#also plz watch my video
lunatic-pudge · 4 months
Heavy SFW Alphabet
Didn't mean to take a month break on these, but oh well. Am slowly working on some requests I got, I'm a super bad procrastinator, so plz bear with me. Now I gotta figure out if I wanna do Spy or Soldier next. I'll figure it out in a few days when my brain let's me.
A: Affection (How do they show affection? And how affectionate are they?)
Now with Heavy, I'd say he's the least affectionate of all the mercs. Like, yeah, he's gonna love on his S/O, but he tends to be a more reserved person. He's definitely a no PDA type of guy, a simple hug is fine, BUT IF YOU DARE TO TRY TO GIVE HIM A SMOOCH he'd be so flustered. He likes to keep the lovins behind closed doors
B: Best Friend (What would they be like a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Definitely a loyal bestie. Can see him wearing friendship bracelets with Medic tbh. Befriending him takes a while though cause he just prefers to stick to himself. He's like Sniper where you two could sit in silence and just vibe together. He's a very good friend to have. Ready to protect and he there for you
C: Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Big man do be loving a good cuddle, but only when it's you two. He'd let you lay on top of him, nuzzling up against his S/O, enjoying each other's presence. I'm sure with enough convincing, he'll let you be the big spoon, but for a price ;)
D: Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking & cleaning?)
Another fellow house husband. Makes some of the best food ever and will take care of the house and let you relax. He won't hesitate to tightly wrap you up in a blanket burrito, unable to escape, just to get you to relax
E: Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He quick and to the point. Doesn't like having to dance around the topic. Why prolong it and make things worse? He's pretty good at handling breakups, he knows that sometimes things don't work out and you gotta learn to move on
F: Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Loves the idea of getting married to his S/O but would wanna wait until his days are over. He doesn't wanna rush things though, preferring to take his time.
G: Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Tries to be gentle but it's hard to be gentle when you're a big guy like Heavy. He's better at being gentle emotionally, rather than physically. He's had a rough childhood, so he understands the struggle. He will let you cry it all out if you need to
H: Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Likes a good hug when it's from someone he's comfortable with (family, Medic, S/O). Hugs from anyone else makes him SUPER uncomfortable. Def has the best hugs and I will fight anyone who disagrees. He's big, comfy, and WARM
I: I Love You (How fast do they say the L-Word?)
I feel like he'd be too shy to say I love you first. While he tries to be upfront with everything, saying I love you is such deep, intimate thing to say. He doesn't wanna rush it, but you bet your ass he'll be so happy to hear you say it first.
J: Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Heavy? Jealous? Absolutely, not. This man has nothing to be jealous about. When he's with his S/O, he trusts them 110%. He knows he has nothing to worry about. And even then, why would you want someone else? Heavy is a big, burly man with cuddles for days! Why would you EVER wanna settle for less?
K: Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Homie's got them lil' gentle and delicate kisses. He tries to be as gentle as he can with kisses and I'm here for it. Loves giving his S/O forhead kisses.
L: Little Ones (How are they around kids?)
He loves kids, but he's worried about hurting them by accident. He's a big guy, and kids are small, fraglie, and crazy. Kids are feral with him, constanly trying to climb him and asking if he's a giant. He would absolutely make a great dad though. First, picture him cuddling with a baby. Got it? Good now picture him having a daughter and having a tea party with her. He'd be sitting at a tiny table, wearing a tiara and pink tutu as his daughter serves him tea, telling him some juicy "drama". I love it. Make it a real thing plz
M: Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Man's got a strict morning and night schedule, and would like if you followed it as well. He gets up early, one of the first to get up probably. Showers, eats, prepares for the day, standard stuff. Rarely does he allow himself to sleep in or have a lazy day. There's always something to do
N: Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Tries to go to sleep at a reasonable time. He ain't a night owl. He likes to read before going to bed, helps him to relax. Likes to be snuggled up with his S/O as well. Probably owns a C-PAP
O: Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait awhile to reveal things slowly?)
I'd say it takes him some time. He does love talking about his Mother and sisters though. He's got some funny stories about his sisters. But he doesn't like talking about his dad and certain past events. He did have a rough upbringing after all. And it can be hard to talk about so just give him time, he'll slowly come around
P: Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Man's got hella lots of patience. It takes so much to make him angry. The only thing that can get on his nerves quicker than most is dealing with certain (Scout) mercs. But to be fair, Scout knows how to get on everyone's nerves
Q: Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every detail in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
I'd say he's got a pretty good memory on him, he's just gotta remember the right words to say. He might forget some little, slightly random details though but it's hard to be mad at him
R: Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
You, him, a good book, and a giant blanket wrapped around you both. You both are snuggled up together, soaking up each other's warmth. He reads the book to you, his deep voice lulling you to sleep. Heavy loves these moments between you two. Where he gets to be snuggled up with you, holding you in his arms, keeping you safe.
S: Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Definitely a protective bear. Will do WHATEVER he can to keep you safe. If he can't be there to keep you safe, he will have Medic there in his place. And then he'll have Medic give constant updates on you. Poor thing just wants to keep you safe. Sometimes he can be a little too overprotective at times
T: Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, and everyday tasks?)
He tries in his own special ways. He likes having dates at home. He sees it as a more intimate setting. He'd write you cute little poems expressing how much he loves you. He would have everything taken care of and won't let you even lift a finger to help out
U: Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
The only bad habit I can think of is his habit of being cold and distant. He tends to keep things to himself. Poor baby isn't use to having someone there to talk to and just vent to. But it's a bad habit that can be fixed over time
V: Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Honestly, I don't think he's too worried about his looks. I'm sure he does have some small image issues cause he's always getting called fat by other mercs. He's moreso built like a hippo. They look like they're these fat, lazy creatures but they're actually pure muscle and will tear anyone and anything to shreds
W: Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Meh, he'd be fine if he has to go without you for a while or the relationship ends. He's an independent man who's been through hell and back. He can handle being away from his S/O for whatever reason
X: Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
God, you know there's so much more to this man. He just doesn't show it. Well, you can kinda see it out on the battlefield and I bet it can be seen when he's drunk too. But he's also not much of an alcohol guy. He'll drink every now and then but it's just not something he cares about. Also, Medic's the unoffical third wheel and your guys' relationship. He's just kinda there. Think of him as your child. Now imagine the three of you in a cuddle pile, fighting for who gets to lay on Heavy. Heavy ends up having to decide and obviously he chooses you, sorry Medic
Y: Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He doesn't like loud, cocky people. He needs someone who's more on the chill side. Yeah, those types of people and be fun to watch and hang out with every now and then, but it can get tiring to deal with. So someone who's more introverted is the type of person for him
Z: Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Again, he tries to maintain a strict sleep schedule. Go to bed early and wake up early. Definitely a fellow sleep apnea buddy so sleeping sucks sometimes. Cuddles are a must during bedtime though, or else >:(
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majoringinsarcasm · 1 year
“I hate people who mindlessly praise RWBY and deny any of its awful writing choices”
I have no idea what circles you’re in that have people like this. I won’t deny they exist bc I’m certain they do, but I’ve seen so many ppl who love RWBY with all their hearts talk about multiple things across the volumes they didn’t like or wish had happens differently or where a scene was weak or where the pacing was off. Especially after people politely explained issues they had with V9 while still throughly enjoying the volume as a whole.
Again I’m not denying the existence of mindless praise but I have to ask WHO you’re coming across who In Earnest and not as a joke say the show is 100% Perfect For Real. Bc in the 10 years I’ve been watching the show I have not seen those people. Which maybe means I’m lucky?
But I feel like RWBY specially gets so much hate and shade and ppl talk about “bad writing” every other episode for the past six volumes like. Bruh if it’s THAT bad HOW are you still watching? There’s thinking it’s bad and hoping it’ll get better and then there’s hate watching and being confused why people seem to love a thing you hate and that doesn’t sound fun At All
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gift-of-prophecy · 8 months
just going on a theory tangent to maybe connect dots that were not connecting before (i’m being delusional bc i’m not happy w the afton family switcharoo plot lol)
i’ve been seeing comparison videos of henry in the background of the training videos to mike’s dad within his dreamscapes which would then lead to a later in the series plot twist that mike (instead of being a schmidt or afton) is an emily. in turn, that would give william the motivation to seek out and harm his family instead of just conveniently being in the woods of nebraska to take someone’s kid (bc i’m fine with killers with no motive but suddenly going from sneakily killing kids within the confines of ur pizza place to all the sudden being in nebraska doesn’t really hit for me personally) it would also then allow for charlie’s arc from the games to be explored but through garrett- he would become the puppet. i also think that the imagery of garrett peering out the back window almost parallels to the image from the minigame of charlie in the window outside the pizzeria. now this might literally be nothing (it probably is) but this is just a silly little theory stewing in my head so mike’s tie to pizzeria is even bigger then they’ve allowed it to be in the film
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glamournessmygod · 1 year
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pretty much
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zackieboyo · 10 months
can someone plz tell me what the next part of the Eddsworld Surf and Turf ep is like I don't fucking wanna watch beyond anymore it's such nonsensical slog plz just tell me is it better or worse than the first part?
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planete777 · 5 months
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( lando norris x fem!reader ft. oscar piastri )
read part 1!
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IN WHICH. after months of radio silence, y/n and lando go trending for the same thing again... but this time, it's not only them.
WARNINGS. 18+, MINORS DNI!, non consensual explicit video leaked, sexual descriptions, twitter environement, mentions of getting high (as per), very self indulgent so just sit back and enjoy
NOTE. it's finally here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i've answered your requests, i hope you guys like it. my back aches from doing this so im gonna knock myself out lol. anyways, last fic for a few weeks, but i'll still be online/idle so u can still drop by my inbox if u want. okay ill let u go now bye and enjoy!!!!!
‧₊˚✩彡 taglist @laciijane @ferrarrigirl @norrizzandpia @mimi-luvzyu @multifandomwhore-003 (use askbox if you'd like to be added!)
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri and 789,331 others
yn_ln life lately <3
landonorris literally obsessed with you
landonorris love the last picture who's that on the left -> yn_ln what happened to being obsessed with me :((( -> landonorris sorry 😅 i mean the left. -> user 😭
user oscar cameo!!!!! OSCAR!!! CAMEO!!!
user i want both of them!!11!!1!1! i can take both of you!!!! -> user so real
user couple goals.... brb just setting up the toaster and the bath
oscarpiastri picture 2.... minutes before disaster -> landonorris disaster??? i found it pretty entertaining -> yn_ln i'm still recovering 🤭 -> user CARE TO SHARE??? I WANNA KNOW!!! -> user yn girlie............ let's gossip -> yn_ln no can do luv xx 😌
oscarpiastri anyways i look so good -> yn_ln humble yourself babe x -> landonorris what she said ^ -> user don't listen to them oscar, you do love good ❤ -> oscarpiastri trust me, i know 😏
lily_mhe loved going out with u bby <3 -> yn_ln yes!! we should do it again.... without the boys 😒 -> alexalbon uhm wow -> landonorris i need to get used to sharing the loml </3 -> oscarpiastri lol -> yn_ln 🤭
user she's so pretty "$%$£"£$(!"£$
user why are they being so cryptic 😩 -> user they wanna kill me
user 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨 -> user i've got so many questions
user lily and y/n are for the girlies xx sorry i do not make the rules -> yn_ln speak it!!! -> lily_mhe yup!!
maxfewtrell no pic creds?? -> yn_ln i can give donations? -> user LMAOAOAO -> user max being bullied pt 2838474
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liked by yn_ln, oscarpiastri and 1,302,811 others
landonorris ♾
yn_ln look at us trending for the second time in 2 months 😝 -> landonorris ikr such icons -> oscarpiastri quite fun tbh -> user 😭 -> user u lot realllyyyyy dgaf and i love that for you
oscarpiastri i give the best cuddles ik -> landonorris u also give the best 🧠 -> yn_ln AND WHAT ABT ME? -> landonorris oh yeah... ig -> user what the fuck is going on??? 😭 -> user in broad daylist insta comments
user im surprised he didn't post a lil snippet on ig like yn did last time -> user literally 💀 -> user he wants us to have the full experience on twt fr
carlossainz55 im begging u, plz no more -> alexalbon 🙏 -> charlesleclerc 🙏 -> georgerussell 🙏 -> pierregasly 🙏 -> yukitsunoda 🙏 -> danielricciardo 🙏 -> lewishamilton 🙏 -> user they are going THROUGH IT!! -> landonorris we'll think abt it
user surprised, but not disappointed
yn_ln no more 🐱 for u! -> landonorris NO. U CAN'T DO THIS TO ME. -> user he survives purely off of the kitty cat. i support the hustle -> oscarpiastri spare the man 🙏 -> yn_ln nah he can just watch -> oscarpiastri fine by me
user foursome?? -> user join the line
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anothermansjeans · 1 month
Okay but have you seen the TikTok trend where they’re like ‘hey babysit my boyfriend real quick’ really fast as they set up the camera then leave? It is so funny I love it, hear me out.
This but with YouTuber reader and Spencer! Plz I think it would end up being hilarious
LOVE LOVE LOVE!! i saw one where this girl's bf immediately went into flamingo facts and it was so spencer coded... the inspo was there
cw: fluff, blobfish facts!
wc: 281 (she's a shorty)
youtuber!reader masterlist
“Hey, lovelies, could you watch my boyfriend for me? I need to walk our fish.”
Spencer, unsuspecting and sitting at the kitchen island with a book in one hand and coffee cup in the other looked up at your words. “Walk our fish?” Unfortunately, you were already out of the room, and Spencer turned his head to your phone. “We don't even have a fish…”
He was going to look back at his book… but he felt awkward. “Hi,” he waved and gave a thin smile before nodding his head and looking side to side. He let out a sigh and put his book down, looking back at your phone. “Did you know that the psychrolutes marcidus, commonly referred to as the blobfish, had a head that makes up 40% of their body?” He took another sip of his coffee before stating another fact. “Blobfish also look 'normal’ below water, but at the surface, without the water pressure to hold their shape, they appear to melt and look like a puddle of what some would describe as ‘goo’.”
You were listening in from the other room as he continued to go about blobfish. You truly loved this man with your whole heart, and after another minute or two, you walked back into the room. “Okay, I’m back! Thanks for watching him!” You grabbed the phone and Spencer spoke from beside you.
“I wasn't done with my blobfish facts!”
Finally ending the video, you looked over at him with a smile and brushed his hair back. “Can you tell me? I love hearing what you have to say.”
He melted under your touch and immediately went into more facts. “Did you know…”
BONUS: some comments
@ user1: he's actually so adorable 😭
@ user2: you just get these facts FOR FREE?? luckyyyy
@ user3: i felt like he was babysitting us 😭
@ user4: he was so good!! we'd love to watch him again 🫶
youtuber!reader taglist: @im-a-ghost666 @lyd14k4y @happiestcat @hauntedtv13 @obi-wansgirl
let me know if you would like to be added or removed!
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flor4de4amor · 1 month
hockey abby 🌀🌀🌀
oh i need her so bad. want her so bad. also ik nothingggg abt hockey so don't beat me up guys.
click for palestine | dont buy tlou | read b4 engaging w me
hockey!abby who's actually a sweetie. beast on the ice. monster of a coach and captain, but such a sweet girlfriend. she's always more than happy to see you out in the stands, wearing her large jersey, cheering her on.
hockey!abby who coaches little league hockey. she loves kids, but they're awful. and by awful, they're actually hilarious. she has to stifle laughter during practice and reprimand them, but once she's home with you she's telling you everything.
hockey!abby who's definitely got a light 'hockey accent.' she denies it with her life. she hasn't got an accent, its you who's got an accent! but you've got videos of her saying "sorry" like a filthy canadian. she swears on her life it's a deepfake video of her. how could you do that to your pretty baby? she trusted you. what's next, fake news of her losing a game? gosh, papparazzi these days.
hockey!abby who brings you out on the ice when she's the only one practicing. slipping skates on your feet carefully, and holding your hand softly. she'd race you but you'd totally lose, and she doesn't wanna hurt your feelings.
hockey!abby who's fights with the ref every chance she gets. she gets heated quick and easy. whenever she loses because of a stupid ref call, you never hear the end of it.
"that ref is a fucking asshole. why's she even a ref? i can do a better job than her." she rolled her eyes.
whenever she's pissed, its easier to butter her up and stroke her ego. "you would, but you're a much better player baby," you take her hand and kiss her pulse point. "besides, i'd miss watching you play on the ice."
she smiles to herself, "when you're right you're right babe." she agrees, humming.
hockey!abby who is always in the penalty box. always swearing off on the ice. she's one of the few female players who does start fights on the ice, and they are brutal. blood flying, helmets clashing, sticks thrashing. she always makes you kiss her bruises better, and you always oblige. smiling against each scab and scolding her when finished.
hockey!abby who is always ending up in tik tok edits and has the most obscene comments. it drives you mad, but it just confuses her. cause her entire page is a shrine of you and your realtionship. she does post herself here and again. gym selfies, post practice drill check ins, once or twice with her hair out. which everyone knows, is a real panty dropper. but they're totally innocent pictures! she's got her eyes on you and you only! she replies to vulgar comments with corny stuff like:
'im happily married!'
'my gf shook her head in disgust when she read this'
'plz stop trying to build a wedge btw me n my girl! our cats won't like this!'
hockey!abby who always goes to speaker events and is incredibly passionate about women in sports. she encourages young girls to get engaged as young as possible. she always wants to uplift morale and increase the amount of girl in sports, especially her sport.
hockey!abby oh hockey!abby.
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girlboypersonthingy · 3 months
Would it be ok to request Vox with an affectionate s/o?
More than okay, nonnie! I’ve been getting so many requests bro, literally every time I post one, I get like 2 more in its place. IM LIVING FOR IT, KEEP IT COMING YALL! But also plz be patient with me 🥺 been waiting for a request for my flat-faced prince. Tbh the first time I watched Hazbin, my immediate reaction to Vox was ‘OH NO HES HOT!!!’ So, enjoy these headcanons 😘
Notes: gn!reader, maybe a little ooc Vox?
Vox x reader- Affection 💋
Also oh my fucking godddddd the vest, him in a vest. I need more Vox in a vest PRONTO…🥵
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Okay so like…bro is more dirty minded.
He’s genuinely confused when you kiss his cheek or hold his hand like ???
Oh….you’re not just trying to fuck him and get famous?
Sure, he’s fucked and made out with ppl and probably done some other crazy shit but his experience with sappy romance and affection like you show him is very limited.
He’s pretty dense, he’s got a tough shell and doesn’t really understand love languages and stuff like that.
His love language is most definitely gift giving and I just know he’s terrible at actually showing his feeling through words or romantic gestures or physical affection.
It’s usually just like “Hey! I love ya! I got you this.” *insert item you’d flip your lid over*
At least he’s a good gift giver! He really does try to give you cool stuff he knows you’ll like but he’s still learning how to actually speak about his feelings and show it physically.
He tries to match your energy the best he can
Get him gifts!!! Plz he loves homemade gifts too- gift him art, sing him an original song, sew him something, whatever your skills or talents may be, use them and he’ll adore it and also praise tf out of you
You took time to make this just for him? ‘Marry me’
Besides fucking around with Val, Vox doesn’t get much affection so he very quickly falls in love with all the sweet affectionate touches you frequently show him.
It’s all so different than Val, so sensitive and genuine. It really makes him swoon~
Melts when you kiss the corners of his screen- there’s something about non mouth kisses that really gets to him
He gets a huge dorky love stuck grin when you sit in his lap and hug him close, also hugs you back super tight
Absolutely loves kissing you and then noticing the lingering smudges/lipstick marks on his screen later
Fix his bow tie while giving him a sneaky wink in front of his crew and he’ll huff and look away while trying to hold back a smile
Invites you on his nightly broadcast as a guest one time and quickly learned how embarrassed he becomes when you flirt and call him pet names on live TV in front of tons of viewers
After only 10 minutes of talking, giggling and giving him bedroom eyes, Vox was struggling to maintain his composure- you’re so fucking cute.
All you had to do was laugh loudly at one of his crude jokes about Alastor and call him your “honey bunny” and suddenly the entire V tower lost power.
Poor man literally short circuits over your darling voice calling him such soft names- he’s so down bad for you he can’t even hide it
Val and Velvette have that specific episode downloaded and saved to every device they own bc there’s no way they are letting this go, he’s never living this down
If you pause the video right before it cuts out, just before the power goes out, Vox has literal hearts for eyes and his entire screen briefly becomes this bright blushy pink color- that’s a color no one has ever seen on him
Just keep doing your thing, you little hopeless romantic, and you’ll see that color more often.
But Vox might have to leave you at home when filming bc he can’t control himself around you sometimes and you obviously can’t either 🖤
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blingblong55 · 8 months
Late-night needs- Price, Ghost & Rudy NSFW
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A/N: I will never get over how hot Rudy's nose is in this picture
Based on a request:
-Phone sex with Rudy plz! - Any CoD man to the Badjhur audio of phone sex, pleasee -Hi Kasper i just want to start off by saying I LOVE ur fics and since i know you don't deny our requts can yoiu pleasee do Price and Ghosr to number three of the Kinktober event your doing? it can be separate and to an f reader. Thank you Kasper!!
F!Reader, phone!sex, smut, MDNI, 18+
A/N: This reminded me of Sweet by Cigarettes After Sex for some reason, not the entire song, obvi
He had been away for three months and lately, all the frustration started to build up, so, he called you.
It was late at night for him and your recent bikini picture had stirred some much-needed release for him.
He looked at your picture and began to stroke his cock but it was not enough so he called you, all you needed was to see through the screen the not-so-well-hidden tip of his cock.
"Hi, darling, I know, I know....yes my love but right now I need for you to obey, yes?...perfect."
He loved to command you, and he slowly made you touch yourself for him. His left hand held his phone whilst the other began to wank his ever-needy cock.
"Now, slaps your tits, love...oh yes...just like that," he had a grin on his lips. Enjoyed how he can be so far from you but still bring both of you pleasure.
He loves to watch you get absolutely destroyed and he also likes the idea of you recording yourself and fucking two fingers inside of you.
As you continued to show him your pussy, how you grabbed a dildo and began to fuck yourself with it, he began to moan, his head thrown back.
"Just like that, keep that up, doll," he said between groans.
One thing he disliked about his job is how anytime he needs a quick fuck you aren't around and hates how some men on the team have heard him wank off.
As you moaned louder, his seed fell out of his dick and onto his hands, creating a sticky white mess.
He loves to send you pictures, so once he hung up, he sent a video of his mess.
Playing with his own cum and then slapping his cock to the sides, knowing you'll call later for more of this fun.
He sends you multiple videos of his erection with texts that plead for you to answer his call.
Once you answer, he sets his phone up, sitting back on his chair and then watching as you play with your cunt.
His head rolls back and all that he can hear in his darkened room are your moans and his heavy breathing.
You try and get all angles for him, knowing that it's what he's needed.
"Fuck, lovie, moan more, let me hear your moans," his voice was deep and harsh.
By some point you take out the dildo that was his exact measurements, he knew it would come in handy when he was gone.
He watched you intently, a grin on his face as you screamed his name.
And he was proud that he trained you enough to only moan his name, even when he was far from home.
"Faster, let me see your tits bounce...yes...just like that, don't stop~" he moans and then as you whimpered, he nods. You cum on the dildo and he cums with you
His seed all over his fingers, he shows them to you, "look at what you made me do, R/N," his voice hinting at his smile.
It was rare for him to call but once he showed you his bulge, you couldn't resist and ended up helping him.
He was always so sweet, except for when it came to helping his erection, that needed immediate attention and a rough side of him.
You tased him, only for him to make you spank yourself hard.
He made you touch your thighs and then slowly remove your panties, leaving you exposed to the camera.
"I want to watch you as I stroke myself, princess," he ushers out. His strokes increase as you moan his name, screaming every now and then as you wait for him to let you come.
"Fuck, mi amor, just like that...oh yes mi princesa, you can take it." He moans and watches as you grind on the pillow, your tits bouncing and the vibrator making you scream in pleasure.
"Show me that pretty pussy of yours," he manspreads, his cock hard and the tip swollen. You fingered yourself on camera and he chuckles.
"Oh....aren't you candy for my eyes, mi amor," he spits on his hand and strokes faster.
His cum leaks everywhere and then, because he knows you like it, he licks his hands. "Taste yourself too, mi amor," he whispers and grabs his phone.
"aren't you an obedient little angel," he smiles and you lay in bed exhausted
A/N: no idea if this is HC anymore...ya girl can't sleep rn
Tags: @liyanahelena @sharkssharkssharkssharks @simpxxslutxx @thatgoblin @zensshawty @amygaster004 @jamesrifftapes @uvosbtccc
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justangelheree · 7 months
jealous- chris sturniolo (18+)
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warnings: use of pet names, choking, oral(m&f receiving), unprotected sex (plz wrap before u tap it), pulling hair, cremepie, lowkey dom chris bc lol also not proof read but enjoy
summary: chris and reader are best friends but will one halloween party change that?
i’m sitting in the car with the triplets and we’re playing smash or pass for there youtube channel. chris wouldn’t shut up about betty boop and how she was bad as fuck.
“chris that’s actually crazy we’re not talking literally” i say laughing at him from the backseat. nick then starts laughing as chris starts to defend himself. “i said what i said she bad” i roll my eyes and tell matt to go to the next one.
“smash or pass.. steve harrington from stranger things” matt said looking at me and nick. i look to matt an smile as i speak “smash 100% he could” before i could finish chris spoke “i thought this wasn’t literal” i closed my mouth holding in my laugh. “i don’t care smash all day everyday” i said while the boys mouths were wide open.
as the video ended matt drove back to their apartment. we arrived as i got out the car and wrapped my arms around chris pulling him into a hug since him and matt just argued. he hugged back and took a deep breath in as he wrapped his arms around my waist. “come on it’s alright” i say grabbing his hand dragging him inside.
i walk to the kichen his hand still in mine as i sat next to nick and chris stood behind me while matt was getting a drink. “are we going to nessas halloween party? madi said shes going” nick says looking up from his phone. “i’m always down to get dressed up and i think i have a costume in mind” i spoke leaning back on the chair looking up at chris as he started speaking. “i think i have something in mind too” he looks down at me smiling.
chris grab a pepsi from the fridge as nick and matt both said their goodnights to us. “ready to go to bed i’m exhausted” i say tilting my head at chris as he shuts the fridge. “yeah i’m ready ma” chris said with a raspy voice. i bit my lip as he starts to walk upstairs while i follow behind.
he opens the door as i walk to his draw and got out some of my pajamas because i tend to stay here a lot i’ve know these boys for to long. l start to take off my pants and shirt leaving me in my underwear and bra. chris is sitting on the bed watching me as i look at him in the mirror he smirks at me as i put my head down blushing. i put just a baggy t-shirt on as i go to lay next to him.
i pull the blanket up on us as chris puts his head in my chest. i put my hand in his hair as i drifted off to sleep.
*the day of the party*
i facetime nick because he wanted to get ready on facetime. “heyy nick im actually so excited” i say smiling. “i know i haven’t been to a party in awhile so i’m a little nervous” he said back. “yes exactly i feel like im gonna look like such a slut” i speak as i pull my makeup out. “i promise you’ll look good if people think other wise they can fuck themselfs” nick said reassuring me. i laughed as i struggled to get out a thank you.
i finish my makeup as nick is putting on his costume. “nick i will see you in like 30 minutes i have to do my hair and put my dress on, and remember no showing me what you’re dressed as we all agreed to keep it a secret” i say. “i know i know see you in a bit” he said rolling his eyes sarcastically. “okayy i love uu” i said screaming into the phone. “i love you too” he screamed back. i hung up the phone as i started to play music.
i started to do my hair jamming out to my playlist chris created for me. as i finish my hair and slowly start to take all the pieces for my costume out of the box. i put my red dress on looking at myself in the mirror and turning around looking how good my body looked. i slipped on the red garter to my thigh an putt my heels on. i sent a text to nick letting him know i’ll be there soon.
i hopped in my car an started to drive to the place the party was being held turning up the radio. i pulled up as i looked around to see all the cars outside. i parked my car as i got out grabbing my purse walking to the door.
as i walked in i saw nessa and madi so i knew the triplets had to be here. i walked up to them. “you guys look so good” i said hugging them. “omg girl you are so hot” madi says pulling way. “thank you mads but do you know where the boys are?”i question. she point her fingers over to the kitchen. i nod my head as i say my goodbyes.
i slowly walk into the kitchen and i lock eyes with matt who’s jaw is on the floor as i put my finger to my lips telling him to shoosh because i wanted to surprise chris. before i could walk behind chris someone stopped me.
“hey how have you been!” i turned around to see who it was. it was an old friend of mine he went to my highschool. “where’s time gone you look so grown but i’m doing good how about you?” i ask looking up at him. i feel a stare behind but i choose to ignore it.
“i’m good it’s been so long since i’ve seen you and you look amazing” he spoke flirtatiously. my smile dropped realizing he was trying to make a move. “thank you it was nice seeing you” i said as i gave him a small hug as his hands wrapped around my waist but i pulled away right then and there.
i waved at him as i turned around my eyes met a very sexy steve harrington who has his jaw clenched. i walk my way over to the triplets and put my hands out giving a “surprise” look. “omg! you look actually so amazing” nick said pulling me into a hug. “mr harrington over here couldn’t stop looking at you” matt laughed as he pulled me into a hug as well.
i laugh as i pull away and make it to chris. his reaction changes as he takes me in looking me from top to bottom as he licks his lips. i look up to him with doe eyes as i put my hands around his neck pulling him into a hug. he wraps his hand right above my ass.
“like what you see mr harrington” i whisper in his ear as i pull away arms still wrapped around his neck. he looks down onto he as his hands slowly move down my ass. “i love what i see mrs betty boop” he whispers back.
i look to my left and realize nick and matt are gone i giggle as i turn back to chris. i grab his hand as i lead him outside where we can get away from everyone. “i can’t believe you dressed up as steve like i could kiss you right now” i said looking up at him. “why don’t you? … or do you want that other guy in there. he sure wanted a piece of you.” chris spoke with a tang of anger.
“why would i want him when i have you” i said licking my lips looking back and forth between his lips and eyes. he rises his hand to my cheek closing the gap between us connecting our lips. i wrap my hand in his hair slightly tugging as his hand moved from my face to my neck squeezing lightly.
i moaned against his lips as he slips his tounge into my mouth as we fought for dominance, him obviously winning. his other hand sliding down my dress kneading my ass in his hand. i tilt my head back as he replaced his hand with his lips on my neck.
“as much as i love and appreciate this outfit i need to get it off of you” chris looked down at me as i bit my lip. he grabbed my hand and ran to find an empty room. as we reach a room completely empty he shut the door and locked it connecting our lips once again.
my hands went under his shirt feeling his torso and chest as i pulled it over his head. he unzipped my dress as i step out of it his pants are tossed on the floor with it. i reach for my thigh to take my garter chris stops me. “leave it on” he spoke demanding. i nod my head as i slowly start to kneel on the ground.
chris groans from the way he doesn’t even need to tell you what to do. i pull down his boxers watching his hard dick bounce onto his torso. i pump him with my hand as he steps on out his boxers. “come on ma.. put that pretty mouth to use” he said putting his hand on my head not messing up my hair.
i reply with taking him in my mouth as he threw his head back with a moan. i started to bop my head up and down with his hand guiding me. “as much as i’m enjoying this i want to cum in that pretty pussy of yours” he spoke grabbing my hand pulling me up.
he reconnected our lips and picked me up. i wrapped my legs around him as he took me to the bed and laid me down. he started planting light bruises on my neck as he made his way down and unclipped my bra. “you’re the prettiest girl i’ve see in my life” he said hands groping my boobs.
i whine out at his actions as he tongue meets my nipples sucking. his hand reach farther down and get to my side as he pops of my nipple leaving kisses along my torso. i bring my hand down to move his hair so i could see his face.
he reached my pussy as he took my underwear an put it in his pocket as he opened my legs. my pussy on full display for me glistening from the light as he used two fingers to spread it open. “you’ve been hiding this beautiful thing from me” he spoke rubbing my clit.
i moan as my hand reaches farther into his hair almost tugging. “gonna be a good girl for me and let me eat you out.” he said putting a finger in me. my head titled back “yes i’ll be good.. just please chris” i desperately whispered.
he went in bringing his lips and tounge to my clit while pumping a finger in and out of me. i grip his hair as i roll my eyes back. he groans against me sending a vibration through my whole body.
he adds a second finger going a little faster this time as i moan out his name. “chris! .. fuck i’m bout to cum please!” i almost scream out. he pulls away from now taking his fingers out and rubbing my clit. “not yet baby i wanna fuck it out of you” i moan at his words as he towers over me.
he gives me a kiss before flipping me on my stomach so i’m face down ass up. he lets me get comfortable before slowly putting his dick in me. i groan against the pillow as his hands grip my hips. he sets a slow pace groaning while going in and out.
“god you’re so tight ma.. i’m gonna go a little faster now” he spoke. i nodded my head eagerly needing him to go faster. he rocked me back and forth against him as he’s hand came down to grip my hair. “fuck.. just like that chris!” i grip the sheets underneath my fingers.
“such a slut.. wanting me to be rough with you” he said tightening his hand that was in hair. “yes chris i’m your slut” i breathlessly spoke. “just mine” he whispered bringing me up so my back was against his chest. i turn my head to lock lips with him as one of us hands wrapped around neck and other around my torso keeping me stable.
all i could hear was unsteady moans, skin slapping, and the music faintly from downstairs. i cleached around him as he moans into my lips. i dragged my arm behind his head gripping a hold of him as he pounded into me. “shit chris! im not gonna last much longer” i spoke tilting my head back.
“it’s okay baby let it out i’m right behind ya” he said dragging his hand from my neck to my clit rubbing in circles. i close my eyes as my hand clings onto his hair slightly pulling. “oh god chris” i almost screamed out as i let myself go.
i clenched around him as my legs started to slight shake as he filled me up moaning in my ear. “what a good girl letting me just stuff you” he said letting me catch my breath. he pulled out and laid us down on the bed.
i was about to fall asleep until i heard nick scream “chris and y/n! where are you guys, we need to take pictures!” chris chuckled as he looked over to me putting his hand out so we could get up. i groan as i take his hand and get up tossing him his clothes.
i start to put my whole outfit on for a second time today as i looked up to see chris fully dressed behind me zipping up my dress. i smile at him as i turn around and kiss him. “come on ma wouldn’t want them waiting” he smirked as i nod my head. i look at myself in the mirror and surprisingly, my hair was still good, but my lipstick was ruined.
we walked outside the room with chris’s arm around my waist. “there you guys are come on we need to hurry” nick said smiling pulling us downstairs. i interlock my hands with chris as we walked to all of our friends.
if you want to be tagged lmk!
tags: @lustfulslxt @oversturn
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sugar-omi · 10 months
Ello! Could you do Mornings with Cove, Derek, and Baxter? Fem! MC, plz!
the boys are so sappy n in love w you/mc it's SICK also does anyone else have trouble keeping their bonnet/scarf on bc i don't even bother anymore, n i alrdy tried the hair pins. it worked once n then never again i sleep like a wild animal istg ANYWAY!! enjoy anon! i'm so sorry it took so long<333
tags : Fluff, fem/afab reader (use of girl, ma'am, wife), multiple choice dialogue, every scenario has different tags bc it's easier for me that way👍, newly established relationship (derek/baxter), marrying cove
[scenarios in order of cove>baxter>derek]
synopsis : how you spend your mornings with the boys
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tags : step 3 / in between step 3-4, you proposed to cove at the end of summer, eloping, moving in together
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you're slow to wake up, rolling over and taking all the sheets with you.
you huff and try to untangle the sheets from under body and around your leg... once you're comfortable enough you pull your dangling pillow back onto the bed.
you reach over for cove, wanting to be close to your new husband.
"cove?" you finally open your eyes and search around the room. it's empty. well, save for the boxes and the new mattress on the middle of the floor where you slept together last night.
before you can call out again you hear some clinking and the sound of a sink running.
begrudgingly, you leave your nest of blankets in search of cove. it was worthless to stay in bed if he wasn't there.
first though you should wash up a bit, moving all those boxes had you so tired and you slept good.
you creep up behind cove, you already know he's heard you, but between the sizzling of the pan and the messy playlist terry oh so graciously made for you two.
determining there's not danger of one of you getting hurt by the hot pan in the case cove flinches, you wrap your arms around cove.
"oh-!" cove tenses up, putting a hand on your arm.
he laughs when you mumble "good morning" into his back, still sleepy and you almost fall asleep with your head leaned against him. cove is so comforting...
"don't fall asleep back there, i'm almost done cooking." cove's voice rumbles through you, disrupting your nodding head.
"mhm..." you slink over to the couch. it's crooked and in the middle of the room, all but thrown haphazardly in the room by the movers.
you blink, watching the trees sway and cars zoom by.
you're not in the heart of the city, but you're certainly not out in the middle of nearly nowhere like sunset bird.
"here ya go." the plate comes into view, startling you from your daydream.
you mumble your thanks, suddenly realizing how hungry you are. the meal is simple enough and made from whatever snacks and foods you took from your parents' house that are signaturely yours, but there's toast on the side and that's all that matters.
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you eat in silence, propping up your computer on some boxes and watching a video, and after you're done eating, you continue down the funny animal rabbit hole.
"this is nice." you say suddenly, whispered almost.
"hey, that's my line." cove teases and you two share lazy wolfish grins. "no~, your line is saying that i'm nice." you correct, proving your innocence.
"so i'm not nice?" cove lays out a trap and you willingly fall into it.
"you are nice, very nice." you lean in to steal a peck, to which cove takes more. when you pull away, you can't help but laugh about it, it's cute how cove always wants more affection from you.
"i'm just saying, it's nice to be with you like this." you flush, suddenly aware of how embarrassing this is to admit. "y'know, being married and living together, 'n all that stuff..." you trail off, glancing off to the side as you let cove process what you said with a flustered face.
suddenly, his arms tighten around you and you look up to see him teary eyed.
"i'm happy too!"
you laugh, reaching up to wipe his tears away. "good."
cove sniffles, his voice thick from crying but also from affection. "i really liked waking up to you today, it was.. nice."
cove's blush must have been contagious because you felt your own face get hot. "i can't say the same since you were missing, but it was nice sleeping together. and we get to do it everyday and every night."
cove laugh, looking off to the side from being embarrassed at your admissions. "sorry, i was just so happy i wanted to surprise you in bed, but you got up before i could get back."
you smile, curling your fingers in his hair. "well, we got our whole lives for that."
you could practically see the hearts popping off cove, "will you wait for me to bring you breakfast tomorrow?"
you laugh, "sure cove."
cove puffs up, happy with every second that goes by. "what do you want to eat? we can go out shopping today. i really want to try this new flavor of juice i saw a few days ago, it's strawberry something..." cove rambles and you let him go on, agreeing and adding onto the verbal list.
eventually, cove pulls out his phone to write this down and you whisper, full of tenderness. "we're being domestic again, but it's for real this time since we're living together."
cove squeaks, unable to hide his face since his hands are holding his phone tight, trying not to drop it on you. "w-we are, aren't we?" cove laugh, happy again.
"thank you for agreeing to marry me."
cove blinks at you, surprised before he laughs. "you're doing it again."
"what?!" you sit up, grinning even though you're taking up a stance. "you've said that twice, what's that supposed to mean!"
cove shrugs, leaving you hanging. he hooks his arms around your neck, eyes full of love. "as if i'd ever say no, i mean.. i never really thought about getting married, but... well, i wouldn't marry anyone else."
you blink away tears, leaning down to capture cove in a kiss.
he hums happily, letting you slide your hand up his shirt when you get lost in each others lips before you pull away.
"let's elope."
"wh-what?!" cove scrambles, forcing you to sit up but he can't go anywhere with you on top of his lap.
"elope, let's get eloped." you repeat, suddenly embarrassed.
cove coughs, "right now?!"
you nod before you back track, "i mean.. unless you don't want to! i can wait, i'm just so happy that it came out..."
it's silent for a moment, and cove is trying to get his temperature down before he explodes..
"let's do it."
you snap your neck to look at him, "huh?"
cove is flustered and sweating a bit "let's elope.." he finally looks at you instead of his hands. "i can't wait either, and i mean.. we're going to be husband and wife anyway so, why not..?"
you grin, "okay! um- i'll get ready then." you stop, realizing there's some things that should be done before hand, "oh, maybe we should call our parents?"
cove nods, giving a strained smile. "they're gonna tease us again.."
you take his hand, "thats okay. we'll suffer together." cove pushes your shoulder with his and rolls his eyes.
"yeah, you're right. we got this."
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tags : (after) step 4, multiple dialogue choice for poc readers/readers w different hair length/upkeep
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you stir, your dream disturbed by someone shuffling and squirming and a hand on your cheek.
slowly letting your dream go, regrettably since it was just getting interesting, and blink sleepily at the mess of black hair beside you.
you groan, turning your head to hide it in the pillow.
"why are you up? it's not even 11 yet..." you grumble, slipping baxter's phone back under the pillow. it must've ended up there somehow after you two fell asleep in the middle of your youtube binge, and until you're ready to get up it'll stay there.
"just admiring you."
you smile, peeking at him. "no way, you're jus' saying stuff."
baxter looks so tender, his hand moving from your cheek to hold your hand. "i'm serious. you're the prettiest girl in the world."
a coy, wolfish smile comes on his face, "even if-
-your hair is sticking up on one side." you fly upright, covering your hair with your hands.
-your hair is kinda sticking up." you fly upright, snatching up your bonnet/scarf that came off in the middle of the night and fixing it.
-you drool in your sleep." you jump, rubbing your mouth to wipe away the tacky spit.
you huff as baxter chuckles away, "sorry i- ack!"
you slap baxter with the pillow, throwing the sheets away and running to the bathroom to wash up. "laugh it up! you're worse than me, y'know?"
baxter finally sits up, showing you his own messy hair do. it's flat on one side. you stifle a cackle.
he gazes at you softly, sleep and love softening his features. "i'm pas' that."
you don't bother closing the bathroom door, knowing baxter is slow on your tail. "you put salt in your coffee yesterday. are ya sure about that?"
you turn on the shower, letting the water warm up while you brush your teeth.
baxter finally comes behind you, wrapping his arms around you and kissing your cheek.
you hum, pleased.
baxter gazes at you through the mirror, addressing you through it. "i love you."
you feel warm, your heart skipping and beating fast at the overwhelming affection from him today. "i love you too."
baxter kisses your cheek, looking up at you through his eyelashes. "so, can i join your shower?"
"only if you behave, pepe-le-pew." you pinch baxter's cheek, grinning at how he scrunches up his face.
while you get ready for the shower, making the water warm enough for the both of you.
usually you take hot showers, but last time baxter turned red so lukewarm would have to do.
usually you take cold showers, but baxter just shook in the corner of the shower before he jumped under some hot water to warm up.
you two take showers together often, this was good bonding time for you two.
"wash my hair for me?" baxter asks, sliding up behind you.
"sure." you switch spots so baxter can get his hair wet. it's a tight fit since this shower isn't meant for two, but you make it work. it was better than the bathtub anyway, that was its own problem...
baxter sits on the stool, something you finally put in since it was straining, having to bend down every time.
"don't get shampoo in my mouth again." baxter cackles, trying not to laugh as you massage the shampoo in his hair.
"that was an accident!" you defend, "and it was your fault! you wouldn't stop laughing and talking while i was washing your hair out!"
"is that so?" baxter's suave voice echos throughout the bathroom. the sound makes you shiver.
"yeah 'that's so'! you play around too much!" you laugh and mock. "now stop talking, i'm gonna wash it out."
baxter willingly shuts his mouth, letting you tip his head back and detach the shower head to wash the shampoo out.
this gives you a good view of his face. truthfully, there are not many times when baxter is quiet, witty and flirty words always coming from his mouth, and his face is always lined with a lazy lopsided smile.
so seeing him like this, with his face relaxed and his shoulders sagging as he lets you work your hands through his hair.
"you can open your eyes now." you wipe baxter's face with your hand to get the water off his face, pushing his hair back.
baxter blinks, getting used to the change of light. he takes the shower head from your hands so he can hold your hand and he smiles, coy and mischievous. "hey there, beautiful, come here often?"
you roll your eyes, ignoring the flush coming over you. "shut up."
baxter laughs, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your stomach, watching you.
"what're you looking at?" you feel so flustered from baxter being so soft and tender this morning.
"you." baxter intertwines your fingers. "you're the prettiest girl in the world."
you crumble, leaning over him. "can't you just say 'i love you' like a normal person.."
baxter smiles his signature lopsided grin, "nope." he says, popping the 'p'.
you two sit for a moment in silence, wrapped up in each other.
"i love you too. even though you're silly." you mumble, moving to grab baxter's face.
"i think you're helping me to look silly," he tries to smile but you're squishing his cheeks. "i love you more though."
"as if." you lean down to kiss his forehead, then his nose, which if he could, there'd be a happy tail swinging behind him. before you finally meet his lips, letting him take more than you were going to give.
"okay bax," you laugh, pushing his shoulders. "enough kisses, the waters getting cold."
his loopy, lovesick grin turns wolfish, "i'll warm you up."
baxter starts to trail his hands along your hips, going from sensual to playful as he starts tickling your sides.
you squeal, holding onto his wrists. "stop it!" you squirm, laughter echoing throughout the shower..
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tags : (after) step 4, clingy derek, reader can cook, Encanto movie mentioned (that movie SLAPPED), reader gives derek a massage
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it would be a meriacle you woke up before derek if it wasn't already coming up to 2pm.
you don't usually get up this late, but you and Derek had been up having fun and watching the sunrise just for the hell of it, that it ended up happening.
you yawn and stretch, looking at the expanse of derek's muscled back as you consider if kts worth getting up or not.
'mm, i could make him breakfast..'
now that was an idea. finally setting that as your goal, you throw off the sheets and manage to creep out the room as quietly and as quickly as possible.
you may not be the next gordon ramsay, but you at least knew your way around the kitchen. so once scrounging up some eggs and vegetables, you set onto making an omelet.
which... is harder than it looks. and the first one isn't instgram worthy for sure. looks like you'll be taking that one...
you start humming to the music you have playing quietly, swaying from side to side in place as you expertly (at least in your opinion) shimmy the spatula under the omlete to flip it.
then, right as you give a small "aha!" at your success, a sleepy, gravelly call of your name comes from the hallway.
"y/n..? where are ya?"
you bristle, looking around the disordered kitchen panicked. "kitchen! don't come in!"
you curse, taking the pan off the stove and turning off the eye quickly as you slide into the hallway. you thank derek's sleepy movement since otherwise he would've found you out already if he wasn't ready to collapse where he stood.
he blinks, rubbing his eyes. "what's going on? you need help?"
you start pushing on his chest. "no! i can handle everything here, so just go to bed, and I'll be right there, okay?"
derek laughs, letting you push him back towards the bedroom, "i mean sure but what're you-"
"nope! no questions! just go back to bed and wait for me. if you come out before i'm ready, a punishment is in order!" you nag, crossing your arms as derek gets back into bed.
you huff and roll your eyes, trying not to show your amusement. being half asleep also turns off half of derek's filter..
you lean over, roughly tucking him in much to his delight. "now stay here." you kiss his head before you run off, shutting the door 3/4ths of the way before you throw it back open to glare at him.
"i mean it."
derek laughs, his eyes droopy again already. "yes ma'am."
you shut the door and skip down the hall, hurrying to fix the rest of your and derek's breakfast before the omletes get cold.
bustling around the kitchen, trying to keep things neat as you go, but the stack of dishes in the sink and fallen egg shell you quickly pick up says there was a disaster happening here.
in the end, though, you find the nicest plates derek has here and a food tray before you plate up the food with care, even cutting and peeling some fruit on the side to go with your choice of yogurt or oatmeal, before making your way to the bedroom, humming.
you're happy you got to do something nice for derek, even though it almost went up in ruins a few times. be it from derek almost walking in, the questionably shaped omelet, or almost getting orange juice in your eye when peeling.
you somehow balance the tray well enough to open the door, and before you can give a loud and playfully formal announcement that food is ready, you realize derek is asleep.
he looks so serene, arm stretched out on your side of the bed and the sunlight hitting his back nicely.
you smile, creeping up and sitting the tray down carefully. equally as careful, you ease yourself onto the bed, petting derek's hair as you debate waking him up or not.
you push his hair off his forehead. his hair feels and looks so different when it's not gelled up in his signature style, he still looks handsome like this though, maybe even more-so.
"mmm, tha' you y/n?" derek takes your hand out of his hair and into his, loosely holding your hand.
"yeah. i made you breakfast but if you're too tired we can eat later." you kiss his hand.
derek hums, a dopey smile coming on his face. "i could eat." derek sits up, stretching with a groan and slumping against the pillows, trying to wake himself up.
you present the tray, popping the legs and situation it between you two so you can eat as well.
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"oh that's so sad, he just wants to eat with his family.." you fret, absent-mindedly playing with derek's hair.
derek hums, mumbling something.
you look down at him, thinking derek looks like an sleepy pup that thinks he's still a lap dog. derek is much bigger than when you guys were kids, something you still can't get used to some days.
"you falling asleep?" you push his hair back, showing derek's droopy eyes.
he squirms, still keeping his arms wrapped around your waist. "no.." derek yawns, burying his face into your stomach.
you laugh, tugging on little strands of derek's hair, that elicit a low, gravelly hum from him.
"okay, tell me if you want anything." you lean down, trying to kiss derek but the position just strains your neck and back.
derek looks up, peaking at you and smiling when he sees your pouty lips. he leans up, holding the back of your head as he gives you a few soft kisses that he can't help but smile through.
you smile back at him. "lay down with me.." derek purrs, his voice hoarse with sleep.
"i'm trying to watch the movie!" you laugh, derek already pulling you down the bed so you can lay with him.
"and you can watch it from my arms." derek snuggles into your neck, kissing the back of your neck which makes you shiver and laugh.
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at some point near the end of the movie you ended up falling asleep, much to your disappointment.
you smack your lips, "dang it..." you fumble for the remote in the sheets, finding it at the end of the bed, only saved by the foot board.
while you start rewinding the movie, derek walks back in.
you perk up, scooting towards the edge of the bed. "derek!" your voice is thick with sleep and your head feels cloudy still from dreamland but seeing derek makes you feel a bit excited.
"you're awake." derek comes to your side, rubbing the towel over his head. you hum, "did you fall asleep too?" you prop yourself on your knees to help derek dry off, "i slept through the ending..." you pout.
derek laughs, "we can watch it together. do you think we can start over? i wasn't paying attention earlier..." derek admits sheepishly.
you nod, then realize derek probably didn't see you before he turned around so you said yes.
while derek looks for clothes you respond to lee's spam texts about something or other.
you're in the middle of typing out another response to respond to your cousins fangirling when derek groans and sighs.
derek slumps over, rubbing his neck.
"you okay, baby?"
derek startles a bit, turning to look at you sheepishly. "yeah, i'm fine."
you roll your eyes and send a quick "brb" text before throwing the phone somewhere on the bed. "no you're not. are you stiff? sore?"
derek comes closer to you, kneeling on the rug so he can hug your waist. "a bit.. guess i've been going to hard on arm day." you both laugh.
"yeah, i don't think those guns need to het any bigger." you laugh, curling your fingers in his hair. "oh! how about i give you a massage?"
derek looks at you with wide eyes, "you can do that?"
you shrug. "i'm not a professional, but it might help. do you want me to?" derek nods, a bit too enthusiastic, which makes him blush and clear his throat. "if you don't mind.."
you shake your head and push derek's shoulders so you can stand up, "not at all, wait here.."
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it takes a moment to find the lotion, a con of having moved into a new place: everything is in an odd place.
you don't keep any oil or anything like that that would be more appropriate, so this would have to do.
derek is a bit awkward at first, but once you put on some music for yourself so you can focus, derek starts watching the animal tiktok's your friends were spamming in the group chat, occasionally apologizing for his laughter making your body bounce.
you're happy and share a few laughs and idle conversations between the two of you. you don't really know what you're doing, and mostly following a few tips from online.
derek sighs, sinking into the mattress. "that's good..."
your hands smooth over his back, spreading the lotion down to the small of his back and kneading a bit.
satisfied now that derek looks relaxed and you've done the best you can to make your lover feel better, you lean over to kiss the back of his neck. "there you go, baby."
derek hums, and you move around to lay beside him. "thank you. i feel so much better." derek nuzzles into your neck, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you in.
you laugh at derek's clinginess, wrapping your arms around his back as well. "i'm glad, i wasn't really sure what i was doing."
derek starts peppering kisses all over your face, both of you smiling and laughing.
eventually, derek pulls away, having flipped you over and is gazing down at you, his eyes full of love and are a bit glassy. "thanks for taking care of me today. you're amazing..."
you reach up to cup his cheeks, "you're worth it, you need to be taken care of."
derek laughs, tears gathering on his lashes. he tucks his face into your neck, completely wrapping his body around your own. "i love you so much."
you brighten, surprised but happy with derek's declaration. that's the first time either of you have said the L-word.
"i love you too, derek."
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sanaxo-o · 1 month
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Drowning (Kim Sunwoo)
Warnings/Genre: idol!Sunwoo, tiny fluff in the flashback, mostly angst, Sunwoo reminiscing and thinking back to his past, mention of beer in the very beginning, it’s totally mostly just me describing, not at all proofread because I could not take another look at this so plz let me know if anything is wrong:(
Word count: 1,149
Sana: guys, I promise I am working on my Chanhee birthday fic it is just gonna be very late (are we surprised?) but here’s a Sunwoo fic (more like a Drabble) inspired by Woodz Drowning (requested by my one and only @from-izzy ) I hope you like this even tho it’s not the best :( I tried 😭.
Tagging: @a-dream-bookmark @deoboyznet @cloverdaisies @mosviqu @kimsohn
Sitting in the lonely room with a glass of beer in his hand, the young man continued to stare at his phone. The videos continued to play on his phone as they never seemed to come to an end.
Well, of course they were endless! The amount of memories you both shared with each other were countless. Most of them were recorded by his dear friend, Eric while you both were too busy with each other.
At that time, Sunwoo found it annoying and teased Eric for always recording little things, but never did he ever think that he would be the one looking back at them with such desperation. Desperation to have you in his arms again.
He did think that he would look at these videos again but at the very least you were there beside him, huddled up in a fluffy blanket while your head was placed on his chest, his hands combing through your strands of hair while you both watched the videos with smiles lacing your faces.
He never thought he’d be in this kind of situation. You both were together for what felt like years, you were there for him since almost the beginning of his career and stayed by his side when he was going through the hardships.
He never expected to drift away from you like this, he enjoyed the attention he was getting as the member of The Boyz and as Sunwoo but never did he ever think that it would cost your relationship like this.
The times he was on the stage, performing his heart out he was content from inside because he knew that you were there, watching him perform on stage (and that was also the very reason he used to flirt whenever the camera panned to him) but now…now there’s no certainty that you’re watching him perform.
You broke up after all. It all felt so suffocating, it felt as if the room was closing on him, he felt the life leaving his body little by little but he had no strength or energy to get back up on his feet again and stop himself from drowning.
Looking out the window a small laugh leaves his mouth when he sees the raindrops softly hitting his window stills.
He felt crazy for feeling this way for you, the kind words, the words of comfort, were they all just empty words which you used to give him comfort for that moment and then use the same words as memories to stab him in the back like that?
Just a few months ago you both were completely fine! It’s not even like there was some kind of misunderstanding between you both for you to drift apart like this so why? Just why? Where did he go wrong for you to break up with him so abruptly? Was it his behaviour? Or something else?
Entering the turf you scrunch up your face when you see Sunwoo running around with his members, kicking the football with his legs to make sure his team wins.
You slowly notice Kevin sitting at the corner with a few bottles of water by his side, seeing that sight itself made a laugh escape your throat but what was more surprising was seeing Chanhee playing with them which was a rare (which almost never happens) sight.
Placing your purse on the ground you sit beside Kevin as you focus all your attention on Sunwoo. You always knew how much Sunwoo loved playing football, it was something he adored and you adored him for the passion he had for that sport.
He never let his skills go to waste despite becoming an idol, in fact he kept on improving his football skills and showed them off to you.
“Y/N!” You immediately stand up from your place when Sunwoo starts running towards you, his body all sweaty with the shirt sticking to his chest closely (you would dare not to agree with him that he looked hot that way, that was a way to stop himself from boasting himself and to also tease you. He already had way to much dirt on you)
“Don’t you dare come close to me Kim Sunwoo!” You yell as you immediately run away from there and hide your body behind hyunjae (who was busy minding his own business but was disturbed by the two of you)
“Why are you hiding behind that guy? All I want is a kiss from my girlfriend, is that too much to ask for?” Sunwoo says with a small pout as he continues to take small steps towards you
“Don’t drag me into this.” Hyunjae states simply as he frees himself from your grasp and leaves the area (but before that he made sure to hand his bottle of water to you)
“Don't you dare come close, or I will pour this water on you.” You threaten Sunwoo as you open the bottle of water and throw the cap somewhere (by somewhere it meant that the cap hit Sangyeon on the head)
Even after the countless threats from your side, Sunwoo did not back out and continued to walk towards you with his arms open “I am serious! Stay away.” You whine as you try to run away again only to get pulled back into his arms.
Screaming, you immediately pour the water on him while he continues to pepper your face with kisses.
Another tear slides down his face when he remembers the time you both would spend in the turf after the members had left.
His own sweaty body, with yours now coated in his sweat and kisses as you both laid on the grass while staring up at the sky.
Even when there were no stars you both would stay back and admire the night sky, the deep conversations you shared with him at that time along with the hearty laughter that would make your cheeks hurt.
You loved him so much, the amount of times you fought for him with the country so that you both don’t break up but in the end you were the one who left him first.
Looking down at his phone, with a quick sigh he opened your contact name.
He wanted to say so much to you, but one question was prominent, would you come back to save me if I was drowning? But in the end he did not have enough courage to ask you that.
Sunwoo: why? Why did you take my life away from me like that and suffocate me to the point that it even hurts to breathe. Sent 12:37 AM
Sending that text, he stood up and left the room while ignoring the constant buzz of his phone. He knew it was from you but he did not have it in him to talk to you again.
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garoujo · 1 year
✩ ˛˚ . HANMA SHUJI ; — you basically emptied your bank account to finally see your favourite band BONTEN in concert, although the bassist wants to make sure you have a night to remember.
warnings: f!reader, bassist!shuji, band!au, other members mentioned, exhibitionism, some choking, biting, backstage scenes, this was written with pure hormones so it’s v messy + wild. note: i am back and as crazy as ever <3 i’ve had this in my drafts 4 months plz forgive me !
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fuck, you’d waited too long for this moment — to finally see them, be in their presence and be able to admire your favourite band up close, this close. but nothing could’ve prepared you for how pretty BONTEN actually were, all those interviews and fan videos barely did them justice with the true beauty they exuded on stage, in their domain.
you’d basically scraped the bottom of your savings for this ticket and you didn’t regret it one bit, you’re so close you can see the glisten of sweat along the lead singer mikey’s chest beneath his low cut shirt. rindou mans the drums while his brother ran takes the keyboard, violet rays and handsomely, teasing smirks everytime they clock a particularly pretty thing losing their mind in the crowd.
lead guitar is a particularly unpredictable one, pastel pink mullet in contrast to the rest of sanzu’s sharp features but it suits him you think, frames his bright eyes despite the dark grin that accompanies his scarred cheeks — he was pretty, proven by his even more crazed fan base — he liked it though. although as pretty as the rest of the group are, they’re not why you’re here though, he is.
hanma shuji, bonten’s bassist and fuck— is he a force to be reckoned with, black kanji across his skin and you don’t think sin and punishment have ever looked as good as they do when they’re paired with his smirk and black and blonde hair. there’s temptation in his amber gaze and you swear you feel electricity lick at the base of your spine when you meet it in the crowd, watching the way his grin tugs even wider as his long fingers toy with the strings.
its those same fingers that are working you open now as he presses you against one of the speakers in the back, you’d heard rumours about how bonten in particular liked to fuck with their groupies, maybe that’s why you’d opted for a particularly short skirt for their gig — but fuck, were you feeling lucky when you’d been invited back stage to ‘meet the band.’
you’re not sure if it’s the adrenaline from the set or the particular expertise of hanma’s fingers pressing into you that already has you so wet, every loud squelch from your pussy seems to echo even louder than the last as you shake and every whimpery, sweet little whine only makes the bassist over you hum out a laugh as he nibbles on the shell of your ear.
“oh you’re a big fan, ain’t ya, babydoll? should put this pretty face centre stage, the crowd would love you.. yeah?” his voice is a honeyed, low drawl and you swear it only makes you feel even better when it’s accompanied by his lips smearing along your skin.
you can feel the still damp graze of hanma’s hair along your neck, still wet with sweat from the set as he accompanies the next particularly deep kiss of his fingers with a searing bite of his teeth along your pulse point.
you could cry with how insane he feels already, embarrassingly so as you grab and scratch at his shoulders — trying so hard to swallow down the pretty little moans that he’s pulling from you so easily. he had a reputation for being an adrenaline junkie, seeking out thrills — but you didn’t think that also included him fucking a fan behind some flimsy curtain when he has a perfectly secluded dressing room.
your head drops back as you feel hanma’s free hand curl around the base of your throat, squeezing lightly before he’s pulling back to let his dark, lidded gaze sweep over your already fucked out features.
“don’t fuckin’ hold back on me, fuck sake— you’re already this wet, don’t make me pull those pretty sounds out of you.” he grits despite the way the corners of his lips curl into something dark, taunting when he pulls his fingers out of you with a click of his tongue.
“im all tired from my set, babydoll. you gonna help me out?” hanma goads, teases as he lets his eyes drop to his belt and the particularly noticeable bulge in his pants — chuckling when just the loss of his touch pulls a sweet little whine from your pouty lips.
you know what he wants, and you’re so eager to give it to him — to reach forward and let your fingers work eagerly with the buckle of his belt until you’re able to peel back the layers. a quiet little gasp falling from you when the weight of his heavy cock finally presses bare against your thigh.
you’re basically fucking begging him to just hurry up and fuck you already when you send him a doe-eyed look, thighs twitching when he rubs a few sticky circles into your clit before hes pushing himself closer to you with a growl. your ears feel like they’re ringing with want as it drowns out the footsteps of the staff and leftover fans that still shuffle around on the floor, begging to get a peak at the members backstage and you feel like a fucking vip with the view you have right now.
hanma’s slender fingers in sin wrap around the base before he’s letting his head roll back with a few rough strokes of his palm, pinning your hips against the rough surface below you as he leans over your figure to rub his cock along your slick folds.
you’re fucking soaked, feeling the first silky grind of his cock split through the petals of your cunt before it’s catching on your clit, making you both gasp and moan at the wet tacky sound that follows before it’s drowned out by a swooning, loud cheer from the leftover crowd outside. you jump slightly as it rings, but relax when it’s followed by a particularly smooth voice, most likely belonging to one of the haitani’s as they entertain the leftovers, basking in the way they’re basically begging to be dragged backstage — to be in your position.
you feel hanma’s palm press hard against your throat when your legs curl around his waist, bringing your attention back to him as you pull him close. he pushes you so deep against the speaker your back arches as he finally splits through your folds and sinks into you with a shameless, low groan — chuckling at the way you’re already twitching around him, taking him so well he’s already considering dragging your sweet little pussy around the country with him.
“wanna show ‘em all how well you take me? you’d break their fragile lil hearts, such a selfish lil thing.”
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© 2023 garoujo. please do not copy any of my layouts or writing and translate or repost onto any other sites.
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och405o · 1 year
Hey lol, can i request an &team reaction to their sunbae idol s/o (who's the leader dancer and rapper and is also from hybe) mentioning them on a show or in a live and saying that they love their content/music and that their rlly handsome(like cmon their gorgeous) and they like find out from fans and fanboy over them and they didn't know that they were watching the live...and ima stop there cuz it's so long srry (i'm the same anon who asked u just now btw even tho it's lowkey obvious)
Anyway hope ur doing great and hope this helped ur writing block. Luv uuu<33
&Team reaction to idol s/o mentioning them on live
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Andy’s notes: Hi anon!! Thank you for requesting!! I hope you enjoy this 🫶🫶
Summary: While live a fan asked your opinion on the group &team, giving you the opportunity to talk about your perfect boyfriend
K had opened Twitter to be met with hundreds of tweets from Lune and your fandom. Obviously the first emotion he felt was confusion and a little panic. He scrolled through the thread and saw the clip from your groups live.
“Oh someone asked if I like &Team. Of course I do! I think my bias is definitely K. He is so handsome and talented, how can someone not like him”
K smiled at the clips, watching it over and over again. I think K would tease you a little about it but would be really happy that you love him so much.
He would be doing a birthday live (Happy belated Fuma day) when people started commenting about your live. He would be confused but as people began to explain it he would understand. He would worry a little about rumors but I think he would be one to reveal it himself with the help of the company before any scandals or rumors started to spread
(This little shit) He would definitely tease you when he saw all the ships and fan edits of the two of you.
“Awe daring look at this clip you are practically drooling over me.” He would say while siting with you in a practice room. He would absolutely love seeing you talk about him with so much love.
I think his first reaction would be to panic. He knows it’s not always a good think when you are trending on Twitter. He would be worried about scandals and rumors, knowing that could affect your careers. I think he try to distance himself from you in front of camera to avoid them. But don’t worry he definitely shows his live when you guys are alone.
He would be watching your live with some of the other guys when your fans started asking for your opinion on their new comeback. Obviously you were excited to talk about it and your amazing boyfriend.
“Oh it was so good they all looked great especially Yuma. He definitely shined in this comeback. I was thinking about learning the choreography for it, what do you guys think?”
Yuma would love it. I think he would get a little shy but overall he would think it was really sweet and definitely would be a little more clingy with you to show his appreciation.
Jo was a hard one for me. He would be awkward (plz save him he doesn’t know what to do) people had already started to ship the two of you and Jo was a little worried. He was conflicted. Like obviously he loves you but he doesn’t want to affect your career. He wouldn’t worry as much as Ej but would definitely want to be careful from now on.
He would think you are the cutest person to every walk the Earth. He absolutely loved the way your eyes lit up as you gushed about him and the way your cheeks turn a soft shade of red when you realized you talked too long. He would save the video in his phone and watch it at least 5 times a day.
Taki would talk about you a lot especially with Niki (Rip Niki) when this happened. Oh boy Niki was ready to rip his own ears off. Taki would not stop bragging about you. He loved that you were so proud of him and that you loved him so much.
Maki would feel a huge confidence boost. He wants you to be proud of him and wants to impress you. He is still super young so I think he would be a little awkward about and might even tease you or pretend like it doesn’t affect him when deep down he is so so in love with you
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ni-kiiiii · 11 months
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Warning- smut, handjob, fingering, cam
Not proofread so don’t mind any mistakes plz
Summary: you thought going through your innocent best friends phone was a good idea.
A/n: this is my first time writing smut so have mercy on me lol. But I hope you enjoy the story.
You were sitting on seungmins couch watching a baseball game with him. That one of the few things you guys have in common. Seungmin and you kept yelling at the tv when your team was losing or not moving fast enough.
“ bro I don’t know what is going on with them today” you sigh
“ I agree they acting like this game isn’t getting into the championship.”
“ well I can see that they are gonna lose this game so I mine as well take a quick shower so we can cuddle together” seungmin said excitedly.
He hugged you and went his room to take his shower. You heard the shower turn on and gate when you knew he was in the shower.
You turned to the left and saw his phone. That’s when you got the idea to go through his phone.
‘What could he possibly have on his phone he is so innocent’ you thought.
Luckily for you knew his passcode, that’s how close you guys were to each other.
You first went to his camera Roll which was nothing but pictures of cute dogs ‘look at him having pictures of his family’, him, you, family,and his friends.
Then you got the idea to go to screen time because that shows what he apps mostly goes on.
You were surprised when you saw ONLY FANS ON his most used app.
You took a breather to calm down your heart. ‘ maybe he watches it’ you thought quickly.
You pressed on the app and went to the home center. ( I don’t know how only fans works tbh so I don’t know how to explain the layout lol)
That’s when you saw videos of a boy with his dick out. ‘ omg I didn’t know seungmin was into this type of stuff’ you screamed your head.
You clicked on the video and heard moans not just any moans SEUNMIN’S MOANS.
‘ oh my god seungmin makes porn videos!’ That’s when you heard the water stop. You swiped up and closed out the app.
You were in shock but you had to act normal so he didn’t ask you any questions.
You heard the door open and heard footsteps coming toward the couch. “So did they win y/ninne”. You didn’t respond bc you were still thinking about his only fan’s account and his duck that you saw by accident. It didn’t make it any better that seungmin put his cute ass face in yours to get your attention. “Y/n, did they win?” Seungmin asked again. “ No, they suck”
“ weeelll we can watch a drama and cuddle” he said
“ yeah sure” you said quietly.
Seungmin was a little confused on why your mood changed but he didn’t question you.
You guys spooned and watched ____ together. You felt like you were gonna die of if you didn’t tell him what you saw and also you couldn’t stop thinking about dick up under you.
“ Seungmin I saw your only fans video because I went through your phone don’t be mad at me” you said very quickly.
Seungmin sat up looked you and you did the same.
“ y- you did what” he says embarrassed
“ you heard me min and I said don’t be mad” you say quietly.
“ y/n I’m not mad at you I’m just surprised” he assured you.
“ okay that’s good” you say relived.
“ do you have any questions” he teased while crawling his fingers on your body.
You turned red and did the same to him.
“ what made you do it?” You asked him.
“I needed some extra money for like my college tuition so I thought why not only fans. I was like I’m making money and …..pleasuring myself. So why not.” He replied
“ respectable” you say.
“ can I help you make one?” you say out the blue.
Seungmin thought you were joking until he saw how serious you were.
“ your down for that” he asked you In surprise.
“ yeah why not we could do one right now if you want?” You asked
“ are you really okay with this y/n” he questions.
“ you sound like your the one that doesn’t want to do it and if you don’t I’m fine with it” you say.
“No it’s not that of course I want to do it I’m just making sure you want to do it that’s all”
“ so where do you do it?” You ask.
“ in my bedroom” he replies
“ so what are you waiting for”
You and seungmin walk to his room. You were little anxious to do it but you low key wanted to hear seungmins moans again.
When y’all got in the bed you waiting for seungmin to do his little set up.
Seungmin put his phone on a tripod so it can get a good angle of his crotch area. Your heart was beating so fast right now that you were actually in the moment of doing this to him.
Without warning he took off his pants and was just there in his underwear.
You were staring at him and he was staring at you.
Y’all both said “can I ki—”
Next thing you knew it your lips was on his and you guys were kissing like it was the end of the world. You noticed how his lips were so soft how you imagined and how he tasted liked the candy he had earlier.
Seungmin suddenly pulled away and said “ you know how long I have been waiting for this to happen y/n”.
“ me neither min, your stupid ass never took the hints I gave you” you laugh.
“ I knew you would be flirting but I just thought you were playing with me” he shyly.
“ Minnie I would never play with you, your literally boyfriend coded” you assured him.
You were sitting in his lap with your little black shorts and your oversized sweater. You decided to take it off since you were getting all hot from kissing seungmin. While you were taking off your sweater you flashed seungmin on purpose.
“Y/n you accidentally showed your tits” he said shyly.
“ I know” you said while putting your lips back on his.
You started to grind him which caused him to moan so you took that opportunity to slip your tongue in. Seungmin was practically falling apart under you at this point and you weren’t even doing much.
This time you pulled away and asked him “ Min have you done this before”
“ no” he replies shyly but put his lips on yours so you don’t ask anymore questions.
You feel him get hard so you ask him “ should we start now?”
“ I’ll start the video when your ready min”
You were behind his phone to get ready to start the video. You then saw his dick sprink free from his underwear. When you saw it you were surprised it was like the prettiest dick you have ever seen, it was a perfect one in other words. You were staring and seungmin caught you.
“ you like what you see?” he laughed
“ yeah infact I do” you tell him.
“You can start recording now y/ninne”
“ kk”
You start recording and starting to feel excited. You climb the bed to get to him. You look at him for confirmation to start and He nodded for you to start.
You wrapped your hand around his veins cock and started pumping up and down slowly.
“ fuck baby” seungmin whined.
You started to get wet by him saying that to you like that. You add another hand to rub his slit. This time seungmin whimpered really loud. That made your stomach turn. What you really wanted to do is push him down and ride him forever but you couldn’t cause this stupid video y’all were recording.
At this point your underwear was practically damp. You craved more of his moans so you pumped your hands faster. he let out the most vocal moan ever. You looked at him and saw his face get red and you slightly laughed which caused you to go slow. But that caused seungmin to whine. You went back to the pace.
You saw seungmin bucking his hip up so that let you knew he was close. So you went squeezed tighter and payed more attention to circled his slit. He let out a whimper and came all over your hands.
You looked at him and saw him looking practically fucked out. You stopped recording and went to the bathroom to wash your hands. You looked at your face in the mirror and then took tissue to clean up seungmin and the mess made.
You saw seungmin still sitting there with his white shirt.
“ y/n I just posted the video” he told you.
“ do you have a lot of fans on the app min” you ask him.
“ yeah you could say I get like 100k a month” he says shyly.
“ well I’m gonna clean you up now min” you saw while getting your tissues ready. You drag the tissue up and down his veiny cock to clean the cum up off of him. He breathes heavy when he feels you clean him up.
When you finally finished cleaning up him up he was hard again.
“ do you wanna make another video?” You ask him.
“ no y/ninne I wanna make you feel good this time don’t worry about me” he replied softly.
“ min you don’t have-“ you were cut off by seungmin saying “ I want to do it and plus I can practically smell you” He says. You hide your face in your hand because your body literally told on you but you wanted to be touched anyway.
“ if you insist, but first put on a show or something I hate the quiet ” you say.
Seungmin was quick grabbed the remote and put a random show on. While he did this you took your black shorts off but kept your underwear on.
“I’ll guide you since never done this before, okay”
“ okay y/ninne”
You grabbed his fingers (specifically his index finger and middle finger) and put them on your clit. You moaned at the contact from it.
“ y/ninnie your really wet is this normal?” He questions in concern. You laugh at this ‘ he acts like he’s all innocent’ you thought.
“ yes it’s normal, it just shows that you turned me on” you tell him. He nods.
You take his fingers and rub them in circles on your clit.
“ min you can continue doing this motion it feels nice” you tell him.
You were never the vocal type when getting pleasure so if it felt good you would just make low moans. While Seungmin played with your clit you sent often low moans.
Suddenly Seungmin stops and asks “ y/n am I not doing good job I can do better just tell me what to do” he says in a panicky tone.
“No your doing fine I’m just not a very vocal person don’t worry” you tell him.
“ well can you make noise for me please.” he whines.
“ sure, just for you” you told him.
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