#also ngl it IS a good way to get myself to rewatch!!!!
upsidedowngrass · 2 years
ALMOST done with :  | compilation. after im done i already wanna do a liam smiling compilation, but i think i should do liam crying compilation and liam angry compilation bc i think that would ALSO lend itself well to future analysis!!!!
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averytirednerd · 8 months
About Episodes 7 and 8...MASSIVE SPOILERS!!
Initial thoughts (because if I talk about EVERYTHING right now you'll be here for at least half an hour)...
I mean I loved getting to watch the season finale, don't get me wrong. But I have just as many grievances as things I loved about it and also SO MUCH happened?!?!?!
Charlie: Loved getting to see her be all demon-y, I've been waiting all season. Also loved her and the cannibals (especially Rosie!!!). So glad she got to work w/ Luci to protect the hotel <333 She and Vaggie are adorable too.
Vaggie: I really enjoyed watching her and Carmilla's song, that was cool. Protecting her girlfriend, very cute. I liked seeing her and Lute have that little face-off.
Husk: Sad that we didn't get to see much of him, but I get it. His interactions with the others were sweet (especially Angel). I loved the one line he got to sing on his own in that last song of episode 8. 😍
Angel: Ngl I am very glad he wasn't the one to die. It would've been a fun little "oh crap" moment but I really didn't want to be right. He's still got business down there. His interactions with the others here are everything to me, and he's just grown so much and aaaaaa. It's lovely to see! I love him more and more with every episode.
Niffty: YOU GO, GIRL!!!! Love to see the stabbing. I also really loved the...one line Nifty got. Kimiko Glenn's voice is a gift, I freaked out over getting to hear one line. Anyway. not much else to say other than I definitely thought it was Alastor doing a big "oh look, I'm alive!" thing when Adam got stabbed, but I was pleasantly surprised.
Cherri Bomb/Sir P: I was surprised, to say the least, when Cherri and Sir P had that little moment. Glad they got it before he went and DIED. Cherri is such a good friend to Angel and she's great. Now, onto Sir P...WOW, OKAY. Glad we know Charlie's plan isn't completely stupid. Wonder how Sera's gonna react to him being there now, lol.
The Vees: FIRST OFF, VOX?????? "This is better than sex!" 💀💀💀 Truly was not expecting to see as much of the Vees as we did. Not complaining though. It was...interesting...to say the least, watching Vox get as excited as he did over the prospect of Al dying (still as obsessed as ever, fr). Not at all surprised to see Val and Vox have a thing going, I figured from the interactions we've seen so far. Them dancing together was silly, them practically making out was less so 😃. Also, gotta continue the love for Velvette--putting up with these two idiots must take a lot. Also also, her HAIR! HER HAIR!! EEEEE
Lucifer: I reallllyyyyyy enjoyed seeing Luci make a return to help Charlie, even if it was in one of those "last-minute saves" that I usually hate. Idk, makes sense here I guess because he's probably always watching over Charlie some way. ALSO LUCI AND CHARLIE GOING ALL DEMON-Y TOGETHER WAS <33333333 I really loved him starting off that last song in episode 8, and telling Charlie that he believes in her. It was so sweet. I love Luci sm, hoping he becomes a more integral part of the crew in s2.
Adam/Lute/Lilith: HAHA HOW DOES IT FEEL TO LOSE??? Lute got what she deserved with the whole...arm thing. ALSO WHAT--JUST GONNA CASUALLY DROP LILITH IN HERE NOW? Sure, fine, whatever, totally cool. Not sure how to feel about Lilith atm so moving on. I dunno why I was so shocked upon seeing Adam's face. I guess I expected him to...not look as good as he does? Also so upset that he broke Al's staff. How rude. He sucks.
Rosie: Not how I expected her to sound, but I'm most certainly not disappointed. I don't have much to say other than I loved literally everything about her. No complaints--at least not yet ig, need to go back and rewatch the episodes critically. Her and Alastor is everything to me, and seeing them dance was <333333 I cannot express my excitement over it enough.
Alastor: Saved him for last because yes. If I wasn't limiting myself to a short paragraph for each, I'd be writing a whole essay just about Al, I swear....CANNOT believe what just happened omg. Not only did we get to see silly Al in episode 7, but we got to see scary (and scared) Al in episode 8. He's really freaking out, it's so entertaining! I'm so glad it wasn't him who died, I started getting a bit worried for a minute there....His relationship with Rosie is aaaaa, best of besties fr. Fighting Adam scene was glorious. Making Vox act like an idiot even when not trying was funny to watch (Vox's obsession with this guy is so silly). Him retreating sure was a move, but I'm glad he didn't get all stubborn and end up dying. Him ranting a bit in his section of the final song was so...AAAAAAA. Man is so scared, he looks stressed as can be. I need to see Alastor just have an external breakdown because he honestly feels like he's on the verge of one. 💀
Stopping for now before I go on a bigger rant than I already have. To those who read all this, I'm so sorry pfft. Feel free to leave a comment if there's something you wanna discuss (or, better yet, send one of those ask thingies. I do not have comments figured out yet...)
Anyway, have a good one <3
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a-simply-simping-simp · 4 months
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Anyway, all greiving aside, I miss her.
I joined the Sonic fandom in a kinda odd way ngl. At the time, I was stupid and a fresh middle schooler and it was extremely popular to make fun of the sonic franchise cuz it was a whole meme and stuff. I also made fun of it cuz I thought I was supposed to. But I realized it was stupid to make fun of something I haven't even seen before. So I wanted to educate myself on it. Coincidently, I saw a video. It was by CourtneySNT about her first ever sonic fancomic around that time. I really enjoyed it actually. Sometimes I go back and rewatch it. Anyway, in her comic, she had introduced Tails to the screen and I fell in love with the fandom. Grant it, her depiction of tails at that moment was the polar opposite of what he's actually like, but still. It compelled me to watch Sonic X, The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Boom, Sonic Prime, A bit of Sonic Underground, and just...Sonic the Hedgehog. I also watched a few gameplays and a lot of cutscene movies of the videogames as well as parodies and fan content. So...yeah.
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Now it's just a Sonic Prime Nine analysis/rant below lol
Also, since I mentioned SONIC PRIME, I might as well rant about it. NINE. WAS. SO. PERFECT. He was well written, well scripted, and well developed. Everything about nim was chef's kiss. His story was literally just a what if. What if Sonic never met Tails? Well, number one, he wouldn't be named Tails. He'd make his own name. Nine. Also, he became cold and distant because he expected others to treat him the same due to his two tails. Perfect character already but then they fleshed him out some more and introduced this...guy named Sonic.
He didn't know Sonic at the time nor did he really know...anybody. So when this blue loser comes waltzing into his house unannounced, he obviously gets hostile. Why? Well, one, because a rando broke into his casa. But also because everyone he met was hostile to him first. Crazy. Then this guy seems to be friendly. A first. So, Nine lets down his ice cold walls and trusts him. Let me emphasize that. NINE TRUSTED SONIC. Remember that. It is SO important.
So, Nine goes along and helps this guy for no real reason other than the fact that he considers him a friend. Now, you'd think he also helped to stop the egg council, but he really never had bad blood with them in the first place. He isn't in the resistance nor shows any resentment. He's Nine all on his own, with or without the council. In fact, he probably doesn't care if they rule because he wanted to be alone anyway. But he helped. Why? Because he wanted to help his FRIEND.
This goal warps when Nine discovers an empty realm called the grim. He can have a fresh start there with him and sonic. Just the people he cared about. He asked Sonic to go with him because he wanted to share his dream with him. He wanted Sonic to be a part of it with him. But Sonic undermined his dreams. It'd be one thing if he simply disagreed with it or gave a good, justifying, and well explained reason for refusing, but instead he didn't explain himself well. Sonic entitled himself to the prisms, assuming him getting home was everyone's priority. I don't mean to villainize him because this was simply reckless and unknowing behaviour, but still. Nine got upset that his FRIEND was trampling on his dreams as if they didn't matter nearly as much as Sonic's.
So, he "betrayed" Sonic. I want to bring this to everyone's attention. Nine had critisized Sonic because he recklessly didn't think about what woukd happen to everyone else if he DID bring back his home. Like, nobody knows jack squat about the prisms. Sonic, Nine, Shadow, even the egg council was lost when it came to those big shiny rock things. It shines and made our universes. That's all they knew. So, with that in mind, it makes sense to be concerned. Like what if it kills us? What if it destroys our world in order to bring back yours? They only exist because of the prism being destroyed, so if you fix it, would that kill them? Idk, I feel like this was mentioned once and never brought up again and it makes me mad. Such potential.
Anyway, after the situation, Nine goes back to the grim to make his dreams come true by himself. Because the one person he TRUSTED broke his trust. So, after a bunch of irrelavent stuff happens, Sonic goes to the grim after making a deal to Nine. Nine lets him into the grim and Sonic starts to preach to Nine about their friendship. Nine listens and almost starts to trust him again, maybe thinking about his actions and how they might not have been the best. How their friendship could maybe be salvaged. Why? Because Sonic said he woukd sacrifice himself to save Nine too. But then an entire army shows up to beat Nine into a teeny tiny pulp. Grant it, Sonic did not call them to the grim. But then he imediently sides with them in taking Nine down in an all out war. After saying he'd sacrifice for Nine too, he pulls an uno reverse on him. Trust broken. Again.
So now, he wants to trust nobody. Why? Because Sonic broke once too many. So he starts fighting. And fighting. And fighting. Like he's been doing his entire life. Who is he fighting? Someone who he thought was his friend. Someone who claims to be his friend. Someone who he thought he wouldn't need to fight. And he's clearly breaking his own body in desperation while doing so. Nobody really said anything about it either btw. Like, he's literally hurting himself and Sonic, his "friend" didn't even try to stop him because he was hurting himself, but because he was huring others and taking the prisms. I understand of course because he's hurting your friends, but his own pain wasn't even a slither of his drive.
Anyway, the ending sucked personally. It was anticlimactic. Nine gives in just because and then Sonci goes home, mystery never discovered, and yay we're done.
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iantimony · 3 months
listening: idk, stuff on my phone on shuffle. some more coral bones youthemism i guess. friends at the table sangfielle, episode 3; i might not actually relisten to the rest of the arcs i already did and just skim the transcripts.
no children (ska remix) by sad snack: im back in my ska era. really funny song to have an upbeat ska tone.
the mountain goats deserters fan album: have not listened to the whole album yet but god, what a cool and unique thing that i don't think could really exist for most other bands. Five Fucking Hours
reading: Polynesian Tattooing Tools, linked from Fairhaven comic
why gen z is obsessed with point-and-shoot digital cameras: it's funny because a few months ago i was considering getting a cheap point-and-shoot to fuck around with. looks like i am not the only one who was thinkin about it.
i'm working my way through le guin's 'the left hand of darkness'! i bounced off it the first time i tried reading it a few years ago but last year i read a le guin short story anthology that had some stories set on karhide and i think that gave me a good enough primer on the world/her writing style to get it to stick this time. i'm enjoying it! it's a good book!
watching: mina le - booktok & the hotgirlification of reading: some good background video for crochet etc. bernadette banner - hand sewing regency stays should be quick...right?: oughhhhh so pretty. bernadette banner - this regency court gown is probably my favorite project ever: i won't lie i got a little misty-eyed at the artisans getting to sign their names on the robe.
rewatched the gay and wondrous life of caleb gallo. i forgot how good it is, it really holds up and is still funny
also, continued doctor who watch/rewatch. i'm ngl i think the way rory and amy were shoved off screen was...really stupid. "he can't go back to that specific year in ny :(" ok, before amy gets zapped back you just go "yo go to new jersey in a few days" and go pick them up. really silly imo
playing: fallow. did buy miserichord, omori, and slay the princess in the steam summer sale. i have signalis, voyager 19, and a short hike in my cart as we speak. more games that i haven't played to feed the steam library let's goooo
making: crocheted some granny squares.
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pattern for the yellow one is this lantana square...if anyone has any interesting looking granny square patterns that would be good in one solid color send em my way!
thinking of getting this pattern too.
i realized this past week that my urge to Make has been very stale and derivative the past few years, if that makes sense. like i don't feel Creative, i see something and mimic it - i do paintings based on photos i took, i follow knitting patterns, i come across something ceramic and decide to make one of my own, i find reference images to copy. but no actual, like, Inventing on my own end. i think that's why i haven't done a lot of fanart or fanfiction as well, just no ideas. i know that's just part of the cycle of creativity and i'm just in a "hunter-gatherer" period of amassing skills and references but idk. i'm tired of it. i want to create more meaningful things but i have no actual ideas, the well feels dry, and i'm not sure how to fix that.
eating: fallow
misc: stares at my mom and brother doing politics doomerism re: supereme court ruling in the family group chat. looks away. chants 'nothing ever happens' to myself like a mantra.
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inu-jiru · 1 year
"Oops" Episode Rambles
I rewatched the episode for the sake of my rewrite post (plus I just wanted to see the final animation, credit where it's due, the show is fun to look at sometimes), and decided to share my thoughts since I haven't done that for an episode in a while:
Ngl, I'm honestly really indifferent towards Fizzmodeus, like I get that it's most people's positive for this episode but I honestly just don't care about it. I think it's because I'm so jaded to the 99% of dialogue that's sex-related to enjoy the sentimental stuff but also because it's just Bee and Vortex again, and it begs the question of why the shit Stolas' situation is so special (aside from him being Vivzie's baby) when the Sins just do whatever and either hide it poorly or don't hide it at all. Who came up with this hierarchy in the first place? Because the more we go on the more it seems like a thing that only Goetians focus on (which Ozzie should be apart of so what the fuck).
Speaking of Ozzie, I don't get why he's so nice, same with Bee. I'm not asking for everyone to be a shithead 24/7 but the concept of Hell's leaders, the ones who've created and are enabling the world of kill-or-be-killed that we've seen, being 100% friendly is just odd to me. Then again, Viv's idea of Hell is a nonstop party where they're all good unlike the EVIL BAD TOTALLY NOT GOOD angels and Adam so it doesn't surprise me. Also his whole thing about "Lust shouldn't be forced". Um? I'd get it if he were talking about LOVE, but Lust is not something I'd ever consider to be consensual in nature, especially not in Hell. That's all I'll say on the matter because it's a very serious topic, but then again, maybe I should consider myself lucky a topic that dark isn't being butchered by Vivzie. All of that said, I do like Ozzie's voice actor, he's really nice-sounding.
I don't understand what the hell happened with Fizz and Blitzo. Who the fuck was going around saying that Blitzo didn't wanna see Fizz and didn't tell Fizz that Blitzo showed up? I have to assume it was maybe Barbie or Cash (assuming Cash didn't also die in the fire). If it was Barbie I'm not entirely sure why. As far as we're aware (unless they retcon it in later) Barbie shouldn't have seen Blitzo knocking into the cake or leaving Fizz, so if she did it because their mom died, I can't see how she would know that. Maybe someone saw Blitzo and passed that on to Barbie, but the fact of the matter is I shouldn't have to Tetris-style guess and insert explanations for the episode. If any episode was going to be a full on backstory, it should've been this one, not The Circus, especially with Unhappy Campers being before this one.
On a positive note, I think those little fly-dog things are so cute in a kinda ugly way. I do think it's kind of a nice small look into Fizz's mind that he'd have one that's wheelchair-bound because he'd relate to it. Ozzie patching up Fizz was nice too, as much as I don't care for the couple, I'm glad that Fizzmodeus at leasts SHOWS the shit that Stolitz doesn't. And speaking of Stolitz, yeah Blitzo keep telling me all these things Stolas TOTALLY does for you yeah I'm sooooooo sure
And, like other people have said, Stolas was totally pointless and useless like always, and what a nice cool guy who totally isn't bad like the other Goetia when he let that lawyer guy get brutally murdered, like yeah I guess it wasn't really his place to help or anything but I don't think having him smirk and say "Get fucked, little one" is doing him any favors. I do have to wonder if they're actually gonna go through with this Crystal shit. I'm not gonna bother guessing anymore because like I said before, the show will throw a biggest, goofiest curveball at you to try and seem less predictable.
And speaking of curveballs, Crimson and Striker. That's it. That's all I gotta say on that subject. I miss Harvest Moon Festival, man. Like I'm no Striker fangirl who buys all the Striker merch and shit but damn he's so pathetic now. Why did Blitzo have to recreate the shit that happened and shoot the barrel when he could've shot Striker in the face while he was talking? Please, I need someone else on the writing team PLEASE
Anyway I think that's it for now.
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rei-does-stuff · 3 months
watched anymore episodes of the dub?
Yup! 4 eps! So this’ll be long!
SaH dub
Ep 7
-Bad voice acting strikes again!! They just can’t get it right
-They made Goseum a girl, #feminism???
-Please…Please stop using the same track over and over again I KNOW YOU HAVE DIFFERENT MUSIC PLEASE USE IT
-Drowing your enemies! You know, for kids!!!
-They made Geum straight </3 this is so sad
-They talk about freedom so much…You are not the wolves Geum, you are no freedom loving American!!
-Also…Giving Geum a backstory of “oh I enrolled in the military with her blah blah blah” feels weird, ig just cuz im used to his regular backstory
-Everytime I hear Mul’s voice in this I wanna kill myself it’s so fucking irritating like HOW DO YOU MAKE IT THAT BAD??
-“You kidnapped me for no good reason!” Like theres a GOOD reason to kidnap someone???
-Geum is a TERRIBLE liar in this, how the hell is he staying undercover??
-Goseum being a badass girlboss is pretty cool tho ngl
-Even here Jogjebi is like “Geum is my bestie he would never hurt meee”
-Goseum is only good voice actor in this whole show
-“I wanna shoot something!” Lmao
-“What is he talking abt” EVEN THEYRE CONFUSED
-Also I’m rewatching some of these in 2x speed and it’s…Very Very funny but it also makes me see how slow paced the dub makes everything feel, in the original the slow pace works but the dub just fucks it up in a way that I can’t really describe
Ep 8
-“My boy!” They are so father-soncore
-Again the untranslated Korean, 4kids was able to at least remove Japanese text why can’t you?
-This is NOT a battle of wills everyone here is dumb as rocks
-Geum im so sorry they dont know your character like I do </3
-I do like aekkus voice in this ngl…
-Mul is ALWAYS having a bad day NO MATTER WHAT!!
-“I promise well stop acting stupid”
They are all so brothercore in this too I do like it ngl
-“Well if you say so” THAT QUICKLY??
-The way they cut to the next scene is insane…
-The quality shifts is insane
Ep 9
-Oh god the Goseumdochi death ep…
-Rodia’s voice is different AND bad wtf…Why did they ruin the only good voice actor
-Beautiful sound effects…Don’t you just love the horrible mixing of everything?
-“Oh no, its broken” you sound SO devastated Rodia
-Dan green once again explains what’s happening on screen
-They removed a lot of context for this too
-“Fight for freedom” things Geum would never say
-Again with the quality shifts…
-“You talking to me little rat??” iconic
-Terror? He’s barely done shit!!
Ep 10
-JUL! Time for the “were brothers!” Censorship!
-His voice….I dont like it….
-Not the running sounds 😭
-Bad video quality strikes again
-Again no translation of korean text
-Not the yellow filter coming back with a vengeance 😭
-Now daramis a girl??? Transgenderism…omg
Overall they suck, had some funny moments tho so ykyk, rlly recommend watching it on 2x speed makes it WAY more tolerable
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oldsargasso · 1 month
ep 3 stream of conscious thoughts!
so I went and rewatched ep 2 in the hopes I might remember who is who🤞With the ending reveal that Tyme is working against the gambling ring, the way he listens to the woman in the hospital about how she lost her son to debt makes more sense now. Wondering if Tyme knew the son specifically, or someone like him - he obviously has a personal motivation to take out Great's family's business. (thunderstorm while she's talking - coming back I don't think we got a thunderstorm in ep3?)
also the fakeout on the identity of the dead guy is so perfect even second time around
I never noticed the hospital logo before; the cross with a heartbeat rhythm going through. subtle!
also how is Tyme literally looking in a mirror yet is surprised to find Bee behind him when he turns around. he must've really been focussed huh
the high-pitched flatline whine during serious moments…god this show is so good
okay NOW i'm gonna watch ep3
is that the body from ep2's first scene? my interest in the brother character (??name I should remember) would go up immeasurably if he was secretly a serial killer ngl. probably more like he's revenging his brother by killing his killer the same way which is also pretty good. coming back to remind myself his name is Tonkla.
oh Great asked him? hmmm.
bed #4 you love to see it!
so Tyme has a bit of a saviour complex. or control issues (relatable). Dr Den might be a little too emotional for this part of the job though
Great has a pool table in his place? I desperately need a floor plan of his apartment. how is he living like this. not the #4 ball as the phone shows 11:01 this episode was like SEE. DO YOU GET IT YET. idc I love it
do we think Great is a little dumb? if I thought I was seeing things and recently acquired a headwound I would definitely be seeing many doctors immediately. oooh LUCKY there is one doctor already on the case it seems
(so Tyme just showed up at Great's school - how does he know where Great goes to school/when he's there - and asks a random student to give Great a drink from him?)
"can you forgive me Great?" omgggg. vision of the future or a divergent timeline orrrrr.
I don't care if the flirting has ulterior motives it's adorable and I love it
so Great's ~episodes~ are 100% being used to get him to alter his actions/path to move toward Tyme. I like the theory that it's future-Great coding out manipulating his past self but also I enjoy the idea that it's someone else (Tyme himself?)
Tyme clearly thinking "okay so it's you…who should be a psychiatric patient". personally I would've been like let's go to the hospital and get an MRI or something but asking your friends is doing something too I guess
P'Tyme 🥺
I love how much interaction we get of Tyme and other staff in the hospital, so we get to see the different sides of him. the way he and Den are together is DELIGHTFUL.
fascinating (and feels a little like we're getting dessert first) that it's only ep3 and we're already getting the characters talking and linking things we as the audience got to do earlier, like the heart patient who mentioned 4 minute future to Den.
Tyme's already asking "why 4 minutes?" this show is so good to me. I have medical-related theory that I generally feel like the show will go for, but I'm interested to see how it plays out
they're on a date your honour. what if Tyme was hungry though. circling back to my "is Great just dumb" question because clearly it's going through Tyme's mind rn. I think it's just a matter of privilege in this case though.
Tyme's a nerd too. control issues peeking through!
(the need I have for a terrible cat soft toy is ever growing)
the juxtaposition of Great's (bright red) car against the dilapidated fence around Tyme's house…chef's kiss. I love that they're having a little conversation about their different statuses.
the way they perfectly captured the awkwardness of sitting in the car at the end of a date lmao. the heaviness/weight/don't know what word I mean in the way Great moved his arm was perfect.
(not really relevant to this scene but do we know how old Tyme is?)
Great truly living out the stereotype of held a guy's hand once and is already picturing their life together
it's interesting that they said specifically 4 minutes into the future but Great is clearly seeing more than that when he is with Tyme. they're gonna kiss and then Tyme's grandma is going to be standing there like :| OR NOT LMAO she's not even looking you can still go for it my guy
you may have ONE of the many cat toys we won
I know it was mostly a pause for emotional processing but good to see Great is the wait until you're inside kinda guy
my girl better be getting very richly rewarded for all the work she is doing to take down this gambling ring. I hope she gets to kill someone
NOOO. jump into the water!!
feel like the chief could've handled that better. and more privately. that was like textbook suspicious
omg that zebra artwork!!
okay I zoned out let me start this scene again. this couldn't have been a phone call? oh I guess not lol
couldn't even close the drawer properly smh rookie move
he's a cop!!! dude. not only is he grieving he's high af right now.
I'll be honest I skipped the sex scene so if it had important character work or something let me know
Tonkla's definitely using sex to foster intimacy I just hope he's doing it in a manipulative way
I guess it makes sense that they all go to the same school. a case for divergent timelines I think re: the identity of the deceased
smoking and watching traffic in his underwear, Great has the most relatable hobbies
ohhh progression!!! 11.02. two more minutes to go?
look at Great using 2 colours for his little brainstorming. now that is organised. I like how he immediately calls tyme like. maybe he's at work. (I think the "sex?" note should be screenshot and used everywhere)
"do not hurt her under any circumstances" except for she already got shot so
well I guess the good doctor is at work in a way. is this the most soundproofed open hallway in existence?
was that a look of recognition or not. I guess not. okay Tyme!!! we love a man of action with a brain.
ughhh is it next Friday yet.
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eviltiddyprodnz · 1 year
Queen Charlotte : A Bridgerton Story Review
SPOILERS !!!! watch out bae <333
honestly, ngl I watched this show only because of the chemistry in the teaser. like the wall scene encouraged me to watch it. Bridgerton is always a little hit and miss for me in a I could not finish season 1 for the life of me but watched the next one like 8 times.
It felt a little too fast paced and people began pissing me off from episode 1 but I reminded myself it was a historical show. Although her brother just signing her away and then saying 'shut up, it's already done' made me so mad ??? like let her react ??? even further down the episodes even when he's concerned, he's like oops sorry, already done now like bitch ??? 😭😭😭 so just #uselesss and annoying !!! I am sorry his little burst @ her got me because she didn't even have time to react !!!
The wall scene comes and I'm practically ready to jump but then to me it felt like the show was going 80 kms/min I was like woah woah woah, why is he saying all the right things... this is just moving too fast. (i want to gloat about being right about being suspicious but the way all i knew i was it felt shady, still had no idea what was coming fr 😭)
they were so cute and tender :'(((( ! like this is what the show kept doing to me till we got George POV. I kept on thinking we were just skipping conversations or moving too fast or just going at it because chemistry !!! but one thing about me, i'll see a romance show through and i'm kinda glad.
the show moves too quickly in the first 3 episodes for me, especially if you're binging it like me. a part of me is glad like yes babe! keep kissing each other (their chemistry is insane!) but the other part is like ??? you're not even going to talk about things. like initially i was even mad that he got to decide when they saw each other and got to be with her with a small ass apology. (the pov episode does so much for us as an audience but my girl was #robbed of many explanations)
they look great together!!! like even when she heard his outburst from the door and thought that he married her and is miserable. you could see both of them really liked each other which is why you keep waiting for an explanation, although i was wondering since they dropped each other's hands QUICKLY post coronation did the king not find it weird that she suddenly is angry ??? maybe i'll catch things on a rewatch. like he's ready and has moved in with her !!! but is not curious that she's visibly angry ???
i also will use this post to say everytime someone is not there in the morning after scenes with their partner, a part of me dies !!! unless they have gone to bring you food, you better be cuddling mate !
i for some reason called Brimsley and Renoylds little romance, i just felt vibes and yet I yelped happily when they started making out while wondering what is wrong with the king lmaooo. #real and also the actual power couple of the show! their interactions made the show worthwhile and i love how both of them were ready to risk all sorts of conduct because of how much they cared for these bozos. trust me their hands slowly touching each other had me waiting breathless because for a second i thought they were about to break up 😭 i wanted to see them grow old together
back to the king and queen shenanigans, honestly i thought that the king had just grown forgetful or just had old people problems in the og show so i was actually surprised when he ran out of the house looking for Venus.
episode 4 is we get George's pov and honestly for a bit my stubborn ass was still not ready to hear explanations till I saw him crumble into his mom's arms and it broke my heart. :( (i do not know what the illness is so i am not going to assume or probably read other posts and learn but it feels like anxiety is always a trigger for it and i felt like leaping in like a protective mother everytime someone put him in that situation)
the actor is so good with tender eyes, like the way he looked at her made me wipe out all of the memories of the earlier 3 episodes and go awwww you love her. that doctor was shady from the jump and just kept on getting worse, like the way i wanted to actually k!ll him. like he actually seemed to be enjoying the torture he was doling out on this poor man... with the obsessive need to tame him like WHEN I CATCH YOU ! (nasty ass loser, like when he spoke about taming the wolf i just knew he was not okay...) practically used the shaving routine as a way to threaten the king! loserrrr
i love that her calling that small dog a deformed bunny is what makes the king laugh (which is a relief to see post doc torture) and is what brings him out of this, and he's like fuck this shit! i'm seeing my wife. both the actors are so gorgeous...
also i am a sucker !!! for POVS and this one came with explanations so i was even a bigger sucker
Renoylds just placing a hand on the king's shoulder did more than what the dumbass doc's aggressive slaps or methods could do...
one night with the queen, one dance with the queen and the king was like i'm all healed up he's just like me !!! he was so in love lmao
then he has the episode and the queen handles it well, but he wakes up alone
the queen was fully right for asking questions but once again like the first heard the conversation through the doors, instead of even slight miscommunication, we get no communication. btw, she's pregnant too (which starts the venus panic in the first place) , blessings ! she actually begins to show a full bump and btw this is where i think the timeline fully goes helter skelter for me because did he just leave her for months and worse did he get TORTURED FOR MONTHS???
my girl is about to leave and a lot happens and i'm running out of word limit so i'll save that for another post but a chat with lady danbury #mygirl pushes the queen into the king's place and she rescues him. I NEEDED THAT BAD like you do not understand for a second i was convinced that the doctor would break him and the queen and the king would never even be able to say i love you, like i thought he'd somehow freeze in that moment right there (it is stupid but like i was actually afraid)
she saves him, they tell each other they love her and like i'm ready to go to war for them atp, they are so tender in the way they hug and you can see relief in his eyes, in her eyes and you let go of a breath you didn't know you were holding.
i love how she lets him heal but more in how she takes care of him when she can feel panic rise and his hands shake and how he calms listening to his voice ( take that nasty violent ass doctor)
the way they lied under the bed and he was afraid he would never be fully there for her and understood if she wanted to leave and she said fuch that! i love you and you're just george, just george to me <3
anyway, i feel a wave of sleep coming because i intelligently watched this at 2 am and it is 6 now but the last two episodes were me just awwing at the screen watching him trust her and himself and be happy with her. i'm so happy he got to share that with her
the children, lady danbury and violet thing I'll get onto later
the scene where the king's mom tells the queen that he's happy because of her is so sweet because it is reminiscent of the dance scene where she also realised he was happy happy.
i love how he swoops his arms around her !!! he's happy and safe <333
also this is where the timeline shakes me up because my girl is already pregnant??? AGAIN??? i feel like he helped her deliver their first baby in the same episode LMAOOOO
anyway text limit warning but yeah i liked it
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bromcommie · 5 months
Hello & Happy Monday!
So...for the WIP tag game...I know I'm supposed to pick the one (1! ONE!) that I find most intriguing, but this is like a whole buffet of intrigue, so maybe I can have two? 👀 1) НОЧНОЙ РАЗГОВОР (FIGURE OUT) <- ngl, the 'figure out' cracked me up. Also, late night conversations? Yes, please!
2) what's a nice nutcase like you doing in a place like astoria 1203 <- this just sounds fun...and possibly like the title could be deliberately misleading
Thank you! <3
Hello helloo, happy Monday to you too! (but also Tuesday now I guess. It's a 2-for-1!)
Thank you for the ask, and thank you for indulging me with two (2! it's gonna be so long!) <3
НОЧНОЙ РАЗГОВОР (FIGURE OUT!!!) - Ooof, this fucking guy. I'm glad my stern instructions to myself in the title there were funny, because I do indeed need to FIGURE this one OUT and it's bugging me. It's essentially another chapter that's a part of a larger work (not naming names not pointing fingers but it's. The Work I'm Having Trouble Updating) and it was written a looong while back, which is why it's now a standalone file. I love the premise but I kinda want to tear it down and rebuild it entirely, mostly because I'm still deciding on whether I like the way I wrote the backstory for it. So. It's fun! It's challenging! It's giving me a migraine! The title's from this song about a tired traveler trying to find his way in the night. It's three conversations (Steve+Nat, Nat+Bucky and Bucky+Steve - although they barely talk at all) that happen in the night after a very not lucid, injured Don't-Call-Me-Bucky who's recently remembered the Red Room and also had a pretty rattling encounter with the code words seeks Natasha out in Europe for [redacted] something as a last resort, but instead accidentally walks straight into Steve who he's been staying away from like the Devil Himself since CATWS. And then basically bleeds all over him. (I am not immune to the wound care trope! However, this is unfortunately not that.) A lot of ugly feelings and defense mechanisms are brought up, some painful memories re: the war and the Red Room are brought up, and nobody's having a good time or really knows how to process jack shit. They all communicate/perceive love&protection in wildly different ways, and while all three dynamics end on some kind of natural conclusion it's still a lot of unfinished, unspoken business and just kind of sad. Hurt no comfort that's necessary for there to be the promise of comfort in the future, if you will. Tbh, I really want to finish/reincorporate this one. But it's just so *screams into paper bag*. Anyway. Snippet:
When Steve wakes up the next morning Bucky’s gone, like he knew he would be. Like a hurricane passing through, the foreknowledge doesn’t make the aftermath any easier. And then what? his own voice from so long ago echoes in his head as he waits for the water for Natasha’s tea to boil in the sunny little kitchenette of the motel’s lobby. 16 hours later, he’s watching the blinding stripe of the sun setting over the East River before the plane maneuvers onto the landing strip at JFK. The hell else? Then we march on, ace. We go home.
2. what's a nice nutcase like you doing in a place like astoria 1203 - oh good, thank god! So this one is a bit more fun, but it's only got a few disjointed half-scenes so far. The title is actually one of the most literal ones on the list - the fic does take place in Astoria, Queens, and it does involves a certain "nutcase". Several, even. They really don't get along, and then they almost do.
(Blame my recent rewatch of the Netflix shows for this one. Man. What a golden age that was.)
Excerpt under the cut:
It was easy to clock the combat training before, sure, but up close this guy’s… Keyed up. Wild-eyed, a little, and not in the twitchy way of the three idiots piled up outside by the ruined water hydrant, not just sheer adrenaline stoked by fear and booze and coke. More dialed-in, purposefully ruthless. Hungry. Getting up with an expression like an enraged bull in spite of the beating he just took. Nutcase, Barnes thinks bleakly. Not that he’s in any position to judge — glass houses, all that, but — “What’re you,” he croaks, “some kind of psycho?” “Says the guy who just mowed down six guys without blinking." The man spits, grimacing at the blood that lands on the stark white of the rooftop like it personally offends him. If he notices the similar spray across his busted face, his clothes, his military-short hair, he doesn't seem to give a damn. "Nice going, by the way— my man got away." "And my man's bleeding out on a fucking pool table downstairs," he grits out. He doesn't have time for this. This whole night has been one giant exercise in unpredictability, and the police sirens echoing off in the distance are problem enough without him having to duke it out over and over with some local homicidal moron who might or might not be HYDRA. "You wanna tell me what that's about?" The man levels an irritated look back at him and then shrugs, dismissive. "I don't play with my food." "Your food had intel I've been hunting for two weeks." "Tough shit. Maybe if you hadn't screwed up your goddamn trig—" His lip curls of its own volition, affronted despite himself. What an appropriate time for his ego to announce it's back from the dead and in the mix. How fun. “The hell I did. I don’t miss.” "Is that right? There's some real screwed up drywall down there that says otherwise." His voice picks up an edge of something dangerous, aiming for threatening and landing on feral as he takes a step closer, and Jesus, can he stay down already? "Unless you did it on purpose to let him know I'm coming because you work for the bastard, in which case lemme tell you, you and me have a whole different problem." "I don't work for anybody," he says, probably with more intensity than strictly necessary. "He was a civillian. I don't kill civillians." The words curl acerbic on his tongue. He doesn't. He doesn't. That, of all things, makes the man laugh, a bitter little thing that sounds like it clawed its way out of his throat, and only barely. Who the fuck is this guy. "Oh Jesus Christ, not this bullshit again— how many of you assholes are running around this place, huh?" he says, gesturing a little wildly at him. "You got a fancy catsuit under that hobo getup, too?" It's Barnes' turn to look at him like he's a few marbles short, which judging by all evidence he very well might be. The guy snorts at his confusion, shaking his head. "If you consider that criminal piece of dog shit a civilian, you’re way more out of your depth than I thought, kid.”
but also:
“Self-righteous, God's sacrificial lamb type-of-shit," he mumbles around the mouthful with distaste, staring off across the bridge. "Got himself a stupid fucking title and everything, if you can believe that. Major pain in my ass.” Barnes hums, considering, before taking a cautious bite of his own sandwich. The thick pile of fatty meat and melted cheese breaks apart in his mouth easy with a sudden, almost overwhelming explosion of flavours, his empty stomach singing praises despite the ache in his bruised jaw as he chews. He never thought he’d say this, but god bless Queens. “Catholic?” Castle grunts an affirmative. “Yeah, I have some experience with that.”
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dallasurr · 1 year
i feel so hurt and upset about Simon he needed to heal too
i can't sleep at night sometimes
I know this is so random but i don't care i feel so hurt by the idea of everyone healing but him dead and bound to be forgetten. .. i want him feel good i want to get him out of there.
I've said this before but as much as I'd like to see the series to its planned end, I'm not that unhappy about not getting season 5. It would be really hard for me to see Amelia get a redemption or her exit when she went on the train as a fully mature adult in her 30s, and did wayyyy worse things than Simon did. Although she was mentally unstable at the time she got on the train, it doesn't seem like she had a history of mental illness before Alrick died.
What Simon did to Grace and Hazel was fucked up, I can wrap my head around his justification for killing Tuba and I'm not the person to debate about this bc I straight up didn't like Tuba. She went out of her way to kidnap and scare Grace and Simon, who would have probably found the exit to the car and went on their way the next day without her interference, and I'm of the opinion that she put both herself and Hazel in danger with her little prank. I know we wouldn't have a story without it, and it doesn't justify her death, but literally from their first interaction she showed Simon she can be hostile and dangerous. And while she warmed up to Grace (according to Grace lol I didn't see much friendly interaction between them at all, just Grace enjoying/admiring the way she interacted with Hazel), Simon always got attitude from her, I can't blame him for not warming up to her.
Simon might have been 18 at the time of his season but let's be honest, both he and Grace were very immature and justifiably so. They only had each other and their delusions for years and years before they became guardians themselves. The train has proven itself to be dangerous, and proved how high the stakes are when he died, but people act like he was a fucking monster for doing what he thought he needed to protect himself, grace and hazel from a perceived threat. He could have been a little more tactful with explaining what happened, or lied about it, but like tbh as a neurodivergent person myself who sees Simon as someone who is on the autism spectrum, I REALLY struggle with lying and deceiving people so I can understand why he just blurted out the truth without any thought.
I do think one of the most irredeemable things he did was dehumanize Grace and trap her in her memories, whether or not he knew it could kill her (I assume he didn't bc the Cat as usual didn't explain shit to him) the way he pushed her over and walks away makes me nauseous.
But I certainly don't think he deserved to die for that, and I think the series would have been a lot better if instead of kicking her off the train again (which at this point in the scene felt kind of slapstick i'm ngl), Simon finally broke out of his paranoid and delusional thought patterns and they were able to drag everyone back into the mall car for a heart to heart.
In my head in episodes 9 and 10 he's a lot like Catra in The Portal episodes, but instead of getting 2 more seasons after his fall from grace (lol) to recover and heal and fix his issues, he just got killed instead.
And it sucks because dude was clearly mentally ill and traumatized, and as someone who has mental illness and trauma that can make me act out sometimes too, who also struggles to read the room and understand what people want from me if they don't tell me directly, who ALSO had parents that didn't have my best interests as even a consideration to whatever they could gain from me, it kind of reinforces my anxiety which tells me that I deserve to suffer because of x y z stupid thing I did or said 5, 10, even 20 years ago.
(and before anyone says simon had all the chances to change and grow that grace did, please rewatch the season, he absolutely did not and all of the events that led to grace growing as a person happened when simon wasn't around, yes he was immature in a lot of moments but dude literally did not have a normal adolescence and to expect him to act like a fucking adult all the time after that is ridiculous)
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The new chapter of Unspooled Thread was SO GOOD that I couldn't stop myself from rereading it!

The changes you are making to this story are so well done that make all the plot so interesting and compelling! ( I’ve to confess that a few days ago I planned of rewatch bridgerton s1 but I end up rereading the available chapters of your story, ngl I found myself more engaged with it!)
Benelope…I just can’t express how I love their relationship, the bond they’re building is so beautiful and natural, that I can’t stop smiling every time that I read about them!
and omg are we getting jealous Benedict? bc I’m so ready for that!!
You’re making me love more and more the characters Gen, Lucy and Henry, they are becoming so important in Ben and Pen’s lives. I adore that the Granvilles and Gen have a soft spot for Pen! My girl deserves all the love!!
Gen, Henry and Lucy have definitely been my favorites in the new chapter, I just love how they already know how Ben and Pen are destined to fall in love!
How they noticed Ben’s feelings for Pen are changing even though he hasn’t realized it yet!
I just know they will support them in every step of their growing relationship!
The way you handle Marina’s situation was such a good move, honestly I love this idea more that what the series gave us! And El and Phillip meeting earlier omg I didn’t expect that but I love it!
Everything in this story have been absolutely perfection and I can’t wait to read what’s next!❤️
Thank you, friend! That means so much to me!! ♥️♥️♥️
I’m happy you’re liking the changes so far. I hope that will continue going into season 2! I love that you reread the fic and enjoyed it so much you read it over a s1 rewatch ☺️ I had to go over s1 a few times to make sure I was making the correct changes and non-changes lol
Yes! We are starting to get jealous Benedict! Not that he even realizes he’s jealous. Like all Bridgertons, he’s a bit oblivious to his own feelings for a little bit. It’s fun to write, I must admit!
I’m so happy you and others are loving the trio that is Henry, Lucy, and Gen. I was always sad Henry didn’t come back in the show, and wanted a reason to ensure he’s kept in the plot. Haha! So him, Lucy, and Gen are pretty much single handedly determined to pull Benedict’s head out of the sand eventually.
They’re fun to write. An absolute joy, really.
Is it bad to admit that I also prefer Marina marrying Wetherby then what happens in the show? I’ve actually become quite attached to that plot point. @velvetcovered-brick and I have been constructing ways to include Wetherby more in the story. We’ve grown attached to our version of him!
There will be fun with El and Phillip! Phillip being introduced to El at this point in the story is important for what we’re telling and doing over all. That will become more clear as we go along, and I’ll probably rant about it in the author’s notes to explain it 😁
Thank you again for reading!!! ♥️♥️♥️
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dracowars · 3 months
a little update
hi! uhm.. i don't even know how or where to start this after basically just disappearing without a word so i'll just start with: hey, i'm still here! i didn't want to leave, it just happened..
so much was and still is going in my life that i just didn't have the time to be active on here. unfortunately, that hasn't really changed and i feel incredibly sorry about that. this blog was my safe space for a long time, but life just got too overwhelming at some point and i couldn't enjoy anything anymore. either way, i couldn't be more grateful for everyone who is still reading my fics on a daily basis and leaving all the love on my blog in general - i love you all 🫶🏻
this post is supposed to update you on what will happen with this blog in the future and what has been going on in my life. the latter will be at the end so i don't force you to read it!
most importantly: this blog is very dear to my heart and i want to start writing again soon. i really missed the daily routine of writing a few words and i want to get back into it but i genuinely can't promise anything. there are still a few requests in my inbox but i don't even know if these people still want me to write their requests since it's been ages and they probably don't even remember. i don't really know what to do about that :( i also have a lot of unfinished drafts with my own ideas and it just got really overwhelming ngl
another reason i didn't enjoy writing as much anymore is also the liking/reblogging/commenting system of tumblr. as a writer, it simply sucks to 'only' get likes when we all know that reblogs are what pushes fics. as a reader, i usually don't reblog every single thing i read either or i just forget so i'm torn between those two sides and genuinely don't know what to do. i don't write and have never written to get the most likes/reblogs, i write because i want people to feel safe, to escape reality for at least a few minutes and because i enjoy it. but in the end, appreciation for what i write is also important in some way..
either way, i'll try to figure this out soonish and hopefully post a new fic in the foreseeable future 🥺 i missed it so so much
so, what has been going on in my life since i stopped writing? well, i'm almost done with my studies (which is fun but also scary) and i literally have only been breathing and living for university. it was a lot. it still is a lot to be honest but at least i can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel! yayy
when i did have time to myself and allowed myself a break, i grabbed a book or watched a movie/show. i finally got to read some of the books i wanted to read for ages (a court of thorns and roses, king of scars, etc) and i reached my goal of reading 50 books last year and currently i'm at 18 books for 2024!
i also watched a few new shows and movies like dune 2, damsel, challengers or the hunger games and the one piece and atla live action, derry girls, and - what probably took in my whole life at this point - house of the dragon and game of thrones!!! i can't believe i finally watched game of thrones after all these years, it still feels surreal. and listen, i'm OBSESSED. i watched it with my best friend who has seen it 10+ times and we started with house of the dragon (can't wait for season two!!!) and then went on with game of thrones and OH MY GOD. it's just so so good, i love it so much and can't believe i missed out on it for all these years. i know it's unbelievable but i went into it with basically 0 knowledge and only minor spoilers i have seen over the years so the impact was incredible. the whole experience was absolutely amazing and i will definitely rewatch it! my favourite characters are jon (what a surprise), sansa and tyrion <3 oh, and i love alicent and criston in hotd, i'm 100% team green~ who would have thought that now i of course want to write something for jon snow and maybe even some other characters from got/hotd, we'll see!
also, i can't believe the european championship is starting on friday and what do you mean it's happening in my country??? i'm so excited, can't wait to watch all the matches!!
i think this is enough for the little update. i genuinely hope that i will be able to write & post something soon and that i can finally turn this blog into my safe space again 🫶🏻 ily
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starlight-phantom · 1 year
for the ask game--top ten danganronpa characters? from across all the games! :D
I feel like my answers might be a little bit basic bitch... But, if I like them, I like them, I guess.
1 - Hajime Hinata, ngl I adore all the protagonists but there's just something about Hajime that makes me so mentally ill. Like, if I think about his story for too long, I will cry. Just... I dunno the fact that his lack of self worth lead him to make a decision like that is heartbreaking. The older I get, the more I realise just how stupid and damaging the Hope's Peak system is.
2 - Shuichi Saihara, look... I love shy, quiet and reserved male characters, I love blue haired characters, I love detectives... The moment I saw Shuichi, I felt as if he had been made for me, and goddammit it worked because I love this boy. His development over the story is so good and I love how he bounces off all the other characters. I don't even know how to explain it, I just love him.
3 - Makoto Naegi, yes the three protag boys are my top three but that's probably because we get to hear their thoughts on everything throughout the game and that adds so much personality to everything. But Naegi's such a sweetheart and he's so cute. I feel like, even though he's basically the main protagonist of the whole series and he matures a lot in the DR3 anime... He's still everyone's baby boy. Also, his inner monologues when you investigate everything are just so funny.
4 - Kokichi Ouma, I fucking love this lil gremlin man. It makes me a little sad when people call him Komaeda 2.0 because I feel like the only thing they have in common is that they're antagonistic characters but other than that... Not really similar. But he is by far one of the most entertaining characters in the whole series, he steals the show in every scene he's in. And he, along with Kaito, perfectly embodies the themes of V3, with the whole truth vs lies and faith vs logic stuff going on and then Shuichi right in the middle, it makes for really interesting conflicts and character moments. Also, I wholeheartedly adore both the English and Japanese dubs for all of the games, but I just say that Derek Stephen Prince's performance as Kokichi is one of the best I've ever heard, he is clearly loving every single second of it and it makes Kokichi all the more entertaining.
5 - Chiaki Nanami, let's get the obvious part out of the way: she is adorable. I love her design, I love her personality, I love her voice, I love her little "hey hey" voiceline... She's just so cute, okay? But she's such a great character because she and Hajime seem to be able to bring everyone together but in very different ways and despite her more laid-back personality, she will immediately step in to calm things down - like when she smacked Akane when she attacked Nagito. Plus she's honestly so intelligent??? Like she is usually one of the first people to figure things out... But she's also the same girl that ate glue. And I love that duality. And while I have very mixed feelings on the DR3 anime, Chiaki was fantastic, seeing her continue to wait for Hajime after he had signed up for the Project broke my heart... But not as much as that one episode I just can't bring myself to ever rewatch.
6 - Nagito Komaeda, where do I even start with this fuckin guy??? He truly is one of the characters of all time. I feel kinda bad that he's ended up as such a meme because he is genuinely such a complicated character, but with some of the shit he does throughout the series, I am really not surprised he ended up like that. I do really want to explain why I love him so much but to do so would require an entire goddamn essay, so I won't. Also just... Megumi Ogata's voice. That's all. I love her performances.
7 - Kyoko Kirigiri, I said it before and I'll say it again: I love detectives. Honestly, I adore Kirigiri so much... Like I played the first game when I was thirteen and I had the biggest crush on Kyoko, I honestly don't understand how it took me an extra year to figure out I like women... But seriously, I love her design and colour scheme, her voice is gorgeous and I just love her relationship with Naegi so much.
8 - Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu, again the character development for this guy is just so good. I really didn't think anything of him at the beginning of the game but by the end of the game I adored him. I love his relationship with Hajime and how, by the final few chapters, him, Hajime and Kazuichi are like a lil trio who stick together. And again, Derek Stephen Prince... Goddamn, his performance in the Chapter 2 trial ripped my heart out.
9 - Kiibo, I just love this lil robot guy. I feel kinda bad for him for all the stuff he goes through during the story. Like he keeps getting really excited to show off his features but then everyone's just like "... Is that it?" And let's not forget how everyone used him to a battering ram to break open that water tank and just fucking threw him at it. The boy's been through a lot, most of it from Kokichi tbh. But he's such a cute character and his pride of being a robot and love for his creator is so sweet. Also, that little section in chapter 4 where Monotaro gets confused and acts like Kiibo is his dad is really cute, I remember a manga anthology did a chapter about that scenario and it was adorable.
10 - Nagisa Shingetsu, I really like not as many people pay attention to Another Episode and I get it, it's a spin-off with a completely different playstyle. Hell, I prefer the main games over this game too. But wow, the Warriors of Hope make me feel so bad whenever I play this game. Like, y'know when something is so upsetting, it causes a pit in your stomach? Yeah, that's these kids backstories... All of them make me feel awful but I got really attached to Nagisa because he's one of the ones that stuck around the longest and he had that moment of allowing Komaru to escape but then basically everyone around him manipulates him to make him do what they want and completely mess him up and it just hurts to watch. And it's just disgusting that his father refers to him as 'the subject' not 'Nagisa' not 'my son' just 'the subject'... I just wanna give him a hug... He deserves one after all the shit he's been put through.
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who says you're not getting an ask? because I'm giving you one right now!
anyway, I'm curious about Burn Fast, Burn Bright. not anything specific really, just surprise me ig. I love that fic of yours a whole lot as I'm sure I've stated to you before.
CAN WE GET ON WITH THIS?? TY!!! fic in question, which is OLD as HELL and I got second hand embarrassment from all the things I could’ve done better MAN. here are my thoughts before we get into it;
- this was the second fic I’d written for stanuary, and one of the longer fics I’ve written Ever actually. 15k words. I don’t know how I was able to produce so many words for these events ngl I hope I can redo that this year ANYWAY. first impressions? shallow angst. I think that’s what this is gonna be TO ME, because I’m the author and I hate myself. this was written almost a year ago… ough
- the descriptions will be Okay, but could be Better. I think I’ve gotten better at those hopefully.
- I was writing a lot of 80s angst during this time period and this was the second in that bunch. loose ties and ends, that one kid from jersey, unfortunate ends, like?? I was on a roll. what was wrong with me (still wrong with me)
- the gnomes are here? damn. I like gnomes
- oh that summary. already fucking me up
- I’m going in with the mindset that even at the time I knew that there was improvement to be had. This is my growing. I’m STILL growing. we can do this. I was still trying to find my groove. NOW LETS GOOOOOO
He’s left the damned duffel bag.
The one thing he had to take, and he’s left it behind. Stan has nothing to curse but his own self, because how is he so stupid as to not notice for a whole day? He’d spent the whole day driving through Oregon, hopping from gas station to gas station and it’s only now, the next morning, that he realizes there are no extra clothes to change into?
already onto a great start /genuine. an earlier draft had this to be a Lot more aggressive—using exclamation points and harsher language and shit, but once I realized that it would be a little odd that we start so strong, I toned it down. I think it gives a bit more of ‘resonate despondence’, which is very (sometimes) stan
Ford had always been bad at explaining things. He always expected the listener to know exactly what he’s talking about, be at his exact intelligence level, so that his ‘explaining’ could be understood with just a few words. 100% of the time, that isn’t the case.
literally me. best but of ford characterization someone could have conjured fr
okay already a detour but did you guys know I read my fics in my head in a VERY SPECIFIC tone, and that’s why most of the italicizations and em dashes exist? that’s why they’re there because if someone doesn’t read it the way I do I slowly die inside /silly I still do it today and I have to remind myself that I shouldn’t have to do everything for my reader. I should trust them.
(Yeah, Stan wants to let his anger out, but he’s not gonna kill the guy. Ford looks fragile enough as it is, and if he fights any harder he’ll probably break his leg or a rib. No point in damaging him, really.)
yes that’s so nice stan. you’re such a good brother dude oh my GOD IM—
this whole ford pleading scene here. here’s some bits;
“It…” Ford inhales deeply. “It’s not forever. I just need it away.”
“I don’t—Stan, I don’t want you to sail away to the ends of the Earth.”
“This—this, right here, I can’t do it.” Ford gestures to the portal wildly, giving it a scowl that could give Stan a run for his money. He almost thinks it’s directed at him, since he stands in front of the machine’s eye. “I can’t fix this!”
oh I’m feeling the feelings what the fuck. I can hear the last dialogue SO WELL. I remember vividly rewatching atots like four times just to listen to the fight and I’m still not desensitized. like the way ford delivers such a genuinely misguided request and seeing nothing wrong with how it might be worded which ALSO being on the verge of snapping? yeah ford I’ll give you a pass you’re going through shit. I’m so glad it still reads!!!
“I’m already too far gone, Stanley, an-and I can’t think of anyone else, anyone who would want to help.”
ohhhhhi can hear this too. it’s a Hint you know. it’s supposed to tip you off; something is REALLY wrong….
okay I’m restraining myself from pasting this entire ford exchange but it’s so GOOD. I’m flattering myself. And I didn’t even take that long on it I remember I wrote most of chapter one in a single burst. everything you see? barely edited. all put on at once. threw up on a page. I was feeling things
Ford sets the Journal aside. He, aside from the glaring obvious, does not look shaken up. “Yes, I know. Never… see me again.”
He sounds bitter. Almost too bitter for his liking. It’s almost contagious, from how it seems to roll off him and outwardly.
“You…” Stan has to phrase this kindly. “You know I don’t want that, right?”
Ford doesn’t relax. Instead, his gaze only darkens. “I know.”
i remember crying. I was tearing UP. that’s them. that’s something I would say if I were stan. make sure they know that I don’t want that. I…!!!!
Stan wonders what Stan will say.
one of the few bits I was smiling for when writing this….
So he should be here.
I forgot the name for this literary device even though I started using it religiously after this BUT YEAHHHHHHHH GET OUR FEELINGS BABE
not gonna paste it but what ford(‘s body) is hiding by. I’m gonna be honest despite watching atots so much I forgot where the portal opened. like dead ass, so I made it up. the bookshelf is supposed to be the portal. I think the fic ‘by the skin of your teeth’ was still severely affecting me and that was the portal in that fic. this is what you get when you don’t check your references. it literally happened to me yesterday! I was finishing up chapter six of do you remember hanging up the stars and it was about aziraphale and crowley on the ark back in 3000 bc right. I forgot what the ark looked like other than a Single Memory so I bullshitted it. I then remembered I had a Resource, Checked, and it was. well I completely forgot about where the humans would’ve gone. lol
I can’t paste it all bc it’s like the whole fic but Stan’s DENIAL. the way he’s sooooo deep in it that it’s a physical jarring when he’s ripped out of it. he’s literally such a denial grieved it’s SICK and I can’t believe I wrote it so easily. Ahem. that says things I think whether good or bad is up to your interpretation
some of these dialogues are weirdly cut off. I think Stan’s a lot more of a run on sentencer. hm
okay now I’m getting into the secondhand embarrassment that would probably be extreme heartbreak had into created this. I think at this point I was very emotionally worn down; not just from writing but Life too. there’s not much to say. it just Exists
oh that fucking letter. fucking letters. I love ford letters you know that they’re so delectable especially when he’s allowed to make them long. this WHOLE THING. wow. and the way he OPENS IT. classic ‘we don’t have much time’ action type beat *writes a two paged letter*. also the crossing out things. I’m a fucking genius. augh
I don’t know if you would like to stay in Gravity Falls after this, but I would like you to do two things, the two things I could not.
UHM EXCUSE ME YOU REALLY THINK SO?? LIKE GENUINELY??? woah buddy. anyways this hurts me because I know he’s being genuine about this he DOESNT know if Stan would like to stay. he doesn’t know. HE DOESNT KNOW—
Unless there is an afterlife, this is Stanford Pines, your brother, signing off.
(Thank you, Stan. For everything.)
THAT. THAT? I was kicking my little evil feet oh I WAS. I was thinking ‘what could I do in character that could REALLY fuck you up?’ and I landed there. I loved it so much I literally used the thank you ploy again for a recent whumptober entry and it STILL HIT FOR ME. like. ford and thank yous. always painful 🥹
Two: After all this?
Stan isn’t planning to last a week.
see look it’s funny because. because the summary is about stan always following through with his plans. it was a parallel. he went through with a plan and it resulted in ford fucking off the face of the earth. so now he’s got a new one. new mission, new plan, new end. I loved thatshit…..
He didn’t expect for the pawn off to be so violent.
I had a very different opening here; it was something with bill watching everything before unfold and THEN cut to ford going through with the plan? but then I decided ‘hey wait a sec we never see stan LEAVE after that little flashback. how did that leaving go?’ and now we’re here. damn I even had an alt opening
now that we know ford’s suicide is inevitable (and that we’re in his head) I start slathering that foreshadowing everywhere….
“Okay. Okay, I’ll go. But I’m comin’ back, ya hear me? I’m not leavin’ you again.”
it’s giving crowley saying ‘I’m coming back, I won’t leave you alone’. hehehe
It does untangle, after a few seconds of frantic pulling and Ford’s shouting beforehand.
Stan doesn’t have the decency to apologize. He flaps his palm as if he got burned. “Yeesh. Your hair’s a mess.”
look it’s funny because. because. well you know. hair untangling. corpse
“And get some fucking sleep! You look half-dead!”
There it is.
yeahhhhhhh I was just being mean. stan babygirl he’s already going to do it. don’t add insult to injury
It was time to enact Plan A. If Plan A didn’t work (which it had to. He didn’t even have a Plan B) then it’d be time to panic.
the original title for this fic (like the FIRST ONE. not when I turned this into a two parter) was called ‘Plan B’, because 1) plan A indeed does not work and plan b is suicide, and 2) B for Bill. :)
But knowing Stanley, he’d find a way to show just how pissed off he was at Ford even if he was in the afterlife.
:) x2. still proud of this
When Fiddleford first learned of the gnomes, he was more than disturbed. Almost spooked. Ford had insisted that as long as you had bug spray and mushrooms, they would be manageable. Sadly, Fiddleford had thought mushrooms ‘takin’ care of the problem’ would be in warding them away, that mushrooms were a repellant of some kind.
FIDDLEFORD MY BELOVED!!!! I love writing beats like this I still do. it’s just so nice to take random hcs and put them in the most tense and matter of fact situations just to distract us a little. make us look away, but not entirely. ough
He wants to shake on it.
it’s the little traumas that break our hearts.
okayyyyyy I’ll be honest ford leaving the portal for someone else to kill it is Very ooc. I’ll admit that. but I need my Scenario!!!!! I don’t regret it. just know that I acknowledge it. *cries*
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the ‘method’. oh ‘the method’. fucking kills me. he debated ont his. rationally. RATIONALLY I WAS LITERALLY THAT ONE MEME THATS SCREAMING AT MY CHARACTERS TO STOP BUT IM THE ONE WHOS PUTTING THEM THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE—
ough. the bullet points. okay I’m running out of commentary steam but let me say this. I asked for hcs on my blog right? so I could put some of those here because even I run out of hcs eventually, and people DELIVERED. I loved them. I put every single one in at least One point, and seeing these tiny memories just spring up at he’s doing this is like that thing with the fiddleford/mushrooms bit. he’s distracting himself. making th situation less scary in his eyes. OUGH
Ford had considered being a doctor for some time while in elementary school. It was a given, considering his intelligence and avid nature towards sciences. His love for the supernatural always gave in however, and it has won every battle. But for a long time after, a part of him wanted to be a chemist, a manufacturer, a creator. Sure, it soon became a pipe dream, but for a while it was a genuine choice.
But Ford is an experimenter. He realized early on that he wouldn’t be able to resist pouring the components and chemicals on his skin, if only to see how they would react to human flesh.
motherfucker.that guy is literally me
btw these spaces after the em dashes are killing my soul. I remember once that I thought everyone else was wrong with no spaces and I was right. Oh, past me. No.
How could you not love someone like that?
God, he’s never going to see him again.
4.5 million humans in the world. 230 million humans in America. 7 million in New Jersey. 2 million in Oregon. Around sixty or seventy species of anomalies in Gravity Falls alone. And that doesn’t even account past Earth, if Crash Site Omega was accounted for.
I had to look all that shit up I don’t even know if it’s right. at first it’d been modern day stats but THEN I remembered that we’re in the fucking 1980s so ofc it’s different. ALSO LOOOK I FUCKED UP IT SAYS MILLION NOT BILLIONS. IM GONNA DIE. FUCK. either way we stay silly we stay silly!!! just know that little paragraph has caused me so much grief.
Ford always hated funerals.
this was the beginning of the ‘we hate funerals’ saga. still do hate them. I hate them, ford hates them, crowley hates them, ALL OF THE HOMIES HATE THEM 🫵🫵 /j
Mania is a feeling he knows well, and this is not that.
lmao name drop *i was on the verge of tears*
It’s Ford, the snow, and his candle, which has no more wax to burn.
the spacing. the html gave me sooooo much trouble but it was worth it!!!! every space was deliberated and checked and shit. ough. OUGH
okayyyy im capping it here because I’m so so tired. but!!! here it is. I just. wow. Less yet more corny than I thought this would be. I hope you enjoyed that little roller coaster, and I’m off on Life Adventures. Which means Errands. fuck…..
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thewollfgang · 7 months
I feel like the universe is trying to tell me to rewatch Lucifer despite my apprehension about doing so. I'm watching Suits (I was desperate enough for a good show to finally give in and wander into the Drama genre, it's not bad - frustrating at times, as drama can be, but not bad) and one by one there have been appearances of the cast... albeit before they were in the cast. First, it was Rachael Harris then it was D.B. Woodside and the latest one was Tricia Helfer. I think it's a sign that out of the dozens of other shows I scrolled past, I somehow chose the one that these three actors make an appearance in. And season 2 of Lucifer is one of my favorites so it kinda drives the feeling further. Also, Tricia played a lawyer and Charlotte was a lawyer so I was like 🤯. I'll be putting a bit more thought into my decision but I think after seeing them in action once again, this "sign" will likely overrule my apprehension sooner or later. It has been two years after all.
My feelings about rewatching are very weird to me. I rewatch Castle, The Mentalist, Bones and a bunch of other shows where I was invested in the story and the (obvious) intended romance of the two main characters with ease but I don't know what it is about Lucifer. My guess is that it's because I took part in the fight to get more, to get that ending - the closure, but shouldn't that make me want to rewatch it even more despite feeling like I should preserve that first impression of the ending?
OKAY cracks knuckles. I have sat down, I have turned the computer on. I am ready.
Honestly I really want to re-watch a few episodes myself. I feel like fandom (at least on Twitter and reddit) are such cesspools of misery, I want to revisit the show I loved and remember how I felt about it, without the influence of small, bitter pockets of fandom.
I thought it was HILARIOUS how many actors from Lucifer were in suits. Nearly a cast reunion! (ngl Harvey is nearly human!Lucifer)
Ah, Castle! You know, my first successful fic was a Castle & Firefly crossover on ye old ff.net. I haven't rewatched in a long time. My favorite show to re-watch is an cop procedural called Life (2007) with Damien Lewis. Only 2 seasons but I've watched it probably five or six times. It's my comfort show, in a way.
Sorry it took so long to reply properly, bg! Feb has been stupid busy 😭
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strawberrystar7 · 1 year
Ngl I am kinda jealous. I’m not from the USA so I don’t have access to the movie Ladybug & Cat Noir on Netflix. You guys can just watch it as many times as you want. We had a movie theater release of the movie in the country I live in, starting in the beginning of July. I went to the movie theaters on the first weekend the movie was out and it was nice. Don’t get me wrong, watching a movie in a movie theater on those massive screens is great. The movie was nice too. The animation was great and I loved the songs but I did have a few problems with the writing. I felt like it was a bit rushed in a sense. Not in the way that they took too little time to write the story but I felt like they put too much into the movie. I felt like some things should have been kept out and put in a second movie so that they could focus more on specific details without having to neglect other stuff. I did like the overall story and how it was portrayed, tho there was something about how Gabriel was handled that I didn’t like.
Gabriel couldn’t get himself to hurt his own son. Yes this makes him a more sympathetic father figure compared to the show but I feel like someone who would go so far to hurt an entire city for selfish reasons would also hurt their own family. The fact he didn’t just goes against everything I know and have experienced myself. And yes, I know that Gabriel in the beginning of the movie didn’t want to terrorize Paris but the thing here is that he got more and more corrupt the more he used the Miraculous. Someone who falls into that kind of corruption will eventually hurt their own loved ones. Maybe in the beginning he wouldn’t hurt his son but I feel like by the end of the movie he would have fallen down so far into this hole of corruption where his love for his son would not be enough to make him stop wanting to pursue his goals.
Anyway, Gabriel aside and while I do think the movie has it’s issues I also I think the movie is good. Maybe not the greatest but I think it’s good. I have to admit that while I had enjoyed watching the movie in the movie theaters back then I wish I could just open Netflix and watch the movie whenever I want. The only way for me to watch this movie legally for a second time would be to either go to the cinema again (the city I live in still has viewings of this movie) or to wait until they publish the movie for home video and streaming in my country but that usually takes a couple of months after the movie stopped airing in theaters. I mean there still are viewings of the movie at the movie theater in my city so I could technically go and watch it again but that would cost me around 10€ just for a one time viewing of the movie. It’s just not cost efficient. Homevideo or streaming would mean I either pay a monthly fee of around 10-12€ (streaming) or a onetime payment (DVD/Bluray) and could watch the movie as many times I want. So yeah… I’m kinda jealous of Americans since they have the Movie on Netflix. Idk I just want to rewatch the movie since there are some details that I simply can’t appreciate in the movie theater because you can’t exactly pause or rewind a movie in a theater.
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