#also my friend's cat is lovely. no thoughts head empty 24/7
grungepoetica · 4 months
my friend and her cat are both snoring and i'm gonna get to stay here for the next few months and i'm still on edge about everything but i could really, really get used to how nice this feels <3
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Take That!
Corpse Husband & Reader (Female) ft. Streamer Gang
Warnings: Mentions of Depression, Suppressed Sadness, Swearing
Genre: Platonic Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: What is a friend? Your smile through the tears. The umbrella over your head when it starts raining. The ointment to your wound. But if you wanna put it in a more literal manner, a friend is something that doesn’t have a concrete definition. It can be the person you sit next to in class or the person who’s hundreds of miles away from you and you’re connected to through a Discord call.
Requested by Anon. Hello dear! Thank you so much for your request, sorry it’s taken me so long to complete and post it but here it finally is and I hope you enjoy the read if you happen to come across the fic. Love, Vy ❤
There are those days when I wake up excited for a new day. There are also those days when the thought of playing Among Us with my friends is all that gets me out of bed. And then there are those days when not even that can get me to budge. Today is one of those days.
I’d still be in bed right now had I not needed to use the bathroom. On my way back to hide under my covers, I heard my cat’s meow from the kitchen, reminding me she needed to be fed. After tending to that task I just sort of lost will to return to bed either. Speaking truthfully, today is a will-less day. The type of day where I have no idea what to do with myself because I feel so odd and uncomfortable: heavy and bustling head, motivation below zero no matter whether I have zero tasks to tend to or a mountain high pile of work. It’s a laying on the floor and letting my mind eat away at me type of day and I can’t say I appreciate it.
The only thing I have to look forward to is the game of Among Us Corpse invited me to yesterday. Had I known I’d wake up feeling like absolute shit, I wouldn’t have accepted. I just know I’ll be a downer the whole time because I suck at covering up how I feel - my smiling masks and faux happiness don’t cut it but staying quiet is even worse because I’m typically and energetic and bubbly person, always having something to say or a comment to add to the conversation. Always looking to make people laugh.
Well, it’s hard to make people laugh when you feel like a deflated balloon.
I can’t describe the feeling any better than that - I feel empty, maybe a little sad somewhere in the mix, unmotivated. I keep these feelings to myself cause whenever I bring them up people just blow me off, saying I’m describing laziness but more dramatically. Either that or burnout which is sometimes the case, but I’m more than sure that it’s not the culprit for today. You can only blame burnout so many times.
Anyway, I make a mental note, promising myself I’m not gonna bail on my friends regardless of whether my mood gets better or worse. Who knows, maybe a gaming session with them is exactly what I need.
                                                              *  *  *
Not much has changed with my emotional state - I’ve spent a good chunk of the day surfing through TV channels and my socials with nothing else to occupy my mind but the overwhelming knowledge that I’m not feeling ok and that hyperawareness of a void that I feel but cannot describe. At one point, Corpse sent me a text to confirm I’d be participating in the gaming session and I was this close to saying no. This close to coming up with some bullshit excuse and bailing but I didn’t, thankfully. 
Here’s the thing about this drop in mood of mine - I know it’s gonna be gone by morning. It bullies me, beats and batters me for only twenty four hours - never more, never less. Like clockwork and as precise as a Swiss watch. And so fucking annoying. No matter what I do, I can’t end it prematurely and I can never wake up feeling down and unmotivated the next morning - there’s always a surge of motivation coursing through me and it drives me to be super productive as if making up for what I didn’t do the previous day when I was in the dumps.
It’s a twisted way of it showing me I’m powerless and at the mercy of a force that, despite being mine and existing within me, I’m completely unfamiliar with. It’s so fucking unfair, it’s disheartening.
“Hi everyone! Sorry I’m late.“ I greet the five people who have already gathered in the Discord call and the Among Us lobby.
Yeah, sorry I’m late, I was contemplating not showing up at all last minute
“Don’t worry about it, many people are running late as you can see.“ Rae replies reassuringly, “How’s your day? Anything spectacular happen?“
I can’t help but scoff, “Yeah sure, a TON of spectacularism in my life on the daily. From the large stack of papers I couldn’t bring myself to touch, to the dusty surfaces all over my apartment I didn’t convince myself to clean - it’s all fabulous over here.”
Fuck, that was too real
“Whoa, where’d all this sarcasm come from?“ Rae asks, sounding genuinely baffled rather than teasing, “It’s never been your strong suit.“
“Neither has unproductivity.“ Corpse, my best friend, chimes in, “Everything ok?“
Well, I admit, I should’ve known better than to have an outburst like that in front of people who have known me for a while now and can probably gauge my emotions even without me admitting to them. I truly don’t know where it came from. Hell, I didn’t even see it coming.
“Nah, it’s ok. I’m just being lazy, I guess.” I’m quick to withdraw and brush off any suspicion. The last thing I want is to worry my friends or, even worse, receive the same response from them: that I’m being dramatic, that I’m attention-seeking, that I’m just lazy and unmotivated as are most people of my generation.
“You know, what people often self-diagnose as ‘laziness’ often turns out to be something more serious. I don’t mean to scare you, but it could be depression.“ Corpse says after a brief moment of silence in the call, his voice soft and cautious as if explaining a complex problem to a kid who’s bound to be hurt by what it’s told.
I can’t help but chuckle. He has no idea how much he’s relieved me by saying that. I always ‘don’t want to talk about it’ and ‘want to change the subject’ while what I truly need happens to be the complete opposite. I need someone to hear me out, I need someone who will not brush me and my concerns off like we don’t matter. I need someone who’ll understand. And if these people who have openly struggled with anxiety or depression don’t get me, who will?
“Yeah, I genuinely thought I thought of myself as a lowlife while I was in college cause I started losing motivation for everything and started fearing what was to come. I began avoiding going out and talking to people cause I felt like I was the sore thumb in the friend group I had - the only one without any specific goal or a dream.“ Leslie says out of the blue, “Turns out I suffered through a burnout so bad it turned into an anxiety/depression combo that I just blamed on being a lazy college student.“
“Same here!“ Toast pipes in, “I was bedridden for a while during the first days of my streaming career, for a very ridiculous reason - I believed I didn’t deserve the attention I was getting and I wasn’t doing as well as people gave me credit for. So that had me crippled with self-doubt for a long while.“
“I still don’t believe I’m doing as well as I get credit for, but oh well.“ Leslie laughs, “I already told you all about my dumpster-fire of a brain, so I’m instead gonna say: what you need is an appointment with a therapist. Also - you need to stop underestimating your struggles. Invalidating yourself and what you’re going through is gonna make things only worse for you. You need to love yourself.“
“And you need us!“ Rae exclaims, “You need the best support you can get and, lucky for you, we’re the best in the business. Count on us always being there for you, Y/N. Cause we always will be.“
“You’re never alone. We’re all just a call or a text away. Especially me.“ Corpse adds, “I’m basically at your service 24/7, just like you’ve always been for me. What are best friends for if not sharing mental struggles and lifting each other up afterwards?“
I don’t know when this smile made its home on my face but it seems to be rather happy with where it is and wants to stay. Something tells me that thanks to these guys, it will indeed stay there for quite some time. And every time it tries to slip away, they’ll be there to bring it back.
“Then let’s lift each other up, shall we? I mean, what better way to do it other than killing each other and getting away with it?“ I attempt a giggle, hiding my emotions behind it like my life depends on it. Chances are they heard all I’m feeling in my voice, but I can only hope they’re not gonna mention it.
“Y/N, hun, I’m sorry to burst your bubble but....you never get away with it.“ Corpse wheezes, causing me to narrow my eyes and frown.
“Oh, you’re so gonna get it now!“ I exclaim, cracking my knuckles before getting my hands on my keyboard, “Start the game! I have a point to prove!“
And just like that, in what felt like the blink of an eye, the clouds have shuffled aside to make path for the sunshine to grace my brain with positivity I was not expecting to feel until tomorrow morning. I can’t give myself the credit for that though - it all goes to these amazing people I have the honor of calling friends.
I may have no power over it on my own, but with the gang’s help, I can take full control of it. And as a middle finger to the melancholy, I’ll do it all with a bright smile on my face.
Take that, brain!
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the-creative-lie · 4 years
pairings: steve rogers x reader; nat x bucky if you squint
genre/warnings: the fluffiest fluff
word count: 2.3k
summary:  Steve and the reader are quarantined together and dancing around their feelings for each other, so Buck and Nat decide to take matters into their own hands.
notes: based on an ao3 request. we could all use a little steve love right now lol
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 “This is the fourth time I’ve found you like this,” you hear Steve say. Honestly, how does he manage to be cute even upside down? From this angle, his disapproving frown almost seems like a smiley face.  Oh right, upside down. You’ve been laying on the couch, legs up, head dangling over the ground, for the past twenty minutes or so. You are certain your face is ruby red right now and you’re starting to feel a little bit dizzy, but the whole world is on quarantine goddamit, and you’re bored.
 “I heard sending a bunch of blood to your brain is supposed to make you smarter,” you justify, coming out of your not-so-comfortable posture and laying your now throbbing head on the armrest of the couch. He sits on the other end, lifting your legs and putting them back down on top of his knees.
 “And who exactly told you that?” he asks amused.  You look away, rolling your eyes at your own stupidity. “Bucky,” you mumble.
 “And you believed him?”
 “No. Well, yeah. But I’m not smart, that’s why I was doing this in the first place! That was the whole point!”
 “Seriously, Y/N. It doesn’t work.”
 “How do you know? You’re not smart either!” you protest. His nose wrinkles and his mouth forms a perfect O.
 “Excuse you?” he exclaims, pretending to be offended.
 You smirk. “I said what I said, Rogers.”
  His eyes twinkle with mischief and you frown, confused. Before you can ask him what the hell is going on in that blonde head of his, he grabs your legs and throws you off the couch. You groan from the floor and send him a glare. He giggles. Captain America giggled. And he looks so pretty when he does that. It’s kind of unfair.
 “I’m going to try to clean out my closet for like, the seventh time this week,” you huff “Feel free to come help me, if you’re bored.”
 “Sure. I’ll be right there,” he smiles, as he watches you leave for your room.
 From the kitchen, Bucky Barnes just stares in utter disbelief as his best friend sits on the couch with the goofiest grin plastered on his face, looking at the empty spot you just left beside him. He can tell Steve is head over heels for you, and Nat has already told him about your huge crush on him. He can put two and two together, but apparently you lovebird idiots can’t, because you’ve been dancing around each other since the quarantine started. And he’s starting to get bored too. So, he does the only thing that could make this lockdown more interesting and gives himself a mission. Well, him and Nat. There’s no way he’s doing any of this without her help.
 “I can’t believe you still have this,” Steve laughs, as he unfolds an old t-shirt that was rolled into a ball in the back of your closet. It’s a very old shirt, and to be fair, you bought it as a joke. It sports a very discolored picture of his shield on the front.
 You snort. “I just wear it to bed sometimes. It turned out to be incredibly comfy.” That’s totally true. I mean, yeah, it could also be the fact that it reminds you of him, but no. No, definitely the levels of comfort the t-shirt provides are what drove you to grab it in those five minutes when you packed as fast as possible before leaving the Avengers Tower for good, when the Accords mess was in full swing and when you decided to follow Steve Rogers to the end of the world and back.   It’s been a few months since that, and yeah, you are fugitives now, but honestly? It’s not so bad. You, Steve, Bucky and Nat got yourselves a small house on the mountains for the time being. You’re near a small town that you go to when you need supplies. Truth be told, it wasn’t like you’d go out a lot before the quarantine started, trying not to show your faces too much and all that, but you could still go for a walk, buy dinner somewhere. But isolation hits differently when it’s not by choice.
 “I still don’t get why you bought it though.” He places down the t-shirt and takes a sip off his mug. Currently you are both sitting on the ground, in your room, drinking coffee and laughing at your poor fashion sense. Hey, a lady can only do so much when running away from the law okay?
 “I just thought it’d be funny,” you say, folding some jeans and starting to make a pile. “Also the lady at the store didn’t recognize me at first, and that was hilarious. I got to pretend to be one of your fangirls, remember?”
 His face goes red and he covers it with his hand, embarrassed. “Of course I remember. I was there. You asked for a selfie with me and started to fake cry. ”
 “HA. I forgot about that part.”
 “I remain impressed by the fact that you can cry on command, by the way. ”
 “What can I say, Stevie? I’m an actor,” you say theatrically, standing up and bowing as if on stage. Steve starts clapping and wooing.
 “Then I’m your number one fan,” he replies. You stare at him, stammering for a moment before regaining composure. You two are always doing this, even more so now that you are forced to spend basically 24/7 together. You flirt, he flirts back, someone blushes. He says an amazing one liner; you’re left with your heart racing and your stomach doing flips. But it’s just friendly banter, right? It’s just the fact that you’re locked up together and that the only two other humans you guys see on a daily basis are Russian assassins.  Speaking of Russian assassins, your train of thought gets interrupted by Nat screaming from the living room that her and Bucky are about to facetime with Sam and that you two should get your tushies to the couch.  Yeah, she actually said tushies. Isolation is doing things to her.
 “Sam, babe, how you doin’?” You shout, climbing over Bucky to get the good spot on the couch. He bats a hand at you, annoyed, and you stick out your tongue at him. He sucker punches you in the arm but just when you’re about to pull his hair, Steve easily lifts you up like you’re made of paper and scoots you away from Buck. Sometimes you forget how strong he actually is.
 “Behave, children. Uncle Sam is on the FaceTime.” You lock eyes with Nat and you both let out a laugh.
 “THE FaceTime?” you ask, giggling.
 Steve frowns, confused. “Isn’t it called the FaceTime? That’s what you said last time.”
 “It’s just FaceTime, Steve. No the,” Nat corrects him.
 “Man, c’mon. We talked about this, Rogers. You did the same thing with the Google and it drove me crazy for like a month,” Sam chimes in from the screen.
 “Yeah, Steve. Get with the times, old man.”
 “Buck, we’re the same age.”
 “Yeah, but I’m hip and modern.”
  You roll your eyes. “The fact that the words hip and modern just left your mouth disqualifies you immediately, Barnes.”
 He huffs and returns his attention to Sam. “How about you, Birdman? How you holding up?”
 “Things are pretty chill, I guess. I’m using the FaceTime to have online meetings with the therapy groups. It’s not the same, and of course we’d wish we could have a more personal contact as usual, but we’re doing what we can, you know. Trying to get used to the new normal.”
 “Is the FaceTime going to be a thing now?” Steve groans, “Fuck, this one’s sticking right? I’m gonna regret it?”
 “Language,” you say, trying not to laugh. He just glares at you.
 Sam is, thankfully, not a fugitive. The government considered (after a few pulled strings and a trending hashtag on the Twitter) that he could be pardoned of his crimes, based on the fact that he did a lot of important work on the community; and that his participation on the whole Accords debacle wasn’t so big, and therefore, could be swept under the rug.  You four, on the other hand, were not as lucky. After all, here you are, aren’t you? In the middle of Germany, or Canada, or who knows at this point.
 “Anyways, guys, I just wanted to check on you. Y’all know this things can’t last very much or you risk exposure. I’m glad you’re all okay, and I’ll try calling again as soon as I can without raising suspicion. Take care!"
 A chorus of goodbyes and take cares erupts from the couch, and the screen turns black.
 You get up, stretching your back. “Well, I’m gonna take a shower. If you guys are hungry just have dinner without me, I’ll have something later,” you state, heading to the bathroom you all share.
 The only problem with you leaving is that Steve is now left alone between two giddy assassins, who both look at him like they’re Cheshire cats. Frankly, it’s terrifying.
 Steve gulps, considering running and risking his life by breaking the quarantine instead of dying here on this couch, because he already knows what’s coming. Every time you’re gone and the three of them are alone, the conversation always shifts to…
 “So, Y/N huh?”
 “Smooth, Buck.”
 “You’re the talker, woman, you do the talking!”
 “And what are you supposed to be?”
 “I’m the muscle. In case he tries to run away.”
 Oh no, there goes his only plan. Poor Steve.
 Natasha turns to him and stares him down, “Rogers, when are you going to tell that woman you’re in love with her?”
 “We- I- huh. Whenever I have time.”
 “You’re on goddamn quarantine. There’s nothing but time.”
 “Yeah. Loads of time.”
 “Seriously, if only you removed your head from your tushie for a little bit you would see she clearly feels the same.”
 “That’s right. Head, tush. That’s a no-no.”
 “This is your chance, Rogers. Y/N’s super stressed out with the locked down, she’s practically climbing up the walls. Do something nice for her, and tell her how you feel.”
 “Be a gentleman, yo.”
 “Barnes I thought we agreed I’d do the talking.”
 “Alright, damn. I was just trying to help. Also what is it with you saying tushie now? ”
 Before things could get any further (or worse, for all that matters), Steve stands up and shuts both super spies up, “Okay, fine. I’ll do it. You’re right. Just, huh. Go to your rooms, please? I need to think.”
 Natasha smirks at him, “Sure thing, dad. Come on, James, let’s go watch some crap TV show in my room.”
 Steve looks around, panicked. And then he has an idea.
 After getting out of the shower and putting on some fuzzy pajamas and, why not, the infamous Captain America t-shirt, you head to the kitchen in search for some late night dinner slash snack. The lights seem to be out, so you assume the gang already ate and went to bed. But what surprises you when you get to the living room is the tiny table where you usually have breakfast, simply adorned with a white tablecloth and one of those crappy candles you guys keep in the bottom drawer in case there’s a blackout.  And standing next to it all, in his own fuzzy pajamas, is Steven Grant Rogers, looking like he’s about to pass out but still standing, and holding a piece of paper.
 “Steve? What’s all this?”
 He just starts to ramble, “Okay so. Huh. I’ve been trying to say something to you for quite a while now. And lately the voices in my head, that sound a lot like Bucky and Nat by the way, would not shut up about it. And I just thought, you know what? We’re on a goddamn quarantine. The world apparently has its own plans, and does whatever it wants, it’s not gonna wait for me. So fuck it. I’m saying it.”
 “Saying what?” you breathe out, heart pounding on your chest.
 “I’m in love with you, Y/N,” he smiled softly, raising his eyebrows as if to say and I guess there’s nothing I can do about it.
 You’re speechless. He stares at you and starts panicking, “Oh God. Huh, it’s okay if you don’t feel the same, I- This was all so stupid, and I just put you on the spot and- oh no, now you’re trapped with me because of the quarantine. I’m so sorry, I’ll just stay locked in my room so you won’t have to see me and Bucky can just pass me some crackers through the door-”.
 You cut his rambling, “Steve. It’s okay.”
 “No, it’s not, I shouldn’t have listened to them-”
 “Steve, I’m in love with you too.”
 He looks up at you like a deer in headlights, “You are?”
 “Yeah,” you shrug, smiling.
 He frowns, “Why?”
 “Must be all that blood going to my head, ” you close the distance between you two and wrap your arms around his neck, “Guess it just made me dumber.”
 “I’ll have to thank Bucky for that.”
 “Could you stop talking about Barnes and kiss me already?” he laughs and leans down to kiss you, sweet and gentle, and suddenly everything makes sense.
 You separate a little, arms still around him and look around.
 “What’s all this?”
 “Well I was going to ask you out, but because of the quarantine we can’t really go out,” he explains, sheepish, “So I thought we could go in, you know?” He lets go of you and points at a plate on the table, “Also, we´re having sandwiches for dinner because we haven’t gone on the supply run yet. And since I can’t buy you flowers- ”, he hands you the piece of paper, a bouquet of wild flowers beautifully drawn.
 “Steve, these are so pretty. This is perfect, it’s all perfect,” you beam.
 He brings out a chair for you, “Shall we?”
 You laugh. Maybe quarantine is not that bad.
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Fairy Godparents Job
leverage 2.04
parker trying to console their client and failing HORRIBLY
she’s trying her best, your honor
Parker: That went super!
- - - - -
hardison and eliot are wearing the same color shirt, like the EXACT SAME color ???
matching boyfriends
also eliot is wearing the hair braids again 🥰
- - - - -
parker making herself at home, getting cereal and perching on the edge of eliot’s chair
- - - - -
sophie coming in and immediately eating (cookies)? me too
- - - - -
Hardison: Fowler's confined to his $6 million penthouse overlooking the Charles River.
Eliot: Yeah, that's a rough punishment, huh?
Hardison: The whole place is outfitted with 24/7 surveillance so the feds can keep an eye on him. Now, (hits button) we can, too. I piggybacked on their wireless feed
parker and eliot smile brightly at hardison’s cleverness I love it
- - - - -
Sophie: Still, for us to get in and search the place, we've got to get rid of Fowler.
Nate: Now, there are three general exceptions for house arrest. There's personal safety, death of a relative, and family events.
Eliot: Personal safety. We could burn the apartment down.
Parker: Ooh! Ooh! (raises hand)
Eliot: Or death of a relative
eliot being chaotic and parker being HERE FOR IT also stfu we all know you wouldn’t kill anybody
- - - - -
Nate: Uh, w- who's that?
Hardison: Oh. Oh, the kid. Kid's from her first marriage. Widmark.
Eliot: Oh, I'm sorry. "Widmark"?
Hardison: Rich people, man.
Eliot: Geez..
big mood
- - - - -
Hardison: He's a fifth-grade student at Dalton Academy. Academically unexceptional. No extracurriculars. He's allergic to strawberries.
Parker (laughs): Strawberries...
- - - - -
Sanford: Mark Sanford. I'm head of the concerned parents association.
Nate: That must be very exciting for you
- - - - -
I wonder if they actually wrote a book for nate’s cover story
- - - - -
[Apartment above the Fowler’s]
(Parker and Hardison are walking through an empty apartment with a real estate agent)
Real Estate Agent: Open floor plan. 3,200 square feet. Uh, panoramic views of the park and the Charles. Uh, there's a fitness center, a rooftop pool, uh, concierge service. It's the perfect newlywed apartment.
Hardison: Oh, it's, the place, it's fantastical. What do you think, Binky?
Parker (head and shoulders inside ductwork): It's a little small.
Hardison: Th-the apartment, Binky. What do you think of the apartment? We'll take it. She, she loves air
this is hilarious but you couldn’t convince me that this is exactly what would happen if they went house hunting for real (brewpub ??? I think the fuck so)
- - - - -
(Skyler trips Widmark, who falls to the floor)
Eliot: Hey. You. Take your helmet off. What's your name?
Skyler: Skyler Sanford.
Eliot: Sky... Skyler?
Skyler: Yeah.
Eliot: Is that a boy's name? Don't do that again. Put your hat on. You're up against Wid--
(Eliot sees that Widmark has gotten back on the line)
Eliot: I said get out there, man. Get out here.
(the boys move onto the mat)
Eliot: All right.
(Widmark struggles with his helmet as kids giggle)
Eliot: What are you doing, man? What are you doing? (to kids) Don't laugh! What are you doing? (whispering) There's girls here. You're better than that. Turn your hat around
I personally didn’t like this scene with him making fun of the kid’s name but he did technically deserve it because he was a bully + the whole girls thing? I mean I guess that’s a motivator but idk he could have said something different
- - - - -
(Parker is installing a motion detector above a doorway)
Parker: Stop moving!
Hardison (kneeling for Parker to stand on): Look— it don't have to be exact. Woman, it's a motion detector. Just point it that way.
Parker: Watch out..
poor hardison she’s standing on his back WEARING H E E L S
- - - - -
Hardison: R- right. Right. Right. So, uh, what you all been up to?
Taggert: Well, actually, we've had a pretty good run of it lately. Closed some big cases.
McSweeten: Big.
Taggert: Moscone, for one.
McSweeten: Moscone, no more-ne.
Taggert: We also shut down a huge meth ring in California during a bank robbery.
the bit about them directly profiting off of the leverage crew? hilarious every time
- - - - -
Eliot: (swinging the thing in his hand) One of you two can identify the gunman, right?
Hardison: Oh, yeah, sure. He stopped and let me take a picture of him as I was chasing him.
Eliot: Hey, you know what, man? I've been around little kids all day. I don't need to come home and do all this crap.
Hardison: Hey, man, with all that? I've been in this pink shirt and these tight plaid pants, these old webster loafers, this girl is walking on my back. I don't need this, man.
married bickering
- - - - -
(Parker hands Eliot the pad she’s been drawing on that has a picture of the gunman)
Eliot: Is this the guy?
Parker: Mm-hmm.
Eliot: See? (tosses the pad on the table)
Hardison: Wow. I didn't know you could do that.
Parker: I thought everybody could do that
SHES SO TALENTED + her boys are behind her v impressed
- - - - -
the smooth lil handoff of the metal detector phone between parker and hardison
- - - - -
Nate: Eliot had trouble adjusting, all right? But he found a way to make his style work in this setting, so...
(Eliot leads the kids through martial arts movements)
Eliot: Hai! Pain! Honor! Strength! All right. Come at me!
(all of the girls rush him at once, taking him to the ground)
eliot, when faced with having to teach a gym class for little girls: thEY MUST BE ABLE TO PROTECT THEMSELVES
- - - - -
(Parker puts a takeout cup down on the middle of some blueprints. Hardison sighs and takes it off the blueprints)
Hardison: This is why we can't have nice things
bruh you’re literally no better you have literally NO right
- - - - -
McSweeten: Oh, that one's actually mine.
(Parker drinks from the cup and smiles at him)
McSweeten: Uh, I just had my lips on that. If, uh, it's like I gave you a little coffee kiss.
Taggert: I think your partner is sweet on McSweeten.
Hardison: What? No.
(turns to see Parker and McSweeten laughing by the window)
hardison: *whips his head around* NO WHAT NOT ON MY WATCH
- - - - -
Taggert: No? Well anyway. (pulls a letter from his pocket) Uh, the judge approved Fowler's day pass so he can go see some play his kid is doing at school.
Hardison: Final-freaking-ly, man! I-I love the theater. It's-- "Cats". R- reow
that whole cats thing hits different post-2019
(no doubt, hardison has OPINIONS™ about that movie)
- - - - -
hardison poorly rappelling throughout the series is an aesthetic
- - - - -
Widmark (comes out of the stall): Do you have a lot of friends?
Sophie: No. No, I-I never used to have any. But, um, now, yes, I-I do. A few.
her SMILE your honor
- - - - -
Sophie: Did you know I was an actress?
Widmark: No. Are you good?
Sophie: Well, others don't seem to think so.
Widmark: Maybe they just can't see you for who you are.
Sophie: Do you know what they say about acting? They say it's about telling the truth, about, about sharing a little part of yourself that people don't normally see. But if you don't--if you don't really know yourself then they think you're lying. And I think that's my problem. I've been lying for so long, that, um, I don't even know what the truth is anymore.
Widmark: I don't want to lie to anybody.
Sophie: No. No, you don't have to, Widmark. What you need to do is you just have to go out there and be Widmark. Just tell the truth. Be, be who you really are. If you can do that, then I promise you, people will believe in you
this was a slightly sophie-centric episode and I loved it
- - - - -
Nate: Well, you know, this is interesting. This must be a-a first. I mean, it's the only time I can remember that the con depended solely on you telling the truth. How'd it feel?
Sophie: Eh, good. Don't get used to it.
Nate: Oh, no. No.
Sophie: I start telling the truth all day, I stop being Sophie Devereaux.
Nate: Maybe that's, uh, A good thing. (walks away)
Sophie: Uh-uh
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vapcrwaves · 3 years
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━♡ guess the 24 YEAR OLD JULY baby just arrived to dallyeog! it makes sense, because AOKI IMOJEN is just as BLAZING as the month of JULY. wait, why do they remind me of HIRAI MOMO? beyond that, they seemed SELF-RELIANT & BUOYANT upon first glance. i heard someone say they’re sort of INSURGENT & RECKLESS though. i hope they get acquainted here in COMPLEX # 3 / APARTMENT # 2 / FLOOR # 2 ; they seem to have a lot going on with HER job as TATTOO ARTIST / BASSIST. 
bonjour , y’all !! my name’s jade ( she/her , twenty-one , gmt+8 ) !! and i’m super excited to meet and write with everyone !! this is my spunky kid , imojen , and i hope you’ll come to enjoy her as much as i did writing everything about her :D if you wanna plot , do not fret because i’ll be dropping in everyone’s IMs hehe , but if you prefer to plot over at discord , don’t hesitate to tell me !! <3 
*   𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖑𝖔𝖌𝖚𝖊   ╱  ʙᴀꜱɪᴄꜱ   .
name  :  aoki imojen  nicknames  :  yoki , jen . age  :  twenty - four . birthday  :  july 27 , 1996 . zodiac  :  leo sun , aquarius moon , sagittarius rising . place of birth  :  tokyo , japan . currently living  :  seoul , south korea . occupation  :  tattoo artist , bassist . pronouns  :  she / her . orientation  :  bisexual biromantic . ethnicity  :  japanese .  spoken languages  :   japanese , korean , english .  character insp.  :  kat stratford from 10 things i hate about you , bridget vreeland from sisterhood of traveling pants , effy stonem from skins uk , young carol rhodes from gossip girl tv series , rhonda smith , mia’s backstory from if i stay . label  /  tropes  :  hoyden , icarian , insurgent , reveller , the rebellious spirit . pinterest  :  here .  aesthetics  :   scared of commitment , but has 7 tattoos. a habit of endlessly lighting a lighter. platform boots to boost your height. but then again, sneakers for comfort while running from the cops. forgetting to discard empty cigarette packets from your bomber jacket. spilling your fifth espresso onto your drawings and designs , maybe it’s time to sleep. a frightening look on your face which millennials like to call a resting bitch face. the heat ruining your collection of leather jackets. finding comfort in your friends who seem to understand your mood swings. having a pet cat who’s as feisty as you. spontaneous adventures live inside your head and your friends fall victim to those ideas. liking the rays of the sun more than the moon despite being a night owl. oversleeps anyway. trimming your bangs yourself because you couldn’t be bothered to go to the salon. overcooking your sunny side up eggs. sleeping to forget problems. drinking to forget problems. epitome of a ride or die. 
*  𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖘𝖙 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗    ╱  ᴘᴀꜱᴛ   .
aoki imojen was born to understand what it was to live a life with no structure. her father was part of a rising band in the 90s, toured all over small venues in japan that they slowly rose to a known local name, and imojen has seen all the chaos unfold from backstage in the arms of her mom. however, slowly transitioning into the year of 2000s, the economy was still struggling from the lost decade and the income from touring never sufficed for a growing family. imojen’s father was forced to leave the music scene with the help of her mother’s influence: “it’s time to be serious”; and work multiple jobs in order to fully provide for his first child and the another growing one inside his wife’s womb. 
growing up, imojen’s no stranger to music and her father loved to introduce rock music and bands to imojen’s upbringing. she adored b’z and the gazette, and it leaves no doubt that imojen’s father had been her greatest influence in life. as she grew older, not only did they share identical music preferences and influences, but imojen’s learned to play various instruments— the bass being her favorite. imojen’s also stemmed from that infamous reckless behavior his father’s known for back in the day, and when the teenage years came, so did the impetuous reputation begin. 
imojen and her mother aren’t exactly as close as she was with her father. in fact, their relationship was a toe out of the civil line. it got worse when imojen started to focus on the band she created with friends instead of school and late night practices turned to never returning home for a few days and having the audacity to blatantly lie when asked where she was when asked. it’s hard not to blame her mother when she assumed things for the worst. imojen’s gone quite defiant especially when she discovered that her and her father’s relationship had began to run askew. imojen blames her mother’s interference with her father’s music career as much as her father did, she loved him so much that she was completely blindsided to always take his side. and when the divorce papers came and went, imojen chose her father as she always would. 
her father got a job as a musician locally and eventually overseas, however, money didn’t come by so fast and easy initially. instead of going to university, imojen invested in learning the arts in tattoo design and worked as a tattoo artist to help with the bills. the pair finally thought to settle in korea when imojen’s father got a permanent job. and at this time, imojen has decided to try pursue a career as a musician as well, hoping that the thrill in her early band days are still well stored in her system. 
*  𝖘𝖊𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖉 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗    ╱  ᴘʀᴇꜱᴇɴᴛ   .
imojen can never be satisfied of living in the same area for so long, or at least under the roof with the watchful eye of her father. work’s payed well and imojen decided to move out and get an apartment of her own. hence, she found dallyeog, parties almost every single day, drags everyone into spontaneous adventures, comes home terribly drunk and wakes up with a huge hangover—well, still pretty normal. aside from the norm, imojen working at the tattoo parlor and taking gigs at bars as a bassist, imojen’s investing in writing music as well. she hopes one day to finally finish at least one song she’s been procrastinating for far too long and convince her father to make them a rock duo instead, but a band of her own would fantastic too.  
*  𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖉 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗    ╱  ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ   .
imojen looks quite mean at first glance, and it doesn’t help that she’s indifferent towards anyone who isn’t part of already her friend. she doesn’t hate, hate is such a strong word, she simply doesn’t have the attention span for people that don’t interest her or she doesn’t know fully well to enjoy a conversation with.
honestly has the gina linetti energy “how was i supposed to know there’d be consequences for my actions” as she literally does anything she wants before her brain can even weigh the pros and cons to it.
imojen enjoys taking risks despite the relaxed attitude and seemingly nonchalant view in life. it might be a surprise to learn that she’s quite ambitious, but underneath, she does aim for the highs (both meanings) in life, except there isn’t exactly a time frame for those and would much rather pursue them steadily. 
everyone can depend on imojen to have a good time, or if someone needed a friend to vent to, she can surprisingly be all ears, but never follow her words of advice. she does mean well, it’s just that she doesn’t know what she’s saying half the time and is quite reckless,, like ask her to pick between two choices and she’ll advice you to take the riskier one bc “it’s fun don’t be a prude”.
she is more sympathetic than she let on. imojen’s not very vocal especially with her emotions and on what she exactly feels about other people’s situation. serious conversations? catch her yeet away from those. they render her uncomfortable, most especially if it is about her. however, seeing her friends gloomy doesn’t sit right with her that she does anything to make them crack a smile. 
believes that people should be left to roam free and that authority is useless and ruins the fun— hence why she’d always be caught defying them. yes, she uses her brain, but acts more towards intuition and what she felt like doing that day. so yes, she might loves setting her life on the line.
*   𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖙𝖍 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗   ╱  ᴡᴀɴᴛᴇᴅ ᴄᴏɴɴᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴꜱ .
plastic hearts   ╱   someone whom imojen shares a passion for music with. the both of you are like peas in a pod as you both are in the same wavelengths as each other. they may not have the same types of music, but open enough to share a plethora of music playlists.
angels like you   ╱   the typical bad-good influence trope wherein imojen’s reckless behavior and liberated thoughts on legalities have gotten your muse in various dangerous but fun adventures. on a flip, your muse may be the reason why imojen’s woken up at 8 in the morning, bright, well, and not hungover.
prisoner   ╱   an angsty and toxic relationship that imojen could not get enough of. everyone sees this partnership (romantic or platonic) of destructive nature, both of you may or may not know, but regardless it can never be broke off no matter how hard both try. 
gimme what i want   ╱   the typical fwb relationship, we can add spice to it, but on the base that’s the idea. 
night crawling   ╱   imojen’s ride or die, the person she would instantly run to for an adventure, midnight strolls, alcohol escapades, and vandalism. but as things you both do burst into haywire, you’re both aren’t afraid to be open to each other too and spill secrets or bodies hidden in the closet. 
midnight sky   ╱   perhaps a new acquaintance?? friend?? that doesn’t exactly have a first good impression of imojen?? maybe vomited on your muse the first time they met, or jen was really mean for no reason under the influence of alcohol?? she’s chaotic so perhaps it wasn’t a good first meeting. 
bad karma   ╱   imojen hasn’t been exactly an angel all her life, and perhaps karma has run around to bite her in her ass. your muse might’ve been somebody who hurt imojen; either a terrible break up or severing trust, let’s explore :D 
golden g string    ╱   a band :D maybe nothing too serious, just a group of pals playing and making music together :D  or maybe the group's been playing gigs for awhile now and wants to head into the big leagues :D
honestly im so down with anything so !!!!!!
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anothertimdrakestan · 4 years
Perfectly timed of me to stalk you page and see you’re doing ships 😈😈 I’m 5’6, blonde, generally confused as to what’s going on. I write a lot (obviously 😅), probably drink too much, regretfully makes cookies every week. I’m majoring in geography (I like mountains and glaciers and occasionally dabble in dinosaurs) personality wise I can be pretty outgoing but also very anxious. There’s nothing more that I hate than slow drivers and my cat is my best friend 😂 - catxsnow P.s ily 🥰🥺
I ship you with (table drumminggggg) WALLY WEST! HEAR ME OUT!!!!
- geography NERDS he's zooming you all over the country and memorizing all the dinosaurs just to impress you
- he'd play dinosaur pictionary with you all the time
- taking you to eat yummy food all around the world, says it's for your studies not his enjoyment
- no traffic when ur boyfriends a speedster!!!
- imagine chaotic 2am baking with wally, flour: everywhere. dick is probably telling both of you to shut the hell up but you quiet him with cookies (wally actually bought them from the store because he thought cooking them at 600 degrees would speed up the process but it destroyed the kitchen instead)
- when you're anxious he'd start peppering your face with kisses until you were laughing away the anxiety
- you're lucky you have two hands cuz if you're petting your cat you best believe wally is right next to you demanding head scratches too
- he likes to use your head as an armrest and tries to stack stuff on your head while you're writing
- his record is one cat, one empty coffe mug, three stale cookies, and your own laptop hahahaha!
- all the lowkey kisses man, writing? be ready for a kiss. in class? super speedy kiss. sleeping? cuddle attack. you're totally his favorite person in the world and he'd make sure you knew it 24/7!
how'd i do :)))) love ya! @catxsnow
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paraclete0407 · 3 years
That my favorite JLC novel was ‘Call for the Dead’ - a reference for the Black Death
Nora Roberts’ ‘Holding the Dream’ - ‘Project 521′
‘[Japanese word for bouquet] super-cruise
‘Afterburner’ - hands on shoulders
‘Disbelief in math’ - you [stole presence of breast]
‘Why am I so dumb’
Drinking boiling tea on empty stomach till fly, leap weightlessly
‘Mariposa 2016′ - why not be ‘wheeled out’ 
‘Speak while breathing in’
Oxygen from outside not needed; breathing is crutch
Do backflip; test of will
‘Germantown Lake’
Instant respect University School of Milwaukee
‘UW-Milwaukee (once) respected me’
‘The infliction
‘H3B’ - ‘Mutt Riley’ drug-dealer w/ heart of gold (fake stock character) ‘Malaysian Camille,’ fingers intercostal, ‘Liesl,’ point to books w/ furry boot-toes, ‘I want to kick that cat.’  Some kind of gov’t agency.  Girl w/ marmalade hair,
‘Gangster Opera’ - ‘__-ya what _ _ _ _’ - ‘penalty life’ 
‘Flamenco dance-hall poison gas massacre’ - ‘First Love’
‘The Persian Girl’ - NYC container-ship nuclear terrorism
‘Oxygen Girl and Lithium Boy’ - W. Allen ‘Jupiter Symphony’ - Green R-33  - ‘Yeppeo Harkke’ - ‘I’m not Allen; don’t want to know everything; I groom no one; I expect not to live forever; IDC abt ‘sexual awakening’  + doesn’t need to be taught.  Unoriginal sinner, un-special sophistication, ‘nubile’ - well f--- you and praise God f---face
Distributing the apple-baskets to the poor
‘Epipen’ hostess-bar; [fake name spoken by munch-crumple-idiot].  
‘The Coalminer’s Wife.’  Rutgers is Pyongyang; Mason Gross School of the Arts is Pyongyang; spiral staircase, why am I so dumb.  ‘Poetry-writing is like _ _ but novel-writing is like coal-mining.’  The small room, loom / weave.  Sleep in uniform apron / visor.  Blindness.  Hairband.  ‘If you wear this shirt on college 1st day will meet fut. husband.’  
Sitting in subterranean culvert, bride, pink silver white, orange light.  Kneeling in matte white in coal-hill.  ‘The village headman’s daughter.’  Candle.  Roman Catholicism implied.  
Legalistic, fat on health-foods.  Friend is skinny always burning self down, love of pizza.  ‘Sungjin.’  
‘Minister of the Right’ - ‘Scholar Jin and Lady Periwinkle’
‘Eternal Protector YSS his face was white to blacks black to whites spoke breathing in, racist in immutable divine capacity, picking up valuables from ground even if stolen property =/- smashing store-window to steal.  Terrible elephant-trumpet, sinking, PCH will burn me w/ cigarette-tip in Eternity.  
‘Sospira’ - mandatory euthanasia for piano-teacher after ‘genius student’ graduates
‘Man is woman and woman is b _ _.’  ‘Women are floors.’  
The bird says ‘laoshi.’  The rabbit approaches me; my son.  Little kids w/ armored lower legs will crush me.  
‘So tired from writing strip-club accounts by hand shoulder fatigue the RU Aryan Nation (inc. blonde Jewesses) easily bent her arm to make it look like suicide.’    
‘I caused WW3 due to collective hallucination and/or CCP deepfake; casus belli
‘We’ll give you a five-course meal then f--- you up + also plant bomb in stomach
‘I f---ig TOLD YOU
Mom trusted me with absolute trust-ness as we walked; Jew ‘Take your family _____!’  ‘Carlos Park,’ ‘I HATE Jews; they think they’re the only humans.’  ‘At least we can all agree about Obergefell(?!).’
Why Episcopalians sing about Socrates?
Tell parents, ‘Don’t you know how easy it is to generate deepfakes and say anyone did anything?’  They drove away leaving me outside Best Buy.
‘He’s like the Palestinians.’  ‘I really like you.’  Black boy in pom-pom-hat, tooth-smile, tinfoil.’  My Tibetan bracelet, Diamond Gym Maplewood
‘Meta-wolf.’  Painterly resolution of cinema.  Die at piano.  Stab self in right thigh.  
Looking in to the PC screen 2003 I saw the future; at the very end of the _ _ vid the katana right through her mouth and head / brain / skull.  Dads to plan Covid ultra-vengeance.  YSS, ‘I killed my sons to _ _ _.’  
St. Peter in sky
‘Delight of bread; it befits Man’s dignity... Xi Jinping likes _... delight stomach nursing school, orange sherbert, all ight getting beaten
The Black PhD woman wants me to apply lip-gloss(?!), will not expand on educational philosophy of institution - ‘I blah blah blah Harvard, middle class can’t live within means - Shanghai novel ‘What We Were Not Promised’ - ‘
Guidance counselor you f----- it up - incompetent reprobate self-hypermasculinizing crop-hair Jewess man up Derek Chauvin
‘The neural math Yuki Katakura, mirror neurons, decoupling, cannot ride the vestibule, Matt Chai, “Correspondence and Correlation’  Berkeley CA, ‘Catherine Chai’ emerald dress, McDonalds in the days when seats were fixed outside.  Michelle WAi funeral; she played guitar; commanded submarine, assassinated by RPG Arab terrorist.  G-36.  ‘Fantail.’
‘What’s Myeong Hyeongeso up to?’ - I really love my friend Cunningham whose heartrate spikes probably b/c he knows there’s CCP Yakuza assassins somewhere al the time thinking of murdering him
Daejin McDonald’s one night, I start singing ’Star Spangled Banner.’  Kim Jong Un launches missile arcing over cereal grain fields, I start singing ‘Star Spangled Banner.’
Literally 2015, ‘Trinity of Happiness.’  Later ‘finally enter.’  Gold label lite cigarette, ‘I’m gonna have my day!’
I gave the little kid money + he flipped out; he later tried to freeze himself to death as Texas Bill is manning up worried about magazine cliches, contributions to ROKA(?).  Kid quit due to voice but he’s still better than me!  Fire all these people, CDF, ‘Charles David Framingham,’ nuke Milwaukee, I don’t trust his data.  ‘I had so much sex before marriage’ - just die I read your magazine 3,0000 years ago.  I can’t believe anyone wants to be you; my grandfather was B-24 co-pilot, main pilot KIA, landed without landing-training, grapefruit morning, infinite wrist-strength.  I smashed up his house but he didn’t get mad, just stutter.  Dead-eyed f---face shooting every animal in Texas.  
Very much fear of P2 holiness but holiness-shyness even worse than love-shyness even more blasphemous, I sincerely hope he strangles me very soon
The evillest thing I ever thought, the ‘death of deaths,’ Kim Jong Il, what was he thinking?  I used to toy with TW-1, say word ‘zombie’  ‘How could you do that?!’  I didn’t liquefy girls’ skeletons or sth; it’s like Schindler’s List soundtrack; I just don’t know words for it.  ‘Final Gesture’ - Jesus to Judas ‘friend?’
Iraq War Day trail-running, later cognizance of Noam Chomsky Hiroshima Day.  Wanted to say Op. Olympic noble but in retrospect ‘Bells of Nagasaki’ + ‘swamp of Japan.’  My grandfather’s funeral, dad is, ‘We have all drunk from wells we did not dig.’  Chinese chicken eat, nap, I can run all the way up of the hill w/ African chat.  I like YooA ‘Bon Voyage,’ check CNS high reps, atrial fibrillation.
SHINEE fangirl ‘Stella(?)’ - noli me tangerine I know that stuff is ‘little stars.’  Awed at my gait  ‘If only they had stayed in hot pursuit.’  I wanna believe in all that stuff as well; I am also a dead-ender or last-chancer or last-caller; I admire Mari Iijima, ‘’Uncompromising Innocence.’  ‘Little Heaven’ but that’s Kim Jongilism or I’m worse than Kim Jong Il for thinking about ‘Agents Running in the Field.’  Timothy Keller, ‘I don’t like broccoli.’  I felt it was an innuendo and it made me think of HJ that gave me her number but I didn’t call b/c I’m against prostitution and I felt it’s fake number b/c everything is the Shadowplay.  I made stupid lewd stuff for years despite ‘Anointment’ and ‘When To Care’ - ‘toucan, macaw, demi-bra.’  Everyone thinks I’m a rapist but I’m not pressing my case; I don’t mouth-breath; I don’t spit.  I read ‘Sentimental Education’ and pre-targeted; I gave up; I wish Gen. McChrystal could be President or GWB 3rd term, conscience of Moon Jaein, ‘Weary Head.’  Thought I was ‘all hard’ for reading Natsume Soseki’s ‘Meian’ with ex-girlfriend’s smile at the end but he as dying then I started seeing kisses + wife-smiles and stuff; what’s Francis Chan up to?, does Mike Pompeo know I am real?  I liked 2nd Inuyasha movie, that song was about Mochida Kaori’s unborn niece or nephew, Kinokuniya Edgewater Mitsuwa.  The ‘Many Pieces’ live version ended with bass-note - ‘cantus firmus’ - instead of fadeout and wail.  Stone Lake NK Mountain morning.  Fav. Bible book 2 Timothy - ‘grievous wolves.’  & I used to listen to ‘Arirang’ and hear the Latin, ‘Respondemus’ - my favorite person said that Latin’s ‘quaint’ but it’s the lingua franca of the Roman Empire and that’s the final empire of this world that never went away; but this is a specific era, the great wave Delta and it’s not even the last iteration If I know anything about biological war or Satan.  Unironically fall on your face; ten billion jewel-souls tonight and this terrible fire rolling over.  I just simply pray for mercy on Milwaukee + somebody suspend their infinity-war-dueling over all the ills of yesterday back to Original Sin nd the Fall of Lucifer.  I’m unhappy that I know all this pop-culture; ‘worlds are swaying / someone is praying / please let us come home to stay’ or Kahi’s ‘One Love’ where at the end it uses the word for ‘I’ in the subjective case which is ‘arm confirmed identity’ 
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nobodies-png · 4 years
HC: Xemnas and the other Xehanorts love playing Animal Crossing.
Just because ACNH has been such a fuckin BEACON OF JOY in my life since it came out (even though I have no means of playing lol) i’m adding some general animal crossing Nort headcanons 
Master Xenahort :
He’d be a snooty goat, pretty obvious. All of his letters sound vaguely threatening and pretty creepy, but he also sends super rare furniture so it’s not like you can complain that much.  Whenever he’s in your town, all of your flowers are bound to turn black for some weird fucking reason. - no one knows if this is a feature or a glitch You have more chances of getting him to show up if you have a heart shaped pond for him to lurk around.
As for Xenahort playing Animal Crossing, weLL. Good luck getting this old boomer figure out how the controls and everything else works. He seems to like Isabelle a lot because “she’s efficient and a cute dog” but he ALSO likes Apollo and his litte “PAH !” catchphrase.  Xenahort could have a pretty gothic and aesthetic world if it weren’t for the fact that he struggles with technology. Also also the guy who’d listen to all teh fun facts Blathers has.
Ansem (Heartless) :
A jock/cranky boar maybe. The kind of villager you wouldn’t really give much thought about, he looks a little funky and emo but eh, it’s not a big deal - until you get into his house and see that it’s pretty much chaos. There’s furniture you’ve never seen and are those fucking GLOWING EYES in the background ? You don’t think you wanna know. Exclusively comes out at night when there’s literally no other villager awake and he’s never present during holidays or events.
Ansem wouldn’t even play Animal Crossing, ngl. He has 0 interest in the game and would most likely drop it after 10 minutes. Also why can he only call like ONE person in the attic ? Fucking whack, that’s not how phones work. Spends the entire time complaining about little things he doesn’t understand. Like come on, man they’re just funky talking animals, let them live.
Xemnas : 
A lazy wolf. More quiet and lethargic than actually lazy. The guy is pretty quiet the first days UNTIL you start befriending them, then you’ll discover that he’s actually a fucking chatterbox. You can find Xemnas on the beach at sunset just vibing most of the time or at the museum. After having him around for a while, you notice that he’s the only fucking villager in your town that hasn’t celebrated nor told you when his birthday is. His house is pretty minimalist and monochrome.
Xemnas doesn’t exactly “play” the game - he mostly just roams around, doing absolutely nothing or just talking with people while going “Hmmm” Ohhh” “I see. . .” and other noises to himself. Couldn’t figure out how to give Isabelle a seashell on the first days so he just dropped that shit on the town hall pavement and it’s been there since then. Xemnas also never learns the real names of the villagers in his town, he just names them after people he knows and calls it a day.
Vanitas :
Definitely a jock cat, but like, the mean kind. He’s just too childish and energetic to be a cranky villager lol - his catchphrase is probably some shit like “idiot”. Not even a nickname, he just adds that at the end of sentences. Vanitas (or Catnitas :punch: :pensive) runs through the flowers but ONLY when you’re watching, orders the weirdest and most complex coffee just to see if you can make it - and then when you show him that you can, he’s impressed but also angry cause now he has to drink that shit. If you get Vanitas on your town, there’s a high chance that Ventus also moves in right next to him and viceversa.
Vanitas claims that he doesn’t give a shit about Animal Crossing, but his town is impeccable and he WILL kill for the villagers he loves - even if he’d also just try to straight up kill the ones he hates lol. The type of guy who carries around an axe 24/7 for no reason other than aesthetics and to make a Statement (tm). His house is pretty ugly though and he gets mad because he just doesn’t know how to properly decorate it to get a good grade.
Young Xenahort :
Smug goat. Smug goat. SMUG GOAT. The 100% definition of smug bastard - old Xenahort at least had the decency to SEND you rare furniture, but this guy just DISPLAYS it all on his house and MAKES SURE you know how pitiful it is that you can’t have the same things as he does. His house is chess themed and he has a picture of Eraqus somewhere. All of his letters sound condescending and he tries to use really long words to sound cooler, but we all know the truth. 
Young Xenahort shares a switch with Young Eraqus so naturally they  share islands in ACNH. Eraqus didn’t really mind but Xenahort REALLY wanted to divide the island in half so that they could have their own territory. IRONICALLY, he spends most of the time on Eraqus’ side tidying shit up - because he just can’t help getting mad whenever he sees how messy everything is, with all the fucking fish just laying around because Blathers isn’t there yet. Young Xenahort also insists on only having white roses and is very hellbent on keeping a strict aesthetic.
Terranort : 
The snooty lion she tells you not to worry about. Also a bit smug, but not as bad as the actual Xenahort - he’s actually pretty tolerable, when he’s not giving you the cold shoulder. The villager that takes you 207456 years to actually befriend and who only likes super specific and rare items as gifts. It’s really funny to bully him around because he only gets angry and just stomps around all day after that.
Another sad lad who wouldn’t play AC BUT if he DID he’d have some intense lore and one man larping sessions with the villagers. Like, those people who get WAY too into it. And sadly that’s all I got on him because I wasted all of my juice on writing for the other guys who are all technically the same guy. 
Dark Riku : 
Stereotypical jock wolf - head empty no thoughts, only muscles, sports and a deep seated inferiority complex. If you send him fruit, he’ll send you garbage in return. The only villager who wil SMACK you back with a net if you hit him, but his letters are oddly ??? Pretty nice and normal too ??? Unlike all of his regular dialogue about beating you up at every single game and sport possible in this entire world. Like, calm down, bro. Calm down and have a caprisun. Brags a lot about his “friend Kairi” from another town, which is sad cause she doesn’t. Actually know him. At all.
 Like Vanitas, e-boy Riku says he “doesn’t give a shit about some animal AI from a kids game” but he actually does. Sable is BEST girl in his eyes and getting her to open up and share her story with him was a magical moment. The game is super soothing and it calms him down, he’d even listen to those Lo-Fi AC 24/7 streams on youtube whenever he needs to c h i l l.
Xigbar : 
Peppy panther, I don’t even have to tell y’all what his catchphrase is. Constantly breaks the fourth wall with little jokes, known to “teleport” - he kinda ends up showing up on every single store and building you enter, as if nothing happened. Sends you VERY specific letters describing shit he shouldn’t knowor stupid jokes and puns. LOVES to gossip about other villagers and gives you that Extra Lore and trivia about them - but whenever you ask others about him, they just Dont Know Anything About Xigbar. Are you SURE he’s in your town, mayor ? 
Xigbar would mostly play Pocket Camp because it’s easier than carrying around a fuckin ds or a switch. It’s also less work and it’s a nice distraction from all the drama going around in the real organization. To play ACNH or ACNL he probably leeches off someone else’s console and he’d exclusively visit others’ towns just to fuck with them or annoy them to death by surrounding their houses with pitfalls.
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sondpyo · 5 years
𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙮𝙪𝙡 𝙖𝙨 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙗𝙤𝙮𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙
a/n: this is kinda long phew ,,, i just love hangyul tOo much :(( enjoy !!
warnings: !!!!cursing
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let’s put the jokes aside
hangyul is probably the best boyfriend ever
he just IS
he does everything to make you feel comfortable
he buys so you food
he gives you piggy back rides when you‘re too tired
just,,,,,what a man
he cares about you 24/7
and likes to baby you
squishing ur cheeks and kissing ur puckered lips is part of his daily routine
but we ain’t complaining
because who doesn’t want to get hugged and kissed by hangyul
lucky YOU
and let’s not lie here
when was the last time you wore YOUR clothes
yes bitch im talking to YOU
you hang out in hangyul‘s hoodies and shirts everyday you literally robbed this man
but he loves it ngl
only when he has to go out with his friends and his closet is just....
...... empty
so he always takes his things back
but the thief you are 🤫🤫🤫
„what’s inside that bag"
„my love for you“
„ haha,, lmao,,, put that shit back to where it was."
and u just 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️💨
because what can he do haha
run after you and pick you up
yea that‘s exactly what he does so why did you even try honestly
and he just picks you up and throws you onto the couch
but ur mad like how can you not let ur own gf succeed in stealing ur things
at this point hes just asking himself why he’s even dating you
but yk he loves you so what can he do
y’all raised a cat together
that‘s how you two even met :(
one day you were walking down the street on a rainy day when you heard a little ᵐᵉᵒʷ
so you were like hold tf uP and looked around
only to see a little kitten on the street being comepletely wet and lost
when you crunched down you just could feel sadness radiating from her
yes it’s a female 👀
you were about to cry ngl watching a sad kittie made you sad
so you picked her up
buT sissie was a little wild 🤥
she tried to climb up your chest so you had to use ur other hand too and let ur umbrella fall
„nO kiTtIe stOP ah shit we‘re both wet now“
but after some time struggling she kinda calmed down but was still moving
you were comepletely wet
the shower you wanted to take later ?????? already done now
as you wanted to pick up your umbrella
another hand reached picked it up and held it above your head
you turned around and saw an extremely good looking guy
„ive seen a lot in my life but never someone walking outside in the rain with their kitten“
he was obv amused by the situation
you looked down to the kitten
„she’s not mine i just found her“
as you wanted to grab ur umbrella back
he pulled it back and insisted holding it for you as you walked back home
he just saw that u didn’t know anything about cats
so on the way back he told you a lot about cats and everything and you kinda started talking
and u were patting her head
when u reached ur house u were kinda unsure of what to do
because u cant just pull up to your family like lmAo look what I found
„i cant just leave her outside again“
so he just took her
„I already have two so why not a third I guess“
„but i found her >:("
„but you cant keep her“
true 😔😔
so he gave you ur umbrella and hid the cat under his jacket
so when he was already going you were like somethings not right
so you yelled excuSE ME
and he turned around
so you ran to him and gave him the umbrella
„no don’t worry I don’t need it“
but you just shoved it into his hands and walked back
before you would open your gate and get in you yelled that he should take good care of her so you waved him and went in
and he honestly just stood there
that was the moment where he kinda fell in love with you I guess
in the next days he brought you u ur umbrella back and u asked him if u could visit boba once
( i had to crackle at that name ne ways)
and he obviously was interested in you so he was like suRE !!!!!
and you eventually also started falling for him
so here you are 3 years later
a happy couple
confirmed mom & dad of a cat
boba sometimes still kinda attacks you but whatever I guess
and he always tells that story his and ur friends saying that he thought u were crazy
when he literally thought u were cute since the first second he saw you wbk
his fav places to kiss you is your face
when ur being too overly cute in his eyes he just kisses ur cheeks like a 100 times
and when ur being sad or stressed he usually kisses ur temples
but hangyul litterally is your emotional support boy
when ur sad or crying he just hugs you and doesn’t let go
he sometimes cracks up some stupid jokes just so he can hear a small laugh from you which always works tbh
there just isn’t a day where he isn’t by your side when you‘re in the wrong place
but when your upset or mad he usually gives you a little space since he knows that people usually need to figure it out themselves first before they talk to others about it
but if you want him to be with you he’s there in a second
and you appreciate that a lot
you two are the crackhead duo everyone fears
the last time played mario kart with the rest of his friends it ended with you and him laughing about some dumbass shit AGAIN
everyone is just tired by now and sighs,,,,,,,,
„is it crack???????? is that what you two smoke“
but u cant unsee the little smiles they have after watching you two for awhile bcs ofc they are also kinda happy that he found someone he can have fun and be himself with
h e e h e e fun 😼😼😼 18+
just kIdding
im keeping this family friendly
but lemme dRoP thAt real quick
hes a dancer so he sure knows how to work his hips o o p 👀👀👀👀
moving ON
teases you
all the time
„you‘re so tiny can u even see something down there.“
„you kinda grew.“
„that girl there is kinda pretty don’t you also think?“
and let’s just say
at this rate
his kneecaps are pretty much injured
but he doesn’t mean it like that
when he even senses that he’s going to far he simply kisses you and apologizes
personal hypeman
you don’t know iF you should wear that dress outside because you don’t feel pretty in it????
not with hangyul SWEETIE
hes like
👏🏻you 👏🏻are👏🏻slaying👏🏻that👏🏻dress👏🏻and👏🏻thats👏🏻on👏🏻PERIODT👏🏻
physical fights with him happen a lot and are normal
fun fights
cause my man ain’t abusive 😔
and ofc he wins
once he even threw you off bed
and u eventually hit your head
and he was literally caressing your head while trying to hold back his laughter
he calls it training for actual fights
hes pretty much overprotective
and swears that he’ll never let you out alone in the dark
so you kinda doubt these fights he talks about will ever happen
but whatever floats his boat 🤡
this is getting long
should I just make a part two
. shit
okay over all
hes soft for you
like everyone at first is kinda intimidated by him because he looks really manly compared to other guys even you were
but when they see how he treats you and looks at you and smiles at you and everything it’s just kinda gone then 🥺🥺
he deserves an award as best boyfriend
he also deserves all the love he gives back
don’t let him down
because he wouldn’t do that to you either even if u had a big ass fight
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astralkoo · 5 years
Beautifully Misfit
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‣ Genre: fluff, smutt, hybrid au
‣ Word Count: 2.08k
‣ Pairing(s): skunk!Jimin x reader, puppy!Taehyung x reader, bunny!Jungkook x reader
‣ Warning(s): very strong language, lots and lots of f-bombs so beware of that, bit of angst if you squint real hard, nothin else for this chapter so enjoy ;)
‣ to be aware of: sub!jimin, switch!taehyung, switch!jungkook, dom!reader, some kinky ass future happenings, BDSM themes, some heavy angst, and triggering themes. 
Summary: you never really saw yourself as a hybrid person. that is, until your best friend introduces you to his hybrid, and you suddenly find yourself craving the companionship. you only intended to bring home one. somewhere between the lines you ended up with three beautifully misfit hybrids who craved nothing but your love.
part. i | ii | iii | iv | v | vi (coming soon)
A/N; this is my first post on here, so I’ll make this short… thanks for reading, I’m sorry, ily
It hit you all of a sudden.
You were lonely. For about four months, you’ve been living in you home, working as an editor for your aunt’s absurd gossip magazine, eating solitary meals, sleeping in your admittedly cold bed, and you were just now realizing how lonely you’ve been all this time.
This wasn’t completely out of the blue. You had been feeling a nagging sensation of emptiness in the pit of your stomach for a while now.
But it wasn’t until you had your best friend’s hybrid curled up in your lap, playing with your hair, and babbling about his love for food and pretty things that it settled in exactly what that feeling was.
“You know, you’re kind of cute. Your face is… decent, I suppose. But Namjoonie is much cuter and— oh my gosh you’re crying,” Jin squealed in surprise, shock lighting up on his features as an onslaught of tears suddenly poured from your eyes.
“Shoot, I’m s–sorry, Jin,” you softly cursed, gently pushing the angora hybrid off your lap as you jumped to your feet, hands feverishly working to dry your wet cheeks.
“Was it the cute comment? I mean, it’s true, but I wasn’t intending to hurt your feelings… didn’t realize you were that sensitive,” he grumbled, pouting at the fact that you’d just ruined the mood for him.
You quickly shook you head, “no– no it wasn’t that, I just— shit, I mean, fuck, excuse my language.”
“Y/n! How many times do I have to tell you to watch your profanity around Jin— holy shit, why are you crying?” Namjoon gasped in concern as he walked out of the kitchen before running to your aid. “Did Jin hurt your feelings? I’m so sorry he has no filter whatsoever and says thing without thinking and—”
“It wasn’t that, a Joonie,” you cut him off with a sniffle, “I just realized something.”
Namjoon stared at you for a moment with worried eyes, before turning to his hybrid. “Jinnie, you stay here for a moment, y/n and I need to have a quick talk, alright?” The angora rolled his eyes, not appreciating the secrecy but not arguing to Namjoon’s relief. He quickly guided you into the kitchen, urging you to take a seat while he made you a glass of water.
“What happened? What upset you? Was it really not Jinnie because I know that he can be—” your best friend in ten years began to ramble out questions.
Chuckling lightly, you shook you head. “No, Joon. I swear it wasn’t anything Jin said. He’s a sweetheart, really. A bit blunt, if anything but nothing extreme,” you reassured him with a soft smile. He nodded, eyes swirling with a mixture of relief and confusion.
“Then, what was it?”
You sighed, turning away from him. “I just… I realized how lonely I’ve been.”
Namjoon settled himself in the seat beside yours, gently placing his hand over yours in a comforting gesture. “What do you mean? Lonely how? You know you’ve always got me, and now Jinnie.”
“Of course I know that. And I am so lucky to have you in my life, seriously. You’re the best best friend a girl could as for… when your clumsy ass isn’t breaking my shit, that is.” He gasped dramatically, swatting at your arm, causing you to giggle quietly. “But, we can’t be around each other 24/7, you know? You have your life, your job, your responsibilities, and now your hybrid; and I have mine– minus the hybrid.”
“What’re you trying to say?” He asked, searching your eyes for further explanation.
“I– I just… I hate being alone all the time. Especially in that big house. I’m home all the time, the only places I go are your place and the grocery store when my fridge empties. That’s really sad, Joon,” you muttered, glancing at your intertwined fingers.
“You’re right… that’s really pathetic, y/n.” You laughed, lightly kicking his ankle to which he grinned and squeezed your hand, “but seriously, if you’re so lonely… why not find a boyfriend?”
You snorted loudly at that. “Me? Boyfriend? Please, let’s not get too crazy here, Joonie. Try to keep it realistic, yeah?”
Namjoon rolled his eyes heavily at your response, scoffing softly, “I’m serious, y/n! When’s the last time you even got laid?” His voice dropped to a whisper at the last word, knowing his impressionable hybrid with impeccable hearing was just the next room over. You gaped at him, taking that as your turn hit his arm.
“I don’t see how that’s relevant to my loneliness in the least,” you countered sharply despite the glowing blush making its way into your cheeks, glaring at him pointedly.
He smirked, cocking a brow. “That long, huh?”
You scowled at him stubbornly for a moment. “…yes. Fine. That long, you asshole.”
“Thought so~” he sang, sticking his tongue out, “why don’t you get out there then, huh? It could do you some good, relieve some of that tension.”
“Because, Joonie,” you groaned, slumping forward onto the countertop, face dropping into your folded arms, “that’s not what I want. I don’t want a stupid hook up with some random guy I met in a germ infested bar. That won’t solve my problem, I’m lonely not horny.”
“Same thing,” he shrugged.
You decided it best to just ignore him, continuing, “but I don’t want a boyfriend either. Every time in the past that I’ve had a boyfriend, they’ve only caused me more trouble then they were worth. Either they found someone they found more attractive and ditched me or found someone more interesting and ditched me. Not to mention, guys are just all around dipshits.”
Namjoon pouted, pointing at himself and waiting for some kind of exclusion.
“Besides you of course, Joonie, you’re an angel. I’m talking about straight dudes. They’re the real problem in this society,” you confirmed with an angry huff.
Namjoon raised your half empty glass, “I’ll drink to that.”
“All guys do is cause problems. They will in no way help to solve mine. So now… I don’t know… I just don’t want to be alone anymore,” you groaned, slapping your palms over your face in frustration, “maybe I should just get a bunch of dogs. Become a crazy dog lady. That’d be fun.”
Namjoon was quiet for a moment. “Or… maybe… you could get a hybrid.”
You choked on air, eyes bulging out of your head. “What? No! You’re crazy.” You immediately shot down the idea, shaking your head rapidly.
You? A hybrid owner? Yeah fucking right. You can barely take care of yourself, let alone an entire other human– er, hybrid being. Not to mention you’d be a terrible influence, with your drinking and cursing habits. No hybrid would stand a chance in your home. Owning a hybrid is essentially adopting a child with animalistic appendages and habits. It was really a two for one. Which also meant two times the responsibility.
Responsibility you were anything but prepared for.
“What’s so crazy about it? You’re great with Jin, you took a course on hybrids in college so you’re well informed, and they make amazing companions,” he informed, hands waving around in emphasis.
You shook your head. “No way. I’m not a hybrid person.”
“Says who?”
“Says me! I don’t know the first thing about hybrids, I only took that stupid course in the first place for the easy grade!” You retorted quickly, before a sudden thought occurred.
“Well, personally, I think—”
“Shit what time is it?”
He glanced down at his watch, “almost ten, why?”
You lurched out of the chair, quickly gathering up your belonging, “I’ve got an article deadline at twelve is why, fuck.”
Namjoon nodded with a quiet sigh, following as you scrambled to his front door. Like the gentleman he was, he opened the door, only to stop you half way out it with a hand on your shoulder. You turned back to him with raised brows and a questioning glint in your eyes.
“Just think about it, okay? For me? I hate seeing you like this.”
For the sake of his sanity, as he had a tendency to over worry, you agreed, “okay, Joon. I’ll think about it,” giving him a parting hug before darting to your car, grumbling under your breath, “when you start eating pussy.”
In other words, you definitely would not be reconsidering your decision.
Okay. So you were reconsidering.
It had been a day since you had dropped by Namjoon’s place. A day since he’d made that absolutely ludicrous suggestion, which gradually looking less and less ludicrous.
It was almost… appealing.
A hybrid companion… that would definitely make the house feel a lot less lonely.
You even wondered about what type you’d get. A dog, maybe. You’ve always had a soft spot for puppies, and you can’t help but coo and swoon whenever you see one on the street.
A cat, perhaps. Cats could be annoying, but they also knew when to step back and give you space, which would be nice. A lot less maintenance than dogs. But dogs were cuddly as hell and you’d enjoy having a cuddle buddy, that’s for sure.
Now, this is all circumstantial depending on the breed.
Hell, you were really bad at making important decisions.
“Shit, focus!” You cursed, smacking your cheeks harshly enough to make yourself groan as the skin tinted a hot red. You were supposed to be working on an article your aunt had just sent to you for editing.
But god damn the only thing on your mind was hybrids, hybrids, hybrids, and… what do you know— more hybrids!
“Fucking mother fucker fucking bitch can’t mind his own god damn son of a bitch business,” you growled under your breath as you slammed your laptop shut and yanked your phone out of the pocket of your baggy sweat (perk of working at home; you never have anyone to impress) and aggressively typing in Namjoon’s number before holding it up to your ear, muttering angrily to empty air. After the third ring, he finally picked up.
“Hey, Y/n, what’s--”
“Fuck you, Kim Namjoon. Fuck you to hell.”
“Up,” a short pause, “okay, I admit, was not expecting that response, but okay. Any particular reason you’re fucking me to hell?” 
“Yes, hybrids. I want a hybrid so fuck you.”
“Why fuck me if you’re the one that wants a hybrid?”
“Because you’re the one that put the idea of hybrids into my head in the first place,” you hissed in retaliation, slamming your fist down on your desk for emphasis.
He snorted loudly, “well, it wouldn’t be in your head if you didn’t want it a little bit in the first place. My suggestion just made you realize what was already a subconscious desire.” 
It was your turn to pause, lips pursing together as you thought it over. Fuck, you hated logic and reason, always ruining all your fun. “Fuck, you’re right. In that case, fuck me, too. In fact, fuck everything, the world is bullshit and this is not what I signed up for.” 
“When has the world ever been fair, babe,” he chuckled. 
Groaning loudly, you slumped back in your chair, dramatically throwing your arm over your face. “I don’t know what to do, Joon.”
“Do you really want a hybrid? They can be a lot of responsibility, but they really do make phenomenal companions, especially if you get the perfect one for you.” His words were somewhat consoling for your brain, which was currently going on overdrive. 
You pouted, tugging your knees up to your chest. “Do you think I could handle it?”
“I know you can handle it. You’re a lot more mature than you give yourself credit for. And even if it gets a bit overwhelming, I’ll always be there to help you out, you know that.”
You nodded to no one in particular, gnawing at your lip with furrowed brows, buried in your own thoughts, a back and forth battle going on in your brain. Do you really want this? A hybrid all your own. It would be nothing like going and visiting with Jin, you knew that much. It would be completely your responsibility, your companion, all yours. 
For some reason, that thought brought a ghost of a smile to your lips. 
Yours. That sounds surprisingly nice.
“Okay,” you murmured softly. 
“Okay?” He repeated.
“Okay... it looks like I’m adopting a hybrid.”
1K notes · View notes
midnighthyuck · 5 years
Painting Home | seungwoo!au
summary: the arts club made you feel home. But you’d discover later that in fact, walking home with Seungwoo, the quiet emo looking guy, was indeed... well, home.
words: 2.680.
pairing: you & han seungwoo. 
a/n: this is my first time writing something like this. slow burn? a bit poetic? idk BUT i promise i’ll write better stuff from now on.
requests are open!
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Art Club. That was the only thing in your mind ever since you first heard about it from your new class mate. Moving hasn’t been the best experience so far, but in fact the new school was heaven (compared to your last and horrible experience, including arrogant girls and annoying ass boys). People were kind with the new student, always making sure you were feeling home. They were great. And the clubs as well.
Being in a bigger city offered uncountable new opportunities, from 24/7 stores to really interesting clubs in school.  
And for no specific reason the art club has been stuck in your mind. Of course, your dad opening an art gallery in the city did lean you to grow a bigger interest in the field, but it wasn’t the real reason that had you running to apply for the club before it was too late (and full of applicants). Maybe it was the feeling of ink in your hands. Perhaps the smell of wet paper and emollient that had always made you feel calm.  
In fact, painting always made you feel home.
But what got you shock in the second you arrived there was the lack of you exactly thought was going to be you worst enemy. People.
The club’s room for sure was not the biggest around school, you bet, but it wasn’t small. Or maybe it just seemed bigger thanks to the three boys in there.  
Three? Well, if your basic knowledge in math was correct, yes. Three people.
‘’Yes? Can we help you?” a guy asked from the back of the room, coming closer as he cleaned his hands on the already pretty dirty apron of his.
‘’Er, I'm here to apply for the club...’’ you said in a lower tone than actually expected.  
His expression got confused for a second, lightening up in next, opening the mouth in a honestly surprised smile. ‘’For real?’’ it only made the smile grow bigger once you mumbled a ‘yes’. You felt the warm touch of his hands on yours while taking you in the yet unknown place. ‘’Come in! Guys, we’ve got a new member”.
And now finally the others seemed to realize that you’ve been there.  
‘’I’m Wooseok! Those are Seungwoo and Eunsang. I’m the club’s president. You are...?’’ the friendly boy said, still grabbing on you.
“Y/N’’ you answered short, moving your gaze from your hand on his to his curious eyes, taking a barely audible ‘sorry’ from the guy. Once you felt free again, you took a while to observe the other boys in front of you.  
Eunsang, a weird guy with red hair. That was your first impression (the one that would change once you started spending time with the younger boy, becoming in fact one of your best friends).
Seungwoo, definitely a guy who didn’t speak much. And that followed from the next weeks, or maybe months, you weren't much sure.
The art club was everything you ever needed.  
You’d spend at least three hours, three times a week, in the place with the strong ink smell.  
As time passed your relationship with your colleagues had also started changing.  
Wooseok was a friendly person, that was clear from day one, but was also a moody one. Somedays he’d come to the (almost) empty room with bags of chocolates, ready to please his friends. On others, he’d come and go as silent as a ghost, barely seeming alive.  
Eunsang became a very dear friend. He’d act shy whenever someone praised him by his natural painting talents, but near you he’d be the annoying little brother you’ve in fact never had. He was a special boy, with a very sweet heart.
And there was Seungwoo, that even after all this long, had never started a conversation with you. Of course, you guys talked, it wasn’t as if you (or him) were stranger (yet you felt like it).  
‘’Today’s so hot.’’, ‘’Do you know where’s the yellow ink?”, “Wow it looks amazing!”, “Could you pass me the paint brush? No, no, the bigger one. Thanks.’’ and so on were the few times you had been brave enough to start a small (and when I say small, I really mean it) conversation with him.
But that was just fine. Some people don’t really talk as much as Eunsang does, you used to think.
Months had passed and you could say that for the first time you felt home.
The moody Wooseok, the annoyingly lovely Eunsang, the quiet Seungwoo. They were like family to you.
They were great to you. And for you.
Returning home late was not an usual thing, especially after school had closed. But you were up to the cleaning shifts on that day, and as Wooseok would love to point out, you can be very slow sometimes.  
Walking past the subway station where you stop by every day you heard a horrifying whistle, hurrying the pace, no daring to turn around and check if it wasn’t just your imagination.
‘’Hey, want me to take you home, princess?’’ a disgusting voice came from what seemed to be behind you, but not for sure. ‘’Why are you running, bae? Let’s just talk.’’
I’m not running, you thought, before you could think once again and maybe run for real, an almost unrealistic shaped shadow became solid right in front of you.  
Screaming was a great idea, but nothing was coming out. You tried to move, but your body just wouldn’t respond.  
‘’Get the fuck out of here, asshole.’’ the hard as rock shadow in front of you said, emotionless.  
Scream stupid, scream! Your mind shouted at yourself. And nothing. When you thought it’d be the end of you, a familiar voice whispered at you, making you finally relax after all.
‘’They’re gone. Why are you walking alone around here at this time?’’ Seungwoo asked.
Seungwoo talked to you first, for the first time, you thought, smiling without realizing.  
‘’Why are you walking alone around here at this time?’’ you made Seungwoo frown. How could she make a joke like that when she was shaking so bad 5 centimeters in front of him?
‘’I live near by.’’
‘’Well, same.’’ you smiled once again, trying to move forward to go home, but your legs were just shaking too much. ‘’I’m so scared’’ you laughed ‘’I’m so fucking scared I can’t walk.’’
Seungwoo helped you to seat nearby the convenience store, right next to your house, but that detail the boy didn’t know. He ran in and came out in what seemed like five seconds so far, bringing you some strawberry milk. For the first time Seungwoo was talking.  
He talked about the weather, about his family and how his sister hated the fact that he’d stain his uniform with ‘ugly ass ink’ at least once a month, he talked about Wooseok’s joke earlier that day, he talked about how he felt sorry for not talking to you enough to know that you guys lived close.
‘’Let’s walk home together from now on’’ he said at last, watching you finish the small milk box.  
From the next weeks you started finding yourself way comfortable around Seungwoo. Walking home, different from what you had thought, was not so quiet.  
Seungwoo did talked a lot when feeling like it. He was a good company.
And that was problem.
Seungwoo was a very good company, making you flutter sometimes.
You had always been aware of his good looks, but his personality was even... sweeter.  
That was just a thing in the first months, but after you found out by chattery Wooseok that a girl had confessed to him, you found yourself sulking, almost angry. Jealous.
That wasn’t right.
But how to take away feelings you’ve got no control in?
Perhaps painting. And so you did.
You expressed all yourself on those fabric canvas. For the next three months you secretly cried your heart out on those, hoping that’d take away that feeling you had never wished for.
One day, walking back home, you suddenly felt like crying at a specific scene.  
Seungwoo was smiling at you, screaming ‘hurry’ while pointing at a couple of stray cats on the other side of the street. The traffic light was red. You had to wait. And for a second, like a light bulb exploding inside your mind, you were sure.
You were in love with Seungwoo.  
But just like that red light, you were stuck.
You knew you could never reach him.  
‘’Are you ok?’’ Eunsang asked, taking a sip of his milkshake.  
That day you didn’t go home with Seungwoo. You said you felt like spending time with your fake little brother. And so you did.
‘’I will be ok’’.
‘’What’s up? You might think that I and the other guys haven’t realized, but we did. Your paints have gotten so... different?’’
“What do you mean by that’’
“I mean we know there’s something going on in this pretty little head of yours.’’
“I just need some time, ok?”
“Yes, ma'am.’’ Eunsang laughed. “But you know I’m here for you, don’t you?”
“I do.” you caught up yourself smiling. It was good having friends like him.
‘’You seem better today.’’ Wooseok pointed, passing by you and taking a look at your current work. “Wow, we even got color on it this time! I don’t know what Eunsang has done yesterday, but it worked.’’
‘’Shut up’’ you laughed, being followed by Eunsang in the corner of the room.
Later that day you and Seungwoo stopped by a furniture store, it was your mom’s birthday soon and you had started looking for a nice gift.  
‘’I know we’re not that close, but, you know, if you need help you can always ask me.’’ Seungwoo said out of blue.
‘’Er, I guess I know and that’s why I dragged you in here’’ you laughed.  
‘’That’s not what I mean.’’
“What do you mean then?” you asked robotically while running your fingers on the shelf in front of you, taking a better look on those decoration mugs. Your mom would probably like it, you thought.  
You’ve got no answer, but it was ok. That was just Seungwoo, he’d hang up in a conversation once in a while, perhaps lost in his own thoughts.  
You thanked the cashier before leaving the store with the burgundy classic shaped mug hanging on a plastic bag.  
‘’I mean... I care about you. I really do.’’ Seungwoo said before you entered home.
You didn’t sleep that night.
Canceling the once daily ‘home walks’ with Seungwoo became so frequent you didn’t have to even cancel anymore. He just wouldn’t wait for you in the entrance door.
A part of you was happy that you succeeded in pushing him away, other part always held a small spark of hope deep inside your heart, hoping he’d be there, waiting for you while checking something on his phone, and that he’d smile once his gaze met yours. That part of you died daily once he wasn’t there.
Instead, Eunsang was on your company almost every day.  
The first time Seungwoo missed club activities you felt something was off.
The second time you couldn’t keep your mind straight.
After two weeks of skipping activities you couldn’t help.
When conscience hit you, were standing on his front door, knocking like crazy.
‘’Why are you he...’’ he couldn’t finish. You didn’t let him to do so.
“Why are you missing club activities?’’
‘’You could’ve just messaged me, you know.’’
‘’Can’t you just answer me?’’
“What, do I own you answers now?”
You froze.
“I’m just worried. That’s what friends do.’’ you said, holding you tears down your throat trying to cover up your voice as well.
A hint of guilt made itself present on Seungwoo’s face. He really wanted to be mean, to send you away because looking at you now was painful. But seeing how much reaction he caused on you the stupid melting side of his could let him go on.
‘’Sorry... I just need to be alone for a while.’’
“Can’t I be with you?’’
He blinked twice, swallowing his words down his throat. “No.’’  
“Wooseok misses you. Eunsang too.’’ you mumbled. “I miss you.’’
Now Seungwoo was finally looking at you. In fact, it was as if he was looking through you, trying to find out something you didn’t know what.
He said nothing else. Neither did you.
Another week had passed by and no sign of Seungwoo’s lovely aura in the art club.  
After what seemed an entire month, but actually were just two weeks, he returned. No questions, no news, no nothing. It was as if nothing had ever happened.
The end of the year was close, three months exactly.  
Wooseok was giving instructions to you, who’d be the new president of the club while Eunsang and Seungwoo were finishing cleaning the floor.  
Seungwoo and Wooseok were graduating from high school and although the president appeared excited with the idea of College, your (yet) secret crush didn’t seem as happy.
The next week were based in taking off the seniors' paintings of the room.
That was when you found a very curious one. ‘’Home’’ you read out loud. For no reason the image of a child with light colored clothes walking around the flower field running to a shadow stuck in your mind for the past days.
‘’I guess Seungwoo painted about death, what do you think?” you could still remember Wooseok’s question.
But that was not it. Not death.
You tried to smile in the picture, but acting was definitely one of your poorest skills.  
You would miss them.  
You would miss him.
And maybe telling him how you felt was a good idea, but you didn’t.  
When Wooseok and Eunsang left to buy some popsicles to you all, you sat next to him, feeling alive one last time.
‘’Will we see each other again?’’ you asked. That would be the last time you’d start a conversation with him.
For a while Seungwoo made himself quiet. ‘’Perhaps.’’
You smiled sadly. So that was it. No happy endings. No final kisses. No happy forever.
“I’ve got something for you’’ he said once again before you could think about crying.  
And so he handed out, the beautiful yet mystery painting. Home.
“What’s home for you?’’ he asked.
“I don’t really know.’’ you said, taking the canvas as if it was glass. “What’s home for you?”
“I don’t know either.’’
“I’ll miss home’’ you felt a tear dropping by your cheeks. “I guess I will really miss it.’’
That day for one last time you walked home together. Feeling the heart ache each step you’d take.  
You took forever to walk out from the subway station that day, and took even longer to arrive home. Arriving home but leaving home. What a funny story. When preparing to wave goodbye, you felt it.
Annoyingly comfortable and warm.
“When I said I cared about you, I meant it. And when I said I don’t really know what’s home like, I also did. But strangely I think I’m almost there when I’m with you.’’ Seungwoo held you like there was no tomorrow. And there wasn’t. “I’m gloomy and shy and quiet and I’ve got a short temperament, I also hate myself for being jealous of you. Especially about Eunsang... I hate that I can’t control this feelings. I hate that I feel so good when I’m with you. But... I do like you. So much.’’
“Why did you take so long to tell me all this?” you felt the tears running. ‘’We could’ve walked home every day. We could’ve spent more time together. I could’ve confessed to you. I could’ve... given you so much love.”
“Is it too late to be home?” Seungwoo smiled at you, running his fingers on your face, getting rid of those tear drops.
‘’It’s never too late to be home.’’
And yes, the kiss. The so waited final kiss.
“Welcome home.”
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blouisparadise · 4 years
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Here is a list of amazing bottom Louis fics that were posted or completed during the month of December. Between the first month of the Bottom Louis Fic Fest and all the other fics that authors posted throughout the month, it’s clear that this was a great way to end off a great year of bottom Louis fics! We really hope you enjoy this list.
Happy reading, and have a Happy New Year!
1) The One Where Harry Fucks Louis While Wearing A Ballerina Dress  | Mature | 1440 words
So now here he is, Harry Styles, one of the biggest pop stars of this generation, about to head on national tv with a ballerina dress and an hard on. Life truly is amazing.
2) A XXX-Mas Miracle | Explicit | 2078 words
Harry's favorite camboy is doing something special for Christmas. He can't exactly miss it, can he? Absolutely not.
3) Pretty, Pretty Lights | Explicit | 2827 words
It's the first time Harry and Louis have been home for Christmas together since their parents got married. More importantly, it's the first time they've been home together since they'd presented. They meet up under the glowing lights of the Christmas tree.
4) Fine Line | Explicit | 3281 words
This is just a tiny fanfiction that in my head was really just a Survival Instinct spin off, but then became a thing of its own.
5) Starlight In Your Eyes Of Blue | Mature | 4360 words
Harry is in New York while Louis is back home at London waiting for Harry’s return. Unfortunately, Harry may be unable to come back home in time for Christmas and most importantly—Louis’ birthday. Louis can’t wait any longer to be in a bed that’s no longer empty but in the end it changes.
6) Christmas Glows With Love | Explicit | 4837 words
Harry, a photographer, is taking photos for a porn magazine cover. Louis, a solo porn star, is up for just about anything!
7) When You Touch Me, Paint Me Like A Van Gogh | Explicit | 4866 words
There's a cricket in the room.
Louis is pulled from a hazy dream state by the startling knowledge that there's a cricket in his room.
(Harry has been away for a month. He comes home to Louis in the middle of the night - dramatics and smut ensue.)
8) Have A Little Bit Of Pride | Mature | 5906 words
They had talked about going to pride together since they started dating 3 years, but had always been too busy during the month of June to make the move to actually go, but this year they had convinced the boys to go so they cleared their schedule to take part in as many activities as they could.
Or Harry is Louis' really hot boyfriend who keeps getting flirted with at pride, so Louis confronts Harry. Sex ensues.
9) Somebody Gets Hurt | Explicit | 6796 words
Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles have been romantically linked for years. The couple threaten their careers after trying to amuse themselves on a slow day.
10) My Little Omega | Mature | 8339 words
Harry Styles is a well-known boxer that happens to be an alpha. He also happens to be in love with his omega neighbor, Louis.
11) Lights, Camera, Acción (You Can Be My Daddy) | Explicit | 8845 words
Basically, Louis is a slutty little camboy and Harry fucks him. It's literally just porn and the plot is only there to connect the smut scenes.
12) Should Be, Meant To Be | Explicit | 9174 words
Prompt #65: Louis signs up for a Sugar Daddy dating website on a drunken dare. He forgets for a while, until one night he gets a notification for a message request from none other than his really hot (really rich) boss, Harry Styles.
13) Winter Night Traveler | Explicit | 9398 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
A dangerous snowstorm leaves Louis stranded in his cabin. Lucky for him, he gets an unexpected visitor...
14) Call If You Need Me | Mature | 9419 words
If anyone asks later on, Louis plans to tell them that it’s all Niall’s fault.
15) The Time is Now for Me And You | Explicit | 9944 words
Note: This fic included because it is part of the Bottom Louis Fic Fest, but the main pairing is Liam/Louis rather than Harry/Louis.
Louis inhales shakily and then buries his face into the crook of Liam’s neck and cries. Liam just holds him close, keeping his hand moving lightly along Louis’ spine to let him know that he’s here and that he will be alright, despite Liam not knowing what’s going on.
It doesn’t take longer than a few minutes of crying before Louis extracts himself from Liam’s embrace, seemingly having collected himself enough to not break down again.
“Do you wanna tell me what all this is about?” Liam asks gently, keeping a gentle hand on Louis’ arm.
“We broke up.”
or; Liam is a weenie and Louis is a mess.
16) By the Still Of Your Hand | Mature | 10630 words
Louis has a little insecurity, Harry makes him feel better about it.
17) If My Heart Was A Compass, You'd Be North | Mature | 11121 words
Louis is a famous travel vlogger, and Harry is a famous vlogging food critic. They travel the world with their best friends and fall more in love with every continent they step foot on. When Louis' love declaration threatens Harry's dreams of giving Louis the perfect proposal, craziness ensues.
18) Foolishly Laying Our Hearts On The Table | Explicit | 11262 words
The one where Harry is in love with his best friend Louis but doesn't think he stands a chance until some wisdom teeth and a rather unusual confession might just change his mind.
19) Pour Decisions | Explicit | 12203 words
Prompt 80: AU where drunk!Louis fills out a fake job application for hot boss Harry Styles, including lurid details about his ‘desired position’ and ‘qualifications,’ and accidentally submits that instead of the real one.
20) Wrap Me Up In Your Love | Explicit | 13223 words
Every time Louis tries to tell Harry his big news, they always get interrupted. Louis becomes increasingly more frustrated as Harry becomes more confused about his Omega’s behavior. Or the one where Louis is pregnant and keeps getting interrupted in the most obscure ways every time he tries to tell Harry.
21) Just A Little Taste | Explicit | 13257 words
Louis works at The Blind Bat as a bartender during one of the busier times of the night. Typically, there’s one bartender on duty, his best mate Niall Horan, but Louis steps in to help with the demand. There’s always someone who needs a drink, a menu, or something to replenish their energy. He also has to look out of the humans who willingly allow vampires to feed on them. He’s quite protective of the regulars who come to get their kicks with a quick drink and a bite. A vampire’s bite, and the rush of endorphins that come with it, can be addicting. He should know.
22) Wake Me Up With It | Mature | 13699 words
The one where Louis makes Harry tell him a kink he's never gotten to try out, and then he offers to do it with him, which leads to Harry's heart exploding afterward when Louis seems to have meant it as a one-time thing. Featuring a pining Harry, a scared Louis, and excessive use of the word baby.
23) You'll Be Home For Christmas | Not Rated | 15214 words
“Honesty, Lou, just ask Harry for help.”
Louis remained silent as he continued to scowl at the Christmas calendar Niall had hung on their refrigerator.
“And be nice to my calendar filled with holiday cheer,” Niall instructed. “You’re going to burn a fucking hole in it from the way you’re glaring at the innocent thing. It’s not the calendar’s fault that your heat is starting so close to Christmas.”
24) Everything I Do | Explicit | 16390 words
Harry’s ready, has been for a while now, and he’s fairly certain Louis is too, it just hasn’t been on the top of their priority list. There have been offhand mentions, a comment here and there, more in jest than anything, no serious discussion or consideration. Harry stands up straighter, a stomach-churning thought forming in his mind. Has Louis been waiting for him to ask?
OR the one where Harry finds a book of Elizabethan courtship rituals which sets in motion a series of events that can lead to only one conclusion.
25) Don't Call Me Angel | Mature | 16648 words
Manhattan is a dangerous playground for the rich and entitled Alphas of New York. Those same wealthy Alphas are robbed after spending one night in the presence of a blue-eyed Omega and Officer Styles is assigned to the case.
26) Paint Me A Literature Of Love | Explicit | 18513 words
Harry loves literature. It also just so happens he falls in love with a painter who is the perfect subject for prose and poetry.
Louis loves art, specifically acrylic. It seems perfectly fitting that he finds a man that inspires him to paint with all the colours in his supply.
27) Sweeter Still When We're Alone  | Explicit | 20066 words
Louis is looking up at him, eyes glazed over and fucked out. His hair is a mess and Harry truly feels like he’s fallen under Louis’ spell.
“That’s right, you little witch,” he groans. He grabs the back of Louis’ hair and pulls it so that his head is tilted so far back that they’re barely centimetres apart, breathing in the same air. Harry closes his eyes and moves closer.
Nobody ever tells you that love potions taste like cherries.
28) Absolutely Smitten | Mature | 20121 words
Adopting Clifford was a way for Louis to finally cope with his loneliness, as a lively dog would spice up his life and his boring daily routine. Now, he surely didn’t expect Clifford to lead him to meet one strange man obsessed with his cat that he walks and cooks with.
Somehow, Louis falls in love pretty fast along the way.
Or. Louis is walking his dog. Harry is walking his cat. Leashes get tangled, and feelings too.
29) Ready To Fall | Explicit | 21220 words
“Ninety and rising,” Nick says triumphantly, as though making Harry’s heartbeat pick up by thrusting an obscenely attractive person in front of his face is any kind of success. “Louis Tomlinson has just walked into our control room and suddenly our dear Harry Styles has lost all ability to speak. Could this be some kind of strange coincidence?”
“I hate you,” Harry hisses, forcing his eyes back into Nick’s direction, uncaring that the mic must have picked it up. “I thought we agreed that you were going to play fair.”
“I’m sure I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Nick denies, except he’s holding up a picture of Louis’ face now, sharp cheekbones prominent, soft lashes nearly sweeping against his cheeks as he looks down, and his fucking mouth –
“A hundred and two!” Nick crows, all but clapping his hands together in glee. “The highest it’s ever been!”
“To be fair, I did bend over the desk on purpose,” Louis’ voice comes crackling in the headphones. Harry practically breaks his neck whipping his head around at the sound of it, gaping at him through the glass panel. “You can’t really blame him for getting a little excited about that, can you?”
30) Written In The Stars (That's You And Me) | Explicit | 22632 words
Louis pushes himself up on one elbow and stretches enough to just barely trace his fingertips over Harry’s jawline. Harry’s eyes drop to track his movements as he does it again. “D’you feel that?” he whispers.
To him, it feels like all of the universe’s magic lives just beneath his skin when he touches Harry with intent. It feels like something special. Louis watches Harry’s lips part and wants to touch that too. He almost does, but then Harry shakes his head. “Feel what?”
Written for the prompt: Louis is a funny and bratty psychic and Harry is set on proving he's a scam.
31) Bloom | Explicit | 24887 words
When they first meet at Harry’s flower truck, Harry falls hard but Louis’ unavailable. Only before long, Harry reignites a spark that Louis thought long forgotten.
32) Swept Me Off My Feet (Took My Heart And Took Me Down) | Explicit | 25447 words
When Louis had decided to reopen his mother's bakery, he never thought a charming alpha would walk in through the door, let alone fall in love with him over tea, dessert and music.
33) The World Is Vast  | Explicit | 25858 words
“I hate this. I fucking hate this so fucking much.” Harry began to cry. “She was only 17 for fuck’s sake. She had her whole life ahead of her! She should be researching colleges and skipping school to hang out at the mall. She should be playing with her little brothers and helping her mother in the kitchen with dinner. This is bullshit! Complete bullshit! I thought I could do this, I thought…”
He didn’t finish his sentence. Instead he kicked the brick wall before collapsing against it, his head back, rain beating against his face, mixing with his tears.
They stood in silence for a few moments before Harry looked to Louis. He saw the same sadness and sorrow as the night before. He felt the same connection, the same feeling that he and Louis were alike - both broken looking to belong.
Or - The Killing Au.
34) Ours Are The Moments I Play In The Dark | Mature | 30830 words
Jane Austen's Persuasion AU. Nine years ago Louis Tomlinson was persuaded to break off his engagement to Harry Styles, a poor sailor. Since then Louis has come to regret being so easily convinced to give up his one chance of happiness. Now Louis' family is in debt and his childhood home is being sold. In a complete reversal of fortune, Harry has returned to England a wealthy bachelor looking to settle down. Events conspire to bring them together once more though Louis is- must surely be- the last man on earth that Captain Styles would think of now.
35) Building Me Up (But Buttercup, You Lied) | Explicit | 31007 words
Harry’s mouth felt dry just saying those words. What he had with Louis was so much more than a simple ‘fuck buddies’ situation. It was slow kisses in the morning between soft sheets and shy smiles, it was holding hands in the afternoon while walking and eating ice cream. It was breakfast for dinner, laughing and licking honey from each other’s lips as they shared goals and even some secrets, it was happiness, it was glow.
To Harry, what he had with Louis meant everything. Until Louis decided it meant nothing.
36) From The Start | Explicit | 32171 words
Louis has no idea that one act of kindness will cause his life to spiral out of control. But that's what happens when his new friend fake proposes to him and a video of it goes viral.
37) Listen To Your Heart  | Explicit | 35019 words
Louis has always been comfortable being Harry’s one and only. When Harry starts to branch out, Louis has a hard time letting him go.
Harry is very lucky to have someone who listens to what he has to say, despite the fact that he’s deaf. He’s finally feeling like he’s coming into himself, but Louis seems bothered by his newfound confidence.
38) Every Lonely Place | Explicit | 38062 words
Facing the fact that he’s been prioritizing his career over his relationship, Harry proposes to his longtime boyfriend Louis on a whim. But when yet another work emergency takes precedence over their plans, Louis decides he’s had enough. Harry goes to bed drunk and alone, and when he wakes, he finds himself in an entirely different world. Over and over again, Harry visits a lifetime he’s once lived, across time and dimensions. And wherever there’s a Harry Styles, there’s a Louis Tomlinson.
39) Now That This Old World Is Ending | Explicit | 49184 words
Needing a good distraction from his broken heart, Louis Tomlinson goes on a camping trip with his friends to Northern England. However, a different kind of distraction arises when his friends disappear from their camp. Hellbent on finding them, Louis soon discovers that the area has been taken over by a cult and teams up with a resentful archer with fire in his eyes and blood on his hands.
Far Cry inspired AU.
40) You'll Find Me (In The Region Of The Summer Stars)  | Explicit | 49929 words
Or the one where they're all greek gods except for Harry, who thanks to Niall has to defeat everything from sirens to giants to dragons in order to survive. What Harry doesn't know is what could be waiting for him at the end of his quest -anything from nymphs to dryads... or even a certain soulmate omega.
41) Thinking About The T-Shirt You Sleep In | Explicit | 52489 words
Harry's alpha fraternity donates to a local thrift shop (because of Liam's latent crush on a cute beta in his lecture). Louis' financial situation (and confusing omega instincts) lead him to make some interesting fashion purchases. Lots of pizza, feelings, and not-really-lying.
42) Warming Up to You | Explicit | 56227 words
“I feel you,” Harry nods along as he zips his bag open, carefully pulling out his fancy looking camera before pressing a button to turn it on. “I love taking pictures for a number of reasons, but I think the best part of the whole thing is that I’m able to go through my older pictures and have all these memories from those moments come back to me.”
He puts the camera against his eye and points at Louis, and before the shorter one can even react, he hears a ‘click’, and Harry’s smiling down at the screen of his camera.
“And I don't think I want to forget about the day I got stranded in a cabin with a pretty stranger,” he finishes off.
43) Not That Gone | Explicit | 61995 words
Note: This fic has mentions of BH.
A few weeks after Louis and Harry, *ahem*, reconnect at their high school reunion, Harry temporarily moves back home. Louis isn't sure he has the emotional fortitude for a prolonged fling with the man of the dreams.
44) Beautiful Stranger | Explicit | 66074 words
When Alpha Harry Styles attends the Gucci Cruise 2020 show, he knows what to expect: clothes, clutch bags, and a few too many pretentious people. What he doesn’t expect, however, is to run into an Omega who is more beautiful than anything on the runway.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
You can find other monthly roundup fic rec lists here.
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stick-man-simp · 4 years
Some stuff about my stick oc Evans that no one asked for!!!
You wanna hear my headcannons about the actual thsc characters?? To bad!!! /j/lh (under the cut cus this is long lol)
1. What’s your oc’s most irrational fear? Is there a specific reason this fear came about?
They’re really afraid of something happening to their neck, like you know, that kind of stuff, ouch, no real reason for this fear, they just have it. They’re also really afraid of being abandoned and being alone oof
2. Is your oc picky about food? What kinds of foods do they like and dislike? What do they consider a comfort or “safe” food?
They hate tomatoes and milk with a passion, but otherwise most foods are okay with them, it’s more about the texture for them, not the taste, but if it has a weird texture, big oof moments. They really like any sort of fast food (except Wendy’s) and they love Dr Pepper so much lol
3. What does your oc’s voice sound like? (Or, if you have one, what’s their voiceclaim?) Can they sing, whistle, or roll their rs? Do they have any speech impediments or notable dialects/accents?
Their voice basically sounds like mine, but low key deep, and kinda raspy too. They can sing alright, not great but they like singing along to songs. They can whistle really well, the kind of really good whistling that pisses you off >:) lol. they cannot roll their r’s lol haha loser can’t roll their r’s :’). they used to have a stutter as a kid and it comes out when they’re really upset.
4. Is your oc good at keeping secrets?
They are great at keeping secrets, because they care a lot :), but also cus they have terrible memory and will probably forget it lol
5. What kind of clothes is your oc most comfortable wearing?
Their usual comfy everyday outfit is just a t-shirt and jeans, and hoodie when it’s cold. Same thing at home, but sweatpants or pj shorts
6. What kind of clothes is your oc least comfortable wearing?
Dresses >:( they’re ugly and uncomfortable, also flip flops, they hate them (they wear crocs lmao)
7. What song reminds you of this oc? Does this match up with the type of music your oc likes to listen to?
I actually made whole a playlist for them oop- https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7qxg8Wm7qbMXKu2FRBKYI4 It kind of matches what they would listen to, upbeat with kind of sad lyrics
8. What’s it like inside your oc’s mind? (Literally, or metaphorically.)
No thoughts head empty, jk it’s a mess, they may seem really chill and confident on the outside, but on the inside they are always worried about saying the wrong thing and scaring people away, they just want friends :’(
9. What are your oc’s goals for the future? Relationship-wise, career-wise, or other?
Nothing much, they don’t like thinking about the future, they just go with the flow really, not good but whelp, it’s going ok so far. NO relationships tho, they are aroace, but boy do they wish they had some friends oof
10. Who’s the first person your oc goes to to talk about something that made them happy? Sad? Angry?
Usually... no one, maybe their cat or maybe their mom, but in the time where Evans is friends with Ocelot (Coelpts oc), they would go to him about literally everything lol and then get worried about annoying him oof
11. Does your oc have any interests/hobbies that they hide from everyone? Why do they hide these interests?
Not really, they have a bunch of hobbies, but cringe culture is dead so they are open about them all to whoever asks, but no one ever does aaa, but they do stuff like gaming, drawing, knitting, embroidery, baking, cooking, model trains, lots of stuff
12. How does your oc handle talking to somebody they can’t stand? What if it’s a situation where they’re forced to work with this person?
They don’t lol, they don’t take shit from no one and will say to their face that they don’t like them lol, but if they have to work with them, they will cooperate, but their gonna be a bastard about it
13. What’s your oc’s dream home like?
A cozy cottage in the woods, with lots of hiking trails all around, a chicken coop, and close to their friend’s house :’)
14. If your oc spent one day free from any consequences or recognition for their actions, how would they act?
They wouldn’t do much lol, probably just steal a bunch of Dr Pepper and snacks from the store
15. What’s your oc’s morning routine like?
They wake up at like 6 am and scroll on their phone in bed for a bit, and then get up at 7:45 to get ready lol, and leave at 8 to got to work, I mean it works but wtf Evans
16. What’s your oc’s nighttime routine like?
They usually just sit on the couch with their cat and some snack and watch TV or play games for a while before going to bed and scrolling on their phone for like an hour before finally passing out
17. If your oc had a social media page, what would it be like? What would they post about? How much personal information would they feel comfortable posting on it? How often would they update it?
They have a Tumblr, they don't make many posts, just reblog stuff, and they would totally share their fucking home address  if someone asked nicely, they are unhinged
18. How does your oc see themself? How does this compare to the way other ocs see them?
They look at themself and think ‘woah that’s one sexy motherfucker’, they are a bastard man with way too much confidence, I don’t have any other os’s that would interact with them, but Ocelot totally thinks of them as just a big dumb puppy (he would never say that out loud tho lol)
19. How would an enemy describe this oc?
An arrogant son of a bitch (and they’d be right >:D)
20. What’s a superpower or magical ability that this oc would hate having?
Being able to read peoples minds, they would hate this so much, because it would make them feel evil and uncomfy, and they don’t wanna know what people are thinking about them, they think it’ll be bad oof
21. What’s a fact you haven’t shared about this oc?
They are nonbinary, AFAB, they used to wear a binder but they got top surgery at 20 years old, now they don’t wear a shirt at the beach and they’re making that everyone else's problem!! >:D
22. What’s your oc’s dream job? Is this similar to what they’re doing now? Do they believe they could ever achieve this dream?
They work for the CCC right now, and they had their dream job as an agent, but the promotion they got kind of ruined the dream, and their job is boring to them now
23. Who would this oc consider their family? What is their relationship with these people?
They have their mom, who is really great, their dad died when they were young, they don’t have any siblings, and they aren’t close with any other family. But, any friends they have they immediately get really attached to and think of as family
24. What is one thing that, no matter who it’s coming from, would anger your oc?
Getting called a coward (haha Marty McFly kinnie lmao), they are not a coward >:( (this gets them in a lot of trouble sometimes oof)
25. How does your oc handle sadness?
Not well oof, they mostly just cry a bunch and eat a lot, anything to get their mind off it
26. How does your oc handle anger?
Basically the same as with sadness but with furrowed eyebrows and ranting to their cat
27. How does your oc handle fear?
They are pretty brave so not much scares them, and they have to be brave for others, but when it comes to stuff that really scares them or just plain anxiety, they usually try to calm down as best they can, or they just run, they can run fast too
28. What’s your favorite thing about this oc?
Himbo :)
29. What’s your least favorite thing about this oc?
They have a primal urge to insult people, they don’t mean to really upset people, it’s all in good fun, but they can still be pretty mean sometimes, especially when they do it with strangers oof
30. Tell a random fact about this oc!
They’ve always wanted to have a beard or a mustache, but even with T they can’t grow much facial hair :(
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mothmansfriend · 4 years
when i’m happy oh god i’m happy
TW: alcohol abuse, non-graphic sexual content, unhealthy coping mechanisms, self harm (in many forms), drug use, couchsurfing, mentions of delusions and paranoia, otherwise reckless behaviour
Note: this takes place in @illogicallyinclined’s hockey au and is a Prequel this is supposed to represent what Remus’s manic episodes look like everyone is different, but im using a mix of my own experiences with bipolar i and some friends who were willing to talk about theirs, then changing it to fit Remus’s existing Absolutely Feral personality, Jared and Payton are OC’s and teammates of Remus, the three of them are known for wrecking havoc at all times because none of them possess a braincell.
The art studio was empty, filled only by the assorted music of Remus’s sculpting playlist on the bluetooth speaker he brought in, and Remus himself. His hands glide through the wet clay and he basks in the slimy feeling between his fingers. Remus’s hair is held back by a small headband and he is wearing a tank top and jogging pants already covered in various mediums he has used through the day. He does not know where the energy to finish every project for this semester came from but he isn’t about to object.
If you were to look around this studio, there is a high contrast painting of a tentacle creature that is unsettling in an almost unidentifiable way, half of a self-portrait which uses resin teeth as the main element, as well as his current project of a large cup shaped like a decapitated head. In short, while Remus believes these are his best pieces, the chances of the university permitting them to be displayed are very low.
Remus gets frustrated that the music didn’t seem to be filling his inspiration in the way he hoped he changes the song revealing it to be approximately 4am, and no texts received since he sent D a picture if the teeth pile around 10pm.
“Can you go wake Remus up and ask if he wants any breakfast, he really shouldn’t sleep in this late, even if it is Saturday” D asks from the stove while Roman grabs his carton of milk from the fridge and doesn’t bother grabbing a cup.
D grimaces at him as he chugs back the milk, once again thankful that they have separate ones (even if that is at fault of Remus deciding to mix apple juice with milk in the carton without alerting anyone else in the household). “He actually headed out like, real early this morning, I spoke to him when I got up for a shower at like six. He said he’d be back today though?” Roman replied ignoring D’s look.
“Well, that’s even weirder. I’ll make extras so he can eat when he gets back, it's already eleven.”
“Sounds good,” Roman noticing D’s almost done slides a few plates next to him and accepts D’s soft ‘thanks’.
Suddenly they hear someone miss the keyhole three times before getting it and entering. Unsurprisingly, it’s Remus inappropriately dressed for a casual outing, surprisingly he seems to be holding several bags full of merchandise. “Helloo roommates! Look what I bought!” Remus shouts, slamming the door with his foot and bringing his bags to the couch.
“Are those... cups?” D asks turning off the stovetop to curiously check out Remus’s merch load.
“Hell yeah they are! I figured since you-” He pokes at D, “Took away all our glass cups after me and Roman went to that last party, I would take it upon myself to replace them. Look!” Remus proudly pulls the ugliest Jar Jar Binks cup out of one of the bags.
Roman visibly recoils as his brother parades the worst cup he’s ever seen around their apartment. D rolls his eyes but collects the cup and hesitantly places it into the dishwasher. “Thank you, Remus, these cups are horrid but they’re functional, which, I guess is good enough. Though, how much did these cost?”
“No idea, probably around sixty bucks total though, maybe. I went to three different thrift stores. Look at this one!” Remus holds up a vaguely terrifying cup that seems like it may have once resembled Spongebob Squarepants to Roman.
“That’s… Great, Remus, thanks” Roman says taking the offered item.
The three make it to practice 20 minutes early because Roman likes to prove he’s dedicated and a good captain. Coach Thomas and Joan greet them and Thomas talks to Roman briefly as Joan finishes setting things up. D and Remus do some stretches as others begin to show up, D comments on Remus being shaky and Remus hops around quickly explaining that he just woke up with a lot of energy for some reason.
Coach Thomas reminds Remus to take his time during practices speeding through everything doesn’t work if he keeps messing up before he even makes it halfway through.
D is going to kill Remus tomorrow morning. The repetitive sound of the bedframe slamming against their shared wall, and Remus wailing like a cat in heat at 1am is not something he wants to deal with right now. It’s a Tuesday night and D knows Remus has a class at 11am, one that D will not let him skip because he decided getting laid was more important. How does Remus even get a man to willingly enter that nightmare of a room? D rummages through his bedside table for ear plugs and regrets giving Roman the far room so easily.
“Jesus- Hello? Do you know what time it is?” The tired voice answers the phone after the third time of going to voicemail.
“Of course I don’t, Jared, I’m not a fucking nerd! I just thought I might extend my offer of filling the fountain in the middle of campus with bubble bath and a swim to you and Payton! D already said if I woke him up he would cut my dick off and feed it to his snake,” Remus audibly pouted at the end of his sentence.
Despite it being three am, it didn’t take a lot for Jared to wake up Payton and agree to meet him just off campus to run to the 24/7 convenience store for soap for the fountain. Remus leads the group in talking a mile a minute about something that Jared and Payton actually missed out on entirely. They try to contribute but realize Remus doesn’t notice when they have their own conversation anyways. They listen to him vaguely flit through topic after topic and get lost and confused in his own sentences, and once the soap is collected, they head to the large fountain in the middle of campus.
The fifth bottle of soap has been discarded and the fountain is sufficiently bubbly by the time the three hockey players strip to their boxers and begin their bath. There are attempted drownings, bubble beards, and the fountain change being thrown around.
At some point Remus stops talking for a second, observing the lithium bulbs through the fountain streams and bubbles floating across the courtyard. For a moment, he thinks he’s never been this happy in his life, these last few days have been the best days of his life. He lets Jared and Payton know this and like stare at him for a moment before teasing him about going soft and a few “I love you, bro” “Dude, you mean so much to me” and such were exchanged. They leave moments before campus security’s due to do their rounds in the early morning and laugh when about an hour later they receive a campus-wide notification to avoid the courtyard for repairs.
Remus spends most of practice being more annoying than usual. He gets a bit more of a stern talking to than he has in a while, in response says that he’ll try to do better to prepare for the game this weekend.
He did not succeed and got an even sterner talking to by Coach Thomas and Joan, and then by Roman separately.
Remus has a brief moment of clarity regarding his spending habits from the last week and a half in the middle of his current project. His solution is instead of buying the club size container of hot sauce, he makes a trip to the Taco Bell off campus. After dropping off the rest of his goods at the apartment, it was pretty late in the evening and he was dressed in nothing but neon green basketball shorts, slides, and a pretty badly stained grey tank top. Thankfully, Florida weather permitted this, though the looks he had been receiving all day disagreed. It likely did not help that if prompted, Remus wasn’t 100% on the last time that he slept, but if he had to guess it was two or three days ago, but that was probably a maximum of five hours. Surprisingly, he had never felt so good in his life. He’s also pretty sure he’s said that a lot this week.
He leaves Taco Bell with a small meal bag full of hot sauce at no cost.
D doesn’t ask any questions when he uses the bathroom in the early morning and is met with the sight of Remus in the bathtub. He is covered in a large variety of substances. The floor is covered in Taco Bell hot sauce wrappers, there’s a box full of water balloons of various colours and sizes. Remus waves with his available hand before he resumes filling the current water balloon with what may be a bulk container of banana lube. D pisses, not bothering to ask Remus to leave and just pulls the shower curtain over a little before washing his hands and deciding to figure it out tomorrow.
The next day, D woke up around 10am to a few texts saying some prick is throwing weird water balloons at first years off this academic building on campus. D didn’t think much about it until he was leaving his 12:30 lecture walking past splatters of mayo, egg, egg shells, hot sauce, and more, all separately. While observing the damage he found Remus asleep on some grass outside said academic building and had to call Logan for help to get him home. The two are used to this by now and D reminds himself to tell Remus to clear his ‘great ideas’ with someone containing a braincell.
Remus spends a good majority of his day listening to one song in the living room of the shared apartment. He was there when D left for classes, he was there when Roman left a little later in the day, failing to go to his own classes at all that day. The second D returns for lunch Remus is trying to explain a hidden meaning in the song, D brushes it off and reminds Remus, that to pass his classes he has to at least go.
This is Remus’s third night out in an area of town he really doesn’t know. He went home yesterday for early practice before coming back out. He knows it didn’t go well.
In attempts to make himself feel better, he blew a guy who’s name he already forgot but was hot as hell, he lost count of the shots he’s done, but at least there’s no practice tomorrow. He doesn’t have to worry about when he goes home, doesn’t have to worry about Roman or D and their weird concerned looks. He’s doing great! Why are they concerned, they just don’t get it.
At 2 am everyone gets kicked out of the club. Remus walks six blocks with his new friends with the promise of couch space to crash on and additional alcohol.
It’s suddenly 4:47 am and Remus is the only one awake and all the booze is gone. He is sitting under lithium streetlights smoking a cigarette on the porch of a strangers house with the humid Florida wind enables him to sit comfortably without a jacket. There is a moment, with sirens in the distance that Remus lets his eyes go out of focus. For the first time in who knows how long, he feels present. There is cracked cement under his feet, a dog barking a few houses down, and he wonders why he’s even here. The hidden Prince twin, here, in a city he has only been to once for a tournament, in a stranger’s house, drunk off his ass, his phone dead. He takes time to wonder, is this fun to him? It has to be right? Why did he just leave without telling anyone? Spending nights on the streets, or finding someone to go home with just so he didn’t have to find somewhere else to sleep. Is this who he is now?
He doesn’t know if he can answer that. Remus shakes himself before putting out his cigarette on his arm and deciding it doesn’t matter.
He still doesn’t sleep that night, but plugs in his phone and decides he needs to go home soon.
This is a different club than the previous night, someone sold Remus a few pills earlier and he figured why not? He feels better than ever. He lets the man he’s making out with know that and he lets out a kind of raspy laugh that Remus thinks is the hottest thing. He lets the other man know that too before sticking his tongue down his throat.
Remus is in the park yelling. It is almost 6pm, he pauses for a moment, completely forgetting what he was yelling about. He realizes that he is pretty drunk. Remus would normally like to say he only drinks with an excuse, but he doesn’t remember why he’s drunk, or how he got to the park. This isn’t near campus, he doesn’t recognize this park at all. He just stops yelling and googles the next bus to take him home.
Upon arriving home and greeting D, Remus falls asleep in his room for almost 12 hours to make up for the missing sleep from the last four days. When he is woken up for food and offered tylenol for his hangover, he tries to tell them he doesn’t have one. They don’t believe him, but he takes the food. Remus makes a joke recalling how the other day all he had eaten was some stale croutons he found in a pantry and half a bottle of Fireball he found in the fridge nearby. The joke did not land, but he was too busy laughing about it to notice.
The three eat their Sunday lunch with small amounts of banter and D switching between who he agrees with based on who’s statement didn’t sound like it came from a six year old. As they clean up, Remus starts excitedly talking about something that’s topic changed around four times in one sentence. Roman feigns interest but got lost and doesn’t care enough; D listens and has to ask Remus to repeat things slower every few minutes.
Several times throughout the night, D hears Remus loudly leave his room to check the front door. In the early morning D doesn’t hear Remus return to his room, but faintly hears netflix turn on in the living room.
In the morning, Remus seems wary of the door but does not say anything.
One day while messing around in the kitchen Remus is struck with the need to just go. The urge is so strong that the more he stands still in the kitchen the more his body just begins to tremble with barely contained energy. He doesn’t quite know where he’s going yet, but as he grabs his wallet, double checking he has his bus pass and ID, a jacket, his phone, and his keys. Without telling anyone, he walks to the main exchange near campus where he hops on the first bus that arrives. The bus isn’t particularly busy, and it makes it easier for him as he settles into the back of the bus bopping to his music, but not having the focus to listen to a song all the way through. He hits his hands softly on the very 90’s looking patterned seats to the beat of the song, watching out the windows with both legs bouncing. He rides this bus to the end of the line and catches the next bus to arrive at that bus exchange that takes him into a new smaller city. The sun is beginning to set and he finds a pub to grab some food and a few drinks at.
An hour and a half and four drinks later Remus is fighting some asshole in the pub and they both get kicked out. He wanders these smaller streets buzzed and poking at forming bruises while he smokes a cigarette. He walks by a convenience store and two homeless men outside ask him for a cigarette, he shares and spends a solid amount of time socializing with them and gets some booze for his troubles. They eventually part ways when one of them come out from the bathroom with a pack of stolen cookies. The store attendant chases them away and Remus finds himself wandering down empty streets again. Eventually, Remus decides to sleep for a few hours curled up in a stairwell, he doesn’t quite sleep, but does relax. Again, in the sounds of small city life, yellowed flickering light bulbs, and humid wind, Remus wonders why he’s out here.
The flashing neon lights and bass heavy music resonate through Remus’s bones like electricity giving him a never ending feedback loop of energy. Just before the club closes Remus sweet-talks a kind of nerdy looking guy into taking him home, while he’s mostly just hoping to not sleep outside tonight, getting laid wont hurt either.
Sneaking out of someone’s house before they wake up isn’t something Remus is necessarily proud of, but he doesn’t want to risk them doing something cheesy like make him breakfast. Sorry sir, Remus is a Manic Pixie Nightmare Boy, do not catch feelings, do not use for your own character development. He laughs to himself a little walking down the morning rush streets.
After waking up in bed with a man he doesn’t remember meeting the night before is a little jarring, but this is not the first time. It makes him wonder briefly if something is wrong with him. Remus is tired. Exhausted with himself and getting a little tired of this much fun. Instead of finding a diner for breakfast he catches a bus home and asks Logan if they can hang out tomorrow. If anyone will force him to go home, go to practice, sleep and not give him a choice to study or not without expecting him to explain himself. It will be everyone’s favourite Large Nerd. Remus doesn’t know what’s happening or why he feels like this, but he needs to go home and stop this for a little bit.Virgil, D, and Logan will help him get things a little back on track.
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heyyyharry · 5 years
flatmate harry’s car breaks down before they start dating and he has to take the bus w yn?
It’s 1AM and my brain decides that I should write something instead of getting some sleep.
“Why are you always complaining? Our planet is dying and you’re here bitching about your car breaking down!”
Harry suddenly froze, his eyes widened at his flatmate but a smile immediately spread across his face.
Annoyed, she lifted an eyebrow. “What?”
“Did you just say ‘bitching’?”
“I’m nineteen. I’m allowed to curse.”
“Oh, so my sweet Y/N is all grown up, eh?”
She slapped his hand away when he attempted to pinch her cheek. They were too busy annoying one another that they completely forgot they weren’t the only ones at the bus stop. There was also an old lady, who was irritated by them arguing since the moment they got here.
“She clearly doesn’t want you, son. Give up,” said the old woman as she fixed her sunglasses.
Y/N bowed her head and mumbled a quick apology. Harry, on the other hand, seemed as chill as ever. He laughed and threw an arm over his flatmate’s shoulders. “It’s okay, ma’am. She’s my girlfriend. We’re just teasing, right babe?”
Y/N dropped her jaw at the nickname. “Babe?!”
“Oh, the bus is here, babe!” He cut her off, smiling from ear to ear.
The lady only shot them a glare and quickly got on the bus to get away from them as fast as she could. Despite the grumpy look Y/N was giving him, Harry stroked her head like a cat and urged her to hurry up so they wouldn’t get left behind.
“Don’t sit next to me.”
Confused, Harry watched the girl sit down and place her bag on the empty seat by her side. Ouch, he thought.
“Where else would I sit?”
“Anywhere but here?” She said, not looking at him.
Normally he would’ve sat down anyway just to annoy her, but the looks the others were giving him made him extremely uncomfortable. So he remained silent and chose a seat two rows behind Y/N.
Good riddance, he told himself.
He didn’t want to sit next to her anyway. As if it wasn’t bad enough that he had to be around her almost 24/7 and she was constantly breathing down his neck. He would get his car fixed this afternoon, so this would be the first and the last time he’d take the bus with her.
Content with that thought, Harry sat back and relaxed as he watched the buildings and the trees sliding past the window on his right. It was actually pleasant. Well, that was until the bus stopped once again to pick up a new passenger.
He recognized the guy for he’d seen him a few times in his Business Ethics class. He’d never spoken to him, but apparently Y/N had. The guy gave her a little wave as she did the same. To Harry’s surprise, she removed her bag to make room for him to sit down next to her, where Harry should’ve been.
Despite having told himself that he’d feel better back here, those two sitting together was definitely a sight for sore eyes. Did they sit together everyday? How did they meet? What did they usually talk about during the long bus ride?
All those questions made his stomach twist in an awful way and he felt the need to go over there and scare off the dude.
He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, trying to distract himself with happy thoughts, which were all useless now that Y/N was laughing at something the fucker had just said to her.
That’s it, said the voice inside Harry’s head.
Before his brain could decide what was the right thing to do, his feet sent him up from his seat and took him to where Y/N and her ‘friend’ were sitting.
“Hey, Y/N, got gum?”
“No?” She looked at him funny. He guessed she could already tell that was just a lame excuse to get her attention. But screw it, everyone had been silently judging him since he got on this bus, he had no dignity left now.
“Okay.” He gave her a shrug before turning to the other guy.
“I’m her flatmate,” said Harry with a smile.
Smiling back, the boy introduced himself as Robert, or Robin, or Robot. It didn’t matter what his name was, because Harry was too busy reading Y/N’s facial expression and trying to guess what she was thinking of.
Robot mentioned something about him always admiring how Harry knew all the answers in class. Flattering, yes, but Harry had heard the same thing from almost everyone he knew so it wasn’t really a big deal.
“Why don’t you sit down like any normal person would?” Y/N gave him a sarcastic smile which only amused him.
He smiled back, titling his head and pouting a bit. “Aww, are you worried that I might get aching feet?”
“No, I’m worried that people might assume we’re friends.”
“Funny little thing you are.” He chuckled then turned to Robot, pointing to the paper cup he was holding. “What’s that?”
“Black coffee.”
“S’it good?”
“Don’t answer him,” said Y/N, but neither of the boys paid attention to her now.
“Wanna try?” Robot offered Harry his drink. And so Harry didn’t hesitate as he accepted the cup and took a sip.
“Hmm.” He smiled, licking his upper lip. The way Y/N rolled her eyes and pinched her temple was very entertaining to him. There was something so satisfying about getting a reaction from her, negative or not. Maybe that was why he loved teasing her.
He was about to hand the cup back to Robot to keep on being annoying until the poor kid gave up the seat next to Y/N. But then the bus driver decided to take a sudden turn. All the passengers nearly had a heart attack when Robot screamed and jumped right out of his seat. The cup in Harry’s hand a second ago had fallen onto the floor, now empty, as black coffee was dripping down from the poor guy’s crotch.
Harry tried his best not to laugh as he covered his mouth and said, “I’m so sorry, mate—“
Robot didn’t even let him finish that sentence. He aggressively pushed Harry aside and carried his bag to the back of the bus, not even saying a word to Y/N, who was just as appalled as anyone else there.
Harry watched him go and his eyes soon fell back on his startled flatmate.
“What was that?!” She questioned when he sat down next to her.
“An accident?” He scoffed. “You saw how sharp that turn was. Lucky for me I didn’t fall.”
Y/N groaned and buried her face into her palms. Once again, her reaction made him laugh.
“Not funny!”
“It kind of was. I feel bad for his penis. That coffee was hot.”
She glared at him. “Why can’t you just be serious for once?”
“Oh you want me to be serious?” He sat up straight, his eyebrows furrowed all of a sudden. “How would you feel if I asked you to not walk too close to me, nor sit next to me, nor even talk to me? This is my first time taking the bus to campus, at least be nice about it. I would never do such things to you.”
Her attitude toward him had never changed that fast. In a split second, the look in her eyes turned from anger to guilt as she drew her bottom lip between her teeth, stuttering for a moment before she could say, “I’m sorry...I-I won’t do that again.”
“Gosh.” He breathed, holding her gaze. “You apologized so quickly it’s...actually cute.”
As his mouth spread into a cheeky grin, hers fell opened and her face were all red. She smacked him on the arm, her eyebrows snapped together. “Damn you! Is everything a joke to you?”
“No!” He put up both hands, trying to contain his laughter. “You did hurt my feelings!”
“Yeah, right. As if you had feelings.” She crossed her arms and looked straight ahead instead of at him. What she couldn’t see now was the way he was smiling at her, like she was the most precious thing in the world. Clearly, that wasn’t how you looked at someone you claimed to hate.
“Listen,” he broke the silence between them after a few seconds. “You don’t have to apologize every time someone makes you think that you should. People will take advantage of you for that.”
She stayed silent, only giving him a nod to let him know she understood. That was when he noticed her expression softening, and his heart fluttered for a reason he couldn’t explain.
“Still want me to go?” He teased.
“No.” She shook her head despite not looking at him. “You’d cause trouble again. It’s better if you’d just sit still.”
“You could just say you love sitting next to me.”
“In your dream.”
He snorted at the response, and now couldn’t take his eyes off her lovely pouty face. And so he told himself, maybe taking the bus wasn’t so bad after all.
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okaybutlikeimagine · 5 years
consider this: Steve couldnt get to college so he went to police academy instead, working with Hopper is a part of his internship and the more time they spend together the closer they become, at first Billy is happy that they get along but then Hop can't seem to shut up about Steve and his achievements so Billy starts getting jealous and worried that he will never be able to make Jim proud like this
Ohmydearrr!!! Okay i’ve seen a few things talking about Steve and/or Billy joining the police force in Hawkins and i just? Love it. I think it’s so good. And This is so good bc we know Bratty Billy = Jealous Billy.
So Steve, being the lovely little dummy that he is, is unable to get into college. I love him dearly, i think we all do, but also I don’t think college is even right for the boy. It’s a totally viable option to just Not go to college. That’s 100% fine and I think that Steve was very gently told that by people like Joyce and Jonathan and Nancy and Billy (who may not have been as gentle and might have been a bit more like: College doesn’t deserve you! Fuck college, you can still do whatever you want without college, goddamnit!!)
And when Hop hears that Steve’s been struggling with this, he puts a large, comforting hand on Steve’s shoulder and says: “y’know… we’ve been thinking about getting some more officers…”
So Steve starts his internship!! And lemme tell you, Hop is tough on him at the beginning. And the other officers + Flo watch him really put Steve through the paces and they’re like: “Hop. Give the boy some slack, this job is mostly about getting cats from trees and catching kids who kick pumpkins in on Halloween.”
But Hop is 1. Paranoid about more government monster shit happening
And 2. Kinda having fun messing around w/ his son’s boyfriend. Just to get him a little scared, give him a little reminder that “Hey, I’m big and tough and can crush you in a second, so be wary.”
But after about a week or two of Hop putting Steve through the paces, Steve being tired as all hell just about 24/7, and Billy bitching at Hop about how “You’re trying to kill my boyfriend, huh? Quit working him so hard, he’s tired as hell every day because of you!”
Well… the Officers think it’s time to give Steve a little break.
So they invite him out to Guys Night. Which is just heading to a bar and getting just a little buzzed. And yeah, Steve isn’t 21 yet, but Hop has known the owner of the bar for decades now and they know he won’t card Steve. Plus… it’s the police that are bringing the boy in and letting him drink. So like… who’s gonna get called on him, y’know??
So Steve is strung tight, sitting uncomfortably as all the guys laze around and chat, Officer Callahan telling him how he trained under Hop when he was working on being an Officer and “let me tell you, the guy is a brute. He can be such a dick.”
“I’m right here, you idiot.”
“Yeah, but you like me now.”
“I can dislike you real quick if you keep talking.” Hop says over his glass of whiskey.
And Steve relaxes over time. Laughs with the guys like they’re his friends and they kinda do become his friends?? Officer Powell talks to him about the craziest things he’s seen on the job. Callahan is giving Steve tips on what to do with cats stuck in trees if you’re allergic. (Steve isn’t, but he listens to the advice anyway bc he’d feel rude not to). Hop hits Steve on the back and laughs big rolling laughs and Steve feels welcome.
Hop gets a lot easier on Steve as time goes on. Bc see, Hop never doubted Steve. He never thought the boy didn’t have it in him bc he’s seen the boy fight off scary as fuck monsters. And he still wishes he didn’t have to but… if anyone has what it takes to be a police officer in this fucked up town, it’s Steve. Plus it’ll be nice to have another person on the force who knows about all of the shit that’s really going on around here.
And after about a month, Hop is talking about Steve near constantly. He’s always talking about how good he did handling the Mr. Wilson today or how he knew just how to break up that fight between these two boys or how he’s gotten so good at writing out parking tickets that he doesn’t even need Hop anymore.
And some of the smallest, dumbest things make Hop beam and Billy watches it with growing pride in his chest bc Yup. That’s my boyfriend. I always knew he was good, fuck anyone who ever doubted him.
He’ll ask Steve out and Steve will respond with: “Oh, you know I’d love to but… It’s Guys Night tonight.”
“Guys night?”
“Yeah, me and the other officers are going down to the bar. I’ve told you about it right? Anyway, they’re probably waiting on me so I’ve gotta go, bye babe!”
And the line goes dead.
And Billy’s livid.
Bc Steve and Hop are so buddy buddy now. Steve is always talking about how cool Hop is and how he shows him all of this different stuff and where the best donuts are sold and the different types of fucking paper airplanes you can make out of empty parking tickets and “Goddamnit do you guys every do your fucking jobs??”
And Hop is always gushing about Steve, even if it’s something stupid like knowing all the lyrics to some stupid Foghat song or how good he is at cleaning the cars or how respectful he is to old Mrs. James and Billy is just livid.
Because Billy feels like he could do anything, he could sprout wings and fly to the fucking sun and Hop would still be mooning over Steve being a “good egg” or some shit and he’s had enough. From what Billy has heard, Steve is barely doing anything and already Hop is praising him high and low.
So one day, when Hop is about to bring up going out on patrol with Steve again, Billy snaps.
“Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve! I get it! Steve is the best!”
Hop is shocked, watching Billy with wide eyes as he goes on.
“You should have just adopted him instead! He’s got a rough home life too, y’know?? He’s always alone, his parents barely talk to him, why didn’t you adopt him, huh? I’m surprised you don’t have pictures of him in your fucking wallet!”
Hop is blinking hard. “Billy, I-”
There’s a knock at the door. Billy waves Hop off as he goes to stand to get it.
“I’ve got it.” Billy growls, swinging the door open to find his boyfriend, smiling wide.”
“Hey, I-!”
“Oh, your buddy is here!” Billy spits to Hop, before storming out of the cabin.
Hop gives Steve a confused look before Steve follows his boyfriend outside.
“Billy, what’s up?”
“Why don’t you go talk to your partner? You guys are such good friends, no need to hang out with me anymore.”
Steve reaches out to stop Billy, holding him back as best he can. “Babe, what are you talking about?”
“All you ever talk about is Hop and all Hop ever talks about is you and it’s driving me crazy. Do you know how many times you’ve blown me off for Guy’s Night?”
Steve blinks. “I-”
“Seven. Seven times. It’s shit, Harrington. I’m so fucking sick of this.”
“I didn’t know-”
“Yeah, because no one fucking talks to me anymore.”
Steve wraps Billy up in a hug, kissing his cheek and down his jaw and onto his neck.
“Oh baby, I’m so sorry, I swear I didn’t mean it.” Steve coos, holding the squirming Billy tight. “I’ve just… I’ve been so excited. I found something I can do without having to go to college. I really like it. I should be sharing it with you though.”
“Yeah, well… whatever. I’m glad you’re fitting in and everything. Just… quit telling me how cool my dad is. It’s weird.” Billy says, squirming still but Steve isn’t letting go, still attached to Billy’s neck and chuckling against it.
“Alright, I’ll stop. I promise.”
“Thanks.” Billy mumbles against Steve’s lips before kissing him soundly.
Just then the sound of someone clearing their throat comes from the doorway, and both boys look to find Hop with his arms crossed.
“Hi Chief!” Steve says with a smile, but Billy is untangling himself from Steve to go confront Hop.
“You keep making sure you’re keeping my boyfriend safe! I don’t trust anyone around here. There has to be some maniacs in a small town like this.”
Hop rolls his eyes. “Yeah yeah.” He says, brushing Billy off before looking him seriously in the eye. “You know I’m proud of you for everything you do, right?”
Billy feels it in his chest, the warmth that rises up when Hop talks to him like he really is his son.
“Oh, sure. Would you be just as proud of me if I blew a bubble the size of my head like Steve apparently can?”
Hop smirks. “Yeah, I would, because your head is a lot bigger than Steve’s is.”
Billy shoves past Hop to get into the cabin, muttering a fakely bitter “I hate you.” as Hop laughs and walks off the porch.
But now he’s standing in the doorway and waving goodbye to them as they head off to work, happy to see his boyfriend so happy and to see his boyfriend and his dad get along and wow things just feel so nice.
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