#also not to get into it too much but I love Princess and Mitch for similar reasons of being potentially very sad and a bit fucked-
rosielou94 · 2 years
The Tulsa King Boys as Boyfriends
This is my first ever post on Tumblr, but I am way too obsessed with this show to not share my fluffy thoughts. I know most of the cast are oooold, but I just couldn’t help myself!
The gifs and pictures are not my own, I sourced these through Tumblr and Google. 
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 Tyson Mitchell
·        He’s your biggest cheerleader. You just got a new job? He’ll sing your praises from the rooftop. Nailed a big presentation? He’ll whoop and cheer you on, and take you out to dinner to celebrate. Nothing you accomplish is ever too small to be missed. Even if you’re having a bad day and all you managed to do was get out of bed and brush your teeth? Tyson’ll order takeout, rent your favourite movie and turn the living room into a giant pillow fort to celebrate you making it from the bed to the couch.
·        He’s absolutely in awe of everything you do and he loves telling anyone and everyone about you. His family at the dinner table, Dwight while he’s driving him around, the old lady in the fruit section of the supermarket – he’ll tell them all just how amazing he thinks you are.
·        He’s always trying to make you laugh; and he always succeeds. He’s constantly telling jokes – the cheesier, the better. Even when he isn’t telling jokes, he’ll do or say something that has you belly laughing until tears roll down your cheeks. This guy is a class clown, but he’s your clown, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
·        He LOOOVES PDA. He can’t himself. He always holds your hands when you’re out, and he can’t resist pulling you in for a kiss right there in the middle of the street. He loves to cuddle you from behind, wrapping his arms around your waist and dotting kisses up your neck. He doesn’t care who’s around or who he does it in front of. He loves you, and he doesn’t want to hide it.
·        He treats you like an absolute princess. He’s constantly showering you with gifts. Sometimes they’re big, like expensive gifts perfume or a dress you saw in the window of a boutique. But Tyson also knows that you appreciate the little things. If he sees your favourite candy bar, he’ll buy you some. If you’re having trouble sleeping, he’ll pick up some lavender bubble bath and a nice candle so you can relax in the tub (but he’ll 100% join you). He loves spoiling you, but he knows that money isn’t everything. Sometimes he’ll leave notes around the house for you to find with a cute saying, or a funny joke. He loves making you know just how loved you are.
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 Mitch Keller
·        Mitch is a pretty private person. It takes him a while to open up to you, but once he does, you forge a connection like you’ve never had before. You spend countless evenings in Bred 2 Buck, sipping on beer and talking about anything and everything. His time in prison meant he spent a lot of time thinking, and he loves to share those thoughts with you. He also enjoys telling you about his time as a bull-rider, reliving his glory days and making you laugh at some of his stories and gasp in shock at others. Mitch is a great storyteller and you could sit for hours listening to his deep, honey coated Southern drawl.
·        Mitch isn’t a fan of PDA, but there are times when he cant help but softly caress your thigh under the table while you’re at the bar, or hold your hand while you drag him around another early morning farmers market (which he loves, but he’d never admit). However, when you’re alone, he’s constantly pulling you close for deep, tender kisses. His loves to run his hands through your hair, stroke your cheek and pepper kisses on your nose and forehead. He’s incredibly cuddly at home and his favourite thing is snuggling under a blanket on the sofa while he plays with your hair.
·        When it comes to giving gifts, Mitch is incredibly sentimental. He didn’t have much money growing up, and he knows that it’s the little things that matter. He might not treat you to fancy, expensive gifts, but you can guarantee he’ll write you endless songs on the guitar and perform them over a candlelit dinner. He’ll run you a bath with your favourite products or take you for a picnic on a sunny day (and he’ll have made all the food from scratch).
·        Mitch loves to just sit back and take you all in. The way your hair shines in the hot Tulsa sun, the sound of your laugh as you sit on the porch watching the sun set, the sparkle in your eyes when he names a cocktail after you at the bar and makes it for you every time you come to visit (even though Tyson has been dying to have one named after him). These are the things that bring him pleasure. He never felt himself to be worthy of love, and no matter how long the two of you have been together, he can’t quite believe how the hell he ended up so lucky.
·        Mitch is a family man and he wants to provide for you. You know that no matter what, you and his dad come first. If you’ve had a long day at work, he’ll take care of dinner and the dishes. If you’re feeling down, he’ll put on your favourite show and sit through the entire thing, even if it’s not what he enjoys. He wants to make you happy, because in his eyes, you’ve made him the happiest man alive. He’ll spend the rest of his life trying to make you smile.
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 Armand Truisi
·        Armand is pretty shy. After an unhappy marriage to his ex, his confidence took a hit. It took him months to work up the courage to ask you out, and he stumbled over his words on the first two dates because he was so nervous. He was sure he’d blown it, but you thought it was cute. He used to second-guess himself a lot, but after realising that you genuinely think his jokes are funny, and that you really do enjoy the Sicilian pasta he makes, his confidence is growing.
·        Armand has a huge love for interior design. He always said he bought the interior design courses for his ex, but you know he poured over the books after she went to bed. He has a soft spot for Art Deco and took you to the Art Deco Museum in Tulsa for your fourth date. It’s now become a favourite place for the both of you. You could listen to him for hours while he talks about the time period, the famous art pieces and how much he loves certain pieces of furniture.
·        Armand is a hard worker. He loves his job at the ranch, and he loves working for Dwight. However, no matter how tired he is, or how long he’s been awake, he’ll always make time for you. If he gets home just as you’re getting up, he’ll make you a cup of coffee and chat to you while you get ready for the day. If he’s working at the ranch on a Saturday, he’ll bring you along and let you spend time with the horses, offering you free riding lessons and showing you how to reshoe a horse. He’s good at what he does, and he’s a natural teacher.
·        Armand is like a nervous teenager when it comes to PDA. He wants to hold your hand and shower you with kisses, but he’s conscious of doing it in public. At home he loves to slow dance. He’ll put on a record (that you picked up at a local vintage fair) and slow dance you round the living room. Armand’s a good dancer, and he’ll spin you round and round until you’re dizzy, dipping you low to the ground as the song ends and kissing you softly.
·        Armand’s a homebody through and through. There’s nothing he loves more than mowing his lawn, tending his garden and doing DIY around the house. You love to watch him as he works, and he pretends like he doesn’t notice you staring, but he’ll stand a little taller when he pushes the mower, or he’ll flex his biceps a little harder while he’s his screwing that cabinet door back on. He much prefers an evening in than going out. He’s forever cooking you new dishes that he’s discovered, or playing you old records. He’s a huge fan of classic movies and he introduces you to a new one every weekend, usually under the comfort of a blanket with a big bowl of popcorn.
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 Goodie Carangi
·        Despite his tough exterior, Goodie is a teddy bear. He acts all tough out in public but at home, there’s nothing he loves more than resting his head on your lap while you run your hands through his hair. He’s not afraid to let his guard down at home and will happily watch rom coms with you (but he’ll never admit it in front of the guys).
·        Goodie enjoys the finer things in life, and he loves treating you to them as well. He’s the first one to know about the latest, fanciest restaurant and you can bet he’s booked the best seats in the house. He goes all out for your birthday and Christmas, buying you the fanciest clothes and jewellery. Gift giving his definitely his love language and he has no problem showering you with presents.
·        Goodie HATES flying, but he wants to treat you to weekends away. You take the train a lot, visiting towns and cities throughout America, staying in the most luxurious hotels and dining in the fanciest restaurants. He really wants to whisk you away to Italy though, and he’s working on his fear of flying. He’s always refused to travel by air, but he knows how badly you want to fly somewhere special, and he’s willing to work on his phobia for you.
·        At first, Goodie comes across as no-nonsense. But behind closed doors he’s goofy, and has more than a few cheesy jokes up his sleeve. He loves making you laugh and can command a whole room with his stories. He’s a charmer, and he knows when to be serious and when he can loosen up a bit.
·        Goodie is a great listener, and he gives incredible advice (that was his job with the Invernizzi family, after all). If you’re having a bad day, he’ll pull up a chair, make you your favourite drink listen while you tell him your problems. He always knows exactly what to say and gives you multiple points of view to help you make the best decision.
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 Dwight Manfredi
·        After 25 years in prison, this man is TOUCH STARVED! However, he’s old school and isn’t a fan of PDA. At home however, he’s always kissing you on your lips or cheek, wrapping you up in warm, tender cuddles and he loves to hold hands while you’re snuggled up in front of the TV.
·        Dwight is a gentleman and you can always expect him to open the car door for you, hold open the doors to restaurants and shops, and pull out your chair when you sit down for dinner. He’ll have a cup of coffee waiting for you when you wake up and an ice cold glass of wine waiting when you get home. This man knows it’s the little things that count and he’ll never take you for granted.
·        Dwight’s an avid reader, having spent the last 25 years reading anything he could get his hands on. He loves the classics – Jane Austin, Charles Dickens and Emily Bronte. He loves reading to you in front of the fire with a glass of wine in his hand. He could spend hours in bookshops and he loves it when you recommend him a book you’ve enjoyed.
·        Dwight likes to treat you, but he knows that gifts can be superficial. Whenever he get you something, you know it comes from the heart. If you have a favourite pastry at a particular caffe, he’ll head out early and buy you a box while they’re still warm and fresh. If he knows you have a favourite author, he’ll wait in line to buy their new book as soon as it comes out and he’ll absolutely find a way to track that author down and have the book personally signed.
·        Dwight knows he missed out so many opportunities and experiences while he was in prison, and he wants to see and do everything with you. He’s always whisking you off to the latest exhibitions, or on weekends away to places you could only dream of. He loves watching the sun rise and he’ll wake you up gently so you can enjoy it on the porch together, a cup of steaming Italian coffee in your hands.  
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chrysalizzm · 1 year
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vine boom. wasteland character expression memes
read the series here.
(more on the characters and also quality details under the cut)
so wasteland, the series currently being updated on ao3, focuses pretty much entirely on the dsmp cast, but behind the scenes the cast of this thing is sprawling, including but not limited to empires, hermitcraft, the life series, mcc participants, smpearth, noxcrew, older guard mcyts like jordan n mitch n jerome n seto n deadlox, speedrunners, tiredtwt, outsiders smp, fable smp, redacted smp, and my personal scrungklies, which are team salad, a korean mcyt group that brings me great joy. this is why there r characters on this expression meme chart that u probably do not recognize if u are a) under the age of 18 b) exclusively know dream smp or c) are not a korean speaker. some fun facts abt the wasteland characters, their powers, or the circumstances in which these expressions take place:
ivory was a sidekick for hermit that was chased into villainy following her coming out as trans. as throne, she is now one of jordan's lieutenants in trinity and has assassinated several government officials.
jimmy, alias firebird, is an empire offices hero. he also happens to be allied with the fates under the alias wildfire. i'm sure this is of no import in the story /lie
i cannot imagine in what circumstance punz would ever make that expression. mans is chill as fuck.
i accidentally anime boyed the hell out of fruit, alias floodbloom under chase co. he has a lot of admirers on tumblr and about two thirst accounts on twitter
shelby's (alias wilder) hero uniform is heavily inspired by princess mononoke. she's signed on under empire offices, like jimmy, and can release poisonous spores from her skin.
tommy's doing the nervous lore laugh in that drawing
velvet is doing the anime lady hohoho pose while covered in blood. if he didn't have painful and complicated emotions about velvet turning to villainy, ant would be swooning
dont worry about why illumina is covered in blood it is absolutely not related to the series whatsoever /suspicious. instead consider how illumina (alias anima) is fruit's hero partner under chase co.
shoutout to @pixelperfunctory for this req. thats the most boomer ass lookin expression in the world
a brooding phil (not to be confused with a broody phil, which is c!phil). techno starts to see this expression more and more as they get older.
not to toot my own horn but foolish came out extraordinarily handsome in this drawing. he has some golden scales and they glimmer brighter when he's happy, which eret is very fond of.
grian, who we know as seraphim from wonderland, is remarkably scrungkly. he has three sets of wings and is a talented flier.
wilbur also came out quite beautiful, blood and tears notwithstanding. the next fic scheduled to be published hopefully either by the end of may or early june might shine some light on his expression here
sapnap, like ivory and shelby, would probably tear someone's throat out with his teeth given the opportunity. in the interim he gets thousands of thirst traps made of him by adoring stans.
i imagine that's the kind of AYO?? expression ponk makes whenever sam short-circuits the entire spark co. headquarters
my boy. he's not lookin too good
mapple (villain name kallisti, also known by other villain orgs as she of the heights) my scrungkly. in wasteland he's the leader of villain org team salad which is not at all what it appears to be. that particular drawing is a rare moment where he's being flustered by his very charming queerplatonic partner parkmo.
oh my love. by the time the silver age ends seto has been dead for six years. in life he was one of chase co.'s senior heroes, alias sigil, and he could control the wind. his friends - mitch and jerome, especially, who are the joint heads of chase co. - loved him very much.
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19871997 · 2 months
- that one celly when the leafs played the flames last season and mitch just tackles willy to the ground and willy laughs at him and the mid fall picture looks like a rom com kiss is about to happen
and that's it!
just kidding here's some more
- they, along with auston, make up a trio i think is criminally underrated and underapperciated in a rpf way, even in comparison to trios already getting underapperciated as a role
- they have complimentary slut energies to those with eyes to see (will elaborate if prompted)
- the absence of auston only highlights an auston shaped shadow, if one feels so compelled (see point one)
- they both have at direct points taken the full force of toronto media/fan ire and in fact pass it back and forth like a baton because they can't both be loved and appreciated at the same time
- willy is actually good at fashion and mitch is just good at dressing like himself
- mitch has only ever been a toronto boy and willy's life pre leafs had like no stability of place and so mitch can symbolize toronto and staying and longevity and home to willy, which he has been wanting and now has (conversely him getting it is making it more precarious for mitch to stay in the place he's almost always been)
- they have complimentary personalities, both in similarities and differences (both silly and giggly but willy is decidedly more cool and chill (many definitions) than mitch for example)
- they also have games that match and mirror each other and being too similar but too different is actually their curse (they are both high octane offense right wingers only a year apart in age, but mitch is more of a defensively responsible passer and willy is a goalscorer) and if they were just completely the same on the ice, trading one probably would have already happened a long time ago, but they have enough differences to make them important and distinct in their own ways but since those similarities are still part of it it contributes to the disproportionate media/fan ire anyway. if they were even a little less similar everything would be easier but they can't be anyone but themselves. and it would be a lot easier to just hate each other for all the problems caused by being teammates, but even when bickering or directly competing or losing or suffering or pushing each other, they still love each other a lot
- also would be hot
OOOOOO them sharinf thr title of people’s princess of toronto… TBE PART ABOUT HOMEEEEE + their game styles… VERY VERY INTRUIGING. especially about how easy it would be for them to hate eachother and not get along but. theyre home. and rhey win together and they lose togetber and jf mitch is the people’s princess willy’s facing the brunt of their ire and they’ll both forever be competing for second best leaf… so damn much here
rarepairs tonight queen?
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violetlunette · 1 year
Hey, me! Since I know you want to do an ask meme on Candace and it’s highly unlikely anyone will ask you to do it, I thought I’d ask you! Have fun, me! :)
Aww, you’re so sweet, me! <3
Ask Meme for Candace Flynn from Phineas and Ferb;
Why I like them; Oh, so many reasons! I am literally writing a post on why Candace is one of my favorite characters—but for this, I’ll pick one; her underdog nature. Candace is constantly pushed down and kicked by the universe, even when she does nothing wrong. Yet she always gets back up. She complains, moans, and gets frustrated but she still gets up and continues to fight for what she believes in. That’s another thing I like about her; she has strong morals. Don't get me wrong, her beliefs often cause her trouble but you can see that she's trying to do what she sees as right. As cool as the things Phineas and Ferb do are, they're still dangerous and breaking the rules. Candace will do what she believes is right, even if the universe is literally against her. 
And Candace will more often do the right thing even when she knows it’ll cost her. She sacrifices her phone to stop Mitch, destroys a CD on Phineas’ birthday instead of getting him in trouble on his birthday and destroys evidence that will prove that she’s not crazy to protect Nosy, and gives up a precious childhood toy so a little girl can be happy, and more. In each of these instances, she is giving up something important to her because it’s the right thing to do, even though it hurt her personally.
Why I don’t; There are times she's a bit entitled and selfish, but she grows out of it over time.
Favorite episode (scene if movie); The Chronicles of Meap and The Wizard of Odd
Favorite season/movie; Seasons 2&3
Favorite line;
“The universe is against me,
And no one here defends me.
Everyone pretends we
Haven't seen it all before.
And it sends me
Into this manic frenzy.
And, yes, it still offends me!
The whole universe is against me!”
Favorite outfit; I really liked the dress she wore to Hawaii and the Princess gowns. (Her swimsuits and PJs are also cute, along with her winter jacket.)
OTP; Sadly, I have none for Candace just yet. (I used to love Canderry when I was younger, but I prefer them as Uncle and niece now.)
Brotp; Oh, tons! I love Candace with her brothers, but also Perry, Stacy, Buford, and Baljeet (I think they worked really well as a group in the Star Wars Special), and Doofenshmirtz (I think they have the potential for an interesting dynamic.)
Head Canon; Candace unknowingly has psychic powers like Max from “Sam & Max: The Devil’s Playhouse.” Because of this, her sense of reality is fragile as she can see into other dimensions and her memory can’t be erased. (Luckily for Perry, she knows how to keep a secret.)
Unpopular opinion; Oh boy. This is what’s going to isolate me from the PnF community despite my love for Candace; I don’t like Canderemy.
This is the canon couple and the one completely beloved by the fandom. And why wouldn’t they? They’re so sweet, and Jeremy is absolutely perfect for Candace and is just what she needs in her life.
And yet—I don’t like it.
Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with the couple at all. As I said, they’re sweet, and Jeremy is perfect for Candace.
The problem for me is that Jeremy is too mellow to the point of being boring. Plus, it feels like he only exists to be Candace’s perfect mate. The only thing that makes him interesting is his relationship with Candace. That’s it. I know the series tried to add some character to him, but I felt more for Monty, who we only saw for a few episodes than I did for Jeremy, who I saw for three seasons.
Whatever you feel about Phinbella or Ferbnessa all parties can stand on their own and be interesting. I could watch an episode focused on any one of these characters and be entertained. Not so much with Jeremy.
I dunno, I don’t hate him but he’s my least favorite part of the show (besides Suzy, that is). There is nothing about him that appeals to me outside of the fact he's nice to Candace, so I won’t be writing fanfics about him anytime soon.
A wish; In the new seasons we get to see Candace overcoming her obsession with her brothers and not only stepping into a new life but one that allows her to be just as amazing as her brothers without depending on them.
An oh-god-please-don't-ever-happen; Candace’s development gets undone, and that she actually ends up living the life she has in “Quantum Boogaloo.” (This happens to be one of my least favorite episodes along with Act Your Age.) I hope that all the time traveling going around gives her a different future.
5 words to best describe them; “And [Candace]’s anything but ordinary!”
My nickname for them; Candy, Candy Girl, Candy Girl
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ang3l0fde4th4ndd0gs · 2 months
Okay so at some point I was writing like 4 fandoms at once and some original stories. I have since written one Disney one shot and the rest has all been Marauders. So I have a feeling I should fix that 😂. I loved being a fully multi fandom account. Like I wrote Marvel stuff, Harry Potter stuff, Disney stuff, MCYT stuff, BNHA stuff, OUAT stuff all at the same time and had like 40 different books. Most of it was MHA of course cause at the time, that was the big thing. Everyone was into that. But I haven't written much outside of my bubble. So I present a challenge (for those who want to participate of course), give me a fandom to get into. I will post my list of fandoms under the cut. I will look into said fandom and write at least one one shot about it and put it in AO3. Only because I would love to be multi fandom again, I just haven't gotten into much as of lately.
Once Upon a Time 
Harry Potter
Star Wars
Liv And Maddie
V for Vendetta
Doctor Who
Lovejoy (But I don't Support Wilbur)
Wilbur Soot (Don't support Wilbur himself)
Disney Parks
Melanie Martinez (I don't support Melanie herself)
Sam Smith
Tom Lehrer
Mitch Hedberg
John Mulaney
Nick Kroll
Taylor Tomlinson
Dungeons And Dragons
Gabriel Iglesias 
Stranger Things
Unus Annus
Five Nights At Freddy’s
Slime Rancher
Harley Quinn
Dear Evan Hansen
Bob Ross
In The Heights
Free Guy
Percy Jackson
Apollo Series
Asylum Series
My Chemical Romance
Cinder Series
Nerdy Nummies
How To Cake It
Animal Crossing
Totally Reliable Delivery Service 
Call Of Duty
Zoo Tycoon
Powerwash Simulator 
Alexa and Katie
The Crown
Bo Burnham 
Lana Del Rey 
Face Off
Red Rising
Kevin Hart
Jo Koy
Mateo Lane
Slime Meowy
Assassination Classroom 
The Grinch
Moriah Elizabeth 
TPM Videos
Andy Weir
Project Hail Mary
Ready Player One
The Martian
Shadow And Bone
Hazbin Hotel
Dear Evan Hansen
Game Of Thrones
Gilmore Girls
Mean Girls
After Series
Archie Comics
The Flash
Ouran Highschool Host Club
Cloudy June
We Three
Dorian Gray
Ben Barnes
Blue Eye Samurai
Daz Black
How to train your dragon
Taylor Swift
Brain Leak
Assassin's Creed 
Pirates Of The Caribbean 
Jujutsu Kaisen
Good Omens
Sam And Colby
Kall Me Kris
Billie Eillish
Little Misfortune 
The Princess Bride
My Little Pony
A Goofy Movie
Slime Obsidian 
The Rise Of The Order
The Last Of Us
The Big Bang Theory 
South Park
Winx Club
OddCat Cosplay
Commander BunBun Cosplay
Soul Eater
Heartbreak High
Young And Hungry
The Lord Of The Rings
Saturday Night Live
Chapell Roan
Renee Rapp
(As of 8/01/2024)
Some might be doubles but, that was everything I've been into. A lot of it honestly doesn't have great fanfiction potential though. I have admittedly written a little bit of Ben Barnes stuff too. But not much. I think maybe 5 one shots if that.
The whole list was taken from my Quotev list. But, I wanted to share my own interests and encourage others to share theirs. Perhaps tag someone and let's see how many interests I can collect lol.
I know that there are a lot of fandoms here that I probably could write for but haven't gotten around to it. I probably will eventually I just also enjoy the thought of learning new things as well.
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you who loves tofu and eats dark chocolate, and is going to do archery lefty eyebaf 😅 one day, your nickname will just fill up an entire page!
Her new room? Did she sleep with you guys then? Or is it new because you guys redecorated it and such?
How big is the tree? Do you like getting big trees that reach all the way tonthe ceiling? My little plastic tree is probably 2 ft tall haha
No, it's a yellow cap, made by Maggi. I went to look in the pantry, it's literally called seasoning sauce haha 😄
Onion rings are my favorite fast food side if they have it. But I understand that the greasy part can be ick. I only really order it from red robin, it's so good and crunchy, and its not oily at all. I love green onions too, I always put it on my egg drop soup whenever I make it. My friend's mom would make carne asada during summer, and she would grill the green onions. We always fight for it because she would only grill like a few.
I don't eat spicy food very much. I'm a baby when it comes to spice. If I ever eat spicy food, I better have 2 to 3 bottles of water ready haha do you like spicy food? Also are you talking about herbs and spices to be used in cooking?
Do you like stuffed mushrooms then? I remember making a stuffed mushroom dish before, and it was so good.
Hm I don't think I've seen the black ones. I've seen the one with sea salt but not with the orange. You like chocolate with fruits then? Have you had an orange ball?
Yeah I would be, I definitely don't know how to discipline a kid. I'm trying to learn to be more strict or "adult" when I am around children though.
I love the part where Mitch was wearing the hat and they made jokes about it. And the part where Gloria was cutting Luke's hair ahahaha oh and the part where Hailey just walks in and they're like whaaaaat 🤣 another episode I like is the one where Gloria loses Stella, then she and Cam goes looking for her, and Cam starts screaming STELLAAAAAAA.
I'm also going for smart and boring. Even though I am smart, I can still make jokes, just certain people will get it haha
Would you rather have a personal chef or a housekeeper?
- CuriousGeorge
Oh my goodness, that was a long nickname 🤣🤣🤣 how can u come up with them? Lol.
My daughter sometimes sleep in my room or in her grandpa's room (my father in law).
We just slowly changed the guest room to her room.it used to have nothing in it n was also her toy room. But now with mound her tv n put up some Frozen and disney princess wall decal, n also curtain. We bought some toyboxes n also a small extra protable closet to hang her dress. We sorted her toys n put up some shelves for her plushies.. u know, stuff like that. N pretty soon we gonna move her bed into that room.
We got a smaller one than the one we usually have. Last times we had 9ft tree but this time we picked a 7ft one. Last year i got them flocked with fake snow but not this year.. the last two years we had another 3ft one for her own tree but not this year because we will be going to CA for christmas n her grandma already bought small ones for her at her house.😁
Yes i love getting a big one, the taller the better 😅 i like the flocked one so it looks like a greenish white. I love the smell of pine tree. I like christmas light but the white ones but of course for toddlers the color ones better.lol.
Do u wanna see the decorations i put? It's not totally done yet, some of the lights are out, i have to buy a new one.
Aw 2 ft is cute.. i grew up with plastic tree n small too. Thats why now im here n i can get a real n very tall ones so i always go all out.hahaha.
Haha i think i know which seasoning sauce is that. 😅 that one is good too. Mine, some part of the labels on the bottle not even in english 🤣
I think onions themselves are greasy when u cook it, so when it's deep fried, for me is too much. Hahah. I'm not really a fan of fried food (but i will still eat certain fried food). i love grilled food n soups. 😁 what about u?
Ah i see. I love spicy food.. the spicier the better.haha.
Yeah i meant herbs n spices that r used in cooking.. do u like food that uses lots of herbs n spices? Most asian food use herbs n spices. My favorite is Indian food. Omg.. i love it.hahah. the second favorite is thai food. But of course number one is indonesian food.hahaha.
Yeah i think i had stuff mushroom n it was fried.. it was pretty good.. i love grilled or baked stuffed mushroom. Maybe someday u can share me the recipe for that stuffed mushroom u made. 😁
When i go to the store i will take a pict n share it with u, but promise me u will try it. 😅🤣
Haha yeah i remember that part, Jay compliments the hat Mitch got n he said "what if i tilt it a little bit?" N Jay said "u ruined it" 🤣
Haha the mohawk on luke because he lost bet with Phil. 🤣
Oh yeeah i know that episode. Haha i can hear that "STELLAAAAA" in Cam's voice 🤣 n then what's funny is Cam n Gloria scream back n forth with the little girl that found Stella, n Jay n Manny heard it from far n thought coyote might just eat a dog. 🤣
Haha so u r good at making joke? U should tell me some.
As much as i like food, i would pick housekeeper.hahaha. i can try to cook anything n have someone to clean after that, is awesome.hahaha. what about u?
Next question?
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canyonmoonrry · 3 years
lovin’s endless
summary: harry is busy with work but before he leaves in the morning he always shows how endless his love is for (y/n).
pairings: harry x female!reader
warnings: daddy!h, dom!harry, sub!reader, denying, pussy!play, and mentions of sex
word count: 837
a/n: this is loosely based on a scenario a anonymous sent to @harrywritingsbyme and I just had to write !
for my love, @swiftmendeshoran x
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you were softly woken up by the sound of the shower starting, indicating that harry was getting ready for work. today, he had to finish recording some songs in the studio with mitch and jeff.
you stretch out your limbs feeling the soft white sheets move off your upper body. sending a pleasant morning breeze to brush against your skin. you sighed contently because morning’s like these were always the best in your eyes.
after quietly watching the sunrise, you decided to read your current book while waiting for harry to come out of the bathroom.
15 minutes later…
you hear the water turn off, signaling the end of harry’s shower. the door to your en-suite gently opens because harry is unsure if your awake or not, and hates to wake up you too early in the morning. he pokes his head through and upon seeing you awake that familiar cheshire smile works it’s way onto his face. you glance over at his towel adorned body, with delicate water droplets running carelessly down his skin.
“good morning, H.” you smile before turning your attention back to your book. “morning, petal.” he says, while finally exiting the bathroom. he combs his hand through his wet curls, on his walk over to your shared closet.
“do you know when you’ll be home, lovey?” you call out as you set your book back on your nightstand. “not sure yet, angel. depends on what we can finish in today’s session.” he says, as you see him pulling on his boxers and looking for an outfit. you quietly sigh, fiddling with your fingers because you just want harry all to yourself today. he’s been so adamant lately about finishing this song. saying, “it’s so special! you’ll understand why when you hear it.” while you were tired of the waiting, you also needed him more than he was willing to give.
when harry finishes getting dressed, he exits the closet with his white vans hooked onto two fingers. “(y/n)…” he apprehensively moves towards you on the bed. “was that a sigh I heard?” you instantly blush, thinking he hadn’t heard it. “n-no I’m jus tired, I think I’ll go back to sleep. have fun today… oh, and tell everyone I said hello!” you jumbled out quickly.
but it wasn’t enough for harry, he knew what you needed. hell, he knew you better than most people. he saw straight through your facade. he dropped his shoes beside the bed, sitting down next to you. “petal,” he grabbed your chin to face him, you reluctantly turned it. when he was meet with your lip jutted out at him he said, “stop pouting we talked about this.”
“but daddy I need you… n-no, I want you so badly!” you pathetically cried out. harry’s eyes softened slightly at this, he moved his hand from your chin down to rest on your stomach. he gently drummed his fingers there, “hmm, you need me here princess? do you feel empty?” “yes, daddy. but you’ll be gone.” you pouted again.
“what did I say about pouting?” harry grabbed your chin again with more force this time. “to not do it.” you breathed out. “yes, there’s daddy’s good girl.” he loosened his hold on you and pressed sloppy kisses all over your face causing you to giggle. as he slowly moved to lay on top of you and in between your legs.
he pulled away when you started to run out of breath. you stared up at him with those dopey eyes that you knew could get him to stay home. but instead he kissed your lips and then down your body. until, he reached your pussy.
he gently spread your pussy lips with lust blown eyes at how wet you were already. he sloppily kissed your swollen, needy clit causing you to tense from the unexpectedness of it. “harry.” you breathed out. “shh, angel. just saying goodbye to your beautiful body.” he squeezed your thigh, kneading the flesh there. before placing more kisses on your lightly shaking thighs.
he took his time on you, making sure to show love to every part of your body with his kisses. until he worked his way back up to your face.
you were content now with what he gave you. he tucked the stray hairs behind your ear and gave you a tender kiss on your forehead. your eyes fluttered close from the affection. he whispered against your skin, “I love you so much.” you raked your hands through his hair saying, “I love you more.”
finally, harry crawled off of you to put on his shoes. you moved to lay on your side. as you admired harry before saying your final goodbyes for the day.
he cheekily turned around catching your love stare. he choose not to directly point it out though, instead he grabbed your hand placing one last kiss on it. “be a good girl for daddy today. I’ll be back before you know it.” you smiled softly, “always, H.”
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ericsonclan · 2 years
Hi, it's me again, said I'd come up with some new questions for you, here I am xD
Alright, I really don't want to overload you two, I already got way more from you than I ever expected, so I'll keep this short.
What do you think the Ericon Kids would draw if Tenn asked them to spend some time with him?
What do you think their biggest fears are?
That's a really weird one I know, you don't have to answer any of these of course, but... what do you think they would smell like? Every human being has an individual smell, even after spending years in the forest. This one I'm actually asking because my sister forced me to, she loves to tease me about Marlon and Louis (is a Violentine fan, that little traitor xD)
To make it easier, I'd say the questions are only for Louis, Marlon, Violet, Mitch and Brody. Of course if you want to add more, feel free to do that, I just really don't want to pressure you or anything, have been asking you a lot xD
Greetings from Germany and have a nice day!
Dang! First off, thanks for the questions, always fun to discuss different things for TWDG!
Also warning that this is a long post so get ready to read. Maybe grab a cup of tea first.
Alright, so this question is super cute! Art time with Tenn, our little hearts <3
Louis: We feel like it would depend on his mood. He would draw whatever came to mind. Maybe a doodle of him and his friends, maybe the music room. This would only be after Tenn is gone so not quite what the question asked. But when Clementine shows up and after they get together I'd say Louis would have fun drawing them as little doodles maybe him as a prince and her as a warrior princess. Both of them take down a dragon with AJ. Stuff like that.
Marlon: He would always be pretty exhausted but he'd make time to draw with Tenn here and there. His mind would blank easily on what to draw and would more like than not end up drawing some of the buildings of Erison. They are right there and he can't think of anything else. Although after a while he might doodle a dog or two.
Violet: She would be one of the ones to draw with Tenn the most and would agree pretty much anytime he asked. As for what she draws I'd say she'd draw stars a lot, birds would also be something she'd doodle too. Lots of time her mind blanks for what she wants to draw so she draws whatever. Clouds, grass, the gate, anything since to her its more that art makes Tenn happy and she gets to spend time with him.
Mitch: Well, we get to see a bit of what he draws in his notebook so I'd say he does similar art to that when with Tenn. So he draws cartoon bombs, walkers some on fire, some not, and some critters too. He wouldn't really show this to many of the others but he enjoys drawing flowers. Makes him feel happy.
Brody: She would probably draw the beach for starters but what she would work on time after time with Tenn is her dream road trip map. She would take way too much time making the lettering look right and the colors. She'd add any stops that Tenn or the others wanted. It would help the others get away from the intensity of reality and slip into this hopeful dream. Just them together on a road trip, no walkers, no worries.
Ruby: She would probably draw cowboys and flowers. She would get really into the narrative with Tenn when he asks about the cowboy's backstory and Willy ends up getting invested. So now they have a cowboy character that the three of them like to draw adventures for. Besides that, Ruby would probably try to draw her family and get emotional hoping that her mom, dad, and four brothers are okay.
Sophie: She would spend any and all time she could with her brother, especially if it's art. What she draws depends on the day, sometimes its cartoon looking animals or clouds and flowers. But when they start losing a lot of the Ericson kids before the events of TFS Sophie made it her duty to do portraits of them. She wanted them not to be forgotten and she wanted it so that if someone ever brought up someone like Therissa they could use Sophie's portrait of her to remember what she looked like. Maybe the drawing would even help them recall some memories too.
2. As for biggest fears some of them are in the game and get explored a bit like Louis and Violet.
Louis: Having to kill someone. We believe this was the answer one of the writers gave when asked this question. But we also believe he would fear that eventually everyone will just completely ignore him and he'd disappear into the background. This plays heavily into his low self-esteem issues.
Marlon: Failing the others as the leader, losing friends, and them finding out the secret of what happened with the twins. As it turns out his worst fears end up coming true in the game.
Violet: Being abandoned. You learn more about this on her route but she has deep abandonment issues and for good reason too. With how her grandma passed away along with the poor home life she had growing up, being sent away to Ericson then having Minnie disappear as well as one of her best friends, Sophie. It was a lot and she fears that if she gets abandoned once more she'll just completely shut off from the others and the world.
Mitch: Willy dying would probably be his biggest fear. He has been protecting him since the apocalypse started so since Willy was around 4. Willy is like a little brother to him, he's family. Also, we would add any of the younger kids dying as well so that includes Tenn too.
Brody: Most likely it's the others all dying or being taken away. She worries about that a lot, which gives her lots of panic attacks in the middle of the night, She fears the idea of being alone and being too weak to help keep those she cares about safe.
3. Huh, smell, okay, this is an interesting question. Okay well right off the bat let's say regardless of how much we love the Ericson kids to pieces they would all smell godawful. Eight years into the apocalypse would definitely make them stinky. So let's exclude that layer of smell they would have as well as the smell of blood and the potential walker guts on them.
Louis: We say that he smells like pine cone or evergreen trees, so he smells like a forest. But he also smells of dust, paper and candle wax since he spends all his time in the music.
Marlon: He smells like Teen Spirit (lol). Okay on a serious note, since he sleeps in the headmaster's office and Rosie is always with him and extremely cuddly he would most likely smell heavily of dog.
Violet: She smells of moss and vines. This is due to how frequently she climbs up onto the wall and lays down on it. With how many years of the apocalypse have occurred, those walls are vine-filled and mossy so that's what she smells like.
Mitch: He smells like fertilizer due to all the bombs he works on.
Brody: She smells like rain, there is something really nice and calming about it (We joke that after Mitch catches feelings for her he tends to not shut up about liking rain).
Omar: He smells like smoke from the fire and like rabbit and fish. This is the price for being a chef you wind up smelling like the ingredients and materials you work with.
Aasim: He smells like deodorant because of the deodorant stash he keeps but he also tends to smell like smoke as well. That boy loves his flames.
Thanks for the ask!
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stylesberries · 4 years
Flower Field
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Summary: Harry accidentally breaks his favorite guitar, which makes it an obvious choice of a present for his upcoming birthday.
Genre(s): fluff
Word Count: 2.3k
Warning(s): cuteness overload
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After releasing Fine Line, Harry was preparing himself to go on a world tour with the new album. He refused to leave you, his most precious treasure, behind when going on tour. He begged you to come with him, as if you could ever turn that request down.
Couple of months before the tour Harry’s favorite guitar ended up broken. It was just another night spent in the studio with you and Mitch. Harry got a bit too excited (and a little tipsy) as he danced his precious bum off, he tripped and landed right on top of his guitar neck, snapping it in two. Watching his facial expression change from a blissful one to a mournful one, you stood up from your place to walk over to him and wrap your arm around his waist. You took a look at the body of the guitar on the floor, separated from the neck, that Harry was holding at the moment. He held it with disappointment written all over his face.
“It was a really good one, you know?” Harry stated, turning it look at you.
“I know, baby. I’m so sorry.” You pressed your body to his side and pulled him closer to you by his waist.
“It’s okay. It happens sometimes.”
Although, he tried to brush it off, you knew he was very upset. He wrote two albums on that guitar and was planning on taking it along on tour.
His birthday was just around the corner, so you knew exactly what you were going to get him as a present.
The next day you called Mitch and asked him about the guitar Harry broke and where you could get the identical one. Mitch provided you with the address of the guitar shop, that Harry mostly get his guitars from, and the name of the model.
You snuck out of the bed early in the morning, gently pushing Harry’s arm off of your body. Leaving the bed, you made sure to pull the blanket over Harry’s back, so that he’s not freezing in this mid-January situation that was going on in the northern hemisphere. You were turning to walk up to the closet to change your clothes, but you couldn’t keep yourself from turning back in your feet and bending over the bed to land a kiss on your beloved’s temple.
“Nghh, where y’goin’?” Harry surprised you by mumbling to you and tugging on your (his) T-shirt.
“Stay. Please.” How could you leave now?
Guess the guitar will have to wait for a day.
“Y/N, don’t go please. We haven’t cuddled in two days. I miss you. Come on, princess. Come here, love.” Harry whispered in your ear as you guys stood in the kitchen cooking dinner two days after you were supposed to go to the guitar shop.
“Baby, stay with me. It’s so early and you look so fucking hot in that T-shirt of mine.” Harry pressed his crotch against your thigh on the third day after you was supposed to go to the guitar shop.
“But we had to watch so many movies, sunshine. I even made us some popcorn.” Harry grinned at you, walking towards you with a bowl, while you were sitting on the couch.
As you may have already guessed - it was the forth day after you were supposed to go to the guitar shop.
On the fifth day, you told Harry that you have to do a lot of work that accumulated within those five days. He grudgingly let you go, but made sure to make you promise to spoon him when you come back.
Parking your car by the guitar store, you were relieved to see that the store was open on a Sunday.
You walked into the store and up to a shop assistant, who was wearing a Pink Floyd T-shirt. “Adds to the atmosphere.” You thought.
After telling him the name of the exact model you need, Eric, as his badge suggested, guided you to the guitars hanging on the wall. He pointed at one, that looked just like the one Harry cracked in two.
You walked out of the store with a guitar in a case and a happy smile on your face. A fucking poet you are.
Not wanting to leave the guitar plain crème, you also dropped by an art supplies shop to get some paints to decorate the guitar.
Next week you would sneakily decorate the guitar whenever Harry left the house to go to the store or the studio.
By the end of January the guitar was decorated with flowers. Chamomiles, roses and sunflowers graced the surface of the guitar, making it look like a portal to a flower field. Perfect.
On his birthday, Harry was woken up earlier than usual by your kisses. What greeted Harry was the undivided attention of his favorite person and a breakfast in bed made by said person.
At about seven in the evening you both were on your way to the party that Jeff put up for Harry and Glenne. On the way there Harry kept asking you about the mysterious present that you promised to gift him after the party.
“Is it something edible?” He asked, being visibly restless.
“No. Actually, who knows? I guess everything is edible. I think you could try to eat it but I doubt you’d like it much.”
Your answer just confused the poor guy even more. He turned his head back to the window and squinted his eyes. In a few moments, he turned his head back to you, sitting in the driver’s seat. You told Harry that as a birthday boy, he shouldn’t have to drive himself to his birthday party, which was a lame excuse, but you needed one to get him to let you drive, as you knew his attention would be on you the whole road to the place.
“Is it small enough for me to carry it around?” Harry tried his best to guess what exactly you were getting him. He’d been like this since the early morning when you wouldn’t tell him what you’ve gotten for him.
“It’s not small, but you can carry it around.” It was the first question, for which your answer wasn’t exactly a “no”, so Harry smiled, thinking he’s finally onto something. The party took place in a closed down restaurant that you all would go to once in a while. There weren’t many guests. Just the closest friends. “Knowing Harry, it’s probably hundreds of people.” You thought.
At 8:46 Jeff came up to you and Glenne and interrupted your heated discussion about the newly released albums that deserve more appreciation than they’re getting.
“Y/N.” Jeff whispered to you. “Harry’s going on and on about a present. He’s driving me insane.” Jeff started and leaned closer to you.
You know exactly what’s going on.
“What did you get him? I’m honestly intrigued myself.”
As if you didn’t know that Harry was the one who sent him over to you.
“Look, Jeff, I know Harry sent you over. I’m not telling you anything.” You turned to Harry, who was standing two tables away from you and was, apparently, engaged in a conversation with Ben.
You walked up to him and tapped him on his shoulder. He excused himself, slowly turned around and tried to hide a smile, knowing that you’ve probably figured his plan out.
“Hi, baby.” You moved your mouth up to his ear, which made him lean into it automatically.
“If you want to know what I got you, you should be patient like a good boy you are, okay?” Your voice was stern and you could feel him stiffen up next to you. As you moved away from him, you put on an innocent smile and kissed him on the lips. He froze in his place and couldn’t even move his lips against yours. Separating your lips from his, you turned to back to walk over to Glenne to continue your talk.
When you came up to Glenne and Jeff, he informed you that the cake is about to be brought out for the two Aquarians to blow the candles.
When the cake was brought out, the wishes ended up forgotten, as both Harry and Glenne had their faces covered in sweet frosting. You laughed while dragging your pouty boyfriend to the restroom to clean him off. On the way to the restroom, your fingers had already been covered in the frosting from Harry’s face, as you were getting a better taste of it.
You walked into the restroom and got napkins to clean Harry’s face off.
“Is it something we can both use?” There we go again.
“No, love. Unfortunately, it’s not. I mean it could become that but not at the moment, no.” You answered him while wiping the frosting off of the tip of his nose.
“Why is it s’complicated?” He asked with frustration written all over his face.
“It’s actually quite simple, lovie. We’ll be home soon and you’ll know what it is.” You smiled at Harry and brought your hands to cup his cheeks and kiss the tip of his nose.
“You’re so loving.” He lets you push his head into the crook of your neck.
“Of course I am. How can I not be loving to you? You’re my everything.” You cooed into his ear while drawing circles on his back.
“No. No one has ever cared f’me as much as you have. Y’make it look so easy to love me, and I know for sure - I’m not easy to love. I’m all over the place. I’m clingy and sometimes even annoying, but y’never make me feel like it bothers you.” He whispered truthfully into your ear as he relaxed in your arms.
You couldn’t bring yourself to push him away to look into his eyes. You hugged him tighter and kissed his temple.
“Because it doesn’t. I don’t make it look easy to love you. It is easy to love you. I love when you’re being clingy. Makes me feel wanted and loved. I adore everything about you, my precious. You’re so sweet, kind and attentive, sunny. I love you more than anything, do you know that?” You could feel him ready to start a debate on how annoying he is, but before he has a chance to say anything, you pull him away from your neck and look into his eyes, still holding his hands in yours.
“It’s a guitar.” You blurt.
“What?” Harry asked you confusingly.
“The present. It’s a guitar. The same as the one that you landed on. I also painted it but I want you to see it in person first.” You explained shyly. Harry looked at you with wide eyes and seemed a bit too shocked for your liking.
“Why do you look so shocked? Am I that bad that you didn’t expect me to do anything nice for you?” You jokingly asked.
Harry’s face softened and the corners of his mouth flew up. He kept looking at you with his loving green eyes and you could see tears building up in their inner corners.
“Harry, are you crying?” You asked and tried to pull him closer to yourself but he brushed your arms away. Instead, he grabbed your cheeks in his hands and smashed his lips into yours.
As his lips separated from yours, he kept holding your face in his hands and looked straight into your eyes.
“I spent my whole life thinking that I will never be able to find real love. I kept blaming myself for the fact that every relationship I’ve been in before you would fall apart because of me. When you walked into my life, I was so scared to mess everything up again, but you made it seem as if I wasn’t the one at fault. You made me feel normal for once. You make all the pain subside. M’heart and soul belong to you. Only you.“
As Harry finished his speech, Mitch bursted into the restroom.
“Guys, stop making out, we’ve been waiting for you to cut the cake. Glenne said she wanted Harry to help her make the first cut for a picture.”
Mitch walked further into the room and stood behind Harry pushing him towards the door.
“Y/N, come on. He won’t go unless you come with him. He’s like a lost puppy without you.” Mitch teased Harry, causing him to frown.
“He’s my lost puppy.” You joked and walked behind the guys.
You couldn’t see Harry’s face properly, but you were most certain that a grin on his face was impossible to miss.
Here you were now, watching Harry and the band during a sound check while biting on the takeaway food that Harry ordered for the whole team.
“Y/N!” You heard your boyfriend calling for you from the stage.
When you looked up from your feast, you took some time to chew on your food and answer.
“Harry!” You mocked your curlyhead, watching him smile at you.
“Look what Mitch just taught me.” Harry announced and positioned his hands over the strings and the fingerboard of his flower-field guitar.
As you walked closer to your excited boyfriend, you could hear him starting to play Mitch’s solo from ‘She’. The more he played, the wider your smile grew.
The crew carried on setting everything up for the concert, while Harry kept showing off his newly-learnt guitaring.
Harry kept telling you that the guitar made him play even better and was probably certain that it is exactly the case.
Knowing that it can’t be possible, as the guitars were identical, you put the blame on the fact, that he was strongly besotted with you.
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© all right belong to stylesberries. do not repost or modify.
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 4 years
Wed 17 March ‘21
Did we really get a SHOW from Niall AND a new song with Zayn on it AND a Zayn interview and photoshoot? I guess it is a lucky day, Happy St Patrick’s Day to us!
“Happy Paddy’s day to my fellow Irish and anyone who celebrates our great country today,” said our resident leprechaun Niall, and “love how I’ve got more texts today than I got on my birthday,” haha well glad he’s getting the Irish love- and he played a show!! He streamed from the Toucan pub in London- it’s short, not even 15 minutes and only four songs (you can watch the part of the stream right before it where they… make a sandwich?? though if you’re wanting to stretch it out), but damn so good! He opened with two old favorites from Flicker, aw nice to hear you, somehow makes the fun poppy Black and White sound like it was always meant to be a tearjerker slow song, and then worked everyone into a frenzy by covering U2’s With or Without you and rightly so, that’s an awesome cover! No complaints about that set at all, heck yeah!
Zayn’s new song came out today, not last night; I thought I just got confused by timezone stuff but actually it wasn’t me! Something weird happened and they delayed it and it was super confusing (the term ‘technical difficulties’ was used so that clears up nothing) but anyway it’s out now! Technically it’s not Zayn’s new song but Ingrid Michaelson’s with a Z feature but anyway it’s so pretty, worth the wait. Ingrid said she wrote the song the night Biden won the election, about the intense relief she felt, that she hopes it can be a song of hope as we come out of COVID, and that Zayn reached out to her to let her know he was a fan and he’d like to work together. Merch for the song is available in Ingrid’s shop, and that’s really pretty too!
And NOT ONLY THAT, Zayn’s INTERVIEW is out as well plus PICTURES and wow they are, yes you guessed it, also extremely pretty! He’s always a model but we see him so infrequently that it’s always shocking all over again to be confronted with just how damn perfect his face is, and they show him off very well indeed. And he SPEAKS; it’s very brief but the few glimpses inside he allows us are always a gift. He says, "I feel like, in general, no one is listening at the moment. With everything going on, and in a world of unnecessarily overexposed opinions, with people yelling at each other to see who makes the most noise, I feel like no one is being heard. People love to talk, but nobody likes to listen," "I think the quarantine has affected me in the same way as everyone else. I am not a person that spends too much time outside home or outdoors and I like to have my own space, so that is the only advantage, other than that now it is also driving me crazy," and less thoughtful but my personal favorite, I love salty Zayn telling haters what’s what, “if I haven’t worked with them, it’s because I don’t want to work with them yet.” Plus: "It really is not easy to have some form of creative freedom or control. The truth is that I have to continually go against the grain when people tell me to do things a certain way, but my stubbornness and my willingness to want to do things differently help me get through it.”
An article about Harry talks to Kid Harpoon, who Harry continues to outsource that part of Fine Line promo to-- as Harry’s stand in he talks about songs they wrote together in Japan that didn’t make it on FL including one that “nearly made it to the record” that “he and Styles are still obsessed with,” saying “it’s the same as the Watermelon thing with this song, it’s got… there’s a certain feeling in it, we’re just going to have to chip away at it and hopefully get it.” Fans-- HS3 is coming? Lol WHAT?? Like someday yeah but as usual I do NOT know how you got from that point A to that point B kids, it is not coming anytime soon. We also saw a video of Harry (via a dad!) saying “hi I’m Harry” for a fan, we KNOW Harry, and looking super cute, we also know that already, truly nothing new there, but news to me was that after Harry’s performance there was a spike of interest in leather pants and boas, I look forward to the fashion I see at the grocery store getting wild in the coming months; nothing about interest in Clueless jackets though, sorry Harry. Mitch posts to say, “as the grammy hangover wanes, just want to say how proud I am of my friend Harry,” and the Daily Mail included Harry in a layout of “pop princesses” at the grammys, nice to see the tabloids printing some TRUTH for once!
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gucciwins · 4 years
The Hunt
Luna has won the Halloween Hunt two years in a row and she is going for a third with Harry as her partner, the problem well they don’t really get along. 
Word count: 10,761
A/N: Luna, I hope you love her like I do. She was a joy to write. I’m very excited to share so please come and share your thoughts with me. It really means the world to me. Thank you to Gianna (@hunflowers​) for hosting this wonderful Halloween challenge. I hope you enjoy. (prompt: you’ve got to be kidding me).
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The one holiday that Luna is excited to take part in with her friends, finding even the tackiest of activities fun and a joy to do. Luna and Caleb went to the pumpkin patch last weekend and spent the day drinking cider and eating cinnamon donuts. The pumpkin carving was a whole other story that ended with one smashed pumpkin and a grumpy Caleb. 
Luna has spent every Halloween with Caleb for as long as she can remember. From first becoming best friends when Luna and her family moved in next door to Caleb at the age of six to now, age twenty-one going on four years of living together. Much to their parents' disappointment, sparks never did fly for them. Not that Luna ever thought there would be; Caleb just didn't do it for her no matter how handsome he was.  
This Halloween, just like previous ones, they were going as a pair. Their first Halloween at age six, they went as Power Rangers, Luna the yellow and Caleb the blue. It was their most memorable one and has the picture hanging in their living room for reminiscing purposes. Last year Caleb decided on Ghostbusters, and they killed it. Being university students means low money in their bank account, so they went thrift shopping a lot that year. 
Halloween 2020, it is her turn to pick. Luna decided they would be going as Princess Buttercup and Westley from The Princess Bride. 
A true classic that will forever live on, yes, it may be a romantical pairing, but Luna has begged for this for years, and now is their time to shine. She pulled extra shifts at the tattoo parlor she works at as receptionist to get authentic costumes—the red dress of dreams. 
It's Saturday night, there is a Blue moon, and it's Halloween. 
It is time for their third annual Halloween Hunt, where her group of friends pair up and set off to find clues to win the grand prize of a crown, some cash, and bragging rights for a whole year. Luna has won it the last two years with Caleb on her side, and she is ready to do it again. 
Luna stares at herself in the mirror. The gown is elegant and rich with details. The long red, billowy sleeves with a fathered cuff. A high neckline and falls into a loose, pleated skirt. The dress is tied off at the waist with a gold pattern belt. And to top it all off, the beaded crown on her brown curls. The color of her hair the only inaccuracy of the costume. The crown shines more she feels with her darker hair than the original Buttercup. 
Her makeup is minimal, only having used mascara for her long eyelashes she likes having curled. It makes her brown eyes that much nicer to gaze at. 
She grabs her wallet and keys that she will be leaving with Caleb as his look was blessed with pockets, and she does not want to stick anything down her bra for the entire night. She takes the stairs two floors down as they meet at Mitch and Oliver's apartment, who happen to live in the same complex.
To start the hunt, the host will let everyone get into partners before dispersing the first clue, and the first couple to make it to the final location at midnight will be crowned the winners. 
They really are in for a fun night. 
Walking in, she sees the apartment somewhat decorated, not much, purple string lights hanging over the large tv they have. Small orange pumpkins scattered around the room. The excessive amount of fake spider web in every corner of the house. Mitch has always said, why to decorate if you're going to be the one cleaning it up. Oliver did not think the same way; she imagines his room looks like the inside of Spirit Halloween. 
Mitch greets her with a drink. It's water. He smiles at her costume before wandering off. She sips the cold water, never one to drink on such an important night. Also, she's wary about drinking growing up; her dad made her start driving at the age of fifteen because he liked drinking when they went over to her uncle's house on the weekends. He wasn't an alcoholic, but he did drink too often, and instead of putting her and her brother at risk, he taught her to drive. This is why now, she will instead be the designated driver than the one having the drinks. Tonight, she needs a clear head to win.
Luna moves past the kitchen, eyes searching for Caleb in his black outfit and mask, but she stops dead in her tracks once she meets his gaze.
 It's a shock.
Caleb is dressed in slim black pants, a white dress shirt, a messy done blue tie, an unbuttoned black blazer, and completing his look is the signature beige blazer. He looks incredible, but not at all how he was supposed to. He winces when he sees the expression on her face. 
She’s upset. He didn't even warn her. Not a single text or call.
There has never been a reason to break tradition, but here they are doing just that. 
"They asked me to host," Caleb says as he steps toward her. Luna manages a nod. She changes her direction and goes across the room to sit alone on the windowsill, leading to a small flower patio. Caleb looks like he wants to head over, but she knows her well enough; it's best to leave her alone. 
As Luna gets lost in thought, she doesn't acknowledge that everyone else has slowly arrived, the chatter getting louder. She also is oblivious to the lingering eyes on her. If she had looked up, she would have met Harry's concerned gaze.
"Hello friends, thank you for gathering with us here on this day of spooks and horror." Caleb stands on the study coffee table to get everyone's attention on him. "This year, you may not pick your partner. No, there will be random draws." 
"Let's hope this makes Luna lose this year," Oliver shouts, getting lots of cheers in response. 
Luna rolls her eyes at the banter but lets a smile overtake her face because she knows no matter who her partner may end up being, she will be a winner.
Caleb announces how only five of them will pick a name and how it has been decided it will be Mitch, Daniel, Charlotte, Abby, and Luna, who will draw a name. 
She is third to pick a slip, not opening it up until the last two receive theirs. She doesn't focus on the others as they begin to search for their partners because Caleb is shuffling over to her looking sheepish. 
He pulls her in and wraps his arms around her, giving her a big squeeze. Long and hard enough to leave her out of breath. A sloppy kiss on her cheeks, she is quick to wipe away on his coat, not at all wanting to dirty her dress, at least not yet. 
Those hazel eyes are hard to stay mad at, and he knows it. Luna can count all the fights they've had on one hand.
"Whatever, you owe me." She bumps his shoulder. 
He nods, quick to agree. "Name your price."
Luna opens up the folded slip of paper. 
"A new partner." She whispers, not looking up, hoping if she stares long enough, the name will change. 
Caleb leans in and smirks at the name. "That I can't do. You know the rules." 
She furrowed her eyebrows. "There were no rules until today."
Caleb laughs. "Everyone partner up if you haven't already."
Mitch is already chatting with Oliver, and she knows they will give her a run for her money. These two get on so well, but their weakness is that when Mitch gets a lead, he forgets to address it to his partner most of the time, leaving them separated and lost. 
Justine is with Abby, and honestly, she has no worry over them. Abby is a hard person to partner up with, always wanting to lead even when she has no clue what is going on. 
Calvin is with Daniel, and honestly, she knows they are not competition. Calvin told her the clues confused him. 
Mason and Charlotte, she was hoping to partner with Charlotte. That being her closest friend right behind Caleb. She's a music major, meaning their time together is always a joy. Luna singing a random song and Char telling her random facts she knows about the said song. Luna is not sure how good Charlotte and Mason get on, but only time will tell. 
As she sees everyone paired up, she scans the room for Harry. She doesn't spot him, but she does see Pirate Roberts, better known as Westley, her other half. He's wearing a black shirt that has a lace-up front with a matching pair of pants. The mask and headscarf add a touch of mystery, while the sash and gloves put the finishing touch to the look. As much as she hates to admit it, he looks good. 
"You've got to be kidding me." She says, looking him up and down in disgust. 
Harry scoffs, now standing in front of her. "Guess that means I'm stuck with you."
"Yeah, you can lose the mask now."
"No, I don't think so. Makes my eyes pop." He bats his eyelashes at her. 
She ignores him, moving on to an important question. "Who were you supposed to dress with?" 
"Charlotte." His stupidly, charming English accent responds. "She asked me last week, then told me she was doing Ghostbusters with Mason. Her costume is done too nicely to be done last minute."
This is a setup. 
She knows because Charlotte helped her alter the dress's length so that it didn't drag on the floor as she walked, and in return, Luna helped sew Venkman on her suit. 
The only question is, why would they want her matching with Harry if they don't get on well at all, not even a little bit. Every interaction leaves with one of them storming off, not to brag, but it seems to always be Harry. 
"Well, at least you were warned. Caleb didn't even tell me." She shares. "Had me walk in to see him dressed as an angel." 
"Castiel, right?" Harry says, a bit uncertain.
Luna nods, surprised he knows, thinking this might be their one connection to break the ice. "He posted on his story who he was dressed as." She spoke too soon. 
"You're saying you don't know Supernatural." 
"No, sorry." He says, not sounding apologetic. 
Luna shoots him a fake smile before looking away. "He can't be my partner; it's a disrespect to my morals." 
Her only response is laughter. She wasn't joking. 
"You know the rules, baby," Charlotte says, arms around Mason's waist. Luna narrows her eyes at that, mentally reminding herself to check in with Char about that. 
How had she won two years without knowing any rules? 
"Well, I'll still kick all your asses with Dobby on my team." When meeting Harry's eyes again, she smirks, his face shocked, not sure if she was insulting him. 
"Right, do not mess up our chances of winning." Her voice was deep and threatening. At least she hoped that's how it sounded. 
"I would never" Harry looks down at her with a smirk on his pink lips. "But I need motivation, so what's in it for me." 
Instead of responding with half of the money because that much was obvious, what else would he want? She looks him in the eyes. "I'll kiss you if we win," Luna tells him sarcastically, and before Harry has a chance to respond, Caleb is walking over, handing them their first clue of seven. 
Head to the place no one ever cleans
Harry scratches his head. "That's confusing."
"It's the bathroom. Specifically, the toilet." She hands the clue for Harry to put away, making her way there. 
"You sure?" 
Luna doesn't bother replying, pushing first to the bathroom, wanting to get a move on. It's going to be a long night if he keeps questioning her. 
Harry opens the door and jumps back, he's startled at the sight in front of him, but Luna nudges him aside to take a look and is left impressed.
There is fake blood on the mirror, "You're next" written sloppily. What startled Harry was the body bag in the tub, bloody transparent curtains hanged to make it seem like a messy murder. 
"There's not a body, right?" A slight tremble in his voice. 
"Of course not. No one is a fan of jump scares her." She eyes his face. "Especially you." 
Luna picks up the skull sitting on top of the toilet tank, and taped underneath is the second clue. 
"That was too easy," Harry tells her, already heading out of the apartment, not waiting for her to read the clue knowing this one will lead them outside. 
You may sit, you may stand, you may push, but one must never jump.
"Who even made these?" Harry scoffs. "It's awful." 
She chuckles, agreeing because they do stink. "Caleb. The host has to do them all for each group. Talk with owners of shops and all. It's a long process." Luna explains to Harry as she reads the clue once more. "I'm surprised I never noticed how busy he was the entire month." 
"It's what happens when you're self-absorbed." He mutters. 
"Ouch." She feigns hurt, hands over her heart. 
Harry rolls his eyes, not wanting to deal with her any longer than he has to. He has no clue what that clue is pointing to. He looks over at Luna, who has gone quiet.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Harry exclaims.
"Where is the headscarf? You're messing up the look." She pouts, and Harry would never admit it, at least to her, but she looks adorable. 
"I took it off. It messes up my hair."
Luna stares at his hair. "Looks as messy as always.'
He gasps. "It looks fantastic, trying this new serum to make it shine."
"Sorry to break it to you, but I don't think it is working." She scrunches up her face in disgust. 
"Well, your shoes don't match." He yells. 
She looks down at her Molly metallic leather platform boots that give her five-four self extra height. "My boots are badass. Buttercup still kicks ass in these." She twirls and begins walking away from him. 
"Luna, for fuck sake, where are you going." Harry rushes after her. 
"We've got a hunt to win." 
For someone of her stature, she sure has a fast pace. It seems as if she never slows down, effortlessly moving around pedestrians. All while Harry mumbles apologies as he trips over a person's shoe. 
"The clue." He clears his voice. "How'd you crack it." 
"Easy after a few reads. It's the swings at the local park." 
Harry nods. "That doesn't explain how you knew." 
"Caleb uses things in his life, and if you know him well enough, you can crack it. He's an open book, one talk with him and you'll know his grandparents' name and phone number. He loves sharing everything." Harry motions for her to continue, all while keeping her fast pace, leaving him a little wounded. "As kids, our parents' one rule at the park was that we could never jump off the swings all because one time Caleb and I were going so high I jumped and almost flew past the sand pile and landed on the concrete. No one broke a bone, but we could have." 
"You and Caleb must have given your parents a hard time." 
"Not really, we were angels." 
"Hard to believe." 
She kisses her two fingers before placing it over her heart. "Scout's honor." 
"You were in the girl's scout." 
"Well, aren't you nosy Miss Rosy." She rolls her eyes. "The town didn't have the girl's scout, so when Caleb joined, I made a presentation for Ulysses. He was the man in charge, and I impressed him. He accepted, and no one questioned me."
"Impressive," Harrys tells her, genuinely meaning it. 
"Now shut up, Styles. You have too much information, might have to go kill you or something if these things get out." 
"And here I thought we were becoming friends." 
"Nope, let's keep it that way." 
Harry shuts up, letting the chatter of late-night stragglers fill in the silence. Luna is stopped by a girl their age looking for directions to a party. She is happy to help, giving the girl extra detail to make sure she doesn't get lost. She goes as far as giving the girl her phone number to know she made it there safely. 
Luna is an enigma. 
"I thought you hated all humans, but I see I was wrong." 
Harry is such a jerk that she doesn't bother responding. No, she does something much better. She stops walking, sticking her foot out, knowing how oblivious Harry is. He trips, almost falling to his face, but to some miracle, he manages to right himself without a scratch. 
He adjusts his mask, brushing off the dirt he acquired at the bottom of his pants. "Well, that was mean.
"I thought it was rather kind, knock you off your pedestal." She grins at him, walking away again. 
Harry mutters something under his breath, making sure she isn't able to hear him. 
Luna decides to bring back the conversation of what started their night, his costume. "Why are you even Westley? You don't have the blonde hair for it."
Harry scoffs. "Says the girl with the brown locks of hair."
"The wig was itchy, besides my natural hair is pretty." Her hair is excellent, and she knows it. It's mid-waist, and she does hair therapy to keep it healthy. After Caleb's sister-in-law introduced her to natural hair products, a significant improvement. It added a shine she never had before. She is always paid lots of compliments on her hair. It's enchanting. 
Harry looks at her before staying quiet. He kicks a rock as he walks. "Blondes are overrated."
Luna ducks her head, letting her hair frame a curtain around her face wanting to hide the blush he managed to get out of her. 
Finally, reaching the park entrance, the swings a distance away. They stop, neither of them making a move follow the path.   
"You could just stay here, and I'll text you when I'm done," Luna tells him. 
Harry is quick to rebut, "I'm smart, I can help." 
"I didn't say you aren't smart. It's just I know you don't like me, so why spend the time with me?" 
That's far from the truth, Harry thinks to himself but doesn't deny it. "Together, we're winning this together." He gives her no room for argument walking to the swings. 
Luna nods to herself; she's going to be okay. Maybe the night will start to get better. 
Harry is opening up the clue as she approaches, and he holds it out further, allowing her to read it.
You walk by me, never give me a second glance. Now tonight, I dare you to give me a chance.
"That doesn't sound great," Harry confesses. 
"You alright, with a bit of darkness?" 
Harry nods his head, yes, but he has no idea what's coming next. 
Standing in front of the house, Luna feels a chill run up her spine. It's not like she's never seen this house because she had. She grew up in the town and walked past the lonely house that wasted away day by day as she made her way to school.
"This place is creepy," Harry mumbles, standing next to her.
The grass is brown and unkempt; dried leaves scatter the path to the home's stairs, a crunch under their feet as they approach. She walks slow, counting her steps, and at unlucky thirteen, they reach the first broken step. The wood looked as if someone took a hammer to it, having random holes done. The windows are filled with spider webs and dust, no way to look in. The door was red and had scratches. As if someone small had clawed to be let in.
"Sure you want to go in, Luna." Harry looks at the door in fright. "You can admit you got the wrong location. You can't always be right."
"Look, Styles, I know I'm right."
Harry begins to sweep around to make sure no one is watching them break into an old abandoned house. She leans against the rotting wood, there's a chance she might fall through, but she's always up for the risk. In doing so, she shuts her eyes for a second, and a memory pops in her head; it causes her to let out a chuckle, startling Harry. He whips around to shout at her, but the smile on Luna's face makes him stop. He's never been privileged to a smile so intimate.
Before Harry can even ask her what's got her smiling, she is already talking.
"Caleb and I had our first kiss on these steps." Luna's eyes shift down as if the memory begins to play in front of her."
"With each other?" Harry asks, wanting confirmation.
"Yes, Caleb swore he was in love with me in the sixth grade, and I told him he was insane. The feelings were not mutual." She assures, wanting to get her point across. "We were walking home from school one day, and I, as the brains of the duo, told him we had to check out the house. I swore we had our own Boo Radley after reading To Kill A Mockingbird. He was going on and on about how he swore his love for me." She turned to look at Harry. "I looked at him, put my hands on his shoulders, and put my lips to his. He stood there shocked, and once I pulled back, he grinned." Luna deepens her voice. "So, I don't love you like that."
Harry chuckles, enjoying the story. She's not even sure why she began to tell him. "I was like yeah, you idiot, I see you as a brother. My mom could not stop laughing when I told her. My dad not so much." She stood up straight, took three steps to the door, grabbed the rusted doorknob, and it twisted open. There was a loud creak as she pushed.
"In we go, Farm Boy."
Harry shakes his head, mutters "As you wish." He hopes she missed that.
He steps in; first, his eyes quickly sweeping around the house, a doorway to a living room, another leading to what he assumes would be the dining room, and right in front of them a spiral staircase leading to the second floor where they might venture to if they don't find the clue in the main rooms.
"Right, together," Harry tells her.
"Awe, don't be scared, Styles. I'll protect you." She reaches out to pink his cheek.
He swats her hand away. "You'll be the one needing it."
"Don't count on you being my savior then?"
"Not ever, Buttercup."
They walk the first floor and find nothing. It's quite dull, nothing that stands out of place. Nothing haunting, really. A bit of a disappointment. They approach the stair and see footprints. This must be the correct way. She lets Harry lead. Once at the top, they see footprints are leading left and right. Harry nods left, so she assumes he means she has to go right.
It was not what he meant.
As Luna makes her way to the door at the end of the hall, she turns to see Harry entering the first room. She should turn back and go with him. She thinks about it for a second and decides it's best not and continues on.
Luna enters the boy's room. There is a race car bed, with white drawers full of stickers on either side. Everything is dusty, can feel the twitch in her nose. She approaches the bed when a paper catches her eyes on the corner of the dresser filled with different kinds of dinosaurs. It is their clue. It reads
If you wish to find me, you must go to the place where the choice of sweets is never-ending.
Luna smiles gratefully to have found it. She'll figure it out with Harry, she decides. The quicker she is out of the house, the better. As she folds the clue, she hears the door slam shut. It makes Luna jump. 
She approaches the door and twists the knob, but nothing happens. Luna keeps pulling and nothing; she's slowly but surely beginning to freaking out. 
Maybe Harry was playing a joke on her. That had to be it. 
"If you think this is a good prank, you're wrong." She yells, eager to hear his deep laugh before opening the door. But instead, she is met with silence. 
"Styles, open the door." Her voice firm, anger slowly taking over." Still nothing. "Haha, you've had your laugh; let me out." 
The panic is beginning to set. Harry didn't lock her in; he's on the other side of the house. 
"Harry?" She whimpers.
Meanwhile, Harry, no clue in hand, stands at the top of the stairs staring at a mirror frowning at himself. He looked for Luna, but it's as if she disappeared. He has come to the conclusion that she has finally left him. 
Luna, not sure what else to do, begins to scream his name. The tears streaming down her face in panic. She just wants out. That's all she wants. 
She pounds on the door, her throat hurting from the loud screams she's let out. The tears making it hard to keep on going; with one final knock, she lets herself slide to the floor.
Harry was about to descend the stairs when he hears a pounding on a door. It gives him chills; as much as it frightens him to go check it out, he has a gut feeling he has to. He goes right, the original way Luna went, and makes his way to the closed door. He takes a deep breath before turning the knob. 
Nothing happens. 
He takes a step back before pushing all his weight into the door, causing it to fly open. Harry scans the room quickly but sees nothing until he looks down and sees Luna hugging her knees.
Harry is quick to react. He's on his knees in front of her. "Luna, love, it's me, Harry. You're okay." 
She slowly lifts her head. "Harry." She croaks.
"Yes, it's me."
The tears begin once more. "The door was jammed. I was calling for you." She throws her arms around him wanting to be close, needing comfort even if he may not want to give it. 
"Thought you left me once you got the clue." He confesses as he runs his hand through her hair, he might have always wanted to do it, but not like this, never like this. 
"I'm not that mean, am I?" She looks up at him through her long thick eyelashes. A tear runs down her cheek.
He brings his hand up and gently wipes it away. "No, you're sweet and sassy and perfectly you. Not mean. Ya, hear me."
Luna nods. 
"Let's get out of here, okay. We need to figure out the clue now. Can't do it without your brains." He smiles at her dimples on display.
Luna smiles, he helps her out, and they walk out, Harry guiding her with a firm hand on her waist.
Once outside, the cold autumn wind hits them, and it's like Luna can finally breathe again. Harry guides them all the way to the sidewalk, where she hands him the clue. 
If you wish to find me, you must go to the place where the choice of sweets is never-ending.
"Sweets? There's a candy store, right?" Harry isn't sure, remembering seeing one. 
"It's named Annie's Sweets. Two streets from the library." 
"Well, lead the way, Buttercup." Harry links their hands together and begins walking forward is surprisingly the right direction. Luna stares down at their intertwined fingers, and it feels nice. 
Maybe, she's just a little touch starved. 
Luna is quiet, trying to think of anything but that moment she had in that house. She's going to give Caleb a lot of shit for that one. 
As they walk, Luna notices their hands are still together before pulling away. "Sorry." 
Harry shrugs. "Don't mind."
Luna frowns and looks straight ahead as they walk; he's confusing. Why is Harry acting sweet? A little too sweet. She intertwines her hands together in the front wanting the feeling of his hand in hers to disappear. 
"Are you going to tell the others about my crying? I get it if you do. Good story to get a laugh at me." She mumbles the last words. 
Harry grabs her arm, stopping her. She slowly raises her head to meet his eyes through the eye mask. His green eyes soft but filled with an emotion, she can't place. "I would never, what happened was not a laughing matter, this, all this tonight will stay between us, you good with that." 
Luna nods.
Harry clicks his tongue. "Verbal response." 
Her brown eyes go wide. "Yes, I'm good with that." 
Luna can't hide her surprise, and she knows Harry can see that. He's never acted so kind to her. It's a bit weird, but it beats the back and forth remarks. She's also sick of this façade of disliking him. It's exhausting now that she thinks about it. The banter is fun, but it always ends when it gets taken too far.  
"Harry, I know you hate me for some reason," She clears her throat before continuing. "But it's exhausting all the arguing. I'm great at it, but we've been at it for the two years we've known each other. You can keep hating me and not talking to me. I'm used to people not liking me. You won't be any different. We can co-exist in the same group."  
Harry scoffs, "You still don't get it."
She frowns. Get what? "You never gave us the chance to be friends. I'm giving you the chance to cut all ties while staying in the friend group." It's the most straightforward plan. It's honestly perfect.
"Luna, stop." 
She continues on. "Harry, seriously, you make me miserable, and I make-" He turns around, causing her to almost crash into him. 
"I like you." Luna knows the surprise is written all over her face. Harry's face is serious, no dimples insight and all his emerald eyes tell her is that he is full of frustration. "I like how beautiful and kind you are. How you don't let anyone walk over you and how you always manage to be the smartest person in any room."  
Harry likes her. Her. He likes her, and this was his way of interacting with her. He said she's smart, but honestly, nothing is making sense. She's confused; how does she feel? How long has he felt like this? Has it been since they were first introduced? 
Harry stands there staring at her, trying to see her give him any reaction, but all he gets is a blank stare. He clicks his tongue. "Alright." He turns on his heel and begins walking again.
Luna stares at him, walking away before shaking herself out of her thoughts and hurrying after him.
It's silent.
The quietest it's been all night, and she doesn't like it, but she's also not ready to address the bomb he dropped on her. 
At the start of the night, Luna believed he hated her. That he had hated her for the longest time only to find out he actually liked her. There is no way she'll bring it up, at least not yet. 
She cuts the tension in the way she knows best. 
"You could have at least grown the stache." He looks over at her, confused, not sure about what she just said or how she is brushing aside what he said. "The mustache adds to the character, and well, you don't have it."
Harry gasps. "I like my smooth face." She lets out the breath she was holding, thankful he went along. 
"Is that your way of saying you can't grow facial hair?"
"I can." 
She shrugs and nods. "Sure, Jan."
Harry is about to go off on her, but Luna runs ahead to the candy store entrance, walking in and letting the door shut behind her. 
He walks in after seeing that the store closes in twenty minutes; he finds Luna chatting with the cashier. He recognizes her as a girl he had in his intro to Psychology. She dropped out eight weeks in. He remembers because he lent her notes once and she had left coffee stains on them. As he reads on her name tag, the girl- Amy- was kind enough to pay him five dollars. Both girls don't acknowledge him, more into the conversation of Luna's costume and how pretty she looks in a crown. If Harry didn't know any better, he'd think Amy was flirting with her. Harry smirks but doesn't say anything waving at the girl before filling himself a bag of candy; he deserves it after all. 
"Amy was telling me Caleb came in a few days ago. Asked her on a date and they'll be going out next week. She thinks he's a proper cutie. Did you know her?" Luna tells him as she grabs the small tweezers to get a few sour gummy worms.
"Had her for a class first year, but she dropped out." Harry is focused on getting a few cherry sours in his bag. 
"Psychology. She was going through a rough time when she did it. Not that she ever needed the course. She's a theatre major now." 
"How do you know her?" He really is curious now, as she talks about her with familiarity. 
She drops a few Swedish Fish in the bag, sneaking one in her mouth, chewing it before moving along to add Tim Tams; he's never known for a candy store to have those. Then again, he's never been in this one. "She's my cousin. A year younger than us." 
"Why hadn't Caleb met her then if you've been friends for so long?" 
"God, you're a curious one, aren't you." She closes her bag and follows Harry as he fills his. He's going for Red Vines, nice and easy to snack on; Luna likes those only for movie nights for some bizarre reason she doesn't know. "I'm a protector of hearts. Amy is the sweetest person you'll ever meet, a real-life princess. Amy has been the sunshine in my life since she was born. I know Caleb, and he's going to fall in love with her, mark my words. I think they are a perfect match, but I also know not to meddle, which is why I wanted them to meet on their own." 
Harry smiles down at her. "Didn't know you could be so sweet, Buttercup." 
"Only to very few people." 
Luna places her bag on the scale, but her eyes go wide as she meets Amy's across the counter, realizing she doesn't have any money on her. Before she can even think about asking Harry, Amy saves the day. "Both your bags are covered. He knew whoever got this clue would most likely be buying, so he took care of it, more than enough actually." 
Luna rolls her head to look at Harry. "He's too kind." 
"What did the clue say?" Amy asks curiously. 
Harry and Luna's eyes go wide simultaneously. "Shit." He whispers before whipping out the slip of paper that led them there. "It says If you wish to find me, you must go to the place where the choice of sweets is never-ending." 
"The Pucker Powder!" Luna shouts, rushing over to the middle of the store where the machine of different flavors of powdered candy stands. There the clue is, under watermelon, Caleb's favorite. "I got it, Westley." 
Harry makes his way over to her waiting for her to read it, but Luna gestures for Amy to come listen as well, and she happily skips over. That's when Harry notices her costume; she's dressed in relaxed fitted jeans, a plain black t-shirt, and a faded brown leather jacket with leather boots. A charm hanging from her neck. "What are you dressed as?" He's confused. 
"Dean Winchester." She answers cheerfully. 
Luna feels Harry turn to look at her waiting for an explanation. "She's paired up with Caleb, He's Castiel, and she's Dean and together they are ‘Destiel’. A long-loved ship in the fandom of Supernatural.
He smiles. "You look great." 
"Don't worry, Ames, the reason we aren't friends, is that he doesn't watch." 
"It's not for everyone, Luna," Amy tells her before nudging her to read the clue. 
You swim to the bottom to find the other side but never come back up.
"Sound like the lake," Harry suggests. “Only source of water here.”
Luna nods, agreeing with him, as they head to the door. She stops, suddenly remembering something. "Do you need us to walk you home? You know how I feel about anyone walking out alone, especially tonight."
Amy blushes, looking down. "Caleb offered to walk me home, you know it's close by, and it's still a while until midnight." 
"Say no more, sweets." Luna leaves and follows behind Harry, as he now leads the way. 
It's a half-mile away, not too far but enough to have them silent for a while as they set a steady pace. 
Harry quite likes conversing with Luna and decides to ask her a question that's been on his mind since he saw her back at the apartment. 
"Why this costume, why Buttercup?"
Luna runs her hands down the front of the material, feeling the softness against her hands. "It was my favorite growing up. Still is, honestly. It's a nice story that gives you a bit of everything, romance, friendship, and adventure. Each character was on an adventure, and it brought them all together. Also, because I'd read it to Caleb during lunch breaks, we didn't feel like playing with others. I'd read because he had dyslexia and he grew a distaste for reading." Luna smiles fondly, thinking back to those simpler times. 
"I watched the movie for the first time last year." 
"Did you like it?" Her voice was full of curiosity. 
"Loved it." He tells her. 
She smiles, his answer filling her with joy. "Favorite part?" 
He hums, thinking it over for a second. "When she pushes him down the hill and finds out he's actually Westley." 
"Because he yells as you wish, rolling down." She grabs his arm in excitement, finishing the scene for him. 
Luna realizes what she's doing, and quickly let's go, muttering a small apology. "You're a romantic, Farm Boy."
"Not the first person who's told me." 
The walk to Orchid Lake continues in silence. A comfortable one, each one lost in their own head. Luna keeps playing one moment in her head, the moment Harry confessed his fondness of her, but it doesn't make sense. She replays every one of their interactions, and there is not one moment that stands out to her that proves he likes her. Harry introduced himself the first time but never once pursued a friendship or anything more. Luna is so lost in thought she doesn't realize they've arrived as she bumps into Harry's back as he stopped at the entrance. 
She walks ahead, and instead of walking to the trail in front of them, she goes right and takes a seat on the bench, it's a bit wet due to the mist filling the air, but she doesn't mind. 
"Uh, it's this way." Harry points, wanting to get a move on. 
Luna makes no moves to stand. She runs a hand down her face before letting it drop to her lap. "How is it that you hate, and you like me?" The question slips out before she can stop herself. 
Harry sighs, knowing the conversation is happening now. "Don't hate you." Harry is now standing in front of her, mask in his hand, wanting her to really look at him. "But, you hate me." 
Luna shakes her head, no. She's never hated anyone, she might have disliked Harry at one point, but honestly, they might have just misjudged each other. Harry gives her a look, one that tells her to be honest. 
"Okay, I didn't like you, but can you blame me?" 
"No, I understand completely." Luna stares at him, her eyes now locked with his.  
Harry lets out a deep breath. "I think you're an amazing person. You're kind and smart. Always volunteering to help others. You help set up study sessions for everyone." Luna keeps her eyes on him, not giving him a single expression. "Was mad you didn't treat me that way when we first met." He confesses. 
She nods, letting it sink it. "I've always included you, never not invited you." 
"I mean, you didn't try to get to know me." 
"Harry, I did when we first met." Luna is sure of this. 
"No, I would remember." He exclaims. 
"I'm not that memorable to you, it seems." She rolls her eyes. "Let me paint the picture for you. We are all hanging out in Mitch's apartment when you arrive a little later than the rest of us. A girl is hanging off your arm, not an inch of space between you. Kiersten, does that name ring a bell, Styles?" Luna knows it does. It's his ex, the only one she knows of. "She was rude to me the first time we met, when we were introduced to each other. You stood there and let her do that. Insulted me, and I was fuming. Mitch said you were a kind person and to give you a chance but letting someone treat someone else badly right in front of you, I wasn't so sure." 
Harry stays silent, letting her go on. "The second time we met, she made fun of Charlotte's outfit, and you just sat there. Char cried in the bathroom and then headed home for the night. From then on, I was neutral with you, not giving you anything to move forward on. The last straw was when it was Friday movie night in my apartment, and she tells you it's lame seeing movies together and that the apartment was trashy. You stood there, nodding along, and as soon as I saw you alone for a second, I let you know we wouldn't be friends because you were different than I expected.” Luna tries to calm her breathing, no point in losing control over the past. She's let it go, well, some of it. 
"She was bad. I broke up with her that night." 
"That's not the point. Even in doing that, you didn't apologize, but you did already decide on how you were going to keep treating me." 
Harry has no right answer because he was wrong. He messed up. "I'm sorry, I'm truly sorry, and I'm sorry my apology is so late, but you do deserve it. No one should ever put up with someone else's crap, Luna." 
"Thank you, I appreciate that."
"Honestly, I feel terrible. I think I did it because you didn't treat me like the others and-" Harry stops. 
"Yet you never questioned why. You just acted, and well, I reacted." 
Harry sighs, upset that they could have been friends by now, heck even something more maybe. 
"Wait, Harry." 
"Yes, Luna." 
"What was your' and'?" She stands up, not sure what it could be. 
"Uh, I was going to have a conversation with you to see why you never talked to me and had worked up the courage to also ask you on a date, but I heard you were dating Calvin, so I sort of got jealous and well, yeah." 
"We went on one date." She emphasizes. "No sparks. Who even told you?" 
"Makes sense; she was jealous that Calvin asked me out. Seeing as he never once flirted with her. We're civil, but deep down, she doesn't like me." Luna isn't sure what went wrong with that friendship. 
They both let out deep breaths, thankful to have everything out in the open now, nothing hidden. A step forward. 
"I'm not that person," Harry tells her, needing her to know.
She smiles at him. "I know. You proved that today." 
"I hope I haven't offended you with my remarks." His smile was sheepish. 
"You haven't." 
"Luna," Harry chastises. 
"Okay, you have, but we can move past because it turns out you're actually really nice." She lowers her voice to a whisper. "And cause you like me." 
Harry blushes, his cheeks now a rosy red and not from the cold weather. "I plead the fifth." 
"Harry," She teases. 
"Lips sealed."
"Doesn't work if you confessed earlier." She reminds him.
Harry chooses to ignore her. Letting her words fall silent on him. "I know we have to get going, but can I do one thing before we do."
Luna nods, not sure what he wants to do. Harry takes a step forward until he is standing right in front of her. He pulls her in for a hug, his arms around her waist. She slowly raises her hands, being as gentle as she can about it. Their height difference makes her smile; her head reaches just under his chin. She hated it before, but now, in his arms, it's actually quite lovely. He's warm and not as firm as she thought he would be; it's like she's hugging a big teddy bear. 
Harry leans back, looking down at her, a shy smile on her face. His eyes flicker to her lips and back to her eyes, leaning in for a moment before stepping back. He clears his throat. "To the lake, Buttercup."
There's no fear as she walks to the bridge where the clue should be. It's dark, not much light guiding them besides the moon. Harry wanted to turn on his flashlight, but Luna knows it's best not to disturb their eyes with such a harsh light. 
Luna knows this path like the back of her hand. She comes here every morning, sometimes before sunrise, either for a run or walk but in the summertime, she'll even go in for a swim. The lake is well cared for by the community. There is just one house in the back of the property, and the old couple living there love the visitors. They teamed up with the university to set up students to be tour guides, and it's an excellent part-time job. There's a lot of good here. 
She's sure the clue is on the bridge because one time, Caleb got Luna so mad that she shoved him in. She can't even remember why she was angry, but Caleb surely does. She would bet her life on it. 
It's a wooden bridge, a bit old as it creaks under each step taken. It's low, as it sits on the side of the lake, four feet deep at most. She takes a lookout at the lake, the water showing a beautiful reflection of the bright full moon above their heads. 
Luna picks the paper taking a step closer to Harry so that they can read it together. 
"I was the embodiment of every writer's worst fear: A cliche."
"That's a book quote." Luna recognizes it, but not a single book comes to mind. "Let's head to the bookstore. It's fifteen minutes from here, but we can make it in ten." 
Harry lets her lead. They know time is counting down, not once having stopped to look at the time. Harry feels they might be falling behind with all the stops in between the clues, but he knows better than voice out his worries. 
"Do you recognize the quote?" Luna asks Harry to hand it over to him." 
Harry reads it over twice. "No." 
"I know it, but I can't figure out where. I've read one too many books." She crosses her arms across her chest in frustration. 
"Maybe it's one that you've read to him," Harry suggests. 
Luna looks up at him as if he just hung up all the stars in her name. "You're right. He set this all up." 
It's one she begged him not to make her read, but he gave her an offer she couldn't resist.
Luna picks up her pace; she's close to running but stops herself from doing so. 
"Wait up, it isn't going to run away." Harry huffs out. He thought he was in shape, but tonight has proved him wrong. It could also very well be the boots. 
"Farm Boy, put those legs to work!" She shouts, not at all looking back at him. She didn't have time for that. 
"I'm tired," Harry groans. "We've walked a lot.” 
"Please, we'll get something to eat after we win." She throws him a smile over her shoulder, and Harry happily returns it. 
"Deal." Luna is surprised at how quick he was to recover now next to her. She would have thought he was okay if it weren't for the deep breaths he was taking. "It can be our first date." 
Luna falters in her step. She recovers just as quickly, hoping Harry did not notice. It seems like he didn't. "Great joke, get serious." It's weird; she's feeling butterflies in her stomach at the prospect of what could be with Harry, a date. It doesn't sound so bad, but it's not her focus. 
Luna misses Harry frowning. He was serious, but he also understands they just came to a truce of sorts less than an hour ago. 
Walking into Read to Dream, the first thing Luna does is scan the clock. There are forty-five minutes until midnight. That is plenty of time to reach the last destination after retrieving the final clue. 
The bookstore is a family-owned place. Mrs. Bennet, the owner, will be sure to pass it down to one of her grandchildren. Seeing as her children didn't take an interest, but dear Clara has. Clara is Mason's younger sister. She recently turned seventeen, meaning she's now allowed to close shop independently, seeing as her grandmother lives right above. 
The bookstore is what everyone likes to call an organized mess. There are many books on shelves in their respected genre and ordered alphabetically. Still, there are also books on chairs that no one ever seems to touch, the books on top of the bookcases that don't fit, and the books in the back that are stacked in rows in a rainbow color because they don't have a specific genre. Luna spent many summer days here, this was her first job at fifteen, wanting to have more liberty and Mrs. Bennet was kind enough to hire her on. From time to time, she comes in to have tea with her or even volunteer her time around. It's one of her happiest places. 
"Hello, tootsie!" Luna bounces over to Clara going around the counter to give her a hug. 
"Lunes, it's great to see you. You look gorgeous. Red is definitely your color." Clara gushes. 
"Thank you, I'd love to chat more, but I'm on the hunt for a book." Luna turns to scan the store as if it would stand out to her.
Clara nods. "That I can help with.”
"Gone Girl"
"Three aisles down, second row." 
Luna quickly thanks her, and Harry follows after her. Harry's stuck on the fact that she seems to know everyone they encounter. He's never seen a person as social and kind as her. 
"You read Gone Girl aloud to him." Harry finally processes the information that was given a few minutes prior. 
"He paid me to." Luna defends.
"How much?" 
"In lunch for an entire semester." Luna finds the book and begins to flip through it knowing it must be stuck in there. 
"Got it!" Luna cheers. She pulls it out and hands it to Harry. He opens it, and that's when her eyes catch sight of the second piece of paper. This one is pale yellow, meaning it's not a clue and specifically for her. Luna slips it under her sleeve, careful not to have it fall out. 
Evil lurks at midnight. I invite you to join me when they begin to rise.
The cemetery. A chilling place to end the night, but a perfect place to be crowned winners. 
"It's a twenty-minute walk from here," Luna informs Harry, putting the book away and heading to the front. 
"I've never been to the cemetery." Harry decides to tell her. 
"It's not as creepy looking as you would think." 
"Don't believe you," He mutters. 
They say goodbye to Clara and begin the walk to the final spot of the night. 
"Ready to win?" She smiles up at Harry, buzzing with adrenaline, knowing how close they are. 
"Yeah, I am." 
As much as Luna wants to run to the cemetery, she wants to enjoy the last alone time she will have with Harry. She knows they are going to be friends after this. She lets herself fall behind a few steps and pulls out the slip of paper. She unfolds it, and it reads, "You can thank me by making me the man of honor." She blushes, but Caleb might be right, and she honestly hopes he might be. Luna can deny how she feels all she wants, but tonight proved something there, something he saw long before she did. 
Something that had been hiding there for quite some time.  
This could very well be the night that changed it all, the story they tell their grandchildren. That stops her letting out a gasp loud enough to grab Harry's attention. A few hours ago, she couldn't stand him and now is thinking about a future with him, and all Luna wants to know is how she let these feelings grow without really noticing. 
"You alright, Luna?" Harry looks concerned. 
No future talk, not now, at least. First, they will win, and then they both can go from there. 
"Luna, love. Times ticking." Harry teases. 
Luna starts forward once more, not having noticed how close they actually are from the entrance. She passes Harry and is now running. "Pick up the pace, Farm Boy." She's gaining lots of distance from him. 
"You can't beat me, Buttercup," Harry says, beginning to catch up, now right behind her. 
Luna lets out a loud laugh causing her to slow down. "We're on the same team, Westley." 
Harry laughs, pulling ahead, but grabbing her arm, making her run even faster. They turn the corner, and that's when she sees Caleb's car and knows the entrance is right ahead where he has to be waiting. 
Caleb is leaning against the rusted golden fence. Evergreen Cemetery, the name on the arch staring down at them. Caleb raises his head, looking away from his phone as he hears footsteps hitting the pavement. 
"Inconceivable!" Caleb shouts as Harry and Luna stand in front of him, out of breath but smiling. "You have arrived with ten minutes to spare, but I hate to inform you-" Luna's smile drops, and Harry can only frown, a profound bit of sadness forming in his stomach.
Caleb bends over, laughing. He wishes he could have recorded that. "I'm only playing. Of course, you won." 
Luna punches his shoulder. "Jerk." 
"Hey, be nice," Caleb backs away, his hands up in defense. "Winners aren't mean." 
"They are if it's to their best friend." Harry laughs, knowing Caleb deserves the well-given punch he received. 
"Honestly, I wasn't too sure you'd win, considering you two aren't- or weren't the best of buddies." Caleb nods his head to their connected pinkies. Harry blushes but makes no move to pull away. Luna tries, but Harry tightens his hold, and well who is she to fight him. 
"Look who's here," Caleb says, looking over their shoulder. 
It's Mitch and Ollie rushing over, a frown on both their faces as Luna and Harry step to the side so Caleb can adequately thank them for being the first losers. 
Mitch scoffs, a smirk forming on his face. "No surprise, they won. Harry would do anything to see Luna smile."
Harry's cheek goes red, but Luna carries on her conversation with Caleb feigning as if she didn't hear a word Mitch said. 
As time clicks closer to midnight, the teams begin to trickle in. Daniel and Calvin come in with five minutes to spare. Mason and Charlotte right on their heels, and at 11:59, barely making it on time are Justine and Abby. There were many mixed emotions as they found out Luna and Harry were the winners. A few eye rolls (Abby) and lots of cheers. 
Caleb has quieted everyone down, as it is now time to crown the winners, and Luna is buzzing with excitement. She might not have won with Caleb by her side, but Harry was just as great as Caleb, if not better. 
"I am proud to crown Luna and Harry, the winners of the Halloween Scavenger Hunt 2020," Caleb yells, having everyone break out into collective cheers. Luna blows kisses to her group of friends, a large smile on her face. 
Charlotte steps forwards and places a jeweled crown on her head. Luna thanks her softly and watches as she does the same to Harry. He bends down so that Charlotte doesn't need to reach up to place it on him. He has a broad smile on his face, he glances at Luna, causing her to go a deep red, but all he does is give her a cheeky wink. Caleb hands over two yellow envelopes, Winner, written on the front, and in each is the $250 prize money. 
It's $500 total, but it's split because of groups. She's not sure who decided everyone put in $50 to get a nice prize out of it instead of just bragging rights, but Luna was thankful for whoever did.
"Speech, please," Caleb says, backing away to stand with the others.  
Harry nods at her asking if she'd like to go first, but she shakes her head no. He clears his throat and puts on a charming smile, always quick to dazzle a crowd. "This year, I was not expecting to partner up with the best at the game, but I am glad she drew out my name. Luck was honestly on my side." He turns his head to find Luna already staring at him. "I can happily say that I'd do it all over again with Luna by my side." Shoots her a smile before locking eyes with their friends. "As now reigning three-time champion, I'm proud to have been at her side. Her brains and my looks won us this hunt." He fakes a hair flip causing Luna and Caleb to let out a giggle simultaneously. She nudges him gently, shaking her head at his antics. 
Harry smiles at her waiting for her to now start hers. She blushes under his intense gaze wishing he'd direct it elsewhere. 
Luna knows they are waiting for her to share, but she's stuck in a trance staring into Harry's emerald eyes. She thinks back to the evening's start in Mitch's living room and the promise she made to Harry if they won. 
Without thinking twice, she steps close to Harry, closing the small distance between them. Luna brings up her right hand to gently cradle his cheek and as for permission. He gives her the slightest nod, and in the next second, her lips are on his. Harry reacts quickly, wrapping his arms around her waist, needing her close, not all believing it's actually happening. 
Harry's lips are soft, his mouth tasting like cherry from the gummies they bought earlier in the night. The butterflies in her stomach are going crazy, trying to find an escape. Harry lets out a small moan. That's when she knows it's time to pull away. Luna rests her hands on his chest, feeling how fast his heart is reacting to the kiss. 
Luna turns to face her friends,  not caring how they were all witnesses to their first kiss. "I told Harry if we won that I'd kiss him, and well, I'm not one to go back on my word." 
Caleb cheers and starts to clap, not at all trying to hide his excitement. Everyone else joins in the hollers, only getting louder, causing Luna to drop her head to rest on Harry's chest as she takes in her friend's excitement, knowing the teasing will soon be next. Harry has not removed his hands from her waist, liking how close she is. Luna doesn't mind it either. It feels quite nice.  
"Alright, let's head to the diner where we'll buy the winner's food." Caleb begins ushering everyone to the cars. He got Amy's help bringing over Mitch and Charlotte's car which is how they will be leaving, finally the end to all the walking.
Luna and Harry are still wrapped in each other's arms, not at all ready to move. Caleb is waiting for them at the small cobblestone entrance.
"We'll meet you there." Luna knows they have no transportation, the diner being close to their apartment that is a good two miles away. 
Caleb nods, stepping closer to toss his keys to her. She catches them with ease. "I'll be riding with Mitch." 
They watch the two cars drive away before turning her attention back to Harry. 
"What a night." 
She nods in agreement, happy that the hunting is over and can now relax. 
"Favorite part?" Harry asks.
She thinks it over for a second before responding, "The haunted house."
"Really." Her answer really surprises Harry, and he doesn't try to hide it. 
Luna shrugs. "Think that's what broke the tension between us; otherwise, we'd still be bickering." Getting locked in a room was not fun, but Harry coming to look for her and help her showed her a side she hadn't seen before. It was worth it, but would most definitely not do it again. "And yours?" 
He leans down to whisper in her ear. "When you kissed me." 
Luna nods, "That was a nice moment, huh." 
"Care to do it again?" 
"Only," Luna pauses before leaning close to Harry. She feels his breath against hers, mixing together. "If you would agree to dress up with me next year." 
"Done deal." Harry answers. His lips are on hers once more. Harry has a hand on her cheek, deepening the kiss, not ever wanting to pull away. "We could be Noah and Allie from The Notebook."
Luna breaks the kiss. "Gross, please take that back." 
"What's wrong? It's my favorite movie." 
"Why?" Luna asks in disgust. "Allie cheats on her fiancé. Sure, they have true love, but cheating should never be condoned, especially in a love story. Sure the book showed their growth and maturity, but you're not talking about the book. I shall not do it, not ever." 
"Guess you just won our first fight, Buttercup." Harry smiles. 
"First? We've had over five hundred!" Luna tells him. "Now, kiss me again because I won." 
"If we're kissing after each fight, then I owe you over five hundred." Luna shuts Harry up by connecting their lips. She knows kissing Harry will never get old, neither will these pointless arguments that will be forgotten seconds later. 
"Enough of giving these dead people a show. Let's go eat." 
"As you wish." 
Luna gasps, pressing her right hand against her heart dramatically. "Are you saying you love me?" She clears her throat, scrunching up her face in apology. "This might be a little awkward then." She points between them both. 
Harry stops walking, throwing his head back, letting out a loud groan of frustration. "You're a pain in my ass." 
Luna giggles. "Would you want it any other way?"
Harry grins, looking down at her soft brown eyes. "No." He responds honestly.  
Pinkies linked together, bumping into each other randomly to see who stumbles the most, Luna and Harry walk out of the cemetery forever thankful for this Halloween night. 
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I love you! 
Thank you for reading, come chat the hunt with me
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empower-bi-women · 4 years
fuck the party
Summery: Harry and the reader have to go to a party but Harry can’t keep it in his pants
Pairing: Dom!Harry x brown!reader
Word count: 1828 
Warning: SMUT!!! A lot of dirty talk, dom!Harry, daddy kink, clit slapping, edging, a light bit of choking, mocking I guess, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), idk what else 
A/N: This is my first smut so I'm sorry if it's shit! Tags at the bottom and let me know if you want to be tagged in any future stuff I swear I can do better than this. Also he looks fucking adorable here but the gif isn’t mine
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"Oh princess, you know, you really shouldn't tease me." Harry said as you walked into the bedroom wearing a deep red lace lingerie set contrasting nicely with your brown skin. 
“I don't know what you’re talking about H, I’m just getting ready for the party. You know we have to leave soon so you should get ready too.” you replied with a flick of your hair. 
Harry got up from his spot on the bed and came over to where you stood in front of the mirror. As you put the finishing touches on your makeup he wrapped his arms around you and bent down to kiss your neck. 
“I'm actually kinda nervous about this. I always feel like everyone is staring at me.”
“Y/N you're tiny no one can see you.”
“Shut up Harry don’t be mean.” 
He chuckled “Y/N it’s true. But I love it so much. I love how small you are. S’pretty funny when you can't reach things on the top shelf and you need me to grab it for you.” You let out a small gasp when he kissed his way down your neck.  “And I really love it when we’re in bed and my body just completely covers you.” His hands slid down from their place on your waist to the top of your thighs.
“Harry we can’t right now we told Mitch we would go to the party.” 
“Fuck the party I need you now. Princess please I need you under me. Need to feel your tight pussy squeeze my cock as I slide into you slowly,” his hand moved up to your lace panties and started to rub up and down your slit slowly. “You can’t tease me like this pet, it's not fair. Strutting around like this wearing my favourite colour. Ya know exactly what you do to me.”
He grabbed your hips and spun you around to face him and lifted you up to sit on the dresser. His hand went to stroke your cheek, his thumb smeared your red lipstick slightly and he pressed his forehead to yours, the room silent except for your ragged breathing. 
“Fuck the party.” 
As soon as the words left your mouth Harry's lips were on yours in a rough kiss. You moaned into his mouth and his tongue slid into yours. His hands were all over your body, stroking and grabbing anything he could. You wrapped your legs around his waist and he picked you up and threw you on the bed, breaking the kiss. 
“You know princess, I'm gonna have to punish you for teasing me.” he said as he took his shirt and pants off. You crawled backwards towards the headboard on the bed biting your lip in a smile. His hand shot out to grab your ankle and pull you back down. He leaned over you, his arms positioned next to your head, caging you in. 
“Unless that's what ya want? You dirty girl.” 
He reached behind you to unclasp your bra and slide it down your arms. 
“We’ll see if you're still smiling when I edge you within an inch of your life.”
Your smile faltered as you looked into his once bright green eyes now darkened with lust and you could tell he was serious. 
“Haz please, I'm sorry I didn't mean to.” 
“Oh pet but you did and now you need to pay for it,” his voice dripping with false sympathy as he pulled down your panties looking up at you with a sinister smile on his face, “and no touching.” 
You groaned when his fingers swept through your slit, spreading your wetness around.  
“Look at you, so wet and ready for me.”
He slid a finger inside easily and you let out a loud moan at the welcome intrusion. His finger curled upward and hit that sweet spot right away. Your hips left the bed and he has to use his other arm to keep them down. 
“Oh baby ya can’t even keep still for my fingers how are you gonna handle my big cock in your tiny little pussy. I gotta open you up first princess.”
He slipped a second finger and started pumping in and out faster, curling his fingers every so often. His thumb swiped over your clit and you let out a gasp and your hips came off the bed again. All of a sudden he licked you and you moaned at the feeling of his warm, wet tongue licking though your soaking folds. 
“Are you close? You gotta tell me princess, be a good girl and tell me when you're close. And don’t you dare lie to me.” his voice was a low growl in your ear. Your pussy clenched at his words. “So sexy, princess you feel so good. I can't wait to get my cock in you.” 
“Harry,” you whimpered, “Please it feels so good I need to cum.” 
"I don't care how good it feels you'd better not cum until I tell you to." he growled. You were right on the edge when he pulled his hand out of you. You let out a high pitched whine.
“No Harry please, please I’m sorry.” 
He smacked your thigh, silencing you. “This is what bad girls get when they are a tease. And you forgot what to call me.” 
“I'm sorry daddy.”
He watches you for a moment as you lay on the bed gasping and shaking, having been so close to euphoria. He kissed his way down your body. Leaving wet kisses on your knee and up your thighs.
 “Daddy please I need you to let me cum.” he looked up with an evil smirk and moved up until he was face to face with your dripping pussy. Without warning he dove right in wrapping his lips around your clit and sucking hard. He shoved his fingers back in and curled them, rubbing right up against your g-spot. Your hands grasp at the bed sheets as you writhe on the bed. His lips detached from your clit to have him look up smiling, his chin covered in your juices, and say. “Oh princess, I'm nowhere near done with you tonight.” 
He pressed a light kiss to your clit with his fingers still inside you before taking your swollen clit into his mouth again. Looking down at him between your legs you couldn’t help but admire how good he looked. With his strong arms holding your  hips down, and his back muscles flexing, his thick fingers deep inside you hitting all the right spots. He looks up at you with his green eyes and gives you a wink before sucking your clit hard.
“Daddy I’m so close please.” you cried out.  
He pulls away once again and holds your legs open so you can't get any relief, leaving you longing for release, he watches intently as your wetness drips onto the bed sheets.  
“I swear to god if you don't make me cum soon I’m gonna kill you.”
He let out a small laugh. “Princess, you're not really in a position to be making any demands or threats. All you can do is lie there and take it like a good girl.” He took his wet fingers and brought them to his mouth. He looked deep into your eyes as he sucked your juices off, let out a soft moan. 
“Oh baby you taste so good.” he crawled his way up to meet your lips in a kiss. You moaned into his mouth as you could taste yourself on his tongue.
Moving back down to your pussy he held your legs open and blew cold air onto your clit. Squirming you tried to get away from him, the feeling unfamiliar but it was no use and his muscles flexed to hold you in place. He looked up to see your eyes closed and mouth open in a o shape. He moved closer and blew on your sensitive clit for longer. You let out a loud moan then screamed his name as he sharply slapped your clit. 
“Daddy I’m close!” 
“Just from that? Oh princess you must be so needy,” he moved to put his legs between yours, “My dirty little girl. What is it you want huh? Use your words baby,” You let out a loud whine as he rubbed your clit with the head of his cock. “Are those tears? Oh babygirl I know, I know it feels too good doesn't it. You just need to cum don't you. Look at you all helpless lying there under me.” his mocking voice just turned you on further as your pussy dripped. 
“Please I need you so bad it hurts.”
“Ok princess you took your punishment so well now you get your reward.”
He slid into you slowly and you both groaned at the feeling. After him teasing you for so long it felt so good to be filled up.
You let out a shaky breath. “Please move daddy.” He pressed a soft kiss to your lips. 
“Of course princess.” 
He moved in and out slowly so you could feel every inch of him. Your face flushed at the feeling. 
“Fuck Y/N you feel so good wrapped around me.”
“Please daddy, harder, I need it harder.”
“You've been such a good girl for me princess you can get whatever you want.”
He sped up, snapping his hips into yours and he met your lips in a bruising kiss.  His lips were rough against yours as he mumbled “you can touch now baby.” 
Your hands immediately went to his back, nails cracking down leaving marks. He let out a short breath at the feeling. “That's it, pet mark me up, I’m yours.”
He went down to suck marks into your neck as his hips were still pistoning in and out of you, never breaking pace. His hand wrapped around your throat, squeezing lightly. The act of dominance made you squeeze your pussy around him.
“Daddy,” you gasped out, “please can I cum?”
“Just wait one more minute princess, you're doing so good for me.” he kissed your forehead. 
You whined and tried your best to push down the feeling of your oncoming orgasm. 
“Ok princess cum now, cum for me please baby give it to me.” Harry growled in your ear. A white hot wave of pleasure washed over your body as he kept on slowly moving his hips working you all the way through your orgasm. Eyes rolling to the back of your head. He came soon after and you could feel his hot cum shoot into you. You moaned at the feeling of being filled up by him.
“Thank you daddy.” you said with a smile on your face.
He laughed as he pulled out “You’re welcome baby. See isn't this so much better than going to the party,” he kissed your forehead, “Come on pet let's have a bath and get you cleaned up.” 
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aereres · 4 years
Still Into You - Mitch Marner
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Summary: When Y/N agreed to join her older brother at the Marners' for Christmas, she didn't expect to find herself infatuated with her brother's best friend all over again.
A/N: I am so excited to post this ngl... Anons, here’s the Mitch fic!
Word Count: 3,4k
Warnings: drinking, maybe some swear words, lots of teasing and flirting, maybe some angst?
"God, this is bringing back High School memories," Andrew mumbled under his breath, a smile on his lips as he drove through the snowy streets. The landscape was a mixture of tall trees and mountains, some clouds blocking the view of their peaks.
"You guys came here often?" You asked your brother, noticing a rather large house just a few miles away.
"Every summer," Andrew said, taking another turn as he gave you a quick look. "We used to throw the biggest parties ever, before Marner left,"
"And you didn't even invite me," you tsked, pushing your beanie on the top of your head when he pulled up inside a driveway, your eyes scanning the fancy mountain house before you.
"Try to be nice, okay?" Andrew warned you, pointing a finger your way as he left the car. You lifted up your middle finger when he turned your back to you to knock on the front door, and you finally left the car to grab your bags.
"Oh my God, Andy! Hi!" You recognized Bonnie's voice, a smile forming on your lips as you looked at your long-time family friend hugging your brother tightly. "I haven't seen you in ages,"
"Hi, Bonnie," your brother chuckled, gently pulling back to hug her husband. His smile grew even larger when Mitch appeared, the two best friends finding themselves in a tight embrace as they laughed in chorus.
"Oh, Y/N," Bonnie sighed happily, pulling you in a hug and kissing the top of your head lightly. "I'm so happy you could make it, honey,"
"Thank you for having me," you smiled, hugging Paul when he greeted you. You met Mitch's eyes, a smile forming on your lips as you found yourself in front of the old friend. His features had changed from the last time you'd seen him, he was built, and he definitely looked taller. His smile was still the same, though. The one you had loved so much.
"Hi," he said lightly, opening his arms for you, letting you go after a couple of seconds. You took in the insides of the house: the tall Christmas tree, the fireplace in the living room, the large windows, and the soft lights that illuminated the various rooms. It felt... cozy.
"Anyone wants hot chocolate?"
Mitch was trying to keep his eyes off of you. The light of the fireplace was hitting your body just right, and he could have sworn you were the prettiest sight on earth. It had been years since he had last seen you, leaving you with a quick 'goodbye' and an excited smile on his face.
It had been the night before the draft, he could still remember it. He said goodbye to all his friends, left the girl he was seeing with a kiss, and came to see Andrew one last time. You had happened to stand by the doorway, catching the last few glimpses of their bone-crushing hug as they laughed. Mitch had walked past you, ruffling your hair with a chuckle before walking towards the front door of your door to go back home, ready for his new start.
Since then, he had barely spent time home, missing not only the growth of his entire family, but also of his closest friends which, in some ways, involved you, too.
The braces you had once worn were gone, your short hair had become long, framing your face in the best possible way, and your younger version had left to let the new you take over. You were a sight to see.
"Marner, eyes on the game," Andrew snapped him out of his trance, tapping his thigh with his controller and pointing at the TV. His best friend had beaten him another time, making him scoff softly.
"Man, and I thought I got better at videogames," Mitch joked, slipping his phone out of his pocket to check some messages. Andrew stood up, stretched for a couple of seconds, and looked at his sister.
"I'm going to bed," he stated, running a hand through his dark hair. "We gotta throw a party, man, like the old times,"
"Sure," Mitch mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck as he saw the little smile that formed on your lips. "I'll try to find a way to get my parents out of here,"
"Cool," Andrew said, ruffling your hair and making you scoff softly before leaving the room with a small 'goodnight'. Silence grew between you and Mitch as you kept your eyes trained on your book, your heart beating out of your chest.
"It's been a while," he admitted, running a hand through his hair as his eyes found the fireplace. "I've missed you,"
You smiled softly, looking up at him as you shut the book. "Everyone missed you, around here," you chuckled. "How's the big NHL life going?"
"Busy," he sighed, letting his neck lean against the back of the couch and close his eyes. "Just constantly training and having games, but it's rewarding. School?"
"Dropped out of college," you chuckled. "I mean, now I got a job, so it's not that big of a deal,"
"Oh wow," Mitch teased, stealing your book and smirking your way. "So, nerdy Y/N is telling me she dropped out of college?"
"I wasn't nerdy," you mumbled as you tried to reach for your novel, stepping on the tip of your toes and following him around the living room. He let you get your book, his hands placing themselves against the wall behind you, caging you between his arms and the nearest wall.
"Oh really?" He whispered in your ear, your body so close to his you could feel his warmth. His nose touched yours, the smirk still painting his lips as his hazel orbs stared deep into yours. "Your glasses were cute, back then,"
The noise of a door opening made him scramble away from you, your brother's heavy steps making their way down the stairs. "God, I am thirsty," Andrew mumbled under his breath, totally not realizing what had been happening just seconds prior.
"I-I'm going to bed," you stuttered, gathering your things and letting your adrenaline-filled body lift itself up from the couch. "Goodnight,"
You didn't register their answers as you made your way to the guest bedroom as quickly as you could, shutting the door and sliding your back against it. Your breathing was heavy, hands shaking as the events replayed in your head. Mitch was just so close, his words just so teasing, he had you wrapped around his fingers.
But you were so sure you had moved on, you were so sure that your tiny, stupid crush on him had been over when he'd left, when many other girls had started to gain his attention. You were sure that you had been over what once was a teenage crush on your brother's best friend.
You clearly were not.
The lights of the lampposts outside the mountain house reflected inside Mitch's room. He had been lying awake for what felt like hours, his thoughts making it impossible for him to sleep. Three days into the Christmas getaway and things were already going messy for him.
The vacation was supposed to bring him out of the chaos and anxiety that filled his head, to make him relax, to let all the stress that was his normal life aside for a couple of weeks. Yet, his love life had decided to make an appearance, turning his plans into old, stupid thoughts.
You had left his mind when he got drafted, he was going to be honest. He didn't expect to feel the exact way about you as he felt when he was a teen, he didn't expect his old crush to come back when he saw you after all those years.
The feelings inside his body were foreign, from the way his heart would start beating loudly when he'd see you around the house, to the way his fingers would tingle after he'd touch your skin. He couldn't understand his own body, and it frustrated him.
He felt as if he was standing in the middle of an empty, dark room, where he couldn't understand what was happening around him and to him. He was confused, and he needed to know what he was feeling for you, what his heart needed.
He closed his eyes, fisting the bedsheets as he clenched his jaw.
Mitchell Marner hated being confused.
Mitch skated slowly on top of the iced lake, puffs of warmth leaving his mouth as he and your brother passed each other a puck, just like the old times. Mitch was laughing loudly, throwing his head back at something Andrew had said, his rosy cheeks looking as adorable as you remembered them.
Bonnie handed you a cup of warm tea before going back to the living room, leaving you to stand by the backdoor to look at the boys. Mitch's eyes caught yours as he skated around, a small smile never leaving his lips as he got off the ice, Andrew following right in tow.
"Damn, it's cold out there," Andrew mumbled while they got rid of their skates. Your brother walked past you to reach the fireplace, your eyes finding Mitch before you moved towards the kitchen.
You grabbed the sugar container and a spoon, turning your back to the entryway and getting deep inside your thoughts. A hand on your hip brought you back to real life, the feeling of a firm chest against your back making chills run up your spine. You spun around to face Mitch, your hands flattening against his chest.
"What are you doing, Mitch?!" You whisper yelled.
"Just, you know, reaching for a mug," he said, the smirk you knew too well adorning his features. "What are you doing, princess?"
You fluttered at the name, biting on your bottom lip as he kept his body close to yours. Your mind went into overdrive, thoughts filling your head as you got lost in his pretty eyes. You needed to understand.
He pushed a stray hair behind your ear, smiling at you when you blushed lightly. "Mitch, what are we doing?"
"What do you mean?"
"What's-" you motioned between your bodies. "What's this? You leave me hanging, tease me,"
"Ever heard of flirting, Y/N? Or is Andrew that protective?" Mitch smirked, watching you bite on your bottom lip as you looked at him. "I could tell you had a crush on me when we were kids, and maybe now it's slowly getting mutual,"
You looked at him in shock as he moved around the kitchen, filling up his mug with tea, adding some sugar to it, grabbing a snack. "You-"
"I mean, I saw you as a little sister back then just because I didn't want to fuck things up with Andy," he said, leaning against the counter to look your way, his smirk replaced with a small, soft smile. "But now we grew up, Andrew has more important things to focus on, and you can't stop leaving my mind,"
He leaned down to place a lingering kiss on your cheek, making you heat up and gasp softly as he grabbed his mug. "Gotta go, now," he smirked your way. "Oh, and we're throwing that party on Thursday,"
Thursday. Christmas Eve.
"Alright," you sighed out, your heart beating out of your chest. He sent you a wink as he left the kitchen, your body still buzzing from his contact. You took some time to get yourself back together, biting on your lip before you made your way towards the living room, joining your brother and the Marners.
'Home Alone' was playing on the TV when you took place next to Andrew on the couch, picking at the skin around your nails as your long-forgotten tea sat in front of you.
"You okay?" Andrew asked, his eyes scanning your features before settling back on the TV. "You've been weird these past few days,"
"I'm fine. Just missing home, I guess," you mumbled, feeling Mitch's eyes on you, already knowing he was smirking. You almost groaned out loud at the thought of him having you wrapped around his fingers, at the thought of being so at his mercy.
"You'll be fine, you just need to relax," Andrew sighed. "The party this Thursday will probably make you feel better,"
You nodded your head absentmindedly, not noticing your brother's worried glare as you silently kept your eyes on the TV. You zoned out, the laughter from your companions becoming background noise as you fell back into your train of thoughts.
The trip was supposed to be a way to relax, and yet, there you were: panicking over Mitchell Marner. Your brother's best friend. Everything about what was happening was wrong, starting off with the fact that Andrew and Mitch had been friends since day one.
"You just need to relax," were Andrew's words, the ones that were playing on repeat in your mind. And what better way to relax than to join the party? Cute guys, drinks, music. It would have been enough to calm you down and figure things out with Mitch.
There was no way you'd miss the party.
Mitch was deep in his thoughts, his phone pressed against his ear as he looked out of the window. Auston was talking about something that had happened to his sister the day prior, laughter coming from his side as Mitch looked at the snow.
"Man, you're never this silent," Auston sighed, making Mitch shut his eyes and bite back a groan. "I know something's happening, so spill,"
"You better not tell a soul," Mitch said, biting his nails. Auston tsked from the other side of the line, urging his best friend to finally start talking. "Alright, you remember Andrew? My friend from home?"
"He's with us for Christmas, and-" Mitch sighed softly, getting ready for his teammate's endless teasing. "And his sister is over, too,"
"Oh, God. You like her, don't you?" Auston whisper-yelled. Mitch was silent, which brought his best friend to conclusions. "Mitch, your best friend's little sister?!"
"I've liked her for years, but I've settled for other girls because of her brother," Mitch explained, rubbing his forehead as he tried to explain the situation better. "But now she's back, looking as pretty as ever, and I just can't help it,"
Silence came from Auston's line, making Mitch's heart beat a little faster than usual. "Aus?"
"I mean, I know you like her, and I know you wouldn't try to break her heart or mess your friendship up," Auston sighed. "Just- be careful, Marner,"
"Uh- yeah," Mitch mumbled.
There was a beat, silence being the only thing coming from both lines. "I gotta go now, man," Auston sighed. "I'll see you soon, okay? Don't fuck things up and ask her out,"
"Alright, bye," Mitch said, ending the call and letting his body fall on his bed. Surely, catching feelings for his best friend's younger sister had been a problem from the start, but he was sure. He was sure that, that time, it wasn't going to be just a game.
The loud bass was enough to snap you out of your thoughts, making you take one last look at yourself in the mirror before leaving your room. People were already crowding the living room, the smell of sweat and alcohol reaching your nostrils and making you wince softly.
You took in some of the familiar faces while you slowly made your way towards the kitchen, your only goal being getting yourself a drink.
The countertop had been transformed into a makeshift bar, different types of alcohol sitting on top of it, waiting to be used. You poured yourself something heavy, just the right mixture that could make you forget about the events of the previous week.
Your eyes fell on the people in the living room, especially on Andrew, who was dancing with a random girl. Next to him stood Mitch, his arms wrapped around two different girls, his large smile on his lips.
Your stomach churned, jealousy taking over you as you stumbled across the house and reached the improvised dance floor. You swayed your hips to the music mindlessly, hoping you'd catch someone's attention and, hopefully, give Mitch a taste of his own medicine.
A pair of hands settled on your hips soon after, resting against the soft material of your skirt and pulling you to a warm body. The stranger's lips were close to your neck, his breath fanning against your shoulder as you moved against him. Wrapping your arms around him, you kept your movements sensual and teasing, your own hands running over your curves and feeling yourself up.
What was supposed to be just one song turned into two, another body taking its place behind you and dancing with you as you lost the concept of time. When you looked around and noticed that Mitch had gone missing, you fell back into your senses, throwing your empty cup inside the closest bin.
As you wandered around the house, you took notice of the people surrounding you, from the beautiful girls, to the boys you swore everyone had a crush on in High School. In the corner stood your brother, a shorter girl wrapped in his arms as the two made out, his hands dangerously close to her ass.
You shook your head, chuckling to yourself as you grabbed your coat, ready to head out to take a breather and chill down. As you stepped outside, you noticed the sound of the hot tub, a long sigh leaving your lips as your heated face met the cold air.
"Hot inside, huh?"
You snapped your head around, noticing Mitch's body inside the warm water, his eyes closed as he talked to you.
"Uh- yeah," you mumbled, biting on your lip as your eyes ran over his tattoos, his strong chest, his muscled thighs.
"You should come in, it feels great after dancing,"
"I'll die of hypothermia, Marner," you scoffed, turning back around to face the view of the mountains, the snow already making your feet cold. "And I don't have a swimming suit with me,"
"I'll keep you warm, Y/N," he smirked, running a hand through his hair. "Just- sit on the edge, I know you're starting to freeze,"
You rolled your eyes, awkwardly walking towards the tub and taking place on the warm edge. You took off your shoes and let your feet fall inside the warm water, a sigh of relief leaving your lips.
"See? I told you you would be just fine," he said, his hand toying with the hem of your skirt absentmindedly.
"What are you doing here, Mitch? This is your party,"
"Got bored, I guess," he mumbled. "And I didn't want to see you with those douches all over you,"
You chuckled coldly, wrapping your arms around your middle to keep yourself warm. "You were all over those girls, I had to give you a taste of your own medicine,"
He laughed under his breath, his hazel eyes finally meeting yours. "There's nothing holding us back, why are we playing hard to get?"
"I don't know," you whispered, your toes grazing the skin of his thigh as you moved around. "I don't understand if you're doing this for fun or if you want me for good, I can't have my heart broken again,"
Mitch looked in front of himself for a second, facing the mountains and the snow that surrounded him before looking back at you. "There has always been something about you, ever since we were kids. I've always tried to push it back because of Andrew, but now, after all these years, I can't just help it anymore,"
You looked at him, squealing when his hands found your smaller back and brought you inside the water, positioning your body on his lap. "I know that you deserve better than me, that you deserve someone who's always present and there for you, but maybe things will finally work out for us,"
"Mitch, just-" you whispered, closing your eyes as you took in his words. "Don't break my heart,"
He leaned in, his promise embedded in his kiss as he let his body lean into yours. Your hands found his cheeks, holding him close to you as you melted into his arms, the whole world around you disappearing. The music that was playing inside the house vanished, and so did the people, leaving only Mitch and you in your own universe.
You pulled away only when your lungs started to hurt, screaming at you to breathe in some air. Your eyes stayed closed as your forehead rested against Mitch's, his hands soft against your skin. "I won't," he whispered, his swollen lips brushing against yours.
"I promise I won't,"
Taglist: @thirsthy-bitch​ @bellaguarneri​ @celestialblae​
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aclosetfan · 4 years
I’m still mad about Bunny from an earlier post so here’s some headcanons for an au affectionately titled “what could have happen if CN didn’t nuke the one ppg with an intellectual disability”
Long post! Look under the cut!
Bunny has Down Syndrome!
The Professor is a little...tifted when he finds out his children made another child, but Professor is a man full of love, so he takes it in stride. He’s never mad at Bunny, but the triplets have a very long and thorough talking to.
Bunny is an adjustment, but so were the triplets. Professor adjusts well to the change. He doesn’t like his lil honey bun (cause ofc he has embarrassing nicknames for her too) to go out and fight. He doesn’t want her getting too overstimulated and would rather leave the bigger villains to the girls. He can’t stop Bunny from running to help when her sisters call though!
Bunny is no damsel in distress!
But for the most part, Bunny does her part for the team by helping the professor in the lab! She’s a little uncoordinated when she gets excited, but so is the Professor, so it’s a match made in heaven. She has her own lab gear and happily hands over tools and chemicals (w/supervision!) at the Professor’s request. She also very good at reminding the professor when it’s time for a break. Bunny doesn’t let him miss snack or bedtime.
She also makes sure his experiment have a touch of cutesy because Bunny loves her a bit of sparkle and frills!
Having a sister with an obvious disability is difficult for the girls in their own ways. But Bunny really teaches the girls a lot!
For Blossom, she has a hard time puzzling how Bunny was going to live a fulfilling life in an unforgiving world. Since Blossom strives for control over things she doesn’t understand, it takes her a little bit (and a few lectures from the professor) to realize that Bunny will find her own place and that she doesn’t have to be so anxious. Bunny will be fine. She’ll be okay. She’s not so fragile. (But Blossom still has bouts of extreme worry that her little sister won’t ever be accepted) Like I said though, Blossom strives for control and tries to help the Professor keep Bun well structured and safely entertained, but Bunny’s has an independent mind of her own and teaches Blossom that while structure is good, everyone deserves a little fun!
For Buttercup it’s a giant lesson in calm and patience, which if you follow the show, is generally the lesson Buttercup needs to learn. But Bunny isn’t Bubbles or another kid on the playground, she’s special in a different way and even though she has super powers too and can get a little rough—because Bunny often forgets her own strength—Buttercup has to often be remind that she needs to be gentle. It takes a little bit for Buttercup to realize that Bunny doesn’t get things right away and what Buttercup thinks is funny can be hurtful to her. But Buttercup does learn and she’s extremely protective of her baby sister. She finds games and sports that they both enjoy, and every once in while Buttercup will buckle down and play the princess that Bunny has to save. Fr Bunny and Buttercup never give up on each other.
Bubbles is immediately the best with Bunny. It’s not so much her disability that Bubbles has an issue with, it’s more like the family displacement. Bunny gets a lot of the extra attention Bubbles has been use to. Bunny and her like a lot of the same things—dolls, coloring books, things that glitter and sparkle, bright colors, stuffed animals etc. They’re both very much into everything girly. And that means Bubbles really has to learn to share. Her stuff, her sisters, her professor—everything. Sometimes she gets a little jealous, but after an incident with Octi (where the beloved stuffed animal was ripped in two and crudely taped back together by her little sister in apology), Bubbles eventually realizes that Bunny looks up to her as a strong, tough older sister and that’s A-Ok w/ Bubs. And I know it’s cliche but I think Bubs would give Bunny Octi—not forever mind you—they share.
School’s interesting! Bunny goes to preschool with them and gets her own special teacher. But kids can be cruel and the bullies of the preschool (which is, yeah, Mitch and his group) do what they do. The sisters learn early on how to deal with insensitivity and it’s not easy (especially for BC/Blossom), but with the help of Ms. Keane, the Professor, and Bunny herself, the preschool learns that Bunny’s just a little girl who likes to play too!
I mentioned this one in a previous post, but I think Mr. Green should be her parateacher instead of the girls substitute. That way his character can stay in the show and they can have the “don’t judge a book by its cover” episode. But now it can wrap back into the episode of Bunny’s first day of school to really hit the point home! Mr Green can explain that Bunny was “different” but the girls loved her anyway, so “hey give me a chance to, I promise I won’t let you down!” (The intensity of the episode would be heightened because the girls would be extra protective of Bun) (Bunny absolutely adores Mr. Green and Ms. Keane appreciates the help!)
Bunny teaches them how to stim!! Whether it’s flappin around or playing with slime the sisters like doing it together (and tbh they’re fun stress relievers that the triplets carry into adult life)!
Also, now that I think about, I don’t feel like Bunny would get over stimulated often, but it takes her a bit to calm down when she does. Bubbles is the best at calming her down when she gets too excited, but when she’s angry, it’d be BC. I think that’s because Buttercup’s marked as an aggressive kid and, like I mentioned earlier, her and Bunny’s relationship would be filled with “learning to be calm” lessons.
Bunny has sensory issues! Nbd we all do, but Bunny doesn’t like her ears being touched so sometimes it’s hard to brush her hair. She loves Blossom’s hair though and Blossom can usually convince her that if she wants long pretty hair she needs to wash and brush her own. Blossom and the Professor are the only ones allowed to touch her hair!
Sensory wise, Bunny only likes soft cotton clothing. Everything else is too ichy. She also only wears dresses because they’re both pretty and light. good thing t-shirt dresses exist!
Purple! Bunnies! Purple! Bunnies! She has a niche and my baby fills it!
Hard ‘T’s are hard for Bunny. They round into ‘D’s instead. So Buttercup becomes Buddercup except Buddercup can sometimes be too much too, so Bunny more often then not calls her sister Buddy and that’s how Buttercup eventually earns the nickname Bud.
If you h/c the girls with fingers, the Utonium’s learn sign language, which helps when Bunny become too over stimulated or has bouts of being non verbal! Buttercup has the hardest time, Blossom catches on the quickest, Bubbles and Bunny keep making up their own signs, and Professor’s just trying to teach them all!
Can’t stay in preschool forever! Kids grow up! Sucks though :/ because the girls don’t stay in the same class. But don’t worry the triplets make sure they always eat lunch with their sister! And two weeks into middle school they realize that their baby sister doesn’t need them much anyways. She’s the queen of the SPED room. She’s so helpful, kind, and popular that she’s socially doing better then her sisters 😂😂
Bunny really gets into gymnastics! She wants to be in the special olympics, but she has super powers and the Professor has to explain that having super powers is a bit like cheating. She throws a tantrum and Bubbles, with all her crafty genius, saves the day by making fake medals and trophies. The Utoniums though are still very involved in the special olympics and other like activities . It makes them all happy and Bunny gets to hand out the medals! (Helps that she’s a superhero 😏😉 always getting that special treatment)
Guys, my gal? She’s a huge flirt! If you’re like ew no, that’s morally wrong, you need to re-evaluate what YOU know about Down Syndrome! Yes developmentally she’s a little slower, but Bunny’s still a teenager—a growing young women—and very much human, so romantic idealtions are very normal. And that applies to all our friends irl too. It just depends on a persons mental capacity! Admittedly, the Professor was a little uncomfortable at first too because there’s consent and power imbalances to think about, but the people of similar age that Bunny interacts with on the daily are people just like her—like minded individuals with puppy crushes. You can’t deny a person their humanity, so when one of the boys in her SPED class gets the courage to ask her on a date the Professor buckles down and calls the boy’s mom.
Their date is a at a park, properly chaperoned by their parents. They swing and have a good time. They end it with a hug! It’s very exciting and Bunny doesn’t stop bragging about it. Two days later she’s broken up with her new BF for the next brave soul. (Truly everything stays completely innocent don’t worry. I can understand anyone’s concern—Bunny isn’t a sexual being she’s just a romantic. Also there’s ALWAYS a chaperone)
Her family still worries though. Blossom because she always worries about Bunny and the things Bunny could be missing out on. The Professor for much the same reason + she’s his little girl. Bubbles because her LITTLE sister keeps getting more dates then her. And Buttercup doesn’t worry much, but she is annoyed because if the Professor isn’t available, she’s the one who ALWAYS has to chaperone.
Why buttercup? Don’t let her fool you. She actually volunteers. She’d chaperone any of her sisters’ dates if Blossom and Bubbles would let her. Ain’t no gross boy touching her sisters.
Tbh bunny flirts with boys most of the time to embarrass and get a rise out of her sisters. She’s a lil shit sometimes. (It’s the spice in her)
Bunny also makes sure to keep her sisters IN CHECK. If she thinks they’re being too judgmental or mean to the “bad guys,” she makes sure they remember how they were mean to HER.
Most of the main villains though don’t know her. Mojo tried something once and ended up being carted back to Townsville Correctional Facility in a gurney. Bunny has an aversion to violence after the “you’re being bad” incident, so she isn’t one to fight/protect herself (protecting her sisters is another story tho lol she’d kill for them), but her sisters are fiercely protective. Incredibly protective. So protective that when the other main villains saw Mojo carted into jail they went 😬😬😬 and stayed away.
She meets Princess though! She likes Princess for all her glittery dress-up shit. Idk how yet, but I think she’d be a good catalyst for Princess’s redemption arc (along with Robin, who yes is also Bunny’s best friend). She thinks Princess’s hair is pretty and really let’s be honest Princess goes soft because she likes the positive attention. In Princess’s defense, she was never insensitive to Bunny’s disability. She’s a ppg and a ppg is what Princess wants to be. Sure, she’s petty, but goodness gracious, Blossom, she’s well versed in etiquette and that’s just uncouth.
And she meets the boys because she’s a flirt remember? Boomer’s name is her favorite but she never gets the “-er” part out. Just likes the way BOOM sounds. Her sisters have to remind her to use her inside voice, but Boomer’s a good sport about his ear drums being blown out and usually yells right on back. She thinks they’re cute! Like Princess, Bunny makes the boys feel liked and needed and helps them along their redemption arc! But they’re hesitant to be around her because they saw MoJo and....😬😬😬 (hell would freeze over before the girls let them near her anyway) (their fear is also why they aren’t completely insensitive shits towards Bunny—Mitch is a human so he got away from a beating, but someone like Butch?? Nah, BC’s always actively looking for a reason to decimate him)
Bun’s fave villain though is Fuzzy. He’s like a giant fuzzy pink teddy bear!
Bunny’s essentially made out of the exact same stuff as Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup. Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice. So what if she’s a smidge bit different. Everyone loves her just the same!
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goodlucktkachuk · 4 years
Frantic -- Matthew Tkachuk (Pt.3)
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a/n: here we are back at it again with part 3! this was honestly my faviourite one to write so far so I hope you guys enjoy it!
Part One  Part Two
It was a lively Saturday night in downtown Toronto. The streets were full of people shuffling into restaurants and bars. The boys were away on a roadie down the east coast which meant you had your best friends all to yourself. You loved Nick to death but it was good to get some quality time with Emily. Hand in hand, the two of you shook off the cold as you entered The Loose Moose.
This place was an absolute institution for you guys, it was packed full of memories. Endless arguments over that night's game, many wins celebrated and losses mourned. Stupid fights over who was covering the tab and countless nights of Auston or Mitch throwing you over their shoulder because you were getting a bit too feisty. The sweetest memory of all though was Nick meeting Emily for the first time. She had just moved to the city for school so you took her out with the boys to show her some fun. The second Nick saw her he was down for the count and in love ever since. You wondered if Matt felt the same way about you.
It wasn’t overly crowded tonight giving you guys the chance to sit in your regular seats at the end of the bar. It had become a tradition for you and Emily to go out to catch the game while the boys were away.
Nursing your first beer while you looked at the menu, Emliy huffed beside you.
“What’s wrong?”
“I don’t understand why I’m wearing a flames jersey” She played with the sleeves, a sour look across her face.
“Because I wore Muzz’s jersey the last time we went out.” Your voice extremely uninterested.
“So? You love Jake!”
“Yes but I also love Talbot, listen, Calgary's playing tonight too so you just gotta suffer.”
“God you suck” She said, taking a long sip of her Tequila Sunrise.
“Do you want to split a poutine or just share some apps” She scoffed at you and you just flash her a toothy smile as she begins to pout.
The rest of the night went smoother. After many plates of food and maybe one too many beers you felt good. The Leafs won their game and you guys got several dirty looks for cheering a bit too loud. You couldn’t help how excited Emily tends to get when Nick does anything and several drinks made you more than proud of Mitch.
The second period of the Flames vs Kings game had you on edge of your seat. Given his history, you knew Matty was going to cause some trouble but you hoped to god today he wouldn’t. You made sure to message him before the game but you weren’t sure if he actually saw it. Looking away for just a second  as you signaled the bartender for another drink was enough time for gloves to be dropped and for Matt to start throwing punches.
Keeping your eyes glued to the screen you couldn’t move. You had seen him get in a million  fights before but this felt different. You couldn’t help but feel something twist in your stomach and your cheeks started to get hot. You weren't a fan of the violence but watching him really turned you on. Watching a smirk cover his face as he headed to the box, you’d give anything to know what was going on his head. Distracted from the fight you had missed Emily taking pictures of your concentrated face and getting someone to take a picture of you two from behind in your jerseys.
As the game went into intermission, you took to instagram posting the photos. The first being the Talbot and Lindholm jerseys the two of you had on followed by the photo of your intense concentration. Captioning it, ‘when the boys are away the girls get too into the game’ you hit post.
After a few minutes comments started flooding:
marner_93: gross
morganrielly: @marner_93 second that
nickrobertson01: I really hate you Y/N, we all know Em looks better in blue
Emm01: @nickrobertson01 I was forced, I’m wearing your sweater under this
matthew_tkachuk: getting closer, the right team but still the wrong last name!!
austonmatthews: @matthew_tkachuk nah it’s the wrong everything
fredrikandersen31: I feel so betrayed
After a bitter fight, the Flames came out with a loss and you had come out of the bar way more drunk then you had intended. Being pushed into the uber and having Emily lay your head on her lap you closed your eyes and sighed heavily wondering how Matty was doing. The more you thought about Matt, the more you thought about how Auston was acting about the two of you talking. Tensing your shoulders, a frown covered your face. Your friend could feel you tense up and she started rubbing small circles into your back. Talking to you drunk was like talking to a full grown toddler.
“Whatcha thinking about there, mini.” she hums softly.
Mumbling slightly you said, “Auston”
“Why's that?”
“Mm-making me feel weird about Matty” A smile crossed your lips as you said his name.
“What do you mean hunny?”
“Calling me a pest, looking at my phone, getting way too protective, very uncool of him.”
“I thought him and Matthew were friends though? Why would he care what Matt does?”
“Aus heard us talking after the game.”
“Y/N sweetie, he can’t be mad about that.”
“Heard me say Matty needs to see what is under my jersey.”
“Excuse me!!!”
“Shhhh Emmy. Too loud.”
“Sorry love. Why would you say that?”
“He told me to go to the game in red.”
“When did he tell you that? Did he DM you?”
“The morning before the game when I did pregame coffee. Ruined his hoodie” Pausing you turn slightly to look up at Emily. “I really like him.”
Emily decided you had answered enough questions for the night and just smiled back “Oh Y/N, I’m sure he likes you too.”
The rest of the ride was silent as Emily played with your hair, letting you drift to sleep until you guys got home. She brought you upstairs and helped you get changed. As she did you spoke soft whispers about all the reasons you liked Matthew which made your best friend laugh. In the five years she’s known you, she never had seen you be this head over heels for anyone. It was refreshing. She tucked you into bed and told you she was going to call Nick and to just yell if you needed her. Once your door was closed, you got the brilliant idea to call Matthew. After what felt like struggling forever to find your phone you finally got it and listened to the rhythmic sound of the phone ringing. His voice was rough when he spoke almost as if you had woken him up. Which of course you did.
Chirping almost like a baby bird you dragged out his name. “Matthewwwww!”
“Y/N? What are you doing up so late?”
“Emmy and I went to the bar to watch you play baby!” Suddenly everything clicked into place in his mind and he realized how trashed you were.
“Awh thank you princess. Did I make you proud?”
“The PROUDEST babe but your fight made me feel…” Trailing off in the middle of the sentence.
“Feel what sweetheart?”
“Ya know, feel…” You added a little spicy to your voice.
“Oh,” he said as everything fell into place in his mind “did I turn you on princess?” His voice became raspy as he waited egerly for you to say something.
Your side of the phone remained silent for a few seconds before you sprang into another topic.
“Ou! Ou! Ou! Wanna hear what I told Emmy tonight!?”
He laughed slightly as you avoid his question. “Sure sweetheart, lay it on me.”
A smile crept onto his face as he placed his phone on his chest and relaxed into his bed. For the next ten minutes you proceeded to tell Matthew everything you liked about him. You liked the way he wore bandanas to push his hair out of his face. How good he was with kids. You spent at least half of the time reminding him how hot he was when he got into fights or when he went to the gym or for just existing. You talked about how good he was at hockey and how much he cared about his family. As you came to the end of your rant you took a quick pause.
“Would you like to know what I like most about you Matty?”
“What’s that Y/N?” He said sweetly, a stupid grin plastered to his face.
“You make me smile.” Matthew couldn’t help but blush thinking about how happy you were.
“Good. I hope that’s all I ever make you do princess.” Giggling madly, you snap a picture of your smile and send it to him.
“You’re beautiful Y/N”
“Thank you.” You take a slight pause just listening to his breath. “Goodnight Matty.”
“Goodnight princess.”
Meanwhile, down in Boston the boys were out celebrating another victory. The bar they were in was packed with people and everyone was having a good time. They were all packed into two booths in the back of the bar each taking turns getting pints of beer for the tables. Auston made his way to the bar with Muz trailing close behind. As they waited to be served Aus put his head in his hands.
“What's wrong buddy?” Jake asks with a confused look on his face. Auston was never one to be stressed around the group
“I’m just worried about Y/N.”
Putting a firm hand on Austons shoulder, Jake just shrugged “Listen man I get what Chucky said was a little much but the kids always doing stupid shit like that.”
“I don’t know Jake.” He sighed as he reached for the pitcher of beer. “I did team USA with him and he broke the heart of every girl who looked his way. I don’t want that happening to Y/N ”
Jake just nodded and they headed back. Auston had good intentions but his execution wasn’t going the way he had hoped.
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trashcatsnark · 3 years
Oooh, I love the idea of them gaining some semblance of that spiritual connection through the Basilisk, that's such a great idea! I have a few more things for my AU: 1. Johnny tries to quit smoking with the help of nicotine patches, while V still smokes. Johnny worries that it's ruining their health and would want to try quitting together with them, but feels like it's his fault they're a smoker in the first place, so he probably shouldn't get too cocky. Plus, smoking seems to help V mentally, and in their state, they should be able to indulge in whatever makes them happy, so Johnny doesn't push. 2. Right after Johnny and V got transferred to their own bodies, they were immediately taken back to camp by Panam and Mitch. V was completely unconcious, and Johnny, while slightly better, still took it pretty hard, aware of his surroundings but weakened, unable to walk by himself much, his mind clouded and blurry. When they were leaving Mikoshi, Mitch carried out V bridal-style (I'd imagine he's a pretty strong guy), and Johnny just felt pissed and jealous, that he should be the one carrying out V from Mikoshi like this, but also felt mad at himself, that he's too weak to stand himself, not even mentioning carrying someone else, so he's just fuming in silence as they leave the Arasaka Tower. 3. When they arrive, everyone hastily prepares them a van to recover in. They make a makeshift bed out of a mattress, and lay V down so that they could rest. The mattress can fit two people, so that raises the question on what to do with Johnny. Panam doesn't trust him and wants to keep her eye on him, but others convince her that Johnny did so much for V that he's pretty much an honorary Aldecaldo himself, and that he clearly loves them (Johnny just bites the inside of his cheek at that) or at least cares for them. Panam finally says like "Fine. You can stay here with V, but only because that's what they'd want. You try to hurt them in any way and I'll kill you. You're on thin ice." and Johnny just nods, too exhausted to bite back. All that he really wants now is to curl up somewhere quiet and dark, with V by his side, so that they could share this physical misery between them to make it easier for eachother.
Cyberpunk 2077 Ending Spoilers below
Firstly, i love love love johnny quitting or trying at least to quit smoking following any ending. The first time i discovered that in Temperance my heart! So, yes, with my own v i imagine he mostly quits (only occasionally smoking strawberry cigs because that was their compromise to smoke during the game so they now remind him of them) and the first time he sees them smoking, especially after their recovery, he loses it like he did on steve and they're like bUT YOU YOU??? BEGGED ME TO SMOKE??? So, I always adore that characterization and that reversal, because to me it also further shows they've been left forever changed by the other. But in a situation where V is worsening and hes worried about... bigger things taking them away from him, I do totally think despite his worries he'd let them have those comforts because... he knows better than anyone that itch and need to smoke just as a comfort when the world is shit.
HE WOULD TOTALLY BE JEALOUS AND A LITTLE INSECURE OF THAT! Hes such a jealous shit, even weak and barely walking hes like bUT IT'S MY JOB TO CARRY MY PRINCE/PRINCESS DAMN IT. I know it doesnt happen but i just imagined him desperately trying carry V bridal style before hes fully recovered just to prove he can and dropping them and falling on his face. He'd feel awful but its really funny.
God Panam and Johnny interactions, I do love her just being protective of V and a part of her still, maybe always, seeing him as the person who nearly took V from her. She knows its not rational, shes been told a thousand times he had no choice but feelings are rarely so simple. I also imagine Johnny in general would kind of struggle with being with V friends; Judy, River, Panam, Vik. Misty. The ones he only knows through V's eyes. Because he's a stranger to them at best, V's deadly parasite at worse, but he knows them.
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