#also plan on trying to paint it traditionally!
Day 2 of posting Snail’s-House content
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Might color this digitally in the future if I feel like it 👍
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amourrs · 1 year
Some sick!reader + Ellie headcanons I've been thinking about for you Ani <3
• You aren't too sure if it's a coincidence or Ellie is really just That girlfriend, but when you're feeling unwell, all her plans get cancelled out of the blue for her to lay on the bed next to you on her phone quietly glancing towards you from time to time to make sure you're happily enjoying the drink she fixed for you.
• She also goes above and beyond to distract you from the pain,- physical or mental; and probably talks to you to a point where you have to attack her with kisses all over her face for her to stop infodumping for a second and just enjoy the show y'all are watching
• Back rubs.. belly rubs.. arm caresses.. temple kisses.. small pecks.. knuckle kisses.. and boob holding for comfort??? Ellie-
• If you start to feel better by the evening, she tells you not to frown about the missed date and hand crafts a blanket fort "Girls night" as she likes to ironically call it and laugh about it(I'm a sucker for Ellie being traditionally girly dont look at me) She basically makes you watch old movies, does your hair and lets you paint her nails.
you don’t understand how happy this ask made me like omg. 18+ only due to suggestive content under the cut! expansion below (also featuring a couple of sneaky ai audios right at the end…) cw for vomit.
this is so cute i’m gonna cry you just understand all my daydreams!!! she’s so gf i love her… btw it’s canon that cups of watery, kind of awful tea ABOUND in your household when you’re sick and you don’t have the heart to tell ellie they’re bad. she’s looking at you and prompting you with her eyes to take a sip and you have to conceal your wince as you do it. “it’s good tea, right? dunno if i left the teabag in for long enough… google said two minutes. was that right? it’s good, right???” you wait for her to stop but she just keeps rambling and you feel so bad for her that you just have to nod along and swallow down the tea 😭😭
the infodumping… god, the infodumping. you’re just trying to focus on a show through your thumping headache as ellie drones “honestly, i think taissa did do it to allie on purpose, even if she doesn’t realise it-” until it gets to the point where you thwack her with a pillow and she pouts at you before pecking your forehead with her lips and snuggling down next to you.
also i see your boob holding and raise you tit sucking… because yes you’re sick but, well, ellie’s still ellie, and so of course she still wants to do horny things. she’d spring it on you right as you’re waking up from your mid morning nap, eyes all soft as she looks down at you all curled up in the little cosy nest of blankets she meticulously arranged for you.
“hey baby. you just wake up? i can make you another cup of tea if you want,” ellie offers happily. she must see the slightly apprehensive look on your face because her eyebrow crooks up as she continues: “or, well… i was thinking… what if i, like, sucked your tits? just a little? think it might help ease some of the aching… after all, my mouth is kinda magical, if i do say so myself.” you’re unable to contain your splutter at the terrible joke. ellie grins and keeps pushing it. “in fact, this might be a miracle cure!” she says with all the drama of someone announcing they discovered a new planet in the solar system. “you might never get sick again!” comes her next line, hands gesticulating wildly in the air as your chest begins shaking with unbridled giggles.
a fake depressive look turns your girlfriend’s lips down as she dramatically sweeps a hand across her forehead. “okay, maybe that’s a bit far… stop laughing at me. you’re gonna make yourself throw up again,” she teases, except you both seem to realise at the same moment that her last statement was probably true. your eyes lock as ellie dives for the sick bucket and you do in fact puke, her calloused hands holding back your hair from your face <3
as for girl’s night- i feel like she would probably make you a little mocktail because even though you’re not well enough to be drinking, cranberry juice is really good for you and lemonade is almost one of your five a day if you really think about it… and “mint’s basically a vegetable. like, it’s green enough, right?” when you’re forced to take the opposing side on the is-mint-really-a-vegetable debate she acts like you’ve just hit her with a hammer and insists on calling jesse to settle the matter.
“ok, i need your help with a super important decision,” ellie says, a stern expression on her face. the way her eyebrows are wrinkled in the middle looks extra cute, you think, and lean forward to kiss her. instead you’re met with a hand to the sternum and an angry glare. “damn. okay, important decision,” you agree, eyes lifting to hers in curiosity. your girlfriend sucks in a deep breath and you brace yourself… “should i paint my toenails green or pink?” ellie asks innocently. you feel like thumping her- why do i ever take her seriously?? you think, heart slowing back to its normal pace as you throw her a dirty side eye.
“wait, actually… that yellow looks kind of cool-” you cut her off with a thump to the head with your pillow. “OW!” comes her pained response, your lips tilting up into a smug smile as ellie shoots you a look of pure betrayal. “ok… OK!” THUMP! “i get it! no yellow…” the pillow lifts again as if to drive your point home for a final time and… THUMP! “ow! fuck! wait, why is your pillow so fucking solid?”
+ as promised, the ai audios… as i mentioned on my blog before, my bot isn’t anywhere near perfect yet so please excuse if these happen to sound a little funky!
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dorkfruit · 9 months
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i put this together using my computer's trackpad so the new year is already starting out . bad .
posts: J | F | M | A | M | J | J | A | S | O | N | D
reflections on the year, my plans for the future, some studies i did, and wips for the next year all down below for those who are interested
tldr; we will be ianthing next year so watch out!!
oh dear lord it's been another year. 2024! can you believe it! i don't talk much on this blog because i have a tendency to talk too much, but it's my little new year's treat, so here we go.
i started taking drawing "seriously" in December of 2020, starting to do studies and stuff, and each year since i've ramped it up more and more. this year, i did. a lot of studies. there's probably like at least 200 more in my folder now (not including the 300 days worth of gesture drawings i did), with things like painting, faces, feet, poses, etc. anything i was struggling with, i went right into studying it. my art has been mediocre for a pretty long time now, and it's only the past few months where i feel i'm starting to get the hang of it, which is exciting!
more importantly, i started posting a lot more on this blog. i really like documenting my progress, looking on where i was before and seeing how i've improved. everytime i draw some fanart, im like, oooghh i can't wait to show my (: followers (: !! lots of locked tomb art of course. i've been trying to nail the energy of the different characters, which is why i enjoy books so much, because you get a lot of creative control. drawing ianthe is my fav of course, cause she's my lil nasty, but also i enjoyed doing designs for characters i hadnt thought about before, like judith.
in addition to the locked tomb, we had some new fandoms that got brief moments in between iantheposting: Fear and Hunger, Postal, Faith The Unholy Trinity, and a couple of old ones too, like We Have Always Lived In The Castle and The Merciless.
i posted about 115 times this year, although most of those are shitposts LOL i love posting stuff on my blog and showing people my stuff <3
my plans? do more ianthe art, of course. ill be working on more studies, probably going to work on developing a style, and figuring out how to paint. i'd like to do more actually finished pieces, but let's be honest, it'll still be mostly shitpost doodles. i'd like to do more weird stuff. i've been messing around with some gore and NSFW near the end of the year, and it's fun to draw for me. i like idk art that evokes some type of emotion, especially discomfort, and so i find that type of art fun to do, so if you don't enjoy what i've done thus far in that direction, perhaps this isn't the blog for you. i really like horror media, and so i want to do some stuff like that too.
for specifics, i like western type art, a comic book-esque style i'd like to aim for. but i'd like it to be a little more. weird with it. i find comic books often draw all the characters the same, and make all the characters traditionally attractive, and that's boring to me so i'll have to work on finding a way to keep things weird, while also appealing in a graphic sense. the worst thing my art could be is bland and forgettable.
locked tomb wise... more tridentarii art. need to be really weird with it. i have lots of wips planned, like i have a whole page worth of just thumbnails, so i wanna get some of those done. also i had a few animatics i wanted to do. mostly stupid shit, once i learn how to do animatics, then we'll do actual serious ones. id also like to do more comics. i have some comics storyboarded out with my girlies, i like telling a story so, need practice on that. id also like to develop a way to consistently draw them, for convenience sakes, so i'm not fighting for my life every single time i draw these characters. oh and i wanna do some outfit stuff. i draw them in like. generic clothes everytime but i'd like to come up with a few actual outfit designs, that i can just reference back to. and, of course, more shitposts. lots of stupid shit in 2024 for sure. there was something else i wanted to say here but i can't remember.
oki enough rambling, here's some IMAGES for yall to look at i know everyone loves to look at images.
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began this year by warming up with gesture sketches (almost) every day. i started with 20 poses (30 seconds each), and then in november i was like. ugh my hands suck i need to get better at hands, so i switched to doing 10 hand sketches (60 seconds each). i want my art to be very energetic so it's important that i do these !!
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anatomy studies of extremities because i'm flopping at those -_- ive gotten better with hands but they're still a struggle. i hate feet tho still
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need to get my painting game up. i joined an art forum to get advice, and the biggest suggestion i got was working on my values, so i did various value studies. also lots of faces because my faces flop !!
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random doodles to work on drawing from imagination. on my "sketchbook" pages, as i like to call them, i'm usually pretty loose and messy, since the point is just to be drawing so often these will suck, but that's fine. i don't think very much when i draw faces on here either so they end up being in my Instinctive Style i suppose you could say
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ianthe wip. i was planning to do a few drawings based on the idea of her having Missing Arm nightmares, but the lineart was intimidating to me so i haven't worked on this one more yet /: also there was going to be a toontown gay homosexual toxic yuri comic that i was gonna put here with it but the page is way too long so umm guess that'll have to wait.
anyways. thank you for reading if you got to the bottom of this! i appreciate all the support that i've been getting lately (extra big kissies for the same like 5 people who always reblog my posts youre the best). and we will be ianthing soo hard in 2024 so watch out!!
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furinabakery · 5 months
Neuviyuri au!
F/F Neuvifuri, a little genderfuckery, modern school AU
When Furina asked Neuvillette of this, it was simply out of desperation. Her determination to ensure that their theater club's major project would be a success prompted her to try all methods possible— even if that included being shameless enough to ask Neuvillette to play the lead role of a male judge.
But really, Furina was not expecting a yes for an answer. After all, Neuvillette has already done her a huge favor simply by agreeing to be part of this club, during the start of the school year. All clubs need to reach a minimum number of members for them to be recognized by the school, and back then, the theater club was on the brink of being dissolved— until Neuvillette, Furina's ever-gracious best friend, came to the rescue.
"I know you don't like being in the spotlight," Furina noted, after expressing her gratitude, "so I assure you you don't have to be in one to contribute meaningfully to the club! The ones working behind the scenes are just as important as those onstage. So there's no need to worry; as your club president, I'll make sure that you'll only ever do things you're comfortable with!"
Well. That was still true, alright. Furina was perfectly capable of respecting Neuvillette's decision had she said no. All she planned to do was try; it would have been a waste not to, when Neuvillette is the most qualified member of the club for the role. Neuvillette was dedicated, diligent, and she had a temperament similar to the character— she would master the role in no time.
And another important aspect was Neuvillette's physique. She was tall, slender, had broad shoulders; she had always been the sort of lady to look better in button-ups than dresses. Apart from that, there was also this certain aura in the way she carries herself... and ever since Furina became hyper-aware of these, she could no longer shrug off the vision of Neuvillette playing the strong and mighty judge in their play.
And so, after a lot of hesitations, of stuttering from Furina's part when she asked Neuvillette the question— they now found themselves here.
One aspect to pay attention to in ensuring Neuvillette's effective portrayal of the role was her makeup and wardrobe. So this weekend, Furina decided to pay Neuvillette a visit in her home, and help her pick suitable clothes from the ones she already owned. Furina also brought her makeup kit, intending to teach Neuvillette the most fitting look for the role she will play.
The wardrobe part was easy enough. Neuvillette's clothes mostly consisted of suits and button-ups, which were definitely in-character of a judge. What was a little challenging, however, was the makeup part, for the art of painting faces was not something that Neuvillette frequently dabbled on. Furina had to teach her the basics, before they could proceed with the specifics.
And at some point, Furina's more experienced hands had to be the ones to put the makeup on Neuvillette's face.
"Like this, Neuvi..." Furina said as she applied the contour on Neuvillette's face. "This will make the bone structure of your face more prominent... more— hm... more traditionally masculine...?"
"Hm," Neuvillette said, attention full on Furina. One of her hands was on Furina's waist to help her balance. "Just like the thick eyebrows?"
"Yeah, I mean... there are definitely men with thinner eyebrows and softer facial features, but... well... there are some... standards to adhere to..." Furina trailed off, her focus wandering. "But you know what I think, honestly? Even without this makeup you can pass off as a man..."
Absentminded, Furina took a few moments to realize what she had just said, the possible offensiveness of it. So, nervously, she looked at Neuvillette, tried to gauge her reaction.
But Neuvillette only looked back at her, only continued drawing circles on Furina's waist.
Furina swallowed.
"Done." She stepped away, prompted Neuvillette to face the vanity mirror. "What do you think?"
Neuvillette stared at her reflection for a while.
Then, her face went through a myriad of emotions that Furina had never seen before.
Furina did not quite have the words to describe them. There was softness, and then there was disbelief, then wonder, fascination... Could the most meticulously-planned and scripted plays ever produced by the school's theater club pull on her heart, the way Neuvillette's rawest and realest expressions did so in this moment? Furina doubted it.
In fact, Furina doubted she could find a greater beauty anywhere else, than the one this woman now possessed.
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comicavalcade · 1 year
Submariner Summer 23
Hey hey everyone its time for #SubmarinerSummer read through, part 23. Diving into Tales to Astonish #90: To Be Beaten By BYRRAH! The cover paints quite the tableau, too. Byrrah, a Golden Age rival of Namor, now makes his Silver Age debut to bedevil our sea prince once more.
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On the Title page, we are quickly reintroduced to him just as his long-laid plans to destroy Namor are ready to begin. The fiend! Truly an appropriate antagonist for issues with art by Bill Everett, and I'm sure that's no coincidence. Also dig those Forbush water ballets! 🤭
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Fair warning, I'm likely to get a little ranty since this ish leans on a key element of Namor lore that deserves highlighting. Case in point: racism. Namor has faced it his whole life from other Atlanteans, including and perhaps especially from other royal Atlanteans
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Being mixed-race has been a challenge he's had to struggle with; his arrogance, insisting on his own worth and excellence, is a *response* to that struggle. He'll show them who's a "mongrel" "half-breed"; and of course, his physical power has been his avenue to that validation.
Of course its no easier for him on the surface; he doesn't even pass for *human*, let alone white (he's typically described as looking asian, traditionally, if he's described in human terms). He is absolutely always an outsider there. So why is Namor so angry all the time? Lol. Rofl. LMAO, even. Why *wouldn't* he be?
ANYWAY, back to Byrrah, blond racist of Atlantis. He's been biding his time, using his aristocratic influence building up trust and influence with people and connections that will help him take control for his own selfish gain
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Now he sees his chance, and starts a full public relations campaign, painting himself as peace-loving and Namor as a warmonger, as well as a "freak" who's just dumb and strong because again, metaphorical racism. And it seems to work well as people start to call for a plebiscite
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Of course, he's pulling this little Game of Thrones move while Namor is away. Luckily, Lord Vashti comes to let him know. Namor doesn't believe it could work, but Vashti disavows him of that, so Namor returns to Atlantis to try and counter Byrrah.
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Byrrah had planned for just that, and takes the opportunity to demand a royal challenge for Namor calling him a coward. This seems counterintuitive, since Namor is more powerful, so Dorma is suspicious, as is Vashti, but Namor is Namor, and Byrrah knows him well...so its on!
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Incidentally, this is like the third trial by combat we've seen; seems pretty ingrained in Atlantean culture. Makes for exciting stories of course, but also lends context to Namor solving things by insisting on fighting about it since he sees himself as embodiment of his culture.
At any rate, it doesn't take long for Byrrah to start using loopholes to gain an advantage on Namor. Namor has advatages of his own, of course, but Byrrah was two steps ahead, and doses Namor with a strength-draining chemical applied via saw-fish. Ah yes, oldest trick in the book, saw-fish injection
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Now weakened, Namor is unable to take down Byrrah, who takes the offensive and delivers the knock-out blow on Namor. Imperius Rex?
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Namor is devastated, of course. But not because of his loss so much as that the people have turned against him and cheer his enemy. Dorma and Vashti try to comfort him, but Namor is worried that all his enemies will now team-up, dooming Atlantis and then the rest of the world!
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Call me crazy, but I like the internal Atlantean politics stories, bringing back the racism against Namor that would pop up in the Golden Age and will pop up in future stories, delivered by a Golden Age adversary that's fun to dislike as a low schemer in Byrrah.
The art really works for the story too, Everett hasn't lost a step. The man knows Atlantis, and he adds in little details that remind me of the Golden Age Atlanteans/"submariners", which is cool to see if you've read Namor's oldest stories.
But, our cliffhanger left Namor at this low point, and NEXT we'll see what happens in the reign of Prince Byrrah of Atlantis in Tales To Astonish 91: Outside The Gates Waits Death!
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Madame Putiphar Readalong. Book Two, Chapter XXII:
The banality of Evil
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detail from James Gillroy's A Voluptuary Under the Horrors of Digestion
From Villepastour’s Castle to Putiphar’s lair we go. Patrick jumps to and fro like a pawn in a board game. No time to catch his breath from the intensity he just endured at Gave’s, he is already on his knees, kissing the hem of Putiphar dress, once again ready to kiss more of her, in order to get her not to deport his undeserving friend Fitz-Harris, who Putiphar affirms, should be more than happy to be set free (let us bear in mind that the man, despite his many flaws, had only sang a stupid song) He gives her what she wants. He needs all the powerful friends he can get (is he thinking also of asking her help in securing his position on the musketeers/clearing his slate?). The chapter is for now, almost a perfect refelection of Chapter XIX, but it skillfully lets reader expectations down. Those expecting another eroticosymbolist scene between Patrick and Putiphar, with the poetry of the kiss and Patrick’s both skilled and naif manipulation, will be disappointed: we are given something diametrically opposed to that. Farce.
Madame Putiphar is in Petrus eyes, the de facto queen of France. As Patrick comes to his appointment, ministers are leaving after a meeting with her, her desk full of maps, plans, treaties, etc. What is the actual king of France doing? Cooking.
The ridiculousness of the situation is evident. The man who is supposed to be the most powerful in France sends his mistress to do his work while he’s all messy, dressed as a cook (a typically femenine and proletarian occupation, even if cuisine was Alexandre Dumas’ hobby, he was seen as super extravagant for cooking for his guests)(If inversion of gender roles seem to be completely positive when it’s Debby and Patrick having qualities traditionally thought of as pertaining to the opposite gender, or the narrator remarkably stating the feminine education has only improved Patrick, the inversion is completely ridiculous and negative here)
After Pharaon’s farcical intervention (calling out for his beloved Pompon, dressed as a cook, not at all sure if the political council was over yet, not at all surprised at assuming Pompadour is with a lover, delighted at the prospect of her trying his eggs, proud at his subjects revering and recognizing him even while dressed as a kitchen boy (“emasculated” and de-ennobled too) we get not only a parody of the King, but a high parody of Patrick (we are not used to see the narrator mock his protagonists. But, just look at this:
“As soon as Patrick was outside, thick tears ran from his eyelids! sensitive and great, he had been shaken all the way to his entrails, seeing what had been done to his King.  And his heart broke, and his tears doubled, when as he crossed a gallery adorned with paintings, his eyes met Louis IX and Charlemagne!” (tr. via @sainteverge ) )
Patrick seems to embody here a parody of a belief many contemporary to Borel royalists held: that the olde monarchies were a lost golden age, and that monarchy fell because of bad execution (basically what Janin says in his review, defending la Pompadour from Borel’s “attack” only to condemn Louis XV, claiming the people didn’t like monarchy because it wasn’t done right to them!)(there is a right way to do monarchy according to those guys, you just have to look at people like Louis XIV, a big fave who Borel doesn’t mention, Charlemagne, and I guess Louis IX)
However, even if the narrator had not mocked Patrick before, he had always had elements of a Candide/Justine type of character. He’s the naif hero who still believes in the world as a lawful place, that the laws of the status quo exist for the greater good (despite hating imperial England’s domain of Ireland) still believes in the natural good of the crown and the church, only to be brutally disillusioned.
But back to the King and his de facto Queen. These are the people who manage the fates of an entire nation? This is how much attention they pay to matter of the state??? This are the super-villains who could snap the lives of our heroes out just like that if they wanted to? As in other romantic novels (can’t help of thinking of the Vautrin novels, where his mental and physical strength can do very little -on occasion!!- against the more inept and gray employees of the state who are his opponents) the personal qualities of the heroes can do very little against social roles, and sometimes their opponents are far less than them, and yet they will win. Patrick is an epic poem of a main character both in his qualities and his appearance. And his opponents are so terribly prosaic. So banal. So base. Completely devoid of poetry. They live to eat and fuck, and avoid work (Pompadour seems more serious about handling the state to be fair). And yet they are antagonists not really because of any personal qualities, they are as regular and vulgar as can be. But they wield tremendous amount of undeserved, unearned power, in louis’ case he only had to be born, and Pompon is the fruit of royal favoritism. Having them be like this really brings the point home -whether Borel agrees or not with the idea that the monarchies of old were better- that this isn’t about a single bad king, this is about power being inherited by people who have no calling/ability or interest to govern. And this prosaic couple can and will crush the lives of better people than themselves.
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allhailnarusama · 4 months
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My name is Lauren, and this is me trying to market myself a little so I can maybe pay my bills. Here are all the places you can find me and/or my art starting with:
The Art Blog (go here if you don't care for anything I post but you like my art. Though I must warn you, I have and will again accidentally posted/reblogged shit there that wasn't my art. Trust me I will be forever embarrassed about this)
The Patreon Page   -Join my Discord server when you    become a member!!
My Twitter (or whatever it's called now. Not that it matters because I do not use it anyway lol I'm trying okay??)
My AO3 account that I plan to do more on but currently has only one discontinued story on it (The writer's block is killing me man!)
Commission pricing including contact information (Patreons will get discounts).
Can't afford the Patreon but want to offer me support? Donate to my cashapp! You can also tip me here on Tumblr!
I do paint traditionally on occasion and hope to sell those paintings. Maybe on Ebay or something. That link will go here.
Instagram I guess
Redbubble shop
That's it for now. I'll update this once I have my Patreon up which should be soon.
Take care my lovely little flowers!! ❤️
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sunnyrealist · 9 months
Chapter 22: Symphonies and Swells
The Sun, the Moon, and All Our Stars
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Summary and Details…
Chapter Background and Summary: Sebastian and Kate are on a date in Hogsmeade on the last Saturday night of the Hogwarts school year. It's traditionally a rowdy evening celebration involving the students and everyone in town. They had dinner, then shared an ice cream sundae from Honeyduke's. Kate asked about Sebastian's old friends from his Hogwarts days. Sebastian revealed that he never reached out to Ominis or Ruby (HL MC) when he broke out of Azkaban - not even when he cut a deal with the Ministry and it would have been safe to contact them. Though he hopes they are well and still cares about them, he truly believes that they're better off without him because he caused them so much pain and trouble. Kate tries to convince him to at least write to them - otherwise he'll never know. In this chapter, they wander around Hogsmeade looking for the traveling band that visits annually.
Pairing: Aged-up, post-Azkaban Sebastian Sallow x female OC (Kate Mayflower)
Content warnings: In general, this story is rated 18+, so MNDI! There are no specific warnings for this chapter.
The full chapter is available below the cut; it can also be found on AO3 (link is posted below). Any kind of constructive feedback would be greatly appreciated. A comment, like, or Kudos would make my day!
Chapter 22: Symphonies and Swells
Fingers interwoven tightly, Sebastian and Kate wander around Hogsmeade, trying to determine where most of the young crowd is headed that evening. There is so much laughter and general merriment that it’s actually a little difficult to determine the location of the band. They both hear music playing from a distance, but where it is coming from is still a bit of a mystery. In years prior, there always had been dancing in the town center, but it clearly isn’t the venue now.
Making the most of the evening, the two do some window-shopping. 
“Sebastian!” Kate exclaims. “I want to show you something.” 
She smiles widely, pulling him towards a furniture store. The shop has closed early - certainly the shopkeeper didn’t see it as a night of big sales with Hogwarts students overtaking the village. When they are in front of the window, Kate points inside. It’s a little difficult to see, with only a small light visible inside. 
“Do you see the piano in there?” she asks.
Sebastian squints, trying to make out a piano, and soon, his eyes find their quarry. It’s an upright wooden piano, painted green with floral accents. He nods. “I see it. That’s… wow. It’s a beautiful instrument.”
“I know! I’ve been saving for so long to get some new furniture. You know I plan to make that empty room into a study, but I also want that piano so badly.” Kate sighs. “Every time I pass by here, I spend a minute just admiring it.” She sighs, and then, as if to convince herself, she muses, “One day. One day it will be mine.”
His eyes are trained on it. “I am assuming that you know how to play, yes? Or want to learn?”
“I took lessons throughout my childhood,” Kate replies, smiling. “I miss it - getting lost in the music, playing what matches my mood. When I was a student at Hogwarts, I would go to the music room frequently to play.” She inhales. “I still do, even today. When I need a break from the library…” She scrunches up her nose as emphasis for her next words. “...or a break from Agnes… I check if the room is empty, and if it is, I play.” Sebastian’s expression seems mystified. Kate can’t quite figure out why, but she continues. “I just wish I could play at home. I’ve gotten rusty and make a lot of mistakes because I don’t consistently practice. I think having a piano would give me some purpose - help me fill the hours I spend alone.”
“Well,” Sebastian begins, wrapping his arm around her waist, “You don’t have to be alone anymore, my sun. You’ll always have me.” He smiles and leans in to kiss her, his lips lingering. 
The volume of the music seems to increase as they reach a gate into the gardens of Hogsmeade. Huge groups of people mill about near the enchanted garden dragon, and just above it, at the top of the stairs, is where the band is playing and couples are dancing. Kate looks excitedly at Sebastian as the energetic music swells. They hold hands in an attempt to stay together as they weave through swaths of people to get to the stone steps. 
The band is playing on a slightly elevated platform, their instruments clearly enchanted to play louder than the musicians could physically muster on their own. Long skirts and dresses twirl as couples move to the music. 
Kissing Kate’s hand, Sebastian asks, “May I have this dance, Miss Mayflower?”
She chuckles in response as he leads her further into the crowd. Kate smiles happily as they get into position and assimilate into the crowd. The song is lively, and Sebastian turns them around and around.
“Tell me more about playing piano, Kate,” Sebastian requests with a grin as they dance.
“I started playing when I was five. My mamma insisted that my sister and I learn piano, as it befitted ‘ladies of our station,’ as she would say. I understood the instrument rather quickly. I had a wonderful teacher, Madam Sutton, who would come to our home twice a week.” She giggles as Sebastian twirls her. “When I started at Hogwarts, I didn’t want to quit piano like my sister did. My instructor would give me a songbook to master each term, and then we worked together again each summer. As I got older, Madam Sutton would let me have more and more of a say in the works I studied. I find now that I like more current music - composers like Chopin and Debussy. Are you familiar with either?”
“Yes!” Sebastian responds eagerly. “I particularly enjoy Frederic Chopin. Claude Debussy - also fantastic.”
“Merlin’s beard! You really do know them!” Kate exclaims in disbelief.
Sebastian flashes a knowing smile, as though he’s holding something back. She can’t quite put her finger on it and considers asking more, but the song wraps up and everyone begins to clap in appreciation.
The musicians begin playing again - another song with a fast tempo. All of the couples practically gallop around to this one. Soon, Kate is flushed, and they’re both laughing in delight. 
“Tell me more about your family. What should I know about them? How do I charm them?” Sebastian asks, practically yelling. The band is loud.
Charm them? Kate thinks. I don’t know if he will ever be able to charm his way out of their disapproval over his past… She doesn’t want to make Sebastian uncomfortable or tip him off to the idea that her family won’t accept him, so she decides to push the thought away for another time. She’ll need to brainstorm, come up with a plan.
“Well, my papa is the kindest man you’ll ever meet. His favorite thing in the world is gardening. He has a huge greenhouse filled with exotic plants. He made a living out of it - quite a living. He runs a successful business that, essentially, involves tending to rich people’s gardens and grounds. His clients are truly some of the wealthiest wizarding families in the country. My papa didn’t grow up rich, and what I love about him is that becoming affluent never got to his head. He still has the biggest heart and always wants to help those in need. He’s… really the best,” Kate tells him with a smile. “You’ll like him.”
Sebastian nods. “Well, hopefully he’ll like me. I’m glad to hear he is kind - that’s reassuring. Now, tell me about your mother.”
Kate chews her lip for a moment. This is who Sebastian will undoubtedly have the most trouble with. “My mamma… She’s… interesting. Unlike my papa, she never really had to work. Her side of the family, the Becketts, are old money. Mamma grew up expecting to be a wife and that she would marry into even more money. But then she fell in love with my father, who didn’t have money. Anyway, in the end, it all worked out. My mamma is… hmmm… well, she is as Slytherin as they come. She’s ambitious and wants to be held in high esteem in society. She hosts many grand events, some of which are for charity, but most are simply social in nature. She’s the one who wants me to marry so badly.” Kate looks away, frowning momentarily, but recovers quickly. “She’s smart as a whip. Somewhat judgmental. Incredibly cunning. She knows how to get people to do what she wants.” She pauses. “To me, she’s always been a good mother. She had a lot of time to spend with my sister and me as we grew up. She had a keen interest in our education and wanted us to grow up to be high-society ladies, just like her.”
“I see,” Sebastian responds, considering the information. “And you’ve mentioned she and your father were not happy about your move to Hogsmeade.”
“Not at all. They wanted me to live at home until I was ready to marry.” As this song seems to be coming to a close, Kate speaks more quietly. “I just want you to know, Sebastian… I don’t always listen to my parents. They have good intentions, but I don’t think they’re always right about things. They’re overprotective and want me to live just like they do. Of course I want to have a comfortable life, but I have no interest in following in my mum’s footsteps.”
“What about your sister? Are they more approving of her?”
The next song begins, a much slower, romantic one. Sebastian pulls Kate closer as they sway.
“Yes,” Kate replies. “They fully approve of her lifestyle. Irene is basically a copy of my mother, but she works as a healer at St. Mungo’s. At least for now. I predict when she and Niles decide to have children, she’ll quit her job. Oh - Niles is her fiance. He’s also a healer - they met at St. Mungo’s. They just bought a huge home together in London… on Rose Street.” Kate gives him a look, hoping he understands her meaning. Sebastian’s eyebrows raise in acknowledgement. Rose Street is the wealthiest part of wizarding London. “Irene has always wanted the best of the best for herself, and she’s certainly achieved it. She’s incredibly intelligent. She had high marks in almost everything when she was at Hogwarts. Slytherin’s finest.” Kate rolls her eyes. “Truthfully, Irene and I are very different people, personality-wise, but we are still close. We aren’t competitive with each other. We just have our own unique goals in life, and we cheer each other on towards those things. I trust her with my life. You’ll like her, I hope.”
An idea suddenly pops in her head. “Oh! I didn’t think of this before. You’ll probably meet my entire extended family at their wedding in August!”
In August. Sebastian can’t help but smile widely, his heart beating with this revelation, giving him newfound confidence. Kate’s thinking we’ll be together still in August and that I should meet her family. 
Sebastian leans down, slowly closing the distance and pressing his lips to hers. It’s the kind of kiss that makes one absolutely melt like muggle ice cream on a summer afternoon. When Kate considers what might have prompted it, she realizes that she basically has told him she sees their relationship as long-term. For her, it was easy to think so now. Everything between them felt natural, as if they hadn’t just met so recently but knew each other for months and years and perhaps even lifetimes. But Sebastian needed to hear her say it outside of the bedroom to really believe.
For him, this is it. Kate’s the only one for him for the rest of his days. He isn’t afraid to admit it to himself. In this moment, he realized he couldn’t be more serious about his future with her, and he wanted to be sure Kate knew how strongly he felt. It would only be right to do something to seal that commitment. Not an engagement, of course - that was far too early, but what exactly, and how to do that, was something he needed to explore further.
“I love you,” Sebastian whispers, breaking the kiss. “I mean it, Kate. I love you so much. I would love nothing more than to be your date to your sister’s wedding. And for any other event you may have. I… I am completely yours.”
Kate gazes into his eyes. Her tone is sincere when she replies, “I’m so glad we found each other. I needed you. I love you, Sebastian.”
Finally coming out of the haze of romance, they both realize they’ve been standing still, becoming an obstacle while others dance around them. 
“Perhaps we could take a break,” Kate requests. “I’m warm.”
“Yes, you’re flushed,” Sebastian agrees. “Let’s get out of the crowd and find somewhere to sit. We can still listen to the music, love.”
They begin to move towards the stairs, Kate following behind Sebastian as there is very little room to maneuver out of the crowd. As they approach the stairs, they have a perfect view of the people mingling in the garden.
“Wait a second… could that be…?!” Kate suddenly squeals. “Sebastian, wait here. I think I saw one of my very old friends! I’ll hurry back, I promise!”
Kate scampers down the stairs, making a beeline. Sebastian watches her, completely drunk in love. But when Kate taps on the shoulder of a tall, handsome young man, who turns around and looks thrilled to see her, wrapping her up in a hug and lifting her off her feet, Sebastian’s mood completely changes. He tenses up, feeling off about this encounter. It only gets worse as he observes them chatting excitedly, Kate practically jumping on her tiptoes in exhilaration at something this man says. Their conversation continues for several minutes. Eventually, he whispers something in her ear, smirking, and she appears flustered, saying her farewells rather quickly after that. They embrace, and her “friend” kisses her on her cheek. 
Sebastian seethes but tries to calm himself. Kate wouldn’t play with his feelings like that or give false hope to this friend. She’s not like that. And this man couldn’t steal her from him. Impossible. Not after how hard he had worked to win her heart and all they had been through.
Kate weaves through groups of people back to Sebastian, smiling as she sees his face illuminated by the light of the moon. “That was my friend, Henry Finch! We’ve known each other from the beginning of our Hogwarts days. I can’t believe it - he’s been asked to take on the role of an interim Beasts professor! I can’t believe Henry is finally willing to settle down. That’s what kept us apart in the first place.”
Sebastian nods, barely smiling. “What do you mean, kept you apart?” His heart is sinking.
“Oh, erm… Henry and I… Well, we dated in our last couple of years at Hogwarts, but after graduation, he immediately took a job with the Ministry that involved extensive travel around the world. We decided to part ways. Actually… I decided to part ways. I didn’t want to always sit around waiting for him to return,” she explains. “Henry is friends with all of my friends, but I never got to see him much over the last few years because he was never in the country. But next year, I’ll get to see him all the time!”
“Great,” Sebastian mutters. “So… uh… what does that mean for us?”
Kate is visibly confused but quickly catches on. “Oh, Sebastian! Nothing at all. Henry is my friend. That’s all. It changes nothing, except that I might have someone to take luncheon with now!”
Sebastian shifts on his feet. “I mean… you see Henry as a friend, but what about him?
Does he see you as a friend?”
Kate didn’t respond for a moment, looking away. “I don’t know, Sebastian… I mean, we broke up when we were 18. That was six years ago. We were kids then.” 
“I… I’m sorry,” Sebastian murmured after a long silence. “I… I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I just… I feel like I’ve just found you, and I can’t stand the thought of you being taken from me. I’m… gods, I’m so in love with you, Kate. I trust you. I swear I do. I just… I guess I’m a little nervous thinking about you with other men and how they might interact with you.”
Gazing seriously into his eyes, Kate replied, “I love you, Sebastian. I choose you. I’m honestly bloody terrified of how much I feel for you. There is no need to worry about me and how I feel about you.” She brings her hand to Sebastian’s cheek. “I am yours. As long as you’ll have me.”
He leans into her hand, relishing in her gentle caress. “Gods, Kate. I don’t… I don’t think I could go back to a life without you.” 
They share a long kiss.
“Would you like to go home?” Kate quietly asks.
“Yes. Yes, I would,” Sebastian answers easily, and a few moments later, they apparate into the living room of her cottage.
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webbedphantom · 10 months
💍our ship
Wedding Headcanons
Shock yeah! The OTP!
As a quick aside, I know we've talked about a few of these before, but I don't remember all the answers because it's been so long, so I apologize if I misremember something
Where they get married: I think we set their wedding on a rooftop? Just a small ceremony with the rest of the team, plus Sae, Sojiro, and Aaron's Aunt Mika.
When they get married: Summer, July 7th, during her second year of college. Might seem a bit fast, but when you spend everyday almost dying, you tend to try to make the most of the time you have. Besides, they were both committed to each other before she even graduated highschool. Marriage was only a matter of time.
What traditions they include: I don't think either of them are sticklers for tradition, so aside from the essentials, like the bouquet toss and that, probably not much
What their wedding cake looks like: It'd be a simple cake, since they don't exactly have the funds to go too overboard, but Aaron would make the topper himself, handcrafting a small figurine of them in their wedding outfits either swinging together, or riding the motorcycle he helped her get for Christmas in their first year together. (Was tempted to say Johanna, since she can do that now in our canon, but I imagine that bike is rather special to both of them)
Who smashes cake on who's face: Makoto on Aaron's. I don't think it was planned, or at least Aaron didn't know it was planned, because she wanted to surprise him with it. But as soon as he realizes, he just lets it happen. Made for a very cute picture that has been a staple of his work desk ever since
Who proposed first: Aaron, because it was his idea to get married so soon. Proposed to her on their anniversary of all days, on the rooftop of the hotel he'd lived in as kid. The same hotel where he'd set up a shrine to his parents, where he'd taken her on their first date to "introduce" her to them. It's a spot that means a lot to both of them.
Who walks down the aisle and who waits at the alter: I don't think we've ever decided on it, but I think it'd be interesting to have Aaron walk down the aisle (or swing maybe?) and Makoto wait at the alter. Not really sure why. I just like the reversal of the norm
What their wedding dress / suit looks like: I think we wanted to go with something similar to their masquerade outfits from that P5 Anime promo. Aaron in a red suit, maybe with a black vest or jacket over it, and Makoto in a blue dress. It's not very traditional, but something so colorful for them seems fitting.
What their wedding color scheme is and what sort of decor they have: Red with black, blue with white. AKA their colors along with an accent from their costumes (black is kinda obvious, white from her gloves). The decor would be very simple because they had a small budget to work with, but Aaron made a lot of the more intricate stuff by hand. Yusuke also made them a painting as a sort of early wedding present that helped set the scene a little better.
What flowers are in the bouquet, and what do they symbolize: Baby's Breath (Yes that is apparently a real flower, meaning Everlasting Love), Daffodils (Unequalled Love), Dills (Powerful against Evil), Goldenrod (Encouragement and Good Fortune), and Thyme (Courage and Strength). They symbolize their strong love for each other, the strength they provide to each other, a strength that can overcome any obstacle their enemies may throw at them, and the hope for a bright future together. (A hope that we know comes to pass due to their future kids, one of which they may or may not have met beforehand due to time travel shenanigans, but that's a story for another time)
What their vows are: I think Makoto originally planned to do it traditionally, but then just decides to say 'screw it,' and speak from the heart. Aaron's are also improvised, but he attempts to make a heartfelt poem out of them (which I will not be doing, at least not right now, because it's 11 pm and I suck at rhyming). And while I won't say Makoto's, as I'd rather leave the specifics up to you, Aaron's are that he will always be there when she needs him, that he will support her dreams with everything he has, that he will love her with all his heart and soul for as long as she'll have him, and that no matter what the future holds for them, he knows they'll be okay, because they'll have each other.
If anyone's late to the wedding: Aaron almost was- He did everything possible to make sure he'd be there, not wanting to ruin their big day, but as luck would have it, Shido broke out of prison an hour before the wedding. Thankfully, Akechi showed up (they'd have buried the hatchet a while ago by this point) and practically had to force him to let him handle it so he could make it on time, making a joke that it was his wedding present to them. Akechi unfortunately missed the ceremony entirely due to this (Shido is not easy to take down), but as soon as it was over, Aaron and Makoto ran over to help finish the job so he could be there for the reception.
Who's in the bridal parties / groomsmen: The entire team, along with Eiko and Mishima. Ryuji is the best man, of course, and Ann is the maid of honor.
What their bridal party / groomsmen are wearing: Given the small gathering, and with everyone present knowing their secrets, everyone shows up in their costumes, though altered slightly to fit the occasion. Even Eiko and Mishima got costumes made for specifically for this. (This is somewhat inspired by other superhero weddings in comics, where everyone there shows up in costume for... some reason. Though it's slightly more fitting here for reasons you'll see later)
Who gives speeches at the reception: Pretty much everyone except Akechi, not feeling like he deserves to given everything he did that he still feels he needs to make up for. Though, he's eventually convinced to after Aaron rightfully points out they would've had to postpone the wedding entirely if not for him. All the team members recount memories of their time together, Mika tells an embarrassing story of Aaron as a kid, as well as how found she's grown of Makoto, adding that she couldn't imagine anyone better for her "son." Sojiro gives a heartfelt speech about the two, how he sees the both of them as family even though they aren't related, and how he couldn't be prouder of either of them. Sae makes a joke about how if Aaron breaks her heart, they'll never find the body, but then giving a short, but heartful speech about just how happy he's made her sister, and that while she may not always like him, she's proud to call him family. Akechi gives a similarly short speech, feeling like there isn't anything he could say that wasn't already said. But he does focus on how good of a team they make, adding that "Trust me, I know from experience."
Who catches the bouquet: Ryuji, though he wasn't trying to. It just kinda landed on him-
What their wedding photos are like: Mostly sweet and wholesome. A couple of them kissing, one of them sitting on ledge of the roof together, holding hands and watching the sun go down, a few of them in their costumes, including one where they're posing together with the whole team, and of course, the cake smash.
What sort of food they have at the reception: A traditional buffet, something Haru insisted on paying for, as well as a giant bowl of shrimp flavored popcorn. (She does have plenty of extras thanks to Aaron, after all)
Who cries first during the ceremony: It's actually a tie between Aaron and Yusuke. Makoto's vows really moved him (which is part of why he even attempted the poem thing, in an attempt to match hers). Makoto... also cried during Aaron's vows, so he succeeded.
How wild their reception gets: It starts out tame, but gets pretty crazy towards the end. I mean, most of their guests have super powers and there's alcohol, I think you can imagine how that goes.
What their rings are like: They're actually family heirlooms, Makoto's belonged to her dad, while Aaron's belonged to his Aunt. They're fairly simple in terms on looks, a gold band for Makoto and a silver for Aaron's, but that doesn't really matter to either of them. They treasure them all the same.
What sort of party favors they have: Not much, since again they had a small budget (Haru offered several times to pay for everything, but they refused. As much as Aaron would like to go over the top for her... they don't need that. The important thing is that they have each other), but they did give out some sparklers and copies of a few of their wedding photos.
Where they go for their honeymoon: Hawaii. Might be obvious, but that is when he first realized he liked her (the two of them see that moment on the beach as their honorary first date), so there was nowhere else it could be.
Something memorable that happens during the party / ceremony: Aside from the two of them having to change into their costumes and ride off on Johanna to go fight Shido (the costume part was planned, but the fight was definitely not), mostly just how insane the party got afterwards. They don't remember exactly what happened (they were both really drunk), they just know it somehow led to them ice skating through the venue and posing with a goat. No one remembers where the goat came from-
Who officiates the ceremony: Sojiro was going to, but Yusuke insisted it be him. He actually did a pretty good job all things considered.
What song their first dance is to: Just Like Heaven by the Cure, played right off her dad's old records (which was a bit of a pain to set up, but being as sentimental as he is, Aaron was insistent that they did it that way, even doing a majority of the setup himself. Makoto definitely appreciated the gesture). In fact, a large majority of the songs played during the reception were from those records. Aaron would've made all of them be, but Makoto insisted he choose some songs too.
... He chose the Sonic R soundtrack, because he's a shocking nerd, but it was weirdly a good fit??
Who gives who away as they walk down the aisle: Sojiro gives Aaron away, I think. A bit obvious but it just seems right.
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morgenlich · 1 year
What art program do you use and can you tell us a little about your art journey? If you don't mind me asking.
I use Clip Studio Paint and love it! The 3D models are great, it's so helpful not only for pose references and the like, but i also have custom models saved of the characters i draw the most so i have consistent body type + height reference (this is especially helpful wrt ivan lol), also clip studio assets is just. a fantastic resource to have
i was always an artsy kid, i took art all 4 years in high school which at my school meant taking ap 2D studio art senior year (got a 4/5 on my portfolio which i'm still pretty proud of ngl). at my first college, i minored in studio art (it was actually taking an art history survey class for this minor that resulted in me switching from studying graphic design to studying art history which is a whole other story lmao) so i got to continue taking art classes in college. i won't post my favorite pieces on tumblr directly bc they're from a life drawing class lmao so they feature explicit (artistic) nudity, but here's a tweet i made sharing them if you're curious
i fell out of art a bit when i dropped out back in early 2019, because i suddenly lost any motivation or inspiration to do anything in general (this was easily the lowest point in my life and that's including when my mom died in 2015 lmao), and then later felt only inspired to do fanart but traditionally drawn fanart has never been popular unless you're really good lmao so i was intimidated. then a couple years ago i broke down and got an ipad and i love drawing on it tbh, i'm so glad that i did. (it's also great if you like mobile stardew valley btw).
very very slowly i've been trying to get back into traditional art too, because for one i like it, but for another thing, i very firmly believe you should have hobbies that don't require looking at a screen. i actually have plans for doing a little drawtober kind of thing though we'll see if it actually pans out lmao, in general i am hoping that moving to berlin will help reignite some more inspiration even if it's just in the form of going around making sketches of buildings lol
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the-enzyme · 2 years
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Here’s the rest of the photos I took of my Leon, borrowing my repainted Ken Looks body. I am still planning on making his 5.11 tactical shirt, so I haven’t placed any tops on what I feel will be his “default” body, so I borrowed this body to take these photos. After my last touchup on this head sculpt, I sealed the work and accidentally damaged the paint apps around his upper eyelids. Luckily, I was able to salvage it. So I wanted to take photos of the completed work, once sealed before I accidentally damage it again... >__>;; 
I am going to be repainting him again for sure, eventually, because I know I suck at painting miniature 3D faces. However, I don’t want to do that before I am ready. I don’t feel I am ready right now. I just discovered that I love this head sculpt, something I wanted to feel when I originally purchased it but wasn’t able to honestly have that emotion towards it. There are things that could have been done differently, as well as he could have been made a lot smaller of a head. However, now I am at a point where I can see the Leon I always wanted, despite anything else that could have gone wrong. I just need to get better at painting tiny faces -- which is something that’s probably going to take me a lifetime to achieve (as an old-fart, I don’t know if I’ll ever get there, but I will try!). DX
I am super happy with him now, knowing this is not the best he could look, due to my lack of painting skill at this scale. I have been a traditionally trained artists my whole life this far, but my shaky hands and other issues, never prepared me for tiny work. Lol! I am happy to try as many times as I am able to however, so I am looking forward to improving (hopefully!), even if I have to take baby steps right now. Next, I’ll try to actually purchase hair to make his new partial wig, and hopefully find some suitable fabric to make his tactical 5.11 shirt, which cannot be made out of neoprene because he wouldn’t be able to move his arms at all. The thinnest I’ve found the material at is 1mm, Wich is sadly too thick for this scale of a figure.
I love how this head is looking so much, I took some extra extreme close ups, despite this camera adding a ton of harsh pixelation, making the texture appear a lot more severe than it is IRL, but I think I am learning how to use this “newer” cell phone’s camara, very slowly. The only actual camera I own is no longer able to take any photos at all, and I am a bit scared of getting a new one, because I fear it will be exactly as this cell phone’s one, adding a ton of pixelation where it doesn’t need to due to the higher definition aspect of it. Sadly, my older cell phone’s camera is also apparently on its last legs, so it only takes semi-decent photos whenever it feels like it now but doesn’t add the million unwanted pixelation like this one does. Of course, I suck at taking photos, more than anything else, so it’s not the cameras fault, but my own lack of skill whatsoever, at taking photos. T__T;;;
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houseoforbs · 27 days
Sustainable Interior Design — Eco-Friendly Options to Urban Homes
Sustainable interior design is gaining importance and popularity in the urban world due to more of them shifting into cities. Eco-conscious design practices help reduce carbon footprints of homeowners; making for healthier living is eco-friendlier and better for the planet too. And this blog is all about uncovering different strategies that promote sustainability in interior design by offering upscale solutions that mirror homeowners values.
1. Urban Design: Considerate Material Selection for Urban Living
A sustainable design is greatly dependent on the materials used in your house. If you use local, recycled or renewable materials the impact of your interior design will not eat as deep into our environment. Bamboo, which may be used for flooring and cabinetry as well as decorative accents, is an extremely resilient substitute to untreated hardwood.
By building more locally (Allwood, 2017) — not only significantly reduces emissions from transportation but also benefits the local economy. Meanwhile, environmentally-friendly reclaimed wood can help you make a statement with your space as it [combines] history and modern design. Countertops, backsplashes, and light fixtures made of recycled glass or metal compose modern accents as well.
Also, try using low-VOC paints and finishes that emit fewer toxic chemicals and improve indoor air quality. Natural stone, cork and wool rugs further promote a healthy living space in that they combine longevity with aesthetic qualities while remaining quite sustainable. Eco-friendly and timeless these materials will guarantee that your design stays current for years to come.
2. Putting Energy Efficiency First in City Homes
In large cities, energy consumption is traditionally higher so lowering this through sustainable interior design carries a great deal of weight. Making your home more energy-efficient can help cut down your utility bills plus have less of a negative impact on the environment. For a better understanding of how to save money on bills, one solution is housing with thermal insulation and energy-efficient windows.
Double or triple glazed windows are excellent insulators, keeping your home comfortable and cozy in every possible season. This means that therefore the use of artificial heating and cooling is greatly reduced giving a quieter more comfortable living environment. Moreover, the use of light that consumes minimal power and provides ample illumination (e.g., LED bulbs) further reduces energy consumption.
But if the home is already equipped with a smart-home system, those devices become perfect fodder in achieving maximum energy efficiency. If you have automated lighting, heating and cooling systems installed in your home then this can help to save a lot of energy by only using it when necessary. Solar panels or renewable energy sources are also great ways to make your home a place that is more environmentally friendly as they can give you clean power and lower the need for fossil fuels.
3. A multi-functional interior design for efficient urban living
When it comes to urban living, the design of an interior is essentially for any spaces being made either are functional. Why space efficiency is important for sustainable interior design : As you have done fewer shopping and buying products that affect the environment less by not consuming your square footage with items. Multi-functional furniture pieces such as sofa beds, expandable dining tables and flexible storage systems would all let to make the best use of floor space without extra piece overly much.
Spokane built-ins help save space by clearing out the clutter or for a more organized look. Built-in storage solutions in walls, stairs or furniture give you extra space without taking up any floor. This focus on space efficiency provides a much more pleasant living environment as well, but at the same time saves resources in terms of overall floor plan and upkeep.
Furniture and decor that serve more than one purpose or can be easily adapted are also environmentally friendly home features. On The Other Hand, Putting More Money Into Pieces That Will Last You A Lifetime And Can Be Moved Around Without Feeling Like It Is Out Of Place Ensures Your Home Stay Up-to-date For Years To Come. So instead of excessive waste, we just touch up once in a while and it is much better for the environment.
4. Go Green: Using Indoor Plants and Natural Light
Your home and the materials you use in it are of course by far — like, orders of magnitude more so — than purely a lifestyle choice. Incorporating natural elements into your house is an easy way to express sustainability. Many indoor plants purify the air by removing toxins, and they add a natural element that soften our sterile homes in cities. Select low maintenance, air purifying plants such as snake plant, spider plant or peace lily to ensure you have something growing indoors in even the craziest of city environments.
Another vital element of sustainable interior design is the presence of natural light. It helps save energy by minimizing the use of artificial lighting, and makes spaces more pleasant. Skylights, large windows and the strategically placed mirror also bounce light off walls — pertaining natural light than a single source area.
Bringing natural elements into your home not only helps with air quality to reduce energy needed, but it can also help in other ways psychologically. Natural light and greenery have been proven to enhance mood, reduce stress and improve overall well-being at home. When you go for green living in your interior spaces, they become space that supports life not only on the ongoing basis but is also caring about nature and healthier inside out.
Environmental design makes the UV Home point scan urban housing, stylish and saturated with green current solutions. Autodesk Yet another way how to make your house more sustainable is if you use different materials in such a manner that it reduces energy consumption and optimize space usage while using nature for constructive purposes, Autodesk has created the solutions will be packed with perfectness of automation unlike what anyone could ever think. Not only do these choices speak to sustainability, they also lead towards a higher quality of life for you and your family.
Share your thoughts and experiences with sustainable interior design in the comments. If you're a veteran, or are just starting to learn about what it means to be sustainable, we would love for you all to share how is one way that you try and live sustainably in your urban home.
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molluskzone · 4 months
the thing that i dont get about digital art / AI comparisons (saying theyre both "cheating" in the same way, which ive seen a few times from both pro-AI and anti-AI people) is that in AI the only input is like... the text. it doesnt just make things easier or faster, it completely removes your creative control over a piece and automates the entire process. it's like... typing your essay out on google docs (easier and faster than writing by hand, you have access to spell check and dont need to erase or scribble out words you want to remove, formatting is much easier, etc) vs just inputting a prompt into chatGPT. do you understand the comparison im making here? it's literally the exact same concept, except i've never seen someone say that typing your essay on a laptop is cheating because "it's easier which makes you lazy and not a REAL writer, you're the same as the people trying to pass of chatGPT as their own writing".
also, if we're going there... all of the "cheats" you can do with digital art are entirely possible in traditional art (minus stuff like animation which are absolute HELL to do traditionally, especially 3d animation, but that's besides the point). so i don't even get the art-purist "you-can't-call-yourself-a-true-artist" pretentious argument here. YES, traditional art takes longer and costs more to make (you can buy a tablet once for 200 dollars, and connect it to a laptop which most people already have (or just use your phone/tablet which is even cheaper), and then have that be your only expense for YEARS except for replacement pen nibs and cables. meanwhile, sketchbooks are expensive and you need to constantly buy them, colored pencils are expensive if you're serious about it because you need a lot of different colors, paintings are on another level when it comes to materials cost, etc). i genuinely respect traditional artists since that shit is tedious. HOWEVER... saying that digital art is "cheating" kind of reveals to me that you're just unaware of all the potential "cheats" in traditional art. yes, theres some skills you need to learn, like coloring evenly with colored pencils or alcohol markers, or learning brush techniques and blending, color mixing, color matching, taking good photos of your art if you are someone who wants to post on social media, but there are ALSO unique skills you need to learn in digital art, such as managing layer types, learning to disconnect your eyes / hand (if you don't have a screen tablet), optimizing the image for digital viewing, color choosing (WAY HARDER TO DO DIGITALLY THAN TRADITIONALLY). they're equivalent in this way.
however... layering? use a light box and separate your sketch and coloring / lineart layers. undo? use a light box. quickly change colors? plan ahead better. physically paint over part of the piece. want to make multiple colored versions of a piece? cut out a lino block and use different colored ink to make prints. scan the drawing, print out more and color over them. tracing? fucking put the piece of paper over your laptop screen and trace it (we were expected to do this for practice in my high school art classes). mirroring / "flipping the canvas"? hold drawing up to mirror. if youre drawing on paper, hold it up to the sun or use a light box and flip it. symmetry? you can buy tools for this in which you hold a physical mirror up to half of your drawing and trace the reflection. we also used these in art class. you can also use tracing paper for this- it's my preferred method for making symmetrical traditional art, and for redrawing parts of a sketch / full piece that i want to move around or replace. color picking? any method you use digitally you can also use traditionally. the only trouble is IMPLEMENTING said colors in a full piece... but you also have to do that digitally. the biggest hurdle in color picking for traditional art is just... not having the resources to create a certain color easily, but that's a "can't afford a lot of paints / colored pencils / markers" issue, not necessarily a skill issue. even photobashing reference images or rearranging a piece is possible traditionally if you like... cut the sketch out and rearrange it physically before tracing over it, or physically making a reference with the same method. it is not hard and i have done this traditionally before. you can also use tracing paper for this. line stabilization is the only thing i've seen that's actually unique to digital art, but you can mimic this in traditional art by just... weighing down your art tool or having to redo the lineart a few times with the light box method (time consuming, yes, but not necessarily skillful. it just takes longer if you're bad at it, but the SAME results are possible). different layer types? just do the "math" in your head and figure it out. ive literally mimicked multiply layers before without actually using a multiply layer just to see if i COULD, and the results were the same. the only fully 100% true comparison i've seen is that stuff like AI-generated coloring and shading applied to digital art are "cheating" but that's... not digital art at that point... you're just making an argument again AI specifically because they are separate... it's closer to someone recreating an AI image themselves, or editing an AI image to make it look more realistic, which are, again, separate topics. also you can literally shade and fix traditional art with AI too if you take good enough photos of your art so this isn't even really a good argument against digital art specifically, it's an AI issue.
the only argument i see that makes sense is that traditional art, digital art, CGI animation, and AI art are all their own mediums that all require different skill sets (though i'd argue that traditional art and digital art are much more similar to each other in what skills you need than any of them are to AI art, but whatever). which i honestly kind of agree with? or i would is AI art was more ethical and not used in really dumb ways. but i personally think the AI slop is ugly, and my main gripe with it is that people try to "trick" others into believing AI art is real art by refusing to label it, or even labeling it maliciously incorrectly by naming fake artists as a credit for the image. you can't really do this with digital art since it's... pretty obvious when someone is creating something digitally. you know exactly what you're getting.
i think its fine if you want to say that traditional art is better or that you respect it more, because you're allowed your own opinion (even if i think you should at least experience drawing digitally before making a snap judgment). but its not "cheating" and its certainly not comparable to AI
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emilydaisymasters · 10 months
Taking a New Route with my Ideas
After much deliberation personally, I have concluded that I want to change my settled idea for my Masters project, for a number of reasons. I feel it is especially important for myself to document this in writing, so that if I have any doubts in the future, I can come back and reference to how I felt so lost and confused with my project at the time. Let me set the stage:
Originally, I planned to create a short film about a historical tale from Oldham, my hometown, surrounding my ancestor and the turmoil he suffered in trying to find freedom from the chitties and the workhouse. The tale is very personal to me, as I had heard it so many times growing up, and it's a story that made me proud to be from where I grew up, despite it's bad reputation. I'll include an image of the only article out there that covers the story publicly, as aside from that, it's a lost tale.
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As can be seen in the article, the name 'James Hoy' comes up a number of times, even having a poem attributed to his tale, written in an older, more phonetic dialect.
Whilst I feel very strongly about this story, and had many an idea about how I would be able to turn it into an informative, sensitive animation, my ideas just wouldn't come fully into fruition. I planned to create the animation in a sketchy style, with realistic proportions and historically accurate clothing, utilising traditionally painted backgrounds. All of those features are things I believed I could have done, but when it came to beginning my initial sketches, nothing would come out. On top of this, the documentation of children's clothing in the north of England in this era is so little, so I hit my first big barrier before I had even put pencil to paper. I came to the conclusion that, whilst I feel so many emotions towards this story, it just isn't ME enough to base a two year project around. It's something I will almost definitely tackle in the future, perhaps as a collaboration with my Dad who has put in so many years into discovering our history in the first place. For now though, as it was really beginning to weigh me down, I though a change of avenue was necessary.
Therefore, I have decided my new project will be based around the idea of art and animation being used as a form of escapism, particularly for modern children, or the 'Modern Teenage Girl'. This idea is something I indeed feel far more passionate about, as it tackles issues I have personally faced, and therefore will be able to far more accurately represent. I also feel as if research will be more rewarding for this topic, as there will undoubtedly be more documentation than with my last idea, but not too much to the point that my idea becomes unoriginal. I want to take a unique take on the position of art as a hobby for young people, acknowledging how in a changing society, the function of the hobby changes and offers more of a necessary escape to people, simply trying to get by in such a critical world. This is something I will be able to write about with passion, with drive, and with the intent to inform and to raise up a narrative that not many people consider. Following this development and change in plans, I will be posting my updates and work on the project as I go. In my heart, I feel this is the right direction for me, wherever it takes me by the end.
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xoteajays · 11 months
My technology has been acting strange lately. I don't know why. But I have to say that everything has been getting on my nerves more than usual.. Hopefully nothing happens. Because I don't have money for all these new devices that I might need, and all the data I'd actually lose.
That doesn't surprise me. Capitalizing on holidays like they always do all the time.. I think that's one of many reasons why I never liked most holidays. Just to make money off a holiday that isn't that important in any way, most holidays should be celebrated with family and friends.
But the spoiled brat in me does like presents though. So I won't really complain if I get presents for the most part. Depending on the person though.. Since I never actually liked most people in my family as it is.
So knowing amusement parks are making money off holidays doesn't surprise me because we have amusement parks like that here too.
Since Rocky tends to wear suits a lot, like a suit type of style, then I'm sure he might wear costumes that corporate suits a lot. Like you said: Jack Skellington (or some variation of a skeleton in a suit), maybe the mafia themed costumes for one Halloween too - that could be for any and every Rascals if they do group costumes. And about costumes.. I know that it's canonical that Kizzy and Koo paint their nails. And I can also see Rocky getting his nails done, mostly natural styles like a very clean clear style look though. A natural look but still clean looking. So I do think it would be funny imagining Rocky going to a nail salon just to get his nails done. Since I can imagine his going to a hair salon just so he can get his hair professionally bleached without ruining his hair.
And besides the women (including Kizzy), there have been some men in Rascals who have wore makeup. Some of them. So! It would not be that surprising to see Kaito wearing makeup because there are times, that I've noticed, where he was already wearing his eyeliner in scenes.
And if Koo does possibly wear costumes... I'd see him maybe wearing a costume in groups (like every Rascal wearing a gangster costumes). But, in general, Koo's "costume" is the most minimal costume you will ever see on someone. But that is extremely rare for him to dress up in these holidays, which isn't surprising because Koo doesn't enjoy fun.
Traditionally.. Red, white and pink are usually Valentine's colors so I've imagined those colors. If they have red as a color, then maybe I would see black and red being accented colors to the pink and white colors.
True! If they made it a one night event, then bracelets could help a lot of people. Bracelets for couples and bracelets for single people. Since if there are couples who go Club Heaven (instead of having plans at a restaurant, movies, or somewhere else). And yes! Themed drinks with every holiday event that they might actually celebrate at these clubs.
I only recently started watching Borderlands again. So I can't say that have any ideas yet.. Hopefully I get ideas the more I watch the show if I'm lucky enough to figure that out. My brain's fried from watching so many shows and movies lately though so I will have to find out what's going to happen next then. But, that's how I am with creating my own characters. When I hyperfocus on one character at a time, that would be because I'm trying to figure out which type of characters they are.
I'm trying to think up some ideas for games.. Especially games that is not so similar to the canonical games but that's becoming so difficult for me. Especially since I'm biased about certain types of games. But! If I want to make it more realistic, then I could have to figure out ways to balance out the games. So raise the stakes in some ways for them.
But I will have to pay attention to the game montages again though.. I can see why people might actually be fearful of 'beasts', even any that are fictional, because just the thought that animals are after them - in the sense that there were animals that have killed people in games so the thought that an animal is chasing them in mases could make a lot of people fearful of the thought that it could be real animals in a way.
Like a psychological torture in some way.
Exactly! I'm not saying that he wouldn't have had sex with her, maybe even raped her if Aguni is that type of guy. But Aguni does have a role to play... He is the leader of the militants so he can never appear weak in the eyes of other people. Especially toward Niragi and Boss since it is possibly they would use his weaknesses to their advantage. Maybe.
And yes. Arisu's a pathetic character. So there's some part of me who can see why Aguni might not like Arisu in his own way, but he is really one of the characters who does admire Arisu's intelligence (when he's not being emotional). Aguni might have liked Arisu more if he was not an emotional person though. But, like you said, Aguni was abused too often in his life so he learned how to physically fight. Which is why his affection was towards Karube who was more physical than emotional in that way. But I could see Aguni admiring someone's intelligent in all these different ways. Unless you might be Chishiya since no one even seems to like him, which I would see why from their perspectives too.
And! Another thought involving this scenario. Let's say Aguni actually does take Usagi to his room, even if they don't have sex (or get raped) at all, that might have been enough for people to leave Usagi alone as people would consider Usagi as Aguni's property. In the same ways I'll see people writing Niragi with an original character in most stories if I am able to explain that situation better. Who knows what really might have happened if something were to happen with them in that scene.
Who knows? Because I don't. If they do the manga continuation... I do know Arisu and Usagi would come back. And I also know that the one citizen, one of the citizens, was Mira's brother. So I don't even know if characters like Banda and Yaba would come back. But just part of me hopes so because I do like Banda's character, I am neutral about Yaba though since there wasn't many scenes for me to care about him. Yes I know that makes no sense. But Banda did have slightly more screen time than Yaba. So it does make sense if you'd actually think about it.
Oh! You mean A Family is a yakuza movie. That is a very long movie.. I have to admit that I imagined that movie was different than how I did imagine it being if I'm being honest. And Hayato's character, the adult version of his character, had limited screen time just so you know any time you decide to watch the movie. His character had blond hair too. And this is without spoilers. So I won't say any more what I just said.
That's how I am. Kind of. I know how to swim. But if swam, I'll actually prefer swimming in the night rather during the day. Which isn't even a surprising to know that people call me a vampire for that reason. And, another reason, is because I have the palest complexion to my skin as a traditional vampire would. As people would always like to say to me.
Another problem with people... I'm content with my body. I don't hate my appearance. But I always hate hearing people making a comment about my body in some way. That's another reason why I do not swim a lot of the time. I'm a chubby person with thick thighs, so my body is actually an average chubby body. But people always make comments though. Whether it was intentionally or unintentionally rude. There's a comment from just about everyone so I can't tolerate hearing people.
I haven't watched My Name. So I can't comment about that show, I'm only knowing what I've seen in the trailers of the show. But I know the fans even enjoy the show enough to rewatch more than once though.
That's what I thought. Even if Shizuka and Todoroki aren't friends in a traditional sense, then I can see them as being casual acquaintances.
But now I'm thinking it would be exes to each other now, knowing the characters in the Knuckle Girl movie really were dating for some time.
Well.. Maybe you have you more inspiration for your own character, at least when it comes to Shizuka then. More styles. And even ways that she can fight with certain techniques too. If that's inspiration for you.
Goki Maeda's blond in this movie? I can't imagine him with blond hair.
Oh! Did you see the posts, pictures and videos I sent.. Because I really sent a lot again. Some posts were High&Low posts. And also pictures of Dori and the girl who's name I forgot, that was because of the sizes in comparison. Usagi is actually shorter than I thought she would be.
- 💋
i think rocky would still keep the ref gloves no matter what costume he decides on. just for like. the continued aesthetic. kizzy and koo only bonding/getting along over painting their nails together tho. kizzy trying to convince him to get a new colour, but koo has an aesthetic to uphold.
i’m just imagining kizzy sitting on kaito’s lap, doing his eyeliner.
koo is doing the absolute least in halloween when he does dress up. sometimes kizzy just sweeps through and sticks like, a devil horn headband on him.
i just watched ep5 (i was doing other stuff so i paused watching for a sec) and i just!! my boys!! chishiya and niragi!! niragi is such a lil brat for this whole intro episode. wahoo-ing on the swinging boat ride, ‘turn off that shitty music’, ‘my boss told me to bring you to him’, ‘i don’t listen to anyone but aguni’. he’s a lil bitch. meanwhile chishiya’s doing all his sneaky shit. i wanna know what game he was playing while kuina, ann and arisu were off at the lightbulb game.
the 2♠️ game was in the montage and i still think it’d be fun to put my dormouse through, but i’m torn between it and the 10♣️ game that usagi played since dormouse is a clubs player.
i still find it so funny that chishiya waved at aguni during the tag game and aguni just ignored him. i don’t think chishiya was even with the beach yet (since he wasn’t wearing swimwear) but aguni was already annoyed at him.
also don’t care about yaba, but i do wanna see banda come back. banda’s more interesting, he was a murderer! yaba was just a boring manipulative conman idc, bring me back the murder boy. i just knew he’s been doing fucked shit in the borderland.
oh god it is like a 2 hour movie. i might just watch scenes of it on youtube or something. i’m lazy and i’ve got too much stuff to watch already anyway.
i couldn’t see them as exes since shizuka’s an adult and todoroki’s still a teen iirc. since he’s a full time student. but i am tempted to make a todoroki oc. but i can’t! i’m in aib mode!!
he’s not blond in the movie (a shame because he does look good blond), but ayaka has lighter coloured hair.
tao and dori do have almost a foot of difference between their heights. like 9-ish inches i think? she’s so short and he’s really is built like he’s made of pipe cleaners (affectionate. he is still my boy).
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momo-t-daye · 11 months
Hi! Just wanted to ask something: I love ur art and I wondered what your drawing process was? Coz ur art has a very specific vibe and I wonder how you managed to do it. Also, I just love to see other artists process xD. I think I saw somewhere on ur blog that you drew traditionally then scanned it but I'm not sure :V
Have a nice day!
I am glad that you enjoy my art and that I have an art vibe! I draw traditionally and then scan and do a bit of digital clean-up/adjustment (because scanners never quite get things right!), I have issues trying to make nice precise lines with the touchpad on the laptop, so I usually don't do anything fully digital (but it was fun making the flight+invention animation!).
As for a process, I tend to have a silly little thought/come up with a little story in my head/read something that gives me an idea, and then I make thumbnail plan pages out for comics and sometimes I'll make rough draft ideas for non-comics. I sketch very messily with pencil and then go over lines with a brush pen and micron pens (since those are waterproof). If I'm adding color I use alcohol pens of various brands (generally whatever happened to be on sale/given to me) for skin tones, Crayola water colors (the fancy 16 color set that was apparently manufactured in 1997), sometimes colored pencil on top of that, and lately I've been playing around with acrylic paint over the watercolor since I found some nice paint on sale and it's fun to experiment.
I hope this answered your curiosity! I always like to chat about art processes and to see how other people create!
Do you tell yourself little stories when you draw?
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