault, you slob, you seriously couldn't have handled this? You've fought armies by yourself!” you whisper yelled.
“I didn't see you do anything but running away and hiding!” he whisper-yelled back. 
“I'm not a fighter! My entire life in the Celestial Realm was lived cooped up with archives and medicinal herbs. I'm the brains in this team and the rest if you are the brawn!”
Wukong sneezed three times in a row as he jumped off of his cloud. He shook his head and attempted to clear the ringing in his ears.
“Big brother,” Wujing’s voice got his attention.
“Where's (Y/n)?” he immediately questioned as he looked around for you.
He also noticed Pigsy's absence, but he was only focused on yours. He was relaxed and casual till he saw the look on Wujing's face. Seeing the demon squirm like that made Wukong uneasy, and he knew that his gut feeling telling him you were in danger was right.
“Um…” Wujing looked incredibly nervous as the Monkey King approached him with narrowed eyes. 
“What.happened?” Wukong questioned in a growl.
“They were kidnapped, (Y/n) and Pigsy,”
“By who?” Wujing didn't like how calm Wukong was at the moment, it never ended well. 
“Demons… We were ambushed and they were taken,”
“Which way did they go?”
“My great goddess,” a foreign voice boomed like thunder, the male's arms spread wide to present himself with extravagance. 
The game of ‘Spot the Boss’ just keeps getting easier and easier… you mused to yourself, but managed to keep a straight face.
“My name is Bolin Aiguo,” the male’s voice brought you back to reality. “I welcome you to my palace.”
“Um… thanks?” you asked more than said.
“Destiny has truly blessed us today,” he grinned as he bowed slightly. “We have waited centuries for your return,” he said and motioned to the wall where a cloth was dropped.
“Heh?” you both looked at the painting on the wall and your jaw dropped. 
Is this real? You thought as you saw the picture of a woman who looked like you, but wore garments of a divine goddess. Could it just be a coincidence? Maybe the unlikely chance that’s my ancestor?
“Whoa, that looks just like you,” Pigsy's marvel made you roll your eyes and sighed heavily. 
“Your sense of perception is exquisite as always,” you said sarcastically as you looked at him. He returned your gaze with a glare, which got him hit in the back with a whip. You winced at the sound of leather on skin, it gave you goosebumps and chills, the bad kind. 
“Don't you dare gaze at our goddess like that, you disgusting pig,” the guard that whipped him spat, literally, at the pig demon. 
“Do not speak to him like that,” you said without thinking. You and Wukong were the only ones allowed to bad talk Pigsy to his face like that.
“Forgive me, my goddess (Y/n), your servant needed to be punished,” the male bowed. 
They know my name? What in the ten worlds is going on? This is getting a bit scary now… Wait, did they call him my servant?
“Um…” you glanced around. “I address my servants directly, no one is allowed to speak to my underlings that way.”
“You are such a caring Goddess,” the men marvelled, then bowed. “Very well, if that is what you wish, then that is what will be.”
“Good,” your voice broke, but you didn't think they noticed. 
“Goddess, I am General Hàoyú,”
“I'm Mùchén, it's a pleasure to meet you,” the guard who struck Pigsy bowed.
“The pleasure’s mine,” you smiled as politely as you could.
“Please, allow the maids to show you to your room,” Bolin gestured to four maids who stood at the ready, “I've prepared proper clothing for you.”
Not good. Really wished this was a sacrifice situation right now…
“I insist,” he looked at you then bowed. “It would be my honour if you did.”
“I-” you cut yourself off when you saw Pigsy trying not to laugh, it irked you. “Please see that my servant be treated with respect and cleaned up as well,” you smiled, which made the pig demon stop laughing to himself and boy was he pale.
“Yes, of course, Goddess!”
“I'm gonna hurt you,” Pigsy seethed.
“Who's laughing now, porky?” you smirked as you walked past him.
The outfit they made you wear was one similar to what ‘you’ were wearing in the painting. It wasn't exactly your colour or style, yet it looked amazing on you, curves and all. The stylists that did your hair tried so hard to hide their disgust in doing your hair, obviously your hair that hadn't been washed in three or so weeks wasn't to their liking. Despite Wukong’s excessive grooming, nothing beats a good soak in scented oils and natural hair products. You coil get used to the godly treatment.  
When you were reunited with Pigsy, he was amazed at your change, not really believing it was you at first. You, however, tried oh so hard not to laugh at the state of the pig demon. He looked prim, proper, and clean despite still looking like a servant. It was definitely an improvement to say the least… you cringed at the thought that he might actually look borderline adorable. 
“Are your servant’s garments not to your liking, goddess?” Mùchén asked.
“They're fine, thank you,” you managed a smile. “If you don't mind, I'd like to speak to my servant alone.”
“Of course,” the guard bowed, and they all left.
“You clean up nice,” you snorted as you walked to look out your window. 
“Shut up,”
“By gods, this place is locked up tight,” you pinched the bridge of your nose. “Escaping subtly is out of the question. You might be able to escape and get the others if you shape-shift, but seeing those wolf demons they have stationed along the border, I doubt you'd get far without being caught.”
“These clothes are so stuffy, how could people dress like this everyday?” Pigsy complained.
“Try wearing one of these, then you can complain,” you adjusted the cloth that was tied tightly and securely around your abdomen. “This dress thing is getting so annoying,”
“At least you get treated like a god, I'm just some servant!”
“It suits you,” you smirked and looked at Pigsy before you looked at your reflection in the mirror. “Ugh, I can't wait to get this stuff off my face, so itchy…”
“What do we do, big sis?”
“Bid our time,” you looked at Pigsy. “Wukong will find us soon, we just have to hold out till then.”
“But who knows when brother monkey will be back, you know he takes forever,”
“Believe me,” you stared off into space. “He already knows… he always does somehow.”
Before Pigsy could respond, someone walked into the room, you both mentally groaned when Bolin walked in. 
What does this hard case want? You thought to yourself.
“You look even more extravagant than I thought you would…” he marvelled, you couldn't help but blush at such a compliment.
“Don't you know it’s impolite to barge into a lady’s room?” you raised a brow.
“Forgive me,” he chuckled and bowed, offering to take your hand. “I was simply hoping to invite you to have dinner with me.”
Making it seem like I have a choice, how polite. You thought to yourself with a soft sigh. 
“I'd be honoured,” you forced a smile.
“The honour is mine,” he smiled at you, looking at you like he was hungry. 
“Did I hear food? I'm starving!”
Are you ever not? You thought to yourself in annoyance.
“Not for you, you disgusting creature,” he glared at Pigsy like he was scum. You didn't notice this, but your hand twitched slightly. You simply cleared your throat to steal his attention, which wasn't hard to do. “Please follow me.”
“Happy too,” you forced a natural smile.
“Just one bite,” Pigsy continued to drool over the large assortment of food and drink served to you.
“Leave me be,” you shot him a glance then focused on your fish.
“Dear Goddess, c'mon, don't hog all the food for yourself,” he begged.
Pig knows how to beg when his stomach is concerned, I'll give him that much. You thought to yourself.
“Ironic coming from a gluttonous pig,” you barely spared Pigsy another glance before you smiled a bit. “Why don't you be a good servant and perform for me since you're so hungry,” you tilted your head, “after all, a meal tastes so much better when you worked hard for it.”
“I couldn't have said it better myself,” Bolin smiled at you, a smile that gave you the bad kind of chills. He frowned and looked at Pigsy. “You heard the goddess, what are you waiting for?”
This is gonna be good… you tried to hide the smirk. Suddenly, a chill ran down your spine and the feeling of being watched returned. Wukong? You thought to yourself, but after a few seconds passed with no sign of chaos, you guessed you were wrong.
“Where is he already?” you sighed softly to yourself.
“What was that, your grace?” you looked at Bolin and sat straighter.
“Nothing!” you smiled nervously, hoping he didn't hear you.
Maybe it was a bit cruel on your part to make Pigsy dance for your entertainment… but you didn't care. The entire situation was his fault, well, partially. Perhaps it was due to the lack of challenging fights that the two got a bit sloppy, either way… watching Pigsy dance was utterly hilarious, and you wished Wukong was there to laugh with you.
“Are you enjoying yourself, my dearest goddess?” you glanced at Bolin and closed your eyes briefly before you focused on your food.
“It has been entertaining to say the least,” you managed a smile, “overall, you have been an excellent host.”
“I'm so happy to hear you say that, goddess,” he mused and lifted his glass a bit. “Shall our days be like this one.”
“Pardon?” you looked at him, almost choking on your fish.
“You are to be my wife,” he smiled at you. “It is as prophecy has written, your return merits the marriage to the head of the palace, which is me.”
“I don't know about that, I am not interested in marriage,” you responded.
Especially not with you. You thought to yourself as the maid refilled your cup.
“I can wait, it is no trouble. You are worth it after all,” he said as you focused on your drink. 
“Hmmm… this drink is sweet, I really like it,” you looked at the red liquid in the chalice as you swirled it around.
“I'm glad you like it,” Bolin smiled. 
“What is it? I've never tasted anything like it,” you looked up at him curiously. 
Wukong isn't much of a sweet taste guy, I wonder if he’d like it… you found yourself drifting off to the thought of Wukong.  
“Nothing special,” he looked at his drink as he swirled it around as well, taking his time before he answered, “just a love potion.”
The words put Pigsy in a panic, not knowing what Wukong would do if he saw his beloved (Y/n) under the influence of a love potion with some random water deity who thinks you a goddess.
Did I seriously just get drugged? Is that way the taste is sweeter than before? That cocky bastard, what is he planning? You thought to yourself in a slight daze, but it only lasted a second longer before you got your senses back.
“A love potion?” you snorted, which took them both aback. “Are you truly that desperate to have me for yourself?”
“W-Why aren't you affected?” He stood up and backed away. “What are you?”
“Oh, you poor sweetheart… Love potions are meant to make you fall in love with the first person you see…” You stood and fixed your sleeves a bit before you looked up at the male in amusement. “But don't you know it doesn't work on someone who's already in love.”
“Impossible!” he barked. 
“I grow tired of this… we'll be leaving now,” you spoke, only glancing at Pigsy, who nodded and followed you. 
“Big sis, is that true?”
“Yeah, crazy right?” you spoke. “I read it in this book that I found, but I didn't believe it till now.”
“You cannot! You are our goddess!” he yelled.
“I regret to inform you that I am no God,” you called over your shoulder. 
“You are to be mine! It is destiny!” he yelled. You would've felt bad for the guy if he hadn't kidnapped and fed you a love potion, even if it tasted amazing.
“My love belongs to only one person… And you're not even half as good-looking as he is,” you folded your arms… The thought of Wukong started to make your insides feel warm and made you feel… weird. Especially when you thought of that smile/smirk you loved oh so much.
Is this what being drunk feels like? You thought to yourself before your focus was taken by the man child throwing a tantrum.
“I will slay this peasant!” he snapped. 
“You can try,” you looked up and smiled at the glaring monkey on his cloud, “but I don't think he's in the mood to humour you.”
“Sun Wukong?!”
“Who gave you permission to say my name?!”
Both you and Pigsy winced as Wukong beat the guy sound and proper. Pigsy knew that he was gonna get beat to a pulp too once Wukong was finished with the audacious bastard.
“See?” you looked at Pigsy warily. “I told you he'd find us soon…”
“Uh huh…” it was quite obvious that Pigsy was scared as Wukong was quick in finishing the deity and his men. Typical man, all show, no go… you thought to yourself before looking at Wukong as he wiped some blood off of his face. This shouldn't be hot… but it really is.
“So unfair…” you mumbled to yourself.
“Pft-” he eyed you, now it was your turn to glare.
“Shut up,” you folded your arms and looked away, but he forced you to look at him. 
“This look suits you well,” he leaned in and kissed you softly. “My beautiful goddess.”
“So you're not mad?” you peeked up at him.
“Furious,” he seethed, but caressed your cheek as he exhaled through his nose and smiled a bit, “but seeing you dressed like this… No man or demon could dare.”
“You sweet talker,” you managed a smile.
“I'm glad I'm the love of your life,” he winked with a smirk, which made you blush profusely.
“Exactly how long have you been watching?” you asked nervously. 
“Since you made Pigsy dance like an idiot, it was kinda funny,” he mused. 
So I guess I was right, Wukong was the one watching me.
“You were probably seething seeing that man hold me like that,” you smirked up at him.
“You know me well,” he nuzzled your cheek, “but today made me realize something.”
“Oh? And what would that be?”
“You're mine and that's how it should be,” he kissed your forehead. “You are mine, (Y/n). As I am yours.”
“Such a way with words…” You stroked the right side of his face. He leaned into your touch and closed his eyes. “True love can never be replaced or forgotten,” he looked at you. “When we collect the scrolls, and our quest is done… I wanna be immortal,” you cupped his cheek. “I want to be with you, the love of my life, for the rest of my existence and beyond that.”
“Sounds like a proposal,” he smiled a bit. 
“It's the same thing,” you smiled. 
“So be it,” He smirked before he leaned in and kissed you softly.
“Hm?” He looked at you as you rubbed your cheek against his chest. “You okay?”
“The love potion is taking effect,” you looked up with heart-shaped pupils. “My body feels hot…” You said as you got goosebumps.
“Not to ruin your couple moment, but we gotta get going!” You both pulled back and glared at the pig demon.
Damn it, Pigsy. Shut up for once. You both thought at the same time.
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youraverageaemondsimp · 8 months
Eyes of Emerald Green // Vampire!Alys Rivers x Targaryen!Reader
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Summary: the woman who once plagued your dream while you were young, reappears.
WARNINGS: slight dubcon, age gap, sexual tension, masturbation, oral (both f), wlw relationship, vampire x human, blood drinking, cunnilingus, blood kink, tiddy sucking, face sitting, canon divergence, breeding kink(?) idk, multiple orgasms. + not proofread
WC: 3.4k
A/N: THE LONG AWAITED FIC LMAO, I've been teasing this since Halloween October 2023 💀💀💀 and now it's finally here 😳❗// divider creds to @cafekitsune
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“Spare no man, woman, child or any bastard!” You commanded the guards who were capturing and killing the members of the house strong, this was not your original plan, but after hearing what had happened to king's landing, you vented your frustration on the house you despised the most, house strong.
Recapturing harrenhal was your brother's idea, you simply led the army, yet the city of kings landing was soon attacked, and when you had heard of it, you were stricken with rage.
The sounds of metal clinking, flesh being cut through was like a pleasant lullaby to your ears, you felt a sick sense of accomplishment even though the city had faced a big loss.
You were participating in the massacre too, stabbing the bodies of the members over and over again, covered in their blood, your hair matted as the blood dried up, yet you still did not stop.
But then suddenly you felt a shiver run up your spine and you spun around to see a woman, who appeared to be youthful, standing there in her maids robes, something about her drew you in, and you gasped when you made eye contact.
Emerald green eyes that seemed to piece through your soul, you suddenly felt vulnerable as if she could see through you and you remained frozen in place as you stared at her, you noted how you oddly felt a sense of familiarity with her.
Her eyes reminded you of the woman who appeared in your dreams a few years ago. You remember going to sleep that night and woke up with the feeling of something heavy sitting in your chest and opened your eyes to see the emerald green irises staring at you, you remember not being able to scream, and watched as she bared her fangs before biting down on your neck, you quickly woke up terrified and screamed, the servants immediately rushed in hearing the noise, you had tried telling them what happened and they simply dismissed it as a nightmare.
Those very same eyes were staring at you right now, as you massacred the house she probably served or belonged to.
Yet she did not look scared, but rather a sick expression of relief was on her face, almost as if she was expecting this to happen, as if she knew– that this would happen. You went towards her direction and stopped in front of her, she didn't budge, but merely stared, the blood that had stuck to your armour and hair did not scare her away, but instead, her breathing picked up, almost as if she was sniffing at the stench.
“You– who are you?” You asked and she smiled, “I had expected your arrival, my princess.” she did not answer your question but just stated what she wanted to and you raised an eyebrow, grip tightening on the sword, “And how exactly?” You asked and her eyes drifted to your sword for a moment before she made eye contact with you again, “I saw it in my dreams, my visions.” she replied.
“I hope that in your vision you had also foreseen your death, it would make it less shocking for what I am gonna do to you.” You reply sternly, beginning to shift to a more offensive position, ready to attack her but she just chuckled, “You wouldn't hurt me.” She said confidently and you scoffed, “And how exactly did you come to the conclusion that I would spare you?” You question, “Because princess, nobody knows you as well as I do, after all we've met before.” You just roll your eyes and grab her by the throat, but she doesn't struggle, “You want to be the queen.” the words that leave her mouth makes you halt and you immediately let go of her, eyes wide in shock. “You are but a mere third daughter of King Viserys, much more dutiful than your half sister and your elder brother, you are supporting him for the sake of blood, but deep down, you want the iron throne for yourself, don't you?” She speaks and you remain speechless, wondering how she knows everything. “And your younger brother, is now prince regent, though he was born after you, he was still given preference over you to rule as a regent, even as a kinslayer, he is sitting on the throne in your elder brother's stead. Is that not unfair? Had you not done more than him? Especially being a woman?” You continue to remain silent as she speaks, and how correct she is, “I can help you.” She says and you look at her, “My visions will be of use to you, which is the exact reason you will be sparing me.” She finishes talking and by the end of it, it felt as if you had fallen into her carefully woven trap. You thought about it for a mere moment, you could just kill her and be done with it, fight your own battles, but when has anyone conquered their own selfishness, and just like that, you had accepted her help.
“What is your name?” You asked her and she smiled, “Alys rivers.”
Just like that she was spared.
The news had reached King's Landing, where Aemond was ruling as a regent, he successfully managed to seize the throne back to him and executed all of the black's spies in the city, and regained full control over it.
“Harrenhal has now successfully been recaptured by the princess Y/N, though when she had heard of what happened to the city, she was enraged and directed that anger towards the House Strong, she had successfully eliminated the house, no woman, no bastard, no child was to be spared, except only one was spared, a bastard and a wet nurse called Alys Rivers, it seemed that the princess had taken a liking to her.”
Aemond read the letter of report, eyebrows furrowed, he knew how you would be in anger, impulsive and quick, so he was surprised when he heard that you spared someone, but did not think much of it, he came to the conclusion that though your tastes were different, you deserved to have your own spoil of war, so he did not question anything, and allowed you to be as you are.
Meanwhile, as the days passed, you and alys had gotten closer, she told you everything she saw in her visions and you figured how accurate she was, it seemed as though she was given the sight to see into the future.
You sat in your chair, dipping the quill into the ink before writing it down on the parchment paper, writing down reports of the nearby area, trying to note of any suspicious behaviour to immediately correct until your eye landed on a specific report, “Man found dead at the shore of the God's eye river, there were two bite marks on multiple parts of his body, and his flesh was torn as if though he had been ripped apart by a wild beast.” You furrowed your brows, could this be a result of a beast attack? If so, you have to hunt it down before there are any more victims.
Just then the door opened and you saw Alys, who was now walking towards you, holding a tray of tea cups and, “You had been working since the morrow, I had bought some tea.” she placed it down on the table, and you could help but take note of her attire, a low cut neckline, that almost spilled her breasts outside when she leaned down, you cleared your throat and nodded.
It seemed as if she was trying to do that on purpose.
Things quickly moved, and as months passed by, the blacks had slowly lost the war and the news of Aegon's passing had reached your ear, and though you were sad that you had lost a brother, the line to the iron throne cleared by itself, and you felt a sick sense of satisfaction.
As the situation remained stagnant for a while, you had began your search into the beast that was attacking many people, the victims had increased from when you last heard the report, and what you found odd was how whenever you'd ask Alys for the help in this matter, she would avoid it, or not give proper answers.
And so you decided to confirm your suspicions which were gnawing at your gut as you began to place the pieces together and called her to your chambers in the middle of the night.
Which you should've realised was a bad idea.
“You have summoned me? My princess?” She asked, and you rubbed your thighs together, trying to ignore the sense of arousal that was beginning to drip from you whenever you would see her, “Hm? Yes, I wanted to ask you something.” You thickened your voice.
“I have noticed your behaviour whenever I would bring up the beast attackings, you know something don't you?” You question and she remains silent, “No answer, hm.”
“Alys,, do you know a few years ago, I dreamt of a woman with eyes just like yours? Resembling emerald stones, and she was on top of me and bit down into me” you began to tell her randomly and you noticed how her expression changed slightly.
Right on the target.
“And I remember you saying that you had known me, though I thought it was because of your visions, I soon began to put everything together.” You continued.
“You are the beast in question right? The one that sucks blood for living?” You accuse and she swallows thickly, “Do not lie to me, Alys.” You command and she sighs before quickly accepting the accusation. “Yes, it is me, what am I meant to do? It is the only way I can feed myself, normal food makes me want to vomit.” Her tone changes.
“Why not animal blood?” You question and she rolls her eyes, “It isn't as tasty.” she simply says and you are in disbelief, “If you wanna drink from humans, at least don't kill them, do you not have witchful powers? Why not erase their memory?” You suggest, trying to help her out because you did not want to resort to killing immediately, after all, she did help you in a lot of things.
“If I was capable then I would've done it, there is no other way, and it seems I'd have to kill you too now, I cannot let my secret get out, what a shame, I liked you.” She says and comes closer to you, “Why would I tell anyone?” You question and she stops, confused. “It isn't beneficial to me with you gone, I just wanted you to stop killing that's all.” You tell her and she smirks, “So you're not going to be telling anyone?” she asks and you nod, “It would mean loss for me.” You tell her and she bursts out laughing and you stare at her confused.
“My lady, I knew you were always so interesting and unique, but this was far behind my expectations.” She says and comes closer to you, you take a few steps back before the back of your knees hit your bed, causing you to stumble and sit on it.
You stare at Alys as she looks at you from above and you felt as if your bad dream was coming true, her hands trail towards your neck and to the back of your head before she yanks your head backwards by your hair, exposing your neck. You breath heavily as you stare at her and she slowly bares her fags before biting down onto your neck and you gasp, gripping her shoulders, trying to push her away.
She sucks on your blood for a bit before pulling away and you stare at her wide eyed, her fangs now completely out as your blood drips from the side of her mouth. Her pupils look dilated, she wipes away the blood from the back of her hand and pushes you onto the bed completely.
“Alys– I command you to–”
“Hush princess, we both know that you want this. You think I haven't noticed the way you squirm in my presence? Your skirts don't do a good job at hiding the way you rub your thighs.” She shushes you, you stare at her bewildered. She places one knee onto the bed before slowly climbing it, you try to scurry back but she pulls you by your thigh and yanks you closer towards her, now she is face to face with you. Her arms placed on either side of you, trapping you in between her as she leaned further in before she captured your lips with her own.
Heat bloomed through your cheeks as she kissed you, she swiped her tongue on your bottom lip asking for entrance to which you allowed her, she wasted no time before pushing her tongue inside your mouth, intertwining it with your own.
You cringed at the metallic taste of your blood from before, but you didn't pull away and began kissing her back, she moaned into the kiss when she felt you reciprocating her actions, she pulled away and took deep breaths.
“You're so fucking pretty princess.” She kissed your cheek before trailing downwards to your neck and licked the spot which she had bit before and pressed a kiss to it, before going further down and pressing a kiss to your collarbone.
“I know what you want, princess.” She undid the front lace of your gown and slowly pushed it down your shoulders, her eyes darkened as more of your body was revealed to her, she licked her lips at the sight of your breasts as she pulled your gown further down. You lifted your hips and helped her pull it off from you completely.
“Or should I say, My Queen?” You freeze at those words and you immediately stare at her face in shock, “That's treason.” You retort but she smirks, she caresses your cheek with her thumb before she brings it to your lips, pressing gently. “What's treason is your thought of usurping your own brother.” You gulp as she reveals what she knew and you remain silent, not denying it or agreeing with it. She tilts your head upwards before pressing her lips to yours once again.
The kiss gets heated once again, you tug at her gown, indicating that you want her to take it off but she pulls away and pushes your hand away gently, “Uh uh.” she says, denying you. You furrow your brows and are about to say something but you aren't able to get anything out when you feel her cup your cunt.
You watch her shift, travelling downwards your body and stare as she forces your legs wide open. Your heart begins to speed up, anticipation killing you while you observe her.
She presses a kiss to your inner thigh and without a warning, her mouth is latched on to your count which causes you to fall backwards in pleasure. She wastes no time and makes swift strokes with her tongue against your clit, you moan and whimper at her abuse to your cunt, your hand flies to grip her hair when you feel her bite you slightly, you push your hips forward while holding down her face to your cunt. Her arms around your thighs and she slightly lips your hips off the mattress.
Her tongue prods at your entrance and your eyes widen you feel her push it inside you, her nose nuzzling against your clit, she begins to bob her head in and out, fucking you with her tongue. She licks one long stripe up your cunt and latches herself onto your clit again and suckles on it.
This causes heat to bloom in your lower abdomen, making you gasp her name as you feel every inch of your body twitch in pleasure as your high hits you. You ride your orgasm out on her face and she slowly pulls away. Her lips were coated with your essence and she licks it all up, which further arouses you.
You watch through hooded eyes as she kisses up your stomach and stops in between your breasts, she presses a small kiss to the flesh of teat, and soon she's suckling on your nipple like a babe while staring at you.
You could do nothing but just observe, too caught up in the pleasure, you caress her hair which causes her to smirk as she lets go of your breast with a wet pop. She quickly bites down on the flesh of your breast, sinking her fangs in and sucking the blood out.
You grunt in pain but couldn't help but enjoy the slight pleasure you're getting from it. It feels comparable to when you scratch an itch. You breath heavily and you begin to feel light headed as your body finally registering the loss of blood you're experiencing, you slowly begin to lose consciousness but you are pulled away from it with a harsh slap to your cheek, making you come back to your senses as the adrenaline rushes to your brain.
You noticed that she was no longer drinking blood, but was removing her garments, undoing her clothes until she's bare just like you. Your eyes widened at the sight of her body, her pale body seemed to glow on its own.
You try to get up to feel her body but she pushes you down and shifts positions to where she's hovering above your face, you lick your lips staring at her cunt. She holds your head by your forehead before slowly descending down onto your mouth and you immediately welcome her clasping onto her.
She gasps as you work your tongue against her cunt, “Good girl.” She praises you and you clench your thighs at the praise, aroused by it. It doesn't go unnoticed by her as she chuckles.
“Who knew that the future queen gets aroused at merely being called a good girl?” She ponders mockingly and you freeze at what she had revealed. “Why did you stop?” She begins grinding herself against your face. “Is it because I had revealed that you'd be the future queen?” She asks and you wrap your arms around her thighs as a way to say yes.
“Hmm.. Yes, I'll only reveal more if you put your tongue to work.”
You did not need to hear more and you immediately began putting your tongue to work, flicking it up and down against her clit before sucking on it, the act is making you aroused yourself so you unwrap one of your hands from her thigh and take it down to your cunt, rubbing on the clitoris.
“I've seen it in my dreams.” She begins, slowly humping against your face, “You, donning the conqueror's crown, seated on the iron throne.” you imagined it and that only got you more aroused, you pushed a finger inside your cunt and began to pump it, in and out.
Alys whimpered when you clamped down on her clit, desperately sucking on it. “Yours will be the song of ice and fire.” She tells you and your eyes widen, at the very same moment she reaches her peak and finishes with a loud moan, you peak simultaneously as well.
She rides out her peak but all you can think about was what she had revealed, you felt elevated, combined with everything, you felt as though you were floating.
You watch as she gets off your face and sits next to you, you still lay there, processing and imagining it, “Will you be by my side?” You ask her, before slowing getting up, hair dishevelled as her juices coated your chin.
“Of course, who would father your children then?” Her words make you furrow your brows, “How? We're both women? that sounds illogical.” You try to reason and she smirks, “Do not fret about these things, I have my ways to do it.” She tells you and you nod, brushing it off.
You've seen many things that didn't make sense, having a child with her may as well be possible.
You knew whatever Alys had said would come true, and they did all come true, though it cost your brother's life, you did not feel an ounce of guilt as you slayed him with your own hands, deeming you a kinslayer, though the curse did not matter to you, cause you would be the ruler of the seven kingdoms for ages to come.
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— !  ݈݇- thank you so much for reading! i hope you enjoyed it <3 comments and reblogs are appreciated greatly ♡
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starsfic · 3 months
Erlang Shen is Supposed to Be on Vacation
S5 theory fic: Erlang Shen is supposed to be on vacation. However, in an hour, he learns that his uncle is dead, someone is trying to do another coup, and Sun Wukong has been filleted again. The people who deliver this news, including mass criminal Master Subodhi, the duo of Ao Lie's descendant and Iron Fan's son, and the creation goddess Nuwa, make things... difficult.
Erlang Shen was on vacation.
He honestly needed one after centuries of work, both doing whatever dirty work his uncle supposedly needed and the day-to-day running of his territory. The gods of fate had been merciful, creating a summer where Jian didn’t have anything important to do until autumn. Heaven could be handled by Li Nezha or any of the hundreds of other warriors (mostly by his student because he knew how the guards could be), the training of his personal guards and army could be handled by his head guards, and any paperwork could be handled by his staff. With all that, Jian found himself luxuriously stretching in his garden, soaking up the sun. Even Xiaotian Quan stretched out, making a happy little dog noise.
His private garden was his favorite place in his palace. Most of the plants grew naturally in the Sichuan province, but the air was sweet with the smell of blossoming Flower Fruit Mountain trees. The saplings had been a gift from Sun Wukong on his birthday, and Jian found no shame in enjoying the gift.
Hm…with the thought of Wukong floating around, Jian wondered if he could invite him over. Despite their rocky beginnings, Jian enjoyed the company of his sworn brother, both platonically and in a more romantic light. He had recently heard that Wukong had also taken up a student, so maybe they could talk about that?
The summer seemed full of possibilities. 
Right now, Jian just wanted to sunbathe.
So lost in his relaxation, he didn’t notice a magpie settle on the branches of one of the peach trees, staring down at him. Xiaotian raised his head, but the magpie fluttered away before the dog could notice anything. The large hound, after a quick scan around, settled back down into the grass.
The magpie poked its head out and, deciding it was safe, flew down from the branches.
“Ahem. Prince Erlang Shen.”
He shouldn’t have tempted the gods of fate.
Jian pushed up his sunglasses.
Silver robes and a long white beard met his eyes. If he didn’t recognize that distinctive style, the feeling of the old man’s power gave his identity away. “Master Subodhi,” Jian said, sitting up. “I thought I warned you to stay away from my property unless you wanted me to fulfill my promise of bringing you in.”
Was he risking his uncle’s ire by not fulfilling the bounty on the daoist’s head for gaining immortality in an illegal way? Yes. Did he care? Eh, not really. Wukong had racked up way more charges against him in his long life and he wasn’t exactly the biggest fan of his uncle.
“Are you aware of the state of the world?”
The question came so out of left field that Erlang Shen blinked. “Uh…it’s summer?” he said, gesturing to the perfect summer day with big white fluffy clouds drifting carelessly in a blue sky. “It’s a nice day? My uncle isn’t calling to bother me?”
Subodhi raised a brow. “I can see why, considering he’s dead.”
There was a long pause.
“...excuse me?”
He…didn’t know how to process that. 
“Have you not seen the kid? Did you not see reality start to tear apart?”
Oh. That. “That happens sometimes, especially as my uncle gets older. He must’ve slipped up to have everyone see.” Erlang sighed. Honestly, the dramatics of old men. “If he died, someone would’ve told me-”
“Are you telling me that communication in Heaven has so broken down-”
“My lord!” Before Subodhi could finish his yelling or Erlang could grab and throw that stupid ruler far away, several guards marched in. “We have captured two trespassers. They insisted on talking to you.”
“YEAH!” A female voice called from the center of the huddle. “We have some questions for you.”
Erlang blinked. She sounded young and probably better than the gaping immortal, who for once looked surprised. “Allow them forward,” he called. “Let me see them.”
The guards stepped aside, revealing a girl in a green jacket- her features were familiar, although Jian couldn’t put his finger on why- and…hm. He had heard stories and seen pictures of Princess Iron Fan’s son, although he had never met him in person. He had the same dark eyes and noble bearing his former sworn sister had.
“What are you doing here?” Subodhi said, interrupting his thoughts with his baffled words. “Did you follow me?”
“Master Subodhi? What are you doing here?” the girl said. “You-”
Before she could finish, Red Son grabbed her and forced her to bow at the waist. “Remember what we talked about,” he hissed quietly to his companion. “Manners or we aren’t gonna get anything.”
“Yeah, but-”
He stomped on her foot. “Erlang Shen, Illustrious Sage and True Lord of Sichuan, we are Hong Ha-eir, son of the Demon Bull King and Princess Iron Fan, and Long Xiaojiao, descendant of Ao Jie-”
“Oh, that explains why you look familiar.” She looked strikingly like Ao Lie’s older sister…what had been her name again? Jian stood up with a sigh. “Rise, please, nephew.”
Red Son bristled at the address, but rose. Long Xiaojiao stepped forward. “Lord Erlang Shen, we came to plead for mercy for Sun Wukong, Liu’Er Mihou, and my best friend, Qi Xiaotian,” She got fully on her knees, pressing her forehead to the grass in a kowtow. “The charges leveled against them are false. None of them helped Azure Lion reach Heaven and kill the Jade Emperor. Any actions they did to help him were unwilling, done with manipulation-”
Several things stuck out at him. “Wait, what do you mean, kill the Jade Emperor?” Jian nodded to Subodhi, who’s shocked expression had been replaced by a strangely protective look. “He just told me my uncle died, but I have received no news about his death.”
“You…haven’t?” She rose up from her kowtow, looking confused. “But, you sent out a notice. He’s been dead for what, three weeks now?”
“A month,” Subodhi corrected. “I don’t know what you or your friends did. But it’s been over a month since the previous Jade Emperor was slain.”
“And two days since Heaven violated their agreement with me,” another female voice called. Jian felt himself stiffen, just in time for a hand to cup his face and lips to press against his cheek. “Shen, my dear.”
The pet name given by the goddess dressed in earthly tones only made his brow rise higher. While he had a few brief conversations with the ancient goddess at the few parties they both attended, she had never referred to him with fondness. Something was clearly up and Erlang Shen had a feeling he didn’t want to be part of it, but he would have to be.
“What brings you here, my lady?” he said, dipping into a deep bow. 
“Oh, I came here to help my son’s little friends and my son’s…master.” Nuwa’s pause on the last word felt mocking. Subodhi clearly noticed it as well, based on his snort. “I also came here for an explanation.”
Her smile was serene. Her aura was not. 
“An…explanation for what?”
“Wait, you’re Sun Wukong’s mother?”
“Wait, you’re XIAOTIAN’S MOTHER?!” Xiaotian raised his head at his name. “Sorry, puppy,” Long Xiaojiao cooed. “Not you.” The dog huffed and settled back down.
“It’s complicated and yes,” Nuwa said before turning to him. “And an explanation for the court’s recent actions. As you must be aware, when the Jade Emperor took the throne, he held up my agreement with his predecessors. Any issue with the stones of the universe must be handled by me directly.”
“...okay? Did something happen?”
That was apparently the wrong thing to say, based on Nuwa’s darkening face. Jian was tempted to deflect, considering he just received the news of his uncle’s…unfortunate passing. But that was the coward’s way out. 
Nuwa stared at him. Then she snapped her fingers. “Girl, dearest one,” she called. “Bring him the announcement.”
Xiaojiao and Red Son exchanged looks, but she stepped forward, pulling a scroll out of her pocket. “Li Jing gave us this after he put a filet on Sun Wukong’s head and sucked my best friend into his pagoda,” she reported as he took it.
Jian was too busy studying the scroll to hear the shocked gasps from both Subodhi and Nuwa. 
Well, that was his seal.
Jian opened it.
That wasn’t his handwriting.
He scanned it over, reading it quickly. It was all very formal, claiming that the royal family, including the Queen Mother of the West, who was slated to rule until the next emperor would be chosen according to his uncle’s will last he checked, would be taking time to grieve at the sudden loss. Li Jing was to be put in charge for the next few months, supported by the ten kings of the Diyu. Someone had even put the Gold Star of Venus’s seal at the bottom, signifying it as legit.
Jian raised a brow. “Did any of you see the Gold Star of Venus?” he asked the Long girl. She stared blankly at him. He sighed. “Either a goddess in yellow with a cockscomb hat or an older man, about…” He put his hand to about his chin. “Yay high or so?”
She and Red Son exchanged looks. “No,” she finally said. “I don’t think so. Honestly, the only celestials we saw during the trial were Li Jing and Nezha and the ten kings. And I honestly expected to see a few peach maidens.”
Huh? “Why?”
She paused, as if realizing she wasn’t supposed to say that. “No reason,” she lied. “But, to answer your question, no.”
Something was afoot. Jian was tempted to ask if they were just pulling a prank on him, but Subodhi hated his guts, Nuwa was clearly furious, and he barely knew the younger two. Pranks didn’t seem to be in their skillset. Something popped out.
“Did you say that Wukong has the filet?”
“Yes! At least a filet! Li Jing said he wouldn’t take it off unless we got all the universal stones together and fixed the universe.”
“Which you cannot do without my help,” Nuwa said, crossing her arms with a hiss. “There was no quest needed in the first place. The holders would hand them over to me without a problem. Several Heavenly servants saw you attack Azure to defend the Jade Emperor. Nezha’s testimony alone should be evidence.”
Another thought popped into his mind.
“Where was Nezha when this was happening?”
Silence met him. Faintly, the girl sucked air through her teeth. The boy coughed into his fist. He could practically hear the words rise and fall.
A soft hand once again pressed against his shoulder.
“You know where,” Nuwa whispered. She sounded like she was laughing, even if it was silent.
Jian did.
“It seems someone or several someones have lied,” Erlang Shen dropped the scroll- he hadn’t even realized he was crumpling it- and turned. He was met with anger, but not at him. Good. It would fuel them all. “Now, let me go get changed and call my aunt.”
His vacation was over.
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saltydoesstuff · 1 year
King Bowser! Raph head canons
Wanted to hop on the train of the Four kings au with some head canons! Going off of the 2023 Mario movie and just what I know about Bowser in my experience (which isn't a whole lot so I'm sorry if some things are not accurate)--
CW: Kidnapping, Implied violence?
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Much like Bowser, King Raph would be a powerful and often feared ruler to the other Kingdoms. He is seen as aggressive and impulsive, quick to react with a fight if anything offends the King. His anger can blind him, which as much as it can get him what he wants- it also can be his downfall.
But he is not heartless. Raph takes good care of his kingdom and his people, which leads to his citizens being very loyal to his cause. So long as you follow his rule, you are protected under his care. I mean, have you seen how the King fawns and babies the stray animals he finds?
Big puppy energy. This man is very lonely and kind of awkward when it comes to anything outside of war and conflict. He leans more towards a tsundere way of dealing with his feelings, brushing them off as quickly as they come with a huff of smoke from his nostrils or a growl. He is the King. He must not show weakness. But around you, he like an excited puppy. Stumbling over his words and twiddling his claws like a love drunken fool.
Would do absolutely anything for you. Want to sit on his throne? Go ahead! A piranha plant bit you? It can't bite you anymore when its ash! He would conquer any land or defeat any foe if it meant keeping you by his side. Just say the words and he's sending armies to take care of it. Has absolutely no idea how to be normal about crushes. Raph always just takes what he wants, why would you be any different? Expect to be kidnapped a lot by this big guy. Doesn't matter if you live in his kingdom or not, he will always find a way to snag you away to spend time with you. Though he is very gentle with you, so you are never harmed in these schemes. You seem to be the only person he can't be truly angry at. It's... a bit unnerving to his guards sometimes. But if keeping you around means they get thrown into the dungeon less, they don't really mind. If you choose to come with him willingly, he is over the moon! He is all over you giving you affection, carrying you around in his arms like the princess he sees you as (Though he hopes to soon make you a Queen). Despite all his spikes and his horns and sharp teeth, he is very cuddly. He'll often rest his head in your lap with his arms wrapped around you, churring loudly as you give him head rubs and gentle scritches. His tail will thump loudly behind him as well, which has knocked things off of shelves and tables more than once with the mini earthquakes it produces. Is very quick to jealousy. King Raph is often seen as scary or seen as a monster most times, which leaves him insecure about his appearance from time to time. He's afraid that you're scared of him too and will leave him for someone less 'monstrous' like his brothers, making him very clingy each time he thinks you're showing any signs of disinterest towards him. You're the one person he does not want scared of him. Please don't leave him or see him as a monster. His heart wouldn't be able to take it. :(
Overall, Raph is very brash and impulsive, but very kind and compassionate as well. Gives kind of wet cat energy in a weird way. He really is just trying his best here, even if his actions come off as intense.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hello, if it's okay, can I request Shirahoshi Reader? Yandere or not…
Shirahoshi, as a reader, is a giant-like mermaid princess of the ryugu kingdom, with her personality and abilities…
You can include these scenarios;
Ever since the reader has been summoned (before or after meeting the straw hats, your choice), she made friends with the gods and humans, then She and (character) became friends and probably develop romantic feelings for each other…
one day, They found out that the reader has an admirer/stalker, Vander Decken. They are willing to protect her. Until Vander Decken Found Reader…
as Vander gets close, he proposing her again to marry him, reader replied she can't and says "You're not my type!", cue the silence, echoing, Vander's heartbreak, and he and everyone screams/yells, "That's the reason!!!". Or something similar to this: https://youtu.be/PIeW0x4Ld8s
She also says that she already has romantic feelings for someone (she didn't reveal who is yet), Vander snap and did the 'if I can't have you, no one can' and he stops by the (character) and asks the reader if she's alright, she answered him with a blush…
As others dealing with Vander, (character) asks the reader about her type and who they have feelings for, which she replied is them, the (character), and about to confess…
So What would be their reaction and what will they do?
With: Poseidon, Hades, Thor, Loki, Buddha, Hercules, Qin Shi Huang, Nikolai Tesla, Kojiro, Jack
-The Mermaid Princess was considered to be one of the most beautiful creatures in the universe, and those words did you no justice, you were stunning, from your sparkling scales of your tail, your long hair and bright eyes, you were the pinnacle of perfection!
-You were a little naïve and definitely a crybaby, due to being so sheltered by your father and big brothers following the murder of your mother, but you were so sweet and gentle to everyone you met.
-When your family was called upon by Lord Poseidon for a meeting, you got to go with them, and you stunned gods and humans alike with your massive size, but you were so gentle and sweet that many were instantly taken by you.
-Your brothers warned you to be cautious around others and kept a close eye on you while you held various people in the palms of your hands, lifting them to speak with you so you didn’t have to hunch over, and they didn’t have to lift their necks too much to speak with you.
-This is how you first met (Love), who came over and you were happy to lift him up so you could speak with him, and he found himself drawn to you, there was something about you that made him want to talk to you more and more.
-This was the start of your friendship with (Love), who would always seek you out when you accompanied your big brothers and father to see them all at the seaside and the two of you could talk for hours.
-After over a year, he wanted to confess to you, even though he was nowhere close to your size and couldn’t do anything romantically with you, at least easily, he adored you.
-However, when you came to the surface, guards surrounding you, your father told Lord Poseidon as well as everyone else in attendance that you were being stalked by a vile man who wanted you for his own and had threatened many around you to get to you.
-(Love) grew angry, hearing that you had been threatened, seeing tears in your eyes, as your father had almost left you at home locked in the palace so you could be safe, but allowed you to come with him, along with an army of guards to watch below the waves.
-You had calmed down, talking to the man you liked, as you wanted to confess to him, but you felt so shy and hesitant, worrying that others might not approve of the relationship.
-A loud voice then shouted from behind you, “I finally found you Princess Y/N!! Marry me!!” all attention turned to the stalker in question Vander Decken, steering a massive ship he had managed to steal, planning on driving the ship right into you if you refused.
-Your father shouted out to the guards to stop him while you were terrified, your hands up by your mouth as he laughed obnoxiously, “If you marry me I’ll spare everyone here!!” He was talking like he was able to handle the warriors and gods.
-You opened your mouth to answer him, and he froze, eyes wide in delight, hoping to hear ‘yes’ come from your beautiful lips.
-You then shouted out your answer, “You’re not my type!!” everyone except for you turned white, in complete shock from your answer before all shouting out in unison, “THAT’S YOUR REASON?!?!”
-Vander Decken was beside himself with grief which quickly grew to fury, “If I can’t have you- nobody can!!” and he steered the ship to run straight into you!
-Luckily, with your shocking answer, it gave (Love) the opportunity to leap onto the ship and easily handle Vander Decken and the ship was stopped.
-Once back on shore you were crying loudly, holding him in your hands, showing your crybaby side once again which many thought was rather adorable.
-Once everything was calmed down, (Love) and you had some alone time, going to the pier so you and he could talk face to face, he gave you a small smile, “I have a question of my own, Y/N, you mentioned that the stalker wasn’t your type. Who is your type?”
-Your face immediately turned bright red, pulling back to hold your cheeks, looking away from him, he was annoyed, thinking someone else had gotten to you first.
-You smiled softly as you turned back to him, “He’s really strong and is a good leader, just like my father, and he’s always been nice to me and I love talking to him!” he grew a bit angrier, wanting to know who before you looked like you were hyping yourself up before you spoke, “The person I like is you, (Love).” He froze, completely stunned as you froze as well, pulling back, talking to yourself, “I did it! I said it!” you really were too cute! He chuckled warmly and asked for your hand, and you picked him up and he surprised you by having you lift him towards your face, and he pecked your cheek gently. You barely felt it, due to your size, but you felt it and instantly your face was bright red, turning away while holding him in your other hand, which made him chuckle, seeing that you were so shy.
            -Poseidon, Thor, Hades, and Qin Shi Huang
-You instantly smiled, speaking fondly of the make you loved, “He’s so sweet and kind to me, he always tells me the funniest stories. He’s also gentle and doesn’t seem to care that I’m a giant while he’s normal sized.” Hearing you gush about another man was heartbreaking, but he tried to keep the smile on his face, happy that you had found someone special like that. (Love) doesn’t know what came over him when he looked up at you, “May I know the name of the man who captured your heart?” your face instantly flushed red before you ducked down to be peeking over the pier, looking a bit shy before you spoke, your voice a whisper, “I’m looking at him.” Your answer stunned him and instantly he grinned, elation swelling inside of him before he came to the edge of the pier and leaned over, reaching his hands out to you and when you came closer he pecked your cheek gently, “I’m glad I don’t have to fight someone for you heart.” Your smile of elation was so heartwarming, it made him beam right back at you as you basked in the glow of your confessions.
            -Buddha, Hercules, Kojiro, and Nikola
-You instantly smiled, bending slightly to talk to him face to face, holding onto the edge of the pier, gushing about the man you loved, and while he was happy to see you so happy, he was in anguish. The thought of losing you to another made his blood boil, he didn’t want to lose you to another, he didn’t want to share you! For a moment, the thought of killing whoever had your heart, then taking care of you while you were mourning and take advantage of your grief. He shook his head lightly, he wasn’t going to do that to you, he couldn’t do anything to hurt you. Your hand came down to him, a finger brushing against his cheek gently, “(Love), are you okay?” your concern made his heart warm, and he smiled up at you, trying to pretend nothing was wrong before he spoke, “Nothing’s wrong, Y/N. Just… I love you- Y/N. I wanted to tell you before someone else got to you first, but it seems-” he was cut off by a wave of seawater after you suddenly dove down, embarrassed. You surfaced moments later, holding your cheeks as you confessed to him, shocking him that he was the one you loved, before he started laughing warmly, amused at the misunderstanding before you shared a small smile between you two.
-Loki and Jack
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alyygx · 7 months
Band of Brothers Easy Company Sorted Between Surviving and Not Surviving WWII: Part 1 of 2
Hey all! Here is part 1 of my big BoB post!!! I still have some work to do on part 2 but I will try to have it up as soon as I can. I hope you all find this useful and also a little bit interesting. I had so much fun doing the research for it. 🙂❤️
Enjoy!!! xoxo
Died During the War:
Company Commanders:
First Lieutenant Thomas Meehan III
Born: July 8th, 1921 (Philadelphia, PA)
Enlisted: March 16th, 1941 (Philadelphia, PA)
Died: June 6th, 1944/ D-Day (Normandy, France)
Age at Death: 22 years old
Cause of Death: Plane shot down and crashed after being hit by German anti-aircraft fire.
• His remains were finally returned to the U.S. in 1952 and he is currently buried at the Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery just south of St. Louis, Missouri
• Parachutists Badge (aka Jump Wings)
• Combat Infantry Badge
• American Campaign Medal
• Purple Heart
• European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal (with 2 service stars)
• World War II Victory Medal
• French Liberation Medal
• Croix de guerre with palm
Wounded?: No (died before seeing any combat)
• Thomas Meehan II (Father)
• Marion Opp Meehan (Mother)
• Anne Shore (Wife)
• Barrie Meehan Meller (Daughter)
Non-commissioned Officers:
Sergeant Warren Harold "Skip" Muck
Born: January 31st, 1922 (Tonawanda, NY)
Enlisted: August 17th, 1942 (Buffalo, NY)
Died: January 10th, 1945 (Foy, Bastogne, Belgium)
Age at Death: 22 years old
Cause of Death: Killed when an artillery round hit his foxhole, shared with Alex Penkala, and exploded.
• Skip Muck is buried at the Luxembourg American Cemetery in Hamm, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg.
• Parachutists Badge (aka Jump Wings) with 2 combat stars
• Combat Infantryman Badge
• Bronze Star
• Purple Heart
• Presidential Unit Citation (with one Oak Leaf Cluster)
• European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal (with 3 service stars and arrow device)
• World War II Victory Medal
• Army of Occupation Medal
• Croix de guerre with palm
• French Liberation Medal
• Belgian World War II Service Medal
• D-Day/Battle of Normandy (Normandy, France)
• Operation Market Garden (Einhoven, Holland)
• Battle of the Bulge (Ardennes Forrest, Bastogne, Belgium)
Wounded?: Never wounded until KIA in Bastogne
• Elmer Julius Muck Sr. (Father)
• Loretta M. Muck (Mother)
• Elmer J. Muck Jr. (Older Brother)
• Ruth Muck (Younger Sister)
• Faye Tanner (Fiancée)
Enlisted Men:
Corporal Donald B. "Hoob" Hoobler
Born: June 28th, 1922 (Manchester, OH)
Enlisted: July 22nd, 1942 (Fort Thomas, KY)
• Joined the Ohio National Guard on October 15th, 1940 and served until October 1941.
Died: January 3rd, 1945 (Bastogne, Belgium)
• Don Hoobler is buried at Manchester IOOF Cemetery with his father (d. 1941), mother (d. 1976), and brother George (d. 1932).
Age at Death: 22 years old
Cause of Death: After acquiring a German Luger and placing the gun in his pocket the gun discharged due to the pressure of the multiple layers of clothing he was wearing and severed the femoral artery in his right leg. He bled out and died before he was able to be transported to an aid station.
• Parachutists Badge (aka Jump Wings)
• Combat Infantryman Badge
• Purple Heart
• American Defense Medal
• European Theater of Operations Ribbon
• Battle of Normandy/D-Day (Normandy, France)
• Operation Market Garden (Einhoven, Holland)
• Battle of the Bulge (Ardennes Forrest, Bastogne, Belgium)
Wounded?: No. Not until his fatal non-combat related gunshot wound to his leg in Bastogne.
• Sergeant Ralph Brenton Hoobler (Father)
• Kathryn Phyllis [Carrigan] Hoobler (Mother)
• John R. Hoobler (Brother)
• George B. Hoobler (Brother)
• Mary Kathryn [Hoobler] Lane (Sister)
Private First Class Alex Mike Penkala Jr.
Born: August 30th, 1924 (Niles, Michigan)
Drafted: February 27th, 1942 (Toledo, OH)
Died: January 10th, 1945 (Foy, Bastogne, Belgium)
Age at Death: 20 years old
Cause of Death: Killed when an artillery round hit his foxhole, shared with Skip Muck, and exploded.
• Alex Penkala is buried at the Luxembourg American Cemetery in Hamm, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg.
• Parachutists Badge (aka Jump Wings)
• Combat Infantryman Badge
• Purple Heart
• Bronze Star
• American Campaign Medal
• European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal (with 3 service stars and arrowhead)
• World War Two Victory Medal
• Reconnaissance de la France Libérée
• Croix de guerre with palm
• Médaille commémorative de la Guerre
• Good Conduct Medal
• Battle of Normandy/D-Day (Normandy, France)
• Operation Market Garden (Einhoven, Holland)
• Battle of the Bulge (Ardennes Forrest, Bastogne, Belgium)
Wounded?: Wounded by a mortar explosion in the arm in Bastogne.
Family: Alex Penkala's parents emigrated from Poland in 1906 and his father barely spoke English. All the Penkala children (including Alex) were fluent in Polish.
• Alexander Penkala Sr. (Father)
• Mary [Kinski] Penkala (Mother) *died in childbirth in 1927 delivering her 13th child
• Angela M. [Penkala] Sobczyk (Oldest Sister)
• Mary [Penkala] Setlak (2nd Oldest Sister)
• Helen E. [Penkala] Hawblitzel (3rd Oldest Sister)
• Matilda V. [Penkala] Budney (4th Oldest Sister)
• Genevieve A. [Penkala] Glujas (5th Oldest Sister)
• Edward F. Penkala (Oldest Brother)
• Clem J. Penkala (2nd Oldest Brother)
• Evelyn A. [Penkala] Tatay (6th Oldest Sister)
• Irene [Penkala] Lichatowich (7th Oldest Sister)
• Rose L. [Penkala] Kaczmarczyk (2nd Youngest Sister)
• Gertrude E. [Penkala] Picking (Youngest Sister)
• Sylvia (Girlfriend)
Survived the War:
Company Commanders:
Captain Herbert Maxwell Sobel
Born: January 26th, 1912 (Chicago, IL)
Enlisted: March, 7th 1941
Died: September 30th, 1987 (Waukegan, IL)
Age at Death: 75 years old
Cause of Death: Malnutrition
• In 1970 Sobal shot himself in the head in an attempted suicide. The bullet entered his temple and severed his optic nerve rendering him blind for the rest of his life.
• He died a Lieutenant Colonel; serving in both WWII & Korea
• Sobel was cremated after his death
• Sobel is buried at Montrose Cemetery-Crematorium in Chicago, IL
• No one attended his funeral
• Parachutists Badge (aka Jump Wings)
• Combat Infantryman Badge
• Bronze Star Medal
• American Campaign Medal
• European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal
• World War II Victory Medal
• Croix de guerre (France)
• Battle of Normandy/D-Day (Normandy, France)
• Operation Market Garden (Einhoven, Holland)
• Battle of the Bulge (Ardennes Forrest, Bastogne, Belgium)
Wounded?: No
After the War: Worked as a credit manager for a telephone equipment company in Chicago.
• Sobel was born into a Jewish family, his wife was devoutly Catholic. This was a major problem for his family.
• Sobel and his wife divorced sometime in the late 1960s and he became estranged from his family shortly after.
• Max H. Sobel (Father)
• Dora Friedman (Mother)
• Julian Sobel (Brother)
• Maxine Sobel (Brother)
• Ruth Sobel (Sister)
• Rose Sobel (Wife)
• Michael Sobel (Son)
• Herbert Sobel Jr. (Son)
• Rick Sobel (Son)
• 1 daughter (died a few days after birth)
Major Richard Davis "Dick" Winters
Born: January 21st, 1918 (New Holland, PA)
Enlisted: August 25th, 1941 (place unknown)
Died: January 2nd, 2011 (Campbelltown, PA)
Age at Death: 92 years old
Cause of Death: Parkinson's disease
• Dick is buried at Bergstrasse Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ephrata Township, PA and was laid to rest on January 8th, 2011.
• Parachutists Badge (with 2 Combat Stars)
• Combat Infantryman Badge
• Medal of the City of Einhoven
• Distinguish Service Cross [The second highest medal awarded by the US Military]
• Bronze Star with one Oak Leaf Cluster
• Purple Heart
• Presidential Unit Citation with one Oak Leaf Cluster
• American Defense Medal
• National Defense Medal
• European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal
• World War II Victory Medal
• Army of Occupation Medal
• Croix de guerre with palm
• French Liberation Medal
• War Cross (Belgium) with palm
• Belgian World War II Medal
• Battle of Normandy/D-Day (Normandy, France)
• Operation Market Garden (Einhoven, Holland)
• Battle of the Bulge (Ardennes Forrest, Bastogne, Belgium)
• Western Allied invasion of Germany
Wounded?: Took a ricochet sniper bullet to the leg in Carentan.
After the War: Became a production assistant at Nixon Nitration Works, a plastics adhesive factory, in Raritan, NJ
• Richard Winters (Father)
• Edith Winters (Mother)
• Beatrice Winters (Sister)
• Ann Sheehan (Younger Sister)
• Ethel Estoppey Winters (Wife)
• Richard T. Winters (Son)
• Jill Peckelun (Daughter)
First Lieutenant Frederick Theodore "Moose" Heyliger
Born: June 23rd, 1916 (Acton, MA)
Enlisted: November 25th, 1940
Died: November 3rd, 2001 (Concord, MA)
• Moose is buried in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery
Age at Death: 85 years old
Cause of Death: Stroke
• Parachutists Badge (aka Jump Wings)
• Bronze Star
• Purple Heart
• American Campaign Medal
• European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal
• Military Cross
• Battle of Normandy/D-Day (Normandy, France)
• Operation Market Garden (Einhoven, Holland)
Wounded?: Was accidentally shot by one of his own men (a replacement) on October 31st, 1944. His wounds caused him to need to undergo skin and nerve grafts. He was discharged from the army in February 1947 after being in military hospitals for nearly 3 years.
After the War: Worked as a salesman for landscape and agriculture chemical companies.
• Theodore Godet Heyliger (Father)
• Bertha Louise Heyliger (Mother)
• Johannes Almon Heyliger (Older Brother)
• Pauline Louise Heyliger (Older Sister)
• Howard Francis Heyliger (2nd Oldest Brother)
• Vic Heyliger (Younger Brother)
• Evelyn Davis (First Wife) [divorced early 1960s]
• Frederick Heyliger Jr. (Son)
• Diane Heyliger (Daughter)
• Mary Heyliger (Second Wife)
• Jon Heyliger (Son)
First Lieutenant Norman Staunton "Foxhole Norman" Dike Jr.
Born: May 19th, 1918 (Brooklyn, NY)
Enlisted: January 22nd, 1942
Died: June 23rd, 1989 (Rolle, Switzerland)
• Dike is buried at West Thompson Cemetery, Thompson Windham County, North Grosvenor Dale, Connecticut.
Age at Death: 71 years old
Cause of Death: "A long illness" is all the info I could find
• Silver Star
• Bronze Star with Oak Leaf Cluster
• Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster
• Order of Orange-Nassau Netherlands 2nd class
• Operation Market Garden
• Battle of the Bulge
Wounded?: Shot in the right shoulder in Foy
After the War: Dike opened his own law practice in Switzerland
• Norman S. Dike Sr. (Father)
• Evelyn M. Biddle (Mother)
• Barbra Tredick Dimmick McIntire (Wife) (m. June 20th 1942 - divorced June 1946)
• Catherine Pochon (2nd Wife) (m. March 12th, 1957)
• Anthony Randolph Dike (Son)
• Robin Dike Auchincloss (Daughter)
• Barbra Matilda Dike (Daughter)
• Deborah Ann Dike (Daughter)
Captain Ronald Charles Speirs
Born: April 20th, 1920 (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
Enlisted: April 11th 1942
Died: April 11th, 2007 (Saint Marie, Montana)
Age at Death: 86 years old
Cause of Death: Died suddenly; cause unknown
• Burial details unknown
• Master Parachutist Badge with 4 combat jump devices (stars)
• Combat Infantry Badge 2nd Award
• Silver star
• Legion of Merit
• Bronze Star with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters
• Purple Heart with ne Oak Leaf Clusters
• Army Commendation Medal
• Presidential Unit Citation with one Oak Leaf Cluster
• American Campaign Medal
• European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal with four Service Stars and Arrowhead Device
• World War II Victory Medal
• Army of Occupation Medal
• National Defense Service Medal with Service Star
• Korean Service Medal with four Service Stars and Arrowhead Device
• Croix de Guerre with palm
• French Liberation Medal
• Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation
• United Nations Korea Medal
• Korean War Service Medal
• Battle of Normandy/DDay
• Operation Market Garden
• Battle of the Bulge
Wounded?: Wounded by fire from an enemy machine gun in Rendijk, Holland
After the War: After WWII Spiers stayed in the army for 22 years and served in both the Korean and Cold Wars. Once out of the army Speirs served as the Governor of Spandau Prison (where Nazi war criminals were held).
• Robert Spiers (Father)
• Martha McNeil (Mother)
• Margaret Griffiths (Wife) (m. May 20th, 1944 - 1946) * Divorced bc she was British and didnt't want to move to America with him.
• Leonie Gertrude Hume Fritz (2nd Wife) (m. 1958)
• Ramona Dolores Pujol Strumph (3rd Wife) (m. 1987)
• Robert (Son from 1st wife)
Junior Officers:
Captain Lewis Nixon
Born: September 30th, 1918 (New York, NY)
Enlisted: January 14th, 1941 (Trenton, NJ)
Died: January 11th, 1995 (Los Angeles, CA)
Age at Death: 76 years old
Cause of Death: Complications from diabetes
• Lew is buried at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Hollywood Hills
• Parachutist Badge (Jump Wings) with 3 combat stars
• Combat Infantyman Badge
• Purple Heart
• American Defense Medal
• European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Ribbion with 3 Battle Stars and a Bronze Arrowhead
• World War Two Victory Medal
• World Was Two Army of Occupation Award with Germany Clasp
• French Criox de Guerre (Cross of Valor)
• Presidential Unit Citation with Bronze Oak Leaf
• 5 Overseas Service Stripes
• Ruptured Duck Patch (WWII Discharge Patch)
• Battle of Normandy/DDay
• Operation Market Garden
• Battle of the Bulge
• Operation Varsity
Wounded?: In the Netherlands he was hit by a bullet from a German MG 42 machine gun. The bullet went through his helmet, grazed his forehead, and left a burn mark.
After the War: Nix worked at his family's Nixon Nitration Works in Edison, New Jersey alongside his father and friend Dick Winters.
• Stanhope Wood Nixon (father)
• Doris Ryer Nixon (mother)
• Fletcher Ryer Nixon (brother)
• Blanche Nixon (sister)
• Katharine Page (1st Wife) (m. December 20th, 1941 - 1944)
• Irene Miller (2nd Wife) (m. June 1946 - 1962)
• Grace Umezawa (3rd Wife) (m. 1962)
• Michael Nixon (Son with 1st Wife)
First Lieutenant Lynn Davis "Buck" Compton
Born: December 31st, 1921 (Los Angeles, CA)
Enlisted: Was already ROTC (started 1940) when the war broke out (graduated in 1943 and assigned to the 176th Infantry Regiment)
Died: February 25th, 2012 (Burlington, WA)
Age at Death: 90 years old
Cause of Death: Complications from a heart attack he had in January 2012
• Buck was cremated after his death and his ashes were given to his family
• Parachutist Badge (Jump Wings) with 2 jump stars
• Combat Infantryman Badge
• Silver Star
• Bronze Star
• Purple Heart
• Presidential Unit Citation with one Oak Leaf Cluster
• American Defense Service Medal
• American Campaign Medal
• European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal with arrow device (airborne assult) and 3 campaign stars
• World War II Victory Medal
• Army of Occupation Medal
• French Croix de guere with palm
• French Liberation Medal
• Battle of Normandy/DDay
• Operation Market Garden
• Battle of the Bulge
Wounded?: In 1944, during Operation Market Garden, Buck was shot in the backside. Then, in January 1945, Buck suffered severe battle fatigue after witnessing two close friends (Joe Toye and Bill Guarnere) badly wounded by artillery fire.
After the War: He attended Loyola Law School in Los Angeles and joined the LA Police Department in 1946 becoming a detective in the Central Burglary Division. He left the LAPD for the District Attorney's office in 1951 as a deputy district attorney. He was promoted in 1964 to chief deputy district attorney. In 1970, Governor Ronald Reagan appointed him an Associate Justice of the California Court of Appeal. He retired in 1990.
• (Fun Fact/Before the War) Buck played as the catcher on his college baseball team his junior year. One of his teammates was Jackie Robinson. Also, Bucks mother worked on movies and Buck was present on set with his mother and met actor Charlie Chaplin. Buck, being a child at the time, was so rowdy and disruptive that Charlie Chaplin kicked him off set.
• Roby Franks Compton (Father)
• Ethel Camille Compton (Mother)
• Geraldine Compton (1st Wife)
• Donna Faye Newman Compton (2nd Wife)
• Tracy Compton (adopted daughter w/ 2nd wife)
• Syndee Compton (adopted daughter w/ 2nd wife)
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scyllas-revenge · 28 days
Hope you're doing OK Scylla :D Was thinking about BLCI today (as you do) and no pressure on the next chapter at all but do you have any snippets to share? No worries if not! Also I think I saw that you love Persuasion? *ignores existence of the 2022 version!!!* Thought I'd share that there is a recent Eomer/OFC fic being adapted from Persuasion and put it on your radar if you hadn't seen it...its off to a great start :D
pHORSEuasion: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55817617/chapters/147845338
Thanks for the ask! And omg yes Persuasion is THE yearning book. The Netflix version took ten years off my life. Luckily we have the 90s one and the 2007 one to enjoy instead.
Given my love of Persuasion, and Eomer, and puns, I definitely have that fic on my radar! I'm hoping I'll have time to start it in the next week or two!
As far as BLCI goes, I've been making progress! Now I just have to work out whether what I thought was going to be one chapter should be divided into two or three (it's really gotten away from me lol).
But you asked for snippets! And I shall deliver! Snippets abound!!
Or at least, one big snippet abounds!
Probably way too long to be a snippet, but I'm excited to post the damn thing. Hopefully it'll be another two weeks or so before Ch. 34 is done!
Ch. 34 snippet <3
“I should call you Lord Boromir, shouldn’t I?”
He paused, looking startled at the thought. “No. I would not wish that.”
“But I should, shouldn’t I? Everyone else does—hell, the guards outside the gate called you Steward-Prince—”
“You have long been aware of my station and my family, that I command Gondor’s armies and am the Steward’s heir besides.”
“Yes, but it’s different being here, seeing you like this,” I protested. “I probably should’ve been addressing you differently this whole time, my lord—”
Anger flashed across his face. “Do not address me so! Valar, such words sit ill on your lips.”
His eyes had fallen intently to my lips as he spoke, and I dropped my gaze to my boots, flustered. “It’s not like I want to be so formal either, but what will your people think?” I asked. I wasn’t even sure what they’d think, exactly, but it couldn’t be good. “What will your father think?”
Boromir pinched the bridge of his nose and huffed an impatient sigh. “Yes, you speak truly. It would be—selfish of me, to demand such impropriety of you.”
“I don’t need to call you Lord when we’re alone. Just—just in public.”
He smiled joylessly and tilted his head up to the sky. “A more diplomatic concession I cannot not hope to make, it seems.”
“And how should I address your father? Does a steward warrant a higher title than lord?”
“No, for the line of stewards is not royalty. Lord or Lord Steward shall suffice, though I must warn you that such formalities will hardly be optional with my father.”
That, at least, was obvious, but I supposed after my disastrous interactions with Theoden, he’d felt the need to remind me.
“I should also warn you—” He hesitated. “Speak naught but the truth to my father.”
“I was hardly planning on lying to him,” I protested, more than a little offended now.
Boromir raised his hands placatingly. “Of course not. I only wished to caution you, for he will know at once if you do otherwise. He has a—an affinity for such things.”
“An affinity for what, reading minds?” I was joking, but Boromir only nodded gravely. “You can’t be serious,” I exclaimed.
“Both my father and brother share a talent for gleaning men’s thoughts. It can be an…overwhelming experience, my soldiers have told me.”
“I can’t imagine why.”
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lulu2992 · 1 year
hi! i hope you don't mind me asking you this, but i feel like you're the most reliable source for this, haha. i saw that you answered an ask about john, explaining what to keep in mind when writing him, and i was wondering if you could do the same thing with jacob? as in, what characteristics to keep in mind when writing him and all !! i would seriously appreciate it a lot!! i wish you all the best and thank you for everything you're sharing with the fandom <3
Hi! And thank you very much for your kind words :)
As I did in the post about John (here, for anyone who is interested), I’m first going to give you a few links and facts about the Soldier! By the way, “the Soldier”, unlike “the Father” and “the Baptist”, isn’t Jacob’s official title in the cult, it’s just how he was called in promotional material (and by Dutch).
You must have played Far Cry 5 and seen the cutscenes already, but I’m still going to summarize his backstory and beliefs to try to write a comprehensive post. And in case you’ve missed them or want to listen to them again, here are:
His radio calls in chronological order (here, here, here, here, and here)
His sermons (part 1 and part 2)
The comments he makes during the trials
The audio of his two videos (“I own you”, broadcasted inside the Stone Ridge chalet, and the one with Pratt)
The message on the phone in the Stone Ridge Chalet
What he says during the final fight against him (here and here)
His Arcade lines
Finally, even though they were cut, you can find his unreleased lines here.
I wrote a summary of what other characters say about Jacob here (masterpost here), but you can listen to the NPCs’ comments here (cultists) and here (Resistance/civilians).
As for in-game notes, to my knowledge, only one was undoubtedly written by Jacob. It can be found in his bunker, Jacob’s Armory:
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Dan Hay (Executive Producer/Creative Director/Writer) and Jean-Sébastien Décant (Narrative Director/Writer) talked extensively about John in a video for IGN, but unfortunately for us, the other members of the family didn’t have that privilege...
However, in a now-deleted interview for GameCrate, Drew Holmes (Lead Writer) said the following:
Jacob Seed, who’s the older brother, maybe doesn’t necessarily believe in Joseph’s message that God told him the end of the world was coming, but he believes in his brother, doesn’t matter if he’s right or wrong, he going to march forward with him.
And although Jacob loves his brothers, he reportedly doesn’t care much about Faith, according to the Lead Writer and NPC dialog.
In The Book of Joseph (which you can read here), Jacob is described as a protective big brother and an adventurous child who loved nature and “only felt comfortable in the outdoors”. He would sometimes steal candy for his two brothers so they “could have a bit of sweetness and comfort in [their] lives”. Their childhood was indeed miserable, mostly because their father was very violent. While he was “strong” and could withstand being beaten regularly, he hated seeing his youngest brother John in pain, so he started thinking about getting rid of their abuser. It’s unknown if he would have done it, but he never got to put his plan into action thanks to Joseph, who convinced him not to, and to child protective services.
The boys were sent to an orphanage and adopted by a couple, but they treated them like servants and “livestock”, even making them sleep in a barn. One night, Jacob had enough and, after waking his brothers up and freeing the animals, set fire to the property. When the couple ran outside, he also knocked out the husband with an axe handle. That led him to be sent to a juvenile detention center and separated from his brothers. There, he was “a bit of a troublemaker” and the guards didn’t like him. However, the teachers believed he had potential and was a good leader. At the end of his sentence, Jacob joined the army.
He spent several years (20, according to Dan Hay) in the military (the Marines according to the book, the 82nd Airborne Division according to the game) before being declared unfit for service because he suffered from PTSD. He then spent some time in a military hospital but was kicked out when he couldn’t afford it anymore. After that, he never received his pension (for unknown reasons) and started living on the streets, basically becoming invisible. Joseph found him “completely hollow” in a homeless shelter and only recognized him because he was calling his brothers’ names in his sleep.
Once the three brothers were reunited, Jacob “slowly came back to life” and swore to follow Joseph to the end. In the cult, his goal is to build and train an army so they’re ready for the Collapse, able to survive in the post-apocalyptic wilderness, and protect the rest of the Family.
In the game, he talks about the moment that redefined his life. During the first Gulf War, he and another soldier named Miller got separated from their unit because of an ambush and had to survive in the Iraqi desert. On the eighth day, he realized they were most likely going to die and accepted it, but “in that acceptance came clarity”. He saw Miller, who was barely able to walk anymore, as “an opportunity” for him to live… implying he cannibalized him. He adds it wasn’t something he wanted but something he had to do; his “test” (from God, I assume).
Because of this dehumanizing (and traumatizing) experience, Jacob came to believe that humanity was divided into two categories: the weak and the strong. The weak are not meant to survive, but they have a purpose. He thinks people are “meat”, “tools”, and expendable, so he doesn’t hesitate to “cull the herd” (his mantra) so only the strongest soldiers are in his army. He thinks society and modern technology have made humans weak and that people should return to their natural selves, like ancient men (who were an example of strength, to him). The Collapse will be a new beginning, but his soldiers need to be ready for it, which is why he obsessively selects and trains them, and doesn’t hesitate to experiment on converts.
As demonstrated with the Deputy in the game, Jacob conditions potential recruits using Bliss, violent images, and the song “Only You” (because of this scrapped idea) so they uncontrollably go on a killing spree whenever they hear the song. He starves them, keeps them in cages, and makes them go through trials to test their strength and teach them how to hunt and kill. He also expects them to “sacrifice”, as explained in this note (Grand View Hotel):
To pass through the Gate you must SACRIFICE something of yourself, to let go of the past and fully embrace your future with the Father. It has to have meaning. What is it that is keeping you here? What is it that anchors you, that prevents you from giving yourself freely to the Father? Is it your husband, your wife, your child? Maybe your brother, or mother? Once you have rid yourself of the shackles of your old life then you can open your heart to the Father’s voice.
He experiments on animals as well, mostly wolves, to turn them into mind-controlled “Judges”, more powerful and aggressive, and able to attack on command.
Like his siblings, Jacob has a strong personal philosophy inspired by his past. He basically makes the people he converts relive his trauma because he thinks it will make them better, fitter to serve the Project. He has specific goals but, as brutal as his actions are, isn’t cruel for the sake of cruelty. He tests people the way he believes he was tested, makes them go through starvation and dehumanization so they can revert to their primordial instincts, become warriors and be truly alive; reborn.
Jacob isn’t a very demonstrative man and is rather stoic, but I don’t think that means he doesn’t feel anything; he just doesn’t want/like to show his emotions (except maybe to his brothers). And as the eldest, it seems he doesn’t hesitate to speak his mind to Joseph. That said, while he isn’t sure if the Father can really hear God’s voice, he still has faith in him and is ready to give his life for him and the Project. In my opinion, Jacob possibly even believed that he had to die for Joseph, as his weapon and his sacrifice. He trained the Deputy so they would kill his former ally and main rival Eli for him, but I think it’s likely that he expected them to be strong enough to kill him as well, so the prophecy (and his destiny) would be fulfilled. As much as he told the Deputy they were neither strong nor special, in the end, he probably thought they were...
We don’t know if the traumatic memories of the war that would “surge up at any moment”, according to The Book of Joseph, still torment Jacob in the game because his PTSD is never really shown or mentioned, but we can assume it’s still there to some degree. It’s unknown where exactly his scars come from or what caused them, but he was most likely injured in combat. In my opinion, he also sometimes sounds like he has respiratory problems, but that’s never discussed, either.
To summarize this summary, Jacob is ruthlessly committed to his goals and convictions. He says nature doesn’t have empathy, so he shouldn’t, either. He went through hell several times and believes he only emerged stronger, so he thinks others can and must be hardened the same way to become the best, most primal version of themselves. He doesn’t fear death and possibly even expects it to come for him early, but it doesn’t matter because he would have fulfilled his destiny, and he has a legacy anyway: his army. Because of how strong and well-trained his soldiers are, he’s confident the Family will be safe, even after his death. Despite his incredibly twisted vision of the world and violent methods, deep down under all the hatred and trauma, it seems there’s still a little bit of that big brother who would try his best to protect his siblings and brighten their lives, somewhere, somehow…
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bangtanhoneys · 1 year
Yoongi & Grace: Future's Gonna Be Okay
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It was nice to not have many plans now his military service had been announced. His tour across the world with his solo trilogy albums was completed, his tattoo was revealed, he had seen his brothers and now the healing could truly begin. Of course, he had seen the news blow up on Twitter and ARMY’s response.
‘Couldn’t have Big Hit even us more than 24 hours? We’re not recovering from the concert.’
‘First Yoongi breaks my heart by crying and now he does this? What the hell SUGA?!’
But it is what it is.
It has to be done.
It had been great to have dinner with all six of the boys and Grace. Of course, she wasn’t going to miss out on seeing his last concert and he knew she had been backstage, ready to take the mic from Adora in case she needed to jump in to cover the tracks he couldn’t get through. As much as he struggled, he got through those three tracks even with tears and snot covering his face.
He loved her for that. That she was always there, ready to jump in. She did it for everyone.
It was also nice to see the family dynamics at play again with Seokjin & Grace reunited, Jungkook reunited with his adopted parents, Jimin back with his sister, and Taehyung back with his partner in crime. How they controlled the grown-up maknae line with gentle prods. How they soothed an anxious Namjoon and a bouncing Hobi.
Yoongi had the chance to sit back and watch it all, surprised he missed the feeling even after living alone for the past couple of years.
Now he would be the next one to leave.
And he knew what it was like for Grace to say goodbye to Seokjin and Hobi.
Now she would have to say goodbye to her twin.
It was always joked that Yoongi and Grace were two cats in a pod. The near enough same personality, the cool exterior but the massive warmth underneath. How they would do anything for anyone. Yoongi’s shadow. Grace’s bodyguard. Yoongi’s safe place. Grace’s go-to.
Four more to go, another four to say goodbye to. All while prepping for her own solo career and world tour.
Of course, he found her in the practice room, the layout of the stage printed on paper and stuck on the mirror for everyone to memorise. The set list (which was changing every week) was printed up on the wall with handwritten notes from Grace, their performance director, choreographers and even the dancers.
Notes of costumes were on another wall with approval stamps from Balmain and Louboutin, more notes from the stylist team.
The whole floor at HYBE had been dedicated to Grace’s solo career with Bang’s office right at the end, the one spearheading the whole thing. Grace’s own team, now currently nicknamed the Queen’s Guard, was spread across other rooms. Yoongi was proud of her, in more ways than one.
“I thought I’d find you here,” he said as he closed the door behind him and found Grace sitting on the floor, dance practice clothes on but covered in sweat, looking up at the setlist.
“Are you changing your mind again?” he then asked, sitting down next to her while handing over a large mug of tea and a doughnut.
“No, it’s pretty much finalised. There’s just a couple of tweaks to make with each stop but I’ve got a plan for that,” she smiled as she gratefully took the offered items and wrapped her hands around the mug.
Of course, a lot of it had been hidden away from the boys as she wanted it to be a surprise for everyone including ARMY. So many surprises were coming their way that it was going to be a rollercoaster month starting from November and all the way through to when they came back together in 2025.
“How are you feeling now the notice has been put up?” Grace asked, nudging Yoongi to look at her.
“It’s a relief. It’s hard and it’s worrying but Seokjin-hyung and Hobi have done alright. And the military have been informed of my shoulder so we’ll take it day by day. How are you feeling?” he turned the question onto her, turning his head to fully look at her.
“Four more to go,” she muttered with a dry laugh. “I agree with ARMY when they say the quicker you all go, the quicker you get back. And I do feel that. But not seeing you all for at least eighteen months is hard. Jungkook’s is going to be the worst.”
“Well, he is your baby after all.”
He grinned at the look he got and took the doughnut back, breaking it in half so he could have some.
“But you’re going to do well. ARMY is going to explode with all the things you’ve got planned and I’m sure Seokjin is going to be with you when he comes back for most of your tour, or he’ll at least try to be. And I’ll be keeping up to date with it all,” Yoongi said around a mouthful of the doughnut which Grace tutted at.
“I know. I suppose I’m kind of getting used to the idea I’ll be on my own but not fully. I know you all will be watching and supporting. But it would be nice to have you all there anyway.” Grace finished off her tea and set the mug on the floor, letting out a long sigh.
The two stayed silent as Yoongi finished off the doughnut he brought. They stayed like that for a few minutes until he pushed himself up, brushed down his hands and held out his hands for his sister to take.
“Come on, Gigi. Let’s go for dinner, my treat.”
Grace took hold of her younger brother’s hand and let him pull her up, giving her a quick but tight hug.
“Oh yuck, I’m covered in sweat now.”
“I’ve got more dancing than you to do. All you did was stand there and bounce around.”
“Bounce around? Did you see me sweating?”
“I saw you standing there yelling shibal for the world to repeat.”
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sarahsmi13s · 2 years
Meet The Kids
!! before continuing !! 
i highly highly highly suggest you read through the orginal story before reading this as it contains spoilers for the end of that!!
you can find the orignal story here --> Tell Them Universe Masterlist
thank you!!
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Grayson Dallas Seresin
Birthday: May 28, 2006
Physical Description: brown hair, green eyes, ~6′1″-6′2″
Grayson was born after Jake and Y/N graduated high school. Like a week and a half later.
Jake is not Grayson biological father, but once Grayson bio-dad signed away his parental rights -- Jake adopted him. 
But Jake has raised Grayson to be the man he is, he is Gray’s dad.
While he has his moments like every teenager, Grayson is very respectful and tries to hold himself to a behavioral standard.
Grayson is a mama’s boy, there is no denying it and he has no shame in it. This boy loves his mama.
He’s protective of his family; especially his mom and little sister. He won’t hesitate to go toe-to-toe with a man that’s bigger than him to protect his family. 
He’ll even get between his parents if Jake is stepping out of line or there’s a tone in his voice Grayson doesn’t appreciate being directed at his mother.
Sports he plays include: baseball, basketball, and football
He wears the number 23, very proudly as that was the number his mom wore in high school.
He is a catcher and/or centerfielder in baseball, might play the occassional first base.
He’s a reciever on the football team.
In Texas, he was a point guard or a foward in basketball, but in California they have him as post or a forward.
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Kennedy Hazel Seresin
Birthday: April 13, 2017
Physical Description: blonde hair, (e/c) eyes
Kennedy was acutally born while Jake was in the hospital because of a harsh landing after an ejection during training.
Jake was there for Y/N though, he was in a wheelchair at her bedside. He would be damned if he missed the birth of his little girl. 
Kennedy might be one of the sweetest little girls you’ll ever meet. She loves everyone. And while she is shy when it comes to meeting new adults, she will never hesitate to talk to another child. 
She’s a daddy’s girl, for sure. Her daddy is a superhero in her eyes.
She ADORES her big brother. Her big brother is the coolest guy there is. He also makes time for her and let’s her hang out with him -- even if his buddies are over. 
Despite the 10/11 year age gap, they’re extremely close.
Kennedy loves loves loves animals. She’s not afraid of them and will pick up any animal she can catch. Which is one of the reasons Jake calls her ‘Princess’, he swears she can talk to the animals and that’s why she’s so comfortable around them and vise versa.
Kennedy loves Marvel. Her favorite characters are Black Widow and Captain America. She loves Yelena Belova because she looks like her. Scarlet Witch is also on the list of favorites.
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Kennedy and Grayson
these two may have a 10/11 year age gap, but they are as close as twins.
when grayson was 9, for Christmas he asked for a little brother or sister. he was really leaning towards a little brother so he could teach him how to play ball
and if we’re honest, when he found out the next Christmas that he was getting a little sister, he wasn’t too thrilled. 
but the moment kennedy was born, grayson was wrapped around her finger.
and as they got older, their relationship only got stronger.
grayson never tries to exclude her or leave her out just because his friends are over. and that helped to create an army that would protect kennedy with their life
kennedy and grayson watch movies, color, play games, go to the park; they pretty much do anything together
i hope you enjoyed this little info piece
i just thought that it would be nice to have a little reference post for the kids and what they’re like and their relationship.
i do plan to write more fics for this universe, i have plans for a grayson piece so if you want know more about that my inbox is open for questions!!
tags <33: @roosterscockpit @luckyladycreator2 @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @sebsxphia @wkndwlff @emma8895eb @blackwidownat2814 @ireadthensuetheauthors @adaydreamaway08 @starkleila @mallerz @bananas1234 @mattheoschik @fogle97 @malindacath @pono-pura-vida @jstarr86 @djs8891​ 
thank you all for being here and i hope i didn’t miss anyone, i’m sorry if i did
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kaeru483 · 19 hours
~writing share~
oof, y'all have been so nice to me tagging and sharing and inspiring and i just love you all so much i wanna give you all a big smooch
BUT! i instead offer you some of what i've been working on this week. below you'll get to meet linden, the oldest brother who is super scary and questionable but also canonically the best dressed, and see thalia feel something other than mad :)
as always, taglist below the break. lmk if you want in or out. ok have a good dayyyyy <3
Down in the shop, I hear the firm whispers of a secret conversation. I quietly stand from my bed, smoothing my pants as I tiptoe to the top of the stairs. I sit on the very top step, leaning my head towards the storeroom to eavesdrop on the conversation below. 
“What do you think they can do for you?” Rowan speaks softly, and Needa replies in turn.
“What else can we do, Rowan?” I can hear the fear punctuating her breaths, as if she is shaking right to her core. I hear Rowan sigh as she continues: “There’s nothing we can do on our own.”
“Need I remind you of the last person who showed up to The Council unannounced?” he spits out, interrupting her. The silence that follows is so thick, even I can feel it hidden atop the stairs. My brow furrows–The Council? I stand back to my feet, and walk to the bottom of the stairs, catching Rowan and Needa off guard. They stare at me in silence, as if they’re waiting for me to say something. I grab my rain jacket off the hook near the door, and nod to them as I walk out the front door. There is only one person I need to speak to right now, and it’s best if I go speak to him alone.
I don’t bother to pull my hood over my head as I journey to the castle on the other side of town. The rain feels cool on my still heated cheeks. The streets are empty, lit only by the windows of homes and the setting sun reflecting off the wet stone. Despite everything, my father has always said I am welcome in the castle at any time, so the Sentinels barely notice as I climb the stone steps to the grand wooden doorway between them. I run my hands over my wet face and hair, shedding water onto the stone floor and leaving a small puddle. I toss my wet jacket over my arm and scan the main corridor for any sign of life. 
I hadn’t expected the castle to be so calm after such an alarming event in the market. More Iron Sentinels are posted around the castle, standing stoic against the stone in their black leather armor and iron swords sheathed on their hips. Since my father’s coup, the Iron Sentinels became the primary defense against Mystics and Mystic-supporters. The soldiers of King Eamon’s army who stayed loyal to my father’s cause were promoted to Sentinels and given posts throughout the city. Ash was promoted to the leader of the Steel Vanguard, the strongest squadron of Sentinels in Windfell. I wanted to be so proud of him, but these ends could never justify those means.
I wander down the corridor towards my father’s office, running my hand along the cool stone walls to keep my blood from boiling. This castle is a constant reminder of the evil my family has wrought on the land and I can’t seem to quell the rage boiling in the pit of my stomach. I reach my father’s office door and push it open gently. The room is empty, and I sigh quietly in relief. I enter the dark and dusty room, gazing at the tall bookshelves behind the large wooden desk. The books on the shelves are dusty as if they haven’t been touched in years. Papers are scattered around the desk, and I pick one up to read it. 
“URGENT MESSAGE to Iron King Alaric Blackthorne from Iron Inquisitor Colonel Phoenix Fahlgren: Our squadron has been forced to retreat from the border of Avalore. Mystic attacks have increased threefold and our numbers have been diminished. We request—”
“Well, look who finally came in from the rain.” I am startled by the voice in the doorway, and shove the letter back down on the desk. I turn to see Linden leaning very casually against the wooden door frame. I cross my arms across my chest and glare at him as he stands in the doorway, blocking the only exit with his slender frame. He mimics my stance by crossing his arms across his own chest. 
“Where is he?” I ask coldly. I don’t want to deal with Linden’s games today. As a child, he was eerily quiet, always with his nose buried in a book. Despite his quiet nature, he was always adept at spinning tales to get Ash and I in trouble just to watch as our father would lecture us about our behavior. These days, he’s the liaison between the Acolytes, who keep the city running behind the curtain, and our father. How fitting that he be the face of the shadowy enforcement group--the ones you never see until it's too late.
“Dad’s busy,” he says as he glides past me to Dad’s desk, gently pushing the papers around without looking at any one in particular. “I’ll tell him you stopped by.” He doesn’t look at me as he speaks. My cheeks begin to flush with heat as I face my brother. Even now, he is a spitting image of our father. His hair is dark and straight, and when he laughs, he reveals his white teeth, perfectly straight with a small gap between the front two. He still maintains his boyish charm, but something dark stares back from behind his dark brown eyes. 
“Do you want to fill me in on what the hell happened out in the marketplace?” I realize too late that I am almost yelling at him when his face falls to a dark glare. The silence is heavy on my chest as I wait for my brother to respond.
“You know what happened,” he spits out. I’ve struck a nerve in him, and I want to keep plucking that string until he tells me what I need to hear. 
“No, Linden. I don’t.” I can’t hold back the anger in my voice. “A man is screaming in the streets, and our brother slaughters him in front of the entire town.” Linden doesn’t respond, merely closes his eyes. “Why was he screaming? Why was he…” I pause to wait for Linden to meet my gaze. My question is almost a whisper “Why was he glowing?” Linden sighs deeply and drums his fingertips on the desk while he thinks. I stare at him, desperate for any response. 
“Because–” he’s as quiet as I am– “he was a Mystic.” The silence is palpable as the weight of his words sit on my heart. He makes his way to the bookshelf behind the desk, searching before selecting a thick tome on a high shelf. He brushes the dust off the cover, and holds it out to me. I take it, silently. All our lives, Linden has been a quiet but calculated jackass. He could lie his way out of any situation, place all of the blame on one of us and get away with murder if he wanted to. But this Linden, the one before me now, is different. His words are more cruel and his eyes are colder, but this is a genuine gesture. I look from my brother to the book in my hand. The title reads “The Codex of the Imbued Ascendants” in faded gilded font. By the look of the worn and musty pages, this book is older than even our father’s father. 
“Why are you giving me this?” I run my fingers across the embossing along the spine, looking at the worn edges of the pages. I meet Linden’s gaze, and he is staring at me with a ferocity I haven’t seen since the coup. His response is a forceful whisper as he closes the gap between us. I look up to meet his terrifying glare.
“If you don’t know by now, how do you expect to survive?” I open my mouth to respond, but nothing comes out. Everything that has happened in the last hour is turning over and over in my mind, trying to connect any of the pieces. Linden begins to leave, but stops at the doorway and looks back at me, expectantly.
“Linden,” my voice is quiet, as I’m still processing everything from watching a man die, to Linden doing something seemingly nice for me. He interrupts me, and waves at me to exit the office.
“Keep that book close to you. Don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea.” He ushers me out of the office as I tuck the book beneath the jacket over my arm. We walk in silence past the Sentinels that guard the stairwells to the main entryway, where there is still no sign of our father or brother. Without a word, Linden turns on the balls of his feet and disappears down a staircase away from the entryway and out of sight. I guess there’s only so much kindness he can handle at a time, I think to myself.
taglist: @thecomfywriter @the-golden-comet @wyked-ao3 @gioiaalbanoart @sunshineshadowcast
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