#also one of them slipped the leash at the start of the walk and she likes to try and hurl herself under cars so I was understandably worrie
jimmyandthegiraffes · 10 months
I am not going to lie folks. I am at the end of my ROPE I’m going to SNAP
#this is once again abt dumb stuff lol#I hate walking the dogs bc one of them is bad at being on a leash#and the other insists on eating everything she can get hold of#and then it’s muddy and someone shut off one of the public footpaths#which is probably not legal lol but I cba to chase it up#and both dogs bark IMPOSSIBLY loudly when it’s walk time#and they’re neither of them my dogs so there’s the added annoyance of the fact that. it wasn’t my responsibility to train them#and I knowwww when I get a dog two things I’m gonna focus on are making sure they’re calm. and leash training lol#I am not getting dragged around by a dog once I have my own it simply will not happen#and I will not be barked at.#also one of them slipped the leash at the start of the walk and she likes to try and hurl herself under cars so I was understandably worrie#I think I kept it together v well at that moment tho and she did come back when I called her#but it was nerve wracking#and then the other one kept trying to eat some prawns someone had dropped and like#I get it. overwhelming temptation. but I was busy trying to stop the other one jumping under a bus#and then when they get back in they just bark and bark and bark#so I’ve locked myself upstairs for a few minutes because like#it’s not their fault#they’re sweethearts#and it’s not fair if I get angry at them for shit like this they’re just. being dogs#so I’m taking some Calm Down Time lol#one of them is barking and howling because I’m not giving her attention right this minute#but well. tough shit lol aunty j is cross so aunty j is taking time out#uncle Freddie#all my friends better have kids so i can be uncle Freddie#looking forward to being a parent so my kids can call me pop pop or some shit#that’s a tangent. my rage at two dogs for being high maintenance is not a good lookout for my future parenthood lol#but at least I’m recognising that I need a minute so I don’t get angry#ok I’m done yelling now
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cheshirebitch · 5 months
ℕ𝕠𝕥 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝕆𝕡𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕤
(Alastor x Angel Dust’s Sister!Reader) pt. 2
It really has been a long time, huh?
( previous ) -> ( next )
I have never seen Anthony look at me like that, as though I’m the villain destroying his life. But, last I checked, he was the one going by the real villain that actually did take his life. It was purely distasteful with his choice of name, let alone the fact that was his porno name. What was so wrong with his actual name?
“Listen toots, I didn’t want to ask you for help. We didn’t have any other choice.” The venom spat back at me made my eyes narrow at him. What the fuck is his problem? All of this attitude is not how Anthony would talk to me. It felt like this whole new persona was taking over who he really is. I wanted to rip him apart, but not in front of these people. I can’t let everyone know my weaknesses, even if they pretty much all knew tiny parts.
“I get that. So I’ll ask again, what did you need help with?” I seethed through my teeth, feeling the watching eyes of all his friends. I only tensed up at my own attitude when I remembered Alastor and Lucifer were here too. I rolled my eyes closed and took a deep breath in and out before having an eerily calm aura surrounding me. Knowing I wasn’t going to get an answer out of the pissed off porn star brother, I looked towards Charlie. I could tell I made her nervous, shivers running down her spine before she straightened herself out and answered me.
“Well, I’m sure you’ve heard that we- uh-“ She glanced back at Lucifer who was wide eyed back, shrugging slightly as a response.
“That you,” pointing at Niffty with a smug smile, “killed the great and Holy Adam? Yeah, hard to miss when it’s being broadcasted on every device in hell.” I crossed my arms, smiling. It was really amusing to see Lucifer step in with his slip up of phrasing. Alastor also put on a good show by standing against Adam. I never expected him to actually take on such a powerful Heaven icon.
“Yeah, well, we need help with reinforcement in case the angels decide to retaliate.” She nervously fidgeted with her fingers, Lucifer watching me with anticipation. They all were, really. I was honored they considered me for help against heaven. Pretending to be debating it, I took long strides between Lucifer and Alastor.
“With all things considered, that’s a lot of my members being potentially killed for you. What do you have to offer me to make it worthwhile?” My hand started to glow pink, flexing my fingers and watching Charlie. Lucifer couldn’t make a deal with me or that’ll make more problems, only leaving Charlie and Alastor. Not like Luci would ever make the trust between us obvious. It would be a poor move if he wants to keep his weaknesses unknown. Alastor would rather drop dead than to be on a leash of someone else, though I have a sneaky suspicion it’s because he’s already on a leash. I should ask him about it next time we have one of our talks. Also, I already knew what they were going to sell to me but I can’t just make an assumption with it.
“We will make sure Angel Dust gets redeemed.” My eyes light up pink, turning around to look at Alastor. He held his hand out casually, opposite of how Charlie held hers against her chest. What a bland, and predictable, deal offer.
“Alastor, baby, I already knew that. We both knew that.” I winked at him. “So, what else?” His smile strained, despite it appearing to become more entertained. I read him like a book. It wasn’t very hard since he loves to hide behind a smile, saying it made things more intimidating. I’d like to think it’s more so the idea of being able to bottle those emotions he loves to hide.
“What else? Darling, I think it’s more than reasonable for that to be a big deal.” He smiled his sharp teeth, my eyes watched them carefully. A sneaky feeling crawling up my spine as my eyes stuck like a magnet to him. That’s when Lucifer pushed Alastor’s arm down, rolling his sleeves up, walking towards me. He stuck his hand outstretched towards me, trying to intimidate me with a hard stare. I just smiled in response, awaiting for his deal. I guess they really are desperate if Luci won’t even let Alastor and I pretend to hash out this deal. It was already mutually understood what he was going to offer was more than just that. He was just toying with the rest.
“We will get your brother into heaven, and you.” My smile froze on my face. I couldn’t get into Heaven. No matter how hard any of us tries, I’ll always be stuck here in hell. That fate was sealed long ago. My hands have been permanently stained red and black from how many lives I selfishly took after the death of my two siblings. My hands crossed tightly behind my back as I pondered harder over what he was promising.
I don’t think I want to go to Heaven. I couldn’t place why but something small was trying to tug me to decide to stay in hell.
Something small. The idea of being in heaven with my two younger siblings was bigger. Hell, maybe even the forgotten sibling will be there too.
“Can you even make deals, Luci?” I purred out the nickname in a taunting manner, giving a small moment of silence between us. Since he wanted to air out dirty laundry, I’ll give more hints to how close we actually are. But, he definitely didn’t think he could make a deal either. Charlie tried reasoning with him while Alastor watched from the sidelines, an odd look in his eyes. They flickered to Lucifer before narrowing with displeasure. I guess someone doesn’t like sharing friends.
“I guess we will see, won’t we La Morte.” He was struggling to remain professional. Neither of us wanted to act like this. This was all just a show for our professional standpoints, but I hated it. I’ve had to act professional and put together all my life, no matter how hard I fought against my father to create a life for myself and my siblings who wanted out. That’s all any of us wanted. Lucifer was a good guy despite the title he carries. His daughter is also an amazing girl. I would have agreed to do this either way. But, too many eyes were watching in this moment, too many windows and vulnerability to be spotted for our soft realities of each other. My hand gripped his as pink and gold clashed together.
“You got a deal, Satan.” My smile turned poisonous as I gripped his hand. My magic branded his palm with a pink heart, healing itself just as quickly into a scar. I felt the searing pain of a tally mark etch into my back, ignoring the feeling and refusing to let it slip out that it even happened.
“Anyways, enough with the professional talk. If we are going to be a team, call me by my name. I’m (Y/n).” Whether they could tell or not, my smile was genuine when I reached to shake hands with Charlie, Lucifer still rubbing his hand where the heart was branded onto him. Alastor watched heavily, something else pulling the weight of his stare on me. There’s no way he knows about the reciprocating brand mark. What can he notice that I don’t have hidden?
“Your name is really beautiful! I’m glad I don’t have to call you Death every time I refer to you now.” Charlie smiled genuinely back. Trying his best to make it sound like he has never called me by my name before. My eyes raked over his figure, understanding it’s a secret he wants to keep.
“Well of course, any friend of Anth- I mean Angel Dust, is a friend of mine.” The sibling sense kicked in before I even had to turn around. Anthony just rolled his eyes at me. Quick movements led to my shoe being thrown at Anthony’s head, smacking him hard enough in the face to send him backwards.
“Che cazzo!” (What the fuck!) My head snapped 180 with my body facing Charlie still. Through a clenched jaw and wide wild eyes, I lectured Anthony under my breath.
“Schialla, stronzo.” (Chill out, Asshole.) He immediately stopped, slouching against the wall. Anthony muttered under his breath but at least it wasn’t as disrespectful and obvious. Husk found it amusing enough to stifle a laugh with Vaggie.
“So, what’s the war plans?” I beamed, excited to get murderous for a good cause. Those exorcists killed a lot of my people, pissing off my whole team and myself tremendously. That was our family they were murdering brutally, just so they could have their sick fun and somehow remain in the sky. That was something Charlie and I could get along with.
“About that…” Lucifer awkwardly smiled. You’ve got to be joking. They have nothing? My eyes glanced at Alastor, who was still staring at me. I narrowed my eyes on him, silently asking “you serious right now?” to which he looked amused and shrugged. Bastardo, it’s your skin also being risked here.
“Okay, what do I have to work with here?” Charlie reappeared with a stack of papers and dropped them into my hands. I blinked a couple times, gazing through the words scribbled on the papers. These were lousy attempts at battle plans or any sort of war plans.
“I’ll revise these and have them back to you soon. I do request to have somewhere nearby for me to stay, along with my members. Fifteen minutes away isn’t a good distance, doll.” Observing Charlie’s timid behavior. Lucifer peered behind his daughter, gauging my reaction to everything. I had my work cut out for me but any excuse to be involved in Anthony’s life again was something I was willing to risk everything for.
“Consider it done. Let’s take a stroll so I can show you where it’s at.” Lucifer snapped his fingers and excitedly held his arm out for me to take to walk with him. He was always trying his best to put on a front, but I know he’s still struggling. I mean we still meet and talk about ways for him to mend the broken relationship with Charlie. But, it feels like another negative energy was coming from where my other ally stood. When I turned to Alastor, his eyes were still locked onto my figure, wide and slightly terrifying. The look alone ran a chill down my spine. Why did it feel more exciting than terrifying?
“You coming?” Lucifer glanced backwards towards me, forcing me to peel my eyes away from the enticing ruby set still locked on me. Instead, my eyes met the pale yellow and glowing red set. The tension felt high, pushing me to leave immediately.
“Yeah, of course. Just taking the place in since I’ll be staying here, and potentially dying here.” I laughed sadistically as Lucifer frowned and elbowed me.
“Not funny. There is no way myself, or any of us, will let something happen to you. Unless you get redeemed, too.” He winked trying to sell the confidence he could get me into heaven with my brother. I doubt it, but no harm in trying.
Following down the hall, around back, there was a warehouse building directly behind it. It mirrored the looks of my warehouses that have been distributed in my territories. I could easily move a little over half of my people within this building, comfortably. The smile slowly dragged across my face before I could stop it. Lucifer was smiling back at me, satisfied.
“Che bello…” (How beautiful…) My whole body relaxed, feeling almost unnatural. I didn’t know how to handle how I was feeling at all. All this weight that’s been pushing down on my shoulders just lifted enough for me to breathe, to relax. No one has ever done something this tremendous for me. I could feel tears brimming my eyes, ripping me out of that relaxed feeling. Instead, it was replaced with a sense of dread and need to feel that relaxed again. Lucifer was smiling softly, hand snaked around my waist as he waited.
“You want to go see the inside, (Y/n).” A small smile remained as I allowed his arm to remain, feeling natural and familiar, but so wrong.
“We can’t keep doing this, Angel. We both know that!” Lucifer was having one of his episodes again. The thoughts of Lilith coming back any second, just to see him fucking some other girl and actually leave him type of thoughts. Not that I could ever understand what he’s going through and show sympathy, but rather I’m getting tired of fixing what I didn’t break.
“Listen, Luci, I know.” He stopped. In the poorly lit room, I could see his eyes glowing and a faint outline of his body shape standing on the opposite side of the bed. He knows what’s coming.
“What do you mean?” His eyes pierced mine. A hard stare swimming with all sorts of emotions. Panic was in the center of the tornado.
“Luci, we can’t keep having the same conversation every other day.” I sighed as he remained frozen in fear. One wrong move and I can destroy everything.
“I know you still love her. Nothing could ever change that. You have spent all of eternity together, created a beautiful daughter, ruled over hell. It’s not something you can just fix in seven years, and I never expected you to.” His eye twitched as his black hands started to curl in, making fists. I watched carefully how his breathing was now heavier. I didn’t want to make a bigger mess but I can’t mindlessly try and heal him again, no matter how badly I wanted to.
“What I did expect was some sort of progress to prove that you were learning to let go and love me.” It felt selfish how I was wording it, but my own abandonment issues were strangling me. It hurt to breathe and my vision was blurring. He huffed out, about to deny everything I’m saying.
“I know you love me, but not as much as Lilith.” My eyes froze on Lucifer in panic. Merda. (Shit.) I said her name.
“Don’t you ever say her name. Especially not like that. If she loved me, she wouldn’t have disappeared, abandoned me or Charlie. You don’t know anything.” I knew he didn’t mean it at the moment but my mom taught me one thing, never let a man tell you twice he doesn’t want you.
“It’s over, Lucifer.” I moved slowly to the door, refusing to turn my back to him and his eerie glowing eyes in the dark room, shutting the door quietly and carefully behind me.
During my walk back, it felt like a walk of shame. Opening and closing my door as quietly as possible to my office, sliding my back down the door. There is where I sobbed for hours, grieving a relationship where I actually felt loved, relaxed, and free from the impact my father has held on me all my life. This is where I vowed to never allow myself to get emotionally attached again.
(As always, the characters belong to their owner and the story belongs to me. If you have any requests or ideas, send them over! I love to hear feedback! I will also gladly try to write things for my supporters! I have put a LOT of research and planning into this series! I also researched Italian to try and make it as real as possible! Thank you for the love and I hope y’all have a great day! <3 :)!)
Tag List:
@pooka167 @serenity-songbird @readergirlstuff @nishayuro @lovingyeet @genderlessdude92 @slytherin4ever @random-3455 @mo-0-o @lucifers-silhouette @sadnessiscoldtea @idonthaveanameforthisacc @marxo5 @emonerdwinchester @macehysteria @tsukiko26
Tagged who I could, some it wouldn’t allow :(
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atinylittlepain · 9 months
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Marcus Pike x f!reader
(there is no masterlist for this man, good luck to this man)
He's looking for something other than vanilla, and she is more than happy to provide such a service to him.
warnings | 18+ this is smut, pegging, rimming, sucking and fucking, sex work, lowkey sugardaddy!marcus, sweet shy marcus getting his world rocked, and then pancakes and a blackberry and a black american express card so ya know, the works.
a/n | this was written LAST MAY woof - i think originally it was supposed to be for the first round of the PMAMC (also woof) but she's here now :') special thanks to @wannab-urs for resurrecting this fucker. there is a part two... just sayin
The first thing she notices about him is that he’s nervous. He keeps loosening and tightening his tie, eyes glancing around in quick, anxious sweeps. He’s definitely never been here before, she would’ve remembered a face that handsome, strong jaw under a little scruff and big brown eyes that set a smile tugging at her lips when he finally meets her gaze. 
“Hey there, handsome, welcome in. First time?” His eyes drop down to the floor, a clipped laugh coming out as she steps closer to him.
“Am I that obvious?” He rolls his bottom lip between his teeth, eyes crinkled in a shy smile that sets warmth spreading in her chest, bringing a delicate palm to his shoulder.
“Just never seen you around before, that’s all. What brings you to Pandora’s tonight?”
“Well, I, uh– I wanted to– um–” He cuts his own rambling off, jaw slack as he watches a man in head to toe latex walk by, being led on a leash by one of her coworkers. 
“Hey, don’t worry about them. I wanna know what you want. Would you feel more comfortable talking some more in one of our private rooms?” Eyelashes fluttering, spine arched, she knows exactly how to reel them in, noting the dip and bob of his throat as he nods.
“I– yeah, um, yes please.” Manners, she likes that. She slips her hand down his arm, taking his hand before turning heel and tugging him down the dark hallway, taking them into one of the vacant playrooms. It’s one of the tamer rooms, a four poster bed in the middle, red silk sheets, and a dark chest of drawers off to the side full of all sorts of fun. She guides him to sit down on the end of the bed beside her, his hands immediately going to his thighs in a nervous squeeze. His eyes are still darting everywhere, but mostly to the tops of her breasts, pressed up in the strappy leather corset she has on, though he doesn’t let his gaze linger there long before jerking his eyes back up to her face. 
“You don’t have to be nervous, baby. I just want to hear a little about why you came in, and how you’d like to be taken care of tonight, alright?” He nods, clearing his throat a few times before replying.
“I just– you gotta know that I’ve never done anything like this before, really. But, I don’t know, I guess I wanted to try something different? My, well my ex-wife, I think she thought I was too, um, vanilla. So I guess I want to– not be– um, vanilla anymore. And, Jesus Christ, you probably think I’m crazy, huh?” Somehow, he manages to still be handsome and look like a kicked puppy at the same time, and she has to resist the urge to push his flop of hair back and press a kiss to the crease between his brows.
“Not crazy at all. So when you say not vanilla, what does that mean to you?” When he gives her no answer, eyes only widening as he seems to wrack his brain for what to say, she laughs lightly, bringing a palm to his thigh and giving him a reassuring squeeze.
“Why don’t we start with the basics? Do you see yourself being more of a dom or a sub?” 
“I– what does that mean, dom and sub?” Oh boy, more basic than the basics then.
“Dom is shorthand for dominant, that’s the person in control in the relationship, and they’re usually the one inflicting any pain, if you’re into that. And sub means submissive, that’s the person who follows the dom’s commands, who gets taken care of.” 
“Oh, right, that makes sense. I mean, I don’t think I’d be very good at being in control like that, so I guess, more submissive?” I’ll say. She offers him a nod and smile, still trying to coax some of his anxiety out of him.
“Sounds good, handsome. If it’s alright with you, I can be your partner for the night. Let’s get some paperwork for you and then we can get started, ok?” He only nods, something she’s going to have to work on with him.
“For this to work, I’m gonna need you to always use your words with me, alright? That way I know exactly what you do and don’t like.” She says it to him over her shoulder as she rifles through the chest of drawers, getting out a waiver and a pen for him. 
“Uh, yes, ok, I can– I can do that.” She sits back down beside him with a hum, passing him the paperwork, watching his brow furrow as he reads over it.
“That’s a list of kinks we do and don’t participate in. Are there any that you’re particularly interested in exploring tonight?” Another clear of his throat, keeping his eyes glued to the paper when he responds.
“Do men– do men really like that? I mean, I’ve heard of it, but, does it feel good?” She looks over his shoulder to where his finger is pointing, her lips crooking into a smile when she sees what’s caught his attention.
“Mmhmm, it can be very pleasurable, with an experienced partner, of course.”
“And you– are you, um, experienced?” Her smile broadens into a grin at his question, resting her hand on his shoulder.
“Oh baby, I’m very experienced. Is that something you’d like to try out tonight?” He seems to consider it, his eyes darting from her lips back up to her gaze a few times before he finally nods.
“Fuck it, yeah, I wanna do that. But is it ok if that’s the only thing we do on this list? I don’t think I’m really into the whole– chains and whips thing.” She laughs at that, giving his shoulder a squeeze as she nods.
“Whatever you want. Just need you to sign that waiver which basically affirms that we’re all clean here at Pandora’s, and you are too. You’re familiar with our pricing, right? It’s three hundred for an hour, and five for two.” 
“Is it ok if I do two?”
“You’re the customer, honey. What you say goes.” With a decisive nod, he ticks the box next to two hours on the form, signing his name on the dotted line before handing her back the pen and paper.
“Nice to officially meet you, Marcus. You can call me Daisy, and I’ll be taking care of you tonight.” As she sets the paperwork down on the chest of drawers, he lets out a light laugh, drawing her attention over her shoulder.
“That’s not your real name, is it?” Stepping out of her heels, she pads back over to him, standing right between his legs, setting down the items she grabbed before guiding his hands onto her hips.
“It’s not, is there something else you’d like to call me for the night?” He takes a sharp inhale as she drags his hands from her hips, up and up until his palms are cupping her breasts through her corset.
“I, um– Daisy’s good, yeah.” Letting her hands fall away from his, his eyes search hers, obvious in looking for permission that she’s happy to give.
“You can touch me, Marcus, whatever makes you feel more comfortable.” 
“Can I take this off of you?” His fingers are toying with the laced-up front of her corset, which she lightly bats away.
“It’s a little tricky, let me.” She makes deft work of unlacing the garment, a known path for her fingers that usually bores her, though there’s a little kick of something else, him watching her and the fine flicker of her hands. Marcus lets out a laugh at the grin she offers him, fizzling in his throat when she lets the corset fall away to reveal herself to him, standing before him in only her barely-there shorts. The heat of his hands just hovers over the swell of her breasts, and she can’t help the sigh that thrums in her throat when he finally lets his palms press against her skin. It’s not often that a client affects her like this, and she has to clear her throat to refocus on the real task at hand.
“Why don’t we get you out of your clothes? Sit back for me.” She’s undone dozens of ties, worked her fingers through miles of shirt buttons, and doesn’t even have to look to get trousers unfastened now, but she can’t shake the prickle running up her spine at the way his eyes follow every movement, and she can’t hide the shudder that runs through her when he tentatively tucks her hair behind her ear as she works his pants down his hips. 
“Have you been doing this for long?” She shoots him a look from her spot between his legs, his pants discarded to leave him in just his briefs.
“Are you really trying to make small talk?” Oh, he’s blushing now. She likes that, crawling closer and dipping her head down to press a kiss to the center of his chest before dragging her lips up and up, catching at the bob in his throat before letting her mouth just hover over his, feeling the shaky pants of his breath.
“There’s no need for that, Marcus. I’m gonna take care of you now, and I need you to tell me what you like, and what you don’t, do you understand?” His voice comes out a little hoarse, and she can feel the thrum of it where her chest is brushing against his.
“Yes, I understand.” A grin is all she gives him, ducking down before his lips can meet hers as she lets her mouth drag a trail down his torso until she’s nipping at the waistband of his briefs. 
“Can I take these off?” When all he does is nod, she gives his hip a light pinch, something between a laugh and a grunt jumping from his chest at the sensation.
“Yeah, you can take them off, I– sorry.” She smoothes her palm over the spot she pinched, smiling up at him.
“That’s ok, baby. Just remember your words for me.” He can’t be real, that’s all she can figure when she gets him totally bare before her, his cock a perfect pink that matches the flush on his chest, thick enough to set her jaw aching in anticipation, and long, pre-come smearing in the tuft of hair over his pelvis. She can’t help but wonder why the fuck anyone would ever want to leave him when he’s this pretty to look at. 
“Can I touch you? Get you warmed up for me?” He’s propped up on his elbows to watch her kneeling between his legs, lips swollen from how much he’s been biting them, slightly parted in something like wonder.
“Yeah, yes, please.” 
“Hmm, I like a boy with some manners. Just relax, Marcus, and remember, I’m here to take care of you.” With that, she presses a kiss just below his belly button, smiling against the twitch of his muscles before dipping down and letting her lips ghost over the underside of his cock. It’s involuntary, the hum she lets out when she takes him fully into the heat of her mouth, relaxing her throat like she’s learned to do, a necessary move in order to take all of him. And he’s perfect beneath her, thighs flexing under her splayed palms, low moans rumbling in his chest as she alternates between swallowing him down and lapping at his leaking tip. She knows she’s done her job, that she’s loosened him up, when those moans start to get a little louder, a little more drawn out, and he slumps down off his elbows to run a hand through his hair, eyes scrunched shut. A kiss over one hip, then the other, keeping her palm steady on his heaving belly while she reaches for the lube, his eyes squinting open to see why she stopped. 
“You ever used lube before?” 
“No, never needed to, I guess.” 
“Well it’s gonna be your best friend tonight. I’m gonna warm a little up in my palms and then I’ll let you get used to the feel of it, ok?” He hums out an mmhmm, watching her hands rub in quick circles, his eyes following the subtle shake of her breasts with the movement. And when she gets her hands on him again, slicking her palm up his cock, a hiss slips through his lips.
“Sorry, is it still cold?” 
“No, fuck– just feels really good.” She grins at that, letting her wrist flick, hand in an easy glide as she slips her palm down to cup the weight of his balls, his groan cracking and shooting up an octave, hips jolting at the sensation. 
“Has no one touched you like this before, baby?” 
“I– Jesus, no– no one’s done that before.” 
“Well that’s just not right. Feels good, huh?” A little squeeze to punctuate her question sets another moan loose in his chest as he presses his head back into the sheets.
“Y-yes, feels really good.” She nudges his thighs open a bit more, letting her hand slip down lower, not pressing, but circling, gauging how he reacts as she keeps her other hand easily stroking his cock. 
“Remember, need you to tell me what feels good and what doesn’t. We can stop at any time. Do you like what I’m doing right now?” His eyes are still shut tight, one hand fisted in his hair, the other tangled in the sheets, pleasure pulling his whole body taut.
“Yeah, I like it. It’s, hah– it’s different, good, different good.” His words go a bit slurred when she presses her finger forward, opening him up as he lets out another breathy moan. 
He takes it well, whimpers and moans crackling in his throat as she starts a steady thrust, only pausing to work a little more lube over her hand. 
“Doing so good for me, Marcus. You wanna try taking a little more?” He sits up on his elbows, surprising her a bit with his firm reply.
“I want more, want you to use that on me, please.” He tilts his head over to the strap laying on the end of the bed, once again catching her off guard.
“You sure you’re ready for that?” He tilts his head at her, a crooked smile on his face.
“Didn’t you say something about the customer always being right?” She lets out a real laugh at that, shaking her head at him as he just grins, clearly pleased with himself. 
“I guess so. Alright, handsome, why don’t you get on your hands and knees for me? We’ll take it nice and slow.” He seems a bit taken aback by that request, his smile going a little slack as she gets off the bed to step into her harness, though he catches himself, clearing his throat and shifting around on the bed into the position she asked for.
She can’t help herself, getting back on the bed and kneeling behind him, laying a quick pat to his very cute ass that has him craning his neck over his shoulder to look at her.
“Sorry, just looks so good I had to give it a little tap. You ready for me?” He hums his assent as she slicks her fake cock in lube, bringing one palm over his low back in a reassuring circle as she scoots in closer. 
“Just relax, Marcus, this is about you feeling good. That’s it, open up for me.” She works her strap in slow, curling over him to press her lips in a murmuring of praise into his shoulder blades as he whimpers beneath her, his hands fisted tight in the sheets. 
“How’re you feeling, baby? Is it too much? We can go back to what we–”
“No, no. I just– just need a minute, fuck– didn’t think it’d feel this good.” She’s not being professional about this, she knows it too, but she doesn’t care. A professional would be checking the clock, making sure that he gets his before his time is up. A professional wouldn’t be laying kisses over his shoulders, whispering to him that he’s doing so good, that he can take it, that he’s so pretty like this. But nothing about the way she wants him right now feels professional, the way she wants to take care of him, to make him feel good, to keep him feeling good for as long as she can.
“Just say the word. I move when you want me to.” 
Slow and smooth, nothing but patience and permission in how she fucks him, her hips slotting with his again and again and again, simmering down into a close press, her chest draped over his back and her hand working his cock in time with her thrusts when he finally unravels beneath her. He slumps down onto his forearms, a slur of curses punching out of his lungs as she runs her palms up and down his shuddering back. But what he does next is so unexpected she finds herself at the mercy of his movements. The moment she pulls her hips away from his, he turns over underneath her, still catching his breath as his hands find her hips, insistent and harsh in the way he pulls her down onto the bed. He’s certainly a sight, cheeks flushed and hair perfectly mussed up in every direction, his eyes blown dark and wide as he hovers over her.
“Can I take care of you now? Is that allowed?” A professional would say no, that his time is up, get him a towel and a glass of water and process his credit card.
She doesn’t say no.
He fumbles a bit with the straps of the harness, letting out an impatient groan that makes her giggle, quick to bat his hands away and make easy work of shimmying the whole thing down her legs. And the smile he gives her as she does is downright sheepish.
“That’s, uh, a bit tricky.” She brushes his hair back out of his face, thumb settling against the dimple in his cheek, a move that’s entirely too sweet and she knows it.
“Just a little. I’m all yours now though.” He doesn’t waste any time, ducking his head down to press a sweet kiss over the top of her breast that turns salacious when he slides his tongue down over the tight peak of her nipple, her back arching up into the heat of his mouth as he lets his teeth graze over the sensitive skin. His hands are splayed around her hips, greedy and insistent in the way his fingers curl and press into her ass, lifting her hips up to slide her tiny shorts off her legs before he settles back between her thighs, his nose brushing against her twitching stomach, dark eyes flickered up to meet hers.
“Is this ok? Can I taste you? Make you feel good like that?” He steals a move from her book when all she does is nod, his hand that’s still curled around her hip laying a gentle pinch to the swell, his grin going boyish as she huffs out a laugh.
“Can I have your words, Daisy, please?” She tilts her head at his shy question, enjoying the flushed flare creeping up his cheeks.
“Hmm, you’re a fast learner, huh? Yeah, baby, I want your mouth, Want you to make me feel good.” 
It’s not that she had been expecting him to be bad at it. But she also hadn’t been expecting him to be so fucking good either. Head thrown back, thighs trembling around his scruff, moaning his name good. He’s not precious about it, licking a flat stripe through her cunt before letting his tongue catch on her clit in a harsh press, dipping back down to lap up the slick pooling at her entrance, a continuous circuit of pleasure that has every muscle in her body tensing up. He groans low in his chest when she rakes her fingers through his hair, tugging just a bit unkindly when his teeth graze her clit. One large palm snakes up to grasp at the swell of one of her breasts, his other hand pressed across her pelvis to keep her spasming hips still as he fucks her with his tongue, the strong hook of his nose dragging across her clit with each pass. And it hits her all at once, that snare of pleasure snapping hot and hard as she comes with a stilted moan of his name, her heel pressing between his shoulder blades, keeping him exactly where he is, and he continues to work her over as she comes undone on his mouth. 
She tugs at his hair again when it becomes too much, her hips jolting at the thrumming chuckle he lets out when he finally pulls away, resting his cheek against her hip while she tries to catch her breath. They lay like that for a hiccup of time, just staring at each other, a dazed smile on his glistening lips that she knows is mirrored in her own hazy grin. Eventually she lets out a long sigh, reaching out for him and thumbing away some of her arousal that’s smeared across his jaw. 
“Do you wanna, like, get a burger or something?”
“Is that– is that a part of my two hours?” “Oh baby, your two hours were up a while ago.”
He’s waiting for her right outside the club, and she mentally kicks herself for having worn sweats and a hoodie in for her shift earlier, though he doesn’t seem to mind, smiling big and broad when she steps outside to join him. 
“I know you said burgers, but there’s a diner around the corner that does the best pancakes in DC. Sound good to you?” She likes this version of him too, confident, certain, a bit old-fashioned with the way he holds his arm out for her to take like they didn’t just wreck each other a few moments ago, letting her hold onto him the whole walk over to the diner, opening the door for her, the whole chivalric production.
It’s so late at night, they’re virtually the only people in the place, tucking into a cracked vinyl booth and putting in their order, pancakes and scrambled eggs and bacon, the works. And they share every last bite, having both clearly worked up an appetite after their evening together.
Though he’s vague about it, she can suss out for herself that he’s some sort of higher-up government type, she knows them well, and in turn, she answers his questions about her, that her work at Pandora’s is good enough to be supporting her through college, Marcus seeming to perk up when she tells him she’d like to be an art teacher one day. He’s older than her, at least enough to have already been married and divorced, but she can’t find it in herself to care about that, too busy enjoying their easy conversation, the subtle game of footsie they have going on under the table, and the way he smiles at her, all of his attention on her. It’s so strange, so different, so starkly contrasted to the way her nights usually go, not that she minds the simple rotation of disinterested clients, but she hasn’t had someone look at her, really look at her the way Marcus is, in quite a while. 
“I have to admit, I wasn’t really expecting my night to end like this.” Plates long cleared, each of them nursing a mug of coffee as the first sweeps of dawn start to light up the streets outside, she smiles at his admission.
“Good surprise or bad surprise?” He grins at her question, leaning in on his elbows like he has the wildest secret to tell her.
“Really good surprise. I mean, I just think you’re– amazing. Fuck, is that weird of me to say?” She mirrors him, leaning in on her elbows, a smile threatening to quirk her lips.
“Hmm, no, it’s cute. For the record, I think you’re kinda amazing too.” Their faces are so close, and she realizes all at once that she hasn’t even kissed him yet.
“Only kinda, huh? Guess I didn’t do my job then.” She can almost feel the curve of his smile as she laughs at his simpering response, the sound getting swallowed when he closes the space between them, pressing his lips to hers. And he’s good at this too, his palm coming to cup her jaw, thumb stroking along her cheek as he deepens the kiss, licking into her mouth and nearly melting her on the spot. Though it’s over too soon for her liking when they get interrupted by someone clearing their throat in front of their table, pulling away to see the rather annoyed looking waitress setting their check down and shuffling away with a sour side-eye. She opens her mouth to protest when Marcus reaches for his wallet, but he waves his hand, black American Express glinting in the diner’s fluorescent lights.
“Don’t worry about it, baby, I’ve got it. It’s the least I can do after going over my two hours.” She can tell he means it as a joke, a flippant remark, but her stomach still sinks at even the suggestion of this still being a business transaction. It’s a sore spot for her, and though she’s more than comfortable with the work she does, her exes hadn’t been, nor had they been kind about it for that matter.
Busy signing the check, Marcus doesn’t notice the way her face falls, and she’s already out of the booth and halfway out the door of the diner when he finally calls out for her, further rubbing salt in the wound when the name he uses is Daisy. 
“Woah, woah, hey, what happened in there?” The hand he hooks around her bicep is gentle but insistent, and she can’t help the tears threatening to spill over when he turns her around to look at him in the faint morning light.
“Look, if that’s all this is to you, just business, that’s fine, but I have enough respect for myself to not–” He cuts her off, bringing his broad palm to cup her cheek again, his eyes wide and unwavering.
“Hey, that’s not what this is– I mean, at least not anymore. We did meet under some, ah, particular circumstances. But this isn’t business to me now, if that’s ok with you?” He thumbs away her stray tears, and she nearly goes dizzy with the relief she feels hearing those words from him. 
“I’m sorry, baby, it was a stupid thing to say, wasn’t even thinking.” Baby, it’s the second time he’s called her that. She’s never anyone’s baby, they’re always hers, but she likes it now, coming from him, finding herself smiling into his touch.
“I don’t want you to call me Daisy.” His eyes soften, smile tempering as he nods.
“Ok, what should I call you?” She tells him her real name, and with it, the last shred of her professionalism dissolves, and she doesn’t care one bit. He says her name like he’s rolling a hard candy around in his mouth, slow sugar in each syllable before he presses a kiss between her brows, lips trailing down to catch hers in a sweet smack. 
“Can I see you again? And, definitively not as, um, as business?” It makes her laugh, how quickly he shifts between confidence and constraint. She likes both. 
“I would really really like that, Marcus. Am I giving you my number or are you giving me yours?” His eyebrows shoot up his forehead, like he’s surprised she actually wants that, though he’s quick to catch himself, clearing his throat and smiling.
“Uh, both? Both is good, right?” They swap phones, and she can’t help thinking to herself that of course this man has a Blackberry, stifling a giggle as she types in her number. 
“Can I walk you to your car? It’s back at the club, right?” 
“Oh, I don’t have a car, actually. Just take the bus to get around.” He doesn’t seem to like that, lips pressing into a thin line as he looks at her.
“How about I get you home this morning? Would that be ok?” Under any other circumstances, she wouldn’t dream of getting into the car of a man she just met, but seeing as she’s already broken a dozen of her cardinal rules with him, she doesn’t think twice about getting into his sleek BMW that’s still parked outside the club. He keeps a palm splayed just above her knee, thumb idly swiping back and forth, a soothing lull as she gives him directions toward her apartment complex. She hates to admit it to herself, but she’s a bit reluctant to get out when he does pull up to her building, leaning over the console for a kiss that he willingly gives her. 
“So I’ll call you?” She lays a kiss to the small patch in his scruff, smiling against his skin when he lets out a huff.
“I’ll answer. Thank you, Marcus, for a really nice night, and morning.”
When she gets inside her apartment, she slumps back against the door, blowing out a long exhale and shaking her head.
“Fuck.” Her boss is going to kill her, but she doesn’t really care. 
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that-basic-simp · 8 months
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"Y/N! Come in 'ere for a second."
Getting up from the couch, I walked into the bedroom to find Odessa was holding a box in her hands. Walking over to her, I grew curious.
"What's in the box, Dez?"
"Somethin' special I got for ya."
"For me?" I asked. While Odessa did get me gifts here and there, it was never anything outside of the city. And from the way it was packaged, it was definitely outside the outbacks and into the actual city.
"Yeah. For you. Open it," she handed me the box.
I took it as she grabbed Gracie from the side of her leg, handing me her precious knife. Taking it carefully, I opened up the box and to find a chain necklace resting in some nice tissue paper. Grabbing it, I removed it from its plastic wrapping and found it was a pretty long chain. It was thick, too. But the ends weren't like the normal clasping of a necklace. There were two hearts on the end of the chain.
"H-How am I supposed to get this on?" I asked.
"'ere, let me help," Odessa said, taking the chain.
Raising it above my head, she placed it behind my neck. Taking one of the heart endings, she put it in the other. With the two entangled in one another, it sat nicely on my upper chest, the two hearts interlocked.
"Aww, Dez," I said. "Did ya get this because it reminded you of us?"
She nodded her head, "And then some."
"And then some?"
"Yeah. You'll see what I mean later. Right now, I've got to meet up with someone," she said and kissed my forehead. "I'll see ya later."
"Bye, Dez," I said, hugging her. "Thank you for the necklace."
"You're welcome," she said.
Before she left, I pecked her lips and waved goodbye to her. I might as well get ready for the work day. Once I had finished getting ready, I walked out of the house and towards the warehouse. I got some interesting looks and comments about the necklace I was wearing. Some were even smiling, whispering behind their hands as they pointed at me. I was so confused. Reaching the warehouse, I started to get orders done and when people came to pick them up, they admired the necklace, but also made some interesting comments about being 'chained' and 'marked'. This went on for the rest of the day until I went over to Odessa's office building. Those comments were swirling in my head and when I reached the throne room, I opened the door, despite it being closed.
"Dez?" I asked as I walked in.
She was sitting in her throne reading some papers. Picking her head up, she smiled at me, setting her papers down.
"Hey, princess. Work day done for ya already?"
"Heard you were the talk of the town. Everyone loved your necklace."
"I-I've wanted to talk to ya about that."
"About what?"
"T-The necklace."
"What about it?"
"What exactly is it? I-I've never seen anythin' like it."
"Come 'ere," she said.
Walking closer to her, she slipped her finger through the heart shaped clasp. Spinning her finger around, she wrapped her index finger around it, pulling the chain closer to my neck. And in doing so, it pulled me towards her. Our faces were right in front of one another, the tip of her nose touching mine.
"Oh, darlin'," she growled in a dark tone. "You're so innocent."
"W-What is this?" I asked, trying to loosen the chain up, but she tugged me closer to her.
"Called a slip chain, darlin'."
"A-A slip chain?"
"Meant for dogs, to keep 'em under control. But I saw someone made 'em for people. Decided I might try it out on ya."
"S-So kind of like a collar and leash?"
"Similar, but not exactly."
"W-What do ya plan on doin' with me when I wear it?"
"This," she wrapped a small portion of the chain around her two fingers before yanking me towards her.
Her lips pressed against mine firmly, forcing her tongue into my mouth. I let out a moan as my hands grabbed onto her shoulders.
"Come sit on your throne, darlin'," she said through the heated make out.
She didn't need to tell me twice. I crawled onto her lap and wrapped my arms around her neck, digging my hands into her hair. She released her hold on the slip chain, loosening it to where I could breathe a bit better. Her hands trailed down from my sides and to my thighs, squeezing them before making their way to my ass, rolling my hips against hers. Pulling away to breathe, she growled and hooked her finger through the heart clasp, pulling the chain again.
"I ain't done with ya, princess," she snarled.
"P-Please, Dez. I-I need a breather."
"Fine," she said, removing her hold on the chain. It loosened up and sat nicely once more.
I took in a deep breath as Odessa placed her elbow on the arm rest, leaning her head against her hand. Looking down at me with a dark, hungry look in her eyes. She could tear the clothing right off of me with just one look. And that was the same look she was giving me. The tip of her tongue came out and licked at her lips, grinning as her other hand grabbed my ass tightly.
"D-Dez," I whined.
"Ya think I can restrain myself when I am lookin' at the most stunnin' and gorgeous woman ever?"
I smiled widely, feeling my face growing warmer as she pressed her forehead against mine. She placed her hands on my waist, rubbing little circles against my stomach.
"I love you," she whispered.
"I love you, too."
"Now," she hooked her finger through the heart shaped clasp once more and leaned back in the throne, yanking me towards her. Our noses were touching once more as she glared harshly into my eyes.
"You're goin' to give your queen what she wants, yeah?"
"Does my queen want 'er princess to please 'er?" I asked, knowing what she wanted.
She chuckled darkly, "Fuck yes. On your knees."
I got off of her lap and placed myself on the ground. Placing my head in between her legs, I rested my head against her thigh. Reaching down, she cupped my jaw and titled my head up.
"Such a good girl," she smirked. "Now, you know what to do."
"Yes, my queen."
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venusxsturnio · 6 months
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PAIRINGღ matt x equestrian!fem!reader
SUMMARYღ today is the big tournament. but what happens when y/n slips up, and forgets to knock on wood?
FROM VENUSღ hi guys! do y'all like my stuff fr? be honest. lmk what y'all think. ✿ btw this was a request. lowkey i don't even know how horse racing even works...so lmk if i got sumthin wrong, but remember my requests are always open! and remember i love criticism. :)
WARNINGSღ cussing...fluff...danger...injuries..
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5:26 am
i was awoken by the sound of my alarm going off. i reached over to my nightstand to grab my phone. i stopped the alarm as i got out of bed. i made my way to the bathroom to get ready for the day. oh shit- i almost forgot today was the tournament. how could i forget today was the biggest day of my entire career?
i rushed out of the bathroom to my room. i grabbed some sweats and a hoodie and threw them on. i went back in the bathroom to finish my routine before heading downstairs. i grabbed my purse, keys, and phone. i practically ran out of the house as i made my way to my car. i started the car and pulled out of the driveway. i propped my phone up in the phone holder and facetimed matt.
the phone rung once before i saw matts big smile in the camera. "Hey babe!" matt yelled. "Well someone's excited." i said playfully rolling my eyes. "Aren't you?" matt asked as a confused expression appeared on his face. "Yeah..." i dragged not wanting to finish that sentence. "Yeah...what?" matt said pushing the conversation. "I just don't want anything bad to ha-" i couldn't even finish my sentence before matt so rudely interrupted me.
"Y/N Y/L/N, take it back right now! Knock on wood!" matt screamed at me. "Take what back? You didn't even let me finish. And plus I don't have wood anywhere near me right now." i said trying to hold back a laugh, but failing badly. matt scolded me "Y/n I'm serious. If something bad happens to you I'll never forgive myself." matt exclaimed. "Ok. Fine I'll find some later." i said, my laughter dying down.
"Ok I'm pulling in. I'll see you when you get here ok?" i said gathering my things. "I'm already here." matt said calmy. my eyes widened at matts comment. "WHAT?! You're here already? It doesn't start till like...7." i said with a shocked expression spread across my face. "I'm your #1 supporter, of course I'm here early. And plus I wanted to get a good seat." matt said smiling from cheek to cheek. "I cannot believe they let you in. Anyways I'll see you later ok? I have to get ready." i said grabbing my phone as i stepped out of my car, locked it and started making my way towards the arena...
"Alright babe, see you later! You'll do AMAZING! I love you." matt said eagerly. "I love you too." i said as i hung up the phone and stuffed it in my purse. i made my way towards my dressing room. i unlocked it and entered. i froze in shock. a bouquet of roses, it had to be at least a hundred. i made my way towards the flowers, and picked up a card. 'From Matt' it read 'You'll do great! I love you so much! Even if you don't win, I'll always support you! :)' my eyes lit up as i read the message. this must be why he got here so early...i placed the note down on my vanity, as i went to my clothing rack and got into my uniform.
6:48 am
i finished getting ready as i made my way out to the stables. i went to the one with my name on it, as i approached my horse 'Lila' and petted her head. "Hey hun, how you doin?" i gave her a little kiss on the head, as she grunted. "I know right. Me too." i said responding to her grunt. "You ready?" i said unlocking her stable door, hooking on to her leash and leading her out of the stables.
we made our way to the arena doors. behind those doors were the other horses and their jockeys. and there were also fans, bettors, and the media. i looked at lila and took a deep breath. in and out. i reached for the handle and opened the door. as soon as we walked through all you heard was screaming and cheering.
me and lila took our place in our lane. i saddled myself onto her and straightened myself up. i looked around the crowd, as my eyes slowly approached matts. i gave him a big smile and waved. he returned the energy. i mouthed 'i love you', i guess he caught on, because he started blowing me kisses. i shook my head and chuckled a little.
soon the ref came on the loud speakers as he started to announce the race and racers. when he said mine and lilas name everyone cheered the loudest they every have. i smiled of embarrassment, but the good kind. the ref started the count down, and before i knew it we were off.
me and lila started off strong, we were in second place. i held on as tight as i could, until my foot slipped out of the buckle. i switched my view from my foot to the track as i tried to quickly place my foot back where it belonged. we were coming up on a sharp turn, and my body started to shift. i felt myself slipping. i tried my best to grip onto lilas reigns.
next thing i know, i'm rolling on the track. everything stopped. the noise. the horses. everyone. all i heard were silent whispers, and cameras flashing. my eyesight started to dim, my vision started to become blurry as i held my arm in pain. my legs found their way to my chest. before my vision fully went out. i could see a silhouette that somewhat looked like matt. then my vision turned black.
y/n was doing good. but then i noticed something wrong with her. her leg had slipped out of the buckle and she was struggling to put it back on. i stood from my seat and made my way down to the ref. i was trying to let him know what was going on, but then out of the corner of my eye, i saw y/n rolling off the track field. my eyes widened at the sight of y/n on the ground in pain.
i tried to run to her but the security quickly caught up to me. the grabbed my arms and were pulling me back. i punched one, and then the other. i ran from the stadiums, and onto the track field, up to y/n. "Oh my god! SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE!" i screamed. i felt tears forming in my eyes, as salty, warm streaks fell down my cheeks.
people started coming to us. and crowding us with questions. i picked up y/n bridal style and pushed our way through the large crowd. i ran from the arena and to the gates. luckily the ambulance was already here. i let the nurses carry her onto the gurney and hooked her up to a bunch of IV and needles.
i hopped in the truck with them. holding y/ns hands the whole ride to the hospital. we sped all the way to the hospital. once we made it there, we rushed inside, and ran to an emergency room. "She's got a bruised rib and arm." one nurse yelled out to another. "I need an IV stat. Get me a crash UCV cart. For emergencies." i couldn't believe this was happening.
9:08 am
i had my head down. resting on my arms as my hands held y/ns. i was just hoping that she would wake up. she can't leave me like this. i felt shuffling in the hospital bed. i picked up my head and looked at y/ns pale sweaty body.
"Matt?" i said trying to sit up, but immediately falling right back down, due to my injuries. i winced in pain. "No lay down. You're hurt." matt said sympathetically. "What the hell happened?" i asked my voice sounding hoarse. "Well you were racing. Good as hell I might add. But then I noticed that your foot slipped out. I went to tell the ref, but then you fell. I ran to help you and then the security stopped me. I punched the hell out of their asses. And then I picked you up, ran to the ambulance, and we came here. You had me worried as hell, Y/n" matt said rambling on about the incident. i loved when he did that. it meant that he cared.
"Well I'm fine now aren't I?" i said sarcastically. matt scoffed trying to hold back his laugh. i rolled my eyes playfully. i used the arm that wasn't broken, and lifted it up to his face. i caressed his cheeks softly. he leaned in on my forehead as he gave me and sweet, smooth kiss. matt retreated back from my forehead, and looked at me with love in his eyes. "I guess you should have knocked on wood."
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FROM VENUSღ y'all. HOW WAS IT?!?! y'all see what i did there? at the end? matt being such a gentleman the whole story just fascinates me. don't forget requests/dm's are open :)
credits: @hearts4tatemcrae and @sturnad thank you!
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unfixablebabyyy · 5 months
so i just read You and was obsessed w the perspective and also i just love getting a lil peak into dennis's brain so this is a something i wrote idk (also slightly inspired by that one meme of that anime girl lol)
(nsfw, minors DNI)
Dee's taste in... well, everything is absolutely abhorrent, but her taste in people is especially repugnant, which is why I can't fathom why such a striking creature would ever consider her a friend. What do you see in her? She's annoying and rude and abrasive, but you, you're none of those things. And I knew that the second I met you, but I had to be sure. So for the last week or so I've been doing a bit of research and it turns out, you really are just perfect- kind, smart, fun, absolutely stunning. Your only flaw lies in the fact that you're so incredibly naive. You leave your doors unlocked, your windows open, you always walk around the city with headphones on and your face in your phone. You're such an easy target. Don't you know how sick the world can be? But it's ok, it's not your fault- you're prey. Good thing I've got my eye on you. I'll protect you, even if it means you never go outside off leash again.
And now, as you sit across the bar from me, I can smell your perfume and I just want to drown in it, in you. You're half turned away, joking with Charlie as he throws darts, and from your side profile I can make out the tiny bumps of your nipples under your shirt. The past three nights you've come with Dee to the bar, you haven't worn a bra. You're clever, but not subtle. It's beyond cute. When you turn to me, I make sure my gaze lingers on your chest a second too long. I want you to know that I noticed.
"Hey!" I could never get tired of your voice. I need to know what it sounds like after a long night of crying.
"I.D., please."
You giggle. I've been carding you since the first night you came in, it's become a joke between us. Really, I just love reminding myself how young you are. When you hand it over, I brush my fingers against yours. I pretend to examine it and nod approvingly before handing it back. You grin, and this time, you brush your fingers against mine.
"Alright, what can I get you?"
You bite your lip, "Surprise me." Of course you want me to decide for you. I smile. I could surprise you. I could slip you something and we could have a night full of surprises. But not yet.
"You got it." And I know exactly what I'll make you- I saw the cranberry juice in your fridge and the vodka on your counter while doing my research. You were at work.
"Just don't make it too strong." Don't worry, I won't start making them strong until you're at least three in. Your eyes go wide as the song playing over the jukebox changes from some Dire Straits Mac had put on to Depeche Mode. "Personal Jesus". Kind of on the nose, but you won't notice.
"Oh my god I fucking love this song," you're so bubbly, and I know, I saw the album sitting on your record player. That's why I queued it up when Dee mentioned you'd be stopping by.
"I saw them when I was in middle school," don't forget, I'm old enough to be your daddy. I was in my twenties when you were born. You like that- I can tell by the way your cheeks get a little more pink.
"Ugh you're so lucky, I would love it if they toured again," I slide you your drink and smile.
"Well, if they do, I'll take you." Did your dad ever buy you concert tickets? I bet he did.
"Then it's a date," now you're really blushing, "or whatever." You're so sweet it's making me lightheaded. 'Or whatever'? So submissive. I imagine if I were to take a bite out of you I might get a toothache.
"It can be a date," of course it's a date. You bring your drink to your lips and sip and god I wish I could just reach over and taste you. You smile as you set it down.
"If I didn't know any better, I'd think maybe you like me," Like you? Last night I was looking at custom dog bowls for the cage I'm going to put you in. I can't sleep at night without touching myself to the thought of cumming inside of you, marking you, making you mine. I don't like you, I want to cut you open and crawl inside of your ribs and hold your heart in my hands.
"You're adorable," I could rip you apart with my teeth. You cross your legs and readjust in your seat. Again, not subtle. I wonder just how wet you are. I mean Jesus Christ, all I have to do is look at you and I can practically hear that little lamb heart beating in your chest, and I can only wear this wool for so long. Sooner or later you're going to see the teeth and the claws. Maybe they'll scare you, maybe not. Either way, it won't matter when they're making you bleed, and judging by how red your face gets when I speak to you, I think you'll bleed easy. Bruise easy, too.
"Do you flirt with all of your sister's friends?" you're starting to get a little bolder. I lean in so that my face is inches from yours, like I have a secret. Your eyelashes flutter.
"No. Only you," I won't play your games, I want my intensity to bring you to your knees. The last couple of days have been fun- toying with you, making you wonder whether my charming smiles and compliments and gentle touches were platonic or not. But it's time to show you who's in charge. You bite your lip. I swear to god I can smell the pheromones on you.
It doesn't take me long to get you drunk enough to slip out the back door with me while everyone else argues over a game of pool. You really are such a lightweight. As the door swings shut behind us, I cup your little face in my hands and press my lips to yours. I don't want to. What I want to do is rip your clothes off and pull you to the ground and watch as the panic begins to rise when I slap my hand over your pretty mouth to muffle you. But that could be dangerous and I have to control myself. You kiss me back and slip your hands under my t-shirt where they roam across my chest, up my shoulders, down my back. It's giving me goosebumps and making it harder not to hurt you. I decide to test my limits. When I push you up against the rough brick exterior, I shove a little too hard and you yelp. But it only seems to make you want me more. So when I lean in to kiss you again, I bite down on your bottom lip, and you moan. Of course you're one of those girls. You love the abuse.
My hand finds your neck and you gasp even though I don't tighten my grip- I just want you to know I could- I want to. Someday I will- I'll choke you so hard and for so long you'll pass out, and then I'll smack your face until you wake up, just to do it again. I'll make you beg for the privilege of breathing. But not tonight. If I ever want to get to that point, I have to stay focused. Besides, just the feeling of my fingertips on your throat is turning you on- I can feel a wet patch forming on my knee where I shoved my leg between yours.
The heat of your body is making your perfume stronger and I feel like I'm going insane, like I'm on the verge of doing something depraved. You push your hand into the waistband of my jeans, then my boxers, and I can't help but growl when your fingers wrap around my cock. As you start pumping your hand up and down, I lose myself for a moment and dig my fingers into your neck. You whine, and when I release, I notice the dark red crescents my nails left on your soft skin.
It's best if I make my hands busy, so I work on the button of your pants as you continue to play with me. I groan into your neck as you squeeze me hard. Pretty soon I'm going to have to pin your wrists to the wall. When you do it again I bite your neck hard enough to serve as a warning and you quickly soften your grip as your jeans inch down just enough. Good girl.
You shiver as the night air breathes down the alley. I can feel your pulse in your cunt as I touch you over your panties. You're so pathetic, you easy little whore. I haven't even bought you dinner and you're already about to let me fuck you stupid next to a dumpster behind my bar. But I won't. I'm gonna make you beg for it. I want you to be so achy and needy for my cock you'll let me do anything to you. I can't fuck you tonight, you haven't earned it.
I sigh and retract my hand. "You're drunk," I press my lips into the crook of your neck and practically feel you deflate against the wall. "Why don't I take you home?"
"Oh," your voice is so sweet and soft, "ok."
I pull away and brush a loose strand of hair from your face before planting a kiss on your lips. Relax, angel. I'm not done with you. You pull your hand out of my pants and the absence almost hurts.
"My car's just down the street, I'll tell Dee you got sick," I brush my thumb across your cheek and peck your forehead before snaking my arm around your waist and leading you down the alleyway. At the end, before we step onto the sidewalk, you stop.
"Did I do something?" Your eyes are so big.
"Consent is really important," I lie, "I just want you to feel safe with me," it'll be all the more enjoyable for me when you realize you're not. My answer seems to satisfy you.
When we get to my Range Rover, you raise an eyebrow, "Nice car."
"Thanks, Frank bought it for me when I got into Penn," it doesn't matter if it's true, now you think I know how to take care of something for a long time. I've established my ability to commit.
"Jesus, isn't that Ivy League?" And just like that, you see that I belong to an elite community of scholars.
In the Range, you begin looking through my CD collection, pulling out albums you recognize, asking about ones you don't. You like old music, old cars, old men. You mention that your dad introduced you to Christopher Cross, so of course I slip it into the radio and skip to Sailing and tell you it's my favorite, which is true, but I happen to know it's yours, too.
I pretend to be lost and ask you where to go even though I've made the drive at least 20 times in the last week. When we get to your place, I park the car right outside of the familiar front doors and look up at your dark window.
"Are you sure you don't want to come in?" you spread your legs ever so slightly. So obvious.
"How about I cook you dinner tomorrow night," you'll act like a whore when I say, first I've got to teach you some manners.
"When?" you don't want to leave.
"I'll call you." Get out.
You step out onto the curb and wave.
"Goodnight," I say and you turn and head in. I don't leave until I know you're inside, safe. In fact, I don't really leave at all. I park the Range a block away and walk back. Your light is still off, but even in the darkness, I can see you up there. You really should close your curtains, especially when you're inside, naked and panting, humping your pillow like a bitch in heat.
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pupphe-additions · 8 months
Reunited at Last
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Word Count: 2,479 a/n: Anything written in italics is spoken in english, anything written in bold and italics is what Evie is thinking. Warnings: swearing, talks of anxiety and throwing up
November, 2019
Evie wakes up to her alarm at three in the morning and she sighs heavily. She stretches and dismisses her alarm in the same swift motion and then she gets up to start her day. She first heads to her kitchen, petting her dogs as she passes by them. She rubs the back of her head awkwardly as she grabs one of her premade breakfast meals out of the freezer. It’s a homemade ham, bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich that she made the night before, she pops it in the microwave. While it heats up she grabs a container of peach yogurt and some white chocolate granola to put inside it. She snacks on the yogurt while going over the plan for the day in her head. She needs to shower, walk her dogs, talk to her management, then go about her normal training. It’s going to be a very long day…
She’s brought back to reality when she hears her microwave beep, she grabs her food and goes and sits on her couch tucking her legs under her as she does. She rubs her temples before she eats her food kind of quickly and then she gathers herself to go shower, playing music as she does. During her shower she makes sure to wash her face and brush her teeth. She wraps herself in her robe before she walks back to her room and quickly heads to her closet. She grabs a pair of black leggings and a white cami. After she gets her clothes on she grabs her favorite oversized hoodie that is near her bag and slips on her sneakers. 
“Luna, Aurora, it’s time for your walk before I go to training, my loves.” Evie calls to her dogs and they instantly run to her side with their leashes in their mouths.
Evie smiles down at them and clips their leashes to their collars and puts on their booties before they head out, she also slips on her face mask. Evie ends up walking her dogs for about twenty minutes, replaying bits of last night in her mind. She feels like a burden and lets out a stressed sigh before letting her dogs back into her apartment and hanging their leashes back up on the wall.
“You guys behave now, ya? I don’t want a single message from my roommate that you guys didn’t listen. It’ll be a longer day today so I won’t be able to see ya til tonight.” Evie says to her two dogs before kissing them both on their heads.
She grabs her bag from her room before rushing out the door, she’s late now because she lost track of time during the walk. She quickly pulls her baseball cap onto her head and slips her face mask back on before bolting out the door to catch her ride. Her manager told her they had to talk to her and those words haunted her the entire time she tried sleeping. What could they need from her? Surely she isn’t in any trouble right?
Yesterday’s training was really hard for Evie and she’s remembering every mistake she made and she wonders if it was because of that. Maybe they are cutting me from the family? Maybe I’ll never debut after all. She thought to herself tears threatening to form and she quickly stops that line of thinking and pops her earbuds in and listens to her music to calm her mind. She laid her head on the window and zones out as her mind races as to what management could want from her.
She shakes her head and comes back to reality again when she notices her phone is going off. It’s her brother and she instantly answers.
Evie is all smiles as she answers the facetime call. “Huddy! Hi! How’d you know I was up?” 
“I didn’t, I have some amazing news for you though and that’s why I called you at this hour.” Hudson, Evie’s older brother, is equally as smiley as she is, if not more.
“Well, out with it!”
“You’re going to be an Auntie!” Hudson nearly shouts as he waves a positive pregnancy test at the camera.
“I’m glad!” Evie says with a beaming smile. “Unfortunately I’ve got to go, we made it to the building.” 
“Awe, well, call me when you can ya?” Hudson says with a slight frown. “You’ve been extra busy the past few days.”
“Yes of course I’ll call ya. Don’t forget to eat brekky and to take care of yourself. I’ve got things to tell you later. I love ya Huds.”
“I love you too, Evs.” he replies before hanging up.
Talking to her brother seemed to bring up Evie’s mood a lot and she thanks her driver before she heads to the practice room. Blinking a lot to get her eyes used to the bright lights of the room. By now it is nearly  five in the morning, usually she’d be here by now or just leaving. Evie basically lives in the practice rooms not because they make her but because she doesn’t deem herself worthy of being an idol.
“Evelyn?” says an oddly familiar voice, at first she can’t put her finger on who it is. Then her eyes instantly widen when she looks up and sees who it is. She nearly drops her bag to the floor as she bows her head very low.
“Yes sir? Was it you that needed to speak to me?” Evie asks in a shaky voice in English before she mentally scolds herself and repeats it in Korean.
“I have some really really good news for you. Follow me.” JYP says before leading her out of the training room she’s been calling home for the past year.
“Don’t you dare think I haven’t noticed how hard you work yourself Nari.” he says, stopping suddenly. Evie turns and looks at him tilting her head not wanting to interrupt him if he wants to speak again. 
“I know how hard you took your elimination from the show, and I do apologize. I just hope you understand I did that so you could grow even more as an artist and find yourself more. I’ve been monitoring you closely since you’ve been eliminated and I don’t think you fit with the other girls you’ve been training with. You belong with them.” he says to her before nodding to a door. Evie starts to tremble in place, her eyes widening again.
“Skz is in there?” she asked quietly, missing her boys.
“Yes, only Chan knows you’re coming. Enter when you’re ready, you’re going to be extremely busy from this moment on. I hope you enjoy being back with the group, that is your home Nari.” with that JYP turns and walks away leaving Evie standing there with her jaw on the floor.
She takes many deep breaths trying to calm her nerves. She hasn’t seen these boys since the day she was eliminated from the show. These were her best friends in the entire industry, her literal motivation to work so hard, to be better. Right there, all she has to do is open the door. Her hands are trembling, what if they are mad at her for something? Woojin just left the group not too long ago, so what if people begin to think they added her to replace him? There’s STAYs who have been begging for Evie to debut with SKZ even now so they won’t, but what if others do? Not everyone is going to know her history with SKZ. Evie just open the door and stop procrastinating. 
Evie lays her head against the door and can hear the quiet sounds of talking of the boys who she assumes had just woken up not long ago. She stays like that for a few moments until she hears footsteps coming toward the door and she quickly and quietly moves away from the door fearing it’ll open and they will see her creeping on them like that. Holding her breath she just opens the door, knowing if she doesn’t do it now she never will. She wanted to make sure that the door opened because of her and not one of the boys needed to go to the bathroom or something and exposed her waiting to enter.
When the door opens all the chattering in the room dies, she slowly closes the door behind her staring at the floor, afraid of their reactions. She nervously scratches at her arm and sort of shrinks. The silence is oh so loud.
She quietly says, “Hi…” 
No one says anything, the boys just stare at her in disbelief as if they are seeing a ghost. She finally looks around to see the shocked looks on everyone’s faces and Hyunjin is crying, she wants to hug them all to catch up with them but she can’t find it in her to move. She stares at Minho and her heart drops, he looks pissed at her. Her gaze then goes to Felix who looks like he’s ready to pounce on her and tackle her in a hug. Then she sees Jeongin who is staring blankly at her as if he doesn’t believe that she’s truly there. Chan, who knew she was coming, is smiling softly and warmly, the love that always radiates off him when she’s near him is something she never forgot. Changbin is staring at her shocked to see her, his jaw hanging open. Seungmin is just staring at her, his facial expressions are hard for her to read. Finally she looks at Han who is smiling widely. 
She takes one step forward before falling to the floor and she just bursts into tears, she’s having such a rough time believing any of this is real. Quickly Chan, Felix, Han, and Hyunjin rush up to her and hug her in a group hug to comfort Evie. She’s crying really hard and sorta pushes everyone away after a few moments and runs out of the room to go catch her breath, she suddenly feels really anxious. She at first didn’t have a plan, she wanted to just run home and pretend this awkward reunion never happened but she decided to just head to the bathroom instead knowing that’d be the wiser decision.
She sprints to the bathroom and ends up throwing up her breakfast. During this whole thing her phone was being blown up, she doesn’t know who could be texting her this much at this time but she just turns it to silent and washes her face and slaps her cheeks to hype herself up again. She feels really stupid for leaving them like that, for breaking down in front of them, for throwing up with anxiety. She sighs at herself and takes her phone out of her pocket and sees she’s been added to a group chat, that’s why her phone was being blown up, none of the phone numbers are saved, she couldn’t be bothered to actually read any of the messages just blankly stares at her phone for a few moments before she finally heads back to the room that she sprinted from.
She knocks on the door gently this time before entering, the chattering once again stopping when she enters the room. She feels as though all the connections she had with these boys have disappeared by the silence. She sighs and just grabs her bag and puts her phone in it before putting it in the corner of the room. When she gets back to the center of the room it’s still silent.
“Can someone please say something…?” Evie asks as she anxiously runs a hand through her hair.
“Evelyn? Is that really you?” Hyunjin was the first to say anything.
She nods before speaking. “Yes, hello. I missed you guys…” tears threaten to fall again.
“Why are you here?” Minho asks a bit coldly and Evie visibly shrinks.
Evie shrugs and equally as coldly replies. “Ask your damn leader.”
Felix comes up to Evelyn and just pulls her into a tight hug and she instantly relaxes and mumbles an apology to Minho and Chan for getting snippy as she hugs back her fellow Aussie. He gently rubs her back and kisses her on her cheeks.
“We missed you so much Evs.” Felix says to her excitedly.
“Doesn’t feel like it…” Evelyn pouts and reluctantly pulls away from the hug staring at Minho again.
“Don’t mind him, Bug.” Chan says from behind Felix. “He really missed you, he was torn up after you had to leave. I think he’s in shock.”
“Okay?” Evie is clearly confused. “Doesn’t mean he has to be cold to me like we are strangers now. It’s only been a year…”
She moves around Felix and hugs each member excluding Minho who is just glaring daggers at her.
“Oi!” Evie shouts at Minho to get his attention. “Do you want a hug, Minnie?”
He stands up and just opens his arms and she borderline runs into his arm catching him off guard and they fall to the floor laughing and just cuddle one another, the cold front instantly leaving when he finally got her in his arms. Minho was always one of the members Evie was close to. After they hug for a short while she goes back to clinging to Hyunjin, another one of the boys she’s extremely close to. Instinctively he kisses her head and Chan ushers the group to gather around, Evie sits between Minho and Hyunjin.
“You guys are probably curious as to why Evelyn is back with us in this room. Well I have got some news for you all.” Chan starts the announcement and Evie grabs one hand of each of the boys around her feeling nervous for some reason, fearing they would reject Chan’s words. 
“I have been having a lot of serious conversations recently after everything that has been happening. I voiced how we were upset with the fact that JYP cut Evelyn from the team. After telling him about how I don’t feel like the team is truly ‘Stray Kids’ without Evelyn he told me that he has been monitoring her training process since the day she left us and that if we wanted…” Chan pauses for a moment, probably for dramatic effect before speaking again. “She could join Stray Kids during our next comeback!”
The boys all let out gasps and Minho squeezes Evie’s hand rather tightly, probably from excitement from being able to be with her everyday again. All the boys voice their agreement to let Evie back into Stray Kids, agreeing the group felt so wrong without her. Evelyn finally felt at home again for the first time in about a year. She hugs everyone and tells them all she loves them before they all got ready to actually start practicing.
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rainbowwinedemon · 3 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers (except me because obvs I have done it). Spread the self-love ❤
Arsgsggsg I LOVE THIS (maybe bc i'm a little narcissistic)
First one gotta be lovelorn and nobody knows for the HP fandom (jeverus ship actually) is a sequel for too divine for human minds exploring what happens three years after they find out they're soulmates (in this au, soulmates can read each other minds). It had my favorite paragraph I've ever written:
That was probably his favorite summer to the date. Them exploring the woods and Severus getting sidetracked picking ingredients to experiment, going into town and taking walks while holding hands, spending the night outside with Severus sleeping on his lap while he enjoyed the warm summer breeze, swimming in the river to cool down from the heat, and then making love by the shore.
I pictured this as a film reel when I wrote it, and I was soo happy with the end result. Good. I love it so much.
Second goes to i slipped, then i could break the habbit (Joukai). That fic took over my head. I sat down and wrote whole first section in like two hours, then spent a whole day sitting in front of my laptop just so I could finish it. I actually had to cut it short. The last two sections where supposed to be full fledged sex scenes, but it was getting too long, it probably would've gotten up to 10~11k if I kept writing. I loved how it ended, so I guess I made the wrote decision. Here's one of my favorite parts:
He pulls away, Kaiba had his bottom lip against his teeth, his eyes blink open when he realizes Jounouchi stopped kissing him. He smiles a little, rocking him a bit on his lap. “Hi,” he says. “Hello,” Kaiba replies.
I'm not good at kiss scenes, but this was just sooo soft. I loved it.
Third gotta be Leash. Also a joukai, and a work in progress. I started writing fanfiction back in February, after being blocked for like three years, and pretty much of the first things I wrote where really soft (tho also really smutty) Leash is letting me write things that would've made uncomfortable three months ago, and I can also explore new ways to write smut. That always comes handy.
Here's a sneak peak from the second chapter
“Fuck you, Kaiba,” he spits instead, the fingers of his right hand flexing like he wants to grab him again. “Despite what fucked up idea you have in your mind, I’m not a dog. I don’t have a leash for you to pull on.”
Jounouchi turns on his back, walking down the stairs and very pointedly not looking back when Kaiba says, “Isono, please, walk Jounouchi to the exit. I don’t need him to get lost.” Jounouchi just goes straight for the door, countering with, “Don’t worry, I can find my way out.”
Fourth: something to give each other, for the HP fandom, obviously Jeverus. I think I started writing this right after getting my muses back, me and Beth (my first fandom friend, she's writing one of my favorite fics for this ship) started doing interchanges for this pairings. And this idea, like all the other, took over me. I put work into it, looking for each character aesthetic and writing headcanons to base the world on.
Here's my favorite part:
Jesus, he even hated the way he talked, slow, dragging the words to make his voice sound deeper. As if James hadn’t heard him last week, screaming like an honest to God four-year-old when Lily accidentally chipped his nails too close to the flesh. “I’m sorry, did we ask for your opinion?” this time, James did turn on his side to look at him, Snape was wearing a dark grey baggy turtleneck, along with pair of old dress trousers. He hated him a little more for making that fit look runaway material.
Fifth is actually a tie between double take and Have the cake. Eat the cake.
Double take is my latest published fic. It's a Joukai, and started because if line that I obsessed over from a fic (New Tricks by pockyhucks). I also wanted to try writing smut in a different way, and I wanted to get into the skin of someone in the Ace spectrum and figure out how you can be interested in someone's body without being interested in having sex with them.
Favorite part from this one is:
“I like touching you,” he cuts in before Jounouchi can finish his question. That statement makes him blush, but what he says next makes his blood pump in his ears. “I like the why your dick feels in my hand, and I also like knowing that you like me touching you.” He pauses, puts on that infuriating little smirk of his and tips his head. Jounouchi is red down his neck. “Is that enough for you, or do you want me to keep going?” Jounouchi gapes, his mouth opening and closing without a single word coming out. In the end he resolves to keep it shut, clearing his throat and turning to look through the window again, because if he looks at Kaiba, he’s probably going to combust in his seat. “That’s okay,” he eventually settles, speaking again his palm. “That’s quite enough.”
Anddddd finally Have the cake. Eat the cake.
This one is my baby, the first fic I'm writing with some resemblance of plot. It's a slow burn, and isn't even posted yet. But I love it soo much, I can't even explain it. Here's one of my favorite parts so far:
The Kaibas are the last ones to get to the course, Gozaburo wearing a white cap and Kaiba with black shades. He’s only one who’s dressed in shorts instead of trousers, and it makes him look painfully young against all the old man there. He doesn’t look like he cares, though, walking with his hands in his pockets replying to what Gozaburo was saying, taking the club that was meant for his father from Jounouchi’s hands.
He doesn’t test it, just gives Jounouchi a look that says ‘if I fail, it’s on you’, then walks to the closest hole and gets ready to swing.
It’s impolite, they’re the hosts, they’re supposed to let someone else play first, but Gozaburo just smirks when Kaiba makes the swing and scores, giving three slow claps that are echoed by the rest of the execs joining him. Kaiba just walks back to him, giving him the club and moving his hand in a come-hither gesture.
“Move along, mutt,” he says. Jounouchi clenches his fingers around the stick. “I want to finish this quickly.”
Jounouchi follows him around for the rest of the game.
Sorry, this kinda turned into a rant. But I'm so happy to be writing again that I'll take any change to speak about my works
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onboardsorasora · 7 days
Its been a little while methinks, here's how our little family is doing @mael-bloggy
Hidden Pregnancy AU | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Part 5
Daniel groaned and grunted into a sitting position on the couch. He needed to pee. He was only in his second trimester, but Lily-Grace had already found the perfect spot to rest on his bladder. His oh so graceful roll out of the couch was less of a lurch and more of an application of physics. 
He got out of the bathroom in time to catch Ava crawling with a purpose down the short hallway. She didn’t even pause to giggle at him like normal but Daniel couldn’t fight his own coo. 
“There’s my big girl!” Lewis’ voice was excited and proud as Ava reached him. He scooped her up and threw into the air and they both relished in the excited sound of her screams. 
Daniel leaned against the wall, a hand resting on his bump, and he watched them. 
They’d found out the sex of their little one accidentally, Lily-Grace had been particularly wiggly that ultrasound appointment and had only calmed when Lewis started talking to her. Much to the amusement of their technician. 
Her name had come that night while they put Ava down for bed. They’d known immediately.
“How’s our little Lilypad today?” Lewis asked, kissing Daniel’s lips.
“Calm waters today.” Daniel grinned and rubbed his belly. Lewis grinned back and kissed him again, then kissed Ava’s forehead.
“Do you want to get some ice cream?” Lewis smiled when Daniel became excited. 
“Do you think they have the brownie one today?” Daniel threw his head back in a moan, he’d been craving that flavour for two days now.
Lewis bit his lip to distract himself, Ava slapping his face also helped. 
They collected everything they would need for the short walk; Ava’s bag and stroller, wallets, Roscoe’s leash and most importantly– shoes. Then they were off. 
Lewis admired Daniel as they walked through the park, his bump was covered with his favourite sweatshirt that he stole from Lewis, his shorts were also stolen and the beanie that he covered his sleep wild curls with was also Lewis’. The alpha preened, nothing made him happier than his omega taking comfort in his scent and presence. 
Daniel veered off their path with a giggle as Roscoe tugged him towards some kids. He got a hearty round of pets before Daniel led him back to the rest of their family. Lewis couldn't help his fond smile if he tried. They continued walking, bumping shoulders and chatting about nothing, Daniel slipped his free hand into Lewis’.
There was a line for the ice cream truck, but Lewis bypassed it all to step to the pick up window. “Picking up for Hamilton.” He spoke, raising his phone to show his confirmation screen. He’d made the order while Daniel got ready, wanting to make sure that the popular flavour didn’t sell out before they got there. He accepted their treats with a smile of thanks and turned to see Daniel watching him with a look on his face that made Lewis ache with love and affection. He knew it was mirrored on his own face.
They found a bench away from everyone and Lewis offered his pregnant omega his treat, Daniel all but trilled his pleasure and dug in happily. Lewis watched him take his first bite and close his eyes in bliss. 
“Lew, you’re the best, y’know that?” Daniel sighed and leaned into Lewis’ space.
“For you, always.” Lewis kissed Daniel’s forehead and dipped into his own cup, agreeing wholeheartedly that the ice cream shop that ran this truck knew their shit.
“You got sorbet today?” Daniel asked, eyeing the bright yellow scoops in Lewis’ to go cup.
“I couldn’t help it, the mango tastes like I picked it off the tree myself.” 
“Trade?” Daniel asked, scooping a little of his nondairy brownie ice cream onto his spoon. He offered it hopefully to Lewis who rolled his eyes playfully and scooped offered his sorbet. “That’s incredible.” Daniel wiggled happily. 
Lewis watched him fondly as he rested a hand on his belly. 
“I think the Lilypad likes it too.” Daniel grinned. Lewis rested his hand beside Daniel’s, face morphing into delight at the small flutters. He couldn’t wait to meet her.
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f1-giuki · 1 year
Hi my darling!! 🤍 hope you’re doing well! 🥰
I would love to read a drabble for ‘Never figured you for this much of a cuddler’ with Lestappen?
Hello darling💖💖💖 I'm barely holding up, stupid university😭😭 but this prompt breathed life into me!! While I was writing it my fucking finger slipped on the post button but half of it was missing sjsjsjsjjs, but now it's complete!!
Hope you like this darling, ilysm🥺💖
If you ask anyone on this side of the Solar System, they would tell you that Charles Leclerc is the definition of beach guy. He can't put up a tent, hiking a mountain is fun only if he gets do it for a short amount of time, and he gets bored of travelling from city to city. Professional deformation and fear of being mobbed. Charles Leclerc loves with all his being the Sun on his skin, cheeky tan lines and the salty breeze of the sea. Once a beach guy always a beach guy.
But this doesn't count when you're walking on the soft and wet July sand with that thing... The thing being Pierre's new dog, the dumbest and most adorable labrador puppy Charles has ever seen. How he picked up the job, watching over the cute puppy, that's a mystery, he only remembers Pierre saying something about him being a moping bitch after his recent breakup and dumping the dog on him. He also remembers Pierre's girlfriend's texts saying sorry, what Pierre wanted to say is that the dog looks like a valid alternative to being sad, walking with a cute puppy peeks the interest of many people!
Yeah, half of the beach has looked at him, since his acquired pet has rolled over it for the most part, sort of peeing everywhere before Charles held him to do its things in the sea. It's probably weird stares and questionable laughs he got since he got out with the dog. Not approving looks or lustful glances.
He's half thinking about doing a walk of shame and go back to the beach entrance and go back home when he sees them, sitting on a purple beach towel. Max fucking Verstappen and his cat, probably Sassy because the feline is not on Max's lap but rather sleeping in a loaf position. Don't ask how he knows it. He can see the fond look on the Dutchman's eyes as he gently strokes the fur of his friend. Charles finds himself smiling at the scene.
He's about to wave at Max from a safe distance and proceed with his walk when he feels the leash that keeps the puppy by his side slipping from his hand and the dog sprinting towards Max. FUCK! If his Monaco curse extends to the rest of Côte D'Azur he might move to the Moon.
The dog runs towards Max, a bit uncoordinated on its big paws, it yaps a bit and it stops right before Max's beach umbrella. The Dutchman look at it with a kind smile and he extendeds his hand forward. The puppy sniffs and starts wagging his tail. Max looks at Sassy, who's carefully evaluating the dog from the side. She looks at Max and meows, going back to her nap. Approval. Max grins and he starts scratching behind the dog's ears, earning an amused bark. He sits back a little on the towel and the puppy steps on it. It lays on his back, rising his paws and Max starts petting his belly, grinning and talking to it in a cute voice, laughing when he sees the dog keeping wagging his tail.
Charles slaps a hand on his face. He could always tell Pierre that he lost the dog, kidnapped by a gang of mobsters, those are things that happen to him... But he won't. He gathers up all his courage and walks to where Max is. The Dutchman is still giving all of his attention to the puppy and he doesn't see Charles. The Monegasque clears his throat. Max looks up at him and gives him one of those stupidly attractive blinding smiles.
"Hi, uhm, Max, never figured you for this much of a cuddler," Charles says, totally making a fool of himself.
Max looks at him, blinking twice, and Charles would like to disappear, dig a hole in the ground and stay there. The greatest of idiots rests there. But the Dutchman laughs and he pats the spot next to him on the beach towel. He's not going to fit on that tiny hamlet of fabric, but that's not something he cares about. He made a fool of himself all of the day, he better take advantage of it.
Charles blushes like a mad man and he sits down, because today is also all about forgetting what self preservation is. Max curiously looks at him and goes back to petting the puppy.
"Hello, Charles... I found this puppy on the beach, well, it ran to me, but now that I think about it, it doesn't have a collar..." Max says.
"Oh, about that... It's Pierre's puppy... I am on babysitting duty, I'm not doing very good, as you can see..." Charles says, earning a chuckle from Max. His ears flush deep red and he has to force himself not to think about where their thighs are touching on the beach towel. Their legs are completely flushed together but Charles must not think about thighs. Especially Max's.
"It's okay, dogs can be a handful..." Max says as he eyes the puppy lovingly. It crawls over their legs and he settles half on Max's and hald on Charles’ legs, deciding it is time for a nap.
Charles rolls his eyes and Max chuckles. The Dutchman looks at him and Charles is not embarrassed anymore of the blush on his cheeks. Being ashamed for being a blushing mess in front of Max Verstappen is something so 2022-like, we've gone over it, now it's openly crushing time. It's not like he has some shame left. If he had he wouldn't be staring at the point where Max's pecs join.
He doesn't realise Max was moving his arms until he fells a hand settling in between his hair that starts scratching his scalp. He closes his eyes and hums quietly. Max chuckles and keeps treating Charles like a puppy.
"Never figured you for this much of a cuddler, Charles," Max says under his breath.
Charles is going to be so fucked...
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verfound · 1 year
MINIFIC: Oct. 23: Day 6: Tiny (MLB, Lukanette, DLM AU)
Shout out to Quick for this one.  I liked what I had, but I also didn’t, and she had some suggestions that…quadrupled its size.  Huh.  Maybe I shouldn’t say thank you.  😝
For @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers October Minific Challenge 2023.
Read on Ao3
To Feel Alive Again: Day 6: Tiny
Luka hissed as the tug on the leash he was holding caused his hand to slip and the flame from his lighter to get too close to his thumb, burning it.  The cigarette he’d been trying to light fell to the sidewalk and rolled away with the breeze, and he sighed as he looked down at the runt that had caused it all.
“Would you just piss already?” he grumbled, digging in his pocket for another cigarette.  “It’s fucking cold out here.”
The dog he had been charged with walking today, an annoying little shit named Pip (who was seriously the tiniest dam dog Luka had ever seen, and she was full grown), skittered up to another lamp post and sniffed.  Luka sighed and tipped his head back, frowning at the cloudy skies above.  He wondered if it was supposed to rain today.
“Have a great day!”
His head dropped back at the voice, his eyes scanning the street around him until he heard the voice again.
“Hi!  What can I get…?”
Pip had stopped outside a café to (attempt) to do her business.  Through the plants and signs lining the glass, he could see a familiar raven-haired undead girl…smiling behind the counter.  Not just smiling, but laughing and talking to people like…like she was a normal, well-adjusted, happy person.  That liked interacting with other people.  It was a completely different person from the girl who had kicked his shin under the table an hour ago for stealing her bacon.
(…he should probably stop that.  It wasn’t like he couldn’t afford his own bacon.  She just got so indignant every time he did it, and her eyes got a bit bluer when she was annoyed, and…he owed her a few breakfasts’ worth of bacon.  He should fix that.  Soon.)
The customer she was helping said something that made her laugh, and he was momentarily distracted by the way her smile filled her entire face, how her eyes crinkled at the edges, the laughter that itched at the edges of his mind like an old, familiar song when the door opened again.  The way his hand twitched for some paper – for his fucking guitar – eager to get the notes down before he lost them forever.
He was moving before he fully registered what he was doing.
Pip yelped as he scooped her up and dropped her in her doggie bag.  She growled when he went to zip it up, and he sighed as he scratched behind her ears.  She shook his hand off and snapped at him.
“Be nice,” he said, rolling his eyes as he moved to the door, “or I won’t get you anything.”
The café was busier than he’d expected, and by the time he reached the front of the queue Pip was snoozing in her bag.  Marinette didn’t notice him at first, busy counting the change the last customer had given her, and he took a moment to just…appreciate her.
Because he wasn’t staring.  Or admiring.
Or checking her out? Théo’s sleazy voice drawled in his head, and he tried not to roll his eyes.  He wasn’t doing any of that, because that would be weird.
“What can I get…oh,” Marinette said, her eyebrows lifting as she finally looked up to see him standing there.  “H-hi.”
“Hi,” he said, the side of his mouth twitching with a smile.  He looked up at the menu, pretending not to notice the way she was suddenly fidgeting with the hair trying to escape her messy bun.  “Barista, huh?”
“It’s close enough to patisserie,” she said, shrugging one shoulder as she tucked some hair behind her ear.  “And the boss is…flexible.  With hours and breaks.  Plus, y’know.  Free coffee.”
“Cool,” he said, nodding.  He was still looking at the menu, trying to find something that passed as plain, black coffee.  What the hell kind of place was this?  He couldn’t pronounce half the shit on the board.
“Did…did you want…” she started, and he hummed as he looked back at her.  She was shifting from foot to foot awkwardly, her lower lip between her teeth and her cheeks a light pink.  “I mean…were you…”
“Hmm?” he asked, an eyebrow lifting as he watched her.  She sighed and gestured to the board.
“What do you want, Luka?” she asked.  “Are you going to order something, or are you just…checking up on me?”
“Hey, I didn’t even know you worked here,” he said, holding his hands up defensively.  “I just…saw you from the street and…wanted to say hi.”
“…hi?” she asked, her voice flat.  She raised her own eyebrow, and he tried to smile at her.  “Because you totally didn’t do that when you were stealing my breakfast an hour ago.”
His smile fell, and she winced as she looked back at the till.
“Sorry,” she said.  “That was…”
“I refuse to do Mendeleiev’s dirty work for her, Mari…Emma,” he said, glancing at her name tag.  “If she wants to check in on you, she can do so herself.”
He hesitated a moment, but then he reached out and laid a hand on hers.  Her eyes snapped up to him, surprised.
“…I’m just being a friend,” he said.  When her eyebrows rose, he shrugged and pulled his hand back.  “Or trying to be.  Honest.  We don’t…you don’t get many lasting friends.  Unlife like ours.”
He stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked back up at the board, frowning as he resumed his search for whatever the hell they called black coffee.
“…thanks, Luka,” she finally said, making him glance back at her.  Her smile was still hesitant, but it was more genuine this time.  Honest.
…he liked her smile.
“Seriously, though,” she said, shaking her head.  “Can I get you anything?  Black coffee?”
“Please,” he said, smiling at her.  He patted the bag at his side, where Pip grumbled at the jostling.  “And something for my friend?”
“Your…?” she asked, and her eyes widened when he opened the bag to reveal the sleeping dog inside.  “You…you have a dog?  And it’s so little!  When?  How…how did I not know this?”
“She’s not mine,” he said.  At Marinette’s confused look, he shrugged.  “Part-time dog walker.  I can make my own hours and move around the city as needed.  Plus, dogs.”
“…you like dogs,” she said, as if she found that amusing.  Maybe surprising.  Her smile grew a bit more, and he shifted uncomfortably as he felt heat crawling up his neck.  “Well, what do you know.  Luka Couffaine’s just a big ol’ softie, isn’t he?”
“…shut up,” he said.  “Pip’s a vicious killer, thank you very much.”
“Pip?” she asked.
“…Pipsqueak,” he said.  She was outright grinning now.  The bell above the door jingled as another customer came in.  “Her maman thought she was being clever.”
Marinette was still giggling as she handed him a large black coffee and a to go bag.  He reached for his wallet, but she shook her head and waved him off.
“On me,” she said.  Her cheeks darkened as she ducked her head.  “For a friend.”
He smiled, and she told him to go before he held up her line.  He had a feeling it was more before he could fluster her any more, though.  He held the door open for a group of collège students on his way out, still smiling.  He was at least a block away before he opened the bag and found two cookies – a macaron for him and a shortbread biscuit for Pip – and his smile grew.
“…I think she likes us, Pip,” he said, pulling the biscuit out and handing it to the dog.  He frowned when she nipped his fingers taking it.  “…oh, fuck you.  You’re walking the rest of the way, asshole.”
If he hadn’t dropped the entire biscuit at the bite (and she wasn’t happily devouring it), he would have taken that back, too.
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hudine · 1 year
Still don’t have a name for this fic. Will put on AO3 when I got one. Anyone got any ideas for a name feel free suggest them.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
60 years later
Jules was in the human realm again for the first time since the sacking. He had wanted to go home long before now but his mother wouldn’t let him out of her sight at court. He became an adult by fae standards ten years ago but that didn’t mean his mother couldn’t find other means to keep him from leaving. Eventually though he got hold of a lute, some bard clothes, snuck back into the human realm and took up the name Jaskier to make it harder to find him. He’s been wondering the continent as a traveling bard trying to hear anything he can about what was left of the wolf school ever since.
Finding out knowledge of any Witchers yet alone a particular guild of them was easier said than done. In the past year he’s only managed to find two, one viper and one cat. He didn’t get much out of either of them but the viper and cat schools got never along the with the wolf school in the first place so it wasn’t that surprising.
He was going to give it a few more months then actually pluck up the nerve to go back home to Kaer Morhen and see what is left and go from there. Right about now Jaskier wishes he didn’t put such a good anti tracking spell on the medallions or he could find anyone he wanted. The majority of those who where out on the path during the sacking wore medallions he had enchanted in the first place so it wouldn’t have been hard otherwise.
He was playing in a small tavern at the edge of the world in the town of Posada when it happened. Jaskier was playing a set that was pretty much designed to get food thrown at him so he wouldn’t have to pay for lunch. Also he didn’t want to stand out so he didn’t want to showcase his true talents. Then seemingly out of nowhere Geralt of fucking Rivia unexpectedly walked in and took a seat in the back corner where no one would see him. The bard almost missed a note in shock. So knowing how literal minded his old friend was he started singing in metaphors using monsters that don’t exist or at least shouldn’t exist.
He finished his song and on queue got bread thrown at him. He started muttering at the crowed as he stuffed bread rolls in his pockets. He looked up to see Geralt hadn’t bothered to even look up at the spectacle. Didn’t surprise him much. He had enchanted the medallions to ignore his magic so he could get up to magical mischief as a child and Geralt always had been particularly resistant to magic even for a Witcher. It’s why Reidrich singled him out for his ‘experiment’.
The fae stood up, took a tankard from a passing barmaid, had a drink to brace himself and walked up to Geralt. “I love the way you just sit in the corner and brood.”
“I’m here to drink alone,” Geralt replied not even looking up.
“Good. Yea, good.” Jaskier ignored the Witcher and sat down across from him. “No one else hesitated to comment on the quality of my performance… except for you. Come on. You don’t want to keep a man with bread in his pants waiting. You must have some review for me. Three words or less.”
“They don’t exist.”
“The creatures in your song, they don’t exist.”
“And you apparently still wouldn’t know a metaphor if it bit you in the ass Geralt.”
Geralt really looked at him for the first time, brow furrowed. “Do I know you?”
“Gee thanks. Nice to know I’m that forgettable. It’s been sixty years I know, but I hadn’t been able to get away from my mother until now. She had guards watching me and a tracking spell for when I slipped the guards. She was convinced if I came back here to see what was left of Kaer Morhen I’d be killed. Took me finally reaching age of majority and another ten years of court responsibilities she made up, before I managed to slip the leash. Anyone asks, my name is Jaskier and I’m a perfectly normal human bard, thank you very much. Really don’t want to be dragged back there. Court is boring.”
It took a moment for Geralt’s brain to catch up with the rambling and put it together. “Jules? You’re supposed to be dead.”
“I got out. Managed to make a portal and took the children with me to the fae realm along with Birman and Deglan who dragged my unconscious father along with them.”
“Vesemir said he was the only one left alive in the keep. Does he know?”
“Considering he shoved me through my own portal when I tried to talk sense into him about coming with me, yea. I would have jumped right back through there and dragged his ass back through with me but I hit my head on the other side and got knocked out. So Vesemir is still alive?”
“For now. Might be a different story when I get back to Kaer Morhen and have a ‘talk’ about him letting me think you’re dead for the past sixty years.”
“Don’t be too hard on him. He was probably just covering for our escape, didn’t want any rumours any of the mages made it out. The brotherhood was behind everything. Saw some of their council members, not just mages, among those attacking.”
They got interrupted as a farmer walked up to the table. “Excuse me… master Witcher. I need your help. I have coin. A devil has been stealing from our grain stores.”
“A devil?” Geralt asked sceptically.
“Well I don’t know what else to call it. It looks like a goat that can run on two legs.”
“And it’s been stealing from your grain stores?”
“Yes. I have a hundred and fifty crowns for you to go take a look.”
“Alright. You coming Jules?” Geralt asked as he got up.
“Sure. Maybe I can write a song about it or something, Eric,” Jaskier replied, getting up and following.
“Don’t call me that,” Geralt snarled annoyedly at Jaskier.
Jaskier haven grown up around Witchers, didn’t find it in the least bit intimidating. “Don’t call me Jules and I’ll not call you Eric.”
“Fine, Jaskier. What kind of name is that anyway?” Geralt asked as they left of the tavern.
“A whimsical one like you’d expect a bard to have. Also kinda fae, it being a plant name and all. They’re weeds. Hardy, will grow anywhere, near impossible to get rid of, and poisonous,” Jaskier proclaimed proudly.
“Hm. Put that way, very you,” Geralt replied as he got Roach out of the stable.
They walked out of town a bit before Jaskier couldn’t help asking, “Isn’t that one of the horses I grassed?”
“Her name is Roach.”
“And she lets you ride her? I remember most those horses becoming like demonic hell spawn afterwards…”
“Took a while but she trusts me. She makes a good Witcher horse; fast, lots of stamina, isn’t afraid of pretty much anything, won’t let anyone steal her. She’s also older than me and still going. Why did you grass horses anyway?”
“Oh. They had me practice on animals before they let me preform the trail of grasses on a person. I take it you haven’t come across the rats… those sneaky little bastards are why they decided we should move on to bigger animals who can’t hide as easily.”
“Rats? Is that why we have a colony of half feral mutant cats?”
“I only grassed two… to catch the rats. How was I to know the cats could still have kittens afterwards? Most creatures mutate so much they’re not compatible with the same species anymore and renders them infertile,” Jaskier explained exasperatedly.
“What happened the people you escaped with?”
“They decided to start over. Got the fae to take them to a new part of this sphere far from the continent. After all it’s not just here that has a monster problem. They’re thriving last update I had, and far away from the influence of the brotherhood. People actually look up to Witchers there and don’t have the superstitious beliefs about them so less die each year because of humans.”
Geralt had a far away look for a moment. “Must be nice.”
“I could take you there.”
“Maybe… someday. I can’t just abandon those that are left here.”
“How many are left?”
“The number dwindles every winter. Last count there where about twenty that came to Kaer Mohen to winter, not all of them wolves. There are also a few stuck in wolf form who live in the woods around Kaer Morhen. We’ve tried to help them but nothing seems to work.”
“I can change them back. I turned Varin into a giant chicken once because he was being an asshole. So transforming them back to their Witcher state shouldn’t be a problem. The problem is if they’ll stay that way. Might be that they’re not stuck. Might be that they’ve grown tired of life on the path and decided they’re better off as wolves. Seen it happen a time or two. Usually from the mistreatment they get from humans. I could quite happily do some really horrible things to whoever started the rumour that Witchers don’t have feelings.”
“They’re supposed to have been burned out of us during the trails.”
Jaskier actually smacked Geralt upside the head. “Don’t. That’s a load of nonsense. Actually if anything emotions are heightened because believe it or not that is a sense and all senses are heightened. You feel things more intensely than humans. Sometimes though it gets stuck inside and they get trapped where you’re unsure how to express them or are too overwhelmed to do so. Makes it hard to speak for some too. Of course the cats are the only ones who openly admit this. The rest of you all pretend otherwise because of a toxic culture that sprang up long before I was around. You think you had it bad as a kid? It was a lot worse in the past. Most the outright abusive ‘training’ was stopped.”
“I find it hard to believe with Witchers like Varin training us.”
“They used to all be like him… except Vesemir. He was always fair from everything I heard. Varin was just an asshole they had to confine to the keep and had to give him something to do while there. He learned not to mess with me though. The chicken incident just being the last in a long line of shit I did to him when he was being an ass.
“Actually I was the reason a lot of it got stopped. The mages never paid much attention to how they trained new Witchers until Vesemir decided I was old enough to be put in training with them. They where horrified by the shear number of boys who died before the grasses just because they hadn’t been fed enough, or exposed too long to the cold, or beaten for no good reason. Dad didn’t believe me at first when I told him about it, so I went to Dagobert, then Reidrich. Eventually I made enough of a fuss with them they checked it out, watching through magical means.
“They pretty much unanimously told Rennes they where leaving if they didn’t stop all of that. He came up with some bullshit excuse about selecting the toughest of the boys. Then my father informed him that there is nothing tough about surviving all that, mostly just luck. They wanted healthy boys for the trails and if they stop killing them off maybe they’d have more pass and their low success rate probably has everything to do with malnutrition. He wasn’t wrong about that. That was just part of the puzzle though. The rest was in quantity of elder blood, freely given, and different mutagens, and a touch of original genetics. If you have some elven or fae in you you’re more likely to make it. Or some chaos.”
“Like Eskel. He’s always been good with signs.”
“It’s also how I was able to teach him how to do some minor magic like glamours. Same with you. Actually you got more raw chaos than Eskel. Just Eskel has better control of his,” Jaskier proclaims to Geralt who just looks sceptically at him, “It’s true. I’ve had a closer look at both of your magical cores than most. I did the grasses on you twice, and the dreams on Eskel. Did my best to make sure you both maintained access to it. Hence why you both can do more than signs. I’m just surprised you both still talked to me after, yet alone became my friends.”
“If you didn’t do it one of the others would have. You where also known for being gentler about it than the others, actually trying to dull the pain, and had the highest success rate. It’s why I begged you to do my second round of grasses. Never trusted Reidrich. Besides you may have been one of the mages officially by the time I came along, but you where always one of us. You didn’t hold yourself above us lowly Witchers unlike Reidrich or Dagobert. Your father wasn’t so bad either, if a bit scatterbrained. But you Jules, you ran the walls with us as punishment like the rest of us when we got in trouble. Got stuck in the middle of whatever childish mischief that was being planned. Protected us from people like Varin. I’m also convinced you’re responsible for most of Vesemir’s grey hair. After all I can quite reliably say you’re responsible for my own hair going white.”
“It really wasn’t supposed to do that.”
“Relax it’s a joke. I have been known to make those on occasion. I got used to it a long time ago.”
“You joke? Actually you’re communicating in more than grunts. Are you ok? You haven’t been cursed with gift of the gab or something?” Jaskier asked sarcastically.
“Hmn,” Geralt grunted also sarcastically.
“Now that’s more like the Witcher I know and love,” Jaskier replied, grinning.
@xxx|}::::::::::::::::::::> <::::::::::::::::::::{|xxx@
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mclintocksdaughter · 2 years
Life’s Changes
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Chapter Summary: Elain returns to Outer Banks after a few changes and is greeted by her family.
Pairing: JJ x fem!OC/Reader
Chapter Word Count: 1,403
Warnings: Fluff, emotional JJ (Yes, that's a warming), let me know if I missed anything
Series Masterlist
She’d left Outer Banks right after graduation. A few days after everyone received their diplomas, she jumped on a ferry and refused to go back. Elain saved up enough money to buy a pickup and trailer.
The first ranch she worked for bought her a horse, a bay gelding named Tank. She paid them for a pair of chaps and chinks, while she was there. Elain also bought a Blue Heeler, whom she named Aspen. She was only there for a month, seeing as that’s all she signed on for. It was a place up in Wyoming, where she was glad she didn’t stay. The winters there are about as cold as one could imagine.
The second place she worked for was in Texas. They were good to her, and she learned a lot there. Elain bought another horse, a pretty bay roan mare named Ember while she was there. She was there for two weeks and is now headed back to OBX.
She began to sweat when boarding the ferry, nerves, and excitement getting to her. She was afraid they’d hate her for leaving for half the summer. The last time she talked to John B, two days ago, he promised they’d love to see her. Despite his reassurance, she wasn’t sure how they’d react to how she’d changed.
She’d gained more muscle, her thighs and arms getting just a little bigger. Her hair had naturally created highlights because she’d been outside so much. A few tattoos were now on display in various places, as well as scars she got while working. She had a new trailer and a vehicle that was only a few years old, as well as having collected a few animals.
Her fashion sense had changed, she no longer wore jean shorts and a crop top, now it was a short sleeve shirt tucked into jeans with a belt and a decent-sized belt buckle. A collection of hats resides in the ‘bedroom’ of the trailer, as well as a bunch of stuff for the horses and Aspen. She hadn’t smoked since graduation and drank considerably less than before. She now longed for a ranch with her last name on the gate and lots of cattle.
The ferry horn brought her from her thoughts. She pulled off it and began the drive to John B’s. Nothing had changed in the time she had been gone. Everything seemed frozen in time as if she’d never left at all.
The Chateau came into sight, and she let out a breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding. Parking the pickup, she turned it off and walked toward the house. She wrung her hands together and walked onto the porch. She debated knocking, and deciding against it, she walked in, pulling her hat off her head.
The house was empty, as was the yard, and the shack. Deciding to wait for them, she walked back to the pickup and opened the back door, her hat resuming its position on her head. Aspen jumped out, Elain grabbing the leash on the floor for the puppy. Aspen ran around, went to the bathroom, and started smelling around. Elain grabbed a handful of treats and put them in her pocket.
She moved from the front of the pickup to the tack compartment. She took the blue haynet filled with hay to the back of the trailer. Opening the slide gate, she slipped in and tied the haynet up. She made sure it was locked when she shut it again. She then filled a purple tub with white handles with water from the water tank inside the trailer. She also set out Aspen’s water bowl. She opened the side door and heaved the purple tub into the trailer for the horses. Elain latched the side door and called for Aspen. The puppy came running from behind a tree. Elain gave her a treat after making her sit, Aspen devouring it immediately. The Blue Heeler then drank from her water bowl before going back to exploring.
Elain sat against the trailer and pulled her hat down a bit. She debated calling John B, but she didn’t want to interrupt whatever fun they were having just to find out where they were.
With some effort, she got up and laid down in the hammock. Aspen chased after her and settled her head on Elain’s shoulder, with Elain’s arm around her little body. Both fell asleep shortly after lying down.
Elain woke to the hammock tipping as Aspen jumped off and ran to bark at something. Stretching, she slid out of the hammock and onto the ground. She stood up, straightened herself out, then followed the noise Aspen was making.
Everyone was getting out of the Twinkie and going to look at her pickup and trailer. Aspen ran up to them, yapping and asking for scratches. Kie and Sarah fussed over how cute she looked in her tooled leather collar, with her name on it. JJ and John B were walking around the pickup and trailer, talking as they did so. Pope noticed the horses and was trying to look at them through the slots in the trailer. The horses made noise as they moved around in the trailer, trying to see what all the commotion is about. Aspen licked Sarah and Kie before running back toward Elain.
She reached down and pet Aspen, “You having fun little lady?” Aspen yipped and licked her hand in reply. Elain giggled before she looked up to see the girls staring at her. She gave a little wave and both girls took off toward her at a run.
Elain stumbled back a little when Kie reached her, wrapping their arms around each other. Elain laughed, “Hey, pretty lady.”
“Lanie, you’re home,” Kie squealed.
“Let me see my sugar,” Sarah laughed.
Elain pulled away from Kie after a few more seconds, Sarah now hoarding Elain.
“Missed you, sun drop,” Elain giggled.
“Missed you too, Lane,” Sarah said, squeezing Elain.
“My turn,” Pope told Sarah.
Elain’s head was against his shoulder, “Missed you, Heyward.”
“Missed you so much, Felman,” he replied, swaying back and forth.
“Hey, move over,” John B complained. Elain slowly pulled away from Pope, just to be almost tackled by John B.
“I missed you too, JB,” Elain laughed. He hugged her for a few minutes before letting go.
“How long are you staying?”
“The rest of the summer as long as I’m welcome,” she told him.
“You’re always welcome,” he grinned and messed with her hat.
She laughed and fixed it, John B moving back with the others to get a good look at her. JJ stared at her, standing a few feet behind Kie.
“Elain, spin around,” Kie said, motioning for a spin. Elain did as told, slowly spinning in a circle so they could see all of her.
“How did you get more beautiful?” Sarah complimented. Elain shrugged and laughed. “I’m serious, how did you get more beautiful?” Elain laughed again.
“I don’t know. I’ve gained a lot more muscle, but I’m still thick in the thighs. What are you seeing as more beautiful,” Elain moved around a little, her jeans showing all of her curves.
“Your soul,” Kie answered, smiling, “Your soul seems more beautiful.”
“Well, I loved being out and around the cattle and the horses, so that might have something to do with it.” Elain noticed JJ had taken a few steps forward, but still hadn’t said anything. “If you want to meet the horses, I can get them out for you. You might want to change into jeans though.”
“We’ll be back,” Kie said, pulling Sarah into the Chateau. John B nudged Pope, motioning toward JJ, “We’re going to go get some stuff out of the Twinkie.” Elain nodded.
Finally, she was left alone with JJ. She took a few steps toward him. “Hi,” she said. That was all it took for JJ to pull her into a hug.
He hugged her like if he let her go she would disappear. She hugged him back and gripped his shirt. “Please, don’t ever do that again,” he pulled away.
“Do what,” she asks, looking into his eyes.
“I thought you left and were never coming back.” His eyes held a slight panic.
“I wouldn’t leave without you,” she moved a hand up to cup his cheek.
“Really. I wanted to get a reputation built up outside OBX and I was going to come back for you. So here I am,” she stroked his cheek with her thumb.
“Thank you for coming back.”
“Always.” She hugged him again.
“JJ, you have to let her go now. We need Elain to get her horses for us,” Kie said, interrupting the reunion.
Elain laughed, kissing JJ on the forehead before tying up the horses for the girls.
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TWs: Dehumanization, collars, muzzles, threats, panic attack.
@cupcakes-and-pain @maracujatangerine
Seren was just taking off a really constricting harness when Hunter stalked through the door. I don’t like him, cuz he towers above everyone all the time and looks really mean and scary and he’s always glaring no matter what he’s looking at, and I’m scared he’ll start yelling but he never does. Seren looks up at him for a second, before folding the harness up and putting it back in the box. We were only halfway through the second one, and it was the worst; Seren kept baby-talking me like I was just a puppy and I couldn’t respond cuz my mouth was too dry and she never gave me anything to drink, or any more chocolates cuz I’d “get too spoiled” which was rude. 
“Trainer Seren. I hope it has been well-behaved for you?” Hunter inquired, politely nodding at her. She nodded back, and I curled into myself.
“Puppy gets a little confused sometimes, but that’s expected, what with everything. Reacts nicely to chocolates, but can be a bit stubborn, which, again, is expected. Terribly anxious though, but seems like he might have quite a bit of energy. I’ll verify later, although I do have to ask: Is he goin’ to be attack, recon, or guard?” Seren unhooked my leash as she spoke, making me stand up. Hunter took the leash, which was really scary cuz he looked really, really strong…
“Whichever you think will work best. He will be kept either way, so it’s entirely up to you what you train him in, and how. He’s simply too… open, to let back out. No need to leave loose ends lying around.” 
“Aight, I’ll run him through some tests once you’re all finished. Might want to get going though; Puppy’s trying to merge with the floor.”
I glared at Seren, angry at how she called me out. I curled further into a ball as Hunter turned his gaze to me, and it felt like someone was trying to drive needles under my skin, which was a horrible feeling and made me want to cry and rip off my skin. He tutted, and nodded again to Seren before turning around and walking out of the room at what I think he thought was slow, but I had to jog just to keep from getting dragged. I went a little faster while also trying to stay as far as I could from him. He led me out of the kennels, turning right and walking down the hall. How many halls were there? Just how big is this place?! It didn’t look very different from the first hallway, but the paintings were normal and there’s a lot more people walking around, too. They all greeted Hunter, but none of them ever tried to stop us. We turned around another corner, and went all the way to the end of the hall towards a door that had Hunter’s name on it. I leaned back, trying to slow him down or make him stop or something, and he yanked on the leash. I stumbled forward, just barely catching myself, when he opened the door and shoved me inside. It looked like those really rich people’s offices, but darker and several bones everywhere. They actually looked kinda cool, but they had little nameplates under them that made them a lot less cool and a lot more scary.
Hunter shoved me forward, so I went back to staring at the floor and focused on getting away from him. He told me to sit, so I sat in the chair next to us. It was all metal, a lot unlike the one across the desk, which is really soft looking, and a dark blue-ish grey. Hunter slipped the end of the leash around a hook on the side of his desk, and took the wire muzzle off before sitting down. I folded my arms around my stomach and looked around. He stared at me so I stared at everything else. I don’t even know why he wants me, it’s not like I ever get told anything. Detective says that he can’t talk about his work cuz it’s “confidential” and the heroes always go to a boardroom, leaving me with snacks and my switch. I really want to be with the heroes right now…
“Drink up. You won’t be getting much more after this.” Hunter snapped, setting a small glass of water in front of me.
I jumped, snapping my head up to stare at him, before immediately looking at the glass instead. I stared at it for a couple seconds, before slowly reaching for it. My hands were shaking, cuz Hunter hasn’t looked anywhere else this entire time and he always hurts people, cuz he’s a supervillain and that's what they do, don’t they? I let out a loud huff, before flinching and deciding to just drink the water so he wouldn’t get mad and start yelling. I took a small sip at first, before drinking most of it in one go. I set the glass down, trying to get my breathing back in control, while Hunter just kept on staring. I started fiddling with part of the leash, feeling around the letters on it and watching as it reflected a bit in the light. Finally, he leaned back and settled his hands on the arms of his chair. At least he was a tiny bit further away, now.
“So, Ghost, would you like to tell me how you and Detective Gunner met? Quite interesting for Detective Gunner to just take on a child out of the blue, after all.” 
“...um, well- he, I, uhh. I don’t, I dunno.” I muttered leaning back into my chair and shrinking into myself again. His gaze hardened and I ducked my head down so I wouldn’t have to look at him, cuz he was really scary.
“You don’t know. Ghost. I would like to inform you that this would go much easier if you told me now. I’d hate to let such a good little dog get damaged for being difficult.” 
I froze, and had to manually start breathing again, cuz Hunter was glaring at me, and he was really scary and he was gonna hurt me and yell at me and the detective isn’t here, or the heroes so they can’t stop him and they don’t know I’m here or else they would’ve already gotten me, or they left me here and, and-
I tried to take a deep breath, but it didn’t work and it feels like I’m getting choked, and suddenly I was back in the warehouse with a gun shoved down my throat choking and coughing and dying and no one's gonna help me, please, help me, just make it stop please, please, please- I jerked back, staring at the hand Hunter just slammed down on the desk. He scoffed at me, glaring like I killed his dog, and I stopped breathing again-
“Calm. Down.” He commanded, and I’m too scared to look away right now.
“Now, how did you and Detective Gunner meet? Do not make me ask again.” 
“...He was… He- him n the police were checking out a warehouse I was in when I was seventeen…” I whispered, trying to keep my breathing level but it still felt like I wasn’t getting enough oxygen. 
“Seventeen? And how old are you now exactly?”
“...nine, nineteen, sir…” 
“Hm. Why were they checking out the warehouse?” He leaned back again, and I looked down at my duckie socks. They weren’t very bright anymore.
“I dunno. They just said something about a villain being… oh, uhm. Just something about a villain being spotted, uhm, sir…”
“Hm. So you are the little streetrat that snitched, I see.” He mused, and I tensed, trying to remember to breathe.
“Well, nothing I can do about that now, I suppose. You and the detective visit the Xertic Agency frequently, correct?” I nodded, still staring at my little duckie socks. 
“It’s incredibly curious, a detective bringing in a random child to a hero agency. What did you do that had Detective Gunner let you into the agency regularly?”
“...I dunno… I just- he brought me along one day then kept doing it?” 
“Is that a question or an answer? You must have done something.” 
“I- I dunno, I never, I don’t think so? I just told him about- about villains I saw during the night, or whatever, cuz they were always cool looking or, or doing something weird. I didn’t do anything.” I whispered, wiggling my toes cuz they started feeling really numb again. Hunter sighed, and feeling my heart stop beating for a split second is really scary.
“Fine. Who were the heroes you interacted with?”
“Uhm, Monsoon, X-ray, and that one intern that always has candy on her.”
Hunter stared at me, not saying anything so I tried to think of more heroes I talked with.
“Well, there- uh, I talked to Skyrise once too? And some of Detective’s friends, but I dunno their names, so…”
“Have you ever talked to Phoenix? Or have you been around him?”
“...No? He- Phoenix is always busy, doesn’t have enough time to talk to me or the interns, usually. I’ve only ever seen him on TV.” I feel like I shouldn’t be saying this, cuz no one ever gives info up this easily in the movies, but Hunter’s really, really, super scary and I don’t wanna get yelled at or hurt, and he’ll be nice if I just say stuff, right?
“Interesting. The detective started focusing on finding me and my base, why.”
“I- I actually don’t know, cuz he disappeared n didn’t tell me or anyone the reason, I don’t think. Ms. Secretary said he wanted to get promoted that one time though, and he said something like that too when I was… when you found me, so. He, uh, really, really wanted a promotion? Well, he sometimes talked about it before, but never.. That much?” Hunter raised his eyebrow at me, so I shut my mouth again.
“He… was after a promotion?” Hey, no need to sound so disbelieving. I mean, I had to deal with that first, yknow. I nodded at him, and he looked like he was trying to figure out the world’s worst, horrible-est puzzle ever. It was weird.
“And why, exactly, was he planning on hunting me down to do so?” Oh hunting, Hunter, I get it. Wait. I shrugged, glancing through my bangs at him. He looked a little angry now, actually…
Eventually, he let out a really long sigh. He covered his mouth in the most cliché thinking face ever, so I focused really hard on not biting the leash. It looked like it would be fun to chew on, but I don’t think Hunter would appreciate it and I don’t wanna make him angrier than he already is. I bit my lip, idly chewing on it while I tried to figure out why he cared so much. I mean, I know Detective’s behavior was odd, but that was just cuz he was stressed… I hope. I dunno why Hunter himself would be invested, unless Detective actually found something? But why would he care about me? I’m not allowed to listen to any conversations in the precinct or the agency, they always send me to a different room, or they choose to leave. Maybe, maybe it’s just cuz I was in the warehouse that night? I let out a small whine, and immediately flinch and snap my teeth together. I risked a look at Hunter, but I can’t tell if he didn’t notice or just doesn’t care. He catches me looking and narrows his eyes, which is mildly terrifying.
“Hm. I don’t suppose you have any more answers for me?” I very quickly shake my head no. “So I thought. Stand up.”
I stood up as fast as I could, and almost fell over but caught myself with the metal chair that I forgot about. Hunter unhooked the leash from his desk, before grabbing my face very suddenly and slamming the muzzle in place. He made it a lot tighter than Seren did, then turned around and pulled open the door. He led us back towards the kennels and I tried very hard to not have another panic attack. We passed more people on the way back, but no one said anything this time. They all just got out of the way and kept walking. I don’t like that very much, actually. 
We reached the kennels, and I barely kept up with him walking way too fast. Seren met us halfway, which was amazing, and I tried not to breathe too loudly.
“You may proceed with its training. You have my permission to cause harm. The detective won’t find him. Just be sure he only talks with explicit permission, I do not appreciate how talkative Doctor Everly has reported him to be. Nor do I want him interacting with anyone other than you, and any trainees you may have.”
Seren took the leash from Hunter with a nod, and he very briskly turned around and knocked me outta the way to leave. Seren just shook her head, before leading me back to the kennel I was in before. I didn’t wanna go in, but I also didn’t wanna make anyone else angry, so I reluctantly walked in. She reached over to unclip the leash, and started speaking.
“You sure did something to piss him off, puppy. Not sure how you got out of that uninjured. Whatever. Tomorrow we’ll start your training, so this is the only night you get something to help you sleep, got it? I’ll be the only person you’ll be interacting with for the next few months, so might want to celebrate while you can.”
I bit my lip and tried to say something, but Seren had already walked away to dig for something in the back. I wouldn’t actually be separated from everyone, right? They can't just do that, can they? Seren walked back over with a pill, a tiny little glass of water, and the first muzzle. I hid my face in my arms at the sight of it.
“Move your arms, pup. If you don’t behave, then you won’t get any water at all. Understood, mutt?” Seren snapped, tapping her foot on the floor. I flinched at the insult, but put my arms down and let her take off the wire muzzle. She held the water and pill out to me, so I popped the pill in my mouth and drank the water. She took the little paper cup and shoved it into her pocket. She shoved the muzzle on my face, and made me turn around to clip it closed. After making everything just slightly too tight, she stepped out and closed the kennel door, locking it. She walked off, flipping off the light as she went. I was left in the dark, scared and starting to feel really, really tired. I whimpered, and slid down to the floor. Detective would come and get me soon, right? He has to, it’s his job, isn’t it? He wouldn’t leave me here, would he?
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dogmomhat · 3 months
Stylish and Smiley: Hilarious Tales of Dog Moms and Their Trusty Beanies
Picture this: a brisk morning, the sky tinged with the first light of dawn, and a dog mom braving the elements with her trusty beanie snug on her head. The dog mom beanie is more than just an accessory; it’s a symbol of dedication, love, and often, a source of unexpected laughter. Let’s dive into the amusing and heartwarming stories of dog moms and their beloved beanies.
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The Beanie Chronicles: A Tale Begins
Every epic journey starts with a simple beginning, and for many dog moms, it’s the humble beanie that marks the start of their adventures.
The Unexpected Gift
For Jenny, the dog mom beanie was a Christmas gift from her sister. A vibrant red knit, it quickly became her go-to for every dog walk with her excitable Beagle, Buddy. Little did she know, this beanie would witness some of the funniest moments of her dog-mom life.
Willing to Understanding Canine Body Language, read more here:
Beanie Mishaps and Mirth
Owning a dog comes with its fair share of humorous mishaps, and the beanie often finds itself right in the middle of the action.
The Great Squirrel Chase
One frosty morning, Jenny, donning her bright beanie, set out for a walk with Buddy. All was peaceful until a squirrel darted across their path. Buddy, in full chase mode, yanked the leash with the force of a small tornado. Jenny, caught off guard, stumbled, and her beanie slipped over her eyes, transforming her into a blindfolded acrobat. The sight of her fumbling around while trying to regain her vision was pure comedy gold for passersby.
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Muddy Adventures
Spring showers bring muddy paws, and sometimes, muddy beanies. Jenny’s favorite beanie had seen better days after Buddy’s enthusiastic romp through a particularly slushy park. As she bent down to wipe his paws, Buddy decided to shake off the mud, showering Jenny and her beanie in a cascade of muck.
The result? A hilarious, albeit messy, bonding moment that left Jenny laughing and in dire need of laundry.
Check this article for more pet owners' tips.
Beanie Bonding: More Than Just Headwear
Beyond the funny incidents, the dog mom beanie symbolizes the deep bond between a dog and its mom.
Morning Rituals
Every morning, Jenny’s routine was the same: a quick cup of coffee, her beanie perched on her head, and a walk with Buddy. These walks weren’t just exercise; they were quality time, where Jenny would talk to Buddy about everything and nothing. The beanie became a part of this ritual, a silent witness to their growing bond.
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Community Connections
Jenny soon realized she wasn’t alone in her beanie love. The local dog park was a gathering place for beanie-clad dog moms. It was a sight to behold—moms in a rainbow of knitwear, exchanging stories and tips while their dogs played. These impromptu gatherings were full of laughter, camaraderie, and, of course, beanie appreciation.
The Beanie as a Style Statement
While beanies are practical, they can also be stylish, adding a touch of flair to a dog mom’s outfit.
Beanie Fashion Trends
From chunky knits to sleek, fitted styles, the dog mom beanie comes in countless varieties. Jenny’s collection grew over time, each beanie reflecting her mood or the season. Winter called for cozy, thick knits, while autumn saw her in earthy tones. She even had a couple of beanies with Buddy’s paw prints embroidered on them, a subtle yet adorable nod to her beloved companion.
Custom Beanies
Inspired by her love for her beanies, Jenny started customizing them. She added playful patches, vibrant buttons, and even potrait of Buddy’s name on her beanies. These personalized touches turned her beanies into unique fashion statements, sparking conversations wherever she went.
Craft your fascinating Dog Mom Beanie here!
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Lessons in Laughter: What the Beanie Teaches Us
The dog mom beanie isn’t just about style or practicality; it’s a teacher of life’s valuable lessons.
Embracing the Chaos
If there’s one thing Jenny learned, it’s that life with a dog is unpredictable. Her beanie adventures taught her to embrace the chaos, find humor in mishaps, and cherish the spontaneous moments that make life with Buddy so special.
Finding Joy in Small Things
A beanie may seem insignificant, but it represents so much more. It’s a reminder to find joy in the small things—a walk in the park, a chat with a fellow dog mom, or a playful romp in the mud. These little moments, woven together, create a tapestry of happiness.
The dog mom beanie is more than just a piece of knitwear; it’s a symbol of the joys, challenges, and hilarious moments that define the dog mom experience. From muddy mishaps to morning rituals, each beanie tells a story of love, laughter, and the unbreakable bond between a dog and its mom. So next time you see a dog mom rocking her beanie, remember: there’s a tale of style and smiles woven into every stitch.
1. Why are dog mom beanies so popular? Dog mom beanies are popular because they’re practical, stylish, and symbolize the loving bond between a dog mom and her furry friend.
2. How can I customize my dog mom beanie? Customizing your beanie is easy! Add patches, buttons, or embroidery to make it uniquely yours.
3. What’s the best material for a dog mom beanie? Wool and acrylic blends are great for warmth and durability. Choose a material that feels comfortable and suits your climate.
4. Can a dog mom beanie be a conversation starter? Absolutely! A unique beanie can spark conversations with fellow dog lovers and lead to new friendships.
5. How do I care for my dog mom beanie? Most beanies can be hand-washed or machine-washed on a gentle cycle. Always check the care label for specific instructions.
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bhaalsdeepbat · 9 months
I have three Durges so they can all be the best of all the worlds. I've been furiously writing shit down and thinking abt them all and how they each resist the urge differently & for different reasons.
Durge One: Mercy.
Resist the urge, tries really hard to make ammends for what they did as a living weapon, tries to turn the blade from the throats of the innocent to ripping apart bandits. The itch to harm still there when the Urges are gone but they're intrusive thoughts and not compulsions. They chose their name after their first night off the Nautiloid, hoping to find strength in the new name and new beginning. They're still a chaos gremlin, but will stop and think about whether their actions are cruel are not. They do not want to act with cruelty where they can help it. Astarion side eyed tf out of them when they first met, until he realized this Durge is just a chaotic mess. They're the most feral one of the three. Mercy is also a sorcerer, so they're terrified of losing control to the Urges AND their magic when in a blacked out state.
Durge Two: Ashe
Resisting, not bc they wanna be better, but bc the chaos they sow should be of their own accord. They want to be free of the leash Bhaal has on them, and is disgusted by the leash Emp slipped on. Definitely has a thing for Gortash, did take the deal, was genuinely upset she couldnt poly threesome with her (ex) boyfriend and her vampire lord. She's a slutty little bard with a taste for mischief and power. Doesn't actually know how to handle being responsible for their own decisions and let's Ascended Astarion take over her leash. Post-game, she is Astarion's songbird and assassin. Since he's protective / possessive when ascended, I imagine he would set up to have her entertain guests (with him there) and then direct her to kill them under his watchful eye. Their fave thing is for her to murder someone as an offering to him (instead of Bhaal <3) before they both feast on the body together.
Durge Three: Phyrafae
Murder hobo who embraces the urge, until she met Minthara. Minthara's disappointment in her losing control kicked her ass in gear to start resisting bc if she's going to be walking death on the face of Faerûn, it will be because she decided to, not bc she's a murder meat puppet. She's a (gloomstalker) ranger who wants to accumulate power alongside the love of her life (Minthara) and get revenge for both her and Minthy. She's been BIG mad at Orin since Minthara told her about what happened, and then the Act 3 reveal abt what Orin did to Durge has Phyrafae seething and seeing red. Her and Minthara are super supportive of ascended Astarion taking over the surface with his army of vampires and I think he would eventually try to make them his spawn. It will either end in them killing him or all three of them being conquerors together, if he was smart about it (since Minthara is interested in becoming a vampire). In the latter scenario, they become a toxic power throuple tbh. Until then, Minthara and Phyrafae are being the most disgusting u-haul lesbians. Literally just met, now moving in together and are gonna conquer some lands to take a house.
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