#and the other insists on eating everything she can get hold of
221castiel · 1 day
If This Was A Movie
Modern AU // Parent Dean // Fluff
Cas works a part time job at the movie theatre and Dean is the young dad who regularly takes it daughter to the movies.
You can also read it on AO3 Here!
“She was too pretty to die,” Charlie complained, leaning her back against the front counter as Cas restocked the candy display.
He gave a small nod in agreement, carefully placing down a box of Mike and Ikes to ensure it didn't knock down any other box. “And she has yet to have her own movie,” he stated, repeating one of Charlie’s complaints from the start of their shift.
“Exactly,” Charlie cried, tugging a smile across Cas’ lips. “Then they added a bullshit girl power scene as if that would fix everything.”
“And it did not.”
“It didn’t do anything!”
He squinted at Charlie as she grabbed the pack of candy he’d just placed down, though she only gave her shoulders a shrug and opened the box. Their manager Zacharia would be furious if he found out they were eating candy without paying and though Charlie knew that, Cas was certain it was the exact reason she did. “I thought you enjoyed the movie?” Cas said as he grabbed another pack to replace the one Charlie had taken.
“I did like it,” Charlie argued, pushing a red candy past her lips. “I just think Steve shouldn’t have gone to the past, professor hulk was stupid, Stucky was done dirty, and tony deserved better.”
“But you enjoyed it?”
Cas tilted his head and Charlie smiled back, before popping another candy into her mouth and offering the box to Cas. “Common,” she insisted, giving it a small shake, “you need the brain energy for tomorrow.”
She gave it another shake and this time Cas reached his hand into the box and grabbed two of the candies. “It’s your last final tomorrow?” Charlie asked as she leant back against the counter, shaking the candies into the palm of her hand.
“Yes,” Cas replied looking down to the two candies in his own hand. “Zacharia has been kind enough to let me go home early, so I will have a few more hours to study.”
“How’d you manage that?” Charlie asked, “did you have to suck him off?”
“You know,” Charlie continued, her smile only widening as Cas’ cheeks grew warmer. He should have been used to Charlie’s inappropriate jokes by now, but even after working together for over a year he still felt flustered. At least they were alone this time. “Did you do your little head tilt give him your big eyes, and drop to your knees to-“
A bell rang as the front doors were pushed open and their heads turned. “Speaking of dropping to your knees,” Charlie teased, a grin spreading across her face as Cas’s cheeks grew warmer.
Dean Winchester walked into the theater with the same ease that he always did. A smile across his face as he looked down to his young daughter and nodded along to whatever she was saying. He and his daughter were regulars at the theater, coming every second Sunday for the 7 o’clock without failure. It was the highlight of Castiel's job. There was something about being around Dean that Castiel could never get enough of; whether it was the way his eyes crinkled as he laughed at one of his own jokes or how he lent against the front counter shrinking the space between the two of them. Dean brought the kind of comfort that could only come from the streets of your hometown, and Castiel could spend the rest of his life getting lost in it.
Charlie nudged him and he stumbled forward to the cash register, making it only seconds before Dean and Emma.
“Hey,” Dean greeted, an easy smile spreading across his face, showing off his teeth. He wore a blue and white superhero suit, the fabric a tight material that defined his figure, leaving little to the imagination. Not that Castiel minded. Dean was good looking, even Charlie could admit that.
“Hello Dean,” Castiel greeted, hoping his voice was less shaky than he felt. He looked to Emma, giving the young girl a small. Her gaze was easier to hold then Dean’s, which he often found himself staring at for a few seconds too long. “Hello Emma,” Cas greeted, “I like your suit.”
A wide smile spread across her face as she looked down to the blue and red suit she wore. “I’m Captain Marvel,” She declared, blonde hair falling into her face as she looked back up. “She’s a really super cool superhero,” Emma explained, “She shoots lasers from her hands.”
“Photon beams,” Dean corrected and Emma crossed her arms, glaring up at her dad.
“They’re lasers.”
“Alright boss women whatever you say,” Dean looked back at Cas, a grin across his face, ‘she’s wrong,’ he mouthed, causing Cas’s neck to warm. Dean lent his elbow against the counter top, and glanced at the menu on the back wall before looking back to Cas, his eyes wide and lips pressed together. He was close enough to see the freckles that dusted his cheeks. He was young looking to have a daughter who must have been at least seven. Dean himself couldn’t have been out of his early twenties, only a couple of years older than Cas. He could have been her brother just as easily as he could have been her dad.
“What’re you thinking, monster?” Dean glanced back at Emma who stood on her tiptoes to see over the counter. “A large popcorn and coke?”
“I want chocolate!” Emma cried.
Dean nodded, in a serious manner. “You make a good argument,” he hummed, “M&Ms or KitKat?”
“You could get both.” Cas offered a smile immediately spreading across Emma's face as she cheered.
“Alright, a large popcorn, a coke, and the chocolate,” Dean said as he pulled his wallet from his pocket, and pulled out his debit card, “Who needs a savings, when there’s overpriced candy to buy.”
“You could buy candy before you arrived,” Cas offered, “It would be cheaper.”
Dean raised his eyebrows before that smile returned, “when would I get to talk to you then?” he asked.
Cas’s lips parted, the statement so genuine he could only stare as the warmth spread from his cheeks to his body; his heart thudding helplessly in his chest. Dean always managed to do that, take the words out of his mouth, take the air out of his lungs, and Castiel couldn’t care. He would give Dean anything if it meant getting to spend one more moment with the other man.
He swallowed his heart still pounding in his ears as Charlie’s hand rested on his back. “A KitKat and M&Ms for the young lady,” she declared, placing the two bars onto the counter, “I’ll help you pay for those while Cas grabs your popcorn.”
Cas dumbly nodded, stumbling to the popcorn machines and away from Dean’s piercing gaze. He hoped Charlie knew how grateful he was. He was certain the only reason Dean continued to talk to him was because of her and her ability to make sure Cas didn’t make a complete fool out of himself. She’d spent hours explaining how flittering worked, the difference between longing stares and just staring, what questions were too invasive, what compliments weren’t compliments and simply were statements. Though she often ended with ‘at least girls like that, I don’t know about dudes,’ Castiel still found it helpful.
He slowly filled a large popcorn bag, giving himself a moment to collect his thoughts before he carried the bag back to the front counter.
“I was just telling Dean about our trip to comic con last year,” Charlie said a teasing smile across her face, “and how you should’ve worn your Bucky costume tonight. It would’ve been perfect since Dean’s Steve”
“It would have been uncomfortable,” Cas responded. Charlie rolled her eyes while he gave Dean the bag of popcorn and wished him a good night.
“He looked really hot,” Charlie called as Dean and Emma began walking towards the small arcade.
Dean laughed, “yah, i’m sure he did.”
Charlie turned to Cas, her eyes wide and mouth a gap. “Oh my god,” she mouthed, before repeating it louder once Dean was no longer in sight. “You have to ask him out,” she squealed.
“Because he’s totally, 100%, completely into you.”
“How are you sure?”
Charlie dramatically sighed, throwing her hands into the air. “He called you hot,” she cried, “I couldn’t make it more clear.”
“You called me attractive and he agreed.”
“Cas, he’s the total package. Hot, funny, good person, hot.”
“He may not be a good person.”
“He’s a good dad so of course he’s a good person.”
Cas pressed his lips together and Charlie raised an eyebrow. It was true, even in their short exchanges it was undeniable that Emma was the center of Dean’s world. They arrived at every movie dressed for the occasion, Emma in a fancy dress while Dean wore a suit, as if they had arrived to see the Opera rather than Disney’s latest remake. If she asked for a pack of smarties he’d buy her two. If she insisted that the floor was too sticky he’d carry her. If she asked for the moon, Dean would give her the galaxy.
She was his everything, and unlike how the sky bleeds from blue to pink, Cas was certain that would never change.
He dug his nail into the wood of the front counter, picking at a small piece that had begun to splinter. “Then he likely has a wife.”
“He doesn’t wear a ring,” Charlie replied, “I’ve been checking.”
“Even if he is single, he is not gay.”
“He came wearing a Captain America suit,” Charlie cried, “that man is a fag.”
“It’s because he is a good father.”
“A good dad lets their daughter dress up, a gay dad dresses up with their daughter.”
Cas rolled his eyes, turning away from his friend. Dean and Emma were still in the arcade, a smile across Dean’s face as he watched his daughter play one of the machines, cheering her on. It was fun to imagine that they could be something more. Wonder what Dean’s lips felt like against his own or how their hands would fit together. But that’s all they were, fantasies that he made up to pass the time, Castiel didn’t get movie endings.
The rest of his shift seemed to drag on as few customers arrived, leaving him to aimlessly clean counters and floors that didn’t need it. Anything to seem busy. When the clock finally struck ten Cas was quick to leave, bidding Charlie a goodbye before he left only half way through pulling his coat on. It wasn’t until he’d stepped onto the streets when he stopped in his tracks.
The young girl sat alone on one of the city benches, slowly swinging her legs. She still wore her superhero suit though a winter coat had been pulled over top along with a toque and scarf.
“Emma,” Cas repeated and she turned her head. Cas didn’t think he’d ever seen the young girl frown and he never wanted to see it again. It was heartbreaking to see her with her bottom lip puckered out and eyes glazed over. The tears had yet to fall and somehow that made it worse. “Are you okay?”
She shrugged and Cas frowned.
“Where’s your dad?”
“With mommy,” Emma said as pointing across the street to where Dean was leant against a car, arms crossed over his chest as he talked to a blonde woman, a scowl across his face. He shook his head at something the woman said, then ran a hand through his hair before responding. He’d never seen Dean angry before. Even when Emma was sprawled across the floor of the theater's lobby screaming and crying, he’d been calm, gently talking to her until she could talk. It didn’t suit him.
“Would you mind if I sat with you?” Cas asked.
When she didn’t respond, Cas took a seat on the bench. She looked up at him and Cas smiled, though she only stared back. “Did you like the movie?” He asked and she shrugged, “did you have a favourite part?”
She shrugged again and looked at her shoes, going back to slowly swinging her legs.
Cas sighed. The streets had been cast in shadows, the few street lamps doing little to fight off the night. His bus would be coming soon, though Cas couldn't bring himself to leave Emma alone.
“Was Captain Marvel in the movie?” He asked and a small smile tugged at Emma’s lips
“Yah,” she whispered.
“Was she cool?”
“So cool,” Emma explained.
Her smile widened as she continued to talk, describing her favorite parts and characters. Her hands flew around and Cas nodded along politely, adding small comments occasionally. When he asked what Dean had thought Emma had to pause, her nose scrunching slightly before she declared that he had loved it just as much as her.
“Does your dad have a favourite superhero?”
“He likes Batman,” Emma said, “but Batman doesn't come in this movie so he likes Captain America.”
“Captain America is also very cool.”
“But not as cool as Captain Marvel.”
“But not as cool as Captain Marvel,” Cas agreed.
She played with the end of her scarf as she looked back to Dean and her mom. The woman had pulled a paper out of her purse and offered it to Dean though he shook his head. She said something else and he took it to read.
The bus's headlights lit the street, though Cas didn’t move, letting the bus pull up to the stop to let some out before leaving without him. He couldn’t bring himself to leave Emma alone and instead leant closer to her.
“Would you like to hear a secret?” He whispered and Emma looked back at him. “You have to promise not to tell anyone”
“I pinky promise.”
“I like your toque,” Cas whispered and Emma giggled, the corners of her eyes crinkling.
“Can I tell you a secret?” She whispered back
“Of course.”
Emma glanced at her parents before leaning closer, “daddy likes you.”
“He told you?” Emma nodded, though before Cas could ask more questions Emma’s mom was calling for her and the young girl was waving goodbye. She ran across the street and into Dean’s arms giving him a long hug before she got into the back seat. Dean then said something to the woman as she got into the driver's seat.
She said something back before closing the car door and driving away, leaving Dean standing alone.
Cas doesn’t get the chance to respond as the woman calls Emma over. After giving her a hug Dean comes over to Cas.
He still wore his superhero suit though a large leather jacket had been pulled over top. Despite the jacket, his cheeks and nose had grown pink from the cold, evident against his pale skin.
“You didn’t have to wait for her,” Dean said as a cold breeze blew past. He stuffed his hands into his coat pockets and Cas pulled his own coat closer as if that alone would stop the chill.
“It wasn’t an inconvenience,” Cas replied, “either way I have to wait for the bus.”
“The one that just drove past?”
Cas squinted, “maybe.”
“Okay, get your ass up,” Dean said, “I’m driving you home.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“Come on man, it’s the least I can do.”
Cas wanted to make another argument, it would only be another ten minutes until the next bus came, but he knew Charlie would be furious at him if she found out that he’d turned Dean down. Besides that, he wanted the opportunity to talk to Dean. They’re conversations had rarely been longer than a few minutes, and often revolved around whatever movie Dean was about to see that Cas definitely hadn’t seen. This may have been Cas’s only chance.
Without another argument, Cas let Dean lead him to a slick black car parked on the other side of the road. It held an old smell, from years of being driven, though the interior itself was well cared for and didn’t show its age. Cas told Dean the address to his dorm room, and after Dean put it into his phone he pulled away from the curve, the soft sound of rock music filling the car.
Dean lips stayed pressed in a tight line as he drove, his eyes stuck on the road. Despite that the rest of his posture was relaxed, one hand on the steering wheel as he leant back into the seat.
They took a left turn and Cas adjusted his seatbelt. “Your girlfriend is pretty,” he said as Dean then took a right turn. Even without Charlie there to clarify Cas was certain that didn’t count as flirting, but the silence had dragged on for too long and he wasn’t sure what else to ask.
“Ex girlfriend” Dean said, eyes still on the road. “Sorry you had to deal with that shit. She wants to take Emma on some road trip to Canada with her new boyfriend, but it overlaps with my week so I’m being a dick about it.”
“You don’t have to apologize,” Cas replied, “relationships are complicated.”
A smile tugged at Dean’s lips. “Yah, the last three years of ourswas a shit show,” Dean explained, “we should’ve broken up a lot earlier then we did but we had Emma when we were young and I guess we wanted to prove that we weren’t teenage fuck ups.” He tapped his fingers against the steering wheel, inhaling slowly before he spoke again.c“There’s just too much bad blood now for either of us to be civil.”
“Like Taylor Swift.”
Dean laughed, “yah, like Taylor Swift.”
“I think you were successful in not being a ‘teenage fuck up’,” Cas said, making air quotes as he said ‘teenage fuck up.’ “Emma is very nice.”
“Isn't she?” Dean said, a smile spreading across his face. He seemed to glow as he talked about the ballet classes she was starting and the nights they’d spent practicing together. Cas wasn’t sure what an élevés and coupes was, but he could imagine Dean stood in his living room helping Emma perfect the careful movements. The same smile would spread across his face as he cheered her on, proud of her whether she could do it or not.
“You don’t want to hear about this,” Dean apologized. “You’ve gotta start talking.”
“I like to hear about it,” Cas said, and it wasn’t a lie. He’d listen to the other talk about anything if it meant Cas got to see his smile.
Dean shook his head, “nah man- it’s your turn,” he said, “what’re you studying at school?”
“It really isn’t interesting.”
“Hey, I wasn’t interesting either.”
Cas sighed, “I’m doing a major in history with a minor in religious studies.”
“What do you do with that?”
“Not much, but I would like to become a professor.”
“Shit,” Dean said as he pulled up to the entrance of Cas’s dorms, “smart and good looking.”
Cas turned away, hoping the warmth in his cheeks wasn’t visible. “Thank you for the ride,he s said as he pushed open the passenger door. He didn’t want the night to end. He wanted to spend hours driving around listening to Dean talk about Emma, and his job, and the movie, as if the rest of the world didn’t exist. At minimum he wanted to see that smile one last time.
“Anytime,” Dean said, “have a good night.”
Cas got out of the car though hesitated when he went to close the door, Dean’s gaze still on him. He looked beautiful under the moonlight, shadows casted across his face, though he always looked beautiful.
A breeze came and Cas pulled his coat closer to his body. He hoped Emma was right.
“I have my last final tomorrow morning,” Cas stated holding Dean’s gaze, “would you like to get coffee afterwards.”
Drawn smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling, “hell yah. I’ll pick you up at 1:00?”
“That will work,” Cas replied. “Goodbye Dean.”
“See yah Cas.”
His heart continued to hammer in his chest as he closed the car door and turned away, the sound of the car’s engine slowly growing more distant. Tomorrow it will be back, parked in the same spot with Dean in the driver's seat. Maybe Cas did get movie endings.
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jimmyandthegiraffes · 6 months
I am not going to lie folks. I am at the end of my ROPE I’m going to SNAP
#this is once again abt dumb stuff lol#I hate walking the dogs bc one of them is bad at being on a leash#and the other insists on eating everything she can get hold of#and then it’s muddy and someone shut off one of the public footpaths#which is probably not legal lol but I cba to chase it up#and both dogs bark IMPOSSIBLY loudly when it’s walk time#and they’re neither of them my dogs so there’s the added annoyance of the fact that. it wasn’t my responsibility to train them#and I knowwww when I get a dog two things I’m gonna focus on are making sure they’re calm. and leash training lol#I am not getting dragged around by a dog once I have my own it simply will not happen#and I will not be barked at.#also one of them slipped the leash at the start of the walk and she likes to try and hurl herself under cars so I was understandably worrie#I think I kept it together v well at that moment tho and she did come back when I called her#but it was nerve wracking#and then the other one kept trying to eat some prawns someone had dropped and like#I get it. overwhelming temptation. but I was busy trying to stop the other one jumping under a bus#and then when they get back in they just bark and bark and bark#so I’ve locked myself upstairs for a few minutes because like#it’s not their fault#they’re sweethearts#and it’s not fair if I get angry at them for shit like this they’re just. being dogs#so I’m taking some Calm Down Time lol#one of them is barking and howling because I’m not giving her attention right this minute#but well. tough shit lol aunty j is cross so aunty j is taking time out#uncle Freddie#all my friends better have kids so i can be uncle Freddie#looking forward to being a parent so my kids can call me pop pop or some shit#that’s a tangent. my rage at two dogs for being high maintenance is not a good lookout for my future parenthood lol#but at least I’m recognising that I need a minute so I don’t get angry#ok I’m done yelling now
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tacticalprincess · 3 months
does the queen do fluff :(
fluffy aftercare w könig!! after he kinda gets lost in a haze after accidentally destroying his cute (post virgin) gf and now she's sore and clingy and in pain!!! :(((
love u and your silly little stories mwaah xoxo
was just thinking about how i wish i got more fluff requests…
he’s new to the whole being gentle thing. he thought it was completely against his nature, given his background, but it came ridiculously easy with you. he treated you like you were made of glass before this, as if you’d shatter if he touched you too hard or held you for too long, so he didn’t expect himself to step outside of his head like he did. the only thought in his mind was how good you felt wrapped around him, to the point where he neglected to be the tender, considerate boyfriend you’ve made of him.
he panics a little at first, seeing you completely ruined at his hands. the guilt eats him up on the inside — he wanted to your first time to be handled with extra care… but he’s still so sweet about it :( cleaning you up gingerly and making you drink some of the gross electrolyte water he keeps near his bed… pressing kisses to the indents of his fingers on your hips and other various marks from where he forgot his strength. then he’s holding you to his chest, his hands soothing down the length of your spine as he tells you how good you felt, how much he loves you, kissing your tears away. he’ll want to know how you felt about it, and he goes red when you tell him you enjoyed how rough he was. he might’ve lost himself a little, but now he’s back to being completely at your disposal, making sure you’re well taken care of.
aftercare with könig doesn’t end and begin right after the sex, though, he’ll want to do everything for you the rest of the night (and morning if you let him) no matter how much you insist you can fend for yourself. he draws you a bath and carries you to it when he notices the slight limp in your step, washing your smooth skin and pressing kisses to your forehead. putting you in one of his big shirts and letting you sit on the counter whilst he makes you dinner, swatting your attempts at help away <3 you were so good for him, you deserve to be pampered.
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waldau · 14 days
how they take care of you — seventeen | 2,531 words | hurt/comfort, fluff
i didn't know i liked writing ot13 this much!
gender neutral reader. warnings: reader is stressed out/tired/scared/ill/sad? y'know, the usual spectrum of negative human emotions?
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gets so concerned when he hears a hitch in your voice when you greet him that he drops whatever he’s doing and rushes to you. doesn’t matter if he’s on a call or if he’s doing some important paperwork, he’s all yours now.
gives you a big, comforting hug that tries to shield you from everything but him. kisses your head to try and ground you.
doesn’t make you talk if you don’t want to, but he insists that you don’t keep it in for too long because it’s only going to hurt you in the end. lasts only for a while before asking if there's someone that needs some talking to for making you feel this sad.
tries to do anything in his power to see you smile, even if it's momentary. shows you a funny picture of his favourite child (mingyu) to cheer you up. asks if you feel okay enough to walk kkuma with him, because she needs some time with her other favourite person (you).
“you know i love you, right? that's never changing.”
is proud to be the person that becomes your comfort when something doesn’t go right, or when you’ve had a bad day.
immediately bottles up any jokes he’s about to make and wipes away your tears, stops only when you bat his hands away. even if he doesn’t want to let go of you, he respects your boundaries.
when you're feeling a bit better, he pulls you down into the sofa and cuddles with you, and is content whether you choose to tell him what’s on your mind, or if you want to be silent and fiddle with his shirt instead.
kisses your forehead and looks into your eyes when he promises you that it’s just one bad day, and that he’s always here for all the others. links pinkies with you because he knows how much it means to you, even if it may seem childish.
will resort to tickling you to make the last traces of your sadness vanish, and asks if there’s anything else he can do to make you smile.
comes to pick you up from work because he has a free day, and realizes something’s wrong the moment you greet him hello without even looking at his face for more than two seconds.
doesn’t make a big deal out of it, though. takes your stuff from you and greets you softly. opens the door for you and buckles your seat belt. asks you if it’s okay that he’s not taking you home first, because there’s some place else he wants to take you.
dismisses any concerns you have about not looking “good enough” to go out, because you look absolutely gorgeous at any time of the day, and he’d never lie about something like this to you. lets you choose whatever music you want as he weaves through the traffic on the streets, telling you about his day.
parks the car and gets out to hold your hand in his as he guides you over to the many stalls, asking you to pick whatever you want to eat. sits next to you on one of the benches overlooking the river, your legs swinging as you lean into his side and enjoy your meal. is glad he could take care of you like this because you needed it.
“trust me when i say whatever happened is not your fault, okay, sweetheart?”
is more confident in his actions than his words, because he can immediately notice the little changes in your behaviour: your tired smile, and the way you’re kind of curled in on yourself, as if trying to take up less space.
gives you a long hug with lots of cheek kisses and pulls you into the kitchen to show you what he’s working on: a dish that coincidentally happens to be your comfort food. it’s your favourite, especially when jun makes it in his own style.
this six foot man becomes small as he tries to do anything to make you smile. hates that you’re even feeling this way. throws random pickup lines at you to see which one gets you to crack and slap his arm and tell him to stop (he won’t, because he loves you too much).
offers to feed you dinner once it’s ready and makes random airplane noises that bring out a giggle from you. watches as you eat slowly and is glad when he sees your bowl is empty. doesn’t resist your offer of feeding him dinner once you’re done.
hides under the blankets with you and watches cat videos till your eyes shut from exhaustion and his arm hurts from holding up the phone from so long. cuddles with you and doesn’t let go even when you halfheartedly complain about how warm it is.
becomes so gentle that it pulls you out of your dullness a bit, makes you wonder where your usually hyperactive boyfriend is.
doesn’t baby you because he knows you don’t like it, but he makes sure you get everything you need. calls his mother to ask her the exact recipe for this soup she used to feed him when he used to get ill. stays by your side even when you have a raging fever and you’re worried he’s going to catch it if he kisses your cheek one more time.
doesn’t complain even once when you wake him up because of how uncomfortable you’re feeling. what else is he there for, if he can’t take care of the person he loves the most? wraps himself along with you in your blanket even if it’s hot enough that he can just melt.
is your hype man when you finally get better enough to start moving around the house by yourself. watches you with the biggest smile on his face that he will not tamp down when he sees you eating the soup he made, and almost cries with joy when you ask him for a second serving.
doesn’t blame you one bit when he catches the same bug a week later, because you’re there to take care of him through it, and because he loves you too much for it to be an issue.
gently pulls you into his chest the moment he sees your tear-streaked cheeks, and rests his head on yours. doesn’t ask you what’s wrong because he feels it’s more important to make you feel better.
doesn’t care that your tears are leaving behind a spot on his shirt, and shushes you for even pointing it out. in fact he wants you to do that so that you can run out of tears and he can take care of you properly.
gives you his hoodie to wear because it’s oversized on you, and he loves seeing you in it just as much as you love wearing it.
makes you wrap your arms around his waist from behind and cling onto him while he goes about the house finishing his share of chores. does yours without asking if he senses you’re too drained out to do them.
absolutely needs you by his side regardless of what he’s doing, whether it’s playing a game or brushing his teeth. offers to read you a book if you’re having trouble falling asleep. tells you he loves you in the lowest voice possible when he sees you finally asleep against his chest, breathing evened out.
might not very verbal, but when it comes to you, he knows exactly what to do to make things better.
knows you’re in his studio when the door shuts, but you don’t greet him. decides to finish some edits on the song he’s working on before he turns to you, only to find you lying on the sofa facing away from him.
genuinely sad to hear you had a bad day. he got through today only because of all the encouraging texts you sent him. decides the least he can do is return the favour.
wraps you in your favourite blanket that he always keeps at the studio for when you visit. holds your hand regardless of whether you want to talk or not. offers to order food to the studio so that he can make sure you’re not hungry.
very thankful that you came to him because you were feeling down, and he very much wants to call it a day and take you home so that he can cuddle with you and make your day just a bit better.
his mood almost always mirrors yours, so when he sees you so exhausted and down, his heart genuinely hurts.
not a confrontational person, but he’s willing to fight whatever made you sad, even if it was a table you stubbed your toe on. happy that it brings a smile to your face even if he didn’t actually fight anything.
have you seen his arms? wraps them around you till you push him off with a bit of a smile on your face. he then decides he wants to use them to bake something for you. you’re the better baker between the two of you and since he’s got loads of time today, he decides he wants to learn something that he can make the next time you’re away and he doesn’t have to feel that lonely.
is your own personal jukebox. belts out whatever song you want, and does a mini infinite aju nice in the comfort of your kitchen, making you jump while the oven works, till you’re tired and actually smiling.
“it’ll be okay, i promise. i love you.”
hates that you had a nightmare but is thankful that he was sleeping right next to you when it happened.
the biggest cuddle bug you’ll ever see you in your life. when you wake him up with a shaky voice, he immediately blinks out of his sleep and holds you in his arms. he’ll hug you and keep hugging you till he can drain your sadness even just a little.
doesn’t matter how late it is; if you can’t go back to sleep, he’ll pull you to the kitchen and make his ramen just for you. makes you help him chop some ingredients and stir the broth so that you feel involved. keeps purposely bumping into you every time you cross paths and takes a kiss as payment.
finds some cheesy, slow music to dance to and gently pulls you all over the kitchen, twirling you and even bending you as the song ends. loves hearing your laugh when he pulls you back up.
“i hope you dream of me when you sleep again. i love you.”
words aren’t necessary when he can just take care of you the way you always deserve to be taken care of.
actually gets upset (a little) when you apologize for crying in front of him. who else will make you feel better when you’re down if not for him? makes you promise never to feel nervous to be emotional around him.
runs a bath for you and makes your favourite food. when you’re done with dinner and feeling a bit better, he takes you to bed and cuddles with you, wanting you to focus on his breathing so you can calm yourself. he whispers endearments into your ear. also makes sure you know how proud he is of you for getting through today.
would give you the entire world if he could, but when you tell him the only thing you want is him, he promises you he’s never going anywhere, no matter what happens.
“i’m so lucky to call myself yours, my love. always.”
he can never stand seeing his loved ones sad, so when he sees you, he needs to find a way to make your smile get back to your face.
sees your lips wobble when you say hello to him, and he eventually coaxes the issue out of you: your friends had ditched a get-together you’d been planning at the last minute, and they didn’t even have the decency to apologize for it. he feels extremely angry on your behalf and is ready to curse. doesn’t do it only because it won’t help you.
thinks about what he can do to make you happy. asks if he can take you out on a drive tonight so you can watch the stars with him. when you regretfully decline the offer, he asks if you want to create a blanket fort and watch movies or go to sleep.
it’s not long before he’s constructing a blanket fort for the first time in his life thanks to some youtube tutorials. he’s upset when it collapses right in the middle of constructing it, but he realizes he’d build it a hundred times more if it meant you’d laugh the way you just did.
sets up snacks and your favourite drinks after a while. keeps apologizing to you on behalf of your so-called friends till you tell him to stop. promises that he’s always going to be with you, and that you don’t have to be sad when you’re with him. falls asleep with you in his arms, and a smile on your face, snacks and movies forgotten.
feels bad the moment he sees you try to mask the sadness on your face with a smile.
better with actions than words, so he kisses your forehead and trails you around the house while you try to relax from the day you had. if you’re really sad, he lets you just rest your head against his collarbone and breathe till you feel better.
“you’ve got this, and you’ve got me, okay? i’m right here.”
has a bunch of handmade coupons for whenever you feel sad. each coupon has the same four options: eat, talk, watch a movie, sleep. does whatever you choose, whether it’s only one or all four.
another one who has no problem with prolonged eye contact. he looks at you till you understand that he loves you more than he can say and that he’s always there for you when you feel like this.
always used to being babied by his older brothers, so he feels happy to get a chance to take care of you. just doesn’t like the fact that you’re sad, because you deserve to be anything but.
very transparent with his affection for you. he whispers “i love you” into your hair when you ask him for a hug, shouts it across the living room when you come out to get some water, and holds your hand under the table during dinner even if it’s inconvenient.
if you’re really down, and don’t feel like talking, he bundles you into a blanket and puts you on the sofa and sits close to you, so that you have your space but he’s close enough if you need him.
sits with you while you work and watches intently even if he doesn’t understand much of what you’re doing. ready to go to the store and get you anything you’re craving, regardless of how late it is.
“i love looking after you, okay? don’t ever feel bad about telling me what’s troubling you.”
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taglist: @bookyeom @wootify @strnsvt @cloudycaramel @thepoopdokyeomtouched
@minnieminshi @nonononranghaee @hrts4hanniehae @viewvuu @bewoyewo
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walpu · 2 months
Happy birthday Aventurine
...in which he finds himself enjoying his birthday for the first time after he lost everything
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notes - gn!reader, was written with a stellaron hunter!reader in mind but it's not specified just know you're considered a criminal in this one, pre-canon, unestablished relationship with a flavor of pining, angs, hurt/comfort, no beta
Love my birthday boy
He doesn't celebrate his birthdays. Not since the day he lost everything. How can he celebrate the joy of his birth if on this day all the joy was taken away from him?
Born on the blessed day, he's Mother Goddess's beloved child. But why did she abandon her people then? Why it had to happen on the day they were celebrating her, on the day they were supposed to be saved? How can he see himself as something other than cursed, how can he see the day as something other than tragedy?
Anyhow, even if he would want to celebrate, for the first years after the massacre he didn't even have the opportunity to do so. And if he could, he would rather mourn his people, his family. But no, he can only focus on his survival, trying to fulfill the promise he gave to his sister.
Now, standing in the lonely hotel room, he can only smile bitterly at the sight of beautifully decorated cake Jade has send him. How ironic, wasn't she the one who told him to forget his name and his past? Perhaps she simply doesn't look at this the same way he does. "You can't change what happened but you can celebrate that you're still here", she would probably say. He envies her ability to brush off sentiments, really.
Now, when he is no longer Kakavasha but Aventurine of the Ten Stonehearts, he was deliberately choosing to ignore this day. It has nothing to do with his new self.
He may still hold onto his mother's necklace, his father's shirt, the promise he gave to his big sis. But this day? He doesn't need it. He doesn't need another reminder of the moment he lost everything.
That's what he tells himself, ignoring the pain in his chest, trying to bury himself in the work, running away on a mission he insisted on taking, even if was supposed to be his day off.
Still, he gets the cake. This stupid reminder of the worst day in his life.
It honestly feels like a joke. He doesn't even have anyone to eat this with!
He knows Jade didn't try to mock him, she's pragmatic, not crue. But aeons, it does feel like mockery still.
So he sits with this stupid cake in front of him, not really knowing if he should just throw it away. Somehow it feels... wrong. Wasteful. He knows how stupid that thought is, both him and Jade are rich enough to buy thouthands of those cakes. Yet he can't help but remember how his mom and sister would go out of their ways to give him something nice for his birthdays, something that could be considered a treat, a gift. Now he can have everything he wants but... they won't be there to share it with him.
No one is there to share it with him.
... at least he thinks so. Up until the moment the window opens from the outside (eighteenth floor, mind you) and a very familiar figure jumps in.
He really can't help but smile. Not only out of habit but because your ability to sneak in anywhere you want is truly amusing.
"Oh, what I see? A wanted criminal breaking into the room of one of the IPC's most noticeable employees? Don't you afride of being caught, my dear? Or you've finally decided to end our partnership and get rid of me?"
He can't help but chuckle at your unimpressed gaze. Yes, he has told this joke more than once already. But it's not his fault it always make you roll your eyes in a funny way.
But he really is curious what brought you here. Showing up like that is very risky, for both of you. Something serious must have happened if you decided to visit him out of the blue.
... that's what he thinks until you pull out a small gift box from your pocket, throwing it his way.
"A little birdie told me today it's your birthday. I don't usually participate in the whole gift giving tradition. Nor do I celebrate something myself. But those things reminded me of you and I was nearby anyway" you say with a cheeky smile.
He doesn't even know how to react, honestly. His hands just automatically unwrap the box and... oh. It's a set of earrings. A very pretty set of earrings.
"They reminded me of peacock tails" you say, barely holding back a chuckle.
"How original you are. I'm a birthday boy, you should be nicer, you know!" he acts like it's just a small joke between you two but his voice is weaker than usual and his hands are a bit shaky. He doesn't want to overthink it, he really shouldn't do it, it's just a small gift, a joke.
You thought of him. You know his taste well enough. I came to find him. You're here with him.
He almost panics when you say your goodbyes and turn to leave (through the window again. He'll never know how you do it).
"Hey, hey, no need to hurry. Let me be a good host for my friend" he says with his signature smile (he always feels like you see right through it) while his hand is clenched behind his back (he feels like you see through this too).
Please don't leave.
When you sigh and turn back to face him, he suddenly feels relieved that Jade send him the cake. The thought of sharing it with a wanted criminal who caused nothing but headaches to the IPC is somewhat amusing.
"How about we visit a nearby casino after this, hm? I promise you won't lose with me by your side"
If he can have you by his side, mayve he'll have at least one memory of this day untainted by pain and grief.
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lucysarah-c · 13 days
“Then Lauren said—”
“Stop eating my carrots!” Levi slapped her hand away from the bowl.
“Ouch!” she exclaimed, pouting at him as she remained seated on the countertop. She caressed her hand, but the pain wasn't real. “Why?” she complained, playfully pretending to be hurt.
“Because I’m trying to make myself dinner,” he replied, continuing to slice up the vegetables. He momentarily pointed with his knife toward the boiling stew on the stove. “And when I asked if you were hungry, you said no,” Levi added, pushing the chopped vegetables into the bowl.
His stern gaze was quick to return when she grabbed another carrot slice. “I’m not hungry,” she insisted with her mouth full.
Levi maintained his stoic expression, one hand resting on his hip. “Is this going to be one of those times where I ask if you want something to eat, you say you’re not hungry, and then you end up eating half of my meal?”
There was a brief, intense silence until she swallowed her food and replied, “I never do that.”
Levi simply sighed and bent to pick up an extra batch of ingredients.
“Where’s your squad?” Y/N asked as she swung her legs on the countertop. Levi kept cooking, both of them enveloped in the dim light of the almost deserted kitchen.
“No idea,” Levi replied quickly. “Until tomorrow’s morning practice at 6, they’re not my responsibility.”
His girlfriend chuckled. “I bet they’re getting drunk downtown.”
“Good for them. As long as they don’t break anything that belongs to me and they’re on time tomorrow, they can get as shit-faced as they please.”
“What if they break something in the barracks?” she insisted playfully.
“Those budget issues are Erwin’s problems,” Levi said.
She laughed softly, her laughter echoing in the empty, massive room meant to hold many more soldiers than just the two of them. “I went downtown. I met up with friends from other divisions, had lunch, went shopping, had tea, saw a theater presentation, and then had dinner. What did you do all day?”
“I did a deep cleaning of our chambers,” Levi replied, a hint of resentment in his voice. “Something you were obviously not going to do. I did laundry, cleaned everything—even the clothes I was wearing. So, I lounged in my boxers in my desk chair, catching up with a book and drinking tea. When it got dark, I turned on a light, swapped the tea for whiskey, and kept reading. I spent my free day reading, having zero human interactions, and not dealing with anyone’s shitty problems. Best free day I’ve had in months.”
“Does that mean you’re done with your tasks for the day?” she asked playfully, giving him a sly look despite him being engrossed in his cooking.
Levi quickly replied, “Don’t worry, I still have plenty of time to do you, girly.” The words didn’t match his uninterested tone and expression.
But it made her chuckle anyway, mostly out of embarrassment. She softly hit his arm and complained, “Levi! A cadet might hear you.”
A subtle smirk appeared on his face, but not much more. There was a brief, comfortable silence as he put the ingredients into the boiling water and stirred them around.
“You know, I want your opinion about something Juliet told me. So I want you to be honest, be yourself,” Y/N commented. Levi simply hummed in agreement, his eyes fixed on his upcoming dinner. “But be nice,” she warned him.
Levi stopped stirring his meal, looked up at her, and said, “I can’t be both.”
She rolled her eyes. “Fine, whatever. She’s dating a new guy… and I don’t think he’s good for her.”
“Like the last ten guys,” he interrupted her, “in the last eight months?”
Levi wasn’t a social person, but he was certainly up to date with his girlfriend’s gossip.
“Hey! Are you slut-shaming my friend?”
“No, your friend can sleep with the entire male population of the walls if she pleases,” Levi said casually as he moved around the kitchen. “But she has this tendency to think each one is the love of her life, and they last two weeks.”
Y/N couldn’t deny it. She sighed loudly. “She’s… a hopeless romantic.”
“Daddy issues.”
She snorted and then chuckled. “Hey! She’s my friend!” Y/N tried to defend her, but there was no conviction in her words. “…She used to have a crush on Erwin, remember?”
“Exactly. Having a crush on Erwin is the definition of daddy issues,” Levi said with a playful smile as his girlfriend burst into laughter. “Am I wrong?”
“No, no.”
Returning to stirring before heading back to the kitchen board to cut the potatoes, Levi asked, “So?”
“Oh yes,” Y/N caught herself and continued, “Well… she’s seeing this new guy. He’s in his mid-thirties, and the way she described him made me realize he’s a fuckboy and—”
“A fuckboy?” Levi quickly snapped, looking at his girlfriend, who simply hummed back, not understanding his reaction. “God,” Levi raised his hand to press on the bridge of his nose and slightly shook his head. “Your friend really has a radar for choosing the worst dudes out there.”
“I haven’t even said anything yet!” she complained. “Let me finish!”
“There’s nothing to finish,” he said. “A fuckboy, for fuck’s sake,” Levi repeated under his breath, almost cursing at the idea.
“What’s wrong with it?”
“A fuckboy, Y/N, really?” He repeated, louder this time, as if trying to make her see reason. Not sensing her understanding, he sighed loudly. “I was a fuckboy when I was 18, maybe even into my mid 20s. Yeah, maybe I fought the MPs in the underground, smoked around, got drunk, had a bunch of casual sex, and got high with Farlan. But I was 18!”
“What does that have to do with any of this—”
Levi quickly interrupted, “18! You can be a fuckboy at 18, maybe until your mid-20s,” he said. “You can’t be a shitty fuckboy in your mid-thirties! That’s not a fuckboy, that’s an unstable, immature, stupid dude,” Levi explained as his girlfriend burst into laughter, with him continuing to curse under his breath. “At this rate, he’s having a fucking midlife crisis, not being a fuckboy.”
Her girlfriend kept laughing, and he looked at her from the corner of his eye. "So. What is the fucking issue? Don't tell me your shitty friend got knocked up by that idiot."
Y/N kept laughing, tears running down her cheeks as she tried to calm down. “No,” she whispered out of breath between laughs, “it’s the opposite.”
Levi raised an eyebrow silently, questioning what she meant.
“He couldn’t get it up.”
It was Levi’s turn to chuckle. “Well… you definitely can’t be a fuckboy if you can’t get it hard… that’s for sure.”
Link to my masterlist and my other works if you feel like checking them out. Tags!: @nube55 @justkon @notgoodforlife @nmlkys @humanitys-strongest-bamf @quillinhand @thoreeo @darkstarlight82 @angelofthorr @aomi04 @levisbrat25 @l3visthighs @hum4n-wr3ckag3 @hannieslovebot @starrylevi @rithty @mariaace @ackrmntea @emilyyyy-08 @levisfavoriteteashop @katestrophes @levistealeaf @an-ever-angry-bi @youre-ackermine @fxnnyackerman @secretmoneybearvoid @trashblackrainbow @flxrartsstuff @katharinasdiaryy @levisecretgfblog @searriously @blackdxggr @ackermanswifee @galactict3a @abiatackerman @braunsbabe @moonchild-12345 Wanna join my tag list? Here!
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blixssily · 10 months
"love you to the moon and to saturn"
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| how they love you in their own special ways
| gepard landau x reader, dan heng x reader, blade x reader, kafka x reader, jing yuan x reader, luocha x reader
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˓ ꒱ notes and disclaimers: reader and character are in an established relationship, reader is gender neutral. not proofread!!!
˓ ꒱ authors notes: im trying to write as much as i can here so that my account doesn't go stale if you know what i mean. these are kinda short so i apologise if you were expecting the scenarios to be longer :(
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gepard landau ( 杰帕德 ) *◞
no matter how early he'd have to wake up for work, you'd always wake up to a freshly made breakfast. either on a plate on the dining table or in a lunch box with a little note stuck on it.
"sorry for having to leave so early, i made you this. remember to eat lunch while i'm gone. i love you." with a small, albeit rushed heart at the bottom of the note. if he has enough time he'll even make a smoothie for you!! using some of the fruits you two bought together while grocery shopping. he's always a little self conscious of his cooking so please be sure to let him know how good his cooking is!!
whenever he comes home late, he makes sure to greet you with a soft kiss before removing his armor, he'll always see you as his first priority even if he doesn't know how to say it, you can tell through his actions.
dan heng ( 丹恒 ) *◞
he pats your head whenever he's proud of you. he often doesn't know how to verbalise his emotions towards you, often overthinking about how you'll react to them. so he resorts to patting you on the head to tell you that you've done a good job and that he's proud of you.
his hand was slightly shaking as he reaches for your head, lightly carding his fingers through your hair. you look up at him to ask what's wrong but the faint blush on his cheeks tells you everything.
you turn around to fully face him to give him a kiss on his lips, the hand on your head slightly pushes you closer towards him. it's moments like these that his beyond thankful he's been able to find someone who understands him.
blade ( 刃 ) *◞
he patches you up whenever you get injured after missions. he doesn't trust anyone else to bandage you properly so he does it himself. he's uncharacteristically gentle with his hands, making sure to not wrap the bandages too tightly on your wounds.
few words need to be exchanged between you two but you know he cares deeply about you when the first thing he says to you when you come back from a mission is "come with me." as he gently takes hold of your wrist.
when he's all done with patching you up he takes a second to look at you before gently kissing your forehead. "stop being so careless, i don't like seeing you get hurt." he sighs as he pulls away.
kafka ( 卡芙卡 ) *◞
she kisses you before every mission. she keeps it a surprise every time too, kissing you on the cheek, forehead, the tip of your nose or your lips. it's her own way of saying "come back to me soon." with her gentle kisses. finding your expression adorable every time she decides to mix it up and surprise you.
she doesn't say anything as she hooks a finger under your chin, lips dangerously close to yours. her other arm snakes around your waist, pulling you closer to her as she places a gentle kiss to your lips. she pulls away with a smile, chuckling at your flustered state as she sends you off.
jing yuan ( 景元 ) *◞
he lets you rest your head on his shoulder as he works, sometimes humming along with the soft melodies that's playing on the record player. he always insists on you choosing the song for the day, even if he doesn't know the song, he's happy that you like it.
his fingers are carded through your hair, every now and then giving the top of your head a little scratch or a mini massage. when he gets tired of constantly having to focus and write out reports, he puts his pen down and leans his head on yours. the hand that was once holding the pen is now wrapped around your waist.
he nuzzles his head into your hair, just in time for his afternoon nap.
luocha ( 罗刹 ) *◞
he always manages to find the perfect little nick nacks for you, ranging from little pendants to jewellery. every piece of jewellery is tailored to fit your skin color. you always insist that it's too much and that you don't need him to keep bringing these to you but he does it anyways
he finds the smile on your face when he brings you something to be so adorable. the slight blush that dusts your cheeks adds to that factor too. if he brought you some rings to try on he'll personally slip them onto your fingers, kissing your hand when he's done.
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notes and reblogs are heavily appreciated !!
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alessiasfreckles · 4 months
"you need to know that i have grown to care for you. deeply." With Leah 👉🏽👈🏽
heart-shaped pizza - leah williamson x reader
you and leah had been seeing each other for a few months. it was casual, you hadn't made things official yet. the two of you had met at a coffee shop - she had bumped into you and knocked your drink to the ground. apologetic, she insisted on buying you another and the two of you got to talking. one thing led to another, and after you realised you'd been sat there talking for close to two hours, you had exchanged contact details.
the first time you met up after that was at a park. you walked around for a few hours, talking about everything and anything. the next time was at another coffee shop, and when you teased her about whether she was going to knock over your drink again, she blushed. the third time, you went to a bookshop you loved and picked out books for each other. the fourth time, you went to another coffee shop, but that time you when you said goodbye afterwards, she hugged you a little tighter, a little longer than before, and pressed a kiss to your cheek before she left.
this time, she invited you over to hers to watch a film. she tried making popcorn, apologising when it ended up a burnt mess, and you giggled as you helped her open all the windows in her kitchen, trying to clear out the smoke.
"i told you i can't cook," she smiled sheepishly.
"i'm not sure microwave popcorn counts as cooking," you teased.
"hey! if it includes food going from one state to another, it's cooking, okay?" she insisted, grinning. "i'll order a pizza, that sound okay?"
the two of you had settled on her sofa, film on tv, when the doorbell rang. leah went to get it, returning with a pizza box and a bouquet.
you raised your eyebrows at the flowers. "who are those from?" you asked, and she blushed.
"me," she said. "they're for you."
"for me?" you asked, feeling heat rise to your cheeks, and she nodded. "leah, they're beautiful, thank you."
"pretty flowers for a pretty girl," she winked, her confidence back at your positive reaction. she put the pizza box down and turned to go into the kitchen. "i'll just get some plates."
you opened the pizza box, ready for her to bring the plates through, only to find that the pizza was in the shape of a heart. you felt your heart skip a beat, and when leah walked back in she paused.
"did you do this?" you asked her, not wanting to get your hopes up.
"i mean, i didn't make the pizza or anything, but they had the option to make it heart-shaped, y'know, since valentine's day is coming up, and i thought you'd like it..." she trailed off, watching your face.
"that's so cute," you said, burying your face in your hands, trying to hide how much you were blushing and smiling.
you felt her hands on yours, prying your hands away from her face. she kept holding your hands as she looked at you, eyes bright.
"y/n, i... i need you to know that, over the past few months, i've... i care about you, so, so much. these past few months with you have been so amazing. y/n, i care about you so deeply, it's all i can think about most the time," she explained, words spilling out of her.
"just most?" you asked, teasing, trying to ignore how fast your heart was beating.
"well, i have to think about football sometimes," she grinned, and then bit her lip. "y/n, will you be my girlfriend?"
you nodded, delighted, and a smile lit up her face.
"okay, my beautiful girlfriend. let's eat this pizza before it gets cold."
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 months
Hello hello!! I was not expecting requests to be open again so fast, but i am DEVOURING your writing, so i shan't complain!
What about Dogday getting saved by a teenager who’s desensitized to the horrors of the factory? Like of course, they’re perturbed, but aside from initially seeing Dogday(because holy shit), the biggest reaction they’ll give is a cringe and a “eugh” or some other mild exclamation of “that’s fucked up.” Essentially just Dogday interacting with a kid who’s weirdly chill with the circumstances and tries to be silly sometimes despite the persisting horrors.
Thank you so much and have a wonderful day/night!!!
Awe thanks! Have a good day/night too!
"You..you're Poppy's angel..come to save us-"
"Eugh..what the hell happened to you?"
While back in the day, Dogday would've scolded you for using profane language...he finds it understandable considering you discovered him in his....erm..current condition.
The initial shock of seeing him would have anybody from outside the factory deeply disturbed.
But he's surprised that you're not fully freaked out and didn't run away.
Instead you manage to get him out of the Playhouse (while curbstomping a few little critters who tried crawling into his body along the way) and found a safe spot to rest.
Despite his insistence that you should leave him, you point out that he mentioned you saving him earlier.
"When you said "us", I thought that included you, too."
"I-I meant the others. The ones who can still walk..and still have a fighting chance. Look at me, kid. All I'm gonna do is weigh you down."
"....I mean, you are kinda heavy. But I've lifted worse with this grabpack. I got you."
He's confused by how oddly calm you are about everything.
If you were able to get down this far in the facility, you would've had to cross paths with Huggy, Mommy, Catnap, and Miss Delight at some point.
By all accounts, you definitely should've been traumatized at least from seeing all the bloody toys laying around.
Yet you're cool as a cucumber as you try your best to fix him (with assistance from Kissy, Ollie, and Poppy, of course, who are stunned you came out of the Playhouse alive)
Dogday remembers how scared the children were during the Hour of Joy, comforting them as he helped them flee the terror...so to be comforted by a kid now felt strange.
Yet your calm demeanor helps ground him whenever he starts to have a panic attack over Catnap finding him or if he feels like a critter or two is already inside of him, trying to take hold and eat whatever organs he had remaining (but it's just a sensation he feels from time to time).
You snap him out of it by asking rather silly questions.
"What if I stuck a flare in your mouth? Would that deter them?"
"...what? Um...I-I suppose that could work, but hopefully it's not a theory we have to test anytime soon.."
Even if Poppy decided to show you the Hour of Joy tape (which he had to look away from and tried persuading you to do the same), your only reaction is a slight grimace and a simple "damn wtf....you guys think any of those workers were running late or didn't go in that day?"
Dogday is shocked you'd joke at a time like this...but she knows you better and tells him you're just like That(tm).
You do care about them. You do wanna destroy the Prototype and save whoever you can along the way--including him.
It just may take some time for him to get used to your personality.
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runnning-outof-time · 4 months
For your celebration 🎉 can I please get …
“Look at me right now.” — with Tommy
Thanks for sending this in, Liv! I’m sorry it took me so long to write! I just had to go with Modern Tommy here for the Modern Tommy Queen….it’s nowhere near as amazing as when you write him, but I tried my best. I hope you like it! Enjoy! :)
Part of my 3.5k Celebration — find more stories here!
Any Ideas?
Modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Warnings: smoking, language, sexual situation (nothing too nsfw), possessive behavior
Word Count: 1256
Summary: Tommy’s had enough of other men looking at his girl. He decides he’s going to do something about it.
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“What is your problem?” (Y/N) asked as she walked out of the ensuite bathroom with a towel wrapped around her frame. Tommy was in the same place as she left him: sitting at her vanity smoking a cigarette. She could just tell that something was eating at him…but she knew that she had to be the one to bring it up; to coax it out of him.
“Hmm?” he merely hummed a response, his eyes catching hers through the mirror as he took another drag from his cigarette.
(Y/N) huffed in response to his half-assed answer. “Don’t ‘hmm’ me. I know something’s on your mind. Spill it,” she insisted, her eyebrows raised as she placed one hand on her hip. Tommy just chuckled at her stance. “You’ve been acting like this the entire night. What is it?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he nonchalantly answered, turning his one palm to the sky as he shrugged his shoulders.
“Oh but you do,” she countered, waiting for a moment to see if he’d add anything to his previous statement. He simply kept smoking. She let out a huff and made her way over to the walk in closet. “It was that guy at the event, wasn’t it? The one that kept looking over at us…at me. You didn’t like the fact that he was staring, and so you’ve decided to brood over it, right?” she went on as she was opening drawers, searching for something to wear to bed. Something he’ll be unable to resist, she thought to herself with a smirk. A quick glance out into the bedroom confirmed that he was still sitting at the vanity. Prick, she thought as she continued, “yeah, that’s exactly what it is. No one’s allowed to look at Tommy Shelby’s woman. No one except Tommy Shelby himself,” her voice dropped as she finished her statement, doing her best imitation of him.
Tommy had heard enough. He took one last drag from his cigarette before stamping it out in the ashtray he’d brought with him to the vanity. With a huff, he stood and made his way into the closet. (Y/N) had her back turned to him as she continued to look through her drawers.
“You’ve got it all figured out, eh?” he started, the tone of his voice immediately telling (Y/N) that she was correct in her guesses. “Think you know everything goin’ on in my mind?”
(Y/N) stopped what she was doing, standing up straight for a moment. She didn’t dare turn to face him though, not yet. Instead, she opened her top drawer and continued looking…even though said drawer housed her jeans and leggings.
“I’m talking to you,” Tommy was getting impatient now. It made (Y/N) grin.
“I’m looking for something to wear to bed,” she answered him, continuing her ‘search’.
“Oi,” he started, reaching out and taking hold of her arm, “look at me right now,” he practically demanded, spinning her to face him so that she’d have no choice. The sudden spin made her gasp, but she kept her countenance as her eyes locked onto his. She raised her eyebrows at him, so as if to say ‘what?’. He looked her over before continuing, “I’m not supposed to get upset when another man keeps eyeing me girl? Eh? I’m supposed to just let him stand there and do it?”
(Y/N) bit on her bottom lip, partly because of the tension that had risen between them and partly because she was right about his brooding. She reached out to take hold of the dress shirt that he was wearing, working on undoing its buttons. “So that was what was bothering you,” she commented, her eyes focused on his chest.
“It was,” Tommy husked.
“I’m surprised you didn’t do anything about it,” she continued.
“Wanted to punch his fuckin’ teeth in,” he admitted.
“I’m happy you didn’t,” she told him, finally looking up at him through her eyelashes, a hint of a smile present.
Tommy hummed in response, his tongue sweeping across his bottom lip before he spoke, “but maybe I oughta do something…something that shows people you’re mine.”
(Y/N) watched as his eyes hastily darkened, and her skin felt like it was on fire as his hands came in contact with her thighs.
“The ring isn’t enough?” she questioned, placing her hands flat against his chest for a moment. Her eyes went to her left hand, where the sizable engagement ring Tommy’d given her normally sat. She’d taken it off to shower, but sometimes she swore she was still able to feel its weight on her finger.
“No,” he responded, shaking his head. The breath got caught in her throat as he then began slowly dragging his fingertips upwards, pressing them into her skin as they slipped underneath her towel to rest against her ass. “It’s clearly not.”
“Well do you have something in mind?” she - surprisingly - found her voice and asked, her lips rising into a coy smirk as her fingers continued working on his buttons.
A smirk grew on Tommy’s face as he heard her question, and he held her gaze just long enough for her to see it before he dropped his face into the crook of her neck. The breath hitched in (Y/N)’s throat for a second time as he kissed a line up to her ear. “I was hoping you could think of something,” he mumbled against it before moving back down and continuing his ministrations. He kissed her sensitive skin a few times before nipping at it, the sudden change of feeling making her gasp. “Any ideas?” he asked her then, the smirk he was wearing evident against her skin.
(Y/N) couldn’t think straight anymore. She tipped her head back and let out a shaky breath as Tommy’s kisses trailed lower on her chest, meeting the skin just above where her towel was resting. His hands were roaming now, gliding over her ass and thighs, gripping at the skin with his fingers. Between his mouth and hands, she was sure there were marks by now. She managed to undo his final button amidst everything and let his shirt hang slack before she brought her fingers up to curl into the longer strands of hair atop his head.
“I have a few,” she finally found her voice and was able to answer his question, though her short statement came out as a quick breath.
Tommy hummed against her skin before his lips finally reached the spot that he knew drove her crazy. He made sure to kiss it lightly before pulling back. “Care to share them?” he asked, a wicked grin present.
(Y/N)’s eyes shot open the second his lips left her skin. Her eyes locked onto his as she sent him a deadpanned expression. He wasn’t about to build all of that up for nothing, was he? “I think you already know what they are,” she managed to get out just before his lips crashed against hers.
She wasted no time in anything else, hooking her legs around his waist the second he pressed his fingers into her skin and began to lift her up.
He spun, walking them out of the closet and over to the bed, where he dropped her down and made sure that there wouldn’t be a repeat of what happened earlier that evening. He needed the rest of the world to know that she was his.
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*tags in reblog so that hopefully they get sent out
**Got a little carried away for the last Tommy blurb of the celebration…oops
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hyunniesgirl · 7 months
Another Love | Part 2
Summary: you've been hopelessly in love with Han since you were children. One night you confess your feelings to him.
Words count: 5,302
Warnings: a bit of angst
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
>> Masterlist <<
A/N: hello!! I'm really happy about the feedback I got on the first part, I got sick and stressed because of work that's why it took me a bit long to post this part, I'll try and be faster for the next ones. Spoiler: things will get more interesting on the next part.
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Han couldn't sleep, couldn't eat or even function properly since the day you left, it was so strange not having you around. He wakes up, gets to work, the boys make him eat something, they practice, then they eat something again because they know he's going home to starve himself in his pit of misery, then he gets home, takes a shower and goes to sleep.
He's always anxious, too afraid of losing you, every time he looks at his phone he's scared that a message from you will come saying you don't want to be near him anymore, saying you are not coming back.
He really wishes he could like you back, why wouldn't he? You're pretty, smart and funny. But he just never thought about you in that way, he's not sure why. You were always just his best friend, the one person that encouraged him to do the crazy things he wanted, the one person that got his back when things didn't work out, the first one he told when he passed the audition to be a trainee.
When he saw you at the party he was happy to see you smiling with other people, he was usually the one making you laugh but it made him relieved to see you were okay even if it was not with him.
It hurt so much when you ran away from him, he was already feeling bad but that made everything worse. So he drank more and more until he wasn't feeling anything anymore.
He saw the guy you were hanging out with, he was with his friends and you were nowhere to be found and even though he knew you didn't want to talk to him he went after you.
He found you outside, seated on the floor probably getting some fresh air or waiting for Hannah.
When you saw him he wished he didn't go after you at all. Everything happened so fast that he almost didn't manage to hold you before you walked past him running away again.
Han just couldn't let you leave like that, he was that desperate. He wanted to make you stay no matter what and he hurt you once more.
Was he even a good friend at this point? How many times can you possibly hurt someone and still be called a friend? He felt like trash waking up in the morning and remembering everything.
Chan insisted on coming home with him, he was feeling too guilty and too tired to protest, so he let his friend crash on the sofa.
Since Chan was there, Jisung should have expected a full breakfast when he got to the kitchen. Eggs, bacon and toast were waiting for him, but he didn't feel like eating.
"I feel awful, do you think I should go there and apologize to her?" Han asks and Chan shakes his head.
"She needs time, that's all you can give her now"
Han sighs, his anxiety going through the ceiling. He's lost, not sure if it's possible for things to go back to the way it was.
He could tell how worried you got when you saw him at the party, he knows too well the face you make when you want to scold him for not taking care of himself. So he spent the next week trying to get back on his feet, he doesn't want you feeling bad, he wants you to think the least about him so you can get over him soon enough.
So much happened during this time you were not with him, they finished their album and were going to Japan in two weeks. He wanted to show you their music, their new concept, the outfits, you always loved to see the clothes they would wear. You probably already know all of this, since you're living with Seungmin but he wanted to be the one showing you so he could see you smile and feel your support.
The group had gone to Japan, that included Seungmin, so he asked Hannah to stay with you in his apartment while he was away. It's nice spending so much time with her, there is this boy in her communication class she is absolutely sure will match perfectly with you, even though you already told her you don't want to deceive anyone, the thing with Heeseung made you feel bad enough. You know she's insisting on it because she cares about you, but you don't want to start a new relationship already on the wrong foot.
"I'm sure he's great, but I won't be going out with other people until I feel like I'll be able to get over Jisung"
"And when is that?" She asks frustrated, "I know a lifelong crush won't go away in a month but don't you think you have to meet other people and open up?"
You sigh, you just don't want to hurt anyone during your process of healing.
"If I find someone I like, I'll go out with them, alright? But don't set me up with random people"
She huffs, nodding, that's better than nothing.
Since Han is away, you take the opportunity and go to your apartment. You need some books, you have been borrowing Hannah's in an attempt to avoid going there to pick up yours.
There's nothing different in the house, you don't know if you should feel glad or sad about that. Although your life is turned upside down, things are still the same. You are sure you just need a little more time, things will get better soon.
You know that, because it didn't hurt as much as you thought going back to your apartment, you expected it would be much worse. Maybe it's because he's not there? That could be it but you have hope that the overall pain is gone, that it's not going to be so bad when you see him again.
Of course, as Hannah said, a lifelong love won't go away in a month, nor in two or five months, you're not sure even a year is enough but you can't wait until then, he's still your best friend and you miss him like crazy.
You're going to come back home when you're sure you let go of these feelings. Yes, it's going to be hard being with him but it's harder to stay away from your best friend.
So when you feel like you're finally open to meet new people without comparing them to Jisung and not feel like you're tricking them, when you feel like you can like someone else without feeling guilty, that's when you'll know you are starting to get over Han.
You take some clothes out of your wardrobe and put them in the bag with your books. Hannah is coming to pick you up since Seungmin let you use his car while he's away.
"Are you moving, ma'am?" Hannah asks, seeing your huge bag.
"A girl needs to be prepared", you answer and she laughs.
"Do you want some coffee?", you hum in agreement while turning on the radio.
You feel like it's finally peaceful in your head.
It's been some time since you visited your family, your parents call you every week to check on you and Jisung but when the holidays come you two have to go back home.
That's how you ended up in the car with him, it's not a long trip since you're going just outside of Seoul but it's still awkward.
This is the first time you're seeing each other after the party. The whole trip it seems like Han wants to say something, but he doesn't, he keeps stealing glances at you, opening his mouth and then closing again like he just thought it better to stay in silence.
"For fucks sake, just say what you want to say", you tell him minutes before your arrival at your family’s home.
He flinches, looking at you with puppy eyes.
"I wanted to apologize, about the whole thing at the party", he clears his throat, fidgeting in his seat.
You stare at him for a few seconds. Even though it hurts, the whole situation is less painful then you thought it would be.
When you received the call from your parents telling you to come home with Han on the weekend you couldn't say no, you don't want them to know about all the drama and before you could make up some excuse about Han's schedule they told you he already had agreed to go.
You exchanged messages with him, setting up the time for him to pick you up at Seungmin's place and you dreaded every minute of every day thinking about the moment you would have to face Jisung again.
When you got into his car, you felt uncomfortable. You made some small talk and left at that, hoping he wouldn't keep trying to talk. It's been two months since you confessed, maybe your heart is already accepting the fact that you and your best friend are just that, friends.
Of course it still hurts, you're not sure how you're going to feel seeing him with a girlfriend, but you hope it'll only get easier from now on.
"It's okay", you say. "You were drunk, let's not think too much about it"
"But I hurt you, again", he sighs, looking at you with a frown on his face.
"Yeah, you did", you sigh, "but you're my best friend and you apologized, I'm not going to hold that against you"
He parks the car, but doesn't make any movement to get out. Jisung is staring at his hands, holding the wheel.
"You're too soft on me", he mumbles.
"I know", you smile sadly, "it's just how things are between us", you open your door urging him to get out. You already can imagine your mothers making a fuss about why you stayed so long inside the car instead of going inside.
Your parents come out while you're going through the gate, your mom has a bright smile on her face and is waiting to give you a hug. It's good to be in her embrace again, her warmth makes you feel like everything will be okay.
"You lost so much weight, aren't you taking care of her?" Han's mother scolds him while giving you a hug and feeling you out.
"It's my fault, school is just crazy right now", you tell her, hugging her back.
"Nonetheless, you should eat", she looks back at your mother, "let's double the side dishes we packed for them", and your mom nods, going back inside with her best friend.
You take a deep breath, receiving a sympathetic smile from Han before he goes into the house. It's going to be a long day.
The lunch is somewhat calm, other than the dozens of questions your families ask to you two. About college, about living by yourselves, about Han's trips, how you stay alone and how that's dangerous, they ask about everything like they don't talk to you every week.
"I forgot the ice cream", your father says, slapping the palm of his hand onto his forehead and you can already predict the scolding he's going to receive from your mother. So you jump on your feet, offering to go to the convenience store to buy some.
"Go with her", Han's father says and he nods.
You wish he didn't, it's suffocating being so close to your best friends while still uncertain of your circumstances, but if you say you don't want to, they are going to ask why and having to explain that is going to be worse than spending the day with Jisung.
You walk quietly, looking at the houses on the street. Everything is still the same, other than some renovations made to the old houses there's nothing new. The convenience store is a ten minute walk away from your house. It's good walking a bit after eating so much, the thing you miss the most about living with your parents is your mother's food.
"Which flavor?" Jisung asks while looking into the freezer.
"My mom likes strawberry and yours like chocolate, let's take both", he nods.
"Oh my god, y/n and Jisung?" You hear that damn voice you can't forget even after almost 10 years.
You put on your best smile and turn around slowly.
"Hi, Haneul", you say, poking Han with your elbow, he's still focused on choosing ice cream.
"Oh, hey", he nods at Haneul, closing the freezer.
She eyes you two up and down and smiles.
"Are you finally dating?" She squeals and you can tell she's just being mean.
"No", you answer before Jisung can even open his mouth, he glances at you with a frown.
"I'm sorry, y/n, it seems not every teenage crush works out", she pouts, smiling even more now that she got what she wanted.
You watch as she turns around, walking more deep into the store and you grab the ice creams from Han's hands, going to the cashier to pay for it.
Haneul hated you ever since Jisung dragged you to go on their date in middle school, it's not your fault but you always guessed she blamed you for things not working out with him.
You want to cry, not because you're sad but because you feel humiliated. It's so frustrating knowing that everyone has always known about your feelings for Han, it's even worse to think one day a lot of your school classmates are going to see his wedding pictures with you as the third wheel as always and think of how much of a loser you're.
"How did she know about that?" He asks when you get out of the store.
"I don't think I did a good job at hiding my feelings", you shrug.
Han stops on his tracks, you only realize that after giving a few steps and you look back to see him staring at you with a confused face.
"Was I the only one that didn't know?" He asks and you sigh, you're not really in the mood to have this conversation.
"Our parents probably don't know either", you say and he huffs.
"I'm not joking, y/n! Why didn't you ever tell me?"
"What difference would it make if you knew?" You yell, finally losing it. You can feel the tears brimming in your eyes, but you won't cry, you were finally feeling a bit better and you're not going to waste another tear on this one sided love.
"Things could have been different, I could have been more careful, I could have told you to-"
He stops mid sentence knowing he shouldn't finish the sentence, but it's already too late.
"Would you have told me to move on?" You scoff, looking around to avoid the tears. "It's not that easy Jisung, this is not the same love you felt in your relationships that lasted three months", you know you're just being mean now, but you can't control it, not with all the hurt you're feeling. "I've been in love with you for years, don't you think I was afraid of that? Of you telling me that years of me pining over you were worth nothing?"
You turn around, "tell our parents that I met someone from high school and I'll be back later", you don't give him time to say anything back before you walk away.
After a few minutes, you feel the tears running down your face. At least you avoided crying in front of him.
Why does it have to be so hard? Why can't you just forget about him already? This process is taking too long and too much of your energy.
You sit in the park, wiping your tears and looking at the children playing. Everything was easier when you were at that age, you had no worries other than if it would rain the day you would go play with your friends outside or which present to give your parents on their birthday.
You look at your phone, answering your messages, your mother sent you a text telling you to not stay out too late but you don't think you'll be able to go back and stay in the same room as Han right now.
"Y/n?" You hear a strangely familiar voice, you look up and see a handsome man walking towards you. You're sure you know his face, but you just can't remember who it is.
He sees your frown and laughs.
"Jeongho? From middle school", he tells you and your eyes widen.
"Oh my god, Jeongho! How are you?" You ask and he smiles, he grew up really well. He's much taller now but he's still as handsome.
"I'm doing well, what about you?" He asks, sitting by your side, "are you visiting your family?"
"I'm great", you smile and nod, "yeah, Jisung and I came to visit"
What are the odds of you meeting Haneul and Jeongho of all people right after you confessed to Han? The universe really must be playing with you.
"I heard that you are living in Japan", you continue.
"Yeah, I came here just for the holiday", he explains, "actually, I come by pretty often to Korea", he clears his throat, looking at you. "Are you and Jisung a thing now?" He asks and you smile painfully, why must you answer this question twice in a day?
"No, still just friends", you tell and he smiles.
He nods, mumbling 'ah'.
"And… by any chance are you single?" He asks and you nod, feeling embarrassed. "Well, that's good news for me", he says, receiving a confused look from you while handing you his phone, "mind giving me your number? I'd like to keep in contact with you"
"Oh", you stare at the device for a moment, trying to process what he's saying. Is he interested in you?
"It's okay if you don't want to", he chuckles, "I'm just shooting my shot, knowing you're not with Jisung"
You laugh, releasing the air you didn't even notice you were holding.
"Yeah, sure", you type your number and give it back to him.
He stares at you with a satisfied smile before getting up.
"I have to go now, my family is waiting for me, but I'll text you", he says, flashing a smile and waving goodbye to you.
That was certainly unexpected, you would have never imagined you would meet Jeongho and he would still be interested in you. That lightens up your mood a bit, maybe this time you'll make the right choice and choose the person that likes you back.
You and Han don't share a word on your trip back, you don't want to talk to him and he seems too deep in his thoughts to say anything to you.
You finally can breathe when you get to Seungmin's, he's waiting with Hannah, beer and food, all you needed after this hell of a day.
You are in a lilac long dress, your friends are all seated in the first row. The church is full of people, some you know, some you're not so sure. You're happy, feeling your heart beat fast and butterflies on your stomach. Jisung is looking directly at you, he smiles with a proud look on his face.
However, before you can step closer to him, a loud piano sound starts playing and after a few seconds you recognize the wedding march. People stand up but they are not looking at you, neither is Han, they are all looking at the church doors where a beautiful woman is entering in a long white dress, a child walks in front of her, throwing roses in her path. The familiar round full cheeks make your stomach sink, why does that child look so much like Han? He doesn't have a younger sibling.
Then, it all sinks in, you're not the bride. Of course not, he's marrying another woman, a beautiful one at that. He's building his life and forming a family and you're just there on the sidelines. The bride steps in front of him and gives you her bouquet, smiling kindly at you.
You open your eyes abruptly, your chest is going up and down at a fast pace and your breathing is heavy, you're soaked in sweat. It was all a dream, a nightmare.
You sit on the sofa, feeling sore, all your muscles are tense. You can't believe you actually dreamt about something like that, your fear of always being there watching your best friend have his own life while still in love with him is taking over, even though you're trying to get over him.
It's two in the morning and you can't go back to sleep. It's better to take a shower and maybe go for a walk to calm your nerves.
The warm bath helps make you relax, but the memories from your dream keeps coming up on your mind again and again.
You text the only person who is probably still awake at this time and your phone buzzes seconds after your message is sent.
“To what do I owe the pleasure of being contacted by my most beautiful friend?” Chan's voice sounds on the other side of the line.
You chuckle.
“I knew you would be awake”, you tell him, fidgeting with your feet while trying to explain what's happening to him without humiliating yourself.
“I had a pretty bad nightmare and wanted to take a walk, maybe eat something? I don't know”, you whisper the last part and Chan sighs, he can tell you're not feeling well.
“Sure, I wanted to take a break anyway”, he says even though he's full of work to do.
You meet at a convenience store nearby, Chan's apartment is not far from Seungmin's since they can't live far away from each other, everyone lives close. You and Jisung did too- cursed man, coming back through your mind even though you're trying to think of anything but him.
“So”, Chan says, taking you out of your thoughts, “Jisungie told me you had a bit of an argument”, he tells you carefully, resting his elbows on the table you two are seated while he holds the beer can.
You sigh, of course he would tell Chan.
“Yeah, we just met someone from middle school during our trip and it ended up like that”, you explain after swallowing a mouthful of the hot spice ramen you have in your hands.
“I know things are not easy right now, for you or for him”, he says carefully, “but you're best friends, you have to communicate and talk things through”
“I guess”, you sigh. It's not easy to talk about Jisung, more so after the dream you had. You thought the worst part was already over, that you were finally getting over him. But it turns out it's not just willingness that makes things happen.
You wake up to your phone buzzing, you look at the time it's almost noon. You look through your messages and can't help but smile, Jeongho has been messaging you everyday since the last time you saw him. It's nice having this kind of attention, he's handsome and nice, maybe it's time for you to open your heart to someone else. The nightmare you had really terrified you, just thinking about it makes your head hurt and your chest ache.
Jeongho: good morning
Jeongho: I'll be in Korea next week, maybe we could have dinner together?
You: morning
You: yeah, that would be great!
You decide to give this a chance, it's not like it is going to kill you and Jeongho is well aware about your longing feelings for Jisung.
You're dressed in a red dress, feeling a bit uncomfortable, formal attire is not your usual outfit choice, but Jeongho set the date in a really fancy restaurant that you're not used to.
Of course you went to fancy restaurants before, the boys took you out often to celebrate their awards and new comebacks but since you always insisted on paying for your meals, they usually went to fancy but still affordable places.
Jisung always offered to pay for your meals, but you never accepted. If he did, you were afraid you would look too much like a couple and your heart might make you even more delusional.
“Good evening, how can I help you?” The receptionist asks and you look around, trying to find your date.
“Hm, hi. I'm here to meet a person, Kang Jeongho?” You eye the list on the counter to try and see if his name is there.
“Yes, mr. Kang is waiting”, he tells you, “may I take your coat?” He asks, gesturing to the long cover you have over you.
“Ah, yes”, you say, taking the piece and giving it to him.
The man gestures for you to follow and you walk behind him to the second floor. Jeongho is waiting at a table close to the window, he's looking at the view that you can see now it's marvelous.
“Mr. Kang”, the receptionist says and Jeongho turns around, giving you a big bright smile while standing up.
“Thank you”, he tells the man who nods at you and walks back to the first floor. “You look beautiful”, he tells you, pulling the chair so you can sit.
“Thank you, I didn't even know there was a second floor in this restaurant”, you say while watching him take his seat.
“Yes, they only open it on special occasions”, he says and you frown, looking around.
“You mean, they opened it so we could eat here?”
He nods, chuckling to your terrified face.
“What are you, the president’s son?” You joke, nervously, suddenly feeling absolutely out of place and underdressed.
“Not at all, you know my father and he's far away from politics”, he jokes back, “I’m friends with the son of the owner, he owed me one so I just asked for a favor”, he shrugs.
You look dumbfounded, who is this guy? Surely not the same teenager that looked absolutely heartbroken when you rejected him in middle school.
“What did you do for him to go to such lengths to pay you back?” You ask, curious.
“I introduced him to his wife”, he smiles, “he's madly in love with her, so this was nothing to how grateful he is to me”
“Oh”, you nod. That must be nice, having someone madly in love with you.
The waiter interrupts your interrogation to ask for your orders, you have no idea what to choose, but Jeongho explains to you each dish, asking if you would like something more spicy, salty or sweet and telling which one he thought you'd like better based on your answers.
“You know, you were my first crush”, Jeongho blurts out after the waiter takes the plates back to the kitchen. You feel your whole face hot, looking at him with wide eyes, “I'm sorry, I just thought you should know”, he smiles and you notice he has some deep dimples in his cheeks.
“I thought you asked me out in middle school because you lost a bet or something”, you put your hands to your cheeks, trying to ease the redness.
“I think you never gave yourself enough credit”, he points out, leaning his face on his hand while watching you. “You were always too focused on Jisung to actually see that I was not the only one looking at you with heart eyes”
You smile sheepishly, you knew your crush on your best friend was going to come up in the conversation at some point, but now that it did you don't know how to talk about it.
“Well, I found out not long ago that I was not as good as I thought at hiding my feelings”, you tell him, “apparently everyone knew that I liked my best friend—except him”
“Am I right to presume that you still have those feelings?” He asks slyly, your heart is beating fast, what if you tell him the truth and he says he doesn't want to see you anymore?
“Actually-”, you sigh, “I'm trying to get over them at the moment”
It's better he knows the truth, so he can enter this aware of your standing.
“Well, that's more than I expected”, he chuckles and you look at him confused, “I thought you were still hang up on him”
“I actually confessed”, you're feeling a bit more confident after his reaction, “and I was rejected, so I don't think there's much for me to hang on anymore”
“So, I'm sorry if I'm being too straightforward- but could I be greedy and believe I have a chance?” He asks and you're sure his eyes are wavering a bit, is he nervous? Did you actually make someone feel that way because of you?
“Yes”, you tell him, biting back a smile and blushing, he smiles at you sighing in relief.
He stands up and reaches his hand out to you.
“Then, shall we take a walk? I have a long way to make you fall for me”, he bites his bottom lip, waiting for you to take his hand.
This is it, the first step for you to get over Han Jisung.
Han sees Lia's lips move but he can't actually hear what she's saying, every word you said the last time, keeps sounding on his mind like a bloody curse.
What would he have done if he had known sooner? Would he have liked you back? Surely not, after all these years he didn't feel anything romantically related towards you, but that may be because he never thought about you in that way. Would he have told you to move on?
"Are you listening?" Jisung hears Lia say and snaps out of his thoughts.
"Yes, of course", he lies, giving her a slight smile and grabbing her hand to squeeze it.
"You're just… acting strange, since you came back from your parent’s house", she frowns.
"It's nothing, I just… had an argument with y/n and now she's mad at me", he tells a half truth.
"I'm sure she's going to forgive you", Lia says, sympathetically, "you're best friends after all"
Han nods, sighing.
He had avoided telling her the whole situation with you, it could make her insecure since you two live together.
There's something different too, he just doesn't feel the same way about her anymore, the burning flame and excitement he felt when they first started going out is slowly dying down and he just doesn't know what to do anymore.
All his previous relationships ended up because he was too busy, or because his personality didn't actually match with the other person, sometimes the girl he was dating just felt uncomfortable about his friendship with you, but he couldn't end years of friendship because he was dating so he ended the relationship.
However, Lia is different. She's great and confident, she doesn't care that he lives with you because she trusts him. She's calm, her personality is nice, she's nice. So why? Why is he feeling like this suddenly? Why is he wavering when it comes to starting this new relationship?
When he gets to practice after a weekend of resting, he is still confused, however, he's trying his best to stay focused on their new album, music is the only thing he is sure of in his life right now.
It's half past the time practice should start and Seungmin is not there yet, after one more song he asks Bangchan about it, he's starting to get worried, what if something happened to you?
“Oh, don't worry about it, he's just interviewing his roommate prospect”, Chan answers.
Han freezes. Then, that means you're going back home?
A/N: If you like what I write please reblog or let me know in the comments, feedback gives me motivation to keep writing.
Taglist(I won't be tagging people without age in their profile or blank blogs in my content)
@hhwangsmoon @weareapackofstrays @shycreationdreamland @adestayskz @skizmee @ca11me3mily @realviviboss @sofix-hc7 @seungminsapuppy @starsandrqindrops @its-hannjisung @redstayrosie @mae-is-cute98
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royaltozaki · 2 months
looking for love
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series masterlist - part 2 • part 3 • part 4 • part 5
synopsis: sana asks y/n to join her on the next season of the bachelorette, undercover. night 1.
w/c: 5.0k
a/n: first fully fledged work! tysm for all the love on the inspo piece 🥹 i was also lowkey winging this as i went again so some names that come up are completely made up and some not so much if i feel strongly abt that person (cough heechul) and so i also have no idea what i wanna do w the characters introduced yet but we’ll see as we go 🤪 hope you enjoy!
“i’m going to be the next bachelorette!”
you choke on the overly sweet concoction sana always got whenever you visited this cafe.
“excuse me?”
sana grins and pats your back, swapping the drink in your hand with a much preferred matcha infused espresso that was your go-to. she always insisted on trying each other’s drinks no matter how many times you told her her’s would always be way too sweet and she told you she didn’t care. she needed you to feel what she felt, taste what she tasted.
“i was kinda in a moment of weakness when i applied, i swear i didn’t think i would get in! it was just a silly haha like what if y’know?” she sips on her drink humming in satisfaction.
“no. i don’t know. i’d rather move back in with my parents than go on that show.” you deadpan.
sana whines, “y/n c’moooooooon. jihyo had just left me for that muscly gym rat and i needed some love!”
“do you know how many times we’ve sat on my couch and laughed at that show? like… 19, 20… too many!” you pulled out your fingers to count for emphasis. “besides, all the people that go on there aren’t even there for the right reasons. they’re all just there for their 5 minutes of fame. you won’t find what you’re looking for there sana.”
she pouts, “and what would i be looking for exactly?”
you sigh exasperatedly, “LOVE!”
patrons around the cafe glance at the two of you weirdly before you shrink and whisper-shout, “love sana! you deserve the massive beach house with the dogs and kids and family running around. someone you can go home to and eat with, dance with, laugh with. someone who knows your atrociously sweet coffee order and still gets it for you even though you always get cavities. someone who will force you to go to the dentist and hold your hand while they fill those cavities, and then buy you ice cream after despite their better judgement.”
sana’s smile gets wider and wider as you go on. finally she wraps you in a big hug and squeezes, all giggles and the smell of fresh laundry.
“and that’s exactly why i need you as my bestest bestest friend to come stay with me while i’m on the show!”
“...wait… wait wait wait wait sana, no. what… huh?” you push her backwards holding her by the shoulders shaking slightly trying to get some sense in her.
she giggles, “you heard me! you know everything there is to know about me, plus, because this is the first bachelorette season where there’ll be girls and guys the producers wanted to push as much novelty as possible. so they asked if there was anyone i’d like to bring with me to help in the decision process and of course i said you! pleaseeee? you said it yourself, you know exactly what i’m looking for, i won’t be able to do this without you.” she gave you her best puppy dog eyes, leaning in with a dangerous pout.
fuck it, you were never one to say no to her anyway. at least this way you could make sure whoever she ended up with was someone who deserved her.
you sigh, “fine but you owe me. like big time owe me.”
she squealed gleefully attacking you with kisses and a tight squeeze of her arms. “i love you i love you this is gonna be so much fun!!”
you smile at her antics wrapping your arms around her and hugging, “yeah yeah love you too you idiot.”
the next few months are filled with preparation as you’re both briefed on how the show’s going to run, where you’ll be staying, and all the little details. the bachelorette pad was a big villa nestled in the hillsides with incredible views, 2 bedrooms, and a fully equipped kitchen and pool. there were always people there, hair and makeup, costuming, scripting, it was probably as far from reality as reality tv could get. but it also meant you and sana didn’t have to do anything because people helped you move in, prepared all your meals for you, dressed you, gave you talking points, all the showbiz.
finally, opening night came and you were separated from sana to join all the other suitors as an undercover agent. you were to pretend to be one of the people lined up to meet her but you were really there to sus out all the contestants even before they put their television personalities on. to see if anyone was really the real deal.
currently, you were in a limousine with 3 other contestants about to pull up to the bachelor mansion where all the participants would be staying. the three of them would be the first to meet sana and you smile politely as they get off the car one by one looking antsy and nervous.
eventually it was your turn and you stepped out of the car with a practiced smile, adjusting to the brightness of the lighting and beginning your walk down the red carpet. behind you, you can hear your limousine pulling away and another one holding the next batch of contestants pulling in.
your form-fitting white dress trails behind you lightly, heels clacking softly on the red carpet as you catch your first glimpse of sana.
oh my god. she’s wearing a pastel pink flowing dress adorned with pretty pink roses with her midsection exposed showing the smooth planes of skin on her stomach. flower ornaments pin up long brown tresses of hair and pearls dance along her collarbone in a makeshift necklace. she looks positively ethereal.
you catch yourself taking a breath and blushing as she beams when she catches sight of you, eyes widening as she takes you in. you swore you could see a light blush brush her cheeks as well, or it could’ve been the makeup emphasised to match her dress.
“hi.” you’re shy as you approach her.
her eyes snap up to yours, grinning, “hi yourself stranger. c'mere.” she pulls you into a hug and you can sense the cameras zooming in, no doubt a voiceover would be edited in place later explaining who you were and how you two knew each other.
she pulls away but keeps you within arms length looking you up and down again, “y/n! look at you all dressed up for me. didn’t know you had it in you.” she winks and you blush again. she was making you do a lot of that these last few minutes.
“oh please, this is nothing compared to the main character of the night.” sana frowns, she never found your self-deprecating style of compliments particularly engaging. you quickly correct yourself, “but seriously sana, you look incredible. like you seriously just walked out of a princess movie.”
her eyes twinkle with glee as she does a little twirl for you and the thousands of people who would watch this. “well i hope i’ll find my prince or whatever somewhere here tonight.”
you roll your eyes fondly, “speaking of, how were the first 3 contestants? any of them catch your eye?” you get straight into it, the producers had handed you both loose scripts to follow so you both knew how the conversation should go.
“mm, i think it’s still a little early to say, there are still 21 other people to meet after all. but the second girl was pretty, i think her name was miyeon? her energy seemed really bright and it feels like we could get along really well.”
you recall the girl that had seemed the most relaxed out of everyone in your limo. she had introduced herself and tried to make small talk and had given off a generally sweet vibe. you nod your head in agreement, “she seems sweet. i’m happy for you sana.” you smile knowing your time was short on the red carpet, “i’ll leave you to it then. see you inside soon?”
she smiles and her hand drags down your shoulder to hold yours as you walk away, “mhmm don’t have too much fun without me in there. and don’t scare off all my possible options!”
you laugh as your hands naturally part, bringing them up in a shrug and blowing her a kiss for the extra television effect.
the mansion is impressive, you can’t help but stare in awe as you enter the ceiling high archway into the courtyard where the other contestants would wait for sana. you nod politely again at the people already there, accepting a flute of champagne and trying to make yourself seem as excited and nervous as someone would be in your position.
the first person to move towards you in greeting is miyeon, “hi! y/n right? love the dress by the way. how’d you find meeting sana?”
you were prepared for this, you needed to make sure they didn’t suspect that you knew sana already, you needed to play the part of a lovestruck contestant. “oh my god she’s beautiful! i saw her walking down the red carpet and was just floored, i had to take a second to calm myself before introducing myself.”
miyeon nods in enthusiasm, “right! i’m so glad this season is so much more inclusive than the previous ones. sana’s not only incredibly gorgeous she’s also an icon for bisexuals everywhere now and i really respect her for coming on this show and being brave enough to be that public figure.”
you nod along, you hadn’t seen it that way until now, “oh absolutely! it’s gonna be a bit messy though huh, with a mixed gender pool contestants could end up falling for each other instead, especially with the amount of time we’re going to spend in this house together.”
“i don’t think that’s going to be a problem for me.” miyeon glances around as the next contestant, a tall man in a blue suit walks in, “i’m pretty set on sana after that first impression. god all this waiting is making me insane though, this show definitely isn’t for the jealous.”
you smile internally but a strange pit sits in your stomach after hearing the word jealous. you ignore it, continuing to prod miyeon who seems elated to talk about sana and really does seem like she would be a good match for her. some others join your conversation and soon enough you’re all getting to know one another outside of what your first impressions of sana are.
“oh i model for a couple cosmetic brands here and there. that’s where you may have seen me.” miyeon is very friendly and welcoming and has made herself comfortable amongst the increasing crowd of people.
“oh that’s incredible! you’ll have to tell me which brands later, i work in marketing research so i’m all about that stuff.” a girl in a blue dress you’ve already forgotten the name of replies.
“oh really? where are you based at? i’m in finance over at yeouido.” this time it's a built man in a navy tux with sunnies over his eyes. he seemed pretentious and too much of a flirt for your liking. he was obviously trying to put it on the girl in the blue dress.
“finance huh. figures.” a cool tone interrupts them, a woman with slicked back short hair in an emerald suit rolled up to the sleeves showing off a deadly tattoo array. she’s rolling her eyes and makes no further comment, turning to the man in glasses next to her who looks much too uncomfortable and out of his limits.
he gulps visibly as she turns to him, placing his hand behind his neck nervously as he laughs, “right hahaha…”
she narrows her eyes at him before being clapped on the back by another man with a friendly smile and eye crinkles. definitely sana’s type in men. “don’t scare the poor bloke off now eunji.” the australian accent surprises you, “ignore her mate, she’s all tough on the outside but she’s a real softy once you get to know her.” he holds out a hand for the guy in the glasses to shake.
he smiles gratefully and takes it, “thankyou…?”
“thankyou jacky. i’m wonsik.”
the girl in the emerald suit rolls her eyes and scoffs, “whatever jacky, any man who’s too scared to sit next to a woman that looks a little off norm is only looking for someone soft that they can dominate to fuel their tiny man egos.”
you can’t help the scoff you release as her piercing gaze turns to you, raising an eyebrow.
“sorry, sorry, i didn’t mean to eavesdrop. i just thought that comment was funny. and true. i’m y/n by the way.”
eunji regards you before grinning, “eunji. this knucklehead is jacky. we met while i was on exchange in australia and he stalked me back here once he heard i was going on this.”
“stalked is an exaggeration. most of my family already lives here, and now that i’m back, i’d like to have someone to share the rest of my life with. someone who’s not eunji.” he grins. “and jeeeeeeez sana would be a pretty good someone for that.”
you smile in response, “oh absolutely-” but you’re interrupted halfway through as you see the last contestant walk through the door.
dark hair, oozing confidence, lightly tanned skin and a slight smirk on her face, park jihyo, the reason for sana being here, just entered the arena.
beside you jacky whistles, “now that’s competition.”
you can’t help but worry over sana immediately. did she know jihyo would be here? how was their meeting on the red carpet? what was jihyo doing here in the first place?
but then you realise jihyo is the one person that would blow your cover and she was headed straight for you. you quickly scramble up from your seat, trying to be as discreet as possible, muttering a quick “sorry bathroom, nice meeting you all.” and turn away from your group heading towards the bathrooms, intending to find a producer and figure out just what the hell was going on.
however, before you succeed, loud applause is heard behind you followed by a couple wolf whistles and catcalls. shit. jihyo was the last person to walk in. meaning sana would be coming in now and the real show would begin.
you slip back towards the crowd keeping an eye out for jihyo as you find a place towards the back shooting a quick smile at wonsik who stands next to you. the mc for the season is making some introductory comments that you can’t really be bothered to hear and you bring your attention to sana who again, takes your breath away. but you force yourself to concentrate, noticing the slightly abnormal flush on her cheeks and the fiddling fingers she hides in the folds of her dress. you frown, seeing jihyo must have been a surprise for her too then.
“-aaand here’s your bachelorette for the 2024 season!” the mc pans to sana with the camera who waves shyly and offers a smile. you wish you were there to hold her hand and calm her or talk to her but you resign yourself to gripping the fur of your coat tightly.
sana turns to you and the contestants and you try desperately to meet her eye, “hey everyone, it’s nice to finally see you all together! this place is incredible, i almost wish i could move in with you all. you guys having a good time yet?”
“better now that you're here!” a man from the crowd yells out followed by a couple chuckles.
sana giggles, “awwh thankyou jun.” sana was doing better than you at remembering these names already. “so as you guys probably know, tonight is our first night together. and with that, comes the first impression rose.” a cinematic reveal of the pink rose settled on top of the 18 red roses as the contestants shuffle to get a peek, ooh-ing and ahh-ing. “you’ll all get chances to talk to me throughout the night, and i’ll pick someone at the end of it to give this first impression rose who’ll get the first date of the season with me. unfortunately, i’ll also have to say goodbye to 5 of you if you don’t get any roses at all. and i reeeeally wish i didn’t have to because you’ve all seemed so lovely and i can’t wait to get to know you all!”
the mc steps in now, “and with that, let the night begin!” party poppers explode and music starts playing creating an ambience similar to a bar. sana hasn’t seemed to have spotted you yet and moves towards the closest cluster of people to her, smiling and greeting everyone.
very quickly though, someone has already stepped in and asked to take her away for a chat. it's one of the girls in a dark suit with sleek makeup and hair tied up in a high ponytail. you had been instructed not to talk to sana until she came to you so you could only watch on helplessly with the 23 other contestants vying for her attention. you needed to make sure she was okay after seeing jihyo and where her mindset was at. you also needed to avoid jihyo so she doesn’t alert the rest of the contestants to your relationship with sana.
so you stalk over to one of the camera producers who looks only a little frightened at the glare in your eyes.
“what the fuck is park jihyo doing here?”
“um i-i i’m only a camera person! sorry i d-don’t know you’ll have to ask one of the higher ups.”
you raise an eyebrow.
“r-right! i’ll get one of them now…” he grabs his phone and calls someone, glancing nervously around to see if anyone has noticed the two of you. soon enough, a short, stubby man with a beard comes over and whispers, “what?!”
“park jihyo. sana’s ex. i’m sure you would’ve known that when you did the background checks. what is she doing here?”
“sweetheart of course we knew. she’s here for the extra drama. this is television we’re making here. no one’s going to watch it if its not entertaining.” he rolls his eyes and impatiently taps his foot.
“at the expense of your main product’s feelings?” you spit the word product out, hating that this was the way sana was being treated.
“please, sana signed a contract. she knew what she was getting into when she signed up for this show. this is all show business sweetie now if you don’t mind we gotta get back to running it so we can all get paid and go home alright?” he doesn’t leave room for a response as he quickly ushers the poor cameraman away and you’re left seething.
un fucking believable. it’s fine. sana could just not choose jihyo tonight and she could be sent on her merry way. it’ll be fine. so long as sana didn’t actually still have feelings for jihyo… fuck, you just needed to talk to sana to clear things up and make sure she wasn’t being pressured into doing anything she didn’t want to do.
your mind was going a million miles an hour as you headed back towards the other contestants, taking careful note to avoid the group jihyo was currently talking to.
“hey y/n, got a chance to talk to sana yet?” its eunji and you’re grateful for the distraction.
“not yet, i’m thinking to just let the crows have her first, not really into getting on anyone’s bad side tonight.”
“fair enough. you shoulda seen this one guy’s face when jiwon interrupted his time. he was all like-“ she pulls a face that makes her look constipated and you can’t help but laugh, recalling jiwon as the woman in an elegant dark maroon dress who worked as a nurse.
“how about you? steal her away yet?”
“nah not yet but because jacky and i kinda came in a package set he said he’ll bring her to me after he’s had a chat with her.” she looks over her shoulder, “speaking of…”
you see sana and jacky approaching, jacky gesturing something to make her laugh and doing what looked like an impression of a fish out of water.
“-he was really sick! like full vomitting, left her on her own in this completely foreign place to go puke his guts out in the toilets!”
sana was laughing giddily at jacky’s story, unaware that they had just stopped in front of the two of you.
jacky grins, “so remember how i was telling you about that scrawny little girl i met in the tunnel underneath my school trying to build a bomb…”
your eyebrow raises as you look alarmingly at eunji who avoids your gaze with a blush on her cheeks, punching jacky lightly in the shoulder, “how many times have i told you not to tell that story. it was just a mini explosive and it was for a science experiment! you’d know if you didn’t spend all our classes texting that one girl… what was her name again…? p…p something?”
its jacky’s turn to blush as he quickly interjects in protest. sana giggles and looks betwen them, “some competition for me then?”
jacky stumbles, “n-no! not at all don’t worry sana she’s like waaaay back in the past and also waaaay far away in sydney my eyes are only for you i swear!”
sana laughs again, “well that’s good to know. wouldn’t want you to be here if you were still in love with someone else back home.” she turns to eunji, her eyes briefly meeting yours with a twinkle and your heart stutters at the morsel of attention. “eunji right? you’ll have to tell me your side of this story because i don’t think jacky has done you justice.”
eunji slips back into her cool persona offering a tattooed arm out for sana to link, “of course sana.”
sana looks back at you though with a promise, “and i’ll come find you after this y/n so don’t go running anywhere yeah?”
you nod dumbly as you watch your best friend be taken away again, trying to figure out why you wished it was you leading her away and not eunji.
jacky whistles to get your attention, “jealous much? and after she practically promised to see you next which is a lot better than what some of these people are getting. poor wonsik has been beaten every time he’s tried to ask her out.”
you sputter, “j-jealous? what?” you weren’t jealous, you were just concerned for your friend. you wanted the best for her and not many people fit that bill.
“it’s not anything to be embarassed about mate don’t worry. i feel weird as well handing the girl i’m trying to date over to one of my best friends who’s also trying to date her. it’s pretty messed up in here but we’re all in it together right?” he grins and you find yourself feeling slightly guilty because you were not in fact, all in this together, you were there to judge all of these people who you had originally thought to be shallow fame-chasers but maybe there was a little more to them then you thought.
you smile anyway remembering the role you’re playing, “right, thanks jacky, you’re a good guy.”
“awwwwh don’t flatter me, eunji needs to come back before my ego grows too big.”
you laugh and enjoy your conversation with him while walking to join a larger group of people.
it’s a while before sana finds you again, some others seemed to have jumped in after eunji so by the time she gets to you, its near the end of the night already.
“you been hiding from me or something y/n?”
you stand up with a stretch, taking her hand in yours and leading her away with a teasing smile, “i’d accuse you of that actually. i thought you’d come to find me right after you were done with eunji?”
sana gasps, “oh shit y/n i totally forgot i’m so sorry! eunji was just telling me all this cool stuff that she’s done and places she’s been and then people kept coming to ‘queue’ me and it just completely slipped my mind and i-“
you laugh, “i’m just joking sana i know it’s pretty crazy in here even with all the prep we’ve done for it. as long as you’re having fun then i’m happy.”
she squeezes your hand in response as you reach a small clearing with a hammock-like seat and you both sit down, fingers still interlocked.
“sooooo princess sana, which suitor has caught your attention tonight?” you put on a fake posh accent.
sana laughs and slaps you playfully, “stop that silly, it’s been great though! i think i have an idea who i wanna give the first impression rose to but it's so hard to think of people to get rid of, i don’t want anyone to go before they’ve even had a chance here yet.”
“reeeeally… you can’t think of a single person to get rid of yet…?”
she rolls her eyes, “i’m fine don’t worry y/n. jihyo… surprised me being here but we talked a little on the carpet and she said she made a mistake when she left. she really wants to be with me again y/n.”
your hands tighten against sana’s, “and what about you? how do you feel about her being back?”
“well… it’s definitely not the way i thought i’d see her again. but… i’m not sure… i… there’s so much history between us and… well she was the first person i loved y/n. you know that. it’s hard to turn that away.”
you hum. jihyo wasn’t sana’s first partner but she was the first person sana could say i love you to. and she treated sana well, everything seemed fine, sana thought they were going to get married. the breakup came out of nowhere and left sana devastated for months. you thought jihyo was a nice enough person but it was hard to think of her in a positive light when she left the person you cared about most completely broken and in pieces left for you to pick up. the last thing you wanted was for sana to go through that all over again.
“you disapprove.” sana looks at you knowingly.
you purse your lips, “she hurt you sana. really fucking bad. i can’t bear to see someone who’s caused you so much pain smiling as if none of that happened, as if those months of you starving yourself, hurting yourself didn’t happen because of her.”
sana frowns, unclenching your hands that you didn’t realise were wound up so tightly. “baby… i’m stronger now for it aren’t i? you helped me become myself again and i became better for it. and you’ll be here with me every step of the way to make sure it doesn’t happen again. so you can put your little micromanaging overprotective guard dog personality to use.” she teases trying to lighten the mood, “now c’mon, let's move on from this, surely you have people you like and dislike already. lemme hear them.”
you sigh bringing your head to rest on her shoulder, “well you seemed to get along with eunji and jacky. i like the both of them, they’re fun. miyeon is also a sweetheart and you were right when you said you think the two of you could get along. she reminds me of you in a lotta ways, it's kinda scary.”
sana giggles next to you.
“mm some of the guys i didn’t like. there’s this one guy heechul i think, he is like 100% a simp for japanese women. and like, in a creepy body pillow way. this poor girl momo, who also seems really sweet by the way, maybe just a little shy, was being harassed the entire night by him anytime you weren’t looking his way. i also overheard him showing off to some of the guys about how he got a minor’s phone number by offering to teach her korean. one of the guys obviously put him down for it, which is like the bare minimum i guess, that was sunwoo, but some others egged him on talking about some incel reddit shit and how they’re glad all the women here are thin and pale. eugh, even talking about this makes me cringe. if it were up to me, i’d say there’s actually too many roses on that platter tonight.”
you can feel sana’s laughs in her throat, hearty and high. “well yeah but you also like, hate most men so it wouldn’t be too challenging.”
you look at her with a pout, “not all men! jacky was nice! and i’m sure there’ll be other decent guys here too that i can approve of. and if not, well… it’s their fault for being so gross and men-like.”
you love the way her laugh twinkles with the night sky. you can’t get over just how beautiful she looks tonight. and you catch yourself wondering just when you started describing sana with the word beautiful in your head. eugh. this was all jacky’s fault, you’d gone too deep into your role as a contestant for sana’s attention. you just needed this night to end and the big reveal that you were actually sana’s best friend sent to spy on the contestants to see how they acted in their natural habitats. then you could go back to being just that, sana’s best friend.
you can see in the corner of your eye producers signalling the two of you to head back to the others. you were almost inclined to ignore them just to spend a few more minutes with sana but she had already seen them and was gathering her dress ready to stand up.
she reaches a hand out to you, “c’mon, let’s head back. got announcements to make and people to cut.”
you smile, taking her hand gratefully and lifting yourself up. you hope the rest of the season goes a little smoother than tonight had gone, but the value of entertainment may impede on that.
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moonstruckme · 7 months
Hi!!! Love your work :) I was curious if you would do an emt!marauders where the reader hurts her back and like can’t move well or feel like her hands or feet? And they comfort her and do everything they can to help? I had this happen last night and it sent me to the er. It was terrifying but I’m cuddled up on my couch today and could use some comfort. 🤍
Hi, thank you! I'm really sorry to hear that happened to you lovely, I hope you're doing alright now! The google search for that stuff was a bit scary
cw: back pain, numbness
emt!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1.1k words
Sirius is fairly sure your tears are brought on more by fear than pain, but that doesn’t help the upset in his own chest as he leans over you, kissing them off your cheeks. 
“Just try to relax. You’ll be alright.” 
“I can’t move.” You’re weeping, begging him to understand. You have to be terrified. 
“I know,” he says softly, soothing his thumbs over your damp cheeks. “I know, darling, but the best thing you can do right now is try to ease up. The more panicked you are, the more your muscles will tense.”
You hum your understanding wobbily, and Sirius gives you a smile for your efforts. You’d woken a few minutes ago in obvious agony, gasping in pain as soon as you’d tried to roll over. It had come on seemingly overnight, and waking up with a giant, mysterious pain is already a scary thing without it paralyzing you too. Sirius gets why you’re having a hard time calming yourself down. 
“Alright, here we are.” Remus comes in with an electric heating pad, kneeling to plug it in by the bed. “It’s only your back that hurts, right?” 
“Yeah,” you say uncertainly, “but I can’t really—ah, shit—” You squeeze your eyes shut as Sirius helps Remus get the pad under you, both working as quickly as they can before setting you back against the mattress. You breathe for a few moments while Sirius murmurs apologies and kisses the shell of your ear.
“Can’t really what, dove?” Remus asks gently, taking your hand to run his thumb over your knuckles. 
Your voice is fraught with pain. “I can’t really feel my hands or feet.” 
Remus and Sirius exchange a look. 
“Where in your back did you say the pain was?” Sirius asks. 
You look like you want to shrug, but thankfully think the better of it. “I don’t know, kind of lower down? It’s hard to tell.” 
Remus hums, lips pursed as his thumb moves back and forth over your knuckles thoughtfully. “Could be a pinched nerve,” he says.
“Or something worse,” Sirius contests. “We ought to bring her in.” 
“I’m not going anywhere,” you insist, desperation sharp in your voice. 
Sirius frowns, but Remus is a diplomat, squeezing your fingers reassuringly and giving you a noncommittal, “We’ve got time to figure that out. Do you think you could eat, honey? I want to give you painkillers, but you should have something in your stomach first.” 
You look hesitant, weighing the cost of sitting up to eat with the benefits of pain pills. Before you can come to a decision, the sound of the front door opening reaches you. 
“Hello!” James calls, back from the gym. “I’ve brought surprises.” 
Despite the worry that’s plagued your morning, all three of you crack a smile at his cheerful voice. 
“Edible surprises?” Sirius yells back, at the same time as Remus says, “We’re in here.” 
James' footsteps grow closer. “Must be a slow morning, if you’re all still lazing around.” He grins as he enters, holding up a paper bag. “And yes, they’re edible. I stopped by—” He goes to flop down beside you on the bed, and both Sirius and Remus lunge to stop him, Sirius saying “No no no!” until James freezes, eyes going wide. 
“Okay, got it.” He holds his hands up, paper bag still in his grasp. “What’s the deal?” He looks between you, brows puckering when his eyes land on your tear-stained cheeks. “Hey, are you okay?” 
“Yeah,” you manage, and he discounts you immediately, looking to the other two. 
“She’s strained her back somehow,” Remus explains. 
James’ lips purse sympathetically. “I’m sorry, angel. Does it hurt terribly?” 
“Not too bad,” you say, but once again you’re undermined, Sirius giving him a look that says otherwise. 
“Just try not to jostle her,” Sirius says, pouting as he pets your head pityingly. “We were just about to scrounge up something to eat. What’d you bring?” 
“Muffins from the corner store.” James recovers his cheer but it’s still dampened by a bit of worry. He gives the bag to Sirius to sort through. “Is she going to the doctor?” 
“She doesn’t think so,” Sirius says, claiming a blueberry muffin for himself. 
“She can’t even move,” you argue. 
“If only she had any strapping boyfriends to carry her.” He passes a banana nut muffin to Remus. “Lemon poppyseed, darling?” 
“Sure.” Your huffy tone is at odds with the slow, careful way you reach for it, wary of hurting your back by the movement. Sirius holds it towards you patiently, but all your caution is for naught when you try to grasp it and it falls right out of your useless hand. 
You look like you might cry again. Sirius’ heart lurches, but James sets his muffin aside to pick up yours. He breaks off a little piece and holds it to your mouth, laughing when you look at it hesitantly. 
“Come on, angel, people do this to be sexy all the time.” 
“It’s not sexy when one of them’s an invalid,” you complain, but open your mouth to let James feed you the bite. 
“You’re not an invalid,” Remus chides lightly. “You’re just having a bit of back pain.” 
“When it’s you, we’ll see about calling it ‘a bit.’” 
“I don’t think going to a doctor is such a bad idea,” James says, breaking off another piece of your muffin. “We can do our best for you here, but we won’t know what’s causing it for sure until you get tests done.” 
“Listen,” you say, swallowing a bite, “whether one of you carries me or I walk in there myself, it’s going to hurt. The only half comfortable place right now is this bed, and the last thing I want is for people to be touching me.” 
Remus looks down to where he’s still holding your hand, and you tighten your grip. “People other than you guys,” you amend quietly. 
He gives you a smile. You return it hesitantly. “Alright,” Remus says, “what if we wait until the afternoon and reassess?” You look quite happy with that, and Sirius rolls his eyes, grinning despite himself. He strokes a knuckle down the side of your face lovingly. “Is the heating pad helping at all, dove?” 
“I think so,” you reply hopefully. Sirius narrows his eyes at you, not quite able to tell whether you’re being truthful or merely saying whatever will get you out of having to get checked out. “Pain relievers would still be great, though.” 
“Finish your muffin first,” Remus says, but goes to get them from the medicine cabinet. 
You let James feed you another bite, murmuring a quiet, “Thanks, Jamie.” 
“No problem, lovie. My mum always said I’d do well working in a nursing home.” 
Sirius cackles. You do too, so hard it you end up gasping in pain. Your face is wet all over with kisses before James is willing to consider it made up.
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its-your-mind · 4 months
okay so like. Kim dokja is definitely allergic to tomatoes, right? (see: this post) Like he thinks he just doesn’t like them but it’s because they taste like burning? Spicy fruits? Leave a film in his mouth for hours? Like he has no idea why everyone Fucking Loves This Fruit cuz it Fucking Sucks
anyway hc that it’s ysg who finally actually figures out somethings wrong bc. yjh has taken it as a Personal Challenge to sneak tomatoes into Something and get Kim Dokja to say he likes it, except no matter how buried in a recipe they are, kdj immediately notices and like. throws a fork at him. one time after the fork misses yjh (he is very fast and has honed all of his senses. the only forks that hit him are the ones he lets hit him. (nothing goes over my head. my reflexes are too fast. I would catch it.) omg wait he WOULD say that though okay anyway) and sticks into the wall, handle out, kdj just starts ranting about how he just doesn’t understand why yjh uses tomatoes in everything when they’re like. spicier than chili peppers, and there is an ALMOST FULL jar of gochujang RIGHT THERE that he could use to achieve the spice and it would be WAY BETTER AND EASIER. Cuz tomatoes don’t even add flavor to food, they just overpower anything they’re in! and they leave such a horrible gross film in your mouth and you can’t even make it go away with water and…
and then yjh is like. hold the fuck up. is that how all my food with tomatoes tastes to you??? and kdj is like. yes???? Is it not supposed to??????? why do you put tomatoes in it then?!?!??!?? and yjh is like CUZ THEYRE SWEET AND PROVIDE A GOOD FLAVOR BALANCER TO SPICE????????? and kdj is like BALANCE????????!?!?!! and before they start fuckign. attacking each other with swords. ysg is like wait Dokja-ssi have tomatoes always tasted like that to you? both cooked and raw tomatoes? and kdj is like. ??? yes??? do they not taste like that to you? and ysg is like no and I don’t think they’re supposed to. and lsh is like hold on. have you never been allergy tested before? and kdj’s like ??????? No????? and so she’s like well we can go to my office tomorrow but it sounds like you’re allergic to tomatoes. and kdj’s like what? the fuck?? SO THEYRE NOT SUPPOSED TO TASTE LIKE POISON meanwhile in the background yjh is having a full internal breakdown bc apparently he has been going OUT OF HIS WAY to feed the love of his life something that is ACTIVELY HARMING HIM and so when kdj turns around to gloat like hA I tOLD you tomatoes were awfu— why are you hugging me WhY aRE YOU CrYING and then before yjh can say ANYTHING he’s like NO WAIT ITS FINE ACTUALLY I CAN EAT THE TOMATOES I DONT WANT YOU TO HAVE TO GO OUT OF YOUR WAY TO MAKE ME SPECIAL ALLERGY FOOD and everyone is just staring at him agape or facepalming bc ofc he would complain and gripe and moan when it was just a personal preference but as SOON AS IT WAS AN ACTIVE DANGER TO HIS LIFE he insists that it’s fine. Yjh just glares at him until he trails off mid word. and then yjh turns around to grab everything out of the fridge that has tomatoes in it but lgy and sys are WAY AHEAD OF HIM and have already started a bonfire in the yard and are just hurling every tomato-touched food item in the house into the flames. tomatoes never cross the kimcom threshold again. hsy finds all of this fucking hilarious until she realizes they’ll never be allowed to bring pizza into the house again (don’t look at me like that yoo joonghyuk it’s Selena Kim’s fault you shouldn’t have let her into the group regression if you didn’t want her american food tastes to spread)
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Jealousy, Jealousy... | Part 7
A/N: don't even have a summary for this. oc is in love with gyu and gyu is in love with another girl but both are virgin losers and gyu is a horndog who would let oc do what she wants to him just as long as he gets to cum.
Word count: 9.8k
Genre: Smut, angst, fluff
Warnings: fem!reader, dom!reader kinda, riding, blowjob, power play, descriptions of a horror movie, inaccurate portrayal of photographers and creative directors, lots of cute moments
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You’re on set with the boys shooting promotional pictures for one of their new songs that Yeonjun insisted you'd be perfect for given your affinity for all things horror. It’s called Frost and the concept for the shoot is supposed to portray guys who are hearing voices in their heads trying to drive them mad and they are attempting to fight against them before ultimately succumbing to them, and so you’re doing shots of them getting swayed by the voices contrasting with others where they express fear about what’s happening to them. 
Surprisingly all the boys suit the concept well, even sweet Hyuka was doing a remarkably good job. He was doing this manic laugh and shooting you evil looks that come out really well in the pictures. 
“Wow, Hyuka. These are really awesome shots.” You say, showing him the camera and he laughs. “You sound surprised.”
“I actually am. I didn’t know you had it in you.”
“Well, you know I’m full of surprises, baby.” He winks, flustering you. Who the hell knew he had it in him?
“Don’t flirt with my girlfriend.” Yeonjun scolds, playfully smacking him.  
“I’m just messing with her. You should’ve seen the look on her face.” Hyuka laughs his piercing laugh, as mischievous as ever, and you give him an indignant chuckle. “You little shit!” 
You raise your hand into a fist, pretending to threaten him, and he bolts, yelling a panicked bye over his shoulder. You shake your head, staring at his retreating form with fondness. 
You’re already done with Soobin and Taehyun’s shots, both of whom did really well too, but your favorite so far you have to say is Taehyun’s. The contact lenses you have him wear coupled with his naturally very intense gaze makes it so he doesn’t need to do much to come off as intimidating. 
“Is it my turn yet?” Yeonjun asks, kissing your temple. 
“No, baby, I’ve saved the best for last.” You coo, never missing an opportunity to compliment him, just so you can see the shy, pleased smile on his face, and he gives you just that. “Beomgyu is next.” 
“Oh, are you going to be okay?” His smile falls and concern replaces it instead, making you roll your eyes. “He’s not going to eat me.” 
“No, but I’m worried about you. You haven’t really talked to him for a while. Do you want me to come oversee the shoot?”
You kinda do. You are just acting strong for him. Fake it till you make it, right? He can’t hold your hand forever. “Don’t be silly. I know you’re starving. Go eat something and I’ll call you when we’re done.” 
“But–” He’s interrupted by his own stomach growling and you laugh, leaning up to kiss him. “Go eat, baby.” 
“Okay. I’ll be thinking of you.” He shouts as he leaves, bringing his hands together across his chest and mimicking a heart beating. 
You laugh again at his antics, but quickly stop when your gaze lands on Beomgyu. He’s sitting by himself on one of the chairs, eyes glued to his phone and blocking everything else out. You walk towards him, clearing your throat. “Beomgyu. It’s your turn.” 
He sighs, pocketing his phone and following you silently. You show him where he needs to stand before getting behind the camera. 
“Beomgyu, I want you to lean onto the mirror and look into it, smiling menacingly as if you’re taunting your reflection. We’ll do another one after that of you looking terrified as if you’re trapped in the mirror. So you should play off that. Got it?” 
He nods, resting his arm above the mirror and leaning forward, staring at himself with a smile.
“Okay, that’s not really what I’m going for. I’m not feeling any chills. I want a piercing gaze and a crazed smile. Try to have your mouth open as if you’re panting, like you’ve just won a fight. Don’t furrow your eyebrows and don’t tense up your shoulders.” 
Beomgyu tries again, leaning his head down so he’s glaring up at the mirror and puts on a lopsided smirk. But you’re still not feeling it. 
“You’re putting on an act, Beomgyu. I can see you thinking. I want you to really believe it. Wait.” You walk towards him, reaching up to fix his hair in the way you want. Or more like make it more messy and unhinged. “Let’s just push this over your eyes like this…”
You’re so used to doing this, you don’t even think about it, messing with his hair and making his makeup more smudged, streaking his eyeshadow here and blotting his lipstick there. It’s only when you’re done and realize he has been staring at you that you quickly step back. “There, all good.”
You try again and again with him, but none of the pictures come out like what you had in mind. You don’t get it. He’s usually much better than this. You’ve done plenty of shoots with him before, and he has never given you this much trouble. You keep trying to instruct him but his head doesn’t seem to be in it, too distracted by something else. 
Normally, you’d ask him what he’s thinking about that got him so out of it but you don’t think you can. Things are too awkward for you and him right now and you’re not sure if opening that can of worms here is the best idea, which all just makes you even more frustrated.
“Beomgyu, the concept is mad not sad.” You sigh, annoyed after what must be the hundredth bad shot. 
“Well, maybe if you gave better directions I would know what to do.” He snaps back, irritating you further. Beomgyu has never criticized your skills before and you don’t exactly take it well, the remark hurting more that it’s coming from him. He has always been a wall of unbending support for you so for him to call you out like this causes cracks in the very foundation of your sense of self worth. 
“If my direction was bad then how come all the others had no problem following it?” You hiss, getting defensive to cover the cracks up, but you quickly back down when you see him opening his mouth to retaliate. You’re not going to get into it with Beomgyu right now. You’re at work. You can’t ruin this for yourself. 
“Forget it. You’ve already wasted so much time. I’ll get around to you later.” You shut him down and walk off, not giving him the chance to argue. 
Were you being short with him? Maybe, but you’ve wanted an opportunity like this for a long time and you were doing so well before him. You need to prove yourself. The boys are gaining more attention every day and this shoot could be really good for your career.
You also have a more personal reason to be snappy with him. After all, he has been avoiding you ever since you’ve admitted that you’ve slept the night with Yeonjun and you’re fucking bitter about that. You don’t understand why he’s acting this way and it’s driving you up the wall. You can take the pain of him not loving you back. You can take the pain of him getting angry at you for stupid reasons. But to ignore you? That you can't bear. 
“Yeonjun, I need you to look more sharp. I want you to look at the camera as if you’re going to devour it. Don’t look so sweet. And move your right arm up like this.” You instruct him and he follows your lead flawlessly, so different from Beomgyu, and it slowly eases your nerves and allows you to get back in the mood. 
“Good. Keep your head down and look up at the camera with your eyes. Smile a little, no, not too much. We want you to look crazy, but not funny crazy.” 
He laughs at that, offended. “Hey!” 
You snap a couple of pictures of him laughing. You know, just for your own personal collection. “Sorry, babe. There is such a thing as overdoing it.” 
He pouts, acting sulky, and you take pictures of that too. 
“What are you doing?” He raises an eyebrow and you blush. “Doing my job?”
“Those pictures would never make it as promotional pictures and you know it.” He calls your bluff and you shrug. “They can make it as my lock screen though.” 
“I knew it. You’re so down bad for me.” He laughs and you scowl at him. “Shut up. Be professional.” You demand as if you weren’t using paid time to take pictures of your boyfriend for your own personal use. 
“Yes, ma’am.” He salutes you, “Do you think I could play the song on my phone? It might help me get more into the character.” 
“Sure, if you think it will help.” 
He pulls out his phone and plays the song, closing his eyes for a second like he does before doing a dance routine, Kai’s manic laugh from the song ringing around the room before Yeonjun opens his eyes and looks at you, completely transforming in front of you. 
“That’s really good. Keep going.” You encourage. You don’t even have to give him much direction after that, he does it on his own. You just give little modifications here and there but he’s embodying this concept so well by himself. 
“Really lost my mind. Really, really, really lost it.” He mouths the words, pressing two fingers to his head in a trigger motion before rolling his head around. 
“Remember to look at the camera, baby. Not all the time, I want some shots of you looking away so it seems I’ve caught you in the middle of it.” You keep shooting him, getting in different positions and angles to get the best shots as he gets into the music, channeling the darkness of it through him. 
“Now, I want you to snap out of it. Look around as if you’re trying to find the source of the voice.” You instruct and he does it as if a switch had been flipped. He has such a talent for this. “Grab your head and stumble around a bit as if you’re losing your balance. Good.” 
“Now look at the camera.” He looks up at you, eyes wide and filled with fear. You take a few shots before you lower the camera down. “Wow, baby, you did amazing. You’re such a good model.” You praise him and he gives you a lovely smile, completely changing his vibe once again and turning into the sweet boy that only you get to see. 
You smirk, grabbing his chin and making him look at you. “Does someone like being told he’s a good boy?” 
His breath hitches and his smile falls. Shit. You forgot that this is Yeonjun, not Beomgyu. He’s probably not into this. You let go of his chin and step away, an apology on your tongue, but he pulls you back, kissing you. “I do like it. Maybe when we’re done you can show me how much of a good boy I am?” 
Relief soothes your racing heart and you reach up to run your hand through his hair, tugging on the bright orange mess. “Only if you behave.” You brush your lips over his neck, making him shiver. 
“Guys, really? We have children present.” Soobin complains, pointing to Kai. 
“Hey, I’m not a child!” Kai protests in turn, “But I’ll agree to act like a child if it will get those two to stop. Seriously you’re worse than Beomgyu and Haeun." 
That last remark makes your face drop real quick. You're lucky Haeun was too busy to come to the shoot today. With how stressed you are, you might've snapped at her and Beomgyu and made a huge scene. You already almost did it with Beomgyu. You’re sure if she was here, you would’ve lost your cool.  
“Sorry, guys.” You step away from Yeonjun, clearing your throat. You look at Beomgyu to see him staring right at you and Yeonjun, and if looks could kill, you and Yeonjun would be dead now… wait that’s it! That’s the look you want from him. 
“Beomgyu, come with me. I think we can do your shots now.” You motion to him quickly, and Yeonjun gives you a confused look. 
“He’s got the look I want from him. Be right back.” You explain to Yeonjun, getting up on your toes and giving him a quick kiss, partly because you love kissing Yeonjun’s plump lips and partly to annoy Beomgyu further and get him more mad in order to get the pictures you want. 
Things go much more smoothly this time. Beomgyu was giving you just the look you wanted, glaring at you like he actually wants to pounce on you. It’s great for the shoot, but bad for your heart.
“Now give me a smile.” You say and his lips move ever so slightly, shaped into a weird distorted smile that is so tense, it looks like it might snap into a snarl any second now. It’s the exact vibe you were going for and you didn’t even have to instruct him to do it. It was almost too spot on. 
“Perfect. Now grab your neck as if you’re trying to claw something out, like you can’t breathe.” Even that he does perfectly, fingers digging into his neck as if he’s not worried about his well-being at all. He’s doing it so well that you only take a few snaps before stepping in to quickly stop him. 
“Okay, that’s enough. We’re done here.” You can’t help but walk towards him, pulling his hand off his neck and inspecting the little marks he made there, smoothing your thumb over them as if you could make them go away. 
“What, I don’t get a good boy?” He asks and you snap out of your worried daze, stepping back. 
“Beomgyu…” You warn, annoyed at yourself for slipping. “Don’t start now.” 
“I guess he’s your muse now.” He mutters, looking away, and you follow his gaze to see Yeonjun looking at you. 
Is he? Yeonjun is a natural model–he has proven that today–while Beomgyu requires more prompting. Yeonjun is intense and chic while Beomgyu is ethereal and melancholic.They’re completely different from one another. Can you really compare them? 
You guess that’s a lie. Yeonjun can embody whatever concept you give him, but Beomgyu inspires you to make new concepts. He’ll always be your muse. 
You don’t tell him that though. It would only cause trouble. Instead, you deflect, “We need to do the group shoot now.”
You gather all the boys in one spot, posing them every which way you want, instructing them on where to look, how to stand and what expression to make. It’s a bit overwhelming making sure that they all look good at once, but you’ll have to get used to this if you wanna make a career out of it. 
You’re almost done with the shoot and you’re so proud of how all of you have done so far. You just need a couple more pictures and that’s it.  
“Soobin, look to the side and tilt your head a little to the right. No more. More. A little less. Yes, perfect! The rest of you stay like you are.” You take a few pictures like this, before you call out again, “Baby, look at the camera” 
When you say that, both Yeonjun and Beomgyu turn their heads to face you, and an awkward moment of silence passes before you stutter, “Yeonjun… I mean. Look at the camera, Yeonjun.”
“Awkward…” Hyuka sings and Taehyun elbows him in the stomach. 
You brush right past it, pretending that it didn’t even happen. Though your stammering and blushing doesn’t fool anyone. Thankfully though, it’s all over soon. 
“Okay, boys, that’s it. We’re done!” You cheer, exhausted but happy and confident that you’ve gotten all the pictures you needed. “Anyone want to see some of the photos?” 
They all gather to look at them with varying degrees of enthusiasm. As you scroll through the pictures, they oh and ah at their own shots while making fun of the others for any awkward ones. You expected nothing less from them. 
“Hey, how come your boyfriend got all the best shots?” Soobin grumbles, and you roll your eyes. “He got all the good shots because he posed the best out of all of you.” 
“Bullshit.” Taehyun interjects and Hyuka agrees, “Nepotism is what it is.” 
“Shut up, Kai. That’s not even what nepotism means.” 
“Oh yeah, then how come you gave him the best set and accessories?” He challenges and Yeonjun wraps his arm around you, “So what if she favors me? Are any of you giving it to her good every night? I don’t think so.” Yeonjun boasts, making you blush deeply. 
Whatever reply you were going to make gets cut off by Beomgyu slamming his drink down and storming off. 
“Someone’s in a pissy mood.” Taehyun mutters and Kai adds, “Probably pissed off that all the good shots went to the photographer’s boyfriend.” 
“Drop it, Kai.” Yeonjun snaps and the younger guy raises his hands up in surrender. 
“Ignore them, baby. I think all the shots are stunning.” Yeonjun says, holding you.
“You really think so?” 
He nods, rubbing your arms soothingly, before grinning. “But mine are the best, of course.” 
“You’re all assholes.” You grumble, pushing him away but inside you’re thankful he diffused the awkward situation. 
“Let me make it up to you. You wanna grab something to eat? I’ll buy you your favorite fried crap.” He offers and you clap, excited. “Oh, yum!" 
“Can I come too, baby?” Kai asks, making kissy faces at you before running away as Yeonjun takes off his shoe and throws it at him. 
“Junnie?” You call out and he blinks, looking up at you. “Are you okay? You’ve been quiet for a while now.” 
“I’m just a bit worried.” He sighs, making you frown. “About what?”
“I think we’re really close to being signed. We’re having promising talks with a couple of record companies and the whole process is really stressed out.” 
“But isn’t it a good thing?” You ask, confused. Didn’t the boys want to be signed for a long time? Is he having second thoughts? 
“It is, but we all know the stories of artists getting scammed by companies and having their masters stolen, or having their creativity stifled by the execs, or losing their sound… as the front man I really wanna make sure to do this right. I don’t want to let my members down.” 
“Oh, Junnie, I know you’ll do your best.” You reach out to grab his hand, squeezing in comfortingly. He’s such a good hyung to his members, always so reliable and trying to make everything easier for them so they don’t have to stress like him. “But you can’t put all of this on your shoulders only. The boys need to contribute to the decision too. After all, it’s their future too.”
“I know but it really bums them out thinking about all this. They’re here for the music, you know? Not the corporate dance.” 
“Neither are you. They’re big boys. They can handle it. They need to do this too. They need to take on part of the responsibility.” Your hand moves up his arm, stroking it. It’s not fair for him to take on all this burden by himself. Besides, it’s not good in the long run. The boys need to make a joint decision or conflict and blame could arise later. “I can’t have you losing your hair over this. I don’t really like bald guys.” 
Yeonjun gives you a betrayed look. “Hey! Are you saying you won’t be with me if I was bald?” 
“That’s exactly what I’m saying.” You confirm and he scoffs, pretending to be offended. “You’re so fake.” 
“Probably. But I took your mind off it for a second there.” You tease, using the same trick he used on you when you were crying. 
“I think you’re gonna need to do a lot more to take my mind off it.” He tells you suggestively and you roll your eyes. 
“Eat your heart attack-inducing food first, then we’ll talk.” 
He grabs a drumstick and bites off a piece of it like he’s in a cartoon, making you burst out laughing. 
"You know what I noticed?" He asks after chewing his food, and you hum in acknowledgement, prompting him to go on, "Your style has changed since we've started dating. It's become edgier and more trendy. If I didn't know any better I'd say you were trying to impress me."
You blush, feeling caught. "Good thing you know better then."
"Well, since I know better, I won't say that I would find it really cute if you were trying to impress me or that it would make me feel really special."
"Well, if I were doing it to impress you, it would be because you're really special.” You say sincerely, looking him right in the eyes, before shrugging, “Luckily, this is all hypothetical." 
You continue to stare at him as he laughs. 
“What?” He asks, and you tell him, "You're doing it again." 
"Doing what?" He gives you a confused look. 
"Laughing in that adorable way that makes your nose scrunch up and makes me wanna tackle you to the ground and kiss you all over your stupid face." 
What happens next is so groundbreaking, you almost can't believe your eyes. You actually make him blush. And your stupid heart that has been beating non-stop for Beomgyu, falters in its incessant pace a second to let Yeonjun in. 
It’s going good with Yeonjun. Despite the flirty and confident persona he portrays for his fans, behind closed doors he’s shown you many sweet and shy moments. He’s attentive to you despite how busy he is with his career and his clear passion for music. And he’s really, really sexy. 
Yes, his flirtiness can make you feel insecure sometimes and it does make you wonder if he’ll get sick of you one day and jump to someone prettier and new like guys in a band so often do, but you think you could overcome that feeling with time. You’re just being insecure. It’s part of his job. He’s not actually this cocky playboy. He has to act that way to bring in the fans.
Except he kind of is a playboy. He has dated many other girls before you and he has broken up with all of them. Who is to say that that won’t happen to you too soon? Who knows when he’ll get sick of you? Maybe he’s just waiting to scope out his next girlfriend before breaking up with you. 
No, you’re being paranoid. He’s just entertaining his fans. It means nothing. Just because he dated a lot before you, doesn’t mean you’re just another notch on his belt. This doesn’t mean anything, especially not his innocuous interactions with his fans. 
Yeah, you’re not bothered at all watching him deliver not-so-subtle pick up lines to his horde of fangirls and watching them giggle and swoon over him. You don’t care that he lets them touch him and hug him. You don’t even notice the panties they throw on stage for him or that they ask him to sign their bras. It’s all good. 
“You okay, doll?” Yeonjun throws his arm around you, nudging you. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Don’t let me keep you from your girlfriends.” You mutter, pushing his arm off, and storming off. Okay, maybe you are a little bothered.
You hear footsteps behind you and quicken your pace but he catches up to you eventually. Damn his long legs. “Hey, hey, what was all that about?”
“This may come as a shock to you but I don’t exactly enjoy you flirting with other women.” You grit, your anger bubbling up in your stomach and forming acid around your bitter words. 
“You know I’m just doing my job.” He defends himself and you scoff. “Your job is singing. Not getting their panties wet.” 
“That is still part of the job. You think all those successful bands don’t get where they are by appealing to the fangirls? You really think it’s just about the music?” He may have a point but that doesn’t make you feel any better about his behavior. At the end of the day he is still acting inappropriately around girls who aren’t his girlfriend.  “No, you’re right. I’m sorry. Want me to go invite some of them back to your room for some quality fanservice?” 
He laughs at that, and it’s far from the sweet laugh you adore. “You have no right to act jealous. Not when I have to watch you everyday staring longingly at your best friend. Your best friend who you live with and have messed around with before by the way. How do I know you won’t fall to your knees the moment he asks you to suck him off?”
"Fuck you, Yeonjun." You tear up at the unexpected attack, and turn around to leave. You can't believe he is throwing this in your face. 
“Wait. I’m sorry.” He holds you back, brushing your hair away from your face and seeing the tears budding in your eyes. “I don’t mean to be an asshole. I know you don’t like the way I act but it’s my job. My livelihood depends on it. I’m not doing it just for fun. You know that.” 
You look away, conflicted. Yes, you do know but that doesn’t make it suck any less. “Do you have to let it go that far though?” You pout, images of your boyfriend with his arm around random girls or letting them touch his face or hold his hand flashing behind your eyelids. 
“I will try to tone it down.” He concedes and you finally look at him. “No letting them kiss you?” 
“No sexual innuendos?” 
“No signing their bras?” 
“So just their breasts?” 
You go to leave but he pulls you back flush against his body. “I’m kidding.” He kisses you and you reluctantly let yourself fall into the kiss. God, why do you pick the hardest boys to love? 
Speaking of which…
“And I’m sorry for what I said about Beomgyu. I trust in you not to do that just as you trust in me not to cheat. But I’m not sorry about the part where I don’t like you living together.”
“What?” Your frown. What is he trying to say? 
“You’re in love with the guy. Living with him won’t allow you to move on. You need to move away from him to let us move on.” He clarifies, not really making it easier for your brain to compute. 
"We can never move forward in our relationship if you're holding onto him." He presses, seeing your resistance to his words. “Come live with me. Leave whatever this thing you have with him in the past and take the next step with me.” 
"But he's my best friend. We promised each other we'd stay together." You say as if that means anything to him, and the look he gives you is what an adult would give to a naive child thinking their family pet really went to live on a farm. "Are you going to live together even when both of you are married?"
"No. But it's too fast. He's so freaked out about everything changing. This is gonna send him into a breakdown." You resist still, maybe because some of what you’re saying applies to you too. You’re not sure if you’re ready to do this. 
"Don't you think that's a little weird?” Yeonjun challenges your statement, forcing you to examine your unusual situation with Beomgyu for the first time. “You two have an unhealthy attachment to each other. You’re not together and believe me no boyfriend or girlfriend is gonna tolerate how you two are acting. I know I can't."
But you can’t think about it too deeply right now, not on the spot like this, not when there is a plain threat in his words. "Are you giving me an ultimatum?"
"No. I'm just asking you to set some boundaries." 
Is that the same thing? You sigh. "Can you… just give me some time to think it through?"
Yeonjun doesn’t like that. "You know I'm right."
What he’s asking you is huge. With how Beomgyu isn’t talking to you, moving out of the apartment might spell complete doom to your friendship, and you don’t know if you are ready to risk that yet. Maybe you can work it out while still living with Beomgyu. Maybe you can find a way to move forward with Yeonjun while still retaining your friendship with Beomgyu. 
"Fine." Yeonjun backs down for now, but this is clearly not the end of it. 
When you get home, you find a strange surprise waiting for you… A pillow fort?
"What's this?" You ask Beomgyu suspiciously and he beams at you, pulling you towards the structure he made. "Come on in. Come on in!"
You let him take you inside with him, seeing it lined with pillows and soft fuzzy blankets and all kinds of snacks you could ever need. The only light illuminating the inside coming from the small laptop filled with movies for you to watch. 
"What's all this for?" You ask, very confused at the sudden change in his attitude. What has gotten into him? 
"Well, I know I've been an ass–"
You don't mean to snort but you can’t help it–interrupting him–and he shoots you glare, albeit a playful one. 
"I know I've been an asshole," He repeats, not deterred. "But I was worried about what Yeonjun was gonna do to you and I was frustrated you weren’t listening to me. I’ve seen him blow through girlfriends many times before–maybe not in a way that is meant to intentionally hurt them but he just doesn’t seem to be ready for something serious yet. It always seemed like the girls were way more into him than he was into them and that eventually leads to the relationship breaking down and the girls getting hurt and I didn’t want that to happen to you. I didn’t want you to get hurt like that.” 
His words echo your own doubts. You’ve been wondering about this exact yourself. Yeonjun is great. He’s fun and sweet and he makes you smile, but if you let yourself fall for him, will he be able to love you too? 
Is that even a fair question to ask? Doesn’t everyone go into relationships not knowing if the other person will end up liking them the same amount? And can you really be the one wondering about this when you’re the one in love with your best friend? 
You don’t say anything though, just letting Beomgyu continue, curious about where he is going with this. “But in my attempt to try to prevent that I've stupidly gone and hurt you myself. I got angry and vindictive and I lost sight of what I was trying to do… I also was being selfish because I didn’t want to lose you to him. I’m so used to it just being the two of us and it made me a little jealous that suddenly he’s taking all your time and attention. I used to be your number one guy.” 
You look at his pout, trying miserably to fight down the tears his words are springing up. He is still your number one. That’s the problem. 
“You said all of this already.” You say quietly, looking down and trying to hide your glossy eyes from him. 
“I know, but what I didn’t say is that I don't know if Yeonjun will stay like this forever or if he's going to break your heart and force me to cut his balls off, but I wanna be there regardless.” He proclaims, sounding exactly like the best friend you terribly missed, the obvious joke not taking away from the seriousness of what he’s saying. “I don’t want to lose you over this. I want us to go back to how we were before all this mess. Do you think we can do that?" 
You look up at him, his pretty face shimmering and swimming around in your tearful vision, making his already ethereal features appear celestial. He looks at you as if you could ever deny his request. How can you ever say no to him? 
"Yes, Beommie." You finally say, letting the tears fall. 
"Hey, hey…" He coos, grabbing your face and kissing your tears away. "Don't cry. You know seeing you cry will just make me cry too." 
“I can’t help it. I missed you, you idiot.” You wail, and he pulls you into his arms, rocking you back and forth and rubbing soothing circles on your back. 
“I missed you too. So much. You don’t even know.” You hear his voice falter and you know he’s crying too. 
You stay there for a while–you don’t know how long–until you and him have calmed down enough to be able to string together words again. He’s the first to pull back, but only so he can look you in the eyes. 
“You look so pretty when you cry.” He whispers, wiping your tears away and you cover the way your heart skips a beat at that with a cough, pushing him away to give yourself room to breathe in something that isn’t him. 
“Shut up.” You mumble, wiping your tears away with your sleeve before looking around awkwardly, trying to change the subject. “So what movies do you have for us?"
Thankfully, Beomgyu follows your lead. "Top gun of course!' 
You groan. 
"I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I got you one of those foreign horror movies you love so much." He shows you that he chose a French movie called Martyrs. 
"Aw, you really do love me." You exclaim, covering your heart with your hand.
“I know. I’m an idiot, aren’t I?” He mutters, sitting down and motioning for you to do the same. You sit down next to him, leaving a small gap between you. 
“Hey, what are you doing?” He asks, and you look at him in confusion. He rolls his eyes and opens his arms to you. “You can’t have Movies and Cuddles Monday without the cuddles.” 
You hesitate for a second, wondering if you really should do this. Is this too intimate? Would this be considered cheating on Yeonjun?
No, you’re being ridiculous. People cuddle with their best friends all the time. You can do that. 
“Right.” You get into his embrace, and he holds in in both arms. 
“Okay, let’s start the massacre.” 
“I think I’m gonna throw up.” Beomgyu groans, burying his face in your neck as screen shows the main lead being flayed alive. 
“Well, don’t do it on me!” You squeak, trying to pull away to hide the goosebumps that have erupted on your skin when his lips brush against you, but he’s holding onto you too tightly.  “Don’t go. You made me see this. I’m traumatized.” 
“You’re the one who picked the movie.” 
“Because I wanted to satisfy your blood thirst.” He mumbles and you laugh. “I don’t even like gore. I prefer the subtly creepy.” 
“Yeah like that game you like where the character takes a pill and entrails fall from the sky.” 
“Hey, entrails can be subtle.” You grumble, relaxing back in his arms. “Now shut up. I wanna see the ending.” 
Beomgyu sits in silence, holding onto you tightly as the character called Mademoiselle leans over the flayed woman to hear what she has to say after achieving martyrdom. You watch with bated breath, not feeling any of the anxiety you’re supposed to feel as the cult members ask the Mademoiselle what the main character told her–too relaxed with the way Beomgyu massages your scalp with his fingers. If you were a cat, you’d be purring right now. 
Even Beomgyu keeps his mouth shut as the Mademoiselle grabs a gun and shoots herself, taking the secret with her to the grave–the both of you seeming to be in a trance. It’s only when the credits roll does he speak up. 
“I can’t believe they didn’t tell us the secret to the afterlife.” Beomgyu complains softly, not making any move to disentangle you from his arms,and neither do you.
“Yeah right, like they would tell us the secret to the afterlife.” You snort at your naive friend, “Besides the movie isn’t about that.”
“Yeah, and what is it about, genius?” He challenges. 
“Um, it’s clearly about the exploitation of the working class so the rich can achieve knowledge and even more power–no it’s about the exploitation of women of the working class.” 
“You just pulled that out of your ass.” 
“Maybe. But that could be right.” You shrug, your shoulder once again brushing against his lips. “Do you have a better theory, idiot?” 
“Yeah, my theory is that the director just wanted to make the most disgusting movie possible and made up this whole martyrdom story to justify the torture inflicted on the characters, and that’s why he couldn’t come up with an actual answer to what happens after death.” 
“Maybe that’s the point. We were never meant to know the answer. Knowing the answer renders life and its struggles meaningless. That’s why the Mademoiselle killed herself.” 
“Or maybe Anna told her a lie that she knew would fuck her up and get her to kill herself. Perfect revenge.” 
“That doesn’t make sense. At the start of the movie we see that when Lucy got revenge on one of the families, it still wouldn’t make her guilt go away so clearly the movie views revenge as a non-viable option.” 
“Hey, when did you become so smart? I thought Movies and Cuddles Monday was supposed to be about mindless consumption of media and making stupid jokes about plots we’re not smart enough to comprehend.” He looks at you in suspicion and you meekly answer, “I may possibly have started reading some books–”
He gasps. “Books? Dear lord, save us.” 
“You’re just worried you’ll stay the only dumb one.” You poke his nose teasingly and he tries to bite your finger, making you withdraw it with a giggle. 
“Doesn’t matter. Smarts are for ugly people. I’m too pretty.” 
You smile fondly. “Yes, you are.” 
He wraps his arms around you even tighter, letting out a small contented hum as the credits roll, neither of you moving to start another movie or turn off the computer. How can you when it makes you feel so safe and content, like you could want for nothing else in the world as he strokes your hair with one hand and your arm with the other.  
Every emotion you've been working so hard to smother comes roaring back. And you realize that you and Beomgyu are not just friends. Probably can never be just friends. This is why Yeonjun insisted you move out. You can't be this close to Beomgyu without falling back into your old habits. If you wanna give Yeonjun an honest chance, you need to get some space. 
“Beomgyu… do you ever think about living with Haeun?” 
He frowns. “Why? Did she say anything to you?” You almost laugh at his look of terror. Almost. If you weren’t so terrified of what you have to say to him.
"Yeah she told me on one of our weekly get togethers." You snort, then hesitate. “It’s just… Yeonjun wants me to move in with him.” 
He pulls away from you, face hardening, and your body is suddenly left defenseless against the cold chill in the air. "What did you tell him?"
You want to tell him that you said No. You want him to take you back in his arms. Even if he doesn’t love you back, this can be enough for you, right?  "I said I'd think about it."
"Think about what? This is way too soon. You can't just move in with him. What if you break up? Then you'd be left homeless because you were so stupid as to move in with a guy you've only been dating a few months." 
His anger is like lashings to your cold skin. Why does he keep doing this to you, making you let your guard down before attacking you once more? Does he not know how hard this is for you too? "Beomgyu, you said you weren't going to be an asshole anymore." 
"I just don't understand why you'd do something like that." His frustration is palpable. He is looking at you as if you’re just doing this to hurt him. 
"Because Yeonjun doesn't like me living with you after we messed around."
You shouldn't have said that. That just makes him angrier. "And you’re just going to do whatever he tells you to do? Are you one of those girls who does everything her boyfriend tells her?"
His accusation pisses you off. He’s treating you like you’ve committed a crime for wanting to move forward with your boyfriend. "No, but he has a right to be weirded out by us living together. I know I wouldn't be happy about him living with a girl he hooked up with."
"Oh yeah, and what's next? He's too weirded out by us hanging out? Talking? Looking at each other?" 
"You're being overdramatic."
"Am I?" He shouts, “This is why I didn’t want you to date him. He is taking you from me.”
The fucking audacity for him to say this as if he hasn’t been terrible to you ever since you started even expressing interest in Yeonjun. This would never have happened if he had been an actual goddamn friend to you. 
“He isn’t taking me from you. You’re pushing me away.” 
“You know he’s only going to hurt you?” He says, hitting you right where it hurts. It’s one thing for you to doubt your relationship with Yeonjun, but it’s another thing entirely for your friend and his to keep telling you that it’s never gonna last. 
Does he really have no faith in you? Does he not think you’re pretty enough, good enough to keep yeonjun’s attention? Does he think it’s impossible for Yeonjun to actually love you? 
You start tearing up again. "Why are you being like this?"
“Because it’s what he is. You’re making a huge mistake. You're choosing this guy you just started dating over our years of friendship."
You shake your head. "Why does it have to be either or. Why can’t I have my boyfriend and my best friend?"
He lets out a condescending laugh. “I’m not the one making you choose!” 
But he is. He has been making you choose since the beginning. He just doesn’t like it because for once you’re not putting him and his ridiculous demands first. 
“He is not making me choose.” You defend Yeonjun and yourself. “He just doesn’t want us to live together.” 
“You really think he’ll end it at that? You don’t think he’ll demand more bit by bit? Next it will be ‘I don’t like him touching you.’ then it will be ‘don’t hang out with him so much’ and then ‘why do you even need to see him. We can just stay in.’ and before long he’ll have completely phased me out!”
“Well maybe there should be some boundaries. We did hook up together. It’s normal for him to feel insecure. And maybe we’re a bit more touchy than other friends are. Maybe I should only be cuddling with my boyfriend and that only my boyfriend should be kissing me…” You’re saying this more to yourself than to him. Even what happened earlier wasn’t really appropriate. It could be for completely platonic friends but you know that’s not what you and Beomgyu are. Not for you, at least. 
“See? It’s already happening!” He exclaims, and you sigh. There is no point arguing with him. He’s too upset to see reason. “I’m sorry, Beomgyu…”
"Forget it. Forget all of this." He stands up and takes the pillow-fort apart. "Enjoy living with your boyfriend." 
You quickly gathered a few essential items that you'll need along with a change of clothes before you texted Yeonjun to come pick you up. You'll get the rest of your stuff later. You just can’t handle being in this house anymore. 
"Are you okay?" Yeonjun asks when you get into his car. 
"Yeah, it's just Beomgyu is really mad at me." You sniffle, trying to hold back your tears. 
"Of course. That fucking idiot." Yeonjun curses and you agree. "Such an idiot."
"Want me to go beat him up?" He offers but you shake your head. "I really don't think you two having a cat fight is gonna lift my spirit up."
"Hey!" He shouts, offended, but he can't help but give you a smile–his sweet smile that you love so much. 
"But that might." You smile back, wiping your nose before bending over to give him a kiss. 
"Didn’t know I'd be eating snot today." He says as he pulls back and you smack him. "I wiped before I kissed you!" 
He laughs and tries to kiss you again but you push him away. "No. I've revoked your right to kisses." 
“Is that so?” He quirks an eyebrow up and you nod, indignant. 
"And what if I told you I have some great news that will make you wanna kiss my face off?" 
“What?” You look suspiciously at the massive grin on his face. "You know the director of Elements magazine?"
"Do I? Of course! She's one of my inspirations." You gush, excited at what he could possibly have to say about her. 
"Well, I've been talking to her about you–"
"What?” Your face falls, terrified. “What–what would you talk to her about me for?"
"She's interested in your work." He tells you and you give him an unflattering snort in disbelief.  "Yeah, right. What do I have to show her?"
"She's actually seen the shoot you did with us and would like you to send her more of your stuff because she thinks she may want you to do a pictorial for the magazine."
“Shut up.” You gape at him. You? Do a pictorial for Elements magazine? "Oh god, I think I'm gonna pass out." 
“Please, don’t. I don’t know how I’d be able to explain why I have a passed out girl in my car to anyone who saw.”
You shoot him a glare, but there is no heat behind it. "How do you even know her?”
"I've done some modeling for her before." He shrugs as if that isn’t a big fucking achievement, "I told you, networking is everything."
"You're amazing." You breathe out in awe. 
"I know." He replies confidently and you suddenly shriek, kicking your feet in excitement. "Oh my god, I can't believe she liked my stuff!" 
"Why wouldn't she? You’re great." You turn to him, a huge smile on your face before you bend over the console and give him a big kiss. "You are so getting laid."
"That's why I did it." He jokes, starting the car before pulling out of the parking spot. 
"Welcome home." Yeonjun says, putting your bag down in his bedroom. 
Yeah, you guess this is home now. You look around, trying to process the fact, and Yeonjun comes up behind you to wrap his arms around you. “You can redecorate a bit if you want. I’ll give you a whole corner of the room.” 
You turn around in his arms, wrapping your own around his neck. “You’re very generous.” You kiss him slowly, deepening the kiss as you go, pushing your tongue into his mouth as your lips move against each other. “My good boy.” 
“Oh, are we doing this?” He raises an eyebrow at you. 
“You deserve it.” You push his jacket off before slipping his white tank top over his head. As soon as his chest is bare, you attack your lips to it, kissing it all over. Your lips tingle as it comes in contact with his warm skin over and over again and you feel his little moans vibrating through his chest as he slowly gives into the pleasure, shivering a bit when you wrap your lips around one of his nipples. 
Your hands trail down his body, grabbing at his waist on the way, kneading it, before moving to his pants. You unbutton and unzip them slowly, rubbing the back of your hand over the bulge there, making his breathing stutter. 
“Baby…” He pouts at your teasing, and you lean up to give his pretty lips a kiss. 
“Want it, darling?” You ask, continuing to brush your hand over him teasingly and he nods. “Okay. Just because you’ve been so good to me.” 
You put your hand in his boxers and pull out his cock, stroking it to full hardness while kissing his addictive lips. 
“You’re so good to me, Yeonjun. You deserve to be pampered.” You tell him, twisting your hand over the head of his cock as your lips go down his neck and along his chest until you have to get on your knees to go further. You kiss his abs gently before opening your mouth and giving his skin a playful nip which makes him jump. 
“Hey, that’s not pampering.” He protests and you laugh, licking the reddening spot soothingly as you continue to tease his dick with your hand. 
“I was just thinking about how you seduced me with this at the party.” You tell him and he grins. “So I was–ahh–right? It was my rock–fuck–hard abs that got you?” 
It’s hard for him to keep a straight face when your fingers are twisting so sinfully around his hard cock. “Maybe I ran into you on purpose t-to–shit–give me the chance to take off my shirt in front of you.” 
“Diabolical.” You hum, kissing all over his tummy, getting closer and closer to his aching cock before moving up again, just to tease him, then repeating the process all over again until he starts dripping in need. 
“Baby, please…” He finally calls out when he becomes so needy that your palm gets all sticky with his arousal. 
“I got you, baby.” You finally take him into your mouth, the taste of him familiar by now. 
Over the few months you’ve been dating Yeonjun, you’ve gotten very acquainted with what he likes and how he likes to be touched. You learn what makes him tick and where he is sensitive. It’s no longer entirely nerve-wracking to be with him. There are some things you can do and say that you can rely on that are guaranteed to get him in the mood
But today is different. You’ve never tried to take the lead from him before. In a way, you’re both more confident and more nervous–more confident because you know how to do this better, you’ve done this a lot with Beomgyu… and more nervous because you’ve never done it with Yeonjun. What if he doesn’t like it? 
Your movements are slow, meant to tease and build up rather than push him over the edge. Your tongue swirls slowly around his flushed head and laps up any precum leaking from his slit while your thumb and index finger make a circle around his cock and slowly move up and down the bottom of his shaft, working him up until he’s begging again. 
“More–please, I need more.” He breathes, voice tight and needy. 
It’s a lot different from Beomgyu… If it was Beomgyu, he’d be crying and whining loudly, his mouth spouting off all kinds of filth in an attempt to get you to throat his dick. He’d be squirming and trying to push his dick further down your mouth, bucking his hips into your hand so you’d jerk him off faster… 
But Yeonjun is not Beomgyu. He stands there, as still as he can, and lets you do what you want. 
Only interrupting with a quiet plea when he can’t take it anymore. Is that better? Is it worse? You don’t know. All you know is that you need to get Beomgyu out of your mind, stop comparing them. Yeonjun is yours, Beomgyu is not. Yeonjun is here for you to touch and taste and feel, Beomgyu isn’t. Yeonjun has opened his heart up to you, and it’s insulting to think of another guy when you’re with him. 
So you get off your knees and kiss Yeonjun, letting yourself focus on him and only him. You push the rest of his clothes off his body, and let him do the same to you, letting his hands wander and squeeze and caress as he does so–because you’re his. 
You lead him towards the bed, pushing him on it and climbing on top of him, lining yourself up with his hard cock before catching his gaze, seeing the way he lies still and waits for you to do, before you sink down on him. 
He lets out a deep sigh when you’re seated on his hips, his cock buried all the way inside you. 
“This what you wanted, darling?” 
He nods, resting his hands on your thighs, not pushing or pulling, just letting you take your time. Is it a sign of patience and letting you take the lead or is it a lack of passion and indifference? These are the thoughts that plague you. 
But you’re too much of a coward to ask, so you just lift yourself up and fall down on his cock, establishing a steady rhythm. He lets out quiet moans and pants, responding to the way your hips move and your pussy works over his cock, his eyes alternating from staring at your form to rolling into the back of his skull when the pleasure becomes too much. 
“Is it good?” You ask and he nods. “So good.” 
Still restrained. Still subdued. But you take it. You take it and you run with it, bouncing faster on his cock, your gaze stuck to his face, eating up every little twitch and sigh that escapes him, so focused on him that you neglect your own pleasure, only noticing when his right hand brushes up your thigh and his thumb grazes your clit. 
“What are you doing, baby?” You ask, hand circling around his wrist but not pulling it away. 
“Don’t wanna cum alone. Want you with me.” 
Is it really you domming him if he can still do whatever he wants? You don’t know but you don’t have to decide right now. You can just take it slow. You can work things out the kinks bit by bit. 
“That’s a bit quick, don’t you think?” You venture to tease him, hoping he’d give you the response you’re looking for, and he does… somewhat. “Can’t help it. You just look so sexy bouncing on my cock. You should dom me every day.” 
You groan, thighs burning as you ride him faster, needing him to really mean it. “Don’t talk like that.” 
“Like what?” He purrs, his thumb still circling your sensitive nub. 
“Like you’re still in control.” You finally push his hand away, pinning his arms next to his head, but maddeningly, he just smirks up at you. 
“You want the control, you’re going to have to take it, doll. I am not going to just show my belly and give you the lead so easily.” 
“You’re insufferable.” You hold his wrists with one hand and use the other to wrap around his throat, not cutting off his circulation but just holding it tight enough to make a point. 
“That’s more like it.” He gasps, craning his head back to give you an easier purchase on his neck. “I’m close.” 
“Why should I let you cum?” You challenge, digging your fingers just a little more into his neck, clenching your pussy just a little tighter around his cock. 
“Because you like it when I empty my balls inside your little pussy.” He sucks in a sharp breath, his control slipping just a little bit, and you latch onto that. 
“I do like it, but what I like more is making bad boys cry.” You threaten, slowing down your movement until you’re barely riding him. “I’m sure it would feel just as good getting off your cock and making myself cum on my fingers. Just seeing your needy cock all hard and red with no relief would be more than enough to get me off.” 
He frowns. “You wouldn’t…” 
You make a show of getting off his cock and he quickly cries out. “No, wait. Okay. You win. I’ll be good.” 
You raise an eyebrow at him before going back to riding him fast, not giving him the chance to challenge you again. “Well, that was easy.” 
He does well by shutting up this time, his full lips pulled into a hilarious pout. 
“Are you close?” You ask him when his eyebrows begin to furrow and he nods. You let go of his wrist, telling him to keep them there as if you could’ve stopped him if he wanted to overpower you. 
You use your now free hand to rub your clit, pushing yourself towards your own high. 
Yeonjun doesn’t like that. “I could do that for you.” 
He tries to reach out to touch you but you let go of his throat and swat his hands away. “No. Only good boys get to touch.” 
He gives you a little whine–a semblance of what you crave from him. Maybe the rest will come in time. 
“I’m close.” You tell him, fingers desperately moving over your pussy as you ride him. “Want you to cum with me.” 
He nods, his hips moving for the first time under you, helping the both of you over the edge. 
“Yeonjun–fuck!” You throw your head back, eyes squeezed tight as your body shudders with release. Yeonjun hands reach out to hold your hips flush against his as he empties himself inside you, a long groan slipping from his pretty lips. 
“Fuck.” You gasp, falling down when your orgasm leaves you, and Yeonjun opens his arms to take you in, holding you close to him, your hearts beating rapidly still. 
This whole day has been an emotional rollercoaster for you, and the release of pent up energy leaves you spent, your body all but becoming boneless in Yeonjun’s embrace. 
He kisses the top of your head, his hand smoothing through your wet hair as the both of you catch your breath. You feel your eyelids getting heavy with exhaustion, the heat of his embrace now a familiar night-time companion, and you find yourself drifting off to sleep. 
"Thank you again for choosing me for the Frost shoot." You mumble, eyes closed. He may have just changed the whole trajectory of your career. 
"No need to thank me. It was all Beomgyu's idea." 
A/N: one more chapter to go. as always your feedback makes me update faster so don't be shy to drop in a message. the author note in the last chapter will contain a link to my patreon for the alternative ending for the losing boy so look forward to that
and for the final time
Taglist: @blxxsss@sanasour@tinkw1nks@lol6sposts@zuzuhasablog@beomsl@seolis-world @stantxtorurmissingout@wonwooz1@yaorzu-blog@allylikesdabee@rkivezzs@malieno@leviathanlee26@yomomas-stuff@kurisaiyunobara@girlwholovekpop@zuzuhasablog @viaaasdiary @ho3forkpop@skzvcr @th3-3d3n-g4rd3n @izzyexe @boomfrogg @kpop-cakepops-recs @chronicallygyu @girlwholovekpop
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gigabyte-flare · 1 year
There’s No Escape (Part 1)
Summary: You are going through a rather nasty breakup as you escape your ex-boyfriend’s apartment while he’s away on a top secret government assignment. You move to a completely new state in hopes he won’t find you. You clearly underestimated his determination because he has no intention of letting you go. 
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Pairing: yandere!Leon Kennedy x fem!reader (afab)
Word Count: 1.1k (Next part should be longer! Wanted to get story building stuff out of the way before getting to the good stuff ;) )
If any of the warnings below trigger you, please kindly pass on this fic 
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, actions depicted in this story are not condoned in real life; if you feel this way, please go touch grass
Warnings (may not apply to all parts): Sex, gaslighting, swearing, stalking, acts of violence, blood, dubcon, kidnapping, pet names (baby, doll, angel, sweetheart, etc.), PTSD triggers, unprotected sex, forced breeding, daddy kink, manipulation, oral (m and f receiving), choking, overstimulation, knife play, gunplay. Long story short, DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT. More warnings may be added in the future
A/N: @dollrxst, @hxllfiredoll, @nexyswrites, @ghostkennedy, @lipglossanon and like a bunch of others who’s fics I’ve consumed and have been inspired by, this is all your fault and I’m not even mad about it. Please excuse grammatical errors and such, it’s been a hot second since I’ve written stuff like this. Enjoy!
It was now or never.
Leon Scott Kennedy, your soon to be ex-boyfriend, is away on some top secret government assignment and isn’t due back for about three days. You had been seeing each other for about six months and he insisted you move in with him after three months. He seemed wonderful at first, but living with him proved to be way more than you had signed up for.
He was bat shit insane.
You weren’t sure if it was due to unaddressed trauma from his line of work or whatever but his controlling and sick nature was ludicrous to you. He was controlling, manipulative and sick in the head. His idea of fun was holding a knife to your throat while fucking the absolute shit out of you. That was just the tip of the iceberg on the things he forced you to do for his pleasure. 
Anything you absolutely could not live without was getting stuffed into your little Jeep Renegade. If it didn’t fit, it was getting left behind because you had absolutely no intention of coming back. Clothes, toiletries, some of your books, your video game console and games, a couple pillows and some sheets all got stuffed in. When you were confident you had everything essential for your impromptu move, you closed the back hatch on the Renegade and grabbed your purse, phone and car keys from the kitchen counter, making sure to leave the copy of the apartment key you miraculously found behind. You lock the apartment door and shut it. You lean up against it and take a deep breath before you rush back down to your car. You had a long ride ahead of you; Washington D.C. to Boston was about a 9 hour drive.
It was now or never; you weren’t about to squander this opportunity to escape.
It was dark by the time you finally arrived in Boston. You navigate the confusing winding streets and find your apartment that you got with your best friend, Becky. You see her come out of the front door as you pull up in your car and park. You see her wave as you step out.
“Hey, you made it! I trust you had a good ride,” she inquires.
“Yeah, long as hell, sorry I’m so late. What time is it?”
“It’s like 9:30, come on in! I ordered pizza for us,” she says, motioning you in. 
You grab your purse, keys, phone and one of the pillows you had stuffed into your car and go inside the apartment. You decide you can unload your stuff in the morning. The kitchen is the first room you end up in and you set your stuff down on the small island before stumbling your tired legs into the living room where the smell of pizza was calling your name. You practically collapse in a reclining chair after grabbing a slice of pizza from the box on the coffee table. You let out a loud sigh of relief. You made it. You escaped.
“How are you feeling?” Becky asks before taking a bite out of her slice of pizza.
You finish chewing on yours and swallow hard, “I’ve never been so happy in my life. I’m honestly surprised I’m not dead from some of the bullshit Leon pulled.”
Becky shifts nervously on the couch. She was the only person you confided in about your sick, demented ex-boyfriend. You didn’t even tell your parents, you didn’t want to worry them. 
When you moved in with Leon, he forced you to quit your well paying I.T. job and forbade you from ever leaving the apartment alone. He took your phone away, but you found ways to sneak it back so that you could at least contact Becky. You didn’t want to think about the things he made you do; it was an absolute miracle you weren’t dead or pregnant from the amount of abuse you endured. 
“He hasn’t contacted you yet, has he?” 
You shake your head, closing your eyes as you lean back in the recliner, “nah, he won’t be back from whatever assignment he’s on for another few days, and I blocked his number.”
“Good,” Becky replies with a nod.
“I’m going to hit the sack,” you say suddenly as you get up from the chair and begin to walk back into the kitchen to collect your stuff. 
“No problem, I’ll help you unload your car tomorrow. I was able to get the day off from work.”
“Thanks, Becky.”
It’s late in the afternoon when Leon finally gets home from his excursion, his forearms covered in scraps and bruises. He couldn’t wait to see his baby girl, his cock growing hard from the anticipation. 
He fumbled with his keys in the low light until finding the correct one to unlock the front door to the apartment. He unlocks the door and opens it.
“Sweetheart, I’m home!” Leon calls out.
But there’s no response.
“Sweetie? Are you asleep?”
Leon could feel adrenaline rush through his veins as he starts to frantically search each room for his sweetheart. He became hyper aware of the dead silence of the apartment the further he searched. When he got to the bedroom, he ripped the closet doors open and found most of your clothes were gone. He ran into the bathroom; your toiletries were gone. Almost all your belongings were gone.
“No, no, no, no, nO, NO, NO!”
Where could you have gone? He never in a million dreams imagined you would ever leave him. You belonged to him. You were his everything. Everything he did, he did it for you, he did it to keep you safe from the disgusting world. Pure rage began to flow through him as he stalked back into the kitchen. Unsheathing his knife, he stabbed it into the center of the small dining table before he used both hands to flip it, letting out a primal growl as he did so. 
“That fucking ungrateful bitch!” he growls before walking over to the overturned table to retrieve his knife. 
“I loved you, took care of you, protected you… and this is the thanks I get…”
He pulls out his cellphone, dialing your number and putting the phone to his ear.
“We’re sorry, the number you have dialed cannot be reached at this time. Please check the number and try again.”
Taking a deep breath, he then attempts to send a text to the number.
We’re sorry, the number you have entered is not valid.
Breathing heavily, he puts his phone back in his pocket, balling both his fists and closing his cobalt eyes. He stood there for a moment, seething when he suddenly appeared to have a revelation. His eyes snap back open and he digs his phone back out from his pocket and opens an app. A smile slowly overcomes him as stares down at the phone like he was staring down at a long lost lover.
“There you are. Don’t worry baby girl. Daddy’s coming to get you.”
Part 2
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